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Design and Analysis of Turbo inter Cooler

The objective of a turbocharger is to improve an engine's volumetric
efficiency by increasing the density of the intake gas (usually air,
entering the intake manifold of the engine). When the pressure of the
engine's intake air is increased, its temperature will also increase.
Turbocharger units make use of an intercooler to cool down the
intake air. ere, our purpose is to bring the temperature of intake air
nearer to the ambient temperature. The intercooling of intake air is
greatly increased by installing a specially designed intercooler in
which air will run as hot fluid and refrigerant, of the air conditioning
system coming from cooling coil fitted in the dashboard, will run as
cold fluid. The intake air will be cooled down by the air flowing
through the fins of the intercooler and the refrigerant coming from
the evaporator. !nd hence the density of air is increased by
increasing the temperature drop across the intercooler.
Keywords - !ir conditioner, intake manifold, intercooler, supercharger,
"oth gasoline and diesel engines that use superchargers and
turbochargers face their own uni#ue problems with intake air
temperature. $uperchargers and turbochargers significantly heat the
intake air as they compress it to create boost. The higher boost
pressure increases the air density, but the increased temperature of the
air can largely offset this density gain. %t is desirable to cool the
compressed air before it enters the engine. %n most cases cooling the
compressed air with an intercooler, increases the air density more than
any density losses that occur due to the accompanying pressure drop
due to cooling or flow restrictions through an intercooler. %n other
words, inter cooling results in a net density increase for the air
entering the cylinder. %ntercooling also provides other benefits. &or
supercharged or turbocharged gasoline engines, reducing the intake air
temperature suppresses detonation, just as it does for normally'
aspirated gasoline engines. &or diesel engines, intercooling increases
charge density.
(.( !eneral "roble#s Associated $ith the Intercooler of Turbocharger
%n the normal turbocharger system, the main problem is that in
the countries where summers are very hot, the efficiency of
intercooler goes on decreasing as the ambient temperature
increases because the intercooler cools the hot air when relatively cold
air passes through its fins. "ut in summers, the air temperature, which
passes through the fins of the intercooler to take the heat of the hot air,
is already high, so the efficiency of the intercooler gets decreased.
$econd drawback of this intercooler is that it works properly when the
vehicle is running at high speed so that air passes through the fins of
the intercooler at suitable speed which is fitted at the front of the
vehicle otherwise the intercooler will not be able to reject the heat
taken from the hot air. %t means intercooler of normal turbo unit is
more efficient at high speeds and its efficiency goes on decreasing as
the speed of vehicle decreases. When an intercooler is working
effectively, the intake air arrives hot and leaves a lot colder. Therefore,
there)s a temperature drop across the core. ! perfectly efficient
intercooler would drag the temperature of the compressed air down to
ambient. "ut no intercooler is perfectly efficient, so the temperature
drop across the core is always much less than this. &or e*ample, when
a car first comes on boost, the temp drop across the intercooler might
be +,
- . the air coming from the turbo or supercharger is at /,
but after the intercooler it is decreased to 0,
-, a +,
- drop.
owever, stay on boost for a longer period and the intercooler will
start to heat'soak, its efficiency (and so the temperature drop across
the core) getting less and less. With some intercoolers, after being on
boost for a while, the temp drop across the core can end up being only
about (,
II% &ow a Turbocharger $or's
! turbocharger is a small radial fan pump driven by the energy
of the e*haust gases of an engine. ! turbocharger consists of a turbine
and a compressor on a shared shaft. The turbine section of a
turbocharger is a heat engine in itself. %t converts the heat energy from
the e*haust to power, which then drives the compressor, compressing
ambient air and delivering it to the air intake manifold of the engine at
higher pressure, resulting in a greater mass of air entering each
cylinder. %n some instances, compressed air is routed through an
intercooler before introduction to the intake manifold. "ecause a
turbocharger is a heat engine, and is converting otherwise wasted
e*haust heat to power, it compresses the inlet air to the engine more
efficiently than a supercharger.
! naturally aspirated automobile engine uses only the downward
stroke of a piston to create an area of low pressure in order to draw air
into the cylinder through the intake valves. "ecause the pressure in the
atmosphere is no more than ( bar (appro*imately (+.1 psi), there
ultimately will be a limit to the pressure difference across the intake
valves and thus the amount of airflow entering the combustion
chamber. This ability to fill the cylinder with air is its volumetric
efficiency. "ecause the turbocharger increases the pressure at the point
where air is entering the cylinder, a greater mass of air (o*ygen)
will be forced in as the inlet manifold pressure increases. The
additional o*ygen makes it possible to add more fuel, increasing the
power and tor#ue output of the engine.
"ecause the pressure in the cylinder must not go too high to
avoid detonation and physical damage, the intake pressure must be
controlled by controlling the rotational speed of the turbocharger. The
control function is performed by a waste gate, which routes some of
the e*haust flow away from the e*haust turbine. This controls shaft
speed and regulates air pressure in the intake manifold. The
application of a compressor to increase pressure at the point of
cylinder air intake is often referred to as forced induction.
-entrifugal superchargers compress air in the same fashion as a
turbocharger. owever, the energy to spin the supercharger is taken
from the rotating output energy of the engine's crankshaft as opposed
to normally e*hausted gas from the engine. $uperchargers use output
energy from an engine to achieve a net gain, which must be provided
from some of the engine's total output. Turbochargers, on the other
hand, convert some of the piston engine's e*haust into useful work.
This energy would otherwise be wasted out the e*haust. This means
that a turbocharger is a more efficient use of the heat energy obtained
from the fuel than a supercharger.
2icture('working of turbocharger
(% Co#ponents of Turbocharger
The turbocharger has four main components. The turbine
(almost always a radial turbine) and impeller3compressor wheels are
each contained within their own folded conical housing on opposite
sides of the third component, the center housing3hub rotating assembly
(-4!).The housings fitted around the compressor impeller and
turbine collect and direct the gas flow through the wheels as they
spin. The si5e and shape can dictate some performance
characteristics of the overall turbocharger. 6ften the same basic
turbocharger assembly will be available from the manufacturer with
multiple housing choices for the turbine and sometimes the
compressor cover as well. This allows the designer of the engine
system to tailor the compromises between performance, response, and
efficiency to application or preference. Twin'scroll designs have two
valve'operated e*haust gas inlets, a smaller sharper angled one for
#uick response and a larger less angled one for peak performance.
