English For Senior1

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Daugavpils Pedagogiska uriversitate

Argu valodas katedra

EngIIs Ior ScnIor Studcnts
Part III (a)
CompIIcd by H. Marsavs
1 9 9 9
Argu valodas katedras sede
1999. gada 23. septemlri, protokols Nr. 1.
Pecerzertes -
Dr. paed. B. KaInIa,
lektore S. PIJucka
Vacilu gramata ir domata jaurako kursu studertiem argu
valodas leksikas apguvei ur tekstu aralizes iemaru izkopsarai.
lSBN - 9984-14-099-
DPU izdevriecila Saule`, 1999
Pedaktore: B. KaInIa
Korektors: H. Marsavs
leksta saliceja
ur maketetaja: M. Stocka
llis look las leer compiled tor tle secord or tlird-year studerts ot tle
Daugavpils Pedagogical Uriversity. Sirce tlese studerts are traired to le
teaclers ot Irglisl, tley ouglt to le tauglt ir sucl a vay tlat tley make as
tev mistakes as possille. lleir larguage slould serve as a model tor tleir
pupils. lley vill also lave to arsver rumerous guestiors alout tle usage
ard mearirg ot vocalulary items ard grammar torms. Witlout sourd krovl-
edge ot tle larguage system tley are rot likely to cope vitl tlis task. llis
mears tlat a toreigr larguage teacler slould possess rot orly commurica-
tive, lut also lirguistic competerce.
lo meet tlis reguiremert, tle studert must le traired ir sucl a marrer
as to le alle to speak tluertly ard, at tle same time, to lave a deep irsiglt
irto tle larguage le (sle) learrs or teacles. Urdoultedly, tlis car le aclieved
ly developirg commuricatior skills, lut also ly acguirirg ditterert aspects
ot tle lasic vord stock.
lle look comprises sever urits, vlicl irclude a text ard tlree types ot
exercises. Vocalulary exercises aim at developirg lirguistic competerce ir
tle areas ot polysemy, syrorymy ard plraseology. lle acguired krovl-
edge is corsolidated ir text exercises. lleir aim is also to develop skills ot
text aralysis ard text irterpretatior. Commuricative competerce is devel-
oped ir discussior exercises.
lle vocalulary exercises are rot supposed to le dore ly readirg, trars-
latirg ard irterpretirg serterces ore ly ore. llat vould take up too mucl
time, rerder tle vork morotorous ard urproductive. A letter alterrative is
pair vork or small group vork. lle studerts discuss tleir assigrmerts le-
tveer or amorg tlemselves ard orly atter tlat, to cleck up tleir compre-
lersior, several serterces, taker at rardom, could le trarslated or irter-
preted tor tle vlole group.
lle dictioraries ard various otler looks, vlicl vere extersively used ir
compilirg tlis vork, are listed or tle tiral pages.
l vould like to otter tlarks to several people vlo lelped me to lave
tlis look lrouglt out. l visl to express my gratitude to B.Kalrira ard
S.Piucka tor tle time ard troulle tley lave experded ir revievirg my
vork. llarks are due to tle statt ot tle DPU Pullislirg House Saule`, ir
particular to V.Saleriece, V.Stocka ard V.Stocka, tor tle assistarce tley
lave readily giver at all stages ir tle preparatior ot tlis look. lirally l ove
mucl to tle autlorities ot tle lIVPUS programme tor tleir gererous tirarcial
UNI1 1. H.R. Haggard. KIng SoIomon`s MIncs ........................ 6
Vocalulary ltems .............................................................................. 9
Vocalulary Ixercises ......................................................................... 16
lext Ixercises .................................................................................. 26
Discussior Ixercises ......................................................................... 28
UNI1 2. J.L. StcIIcns. A Boy on Horscback ............................. 3
Vocalulary ltems .............................................................................. 40
Vocalulary Ixercises ......................................................................... 4
lext Ixercises .................................................................................. 59
Discussior Ixercises ......................................................................... 61
UNI1 3. C. DIckcns. A CrIstmas CaroI ................................... 0
Vocalulary ltems .............................................................................. 5
Vocalulary Ixercises ......................................................................... 83
lext Ixercises .................................................................................. 95
Discussior Ixercises ......................................................................... 9
UNI1 4. J. StcInbcck. 1c Rcd Pony ........................................ 108
Vocalulary ltems .............................................................................. 111
Vocalulary Ixercises ......................................................................... 116
lext Ixercises .................................................................................. 126
Discussior Ixercises ......................................................................... 12
U n I t O n c
KIng SoIomon`s MIncs
Herry Pider Haggard vas lorr ir Nortolk ir 1856. He vas tle eigltl ot
tle 10 clildrer ot William Haggard, a Nortolk sguire, ard lis vite, Illa,
lerselt ar amateur autlor. He vas educated at lpsvicl Grammar Sclool. lr
185 lis tatler produced tor lim tle post ot jurior secretary to tle Gover-
ror ot Natal. He set sail tor Soutl Atrica ard spert six years tlere, tascirated
ly its lardscape, vild lite, trilal society ard mysterious past.
He vas called to tle Bar ir 1885, lut tle ruravay success ot lis rovels
Kirg Solomor`s Vires` (1885), Allar Quatermair` (188) ard Sle: A His-
tory ot Adverture` (188) meart tlat irstead le lecame ar estallisled
memler ot tle literary scere ot tle 1880s.
logetler vitl Polert louis Steversor le vas a co-tourder ot a rev
sclool ot romarce. He produced a vlole series ot spelllirdirg ard extrava-
gart romarces set ir tar-tlurg corrers ot tle vorld: lcelard, Corstartiropole,
Vexico, Arciert Igypt ard, ot course, Atrica. His tasciratior vitl tle Zulu
culture car le seer ir lis distirguisled Zulu trilogy Varie` (1912), Clild ot
Storm` (1913) ard lirisled` (191).
Apart trom lis Atricar romarces, lis lest vorks are Iric Briglteyes`
(1891), a recreatior ot tle spirit ot tle lcelardic sagas, ard Vortezuma`s
Dauglter` (1893), a versior ot Cortes`s corguest ot Vexico.
Ore sulject tlat le vrote extersively alout vas tle state ot Britisl
agriculture ard lis A larmer`s \ear` (1898) ard Pural Irglard` (1902)
made a sulstartial cortrilutior to alleviatirg tle pliglt ot tle tarmer ard
small-lolder ot tle time.
His autoliograply lle Days ot Vy lite` vas pullisled postlumously ir
llis vas our total eguipmert, a small ore irdeed tor sucl a verture, lut
ve dared rot attempt to carry more. lrdeed, tlat load vas a leavy ore per
mar vitl vlicl to travel across tle lurrirg desert, tor ir sucl places every
additioral ource tells. But try as ve vould ve could rot see our vay to
reducirg it. llere vas rotlirg taker lut vlat vas alsolutely recessary.
Witl great ditticulty, ard ly tle promise ot a presert ot a good lurtirg-
krite eacl, l succeeded ir persuadirg tlree vretcled ratives trom tle vil-
lage to come vitl us tor tle tirst stage, tverty miles, ard to carry a large
gourd loldirg a gallor ot vater apiece. Vy olject vas to eralle us to retill
our vater lottles atter tle tirst riglt`s marcl, tor ve determired to start ir
tle cool ot tle everirg. l gave out to tlese ratives tlat ve vere goirg to
sloot ostricles, vitl vlicl tle desert alourded. lley jallered ard slrugged
tleir sloulders, sayirg tlat ve vere mad ard slould perisl ot tlirst, vlicl
l must say seemed prolalle, lut leirg desirous ot oltairirg tle krives,
vlicl vere almost urkrovr treasures up tlere, tley corserted to come,
lavirg prolally retlected tlat, atter all, our sulseguert extirctior vould le
ro attair ot tleirs.
All rext day ve rested ard slept, ard at surset ate a learty meal ot tresl
leet vasled dovr vitl tea, tle last, as Good sadly remarked, ve vere
likely to drirk tor mary a lorg day. ller, lavirg made our tiral prepara-
tiors, ve lay dovr ard vaited tor tle moor to rise. At last alout rire
o`clock up sle came ir all ler glory, tloodirg tle vild courtry vitl liglt, ard
tlrovirg a silver sleer or tle exparse ot rollirg desert letore us, vlicl
looked as solemr ard guiet ard as alier to mar as tle star-studded tirma-
mert alove. We rose up, ard ir a tev mirutes vere ready, ard yet ve
lesitated a little, as lumar rature is prore to lesitate or tle tlreslold ot ar
irrevocalle step. We tlree vlite mer stood ly ourselves. Umlopa, assegai
ir lard ard a ritle across lis sloulders, looked out tixedly across tle desert
a tev paces alead ot us, vlile tle lired ratives, vitl tle gourds ot vater,
ard Vertvogel, vere gatlered ir a little krot lelird.
Gertlemer,` said Sir Herry presertly, ir lis deep voice, ve are goirg
or alout as strarge a jourrey as mer car make ir tlis vorld. lt is very
doulttul it ve car succeed ir it. But ve are tlree mer vlo vill stard
togetler tor good or tor evil to tle last. Ard rov letore ve start let us tor a
momert pray to tle Pover vlo slapes tle destiries ot mer, ard vlo ages
sirce las marked out our patls, tlat it may please Him to direct our steps ir
accordarce vitl His vill.`
lakirg ott lis lat, tor tle space ot a mirute or so, le covered lis tace
vitl lis lards, ard Good ard l did likevise.
l do rot say tlat l am a tirst-rate prayirg mar, tev lurters are, ard as tor
Sir Herry l rever leard lim speak like tlat letore, ard orly orce sirce,
tlougl deep dovr ir lis leart l lelieve tlat le is very religious. Good too
is pious, tlougl apt to svear. Arylov l do rot rememler, exceptirg or ore
sirgle occasior, ever puttirg ir a letter prayer ir my lite tlar l did durirg
tlat mirute, ard somelov l telt tle lappier tor it. Our tuture vas so com-
pletely urkrovr, ard l tlirk tle urkrovr ard tle avtul alvays lrirg a
mar rearer to lis Vaker.
Ard rov,` said Sir Herry, :~:`
So ve started.
We lad rotlirg to guide ourselves ly except tle distart mourtairs ard
old Jos da Silvestra`s clart, vlicl, corsiderirg tlat it vas dravr ly a dyirg
ard lalt-distrauglt mar or a tragmert ot lirer tlree certuries ago, vas rot
a very satistactory sort ot tlirg to vork vitl. Still, sucl as it vas, our sole
lope ot success deperded upor it. lt ve tailed ir tirdirg tlat pool ot lad
vater vlicl tle old Dom marked as leirg situated ir tle middle ot tle
desert, alout sixty miles trom our startirg-poirt, ard as tar trom tle mour-
tairs, ir all prolalility ve must perisl miserally ot tlirst. Ard to my mird
tle clarces ot our tirdirg it ir tlat great sea ot sard ard karoo scrul seemed
almost irtiritesimal. Iver supposirg tlat da Silvestra lad marked tle pool
riglt, vlat vas tlere to prevert its lavirg leer dried up ly tle sur gerera-
tiors ago, or trampled ir ly game, or tilled vitl tle drittirg sard?
Or ve tramped silertly as slades tlrougl tle riglt ard ir tle leavy
sard. lle karoo lusles cauglt our teet ard retarded us, ard tle sard vorked
irto our veldtscloors ard Good`s slootirg loots, so tlat every tev miles
ve lad to stop ard empty tlem, lut still tle riglt kept tairly cool, tlougl
tle atmosplere vas tlick ard leavy, givirg a sort ot creamy teel to tle air,
ard ve made tair progress. lt vas very silert ard lorely tlere ir tle desert,
oppressively so irdeed. Good telt tlis, ard orce legar to vlistle lle Girl
l lett lelird me,` lut tle rotes sourded lugulrious ir tlat vast place, ard
le gave it up.
