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pi lind ~icks to, .... lftin'!

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Tips, and Tricks for ge,t,tiing the m ." [0, .c:!'jIt [O~[U' 'It ot M·······.· .. IC~iI!"O'S.·.··· .• D~[ft® [E,~·x·c··· ... e~.·1

.1 .. ' ' .. '!i,';J1~ ..1... 11 .' .' .. ' ..

Bo·[b······, Uml[a.~·s····:

~ . - .. ~ ~ --~,

Mlic]~oeoft® Ex}oel MIVP

II '.

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I· ... ·PIUB···ll ·····L··ISH' [ ... [N .... "G" .. ':

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precauHoo has been takenl h the prepara~loo of: 'thils bookJ, neither the au~oor'

In""'" t1.,,,,,, f\I ~bI" ' '·I""~'" ,...b..,.'I"1 b..,.,..,. ''''''''''u' ~,"",h'"lrl""J' u.:.b Ir"""'n""""'~' ,~".. ''''' .... !u' ~ .,."' ""'" 'd' """"""""';1'1"'"

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cau~ ~flI aiiliJ.' m8iTi€t bi!i '~he, ii~tiOfil coo~aiii1001 ln fhls [book,

OJ .~,. ~,.

II[L, P,;~bli..;;ItIi'F', t;1.""fl~'!{YOtik"ntl ~ ~ m~:' [00: ,~ "ronased i'~ I bi'lk .a.+ a dl ~ ~, -:: ~nt fo"" , ,l,o!" __ ~ [! , ,9o, I~" " """~'''' 'J} " , p:u"" __ , " ,n __ !l,.i! __ , t;;lI~ " , IaCiOU,,, ,r

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1l1orl. pl~~ emaiilmid~~JIe .. bl\~lokle:y@iitOO!.i!ior [caII12112-l5'~ 5-15"1,44,;

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!!';L .I~I I!'I;lI!.!l b.1y" Ii.. !!o'I b.Pc IISII !ll1Ig, lI'\lew ~'o~ ~~, "JVISIOIfl 0, ,I [1[~erln~,dOO~ I ~!!II~!.I!l~ IJI;,;!Ii"

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~ arnllilg, nco j II """" :l:;aaL ,i:I'l::il '.:. 'U '615:~~ 'W' 'II' • , "ew ]orll'o, II .. 1 utLlto::::o::::,


Copy rig hted m ateri aL


I, woold Ilike to tn;an~, my wiife'~, ,Judy~, few her contir'iuoo support of JiIl'Y 1pt.illfSuir'igl [mV I~ool [1l$i1ooi€$;,~ which rndll,Jjd~ '~im!$ rn R€d1mond 1;or'~h!$ MVP' S:i.Jl!lnnit5,

..,."" ' ....... 11 ,.,.;0;[ ..... /i}' "'·1'......,., [.,. ... "'lIJ\·'''' .. I' ... n 'q- j 1 ...... ·1"""'''' '['1'" ,~ ............... Od'eE1 'I.t"rI"" pa:-...., "'"II"" I'p-.:-

1£'1"'" 'III~""1 , 'Glia 'I"",t !L" II!'G' ""'" ~"''Ff'r;::-" 1I':i;I! '. I'"'~':i!l ,VII,,,,, .. I, IU II"",, , ~-A~I !UIf'~. 011 ~ 1£'1_ ' ""'"" -

ports ~¥ writi!i!g this book;, gWaf'i! that ;$he~ the: p:Ubli$herl

I' ,a!lw w,;mtt to' thanlk 'Willi 1"ompkjns. my ffe~1ow Ex.c;~e~ MVP,s. [my oo--workJifrs. and the nman\y' ,o~he~' oomriibUltor,s, 'to the GI1I~ne~ [new:sgiTOliJps, ,- [)avi:dl Hager; J:onn WaJk.enbach (who has put nmany of my' di'so®e:rties, '0'1 Exeelliloddiitiesf' on] his, Web ,sit~~" Blill MOi'Yviille"1 ~iliTII R.ech, J1Bfll Kamlllf)neterne, tOifJili Glilesmif,

b. .... ""d J1.,..· . h· . t::, .. 'W" . -II' Db""" . "IW-I'""H n - ...., 'nil-.- M" I· .(.,\"" W' 'lh,;-,.

n~ ~~OOI0lSOIi1f. G:;rlc"e, s, eso I [~reef'h} Gu.!!, , 1m t'i.YnU[!, '. {~nhK~" A~'J,klf;

Jlim ~atl~~, ,000' Joo ,So~nti for th~if (lOOltnbut1Q~ ~~) my kr!,owl~,

,t"! ~0"I["'1 't'h "'nl[.,~ ... , ...... 'M'" """,,-.ilo-""'I '~"'Jh~ ...... ,oF.,..., h"'r ~\""Oo",- ...... -10·""'11 e~·I~-.-nC:1[ Aif' 'th·,,,,,, b.......Jk '01""""',,",01., l _01" I!\_", II.V .' VII, r\_ao '~'~!I;;:lJr;:;:!I IIV'!! I' ~. i~ .... III'1 ~ . GIl . Y_IL .. iI;;I v ,. ~ ... , .V'V. .•

I' 'w'an~: to ,a.cknO'wle(j~ my best 'f'ri'eoo, J:erry Gok:lin~ IPh.D., fa Ihh~ ongn:iliYJ ,I:!>u-nl"'!ln'rt· ,..-..!F ,A'iJ'.i:n"!;t[t-h· 'In' n II ,orii ...... , ,~ ............. ~~ m1i4 [i:I1n·ltir.a; '~~·I-I''Il -II ~Id' + ..... th .. n;j!, mM d~.o:I;r

~ ltr.""~L: 1 ~"L! ~1~9.II., l!l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ !§;II.II ~ yll ~ _ ',j!" ~1: ._ 9. II~ I! II! I.J'll ·~!'II!r.III_1 !~l ~ 11 ~_lll!f.'Ii ~ ~T 19!i;;I,""9.~~ll

Marllylii IUmlaJ5 'Wacht.el~ fhr lbeingl '[here ~~h:en IlhiELve :nmoot neeoed her:

I' 'Woold espe-c~jlty Ii'k:a to ~haJlk E lLac\fema ,Joonsg"!,;, pre-sid:em ,afildi ClEO. of Ini'e:naaiionellf1lsHtutfe 'for learning ('IIIIL) 'ta believing 1111ai' II am one oJ 'I he, Wp 1h~' 18Kcel 'g~UlJS in 1he wartldl" 1110' matter whait ~ ten hat I also' 1hank; helf fulf su;ppcrrtJlfilg my love of 'l'ea:clill~ng[ by ,o;f1er:lng the Mas:tering M[ei'Qso'ftilj) Excel

"" .... 'llf- ... Ao th-· ........ 11·gh -llli '''''-1-1 fh ....... Ao 'U""-r-'" ~~~·r~1I;I1 -. !!~ .. ~ III . 6 g .. 1 .. 11~!i:il1;I1 i"i:ilIQl-'I~'!w



,~~"/~ ... ",.I'[~1, ... ,",,~~ J' .... ' ... ~' ..... n' ""·~~iUll~"[.Dl v.J~~~JL~1i1i ,I.T~ 1' .. \.1[1~

Each year IIIL·sohechJres hundreds [of liv9, ~n5ttrucltO'r"lad courses ·and 'wcwk;~ ~ho:ps ihl [majOr clUes, around! the 'Wmcl. lh[s ofifer,s, a oOlfWenierilt and e:M'eC~live Vii,ay for protessmais ito partil!:ilpate h ciI~s that 6iKP0&61 1henm 110 diiverse

·1"..:I~U~ ... t<nJ I~-n"""~"-I'"a.:;· 8IiI- ~~ A 1i··r··;:,I·n~ .:.-~ ~I' ~w~ ·o~""'-.-,II.:.r; ... ""' .... p ... ·r··I:.:.·n~ ro.:..:., IlIU. i::Ill," j- ~ . ..., •. ,2I~~~. ""~ I' I U .. a.. r ~If~ II~ I '.', II ~ ~G 16.h ~ .6_ ,v_' ~.~_

CompUMr-Aided' SiauliUion ,wrni,.g

A [grawi'l'1Igl nUlfliTllbelf 01: IUl"cs, oourses [use' oOIfliTlIPUter-iUdedJ silfliTlullatiorL" 'This aJl-

w' 'w

110'W'$ panici;p;~l~ ·~O laarn by making Qftk;ij~1 d~h$ions· in .~ ~a[i~tk:: am $affe:

""vil1.uafll business 5e'Hling.

For rMJ''6 Jnf(trmafkm~ clll&aM [OOnlaCt' Lorii lMilhaveli1, EXecutive[ Vine PtresldJe:nrt:

Inwr!llatior~J 1!li~it~J,;!Jta fur le~ning, [n!;:;;; Phone:: 1--Q12--5'15--io11 ~1 ,m' 11--8()1}-325--1533 "'"= ""i'g'l 1'1' ~ =-~'I "'rl~·hgl, .. ~~rll 0 ..... .,...

""" 1111[lr;II , ~., li!I!~~ _ .l;IIi""I;;;I~ II"!:!':' ~ ~,""""II 1111

w-ww; .. illl,oOiiliil

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'ir~e ,Z,e:n Of Pr[qjoot Manag;ame:m o:y G€"orge P1itagnrsk.y~ IPM~'

IP~je,ot PorttfbliiO Manag ement TOOls andl 1i"eC1ttniQ~es by IParviz IF. IRad, PihD' aJi:(j Giinger LJ~,viill1, PihlJ

PlrrqjeGlt MaMgeme:m Poe!try Or.igin~1 poem$, $'ubmi~.tedl 'tQ[ aJIIPM .eom

by creatiive' PrQjectt: managers a~l!,!IIld the [globe



"Sob Uml\as ls ,iaifil ,aml8! [gILIY'. He has booifil an [l:x,ceJl [MfVP si~~ t~6 progrrutril beigan. [HI[9 has a rapm:atl'an among 'Whei' MVPs as being t~e; guy who can 'fi~d amal2ing thing$ iiifil Ex:cel" T1"IIi\$; book, co~t:a:i t1S 85 tiips; about [ExGe:I. I 'Was amazed as [I w~nt: thtOUglh tliile book that I had never [heard ,of a.t least 50 {)IT these 'b'i[p$~ 'ir~ey ,arel cool '~hil~g.s; thaft: y10u can do w~th EXicel.. Ev~n iI' you ,are; the Exoel[ gUlfUI in your oHi:ce'j yo~ will[11 llinrj ne.w t~ps; in 'tihiis book. At 150 p~ges~ it is pa.:olkiadl wHIiil cool $;tuff.~~

"I[ 'tIlilQU]glrnt II krtew ,e., lot abOl!)fit: Excel; Ol[Jt [I now real i\ze] how I[ittle] I did know", lhere ,are ,~O many grea,rt Ihead ~;plnli1liing, j~w' Glrqppiing tips .and tricks, I~: makes I[Jrll[ookirt91 the power OJ EXice11 ani am azjing erxpe:ri'enc-e. A I1TIIIJ.$:It [ha:v~ for ~Ex(~eO users eve:rywherel• [MIL UmlaJ$ [Os} a, true

~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ . ~ ~ ~.

ma~gl:OIi!;IJlI .:

~ AJesa, Ward[, corporate ,EItCOl!)llntaJlilt, OM F,oods

a[This iSf1"l Exoo~, itt M'aBi;c! is} a, ,siimplle, but amazii~9Iry' use;ful[ book, Very c~e,vef.~ Bob has; produced a eompaet, but bir!illl'ia!TIfb1y UJ!se'f'~~ book [of shortcuts, ~o!iT!1lula secrets and trlcks, One '1]hing ~ loved about' 'thiis, book iis iit tackles ~IFeal wo:rl)dl' problems 'lhis i:5; not a book; for E'x;Qel be:~llnriie:r:5;. H[owBVe:r; rf' y'O~ use] Exce1 pmfe5'9!lo~a1ly [or for fun then yOll! absdlutely sooul)a consider grabbing a copy or this highly lH)'e~U~ [and ~~fomnlativle book. Itt wiilll' ,S8.Vle yot!! many hours ,of wum<; snd deligh~: yOll! ali the S8Jme time,"

-, [),arryil Odlliiltls,. ExoefLNBA developer

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"Nobody wi[l[m[n~1 tOI ~s:a Exlcel [sffi:ciemly s~o~ld be wi~~out a copy.l' - Miguel Flischmarll, systlitmS anallyst: pmglf8Jmmer

"W~alt a hcaifiU::ly [little boo~ chock: fill ot hi ms, '1Di ps ,and toohn'iqu:esi;,

I havel been :studying Ex:oel for I:ong:et' than I (~are te ad[miit yet I constder my [knowledge of t~e' sQ!ib]eot n11iniSCilJlel compaN9d to the ,1;lut!hor'\s; breadth [of sikiil[l, l~

- Ch'riJS CiJ,Jrlis, d:eslkf.OiP pQ!i[blis~~r~ beUaonliineA,offi

"Bob Uml\aS ~$ a MiCfOSoWID MOe! Valuable PirO~$$h)n:al[ (MVP) who

p ut his nea!rlty· 2Q y~rs (Jf Excel e.x:peri~noel int[o a book. caned::: Thi$. isn "t ,~ooJ~ lfs .Magj'ot Bob[ shares many [ex[oellenrtt IDi ps: for thel e;xpe,..· rien:oed ExQal ~ser that wiil[l[ save, time :aJnd[ elillergy whenl wo~kJin;g with s;proodiSheets. A. oeg'inner may [be a HUla daurn~oo by some, tri(~~s;~ out wiil[l[ ap p:reciat€l them Olilcel t!hey get: tn know E'x,oel[, 'rma' book is; 'Iltel[1

i[I[1 UJstn':8t[ed[ and[ nar~oo, jJl

- RJiolk Oastellin'i II h1os;t oJ [Cacstelliini (In Computt[er'$

"One [of the [b'iggest 'perks of ,atit:e:ndiill1lg Une' [MV~' confer[l31l110e in [R:oo= mond was '~he~ ·o;p·:portu.uni1ty- tn o~at wiiUl fo:lk$ ~ro:m alii ovelf the worl d, I had the unlIiiqu:e OppOIi1:)urni~ to dhat: with 80b Umllas;~ an expe:rt iin

.. .I". "C , .. ~.~ .. ~.:.~ .. ~ [I:: ... ' ,~~·JI I~' '~." h :~ c· t'.~ . c, .~ 6.f.': .. ~., '~.' . = 1.,.. ~, • '* 'h~ "~ . ~. '''''~'I ]I:~'~ a"",~; [-.,~ ,~ ~

1II'II(lJQS:Ch IlW G:;)L{l€t, II ~oo ave Q1ue:;u.I,QI1lS ;aL"il(h"l11l CYW 110 ll.,!I~e l'I!I[IGJOSOIIl~

Ex[oel t~e:n Bob prooobl\y hM; the [arn$.vIJ'er,s;,.i':I

~ lDa.viid CiOCOIl'il€;.] founder, mobil[iitytt·ada~:,:coiffl

~ !Debi Morriis(nll, 82 IS[ 8~pport OoordirN.ltO'r; "ths Exoel QUJ!S€H1!i1

ill [)o¢'nfitp ·tln0, Ir!)me~ 'I?al""~inlill [r.f ,~,.."""ru~ti~ifi fill .¢r.~ •• ,ol"¢i~ ereorams f[i'"'iI

~ ~-.:!Il~· ~.~ ... ~ ~~~'" ~-~.~~.Y". ¥. ~M-Y~ .. ~' .. ~ ~-¥! 1J.'"'!r!I~~ rrr.-'!I~'~. ~~ .~. ~

b uslnesses Miicwoooft$ E'xJJel[ lis the '~riiedl-and--true s;preadls:heet: option ff[or [moot [e5!peoiiaUy WQr small bm~iimiesse5" A new book [by' Bob UmiISis:, a Miic:rtOSQfi® E'x,ool[ MiVlP amj aumor Q[f ·300 on [Excel.

shares t~1l"'ii1;;l en hnw to nM· the most ;!'1;~ It of the; e,,...Wal!"C !'> ~'. _~!I~~ ~.rr~";,, ~_. - ."." •• <,'.: ~~ ~!:;:iL, .~.;.::; .I. ~-~ ~~,~. ~_ ~_ .. ;.;.! '~"'1_·~:.~-~.'~!1~,~,

=. AtccQuntiriig ·SmaJrtp:roo.,.Qom

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1 '" lIsiing Adva~ood' Fil~El r tOI anol~her $~eet














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S7,,, N~m ad range~ wlh1~oh d~1TIine' thlemsalv'e$ SEt USiitlg RElP1i for vnsuall el1lfa~:rt8;

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Ml i:croooH.@ Exicel ts probably '~hei' imos;t w1ide:ly-usoo spmadsh:oo! p~l)Qraim i~ the 'WO rl:d. 'Ie ns of t~oiljsands of businesses ;and! mUllions of ~nd[ivid[ual8 [LiSM3i iit for b[JIsin:ess a [11 (I perscmal aecountlnq, p r~e,ctio:ns aJndl p.lans.

