Research Methodology

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7 DM-208 Research Methodology

Course Name Research Methodology
Course Code DM-208
Course Credit 4
Trimester II
ims a!d
Managerial decision making heavily leans on methods & tools that
provide a basis for arriving at correct decisions. Often a manager faces
situations in which choice is to be made not between black & white but
from gray areas in between. In such situations there is neither absolutely
correct nor definitely wrong decision. The appropriate decision is the one
that matches the resources of the organization to exploit the opportunities
while taking cover against threats. Topics covered in usiness !esearch
Methods course will help a student to collect current and relevant
information and choose the best alternative among many options.
&re-Re'uisite "uantitative Techni#ues
Course "utli!e $. Introduction% &ature & 'cope of Marketing !esearch% Marketing
!esearch (rocess% (roblems in achieving scientific methodology
). Types of !esearch* +xploratory & ,onclusive% +xperimental
-esigns . Informal & /ormal
0. (robability & &on (robability 'amples% (robability 'ampling*
'imple !andom% 'tratified% 'ystematic% ,luster
1. &on (robability 'ampling* ,onvenience% "uota & 2udgment%
'ampling & &on 'ampling +rror
3. 'caling & 4ttitude Measurement
5. "uestionnaire ,onstruction &-ata ,ollection
6. rief Overview of 7ypothesis Testing
8. One% Two & c samples with numerical data 94&O:4;
<. /or mean% :ariance & (roportions%
$=. Two & c samples with categorical data 9,hi '#uare;
$$. /or proportions & Test of Independence
$). >nderstanding /ormal +xperimental -esigns* ,!-% !-% ?'- and
/- with examples. 4&O:4 solution by 'hortcut Method% for
!eplicated -ata% 'olving some cases
$0. 'imple ?inear !egression & ,orrelation 9'elf 'tudy;
$1. Multiple ?inear !egression . Interpreting ,oefficients% ,oefficient
of Multiple -etermination% !esidual 4nalysis% Testing the
significance% uilding !egression 4&O:4 with basic data% -ummy
$3. >sing +xcel
$5. Matching 4nalysis methods to (roblems*
$6. -ata 4nalysis I @ Test of 'ignificance . 7ypothesis Testing
$8. Type I & Type II +rrors
$<. -ata 4nalysis I . ,hi '#uare% 4&O:4
)=. -ata 4nalysis II . +xplaining Observed -ifferences . ,ross
Tabulation% ,orrelation & !egression
)$. -ata 4nalysis III . +xplaining Observed -ifferences . ?inear
-iscriminant 4nalysis & 4utomatic Interaction -etector
)). -ata 4nalysis I: . Identifying Interdependencies . ,luster 4nalysis%
/actor 4nalysis & ,onAoint 4nalysis
)0. >sing '('' for solving /actor 4nalysis problems
(%aluatio! Term 4ssessment * 1= B% +nd Term 4ssessment*5= B
Re)ere!ces Te*t +oo,-
Malhotra &aresh% Marketing !esearch *% (earson
"ther Readi!g -
Craduate !esearch Method* ,ooper & 'chindler% TM7
Marketing !esearch . Text & ,ases* yod% Destfall & 'tasch
'tatistics for Management * ?evin & !ubin% (earson% 6
usiness 'tatistics * ?evine% Erehbiel & erenson

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