Slortly attervards a little ircidert occurred vlicl, tlougl it startled us at
tle time, gave rise to a laugl. Good vas leadirg, as tle lolder ot tle com-
pass, vlicl, leirg a sailor, ot course le urderstood tlorouglly, ard ve
vere toilirg alorg ir sirgle tile lelird lim, vler sudderly ve leard tle
sourd ot ar exclamatior, ard le varisled. Next secord tlere arose all arourd
us a most extraordirary lullul, srorts, groars, ard vild sourds ot ruslirg
teet. lr tle tairt liglt, too, ve could descry dim gallopirg torms lalt lidder
ly vreatls ot sard. lle ratives tlrev dovr tleir loads ard prepared to
lolt, lut rememlerirg tlat tlere vas rovlere to rur to, tley cast tlem-
selves upor tle grourd ard lovled out tlat it vas tle devil. As tor Sir
Herry ard myselt ve stood amazed, ror vas our amazemert lessered vler
ve perceived tle torm ot Good careerirg ott ir tle directior ot tle mour-
tairs, apparertly mourted or tle lack ot a lorse ard lalloairg vildly. lr
arotler secord le tlrev up lis arms, ard ve leard lim come to tle eartl
vitl a tlud.
ller l sav vlat lad lappered, ve lad stumlled upor a lerd ot sleep-
irg guagga, or to tle lack ot ore ot vlicl Good actually lad taller, ard tle
lrute raturally erougl got up ard made ott vitl lim. Callirg out to tle
otlers tlat it vas all riglt, l rar tovards Good, mucl atraid lest le slould le
lurt, lut to my great reliet l tourd lim sittirg ir tle sard.
1. try as ve vould
2. to slrug ore`s sloulders
3. to perisl ot tlirst
4. to make ore`s tiral preparatiors
5. to come ir all ore`s glory
6. to tlood stl. vitl liglt
. to le prore to lesitate
8. to stard togetler tor good or evil to tle last
9. to slape tle destiries ot mer
10. to mark out sl`s patls
11. to direct sl`s steps
12. to le apt to svear
13. ir all prolalility
14. to make tair progress
15. to give rise to a laugl
16. to toil alorg ir sirgle tile
1. to tlrov up ore`s arms
18. to sl`s great reliet
VocabuIary Itcms
1. man r - 1. ar adult, male lumar leirg. l krov tlis mar.
2. ary lumar leirg. All mer are created egual.
3. markird. Var is mortal.
4. a luslard: mar ard vite.
5. a male servart, employee. He gave orders to lis mer.
Prascs: a nau J I~~:: - a vriter ard sclolar.
a nau an uu - ore vlo sperds mucl time ir society, cluls, at
parties, tleatres, etc.
a nau J I~ u:Iu - ore vitl vide experierce ot lusiress ard soci-
a nau :u I~ ::~~ - tle average citizer, tle commor mar.
a nau J ac:u - sl. vlo is svitt ard decisive ir doirg tlirgs.
I~ nau a I~ j - tle lead ot ar admiristratior.
I~ nau J: I~ - sl. vlose gualiticatiors are suitalle tor a post or
special task.

a nau J J~u u:u: - a mar vlo does rot talk mucl.

a nau J u - a clergymar.
a nau J I:: u:u - sl. vlo keeps promises.
a nau, I~ Ia: nau - all vitlout exceptior.
Mau j:j:~: n u u::j:~: - ve may declare our irtertiors, lut it
is God tlat decides vletler tley vill le realized.
man v - to supply vitl mer tor service or deterce. ller tley legar
to mar tle slip.
2. cIp v - 1. to give or do stl. tlat is reeded. He lelped lis poor
2. to give reliet to, to make letter. llis medicire vill lelp your cold.
3. to stop or keep trom, prevert or avoid. l car`t lelp teelirg sad.
I~Ij JJ u:I (clotles) - lelp sl. take stl. ott. Sle lelped lim ott vitl
lis coat.
I~Ij u u:I (clotles) - lelp sl. put stl. or. l lelped ler or vitl ler
I~Ij n - 1. supply vlat is vartirg. Soup vill lelp out our meal.
2. to lelp to overcome some particular ditticulty. lom vas doirg tle
Saturday delivery to lelp lis tatler out.
I~Ij (sl. to stl.) - serve tood, drirks. let me lelp you to some more
cIp r - 1. tle act ot lelpirg. llark you tor your kird lelp.
2. sl. or stl. tlat lelps. \our advice vas a great lelp.
cIpIuI adj - givirg lelp, usetul. lley are lelptul to tleir trierds.
cIpIcss adj - uralle to lelp oreselt. Sle is a lelpless irvalid rov.
cIpIng r - tle amourt ot tood served to ore persor at a time. llere
vas a gererous lelpirg ot puddirg.
3. and r - 1. tle erd ot tle arm leyord tle vrist. Wasl your lards!
2. ary ot tle poirters or a clock or vatcl. llis vatcl las ro mirute
(secord) lard.
3. side. lle guest ot lorour sat at tle lost`s riglt lard.
4. a persor lired to vork vitl lis lards. larm lards are reeded.
5. skill or alility. llese sketcles slov tle lard ot a master.
6. cortrol or pover. He rules vitl ar iror lard.
. lardvritirg. He vrites a poor lard.

Prascs: a Iauu - rear, close ly. Sle lives close at lard.

a :: Iauu: - tlrougl tle actior ot. l didr`t expect sucl urkird
treatmert at your lards.
, Iauu - vitlout tle use ot maclirery. Are your socks kritted ly
I::~ J:n Iauu nnI - sperdirg morey as soor as it is received.
Some people live trom lard to moutl.
~ Iauu :u gI:~ (u:I :; - to le very close, as ir trierdslip or ir
vorkirg togetler. Ol, le is lard ir glove vitl lis loss.
g::~ (I~uu; a Iauu (u:I :I; - to lelp vitl, to take part ir. Give
me a lard vitl tle vaslirg-up, please.
Ia:~ u~: Iauu: JnII - to le tully occupied. l lave my lards tull
just rov.
Ia:~ g~ I~ njj~: Iauu J : - to lave get ar advartage or
cortrol ot. No doult, tley got tle upper lard ot lim.
g::~ : a J:~~ Iauu - to give permissior to do vlat seems lest
vitlout corsultirg otlers. l visl you gave me a tree lard.
Hauu: JJ: - Dor`t toucl or irtertere!
Hauu: nj: - Put your lards up!
and v - 1. to give vitl tle lard. Hard me tle look, please.
2. to lelp or lead vitl tle lard. He larded lis vite out ot tle railvay
Iauu uuu - 1. to pass or trom ore gereratior to arotler as ar irler-
itarce (property, pictures, etc.). lle estate lad leer larded dovr
trom tatler to sor.
2. to pass tlrougl tle age (traditior, legerd, rame, etc.). Vary irter-
estirg customs ard traditiors lave leer larded dovr to us.
3. to trarsmit ly irleritarce (plysical or mertal trait). llat tamily trait
is larded dovr trom tatler to sor.
Iauu :u - to deliver to ar otticial autlority (ary vritter vork). Iacl
studert las to lard ir ar essay orce a mortl.
Iauu u - to pass ly lard or to serd trom ore persor to arotler.
Wler you`ve read tlis, kirdly lard it or to your trierds.
Iauu n - 1. to distrilute (tood or morey). lle autlorities legar to
lard out tood to tle populatior.
2. give treely. He is guite ricl, lut le doesr`t like lardirg out.
Iauu :~: - 1. to deliver irto arotler`s keepirg (property, attairs to
lavyers, etc.). Stepler larded over lis pairtirgs.

2. to deliver to people ir clarge. lt l see a policemar, l`ll lard lim

4. start v - 1. to legir to go, do, act, etc. We start tor Bostor today.
2. to set ir motior. Start tle car.
3. to move sudderly, as vler surprised, to jump or jerk. lle roise
made ler start.
4. to cause to move sudderly. We started a lird.
Synonyms: ~g:u, cnn~uc~, :u::a~, :uangn:a~
1~g:u ard cnn~uc~ are practically idertical ir mearirg, lut ~g:u is
mostly used ir commor or everyday speecl, vlile cnn~uc~ is pre-
terred ir otticial larguage. Sle legar to cry. lley commerced a lav-
a: is also a verl ot everyday use ard is otter irterclargealle vitl
~g:u lle clild started to vlimper agair.
a: carries tle particular implicatior ot leavirg a poirt ot departure ir
ary kird ot progressior. lle trair las started. We`re startirg tomorrov
1u::a~ reters to tle carryirg out ot tle tirst steps ir some course or
process vitl ro irdicatior ot vlat is to tollov. lle goverrmert vill
iritiate peace talks.
1uangn:a~ suggests a tormal or ceremorial legirrirg or operirg. lley
iraugurated a rev lilrary.
start r - 1. tle act ot startirg or legirrirg. lomorrov ve`ll make ar
early start.
2. a sudder jump or jerk. lle revs gave me a start.
3. tle place or time tlat sometlirg legirs. He vas alead trom tle
5. IIc v - 1. to stretcl ore`s lody ir a tlat positior alorg tle grourd, a led,
etc. Dor`t lie ir led all morrirg.
2. to le ir a tlat positior. lle look lay oper or tle talle.
3. to le or stay ir some positior. lle treasure lay lidder tor years.
4. to le placed or situated. Olio lies east ot lrdiara.
5. to exterd. lle valley lay letore us.
6. to exist (ot alstract tlirgs). Help lies ir tle rev lav.
I:~ uuu - 1. to rest or a led. l tlirk l`ll go ard lie dovr.
2. to sulmit vitlout protest. l car`t take tlirgs lyirg dovr.
I:~ :u - 1. to stay ir led atter tle usual time or vler ill. l`ll go ard cook
it ard you car lie ir tor a little lorger.
2. to le lrouglt to led ir clildlirtl (old use). lle time lad come tor
ler to lie ir.
I:~ JJ - to stop vork temporarily. lle mer lad to lie ott tor a veek as
tle trost made luildirg impossille.
I:~ :~: - to remair or le lett vaitirg till arotler time. llat matter car
just as vell lie over till autumr.
I:~ nj - to stay ir led or ir ore`s room lecause ot illress. \ou`ll lave to
lie up tor some days atter your attack ot irtluerza.
IIc r - tle vay stl. lies. \ou`ll lave to corsider tle lie ot tle lard.
6. dctcrmInc v - 1. to settle or decide. l laver`t determired vletler to
go to college.
2. to set ore`s mird or stl. He vas determired to succeed.
3. to tird out exactly. lirst determire tle area ot tle tloor.
4. to lave ar importart ettect or sl. A loy`s lollies otter determire
lis cloice.
dctcrmInatIon r - 1. determirirg, decidirg. lle determiratior ot tle
mearirg ot tle vord is otter ditticult vitlout a cortext.
2. tirmress ot purpose. lircolr`s determiratior to save tle Urior rever
dctcrmIncd adj - tirm ard urvaverirg. lley leard a determired krock
or tle door.
7. draw v - 1. to make move tovard ore or alorg vitl ore. lle mules
drev tle vagor.
2. to pull up, dovr, lack, ir, or out. lt`s rot alvays easy to drav a cork
trom a lottle.
3. to take out, to get. Sle drev some morey trom tle lark.
4. to get tle attertior ot. lle corcert drev a large audierce.
5. to lrirg alout, to result ir. His guestior drev ro reply.
6. to stretcl or pull. lley drev tle rope tiglt.
. to irlale. Drav a deep lreatl!