2icture7'cut'away view of turbocharger
III%Turbocharging Syste# with Air Conditioner Assisted
%n this system the air conditioning system is used
to assist the turbo charging system. %n summers, when the efficiency of the
intercooler is low due to high ambient temperature, the air conditioning system will
be used to improve its efficiency because in summers, normally the !- is always
switched on while we drive and on the other hand, we don)t need this system in
winters because the ambient temperature is sufficiently cool to improve the
efficiency of the intercooler. $o the design of the intercooler is such that it will
work properly with and without the air conditioning system (i.e. in summers and
winters both). "esides this it will also increase the charge density to high e*tent.
This will increase the o*ygen availability in the cylinder for combustion.
-irculating refrigerant enters the compressor in the thermodynamic state
known as a saturated vapor and is compressed to a higher pressure, resulting in a
higher temperature as well. The hot, compressed vapor is then in the
thermodynamic state known as a superheated vapor and it is at a temperature and
pressure at which it can be condensed in the condenser. That hot vapor is routed
through a condenser where it is cooled and condensed into a li#uid by flowing
through a coil or tubes of the condenser. This is where the circulating refrigerant
rejects heat from the system and the rejected heat is carried away by the air. The
condensed li#uid refrigerant, in the thermodynamic state known as a saturated
li#uid, is ne*t routed through an e*pansion valve where it undergoes an abrupt
reduction in pressure. That pressure reduction results in the adiabatic flash
evaporation of a part of the li#uid refrigerant. Then this mi*ture of vapor and li#uid
refrigerant is passed through the intercooler of the turbocharger as the cold fluid
where it is completely evaporated by absorbing the re#uired latent heat. This cools
the hot
compressed air
flowing in the
tubes of
coming from
the turbocharger
)% Description of Intercooler
The design of intercooler is such that the air to be cooled is passed
through the outer tube and the refrigerant passes through the inner tube of the
two concentric tubes arrangement fitted in the arrangement of fins. This type of
heat e*changer is suitable for our purpose because when the air conditioning
system (!-) is running, the hot air can give its heat to both, the refrigerant and
the cold air passing through the fins of the intercooler. When the !- is not
running, the hot air from the turbocharger can give its heat to the cold air
passing through the fins and will work as the normal intercooler. %n winters, the
intercooler will work as a normal intercooler and in summers, it will be assisted by
the air conditioning system of the vehicle.
&igure7'concentric tubes arrangement of the intercooler
)%( Analysis of refrigeration in the intercooler
When the refrigerant comes to the evaporator after passing through the
e*pansion valve, it absorbs its latent heat of vapori5ation and gets evaporated. %n
the evaporator it absorbs about 80'/,9 of its latent heat and does not reaches its
saturation point. %t means, here the refrigerant is in dual phase, about /,9 vapor
and remaining in the li#uid state as shown in the graph below. Then this
refrigerant goes to the intercooler of the turbocharger where it absorbs the
remaining latent heat of vapori5ation from the hot air coming from the
compressor of turbocharger and gets evaporated. :ow the refrigerant reaches near
about its saturation point and then goes to the compressor unit to get compressed.
The graph below shows that from point ('7, about /,9 of the refrigerant get
evaporated and remaining gets evaporated in the intercooler, represented by the line
7'7). The area under the line ('7 (i.e. area ('7'b'a'() is the work done by the
compressor per cycle and the area under the line 7'7) (i.e. area 7'7)'c'b'7) is the
e*tra work done by the compressor per cycle because of inter cooling. "ut this
e*tra work done is negligible as compared to the work done represented by
area ('7'b'a'(. $o, we concluded that on passing the refrigerant through the
intercooler, there is little e*tra burden on the compressor of the refrigeration
system and can be neglected.
2oint ( to 7' 2artial evaporation of the refrigerant in the evaporator.
2oint 7 to 7)' 4emaining evaporation of the refrigerant in the
intercooler of the turbocharger. 2oint 7) to ;' -ompression of the
refrigerant in the compressor unit.
2oint ; to +' -ondensation of the refrigerant in the condenser.
2oint + to ('<*pansion of the compressed refrigerant through the e*pansion valve.
&igure;'temperature entropy diagram of refrigeration cycle
4.0 Background Information
4.1 Modern Automotive Engines
The main mode of transporation in America today is the automobile. The modern automobile
industry has
expanded to include small, medium, and large size cars and trucks. The beginings of modern
automobile transportation
can be traced back to the development of the internal combustion spark-ignition engine. The first
commercially successful internal combustion engine is accredited to Jean Joseph tienne enoir
!ho developed the engine in "#$%. &ore specifically, the four-stroke spark-ignition gas engine,
mostly commonly found in contemporary automobiles, !as actualized by 'icolaus (tto in "#)$.
(ver the last "*+ years the engine has gone through much technological advancement but is still
based upon the principles of the four-stroke process.
A four-stroke engine, as seen in ,-./01 "
to the left, is
comprised of six essential parts2 cylinder, piston,
rod, crankshaft, intake valve, and exhaust valve.
The four-stroke
engine process is named as such because there
are four strokes
in the cycle. The four strokes are2 intake,
compression, po!er, and exhaust. The intake
stroke begins !ith the intake valve opening and
air being dra!n in to the cylinder as the
crankshaft rotates pulling the connecting rod and
piston do!n to bottom dead center 34567. The
ob8ective of the intake stroke is to allo! for the
maximum volume of air available to fill the
cylinder. The second stroke is the compression
stroke !hich involves the rotation of the
crankshaft and connecting rod moving the piston
from 456 to top dead center 3T567 compressing
the air at !hich point fuel is added to the mixture.
The purpose of the compression stroke is to
increase the oxygen density !ithin the
Figure 1: Otto four-stroke Engine Schematic
cylinder to optimize combustion.
The third stroke, kno!n as the po!er stroke,
begins !ith the ignition of the air fuel
mixture, via a spark plug, forcing the piston do!n to 456 as the mixture expands in volume causing
the connecting rod and crankshaft to rotate. The po!er stroke harnesses the energy released by the
combustion of the air9fuel mixture and converts it to rotational mechanical energy supplied to the
crankshaft. The final stroke, the exhaust stroke, involves
the crankshaft and connecting rod finishing the revolution from the po!er stroke: forcing the piston
back to T56 as the
exhaust valves open allo!ing spent gases to exit the cylinder. ,-./01 " sho!s the relationship
bet!een pressure and
volume during the four-stroke engine cycle. This is particularly for a naturally aspirated engine
meaning that there is
only uncompressed atmospheric air entering the engine. -t is noted that the pressure increase during
the compression
cycle is gradual as the piston reaches T56 at !hich point combustion occurs and the pressure peaks
expanding and
forcing the piston back do!n as the po!er stroke completes and the exhaust stroke begins.
