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Nairobi | Wednesday, May 14, 2014
No. 17938
News P. 2-11
Opinion P. 12-13
Letters P. 14
County P. 18-24
World P. 26-33
Business P. 34-38
Sport P. 64-67
ICC witness in Ruto
case was paid Sh5m
Back Man returned to Kenya to renew
passport, only to disappear: Bensouda
Sh5.3bn Uwezo
funds released
P. 11 70 constituencies to get
their share of cash this week
Poor quality alcohol and harm-
ful drinking habits behind 200
diseases, says WHO. P. 8
They slaughtered the pet after
going for days without food.
P. 23
Plan will see companies listed
within 24 hours, down from 30
days. P. 34
to play in
World Cup
P. 66 Lille forward
Origi to don Bel-
giums colours in
Brazil next month
olice will soon be able to pick out a terror suspect
from a crowded street and track his every move
from miles away.
This will be one of the functions of a sophisticated
Sh14.9 billion security communications system that
the government has contracted Safaricom to build.
The system, which the government is buying without
tendering, will link all security agencies, making it
Safaricom picked
for Sh15 billion
security contract
Police ocers inspect vehicles in Nairobi. Various security
arms will be connected under a new communication
system to be rolled out by Safaricom.
Two judges say election did not meet constitutional
threshold of free and fair polls as a third one
disagrees, arguing that the trial court that upheld
election had done a thorough job; governor and his
deputy say they will move to the Supreme Court
Full story Page 2
POLITICS | Court sets aside judgment that had declared county boss validly elected
Kidero loses
governor job
in petition
The outcome
of the (initial)
judgment was a
result of suppressed
Judge GBM Kariuki
City Governor Evans Kidero
has been struggling to keep his
seat ever since he stepped into
oce in April last year.
First it was an appeal led
by former Embakasi MP Fer-
dinand Waititu the case that
nally resulted into his ouster
from oce yesterday that ap-
peared lethal.
Then came an incident in
September 2013 where he was
accused of slapping Nairobi
County Women Representative
Rachel Shebesh, leading to a
protracted battle that nearly
sank the governor.
But the two later mutually
agreed to have the matter
settled out of court after nego-
tiations led by various proxies
nominated by the two struck a
deal that has never been made
Ms Shebesh had led demon-
strators into Dr Kideros oce
where the incident is said to
have occurred but the city boss
vehemently denied the claims
as police probed the matter.
Some Jubilee allied Members
of the County Assembly even
unsuccessfully attempted to
have him impeached, but
support from his majority
Cord MCAs saved him.
Shortly after, Dr Kidero
found himself in trouble after
he kicked o a new political
campaign in Nyanza couched
in big money funds drives,
causing political jitters in a
region largely dominated by
ODM and former Prime Min-
ister Raila Odinga.
Uhuru donation
Earlier, ODM appeared not
amused after Dr Kidero hosted
President Kenyatta at his Nai-
robi home, raising speculations
that he was tilting towards the
Jubilee alliance.
His large donations always
accompanied by cash from
both the President and his
Deputy William Ruto did not
go down well with local MPs.
Last week, Dr Kidero was
voted out as vice-chairman
of the Council of Governors.
Kwale Governor Salim Mvurya
replaced him.
Leader jumps from
one crisis to another
airobi governor Evans Kidero
and his deputy are the latest
casualties of a wave of poll
petitions following the March 3, 2013
General Election.
The two lost their seats yesterday
after the Court of Appeal set aside a
judgment that had initially declared
them validly elected.
Two judges ruled that the elections
that ushered Dr Kidero in as governor
and his deputy, Mr Jonathan Mweke,
did not meet the constitutional thresh-
old of free and fair polls and that the
polls were marred by electoral crimes
and irregularities that should have at-
tracted investigations with possible
The judges upheld the appeal Mr
Ferdinand Waititu led seeking a re-
versal of the petition judgement, but
Dr Kidero promised to move to the
Supreme Court to lodge an appeal.
Judges GBM Kariuki and Patrick
Kiage declared that the two leaders
were not validly elected and quashed
the decision that initially declared
them winners. However, judge Mo-
hammed Warsame, sitting on the
same bench, dissented and upheld
the High Court decision, saying, the
trial court did a thorough job.
There was tension both inside the
packed courtroom and outside as sup-
porters of the politicians gathered to
hear the judgement.
Supporters of Mr Waititu, who was
found unt to hold public oce by a
separate court in February, took to
the streets in celebration after the
Judge Kariuki was the first to
declare that there had been a mis-
carriage of justice in the hearing and
determination handed to Mr Waititu
late last year that saw his petition
thrown out with costs.
The outcome of the judgement was
a result of suppressed evidence, the
judge said.
Partial scrutiny
He took issue with the partial scru-
tiny of votes that had been ordered
by the petition court, saying, it only
amounted to further suppression of
evidence and that even the outcome
disclosed various irregularities and
disrespect of the law.
The decision appeared to trash the
petition since it was held that they
did not aect the overall outcome,
judges Kariuki and Kiage said.
The trial judge did not give the
appellant a fair hearing, judge Kiage
said, adding, the High Court judge-
ment was shrouded by bias and
seemed to outrightly deny the peti-
tioners prayers from the outset.
Mr Waitutu pegged his petition
on grounds that the constitutional
threshold of a free and fair election
was not met in the elections. His
lawyers, Senior Counsel Paul Muite
and Harrison Kinyanjui, had laid 39
grounds of appeal.
They said the poll results had been
compromised and were not reective
of the true picture on the ground.
The judges said that the fact that
ballot papers were found strewn in
various parts of the city was a clear
testimony that the IEBC failed to
secure the polls as required of elec-
tion rules.
But Justice Warsame, dissenting,
said the appeal smirked of indolence.
The judge feared that a nullication
had far-reaching consequences espe-
cially on nances.
He said Mr Waititu may have led
his appeal based on the opinion polls
that put him ahead of his opponent
and questioned why he went to the
appeal court with additional evidence
that he should have presented during
the initial litigation.
In his opinion, the appeal was
crafty and was not clear on what it
was meant to achieve.
He said Dr Kidero gave Mr Waititu
a wide margin in the vote count and
that considering the political clout he
enjoyed in the city it was impossible
to steal from him over 70,000 votes
as he alleged.
It would be naturally dicult to
compromise his rights considering
the grassroots support he enjoys in
Nairobi, the judge said.
Justice Kiage said the fact that
Mr Waititu was denied a chance to
cross-examine some witnesses was
a fundamental error by the trial
Kidero loses city
governors job
in appeal court
Judges say decision of
lower court that upheld
election was as a result
of suppressed evidence
PETITION | Waititu had listed 39 grounds in his appeal
Supporters of petitioner Ferdinand Waititu celebrate in the streets of Nairobi yes-
terday after the Court of Appeal nullied the election of Governor Evans Kidero.
Suppression of evidence:
the judges said the petition
court only ordered a partial
scrutiny of votes.
Noncompliance with law
poll material was not secured,
found strewn in parts of city.
Evidence of double-voting
Validity of votes cast: Elec-
tion material not signed, al-
tered and undated.
Denied cross-examination
amounted to unfair trial.
Grounds of
Wednesday May 14, 2014
2 | National News
mbu Governor Martin Nyaga
Wambora suffered another
setback yesterday after the
Senate sent him packing, for the
second time.
The Senate decision comes less
than 24 hours after Mr Wambora
lost his bid to stop the Senate from
conducting proceedings to impeach
Principal High Court judge Richard
Mwongo earlier ruled that it would be
unlawful to stop a legislative organ
from performing its functions in the
public interest.
Thirty-ve out of 47 elected Sena-
tors voted in favour of a report of the
special committee that was investigat-
ing claims levelled against him by the
Embu County Assembly.
Only Senator Gideon Moi (Baringo,
Kanu) among members eligible, voted
against the impeachment motion.
Embu Senator Lenny Kivuti (APK)
Senate Speaker Ekwee Ethuro made
it clear that Mr Wamboras exit from
oce took eect immediately after
the Senators verdict, according to the
Standing Order that guide business
of the House.
As at 1.30pm on Tuesday May
13, 2014, Governor Martin Nyaga
Wambora ceases to hold oce as
the governor of Embu County, the
Speaker ruled following the majority
vote on the matter.
While presenting the committees
report to the House, Senator Boni
Khalwale (Kakamega, UDF) who
was the chairman of the committee
said though the governor did not
personally appear, the committee
interrogated the accusations with a
view of according him justice.
Three charges
The governor was facing three
charges: gross violation of the Pub-
lic Procurement and Disposal Act,
gross violation of the Public Finance
Management Act and violation of the
Constitution of Kenya.
Senator Khalwale defended the
integrity of the committee saying it
was committed to its mandate and
dwelt on the issues.
We are as clean as cotton. There
was no witch-hunt or tribalism, he
told the attentive House.
He also defended the County As-
sembly of Embu against claims that
they were on a witch-hunting mission
or were motivated by tribalism, saying,
Mr Wambora comes from the biggest
ethnic community in Embu County,
with over 60 per cent representation
in the County Assembly.
Senator Kipchumba Murkomen
(Elgeyo-Marakwet, URP) described
the situation in Embu as sad, say-
ing there was a leadership problem
as Mr Wambora was unable to live
within the Constitution. He said it
was unfortunate Mr Wambora did not
appreciate they were dealing with a
new matter after courts quashed the
previous impeachment process.
Impeachment is a tool of govern-
ance. Its not a declaration about
his personal liability. Its not about
tribe. Its about accountability. Its
about facts and the Senate is mature
enough to deal with this matter, Sena-
tor Murkomen said.
But Senator Gedion Moi (Baringo,
Kanu) said there was no justication
of the motion because Mr Wambora
did not benet personally from the
corruption at the county.
Senate Majority Leader Kithure
Kindiki (TNA) said the Senate will not
back-track on its mandate of protect-
ing and oversight of counties.
Discipline the Executive
We shall discipline the Executive at
national and county levels to be serv-
ants of the people. The Senate shall
not entertain frivolous motions, but
we shall be vicious on corrupt lead-
ers, he said.
He also defended MCAs against ac-
cusations that they were lynch mobs,
saying, they are constitutional oce
Senate Minority Leader Moses
Wetangula (Bungoma, Ford-K) said
everybody had to work within and
under the Constitution.
He was dismayed by the level of Mr
Wambora arrogance and blamed it
on his lawyer, whom he said abdicated
his responsibility as a counsel.
Mr Wambora was a victim of
misadventure of his lawyer, Mr
Wetangula said. He reminded gov-
ernors that they are not elected as
bosses, but as chief executive ocers
of counties, and had to appreciate that
the buck stopped with them.
Senator Kiraitu Murungi (Meru,
APK) denied having anything to do
with Mr Wamboras predicaments.
Homa Bay Senator Otieno Kajwang
(ODM) said: Defence that its not me,
its my ocers is not good enough.
Senator Gideon Moi contributes dur-
ing debate on Embu Governor Martin
Wambora at County Hall in Nairobi
yesterday. He was the only senator
that voted against the impeachment.
Senate kicks out Wambora once again
Thirty-ve senators vote
in favour of committee
investigating accusations
levelled against governor
EMBU GOVERNMENT | House to discourage frivolous motions but be vicious on corrupt leaders
Procurement of DK 8031 maize
variety instead of KDV-1 and KDV-
6 as requisitioned by the director
of Agriculture resulting in poor
yields; initiating face-lift of Embu
Stadium without involving user
and other technical departments;
and not ensuring there were suf-
cient funds for the project.
Procuring various motor vehi-
cles from specic dealers for spec-
ied amounts without reference to
the County Tender Committee.
County Assembly operating
without a tender committee.
Claims against
the county CEO
Embu Governor Martin Wambora
yesterday became the rst in Kenya
to be impeached twice.
Mr Wambora (left), who quit the
Provincial Administration for elective
politics in 2002, blames his woes on
his decision to ditch APK and join
TNA. Initially, he wanted to contest
the Runyenjes parliamentary seat on
an APK ticket. He later took part in
the race for the governor post as a
TNA candidate.
Eorts to contact Mr Wambora
failed to yield results.
According to his political adviser
Joshua Kanake, there has been a
deep-seated grudge between the
embattled leader and Embu Senator
Lenny Kivuti, the APK deputy leader,
following his loyalty switch.
He was in APK and the party was
assured of winning the parliamen-
tary and governor seats. The TNA
leadership just wanted to use him.
TNA trusted Ms Cecily Mbarire and
National Assembly Speaker Justin
Muturi. Wambora joined TNA alone
and his troops were not accommo-
dated, he said.
Mr Kanake said Mr Wambora also
failed to nd peace in TNA due to
internal contests and was eventually
edged out. He was allowed to oat
only one name out of the 13 nominated
members of the county assembly, he
Embattled leader blames his woes on decision to ditch APK
Wednesday May 14, 2014
National News 3
easy to share information and direct
It will also include a system of spy cam-
eras, linked to computers which will analyse
faces and other data to help identify and
track suspects.
The project will rst be implemented
in Nairobi and Mombasa, the two areas
of the country which have been hardest
hit by terrorism.
Sources familiar with the deal said that
Safaricom would build the system free and
would only be reimbursed the costs.
Government security communications
projects have in the past been theatres of
the most blatant corruption.
Anglo Leasing-type procurement such
as Project E-cops and Team Simoco
promised to set up high-tech surveillance
systems and link police stations via high
speed networks.
Even after devouring billions, police
stations have no working telephones and
none has a fax machine, leave alone the
promised networked computers for sharing
suspects mugshots and ngerprints.
Whereas previous contracts were given
to shadowy brokers and equally shadowy
foreign companies, the current project was
given to a local blue chip company.
Sources told the Nation that Safaricom
will today make a presentation to Presi-
dent Kenyatta and top military and security
bosses at State House, Nairobi, to demon-
strate how the system will work.
They will show how security personnel
will monitor live any area, detect any se-
curity incident, help direct police response
and monitor the ow of people and trac
especially in town centres.
It will have a command and control cen-
tre from where security operations will be
coordinated and a CCTV component and
other installations capable of working
with other surveillance systems already
in place.
A committee headed by Interior Princi-
pal Secretary Mutea Iringo evaluated the
system ahead of todays demonstration.
Membership of the committee included
heads of various security agencies.
Initially, Safaricom will be required to
develop a system for surveillance, analytics,
command and control for police in Nai-
robi and Mombasa to boost the capacity
of security agencies in ghting crime and
We are talking about a system similar
to the one used by the London Metropoli-
tan Police, said a source familiar with the
system but who cannot be quoted due to
the sensitive nature of the deal.
The tender for the system has been the
subject of controversy for years in Kenya
with Chinese rms Huawei and ZTE lock-
ing horns in a court battle over the project
last year (see separate story on Page 5).
Safaricom, which declared a record Sh23
billion prot for the last nancial year on
Monday, is expected to fund the project
from its own resources.
The Government is buying the system on
relatively easy terms. First, it will give Sa-
faricom spectrum (the air waves used by
cellphones) worth Sh7 billion and another
Sh7 billion in bits over a period of between
ve and seven years starting in 2016.
Under the project, Safaricom will build
a high-speed fourth generation network
known as Long Term Evolution and
supply the police with radio communica-
tion devices (GSM walkie-talkies tted
with SIM cards).
It will also provide and install dam-
age-proof, high denition and ultra-high
denition CCTV cameras across Mombasa
and Nairobi and their environs which will
be connected to a national command and
control room.
The system will have analytical capa-
bilities allowing for facial and movement
recognition from the CCTV footage that
will be relayed to the command and control
centre in real time.
Additionally, the police walkie-talkies
will have cameras both at the front and
the back to take pictures at crime scenes
for assessment and evidence. The pictures
can be sent in real time to the command
and control centre.
The walkie-talkies will also have tracking
capabilities to improve disaster response.
This will make it easy to track police of-
cers closest to a crime scene for faster
SECURITY | Demo on system to monitor movement of people and vehicles will be presented in State House today
Sh15bn Safaricom deal to boost war on terror
Police ocers at Mwembe Tayari bus park in Mombasa where an explosion killed two people
on May 4. Safaricom has been contracted to come up with a new surveillance system to
prevent such crimes.
On completion, the system will be
managed and operated independently
by the Governments security agencies
and will not share any of Safaricoms
active infrastructure.
The project will involve connecting
195 police stations in Mombasa and
Nairobi to high speed Internet to
ease communication.
The Nairobi phase is expected to be
completed by December while the
Mombasa one will be ready in 18 to 24
Project could be ready
for use by December
We are
talking about
a system
similar to the
one used by
the London
Source familiar
with the
The Co-operative Development Foundation of Africa is the grassroots Foundation
for Co-operatives in the continent with a Vision to be a net facilitator for the
development of Co-operatives. The Foundation was founded in 2013 by trustees
who have a passion for Sustainable Development and strongly believe in the Co-
operative Business Model as a solution to Africas economic problems.
The Foundation is mandated to address challenges with the Co-operative
Legal Framework in African Countries; to raise funds to enable Co-
operatives to secure capital while guaranteeing member control; to
facilitate the strengthening of the African movement through capacity
development and to promote Co-operative Education across the continent.
The Foundation is working in partnership with Government
institutions, County and State governments, Co-operative sector
stakeholders and development partners to strengthen the Co-
operative movements delivery of quality services to its membership.
It is against this background that the Foundation is inviting applications from
experienced consultants from various sectors (notably legal, financial, marketing,
business development, rural development, and others) who will support the Co-
operative Sector. Successful applicants shall join the pool of Associates working
with the Foundation to offer capacity building services to co-operatives in Kenya
and across Africa.
More information on the Foundation can be found on the website at:
All applications should include a detailed CV with accompanying proof and 3
references to be sent via email by COB 30
May 2014. All applications should be
sent to:
The Executive Director
Co-operative Development Foundation of Africa
Re: Consultant Application
Wednesday May 14, 2014
4 | National News
axpayers would have lost Sh8.5
billion in inated costs if the
government had awarded a
security communication contract
to a Chinese company, according to
court records.
The tender, which was restricted to
Chinese rms, attracted six bidders,
four of who had been pre-qualied.
However, the project was shelved
after questions were raised on the
inated cost of the equipment for
the security forces.
According to an adavit signed by
Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commis-
sion ocial J.K. Buchianga and was
deposited in court on January 23,
the evaluation of the nancial bid
by Chinese firm ZTE Kenya Ltd,
the financial proposal surpassed
the estimated project cost by a huge
The bidder prices for certain
items were too high compared to
prevailing market prices, the EACC
ocial said.
ZTE Kenya won the tender to de-
sign, build, supply, install, test and
commission the national surveillance,
communication and control system
for the National Police Service.
Documents seen by the Nation show
the proposed terms of payment were
unacceptable because 90 per cent of
the project cost would have been paid
once the equipment arrives and well
before commencement of installation,
testing and commissioning.
The EACC adavit was in respect
of a case in which activists Okiya
Omtatah and Wyclie Nyakina have
sued the Attorney-General and nine
others in connection with the police
telecommunications tender over
claims that it was awed.
Two of the bidders, ZTE Corpo-
ration and Huawei Technologies,
passed the preliminary technical
evaluation. However, after what was
referred to as a detailed technical
evaluation conducted on August 28,
2012, only ZTE Kenya qualied to
the next stage, which was nancial
When it was locked out, Huawei
Technologies lodged a request for
review with the Public Procurement
Appeals and Review Board, but it was
dismissed on January 14.
This paved the way for evaluation
of the nancial bid by ZTE Kenya the
following day.
Later, the Attorney-General advised
the Ministry of Interior and Coordi-
nation of National Government to
proceed with the procurement.
The EACC said that despite the
AGs advice, the Ministerial Tender
Committee met on October 3, 2013
and noted a number of anomalies.
One of the contentious issues was
that the technology oered by the
bidder was inappropriate because it
did not have roaming capabilities.
The bidder failed to specify how
the system would interface with the
existing GSM trunked radio system
and the future of the technology
fronted by the bidder was conten-
tious, the EACC says.
The committee also noted that
the bidders quotation was above the
budget by more than Sh9 billion or
$106 million.
The anti-corruption commission is
still investigating the tender.
How Chinese rm
raised police radio
tender by Sh8.5bn
REPORT | Anti-graft agency says bidder prices for certain items were too high compared to prevailing market prices
Project was shelved
after questions were
raised on the inated
cost of the equipment
for the security forces
Number of police
stations in Nairobi and
Mombasa that will be
connected under the
new security system
Spy cameras: The sophisticated
system will be able to pick out a
terrorist or criminal from a crowd.
We are talking
about a system
almost similar
to the one used
by the London
What the system will do
Command and control: A central
room will co-ordinate security and
emergency responses.
Analytics: Face recognition technol-
ogy will enable security agencies to
identify trouble makers.
Communication: All the 195 police
stations in Mombasa and Nairobi will
be linked to each other.
Two months ago, at the
height of terrorist attacks,
State House made a call to
Safaricom chief executive
Bob Collymore.
Concerned that his govern-
ment was losing grip of the
situation, President Kenyatta
wanted to know whether Safari-
com would help security agents
communicate better.
He asked the mobile phone
operator to develop a se-
curity communication and
surveillance system that would
urgently boost the capacity of
the national security agencies
to ght terrorists.
Direct procurement
According to sources privy
to the discussions, it was
perceived to be easier and
faster to go through a direct
procurement system since
previous attempts to enlist a
rm for the contract through
the open tender system had
failed as competitors fought
for the multi-billion project.
The source told the Nation
that there was also a feeling
that, being a signicant share-
holder in Safaricom, with a 35
per cent stake, the government
was safer entrusting the project
to the rm.
Safaricom was also picked
because it had the technical
expertise and nancial capa-
bility to roll out a project of
such magnitude.
The trade-o was that while
the telecom rm would get the
tender, it would deploy the sys-
tem at a lower cost as no prot
margin was to be added.
A technical committee was
then set up, led by Interior
principal secretary Mutea
Iringo, and comprising senior
government ocials, the ten-
der committee in the ministry,
and national security chiefs to
oversee the project. Dr Bitange
Ndemo was the teams techni-
cal advisor.
Safaricom was then invited
to pitch, and negotiations
It was then agreed that part
of the governments reimburse-
ment of the Sh14.9 billion
Safaricom would spend to
put up the system would be in
form of spectrum of a similar
On the one hand, the ad-
ditional spectrum would help
the mobile operator to improve
quality of service, which had
been a bone of contention be-
tween it and the regulator, the
Communications Commission
of Kenya.
On the other hand, Kenya
would have an efficient se-
curity communication and
surveillance system that would
increase its ability to contain
rising terrorism and crime.
Why State House made a call to
Safaricom chief over insecurity
Wednesday May 14, 2014
National News 5
Police told vetting to
help improve their jobs
National Police Service Com-
mission boss Johnston Kavuludi
has urged ocers to embrace
the vetting process as it is meant
to improve their working condi-
tions. He told police in the upper
eastern region, who will be vetted
in a weeks time, that the process
was in line with the law. He was
speaking at Kamunde Hall where
he addressed ocers from the
region including Samburu.
Spare me cus shame,
pleads man in drug suit
A Tanzanian accused of traf-
cking heroin and cocaine worth
Sh1.3 million yesterday asked a
court to release him to save his
face. Let the court save me the
embarrassment of being brought
to court while handcued and
under the escort of prison ward-
ers, Mr Musa Bakari Maulana
pleaded. The court will deliver a
ruling on Monday.
Judge set to rule on
activists murder case
Former Cabinet Minister
Mbiyu Koinanges widow Eddah
Wanjiru, her stepson and ve
others accused of killing land
rights activist Moses Mpoe and
his friend, Parsaaiya ole Kitu,
will know their fate in June. Lady
Justice Hellen Omondi said she
will deliver a ruling on whether
or not the accused have a case to
answer, mid next month.
200 pupils in the cold
after hostel catches re
A boarding school in Bureti is
seeking alternative accommoda-
tion after a dormitory re. The
Monday blaze at Tengecha Girls
Boarding Primary aected more
than 200 pupils. Headteacher
Sally Koech said the Standard
Seven pupils saw the re around
5.30pm as they were left their
classrooms. Teachers and pupils
eorts to put out the re failed.
terminally ill woman
seeking to bar her
husband from travel-
ling abroad yesterday asked a
Nakuru court to compel him
to support the family.
Ms Anita Nduta also wants
the passport of Mr Pravin
Kumar Sankalda Patel depos-
ited in court to ensure he does
not ee the country with the
aim of defeating justice.
Mr Patel has dual citizen-
ship and is likely to ee if not
compelled by the court to pro-
vide for them, her lawyer, Ms
Sally Mbeche, told magistrate
Judicaster Nthuku.
Ms Nduta said their son was
in Form Four and needed to
have his school fees paid to
enable him continue with his
education to the highest level
Ms Nduta has been diag-
nosed with cervical cancer.
She wants maintenance
for her three children aged
18, nine and six.
In her affidavit, she said
she was married to Mr Patel
through customary law in
2006 and they lived together
until 2012 when she was di-
agnosed with cancer.
She said during the union,
they got a son who is currently
six years old and that Mr Patel
acquired parental responsibil-
ity of her two older children.
Time to le reply
After I was diagnosed
with cervical cancer, Mr
Patel withdrew his physical,
emotional and nancial sup-
port and abandoned us, said
Ms Nduta.
She is demanding Sh30,000
monthly for food, Sh2,000
for electricity, school fees
according to the various fee
structures, Sh4,000 for cloth-
ing and medical fees whenever
the need arises.
Mr Patels lawyer, Mr Wil-
fred Konosi, told the court
that he needed time to le his
reply as he had only received
instruction late last week.
The case will be heard on
May 20.
Woman wants husband
barred from travelling
FAMILY | Man has dual citizenship and is likely to ee
Spouse should be
made to cater for
her and their three
children, she pleads
Shillings Ms Nduta
wants to be paid for
food every month

After I was
with cervical
cancer, Mr
Patel withdrew
his physical,
emotional and
nancial support
and abandoned
Ms Anita Nduta
Motorists have until
today to remove tint from
their vehicles windows.
Inspector-General of
Police David Kimaiyo yes-
terday said vehicle owners
who fail to remove the tint
would be prosecuted and
their cars impounded.
The directive has been
made amid rising terror-
ism threat and increased
police vigilance.
Mr Kimaiyo also ordered
for screening of passengers
boarding public service ve-
National security
In a national security
situation update, the po-
lice chief said 447 people
had been deported after
the screening of 2,303
He said 288 people were
prosecuted and 730 sent
to refugee camps.
Mr Kimaiyo said police
were following crucial
leads that would end in
the arrest of perpetra-
tors of last months twin
blasts in Mombasa and
Police have also ordered
that everyone boarding
PSVs should carry an
identity card or other
identication papers.
Proponents of terror are
now resorting to directing
their negative energy at soft
targets, said Mr Kimaiyo.
Care should, therefore, be
taken to ensure that no one
leaves luggage unattended
to avoid creating panic.
Police further announced
that the deaths caused by
consumption of poison
drink a week ago in dierent
regions had risen to 93.
Embu had the highest
number of deaths, at 43,
while Makueni had 18.
Nine suspects have been
arrested on suspicion of
supplying the killer drink.
Over the weekend, oc-
ers in Tigoni arrested four
people and conscated 483
drums of substance believed
to be either ethanol or meth-
anol that was meant for the
preparation of illicit liquor,
he said.
He ordered for intensied
crackdown on all alcohol
dens country wide and
warned police they would
be interdicted if they pro-
tected illicit distillers.
The substance that was
confiscated in Tigoni is
currently being tested at
the government chemist.
Kimaiyo bans tint
on vehicle windows
People who have been de-
ported after being found to
be in Kenya illegally
Dorm gutted in dawn
blaze at boys school
Fire swept through a dormitory
at Siakago Boys High in Mbeere
North, leaving massive dam-
ages in its trail. The re broke
out yesterday morning when 151
students, who live in the hostel,
were in class for morning preps.
Principal Peterson Mugo said the
cause of the re was not imme-
diately established, but police are
pursuing arson or electric fault
links in their investigations.
SUIT | Hospital tender award contested
Mr Marube Ntenga, the lawyer representing a trader and
the republic and Mr Muriuki Mwenda for Moi Teaching
and Referral Hospital after the hearing of an applica-
tion in Eldoret Town, Uasin Gishu County yesterday. The
hospital has been accused of awarding tenders without
following procedure. The applicants want the hospitals
tender award to another trader stopped.
Wednesday May 14, 2014
6 | National News
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Chiefs in Nyanza have asked
the government to provide
them with the equipment
needed in the ght against
illicit brew.
They said they lack
transport, fuel, financial
resources and staff to stop
brewing of illicit liquor.
We only have one vehicle,
which is currently used in 15
The same vehicle lacks
enough fuel to move around
these locations giving
changaa brewers a lot of lee-
way, Kasipul Kabondo chief
James Oindi said.
He accused the Homa Bay
county government of issuing
business permits to traders al-
lowing them to sell unlicensed
spirits to consumers.
Wait for disaster
In Kisumu, nine people were
yesterday arrested and four
litres of changaa impounded
around Dunga beach.
We are not going to
wait for disaster to strike so
that we can act. This is going
to be continuous exercise in
every village to stem the vice,
the area chief, Mr Kabisar
Otieno said.
In Homa Bay, ve litres of
illicit brew were impounded by
North East Karachuonyo chief
Jack Kawere and his team as
the brewers escaped.
Mr Kawere admitted that
changaa distilling is hard to
stamp out as the public does
not cooperate with adminis-
Kawino South location chief
George Ogada said they have
been patrolling the region day
and night to ensure illegal
brewers do not open.
Chiefs seek help as raids go on
A police ocer at Pangani station inspects drums used for preparing illegal liquor in the Mathare slums
yesterday. Over 400 litres of changaa were destroyed and nine people arrested.
bout 25 per cent of all
alcohol consumed in
the world is produced
illegally or without proper
quality controls, a report has
The new World Health Or-
ganisation (WHO) report also
shows consumption of illicit
brew and harmful drinking
habits to be behind more
than 200 diseases, including
liver cirrhosis, cancers and
physical injuries.
More needs to be done to
protect populations from the
negative health consequences
of alcohol consumption. The
report clearly shows that there
is no room for complacency
when it comes to reducing the
harmful use of alcohol, said
Dr Oleg Chestnov, WHOs
assistant director-general for
non-communicable diseases
and mental health.
More than 50 per cent of the
alcohol consumed globally is
in the form of spirits, the Glo-
bal Status Report on Alcohol
and Health 2014 shows.
Worldwide, 3.3 million
deaths in 2012 were due to
harmful use of alcohol, the
report shows.
This comes a week after il-
licit liquor killed 94 Kenyans,
with lab test results indicating
that the drink contained high
levels of methanol.
Health Cabinet Secretary
James Macharia said some
samples contained methanol
levels as high as 18 per cent,
yet its content in alcoholic
beverages should be nil.
The WHO report provides
country proles for alcohol
consumption in the 194 WHO
member States, the impact
on public health and policy
Although much of the il-
licit alcohol is produced in
low-income neighbourhoods
in Kenya, the report reveals
that for legally manufactured
alcohol, the greater the eco-
nomic wealth of a country, the
more alcohol is consumed and
the smaller the number of ab-
Binge drinking
WHOs director for mental
health and substance abuse
Dr Shekhar Saxena said: We
found that worldwide about 16
per cent of drinkers engage
in heavy episodic drinking
often referred to as binge-
drinking which is the most
harmful to health.
Lower income groups, he
added, are more aected by
the social and health conse-
quences of alcohol. They often
lack quality health care and
are less protected by family
or community networks.
25 per cent of global
liquor made illegally
SURVEY | WHO report out a week after drinks kill 94
Poor quality
alcohol and harmful
drinking habits
behind 200 diseases
Number of deaths in 2012 that
were due to harmful use of
alcohol, according to a World
Health Organisation report
3 million
Wednesday May 14, 2014
8 | National News
More than half of Kenyans
fear that they will be tortured if
arrested, a new report says.
The Amnesty International
report shows that 58 per cent
of respondents in Kenya believed
police would torture them. Another
84 per cent want a law enacted to
protect them against the suering,
the Torture in 2014: 30 Years of
Broken Promises states.
Amnesty International Country
Director Justus Nyangaya yester-
day said Kenya and many African
countries had betrayed commit-
ment to stop the practice.
The continent lags behind the
rest of the world in criminalising
torture, he added.
Signed and ratied
Kenya has signed and ratied
both the United Nations Con-
vention against Torture and the
African Charter on Human and
Peoples Rights but has failed to
criminalise torture in its statues,
he said during a Press brieng in
The Constitution states that
the general rules of international
law shall form part of the laws of
The human rights organisation
said the inhuman treatment was
still rife in at least 24 Sub-Sahara
African countries, 30 years after
the adoption of the convention
that commits all governments to
combating the abuse.
Given the secretive nature of
the abuse, the true number is likely
to be far higher, Mr Nyangaya
said. The report says that torture
has become so routine in many Af-
rican countries that it has become
accepted as a legitimate response
to crime.
Torture by
police still
ounty Governments have
been ordered to stop hiring
nursery school teachers until
a dispute over the matter is sorted
out in court.
The court granted Kenya National
Union of Teachers orders stopping
counties from employing Early Child-
hood Education (ECD) teachers until
the matter is concluded.
However, Mr Justice Isaac Lenaola
noted that some counties had already
started hiring while others had con-
cluded recruiting ECD teachers.
Mr John Mbaluto, representing
Knut, said all the counties were served
with the suit papers but only Bomet,
Nyamira, Kiambu, Kili, Makueni,
Homa Bay and Kisii counties had
led responses.
It is in order that the counties
which have not shown any appear-
ance are represented by the rest who
have appeared. The Chairman of the
Council of Governors Isaac Ruto has
also led his reply and that means
that the county governments are well
represented, Justice Lenaola said.
The counties were therefore asked
to file their responses in 14 days
after which Knut will also reply in
14 days.
Mr Mbaluto said Knut received
credible information that sometime
in January 2014, there were plans by
various counties to directly recruit
ECD teachers. The information
caused Knut serious concerns as
the move appeared to conict with
the role and function of the Teachers
Service Commission, he said.
According to the lawyer, counties
were usurping the TSC mandate.
Mr Mbaluto held that TSC was the
only body with the technical ability,
expertise and capacity to assess and
vet applicants to ll up positions of
The information received by Knut
was conrmed when various counties
began placing advertisements in the
media inviting qualied members of
the public to apply for positions of
ECD teachers, he said.
Knut secretary-general Wilson
Sossion said the move by county gov-
ernments was likely to undermine the
quality of education as there was no
guarantee of the standard and calibre
of the person being recruited.
The case will be mentioned on
June 27.
Hiring of nursery teachers halted
EDUCATION | Union accuses counties of usurping the TSC mandate
Knut had sought
orders stopping county
governments from
recruting ECD teachers
TSC role: Knut wants the teachers
employed by the Teachers Service
Commission and not the county
Legal vacuum: According to Knut
secretary-general Wilson Sossion,
any recruitment of teachers being
done outside the provisions of the
Constitution and the TSC Act 2012
is being carried out irregularly.
Already hiring: Some counties
have already hiring while others
have concluded recruiting Early
Child Education teachers.
Counties want to be given role
DROUGHT | Pupils use undesignated crossing as water volumes in river decline
Pupils walk over a sluice gate
at a drying up River Perkera
in Marigat, Baringo County,
yesterday. Farmers at the
Perkera Irrigation Scheme, who
rely on the river, have expressed
fears of crop loss and poor
harvests due to low rainfall.
Wednesday May 14, 2014
National News 9
300 additional nurses
required, says ocial
Nandi County needs 300 more
nurses for its 147 health centres,
its Health executive, Mr Mathew
Rotich, has said. The health
centres serve about 800,000 pa-
tients, but have only 800 nurses
and there were plans to hire
new sta, he said. The Kapsabet
Referral Hospital would be up-
graded and equipped with more
machines to enable it to provide
specialised treatment, he added.
he electoral commission
was not fully prepared
when it conducted last
years General Election, chair-
man Isaack Hassan says.
Mr Hassan said a delay
in the delivery of the Elec-
tronic Voter Identification
Devices (Evids) and lack of
sucient time for preparation
contributed to the hitches that
bogged down voting.
He said: We did not even
have time to test the Evids
or train sta adequately. We
were stretched to the limit in
terms of logistics, personnel
resources and technological
The chairman was speak-
ing at Kaskazi Beach Hotel
in Diani on the South Coast
during the opening of an
IEBC election evaluation
The forum was convened
in the wake of calls by Cord
to have the Independent
Electoral and Boundaries
Commission disbanded.
Mr Hassan said that instead
of disbanding the commis-
sion, it should instead be
strengthened and given time
to correct its mistakes, not-
ing that logistical challenges
were to blame for some of the
He attributed the problems
they faced to the size of the
poll, saying no other country
in the world, except Kenya and
Sudan, had held six elections
at once. While Kenyas was
conducted in one day, Sudans
was held in seven days. Ken-
yans elected the President,
MPs, senators, governors,
womens representatives and
county assembly members
I have said time and time
again that the commission
does not have to be disbanded.
We need to emulate the ex-
ample of South Africa, where
the election commission has
stayed for over 20 years, the
chairman said.
Mr Hassan suggested that
as the MPs contemplate the
change of election dates from
August to December, they
should also look into the need
to have the General Election
staggered between the county
and national governments.
Kwale Governor Salim
Mvurya, who is aliated to
Cord, broke ranks with his
colleagues to oppose calls to
disband the IEBC.
He said the IEBC needed
to be strengthened to enable
it build the trust of Kenyans
and open up the democratic
space in the country.
Court of Appeal Judge
David Maraga, while cau-
tioning against blaming the
IEBC ocials for the short-
comings, said the Judiciary
would prepare a report on the
elections and come up with
recommendations, including
the time limit for presidential
poll petitions.
While you (IEBC) have
been criticised by the politi-
cians, you are aware of the
names the Judiciary was
called, especially after the
Supreme Court case.
Hassan: IEBC was
ill-prepared for poll
WORKSHOP | Electoral commission evaluates General Election
While you have been
criticised by politicians,
you are aware of the
names the Judiciary was
called after the Supreme
Court case Mr Justice
David Maraga
We did not even have
time to test the Evids or
train the sta adequately
IEBC boss Isaack Hassan
Review of the
Team should
not be disbanded
as many factors
aected election
Motorists whose vehicles
emit fumes and industries
polluting the city have been
put on notice.
Environment Cabinet Sec-
retary Judi Wakhungu (below)
yesterday said her ministry was
on the alert following the list-
ing of Nairobi by the World
Health Organisation (WHO)
as one of the dirtiest in terms
of the air people breathe.
Before the end of the year,
we will have stier penalties
and standards to ensure ve-
hicles and industries do not
pollute the environment,
said the minister.
There would be
stricter enforce-
ment of vehicle
age limit for im-
ported cars and
machines for
so that less
smoke is emit-
ted into the
she warned.
A few months ago, dozens of
vehicles were detained at the
Port of Mombasa after they
were found to have exceeded
the eight-year age limit for
Nema would also acquire
kits to measure air quality.
The tests would be done on
vehicles and industries to help
bring to book those violating
the new regulations, Prof Wa-
khungu said.
Enforcing environment rules
has been devolved to the coun-
ties, which frees the ministry to
ensure strict enforcement of the
new rules to take eect soon.
The minister was launching
the national guidelines for
strategic environmental
assessment, which
contains some of the
guidelines on strict
enforcement of envi-
ronmental regulations,
in Nairobi.
WHO lists Nairobi
as one of the
worlds cities
in dirty air.
Motorists polluting
city put on notice
Suspect shot dead as
police ambush gang
Police in Msambweni, Kwale,
gunned down a man suspected
to have been a member of a gang
that had allegedly planned to raid
a home. Two others escaped
with bullet wounds after police
ambushed them at Ukunda.
Msambweni police boss Joseph
Omijah said the three were armed
with an AK47 rie during the
Sunday night shootout. He said
they laid an ambush for the gang
after receiving information of an
impending raid at the home.
Man denies trying
to poison daughters
A man was yesterday charged
with attempting to poison his
step-daughters. Mr Simon
Njuguna was accused of giving
the children, aged seven and 11
buns and yoghurt laced with rat
poison on May 5, at Ngara Estate
in Nairobi. He denied the oence
before Kibera Principal Magis-
trate Bernard Ochoi. The case
will be heard on July 17.
DELICACY | Fish prices up
A trader, Ms Alice Akinyi, spreads out her sh to dry
before taking it to the market in Kisumu yesterday.
The smaller sh have become a real delicacy for the
lakeside towns residents as the bigger varieties have
become expensive.
Wednesday May 14, 2014
10 | National News
More teachers needed,
not laptops, says MP
Funyula MP Paul Otuoma has
blamed the governments mis-
placed priorities for shortage
of teachers in schools. He said
the government was adamant in
its quest to provide laptops for
pupils at the at the expense of re-
cruiting more teachers. Speaking
at Nanderema Secondary School
in Busia yesterday, Mr Otuoma
said free primary and secondary
education had led to congestion.
Ward reps have failed
counties, says group
Transparency International
yesterday criticised county as-
semblies for failing to oversee the
management of regions. TI exec-
utive director Samuel Kimeu said
despite the immense resources
allocated to ward reps, the lead-
ers have not stopped wastage and
corruption in regions. Speaking
in Kisumu yesterday, Mr Kimeu
said the views of citizens are not
incorporated when drafting Bills
that aect them.
Lack of food blamed
for high drop out rate
Delay in the delivery of free
food by the World Food Pro-
gramme (WFP) may lead to an
increase in the drop out rate in
Turkana schools, teachers have
warned. About 80 new primary
schools have not received food
rations since the rst term. Ac-
cording to the Kenya National
Union of Teachers ocial Tony
Nasia, old schools are more af-
fected by the shortage.
REPAIRS | Workers expand ferry ramp used for docking in Mombasa
Kenya Ferry Serv-
ices workers repair
the main ramp
used for docking in
Mombasa yester-
day. The repairs in-
clude the expansion
of the facility, which
is expected to in-
crease the number
of vessels docking
at the same time.
he Sh5.3 billion for
Uwezo Fund has
been released and
youths in more than 70
constituencies will this
week receive cash for their
The amount is part of the
Sh6 billion to be disbursed
to women and youth enter-
prises by the government.
All constituencies will get
between Sh15 million and
Sh31 million, with Mandera
South being the beneciary of
the highest amount. Turkana
West got Sh29 million, while
Kinango was allocated Sh27
Mandera North got Sh25
million, with Makueni, Ba-
nissa and Turkana North
constituencies each getting
Sh24 million.
Lunga Lunga was given
Sh23 million.
The recent poverty index
and constituency population
data were used to determine
the sharing of the fund across
the country.
The Funds chief executive,
Mr Wilfred Buyema, said the
board will this week disburse
the funds to over 70 constit-
uencies which have opened
bank accounts.
We are embarking on
the rst phase of the fund
disbursement, we hope to
release the rst tranche by
the end of this week, Mr
Buyema said.
He said all the 290 con-
stituencies will eventually get
their share after they comply
with all requirements.
Registered groups
He emphasized the need
for the youth, women and
persons with disabilities to
access funds in their respec-
tive constituencies through
registered groups.
It is hard to dream big at
rst, and if the youth take
small steps rst, eventually
they realise that forming
groups increases their capac-
ity to harness their business
as opposed to individualism,
the chief executive said.
Training of the targeted
beneciaries has kicked o
in the 47 counties ahead
of the disbursement of the
Said Mr Buyema: The
Government has set up fa-
vourable self-employment
policies allowing SMEs
owned by youth, women
and persons with disabilities
to grow and ourish.
The fund was launched by
President Kenyatta last year
to justify an election promise
by his Jubilee coalition that
Sh6 billion set aside in the
event of a presidential elec-
tion re-run would be given to
the youth.
Sh5bn for youth projects released
ENTERPRISE | Most electoral areas yet to meet terms
70 constituencies
set to receive their
share of Uwezo
Fund this week
The amount allocated to
Lunga Lunga constituency
Least amount to be allocated
to constituencies
The highest amount, which
was allocated to Mandera
South constituency
A business delegation from the Republic of Korea will visit Kenya to hold trade business
meetings with leading Kenyan importers as follows;
Date: 20
May 2014 (Tuesday) 9.00am - 5.00pm
Venue: Laico Regency Hotel-Crystal Ballroom
Company Name Website Details & Description
Young Chemical Adhesive plaster
Kwangnam G S K Access floor
Samil Heavy
Industries Truck mounted concrete
Concrete placing boom
Stationary pump
Hansung BCC Car Coating Spray
Addtec Motor Actuator
Kumho Auto Parts (Diff Case etc.)
Jeong Woo Coupling Pipe Coupling
Hanaro Tech Excavator Parts (Yoke, etc.)
Mattron Power-Line Communication
(Networking device)
For more information or to book trade meeting appointments in advance, please contact
us as below:
Korea Business Center (KOTRA) Nairobi
Commercial Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea,
International House, 2
P.O. BOX 40569-00100 Nairobi Kenya
Tel: 020-2228928 / 020-2220458 / 0718-220458 / 0733-228922
Email: / Website:
For more Office Desks, Office Chairs, Filing Cabinetsetc
Contact us @
Floor Centre Point, Parklands Road, Nairobi
Mob: 0722 516017 / 0733 516017 Tel: 020 3750336
Chrome Visitors Chair
@ Kshs. 13,255
Executive Chair
From 14,699/-
3 Piece Desk Set
@ Kshs. 32,555/-
Ergonomic Fabric Chair
@ 8,495/-
Executive High Chair
@ 16,299/-
Wednesday May 14, 2014
National News 11
Too many queries on
SGR require answers
he construction of a new Standard Gauge
Railway (SGR) from Mombasa to Nairobi
is set to go ahead after Kenya signed a
nancing agreement with Chinas Exim Bank for
the $3.8 billion project.
Work is expected to start in October and end in
about four years. Few would argue with the need to
improve our infrastructure and trade links and cut
the cost of doing business within Kenya and the
Such has been the under-investment in the
regions transport infrastructure that the SGR will
be the rst major railway project in Kenya in more
than a century.
While it is a historical feat that must be
applauded, there are questions that remain about
its future and its viability.
First, what does the new railway mean to the
existing RVR concession over the Kenya-Uganda
Railway? Is there a possibility of litigation if
business intended for the old railway is diverted to
the new one? And if so, have provisions been made
for that?
Secondly, the new railway is expected to continue
on to Kampala and Kigali, with a spur to Juba
in South Sudan. Have feasibility studies been
undertaken to establish whether those extensions,
which are a fundamental part of the project, are
commercially viable?
Third, what are the nancing requirements of
those extensions and how do the partner states
plan to meet them? Are there benets of economies
of scale in attaining nancial closure and signing
one turnkey deal for the entire project?
Intra-regional trade
Ocials close to the project have previously
indicated that the new railway will increase the
speed of the movement of goods and reduce the
cost from $0.20 to $0.08 cents per tonne per
kilometre. Is this only for the leg to Nairobi or are
these savings reected to the farthest point?
Finally, what lessons, if any, have we learnt
from the Tazara railway built decades ago to link
Tanzania and Zambia, but which never met even its
most conservative objectives?
Might it not, for instance, make more commercial
and strategic sense if we planned to extend the
railway line to the upcoming oil elds of western
Uganda, and onto the mineral and timber-rich
swathes of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
to ensure return cargo trac?
These and perhaps other questions need not kill
or unduly slow down the Standard Gauge Railway
project, but they are worth asking (and being
answered) now, when changes can be made to the
project design, not ve years later.
Intra-regional trade is a key growth area for the
economies across East Africa. Done well, on time,
and in budget, this project could potentially trigger
faster growth in the region and deepen economic
and political integration in the East African
Providing clarity to these questions and bringing
more transparency to the project will ensure that
the Standard Gauge Railway pushes us forward,
and that what looks like a light at the end of the
tunnel is not an on rushing train.
LINUS GITAHI: Chief Executive Ocer
JOSEPH ODINDO: Group Editorial Director
MUTUMA MATHIU: Group Managing Editor
Published at Nation Centre, Kimathi Street and printed at
Mombasa Road, Nairobi by Nation Media Group Limited
POB 49010, Nairobi 00100
Tel: 3288000, 0719038000. Fax 221396
Registered at the GPO as a newspaper
he Chinese are not
Santa Claus. The
deals we have signed
with them are loans, which
we will have to repay.
But I must admit I admire
the way these deals are
arranged, especially the
time-frames and project
completion dates.
As it is, if things go
according to plan, we
will have a completely
new railway line between
Mombasa and Nairobi in 42
Had we sought money
from the conventional
sources the World Bank,
for instance we would still
be arguing about settlement
action plans, sovereign
guarantees, letters of no
objection and all manner of
Anyone who takes a long-
term view will admit that
new infrastructure assets,
especially those whose
operations have a bearing
on the cost of doing
business such as ports,
railways, roads and
telecommunications, will
always make economic
sense, especially in the
You can argue and debate
whether the feasibility
study was conducted at
arms-length and whether
the project was procured
transparently. You can
debate the cost of the
project and compare prices
with similar projects in
the region. But many
years later, especially if
the project is completed
within budget and agreed
completion dates, the long-
term benets will outweigh
the issues that critics
raise during the planning
and implementation stages.
Several years ago, we
shouted ourselves hoarse
over the Turkwell Gorge
project. Today, it is an
integral part of our hydro-
electric power generation
capacity. Years ago, we
derided former President
Moi for creating new
universities all over the
place haphazardly.
Critics dismissed some
of these projects as having
been started by the ruling
elite merely to create
opportunity for kick-backs
and back-handers
Yet when you look at
trends in demand for
university education
today, you will admit that
Moi was a visionary. The
public university system
would have been a total
mess had Moi not built the
The lesson here is this:
You will not see the viability
of a massive infrastructure
project of the magnitude of
the standard railway gauge
if you lock yourself to the
mindset and contemporary
obsessions of the political
class. When it comes to
brick and mortar, what may
look unviable now may
become the game-changer
of the future.
In the case of the
standard gauge railway, big-
picture issues such the
likely impact of the massive
project on the broader
economy has been on the
back-burner. Indeed, what
has consumed the attention
of the chattering classes
and the Twitterati are the
numbers around the project.
It has been reduced to
an academic quibble about
whether the gures for
the project add up when
compared with similar
projects in Djibouti and
As things stand, the horse
has bolted. Whats critical
now is whether the Chinese
contractors will deliver
at the prices and quality
envisaged within time.
Although a good part of
the project will be funded
through the new railway
levy, the nancial model
assumes that the cost of
servicing the debt will
primarily be borne by
operational revenues.
What if the project does
not pick up enough business
in the rst ve years?
Admittedly, this risk has
been mitigated by tying
KPAs hands into giving
the new railway designated
quantities of cargo. But we
must not forget that the
cargo ultimately belongs to
This is going to be a
massive undertaking.
Acquiring land on which the
railway will run alone will
cost taxpayers Sh8 billion.
Another major element of
the project is expansion of
the Embakasi terminal. Both
expansion and purchase of
new handling equipment
will cost a whopping Sh18.6
billion. In addition, Sh1
billion will be required to
acquire more land around
the container terminal.
The Chinese loan a
massive $3.23 billion will
increase Kenyas nominal
debt from Sh1.95 trillion
as at the end of July 2013,
to Sh2.23 trillion, with
the external component
increasing from Sh875
billion to Sh1.16 trillion.
We must get everything
right from the start. This
project is the kind we need
to get businesses expanding
again and to get quality
well-paying employment
opportunities for our
Had Kenya sought
money from
conventional sources,
we would still be
arguing about
sovereign guarantees
LETS GO FOR IT | Jaindi Kisero
Standard gauge railway project may
become a game-changer in the future
Wednesday May 14, 2014
12 | Opinion
hree years ago, the world applauded
as the Republic of South Sudan was
born, ending many years of struggle
for independence from Khartoum. The
world opened up its arms to welcome a
country founded by the people of South
Sudan regardless of age, tribe, ethnicity,
religion or occupation.
It was a delight to observe as the
citizens of South Sudan raise their
national ag and sing their National
Anthem as a symbol of their newfound
sovereign status.
It was also a joy to see people who had
been displaced by the war return to their
homes, and soldiers who had been in the
battleeld begin the process of healing
and rehabilitation to civilian lifestyles and
professional occupations.
It is now sad to note the retrogressive
direction that the country has taken over
the past few months. It is equally sad to
note the international community has
not taken strong measures to stop the
killings and other atrocities as diplomatic
attempts are being made to bring the
diering leaders together.
It is time for South Sudanese leaders to
come together and arrive at a consensus
over their dierences for the sake of the
Of course consensus-building calls for
compromise and repositioning of ones
stand for the common good. However,
the process should be dened by national
interests and governed by mutual respect.
Any more atrocities in the country
against any person or community must be
paid for. The perpetrators, planners and
nanciers of such atrocities must take full
responsibility for their actions.
Local solutions
Its time President Uhuru Kenyatta
and his deputy, Mr William Ruto, took
stern measures to prevent any further
killings and atrocities. Their performance
continue to be exemplary, and East
Africans in general have a great deal of
condence in their ability to help the
people of that country to come up with
local solutions for their problems.
It is time for East African nations to
lend a helping hand to South Sudan
during its time of need. The East
African Community should rearm the
commitment it made that never again
will its members sit back and watch
conict within the region degenerate into
genocide as happened in Rwanda.
African countries, through the African
Union, recently showed the world that
African nations can unite for a common
purpose and advance the interests
of the continent through adoption of
homegrown remedies for local problems.
It is time the AU intervened in South
Sudan to help restore peace, unity and
good governance. It is also time the
international community applied pressure
towards resolving the conict and
mobilise humanitarian assistance for all
those aected.
Mr Wanjohi is the chairman of
International Strategy Centre and founder
of the Passion for Peace campaign (ericwa
HELP REQUIRED | Eric Wanjohi
How to restore normalcy in South Sudan
f a doctor confuses
symptoms or even
mysteriously blames you
for pretending you are sick,
he is unlikely to prescribe the
right medicine for you. This is
the situation in Kenya today
when it comes to the public
commentary on terrorism.
Some of our countrys most
prominent voices lay the
root causes of the continuing
terrorist campaign in Kenya
on poverty, joblessness, or
political marginalisation.
Others argue that Al-Shabaab
and its aliates sustained
regime of murder would stop
instantly if Kenya withdrew its
troops from Somalia.
Yet some imply, without ever
citing a single supporting fact,
that the attacks are a sinister
State plot to distract Kenyans
from the very real challenges
our country faces.
These diagnoses, when
they are not used to advance
narrow political agendas,
are driven by a blind belief
that non-State violence is
almost always a response to
grievances born of government
ineptitude or corruption.
The terrorist attacks,
therefore, become one more
chance to heap individualised
blame on public servants.
We all know that terrorists
with the same ideological
leanings and connections as
Al-Shabaab have struck some
of the richest countries in the
world. And there are poorer,
far worse governed countries
than Kenya that are not a
target. We were also under
attack long before the KDF
ever deployed to Somalia.
Here is the real root cause.
The democratic, open Kenya
we are trying to build is
highly visible, oensive and
accessible to a network of
nanciers, recruiters and
ideologues that are inspired by
a deliberately distorted vision
of politicised Islam.
Not all political violence
arises from a desire to arrive
at clear goals like State power
or wealth; and that not every
rebel wants to overthrow the
government to make it more
ecient and responsive.
The suicide bomber
targeting poor people in
Eastleigh is not responding
to the oppression or the
marginalisation of the
vulnerable. As an individual
he may have deep emotional
and psychological problems
but his recruiters, trainers and
sponsors have not been driven
mad by their own suering or
that of any population group.
This is evident from the fact
that they are perfectly willing
to visit the most horric
murder and torture against the
weakest and most vulnerable.
Poverty, lack of opportunity,
political marginalisation or
Amisom operations allow
the recruiters more room to
manoeuvre but even when
these factors are absent, they
will continue their campaign.
They cleverly connect
local political or economic
problems with a globalised
campaign. But what they are
is a murderous reaction to
openness, individual rights
of religious practice, speech,
movement and occupation that
is spread from the western tip
of Africa, across the Sahel and
into the Horn of Africa.
The terrorists try to claim
an idealised past that never
was as a route to fanatically
seeking a future in which
behaviour is controlled
through fear, and in which the
individuals choices accord to
a single, and as I have said,
deliberately distorted vision of
Islam. Muslims have suered
the most from the terrorists.
If you want a peek into a
society ruled by Al-Shabaab
or its fellow travellers, look
no further than the areas
it controlled in Somalia
before being driven back by
Kenyan and Amisom troops.
A national campaign to
immunise children against
polio was forbidden as part
of an evil Western plot.
Football, music, and dancing
were banned.
The Taliban imposed rules
that allowed the whipping
of women for not covering
their ankles; a ban on women
laughing loudly, and on their
presence in public gatherings.
No cosmetics; windows were
to painted over so no one
could look into their rooms;
no photos of women printed in
newspapers; and no education
to girls older than 10.
Public beheadings,
mutilations and stoning
to death were frequent
entertainments for breaking
such rules. This is the stu of
unrelenting fanaticism.
Our analysts and pundits
should beware excusing the
devotion to violence and
control of the Talibans and
Al-Shabaabs of the world as
a rational political reaction to
globalisation, capitalism or
any number of local problems.
While their visions will never
take systematic root here
without millions of Kenyans
being murdered, unchallenged,
they can succeed in undoing
our own vision for Kenya.
Talibanisation in the
societies most vulnerable to
it will be harder to advance
if countries like Kenya
succeed in their fundamental
political and economic bet
that openness, freedom of
movement, association, speech
and exchange are the key to
the wealth and political culture
we both desire and deserve.
The terrorists must ensure
we fail. By attacking markets,
transportation and places of
worship, they are hoping that
our fear will shut down our
openness and lead to political
and religious division.
The national security organs
can productively leverage
private security companies
through a renewed regulatory
framework sensitive to the
counter-terrorism eort.
Finally, and most
importantly, we are part of
a global ght between open
societies and the terrorists
who consider them an
abomination. To be most
eective, our actions to
sustain our political and
constitutional order should be
properly rooted in a national
counter-terrorism strategy that
harnesses civilian institutions
and the public.
Mr Kimani is a diplomat who
was the rst senior counter-
terrorism adviser to Igad.
If you do not diagnose terrorism well,
you will prescribe the wrong medicine
KDF troops celebrate after taking
over an airport town in Somalia
South Sudans President Kiir and Dr Machar in Addis
DEMAND CURIOUS. Talk about the Kenya
Bureau of Standards asking brewers to take samples
of their products for testing doesnt make sense to
George Nduati. What makes Kebs think the alcohol
manufacturers would present drinks that will fail the
tests? Shouldnt the bureaus technicians be visiting
the breweries to seize samples at random for testing
by the Government Chemist? They would also check
the hygienic standards of the brewers premises. His
contact is
or write to Watchman,
POB 49010, Nairobi 00100.
Fax 2213946.
clamour for women to be allowed to get second
husbands due to male impotence may sound
reasonable, but it will go against tradition, says Job
Momanyi. According to him, traditions are carried
on, not because of their logic, but for order and
sustainability of society. To him, it is not any dierent
from suggesting that men should also get pregnant
and bear children to share the pain and burden with
women. He quips: Even the Bible says it is the
women who will leave their homes to join men. His
contact is
DISAPPOINTED. When the Nairobi-Nakuru
highway was being repaired recently, Wahu Kamunyu,
a resident of the Uthiru suburb, had great expectations
that were in the end not fullled. The Uthiru junction to
Kinoo shopping centre stretch, which she had hoped
would be xed, was left untouched despite being in a
pathetic state. Who is supposed to repair this road?
The Kenya National Highways Authority? she asks. Her
contact is
CEASEFIRE INSINCERE. From the word go, Dr
Asoka Itur doubted the sincerity of the South Sudan
ceasere agreement signed in Addis Ababa between
comrades-turned-bitter-foes Salva Kiir and Riek
Machar due to the extreme hardline positions held
by both parties. Even the body language and mien
betrayed them as merely playing to the gallery of the
international community over the threat of personal
sanctions, and hence the latest ploy to dupe the
world. His contact is
MAINTAIN ROADS TOO. The Nairobi city
government may have plenty to do in the provision
of basic facilities and services to its residents who
pay the rates without fail, but Mahendra Adalja
still expects a lot more, particularly in the area of road
maintenance. The slip road o Waiyaki Way just after
Westlands shopping centre can be best described as
having gullies, and not just potholes. Can the county
government do something about it? he pleads. His
contact is
National Environment Management Authoritys
demolition squad knocked down kiosks at Balozi
Estate, Nairobi, C.G. Munyori says, the explanation
given was that the structures were on the banks of the
Mbagathi River and the source of some of its pollution.
But Munyori wonders how come the same Nema has
turned a blind eye to the houses built on the banks of
Kibagare River in Lower Kabete and a supermarket on
the upper side. His contact is

