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Fundamentals of

with J2EE

Solutions to
Fundamentals of EJB with J2EE: Page i
Solutions to Workshops

Table of Contents

Workshop 2: Writing a Session Bean.............................................................................................1

Workshop 4: Deploying the Session Bean......................................................................................5
Workshop 5: Writing a Client Application........................................................................................ 7
Workshop 6: Writing a Container-Managed Entity Bean...............................................................13
Workshop 8: Deploying the Entity Bean........................................................................................ 21
Workshop 10: Using Exceptions................................................................................................... 25
Workshop 11: Using Transactions................................................................................................ 29
Workshop 13: Setting an Environment.......................................................................................... 31

© 2002 SkillBuilders, Inc. V 2.1.1

Fundamentals of EJB with J2EE: Page 1
Solutions to Workshops

Workshop 2:
Writing a Session Bean

package bank;

import account.*;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.ejb.*;

public interface Bank extends EJBObject {

// ===========================================
// Methods for Bank attributes
// ===========================================

// Gets the bank's name.

public String getName() throws RemoteException;

// ===========================================
// Methods to get accounts
// ===========================================

// Creates account, returns new account #

public String createAccount(float openingBalance,
String description) throws RemoteException;

// Assigns a specific account as the current one

// for transactions, returns account balance.
public float setCurrentAccount(String acctNum)
throws RemoteException;

// ===========================================
// Methods to operate on current account
// ===========================================

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// Gets the current balance of the currently selected account
public float getCurrentAcctBalance() throws RemoteException;

// Gets the current number of the currently selected account

public String getCurrentAcctNumber() throws RemoteException;

// Gets the current description of the currently selected account

public String getCurrentAcctDescription()
throws RemoteException;

// Sets the description of the currently selected account

public void setCurrentAcctDescription(String value)
throws RemoteException;

// Closes the current account

public void closeCurrentAccount() throws RemoteException;

// Credits the current account, returns new balance

public float credit(float amount) throws RemoteException;

// Debits the current account, returns new balance

public float debit(float amount) throws RemoteException;

// ===========================================
// Methods to do complex transactions
// ===========================================

// Moves money between accounts

public void transferFunds(String sourceAcctNum, String TargetAcctNum,
float amount) throws RemoteException;

} // End of Bank interface

package bank;

import javax.ejb.*;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;

public interface BankHome extends EJBHome {

// Creates a new Bank object.

public Bank create() throws CreateException, RemoteException;

} // End of BankHome interface

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Solutions to Workshops

package bank;

import course.account.Account;

import javax.ejb.*;

public class BankBean implements SessionBean {

// Instance Variables

private String _strName = ""; // For bank name

private Account _acctCurrent; // Current account

private SessionContext _ctxt; // For session context

// Methods for remote interface

// No changes to business methods...

// Method for create(*) in home interface

public void ejbCreate() {

System.out.println("Creating bank");

// Methods required by SessionBean interface

public void ejbActivate() { // Not needed

System.out.println("Activating bank");

public void ejbPassivate() { // Not needed

System.out.println("Passivating bank");

public void ejbRemove() { // Not needed

System.out.println("Removing bank");

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public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctxt) {
_ctxt = ctxt;
_strName = "Barney's Bank & Beanery";

} // End of BankBean class

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Workshop 4:
Deploying the Session Bean

ejb-jar.xml (Generated)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise

JavaBeans 2.0//EN' 'http://java.sun.com/dtd/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd'>

<description>My bank bean</description>

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Workshop 5:
Writing a Client Application

package client;

import bank.*;
import course.client.BankClientBase;

import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.ejb.*;
import javax.naming.*;
import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;

public class BankClient extends BankClientBase {

// Instance Variables

private Bank _bank;

private BankHome _bankhome;
private String _strCurrAcctNum;

// Called after GUI is created.

public void init() {
try {
Context ctx = getInitialContext();
String strName = getBankHomeName();
Object obj = ctx.lookup(strName);

obj = PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj, BankHome.class);

_bankhome = (BankHome) obj;

// Catch any exception not caught by subsidiary methods.

catch( Exception ex ) {
printException(ex, "Can't connect to bank home:");

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// Methods called by Bank menu

// Connect to bank
public boolean bankConnect( String textEntry ) {
String strName = null;
try {
_bank = _bankhome.create();
strName = _bank.getName();
showBankInfo( strName );
return true;

catch( Exception ex ) {
printException(ex, "Can't connect to bank:");
return false;

