Get Org Jan 2012 Final 1

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2 GettingOrganized | Winter 2012
Stacey Anderson is a
Professional Organizer,
speaker, author
and publisher of Getting
Organized Magazine.
Welcome to Getting
Organized Magazine!
Did you know that people spend 55 minutes every day looking
for things they know they have, but cant f nd? (Some of you
are sayingjust an hour? I spend more than that!) Wouldnt
you rather be doing something else with that hour? Getting
organized can be diff cult, but my goal with Getting Organized
Magazine is to make it fun, easy and as how-to as possible.
Organization isnt about having everything perfect, but rather
about being able to f nd things when you need them.
Its the beginning of the year and I know you are excited
to start 2012 off with a bang. For many of us, our New
Years Resolutions include losing weight, eating better and
getting organized. In fact, January is off cially known as Get
Organized Month, so it makes perfect sense to kick off our
magazine and help you conquer the clutter once and for all!
After you read this issue, please take a moment to visit our
website where you will
f nd helpful videos, experts, organizing events and more.
I welcome your feedback and ideas for any topics you would
like to see covered in future issues.
Getting Organized Magazinewe help you treat yourself to
Getting Organized
Getting Organized
some sanity!
Stacey Anderson, Publisher Winter 2012 | GettingOrganized 3
page 5
Quick Tips:
Nine Ways to Spruce Up
Your Bathroom
page 26
Ask the Experts:
Should You Keep the Box?
page 28
Latest & Greatest:
Protect Your Gadgets
page 29
Two New Titles
page 37
Wild Fashions
page 8
page 18
Getting Organized
15600 NE 8th St.
Suite B1 #602
Bellevue, WA 98008
(360) 499-6260
Stacey Anderson
Board of Advisors
Stephanie LH Calahan
Debbie Rosemont
Lisa Quinn
Whitney Keyes
Expert Contributors
Stephanie LH Calahan
Calahan Solutions, Inc.
Alejandra Costello
Heather Espaa
Espaa Photography
Theresa Finnigin
Ready Aim Organize
Michael Hyatt
Brandie Kajino
SOHO Solutionist
Meggin McIntosh
Ph.D. of Productivity
Scott Roewer
Solutions by Scott, LLC
Natalie Schrier
Cut the Clutter
Julie Vlahon
Getting Organized Magazine, Winter
2012. Published four times a year, 15600
NE 8th St. Suite B1 #602, Bellevue,
WA 98008. Copyright 2012 Getting
Organized Magazine. All rights reserved.
Subscriptions are $19.50 within the
US, $29.50 outside the US, $14.00
for digital. POSTMASTER: Please send
change of address to Getting Organized
Magazine, 15600 NE 8th St. Suite B1
#602, Bellevue, WA 98008.
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4 GettingOrganized | Winter 2012 Winter 2012 | GettingOrganized 5
By Stacey Anderson
Making Every Donation Count
want to donate it to a good cause,
and not add to the landfill, is the
phrase most often uttered by clients
of professional organizers as to why they have
so much stuff. While I agree with the good
intentions, it can be hard to find a good cause,
and even harder to find a place to donate unique
items. There are several great organizations
such as Goodwill and the Salvation Army that
take a wide variety of items, but there are also
some lesser-known organizations that focus on
taking donations of just one type. Soles4Souls is
one of those fantastic organizations.
In the aftermath of the 2004 Southeast
Asia tsunami, Wayne Elsey, the Founder and
CEO of Soles4Souls Inc. , felt compelled to
do something. Like many of us, he did not
know what to do. He was at home one night,
watching TV and he saw a picture of a single
shoe washing up on the beach. That triggered

Founder Wayne Elsey with a mound of donated shoes in Miami, Fla.

Photo courtesy of Soles4Souls, Inc.
6 GettingOrganized | Winter 2012
calls to executives in the footwear industry and the
subsequent donation of a quarter of a million shoes
to victims in the devastated countries.
A few months later when Hurricane Katrina
hit, Wayne called the same group of friends, and
through their continued support, they have sent
over a million pairs of shoes down to the Gulf
Coast communities affected by it. He admits in all
honesty that he did not expect such an immediate
and successful turnout. This left him wondering,
why not start a non-profit and keep fulfilling this
on-going need? One year
later, Soles4Souls was
formally created.
It has been that
simple: changing the
world one pair at a time.