Have an even-handed day, wont you!
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Opinion 13
What should KRA do to seal the tax evasion loopholes?
cannot do anything to seal the tax
evasion loopholes, because this loop-
holes were created to benet some
few powerful individuals within the
government. They will ght to retain
their source of income.
Set aside two weeks every year to
educate citizens on tax.
VICTOR ABUKA: Enact punitive
laws, collect revenue eectively and
prosecute corrupt ocials.
needs to stop being corrupt. Second,
it needs to be pro-business; without
service delivery improving vastly,
people will want to evade tax until
they see their taxes working for
them. Dubai can sustain itself on ve
per cent tax while we cant even sus-
tain the roads we inherited from our
colonial masters.
should provide other alternative
places of paying taxes and register
more agents to collect taxes. Kenyans
evade taxes because they are not
ready to queue the whole day.
Do you believe
Ethiopia forced
Kiir and Machar
to sign peace deal?
Send your comments to:
lose to 90 people are dead
from the killer spirits, and
the nation is unperturbed.
Not a day of national mourning
has been set aside, nor even a
call for unity in grief. How can we
mourn when we are reaping what
we sowed? It would be hypocriti-
cal. For years, we have invested in
greed and corruption, and the har-
vest has not disappointed.
Its no accident that poison in its
pure form is nding its way down
human throats. We are so beaten by
the rains of corruption that an of-
cer who declines to take a bribe to
cover evil makes news headlines.
The war on illicit brews has
become war impossible because
victims, perpetrators, and rescue
missions conspire to frustrate the
fight. Drunkards even maintain
silence in bars to cover bar-owners
and themselves.
That the drinking dens remained
packed even as the death toll rose
is testimony that nothing and
no-one will separate the thirsty-
poor from their cheap concoction.
Anything that catapults them from
the sober world is welcome. At the
same time, the faceless killer brew-
ers are hell-bent on making their
dirty money at whatever cost. Mu-
tutho can introduce as many laws
as he wants, but addicts will surely
nd their way around the laws.
As ashes started returning to
ashes on Monday, and dust to dust,
one could only feel sad. There is no
knowing when and where metha-
nol will strike next. The on-going
crackdown on drinking dens is
only for a season, and then it will
be business as usual.
Perhaps the only workable
solution is for Nacada to provide
testing kits so that the people can
verify the content of their drink.
This way, any death from illicit
brew consumption will be treated
as suicide; and as a nation, we
shall not have to feel guilty that the
thirsty-poor ingested poison.
Drinks recall
When the rst deaths due to the
lethal brew were reported in Embu,
the government ought to have in-
stantly ordered the manufacturers
to recall all their drinks. Instead, as
usual, the government was talking
tough and, with its traditional knee-
jerk reaction, hunting down brew-
ers. Meanwhile, the deadly liquor
laced with methanol continues to
leave the warehouses for distribu-
tion in various counties.
Civilised societies recall anything
from vegetables to cars once a risk
detrimental to human lives is dis-
For years, too many lives have
been lost, mothers widowed, and
children orphaned as the govern-
ment does nothing to reduce, if not
to end, the menace. Its time the
government contained this killer
underground economy.
To the editor
The editor welcomes brief letters on topical issues. Write on e-mail to: mailbox@ You can also mail to: The Editor, Daily Nation, POB 49010,
Nairobi 00100. Letters may be edited for clarity, space or legal considerations.
Weep not Kenyans, for killer spirits
deaths were the wages of corruption
Mourners on Monday held prayers in Embu for the people who died last
week after drinking alcohol laced with methanol.
Emails from correspondents
Five things taxman can do to rid Kenya of graft and levy dodgers
The Kenya Revenue Authority board is set to re-
cruit its head of investigations after the Parliamentary
Committee on Agriculture questioned its commis-
sioner-general on the role customs ocials played in
sugar smuggling. Indeed, major sugar companies in
western have gone under due to cheap sugar imports.
At the same time, the government wants to issue
an international bond to raise Sh125 billion, out of
which Sh52 billion will settle a matured loan, leaving
Sh70 billion for budgetary support. However, for this
to happen, the government insists it must pay An-
glo Leasing. This is a red herring because KRA only
needs to do certain things right to raise Sh1.5 trillion.
First, map all properties using Geocris and demand
back and current taxes from landlords. Second, re-
introduce an improved version of VAT withholding
agency system because very few contractors are re-
mitting full VAT. Then decentralise KRA operations
by opening county oces to make mapping easier.
KRA can also audit the publicly declared wealth of
its sta to root out corrupt ones who steal hundreds
of billions yearly in bribes and under-declarations.
Its also time the government started earnest pros-
ecutions and jailing of tax dodgers. That way, many
will start paying taxes without being pushed.
And this way, the issue of corrupt sugar cartels at
KRA and Anglo Leasing can be greatly mitigated.
Although the 10-day audit of Ardhi
House ordered by Lands Cabinet
Secretary Charity Ngilu has been
resisted, the discovery of 10,000 hid-
den les speaks volumes about the
corruption and rot in this ministry.
Land is an emotive and thorny
topic. Little wonder there is a tug-of-
war between Mrs Ngilu and the Na-
tional Land Commission led by Dr
Swazuri. Previous regimes indulged
in illegal allocation of land where
cronies were rewarded with public
land. As a result, there are innumer-
able cases of present and historical
injustices. That explains the squat-
ters, 50 years after independence.
We should support Mrs Ngilu in
this audit so that she can bring order
out of chaos in land oces.
Ngilu audit will create
order in Lands registry
Kenya spends lavishly on educa-
tion, but all lucrative contracts are
awarded to foreigners. What is the
point of training a large pool if they
remain under-utilised?
We complain about Kenyas brain
drain, but I am not surprised. I hope
President Kenyatta and his team
ensured there were clauses in the
recent contracts that compel the
Chinese to use our resources in the
projects materials and labour.
Kenyans are patriotic, as seen in
times of national disasters. Taking
an active part in nation-building
would boost this pride and rid us of
the notion that we have to traded
one colonial master for another.
Compel the Chinese
to use Kenyan labour
The sensational claims by South
Sudan President Salva Kiir that he
and rebel leader Riek Machar were
forced to sign the long overdue
peace agreement in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, are outrageous. They will
only worsen the mayhem and geno-
cide in that country.
President Kiir is, in eect, saying
that the peace agreement is illegal,
as any agreement signed under du-
ress is null and void.
This position must be condemned
by the international community as
the world is now getting fatigued by
the never-ending violence.
Igad has also failed by treating
Salva Kiir and Riek Machar with kid
Kiir added fuel to re by
disowning peace deal
good, but Kenya must not ignore the
west. To be sure, China has poured
billions into Kenya to boost trade,
railway and security, but these are
loans that we shall pay back. China
is in business, searching for prot.
It never brokers peace. When Kenya
burst into ames in 1992, 1997 and
2007, we didnt see Chinese any-
where trying to save Kenya. Is China
in South Sudan? We shouldnt keep
them too close to our chest. When a
nation goes to the dogs, China keeps
o. Lets stop chest-thumping.
to the government is to license and
help traders to start producing tradi-
tional beer such as muratina, busaa
and even changaa in properly super-
vised factories just as in any other
breweries, including EABL. These
industries will all create other jobs.
For muratina, for instance, the main
raw materials are sugarcane, millet,
sorghum and other crops. Every ca-
lamity should create fresh thoughts,
and those who take advantage of
disasters normally create new ways
of survival.
versity of Nairobis College of Ag-
riculture and Veterinary Science in
Kabete is infrastructure-wise, a pale
shadow of what it used to be in the
1990s. This is particularly so in the
hostels and the large animal clinic
area. The link roads and buildings
desperately need repairs and a fresh
coat of paint. We need to feel proud
of our former education institution
when we happen to visit. Im sure
something can be done asap!
CRACK THE WHIP: Rich and in-
uential individuals in the Bureti
Sub-county of Kericho County are
using their private vehicles to ferry
surveyors to other peoples pieces
of land. They trespass into private
property and survey without seeking
permission from the landowners,
whom they intimidate. The genuine,
but poor landowners, have valid
documents, but have been suering
in silence as the wealthy arrogate
themselves power to divide and ad-
just boundaries of their land. It ap-
pears the surveyors are being bribed.
Worse still, chiefs are protecting
such people. I appeal to senior ad-
ministrators in the area and the Jubi-
lee government to crack the whip.
Wednesday May 14, 2014
14 | Letter
The anniversary of the Lord Buddhas passing falls on 14th May, 2014 this year, and the full
moon is at 10.16 p.m. (East African Time). According to tradition, on this day and the exact hour
of the full moon, the Lord Buddha appears before an assembly of all earths perfected beings
(Masters) at a valley in the Himalayas to shed upon the whole world a ood of his blessings.
The Lord Buddha has his own special type of force, which he outpours when he gives his
blessings to the world, and this benediction is a unique and very marvellous thing; for by his
authority and position a Buddha has access to planes of nature which are altogether beyond our
reach, hence he can transmute and draw down to our level the forces peculiar to those planes.
Without this mediation of the Buddha these forces would be of no use to us here in physical life;
their vibrations are so tremendous, so incredibly rapid, that they would pass through us unsensed at
any level we can reach, and we should never even know of their existence. But as it is, the force of the
blessing is scattered all over the world; and it instantly nds for itself channels through which it can
pour (just as water instantly nds an open pipe), thereby strengthening all good work and bringing
peace to the hearts of those who are able to receive it.
The occasion selected for this wonderful outpouring is the full moon day of the Indian (lunar) month
of Vaisakh, usually corresponding to the English May, and is the anniversary of all the momentous
occurrences of his last earthly life - his birth, his attainment of supreme enlightenment, and his
departure from the physical body.
From the book THE MASTERS AND THE PATH by Charles W. Leadbeater
There are now millions of people of all religions all over the world who believe in this and sit
in prayer and meditation when the May moon is full. They believe that an upward surge of their
aspirations creates a funnel down which may pour the divine grace dispensed at that moment.
Wednesday May 14, 2014
The Industrial Court has stopped
the interdiction of three secondary
school teachers in Kisii.
Kenya Union of Post-Primary
Education Teachers (Kuppet)
had asked the court to revoke the
unilateral interdiction of its three
According to Kisii Kuppet
secretary Ben Nyaundi, St Johns
Nyamagwa Boys High School
board met on April 22 and resolved
to interdict Mr Peter Otuke, Mr
Thomas Okemwa and Mr Raphael
Negligence of duty
The board accused the three of
negligence, insubordination and
In the insubordination claim, the
board said the teachers admitted a
student to the institution without
consulting it.
Mr Nyaundi accused the board
of blanket interdictions, saying
the teachers were not given suf-
cient time to respond to the
Mr Justice Byram Ongaya
stopped the interdictions until the
case was heard and determined.
The union has served the board
and TSC with orders stopping the
The case will be heard on May
Court halts
of teachers
he Nairobi county govern-
ment yesterday set aside
Sh3 million to reconstruct
business structures razed by re
at Gikomba market.
Governor Evans Kidero said he
would seek compensation from
Kenya Power for the traders, who
lost goods after a transformer
reportedly exploded on Monday
night, causing the re.
The governor told dozens of
traders aected by the inferno
that the money would be used to
rebuild the destroyed structures
as plans for a modern market
were being nalised.
This market has experienced
several re incidents leading to
huge losses. Plans are underway
to construct a modern and per-
manent market which will benet
the people more, he said.
The traders lost goods worth
millions of shillings.
The market is mainly used by
traders dealing in cereals, food
stu, secondhand clothing and
Fireghters were overwhelmed
due to the large area under the
Dr Kidero said a committee
comprising county ocials and
representatives of the traders
would be formed to help those
Public Works ocials will also
visit the market to assess the
damage, said the governor.
The traders said the fire
erupted after the transformer
A trader fainted
They claimed that a re engine
from the county government ar-
rived way after the inferno had
spread and it had no water for
putting out the blaze.
The re razed clothing, sh,
sewing machines and other
One of the traders fainted
yesterday after nding her en-
tire business destroyed.
The traders, who said the mar-
ket had experienced too many
res in the recent past, called
for compensation.
A small hotel I had been
running for the past one week
was completely destroyed to-
gether with the items. My two
employees are jobless, said Mr
Edwin Wanyama, adding that he
lost property worth more than
Ms Maureen Agutu and Ms
Milcah Anyango said they lost
sh stock worth thousands of
Some of the traders who ar-
rived early managed to save a
few items.
Sh3m set aside to rebuild Gikomba
INFERNO | Public Works ocials will also assess the damage
to seek
pay from
Power for
who lost
in the
This market has experienced
several re incidents leading
to huge losses. Plans are un-
derway to construct a mod-
ern and permanent market
which will benet the people
Governor Evans Kidero
A small hotel I had been run-
ning for the past one week
was completely destroyed
together with the items
Trader Edwin Wanyama
Area to have
modern market
Kenya Air Force reghters battle
the inferno at Gikomba market in
Nairobi on Monday.
Wednesday May 14, 2014
16 | National News
The County Government of Bomet intends to prepare a county spatial development plan for
the purposes of improving the land and providing for proper development, physical development
and use of such land including measures for the improvement of the physical living environment,
the improvement of communications and transportation, public purpose utilities and services,
the improvement of social-economic well-being and the promotion of economic growth and for
facilitating sustainable development in line with Vision 2030, the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the
Physical Planning Act and County Government Act, 2012.
Eligible consultants are hereby invited to submit an expression of interest (EOI) for digital
mapping and topographical survey and the preparation of Bomet County spatial development
plan to cover the whole county. The key output of this technical assignment will be a county
spatial development framework that will guide development in Bomet County. This should be
in the form of a written statement consisting of development policies, strategies and actions/
measures/ and graphical illustrations (maps, diagrams and models).
The terms of reference (TOR) for this assignment shall include but not limited to:
1. Providing an overall spatial framework for the County to guide development;
2. Interpreting and localizing strategic national and regional policies and strategies ;
3. Developing a GISbased land information system to guide land administration and
4. Developing a framework to guide rural development and settlement;
5. Providing a basis for efcient and effective delivery of infrastructure and services;
6. Identifying the vital natural resources within the County, analyze the level of utilization and
propose innovative strategies to enhance their utilization and sustainable management;
7. Identifying opportunities for job creation and employment;
8. Providing a framework for revitalizing industries, trade and commerce to spur economic
development in the County;
9. Formulating strategies for improving transport and communication networks and linkages
within and outside the County;
10. Developing strategies to realize a system of urban centers for sustainable urban
11. Identifying the regions environmental concerns and propose protection and conservation
12. Preparing digital cadastral layers in same system as the digital topographical maps;
13. Assigning land uses and describing policies and standards to regulate and guide the use of
land in each category of land use; and
14. Develop research and development framework and resource mobilization strategies for
the County.
The mandatory requirements
1. Clear understanding of the planning process
2. Experience in similar undertakings
3. Competency of the rms human resource base and specialization to undertake the
4. Strong nancial base.
5. Knowledge of the countys geographical locations, resources, principal land uses,
topographical features, drainage system and settlement patterns.
The EOI must be accompanied by copies of the following
a. Company prole.
b. Certicate of business incorporations.
c. Valid tax compliance certicate.
d. List of at least three similar projects undertaken.
e. List of at least three references from organizations the rm has offered similar services
Interest consultants shall submit an original and two copies of the EOI with all necessary
documentation in a plain sealed envelope clearly marked. EXPRESSION OF
(2014-2024) along with the covering letter duly signed by an authorized signatory on or
before Friday 16
May, 2014 at 10. 00 am.
The documents should be deposited in the tender box situated at the Procurement County
headquarters near the County Treasury of the County Government of Bomet addressed as
shown below:
P. O. BOX 19-20400
Wednesday May 14, 2014
he mention of the name
Salgaa sends a chill down
the spine of every motorist
and traveller along the Nakuru-
Eldoret highway.
Scores of people have died and
many others have sustained seri-
ous injuries in accidents along an
11-kilometre stretch in the area.
The notorious section stretches
from Kibunja to Salgaa shopping
centre. It includes Jolly Farm,
Mkinyai and Migaa and Sach-
angwan, where an oil tanker
accident several years ago killed
nearly 200 people.
Despite the deaths and injuries,
and several campaigns to contain
road accidents, motorists still
speed on the dangerous stretch.
Drivers, including those with
many years of experience behind
the wheel, drive with little respect
for other road users.
According to data from the
Traffic Police Department, 71
people have lost their lives at
the spot since the beginning of
the year, with more than 300
being seriously injured.
The records show that in 2013
alone, 27 accidents occurred, with
45 people killed and 56 sustaining
serious injuries.
In 2012, the script was not any
dierent as 40 people died.
Rift Valley Regional Traf-
fic Enforcement Officer Mary
Omari, appealed to motorists to
be careful when driving along the
killer stretch.
Motorists must observe trac
rules and exercise caution all the
time, she said.
It seems the stretch is cursed.
Not a week passes without an
accident happening, said Mr
Patrick Rotich, a resident of
Most of the residents feel that
the fatal crashes are caused by
trucks as they descend the steep
Most lorries are driven with-
out the gears engaged in a bid
to save on fuel, which drivers
normally sell at Salgaa trading
centre, said Ms Jacinta Awuok, a
sugar cane trader at Kibunjia.
According to residents, the
practice poses danger to other
road users. It has been the
major cause of fatal accidents
in the area.
Some motorists straddle the
yellow line that divides the road
for descending and ascending
vehicles. In so doing, they col-
lide with innocent drivers keeping
to the left, said Ms Awuok, add-
ing that by not engaging gears
downhill, it becomes dicult for
the drivers to apply emergency
Exercise due care
According to Ms Awuok, the
only way to curb road carnage is
for drivers to exercise due care
while driving along this section.
The accidents are avoidable. I
dont understand why motorists
continue to put peoples lives at
risk by being reckless. They know
this road has killed many and will
continue to claim more if we are
not cautious, she said.
National Transport Safety
Authority (NTSA) chairperson
Lee Kinyanjui said that a 24-
hour speed camera would be
installed at the stretch to ensure
heavy commercial vehicle driv-
ers do not drive with the gears
He warned that those who will
be caught engaging in the practice
will have their driving licences re-
voked permanently.
Those caught must be dealt
with decisively to reduce the
number of road accidents that
have claimed numerous lives,
he said.
He recommended a new route
for trucks along the stretch.
Dark patches of spilt oil, bro-
ken glasses, pieces of rubber
and mangled remains of motor
vehicle parts litter the road sec-
tion, a grim reminder that the
stretch bears a bitter past for
many families.
In January 2009, an oil tanker
overturned just 300 metres from
Salgaa trading centre, eventually
resulting in the death of 347
The victims had rushed to the
scene to scoop oil when the tanker
burst into ames.
Ms Susan Nyaboke, whose hus-
band narrowly escaped death in
the Sachangwan tragedy, urged
the public to avoid scooping oil
in tanker accidents.
The re consumed many of
those who had emerged from
their houses with containers
and hosepipes, ready to siphon
the fuel, she said.
Not a month passes without the
road stretch claiming lives. Ironi-
cally, there are several points for
trac ocers on the stretch.
Road signs stolen
A spot check along the sec-
tion shows that most of the road
signs have been stolen by some
residents for sale to scrap metal
However, NTSA Director Gen-
eral Francis Meja last week said
that new road signs, guard rails
and road markings at the stretch
would be in place within the next
two weeks. He warned that any-
one found vandalising road signs
and guard rails would be punished
The community must take
a proactive stance on the road
signs. Let those vandalising
them be punished accordingly,
he said.
Former Makueni district com-
missioner Kigen Kipkorir died at
the Salgaa black spot when his
vehicle collided head-on with a
speeding oil tanker.
Residents said some of the
truck drivers will be tired and
sleepy, a situation that leads to
The brakes fail whenever the
drivers attempt to slow down or
stop the loaded trucks, said Mr
James Kariuki, a mechanic at the
Salgaa trading centre.
Mr Salim Bakari, a matatu
driver, said some accidents are
caused by trucks parked along
the road.
The truck drivers dont care.
They just park and even stop in
the middle of the road without
warning, said Mr Bakari.
NAKURU | Agency plans to install speed cameras along stretch to curb carnage
Residents blame
truck drivers for
fatal accidents at
Salgaa black spot
are driven
the gears
in a bid
to save on
fuel, says
sugar cane
One of the vehicles that was involved in a recent accident at the Salgaa
black spot.
Number of people who
have been killed in acci-
dents at the Salgaa black
spot since the beginning of
the year

It seems the stretch

is cursed. Not
a week passes
without an accident
Patrick Rotich, resident
of Mkinyai
Two months ago, villag-
ers of Nyanthuna in Nakuru
County were thrown into
mourning after 10 people
returning home from a bride
price ceremony died at Sal-
They lost their lives when
a 14-seater matatu they
were travelling in was hit by
a truck at night. The vehicle
was pushed into a ditch, kill-
ing eight passengers on the
10 killed after
matatu was hit
A section of the Nakuru-Eldoret highway where drivers disengage gears.
Traders at a roadside market at Kibunja yesterday. Truck
drivers headed to Nakuru are said to drive downhill with
the gears not engaged in a bid to save fuel which they
sell at Salgaa trading centre.
They slaughtered pet after going
without food for days. P.23
Wednesday May 14, 2014
18 |
Crisis meeting called
as refugee camp swells
A crisis meeting of the UN
High Commissioner for Refugees
and donors has been called to
nd a solution to population ex-
plosion at Kakuma refugee camp,
Turkana Governor Josphat Na-
nok has said. The camp is lled
to capacity and land is needed for
its expansion, according to the
governor. He said the meeting
would be held as soon as possi-
ble. The congestion could cause
disease outbreaks, he warned.
Squatters wont be
evicted, says governor
Kirinyaga Governor Joseph
Ndathi has criticised an MP who
claimed that the county planned
to evict 5,000 squatters from
South-Ngariama ranch in Mwea.
He told Kirinyaga Central MP
Gachoki Gitari to stop peddling
lies. Contrary to the impression
created, we have no plans to evict
the squatters, he told the Nation
yesterday in Kerugoya. They are
at the ranch to stay. Mr Gitari
said he stood by his statement.
Eight ned Sh125,000
in drink driving case
Eight motorists were ned a
total of Sh125,000 for driving
while drunk. They pleaded guilty
to the oence before the Kisumu
Municipal Court. The motorists
were arrested at the weekend
after Alcoblow tests showed that
they had taken excessive alcohol.
Lawyer Gilbert Oguso pleaded
not guilty to an accusation that
his alcohol level was in excess of
0.20 units. He was released on a
Sh30,000 bond.
Sand harvesters protest
over weight charges
Sand harvesters at Kibokoni
mine in Kili County have cried
foul over the fees they are being
charged at a weighbridge. The
representative of the more than
5,000 sand harvesters and load-
ers, Mr Ngumbao Kahindi Randu,
said they are being charged yet
the weighbridge at Kwa Ndomo
station is not functioning. Some
trucks are allowed to pass with-
out paying, added the spokes-
Court adjourns
Obama kins case
A land case involving US
Presidents half brother, Mr
Malik Obama, and a widow was
yesterday postponed for the last
time after he failed to turn up for
hearing. Mr Obama led the suit
to evict Mrs Jane Aduda from
a 4.7-acre plot which he claims
belongs to his grandfather Hus-
sein Obama. Lawyer Ken Amondi
had told a Kisumu court that Mr
Malik had travelled out of Kenya
to attend to an urgent matter.
TUG-OF-WAR | Governor told facility belongs to the State because it serves EA and cannot be devolved
You will not run Mombasa port,
Mungatana tells governor Joho
mbattled Mombasa Governor
Ali Hassan Joho was yesterday
told there was no way he could
take over the management of the port
in his county.
Kenya Ports Authority chairman
Danson Mungatana termed it im-
possible for Mombasa County to take
over the management of the port.
He was reacting to a threat by
the governor that he would mobilise
residents to forcibly take control of
the port if the Senate failed to push
through a law allowing the countrys
gateway to be devolved.
Mr Mungatana said the port was
a national and international facility
because it serves Kenya as well as
neighbours Uganda, Rwanda, South
Sudan, northern Tanzania and the
Democratic Republic of Congo.
The port, he reminded the governor,
is a national asset as per the KPA Act,
and it would be illegal for him to take
over the facility.
The KPA boss said the port had
international status since it serves
other East African Community
member states.
There is no way the Mombasa
governor can take over the port as it
is legally a national asset.
The port is also an international
facility as neighbouring countries de-
pend on it. In this case, the governor
cannot handle issues dealt by Heads
of State, he said.
The KPA chairman said that if Mr
Joho took over the port, that would
mean that his Kisumu, Eldoret and
Nairobi counterparts would also claim
the port and airports in their areas.
We have an instance where electric-
ity is generated at Kindaruma dam but
I have never heard the area governor
demanding to manage the facility as
it is a national asset, he said.
When an asset falls in a particular
county does not mean that it cannot
be a national asset. After all the coun-
ties are part of the Republic of Kenya,
he told journalists on the sidelines
of an Agricultural Society of Kenya
event at Mkomani showground in
Mr Joho has been lobbying for the
port to be handed over to the county,
arguing that the money allocated to
the region by the National Govern-
ment was not sucient to run its
On Monday, he said that although
the port was in Mombasa, residents
were not benefiting because the
revenue generated there went to the
National Government.
Eorts by the county to impose $2
(Sh174) levy per tonne of cargo han-
dled at the port hit a brick wall last
year after KPA bosses said they were
not consulted over the matter.
Stop meddling
The budget document had said that
the KPA management would collect
the levy on behalf of the county.
Mr Mungatana said he was not
aware of the intended levy.
And at the ground breaking
ceremony to launch a water pipe ex-
tension in Likoni, Mr Joho yesterday
told his detractors to stop meddling
in Mombasa politics and his quest
to have resources transferred to the
When my term ends, the Presi-
dent will not be accountable. I will
be answerable to my people who will
want an explanation on my success
and failures, he told the ceremony at
Mrima Primary School.
Mr Joho claimed that the National
Government had sabotaged the road
maintenance programme in the county
by not allocating funds and the rem-
edy to that was to devolve resources
for the county to sustain itself.
When I push for the Kenya Ports
Authority and the ferry to be under the
county, I am asking more revenue for
the residents of Mombasa, he said.
The governor said residents were
putting him under pressure for devel-
opment and failure to allocate funds
for infrastructure was slowing down
the pace of progress.
I will not be threatened by those
yapping and indulging in petty poli-
tics. I will be implementing projects
for development since I promise to
deliver service, he said.
On water, Mr Joho said that the
Mombasa Water and Sewerage Serv-
ice Company would provide all the
households in the county with fresh
water by 2016.
Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho (left) with other leaders during the ground-
breaking ceremony for the Likoni water pipeline extension yesterday. KPA chair-
man Danson Mungatana told him the port cannot be handed over to the county.
There is no way the Mombasa
governor can take over the port
as it is legally a national asset.
Danson Mungatana, KPA
When my term ends, the Presi-
dent will not be accountable. I
will be answerable to my people
who will want an explanation on
my success and failures.
Ali Hassan Joho, Mombasa
Leaders dier
over installation
The levy that Mr Joho had in-
dicated would be charged on
every tonne of cargo passing
through Mombasa Port. KPA
rejected the move.
KPA Act states port is
a national asset and it
would be illegal for Joho
to take over, says chairman
Transport executive cleared of charges in city bus deal
Nairobi County Transport
executive Evans Ondieki can
sigh with relief after a select
committee set up to investi-
gate him cleared him of the
charges yesterday.
Mr Ondieki (right) however,
may not be out of the woods
yet as the House sought fresh
grounds to remove him.
Mwiki ward representa-
tive Isaac Ngige introduced
fresh grounds to probe him
over claims of corruption on
plans to introduce the contro-
versial Bus Rapid Transport
The county has been plan-
ning on introducing 200 large
capacity buses as a means to
decongest the city.
The County Assembly
member sought to know
whether there was a Memo-
randum of Understanding
between Nairobi County and
Diamond Coaches Limited (a
partner in the deal) and what
the terms of the deal were.
Mr Ngige also called for
all interested parties in the
bus transport system to be
revealed and investigations
of corrupt dealings investi-
All is not lost, I would like
to save the faces of some of
the Members of the County
assembly today, Mr Ngige
said in an indication of how
badly the members had
taken the reinstatement of
Mr Ondieki.
Mr Maurice Akuk who led
the ve-member committee
that cleared Mr Ondieki was
booed when he stood to de-
clare all the charges against
him were unsubstantiated.
Wednesday May 14, 2014
County News 19
magistrate yesterday
accused a lawyer of
trying to scuttle a child
custody case and disqualied
herself from hearing it.
Acting Senior Resident
Magistrate Judicaster Nthuku
said she did not wish to have
the case between a Kenyan
and his former Zimbabwean
wife delayed further.
The mans lawyer, Mr Harry
Gakinya, had expressed lack of
faith in her court, she said.
I have no other interest in
this case but to deliver justice
by ensuring the best interest
of the child is upheld as per
the Childrens Act.
She claimed the lawyer had
sought all possible means to
delay the case.
Mr Gakinyas conduct in
this case shows he is out to
scuttle the hearing beyond
two months and thereby
defeat justice. For the best
interest of the child, I wish
to discontinue myself from
this case as we are running
out of time, she said.
Ms Nthuku said the childs
mothers visa expires in a
month and that could be the
reason why the lawyer was
determined to defer the mat-
ter until the time lapses and
she is forced to leave without
the child.
If she continued handling
the case, the lawyer could
move to the High Court to
suspend the hearing as he
seeks to have her disquali-
ed hence delay the custody
case further, she said.
Saying she disqualified
herself from the case to fa-
cilitate expeditious disposal
by another court, Ms Nthuku
said there was a need for all
parties to think of what was
best for the child.
The childs mother, a resi-
dent of South Africa, ew into
Kenya to demand custody of
her son and maintenance from
her former husband.
She told the court the man
eloped with the child to Kenya
without her consent and that
he was too young to be taken
away from his mother.
The woman said she had
single-handedly brought up
the child after his father van-
ished and was surprised when
during a visit, he oered to
take him out and was never
seen again.
Lawyer accused of
delaying child case
ROW | Court extends order for womans custody of child
withdraws from
parental custody
suit saying lawyer
scuttling it

His conduct
shows hes out to
scuttle hearing
Judicaster Nthuku
4 years
The age of the child in
the custody case
kick out
Parents stormed Mapimo
Girls High School in Magarini
and ejected principal Margaret
The parents, who accused her of
misusing funds, forced her out of
the oce as students watched.
The learners also accused her
of mismanagement.
Parents Teachers Association
chairman Alphonce Mkanju
claimed that the principal had
embezzled funds since the es-
tablishment of the school 12
years ago.
Dubious contractor
The parents claimed that she
conspired with a dubious contrac-
tor to defraud the school of Sh2
million from the CDF kitty..
The school head denied the
claims. I know nothing about
the money. Those are slander-
ous allegations meant to tarnish
my image. she said.
County education officer in
charge of Magarini Stephen Abere
said the claims were being inves-
tigated. However, he cautioned
that the principal should not be
crucied because of the contrac-
tors mistake.
HEALTH | Keeping polio away
A child is immunised against polio in Kisumu County
yesterday. Health ocials accused some parents of
keeping their children away from the exercise.
Wednesday May 14, 2014
20 | County News
The Muranga County Government invites sealed bids as indicated below:
S/NO Item Description Requirements Pre-bid Meeting
1. (TENDER NO. MCG/035/
Consultancy for Climate
Have qualification in climate
related studies at Bachelors
level with at least 10 years
Tuesday 20
May 2014 at
10.00 a.m. Conference
Room 1
Floor Muranga
County Government
Interested bidders may obtain bidding documents from Room 320 1
Floor during
normal working hours upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 1,000.00 payable
in cash or bankers cheque to, Muranga County Government.
The bidding documents contain Instructions to bidders, Terms of Reference and criteria
for evaluation.
Completed bid documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked with
Tender Name and Reference number and deposited in the tender Box at Muranga
County Government offices, Ground Floor or be addressed to:-
The County Secretary
Muranga County Government
P.O Box 52 10200,
So as to be received on or before Wednesday 28
May 2014 at 10.00 a.m.
Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the candidates or their
representatives who choose to attend at Conference Room 1
Director, Supply Chain Management
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Wednesday May 14, 2014
22 |
Baringo family has
been forced to eat a
cat to dull their hun-
ger pangs.
Ms Jepteker Nguriawiang,
35, her two-year-old daughter
and 80-year-old mother Je-
poterit Yaranyang had gone
without food for many days,
prompting them to turn to the
neighbours black and white
pet as food at the weekend.
During a visit to Kakoghit
Village in Lokis sub-loca-
tion, Tiaty sub-county, the
Nation team saw the bones
and the tail as the cats only
I feared we would die of
hunger, so I captured the cat
and hit it on the head several
times. I then skinned it. We
then roasted the meat and
enjoyed the meal, said the
frail Ms Nguriawiang.
Urgent need
Hunger has stalked the
area for many months.
The cats owner, Ms
Chepochegheh Todongira,
told the Nation that she was
worried when her pet disap-
We searched for it every-
where but could not nd it. It
was only after interrogating
the family that they admitted
feeding on it due to hunger.
This is sad. The Govern-
ment should urgently send
relief food.
We hear the food is being
distributed in towns. Nobody
has bothered to address the
plight of those in remote
areas, said Ms Todongira,
who reported the incident to
the area chief.
Ms Yaranyang is too weak
to move. Residents fear she
will die of hunger if she does
not get food soon.
Tirioko Ward representative
Stephen Maklap said the last
time relief food reached the
area was last year and that
the supply was from the World
Food Programme.
Mr Maklap said three pri-
mary schools in the area had
not reopened since the pupils
had moved away with their
parents in search of food.
Family eats
pet in famine
horror tale
BARINGO | Region yet to get food aid
Lokis sub-location chief
Johnston Longiro, who
went to the familys home
after learning about the
bizarre incident, said the
hunger in the area was
Many residents have
moved to the neighbouring
Elgeyo-Marakwet and West
Pokot counties in search of
food, pasture and water for
their livestock, he said.
Now residents
look for help
They slaughtered
cat after going
for many days
without food
The remains of a cat which a family at Lokis Village in Tiaty, Baringo County, is said to have killed
and eaten. More than 300,000 people are in need of food aid in Baringo County following prolonged
Dont charge extra
fees, heads ordered
Governor Cyprian Awiti
has ordered secondary school
principals in the county to
stop charging extra fees.
Instead, the teachers should
adopt innovative ways to cut
costs and ease the burden on
parents, Mr Awiti said yester-
day. Most schools can grow
their own food in the fallow
land they own, he said in
Homa Bay during the opening
of Kenya Secondary Schools
Heads Association confer-
Mans body found
hanging in lodge
A mans body was found
in a lodging room at Ol Jabet
trading centre in Nyahururu
District. Police said they
suspected the man had com-
mitted suicide as the body
was hanging on a nylon rope
from a window grille. The
smartly dressed man had a
police abstract that showed
he was 29 years old and from
Marigat in Baringo County.
The body was taken to Nya-
hururu District Hospital
Sex abuse accused
freed on bond
An elderly man accused
of sexually abusing two mi-
nors has been released on a
Sh200,000 bond. Mr Rodg-
ers Shikuku was charged
with deling a 10-year-old
and attempting to dele an
11-year-old at Bendera village
in Lugari. The oences were
allegedly committed on May
7. He denied the charges. The
court ordered that he be taken
for mental and age assess-
ment before the mention of
the case on May 22.
Interested bidders may obtain tender documents from Busia County
Government procurement ofce located at the governors ofces in person
or against written application and upon production of the payment receipt. A
complete set of tender documents may be obtained by interested candidates
upon payment of non-refundable fees of KSH.1000 (one thousand
Deposit slip to be presented to the Revenue section for issuing of receipt
which should be produced to procurement ofce before collecting the
tender document.
Interested bidders should note that only those meeting the criteria indicated
below as a minimum, supported by relevant documents at submission will be
considered for further evaluation.
1. Proof of works of similar magnitude in government and complexity
undertaken in the last ve years. Experience of similar work in the
county government will be an added advantage.
2. A bid bond of 2% of the tender bid must be inform of bank guarantee
from a reputable bank or approved insurance company
3. Adequate equipment and key personnel for the specied types of
4. Sound nancial standing and adequate access to bank credit line
5. Condential business questionnaire
6. Tax compliance certicate
Further, tenders from the following tenderers shall be treated as NON-
RESPONSINE and therefore subject to automatic disqualication;
i. A tender from a tenderer whose on-going project(s) is /are behind
schedule and without any approved extension of time
ii. A tender from a tenderer who has been served with a default notice on-
going project(s)
iii. A tender from a tenderer with on-going projects exceeding 4 four in
number regardless of the total value of the outstanding works
Application documents in sealed envelopes only labeled Supply, Installation
and Commissioning of a structured Cabling Network (Data and Voice) should
be submitted to the address below or if delivered by hand to be delivered
in the tender box at the main entrance situated at the governors ofce not
later than 10am on 28
May 2014:
County Secretary
County Government of Busia
P. O. Box Private Bag, Busia.
Submitted documents will be opened publicly soon after the above stated
closing date and time in the presences of the tenderer or their representatives
who choose to attend. Late bids will be returned unopened
Prices quoted must remain valid for 120 days from the opening
date. The bid security must be valid for 150 days from the opening
The government reserves the right to reject any tender without giving reasons
for the rejection and does not bind itself to the lowest or any tender.
Wednesday May 14, 2014
County News 23
ublic universities face
another indenite clo-
sure if their workers are
not paid allowances they say
the institutions owe them by
the end of this month.
Last evening, the Univer-
sities Academic Sta Union
(Uasu), Kenya Universities
Sta Union (Kusu) and the
Kenya Union of Domestic,
Hotels, Education Institu-
tions, Hospitals and Allied
Workers (Kudheiha, said they
will not go to work if they do
not receive the cheque by
May 30.
Public universities sta
unionshereby put both the
government and university
managements on notice that
if by May 30, 2014 members
will not have been paid fully
their new basic salaries, house
allowances and arrears sta
will down their tools, Mr
Charles Mukhwaya, Kusu
Secretary-General announced
in a statement.
It will be unfortunate and
unwarranted to inconvenience
our students and their dear
parents to cause universities
to close. But does sta have
a choice? No (Sic)! Let the
concerned parties avert this
unnecessary crisis. The un-
ions accuse the government
and university leadership of
delaying to honour an agree-
ment reached in March, to
pay allowances totalling
Sh3.9 billion.
In March this year, more
than 500,000 regular and
self-sponsored students were
forced to miss out on classes
for ten days after the unions
went on strike over what
they said was the diversion
by vice-chancellors of money
meant for allowances to other
programmes. The strike went
on after the Ministry of Edu-
cation failed to broker a deal
on how the institutions should
pay the money. The dispute
arose from a collective bar-
gaining agreement (CBA) of
Sh7.8 billion reached in 2012
for the universities to pay their
sta the allowances.
The money was to be
released in two phases of
Sh3.9 billion each by the
government. Universities
were then supposed to pay
the workers.
Varsity sta issue
strike notice in row
NAIROBI | Workers went on strike again in March this year
Union says public
institutions havent
paid allowances
they agreed in deal

If by May 30,
members will not
have been paid,
sta will down
Kusu boss Charles
Let counties
print Bills,
says Speaker

The national government has
been asked to devolve the func-
tion of printing Bills and gazette
notices to counties.
The long process at the Govern-
ment Printer was slowing down
functions of county assemblies,
Kisumu Speaker Anne Adul said
Members of the County As-
sembly are nding it dicult to
pass more Bills yet the ones that
have been passed have not yet been
printed, she said.
Created jam
Ms Adul said several proposed
laws were still at the Govern-
ment Printer, thus aecting their
All the 47 counties are looking
upon the National Government to
print their Bills, creating a jam,
she said.
Ms Adul, who was speaking in
Kisumu, said the County Assembly
had eight pending Bills.
She said most of the pending
Bills must be subjected to public
Other proposed laws are still
being debated while others are
stuck at the Government Print-
ers she said.
CRIME | Bhang haul impounded
Kisumu Central OCS John Mukui (right) displays some
of the bhang weighing 20 kilogrammes seized from a
boda boda in the lakeside town yesterday. A suspect is
in police custody.
The Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government (State department of Coordination) invites eligible
bidders for supply and delivery of goods for the period ending 30
June, 2015 as follows;
Tender No.SDC/4/2013-14/2014-15 Supply and Delivery of Stationery and Computer Consumables
Tender No. SDC/4/2013-14/2014-15 Supply and delivery of Food Stuff
Prices quoted should be inclusive of all Government of Kenya taxes and delivery costs to stations within Nairobi
Area. Tenders should be accompanied by Bid Security as specified in the tender document and only (where
The tender documents containing details of the terms and conditions of each tender may be downloaded from at no cost.
Duly completed tender documents in plain sealed envelope marked with tender reference number be deposited in
the Tender Box on Ground Floor of Magereza House, Nairobi or be addressed to:
The Principal Secretary
Ministry of Interior & Coordination
of National Government
P.O. 30478
Applications should be received on or before 27
May, 2014 at 10.00 a.m. Opening of the Tenders will take
place immediately thereafter on 3
floor, conference room at Magereza House in the presence of the interested
tenderers or their representatives.
The Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government (State Department of Coordination) do give notice
of the termination to the tenderers who participated in the above two tenders of the above tenders whose advert
appeared in the Daily Nation of 10
November, 2013.
Wednesday May 14, 2014
24 | County News
These financial statements are extracts from the books of the institution. The complete set of quarterly financial statements, statutory and
qualitative disclosures can be accessed on the institutions website
They may be accessed at the institutions head office located at: BANK OF INDIA BUILDING, KENYATTA AVENUE NAIROBI

Signed: Signed:
#&(+$ ")$(%'&*
Relationship Beyond Banking
31st March 2013 31st December 2013 31st March 2014
Shs. 000 Shs. 000 Shs. 000
A ASSETS Unaudited Audited Unaudited
1 Cash ( both Local & Foreign) 71,624 88,363 73,361
2 Balances due from Central Bank of Kenya 3,163,030 1,213,844 1,269,781
3 Kenya Government and other securities held for dealing purposes
4 Financial Assets at fair value through profit and loss
5 Investment Securities:
a) Held to Maturity: 13,481,311 17,850,570 17,839,611
a. Kenya Government securities 13,481,311 17,850,570 17,839,611
b. Other securities
b) Available for sale: 449,106 386,352 384,487
a. Kenya Government securities 449,106 386,352 384,487
b. Other securities
6 Deposits and balances due from local banking institutions -
7 Deposits and balances due from banking institutions abroad 80,590 293,731 485,471
8 Tax recoverable 193,950 20,581 -
9 Loans and advances to customers (net) 10,202,630 10,672,752 12,207,887
10 Balances due from banking institutions in the group
11 Investments in associates
12 Investments in subsidiary companies
13 Investments in joint ventures
14 Investment properties
15 Property and equipment 100,535 133,425 131,981
16 Prepaid lease rentals
17 Intangible assets 3,459 2,711 2,711
18 Deferred tax asset 31,815 31,938 31,938
19 Retirement benefit asset
20 Other assets 140,276 27,173 20,626
21 TOTAL ASSETS 27,918,326 30,721,440 32,447,854
22 Balances due to Central Bank of Kenya
23 Customer deposits 21,395,930 22,778,336 24,322,911
24 Deposits and balances due to local banking institutions 250,000 200,000
25 Deposits and balances due to foreign banking institutions 2,051,752 2,445,201 2,408,992
26 Other money market deposits
27 Borrowed funds
28 Balances due to banking institutions in the group
29 Tax payable 44,419
30 Dividends payable
31 Deferred tax liability
32 Retirement benefit liability 86,988 84,861 84,861
33 Other liabilities 126,388 76,163 132,299
34 TOTAL LIABILITIES 23,661,058 25,634,561 27,193,482
35 Paid up /Assigned capital 450,000 450,000 450,000
36 Share premium/(discount)
37 Revaluation reserves (35,000) (13,000) (7,000)
38 Retained earnings/Accumulated losses 3,730,768 4,532,879 4,687,372
39 Statutory loan loss reserves 111,500 117,000 124,000
40 Other Reserves
41 Proposed dividends
42 Capital grants
43 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS 4,257,268 5,086,879 5,254,372
44 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS 27,918,326 30,721,440 32,447,854
1.1 Loans and advances 318,003 1,253,658 309,747
1.2 Government securities 350,795 1,658,322 430,355
1.3 Deposits and placements with banking institutions 26,567 63,854 5,911
1.4 Other Interest Income 80 482 318
1.5 Total interest income 695,445 2,976,316 746,331
2.1 Customer deposits 367,200 1,504,727 414,111
2.2 Deposits and placement from banking institutions 13,412 47,809 11,727
2.3 Other interest expenses
2.4 Total interest expenses 380,612 1,552,536 425,838
3.0 NET INTEREST INCOME/(LOSS) 314,833 1,423,780 320,493
4.1 Fees and commissions on loans and advances 18,342 66,717 15,769
4.2 Other fees and commissions 11,082 64,113 16,006
4.3 Foreign exchange trading income/(Loss) 7,044 28,716 5,815
4.4 Dividend Income
4.5 Other income 15,479 36,501 14,145
4.6 Total Non-interest income 51,947 196,047 51,735
5.0 TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 366,780 1,619,827 372,228
6.1 Loan loss provision 2,410 1,844 401
6.2 Staff costs 39,976 171,660 43,206
6.3 Directors emoluments - - -
6.4 Rental charges 3,472 14,466 3,628
6.5 Depreciation charge on property and equipment 3,459 14,906 3,871
6.6 Amortisation charges - - -
6.7 Other operating expenses 45,615 164,247 94,628
6.8 Total Other Operating Expenses 94,932 367,123 145,734
7.0 Profit/(loss) before tax and exceptional items 271,848 1,252,704 226,494
8.0 Exceptional items
9.0 Profit/(loss) after exceptional items 271,848 1,252,704 226,494
10.0 Current tax 70,000 243,369 65,000
11.0 Deferred tax (123)
12.0 Profit/(loss) after tax and exceptional items 201,848 1,009,458 161,494
13.0 Other Comprehensive Income
13.1 Gains/(Losses) from translating the financial statements of foreign
13.2 Fair value changes in available for sale financial assets (8,000) 14,000 6,000
13.3 Revaluation surplus on Property,plant and equipment
13.4 Share of other comprehensive income of associates
13.5 Income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income
14.0 Other Comprehensive Income for the year net of tax (8,000) 14,000 6,000
15.0 Total comprehensive income for the year 193,848 1,023,458 167,494
(a) Gross Non-performing loans and advances 157,298 107,418 106,568
(b) Less: Interest in Suspense 340 340 1,790
(c)Total Non-Performing Loans and Advances (a-b) 156,958 107,078 104,778
(d) Less: Loan Loss Provision 118,609 76,510 76,910
(e) Net Non-Performing Loans and Advances(c-d) 38,349 30,568 27,868
(f) Discounted Value of Securities 38,349 30,568 27,868
(g) Net NPLs Exposure (e-f) - - -
(a) Directors, Shareholders and Associates
(b) Employees 32,755 31,929 32,096
(c)Total Insider Loans and Advances and other facilities 32,755 31,929 32,096
(a)Letters of credit,guarantees, acceptances 2,238,423 1,556,122 1,487,276
(b) Forwards, swaps and options
(c)Other contingent liabilities 470,058 534,704 713,055
(d)Total Contingent Liabilities 2,708,481 2,090,826 2,200,331
(a)Core capital 4,079,844 4,950,941 5,027,687
(b) Minimum Statutory Capital 700,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
(c)Excess/(Dificiency)(a-b) 3,379,844 3,950,941 4,027,687
(d) Supplementary Capital 111,500 117,000 124,000
(e) Total Capital (a+d) 4,191,344 5,067,941 5,151,687
(f)Total risk weighted assets 12,361,458 12,205,480 14,249,892
(g) Core Capital/Total deposits Liabilities 19.1% 21.7% 20.7%
(h) Minimum statutory Ratio 8.0% 10.5% 10.5%
(I) Excess/(Deficiency) (g-h) 11.1% 11.2% 10.2%
(j) Core Capital / total risk weighted assets 33.0% 40.6% 35.3%
(k) Minimum Statutory Ratio 8.0% 10.5% 10.5%
(l) Excess (Deficiency) (j-k) 25.0% 30.1% 24.8%
(m) Total Capital/total risk weighted assets 33.9% 41.5% 36.2%
(n) Minimum statutory Ratio 12.0% 14.5% 14.5%
(o) Excess/(Deficiency) (m-n) 21.9% 27.0% 21.7%
(a) Liquidity Ratio 67.0% 75.2% 71.7%
(b) Minimum Statutory Ratio 20.0% 20.0% 20.0%
(c) Excess (Deficiency) (a-b) 47.0% 55.2% 51.7%
Wednesday May 14, 2014
LAGOS, Tuesday
anned US aircraft were
in the skies above Ni-
geria today in the hunt
for more than 200 missing
schoolgirls, almost a month
after they were kidnapped by
Islamist militants.
Meanwhile, the commander
of US forces in Africa has own
to Nigeria to discuss how Wash-
ington can help the government
in Abuja trace the kidnapped
A defence ocial told AFP
today that General David
Rodriguez, head of US Africa
Command, is discussing US
assistance for the search as well
as overall cooperation.
The four-star general arrived
on Monday for talks with his
Nigerian counterparts and also
was due to meet US diplomats
and military ocers, said the of-
cial, who spoke on condition of
In another development, Ni-
geria today said it was willing to
talk to Boko Haram militants.
The governor of Nigerias
northeastern Borno state,
Kashim Shettima, confirmed
that all of the girls shown in
the latest video released by
the militant Islamist group had
been identied as students in
the school attacked in Chibok
last month.
President Goodluck Jonathan
on Tuesday requested a six-
month extension to the state
of emergency declared in Borno
and two neighbouring states a
year ago because of the daunt-
ing security situation.
Special duties minister
Taminu Turaki restated the
Nigerian governments position
that it was open to negotia-
tions on ending Boko Harams
increasingly bloody five-year
Turaki, who last year headed
a committee tasked with pur-
suing an amnesty pact with
some of the groups ghters,
told AFP: Nigeria has always
been willing to dialogue with
the insurgents.
We are willing to carry that
dialogue on any issue, including
the girls kidnapped in Chibok,
because certainly we are not
going to say that (the abduc-
tion) is not an issue.
Nigerias interior minister
had previously dismissed a
suggestion from Boko Haram
leader Abubakar Shekau in a
video released on Monday that
the girls could be swapped for
imprisoned militants.
But the military later said it
would explore all options to
end the crisis.
Today, the United States said
manned ISR (intelligence, sur-
veillance and reconnaissance)
aircraft were being own and
it had also shared commercial
satellite imagery as part of the
rescue eort. On Monday the
militants released a new video
purporting to show some of
them. With electricity supply
intermittent in Chibok, eorts
were underway for the miss-
ing girls parents to identify
their daughters in the video, in
which Boko Haram leader Abu-
bakar Shekau claimed they had
converted to Islam.
The co-ordinator of the Bring
Back Our Girls campaign, which
has helped drive international
pressure for action through
social media and global street
protests, said three parents had
seen their daughters on screen.
Three parents have identied
their daughters in the video, Ms
Hadiza Bala Usman told AFP
from the Nigerian capital Abuja.
(Borno) Governor (Kashim)
Shettima has now organised a
screening in (the state capital)
Maiduguri with audio and is
bringing parents from Chibok
to try to identify more girls.
British, French and Israeli
specialists are also providing
specialist help to Nigeria, whose
initial response to the kidnapping
was criticised as slow. China has
also oered help.
US intelligence experts were
combing through every detail
of the video for clues that might
help ongoing eorts to secure
the release of the girls, State
Department spokeswoman Jen
Psaki said in Washington.
Nigerias military is comb-
ing the Sambisa forest former
nature reserve in Borno state,
where Boko Haram camps and
arms dumps have previously
been found.
Concern has been expressed,
though, that the girls may have
been spilt into smaller groups
and may have been taken into
neighbouring Chad or Cameroon
from where Boko Haram has pre-
viously launched attacks.
Nigers President Mahamadou
Issoufou meanwhile described
the kidnapping as hideous
and said people in the Muslim-
majority country were moved by
the girls plight. (AFP)
Former Israel PM Olmert gets six
years jail for bribery P.33
to talk
to Boko
as parents
in video
POOR SHOW | Government has been criticised for its slow response to the kidnapping
US ying manned missions in
bid to rescue kidnapped girls
Activists hold placards to de-
nounce the kidnapping of more
than 200 Nigerian schoolgirls
by Islamic militants yesterday in
Malaga, Spain.
US intelligence
experts are combing
through every detail
of the video for
clues that might
help ongoing eorts
to secure the release
of the girls
State Department
spokeswoman Jen
health in
Oscar Pistoriuss murder trial
debated his mental state today, as
the athlete faced a possible stint
in a psychiatric hospital to estab-
lish if he has a general anxiety
Under cross-examination today,
defence psychiatrist Meryll Vorster
told the court that Pistoriuss
anxiety would have given him a
heightened fear of crime.
During two months of trial,
Pistoriuss lawyers have sought to
portray the world-famous athlete
as almost manically obsessed with
safety after a dicult childhood
and in the face of high crime levels
in South Africa.
The defence wants to show that
contributed to Pistoriuss reaction
when on Valentines Day last year
he allegedly believed his girlfriend
to be an intruder and shot her dead
through a locked toilet door.
Ms Vorster testied that Pis-
torius had a general anxiety
disorder that had an impact on
his personal and sexual relation-
ships. Did he function socially,
yes, one would say he did, she
said, but not optimally.
He took on new friends in order
perhaps to avoid being lonely, said
Vorster, he was simply in their
company as to not feel alone.
Earlier in the trial, Pistoriuss
former friend Darren Fresco and
ex-girlfriend Samantha Taylor
testied for the state, saying the
27-year-old runner shot a gun out
of a moving cars sunroof.
When Fresco finished giving
his evidence, he took a seat with
Steenkamp supporters in the front
row of the public gallery. (AFP)
The age of the runner
Zambian politician
denies poll interference
A veteran politician in Zambia
has denied reports in Malawi
accusing him of interfering in
the forthcoming elections in
that country, saying the reports
were malicious and blatant
lies. The media in Malawi have
quoted opposition leaders in
that country complaining that
Vernon Mwaanga had been hired
by President Joyce Banda as a
consultant to help her on how to
win the May 20 elections. The
report ,circulating in Malawi has
caused panic. (Xinhua)
Wednesday May 14, 2014
26 |
TAKE NOTICE that Eng Martin Odero Owiti and Mr
Kipngetich Arap Korir Bett were on 30
April 2014
appointed as Joint Receivers and Managers of the
assets and property of RUPA COTTON MILLS
a debenture dated 27
August, 2008 in favour of
Dated at Nairobi this 6th day of May 2014.
Joint Receivers/Managers
The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) invites applications for Pre-Qualification of suppliers
and Tenders from interested and eligible bidders for the following goods, services and works for the financial
year 2014/2015.
GEAR. (reserved for youth, women and people with disability)
FITTINGS (reserved for youth, women and people with disability)
(reserved for youth, women and people with disability)
TENTS, CHAIRS, TABLES, PA SYSTEMS (reserved for youth, women and
people with disability)
NEMA/PQ/12/2014-2015 SUPPLY OF GENERAL & PRINTED OFFICE STATIONERY, (reserved for youth,
women and people with disability)
NEMA/T/18/2014-2015 SUPPLY OF FRESH FLOWERS. (reserved for youth, women and people with
women and people with disability)
Detailed Category of Pre-qualification document should STRICLY be downloaded from our website free of charge and a non refundable fee of Kshs 1,000 for all other category of Tenders
Documents from NEMA Procurement section at NEMA Headquarters situated along Popo Road, Off
Mombasa Road. Tender fee should be in Bankers Cheque or deposit the cash in the NEMA Revenue Account,
KCB KICC Branch, Account Number 1102298158, and submit the deposit slip, at the cash office on
Ground Floor. Kindly note that cash will not be accepted. At the time of submitting the completed bid
documents such Tenderers shall be required to enclose a copy of the receipt of payment.
Complete Pre-qualification and Tender documents in plain sealed envelopes and clearly marked with the

The Director General
National Environment Management Authority
Eland House, Popo Road, Off Mombasa Road
P.O. Box 67839 00200
And placed in the Tender Box provided at the NEMA Reception area, Eland House, Popo Road, Off Mombasa
Road so as to be received on or before 28
May 2014 at 11:00 AM Documents submitted after this time will
not be accepted.
The Pre-qualification and Tender documents will be opened immediately at NEMA headquarters,
Tenderers or their representatives are welcome to attend.
NEMA reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without giving any reasons thereof
Wednesday May 14, 2014
NATION Correspondent
JUBA, Tuesday
outh Sudan President Salva Kiir
says his countrys rst General
Election have been postponed
for up to three years due to objections
of Western nations.
The worlds newest state gained inde-
pendence from Sudan in July 2011 after
more than two decades of civil war and
was due to hold its rst polls in 2015.
President Kiir said it was essential
to hold the elections as scheduled to
answer claims of dictatorship that his
rivals have labelled against him.
I had said that we go for elections
in 2015 as it had been scheduled. Let
these people stand, let whoever wants
to contest stand, we will all stand, Mr
Kiir said, referring to rebel leader Dr
Riek Machar and a group 11 former
political detainees.
The Westerners know that their
groups will all lose. No one will win
votes. So they say no, postpone it
for three years because they know
that within the three years, they will
provide these groups with money to
come and buy your votes; to come and
buy your votes so you can vote for the
groups, he said.
There is no problem. If you are
given money, take it, it is your right.
Take it and do the right thing. When we
contested with the National Congress
here in Juba and all over South Sudan
in 2010, what happened? They brought
money to the south here, but I told you
then at Garang Mausoleum that these
money is yours. If it is given to you,
take it and give us your vote. If the
same thing happens, we will tell you
that message.
Former Vice President turned rebel
leader Dr Riek Machar has described
the election postponement as an em-
Mr Kiir says the three-year pre-elec-
tion period will now be used to conduct
a population census and hold national
healing and reconciliation.
Mr Kiir was elected in April 2010 as
South Sudanese
President Salva
Kiir waves as he
exits his plane
upon arriving in
Juba on May 11,
I had said
that we
go for
in 2015
as it had
Kiir blames the West for poll delay
CRITICISED| The Westerners know that their groups will all lose. No one will win votes
Spark: President Kiir
has blamed the failed
December 15, 2013 coup
plot that came after
months of bickering in
the ruling party on Mr
Machar, who denied the
Flop: A peace deal the
two principals signed
in Addis Ababa last Fri-
day has so far opped
as ghting continued
between the rebels and
government troops on
several fronts.
Coup came after party bickering
President of the then regional Govern-
ment of Southern Sudan and named
Mr Machar, a controversial politician
with a wide ethnic backing, his vice
At independence, Mr Kiir became
the newest countrys President, with
Mr Machar remaining his deputy.
However, enduring differences
between the two came to the fore.
Mr Machar, who was critical of the
government and had launched a bid
to oust his boss was sacked in a Cabinet
reshue in July 2013.
After ve months of bickering and
blackmailing within the ruling party
where Mr Machar is Kiirs deputy, an
attempted coup shook Juba on Decem-
ber 15, 2013.
Envoy hails Tanzanias
policies for women
United Nations Development
Program (UNDP) Administrator
Helen Clark has hailed Tanzania
for adopting Special Seats sys-
tem for women in the decision
making bodies. Ms Clark made
the remarks in the countrys po-
litical capital of Dodoma, when
she held talks with Tanzanias
Women Parliamentary Group
(TWPG) Executive Commit-
tee on various issues facing the
group in executing its responsi-
bilities. Special Seats system is
very important in a society with
gender sensitivity, the envoy
said, The system would appar-
ently increase the level of repre-
sentation in the house as well as
giving voice for the voiceless.
Algerian army kills
12 Islamists: ministry
A dozen Islamists have been
killed over the past week by the
Algerian army in the southern
Tamanrasset province near the
border with strife-torn Mali, the
defence ministry announced
on Monday. Soldiers found the
bodies of two Islamist ghters
on Monday at Tin Zaouatine in
Algerias far south, after a gun
battle with the army which has
been hunting militants in the
area since May 5. (AFP)
Wednesday May 14, 2014
28 | Africa News
Wednesday May 14, 2014
frican Union forces in
Somalia yesterday said a
cowardly bomb attack the
previous day had killed 19 people,
nearly double the number initially
The car bomb exploded on
Monday outside a bank on a busy
street in the southern Somali town
of Baidoa.
The blast killed 19 innocent
victims and destroyed valuable
property, the AU force said in a
statement, updating an earlier toll
from the police of 10.
The town, which is under the
control of government troops
backed by AU soldiers, was
wrested from the Al-Qaeda-linked
al-Shabaab rebels two years ago.
No one has claimed responsibil-
ity for the attack, but the Shebab
have carried out a string of bomb-
ings and vowed to overthrow the
war-torn countrys internationally-
backed but fragile government.
This was a cowardly attack,
which highlights the vicious na-
ture of the enemy who continues
to target innocent civilians, AU
envoy to Somalia Mahamat Saleh
Annadif said.
The Shebab have been driven
out of xed positions in Somalias
major towns by the UN-mandated
AU force, but still regularly launch
attacks that include bombings
and guerrilla-style raids. Recent
al-Shabaab attacks have targeted
key areas of government or the se-
curity forces, in an apparent bid
to discredit claims by the authori-
ties that they are winning the war
against the Islamist ghters.
Continued conict, compounded
by poor rains and funding short-
falls, are threatening the few gains
made in Somalia since an extreme
famine less than three years ago,
with the United Nations and aid
agencies warning the troubled
country could be sliding back
into a food crisis.
Some 250,000 people, around
half of them young children, died
in Somalia during the 2011 fam-
ine, according to the UN, which
has acknowledged it should have
done more to prevent the tragedy.
Somalia blast
death toll at 19
Car bomb explodes
outside a bank on a
busy street in Baidoa
a southern town
KILLINGS | Conict major problem
A group of migrants from Somalia that survived an accident in the Aegean
Sea last week, arrive at the port of Piraeus in Athens on Monday. At least 22
migrants including four children drowned in the Aegean Sea on May 5, 2014
after a yacht and a dinghy carrying them towards Greek shores capsized.
Eighteen people were found dead on board the 10-metre yacht.
A NEW START | Migrants arrive in Athens Mogae against
harassment of
sex workers
NATION Correspondent
in Gaborone

