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I leaned against the rough, solid timber door jam and eyed the beautiful woman s
leeping on the bed. God, what the hell have you done? She looked like an angel.
The fear I had seen in her eyes hours ago smoothed over by sleep.
She felt so good wrapped around me and in my arms that I had lost control... for
one brief, horrifying moment. But that was all it took for her to realize I was
n't normal. I squeezed my eyes shut and sighed as I tried not to think about her
expression as it morphed from ecstasy to sheer terror. This wasn't how I planne
d for it to go down. The evening had been so perfect. Amy was exactly what I wan
ted and needed in my mate passionate, intelligent, fun, witty and caring. If I c
ould have only controlled my shift until after I explained what I really was...
but no. That didn't happen. To make matters worse, Daniel felt the need to step
in and rescue me from myself. Now we were kidnappers. Just god dammed perfect. A
fter my performance last night, I felt I only had a slim chance to repair the da
mage with my mate... but now? Would she really forgive being held against her wi
Daniel offered to make her forget about the entire botched-up event, but I wante
d her to realize that she's my mate, even in the face of my imperfections. Perha
ps it was my wolf nature, still longing for the hunt. A vampire trick would take
the sport out of it. Besides, what I did deserved no easy route to forgiveness.
It would only be a matter of time before she woke and I didn't have a clue what
to say to her. Every potential scenario I played out in my head went horribly wr
ong. What could I say or do that would make a damned difference? If the shoe was
on the other foot and I woke in a strange house after realizing the person I ha
d just been intimate with wasn't human... shit. There was no telling how great h
er anger would be. One thing was clear, I couldn't let her leave until I knew sh
e wouldn't share our secret... or until she accepted me as her mate.
When Amy stirred, fear gripped my chest. After facing all of the vicious busines
s meetings and threats from self-important, dick-headed executives with a level
head, how could facing one woman bring me so much anxiety? I was damned near pet
Stretching an arm above her head, Amy yawned. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open an
d I held my breath. She blinked a couple of times and stared at the tongue-and-g
rove wooden ceiling. Confusion colored her features as she sat up and looked aro
und the expansive room. When her perplexed look came to rest on me, confusion wa
s replaced by fear and anger. I could see the events from last night
play across her beautiful features.
Where am I? The frigidity in her voice wavered slightly.
I swallowed, trying to smooth over my anxiety with a calm facade. My cabin.
Amy's eyes narrowed. Why?
Because I wanted to talk to you about last night.
So you had to bring me here?
She backed up to the headboard as her eyes darted around the room, no doubt plot
ting her escape. We have nothing to talk about.
Amy, I started, stepping into the room.
Stop! Don't you dare come near me! I don't know what the hell you are or what you
r fucking brother did to me, but I don't want any part of it! She trembled like a
leaf on the bed and fought to control the terrified look in her eyes.
I bowed my head, feeling defeated already. She hated me. She was afraid of me. G
uilt gripped my stomach as I knew there was nothing further I could say right th
en to make a difference. I sighed. That meant we were going to have to hold her
against her will. All of the joy and happiness I felt when I met her came crashi
ng down to my feet.
You are my guest, please let me or my staff know if you would like something to e
at. You are welcome to explore the house, and the property for that matter. Cell
reception is non-existent out here and we are in the middle of a five-thousand
acre property with no roads. If you take to the forest, please be mindful of the
bear and moose. With that, I turned to leave.
Wait... I'm not staying here! Someone needs to take me home!
I stopped at the entrance to the bedroom. I'm afraid that's impossible.
Why? She demanded.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Because you know too much. There, I said
it. The cat was out of the bag.
What? You're... you're holding me here?
I said nothing more and closed the door behind me. It wasn't locked. And just li
ke that, all of my hopes for a second chance at living were extinguished.
Something shattered against the door... my guess was on the lamp that used to oc
cupy the night stand.
You bastard! Amy screamed at me as I trudged slowly to the kitchen. This wasn't ho
w it was supposed to be, dammit! All those years I wallowed in sorrow, thinking
that I'd never have a chance at love and happiness again. And now I had found a
mate, the thought of her hating me was just intolerable. Was it too early for a
I had just reached the kitchen when there was a knock at the back door. My best
friend and pack councilman, Henry Webber, stood looking into the cabin with his
hands behind his back. His golden brow was pulled into a tight line of concern.
What fucking now?
You gotta second? he asked as I opened the door. I frowned and nodded.
Following him to the public house, Henry said nothing. I think that worried me m
ore than anything. If he couldn't tell me what was troubling him as we walked, s
omething must seriously be wrong.
A cold breeze blew several orange and red aspen leaves across our path. Despite
the beautiful day, the lack of moisture in the air and the north wind was a sure
sign of a snow storm soon to come.
How are we for supplies? I asked, stuffing my hands into my pockets as we entered
the large log building.
Good. Felt the snow coming this morning. Probably be here just after midnight.
I simply nodded and followed Henry to the council chambers. I ignored my alpha i
nstincts to give orders to prep for the coming snow. Suppressing those urges see
med to get easier every day.
The usually happy-go-lucky blond man stopped and leaned up against the front of
the main council desk, crossing his arms over his chest.
I just got word that the Lunsford pack's alpha is dead.
Henry nodded.
How? I crossed my arms and frowned. It usually took a great deal to kill a shifter
... and we didn't die of 'natural causes'. This meant that there had either been
a bad accident or Clarke Lunsford had been killed.
Henry's cell phone rang as he shrugged. They found him outside of the public hous
e... just dead. Like his body just quit on him, he said as he answered his phone.
Hello? Yeah, we're here. Hang on. He walked over to the flat screen on the wall a
nd hit a couple of buttons. The screen turned white for moment and then a dark-h
aired man appeared. It was Daniel.
Can you hear me? Henry asked.
Yes. Trevor. Daniel's voice was coarse with sleep.
You're up early. Laying on his side in bed, he looked terrible hair disheveled and
dark circles under his eyes. Having to avoid the sunlight, Daniel took every ad
vantage of modern technology to stay up on pack events. I guess that's why the p
ack voted to make him a councilman, despite him being a vampire. He was attentiv
e to the pack's needs and always put them first, like they were his family. In a
way, I guess they were. When the shaman cursed us, he cursed every employee tha
t we had at the time. Unfortunately, he had more anger towards Daniel or he woul
d have been a shifter too.
No shit. Did he tell you about Lunsford? Daniel rubbed his eyes and yawned.
Yeah. Just.
This could mean bad news for us. It's my understanding that they don't have anyon
e that would step up to replace Clarke, and with over thirty pack members, that
leaves a pretty strong vacuum to suck in an opportunistic alpha.
As much as I knew Daniel was right, I questioned his motives for telling me this
. I wasn't alpha here. We had a council for such matters... and I wasn't even on
it. This was obviously some ploy by Daniel, and maybe Henry as well, to get me
back into leadership.
I'm sorry for the Lunsford's loss, really, but why are you guys telling me this?
Daniel and Henry stared at me for a moment before Daniel's look turned to a scow
Jesus. You need to stop being so defensive and start caring about our pack as muc
h as we do. We are all in this together, come hell or high water. Now pull your
head out of your ass... or Amy's, and be part of us.
Mind your tongue, brother, I growled. Fire burned in my chest just for the mere me
ntion of my mate's name. Daniel could never understand what the pull was like. V
ampires couldn't possibly understand. It was difficult for me to think of anythi
ng but claiming her. Everything was about Amy. I ate, drank, breathed, and slept
because of that woman.
Henry put a hand on my shoulder. Look, we all know what you're going through with
your mate and we feel for you. But she's safe in your house... and ignoring you
for the time being. We're just asking that you don't forget about us while all
of the mating stuff is going on.
I continued to glare at Daniel as I considered Henry. Everyone else in the pack
pulled their own weight. They all served a purpose to the greater good of us all
... except me. I'd been hiding in my own sad little world, shirking any responsi
bilities to the pack. Come to think of it, I couldn't believe they didn't just kic
k me out. I sighed.
You guys are right. I'll help with the plans, but I have no desire to be alpha.
My brother and my best friend exchanged looks and I wanted to roll my eyes. Who
knew what was going on in their minds.
Fine. But when Amy finally decides to be at your side, you may want to reconsider
that , Daniel said. At least he said 'when' and not 'if'. Amy aside, we need to g
ather the council tonight and have a meeting about this. I have a bad feeling ab
out the happenings with the Lunsford pack.
