How To Install Wins 7 or 8 Bu USB

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How To: Install Windows 7 Or Windows 8 From USB Drive [Detailed

100% Worin! "#ide$

Posted January 11, 2009 3:58 pm in: Vista Tweaks, Windows , Windows !uides
This guide works 100% for Vista & Windows 7 unlike most of the guides
out there. I have seen many sites!logs that have "Install Vista from #$% guide&
!ut either with in'om(lete ste(s or not working guide. I have also seen some
guides that don)t) use (ro(er 'ommands in this guide. After s(ending many
hours I have 'ome u( with this 100% working guide.
I *ust did this method on one of my friends ma'hine and installed the new
Windows 7 %+TA. The main advantage is that !y using #$% drive you will !e
a!le to install Windows 7Vista in *ust 1, minutes. -ou 'an also use this
!oota!le #$% drive on friend)s 'om(uter who doesn)t have a .V. o(ti'al drive.
The method is very sim(le and you 'an use without any hassles. /eedless to
say that your mother!oard should su((ort #$% %oot feature to make use of the
!oota!le #$% drive.
0#$% 1lash .rive 23inimum 45%6
0Windows 7 or Vista installation files.
1ollow the !elow ste(s to 'reate !oota!le Windows 7Vista #$% drive using
whi'h you 'an install Windows 7Vista easily.
1. 7lug8in your #$% flash drive to #$% (ort and move all the 'ontents from #$%
drive to a safe lo'ation on your system.
2. 9(en :ommand 7rom(t with admin rights. #se any of the !elow methods to
o(en :ommand 7rom(t with admin rights.
0Ty(e cmd in $tart menu sear'h !o; and hit Ctrl< Shift< Enter.
05o to $tart menu = All (rograms = A''essories> right 'li'k on :ommand
7rom(t and sele't ?un as administrator.
3. -ou need to know a!out the #$% drive a little !it. Ty(e in the following
'ommands in the 'ommand (rom(t@
1irst ty(e DISKPART and hit enter to see the !elow message.
/e;t ty(e LIST DISK 'ommand and note down the .isk num!er 2e;@ .isk 16 of
your #$% flash drive. In the !elow s'reenshot my 1lash .rive .isk no is Disk 1.
. /e;t ty(e all the !elow 'ommands one !y one. Aere I assume that your disk
drive no is "Disk 1&.If you have .isk B as your #$% flash drive then use .isk
B.?efer the a!ove ste( to 'onfirm it.
$o !elow are the 'ommands you need to ty(e and e;e'ute one !y one@
&"R#AT &S'!T&S
21ormat (ro'ess may take few se'onds6
.on)t 'lose the 'ommand (rom(t as we need to e;e'ute one more 'ommand at
the ne;t ste(. Cust minimiDe it.
*. /e;t insert your Windows7Vista .V. into the o(ti'al drive and 'he'k the
drive letter of the .V. drive. In this guide I will assume that your .V. drive
letter is ".& and #$% drive letter is "A& 2o(en my 'om(uter to know a!out it6.
+. 3a;imiDe the minimiDed :ommand 7rom(t in the 4th ste(.Ty(e the following
'ommand now@
D: CD ,""T and hit enter.Where ".& is your .V. drive letter.
CD ,""T and hit enter to see the !elow message.
-. Ty(e another 'ommand given !elow to u(date the #$% drive with %99T35?
'om(ati!le 'ode.
,""TSECT.E)E /!T+0 1@
Where "A& is your #$% drive letter. 9n'e you enter the a!ove 'ommand you will
see the !elow message.
2. :o(y your Windows 7Vista .V. 'ontents to the #$% flash drive.
3. -our #$% drive is ready to !oot and install Windows 7Vista. 9nly thing you
need to 'hange the !oot (riority at the %I9$ to #$% from the A.. or :. ?93
drive. I won)t e;(lain it as it)s *ust the matter the 'hanging the !oot (riority or
ena!ling the #$% !oot o(tion in the %I9$.
/ote@ If you are not a!le to !oot after following this guide means you haven)t
set the %I9$ (riority to #$%. If you got any (ro!lem in following this guide feel
free to ask Euestions !y leaving 'omment.
45d6te: If 78u find this 9uide difficult t8 f8ll8:; 5le6se use the e6s7<t8<
use 9uide t8 cre6te 6 =88t6=le 4S, t8 inst6ll >ind8:s - usin9 8ffici6l
Tags@ %oota!le #$%> Install VistaWindows 7 from #$%> Install Windows 7

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