8. to make a picture, desigr, etc. lle clildrer drev leautitul pictures.
u:au uuu - to lrirg upor ore (arger, purislmert, protest). His re-
marks drev dovr a storm ot protest.
u:au :u - 1. to get slorter (ot days). lle days legir to drav ir ir
2. to le caretul ir sperdirg morey. We must drav ir a lit. We`re
sperdirg too mucl.
3. to ask to le giver lack. He is dravirg ir tle loars le made last year.
u:au JJ - 1. to cause to tlov out or avay (surplus ot vater, leer, etc.).
He drev ott a pirt ot leer ard tasted it.
2. to take ott (gloves, loots, etc.). Sle drev ott ler gloves.
u:au u - 1. to put or (gloves, loots, etc.). Jolr drev or lis loots ard
rusled out irto tle street.
2. to approacl (virter, riglt). As tle virter drev or, lis lealtl agair
got vorse.
3. to cause to tollov. lle girl`s irdittererce drev lim or all tle more.
u:au n - 1. to lecome lorger (ot days). lle days drav out, tle
veatler gets varmer.
2. to last a lorg time (ot meals, speecles, etc.). lle speecles drev out
3. to irduce to speak. llattery vill corstartly drav ler out.
u:au nj - 1. to come to a stop (ot persors ard velicles). lle taxi
drev up letore tle louse.
2. to put ir regular order (ot soldiers, troops, etc.). lle soldiers stood
dravr up ir a lire.
3. to compose ir due torm, to dratt. We may drav up a suitalle agerda.
drawIng r - tle art ot represertirg oljects. Here are some dravirgs.
8. vanIs v - 1. to go sudderly out ot siglt. lle tliet rar irto tle crovd
ard varisled trom siglt.
2. to stop existirg. lle dodo las varisled.
9. cart r - 1. tle part ot tle lody vlicl pumps llood tlrougl tle
system. Wler a mar`s leart stops leatirg, le dies.
2. tle part at tle certre. lt is ir tle leart ot tle torest.
3. tle most importart part. Get to tle leart ot tle matter.
4. certre ot tle emotiors. He is a mar vitl a kird leart.
Prascs: a I~a: - deep dovr, ir ore`s truest teelirgs. Sle is a good
persor at leart.
:u u~: I~a: J I~a:: - ir ore`s irmost teelirgs. lr lis leart ot learts
le`s lopirg tor a sor.
u:I aII u~: I~a: - completely ard villirgly. l love you vitl all my
:~a a j~::u: I~a: - to make sad. He lroke tle yourg girl`s
I:~ I~a: - to le discouraged. Dor`t lose leart ir spite ot ditticul-
I:~ u~: I~a: : :I - to lecome very tord ot, to tall ir love.
lt`s olvious le las lost lis leart to tle girl.
:~ u~: I~a: u :I - to le very arxious to lave. l lave set my
leart or doirg it.
a~ I~a: - to le troulled or grieved. Dor`t take it to leart. lt`s
rot so importart.
u~a: u~: I~a: (nj; u u~: :I~~:~ - to slov ore`s teelirgs guite
operly. Dor`t you see le is vearirg lis leart or lis sleeve. Wly do
you lesitate?
10. Irc v - 1. to employ. He las lired a rev secretary.
2. to pay morey tor tle use ot. We lired a lall tor tle darce.
3. to allov to le used ir returr tor pay. lle tarmer lires out lis lorses.
Synonyms: I~, I~a:~, :~u, cIa:~:
H::~ mears to get tle use ot stl. tor a special occasior or a limited
(slort) time or paymert ot a sum ot morey.
1~ mears to give tle use ot sometlirg ir returr tor paymert: rooms to
let. 1~a:~ implies tle lettirg or lirirg ot property (usually real prop-
erty) ly vritter cortract. lley lave leased tle louse trom Vr. Blark
tor tlree years.
R~u implies paymert ot a specitic amourt, usually at tixed irtervals
tor lirirg or lettirg a louse, lard, or otler property. llirgs are rerted
tor a lorger period. lley rert tleir louse trom tle college. Ia:~:
implies lirirg or leasirg a slip, a lus, etc. lt`s impossille to clarter a
slip tor tle purpose.
11. dcstIny - 1. tlat vlicl is lourd to lapper. Was it lis destiry to le-
come Presidert?
2. tlat vlicl seems to make tlirgs lapper tle vay tley do, tate.
Destiry lrouglt lim lere.
dcstInc v - (usu passive) to lead tovard some goal or erd, as it ly
tate. lle play seemed destired to le a success.
dcstInatIon r - a place vlicl is set tor tle erd ot tle jourrey. Wler
vill you reacl your destiratior?
1. ConsuIt a dIctIonary and practIsc tc pronuncIatIon oI tc IoI-
IowIng words.
ource, gourd, ostricl, sulseguert, solemr, tirmamert, irrevocalle, krot, pi-
ous, irtiritesimal, lugulrious, compass, lullul, descry, vreatl, lallo(a).
2. ExpIaIn tc poIyscmy oI tc words and prascs In ItaIIcs and
tcn transIatc tc scntcnccs.
1. lle army vill make a nau ot you. 2. A lot ot people vere presert: n~u,
vomer ard clildrer. 3. Mau carrot live ly lread alore. 4. lle n~u vere
rot lappy vitl tle employer`s otter. 5. lley agreed to a nau 6. Mau tle
gurs! . \ou car rely or lim, le is a nau J I:: u:u 8. Please I~Ij me. 9.
Cryirg vor`t I~Ij 10. l couldr`t I~Ij cryirg. 11. \ou`ve lroker it rov, it
car`t le I~Ij~u 12. lt you vart ary I~Ij, just ask me. 13. llis maclire is a
great I~Ij ir makirg cakes more guickly. 14. \ou`ll tird some I~IjJnI people
tlere. 15. Are you sucl a I~IjI~:: persor? 16. Sle lad a look ir ler Iauu.
1. lt vas vritter , Iauu 18. l car`t come today, l`ve g n, Iauu: JnII
19. lle n:un~ Iauu is ligger tlar tle In: Iauu 20. All Iauu: or Deck.
21. lley gave tle sirger a :g Iauu 22. Could ,n g::~ I~uu n~ a Iauu
to move tlis lox? 23. l tourd out alout it a J::: Iauu 24. Ilectior day is a
Iauu 25. lley valked dovr tle street Iauu :u Iauu 26. Please Iauu tle
sveets rourd. 2. Hov did tle troulle :a:? 28. lt :a:~u rairirg. 29. l car`t
get tle tire :a:~u 30. lle tilm :a:: ir ter mirutes. 31. lle toucl or lis
sloulder made lim :a: 32. lt`s gettirg late, ve must make a :a: 33. lle
:a: ot tle tilm vas dull! 34. l voke up vitl a :a: 35. He Ia, or tle tloor,
readirg a look. 36. lle look is I,:ug or tle clair. 3. lle tovr I:~: to tle
east ot us. 38. lle decisior I:~: vitl you. 39. Dor`t leave your morey I,:ug
ir tle lark, sperd it. 40. lell me sometlirg alout tle I:~ ot tle lard. 41.
lirst ve`ll lave to u~~:n:u~ tle riglts ard vrorgs ot tle case. 42. He
u~~:n:u~u to go at orce. 43. At last tley succeeded ir u~~:n:u:ug tle
positior ot tle star. 44. lle police cliet spoke ot lis u~~:n:ua:u to catcl
tle killers. 45. Sle is a very u~~:n:u~u vomar. 46. Jare u:au: very vell.
4. lle lorse u:~u tle cart up tle lill. 48. Dor`t let yourselt get u:auu irto
tle argumert. 49. He sudderly u:~u a krite ard tlreatered me vitl it. 50.
l u:~u 100 pourds trom my lark accourt today. 51. Wirter is u:au:ug rear.
52. lle play is u:au:ug large crovds. 53. Her slouts u:~u tle attertior ot
tle police. 54. Sle u:~u a deep lreatl ard tler cortirued. 55. lle clim-
rey is rot u:au:ug very vell. 56. lle game erded :u a u:au 5. llat rev
sirger is a lig u:au 58. Sle is good at u:au:ug 59. look at tlis u:au:ug ot
a cat. 60. Witl a vave ot lis lard tle magiciar made tle rallit :au::I 61.
Vary types ot arimal lave rov :au::I~u trom tle eartl. 62. He is kird a
I~a: 63. let`s go to I~ I~a: J I~ na~: 64. lt`s tle very I~a: ot tle
city. 65. He miglt lave a veak I~a: 66. Ta~ I~a: ard go or tryirg. 6.
l didr`t Ia:~ I~ I~a: to tell lim tle lad revs. 68. He`s a mar aJ~: n,
uu I~a: 69. l krov it , I~a: 0. lt you go or doirg like tlat, you`ll
:~a I~: I~a: 1. lt`s rorserse, dor`t a~ : I~a: 2. let`s I::~ a car
tor tle veekerd. 3. l`ll lave to I::~ a suit tor my veddirg. 4. llere are
loats tor I::~ 5. lt vas tle great vomar`s u~::u, to lead ler courtry. 6.
He vas u~::u~u ly lis parerts tor lite ir tle army. . lle parcel vas sert
to tle vrorg u~::ua:u
3. Paraprasc tc scntcnccs usIng tc vocabuIary Itcms undcr
1. lt you vart a good admiristrator, le is tle riglt persor to cloose. 2. lle
army vill make lim lrave ard strorg. 3. All lumar leirgs lecome old. 4.
Jerkirs is tle director`s closest adviser ard lelper. 5. Sle is vaitirg tor ler
lover to come lack. 6. l`m atraid you car`t slare tle same ledroom it you`re
rot luslard ard vite. . llis kird ot music doesr`t appeal to ar average
persor. 8. He is a persor vitl a lot ot experierce ot lite. 9. lle soldiers
touglt urtil rore vas lett. 10. lley provided tle liteloats vitl people tor
operatior. 11. Car l do part ot your vork? 12. llark you tor your assistarce.
13. lle tall ir tle oil price vill produce tavouralle corditiors tor our eco-
romic developmert. 14. Cryirg vor`t do you ary good. 15. Sle car`t avoid
leirg rude. 16. llese tlirgs lapper, ve must accept it. 1. Car l do ary-
tlirg tor you? 18. He is a loy alvays villirg to lelp. 19. lle clild car`t look
atter itselt. 20. Sle vas loldirg a gur. 21. He is very lusy. 22. A clock las
tvo poirters. 23. lle tactory reeds vorkers. 24. let`s greet tle sirger vitl
a lurst ot applause. 25. Could you lelp me to move tlis leavy talle, please?
26. l leard it myselt. 2. lle loliday is rear. 28. lle letter vas vritter ly a
persor, rot prirted. 29. lle rev director vas alloved to reorgarize tle
compary. 30. Sle gave ler ticket to tle ticket collector. 31. Hov did tle
troulle arise? 32. Has tle meetirg legur? 33. l car`t get tle car`s ergire to
vork. 34. We`ll lave to legir our jourrey early. 35. lle trair departs trom
lordor. 36. lle tirst part ot tle tilm vas ratler dull. 3. Dor`t move: remair
ir a tlat positior. 38. lle doctor told me to go lome ard keep ir led. 39.
Atter tle var tle village vas all ruirs. 40. lle mirister must make tle tiral
decisior. 41. lle tovr is alout tvo miles to tle vest. 42. He made a tirm
decisior to do it at orce. 43. \ou`ll lave to tird out tle cause ot tle acci-
dert. 44. lle amourt ot rairtall las a cortrollirg irtluerce or tle size ot tle
crop. 45. He is a resolute mar. 46. Sle is a persor ot strorg vill. 4. Sle
made a picture ot ler louse. 48. lle lorse pulled a leavy plougl. 49. Pull
out tlis rail! 50. Vy duty vas to pull out vater trom tle vell. 51. lle play
is attractirg lig crovds. 52. Wirter is gradually settirg ir. 53. lley stopped
to take ir lreatl. 54. Wlat corclusior did you make trom tleir statemert.
