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The Arcturians Speak

My Life With Loving ETs


Helene Rothschild


Published by Helene Rothschild
P.O. Box 966
Carmel Valley, CA 93924

Cover Design by Judith Ryan & RavenWorks

Copyright by 1997, 2003 by Helene Rothschild
All rights Reserved



Dedicated to your courage to become the divine,
loving, spiritual being that you are.




I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Arcturians, the angels,
and all my other guides from the light who have shown me the way and
helped me open up more to my divine love and light.

I also want to thank all the loving, courageous people in my life who
trusted me to guide them on numerous spiritual adventures, and to help
them open up more to their divine love and light. I am very grateful for their
validations which helped me to continue to trust my intuition and to allow
beings of the light to serve through me.

Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the love and
support of my transcriber, Diane Warren, and my editors, Diane Goulder,
Anthony Flesch, Sheryl Sneag and Judith Ryan.


Table Of Contents


Introduction THE DIVINE INTENT 1

Chapter 2 COMING HOME 13


Chapter 6 ANGEL ON CALL 51










Introduction: DIVINE INTENT

Dear one, write a book about your experiences with us. We want you
to help us to be known as loving ETs with the purest intent to serve
earthlings for the good of all, said the Arcturians. This telepathic message
came as a surprise, during one of my morning meditations, from my
Extraterrestrial Guides from the light--from the star Arcturus.
During the past four incredible years their deep love, wisdom and
healing gifts have changed my life. I am very grateful for the twenty-four
hour a day divine services and magical healings that they offer freely to me
personally and to anyone I am with.
Previously, I had written many self-help and metaphysical books,
tapes, articles, posters, and cards. My material was mostly about my clients
experiences and what I have learned as a Marriage, Family and Child
Therapist. However, the book that the Arcturians were asking me to write,
Life With Loving ETs was the first one that I would focus on my personal
experiences. It would be like a partial autobiography. The idea seemed scary
to me because of all the negative publicity about UFO abductions. Except for
the Oscar winning movie ET and the film Close Encounters Of The Third
Kind, most of the public media consists of stories about bad space beings--
aliens that hurt people.
The truth is that there are extraterrestrial beings whose actions are
not always loving; just like there are human beings who behave in unkind,
harmful ways. But that doesnt mean that all ETs or all people are not loving;
it means that you need to be discerning. That is, be aware of each persons
intent and be open to seeing everyone as a unique individual. The Arcturians
would like this book to help people to be receptive to them so that they can
serve more of their beloved brothers and sisters on Planet Earth.
About nine months after I received the initial message from the
Arcturians, I woke up one morning with the experiences I had with the loving
Arcturians running through my mind. That was a sign to me that the
manuscript was ready to be written. It felt like the full term pregnancy was
complete and I was ready to give birth to this new book. It felt just like
when a baby is ready to be born; ready or not, here they come! Then, just in
case I had any doubts, the Arcturians said to me, Dear one, today is the day
to begin to write our book.
Surrendering to my divine flow, I set aside time during the day to
begin this new ET project. After breakfast, I intuitively heard the message,
Call Naomi. I was glad to hear my friends warm voice on the phone. I told
Naomi about my guidance and how I thought that it must be safe now to
share the information about the ETs with the public. Naomi excitedly replied,
The government is easing up a lot and allowing more information to come
through about the ETs? Naomi continued, Did you see all the ships in the
sky today? Theres a lot of activity going on up there. I can see them behind
the unique shaped clouds that hide them. When I tuned in intuitively I heard
that theres a big event going on concerning peacemaking between the dark
and the light beings and some resolution is happening. Its really big. Theyre
all over the sky here in Sedona.
I just smiled and marveled at the awesome synchronicity of it all. Of
course this is the appropriate time and day to begin my stories about the
wonderful Arcturians. I thanked Naomi for the reassuring information. That
afternoon I turned my tape recorder on, relaxed in a comfortable chair and
began relating my experiences.
I must admit that this has been the most exciting book that I have ever
authored. As I was writing the stories, I was re-living them. All the joy,
wonderment and feelings of love were with me once again. As the chapters
revealed themselves to me, I became even more excited because I realized
that I was in total alignment with my personal divine mission. My goal has
always been to help people to love themselves to peace. I believe this is our
greatest contribution to world peace. With the Arcturians guiding me every
step of the way, I noticed that the messages were a loving reinforcement of
how magnificent we all really are.
This is not just a true story about me. It is an inspirational story to
assist us all to feel empowered, to be courageous and to become more of the
divine, loving, spiritual beings that we are. It can help us re-own our faith
and trust in ourselves as well as other beings whether or not they are in
physical bodies. The book serves as a constant reminder to trust our intuition
and our own divine guidance and wisdom.
The gift that I received as the author was to experience the ecstasy of
being in total alignment with my self, my service and my loving friends, the
Arcturians. Our cosmic team was awesome and I was so grateful and honored
to be a part of it in this wonderful, fun way.
This is a non-fiction book. Everything described actually happened
without exaggeration. The only things that have been changed are the names
of the people and the places to honor their privacy and sacredness.
I have been informed by the Arcturians that there will be a sequel to
this book which will contain descriptions of other peoples experiences with
them. If you have had any encounters with these loving ETs, please contact
me so that we can share them to help others open up to and understand their
I would also be grateful to receive any reactions that you have to this
book--your feelings, thoughts and insights--or if it touched you or helped you
on your divine path. All names and personal information will be kept strictly
The Arcturians have asked me to include here an explanation of the
terms intuition, guides and the cosmos. The following information is
excerpted from my booklet, Channeling; An Ecstatic Experience.
Intuition is your sixth sense. For example, you may be thinking about
someone and for no apparent reason they suddenly call you. Or you may
follow your gut feeling not to go on your flight and the plane crashes. The
information you received did not come from your five senses. Intuition is a
very important, wise and protective part of you.
There are four ways to receive intuitive messages. They are:
clairsentience--a gut feeling, clairaudience--something that you hear,
clairvoyance--images that you see in your mind's eye, and telepathy--pure
knowing. They are all valid, and you may have developed any or all four ways
to intuit. Everyone is naturally intuitive. It is a matter of trusting and
listening--tuning in to your sixth sense.
The logical mind has a hard time with this concept because it has
limitations and needs physical proof. Whereas your intuition is metaphysical,
meaning above or beyond the physical. When people have trouble with
metaphysics I ask them if they believe in radio waves. When they say, "Of
course," I remind them that they cannot see the sound waves or feel them on
the physical plane. Therefore, they are metaphysical.
Now there are three levels of consciousness. The subconscious or
"basement," contains our fears and memories of the past that we are usually
unaware of. Our conscious, or "first floor," is what we know with our minds
and five senses on this physical earth plane. The high conscious, or "attic," is
our unlimited spiritual part, also known as our sixth sense or higher self,
that is tuned into the cosmos. The intuitive, metaphysical messages we
receive can be from our higher self. They can also be from guides that
communicate to us through our higher self.
There are two forms of channeling. In conscious channeling, the person
channeling remains in their body as the guide joins them inside and speaks
through them. The channel feels their guides presence, and will often
remember most of what occurred. This is the process that I do when I talk
about channeling my guides.
In unconscious channeling, the channel actually leaves their body
(astral traveling) and goes somewhere in the cosmos to rest, heal, learn,
study, or to simply experience serenity and oneness with the universe. Since
the channel is not consciously present, they remember very little or nothing
about the channeling experience. If you have read about, seen or heard
Lazaris or Bartholomew you have experienced an example of unconscious
There is a difference between meeting your guides and conscious
channeling. You can meet your spirit guide(s) and simply experience joy in
the presence of their loving energy vibration as you communicate with them.
If you choose to take it one step further and consciously channel, you can
invite their energy into your body so that you may experience their loving
vibrations at a deeper level, as they speak directly through you.
Intuition, meeting your guides and conscious channeling are all
wonderful ways to connect with your inner wisdom and the love and support
of spirit guides. The difference is that with intuition, you are not sure who is
supplying the information. However, when you meet your higher self or spirit
guide, you find out who is on the other end of the line--who is
communicating their love and wisdom.
Some people think that when you channel you give your power to the
other being(s). I always encourage people to keep their power by trusting,
above all, their own feelings--what they feel in their heart to be true.
Therefore, whether you are listening to a powerful speaker, a therapist, or a
spiritual guide, you don't want to automatically take what they say as the
gospel truth. To know who to trust, tune into yourself to find out if what they
are saying is a truth for you and practice discernment.
To make sure that you have a positive channeling experience, it is
helpful for you to understand the different dimensions or levels of
consciousness. On earth, the third dimension, we live in a world of physical
bodies and mental polarities (negative and positive thoughts). Beings in the
fourth dimension also experience polarities of thoughts (fear and love) but
have no physical bodies. Fairies, gnomes, elves, space beings not from the
light and lost spirits (ghosts) are found in the fourth dimension. The fifth
dimension is the beginning of total light and love consciousness (no
polarities). Heaven on earth is living on the third dimension (earth) with
fifth dimensional pure love consciousness.
As beings evolve spiritually, they move up to the higher dimensions.
From the eighth dimension on, the guides are likely to refer to themselves as
"we" because they function as a group spirit.
It is important to find out which dimension your guide is from. I
personally recommend that you only channel beings from the fifth dimension
or higher. Only then are you sure of receiving pure information because they
are totally in the light and coming from unconditional love. As I channeled
entities from the various dimensions, I have felt the differences in the levels
of consciousness. Everyone in the room, including myself, experienced more
intense love and light from the guides coming from the higher dimensions.
These spirits from the light are very humble and grateful for the
opportunity to help us because they live in a love vibration and love us
dearly. They are very clear that we are one big cosmic family. Also when they
serve us, they are raising their vibrations (just like we are when we help
others) and moving up to higher levels of consciousness. They come from a
place of unconditional love and total integrity for the good of all.
Loving guides in the form of angels, archangels, ascended masters,
space beings or relatives on the other side are always with us. We are never
alone. All we have to do is tune in to the cosmic radio station. Working with
your guides from the light is definitely a win-win-win experience. That is, the
guides benefit, as well as you and society.
I am honored and privileged to have this opportunity to share with you
my awesome experiences with these loving ETs. The Arcturians and I suggest
that you sit back and relax, and be open to experiencing this cosmic journey
with all your senses, including your intuition. We wish you many blessings on
your divine path.

I had no idea that the simple message I heard that day would change
my life. Go for a walk before dinner, my inner voice said. It was 5:30P.M. on
a Friday, in June 1992, and I was resting in my motel room at an Ayurvedic
healing center in Southern, California. It was the fifth day of my seven days
of alternative healing treatments for my chronic low energy and digestive
Over the years I had learned to listen to and trust my inner wisdom--
my intuition. Time and again, it had been proven to me that it was wonderful
guidance for my highest good. Therefore without hesitation, I sat up, put on
my shoes and walked outside. As I followed the narrow, concrete walkway to
the street, I noticed that it was extremely quiet. There wasnt a soul around.
This was unusual because there were often guests and staff mingling around
the motel grounds.
As I was making my way out of the complex to the street, a well
dressed, attractive woman in her forties suddenly appeared from nowhere
and almost bumped into me. Excuse me, she said. Do you know where the
meditation center is, the TM center?
Yes, I do. Follow me, I replied. I guided her around to the other side
of the building and tried to open the door. To our surprise it was locked.
When I turned around to face her, she said, Oh, I guess Im supposed to meet
you. Please come over to my car, I have something to show you. Curious, I
followed her to the nearby parking lot. She opened her trunk lid, pulled out
two books and said, You need to read these.
Once I overcame my surprise, I reached out and accepted the books
into my hands. They felt wonderful! I felt excited because I knew that this
was an omen; I knew that it was important for me to follow up on her
suggestion. One of the books was We, the Arcturians, and the other book was
The Sacred Journey to Atlantis. I copied down the information of the
publisher and returned the books to the owner who introduced herself as
I never did go for my walk that evening. Sandy, the angel in disguise,
and I had an instant connection. Since it was now dinner time, we found
ourselves a wooden table outside on the patio, filled our plates from the
buffet, and started to get to know each other.
Sandy informed me that she was from North Carolina and had just
flown into town to see her mother. When she discovered that there were no
flights available to go home until Saturday morning, she decided to rent a car
and attend the Transcendental Meditation class. Coincidentally, Sandy had
just returned from a week of Ayurvedic healing treatments in California. As
we dined together, Sandy and I enjoyed sharing our similar healing
experiences. Our conversation flowed as if we had known each other for a
very long time.
It is always so wonderful to connect with people of like-minds. As we
were finishing our healthy dessert, I received the intuitive message, Helene,
your gift to Sandy is to help her connect with her guides from the light so
that she can have more faith, peace and clarity. Since that was one of my
specialties, and I wanted to return a favor to Sandy, I was more than happy
to invite her up to my room for a channeling session. She was very willing
and grateful for the opportunity to receive the gift of spiritual guidance.
After I helped Sandy meet her guides, she seemed a lot calmer and
happier. She heard the information that she needed to support her in her
mission. Even though we exchanged addresses, we both sensed that we would
not see each other again. We seemed to know that we were together for this
brief time to serve each other in the ways that we did and we were complete.
As Sandy and I warmly hugged each other good-bye, we expressed our
gratitude and best wishes.
A few days later, I returned to my home in the foothills of the Sierra
mountains in California. I was living in a cozy 600 square foot cabin up on a
hill and I slept in the loft. The two block town, Mokelumne Hill, is named
after the former Indian tribe who inhabited the land many years ago. I loved
the country feeling, the magnificent views, and the quiet, peaceful living.
After being in cities my whole life, it was a wonderful change of pace. I was
happy there and thought that I was settled for a long time.
Remembering Sandy and her words, You need to read these books, I
contacted the publisher. Ironically, it took longer than usual for me to receive
my order. I guess that a part of me was not quite ready for the changes that
would occur. After three weeks, I called the publishing office to find out what
was causing the delay. They were surprised that the books had not yet
arrived. Assuming that they were lost, they agreed to send out other copies.
The first order of books finally came in the mail a week later. The
second set was delivered two days later. My immediate thought was to return
them. However, when I checked into my intuition I heard, Keep them and
take them with you today when you meet Kathy for lunch.
It was good to see my friend again. In the midst of a busy restaurant
we shared all the events that were occurring in our lives. I told Kathy about
the two books and handed them to her for review. It didnt take long before
she looked up and said, I want to buy them. I smiled, as I realized that once
again my guides knew something that I didnt and helped me serve my
friend. I felt pleased.
A week later, on a sunny afternoon, I was reading the third chapter of
We, The Arcturians in my front yard. For no reason that I know of, I put the
book down on my lap and thought, What is my future? And then I heard the
words loud and clear in my head saying, Youre moving to Sedona, Arizona
in April. Surprised, I stood up straight in my seat and said, What? Again I
heard, Youre moving to Sedona in April.
Curious of who was speaking to me, I asked. Who are you? I heard,
We are the Arcturians. I questioned, Why are you saying we? They
replied, Because we are a group of three.
What dimension are you from? I asked. Fifth dimension, dear one,
they responded. I had already learned from the book that they were from the
star, Arcturus. I had previously been in contact with numerous guides but
this was the first time I was aware of speaking to ETs.
Confident that they were from the light, I continued the dialogue,
Why am I moving to Sedona? There are people there who need your
services and whose services you need, said the Arcturians. Why dont I
move now? I questioned, as this was August of 1992. The loving voice
replied, You need to wait until April because your energy is not ready for the
move and for living in Sedona, and also because the people that youre
supposed to connect with wont be there until then.
The information and guidance felt right. I was excited about moving
but also anxious. My energy was still quite low and the thought of moving
overwhelmed me. So I said to my new space friends, I am willing to move to
Sedona and I want you to help me, and make it easy. They reassured me
that my request would be granted.
That evening I had the thought to call a friend in San Francisco,
California who I hadnt talked to for a few months. Terry had visited Sedona
numerous times. After I told her the surprising news, she laughed and said,
I was wondering when you would get the message! I visualized you in
Sedona every time I went there. Of course Terry was very happy for me and
her intuition was a confirmation that the information I had received was
The next day, I received the intuitive message to call Betty, another
friend in the Bay Area with whom I had not connected for awhile. Since I
knew that Betty often traveled, I was especially glad to hear her cheery voice
over the phone. When I told Betty what had happened the previous day, she
replied, Oh, thats interesting because I just got a flyer in the mail this
morning about a workshop of the Light Workers in Sedona in September. I
smiled at the wonderful synchronization of it all, and I replied, Oh, I guess
Im supposed to be there. After I received the flyer from Betty and meditated
on it, there were no doubts in my mind that it was appropriate for me to
attend. Judy, the person I called to register for the event, was extremely
positive and friendly. I felt excited!
This was going to be my second trip to Sedona, Arizona. About five
years before, I had attended a workshop on increasing my intuition at one of
the hotels. The workshop was fun but I didnt really enjoy Sedona. I heard
people around me saying, This place is just wonderful. I feel like Im coming
home. I looked at them perplexed because I didnt have the same reaction.
Those days I wasnt feeling much, by the way, except pain from the emotional
upset from a breakup of a relationship. So I had no desire to go back to
Sedona; there was no calling for me that I knew about.
However, when I went to the three day workshop in September and
spent time hiking on the beautiful red rocks with the wonderful people I met,
I started to feel something. I started to feel a familiarity, a feeling of being
welcomed with open arms, of being home. It was great to connect with so
many people of like minds. I was pleased that I had already developed some
new friendships in my future home. Moving to Sedona, Arizona, relocating to
this amazing city in the high desert became more of a reality and I felt
I returned home to California with more inner peace and a knowing
that all was in divine order. I felt so honored for the opportunity to move to
such an adventurous, special place. Yes, the foothills of the Sierra Mountains
were magnificent. However, the red rocks of Sedona were awesome!
Awakening in my own bed in my loft the next morning, I relaxed my
body, cleared my space and called in my divine guides. This was a ritual I
was committed to do daily. There were so many choices for me and I
appreciated the assistance of my guides so that I could spend my time for the
highest good of all. I had learned to trust them, as they had an unlimited
view up there of all--of past, present and future. My mind was limited
because it could remember my past and see my present situation, but it had
no idea of the future and what others and the world were up to.
It was like having free life consultants of the highest integrity. What a
wonderful divine service! And all I needed to do was to tune in and listen to
my internal radio. It felt like a special call in program that allowed me to
ask questions and have a wonderful dialogue with light beings. I knew that
they honored my free will. No matter what they said, I would always make
the final decisions, as I was totally responsible for my life.
When I asked the Arcturians when I was to go back to Sedona they
said, February 1993. At the appropriate time, they would guide me
specifically when to fly there, and help me to find my new home. Meanwhile,
they informed me that they would help me heal myself. I was suffering from
professional burnout, and my body had broken down from not getting enough
exercise and too much stressful work. Between my own dramas and those of
my clients, I felt completely drained and my body hurt a lot. Chiropractors
were keeping me going. I was constantly going out of alignment and suffering
from chronic neck and jaw pain.
This is the state that the Arcturians found me in. They came to my
rescue. I later discovered that the Arcturians are known as the cosmic
doctors. Some days they said, We advise you to have hammock duty today.
They were helping me to relax and to feel okay just sitting around and doing
nothing--not an easy state for me to be in. I was advised to hike often in the
woods, and to take time to smell the flowers.
Between their support and that of wonderful massage therapists and
healing herbs, my energy was improving. I also had lots of fun and exciting
things happen. For example my friends, Sue and Don, were living in another
town close by and I had told them about my connection with the Arcturians.
They were very open to also connecting with the ETs. So one morning, in my
meditation, I asked the Arcturians if we could meet them somewhere. They
replied, Meet us at 9:00P.M. on the 17th hole of the golf course in your
friends town on Wednesday evening.
As prearranged, I arrived excited at 7:00P.M. with my overnight case
at Sue and Dons home on the evening of the scheduled rendezvous. My
friends informed me that they had checked out the designated meeting place
during the day and found a way to get on the course so that we wouldnt be
seen. Sue and Don also found a perfect place to park and the best way to find
the 17th hole in the dark.
I was pleased about their preparation for our big event. Sue and I
decided to dress for the occasion and put on our space suits. Well, they
werent really space suits but they were these jumpsuits that could have
passed for space suits if we stretched it. We laughed as we looked into the
mirror and commented how we thought the Arcturians would be pleased by
our attire. Then we bundled up in layers because it was a cold evening in the
mountains in November. Equipped with a flashlight and open minds, we
piled into Dons car and set out for our cosmic adventure.
It was pitch black but Don skillfully pulled us into the preplanned
parking area. There was enough of a moon to light our path. Don suggested
that we not use the flashlight because it may attract unwanted attention. We
held hands and quietly made our way onto the 17th hole. I felt like we were
three mischievous kids up to some fun that not all adults would appreciate.
But I felt good about it because I knew that we were on a special mission.
Once we arrived on the course, I tuned in and heard, Dear ones, move
to the left, beyond the paved path. The three of us walked off the green and
found ourselves surrounded by trees on three sides. It was a well protected
area; one where we were unlikely to be seen. We were asked to stand facing
to the North.
I received confirmation that we were in the right spot. Our excitement
was mounting. We whispered to each other our intent: to allow ourselves to
be open to a wonderful experience with the Arcturians. I stood between Sue
and Don. We closed our eyes, took some deep breaths and quietly waited as it
was 8:57P.M.
Sure enough a few minutes later, I started to feel their presence.
Immediately, my friend Sue said, I smell roses. That was truly amazing
since obviously there werent any roses around in the middle of the winter.
Then I intuitively saw my friends and I up on the space ship with the
Arcturians. About ten Arcturians joyfully welcomed us. The Arcturians are
short, slim beings with bluish white skin and very large almond shaped
eyes. They dont have the mouths or earlobes that humans do and they
communicate telepathically.
The space beings gathered around us. They thanked Don, Sue and I for
coming, and expressed how grateful they were for the opportunity to be with
us. Then they led us into a chamber. It seemed to be the healing room. We
were very happy and trusting. They asked us to lie down on the tables and
they put white caps over our heads. I saw white light flowing through my
head and I felt warm, loving energy going down through my entire body. It
was a wonderful healing and joyful experience. I felt like I was back with my
family...say another family from another time or another place or another
About thirty minutes later, my friends and I hugged the Arcturians
good-bye and thanked them for their love and support. The next thing I knew
I was opening my eyes and I could see the outline of the trees in front of me.
Shortly after, when Sue and Don also opened their eyes, we looked at each
other and laughed. I said, Wow. Do you feel energy in your hands? Sue and
Don replied simultaneously, Yes! We realized that our hands were very,
very hot. We removed our gloves and like little kids with a new toy, we were
putting our hands over our own and each others cold faces and bodies. All
three of us experienced incredible heat and healing energy sparkling from our
When we calmed down, we took a few minutes to share our
experiences. Sue and Don also felt they were on the spaceship. In fact, Sue
said, I saw Don and you going on the ship and I didnt want to be left behind
even though I was scared. So I told the Arcturians that I wanted to go too.
Immediately, I felt myself lifted and I was up there with you.
The three of us adventurous spirits had very similar experiences and
we found ourselves giddy. It was like a natural high. We knew that
something wonderful had happened but we were also disappointed that we
did not meet with the space beings on this physical plane. We were hoping to
see them land right in front of us and come out of their ship to greet us.
However, the ETs let us know that they were really there. As we were
quietly walking back on the path to return to the car, Don said, Look over
there. I was looking down at the ground so that I wouldnt trip. I looked up
and focused on where Don was pointing. To the right of us was a long row of
high bushes that was perfectly still. However, where we were walking, a
group of leaves were moving back and forth. It was like they were waving to
us. We laughed and thanked our Arcturian friends for letting us know that
they were there. That was really gratifying and reassuring to our minds that
have trouble, of course, accepting this multidimensional reality. We felt we
finally had some physical proof that our rendezvous had really happened.
When we returned to Sue and Dons home we found ourselves
extremely tired. I was staying in their spare bedroom up in the attic. Giddy
and exhausted, I literally crawled up the stairs on my hands and knees.
When I finally managed to get myself into bed, I quickly fell into a deep sleep.
The next morning, I woke up thinking about the awesome events of the
previous evening. I enjoyed reliving it in my mind and relishing the
experience. When I went downstairs for breakfast, I found Sue and Don
already up and about. They had the fire going and Don was bringing in more
wood to keep us warm.
We hugged each other and laughed some more. At breakfast, I found
out that Don was always cold at night when he slept. However, last night was
different. After the experience he had with the Arcturians, he was hot all
night. Sue added that Don was also twisting and turning a lot. When we
tuned into our intuition, we all heard that the healing continued to occur
during the night to help him increase his vibration--something he wanted to
happen. He wanted a healing; he wanted to be more in the light and stay
more in the love vibration which is a higher vibration then fear. Don was very
grateful to the Arcturians.
Sue shared that she had a wonderful night and she felt very blessed.
She was still in touch with the intense love feelings that she had felt on the
Arcturian ship.
That afternoon, some other friends came over to visit with us. The
three of us shared our experience. Our guests listened intently and agreed
that it was quite remarkable. Sue, Don and I were glad that we were all there
together so that we could verify the event for each other. I returned home
that evening feeling even more gratitude for my space friends, the
Chapter 2 Coming Home