W~en Expal fi'rst shilp;ped in 1Dha imid-'~ !900s, I read 1Dhe imaJn~a]:y~8~ EX[cal came wi~lh manuals t~en-;from cover to OO,I/·ar .silx: Wi mss, [a.$pooilalli~t in order to I:aarn [lJarta.lllbl[es. [I have [boon ~$i~g iit eva:t' :sJnCi9l. 1i:ae;c:inai:ed by the [e!liid[l~s IPO$$ibililtli~ ()f'[he p t()gram" Over t~e 'Y1earst. I havs dilsoovered many shortcums aM tricks to' make [Ex,ce:1 [even mora amcient aJnld useful,

!For etxa.rnple, back ~ri1 c~ 99S~ [I a1ttt·erilded a ·~emincar g'ivElJl [by an aeknowllad:goo [E'x,cel gll,lllrll,ll". DUirirng tme session he w,as hosting fer whet: ne called the ['~[E'xcel SW:AT' team[~ l~ ~e' wa.s [dlamornstrartiimig ,a lmacro· S;1Jru:c-rtl!,!lre UiS:ing Exc~ 4,·,s1tylel m,aof'OS (before VI3A ·ax:i$t[ed iin Exice~l~ whlich was; qll,llii1te sophisti:oatedl.

!H[e: :S!howed[ a 'liine (if codle t~at [use.d a rall1lge rlIam;o ~a label-and he wWlrt[ed to shiow UJ$1t~e: code at: thla1t IIa;b-a·I. So he lI:sed [E.ditJiGo to, and we' :safVJl [hund[reds of defiilliled liIames that he had to labol1iio~sly :soroll thJQ:Uglh to get: tn 1thle: Oll1le' hie was; I:ookin:g 'f<Ot .After he [had dJ:no

this ,a~out fivel tjim;es~ I r.aJiiSoo my hland ,and :Saiid.1l ~¥nu know, you loan ~

[gel1t '[[0 tthart llabel[ diilr[eotly. dust press Crrl/[.!~ He tried iit and was ~I:at~- 2

berg~;1te.dl! So ~e: ttri:od i1t again- Thle:n [he remarked thart I[.~ ust had ::Iii

:salVed tiilm alboutt ·1tw·o hiOurs ave-:ry day :scftdilliing tlhrough ll1iis o[elTilned e

naJlllie$. [Wiharn I also '~:old him you ooul[d[ return to the [locatJion '~Oll,ll ~

were: jli.!lstt: at: by uJ$:ingl Otr~l]~ ~e: called me 1tihe ~EX:oel[ lriidkste:r~l~ ,and

t~e nioklname has $tuc~c

My passton for Ex;cell has [led me tr(l[ be ,EI [ocmtrii[butlrng ,editor to Ex(~enen:oe aJllild The Expert m,ag~irnes;, and I ~e 100 sessions; ,w:

Mic:r"090ffs Tech-Ed [on ti[p$; and ttlri:cks a!ridl on W"r6!Y f'o:rtJ"rnJlllas. I~\ile

al :.~[ Ii:--~ ~c: I ~ EX'~o ~ ~ rMVP f[~ MI-~ ',:~1i1t~- '," that " ~,,: '~~: ., , ,~~~,[EtS'O oeen an -'---'.018' ,," .lor ""Icroso.l, smce ,', EL prog.r,am S mcep

tion rooogniiti:oo for peoplle whio oo:rrtr~b[ute: to the otil[hie: OOW.$i= crcues, .C":I,III'I"t!i'ntl~l [I lea ,1 '!ii,' I n' f"ifl"III'ln"e' it ,iii ;;Jc"'ar" [C',:~I C1¢¢ I"n" Ei'ii"[;;,e,l=~ 1 "1i t'Ii~' tiO¢i~ , '1;;1"'" I?' ..... e- ,,'!r! !II .... ', ~:l' , ""'!;;Ii\!! '!;;Ii, ...... J" '" 1Vl~1~, ...... , " '!;,!Io,;;I"'" ), , ~~"'';,j! , ,.~ -e .I! ' .......

hOUJ!r sessions [(de~miills e'en be found! a~ httlfy'llwwwJikcom, CI[iok [00 "liiv'e eteafriiin gl!),

All those oW [e.xperimloefiltati:on wiit~ Exoel neve led to this

b - I h r f' " -, I~"," - n

ook, [, [, ope you can pro, it . rom tne ti![ps ·a~d tneks, ariid use thenili to

[ge,t the most QUit of M~o:roooft® Ex,;oel.

Copyrig hted al...


Advanced tint~r OM' only 'fillt,er to the~ ac~ive, sheet,

The active sheet can ~tplJ'll'i~ i'nf-OmlSituon 'lro:m 8b11O'Iher sheet, b~t it cannot "push" rnrormat~otil to another sheet, You'd get 'this me:ssag1€:;:

, tID

'~ '1
m ~2
e ,3
(fj! ,4
I"·: ~~~,Y~'~,~~d. F:,l ~'~.~f ~ "


10 11 12 1:]:


o ,l3frer the IS.~~ ~'fllare @ C~¥ b!li an!lt~r I~atio!'i

blist !",~~j Q'fbelia i"aJ'I08:

wP1ll~: lL-$_!Di$_J ---"""" ........

~ [i-'··oo-~;~~~fI5Q;;J;;~

"'I~I' &n ........... I_IIII~·

Copy righted materlal...



1 J1are!d Kate!

"]"';h,,,: ';'"'I"i',~~ ,[:""',.....",~' ~f~"" ,~,jf',..,.I't,i\0f III ,,r? ,r,~ i'.!'o' ~o~ ~ L ;GJ!;,vr;:r,r, ,I'~, a' i'l!',rGt~' ... " ,r oil!

Copyrig hted al...


TIl;e Ib:uttt:on is foundl in Vli,ewf[oollbl8Jrr'S/C[JIstomiiz,e, Co:mm8Jn[j 'fab, :s~lectiing FOlimaJt: iill the Cat,ego~ies: IistooG('J' ,about 7/8 ,d:GW\n on ~he comm8Jnd\s: listbox.~

Clic!k O~ the ,AtdoJ'OiJm,at tool ,and drag iit: to a t'Oolbar like t~e f'Oiflfiat~ tling toolbar"

Copy rig hted m ateri aL


Wheun most people, create ,Ell comment {~tls'ertJCornmenrt; OF ,ShiftfF2)'i' theY' accept the shape end colQr' and ]iust enter the if1if'o:nma~ion they wamit So, most ocmments leek sometbi ~g liiike tlhi's;:


----.." .. ~~ .. ~ oDI!lIl!lml!lls~' i-

T 1fhls I~-,a t-y~al C~eJi'lt

~"I!I-'h"-'" ,''1--!!-.- -,,-.- .:.-,-~ --!!-I'~~,- th"-" olUk ow a!JIOJJIL, a comm e~L IlI'\e 1$.

Copy righted

~ [i(,




I" I .....

He:r19~ how' y'OUI C18Jml dOl it

W~eml y'Ou 'first: ere,ats' a comment, y'Ot!i~'lllli1otice that t~el n~me, bux has; an i~diicatioQ:n of 'Wha~ celli time comment: is iin~

Wlt1lat ~{OM need] to ,d)o is sellect t~e: ,border or U~8 comrn;en~~~ so you~d ~sae ~he' aams of the corn men~ in thel namel box


Copy rig hted m ateri aL


!rl ~
lf1 !!;.hgr.o Ilip
:n'lj 1i\$Df~1jp 8c'b !hliril&;:; ,
'c . 00 ~ o!i typital ~"'l
~ I'" I I
~y,p ~, I' I ~
~-1~ i II I
I~' ....... ;.., ... ,,"",
~1I]fDi:it~· I~I
Ro'i'.a1:e ft' FI iI:!, I~'
~ ~~cm~ 19 1J:Il.~'S~s ~, !;J p ~'[E:

~i!liJt~!9 ~, ~ ~~~ II LI ;0 to tP :,b
J S~ ~1:S1~~'Qfifa!Jk:i ~ ~t I!- ...D .{j ,..0 cP ~l)Je 5harie~Dd(joj,C<iJ~JlI,
-~ .c ~ ;!'l.2 ~:.J t,;<~~1
DrP.'t'""] Ct n iiI!,~~1<fjl<:iS~' ',,", .~"" ~hu ~"II:!1 [I~~, ~, ~, "" =~:
~ ~ ....... ~~nt!;d ~ f.!:i:!b Ui'i\.:;s, ~ ~wh;';'.. ~ ..D AiJ' 4J c.D Onilde, 'y'OLJ h1a,vB' the new s.hape:" (cloud, here;), IFiight~c~ic:k the bordet ,onoe ,ag ai n aad eh OOSH~ f'Onil1,at comment, as' ,$hlOWfi'il, if ylOll] wis:h to t01mat ithi~; (lomma9r::l1t E:IIIEln fa-r1hli9:r::

Out ----,;------+---+--1 ~ Q~PY

------+---+----+--1 ~ !:.a:;be

~ro~ng o.r,JIe'!"


Copy righted

~ ,i(,




I" I .....

That willil b:nirng UjP y'et anothei:r diial:og, from wlhi:c~ you earn choose Filii Effects:


I.Jrni -------II 0 1~IJdt)l!IJfl~i\:

• •

• • • • 1_~·_7$_-. ~_!I; l*]....11

.0... .

'------i •• OOO •• O ~~$------~-.------------.-I~-----------

~~jn :t"lt_~ .--------11. •

[ )
(afilllel Copy rig hted m ateri aL


--- ----------- -- -- ---

.rUt fJfec~s (8]




[ [(anQel J


Copy righted

~ [i(,




1'[ I .....

Plrobably tne easiest w.ay to' not: display errors lik,s #VAILU EJ or ,~DIrVIO! . I~ dil.~ . .".,.." 'l;.''''(h t i tt I'"' dr'r I

!n an a .ree;),:i ,eXlo.~!lflg wo:r~,. eet IS ~Q use 0'on •. ! ~!:o:na

F'or1maltftingl" He!f~i\'s; how~::

1. Seleot alii '~he cells YO[)l want to hide mese error v,alue-S irJi" 2, Use forf!il at1Collid~~onall FQrmettirJig,

3, Change '~Cell VsJllUe is" to ~!'FQrmula 11:~t',

4, Ente( ='~SERROIR(A 1} (8!s~umii~g A 1 ls the 8.c~tiv.~ C'6II!), 01 iok the F'orinna!t butb:m. the frO~t 'tab. and assign iEll wihi~e font


tt~~rr~~~~;;;;~1 r~------~~~~~

.. ~ .-


~~-~----J"" ~l.i.\!J!: .....


Copy rig hted m ateri aL


.1:: S···, , t A'II" 0'''''·

·ih ·---c,e.lle\C~ .... ~ .r , "'~'~"'~"';"$;'

or ~ S,.· ~'e:: .Ie···:: u c,~:f,·':· ·A~"~·' 8',-:"e:: ··C·-·\,~*:,~C'~: ,k'~"'e:: !IrLIlO-·~

' .. ' ' ..... 'i ... ".,', "1" .. '. I,'l ... '. ".1.'11' .. IU

.sUPi~JOOe you had! t'll w'Orlksh~e:t whiclh Ilook,edi sQliTIe1lhing mik;,e t:tne: 'f:aihJwurilg~ and you wa!1Jt.ed to select: aJl~ the oeus containi.A-fl the word

"a ·t"i:1'01Irln~~.~;. (01,1 II ~v!U!! II~:Q •




,lo--e-+- --+-m_ .. ·J5_;-_·~____'d gil iilcc!)[IUt1 Ii

9 1'in:]5~d gil iIIIM(:r1ipiirllll'ij

, 1 mill) gil \I[CO[U]lI(t N'

19 .... a.-., .... 111 "".....,. [111...4;· ·IJ'

IIUWL i'tII! :!II[";''''' !I'I.ll~~ M

24 m83 gil desclillpUolil

27 1111.84 gil :~[C0[U]lid. N

You can 't 'd-o it with IEditiGo to, Sp-ecia.1 and uss fealtures there, built you can use Exoel IFind Alii ~ with a ·1twhsL ..

"Th',,: ';'"'I"iI,~~~,:"..,.,.,.,~' ~f~"" ,~,jf"""I't,i\0f III ."l~l

If-,~ N·~I iI!~1'! ~ L ~,V''i:r",rl! [IJ!:] ~' ~~,I'Q~~_r.'l.r.l. ~ u

Copyrig hted al...


If- 'y'OU I\JS~I l~d~tlF'i:ndl~ type uill '\amounrtsi" (wiUnouit ·the quotes;}1 thl~n cli;ck nilE! FiJ~d ~I button, You'll sse;

P"'l1 I ~ l

~~; FI~~r=========================~311

~ ...... J

rrl¢ i:iNt.:~tJl·~ frrd'~~m fItffl~~tD~ "riiIi'Il~ ti!-it!ll~ tOJI!'I'!'II' ~'1:1I'~""~~j. @!t.i:lI~~~i:i'ftI1) ~1\.1j.~~~~1ii'o'!l ~'Oi~.H ~·~~tIi~ tly;t~~ ... ~~tD'~ tt;d'~J1lllll~e:t,,~S> ;;1M;: ~2f tiJ.~ 1T1d'~ diim;:~tDewp tr;..:t~IJI~~ tknil'III~~ tll'lWi? ~(I~'rli: ~tJj~~DII!!wjII

~ . oX~-~ ~~~IJ'fill'

IN ~~"I.n~~"' ~Ji~r==~"'a.".. ....


~~]j] -;]5,..d~

w~+ ~ ~_-tlkr

!UI*li9 IDL\1I ~~4J:er .

~ IIfii ~lMcO.I-II!I~

~ ~~l!!r!i;II.[IIItoit

jpt:n IBEHI ~jO ~ iltbB

18'j!JiI; • ~ I;IlUll rI.~

~:m IAB6 ~-~ ~8,ter

~1'Z i:iI7 ~ p;KII.fIIi~

~ iItMI ~ ~ ~iiH

$1$50 .09 ~j ~.r.!il>!r

~' 1I!~~p.!ioiI '*~""

~ 1....r'I.~IoI".Ii~1I5 .....r ........


Here's the 1Lwi~t: i!fTlstead CIIf'selecting the items iin the found I lst, you cen use CtrlllA ('Or Shift ~liick the Ih15.t item i fi! order to s~eot ~roml 'the' .aiready-,sas!lectoo i~~Jl!l1 through the iitem YQlt re nOW' SeIEHJti~g; ,or even Gtrl/ciliiok. to select s:peGi'fJi'o it,ems}; and all iit-ems selected in the ~~sl wUl ,a~o, be seiJeoted in the wo~k5heet:

Copy righted materlal...


Now, suppose your 'WQF~S!h!8et IOQ'ks 8om,ething lik~ the foillowi ngl, ,i3lnd you warn to CfJ'iH8.lllg9, alii the italli o ,DeUs; to be boldl {Slnd slm ita~lic};

A -
1 II=~nin IN aline,
2 form ,547'1
3 ,Fo~ 5471
4 fomfr~11
5 Form ,547'1
T ~
Frtffl'l 5411
,~ ==--
7 IF 0 t11II ,5471
'......".,..... Form 541'1
9 ,POffl'l 541'if
101 Form '547'1
11 IF- tn"! ,5-41'1
.0 .... ' . _
12 f 0 tn'i .547'1
131 IF'orm ,!SAri
1 ~, r-orm 5471
15' F'GJrlWi fJ47'!f
18 fQ~WI 'fj4i~1
17 form ,541'1
1B r LI rm ,547'1
1.9 ,rGoo fJdi1l
:]0 f 0 tTlfI ,5411
- ~ -
11 Form ,541'1 -----,

1 S~cLail thanks, te ,J,llln KarJjl:~ Pj;et§,~~ fo:r this tip!

Se!l!9ctumig by 'text now W'Oir1Ilt do, b Lrt thi9fe~; a.ruj,ther ooa~!!ne of ~cel 2003 ~ find comrrN~iiid~ 'find! by format. N,01te the Format: button td the, tap:

FI'I!! 1 ~~lt!r:e ] Fi!.d.i::



rJ ~'d<I~e'

r ~rl'I ~irc< i:~1 i:l~~


~L11 ~~ I ~' ~ ~f' 'II ~attg~ ~ F'(~th;rn I


'GMetdl f&1fh:It. tCek ~ 'M ~~~~~Ofn'Jl:lt,

Copy righted materlal...


In thilS: dialogl, y10u cam! ,anter aU the propell1iesl of 1t~9 fmmatHing you ~we

n ..... · ... n t .... - -a;o;,iio t .... ;jZ,'n.... ......- -;i!- 4'h;e;,~~,!\; ~I!f'o"" '!ion ~'l!Ib·;e;r - a- - ,",,'II·""~~ *~~ bott ..... -m ':::;!ouihl~ ,u w - I'-IL: u III u, uU ~ tI' i;:i~D ti; ,[:I b.w '0 ,i;:i~lc - W ,(y: i;; 1ii..;;1!\ ~~ lie! ",' ',', U i

button, "'Choose f'cwrrLa1: F~oml Ceil". ." 'WI1;era you do this, -yQlill see a, slPooial oursor 'whiich 1',00k8· like thie ireg,ular cell-aeiletcHan cursor bUilt wi~1h an e~y!8,.drupp!l3( n~t to it

W~ern you: cllic k on the oell ciOnilainiiing -the fonma~ 'You W,lEillilt '~D f nd, you'll them :S€!>a a pre!Vh~!w' of the formattUng i'n ths diaJlogl box! andl you eM combine, -this wiitJh taxi to, Thind as 'wEll",

r I~ (jl an d Rj;!,p~~~ l1lL8J


~itbin:" 1'5h-e~t ~I D fII~(h ~a5e .