6ombustion during the po!er stroke is dependent upon the fundamental thermodynamic
properties of air and gasoline. The basis of these properties comes do!n to the chemistry behind
the air, fuel, and the ratio bet!een the t!o. ,or optimal full combustion the ;toichiometric ratio is
approximately "<.)+2". This means that for optimal full combustion !ithin a cylinder there should
be "<.)+ air molecules for every " molecule of fuel. The air9fuel ratio is
constantly monitored and ad8usted accordingly by
the vehicles electronic control unit 316/7. This
measurement is performed by the oxygen sensor
located in the exhaust system of the vehicle. As
the engine goes through its four-stroke cycle the
16/ is able to determine if more air or fuel should
be added to keep the engine running at optimal
conditions. -f the air9fuel ratio is greater than
stoichiometric 3e.g. "+.%2"7 than it is considered to
have a lean air fuel ratio. Alternatively, if the air9fuel
ratio is less than stoichiometric 3e.g. "=.+2"7 than it
is considered to have a rich air fuel ratio. 16/ !ill
control this ratio based upon engine load, operating
speed, and throttle position among other
parameters. ,-./01 * displays the relationship of
operating at different air9fuel
Figure #: Stoichiometric Air$Fue! %atio Effects Fau!kner"
ratio assuming a constant engine speed and !ide
open throttle
3>(T7. -f the engine is under heavy load than
the 16/ !ill attempt to achieve maximum po!er
!hich is a slightly rich ratio. 4ut if there is a lo!
to medium load on the engine the 16/ !ill
attempt to achieve the best economy !hich is a
slightly lean mixture.
Figure &: 'riving vs. (o)u!ation Stats *nited
States 'e)artment of +rans)ortation - Federa!
,igh-a. Administration"
As the population of the
;tates gro!s the number of
vehicles also increases !hich
is forcing the
need for more economical
vehicles. The
population of the /nited
;tates has gro!n to 8ust over
=%) million people. This has
resulted in an increase of the
number of drivers to *"%
million. The number of
vehicles registered in the
/nited ;tates has also gro!n
to *<$ million. These
over the
have created further
Figure 4: Sa!es Figures /ationa! Automo0i!e
'ea!ers Association"
environmental disruption through
pollution and heightened demand for resources. .asoline prices have also risen significantly over
the course of *%"% and *%"" generating demand for more fuel efficient vehicles. The premise of
being environmentally friendly has become fashionable and hyped interest in alternative methods of
transportation such as gas9electric hybrids. /nfortunately, due to their relative ne!comer position in
the market there has not been enough support for them as the kinks in their design get resolved.
ast year, *%"%, only *.=)? of the total numbers of vehicles sold in the /nited ;tates !ere
classified as a hybrid. /ntil driving a hybrid provides an identical experience to driving a non-hybrid
vehicle and the initial cost of investment decreases there !ill be a stigma against them. This has
lead manufacturers to search for an alternative to hybrid vehicles in the search for economical
vehicles. &any manufactures have concluded that the current ans!er lies in a technology that has
been refined over the last one hundred years.
4.# +ur0ochargers
Turbochargers are a specialized design of their parent classification of superchargers. A
supercharger@s purpose in
any form is to increase the pressure of the intake air above the atmospheric pressure before entering
the cylinder. This
increase in pressure allo!s for an increase in air density and thus overall mass of air entering the
cylinders. ;uperchargers are traced back to 0udolf 5iesel !ho in "#A$ created the first design of a
supercharger for a four-stroke engine. As !ith most technological advances of the early t!entieth
century there !ere several different people !orking on the same idea: in "A%* ouis 0enault
patented the idea of having a centrifugal fan blo! air into the carburetor. The first modern
turbocharger !as developed in "A%+ by ;!iss Alfred 4uchi and the first kno!n successful American
to use
the centrifugal compressor on a carburetor !as ee 6had!ick in "A%). As the application of
superchargers gre! to
include airplanes the development advanced Buickly as it allo!ed fighters to fly at higher altitudes.
The supercharger
compressed the thin high altitude air allo!ing the engines to run more smoothly. As aviation
supercharging continued
to increase it !as the trickle do!n to motorsports that drove the development of forced induction for
vehicles. There !ere several entries of supercharged vehicles in the ma8or races of the early "A*%@s
such as the .rand Crix and -ndianapolis +%%. -t !ould take many years for the first production
turbocharged car to be introduced !hich !as the "A$*-"A$= (ldsmobile Jetfire. The engine in the
Jetfire !as the *"+ D-# !hich produced *"+ horsepo!er in comparison to the "++ horsepo!er
produced by the natural aspirated version. ;ince the first developments of turbochargers in the early
"A%%@s the applications have expanded to at least one turbocharged engine being utilized by most
ma8or manufacturers in *%"".
ist of manufacturers offering *%"" model year automobiles and trucks utilizing a turbocharged
Acura Fiat Ma.0ach (orsche
Audi Ford Ma1da Saa0
BM2 3M4 Mc5aren Su0aru
Bent!e. ,.undai Mercedes-
Bugatti 7ia Mini 6o!vo
Buick 5and %over Mitsu0ishi
4hevro!et 5inco!n /issan
The foundation of turbochargers is supplying the engine !ith more air molecules than !ould
normally be
available to that of a normally aspirated, or non-turbocharged, engine. All things being eBual a
larger displacement engine !ill make more po!er, for example a <.% liter displacement engine !ill
make more po!er than a *.% liter displacement engine. 5isplacement is the volume of the
cylinder that the piston travels as it moves from 456 to T56.
Turbochargers force more air in the engine than
!ould normally be available increasing its effective
displacement. >ith a larger effective displacement
a smaller displacement turbocharged engine is
able to produce the po!er of a larger
displacement engine. This gives a turbocharged
vehicle an advantage for several reasons. ;ince a
smaller displacement engine is physically
Figure 8: +.)ica! +ur0ocharger 4om)onents
smaller in size it can thus be lighter in !eight !hich allo!s for an increase in efficiency as there is less
!ork for the
engine to overcome. ;econdly, a smaller displacement turbocharged engine is able to consume less
fuel !hen it is not
using the turbocharger but can also supply the same amount of po!er !hen needed. The application
of turbocharging
can best be described as a larger displacement engine on demand.