It was February 1, 1993 when I awoke to the words, Dear one, buy
your tickets for Sedona today. On February 14th, fly from Sacramento to
Phoenix and then take a plane to Flagstaff. Rent a car and drive down Oak
Creek Canyon to Sedona. You are going there to find your place to live.
I was happy to finally get the message to return to Sedona. I called the
travel agent and she said, You just made the 14 day discount. I smiled, and
was pleased that the Arcturians were conscious of saving me some money.
When I hung up, I asked the ETs, When am I to give my sixty days
notice? The Arcturians replied, Be patient and trust, dear one.
Three days later on the morning of February 3rd I heard, Dearest
Helene, today is the day to give your sixty day notice. You are leaving for
Sedona on April 3rd. I was amused how they were training me to be more
trusting and not ask so many questions. Instead, they wanted me to have
faith that I would receive all the information that I needed at the perfect
My logical mind was continuing to receive proof that I didnt have
anything to worry about; that I was really being guided. I relaxed and
surrendered even more to my intuition. I allowed the Arcturians to support
me and it felt wonderful. I was definitely not alone. I did not have to do it all
myself and I felt very grateful!
I was then guided to call the New Age Center in Sedona to reserve a
room to rent for the first night I arrived. A woman, who introduced herself as
Diane, answered the phone and happened to have a room available in her
home. When I arrived in Sedona, on February 14th, I went straight to Dianes
house. It was 6:00P.M. and Diane was speaking on the phone to my friend
Lynne who I had met at the conference in September. Diane passed the
phone on to me and it was good to hear Lynnes voice again. She said,
Helene there is a meeting at the New Age Center at 7:30P.M. tonight. Why
dont you come? I replied, Sure. I was happy for another opportunity to
meet more people of like minds. After I brought my luggage to the guest
room, I went to the health food store deli to have a light dinner and then off
to the meeting.
I sat in the circle of about thirty people and looked around at all the
faces. Some of them I recognized; most of them I had never met before. We
were all discussing the contributions we wanted to make to the planet, and
how the New Age Center could support us and how we could support the
Center. It was a very wonderful experience to feel at home even though I
didnt know most of the people.
In fact, I felt I was with my family--my spiritual family. That feeling
continued to be with me many, many times in Sedona with different groups of
people. I knew that I could say what I was feeling, thinking and experiencing
and I would be heard and accepted. It felt comfortable and reassuring. The
often expressed joke is that there are 150 channels and one station here.
Although many of us had come from different parts of the country, we all
seemed to have learned the same spiritual information. It was very
confirming to hear the words and concepts that I was teaching also being
expressed by others.
I returned to my room feeling great after an enjoyable meeting that
ended with many warm hugs. Once I tucked myself into bed, I reminisced
about my drive down from Flagstaff. This time, the first moment I entered
Sedona and saw the red rocks I started to cry. I was surprised at my reaction
but I now knew that I was coming home.
I awoke the next morning and realized that I did not want to stay in
that room another night because the energy did not feel right. The Arcturians
said, Go to the New Age Center. I packed my bags, loaded the car and
headed to my guided destination.
As I walked into the building, I immediately recognized Fred who I
recalled was sitting in the lotus position at the previous nights meeting. He
also remembered me and welcomed me with a big hug. Fred told me he was a
Yoga teacher and psychic at the center. I informed Fred that I was here to
find my new home and I needed a place to stay for a week. He immediately
walked over to the list of business cards, pulled one out and said, Call Judy.
Shes leaving town and needs somebody right away to stay in her
condominium and water her plants. She told me she wanted only $10 a
I smiled when I looked down at the card. It was the same Judy who
had coordinated the September workshop I attended. In fact, she was going to
another Light Workers conference in New York. When I called Judy she
remembered me and said, Great! Come on over. Id love you to watch my
place. So there it was, I had my place to stay for $10 a night. Everyone else
was asking at least $25 a night. The Arcturians were doing a great job
guiding me. But this was just the beginning.
It was a Tuesday and I said, Okay Arcturians, I now have my place to
stay. Thank you! Now how do I find my new home? The ETs replied,
Dearest one, buy a newspaper tomorrow morning. You will find a place to
call listed under the Rooms To Rent ads. That will not be the appropriate
place, but the person whom you speak to will tell you the right person to call.
You will be living on Lower Red Rock Loop Road.
When I had been in Sedona in September, I had the feeling that I
would be living in the country. In fact, I was so drawn to it that my friend
Lynne and I drove around and explored beautiful Red Rock Loop Road. I
loved it there and was so pleased that I would be living in such a special
The next morning, following my guidance with great optimism and
curiosity, I picked up the paper and looked through the ads. There was one
that seemed attractive because it described country living and views. When I
called, a women named Penny answered the phone. When I inquired where
she was, she replied, Lower Red Rock Loop Road. I felt excited, I knew that
I was on the right track. Then Penny proceeded to describe the room for rent
and told me that three adults and two children also lived in the house. I
replied, I don't think that the room will work for me because I am an author
and I need a quiet space. Penny responded, Okay. Then call my neighbor
John, and gave me his address and phone number.
When I tried to call John, I discovered that I had the wrong number.
My intuition told me to drive out to the house. I felt excited when I arrived
and I knocked on the door. I heard someone welcome me in.
John was having lunch at the wooden kitchen table. After I introduced
myself and explained why I was here, John, a tall, slim man in his late
forties, nodded his head up and down, continued to chew his food, and
pointed to the available master bedroom and den behind him. I walked
through the living room and den and entered the bedroom. It was a nice size
and it had a large window facing the green lawn, trees and shrubs. I then
noticed another door and discovered a very large, two sink bathroom with a
tub. I was thrilled as I hadnt had a bath tub for over three years. Everything
was carpeted and nicely furnished. It felt good, quiet, and comfortable. I
thought, I could live here. I have possibly found my sanctuary.
I returned to the kitchen and told John that the space could work for
me. However, I wont be moving until April (and this was the middle of
February.) John quickly replied, I cant hold it for you.
Knowing that I was totally taken care of and guided, I calmly said, I
understand. Then I placed one of my brochures, which listed my
inspirational and self-help books, tapes, cards and posters, on the kitchen
table next to him and said, Ill call you in March to find out if the rooms are
still available. I was thinking, If its supposed to be my place it will be.
I thanked John and walked out of the house. As I was opening the car
door, I stopped because I thought I heard someone calling my name. Sure
enough, John was walking towards me with my brochure in his hand. He
said, Youre a very interesting person. Would you meet me at the Chinese
restaurant in town for dinner at 6:00P.M. tonight? We can talk more about
renting the room.
Confident that this was perfect, I smiled and said, Sure. The
restaurant was very nicely decorated, and it had a big aquarium with very
large colorful fish swimming around. I was pleased to find out that there was
no MSG in the food. That added chemical caused me headaches.
After we got to know each other better, I noticed that John was telling
me about the rental agreement and the details of my moving in. Then he
suggested that I stay over one night to try it out to make sure that I really
liked it. I found that to be very amusing. I had tried out many things, tried on
many clothes but never a room. This was great!
John then told me that he slept in the studio across the driveway and
no one else was presently living in the three bedroom house. Feeling safe and
guided, I agreed that it was a good idea to sleep there.
The next morning, I walked out of the den and found John sitting on
the couch waiting for me. I could tell that he was anxious to know my answer.
He smiled, and almost afraid to ask, said, Well, how was it? His face
relaxed when I replied, Great! I like it. John smile enlarged and he said, I
feel like an angel came into my life. I was touched.
I gave John the first months rent, signed an agreement and off I went
to enjoy the rest of my time in Sedona. I spent many wonderful days hiking
on the beautiful red rocks and meeting more like-minded people.
I was flying home feeling quite content that the mission was very
successfully accomplished. I thanked the Arcturians for keeping their
agreement of making everything easy for me. I also laughed when I realized
why they had told me three months before that I was to give all my furniture
away. My new home in Sedona was totally furnished; another confirmation of
the clear and accurate guidance of the Arcturians.
On the morning of April 3rd, my friend David and I started our journey
to Arizona in a moving truck. I was in the passenger seat enjoying the
scenery and feeling very supported. My friends Bill and Heather were
following us in their blue station wagon. I felt very excited. Finally, I was on
my way! Sedona here I come!
It was a 14 hour trip from Sacramento. David and I had plenty of time
to talk. He was still wondering why I would want to live in a desert. I couldnt
convince him that there were green trees, grass and mountains. About two
hours before we reached our half way mark, we began to hear some unusual
noises under the right fender. Concerned, we pulled into the next gas station
and David jumped out to see what was causing it.
What a treat to drive with a dear friend who is also a mechanic. David
is also extremely intuitive. He could diagnosis a car problem over a
telephone. I had total trust in his abilities and professional opinions. I felt
relieved when David reassured me that we could make it to the town we were
heading for and get it fixed there.
A few hours later we arrived in a small city and checked into a motel. I
immediately called the emergency number of the moving company I was
using and was told that the appropriate station would contact me. I was
impressed how fast they responded and showed up in our parking lot. After
they looked at the truck, they told us it had to be fixed. When we told them
that we were planning to head out early the next morning and didnt want to
be delayed, they agreed to take the truck to their station and return it within
an hour.
Sure enough, it was 9:00P.M. when we sighted our moving vehicle
again and all was well. I smiled at the perfection of it all. We didnt have to
lose any time. Imagine, we had ended up in a town in the middle of the desert
that had 24 hour truck services.
Happy with anticipation, we awoke bright and early the next morning
and started the journey home. David and I piled into the truck and began to
pull out of the parking lot. Immediately, our friends in the car behind us
began to beep their horns repeatedly. David stopped the truck and we
climbed out to find out what they were trying to tell us. Bill and Heather
were laughing and pointing to the back of the truck. David and I laughed too
as we noticed that in our excitement we had left the back door open. My
things could have easily fallen out onto the road or another vehicle. Once
again, a possible disaster was avoided. I was grateful!
Six hours later, we arrived in Flagstaff, a town about 30 miles north of
Sedona. David was feeling tired and he asked me to drive the last stretch. I
was nervous at the wheel because the Oak Creek Canyon road is beautiful
but also narrow and winding. We were descending from 7,500 feet to an
elevation of 4,550 feet. I asked my guides to help me, I visualized the white
light around us to increase the protection, and took a few deep breaths. Then
I relaxed more into my seat, visualized us safely arriving at my new home
and trusted that I could do it.
As soon as we were in view of the Sedona welcoming red rocks, David
said, Oh, my God. This is incredible! I couldnt resist saying, I told you so,
but I understand that this is something you have to see to believe. From that
moment on, David acted like a typical tourist. He took out his camera and
was constantly shooting pictures of the awesome scenery.
This time when I first saw the familiar red rocks I didnt cry. However,
I felt a deep level of inner peace and joy. At home at last! When we arrived at
my new home, the owner, John, welcomed us with open arms. After a few
minutes of rest and refreshments, Bill and David started unloading my
personal and business things. I was so grateful for their support, and they
were glad to be able to help me. Two hours later, my new neighbor Kate
arrived from San Diego with her packed car and moved into the attached
studio apartment adjacent to the house.
My friends and I went to dinner at a Thai restaurant. To our surprise,
John was sitting at the next table with a couple who were moving into the
middle two bedrooms. Just as the Arcturians had said eight months before, I
had to wait until April because the people I was supposed to be with werent
there yet. Never in my life had I rented part of a house and had roommates
except my husband and children. When I asked why now the Arcturians said,
You have been isolated enough. You now need to be with people to help you
heal and grow.
That made sense to me and I was grateful for the opportunity. It sure
felt like a stretch but I had confidence that I could do it. Especially since I
could always close my den and bedroom doors and be insulated from all noise
and retreat. I was thankful that the Arcturians had set me up in a safe,
comfortable home. The view from the porch was of Cathedral Rock, an
awesome natural sculpture of red rocks. I felt warmth in my heart as I gazed
at its magnificent beauty. No wonder--later some friends told me that it was
known for its feminine heart energy.