Former Botswana president Festus
Mogae has expressed strong views
against Botswanas policy that saw a
blitz on sex workers.
Botswanas purge on sex workers
started last November with at least 30
women arrested as part of a campaign
to curb the inux of sex workers and
homosexuals in the southern African
Speaking at a National Aids Council
(NAC) event, Mr Mogae said the
harassment of these two groups was
I have spoken before that
harassment over these groups by
the police has not worked and will
not work. I am totally against such
conduct by the police in todays era,
said Mr Mogae.
Mogae has in the past been accused
of condoning gays and sex workers
but insists that is not the case. He
explained: My position has been
informed by the fact that our attitudes
must be guided by the situations rather
than the other way round. I say all this
in the name of HIV/Aids.
It is clear that the current leadership
does not agree with the National Aids
Council on these matters, but we
keep on playing our role as advisers
regardless of whether our advice is
taken or rejected, he said.
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Wednesday May 14, 2014
30 | Africa News
The Judiciary of Kenya through Nyeri Law Courts invites sealed tenders for the Supply,
Delivery, Installation and commissioning of Lifts at Nyeri Law Court as follows:
Tender No Description Tender fee Closing date
Jud/nyi/t/1/2013-14 Supply, delivery, installation and
commissioning of 3 no. lifts
Ksh 1,000.00 28
May 2014
at 10.00 am
Interested eligible candidates may obtain further information and inspect tender documents
at The Procurement Office, Nyeri Law Court during normal working hours i.e. 9 AM -5 PM.
A complete set of tender documents may be obtained by interested candidates upon
payment of a non refundable fee of Kshs. 1,000.00 payable at Kenya Commercial Bank, Nyeri
Branch, Account name: Judiciary Nyeri Revenue Account. Account No. 1101980230 and
submit the banking slips to cash office Nyeri Law Court.
Prices quoted should be net inclusive of all taxes, must be in Kenya shillings and shall remain
valid for One Hundred and Twenty (120) days from the closing date of tender.
Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked with
Tender name and reference number and deposited in the Tender Box at the 3
floor Nyeri
Law Court so as to be received on or before 28
May 2014 at 10.00 AM and to be addressed
The Chief Magistrate
Nyeri Law Court
P. O Box 70, Nyeri
Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the candidates or their
representatives who choose to attend at the Nyeri Law Courts Board room.
The Chief Magistrate,
Nyeri Law Courts,
TEL: 0720-800466, 0720-800551, 0720-
800370, 0720-800379, 0720-800530.
Recreation Facilities:
*Swimming pool
*Club house with gym
*Children playground
*Green landscaped gardens
Three bedroom homes
with master ensuite Plinth areas 130 Square Meters


Starting from
Kshs. 10m
Amenities: mall
Petrol station, Swimming pool,
Recreation Facilities, School
0720-800466 / 0720-800530 / 0720-800370 /
0720-800551 / 0720-800379
Website is
Tenders are invited from qualied and competent Tenderers for the supply and delivery of the under listed goods, services and works to Government
Departments and institutions within Naivasha/Gilgil Sub Counties on as and when required basis for the nancial year ending 30
June 2015.
1. Tender No /1/2014-2015 Supply and delivery of Food Provisions
2. Tender No /2/2014-2015 Supply and delivery of Dry Food stuff
3. Tender No /3/2014-2015 Supply and delivery of Fruits and Vegetables
4. Tender No /4/2014-2015 Supply and delivery of Meat and allied products
5. Tender No /5/2014-2015 Supply and delivery of Wood fuel
6. Tender No /6/2014-2015 Supply and delivery of Petrol, Diesel, Oils andLubricants
7. Tender No /7/2014-2015 Supply and delivery of Animal Feeds and Farm Inputs
8. Tender No /8/2014-2015 Supply and delivery of Hardware and Building Materials
9. Tender No /9/2014-2015 Supply and delivery of P.V.C., G.I Pipes and Fittings
10. Tender No /10/2014-2015 Supply and delivery of Natural Construction Materials
11. Tender No /11/2014-2015 Supply and delivery of Agro-chemicals,Veterinary Drugs/Vaccines and Equipments
12. Tender No /12/2014-2015 Supply and delivery of Stationery
13. Tender No /13/2014-2015 Supply and delivery of Paints and Painting Materials
14. Tender No /14/2014-2015 Supply and delivery of Electrical Items
15. Tender No /15/2014-2015 Supply and delivery of Textile materials and Fabrics
16. Tender No /16/2014-2015 Supply and delivery of Cleaning materials andServices
17. Tender No /17/2014-2015 Provision of Tyres,Tubes and Batteries
18. Tender No /18/2014-2015 Provision of Motor Vehicle Spares and Components
19. Tender No /19/2014-2015 Provision of Repair services of G.K Vehicles, Motor Cycles, Plants and Equipment
20. Tender No /20/2014-2015 Provision of Timber and related products
21. Tender No /21/2014-2015 Provision of Computers and computer material
22. Tender No /22/2014-2015 Provision of Ofce Furniture
23. Tender No /23/2014-2015 Provision of Security Guards
24. Tender No /24/2014-2015 Provision of Repair Services for Computers and Ofce Machinery
25. Tender No /25/2014-2015 Provision of Car Hire and Transportation services
26. Tender No /26/2014-2015 Prequalication of Contractors for Building Construction and Associated Works.
27. Tender No /27/2014-2015 Prequalication of Contractors for Water Works
Tender documents with detailed specications may be obtained from the respective District Procurement ofce, Naivasha and Gilgil during normal
working hours upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs.1,000 per set payable in cash to the District treasury.
Prices quoted must be Nett inclusive of VAT. All Government duties and taxes and delivery costs and must be valid for 120 days from the closing
Complete tender documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly mark Tender No. NVS/.2014-2015 or Tender No. GIL/..2014-2015
should be deposited in the tender box situated at the entrance of the respective Procurement Ofce or sent by post to:
P.O BOX 11 P.O BOX 1
So as to reach them on or before 3
JUNE, 2014 at 10.00 a.m. Tenders will be opened immediately at the respective Deputy County
Commissioners Boardroom in the presence of Ternderers or their representatives who choose to attend.
Only tenderers who meet the requisite criteria will be considered. Youths, women and persons with disability are highly encouraged to apply.
Wednesday May 14, 2014
NEW YORK, Tuesday
New York hotel said yes-
terday its investigating
how surveillance video
of Beyonces sister Solange
Knowles attacking brother-in-
law Jay-Z in an elevator wound
up on an Internet gossip site.
The fuzzy, silent black-
and-white video posted on shows Solange
kicking and hitting Jay-Z at
the Standard hotel, site of
an after-party following the
glamorous Met Gala in New
York on May 5.
A bodyguard is seen trying
to restrain the clearly agitated
27-year-old singer (rap artiste),
whose 32-year-old megastar
sister stood largely in the cor-
ner alongside her 44-year-old
husband of six years.
The trio can be recognised
by the outfits they wore
earlier that night at the Met-
ropolitan Museum fashion gala
Solange in a pink Phillip Lim
dress, Beyonce in a sheer black
Givenchy Haute Couture gown
and Jay-Z in a white tuxedo
In an email to AFP, the
Standard hotel in lower Man-
hattan expressed outrage
that the three and half minute
video had gone viral, and it
threatened disciplinary and
legal action once it nds who
made it public.
We are shocked and disap-
pointed that there was a clear
breach of our security system
and the condentiality that we
count on providing our guests,
it said. We are investigating
with the utmost urgency the
circumstances surround-
ing the situation and, as is
our customary practice, will
discipline and prosecute the
individuals involved to our
fullest capacity.
Did not return calls
Neither Solange, Beyonce
or Jay-Z mentioned the in-
cident on their respective
Twitter feeds Monday, and
representatives did not im-
mediately return calls asking
for comment. Solange, whose
new album is due out later
this year, performed at the
Coachella music festival in
California last month, where
Beyonce joined her on stage,
delighting fans.
The Met Gala after-party
took place at the Standards
exclusive rooftop Top of
the Standard lounge bet-
ter known among New York
night owls as the Boom Boom
Room. (AFP)
Elevator ght between
Jay-Z, sister-in-law viral
SILENCE | Neither attacker, Beyonce mentioned the incident
We are shocked and
disappointed there
was a clear breach of
our security system,
say hotels ocials
Jay-Z (centre) and Beyonce attend Game Four of the Eastern
Conference Seminals during the 2014 NBA Playos at the Barclays
Center on May 12, 2014 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City.
Nato using Ukraine crisis to
boost appeal, says Russia
MOSCOW, Tuesday
Russias Foreign Ministry
has accused Nato of using the
crisis in Ukraine to boost its
appeal to members and justify
its existence by rallying them
against an imaginary threat.
Russia and the West are
locked in a Cold War-style
stand-off over Ukraine and
Nato Secretary General An-
ders Fogh Rasmussen has
told Moscow to pull back
troops from the Ukrainian
border or face consequences
if they intervene.
Nato believes Russia has
deployed 40,000 troops near
Ukraines border, although
Moscow says they have been
pulled back. The crisis has
deepened following a move
by two regions, Donetsk and
Luhansk, to declare their
independence following a
referendum on Sunday.
Russia annexed Ukraines
southern autonomous repub-
lic of Crimea after a disputed
referendum in March.
Constant accusations
The Russian ministry said
Rasmussens remarks were
confrontational and that in
recent months he had not
offered any constructive
agenda for Ukraine, adding
that it was adding to instabil-
ity in the region.
The constant accusations
against us by the secretary
general convince us that the
alliance is trying to use the
crisis in Ukraine to rally its
ranks in the face of an imagi-
nary external threat to Nato
members and to strengthen
demand for the alliance ... in
the 21st century, it said.
Nato has suspended all
practical military and civilian
cooperation with Russia, al-
though it said political dialogue
could continue at ambassador
level or higher, since Russia in-
corporated Ukraines Crimea
region last month.
Meanwhile, six Ukrainian
soldiers were killed in a rebel
ambush between the insur-
gent bastions of Slavyansk
and Kramatorsk in the east of
the country today, the defence
ministry said. (AFP, Agencies)
Inspiring innovation and leadership
Karatina University invites sealed bids from eligible rms for supply and delivery of the following goods/services.
1 Supply and delivery of perishable foodstuffs; fresh
vegetables and fruits.
KarU /OT/0001/2014-2015 Open Tender
2. Supply and delivery of dry foodstuff KarU /OT/0002/2014-2015 Open Tender
3. Supply and delivery of milk and dairy products. KarU /OT/0003/2014-2015 Open Tender
4. Supply and delivery of meat products, eggs, fish
and chicken.
KarU /OT/0004/2014-2015 Open Tender
5. Supply and delivery of wood fuels, gas and
KarU /OT/0005/2014-2015 Open Tender
6 Supply and delivery of bread and other baked
KarU/OT/0006/2014-2015 Open Tender
7. Supply and delivery of soft drinks and other
packaged beverages/bottled mineral water.
KarU /OT/0007/2014-2015 Open Tender
8. Supply and delivery of general office stationery. KarU /OT/0008/2014-2015 Open Tender
9. Supply and delivery of cleaning materials
detergents and soap.
KarU /OT/009/2014-2015 Open Tender
10. Supply and delivery of tonners and cartridges KarU /OT/0010/2014-2015 Open Tender
11. Supply and delivery of examination booklets KarU /OT/0011/2014-2015 Open Tender
12. Supply and delivery of newspapers. KarU /OT/0012/2014-2015 Open Tender
13. Supply and delivery of animal feeds, fertilizers,
pesticides and herbicides.
KarU /OT/0013/2014-2015 Open Tender
14. Supply and delivery of games, sportswear, and
related equipment.
KarU /OT/0014/2014-2015 Open Tender.
15. Supply and delivery of hospitality equipment i.e.
cutlery, crockery and kitchen appliances
KarU/PQ/0015/2014-2015 Pre -qualification.
16 Supply and delivery of hardware and plumbing
KarU/PQ/0016/2014-2015 Pre-qualification
17 Supply and delivery of electrical items and fittings. KarU/PQ/0017/2014-2015 Pre-qualification
18. Supply and delivery of building materials: sand,
ballast, hardcore and allied materials.
KarU/PQ/0018/2014-2015 Pre-qualification
19. Supply and delivery of timber and allied products. KarU/PQ/0019/2014-2015 Pre-qualification
20 Supply, delivery, installation and servicing of
firefighting equipments
KarU/PQ/0020/2014-2015 Pre-qualification
21 Supply and delivery of photocopiers, printers,
projectors and related equipment
KarU/PQ/ 0021/2014-2015 Pre-qualification
22 Supply and delivery of computers, computer
accessories and software
KarU/PQ/ 0022/2014-2015 Pre-qualification
23. Supply and delivery of laboratory chemicals and
KarU/PQ/ 0023/2014-2015 Pre-qualification
24. Supply and delivery of laboratory equipment and
KarU/PQ/0024/2014-2015 Pre-qualification
25 Supply and delivery of medical drugs, medical
laboratory reagents and related items.
KarU/PQ/0025/2014-2015 Pre-qualification
26 Supply and delivery of Library Books and
KarU/PQ/0026/2014-2015 Pre-qualification
27 Supply and delivery of motor vehicle tyres, tubes
and batteries.
KarU/PQ/0027/2014-2015 Prequalification
28 Supply and delivery of staff uniforms, curtains,
protective clothing and footwear.
KarU/PQ/0028/2014-2015 Prequalification
29 Supply and delivery of office and student furniture,
fittings and equipment.
KarU/PQ/0029/2014-2015 Prequalification
Services and works
30 Provision of ICT networking and infrastructure
installation services.
KarU/PQ/0030/2014-2015 Prequalification
31 Provision of legal services. KarU/PQ/0031/2014-2015
and 2015-2016
32 Provision of maintenance and servicing of motor
KarU/PQ/0032/2014-2015 Pre-qualification
33 Provision of Printing and Publishing Services
for promotional materials eg. T-Shirts, posters,
banners, prospectors etc.
KarU/PQ/0033/2014-2015 Pre-qualification
34 Hire of tents, chairs. KarU/PQ/0034/2014-2015 Pre-qualification
35 Hire of public address systems KarU/PQ/ 0035/2014-2015 Prequalification
36 Provision of services for customer satisfaction,
employee satisfaction, staff competency and work
environment surveys.
and 2015-2016
37. Prequalification of supplier for small works. KarU/PQ/0037/2014-2015 Pre-qualification
38. Prequalification documents for major works. KarU/PQ/0038/2014-2015 Pre-qualification
39. Pre-qualification document for electrical works KarU/PQ/0039/2014-2015 Pre-qualification
40. Provision of consultancy services on
environmental impact assessment and Audit.
and 2015-2016
NB: The following category 8,9,10,12,28,33,34,35,37 and 39 have been reserved for women, youth and person with
Bidders may examine and obtain detailed tender documents during normal working hours, from Department of Procurement
at Main Campus (Kagochi) upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Ksh. 1,000.00 for each document in form of cash or
bankers cheque payable to Karatina University.
The same can be downloaded from the University website free of charge. Bidders who
will have bought are required to attach a copy of miscellaneous receipt as a proof of payment. For those who will download
the documents, they will be required to provide their details by registering at Department of Procurement Main Campus.
Complete tender documents enclosed in plain sealed envelopes and clearly marked with the tender number and tender name
should be dropped at the tender box placed in administration block addressed to:
The Vice Chancellor
Karatina University
P. O. Box 1957-10101
NB: tenders will be opened on 28
May 2014 at 12.00 noon in the University Senior Common Boardroom in the presence
of tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend. Late bids will not be accepted.
Wednesday May 14, 2014
32 | International News
From the
and most
post... he fell
to the level
Tel Aviv
district court
judge David
TEL AVIV, Tuesday
n Israeli court today sen-
tenced ex-premier Ehud
Olmert to six years in
prison for bribery, making him
the most senior politician in the
countrys history to face jail for
Tel Aviv district court judge
David Rosen also handed Mr Ol-
mert a ne of one million shekels
(Ksh25m) for his involvement in
one of Israels worst-ever corrup-
tion scandals, a transcript of the
verdict said.
His lawyer, Mr Eli Zohar, told
reporters outside the courtroom
that his client would appeal.
You heard what Ehud Olmert
said at the pre-sentence hearings.
He did not take a bribe, did not
receive a bribe and as far as he
feels he still sees himself as in-
nocent. With us he will go to
the Supreme Court to appeal.
The 68-year-old, who was
convicted six weeks ago on two
charges of taking bribes, is the
rst former prime minister of
Israel looking at a prison term
for corruption.
This is someone who stood
at the pinnacle, the defendant
served as prime minister of
Israel, Judge Rosen said.
From the highest and most
respected post... he fell to the
level of someone convicted
of contemptible crimes, the
judge said in passing sentence
Tuesday. A public ocial who
accepts bribes is tantamount to
a traitor, he said, adding a nd-
ing of moral turpitude moral
untness to hold public oce.
Following a two-year trial, Ol-
mert was convicted on March 31
of bribes to the tune of 560,000
shekels (now $160,000/116,000
euros) with the judge also saying
he had committed perjury.
Even after his conviction, Mr
Olmert protested his innocence,
saying he had never taken bribes.
His lawyers were expected to ap-
peal the sentence.
Judge Rosen said the prison
sentence would begin on Sep-
tember 1.
It is a dicult day when a
former prime minister is sen-
tenced, Justice Minister Tzipi
Livni, who served as Olmerts
deputy premier and foreign
minister, told reporters.
I have complete trust in the
court and law enforcement of-
cials, and the public should
as well.
The trial of Mr Olmert and
15 other defendants, which
lasted more than two years,
was linked to the construction
of Jerusalems massive Holyland
residential complex when Olmert
served as the citys mayor.
In 2010, Olmert was named
the key suspect in what came
to be known as the Holyland
aair on suspicion he received
hundreds of thousands of shekels
for helping developers get the
project past various legal and
planning obstacles. (AFP)
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert leaves after a hearing in his trial for corruption
linked to a major property development yesterday at the district court of the Israeli coastal
city of Tel Aviv.
Ex-Israel PM
Ehud Olmert
jailed for graft
Lawyer tells reporters
that his client would
appeal as judge sets
September start date
GRAFT | Construction of Jerusalems massive Holyland residential complex main issue
Wave of bomb attacks
against Shiites kill 25
A spate of rush hour bombs,
mostly targeting Shiite-major-
ity areas of Baghdad, killed 25
people Tuesday in the rst major
series of attacks to hit the capital
since elections last month. The
apparently coordinated blasts,
which also wounded 80 people,
came as ocials tallied votes
from April 30 parliamentary
polls amid a protracted surge in
bloodshed that has killed more
than 3,300 people this year. The
government has blamed external
factors, such as the civil war rag-
ing in neighbouring Syria, for the
escalating unrest this year.(AFP)
Cameron comes to
aid of sick woman
Prime Minister David Cam-
eron and London mayor Boris
Johnson took time out from the
campaign trail on Monday to
help a woman who had fallen
sick by the roadside. Popular
mayor Johnson is widely be-
lieved to covet the job of his old
schoolmate Cameron, but the
pair joined forces to look after
the woman who had apparently
fallen ill on a street in Harrow,
north west London. According
to witnesses, Cameron held the
womans hand while waiting for
an ambulance. (AFP)
Wednesday May 14, 2014
International News 33
t will be possible to register a new
business in one day, starting from
next month.
The Cabinet Secretary for Industriali-
sation and Enterprise Development, Mr
Adan Mohammed, said the ministry had
almost completed plans to have busi-
nesses registered quickly.
We have mapped out together with
other government agencies and, in one to
two months, it will be possible to register
a business in 24 hours. We want over
100,000 businesses to be registered in
a year but we are doing just a fraction
of this, he said.
Brieng the media on the plans the
government is making to improve the
business climate, he said President
Kenyatta had given rm instructions
to various government bodies to ensure
potential investors can register their
businesses in a much shorter time.
Registration of businesses currently
takes more than 30 days.
He said the ongoing digitisation of
land documents was part of the wider
plan to ensure registration of prop-
erty and businesses is made faster
and easier.
Ease of doing business
The World Bank last year ranked
Kenya at No. 129 out of 186 countries
globally on the ease of doing business,
which was seven ranks below the 122nd
position it held in 2013, indicating that
the business climate had worsened.
Mr Mohammed said the ministry
was working on being among the top
20 in the next ve years when the vari-
ous initiatives by the government that
include the expansion of electricity grid
by 5000MW and improvement of port,
Registering a company to
take just one day, says CS
Industrialisation ministry
has almost completed
plans to have potential
businesses registered
in 24 hours, down from
the current 30 days
Participants during the opening of a four-day workshop on the implementation of World Trade Organisation
(WTO) agreements on trade facilitation at Green Hills Hotel in Nyeri yesterday. President Kenyatta has given rm
instructions to various government bodies to ensure potential investors can register their businesses in a much
shorter time, says Cabinet Secretary Adan Mohammed (below).
The contribution of
the manufacturing
sector to the
national wealth
over the past few
years. This should
be increased to 20
per cent to create
more jobs, says the
Cabinet Secretary
POOR SCORE | World Bank last year ranked Kenya at No. 129 on ease of doing business

Getting electricity is
the greatest nightmare,
especially for companies.
We want this to be done
in seven days, at most, 21
Mr Adan Mohammed, Cabinet
Secretary for Industrialisation
roads and railways are realised.
Getting electricity is the greatest
nightmare in this country. It is unac-
ceptable that companies that want to
set up manufacturing units have to
wait for months. We want this to be
done in seven days and, at most, 21
days, he said.
The CS said Kenya was lagging be-
hind its neighbours in attracting foreign
direct investment as a result of some of
the challenges that potential investors
are faced with, adding that the contribu-
tion of the manufacturing sector to the
national wealth had remained at nine
per cent over several years.
He said this should be increased to
20 per cent to create more jobs.
However, Mr Mohammed warned
that some new levies on businesses
introduced by county governments
could work against eorts to attract
more investors.
Currency to top the agenda as US
Treasury chief visits the second largest
economy this week. P.37
Shun expats
for local skill,
rms urged
Local institutions have been urged to
source skills from African countries to cut
spending on expatriates.
According to the 2013 sub-Saharan tal-
ent trends and practices survey prepared
by Ernst & Young (EY), local companies
with heavy reliance on expatriates are
likely to face nancial diculties as the
need to ll existing skills gaps in the re-
gion heightens.
Reliance on expatriates is problematic
and needs to be rethought. Traditionally,
the easiest way for companies to source
scarce skills is to rely on global talent pools.
However, the high premiums that expatri-
ates attract become a source of tension
within companies.
There is an increased desire to source
skills from other African countries or the re-
turning Africa diaspora, says the report.
The findings come at a time when
companies across the region are faced
with increasing demands from respective
governments to hire more local employees,
a directive mostly targeted at multination-
The study was carried out in 224 com-
panies across 23 countries within the
sub-Saharan region, which, according to
EY, represented 392,000 employees. Kenya
was included.
The report says most expatriates earn
thrice as much as their counterparts. Pay
costs may be lower if indigenous rms hire
expatriates from local or regional markets
than from multinationals global labour
markets, according to EY.
The study says one in four multinationals
expects to increase recruitment from other
African nations, compared with one in nine
indigenous rms.
One third of the respondents in eastern
sub-Saharan Africa expect future recruits
to come from among those returning to
Africa from the diaspora.
More than half of the rms sampled
anticipate hiring fewer expatriates, es-
pecially in the technical and professional
stang categories.
Recruiting from other African countries
expected to increase from 10 per cent
to 17 per cent, and from the returning
diaspora folks from 18 per cent to 27 per
Findings of talent study
Wednesday May 14, 2014
he tender for the con-
struction of a pipeline
connecting Turkanas oil
elds to Lamu Port will now
be delayed to incorporate an
extension to Uganda and South
This will also push the com-
pletion date beyond the earlier
scheduled November 2016.
The initial design was for
Kenya alone. We have now
slowed down a bit to accommo-
date South Sudan and Uganda,
said Energy and Petroleum Cabi-
net Secretary Davis Chirchir.
The initial design was for a
pipeline running from Lamu to
Lokichar, but is now expected
to cover 1,500 kilometres more
to Hoima near Lake Albert in
western Uganda.
We are looking for a common
transaction adviser to harmonise
the new designs with the feasi-
bility designs already done for
the Uganda section, added
the CS.
The planned construction of
the Lamu-Lokichar pipeline had
gained momentum after Kenyan
crude oil resources were said to
have attained commercial thresh-
olds, with the country seeking to
lay out the infrastructure ahead
of commercial production in the
2017/8 year as per the ministrys
production plan.
The new expanded crude
oil pipeline is expected to be
completed in 2017/18, as the fa-
cility has now been integrated
into the Lapsset infrastructure
Lapsset, at its inception,
required a pipeline to be con-
structed from Lamu to the
oilelds of South Sudan and a
new renery put up at Isiolo in
northern Kenya, with the capac-
ity to process 120,000 barrels
per day of crude oil.
The pipelines export capacity
and length will be determined
by the design proposals to be
forwarded by the pipeline engi-
neering construction rms.
Toyotas construction subsidi-
ary, Toyota Tsusho Corporation,
has drawn up preliminary
designs for the project on the
basis of Lappset, with several
components in addition to the
An oil rig in Turkana County. The initial design was for a pipeline run-
ning from Lamu to Lokichar, but it is now expected to cover 1,500 kilo-
metres more to Hoima, near Lake Albert in western Uganda.
The new,
oil pipeline
and Lamu
is expected
to be
in 2017/
18 and
has been
into the
Oil pipeline extension to S. Sudan
REDESIGN | Construction may be delayed to include neighbouring countries, says Chirchir
Extended pipeline to cost
about $5 billion (Sh434.6bn)
and to be laid along the Lamu
Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia
Transport (Lapsset) corridor
from Lamu to Turkana.
It is to be linked to Ugandas
oil elds and later extended to
South Sudan and Ethiopia.
For Uganda, with about 3 bil-
lion barrels of crude oil, build-
ing pipelines, a renery and
other assets to cost between
$15 billion and $22bn.
As most of Kenyan and
Ugandan crude is waxy, there
are two options: A heated
crude or a line with in-built
ow improvers.
What the new
design entails
Tech system
to link up all
47 counties
IBM yesterday launched an
operating system that has the
capacity to oer virtual business
services to all the 47 counties
from a central point.
The Mainframe Linux system is
a data centre that supports mil-
lions of users at the same time,
reducing time spent transferring
data and energy consumed by
many machines.
Comes in handy
This machine targets the new
county systems in Kenya. It comes
in handy for government and busi-
nesses such as banks, said Ms
Leah Parks, director of sales and
enterprise computing, IBM Middle
East and Africa.
It reduces costs immensely and
comes precongured with specic
commands for specic needs.
Ms Parks said this was the rst
innovation by IBM Africa lab to
help transform the local business
The Sh30 million worth sys-
tem has the capacity of more than
1,000 computers combined.
According to Mr Peter Aroni, an
IBM business partner, Kenya so
far has only one Mainframe Linux
system, which will be retained by
the research lab.
Position Objective
The Finance & HR coordinator will direct and coordinate all administrative,
Human Resources, accounting and nancial services associated with the
mission. He/she will take part in dening Solidarits Internationals human
resources policy, and ensure that it is followed. As coordinator, he/she is
responsible for the missions nancial balance and for the nancial internal
control. He/she will monitor adherence to Solidarits administrative/
accounting/nancial procedures and donor procedures as well as to the
laws of the country in which intervention is taking place. He/she is the
point of reference for the mission, and the link between headquarters and
the mission for all nancial matters.
Kenya/Somalia (based in Nairobi)
Start date: 20
June 2014
Duration: 12 months minimum
Report to: Head of Mission
Technical links with: Field Teams and Head Quarters
Supervisor to: Administrative/HR and Financial staff in Nairobi base
List of main tasks includes, but is not limited to the following:
Analysis of the socio-economic context
Identify administrative partners
Follow the development of exchange rates, prices and salary
Financial, accounting and budgetary management
Internal control Audits
Cash management
HR management of expatriates and nationals
Team management
Administrative management of the mission
Qualications and experience:
Bachelor degree in nance, accounting, administration, or related eld
2 to 5 years of experience within an International NGO;
Minimum of 2 years of experience in a similar position, at
coordination level in an international context;
Minimum of 2 years of experience in managing institutional donors
contracts and budgets (budget construction rules, reporting ,
administrative/nancial negotiations, etc.) especially the French
cooperation (CIAA, CDC), the UN agencies (UNICEF, UNHCR,
CHF) and the European Commissions institutions (ECHO and
Experience in managing audits and internal control;
Experience in team management, trainings, and planning;
Previous experience of remote management context is an
Technical skills and knowledge:
Good knowledge of nancial guidelines of the major institutional
donors (EU, ECHO, DFID, OFDA, CIAA, CDC, French institutions,
Good knowledge of nancial and HR reporting to the major
institutional donors (EU, ECHO, DFID, OFDA, CIAA, CDC, French
institutions, UNHCR,UNICEF);
Good knowledge of SAGA and Homere;
Good knowledge of Excel (PTT, formulas, etc.);
Good interpersonal skills when dealing with auditor rms
Fluent in English (written, spoken, read). French is an asset.
How to apply:
Please apply online to the following link: https://emea3.recruitmentpl
Incase of any difculties during application, you may send a cover letter
and CV to Please indicate the
job title and location in the email subject line. You are advised to
please see detailed job description in the Kenyan Jobs Blog spot website
or google humanitarian vacancies.
Deadline for applications: 31
May 2014. Please note that only shortlisted
applicants will be contacted for interview.
SOLIDARITS INTERNATIONAL is an equal opportunity employer
SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL is an international humanitarian organization which provides assistance to populations who are victims of armed
conict or natural disasters. For 30 years, SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL (SI) has concentrated its action on meeting three vital needs: water,
food and shelter. By carrying out emergency programs, SI has acquired experience and expertise in the elds of WASH, food security, livelihoods and
In the Horn of Africa, SI is currently implementing WASH and Food Security/Livelihoods programs in Kenya and Somalia. We are seeking an
Internationally qualied person to ll the following position:
Regional Financial Controller & HR Coordinator Kenya/Somalia (1 position)
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Business News 35
Country: Kenya
Project Name: Water and Sanitation Service Improvement Project Additional Financing
Credit No.: IDA5103KE
Contract Title: Drilling and Equipping of Boreholes and Construction of Associated Civil
Works in Tanathi Water Services Board Area in 3 Lots
Reference No.: 16 (As per Procurement Plan)
Contract No.: AWSB/WASSIP AF / Comp.1/W-16/2014
1. The Government of the Republic of Kenya has received a credit from the International Development
Association toward the cost of the Water and Sanitation Service Improvement Project Additional
Financing (WaSSIP AF), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for
Drilling and Equipping of Boreholes and Construction of Associated Civil Works in Tanathi Water
Services Board Area in 3 Lots.
2. The Athi Water Services Board, a State Corporation under the Ministry of Environment, Water & Natural
Resources, now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the construction and completion of the borehole
water sources for drought mitigation in Tanathi Water Services Board areas comprising of (the Works):
Lot 1: Kajiado County:
a. Drilling and equipping of 7 boreholes of diameter 203mm.
b. Construction of 7 elevated steel water tanks, capacity ranging between 24m
and 75m
tank and
on 10m steel tower
c. Laying 13.9Km of water pipe diameter ranging from 90mm uPVC and DN63 GI pipes.
Lot 2: Kitui County:
a. Drilling and equipping of 8 boreholes of diameter 203mm.
b. Construction of 8 elevated steel water tanks, capacity ranging between 24m
and 48m
tank and
on 10m steel tower
c. Laying 12Km of water pipe diameter ranging from 90mm uPVC and DN63 GI pipes.
Lot 3: Machakos County and Makueni County:
a. Drilling and equipping of 7 boreholes of diameter 203mm.
b. Construction of 7 elevated steel water tanks, capacity ranging between 24m
and 48m
tank and
on 10m steel tower
c. Laying 11.8Km of water pipe diameter ranging from 90mm uPVC and DN63 GI pipes
Each Lot will constitute a contract. The construction period for each Lot is 6 months.
3. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures as specified
in the World Bank Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services under
IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers, dated January 2011 (Procurement
Guidelines), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the Procurement Guidelines. In addition,
please refer to paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 of the Procurement Guidelines, setting forth the World Banks policy
on conflict of interest.
4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Athi Water Services Board, Chief Executive
Officer, and inspect the bidding documents during office hours from 0800 hours to
1700 hours local time from Monday to Friday, except during lunch hour (1300 hours to 1400 hours), during
weekends and public holidays at the address given below.
5. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested eligible bidders upon the
submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of KSh.
1,000 (Kenya Shillings One Thousand) or in a convertible currency. The method of payment will be cash or
bankers cheque. The document will be collected from the below address.
6. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 12.00 East African Time on 16
June 2014. The
packages should be clearly marked Drilling and Equipping of Boreholes and Construction of Associated
Civil Works in Tanathi Water Services Board Area in 3 Lots, Contract No. AWSB/WASSIP-AF/COMP.1/W-
16/2014. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the
presence of the bidders designated representatives and anyone who choose to attend at the address below
on 16
June 2014 at 12.05 East African Time.
7. All bids must be accompanied by an unconditional bank Bid Security for each Lot of KSh. 2,000,000.00
(Kenya Shillings Two Million Million) or equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency.
8. The address referred to above is:
Attention: The Chief Executive Officer, Athi Water Services Board
Street Address: Africa-Re Centre, Hospital Road Upper Hill
Floor/Room number: 3
Floor, Reception Desk
City: Nairobi
Country: Kenya
Telephone: +254 20 2724292/3
Facsimile number: +254 20 2724295
Electronic mail address:
Web site:
1. The Government of the Republic of Kenya has received a credit from the International
Development Association toward the cost of the Water and Sanitation Service Improvement
Project Additional Financing (WaSSIP AF), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward
payments under the contract for Drilling and Equipping of Boreholes and Construction of
Associated Civil Works in Tana Water Services Board Area.
The Athi Water Services Board, a State Corporation under the Ministry of Environment, Water
& Natural Resources, now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the construction and
completion of the borehole water sources for drought mitigation in Tana Water Services Board
areas in Nyeri, Meru and Tharaka Nithi Counties comprising of (the Works):
a. Drilling and equipping of 5 boreholes of diameter 203mm.
b. Construction of 5 elevated steel water tanks, capacity ranging between 24m
and 48m
on 10m steel tower.
c. Laying 3Km of water pipe diameter ranging from 50mm uPVC and DN38 GI pipes.
The construction period for the works is 6 months.
2. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures as
specified in the World Bank Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works and Non-Consulting
Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers, dated
January 2011 (Procurement Guidelines), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the
Procurement Guidelines. In addition, please refer to paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 of the Procurement
Guidelines, setting forth the World Banks policy on conflict of interest.
3. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Athi Water Services Board, Chief
Executive Officer, and inspect the bidding documents during office hours
from 0800 hours to 1700 hours local time from Monday to Friday, except during lunch hour (1300
hours to 1400 hours), during weekends and public holidays at the address given below.
4. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested eligible bidders
upon the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a
nonrefundable fee of KSh. 1,000 (Kenya Shillings One Thousand) or in a convertible currency.
The method of payment will be cash or bankers cheque. The document will be collected from the
below address.
5. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 12.00 East African Time on 17

June 2014. The packages should be clearly marked Drilling and Equipping of Boreholes and
Construction of Associated Civil Works in Tana Water Services Board Area, Contract No.
AWSB/WASSIP-AF/COMP.1/W-15/2014. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be
rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders designated representatives
and anyone who choose to attend at the address below on 17
June 2014 at 12.05 East African
6. All bids must be accompanied by an unconditional bank Bid Security of KSh. 1,400,000.00
(Kenya Shillings One Million Four Hundred Thousand) or equivalent amount in a freely
convertible currency.
7. The address referred to above is:
Attention: The Chief Executive Officer, Athi Water Services Board
Street Address: Africa-Re Centre, Hospital Road Upper Hill
Floor/Room number: 3
Floor, Reception Desk
City: Nairobi
Country: Kenya
Telephone: +254 20 2724292/3
Facsimile number: +254 20 2724295
Electronic mail address:
Web site:

Country: Kenya
Project Name: Water and Sanitation Service Improvement Project Additional Financing
Credit No.: IDA5103KE
Contract Title: Drilling and Equipping of Boreholes and Construction of Associated Civil
Works in Tana Water Services Board Area
Reference No.: 15 (As per Procurement Plan)
Contract No.: AWSB/WASSIP AF / Comp.1/W-15/2014
Wednesday May 14, 2014
36 |
hinas yuan will one
day compete for a place
alongside the mighty
dollar as a reserve currency
hoarded by central banks,
analysts say, as US Treasury
chief Jacob Lew visits Beijing
to push for faster reform.
Communist authorities
tightly control the rate of the
yuan also known as the
renminbi (RMB) or peoples
money and limit capital
flows into and out of the
But China already the
worlds second largest econ-
omy is gradually moving to
implement nancial reforms.
It is, for instance, making
its exchange rate more ex-
ible, and is opening its capital
account for investment and
nancial transactions, rather
than trade-related ones.
Slow pace of change
The slow pace of change,
though, has frustrated Wash-
ington. The currency will be
on the agenda as Mr Lew dis-
cusses progress on Chinas
reform agenda with Premier
Li Keqiang and other top of-
Clearly the renminbi has
traction. If you look at any
measure of the renminbis
internationalisation... the
trajectory looks very sharp,
said Mr Eswar Prasad, eco-
nomics professor at Cornell
Mr Prasad is also the au-
thor of The Dollar Trap, which
argues that the ubiquitous
greenback is an inescapable
necessity for now. Eorts so far
have focused on transforming
Chinas special administrative
region of Hong Kong into the
worlds centre of oshore
yuan trading, where banks take
deposits and nancial institu-
tions issue bonds denominated
in the currency.
An agreement announced
last month will let Chinese
invest in Hong Kongs stock
market using yuan, while a
free-trade zone launched in the
commercial hub of Shanghai
last year aims to pilot reforms
for full convertibility of the
If China moves forward
with its nancial market and
economic reforms, the ren-
minbi will become a viable,
possibly signicant, reserve
currency, said Mr Prasad,
previously head of the In-
ternational Monetary Funds
China division.
Despite the fact that the
yuan cannot be freely bought
and sold, some central banks
already hold it in their reserves,
including Chile, Nigeria, and
South Korea, he said coun-
tries with signicant economic
relations with China, one of the
worlds biggest traders.
Even Japan, with which
political relations are deeply
strained, holds some.
Less volatile currency
Beijings control on its value
mean that the yuan is one of
the worlds less volatile cur-
rencies. It has had a fixed
value until mid-2005, steady
appreciation for the next three
years, a two-year pause for the
global nancial crisis, and then
gradual strengthening against
the dollar until 2014.
This year, though, it has lost
nearly three per cent, closing
on Monday at 6.2369 to $1,
with analysts attributing the
fall to deliberate central bank
action to chase speculative
funds betting on continued ap-
preciation out of the market.
Exchange rate control is
one of the ruling Communist
Partys key tools to maintain
its economic grip.
Analysts say the central
bank guides the currency in
the direction it wants while
imposing restrictions on its
daily movement, limiting the
eect of market forces.
Its important that China
demonstrates a renewed com-
mitment to move to a more
market-determined exchange
rate, which will help provide
for more balanced domestic
growth and global trade, Mr
Lew said on Tuesday. (AFP)
Now world warms to
Chinas strong yuan
CHANGE | Yuan to soon rival US dollar as reserve currency
Currency to top
the agenda as US
Treasury chief visits
the second largest
economy this week
The yuans fall this year has
upset major trading partners,
who believe the currency is
vastly undervalued.
US Treasury says the de-
cline raised particularly seri-
ous concerns.
Chinese ocials defended
the currencys movements as
Analysts expect the yuan
to recover to end at on the
year, while pressures for fu-
ture appreciation continue.
Keys issues on
the renminbi
US Treasury chief Lew
A teller counts notes in a bank in Ganyu, China. Analysts say the central bank guides the currency in the
direction it wants, imposing restrictions on its movement and limiting the eects of market forces.
BlackBerry ghts back with new phone
JAKARTA, Tuesday
BlackBerry today launched
a new budget handset in Indo-
nesia, one of its last bastions,
a major step in the ailing
smartphone makers fight-
back against titans Samsung
and Apple.
The Z3, designed with Indo-
nesia in mind but expected to
be introduced to other emerg-
ing markets later, is the rst
new BlackBerry phone since
chief executive John Chen
took the helm of the crisis-hit
company in November.
The handset is also the rst
to be produced from the Ca-
nadian rms partnership with
Taiwanese tech giant Foxconn,
which makes gadgets for Apple,
and is a key test of whether the
new strategy will work.
BlackBerry believes the
Indonesian model whose
full name is the Z3 Jakarta
Edition will be a hit in
Southeast Asias biggest
The company maintains a
loyal following here, despite
losing ground in recent years,
thanks in part to the popu-
larity of its BBM messaging
Like many other global
companies, BlackBerry is also
targeting Indonesia due to its
huge population of 250 mil-
lion and its rapidly emerging
middle class, who increasingly
have cash to spend on gadgets
following years of sustained
economic growth.
From conception to delivery,
the BlackBerry Z3, Jakarta Edi-
tion, was designed specically
with our Indonesian customers
in mind, Mr Chen said during
a visit to the Indonesian capital
to launch the phone.
The phone will be available in
shops from Thursday and will
cost 2,199,000 rupiah ($190,
about Sh16,000), BlackBerry
said in a statement.
But analysts think it is al-
ready too late for a comeback
by the company that pioneered
the modern smartphone culture
but has been unable to keep up
with competition from Apples
iPhone and handsets using the
Google Android operating sys-
tem. (AFP)
The equivalent in Kenya
shilings that the BlackBerry Z3
Jakarta Edition smartphone
will cost
Laptrust Administration Services Ltd (Laptrust) is a Retirement Benets Scheme Administrator registered by the Retirement
Benets Authority (RBA) and currently administers Laptrust Retirement Scheme (a Dened Benet Scheme) & Laptrust Retirement
Fund (a Dened Contribution Scheme). Laptrust is a limited liability company incorporated in Kenya under the provisions of the
Companies Act, Chapter 486 of the Laws of Kenya and whose registered ofce is situated at Laptrust House, Nairobi.
Laptrusts other delegated responsibility is to provide the Schemes under its Administration and Subsidiary Companies with
procurement agency services. One of the subsidiary companies under Laptrusts administration by the name Laser Property
Services seeks to pre-qualify service providers offering the following services;
i) Cleaning Services
ii) Security Services
iii) Sanitary Disposal Services
iv) Garbage Collection Services
v) Fumigation Services
vi) Land Surveying Services
vii) Physical Planning Services
viii) Auctioneering Services.
The pre-qualication validity period for the successful rms will be for one year effective June 2014 to June 2015. The successful
Candidates will be registered in list of Laptrusts pre-qualied service providers for provision of the above services.
Pre-qualication is open to all Candidates eligible as described in the instructions to Candidates in the main Pre-qualication
1. Laptrusts employees, committee members, Board members and their relatives (spouse and children) are not eligible to
participate in this pre-qualication exercise.
2. Eligible Candidates may obtain the pre-qualication document from the Procurement Ofce located on Second Floor
of Laptrust House (Haile Selassie Avenue) free of charge.
3. Completed Pre-qualication documents enclosed in plain sealed envelopes, clearly marked with the Tender
Number and Description and addressed to:
The Group Managing Director/CEO
Laptrust House, 6
Floor, Haile Selassie Avenue
P. O. Box 28938, 00200 Nairobi
Tel: +254 (020) 20469015, 2228916
Cell +254(720)433354
Should be deposited in the Tender Box situated at the Procurement Ofce, Laptrust House 2
Floor so as to be
received on or before 4
June, 2014 at 11.00 am local time.

The pre-qualication documents will be opened on the same day at 11.30 a.m. in the Laptrusts Boardroom on
Mezzanine oor, Laptrust House, Haile Selassie Avenue in presence of bidders representatives who may wish to be

4. Candidates that shall be pre-qualied under this process will be eligible for invitations to Laptrusts tenders and
quotations for the period of pre-qualication validity.
1. Must be incorporated as a company under the Laws of Kenya.
2. Must have valid Tax Compliance & Pin Certicates.
3. Experience:The rm must have a minimum of three years experience in the industry.
4. Must provide List of Directors of the rm and physical address, proof of citizenship and shareholding of directors.
5. NSSF/NHIF compliance.
Laptrust reserves the right to accept or reject any bid submitted.
Yours faithfully,
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate County Governors, Deputy County
Governors, County Assembly Speakers and County Assembly Representatives, for
their recent election to offce.
Secondly, we are aware that following the coming into operation of the devolved
government system, with effect from March 2013 the former Local Authorities existing in
each County Government have now been absorbed into respective counties. Similarly,
Payrolls of members of staff of the former Local Authorities were also merged and the
staff will from March 2013 be paid from a central point, at the County Government
In view of this, we request Interim County Secretaries from all County Governments
to deduct the applicable pension contributions for staff who are members of Laptrust
Retirement Benefts Scheme. This is at the normal rates of 12% on both basic salary
and house allowance for employees and 15% for employers and remit the contributions
to our bank account held at Kenya Commercial Bank, Moi avenue, Nairobi, Account
Number 1107106966. We also request that the respective members schedules
supporting the monthly remittances be send to our email, for
purpose of updating members accounts.
This will be effective as from the March 2013 payroll onwards and the same should be
remitted not later than 10
of every month, in order to avoid the applicable penalties for
late remittance.
Thank You,
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate County Governors, Deputy County
Governors, County Assembly Speakers and County Assembly Representatives, for
their recent election to offce.
Secondly, we are aware that following the coming into operation of the devolved
government system, with effect from March 2013 the former Local Authorities existing in
each County Government have now been absorbed into respective counties. Similarly,
Payrolls of members of staff of the former Local Authorities were also merged and the
staff will from March 2013 be paid from a central point, at the County Government
In view of this, we request Interim County Secretaries from all County Governments
to deduct the applicable pension contributions for staff who are members of Laptrust
Retirement Benefts Scheme. This is at the normal rates of 12% on both basic salary
and house allowance for employees and 15% for employers and remit the contributions
to our bank account held at Kenya Commercial Bank, Moi avenue, Nairobi, Account
Number 1107106966. We also request that the respective members schedules
supporting the monthly remittances be send to our email, for
purpose of updating members accounts.
This will be effective as from the March 2013 payroll onwards and the same should be
remitted not later than 10
of every month, in order to avoid the applicable penalties for
late remittance.
Thank You,
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Business News 37
Last 12 Mths Security Prices
High Low Yesterday Previous Shares

57.00 21.00 Eaagads Ord 1.25 29.50 29.50 10,300
123.00 80.00 Kakuzi Ord.5.00 120.00 116.00 1,000
167.00 110.00 Kapchorua Tea Co Ord 5.00 143.00
625.00 450.00 The Limuru Tea Co. Ord 20.00 620.00
30.00 19.40 Rea Vipingo Plantations Ord 5.00 27.50
19.95 11.25 Sasini Ltd Ord 1.00 17.30 16.75 20,500
350.00 210.00 Williamson Tea Kenya Ord 5.00 287.00
Automobiles & Accessories
50.00 21.00 Car & General (K) Ord 5.00 33.25 33.25 700
- - CMC Holdings Ord 0.50 13.50
13.50 9.00 Marshalls (E.A.) Ord 5.00 9.20
7.70 4.50 Sameer Africa Ord 5.00 9.10 9.00 232,200
19.15 15.00 Barclays Bank Ord 0.50 16.95 17.00 1,418,300
138.00 54.00 CFC Stanbic of Kenya Holdings Ord.5.00 148.00 138.00 105,600
248.00 141.00 Diamond Trust Bank Ord 4.00 231.00 233.00 31,300
42.25 29.50 Equity Bank Ord 0.50 40.75 40.75 11,083,100
39.00 22.00 Housing Finance Co Ord 5.00 36.00 36.50 163,100
145.00 85.00 I &M Holdings Ltd Ord 1.00 128.00 128.00 7,700
51.00 35.50 KCB Ord 1.00 47.00 49.00 650,500
39.25 18.50 NBK Ord 5.00 31.50 30.25 142,100
68.00 48.50 NIC Bank Ord 5.00 60.00 59.50 292,800
340.00 271.00 StandardChartered Ord 5.00 307.00 306.00 42,100
24.00 14.50 Co-op Bank of Kenya Ord 1.00 24.00 24.00 588,900
Commercial & Services
5.10 3.40 Express Ord 5.00 4.75 4.95 6,100
- - Hutchings Biemer Ord 5.00 20.25
14.70 8.30 Kenya Airways Ord 5.00 12.45 12.40 270,700
16.50 5.00 Longhorn Kenya Ord 1.00 12.90 12.85 14,700
400.00 271.00 Nation Media Group Ord. 2.50 317.00 316.00 2,500
247.00 44.00 ScanGroup Ord. 1.00 48.75 47.00 8,100
39.00 24.50 Standard Group Ord 5.00 34.25 34.75 16,100
56.50 40.00 TPS EA (Serena) Ord 1.00 40.75 40.75 16,600
24.00 14.00 Uchumi Supermarket Ord 5.00 13.65 14.00 65,900
Construction & Allied
98.50 60.00 ARM Cement Ord 1.00 84.50 84.50 489,700
225.00 170.00 BamburiCement Ord 5.00 175.00 175.00 172,800
96.00 75.00 Crown Paints Kenya Ord 5.00 95.00 95.50 200
18.00 13.80 E.A.Cables Ord 0.50 14.80 14.95 7,100
110.00 56.50 E.A.Portland Cement Ord 5.00 95.50

Energy & Petroleum
17.90 10.00 KenGen Ord 2.50 11.15 11.35 120,500
11.80 7.90 KenolKobil Ltd Ord 0.05 8.75 8.90 2,189,700
20.75 13.50 KP&LC Ord 2.50 14.85 14.80 206,900
- - KP&LC 4% Pref.20.00 8.00
5.50 5.50 KP&LC 7% Pref.20.00 5.50
28.75 12.65 Total Kenya Ord 5.00 25.00 25.50 54,300
13.00 13.00 Umeme Ltd Ord 0.50 13.00
20.00 7.30 British American Investments Co.0.10 17.70 17.70 479,800
010.75 4.20 CIC Insurance Group Ord.1.00 11.35 11.40 1,454,000
325.00 217.00 Jubilee Holdings Ord 5.00 312.00 312.00 1,000
21.00 13.10 Kenya Re Corporation Ord 2.50 20.00 20.00 2,068,400
22.25 9.20 Liberty Kenya Holdings Ord 1.00 20.75 21.75 89,300
145.00 51.50 Pan Africa Insurance Ord 5.00 130.00 134.00 31,900

41.00 17.05 CentumInvestment Co Ord 0.50 38.50 38.50 602,200
6.00 3.50 Olympia Capital Holdings Ord 5.00 4.75 4.70 35,700
37.75 20.00 Trans-Century LtdOrd 0.50 24.25 24.25 13,500
Manufacturing & Allied
- A.Baumann & Co. Ord 5.00 11.10
190.00 100.00 B.O.C Kenya Ord 5.00 140.00 140.00 32,100
635.00 521.00 British American Tobacco Kenya Ord 10.00 600.00 600.00 115,200
67.50 30.50 Carbacid Investments Ord 5.00 33.00 33.00 13,200
426.00 212.00 East African Breweries Ord 2.00 302.00 303.00 262,300
3.90 1.90 Eveready EA Ord 1.00 3.70 3.60 16,700
7.90 4.40 Kenya Orchards Ord 5.00 8.60 7.90 400
5.05 2.85 Mumias Sugar Co. Ord 2.00 3.10 3.15 511,300
27.50 14.00 Unga Group Ord 5.00 25.25 26.00 5,600
Telecommunication & Technology
13.40 6.15 SafaricomLtd Ord. 0.05 12.85 12.90 11,946,100
Growth & Enterprise Market Segment (GEMS)
25.00 4.40 Home Afrika Ltd Ord. 1.00 5.20 5.15 1,015,900
NSE All Share Index(NASI)-(1 Jan 2008=100 Down 0.40 points to close at 152.27
NSE 20 Share Index Down 2.82points to close at 4975.39 EquityTurnover-1,104,865,758 Prv 563,227, 593

