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Math 2350 - Business Calculus

Spring 2014
Textbook: College Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences Barnett,
Ziegler, & Byleen, 12
Lecturer: Cynthia (Cindy) Vadnais
Email: yn!"#$yo%ed#
Office Location: &oss 'all 220
hone: ())*)4+2 (o,,ie), (4-*(2(4 (ho.e)
Office !ours: /0 1*+ and 1y appoint.ent%
Lecture: /02 10*10:-0 C&+02
"iscussions: 3lease re,er to yo#r o#rse shed#le 1oo4let ,or this in,or.ation%
Course rere#uisites:
5rade o, C or 1etter in /ath 1400 or le!el 4 on /ath 3lae.ent E6a. (/3E) or /ath 7C8 o,
2) or /ath S78 o, )00%
7C8 and S78 sores are !alid ,or + years and the /3E sore is !alid ,or 1 year%
Course "escri$tion: Co.1ines $ith 2+-- ,or one*year series in 1#siness .ath, pri.arily ,or st#dents in the
College o, B#siness% 9nl#des re!ie$ o, ,#ntions, their graphs and alge1ra: deri!ati!es and their appliations:
e6ponential and logarith.i ,#ntions: integration and appliations: and appliations are generally geared to
1#siness pro1le.s%
Material: 1%1, 1%2, 2%1*2%), 10%1, 10%+, 10%4, 10%-, 10%(, 11%1*11%(, 12%1, 12%2, 12%-, 12%), 1+%1, 1+%2, 1+%-, 14%1
%ra&in': ;o# ha!e t$o grading options to hoose ,ro.% Clearly in a lass this large there is a
di!ersity o, learning styles% 8hese options adapt the grading to re,let these learning styles%
9, yo# $ant option B do nothing% ;o# only nee& to come see me , at m( office , i, yo# are
going to hoose option 7, and then yo# .#st do so 1y 1p., <an#ary 24
O$tion ) is ,or those st#dents $ho do $ell on their o$n (an& kno* the( *ill &o *ell) and do not
stress d#ring a testing sit#ation% =o not hoose this option >#st 1ea#se yo# do not $ant to go to
the dis#ssions% Very ,e$ people sho#ld pi4 this option% 8hose $ho hoose this option and
aren?t s#re that they sho#ld, .ay 1e setting the.sel!es #p ,or ,ail#re@
O$tion B is ,or those st#dents $ho learn 1est in a lassroo. setting andAor tend to stress d#ring
testing% 8he .a>ority o, yo# sho#ld 1e hoosing this option%
7ny st#dent repeating the o#rse $ill hoose option B%
O$tion ) O$tion B
B2o#r e6a.s at 1CD eah ()D B2o#r e6a.s at 1+D eah -2D
B/yEa1s3l#s Fnline 14D B/yEa1s3l#s Fnline 14D
B 2inal E6a. 10D BG#iHHes (10pts eah) 12D
B'o.e$or4 Iote1oo4
(pro1le.s on sylla1#s) 12D
B2inal E6a. 10D
Course %ra&es: C0*100 7, J0*JC%C B, (0*(C%C C, )0*)C%C =, Belo$ )0 2%

Exam "ates: Exam +: ,e&nes&a(- .ebruar( +2

Exam 2: ,e&nes&a(- March 5

Exam 3: ,e&nes&a(- )$ril 2

Exam /: Mon&a(- )$ril 20

.inal Exam: ,e&nes&a(- Ma( 1
- +0:+5-+2:+5
=ates ,or E6a.s 1 thro#gh 4 .ay hange% 9t is yo#r responsi1ility to 1e in lass so that yo# are a$are o,
any hanges% ;o# do not ha!e the option o, .a4ing other ti.e arrange.ents ,or ta4ing the e6a.s or the
,inal% ;o# $ill 1e instr#ted as to $hat yo# need to 1ring ,or eah e6a.%
)ccommo&ations for 2tu&ents *ith "isabilities
9, yo# ha!e a physial, learning, or psyhologial disa1ility and reK#ire ao..odations, please let .e
4no$ as soon as possi1le% ;o# $ill need to register $ith, and pro!ide do#.entation o, yo#r disa1ility