Sol es 4Soul s i s a
Nas hvi l l e- bas ed char i t y
t hat col l ect s s hoes
f r om t he war ehous es
of f oot wear compani es
and t he cl os et s of
peopl e l i ke you. The
char i t y di s t r i but es
t hes e s hoes t o peopl e
i n need, r egar dl es s
of r ace, r el i gi on,
cl as s , or any ot her
cr i t er i a. Si nce 2005,
Sol es 4Soul s has
del i ver ed mor e t han 16
mi l l i on pai r s of new
and gent l y wor n s hoes .
The s hoes have been
di s t r i but ed t o peopl e
i n mor e t han 127
count r i es , i ncl udi ng
Kenya, Thai l and,
Nepal and t he Uni t ed St at es .
I first heard about Soles4Souls from Scott
Roewer, one of my professional organizing peers.
He was speaking at a luncheon when he shared the
story of his trip to Haiti. He talked of delivering
shoes to children in need and shared vivid details
about their ecstatic reactions.
As many of you know, I t ravel ed wi t h
Sol es4Soul s i n January 2011 t o di st ri but e shoes
t o chi l dren i n Hai t i . It was absol ut el y a l i f e-
changi ng experi ence. As I see i t , wi t h most
chari t i es, your f unds go i n t hei r doors and
you never real i ze t he i mpact your support may
provi de. Thi s i s how Sol es4Soul s i s uni que as
a chari t y. Wi t h t he Travel 4Soul s opport uni t y,
I was abl e t o experi ence t he ext reme need i n
Hai t i . Not si mpl y t hrough phot os, or a vi deo,
but I was t here! I gave sweat equi t y i n carryi ng
shoe boxes t o t he di st ri but i on si t es, I j umped
rope wi t h chi l dren l i vi ng i n orphanages, and I
washed t he f eet of chi l dren who recei ved shoes
f rom Sol es4Soul s. I part i ci pat ed i n maki ng a
di f f erence and I was a di rect wi t ness how t hey re
i mpact i ng and changi ng l i ves. I l ook f orward
t o goi ng back. I pl an t o cont i nue my vol unt eer
work wi t h Sol es4Soul s and t hei r new di vi si on
Cl ot hes4Soul s, Scot t sai d.
By t he t i me he f i ni shed, t here wasnt a dry eye
i n t he house. When Scot t was done t el l i ng t he
room f ul l of prof essi onal organi zers t he hi st ory
of Sol es4Soul s, a movement was born. In f act , i t
cat apul t ed 4, 000-pl us organi zers i nt o act i on t o
col l ect as many shoes as t hey possi bl y coul d f or
t he cause.
Si nce organi zers work wi t h cl i ent s every si ngl e
day who have shoes t o donat e, t he Nat i onal
Associ at i on of Prof essi onal Organi zers ( NAPO)
creat ed a chal l enge t o col l ect as many shoes as
t hey coul d f rom cl i ent s t o donat e t o Sol es4Soul s.
As of our pri nt deadl i ne, NAPO and t hei r cl i ent s
have col l ect ed 50, 000 pai rs of shoes!
So the next time you look in your closet and
realize you simply have too many shoes, consider
donating them to those in need around the world.
Soles4Souls accepts all types of shoes: athletic,
running, dress, sandals, pumps, heels, work boots,
cleats, dance, and flip flopsnew or gently worn.
Every shoe counts. To learn more, or to help the
cause please visit www. sol es4soul s. com Winter 2012 | GettingOrganized 7
Excited shoe recipients in Guatemala.
Photo courtesy of Soles4Souls, Inc.
8 GettingOrganized | Winter 2012
Stylish Seating | $179.99
The redesign of your
space with animal
prints just wouldnt be
complete without this
zebra print sculptured
task chair. The focal
point to any nice
rom the ladies on the TV show Jerseyl icious to the runways of Milan, animal print is
the fashion must-have this season. Not to be outdone, we found these stylish animal
print organizing products to keep you organized and in vogue.
crafts. Have some fun while you work. Winter 2012 | GettingOrganized 9
Out with Manilla | $12
Jazz up your paperwork with these giraffe
le folders. They are reversible, acid free,
and desktop stylish.
Fashion Clips | $9.95
Fun fashion accessories arent just for your
hair or your home. These binder clips add
some pizzazz to plain paper piles.
No Boring Binder | $22.95
Why store your recipes, photos or reports in a boring
binder when you can use this zebra and leopard print
binder? Perfect for keeping your items accessible.
Photo Perfect | $3.99
This fashionable animal print photo storage box is ideal for organizing
and storing photos or just about anything. Dresses up any shelf.