Euro $ C$ SF IR JY ZR
ABC buy 119.56 86.90 146.63 - 97.92 1.45 84.97 8.37
sell 119.84 87.10 146.97 - 98.15 1.45 85.18 8.41
Barclays buy 119.61 87.00 146.78 79.72 97.90 1.45 84.96 8.38
sell 120.06 87.20 147.29 80.05 98.35 1.45 85.33 8.42
Co-op buy 119.73 87.00 146.77 79.71 98.01 1.45 85.01 8.25
sell 120.01 87.20 147.13 79.90 98.28 1.46 85.21 8.52
Equity buy 119.40 87.15 146.70 79.90 98.00 1.45 85.20 8.40
sell 119.90 87.35 147.20 80.20 98.30 1.48 85.60 8.55
NBK buy 119.70 87.00 146.89 79.80 98.02 1.45 85.05 8.35
sell 119.97 87.20 147.19 79.99 98.25 1.45 85.26 8.45
KCB buy 119.55 87.15 146.75 79.90 98.00 1.46 85.30 8.40
sell 120.00 87.35 147.35 80.30 98.50 1.46 85.60 8.60
CBA buy 119.50 87.10 146.65 79.39 97.94 1.45 85.18 8.40
sell 119.90 87.30 147.10 79.81 98.22 1.46 85.39 8.50
CFC Stanbic buy 119.59 86.90 146.57 79.58 97.83 1.44 84.96 8.38
sell 119.88 87.10 146.90 79.87 98.16 1.45 85.15 8.48
GulfAfrican buy 119.93 86.80 145.13 79.02 98.57 1.44 84.93 8.19
sell 120.23 87.00 145.50 79.24 98.84 1.44 85.14 8.29
FCB buy 120.40 86.70 146.50 79.00 98.70 1.30 84.50 8.00
sell 121.20 87.20 147.30 79.70 99.40 1.50 85.40 8.60
Prime buy 119.50 86.90 146.70 80.00 98.00 1.46 85.40 8.40
sell 120.00 87.30 147.20 80.50 98.50 1.47 85.90 8.60
Mean Buy Selll
1 US Dollar 87.0917 87.0000 87.1833
1 Sterling Pound 146.9978 146.8194 147.1761
1 Euro 119.8604 119.7235 119.9972
1 South African Rand 8.3532 8.3172 8.3891
Ksh/Ush 28.9811 28.8931 29.0690
1 Ksh/Tsh 18.9342 18.8568 19.0115
1 Ksh/Rwanda Franc 7.7850 7.7308 7.8391
1 Ksh/Burundi Franc 17.7977 17.4919 18.1034
1 UAE Dirham 23.7110 23.6857 23.7363
1 Canadian Dollar 79.8423 79.7356 79.9489
1 Swiss Franc 98.3003 98.1805 98.4201
100 Japanese Yen 85.2609 85.1312 85.3906
1 Swedish Kroner 13.3921 13.3771 13.4072
1 Norwegian Kroner 14.6603 14.6411 14.6794
1 Danish Kroner 16.0541 16.0342 16.0739
1 Indian Rupee 1.4534 1.4517 1.4551
1 Hong Kong Dollar 11.2352 11.2233 11.2470
1 Singapore Dollar 69.5426 69.4666 69.6186
1 Saudi Riyal 23.2238 23.1981 23.2495
1 Chinese Yuan 13.9564 13.9412 13.9717
1 Australian Dollar 81.3915 81.3015 81.4815
Money Market Funds Daily Yield Eective Annual Rate
African Alliance Kenya Shilling Fund Kenya Shilling 6.76% 6.97%
Old Mutual Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 6.37% 6.56%
British-American Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 8.04% 8.37%
Stanlib Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 7.06% 7.29%
CBA Market Fund Kenya Shilling 5.88% 605%
CIC Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 9.46% 9.88%
Zimele Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 9.0% 9.31%
Amana Shilling Fund Kenya Shilling 9.73% 9.92%
ICEA Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 8.32% 8.68%
Madison Asset Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 9.19% 9.59%
GenCap Hela Fund Kenya Shilling 11.78% 12.32%
Fixed Income Funds/Equity Funds/Balanced Funds Buy Sell
African Alliance Fixed Income Fund Kenya Shilling 11.55 11.18
CIC Fixed Income Fund Kenya Shilling 9.19 9.43
Standard Investment Income Fund Kenya Shilling 102.38 102.94
African Alliance Kenya Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 191.71 180.04
ICEA Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 140.63 148.04
British-American Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 202.52 208.96
CBA Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 156.17 165.78
CIC Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 13.34 14.04
Old Mutual Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 379.76 406.90
Stanlib Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 168.02 168.02
Madison Asset Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 56.50 60.30
GenCap Hisa Fund Kenya Shilling 127.01 122.56
African Alliance Managed Fund Kenya Shilling 22.05 20.76
British-American Managed Retirement Fund Kenya Shilling 134.36 135.50
ICEA Growth Fund Kenya Shilling 140.63 148.04
Amana Growth Fund Kenya Shilling 109.50 109.50
British-American Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 192.79 198.42
CIC Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 13.17 13.79
Old Mutual Balanced Fund/Toboa Kenya Shilling 155.49 165.57
Madison Asset Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 70.42 74.31
Amana Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 109.30 109.30
Zimele Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 5.25 5.41
Stanlib Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 129.76 129.76
GenCap Eneza Fund Kenya Shilling 124.55 120.19
GenCap Iman Fund Kenya Shilling 116.19 110.38
Stanlib Bond Fund B1 Kenya Shilling 105.70 105.70
Stanlib Bond Fund A Kenya Shilling 105.25 105.25
Old Mutual East Africa Fund Kenya Shilling 150.82 159.62
British American Bond Plus Fund Kenya Shilling 145.34 148.31
GenCap Hazina Fund Kenya Shilling 118.72 114.57
ICEA Bond Fund Kenya Shilling 99.58 100.58
Old Mutual Bond Fund Kenya Shilling 102.37 104.80
Algerian Dinar 78.4777
Bahrani Dinar 0.37701
Djibouti Franc 177
Egyptian Pound 7.0049
Jordanian Dinar 0.708
Kuwait Dinar 0.28054
Lebanese Pound 1513
Libyan Dinar 1.2245
Moroccan Dirham 8.1344
Omani Riyal 0.386
Qatar Riyal 3.6403
Saudi Riyal 3.7504
Syrian Pound 148.1
Tunisian Dinar 1.6151
Yemeni Riyal 214.75
UAE Dirham 3.673
Currencies are quoted against the US Dollar
KARANGI COFTEA LTD. are the registered owners
of the above property, situated in Ruiru.
It has come to our notice that there is somebody who
has been trying to approach Banking and Financial
Institutions. with the aim of securing a loan using
NDANGA HOTEL - RUIRU as collateral.
Banking or Financial Institutions which may have
been approached by this person for the purpose of
securing a loan not to engage themselves into such
Any Bank, Financial Institution, Creditors who enters
into such dealings related to NDANGA HOTEL -
RUIRU are void and will be doing so at their own risk
and will lose any amounts that they shall give out
as loans without the consent of KARANGI COFTEA
Head Office Monrovia Street. Partkside Hotel Building. P.0. Box 53104-00200 City Square,
Nairobi. Tel: 0207121470/71 Fax: 020-7121473 Email:
For more information please contact us at our
Head Office; Tel. No. 0207121470 or 0207121471
Wednesday May 14, 2014
38 | Business
Honda CRV-RE4, 2007 auto
silver 2.4cc
H/CRV-RD4,2004 auto 2.0cc
M/Outlander 2007,auto,silver
M/Demio 2007,auto Blue,black.
Toyota Prado TX 2007,3.0cc
Diesel,2.7cc vvti auto petrol
silver,Black 7seater
Toyota Voxy 2006 auto pearl
white Toyota Camry 2007
auto silver.
Toyota Rav 4 2007 auto silver.
T/Hiace -2007,auto,petrol,
T/Townace GL 2008, auto,
petrol 1.5cc,silver, white.
T/Sienta 2007, auto, yellow.
T/IST, 2007,auto, black.
T/Fielder 2008,auto,Blue ,1.5cc.
T/Axio Luxel,
T/Premio, 2007, 2.0cc,auto,white.
T/NZE Assista ,2006,auto ,silver.
Succed 2008, probox 2007
S/Escudo 2007,manual,
2.0cc,grey,white. Suzuki Jimny
,2007, auto 1.3cc, 3door. Xtrail
2006,auto,black. N/Caravan
Isuzu ELF,2008,2007,3.0cc.m
anual gear,h/sided body.
Mist. Canter 2007,manual.
T/Toyoace, 2007,manual ,diesel.
Xtrail KBJ,auto clean,@880k.
T/Allion KBQ,auto,silver @895k.
T/Premio KAT, auto ,silver @495k
We are inviting offers from interested parties for the purchase of motor vehicles as
listed hereunder:
1 Foton Aumark BJ1089
Truck Enclosed body
KBR 107B Legacy Connections - Nakuru
2 Mercedes Benz Actross
2546 Prime Mover
KBT 021B Neo Makupa Garage - Mombasa
3 Bhachu 3 axle Tipper
ZE 0418 Neo Makupa Garage - Mombasa
4 Mitsubishi FH215 Tanker KBQ 711V CMC motors - Mombasa
5 Isuzu NKR66 Truck KBU 349C Leakeys Storage Ltd - Kitui Road
6 FAW CA3250 Tipper KBT 809D Leakeys Storage Ltd - Kitui Road
Vehicles are sold on AS IS WHERE IS basis.
Bids should be placed in a sealed envelope marked Tender for Motor Vehicle
addressed to:
The Tender Committee
P.o Box 44599-00100
Bids can also be submitted through email on:
To reach the Comittee not later than 20th May 2014
For further details, contact us on Tel : 0711 041278 or 0711 041134 or 0711 041497
Kindly indicate your full contacts details in the bids.
Finance can be arranged subject to credit appraisal.
TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2012
Gross written premium 903,980,632 67,643,215 971,623,847 -
Outward reinsurance premium (81,758,690) (10,146,482) (91,905,172) -
Net written premium 822,221,942 57,496,733 879,718,675 -
Movement in unearned premium (268,594,080) - (268,594,080)
Net earned premium 553,627,862 57,496,733 611,124,595 -
Investment income 43,331,725 18,048,167 61,379,892 73,027,107
Acquistion costs earned - - - -
Other income 167,865 50,878 218,743 -
Total income 597,127,452 75,595,778 672,723,230 73,027,107
Claims and Policyholder benefits 217,873,096 41,605,682 259,478,778 -
Less: Reinsurers share of claims (2,683,351) (3,285,068) (5,968,419) -
Net claims and Policyholder benefits 215,189,745 38,320,614 253,510,359 -
Acquistion costs payable 244,801,520 11,930,146 256,731,666 -
Operating and other expenses 82,235,539 6,729,634 88,965,173 16,856,365
Total outgo 542,226,804 56,980,394 599,207,198 16,856,365
Profit before taxation 54,900,648 18,615,384 73,516,032 56,170,742
Taxation charge (21,986,598) - (21,986,598) (14,373,255)
Profit for the year 32,914,050 18,615,384 51,529,434 41,797,487
Fair value gain on available for sale financial assets 822,170 1,195,276 2,017,446 -
Total profit and other comprehensive income 33,736,220 19,810,660 53,546,880 41,797,487
Proposed Dividend 32,474,424 20,740,754
Earnings Per Share 6.08 3.83
TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2012
Share capital 391,240,400 150,000,000 541,240,400 541,240,400
Statutory reserve - 39,672,117 39,672,117 21,056,733
Fair value reserve 822,170 1,195,276 2,017,446 -
Retained earnings 53,654,804 - 53,654,804 20,740,754
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS 445,717,374 190,867,393 636,584,767 583,037,887
Property and equipment 33,042,185 - 33,042,185 16,468,428
Investments in equity 6,064,559 6,031,247 12,095,806 -
Mortgage loans 4,717,112 4,717,112 -
Receivables arising out of reinsurance arrangements 353,317,395 30,321,778 383,639,173 -
Retrocessionaires share of reinsurance liabilities 41,310,749 3,285,067 44,595,816 -
Deferred acquistion costs 121,502,088 - 121,502,088 -
Deferred tax asset - - - 3,384
Other receivables 3,622,027 1,307,009 4,929,036 28,743,257
Tax recoverable - 353,640 353,640 -
Corporate bonds 8,705,863 5,838,049 14,543,912 14,559,085
Government securities 75,085,241 54,325,299 129,410,540 110,369,329
Deposits in financial institutions 361,644,277 128,893,784 490,538,061 483,942,196
Cash and bank balances 26,076,267 12,673,374 38,749,641 2,701,858
TOTAL ASSETS 1,035,087,763 243,029,247 1,278,117,010 656,787,537
Reinsurance contract liabilities 48,976,474 38,173,969 87,150,443 -
Provision for unearned premium 428,723,566 - 428,723,566 -
Payables arising out of retrocession arrangements 81,758,690 10,146,482 91,905,172 -
Deferred tax liability 3,994,561 - 3,994,561 -
Tax payable 1,400,110 - 1,400,110 13,072,716
Other payables 24,516,988 3,841,403 28,358,391 60,676,934
TOTAL LIABILITIES 589,370,389 52,161,854 641,532,243 73,749,650
NET ASSETS 445,717,374 190,867,393 636,584,767 583,037,887
Capital adequacy ratio 112% 100% 108% 108%
Solvency ratio 4457% 1909% 3183% 2915%
Claims ratio 24% 62% 27% -
Expense ratio 36% 28% 36% -
The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 10 February 2014 and signed on its behalf by:
Chairman: Punit Vadgama Director: Dr. Olufemi Oyetunji Principal officer: Calisto Ogaye

By order of the Board
Joe Okwach
Company Secretary
P.O. BOX 673 50100, KAKAMEGA, TEL: 056 2030795 FAX: 056-2031506, E-mail:
Country: Kenya
Credit No.: 5103 KE
Invitation for Bids (IFB)
NCB Title: Construction of Plinths, Installation of Gutters and Erection of Plastic Water Tanks
10,000lts Capacity for Lake Victoria North, Lake Victoria South and Rift Valley Water Service Boards
1. This Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice for this Project that appeared in online in UNDB on 26
2. The Government of Kenya has applied for a credit from the International Development Association (IDA) toward the
cost of Water and Sanitation Service Improvement Project Additional Financing (WaSSIP-AF) and it intends to
apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payments under the Contract for Construction of Plinths, Installation
of Gutters and erection of Plastic Water Tanks 10,000lts capacity for Lake Victoria North, Lake Victoria South
and Rift Valley Water Service Boards; Contract No. LVNWSB/WaSSIP-AF/DM/PLINTHS/2014
3. The Lake Victoria North Water Services Board, a state corporation in the Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural
Resources (MEWNR), now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the above mentioned works as
Lot Identification No. Description No. of Sites
PLINTHS/2014 - LOT 1
Construction of Plinths, Installation of Gutters and erection of
Plastic Water Tanks 10,000lts capacity for Lake Victoria North
Water Services Board Elgeyo Marakwet, Trans Nzoia, Uasin
Gishu, Nandi, Bungoma, Busia, Kakamega and Vihiga Counties
Lot 2(a) LVNWSB/ WaSSI P- AF/ DM/
PLINTHS/2014 - LOT 2(a)
Construction of Plinths, Installation of Gutters and erection of
Plastic Water Tanks 10,000lts capacity for Rift Valley Water
Services Board Turkana County
Lot 2(b) LVNWSB/ WaSSI P- AF/ DM/
PLINTHS/2014- LOT(2(b)
Construction of Plinths, Installation of Gutters and erection of
Plastic Water Tanks 10,000lts capacity for Rift Valley Water
Services Board West Pokot and Narok Counties
Lot 2(c) LVNWSB/ WaSSI P- AF/ DM/
PLINTHS/2014 - LOT 2(c)
Construction of Plinths, Installation of Gutters and erection of
Plastic Water Tanks 10,000lts capacity for Rift Valley Water
Services Board Baringo County
PLINTHS/2014 - LOT 3
Construction of Plinths, Installation of Gutters and erection of
for Plastic Water Tanks 10,000lts capacity for Lake Victoria
South Water Services Board Homa Bay, Migori, Siaya, Kisumu,
Nyamira, Kisii, Bomet, Nandi, Kericho and Narok Counties
4. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the World Banks Guidelines:
Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants published by the Bank in January 2011, and is open to all bidders from
Eligible Source Countries as defined in the Bidding Documents.
5. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from:
Chief Executive Officer
Lake Victoria North Water Services Board
Former KEFINCO Offices,
Off Kakamega-Kisumu Road, opposite Barclays Bank
P.O. Box 673 - 50100, KAKAMEGA
TEL: 056-2031552, Fax 056-2031506
and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below from 0800 hours to 1700 hours local time from Monday to Friday,
except during lunch hour (1300 hours to 1400 hours), during weekends and public holidays.
6. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written
application to the address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of KShs.1,000 (or equivalent in freely convertible
currency). The method of payment will be cash (deposit to KCB Account no. 243673724) or bankers cheque from a reputable
bank in Kenya. The Bidding Documents will be collected from the address below upon production of a purchase receipt.
7. Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before 1200 hours East Africa time on 16
June 2014. Electronic bidding shall
not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened physically in the presence of the bidders representatives who
choose to attend in person at the address below at 12:05 hours East Africa time on 16
June 2014
8. All bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Security in form of a Bank Guarantee of:
Lot 1: 150,000 Kenya Shillings
Lot 2(a): 150,000 Kenya Shillings
Lot 2(b): 100,000 Kenya Shillings
Lot 2(c): 100,000 Kenya Shillings
Lot 3: 150,000 Kenya Shillings
or equivalent amount in freely convertible currency.
9. The address referred to above is:
Chief Executive Officer
Lake Victoria North Water Services Board
Former KEFINCO Offices, Off Kakamega-Kisumu Road, opposite Barclays Bank
P.O. Box 673 - 50100, KAKAMEGA
Wednesday May 14, 2014
MAY, 2014
1. SUSAN JUMA NYANG FEMALE 10025152 8.00 a.m.
2. KIPSANG LANGAT RICHARD MALE 10507684 8.45 a.m.
4. JOHN WALTER WANYONYI MALE 10454924 10.15 a.m.
5. ORINDA CHARLES OTIENO MALE 1502113 11.30 a.m.
6. OKELLO EDWIN OBUYA MALE 10131395 12.15 p.m.
7. NDERITU DAVID NJAGI MALE 9199347 2.00 p.m.
8. WARUI JAMES MUNGAI MALE 10709938 2.45 p.m.
9. MAINA PAUL NDEMO MALE 11223826 3.15 p.m.
10. MWITI PETER KIMATHI MALE 10381171 4.00 p.m.
MAY, 2014
2. AKUMA JOHN BORORIO MALE 7274983 9.00 a.m.
4. OBIRI GEOFFREY MATOYA MALE 10927744 10.00 a.m.
5. IMBALI TOM PETER MALE 13862159 11.00 a.m.
6. OKARA CHARLES KINARA MALE 9969203 11.30 a.m.
8. RIUNGU JOSEPH GITONGA MALE 22935186 12.30 p.m.
9. NJERU SOLOMON KIMATHI MALE 13869556 2.00 p.m.
10. NDERITU DAVID NJAGI MALE 9199347 2.30 a.m.
11. NYAMANGA ERIC ACHOKI MALE 5298652 3.00 p.m.
12. MARORO JEREMIAH MOKUA FEMALE 5293802 3.30 p.m.
MAY, 2014
2. MENGE CLIFF NYAMBANE MALE 12796072 9.00 a.m.
3. ABUGA GEORGE MONGARE FEMALE 9911203 9.30 a.m.
4. INGONGA RENSON MULELE MALE 11469976 10.00 a.m.
5. AYODO BRIAN PRATT MALE 13235364 11.00 a.m.
6. MWAJAMBIA KEVIN DZUMO MALE 21612925 11.30 a.m.
7. REGINA TUMAINI WAFULA FEMALE 11182225 12.00 p.m.
MAY, 2014
1. BOSIRE KENNETH KIBAGENDI MALE 10626506 12.30 p.m.
2. AKUMA JOHN BORORIO MALE 7274983 2.00 p.m.
4. OGWORA LILIAN MORAA FEMALE 13341648 3.00 p.m.
MAY, 2014
1. ARISI EVERLYN FEMALE 22161448 8.30 a.m.
2. MURITHI GEORGE HENRY MALE 21979828 9.00 a.m.
3. OKARA CHARLES KINARA MALE 9969203 9.30 a.m.
4. AYODO BRIAN PRATT MALE 13235364 10.00 a.m.
5. OWENGA MONICAH AKOTH FEMALE 21644964 11.00 a.m.
6. ONGAGA ANDREW J. MANDI MALE 8795809 11.30 a.m.
8. RIUNGU JOSEPH GITONGA MALE 22935186 12.30 p.m.
10. MARORO JEREMIAH MOKUA MALE 5293802 2.30 a.m.
12. OKEYO CHARLES ONGANGA MALE 9547205 3.30 p.m.
MAY, 2014
1. GICHUI GIKUI WANGUI FEMALE 22380598 8.30 a.m.
2. KEFA RUTH CHEBESIO FEMALE 22008280 9.00 a.m.
4. INGONGA RENSON MULELE MALE 11469976 10.00 a.m.
5. MAINA IRENE WANJIRU FEMALE 22493505 11.00 a.m.
6. MWAJAMBIA KEVIN DZUMO MALE 21612995 11.30 a.m.
7. TANUI LUCAS KIPKOGEI MALE 22313100 12.00 p.m.
8. NAULIKHA SOLOMON WABOMBA MALE 21715565 12.30 p.m.
9. KABAKA VICTOR INYANJE MALE 20070716 2.00 p.m.
MAY, 2014
1. NGENGI ALLAN WANJOHI MALE 22530956 8.30 a.m.
2. AKUMA JOHN BORORIO MALE 7274983 9.00 a.m.
3. OMARI JOEL AMENYA MALE 23465274 9.30 a.m.
4. OKOTH RUBY AKINYI FEMALE 21150975 10.00 a.m.
5. MUTUKU FAITH MUENI FEMALE 22623429 11.00 a.m.
6. RABERA OSANO MARTIN ACHOKA MALE 12798086 11.30 a.m.
7. KIBUI BARNABAS GIOCHE MALE 24015187 12.00 p.m.
8. KESSE MAUREEN CHERONOH FEMALE 22268730 12.30 p.m.
9. KEFA MOEGI MOTENDE MALE 11689505 2.00 p.m.
FEMALE 24542741 2.30 a.m.
12. OKARA CHARLES KINARA MALE 9969203 3.30 p.m.
The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions invited in the print media on 24
January, 2014 applications from candidates wishing to be considered for appointment to various positions. A total of One Hundred
and Fifty Three (153) applications were received at the close of the advertisement on 14
February, 2014 out of which Ninety Five (95) candidates have been shortlisted.
The interviews for the shortlisted candidates will be conducted from 26
FLOOR EASTERN WING as shown below:-
Wednesday May 14, 2014
40 |
Chai Sacco Society Ltd invites sealed Technical and Financial Bids from eligible
contractors for the construction of the proposed Nairobi Branch office in Nairobi.
Bidders must provide valid and certified copies of the following:-
i. Registration certificates with MOPW/NCA
Main works - (NCA registration mandatory)
Electrical and Air conditioning installations subcontractors (MOPW category B and
ii. V.A.T and P.I.N Certificates from KRA
iii. Valid Tax Compliance Certificate from KRA
iv. Details of similar works completed within the last five years giving details of clients
and consultants who may be contacted for further information
v. The names, qualifications and experiences of key personnel
vi. Sound financial standing (Audited accounts for the last three years)
vii. Details of major equipment and type of ownership
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the tender
documents at the reception, Chai Sacco Society Ltd office, KTDA Plaza, Moi Avenue,
A complete set of tender documents may be obtained by interested contractors upon
payment of non-refundable fee of Kenya Shillings One thousand only (Ksh.1,000) for
each tender in cash or bankers cheque payable to: Chai Sacco Society Ltd.
The bids should be submitted by post in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked:
DO NOT OPEN stating the category applied for and addressed to:-
The Chief Executive Officer
Chai Sacco Society Ltd
P. O. Box 278-00200, NAIROBI
or deposited in the tender box at the Chai Sacco Society Ltd, KDTA Plaza, Moi Avenue,
Floor, so as to be received not later than 28
May, 2014 at 12.00 noon.
The tenders will be opened the same day at 1.00p.m. in the Societys board room.
Bidders or their representatives who wish to witness the opening are invited to attend.
Chai Sacco Society Ltd reserves the right to accept or reject any Tender in whole or
in part.
Chief Executive Officer.
MAY, 2014
1. MUCHIRI ESTHER NJOKI FEMALE 24164624 8.30 a.m.
2. MUTUNGI OLIVER MUTUA MALE 8822945 9.00 a.m.
3. MURITHI GEORGE HENRY MALE 21979828 9.30 a.m.
4. NJOGU JAMES MURIITHI MALE 22865897 10.00 a.m.
7. NTURIBI PETER MWENDA MALE 21710048 12.00 p.m.
8. KHAEMBA EDNA SUDI FEMALE 22482176 12.30 p.m.
9. MASAKI STEPHEN NYAGAKA MALE 22275434 2.00 p.m.
10. OTIENO NORA ACHIENG FEMALE 21972706 2.30 a.m.
11. OMOL JACKLINE OTIENO FEMALE 24013918 3.00 p.m.
12. MARORO JEREMIAH MOKUA MALE 5293802 3.30 p.m.
MAY, 2014
2. BATI CHEBWOGEN WINNY FEMALE 23210521 9.00 a.m.
3. MAUNDU LUCY MINOO FEMALE 24207085 9.30 a.m.
4. ONUNGA EVELYNE ACHIENG FEMALE 20497709 10.00 a.m.
6. FUCHAKA ANGELA LILA FEMALE 23840560 11.30 a.m.
7. RIECHI JONAH MEROKA MALE 22598313 12.00 p.m.
8. MUNGAI MOSES KAHIGA MALE 22619349 12.30 p.m.
11. SIRTUY LAZARUS KIPKOSGEI MALE 21469718 3.00 p.m.
12. RUGUT DORCAS CHELANGAT FEMALE 22056950 3.30 p.m.
MAY, 2014
1. STEPHEN KANGETHE KARUGA MALE 22841169 8.30 a.m.
2. CHETALAM JAMES MALE 10376677 9.00 a.m.
3. OLOO LINDA EUNICE FEMALE 24443221 9.30 a.m.
The candidates should be at the venue half an hour (30 minutes) before the starting
The candidates should bring with them ORIGINALS of the following documents:
National Identity Card
Academic and Professional Certificates and Transcripts
Any supporting documents and testimonials
Detailed Curriculum Vitae
Letter of appointment to their current substantive post
Letter of appointment to their previous post
Clearance certificate from the following bodies :-
i. Law Society of Kenya for Lawyers
ii. Higher Education Loans Board
iii. Kenya Revenue Authority
iv. Criminal Investigation Department
v. Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission
vi. Any Professional bodies to which the candidate is a member
Only successful candidates will be contacted.
Members of the public with any adverse information on any shortlisted candidate are
requested to submit the information under CONFIDENTIAL COVER before 26
May, 2014
The Director of Public Prosecutions
NSSF Building, Block A, 19
P.O. Box 30701 00100,
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Job Ref. HR-BE-05-2014
The Nation Media Group, the largest independent media house in East and Central
Africa with operations in print, broadcast and digital media. It attracts and serves
unparalleled audiences in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda.
We are seeking for qualified and experienced Freelance Business Executives who will
add value to the operations of the Group. We have opportunities in Nairobi and our
Regional offices namely; Mombasa and Nakuru.
The Role:
Reporting to Business Manager, the candidates will have the overall responsibility
of initiating and executing sales while promoting and developing effective service to
clients to maximize sales volumes and revenue.
Knowledge, skills and experience required:
University Degree,
Diploma in Sales & Marketing with over 3 years experience in Sales and
Ability and readiness to work long and odd hours,
Results oriented,
Ability to work independently and under pressure,
Excellent client service skills,
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills,
A good understanding and experience in the media industry will be an added
Interested candidates may send their online applications and a detailed CV indicating
where they wish to work, to by 19
May, 2014.
Note: Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted
TeI: 020 328 8682, 020 328 8145, 020 328 8608, 020 328 8651, 020 328 8614,
020 328 8630, 020 328 8694, 020 328 8626, 020 328 8644
Wednesday May 14, 2014
42 |
Reporting to the Chief Executive Ofcer, the successful candidate will be responsible for ensuring the provision of
effective security for the Hospital including the following:-
Designing and implementing security policies, systems and procedures that facilitate security of patients, staff,
visitors, property and facilities at the Hospital.
Providing leadership to both internal and contracted security staff.
Ensuring service levels agreements with contracted service providers are met.
Conducting regular reviews of security requirements and providing appropriate recommendations.
Liaising with government security agencies as necessary.
Participating in corporate risk management programs.
Participating in implementing occupational safety programs such as re preparedness.
Carrying out independent investigations into intended and actual breaches of security and taking
comprehensive corrective action.
Qualications, Skills and Experience
Degree in security management, criminology or military science or; any degree plus a diploma in criminology
or security operations.
Seven (7) years work experience, three (3) of which must have been at Ofcer or a similar rank in the
disciplined forces or similar role in a reputable organization.
Leadership skills.
Detail oriented and strong analytical skills.
Reporting to the Assistant Matron, the successful candidate will be responsible of running the ICU including:-
Facilitating, monitoring and evaluating implementation of high standards of evidence based nursing and service
Maintaining effective cross functional communication with admitting staff and other functions.
Participating in family conferences.
Effectively managing staff within the department.
Advocating for continual improvement.
Participating in preparing and managing the ward budget.
Facilitating CME sessions.
Qualications, Skills and Experience
KRN/KRCHN. BSc in Nursing is an added advantage.
Higher Diploma in Critical Care Nursing.
7 years progressive working experience, 3 of which should be in a supervisory role.
Excellent communication skills.
Reporting to the Principal - School of Nursing, the successful candidate will be responsible for the following
amongst others:
Training, supervising and assessing students in both the classroom and clinical setup.
Guiding, coaching and counselling students.
Participating in curriculum development and review.
Setting, moderating, administering and marking examinations.
Establishing and maintaining proper students records throughout training.
Participating in inducting newly employed staff.
Organising and participating in the schools social events.
Qualications, Skills and Experience:
Bachelor of Science Nursing Degree an added advantage.
5 years work experience, 3 of which should have been in teaching.
Effective teaching skills.
Reporting to the Support Services Ofcer, the successful candidate will be responsible for the following amongst
Coordinating daily housekeeping activities in clinical areas, public areas, ofces and waiting areas.
Ensuring implementation and maintenance of Service Level Agreement for outsourced cleaning services.
Facilitating the organization and assignment of staff to ensure adequate 24 hour cover.
Ensuring cost effective use of housekeeping supplies.
Conducting routine and ad hoc inspections designated areas.
Vetting the deployment and scheduling of outsourced housekeeping staff at the Hospital.
Ensuring all housekeeping staff are adequately trained on hospital standards and customer service.
Qualications, Skills and Experience
Diploma in Laundry and Housekeeping.
5 years work in a busy hospital or hotel, 3 of which should be at supervisory level.
Excellent planning and organising skills.
Reporting to the Accident and Emergency Coordinator, the successful candidate will be responsible for the
following amongst others:-
Initial management, stabilization and treatment of all dental patients.
Admitting and discharging dental patients from Accident & Emergency.
Undertaking hospital ward procedures as necessary.
Supervising the Dental Assistant and assigned support staff.
Ensuring that the dental clinic is adequately stocked with surgical and consumable items.
Referring patients to appropriate specialists.
Participating in clinical research.
Facilitating CMEs.
Qualications, Skills and Experience
Bachelor in Dental Surgery.
Valid practice and retention licence.
2 years working experience in a busy dental clinic.
Excellent interpersonal skills.
Supervisory skills.
Reporting to the Dental Ofcer, the successful candidate will be responsible for the following amongst others:-
Preparing patients for dental examinations.
Assisting the Dental Ofcer during dental procedures.
Helping patients schedule appointments.
Sterilizing dental instruments and equipment and ensuring the dental trolley is fully kitted.
Qualications, Skills and Experience
Diploma in Dental Technology
2 years experience in a busy dental clinic.
Excellent interpersonal relations.
Reporting to the ICT Manager, the successful candidates will be responsible for the following amongst others:-
Participating in planning and implementing ICT projects.
Ensuring implementation of ICT policies and procedures.
Maintaining up-to-date comprehensive hardware and software inventory.
Providing adequate and timely user support.
Facilitating user training and optimal use of installed systems.
Participating in ensuring service level agreements are implemented.
Ensuring compliance to system security requirements.
Qualications, Skills and Experience
Bachelors degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, Electronics or Electrical Engineering.
Certication in core areas of networking, cabling, ERP software, database management, Microsoft back ofce
and ofce automation products will be an added advantage.
5 years experience in a busy corporate setting with a complex ERP.
Reporting to the Marketing and Customer Service Manager, the successful candidates will be responsible for the
following amongst others:-
Implementing marketing and branding programs.
Facilitating external segment specic marketing and internal marketing programs.
Developing promotional ideas from conception through to delivery
Tracking nancial and non-nancial impact of marketing and branding initiatives.
Building relationships with external partners such as HMOs, insurance rms and key corporates.
Conducting market surveys and audits.
Developing effective marketing material and coordinating new service launches.
Qualications, Skills and Experience
Marketing, business or public relations degree.
3 years work experience in a dynamic service organisation or in key account management.
Professional membership with the Marketing Society of Kenya.
Excellent communication and inuencing skills.
If your background, experience and competence match the above specications, please send us your application
quoting the reference. Include your current remuneration, testimonials and give full contact details of 3 referees to:
The Human Resources Manager
The Nairobi Hospital
P.O. Box 30026
To be received not later than 26
May 2014. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
The Nairobi Hospital, a leading health care institution in Eastern Africa has excellent career opportunities for individuals who possess a passion for excellence, strong work ethic, are results oriented and committed to
continual improvement. The successful candidates will be team players with the ability to effectively add value to enabling good patient outcomes and shape best clinical and non-clinical practice.
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Appointment 43
P O Box 64063 00620, NAIROBI,
Tel. 020-2055761, 3572799, 2673327/8
SMEP Micro Finance Bank Limited a growing
Nationwide Christian MFB and regulated by Central
Bank of Kenya invites applications from interested
and suitably qualified candidates to fill the following
No. Position Job Reference
1 Head of
2 Team Leader SME TLSME/05/HRD/2014
3 Credit Analysts CRA/05/HRD/2014
Please visit our website,
opportunities, for the detailed job profile and send
your filled applications to
on or before 19
May, 2014. Only shortlisted
candidates will be contacted.
Xtranet is a leading provider of value added Internet and ICT
services offering Broadband & Wide Area Networks (WAN), IP
CCTV, Biometric Access Control, Structured Cabling (LAN), Cloud
Computing, Offsite back-up, co-location and IP PBX Systems
(VOIP) with a focus on Corporate and Government clients.

We are looking to hire experienced professionals to fill the following
positions at Xtranet
1. Web Designer/ Developer.
2. Senior Account Managers IP CCTV, Access Control &
Broadband/ WAN solutions.
3. Business Development Manager Broadband/ WAN
Visit our website: for detailed Job
Descriptions. Please send your CV to by the 20

May 2014 specifying which position you are applying for.
CSK Winner - Best Value Added Service Provider - Internet
and Web Services in 2013
The person named here Teddy
Wambura ID No. 9774048 is no
longer an employee of Data Rush
Services Limited effective May 1st
DRS Limited is not Liable for any
transactions puportedly executed
by this person on behalf of DRS
ID No. 9774048
ActionAid International Kenya (AAIK) is a member of
ActionAid (AAI) Federation; ActionAid works in more
than 40 countries all over the world We tackle poverty
and denial of human rights at the local level, and we
challenge the causes behind them locally, nationally
and globally. In Kenya, AAIK works in solidarity with
women and people living in poverty and exclusion;
connecting their voices, sharing ideas, spreading
inspiration, campaigning, advocating and formulating
public policyto eradicate poverty and ensure social
justice in at least 16 counties
We seek to recruit a qualified High Value Fundraising
Manager who shall be responsible for the implementation
of High Value fundraising strategies aimed at generation of
adequate resources for AAIK programmes.
Interested candidates should access the full job profile
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
ActionAid is an equal opportunities employer.
Qualified women candidates are encouraged to
NB: AAIK does not charge fees to applicants at any
stage during the recruitment process.
Wednesday May 14, 2014
44 |
Micro Africa, a member of Letshego holdings limited is a fast growing microfinance institution in Kenya
and wishes to recruit a self motivated and result oriented head of consumer division, regional sales
manager and credit Officers.
This is a senior position responsible for consumer loan book growth for both public and private sector
employees in Kenya. The position is based in Nairobi with travel across Kenya.
Duties and responsibilities:
The position should develop and maintain the current and future business relationships
with various ministries, Counties, Branch offices, private corporate employees and other
Develop a sales strategy for the market and ensures attainment of set budgets .
A Diploma or a Degree certificate from a recognized institution in business or related fields. At
least 5 years of work experience in sales with 2 years in a senior position in Consumer lending.
The position reports to the Sales Manager. The person will be in charge of several counties in Kenya.
Duties and responsibilities:
Execute the sales strategy across counties and ensure attainment of set targets
A Diploma or a Degree certificate from a recognized institution in business or related fields. At
least 3 years of work experience in consumer lending with a 1 year in senior position.
The position reports to Branch Manager.
Duties and responsibilities:
Train and provide follow-up assistance to clients on business plans, business visits, loan
application forms and other necessary credit delivery documents. Ability to deliver group and
individual loans.
Diploma or degree certificate from a recognized institution in Cooperative Management, Business
Management or any other related field. Three years experience in Micro finance field and ability to
work with minimal supervision.
Applications from qualified applicants to be sent to on or before
May 2014. Please send a cover letter and CV only indicating your present and expected
salary. Micro Africa is an equal opportunity employer. Only shortlisted applicants will be
The County Government of Nyeri invites applications for appointment of contracted
services as listed here below:
The county wishes to engage interested retired persons with degrees and diplomas in
Building and Civil Engineering in roads and structures to supervise projects within the
vicinity of their residence.Employement will be on contract basis per project and for the
duration of the project.
Interested persons with experience in Labour Based Construction Works will also be
The county wishes to engage individuals willing to work on contract terms qualified in the
fields listed below and with a minimum of 15 years experience.
Roads works
Electrical works
Public Works
The application should be addressed to:
The County Secretary
County Government of Nyeri
P.O Box 1112-10100 Nyeri
And should indicate Application as to be received on or
before Wednesday 21
May 2014 at 10.30 am
P.O. BOX 1112 - 10100
Telephone 061 2030700
Fax No. 061 2030537
TechnoServe Background:
TechnoServe works with enterprising people in the developing world to build competitive farms, businesses and industries. We are a
nonprofit organization that develops business solutions to poverty by linking people to information, capital and markets. Our work is
rooted in the idea that given the opportunity, hardworking men and women in even the poorest places can generate income, jobs and
wealth for their families and communities. With more than four decades of proven results, we believe in the power of private enterprise
to transform lives.
Program Description:
The UK Department for International Development (DFID) has signaled its intention to launch a program that will strengthen the small
and growing businesses (SGB) sector and support to startup companies in target countries, including South Africa, by developing the
local enabling environment and a robust ecosystem for start-ups. The program aims to work within the existing ecosystem to improve
access of entrepreneurs to financial capital, skills and professional networks, and other financial and non-financial support to support
entrepreneurs to transform business ideas into reality; and thereby increase the creation of high productivity jobs and incomes in key
sectors of South Africa. In Ghana, Kenya and South Africa, the program will work with investors, incubation hubs, business service
providers and other stakeholders to strengthen auxiliary services, encourage investment and enable the growth of the SME sector. In
line with DFIDs priorities in sub-Saharan Africa, the program will focus upon industries and enterprises with the potential to create
jobs for poor people and develop products and services for Base of the Pyramid consumers. Anticipated start date for the project is
Q4 2014.
Position Description:
In anticipation of this program, TechnoServe seeks a Program Director to manage implementation of the abovementioned program to
support the development of the start-up ecosystem in Kenya. The role of the Program Director will be to ensure the program delivers
on its deliverables to the UK Department for International Development (DFID). The Program Director will provide overall strategic and
technical direction to the Kenya-based activities; and will be responsible for delivery of related results to DFID.
Duties & Responsibilities
Provide overall Country program management, and technical and operational oversight.
Ensure the program is implemented with sound managerial, technical, personnel and overall programmatic practices; and that the
processes and activities adhere to corporate policy, legal and contractual obligations and corporate and donor standards.
Lead development and execution of the overall strategic vision, goals and objectives of the program.
Lead strategic planning and contribute to implementation of all activities including capacity building of intermediary organizations,
development of strategic partnerships, facilitation of market linkages and access to finance, technology and information, amongst
other core areas.
Manage long term and short term staff working on the program; and improve the performance of the team through mentoring and
Lead networking, and build and manage relationships, with private sector representatives, government officials and key institutions,
as relevant to the program.
Act as primary point of contact and liaison with the Team Leader and the client, on program implementation and operational
With support from M&E expert, develop and manage implementation of M&E framework and system.
Capture best practices and identify innovative mechanisms for coordinating ecosystem players and sharing learning across the
region and continent.
Attend progress meetings with client.
Develop and submit all technical reporting requirements to client.
Minimum Requirements:
A Masters degree in Economics, Business and/or a related discipline
At least 15 years of experience in Private Sector Development with demonstrated expertise in SME development, working with
start-ups and providing technical assistance in business planning, incubation, and acceleration
At least 10 years of program management experience
Demonstrated experience engaging private, public and civil society stakeholders in South Africa at various levels, with strong
theoretical-practical knowledge of the legislative and regulatory context for local enterprise development in South Africa
Previous experience working for large public donors such as USAID or DFID, ideal.
Excellent understanding of market-led development programming.
Ability to influence senior stakeholders in government, private sector and on program team/within donor organization
Ability to structure and manage complex tasks; including experience in work planning and activity budgeting
Excellent analytical abilities
Excellent networking and relationship-building skills
Ability to engage stakeholders and solicit information from various team players and stakeholders
Ability to work independently and take initiative while also having strong team building skills
Superior writing and presentation skills, and proven experience in report writing for large public donor funded programs, such as
Excellent communication skills in both written and spoken English
Willingness to travel domestically 30%
Extensive experience working in private sector development in Kenya is essential.
Position Description
The Senior Manager, Capacity Development will lead a team of key staff to build capacity for actors from throughout the business
development support system.
Duties & Responsibilities:
The Senior Manager will ensure that the following activities are undertaken either directly or through direct reports:
Building Partnerships: - Identify key SME / entrepreneurship support institutions (incubation hubs, business development service
providers, mentoring and networking services).Design and manage a program of stakeholder events, workshops and knowledge-
sharing for the sector
Capacity Building: - Map needs within SME / entrepreneurship support ecosystem. Identify and develop resources on best practices in
entrepreneurship support both regionally and globally
Coach and mentor SME / entrepreneurship support institutions to enable them to address scale and sustainability challenges
Access to Finance: - Support entrepreneurship support organizations with investment-readiness and due diligence. Develop business
models for entrepreneurship support organizations. Facilitate interactions between BDS providers and financial institutions through
market linkages, advisory services and technical assistance. Contribute to overall program strategy on increasing investment for
entrepreneurs and SMEs
Minimum Requirements
MA or higher degree in business administration, economics, marketing or related discipline, MBA preferred
At least 5 years of post-graduate experience in capacity-building, coaching and mentoring within the private sector and/or
development spheres
At least 10 years of experience working in private sector or SME development assistance schemes, specifically capacity building,
access to finance and access to market instruments
Extensive experience of working with start-ups / SMEs and solid understanding of best practice in entrepreneurship support
Proven experience in strategic planning and program design, ideally with experience in donor funded programs such as USAID,
World Bank or DFID.
Strong knowledge of private sector/SME landscape in country of posting
Demonstrated ability to engage stakeholders at a high level across the ecosystem; and build effective partnership models
Keen interest and experience in research and knowledge management, particularly in relation to effective capacity development
in the entrepreneurship ecosystem, with the ability to foster learning across program activities and various fora in the region
Experience in intermediary or second-tier support organizations preferred
Strong networking, interpersonal and communications skills in a multi-cultural environment
Ability to work with tight deadlines while managing multiple tasks and projects
Proven experience managing teams
Related work experience and knowledge of the West Africa economic, social and development context preferred
Excellent oral and written communication skills
Willingness to travel - up to 50% locally
Application Instructions
Please submit your application (by email only) to with the position title placed in the subject line. Please include
(1) cover letter describing your interest, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) salary history, and (4) telephone contacts of three professional
referees. Please include all requirements in one document (pdf). Applications will be treated confidentially. Deadline for applications
is 25
May 2014. Note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Technoserve Is An Equal Opportunity Employer Of Minorities, Females, Protected Veterans, And Individuals With Disabilities
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Appointment 45
Wednesday May 14, 2014
46 | Appointment
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Appointment 47
Wednesday May 14, 2014
48 | Appointment
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Appointment 49
Wednesday May 14, 2014
50 | Appointment
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Appointment 51
Wednesday May 14, 2014
52 | Appointment
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Appointment 53
Wednesday May 14, 2014
54 | Appointment
NR. 4903/27 & 4903/18A
It is notified to all members who balloted in the
above mentioned parcels and who are not in
the check off system, that they should clear
their outstanding balances for their respective
shares within fourteen (14) days from the date
of this notice. Note that non compliance may
lead to forfeiture of the share and be allocated
to willing buyers to enable the society meet its
financial obligation with the bank.
Maragua Urumwe
Management Committee.
Westlands Deluxe spaa 0735737450
Invest 6k Earn 18k Quarterly 4 ayr.It
Doesnt Matter Whether u r in or
Outside Kenya! Call/sms 0717950192
BAR & Rest Uhuru NBI 0722-803774
INVEST earn 20%monthly 0726160432
LOITOKITOK / Olkaria / 323/ title
deed / Martine/ oleidesyia
COLON Hydrotherapy 0721486044
The owner of plot Number Nanyuki
Municipality Block 6/197 intends to change
use of his property from Private dwelling to
Multi-dwelling Units (Flats) subject to
approval by the County Government of
Laikipia. Individuals, institutions etc with
objections to the proposal are requested to
forward them in writing within fourteen (14)
days of this Notice to;
The Sub-County Administrator
Laikipia East
P.O. Box 156 10400, Nanyuki
The owner of a portion of land, part of plot No.
221 in Muthagare farm located in Kiminini Town
off the Kitale-Webuye Road in Trans Nzoia
County wishes to change the use of that parcel
of land measuring 0.135 from agricultural to
residential (flats). This subject to the approval
by the County Government of Trans Nzoia.
Individuals, Institutions or organizations etc. with
objections to the proposal are requested to do so
in writing within 14 days of this notice to:
The County Secretary,
County Government of Trans Nzoia
P.O Box 4211-30200, Kitale.
RENT Biz 100k p.m 1.5m 0720916332
EARN 15K per week online
Mason Services limited is a leading player in the Cleaning Facility and
Environmental Management Industry. We wish to invite application
from highly competent, dynamic and result oriented candidates to fill the
following vacancies.

Requirements & Qualification
recognized institution with more than two (2) years experience in a
busy institution.
Requirements & Qualification
a recognized institution with more than two (2) years working
experience in a busy institution.
- Holder of DIPLOMA IN HOUSEKEEPING is an added advantage.
Requirements & Qualification
- CERTIFICATES IN HOUSEKEEPING from a recognized institution
with more than four (4) years working experience in a busy institution.
All application letters clearly indicating the position title applying for,
certificates and detailed CVs together with names of three referees should be
addressed to The Human Resources Manager and be send through email
add: or hand delivered to our offices at
KenGen RBS Gardens, Keiyo Rd,- Parklands Nairobi, Tel: 020 3752143/5
to reach us not later than 20
MAY, 2014.
Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
B469 Business Offers
!Phd/Masters proposals 0712633928
B476 Business Opportunities
20&40ft cnt imported 2/hd furniture
for sale @ 4.7M in Nairobi 0727549210
LEARN how you can make alot of
money through Hydroponics and
green house technology 0729276749
RICE Supplier needed 0726138072
B491 Consultancy Services
CUSTOMER Service Consultancy
grow your business 0738573182
B603 Chemicals
We have a wide range of industrial
chemicals available at competitive
prices both ex-stock Nairobi and
Mombasa as well as regular direct
Contact Details:
0715 444816, 0722 499115,
+254 20 210 7202/81
Ask for Phillip
B525 Financial
@0202245564 cash on ipads&iphone5
020-2245564 cash on LED TVs 50plus
020-2245564 spot loans on Toshiba,
Macpros& HP Laptops btwn 20K-50K
ADVANCE selling ur car 0722833300
CASH on cars 3-6month 0722534960
FAST Cash loan agnst cars 0735130125
GET loans Upto Kshs. 500,000/= using
your log book we donot hold your
car. Call 0715612623, 0735612623
on your Car or
Logbook upto
Kshs, 600,000/=
in 5hrs
Call: 0710590517
0739365331 / 020 2224060
Vedic House 6th Flr, Rm 610
LOANS 10-50k on cheques +
guarantor Call 0739365331
LOANS Available, with logbook or
title deed call us on 0714-862000,
0735-599524, 0732868556, 0739334083
LOANS on the spot between 15-40K
with laptops as security, 0723408602
SELL to us Gold ornaments 0721111367
WE Advance you cash & trade in as we
sell your car 0713266196
WE finance buying of new & used Mit
FH/Canter /Fighter. Isuzu bus /lorry
dep 30% . 0722293903
B546 Machinery for Sale
0723408602 mens max delay@1500/=
0723408602 Reduce pot Mombasa
0723408602 Size,delay,hardrock 150/=
BEAUTYCentre Westlands 0729524441
A279 Notices
PADANG Lutheran Christian Relief
i s changing its name to Global
Christian Relief
B598 Security & Safety
CCTV camera, Gate intercom, Phone
car track, Wifi internet 0787-846975
BANKERS loan Call 0731281986,
BEAUTI centre Manicure, pedicure at
Westlands 0726-656450
A080 Engagements
ENGAGEMENT Announcement:
We are delighted to announce the
engagement of Chloe Bell (Eldest
daughter to Geoff and Sue Bell) to
Russell Savage (Youngest son to
Jonathan and the late Rosie Savage)
on March 25th 2014
A116 Marriage
INSTANT luck rings 0717444364
LONELY? sms LOVE to 22450
LOVE Partner sms 0704057570
MUSA Lost lover back 24hrs wealth
job promotions/restoration exams,
financial debt, marriage, victims of
witchcraft pay after success 0732095604
A123 Prayers / Retreat
THANKS St. Jude for Graces Liz
A167 Acupuncture
BLOOD-SUGAR, Diabetes and Pains.
3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217
FAILURE, Mensize and Low Desire.
3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217
FIRM UP -Weightloss and Slim up.
3745861, 0737540562, 0721170217
KNEE Back, Hip, & Gout. Pains -
3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217
MONTHLY Pains of Women and Moods.
3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217
PARALYSIS, Stroke and Weakness.
3741179, 0737540562, 0721170217
A181 Beauty
0722638216 men spanish therappy
Aromatherapy W/lands 0722542568
ASIANS Aroma - 0722108363
ASMARA Aroma 0722795917
A183 Body Fitness
ASIAN / Male Relaxs Body 0729271246
A230 Health
0721486044 Physiotherapy care/msg
for size. 100% guarantee 0722506355
REFLEX Centre Call: 0731252262
A265 Medical
DNA Paternity Test 0716-335266
A Data extractor & spouse tracker
STABLE Women 0727574565
A967 Animal Feeds
WHEAT Bran, wheat Pollard, Maize
Germ 0723785131
A988 Dogs & Dog Training
GSD puppies 4 sale 0722287290
B001 Livestock
CHARCOAL Briquettes 0722357923
0202245564 Size,delay,hardrock 150/=
B462 Business for Sale
Great opportunity prestigious running
restaurant & resort 13rooms
2apartments fully equipped&renewed
located in Bamburi Beach MSA s/pool
pool bar, 135kwa auto generator call
SPARE part shop on sale 1.3M
0723408602 Breast firming Mombasa
0723408602 Hip booster Mombasa
0723408602 maximum big-size @1500
0723408602 mens max control@2000
A109 Lost
Loss of Title Deed New
Mitumbiri/Wempa/Block-1/1570 Wakaba
Notice is hereby given that the preparation of the
above named Part Development Plan has been
completed. The Part Development Plan relates to
land situated within Katse Township, Kitui County.
Copies of the Part Development Plan as prepared
have been deposited for public inspection at the
ofces of the Mwingi sub county Physical Planning
Ofcer, Sub county Administrator and the County
Physical Planning Ofcer.
The copies so deposited are available for public
inspection free of charge by all persons interested
at the above mentioned ofces between the hours
of 08.00 and 16.00, Monday to Friday.
Any interested person who wishes to make
representation in connection with or objection
to the above named Part Development Plan
may send such representation to be received by
the County Physical Planning Ofcer, P. O. BOX,
33-90200 Kitui not later than sixty days from
the date of publication of this notice and such
representations or objection shall state the ground
on which it is made.
C. Kitonga
For: Director of Physical Planning
Republic of Kenya
In The High Court of Kenya At Nairobi
Environmental and Land Division
ELC. CASE NO. 542 OF 2008
Mary W. Kiarie & ANR.............................Plaintiffs
Wycliffe Omusaka Omutere & 2ORS.....Defendants
To Mr.Wycliffe Omusaka Omutere
Service Through Substituted Service
TAKE NOTICE that a Notice of Motion application
dated 22nd October 2013 has been xed for
hearing on the 19th June 2014.Take further Notice
that should you not enter appearance the matter
shall proceed, your absence not with standing.
Drawn by:
Charles Goi & Company Advocates
Narsh House, Suite 10, Mohktar Daddah
Street, P. O. Box 369 - 00625, Nairobi
B016 Rabbits
RABBITS 4 sale Call 0737-347784
The ultrasound services offered at
Scan Health Plus include;
Breast Bilateral
Antenatal Ultrasound
Prostate Ultrasound among
Contact Details;
Scan Health Plus at Menelik Medical Center,
Menelik Road, Off Ngong Road.
Tel: 0725111199/0739111188.
CIVIL SUIT No-------7---of -----------2014(MULTI TRACK)
KENYA POWER & LIGHTNING Co. LIMITED ------------------1
Chemosit Water and Sanitation Company,
P. O. Box 199-202010
Substituted service By advertisement Order 5 Rule 17 Of the Civil
procedure Act
TAKE NOTICE That a plaint together with a notice of motion Application dated 22