to, Lni!ersity =isa1ility S#pport Ser!ies (L=SS) in SEF, roo. ++0 Mnight 'all, ())*)1JC, 88;:
9, yo# ,eel that yo# ha!e $hat people re,er to as .ath an6iety 9 highly s#ggest that yo# all or !isit
the Co#nseling Center in roo. +41, Mnight 'all and get so.e help% 8he phone n#.1er is ())*21J(%
0ith .ath an6iety .any people sore !ery lo$ on .ath e6a.s% 8his is so.ething that .ay a#se yo#
to not pass the o#rse%
Course 3et 2ite: 8his sylla1#s spei,ies poliies applia1le to /ath 2+-0% 7dditional in,or.ation an 1e
,o#nd at http:AA$$$%#$yo%ed#A!adnaisA2+-0%ht.l% 7dditionally, other help,#l do#.ents $ill 1e posted to the
o#rse net site d#ring the se.ester% 8his is not the sa.e as the //E site%
4our Learnin': 9n /ath 2+-0 yo# are e6peted to ass#.e greater responsi1ility ,or yo#r learning% 2or
e6a.ple, sine yo# .#st deide $hen yo# need help, yo# .#st #nderstand yo#rsel, as a learner% 'elp is a!aila1le
on the 9nternet% 2or e6a.ple, try the 9dea Sheets: $$$%#s#%ed#AareAideasheetsA % 7nother good $ay to start
ta4ing ontrol o, yo#r learning is to ta4e a learning styles in!entory% ;o# .ight try one ,or engineering .a>ors
1y &ihard 2elder and Einda Sil! http:AA$$$%engr%ns#%ed#Alearningstyles% =#ring the ne6t ,e$ $ee4s
ta4e ti.e to loo4 at other strategies ,or s#ess posted on the /ath Ea1 site: http:AA.ath%#$yo%ed#A/athla1%asp%
St#dying in ollege is .ost li4ely di,,erent ,ro. $hat it $as in high shool% 2or the 1ig pit#re, he4 o#t the
L0 Eea&I Center: #$ad.n$e1%#$yo%ed#ABetter5radesAreso#res%asp and their a$ard*$inning hand1oo4:
N7 &oad to 7ade.i S#essO http:AA#$aad$e1%#$yo%ed#AlrnAg#ide%ht.%
!ome*ork 3otebook ;o#r ho.e$or4 note1oo4 onsists o, yo#r o.pletely hand $or4ed 1oo4
pro1le.s, listed on the sylla1#s%
;o# .#st #se a s$iral or $erfect boun& notebook6 2eel ,ree to #se the ,ront and 1a4 o, eah page%
Eah set o, pro1le.s ,or a parti#lar setion .#st 1e $or4ed o#t in seK#ential order, one ol#.n $ide%
8his .eans that i, yo# don?t 4no$ ho$ to do a parti#lar pro1le.(s) yo# $ill need to lea!e spae so the
pro1le.s are in order%
0hen $e ollet these note1oo4s $e $ill only loo4 in the le,t .argin ,or the pro1le. n#.1ers%
Centered at the top o, eah page yo# $ill $rite the assoiated hapter and setion n#.1er% 2or e6a.ple,
pro1le.s assoiated $ith hapter 1, setion 2 $o#ld ha!e 1%2 at the top o, the respeti!e pages% (See the
e6a.ple at the net site)
;o#r note1oo4 $ill 1e olleted 7pril 2C
d#ring yo#r dis#ssion ti.e%
;o#r legi1le name 7first 8 last9, course number 723509 8 &iscussion section number .#st 1e printed on
the o#tside o, the ,ront o!er o, yo#r note1oo4%
Io late note1oo4s $ill 1e aepted% Eate is the sa.e as losing 12D o, yo#r o#rse grade%
9, yo# are repeating the o#rse, yo# .ay not t#rn in yo#r note1oo4 ,ro. a pre!io#s se.ester%
0e $ill loo4 at all o, yo#r $or4 and deide a note1oo4 grade, 1ased on o.pleteness, neatness,
,ollo$ing diretions, organiHation, et%
;o# .ay as4 any dis#ssion leader, or .e, any ti.e d#ring the se.ester to loo4 at yo#r note1oo4 to see i,