~~i!irclJ: :=1 e,=: ~=,:" =,-=~ l ..... ~~1 0 fII~(h len~('ell ~~n~

Jbp; I F!:Y'ITI1!J~:S t~1

Copy righted

~ ,i(,




I" I .....

-------------------_._. __ .-

Flnd dll1ld Rcp~~~ . I~ .

\lMb,in: V I 10 rr.hIi:ch ~R _

b. ......1 ,0 Match renOftEI ce:. ~gprbe~

~C!i: ,...-.

~I[l: v]

[ Cio~e

.. ,.~

Copy righted materlal...


~ C:',-"U':tl'C"-'O--:indU' InS-,art",,~gct'D

~ '".',.",,' .", ,."" • ., ,iii' ,~', ' '" FuffiJl', 'W

b~' !11'~~'[ng' :-."n' , - g,' :, bo :rcI;'- -a\pc!'"

.,iT UiI' 'iR,.tr ',' ill, -, _, , ',' ,,",,,iii gill!

In order F'Cr thi~ tip to work, 'Y{)U need to have the: ,Siet~irl!g check,ed for ToolslOptionsiEdliilf Allow Cell Dw,agl andl Drop murijed on (which i's the de:f.aJMlt s€ttirtgl aIlf'1Way.l.

To crn and paste a ran ge, s:el eet ~1 and drag the border 6h~ cursor wim 'Change to a CMIFsor VIJllth a 4=h eadec .aoow).

TOo cut 81fi1d insert a ra~ge~ dtF,ag a ralfilge by' its border sna the: Shift kiey held dawlfil. Ybu wlil ~ see sn ~ndlit~atioFil af wihere: 'U1l® range Will be i ns~rit)oo:




S6;r 40


A6 1/112003


50 21112003




5 a

The grey I~mie indiioates where A,1 ;02 wm be out 91illO insert=pasted. TIlle 'initeUisense shows: '~hat the new I oomio~ w~~11 [be at ,045 ;OEi.,

If' you hold the Citrl key down wiit~ eifher ofthe two actlons abo¥e'i the cut becomes a iOOpV.

~Ilstiead of typ:iI!1QI' ·thE$: all ·out and then imporlliing to custom lists, you oar! enter:

:=c IrllAR'~ROWO+ 64) in row 1 ,arid f~~11 dowfl to row 2lB for A-Z.

A,~ I~ foJ =CHM~OWO;.f£4)
A ~ C 0
1 lA
2 13
~ C
----:-- - - -
~, 0.
·5 E
r =
F' ·~c· .. "!HI.A Olo!R'r,;:\ I' 0 the i' CI~+. .... I!" !'!.~;' "'h"· fll I -'""IH" ".' .A.lDinO' ~o t h CI I' at ..... ,c,'r !l!Z·;j

,-,' ~: I ~II~'~~J _~ ~ .. ~, _~IL 1Ji51l ~.l ~ ~. __ ·Y -!~ .. 1·!'~dl·1tl~. J ~~ ~. _~. ,~IL1Ig!,_ .

The row funcUori returns the r"Ow ~Ulmb~r Gf' me refer·e~ee,

·_·D.O·· tl'liN'C'3'J1\ ~U""'II'I d' ,... .... 11011 ~flo"i "2") ~'r' there's no Ii"t:ioll'C;I!";f!iIi"i'c<:ii -1"lt Ii' nns 'lO"hiCL 1fIf'I'~~~

--·r-l: >' ~' ~-\I ~fiJl ",'Y~ I. _ ~ 5L~_ ~!' . ~~ 11_ !!.: ~_ '2 a I ~ .. ' . !!II I~II~I! ~~ I! -.~;i ~ f5!J.1tJI I! i!~" ~ ~ u-~¥'

.~ that ~h€· 'func1ion is entered in. :=ROWO in ee.l I G11:2 re!bu~ns .~ 2.,



e" Copy ,t he 'I iis:tt and paste sp!l5cia~ Val'ues (or yau wan 1 be able to import

i them ~ nto th€' Custom Ust~}.,.


TheWil 9~nect: '~h!5 range ano use TacdslOptioln~CUgtDm tlsts Blfild cl~ck. Import

~"*", ttmlllim'

1M j,jo." ~ .,.."" I

[~~''''''''''''''1iiII JA M,!'W".!,;II, ,.,.. :u.. ~



II I I ,

I ........

~GW, you (Jan 'enter .any I·etl~r (upper orr Ilowe:roase)~i' "~[ild use thle fill hand 1'19. U 'you emitered Uppercase, it will fill wi~ih uppercase .Iett.ters. l.owerOa5e -will 'fUlII'willih lowercase Iletter.s:,

Copy righted materlal...


~f" you r 'embedded chart: h~ been resized and ts too small to wo.rk W!t~; ·mov.i'nQi it ito lts OWfli sheet makes it OO'8;Y to work. with, but ,!letJ,.Jm~rtig iit to ~s origill'l!all sheet loses its origi'ru!lI siae,

,,Pi, .!!"Ii,


'2 ,4,

;3 '5 ,4

" f--, -

" ~ ~ I- -
'r ~ r- ~ I- ..... 1!5"nJ~ , .... ~. ,;o.)k 4l1o.."" chart ~~I"'~ -co, h,~04, W·ndl .... j"

nl ~ In-LIII'I,.Il iU I";;' II ila! '!I 30:::; i[::\...l ,- --, ,gl t' "II ',0<W ••. ,

Ai 8

4, 1
;;3: ~ ill" ~ Oifrt Ii!~ ..
~ 1- -
15, ~
4,. iim-~ Tpm
- ,! ~~.-
- ,.
~ . ~i<il~ ~tftJ. ..
:, l l- I- ~,~
- r-- r-- OI-D~ •.
~ i .
1111 ,Mi ~'.fI:
I- i- l:tw ~
~ I~ ~I!i
] I ~ i5!::f
t :;itili:!11!"O<~
~,Po\pD._, Copy righted

~ ,i(,




I" I .....






= r=

~ - - ~

~ ~ ~ - - ~ 1



Did] you kl"iiOW' th81~ ~Qld i flgl ,t he Shin down while ~siing the fm hand le w~11 Shift C~IIIs.?W€!i~;. now yQ~ do." Le.tis ttak~ s l:o~K

1, Hoi d Sh itt ~€y wfii1U€1 dragg~rng Fill Hanele, You wi II see a. ~.ew shaJpe to the 'fill handle:!] a. spirt verticall 2"he8ldedl ,arrow"

2. lif dlrag dOWl1', ya u will ins€rt rDW:S,

3, lit drag up~ you wi~11 delet~ rQ'INS'

4, If idrag trlight 11 jlDU will ~rfIS~rt columns .5, I f drag ~€I", you wi~1I de!let,~ cdlumm

11 :2 ;]

4 Ii 6

Copy righted

~ ,i(,




I" I .....

How can yOiil tell W~!9t,e ths last Aoctgl depalFtm(~1'nt is? Use EdliilJFind II and be~Qfe cliiclkunilQ Find INie:x1J hdl(~ tl1e .8lhin kJey, and YO'LI'I~e ther,e ~n ens elli'ck.

~ [FtcIi~~

H(}IJ~: ~

c.t _



YO-lI oarll use a,wlildcard to $e~reh 'for any.filin.g' bac:kwaJros" $0 $,1tBJntiln~J froml oelll s you CElltJil 'find the last row or "00 lumn.

rifij)i'i'Il c: ~I M. "fi!"id 1"91 ~III '" bQ.¢~iAI-W::: GnG JIE iBIC ring! 'i2;y ~!7iIf-t""II'!' il! ~~!ii(;t ''iii s IQ!:'f r!J'N ~C«61'S ;:. tl'il/e!'ldi !:!l' IDf an 'I'M ' jji!Wr'lI~ r~iln, Fe $~I".::t i1~ ;: II II Ai Gt'Idl .tih4!'lgKig ; he (!j!l~P~iWllt'i'Q i'b::f CO h.ii'jiilii:" wi il 'flrlild ~Il!il: IOI'~ _ ~!!irt:dI G!)iI!Jmnl


Copy righted materlal...


W~ " u f ,"".' • 'Hfh'" ,',,' ',,', 23" '.,t;:,n ,,~!I"'i;, "1[1 M, '11" , " ' ,to" [If' ":'.Il"e~ you a,y" Jm€!9;, ,Emil~ .lUngl OV€W ,:",,:,',,'JOTJ,..J:;" W!]" ~!!'a" ~ rOver :8,: " "

you use a. 'rQrma~ Q;f [h]~ mm .ss ~hen ytOUJ! wi~l[ get the 'fJJ~n!.!!tf' number of hours;

Th;e 'fi1Of1mullacs: iltJ1l 1136 ane C6 are ildentictil" Haw'ev'€r, 136 is) fionmsJUoo as h: IiTIm .ss whi)ch will not pefflfill~ t~e: ~I:~~II to be: abov"'e 23~ and t~€'.; fDlfmait ":Of cel[1 Ct), is [~J:lmliTI::;Sis."

12,"::"· A",' '~~'~n:;o" "'e"d",' n:' 'U':' 'm'" ':, b ','AT': "0": "'rIn'" " ,gift:' '.: in :, 'n'

"iI! :.-. ',U'V'rI:iL .,'. ~ .. ' _.' .. 1'1 J. ':" 'J 'I J •. " .'I:iif',.' III." · .. .'r .: /':r :.g~ ~[ ~, "jJr '1:1'

You can specifY fDniI1,attin \]1 trY' \!',alue ]r,anges. 'fhis t:armat URed.l][<80] "TDO LOWli ~[BII~e][>'1l2~)rTOO IHIIGIHI'N :$# ,:lN~O JJO

:s~ys: if th;e v.ah,J:l9 iln 'tlhle' oelll is <8t)l' make it, red ,and ,s~O'w tlhlel t:ext "1'000 LOW"'. I~ the value lin the 0011 is :>1 ,20! ma~'e It Ibllue ,arnd dl:s;play t~e t~;x,1t ~[lirOO IH I:GHl~,,, Otherwise, 1Torimat: iii as OUrirertlcy.

Aside trom [[red], [blue]l~ [cyan] t- [riI'1aQent.~][, [w~ite]~ [bllack]lt- [lblu:e]~1 and

[" .' , ,] " " '" '" [['" "I '~]I .jl.fh'· 1['"'' II' "£,i:!']

gree:n~, you can usejeo en 'I!J fU co ,Qr»v "

"]"';h,,,: ';'"'I"iI,~~ .[:""',.....",~' ~f~"" ,~,jf',..,.I't.i\0f III o'Jo? ,r,~ i'.!'o' ~o~ ~ L ;GJ!;,vo;:r,r, ,I'~, a' i'l!',rq.~, ... " ,,:;I'oiJ!

Copyrig hted al...


1'a'" ~ tt~' t t

,,:1 " "'-'. - -'~' .. -'. . na - .. -' .','

.. :"- . 'o'' " ., .'. n a!J(,'

- • ." - - ',. -' 1- '- '- -', .• - - - 'il!:1 ~I_.....:

You can hs!v'e parts; or text constanes ill om: (')e11 be! di'ijersmit sires';, fiOmS, CQI 0 r; by selecti ng the text and U15:iltlg the tools ~rO!f!ll1 the 'formt:litti'rliQ toolbar. (lhis w~11 not ~rlk flOr 'W:o!fflfi!ul as.)

Some functions take a. parameter Which changes:;, ~ilk~~ :=:IPM1{ratte~;per,npe~;[plv:;:I\I',type)

Tt!:e "per" :ElJrgumentt !UsuaJly difrfers. from [one row to' the next, Imaking it dii1Tfflioult to fill dow~; M05;tt people enter the senes 11 ;2;3;, ,'," ,down a 0'01- umn for ~he~ sole: purpose, of be:lng able to reterence ~t in the fQmnll[.d~t, Insteadl! use ROW:(A'O as the "per" arglijfi!1emrt

,A, B C: I Ell [E

1 Ral. 61,'2&%

'iI!lii N· nit· 'r' so

•. ··.11"1"·... [~u

1~1:~'I, ~~~ ~ __ ~ __

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.,.I:iil' "I. ,,;;aQ

"1'~" "1".1 :$'" 71''':;IiOI,!i!:rK:II1

"'. lil[ "a,~

I ·1·.·~',',~ .. ~:.[ !' Io---....:....[!I"1--,,-""_''\'!I!_.''7'_ e""i., '-"[ t-----+----+---

.. ~ ,~ 'if' ~[r .... [Ir ,~,

'1:~; :~1'-' .7{,";!'c[7"G!;

'!ii!! " ' jl ' "iii!''Ii!',. iI' 'Iii!'

Wlt1leril tlt1le fnrrri:ula li[il ce!1I 86 [Is 111[11100 down t- thl:31 part [oordainlingl ROW'(A 1} becomes ROW(A2}It. [ate" Thl\s IS, oJ ooorse, 1 iln B6~[ :2 liii'il 87 f. ete, giving thel inner s9riles;"

You can also USB COIUlffi[il(A 1 }~[ of COiljl\S1e~ lif' t~e' si;3rr1es [ileoos to [btl; flil[le:di Irl:ght

"]"';h,,,: ';'"'I"i',~~ '[:""',.-...:!I~' ~f~"" ,~,jf"""'I't.i\0f III Q,i!::' ,r,~ i'.!·o, ~o~ ~ L ;GJ!;,v ... ,r, ,I'~, a' i'l!',rtCt~' ... " ,,:;I' ......

Copyrig hted al...


Imlmedialt:elly after naJ1fi!~ngl ranges, 'Y1OO can e8S~~Y apply these names to e(.'l::jsting reterencee. F'o!f ex.arnip;le, iW' YDU have ::::;[B5~B6 in a cell


U I 1


c L









Copy rig hted m ateri aL


t~ei'n ,aUer naming them :you C3Ji1 U]se In~e"t'lfNarrnelApply'~ a.fiId th;es6 willll] aM79adly bel sel:ec:b~',d in '~he diittl:og::'

~1 ~ ,

~' ~fI~~~ 1 ISQ I .. txl ::::::::F[u~'St:+Se[tCQnd
Al 8 C I lID
2 ~ ~l
311 ~ T Copyrig hted al...


Yo:u'v€! seen the Skip 81 anks 'feature i n the P~.s1e: ,Spooi,al~ d~~Jog, but do you know how to IWSIi5' ~? lit rerers to the roaJng:e bel ngl copied b'lalfQk c€:l~s in the SO!lro~' wo~~t erase G€:~ls i n '~he receiving range",

e, ... ·9mn.' "1' ';','" !l.,;J'\ra I t-' '!:;iI,

Ai "A" 7' i,.;iQ)~:.Q "'" 0 ;i";iI .;:Jlf'i;d. -I ip'1' .,~ {' hes b . ...:1 ,~' h.

_ ~. ~l~ I I,\[N~. Ulllllgltl"~f!'II~ ~ ~. ~ [I U _ iC~". 11 ilU'~!I ~ !!I'!'~ I r.

A Il
"1' ~iilI, b
3J e ,(I
h .... ' 'boo,


[ ~ 1 L~J J


o All o~ @~ OF:t:l!N"3 o~


o ekt~ Il«lIl!M. o cd.roo ~IDI:

O~:e«!~~ o "¥~ ~ ~~ ro.lTfi'I~



o~ O!!IJMJ~

s: I~ d

Copy righted materlal...


One way to get a random saJrlilpl:e iis. to use a corrputed criteria and [adlvEnced 'filtet

Suppose YDU walnt to ·tr~k,e a random 110%1 of the dsta. E~t~r the fOfmulla as shown ~~ C:2 [(k:ee;p C~ bll:a~k)" IBy ,e~teri~g the rorrnula :=:RANID(J<O, 1 ~ every '~jirn;~ t~is worksheet m.~.ICJldates~ the =RAM!DO wii~:I return anotber rand om number So IFtANIDO<O.11 wm return TRUE;, [about 1 0% ofr the ·tiime"

[~R.BJndlO retums a ran dam valuce Ibetween 0 :fllnd 1~, not kmluding: '11 ,)



, .


I c
1 r
II 'l1RJUIE: [ 11

I'"1j...t!aJ .... a·se· ~ 1 [AD[ 'Iti06Im' - [~ Io.iI!GlJl:.WI _ .'. IIIo1!lf . U 11Iio'¥, .1 r.

2 Item1

3 Item2

4 Item3

6 Item4

II ItemS

lit I~~.....,Q

[~~ ~. j~

8 Item1

9 Item8

'10 ItemS

Copyrig hted al...


At] fJi'a -----------

® j~lc€Jf tfu!ellf~ ~;--p1Me o I~~ ~@ ~J~]' loc~m

~ti~raT~~ @'{~-~ II'~~~:~ I $C:$:I. i.~12 ::=::::::::::::::========:::

~m~ 1'--- .....,.,

Wiilill oreete a, random 5eheot~orn:


1 DlltaJbra.Sr81 lof 100 imli1iJs It~!iin;a

IS' Item. ItemS1

111- 'le ~~I'II ILk.,;:;; . ..-11 j'f'f''iCIi'.ciIn;ijo, ;;:;'~;Alh" oIO'jOYllil!lJ V ..... I i m' - '3\J n;;n.t.' ,;:;; '''h'·~, .,LC.;e,Ji'; .e-r·'c:i; i"ii"i IL n {'II

.. 1I~:'I!¥.1. lVo \.iI 1.1 II '01 '0,1 III O!OII'''''· !J.III! !'OI,· I '!..!ou '. ~.j lllud 'o ,. 'c:I~ !J.IIII'!:i'~'jij c..'o 'V! 11!''1 ?fJ

1~;;:;,'m'O .e;lh·;-;,r;'n; not l' F(i snd '''h'~~. b;;:;'C~liJe;£I. '~'h',;:;; ':',8"'111 iao EI<.A,N·: D.:' i'.Q~'II~i'IflIO QIO""£:I, ~o .. 101 ,,:t 1,.lVilll III II! .. '~ . UI~, '[]lIllk ,. '1:1'" ~ -·0 _n .. o'!O:" IL .0 'iI... 0..1'00 Ini"'!. .. _ ! '!:Ii~,II.iI! II ~OI ,elll 'C

randoflfil. It~s bes~ to uss '~hls, on Ilarger datt'albases..

