Locking Earthship Gaia Into The Galactic Community of Light: Back To Zeropoint, The Consiousness of Atlantis.

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the only way to

diso!e" t"#th within is... th"o#$h hea"t..
A$ain&I will +ee, this as si-,le as ,ossi.le /o" a .ette" i-a$e0!ision and to i-a$ine how
ene"$y /lows.At the .otto- I will add a"tles that ontain -o"e +nowled$e a.o#t e"tain
s#.1ets and ,lease $oo$le to on/i"- what I a- w"itin$...and stay in yo#" hea"t.I a-
t"yin$ to $#ide yo#0o,en the $ates&yo# a"e the ones who -#st ste, th"o#$h to awa+en
yo#"sel/&$aia and the #nwa+ened...'OU THE ONES THAT HA(E CO2E THIS FAR B'
PACAL (OTAN0%ALACTIC A%ENT...and why we a"e /inisHin$ the 3OB with LO(E.
Paal (otan0+in$ o/ ,alen4#e is the only ina"nation o/ Ashta".His "e-ains we"e /o#nd in
the te-,le o/ ins"i,tions.This ,i"a-id is sit#ated on the d"a$onlines in 2e5io.)hen
they o,ened his to-. they /o#nd 6 $eo-et"i sy-.ols in his hands.In his le/t hand an
This "ese-.les -any ene"$y /ields on -a"o and -i"o le!el.And in this ase the h#-an
ene"$y /ield.
The le/t hand ontains the "eei!in$ ene"$y7in,#t8 and is li+e the "i$ht hand& an
e5tension o/ the hea"tha+"a.
Paal (otan a""ies in his "i$ht hand anothe" $eo-et"i sy-.ol&an o". that "ese-.les
%aia and he" leylines. A 9d !e"sion o/ the /owe" o/ li/e.
The sy-.olis- .ehind this is: By e-,owe"in$ o#"sel!es and o-.inin$ o#" indi!#d#al
ene"$ies th"o#$h hea"ts+nowled$e7wisdo-8 we enat the /lowe" o/ li/e...-ani/est .y
/eelin$ what "esonates within.Eah indi!id#al ."in$in$ thei" essene in to awa+en the
t;ol+in.Fo" -o"e in/o"-ation on this& ,lease !isit the $lo.al leyline ,"o1et o/ /ae.oo+:
The %lo.al leyline $"o#, on /ae.oo+ ha!e o,ened and healed -any ,o"tals wo"ldwide
.y sha"in$ the o-.ined ene"$ies0Lo!e towa"ds o#" -othe" %aia and +nowled$e how to
enat the leylines and the"e.y ,"e,a"e %aia /o" asension.Sendin$ lo!e to low !i."atain$
,laes to +ee, %aia in .alane.
)e a"e awa"e o/ o#" B9 ha+a"a syste- and the o""es,ondin$ ha+"as o/ %aia.s )hen
we heal he" we heal o#"sel!es.A 6 way syste- o/ oo,e"tin$ to$ethe":we send lo!e and
the t"ans-#tin$ ,owe"s o/ the !iolet /la-e and "eei!e the "i$ht odes0ene"$ies in "et#"n.
Ne5t to these B9 -a1o" ha+"as& we ha!e -ino" ha+"as.That also ha!e to .e
ati!ated.To$ethe" we ha!e a B== ha+"a syste-& o""es,ondin$ to all leylines nodes
wo"ld wide.So-e ha!e ,i"a-ids on to, and sta"$ates #nde"neath and so-e do not.
The !e"tial in,#t in these nodes onnet to the "ays o/ the s#n o/ inne" ea"th.2a+in$ #s
-ono,ola" .y nat#"e&when we li!e as one within $aiaGs ene"$ies.The downwa"ds s,i"al
ati!atin$ the hi$he" hea"t to the lowe" hea"t and the #,wa"ds s,i"al e-,owe"in$ the
lowe" ha+"aGs.These s,i"als 1oin in the hea"t: htt,:00www.yo#t#.e.o-0wathC
A lot o/ these -ino" leyline nodes a"e disto"ted7haa", syste-s .#ilt on to,8 and the"e/o"e
also within h#-anity&.ea#se we a"e onneted to the- th"o#$h the leylines.This also
,"e!ents o#" asension,"oes and a#ses disto"tions and ,ains.