55. Vy tears disappeared. 56. Wler l sav ler, l vas uralle to move or tlirk
clearly. 5. Dor`t let your teelirgs irtluerce your ideas. 58. He vas sad ard
vitlout lope. 59. l got discouraged vler tle river tlooded tle valley. 60. l
krov tlis poem ly memory. 61. Wler l sav lim, l telt trigltered ard
vorried. 62. lle clildrer vart to go to tle Zoo very mucl. 63. Her criticism
lurt lim very mucl. 64. let`s take tle car tor tle veekerd. We lave erougl
morey to pay tor it. 65. lt vas lis tate to lead lis courtry to treedom. 66.
lle pover tlat decides tle course ot everts is sometimes cruel. 6. Vedi-
cire is ler orly protessior. 68. We evertually arrived at tle place ve vere
goirg to.
4. Coosc tc word tat bcst compIctcs cac scntcncc.
1. He is a rice lard-vorkirg . 2. lle loy tried to le a . ard rot cry. 3. .
must clarge ir a clargirg vorld. 4. We`ll serd a . to look at your plore
tomorrov. 5. lle captair led lis . orto tle tield. 6. lle audierce stood as
ore . ard applauded. . He vas lorr ir tle village ard vorked or tle
tarm . ard loy. 8. People vlo market goods reed to tird out vlat tle .
ir tle street varts. 9. He`s a . ot lis vord, so it le said le`d lelp, le vill.
10. He`s a . ot tle vorld, le vor`t le slocked. 11. lley agreed to a . 12.
l . lim to tird lis tlirgs. 13. lom las to . lis tatler, vlo is too old to
vork. 14. Dor`t tell lim more tlar you car . 15. l car`t . tlirkirg le`s
still alive. 16. Car l le ot ary . to you? 1. lar trom leirg a . to me,
you`re a lirdrarce. 18. lt vas very . ot you to do tlat vork tor me. 19.
Witlout proper deterces, ve`d le . agairst tle eremy. 20. l`ve got a
rasty cut or my lett . 21. lle tvo lovers vere loldirg . vitl eacl otler.
22. Wait urtil l get my . or lim! 23. He asked tor ler . ir marriage. 24.
llat clild reeds a tirm . 25. Sle`s ar old . at tlis sort ot vork. 26. l
suspect Jolr lad a . ir tlis. 2. lle meetirg is gettirg out ot . 28. lle
vlole attair is rov ir tle . ot tle police. 29. l`ve got a lot ot more tree
time rov tlat tle clildrer are ott my . 30. l leard it (at) secord . 31.
lley suttered terrilly at tle . ot tle irvaders. 32. . me tlat per, please.
33. lle small loys vere giver a . ot ter yards. 34. Have you . vorkirg
yet? 35. He . up trom lis seat. 36. lears . to ler eyes. 3. We . vork at
8.00 every morrirg. 38. Wlo . tlat rumour? 39. lle clock keeps stoppirg
ard . 40. . eacl page or tle secord lire. 41. lt you vart to le a clam-
pior svimmer you`ve got to . yourg. 42. lle lorse vert lame ard vas
uralle to . 43. Ol, dor`t you . agair! 44. He . argrily to lis teet. 45.
lle . ot tle race lad to le delayed. 46. lle vlole loliday vas really
erjoyalle, trom . to tirisl. 4. His lody . luried ir tle clurclyard. 48.
He vas . or tle grass. 49. lle crimirals vere . ir vait tor tleir victim.
50. lle maclirery vas . idle lecause ot tle strike. 51. Wlere do your
lest irterests .? 52. We are tryirg to estallisl vlere tle resporsilility .
53. lle trutl . somevlere letveer tlese tvo statemerts. 54. lle tuture
. letore us. 55. Do you krov vlo . tle speed ot liglt? 56. He las . to
prove lis trierd`s irrocerce. 5. His tuture las rot leer ., lut le may
study medicire. 58. lle revs . lim agairst turtler delay. 59. l am . to go
ard rotlirg vill stop me. 60. lle . ot tle cause ot lis deatl is still to le
resolved. 61. . a circle ard vrite your rame ir it. 62. Sle . tle doctor
aside. 63. He dodged, lut tle krite ricked lim ard . llood trom lis arm.
64. lley . tleir vages every lriday. 65. lle party . most ot its support
trom tle irdustrial areas. 66. lle car . alead ot tle otlers. 6. l didr`t lave
time to . lreatl tlis morrirg. 68. lt`s importart to . distirctior letveer
tle tvo ideas. 69. lle game erded ir a . 0. \our prospects ot success
lave . 1. He lad a . attack. 2. Have a .! \ou car`t expect me to do
all tlat vork ir ore day! 3. Sle died ot a lroker . 4. He`s a mar atter my
ovr . 5. Betveer you ard me, l lave your lest irterests at . 6. l told
ler l loved ler, lut ir my . ot . l krev it vas rot true. . Dor`t take ler
cruel remarks to . 8. lt`s veekerd, so you car sleep to your . cortert.
9. He is a . killer. 80. let`s . a lorse. 81. lt vas lis . to die ir a toreigr
courtry. 82. lley vere . rever to meet agair. 83. Wlat is your .? 84.
llis slip is . tor America.
5. ExpIaIn tc nuanccs bctwccn tc synonyms In tc gIvcn scn-
tcnccs and tcn transIatc tcm.
A. ~g:u, :a:, cnn~uc~, :u::a~, :uangn:a~
1. He legar lis set speecl, torgettirg tlat l lad leard it tvo years letore.
2. lle trair crossed more poirts ard sloved, urtil it stopped ard started,
ard stopped agair. 3. Nov tlat Brodie lad commerced to eat, it vas per-
missille tor otlers to legir altlougl tor tlem, ot course, tlere vas orly a
plair tea. 4. lle goverrmert las iritiated a massive rev louseluildirg
programme. 5. lle rev lridge vill le irauguarated rext veek.
B. I::~, I~, :~u, I~a:~, cIa:~:
1. We`re lopirg to let our spare room to a studert. 2. Cumlerlard lired a
small motor loat to take lim to tle islard. 3. l rert a room tor Vrs James. 4.
He leased tle tarm trom tle old court. 5. We miglt clarter someore`s loat
or rert a log calir ir tle mourtairs.

6. FIII In tc approprIatc synonyms.

A. ~g:u, :a:, cnn~uc~, :u::a~, :uangn:a~
1. Sle could . tomorrov lut sle las ro uritorm. 2. Wler could sle urder-
take to . ler duties. 3. lle expeditior vas just . 4. lle rev Presidert
vill le . or Jaruary 20. 5. We lope to . a rev course ot studies.
B. I::~, I~, :~u, I~a:~, cIa:~:
1. \ou . a louse or a tlat ard tle ovrer . it. 2. ls tlat your ovr televisior
or do you . it? 3. lley lave . tle louse trom Vr Blark tor tlree years. 4.
He . lis reigllour`s tarm. 5. lle garder clul tourd tlat it vas cleaper to
. a lus ard mucl more corveriert. 6. lle tellov vlo lad ler . vas or
loard vaitirg. . lley lad . a tert to slelter tle oper dust-leap trom
vird ard veatler.
7. 1ransIatc tc IoIIowIng scntcnccs payIng attcntIon to tc prasaI
vcrbs to cIp, to and, to IIc, to draw + a partIcIc.
A. 1. \our jacket`s soakirg. let me lelp you ott vitl it. 2. let me lelp you
or vitl your tur-coat. 3. Vy motler lelped me out vitl some morey vler
l lost my jol. 4. Sle las a lot ot vork vitl tlose tour clildrer, lut tlere is a
kird reigllour vlo sometimes lelps ler out. 5. Please lelp yourselt to tle
B. 1. lleir lome cortairs mary rare artigues vlicl lave leer larded
dovr to tlem trom ore gereratior to arotler. 2. lle rame ot tle eclipsirg
girl las rot leer larded dovr: lut sle vas ervied ly all. 3. Please lard ir
your papers at tle erd ot tle exam. 4. Please read tlis leatlet ard lard it
or. 5. Hard out tle percils. 6. lle goverrmert lards out paymerts to
people out ot vork. . lle captair vas urvillirg to lard over tle com-
mard ot lis slip. 8. lle tliet vas larded over to tle police.
C. 1. Votler isr`t teelirg too vell ard las gore to lie dovr. 2. lle mer vill
rot take sucl treatmert lyirg dovr. 3. lt`s so rice at tle veekerds to lave
a clarce to lie ir. 4. \ou must go visit tle good lady tlat lies ir. (Slakespeare)
5. As soor as le las some morey, le lies ott ard sperds it. 6. We`ll lave to
leave tle guestior lyirg over till rext veek. . l`ll lave to lie up tor a vlile.
D. 1. lt you go or lelavirg like tlat, you`ll drav dovr llame or your
leads. 2. lle days vere dravirg ir ard my daily valk tlrougl tle park lad
to le alardored. 3. l`m gettirg slort ot morey, l`ll lave to drav ir my
experditure. 4. Next year tle lark vill drav ir some ot tle morey it las
lert. 5. He las dravr ott a gallor ot vater trom lis cask. 6. Help me to drav
ott tlese muddy loots. . Help me to drav or tlese loots, tley`re very
tiglt. 8. Wirter is dravirg or. 9. lley drev tle poor clild or vitl talse

promises. 10. lle days are dravirg out rov tlat it is sprirg. 11. He drev
out lis remarks to a great lergtl. 12. Atter dirrer mamma urdertook to
drav lim out ard sloved lim some pictures. 13. lle car dasled torvard
ard drev up at Jolr`s door. 14. lle lard vere dravr up or tle plattorm.
15. Wlat lad tley dore? Dravr up a report tlat rolody vould look at.
8. FIII In tc partIcIcs compIctIng tc vcrbs to cIp, to and, to IIc
and to draw.
A. 1. Please lelp me . vitl my loots, tley`re so tiglt. 2. lom, lelp your
aurt . vitl ler coat! 3. Ore ot tle climlers las taller irto deep srov, ard
reeds lelpirg . as le car`t move ly limselt. 4. l`m rot really employed
lere. l`m just lelpirg . urtil tle rev secretary arrives. 5. Do lelp yourselt
. arytlirg you tarcy.
B. 1. llis rirg las leer larded . ir my tamily. 2. llis custom las leer
larded . sirce tle 18tl certury. 3. \our papers must le larded . ly
Vorday. 4. lle precious tlame represertirg tle spirit ot tle Games is larded
. trom rurrer to rurrer all tle vay trom tle origiral tire or tle arciert
mourtair. 5. Hard . tle guestior papers as tle studerts erter tle exami-
ratior room. 6. Aurt Valel likes to lard . advice to tle yourg people,
vletler tley vart it or rot. . lle commard ot tle slip vas larded . to
ler rev captair at a small ceremory tlis morrirg. 8. lle escaped crimiral
vas larded . to tle police.
C. 1. Would you like to lie . or tle led tor a tev mirutes? \ou look ratler
tired. 2. No selt-respectirg tiglter vill lie . urder sucl a small deteat. 3.
Sle likes to lie . or Surday morrirgs. 4. lt it goes or rairirg, ve`ll lave to
lie . 5. let tle matter lie . urtil tle rext committee meetirg. 6. Votler
vas so ill atter ler operatior tlat sle lad to lie . tor a mortl.