The Arcturians were with me on a daily basis and they guided me on
many fun and exciting spiritual hikes. One morning I heard, Go to the
Canyon off Dry Creek Road. I had been there previously with my friend
Lynne so I knew where it was.
The dirt road was like a washboard. Even though I was driving slowly,
clouds of dust rose behind my tires. I pulled into the parking area and
prepared myself for the adventure by taking two deep breaths and visualizing
myself returning to the car feeling wonderful. I grabbed my hiking stick,
water bottle, sunhat and fanny pack and I was ready!
Then I spoke the prayer that I use before going out on the land. With
my eyes closed, I took a few deep breaths and set my intent. I said, I ask
permission to enter this land now in love, peace and gratitude. When I heard
that I was welcomed, I continued, I request that the animal and plant Devas
protect me and I thank you for your love and support. And so it is!
Confident that I was safe, I tuned in and began to listen to the
Arcturians directions. I heard, All is well, dear one, go straight. After about
five minutes, I was guided to turn to the left and a short distance later to the
right. Not wanting to disturb any of the natural environment that I
appreciated and respected, I walked carefully and with great reverence.
After about twenty minutes of following my intuitive voice, my eyes
moved to the right and I noticed something that looked very interesting. I
stopped, bent down and realized that it was a stick that actually looked like a
snake, but fortunately it wasnt. I stood up and began to walk forward again
when I heard, Dear one, you have arrived at the destination. Please sit
A trusting soul, I sat down and found myself next to the snake-like
stick. Pick up the stick and hold it in your hands. It is a gift for you, said
the Arcturians in their usual loving, gentle voice. As I lifted the peculiar
object in my hands, I felt an incredible amount of energy radiating from it.
Then they requested that I close my eyes and turn inward. To my surprise, I
almost immediately started seeing an orange planet. We wanted you to visit
our home, Arcturus, they explained.
It was beautiful. I was so grateful to visit this incredible planet. My
body felt very warm and tingly. I was aware that the Arcturians were
sending energy through me in the form of white light. It felt very nurturing
and healing. I knew that they were once again helping me to recover from
burnout, and to raise my vibration so that I could be clearer and maintain a
state of love.
The Arcturians knew that seeing their planet was another way for me
to deepen my faith, trust in their support and surrender more to following my
spirit with no hesitation. Tears of joy and gratitude were flowing down my
cheeks as I felt my heart open to take in this high dosage of love.
After this wonderful healing experience, the Arcturians asked me to
take the snake-like stick home and guided me back to my car. As I was
driving home, I glanced at the small, thin branch sitting next to me. I smiled
as I realized that I had never felt such reverence for a stick as I did for this
one. I understood that the wooden snake-shaped object was obviously touched
by my ET friends and it was acting as a conduit of their high vibrational
When I returned home, I placed my new sacred object by the fireplace
in the den and sat down to relive my cosmic experience. Ten minutes later,
Ben, a friend of Kates, knocked on my den door. He was holding a book in his
hands as he said, Kate told me that you were connected to the Arcturians. I
just found a book in Johns library in the living room that had some
information about them that I thought you would find interesting.
I gratefully took the book, thanked Ben and sat down on the recliner to
read the chapter on the Arcturians. To my surprise, it said that Arcturus is
an orange planet. I laughed because that was exactly what the Arcturians
had shown me just a few hours before in the Canyon. My mind relaxed even
more after receiving another wonderful verification that my ET friends were
really there and the information that I was getting was accurate.
Later that day, I called in my neighbor, Kate. I told her about my
incredible adventure. Kate, also very intuitive, picked up the stick and smiled
as she commented on the wonderful energy she felt. I appreciated the
validation and to know that I was not the only one that could feel the intense
healing energy. She laughed as I related to her what happened that
afternoon with Ben. Another coincidence? No. Another divine synchronistic
I was guided to many more fun and exciting spiritual adventures by
myself and with others. When I told some friends about the amazing hikes,
they looked skeptical. However, once they had experienced them with me,
they were hooked. My friends were touched by the spiritual encounters and
amazed the way we were always guided straight back to the car even though
we often felt lost. When I called my friends and asked, Do you want to join
me on another Arcturian adventure? they responded with great enthusiasm,
Just tell me when and where to meet you. In fact, I eventually created a
group of regulars.
One day Lynne and I were guided to one of the national forest lands.
As usual, the ETs directed us when to go straight or turn. We ended up in a
very beautiful part of the red rocks. The view was awesome. The Arcturians
asked us to sit down and meditate. We found comfortable places, closed our
eyes and listened within. After about twenty minutes, Lynne and I opened
our eyes and shared our experiences. We both heard very loving, comforting
words and we shared a common feeling of delicious inner peace.
Then I heard, Dear ones, please touch the dead looking tree in front of
you. My friend and I walked the few feet to the awaiting leafless tree and
placed our hands on one of the branches. To our surprise, we instantly felt a
tremendous amount of energy radiating into our hands. The Arcturians
continued, Dear ones, this tree is obviously dead and not receiving energy
from the earth. The intense energy you feel is coming from us. Lynne and I
looked at each other and laughed. This was more physical proof that they
were there; or maybe they were somewhere else in the galaxy. But the ETs
were definitely communicating with us and sending us intergalactic energy.
What fun!
I was pleased to notice how extremely compassionate and
understanding the Arcturians were with our human need for confirmation of
these extraordinary events. On another hike, three of my friends and I were
guided to approach a wall of rocks with the same reverence we would have for
a holy temple. As we leaned our backs against the red rocks and closed our
eyes, many colorful images, visions, loving energy and encouraging words
came to us. We all walked away feeling like something very special had
happened to us; something wonderful had touched us very deeply. We felt
light and knew that we had received a healing. My friends and I felt very
humble and grateful.
It was winter time and Once again, the hiking group was called to
action. It was another awesome experience. We pulled into the empty parking
lot beside Bell Rock, a massive bell-shaped statue of red rock. This time,
there were six of us brave souls on a mission. It was about 11:00A.M. and
quite cold. No one was around. As we were bundling ourselves up with warm
clothes, another car parked alongside us. Curious who else would come out
here on such a cold morning, we noticed a tall, very heavy set man get out of
the car and walk towards Bell Rock. A woman sitting in the passenger seat
remained in the warm vehicle.
Equipped with hiking shoes and water, we headed towards the
mountain of rock. As we started climbing, suddenly out of nowhere, the man
walked by us and said, Good morning, ladies. We all looked at each other as
he passed us by because his friendly smile and words left us with an
impression that he knew us. We were all very sensitive and intuitive and it
just seemed like a little different way of greeting people. Although people
were usually quite friendly, there was something special in his voice.
We continued on our way and allowed ourselves to be guided to the
right side of the massive rock until we were asked to stop and sit down. We
found ourselves hidden and protected from the wind by an indentation in the
red rock formation. We closed our eyes, quieted down and tuned in to our
inner movie theater.
It wasnt long before I saw in my minds eye an image of a crystal skull
coming out of the rocks and it started talking to me. I related out loud what I
was being told. With a great deal of love and compassion, the crystal skull
began to tell us about several of our individual past lives and ones that we all
had together that were still affecting us in this lifetime. One of my friends
started to cry as she recalled the lifetimes. Others were touched deeply with a
familiar feeling. We were all relating in some way to what they were telling
The Arcturians were broadcasting through the crystal skull the
memories of us being killed or tortured for doing our service as healers or
psychics that was not understood at the time. We were still carrying decisions
from those terrible experiences in our cell memories that caused us to be
terrified to be all that we are now. We definitely did not want to be
discriminated against ever again.
The Arcturians also showed us lifetimes where we misused our power--
another reason why we were not allowing ourselves to own our power--our
gifts. We were sabotaging our opportunities for success. The loving space
beings helped us to heal those lifetimes and we felt much lighter and more
peacefully powerful.
At that point, I saw the crystal skull turn and disappear into the rocks
as if a turnstile was returning it to its hiding place. We opened our eyes,
laughed and snuggled up against each other to get warmer and to celebrate
our healings. Once again, we were so grateful for our ET encounter of the
most awesome kind.
Happy and even a little giddy from the experience, the six of us went
frolicking down the mountain. At the exact same time that we climbed into
our car, the big man, that had greeted us earlier, appeared and opened his
car door to get in. We looked at each other in amazement.
As we were sitting at the table of a nearby restaurant, warming and
nourishing our bodies with homemade hot soup, we discussed what had just
transpired. When one friend brought up the subject of the big man, we looked
at each other and agreed that something strange had happened out there. To
get some answers, we closed our eyes and checked in with our intuition. After
a few minutes of silence, we brought our consciousness back into the room
and shared. There was a consensus that the big man was also sent to Bell
Rock on a mission. We realized that he showed up as our protector and as
someone to hold the space for our encounter. We felt very loved and
supported not only on the fifth dimension where the Arcturians are, but also
on this third dimensional earth plane. We were receiving more physical proof
that we were really taken care of on this plane as well as above.
On one of the many sunny spring days in Sedona, I was prepared for
another spiritual adventure. It was a Wednesday, one of the days that I set
aside for a spiritual hike. Consistent with my routine, I asked the Arcturians
in my morning meditation where it was appropriate for me to go for the
highest good of all. The answer was, Drive past the Village of Oak Creek. We
will guide you from there. I opened my eyes and called my waiting friend
Bridget to tell her when and where to meet me so that we could travel in one
car. Bridget informed me that she had a guest, Margaret, from out of town. I
said, Great. Bring her along.
None of us had ever gone to our guided destination but we were
courageous, trusting explorers. As directed, I drove out of Sedona and
through the Village of Oak Creek. Then I asked both ladies to stay quiet so
that I could hear the final directions. When we stopped at an intersection
behind a rangers truck, I received the message to turn left. As I drove around
his truck, we overheard the forest ranger say to another ranger standing on
the road next to him, Where are they going? The three of us laughed
because we had no idea where we were going, but we couldnt stop and tell
them were following the guidance of ETs. That definitely wouldnt have gone
over too well. So we just kept driving. What was really interesting is that the
rangers never even tried to follow us to find out where we were heading.
About a quarter of a mile down the road I heard, Pull over to the left
and stop the car. I shut the motor off and looked around. We were obviously
not in an official hiking area. There was no parking lot around; it was just
some land and no people, animals or signs were in sight. Suddenly my eyes
were moved to the right and I saw a mountain. I found myself pointing
diagonally up to the top and saying, That is where we are going. The two
ladies responded, Fine, lets go.
I was surprised when we came upon a barbed wire fence. We were
willing to slide underneath because we were on a mission. Our intent was
good, we were protected and we knew that we were going to somehow be
serving. Continuing along on the other side of the fence we were suddenly
told to stop. We found ourselves alongside a big, beautiful tree. Face the
tree, dear ones, and ask it what message it has for you today, said the
Telepathically we heard the tree welcome us. Then it told us about
beings underneath the land. They were referred to as the Earth people. I was
amazed as this was the first time the other two ladies and I had ever
connected with these beings or even heard about them.
Then the Earth people began to speak. In our minds we heard, We
came here a long time ago and we are living under the earth waiting to be
activated. You are here now to let us know that the time is coming near when
we shall become active to begin assisting in the transformation of the planet
and we are very grateful. The three of us were touched by what they had
said. We realized that our light, our clarity and our love consciousness was
helping to awaken these people. My friends and I expressed our gratitude
and appreciation to these beings and to the tree. We bid them farewell and
continued on our journey.
After about twenty minutes of being guided where to walk, we ended
up on the top of the hill. When I turned around I saw my white station
wagon, which I call Angel Craft, down below. Sure enough, we were
standing exactly at the place I had pointed to when we were in the car. When
I turned the other way I noticed a beautiful round rock sitting on top of the
hill behind a tree. I was told, This, dear one, is another intergalactic portal.
I had been taken to other portals in Sedona, so they were not new to me.
Previously I was told that these portals were like a multidimensional elevator
to enable intergalactic beings to travel.
When I first heard about these intergalactic doorways, I jokingly said,
I think I made a mistake and got off at the wrong floor.
Typical of my humor, I was partly serious. I had often felt the pain of
the world and wondered why and how so many people could be so cruel to
each other. Maybe that is the reason why I became a teacher and a therapist
and why my mission is to help people to love themselves to peace. Not that I
was a perfect angel. But ever since I learned the proverb in elementary
school, Do unto others as you would like others to do unto you, I always
tried to live by that golden rule.
Anyway I was pleased to be standing once again in front of the round
rock. I noticed that this portal, as all the others I had visited, was composed
of a different form of rock than anything around it. It was very interesting.
The energy felt wonderful. We were guided to sit down and meditate. I
saw myself traveling in the Arcturian space ship and they did more healing
on me. As they had done before, they asked me to lie down on a table in one of
the chambers and beamed light through the top of my head. When I opened
my eyes I felt more alive, whole and peaceful.
Margaret did not know what to make of all this. She had never
experienced the Arcturians and was still a good sport. The visitor didnt say
much but she seemed to accept whatever happened. Maybe she was just
humoring us. Anyway, at least Margaret wasnt telling me that I was crazy.
Although sometimes, I must admit, I had thought that I may be.
Sometimes I wondered which is the true reality. One day I said, Will the real
reality please show up. Guess what? I saw both worlds. I began to accept my
multidimensional citizenship. It sure made life very interesting and great
On another adventure with two other friends, Kim and Pat, we were
guided to a national forest that had many washes. As we were hiking in Kim
came across some heart shaped rocks. She picked up a small one and then a
little bigger one. They were just precious and were actually shaped like the
hearts on our Valentine cards. Kim asked the rocks if she could take them
home. The small one said, Yes, and the bigger one said, No. Kim placed
the smaller heart shaped rock into her pocket and put the larger one back
where she had found it. We feel that it is most important to honor Mother
Earth and all the plants, animals, rocks and minerals. We do not assume that
it is okay to take something home so we always first ask for permission.
Continuing along we were then guided to turn right and we came upon
an area where there were many different pathways to this magnificent wash.
The three of us felt like we were walking in the veins and arteries of Mother
Earth. A little further down, we came across some large rocks and the
Arcturians asked us to sit there and meditate. We separated a little to give
each other space, sat down and closed our eyes.
After about twenty minutes, we opened our eyes and began to share
our experiences. Kim expressed that all of a sudden she was aware that there
was no wind. Instead, there was an incredible silence and an absolute
stillness. There were no birds, wind or insects and that stillness actually
brought Kim out of her meditation because it was so different than how it
was before. She felt total peace.
I had a very different experience. I had been processing some issues. I
had a previous conversation with a friend that didnt feel good and I was
asking the Arcturians to help me to release my upset. I said, Show me the
wisdom and the meaning to all of this so that I can grow and let it go as I
know it is my stuff. I choose to feel good and peaceful.
My spiritual part knew that the upset is never about the other person.
It is always about how I perceive what the other person is saying and what
my mind decides that it means about me. That is the big illusion. Two of my
favorite sayings are, What people say or do is a reflection of them and not of
you, and No matter what people say or do, you are okay!
However, even though I know the above truths, my personality had
hooked in, and I felt angry at my friend and scared that I was not okay.
With the help of my Arcturian friends, I was able to release the illusion. I
saw my emotional pain leave my body in the form of a dark color. Then
white light flowed into me to replace the void and to help me cleanse. I felt
much better after this short but very sweet healing meditation.
After Pat also shared how peaceful she felt we were guided to climb
up a hill. To our surprise we ended up standing at the edge of a very large,
beautiful meadow. I had hiked in this forest a few times before, but for some
reason I had never walked into this area. We smiled, as we were pleased
with the peaceful feeling and the view. Then we were guided to go to the
right. It seemed as though we were making a complete circle.
At one point we came across a very special tree. There were no other
trees around it. When we touched its bark we felt masculine energy. It was a
very balanced masculine energy, as it had strength, but it also had a
softness to it--which is the feminine energy. As we talked to the tree we
heard that it was very grateful that it was there and it was joyfully watching
over the meadow. Then the three of us were aware of feeling very intense
but wonderful energy under our feet. When we asked the tree what was
creating the energy under us, it said, It is crystal energy. There are crystals
under the ground. No wonder it felt so wonderful.
The three of us adventuresome spirits were feeling fulfilled as we were
guided back to the car. As I was driving home I kept seeing the image of the
tree in the middle of the meadow and I knew that it had significance for me.
It stayed with me until I explored the meaning of the image when I was
comfortable in my bed. The tree reflected something in my personal life,
something that I was identifying with. I realized that I was getting ready to
go out in the world again as a leader and as a teacher. It was time to share in
a major way what I have learned with many people who will be able to
appreciate what I can offer them. But I noticed that even though I was happy
about fulfilling my mission, I also had some fears. I heard myself thinking,
Its lonely at the top. I was afraid that when I do succeed, I will be alone.
But when I kept seeing the happy tree standing alone in the middle of
the beautiful meadow, I thought, I would be okay and also feel happy and
fulfilled as I went out into the public as an inspirer and motivater.
The image of that one tree standing alone in the meadow doing its
service naturally became a strength for me. It reminded me that I would be
fine and happy and be able to serve in joy, peace and harmony. I was very
grateful for the experience and the image.
The Arcturians had told me, as we were climbing that last hill to get to
the meadow, that there was something very special for us when we got up
there. I had no idea what it was. We enjoyed the very peaceful meadow and
the crystals under the ground. However, the wonderful tree was our special
Over the years I was treated to many of these great spiritual
adventures and they still continue into the present. In fact, I was in the
middle of writing this chapter when I had another awesome experience. It
was a Sunday in July and five of my friends and I were guided to journey up
to another sacred place of the Arcturians. Over two years ago, they had taken
me to one of their etheric temples on top of a large flat rock that looked like a
landing pad. I had already taken numerous groups up there and each time
everyone reported something wonderful happening to them. I was once again
excited to share this profound spiritual experience with my friends, Paul,
Amber, Jerry, Lois and Caren.
Only Amber had been up there with me before. The group had decided
to meet at 6:00P.M. because it would hopefully be cooler at that time. About
5:20P.M. the sky darkened and, typical of this monsoon season, it started to
rain. Concerned about the weather, Amber and I kept checking in with our
guides, the cosmic weather people, as to whether or not to continue as
planned. It didnt seem logical but we were reassured that all was well.
However, I followed my guidance to put my poncho into my fanny pack.
Trusting in their green light, the group met on schedule and
caravaned up the dirt mountain road. Three miles later, we arrived at the
place to park and were greeted by the awesome sight of a full rainbow. When
we got out of the car to marvel about it, we realized that we were standing
right in the middle of the half circle of colorful lights. We felt excited and
extremely blessed as we formed a circle and expressed our intent and our
gratitude and asked for protection.
Because the rocks were wet from the rain, we teamed up and held
hands to help each other stay on our feet and proceeded very carefully. I took
the lead to guide my dear open-minded friends up the trail. Half way up I
turned around and sure enough there was now a double rainbow celebrating
the sky. What a sight! I laughed because when I had first seen the single
rainbow the Arcturians had told me, There will be a double, and there it
Just before we had approached the sacred area, I shared with the
group that when I had previously taken a ten year old girl up here she told us
to stop and wait while she opened the door. This delightful, angelic,
clairvoyant child saw the temple building.
Finally, we climbed the last rock and were standing about ten feet
away from our destination. I asked everyone to stand in a line, shoulder to
shoulder. With our hands in prayer position we asked for permission to enter.
When we telepathically received a joyful welcome, we quietly and with great
reverence approached the small circle of sand in the midst of a very large flat
rock. We turned around and noticed that we were still standing in the center
of the rainbows and they seemed to be getting closer to us. This did not seem
logical because we were walking away from the colorful demonstration of love
and light. We felt touched and honored.
There were a few rocks around the temple that we were able to use for
seats. Once we were all comfortable, we closed our eyes and began our
meditations. Almost immediately, the Arcturians started toning beautiful
angelic sounds through me. Without saying a word, Amber continued as soon
as I was complete. The ETs had activated her ability when she was visiting
me from Phoenix a few months ago. For the first time, Amber allowed them
to also spontaneously sing through her.
At one point, I opened my eyes and was aware of the sounds of the rain
hitting my poncho which was very wet by now. However, when I looked at the
other five people, I couldnt see any signs of water on their T-shirts. They all
seemed so peaceful in their meditations. Lois suddenly started to cry as she
said, I know my next step. I know what Im to do. Its time for me to finish
writing my childrens stories. I started my book twenty years ago. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you!
Lois had shared earlier that she and her husband Jerry were selling
their restaurant business. The couple felt complete with it and were ready to
go on to do something else. They each had a calling deep inside of them--
something they wanted to express was ready to burst out. Jerry had
identified his mission of workshops and lectures. Up until that moment Lois
had no clue of what was next for her.
When we all came back to consciousness, Lois smiled, looked into my
eyes and expressed her deep gratitude to me for bringing her to this temple.
Jerry did the same. Although he was quiet all the time, obviously a lot had
happened to him too. Paul suddenly said, You know, there is a being sitting
on the rock between Amber and Jerry. He also told us about the many
beings he saw in our circle and around us. We were definitely not alone.
Many cosmic visitors joined us for this blessed occasion.
Paul responded like a happy kid in a toystore. He uncovered his
camera and began shooting every incredible sight in his view--and there were
many. His comment was, What do I tell my friends back in Ohio? Theyll
never believe me!
Amber stood up, stretched her arms out to the side and faced the
empty looking rock. A few minutes later she turned back to us, laughed and
announced, I just got my first cosmic hug. We all laughed and felt her joy.
Amber told us that she experienced intense unconditional love.
Up until that day, Amber had listened whenever I shared my
experiences about the Arcturians but admitted that she had a problem
relating to them. That was very interesting because her favorite books were
science fiction. Earlier that day, I had helped Amber to recall the past lives
that she was blocking when she was an ET. When I asked, Amber what do
you imagine would happen if you allowed yourself to see those life times?
Teary eyed, Amber replied, I would have to own my awesome power and that
is very scary.
All six of us walked down the mountain with a deeper feeling of inner
peace, joy and love. Although it was now 9:00P.M. we headed straight for a
restaurant. We had worked up an appetite and our dinner helped us feel
more grounded. We definitely needed that because all of us had gone very
high and deep in our meditation in the Arcturian Temple.
About a week later, I spoke to Amber on the telephone. She was very
excited about her Arcturian guide, Amaus, who was still with her since she
hugged him at the temple. For the first time in her life, Amber was accepting
and completely comfortable with the ETs from the light.
When I received a call from Paul in Ohio a month later, this is what he
related about his experience at the Arcturian temple.
It was so weird, Helene, that it felt normal to see the Light Being
sitting on the rock in our circle next to Amber. As I looked at the being, I felt
deep love, perfectly safe and at peace with the world. This was a totally new
experience for me and I felt honored. I have never before heard of or seen an
Arcturian or any other ET.
When I went home, I kept asking myself the question, Why me? Why
am I special to have such an experience? But I have been somehow finding
more acceptance everyday and I now ask myself, Why not me?
Remember, Helene, when you told me that the Arcturians were
asking me to take pictures of all of us in the circle; that it would be a gift to
me? Well, I want to tell you about my experiences with that roll of film.
When I came home from the trip I had many rolls of film. For some
reason, I had marked only the one of the temple scenes. When I lifted it up I
could barely hold onto it and I intuitively knew that I wasnt ready to develop
it. I placed it on my altar alongside my other sacred things.
When I told my friend about it, he suggested that I put all the rolls of
film in a bag and see if I could identify that special one. When I blindly stuck
my hand into the sack and touched one of the rolls, I immediately had a vivid
picture in my mind of being back at the temple. Sure enough, when I pulled it
out of the bag, it was the sacred, marked one.
Just this week, I was finally able to develop the special roll. The
pictures arent anything out of the ordinary. However, the looks on the faces
of everyone standing in the temple are awesome. I see pure joy on everyones
lit face. I realize that that is my gift.
When I was at the Arcturian temple my body was shaking and I felt
chills running up from one end of my body to the other. The only other time I
had felt that before was when I recently visited an Indian ruin. However, the
sensations were even more powerful at the temple. In fact, my body reacts
the same way every time I look at those pictures.
Being with all of you at the temple was such an incredible experience
for me. I believe that it all happened. I know what I saw and felt and the
pictures confirmed it all! I have also been blessed since I returned with the
Arcturians presence. They came home with me. I often hear reassuring
messages in my head like, Dear one, its okay. Everything is going to be
Six weeks after our group encounter of the most delightful kind, I met
Lois at the Health Food store. She smiled and said, I usually go down the
other aisle to get to the deli but I heard an intuitive message to walk this way
today. I have been meaning to call you to tell you about my miraculous
healing at the Arcturian temple. When we were sitting in the circle and
meditating, I was feeling a chill but I wasnt cold. It was my bodys reaction to
the energy that was coming through me. A week later, I became very sick.
After a few days I realized that I felt terrible only after I took my pills for my
asthma. I intuitively heard, Dear one, you do not need these pills anymore.
They are making you ill. It took all of my courage to flush the few that I had
down the toilet. After all, these pills have been a crutch for me for over
twenty-five years. Almost immediately, I started to feel fine. By the end of
the week, I felt better than ever. My husband Jerry could not believe the
difference in my color and energy. Truthfully, neither could I.
My logical mind still wanted to be checked out by a medical doctor. To
my surprise, my doctor said, I would advise you to keep breathing in white
light. When I checked in intuitively if I still needed my aspirator, I heard,
Keep that with you now but you wont need it much longer. I cant tell you
how grateful I am to you and the Arcturians. Thank you! I will surely never
forget our hike up to their holy temple.