day of April, 2014 has been led in the high court of Kenya at Kericho in Kericho High
Court civil suit No. 7 Of 2014 in which you are named as the 2
defendant . Service
of summons and the notice of Motion application on you has been ordered by means
of this advertisement. A copy of summons, plaint and notice of motion application may
be obtained form the court registry at the high court Kericho law courts, P. O. BOX 69,
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that unless you enter an appearance within (15) days
from the date of this advertisement , the case will be heard in your absence.
Dated at Bomet this 9
day April 2014
Andrew N. Matwere Advocate
The County Government of Bomet,
Bomet County Law Ofce,
P. O. Box 19-20400
B539 Machinery for Hire
COMPRESSOR 4 hire 0721979784
B015 Poultry
BREEDERS Kenbro 0722850673
0729840857 A loan as we sell ua car
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Notice / Classied 55
MARKETING Officers with
experience needed send your CV to
Grader Excavator Bulldozer
Shovel Roller Forklift
National ID Interim Driving Licence
Valid Driving Licence
Call: 0704201901 / 0737371345
Registration ongoing.
June intake takes place on 2nd June 2014
ENNA Girls Boarding H Sch Nrb.
Helping girls excel: 0723 423132
B581 Printing
CARS wanted 50-300k 0733270366
KINGSTONE Boarding boys High
sch adm (FI-4) fees 8500 Call
0714-356421 Githurai 45
STARLIGHT Girls high sch boarding
Quality Edu tight security fees 8500
adm (F1-4) 0724-609440 Kgd rd Nbi
NGO Forestry Trainees 0773273594
Qualifed and experienced
Principal to manage a modern
mixed boarding secondary school.
Apply to the Director on
P. O. Box 346-00204 Athi River
SALESladies 4juice & water 0726160432
TEACHERS required Maths/
BStudies & Caterress/ Matron for
secondary school. Tel 0722641711,
B284 General
House girls wanted to attend Church
based professional domestic Manager
training Program. Age 30years and
above, fluent in English. Prior
Experience as house girl a must. Job
placement at good salary guaranteed.
Call Naomis Fountain for interview
today 0728406345 Marie
God fearing h/gs best salary 0722386482
2H/girls wntd good sal+off 0721531412
Driver /Mechanic needed for a real
estate company - call 0725405012 for
confirmation of interview.
ISMART Keny, Riruta Precious Plaza
Kawangware next to Equity Bank. Is
looking 4 hard working & ambitious
youths for a free business training &
job. Must be availbl 4 one week from
19th May 2014 at 10am 0704715432
Operations Manager for Security
company - Call 0725405012.
REDVELVET Juice 0720800185
A furniture firm looking for
an Interior Designer
& Technicians.
Interested candidates to
forward their C.Vs to on or
before 19
May 2014.
PHINEKARS carhire 0716-616761
A company dealing with detergents
,water treatment and related products
seeks to recruit sales and marketing
They should be holders of a minimum
higher diploma in marketing with atleast
two (2) years experience. A technical
professional background will be an added
Intrested candidates should send their
application letter and CV to:
DN/A 1668
P.O BOX 49010 - 00100
B623 Video & Photo Coverage
EVENTS organizing, MC Sparrow
Media 0724-775656
A922 Broadcast / Media Equipment
TVs 42 Inch Kshs 39k 0720-360071
A822 Computers
Systems Dejavu Technologies
Rahimtullah bld opp Bazaar/TSC 1st
floor rm 16 Moi Avenue 0726106253
munication Ltd Cargen Hse 4th flr,
Harambee Avenue 0722 864013
Lptop&Mac*repair i buy dead 0721486136
SACCO software free WWW.LT.CO.KE
WEB Domains @895 0722209414
Website+Host+Domain 0724600493
A871 Miscellaneous
A557 Apartments Available
ARROW Furnished Apts 0733760006
A564 Hostels
KAMAKIS Hostels 0711376175
A571 Hotels
GLORY Palace Hotel 1000/- per
person call: 0723176777, 0726427267,
(KENOL, Muranga)
Single Rooms @ Kshs. 2,000/=
Conference meetings Swimming Pool
Modern Gymnasium
Spacious Outdoor Event Ground For Hire.
Hotel Ambassadeur
Freedom to stay your way
SINGLE BO: 2,300 | DOUBLE BO: 2,800
Conference And Meeting Rooms
Bar & Restaurant | Free wi-fi
For reservations please call:
+254 202246615/6 | +254724259829
B250 General
CUTEST Chics wanted 0722798431
GET a job SMS JOBS to 22450
GRAPHIC Designers mail CV to salary
12000 limted spaces
JOBS in Qatar & Dubai Plumbers
Electricians Duct Fabricators A-C
Technicians Security Guards Call
0723-464058, 0729-597670
LEBANON, Jordan & Saudi Arabia
Jobs for ladies for free Call
0722530703, 0733885743, city hse
4th flr Wabera st
TSC regstd French/German 0722230046
QATAR: Taxi Drivers, Security
Guards and cleaners required drop
your documents cv passport copy,
school certificate & good conduct at
Westlands Madonna house 3 rd flr
room 302. Near Graffins College call
0708293755 0713085810
URGENTLY needed: Clerks,
Drivers, nurses, accon, sec, trs, msgrs
etc send your E-mail to 0700103666
To make appropriate enquiries and
take appropriate advice before sending
money, incurring any expense or
entering into binding commitment in
relation to an advertisement.
be liable to any person for loss or
damage incurred or suffered as a
result of his/her accepting of offering
to accept an invitation contained in any
advertisement published in the Nation.
B257 Men
PROPERTY Manager must have land
Economics degree 4 yrs exp in a real
estate company send app & CVs to
B263 Women
LADY cook Call 0722858678
B403 Colleges
ICDL, CCNA DeepAfrica Tech
Eldoret 0712 500500
TOEFL SAT Omni-Tech 0722528434
B383 Education
DEGREE dip cert 0722215781
WOMEN & girls partial scholarships
for Degree, Dip & Cert 0721-479525,
B382 Schools
JOHARI Sch Kileleshwa. Call
Kidergarten Adm 0705273030
B049 Car Hire
EDEN Rent a car, special Rate,
Saloons, 4x4, Prados, Limousines, Pick
-ups, Voxy, 0723719444, 0733758503
0700128555 rav4, Voxy, saloon new,
modern, f/ld, variety from 2500/- p.d
BELLAFRIQUE.COM rqs cars for
l/t lease 40-200k 0734608671
DELL Duo CPU @7K HP Duo Laptops
frm 18K, 1GB DDR2 Ram @1500 HP
17 TFT @5400 USB mouse @250
Kybods @380 @computer shop
Mezz1 Afya Cetre 0202095829
DUO Laptop frm 16k 0722697965
B243 Domestic/Casual Jobs
H/Helps wntd best sal+off 0722554435
PARTTIME JOBS 0700208284
An established flower farm in
Ol-Kalou seeks to recruit an
assistant accountant with the
following qualifications;
Holder of CPA 2 and above
Knowledge in Quick books
Conversant with tax regulations
and payroll administration
Atleast two years experience in
accounting functions
Aged between 27 -35 years
Applicants are required to send
their applications with detailed
Curriculum Vitae to;
The Administrator,
P.O Box 574- 20303,
(To reach us by
B277 Domestic/Casual Jobs
0722516342, 0721834778 trained h/g
ACAD in Nyad county requires ECD
teacher 5yrs exp call 0716770450,
0722211077, 0786231021
F1-3 Ruiru Wataalam Girls-Boarding
free uniform - Fees 15k sms0729523117
ANANDA Marga High School dip in
education Kiswahili History CRE
Maths Pysics near Maumau Kangora
Kangemi Nairobi interview on 15th
May 8am - 12 noon
Placement: Germany, UK, USA,
Sweden, Canada, Denmark, Greece.
SMS 0729421785
LADY teacher, math/phy/Geo/comp.
Urgent. 0721206001
HOUSEKEEPERS needed, salary 30K,
Sms 0729421659
B227 Containers
0721 666839
A538 Restaurants
Business lunches: 4 course buffet @ 950/=
Business breakfast: Full English
breakfast from 6.30am @750/=
Tusker Party 24/7 @ 150/= Only
Conference & outside catering available
(Book lunch delivery)
NHC House, Mezzanine Flr, Aga Khan Walk
Contact:0725941656, 0202064809
HP Sales Executive 0729708988
(10) BCE driver T/Boy Recep Msger
Worldwide mrkng Gill Hse 0711171811
(10) s/mkt/att cashier strore/k, tea/g,
driver, t/boy waiters cleaner, msnger &
Recept. Worldwide gill hse 0707812199
Call; 0722 941 016
0732 316 330
Plant Operator (1 Month)
Plant Maintenance - (2 Months)
Plant mechanic - PM (Grade iii,ii,i)
Automobile mechanic (Grade iii,ii,i)
Electrical engineering
Welding &fabrication
Plumbing & pipefitting
Bulldozer, Motor grader, Excavator, Roller,
Backhoe loader, Forklift - requirements an
ID,interim or driving licence
Refresher courses available
Plant operator courses in
3 bedroomed furnished apartment to
let on Raphta Road Westlannds Ksh
120,000/= p.m Call owner
0722-766004, 0722-525868
(10) BCE Drivers & T/boys clners recepts
Rockwood Biva Hse 0700351966
BLESCOHOUSE schools requires
1.qualified and experince nurse
2. school chaplain/pastor
SALES Thika call 0729522456
SPACE for Medical Doctor
Hurlighum call 0728532795
WAITRESSES Wanted 4 Pub in
Buruburu. Interview @China Centre,
Ngong Rd Samaki City. 0739555241
0721144998 new cars from 1500/=
B595 Security Services
ELEC Fence/CCTV 0712-076720
ETR/ESD & POS 0712-076720
PHARMTECH wanted in
nyahururu. sms - name, age, college
attended to 0203510221
A do you have work experience but no
certicate? Email
INTERN jobs good package.Sms your
no. And grades 0729041366
JOBS? Send Grade&no 0720750440
Wednesday May 14, 2014
56 | Classied
TOYOTA Prado 2012 mdl, 6,714
kms, 2.7L VVT-i, silver, sunroof,
roofrails, side/reverse camera,
multi-functional steering, side steps,
v/clean Kshs 6.85M neg. 0722 252 393
B120 Motor Vehicles Wanted
HONDA CRV wanted 2 buy 0722491671
PRADOTX BB 1.2M0722212564
T/AE 110 AU 395K 0722212564
SUBARU Forester KBK 700k. Call
T/A100 L-tour KBA owner 0724325577
T/Hiace shark KBY 1.75m 0722616632
625k 0720634931
Mercbenz 124 KXZ 450k 0721212789
MERCBENZ E200 compressor KBA
01' model m/gold 1.350M 0721212789
manual red wine 285K 0721212789
NISSAN Xtrail KAQ 2003 manual
diesel local 585K 0721212789
JUJAFarm 1/8 250K t/r 0721491116
PREMIOKAV 375K 0720966541
RAV4s 02 960k 04 995k NZE 04 760k
T/103 KBJ 02 550K 0722245004
T/VITZ KAX@355K v/cln 0722571078
T 110 KAQ manual green 0710324437
TVitz 2Cars KBY 640k 0722-222063
Greenfields plot 3.8m 0722610582
VICTOR safaris & tours ltd car hire
0720545192, 0722379197
SUB Legacy auto 390k 0720 491039
T/FIELDER KBY 1150m 0722954658
TD27 Nissan KAS 370k 0718896200
TOY/Isis KBP @650k 0722108080
MAZDA Demio '7 0722854640
230K 0722680480
MITS Fuso lorry h/sided 2009 2.8M
call 0722854150, 0202330466
Create a new sms
and send to 20115
SMS TO 20115
Corolla 2003
Kshs 500,000
call 07xxxxxxxx
N/March 07 silver 520k 0732262941
PREMIO 97 KAS 1.8 at 490k. Call
QZ Car and sms.20k.
SUZUKI Jimny 06 0722854640
T/Allion 07 BY Slver b-camera arrow,
rims DVD wooden string 0722555253
T/Axio 2007 1.5cc silver/gold alloys
b/camera 1.080m 0732262941
T/Fielder 2008 sil 1.1m 0716455790
T/NZE KBN v/clean @ 680k 0733437758
TOWNCE manual KBP 0715-681236
TOY 103 KBH 345K 0720711720
TOY 1st 02 KBK 500K 0722934422
TOYOSucceed 08 0722854640
TOYOTA Isis, KBX 610A, 2006 ksh
930k. lady owner contact 0715548804
YOU have a car? call Tir-Loa tours for
hire 0723-142500
B063 Driving Schools
AT Seniors from Kshs. 6,000/= All
branches. 0707299880, 0729461713
B070 Exhaust Pipes and Silencers
SETLAK Galv 552265, 0722527924
B085 For Sale, Private
@ TRACK & trace your vehicle, stop
engine by sms. 0722379954
T/Passo KBY new 520K 0710640809
BMW X5 2007, 3ltr petrol, grey, beige
leather, Call 0722 523 667
HONDA CRV 06 0721946752
ISUZU Dmax s/dcab 06 0721946752
ISUZU HTR 0722-610495
JAGUAR S-type 2001, green,
immaculate Call 0720 943 666
LEXUS 04/06 auto 0721946752
M/COLT 1300 KBX 0722795205
MAZDA Demio KBS blue0722696841
MERC E200 2004, immaculate, 1
owner, Kshs 1.65M Call 0722 523 667
MERC E240 KBP 1.8k 0737182667
MERC E250 '2010 , petrol, s/r, black,
beige leather, 4.7M 0722 523 667
1.45M R.BLUE 0718750166
MERC S320 2001, 1.6M, KBD,
immaculate, blue Call 0720 943 666
MERC S320 CDI '06, n/shape, KBW,
black, pan roof, f/l, 4.9M, 0720943666
MIT/Lancer KBY 07 665K 0722330877
MIT Canter FH/Fighter new & used
deposit from 500K blnc financed in 48
mnths. 0722293903, 0721914458
MIT canter KBB Sh 1m neg
N/AD KBY n/s 595k 0787933640
NAVARA s/dcab 05/06 0723217758
N Serena BN v/clean 650k 0718158140
Passat 06 KBV 2.0L 1.5m 0722298611
PEUGOT 507 2012, brand new,
manual, f/l Call 0722 523 667
PORSCHE Cayenne 2004, black,
Kshs 3.2M Call 0722 523 667
PRADO 04/07 diesel 0721401692
PROBOX07 645K 0718750166
PROBOX KBM ksh 470k 0727043180
RANGE Sport Black v/clean 07&06
Trade-In OK 4.3m 0722-797787
S/Impreza 07 5spd 4wd 875k0717070411
S/Impreza BV Blue 620k 0723365756
T/Fielder KBY 1.1m 0727596051
T/NZE BS 05' v/c 600K 0729027711
T/NZE KBX 06' v/c 690K 0736003706
T/Premio BV slv 860k 0736003706
T/Probox KBY 08 manual 0721701854
T/SPACIO KBY silver 07 0721701854
T. L Prado petrol BM 2m 0718158140
TOUAREG 2007, blue, leather, Kshs
3.1M Call 0720 943 666
TOWNACE KBY yr 2007 0721701854
TOY Allion BS 05 790K 0722348802
TOY Allion KBN silver 780k 0736727838
TOYAvensis auto 05/06 0721401692
TOY fielder BT 670k 0732072643
TOY Harrier 04 07254901973
TOY NZE Probox Wish Fielder dip
40% balance 12-36 months
0722113757, 0733417012
TOYOTA Hiace year 2001 1.5m neg
KBK 0722495989
TOY Prado 2001, silver, petrol, auto,
Kshs 1.15M Call 0720 943 666
JUJA 2 plots touching Thika Supper
Highway. Call 0725234846
JUJAFarm 1/8 250K t/r 0721491116
JUJA Muigai Inn plots 4 sale 2
residential plots 33x90 red soil 2.6m
behind Tracco 40x80 1.55m Call
KAJIADO6,28 &57 acres 1.5km from
tarmac. Owner 0737004111
KAMULU 50x100 dep. 50,000 bal
4mths. Ready titles. 0202-164920,
0712-013550, 0788-953862 Sideway
Properties Ltd. Vedic Hse 7th Floor
KAMULU- JOSKA near Green Hse.
50x100 plots 225,000/- 0733-582208
KAMULU-JOSKA at KBC prime Dev.
50x100 800m 345,000/- 0722312387
KAMULU- JOSKA at KBC Special offer
50x100 310,000/- 0722-312387
KAMULU- JOSKA at KBC Dev area elec
50x100 210,000/- 0733582208
Church & sch 50x100 250k 0722312387
AVENSIS Ex-UK 1.3M 0721304805
HILUXlocal kbl 0722842867
HONDA Fit 05 KBS 480K 0729821771
ISUZU Tfr pick up KAK DISEL 570k
ISUZ frr BT yr05 3.5m 0734774891
N/Wingrd KBM 460000/- 0733329679
NIS B15 vc 345k 0722395870
SUZUKI Escudo '6 0722854640
TOYAE 91 AJ 0722218094
TOY IST 2005 630k 0722661206
TOY NZE KBP 550000 0733329679
TOYOTA Prado '7 0722854640
TOYOTA RAV 4 07 0722854640
1/2 acre off Tka Muranga hway 1 1/2km
from kabati t.centre on Kabati
Mitubiri tarmac 4.5m call 0725648942
or 0729446603
10ACR 2M RONGAI 0711567554
KANGEMI 1/8ac 5m 0733329679
MERCEDES E300 milk white petrol
2008 KBY like new fully loaded
Trade In Ok
panaromic roof metallic blue 2006
Trade In Ok
0.5ACRE plot for sale Lower Kabete.
Call 020-2152243, 0729818786
T PREMIO 455K KAX 0722371133
VITZ 07 KBY/W 640K 0707-817954
B103 Lorries for Sale
FOTON Aumac lorry 8T KBG very
clean 1.1m. Call 0722722396
M/Benz 2546/43 Actros/ Axors 4sale
upto 90% finance arranged call
0720860576 4viewing!!!
MIT Canter HD KAY 1.3m 0715966596
632 987
10acs Isinya pipeline rd ideal for plots
1.5m p.a 0700416390
20acs Kajiado 3kms from town prime
land! 595k p.a 0700416390
5.5Acre Industrial plot Mombasa Road
0722270313, 0721347080 Nyotu
ISINYA Town 70acs 0725260051
JUJA 10-60ac @ 9m/ac 0727474645
TOYOTA Mark X 07 KBY silver
colour clean with alloys and fully
loaded 1.4M 0722290393
TOY Prado 2003, blue, diesel, n/shape,
Kshs 2.25M Call 0720 943 666
TOY Prado 3dr 2003, 3.4ltr petrol,
Kshs 2.25M Call 0722 523 667
TOY VX 2007, auto ,s/r, leather,
white, KBY, diesel Call 0722 523 667
TOY ZRE 2011 local 1.45m0720863969
VW Golf plus KBX 900k 0706187486
VW Toureg 04 0722228273
XTRAIL 07 1.54M 0718750166
XTRAIL n/shape 08 model KBV-E
gun metalic. v/clean 2M 0736727838
Y.O.M. 2010
Y.O.M. 2007
Y.O.M. 2008
Y.O.M. 2006
Y.O.M. 2008
Y.O.M. 2009
Y.O.M. 2007
Pre-delivery services available
Call the toyotsu sales team on:
Tel:(ISDN) 0711 050 000
Selects from over
250 units
B148 Tyres, Spares and Accessories
V.W T4 manual gear box needed
B740 Land, Plots for Sale
90ac kajiado @150kpa 0721687359
ARE you selling your plot or land? Call
us on 020-6530244
AT Green Pastures Est KBC Kangundo
road 1/8acre plots 450k 0739816702
ATHI River 1.1 acres touching MSA rd
clean papers 0722522375
ATHI River 2.5 acres touching MSA rd
35m p/acre 0722522375
AT Ngurunga Kitengela 3acres rich
with pozolana deposits 4Million per
acre 0739816702
Donholm Ph5 1/8 plot 0714619955
HAZINA Real Estate plot 0028HT
Muthiga Kinoo large building & bar
22m quick sale Tel 0722144300
HOMEWARD: Commercial plots 40x
80 Kdo rd dep. 100000/= bal 4mths,
titles ready,020-2610923, 0700497890
HOMEWARD: Daystar 50X100
dep. 100,000 bal. 4mths, titles ready,
0202610923,0700509512 viewing free
HOMEWARD: Joska 50x100 dep.
50,000 bal. 4mths, titles ready, 020
2610923, 0751201267 Viewing free
HOMEWARD: Katani 50X100 dep.
100,000 bal. 4mths, Titles ready, 020
2610923, 0700509512 viewing free
ISINYA 1/4acre 20 plots 7km off
tarmac ready titles. Deposit 100,000
pay 25,000 per month 12 months per
plot 0736-293386, 020-2673961
ISINYA 10acres @3.8m near Umma
University touching old Kjd Road
ISINYA 1acre 300mtres off tarmac
ready title 4M 0736293386
ISINYA 50x100 plots 7kms off tarmac
title 150K 0736293386
JOSKA 1/8 ready Title 2KM from
road 600K 0729522456
NISSAN p/up local petrol KAL flrgear
v/clean.700k owner 0719366638
T/NZE KBY 970k 0720-050740
T/Shark BK 700k Dep acc 0750762477
TOY 110 330k KAS mn 0723467273
TOY NZE BU 790K 0737232226
VANETE van 07 720k 0723298148
ISINYA / Konza bypass 5, 10 acres
@850k. Kisaju 1/8, 1/4, 1, 5 acres
Nyambari CBD plot 2m 0722336271
KLUGER 05 BQ wht 1.4m 0720861583
MIT Lancer 06 BY 680k 0720013086
N/ADVAN BY 07 580k 0720861583
PREMIO n/shape 08 1.6m 0721216443
SUB B4sport sln 06 grey 0735432804
SUZ Escudo, 4dr wanted 0722705485
T/Fielder BY 07 1.2M 0715372102
T/HILUX 2.4 KAA 590K 0722472275
T/PROBOX KBY/W 08 silver 1.5cc
P/Windows 14 inch alloys alarm Mp3
DVD ksh 720,000/- 0722584179
T/Spacio 07 KBY 1.5cc beige 0735432804
TOYOTA Premio 1.8cc KBY/ Y 2007
pearl white DVD Mp3 15 alloys auto
watch ksh. 1,270,000/= 0722316122
TOYO Towance needed 0722705485
TOY - Townace 2006 KBS-Z petrol
auto, v.clean 710k 0728-987833
XTRAIL 07 blue BY 1.6m 0720013086
5 acres clean title at Ongata Rongai
(Tuala Town) @60 million
BIRIKA 10acr 2m p.acr 0722-167061
JOSKA 1/2acrs 850K 0722245004
JOSKA 2acrs 1.4m p.a 0722245004
K/SUKARI 1/4ac 6.5m 0706183165
KAMULU 10acs 16m 0706183165
MAZDA Tribute 1.15m 0720491039
NISSAN QD 32 350k 0711299467
SUB forester 750k 0720491039
SUB Legacy 1.19m 0720491039
TOY Carib 290k 0720491039
TOY Harrier 750k 0720491039
TOY Hiace BJ 890k 0720 491039
TOY Noah 590k 0720491039
TOY Premio 1.6Lts 470k 0720717777
TOY Regius 590k 0720491039
PRADO TX 00 a/t 1.38m 0702512660
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Classied 57
KITENGELA 5acres 0722786196
KONZA City 100acrs 0722786196
MACHAKOS 1/2acre behind garden
hotel 0732870143 owner
PRIME Land at Mai mahiu 0739579108
KILIMANI 7br on 3/4ac commercial
or office use @380k 0723-308663
THIKA Kiboko 4 9.3m 0722858018
LAVINGTON 4br hse bungalow ideal
for Office/Residential 0720175047
OFFICE Harambee Av 15k 0720306090
HARAMBEE 3BR 0722-276785
E782 Properties for Sale
KIZINGO 2br apartmnt 0733233995
2BR New flats (neat) 30K 0733233995
KITENGELA CBD 1/4acre 3rd row
from tarmac Ksh8m 0723560455
KIKUYU/Ndiuni 1/8 25K 0708313106
RUIRU 1.25acre title 0722553286
KAREN Rhino Park 5ac 0726669979
KASARANI 40x80 comm 0722380616
Kiukenda Prime 1/2acre 0726669979
Shop R/Satelite&Dag.corner0788448253
KASARANI City chicken 1/2 acre
ideal for flats 0720461859
KIAMBU Road 1/2ac 0739302544
KIAMBU Road Thindigwa 3/4acre
Call 0733992318
KIKUYU/Ndiuni 1/8 25K 0708313106
KISERIAN Serviced 1/8 @1.6M,
Rongai Tuala @750K 0722459649
KISSI town Nyanchwa plot 77ftx22ft
KITENGELA 10KM from tarmac @
KCA 50X100 230,000 0722-312387
KITENGELA 13KM ICT city Malili
50ftx100ft 220k 0722-312387
50ftx100ft 200,000 0733-582208
KITENGELA 10 5 3acs 0722416118
KITENGELAChuna 3.5M 0722131113
KITENGELA Mavoko 10acres 5m
Call 0721957280, 0722676851
KONZA / Malili 10acrs 5km off
tarmac @1.1m p.a 0723254111
LOITOKTOK Kimana 60acres 15M
MAANZONI 10 acres touching MSA
rd near Vista 13m p/a 0722522375
Makuyu/Manaja 1/8 55K 0721491116
MERU City 1/4a res water + power
Tel 0722792017/ 0732895911 Now
MWIHOKO 40x80 450k 0722899417
NAIVASHA 50x100 500mtr from
highway 11 plots one gate very secue
1km from S/lake road 0722484068
NAIVASHA Kedong @ 25acs 40m
& Greenpark 10acs 35m 0733991512
NANYUKI (Sweet waters) 1/8a150K
pay 50% bal 6 months 0710842611
NANYUKI 1/8a 150k near Golf course
&Brtish Army 0727755544 Nemuge Ltd
NGONG 1/8, 1/4, 1/2acs 0729038205
NGONG kibiku "B" 2acs at 3.8m pa
O/Rongai 1/8 580k, 370k 0722312536
RUAI 1/8ac KBC, 1km from tarmac
300000/- 0722450218 Nemuge Co. Ltd
RUAI 1/8ac KBC 200,000/= title 0722
986680, 0722450218 Nemuge Co. Ltd.
RUAI 1/8ac KBC 230,000/- title, elec.
0722986680 Nemuge Company Ltd
RUAI 1/8ac KBC dev. area, 250,000/-
0722450218 Nemuge Co. Ltd
RUAI 1/8acre KBC 95,000/- best
special offer 0722450218 Nemuge Co.
Ltd Free Viewing Wed & Sat 9.30am
RUAI at Joska dev. prime 50x100 2km
from rd water & title 600,000/=; 3km
from rd 400,000/=; JOSKA 150,000
(s/offer); ISINYA 50x100 3km from
Pipeline 150,000/=; KISAJU 50x100
4km from road next Jamii Bora.
400,000/=. Truelands, Reli Co-op
Hse, Mfangano st., Rm 404 0720
738141, 0734800400, 0710343334 or
visit or Email:
RUAI at Joska touching outer by-pass
develped 50x100 170,000 0724717438
RUAI at KBC 2km from tarmac
50x100 300,000/- titles 0724717436
RUAI at KBC 50x100 500m from
tarmac 400,000/- w/titles 0724-717438
RUAI at KBC 50x100 dev 350,000
prime with titles & water 0724717436
RUAI at KBC 50x100 special offer
280,000/- w/titles Tel: 0724717438
RUAI Joska prime Dev. Elec, water
with titles 630,000/- 0722-206832
RUAI-KAMULU at Joska 50x100 Dev.
Prime 175,000/- Titles 0722206830
RUAKA 40x120 10M title 0718158140
RUAI KBC 50x100 135K, KBC bypass
40x80, comm 160K, 40x80 140K,
50x100 200K, Joska 50x100 275K,
600K ready title. Viewing Wed 9am,
Sat 10.30am. Hope Realty Tusker hse
0727867432, 0735696835
RUAI-KAMULU at Joska near Sunshine
Dev. 300,000 Titles 0722-206832
RUAI - KAMULU at KBC 50x100 500m
from Rd. 375,000 titles 0722206830
RUAI - KAMULU at KBC opp. farm
C Dev. Titles @260,000/- 0722206830
RUIRU 1/8 title ready 1.35m, 0.5km
from bypass 0717-628811
RUIRU 1/8 title ready 2.0m, 1km from
bypass. Developed neighbourhood
RUIRU 1/8 title ready500k 4.0km
from by pass 0717-628811
RUIRU Kimbo plots 0721579196
RUIRU Mugutha 100x100 0718158140
SAFARI Park 40x80 7m 0710446388
SYOKIMAU 1/4acre Katani rd Kshs.
4 million. Call 0722371223 owner
THIKA Githingiri next to Golf Club
1/4acre red soil with t/deed 4.7M no
agents pls Tel: 0736727838
THIKA Town Kivulini 40x80 prime
Kshs 420,000 Tel: 0722622794
THINDIGUA 3/4 acre 0721356111
B747 Parking Space Available
LONGTERM parking in secured
compound Parklands. Reasonable
rate call 0702440489
B761 Premises, Offices for Sale
2-WORKSHOPS in Embu Town Call:
B768 Premises, Offices to Let
A Office Viewpark 25K 0716-606274
Hotel self contained rooms 200sqft to
let as offices in serene gardens
surrounding 0702440489
OFFICE Anpemu House Ngara Road
Tel: 020-2020565
SHOP near Grogon rd 0722497066
B782 Properties for Sale
1BR Penthouse near Imara Daima
3.95M rental 25k 0726867060
3 brm hse 4 sale O/Rongai 0725958461
46 luxury apartments situated at Rongai, Ole Kasasi,
off Masai Lodge Road. Opposite African Nazarene
Cable (For DSTV/Zuku connections)
Bore hole water Perimeter Wall
Power Back-up generator Block paved parking
24/7 Security.
Introductory Price:
2 Br, all en suite + Guest
@ KES 5.2Million
3 Br, all en suite + Guest
@ KES 6.5Million
4 Br Master en suite +
Common Washrooms
@ 6.5Million
For more details, please contact:
Selling Agent:
Property Point, a subsidiary of Housing Finance
Rehani House, Ground Floor, Kenyatta Avenue /
Koinange Street Junction.
Telephone Contacts: 020 3262417/
3262341/ 3262266
Website: /
Tel: 0712984584, 0706564573, 0733350782.
Buruburu-3 3br+2rm 0736168382
BURU Phase1 3brm hse ample parking
@8.5m neg Call 0726450808
KILELESHWA 2br apartment all
ensuite secure 17m 0722522375
LAVINGTON 3br new apartment
ensuite dsq s/pool 14m 0722522375
NGONG 4br houses 0729038205
PARKLANDS 3bedroom apartment.
Tel. 0725388829, 0737550824
SEVEN bedroomed Villa hse at
Lavington @58m owner 0723917569
B789 Properties to Let
DAGORETTI Corner 5000 call
0722895515, 0724026658
DonholmPh8 1br 10-12k 0727720945
KATANI 5br 25k neg 0713267845
KILELESHWA 4bdr townhse
LANGATA nhc ph v 3br apt call
LAVINGTON Amboseli Rd 2brms
new Flats 35k, Shop 20k, Bsitter 8k
Call 0727-948196 020-2395490
MWAMUTO2brm 16K 0715690506
LAVINGTON Vanga rd, 3br apartm
ents, all ensuite with SQ 130,000/=
pm. No Agents. Call 0729753760
NANYUKI Educational Facilities Plus
Modern Hse On 2 Acres 1.5Km From
Town. 0770838333
RIDGEWAYS 3br secure gated
com 55K 0722-336476
RSATELITE 3br 20k + dep call
SOUTH B 3 Bedroom Flat Spacious
Secure 0721-569616 No Agents
VALLEY Arcade 2bed 0723482409
D531 Hotels
A. Glory Nyali holiday resort 1,500/- pp
+ b/fast & swimming pool 020-
2107105, 0721-895935, 0720- 298208
Offer !!!
La Jardine Hotel Ngara - The place to be.
Single room
2,500 Bed and
For Reservations Contact.
0701277663 / 0721641342
We are Located at Ngara road opp. Posta Next to
National Oil Petrol Station.
E740 Land Plots for Sale
PRIME land, Old Nyali (Mama Ngina
Rd) - 1 ac, boundary wall. Ideal for
personal/residential or investment.
Asking 100m. Contact 0715 825 796
KAREN ambassadorial 4br @ 350k
KAREN Hardy 1ac 45m 0700416390
KARIOBANGI North 0722714079
KERARAPON 1/4acre 0727-271754
KIAMBU Rd 1/2ac 18m 0700416390
KIAMBU ROAD 1acre on tarmac
near SURAYA ideal for apartments
and offices 0737888354
KINOO 45*60FT 680K, 1/8AC 2M
KINOO 87 1/4AC 2.6M, 1/8AC 1.2M
KITE balozi rd 1/8ac 1km from main rd
1.6m 0727474645
KITENGELA 1acre ngurunga rongai
rd near excel girls each 2.3m ono
KITENGELA prime 50x100 nguruga
Rongai Rd near excel girls asking 425k
KONZA plots 200k 2.8acres in Konza
@ 1M p/acre Mai Mahiu 1km from
tarmac 100k. Call: 0722792905/
0728272073 Office rm 201 Nellion
Centre Thika
LIMURU NDEIYA 2acres piped
water, tank, fence 0737888354
MAKUYU2ac 0722842867
MARAGUA Samar 3.37 acres dev
with title 6.2m 0722948808 owner
MEMBLY 40x80 4.2M 0722720773
MSA rd 1.5acs 80m 0727474645
MUGUGA 2.5acr 13m 0721845838
NDENDERU Plots 0722657301
OLKARAU 80acres 0721282513
O/RONGAI 2 (1/4) acs 200mts from
tarmac 10m each 0727474645
RUAI 40x80 @ 200k, 100x100 @
400k 0710457319
RUAKA Plot sale 0722657301
SABAki Mlolongo 50x100 0722802763
Sagana 2 1/2acrea 3.5M Rice 0720310407
river-front, 800K per acres. 0722
320385. Owner.
THIKA East-Matunda 2acre land good
soil for fruits. Call 0739409988
H/gham shop&butchery 0722343137
SHOPS Hotel & Offices Nyeri CBD
call 0722424226 or 0721800970
We humbly accept the death of our son Simon
Maina Kihia who was brutally murdered by thugs
on his way home on Friday 10th May 2014 evening.
He was a 2nd year student at Kenya Polytechnic
College University.
Beloved son of Michael George Kihia - Simba
Colt Motors Ltd. and Margret Njoki. Brother
of Elizabeth Muthoni (Clinical Ofcer), Agnes
Wagechi (Bahati Family College Fashion & Design),
Josphat Gachira (Africa Instititute Eldoret Campus)
and Lilian Wanjiku (Makori Girls Chogoria).
Kiyo Welfare Association, Githinji Clan and friends
are meeting daily for burial arrangements at
Bamboo Restaurant - Nyamakima from 6.00pm, his
parents home at Embu - Kiamuringa Village and his
grandparents home Kiria-ini - Kiriko Village.
The Cortege leaves City Mortuary on Saturday
17th May 2014 at 7.00 a.m for burial at his parents
farm Kiamuringa Village (Embu County)
In Gods hands you rest and in our hearts
you live forever Simon.Amen
Simon Maina
(1992 - 2014)
Death and Funeral Announcement
D557 Apartments Available
A commercial building Ongata Rongai
on tarmac with 6shops and 1 broom
3, and 2bedrooms 4 Ksh26M
0722270313, 0721347080 Nyotu
Kiwaja KM plt 1.7m 0722313828
MWIHOKO60x60 0727087285
BLOCK of flats 95m 0700416390
BURU 4br hse +2br ext 0733750666
CITY Cabanas 3BD apt Kshs 6.5M
quick sale 0721-315763 owner
Kasarani Claycity mansionette.
Ground floor 4 bedrooms. 1

floor 4 bedrooms.
Monthly rent 80K.
Two gates, own parking for
two. Own front and backyard.
Selling at 21M
Call: 0717-628811
KAYOLE 1storey house 16rooms
32rooms with house 0729475785
NKOROI North Estate 3b/r on
1/4acre asking 13.5m 0789-466405
HYRIDGE 7br +sqs 150K 0722343137
NGUMO1br8k 0728282530 ownr
WACEIN Investmenet GAchie
2bedroom & bedsitter 0726656999
E546 Machinery for Sale
PHOTO Copier + computer 0722284810
E789 Properties to Let
1,2,3,4 Br Ganjoni Tudor 0731922385
Kizingo 4b/r flat 80k 0720925922
OLETEPESI - Tinga Magadi Rd 1/8th
plots Kshs 95,000 call 0702487288
RUIRU Eastern Bypass 40 x 80 450k,
600k titles ready Broadspect Invest
Ltd 0712 335 837, 0738 505 445.
Office space wanted from 1500 sq ft
to 2000 not exceeding 3rd floor
within CBD. Call 0726 807708
NAIVASHA Lakeview 3/4ac fenced
asking 10M neg 0723488507
KENOL 50x100 call 0722783094
MWALIMU Farm 4ac 0700848936
SAFPAK Grdens 40x80: 0715948745
LANGATA 2x3br 22m 0722739555
LAVI 3br flt 10.5m 0722739555
LIMURU Thigio 1/4ac 0719835753
1b/r Yaya Centre 15000/= 0720020410
2BR N/West 35k 0722739555
3b/r Riara Road 28000/= 0720040895
BURU 5, 2b/room ext 15000 +dep,
2500 water dep. 0722-563772 owner
MEMBLY 100 BY 100 .CAL 0720
UMOJA 1 Sector J main plus 3 floor
ext renting 40k pm selling 6m call
owner 0722669117 or 0715278813
MADARAKA Nairobi old flats
ground floor Peter 0722575840
Santack 1br,Matasia 3br&sq 0720498348
D557 Apartments available
GITHURAI 10rms 3M 0724076799
AT South B 1br Studios & bedsitters
0720-451423, 0714538594
EASTLEIGH Sec3 selfcontained
bedsitters 0702408937, 0706116647
LAVINGTON 3br+sq apt 0725923311
PRESTIGE Holiday resort Mtwapa
fully furnished Apartments/Rooms self
catering s/pool AC DSTV WIFI
restaurant 3000/= p/day 0722351275
MATASIA 1/4acre 3.5M 0725817814
RUAI-JOSKA 50x100 Plots prime
dev area with elec 1km from Kgd rd.
400,000, Ruai Joska- ready title 1km
from Kgd rd @ 375,000, Ruai Joska-
2km from greater eastern by-pass @
350,000, Isinya 3km from Wisemen
University @ 150,000, Isinya 2km off
Konza rd 250,000, Isinya 4km off
Namanga Rd. near, Diaspora Echo
village 300,000, Kajiado near Kajiado
District Hosp. Special Offer 60,000,
Viewing Day: Sunday. Time:10:00 am.
Free Transport!!!, Finelands Holdings
Ltd, Development Hse, 8th Floor Rm
811 Opp. Afya Centre, Tel:
0722417074, 0724816611,
SHOPS Ngara / Kipande rd 300m
from Globe r/about Tel 0722635915
KASARANI Claycity Estate 5brm
house+3 1brm extensions 25m
KASARANI Hunters - plot with 4
one b/rooms hses Sh7M 0725404169
K/West Est 3Br new 0722792898
KASARANI 3br bung+sq 0722256345
L/Kabete, Banana 2/3br Wqq 0725817817
NGUMO 3br maisonette 0722256345
COAST (Telephone
Coast Numbers Only)
E457 Bar Codes
THOGOTO 5/8, bypass 1/4 plots
near tarmac 0722-902710
UMOJA incore 4.5M 0789255563
Wednesday May 14, 2014
58 | Classieds/Transition
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that
we announce the death of Mrs. Martha Ndunge
Maingi.Wife of the late Paul Maingi Kathukya.
Mother of Mbithe, Mwanzia, Beth, Ndolo,
Mutunga, the late David Ndeto, Mbungi and Rev.
Maingi. Step mother of Martha, Kivuva, Ndungwa
(London), Peter, the late Kioko, Tonni, Mbeke,
Kyalo and Kathukya. Grandmother of Mueni,
Paul, Boniface, Katunge, Dennis, Joseph, Bonny,
Joseph (Kivisi) and Wambua among others
and several great grand children. Mother-in
law of the late Mutisya, Muthoka, Justina, Loise,
Theresia, Janet, Pauline and Emma. Daughter
of the late William Ndeto & Syontheke. Sister
of the Ndetos family. Sister in-law of the late
Gideon, the late Timona and Mrs. Ndida Munavu
among others in Kathukya Family.
The cortege leaves Lee Funeral home on Saturday the 17th May 2014 at 7:00am for
burial at her home in Masewani village - Kikambuani, in Kagundo Sub- County, Machakos
I have fought a goodght I have nished my course I have kept the faith.
(2 Timothy 4:7).Amen.
Martha Ndunge
Celebration of a Life Well Lived
With humble acceptance of Gods will, we announce
the demise of Charles M. Mwangi (Kagagi) of Oop
Headquaters (Harambee House) on 8/5/2014 after
a long battle with cancer. Husband of Purity Njeri
of Ministry of Co-op. Meru south (Chuka). Father
of Susan of Ministry of Immigration (Nyeri), Machiri,
Nyambura, Njamiu (Catholic University), Wairimu
(Gikurune Girls), and Emanuel Wachira (Mt. Kenya
Plainsview Kathageri). Grandfather of Cedric Mwangi
Oduori (Mt. Kenya Baptist Nanyuki). Father in law of
J. C. Oduori. Son of Susan Wambura and Son in Law
of Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Muchiri (Wachira Lazaro).
Brother of Machiri, Cheera & Wanjugu (Chogoria).
Brother in Law of Regina (Jamii Hosp) Wanjiku
(Nyahururu), Lazarus of Karatina & Kagendo Machiri.
Uncle of Mwangi (Ruthangati Hisgh Sch.), Nyambura
& Muthoni (Chuka). Nephew & Cousin of many.
Family and friends are meeting at his Chuka
& Karatina Homes & Chuka Motel for funeral
Cortege leaves Jamii Hospital Mortuary (Karatina)
on Friday 16/5/2014 at 9am for funeral service at
Kahuru Village
Charles M.
Mwangi (Kagagi)
Death and Funeral Announcement
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the
death of Nancy Njoki Kimani Macharia, a former
employee of KCB which occured on 7th May,
Wife of Shem Kimani Macharia (Jubilee
Insurance). Daughter of the late Leonard Kimani
and Mary Wangari. Mother of Leah Wanjiku
(USA), Mary wangari (USA), and Ruth Wambui.
Sister of the late Esther Kamunya, late Sammy
Gicheha, Jane Kimanja, Margaret Ndiaga, and John
Mwaniki (Molo). Sister-in-law of Lydiah Kamau,
Samuel Macharia, Joyce Njuguna, Ann Nyambura
and John Kibe. Grandmother of Gahkarey, Keggah
and Charlotte.
Friends and relatives are meeting daily at her home
in Buruburu phase 2 Batian Court Hse No. 422
from 5.00 pm and Hot Dishes opposite City Hall
Annex-Nbi from 6.00 pm for prayers.
There will be a fundraising to offset medical bill today, Wednesday 14/5/2014 at All Saints
Cathedral from 5.00pm.
Memorial service will be held on Friday 16/5/2014 at Saint James ACK Church Buruburu
(Near Buruburu Police Station) from 2.00pm.
Cortege leaves Chiromo Mortuary on Saturday 17/5/2014 at 8.00am for burial at Kinangop
near Murungaru Shopping Centre starting at 10.30am.
In Gods hands you rest in peace, in our hearts you remain forever.
Nancy Njoki
Kimani Macharia
1957 - 7/5/2014
Death and Funeral Announcement
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that
we announce the death of Mr. Josiah Murimi
Gichangi at Karatina General Hospital on
Wednesday 30th April, 2014. Husband of Mrs.
Zipporah Wanjutha Murimi. Father of Esther
Njeri, Marion Wambui Njogu, Grace Ndegwa
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rose Bruetsch,
Patrick Gichira, Pricillah Wamwirua, the late
John Maina, Daniel Mwai and Nahasion Muriuki.
Grandfather of Lucy Nyawira Ngobia, Eliud
Muthii of Mehta Electricals, Margaret Muthoni,
Lucy Muthii of Karima-ini Secondary School,
Eliud Muthii Njogu, Peter Maina, Stella Njeri,
Pauline Ndegwa of Radix, Amos and Lucky
Bruetsch, Eliud Muriuki, Eliud Murimi and Kinyua
Gichira and great-grandfather of many. Father-
in-Law of Boniface Njogu Murangu, Rosemary
Wanjiku Maina, John Ndegwa Karani, Christine
Kagio Muriuki and Catherine Njeri Gichira.
Friends and relatives are meeting daily at his home for prayers and funeral
The Cortege leaves Jamii Hospital Mortuary, Karatina, at 8.30 a.m. on Friday 16th May
2014 and funeral Service will take place at 12.00pm at Kiaragana Village (Karuku), Mukure
Sub-location, Mwerua Location, Ndia Division, Kirinyaga County.
In Gods hands you rest and in our hearts you live forever
Josiah Murimi
Death and Funeral Announcement
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we
announce the demise of Victoria Moraa Nyangaau.
Wife of the Late Samuel Nyangau Ondimu. Mother
of Late Richard, Nyamao- Nakuru, Late Florence,
Grace Nyabuti (Queen of Angels Eld), Mwembi Aloys
(CDF Kitutu Masaba), Robert- Eldoret, Omai, Abuga-
Eldoret, Dennis-Eldoret, Jacinta (Queen of Angels
Eld),Regina- Eldoret. Grandmother of Kevin, Ambrose,
David,Albert, Job, Samule, Joy, Ezra, Iddel and Christian.
Korera of Late Nyagaka, Bosibori, Late Nyangaya, Late
Ongiri, Ruth, Ebisiba and Kagendo (Meru). Sister of
Peter Marindi, Divinah among others.
The cortege will leave MTRH Mortuary on Thursday
15/5/2014 for a requiem mass at Holy Spirit Catholic
Church Langas Parish and later proceeds to her
home Kisii.
Burial will take place on 16/5/2014 at Nyanchonori
Magwero village Nyamira County, Masaba North,
Nyankoba Location, Nyanchonori sub location.
The Lord gave, the Lord took. He is God in all
Victoria Moraa
1949 - 2014
Promotion To Glory
We regret to announce the sudden death
of Mrs. Rose Chelangat Talam. Loving
wife of Wilson Kipchumba Talam of Kenya
Pipeline Co. Ltd (Kisumu). Mother of
Mary Chepkoech (Catholic University),
Mike Kimutai Kerebei and Paul Kipchirchir
Chumba (both of Sochoi Secondary
Daughter of the late John Koskei and Jane
of Kimulot (Kapkilabei village). Sister of
Leonard, Janet, Wesley, Caroline and Haron.
Daughter-in-law of the late Kiptalam Bitok
and Mrs. Grace Koskei of Koisegem Village,
Meteitei. Sister-in-law of the late Joel, David
and Christine. Niece of Mary (Kitale), Peter
Bii (Mogoryet) among others. Cousin of
Erick, Maureen, Reuben, Symon among others.
The cortege leaves Eldoret Hospital Mortuary on Wednesday 14th May, 2014
for burial on 15th May, 2014 at her home, Kapkorio village, Kapsabet.
We love you but God loves you most.
Rose Chelangat
Death and Funeral Announcement
Its been two years since you left us
and we will never forget that
unhappy day.
Today you stand in Gods bright
Watching over us day and night.
In our hearts you will remain
until the day we meet again...
Forever loved and dearly missed by
Your loving husband, children,
grandchildren and great grandchildren
To Mama
It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance
of Gods will that the family of Daniel Mwatata
announces the death of their son Moses Chimega
Mwatata of (KPRL Msa) which occurred on 6th
May 2014 from a road accident. Son of Daniel
Mwatata and Rozalia Mwatata of Mtopanga Pr
School. Husband of Damaris Mutua. Brother
of Agnes Mwatata (Coast General Hospital),
Elizabeth Mwatata (KEMRI Kili), Ann Mbeyu
(Baraka FM), Lydia Mwatata (Ashton (K), Pius
Ngala(Mombasa Maize Millers).
Family and friends are meeting daily at Pandya
Hospital from 5pm. There will be a major
harambee on Wed 14th to assist with funeral
costs.The body leaves Pandya Memorial on Friday
16th at 9am for a church service at Kiembeni
ACK. Burial will take place at Chumani village
Kili on 17th May 2014.
In Gods hands you live, in our hearts you remain forever
Moses Chimega
Gone Too Soon
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we
announce the passing on of Ezekiel Kyalo Muthengi
(Businessman, Mwala) on 8th May 2014, after a
short illness.
Son of the late Gedion Muthengi and Agnes
Nthemba. Husband of Lucy Ndinda. Father of
Dennis Wambua, Johnstone Muthengi, Michael
Kisilia, and Tecla Nthemba. Brother of Hellen Mueni,
Jeniffer Nduku, Johnson Muthiani, Nancy Kanini,
Josphat Wambua and Winfred Mbula. Son- in law of
the late Kisilia& Agnes Kioko. Cousin of Kitungas
(Raphael, Esther, Danny, Kioko), Mutungus (Francis,
Mbithe), Kitukus (Ndise, Tony, Emmanuel, Peter)
and many others.
Family and friends are meeting daily at Garden
Square (Nairobi) and at his rural home (Mathundini,
Mwala). The cortege leaves Montezuma Funeral
home (Machakos) for burial at his Mwala
(Mathundini) Home on 17th May 2014.
Rest in Peace
Ezekiel Kyalo
Death and Funeral Announcement
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that
we announce the passing on to Glory of Mr.
Jackson Kuria Ngure on 9th May 2014. Son
of the late Joseph Ngure Kuria and Margaret
Wangari Ngure. Brother of the late Jane
Waruguru Ngure, Peter Karanja, Helen Wanja,
Mary Ngure, Keziah Nderi, Patrick Ngure,
Nancy Topiko and Henry Mbogo.
Family and friends are meeting at their home in
Nanyuki from 4.00pm daily.
The cortege leaves Nanyuki Teaching and
Referral Hospital Mortuary on Friday 16th May
2014, at 9.00am. Burial will be held on the same
day at his fathers farm in Nanyuki, Muthaiga.
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the
death of his saints. Jack, in Gods hand
you rest, in our heart you live forever.
Jackson Kuria
Promotion To Glory
Death has occurred of Francis Njihia Nyoike
a teacher at Kiandai Secondary School that
occurred after a short illness. Son of the late
John Nyoike Mugecha and Margaret Wangui
(Kamuhindi, Gakoe). Loving husband of Anne
Wangui (Karucho Boys High Sch). Father of
Derrick Nyoike (Kerugoya Boys High Sch).
Brother of Gabriel Mugecha, Lucy Wachuka,
Simon Ndungu, Pius Kimani, Grace Wanjiru,
Lydia Njeri and Philomena Njambi.
The cortege leaves Kibugi Funeral Home
Kutus on Thursday 15th May 2014 at 9.00a.m
for funeral and burial service at his home
behind Kianyaga High School in Kirinyaga
at 12.00 noon.
In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts
you live forever.
Francis Njihia
31/8/1972 9/5/2014
Death and Funeral Announcement
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will
that we announce the death of Simon
Ngunjiri Kamanu which occured on 11th
May 2014.
Husband of Jane Wangu. Son of the late
Kamanu Kihonge and the late Milka Wandia,
son in law of the late Mureithi Gikonyo
and the late Wanjugu Mureithi. Brother
of Margaret Wairimu, Mwaniki Kamanu,
Macharia Kamanu, Agnes Wanjeri and
Teresa Wangui. Father of Pauline Ngunjiri,
Nancy Wairimu, Charity Wambere, Ephraim
Ngunjiri, Gabriel Mureithi, the late Magdalene
Gathigia, George Ngunjiri, Agnes Wanjeri,
Uncle of many, grandfather of many. Great
grandfather of Kyle.
Friends and relatives are meeting daily at his home in Ihwagi and at Abby Hotel
Nairobi for funeral arrangements.
Cortege leaves Karatina hospital Mortuary on 16th May 2014, for a funeral service
at Ihwagi Catholic Church thereafter burial at his home in Ihwagi, Karatina.
In Gods hands you rest in our hearts you forever remain.
Simon Ngunjiri
9/5/1947 - 11/5/2014
Death and Funeral Announcement
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we
announce the passing on of Simon Kimani Njoroge
on Saturday 10/05/2014 after a short illness.
Son of the late Njoroge Kinuthia and Regina
Wanjiru Njoroge of JKUAT. Husband of Salma
Mohammed. Father of Hassan Njoroge Kimani,
formerly of Pioneer School - Maragua. Brother of
Waithira Njoroge, Wairimu Njoroge and Wangui
Njoroge. Uncle of Brian Njoroge. Cousin and a
friend of many.
Family and Friends are meeting daily from 4pm at
His mother,s home, Thika Section nine (Kanyiri).
The cortege leaves Kenyatta University Funeral
home on Friday 16th May 2014 at. 8.00am for
funeral service and burial at the family farm in
Gachoire village, Kagwe - Githunguri, Kiambu
In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you
live forever
Simon Kimani
04/07/1971 - 10/05/2014
Death and Funeral Announcement
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Transition 59
Dearly missed by your
mother, wife, children,
sisters and brother
Gone but not Forgotten
Eng. G.K Guchu
Husband & Father
Alex Guchu
Loving Son &
Dearly missed by your
mother, sisters and
15 Years 20 Years
You left us beautiful memories
Your love is still our guide
And though we cannot see you
Your always at our side.
It is with deep shock, sorrow and humble
acceptance of Gods will that we announce
the promotion to glory of Mrs. Janeffer
Wambugi Njeru Principal St. Teresas
Girls Sec. Sch Embu, on the morning of
9th May 2014 at The Nairobi Hospital.
Adorable daughter of Mzee Solomon Ireri
and the late Winfred Wanjira of Kathangari.
Beloved wife of Mr. Joseph Njeru Mugoh
-Chief Executive Ofcer Nawiri Sacco.
Loving mother of Kevin Mutugi Njeru
of Kanyuambora High School, Moreen
Wawira Njeru formerly of Muthambi Girls
High School and Diana Wanjiru Njeru of
Sacred Heart Boarding Primary School
Kyeni. Sister of Kathuri, Michael-OCS
Serolipi Police Station, Njeru, Muthoni,
Lydia, David-Assistant Chief Mukangu,
Muchangi, Benson-Principal Magistrate Chuka
and Leah of Nakumatt Mombasa. Sister-in-law
of Munene of Nairobi, Sara Musembi of Milimani Law Courts, Loise Njeri of Thika
law courts among others. Aunt of Mukami of st. Teresas, Patience Ngatha, among
others. Relatives and friends are meeting daily at Prime Lodge Embu from, at
her parents home at Kathangari and St.Teresas Girls-Kithimu for prayers.
The cortege leaves Gakwegori Funeral Home on Saturday 17th May 2014 at 10.00
a.m., for a funeral mass at our Lady of Assumption Catholic Church Embu Town.
Thereafter the burial ceremony will be at their home -Lower Blue Valley Embu.
We thank God for the years she was with us and allowing her to nish her race in
peace and with Grace.
In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you live forever Amen.
Mrs. Janeffer
Wambugi Njeru
Death and Funeral Announcement
It is with humble acceptance of
Gods will that we announce the
death of mzee Stephen Okemo
of Buyofu village, Bukhayo East
Location, Nambale District of Busia
County. Son of the late mzee Daniel
Okemo and the late mama Veronica
Nakhumwa. Husband of Mama
Wilbroda and Rose.
Father of John Juma, late John, Rose,
the late Redempta, Maureen, Bob,
Veronica, Dan Bosco, James and
Moses. Brother of the late Anna
Juma, the late Sarah Ogutu, the
late Rose Tabuke, the late Francis
Okiya and Hon Chris Okemo. He
is survived by many rst cousins,
nephews, nieces, grandchildren and
great grandchildren.
The cortege will leave Tanaka mortuary for Buyofu village on Wednesday
14th May 2014. Burial service will be held at the graveside in Buyofu
village, on Friday 16th May 2014, starting at 10.00am.
"Blessed are those who die in the Lord, that they may rest
from their labours"
Mzee Stephen
Celebrating a Life Well Lived
Every beautiful sunrise has a sunset and so has the sun set on the life of our
beloved Maingi in Melbourne, Australia.
Loving son of Julius N. Ethangatha (formerly of KTDA) and Nancy N. Ntogaiti.
Loyal brother of Tapradi Muthoni Gakuru, Hellen Gacheri and James Kigera.
Brotherr in-law of Nathan Gakuru Muiruri(Toronto Canada). Grandson of
the Late Ibrahim M Ethangatha, Hellen Gacheri Ethangatha, the Late Stephen
Thiongo Kigera and Charity Taprandich Thiongo. Nephew, Cousin, Uncle and
Friend of many.
Meetings have been going on at All Saints Cathedral - Nairobi, Meru home at
K.K Mwethe and Maua Basin Hotel from Monday 12 May 2014 to Wednesday
14 May 2014 from 6pm.
The memorial service will be held at St. Peters Methodist Church, Onyonka
Estate, Langata on Thursday 15th May 2014 from 2pm. The body arrived from
Melbourne and was received at Umash Funeral home on Friaday 9th May 2014.
The cortege will leave Umash Funeral Home on Saturday 17th May 2014 at
6am for the funeral service and burial the same day at the family home in Meru
at K.K Mwethe near Michii-Mikuru Tea Factory.
For Everything There is a Season and a Time for Every Purpose
Under Heaven Ecl 3:1
Death and Funeral Announcement
Leonard Maingi N. Ethangatha
(1st Nov 1977- 27th April 2014)
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the demise
of our beloved Daniel Muli Kimuli formally working
with Kenya Reinsurance Corporation Limited, which
occurred on 8th May 2014 at St. Francis Community
Hospital (Kasarani) while undergoing treatment from
6th May 2014. Beloved husband of Christine Ndunge
Muli (Mrs Kimuli) of Moi Air Base School. Son of the
late Kimuli Mathangu and the late Martha Kimuli. Father
of Catherine Mboya, Rhoda Muthei (Finland), Elizabeth
Musembi, David Kimuli (Finland), Joseph Kyalo (USA)
and Grace Kahindi. Brother of Ruth Kimeu, Pst. Lois
Ngumbau (Open Door Worship Centre; Wote), Salome
Ndemi, Alice Nzangi (Tangaza University College), Pst.
Sam Maingi (Saints Restoration Centre, Ruai), and John
Mutava (National Treasury Makueni). Son-in-law of the
late Joseph Nzwili and Rhoda Muthei. Father-in-law of
Joseph Mboya (Barclays bank), Pastor Nicholas Musembi
and Douglas Kahindi. Brother-in-law of Gedion Kimeu,
Rev. Victor Ngumbau (Open Door Centre - Wote),
Francis Nzangi (USAID-Kenya), Millicent Maingi (CCI,
SRC-Ruai) and Jasca Mutava. Uncle of Paul Kyama, Solomon Muuo, David Mumo, Henry Musembi,
Ellenah Muendi, John Mumo, Joy Mwende, Glad Ndanu, Victory Mwende, Grace Mwende and Favor
Muathime. Grandfather of Allan Muuo, Amy Mumbe, Andrew Mboya and Johnson Baraka. Friends and
relatives are meeting at Garden Square from 5.30pm and at his home in Saika.There will be a fund raiser
on Wednesday 14th May 2014 at Garden Square from 5.30pm.The cortege leaves St. Francis community
Hospital (Kasarani) Mortuary on Friday 16th May 2014 at 7.00am. Funeral and prayer service will be at
his farm at Ukia (Ukia-Emali junction) Makueni County.
Death Announcement
Daniel Muli
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we
announce the death of Gideon Katana Kitemu
which occurred on 10th May 2014 at Kenyatta
National Hospital.
Son of the Late Mr. & Mrs. Kitemu Kalwe. Husband
of Mrs. Mona Munziu Katana. Father of Late Sera
Nzioki Munuve (Syokatana), Francis M. Katana
(NHIF HQS) Alex Kyalo, Joseph Katana, Christine
Mina Mwanza, Miriam Kanini Kemoche (Kiambu)
and Viata Mureithi (Msa) and the Late Felix Kimanzi
Katana. Brother of the Late Munyoki, Syevutha
Kasuni, Nzambi, Nzioki, Mali and Mutua. Bro-in-law
of Joseph Mwanzia Maingi Mwalimu, the late Nduu,
the late Wambua, the late Kilonzo and the late
Katilo Mutunga. Uncle of Patrick Yuli, Titus, Ndiso,
Ndeti Muema, Joe,Tito among others. Father in-law
of Pauline Ndanu, Syokau Kyalos, Syokau Kimindi,
Mwanza, Mureithi and Kemoche among others.
Friends and relatives are meeting daily at Rapid Fast
Foods Cafeteria at KICC and at his home as from
5.30pm. There will be a Harambee to offset Medical Bill and Funeral Expenses on Thursday
15th May 2014 at the same venue. For Mpesa contribution 0722 919441. The Cottage leaves
Kenyatta Hospital Mortuary on Saturday 17th May 2014 at 0700 Hours for Funeral Service and
Burial at his home in Kaveta Sublocatio, Syongila - Kitui County.
Dad you have fought a good ght, nished the race and kept the faith. In Gods
hands you rest, in our hearts you will be cherished forever
Gideon Katana
1926 - 10/05/2014
Celebration of a Life Well Lived
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that
we announce the death of Eric Nzioki Munuve
(Mwalimu) on Sunday 11/05/2014 at Kitui District
Son of the late Munuve Muthinzi and Late Muindi
Munuve. Husband of the Late Serah Mwikali Nzioki.
Father of Rachael Keboh, Geoffrey Kali Nzioki
(Kitui County), Monah Nzioki, Fredrick M. Nzioki
(MOH) and Nichodemus Nzioki (KCB Kikima).
Son-in-law of the Late Katana Kitemu and Monah
Katana (Munziu). Brother of Mutia, Late Katilo,
Kivindyo, Veronicah Makau, Late Munyao, Late
Mumbi, Late Mukoma, Kiteme and Late Mwendwa.
Uncle of Willy, Robert, Muthinzi, Nyamai, Kasee,
Muindi, Viata, Monicah, Monah, Kiiva among others.
Father-in-law of Keboh Lojao, Koki, Mjomba and
others. Bro-in-law of Francis Katana (NHIF), Alex
Katana, Pauline Kivindyo, Kavisa, Beatrice, Monica
and others. Cousin of Kali Mulwa, Ngumbau Mulwa,
Muema Kavili, Manzolo among others.
Friends and relatives are meeting daily as from 5.30pm at KICC (Rapid Fast Foods Cafeteria)
Nairobi and at his rural home in Kalia Village, Matinyani SubLocation, Kitui County.
The cortege leaves Jordan Mortuary Kitui at 8.00am for a funeral service and burial on Sunday
18th May 2014 at Kalia Sub-Location, Matinyani District.
In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you live forever
Eric Nzioki
Munuve (Mwalimu)
(1948 - 11/05/2014)
Celebration of a Life Well Lived
It is with humble acceptance of Gods
will that we announce the death of Mama
Rispah Idagiza Mugarizi of Bugisivi Village,
Walodeya Sub-location, Chavakali Location,
Vihiga County. Wife of Mzee Charles
Mugarizi Odari. Daughter of the late Mzee
Joram Keverenge and Mama Jelihah Eboso
of Idavaga village,Vihiga County. Mother of
Kenneth Odari, Mary Kabiduka, Edith Agesa,
Evans Mugarizi (Moi University), Phylis
Mmbone (Kiragiru Health Centre Sabatia),
Maurice Maleya (Aga Khan Academy
Nairobi), Josephine Chavanga (Munoywa
Primary School), Alex Mugarizi (JKUAT),
Benard Mugarizi (Futuretech Computers-
Eldoret) and Judith Savai (Mumias). Sister
of Matthews Keverenge,Absalom Keverenge
and Miriam Kirima. Sister-in-law of Nipher
Kisali, Pastor Margaret Musalia, Jane Ambani,
Tafroza Mwale, Femines Musimbi and
Beatrice Muhonja. Mother-in-law of Eston
Amuyunzu ,Emily Odari, Luke Agesa, Risper
Odali, Dr. Benard Atsiaya (St. Marys Hospital
Mumias), Ebby Maleya (Lumakanda DEB Primary), Douglas Chavanga, Dorah Vijedi, Linnet
Chavalegi and Morris Wambasi. Grandmother and great grandmother to many.
The cortege leaves St. Monicas Mortuary Kisumu on Thursday 15th May 2014 at 10.00am
for a requiem mass at Walodeya P.A.G church.
Burial will be on Saturday 17th May 2014, starting 9.00am at her home Bugisivi Village,
Vihiga County.
In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you live forever.
Mama Rispah
Idagiza Mugarizi
21/12/1938 7/05/2014
Time To Rest
You are gone but not forgotten and as downs another year, you are with
us as you always were before.
Looking back with memories upon the path you trod,we bless the hours
we had with you,you left us peaceful memories, you gave us life,nurtured
us, taught us, fought for us,inspired us, your love is still our guide and
though we cannot see you, you are always at our side and there will always
be a place in our hearts no one can ll. We miss you and always will
Fondly remembered by your loving wife Mrs. Ruth Kaburo Maingi.Children
Anne Ncekei Maingi, Doris Kinya Maingi, Bernard Mukaria Maingi and
Richard Kobia Maingi, grandchild Solomon Gitonga,daughter in law Purity
Mukaria,brothers sisters,friends and many others that you inspired
A thanksgiving service will be held on Saturday 31st May 2014 at his farm
in Marega Mikinduri Meru at 12.00pm.
Give thanks in all circumstances,for this is the will of God in
Christ Jesus for you
1 Thessalonians 5:18
1st Anniversary
Solomon Maingi Mlimbere
Wednesday May 14, 2014
60 | Transition
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that
we announce the death of Mrs. Virginia Wakiuru
Njogu of Ministry of Industrialization which
occur-red on 10th May 2014 at Kenyatta National
Hospital after a short illness.
Beloved Wife of Mr. Peter Njogu Mathu
formerly of Telkom Kenya. Daughter of the late
Philip Gikonyo and the late Mary Wambui of
Muthuthini. Daughter-in-law of the late Mathu
Gachoka and the late Jane Wangari Mathu.
Mother of Amos Gikonyo Kasarani, Janet Wangari
(Kiambu Fisheries), Flora Wambui (Sasini-
Nyeri) and Anne Thuguri of (Narumoru Girls).
Grandmother of Regina Wambura and Teresa
Warnbura. Sister of Rose Njoki, the late Wangiru
Gachihi, Dr. Joseph Gikonyo (Mater Hospital),
Gatu Gikonyo, Elizabeth Wambura (KPLC),
Wilson Wanyingi of (Agriculture Kiambu) and Jane
Wangui of (Kiserian). Sister-in-law of Mr. & Mrs.
Bernard Gachoka (Nanyuki), Macharia, Kamuyu,
Beatrice,Wanja,Thuguri among others.
Friends and Relatives are meeting everyday at their home Mwiki Kasarani for funeral
arrangements and Afya Centre
The cortege will leaves St Francis Funeral Home (Kasarani) on Friday 16th May 2014 at
9.30 am for funeral service at St Dominic Catholic Church Kasarani at 10.30am.
Burial will be held at Kamulu near Mwalimu farm (Ruai)
Mum you fought a good ght, you have kept the faith.
In Gods hand you rest in peace.Amen
Virginia Wakiuru
Death and Funeral Announcement
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the
death of Paul Githii Muiga. Son of the late
Hosea Muiga and the late Esther Wangari of
Kihoya Village Kangema Division, Muranga
Husband of Juliah Wanja Githii. Father of
Frederick Muiga, Faith Wangari, Hellen
Wangechi, Hannah Nyambura, Francis
Wanyeki, Samuel Kamau, Margaret Nungari,
and Zackary Karema. Grandfather and uncle
of many.
Meetings are taking place at Silvermine Hotel,
Accra Road Nairobi and at his Rural home,
Kihoya Village from 6.00 pm. Burial will take
place at his home Kihoya on Friday 16/05/
2014 from 10.00 am
Rest in Peace Dad
Death and Funeral Announcement
Paul Githii Muiga
Days, Weeks, Months have turned into Ten years since the Good Lord took you home.
You have continued to exist amongst us through the great legacy you left behind.
You will always remain close to the hearts of your beloved Wife Jose, your Children, grandchildren,
great grandchild, the wider family, colleagues, fellow breathren and friends.
A thanksgiving service will be held at his home on Friday May 16, 2014 starting from 12.00noon.
According to the Lords word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of
the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. (1st Thessalonians Chapter 4:15)
Evans Chege Njoka
10th Anniversary
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will
that we announce the passing on of Mwalimu
Retired Jason Soita Maruti of Namutokholo
village, Namwela Location, Bungoma County,
on 2nd May 2014. Son of the late Aineah
Maruti and Dinah Nabalayo. Husband of
Florentine Kiberenge and Sarah. Father of
George (Nyamira County), Dinah (Kombewa),
John, James (Kepchomo), Maria (Teremi High),
Jane (Nalondo Sec.), Rosaria (Lake Victoria
South Water Services Board), Joseph Maruti
(Maliki Sec. School), Janet (Namangofulo Sec.),
Ambrose, Joseph Soita (Machakos Prisons),
Job, Naomi, Dinah and Damarah. Brother
of Julius Maruti, Major Maruti (Kapsabet),
Nabisandu, Khakasa, late Lumbasi, late Priscilla,
Henry Sirengo and Mary. Grandpa of Villy,Aunty,
Esther, Oliver, Gloria,Victor, Adrian, Derrick, Baraka among others.
The cortege leaves Lumboka Funeral home Tomorrow, Thursday 15th May at 12
noon. The Funeral and burial service will take place on Saturday 17th May at his
home, Namutokholo.
Jason you have left an indelible touch in our hearts,
may you rest in peace.
Jason Soita Maruti
Celebration of a life well lived
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we
announce the passing on of Alice Waeni Kithuku of
Sinai Village, Matuu Yatta on 7th May 2014 at St
Francis community Hospital Nairobi.
Long loving wife of the late Kithuku Muli and daughter
of Milca Mutinda. Cherised mother of Nzoka, the
late Mutio, Mary Mwikali, Tabitha, Kisaingu, Savethi,
Joshua and Raphael Kioko. Mother in-law of Ruth,
Beatrice, Elizabeth Munyiva, Josphine Munyiva, Peter
Nzuki, Musyoki,Wambua and Philip Ivui. Step mother
of Nzilu, Musee, late Mbula, Kavata, Ruth Munini
and Pauline. Grandmother and great grandmother
of many.
Family and friends are meeting at Sinai village at her
home Kasarani complex view estate, Jamia Central
Hotel 2nd oor daily from 6pm to 8pm.
There will be a fundraising on Thursday 15th May
2014 at Jamia Central Hotel from 6pm.
Funeral service and burial will be on 17th May 2014
at Sinai Village Matuu Location Yatta sub county from
11.00 pm.
Mum, death can not destroy the love we have for you its everlasting.
Alice Waeni
A Celebration Of Life
We announce the death of Isaac Njue
Mutitika of Kikapu Farm-Njoro, on
8/05/2014. Husband of Tabitha Wambui
Njue. Father of Rahab Nyambura, the
late Miriam Wanjiru, David Njue, Martha
Wanjiku, Phyllis Wanjiru, Mary Wangui,
Lydiah Muthoni, the late Samuel Mungai,
Grace Njambi and Leah Njeri of USA.
Grandfather of Tabitha Wambui, Isaac Njue,
Late Joyce Wangare, Isaac Mburu, Trizah
Wangui (USA) among others.
The cortege leaves War Memorial
MortuaryNakuru on Friday 16th May
2014 at 9.00 am . The burial will take place
at his Kikapu Farm-Njoro , the same day ,
starting at 10.00 am.
May his Soul rest in eternal peace.
Death and Funeral Announcement
Isaac Njue
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we
announce the death of Cecilia Mukuhi Ngugi which
occurred on l0th May 2014.
Daughter of the late Thuita Kahengu and Hannah
Wanjiru. Beloved wife of the late Snr. Chief John
Ngugi Karuku. Mother of Karuku, the late Thuita,
Muthoni, P. T. Ngugi (Snr Chief Ruiru), Mbugua Ngugi
(Nairobi Water), George Ngugi (Kiambu County
Headquarters), Hannah, Chege Githinji, Kihoro Susan,
the late Karimi, Macharia, the late Kariuki, Rachael and
Kimani (Admin Police Thika East). Sister of Wambui,
Nunga, Wangui and the late Joseph Kihoro. Mother
in-law of Waithira, Sabina, Susan, Waiyego, Wairimu,
Josephine, John Chege and Mwangi (Ass. Chief Gatei).
Antie of Francis T. Kimemia (Secretary to the Cabinet),
Nunga, Wambui (Fidelity Bank), Thuta Kihoro and
others. Grandmother of Ngugi, Cecilia, Reuben,
Njenga, Kimani, Njeri, Caroline, Kihu and other. Great
grandmother of Wambui, Muthoni, Shazmin and many
others. Funeral and prayer meetings are taking place
daily at her home in Kibagare village and Ruiru at Snr
Chief Ngugis residence, prison by-pass area from
6.00pm. The cortege leaves Uplands Funeral Home
on Friday 16th May 2014 at 9.00am and proceed to
St. Jude Kibagare church for Funeral mass and thereafter be laid to rest at her home at Kibagare
In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you will live forever.
Celebration of a Life Well Lived
Cecilia Mukuhi
It is with humble acceptance that we. announce the
passing on of Marion Nzisa Mbithi. Daughter of the
late Samuel Kilonzo & Rebecca Kilonzo. Dedicated
wife of the late Mwalimu David Mbithi Ndulu of
Matithini village, Kinyui, Matheini Sub-location,
Matungulu Constituency, Machakos County, which
occurred on 9/5/2014. Mother of Susan Mutuku,
Lucy Waeni, Nancy Mulinge, Robert Loki, Walter
Mua, Victor K. Mbithi, Alex Ngeil Florence Ndunge
Mbithi. Sister of the late Leah, late Peter, late Rose,
Naumi, Mua Kilonzo, Petronila, Masila. Sister-in-law of
late Naumi, late Grace, Anna, Esther, Grace, George
Mutisya Ndulu, Francis Muindi, Samuel Nzioka Ndulu.
Mother-in-law of Mutuku, Manthi, Rachel, Agnes,
Eunice and Asumpta. Grandmother of Catherine, Joan,
Mbatha, Mwelu (USA), Mbithi, Moses, Teddy, Ndinda
among others. Great grandmother of many. Aunt
of Grace Maingi, Mwethya, Tom Mutiso, Jane Kamba,
Jane Muinde, Francis Kimeu among others. Funeral
arrangements and prayers are taking place at Rosette
Restaurant, Harambee Coop Plaza-Nairobi and her
home in Matithini Kinyui starting 13/5/2014 at 5pm.
The cortege leaves Kenyatta University Funeral Home
on Saturday 17/5/2014 at 7am. There will be prayers at
Kinyui Salvation Army Corps, thereafter burial at her home Matithini.
Rest in peace Mwaitu, Susu,Auntie. I fought the good ght, I have nished the race
and I have kept the faith (2nd Timothy 4:7)
Promotion To Glory
Marion Nzisa
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we
announce the death of Grace Monthe Muteti which
occurred on 03/05/2014 at Bishop Kioko Hospital
Wife of the late Julius Muteti Maingi. Mother of the
late Peter Muteti, Benson Muteti, Anthony Muteti,
Donald Kawinzi, Francisca Yula, late Susan Katilo,
Jackson Muteti and James Muteti. Mother in law of
Esther, the late Sabina Mbithe, Pauline Kivuva, Joyce
Kawinzi, Lucia and Janet Ndunge. Sister of the late
Nzomo Kikuvi and Monica Syoutu among others.
Aunt of C.K. Matheka, Lydia Muithya, Esther Musembi,
Eng. M. Nzomo and Pius Nzomo among others.
Grandmother of 30 Grand Children and 50 Great
Grand children.
Friends and relatives are meeting at her home
Mutondoni Village and at Nairobi Lucky Maggy
Restaurant Agriculture house behind Consolidated
Bank. There will be a fundraising to ofet hospital
bills and funeral expenses today Wednesday 14/05/
2014 from 6pm at the same venue.The cortege leaves
Montenzuma Funeral Home Machakos on Saturday
17/5/2014 at 9.00am for funeral service and burial at her home Mutondoni Village, Lita Sub-
Location, Kathiani Sub County, Machakos County starting 12.00 noon.
Death and Funeral Announcement
Grace Monthe
With saddened hearts, but with thankfulness
to God for a life well lived, we announce
the death of Mama Salome L. Webo of Sivilie
Village, Bunyala East Location, Kakamega
County. Wife of the late Simon Webo.
Mother to Prof. Francis Situma of School of
Law - UoN, The late Philip Wechuli, the late
Eng. Williams Waswa, the late Dr. Patrick O.
Webo, Alfred Masinde of KPRL Mombasa
and Christopher Webo of Farm Concern
Friends and relatives will meet on Wednesday
14th May 2014 and Thursday 15th May 2014
for prayers and funeral arrangements at
P.C.E.A St. Andrews Church Nairobi from
Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you live forever.Amen
Mama Salome L.
Death Announcement
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we
announce the death of John Karobia Karumia on 11th
May 2014 after a short illness.
Son of the late Robinson Munyui Karumia and the
late Martha Wambui Karumia. Husband of Priscilla
Karobia. Father of Charles Karobia Karumia, Mark
Karobia and Wambui Karobia. Father in-law of Hamida
Karobia and Anthony Muraya. Brother of Beth Njoki
Edward, Peninah Wanjiru Cleophus, Ruth Nyanguru
Gitara, Tabitha Wangui Wamugi, the late Sammy
Ngethe, the late Wainaina Karumia, the late Karanga
Karumia and Margaret Njeri Gichuki. Grandfather of
Shakeel Karumia Karobia, Emayian Wanjiru Mugo and
Lemayian Muraya Mugo.Uncle of Robinson Karumia,
Susan Njoki, Sarah Wanjiku, John Karobia amongst
others, Cousin, uncle and friend of many.
Relatives and friends are meeting at Antonios opposite
Holy Family Basilica from Tuesday & Wednesday at
5.30 p.m.The cortege will leave Umash Funeral Home
on Friday 16th May 2014 after a service from 11.30
a.m. for burial at Langata Cemetry at 12.30 p.m.
He has fought a good ght and won the race
and kept the good faith. Happy are those who
die in the Lord.
Death and Funeral Announcement
John Karobia
07/12/1949 11/05/2014
The Entire staff at the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of
National GovernmentGovernment Press Department regret
to announce the sudden death of their beloved colleague, Ms.
Dianah Odero Achoki (Lady Dee), Senior Superintendent Printer,
Government Press which occurred on Tuesday, 6th May, 2014.
Daughter to Mr. Abner Okello Achoki (formerly of Ofce of
the President) and the Late Mrs. Stella Achoki. Step-daughter
to Mrs. Margaret Achoki (formerly of DTS Kenya Railways).
Mother to Roy Alex Odhiambo of Academics of Graphics and
Technology. Sister to Grace, William Maxo, the late Emily, the
late Dr. Otieno, the late Okello, Pastor Barnabas, Mildred, Leah,
Esther, Tom, Bonventure, Doreen, Stephanie and Joseph. Sister-
in-law to Andrew, Grace, Kabai, Casper, Pamela among others.
Aunty to Irene, Becky, Lynette, Judith, Kelly,Abner, Omondi, Medo,
Gaby, Ben, Brandon, Sandra, Tony, Nezer among others. Funeral
arrangements are taking place daily at Antonios Grill from 5 p.m.
on weekdays and her residence in Elpaso, Ngong. A requiem mass
will be held at All Saints Cathedral, Nairobi starting at 12.00 noon
on Thursday, 15th May 2014. The Cortege leaves Chiromo Funeral
Parlour, Nairobi on Friday, 16th May 2014 for burial at her fathers
farm in Got Kondoro Village, South-West Sakwa-Kapiyo, Bondo Sub-
county of Siaya County on Saturday, 17th May 2014.
Nya Kapiyo into Gods hands we release you to rest, in our hearts you live forever Amen.
The Presidency
Diana Odero Achoki
(Lady Dee)
Ministry of Interior and Coordination of
National GovernmentGovernment Press
Death and Funeral Announcement
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Transition 61
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we
announce the demise of our beloved John Githinji Maina
(Kimbo) who was until his demise was the director of
Kimbo Auto Spares; Kirinyaga Rd - Nairobi. Beloved
husband of Mary Nyambura Githinji. Father of Ann
Wairimu G. - Blax Treet Ruai, Esther Wanjiku Njoroge
- USA, Jenniffer Wambui Bouguermat-France, Moses
Maina - Kimbo Auto Spares and Antony Kago - Brooke
Shine School. Adored son of the late Elisaphan Gachara
and Hannah Wairimu of Subukia Farm. Brother of late
David Mwangi, Late Joseph Murata, Esther Wambui,
Late Grace Muthoni and S. K. Maina. Father-in-law of
Joseph Gathege - Blaxtreet Ruai, Samuel Njoroge - USA,
Bouguermat Nadir - France, Winnie Njambi - Nairobi.
Grandfather of Lawrence, Melissa, Bennett, Ryan among
others. Funeral and prayers meetings are taking place
daily from 4.00pm at his home Ruai Gituamba farm and
Shelter Villa-Ruai. Cortege leaves Kenyatta University
funeral home on Friday 16/05/2014 at 830am. Burial
Mass at St. Cecilia Catholic Church-Ruai at 10.30am.
Burial at Ruai Gituamba farm.
Eternal rest grants him Oh Lord. Cheerful Hearts never die they live in our hearts forever
Death and Funeral Announcement
John Githinji
Maina (Kimbo)
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the promotion to glory of our
beloved Octavian Simon Muchira (formerly Chief Electronics Engineer, Heidelberg East Africa)
which occurred on Thursday 8th May, 2014.Son of the late Simon Muchira Njoka and Pauline
Wangechi Muchira and Faith Wangechi Muchira.Adoring husband of Mrs Rosemary N Muchira,
doting father of Sandra Wangechi, Joanne Wanjiku and master Elvis Muchira. Brother of the
late Alicarda Wathitha Njuiri, Francis Muchira, Mrs Mary Munene and Ejidio Kiranga. Step
brother of Hellen Nguru, Peter Ndambiri, Morris Munene, Regina Njeri, John Muriithi, Samuel
Ndambiri and Nicholas Chomba. Son-in-law of Mr & Mrs Robert Macharia of Kamacharia
Village, Muranga County.
Family, friends and relatives are meeting daily for prayers and funeral arrangements at his
Nairobi residence, from 7.00pm-8.30pm and at All Saints Cathedral Multi-purpose hall from
6.45pm-8.30pm (on Monday) and 5pm-8.00pm from Tuesday to Thursday 15th May,2014 and
at his rural home in Kanjuu Village, Njukiini Sub-location, Kirinyaga County.
The cortege leaves Kenyatta University Funeral Home ( KU) on Friday 16th May at 7.30 am for
funeral service at St Gabriel Catholic Church,Thome, Nairobi, at 9.00 am .
Thereafter he will be laid to rest at his home in Kanjuu Village, Njukiini Sub-location, Kirinyaga
County the same day at 2.00pm.
In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you live forever.Amen.
Celebration of life
Octavian Simon Muchira aka MOS
It is with deep sorrow and shock that we announce the sudden passing of
Peter Githuka Ndungu on 8th May 2014. Up until his death, he was a Film
Ofcer, Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries, State Department of
Agriculture stationed at the Agricultural Information Resource Centre (AIRC)
Son of the late Virginia Wanjiku. Husband of Catherine Wangui Githuka. Father
of Charles Ndungu, Elizabeth Wanjiku, Dennis Kimani, Triza Njeri and Pauline
Wanjiku. Grandfather of Stacey Wangui, Kate Wangui and Gorgina Wambui.
Son in-law of Geoffrey Kimani Mugo and Teresia Njeri Kimani.
Devoted son, loving husband, loving father and a friend of many
Funeral service and burial will take place on 15th of May at his home in
Engashura Village, Nakuru County.
We celebrate you Dad.
Celebration of a Life Well Lived
Peter Githuka Ndungu
Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries
It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of
Gods will that we announce the untimely death of
Pauline Karambu on 9/5/2014 at KNH. Daughter of
late John Anampiu and Joanina Mwamaitha, Wife of
Alphonce Odhiambo, Mother of Antony Onyango
of Ramba School and Rachael Akinyi of LCA, Sister
of Monika Nkonyai, Sicilia Rigiri, Grace Tharora,
Triza Kawira, Brother of Simeon Mithika, John
Miriti and Moses Miriti, Daughter in Law of Kamlus
Oloo and late Rose Florence Akinyi, Sister in Law
of Leah Edith Awuor,Claire Odhiambo, Leonida
Oloo, Christine Apondi, Nicholas Ochieng,William
Otieno, Boaz Odhiambo.
There will be a major fundraising to offset medical
bills and funeral expenses at Amboseli Hall, Railway
Club along Ngong Road on 14/5/2014 from
5pm.Friends and relatives are meeting at her house
at Riruta Satelite along Ngotho Road. Those unable to attend to send their contribution by
Mpesa to 0722320588.
Burial will be held at Uloma Village, Ugunja Division, Siaya County on 24/5/2014
Death and Funeral Arrangement
Pauline Karambu
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we
announce the death of Jessica Ocholi Olinga. Wife
of the late Peter Olinga of Soroti, Uganda. Mother
of Barnabas Olinga, Bernadette Olinga Kengei and
Brian Olinga. Daughter of the late Barnabas and
Christine Maloba of Musanda. Daughter-in-law of
the late Daniel and Atim Olinga of Soroti-Uganda.
Sister of Peter Maloba (Musanda), Frida Andika,
Sarah (Bgm), Khadija Juma (Nkr) and the late
Consolata. Cousin of the Opendas (Mumias),
Ocholis (Kakamega) and Wamotos (Webuye).
Aunty of Evelyne Oburu, Barnabas, Rama, Edwin
among others. Mother-in-law of Bahati Kengei.
Grandmother of Peter and Owen.
Funeral meetings at Railways Club and her residence
in Kitengela from 5.00pm. Main harambee to offset
medical bills on Thursday 15th May 2014 at Railway
Club starting from 5.30pm. Burial will be held on
Friday 23rd May 2014 at Soroti-Uganda.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices, my body
also will rest secure. Psalm 16.9
Celebration of life
Jessica Ocholi
The Management and staff of National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) regret to
announce the untimely demise of Mr. Nicholas Otiende Oroko formerly of NHIF
Kisumu ofce which occurred today 2ndMay 2014. Son of the late Johannes Oroko and
Mama Magdaline Oroko.
Loving husband of the late Christine Auma and Esther Awuor. Brother to Joseph Nyakeno,
the late Nelson Otene and Mary Atieno. Loving father to the late Elizabeth Akinyi, David
Otieno, John Odera, Syprose Atieno, Paul Omondi, the late Steven Odhiambo, the late
Mitchel Anyango, the late Evelyne Otiende, Hilary Otiende, Salmah Anyango, Maurice
Otieno, Eric Owino, Levin Otene and John Oruko. Father in law to Christine, Winnie,
Anne and Grace. Uncle to Lavender Akoth, Dad, Mum and Michel. Grandfather to Cecilia,
Nick, Steve, Randy, Briton, Shantel, Andrew, Christopher, Christine and Keith.
Friends and relatives are meeting daily at his home Kajulu East Kadero for prayers and
funeral planning.
The cortege will leave Star Mortuary on Friday 16th May, 2014 at 10.00am. Funeral
Service will be at his home Kajulu East, Kadero and burial will follow thereafter on
Saturday 17th May, 2014.
Death and Funeral Announcement
Mr. Nicholas Otiende Oroko
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that
we announce the death of Mzee Festus Maina
of Buruburu phase 1. He hails from Kahuti
Sublocation, Kangomi Village, Muranga.
Son of the late Peter Ndumu (Muringu) and
the late Grace Nyambura. He was a former
accountant in Ministry of Lands and Settlement.
Husband of Jane Wanjiru. Father of Grace Kabugi,
Peter Maina (KRA), Margaret Wanja, Joyce
Mwende, Irene Waithera, John Mureithi, Samuel
Kimani, Catherine Njeri. Brother of Elizaphan
Mwangi, Godfrey Irungu, Esther Mwende, Grace
and the late Njeri. Son-in-law of the late John
Mureithi and the late Nellius Wanja. Brother-
in-law of Godfrey Gachugu and Wilson Mbatia,
Chege Muriithi, Josephine Wamwitha, Mary
Waithira. Father-in-law of Helen Macharia, David
Mwangi, David Njoroge, Fidelis Musyoka and
Eunice Kimani.
Funeral meetings are being held at BuruBuru Phase 1 Ole Ndeti street, Cypress Court,
Hse. No. 218 Big Nos. and Ebony Meeting Chambers,Tom mboya Street next to Tuskeys.
Funeral date to be announced later.
Death and Funeral Announcement
Festus Maina
We regret to announce the death of Stephen Mbugua Waraki of Toyota
Kenya Limited that occurred on 9th May, 2014.
He was the loving husband of Tabitha Mugure Mbugua and father to
Jessie Waraki Mbugua, Kevin Njau Mbugua, Sammy Kaguma Mbugua,
David Kamau Mbugua, Emily Nyambura Mbugua and Miriam Wanjiru
Mbugua. He was son of Mzee Jessie Waraki and the Late Mama Emily
Nyambura. Brother to Sammy Kaguma Waraki, Francis Ngata Waraki,
Simon Njuguna Waraki, John Mwenja Waraki, William Kibuika Waraki,
George Njoroge Waraki, Hellen Njeri Waraki, Jane Wanjiku Mwangi and
Margaret Wambui Ngugi
The Cortege leaves City Mortuary on Friday 16th May, 2014 at 4.00 pm.
Burial will be held on Saturday, 17th May 2014 at his fathers home in
Burnt Forest, Rurigi Village starting at 9.00 am.
Death and Funeral Announcement
Stephen Mbugua Waraki
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of Samuel Munene
of National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) on Thursday, 8th May 2014 at Mater
Hospital after a long illness bravely borne.
Husband of Mary Mercy Wanja Munene (Land O Lakes, board member Nguviu Girls, New KCC).
Father of Joshua Munene (SBG Securities), Stephen Muriithi (Creative Atlier), Diana Marigu
(Strathmore University).
Son of Mr and Mrs Joshua Njagi Kamweti (Gikuuri), son-in-law of the late Stephen Njeru and Mrs
Lydia Mbeere (Gichiche), brother-in-law of Mr and Mrs Julius Kamau (Ugweri), Mr and Mrs Mofart
Nyaga (Gichiche), Mr and Mrs Gideon Gichoni (Siakago) and Mary Igandu (Gichiche).
Family and friends are meeting at All Saints Cathedral, daily from Monday, 12th May 2014 from
5.30pm, and Gikuuri village home.
A memorial service will be held at Donholm All Nations Gospel PEFA church from 10.00am on
Thursday, 15th May 2014. The funeral service and burial shall be held at his fathers farm Gikuuri
village near Runyenjes Town, Embu County on Friday, 16th May 2014 starting at 10.00 am.
The cortege will leave Gakwegori Funeral Home, Embu, at 8.00am.
Death Announcement
Samuel Munene
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that
we announce the sudden death of John Nderitu
Mathenge (Mazoea). Son of the late Ezekiel
Mathenge Guandaru and Lydia Wanjiku Mathenge
of Murichu, Ndaragwa. Beloved husband of Anne
Murugi Nderitu Mathenge. Father of Michelle
Wanjiku Nderitu. Brother of the late Gabriel
Kinyua, late Margaret Wangui, Joseph Muraguri,
Priscilla Muthoni, Patrick Mwangi and Phyllis
Wamucii. Son in law of Zackary Kariuki Kamau and
Mary Margaret Muthoni Kariuki. Uncle and dear
cousin of many.
Family and friends are meeting at Ibis Hotel (Nyeri)
at 6.00 p.m. daily and at Ngima ats opposite
classic hotel.
The Cortege leaves Nyeri Funeral Home on
Tuesday 20th May 2014 at 8.00am for funeral
service at his farm in Mweiga Babito at 10.00am.
May his soul rest in eternal peace.
Death And Funeral Announcement
John Nderitu
Mathenge (Mazoea)
Wednesday May 14, 2014
62 | Transition
It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of Gods
will that we announce the promotion to Glory of our
beloved Rev. Irene Wairimu Njami which occurred on
the morning of 10th May 2014. Beloved wife of Rev.
Edward Njami Njuguna of Kenya Assemblies of God,
Dagoretti Market. Mother of Emmanuel Njuguna and
Ronnie Kuria. Daughter of Stanley Kuria Mukundi and
Catherine Nyambura Kuria. Daughter in-law of Samuel
Njuguna and Pauline Wanjiru. Sister of the late Winfred
Waceke, Kenneth Mukundi, Ann Waiyego, Caroline
Waithera, Emma Nyakinyua, Martin Kinyingi and Judy
Nyakinyua. Sister in-law of Miriam Njeri, Laban Maina,
Beth Nyawira, Peter Kagoni among others.
Friends and relatives are meeting at Kenya Assemblies of
God - Dagoretti Market daily from 5.00pm and at their
home in Ngong. The cortege leaves Montezuma funeral
home Nairobi on Friday 16th May 2014 at 7.00 am for
a funeral service to be held at their home in Kinale
Thiririka and thereafter the burial at the same venue.
I have fought a good ght, I have nished the race, I have kept the faith 2 Timothy 4: 7.
Rest in peace.
Promotion To Glory
Rev. Irene
Wairimu Njami
It is in great sorrow that we announce the
passing on of Mrs. Eunice Nyambura Kuria on
6th May 2014. Beloved daughter of the late
Mbuguiro Murimi and Maria Njeri Mbuguiro.
Wife of Jacob Kuria Njangiru. Sister of Maria
Wanjeri Thuku, and the late Murimi Mbuguiro,
Mukoma Mbuguiro, Naomi Wangari Mbuguiro
and Wanjiru Mungai.
Mother of Grace Kamoni (P.H.O. Dagoreti),
Simon Njangiru, Rose Kungu, Isaac Kuria,
George Kuria, Hannah Moko, Kezzia Kuria, the
late Naomi Wangari and Margaret Wanjiru.
Mother in law of Sam Kamoni, Lucy Njangiru,
Margaret Njangiru, Samuel Kungu, Sarah
Mbuguiro, June Waweru, John Thuu and George
Onsongo. Friends and relatives are meeting daily
at home Ngochi at 4PM for prayers and funeral
The cortege leaves Mukoe funeral home
Githunguri, Kiambu on friday 16/5/2014 at 9:00am. Burial service will be
held at AIPCA Ngochi, Ngochi, Githunguri, Kiambu at 11am and thereafter burial at
their farm Ngochi at 2:00pm
Death and Funeral Announcement
Eunice Nyambura
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we
Announce the demise of Rose Muthoni Kiboko on
10th may 2014.
Wife of the late Justus Kiboko Kabugua. Daughter
of the late Richard Karanja and Soa Gachuri Of
Kiangoma village,Kibirigwi. Daughter inlaw of the
late Joshua Kabugua and Lidya Wamiru. Sister of
Irene Wambui (Githunguri), the late kariuki, Joshua
Murage(Kiini), James Migwi(Thumaita) and Peterson
Mwai of Githunguri. Step sister of Jane Wangari, Eunice
Wairimu and Beatrice Wambui. Mother of Arnold
Maina, Bernard and Patricia Mwangi,Mercy and Francis
Fondo,Laura Wambui,Irene and James Matheri and the
late Susan Wanjiku. Grandmother of Kiboko, Kabuya,
Kabugua, Dorothy, Fondo, Muthoni and Nyambura.
Family and friends are meeting daily at her home
Thumaita at 4pm for funeral arrangements. The
cortage leaves Kibugi Funeral Home on Friday 16th
May 2014 at 8 am for a funeral service at ACK Emanuel
Church Thumaita and thereafter burial ceremony at
her home Thumaita village Kirinyaga county.
Mum, you fought a good ght, you have nished the race, Rest in peace,Amen.
Celebration of a Live Well Lived
Rose Muthoni
Four years ago, a unique purple rose was plucked from our midst. Mum, we thank God
for the time we shared here on earth. We cherish the memories of our time together.
Dearly missed by your family, children, grandchildren and many friends.
If Roses Grow In Heaven
If roses grow in heaven
Lord, please pick a bunch for me,
Place them in my mothers arms
And tell her theyre from me.
Tell her I love her and miss her,
And when she turns to smile,
Place a kiss upon her cheek,
And hold her for awhile.
Because remembering her is easy,
I do it every day.
But theres an ache deep within my heart,
It gets worse in the month of May.
And so my Lord I humbly pray,
If roses grow in heaven,
Lord, please pick a bunch for me.
Ngoro yakwa nirakena,
Ngoro yakwa igatumatuma,
Ngoro yakwa ikaigua wega ikaigua wega.
Ni tondu wa Mwathi Jesu.
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful
Father and the source of all comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3
Forever In Our Hearts / 4th Anniversary
Salome Njeri Gichuru
Sunrise: 3rd February 1945
Sunset: 14th May 2010
We think of you in silence
We often speak your name
But all we have are memories
And your picture in a frame.
Your resting place we visit
And put owers there with care
But no one knows the heartache
As we turn and leave you there
A picture of you we carry in our hearts
We close our eyes to see it when the world gets dark.
A memory of you we carry in our soul
We wrap it close around us when the nights get cold.
If you ask how we are, wed say just ne
But the truth is if you could read our mind
Not a day goes by that we dont think of you Mom
Fondly remembered by your family, relatives and friends
Ist Anniversary
In Ever Loving Memory of
Jedidah Kajuju Aburi
The Principal, Board of Management, Parents and the entire Kaaga Boys High School Community
announce the passing on of Amb. Matthew Kathurima. Until his death he was our Board of
Management Chairman.
He will be laid to rest at his Kaaga home, Imenti North District, Meru County on Friday 16th
May 2014.
We give thanks to the Lord for our Chairmans great life.
Ambassador Matthew Kathurima Mithiri
Death and Funeral Announcement
Kaaga Boys High School
They say there is a reason
They say that time will heal
But neither time nor reason
Will change the way we feel
For no-one knows the heartache
That lies behind our smiles
No-one knows how many times
We have broken down and cried
We want to tell you something
So there wont be any doubt
Youre so wonderful to think of
But so hard to be without
Its been a year since you physically left us but we know you are
always with us. We love you and miss you so much until we meet
again you will always remain in our hearts forever.
All in Gods hands!
Kaba Family & Friends
John Kirk Kaba
In Loving Memory
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Transition 63
Los Angeles
eBron James scored 49 points
to carry the Miami Heat to a
102-96 victory over Brooklyn
on Monday and within one win of
advancing in the NBA playos.
James, a four-time NBA Most
Valuable Player, matched his career
playo high as two-time defending
champions Miami took a command-
ing three-games-to-one lead in the
best-of-seven Eastern Conference
second-round series.
The Heat will try to wrap up the
series when they host game ve on
Wednesday. Jamess mammoth eort
kept the Heat on pace with the tena-
cious Nets throughout, but it was
team-mate Chris Bosh who hit a
crucial three-pointer from the right
corner with 57.3 seconds left to play
that gave Miami the lead for good.
(Jamess) biggest play of the game
after scoring that many points was
getting o the ball, Heat coach Erik
Spoelstra said of the play that ended
with Boshs key trey.
In Los Angeles, Darren Collison
scored 12 of 18 points in the fourth
quarter as the LA Clippers rallied for
a 101-99 win over Oklahoma City in
game four of their NBA playo series.
The unheralded Collinson shot seven-
of-12 from the eld in Sundays victory,
which knotted the best-of-seven West-
ern Conference second-round series
at two games apiece.
Oklahoma City led by 22 points in
the rst quarter and by 16 points in the
nal period, but they couldnt contain
the hard-charging Clippers when it
mattered the most. We had to score
and get stops, and we did that, Clip-
pers head coach Doc Rivers said. Its
now a three-game series.
In Washington, Paul George and
Roy Hibbert combined for 43 second
half points as the Indiana Pacers put
the Washington Wizards on the brink
of elimination with a 95-92 win.
The Wizards led by 19 points in the
third quarter and appeared to be en
route to levelling the best-of-seven
NBA playo series when the wheels
fell o in the second half.
George tallied 28 second-half points
for the Pacers, who lead the Eastern
Conference series 3-1.
Prevented a Spurs sweep
I was just in a rhythm and it carried
out through the whole game, said
George, who nished with 39 points
and 12 rebounds. I was able to knock
some shots down. Elsewhere, Damian
Lillard scored 25 points as the Port-
land Trail Blazers stayed alive in the
NBA playos with a 103-92 victory
over San Antonio on Monday.
LaMarcus Aldridge added 19 points
for the Trail Blazers, whose victory in
game four of the Western Conference
second-round playo series prevented
a Spurs sweep.
Theyll head back to San Antonio
for game ve on Wednesday, with the
Spurs still up 3-1 and looking to wrap
up the series and reach the conference
nals for a third straight season.
We did what we needed to do and
were looking forward to going to San
Antonio and keep competing and keep
playing our basketball, Portland
coach Terry Stotts said. (AFP)
Indiana Pacers rally
to put Wizards on
brink of elimination
Miami Heats LeBron James (left) tries to get around Kevin Garnett (left) and
Paul Pierce of the Brooklyn Nets during Game Four of the Eastern Conference
semi-nals in New York City on Monday. Miami won 102-96.
James lifts Heat,
LA hit Thunder
NBA | Portland top San Antonio Spurs to stay alive
We did what we needed
to do and were looking
forward to going to
San Antonio and keep
competing and keep playing
our basketball
Terry Stotts, Portland coach
Origi set to become rst
Kenyan to play in the
World Cup. P.66

