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15+ ,+./1+% 3+,&+26+% ,2(78
9 :)/'41/46+ (1)%;
<",2+( =+'2(
AssoclaLe rofessor ln Markeung
unlverslLy of 1oulouse ll - lu1 de llgeac
LaboraLory L8mlp
>/0",%+ ?5,2(4/'
AssoclaLe rofessor ln Markeung
unlverslLy of 1oulouse ll
LaboraLory CL81C-LAS1 - uM8-Cn8S 3044
@2&5"' @/).
AssoclaLe rofessor ln Markeung
unlverslLy of 1oulouse ll
lS1PlA - 1oulouse School of 1ourlsm, PosplLallLy ManagemenL and
lood SLudles
LaboraLory CL81C-LAS1 - uM8-Cn8S 3044
@2&5"' A,B%B,2&
AssoclaLe rofessor ln Markeung
ln-LnsaL 1oulouse
LaboraLoLy ul8CC -8ordeaux unlverslLy
Slnce Lhe 1930s, lrench governmenLs have been lmplemenung acuons seeklng
Lo ralse awareness abouL Lhe poLenual healLh hazards caused by Lhe
consumpuon of alcohol
Alcohol remalns a ma[or publlc healLh problem :
49 000 deaLhs a year
3.8 mllllon of lrench consumers aL rlsk (addlcLs or noL) wlLhln Lhe 18/73 age group
ln 2010
AlLhough Lhe negauve healLh eecLs of alcohol have long been clearly shown
and explalned, lrench consumers sull see wlne drlnklng or !"#$% '()*$+ () (
"(, '- )*./0('% -$%1) )%$)%)2 () ( )-/34% -5 60%()/3%2 ($7 %8%$ .-3%9 (Aron,
ln Lhls conLexL, lL seems necessary Lo have a clearer ldea of Lhe klnd of rlsks
consumers assoclaLe wlLh wlne purchaslng and drlnklng :
WhaL ls Lhe exacL naLure of Lhose rlsks ?
WhaL klnd of rlsks do consumers percelve ?
1hrough whlch declslons and acuons wlll consumers auempL Lo reduce
Lhose rlsks ?
?"'&+31)/. -,/*+#",7
Man has always had Lo envlsage food eaung as belng
hazardous (Chlva, 1998)
uleLary rlsk ls never zero and lL ls noL easlly quanuable (Apfelbaum,
1he prlnclple of lncorporauon can explaln Lhese repeaLed rlsk-Laklng
declslons (8aven ln 8aven and oulaln, 2002)
1he concepL of rlsk ls everywhere ln food markeung and many
researchers have auempLed Lo ldenufy Lhe dlerenL Lypes of rlsks
(kapferer, 1998, Culllon, 1998, 8runel, 2002).
?"'&+31)/. -,/*+#",7
1he rlsk ls muludlmenslonal (8runel, 2002) and covers :
1he performance rlsk
1he nanclal rlsk
1he physlcal rlsk (shorL Lerm & long-Lerm)
1he psycho-soclal rlsk (fear of galnlng welghL and self-esLeem)
1he socleLal rlsk (soclo-economlc and ecologlcal consequences caused by
Lhe consumpuon of Lhe producL)
under Lhe prlnclple of lncorporauon, 35;(2&/. ", 5+/.15 ,2(7 2( 15+ */D", ,2(7
2' -""% &"'()*34"' (Muller, 1983 kapferer, 1998, uandouau 1999, 8runel,
2000, oulaln, 2002, Callen and Cases, 2003, Muraro-CocharL , 2003, lchon,
?"'&+31)/. -,/*+#",7
1he search for lnformauon ls one of Lhe means Lo allevlaLe Lhe percelved
rlsk (uowllng and SLaelln, 1994, volle, 1993)
Locander and Permann (1979) suggesL Lo caLegorlze rlsk reduclng
sLraLegles accordlng Lo Lhe source of lnformauon :
lmpersonal sources mouvaLed by lnLeresL :
1v and radlo commerclals, ads and CS adveruslng.
lmpersonal lndependenL sources :
producL speclcauons, consumer's assoclauons.
ersonal sources mouvaLed by self-lnLeresL :
shop asslsLanL's or producer's advlce.
ersonal lndependenL sources :
frlends, famlly.
Sources resulung from observauon and dlrecL experlence :
Lesung or Lasung a producL before buy, lnformauon on Lhe packaglng or demo
CuanuLauve sLudy :
479 respondenLs beLween 18 and 64 years, llvlng mosLly ln Mldl-yrenees were
8lsks measuremenL :
rlsk assoclaLed wlLh wlne purchase : 1 lLem raLed on a 0 Lo 10-polnL scale
rlsk assoclaLed wlLh wlne consumpuon : 1 lLem raLed on a 0 Lo 10-polnL scale
8lsk of performance, loss of ume, nanclal and psychosoclal rlsks measured
Lhrough 12 lLems raLed on a 3-polnL LlkerL scale from rlsk-free Lo very rlsky
ercelved usefulness of 36 rlsk-reduclng facLors :
lLems raLed on a 3-polnL LlkerL scale from useless Lo very useful
L.g. Lhe A8 (organlc farmlng) or ACC (reglsLered deslgnauon of producL orlgln)
quallLy labels on boules, famlly, frlends' or Lhe wlne merchanL's recommendauons,
Lhe degree of alcohol, Lhe year of producuon..