10 GettingOrganized | Winter 2012
Reasons Why
You Arent
Done Yet Winter 2012 | GettingOrganized 11
couple of weeks ago, I was
feeling overwhelmed with AA
my workload. I always leave the
offce at 6 p.m. in order to have
dinner with my family. Then I
typically get back on my laptop and
catch up on my email. I shoot to be
in bed no later than 10 p.m.
owever, for several nights in a row,
I did not get to bed until almost
midnight. As a result, I slept in longer and
stopped running. I became irritable and
started losing focus. It was clear that I
needed to change somethingand now!
My experience isnt unique. Everywhere
I go, people seem to be overwhelmed by the
volume of their work. With layoffs in many
businesses, employees are pulling double-
duty. Its time to get serious and triage our
Late one night, I caught myself saying to
my wife Gail for the third time, Just a few
more minutes, Honey. Im almost done.
Immediately, I realized I was lying to her
and to myself, I closed my laptop and jotted
down a list of 10 things that had kept me
from completing the work. Do these apply
to you?
Too many meetings
How many meetings actually
advance my agenda and the
reason I was hired in the frst
place? Too often, meetings are
simply a way for people to procrastinate
and avoid taking responsibility for their
decisions. Its much easier to let the group
make the decision. Some meetings are
legitimate, to be sure. But how many issues
can I handle without resorting to a meeting?
I need to ask, Do we really need a meeting
to address that issue?
Mindlessly surng
the web
When I was growing up,
television was the big time-
waster. Now it is the Internet.
By Michael Hyatt
12 GettingOrganized | Winter 2012
You look at this web page, click on that link, visit another
page, and then click on another link. Before you know it, you
have wasted hours and hours and have nothing to show for
it. Its time to limit our time online. I think I might even try
scheduling my web time.
Being distracted by online pings
I shoot to have my inbox at zero by the end
of the day. But do I really need to respond to
every message in real time? Do you? Unless
you are in customer service, probably not. You
can accomplish the same goal by batching your inbox
processing into distinct blocks of time. This includes Twitter,
Facebook and other social media
Allowing people to
drop in without an
I usually work with
my door open, I want
to be accessible to my people. But
some people abuse this. They drop by
without an agenda and eat up time I
dont have. I always feel badly about
bringing the meeting to a close. But if
I dont say no to them, I will have to
say no to more important projects
and perhaps even my family. I am
willing to chat for a bit, but I have to be
more courageous about standing up and
walking my guests to the door.
Being consumed by
the urgent
Modern culture is addicted
to urgency. People demand
an instant response. It is part
of our increasingly me-centered world.
Everything revolves around my agenda
and my priorities. But how much of it is
truly urgent? My daughter, Megan, often
reminds me, Dad, youre not saving lives;
youre just making books. Nothing like a
big dose of perspective!
Being a perfectionist
Honestly, this is my
besetting sin (or should I say, one of them). I am
constantly tweaking my projects. The problem
is that it always feels like the change is smaller
than it really is. This will just take a minute,
I think to myself. Two hours later I am still working on the
same project. I like G.K. Chestertonss quote: If a thing is
worth doing, it is worth doing badly. In other words, not
everything has to be perfect. Just get it out the door!
Refusing to delegate
This one is also tough for me. I cant argue
that I dont have anyone to help. I have plenty of
resources available. But I kid myself into thinking
it will be faster if I just do it myself. I dont want
to take the time to explain to someone else how I want it
done. Frankly, my own arrogance is probably at the root of
this one. I need to take my own advice.
Not starting the day with a to-do list
I am so much more productive when I take
10 minutes and actually decide what tasks I want
to accomplish today. I use a software package
called Things, and it is perfect for this.
I can take any of my tasks and assign
them to the Today Focus (they also
have an iPhone app that syncs with
the desktop). When I just launch into
the day without a to-do list, I pay for it
laterin spades.
Not committing to
an end-time
As the old adage
goes, Work expands to
the time allotted to it.
This explains why the week before
your vacation is one of the most
productive weeks of the year. You
have a fixed end-time, and that
forces you to be efficient. However,
this also works with your daily
schedule. I have a rule that I observe
religiously; I leave the office by 6
p.m. My problem is that I sometimes
take work home and then allow my
evenings to become a buffer for the
overflow. This has to stop.
Not scheduling
time to work
If I dont have a plan
for my day, chances are,
someone else does. On
Sunday evenings, I go
through and schedule blocks of time
that I call Offce Work. These are
essentially appointments with myself
to get specifc tasks done. When other people check my
calendar, these blocks show up as busy. If someone asks
me if I am free at that time, I can legitimately say, No,
Im afraid I have another commitment at that time. This
has been one of the most helpful tools in my toolbox.