The Arcturians played a very large role in the healing of my body.
Sometimes they asked me to set aside a specific time for a treatment. For
example, one morning I heard, Dear one, we would like you to be home in
bed this afternoon at 3:00PM. Were going to work on you for an hour.
Grateful for the support, I agreed and planned my day around my cosmic
doctors appointment.
At the pre-arranged time, I put the DO NOT DISTURB sign on the
den door, retreated back into my bedroom and shut that door too. Then, in
perfect solitude, I laid in bed in surrender position with my palms facing up
and took some deep breaths to relax. To make sure that I was letting in only
beings of the Light, I checked in with my intuition. Once I was satisfied that
only the Arcturians were present I totally opened up to the experience. Sure
enough, I soon began to feel them working on me. I felt tingling in different
parts of my body and energy moving into me. Suddenly my head started
moving to the right and I heard a crack. It was great! I felt like I had a cosmic
I watched as my body moved into different positions and I took some
spontaneous deep breaths. I must admit that it was a weird feeling to observe
my body doing things on its own. Everything happened without any direction
from my mind. When the hour was up, I heard, We are complete now. You
have received the healing well. It has been an honor to serve you once again,
dear Helene. I expressed my deepest gratitude to my healers. I felt so
honored to receive these cosmic healings. It was a treat and a great
opportunity. Most of the time they were painless and they were always free.
I recall one painful incident when I awoke in the middle of the night
with my cheeks hurting. I have had pain in my temples and jaws numerous
times, but never in those parts of my face. Concerned, I asked, Arcturians,
whats going on? Why are my cheeks hurting? They replied, Dear one, you
will be fine by 9:00A.M. in the morning. All is well. Go back to sleep.
Trusting them implicitly, I requested that they help me fall asleep and they
The next thing I knew my eyes opened and saw that it was daylight.
To my relief, my face was feeling normal again and the clock read 9:00A.M.
When I saw myself in the bathroom mirror, I had a wonderful surprise. My
cheeks looked higher and fuller. I thought, Oh my God, I had a facelift. I
laughed and thanked the Arcturians for their wonderful gift.
About an hour later my girlfriend Tami came over for a visit. When I
greeted her she said, Oh my God, you look like you got a facelift. I laughed
and told Tami what happened. She wanted to sign up for this splendid, free
medical plan.
On another occasion, I woke up in the middle of the night and my neck
was hurting. As I placed my hand over the painful area, I said, Ow, whats
going on? The Arcturians replied, Sorry! We tried something and it didnt
work. You will be okay in the morning. Once again, they helped me fall back
to sleep and sure enough by the morning I felt fine. I was grateful that the
Arcturians were trying to help me to heal my chronic neck pains. I had faith
that they would someday succeed.
Besides being my cosmic doctors, the ETs referred me to some
wonderful alternative healers when they needed support on this physical
plane. For example, they once sent me for two months of treatment with a
very special chiropractor. Dr. Sweeney was much more than a chiropractor;
he was truly a master healer. In fact, when my neighbor Kate came to the
office because of my referral she said, I see two angels working alongside
This joyful doctor used kinesiology, which is muscle testing, to
communicate with my body to find out what it wanted him to do. He
intuitively knew the right questions to ask. I am sure that my higher self or
the Arcturians were on the team of guides to assist him in his work with me.
Dr. Sweeney surrendered to his spirit and followed it with no hesitation. To
me that is a true sign of a master--no matter what healing modality he or she
is using. He went beyond his third dimensional, logical mind which has
limitations and allowed himself to be guided by his fifth dimensional,
unlimited spirit which called in even higher guides when necessary. I wish
that they taught this powerful approach in all medical schools.
I thought that it was wonderful that Dr. Sweeney had the courage and
insight to go beyond his formal training and focus on a patients specific
needs instead of being tied to one particular technique. Dr. Sweeney used a
holistic approach on me and found the connection between my symptomatic
body pains and the specific emotions and negative decisions that were
causing them. It felt good to know that he was seeing all of me clearly.
After two months, I was guided to end the treatments and the
Arcturians became my ongoing cosmic chiropractors. What a relief! For years
I was dependent on a professionals skills to put me back in alignment. They
would laugh as I tried to convince them to put some glue on my bones so that
the adjustments would hold. Soon after the treatment, the causes of my
problems pulled me out of alignment again and I felt pain in my neck, head
and jaw.
Besides saving time and money, it was most convenient to be lying in
bed and to notice my body suddenly moving. When I heard a crack, I felt
instant relief. I always thanked my ET chiropractors. No words could express
my deep gratitude for my personal doctors who made home visits twenty-four
hours a day, seven days a week.
These loving cosmic beings helped me in every way. When they felt
that I needed to rest they said, You have hammock duty again today, Dear
one. Sometimes I was concerned about money and I tried to argue with
them. They replied, Dearest Helene, you must trust that you are totally
taken care of in every way.
It finally dawned on me one day that I was on the Divine Sources
payroll. Since I had surrended to divine service and volunteered for the
Intergalactic Peace Corps, I needed to trust my employer to reward me
with an income so that I could continue to serve. In this third dimensional,
fear-based reality it wasnt always easy to hold that thought. However, when
I did, I relaxed, felt at peace and opened to receive. The truth is that the
higher power never let me down. Somehow all my bills were paid even though
I spent most of my time healing myself. I was so grateful for the opportunity
to regenerate.
Sometimes, the Arcturians guided me to call a nutritionist, massage
therapist or healer. It was amazing how they always had an opening waiting
for me or someone had just canceled their appointment. I was also given
specific instructions as to what to tell the human assistant to focus on.
The Arcturians also guided me to the health food store and pointed my
eyes to the supplements that I needed at the time. It was great not to be
feeling like Im playing a guessing game and to know that I was right on
course with the help of my excellent cosmic navigators.
For example, I had a mole removed from my forehead about eight
years ago. One day, I noticed that the area was turning coarse and reddish
and it didnt look healthy; Concerned, I talked to a dentist and he said, It
doesnt look good; some treatment is necessary.
I asked my Arcturian doctors what to do. They told me to get a
specific brand of Tea Tree oil. The directions were to apply the Tea Tree oil on
the skin irritation morning and night every day for four months. They
reassured me that it would then be healed.
The Arcturians also told me which practitioner in town had the
formula I needed. It seemed like a long time of treatment but I was trusting
and persevering. Sure enough four months later the lesion was totally healed.
My forehead looked perfectly healthy and normal. The cosmic doctors were
once again right on!
As time went on, the healings with the Arcturians became even more
intensive. In February 1994, I was advised to rent the entire three bedroom
house for myself to have more space, peace and quiet. Two months later, I
was guided to invite out of town guests to stay in the spare bedroom. This
was another totally new experience presented to me, but I trusted the
message. I told my friends and some storekeepers in town of the available
room. With their help (and Im sure that of my cosmic friends above) the
phone started ringing. It was fun to think, I wonder who the Divine Source
wants me to connect with today?
The guests who came to stay at the house were wonderful. I met people
from all over the world who were visiting magical Sedona. They loved my
peaceful, healing home. Some of them bought some of my self-help and
inspirational materials. Others asked me for a counseling session. It was one
great way to network and serve people.
In November 1994, I received a call about my guest room from a
woman named Sheryl. It was available and when I checked in intuitively I
heard a confirmation and gave her directions.
When I greeted Sheryl at the front door I instantly liked her. She had a
beautiful smile and seemed to be very warm and friendly. I happened to be in
the middle of hanging some new picture frames and Sheryl immediately
offered to help me. We were making funny remarks and having a great time.
Then we sat down on the couch and Sheryl told me that she was
moving from Oregon to a small town in New Mexico. She had heard about
Sedona and thought she would stay one night and explore the city. Sheryl
wanted to connect with me because she noticed a flyer in town about my
Arcturian Workshops. On a group trip to Mexico, a woman had told her that
she was from Arcturus. Needless to say, I had a lot to share with this new
Sheryl did not leave the next night. In fact she ended up changing her
plans and staying in Sedona for over a year. She loved the city and we
became best friends. My guest room was no longer available. I found Sheryl
to be very bright, intuitive, fun and adventurous. We realized that we had
spent many past lives together and we knew that we were guided to
reconnect at this time.
Sheryl was very supportive and open to all the things that were
happening to me. She was also a very giving, loving, helpful person; and I
sure did need help. I had no idea what was in store for me that year. Soon
after Sheryl arrived and was settled in the house, the Arcturians started
taking me out of my body in a different way than I had ever experienced.
One afternoon I was sitting in the den on the recliner and reading. All
of a sudden I felt very, very heavy; my body felt like lead. Just then Sheryl
came in to ask me a question. She intuitively knew right away that
something was happening. I said, Im okay. Im out of my body. Please help
me into the bedroom.
Fortunately Sheryl was a strong lady. We weighed about the same and
I was a little taller than her, but she was nine years younger and had the
strength to assist me. I leaned on Sheryls shoulder and she supported me
enough so that I could walk. Every step I took was small, slow and
exhausting. Once I collapsed onto my bed, she lifted my feet up and helped
me to get comfortable.
When Sheryl inquired if I needed anything I whispered, I am
incredibly thirsty. Please bring me lots of water. Sheryl returned with a
glass and a pitcher and she held my head up but I still had difficulty
drinking. Everything was an effort, as I had no energy. Then I told her what I
heard in my inner voice, Ask Sheryl to bring you a straw. That solution
really helped.
Then Sheryl expressed her curiosity and asked me where I was. I
laboriously answered, I see myself on the Arcturian ship. I am in the healing
room and they are working on me. I wasnt in any pain. I just felt very, very
After about an hour Sheryl came back to check on me. I asked her to
help me into the bathroom and then to bring me more water. Typically, I sip
liquids; I rarely drink a whole glass at a time. This was different. I drank
sometimes four glasses in a row. I couldnt seem to overcome the incredible
dryness in my mouth. The Arcturians explained that the high vibrational
energy that they were beaming through me was burning up my fluids. They
reassured me that all was well and asked me to bear with the discomfort for
the benefit of the healing.
After about two hours, I saw myself leave the spaceship and the
heaviness left. I felt tired, but I was now able to function again. It wasnt a
scary experience but it was intense and I felt helpless.
That was just one of the many times I was taken out of my body and
found myself completely powerless to function. However, the Arcturians
would only take me through this experience when Sheryl was home or soon to
be. It was obvious to me that one reason Sheryl and I were living together
was for her to support me through these experiences. The cosmic doctors had
called on a human nurse to assist them to help me to heal myself.
I never asked to be taken out of my body, but I did ask to be healed so
that I could have the strength and endurance to serve for the highest good of
all. These were very intensive healings and they werent always on the ship.
Sometimes I would see myself on other planets. One time, I recall I was
swimming with the dolphins on their sixth dimensional planet, Sirius. That
was an incredible experience. I had always related to dolphins and their
unconditional love, joy and desire to serve humanity.
Other times I would just see myself traveling around the galaxies. The
color formations were indescribable. They left me with a feeling of great joy,
expansion and oneness with all.
Once in a while, I was aware that I was taken out of my body to do
service on the planet. The Arcturians told me that I was a commander on one
of their ships. (No wonder I would often wake up feeling tired. I worked all
It was early in the evening one day and Sheryl and I were talking in
my bedroom. All of a sudden I felt what had now become a familiar heavy
feeling and said, Sheryl, Im leaving. When I asked the Arcturians where I
was, they replied, Belgium. When I inquired why, they said, You are
commanding your ship to help an important person who needs some
protection. I accepted the explanation because it felt right and I trust my ET
The next day Sheryl and I were taking a walk on the country road and
suddenly I saw an image of a man in my minds eye. I heard the words,
Thank you for helping me last night. He was telepathically speaking to me.
I felt touched and answered, I was grateful for the opportunity to serve you.
The Arcturian healings took many different forms. During one
morning meditation I heard, Dearest one, we will be working on your eyes
for three days beginning Friday morning. Inform Sheryl that you will need
her assistance since you will not be able to see or function for three days.
I had been aware that my eyes were a weak part of my body. I had
been wearing glasses since I was eight years old. When the examiners used to
test my eyes by asking me to read the Snellen Chart, I would respond, What
I used to love wearing contacts, but after eight years, I developed an
eye infection and dry eyes. It is interesting that the infection hit my right eye
the day after I was telling a psychic friend at lunch, I am opening up even
more to my psychic abilities.
As I was working with my clients, I learned that illnesses and
accidents are a way that the body communicates to you what you are
subconsciously thinking and feeling. I obviously had a great fear of intuitively
seeing more in the future. Probably because it reminded me of all the life
times I was killed, tortured or ostracized for being a psychic. Since we have
been on the karmic wheel (what you do comes back to you) for eons, I was
most likely also afraid of abusing my psychic powers as I had done in the past
out of my fears and ignorance.
I also had problems with my liver which I understand is connected to
the eyes. The emotion stored in the liver is anger. I must admit that I
sometimes experienced this human emotion.
Excited about the opportunity to heal my human eyes I looked forward
to the long three day weekend. Sure enough when I woke up Friday morning
I could not open my eyes. It is a good thing that the Arcturians prepared me
or I would have been very frightened.
I wasnt in pain but I did feel pressure behind my eyes. I could also
actually feel the Arcturians pulling out the negative energy and stress from
my eyes. It was then that I heard, Tell Sheryl to help you apply a pad of
fresh ground-up ginger in warm water three times, three times a day.
Fortunately Sheryl had recently bought some ginger in the health food
store. She cut an old washcloth into four pads and prepared the remedy that
was going to help to draw out the toxins from my eyes.
For three days I spent most of my time lying in bed and patiently
allowing my cosmic doctors to help me to heal my eyes. Sometimes I felt some
discomfort as they were bringing the negative energy to the surface. But I
was relieved to let it go. I was hoping that by Monday morning a miracle
would happen and I would be able to see without my glasses. I cant say that
happened. But I do believe that the Arcturians have prevented me from
having serious problems with my eyes. That was one place that I knew I had
accumulated a lot of my stress which caused a constriction of the blood
vessels. In that state, deprived of the necessary oxygen and nutrients, that
part of me couldnt function well and could have easily become dis-eased.
For quite a while, Sheryl was the only one who was with me during
these intensive Arcturian healings. However, that changed one afternoon
when they asked me to schedule a session with my massage therapist,
Debbie. She had been assisting me to heal my body through her massages for
a few years. Debbie is a wonderful, loving, spiritual person and is extremely
intuitive. She has had many years of experience as a masseuse and physical
therapist. I asked Debbie to share her experiences when she was with me and
the Arcturians. This is what she related to me.
Helene, when I arrived for our massage appointment, you informed
me that the Arcturians were going to come in and take you out at 4:00P.M.
and they did. I saw a mist of energy leaving your body and going up. Its like
that energy thats going to soul travel; it just departs from the body. Then
your body tissues became completely soft and supple.
I felt we were encased in a field of energy. I could see white and gold
light. It was like a safety net had come around us. Although I was guided, I
didnt feel like I became an Arcturian, or that I was trance channeling or
anything like that. I felt open and available to the energy so that they could
come through me to move my hands and direct me how and where to work on
your tissues. Working as a team, the Arcturians and I did a lot of work on
your physical body. I could absolutely go deeper into your connective tissues,
bones and blood than ever before.
I felt, Helene, that they were actually shifting your DNA. I couldnt
see it but I could feel it. I was also aware that they were working on your
endocrine glands and I definitely saw them re-chemicalizing your body. There
was a new infusion of light moving through your blood and bone marrow that
was helping your body to expand and heal itself.
That was a big, powerful healing experience and I felt touched and
privileged to be a part of the process. I was honored to be holding and
grounding the energy and for the Arcturians to actually use my physical
hands to work the tissues and do whatever else was needed to be done. I was
amazed how deeply I could get into your neck, the back of your shoulders and
your lower back. Since then, Ive been able to do deeper work on you; your
body is now okay with it. Before that Arcturian healing, there was no way
that your body could handle deep body work.
When I left that intense healing experience, I returned home very
tired and had to go straight to bed. It was then that I realized that the
Arcturians had worked on me too. During the massage, I knew that I was
also getting that infusion of light as well but not to the degree that you were.
I was definitely in a trance state myself, but I wasnt completely knocked out.
Although, if I wasnt working on you, I could have been, because the energy
was really strong. I think that anybody exposed to that powerful, loving
energy field would be affected.
When Debbie worked on me, I felt extremely heavy and as if I were in
a mild trance. In fact, I could barely move. I could feel pressure where she
was touching my body but I did not feel any pain. Usually, I am extremely
sensitive and I have a low pain threshold. I was simply lying there as a limp
observer, feeling deep gratitude for my wonderful healers.
I believe that all the Arcturian healings has helped me to rejuvenate
and regenerate my body. The truth is that I feel younger and more energetic
than I have in the last ten years.
Recently I have discovered another person who received medical care
from the cosmic doctors. Marie, a woman in her mid forties, told me the
following story.
I was lying in bed, sick with pneumonia and feeling discomfort in my
heart. I was born with a heart murmur but I had never felt my heart race
like that before. I was very scared. Suddenly three beings appeared in my
room. They identified themselves as Arcturians. I had never heard about
them, although I was familiar with some other ETs.
The Arcturians seemed very loving as they said, We came to help you
heal your heart so that you can complete your mission here. I was grateful
and trusting that they were from the light so I relaxed. I must have been
taken out of my body because the next thing that I knew I was awake and it
was about forty-five minutes later. The Arcturians were gone and I was able
to sleep peacefully that night.
The Arcturians came back two more nights and I had the same
experience with them. I dont know what they did, but I can tell you that my
heart felt fine and I quickly recovered from my illness.
When I was telling my chiropractor about my experiences with the
ETs, to my surprise he said, I know of two people who the Arcturians have
helped to heal their cancer after the doctors had given up on their cases. The
Arcturians are known as the cosmic doctors of the galaxy.
Chapter 5 TONING AND