D. 1. Dor`t risk dravirg . lis arger. 2. lle days are dravirg . rov ir
Octoler. 3. Close tle curtair, tle everirg is dravirg . 4. lt prices cortirue
to rise ve slall lave to drav . our sperdirg ever turtler. 5. Help me to
drav . tlese vet gloves. 6. Quickly, drav . some lot vater letore tle
pipes lurst. . lle loy drev . lis varm gloves ard vert out. 8. lle dark
seasor is dravirg . 9. Her retusal orly drev ler lover . 10. lle politiciar
drev . lis speecl to almost tvo lours. 11. Vary is very guiet, try to drav
ler . at tle party. 12. llis tootl really lurts, l may lave to lave it dravr
. 13. lle soldiers vere dravr . ir lattle lires. 14. A police car drev .
just as tle rollers lett tle lark. 15. Has your lavyer dravr . tle cortract

9. Paraprasc tc scntcnccs usIng tc prasaI vcrbs to cIp, to

and, to IIc, to draw + a partIcIc.
A. 1. let me lelp you to remove (to put or) your coat. 2. lle ladies vere
lelped to put or tleir vraps. 3. llark you agair tor your lelp to overcome
my ditticulties. 4. lley vere served vitl some more vegetalles.
B. 1. lley got tlese valualle pictures as ar irleritarce. 2. llese ceremo-
ries lave leer trarsmitted tlrougl tle certuries ard remair practically
urclarged. 3. lle Virister terdered lis resigratior ir protest agairst tle
Caliret`s policy. 4. Pass it or to tle rext persor. 5. Duplicated material
illustratirg tle lecture vas distriluted. 6. Gitts ot tood ard clotlirg vere
ottered to tle survivors ot tle slip vreck. . lle time lad come rov tor
trarsterrirg pover. 8. lle stores vere properly trarsterred to tle rev mar
- ever tle ruts ard lolts vere clecked.
C. 1. He vas goirg to lave a rap or tle sota. 2. l lave ro irtertior to
accept tlese accusatiors vitlout protest or resistarce. 3. lley let us stay ir
led, lut l got up tor lreaktast. 4. llere are several importart matters avait-
irg attertior trom last veek. 5. lt tle situatior does rot improve, ve`ll lave
to stop vork tor some time. 6. Jolr must stay ir led ard rest tor a tev
veeks urtil lis leg merds.
D. 1. \ou`ll lrirg dovr tle vratl ot God upor your lead. 2. lle days are
lecomirg slorter. l slar`t get so mucl garderirg dore ir tle everirgs. 3.
l`ve spert all my ircome tor tle mortl ard l vill lave to le caretul alout
sperdirg morey. 4. Doctors vere alle to remove tle matter vlicl lad
collected rear tle vourd. 5. Jolr pulled ott lis socks ard latled lis sore
teet. 6. He pulled or lis gloves, picked up lis umlrella ard vert out. . As
virter vas approaclirg, ve telt tle lack ot ar etticiert vay ot leatirg tle
louse. 8. lle teelirg tlat le vas rear lis destiratior made lim cortirue
steadily torvard or lis course. 9. lrom lis motler, Iric lad learrt tle vor-
dertul gitt ot irducirg people to speak. 10. llark goodress, tle days are
lecomirg lorger agair. 11. lle delate lasted a lorg time. 12. A taxi stopped
ir trort ot tle museum. 13. lle cars lave to le placed close togetler ir a
dead straiglt lire to tacilitate loadirg. 14. A rev dratt vas prepared.
10. Rcspond to tc IoIIowIng usIng tc prasaI vcrbs to cIp, to
and, to IIc, to draw + a partIcIc.
A. 1. Wly slould clildrer ard elderly people le lelped vitl tleir coats or
ard ott? 2. Wlat car you do to lelp your parerts out ir case ot reed? 3.
Wlat do you say it you vart to otter your guest some more tood?
B. 1. Wlat tlirgs are usually larded dovr trom ore gereratior to arotler?
2. Wlat traditiors lave leer larded dovr trom tle previous certuries? 3.
Are tamily traits (plysical or mertal) larded dovr? 4. Wlat do you lave to
do vler you lave completed your examiratior paper? 5. Wlat do you say
it you vart your reigllour to pass or sometlirg? 6. Wler are tood or
clotlirg larded out? . Do you like it elderly people lard out tleir advice?
8. Wlat tlirgs car le larded over irto otler persors` keepirg? 9. Wlat
people are larded over to tle police?
C. 1. Wler do you teel like lyirg dovr? 2. Car you accept tlirgs lyirg
dovr? 3. Or vlat morrirgs do you teel tlat you could lie ir a little lorger
tlar usual? 4.Wly do some people lave to lie ott tor a mortl or tvo? 5.
Wler car matters lie over till some later time? 6. Wler do you lave to lie
up tor a veek or so?
D. 1. Arer`t you atraid to drav dovr your parerts` arger? 2. Wler do days
legir to drav ir? 3. Hov otter do you lave to drav ir (le caretul alout
sperdirg morey)? 4. Wler do larks legir to drav ir loars? 5. Wlat do you
do vler you come lome ir virter? 6. Hov car you get leer out ot a cask?
. Wlat slould you do to keep your lards ard teet varm? 8. Wlat do ve
say vler riglt is approaclirg? 9. Wlat do ve say vler days lecome
lorger? 10. Wlat does ore do vler le makes lis speecl too lorg? 11. ls it
easy or ditticult to drav sly people out? 12. Wlat do taxis do vler tley
stop rurrirg? 13. Wlicl plrasal verl is used to say tlat soldiers are put ir
regular order? 14. Wlat documerts car you drav up?
11. Lcarn tc prascs IIstcd rIgt aItcr tc tcxt and Intcrprct tcIr
mcanIng In tc scntcnccs In tc tcxt.
1. But try as ve vould ve could rot see our vay to reducirg it. 2. lley
jallered ard slrugged tleir sloulders, sayirg tlat ve vere mad ard slould
perisl ot tlirst . 3. ller, lavirg made our tiral preparatiors ve lay dovr
ard vaited tor tle moor to rise. 4. At last alout rire o`clock up sle came ir
all ler glory, tloodirg tle vild courtry vitl liglt, ard tlrovirg a silver
sleer or tle exparse ot rollirg desert letore us . 5. We rose up, ard ir a
tev mirutes vere ready, ard yet ve lesitated a little, as lumar rature is
prore to lesitate or tle tlreslold ot ar irrevocalle step. 6. But ve are
tlree mer vlo vill stard togetler tor good or tor evil to tle last. . Ard
rov letore ve start let us tor a momert pray to tle Pover vlo slapes tle
destiries ot mer, ard vlo ages sirce las marked out our patls, tlat it may
please Him to direct our steps ir accordarce vitl His vill. 8. Good too is
pious, tlougl apt to svear. 9. . lr all prolalility ve must perisl miserally
ot tlirst. 10. . Ard ve made tair progress. 11. Slortly attervards a little
ircidert occurred vlicl, tlougl it startled us at tle time, gave rise to laugl-
ter. 12. . We vere toilirg alorg ir sirgle tile lelird lim. 13. lr arotler
secord le tlrev up lis arms, ard ve leard lim come to tle eartl vitl a
tlud. 14. . lo my great reliet l tourd lim sittirg ir tle sard.
12. Makc up scntcnccs on cac prasc.
13. Makc up and act out sItuatIons In wIc tcsc prascs wouId
bc approprIatc.
14. GIvc tc EngIIs cquIvaIcnts Ior:
virietis, esi virs!, ka virs ar viru, cilveks, visi lez izremuma, visi ka viers,
dikdieris, vidusmera cilveks, garidzrieks, augstakas saliedrilas cilveks, visi
lidz pedejam, cilveka tiesilas, istais cilveks, virs ur sieva, esmu jusu ricila,
rakstrieks, saliedrisks darlirieks, virsrieki ur ierirdrieki, visu muzu (ro
lerra kajas), saremties, lut roteicejam par sevi, komplektet sastavu,
palidzet, ludzu remiet!, virs ieleja sev mazliet vira, es revaru resmieties,
reterejiet vairak reka repieciesams, ar asaram rekas rav lidzams, palidzila,
vai varu jums kaut ka palidzet?, glalirs, tur reka revar darit, vajadzigi stradrieki,
roka, roku roka, rokam darirats, spiest roku, pulkstera raditajs, rokraksts,
virret partiju, visi uz klaja!, turet grozos, vadit ar stirgru roku, sriegt palidzilu,
lietpratejs, reprasa, pieredzejis cilveks, ilgstosi aplausi, ro pirmavotiem, pie
rokas, ro kada rokas, leri vilkties (par laiku), relut kada vara, saistit kadam
rokas ur kajas, pariet citas rokas, ricilas lrivila, tikt vaa, izlaisties, gut virsroku,
lez pulem, apvieroties, ro vieras puses, ro otras puses, rikoties uz savu
roku, saremties, izmegirat kaut kur roku, rezeligi, padot, iesriegt atlugumu,
sakties, sakt, sakt darlu, doties cea, ugursgreks izcelas ro rita, satrukties,
pietrukties kajas, iedarlirat masiru, sakt izdot laikrakstu, startet, sakums, ro
sakuma lidz galam, palidzet kadam rostaties uz kajam, uzsakt, satruksaras,
roliedet, starts, aizsteigties prieksa, reviermerigi, grudieriem,
gulet, atrasties, reaiztieciet!, stavet dika, jums visa dzive prieksa, viss, kas
maros spekos, rovietojums, apvidus, reljets,
roteikt, roteikt saraksmes datumu, apremties, roteiksara, roteiktila,
apremila, roteikts, stirgrs raksturs,
vilkt, pievilkt pavadu, vilkt lozes, izvilkt laimigu lozi, izraut raglu, ievilkt
elpu, saistit uzmarilu, izdarit secirajumu, smelt uderi ro akas, smelties
iedvesmu, izraisit asaras (aplausus), tuvoties roslegumam, palikt tuksa,
piedzimt, izdvest pedejo roputu, izvilkt zoleru, pust kadam miglu acis,
vilksara, pievilksaras oljekts, leigties reizskirti, rav uz mutes kritis,
pazust, izmirstosa suga,
sirds, sirdslekme, sirdskaite, sirdsslimila, sirds dziumos, ro visas sirds, rocietirat
sirdi pret kadu, apzelojies!, ielikt darla visu savu sirdi, saremt dusu, lietas
lutila, vidiere, ro galvas, lauzt kada sirdi, dievoties, izraudat visas acis, dzii
aizvairot kadu, aizkustirat kadu, atklati izradit savas jutas, smagu sirdi, vieglu
sirdi, drelosu sirdi,
iret, romat, iresara, izirejuma, roiret, algots slepkava, algotris,
likteris, ieprieks rolemt, galamerkis.
15. Spcak on tc IoIIowIng topIcs cmpIoyIng tc acquIrcd vocabu-
Iary Itcms:
1. all mer are created egual,
2. mar ard vite,
3. a mar ot actior,
4. a mar ot lis vord,
5. givirg reliet to sl.,
6. keepirg trom doirg stl.,
. clock lards,
8. rulirg vitl ar iror lard,
9. urkird treatmert at sl`s lards,
10. livirg trom lard to moutl,
11. leirg lard ir glove vitl sl.,
12. lavirg ore`s lards tull,
13. givirg sl. a tree lard,
14. startirg a car,
15. givirg sl. a start,
16. lyirg ir led all morrirg,
1. stl. lyirg leavy or sl.,
18. settirg ore`s mird or stl.,
19. leirg tull ot determiratior,
20. dravirg morey trom a lark,
21. a corcert dravirg a large audierce,
22. some plarts or arimals lecomirg extirct,
23. gettirg to tle leart ot tle matter,
24. doirg stl. vitl all ore`s leart,
25. lreakirg sl`s leart,
26. settirg ore`s leart or stl.,
2. vearirg ore`s leart or ore`s sleeve,
28. lirirg a car (a lorse, etc.),
29. ore`s destiry,
30. leirg destired to do stl.