If you are feeling like your work/life balance is out of kilter,
maybe its time for you to make a list of reasons you arent done
yet. If you are reading this after hours, that could be a clue.
Modern culture is
addicted to urgency.
People demand an
instant response. It is
part of our increasingly
me-centered world.
10 Tips for
Using a Planner
By Meggin McIntosh Winter 2012 | GettingOrganized 13
14 GettingOrganized | Winter 2012
Day by Day
Circa Weekly Agenda | $44
The Circa personal organizer
is unique because you can
remove, rearrange or transfer
its pages to other notebooks
with ease.
Paper calendars arent
just an old-fashioned
n this fanatical world of electronic gadgets, some of us still use the old-fashioned paper calendar, and there are
literally thousands of choices. Picking the right one is possible if you know how you want to use it and for what
purpose. Here are some great calendars to consider.
Busy Body Book | $17.95
Busy Body Book personal and family
calendars provide individual family
members with their own personal
column to organize, easily view
and follow their schedules and
activities. You also have the ability
to coordinate with each other side
by side. Winter 2012 | GettingOrganized 15
PSP-30751924V Zero plastics or solvents. PSP products can be recycled with normal paper waste. Patent pending No.12/378.318.
Personal Organizing System
100%Biodegradable, Recyclable &Compostable Made in the U.S.A.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Most Important Secondary Delegate to Tom Phone Calls to make E-Mails
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
December 2010
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 28 28
29 30 31 1 2 3 4
Place your daily events
for the months and then
transfer them to your
weekly sticky-notes.
Grab your sticky-notes
on the go and get your
tasks done
Or place your
sticky-notes on your
computer monitor so now
you have only the most
important task to con-
Order the 2011
PlanetSafe Calendar
Planet Safe PlannerSticky Note 30 Day | $16.95
The only dry-erase white board calendars and organizers that are truly
Earth-friendly. A fun way to incorporate both sticky notes and your
daily calendar.
Organize Your Life | $13.99
Professional Organizer Theresa
Finnigin shares simple ways to
Organize Your Life room by room
throughout the year. Each quick and
easy suggestion is sure to help you
work toward what youve always
wanted: an organized home inside
and out!
Planner Pad | $27.99
This unique calendar has three
parts that allow you to categorize,
prioritize and schedule your day.
The top section is for lists and
projects, the middle section for
your daily activity plan and the
bottom section is an appointment
16 GettingOrganized | Winter 2012
Organizing Holidays Throughout The Year
he beginning of the year is a great
time to set goals, make resolutions
and prepare for the year ahead.
Its exciting now, but in a few weeks you
will probably forget all about your goals and
ambitions for the year and fall back into old
habits. We dont want that! Take the time to
write these offcial Organizing Holidays in
your new calendar now to stay on track year
round. Enjoy the months of June, July and
November with no offcial organizing holidays.
1/9 Clean Off Your Desk Day
Get Organized Month
Clean Out Your Closets Month
2/13 Clean Out Your Computer Day
Time Management Month
3/12-3/16 National Procrastination Week
3/19-23 Clean Out Your Closet Week
3/23 Organize Your Home Ofce Day
3/26-3/30 Clutter Awareness Week
4/23-4/27 Organize Your Files Week
APRIL Winter 2012 | GettingOrganized 17
Organizing Holidays Throughout The Year
5/10 Clean Up Your Room Day
8/6-8/10 Simplify Your Life Week
8/15 National Relaxation Day
9/6 Fight Procrastination Day
9/24-9/28 Love Your Files Week
National Preparedness Month
Self Improvement Month
Clean Out Your Files Month
Organize Your Medical Files Month
12/31 Make Up
Your Mind Day
18 GettingOrganized
GettingOrganized 19
20 GettingOrganized | Winter 2012
I knew it needed to be clean and
organized, but I didnt want it to
look boring. Winter 2012 | GettingOrganized 21
What motivated you to change the space?
We just bought our house last year, and this room
belonged to a teenage boy. It was pretty dark and gloomy,
and it became even more so as it was the catch-all
room during the move! I work best in a happy, colorful
environment so that was definitely my motivation.
What was your inspiration for the design?
I knew it needed to be clean and organized, but I didnt
want it to look boring (or else it would make me feel
bored!). On a trip to Seattle, I was helping my aunt clean
her studio, and I found myself drooling over her amazing
vintage wallpaper collection. She agreed to let me take
some scraps home as payment for helping her organize.
I had the perfect amount to do the wallpaper collage Id
been dreaming about! It was really the inspiration for the
whole office.