It was November 1993 and my friend Elizabeth from San Jose was
vacationing in Sedona. When I was playing tour guide and taking Elizabeth
to the one of the healing centers in Sedona, she noticed an interesting flyer on
the bulletin board. As we were driving home, Elizabeth expressed her desire
to go to the toning workshop on Tuesday evening. Having an open mind and
wanting to accommodate my guests wishes, I called the facilitator.
Jane was very friendly on the telephone, as she informed me that she
needed to have at least six people attending to hold the workshop. I heard
myself saying, Okay, Ill have six people there Tuesday night. I was
surprised at my response, but I knew that I was once again being divinely
I immediately called my hiking friends and sure enough six of us,
including Elizabeth, showed up for the event. We all sat there in the dim lit
room as Jane introduced herself and demonstrated what she referred to as
toning. She closed her eyes, tuned in for a few minutes and then allowed
strong vibrational sounds to flow through her. This was my first experience of
toning and I found it to be interesting. Then Jane proceeded to tone specific
sounds towards each one of us as she went around the circle. She explained
that the healing tones were different for each person so that everyone could
receive a personal healing. Then Jane guided us all to tone with her.
After the workshop, as we sipped our hot drinks in a coffee shop, my
friends and I discussed our feelings about the experience. The consensus was
that we didnt think we got much out of it. Then I heard the words come out
of my mouth, I think more happened to us in the workshop than we are
conscious of.
At the time, I was not aware of how true these words really were. Only
two days later, something weird happened to me. I had just awakened, and I
was walking into the bathroom when suddenly sounds came out of my mouth.
I immediately flashed back to the toning workshop. My thought was, Could I
be toning? I instantly heard, Yes.
As I was standing under the waterfall of warm water in the shower,
my inner voice said, Dear one, allow the sounds to come through you. With
the Arcturians encouragement, I continued to let the spontaneous sounds
flow out of my mouth. It was fun and I thought that the tones sounded pretty
After I dressed for my morning walk, I heard, Go into the forest land
and practice. I knew what they were doing. No one was around in the shower
or the land which helped me to be less self-conscious. It felt wonderful to
stand on top of one of the red rock cliffs facing a massive formation called
Cathedral Rock and, without any inhibitions, allow the spontaneous tones to
vibrate my vocal cords. The ETs were careful to remind me to sing from my
abdomen so that I would not hurt my throat.
I noticed myself making specific body movements in alignment with
the specific tones. For example, as I was singing a high note my hands and
arms moved up alongside the ascending vibration. I felt like an Italian opera
singer. In fact, as I was toning, I sometimes had an image of a heavy set
woman singing on a stage. It felt very familiar and comfortable to me. It
could very well have been a replay of a past life.
It wasnt long before syllables were also coming through me. The ETs
informed me that I was speaking and singing the Universal Language of the
Light. They said that everyone knows this language and the vibration goes
beyond the mind and speaks directly to the cell memories--the DNA.
Therefore, it is deeply healing as it instantly reminds people of their truth of
who they are, divine light beings. I felt deeply touched, honored and grateful
to channel these powerful healing frequencies. I was pleased that it was
amazingly simple and I didnt have to take any training or memorize any
This powerful new tool was another cosmic gift that would help me to
accomplish my mission. That is, to help as many people as I can to love
themselves to peace. A bonus effect was that I also received a healing as
these sounds vibrated through my body. Since I received as much energy as I
was giving, I had more confidence that I would not suffer from burn-out again
in the future.
When the sounds came through me, I was in a mild trance state, and I
felt like an observer. I felt like I was serving as a radio station, broadcasting
the frequency of these wonderful, divine sounds that the Arcturians were
speaking and singing through me. I was so grateful that I had the courage to
allow my body to be used as their vehicle of transmission for the good of all. I
was also grateful that my prayers were being answered, that I would be able
to serve many people deeply, quickly and easily.
However, I didnt feel quite emotionally ready when the Arcturians
told me the next step. When they told me that I was ready to start doing
activations, I asked, Whats that? They informed me that it is a healing
process to help people to wake-up--to activate their true essence which is
divine love and light.
The Arcturians went on to explain what would occur during an
activation, and they reassured me that I would be guided during the process.
First I would be told which direction to place a chair. Then I would ask the
person to sit down, close their eyes and place their hands with their palms
facing up on their uncrossed legs. This open, surrender position would help
them set their intention and receive the healing. It was important that I had
enough space to easily walk around them.
Once the person was comfortable, I would advise him or her to relax
and be open to receiving the activation. Then I would stand behind the chair,
tune in and take two deep breaths. The Arcturians would then move me
around the person as they sang healing tones and the Universal Language of
the Light. At the same time, they would use my hands to move energy in and
out of the individuals body. I was also advised that I would be told when to
stop the activation, and leave the room to give the man or woman time to
integrate the healing and return to full consciousness.
The activation process seemed simple enough. Even though it was
unfamiliar and therefore a little scary, I was willing to ask people to allow me
to share this healing experience with them. Since I was a beginner, I played
it safe and first asked my hiking buddies who were open and supportive of me
as well as familiar and trusting of the Arcturians.
Just as I had expected, my dear loving friends were excited about the
opportunity. Sometimes a few of them stayed in the room to support the
healing energies and to observe what occurred to the recipient. The feedback
was wonderful from all who were present. The experiment was an awesome
After an activation that took only about five minutes, the people
usually smiled as they shared their incredible experiences. They often felt
energy moving out of their bodies and they were aware that they were
releasing blocks. They also reported feeling wonderful energy coming into
their bodies as well as an incredible peace. Sometimes they started to cry
because they felt touched so deeply with love. Many receivers of the
activation felt lighter, tingly and warm which are all signs of higher
vibrations. They were indications that something profound had happened to
them and that they were receiving a healing.
The emotional results from the activation were feelings of having more
confidence in themselves and more trust and faith in the Universe supporting
them. They also saw different images or heard words that helped them to be
aware of their future. It was as if a veil had been lifted. Sometimes they
flashed into their pasts. Many of the receivers of the activation discussed
their visions of beautiful colors vibrating in and around them. Some
individuals understood the Universal Language of the Light and received
important messages that gave them clarity about their present situation and
guidance for their future.
In the process of being the activator, I could often see the energies
moving in and out of the different parts of a persons body. I also sometimes
noticed colors and lots of swirling white light. I observed that each person
was receiving the perfect healing for them.
For example, once when I asked a recipient about her knees, she
informed me that she was having problems with them. The Arcturians
seemed to know that, because they had me bend down so that they could get
closer and focus directly over them.
After the vibrational healings, I had to sit down and take a few
minutes to ground myself. I would always feel deeply touched by the intensity
of the experience, and knew that I had also received some healing. I felt
better about myself and my abilities to serve and I also felt extremely
grateful and honored.
Once I had a few weeks of practice with these individual activations
and I felt some level of confidence, I heard a voice in my head say, Now, dear
one, you are ready to schedule a toning class in your home on Tuesday
evening. I must say that I felt uneasy about this next step. But not letting
that stop me, I told some of my clients and friends about the class. I definitely
wasnt ready to make a flyer or advertise.
Ever since I could remember, I was told by my family, friends and
teachers, Dont sing. I loved music but singing had never been my strength.
I liked to sing and sometimes I thought I sounded pretty good. But from the
feedback I received, I believed that I was way off key and couldnt stay in
tune. I also had been criticized numerous times for the weak, high pitched
qualities of my voice. Sometimes when I heard myself on tapes, I realized
how bad I sounded. All of these negative experiences deeply shook my self
confidence in my abilities to sing.
The night of the first class, I was guided to wear a long, flowing pink
and purple outfit. As directed, I set up chairs in a circle in the living room. I
felt quite anxious because my mind had no idea what the Arcturians were
going to do. They hadnt given me an outline because they wanted me to just
show-up, trust in their guidance and allow the class to unfold. This was quite
a stretch for me because I still didnt have great confidence in my new gift of
healing sound vibrations.
Truthfully, I took a deep breath of relief when the clock struck 7:30PM
and I was still sitting alone in the candle lit room. I wanted to get up and
start putting the chairs away when I heard, Dear one, please remain seated
and be patient. Five minutes later, I heard a car pull into the driveway. I
welcomed Gloria at the door and after a little chit chat we went inside and
sat down.
Gloria is a professional musician and singer. I felt even more
intimidated and noticed that my throat gulped from fear as my eyes closed to
pray. I asked silently for my courage to come forth to allow me to be in service
at this time. After a few deep relaxing breaths, I managed to surrender and
allow the Arcturians to flow through me. Almost immediately they began
speaking to the one person in the audience. Gloria smiled and relaxed even
deeper into her chair as they greeted her with great love and joy. With me
still sitting directly opposite from her, they sang healing tones and the
Universal Language of the Light. When the verbal sounds stopped, I could
still feel the high vibrations permeating throughout the room. It felt
After about five minutes, Gloria opened her eyes and shared her
experience. She felt great love and peace. Gloria noticed white rings of light
spinning around her head. She laughed as she said, I guess they know that
Im very mental and they were helping me get out of my head. I also felt a
tremendous amount of pink love energy flowing around and inside of the
front and back of my heart. As she placed her hands over her heart, she
exclaimed, Wow, it feels so, so good. With that wonderful feedback my
personality was pleased and I was aware of my body feeling more relaxed.
Then the Arcturians proceeded to make different sounds and
encourage Gloria to repeat them. Sometimes they sang together. It sounded
like a cosmic duet. It was great! At the end of the class, I came back to full
consciousness and Gloria joyfully expressed her deep gratitude. I then
admitted to Gloria my concerns about the class and thanked her for being
there to support me in my progression of service through sound. I felt a
deeper level of trust in the Arcturians for creating another empowering and
reassuring experience for me. I also felt a higher level of trust and confidence
in my abilities to serve in this powerful, fun way. Once again, I was proud of
myself for not allowing my fears and doubts to get in the way of my
opportunities to grow and serve. I went to bed that evening feeling high on
love and gratitude.
After the activation practice and the one class in my home, the
Arcturians informed me that I was ready to take them public. They asked me
to offer a class at the New Age Center in town. My immediate reaction was,
Oh my God. Oh well, whatever! After I recovered from the initial shock, I
called on my courage to walk forward into the unknown even though it was
The Arcturians guided me through all the logistics. They told me
where, when and how to create this toning class. The ETs worked on the
flyers with me and I distributed them around town. I even stirred up enough
courage to announce the class in the local newspapers.
The add read, AN EVENING WITH THE ARCTURIANS. Experience
the high vibrational energy of these loving beings channeled through Helene
Rothschild. Learn empowering healing tones and the Universal Language of
the Light so that you can experience more divine love, joy and inner peace.
Thirteen people showed up for the first class. As the Arturians had
done in the past, they didnt even give me a clue as to what the program
would be. But by now I had developed more self confidence so I felt only a
little stage fright. I trusted myself to get out of the way and allow them to
serve through me. In fact, I was very curious to see how they were going to
teach this healing vibrational class.
After I welcomed everyone sitting in the circle, I was guided to share
some information about myself. I told them about my professional history and
my experiences with the Arcturians. After I answered some questions, I
prepared the participants for what was going to happen next.
The Arcturians then came through and introduced themselves. They
asked the participants to place their palms up on their uncrossed legs, close
their eyes and allow themselves to receive. I noticed then that I stood up and
the Arcturians started toning and singing the Universal Language of the
Light through me as they moved my hands around in specific patterns.
About six minutes later, I stopped and sat down. I felt my body and the
entire room vibrating. We sat in silence until everyone came back to a
conscious state and opened their eyes. Once again, the feedback was
wonderful. People were deeply affected by the experience and had many
positive reactions.
Everyone had been touched by the Arcturians incredible love and had
felt energy moving in the different parts of their bodies. It seemed that each
person miraculously received exactly the healing that they needed. This was
the first time that I had seen the wonderful effect of these healing vibrations
in a group setting. It was a group activation. I was impressed!
But this was just the beginning. The Arcturians then announced that
they were going to speak directly to each individual. Since they honored
everyones free will, they requested that people nod their heads in approval if
they wanted to participate in this personal interaction. Everyone seemed
ready for the experience, but I wasnt sure if I was!
Ready or not, through me the Arcturians walked up to each person,
looked directly into their eyes and spoke the Universal Language of the Light
as they simultaneously moved my hands. The ETs took some of the peoples
hands and brought them up and out to the side to simulate flying. Other
times, they directed the persons hands over their own hearts as they spoke.
Sometimes the Arcturians placed my forehead over theirs so that our third
eyes were touching. Although there were similarities, it was clear to me that
each person was receiving a specific, loving message from the ETs.
The feedback that followed was very gratifying. If I understood the
messages, I shared it with the individuals. For example, the third eye contact
was to help activate the persons intuition. The hands over their hearts was a
direct message to the man or woman to love themselves more, and it was also
assurance that they are loved by the Arcturians and many other beings from
the Light. The hands in a flying position was a message that it was safe now
to allow themselves to come out of their shells and fly--to be all that they are.
What was really exciting was that some participants understood their
own messages from the Arcturians, and shared with us what they also heard
spoken to some of the others. There was a definite feeling of deep bonding as
the group of strangers all shared an intense experience.
The program continued and the Arcturians continued to speak through
me. In this exercise, the ETs guided everyone to take turns toning their
names. Then the entire group toned the individuals name back to the person
three times. It was a delight to watch people listen to others toning their
names. They seemed to be very pleased and touched.
The next step was for everyone to imagine themselves in the middle of
the circle and to tone their names three times and the words, I love you.
The third exercise was to visualize someone in the center of the circle who
they needed to forgive and tone their name and the words, I forgive you
three times.
After three more healing exercises like those, we took a break. I came
back to full consciousness and said, Wow, what a trip. This is fun and
profound. I felt excited because I saw how these processes were in total
alignment with my mission to help people love themselves to peace. It was
just another modality.
When we returned for the second half of the class, the Arcturians
asked everyone to stand in a circle and repeat what they heard. Then they
toned and sang the Universal Language of the Light in short phrases and the
participants echoed the sounds and hand movements. I was amazed at how
well the group sounded.
Now for the grand finale which totally surprised me. The Arcturians
informed the group that they were ready to activate each other. I thought,
Oh, my God, how are they going to pull this off? When some participants
expressed their concerns and apprehensions, the Arcturians lovingly
reassured them that they could do it. They encouraged them to trust
themselves and their guides and to surrender to the experience. Having felt
the same anxieties when I first started activating others, I totally understood
how they were feeling. The Arcturians then asked everyone to choose a
partner, and to decide who would be the first receiver. Then they told the
activator to stand behind their seated partner and allow themselves to be
guided to make sounds and hand movements. To jump start the group, the
ETs began toning and the new activators joined in. It was wonderful to hear
what sounded like a group of angels expressing their angelic sounds.
After a few moments, I sat down and became a quiet observer. It was
such a joy to witness these male and female novices of all ages become
instant healers. I was pleased with their courage to trust their intuition as
they made the appropriate sounds and hand gestures for the person in the
chair. Many of them moved around as they were instructed to do and focused
the energy towards the different parts of their partners body. After five
minutes, everyone was guided to sit down in silence.
It took about ten minutes for all the receivers to return to full
consciousness and open their eyes. I was amazed at what I heard during the
sharing. Both givers and receivers had profound experiences. The Arcturians
then asked them to switch roles and the procedure was repeated. Again the
feedback was fantastic. Even skeptical, left brain dominant, logical beings
who had never before toned or facilitated healing on others before had
successful experiences.
For example, John, a retired businessman, had come only to please his
wife. He had never even read anything about metaphysics. In fact, he told us
that his favorite paper was the Wall Street Journal. To watch this total
novice at healing give and receive an activation was very impressive. His wife
was also surprised at his transformation and had tears in her eyes. The stern
looking, detached observer who had entered the room two hours earlier was
now smiling and looking soft, flexible and very present.
To my surprise, the activators had experienced similar things that I
had when I was in their role during my private sessions. The people in the
receiving roles reported many of the same feelings of divine love, tingling in
their bodies and color formations, as my receivers had. Somehow the
Arcturians had accomplished this success with a group of strangers in a two
hour class. I was deeply touched and impressed.
People shifted in front of my eyes. Their self-confidence obviously
increased and they all looked so much more peaceful and loving. I wished
that I had taken before and after pictures. The human side of me thought,
The Arcturians did it! They pulled it off and they did a great job. We all left
that night with beaming faces and sparkling eyes. Each one of us was
touched deeply by a very high vibrational loving, healing energy and
we were definitely more connected to our divine spirits.
That was the first of many successful toning classes. The peoples faces
changed but the process and feedback was always the same. Some of the
participants were able to continue to use their new gifts. For example, Sandy,
a young lady in her twenties, was one of my guests from California. When she
arrived at my home on a Friday night at 6:00PM, I informed her about my
event that evening and went out to dinner with some friends. At 7:30PM,
Sandy showed up at the center to participate in the class.
When we arrived home that night, she shared her appreciation for her
wonderful enlightening experience. That Sunday evening, Sandy asked me to
come into her room and she proudly pressed the play button on her tape
recorder. I heard her beautiful voice toning and singing the Universal
Language of the Light. Sandy shared that she had spent the entire weekend
hiking on the red rocks, meditating and practicing her new skills.
I was thrilled to hear about the instant results of the Arcturian class.
My focus has always been to teach everything I know so that others can also
have the gifts and tools; then they feel empowered and they dont need me.
They can just go off on their own and serve themselves and others. This is
how I, just one person, can touch many people. It reminds me of the domino
effect. Except the vision is of people being touched by another and then
standing up to be who they are and touching another to do the same. The
process goes on indefinitely.
I was happy to know that Sandy was going home to Los Angeles in
touch with her divine self. With her new skills she will be able to spread more
love and peace. This ripple effect is how each one of us can make a
tremendous difference on the planet.
Since that class went so well, I had more confidence and trust in the
Arcturians and what they could do with me and through me. But I wasnt
quite ready for the next step. I awoke one morning to the words, You are
now ready to do your first Spiritual Concert at the Unity Church on Friday
night, May 17. I exclaimed, What? They replied, Trust, dear one, it will all
fall into place. You need the practice.
I jumped out of bed and looked at the calendar. Sure enough May 17
was on a Friday night and only four weeks away. I realized that this message
was definitely not coming from my mind. I had no idea that May 17 was on a
Friday night.
Convinced this was divine guidance, I called the minister of the Unity
Church. After I faxed him the outline and he approved it with the board our
proposal was accepted. To set up the rest of the performance team, I was
guided to ask my friend Stan who played the flute beautifully. In fact,
sometimes he accompanied me when I had toned at my classes. I also called
my friend Gloria who was a wonderful singer and keyboard player.
The three of us discussed the concert over lunch at a local restaurant.
We all agreed that we needed one more musician. I mentioned that I had just
read an article in the local newspaper about a marimba player named Robert
who I felt good about. My two musician friends were also extremely intuitive.
After they tuned in, they agreed that he could be a possibility. I volunteered
to contact Robert.
I returned home excited and found his phone number in the
newspaper. I was pleased that Robert answered and when I introduced
myself as Helene Rothschild, he said, Wow. When I asked him why he said
that Robert replied, I have your booklet, A Promise of Love sitting on my
desk in front of me. I laughed and inquired where he had purchased it.
Robert explained, Last night I was playing at a coffee shop and my partner
picked it up. Later at home we read it together and spent an hour discussing
some of the thoughts it touched in us.
Again I laughed as I felt the joy of watching the unfoldment of perfect
synchronicity. I saw this as obviously a good omen. Robert had a sense of who
I was before I even called him. He was very open to hear what I had to say.
He was prepared!
After I shared about the Spiritual Concert and how I found him,
Robert said, Id love to be part of this event. Id feel honored. Anxious to get
the show on the road, I asked him if I could come over right away and hear
him play. Robert hesitated a minute and then replied, My appointment for
this afternoon was just canceled. I guess this is the perfect time.
As I drove out on the beautiful country road back into town, I felt
delighted. It was unfolding just as the Arcturians had said, It will all fall
into place.
I liked Robert the first time I saw him. He was a warm and sensitive
young man in his twenties. As I watched this musician become one with his
instrument and listened to the powerful, healing tones that embraced me, I
knew that he was playing from his heart. Robert was obviously very talented
and still humble as he knew that he was a channel for the divine healing
tones that were being created through his instrument. As I suspected, we had
our third musician.
The group gathered together only three times to practice. It was
difficult to rehearse in the true sense of the word because we were all
spontaneously following our spirit. What we did practice though was getting
used to playing together. The Arcturians had given me the outline of the
concert so we were able to experience the flow and fine tune the program.
It was the night of the big event and I was terrified. My guides kept
reassuring me that all would go well, but my personality was freaking out.
For the first time in my life, I was being told many times that I had a
beautiful voice. But the new concept wasnt sinking in totally because of the
many years when I heard and believed the opposite to be true. It was only my
pure determination to serve and my loving, supportive team that gave me the
courage to show up at my own concert.
The group and I arrived at the chapel early to set the stage. I lit the
numerous hot pink tall glass candles that were placed around the room. The
colorful flowers served well to help decorate and the lights were dimmed to
set the appropriate mood. Dear friends were tending the door to welcome the
audience and the technician that was called in to audiotape the show was
I felt like an angel in my graceful, flowing outfit. The Arcturians asked
me to wear my long sleeve red dress and the matching long white sleeveless
vest that was decorated with red embroidery. I was guided to purchase the
outfit over a year ago at one of the international stores in Disneyland. I had
no idea at the time, that it would be one of my performing dresses.
The other musicians looked colorful too. The four of us went into the
ministers chamber to do the final preparation. We joined hands in a circle
and declared our intent. In humility and gratitude, we asked to be pure
vehicles for the divine healing music to flow through us in divine perfection.
Then we took a few deep breaths, said some reassuring words to each other
and walked silently out to the stage. The audience immediately became quiet
and waited.
I went up to the microphone, welcomed everyone and shared our
intent. Then I sat down as the musicians started to play a spontaneous piece
to help the audience open up their hearts. As I was listening to the keyboard,
flute and marimba harmonizing beautifully together, I was once again totally
amazed. All I had to do was get out of the way and let the Arcturians sing
through me. I knew little about music and I had nothing to unlearn. I also
didnt have to be concerned about following anyone else--just my divine
However, these wonderful musicians were being called on to let go of
the compositions they knew and to just allow their spirits to play through
them spontaneously--to play intuitively. They also had to listen to each other
so that they could play together in beautiful harmony. The trio was awesome
and very effective. I could feel my heart relaxing and opening up.
But when the music stopped I gulped in fear. I knew that it was my
turn to stand up and perform. I thought, Guides, I cant do this. Please take
over! And that is just what they did.
Standing proudly in front of the microphone, my hands moved
gracefully in alignment to the tones and the Universal Language of the Light
that were exuding from me. Fortunately I was in a mild trance state so that
my personality was able to step back and allow the sounds to fill the room.
The intent was to touch people deeply in their cell memories, to awaken their
divine, all loving selves.
When I stopped, I felt the room vibrating with love and light. Some
people were still sitting very still with their eyes closed. They were obviously
taken far away. Some of them were using tissues to wipe the tears flowing
from their eyes. Obviously, they were deeply touched.
My personality was able to calm down now, as it was convinced that it
was working; the vibrational healing was successfully accomplishing its
mission. In the next phase, the three musicians played a very loving piece for
background as I randomly interjected positive thoughts, affirmations. Now
that the audience was very open on many levels, they were more able to take
in the loving truths. The intent was to help them to love themselves to
peace. For example, accompanied by angelic music I said in a loving voice:
You are a beautiful person. You are free to be all that you are. You are
lovable. You are a precious, divine being. You are a brilliant white light
illuminating the universe.
After the break, to further reinforce these divine truths, Gloria played
the keyboard and sang a very loving song that she had composed. Then Stan
and Robert took turns playing heartfelt solos.
Now came my favorite part. Being an empowerer, I always love the
opportunity to teach others the gifts and skills that I have learned. The
audience was requested to stand up and repeat after me the short phrases of
the tones and the Universal Language of the Light. It was a glorious sight to
behold. Everyone, including the musicians who had joined the audience, were
making the synchronistic hand movements as they expressed the divine
sounds. Instantly it looked, sounded and felt like a room filled with angels. I
was deeply touched.
With the intent to help the people integrate the vibrational healings
and ground themselves, the three musicians returned to their instruments
and played a wonderful final piece.
When it was all over, the trio and I received a warm reception of
applause. It was obvious that many were deeply affected by the experience
and were still integrating and returning to full consciousness. The feedback
was reassuring. One man approached me to tell me that he saw very bright
rainbow colors around me when I was singing. A woman shared that she was
depressed all day and now felt wonderful and light. Another gentleman said,
I didnt want to come back. I was very far away in a divine place. Let me
know when you are performing again. It was wonderful!
I went home that night grateful that my first Spiritual Concert was
over and that it went so well. However, it wasnt until a week later that I was
able to totally accept my new, delightful gift. The musicians and I were
sitting in Stans living room, reviewing the tape of the concert. When I heard
myself sing, tears of joy welled up in my eyes. For the first time in my life, I
fully acknowledged my beautiful, powerful voice. The doubts just melted
away and were replaced with self-confidence. I felt touched deeply with the
gift I received from my performance at the Spiritual Concert.
Over a year later, after much more physical healing, energy shifting
and personal growth, I heard this message, Dear one, it is soon divine time
to take you out in front of many people around the world. We would like you
to set up four evenings in Sedona for you to practice the new level of service.
We will tone and sing the Universal Language of the Light through you and
other guides and angels that serve through you will help people in the
audience heal themselves--release negative thoughts and bring in more love
and light.
I wasnt totally surprised to hear this next step in my progression
because I had previously been shown images of what my future looked like.
Other psychics also saw me in the same scene, standing in front of very large
groups of people. The sounds and healing energy that was coming through me
was touching everyone very deeply.
Since I would be channeling love and light energy, the high vibration
would go past the mind and straight to the heart and core of every individual,
if they chose to allow it in. There would be no language barrier as everyone
knows these vibrations deep in their cell memories--because love and light is
who and what we all are.
I was happy that, after many years of preparation, I was ready to
interact in this divine way for the good of all; and I felt honored to be part of
this awesome cosmic mission. It is such a joy to help people to love
themselves to peace.