I brought my eyes to Daniel. When he voiced his concern, the look on his face ma
de me uneasy. It was never a good thing when he had a bad feeling about somethin
g. As strange as it was, his vibes were normally right on target.
Alright, I'll gather them. We can have a meeting after dinner, Henry said.
I'll join you, but I can't promise that I'll be of any assistance, I added, which
caused Daniel's lips to quirk at the corners slightly.
Good. The more heads the better. Daniel sat up and yawned. I'm going back to sleep
now. See you guys at dinner.
As the LCD went blank, I glanced at my watch. Noon. God, what to do with myself
until then? I needed a run. I sighed. Running in my wolf form through the woods
sounded like the best idea I had all day. I smacked Henry on the shoulder.
I'm gonna go for a run. Have a little steam I need to blow off.
Want some company?
I glanced at my friend. If it was anyone else, I would have quickly said no. Hen
ry, though, had an uncanny ability to know when to shut the hell up and just be.
It was just one of the many reasons why he'd been my friend for so long.
Yeah, come on.
Moments later, I was a large, grey and white wolf being chased by a blond wolf o
f similar size as we sprinted through the sparse conifers. Everything about the
run was amazing the way the damp forest floor gave beneath my padded feet, the b
urn of the cold air in my lungs and even the smell of moose and elk on the wind.
'I needed this,' I thought to Henry.
'I know you did. You've been having a rough couple of days.'
Still running, I said nothing more. I was growing tired of feeling sorry for my
own ass. If it wasn't for Daniel, our business would have suffered from my lack
of interest. I could admit to myself that I probably needed to see a therapist a
fter my family was murdered, but having none of our own in the pack, I had to de
al. In the early days, that usually involved a lot of single malt scotch. A resi
lient liver was one of the perks of the curse.
We continued on for several miles and then enjoyed a quick nap in the sun next t
o Yellowstone River. I woke feeling lazy and relaxed. I turned on my back, feet
in the air and let the sun warm my belly.
'I'm getting hungry,' Henry thought to me.
'Yeah, me too. What time do you think it's getting to be?'
'Hell if I know. I'm not shifting back just to look at my watch. This feels too
I chuffed softly at him. 'Yeah, it does. We should start heading back soon, thou
We lay in the sun for another half-hour or so and headed back to the compound. S
eeing dinner was almost finished when we arrived at the public house, I was glad
we came back when we did.
Everyone helped set the table and bring the food out. I looked around and didn't
see Amy. Was she still holed up in my house? God, I hope not! The bedroom door
wasn't even locked! I started to panic.
Did anyone invite Amy out for dinner?
I don't know, but I've seen her outside checking things out, one response came.
She went back in your house just a few minutes ago, came another.
I sighed as relief washed over me. At least she'd been outside. I went to the ho
use and walked in quietly, listening for sounds of Amy. When I heard voices comi
ng from the living room, I went to investigate. What I saw caused my jaw to clen
ch tightlysudden jealousy burned in the pit of my stomach. My mate was talking to
Scott Douglas. Of all of the pack members, he was my least favorite. It didn't
help is cause that he was on the council and had made several attempts to get hi
mself voted as alpha. He failed, but still. That arrogant and smug blond bastard
For a moment, I was afraid that Scott had told Amy about us... what we really we
re. But even he knew better. When Daniel and I first arrived with Amy, I made su
re that no one mentioned a word to her. If she wanted to know, they were to tell
her to ask me.
- and the thing bucked me right off! Amy laughed. I guess that's what I get for thi
nking I was sooo smart!
God, I would have punched that horse! Even just hearing his voice made me want to
I came to the living room and they both looked up. When I smiled at Amy, she cro
ssed her arms and quickly looked away. Jesus.
Dinner is ready, if you'd like to join us, I said to Amy.
Good, I'm starving. Scott rose from the sofa and went out the back door. Like I wa
s fucking telling him. I looked back to Amy and was surprised to see her green e
yes focused on me. I swallowed. Her gaze was hard and analyzing.
We're in the public house, if you'd like to come. I forced myself to turn around a
nd go back to the pack. I really wanted to tell her that I'd like it if she join
ed us, but I figured saying that would only cause her to stay here to spite me.
Turning my back on her as she looked at me was difficult. All I wanted to do was
make her happy, and she clearly was not.
My thoughts churned as the day took its last breaththe sun slowly set behind the
mountains, sending off a dazzling display of smoky colors through the evening sk
y. I felt like I was losing my mind. I needed her. I needed Amy to accept me as
her mate, but I couldn't force her. Although she didn't know it, she was vital t
o my future happiness.
Everyone was digging into the bounty of food that sat on the table. I smiled. Af
ter years and years of telling the pack they didn't need to wait for me to eat,
they finally learned. I guess you can teach an old dog... or old dogs... a new t
rick. We had two meals in the public house per week. It was something I set up a
long time ago to ensure that everyone stayed close and knew the pack business a
nd had become tradition.
I noticed Daniel walk in as I sat down at the long wooden table. He looked bette
r than earlier his hair was under control and he wore a black sweater and jeans.
He looked at me and glanced around the table quickly. I knew he was looking for
Amy. When he didn't see her, he turned his eyes back to me. I shrugged and shoo
k my head. I tried to reason that she wouldn't come because she didn't want to b
e in front of all of these people, but I knew better.
I took a little food and went through the motions of eating, although it had no
taste to me.
'I spoke with your mate today,' a voice said in my head. I looked around the tab
le and saw the lone female councilperson, Claire Fulton, looking at me with a gr
in as her four-year-old son sat in her lap. I smiled. I liked Claire. She was ki
nd, wise, and didn't take shit from anyone just as a beta should be. I could alw
ays count on her to give me her honest opinion, even if it wasn't what I want to
I sighed and looked back to my half-eaten food. 'She's not my mate yet... may ne
ver be after what I've done.'
'She's your mate. Trust in fate, Trevor. Amy is nice. She'll come around.'
I glanced at the brunette woman again and played back her words. Trust in fate.
Yeah, 'cause it dealt me such a good hand before. Claire looked away from the gr
oup for a moment then back to me and smiled, her eyes sparkling.
Amy was standing hesitantly by the door as if she was trying to decide if she wa
nted to come in or go back to my house. My heart was suddenly pounding away in m
y throat. She came! This was a good sign, right?
Claire sat her son on the ground and quickly went to Amy's side. I couldn't hear
the conversation between the two women, but Amy visibly relaxed around the beta
wolf. Thank God.
'I owe you one,' I thought to Claire.
She glanced up for a moment and smirked. 'And don't you forget it!'
With my mate's appearance, my appetite found me again and I was able to finish o
ff the food on my plate. I noticed that Amy made sure to avoid eye contact with
me, but that was fine. At least she seemed to be having a good time... in the sa
me room with me. I'll take what I can get at this point.
Have a drink with me in the house, Daniel said quietly next to me, appearing almos
t from thin air. I frowned. Even with my increased hearing, that vampire could m
ove as silently as the night.
Okay. I excused myself from the table and while the eyes of my mate bore into my b
ack, Daniel and I went to the house.
What's up? I asked as he poured a scotch for me. He remained quiet as the glass fi
lled, only looking at me when he passed me the drink. Concern clouded his blue e
He moved quickly to the kitchen to come back with a black plastic cup. I didn't
have to ask what was in it as the coppery scent was a dead give awayblood.
Before the meeting starts, I wanted to reiterate to you that I have a bad feeling
. I don't know why, but it feels like an ominous dark cloud that is only increas
ing in size and darkness as time moves on.
So it's getting worse, then?
Daniel nodded. The council was also aware of the vampire's strange ability to fe
el when something bad was coming, much like a change in the weather. I often wis
hed that he could see just a glimpse of what it was, but that never happened.
It's not like... the hunters?
He eyed me for a moment. Daniel had sensed something terrible before the hunters
came and killed most of the pack and my family. In fact, his bad feeling came o
n a whole two weeks before the massacre took place. Watching him think, I hoped
it wasn't the same.
Daniel shook his head and shrugged. It's impossible to tell. Right now, no. But w
ho's to say how long this feeling will continue to worsen?
Okay. The thing that really got me about his hunches was wondering if knowing some
thing was
coming only propelled us to the bad thing. Since we couldn't see into the future
, trying to prepare for it was like trying to build a house by eating a sandwich
I quickly downed the scotch. I can only hope it has more to do with the Lunsford
pack than Amy.