As yo# +now .y "eadin$ Jhow did we o-e so#ls o/ disto"tionJ we ha!e a .all o/ ene"$y
a.o!e o#" heads7has -any na-es&.#t i will des"i.e thin$s o.1eti!e as ,ossi.le8andis
an a-,li/ie" o/ ene"$y.The ,i"a-ids and the o.elis+s ha!e this too and they also onnet
ho"i;ontally th"o#$h the ethe" to -a+e li/e on the s#"/ie ,ossi.le.This ene"$y is the $l#e
that +ee,s the ato-s to$ethe".The -ani/estation o/ "eation.C"eated0intended .y the
olleti!e onsio#sness to -ani/est.F"o- the s+y yo# see this
These leylines nodes need "elease /"o- low !i."atin$ ene"$ies .y .la;in$ the !iolet
/la-e to t"ans/o"- the the leyline nodes "eatin$ the #,wa"ds s,i"al towa"ds the /o"es
o/ li$ht and lea"in$ o#t the "istalline wo"-holes.These wo"-holes onnet to othe"
destinations0,lanets0sta"$ates and still a"e disto"ted and the"e/o"e not t"ans,o"tin$
eno#$h ene"$ies towa"ds the leylines to awa+en o#" odes towa"ds /#ll onsio#sness
and the"e/o"e the /inal "elease /"o- da"+ ene"$ies0w"on$ odes.Untill sho"tly the da"+
ones &who also had thei" /"ee will&t"a!eled th"o#$h these "istalline
wo"-hholes0onnetions to hi$he" di-ensions0destinations and the"e/o"e ha!e the
w"on$ odin$s not ali$ned with so#"e.
So ,#ttin$ it a .it to$ethe" to en!ision0o-,"ehend:
)e a"e onneted to all the leyline nodes0ea"th ha+"a0s& whih ."in$ in the ene"$ies
/"o- hi$he" di-esions &in whih we ha!e al"eady t"a!eled and e5,e"iened towa"ds this
lowe"& d#alisti& s#"!i!al o/ the /ittest di-ension&that ontain -ani/estations not ali$ned
with so#"e.*isto"tin$ the $ateways ."in$in$ in the odes to ReK-e-.e" who we a"e a
-e-.e" o/ and why we a"e he"e.A olleti!e and indi!id#al e5,e"iene o/ awa+enin$ to
o#" own essene to awa+en the istalline -othe" .oa"d o/ %aia:the TZOLKIN.
(ision to ati!ate /#ll e-,owe"-ent.
)e .la;e the !iolet /la-e towa"ds these leyline nodes&then yo# i-a$ine the !iolet /la-e
/lowin$ th"o#$h the sta"$ates towa"ds the othe" side o/ the "istalline wo"-holes:the
sta"$ates0leyines nodes0a-,li/ie"s o/ ene"$y and onnetin$ to the ene"$ies o/ thei"
inne" s#ns and o#te" s#ns.the"e/o"e also ati!atin$ the dna0+nowin$ yo# had while .ein$
the"e.He"e.y we a"e wo"+in$ as one #nit7$"o#nd"ew8 with the /o"es o/ li$ht o/ hollow
ea"th and the /o"es o/ li$ht in the s+y7$alati /ede"ation o/ li$ht8.By doin$ this the da"+
ene"$ies a"e a#$ht in .etween 6 /o"es o/ li$htLClea"in$ the wo"-holes and o!e"idin$
the w"on$ ,"o$"a--in$ .y ali$nin$ with so#"e0LO(E. Lo+in$0anho"in$ %aia in to the
$alati o--#nity o/ li$ht.
As we olleti!ely en!ision the !e"tial in,#t /"o- the hi$he" di-ensions into the
leynodes0,i"a-ids and ati!atin$ the sta"$ates .eneath&we welo-e the ene"$ies
o-in$ towa"ds #s th"o#$h the leylines and o-in$ #, th"o#$h o#" /eet and ati!atin$
the "i$ht odes0dna o/ the ha+"aGs ali$ned with the so#"e.Ati!atin$ a ,#"e to"odial /ield
o/ li$ht.