British Athletics has named a 24-
strong team as they look to hone their
skills at the inaugural World Relay
Championships in Nassau, Bahamas.
World Indoor 60m gold medallist
Richard Kilty and world 400m
champion Christine Ohuruogu are
among those who will compete on 24
and 25 May. Top teams will qualify for
2015 World Championships in Beijing.
Points Gor Mahia have
collected so far from 12
matches to remain at
the top of the table
Djokovic makes winning return at Rome Open
Novak Djokovic made a winning return nearly a month after
suering a wrist injury, starting the Rome Masters on a rainy day
yesterday with a 6-3, 7-5 defeat of Radek Stepanek.
The second-round victory after a bye was the rst match for the
world number two since losing a Monte Carlo semi-nal on April
19 to Roger Federer while suering with his right wrist problem.
Djokovic, a two-time champion at the Foro Italico, was to have
played last week in Madrid but held o.
The Pakistan Cricket
Board has picked
Mushtaq Ahmed as
its new spin bowling
coach after the
World Cup winner
lost the role for
England. The 43-
year-old has signed
a two-year contract.
Los Angeles
Embattled Los Angeles Clippers
owner Donald Sterlings televised
apology aimed at cooling a racism
row only fueled the re Monday
when he took a vicious swipe at
NBA icon Magic Johnson.
Sterling, already banned for life
by NBA commissioner Adam Silver,
apologized profusely for the bigoted
comments that have the league at-
tempting to strip him of ownership
of the club.
But in his interview with CNNs
Anderson Cooper, which aired on
Monday night, Sterling also criti-
cized Johnson a beloved gure in
Los Angeles as a poor role model
because he contracted HIV.
He also suggested Johnson hasnt
used his wealth to help the African-
American community. He acts so
holy, Sterling said of Johnson. He
does nothing. Its all talk.
The attack was sharp enough to
draw a statement from Silver, who
said the league was pressing ahead
with eorts to remove Sterling as
expeditiously as possible.
I just read a transcript of Donald
Sterlings interview with Anderson
Cooper and while Magic Johnson
doesnt need me to, I feel compelled
on behalf of the NBA family to apol-
ogize to him that he continues to be
dragged into this situation and be
degraded by such a malicious and
personal attack, Silver said.
The NBA Board of Governors is
continuing with its process to re-
move Mr. Sterling as expeditiously
as possible.
Sterlings interview with Cooper
marked his rst lengthy response
to the scandal that broke two weeks
ago. Im not a racist, Sterling said.
I made a terrible mistake. Im here
to apologize.
Asked by CNN why he waited
until now to make his rst public
comments, Sterling said he has
been emotionally distraught. The
reason its hard for me, very hard
for me, is that Im wrong, Sterling
said. I caused the problem. I dont
know how to correct it. (AFP)
Sterling slams
Johnson, NBA
boss intervenes
I feel compelled on behalf
of the NBA family to
apologise to him (Magic
Johnson) that he continues
to be dragged into this
situation and be degraded
by such a malicious and
personal attack
Asam Silver, NBA
Donald Sterling Magic Johnson
Co-op, Ulinzi dominate basketball league with big wins
Basketball Premier League cham-
pions Co-operative Bank and rivals
Ulinzi Warriors maintained their
unbeaten record after registering
convincing victories in their rst leg
matches at Nyayo stadium.
Co-op Bank, who are seeking their
ninth league title beat newly promoted
Equity Bank 79-48 while Ulinzi War-
riors, the only club to have won the
championship ve times in a row,
defeated Kenya Airports Authority
75-60. The two teams are at the league
summit with eight points each after
winning all their four xtures.
Equity Bank, who won last years
mens Division One league, were
pushed into a tight corner by expe-
rienced Co-op Bank from the onset.
The bankers raced a 22-6 in the rst
quarter for a 41-13 half-time lead.
Co-op scored 19 points through
James Mwangi. Equity Bank would
recover to squeeze a narrow 21-20
lead in the fourth quarter. Enock Ogedi
replied with 13 points for Equity Bank.
Ulinzi needed 13 points from Antonio
Bwire to win as William Ochieng hit
12 in their comfortable 75-60 win over
Kenya Airports Authority.
The soldiers raced a 12-10 rst quar-
ter lead and gave no room for KAA as
they led 25-19 at half-time.
Co-op Bank 79 Equity Bank 48, Mennonites
67 Blazers 63, KAA 60 Ulinzi 75, Little
Prince 43 Lakeside 48, Dankind Academy
76 MKU Eldonets 45, Zetech College 56
Barclays Bank 48, World Hope 32 Umoja
74, Parklands Baptist 20 ANU 0, Nairobi
Aviation College 72 Blazers 38, KAA 77
Lions 64, Umoja 64 MKU Eldonets 37,
Dankind Academy 67 Lakeside 46.
Wednesday May 14, 2014
64 |
orld 10,000m silver medallist
Gladys Cherono pulled from a
forest of legs with four laps to go
to win the Kenya Defense Forces Athletics
Championships 5,000m womens title at
Kasarani yesterday.
Cherono (Kahawa), who is also the reign-
ing Africa 10,000m and 5,000m champion,
was home and dry in 16 minutes 49.8 sec-
onds, beating former KDF Cross Country
champion Lynet Chepkirui (Moi Air Base)
to second in 16:52.1. Thikas Gladys Chem-
weno settled for third in 17:02.0.
My body feels great, this being my rst
major event locally, said the 30-year-old
Cherono, who won the World Half Mara-
thon title in season best time of 1:07:28 on
March 29 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Seek to retain title
Cherono, the winner of the 10,000m race
during the national trials for the 2013 Mos-
cow World Championships, where she won
silver, will again seek to retain her 10,000m
title for Kahawa tomorrow.
This will be my last event before I fully
focus on qualifying for the Commonwealth
Games, said Cherono. I want to con-
centrate on 10,000m where I will go for
nothing short of victory. Cherono, who
boasts of personal best 14:47.12 in 5,000m
World Half Marathon
champion easily claims
womens 5,000m race
at KDF championships
Gladys Cherono
competes with
Doris Changeiywo
and Linet Chepkirui
during the Kenya
Defence Forces
Athletics Champi-
onship womens
5,000m nal at
Safaricom Stadium
yesterday. Cherono
won in 16:49.8.
Cherono guns down track rivals
ATHLETICS | Kiprop beats strong challenge to snatch mens 10,000 metres title at Kasarani stadium
This will be my last event
before I focus on qualifying for
the Commonwealth Games.
I want to concentrate on
10,000m going forward
Gladys Cherono, KDF athlete
and 30:29.23 in 10,000m, will be in Eldoret
where she will be training under coach Joseph
Cheromei ahead of the Club Games.
The 2007 World Cross Country senior
mens 12km silver medallist Vincent Kiprop
from Kahawa beat strong challenge from
Wilson Too and Laikipia Air Bases Kiplimo
Kimutai to win the mens 10,000m title.
Kiprop, who secured bronze at the 2011
World Cross, stayed behind leader Too and
Kiplimo until the last two laps when he hit
the front and never looked back.
Kiprop retreated to let Kiplimo take the
lead until just after the bell when he took o
with Too and Kiplimo chasing in vain.
Kiprop claimed victory in 29:04.6 as Too
took silver in 29:06.4 ahead of Kiplimo in
Caroline Cherotich from Kahawa retained
womens Pole Vault title after scaling 2.9m,
to beat Priscah Nasimiyu (Isiolo) 2.4 and
Sarah Chepchumba (Nanyuki) 2.3m.
Pauline Matanu (Embakasi) posted 5.57m
to win womens long jump nal as Priscah
Nasimiyu took silver in 541. Sharon Muli
(LAB) won bronze in 5.27m.
In mens 400m, Commonwealth Games
champion Mark Mutai (MAB) continued
to polish his act ahead of his title defense,
winning his heat in 48seconds, beating Boni-
face Mucheru (Nanyuki) 48.3 and Georey
Namudany (MAB) 49.8.
Mutai and Mucheru are in the team to
Bahamas World Relays.
10 Kenyan boxers to face Zambia in friendly ahead of Club Games
Boxing Association of Kenya
(BAK) has released the squad that
will face Zambia in an international
friendly tournament on May 22.
BAK vice chairman Albert Matito
said the 10 boxers will go into resi-
dential training immediately.
The team was selected after the
nals of rst round of National Box-
ing League at the weekend. The
team has ve ocials.
The boxers will also be exempted
from the second round of the league
in Kisumu on the same day.
The event at Nakurus Madison
Square Garden is part of Kenyas
preparations for the Common-
wealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland,
in July.
The squad will be led by Rayton
Okwiri, who recently won gold at
the Sri Lanka Lions Cup tourna-
ment in welterweight, alongside
Nick King Abaka (middleweight),
Elly Ajowi (lightheavyweight),
Charles Okoth (heavyweight) and
Peter Opudi (super-heavyweight).
Others are Matayo Keya (light-
yweight), Isack Meja (yweight),
Olympian Benson Gicharu (bantam-
weight), Nick Okoth (lightweight)
and Denis Bilaboong Okoth (light-
Aziz Ali of Prisons and Peter
Mungai (Police) are among the big
names missing from the list.
Matito will head the technical
bench assisted by George Foreman
Onyango, Patrick Mont Waweru,
Patrick Maina and John Waweru.
BAK chairman, John Kameta,
urged the boxers to do their best.
We are not going for big names
this time. Everyone must to prove
their worth, said Kameta.
At least 36 professional golf-
ers will be in action as the newly
constructed Thika Greens Golf
course host the rst leg of the
2014 KCB Golf Tour.
At stake is Sh500,000 for the
pros and a number of prizes for
the amateurs. The event will this
year feature ve events with a
whopping Sh5.7m up for grabs.
This is will be the rst pros
tournament the course is hosting
but the third amateur event to
take place there.
The course is good but long.
One has to do a 13km of walk but
we will see how to tackle it, said
senior pro Elisha Kasuku, one of
the pros who played a practise
round yesterday at the course.
Others present were Greg
Snow, who will soon be y-
ing to Europe for the European
Challenge Tour, Vet Labs Brian
Njoroge and Sigonas Ganeev
A month ago, the course staged
the Maina Kageni International
tournament which attracted over
200 amateurs. Since then, the
management at Thika Greens
Golf Estate has made a lot of ef-
forts to improve conditions in
readiness for this weekends tour-
nament, among others.
At least 200 amateurs had
been listed by yesterday. We
have made some improvements
to ensure the course is in good
condition. We are now looking
forward for to the tournament,
Thika Greens CEO Charles Kibiru
Most of the professionals will
be using the event as part of their
preparations for international
tournaments and therefore, the
kind of scores they will return will
be the point of focus.
The best score at the weekends
Nation Golf Circuit at the par 73
Nakuru Golf Club course was a
level par 73 by Mumias Dismas
Indiza and Royal Nairobis Hes-
bon Kutwa.
The following are results of
some of the events played over
the weekend.
At Karen; Crystal Cup Finals
and Subsidiary sponsored ICEA
Lion; Winner Wanjira Kireri beat
Joyce Ndegwa 2-1. Losing semi-
nalists Rose Musau, Tonya
Shaw. Subsidiary; Winner, Clare
Lindsay 40 points, Nellie Ayodo
35 cb Eleanor Stevens 35 points.
Miriam Chege 33. Men winner
Michael Murungi 44 points,
Anthony Mogere 39 cb David
Muriithi, Anthony Gacheru.
Nines; Richard Kemoli 20, Brian
Sifuma 20. Sta winner Peter
Kombe 34 points, Kelvin Nyakeri
25. Guest winner Chris Isabwa 35
. Thika; CMC Motors Group Ford
Division Golf Day: Overall Win-
ner; Wilhem Mugho -19+22=41,
Men Winner; P.Mukuria 40, cb
J.M.Thairoh, Kalpesh S 39, cb
M.Nyaga, Lady Winner; N.Nganga
41, Eunice M 37, Junior Winner;
Simon Ngugi 37.
36 pros battle it
out at KCB Tour
tourney in Thika
Cash reward for the professional
winner of the KCB Tour rst leg at
Thika Greens course this weekend
Big shame as Gor Mahia neglects injured defender Nasio
Gor Mahia right back Solomon
Nasio is in dire need of medical at-
tention to salvage his career.
The 28-year-old Nasio broke his
nose last year during Gors 2-1 win
over Karuturi Sports in Naivasha.
His last appearance for Gor was on
March 30 in their 2-1 loss to Bandari
in Mombasa, where he was withdrawn
after he began bleeding. According to
Nasio, the surgery will cost at least
Sh150,000, which he cannot aord.
My attempts to get help from the
club have been futile as the manage-
ment has been avoiding me. They
promised to help but nothing has
been done so far, Nasio told Daily
Nation Sport.
It has been a dicult time for me.
I was injured in a club assignment but
Im yet to get any help. Ive been in
and out of the Kenya National Hospital
for check-ups and this is becoming
unbearable for me. The doctors recom-
mended corrective surgery last year
but Im yet to undergo the procedure
due to lack of money.
Nasio says he experiences pain when
breathing. At times I bleed and thats
why I cant train, Nasio laments.
And with the June transfer window
fast approaching, Nasio fears that Gor
may drop him. This means my life
will get even more complicated and
my career is at risk.
My team-mates tried to sup-
port me by sacricing their winning
bonuses. However, Gor Mahia man-
agement stopped this claiming it
would embarrass the club, he says.
Contacted, club secretary-general
Chris Omondi said they were aware
of the situation but the clubs nan-
cial position could not allow them to
help Nasio.
Money Gor defender Nasio needs for
surgery after breaking his nose
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Sport 65
est level. Football is team work, added
Okoth, whose successful football ca-
reer that began at Itiero High School
in Western Kenya, saw him also turn
out for Shabana and Kenya Breweries
(now known as Tusker FC) on the local
scene, before moving to play profes-
sional football in Belgium.
Star-studded team
Divock, who has recently been linked
to English Premier League giants
Liverpool and Arsenal, joins a star-
studded strike force that also includes
Chelsea forwards Lukaku and Eden
Hazard, Manchester Uniteds Adnan
Januzaj and Manchester City skipper
Vincent Kompany.
This development comes as a big
blow for Harambee Stars coach Adel
Amrouche who has for the past one
year attempted to woo the youngster,
who scored six times for his French
club this season.
We have been talking to him
(Divork), he hasnt said yes, and
he hasnt said no as well.talks are
ongoing and I am remain hopeful he
will join us Amrouche told journalists
during a press brieng last week.
Barely a week later, Divock who
has turned out for Belgium in all the
youth national teams - has said no
to Kenya.
Belgium have been drawn in Group
H along with Algeria, Russia and South
Korea, and kick o their World Cup
campaign in Belo Horizonte on June
17 against the north Africans.
or the rst time since the in-
augural tournament in 1930, a
Kenyan will be playing in the
Fifa World Cup. And its not just any
other World Cup, its Brazil - the de
facto home of the beautiful game.
Divock Origi, whose parents are
Kenyan, will be playing for Belgium,
a country where the teenager was born
and raised when his father, Mike Okoth
Origi, played professional football.
While unveiling his squad, Belgium
coach Marc Wilmots said Origi, 19,
would be best to replace the injured
striker Christian Benteke.
Although Kenya now allows dual
citizenship, Divock chose to play for
Belgium where his teammates are an
array of superstars including another
African, Romelu Lukaku of DR Congo
Blow for Harambee Stars
This (announcement) is a big sur-
prise; I did not expect him to be called
up (this early), Divocks father and
manager, former Kenya International
Mike Okoth Origi, told Daily Nation
Sport on phone from Belgium yes-
This is big news for him, but he
has worked very hard this season and
improved a great deal as a player.
I am certain he will light up Brazil.
It is unfortunate for Kenya that Divock
has chosen Belgium, but this is not a
lost opportunity (for Kenya) because
we have great talent in Kenya that only
needs to be nurtured to reach the high-
Lille forward Origi set to become
LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON | His dad, Mike Okoth, had a permanent slot in the national team
Belgium coach says
gifted teenager the
best player to replace
injured striker Benteke
Lille forward Divock Origi (left) battles for the ball with Lorient defender Bruno
Ecuele Manga during their French Ligue 1 match last month. Origi, whose parents
are Kenyan, will play for Belgium at the 2014 Fifa World Cup in Brazil.
Goalkeepers (4): Thibaut Courtois
(Atletico Madrid/ESP), Simon Mignolet
(Liverpool/ENG), Koen Casteels
(Hoenheim/GER), Silvio Proto
Defenders (8): Toby Alderweireld
(Atletico Madrid/ESP), Anthony Vanden
Borre (Anderlecht), Daniel Van Buyten
(Bayern Munich/GER), Vincent Kompany
(Manchester City/ENG), Jan Vertonghen
(Tottenham/ENG), Thomas Vermaelen
(Arsenal/ENG), Nicolas Lombaerts
(Zenit St-Petersburg/RUS), Laurent
Ciman (Standard)
Midelders (6): Axel Witsel (Zenit St-
Petersburg/RUS), Marouane Fellaini
(Manchester United/ENG), Steven
Defour (Porto/POR), Moussa Dembele
(Tottenham/ENG), Nacer Chadli
(Tottenham/ENG), Kevin De Bruyne
Frowards (6): Romelu Lukaku (Everton/
ENG), Divock Origi (Lille/FRA), Eden
Hazard (Chelsea/ENG), Kevin Mirallas
(Everton/ENG), Dries Mertens (Napoli/
ITA), Adnan Januzaj (Manchester
Football runs in the family
Divock Origi began his football
apprenticeship at the academy of
Belgiums Racing Genk Club where his
father played as a professional.
His father, Michael Okoth Origi,
was born on November 16, 1967
in Muranga and starred in school
football at Itierio High School, Kisii
and at the towns Shabana Football
Club as a goalkeeper before moving
to Nairobis Kenya Breweries (Tusker)
where he converted into a world class
He had a permanent slot in the
national team and his last major duty
was playing for Harambee Stars in the
2004 Africa Cup of Nations in Tunisia.
This (announcement) is a
surprise. I did not expect
him to be called up this
early. This is big news for
him, but he has worked
very hard this season and
improved a great deal as
a player. I am certain he
will light up Brazil. Its
unfortunate for Kenya
that Divock has chosen
Mike Okoth, Divock Origis
father and former Kenyan
Road to Brazil 29 Days to G -AL!
There was a sense of relief at
cash-strapped Gor Mahia when
Chase Bank sealed a Sh15 million
health insurance cover for play-
ers and members of the technical
bench yesterday.
The cover will benet the 30
players and seven members of the
technical bench and their families.
The deal, the rst in Gors his-
tory, is expected to uplift spirits as
the club has been struggling with
nances since the expiry of their
sponsorship deal with Brookside.
The players and ocials have
been catering for their own medi-
cal bills.
Gor rst vice-chairman, John
Pesa, said the cover was a step in
the right direction.
It is something we want to
build on going forward, Pesa said.
These sentiments were shared by
Chase Bank head of Medical In-
surance Cynthia Okonya.
The unveiling of the deal also
coincided with the launch of
members recruitment drive which
targets up to Sh100 million an-
Pesa said they were targeting a
fan base estimated at three million
to ease nancial burden.
The clubs monthly wage bill is
Sh2.7 million and lack of sponsors
saw the Gor pay players in two in-
stalments in March and April.
Gate collections have been
used in catering for training al-
lowances. In last weekends 2-1
home win over Sofapaka, the team
collected Sh1.1 million. It pocketed
Sh645,000 after paying for the
ground and security charges.
Register as members
Club secretary-general Chris
Omondi said time had come for
fans and members to boost the
clubs nances.
We are urging Kenyans who
want to identify with this club to
register as members as we seek
to make the players comfortable,
Omondi said.
They are our foundation and
that is why we want them to be
part of these eorts targeted at
transforming this club, he added.
During the ceremony, several
fans signed for membership after
they were presented with the club
cards after paying Sh1, 000 regis-
tration fee.
The recruitment drive will be
done in partnership with Chase
Gor players get
historic health
insurance cover
Health insurance cover Chase
Bank has signed with Gor Mahia
Amount the club hopes to raise
annually from recruitment drive
Wheres the money?
KOgalos monthly wage bill
Wednesday May 14, 2014
66 | Sport
rst Kenyan to play in World Cup
and his last major duty was playing for Harambee Stars in the 2004 Africa Cup of Nations in Tunisia
Road to Brazil 29 Days to G -AL!
Brazil vows to stop
Argentina hooligans
Brazil on Monday vowed to
crack down on hooligans intent
on trouble at the World Cup and
voiced particular concern about
Argentinas fans.
We do not want violent fans at
the World Cup in Brazil, sports
minister Aldo Rebelo said in re-
sponse to reports that some of
Argentinas notorious barra bra-
vas, or hardcore fans, may make
it across the border to the event
starting June 12. We are cooper-
ating with international police to
minimise the risk of hooliganism,
Estado de Sao Paulo quoted Re-
belo as saying.
Fireghter facing jail
over bogus tickets
A Brazilian reghter could
face jail for trying to sell World
Cup tickets at inated prices,
Globo reported on Monday.
Globo named Sergeant Rogerio
Cruz as having been ngered in
an investigation following an in-
vestigation over several weeks by
Globo television.
The broadcaster had Sunday
shown how several fans had been
duped into buying bogus or non-
existent tickets at above face
value prices on a website purport-
ing to be connected to world foot-
ball body Fifa. All tickets, bearing
the purchasers name, have been
bought through Fifas website.
Colombia prays
for Falcao miracle
Colombia is praying that tal-
ismanic striker Radamel Falcao
can recover from a serious knee
injury to lead their return to the
World Cup after a 16-year ab-
sence. Monaco forward Falcao
was tipped to become a star of
the World Cup after scoring nine
goals in 13 games in Colombias
campaign to reach the nals for
the rst time since 1998.
His exploits included two
penalties in a dramatic 3-3 draw
with Chile which sealed Los Caf-
eteros World Cup berth, when
they fought back from 3-0 down
to clinch a crucial point. The sur-
geon who operated on Falcao said
in April that he thought he would
make the nals but he would not
be 100 percent t.
Iran players bemoan
shrinking socks