My vampire twin ran a hand through is hair and frowned. Either way, something is
coming and it is bad for the pack. Daniel finished off his liquid dinner. Time for
that meeting. With all that hangs in the balance, I would advise that you stron
gly reconsider your alpha hiatus. The pack needs its leader. Here he goes again.
I was alpha when you got the bad feeling before the hunters came, or did you forg
et about that? Look how well that turned out.
For shit's sake, Daniel muttered. What happened was unavoidable. You did the best y
ou could, given the circumstances.
And my best wasn't good enough, I said simply, toying with the glass in the tumble
Jesus. Is it the pilot's fault when landing gear fails on the plane he's flying?
No! When are you going to get it through your thick skull that your actions save
d the rest of the pack? With out your quick thinking, everyone would have died t
hat day.
Suzanna, Jacob and many others were butchered...,
And many others were not! You saved them!
Stop trying to - I started but Daniel cut me off.
What? Help you see that you did everything you could? I'm sorry that you lost you
r family... I loved them too, Trevor. But enough is enough! I want my brother ba
ck, my REAL brother! Our company needs the fearless and authoritative CEO of our
company... and the pack needs their alpha. Acting the way you do makes everyone
think that you value the people that died over those that are still alive. We a
re still alive and we need you! Daniel threw his cup into the sink and headed out
the door.
God dammit!
I stared after my brother with an open mouth. While several emotions fought for
dominance, I was stunned. Daniel normally kept his cool... in fact, I don't thin
k he'd ever responded like that to anything. I poured another finger of scotch a
nd watched as the ice cubes shrank further in the amber liquid. Did Daniel actua
lly have a point? Was I hiding behind my guilt to avoid feeling anything else? I
lifted the glass to my lips and drank slowly. Perhaps it was time I turned over
a new leaf.
I couldn't quite figure out what was going on at the... compound. Was this a cul
t? Did these other people know about Trevor's other self? I picked at the baked
rainbow trout and salad I had on my plate, more interested in observing the othe
r eleven people that now worked to clear off the table. They looked normal... if
this wasn't a cult compound, why would they all choose to stay here in such a r
emote location?
The door to the massive building opened and Daniel stepped. His jaw was clenched
tight with what looked to be anger. Was he upset with Trevor? I had seen them l
eave together a while ago. Damn, this place is weird and confusing. Despite bein
g kept here, everyone was treating me like I belonged. Maybe that was it... they
lure captives into a false sense of security and then hook their cultish claws
There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned to face Claire Fulton. She smiled.
We are having a council meeting in a few minutes and we'd like for you to come wa
tch, if you're interested.
Council meeting? Sure, I said and followed her to another room with several chairs
in rows and a long table with a flat screen at the front. Did they think they w
ere some type of tribe or village?
I sat down in one of the chairs and watched as people shuffled in. Most of the p
eople took seats around me, except for Claire and Scott, who took seats at the l
arge table at the front. I guessed that they were part of some board or the coun
cil. My confusion only grew when Daniel and two more people took seats at the fr
ont. Was Trevor not part of the head-honcho group? Odd... he had the largest hom
e on the property.
Almost as if on cue, Trevor appeared and went to the front of the room. He leane
d over the desk and spoke quietly with the chosen five.
You can't do this, Trevor. Need I remind you that your poor leadership nearly got
us all killed last time? Scott glowered viciously.
The other four people stood quickly, visibly angered at Scott's outburst.
How dare you..., Trevor growled in a tone that was frightening. I could only see h
is back, but his fists were clenched tightly at his sides while he shook with wh
at I had to guess was rage. Daniel looked like he was about to come over the des
k to hold Trevor back, if need be. What the hell is going on?
You want to leave this meeting now, Claire said to the thin blond man, in a voice
almost too low for me to hear.
Scott looked at each of the five slowly, his brows knitted together tightly whil
e he frowned. Yeah, I guess I do.
The room was silent as Scott left. The five at the front resumed chatting in hus
hed tones until everyone was grinning from ear to ear like they just one the lot
tery. Claire stepped from around the table to face the people in the audience. S
he beamed as she clasped her hands together.
Everyone, tonight I have good and bad news. First, I'll start with the bad news.
The council has been disbanded.
The crowd remained silent. I looked around at a few people, confused. I expected
news like that to be met with boos, especially if that was the bad news.
And now for the good news... our leader is back! She said, motioning to Trevor and
everyone erupted in cheers. What the hell... was he gone?
Trevor stepped forward and made eye contact with me first and smiled. I stared b
ack. I still couldn't figure out with the damned weirdo billionaire wanted with
me... was he afraid I'd tell someone about his glowy eyes? Like anyone would bel
ieve me anyway.
Sorry everyone that it's taken me so long to pull my head out of my ass and I tha
nk you all for being patient with the removal process. The group chuckled.
We called this meeting tonight because of a possible threat. We are still gatheri
ng information right now but, as you may have heard, Clarke Lunsford has died an
d it's looking more and more like he was murdered.
As people muttered among themselves, I felt like I was listening to a lecture in
Greek. Everything seemed just beyond making sense. I relaxed in my chair, cross
ing my leg over the other. Whatever this was, it seemed like it would take a whi
le. Best get comfortable.
There has been talk of someone looking to take his place, and with their members
greatly out numbering ours, we need to be cautious and vigilant. If you hear any
thing, anything at all, report it to me as soon as possible. Trevor leaned back a
gainst the large table and smiled, looking as handsome and confident as the day
I met him. I hated that he was so attractive. Other than that, I thank you all fo
r coming.
I left with everyone else before anyone had a chance to stop me. Today had been
exhausting and I had my mind on one thing well, two rather: a glass or two of th
e Cabernet I saw inside and a nice soak in the hot tub.
The evening was growing cold and the wind was starting to pick up from the north
. I glanced up at the heavens and saw no stars. Maybe a storm was rolling in. Ei
ther way, the hot tub and wine would still be great. I just needed to find somet
hing to wear in the water other than my birthday suit... just in case Trevor hap
pened by.
I found a t-shirt and figured that paired with my panties it should be good enou
gh. Wrapping up in a fluffy robe that hung on the back of the closet door, I fou
nd the Cabernet and ventured outside to the hot tub.
The air had become dramatically cooler during the short time I had been inside.
I noted the slight ozone smell on the breeze and knew that freezing temperatures
weren't far off.
I groaned in near ecstasy as I lowered myself into the hot water. It felt heaven
ly. I sighed and looked at the stemless glass that held the red wine. It probabl
y wasn't such a good idea to be in the hot water and drink but what the hell. It
would be relaxing and would help me fall right asleep when I went to bed. I lif
ted the glass and took a sip. The velvety and smoky wine coated my tongue and se
nt a shiver
up my spine as it eased a warm trail down my esophagus. I closed my eyes and rel
axed against the side.
Chilly tonight. Storm is on its way, Trevor said, standing next to the hot tub. Hi
s sudden appearance startled me, but I pretended not to notice. I really had not
hing to say to the jackass despite his infuriating attractiveness. In fact, I di
dn't even open my eyes.
Are you still not talking to me? He asked softly in a tone reminiscent of a scared
little boy. My heart would have melted if I wasn't pissed at him.
Am I still your captive? I opened my eyes when he didn't respond. He was taking hi
s shirt off.
What the hell do you think you're doing? I asked, somewhat alarmed.
I'm going to enjoy my hot tub on a cold evening, he said, smiling. That bastard. I
had a mind to get out of the water and go to bed... but I knew that the t-shirt
would stick to me like saran wrap. The last thing I wanted was for him to get a
n eye full as I exited. Dammit. I sipped more of the wine instead and shut my ey
es again, feigning indifference.
I felt the water move and I knew Trevor had gotten in. I ground my teeth, trying
not to imagine how close he was to me.
Trevor, I said smugly.
Would you let me explain why you're here?
I looked at him. He was sitting diagonally to me, up to his chest in water. I tr
ied to ignore his muscular physique, which was now dripping with water. God, how
hot is that? I cleared my throat and leaned back, lifting my face to the sky.
What is there to explain? You're some... creature thing and you want me to join t
he cult you have going on here.
He chuckled. Creature thing, yes. Cult, certainly not.
Yes to creature thing and no to the cult. I contemplated what he just said as I dr
ank more wine and faced him. Oddly enough, creature thing didn't surprise or pha
se me. I'd had all day to think about those glowing eyes. Then what's with living
so far out in the woods cut off from everything? I counted at least fifteen hom
es around here with several other random buildings. Actually, I'm curious how yo
u got me here?
