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Alicia Kubista

April 10, 2014

Prime Numbers
It is not true that the CIA will buy a prime number over 100 diits !or "10,000# $he boo% is
!iction and this a !ictional element o! the story &'ellin Prime Numbers to the CIA(#
)or%s Cited
*'ellin Prime Numbers to the CIA* 'nopes#com# N#p#, n#d# )eb# 10 Apr# 2014#
Alicia Kubista
April 10, 2014
$he Colors o! Noise
Colors of Noise Where it is Found Characteristics Effects
White White noise is
sometimes used in
sirens of
emergency vehicles
like police cars,
firetrucks and
White noise is a
kind of bright
sound and is not
extremely relaxing.
It is good for
masking other
sounds. White
noise increases by
three decibels per
octave. This means
that each octaves
packs as much
energy as much
energy as the two
octaves below is
Because white
noise acts as a
sound shield, it
helps people focus
and concentrate.
White noise can
also help people
Pink Pink noise is often
used for ambiance
in electronic music,
and as a test signal
for tuning sound
Pink noise sounds
more natural than
white noise. Pink
noise sounds more
like rushing water
or ocean surf. Pink
noise decreases by
three decibels per
Pink noise also
helps people sleep
because it masks
Colors of Noise Where it is Found Characteristics Effects
Red/ Brown(ian) It is usually used for
electronic music.
Red and brown
noise are the same
thing and are more
accurately known
as brownian noise.
sounds like a low
rumble like a train
passing or a loud
air conditioner.
Brownian noise
increases by six
decibels per octave.
Like pink and white
noise, brownian
noise helps people
Blue Used in electronic
Blue noise sounds
very screechy. Like
red noise, blue
noise is not a
precise term; it just
refers to noises with
a lot of treble tones.
Blue noise is high-
frequency white
noise. Each
successive octave
increases by three
Violet Violet noise is used
to mask tinnitus;
which is a buzzing
or ringing sound
occurring without
any stimulus.
Blue noise sounds
very screechy. Like
red noise, blue
noise is not a
precise term; it just
refers to noises with
a lot of treble tones.
Violet noise by six
decibels per octave.
It packs as much
energy as the four
octaves below it.
Colors of Noise Where it is Found Characteristics Effects
Gray Gray noise is used
in studies of
hearing difficulties.
Gray noise is
weighed to higher
and lower
frequencies at the
same time.
Listeners perceive
grey noise equally
loud at all
frequencies. Gray
noise increases by
three decibels per
)or%s Cited
+cintosh, ,renda# *)hat Are the -i!!erent Colors o! Noise#* 'ciences./0# N#p#, 11 Apr# 2012#
)eb# 1. Apr# 2014#
$hompson, +ar%# *Colored Noise#* 0ycaeum#or# N#p#, 21 -ec# 1232# )eb# 11 Apr# 2014#

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