Copy rig hted m ateri aL


A :oocoii'iid w,a.y '['0, sel)ect: a raJndo:m 1 I[] % of your data, i\s: tc ;stilill UlS6 the RAND' 'func~io~ but not UJS~ flilte:r1i~g. ILook, st tt~iis:;:


Gelllls BL2 thru :En ,t],11 cQl!rtai!1l =lR}\N DO. Ami yo~ need do ts :S'el eet A2: 8101 and sort by coll~mJt1 8! Talke just 'the first 10 iterlil~s;, sod Y(lU have y'ol!llr' random] '110%, 0:1' the ds!t'BJom€:"

Copyrig hted al...


If you use '~h~ '1[11] handle, and dr:agl with the, fiighf:~'m~use' dowLl1~ YOIl] w~I]I] be presented with {I, dialog COril[;aJiinuriig ;s~eJ',aJ options, when you

I'?:+ ,on [01'1 '~""Ci; rnot [IC;Ci; Ii:'-· .-Hn~· tilL i3!,v ,-"I[ [U II"" I II ~""!U!Q"" klUlLILv~ II •

1 36
2 40

i iI
i 1:2
16[ I
~,el c



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!I!I-;;;II[!~[!~~~, I

501 21112003 [

~Cdl~ 1Fi1l~~:

RII '~~t.~ anl~

fiD '.h!;!.iJ; P~~"Lrw'Uq



Ifill ~grdll~;


~,i~~" ••

Copy rig hted m ateri aL


W~at thei origi'naJ 81eliactjioit1l cotJiitai'ns yii III delL-ermine w~at opnons are ,i3!\{,8ii lab,le in t~e, dliaJog:.





~Oik FiI~f1f!i!!l, FiI~!CVIh'

FI1i ~ ~Jir!i! ~~r:;

FI~h.t a 'f'S ~~

Fi Y.!:!!i"~


~ 12

13 14



1----=-.::-+----1 ... ~"'.

~~ ~~Tt~

Notice ittllat ill'll the ftirs.t e,xample! datles were seJlemedl so tthie' middle seetlon o,f the diaJlog (filii ~Iliig dett,es;} iiS; a.vailalble'l but the second e'xan;ip le has 'the midd~e ,seot~OIl1l Id isablled because (~.arttes; werern': sal acted. TIlle IFm 'Weelkd1ays o;ption w1ith dates se~ei01ted can be' qll,Ji~:)e U$e~jjl.d:

,A B C'
1 3S 45 11St.2DD5
--.~ -,~:":',:":' .. ..:... ..
2: '0 ISD 117'12006
3~ 1/1012006
.' 1/1112006
6, 1/1212006
6' 1/13'12006
7' 1/1.12006
8: 1/17'12006
91 1/11812006 Ce:111 C1 ;,S fill halndll,e dr:a;gg€d dJown to' cell C9 with ~h€' right: mouse used, and fin ~:ekd8rYs W,flS! chosen, INlmioe 1/8., 1/9, '111"115, ,and 1/16 awe m~sil1 g" b ecaase they're ~k,eli1ds.

:~ I~

~ oW



Copyrighted ... __ .. aL


•. Q How to [change fQ[W' height wh'e1n a k~y' field chan'ges

,sup pose you h~dJ tal worlksll€;~t $:ome-th~ng ~~k,e th~s {bu~: rna re corn pi i'~' catedi)


1 De'--lwtmilrilt


2 A!.J~c,olunitii'mtgl

ACCiQlUn~rtJ'il;g Acc,olUn~rtJ'il'gL __ Acc,olUn~rtJ'il:gl

ACC'OlUn~rtJ'ii'!d1 "Ace,olun~rtJ'il:91 AeeiQ[lk.!n~i'~gl ~'er$onnern P1ersonnrem P1erso.nnem P[efsonn@111

P!~rsQnneru IS



If A 1 :A3000 oorrtajnB, dlepartm€rlIts (:slOr~,ed~ and you w,ant: a v~LJal bni$ak betw€@tI ,depaJrtrlfl:ent;s. you CBriI cl1ang:e row hel'ghts on tlh@: 'fi'rs1 row of each n~w one. I--Iow can you S~~€C~~ t~!;5 Cll8lnged d@pat1rli1:erilt? In the ,8lbov!B exam ple, in c~'11 13.2:, € .g., enter a 'formula suc~ as

:=:IF(A,~ =A2,"1 ,NAO).

Copy rig hted m ateri aL


The o~oices il m tIIsiing am ~~y Iw"O of' INumber~ 'lext~ Logical, Error because Qf' th~s;:

------- --

Girt "TID Spcl!::ia ~ ~

"5~ O~rtI:S Q~

O,~di~~ o CGtim dne!'ence::; O~a[EidaM~ O,~ndanu,


O~ OjJ~(i:i15~1f

OQn\m~1OO O,~~ Qo-art ~tT~' 0 l~ ,:ti!l1l:j?l~ O~.~

AB8Mmijngi 'IN'€; choose the 'first -rQmliuia" t~€n the NAO'i~, win show an ,every new d€partm€ot





'1 '1 1 ~


Copy righted

~ ,i(,




I" I .....

Bellied B: B, lE:diUGo to .s!pe-c'j,~II, salect 'Formul\i3is *' I~rrors (you a,ctl)];fiUy he,ve to de'8el€!d Nu mbers~ 'fax!, andl logioals I' h3iffVi'l1gl jliJs~ i:rrors, or j ust ,deSii]ect Numbar:s beCBIJS!@i yoiUI kJiiOW' the; result ls onty num bers ,and arr,o,r,s);

--- -

C(l' To S Jlif.!d~fl [[I

S!'btt O~ O~ ®~ffIirW:


DT~ Dt;;.:,I"'~:;;.;;.! IZ] ~11!'Of'

O~ o~~ o ~Iit!l1!l~ O~~

Okl!!!.~~' O((!i!.!rrP'Io~~ O~~~ O~~-~

Of..*~dI O~lo!k~ O~f~ O~di~

Now only the ,f#N/A ceilis ,are :s;eleot,ed1 SO YOlJ ,can use, JF;o:rmatlAow/ Hs·ight{SO:

tL 1


1 1 1 1



And filnSl~lry you Galle ctear ,Qolu!111n lB. 46 This h'l:1l'f ,ExoaJ~ it~, Magic!'

Copy righted materlal...


~ 8"0" ····rt~·····"in'~· :g"""'~ c··· o· , .. ··,::·~';~m~,." ',.', ·'n~.';·IS,··,

~~ ,~]'~' . 'II,_'~,:' I,:..U~,,-,,~~,~ ::.

Thils; is usefu~ ff,or IFearran;ging col umns and ls Qftt,emi easier '~lhatt: cu1llirllsert paste to move the columos around.

You ma,y have to UJSB 8, t.!dumlmy;;o row to eflJt'er the sort sequence,

In '[hi's wor~.shoo1, a dummy row WR'5; inserted (row '~) to enter 'the sort secuenee. We w.afilt [Nlame~ therii Address,· tthlen oiitv, $tca1e" and ,~n,.,

" -v~ ~". ~ . . . _ _... _ . _. ~ . .. _ ~ .... ,. _.~... . ~ . ~ ~... . . .11 ~. •. - • ~,:r I! w· •• - ,II. _.. ~ tL·


1 2


:s: 12Jl Mlahill

5, '125, Mlafl\1lJ 6; 126: Maiil'ill

NameS Na:me4,

WA, n

IIRJe1dm:ond [~··hOiiis~o:n





'Sffitlrf 10 ptiorrs ~

_1~_·rIIiI_a~ ....;;;8=.1 [[I

[J ~:;8' !!.;elilsil'i'<e ~\

iQ\j mil -------

o '~~~~ l~~ ~.~ [~~l~ml

Oi: 111

l~aft@e.11 ]~

Copyrig hted al...


So rt [1J.r:g]

I®~~~~ O!~~~~

then p'iCk the row oontailiiliing '~he [dlesilredl OOlul'ifl1iiI ,seql!,!lence~, amid [clli:ck OK:

Tlr~·1rt -----------

I rv! II!) [~,~FrKlil1i

----------~ Ol~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- __ ~Jl!1d!

~'/~if!'mg~ M~ ---------

o ttseder ¥ow


1~"AoI:, ~'~




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A B C 01
1 11 ;2 '3[ I
:2 Nam;e ' ~AddIi"Et!U~ [Clll~ [State
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[4 NlaJim;e:2 1124 Mainl Alit-am!}!!' INY
liS NI-~~~ e3 1125 MiIJlnl IRledmo:n;d 'WA
~ ,itm:_'~ __ e- L~
liS Nam'e4 112:6 Mlalll1l 1M Q'IJ'ston 'TIl('
,"",_1,1"" " , , " ,', ,L ," "I. ~ '"".J
'1 Nhtm:e5, 1121 M~J!i1l ID;r-hll'ildQ[ Ic'A"
:8 Nh.'lm'e6 1128 Main A!lbamy' PIL
"""-['["" ", "
[I Nam;e7 1129 Mlaln IRledmo:n;d INV Copy rig hted m ateri aL


2'1" 7';'-' ~, ,-, ft" ",' - ~'I' ,'-' tt ,'~,

- 'Aa~',.-; 0' " ,n..A' A '-e" ,,~

. iii . ~.~ '1'1-\1 ... '. ,.,. .... , !IJIjr" .. 1 [ ••• 'Q

There are! rn a~y toolbar butto!1s which can be made' to ftIoa~:i' ,SlO you have q t!!ick€1 access to their oo:mems. Sorne iof these awe Fo~t; Fi[m'i' Bo,rrya~ [)I"'aW •••

. U"'~I~:I _ ! t+ll _

To make the rm ~o8l)t'ing, "'cil~ow these steps:

1, Click on the arrow next to the, b~H:.on (they all have! them) to !lTI8Jk~ the COfli~eWii~'S d rQP down.

2. Slow~ move the OlU'SCW down to the tool is "border" Ullti:l it gets hiif'lhliif'lh~oo and 'lIO~ :800 the! tin 'In this; examole, i~' savs ~!Dr,af:l to

- --::;1. ---;:;1i! -. t • ~..:}' - - -v ~- - .. -- " . - -t-I'w .. ~ - 1 • -:1 ~ -' ~

make '!his, m!6!1U noalf')~






4. f'rom the dlrawing tool b:ar, 'You can a.OOMS t~e tlowchamtilng dr,awi ng objects to Imake' t~em ffloat as well;

---. -
24 1I!111~." ... _]1.101 -Jli." ... ' ...

25 ~ IlJlleS t
2B ~ G Ili!!fI e Itt IlI1'S t
II il' I~MiCSh~s
28 Ii'
~~ ~"!'~·.'~'r~ ~~
I~ ~ IElh;Jd. ~r!l'gWj Ii- D 0 _ ,_ J~ ~
0[: Dr.ji!~ I!;"@ ~ llliJ'r.ii menu fb,a't;[
~ s, Eiowd-iatt t []I lI'J CJ 01' J
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; Draw '.- l~'S~5."J -, " D a ~L~T Iiiiiii "'~
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1!D~!O!l lfte Dil!nber e.v[er ¥I!fi' haOO'1e arid dra.g to a 8 CD 01 ,!!=: ,..,. Q; A:.·'}I*"';~h'Clr;:'I.c;,~, '~j"!j..,.;]I-b-:}:I[r 1-0;:100 sn in"jQ;"i(1 If'i!~r;:'I.6I'ik/., since ,0[1-[1 of 'i*'D

iJ~ I) I I ~ . y ~1J1iJ. «~~ tl.vv. ~ Illl~~] ~II! I·LJ~lj ~~'_II! ~;~ r,...II'V~~1 I~J.11 .0. II! I~ ~ . v. "t--Q

menus 8r<e ;S ubmenus, U you malkll3: it '11001:


LJ &.Ill I,;. iJ~.Q .,,- _,.,. :JJ


~ 1'---+---

t 11---+---





11---::--1---111-11 D a '0' <> 11,----11---

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11---:1-=-3 ~~==--+-II" o {} 1011'--=If==' '14,

11'-:"1:-=-5 "1-==1-11 [ J { } 11"- --=t=='


Copyrig hted . . . aL


D DOD D DOD Il--+----+---+ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~-"""F~"""""""'=~~~ DOD D DOD D 11--10----1----+ ~i--_+_--t____'I 0 0000 00 011-+---+-----+ i----i---'i-----+-lI D DOD D D D D Ii---r-----+----+

~ the OluF!; , ~ne-J ln~s "

Ass~miingl 'Hie actlve sheet is ls ,sheeit: ,2, you get: "above" h) be :~Stl:eet211D1 :

t D I II!



~ I J



De1.~1"Iln1IIE' ~

"'- -

"]"';h,,,: ,;'"',J.'i',~~[:""',.....",~' ~f~"" ,~,jf"""I't,i\0f III oS? ,r,~ i'.!'o' ~o~ ~ L ;GJ!;,vr;:r,r, ,I'~, a' i'l!',rGt~' ... " v'<J!

Copyrig hted al...


'To gat: "'tibave,u to be the oelll a:bO:V't9 on an;y Sh!9BlTI, do Oiiii~ of thel f:oIh:lwiiiiiiQ=

1 II ,~;"!;C':"', 11~""~"n·g'" "II!!! '~h'''''~" ij!';;. eI, ' .... ~ni'1; Ir' .... ~.i'jii. ..... 1'!! "'''''' il": .... -liD, 1'~ " .. bconVo. rol:dUll r, ," Iii .. IIII llJ I!J..L 0, .. 0.111 ID ~U~'~I iL!L;I ~ ~[iJ - ••

D I E f I Gl I ~, J

lOJirluniill "1!I11l~ ~ oc •
(I11!'("; I
~ ]
1l~1et:e I The diifiFerence between the 2 choices ls that the letter willi oaJlcullat,e lau~:omatucaJly, and ~he~ 'former won't ~wiithol!ltt fore~ng a oaloul8!tion 'Wi~h the F9 key},;,

A'~ .i:iJ cir!h-. ,nr;rL:!l y·'l'"'i'U·' nro,jj.;, .. h""J" ..... hifll' ~'lr'rlt: ~ I~ ffafc, tL:lf"'Jf",fl'ift)' iI£j, if U,i"lill ~,~

u- ,_ILl IY ''lJ1IUI;i ~ ,!-V ~~'i _".' v.. _ rp_' tI..A1"~UJJ'· I!IJ., '. ~·_.tlJ __ , [~!IJ~' ._~ _'-' -.JI _~~~. ~ ~y"" ill! rI'VY' !!I'~

,i:iJ,b:.IA] jmif1ltJ V'BA .h.;.,..""o~J'C"~ :fi1aI!'.CiTc .'~ .hll~n ;t,ih,':"t whn V'BA~i:iJi""llj,j,.,;tit:i.C), ~~~v y~_. ",~' _ ~ __ ~~)!.;!-~ ~_ ,_I;L-lI-!I!I:i I~ g uu~ ~~-,ra~ __ ,r~L. _ ~ = _ ~ ll~~_.~Mm~v~"

,a~j (Jells wlth tna:f' niij'ffle' rele!' to the' active 'Womshoot.

Copy rig hted m ateri aL


Ofdl sity~e Ex<oei 4, macros r~,XlLMjI'~eXJJel, M8tO~) are sti[I[1 around a~d u5ie:fuL

Tt!:e)I' ,mUIS;t' be UISOO as a deflned name, nat as ,a, wQ(ksheet function. IW y'Ou 'try' to use these as worksheet functions, Ex~ool[ wiil[1 giive yot!! an [error. [~Please note that p rilor to version 2003[; copyiiltlg B ce~1 whiQh U51es '~his name to anotber sheet will crash ~)JlEd,)

lhils; will retu~n a'll[ ~he n~e names: in the current diir~ctotJY" :=:FI[UESO

There are many more, and iw YDu·re I n1,erested.l, you can dowLl1l:oad !

them ~rf" t"i(ll ,ih,':'n .lif!1'~~i"in{ll'1' 'rnir;t'{llip{l!,j',jI~i"'\;i"i;~/0.r.1~"",.,,(i; 1'QI~'/: =.!

, II ~ "": ~ ~ II "'-'11 II u ,~~, 11-'..I,~ 0 U1,....p u'f ,~" ~ ! L .... J' '-""'-J U" I,. VV"I! ~'J'i iI'I-,-UI '"!!' ~ ;;:;,cu _ U v' -i;i

Elt!llTlple<: Denne III: lIB =LliIIKS(}. fh~n use =iNtlEX(ilk,11) to g~ nISI ~

!'il"ink'" j')~ ::::I!' t.rl[D-~Y~!·I~' ~,f'i(.~~rj{\l inr r'j')~;Ij~' 'iI :1), illil d 0~;Ij~n to eet :lJI!'11 ~'r~: li![i[k'. '0.