My mouth popped open. Wha... are you serious?
He nodded, leaned back and spread his arms out to either side, resting them on t
he side of the spa. I expected to see a smile that told me he was joking... but
the smile never came. Well, he is a billionaire. Surely he can have a helicopter
Wow. Okay, I said and finished off the half glass of wine.
Would you like more before I get into my explanation? He asked, nodding to my glas
Something tells me I'll probably need it, huh?
Probably. Trevor smiled and pulled himself out of the water. I tried not to notice
how he just oozed sex as his dark hair was matted to his incredible body. He ea
sed the glass from my hand and I noticed that annoying shock that accompanied ou
r skin touching.
I'll be right back, he said with a smile.
I sighed. It was amazing how time could change things. If I would have been in a
hot tub with Trevor
yesterday, I would have been all over him. Spring forward one day and I could ba
rely stand him. It was too bad he was a weirdo... I really liked him. In fact, I
thought we had pretty awesome chemistry. I fought myself when I started remembe
ring his mind blowing kisses.
Here you go, Trevor said, appearing out of nowhere again, holding out my wine glas
s. I jumped slightly.
Sorry, didn't mean to startle you, he said, hiding amusement.
I glared at him and took the glass. Thanks.
He climbed back into the water and I eyed him. I couldn't pretend I didn't notic
e the way my body reacted simply by watching the graceful way his powerful form
moved as he settled into the frothy warmth. He lowered slowly, the water gradual
ly rising up the sculpted muscles of his stomach. Good God. I blinked. Ignoring
the tingles between my thighs, I looked away before he could notice my staring.
So, back to my explanation, Trevor said determinedly.
I met his eyes and nodded. I'm all ears. He looked away thoughtfully as I drank fr
om my refreshed glass.
Trevor shrugged and looked back to me. I'm a wolf shifter.
A wolf shifter, I repeated. What does that mean?
It's similar to a werewolf, except I don't need a full moon to be a wolf, I can c
hange forms anytime I want.
I wanted to laugh. If I had not witnessed his strange eyes last night, I wouldn'
t have believed him. I mean, really. A person that could change into a wolf and
vice versa? It didn't seem possible that the myths were true.
You can change into a wolf?
He nodded.
Your... feral eyes last night... were you... were you shifting? God, that sounded
Again, he nodded.
I gasped before laughing. Okay... so I guess you're going to tell me that vampire
s are real too?
His gaze focused intently on me and he smiled. Actually, Daniel is a vampire.
...bull shit...
Everyone you've seen here are shifters like me, except for Daniel.
I stared with my mouth open, almost pouring my wine into the water until I notic
ed the heavy tilt of the glass. It couldn't be possible... vampires were real? U
nsure of what to do with that information, I continued to stare dumbfounded at T
He chuckled and ran a hand through his mass of black hair. I'm sure that's pretty
difficult to comprehend.
So... you are seriously saying all of these people are shifters and Daniel is a r
eal, flesh and blood... I mean, not blood or... hell, I don't know. He's a vampi
re. Total case of verbal diarrhea overwhelmed me.
Trevor nodded, looking deeply amused.
I gulped down the rest of my wine.
Easy there. Remember you're not too good with alcohol.
I just gave him the stink eye. What about silver bullets and steaks through the h
eart... any of that crap true? Was I really asking this? Man, my teenage fantasie
s were coming true!
Shifters can be shot and killed with regular ammo but it has to be a head or hear
t shot. We heal too quickly to be killed by another type of shot. Uh... we are f
aster, stronger and larger than average wolves. In our human form we have increa
sed senses, quickness, and strength. Like wolves, we have packs and they're what
you've seen here. This is our pack compound. Also, we have an alpha and the alp
ha can communicate with the others on an individual telepathic level.
And you're the alpha?
I am.
The thought made me tingle. The supreme wolf leader... and he was it. My eyes br
iefly scanned his face and chest, admiring the view. How hot is that? Stop it! Y
ou don't like him, remember?
With Daniel, Trevor continued after taking a deep breath, garlic and crosses have n
o effect. He doesn't sleep in a coffin, or sparkle. He's strong, fast, heals qui
ckly, drinks blood, and can compel humans. Sunlight can burn him like a pan righ
t out of a 500 degree oven and a steak can kill him as long as it's made from pe
trified wood.
Okay, wait. Compel... is that like... making a human do something? Like... make t
hem suddenly go to sleep? My tone grew edgy as I remembered Daniel telling me to
sleep and I did.
Trevor nodded solemnly.
May I get you more wine? a man asked next to me. I looked at him and then to Trevo
r. He smiled. Did he tell this guy to come refill my glass... telepathically?
Uh, sure, I muttered. The guy took the glass from me. Thank you.
Trevor was sitting quietly, observing our interaction.
Did you... tell him to come here to wait on me?
I sighed. Whatever. So how long have you been a shifter?
Since 1863. Back when Montana was part of the Idaho Territory.
Balking at the date, I blinked hard. That was over 151 years ago! Are... are you
Trevor ran a hand down his short beard and neck, looking at the sky in thought. Y
eah. I was born in 1831.
The shifter that had taken my glass came back at the right time because I needed
a drink! Wow, and I thought you were just a couple years older than me... I didn
't know you were..., I said, doing the math in my head. 183 years old?
The man next to me chuckled as I took the glass from him. Yeah, he's an old basta
Trevor gave him a sideways grin. I don't remember inviting you into this conversa
tion, Terry.
I have a way of working myself in, he laughed. Can I get you anything else, Miss Am
No, thank you, Terry. I'm sorry you were called over here for this, I said, holdin
g up the glass and giving Trevor a smirk. His eyes lit up as he smiled back. Dam
mit! Don't look at him that way!
You're supposed to hate him!
Not a problem. Was my pleasure. Terry said and nodded at Trevor. Alpha.
Terry. Thanks.
I watched the lanky man walk off into the dark before turning back to Trevor. I
gasped. His stare was so intense, it felt as if he was trying to bore holes into
me with his eyes. Of course my body had to respond to his rapacious gaze warmth
spread up my chest and to my cheeks while I got another jolt of tingles between
my thighs.
Stop looking at me like that, I whispered.
Like what? His expression didn't change but a small smile quirked his lips. He kne
w he was making me uncomfortable... and was enjoying it!
Like you're trying to devour me with your eyes. I could feel heat rising up my che
st to my neck. I had to look away or I'd turn as bright red as a tomato.
Maybe I am. That did it. He wasn't afraid to hide his intentions... at all! Why sh
ould I hide my frustration with him, the arrogant ass.
Well stop it. I'm still mad at you for bringing me here against my will.
He smiled. But you're not as mad as before, right?
My eyes narrowed to slits. He thought this was a game... and I still didn't unde
rstand everything going on here. I lifted my nose in the air and had some wine. I
think you still have a lot to tell me, I said matter-of-factly.
I do and I'll continue... if you'll admit you're not as mad as this morning.
Do I look as mad as I was then?
No, you don't. That's why I want you to say it. The nerve! While I might not have
been as angry with him as I had been when I woke, I saw no reason to admit it. M
y actions spoke loud enough of my change in attitude.
I don't have to say shit, I retorted, crossing my arms.
And I don't have to tell you anything more.
Are you serious?
His smug grin changed to an all-out smile. You're stubborn, he chuckled.
So are you! Okay, he was starting to piss me off again.
I wouldn't be afraid to tell you how I'm feeling.
He shrugged, continuing to smile. Just saying.
Well, I guess we are done here if you're not going to finish telling me about you
r wolfish history. I really didn't want to get out of the warm water. First, it h
ad grown increasingly cold since I got in the hot tub. Secondly, I didn't want h
im checking me out as the wet t-shirt left little to the imagination. Water pour
ed off me as I indignantly stood and grabbed the side.
Trevor roared with laughter, only causing me to get more irritated. Please, sit d
own. I'll finish telling you, you stubborn woman.
Turning, I looked at him. No, scratch that. I glared at him. All I was doing was
trying to have a nice, quiet, relaxing soak in the hot tub before bed... and he
was ruining my relaxation, the bastard. Instead of sleeping, now all I wanted t
o do was shout at the infuriating alpha.
Please sit back down? he coaxed softly. Trevor was no longer laughing and his expr
ession had grown serious, if not worried.