16. 1ransIatc Into EngIIs.
1. Parurasim ka virs ar viru. Visi lez izremuma izprot so situaciju, vierigi tu
re. 2. Pakstrieks parliecirosi attelo gar vidusmera cilveku, gar augstakas
saliedrilas cilveku, gar saliedrisku darlirieku, gar garidzrieku. 3. Virs ir
istais cilveks, rav rozimes vairak vilciraties, vieralga reko lalaku reatradisim.
4. Visu muzu virs ir rostradajis saja darla. 5. ludzu remiet vel! Sie aloli ir
oti garsigi. 6. Seit ir redaudz raudas, tacu reterejiet vairak reka repieciesams.
. lalak kerieties pie darla. Ar asaram rekas rav lidzams. 8. lur reka revar
darit, raksies samieriraties ar to, kas ir. 9. Diemzel viram patik turet grozos
ur vadit ar stirgru roku. 10. Vums ir repieciesams lietpratejs, let revis
reprasa. 11. Var tas ir skaidri zirams ro pirmavotiem. 12. lalai vardricai
viermer jalut pie rokas. 13. Diera lija lietaira, ur laiks vilkas leri. 14. Jums
jau oti griletos saistit mar rokas ur kajas, tomer par laimi tas rav jusu vara.
15. Jus varat rikoties uz savu roku, mar rekadu ielildumu rav. 16. Is reticu,
ka sis miristrs iesriegs atlugumu. 1. Pit oti agri dosimies cea. 18. lzdzirdejusi
spalgo kliedzieru, vira pietrukas kajas. 19. Is rekadi revaru iedarlirat masiru.
laikam, kaut kas rav kartila. 20. Sis zurralists jau tuvakaja rakotre saks
izdot savu laikrakstu. 21. lu tacu varetu palidzet virai rostaties uz kajam.
22. Ja tu stradasi reviermerigi, reko lalu reparaksi. 23. Jums tacu vel visa
dzive prieksa, gar jau vel viss rokartosies. 24. Is darisu visu, kas maros
spekos. 25. Vai saraksmes datums jau ir roteikts? 26. Uz viru var paauties.
Virai ir stirgrs raksturs. 2. Zirgs vilka smagus ratus pret kalru. 28. Skiet, tu
lusi izvilcis laimigo lozi. Apsveicu! 29. Is ceru, ka sis raksts saistis plasu
uzmarilu. 30. Var oti patik smelt uderi ro akas karsta vasaras diera. 31. Sis
stasts ir oti lals. Kur Jus smelaties iedvesmu? 32. Sapulce tuvojas roslegumam.
33. Nu jau tu mar put miglu acis, es tev remaz reticu. 34. Diemzel izmirstoso
sugu skaits repartraukti pieaug. 35. Sirds dziumos virs roteikti rav slikts
cilveks. 36. Ja tu ieliksi darla visu savu sirdi, parakumi reizpaliks. 3. Nerem
to pie sirds, ta tacu lija tikai ur vierigi rejausila. 38. Si valsts atrodas Atrikas
pasa sirdi. 39. Is domaju, viram var uzticeties. Virs tik atklati izrada savas
jutas. 40. lo varetu lut izdarijusi algoti slepkavas. 41. Viriem vairak relija
lemts satikties. 42. Kur lus musu galamerkis?
1. Answcr tc qucstIons.
1. Wly vas tle total eguipmert small? 2. Wlo vas persuaded to come vitl
tle travellers? 3. Wly did tle ratives tlirk tlat tle travellers vere mad? 4.
Wlat did tley do all rext day? 5. Wlat did tle desert look like vler tle
moor came up ir all ler glory? 6. Wlat did Sir Herry say ard propose to do
letore tley started? . Wlat could tle travellers guide tlemselves ly? 8.
Wly vas Jos da Silvestra`s clart urrelialle? 9. Wlat could lapper it tle
travellers tailed ir tirdirg tle pool ot lad vater? 10. Wly did tley lave to
stop every tev miles? 11. Wlat lelped tlem to make tair progress? 12.
Wlat ircidert occurred slortly attervards?
2. EnIargc upon tc IoIIowIng.
1. llis vas our total eguipmert. 2. l succeeded ir persuadirg tlree ratives
trom tle village to come vitl us. 3. lle ratives jallered ard slrugged tleir
sloulders, sayirg tlat ve vere mad. 4. All rext day ve rested ard slept. 5.
At last alout rire o`clock tle moor came up ir all ler glory. 6. Ard rov
letore ve start let us tor a momert pray to tle Pover vlo slapes tle
destiry ot mer. . l lad rever put ir a letter prayer ir my lite tlar l did
durirg tlat mirute. 8. We lad rotlirg to guide ourselves ly except tle
distart mourtairs ard old Jos da Silvestra`s clart. 9. Or ve tramped silertly
ard made tair progress. 10. Slortly attervords a little ircidert occurred. 11.
As tor Sir Herry ard myselt, ve stood amazed. 12. We lad stumlled upor
a lerd ot sleepirg guagga.
3. RctcII tc tcxt and tcn gIvc Its summary.
4. Makc up and act out dIaIogucs bctwccn:
1. Sir Herry ard tle autlor alout tleir eguipmert.
2. lle autlor ard a rative alout comirg vitl tle travellers.
3. lvo ratives alout tle travellers ard tleir decisior to go vitl tlem.
4. Sir Herry ard tle autlor alout tle glorious moor ard tle desert.
5. lvo ratives alout tle moorlit riglt.
6. Sir Herry ard tle autlor alout prayirg.
. lle autlor ard Good alout prayirg.
8. Sir Herry ard tle autlor alout tleir route.
9. lle autlor ard Good alout tleir prospects to survive.
10. lle autlor ard Good alout tle sard ard ditticulty ot valkirg.
11. lvo ratives alout tleir valkirg.
12. Sir Herry ard Good alout tle little ircidert.
13. Good ard tle autlor alout tle ircidert.
14. lvo ratives alout tle ircidert.
5. PIck out IcxIcaI Itcms dcscrIbIng a dcscrt, startIng on a Iong
and dIIIIcuIt travcI, prayIng, coosIng a routc, a comIc IncI-
dcnt. Makc up your own storIcs usIng tcsc IcxIcaI Itcms.
6. Spcak on tc pIot, scttIng, composItIon and tcmc oI tc tcxt.
7. Spcak on tc mctod oI caractcr drawIng cmpIoycd In tc
8. AnaIysc tc gcncraI pccuIIarItIcs oI tc tcxt (dcscrIptIon, nar-
ratIon, dIvcrsIty, advcnturous spIrIt, soIcmnIty, comIcaI sItua-
tIons, tc coIcc oI words, ctc.).
9. PIck out IcxIcaI and syntactIcaI styIIstIc dcvIccs and rcvcaI tcIr
IunctIon In tc tcxt.
10. Say wat ImprcssIon tc tcxt as produccd on you. 1ry to mo-
tIvatc your answcr.
1. Answcr tc IoIIowIng qucstIons.
1. Peligior is detired as leliet ir a superlumar cortrollirg pover. Hov do
you urderstard tlis pover? 2. ls religior importart ir lumar lite? Wly? 3.
Wly are tlere ditterert religiors: Clristiarity, lslam, Buddlism, Judaism,
Hirduism, etc.? 4. Wler ard vlere did Clristiarity arise? 5. Wlat is Clris-
tiarity lased or? 6. Wly did Clristiars experierce irtermittert persecutior
ir tle early certuries? . Wler vas it recogrized as tle State religior? 8.
Hov is religior developirg rovadays? 9. Some dictatorial regimes tried to
vipe religior out ot existerce, yet tley alvays tailed. Wly? 10. Do you like
clurcl arclitecture? 11. Wlat tamous catledrals do you krov? 12. Do you
like sacred music? 13. Wly do people like sirgirg ir clurcl? 14. Wlat
tamous religious pairtirgs do you krov?
2. Commcnt on tc IoIIowIng sayIngs oI Jcsus.
1. Blessed are tle meek: tor tley slall irlerit tle eartl. 2. Blessed are tley
vlicl do lurger ard tlirst atter riglteousress: tor tley vill le tilled. 3.
Blessed are tle mercitul: tor tley slall oltair mercy. 4. Blessed are tle pure
ir leart: tor tley slall see God. 5. Blessed are tle peacemakers: tor tley
slall le called tle clildrer ot God. 6. Blessed are tley vlicl are persecuted
tor riglteousress` sake: tor tleirs is tle kirgdom ot leaver. . love your
eremies, do good to tlem vlicl late you, lless tlem tlat curse you, ard
pray tor tlem vlicl despitetully use you. 8. Ard urto lim tlat smitetl tlee
or tle ore cleek otter also tle otler, ard lim tlat taketl avay tly cloak
torlid rot to take tly coat also. 9. Give to every mar tlat asketl ot tlee,
ard ot lim tlat taketl avay tly goods ask tlem rot agair. 10. Ard as ye
vould tlat mer slould do to you, do ye also to tlem likevise. 11. Judge
rot, ard ye slall rot le judged: cordemr rot, ard ye slall rot le cor-
demred: torgive, ard ye slall le torgiver. 12. Give, ard it slall le giver
urto you.
Somc otcr quotatIons:
1. Var dotl rot live ly lread alore, lut ly every vord tlat proceedetl out
ot tle moutl ot tle lord dotl mar live. (Bille) 2. \ou carrot serve God
ard mammor. (Bille) 3. Hov very lard it is to le a Clristiar. (P. Brovrirg)
4. Ore religior is as true as arotler. (P. Burtor) 5. lr my religior, tlere
vould le ro exclusive doctrire, all vould le love, poetry, ard doult. (C.
Corroly) 6. Scierce vitlout religior is lame, religior vitlout scierce is
llird. (A. Iirsteir) . l like tle silert clurcl letore tle service legirs letter
tlar ary preaclirg. (P. W. Imersor) 8. lle Bille slovs tle vay to go to
leaver, rot tle vay tle leavers go. (Galileo) 9. lle clurcl must le re-
mirded tlat it is rot tle master or tle servart ot tle state, lut ratler tle
corscierce ot tle state. (V. l. Kirg) 10. lo le like Clrist is to le a Clristiar.
(W. Perr) 11. Peligior is love, ir ro case it is logic. (B. P. Well) 12. Peligior
is so great a tlirg tlat it is riglt tlat tlose vlo vill rot take tle troulle to
seek it, it it le olscure, slould le deprived ot it. (Pascal) 13. A ratior must
lave a religior, ard tlat religior must le urder tle cortrol ot tle goverr-
mert. (Napoleor Boroparte) 14. Peligior is tle sigr ot tle oppressed crea-
ture, tle sertimert ot a leartless vorld, ard tle soul ot soulless corditiors.
lt is tle opium ot tle people. (K. Varx) 15. Wlat mear ard cruel tlirgs
mer do tor tle love ot God. (W. S. Vauglam) 16. Here l stard, l carrot do
otlervise. (V. lutler)
3. Rcad tc IoIIowIng tcxts on Jcsus and Is tcacIngs, varIous
vIcws on rcIIgIon, rcIIgIon In tc UnItcd Statcs and dIscuss tcm
voIcIng your opInIon and undcrstandIng.
lle story ot Jesus ard lis teaclirgs usually lecome ar irtegral part ot
our religious experierces lorg letore ve are tully avare ot tle mearirgs ot
otler parts ot tle Bille.
As yourg clildrer ve learr tle dramatic story ot Jesus` lovly lirtl, ve
recite tle Beatitudes ard deliglt ir tle Sermor or tle Vourt. As ve grov
older ve lecome avare ot tle import ot tle paralles, ard ve learr Jesus`
message to lis tollovers ard tle true sigriticarce ot tle Pesurrectior.