Irans World Cup coach and play-
ers have hit out at the countrys
football federation and kit spon-
sor for providing shrinking socks,
boots that are too small and not
enough equipment.
The row has worsened tensions
between coach Carlos Queiroz
and the federation over chaotic
preparations for the nals, which
start June 12 in Brazil. The Por-
tugese coach went to a training
camp in Africa last month with
only 12 players. With the count-
down ticking away to Irans rst
Group F game against Nigeria,
Queiroz criticised the makers of
the Iran team strip Uhlsport.
Cote dIvoire icon Didier Drogba
(right) hopes to exit the international
football stage in a blaze of glory at the
2014 World Cup.
That would mean the Elephants
claiming at least a top-two nish in a
Group C with no clear favourite and
reaching the knockout stage for the rst
time. Unlucky 2006 and 2010 group
draws condemned the West Africans to
nishing third behind Argentina and the
Netherlands in Germany and third be-
hind Brazil and Portugal in South Africa.
But xtures against Colombia, Japan and
Greece present 36-year-old Drogba with an
excellent opportunity to retire on a high.
The Ivorians have been branded Africa
Cup of Nations chokers, having failed to
justify being title favourites at ve consecu-
tive tournaments. However, they proved
stubborn World Cup opponents, holding
Cristiano Ronaldo-inspired Portugal 0-0 in
2010 and going down by one-goal margins
to Argentina and the Dutch. Competing
at the previous two tournaments was
very dicult, Drogba, who now plays for
Galatasaray in Turkey, admitted to Ivorian
We have a realistic chance to do bet-
ter in Brazil and get past the rst round,
added the 99-cap star, who has scored 63
goals for the Elephants. Sabri Lamouchi
had never coached at senior level when put
in charge of the country that has topped
the Africa rankings for many years despite
winning no titles. He took charge in 2012
from Francois Zahoui. (AFP)
This will be one last battle for warrior king Drogba
aya Toure has added a new
weapon to his armoury and
that spells danger for World
Cup rivals of Cote dIvoire.
Once an occasional scorer, the Afri-
can Footballer of the Year has become
a hotshot in Manchester Citys Premier
League winning team.
Toure scored a career-best 20 goals
in the title race just decided many
from free kicks with others created
from surges through mideld.
He was given a standing ovation
when substituted just before the end
of Manchesters 2-0 win over West
Ham United on Sunday that sealed
the title.
An English Premier League hat-
trick against Fulham in March
was the first of a career that
has taken Toure from Abidjan
to north-west England via Bel-
gium, Ukraine, Greece, France
and Spain. He hit two powerfully
struck penalties and a superb,
medium-range curled shot to
reach 20.
Not every midelder scores
20 goals in a season and Yaya
achieved that feat before the end
of March, boasted City manager
Manuel Pellegrini.
Yaya Toure is a very important
player, he said of the 31-year-old box-
to-box star.
Ivory Coast coach Sabri Lam-
ouchi would endorse that view
with Toure assuming an in-
creasingly important role
for a national team popularly
known as the Elephants.
Kind draw
Father time is fast catching up
on the likes of Kolo Toure, an
elder brother of Yaya, Di-
dier Zokora and iconic
striker Didier Drogba,
meaning added re-
sponsibility for the
City vice-captain.
Unlucky 2006
and 2010 World
Cup draws pitted the
West Africans against
giants like Argentina,
the Netherlands, Brazil
and Portugal, and led to
rst-round exits.
But the 2014 draw proved kinder
with Ivory Coast in Group C beside
Colombia, Japan and Greece.
Reaching the World Cup knockout
stage would be especially joyful for
Ivorian supporters who have suf-
The Big Elephant Yaya
Toure is Cote dIvoires
engine in quest for glory
Cote dIvoire midelder Yaya Toure dribbles under pressure from Gambias Abou
Jameh during their 2014 World Cup qualier in Abidjan on March 23 last year.
fered continuous disappointment in
the seemingly less demanding Africa
Cup of Nations. Title favourites
ahead of ve consecutive African
tournaments from 2006, the best
the Elephants managed was two
sets of runners-up medals.
The Nations Cup also oered some
sobering lessons for Toure, who could
again be voted African footballer of
the year for 2014.
Toure has been voted fotballer
of the year three consecutive times
by national coaches based on the
Annoyed many Nigerian fans
But his 2013 success annoyed many
Nigerian football fans, who believed
runner-up John Obi Mikel, who rarely
starts for his club Chelsea, should
have topped the poll.
Toure began his career at
famous Abidjan nursery ASEC
Mimosas and played for Beveren,
Metalurh Donetsk, Olympiakos and
Monaco before joining Barcelona.
The 1.91-metre giant never com-
manded a regular place, though, and
with coach Pep Guardiola preferring
Sergio Busquets as a mideld
enforcer, Toure moved in 2010
to City.
At rst it was the powerful
runs and precision passing
that drew praise, and now the goal
trickle has turned into a steady ow.
Combined with the fancy foot-
work of Gervinho and the predatory
instincts of Drogba and Wilfried Bony,
it oers Ivory Coast hope of a last-16
place in Brazil. (AFP)
Goalkeepers (4): Boubacar Barry
(Lokeren/BEL), Sayouba Mande
(Stabaek/NOR), Sylvain Gbohouo (Sewe
San Pedro/CIV), Ali Badra Sangare
(ASEC Mimosas/CIV)
Defenders (10): Kolo Toure (Liverpool/
ENG), Arthur Boka (Stuttgart/GER),
Jean-Daniel Akpa Akpro (Toulouse/FRA),
Serge Aurier (Toulouse/FRA), Ousmane
Viera Diarrassouba (Caykur Rizespor/
TUR), Didier Zokora (Trabzonspor/TUR),
Constant Djakpa (Frankfurt/GER), Brice
Dja Djedje (Marseille/FRA), Benjamin
Angoua Brou (Valenciennes/FRA),
Bamba Souleymane (Trabzonspor/TUR)
Midelders (6): Ismael Diomande (St
Etienne/FRA), Max Gradel (St Etienne/
FRA), Yaya Toure (Manchester City/
ENG), Ismael Cheick Tiote (Newcastle/
ENG), Georoy Serey Die (Basel/SUI),
Didier Ya Konan (Hanover/GER)
Forwards (8): Didier Drogba
(Galatasaray/TUR), Gervinho (Roma/
ITA), Salomon Kalou (Lille/FRA), Wilfried
Bony (Swansea/ENG), Giovanni Sio
(Basel/SUI), Mathis Bolly (Duesseldorf/
GER), Seydou Doumbia (CSKA Moscow/
RUS), Lacina Traore (Everton/ENG)
Competing at the previous two
tournaments was very dicult.
We have a realistic chance to do
better in Brazil and get past the
rst round
Didier Drogba
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Sport 67
World Half Marathon champ
beats sti competition to win
womens 5,000m title. P.65
Scintillating King James lifts Heat
over Brooklyn in playos, Portland
top Spurs to stay alive. P.64
SIGHT | Training on eye diseases
Students look at a slit lamp used to examine the interior and
posterior parts of an eye in Kisumu. A shortage of eye special-
ists and facilities has been blamed for the suering of many
people from eye-related diseases that lead to blindness.
prosecution witness
in Deputy President
William Rutos case
at the ICC withdrew after
he was oered Sh5 million,
prosecutor Fatou Bensouda
Another claimed that he
had been kidnapped and
forced to sign, at gunpoint,
an adavit to the ICC re-
canting all the evidence he
had given to aid the pros-
In documents submitted
to the International Crimi-
nal Court, Ms Bensouda says
all the eight witnesses she
wants forced to testify were
either under the ICC protec-
tion programme managed by
the Victims and Witnesses
Unit or the one run by her
Despite making statements
and being part of the 46
witnesses she had lined up
against Mr Ruto and former
journalist Joshua arap Sang,
they capitulated and told her
between March and August
last year that they would not
be testifying.
The eight were labelled
insider witnesses. The
prosecution had planned to
use their testimony to link
Mr Ruto and Mr Sang to the
post-election violence.
They would have been
expected to speak about
meetings they are said to
have attended with the ac-
cused, where plans were
made to commit crimes.
They were also to give
details of how the two were
allegedly involved in the
Ms Bensouda had told
the court that some of the
witnesses were likely to
implicate themselves in the
cases. They would have been
seen as having participated in
some of the crimes Mr Ruto
and Mr Sang are alleged to
have planned.
Witness 16 returned to
Kenya on July 15, last year,
ostensibly to renew his
He disappeared on July
29, without informing his
minders, said Ms Bensouda
in an application to the court
in December.
Her oce is reported to
have contacted the man twice
in August but he refused to
state whether he would
continue cooperating with
the ICC.
Ms Bensouda says the
man never withdrew formally
from the case or recant his
statements. He said he was
remaining in Kenya for the
sake of his children and was
unhappy with the ICC.
The prosecutor claims that
the man was oered Sh5 mil-
lion in July after he returned
to Kenya. In his statements
to ocers from Ms Bensou-
das oce, the man said he
attended two meetings in
which Mr Ruto took part.
Witness oered Sh5m
to pull out of ICC suit
TRIAL AT THE HAGUE | Eight considered key in case
Man returned to
Kenya to renew
passport, only
to disappear,
says Bensouda
Total number of witnesses
Bensouda had lined up
against Mr Ruto and Mr Sang
(BIG ROCKER) 485/-
SOCKET 250/-
Wednesday May 14, 2014
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Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Daily Kenya Living
LIVING I lost my unborn baby to pre-eclampsia; do not risk yours
INSIDE> Petrolhead Baraza JM doles out expert advice on motoring
Botched operations
As doctors insist that ambulance-chasing lawyers are blowing
medical malpractice out of proportion, patients reply that care givers
are becoming careless. The truth lies somewhere in between
Twitter: @VerahOkeyo
n late 2008, a little baby named
Nelly developed pneumonia. Her
mother took her to Kenyatta
National Hospital, where, upon
examination, a doctor advised that
she be injected with some medication
in the arm. A nurse did it and mother
and daughter went home.
Days later, Baby Nelly would lose
that arm in a medical scandal that
irked the entire nation. Her mother
said at the time that she had noticed
that something was not right with
the babys arm a few days after the
injection, so she went back to KNH
to ask what was happening.
The babys arm was rotting, doctors
told her. Somehow, the injection had
severed key supply veins in the arm,
making it virtually dead while still
attached to the baby. Doctors fought
to save it, but it was too late. In 2010,
at the height of media coverage of the
story, Baby Nelly was transferred to
Kijabe Mission Hospital, where her arm
was amputated. However, she did not
live beyond her second birthday, dying
that year from complications arising
from the surgery.
The case was reported to the
doctors regulator, the Kenya Medical
Practitioners and Dentists Board
Three years later, some rather
shocking news was sent to Nairobi
newsrooms from Mwingi. Mary
Ndanu, 26, had been admitted to a
local hospital for a caesarean section.
When her appointment with the scalpel
arrived, she was wheeled into the
theatre and cut open. Midway through
the surgery, the operating doctor got
an irresistible urge to check into his
local pub for a couple of drinks.
Ndanu, cut open and heavily
anaesthetised, never made it out of
the theatre. An autopsy report by
pathologist Georey Mutuma revealed
that she had died from anaemia caused
by excessive bleeding as her belly had
been left open for too long after the
removal of her dead baby.
Again, the case was reported to
Last month, a 28-year-old woman
offered to tell us the story of her
husbands death at the hands of a
medical team, but on condition that
we do not reveal her identity because
of family disagreements regarding
the matter.
Her 35-year-old husband, she
says, was checked into a prestigious
private medical facility in Nakuru in
January this year after he complained
of recurring chest pain. The man, an
athlete, was discharged three days
later and put on antibiotics. Then
from that moment, a string of what
his wife calls serious mistakes started
The man, it later turned out, had
contracted pneumonia, yet no doctor
mentioned this to her despite the bills
piling up to hundreds of thousands of
shillings. He was in and out of hospital
and during the third month since his
rst visit to the doctors, he collapsed
and died.
His death, as an autopsy report
would later reveal, was both preceded
and hastened by some diagnostic
blunders and clinical negligence
that made patients safety a game of
chess in a hospital with an otherwise
excellent reputation.
The man was being treated for acute
bronchitis, so chances of saving his
life were missed because the doctor
did not make a referral when he did
not respond to the medication that
had been prescribed for him in the
rst few days.
His wife had watched helplessly
as her husbands health slowly
deteriorated from mild breathing
problems to depending on an oxygen
mask to survive. At their Lanet home
recently, the widow looked at a family
portrait of happy moments with her
husband, then in a little, tearful
murmur, said: He was very excited
about our rst pregnancy. He would
make these jokes about how hed enrol
the baby we were expecting in a football
academy if it turned out to be a boy.
I was barely in my second trimester
when he started saving for the baby...
now he is no more.
Unlike Baby Nelly and Mary Ndanus
deaths, she never approached KMPDB
for punitive action against the hospital.
Her in-laws, however, negotiated an
out-of-court settlement with the
Deaths are not unexpected in
hospitals and in Kenya, as in many
countries, the numbers are seldom
monitored. That, however, does not
mean that medical malpractices, simply
known in the industry as medmals,
should be hushed up. While these three
cases only highlight a problem in the
medical sector that KMPDB says it is
addressing, many more are feared to
be covered up through suspect hospital
policies and outright fraud.
The cases may range from subtle
accusations of overcharging to serious
mistakes that may expose the errant
doctor to criminal charges, such as the
manslaughter allegations preferred
against the Mwingi doctor believed
to have caused the death of Ndanu.
Those aggrieved by the loss of loved
coverstory coverstory
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Bernard Mwinzi REVISE EDITOR: Mary Wasike SUB-EDITOR: Naliaka Wafula PHOTO EDITOR: Joan Pereruan CHIEF
GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Roger Mogusu GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Nzisa Mulli, Andrew Anini, Dennis Makori, Alice Othieno,
Michael Mosota, Ken Kusimba, Hassan Ibrahim, Benjamin Situma, Joy Abisagi, Virginia Borura, Teddy Murimi, Linus
Ombette REPORTER: Joy Wanja COVER GRAPHIC AND CONCEPT: Hassan Ibrahim Mwera
Deaths are not unexpected in hospitals and
in Kenya, as in many countries, the numbers
are seldom monitored. That, however, does
not mean that medical malpractices, simply
known in the industry as medmals, should be
hushed up. Are ambulance-chasing lawyers
making a killing in the process?
ones, or those who survive with an
injury because of a doctors negligence,
accuse medical professionals of
betraying their trust, while journalists,
predictably, have drawn up sensational
and as many doctors would say in
their own defence misleading
statistics about medmal.
That is why the debate about such
malpractices in Kenya dominated a
meeting of medical practitioners and
other stakeholders in the medical eld
during the 42nd industry scientic
conference held in Kili towards the
end of last month.
Shortage of doctors and poor
facilities, among many other factors
that doctors say are beyond their
control, are a recipe for disaster
and have turned hospitals into
what one commentator equated to
Such alarmist comparisons, says Dr
Elly Nyaim, the chairman of the Kenya
Medical Association board, serve only
to blow the situation out of proportion
as these cases have always existed,
but it is only now that they are in the
public domain, probably because of
rampant activism in the eld.
Ambulance-chasing lawyers,
laments Dr Nyaim, have seen a
window of opportunity to fleece
doctors and are making a killing
out of it. But Prof Kiama Wangai, a
doctor and lawyer, says such scenarios
have only become common because
Kenyans have become increasingly
litigious about medmal as the level
of awareness about their rights rises
due to growing literacy.
Keen to assure the public that the
medical eld in Kenya is not under
siege, Dr Nyaim says that, like any
other profession, there are a few
doctors who commit mistakes, but
insists that the bodies regulating
doctors do not let them get away with
their errors. Where proper treatment is
given and death occurs due to disease
and its complications, he says, one
should not claim that doctors and
hospitals were negligent.
Data about medmal indicates
that KMPDB gets more complaints
from obstetric and gynaecological
patients than any other branch of
medicine, accounting for 27 per cent
of reported malpractices compared to
nancial overcharging and failure to
refer patients, at 16 and 12 per cent,
respectively. Other problems involved
failure to refer and withholding
patients data.
KMPDBs statistical analysis of
complaints reported from 2007 to
2012 indicates that 70 per cent of
all complaints received by the board
were about private hospitals, yet
these attend to smaller numbers of
Kenyans compared to public and
mission facilities, which accounted for
16 and 13 per cent of alleged medmal,
respectively. In total, the body received
742 complaints in the ve-year period
to 2012 and 40 between January and
March this year.
Careful not to absolve errant doctors
of blame in certain cases of medmal,
Dr Nyaim decries the pathetic
state of health care in Kenya, which
he says contributes to the occurrence
of negligence.
For instance, there are currently only
8,705 doctors and 1,046 dentists to
attend to the over 43 million Kenyans
in the country. If calculated against
the entire nations population, one
doctor attends to a little more than
5,000 people while a dentist takes care
of 42,000 patients, far below the World
is to
Statistical analysis of complaints reported
from 2007 to 2012 indicates that 70 per cent
of all complaints received by KMPDB were
about private hospitals, yet these attend
to a smaller number of Kenyans compared
to public and mission facilities, which
accounted for 16 and 13 per cent of alleged
medmal respectively.
May 14, 2014
The religious inclination of some
health care providers, coupled with
a growing fear of litigation in the
profession, are denying women access
to reproductive health services,
particularly safe abortion.
Mothers are also regularly
admonished by medical
attendants and statements
such as you had your fun, now
carry the consequences or why do
you give birth like a dog? as well as
a deliberate delay of attention for up
to two days are common in Kenyas
Monicah Ogutu, the director
of Kisumu Medical Education
Trust, ranks unsafe abortion
as one of the big ve that kill
women, while Prof Boaz Omondi-
Nyunya, the in-charge
of the Kenya Medical
Associations reproductive
health committee, says
training alone has not
enabled health care service
providers to divorce
their religious and moral
attitudes from their
professional duties.
A study released this
month by the Reproductive
Health and Rights Alliance,
which polled residents in
Mathare Valley, Nairobi
indicated that, while
62.5 per cent of medical
practitioners had adequate
capacity to provide quality
contraceptive services
in their clinics, only 10
per cent were ready to provide those
Other studies by the Population
Council, Prof Omondi-Nyunya says, have
shown that patients suer abuse at the
hands of health care providers and that
the mistreatment is higher in obstetric
and gynaecological cases.
Ms Ogutu of KMET says health care
providers often turn women away when
they seek contraception, only for the
women to seek services from quacks
and backstreet hospitals.
When they eventually come back
to us, the complications arising from
unsafe abortions are life-threatening
we remove pieces of metal from their
private parts. Some even die.
At the moment, data from the Ministry
of Health indicates that unsafely
induced abortions account for as
much as 35 per cent of maternal
mortality and at least 50 per cent
of gynaecological admissions in
Most health care providers know
that the Constitutions Article 43
allows patients access to quality
health care, including emergency aid
in case of post-abortion cases,
but the more than the 300
doctors who congregated in
Kili last month acknowledged
that there is a still a policy
Article 26(4), which states
that a woman may procure
an abortion under the expert
advice of a medic in case the
mothers life is threatened, has
been interpreted wrongly by
many people, the doctors said.
Prof Omondi-Nyunya
agrees: We cannot interpret
the Constitution for Christians,
Muslims, traditionalists, and
every religion in Kenya... When
a woman comes to my clinic
almost dying from bleeding,
my main aim will be saving
her life regardless of how sinful I think
premarital sex is.
The doctors recommended that
there should be a policy to unpack
the Constitution and clearly show
what a health care provider should do
about a woman who seeks abortion,
and hence eliminate room for diverse
coverstory coverstory coverstory coverstory
Health Organisation-recommended 1:
1,000 ratio.
To make matters worse, public
hospitals, where the bulk of Kenyans
seek medical attention, only have
2,000 doctors. Consider, also, many
doctors have left active practice for
other interests such as research, have
died, or have own abroad for greener
Medical equipment in public health
facilities in the country are also in a
bad state, some more than 20 years old
or double their lifespan and, therefore,
prone to frequent breakdowns. And the
government is doing little to make the
situation better.
Consider the allocation to the
health sector in the last national
budget Sh34.7 billion out of the
required Sh160 billion, or 5.7 per cent
of the Sh1.6 trillion national budget
which Health Cabinet secretary
James Macharia said was grossly
The 5.7 per cent was a product of
reductions four years in a row from
2010: In 2010, Sh7.20 out of every
Sh100 was spent on health care, but
in 2011 the gure fell to Sh6.10 and
Sh5.9 in 2012. Much of this money,
observers have said, was spent on
curative medicine and very little on
As the relationship between
doctors and patients is further
strained, concerns have been raised
about the ecacy of medical training
institutions. While there is no empirical
data to support the belief that younger
doctors commit most of the oences,
some older members have expressed
fears about the casual way in which
youthful medics approach medicine.
Prof George Magoha, the chairman
of KMPDB, told the delegates at the
conference in Kili last month that
young doctors have a morbid fear
to ask for a second opinion, so they
follow their hunches.
Instructions over the phone
He also accused his colleagues
in private practice of charging their
patients exorbitantly and not being
available when needed. Some of
you give instructions over the phone
to nurses! he exclaimed.
Njeri Maingi, who lost a relative after
a doctor with no training in oncology
operated on a cancerous growth in her
breast in Mombasa, cites poor training
as a factor in the rise in incompetent
Every doctor who goes into the
medical profession has a duty to act
with a reasonable degree of care and
skill, she says. But how can they
maintain such standards of practice
when they get their training from all
these substandard medical training
schools coming up?
But Prof Magoha insists that the
problem lies elsewhere as well, not
just inside the classrooms of medical
training institutions. While it may be
Article 43 (1) (a) and (2) of the
Constitution guarantees every
person the highest attainable
standard of health, inclusive of
health care services, maternal
and reproductive health care, and
the right to emergency medical
Conversely, the Constitutions
Article 46 (1) (c), (d), (2) and
(3) provide for a right to be
compensated for loss or injury
arising from defects in goods and
The latter may include, but is
not limited to, unlicensed or fake
pharmaceutical products or medical
services oered by unlicensed
medical practitioners.
You made your bed, now lie in it:
The experiences of labouring women
hard to measure standards of hospital
care, we can say condently that each
of these schools that have come up
are taken through a systematic four-
stage process of inspection before they
can be given the green light to enrol
medical students.
Such explanations as inadequate
facilities, exhaustion, and carelessness,
however, remain anecdotal. But some
doctors and hospitals in which
clinical negligence has occurred have
in the recent past found themselves at
the punitive end of the law
For instance, the Nairobi Womens
Hospital was recently ordered by the
High Court to pay Sh8.8 million as
compensation for the loss of income
of 29-year-old Lucy Njoki, who died
from extensive lacerations to her
uterus after complications during
childbirth. The newborn also died
shortly afterwards.
Prof Kiama Wangai, the lawyer-
doctor who attributes the high number
of reported cases of medmal to growing
literacy levels, explains how the judge
arrived at the Sh8.8 million sum: The
High Court used a multiplier of 31 to
determine the value of lost years to
the age of 60, and the judge may have
put into consideration the deceaseds
salary, multiplied that by 12 months,
and then multiplied the product with
the remaining years till one is 60.
Added to the money, Prof Wangai
further explains, the court awards
funeral expenses, loss, and the
emotional damage the negligence may
have caused the bereaved family.
But do not go rushing to the
courts yet, he cautions, because
even in hospitals where one patient
died, hundreds walked out healthy,
and so, apart from a good lawyer,
you must have a very high index of
suspicion and proof that the doctor
acted negligently.
There may be other issues involved;
maybe the patient did not give the
doctor all the information about his or
her medical history or he or she sought
treatment late and you know the
patient has a right to refuse treatment,
and when that happens the doctor has
to obey, says Prof Wangai.
The complainant must also prove
that there were serious errors in the
medical treatment which no competent
doctor would have made. This must
be proved by the expert testimony of
a doctor.
You have to show that the doctor
was not reasonably skilful or competent
as he should be, and that this alleged
incompetence harmed you. You must
also demonstrate that those errors
caused or contributed to the injury
or the unfortunate circumstances
you are complaining of.
In conclusion, the patient must
prove how the incompetence cost
him materially, such as lost wages
or enjoyment of life, and how those
injuries have changed his life. This, too,
is done through expert testimony.
When a woman
comes to my
clinic almost
dying from
bleeding, my
main aim will
be saving her
life regardless
of how sinful I
think premarital
sex is.
Prof Omondi-
May 14, 2014
Hi Baraza,
Kindly delve into the pros and cons
of driving a 1998 or 1999 Land Rover
Freelander. Kindly also highlight any
known aws in the car.
The Land Rover Freelander left
the factory with 136 known faults,
which were exposed to Britains Car
magazine in an espionage-style leak
by a company insider. These problems
ranged from the a) mechanical: Power
steering system failures, shearing
driveshafts that would render the car
permanently 2WD, malfunctional dis,
the manual transmission popping out
of gear when in second whenever a
hard left run was taken, to b) build
quality: The upholstery was so badly
installed that it blocked the HVAC
vents. Dealers were asked to cut holes
in the upholstery just so the demister
vents could do some venting and
thus work properly, to c) structural:
In some dicult o-road situations,
wheel articulation would lead the body
to twist and ex to a point where the
windscreen would crack and the doors
would be jammed shut.
Do I need to go on? This car was
developed and launched when Rover
was broke, and it shows. Rover was in
a hurry to compete with the Toyota
RAV4, and the result was a half-
baked job. The face-lifted Freelander
1 addresses most of these issues,
though. If you must have a Freelander
1, get a later version.
I cannot believe that people
would criticise the work you do. The
questions people ask are genuine. I
am in Afghanistan and your column
is like music to my ears. Back to
1. The Toyota Alphard has safety
features which include a blind corner
monitor, radar cruise control, and a
lane-monitoring system. How reliable
are these features and do they aect
fuel eciency?
2. What happens if any of these
systems fail? Will the car be able to
perform eectively, especially if the
lane monitoring system fails? Will the
car maintain stability?
Hi Andrew,
I would agree with you, but you,
too, must agree that sometimes the
back-and-forth of those questions
and answers can get repetitive and
monotonous. That would explain my
rant during that weeks Car Clinic. My
reputation was built around doing
comprehensive, honest-to-God, witty
and entertaining car reviews as well
as incisive, thought-out, and pertinent
analyses and commentaries on various
automotive issues. Car Clinic came
after. That name and reputation is
international, if I may say so myself, a
fact further proved by your stating that
you are in Afghanistan.
This does not mean that I am killing
o Car Clinic; far from it. I know the
eect it has on readers, which is why
it is back here. Now, let us get down to
1. The reliability of these features
depends on the manufacturer in
question. They work perfectly in cars
like the Mercedes S Class and top-run
Volvo saloons, but, incidentally, not
at their press launches. Somebody
almost always forgets to turn them on
in the demonstrator vehicles, resulting
in the exact kind of accidents they are
trying to avoid. I do not know about
the ones in the Alphard; I have never
used them, but seeing how they made
it into production, I would assume they
are reliable.
They also aect fuel eciency, but
not in the way that you think. Their
presence, not their use, aects fuel
economy. You see, these things need
hardware to work, and hardware is
made of matter, and matter is anything
that occupies space and has weight.
This necessitates a bigger vehicle,
which is obviously heavier and has
a slightly worse aerodynamic prole
than a smaller one. Then there is the
hardware itself weighing in to up
the tonnage of the said vehicle. A
heavy, aerodynamically compromised
vehicle is thirstier than its diametric
opposite. You might be better o in a
car without these systems. If they are
installed, use them. Shutting them o
is not going to help economy at all.
Then, if they fail, the worst that
will happen is that you will get a
whole slew of warning lights blinking,
ashing, and beeping all over your
dashboard. It will not aect stability.
The other downside is that you will
be relegated to being a regular driver;
you will have to monitor blind corners
with your own eyes, use a combination
of the accelerator and brake pedals to
maintain a certain speed, and use your
eyes and the steering wheel to stay
in your lane. In other words, drive the
way you were taught at driving school.
These systems do not control the car,
you do.
I have seen quite a number of
Caldina GT-4 (Turbo) models on our
roads and have heard that the vehicle
is very fast and can give a Subaru STi
a run for its money. If it is true, I might
save up and buy one, considering that
it is a Toyota and hence has cheaper
spare parts and better fuel economy.
Please do a review on it.
2. I have noticed that Toyota do not
produce cars with twin-cam specs
anymore. What advantages did twin-
cam cars have and what replaced
3. Recently, Jake asked for a suitable
location for a drag strip. Well, there is
a disused airstrip with a serviceable
tarmac runway here in Nyahururu
town which would be very good for a
drag strip. You can check it out.
1. The GT4 may be fast, but I am
not sure it will give an STi a run for
its money (though this might depend
on which inept, overgrown child is
driving the STi). STis are scary-fast
(in a straight line). I am also not sure
if the parts are cheaper. The GT4 is
a performance version of a regular
vehicle, which means that, more
likely than not, it will be chock-full of
performance parts from TRD (Toyota
Racing Development). TRD parts are
not cheap. The economy front is also
doubtful: If it has to keep up with an
STi, then expect consumption like an
STi, and then some. I did do a review
on a Caldina back in 2010, when this
column was still new, but it was not a
GT4. Trust me, when I get my hands
on the GT4, the review will nd its way
into these pages.
2. What you mean here is Toyota
does not produce cars with stickers
and decals written Twin-Cam on
them. They still manufacture twin-cam
engines. The Caldina GT4s 3S-GTE
engine IS a twin-cam.
Rover made the Freelander when it was broke, and it shows in the car
May 14, 2014
The advantages of twin-cam are
theoretical. They allow the engineer to
better place the inlet and exhaust valves
at a more suitable angle that allows for
high rpm engine operation and maximises
power while at the same time keeping
reciprocating masses (mostly the cam
lobes and the valves) to a minimum.
Practically, this only works in high-
performance engines.
3. I will be sure to check this place out.
Who knows, I might show up in a Caldina
GT4 with a twin-cam engine
Hi Baraza,
You have a way with words and great
advice on motoring.
My question is whether it is possible
to add ABS braking to a vehicle
manufactured without/before ABS.
I have an almost-out-of-teenage (19 years
old) 2.5L Petrol VW T4 Caravelle Van
(yeah, the type popularised by former
president Daniel arap Moi in the 90s).
Great machine, handles like a small car
and boy, is it come! A bit hard on the
pocket at about 8km/l but I am not
It is possible to add ABS braking to
an ABS-less car, but in the end, you will
discover that you have remanufactured
the entire braking system. The costs and
labour involved, especially ne tuning the
ABS settings, installing the sensors, getting
the ECU to recognise the addition of ABS
etc, are best borne by a factory/company,
not an individual.
So, no, it is not worth the eort. Even
though possible (to some extent), you are
unlikely to succeed.
Dear Baraza,
You came very close to recommending
the VW Golf MK IV to a female reader in
the April 22 edition of Car Clinic. After
much research, I believe I have the
solution to the gearbox woes. First, as
much as possible try and get a manual
Golf. Most will be from the local franchise
and not as shiny as the Japanese imports
with recent number plates but similar
Second, since the ex-Japan Golfs
are the majority in the market and
predominantly automatic, the key to
maintaining a good gearbox is to ensure
that the transmission uid is properly
lled as well as regularly changed with
VW synthetic transmission oil spec
75W90 from the dealer at every engine
oil service. If this is not done, the selector
shaft seal will leak the uid level. The
5th and 4th gears, being the highest, will
be unlubricated and damaged, leading
to dreaded shudders, jerks, and
violent shifts when the car has warmed
from cold. If not caught in time, it is a
horrendously expensive gearbox rebuild.
The manuals, especially of GTis, need just
as important care, unlike their Toyota and
Nissan counterparts that can go for years
with the same transmission uid.
The second and deadly gearbox killer is
that all post-2007 and pre-1982 VW Golfs,
Jetta, and Polo used soft metal rivets in
the gearbox to connect the dierential to
the 5th gear. These shear o and break
over time, leading to fragments and holes
in gearbox casings. When the gearbox
starts whirring/whining, it is a sure sign
that the bearings are on their last legs.
The soft metal rivets should be replaced
with a nuts-and-bolts kit to permanently
solve this imminent failure. These
remedies will ensure that the otherwise
perfect MK IV engine is mated to a slick
gearbox to get the class-leading driving
experience from the well-engineered
suspension and electronic stability
German wizardry. The MK V Golf in its
fancier frock covering, the ulcer-inducing
FSI engine, and DSG gearbox (robotised
manual gearshifts) are a topic for another
day, as is the MK VI with a supercharged
and turbocharged TSI engine mooted at a
German beerfest in Wolfsburg.
VW Golf Fan Club Member
Dear VW Golf Fan Club Member,
You are truly a member of the VW Golf
Fan Club. I would never have guessed
some of the stu you just said, especially
the part about using soft rivets to connect
the di and the gearbox (I believe this is
what we call a transaxle). Your input is
well appreciated.
Dear Baraza,
I drive a Golf MK V 1.6 FSI and would
like to upgrade to a new model. I have
looked at their TSI line-up and would
like to settle for the 1.2 TSI. However,
my friends are discouraging me because
it has a turbo and DSG gearbox. The
current one has a DSG gearbox and I have
come to appreciate the magic of DSG.
When I look at the technology front, it
seems most companies in Europe and
America are coupling turbos with petrol
engines for fuel eciency. Think of Fords
ecoboost, Volvo, Peugeot Mercedes Benz,
VW, etc. The Japanese have only started
coupling the VVTis and V-TECs with turbo
just recently. Is it by choice or are they
lagging behind?
Back to my VW: Should I be wary of
the TSI engine or take the plunge? I love
improvements and am ready to take a
leap of faith.
I think the reasons your friends are
discouraging you from dabbling in DSG
and turbos is that when it comes to crunch
time, your wallet will see re.
The Japanese have also been using
turbos for a while, but in extremes. They
either applied them to extremely high
performance cars to maximise power and
minimise weight (Lancer Evo, Subaru STi,
Mazda RX-7, Nissan Skyline GTR et al)
or in very tiny, tax-dodge Kei cars with
only 660cc to extract a little more power
from what is otherwise a lawn mower
with seats. So I would say they eschewed
turbos from mainstream cars by choice,
not inability to deploy.
Omitting the turbo alleviates some
problems such as cooling, complexity, and
costs (the three Cs, eh? *Wink). Nobody
has ever complained that Japanese cars
are more expensive and less reliable than
their European counterparts, have they?
There is your answer.
Having car trouble? Send your questions to for absolutely
free expert advice.
The Land Rover Freelander left
the factory with 136 known
faults. It has a host of problems,
including mechanical, structural,
and build quality.
Rover made the Freelander when it was broke, and it shows in the car
May 14, 2014
1 Chiefs border guarded by
friend (6)
5 Behind soldier see heartless
people in shades (8)
9 Opposing procedure and
ghting against board (13)
10 Perch by post where English
journey may nish (5,3)
11 See 4 Down
12 This persons a good editor,
as portrayed (6)
14 Words at foot of page
giving indication of monetary
amount (8)
16 Chemical compound with lead
aected doctors alter ego (8)
19 Bit of grub accounting for
one disease found in bird (6)
21 Lander crashing in grass (6)
23 Mum needs time with hair
it needs to lie at (8)
25 Id grab iron and work see
me in the kitchen! (8,5)
26 Duck escaping from wide
expanse of water on road in
city (8)
27 Guarantee Conservative
will escape blame (6)
2 Rescue about 150 on train (7)
3 Pattern in soft earth (5)
4 & 11 Across Neat lady artists
converted to become members
of religious sect (6-3,6)
5 Green stone fairy placed on
spot (7)
6 Runs of cards starting with
king (5)
7 You must tell me what to do if
mouth contains poison! (4,2,3)
8 Aperture in instrument
plugged with open fabric (7)
13 The Emerald Isle?
Somewhere much further
north (9)
15 Rubbish on a piece of
furniture that can be shifted
round (9)
17 Name assumed by boss, an
enthusiastic swimmer (7)
18 Queen leads my people,
with diamonds bedecked in the
Lords? (7)
20 Person with condential
info is nerd, I fancy (7)
22 Contributor to baing
oce jargon (5)
24 Ways Greek island gets
reported (5)
1. An argument or quarrel that
may require arbitration
7. Passengers compartment
in a lift
8. Clamour
10. A blemish
12. The wildbeeste
13. To rotate or revolve as a
14. A religious denomination
15. Thyroid-stimulating hormone
16. To busy oneself doing little
or nothing
18. A sign of future event : good
or bad
21. Maasai for son of
22. To avoid by trickery
23. The possessive form of it
24. What remains after
everything has been deducted
25. Unceasing
1. To bite the______ means to
fall in battle
2. A mark left by a healing
3. Applies medicated liquid to a
wound etc.
4. A large container with a
tap for holding and serving
5. The cutting part of a blade
6. Kenya National Union of
Teachers (abbrev.)
9. Progressed very slowly
11. Commotion as of a rioting
14. Spade-like implement with
a broad blade for lifting and
throwing loose material
16. Paper-like sheet of metal
used for wrapping
17. Ugandan islands in L. Victoria
19. To march or marry
20. Any fresh information
22. To terminate
Each number in our Codeword grid represents a dierent letter of the alphabet. For example,
today 23 represents Y so ll in Y every time the gure 23 appears. You have two letters in the
control grid to start you o. Enter them in the appropriate squares in the main grid, then use
your knowledge of words to work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you get
the letters, ll in other squares with the same number in the main grid and control grid.
Check o the list of alphabetical letters as you identify them.
1 Optmistic
6 Less
9 Alpenhorns
10 Lima
12 Mess
13 Awareness
15 Disclaim
16 Falter
18 Inroad
20 Puritans
23 Insulated
24 Need
26 Twee
27 Storehouse
28 Rite
29 Metropolis
1 Opal
2 Toppers
3 Monosyllable
4 Sporadic
5 Ionian
7 Eminent
8 Seamstress
11 Relationship
14 Administer
17 Murderer
19 Respect
21 Asexual
22 Statue
25 Pets

Two winners win a Free Meal with Steers daily on 20567!
Fill in the 3 shaded digits and send the values ABC to 20567 for your chance to
to win a Free Meal with Steers. Start the SMS with the word Sudoku e.g Sudoku
1,2,3 Check your Wednesday paper to see if you are a winner. Winners will be
contacted directly by Steers within 2 weeks to receive their prize SMS cost:
10/= Past Winners
After a period of mainly living on your nerves,
the chance to kick back could be very welcome.
Meanwhile, Mercurys move into Gemini enhances
romantic potential. Your irt-o-meter could
be running on high this week, with plenty of
opportunities to enjoy yourself and nd new love.
PISCES | FEB 20 - MAR 20
An easy-going connection on Tuesday can
help expand creative and romantic options,
paving the way for a fun love adventure. Later,
home and family aairs are in focus, with
Mercury spotlighting more opportunities for
entertainment and fun evenings with good pals.

ARIES | MAR 21 - APR 20
You may start the week feeling light hearted
and playful, but plans could change if you get
involved in a power struggle. Mercurys move into
Gemini encourages plenty of conversation and
interaction. However, theres a chance you could
say the wrong thing. and regret it later, so think
about the consequences.
TAURUS | APR 21 - MAY 20
Finances come into their own, encouraging
wheeling and dealing . A relationship could be
under stress on Saturday, particularly if a partner
or love interest seems stubborn. Taking the path
of least resistance could mean theyre rmly on
your side by Sunday.
An intuitive hunch might encourage you to
explore a new career idea with potential. Mercury
moves into your sign midweek, bringing good
cheer, good fortune, and friendly folk, so enjoy
your company. Take it easy over the weekend
should energy levels seem lower than usual.
A positive, sociable blend of energies could help
a budding romance develop or bring a chance
to spend a few hours with good friends. From
midweek youll be in touch with your intuitive
awareness, which could help guide, you to more
easily make those important life decisions.
LEO | JULY 23 - AUG 22
The weekend could spotlight a conict between
your future intentions and your familys
expectations, but a refusal to argue could
smooth rued feathers. Theres the chance of a
meeting with sizzling chemistry on Sunday.
VIRGO | AUG 23 - SEP 23
Someone may seek out your company early
on, leading to a fun night out and a chance
to explore new entertainment venues. Travel
opportunities could lead to new friendships
and perhaps romance. Career options look a
lot livelier from midweek. Youll benet from
information gathering as well as connecting with
the right people.
LIBRA | SEP 24 - OCT 23
Venus encourages greater relationship harmony
if you and your sweetheart are willing to talk.
Theres a chance youll be busy with your own
agendas. But as Mercury eases into Gemini the
idea of exploring new places, seeking new forms
of entertainment.
A delightfully positive transit early in the
week encourages you to explore your options,
especially where travel, adventure, learning, and
higher education are concerned. The willingness
to take on a challenge might give extra sparkle to
a business or romantic relationship.
Attending to issues related to health and work
can bring some stability to your aairs. Tuesday
oers a chance to consider a potentially lucrative
business deal or join forces on a project. Sharing
talents and abilities could make success more
possible than going it alone.
Romance and creative activities add a sensual
and delightful touch this week. You may seek
sources of pleasure that will enrich your life
romantically and culturally. Explore talents, enjoy
colours, and have a ball.
SUDOKU with Steers
1. Restraint
7. Ado
8. Urn
10. Vines
12. Nugget
13. Die
14. Mad
16. Donate
18. Aspen
20. Hen
21. One
22. Determine

1. Round
2. Singe
3. Rave
4. Adit
5. Ion
6. Tis
9. Ruins
11. Elate
14. Mahdi
15. Dense
16. Dene
17. Oner
18. Add
19. Pot
To receive NATIONmobile
horoscopes on your mobile, SMS the
Star you want, eg LEO
to 20667 at 5/- above normal rates.


Apr 21, 2014: Joram Kiragu
Arthur Namu
Apr 22, 2014: Shalin V.
Saleh Said B
Apr 23, 2014: Nelson K. Okwomi
Cege Charles
Apr 24, 2014: Kanyi Chege
Apr 25, 2014: Monica
Philip Kipkoskei Koech
Apr 26, 2014: George Magu
Apr 27, 2014: Ruth Wangui G. P

Monday, January 11, 2010
May 14, 2014
5:00 Pambazuka
6:00 Power Breakfast
9:00 Afrosinema/Naswa 12:00
Gabriela 1:00 Live at 1
2:00 Cheche/Afro-Sinema 3:00
News Updates 3:05 Afrosinema
continues 4:00 Citizen Alasiri
4:10 Mseto East Africa 5:00
Pavitra Rishia 6:00 Un Refugio
7:00 Citizen Nipashe 7:35
Kansiime 8:05 Wild at Heart
9:00 Citizen Business Centre
10.00 The Tempest
11:00 Afrosinema Movie
12:00 Citizen Late Night
5:00 Command Your Morning
6:00 Morning Express
9:00 Tendereza 10:00 My
Eternal 11:00 Planet Earth 12:00
Tomorrow Today
12:30 Food Heaven 1:00
Newsdesk 1:30 Kick o
Bundesliga 2:00 Afri-Screen
4:00 Mbiu ya KTN 4:10 Batman
Of the Future 4:30 Avengers
Assemble 5:00 Baseline
6:00 Her Mothers Daughter
7:00 KTN Leo 7:00 Mama Duka
7:45 Je Koinange Live 9:00
KTN Prime 10:05 Borgia
11:00 Diary 12:00 Kick o
Bundesliga/ CNN
K24 TV
5.00 Praiz 6.00 K24 Alfajiri
9.00 Lady of the Rose 10.00
Naijasinema 12.00 Al-Jazeera
1.00 K24 Newscut 1.30 Gumbaru
School 3.00 The Couples Show
4.00 Mchipuko wa Alasiri 4.10
Team Raha 5.30 The Loop
7.00 K24 Saa Moja 7.35
Gumbaru Skool 8.05 The
Couples Show 9.00 K24
Evening Edition 9.50 Kikwetu
Highlights/SuperChef 10.50
Alfajiri Social Hour 11.00
Naijasinema 01.30 Al Jazeera
5:30: Matters and Beyonds
6:00: Kids Shows 8:00: Ayna
9:00: Africa This Morning
10:30: Daily Connection
11:30: The Teacher 1:00: Matters
and Beyonds 1:30: The Global
Kitchen 2:00: Ebru News
2:15: Fifth Dimension 3:30 Music
Clip 4:00: Ebru News 4:15: Kids
Shows 6:00 Soul Survivors
7:00 The Final Glance 8:30 Ebru
News 9:15 Call of the Wild 10:
00 World of Football 10:30 Ad
5.00 BBC News 5.30 Gear Up
6.00.00 Damka 8.00. Good
Morning Kenya 9.00 Dunda
Kikwetu 10.00 Documentary
12.00 Club -live 1.00 KBC
Lunchtime News 1.30 Business
Dened 2.00 Plot 2.30 Unesco
Documentary 4.10 Club 1
5.30 Dunda Kikwetu 6.30 Jee
Huu ni Ungwana 7.00 Taarifa
7.30. Vioja Mahakamani 8.00
Beautiful Ceci 9.00 KBC Channel
1 News 10.15 Scoop 10.30 CCTV
12.00 Club 1
12.30 BBC World News
Join Obina and Nice in their witty style as they
bring you this weeks Breaktime Show. Dont miss
out for the best of stand up comedy, dance and
fun by students at various schools visited by
the Breaktime show crew.
Todays highlight
@ 7:30PM
5:00am: Password Repeat
6:00am AM Live
9:00am: Irrational Heart
10.00am: Maid In Manhattan
11:15am: The Young & The
12:00pm Rhythm City
12:30pm Scandal
1:00pm: NTV at 1
1:30p.m: Backstage
2:00pm: Elcartel
3:00pm: Password
4:00pm:NTV at 4
4:15pm: Password
5:00pm: The Beat
6:00pm: Destiny River
7:00pm: NTV Jioni
7:30pm: Looks & Essence
8:30pm: Breaktime Show
9:00pm: NTV Tonight
10:00pm:Movie: Oh Schucks Its
12:00am: CNN
6:00 Breakfast Drive
10:00 Make an Easy
2:00 Easy DJ Mix
3:00 Tune in for discussions on
real life issues in love, money and
8:00 The Homerun.
5:00 AL-Jazeera
6:00 Sifa 6:30 Toleo
La Asubuhi 6:40 Chee
Live 9:00 Missing
Child 11:00 Onfon
Music Show
11:30 Saath Phere
12:30 Tumsifu 1:00
Toelo la Mchana
1:30 Woman In Love
2:00 Vipasho 2:05
Woman In Love
3:00 Vipasho 3:05
Woman In Love 4:00
Vipasho 4:05 Mahewa
5:00 Vipasho 5:05
Gozomo 5:30 Cats
Cradle 6:30 Taarifa Za
Magharib 7:10 Joni
8:00 Toleo La Jioni
9:00 WWE:Vintage
10:00 La Loba
11:00 Dira ya
11:30 The Seed
02:00 Al Jazeera
2 STATES (U/16)
2.30PM, 9PM
11AM, 1.45PM, 6.40PM, 9.15PM

2.40PM, 5PM, 7.20PM, 9.40PM
1.10PM, 4.00PM, 6.50PM, 9.40PM
RIO 2 (2D) (G/E)
10.40AM, 12.40PM, 2.50PM, 5PM
7.00PM, 9.40PM
10AM, 5.10PM
12.30PM, 7.30PM, 9.40PM
9:50AM, 12:40PM , 3:30PM, 6:20PM, 9:10PM, 12:
3PM, 6PM, 8.30PM
11.30AM, 1.30PM
6PM, 8.40PM
4:00 Tambira ya QFM na Selly
6:00 Changamka na Rashid Abdalla
na Munene Nyaga
10.00 Kazi Burudani na
Ali Baba Kilingo
1.00 Ma afte with Mwafreeka na
Jah mby
4:00 Q Drive na Aggy Owande na
Ogutu wa Kimani
8:00 Rhumba Kitoko na Dokotolo
9:00 Tuliza na Rhyno Kukuni
12:00 Vuka na Style na Eunice
May 14, 2014
Doesnt this remind you, he said, pointing
at the school children, of the old days when
our own children went to school here?
Those were good days, Jaduong. Now
they are grown and gone, said Grandmother,
adjusting the load on her head. She liked
calling Grandfather Jaduong, old man, as a
title of respect for the man she had lived with
for over forty years.
These children are the age of our
grandchildren, said Grandfather. Then in a
thoughtful manner he added, I wonder how
our children are raising them.
When they left the village path to go into
their compound, the sun was sitting on the
horizon looking soft and nice like a huge
I got one letter in our post oce box,
announced Grandfather when they got into
the house.
Who is it from? I hope its from Akinyi,
our malaika, said Grandmother with girlish
I hope its from our son, Ochieng Ja Sunga,
said Grandfather with a broad smile. He
opened the bag and shed out the envelope.
They both looked at it and smiled.
Behind them, the sun was nearly swallowed
by the distant horizon and darkness was
setting in.
Carnivorous plants are plants that derive some or most of their nutrients from eating animals or protozoans, ying
or crawling insects and other arthropods that they trap. . plants that live in or around water capture
small aquatic prey like mosquito larvae and tiny sh. Some tropical carnivorous plants .. frogs and rats.
Because these plants tend to grow in places where the soil is thin or lacking in nutrients such as in rocky areas,
they survive on . that they obtain from the prey they trap. More than 600 species and subspecies of
carnivorous .. have been identied, and although some are now extinct, the Venus-ytrap is probably
the most famous. Some carnivorous plants are sweetly scented, others are brightly coloured and others have parts
that are sticky or slippery or designed in such a way that once prey is .., it cannot ...
Learn fun facts about your world by lling in the blanks using the
words in bold given below.
C a r n i v o r o u s p l a n t s a r e p l a n t s t h a t d e r i v e s o m e o r m o s t o f t h e i r n u t r i e n t s f r o m e a t i n g a n i m a l s o r
p r o t o z o a n s , y i n g o r c r a w l i n g i n s e c t s a n d o t h e r a r t h r o p o d s t h a t t h e y t r a p . C a r n i v o r o u s p l a n t s
t h a t l i v e i n o r a r o u n d w a t e r c a p t u r e s m a l l a q u a t i c p r e y l i k e m o s q u i t o l a r v a e a n d t i n y s h . S o m e
t r o p i c a l c a r n i v o r o u s p l a n t s c a p t u r e f r o g s a n d r a t s . B e c a u s e t h e s e p l a n t s t e n d t o g r o w i n p l a c e s
w h e r e t h e s o i l i s t h i n o r l a c k i n g i n n u t r i e n t s s u c h a s i n r o c k y a r e a s , t h e y s u r v i v e o n n u t r i e n t s
t h a t t h e y o b t a i n f r o m t h e p r e y t h e y t r a p . M o r e t h a n 6 0 0 s p e c i e s a n d s u b s p e c i e s o f c a r n i v o r o u s
p l a n t s h a v e b e e n i d e n t i e d , a n d a l t h o u g h s o m e a r e n o w e x t i n c t , t h e V e n u s - y t r a p i s p r o b a b l y
t h e m o s t f a m o u s . S o m e c a r n i v o r o u s p l a n t s a r e s w e e t l y s c e n t e d , o t h e r s a r e b r i g h t l y c o l o u r e d
a n d o t h e r s h a v e p a r t s t h a t a r e s t i c k y o r s l i p p e r y o r d e s i g n e d i n s u c h a w a y t h a t o n c e p r e y i s
c a p t u r e d , i t c a n n o t e s c a p e .
plants capture escape Carnivorous captured nutrients
AUTHOR: Ezekiel Alembi
AUTHOR: Longhorn Publishers
May 14, 2014
the family magazine
Beware of
Lourdes Walusala lost
her unborn child to this
common pregnancy
complication. Here is
what she wants every
pregnant woman to
Is your phone a
third wheel in your
Seven tips to get your
child to eat more
Protect your child
from second hand
cigarette smoke
I too lost my wife less than a year
ago. There are times I think I can-
not carry on, but gradually, the pain
gets bearable, though it does not go
I am still in great pain after losing my
parents and my brother. Take heart,
Rey Rock
I lost my mother exactly one month
after you lost your wife. The pain is
as though I just got the news. Thank
you for your encouraging words. May
Psalms 116: 7 encourage you during
this painful moment.
Catherine Michuki
What a touching story. At times, eve-
rything seems to tumble down, but
even then, we ought to be strong,
positive, and hang in there to see
how the story will end.
Donald Nelson
ONeal, you are a strong man. I met
you almost a month ago at a func-
tion taking photographs and I could
not believe that you are the same
who had lost his wife. I admired the
spirit in you, ever smiling and deter-
mined to continue living positively. I
agree with you that we should never
take any minor ailment for granted.
If someone complains consistently,
have thorough tests done.
This is a sad story, but very encour-
aging. It is tough to live without a
loved one, but with the grace of God,
it is possible.
Joyce Musonga
This story brought tears to my eyes.
The one thing I know is that however
cruel death may be, it will never
separate us from our loved ones be-
cause their memories reign in us.
I am sorry for your loss, ONeal. I am
also glad that you are a man of God,
having known you from my high
school days, and therefore condent
that you are putting all your trust in
Jemima Jefwa
Thanks for sharing your story be-
cause most people think that when
you have a headache, all you need to
do is take painkillers, yet it may be a
symptom of a serious condition.
ONeal, Tina left a gap in your life,
but also very many fond memories.
You will be forever in our hearts,
Gladys Mogaka Mariana
Karimi, you nailed it!
Hi Karimi, I read your article in last
weeks Living and just had to share
it with my male colleagues in the of-
ce. It is hilarious and very true.
Ednah Kiome
As much as compliments make
women feel beautiful, loved, or spe-
cial, do not get used to them.
Peter Mutwiri

I had to take the time to say I loved
your article, and especially because
you say that you believe marriage is
worth it I do too. It was the rst
time I read your column and cannot
wait for the next one.
Karol Wanjiru
magazine is published weekly by Nation Media Group Limited. It is distributed free
with every Wednesdays Daily Nation. Nation Media Group Limited, 2010. All right
reserved. Unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, transparencies submitted at senders risk
and assumed to be for publication. While every care is taken on receipt of such mate-
rial, Nation Media Group Limited cannot accept responsibility for accidental loss or damage.
Do you have something to say? Write to The Editor, Living magazine, P.O. Box 49010, Nairobi 00100 GPO; e-mail:
EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Joseph Odindo GROUP MANAGING EDITOR: Mutuma Mathiu EDITOR: Caroline Njunge |
PHOTO EDITOR: Joan Pereruan WRITERS: Millicent Mwololo CONTRIBUTORS: Shadrack N Kirunga | Josaya Wasonga
| Sona Parmar Mukherjee | Rapahel Ndaiga | Frida Njogu CHIEF GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Rogers Mogusu GRAPHIC
DESIGNERS: Marystella Machimbo COVER PHOTO: Je Angote
ONeal, thank you for sharing your story
Growing up, I knew that there were
two extremes: Good and bad. There was
never a middle path.
My Sunday school teacher used to say,
Every child who sins will burn in hell.
Sin, in my young mind, constituted taking
my mothers loose change to buy sweets,
beating up another child, or disobeying
my elders. I never questioned this truism
as this was what my mind understood.
The words reverberate in my mind to this
date. Anything that contravenes Gods law
is a sin.
I remember my mother thrashing me
for petty oences such as eating an extra
chapati tucked away in the cupboard for
my playful sister. She would go out to play
without eating and I would linger in the
kitchen, waiting for the perfect time to eat
her food.
My understanding of sin changed as I ap-
proached adulthood. I found an adulterated
use of the words like sin, truth, innocence,
and hell-re damnation. Everyone appeared
immune to my Sunday school teachers tru-
ism. I was perplexed. People lied, fought
one another, and did many nasty things,
yet there was always a justication: I did
it because she deserved it.
He lied to me, so I had to teach him a
I dont care what they think about it as
long as my conscience is clear.
Out goes childhood innocence, enter
world of justication. I approached this
stage with trepidation, tripping several
times to the allure of a less condemning
mindset, but the words of my teacher still
rang in my subconscious. I felt naked every
minute I went against my childhood teach-
ings, but as I approached my 20th birthday,
I no longer felt the guilt. In its place was the
feeling for justication.
Our children do not learn much about
hell-re damnation because this is prob-
ably archaic. Instead, they learn about the
great men and women of yore like David
and Samson. Nothing wrong with this, ex-
cept that I do not know how their mindsets
would be if you told them about burning in
hell. I am now 30 and I see many changes
in the way our children perceive matters of
heaven and hell. The reverence and fear I
had for the former and latter respectively
seem lost today. Perhaps we choose a softer
landing for our children and cushion them
from the harsh realities of our sinful ac-
tions, or maybe we are only inculcating in
them what we ourselves subscribe to.
I realised one more thing: The more I
chastised my guilt conscience, the more I
found it ne and justiable. It starts with
wearing a crumpled shirt. You look at
yourself in the mirror and know you should
not step out of the door looking like that.
You try to straighten out the creases. No
improvement. But you have no time to do
the ironing, so you justify your decision.
The more you stare at the mirror, the more
appealing you start to look.
It is not that bad, you tell yourself. I
have met people who look worse, you reas-
sure yourself before sauntering out.
The perception of bad is reinforced in
our national psyche. Our minds distort the
truth until it starts seeming okay to kill,
maim, steal, cheat on your spouse the
list is long. The tragedy is that no one sees
anything wrong with this. Those who see
that there is something wrong are labelled
spineless. There is a need for a national
outcry for our beloved innocence to be
Let us bring back the childhood outlook
we had of the fear of sin. When a child tells
you that he will not steal because Daddy
says it is wrong, that is unblemished in-
nocence. How many among us today would
stand up and be counted for stopping in
their tracks when they were about to do
wrong? You are your own jury.
Send in your 650-
word article on
matters aecting
the family to liv-
with Have Your
Say as the subject.
Living does not
pay for this col-
Where did our
innocence go?



Wednesday May 14, 2014 DAILY NATION
2 Living
Tracking partners: If you asked me,
this is not a very good idea. In fact, sev-
eral people have told me that they would
walk out of a relationship if they learned
that they are being tracked by their part-
ners. It suggests mistrust and insecurity
and, in most cases, it exacerbates, rather
than solve the problem.
However, technology has its good uses.
Helps you stay in touch: Let me begin
where I ended with tracking applica-
tions. Much has been said about them
and in my view, this is an important
development in a world where mobile
phones have also become lethal items
in the hands of criminals. Being able to
know the whereabouts of loved ones is,
therefore, important as long as your moti-
vation is their safety, not to stalk them.
Spice up your relationship: Kerner,
the counsellor I quoted earlier, says that
sexting, when the persons involved are
partners, makes the relationship more
exciting. This is supported by research
ndings published in the journal earlier
mentioned. The report shows that use of
texts can increase intimacy by making
partners more available and expanding
their repertoire of connection. This con-
rms that more communication between
partners is good for the relationship and
the mobile phone, therefore, becomes a
real ally, especially for those in long-dis-
tance relationships.
Obviously, technology is here to stay,
and so are relationships. We can either
use technology to make our relationships
better or we can use it to destroy them.
What will you choose?
Is communication technology helping or
damaging our relationships?
Technological innovations reect the
progress of our society, but sometimes
we experience what sociologists call a
cultural lag when technology develops
faster than the norms that govern us. I
think we are experiencing this challenge
right now. Think about it. New gadgets are
churned out every other day, even before
we get a chance to adjust to those already
in use. Even more worrying is that we do
not have mechanisms in place to regulate
their use.
Here are some negative aspects of
Kills quality time: A common complaint
is that it eats away at shared time. Today,
instead of giving each other undivided
attention, you will see couples busy on
their phones, yet their intention was
to have an intimate time together over
dinner. Social media platforms such as
Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and a host
of others can easily replace the presence
of your spouse if you are not disciplined in
when you use them. A research from the
University of Essex, cited by Ian Kerner,
a sexuality counsellor who writes for CNN
Health, says that people who engaged
in personal discussions when a cell phone
was nearby, even if neither was actually
using it, reported lower relationship
quality and less trust for their partner.
That should elicit concern because
it suggests that a phone acts as a third
person, interfering with our time together.
Does that explain why, even though one
does not intend to use it, one still holds
their handset close, occasionally looking
at it, even when they are switched o?
Lowers quality of communication:
This is another area that has been widely
discussed, particularly in regard to text
messages. Such communication can dis-
tort messages, sometimes with disastrous
consequences. It also lacks the benet
of non-verbal visual language that adds
more value to communication.
Online indelity: The other problem is
online indelity, where people who should
not be doing it spend time sexting with
others. Some even do this when in bed
with their partners or while having a sup-
posedly romantic dinner.
Is your phone a third wheel in your relationship?
If you cannot do without it and always have it in your hand,
constantly checking email or chatting online even when
on a date or day out with family, it might as well be your
The writer is a counsellor. Do you have a ques-
tion? Write to
Why go out if
you have no
intention of
talking to each
DAILY NATION Wednesday May 14, 2014
Living 3
Lourdes has
formed a
group for
women who
have gone
a similar
cover story
When Lourdes Walusala
found out that she was pregnant
two years ago, she and her hus-
band could hardly wait to hold
their rst child.
Lourdes was especially happy.
I was excited about becoming
a mother; it was the start of a new
chapter in my life. I began eating
right, exercising mildly, relaxing,
and was determined not to let
anything stress me. I was focused
on having a healthy, smooth preg-
nancy, she says.
She nicknamed her child, a
boy, Sunshine and would often
talk or sing to him as she went
about her day-to-day activities.
At the time, she was a Third Year
communication student at Moi
Universitys Nairobi campus.
Rather than make her feel over-
whelmed, the pregnancy seemed
to give her renewed energy to do
better in her studies.
When an answer was elusive
during an exam, I would rub my
belly and ask: Baby, what did
we study yesterday? and the
answers would come to me, she
Around her 24th
week of pregnancy,
she noticed that her
legs were swelling. She
informed her doctor about
this during her next antenatal
appointment. After routine tests,
her blood pressure was found to
be high and she was immediately
put on medication to help lower
it. During a follow-up visit, her
blood pressure was still higher
than normal and to be on the
safe side, her doctor put her on a
week-long bed rest.
Five weeks later, Lourdes one
day woke up feeling troubled.
Even though her baby was active,
she had an unsettling feeling she
could not put a nger on. She de-
cided to consult her doctor, who
then sent her for an ultrasound,
her rst.
I was happy to see my son
for the rst time. There he was,
relaxed, with his ngers inside his
mouth, she remembers.
She was relieved when the doc-
tor informed her that her baby
was in perfect condition. How-
ever, because her blood pressure
was still high, he recommended
bed rest for another two weeks.
The following morning, period-
like pains woke Lourdes up. Un-
sure what that meant, she went
to see her doctor, an established
consultant gynaecologist with
his own private practice. He as-
sured her that all was well, that
the period pains were normal
Even though I was very wor-
ried, the doctor dismissed my
concerns, explaining that I was
only worried because it was my
rst pregnancy. He did not ex-
amine me or run any tests, she
Instead, he gave her a prescrip-
tion and after buying the medi-
cine, Lourdes went back home.
The painful contractions still
persisted, and feeling fatigued,
all she wanted was to sleep. How-
ever, before getting into bed, she
visited the bathroom, and gasped
in shock.
My underwear was soaked in
blood. I immediately called my
doctor, who instructed me to go
to the nearest hospital as fast as
I could.
With her husband out of the
country, she sought her neigh-
bours help. He drove her to the
nearest hospital, a public one.
She had been making plans to
deliver at a private hospital.
However, she was sure she would
be in safe hands at this hospital,
but she was wrong.
At the casualty, she was met
with nonchalance.
The receiving nurses rudely
asked me why I was bleeding.
Did your husband beat you or
did you fall? they asked.
They also questioned Lourdes
about her decision to attend
her antenatal clinic at a private
We tell you women to go to
government hospitals but you
dont listen to us. Look at you
now, this is the time you need
us, huh?
In excruciating pain, bleeding
and desperate, Lourdes apolo-
gised profusely for the mistake
of seeking antenatal care at a
private clinic.
The unforgiving nurses then
ordered her to walk to the labour
ward. Nobody assisted her. After
struggling to do so, she was asked
My sons death could have been prevented
What do you know about preeclampsia? If
you are pregnant, but know nothing about
this common pregnancy complication, then
read Lourdes Walusalas story
cover story
to climb on to one of the beds.
I was unable to because the bed
was high and I was in great pain.
My neighbour had long been sent
away. When I asked for the nurses
help, they refused, telling me if I
didnt want to help myself, then I
might as well return
Even worse, dierent sta (male
and female) would pass by at
intervals, each time asking me to
part my legs so that they could
inspect me. I felt stripped of all
dignity, she recalls.
About four hours later, and
with no signs of being suitably at-
tended to, she resigned herself to
the probability of dying. She was
sure that day, 14 June, 2013, was
going to be her last on earth.
She was never going to be a
About two weeks before
this, the government had
introduced free maternity
services. As a result,
the labour ward in this
hospital was lled with
many pregnant women,
some writhing in pain on
the oor and others, like
Lourdes, soaking the
oor with their blood.
Lourdes says that
when she tried to seek
the nurses help, they
rebuked her, retorting
that the government had
decided to oer free mater-
nity services, but
had not
allocated money to facilitate this
and neither had it employed more
I wondered why I was being
punished for a policy I had noth-
ing to do with, Lourdes said.
Lonely, scared, and numbed
by the pain in her belly, she was
relieved when, from afar, she
heard her doctors voice. He had
arrived to attend to her. Moments
later, she was transferred to the
hospitals private wing. Soon af-
terwards, she was rushed to the
theatre for emergency surgery.
When she came to, she heard
what must have been cries of new-
borns and asked the nurse nearby
to hand over her son. Instead, she
was told her that her doctor was
on his way. When he arrived, he
did not bear good news. He sim-
ply informed her that her son had
died. His words are forever etched
in her memory:
Lourdes, by the time you went
to theatre, you had lost too much
blood and your son was already
dead. We were trying to save your
Nothing to show
She remembers laughing at the
doctors words. There was no way
her son would be dead. Were those
not his cries she was hearing?
However, reality soon dawned
on her when a short while later,
she saw a little girl going around
the ward, greeting new mothers
and admiring their newborns.
When the girl came to me,
she asked: Aunty, where is your
baby? That is when it hit me
that I had no baby. My Sun-
shine was dead. It hit me like
a thunderbolt. It was the worst
pain I have ever felt. I cried as
I have never cried before. I
wanted to die too.
A few days later, Lourdes
was discharged from hos-
pital. She had no baby, yet
had a caesarean wound
and engorged breasts.
Lourdes was inconsol-
I cried every day. I
had done everything
right. I had taken
good care of myself
and my pregnancy,
attending my
clinics religiously
once each month.
I was seeing an
experienced gy-
naecologist and
paying a couple
of thousands
for each con-
sultation, yet
I lost my
She sunk
into depres-
The more I
mourned my
son, the more
I feared that
I was go-
ing mad.
M a n y
times I
Wednesday May 14, 2014 DAILY NATION 4 Living
AS I WRITE THIS, I am in Accra, Ghana, at-
tending a workshop on resource mobilisation.
That is NGO-speak for how to raise funds.
On my way here, I was scared. But I did not
want to share my fears because the training
was planned ages ago. Donors are no-non-
sense types. If you commit, you better show
up. Mind, body, and soul. Or else.
What is freaking me out is, I have learned
from introductions that some workshop par-
ticipants are from Liberia. Does that ring a
bell? Liberia. That is where Ebola is wreaking
havoc. Guinea Bissau has also reported Ebola
cases. Some victims die within 30 minutes of
diagnosis. That is frightening.
Fear of ying
On my way here, I also had another fear,
albeit unrelated to Ebola. I kept thinking that
our plane could disappear like the Malaysian
Airlines ight. My fellow passengers seemed
unperturbed. Or they were just pretending.
Can someone explain to me how, in 2014,
with all this technology, an object the size of
a skyscraper can vanish just like that? I cannot
begin to imagine the agony and anguish the
families of those who were on that plane have
to endure, with no denite answers coming
their way.
I told people in a group therapy session the
other day that if I were asked to pick another
disease to live with for the rest of my life, I
would stick with HIV, the devil I know, stigma
and discrimination notwithstanding, and con-
tinue living positively ever after.
That is because, although HIV is deadly and
could be fatal, it does not directly cause death.
What causes death are opportunistic infections
(OIs) due to compromised immunity.
Most of these OIs have a cure. That is why
you can live with HIV as long as you can keep
yourself healthy and manage, as much as pos-
sible, any OIs. I think it is this that makes it dif-
cult for a doctor to certify that one actually
died of HIV.
Thin line
Right now, my biggest worry is Ebola. Not
that I favour any OI, but the only OI I would
not want near me is Ebola. So much for know-
ing that many viral diseases are incurable.
At the workshop, I do not know exactly what
precautions to take. What not to touch. What
not to eat to avoid the risk of contracting an-
other virus.
Also, I do not know what to say to fellow
participants from the aected countries. I
do not want to come o as being stigmatis-
ing. With such issues, it is a thin line between
straight-shooting and slurring.
Prayer items
All through my stay and travel, I am praying
inwardly. The twin scares have brought out the
prayer warrior in me
Dear God, You know I already have this BIG
one. The world has been worried sti, including
the UN Assembly, which has held a special ses-
sion to handle it. Please, let me not ever con-
tract this one. It keeps even the international
media awake. Maybe because of their own
fears, or in good faith, or to keep us informed.
And, Lord, I know you control the skies.
Please God, never allow the plane Im travel-
ling in to disappear because You and I have
a covenant: When it is my time, You will give
me notice to put my house in order before I
go to rest.
Not only that, God. I want to see Barakas
and Gabriels ospring. You promised me that
You will establish me and nothing can come
against Your plans. Not a missing plane. Not
the Ebola virus. And certainly not the HI virus
that has been lodged in me for almost 30 years
More prayers
The workshop has to go on, regardless.
For the folks who have loved ones on the
missing Malaysian plane, my heart and prayers
go out to you. These are not faceless statistics.
They are irreplaceable. May God grant you
peace and closure. He has the answers that no
black box could ever possess.
As for Ebola, while I will do everything pos-
sible to be millions of miles away from aected
areas, I pray for the infected and aected. It
is easy to say that I understand what they are
going through. I do not. I cannot. May God heal
our continent from all her woes.
This Ebola virus must be worse than the one I have
This is the diary of Asunta Wagura, a mother-
of-ve who tested HIV-positive 26 years ago.
She is the executive director of the Kenya
Network of Women with Aids (KENWA).
myself lying in the backyard,
yearning to scream my lungs
out just so that the pain in my
heart would go away. I became
suicidal, longing for death.
It was the encouragement and
support of her husband, fam-
ily, colleagues, and friends that
pulled Lourdes from that dark
place. She also sought counsel-
ling, which helped her deal with
the overwhelming grief.
It is almost a year now since
she lost her Sunshine and, nally,
Lourdes can now talk about her
experience as part of her healing
process and also in the hope that
it will help another woman to
save her unborn childs life.
Later, I found out that preec-
lampsia was responsible for
the loss of my son. I advise all
pregnant women to be wary of
this condition and to be aware of
all the danger signs. They should
also seek a second opinion and
not rely on one doctors diagno-
sis, especially if in doubt.
Lourdes also wishes the gov-
ernment would address issues
of the ill-treatment that pregnant
women are subjected to at public
hospitals across the country.
She says, Pregnant women
deserve the best care and it
should not matter if they are in
a public or private facility. Even
though there is a shortage of
health personnel, there should
be a deliberate eort to select
suitable sta for maternity de-
partments because the birth
process is very delicate and
needs workers who have a genu-
ine compassion for mothers and
Lourdes has a blog where
she talks about maternal health
issues. Through it, she has met
many women who too have lost
their babies in circumstances
that could have been avoided. It
is through this interaction that
she has now formed a support
group for women who have gone
through a similar experience.
They often meet to uplift, coun-
sel, and encourage each other.