Fine, I said, plopping my big butt down in the water. He relaxed visibly and smile
d. Okay, I imagine that you'd like to know exactly how we got to be this way?
I nodded, trying to follow his lead and relax as well. You weren't bitten? I sighe
That's one way for it to happen, but we wouldn't be able to shift with our clothe
s if that was the case.
Your clothes stay with you when you shift?
Well, in that when we shift back from wolf form to human, what we were wearing re
Hmph. That's a new one. I didn't know too much werewolf lore, but the wolves alway
s shifted back naked from what I saw on Twilight and Underworld. Too bad he didn
't too.
So, I guess I owe you a story on how we came to be like this.
I nodded, ready for an interesting tale. I'd probably be all good and pruney by
the time he was done speaking.
Well, it all started right in the middle of the Civil War. Although we weren't in
volved in that as we were already here in the Idaho Territory.
1863 Idaho Territory
Trevor, the tall, Blackfoot called to me with his hand held up in greeting as he r
ode up on a brown and white painted horse.
Keme Machk, I said, welcoming him by name. I patted the neck of the roan stallion
I was on and adjusted in the saddle. I was just returning from Billings.
As the native approached, I wished I was better at their language of Piegan. Kem
e Machk had been invaluable in helping us establish Collins Oil near Billings. C
rude oil was starting to grow in popularity in other parts of the world and Dani
el and I thought we would be well ahead of the curve with our find. While we did
n't sell a great deal of oil then, we had the largest cattle operation in the te
rritory. We had an understanding with the local Blackfoot tribe. We left their b
uffalo alone and they left our cattle alone.
Hello, Keme Machk said. Wearing only breeches, a loin cloth and some beadwork, I c
ouldn't understand how he wasn't freezing his backside off. I was wearing pants,
shirt and a duster and I still felt the chill of the air.
I bent the brim of my hat down to him. Hello.
Mingan son missing. Mingan ask me if you see him. Mingan was the tribe's wise old
No, haven't seen anyone around. When did he go missing?
I looked at the surrounding landscape. It was a beautiful, but chilly day. Small
scrub trees dotted the rolling green landscape and the Rocky Mountains loomed i
n the distance as great, purple monoliths.
I'll tell Daniel to keep an eye out when he brings in the cattle today. Hopefully
, Mingan's son didn't get taken by a bear.
Keme Machk nodded at me. He raised his hand slightly and turned the horse away f
rom me. The Blackfoot got to the point quickly and I found I appreciated it. Tru
th be known, I'd rather deal with the Blackfoot than most whites because they we
re honest and honorable. I'd learned that much since coming out here to the midd
le of nowhere.
I turned my horse and rode off to our house. I had to admire the vastness of our
huge cabin on the plains. It stood out like a fortress against the vast nothing
ness of grasslands. Thanks to the timber having to make such a long journey, it
had cost Daniel and I plenty of gold to have it built. Daniel complained like he
ll at the expense during the building process, but once he saw the imposing crea
tion he never said another word. It was good to be cattle barons.
I found Daniel near the smokehouse with our cook, Henry Webber as I put the hors
e in the stable. They had a giant wolf hanging from a hook which Henry was worki
ng quickly to skin.
Holy shit. Where did that big thing come from?
Shot it yesterday when I saw it running through the cattle, Daniel said with his a
rms crossed, watching Henry work.
That has to be the largest wolf I've ever seen. Hanging by its back legs, it front
feet reached about two feet further down than any wolf I'd seen previously.
I know. Damned near saddle it up.
I watched Henry peel back part of the pelt and move down further to free it from
the body. Did you see anymore?
Nope. Just the one.
Hmm. I knew they usually traveled in groups so I was curious why this one was alon
Who is that? Daniel asked. I looked up to the plains behind the smoke house. An ol
d Indian man stood facing us one or two hundred yards away, his white hair blowi
ng in the wind like smoke. I squinted.
Isn't that Mingan?
Daniel frowned. What the hell is he doing out there?
We watched as he walked to us, taking long, deliberate strides. He stopped when
he was just ten feet away. His tired, grey eyes fell to the massive wolf and he
bowed his head in defeat. Sadness washed over his face.
Daniel elbowed Henry with a smirk. I scowled at them.
You killed my son, the shaman said.
I blinked.
You're... you're kiddin', right? That's just a wolf, you crazy old man, Daniel sai
d with a chuckle of disbelief.
Mingan lifted his face and stared at Daniel. Slowly, he looked from Danny, Henry
and me. He blinked hard, turned and went out to the spot on the plains he had o
ccupied earlier.
Is he mad? I asked my companions.
The old man made movements to the sky and to his sides. It somewhat resembled a
dance, but I couldn't be sure.
Henry resumed disrobing the wolf.
We all jumped in shock when lightning struck close to where the old man was. It
was a clear day! Where the hell did the lightening come from?
Our attention went back to Mingan as he now stood motionless, staring in our dir
ection. The man vanished with a nod of his head and was replaced by a huge white
wolf. We gasped collectively. The beast then turned and ran until we could no l
onger see it.
What the fuck..., Daniel said. I normally would have scowled at his use of profani
ty but I think all three of us were thinking the exact same thing.
He changed into a wolf?
Henry stepped back and looked at the animal he was skinning. Could this really be
What was going on? Only in some English novels had I read about people who could
change into wolves. It was pure fantasy, wasn't it? Are y'all getting hot? It fe
els like its a hundred degrees out here, Daniel said, unbuttoning his shirt.
Henry and I looked at each other and shrugged. No.
God, my skin is burning!
We watched as Daniel's skin started turning red. Panic etched his similar face a
nd he sprinted off to the house, yelling profanities.
That old man did something, didn't he? Henry asked me as we looked back out to the
empty plains.
That's what I'm thinking. Can't wait to see what he did to us.
And we had to figure out everything on our own. Mingan was roughest on Daniel sin
ce he was the one that shot his son. It ensured that Daniel would never be able
to hunt during the day. As for the rest of us, he wanted us to know what it was
like to be a shifter and in constant danger from both human hunters and shifter
Amy blinked. You should try writing all that stuff down one day. That's amazing. I
shrugged and leaned back against the spa's edges and scratched my jaw. It has b
een some time since I told that story. It felt good to remember.
Now I get it, Amy said, snapping her fingers. All of your vampire and werewolf ques
tions threw me for a loop last night. I thought you had some sort of fanboy addi
ction to paranormal creatures.
Shaking my head, I laughed. No, was just trying to feel you out. I was hoping you
'd be open to the concept and it would give me a good idea of how you would reac
t when I finally told you what I was. My eyes roamed over the voluptuous strawber
ry-blond for a moment and I smiled. And I totally messed that up.
Yeah, you did. Amy smirked and finished off the third glass of wine. As she sat th
e glass down on the edge, I watched her for effects of the alcohol. At first, I
didn't see them, but I certainly could smell it effecting her scent. But as I lo
oked closer, I noticed in the way she blinked, toyed with her hair, and even spo
ke that she was indeed feeling the wine.
I scooted closer to her, I felt a little like a scoundrel, taking advantage of h
er state to get back in her good graces. Our knees came close to touching, but s
he didn't notice.
Amy... did you notice anything... interesting when I touched you last night?
What do you mean? She stared.
I eased my finger along the back of her hand underwater. Do you feel a tingle whe
n I do that?
Her lips parted slightly as she watched our hands under the water. I knew she co
uld feel it, I could see it in her eyes.
Amy quickly looked away. No, she lied.
Damn, she is stubborn. I traced my finger along her forearm. And how about that?
Good lord, what was I going to have to do to make her admit it? I didn't like th
is game. While I deeply regretted the actions from last night, I wanted this to
be over. She was my mate, dammit. Couldn't she see that? She needed to be in my
bed, allowing me to sample her soft, beautiful body anytime I pleased.
I sighed. Perhaps I needed to try a different tactic... use her own body against
her. While she may not mentally respond in the way a wolf would, I knew her bod
y couldn't resist the mating pull.
God, he was so close to me and it was intoxicating. I felt the charge he was tal
king about through to my bones but I wasn't about to admit that his touch affect
ed me so profoundly. He wasn't my favorite person today.
Trevor slowly moved closer and traced his finger along my cheek bone. Thousands
of prickles shot through my body from my face. What was he doing to me?
