Delete Bank Key - SCN

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6 Replies Latest reply: Jan 4, 2011 6:11 AM by Gaurav Aggarwal
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Delete Bank Key
This question has been Answered.
Hello All,

I have created a House bank (tran: FI12) with a bank key. After saved, I found that the bank key is
incorrect, Can I ask how to delete the incorrect bank key as it is created incorrectly.

Many thanks
LI Sunny Jan 3, 2011 2:37 PM
Correct Answer
by Kavita Agarwal on Jan 3, 2011 3:24 PM
Hi Sunny,

1. You can use FI06 to set the deletion flag for the bank key that you want to delete.

2. You can also use Tcode OBR4 to delete all the Bank keys available in a Bank country ( This is
not your requirement as i understand from your mail)

3. Setting the deletion flag should be enough, if you dont want to use the bank key that you have
created. Create a new bank key in FI01 and replace the old Bank key with the new one.
Transaction code OBR4 will anyway not allow you to delete, if the status of your company code is

4. You can also use SE16N "& SAP_EDIT" to delete it from transparent table but of course it is not

5. You may also check FM "BANK_MARK_FOR_DELETION".

But I guess in FI06 you can set for deletion and that should be enough for you.


Helpful Answers by Omprakash Arjuna, Gaurav Aggarwal
Re: Delete Bank Key

Bank Key can be marked for deletion using FI06. It can be deleted only by archiving and which will be
a long process.

Instead you can create a new bank Key in the FI01 and can assign that to your house bank in FI12. Or
change the bank key in FI02.

Gaurav Aggarwal Jan 3, 2011 2:43 PM (in response to LI Sunny)
21/08/13 Delete Bank Key | SCN 2/3
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Re: Delete Bank Key
Hi ,

It can be marked for deletion through FI06 .

Regards ,

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Dewang TRIVEDI Jan 3, 2011 2:44 PM (in response to LI Sunny)
Re: Delete Bank Key
Hi Sunny,

1. You can use FI06 to set the deletion flag for the bank key that you want to delete.

2. You can also use Tcode OBR4 to delete all the Bank keys available in a Bank country ( This is not
your requirement as i understand from your mail)

3. Setting the deletion flag should be enough, if you dont want to use the bank key that you have
created. Create a new bank key in FI01 and replace the old Bank key with the new one. Transaction
code OBR4 will anyway not allow you to delete, if the status of your company code is productive.

4. You can also use SE16N "& SAP_EDIT" to delete it from transparent table but of course it is not

5. You may also check FM "BANK_MARK_FOR_DELETION".

But I guess in FI06 you can set for deletion and that should be enough for you.


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Correct Answer
Kavita Agarwal Jan 3, 2011 3:24 PM (in response to LI Sunny)
Re: Delete Bank Key
Hello all,

Many Thanks all of your helps, your replies helps me a lot.
I have one more questions.
After I have marked deleted via tran. FI06, what shoud I do to remove it from master table.
Many Thanks

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LI Sunny Jan 4, 2011 3:44 AM (in response to Kavita Agarwal)
Re: Delete Bank Key

Kindly do not touch the tables. (This is not good practice.)
Marking the Bank for deletion is good enough.


Edited by: Om Prakash Arjuna on Jan 4, 2011 10:36 AM
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Helpful Answer
Omprakash Arjuna Jan 4, 2011 6:06 AM (in response to LI Sunny)
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Re: Delete Bank Key
Deletion only possible via archieving. You can use transaction SARA for that (Object
Search SDN wiki on archiving objects.

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Helpful Answer
Gaurav Aggarwal Jan 4, 2011 6:11 AM (in response to LI Sunny)
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