yo#r , is orret%
Iote1oo4s $ill 1e ret#rned in dis#ssion /ay 1
d#ring the ,irst 1- .in#tes% 7ny note1oo4s not
pi4ed #p d#ring this ti.e $ill lose 2 o, the possi1le 12 note1oo4 points%
"iscussions * Eah dis#ssion setion $ill 1e de!oted to ans$ering K#estions onerning pro1le.s sets
assigned ,ro. the 1oo4 (those listed on the last page o, this sylla1#s) and lari,ying onepts presented in
=o the assigned ho.e$or4 and o.e $ith K#estions%
;o# are e6peted to 1ring yo#r 1oo4 & al#lator and 1e prepared to $or4%
8he ti.e *ill not 1e de!oted to ha!ing the dis#ssion leader let#re o!er the .aterial 9 already o!ered%
Fther pro1le.s ,ro. the 1oo4, 1esides those assigned, .ay 1e loo4ed at% 9 e6pet yo# to 1e proati!e@
8he last 10 .in#tes o, eah dis#ssion a K#iH $ill 1e gi!en% Eah K#iH $ill 1e $orth 10 points%
;o# .#st 1e in lass the entire ho#r i, yo# $ish to ta4e the K#iH%
Io ta4e ho.e or gro#p K#iHHes $ill 1e gi!en%
;o#r 4 lo$est K#iH sores $ill 1e dropped at the end o, the se.ester%
M(MathLab 7MML9 !ome*ork: 14D o, yo#r ,inal grade is 1ased on ho.e$or4 pro1le.s $or4ed
online !ia MML% 9 $ill pro!ide yo# $ith a separate set o, instr#tions ,or online registration%
Fnline assign.ents are #s#ally aro#nd 10*12 K#estions per setion% 8hese pro1le.s are hosen as
representati!e o, the 1asi onepts presented in the setions% 8hese ,e$ K#estions $ill not adeK#ately
prepare yo# ,or the e6a.s% 9nstead, these $ill help yo# de!elop a 1asi pro,iieny in the topis, and gi!e
yo# i..ediate ,eed1a4 so yo# 4no$ ho$ $ell yo# are doing% /ore in*depth pro1le.s are in the te6t1oo4,
and yo# are eno#raged to $or4 odd n#.1ered pro1le.s in addition to any assign.ents gi!en%
/ost ho.e$or4 assign.ents on MML an 1e re!isited as .any as yo# li4e% 9, yo# .iss a K#estion,
yo# sho#ld redo that K#estion #ntil yo# s#eed% ;o# sho#ld settle ,or nothing less than 100D on eah
online ho.e$or4 assign.ent% =#e dates are sho$n in MML, and yo# $ill not 1e a1le to aess an
assign.ent a,ter the d#e date has passed% ;o#r 4 lo$est sores $ill 1e dropped at the end o, the se.ester%
Course Ob:ecti;es
/ath 2+-0 stresses appliations in 1#siness and, and is intended to gi!e yo#, the 1#siness st#dent, the
appropriate onept#al and o.p#tational .athe.atial 1a4gro#nd ,or ,#t#re st#dy in 1#siness%
/ath 2+-0 st#dents shall:
1% =e.onstrate .astery o, alge1rai s4ills:
2% E!al#ate li.its ,ro. their graphs andAor eK#ations o, ,#ntions:
+% 7nalyHe and apply the notions o, ontin#ity and di,,erentia1ility to alge1rai ,#ntions:
4% LtiliHe di,,erentiation and integration tehniK#es, along $ith ritial thin4ing, to sol!e pro1le.s
in!ol!ing ,#ntions #niK#e to 1#siness appliations%
Exit 2kills
Spei,ially, 1y the end o, the o#rse yo# sho#ld aK#ire s4ills needed to
=e.onstrate .astery o, alge1rai o.p#tations inl#ding ,atoring, rational e6pressions, e6ponents,
and radials%
Sol!e linear and K#adrati eK#ations% 5raph eK#ations and #nderstand properties o, ,#ntions%
Lnderstand the relationship 1et$een e6ponential ,#ntions and logarith.i ,#ntions% 3er,or.