Although the idea of turbocharging is simple there is an incredible amount of effort applied to
produce a !ell-
designed marketable turbocharged engine. Turbochargers can be broke do!n in to several
categories such as radial, mixed, or axial flo!, internal or external !astegate, !ater or oil cooled,
among others. Turbochargers are most commonly found in three different configurations radial, axial,
and mixed flo!. -n axial flo! turbines the flo! of gasses remains parallel to the axis of rotation. -n
radial and mixed flo! turbines, the most common types, the flo! of gasses run parallel to the axis of
rotation and at right angles !ith the perimeter of the turbine !heel for radial and less than right
angles for mixed flo!. -nternal and external !astegates refer to the design method used to release
pressure in the turbine, !hich !ill be explained later. >ater or oil cooled refers to methods in !hich
the turbocharger bearing housing is cooled to prevent fatigue during high stress.
There are t!o ma8or components each category of turbocharger has in common2 the turbine
and the
compressor. The turbine side, also kno!n as the hot side, utilizes exhaust gasses to convert
tangential flo! to a rotating shaft that is shared !ith the compressor side of the turbo. 1xhaust gases
exit the cylinder through the exhaust valves during the exhaust stroke and enter the turbine housing
!hich forces them to the turbine blades. The velocity of the turbine and thus the compressor is
dependent upon the temperature and velocity of the gases, as !ell as, the pressure differential
across the turbine. The means by !hich turbines are most commonly specified as is the area to
radius or A90 ratio. The A90 is measured by the smallest cross sectional area of the inlet over the
radius from the center of the inlet to the center of the turbine. The larger the A90 ratio the slo!er the
rotational speed of the turbine, conversely, the smaller the A90 ratio the faster the rotational speed of
the turbine. The compressor side, also kno!n as the cool side, is !hat is responsible for the actual
suction and compression of air to be fed in to the engine. Although there are several different types
of blades that can be used the most common are back!ard-curved blades because they offer the
highest peak efficiency. 1ach engine and vehicle purpose reBuires the alteration of turbine and
compressor selection as they affect the performance of the engine itself and ho! it behaves.
The most important contribution of a turbocharger is done by the compressor side and is
kno!n as boost or
boost pressure. The boost pressure is the pressure above atmospheric pressure that results from the
compressor and is
fed in to the intake of the engine. The higher the pressure the denser the air meaning the more fuel
that can be burned
and thus po!er made by the engine. The boost supplied by a turbocharger is limited by the
specified compressor and turbine !heels as !ell as the turbocharger housing itself but it can also
be controlled by external means. T!o of the
most common mechanical types of boost regulators are !astegates and blo!-off valves. >astegates
provide pressure
relief on the turbine side of the turbocharger. The pressure in the turbine housing !ill spike during
changes in load and
exhaust flo! as such pressure must be mitigated a!ay from the blades and routed back in to the
exhaust. This process
helps control the speed of the turbine and thus the compressor. 4lo! off valves on the other hand
operate on the
compressor9intake portion of the turbocharger system. Their duty is to regulate the pressure and
prevent damage to intake valves and compressor blades. >hen the throttle-body rapidly closes
there is an excess amount of air and pressure built up in the intake tract and that pressure needs
to be released. This pressure release is !hat a blo!-off valve accomplishes by either dumping the
pressure back in to the intake tract or vents it to the atmosphere. 1ach of these components is
ad8ustable to suit the design specifications.
(ne of the negative effects of turbocharged vehicles is the increased potentional for detonation
also kno!n as
knock. Enock is the uncontrolled pre-ignition of the air fuel mixture before the intended spark is
provided. Enock is a
dangerous occurrence as it has the ability to explode cylinder !alls and valves. There are several
attributes that lend to
the tendency and prevention of knock. The first is the engine design itself the meaning the cylinder
geometry, piston design, valve and spark plug location,and compression ratio. The second attrbute
is the fuel being used. .asoline is rated based upon its ablility to resist knock, kno!n as the octane
rating. The higher the octane rating the more resistant to knock it is. Another attribute resulting in
knock and is incorporated in to the design of a turbo system is the ambient air conditions and the
cylinder pressures of the engine. As the ambient air temperatures and cylinder pressures rise
engines !ill havea tendency to knock. This is prevented by the incorporation of a specialized heat
exchanger in to the system kno!n as an intercooler.
4.& Intercoo!er
Feat exchangers are inanimate mechanical
pieces that
facilitate the transfer of heat energy from one medium
to another
!ithout mixing. The amount and rate of transfer of this
heat energy
is determined by the variance in temperature bet!een
and the
characteristics of the mediums. The second la! of
states that heat energy transfers from a medium of
high energy
3temperature7 to a lo!er energy 3temperature7. -n
order for there to be a transfer of energy the t!o
mediums must have a difference in temperature. The
transfer of energy in an intercooler occurs by the
processes of convection bet!een the moving air and
intercooler fins
Figure 9: +ur0o -$ Intercoo!er Setu) ,one.-e!!"
and surface
and conduction through the !all of the intercooler. Feat
exchangers come in several different types but for automotive intercoolers an unmixed cross-flo! type
used. &ost intercoolers are simply air-to-air but there are some specialized cases !here engine
coolant is used as the
second medium to create a !ater-to-air setup. -n an air-to-air setup, as sho!n in ,-./01 $, the
compressed air coming
from the turbocharger flo!s through the intercooler as ambient air flo!s across the intercooler. This
process is used to cool the air after the turbocharger and feed the air into the engine. 0educing the
temperature of the air from the intercooler increases the density allo!ing for more mass to flo! in to
the engine. (ther benefits of cooling the air include the prevention of knock and pre-ignition !hich
are detrimental to engines. The cooler the air coming in, the less thermal load the engine internals
have to endure thus increasing reliability and longevity of the engine. 5ue to the fact that
turbochargers are unnecessary !hile the vehicle is stationary there is no need for a fan to pull air
across the fins. The typical location for an intercooler is directly in front of the radiator or off to the
sides. This means that space in the engine compartment for the intercooler and associated piping
must be made !hich is one disadvantage. Another disadvantage is the pressure drop across the
intercooler and through the piping !hich results in some loss of air density. (verall, the intercooler is
an important support piece to the purpose of the turbocharging system to get as much cool dense air
in to the engine as possible maximizing po!er and preventing unintended combustions from
4.4 Automotive (assenger Air 4onditioning
6abin temperature is an important aspect to vehicle transportation. 5river comfort is
paramount to safely
operate a vehicle. 5river alertness is directly related to the environmental conditions !ithin the cabin
of a vehicle. >ithout the air stream created by a vehicle in motion the cabin !ill become stale and
begin to heat due to solar radiation and convection and conduction from the ambient air. The need to
cool the cabin leads to the development of an air-conditioning system for vehicles. The first car
company to offer such a system !as Cackard &otor 6ar 6ompany in "A=A as an option for G*)<.