How long did it take to transform the
Once I had the Elfa shelving and the wallpaper in my
possession, it went up pretty quickly. I had the bones
of the room completed in two days, and then spent
the rest of the week puttering around and rearranging
things until I was happy with it. My dear friend Rachel
Morell came over with her magic eyes and helped to style
What items did you need to organize and
have in the new space?
I am a photographer and an artist by trade, so I knew
Id need armloads of boxes to put everything in. I have
everything from computer software to vintage papers and
felting supplies inside those boxes. The labels make me
22 GettingOrganized | Winter 2012
What is your favorite organizing tool/
product in the new space?
Im a big fan of the boxes. I am in no way a neat-and-
tidy-all-the-time sort of person. My office gets messy
very frequently, but I love how quickly I can clean it up
just by putting everything in the appropriate box.
What was the hardest part about creating
and organizing the space?
Measuring. In this old house, there is rarely a right
angle! The Elfa system is so easy to install, but even with
a level all the lines played tricks on my eyes.
Are you a pretty organized person or did
this take a lot of effort?
I am chuckling at myself right now. Lets just say
Im good at helping other people get organized. When
it comes to me and my own stuff, its definitely more
challenging. But I always say the purpose of organizing is
not to fuel this idea that youre going to live this perfect,
never-messy life. To me, its to make it so that when its
time to clean up the big creative disaster youve made, you
have places to put everything.
You can see more before and after pictures of Heathers
home by visiting:
1. Vintage wallpaper Heathers aunt found in local estate sales 2. Family heirlooms Heather treasures 3.
Goodwill nds 4. Storage boxes from IKEA, 5. Elfa shelving from the Container Store,
GO Winter 2012 | GettingOrganized 23
Apps to
Take Your
To-Do List
to Task
By Brandie Kajino
ave you ever made a
HHlist 500 miles long, HH
with the best of intentions to
get it all done? How's that
going? If you're bound and
determined to f ind a great
task tool, you're in luck, as
there are a variety of options
available, whether it is on your
phone or online.
Let's take that task list f rom
"intent" to "done" with these
great apps that f it in your
24 GettingOrganized
This program is for keeping bits of information, similar to a
collection of notebooks with notes inside them. Its also possible
to share notebooks and notes with others. Images, audio
notes, text and more can be captured and put together with
Teux Deux
TeuxDeux has a slick interface with a simple design. This
application works in a browser, making download unnecessary.
The idea here is the look of a simple list of tasks in a calendar
format. Its easy to look at and simple to understand right away.
Tasks are assigned a specic day or put into the Someday
list. Tasks can be moved to another day, and marked off when Winter 2012 | GettingOrganized 25
Remember the Milk
This tool works with a browser; no download to your laptop is
necessary. However, you do not need to be connected to the
Internet, as Remember the Milk also has the capability to work
ofine. Tasks can be grouped into Lists, Location (as in
where youd do the task) or Tagged (think of this like a label).
Beyond that, tasks can have a priority assigned to them, and
then sorted in this way.
iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone 7
The simple fresh design of this app is very appealing. Wunderlist is
an uncluttered, easy-to-use task application. Priorities and dates are
among the features, as are sharing tasks with others or printing out
a list to take completely ofine. The overall simplicity of Wunderlist
will appeal to someone looking for a simple task list.
Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Blackberry,
HiTask is a project and task manager. One standout feature
of HiTask is the calendar view and its ability to integrate
with Google Calendar. Its almost like creating your own
virtual dashboard. You also have the ability to set dates
for tasks, create recurring tasks or assign tasks to others. If
youre looking for a more robust task app, give this one a
Available for: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone 7
Like some of the other task managers, Producteev works with
online calendars like Google. This enables you to see your tasks
in front of you all the time. One of best features about this one
is the Workspace feature. If youre so inclined, you can section
off volunteer, personal and business tasks by assigning it to a
workspace. You can also use a tag to categorize the task. This is
a great option for teams.
Available for: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone 7
This is not an app, its a huge collection of lists. There
are times you may not want to reinvent the wheel when
starting a project. ListPlanIt has all kinds of lists for things
like moving, planning a newsletter, and even tracking your
social media efforts. You can ll out the forms, download or
just print.
Available for: Anything with a PDF reader, like Adobe
26 GettingOrganized | Winter 2012
Quick Tips
our bathroom should be a serene place that
brings you peace in the morning and helps
Yyou start the day off on the right foot. Y
Here are nine quick tips to help make that happen.
1. For better time management and getting your
morning routine in shape, make sure to have a clock
in the bathroom.