// Disconnect from bank

public boolean bankDisconnect( ) {
try {
showBankInfo( "" );
showAccountInfo( null, 0, "" );
return true;
catch( Exception ex ) {
printException(ex, "Can't disconnect from bank:");
return false;

// Methods called by Account menu

// Create a new account

public boolean accountCreate( int type, float openingBalance,
String description ) {
String strNewAcct = null;
try {
strNewAcct = _bank.createAccount(openingBalance, description);
_strCurrAcctNum = strNewAcct;
println( "Opened new account #" + _strCurrAcctNum +
". Balance: " + dollarFormat(_bank.getCurrentAcctBalance()));
return true;

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catch( Exception ex ) {
printException( ex, "Could not create account:");
return false;

// Deposit money in current account

public boolean accountDeposit( float amount ) {
try {
float fBalance = _bank.credit( amount );
println( "Deposited " + dollarFormat(amount) +
". New balance: " + dollarFormat(fBalance));
return true;
catch( Exception ex ) {
printException(ex, "Couldn't complete deposit:");
return false;

// Get an existing account and make it the current one

public boolean accountGet( String number ) {
try {
float fBalance = _bank.setCurrentAccount( number );

// -1 indicates account was not found:

if(fBalance == -1) {
println( "Could not get account " + number);
return false;

// Success
_strCurrAcctNum = number;
println( "Opened account #" + number +
". Balance = " + dollarFormat(fBalance)) ;
return true;
catch( Exception ex ) {
printException(ex, "Could not get account " + number + ":");
return false;

// Assign description to current account

public boolean accountSetDescription( String value ) {
println( "Setting description to " + value );
try {
_bank.setCurrentAcctDescription( value );
return true;
catch( Exception ex ) {

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printException(ex, "Can't set description:");
return false;

// Withdraw money from current account

public boolean accountWithdraw( float amount ) {
try {
float fBalance = bank.debit( amount );
println( "Withdrew " + dollarFormat(amount) +
". New balance: " + dollarFormat(fBalance));
return true;
catch( Exception ex ) {
printException(ex, "Couldn't complete withdrawal:");
return false;

// Close current account

public boolean accountClose() {
try {
showAccountInfo( null, 0, "" );
return true;
catch( Exception ex ) {
printException(ex, "Couldn't close account:");
return false;

// Helper Methods

// Show information for current account.

protected void showAccountInfo() {
try {
showAccountInfo( _bank.getCurrentAcctNumber(), 0,
_bank.getCurrentAcctDescription() );
catch( Exception ex ) {
printException(ex, "Couldn't display account information:");

// Create, return an initial context

protected Context getInitialContext() throws NamingException {
String[] strServerInfo = getServerInfo();
String[] strPropNames = {

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// Create a hashtable for the environment

Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

// For each item in array, if item is not null

// add it to the environment
for(int i = 0; i < strServerInfo.length; i++ )
if(strServerInfo[i] != null)
ht.put(strPropNames[i], strServerInfo[i]);

return new InitialContext(ht);


// Main method
public static void main( String[] args ) {
BankClientBase.main(args, new BankClient());

} // End of BankClient class


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Workshop 6:
Writing a Container-Managed
Entity Bean

package account;

import javax.ejb.*;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;

public interface Account extends EJBObject {

// Instance Methods for properties

public String getNumber() throws RemoteException;

public float getBalance() throws RemoteException;

public String getDescription() throws RemoteException;

public void setDescription(String value)

throws RemoteException;

// Instance Methods for moving money

public float credit(float amount) throws RemoteException;

public float debit(float amount) throws RemoteException;


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package account;

import javax.ejb.*;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;

public interface AccountHome extends EJBHome {

public Account create(float openingBalance, String description)

throws CreateException, RemoteException;

public Account findByPrimaryKey(String key)

throws FinderException, RemoteException;

package account;

import course.util.IdGenerator;

import java.rmi.*;
import javax.ejb.*;

public abstract class AccountBean implements EntityBean {

// Instance Variables

private EntityContext _ctxt; // For entity context

private IdGenerator _igAcctNum; // For Account #'s

// Methods for CMP fields

public abstract String getNumber(); // Remote method

public abstract void setNumber(String value);

public abstract float getBalance(); // Remote method

public abstract void setBalance(float value);

// Remote methods
public abstract String getDescription();
public abstract void setDescription(String value);

