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Subject Pronouns

In English, a subject pronoun replaces a noun that is doing the action of a verb.
For example: Mr. Breden talks to students. Mr. Breden sees them in the hall. Mr. Breden
cares about students. Mr. Breden disciplines students.
In these sentences e can replace !Mr. Breden" ith !#e" since e kno ho e are
talking about and ho is doing the action. !#e" is a subject pronoun.
English subject pronouns are:
I, $ou, he, she, it, e, the$
%panish pronouns ork the same a$. In %panish, the$ are:
&o, t', (l, ella, usted )*d+, nosotros, nosotras, vosotros, vosotras, ellos, ellas, *stedes

&ou can organi-e these pronouns in a simple chart to help understand them better.
MEM./I0E 1#I% 2#3/14
Singular Plural
person &o 5 I 6osotros 5 e )all male or mixed group+
6osotras 5 e )all female+
person 1' 5 $ou )familiar+ 7osotros 5 all of $ou )familiar, male or mixed+
7osotras 5 all of $ou )familiar, all female+
person 8l 5 he
Ella 5 she
*sted )*d.+ 5 $ou )formal+
Ellos 5 1he$ )all male or mixed+
Ellas 5 1he$ ) all female+
*stedes )*ds.+ 5 all of $ou
7osotros and 7osotras are onl$ used in parts of %pain. &ou ill not be tested on these, but $ou
need to kno that the$ exist.
6otice that there are 9 a$s to sa$ !$ou" in %panish. :e ill use ;.
1' < this is used informall$, meaning ith $our friends, famil$, kids, pets, etc.
*sted = 1his is used formall$, ith adults, strangers, people in authorit$, to sho
/espect. It>s often abbreviated to *d.
*stedes = 1his is used to address a group of !$ou"s or $>all, all of $ou.
3bbreviated to *ds.
:ith plural subject pronouns, remember that if there is one gu$ in the group, no matter ho man$
omen, use the masculine form.
%ome times $ou ill see multiple nouns and subject pronouns together. 3n$ time that !$o" is
included, use the nosotros,as form. If $ou see t' or *d. .r *ds., and !$o" is not included, use the
*ds. Form. 1his ill become more important later ith verbs.
#ere is another chart to help $ou determine hen to use each subject pronoun.
1 person
Two or more people
person Yo = I

1o 1alk about oneself
Nosotros = we (all male or mixed group)
Nosotras = we (all female)
1o talk about a group of to or more people that
includes yo
Ex: t' $ $o
/osa $ $o
?os alumnos, t', $ $o
person T = you (familiar)
1o talk to a friend, kid, etc.
1o someone ith hom $ou are
on a first name basis.
Ex: Maria, @Eres )t'+ de
person l = he
1o talk about a gu$
Ex: Borge
el amigo
El alumno
El profesor
Ella = she
1o talk about a Cirl
Ex: Buanita
la amiga
la alumna
la profesora
Usted (Ud.) = you (formal)
1o talk to an adult, stranger,a
person in authorit$, some one
$ou are 6.1 on a first name
basis ith, etc.
ED: )to+ Mr. Breden
)to+ Mr. #acke
)to+ a police officer
)to+ a stranger
%r. MartEne-, @,e donde es
Ellos = They (all male or mixed)
1o talk about a group of people
Ex: Buan, Faco, $ Bos(
2arlos $ /osa
8l $ ella
?os alumnos
Ellas = They ( all female)
1o talk about a group of girls
Elena, Margarita, $ Esperan-a
?upe $ /osa
2arla $ ella
?as alumnas
Ustedes (Uds.) = all of you
1o talk to a group of people that
doesnt include yo.
ED: )to+ Mr. Breden $ Mr. #acke
)to+ los amigos
)to+ las alumnas $ t'
)to+ Bavier, ?ina, $ t'

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