When the Arcturians first came to me in the mountains in California
in August 1992, they told me several reasons why I would be moving to
Sedona, Arizona. One reason was that I was needed to help them ground
telepathy on the planet so that people could more easily tap into their
intuition. When I had asked them, Why me? They replied, Dear one,
because you have the twelfth level of telepathy and we need people with that
kind of frequency in order to help us. I was very honored and pleased to hear
the compliment.
The Arcturians also informed me that there would be four of us
partaking in this event: a couple, another man and myself. I was not going to
be in a romantic relationship with this man. We would only come together to
do this service at a specific time.
When I moved to Sedona in April 1993, I remembered what they had
said about the event. But it wasnt until July 31st that I was told the specific
details. The Arcturians informed me that the group was coming together now
and that the event would take place between 6:00-7:00A.M. on the following
Sunday morning.
I was excited to participate in this unusual event, Being designated as
the organizer, I began to gather the team together. A couple had just recently
moved next door. When I asked the ETs if they were the couple that they had
referred to, they replied, Yes. I wasnt totally surprised because Stewart
and Bonnie had shared with me that they were grid workers. Both of them
were very intuitive and were frequently being guided to go out to specific
places on the land to assist their guides to bring healing energy to the
underground grids--the energy centers under the earth. I had never before
heard of the grids but I was open to new information, and I trusted my own
and other peoples intuition.
I still didnt know who the other man was until the next day. On
August 1st, Sam, a young man in his late twenties, was hired by the owner to
take care of the orchard on the property, and moved into one of the other
bedrooms in the house. The next morning we had breakfast together. Sam
was very open and obviously loved to talk about his spiritual experiences.
When he shared with me about his latest grid work, a light went on in my
head and I felt a rush of warm energy flow through me. Of course, Sam was
the fourth person for the mission and he walked right into my home!
After I quickly checked in with the Arcturians and received a
confirmation, I excitedly told Sam about the mission and invited him to
participate. Sam had a big grin on his face that went across from one ear to
the other. He smiled in recognition of another one of his divine services. Sam
told me he was grateful and honored to be a part of this important mission.
The team was now complete. The next morning, the Arcturians
informed me that the event would take place on the lawn right outside the
house. That was certainly very convenient! They also showed me a vision of
the chairs set up back to back in a circle formation; we were all facing a
different direction. We were to sit down in a way that alternated the men and
women to balance the male and female energy.
Meanwhile Sam had told a friend about the upcoming Arcturian event.
Allison was also a grid worker. She was extremely intuitive and often worked
with her guides to help heal the planet. Allison called me
on Saturday about 7:00P.M. to tell me that she received some information for
us. Allison said, Helene, I was told to tell you that the area needs to be
cleaned up and that you need to make a circle of either wood or rocks around
the outside of the team. The information sounded right and I thanked
Allison for being a support person for the team. She then told me that she
would be working with us from her home in town.
When I got off the phone, I looked for Sam and found him in the
orchard. I laughed when we walked over to the designated area and saw it
covered with leaves. We immediately started cleaning up the space and then
built a large circle of fire wood around the four chairs. The space now looked
I set the alarm for 5:30A.M. and did a final check-in with the
Arcturians. They informed me that there were many groups set up just like
ours around the world. The goal was to help people to more easily tap into
their telepathy. It was getting even more exciting. Imagine being part of a
global event!
The next morning at 6:00A.M., the four of us, conduits of telepathic
energy, sat quietly in surrender position in our designated chairs and closed
our eyes. An hour later, I heard, Dear one, the mission is complete and has
been very successful. We thank you for your assistance. Please relay our
gratitude to the others.
I quietly announced that we were complete. Everyone opened their
eyes and shared what they had seen and felt during this divine mission. We
all seemed to have a similar amazing experience. The four of us saw a bluish
color but we could not accurately describe it because it was not one we were
familiar with on earth. Something close to electric blue is the best I could
explain the hue. All of us felt the energy coming through us and being
grounded into the earth. It felt wonderful!
There were many other incidents in which I felt like an angel on call
with my cosmic teammates. One morning I heard, Dearest Helene, we would
like you to set up a weekly meditation group on Thursday evenings. It
sounded like a wonderful, fun idea. Without hesitation, I invited some of my
friends and neighbors.
Ten men and women showed up the first night. I had set the mood
with incense and colorful candles. My friend Bill from California had sent me
a rainbow light for my last birthday present. I turned it on and a beautiful
rainbow shined above us on the ceiling. A meditation tape was playing softly
in the background. We sat in a circle to feel connected, closed our eyes and
focused inward.
Speaking through me, the Arcturians guided everyone to ask the
question, What can we do now to help to heal the planet and to have peace
on earth? They encouraged everyone to trust the answers that they received
and to share their guidance with the whole group during the meditation, so
that everyone could support the vision.
Wonderful ideas were coming through. For example, the Arcturians
showed me a picture of Mother Earth with the pink light of love flowing
around it and through it. Another person said, Imagine that all the people
on Planet Earth are all joyfully dancing and singing in the streets celebrating
world peace. We were asked to serve by sending pink love energy to the
White House and to all Presidents and leaders of all the governments on the
planet. We were guided to send love energy to the Los Angeles area to help
prevent the predicted devastating earthquakes.
Towards the end of the meditation, the Arcturians spoke through me.
Dear ones, you have no idea how powerful you are, how much your
meditation, your intent, your clarity and your desires are serving to help us
and many other earth beings bring love, joy and peace to everyone. Even in
your small group, you are making a difference. We wish to express our
deepest gratitude. We thank you and send much love and light to you all.
When we came out of the meditation everyone in the group felt touched
and pleased that we had made a difference. We also felt humble and grateful
for the healing we had received in the process of serving others. The weekly
meditation group continued for a few months. Sometimes the people changed
but the essence was always the same.
To my surprise, I was also an angel on call in California. I flew there to
offer a Toning Workshop and to visit some friends. June, a petite brunette,
and I decided to visit Carmel which is one of my favorite places. However,
many other people were also drawn to the town. When we saw the heavy
traffic we realized that we may have a difficult time finding a parking space.
I asked June, who was driving, if she would feel okay about allowing
the Arcturians to help us. June laughed and replied, Sure! Then I
continued, Are you willing to let them guide us all day? June, another
extremely intuitive person and very trusting of my guides, thought that the
novel idea sounded fun.
So we two trusting souls impeccably followed the Arcturians who
guided us every moment of the day. To start with, they asked us to drive
down the main street and then turn right until we were away from all the
stores. After a few more turns we approached a small park, and to our
surprise a parking space was waiting for us. We had a few blocks to walk
back into town but there was no meter to put money in and limit our stay. As
we headed towards the very busy shopping area, June told me that she
wanted to find a particular store that she heard about to look at some
draperies. We had no idea where it was, but I just kept tuning in and telling
June which way we were being guided to go. When we turned right on the
next street, lo and behold, the store she wanted was right there. My friend
and I laughed as we felt grateful to the ETs for making it so easy for us to
find the place.
After June completed her mission in the store, I was told that we were
to go to certain places to help the Arcturians channel some light energy. We
were also looking for a place to have lunch. After a few more lefts and rights
around the town, we were told to stop walking and enter the restaurant. We
went up the stairs and asked to look at the menu. Meanwhile, I was tuning in
to find out if we were supposed to eat there. Instead I discovered that we
were there to serve and not to be served. I was asked to visualize a swirl of
white light coming through me and going all around the restaurant. June by
this time was tuning into me and received the message to do the same. She
looked absolutely delighted to be one of the angels in service. When I received
the cue that we were complete, we replaced the menu on the counter and
quietly walked down the stairs and back onto the street.
The Arcturians sent us, their human light workers, to another
restaurant to repeat the process. Then they directed us to a wonderful place
to have our well earned lunch. For the rest of the afternoon, we were sent to
walk by the beautiful ocean. The water was an unusual light green color and
the magnificent waves came tumbling into the white sandy beach.
Later, the Arcturians took us back through the winding streets that
turned out to be a shortcut to Junes car. We were then advised to drive to the
other side of town. Being adventurous spirits, we followed the directions and
were suddenly told to pull over alongside a corner home.
When I asked, Why are we stopping here? I heard, Dear one, theres
a woman inside the house who is calling for help. She is very frightened
about her diagnosis of cancer and shes sitting in the living room crying and
asking for the angels to help. I questioned, What am I to do? Allow the
angels to speak to her telepathically through you, was the response.
Meanwhile June quietly left the car. She later told me that she had
received the intuitive message to help to ground the energy that I was
bringing in by standing on the other side of the house.
Still sitting in the passenger seat, I saw and heard the angels come in
and talk to the woman in distress telepathically through me. They were
saying, Dear one, we are with you. There is nothing to be frightened of. You
will not die. You will be able to heal yourself. The angels continued to speak
many more reassuring words. They told her that they were always with her
and that they loved her and supported her. They also asked the woman to be
courageous and to continue to call on them.
When I had first tuned into the house, I intuitively saw a distressed
woman sitting in her living room, holding her face in her hands and sobbing.
As the angels spoke to her, she stopped crying, looked up towards the ceiling
and had a smile on her face. Somehow she received their message that she
was not alone and that she would be well. The warm feeling in my heart let
me know that the mission was complete. I felt deeply touched to be of service
in such a loving way.
June also knew her role was complete and she returned to the car. We
shared our experiences with each other and felt truly blessed and honored to
be called on to participate in such a divine event. Both of us felt grateful for
all the new spiritual experiences.
But the day was not yet over. We were guided to park on another
street and then were taken to a restaurant for dinner. By this time, June and
I were very hungry and feeling high from our angelic work. We treated
ourselves to a gourmet meal. We sure earned it!
Filled with love and a delicious meal, we headed back to the car for the
journey home. It was dark now and June and I were feeling a bit disoriented
and lost. But we trusted that we would be taken to the right place. As we
walked down one dimly lit street, we suddenly stopped and looked to the
right. We intuitively knew that the office building we saw there needed some
healing energy. The Arcturians asked us to help to clear the dark energy that
was caused by the workers confusions and fears. June and I tuned into the
building and intuitively saw the people who worked there struggling, even
though it was a Friday night and nobody was there. We could sense the strife
and disharmony, and knew that some of it had to do with the energy of the
building they were working in. We were guided to visualize green, pink and
white light swirling around the office.
Our angelic work done, my friend and I were then told to walk to the
next corner and turn left. We laughed as we realized that once again we were
taken directly back to the car. As we were driving home, I heard, Dear one,
continue to visualize healing for the office. We will guide you. I told June
what the Arcturians were telling me to visualize. I described the different
colored crystals, wind chimes, plants and statues that I was seeing in specific
parts of the room. June was amazed because she was familiar with Feng
Shui, the Chinese art of placement, but I didnt have a clue. June was very
excited because what the Arcturians were describing was exactly the types of
remedies advised by the masters of Feng Shui.
June then joined me in the visualizations until we felt the energy in
the building shift. It felt wonderful, bright, cheery and balanced. We laughed
as we wondered what the reaction of the people would be when they returned
to work on Monday morning. At that point, the future was shown to us. We
saw the workers enter the building and notice that something was different.
We visualized them sitting down at their desks and feeling delighted. The
people didnt understand it, they didnt know what happened, but they felt
better. June and I saw a lot more harmony among the employees, and
between the management and the employees.
We were delighted, and laughed in joy as we were doing things that we
had never done before. But this is what happens when we trust and allow the
messages to come in from the higher dimensions--from the beings of the
Light. Life is very exciting, fun and very fulfilling.
I am very grateful to my friends who are so open to who I am and who
trust my intuition and what I am called to do. On that same trip to California
my two friends who had helped me move to Sedona, Heather and Bill, came
to visit me and to drive me to the airport. We had a few hours before my
flight home to enjoy our time together. Wanting to honor their free will, I
said, Im being asked to be guided someplace. Are you both willing to follow
the Arcturians directions? The couple were open and delighted to share a
cosmic adventure with me.
As Bill drove, I kept telling him when to go left, right, or straight.
None of us had any idea where we were going and we were very curious
where we were going to end up. After about fifteen minutes of driving, we
found ourselves on a dead end street in an unfamiliar part of town. The
Arcturians asked me to get out of the car and to stand in a certain spot. I
could intuitively see the swirl of white light coming through me and into the
ground. They informed me that there was a murder there not too long ago
and it was right over an important grid spot. They wanted me to assist them
to purify the energy.
After about five minutes of standing there as a vehicle of light, I
heard, Okay, the mission is complete. Thank you. I went back into the car
and I explained to my patiently waiting friends what had happened. We were
pretty lost at that point. After a few more turns we were guided to go into a
shopping center. The Arcturians took us to a health food store. Although none
of us had eaten lunch, we werent very hungry. But we were open to a light
snack. I laughed as we entered the store and discovered their juice bar--how
perfect! As we walked towards the back of the room to order some drinks, my
eyes were drawn to one of the shelves and I noticed a homeopathic remedy for
the symptoms of a cold. My cosmic doctors were once again taking care of me.
I woke-up that morning sneezing and I wasnt feeling well. The cold
symptoms were getting worse by the hour. I was very grateful for their
therapeutic guidance.
The delicious healthy drinks hit the spot. Our bellies satisfied, we
headed back towards the airport. The Arcturians guided us to a freeway and I
made it to the plane on time. Bill and Heather bid me farewell and thanked
me for sharing the Arcturian experience with them. They said that my
modeling of total faith helped them to be more trusting of their own intuition.
I was grateful for the opportunity to touch these dear people. It was an
unexpected bonus of the angelic healings.
The Arcturians never ceased to surprise me. I never knew what they
were going to guide me to do next. One day I was doing yoga in my living
room and suddenly on my inner screen flashed the words Twelve Steps To
Enlightenment, and I heard, You need to write this book. It will help many
people. It sounded in line with my mission so I agreed.
In the past, whenever I wrote any tapes, books, or articles, I usually
had a pretty good idea of the material that I wanted to include. It was
information that I had learned as a growing individual, a parent and a
therapist. But this time, I didnt know what the Arcturians were going to do
and how they were going to do it. I wondered what would be the first step.
Once I was at the computer I heard the word, Intent. Then I just watched
the chapter unfold in front of me. When I took a break, I couldnt wait to
return to the computer to find out what would be the next step. This easy,
fun, and exciting process went on until I completed the booklet, Twelve
Steps to Enlightenment.
I cant say that I didnt know most of the information that came
through me. But I certainly had no outline and no idea of what was going to
be put into this booklet--at least my mind didnt. However, my spirit did
because it was connecting me to the Arcturians who wrote through me.
I already had a wonderful guide who came to me in 1991 to be my
writing assistant. Between the ETs and this other guide, I had lots of help for
the editing too. For example I would say, Guides, I know some paragraphs
have to be moved around. Please help me with this. Then Id go through each
paragraph and ask, Do I move this? My cosmic editors told me three
paragraphs that I had to pull out. Then I asked them, Do I put it here? and
I received a Yes or a No response. When all the paragraphs were placed
where they needed to be, I reread the chapter and it was perfect.
Typical of my process, I made copies of the booklet and distributed
them to numerous friends. I was happy to receive the wonderful feedback,
even from people who had read many other spiritual and self-help books. I
was now convinced that the Twelve Steps To Enlightenment booklet could
help many people.
I am so grateful that writing has become so easy, fun and exciting. It
wasnt always like that. For most of my life writing was a struggle. I dont
know what it is to have writers block anymore, because I only go to the
computer when Im guided to write something. Then the information seems to
come through effortlessly because I get out of the way. That is my biggest
strength: to get out of the way and allow this Divine information to flow
through me.
The same spiritual process also works extremely well in the counseling
office. Somehow I always seem to know how to allow my higher self and my
guides from the light to bring wisdom, insights and solutions through me. I
never learned this in school. In fact, it was a few years after I had been very
successful in my private practice when I became aware that I was highly
intuitive and spiritual. I was consistently able to come from a place of
unconditional love no matter what was going on in my personal life. It wasnt
until years later when I connected to the specific guides and knew who was
doing what.
The Arcturians sometimes assisted me in the counseling sessions by
coming through and speaking to the individual, and by making specific hand
movements as they sang both loving tones and the Universal Language of the
Light. The clients were touched by their powerful healing words and sounds.
Often the Arcturians would show up when someone requested a
psychic reading. The information seemed to be extremely accurate and
always very loving. The ETs brought people to me that needed our services. It
was fun being in a professional cosmic partnership with these divine beings.
Sometimes the Arcturians served others through me and I wasnt even
aware of that happening until the event was over. For example, my friend
Amber was visiting me, and we were driving towards my home one day when
I heard, You need to take her to the Indian ruins down this way. I knew
what the Arcturians were referring to because I had been there before. It was
a place that I had rarely visited because you needed to journey over a rough
dirt road for at least sixteen miles.
Following my guidance, however, I asked Amber if she wanted to go to
the Indian ruins. She was excited about the idea, and the next day we set out
for the exploration. When we finally arrived after the long, bumpy ride, we
were both very happy to get out of the car.
Amber liked the place immediately. The Arcturians asked me to take
her over to the Indians ceremonial cave. We carefully climbed up and around
the rocks and trees. When we arrived at the cave, we found places to sit on
the rocks and meditate.
I closed my eyes and quieted my mind so that I could tune in to the
energy of the previous inhabitants of the area. About five minutes later,
Amber started to cry. I heard, Dear one, do not approach her. She is fine.
Honoring her space, I sent her loving energy and continued with my
meditation. After what seemed to be about ten minutes, I opened my eyes
and noticed Amber opening hers too. This time, I was guided to approach my
friend. Amber turned to me and cried some more in my arms. When she was
able to speak, she said, That was an incredible experience! I felt an old
loving medicine man come behind me and hold me in his arms. He was my
grandfather in a past life. I lived here. I saw myself as a young girl with long
dark hair and big brown eyes. My wise, loving grandfather was teaching me
his gifts. I felt so loved and appreciated.
I felt very happy for Amber. She seemed to have a wonderful
spontaneous healing experience. When I asked her later how she felt it
affected her in this lifetime, Amber replied, I feel more whole and more
loved--my heart feels full. I feel as though I am re-owning more of who I am.
Amber received a wonderful gift and I also felt touched by my angelic
service guided by the dear Arcturians.
There was another time when Amber benefited greatly from our cosmic
team. This is how she shared it with me.
Helene, you had taken me up to a place in Sedona which you indicated
was a landing place, and also a gateway and temple for the Arcturians. It was
a beautiful flat rock, and I could sense that it was a special place. It felt like a
holy spot--very different than any other place I had ever been. I was clear
that I would not want to bring any disruptive energy there.
We did a meditation there and I went back to a past life where I was
something other than human. I didnt sense that I was Arcturian, but I felt
that I was not human which was a surprise to me. Thats the first time I had
ever experienced a past life not on earth.
You were there too. We were both men and we were building
something on the Moon. I dont even know that I knew what we were
building. I did sense that we were in some sort of conflict and I was part of a
team negotiating peace. You, Helene, were on the other side. Somehow we
had made contact and we were trying to come to some sort of peaceful
agreement between our countries. I remember feeling very sad that we were
in conflict, and admiring your courage to go behind your leaders back to talk
with me. You and I had a meeting of the minds regarding what we were
trying to achieve.
When I started to meditate, I felt a pain in my neck. There was a
great deal of sadness that was stored there because I was trying to
accomplish something and I felt as if I had failed. That is not an unfamiliar
feeling for me in this lifetime. I have had several experiences of trying to
communicate something and not being understood. I felt as if I was a being
on a different planet because the person with whom I was trying to
communicate with was on such a different level. There was just no contact.
It was frustrating and saddening and it has taken me some time to
realize that there are no coincidences and that everything is perfect. If it was
meant for that communication to happen, for that contact to have been made,
it would have. For many years I kept trying to do it all myself--without
trusting that if it was meant to be, it would have been. So I would struggle
with it. I have since learned to let go of that a lot and know that if what I
have to say isnt received, theres a reason for it not being received. And that
as long as Im not coming from a place of manipulation, and I am coming from
a place of openness and love, thats all that I can do. Thats all I can expect
myself to do.
Helping to create peace is still my focus. In that past life I was
working as a representative of my country. This time, I feel like Im working
more on a personal level and doing individual work. It may be that I might
communicate something to someone who does work with the public and I can
have an impact that way, but I dont see myself doing that kind of work in
this lifetime.
After you helped me, Helene, burn the scene away and create a new
positive one, I felt a lot better. My neck pain disappeared and so did yours. I
made the new decision that I can be effective in my communication and I can
help create more peace on earth. I want to thank you and the Arcturians for
that wonderful healing experience!
Amber and I both walked away from the Arcturian temple feeling
great--feeling peacefully powerful. I was grateful to the ETs for guiding me to
take Amber to their sacred place and for the healing that we had both
The Arcturians were with me all the time--even on vacations. They
always seemed to take the opportunity to serve others and me wherever I
went. Sheryl and I had decided to take a trip up to Vancouver. To our
surprise, we were guided not to rent a car in Canada and to trust that we
would be taken care of at all times. As two intuitive, brave souls, we had the
courage to have faith even though we had lots of heavy luggage for our two
week camping trip.
When we were on the plane towards our first destination, I asked the
Arcturians how we were going to get to the ferry. Dear one, a man with a
black car will come and take you, was their answer. My first reaction was,
You have to be kidding. I thought that they were joking because they
wanted me to just wait and let it happen. Somehow I wasnt totally trusting
the reply but I still had faith.
When we arrived at the airport it was a madhouse. Sheryl and I made
our way to the bus reservation counter and waited our turn. Meanwhile a
blond, tall man in his thirties started to talk to us and we discovered that we
were heading for the same destination. The clerk informed us that we would
never make the ferry on time if we took the bus and recommended that we
chip in for a limousine which would even be cheaper. The idea sounded very
logical and appealing. We signed up for the service and made our way out of
the airport. Almost immediately, a man in a black limousine pulled up to
take us to our destination. I laughed and apologized to the Arcturians for
doubting their words.
Soon after, the Arcturians came to our rescue once again. Sheryl and I
had a lot of difficulty bringing our luggage up the small elevator on the ferry.
After a few trips and some help from other passengers, we made it to the
main level feeling exhausted. Just then a man walked by in a uniform. I said,
Excuse me. Do you know where we can store our luggage? The tall, dark
haired employee replied, Sure, Ill take it and you can just pick it up at the
port after you get off the ferry. It turned out that the man standing in front
of us on this very large, busy ferry was the one responsible for peoples
luggage. Thank you Arcturians!
The ferry ride was delightful. I always love being on the water; it feels
so soothing. It was a real treat to be temporarily unburdened with all our
gear. We purchased some food and sat in a big comfortable booth. I closed my
eyes and asked the ETs, Who will transport Sheryl and I from this ferry to
the next one? The answer was, Dear one, you will be taking a cab. When I
questioned why we couldnt just ask for a lift they responded, The person
who will transport you needs your services.
I thought I was on vacation but I guess an angel performs her divine
service all the time. I opened up to the experience but my mind still thought
that it was logical to try to find a lift. However, the woman I approached who
came to pick up her friends at the port did not have enough room for us.
Meanwhile, Sheryl was on the telephone calling for a cab.
About ten minutes later, I noticed that no one was around.
Fortunately, our ride finally showed up. The cab driver somehow managed to
get us and all of our baggage in his car with some creative packing. As we
were on our way, our driver, a slim, gray haired man in his fifties, asked us
where we were from. One thing led to another and I started to share spiritual
concepts with him. He looked at me and said, My whole family is into those
things. I am having a difficult time staying sober. Thank you! Meeting you is
a real gift; you made my day. I feel inspired to listen more to what they are
saying and doing.
I smiled and thought, Just an angel in service.