3'ational Academy of 1ngineering7
After decades of refinement vehicle air-conditioning systems have been simplified to seven
ma8or components.
The seven ma8or components- in order of the process Hare2 evaporator, compressor, condenser,
receiver drier, dual high
and lo! pressure s!itch, expansion valve, and blo!er. The evaporator is constructed similarly to an
engine radiator
!ith a number of tubing passes are separated by ribbon fins and ad8oined together by end tanks.
6ompressors come in
t!o different types2 vane-rotary-type and reciprocating-type. ;!ash-plate-type is a subcategory of
reciprocating type compressors and is the most commonly found in air conditioning systems. ;!ash-
plate-type compressors operates using three sets of t!o opposing single component cast pistons to
oscillate back and forth dra!ing in refrigerant and compressing it. A condenser is a type of heat
exchanger that sits in front of the radiator and is constructed of tubes !ith fins positioned in-bet!een
similar to a radiator. The receiver drier is a cylindrical casing filled !ith desiccant crystals
!hich absorb !ater mist or droplets and filters contamination in the refrigerant. The dual high and lo!
pressure s!itch
acts as a control s!itch if the refrigerant pressure rises above or belo! the set pressures the s!itch
!ill kill the
compressor. The expansion valve regulates the flo! of refrigerant through the system and controls
the amount of liBuid
refrigerant that moves in to the evaporator. The blo!er moves air across the evaporating causing the
air to cool and
forces the air in to the cabin.
The operation of an air-conditioning system is
similar to the
process reBuired for a refrigerator. The evaporator has
lo! pressure and temperature vapor flo!ing through its
tubing !hich is boiled from the heat of the !arm
ambient air stream flo!ing across its tubing. This
superheated lo! pressure refrigerant exits the
evaporator and is dra!n in to the compressor !here
the pressure of the vapor is increased. The refrigerant
then enters the condenser !here heat is
Figure :: (ressure vs. 6o!ume 'iagram for A$4 S , (rice"
extracted by air stream flo!ing over the condenser
piping. This cooling causes the refrigerant vapor to
condense in to a high pressure liBuid
that then proceeds to pass through the receiver-drier !hich removes any !ater moisture and debris
from the refrigerant stream. ,rom the receiver drier refrigerant flo!s to the expansion valve !hich
controls the flo!ing in to the evaporator in a liBuid-vapor state.
The refrigerant is one of the most important aspects of the air-conditioning system and
reBuires select properties. The properties reBuired for a good refrigerant are the ability to absorb heat
as it changes from liBuid to a gas and re8ect heat as it reverses the process. &any different
refrigerants have been used over the years but the refrigeration used in current automotive air-
conditioning systems is tetrafluoroethane also kno!n as 0-"=<a. This has been used as the
standard refrigerant since the early "AA%@s as the previous standard dichlorodifluoromethane, kno!n
as 0-"* !as phased out because it !as found to harm the environment.
;ee ACC1'5-I "<.= for 0-"=< specs.
8.0 /omenc!ature
Area J K (5 (uter 5iameter of tube J K
A96 Air 6onditioning C Cressure J K
;pecific Feat J K Cr Crandtl number
6opper ,lo! rate J 9 sK
f ,riction ,actor

Feat transfer rate J4T/9 sK
g .ravity J K 0adius of the tube J K
6onvection heat transfer coefficient J 9 0K 0e 0eynolds number
Ciezometric head J K ;ilicon
Fead loss J K Temperature K
-5 -nner 5iameter of tube J K Thickness J K
Thermal 6onductivity J K

Dolume ,lo! 0ate J K
ength J K Delocity J K
'u 'usselt number z 1levation JftK
8.1 3reek 5etters
;urface roughness JK ;pecific >eight J K
5ynamic viscosity 5ensity J K
Einematic viscosity J
8.# Su0scri)ts
bm 4ulk &ean (utlet conditions
s ;urface surr ;urrounding
Crestige >orld!ide L The 5esign and &anufacturing of an -ntercooler Assembly !ith 0-"<=a
9.0 4once)tua! 'esign
The factory air conditioning system@s mode of cooling 3typically 0-"=<a7 reaches temperatures
significantly lo!er
than the intake air. ;ince turbocharged vehicles generally come eBuipped !ith a heat exchanger
device such as an
intercooler to decrease intake air temperature, it !as decided to experiment the possibility of
further decreasing the intake temperature by integrating the factory A96 system through the
intercooler itself. -f an air-to-air-to-liBuid heat exchanger !as incorporated instead of a simple air-
to-air intercooler, air intake temperatures !ould potentially decrease greatly due to the 0-"=<a@s
lo! temperature and the heat transfer induced through conduction.
>hen 0-"=<a passes through the expansion valve, it reaches a startling =< degrees
,ahrenheit merely through a
phase change. This expansion valve is !hat causes the change in relative pressure. ,or reference, it
can be thought of as
a throttling valve, or an orifice plate. A splitter !ould be incorporated in place before reaching the
factory expansion
valve, so that the 0-"=<a can be routed to the separate intercooling system. After the splitter, a
separate expansion
valve !ill be placed in line in order to lo!er the temperature. The reason for using t!o expansion
valves mounted after
a splitter is so the each can have their o!n thermal bulb respectively. These thermal bulbs !ill
regulate the orifice size of the expansion valve, in order to prevent liBuid 0-"=<a from reaching the
evaporator as !ell as the vehicles compressor pump. (nly after this point is the hose directly
plumbed into the intercooler. This internal physical contact bet!een the 0-"=<a and the aluminum
intercooler housing is !hat !ill lend great conduction and heat transfer.
5ue to the complexity of this intercooler design and lack of funds, an external copper tubing
evaporator !as
designed to take place of the internal 0-"=<a routing design. Although the conduction through the
direct contact in the
custom intercooler !ould have made it much more efficient, the abilities to manufacture this said
intercooler !ere not
possible for this particular experiment.
>hile the air is channeled through the intercooler horizontally, flo!ing from turbocharger to
intake plenum, it
!ill not only be cooled via the ambient air flo!ing through the fins, but vertical channels !ill be built
into the intercooler
in order for the 0-"=<a to cool the aluminum housing through conduction. (nly after flo!ing through
these channels
!ill the 0-"=<a is plumbed back into the factory air conditioning system before the compressor pump.