If interested in joining, contact Lour-
des through
cover story
My sons death could have been prevented
cover story
About Preeclampsia
Preeclampsia is a condition that some pregnant
women develop, and is characterised by high
blood pressure.
Dr Stephen Mutiso, a gynaecologist based at
Kenyatta National Hospitals Doctors Plaza, says
that elevated blood pressure usually occurs after
the 20th week of pregnancy and is marked by
a high level of protein in the urine. Women with
preeclampsia often have swelling in the feet,
legs, and hands. The cause is unknown.
In mild forms of preeclampsia, Dr Mutiso says
the symptoms can go unnoticed, while in severe
cases, the woman may have symptoms such as
severe headache, blurred vision, epigastric pain,
and reduced volume of urine. In some cases, she
may get seizures. Severe preeclampsia may also
cause growth retardation of the baby.
Preeclampsia should be taken very seriously,
since it can be fatal if left untreated. It is a great
contributor to maternal deaths and even when
the woman survives, she may develop serious
conditions such as stroke, kidney failure, liver
failure, and loss of vision. In severe forms, the
baby could also die. That is why it is important
for it to be detected early as it is easier to man-
age then, he explains.
Treatment of preeclampsia includes control of
blood pressure and prevention of seizures.
In severe cases, delivery of the baby is the ulti-
mate objective, he says.
Julia Wanjiku
(center)and Mchikirwa
Ndelejai (left) are
members of Faraja
Support Group.
DAILY NATION Wednesday May 14, 2014 Living 5
AS I WRITE THIS, I am in Accra, Ghana, at-
tending a workshop on resource mobilisation.
That is NGO-speak for how to raise funds.
On my way here, I was scared. But I did not
want to share my fears because the training
was planned ages ago. Donors are no-non-
sense types. If you commit, you better show
up. Mind, body, and soul. Or else.
What is freaking me out is, I have learned
from introductions that some workshop par-
ticipants are from Liberia. Does that ring a
bell? Liberia. That is where Ebola is wreaking
havoc. Guinea Bissau has also reported Ebola
cases. Some victims die within 30 minutes of
diagnosis. That is frightening.
Fear of ying
On my way here, I also had another fear,
albeit unrelated to Ebola. I kept thinking that
our plane could disappear like the Malaysian
Airlines ight. My fellow passengers seemed
unperturbed. Or they were just pretending.
Can someone explain to me how, in 2014,
with all this technology, an object the size of
a skyscraper can vanish just like that? I cannot
begin to imagine the agony and anguish the
families of those who were on that plane have
to endure, with no denite answers coming
their way.
I told people in a group therapy session the
other day that if I were asked to pick another
disease to live with for the rest of my life, I
would stick with HIV, the devil I know, stigma
and discrimination notwithstanding, and con-
tinue living positively ever after.
That is because, although HIV is deadly and
could be fatal, it does not directly cause death.
What causes death are opportunistic infections
(OIs) due to compromised immunity.
Most of these OIs have a cure. That is why
you can live with HIV as long as you can keep
yourself healthy and manage, as much as pos-
sible, any OIs. I think it is this that makes it dif-
cult for a doctor to certify that one actually
died of HIV.
Thin line
Right now, my biggest worry is Ebola. Not
that I favour any OI, but the only OI I would
not want near me is Ebola. So much for know-
ing that many viral diseases are incurable.
At the workshop, I do not know exactly what
precautions to take. What not to touch. What
not to eat to avoid the risk of contracting an-
other virus.
Also, I do not know what to say to fellow
participants from the aected countries. I
do not want to come o as being stigmatis-
ing. With such issues, it is a thin line between
straight-shooting and slurring.
Prayer items
All through my stay and travel, I am praying
inwardly. The twin scares have brought out the
prayer warrior in me
Dear God, You know I already have this BIG
one. The world has been worried sti, including
the UN Assembly, which has held a special ses-
sion to handle it. Please, let me not ever con-
tract this one. It keeps even the international
media awake. Maybe because of their own
fears, or in good faith, or to keep us informed.
And, Lord, I know you control the skies.
Please God, never allow the plane Im travel-
ling in to disappear because You and I have
a covenant: When it is my time, You will give
me notice to put my house in order before I
go to rest.
Not only that, God. I want to see Barakas
and Gabriels ospring. You promised me that
You will establish me and nothing can come
against Your plans. Not a missing plane. Not
the Ebola virus. And certainly not the HI virus
that has been lodged in me for almost 30 years
More prayers
The workshop has to go on, regardless.
For the folks who have loved ones on the
missing Malaysian plane, my heart and prayers
go out to you. These are not faceless statistics.
They are irreplaceable. May God grant you
peace and closure. He has the answers that no
black box could ever possess.
As for Ebola, while I will do everything pos-
sible to be millions of miles away from aected
areas, I pray for the infected and aected. It
is easy to say that I understand what they are
going through. I do not. I cannot. May God heal
our continent from all her woes.
This Ebola virus must be worse than the one I have
This is the diary of Asunta Wagura, a mother-
of-ve who tested HIV-positive 26 years ago.
She is the executive director of the Kenya
Network of Women with Aids (KENWA).
myself lying in the backyard,
yearning to scream my lungs
out just so that the pain in my
heart would go away. I became
suicidal, longing for death.
It was the encouragement and
support of her husband, fam-
ily, colleagues, and friends that
pulled Lourdes from that dark
place. She also sought counsel-
ling, which helped her deal with
the overwhelming grief.
It is almost a year now since
she lost her Sunshine and, nally,
Lourdes can now talk about her
experience as part of her healing
process and also in the hope that
it will help another woman to
save her unborn childs life.
Later, I found out that preec-
lampsia was responsible for
the loss of my son. I advise all
pregnant women to be wary of
this condition and to be aware of
all the danger signs. They should
also seek a second opinion and
not rely on one doctors diagno-
sis, especially if in doubt.
Lourdes also wishes the gov-
ernment would address issues
of the ill-treatment that pregnant
women are subjected to at public
hospitals across the country.
She says, Pregnant women
deserve the best care and it
should not matter if they are in
a public or private facility. Even
though there is a shortage of
health personnel, there should
be a deliberate eort to select
suitable sta for maternity de-
partments because the birth
process is very delicate and
needs workers who have a genu-
ine compassion for mothers and
Lourdes has a blog where
she talks about maternal health
issues. Through it, she has met
many women who too have lost
their babies in circumstances
that could have been avoided. It
is through this interaction that
she has now formed a support
group for women who have gone
through a similar experience.
They often meet to uplift, coun-
sel, and encourage each other.

If interested in joining, contact Lour-
des through
cover story
My sons death could have been prevented
cover story
About Preeclampsia
Preeclampsia is a condition that some pregnant
women develop, and is characterised by high
blood pressure.
Dr Stephen Mutiso, a gynaecologist based at
Kenyatta National Hospitals Doctors Plaza, says
that elevated blood pressure usually occurs after
the 20th week of pregnancy and is marked by
a high level of protein in the urine. Women with
preeclampsia often have swelling in the feet,
legs, and hands. The cause is unknown.
In mild forms of preeclampsia, Dr Mutiso says
the symptoms can go unnoticed, while in severe
cases, the woman may have symptoms such as
severe headache, blurred vision, epigastric pain,
and reduced volume of urine. In some cases, she
may get seizures. Severe preeclampsia may also
cause growth retardation of the baby.
Preeclampsia should be taken very seriously,
since it can be fatal if left untreated. It is a great
contributor to maternal deaths and even when
the woman survives, she may develop serious
conditions such as stroke, kidney failure, liver
failure, and loss of vision. In severe forms, the
baby could also die. That is why it is important
for it to be detected early as it is easier to man-
age then, he explains.
Treatment of preeclampsia includes control of
blood pressure and prevention of seizures.
In severe cases, delivery of the baby is the ulti-
mate objective, he says.
Julia Wanjiku
(center)and Mchikirwa
Ndelejai (left) are
members of Faraja
Support Group.
DAILY NATION Wednesday May 14, 2014 Living 5
SURELY, YOU CANT convert my towel into a rug. Thats
madhaa! exclaimed my horried husband as he stared at
his old green towel on the oor. Old is a polite word for a
threadbare, faded thing 15 years old or more. In fact, I had
honoured that thing by using it to clean the bathroom
before dumping it with the trash.
Everyone in our household has a couple of decent towels,
but hubby is not interested in any towel other than his
ancient once-green one. I point out that it is too old, likely
even to harbour something dangerous. After tolerating that
towel for this long, I just had to make an executive decision
to dispose of it.
But I am not through with him yet. I have given him
time to mourn his old friend before I nally carry out a
spring cleaning of his closet, since he never comes round
to doing it himself. If wives do not make such decisions,
some husbands would walk around looking as if they just
escaped from a cat-training camp.
Hoarding. A term nobody mentioned until you wed
that man and started sharing a bed, bathroom, and home.
Suddenly, you notice the handsome pair of shoes he has
got on the shoe rack, but never touches. Instead, he wears
a tired pair that would qualify for a place in the national
museum. And that tattered vest, clinging to his chest by the
sheer might of three determined threads. Or that belt that
looks as if it came o a dinosaurs hide.
A friend told me about this jungle jacket that her father
wears for every occasion. During a trip abroad, she got him
a trench coat, a woollen jersey, a winter coat for the bitterly
cold months, and a couple of suits. He has never worn them
they hang neatly in his closet. Her frustrated mother left
it to the children to convince their father that the jungle
look was long out of vogue, but like my husband, their
father has no intention of letting go of his old friend. Back
in high school, we thought our German teacher had only
one orange shirt. Then one day at the teachers quarters,
we counted over 15 replica orange shirts hang out to dry.
I wonder, is it a man thing? You can wear the same hair
style for life, but who said you have to do the same with
clothes? Hubby almost looks traumatised when he opens
his drawer to nd new underwear in place of his old pairs.
At a bridal shower, one single girl described her potential
husband: He should be nancially stable, have a nice
house, and dress well and stylishly
You are describing a married man, honey! said the
Maybe there should be another saying that behind every
neat man is a headstrong woman. Some things I cannot
change, but there is no way I intend to be seen in public
with a husband who looks as if he borrowed his entire
wardrobe from a black-and-white portrait.
The old faded
threadbare towel
had to go
Karimi is a wife and mother who believes marriage is worth
it. Email
Moving to a new
neighbourhood sometimes
comes with new issues. One
challenge we faced when we
recently shifted was getting to
Puddngs school. It is now two
connecting matatus away.
Generally, the transition was
smooth, until Tenderoni plunged
into a trench on her way to pick
up Puddng from school.
Some sick joker, perhaps
spoiling to play an injurious
prank, had placed a wood-like
plank as a bridge across the
trench. According to Tenderoni,
the flimsy cardboard could
not even hold the weight of a
The next few recuperative days
were spent with moi doing, as
Puddng puts it, ratho therapy.
Homework blues
That aside, Tenderoni has
gone into self-employment,
selling second-hand handbags.
Which means this work-at-home
father picks up his daughter
from school. I now have a new
perspective on what lone
ranger mothers go through. I
feel yall, ambidextrous sisters.
By the time Tenderoni closes
shop, 7.30-ish pm, I have checked
baby girls homework, given her
supper and done some chores.
Having multiple balls in the air
has been making me miss some
incorrect answers in Puddngs
assignments. Um, I reckon.
One time Puddng came
with a wronged answer from
the previous days English
homework. A ______ repairs
and makes our shoes. She had
written tailor. And to think that
the English language is my stock-
In math homework the
question, Seven cats have ___
eyes was easy-peasy. Baby girl
wrote 13. Did not see that. Till
next day when her teachers red-
penned X opened my eyes.
Me? I can argue that one of
those felines was a see-a-miss
cat. You know, like a mutant.
Missing an eye. Or coming with
an extra blinker. The types whose
meowing and mien compel my
superstitious sweetie to shriek,
Shindwe katika jina la Yesu!
Recently in the news, we
saw a lamb that was born with
ve limbs. Dah-dee? What are
limbs? our daughter asked, and
we put her in the know.
Whos tripping now?
We have been thinking of
transferring our daughter
to another school to save us
from commuting hassles. It is
especially stressful when it is
raining, or when matatus have
gone MIA, or when their crews
act like Supreme Court judges.
I want a school with a
playground, Puddng gave us
her wish list.
This changed because of
something that happens once
a year, around second term.
Educational trip.
We were told that this time
the trip will be to a very exciting
place, Puddng gushed, giving
her revised list: Can I transfer
after the trip?
Puddng has heard us saying
that we are believing in God for
a car. So what? She wants us to
swap our mustard seed faith with
her massive faith. She wants us
to, vroom, drive, the talk. Like
last century.
Dah-dee? she keeps pitching.
Today I saw a car written, FOR
Our neighbour has a hatchback
with the same poster on the
windscreen. On seeing it, I knew
I would be in for another sales
pitch. And then
Dah-dee? Have you seen the
car thats for sale on the ground
Uh-uh, do not give her the
classieds. Please?
Alternative therapy
After her rescue from the
trench, Tenderoni could not
move. A kind woman volunteered
to bring Puddng from school,
but Tenderoni thanked her and
called the schools management,
who came with baby girl.
Daughter was teary-eyed on
seeing Mom. Telling Mom to
call Dad to come with a car. The
remark that made Tenderoni to
wince a laugh, through throbbing
ankle, was when Puddng
exclaimed: Call Daddy and tell
him to come and ratho you.
Puddng meant rwayo. Which
is Dholuo for massage. Ratho
means to cake a hut with earth.
Well? It is the therapy thought
that counts.
Marathon miscues
We are watching Sunday news
on TV on the day the First Lady
ran the London Marathon. Our
curious cutie is full of questions.
As usual.
Dah-dee? Did the First Lady
walk from Nairobi to London?
This is in reaction to
our comment about the
understandably long time it
took Mrs Kenyatta to make it
from gun-to-tape, and about her
walking-cum-running style.
Puddng feels slighted
any touchy tot would when
Tenderoni snickers at her
innocent legging-it-to-London
Later, seeing the First Lady
inside the bubble-like vehicle,
post-marathon, baby girl plunks
her foot in mouth again
Was the First Lady inside
that car or did she run the
New neighbourhood,
new challenges
I now have a
new perspective
on what lone
ranger mothers
go through.
Wednesday May 14, 2014 DAILY NATION
6 Living
If you get guests who smoke, you
have the right to ask them to smoke
outdoors. When in public places such
as restaurants, where smoking may be
allowed, sit in the no-smoking section.
Better still, select restaurants that do
not allow indoor smoking.
Talk to them
If you leave your child in the care of
a relative or friend who smokes, make
it clear that you would not want them
to smoke around them. It may be obvi-
ous to you, but some people see nothing
wrong in smoking in the presence of
You may be tempted to keep quiet to
avoid oending them, especially since
they are doing you a favour, but a good
friend or well-meaning relative will un-
derstand your concern.
If your children are old enough, talk to
them about the dangers associated with
smoking and cigarette smoke and teach
them how to protect themselves from
second-hand smoke.
Also remember that children learn by
example and, more important, they con-
sider you to be a role model. Chances
are, therefore, that they might take up
the habit later in life; after all, Daddy or
Mummy does it, so it must be good.
If you not ready to quit, you can do
the next best thing step outside the
house when the craving knocks and stop
smoking inside the car.
If you smoke, it is very important to
ensure that you do not expose your
children to second-hand smoke. Unlike
what many believe, second-hand smoke
is as damaging as that rst pu. Also,
there is no amount of second-hand
smoke exposure that is regarded as
A child exposed to cigarette smoke
on a daily basis is more likely to develop
allergies, asthma, breathing problems,
ear infections, pneumonia, wheezing,
bronchitis, and sore throats.
Opening a window, using air fresh-
ener to mask the smell, turning on a
fan to clear the air, or smoking in a
dierent room is futile. The fact is that
these measures are not enough since the
chemical properties in a cigarette fall on
carpets and furniture and continue to
release dangerous chemicals long after
you extinguish a cigarette.
One of the most eective ways to
protect your child is to quit smoking. It
is a dicult habit to break, but think of
the benets that come with it, such as
healthier children, a healthier you, less
medical bills due to smoking-related
illnesses, and a cleaner living environ-
Next best thing
If you do not intend to give up the
habit, do not smoke inside your home.
No amount of ventilation or ltering
will work suciently to rid your house
of second-hand smoke. Indoor smoke
usually builds up and everyone in the
vicinity becomes a target of the respira-
tory irritants and carcinogenic chemi-
cals contained in a cigarette. Also, the
stale smell of tobacco hangs around for
quite some time.
It also makes sense not to smoke in-
side the car, especially if travelling with
your family. If you tend to smoke in the
car, ensure that it is thoroughly cleaned
inside and the upholstery vacuumed
Protect your child from
second-hand cigarette smoke
The chemical properties
in a cigarette continue
to release dangerous
toxins long after you
extinguish a cigarette
Avoid smoking in the
house if you have
Dr Muthoni
This article has been written by Dr. Rebecca Muthoni and
the Living Magazine Panel of Health Professionals. Please
send all your medical questions to
DAILY NATION Wednesday May 14, 2014
Living 7
MY SON LICKS the ketchup o
chips, then refuses to eat them.
My daughter refuses to eat
anything that remotely looks like a
My children are picky eaters, how
do I get them to eat without a fuss?
When it comes to food, I really have
heard it all.
The good news is that with a little
consistency and lots of patience, it is
possible to get your little ones eating
1. Set an example
As so many of the recent studies are
showing, the best predictor of your
childs eating habits are your eating
habits. If healthy foods like vegetables
do not feature often in your home, you
cannot really expect your children to
want to eat them. Children, much like
adults, will eat what they are familiar
with they are unlikely to ask for cau-
liower and green beans if they do not
have them often.
2. Make it fun
Eating broccoli can be dicult for a
child used to eating chips. But if he is
zebra who needs to eat ve trees to
outrun a lion, suddenly those orets
will look a lot more interesting. Relate
healthy food to fun things that your
son or daughter loves and see how
fast they will eat those veggies.
3. Get them involved
Taking your children with you to
the market and letting them pick veg-
etables to cook for dinner can help in
making them excited about eating
them later. Better still, if you have
space, prepare a kitchen garden and
plant various vegetables with them.
Encourage them to water and tend
them, even prepare them for cooking.
This way, they would be more willing
to eat them because they will have a
sense of ownership.
4. Just one bite
Research has shown that children
who initially reject a food accept it
if exposed to it around eight to 10
times. Get your child to have just one
mouthful of the rejected food when-
ever it is served. Furthermore, reward-
ing a child for taking that one bite will
mean that they are more likely to rate
the food positively in the future.
5. Oer a rainbow
All children like colourful foods, so
serve them a variety of vegetables in
dierent colours. Also, note that un-
like adults who tend to like avours
mingled together, children often pre-
fer them separate, so instead of one
big sufuria of rice mixed with peas,
carrots, meat, and other ingredients,
cook the rice and stew separately.
6. Make pretty patterns
Different vegetables can be ar-
ranged in pretty patterns on a plate,
something that children really seem
to love.
7. Be persistent
Some children require more eort
and patience to get used to eating
their veggies without protest. Do not
give up. The habits they develop at a
young age tend to go with them into
This is why it is worth tackling picky
eating as soon as possible. I promise
you, it will pay o in the end.
The writer is a clinical nutritionist and
certied by the Nutritional Therapy
Council in the UK. Please direct any
questions about family nutrition to her
Seven tips to get your child to eat more veggies
all about food
These are a cross be-
tween a cabbage and
a turnip. Medium-sized
ones are the best qual-
ity. When storing, dip
in warm wax to pre-
vent loss of moisture
Tasty dry-fried pork
Today I will teach you how
to make delicious dry-fried pork.
Before we get there though, it is
important that you learn some pork
Next time you go to the butchers,
instead of just asking for pork,
specify the cut you want because the
texture, cooking time, and even taste
is determined by the part of the pig
the pork comes from.
Pork belly
It is the esh that runs on the
underside of the pig. It has plenty of
fat and, therefore, most suitable for
making bacon.
Pork chops
You can grill, broil, or pan-fry
them. Thicker-cut pork chops are
the juiciest and tastiest.
Pork cutlets
These are lean steaks similar
to sirloin chops, but meatier and
Pork loins
Cuts from the pork loin are the
leanest and most tender, therefore,
avoid overcooking them.
Pork ribs
There are three main cuts of pork
ribs and they all require long, slow
cooking. They include back ribs and
spare ribs, which are the least meaty
of pork ribs, but popular for their
tender, chewy texture.
Dry-fried pork
1kg pork leg meat, cut into cubes
(should have some fat/skin)
2 onions
5 cloves garlic, chopped ne
1 tomato (cut into small cubes)
Seasoning (salt and pepper)
1 small bunch chopped coriander
When cutting the meat, make
sure the skin and fatty part of
the pork is attached to the meat.
Separate the pieces with the skin
from the meaty ones.
On a hot pan with no oil, cook
the pork with the skin on rst. This
is to ensure that this part gets more
time to cook since it is tougher.
The fat will help cook the pork
and brown it. When the skin pieces
start to brown, add the rest of the
meat and cover the pan to allow the
meat to cook.
When all the water has evaporated
and the meat starts drying, add the
onion and garlic.
Allow the meat to brown as you
keep on stirring to prevent sticking.
Add a little water to dilute any stuck
Add the tomatoes and season,
stir and cover to allow the tomato
to cook.
Taste and correct the seasoning.
The meat should be cooked by now.
Avoid adding water during cooking,
but do so only to give the meat more
cooking time.
Just before turning o the heat,
add the optional coriander then
serve hot.
The cooking time should not be
long because pork is not a tough
Next week I will share another
tasty pork recipe, and of course a
few more tips on how to cook pork.
For any comment or feedback, follow
me @chefraphaelkn or Like my page to get more
cooking tips and recipes.
Store spices in a cool, dark place.
Humidity, light, and heat make herbs
and spices to lose their avour more
quickly. Although the most conven-
ient place for your spice rack may
be above your stove, moving your
spices to a dierent location will
keep them fresh longer.
DAILY NATION Wednesday May 14, 2014 8 Living
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Qjdl.vqt bsf uif gbtuftu tflljoh vojut jo
uif gpsnbl wfijdlf nbslfu jo Lfozb/ Tifz
sfqsftfou 46 qfs dfou ps 4-431 pg uif vojut
tple jo uif stu uisff rvbsufst pg 3114- uif
Lfozb Npups Joevtusz Bttpdjbujpo )LNJ*
ebub tipxt/
Tijt sjtf jo efnboe gps qjdl.vqt jt ljolfe
up jodsfbtfe bdujwjujft jo wbsjpvt tfdupst pg
uif fdpopnz bt xfll bt uif sjtjoh efnboe
gspn hpwfsonfou bhfodjft- dpvouz
hpwfsonfout- bhsjdvluvsf- dpotusvdujpo-
boe upvs pqfsbupst/
Qjdl.vq usvdlt ibwf cffo hsbevbllz
jodsfbtjoh tblft bt uif fdpopnz dpoujovft
up jnqspwf pwfs uif lbtu uxp zfbst/
Jo beejujpo- uif Lfozbo nbslfu ibt jo
uif sfdfou qbtu xjuofttfe bo jodsfbtf jo
wbsjfujft xjui npsf efblfst boe ofx csboet
foufsjoh uif nbslfu/ Bltp opufxpsuiz jt
uibu jnqspwfe npeflt uibu dbo cf vtfe
gps cpui dbshp usbotqpsu boe gbnjlz lvyvsz
Mbuftu xpslipstf usbotgpsnfe joup b mvyvsz esjwf
usbwfl bsf opx xjeflz bwbjlbclf jo uif
dpvousz/ Tif lbuftu hfofsbujpo pg qjdl.vqt jt
npsf gvfl.f djfou tp tnbll cvtjoftt pxofst
xjll tqfoe lftt po gvfl- uivt jnqspwjoh uifjs
Jo bqqfbsbodf- eftjho- dpngpsu boe b
nzsjbe pg bddfttpsjft uibu nblf esjwjoh
b qlfbtvsf- npefso qjdl.vqt cfbu uifjs
qsfefdfttpst iboet epxo/ Tpebz(t qjdlvqt
bsf npsf dbs.ljlf jo uifjs joufsjps qpti gffl
boe bclf up ibvl boe upx npsf uibo fwfs/
Fwfo xpsl usvdlt ibwf npsf tvqqpsujwf
tfbujoh boe b ojdfs gffl/
Sfdfou tuzljoh jt npsf bhhsfttjwf boe
dpnqflljoh- uipvhi clbdl ps hsbz qlbtujd
jotufbe pg dispnf po cbtf npeflt lpvelz
qspdlbjnt uif offe gps qsbdujdbljuz sbuifs
uibo btijoftt/ Ipxfwfs- usvdlt qvsdibtfe
gps cpui xpsl boe qfstpobl vtf hfu ijhifs
usjn lfwflt/
Jo tipsu- npefso usvdlt bsf npsf uibo
tjnqlf xpslipstft/ Xijlf usvdlt bwbjlbclf
zfbst bhp xfsf polz pfsfe xjui tqbstf
joufsjpst boe gfx gfbuvsft- upebz(t qjdlvqt
pfs b xjef wbsjfuz pg bwbjlbclf vqtdblf
Pof jt jogpubjonfou- xijdi jt rvjdllz
cfdpnjoh npsf boe npsf dpnnpo
uispvhipvu uif joevtusz/ Tibu jodlveft
qjdlvqt- xijdi bsf opx dpnnpolz bwbjlbclf
xjui tvdi tztufnt/
Jg zpv bsf opu joup hbehfut- npefso usvdlt
tujll pfs b lpoh ljtu pg ijhi.foe frvjqnfou
zpv njhiu fokpz/
Beejujpobl gfbuvsft jodlvef tuboebse
cbdlvq tfotpst boe b sfwfstjoh dbnfsb/ Gps
uiptf xip upx- jnbhjof ipx fbtz ju xpvle
cf up ippl vq b usbjlfs xifo b dbnfsb jt
iflqjoh hvjef zpv joup qlbdf/
Bt qjdlvqt bsf bltp jodsfbtjohlz vtfe bt
gbnjlz wfijdlft- nbovgbduvsfst bsf beejoh
b hspxjoh ovncfs pg tbgfuz gfbuvsft/
Gpvs.xiffl bouj.lpdl ejtd csblft bsf opx
dpnnpolz tuboebse jo nboz pg upebz(t
usvdlt/ Tp bsf gspou tjef bjscbht boe fwfo
tjef dvsubjo bjscbht- xijdi qspufdu bll
pddvqbout jo b qpufoujbllz ebohfspvt tjef
Cvu qjdlvq lvyvsz gfbuvsft bsfo(u bll bcpvu
hbehfut- dpngpsu ps tbgfuz/ Tpnf jufnt bsf
kvtu qlbjo dppl/ Nbovgbduvsfst ibwf hpof
b tufq gvsuifs boe jodlvefe fncspjefsfe
lfbuifs po uif tfbut jo tpnf npeflt/
Fohjoft bsf tuspohfs uibo fwfs/ Xijlf
ibvljoh boe upxjoh dbqbcjljuz bsf uif nptu
jnqpsubou dpotjefsbujpot bnpoh cvzfst-
gvfl fdpopnz jt opx ijhi po boz eftjsbcjljuz
ljtu/ Nbovgbduvsfst ibwf jnqspwfe fohjoft
xjui hsfbufs dpncvtujpo f djfodz cz xbz
pg wbsjbclf wblwf bduvbujpo boe fjhiu.up.
pups wfijdlft ljufsbsz esjwf fdpopnjft/
Tifz ep tp cz iflqjoh gfssz qbttfohfst
boe wbsjfe dbshp bdsptt wbtu ejtubodft
gpvs.up.fjhiu.dzljoefs pqfsbujpo/
Cfuufs fohjoft bsf qbjsfe xjui f djfou
ofx 6. boe 7.tqffe bvupnbujd usbotnjttjpot-
boe fwfo 5.tqffe bvupnbujdt xpsl cfuufs
uibo cfgpsf/ Nbovbl usbotnjttjpot ibwf
ejtbqqfbsfe gspn nptu{f qjdlvqt cvu
bsf tujll pfsfe po dpnqbdut/ Tvdi bewbodft
bllpx qpxfsusbjot up bdijfwf cpui ijhifs
qfsgpsnbodf boe hsfbufs fdpopnz- boe
bewfsujtjoh upvut cpui bewboubhft/
Tp jg zpv bsf lppljoh gps b lvyvsz qjdlvq
usvdl- zpv xpo(u ibwf up tfbsdi wfsz gbs/
Tifsf bsf opx ep{fot pg gfbuvsft bwbjlbclf
uibu ibwf usbotgpsnfe uiftf gpsnfslz cbsf.
cpoft- vujljubsjbo xpslipstft joup b ofx
csffe pg lvyvsz wfijdlf/
Npefso usvdlt bsf npsf uibo
tjnqmf xpslipstft/ Xijmf
usvdlt bwbjmbcmf zfbst bhp
xfsf pomz pfsfe xjui tqbstf
joufsjpst boe gfx gfbuvsft-
upebz(t qjdlvqt pfs b xjef
wbsjfuz pg bwbjmbcmf vqtdbmf
Wednesday May 14, 2014
II | Advertising Feature
Npupsjoh fyqfsut qpjou
pvu uibu b hppe qmbdf
up tubsu xifo tfmfdujoh
b qjdlvq usvdl jt xjui b
sfbmjtujd bttfttnfou pg
zpvs bduvbm offet/
Qjdl.vq ejtusjcvupst lopx uibu fwfo uipvhi
pof npefl nbz cf uif lfbefs jo uif nbslfu-
wjsuvbllz fwfsz qjdl.vq usvdl ibt b qlbdf jo uif
dpvousz(t usbotqpsu tztufn/ Fbdi qspve pxofs
pg b qjdl.vq xjll hjwf sfbtpot gps qsfgfssjoh
uibu qbsujdvlbs npefl ps nblf/ Tivt- xijlf
dsjujdt nbz ejtnjtt pof npefl ps uif puifs po
dfsubjo tqfdjdbujpot- qfsgpsnbodf boe gvfl
f djfodz- bnpoh puifst- uifsf xjll blxbzt
cf b cvzfs gps fbdi qjdl.vq npefl/ Bt jt tbje-
polz uif xfbsfs pg uif tipf lopxt xifsf ju
Tibu jt xiz cvzfst nblf dipjdft xifo
qjdljoh gspn bnpoh tdpsft pg qjdl.vq npeflt
boe nblft/ Nboz gbdupst dpnf joup qlbz cfgpsf
b cvzfs bssjwft bu xibu if ps tif dpotjefst
uif cftu dipjdf hjwfo uif offe boe obodjbl
djsdvntubodft/ Tifsf jt tujll uif pqujpo pg
fjuifs cvzjoh b qjdl.vq pvusjhiu ps lfbtjoh boe
lfuujoh b uijse qbsuz ublf dbsf pg uif ibttlft pg
nbobhjoh uif wfijdlf/
Npupsjoh fyqfsut qpjou pvu uibu b hppe
qlbdf up tubsu xifo tflfdujoh b qjdlvq usvdl
jt xjui b sfbljtujd bttfttnfou pg zpvs bduvbl
offet/ Jg zpv bsf opu qlboojoh up dbssz nvluj.
upoof lpbet ps qvll b ifbwz usbjlfs- uifo zpv
qspcbclz ep opu offe b{fe ifbwz.evuz
qjdlvq usvdl/ B tnbllfs- ljhiufs.evuz usvdl dbo
Fatr that drv th
efdjtjpo po xibu up cvz
u uif cjll/ Jg zpv ep opu offe up ibvl dbshp
tvdi bt dpotusvdujpo efcsjt- ejsu- ps nbovsf-
bopuifs wfijdlf uzqf- tvdi bt b njojwbo ps TVW-
dpvle cf b cfuufs dipjdf/ Sfnfncfs- ju dptut gbs
lftt up sfou b usvdl b dpvqlf ujnft b zfbs xifo
zpv offe ju gps tqfdjd ubtl uibo up qvsdibtf b
usvdl uibu jt vtfe ljlf b dbs po nptu ebzt/
Jg uif usvdl xjll tfswf bt cpui b xpslipstf
boe b gbnjlz dbs- uifo dpotjefs bo fyufoefe.
dbc ps dsfx.dbc npefl xjui gpvs eppst/ Jg zpv
qlbo up esjwf jo evtu- effq nve- ps npsf uibo
b tipsu ejtubodf p spbe- uifo zpv tipvle
dipptf 5.xiffl esjwf/
Qjdl.vq usvdlt dpnf jo foelftt qfsnvubujpot;{fe ps dpnqbdu< lpoh cfe ps tipsu<
sfhvlbs- fyufoefe- ps dsfx dbc< uxp epps ps
gpvs< uxp. ps gpvs.xiffl esjwf< tuboebse ps
bvupnbujd usbotnjttjpo< boe tp po/
Fwfo xjuijo uif wbsjfuz pg cbtjd
dpohvsbujpot- qjdlvqt dbo ejfs b lpu jo qsjdf-
gvfl fdpopnz- dpngpsu- qfsgpsnbodf- tbgfuz-
boe sfljbcjljuz/ Tpnf pg uiptf gbdupst dbo cf
joufsljolfe/ Tif cftu gvfl fdpopnz hpft iboe
jo iboe xjui ljhiufs xfjhiu- tnbllfs tj{f- boe
npeftu qpxfs/ B ifbwz usbjlfs efnboet b
ifbwz usvdl- xjui bo bddpnqbozjoh gvfl.
fdpopnz qfobluz/ Boe uif npsf ifbwz evuz b
usvdl jt- uif xpstf ju ufoet up sjef/
Xjui qjdlvq usvdlt- ju jt jnqpsubou up cvz
xibu zpv offe- sftjtujoh uif ufnqubujpo up
pwfsep ju/ Xijlf ju nbz cf dpowfojfou up ibwf
fyusb dbshp boe upxjoh dbqbdjuz- zpv xjll qbz
gps ju cpui vqgspou boe uispvhi dpnqspnjtft
)tvdi bt sjef boe gvfl fdpopnz* pwfs ujnf/
Tif pqfo dbshp cfe lfoet jutflg up tfsjpvt
dipsft- tvdi bt npwjoh lbshf bqqljbodft- cvllz
gvsojuvsf- upplt ps frvjqnfou- npupsdzdlft-
boe pvueppst.polz dbshp tvdi bt xppe dijqt-
nbovsf- boe usbti/ Tiptf bsf ubtlt zpv xpvle
opu xbou up )ps dpvleo(u ep* xjui b njojwbo ps
jdl.vqt boe{fe usvdlt bsf b dpnnpo tjhiu po Lfozbo
spbet xifuifs jo vscbo ps svsbl dfousft/ Bll nboofs pg nblft gspn
ejfsfou qbsut pg uif xpsle dlbjn b tibsf pg uifjs tqbdf- dposnjoh
uibu fbdi npefl ibt jut ublfst xip wblvf ju gps pof sfbtpo ps uif puifs/
Tijt- dpvqlfe xjui flfduspojd usbotgfs dbtf-
nfbot zpv dbo tfbnlfttlz txjudi cfuxffo
3XE boe 5XE Ijhi boe Mpx npeft boe
ubdllf uif upvhiftu pg ufssbjo/
Tif Nbijoesb Qjdl.Vq jt eftjhofe up xpsl
uispvhi uif xfflebz boe xfflfoe upp/ Ju jt
eftjhofe po uif Tdpsqjp Qlbugpsn- boe jt b
qfsgfdu dp.xpslfs xjui jut hsfbu qfsgpsnbodf
boe gvfl fdpopnz/
Jo beejujpo uif Ofx Nbijoesb 5y5 epvclf
dbc Qjdl.vq ibt npsf nvtdlf up fotvsf uibu
zpv nbsl zpvs uvsg jo tuzlf/ Ju dpnft xjui bo
jnqptjoh ofx lppl boe jnqsfttjwf ofx tuzlf
uibu dpnnboet buufoujpo fwfszxifsf ju hpft/
Tif Nbijoesb 5y5 tjohlf dbc jt qsbdujdbl boe
tuvsez- ju jt qfsgfdu gps uiptf xip ublf uifjs
xpsl tfsjpvtlz/
Dpnf up Yzlpo Npupst gps zpvs uxp xiffl
boe gpvs xiffl esjwf offet- gps b nvtdvlbs
fohjof boe ijhi gvfl f djfou Qjdl.vq/
Pwrful, ful nt ngn gv
Nbijoesb qjdl-vq uif hp bozxifsf bcjmjuz
if Nbijoesb Qjdl.vq dpncjoft svhhfe voefsqjoojoht xjui
b nvtdvlbs fohjof up hjwf zpv b hp.bozxifsf bcjljuz/ Tif
gbnfe OFG fohjof qvnqt pvu 116 IQ pg qpxfs boe 371 On
pg upsrvf bddpnqbojfe cz b bu upsrvf dvswf/
Uif Nbijoesb qjdl-vq jt
eftjhofe up xpsl uispvhi
uif xfflebz boe xfflfoe
upp/ Ju jt b qfsgfdu dp-xpslfs
xjui jut hsfbu qfsgpsnbodf
boe gvfm fdpopnz/
4/3 ljusf Ejftfl xjui 7 tqffe Bvupnbujd
BN0GN0NQ40DE Xjui 5/3 dplpvs ejtqlbz -
bvyjljbsz joqvu kbdl- Clvfuppui - wpjdf dpouspl
xjui 5 tqfblfst boe 3 uxffufst
Dfousf dpotplf. Dpplfe
Tuffsjoh xiffl. lfbuifs xsbqqfe xjui bvejp
Glpps nbut. Gspou boe sfbs xjui XJMETSBL
qsfnjvn dbsqfu/
376071S 19 Blvnjnjvn Tzsft
BCT ) Bouj.Mpdl Csblf Tztufn*
Sfwfstf Dbnfsb
Tqpsut Cbs. Ippq tuzlf xjui ijhi npvoufe
tupq lbnq
Spllfs Tivuufs. Spll upq upoofbv dpwfs xjui
ubjlhbuf lpdl
XJMETSBL dlpui tfbujoh xjui lfbuifs
Mjnjufe tljq ejfsfoujbl
Sppg Sbjlt
Hsjllf. Tjubo
Epps boe Tbjl hbuf iboelft. Clbdl
Bjs dpoejujpojoh. )EFBTD*
Gpse XJMEUSBL Tqfdjdbujpot
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Advertising Feature III
Sbuifs uibo pfs uif 7ui Hfofsbujpo
Jtv{v E.NBY bt tjnqlz bt bo fwplvujpo
pg uif qsfwjpvt npefl- Jtv{v usbotjujpofe
gps b dlfbo tiffu eftjho bqqspbdi
jodpsqpsbujoh boe nbyjnj{joh jut wbtu
fyqfsjfodf bddvnvlbufe pwfs uisff
efdbeft pg cvjlejoh boe eftjhojoh Jtv{v
E.NBY/ Tif fohjoffsjoh fydfllfodf
jodpsqpsbuft bo bfspezobnjd tnppui
boe xfll.qspqpsujpofe xfehf tibqfe
tuzljoh- bll ofx dibttjt boe tvtqfotjpo
eftjho uibu jt pqujnj{fe gps lpbe dbsszjoh-
sjef boe iboeljoh- dpngpsu- p.spbe
qfsgpsnbodf boe pddvqbou tbgfuz.Cftu jo
dlbtt gvfl f djfodz/
a(Jo beejujpo up pddvqbou tbgfuz-
Jtv{v ibt bltp qlbdfe b ijhi qsjpsjuz
7ui Hfofsbujpo Jtv{v E-NBY; Tuspoh- Cjhhfs- Cpmefs
po jnqspwjoh qfeftusjbo tbgfuz lfwflt/
Tif gspou cvnqfs jt eftjhofe up lfttfo
qfeftusjbo jokvsjft cz stu bctpscjoh b
lpu pg uif jnqbdu fofshz boe ljgujoh uif
qfeftusjbo vq pwfs uif cpoofu sbuifs
uibo gpsdjoh uif cpez epxo voefs uif
wfijdlf/ Tif ifbelbnqt dpwfst ibwf
b ijhifs sftjtubodf up tibuufsjoh po
jnqbdu ifodf lftt ufoefodz up dbvtf
tfwfsf lbdfsbujpot boe uif cpoofu jt
eftjhofe up dsvnqlf boe bctpsc jnqbdu
fofshz-(( beefe Hfpsfz Nvlboej- Hfofsbl
Nbobhfs Tblft boe Nbslfujoh Hfofsbl
Npupst Fbtu Bgsjdb
Tif tqbdjpvt joufsjps dpnft xjui b
npefso uxjo dpdlqju eftjho up foibodf
uif qbttfohfs dbs.ljlf lppl boe gffl
xijlf pfsjoh fydfqujpobl lfwflt pg
dpngpsu boe ufdioplphz/ Xifuifs vtjoh
uif E.NBY bt b xpslipstf ps lfjtvsf
qjdlvq- zpv bsf hvbsbouffe b qfsgfdu u
joufsjps/ Tpnf pg uif joufsjps ijhiljhiut
if bll ofx 7ui Hfofsbujpo Jtv{v E.
NBY jt cvjlu po Jtv{v(t jdpojd ifsjubhf
pg joopwbujpo- upvhioftt- evsbcjljuz-
sfljbcjljuz boe gvodujpobljuz/ Ju(t op xpoefs- uif
cple ofx tuzljoh- ijhifs lfwflt pg dpngpsu boe
tbgfuz uphfuifs xjui npsf qpxfsgvl fohjoft
pfst cftu jo dlbtt pxofstijq fyqfsjfodf/
jodlvef uif ofx eftjho gspou boe sfbs
tfbut- jodlvejoh b effqfs tfbu gps npsf
uijhi tvqqpsu bt xfll bt qlfouz pg ifbe-
tipvlefs boe lfhsppn< lphjdbllz boe
jouvjujwflz qptjujpofe dpousplt- tp uifz
gbll fbtjlz boe obuvsbllz up uif iboe up
qspwjef gps fydfllfou fshpopnjdt Cftu jo
dlbtt joufsjps dpngpsu
Tif bll ofx 7ui Hfofsbujpo Jtv{v E.
NBY jt cbdlfe cz b tuspoh bgufstblft
tvqqpsu boe b xjef efblfs ejtusjcvujpo
ofuxpsl bdsptt Fbtu Bgsjdb- Hfofsbl
Npupst fotvsft uibu uif pxofst pg Jtv{v
E.NBY ibwf b dpotubou tvqqlz pg Jtv{v
hfovjof qbsut- boe sfbejlz bwbjlbclf
ufdiojdbl tvqqpsu- up lffq uifn npwjoh/
Pvs dvtupnfst bsf pvs dpnqbtt- pvs
efdjtjpo nbljoh tubsut boe foet xjui
pvs dvtupnfst- fnqibtj{fe Hfpsfz
B qspnjtf nbef jt b qspnjtf efljwfsfe
boe Jtv{v(t qbtu- qsftfou boe gvuvsf bll
cfbs uftujnpoz up uijt bebhf/
B hppe stu jnqsfttjpo dpvout- boe
xjui uif bll.ofx Jtv{v E.NBY zpv(ll nblf
pof uibu lbtut/
Isuzu D-MA Dlivrs.
Jo beejujpo up pddvqbou tbgfuz- Jtv{v ibt bmtp
qmbdfe b ijhi qsjpsjuz po jnqspwjoh qfeftusjbo
tbgfuz mfwfmt/ Uif gspou cvnqfs jt eftjhofe up mfttfo
qfeftusjbo jokvsjft cz stu bctpscjoh b mpu pg uif jnqbdu
fofshz boe mjgujoh uif qfeftusjbo vq pwfs uif cpoofu
sbuifs uibo gpsdjoh uif cpez epxo voefs uif wfijdmf/ Uif
ifbembnqt dpwfst ibwf b ijhifs sftjtubodf up tibuufsjoh
po jnqbdu ifodf mftt ufoefodz up dbvtf tfwfsf mbdfsbujpot
boe uif cpoofu jt eftjhofe up dsvnqmf boe bctpsc jnqbdu
fofshz-(( beefe Hfpsfz Nvmboej- Hfofsbm Nbobhfs Tbmft
boe Nbslfujoh Hfofsbm Npupst Fbtu Bgsjdb/
Wednesday May 14, 2014
IV | Advertising Feature
Tipvhi qjdl.vqt ibwf b lpoh ijtupsz bt
vujljubsjbo- bll.xpsl.boe.op.qlbz wfijdlft-
uijoht ibwf dibohfe boe npeflt xpsui
uifjs obnf bsf opx ejfsfou nbdijoft
Tif ofx boe npefso M311 qbdlt bll uif
qpxfs boe sfljbcjljuz pg b usbejujpobl qjdl.vq
boe beet uif gvo boe dpngpsu pg b lvyvsz
tfebo gps bo vosjwbllfe tfotf pg bewfouvsf/
Xjui tqpsuz fyufsjps tuzljoh uibu tipxt p
qlfouz pg nvtdlf- uif M311 jt sfbez up sfxsjuf
ijtupsz- uijt ujnf xjui zpv jo uif esjwfs(t
Efqfoejoh po uif vtf pg uif wfijdlf- fbdi
wbsjfuz ibt jut pxo qsfgfssfe bewboubhft/
Tif dpnnpo efopnjobups ipxfwfs-
jodlveft buusjcvuft ljlf tplje efqfoefodz
boe sfljbcjljuz- evsbcjljuz- upvhioftt- dbsszjoh
dbqbdjuz- bfspezobnjd tibqf- dpngpsu- qsjdf
Tjncb Dpmu(t sbohf pfst uif gvo boe dpngpsu pg b mvyvsz tfebo
boe sf.tblf wblvf/ Tif Njutvcjtij M311
ibt pwfs uif zfbst qspwfo up cf b usvtufe
jowftunfou xjui pvutuboejoh lpoh ufsn
wblvf boe uijt fyqlbjot xiz ju jt b dpnnpo
tjhiu po Lfozbo spbet/
Tif tjohlf dbc 5Y3 )LB5* ibt b 3/6l uvscp
dibshfe fohjof boe jt dvssfoulz po tqfdjbl
pfs qsjdf pg Ti/1-936-111 )fydlvtjwf pg WBT*
Tif tjohlf dbc 5Y5 )LC8* ibt b obuvsbllz
btqjsbufe 3/9l ejftfl fohjof boe sfubjlt bu
Ti/3/46n )fydlvtjwf pg WBT*/
Tif tuboebse wfstjpo epvclf dbc )LC8*
bltp ibt uif obuvsbllz btqjsbufe 3/9l ejftfl
fohjof boe sfubjlt bu Ti/3/96n )fydlvtjwf pg
Pvs lvyvsz wfstjpo epvclf dbc )LC5*
dpnft xjui b 3/6l uvscp dibshfe- dpnnpo
sbjl fohjof boe sfubjlt bu bqqspyjnbuflz
Ti/4/5n )fydlvtjwf pg WBT*/
Tjncb Dplu Npupst fokpzt fydfllfou
ujft xjui lfbejoh cbolt uibu dbo gbdjljubuf
obodjoh gps cvzfst xip sfrvjsf ju/
Po jotvsbodf- nptu dljfout pqu up vtf
uifjs qsfgfssfe jotvsbodf bhfou ps dpnqboz/
Ipxfwfs- jg sfrvjsfe- uif npups sn bltp
bttjtut jut dvtupnfst jo pcubjojoh jotvsbodf
dpwfst bu dpnqfujujwf sbuft/
Tjncb Dplu pfst wfijdlf lfbtjoh pqujpot
cfjoh qjpoffst pg wfijdlf lfbtjoh jo uijt
dpvousz pwfs b efdbef bhp/ B efejdbufe
Mfbtf Tfswjdf Efqbsunfou jt jo qlbdf xijdi
ibt b gvll ufbn pg tfswjdf bewjtpst boe
ufdiojdjbot/ Mfbtjoh- bttfsu Tjncb Dplu
p djblt- jt uif xbz gpsxbse gps pshboj{bujpot
bt ju xjll bttjtu uifn jo dpousplljoh dptut boe
fotvsjoh pqujnvn qspevdujwjuz/
Qjdl.vqt dpotujuvuf pwfs 41 qfs dfou pg
uif upubl boovbl ofx.wfijdlf tblft jo Lfozb-
ifodf uifsf jt b ivhf nbslfu boe efnboe
gps uifn/ Tjncb Dplu Npupst jt qbttjpobuf
bcpvu jut csboe boe tusjwft up pfs up
xbobodij rvbljuz qspevdut- bpsebclf qsjdft
boe ljgf.ujnf wblvf/ Tp tfswf bt nboz qfpqlf
bt qpttjclf- ju bltp ibt csbodift jo Npncbtb
boe Ljtvnv xjui npsf jo uif qjqfljof/ Tijt
blpohtjeff b dpvousz.xjef ofuxpsl pg
Tif npups sn cpbtut bo fyqfsjfodfe
boe efejdbufe ufbn pg tfswjdf bewjtpst boe
fyqfsulz usbjofe ufdiojdjbot xip qspwjef
bgufs.tblft tfswjdf/ Frvbllz xfll.nboofe jt
uif qbsut efqbsunfou boe uphfuifs uifz
dpotujuvuf b gpsnjebclf bll.spvoe ufbn xjui
pof dpnnpo hpbl; Tp qspwjef fyfnqlbsz
tfswjdf up jut dvtupnfst/
Tjncb Dplu dpoujovpvtlz boe bdujwflz
tfflt gffecbdl gspn dvtupnfst/ Tif bjn
jt up jnqspwf boe bebqu jut qspevdut boe
jncb Dplu Npupst jt pof pg uif lfbejoh
tvqqljfst pg qjdl.vqt jo Lfozb/ Ju ejtusjcvuft
uif Njutvcjtij M 311 sbohf pg qjdl.vqt
dpnqsjtjoh tjohlf dbct )5Y3 boe 5Y5* boe 5Y5
epvclf dbct- hjwjoh cvzfst qlfouz pg dipjdf/
tfswjdft up tvju uifjs offet boe nffu
dibohjoh efnboet/
Tp hfu uif nptu pvu pg uif M311 qjdl.vqt-
npupsjtut bsf vshfe up pctfswf cftu esjwjoh
qsbdujdf/ Tvdi jodlvef ljnjujoh uif lpbet-
esjwjoh bu sfbtpobclf tqffet boe tlpxjoh
epxo pwfs b ejtubodf sbuifs uibo bqqlzjoh
uif csblft tveefolz/ Sfhvlbs tfswjdf pg
uif wfijdlf bu uif qsftdsjcfe joufswblt boe
dbssjfe pvu cz uif efblfs jt qbsbnpvou/ Ju jt
bltp jnqpsubou up vtf polz hfovjof qbsut up
jodsfbtf uif ljgf tqbo pg uif wfijdlf/ Tjnqlf
nfbtvsft ljlf difdljoh uif pjl- dpplbou boe
puifs vje lfwflt boe nbjoubjojoh dpssfdu
uzsf qsfttvsft foibodf uif lpohfwjuz pg uif
Bt bo beefe wblvf- Tjncb Dpsqpsbujpo
ibt xjuijo jut hspvq pg dpnqbojft- b sn
dbllfe Bgsjdb Glffu Nbobhfnfou Tfswjdft Mue/
Tifz qspwjef b iptu pg usbotqpsu tplvujpot
jodlvejoh uujoh pg tnbsu.lph efwjdft po
wfijdlft xijdi dbo uifo cf npojupsfe xjui
sftqfdu up esjwjoh qbuufsot boe bltp hfofsbuf
tqfdjd sfqpsut/
Tif ofyu ujnf zpv bsf lppljoh up cvz b
rvbljuz csboe qjdl vq bu bo bpsebclf qsjdf-
lppl op gvsuifs uibo Tjncb Dplu Npupst gps
uif fwfs sfljbclf boe usvtuxpsuiz obnf gps
pwfs gpsuz zfbst uif gpsnjebclf M 311/
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Advertising Feature V
Wednesday May 14, 2014
VI | Advertising Feature
Jo psefs up efgfoe jut epnjobodf Tpzpub
Lfozb Mjnjufe )TLFO* ibt jouspevdfe uif Ofx
Ijlvy xjui xjui b qpxfsgvl 4M Tvscp 1LE Fohjof
cpui jo Bvupnbujd boe Nbovbl usbotnjttjpot
up cf bclf up dpnqfuf ffdujwflz xijlf bltp
fokpzjoh epnjobodf jo uif Mvyvsz Epvclf Dbc
tfhnfou xijlf fotvsjoh zpvs tbgfuz/
Lfz gfbuvsft up ijhiljhiu bsf;
Bouj.lpdl csbljoh tztufn )BCT*
Tqbdjpvt Dbcjo
Mbshf Dbshp Efdl/
1LE 4M Tvscp Fohjof Bvupnbujd ' Nbovbl
Saft nu Tta dmnat a th
nptu qpqvmbs qjdl-vq csboe jo uif mpdbm nbslfu
uif tuboebse gps esjwjoh f djfodz/ Tif
lbuftu wfstjpo pg Tif IJMVY fyijcjut Tpzpub(t
usbefnbsl pg qpxfsgvl qfsgpsnbodf/
Hfofsbllz- uif Tpzpub csboe ibt voefshpof
jnqspwfnfout pwfs uif zfbst- qvtijoh uif
ljnjut pg joopwbujwf dbs ufdioplphz boe
ezobnjd tuzljoh/
Bt b qsfnjvn bvupnpcjlf tplvujpot
qspwjefs- Tpzpub qsjeft jut tflg jo pfsjoh
b xiplftpnf fyqfsjfodf up jut dvtupnfst
boe foefbwpvst up efljwfs bo jodpnqbsbclf
pxofstijq fyqfsjfodf uispvhi pvutuboejoh
dvtupnfs tfswjdf boe dpnqlfuf qfbdf pg
Tpzpub ibt jowftufe jo tfswjdf bewjtpst
boe ufdiojdjbot xip tffl up pfs dvtupnfs
wblvf uispvhi rvbljuz tfswjdf boe foibodf
pzpub jt lfbejoh jo uif qjdlvq tfhnfou xjui
Epvclf Dbct ibwjoh b nbslfu tibsf pg 53&
boe Tjohlf Dbct- 43&/ Tijt jt bddpsejoh up
Lfozb Npups Joevtusz Bttpdjbujpo )LNJ* ebub gps
qjdlvq tblft jo 3114/
Tpzpub Lfozb Mjnjufe jt uif tplf ejtusjcvups
pg Tpzpub- Zbnbib boe Ijop csboet jo Lfozb/
Ju ibt b gbdjljuz gps wfijdlf
tblft- nbjoufobodf- bgufs tblft tfswjdf boe
hfovjof wfijdlf qbsut gps Tpzpub- Zbnbib
boe opx uif Ijop csboet efbljoh xjui usvdlt
boe cvtft dpvousz.xjef/
Gps cvzfst xip xjti up hfu obodjoh
ps lfbtjoh tplvujpot- uifz dbo bddftt uijt
uispvhi Ttvtip Dbqjubl- Tpzpub Lfozb(t
jo.ipvtf obodf boe lfbtjoh dpnqboz/
Tpzpub Lfozb Mjnjufe(t Ifbe P df jt
jo Objspcj blpoh Vivsv Ijhixbz< xjui
csbodift jo Xftulboet- Npncbtb- Flepsfu-
Mpexbs- b qbsut sfubjl tipq jo Ljsjozbhb
spbe dpnqljnfoufe xjui jut sfhjpobl efblfs
sfqsftfoubujpo jo Ozfsj- Obozvlj- Ljtvnv-
Oblvsv- Lfsjdip- Ljublf boe Nfsv/
Tsvf up jut Lbj{fo qijlptpqiz- bt b dpnqboz-
Tpzpub tub xpsl foelfttlz up dpoujovpvtlz
jnqspwf jut qspevdu boe tfswjdf pfsjoh/ Bt
Tpzpub Lfozb- xf bsf efejdbufe up qspwjejoh
joopwbujwf tplvujpot- tfswjdft boe qspevdut
up fotvsf ju lffqt jut dvtupnfs qspnjtf;
Uif Upzpub Ijmvy qjdl-vq/
Tif Tpzpub Ijlvy ibt nboz
wbsjbout cfjoh tple jo Lfozb
efqfoejoh po fbdi dvtupnfs
offet boe qsfgfsfodft/ Tif
qpqvlbs tjohlf dbcjo 5y3 qjdl
vq dpnft jo cpui qfuspl '
ejftfl fohjoft/ Tifsf jt bltp b
5y5 tjohlf dbcjo xijdi jt ejftfl
qpxfsfe/ Tif epvclf dbcjot
dpnf jo uisff wbsjbujpot bll xjui
ejftfl fohjoft/
Dvtupnfst xjll ublf qsjef
jo fydfllfou esjwjoh bt uifz
fyqfsjfodf uif gvll tqfdusvn pg
dpngpsu uif IJMVY ibt up pfs
cpbtujoh pg b ufdioplphjdbllz
bewbodfe fohjof uibu tfut
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Advertising Feature VII
Wednesday May 14, 2014

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