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// Methods for remote interface

public float credit(float amount) {

float fNewBal = getBalance() + amount;
return fNewBal;

public float debit(float amount) {

float fNewBal = getBalance() - amount;
return fNewBal;

// Methods for create(*) in home interface

public String ejbCreate(float openingBalance,

String description) throws CreateException {

// Assign initial values

int iAcctNum = (int) _igAcctNum.getNextId();
setNumber(iAcctNum + "");

return null;

public void ejbPostCreate(float openingBalance,

String description) {

// Methods required by EntityBean interface

public void ejbActivate() { } // Not needed

public void ejbPassivate() { } // Not needed
public void ejbLoad() { } // Not needed
public void ejbStore() { } // Not needed
public void ejbRemove() { } // Not needed

public void setEntityContext(EntityContext ctxt) {

_ctxt = ctxt;

// Create generator for Account #'s

_igAcctNum = IdGenerator.getGenerator("AccountBean",

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1000, 100, false);

public void unsetEntityContext() {

_ctxt = null;

package bank;

// import course.account.Account;

import account.*;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.ejb.*;
import javax.naming.*;
import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;

public class BankBean implements SessionBean {

// Instance Variables

private String _strName = ""; // For bank name

private Account _acctCurrent; // Current account
private AccountHome _accthome;

private SessionContext _ctxt; // For session context

// Methods for remote interface

// Gets name of this bank

public String getName() {
return _strName;

// Creates a new account

public String createAccount(float openingBalance,
String description)
throws CreateException {

try {
Account acct =
_accthome.create(openingBalance, description);

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_acctCurrent = acct;
return acct.getNumber();
catch(RemoteException e) {
throw new CreateException("Can't create account:\n" + e);

// Chooses an account to work with. Returns -1 if

// number is invalid.
public float setCurrentAccount(String acctNum)
throws FinderException {

Account acct = null;

try {
acct = _accthome.findByPrimaryKey(acctNum);
_acctCurrent = acct;
return getCurrentAcctBalance();
catch(RemoteException e) {
throw new FinderException("Can't find account " +
acctNum + ":\n" + e);

// Gets balance of current account

public float getCurrentAcctBalance() throws RemoteException {
return _acctCurrent.getBalance();

// Gets number of current account

public String getCurrentAcctNumber() throws RemoteException {
return _acctCurrent.getNumber();

// Gets description of current account

public String getCurrentAcctDescription() throws RemoteException {
return _acctCurrent.getDescription();

// Sets description of current account

public void setCurrentAcctDescription(String value)
throws RemoteException {

// Closes current account

public void closeCurrentAccount()
throws RemoteException, RemoveException {

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// Credits the current account, returns new balance
public float credit(float amount) throws RemoteException {
return _acctCurrent.credit(amount);

// Debits the current account, returns new balance

public float debit(float amount) throws RemoteException {
return _acctCurrent.debit(amount);

// Moves money between two accounts

public void transferFunds(String sourceAcctNum, String targetAcctNum,
float amount) {

// Method for create(*) in home interface

public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException {

System.out.println("Creating bank");

// Get Account Home

try {
String strAcctHomeName = "MyAccount";

Context ctx = new InitialContext();

Object obj = ctx.lookup(strAcctHomeName);
obj = PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj, AccountHome.class);
_accthome = (AccountHome) obj;
catch(Exception e) {
throw new CreateException("Could not create bank;\n" +
"Could not look up Account Home:\n" + e);

// Methods required by SessionBean interface

public void ejbActivate() { // Not needed

System.out.println("Activating bank");

public void ejbPassivate() { // Not needed

System.out.println("Passivating bank");

public void ejbRemove() { // Not needed

System.out.println("Removing bank");

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public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctxt) {

_ctxt = ctxt;
_strName = "Barney's Bank & Beanery";

} // End of BankBean class

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Workshop 8:
Deploying the Entity Bean

ejb-jar.xml (Generated)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise

JavaBeans 2.0//EN' 'http://java.sun.com/dtd/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd'>

<description>My bank teller bean</description>
<description>no description</description>

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<description>no description</description>
<description>no description</description>
<description>no description</description>
<!-- query element removed here -->

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<method-params />
<method-params />

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<method-params />
<method-params />

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Workshop 10:
Using Exceptions

public interface Account extends EJBObject {

// Instance Methods for properties

// No change here...