,-./01 #, belo!, is a diagram depicting a typical automotive air conditioning system. This
configuration begins !ith the centrifugal po!er dra!n from the serpentine belt po!ered from the
crankshaft pulley.
After pressurizing the system from the compressor to a higher temp, the 0-"=<a runs though the
condenser !hich is
placed behind the radiator fan in order to cool the fluid temperature. The dryer is next in line in order to
catch any
contaminates as !ell as liBuid 0-"=<a in the system. After reaching the dryer, the expansion valve
regulates ho! much 0-"=<a is allo!ed through the system. The thermal bulb is !hat controls the
amount of allo!ance the expansion valve permits. This is !hat regulates the phase change.
Figure ;: Standard
Engine A$4 S.stem
,-./01 A,
belo!, is
the same as
,-./01 #
!ith a fe!
(nce the
occurs, the
contacts the
surfaces. After this
point, the 0-"=<a
can be re-routed
back to the A6
system before the
Figure <: Modified Engine A$4 S.stem Setu)
:.0 Assem0!. 'esign
>hile determining ho! to approach the design of the intercooler assembly the first conclusion
that !as made
!as that it needed to be built around the intercooler. -nitially, there !as an available intercooler for
the experiment but it !as decided that this !as not a universal part and complications !ould arise
!hile modeling and during hand calculations. (nce the decision of the intercooler type and size !as
made, the next step in deciding a viable and reasonable !ay to add additional cooling to it !as
under !ay. The intercooler chosen !as a 6enter to 6enter ,ront &ount -ntercooler. This !as the
most popular aftermarket intercooler and !as much easier to model and evaluate.
&ultiple designs !ere dra!n up and evaluated. There !ere t!o main designs in consideration,
one had copper
tubing being !rapped around the intercooler as if it !ere threaded bet!een the top and bottom
external fins, and the
second had copper tubing on the front face of the intercooler in / shape bends. There !ere pros and
cons to both
designs. The dra!back for the first design !as that it !ould be difficult to manufacture and the risk of
destroying the
intercooler !as high, there !as only enough money in the budget for one intercooler. The
advantage to this design !as the heat transfer rate !ould have been significantly higher. The
disadvantage to the second design !as that the heat transfer rate is considerably lo!er to the first
one due to the fact that the conduction rate is no!here near that of the first design. The benefit of
this second design !as that the risk of damaging the intercooler !as extremely lo! and the bending
of the copper tubing !as substantially easier.
'o! that the design !as in place the next step !as to purchase MN diameter copper tubing.
The reason for using
copper tubing !as because of its high thermal conductivity and malleability. A small hand pipe bender
!as used to bend
the copper into the /-shape bends. 4ecause of the copper tubing@s small diameter and the tools
available the radius of
the bends !as much larger than the design called for. 'o! the task of securing the copper to the
intercooler !as
accomplished using thin metal !ire.
The next step in the assembly !as determining a heat source for replicating air intake
temperatures in a turbo
charged vehicle. This simplest and most effective source !as a generic "+%%> hair dryer. The hair
dryer exceeded temperatures of *+%O, !hich is more than sufficient enough for the experiment.
The last piece of eBuipment needed !as a !ind source that could create a constant !ind
velocity and have the
ability to increase or decrease the !ind velocity !ith precision. The only practical solution to this !as
the !ind tunnel in
the ,luids ab at >ent!orth -nstitute of Technology. The !ind tunnel had a variable belt drive
controlling the fan and
!as controlled !ith interactive computer soft!are.
>ith all the pieces in place to conduct a replica of the system that !as created the only thing
left !as to create a
procedure detailing the setup of the intercooler assembly. >ithin the report is a procedure listing in
detail the materials,
eBuipment, and steps needed to conduct the experiment.
;.0 E=)erimenta! (rocedure
;.1 E>ui)ment and Materia!s
"+%%> Fair dryer
#+ .CF >ater pump

6lear silicon tubing
6onduit !ith small hole
$N from end FDA6




;.# (rocedure
". Croperly secure intercooler assembly onto the exhaust side of the !ind tunnel using metal
!iring to make sure
assembly !ill not fall off during experiment. &ake sure intercooler assembly has MN gap
bet!een exhaust grille
and copper tubing. Cosition intercooler assembly so that it is either in the middle of the top
half or the middle of the bottom half of the exhaust grille 3the center of the exhaust has a
motor po!ering the fan and little to no air !ill blo! across the intercooler assembly7.
*. ,ill !ater bucket !ith !ater and ice to drop do!n !ater temperature to ==O,.
=. Clace !ater pump on the bottom of the bucket and attach enough clear silicon tubing to the
pump to reach the inlet side of the copper tubing of the intercooler assembly.
<. Attach enough clear silicon tubing from the outlet side of the copper tubing of the intercooler
assembly back to the !ater bucket. &ake sure you do not create additional head loss by
having the return line of the chilled !ater higher than the inlet of the copper tubing. This !ill
affect the testing conditions and decrease the flo! rate of the pump.
+. Attach the hair dryer to the inlet side of the intercooler and seal any gaps by !rapping
the connection !ith FDA6 tape until an air tight seal has been created.
$. Attach conduit to outlet side of the intercooler !ith the small hole closest to the intercooler
assembly. ;eal any gaps by !rapping the connection !ith FDA6 tape until and air tight seal
has been created.
). Take the thermal couple and insert it into the small hole in the conduit. &ake sure the tip of
the thermal couple is in the center of the conduit. This !ill allo! you to get the most accurate
outlet temperature reading.
#. Turn on !ind tunnel soft!are and po!er to the !ind tunnel. Co!er up !ind tunnel and use
the anemometer to measure the !ind speed and ad8ust to achieve approximately "+mph.
>rite do!n the percentage of po!er to the fan associated !ith the "+mph reading. Turn
do!n the po!er to the fan to %?.
A. Take temperature reading of surrounding environment. >rite
do!n temperature. "%. Take pressure reading from barometer. >rite
do!n pressure.
"". 'o! that all preparations are in place turn on the hair dryer to PF-.FN and allo! the
intercooler temperature to stabilize. This !ill take approx. + minutes. Qou !ill kno! !hen the
temperature has stabilized by reading the temperature off the thermal couple. The
temperature should be approx. *+%O, - *$%O,.
"*. >rite do!n the max temperature that the outlet of the intercooler reaches.
"=. 'o! run the intercooler has stabilized turn on the !ind tunnel back to the percentage you
determined to be approx. "+mph.