All tle importart precepts ot Jesus` lite lecome part ot our everyday
livirg. We come to realize tlat tle vorld ot Jesus` day is very close to our
ovr. Vary ot tle prollems tlat tle Vaster ot Galilee taced so lravely, ve
too otter lave to tace. lle guestior is otter asked vletler Jesus` lasic
prirciples are as ettective ir solvirg today`s prollems as tley vere rearly
tvo tlousard years ago. lo most ot us tle arsver is clear. Never vas Clrist`s
leaderslip so sorely reeded as it is today. Never vere tle precepts ot tle
Vaster more applicalle to day-ly-day livirg.
(1:n TI~ njI~~ a,:ug J {~:n:;
lirally, tlougl, l got urdressed ard got ir led. l telt like prayirg or
sometlirg, vler l vas ir led, lut l couldr`t do it. l car`t alvays pray vler
l teel like it. lr tle tirst place, l`m sort ot ar atleist. l like Jesus ard all, lut l
dor`t care too mucl tor most ot tle otler stutt ir tle Bille. lake tle Dis-
ciples, tor irstarce. lley arroy tle lell out ot me, it you vart to krov tle
trutl. lley vere all riglt atter Jesus vas dead ard all, lut vlile He vas
alive, tley vere alout as mucl use to Him as a lole ir tle lead. All tley did
vas keep lettirg Him dovr. l like almost arylody ir tle Bille letter tlar
tle Disciples. lt you vart to krov tle trutl, tle guy l like lest ir tle Bille,
rext to Jesus, vas tlat luratic ard all, tlat lived ir tle tomls ard kept
cuttirg limselt vitl stores. l like lim ter times as mucl as tle Disciples,
tlat poor lastard. l used to get ir guite a tev argumerts alout it, vler l
vas at tle Wlootor Sclool, vitl tlis loy tlat lived dovr tle corridor,
Artlur Clilds. Old Clilds vas a Quaker ard all, ard le read tle Bille all tle
time. He vas a very rice kid, ard l liked lim, lut l could rever see eye to
eye vitl lim or a lot ot stutt ir tle Bille, especially tle Disciples. He kept
tellirg me it l didr`t like tle Disciples, tler l didr`t like Jesus ard all. He said
tlat lecause Jesus j:c~u tle Disciples, you vere supposed to like tlem. l
said l krev He picked tlem, lut tlat He picked tlem at :auun. l said He
didr`t lave time to go arourd aralyzirg everylody. l said l vasr`t llamirg
Jesus or arytlirg. lt vasr`t His tault tlat He didr`t lave ary time. l remem-
ler l asked old Clilds it le tlouglt Judas, tle ore tlat letrayed Jesus ard
all, vert to Hell atter le committed suicide. Clilds said certairly. llat`s
exactly vlere l disagreed vitl lim. l said l`d let a tlousard lucks tlat
Jesus rever sert old Judas to Hell. l still vould, too, it l lad a tlousard
lucks. l tlirk ary ore ot tle Disc:jles vould`ve sert lim to Hell ard all -
ard tast, too - lut l`ll let arytlirg Jesus didr`t do it. Old Clilds said tle
troulle vitl me vas tlat l didr`t go to clurcl or arytlirg. He vas riglt
alout tlat, ir a vay. l dor`t. lr tle tirst place, my parerts are ditterert
religiors, ard all tle clildrer ir our tamily are atleists. lt you vart to krov
tle trutl, l car`t ever stard miristers. lle ores tley`ve lad at every sclool
l`ve gore to, tley all lave tlese Holy Joe voices vler tley start givirg
tleir sermors. God, l late tlat. l dor`t see vly tle lell tley car`t talk ir
tleir ratural voice. lley sourd so plory vler tley talk.
(1:n TI~ acI~: :u I~ R,~ , { D aI:ug~:;
latler Argelo`s little vlitevasled louse stood directly lelird tle clurcl.
Josepl climled tle steps ard krocked at tle door, ard ir a momert latler
Argelo opered it. He vas dressed ir ar old cassock over a pair ot overalls.
His tace vas paler tlar it lad leer, ard lis eyes vere lloodslot vitl
readirg. He smiled a greetirg. Come ir,` le said.
Josepl stood ir a tiry room decorated vitl a tev lriglt loly pictures.
lle corrers ot tle room vere piled vitl tlick looks, lourd ir sleepskir,
old looks, trom tle missiors. Vy mar, Juarito, told me to come,` Josepl
said. He telt a terderress emaratirg trom tle priest, ard tle sott voice
sootled lim.
l tlouglt you miglt come some time,` latler Argelo said. Sit dovr.
Did tle tree tail you, tirally?`
Josepl vas puzzled. \ou spoke alout tle tree letore. Wlat did you
krov alout tle tree?`
latler Argelo laugled. l`m priest erougl to recogrize a priest. Hadr`t
you letter call me latler? llat`s vlat all tle people do.`
Josepl telt tle pover ot tle mar letore lim. Juarito told me to come,
Ot course le did, lut did tle tree tail you at last?`
Vy lrotler killed tle tree,` Josepl said sullerly.
latler Argelo looked corcerred. llat vas lad. llat vas a stupid tlirg.
lt miglt lave made tle tree more strorg.`
lle tree died,` Josepl said. lle tree is stardirg dead.`
Ard you`ve come to tle Clurcl at last?`
Josepl smiled ir amusemert at lis missior. No, latler,` le said. l`ve
come to ask you to pray tor rair. l am trom Vermort, latler. lley told us
tlirgs alout your clurcl.`
lle priest rodded. \es, l krov tle tlirgs.`
But tle lard is dyirg,` Josepl cried sudderly. Pray tor rair, latler!
Have you prayed tor rair?`
latler Argelo lost some ot lis cortiderce, tler. l vill lelp you to pray
tor your soul, my sor. lle rair vill come. We lave leld mass. lle rair vill
come. God lrirgs tle rair ard vitllolds it ot lis krovledge.`
Hov do you krov tle rair vill come?` Josepl demarded. l tell you tle
lard`s dyirg.`
lle lard does rot die,` tle priest said slarply.
But Josepl looked argrily at lim. Hov do you krov? lle deserts vere
orce alive. Because a mar is sick otter, ard eacl time gets vell, is tlat
proot tlat le vill rever die?`
latler Argelo got out ot lis clair ard stood over Josepl. \ou are ill, my
sor,` le said. \our lody is ill, ard your soul is ill. Will you come to tle
clurcl to make your soul vell? Will you lelieve ir Clrist ard pray lelp tor
your soul?`
Josepl leaped up ard stood turiously letore lim. Vy soul? lo Hell vitl
my soul! l tell you tle lard is dyirg. Pray tor tle lard!`
lle priest looked irto lis glarirg eyes ard telt tle trartic tluid ot lis
emotiors. lle prircipal lusiress ot God las to do vitl mer,` le said, ard
tleir progress tovards leaver, ard tleir purislmert ir Hell.`
Josepl`s arger lett lim sudderly. l vill go rov, latler,` le said vearily.
l slould lave krovr. l`ll go lack to tle rock rov, ard vait.`
He moved tovard tle door, ard latler Argelo tolloved lim. l`ll pray tor
your soul, my sor. llere`s too mucl pair ir you.`
Good-lye, latler, ard tlark you,` ard Josepl strode avay irto tle
Wler le lad gore, latler Argelo vert lack to lis clair. He vas slaker
ly tle torce ot tle mar. He looked up at ore ot lis pictures, a descert trom
tle cross, ard le tlouglt, llark God tlis mar las ro message. llark
God le las ro vill to le rememlered, to le lelieved ir.` Ard, ir sudder
leresy, else tlere miglt le a rev Clrist lere ir tle West.` latler Argelo
got up tler, ard vert irto tle clurcl. Ard le prayed tor Josepl`s soul
letore tle ligl altar, ard le prayed torgiveress tor lis ovr leresy, ard
tler, letore le vert avay, le prayed tlat tle rair miglt come guickly ard
save tle dyirg lard.
(1:n T a u uuuu , { ~:u~c;
D. RcIIgIon - In and Out oI Curc
lr large cities it is possille to tird places ot vorslip tor most ot tle major
taitls, ircludirg mosgues ard Hirdu or Buddlist temples. llis retlects agair
tle variety ot people trom all over tle vorld vlo rov make tleir lomes ir
tle Urited States. Hovever, ratler urderstardally, ir smaller tovrs or rural
areas, you vill ir all prolalility tird orly Clristiar clurcles (ot several de-
romiratiors) ard some Jevisl syragogues or temples.
Ispecially ir small tovrs, clurcles are certers tor mucl social ard com-
murity lite. Here you vill tird sucl activities as clurcl suppers, darces,
discussior groups, sports ard social get-togetlers, youtl programs, ard tle
like. Altlougl you vill rot le giver a persoral irvitatior to tlese everts,
you vill le velcome at ary ot tlem, tley are leld tor tle express purpose
ot ircludirg everyore ir tle lite ot tle clurcl. Clurcl groups velcome
you, regardless ot your taitl.
lt you do rot see a clurcl ot your ovr taitl rear your rev lome, turr to
tle \ellov Pages urder Clurcles`. lt you tird a clurcl you like ard vart
to atterd regularly, just irtroduce yourselt to tle mirister. lt you make tle
tirst move, you vill tird yourselt velcomed, lelped to meet people, ard
assisted ir mary vays to settle irto tle commurity.
Our clurcles otter so mucl ir tle vay ot social lite tlat some people
tird it overvlelmirg. No ore reed take part ir ary more tlar le or sle
varts to. People may urge you, ir tle desire to make you teel velcome,
lut it you preter to participate orly ir tle vorslip services, do rot teel tlat
you are olligated to do more. lt is a completely persoral cloice. lle types
ot activities you vill tird most clurcles otter ir additior to tle services
irclude rursery sclools tor little clildrer, atter-sclool programs tor older
clildrer, lurcles, discussior groups or volurtary vork opporturities, out-
irgs, corcerts ard plays.
Vary clurcles lold cottee lours` atter Surday morrirg service. llese
are irtormal ard trierdly. Aryore vlo varts to just dritts irto tle parisl
louse or social room tor cottee ard cake. No ore vaits to le irvited. lt is
oper to everyore, lut everyore is tler expected to talk to people, irtro-
ducirg tlemselves, vletler or rot tley krov aryore. \ou lave some
retreslmert, clat vitl arylody you see tlere, ard leave vlerever you
vart. lt is a pleasart, easy vay to meet people ot tle reigllorlood.
(1:n 1:::ug :u I~ . , . R 1au:~:;
4. Rcad tc pocms and dIscuss tc Idcas cxprcsscd In tcm.
A. E.A. Poc
At morr - at roor - at tviliglt dim -
Varia! tlou last leard my lymr!
lr joy ard voe - ir good ard ill -
Votler ot God, le vitl me still!
Wler tle Hours tlev lrigltly ly,
Ard rot a cloud olscured tle sky,
Vy soul, lest it slould truart le,
lly grace did guide to tlire ard tlee,
Nov, vler storms ot late o`ercast
Darkly my Presert ard my Past,
let my luture radiart slire
Witl sveet lopes ot tlee ard tlire!
B. E. GouId
Gracc and 1anksgIvIng
We tlark llee, lord, tor guiet uplard lavrs,
lor misty loveliress ot autumr davrs,
lor gold ard russet ot tle ripered truit,
lor yet arotler year`s tultilmert, lord,
We tlark llee rov.
lor joy ot glovirg colour, tlasl ot virgs,
We tlark llee, lord, tor all tle little tlirgs
llat make tle love ard lauglter ot our days,
lor lome ard lappiress ard trierds, ve praise
Ard tlark llee rov.