o.p#tations in!ol!ing these%
Sol!e appliations in!ol!ing pro,it, ost, re!en#e, de.and, and s#pply ,#ntions%
Lse graphial and n#.erial e!idene to esti.ate li.its and identi,y sit#ations $here li.its ,ail to e6ist%
7pply alge1rai r#les to al#late li.its%
7nalyHe and apply notions o, ontin#ity and di,,erentia1ility to alge1rai ,#ntions%
2ind the deri!ati!e o, a ,#ntion #sing the o, the di,,erene K#otient%
9ll#strate and analyHe, alge1raially and geo.etrially, the a!erage rate o, hange and the instantaneo#s
rate o, hange and interpret%
2ind slopes and eK#ations o, tangent lines at a gi!en point%
/ehanially al#late a !ariety o, deri!ati!es, $ith paper and penil, #sing the ,ollo$ing: po$er r#le,
K#otient r#le, hain r#le, i.pliit di,,erentiation, higher order deri!ati!es, and deri!ati!e r#les ,or
e6ponential and logarith.i ,#ntions%
Sol!e, and interpret, pro1le.s applying deri!ati!es to .arginal analysis in 1#siness and
Lse the o.po#nd interest ,or.#la to sol!e pro1le.s%
Sol!e and interpret pro1le.s in!ol!ing related rates%
Sol!e and interpret appliations in!ol!ing elastiity o, de.and%
Lse deri!ati!es to s4eth graphs and sol!e applied pro1le.s%
2ind loal e6tre.a and points o, in,letion o, a ,#ntion%
Lse ,irst and seond deri!ati!e in,or.ation to s4eth the graph o, polyno.ial ,#ntions%
=eter.ine a1sol#te e6tre.a o, a ,#ntion%
Sol!e opti.iHation pro1le.s and o..#niate the res#lts%
Lnderstand the relationship 1et$een deri!ati!es and integrals%
Cal#late general antideri!ati!es #sing 1asi integration ,or.#las and r#les%
Lse an initial ondition to ,ind a parti#lar sol#tion to an antideri!ati!e%
E!al#ate de,inite and inde,inite integrals #sing s#1stit#tion%
Lnderstand and apply the 2#nda.ental 8heore. o, Cal#l#s to e!al#ate de,inite integrals%
E!al#ate inde,inite integrals #tiliHing 1asi ,or.#las and r#les%
Sol!e real $orld .#lti*step integral appliations #tiliHing ritial thin4ing s4ills and interpret the res#lts%
7pply integration tehniK#es to ,ind the area #nder a #r!e and the area 1et$een #r!es%
This course fulfills the <uantitati;e =easonin' 7<B9 re#uirement of the >ni;ersit( 2tu&ies ro'ram6
GB o#rses de!elop a st#dent?s n#.erial, logial, geo.etri, algorith.i, and ritial thin4ing s4ills as $ell
as their a1ility to integrate these $ays o, thin4ing $ith !er1al, $ritten, and reati!e thin4ing s4ills% St#dents
$ill de.onstrate .athe.atial and logial s4ill needed to ,or.#late, analyHe and interpret K#antitati!e arg#*