2. Clear everything off the countertops. Replace
only the necessity items that you use regularly.
3. Toss outdated medication, old cosmetics, moldy
or damaged items and empty bottles.
4. Corral the
bath toys with a
mesh bag or toy
basket to keep
them out of the
5. Look for extra storage
space behind the door.
Consider an over-the-door
rack or hooks mounted on
the door itself.
6. Under-the-sink
cabinets can often be a
waste of space. Install a
pull-out drawer to maximize
the space and accessibility.
7. Label the shelves and
drawers in the bathroom.
This will help when putting items away and
everyone will know the system.
8. Install a shelf on the wall for extra space.
Roll towels for a decorative storage option or use
beautiful containers to store items such as cotton
swabs and soaps.
9. Drawer organizers arent just for the offce or
kitchen. Place an organizer in the drawer to help
manage hair accessories, cosmetics, medicine, etc.
Nine Ways to Spruce
Up Your Bathroom
GO Winter 2012 | GettingOrganized 27
28 GettingOrganized | Winter 2012
Ask the Experts
he holidays have ended and many of you
probably received the latest electronic gadget
on your wish list and are wondering what to do with
the box it came in.
We asked the experts to weigh in:
Question: Do we need to keep
our boxes for electronic items
such as phones, gaming
systems, TVs, etc?
Electronics Expert: The answer
is yes and no. Basically, keep the box
and packaging if you ever plan to
resell the item or return it. If you
plan to move a television, computer
or another large electronic it is a
good idea to keep the box in order to
transport it safely to another location.
Also, if you want to keep a product as a
collectors item the packaging needs to
remain in incredible condition. If it is a
small electronic like a phone or iPod that
you do not plan to return, get rid of the
box. If it is a big television or computer
you dont plan to move or return, then toss you dont plan to move or return, then toss you dont plan to move or return, then toss you dont plan to move or return, then toss you dont plan to move or return, then toss you dont plan to move or return, then toss you dont plan to move or return, then toss you dont plan to move or return, then toss you dont plan to move or return, then toss
the packaging.
Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon Julie Vlahon
Professional Organizer: I usually advise to
cut off (and file) the panel of the box that has
the serial number, bar code, etc. that is needed
for warranty purposes and then toss the box. If
the client prefers to keep the boxes, I have them
break them down so they can be stored flat under
a bed, behind the couch or somewhere that doesnt
take up as much room.
Natalie Schrier
Should you keep the box?
GO Winter 2012 | GettingOrganized 29
welve thousand laptops are lost at U.S. airports
every weekthats 624,000 each year! Seventy
percent of those are turned in to lost and found TT
and never claimed.
Ten to 15 percent of all hand-held computers, PDAs and
mobile phones are eventually lost by their owners.
TurlyTag ( TurlyTag TurlyTag provides an ID system and
return service that makes it easier and safer for you to get
that special item back, and avoid the replacement cost if lost
or misplaced. You cant stop a thief, but you can make it
easier for a decent person to do the right thing, says Seth
Price, identity expert and founder of TurlyTag.
The process is easy and private:
Step 1: Tag your electronic gifts and other valuables
with TurlyTags (your personal information is kept private)
Step 2: Tell TurlyTag how to reach you when your
valued possession is found (the fnder contacts TurlyTag)
Step 3: TurlyTag arranges the return of your valued
Boomerangit ( Boomerangit Boomerangit is another ID tag
vendor whose labels feature the words Return for Reward
to help increase the likelihood of a return, by allowing you
to offer a cash reward. They suggest using the tags for such
items sports equipment, childrens belongings, artwork,
bicycles, and more.
Latest and Greatest
Protect your valuable gadgets
12,000 laptops are lost at
U.S. airports every week
thats 624,000 each year!
30 GettingOrganized | Winter 2012
9 Organizing Thoughts
That Will Derail Your Success
f you are struggling to fnd time, then you
have an even bigger need to get organized!
Did you know that the average person wastes
150 hours a year just looking for stuff? To make
it worse, the average executive wastes six weeks a
year just looking for information and other items. year year
Imagine what you could do with that extra time.
Pick 10-15 minutes a day and get started now.
anting to do a good job on your
projects is admirable. However,
WWthe drive for perfection has ruined WW
the success of many projects. Perfectionism
paralyzes even the smartest people. Consider the
consequences of not doing the project at all versus
the need for perfection, then see what you can do to
eliminate that procrastination technique.
e are all different, right down to
our fngerprints. Assuming that
WWthe system is right and you are WW
broken is not the right way to go. Instead, fnd a
system that works for the way you naturally think
and learn. You will experience a much better
ike items with like items works in some
circumstances, but there is another rule to
consider. Store items closest to where you
will use them. For example, if you have a container
that holds all of your scissors, you will likely never
fnd them in that container! Why? We get the
scissors out and take them to the space where we
use them. To walk back to a centralized storage
location just does not happen very often. Items that
you use on a daily basis should be within your arms
f you work or live in a space that has loads of
extra room, then this comment can be okay.