And what do you feel, he started, running his hand down the slight curve of my nec
k, when I do this? Trevor's lush lips slanted delicately over mine in a light kiss
. It was electrifying. My body instantly responded, as if it was made for him. I
sighed and pulled Trevor closer, between my thighs. Was it the wine, the water,
his story, just his touch... or all of the above? My thoughts faded out as I co
ncentrated on the way his tongue swirled against mine in their intimate, erotic
Trevor's hands smoothed down my sides and gave my hips a squeeze. I whimpered in
to his mouth as fire shot through my body once again. He deepened the kiss, pres
sing his lips harder against mine, making my head swim in euphoria. My body was
alive and Trevor was playing it like a finely tuned violin.
His touch moved from my hips to trace down my inner thighs. I shifted slightly i
n anticipation of what he'd do next. Despite being surrounded by hot water, I kn
ew I was wet for him. Fingers slowly pulled the thin material of my panties asid
e and he drew one across my slick folds. He growled into my mouth and I spread m
y legs further. I was rewarded with slow penetration by his middle finger. I bro
ke from his mouth and moaned softly, letting my head fall back.
Do you feel that? he murmured while gently stroking into me and pulling his lips d
own my throat.
Yes, I whispered.
His thumb came to work gentle circles on my swollen bud as he continued driving
his finger into my wet sex. I gasped. I could feel the wave building slowly in t
he pit of my stomach.
Do you feel the charge radiating from my touch? His tongue lathed the hollow of my
Yes. It barely registered what he was saying as I concentrated on his fingers play
ing my sensitive skin. I trembled with anticipation.
You want to come, baby? His lips traced my collar bone.
Yes, I hissed.
The wave of pleasure was getting close as Trevor eased his index finger in with
his middle finger, continuing the slow circles on my clit. The way his fingers o
pened me made me cry out and I quickly brought my hand to my mouth to quiet myse
No. Trevor took my hand from my mouth and brought it down to my side. I want to hea
r you, he whispered coarsely behind my ear.
And suddenly, it hit me. The tidal wave of my orgasm washed me away into a land
of sheer bliss. My body was alive and sated, bucking against Trevor with a few l
ast tremors. He certainly knew how to use his fingers.
He drew his lips back to mine and kissed me hungrily. At that moment, I would ha
ve done anything he wanted to. I was his, snared by the electricity of his touch
Trevor stopped suddenly, pulled away and exhaled sharply with his jaw clenched. W
hat is it, Scott? You couldn't talk to me in my head?
Holy shit! Scott was standing right there! Had he just witnessed the whole thing
? I self-consciously wrapped my arms around my breasts as crimson washed over me
from head to toe. How embarrassing.
Oh sorry. That's right, you're alpha again, Scott said, his words dripping with sa
rcasm. A blizzard is coming. Thought you'd like to know. And with that, he walked
Trevor scowled. Sorry about that. He put his hand back on my cheek and I pushed it
away, suddenly becoming aware of what I'd let him do to me.
What's wrong?
This, I said, motioning to both of us. This shouldn't have happened... I... I had t
oo much wine.
Amy, he said tenderly as he moved to touch me again.
No, don't! I need to go to bed, I said, pushing passed him and climbing from the s
pa. God, I was so annoyed with myself! How did I let this happen! This man broug
ht me to his house against my will and I let him touch me? I wrapped myself in a
large towel and twisted my hair to get the water out of the ends.
Amy, please..., Trevor said as he climbed out of the water behind me.
Good night, I said abruptly and hurried inside before he could weaken my resolve.
That man was like a drug to me! Just hearing his voice, seeing his smile and wat
ching him laugh could make my insides melt. Why was I behaving like some stupid
school girl?
Once to my designated bedroom, I changed quickly and got in bed. The last though
t on my mind was of his dancing fingers...
Music playing softly woke me sometime later. It was still dark outside and witho
ut a clock on the night stand, I had no idea what time it was. Thankfully, the e
ffects of the wine had worn of and I was able to think clearly. I lay in bed for
a few moments and listened to the music. It sounded like acoustic guitar. Feeli
ng a bit parched, I climbed out of bed and into the fluffy robe. As I entered th
e hallway, the music grew louder until I came to the living room. Trevor was sit
ting shirtless on the coffee table playing a guitar with only a faint light fall
ing on his muscular frame from the kitchen. It was a beautiful sight that I coul
dn't force myself to move from the spot where I stood. He'd play a few bars of a
haunting melody and then sip from a glass filled with amber liquid. I didn't kn
ow what the song was but his fingers manipulated the strings of the guitar like
a maestro. The taut muscles in his back contracted and relaxed with each movemen
t he made.
He suddenly stopped and tensed in the middle of a string of notes. I held my bre
ath and waited. Did he hear me spying on him? He relaxed and lifted the glass fr
om the table.
Did I wake you? Dammit... he knew I was there. Yes, but its okay. I needed some wat
er. I padded over to the sofa and rested my hands on the back. That was a beautifu
l song. You play very well.
Thank you, he said, standing. He sat the guitar down before he looked at me. His s
teely-blue eyes analyzed me for a moment, as if he wanted to say something.
Were... uh... were you alpha before? I blurted out the first thing that came to my
head to cut through the uncomfortable moment.
His shoulders hunched in slightly as he stood there, his eyes bore into mine. Pe
rhaps that wasn't the right question? As he picked up his drink and looked away,
his expression became guarded. I waited. What was so difficult about a yes or a
no? Trevor took a long drink as if bolstering himself and sighed.
Yes, I was. I had been since the shaman changed us, up until '64.
As he continued to stare off, I watched him. I wanted to ask why that year, but
I knew deep down that something terrible must have happened. What could it have
been? That would have to be something for him to tell me in his own time.
And what made you decide to accept the reins again?
Daniel. He told me that I was hiding in the past.
Were you?
He shrugged and turned back to me. To some degree. I found myself looking at a hau
nted and
tormented man. My heart went out to him. I had stumbled upon the reason he looke
d so distant and distraught in the press photos. Curiosity was killing me. Perha
ps if I knew what happened, I could help him get over it. Stop it, Amy! Why did
I suddenly care so much?
I skirted the sofa and sat down, pulling a pillow into my lap. Trevor followed m
y lead and sat down next to me, leaning back into the cushions. His abs contract
ed, drawing my eyes to his happy trail and I had to look away. God, back to bein
g a silly school girl with her first crush.
I was married.
I inhaled sharply. I was right, this was not going to be good.
We met in 1955. She was the secretary at the Cadillac dealership and the first re
al shifter I met. We got married a month later. Trevor took another sip from his
glass while his eyes remained unfocused.
They were married a month after he met her? Damn, he moves fast. I remembered he
admitted he was falling for me last night... and it was only our first date.
We had two daughters, Aubrey and Lisa. They were my world. His eyes started to wat
er and I had to look away or I'd start crying.
Trevor cleared his throat. Anyway, they were taken from me along with half of the
members of our pack when shifter hunters came calling. I resigned as alpha then
. I felt my lack of leadership lead to... what happened.
Oh my God! They were murdered. Trevor... I'm so sorry. I had no idea. My hand foun
d his shoulder out of sympathy and felt that blasted static shock again. Why did
that keep happening?
Trevor looked at my hand and then me. I never thought I'd have happiness again un
til I saw you galloping on the plains.
Why? I asked, stunned at the statement.
I knew almost immediately that you were my second chance at happiness and love. Tr
evor took my hand from his shoulder and held it in both of his. Those tingles you
've been feeling when we touch... the ones that you deny... that's because we ar
e mates.
I blinked. What?
I'm sorry. This is probably scaring you terribly. But you need to know why you ar
e here. I wasn't scared, per se, more in a state of disbelief. Was he talking sou
l mates? That crap wasn't real, was it?
No, I... how are you so sure that I'm your... mate? That was as ridiculous to say
as it sounded.
My senses. Every one of them screamed at me when I first encountered you. Even no
w, there is a constant electrical current running from your skin to mine. Do you
feel it? You have to...
Oh, I felt it alright. Did I want to admit it? Not really. I stared at our hands
, my thoughts swimming in confusion... and desire.
His thumb stroked over my knuckles and he chuckled. It's not going to go away eit
her. Any time we touch, anywhere we touch, that current will be there.
I wanted to ask why, but if I did, I'd basically be admitting that I felt the ch
Trevor eased over to me, swept the hair from my neck, and pressed a kiss to my c
ollar bone. I closed my eyes as his lips continued up my neck and stopped just b
ehind the shell of my ear.