~'~ VII !"", i;.;._i'\c~l "'!I' V !I'll' \J} ~I I V ¥.¥.' II ~,II t~ 'U'¥.¥..~ ~ "v ;:::;p."'" ~! ~ ~,IIII'" ~Illl .~.

l)r..fir:!I~ ~ rlU ®
~ikli ~, , ~,.~
Iii. til j]
... ( II
- OI~
I ~ ~
I ~

I~ ~
At I'"' &I.c:IfJDE4II,ROlVG)
1 ftDl!.l"!.')JIfti:jnd:<! !!I.;iw~ ~!:':lllli'l!;tl:A&I!!~ wm~ s\t'.;1v ~C:I4IJll'lem1tIfi!:(f$Jlt~l~ ::'JJ:t1tKl1!:l:H . Ill'!. [
:2 (;;~,Ol~m,.;l~ !J"1ir~~'1J ~el,!lYtteili1~~IJiSf~D~fijl~
Si C :'lirn.~t'JMemt.a. ;>;.1IiI SE"'il~iIi'!!b 1,jI.m1~ ~llD"!j]~urJVll<lli!t<l\Ew:.I\SlG\9J. :arrw.l!eiE:. m
-:t Copyrig hted al...


M }1'OU C:8Ji1 S~>9" ceU A 1 comains' 'the fi,ormu la as indica1f.ed!, andl it

retu rns the emr1tiin~ Imnlk path to the 'f~rBt !utJilk cI:ocum.em:, 'The W'C~kb-ook ~G) 1 ink~d to S workbooks, nilarm,ed de:ll.xl~" (~el\2 xts, ~nd del:!t::ds. Il3u~ the:

E)dlitlLlirtiks dlialog doesn ft :show tJlle wtJ10la p~ilh:

~!~ LfP!f'4w. ~~'

~.~ ~ ill ~fi1'

,1iIe'1oJ\..:d~ ~~I!ll: A ~I'ii

LD:~: n:,em~

~t)!l: m,~

I iltit~ ~;-, 'I

( ~t~y~ I~t~ ... ] ( Qpm_~~ J

[: ]

_ !If e.D k; iI.!rt _



Op~t1 [11~

q:!(Ei ~ N~ ~~" ~t re, ~ (fi:I!i WI"ii'., ,

a:e_~' ~ ~d. ~'"", 'L:iKr;i' ~"IMllf,;~l.!!I~." ~j;;i!!I, _~~~'_~:

~ 1m ~ E1Ilf~ WOI'.d

'?l1;J:l ~~!1:;@. ~"., ::!:II!.!!' HtiiMtft E'tIHiiI 'i'm' ... ~Z tEl 'j;b-M\ Ett1l!! ~ .. ;



3fL~,!;~' ,~i~~~ ~L~~~~ ~j.~!ll~ ;,[l~~' m,~~!l(i§ '3I.L:Jf;1iIIOIII9;~ _ Wci~Q:lU :!ifl~ ~fl,J ~{J~~:5 ~~~j~ ~~~~5ir 3fI.~9iS1 ...


Copy righted materlal...


s,y' dsfiin'ing a namEEi lik~ Fl.. for exam pll,e~ to be = F IlESQ, you cam .Qet this {filrec~ty 'Into YOilJlf worksheet:,

B e

Another nii ce '~ea1ure 'o,f thlcs i1s that y'ou oan 'filtell' on Ute ffl,es. For example, i'ff you warii1ted to Il'e,rurn o:nlfy those, ti~es which have an !JlOIO E~ them, you can use' =FllES{~'ilO'~~') where the a5ter~s!k;s, are ~ldcaJd~r:

~l I "QK
Il. [ d!.lE

[ ~ I

l ~ J Copy righted

~ ,i(,




I" I .....

1 IData:: 2:

I A 111:lI1 I c I D

I:!' II F I l~ I IFI I II I

Il ID:ata~ 25

n~i':Ii:l<'!'Io." ..,.""I.4i,;

r""ii'i"Ii.'" W'Qi . ..a,.

O~i':Ii'ta· ,.

'Qi,.' .1,;



1 Ii IO:a:ta:: 12

:2:1 Data,:: 27

iC!:"i':II' Ig~1

'1 ICiam:: 14

1 '1 ~l 10 lata: 33 112

1 '14 lOlita: 31 I '1~

CIO. ~.l 1j"11~;al': ~... U. lelli. _ 1.


lie~' 'D-'I'al-~a, .'

UiiJll ,- ' .. ,.~ _l"



Copy rig hted m ateri aL


Wa want to name ,tlhe cells, :001 Weil sel:ect: 'them 'first: I~ies easiMt U s'ingl EdlittlG~;) to Special) a~d maJk~ng this ,sel,ectiQJ't: ~---------o 'Q;i!'l"rt!e'~~ e·.~rd~~~'

I""" E......m·I.J ... ~ ~~l!_~~

~l~~; Vl~

lbIU..!.... __ .~




I~ ,fij.".e~' ~~o;Wfil

~ ~_~11,Il _J ~ ~~l!

10 'ru~ iJl .. i(r' IO,Qb.Je~:

, .bJ ~.et1Ide:~~

® ..... OAl~ Oll~tel OII~tlu~'Q. o Ib~J'!~(!u11 f,'-~~

~11F!i~-",,-,",i(-l"",""~~ Y 1..!"gMii ~i;II_~~J

®AI Os...

[~i;==I::::::::::Cifi:====?illl [r ICan~~ J

ThJaI: is, wfi re: ,sel)ec~lng cOfl1lS'tarilts: wlhtch are lfn~mlbers (tJ1Iot te(;d). 'I~eri we use InsefrtlNat1IlIe!lD\efli~e::;

[ 10K l
A l~

~- ,~d JI
' "e-
l[ ]

v Copyrig hted al...


Notice the long t:at~ name is part ·of the deWlinitiQ~It. This part has a limiit, so we miglht: get ,8l message such as:

------------------- .

De n n8 Nmllie IE!

~I OX ,ll

cJ~e II

~dd ]

~Igbl!!i: , . .::.rr-e '

The name lis ton !o~gl! Andl alISo rIlmice, that U'iU31 last mf'€l!N~nc:e in the Refer'S· to ,i n the above dia1logl box is to 013111 G5. Our os lis t~at neeltl nsrn ilng go down to G14. Wel~, ~his is not gQillilQ to wonK..

Copy righted materlal...


Sflnoe the definltro n ;1 nch..Jdes th'9 tab name, Y'Oil can tl9mporarUy chang:e ~hE3 nam e to a SrD1gh9 Jcharact'€lT to get more cs ms d'efirllect

OK 1


.--------"-----_r ~_

DMa.: 100_ :~

ehaiiilgilf'ilQ t~e name, of thE;i~ tab to 'I'.x.'-I ~ Gnabl:es alill the cel~s; to n.e refer,anced. (I: :SOwoUed 'the linf'amati'on in the, Refer.s to bOl.< to tfJlE!' ~igh1: :SO you can 'sea ~hm: 1ft. does: end in G 14.)

By' ohanging the ~:ab namel ba,ck, to tt~e, origliliiiia,t. it suilll maintain~; all t~e .references.

Copy righted

~ ,i(,




I" I .....

------------- -
DBfi nn iNlt;}mc ~
Name.: In .tt.booR:
I~JI I ~oF Jjl
INrttl J
1f;t~rtt2 I (IOf~
[ ~cl ]

[ l! ]1

il€lier~ .ttl)::
[ ·!!!;!~rt]Jp:.ut2:J~~tsl· i~ P.erhaps the best wa.y of all. 'in most cases, IS to. name 'the oEd~5; lJy s~m p:ly' typilng the name h"~ the name bux;

"1' "



S D:da.:

- -,


Data: 60 Dua~



e~":Ii ~


w~ich seems [:0 work even Witil a long v,81b name. This Ilast. 'technIque 'r·8i·1 G1 on \IlE RY ma~y oe:lll:s r. around 224 or t~@fIfII! bUit yQ~ cen then f1@= vert to th~ tip above· to name them ~n secaons an d comlb~ne them a<s: ~9hown I'n the: d®f~n'ltl:oo .of '[01 AJI~~.

Copy righted materlal...


25~ Whs,t' is ,th's"' :1, ,:2~,,~ ~ " see in' the wO'rkboo,k' title?

You can use n 'to:

Vligw S€]paratt€, ~he~t~ ,af the ssme workbook Bit "~h~~ seme time,:

Copy righted

~ ,i(,




I" I .....

'To. mJcin 'th~ wUiI'lIdQws, closs ~h€! \1'!iindow by' the "x" iin' U~9' upper right, not by Fillil3</CI OO~! b ecau~e tl'Ile ~epan~tB whwows' WQt.lidi ~av~ ~i1d reap en thst w.~'. You can do WinchlwJNew Wli nd:Qw m,8jrrlY u mss and Ige~ as: many wlind10iWs as yOilJi wish ,of Ute work'book.

~ Th~Ii'ilk: ,of i~: as ~f you war€! h'10king 'OUt yDUt' phy:s!ical wind ow and. !5e~

m i ng park®d C~ffi. Now mQvel to another windoW' and look at the sarna


C cam. YOtl Ihi:lV'e ;8J slightJy (fi1ffEln~nt p®rsPelcti~e of t'h~l sama o:bj:!act.

i Thaf'S: kind QJ wh~t~ goiiililQ on hem,,,


~f' }Iou lUSell'ool&OpticmS/View 'ta;bo," you ~villl see mM.y' ,opti'OlilS' at 'tih®

benorn ;tj;rn"" ... ''i1I· ... ~,III'jj "'0-: "r" 'W' u '11''''d'r,i;~;C!o ir""'''i~' '~~ .... -1~lb""""~:,~ , .... *. W,""rr'I~':. ... I\o"",,",,~,,,, ILIUil,[',_ iOlt"CILoAil ~'L!~,/' ,_,; , II~, !ul''''~~ I ~UIL. '!o'Mull/\ !!,.I'U'J\;;:;I! L!'~ U'iI ~u ~";;II;:.IIL;;:;I!.


D p. ~~ ~ FlJillW t.; ~iTIA ~cl'M!i

o '~~QS It:] ~ :ii~M!!Iilil~

~ ,§.l1i!1n;:,:;. 0 E:~rQI y~~

Gr:f~'iriM ~~-: L~_:-·_·· ----1...1""'...:.11

~ ~:q\!l1"~ b.!Jr ~ 1t~~ 5lrolllb.~ ~ '9!1!!;~t: ~~[r;

AlI1y"ofthes€! settings CEliri be soon ,silml!Jltaneo!Jjslfy' Wlii~h o~her WiiliildO\fIl,s' ,settings!

Copy righted materlal...


27. Doubl'e-clicking tools I

DOMble-dl,iok the format pa.initer keeps i~ ~aJliive,l~ to diak on s;@\I'@n3.1 ~

(~aliis wiithQ:ijt~ having: to cllitk t~e' 'tadl r3,galn.

S[hiWc~idk '[he Open tt:oO:bar button becomes 8.w'e; SlhiWdidk '[he Pirii!il!t 'toollbaw btrt.ton becomes Print Preview~ ___ ,S·;A;H: 'l:iJ?iFia:nr4li ~if1'ilnil9~ d ;[!j~;f'·"·n~liilillll'l·

_ w _ •• v _ ~ Ilrl--"Q~"". ~. ~ l~~ b!~~. _ '-f~~ _'V~'!.;.iv. _'U .. _~~

~ ~

a •• ,alli'gn lleflllbooorn:es ri:ght;

"' .lnorease dednnal becomes decrease decimal,; Una e~ill:e becomes dotJIbl€: l!nde(Jl~oo,

DOMble-dHok a drawiing tool {rectangle'!1 for erJCamplle) to ,dlra\i!,/' se:veraJl wialt1lout lreviisitlng the t()oll..

"]"';h,,,: ';'"'I"i',~~ ,[:""',.....",~' ~f~"" ,~,jf',..,.I't,i\0f III ,~~' ,r,~ i'.!'o' ~o~ ~ L ;GJ!;,vr;:r,r, ,I'~, a' i'l!',rGt~' ... " I;J\;..!'

Copyrig hted al...


URI"'" i'oI!' [U.i'f"i~~", r11i.!'1f.'-" ~·I~. ~~·V~ fl';)~

Fin3;tt, 8, brief diSiGu~sion of the COIJ mlF formula, T~e syntax iis :=GOUINiTIIF(Range.Crit~riaJ, It om .. mts the number of items, in 'the range:

W~I· eh [FIj1)l!];e[t"~h~')Q ~ri~~:rnQ _ ,r;::;;n ~ in ;f'i;ilf F"'x:a.m' 'pICi:~ :=,C~' :~O'., .' IU~~NlIIF~Rn~ 111\ 'W\RI] lid ...

__ ~l! ~ __ ~!I!~. ~ ~ ~ v. ~ .. ~,~L ~v~ _I! V~_ ~w~. 'V:J1 .... w _ .~ \ __ ;:gp.,--Vj. ._V~_.~

return 3~ because there 8!i'e :3 4:i'$ in the: fang e. SiimilaJrI~'~ :=GOUINJTIIF(Rgjo} 'would !f€tlll!i'in "7 became: there are (' 51~,;,

:2: For a oOrli1iplet~ Ii.Jlfide~dingl ali: ,Armv~'f0fmU11~s, visi~ f'I"r)" websiit'€!' att hr't11p~!\ItW!N:. '~jailoflfu~"cOO1l"'eXQelll]tli'l[1s-oooomlas~html

Copy rig hted m ateri aL


IW' the 'Wo~r!illU!!la, in the [pf1eceding tip were~ entered without C~Jrr+Shift the oel~ wou~dl ooo~a]n ,,33333; as meotloned,

IW a ~ajnn:e (say' ~!'uni;q:ue'i~[ is de~~ined '1[0 be ==SUlM{1 fCOU Nil F(IK;g; RgO [and you enter ='Unique, w~thout: plfess:ing 01~I+Sh'i1i1t. lh e oelill wDul;(j contain '2',"~

vv.,. ~t+I LJ !!!! ~


[ [CJ~~.:, ]


[ !~ ]


It ~!~~~

So lit seems; all ~aJ!'med formllias are '~IPeated the sema as if y'O~ entiered it as an Brr.Qy-,fonmulla.

However;, here's an oddii1iy', If you enter ,--A.'i1 ;A2 i~ ce:1II ,A3;, yOli'[d see '#YV~LlJ EJ, If yo~ arnIM,=erlltter it. you see what[e\i"er rs; in c.~111 A,'1 , 1W"i' while, the cursor lis, in celli ,AS'i' yOU!! define, a name, to be =A1 :'A'L.:i, then [enter .... , ling ~hajt: name, irii A3 stlilll prodoces U-VALUE! 111 you array-'emlter tha~

na: 'fi!'l] 'e'''' t~lll·k~ e ,I[.'='!I-]' '€$J"') the bra 'c"e""s' '5::Up" p""11 I':;e" d-I Ib,y-' , iI"": ..... ['o e 1-')' '!I-]' hen I "it' re-'''''ur''':s' 'll "1 's

- I ," -IL [L, 1L, - "I - , "- ,"" " eft;., - ,IL " I "Ii. ' II II F\ -

". - I., ~'. ' .. ~'. ~-. '."' r". ' •• " ~ - r· •• ·.···~ ." ~ .•..... ".:. ~-"- ~'." - .••• "" .••...

ISh ~" "' h

vaJ_ue", :'0 ~ __ ese tech~jqu:es; seem to 'Oo:ntr.adlfct one anotnes

J Us<t ne arware that your named romnllijlas mar be, diffeFEmt fr'Om what yQli! expect on1y because, ifs like~y ii~~'erp!feted as [arr[Ely'-eriitered.

Copyrig hted al...


so: A,u~,~,t- ,!'O·:··:··,,-n[u~':m'b··' ··.·9,' l"fU-:··'~':e:s·,'~f' #o'nsc

~ ~. '_' •• _ • ",. '~_' •• ~ - - ~ _ •••••.• - ,., •• ~ ,"'. J_" •• ' __ ' ••

IW' you [have a rllUJ!mbeFedl questioHnaJi[re., it can be cumberscrne to move ~tems eround or delete because the !fiiumberingl or the: qt!!es~jioris has t ..... be F1e4iA1~a_ l[n~;t,eQd-- Ir~\i3 'I;!! ~millll~IQ i~ A2 '~'u~h Qi;!' :=MA)«(AI'1::1 ~

".Y~ ~I:w! ~ ~ ~ VV~I!~:- .!hiI~·"·Y-'~lI v.r .... ~ t+ll '!U.'".wY.Yl .~l! ~ ~ ~.~v .. ~&";I _~~.'"_ w\-.~.~

A 1)+ 1. This means the Ila~:est: number frorn celill A"11 '~D the Ceil II above, plus '11. In cell A 1 t, this fvrmula reads; =1MA:XJ(A$11 ~A'~ O}+ 11 "


8 I c



BI:ah !b:lah blah bl:ah bl




L1'2 EUah 1b:lraJh blah bliah Ib.I

['31 SI:lh 1b:I.h blah blil1'11 Ib.I

1. I

~ ,4, EII:lh Ib:ll!h Dian bl:ah[ Ib:1

'Ui I EUah 1b!lalh blah bl:ah [bJI

YO'U ean see that ,t~El' Ilargest -# Ii [iJ A 11 ~A'11 0 i~; ,2:" ,2+ 1 ls 3~, :SO A 11 [00111- tailiis 3", Ilf II ,d acided to [remove question 3, I coul d deJlet[e [f"OWS: 1 0: 1 ,3 h)ii' i11 : 14) and U~al 4, Wihi:ch is now in A1 ;5 wouldl [become 3! ,As a mat-

" -'

b~r of fa;ctj iff [I lnsertad '3 ro-w.s aft [row '10 and iir1lserlt[edl a N[EW ques-

tlon, as I:ongl as I mJlmbere,d itt wUh time same 'folffiflulaj alill 'tihs, [iJumbers bel:ow would ,al~o renumber.