.ents in a !ariety o, settings%
OT!E= 53.O
=#ring lass ell phones are to 1e t#rned o,, (1oth !i1rate & ring) & p#t a$ay%
;o# sho#ld not to 1e te6t .essaging d#ring lass or #tiliHing any other ,eat#res on yo#r phone%
7ny st#dent $ith ear 1#ds in their ears d#ring lass $ill 1e as4ed to lea!e lass%
/a4e*#p K#iHHes and e6a.s are allo$ed only $ith a NLni!ersity a#thoriHed a1seneO slip%
7#thoriHed 71senes (#nireg (1+): 2or partiipation in a Lni!ersity*sponsored ati!ity or ,or #n#s#al
ir#.stanes, s#h as personal hardship, an a#thoriHed a1sene .ay 1e iss#ed to the st#dent 1y the
=iretor o, St#dent Ei,e or the =iretor?s a#thoriHed representati!e% 9, a st#dent has 1een hospitaliHed, or i,
the st#dent has 1een direted 1y the St#dent 'ealth Ser!ie or the st#dent?s pri!ate physiian to stay at the
st#dent?s plae o, residene 1ea#se o, illness, the 'ealth Ser!ie .edial sta,, or the st#dentPs pri!ate
physiian .ay iss#e a state.ent to the st#dent gi!ing the dates o, the st#dentPs on,ine.ent%
7 good al#lator is needed ,or the o#rse% 8hro#gho#t the o#rse 9 highly reo..end the #sage o, either
a 89*J4 or a 89*JC% 'o$e!er, yo# .ay also hoose to #se a nongraphis al#lator% Sine there is a
!ariety o, al#lators 1eing #sed ,or the o#rse, yo# $ill not 1e allo$ed to si.ply gi!e ans$ers to pro1le.s
1ea#se yo#r al#lator has ertain ,or.#las 1#ilt in% 8he 1#ilt in ,or.#las sho#ld 1e #sed to he4 the
$or4 yo# ha!e done% 9 e6pet yo# to 1ring yo#r al#lator to e!ery lass% 2or e6a.s or K#iHHes yo# $ill
not 1e allo$ed to 1orro$ a al#lator ,ro. so.eone else% =on?t p#t yo#rsel, in the position, 1ea#se yo#
,orget yo#r al#lator, o, trying to do $or4 1y hand% Io pal. pilots, ell phone al#lators or al#lators
larger than the 89 graphing al#lators are allo$ed%
9 e6pet yo# to 4eep noise to a .ini.#. d#ring let#res% ;o# and the person(s) yo# are tal4ing $ith .ay
not are to hear the let#re 1#t that does not gi!e yo# the right to deny others the right to learn% 9, yo# ,ind
that those aro#nd yo# are tal4ing too .#h please let .e 4no$% 9 $ill 1e as disrete as possi1le in getting
the noise toned do$n% 9, 9 ,ind that the sa.e st#dents persist, 9 $ill either as4 the. to lea!e or 9 $ill assign
the. seating%
Eah let#re $e $ill o!er appro6i.ately a setion o, the te6t% ;o# are responsi1le ,or all .aterial
presented in lass% 8he large gro#p let#re 1e,ore eah e6a. $ill 1e #sed ,or re!ie$% &e!ie$ pro1le.s
,or eah e6a. $ill 1e posted at the net site%