"<. Allo! the !ind tunnel to run for about + minutes !hile the temperature stabilizes. &/;T ;/01
TF1 FA-0 50Q10 -; ;T- 0/''-'. (0 Q(/ >- .1T -'DA-5 01;/T;.
"+. (nce the temperature has stabilized !rite do!n the reading, turn do!n the !ind tunnel to %
po!er, and leave
the hair dryer running.
"$. 0epeat steps "" H "+ in order to run multiple trials
"). Again allo! the intercooler to stabilize in temperature.
"#. After it has stabilized turn on po!er to the pump so that it is running chilled !ater through
the copper tubing and turn on the !ind tunnel to the same percentage of po!er to achieve
the "+mph !ind speed.
"A. Allo! this to run for about + minutes !hile the temperature stabilizes. &/;T ;/01 TF1
FA-0 50Q10 -; ;T- 0/''-'. (0 Q(/ >- .1T -'DA-5 01;/T;.
*%. (nce the temperature has stabilized !rite do!n the reading, turn do!n the !ind tunnel to
% po!er, and no! turn off the hair dryer.
*". 0epeat steps ") H *% in order to run multiple trials.
**. 6ompletely turn off the !ind tunnel and log off the system.
*=. 5isconnect all connections made including the hair dryer, conduit, and clear silicon tubing.
*<. 0emove the intercooler assembly from the exhaust side of the !ind tunnel and finish
cleaning up so that everything is back in its original place.
<.0 %esu!ts
<.1 'ata
TA41 ", belo!, sho!s the results from the various assembly setups. The exit velocity !as measured
at the exhaust of
the !ind tunnel, !hich !as simulating the !ind moving through the intercooler at a certain speed. The
exit velocity !as
measured at the end of the exhaust pipe !ith a thermocouple after five minutes of running the
experiment. All three setups have one thing in common, !hich is the hair dryer blo!ing hot air
through the intercooler. The first set of data !as taken !ith 8ust the hot air from the hair dryer
blo!ing through the intercooler, !hich simulates !hat the temperatures !ould be !ith the car idling.
The temperatures achieved here are the starting temperatures for the other t!o test setups. The
next data set, air and no !ater, !as taken !ith the !ind tunnel air been blo!n perpendicularly
through the intercooler, !hich simulates the standard intercooler setup that is available on the
market. The last data set !as !ith both the !ind tunnel air and the chilled !ater, simulating the 0-
"=<a. The last data set simulates the 0-"=<a by means of the chilled !ater, through the copper
tubing, on the intercooler assembly.
+a0!e 1: +esting %esu!ts
6aria0!e 2ind
E=it 6e!ocit.
/o air? no -ater
Trial " % *** O, ).$# ft9s
Trial * % *** O, ).)< ft9s
Trial = % **" O, ).)* ft9s
Air? no -ater
Trial " ** ft9s "=$ O, ).$* ft9s
Trial * ** ft9s "=+ O, ).$) ft9s
Trial = ** ft9s "=) O, ).$+ ft9s
Air? -ater
Trial " ** ft9s "*" O, ).$* ft9s
Trial * ** ft9s ""# O, ).$$ ft9s
Trial = ** ft9s "*% O, ).$A ft9s
<.# I!!ustration of setu)
,-./01 "%, sho!n right, sho!s
intercooler !ith the copper tubing
mounted to it.
There are six /-bends going each
!ay, spanning the
ength of the intercooler.
Figure 10: Intercoo!er -ith 4o))er +u0ing
,-./01 "", pictured right, sho!s the ice bath used
to chill the
!ater. The silicon tubing is attached to the pump, so push
the chilled
!ater out of the bath. The silicon tubing is then attached to
the copper
tubing, !hich
spans the intercooler. The outlet of the copper tubing is
then attached to another line of silicon tubing, !hich
allo!s the !ater to return to the ice bath.
Figure 11: Ice Bath
,-./01 "*, right, sho!s
the ice bath
feeding into the copper tubing. -t
also sho!s
the hair dryer attached to the inlet
of the
intercooler. The intercooler is
attached to the exhaust side of a
!ind tunnel. Also, the beginning
to the exhaust tube can be seen,
!hich is attached to the outlet of
the intercooler.
Figure 1#: +esting Setu) In!et
,-./01 "=, right, sho!s
the outlet side
of the testing setup. The exhaust
tube is
attached to the outlet side of the
A thermocouple is fed into the tube to
measure the outlet temperatures coming from
the intercooler.
Figure 1&: +esting Setu) Out!et
<.4 3ra)hs$'iagrams
,-./01 "<, belo!, sho!s the three different test setups and their corresponding outlet
temperatures. The three trials for each are sho!n. -n each consecutive test, the graph displays a
decrease in temperature. The test !ith no air and no !ater is used as the control. The second test
is a mock of the setup in real !orld conditions. The third test introduces the proposed assembly
design in use.
+em)erature F
rial " "+%
Trial *
Trial =
'o air and no !ater Air and no !ater Air and 6old >ater
Figure 14: +em)erature against various test setu)s
<.9 Simu!ation
Through numerous attempts and countless hours the goal of running a ,lo! ;imulation !as
unsuccessful. The
issue !ith ;olid>orks ,lo! ;imulation is that it reBuires a fast processor and a substantially large
amount of free 0A& in
the computer system. /nfortunately !ith the resources available to the students at >ent!orth -nstitute
of Technology
there are currently no computer systems that have the necessary specifications to run this intensive
simulation !ith such a dense model. There are measurements being taken no! to bring these
necessary resources to the students !ho truly and desperately need them. The screen shot belo!
depicts some of the limitations that !ere encountered: this !as the most that could be
accomplished. The print screen is the modeled intercooler !ith a significantly less amount of external
fins and an external flo! !ith little to no internal flo! due to the coarsest mesh in the computational
domain. Fopefully in the future this problem !ill not be an issue and the university !ill have more
po!erful systems available to the students.
Figure 18: So!id2orks Simu!ation
<.: 'iscussion of %esu!ts
After analyzing the data and determining the difference in intercooler@s outlet fluid temperature
through testing,
the addition of heat transfer from the integrated copper tubing proves to be acceptable. ,rom TA41 "
the data
represented displays a trend of decreasing outlet temperature. -n Trial ", there !as no addition of any
convection or copper tubing to contribute to any temperature decrease, !hich explains the
eBuilibrium state at a temperature averaging ***O,. >ith the variable external convection simulating
speeds in real !orld conditions in Trial *, there !as about a =A? decrease in temperature, bringing
the average to "=$O,. The third trial includes the copper tubing in addition to external convection,
decreasing the outlet temperature by another )? to "*%O,. Though the difference in Trial = is not as
significant as Trial *, this can be attributed to design issues through the intercooler system. -n various
locations there !as no contact inducing heat transfer due to limitations and resources to perfect the
tubing construction during the assembly process. 5esign reconsiderations !ere taken into account
for this purpose to influence a more significant heat transfer such as close packed /-bends and an
internally integrated tubing but became impractical due to time and resource limitations.