1reaLmenL of daLa :
Analysls of maln Lrends :
Levels of percelved rlsks
Levels of usefulness of Lhe rlsk-reduclng facLors
ldenucauon of rlsk reducLors usefulness dlerences
accordlng Lo Lhe level of percelved rlsk
Craduauon of rlsk level :
kruskal-Wallls one-way analysls of varlance by ranks
G+().1( H 9'/.;(2( "- */2' 1,+'%(
1he purchase of wlne and Lhe wlne consumpuon are assoclaLed wlLh very low rlsk
1he shorL or long-Lerm percelved physlcal rlsks are also very low
1he rlsk concernlng Lasung performance, psychosoclal rlsks, nanclal rlsks, loss of
ume rlsk are relauvely hlgh
1o reduce Lhelr percelved rlsks
consumers mosLly rely on :
- 1he ;+/, "- 3,"%)&4"'
- 1he 2'1+,3+,("'/. "32'2"'( and
advlce by frlends and famlly
- 1he '"1",2+1; "- 15+ %+(2F'/4"'
- 1he lnformauon provlded on Lhe
F+"F,/352&/. ",2F2'
G+().1( H @(;&5"("&2/. 3+,&+26+% ,2(7
I,)(7/..JK/..2( L+(1
SlgnlcanL dlsLrlbuuon dlerences funcuon of Lhe dlsplay or non-dlsplay of Lhe wlnegrower's
phoLograph on Lhe label and funcuon of Lhe shape of Lhe boule
G+().1( H L/(1+ 3+,-",*/'&+ ,+./1+% ,2(7
I,)(7/..JK/..2( L+(1
lnLerpersonal advlce and more parucularly Lhe advlce glven by famlly and by frlends are
much more slgnlcanL when Lhe respondenLs percelve a hlgh level of rlsk
G+().1( H A2'/'&2/. ,2(7
I,)(7/..JK/..2( L+(1
1he hlgher Lhe nanclal rlsk percelved by Lhe respondenL, Lhe more valuable Lhe famlly
advlce wlll be.
G+().1( H L2*+J#/(1+ ,2(7
I,)(7/..JK/..2( L+(1
kruskal-Wallls LesL shows slgnlcanL dlsLrlbuuon dlerences when Lhe boule has Lhe Cold
Medal" label, when lLs prlce ls hlgh and when Lhere ls Lhe wlnegrower's phoLograph on Lhe
G+().1( H M5",1 /'% ."'FJ1+,* 35;(2&/. ,2(7(
I,)(7/..JK/..2( L+(1
1he wlnegrower's phoLograph on Lhe boule goes LogeLher wlLh slgnlcanL dlsLrlbuuon
dlerences funcuon of Lhe percelved rlsk.
G+().1( H M5",1 /'% ."'FJ1+,* 35;(2&/. ,2(7(
I,)(7/..JK/..2( L+(1
1he A8 label on boules has a greaLer lmpacL when Lhe degree of physlcal rlsk percelved,
shorL or long Lerm, ls hlgh
8lsk ls noL everywhere :
lL ls dluse and noL compelllng Lo consumers when Lhey purchase or consume wlne
lL ls llnked Lo LasLe performance, psychosoclal, nanclal and wasLe of ume rlsks
1heoreuclans, lndusLrlallsLs, reLallers and polluclans - noL Lo menuon Lhe medla - may well have
overesumaLed rlsk percepuon and Lhe auached anxleLy (LoulsoL, 1998, krezlak and al. 2003)
1he lnsuLuuonal rlsk-reduclng measures do noL appear Lo be more reassurlng Lhan Lhe ul?
sLraLegles consumers devlse :
relylng on Lhe orlgln of wlne and on frlends' and famlly's recommendauons
1here ls an obvlous dlscrepancy beLween our acLual resulLs and Lhose LhaL could have been
expecLed :
Labels eecuveness ?
Llule concern for shorL or long-Lerm physlcal rlsks, whlch we dldn'L expecL
E/'/F+,2/. 2*3.2&/4"'(
Crganlze Wlne-Lasung sesslons Lo reduce Lhe LasLe performance-relaLed rlsk
Crganlze wlne deparLmenLs accordlng Lo consumers' LasLe
Look for oLher soluuons Lhan labels :
1he resulLs of Lhls research work sLress Lhe quesuonable emclency of labels
Make beuer use of lnLerpersonal advlce, parucularly from frlends and famlly :
ulglLal soclal neLworks could be moblllzed for brands Lo have a beuer undersLandlng of
how consumers feel and Lalk abouL Lhelr wlnes
1o be PlghllghLed on Lhe bouler :
1he producuon year
1he wlne deslgnauon when of publlc noLorleLy
1he lrench orlgln of Lhe wlne (when commerclallzed ln lrance)
!"# %" &"'()*+,( -++. /0")1 #2'+ &"'()*34"' /'%
15+ ,+./1+% 3+,&+26+% ,2(78
9 :)/'41/46+ (1)%;
<",2+( =+'2(
AssoclaLe rofessor ln Markeung
unlverslLy of 1oulouse ll - lu1 de llgeac
LaboraLory L8mlp
>/0",%+ ?5,2(4/'
AssoclaLe rofessor ln Markeung
unlverslLy of 1oulouse ll
LaboraLory CL81C-LAS1 - uM8-Cn8S 3044
@2&5"' @/).
AssoclaLe rofessor ln Markeung
unlverslLy of 1oulouse ll
lS1PlA - 1oulouse School of 1ourlsm, PosplLallLy ManagemenL and
lood SLudles
LaboraLory CL81C-LAS1 - uM8-Cn8S 3044
@2&5"' A,B%B,2&
AssoclaLe rofessor ln Markeung
ln-LnsaL 1oulouse
LaboraLoLy ul8CC -8ordeaux unlverslLy

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