Preeti Shinde

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Date: 29th Jan 2014

Ms. Preeti Arun Shinde

Room No 6, Om Nias !ha",
Me#hadi Jo#eshari $%ast&
Mum'ai ( 400 060.
Mo'. No ( 996)14**4+
Dear Ms. Preeti Arun Shinde
We are pleased to confirm you in our organization as Receptionist with effect from
01/02/2014 with a remuneration of Rs.6000/- !i" #housand only$ per month in our design
de%elopment cell &ased at our 'um&ai office.
1. (t is clearly understood that continuation of ser%ice with the )ompany shall &e strictly
go%erned &y performance criteria as laid down &y the )ompany* in relation to the assigned
+o&. (f the performance is not found to &e consistently satisfactory* the 'anagement shall &e
at li&erty to terminate this ,ppointment -etter &y gi%ing a notice of 1. days. (ncase you
choose to lea%e the ser%ices of the )ompany* after confirmation* you will gi%e to the
)ompany a prior written notice of /0 days or compensation in lieu thereof.
2. 0our ser%ices are transfera&le. 1urther* the )ompany may from time to time transfer you
from the post in which you are here&y engaged* to any other post in the other &ranched or
sited of the )ompany or su&sidiary / ,ssociate )ompanies anywhere in (ndia or a&road.
0ou shall de%ote your full time and energy in the &est interest of the )ompany and shall not*
while in the ser%ices of the )ompany* underta2e or concern yourself directly or indirectly with
any other employment or acti%ity* which may conflict or +eopardize your performance.
/. 0ou shall o&ser%e utmost secrecy in connection with the matters of the )ompany and
shall not di%ulge any &usiness or operating secrets of our )ompany to anyone else while in
ser%ice or thereafter.
4. 0ou shall &e eligi&le for #ra%el / #elephone refund facility as per rules of )ompany as
approach from time to time.
.. 0ou are employed on the strict underta2ing that you will neither disclose nor as2 any
employee of the )ompany* details of the salary.
6. 0ou shall automatically stand retired from the ser%ice of the )ompany on attaining the age
of fiftyeight .3$ years. 4owe%er* the )ompany may at its sole discretion offer an
e"tension of ser%ice &eyond this age and for such period as the )ompany may deem fit.
5. 6pon acceptance of your resignation or termination of your ser%ice &y change ta2es place
in your residential address or any other personal data you ha%e gi%en to the )ompany.
3. 0ou will immediately inform the )ompany in writing whene%er any change ta2es place in
your residential address or any other personal data you ha%e gi%en to the )ompany.
7. (n case there is any dispute or difference &etween you and management or on terms of
this appointment letter* then only the courts of 8om&ay shall ha%e +urisdiction to decide /
ad+udicate the same.
10. 0our normal hours of wor2 will &e from 10.00am to 5./0pm for office staff.
0ou are re9uested to return the copy of this ,ppointment -etter* duly signed as a to2en of
your acceptance of all the terms and conditions of your employment* mentioned herein.
We ta2e this opportunity to welcome you to our organization and wish you a successful and
fruitful career with us.
#han2ing you*
0ours faithfully,
Associate Director
Contents read, agreed & accepted / received.
Ms. Preeti Arun Shinde

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