)ith this $ained ene"$y we see o#" ene"$ies and that o/ the o,ened ley nodes
wo"ldwide /lowin$ towa"ds the o.elis+s and o-in$ #, th"o#$h the /eet o/ enti"e
h#-anity.Ati!atin$ the new odes that s,"ead ho"i;ontally th"o#$h the ethe" towa"ds
h#-anity.Thei" .odies a"e -ade o/ wate" and the ene"$y will o,y&-a+in$ the- /eel
.ette"&-o"e "ela5ed&al-in$ the- down..ali$nin$ the- with so#"e odes& wa+in$ the-
#, with LO(E...$ently...
)e do this with o#" olleti!e i-a$ination and .y onnetin$ to the ,owe"s o/ the a" o/
the o!enant&)e will .e $i!in$ the /lowe" o/ li/e its /#ll ,otential and and enat the
t;ol+in..in othe" wo"ds the Uni/ied Field o/ in/init ,otentials...and the"e/o"e o#"sel!es.)e
a"e the ones we ha!e .een waitin$ /o"
Ati!ated leyline nodes0,i"a-ids and "otatin$ o.lis+s seen /"o- the s+y "otatin$ o.elis+s
seen /"o- the s+y0hi$he" ,"os,eti!e:
The leyline nodes o-,"esse and deo-,"ess ene"$y..ati!atin$ the- will hel, the
,"ess#"e "elease alon$ the tetoni ,lates.Please 1oin to enat the- /o" a s-ooth Bi"th
o/ %aia and all onneted into the new A$e and that we a""i!e ho-e in Lo!e..Ali+e to
-eet o#" $alati /a-ily.
Ne!e" /o"$et..)he"e yo# -ind $oes&yo#" ene"$y /lows...yo# e-,owe".So lets e-,owe"
how the ene"$y sho#ld /low and the"e/o"e yo#"sel/
)ith lo!e /o" %aia and the Flowe" o/ Li/e.
On the B=th o/ -ay7today8 the yellow wa""io" wa!es,ell .e$ins&,lease "ead the
essene..we a"e "i,enin$ %aia and o#"sel!es towa"ds /#ll $alati dislos#"e:
The ,"ess#"e will .#ild on e"tain ,eo,le who a"e not ali$ned..we a"e he"e to al- the-
down.By ati!atin$ %aia and the"e.y yo#"sel/ yo# will o-e th"o#$h in ease...and the
,eo,le will .e -o"e o,en to #nde"stand0o-,"ehend
REA* ITGS ESSENCE:htt,:00lawo/ti-e.o"$0deode0/ind+in.,h,
ON THE B?TH OF 2A' we ha!e the ,owe" o/ elet"i to e-,owe" the leylines and lea"
the wo"-holes onneted to %AIA.This day is )hite elet"i -i""o"...On that day we
na-astM Hilda
-o"e in/o:
nesa"a will ."in$ #s .a+ into the sh#-ann "esonane&now we a"e stiil /i$htin$ to
,"o!ide /o" FOO*&whih will .e "e,laed .y "e,liato" tehnolo$y to ,#t the st"ain o//
%aia.TRA(EL&whih will .e /"ee /o" e!e"y.ody a/te" the ho"i;ontal hy,e"di-ensionals
t#nnels whih onnet sta"$ates a"oss the wo"ld a"e "e,ai"ed0enated.Ho-esN/o" the
ho-eless ,eo,le ho-es will .e ,"o!ided.#ni!e"sal law will .e enated and e!e"y.ody is
entotled to health&ho-e&/ood& wate". All .asi needs.
In the sh#-ann "esonane ideaGs will $"ow and -ani/ested .y tho#$ht. The"e/o"e
-oney will not .e needed any-o"e&the"e will .e no sho"ta$e&yo# will lea"n to "eate
$#ided .y yo#" -ento"s who will 1oin yo# a/te" dislos#"e.Nesa"a is needed /o" this
t"ansition ,e"iod /o" all to .eo-e ali+e.