It was a Friday afternoon and I was writing the second chapter of this
book when I received an intriguing phone call. The man introduced himself as
Mike. I laughed when he inquired if I was available for a psychic reading and
if I had a connection with the Arcturians. My response was, Yes, I am a
psychic and I am writing a book about my experiences with them.
Mike seemed relieved to find me. When I asked him how he had heard
about me he said, I was climbing down one of the vortexes and thinking, I
wish that I could find a psychic here to confirm my experiences with the
Arcturians. About five minutes later, I met a fellow hiker coming up towards
me. Jennifer was very friendly. We started talking about Sedona and the
wonderful energy we were feeling. After a few minutes, I thought I would
take a wild chance and ask her about my desire for a reading.
As soon as I mentioned the Arcturians, Jennifer said, Call Helene
Rothschild! The second person I asked for your number gave it to me. It was
a woman in a crystal store. She knew you because she was selling one of your
posters. I am going back home to Oregon on Sunday morning. I know it is
short notice, but could you see me tomorrow?
I replied, Yes. Come at 11:00AM. When I hung up, I felt excited. I
knew that the Arcturians had sent Mike to me to add a chapter to the book. I
also knew that I was able to serve Mike in the way that he requested.
I rescheduled another appointment I had on Saturday because I sensed
that this meeting was definitely a priority. Anticipating a fun and profound
experience, I set up the tape recorder. When Mike arrived he seemed as
excited as I was. Without wasting time, I guided Mike into the office and
made sure that the DO NOT DISTURB sign was hanging from the
doorknob. Mike, a tall slim man in his middle forties, was very anxious to
share his experiences with the Arcturians. Here is what he said.
Ill have to start my story off when I was a little kid. When I was
about twelve years old, I tried to make some sort of spaceship in my parents
garage. Ever since I can remember, I have been fascinated with the stars,
with flying, with magnetism and light, and with the combination of the two.
As I grew up, I knew that I was different and I kept pretty much to myself.
One night, my friend Eugene and I were looking out at the stars. It
was about 11:00P.M. on a beautiful, clear night. We were staring at one
particular star that was very bright. At first it wasnt moving. About a
minute later, it started to move, then stop and move in another direction--
almost like making a star. Then it just disappeared. We both looked at each
other and we thought, Do you think it was what I thought it was? I was
fifteen years old and that was the first time that I had seen a so-called UFO.
Then, when I was 21 years old I was living near the ocean. My friend
Russ came over about 10:00 in the evening and asked me if I wanted to take a
walk on the beach. It sounded like a good idea so I told my girlfriend that I
was going for a walk with Russ.
As I stepped out onto the porch, I heard words in my head saying, Go
get your dowsing rods. Ive always been into a little bit of that kind of
metaphysical dowsing, psychic stuff. I said to myself, Give me a break! But I
decided to humor the voice within so I went back into the house to get my
dowsing rods.
Russ and I walked about a quarter of a mile to the end of the street
and then continued onto the beach. All the stars were out and it was really a
beautiful night. All of a sudden the same voice came into my head saying,
Ask from what direction will appear a UFO in the sky tonight. And Im
thinking again, Give me a break. What the heck is going on? Skeptical but
curious, I said, Okay. I held my dowsing rods (made of two metal coat
hangers, about 6 by 18) in front of me and started to pivot around. As I was
walking around, the rods seemed to point towards the South.
Meanwhile, Russ didnt know what I was doing. He was just looking
up at the stars. I started turning around again and the dowsing rods pointed
in the same direction, and at that exact second Russ pointed up to the sky
and said, Look! When I looked up to the South I saw an incredible streak of
light that had every color in the rainbow. Now remember, were talking about
the middle of the night. We perceived color in the midst of complete darkness
from one horizon to the other.
When the light disappeared, I shook my head and said, No! That
couldnt have been! Maybe it was a meteorite skimming the atmosphere. But
there was nothing mentioned about that event in the paper the next day.
I felt I had to put that experience under the rug because I was still
skeptical of things. I try to use my logical mind to help me understand
whatever happens to me. But at the same time, another side of me thinks
that anything can be possible, and I leave myself open to these experiences. I
thought, Maybe some day Ill have a need for that information. I dont know,
but it was sure interesting.
I didnt remember every aspect of that event until about six weeks
ago, when I went under hypnosis and recalled that very night twenty-two
years ago. I was lying on the couch laughing because I saw where the light
was coming from. It was a projection of light from a ship that was meant just
for us. I spoke to Russ the next day and told him what I had recalled about
the light show, but he had no memory of that night.
Another experience I recall was sixteen years ago when I was in a
meditation at 3:00 in the morning. I was using caffeine to stay awake. All of a
sudden, I perceived in my mind a series of three dimensional drawings, one
after another. They were brightly colored and very intense--one after another,
in rapid succession. Maybe I saw 100, 150, 200 of these fascinating drawings.
When it all stopped, I said, What the hell was that? I heard three
letters come back loud and clear, U-F-O And Im thinking, Give me a break!
This is me. Dont fool me. Like whats going on here? What are these things?
Okay, lets put it under the rug. It was kind of hard to accept. I decided that
my life must go on, and I put it out of my mind.
I earn my living as a mechanical designer; I help design and build
working prototypes. I never went to school to learn how to do this--it just
happens. Somebody gives me an idea and I make the magic happen. I build
them from scratch. I do all the engineering to make the first or second model
so that the machine can be tested. Thats my creative outlet and I love it.
From my work, I was very familiar with two dimensional drawings. However,
what I had experienced in that meditation was completely foreign to me.
About four years ago, I had another intense, fascinating experience. It
was a Sunday evening and I was watching one of my favorite videos, Out On
A Limb. About 11:30P.M., I went into a meditation and stated my
affirmations. I asked for my consciousness to make a better connection with
my inner-self, to have control of my dreams, to astral project and remember
the journey, to make a connection with UFOs and to be a spokesperson for
the ETs from the light. I also requested that my loving guide, someone with
the highest intent, reveal himself and help me to prepare for the future, to be
of the light and heal myself.
Something was going on inside me that I can only explain as a need to
get back in touch with where I was eighteen years ago--a spiritual path of
some kind. That was the night that changed my life.
I went to bed feeling pretty good, and I fell into a deep sleep as I was
focusing on my breathing and surrounding myself with white light. About two
hours later, I woke-up astonished. I felt like I was zapped back into my body.
I wasnt quite sure where I was but I knew I was walking or floating up some
stairs while people were walking down.
I was totally awake and simply lying there, but what I was seeing in
my third eye was very vivid and real. With my eyes closed, I saw something
spectacular. It was like having more than one consciousness. I saw thousands
of spheres of light of intense bright colors like Day Glow of fluorescent light.
They were composed predominantly of one color, but there were other colors
too, and they were as bright as you could ever imagine. It was like a rock that
goes kerplunk when it is thrown into a nice quiet river, stream, pond, or
lake. As the rock goes down it brings up water like droplets and the waves
become slightly bigger, and then they get smaller again as they go out.
What I was seeing was the same thing, but only in reverse--and it was
very symmetrical and consistent. It started from the outside with rings of
movement undulating in water. Each time the waves would get bigger and
bigger and then a different form would appear out of the center. Instead of
water, however, there were thousands of light spheres that were like the
water, but they would undulate until they got to the center and then
something else would come up. And as it would come up, this image or object
would consist of all these spheres of light. It was unbelievable!
I could zoom in with my consciousness and see how it was
constructed. The whole surface of this object was created from these spheres.
There were different belts of colors--maybe five layers of one color and then a
blue, and then another one of orange. As it got to the point where I could see
it in its entirety and it seemed to be happy where it was, it disappeared. Then
another one would be created, starting from the outside. There were different
complexities and different colors all changing in what seemed to be a split
second. But it could have been one every minute; I just dont know.
I saw about 150 to 200 of these objects again and again, and it was so
beautiful and fascinating to watch. After a while, I felt inundated--possibly
with all the information. The images instantly disappeared after I said, I
think Ive seen enough, I want to go to sleep. The next morning when I
awoke, I was awestruck with memories of this very intense experience. I
didnt know whether I was perceiving something that was within me or
whether it was my awakening to the light. I have no idea. If I could show you
just two seconds of what I had seen, it would blow you away. I saw what
seemed to me to be about two hours of this spectacular light show.
When I stood up, I started to cry because the memories and feelings
were so overwhelming. It touched me deeply right to the core of my being--to
the center of my heart.
I managed to get myself to work but I was still blown away. My office
overlooks a pretty, wooded area. As I stared out the window at the green
trees, I cried pretty intensely at least six times. The tears just rolled down my
cheeks as I asked the questions, What did I see? Why me? Where did it come
from? In that heart centered experience, I asked for the answers to be
brought to me.
About two weeks later, I was in the home of a trance medium. Nancy
goes into a trance and her spirit guide comes through her so that you can ask
him questions. Sometimes she channels other peoples guides too, like
gatekeepers, angels and other non-physical entities. When I asked Nancys
guide to explain what the spheres were about, he explained it better than I
was able to. I then said, Do you mean to say you can see what I saw? He
replied, Of course. What you have seen could never have been manufactured
by the human mind because of its complexity. Eons ago you were very fond of
these spheres.
I went home that night thinking, Okay. Whatever. Take it with a
grain of salt and keep an open mind. I used to be very gullible but now I am
more cautious. I sift through the information and decide what I want to put
under the rug for later on and what I really dont agree with--what doesnt fit
in my belief system. Im glad that discernment is pretty easy for me now.
Nancy used to have a group in her home about every week. There
would be about fifteen people present and shed give each of us about a ten
minute reading with the guide of our choice. We were advised to always ask
for the highest or ask for whoever we needed to talk to at this particular time.
One night, it seemed as though I was going to be the last one. I was
concerned that it was getting late and that there wouldnt be enough time for
me. All of a sudden Nancy started breathing very heavily. I was thinking,
What the heck is going on? She never did that with any of the other people.
Usually Nancy just sat there, and it would take her from five seconds to a
minute to bring in a non-physical entity. But this was different. As Nancy
took many deep breaths, I was wondering, Is she going to be Okay? Is she
going to have a heart attack? Whats going on here?
All of a sudden, my first guide came through. It was Agar, a fifth
dimensional being. He told me that he was an Arcturian on a space ship and
that I was also an Arcturian. My first given name was Atar.
Meanwhile, it was obvious that Nancy was having a hard time
maintaining the Arcturians high frequency. After about five minutes Agar
said, I have to go now because this vehicle is not used to the energy. I will be
back. I was disappointed because it was the first time that I had, at least
consciously, spoken directly to an Arcturian. But I replied, Okay.
Shortly after that night, I met a woman in a metaphysical bookstore. I
had been bumping into her about every year and a half. I felt instantly safe
with Jacquelyn. She was about my age and had a beautiful, warm smile and
shining blue eyes. We seemed to have an instant connection. After standing
in the aisles and talking non-stop for over an hour, I invited Jacquelyn out to
During our conversation at the restaurant, I started to tell Jacquelyn
about Nancy, the trance medium who brings through these different entities.
I also told her about Agar, the Arcturian. At that point, Jacquelyn stared
intently at me and said, Have you every read the book, We, The Arcturians?
I replied, Yes, its like my bible.
Jacquelyn sat up straighter in her chair and excitedly said, Its like
my bible too. I bought the book about a year and a half ago and I couldnt put
it down. I underlined and highlighted sections that really spoke to me. I even
bent some of the pages over and I never do that to any book. I felt very
intensely drawn to the information and I often cried as I was reading it.
After dinner, Jacquelyn invited me back to her house. We spent hours talking
about the Arcturian book and we both felt very connected to their culture.
My new friend Jacquelyn accompanied me to one of the channeling
meetings. At one point, the trance medium did something different. Nancy
asked everyone to pick a number. Then she randomly chose one number and
that person had the opportunity to talk to one of their guides.
Jacquelyn was the lucky one that night. All of a sudden, the trance
medium started breathing heavily again. After Nancy had channeled my
Arcturian guide, Agar, she said that she never wanted to bring in another
fifth dimensional being again. Nancy wasnt used to the energies and she felt
very sore when she came out of trance that first time. The aches in her chest
lasted over a week. However, now Nancy was wearing a crystal necklace to
help her adjust to more intense energy and she was more used to the
In no time, an Arcturian, Lennar, came through to speak to
Jacquelyn. She proceeded to tell my friend that her Arcturian name was
Binnar and that she was here to help Jacquelyn remember who she is.
Lennar went on to answer Jacquelyns specific questions and then left.
When my fellow Arcturian friend, Jacquelyn, and I stood in the
parking lot and said goodnight, we hugged each other and cried together
because the experience we had just shared was so intense. We felt very close.
Of course, we were both Arcturians living a human life on planet earth.
Needless to say, Jacquelyn became a regular at the meetings. One of
the Arcturian guides that came through told Jacquelyn and I that we were
previously husband and wife. Another time my Arcturian mother, Renar,
came in and gave the whole rundown of the genealogy of the group--how we
were all connected.
Everyone else who was drawn to our group found out that they were
also relatives--part of our Arcturian family. It was all making a lot of sense.
Often, different Arcturians would come in to give us lectures about how
things were in Arcturus and what our missions were here on planet earth.
I once talked with a being named Rajul who was the commander of a
ship. The Arcturian guide said he was one of my brothers and that there were
a number of mother ships up in the sky. Rajul referred to one of them as the
ship Delphi. He described the space ships as being very large--about thirty
miles long and almost as wide.
One night, I had the opportunity to talk to my Arcturian father. Still a
little skeptical, I must tell you that I listened to everything with a grain of
salt. Matar, my so-called father, was in communication from a mothership
named Athena. I asked the Arcturian about my role, my true identity, and
what I did to contribute to the Arcturian society. Matar told me that I was
the designer of the Athena. I thought, Okay, it could be. After all, I do
mechanical design and its very easy and natural for me.
In the past, I had always enjoyed interacting with the guides and the
information often felt right. But I always wanted to get confirmation and
even more information from other sources. So I went to other psychics and
asked many questions like, Am I Arcturian? Is my name Atar? But no
matter what they told me, my mind still had a hard time accepting it. I was
never totally convinced that all I had heard was true.
But after talking to Matar, I started to put two and two together. It
was as if the pieces of the puzzle of my past experiences seemed to be coming
together, and everything began to make much more sense.
The experiences with the Arcturians did affect me deeply. I know now
that we perceive so much more than what we can see with our eyes. I now
live more from my intuition and from my heart. I feel a deep love within me
and I have a deep yearning to share it with others. I must say that the
Arcturians have succeeded in helping me to live on this planet Earth more
spiritually--more from love than from fear.
I think that the governments have been hiding information about the
Extraterrestrials from us because they want to be in control. Religions and
governments dont want people to know that they have the power inside of
them. These organizations realize that they only have power over others
when they keep them in fear and ignorance.
It reminds me of the early days of the Christian religion. Nine million
people were killed and there wasnt even a war. Ninety percent of those
people were women. They were the healers, the physicians, the so-called
witches. In the name of the church, they were eliminated because they
worked with the elements, the energies of the Earth. The Christians thought
it was witchcraft and killed them.
Therefore, I think that a lot of people are afraid to come out now and
share their gifts because of those traumatic memories. Maybe that is why I
am in some way denying who I really am. A part of me feels a lot safer
I also learned from the Arcturians that I had abused my power in
some previous lives. One time I took a course on healing through sound. They
asked us to find the right sound to tone to release any negative life times. I
asked for a tone to help me release any times when I killed people. I couldnt
even tone! For about half an hour I cried intensely. It was an incredible
release for me. It wasnt fun but I was glad to heal some of my negative
Getting back to the Arcturians, sometimes they told me things that
did not come true, at least not until now. But I realize that everything
changes and were all here with our free will as creators and co-creators. I
believe that there are many starseeds or light workers who are here to help
with the evolution of the planet. Ill never forget when my Archie Bunker
type Dad once said, You know, Mike, the ETs are here to help. I was blown
Everything in the universe evolves. Everything has cycles and
everything evolves to the highest. Every planet goes through different stages
of evolution, and Earth is in the middle of a big evolutionary change right
now. Its making the quantum leap into the fifth dimension and most people
dont realize it--they cant feel the energy change.
I believe that the Arcturians work in different dimensions even
though theyre fifth dimensional beings. They can come into our third
dimension world just like the Pleiadians and other ETs. They can alter the
molecules or atoms to vibrate at a higher frequency so that we cannot
perceive them with our human eyes. They can do this through manipulating
overtones between dimensions. Thats why we cant see UFOs unless they
want us to see them.
But its like a huge parking lot up there in the sky. The evolution
presently occurring on planet earth doesnt happen too often. Many ETs are
here to help us with the transformation. They have been here for a very long
time because of their love for us.
I thanked Mike for his wonderful contribution to this book and its
readers. Then I asked him, How can I serve you?
Mike asked me to channel the Arcturians so that he could receive a
confirmation of all the things he had seen and been told about. I was glad to
help him in that way. When I channeled the Arcturians, they answered all of
his questions and confirmed that he had received the truth. Then they spoke
to him in the Universal Language of the Light and Mike burst into tears.
When I came back to full consciousness, he said, I felt such love from
the Arcturians. My heart feels wide open. I think that the last piece of
skepticism just melted away from my mind. I was also deeply touched by the
sounds. It struck a very familiar cord in me.
When I was young kid, about four years old, I used to say words that
sounded like mumbo jumbo. Then I would tell my friends, That means so
and so. It felt like I was making it up. I realize now that it was another
language. It sounded like the words the Arcturians just spoke to me in the
Universal Language of the Light.
When I was about twenty-three years old, my wife told me that I was
speaking another language in my sleep. She taped it but it didnt come out
clearly. I recall now that it sounded just the same. Without knowing it, I was
speaking the Universal Language of the Light.


The Arcturians have helped me in every area of my life and in some
ways that were very amusing. For example, one day my friend Lisa and I
were up in Flagstaff literally shopping until we dropped. During our dinner
break, we decided to have Chinese food. We drove down the busy street
through town but didnt see any Chinese restaurants. As we continued on the
main road, I kept hearing, Dear one, keep going. I was getting concerned
because we seemed to have passed most of the restaurants in town. But I
trusted and continued on until I heard, Dear one, be prepared to make a left
turn. Two blocks later, I was guided to turn left into a parking area. Lisa
and I noticed the hotel sign. But after we parked and looked more closely, we
saw the attached Thai food restaurant. We laughed as we had no idea this
restaurant was here, on the other side of town. We were also very pleased
because Thai food was definitely our preference.
Lisa and I were delighted with our excellent dinner that was healthy,
delicious and inexpensive too. Both of us thanked the Arcturians and I told
them that I was sorry for doubting their guidance. Without even asking, the
Arcturians had my best interests in mind. It felt wonderful to be so well
looked after by these loving cosmic beings.
What was extremely funny was that as Lisa and I drove back through
town to shop some more we noticed at least three Chinese restaurants.
Obviously the Arcturians had somehow blocked us from seeing those signs for
our highest good.
My ET friends were definitely holistic healers; they focused on my
mind, body, emotions and spirit and they guided me to the different healing
modalities. To work with my mind, the ETs would sometimes ask me to go
into a specific book store. When I stood in front of the bookshelves, I moved
my hand across the books until I heard, Stop. This is the book you need to
read now.
For color therapy, my cosmic friends asked me to buy new dishes and
silverware. They told me which store to go into and then guided me directly
to the gold silverware and beautiful dishes that they wanted me to purchase.
I loved their choices. To complete the colorful setting, the Arcturians asked
me to get new placemats. I must say that eating with all those wonderful
healing colors in front of me had a very calming and soothing effect. I was
delighted with my new things and the power of color therapy.
To serve me emotionally, the Arcturians would tell me who to ask for
help when I needed it. They also helped me identify the negative thoughts
that I was blocking so that I could heal myself. For example, when I once
asked them in an irritated, defeated voice, Arcturians, why did I get sick to
my stomach this time? I did not eat anything wrong. The answer came back,
Dearest Helene, you had a relapse of lack of faith. Then my cosmic
psychotherapists helped me to become aware of the specific fears that caused
me physical pain and I used my therapeutic process to overcome them.
One way the Arcturians helped me open up even more to my
spirituality, my divine love and light, was to ask me to write this book. I
noticed that it was a total joy to be sitting at the computer with them over
my shoulder. I always found my energy accelerating no matter how long I
was writing. They were obviously feeding me energy, as I always felt
replenished. Hours would go by before I realized that I hadnt eaten or taken
a break. My physical body complained, so the Arcturians suggested that I
purchase a timer to remind me to take more breaks.
When I asked the Arcturians why I wanted to stop doing everything
else and only write this book, they said, Dear one, you have what is called
book excitement. I laughed at their humorous response although it
definitely described me well.
To my delight, the Arcturians informed me that in the last chapter
they would speak directly to the readers. I expected to just sit at the
computer and let them write their message on the screen. But they had
different plans. One Saturday they said, Dear one, kindly clear your
schedule for Tuesday. That is the day we wish for you to channel our
message. We ask that you leave the house by 9:00 in the morning and hike by
yourself to Cathedral Rock. Take your tape recorder with you and lots of
I was familiar with the area and assumed that the Arcturians would
take me to the bottom of Cathedral Rock--a place where they had channeled
through me before. To make sure I left on schedule, the ETs woke me up at
8:20A.M. and reminded me of the plan. I had a light breakfast and gathered
my hiking gear. Then off I went on the cosmic mission.
I paid my entrance fee and was guided where to park the car. Then I
crossed over to the other side of the creek and made my way along the
wooded path. I felt a bit spacy and asked my guides to help me be grounded
and protect me. When I arrived at the place that I thought they were taking
me to they said, Turn left, dear one, and continue further on the path.
Surprised, but still trusting, I kept going until they told me to stop.
Dear one, they said, The sacred place is on your left. I walked carefully
around a tree and searched around for a comfortable place to sit. Then I
heard, Your throne and stage is up higher on the left. Smiling because of
their cute comment, I followed their directions and sure enough there was a
nice, big, flat rock nestled under the trees.
It felt good to sit down on my comfortable seat. I noticed that I was
surrounded by trees and the creek was gently flowing about six feet directly
in front of me. The temperature was about 90 degrees, which was relatively
cool for this time of the year. Just recently, it had been over 100 degrees for
many days in a row. The Arcturians, as usual, were considerate of my human
physical needs, and guided me onto the land on one of the cooler days. They
also sent me to a totally shaded area where I was kept cool by a refreshing
I sat on the rock, held the tape recorder in my hands and cleared all
my chakras (energy centers). I wanted to be a clear channel of their divine
words. The Arcturians helped me to be aware of and release a fear of losing
my privacy when I became better known throughout the world. Then I was
able to breathe in white light from above which flowed down throughout my
entire body. I clearly set my intent to be a pure channel of divine love and
light. My guides then told me that they were all with me and that I was
Meanwhile I heard some voices behind me. When I looked around I
saw a couple walking in my direction. I was only about two feet off the path. I
sat quietly as they passed by but then I heard them talking about whether to
go back or not.
I asked my guides, since I was sitting in such an exposed spot, if I
would have an audience. The reply was, Dear one, not today. They will leave
and then we will put a large circle of light around you and the area. No one
will walk through while we are speaking.
Sure enough the couple passed behind me again and disappeared
among the trees. It became very quiet. After I set the tape recorder on play
and placed it on the rock, I stood up on my platform and allowed the
Arcturians to speak through me.
It was an exalting experience. There was no hesitation; just beautiful
words of wisdom flowing out as if they had a full audience in front of them.
Appropriate hand gestures accompanied the words that were spoken with
conviction, love and passion. As they expressed themselves and related to the
surrounding trees and the water, I understood why they took me to this very
spot. The stage was set with these natural props.
When they completed their speech, I sat down and drank the rest of
my water. As I looked around at the creek, I noticed that the many sparkling
lights that were dancing on the water during their presentation were no
longer present. The area that looked so alive to me just a few minutes earlier
seemed to be less vivid and more ordinary. I also became aware that as they
said, I was not disturbed by any human or animal. I could hear the bugs
flying around, but none came near me.
Feeling very touched and blessed, I returned the tape recorder to its
holder, took all my gear and began the return hike home. By this time, it was
almost noon and I was ready for some more food. After I ate, I felt I had to lie
down. When I asked my friends the Arcturians why I was so tired they
replied, Dear Helene, we sent lots of intense energy through you. You have
earned a good rest.
The next day, they asked me to transcribe the tape. I had never done
that before but I was open to the new experience. When it was editing time,
the Arcturians worked closely with me and guided me as to what words I
could add or delete for the purpose of more clarity. Since they wanted people
to read the words that they had truly spoken through me, they discouraged
me from correcting their English. After I completed the last page, I noticed
that my heart was wide open and feeling wonderful. My thought was, I
wonder how the readers will be feeling after they read the ETs powerful
I am very grateful that the Arcturians are with me as part of my
cosmic team to help me to heal myself; to support me directly as well as by
bringing human helpers into my life. I am also thankful for the divine
services which they perform through me. They have shown me my future,
and it seemed to be so far-fetched compared to where I actually was in my
life. However, the dear loving Arcturians have helped me immeasurably to
actualize my divine mission, and they continue to do so. Each day I have
more confidence that my dreams are becoming realities--that I can be all that
I am and do all that I came to do in ease, grace, love and joy.
All the wonderful experiences I have had with the Arcturians have
reassured me that my mission is possible. I have more confidence and faith
that I have all the help I need from this earth plane and above. However, I do
need to continue to overcome any fears that block me, to listen to and follow
my intuition, and to be patient and trust--since everything flows in divine
I am totally committed to actualizing my true self, my divine spirit, on
this magnificent planet earth--to follow my spirit with no hesitation. I realize
that I am a spiritual being who chose to be here to have a human experience.
I am now ready to walk forward into the unknown with ease, grace, love and
light, because I trust that my spirit knows the future.
It is now time to hear the Arcturians speak. I suggest that you read
their words with all your senses. Allow yourself to feel their love and light
and let them speak to your heart and your spirit. Open up to their divine
wisdom and enjoy the experience. May their message touch you as it has
touched many others including myself. May you be blessed with divine truth.
Namaste! (I honor the divine in you!)