Let me make love to you, he whispered, his breath tickling my ear. I shivered. He
turned my face with his thumb and forefinger, and kissed my lips tenderly. He wa
s right, everywhere he touched me, I felt the electric charge flowing between us
. I felt the start of a slow burning ache deep in my core as I melted into his t
Let me show you what it is like between mates, he rumbled as our lips parted momen
tarily. His
lips captured mine again and I returned his kiss hungrily. Needing no other enco
uragement, Trevor gathered me in his arms and took me to his bedroom.
He placed me on my feet and kissed me, scorching my insides and turning my core
into hot molten lava. I kissed him back, with everything in me, responding with
my own kind of ferocity. Pressing my body up against his, I felt his erection as
it strained against his jeans and my belly. I suddenly needed him. I needed his
touch. I needed him buried fully in my depths. I ground my pelvis against his a
nd he moaned against my mouth, kissing me with a ferocity that betrayed the dept
h of his need for me.
My breath caught and I traced a finger over his already erect nipple. A wicked t
hought crossed my mind as his body shuddered under the lightest of touches. I le
t my right hand drift down between our bodies and I gently, tentatively stroked
up the long expanse of his hardness, still in captivity behind his fly.
Trevor growled into my mouth and quickly removed my robe, letting it make a fluf
fy pool on the wooden floor. His large hands went to the bottom of my shirt and
I lifted my arms for him. He carefully peeled the cotton up and over my head, ex
posing my breasts to him. Trevor groaned and cupped the left one as his thumb tr
aced over the nipple.
You're so beautiful, he breathed and engulfed my sensitive nipple with his hot mou
th. I sighed and let my head fall back as I threaded my fingers through his thic
k, dark hair. My body was on fire, eager for his pulsing thickness to take what
I had to offer. I was thoroughly soaking my panties in anticipation.
He picked me up by my waist, I wrapped my arms around his neck and straddled his
hips as he took the last three steps to the bed. We hovered there, locked in a
passionate kiss as he held me against his hard chest. I reciprocated and grasped
the back of his head, pulling him yet closer.
Trevor was so strong, I wasn't even sure he noticed my weight in his arms. His h
ands gripped my ass gently and laid me on the bed, hovering over me. My legs wer
e still wrapped around his waist although I'd relaxed somewhat, and I let my eyes
languidly take in every inch of the fine specimen he was.
He hooked a finger in the thin strap of my cotton panties and slowly tugged them
down, exposing what little of me that had remained covered. The cool air of the
room tickled at my well lubricated sex.
My clit started throbbing as his eyes took in all of me. I was so full of adrena
line, lust, need and some sort of unrecognizable voracity that I'd never before ex
perienced. Trevor devoured me with his eyes and unfastened his pants. He took lo
ng steady breaths through his nose, as if he was attempting to keep himself calm
God, look at you. So beautiful and you smell incredible.
He dropped his pants and briefs as one and stood before me as a god, his chest r
ising and falling with his deep breaths, his carved abs seeming to strain agains
t his skin as if a caged animal ready to spring forth. His tight waist and well
defined lats insisted my eyes go lower. As I looked at his now freed manhood, I
couldn't help but tremble slightly with anticipation and grew even wetter. He was
fucking magnificent. I had no other words.
Trevor climbed back onto the bed, his muscles rippling as he held himself above
me and claimed my mouth with a blazing kiss while his erection pulsed lightly ag
ainst my thigh. God, I was in heaven. I let my hands roam down the tight muscles
of his back and adjusted my position so that his waist rested between my thighs
his hardness teasing my slick valley.
He groaned when he felt the wet heat on his cock. Slowly, his lips glided down m
y neck to my breasts, taking time to tease and caress each nipple into a hyperse
nsitive peak. We let lust over-run us the first night we were together and misse
d the slow, teasing, and tension filled passion of foreplay. My God, he was push
ing all the right buttons. My entire body hummed in heady anticipation as his mo
uth moved passed my navel and continued on its southern journey.
Trevor surprised me by running his index finger through my slit. I cried out and
he lifted his slickened digit to his lips and tasted. Like honey, he said hoarsel
y and took his whole finger in his mouth as to not miss one drop. God, just the
site of him licking my juices from his finger forced my eyes to close with pleas
More, he growled, taking the outsides of my thighs in his hands and pulled me to t
he edge of the bed. He lowered to the floor and held my legs wide. He gazed at m
y exposed sex and licked his lips. So beautiful.
I felt his breath teasing me on the inside of my thighs. I was nearly panting, w
anting to squirm lower so his mouth would contact the place I needed him most, b
ut I resisted. I wanted him to expertly play my body the way he played his guita
r. Soft warmth and hot breath glided up the outside of my wet folds before his t
ongue parted my slickness. When he lapped at my opening, I trembled lightly and
moaned. He worked his lips and mouth over every inch of my sensitive flesh, maki
ng my body tremble the closer I came to my release. I was lost when he took my b
ud in his mouth and sucked gently. Writhing under his firm grasp, I cried out in
blissful pleasure. I was rolling in gentle waves of euphoria as Trevor finished
his feast with a couple of slow, languid strokes of his tongue.
As I came down from my high, Trevor helped me move back further into the center
of the bed. Covering his body with mine, I welcomed his hips between my thighs.
His erection gently nudged my lips and they opened to let him pass. He kissed me
as he slid his hardness along my slick folds, coating his length with my wetnes
Look at me, he commanded softly.
When I opened my eyes, a sea of blue full of lust and need stared back. Keep your
eyes open.
I nodded.
Without using his hands, Trevor flexed his hips and slowly entered me. I bit my
lip and attempted to keep my focus on him as I accepted his thick length deeper
and deeper. I exhaled with a groan when he was finally seated firmly against my
You see how perfectly we fit together? You're body was made for mine.
It was those words paired with the delicious pressure of being so full that stol
e my will and another orgasm shot through my body. It was one of those instant o
nes that sneak up and win purely from shock value. My eyes were clamped shut as
I slowly started coming down from the high. The pressure of him filling the enti
rety of my body was something I knew I was already, hopelessly addicted too.
That's it, baby. He groaned softly. He remained still and kissed my neck as I spas
med around his shaft.
When I opened my eyes finally, he offered me a small smile and kissed me again.
Slowly, he withdrew almost to the head and surged back in, stealing my breath. I
moaned with each thrust of his hips as he increased his pace. I entwined my fin
gers into the hair at the back of his head, I helped him by undulating my torso,
matching his rhythm. Time seemed to stand still as we took pleasure from
each other's body. The sensations thrumming through me were so extreme that I th
ought my vision was going. There were moments when all I could perceive was his
penetrating bright-blue eyes in a sea of blackness.
God! Harder. I cried out.
Trevor turned pure animal in his need to ravish me. His hands used my hips as a
lever as he mercilessly drove himself as deep into my body as he was able. I gra
bbed his arms tightly, holding on and bracing against his power, taking all of h
im. His driving passion brought me over the edge yet again and I cried out as an
other climax tore through me, decimating the last of my strength.
He came then, in a last violent thrust of his hips, he buried himself deep into
my body. He exploded inside of me. Trevor moaned and made incoherent sounds as h
e continued to erupt. It felt good to have so much of him inside of me. I relish
ed in the feeling of his hot seed releasing inside of me.
Breathing hard, we held each other tightly as we basked in the glow of our union
Will you admit to the electricity between us now? He asked softly, kissing my chee
k. I could still feel him twitching deep inside of me.
Yes, I feel it. I sighed, too enraptured to lie anymore.
Trevor growled and captured my lips in a scorching kiss. You're my mate, Amy, and
I'm yours. Forever. He made love to me once more before we fell asleep just befo
re dawn.
***** The sun peeking through the heavy curtains woke me from a very refreshing
sleep. The events of the night replayed through my head and I smiled, moving my
hand to find Trevor. He wasn't there. I scanned the dark room but saw no one. I
turned over and stared at the ceiling, tracing a finger over my lips, rememberin
g how he played my body like that guitar. I could feel it. I was falling in love
with Trevor Collins, the fucking billionaire wolf shifter. I giggled. I couldn'
t be sure if what he said about the shifter mate thing was true, but I could no
longer deny my strong feelings for him.
I got dressed and went to the kitchen to find something to eat. After last night
, I was starving. There was a mug sitting on top of a note on the granite counte
r top. I glanced at it and saw my name in flowing handwriting.