However, most people I talk to tell me that
they dont have enough space. If you have to search
through stuff that you dont use to fnd the things
you do use, you are wasting time. Be honest with
yourself and let go of unused items. It will free up
your space and time for more important things.
ny system that has too many steps is likely
to fail. Put the KISS (Keep It Simple,
AASilly) process into play. If it takes a long AA
time or the task seems out of reach, it is likely you
wont do it.
When I have time,
Ill get to it.
If it cant be perfect,
why do it?
I can change! I know I
can. This system worked
for ______ and I know
I can make it work for
I do what the books
tell me, I have similar
items together, but
nothing ever gets put
I know I have not used
it in years, but I will!
I have a fantastic
48-step plan.
By Stephanie LH Calahan
little planning up front can save you lots
of time, now and in the future. Decide
A A what the purpose for each space will be. A A
Then, as you have new items come into that space,
you will be able to ask yourself if the item fts the
purpose. Lets say you work out of your home and
you have identifed a room that is dedicated solely
to your business. If you happen to fnd crayons or
clothes in that room, it is obvious they dont belong
and should be moved out.
f you purchase organizing containers and
tools without knowing how you are going
to use them, it is likely that the containers
will become the very thing you are trying to cure,
clutter! Instead, sort and purge frst. Then identify
specifc containers and tools that are needed to
complete a project and purchase those.
ometimes when we create a mess, we feel
like we need to clean it up on our own, but
that is untrue. Some of us are better than
others at fguring out systems to get organized.
Consider fnding a co-worker or friend that is
organized and ask if they will help. Or, you can
hire a coach to help you fgure it out. Seeking help
when you need it is a sign of strength, not a sign of
Planning, smanning
organizing is easy. You
just get in there and do
I found the cutest
container yesterday! I
love the little drawers.
Now I just need to gure
out how to use it.
No one can help me
with this stuff. I have to
do this alone. Winter 2012 | GettingOrganized 31
32 GettingOrganized | Winter 2012


Organizing Organizing
Projects you can nisheven
if you only have ve minutes
n a world where cell phones can start cars, GPS systems can help you avoid
traffc, and Google Calendar lets you sync your schedule with your husband,
IIkids, and dog walker, its easy to see why the top excuse for a cluttered life is lack II
of time. Well, guess whatthat excuse is no longer going to work! If you have fve
minutes, 30 minutes, or any time in between, there is an organization project that
you can tackle. The key is to start small. Once you start to see the clutter-free results,
youll be motivated to keep going.
But I only have ve minutes!
Start a bag for donations: This is quite
possibly the easiest thing to do to in order to get the
organizational ball rolling. Take a trash bag and put
it in a high traffc area. When you come across items
you no longer need, drop them in the bag. In a few
weeks, your bag will be full and you can drop it at the
nearest donation center.
Pick up one room: Clutter doesnt always
mean junk, or trash; a lot of the time its just stuff.
Take fve minutes and focus on picking up just
one room. Carry a basket and put anything that
doesnt belong in that room in it. If you are feeling
adventurous, keep going!
Bring in stuff from the car: Its no surprise
with our hectic lifestyles that our cars are flled
with empty fast food wrappers, extra sneakers, and
junk mail. Take a big bag out to your car and fll it
with whatever is in the backseat, console, and glove
compartment. Trash goes to the dumpster; whatever
is not essential to your daily commute comes in the
By Alejandra Costello Winter 2012 | GettingOrganized 33
I have an extra 10 minutes!
Clean out your email: According to the
Radicati Group, in April 2010, the number of emails
sent per day was approximately 294 billion! How
many are sitting in your inbox? Set up email folders
for people, projects, or events and start moving your
emails from your inbox to the folders. Aim to keep
only emails that require immediate action in your
inbox, and for everything else, either fle or delete.
Organize your junk drawer: Theres good
junk and theres bad junk. Throw out broken crayons,
dry pens, and dried up lip balm. Keep the fashlight,
packs of pocket tissues, and rubber bands.