Copy rig hted m ateri aL


31" A' t' '~'S"'" --, "'P.!", -I #' ,,-~,t· ,- -, '-, , ~ .. , ", -: U '0. '.um ,100_ , [es' _u~e,s

Sup pose 'lOLl h8Vle a block of cells lii~e ill1 ~his iUustraJtiol!;, QCi(!1tainii~g Ill! rnbers w~ic h )lQ~ warn to is mer the totals both on the riglht snd below; th!8Jt -is-;, in E1 ;El' arnd M: Ea. You \1 pmbab I~t do iit so-meithi ngl likethvs;

~1[4 69 '1~ -9'7
DB 42 11 Jell
i5 32 11 152
57 41 iSS[ :2
iO i iSS ~2 1. Click irii E-1 and 01 IQk the Sum tool and press enter {or double-cllc k the S~m tool).,.


2. Click. 'the friU hand lei n E1 an d dn~g to E7, or double cHok t he fri[l~ ta

hand le in E1. "!

3. Select oem AS" olick the su m tOiQ~" errtm' U~€~ form ul ail seleoi the ·rIU E

hand le, dra,n," _ 'to 68.- .......

. ~ Il:

Ho~d on 00 ¥lOur hats. I~' can all be: done iml one click:::

Make~ ~hjg selection as shown i n the niu.s.twat'ion (A 1 : E.8):

- A B I c I D I E
1 65 :541 30 46
2 8' OS B:r 14
----=-- -14 69 18 91
T" as 42 7'1 6
6 '5 32 1'-1 6l
fi 57 4·7 65 :2
t 50 5 63 92
8 Se1ect an extra b~ank <column and !"Ow. cnc~- ,Alf~QS urn 'Todl once, an d you're done!

Copyrighted ... __ .. aL


IBOil aOil
!54, is'
':, 1
!5'el: 28:
!5'1' '1116:]
!91 41,4,
~ 911
·34, 291
1QI ~
~ '7]
16'6: ~~:
i51 ffi
'716i 41,Si
~ i4l
·32: 7101
1Sl A B

IELO 166 :21 16 1~

.2:31 :91~


~ :29

'1'0 ~6

~ 320

10 7

M Ifla

95 '71

1'6 13

46 :8'A

32 '10

551 19

11 331

Copy rig hted m ateri aL


The f~rnt d6~ ofr ne.xt month iis; =DAllE(YEAJ~~XA 1 }~IMlONillHI(A11)+ 1 'i,11')j so the day before th~t ls ~astt dSiY of thls month. Thererore, iins;ttead of us<i riig 1 as 'the day p~n;}lme;ter; IExoel1 has no problem with usiing 0,

"]"';h,,,: ';'"'I"i',~~~,:".....,.,~' ~f~"" ,~,jf"""I't,i\0f III '7,;1'

If-,~ N·~I iI!~1'! ~ L ~,V''i:r",rl! [IJ!:] ~' ~~,I'Q~~_r.'l.r.l. l u

Copyrig hted al...


~~, 'C-'h" ··a~· ··'n~····g······~··e·····~ot· L·e·· - ·S·.··~.,·~l'~·e···· ~~I"W'I"~

I~ .... ~ •• [_.~.:.~_ -. ~._ •• _ •• r ..... : UU.,,, .. ·.'·~1 If.·l,ft·.· .. : ~~~'VI

ro on :>e::C'V:·~e~.I': ~'~'IJ,~,' II·U::' :·n.-,~e-rs,,·~··::,t·,':!!!!I'·'""r:I·,::·~'"

..... :. :',. &;~A/'''' .. r ~ .. l. ..:l U~ .. t ~iI· •. _ .

.suot1ooe \J\QlI af'e Ilook!i na 8!] a W"Qrkshoo1 whiOch oon1airn~, dates w~~c:h

... ~tr'I"" .. .. .~ .. ~ . . . . ~~.,., . ~ ~ ~ .. ., ~ ~ . ~ .. ~ ~ .. ~ .. , .~.,.., ., ~

I"""!lil[i ~t· if.;o form Ci~~i[£i;dJ as ""IF''C01 iU' d ,i!J;I[-,CliD: ~;e,£i'allill eo ,,,",:f; t'h~rlf pelt~ U"+1I .. It'D;· v.~~ II u~ Ilv. ~ ~~Ll~t~.. ~ '~~ _U~I~'Oi ~!I!UI~~0i'~ V I ~!JII ~~lll~" _ I ~~



S~oot thle da~'£'iis~l, {'}tlid use Dat:afle('.i(TI= T~()Qlurm[IfiIS whiich briini'i'IQ. ~lr1l

. . ... .. - . . - - r.I{~, . j.!1 . - _. ~ - . . ... I. - _. ~ ~~ . . . ~. - - - - - - . ~ - ~ - _ .. ~ _. ~ - ~ - tJ.

the 1€i~i(t;~'b,')~Golurmn8 wlrzwd:

WieJ'fe:of1,l,l'l!~ hM ilk'km~m£lIhr.Ii:'!/I!D"~' l:i;~oJ,

~1iJis;1I:;; O[4'llMt., dJoJ~~ «~lib; ifu"'m ~M!'l!.~Mi: hdi:1!b!~:,!<)l!J!"~


ct-.:.~lIhe Fik: ~b'"rnt ~~~:~~

®~. ~~~~~~O'!'i~.~I:!'i'~';;':!!i:i'*~.~~ O~ -~~~n~dt1~r±letwem-JI~r~


,".' D[t.~~31l1 DII~i.UD';I'


I CwmI J I .; IIfdo; Iloii::t:t:::J II ~I ]

Copy rig hted m ateri aL



~f!..~~'V.cJ:~tJ~ ~!~.II.l~_y.rJ~~~~~:,.J~~ P.. ~.~r. .~.:..