Greetings, dear one, we are the Arcturians. We are from the fifth
dimension and we are of the light. We are very grateful and honored to be
with you now. Through this book we wish to share some of our thoughts and
feelings with you many beautiful earthlings on planet earth.
We came here many eons ago to settle this planet and then we evolved
to the fifth dimension. So we know what it is like, dear one, to live on planet
earth. Although we must say that it wasnt as civilized, as you call it, as it
is now. But we lived here, we bred here, learned here and worked here. And
we have much compassion for you now as we know and understand much
that you endure. That is one reason why we agreed to come when God
requested our appearance. We came to assist you at this time as we had been
assisted when we went through this transformation.
We are beings of the light. What does that mean, dear one? That
means that we do not have fear controlling us, or guilt or resentment, or
anger or even sadness. We see clearly, as there are no more illusions up here
in our dimension. We see everything as light. There is nothing of darkness.
We see that we are all one with God and we are all one with each other.
There are no doubts and there are no concerns as we can see the divine truth
in front of us, and all around us and inside of us. We see the truth. We see the
wisdom of the universe. We see the divinity of all there is.
We see your love and light, dear one, even at times when you do not
see it because you are clouded by your illusions. But do not feel distressed, as
that was all part of the divine plan, dear one. That was all planned so that
you could be here in ignorance of the light. Not that you are stupid. You are a
very brilliant being. But ignorant meaning that you are not aware of the light
because a curtain was brought down so that you could not see it.
Remember, that was part of the plan so that you could live life on earth as
earthlings in the darkness and in the light.
You can continue to choose which you prefer, the darkness or the light
as you call the bad or the good. We do not know what bad is. But we
understand that you have learned what bad is. Well take it down to the
smallest part of bad. You know when you do something and you just dont feel
right about it. That is not a bad act, but you know that it is not of love, it is
not of light, it is not of the divine for that being or for yourself. You know
deep in your gut that that was not love. So, dear one, anything that is not
love is bad. It is bad only because it doesnt feel right. It doesnt feel in
alignment with who you really are--divine light beings, children of our
universal divine source, God.
Others call the divine source by other names. It matters not. What
matters is that it is all love, it is all pure light--it is gold. There is no
darkness in the gold. It is pure gold and that is what you are, dear one. Deep
in your cell memories you know that; you know who you are. You have
glimpses of it sometimes in your dreams; sometimes when you are loving a
person and you completely let go of the illusion. But then you may forget.
Again, that was part of the plan.
But we are facing a new eon, a new time, dear one, beautiful earth
being. Earth is evolving and becoming a star, and it is time for you to
graduate. It is time for earth to graduate into its brilliant star. It no longer
wants to play the darkness and the light. There will be other planets who will
do that for those who wish to still play this game or wish to grow in that way.
There are many ways to evolve higher and closer to the divine source.
That is just one way. Beings love to come to planet earth. They love the
emotional beingness of it, but it also brings them much pain and drama. So
yes, up in the light there is a lot less emotion in the sense of the intensity of
feeling. But there is the constant feeling of peace, joy and love.
So can you, dear one, release your addictions to the great intensities--
the ups and the downs? Can you conceive a life on planet earth where things
are always in alignment--where there is an inner peace? Where there is the
continuance of peace and joy. It is not very high and it is not very low. It is
just isness. It is just beingness; it is oneness. And it is nothingness at the
same time.
That may be difficult for you to understand. What we mean by
beingness you may understand as you look at the trees; as this being is doing
as she is helping us to share this information with you. They are in
beingness. The wind is blowing. The trees are not deciding if they will allow
the wind to blow their leaves or not. They are simply allowing the wind to do
that. They are flowing with the wind. The trees do not resist anything. They
just be. They just are. And they are very happy and peaceful because they
know who they are. They are divine; they are love--they are light. They bring
light and they bring joy. They bring shade, and all that they know they need
to do is to allow themselves to be. They allow themselves to grow and be who
they are meant to be. We ask you earthlings to identify with these trees, as
just one example. There are many.
We are also looking at the creek in front of her. The creek is also just
being, it is just flowing. It is not thinking should I move this way, or that
way. Or if a rock hits me should I allow the water to move in certain patterns.
No, it just receives. It just does. It just is.
And when you see the creek, dear one, and when you see the trees you
feel something. You feel the oneness if you tune in, and it reminds you of who
you are. As you dear beings are one with the earth. You are one with all. You
are not separate from the trees. You are not separate from the creek.
You may be thinking now, What about my brain? I have a brain. Yes,
the creek can just lie around, so can the trees, but I have to earn a living. I
have to take care of my family. I have to do things to take care of myself.
The trees and the creek also take care of themselves, dear one, but you
do not see how. They do it in a very peaceful way. So we ask you to continue
to do what youre doing. But the difference, dear one, is to do it knowing who
you are; knowing that you can do this in peace and joy and fun and love. And
knowing that youre not alone.
You are never alone. There are many beings on this planet you can call
your sisters and brothers as you are all one family. You can also call on us
beings from the stars. We are your family too. We are all brothers and sisters
of the divine source. So therefore, we are all part of the divine source; every
single one of you, no matter what you have done.
You can now recall who you are. And forgive yourself if you feel you
need to. You never need forgiveness, dear one, from the beings from the light.
You never need forgiveness from the trees or the creek. But if you feel you
need to do that, then forgive yourself.
Forgive others for their ignorance of who they really are; for their
forgetting. Know that they are a mirror for you. You have forgotten too, or
you would not be in pain. Or if they did something that disturbed you, you
would simply know that they were just acting out the illusion. That is not
who they are. That is not any reflection of who you are. You are divine lights
no matter what people say or do. You are what you are and nothing can
change that.
You can not change a rock into water. A rock remains a rock and water
remains water. So whether it may be in a different form, whether it is a rock
that is sculpted, or whether the water is in the form of a waterfall, or a creek
that is flowing, or a creek that is stagnant, it is all water or rock. You are all
light, you are all love, you are all peace, and joy and you live forever. No, not
your human parts, dear one. Those are just your costumes for this journey on
this planet earth. When you choose to leave the planet, you choose to
transform into the light being that you are because you are complete here.
So when you choose to leave, dear one, your body will no longer be
needed. Your body will return to its elements on mother earth which is what
it is made of. And your spirit will be released and soar back into the light. It
will soar because spirits always soar. They dont have any limitations. They
dont need to learn how to fly. They know because that is who they are. And
you are all very evolved spirits from many different higher dimensions; here
again to play the game called life on earth as a human being.
We want to reassure you dear one that this is not an easy place to be.
We know that and we know why it is attractive. You see, dear one, many
lessons have come to you here. You have much courage to be here. There are
many places to be in the galaxy and in the universe. But you have chosen to
be here in whatever form you are because of your free will. And you can
choose at any time to be another way on this planet; another way of being.
And you can also choose to leave. And it is not bad when you leave. It
is something to be celebrated, as you are leaving the illusion. So we want to
reassure all you beloved people that are mourning your loved ones who chose
to release themselves back into the universe. Yes, your personality is missing
them. And we understand that from our hearts. But we also want you to
know that you can always speak to them. You can always connect with them
because you are both spirits. Just pick up the telephone. Allow them to
come to you. Talk to them. Speak to them; they are always with you--always.
You are never apart.
Now, dear one, that we have spoken about who you are, we would like
to tell you who we are. We are light beings as we said from the fifth
dimension. We are also referred to as ETs. We work in conjunction with many
other light beings. We are like one NATO with many different beings from
the light serving together as a cosmic team. We come from many universes
and galaxies. In this one united force we keep peace on planet earth and we
keep peace in the universe.
We are honored and grateful to be with you and to serve you. We have
been honored and grateful to be able to serve this being which we are
speaking through now. We would be honored and grateful to serve you too--if
that is what you have asked for before you came into this incarnation, or if at
any time you choose to ask us now. But we cannot do anything, dear one,
unless you ask, because we totally honor your free will. We will never, never
disregard your free will. You see dear one, it is most difficult to do that from
this plane as we know that we will take on your pain and your Karma. We do
not want to experience that. We are complete with pain.
There is another reason why we will not dishonor or ignore your free
will, dear one. Because we love you unconditionally for the highest good of all,
we would never inflict our wishes on you. And let us say, dear one, as a side
comment that this is one way that you know that you love someone
unconditionally. As you would only do everything to support them in doing
whatever their free will wishes them to do. You will not rescue them. You will
not take care of them. But you will help them to become who they are--who
their divine presence is--whether they are with you or not. Whether or not
they are doing what you like, you are totally in support of them being who
they came here to be.
Now, dear one, lets get back to us beings called the Arcturians. We
have many, many ships in your sky. You cannot all see them, although some
of you do. We can choose for you to see our ships or not, because we have the
ability, as you do also when you are on other planes, to dematerialize and
materialize at the blink of an eye. We will be coming here in great masses to
help you remember who you are. We are not here to scare you as some of the
movies are expressing. We are here to help you--to serve you.
Yes, dear one, we want to caution you, not to frighten you but to
caution you, that there are beings from other planets that have not yet
evolved to the fifth dimension. They are from the fourth dimension and still
under the illusion of dark and light, of fear and love. These beings are very
confused entities. These beings have pulled themselves far away from their
divinity. They have just about squelched their light. But it is still there as
their light will burn eternally. But their spirits are encased in darkness, in
confusion, in ignorance.
These beings not from the light, yes, are coming here and taking up
some of the earth beings. And these people do look like victims, and we have
compassion for the pain and the fears that these beings are experiencing. But
we want to reassure you that the feeling of being a victim is part of the
illusion on your planet earth. You see, dear one, these people who are being
picked up, called victims of UFO abductions, have volunteered before they
came into this lifetime to be part of a mission; to help these Extraterrestrial
beings, called Grays, who are not of the light and not in body form, to evolve
back into the light.
The Grays have lost the ability to feel and to have compassion. They
are like robots and, yes, they still want to return to the light. So part of their
way of returning on their journey back to the light is to study humans to see
what it is that gives them these feelings. What it is that gives them the
aliveness and the juice of life.
They do not mean to harm anyone, dear one. They are just ignorant as
to what they are doing. They are so focused (as you may remember that you
have possibly been sometimes in this lifetime yourself) on what they need,
that they are willing to fulfill their need with people who have agreed to help
them even though it may be painful and terrifying.
We ask that you not fear these beings. As you have the power always
to protect yourself and always to break any agreements, or contracts you
have made with them. All you need to do, dear one, is to say these following
On the order of my free will and Gods love and light, I now call on my
free will and all my power of love and light to break all agreements with all
beings not of the light on this planet and above. And so it is.
And speak these words, dear being, from your heart, from your soul.
Make sure that every cell in you body means that, and you will take control of
your life and you will not have those scary experiences with beings who are
not of the light.
Remember, dear one, that love is your power; light is your power. Fear
makes you powerless. So release your fears. Drop them into the water. Let
them disperse as a drop of ink disperses when it is thrown into the water.
The water will transform your fears. Then allow the love and light in the
form of a color, vibration or frequency to come through you and fill your
divine being; to remind you of who you are.
We love you all and we love the Gray beings. There is no one that we
do not love. If we did not love them, we would not be loving ourselves, as we
are all one. So, dear beings, when you are not loving anything or anyone, it is
really a reflection of a part of you that is not loving you. And that will create
pain in you, because that means there is fear. Fear is the absence of love and
that is the divine truth. And if there is fear, there is pain.
So, dear one, that person in front of you whom you are being critical of
or judging, is only a reflection of the part of you that you are being critical of
and judging. So turn inward, dear one, not to blame yourself, not to crucify
yourself, not even to judge yourself. But turn inward so that you can see your
truth. Look with the divine light or flashlight to see where that illusion is
and release it into the light, or into the water. Or release it into the
atmosphere to be transformed into light. And bring in love and light in the
form of pink, white or gold light. And you will be amazed, dear one, how
quickly you will no longer have pain or judgment for that thing or person or
even event, no matter what it is. You will see the divine perfection out there
as you will see the divine perfection within yourself. That is the only way,
dear one, that you will be free of pain, and free of struggle. And you will be in
peace, in love and in joy no matter what anyone says or does.
You will not necessarily condone everything, but you will not judge
anything. You will just be an observer, as you know that everyone and
everything is acting out this divine game we call polarities--the game played
on planet earth. And when you all evolve above that, or at least the mass
majority, the critical mass as it is said on your planet, earth will be evolving
into a star.
And you will be going with it, and you will be living heaven on earth.
Imagine a life, dear one, where there is no fear, where there is no struggle.
There is only beingness; only love and service to yourself, to your fellow
mankind on your planet and others. Can you imagine that? It is like what
this being is seeing through her eyes now. The glistening lights sparkling in
the water. They look like stars to her. They are a reminder of what its about.
Shes seeing these flickers of light in water and yet the rest of the water is
brown from the dirt underneath as the creek is shallow. But there are these
flickers of white light sparkling and that is how it is on the planet.
Seek people, dear one, who are sparkling this flicker of light. Not so
that you can become their slave or their follower. But so that you can see
what they are doing and allow them to remind you of who you are. But do not
be an eternal student, dear one. We cannot advise that. The finest teacher, a
master, will give you the tools, the insights, the awareness, and the wisdom
so that you can walk on your own in light and love, and spread the word to
others. You are here to learn this. You are to graduate and then to teach. And
so the process goes on.
Teach your young to honor themselves; to honor everyone on the
planet including everything. Teach them to be grateful for all that they
receive and all that they are and all that they have been. And teach them to
look always for the divine perfection no matter what occurs. Teach them, dear
one, that this is not all there is. That what they can see with their eyes is
limited. Teach them about the expansion of the universe; about all the love
and light beings who are there to love and support them. And teach them
that they are one with the light, and one with God, no matter what happens.
Help them remember who they are, and they will not need to seek other
teachers. If they do that is fine. But be their primary teacher and you will
have the most wonderful connection with your child.
Now, dear one, we are recalling Helene speaking to a man on the
phone yesterday. Mike was feeling bad because one of his sons heard him
speak of these things to others and he became frightened and moved out of
the house. Mike is in much pain over this. But again we ask that you look for
the perfection in all of this. And the perfection is that it was time for this
young man to leave the nest. And yes, he may not understand his fathers
words now. But Mike was not speaking these words as he was growing up. It
is not his fathers fault as he is just now evolving and opening up to who he
really is. Mike was skeptical most of his life and so of course his children are
more likely to be skeptical.
But we want to reassure you if that happens to you, send your children
off with love. Bid them farewell. Encourage them to be who they are and ask
them to accept who you are. And reassure them that you are fine by the way
you live. They shall see by example--not by what you say, but by what you do
and who you are. When they see you in love, light and peace, and releasing
the struggle on planet earth, they will look again. They may think, Maybe
my father or mother or friend has something there. I want what they have.
How are they doing it?
And if they dont ever awaken in that way this lifetime, love them,
dear one, as you are not their parent in the true sense. You are, shall we say,
substitute parents for the divine source. You do not own them. You are
chosen to be their caretakers until they are old enough to be on their own. It
is important to release them and encourage them to be on their own. They
are not here to take care of you. They are here to be who they are. And if that
means taking care of you it is fine as long as it is what their divine purpose is
on this planet.
Do not fear, dear one, you will always be taken care of if you allow
beings to help you. If not your child, then someone else will come. But be open
to knowing that you deserve to always have support in every way and at all
times from people on this planet as well as from above. Forgive yourself for
anything you have done if you do not think that you deserve it.
Does the tree ever think that it does not deserve water? No! No matter
what it has done it just waits and receives whatever comes. And if it is
supposed to die--it knows that it doesnt die--it leaves and it makes space for
others to be.
Think of that dear one. Think of the analogy. You are here
temporarily. You are not here to cling to the human experience. You are here
to evolve in the human experience as there is much challenge to that as you
probably know at this time. So shall we say you get many points when you do
that--when you evolve on this planet. When you shift from fear into love,
when you go back to your home, you go back higher into the other dimensions
and get closer to the divine source.
We are very grateful, dear one, to be with you. We are very grateful for
this being, called Helene, who has allowed us, as we have prearranged with
her before this incarnation, to serve through her.
You are all here on a cosmic mission. It has been scary for her in some
ways. As she, like most beings, did not want to appear weird or different, or
as a freak or burned again as a witch. It has taken her much to overcome
these fears. We have supported her; we have had compassion and helped her
in all ways that we could, and she did the rest of the work.
We can not do it for you. But we can do it with you. We are always
calling you, dear one, but you need to pick up the receiver. God, all the angels
and archangels and ETs from the light are always calling you. You are never
alone. Pick up the receiver, dear one. Tune into your intuition; open up to
divine guidance. Open up to divine love and wisdom and you shall be healthy,
prosperous, truly alive and live in love. We wish you all that we wish
ourselves and everyone, that is nothing but divine love, divine light, divine
peace and joy. Thank you for allowing us to share this with you.



Enlightenment is our natural state. The truth is that we are already
loving, light-filled beings. In our pathway to enlightenment we are actually
peeling away, and letting go of all of our illusions, all of our negative thinking
and limitations.

The truth is that we have been in denial of who and what we really are.
Now is the time to awaken, to turn the light on and actualize our spiritual
state of being. Now is the time to live in the reality of peace, ease and grace.

The truth is that we are here on planet earth to transcend negative
thinking, to live a life of unlimitedness, of love and joy, and to feel happy, free
and peacefully powerful.

From this moment on, make every day the first day of the rest of your
life. Look to the past to learn from it, peek at the future to set up your
destination, and live in the present moment. Appreciate, and be grateful for all
that you have and all that you are.

Focus each day not on what you can accomplish, but on how much you
can be kind, and loving to yourself and others. Forgive everyone, including
yourself, and be patient and persevering.

See everyone as your brother or sister, as we are all one global family--
all beautiful children of father God and mother Goddess.

The truth is we are all light, we are all one!

1994 by Helene Rothschild

*Excerpt from the booklet, Twelve Steps To Enlightenment

CEU Classes & Independent Studies
For Counselors and Those Interested in Healing

Creative Therapy is an empowering, holistic, healing model developed
by Helene Rothschild.

Therapists who have studied Creative Therapy comment:
Our counseling staff have witnessed the miracles that happen here everyday
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Clients who have experienced Creative Therapy comment:

I have had the good fortune of meeting Helene and receiving Creative Therapy
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I know of no other counseling system or technique where I could have
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"I have been working with Helene and the Creative Therapy process and I have
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The process of Creative Therapy can assist your clients (and you) to:

* Quickly uncover and heal deep core issues.
* Raise self-esteem and heal the inner child.
* Resolve all relationships and be successful parents.
* Learn how to communicate and release emotions in constructive ways.
* Release addictions and take control of their lives.
* Discover unique potential, gifts and appropriate careers.
* Identify and release fears of success.
* Heal their bodies and enjoy their sexuality.
* Balance their lives.
* Open to their intuition and spirituality.

Joyful Living, CEU Provider #PCE 1246
MFCC/LCSW, Board of Behavioral Sciences, Sacramento, CA

Joyful Living, a Non-profit Educational Organization (501(c)(3) in Sedona, AZ,
was founded in 1997 by Helene Rothschild. They serve the public in the areas
of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual growth through workshops,
classes, seminars, private sessions, educational materials, and healing

Coordinator and Instructor
Helene Rothschild, MS, MA, LMFCC, (#MFCC 16586 CA)

For information about dates, locations and fees, call:
(1-888) 639-6390, Fax (831) 659-4606
E-mail: web:
Inspirational & Self-help Books/Booklets/E-books and Tapes

By Helene Rothschild

Free To Fly-Dare to Be A Success
5 Minutes a Day to Happiness
How to Live in Joy (65 articles)
How to Communicate
How Am I doing?
As I Grow (Successful Parenting)
Loving Yourself (Raising Self-esteem)
A Promise of Love (Fantastic Relationships)
Truths Set You Free
Healing Your Body
Dare To Be Slim
Dare To Be Prosperous
Enjoy Your Sexuality
Seven Major Keys to Success

For information about Helene Rothschilds new educational products, posters,
cards, and public appearances, log on her website:
or call: 1-888-639-6390


Helene Rothschild, BS, MS, MA, LMFCC, was born in Brooklyn, New
York. She received a Bachelor and Masters of Science Degree at Brooklyn
College, and taught Health Education at Lafayette High School for six years.

In 1976, Helene moved to California and earned a Masters of Art Degree
in Marriage, Family, Child Counseling at the University of Santa Clara. In
1982, she founded and directed The Institute for Creative Therapy, a Non-
profit Educational Counseling Center. In addition to counseling clients, she
trained and supervised other therapists in a process she developed, called
Creative Therapy.

Helene has also shared her unique ideas with hundreds of audiences and
facilitated many self-help workshops. She has hosted radio and television
shows, and appeared numerous times in the media--including international
Cable News Network (CNN).

Helene's mission is to help as many people as she can to love
themselves to peace, which she believes is the key to health, happiness,
success, and the greatest contribution to world peace. She has touched millions
of people internationally with her numerous inspirational and self-help books,
tapes, cards, posters, and articles.

In 1993, Helene moved to Sedona, Arizona. In 1997, she founded Joyful
Living, a Non-profit Educational Corporation. Helene serves as President of
Joyful Living, a Marriage, Family Therapist in California, and a Spiritual
Counselor and Teacher. She offers continuing education classes in Creative
Therapy, and she continues to write and speak about all that she has learned
from her personal and professional life. In 2003 Helene moved back to

Helene loves to dance, hike, explore different places, network and have

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