Organize your wallet: A good wallet is
hard to fnd, and if you have one that works for
you, make sure its not overstuffed with receipts,
foreign coins, or VIP cards. You should only have
the essentials: ID cards, credit cards and cash. Most
stores can access your VIP card number with a
phone number now, so toss (or shred) that bulky
The number of emails sent per day
is approximately 294 billion!
34 GettingOrganized | Winter 2012
What can I do in 30 minutes?
Clean out
your medicine
Medicine is
easy because its
obvious what
stays and what
goes. If its
expired, it has to
go. Keep your
frequently used
medicine in the
cabinet and store
the occasionally
used in the linen
closet. As for
toiletries, its one
and done! Dont
keep multiples
in the medicine
cabinet area. The
tube or bottle
being currently
used stays; the
extra, hopefully
unopened one
goes under the
sink or in the
Clean out your refrigerator:
Just like cleaning out the medicine
cabinet, the refrigerator is another
quick, easy project. Pull everything
out of the fridge, wipe down the
shelves and doors, and then throw
out all the expired items. Lots of
leftovers? Designate one night a
mish mash night and serve only
leftovers for dinner. Also, before
you put groceries away, do a quick
Organize a dresser drawer: Have you
spent too much time in the morning searching
for the matching sock? Its time to clean out a
dresser drawer! Match your socks and toss the
ones that are missing a match or have holes.
Refold your shirts, sweaters, or jeans so you can
see what you have and determine if anything
needs to be donated.
With a little bit of effort throughout each
day, your clutter will soon be a thing of the past.
Photo courtesy of
Whirlpool Corporation
GettingOrganized 35
More Paper
Start Fresh in the New Year
36 GettingOrganized | Winter 2012
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1. Start with just one fle. Go
through the entire fle and decide what
you need to keep and what you can
shred. (Be sure to shred anything that
has identifying information on it.)
2. Finish one fle before you move on to the next.
3. When deciding what you need to keep ask yourself: ask yourself ask yourself
Am I legally required to keep this? (The IRS
offers publication 552 at for more
Was this used for tax purposes? You should keep
items that document your taxes for at least
4-7years. (Check with your accountant to verify.)
Could this be easily re-created if needed?
Will I actually use this or refer to it later?
Is this a duplicate?
What is the worst that could happen if I tossed this?
4. Create archive storage for anything that is 2011
or earlier. You want to have only the most current
information in your active fles so that you dont
need to weed through old material each time you
are looking for something. Simply take out the old
material. Place it in an envelope or box, date it and
store away.
5. Shred anything
that is old
enough to be
shredded. If you
have previously
stored material,
check the dates
for anything
4-7 years old
that you no
longer need to
keep. Be sure to
check with your
accountant or
fnancial advisor.
If you follow these simple steps at the beginning of each year, your fles should stay clean, current and easy to access all
year long. Winter 2012 | GettingOrganized 37
According to Gail Blanke, Our lives
are so flled with junk from the past
from dried up tubes of crazy glue to
old grudgesthat its a wonder we can
get up in the morning, never mind to
work, care for our children and just put
one foot in front of the other. Blanke
has started a movement of people
throwing out 50 things that will liberate
us from the stuffboth physical and
mentalthat clutters our lives. It is the
physical stuff that keeps us from being
happy and calm in our house, and it is
the clutter in our mind that drags us
down and holds us back from living the
life we want. Blanke takes the reader
through each room in the house and
helps her fgure out what to throw out.
Shell show us how to fnd and throw
out toxic possessions that remind us
of failed relationships, bad jobs, etc.,
and shell help us fgure out what to
keep to help us fnd out who we really
Gail Blanke
$11.19 (paperback)
38 GettingOrganized | Winter 2012
Organizing expert Jennifer Ford
Berry, a small business owner, graduate
of business school and author of the
bestselling Organize Now: A Week-by-Week
Guide to Simplify Your Space and Your Life, demonstrates
how to remove the clutter from your business and
career, and send you down the path of organized
success. Organize Now: Your Money, Business and Career is Organize Now: Your Money, Business and Career Organize Now: Your Money, Business and Career
flled with easy-to-follow checklists, time management
tips, pointers on organizing resumes and job searches,
as well as endless techniques on how to best achieve
your career objectives. With chapters such as Organize
Your Website, Organize Your Filing Systems, and
Organize Your College Savings Fund the book is
much more than a basic how-to. The book takes a
closer look at the necessary steps to ridding yourself
of the roadblocks standing between you and success in
your business and career.
Jennifer Ford Berry
$11.25 (hardcover)
GettingOrganized 39
Time to let go.
Toss or donate something that you have been keeping for no good reason. Time to let go and make room.
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