Cheating o, any type, as de,ined in the Lni!ersity &eg#lations, $ill res#lt in a grade o, 2%
7ttendane in let#res and dis#ssion setions is perhaps yo#r 1est ro#te to s#ess% Be,orehand, try to
s4i. o!er or read the .aterial to 1e o!ered in let#re% 8ry $or4ing pro1le.s 1e,ore and soon a,ter the
let#re $hile .aterial is ,resh%
O$en (our book- rea& (our notes- an& &o $roblems se;eral times a *eek6
7s4 lots o, K#estions and lari,y any do#1ts i..ediately% 2eel ,ree to o.e to .y o,,ie at any ti.e%
/ath Ea1, in the 1ase.ent o, &oss 'all, roo. 2C, is also a good reso#re ,or getting help%
8a4e good notes% 8he .ain 4ey is attendane and $or4ing lots o, pro1le.s%
Math 2350 "iscussion an& 3otebook roblems
8hese are the pro1le.s ,ro. yo#r 1oo4 that yo# $ill $or4 in yo#r ho.e$or4 note1oo4%
;o#r #e ,or doing eah set o, ho.e$or4 is $hen 9 tell yo# that 9 ha!e ,inished a setion%
8he alendar lists the setions 1eing o!ered eah 8#esday & 8h#rsday in s.all gro#p%
G#iHHes $ill re$ard an #nderstanding o, these onepts%
Chp% 1
1%1: 1, (, 11, 1C, 21, 2C, 4(, 4C, -+, -C
1%2: 1+, 1(, 2-, +1, 41, 4(, --, )+, )((7*C), ((
Chp% 2
2%1: 11, 1+, 1(, +C, 4+, -1, -+, -(, -C, )-, (+, (-, (C, J+, C+(7*C)
2%2: -, (, C, 1+, 2+, +1, 41, )1, )-
2%+: +, (, C, 1-, 1C, 2-, ++, 4+, )+
2%4: -, 1+, 1C, 21, 4-, --, -((7*B)
2%-: +, 1(, 1C=, 2C, ++, +(, 4+, 4(
2%): -, C, 1(, 21, 2-, 2(, 2C, ++, 4-, --, )-, (1, J1
Chp% 10
10%1: (, 1-, 1(, 2-, +-, 41, 4-, )-, (1, (+, (-
10%+: +, 1+, +1, ++, +C, -+, )+, (+, ((7
10%4: 1, +, C, 1C, 2C, +1*+( odd, +C, )+, )-
10%-: C, 11, 1(, 2+, 2(, 2C, +-, +(, +C, 41, 4-, 4C, )C, (+, J1
10%(: +, (, 11, 1+, 1-, 2-, 2(, +-, +(
Chp% 11
11%1: (, 1(, 1C, 21, 2-, 2(
11%2: +, -, C, 1+, 1C, 2(, 2C, +(, +C, 41, -1
11%+: +, -, C, 11, 1(, 2+, 2C, ++, 44, 4(, -+, --, )(, )C, J1, J+
11%4: +, -, 11, 1+, 21, 2C, +C, 4+, -1, --, -(, (1, J-, C+
11%-: (, 1+, 1(, 2+, 2C, +-, +C, 4+
11%): +, C, 1+, 1(, 2-, 2(, 2C
11%(: 1, 2C, ++, +-, 41, -1, --, )-
Chp% 12
12%1: 1*C odd, 1-, 2+, +1, +(
12%1 (ont%) -(, )1, )-, (1, J1, JC, C1, C+
12%2: 1, -, C, 11, 1C, 2C, +(, 41, )(, J(, JC
12%-: C, 1+, 1C, 2-, +-, 4-, )1, )-, )(, )C
12%): +, C, 11, 1C, 21, 2+, 2-
Chp% 1+
1+%1: 1, +, (, C, 1+, 1-, 1(, 2+, +-, +(, 4-, 4C, -+, -(, -C, )-, )C, (-, J+, J(
1+%2: +, C, 1-, 2+, +1, +-, -+, -(, )+, )C, (+
1+%-: 1, C, 11, 2C, +-, +C, -1, )1, )+, )(, )C
Chp% 14
14%1: 1, +, C, 1(, 2C, ++, 4+, 4C, )-, (C, J1, C0

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