Peo,le who no nothin$ o/ the -ayan alenda"&.y wathin$ this yo# will $et the ,it#"e:
By $i!in$ yo# ene"$y to the li$ht and not $ettin$ dist"ated .y ho"i;ontal in,#t yo# will
o-e th"o#$h nie and shinyLLLL
The ,i"ai-ds we"e .#ilt:
By Eli;a.eth T"#twin:
The other thing I would like to talk about...Commander Hatonn.
Even though for years we believed ETs built the Pyramids - what we did not understand
is the Pyramids were built at the Creation Temple at Aldebaran and !"#$HT T"
EA!TH and pla%ed on the $i&a Plateau by Hatonn and others. Commander Hatonn is
originally from the Planet Trantor and he is also one of the folks that %ame here with
'hu-(u) who is also known as TH"TH. He built the Pyramid of Cheops. *The $i&a
Pyramid+ ut also at that time there was another Commander named 'la-,a. 'la-,a
%omes from the planet Aldeberon) *the Eye of Taurus+ and in the story here after the
destru%tion of Atlantis we needed some pyramids to stabili&e the a-io-e-%ursion of our
planet. *Commander 'la-la is the a%tual .esigner and Engineer of the $i&a Pyramid
whi%h were a%tually formed on the Planet Aldeberon and then pla%ed on Earth through
ship te%hnology. 'hu-fu *TH"TH+ was the pharaoh at the time so his name went onto the
pyramids+. The Earth was wobbling in spa%e by then *as a result of the sinking of
Atlantis+. The Pyramids are stabili&ation generators-- #nder all the pyramids)-- even in
/outh Ameri%a) all over China) all over Egypt--are /ub-Etheri% generators *underneath
them+-- that runs at a 0th .imensional fre1uen%y. Commander Hatonn) and Commander
'la-,a were working together on this mission to help stabili&e the a-io-e-%ursion of
Earth at a point in time) so they have a relationship with Ashtar Command. The Ashtar
Command a%tually has a base between the 'ing and 2ueen3s %hamber *under+ the $reat
Pyramid of $i&a. The /hip and the %ommanders that are stationed there are responsible to
keep that a-iotonal alignment of Earth in pla%e. ,ord Hatonn and the Ashtar Command
go around Earth on a very regular basis and they hold their /tar/hips over these Pyramids
that hold these generators and they send a beam underneath the pyramids into the sub-
etheri% generator to keep maintaining our a-io-e-%ursion. There are three suns in one
solar system. 4e are a Trinary /tar /ystem. *Three sun system - /irius A) /irius and
/ol+ 4ithout Hatonn5s work with the $ala%ti% (ederation we would go super nova) and so
what has happened now is Al%yone) the $reat Central /un) whi%h is lo%ated 677 light
years away from Earth in the Pleiades has sent out a whole belt of light --Called the
Photon elt. The Pleiades is %lose to the %enter of our gala-y and Earth is on the very
outer periphery of the 8ilky 4ay $ala-y. The Photon elt arrived on .e%ember 99) 9777
on the 4inter /olsti%e) it has %ompletely surrounded Earth. The entire /olar /ystem is
kind of lo%ked into the tra%tor beam of the Photon elt and we have %hanged dire%tions.
4e are in the pro%ess now of moving away from the outer periphery of the western spiral
arm of the 8ilky 4ay $ala-y. 4e3re like on a tra%tor beam of the Photon elt and
heading towards the Pleiades. .e%ember 9:) 97:9 we rea%hed a %ompletely different
se%tor of the 8ilky 4ay $ala-y and ad;a%ent to the Pleiades. y the time we get there)
there will be nine /uns in our atmosphere< */irius A) /irius ) /ol) =upiter) /aturn) >enus)
#ranus) 8ars) Earth+
?ot all Channels who post Hatonn messages are really %onne%ting to this "ne. Two %ome
to mind right away) both are disinformation agents. Commander Hatonn is :9 feet tall and
he has evolved to being part ma%hine. That may sound funny to us - that that is Higher
than human. 4e will be meeting some very awesome eings of ,ight.
Than+ yo# Eli;a.ethLLLL

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