// Instance Methods for moving money

public float credit(float amount)

throws RemoteException, IllegalTransactionException;

public float debit(float amount)

throws RemoteException, IllegalTransactionException;

public abstract class AccountBean implements EntityBean {


public float credit(float amount)

throws IllegalTransactionException {

// Throw exception if amount is negative

if(amount < 0)
throw new IllegalTransactionException(getNumber(),
"Negative amount for credit not allowed");

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float fNewBal = getBalance() + amount;
return fNewBal;

public float debit(float amount) throws IllegalTransactionException {

// Throw exception if amount is negative

if(amount < 0)
throw new IllegalTransactionException(getNumber(),
"Negative amount for debit not allowed");

float fNewBal = getBalance() - amount;

// Throw exception if amount exceeds balance

if(fNewBal < 0)
throw new InsufficientFundsException(getNumber(), fNewBal);

return fNewBal;


public interface Bank extends EJBObject {


public float credit(float amount)

throws RemoteException, IllegalTransactionException;

public float debit(float amount)

throws RemoteException, IllegalTransactionException;


public class BankBean implements SessionBean {


// All methods that threw RemoteException were changed

// along these lines:

public float getCurrentAcctBalance() {

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try {
return _acctCurrent.getBalance();
catch(RemoteException re) {
throw remoteToEjbException(re);


public float credit(float amount)

throws IllegalTransactionException {

try {
return _acctCurrent.credit(amount);
catch(RemoteException re) {
throw remoteToEjbException(re);

public float debit(float amount) throws IllegalTransactionException {

try {
return _acctCurrent.debit(amount);
catch(RemoteException re) {
throw remoteToEjbException(re);


private EJBException remoteToEjbException(RemoteException re) {

Throwable thr = re.detail;

// If RemoteException contains an exception,

// wrap it in EJBException
if(thr instanceof Exception)
return new EJBException((Exception) thr);

// If some other throwable, pass its String version

else if(thr != null)
return new EJBException(thr.toString());

// Otherwise pass the RemoteException

return new EJBException(re.toString());

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Workshop 11:
Using Transactions

public void transferFunds(String sourceAcctNum, String targetAcctNum,
float amount)
throws FinderException, IllegalTransactionException {

try {
Account acctSource =
Account acctTarget =
catch(RemoteException re) {
throw remoteToEjbException(re);
catch(FinderException fe) {
throw fe; // Re-throw exception
catch(IllegalTransactionException ite) {
throw ite; // Re-throw exception

public void transferFunds(String sourceAcctNum, String targetAcctNum,
float amount) throws RemoteException, FinderException,

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public boolean accountTransfer( float amount, String target ) {
try {
_bank.transferFunds(_strCurrAcctNum, target, amount);

float fNewBalance = _bank.getCurrentAcctBalance();

println( "Moved " + dollarFormat(amount) +
" from " + _strCurrAcctNum + " to " + target + ".");
println( "New balance on current account #" + _strCurrAcctNum +
": " + dollarFormat(fNewBalance));
return true;
catch( Exception ex ) {
printException(ex, "Couldn't complete transfer:");
return false;

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Workshop 13:
Setting an Environment

public class BankBean implements SessionBean {

// Instance Variables

private Context _jndiCtxt; // For lookup

private SessionContext _ctxt; // For session context

public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException {

System.out.println("Creating bank");

String strAcctHomeName = null;

// Get environment vars

try {
Object obj = _jndiCtxt.lookup("java:comp/env");
obj = PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj, Context.class);
Context ctxtEnv = (Context) obj;

// AccountHome name
strAcctHomeName = (String) ctxtEnv.lookup("AccountHome.name");

// Bank name
_strName = (String) ctxtEnv.lookup("Bank.name");
catch(Exception e) {
throw new CreateException("Could not create bank;\n" +
"Could not get environment:\n" + e);

// Get Account Home

try {

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Object obj = _jndiCtxt.lookup(strAcctHomeName);
obj = PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj, AccountHome.class);
_accthome = (AccountHome) obj;
catch(Exception e) {
throw new CreateException("Could not create bank;\n" +
"Could not look up Account Home:\n" + e);

public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctxt) {

_ctxt = ctxt;
// _strName = "Barney's Bank & Beanery";

try {
_jndiCtxt = new InitialContext();
catch(NamingException ne) {
throw new EJBException(ne);

© 2002 SkillBuilders, Inc. V 2.1.1

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