~W~lT!tilt; ~ ~~~ri::;~ ~ [t~.IFCflIWi,

~~~t.::.~.¥~p:J~1::15-~ ddb ,,~to. d'~" oHI"Id ,IIl!r~~ ~ to t~.

cdtim d.rt.:o!! fOO'NlC O~~


If yOJ..! dial< IFii!'liis~ WlO\I'j~\ the ~e9:ult wl"lll replace the d8!b:s". You OEm

select another destii~ation 001.1; ~



~l:..!Imn d~t;a format ~

o G~Il~~al i:

O~xt ®i~i;··;l I VMD'I"'I.II'~ ..... -==

Copy righted

You C8tJl1 see this '~ffect ~)y draggitJllg the cursor across ,11\ 18:,~~::i&A2 itJ1l t~e f'OlFl'iI1iula, ,and pmsslimlg tne IF9=l(ey, Be SUire t:o press the~ esc lkiey

/ft··· r ',' ..•.. "·11' .. t"1A -' 1~0i=lk' ·.·c ..••. :, ,joh·'...ur t-IA .. :, ". ,' .. ,'.,' " .. ".' ""cr' ~;h" ,'~"'''' - -II,. ""1'1'1 '~'

,8 . lEt press rilg . ·11 II@: I~ '5! . ,flt!j 'so " 'B~ . ·11 1113, e.c<panslon a, '" , e, Io:rmu J3. W I. nQ~,

be IPSrm8J18nt

Compruhilg t~is sequence of [1Iu[mbers-(7~;1 ;2';S} - to a ,4, dhaillges t~Ma numbe'ris; to ,8 se:ri:es of TltielfaJlse, v'aII!Uas~


Copy rig hted m ateri aL


-e'xpandilrl\]1 the ":ormuh1 [bar {clidkin;g a.n(~l;whaml in the formuh'9l bar and pr'98s'ingl 'tihe F9-key] show,s;;

'~h' 9fElIUEc, 11' '" """""""'d[~" ~~l""dl' ',"...I'"

" "" IL e II n "', ~ va lues oanespo:n' ll'O'l'!fI:::' n€lSu ilY.S;,

The N tuoetlon [chang;es; IF,alse to O~ lir~a to 1 ;;; Th;e[i] the Sum F'u[i]ctiion adds thsm alii up.

Alrray-entaring ~SllJlM(N(WIEIE:K[)AY~ROW'(IINI[)IIIR:ECT(A 11 &,!! :~~ &A2))~4)) [ghJ'les 9~ Inn eaningl '~!hem1 are 9 Wednesda:ys Ibetw·aen '11/11 f(]5 ,~~md

3/ .. ':,5/',0' L'5 ..

• '. ~. [ '. 0" • _ .-.'~ [I

A 8 C

f I I~


1I:Ii:['o .. ICb, 'W" ,'::lrlclicl~m'- [~

~"'-' "j,""~ ,[ 'Q

I!'red Wililiiamfs

'"1 Jo,h n S:mlith 89

and etsewnere in '~nl rr" W', '.t"\.'!'it;,'ir- ..... ok 'L/;A;i I[ h !a~~'a a iF":i ... ...,.,.. anA IC'I:!IO:-+ ",,![!Ilmo "",,hl- ;r;lh' , [~!:! ~ .,.. ""'''-"~~ ~ I!"",.,.. __ • ,T .... '!.;!, ' •• ' ""'" !i\!iJ'I;.!"",,~, .J ..... '!.;! ,y'l,! ...... lA, IU~.;,~ IA~!U ~'i<li~~ ! !'-'Ii, • ~"" ~~ U IL'!o.!l, •

yOU! 'd I iike to flnd the ammJ!!!rt value, lhat is, you bave Bob Wiil] Iiams iin F2:G~ and 'you need to pick up th~ vaJlue f'rto:m 001111 C6, VOl!! cen't use [any of the lOOIKU P' 'f~l!1atiofiiS~ and yu~ cerrt dir-ec:~ly' use the MIATCH n . .!!riillio:n eiither: 'Wha-!t: to do?

"Th',,: ';'"''''i',~~ .[:""',......",~' ~f~"" ,~·jI',..,.I't,i\0f III '7,~'

,r,~ i'.!'o' ~o~ ~ L iGJ!i.v...-,r, ,I'~, a' i,.,.,rGt~' ... " " .....

Copyrig hted al...


2 [fi"jftt [B,II) b S~m'ilJll [Fwed 'w\illiam9 [e,olb ICh~i\l\Otiil [10 it) 'Wlilliaml9:

JIQliJn $:mJI1h C!llnt-o-n

J'"'" ... , .. I ~I!IIIQi~


F\I'lI'~G. ,', 2' b eoomes '+ho :O~r~r;ll !Ii ~,""Jb',WiUii,a'mc'i;;,alfil:4 this i:o; b'<e.1no m'or!i', ..... hI .... --!i

~ ~t.JlJ _. _ . \7.'u!v.~ lll~a. 'L ~~ ~ ~I_ I!!! I;~ ~~. __ .L .u. _!.['IOJ.! II uU.U ~ _~ _. "~L_ ~~ U __ u~~u .5'U

10I'1'OliiIfl'Cet. A11 :11.2'1 'l1c 8,1 : tpn'1 ~;Ij~hii,.,.,~ ~il'~£!i!n ~;e,JIiCif!:ii'o.-.l1 il"ln the ('n1ffY111 ~Iei ip;:or eiln'd,,:.']

~;:::IfU_II~Q.' _ ~ ~ _~ _ ~u _ w~~ y.~. __ ~u._ -!l ~.~ __ ~ _ ~~1!~~l~U _ .~ll~ llv~~ II~_IWIJ u~_ ~_

th;a IFt1i 'ka\l iio If'j;l!"CIieo' .... .4 OVlf'j;Or;....:iO *"n" .11 ~~ ~ 'I:i! _",~].' _~ ~:II[~O--!Ul~'11 [~I\~:~~ IU~ ~v~

,and you OaJll1I ~OO th~t: tt[he 'oombiirnatiiOlli [Bob'Wli[lliaJIllJ$; is the 6~1) i~:e:m in the list! so 'this; fOflmUJla reduces 'tOI ~[I N[DIIEX!(C:ClI6j, 'Whi:c~ is 06, so, the r;esl!,!ll~: ,341 iis reitII"Jnlned,,"

M' , ," I ~ k··· ;II! ~.~ .~.. ,~ ~ t: I ~ ,,~, ~,!lil ~,~, ~ "f' ,~~, ~ ~ ,~, ~

, '[ 1", 'I,. j. ..".,' ." t, .", J [' ." ••• ~ ... ,: f" .' .... .. '\'. "'1" 'i. 1 •. ", '.' " .' ;1 .". I ( .'1." ,:

, ·,8··· ,l1g. ezscr COfJles 0, ranges

•• •• ~ [!II! ~ _ ._ ~ _ ~ ~ ~'.". • :"":.l._. ... . _," . ~. . •. ~ ~ .. _ [!III! ~ '. ".' • • ••

W·' ··.·'{'~,h~:~, ·~·I,~,gct·"'1~~re~ ": [D~lr" 'm···~···~,I.~''VerJ< ·~~e· ~ ·re;: nees

... 1'1: . I' 'iiiij' . a ... I. ...' .' I. I .... A. .'", I .J "iiij'1 ~ . t. . . I. '". .' ~'IIiJ.II

"'1i,1~;!111 II.~C."" t~hoCl; ... Ibo"ii!o'~ r[Q'~<:!i;i'CJr-.-.":",,c. ,(!i,C;: o:!ii"i ~f.v,QrYI n;1 . .:::. '~'I'l!:Il .. IUIOC ,lllll!:ll aJ U'M''O '01'01 '[;1,1 1 .... 100 a>::l ICU II l!:I.f1;,C.I,1 1111~' .10.

Tn copy A:11 :[82 to C2:D3, an;dl not dhan:ge, M,¥, ~'8fere:nces ii n tfJ1la resulting Ir:ange,,,

Copy rig hted m ateri aL


He'I'J"9''S the fonmljj~as 'Vjl~f m· ·staln1:·i:ng Mth~ ILIs<i111 gl mlative! m~xoo, ,an(~ ,i3lbsohJf,e ir,efeoonces:

A 8 I e D
1 'abc: de1 I

2 .,rn~: ·~I
10--- J
'--- - - -
7 aJb~' dlef
1 - -- I---
s [91'11 1Ikl
~ 1. !Use,~ .2JJfl VLCD rk$Jleet ~n grol!Jp ,edlilt mode. To do ithat CtrVoliiok a seeond (!!.!Il1Il!JIsed} sheet tal):

Copy righted

:2. 8~16ct At ~ :,132~ uss Edib'FIiIIVAcroos VIJOr\l(shee1fs (this ls dumme.d! W~€ln YOilJl11m, not iill g~iJJP ,edli~ :mode)~

FI @~.tiil




or J I C~I

Now, ,Sheet2 oomains the ,exact s:arnl€i references 'i fill A 1 : B.2 as Shoot1l ,oontailllS,.

3. AotiV8ite 2nd wQr.k.$he'ett' (i!10f' in gro~p, edi~y'Q;U do thl:S; o~' Sij]ifit/ ,oih?ki:ng on She<et2'$ tab. 8i'I'il(H~ we didn1 'cop~f' 07: De, as wen'l you ,an~y sea II) 1:5; in Sh,eet:2, out that's: fine.

C2 .. 11 =(;1
A S C c
I -
I IjI ~I
OJ Copy righted materlal...


You Ciami see i n the fOr1milJlla bar '[halt cell G2 sti III contai ns the mfeJamiCB to C7" 1ihis, is Ibeci3J[jse the re;t:e[13n Des don "tt Ic~aJng;e in a CtfIJp'a.Ei,tre, (lnl~l in copy/pillste"

C2 I· &~:=Cf
A I a c D
" m~ leI!!!f I I
f-- JIlri~ ~~I ~I:~~: cI'wr ~
r-- -
r1- - jkl
,. I
abc:: CI:e1I -
"I -
a "til Jld Eli


1 I~~' ::2 I!II'sce

lL!l!iiC,:;,,;::iT~' """"!'I......;:'.O~'T~ n,

~$CI, -SOSS ~



~ ~ I ~

- I Om I~ i ~~

A8slm"ll~ngl there: ~lre no "t~olf@st~ il\il 'lthil3 'fl tM oo;lumn of t~e, d~,tabM€l:, -I:-. . '.". ''''h' . ....II fi- '!Io'l .- .j. -', .... ,. 0'" EEC"lE"T't;t.A'~1 1\ 0 r» ourrr ... f(t; l!; ·.:;t;,;I'i;t ~~ e~ lange W' €I 'ere lIillLlon ItO IlJ'ES g ·.,n~QE;; I VilFli,{il I'U'~" 'uV C'. 1'\111 M!;.ioVft; ~.oiJ'1;

Thlits: miMiI'iIS startJfig witlh oell A 1, ~ (] rows down andl 0 columns QV~jlr;

in COUNfA(At:A) rows pY ;5. cohJ mns. (CiOI!JINIfA returns: tlhe nu mbeil' of l1oFtl-blank (9118).

Th[lS automla~uoolly wm include n ~ t'OweS add~d bec~usel t'he COUNffA ~'9SiJjtt~ will cfilange. If it 'W'ej',9 now A 1 :;:1~25~ Uaen thEl OOU NfA. f'~rl<f:~tion ~tu rns ,2.5. W~M yo~ Mlel a new imcord!, f~e OOU NfA mtun-ns 2~,~ so UIie.!1 n~ de1tnilioilil ils; =0 FIFSt,T(A'1' ,O,O,26,5.}~ or A:1 ':.152:8"

Copy righted materlal...


3& U .. · REP··T't·, ,.' I"" t

,' .... S'lng .. '" '.-""-. ·'-or 1(1,'SUB.' e.' ree s

You can easily use a varia~l:on ,on = ~:E:~TrA'1l ,:5{~U) 'fOIr a nl"oe. en'ecl [~thatlS, a I folll o~d by a \)- Shown below, )!'OnJ! can see: the ~f1ieat of th e f'-ormu la €rrter1OO in 0011 A"'1 ;

l~:~] r~] [11 [ ~ [-D [~J [-] [-] [-] E-] ~:~] [~] [ -lJ [.~~ [.~ [-] [-] [-] [JL-lJ [ -~ [-D [~] [-] [-] [-] E-] ~:~] ~:~] [ .lJ [i [.~ [-I [-] [-] [-] E-] r-

·4 O<')o<><>oo·o·(:>o<'};<oooO·O<")o<-;oo<;IoO-OO-O-oo<>oo,oo·o-O'"l :5

n..... h.,.. .... i'<"i '<!::;'f-t I~ .or-.! '!,,;!j(.i Ll!o \:;.. !!::Ibll'!.l''o.

The spaoo lis as valid ,i1iril QP~mtor ~ +! - ~ / ~ or- * ...

=,~gt: GizJlillOO will ~l'iok up ~he' ill1iftar.sectioliil af 'tiha 2 Il'ang;e.s;, WMt andl GltzriflOS:

ss U'" til.. S t

' ~ .·.·s"ng tne .. ··:pace as' en ope,ra ,o,r





.24 5[1

37 [53





SIUPlPose y'Ou have ~his ~n a celli ~ C;\MSOIFF'trC:E'JEXCIEL \JUBRARY\MS'OIJ ERY\MyFijle:~xJs, and you'd like: '~O p:iok out the ~astt piece, IMyFilR X;l5", Here's ~ow to do it

Fir:s,tt, tnere are a, 'few things 'y<C)4J need to know, The[!'~~ a LJEN f'url;c;ti:o:n which returns the nlL!!lF'!illoor' 01 characters lim! a :sttring i' or ce~ll" So if A ~ OOmaiLtlS, ABCAi' =:lEN:'A'~} would rett~rij 4,

AiI'P1i"ii = S.·····.:IJ- 1- G:i1~i'jFIJ- l-llG'iA-11 !JiAjj ~!:~!'j~ '~~~lf"llllld, - ratJl nn Qip:C" '.0-.-' ,'.. becai ~ii:'oa ~·t,"

~_-o.VI! .. UOlllll ·~L.v·U~ ,,-Ii II! Y 1- ¥'II!V~._ ~.Y~_ .ur .. _'?_ ~VOJ,Y~~.l

chances bafh AIg We?If€: 1f'V'i1no to take, ,adi\latl~'!:!ijO€: ot another oenon in

, " ~ " , , ,_" ",", I, ~...,""~ _"" _ ~" , . , " ,.u:~, ," "',' I, '...... " _ I "

troa S:I [iip'~i[fIU--ITIE~' rUin' ""'~i0n 'W".",'h-a:tI~ WP. ""Qn; eh .... ~ii'1~ ,01 n'~~:i""ni"'r,- ~"",('r;:llllr" II ~'!07 . U I:.,;I~ II "II .. " ,II _ "!;.;IlL V! II' " " ""'I'~ ~ ~ ~ ..... aI!I v! !-all II~~ ('I,,.......' ,~~ .... u.iIa ........ V' •• L

Okay. pif-ellimiinariiles. are done:. Let:1B 'go Mck, to wh~If€: ,A 1 Gontaiins:


1, ~LEN(A,1) ls 44.

2, ~SUBS-lITUf~(A.1~, FofVm ~ I~~~} is C:::MSOFFI]C~EX.Ct:LLIIIB if1'AIR"tMlSi"

InlJ~EIiy' ,1l,.I'-'I~I'11 <'""'1:_ -~'h-' '1) c '- . " --'10-'1"-" -, "'·"-!Io'h- '.- Co ct 'th-·· ~,'I.#\I·'· - ..... -:.-

~ .. ' L\;.Ii1I, !~Iy I~ lie,,,,) 8-,,- ,IE! ,same; ~M1 ng WIlL J)U, , ,9 uacl'\.:S ,asllle8",

II LEINI~'A-lI'-). LIE'Nl'C>IUIBS'9fl1'T11 r9FE(."11 iIJ-\l~ IJi\J'~\ " . iIii:: - .. 11']' . <1;,1,1.,. . .. iIii:: "'t, g I;;,~, ,11,_·' .1;;, ',' ,~~ ',' ~'III I 'U II I;;\n.' ~ ',', ~ i! [IS ,i,ii r. tEU ng IjjS ~II 1l!l9;-ra are ,;,J

h,Ql;-.ll..-'i9II:Ci'CJ:h.::!i;i9! I' C:-:iI!:iJ, ~.ceoil!lJ, ".\~Ci!~ a· "'i9; t ......... :II,th ~p,e;Jr'ai'1l"i~,;;:;;-r 'i"i l~h·';;:;, ,S~,IIU~~p.--Trr~I[I'"F~ 1!Ja- ..... Il'..~. !CI:o:J, ,o-a<. ,II Woo U~'!:il ~,r ~l::IO( :OJ IIl'Ci "'t II n !l:'Illl 1'Ci1l0 I! II IL_ ,0 IU'!WI'!.JI ,,!U' I I;;

f[mctio;rl~ we willi Qnly dhang!l9: 'tile ,5'lj:) slash."

,5, ~SUBSlITIlJf~(A 1 ~,iIJ\lJ',CIHAA(222).th9' v:af.ue from step 4) c~angesi t~e last backslas:h to 8J CI--IAR(222:)I" {CI--IAIR{:222) Is Ikllnd of' ,a.mbitl',aryistiran:ge, char-acf,er. ",. ~a.Jtlg in there!}

8\2' .. ]hie im1: ,ExC8~ jf;s' Magic!

Copy rig hted m ateri aL


'1, = Mil [)~A.'1 ,the 'vai~ fm,m ,~f;ep 6'+11 ,2.55) ~rives ~ ust MyFilh!~.xjls, PlLltting it ,an t(lgetlher:

=MII D(A;11 ,SEARCH~C HAR(222)~S UB81'liTlJTE{A.4 ,~'\

I~ ~CHAR(2:22},lEN~A 1 )-ILEN(SIJ BSl'~irU1iE(A 1 , 1,\ ~/ "m~+1 ,255) 'Willi ifetu m MlyFi le.xls.

A2 I '" 11l ,I!!Mlo.(A1.~C:f!I(CI-!LAR(m).~~~nrruTE~\1.'\·'.C~(2~I,;l).

I iLEN~ i )-UEN[SueS,TITIU.!§A1,~" ,iijm+i ~

1 ;i!';. .~II;;lii:!! 'i""1I!"'[~II'i""I~u···"'''''i~lll !~In~ ,j\,I"M'AUII~""'1 Ir~!~!Iili'IIII~~z~I'-' ; -I" I "'"" .'II!O!~'" b!!F' IF "-o~.J:;::A!!g!l::::::iIb!NIb Gill'!iJ."!ll"li.,l !J,n~'IoI: ....... ~Il'!ii,r "'!O!II'fr~ e~,x s'

41' U,;iii' S-"UM~I" DR' O' "aU'C"T

.1Il >8:Ing '<I', ..•.. ,rl":"_~

In®t~d of tryh'ilQ to m,fljk~ ,S IJJM ~F Of OOU Nfl F work on m~tt~lPl€ cone H:~Q~S: (y(lU c,anft),,, use S UM ~ ~(H)UCT.


3 11

~ I~SUMPR(j)IDU;CTill'A2 ~A11 ~.®MaB:2:8'11 !IIl"Ehobr'tlC2:C~~ ~


6 ,;2

t ·S!uMPR~~ltcr~~:A2 ~A.t 1-2ji).4~"~:B'11·;;~Obl·;i) e

~ 11

1 i;lI IIii$UrarlF'~iJi!DUClrl-4:M::',M 1I~MJ ... ~[§2~~,1 ~ ii!·~QI;i!!,~~ .. C2:(11)

Ce 1[1 [Ll4, which ()O~ta~!iliS the' formulla shown 'i n D5,~ retums 11 '. 1111 is' is the sum of the: ernounts i!ili collL!!mo C wh'ich ootTespond t'O the year beii!aQI 2caCl~, ,and the nam e IbEdng [Bob. lhs.rtt occ urs on~' in rows :3 amid 1 ca, The '''cr.rmula wO'.rik:s; like, ttri~s~ The part of the formula whloh is A'2::

A 11 =2004 evaluates to (what yoU:'id see if yOUl selected that part of the f'Omfilula ,alia pressed 1F9)~

{FALSE:TRUI~;FAL;.S~p':A1LS~:mu ~'1FRU~: FALSE~FAJLSE:~IFRU E;~AlS~ Where the: TRUE's ioorre,sp(md to ~he, 20'lJ4O,s. 182:18·11 :=:'I~Bobii evaillu, ..... I!:!I!I;!' to:

g~~~ ~v.

Now t~~el are beiilng nrIlultipli;ad togerther" Om[ly TRU[I: 'oil" l'RIUE !:s; '11 , ,an(Y' (lther cDfil1[biinal:ioii1l ils o. {Ybu can try H: iillil a cell---e:!nter ~fAILS[I:'"TAlJ E, f:ar e~aiiTIpla\ Sol this prod[iLiCei$ t~), 1 ,O,O~O~IO~I~)II(]It.'~ ,O~ ~l where the 11,8

w I w ~I l~

corrsspond tOI a pair' o~ 'lRU~':8;" NoW" t~iis iimi turn is miJi[l~i ~Iiioo by t~e

range in C.2 ~C1'1 , or ~:'11 ~2:S:4:.5;16~:7 :S~9: 1 0],. T~is [mJ[Ji[ltiip[licati:on yields ,~O;2::0:0:0;IO;;O;;O~91~O}'~, and this is added UP to produoa thel '11.

~ l w w

CeJl[1 [Cn (formula, $howii1 iin 08) ,only ret~rmi$ t~el {O;;1 ;;Oi:;~)~(li:(]i:O:iQ~ 1 :[O}' part: of ~hel liTiulltiipl[h)aiiOmi t. and this us; added ~IP' to p:r(;tdu:ce t~el :21-, w~iC1h N)pr~seiii~S a COUINT of time nUliTibet of ~""€lcord$. for whh)~ the y~af iiS; 2:004 and the namel is. see.

You may [ha,v.e $001fi ,an:olh:er variatiion of tt~el fOnTr'ilul[a iili'ii [cell D4L Gell 010 oo:ntains the ffonllfi!Ul[la $~own in D1'; u 'What iiS; the " __ ,I'l befo~ [each set of par(elf1f~heses'? I~ you snter :::::::-llR UE i mi a, [oelt you!I[II[ soo ,.,'] ~[ ~·Ft\lSE \(ields 0, so '--'TRUE uields 1 ~ and[ ~ IFAL-SE :s~iil[l[ ~ields

.,- .1 .,'

0, llte,~ coerc.:ecS, the set: of llR UE/IFAiL8[E'$ shown ,above, to 1 ':$ 8-

O~s; ~not -,1 's 8. O~). 'so the fbn-nulla [real[ty reduces to ::::::SU fI;J1[PRQ[Cl., UCT({O~1 ~O;lO;'] ;';1 ;O;O~1 ~Oh{O:;:'] ~:O;:~)t;:(Ji;(Ji~1 ;O~1 ~Jl)};{'] ;2;3;4;5;6;7;,8~,9:;:'] On

Wll-.[ •• ~hc' acain beoom ~ e~ ;f1' P;U1Uilr:;~O' [DII IC'!T1.l0c "2- 'O,'c '''in'''lj"'iI''lj"'ij"l[''ij"OC'j,p'[ocn rjlF ,"11'

~ll ~ §t::IQ.!. ~.'I::;;i~!i#, I I.~.~ O·_·NIFn .. _ .. -.IiJ.._~ I \l'~.,. ~.·w·~).J:lJ~'IJ~IiIlJ~·w·'''~~.<~.!'' ylJ ~

Copy rig hted m ateri aL


Date wonl 'm ,I t1 ooJ umn?