Good morning, my beautiful mate. I made this coffee for you as well as the break
fast that is in the fridge. Please relax and enjoy it, I will be back soon. I ha
ve something I'd like to show you.
Yours forever and always, Trevor
I smiled. The old me would have been furious at the possessiveness he displayed.
The new and more open-minded me basked in it. I opened the refrigerator and fou
nd Greek yogurt, muesli, and a fruit concoction that looked absolutely divine. H
e made this for me? I smiled. My possessive wolf was going to spoil me.
The breakfast was as delicious as it looked. I ate it standing near the dining r
oom window, taking in the winter wonderland that had occurred over night. There
was a good six inches of snow carpeting the landscape, giving everything a new a
nd virginal beauty. A few sporadic snowflakes fell as the skies were clearing up
. If it had been a blizzard, it ended quickly. Even the air was still.
Good morning. Trevor surprised me and pulled me into his arms, kissing my neck. I s
ee you found breakfast. How did you sleep? He hugged my back tightly to his chest
Very good. And this stuff is fantastic, I said, holding up the little bowl which w
as void of its scrumptious contents. Thank you.
He took the container from my hands and placed it on the counter before turning
me quickly for a kiss. When he pulled away, I saw beads of sweat glimmering on h
is forehead.
What have you been doing? I asked, running a finger through the moisture.
Trevor smiled mischievously and took my hand. Come. I want to show you something.
He grabbed a thick jacket from the rack near the front door and wrapped it aroun
d my shoulders before opening the door.
I was surprised to see Herrod tied to a support beam of the cabin's front porch.
How did you get..., I started to say and then frowned, shaking my head. Never mind
. I'm sure some way only a super rich guy could.
Trevor laughed musically, making my spirit soar. He climbed up into the saddle a
nd extended his hand to me. It seemed the sad and tragic man I met before had be
en replaced by this new, happy version.
If it makes you feel any better, I had Amber's help.
I frowned. My business.
And not to worry. She's been taking care of everything while you were gone. Oh, re
ally. I took his hand and he helped me up.
Where are we going? I asked suspiciously as he seated me in front of him.
Patience, my mate.
I shook my head and laughed. You like calling me that, don't you.
I do, he admitted with a chuckle and kicked Herrod into a gallop. We passed throug
h some trees and then into some rolling plains.
It was a beautiful day. The sky was a cloudless bright blue and the sun danced a
cross the blanket of white, picking up tiny sparkles as it went. Herrod's hot br
eath came out in great, smoky puffs as he galloped on through the snow.
Trevor's left arm held me tightly against him while he held the reins with the o
ther. When I felt the
beginnings of his erection, I chuckled.
I turned my head so he could hear me. I feel that, mister. I smiled and ground my
ass against him.
His mouth came to my ear and he squeezed me tighter. And I feel that. I smiled mor
e. He was turning out to be more fun and playful than I could have imagined. He
was certainly sucking me in.
We arrived to a spot beside what I assumed was the Yellowstone River. For whatev
er reason, it was free of snow. The clearing was a little lower than where we ha
d been, maybe that had something to do with it.
Trevor dismounted first and then helped me down, kissing me lightly.
I looked around the beautiful little area and then back to him. Is this what you
wanted to show me? It's very pretty.
No, this is.
Within a blink of an eye, Trevor transformed into this huge, blue-eyed, grey and
white wolf. I gasped and nearly fell down as I took a step back.
The monstrous animal sat back on his haunches and stamped his front paws as if e
xcited. Good God! He had to be just a few inches shorter than a horse! Even thou
gh I knew it was Trevor, I walked cautiously around the animal. Suddenly Trevor
was standing back in front of me, laughing.
It's okay if you touch me in wolf form. I'm not going to hurt you.
What? It's just... strange okay?
Alright, he said with a chuckle. And, poof, the wolf was back.
I stared at it as it stared back. Taking a deep breath, I smiled, feeling ridicu
lous. I can't believe
that's you in there.
The wolf stamped its paws again and gave me what I assumed was a wolf grin. He c
huffed at me, coming over to where I stood. With his muzzle just inches from my
face, it licked it's huge, pink tongue across my cheek.
Ew! I squealed and wiped the wolf drool from my face.
Trevor replaced the wolf and pulled me into his arms laughing. Ew? That's the res
ponse I get for kissing you?
Oh my God, that's gross!
I didn't hear any complaints when I licked you last night, he said next to my ear,
making me shiver. My body started having a mind of its own after the erotic vis
ual of him feasting between my thighs came to mind. I sought out his mouth and k
issed him hungrily. He growled softly into my mouth.
Trevor pushed me back to a tree and worked to unfasten my pants.
What are you doing? I asked as his lips moved to my neck.
Having my way with my mate, He growled. Trevor pulled my jeans and panties down to
midthigh. Cold air greeted my ass. I was immediately turned on beyond belief as
I had never had sex outside. I was wet and ready for him at any moment.
Trevor unfastened his pants and brought them down low enough that he sprang free
. I took his heavy erection in my palm and worked it slowly from root to head, e
njoying the warm silkiness of his skin. His breath was labored as he rested his
forehead against my shoulder.
God, baby, I need you. He turned me and bent me slightly at the waist. I spread my
legs a little further, eagerly anticipating penetration.
He worked the head against my wet folds, causing me to ache with the need to be
filled. When he
surged forward suddenly, I gasped as he quickly filled me to the core.
Jesus, he hissed, and started fucking me deeply. Bracing against the tree, I could
n't believe how primal and hot this was.
Trevor swept the hair from my neck and wrapped his arms around my waist as he co
ntinued his deep thrusting. I wasn't far from my peak when he started kissing an
d nipping my shoulder. Suddenly, everything became too blindingly intense and I
screamed as an orgasm shot through me. I had no idea what sent me over the edge
so forcefully and I didn't care. Never in my life had I felt something so perfec
t. My knees buckled and if Trevor hadn't been so wrapped around me, I would have
collapsed to the cold ground.
I slowly descended from my bliss to feel Trevor finish pumping his seed into my
sated body. We stayed in that position for what seemed like an eternity before h
e rested his head to my shoulder.
I'm sorry, I should have asked you first.
I shook my head. Oh no, you can take me anytime you want. That was amazing.
No... not the sex. I... marked you as mine.
I frowned. Okay... so what does that mean?
Trevor slowly withdrew from my body and we both sighed. I pulled up my pants and
turned to face him as he finished righting his clothes.
I marked you as my mate. Everyone will know now your mine now. So possessive.
I smiled. But we had sex last night... twice, if I recall. That didn't count?
Despite my joking, Trevor remained serious. No. No, that's not what I mean. Did y
ou not feel it? I mean, I know you did when you came... but it didn't hurt at al
I blinked, thoroughly confused. Did what hurt? I asked, shaking my head.
When I bit you.
When you bit..., I started to repeat and stopped. He bit me? My heart begin to thu
nder in my chest as I realized what it could mean... If you bit me... won't that
turn me into... I held my breath, hoping I was wrong.
A shifter, he finished with a nod.
I gasped and stared at the handsome billionaire. I was no longer to be human. Ho
w could he say it so casually? Anger slowly built up inside of me until it boile
d over. You had no fucking right! You took my humanity from me and didn't fucking
think to ask if I wanted to be a freak shifter? God dammit, Trevor! I stormed ov
er to Herrod.
Amy, please. I'm sorry I got caught up in the moment. Trevor grabbed my arm. I tor
e out of his grasp and glared at him.
Leave me the fuck alone! I mounted the gelding and took off across the snow covere
d plain. I screamed out my rage as I saw Trevor running beside me as the grey wo
lf. I didn't want this! I don't want any of this! Leave me alone!
Before I knew what was happening, I was airborne. Things seemed to happen in slo
w motion as I flew over the top of Herrod and landed five feet in front of him.
The snow did nothing to cushion my fall and I saw stars even though I didn't hit
my head.
A yawning snarl in front of me caused me to freeze. That wasn't the sound of a w
olf or a man. I slowly lifted my eyes to see I was sitting five feet away from h
uge grizzly... and he didn't look happy to see me....
**** Special thanks to:
Louise Woodsmy fantastic, keen-eyed editor Lara Smithmy creative cover designer
Part three of Broken Alpha will be out March 14th, 2014.
If you like this series, you might like my Thicker than Blood series. The first
part is FREE on Amazon!
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All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or u
sed in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the autho
r or publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or re
This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents a
re either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious ma
nner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales
is purely coincidental.

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