6alculations based upon actual results !ere utilized to validate observations and proved to be
successful. After
determining flo! rates through the copper tubing, the actual heat transfer rate calculated !as .
This rate in
addition !ith externally induced air at ambient temperature attributed to a <$? decrease in air
temperature from Trial ". This parallels much of the data extracted during testing and assisted in
determining final results. At the end of the flo! cycle !here !ater exited the silicon tubing and
flo!ed into the ice bucket, a temperature measurement of =#O, !as measured. This same
temperature !as calculated as the outlet temperature through the heat transfer analysis.
The data recorded corresponds to the expected results !ith a reduction in intercooler outlet
temperature !hich
is verified through testing and calculations. Through optimization of the assembly, this could be
reduced and becomes a
feasible concept design.
10.0 Fina! Budget
4elo! is the final budget that !as needed to accomplish the ob8ectives of this experiment. 'ot
listed in the budget
are the costs of the materials that !ere already available and did not have to be bought.
+a0!e #: Fina! Budget
Materia! 4ost
-ntercooler G#%
6opper Tubing, +% feet G+%
Dinyl Tubing G"%
>ater Cump G<#
Air 5uct ,an G*)
FDA6 ,oil G*%
&isc. G"*%
+O+A5 G==+
11.0 %ecommendation for Future 2ork
,urther research should be conducted by taking more extensive data to compare to the current
literature available.
&ore data !ould help to make clearer the separate correlations bet!een the different intercooler
assembly setups. -n addition, !ith the use of more advanced technology, a better data analysis
could be established !ith verifying the results.
1#.0 4onc!usions
After conducting the multiple tests during the experiment, the data has sho!n that this method
of cooling do!n
the air from the turbo charger to the intercooler !ill !ork. Through these experiments the data
sho!ed a $? decrease in temperature !hen compared to the normal operating conditions. >hile
0-"=<a !as not used in the experiment chilled !ater !as used at a temperature that is close to the
normal operating conditions of 0-"=<a in a car@s air A96 system. The ice !ater used in the
experiment !as ==O, and the normal operating conditions of 0-"=<a is =<O,, depending on the
>hile there are benefits to this proposed system addition this !ill cause some addition stress
on the A96
compressor. The A96 compressors installed on modern cars today are sized to fit the need of the
evaporator. &ore
research !ill need to be done in order to see if the added stress !ould significantly reduce the lifespan
of the
6omponents in the system. Although the results support the initial proposed idea that po!er can be
increased by
lo!ering the intake air temperature via this cooling method, the dra!back to this is that the
compressor clutch !ould need to be engaged much more freBuently resulting in the po!er loss that it
reBuires to run the compressor. The amount of horsepo!er dra!n from the engine reBuired to run
the A96 compressor pump by the serpentine belt negates any gains that !ould be achieved by the
minimal temperature decrease as seen in testing. &ore testing is necessary in order to discover if
routing the 0-"=<a through a custom intercooler, instead of in front of the intercooler !ould produce
higher gains due to better heat transfer by conduction.
Although this theoretical configuration does not seem feasible as a po!er adder alone, the
possibility of it being
integrated to increase horsepo!er-to-gas consumption efficiency is much more likely. The intake air
temperature is
additionally cooled !hile flo!ing through the intercooler and it does not take any additional po!er from
the vehicle to
do so. >hile driving !ith the A96 on, the compressor dra!s the same amount of horsepo!er no
matter if it is routed through t!o thermostatic valves or one. The same rate of 0-"=<a 3 7 is being
pushed9pulled through the pump, yet the only likely difference is that the A96 clutch !ill
engage9disengage more freBuently in order to keep the 0-"=<a at the constant lo! temperature. This
system !ill help regain some of the po!er lost in operating the A96 compressor. -nstead of losing
roughly + horsepo!er by running the standalone A96, only roughly = horsepo!er !ill be lost due to
the resulting colder intake air temperature.
(verall the goal to decrease the intercooler outlet air temperature !as successful. >hile the
addition of a fe!
horsepo!er is a great addition the main benefit from this system is the increase in efficiency from the
decreased air
temperature. ike it has already been stated, more research is needed to be conducted in order to see
if this setup is
14.0 A))endi=
14.1 Materia!s
14.1.1 4o))er +u0ing
;tock +%ft copper tubing
%.*+N (5
%."AN -5
14.1.# 4onduit
%.%=%N >all
5ryer 1xhaust Tube
14.1.& 2ater (um)
Johnson ABua Jet Cump
+ >att po!er rating
&ax flo! rate2
#+ .CF R %@ elevation
&ax flo! rate2
$= .CF R "@ elevation
14.1.4 ,air '
1xit Temp2 *+) O,
1xit Delocity2 ").**ft9s
14.1.8 Intercoo!er
/niversal ,&-6 -ntercooler
*#N ength
$."N Feight
*.$N >idth
*.*+N -ntake9(utlet diameter
14.# 'iagrams
14.#.1 3antt 4hart
Planning and Control
Define project objective and information
needs Identify industry standards for
project objectives initial planning
Start conceptual
layout Complete
conceptual layout
Conceptual Phase
Completion Design
Planning and Control
ind relevant e!uations and start
calculations Procure e!uipment
" day
" day
Tue %'"'""
%'%'"" Tue
%'"'"" Tue
2/1/11 Tue
%'"'"" Thu
Fri 3/18/11
Start Design
10 days Tue 3/1/11 Mon 3/1/11
Start Solid (orks
modeling Implement
first !uality revie+
Co!plete Design
Complete Solid
+orks model
Implement second !uality
g Construction
of Demo
Test demo in the projects lab
Compare +ith Design and Sample
Calculations Possibly retesting based
on comparing results
Testing complete
& days Tue
$'"'"" & days
ri $','"" 10 days
Mon 3/7/11 & days
)on $'",'"" " day
Thu $'"*'""
# days ri
$'"-'"" 5 days
Mon 3/21/11 & days
)on $'%"'"" # days
ri $'%&'"" 10 days
Mon 3/28/11 % days
)on $'%-'"" $ days
(ed $'$#'"" & days
)on ,','""
# days ri
ri ,'-'""

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