fr~ rm;j~ Cull;; , - , , - - I1JI1D

Ge.I~ 02 oO\ntaif!~ = TOD~YO an<d is f()rmatt'edl :B:$ shown: cddd, mi,dl "j'ij'ifY:" W'el~, Ut won't fit If 'Vo~.l'~e lre~,trk)too from' dlafllginQ the eolu mn wudth!1 what {Jan you do? The' :501uU.on ts the 'T1E::f!i'f'unotibn. Cell ID 11 oont6lim: '~hli9; Jo:rmul1a: ='rEXT(TO[)AYO/~ddddl" midlyyyy"i}

-Sunoe this rglUmSl'text it wm flow' into the next col umn ,if therel~ not leno~gh room to displ',ay ~n it:s own 001 umn,

Copy righted

Rem~,mber me COUNiTIF 'funct~iQFtI--· its; syntax. is =caUNTIJF(~~alfilge", ctiooriaJ, With al i the: ~JenS in Go1umn ,8, ~~Iected, tllliis, 'IDlIf1!'lulla ~tUIi'1t1'9, liR UlE oniy if 'the CO UNli1 F tor ,aU of Gol umn B (1hoe range) ("X)!1rtains (lf1lr~ "1 va~ue of !!C~n contairll Dimly uniQue V~~U:eS'1. ~f yOIU \'i'i,f€\t'e to seteet B2 at this pol rrt ,and re""l@xamioo th~ data ''!!,alldJalioll1l formul1a, YOlfi'd see

C-O-UINTIF-(S-- B- 00) 1

~ -". . I _..: I I •.

:=~ - ... : ":.. _-" -.~ . 1:11"': .-= 'I

Copy righted materlal...








'111 '112:

~ ~w 'et'mr al~lrit aftfit'" H'IlaIM d.ata I'§ efikerooi

'#h:9f1l ~1i.1W eI'"jl:f.:lr~ tllVil _~ ~t.[jJ~ :i.l~ It:ftt; GrI'W ali31ill::: ----:$~~~

Copyrig hted al...


[I I C [Ill E F

8l~11 30%,.

291:9 '~[~,

340 '~10%,


a6l' 201

.~[.~[%, 6%,

~ 16 g~~: 'T'gt~ r "' ~18 g~ptS:

32417 611

'1[~, 4%,

Lees ,e:x;amine the 'forrnuIJa. more close(I~(. := B'2/IINI[)EX(B: B, MlATCH(!'I~o

t _I'" O·,ICII;Sl!;Ttll;'l' '0 [0'" 'iI OO-;f![ '11~ [I'f\ ,.DO·: W'·:'·l(1;~1~ , '''h--'I'' .. '.-. ---' - '-' : ... ··1 'd' - [~-. b ..... - ---'

a , 1rI-~! \-.i""!"G~~ '.'~ ll!U p. ,~u.rf- r!i !IJ. ) ItJ1I ,s' Ca8€ WI fl S lijp €:Ing

._.Dl'1iIIN·· D'··lcVjl:30.e'~, .. ····'h-j"··h- 1"-' IEJo~,le~. Th -....Ii' , .. ". ,'. ·I·-· .. ---.-·:·_·!Io, ..... ..-:I •.. Ih-"'-"".=~~.. ' .. : I::A.\C.IJ!~'U} p. 'iN Ie. '8. ~~, cu. .. U lie· pal'" we Ire I itl,efOOILt'61U 1111 ere:

ls how the 6 Is (j efived. And more speciflici9Jllly~ how this same fDfltlilJllllllaJ

I n- r-''''lI oIO'hiY"i;~ "'g'h' O-t,i1! i'oa.-Ui' no, -t:I!c .o!:i,ll"1I .... h ...... ~~ '11l"1I 1"'\""110' C"7 'C,- "1' iii:: '.' i\ ...... 'I'IIi'Il"1IS 'iI iI'i:

I . ""'v' !i.111! OU: .. ' I' ,U ! ..... :~) .... 11110< \} aillll!U! I[ 110",,,, [ 1II1 '''"''''' .0 .' -. :. ". oJ' IlL, ! g~,rU .. 1111. II i;J'.

Copy rig hted m ateri aL


O~"'Il,"'~' b'" ,jk tc . "1111 C'~"i\"i M' .... TC·'~··ILlII;;lloIr"T: 'fi· 'II!Y 'O·~··IEE'C>E-T-.r;!\;I"]; '0 0 -,4 ii"iO' 'i"ii ,~\ 'Ol ill'ii:i3}I,8C, , 0 ce,f::'" ~ .'.'.' hI • 'riIi~ l'Ol1irt ,lrrn::iI'!;;;' II \ML:,~~ II UU~1 II !~Hj

is th e sam e as: ~IMA""fCIH~""Total'l',A2:~A.'~ 0:[111 ,0) becarusB tlhe ,OFfSEf f'[mdio:n as; used liiu~MI9 says to start wit~ k2.j go 0 IrUW;8; down and

o CoIUmli1.S; O'i;le[~ aJndl use a S~apB of i1 (JOO rows x, '11 COhJilmril~I or 1f2.:;

A 1 o (]I 1 " 'lhii$ pant rati!Jrns ,5 oocaJ,.i;s~ the MATCH! fulrn~tiion neV'e:r returns; O--ies ,a vaJlue firu;m 1 and Q!i[Pll at #N/A i~ not found" An a'd,~ustmMt needs to bel lir'looe. 'W~ ooed '6,~ so We can ,just: add i1.!~ 8,m: that seems liilk~ c;heatlingl. ,And iin CSj 'tlhe MATCH! wQUlid retum ,4, and adding '11 wouldlli'il~TI be right;: we'd needl TI~) add 21 II ii1I lot~er wordSj we need to ,ad:dl one less 'TI~aJn '~he' row TI~e' Womnulla ils; contansd iin::; ii rillQ.2 add 11;

in CS, add ,2:, in 04, ,add 3. 60 in 001111 On, ,add rtJ-'11. IN:OiIN look at 'tlhe

f ...... m~ ~'ull,"', '1,'"lr··'" ad Id''"II'ln''g-: I!"'.i ..... W';i\''i1

1!.J.1 I . _ gro !i"W;!g' [Q g"~ f. ~ ':, Ii1LV",' "v" I ..

1~1c,,"1;;;' ,,,,.-lI~ .. .-lI "'" colamn 'I'ln tli-.'I'I;f" rn.rn;v"[ ·lllu~rr·,""·lnrn 'w,"h,;'lc~Jh' 'I"'" ,;:"'I'lm~~nll~1 '[the n~"'"'t iI"1if"

11 o:;;i' g,'I;J'l,;It;:'I;J .;:l!, ""'I,J' "'" I I 1111, ~ II ,;;;:0 1IIIg"",Ii.~ .."IU ~l ...,1111 "~ , ,;;;I 'i'1' ",",1.1 ... ","I;J!~ u ...,

t~e 'Woliilliiula, from the IM\Ar'C~H on:





6: i i ij



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IlDlljp,t2 Tota:l

W~at 'makes 'TI~is 1TOrim~lla in~erEi$fin;g I:s; 'thalt: it can Iba 'tfiUad ,d:owin as; far as n ecassary witho~t k[ilQwingl what tOW '~ha total i~: in"

Copyrig hted al...


If \I\QU l!'i:oht=fi!'iiouse dlfQ;O and dreo t:~€~ border of ,8 rang' e '~O ·8 neW' ~O= .

• ,~ • _ -~w w ••.• "' .~~~~ • __ U ~.~ "p,..- .. l~. l."" • ~. ~ .w ._, ' __ ~_.'"' •• _, w ••••

c ...... ~;A;1fi' then w~an ~~('i;1111 I";~+ ,1";1' ..... , oi"i!l1 the ri()r~~= c ill\""k·· ·~~ o ure If'I(r<:!lii:'£ii~~" .... 4 w~~~h"'

vOl_VIJ I! r. ~l_ ~1 w w w 1111~~ w J" v.~ ~'~fU vU It _~ ~ w~11 ~ILl vU u.w.?- 3' V-. _ ~ ~- ~~~ IIILt5'UI .. L!IL. w

a diiak~g oon1ainiing ImarllY OIptjO!1S::







;0' ~l

~'Ha~ ~~rm!:!~·O~ ~Ilk~t\~l

~fu~~ [!::rnperllnk Hi:r~~

;ihirt: ID@l'.!n arid (opy Shii\Rrdlt a1.il1~" ShiFt ! afid .~'ie ~hift: [!i!~t ~tiI fi,OOq


lif you dragl a rang:e this w,'ay' atl:dllbe'fore letttirng go yOiU dr~9 it ngliilt:

1,..,,"', .... n, "'1 .... tlh' ... 'or"' :'Ig" '['I n "'" II 11 ....... · .... rIj-'I'Q"·n" ·~II ... 'U w· .'1'[111 ...... ·111 k;;;, IP:·'r·;;;'~A"""""..I ·• .... I~lh ths .... '"'- ........ a

L).-g~rr\ li.lV.1 . _ ~ I.w. '.:.!l1{;]! V~gll.. r.w• I, ':J v.':..' . -, Q!l L).-~ _.1 [~i;I~lllllt~ '!f.M' It Ii. '1;1] ~lJI~'JiI'~1

[diialiog~ and tliilis WlJJj' you can copy/past·e .spooiial valll:es; in plla-ce w'itliil t~e mouse.

Copy rig hted m ateri aL


GtrllShitlr creates Qutlli rile: border GtrllShii/- removes [border

Oril the MiaDilntoshl use: Optuoril/C'Qrnmand ke-ys: instead of CttrlfShiiVt K[@/g,

"t>o, ·'~,n;.s··:e-lrt·'~~"ii~'n D·~.· ·~a· .',t~e- ", [D. Ttm ". >e- ", -8····h~;.o·, ,rt· '~~CI'~"U': :.t~C!'

-,g. 1'[' .. - ... J I. l:.'[I\_ . -_" _.-_, ]", ... a I~.· .. ", ... '- -t .... /,' I. .', .. f~

Copyrig hted al...


491 S'h"i"'t'I::c'~'" ,"C' 'k" , tnn ar- I (C'" ""R'" 'CO'~" .. "'n'tro--'s'~~

Iii .. :.~.ll "iI·I~·.:.: .. I ..... '[.'~."" "'.','. ~., V·! .. ·~ 'j .···· ..... ,1 :: .. · .. ~.',>.I


"":"' ~ ., ti' ~:sheetUSAee~ l ~ 1 f.uJ~ '", -, " ~:

I'~ you ~ol)d the' Sh~tt k,ey dowmI wh lie clilcki i1!Qi one or t~~e: inniSr two con'traitS!, you wUII Slewll a ~I:~}ag:elil or 'moo ~,8l11 t:h® 'tabs '~h~t are vi~w'ab Ie} art a '~lili11e iingt~a,d of one sheet ,at [1, '~imei.

50' C-'·' I, t,~ A' t S-" b' tt

' ." ..':,IOA,' '-I,;el,--'u,-o'um::u'-o,n

trom the keyboard

A~tt~ is the sem e acs: c:~iclkjng the AutlOSu rn tool. A~V'~ twice' (QUlr'okl:~i) wiill also enter the, resu It

,51'~ S'rlnging the se/ecflo'R into view'

nr's pOScs]bh3: yo. uve ,Sleh~ctoo sam e area oJ oe~lls. md ~h~n s.cron~d ,awa.y so YOM can't see ~t ,anymor€~" CtrlllB SlGks;pao® brings that setec'tl'on 'In~o vi€w~ and S~il'fVb~c~S!pac€: brilngs selection I'nto V~eW:fllS 'Well but rsdu DeS! th~ Slele;etio~ to t~~, a .. ci'ive ce~L S.o" ~f thls lis the ~)~'f"o:r;e p'lct~re:

A I B I c
""3 I I
• Copy rig hted m ateri aL


~f a oell has :=S UM(162':IE'4). then with that Geml seJem€d" use !Edit/Go to Slpeciial and select ~reo~d1ellt;s,., The r€sLdt: ls ~hait cells B2:,E4 win O€ selected.

'C' +'rl/[" ,...:I""ClO thCl, same ,;t-.ihilfllif1 ': 'IL _' ,'Uv~'"' Ii il'G' '-"~! ~'IL_~ Ullil~.

How€v€[" I'f' a c€:11 hatS; a l~riIlk, 'to ,a celli in :8l c,loSiedl wO(l'kb-ook (111 e emrt~re patt~ 'Would be shown 'In 't~e ceJII)p ~hei1 US~rligl EdiUGo to SIPecl'al1 would 'giv'~ anti error lfi1®ssage:

n H!i IOO~ were foond.

I ~ I

WrJIf:J reas Ctrl/[ w'Ol!Ild opeifil t~e fil!!3'~ s,w;itrc~ to thE:ii ~propriate sh;eetl ,and ,si9llect the celili.

111)e Go tolSpeciaJl dirLilog slso has: 8J11 r~ A~11 lev'e!I~~ opnon button when }i'Ol!i ~elect fPOOC"€Idents ('Qif' DepE:ind1enrs). This mssns tlh8il: iff', in ;tlhe 'fi'rS't ISX:almpla abrnte, C€iU C3 had a formul a, wlruich rM,er~ncedl ~1'12~ th!B' ~IIlevels Qptti'o n 'WOuld aliso ~911€!cttt celli H'112 (irrl addition to B.2::'~4).

SN:t O~s.

o~ o~

o ~ dil"f.erentl<S O~dfi'1!I= @~dert~.


O~wh' ®~ I!~' O~!ZeI O~~~«iV,( O~i'«~s O~~Jct;o

O~ji OCUnrt.~ O~·tiit ''to! o~~

I at; II I ;:~I

Copyrighted ... __ .. aL


sa ewe: 3' t I

. . • • _ _ .", ,"' _ , . _ . I -.-. -, _ '1- '--" ,,' . -, .

.' "I' ....... " : l. . ", I'" ' ..

.... ~ •. ~ ...... ~ _ _ ' .. ' IS a <--way 099, ,8

Sarm:e as TOQllsfOptionsAftew and c'hoosi~g between: '. Sho~ All

.• Show Ptaoeho~dafS .• Hprj',e All

The' above is for showi ng or hrd'i ng .obI:ects" inc~udi!l g charts. :Doingl so makes Tt a lot qJlJIie;Ker tor scrollh1g; espe(3ii8Jm~l ir tthe,re S;r'e m~' charts because the screen doesn't l1atve to red~~w while! you scroll.

it em also rev,~a~ cells ~hat are hldden by ob}eat~t

Show iPlaceihoaders 'wo~ks tor charts o~lly, not other ob:JeatS'. H ere's a worksheet wuth S11,0W' All:


By the way~ ir yo~ h!Bive H ~d'e AU as the opti'Ollj aJI drawi ng ob]ems are '0 isa!bled~ amid tryin g to create a Gna.rl! w'ill~ aJJttCl'!11athJalll~i' go onto 'ilis 'OW11l ,sheet], not as M embedded o~airt

J U5;t use Citr~f6.

Copy righted materlal...


Ctrilpe,ritl,o sll.l!cressi'i,iliely selects comers or ~he se!Ie.c1~on, even U the 'en~i re selection i~, Ilauye; as irii A 1 ~ DO'199,

ct::' C":, '.,. p" '.' ,. S·:· "., ··t,·· .... ,"~ ··~··th·· '. ~ 'h'-'~ ts'~ 'opy ·.,B'ge ee ,UPS ,0 o:,ers.··,ee-:

~ ""' 11
~ :.- iiC-
- ".. "'"
~ ...
:.r~ t'I '!)oJ
~ ~ .~
~ .... ~
IIIlI &'I Sa~ ~~Otll can see 'thaJt glheet2 ls po rtral't and has no lenfc€Ht€f header, w~'ih3Is~eet1 has I arildsc~pe\1 ~~S a~ [t~h:iI,~d o~~oo:r ~ei1;d@;r, a dla~~ 'r:or '~he: UeR h&aa,er~ and! t~9 d~Jta ls sh;~n wrt~ gWidl1 ir1les ~J.'1Id row '& :column lhE!iad~ngs. 'We:~d 1~kl3 StJl~et2~8 set~jlngg to be the sams as ~(h~6t~ 's sett~ng8. H~re:':S! !how 'to do it

1. fUl~ both sheats in grou p edit: (with ,slheet1 ,aC'tiv\e~ Ct rUe Ii ck, ~(he®t2-JVOu Ci8irJ.' ,aroo' SblWc!ickJ but if you Pre u8fn~' sh~m which ,B're,IiJ'l next to ,~~h ,ofher, Cfrl/cllck w1# orny ,put m~ ~ shoot' In gKNJP mode~ wh~~ Shiff/clicK wllJ put ,all the shea,fs tn .. .tJe:fwfSeY1 in ,g,roup mode},

"l"'J,;; . .~ E ,~' -,H'"", - ~ no!::'

f ,r • .!s IBn' ,L x',C"eJ', J~; s ilYl'.ctgfC. so

Copyrig hted aL


i!:: Th"'Ji." :!- f') II! H ~. e,1)., .i-f'!j

';J, I srs il" n;ea~ ':/. ere 5, OllilS6u::. nilow::

You can do '~hiS! wUth ,::.,1 sheet at ~,time, or even 'the e~tilr,e workbook. To. do ~tt for more 'than '~ shoot s~rmiPly put ,an the sheets ill group mode a~d hsve 'the sheet wi'th the sett~riIgs you w,ant to c~Pfy be the! ,active sheet Then Page setup/OK/get aut of '9 raulp mode,


[t,en.!!dM r1~~~CQ,~ ••.

Copy righted materlal...


5~- C··'--·~fJ'iY"-"" P;~lg,-,'~ S-r~t,·u-,-p'.~

~ .. U'~ .. ~. g~ ... 'W! .~.". -_ .~

1c- -

- ,- "---"- '1"- ,- ,-, ,- .. , ,--

across war. boo,ks

But 'this: m~f:1I~d brnlfilgs. ~n nsmes, styles, n~m ber Formats., and minks ,~S weill. Hers's an()th~r :approadh which av()i'ds: 'that problem,

Using VB A, run thl;s comlnaJ~d:

Application Dra~ogs(:xIDt8Jlog'WbrikgrolJ p'). Show. This puts) all open workbooks and w{)fksh~~~s I n group edilt mode,

r ~ 1t ~ 1

SejlreUIfiIQ tne sh€~'t$, W!hich cGriita;i n t~e page s:€!tups to, be copiJedl,

tl""~ ,I .... .an .jl.hiCIt"ii elm"'n~\-t ~OUICio ~h'"', pi~ ",-IBon~ Oo""~ I!"i; """f'iii'!I'Ti 1:T1I<:!ii"i d- .ao ik,o.lf'n I':t:ii ,J'V~ 6i~. ILI~!IU!t ~ ~ .. _. ,f-i'ilj' I~~ _"i~ -lb. _~, ~~'5frl~~~ OI~IL!Y~' ~1!IIII!UnJII!f -:.. ~ 1lJ~I~Y'I[~~

O~lce agah1, rneke su r~ that ~he, sbeet with the prop er;e Setup is me a,ctiv€1 ~hoot, b€fcaLJS~e: c$€A€{~1irng HmlY Q~her s~re1 wi'! I mk~ you out -of group ImOO'e.

Copy righted

I 2'$ I ~lemel




II ~.~.~ ..... r:lB.-.: .If- __ +-:I~",=~=di=e={lr=~=:py=:/=,;. ;=11 __ -

,gg. '~!~t ~ S~~o:ti·



J',' _. ,.1-.

0- - ·c-·~ "II: '11'" '1.' . ' .... "'~I' . h ...... \ .. ,t . , ~'-'IIi'

[ if' ·!I.~l .'. C 1:(;1\ speCllll C: S. !i3'!::!!!I..:S iLO p~ln~.

Th····· 11:'),--11;,' .. ;9tJ11 rlnn~,.

,.#,,0' C-'~e'~'~ 801,"1'.',: p' ... ,.9g·. ·.:.A b.'· . ree ·k:.· ··S·>·

go. . I'---c::IIJ .... liJ . -.-g .. '11 1.- .. '" V ',' " ..

~ - ~ - ~ ~ ,'~ ~ .. ...:., - ~ ~ - ~

lnssrt Pagel Break beoe 1l1~; IRteset A 1111 !Page Break$ when ,alill the (:lells ars :sel!ected ~if '~heOOI are rn aaua II page br€"aJks}.

Copy rig hted m ateri aL


J!:'n, P~'n-: "n:~'t·' re -·m·-'-·'[O:··t·'a, ere --S': 'S~c O',:'n-'" sa rn ·e·· n:Ans.:.::

~ ~ , . ~ _ ..... __ ._ "/1 ~ .. ': i' .... I "" __ ' _,_1_,,_. ',I ~'~'-::I' "

To do this. use tthe camera too I. You can get ~ by Vijew!foDibars/CUlSitomize, elick [on the C-orniTU31nd'8, tab, then select the Tools CaJtegory [!al"ld the, Camera tool 'is oGIloout 3/4 [of the way dowmi "varh~s: 'With t.he~

verslon or Exoe~. Dw,ag! 'Vhh::: tool to a toa~ba;r; .

'To add a ~~ ~D iII~: S'Il~. <i G~)' d !lk~ ths; ~~ out !Ji 'thil;;·i!Ild}fiiJ ~ ~ 4 ~,

'L.!l t ~j".ki!j::

'ihl~ '!.!'~Iji"t'i~'1 indicmar bii!mm.;ii; ,thGJ ,~ii[tmi iSl'l!ijl t (I! i/l! III 'wlitCiIIl V,a.WI[ I~'~ ,pO

II l~

'Q'f tlh~ mOO~~

~ !~

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M~ '~.grooi4R\1i' ~oEI!H~1 ii.iI.It~

ill I

~lCh~\!'eI'opJr. t~~e plcttlr€ near '~11€1 ori'gina:1 r,al~g€' by clickjng where ~'Ou w,8lfirt the pl'c1u re to 910.

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