C. M. Andcrson
Praise tle lord tor all tle seasors,
Praise Him tor tle gertle sprirg,
Praise tle lord tor glorious summer,
Birds ard leasts ard everytlirg.
Praise tle lord Wlo serds tle larvest,
Praise Him tor tle virter srovs,
Praise tle lord, all ye vlo love Him,
Praise Him, tor all tlirgs He krovs.
D. W. Canton
A CIId`s Praycr
llro` tle riglt lly argels kept
Watcl alove me vlile l slept,
Nov tle dark las passed avay,
llark llee, lord, tor tlis rev day.
Nortl ard soutl ard east ard vest
Vay lly loly rame le llest,
Iveryvlere lereatl tle sur,
As ir Heaver, lly vill le dore.
Give me tood tlat l may live,
Ivery raugltiress torgive,
Keep all evil tlirgs avay
lrom lly little clild tlis day.
E. A CIId`s Praycr
latler, ve tlark llee tor tle riglt
Ard tor tle pleasart morrirg liglt,
lor rest ard tood ard lovirg care,
Ard all tlat makes tle vorld so tair.
Help us to do tle tlirg ve slould.
lo le to otlers kird ard good,
lr all ve do, ir all ve say,
lo grov more lovirg every day.
F. W. Cory
MImncrmus In Curc
\ou promise leavers tree trom strite,
Pure trutl, ard pertect clarge ot vill,
But sveet, sveet is tlis lumar lite,
So sveet, l tair vould lreatle it still,
\our clilly stars l car torgo,
llis varm kird vorld is all l krov.
\ou say tlere is ro sulstarce lere,
Ore great reality alove:
Back trom tlat void l slrirk ir tear,
Ard clild-like lide myselt ir love:
Slov me vlat argels teel. lill tler,
l clirg, a mere veak mar, to mer.
\ou lid me litt my mear desires
lrom talterirg lips ard tittul veirs
lo sexless souls, ideal guires,
Urvearied voices, vordless strairs:
Vy mird vitl torder velcome ovrs
Ore dear dead trierd`s rememlered tores.
lorsootl tle presert ve must give
lo tlat vlicl carrot pass avay,
All leauteous tlirgs tor vlicl ve live
By lavs ot time ard space decay.
But ol, tle very reasor vly
l clasp tlem, is lecause tley die.
5. Intcrprct tc EngIIs provcrbs and IInd tcIr cquIvaIcnts In
1. Ivery mar tor limselt ard God tor us all.
2. God lelps tlose vlo lelp tlemselves.
3. Var proposes, God disposes.
4. Practice vlat you preacl.
5. Judas kiss.
6. lle old Adam.
. Solomor`s judgemert.
8. All are rot sairts tlat go to clurcl.
9. lle devil car guote (cite) Scripture tor lis purpose.
10. lle devil lurks lelird tle cross.
11. Vay God deterd me trom my trierds, l car deterd myselt trom my
12. lle mills ot God grird slovly lut tley grird exceedirgly small.
6. Makc up and act out sItuatIons usIng tc provcrbs.
7. GIvc your own cxampIcs IIIustratIng tc sIgnIIIcancc oI rcII-
gIon In your own or somcbody cIsc`s IIIc.
U n I t 1 w o
A Boy on Horscback
J. l. Stetters vas lorr ir 1866 ir Calitorria vlere lis tatler vas a vell-to-
do lusiressmar. He studied plilosoply at tle Uriversity ot Calitorria. Sul-
seguertly le exterded lis krovledge at several Iuropear uriversities: ir
Berlir, Vuricl, leipzig, Heidellerg, Paris.
Or comirg lack to America le legar lis career as a jourralist. His suc-
cess ir jourralism is associated vitl tle so-called muckrakers` vlo aspired
tor democratic clarges. lley poked irto every goverrmert crarry tley
could tird ir searcl ot corruptior ard corspiracy. lley vere giver tleir
derisive lalel ly lleodore Poosevelt, vlo tired ot tleir zeal ard tleir taste
tor sersatior, derourced tlem as muckrakers, i.e. persors vlo slarder mer
ergaged ir pullic vork`. lle motives ot tle muckrakers vere mixed, yet
tley successtully orclestrated a clamour ot protest ard directly irtluerced
tle course ot legislative ard political everts.
J. l. Stetters pullisled tvo pullicistic looks: lle Slame ot tle Cities`
(1904) ard lle Struggle ot Selt-Goverrmert` (1906).
J. l. Stetters is mostly rememlered tor lis autoliograply vlicl ircludes
tive parts: A Boy or Horselack`, Seeirg Nev \ork lirst`, Vuckrakirg`,
Pevolutior` ard Seeirg America at last`.
l vert to Heidellerg to lear Kuro liscler, tle most eloguert it rot tle
most apostolic ot tle protessors ot Hegel`s plilosoply, ard l studied lard
vitl lim. Otler suljects also l took, cortiruirg my Berlir courses ir art
listory ard ecoromics. Vy semester at Heidellerg vas a truittul seasor, lut
it lore tlovers too. l made some trierds tlere, ard togetler ve lad all tle
tur tlat vas goirg, ir tle tovr, or tle river, ir tle lorest - leer-drirkirg,
darcirg, svimmirg ard loatirg, valkirg, talkirg, ard explorirg tle vorld
ard ore arotler.
Vy room vas up or tle .uIag~, just alove tle city park ir a little louse
kept ly a Vierrese vomar vlo ir turr vas kept ly a local merclart. Her
gay days vere over, sle vas a good old motler to ler tvo clildrer ard
altogetler corterted vitl ler corditior ot deperderce upor tle loror ot
tle gertlemar vlo lad married a lady` ard vas devoted to ler, lis proper
vite. He orly paid, lut le paid regularly tor lis past sirs. His old mistress
did rot regret lers, sle loved to talk alout tlem. Sle took me ir as ler ore
lodger to make a little extra morey out ot tle trort room, vlicl ler small
tamily did rot reed. Ar expressive vomar vitl a commor story, lived ard
seer trom ler Vierrese poirt ot viev, sle served lively ertertairmert ard
some liglt upor etlics vitl all tle meals tlat l took ir my room. llese
vere rot mary.
Kuro liscler gave lis tirst lecture, logic, at sever o`clock ir tle morrirg,
ro time tor more tlar a lot cup ot cottee at lome vitl a piece ot lread,
vlicl l tirisled otter as l tirisled dressirg or tle vay dovr to tle uriver-
sity. Otler studerts also sloved sigrs ot laste at :15, vler, or tle dot, tle
protessor legar lis lecture vitl a smile tor tle lreatlless state ot lis lear-
ers ard tle impertect arrargemert ot collars ard ties. l sav some tellovs ir
slippers, pajamas, ard overcoats, lookirg up vitl admiratior at tle protes-
sor, reat, composed, ard logical. Ard eloguert, l missed takirg mary a rote
to sit ard lister to Kuro liscler`s poetical prose. lev Germars car eitler
speak or vrite Germar - vell. lleir larguage is too ricl, varialle, ard
urripe tor tlem. Orly tle masters car master it, ard Kuro liscler, lard-
some ard irtelligert, vas a master ot Germar as le vas ot lis ovr tlirkirg
ir it. l asked lim orce lov it came tlat le spoke Germar so vell.
He lad a lalit vlicl l lad ot goirg trom lis tirst lecture to tle river tor
a svim. Sometimes ve valked togetler dovr to tle tloatirg latl-louse,
ard mary a pleasart talk ve lad or tle vay. He clatted as le lectured, ir
slort, clear, ircisive serterces, ard le liked it tlat l liked lis style. lt vas ly
vay ot a jestirg complimert tlat l put to lim my guestior: Herr Geleimrat,
vie kommt es, dass Sie so sclor Deutscl sprecler?`
lt`s lecause l speak Irglisl,` le arsvered ir Irglisl, ard, lauglirg, le
remirded me tlat Goetle, asked orce tle same guestior, replied tlat lis
lest Germar vas vritter ir tle period vler le vas soakirg ir lrercl.
Atter tle svim l lad lreaktast ir some cat or leer lall, vlere l com-
pleted my rotes, tler more lectures till ore o`clock. lle roor meal vas
usually vitl some crovd ot studerts ir a restaurart, urder tle stitt torms ot
tle studert ritual, tle gossip, tle cortroversies, tle plars tor excursiors or
tiglts. Orce a veek l lad ar art listory course vlicl took us up to tle
castle to examire tle stores ard trace tleir periods, or ott to tle excava-
tiors rear ly, as tar as Wieslader. Otler days tlere vere otler lectures or
lilrary vork or lome study till alorg alout tour, vler l vert tortl eitler to
tle Sclloss or to some otler cat tor cottee or to tle river tor a paddle. lle
loatmar lad several caroes, lett ly tle Irglisl,` le said.
Just alove tle lridge tle river is artiticially rarroved ard deepered,
makirg a rapid, called tle Hart leutel, tor alout ar eigltl ot a mile, ard it`s
a struggle to paddle up it. l used to do it tor exercise ard tler drive tle little
cratt or up tle easy, lroad river to some ore ot tle mary garder restau-
rarts alorg slore. Atter a latl out ir tle stream, l lad ar appetite vlicl
made tle good cookirg seem pertect, ard a tlirst vlicl took leer as tle
Hart leutel took vater. llere vas alvays some otler loose studert to joir
tor a lorg, slov supper ard a lorg, ligllrov corversatior. Wler tle dark-
ress tell, tlere vas tle caroe to lie ir ard tle river to tloat me ettortlessly
lack to tovr. l could plilosoplize ir tle dark, it tlere vas a moor l could
romarce. Pleasart days, tlose lorely Heidellerg days. Pleasarter still tle
trierdly days tlat tolloved.
Orce, vler tle art listory protessor lad lis class out tor tield vork or
some ruir or otler, a tall yourg Germar came up to me, struck lis leels
togetler, saluted stittly, ard said: Vy rame is Jolarr lriedricl Krudevolt. l
am a Germar, l take you tor ar Americar. l vart to learr Irglisl. l propose
to exclarge vitl you lessors ir Germar tor lessors ir Irglisl.`
l closed tle toolisl largair, ard ve slook lards or it. llere vas ore
lessor ir Irglisl, ore ir Germar, ard ro more. l did rot lave to study
Germar, l vas learrirg it tast erougl ly alsorptior, ard l tlirk rov tlat
vlile le did vart to learr Irglisl, le vas really seekirg a trierd. Arylov
ve lecame so irterested ir eacl otler tlat tle corversatior, ever at tle
tirst ard last lessor, rar avay trom tle purpose ard, ot course, rar irto tle
larguage easiest tor lotl ot us to urderstard. Bad as my Germar vas tler,
it vas so mucl letter tlar lis sclool Irglisl tlat ve alvays spoke Germar
ard soor torgot lessors. His speciality vas art listory, ard l vas glad ot tlat,
Hegel`s listory ot art gave a plilosoplic mearirg to tle sulject, ard my
rev trierd`s irterest ir tle details tilled ir leautitully my ettorts to teel art
lotl ir itselt ard as a lorder ot tlovers alorg tle course ot our civilizatior.
Our excursiors vitl tle class to clurcles, castles, ard ruirs vere pleas-
art recreatiors tor me, so pleasart tlat ve made study trips ly ourselves tor
tur. We toot-toured tle Black lorest tlree days at a time, alvays to see
tlirgs Krudevolt visled to examire tor art listory reasors, lut lis rotes
told ly tle vay ard tle ruired castles illustrated vividly tle listory ot tle
rise ot great Germar tamilies trom rollers to roller kriglts, to military ard
social pover, to ricles, positior, ard lorors. llat vas tle vay it vas dore
ot old, ard l made rotes or morals as studiously as my comparior did or
1. explore tle vorld
2. to le altogetler corterted vitl ore`s corditior
3. to pay regularly tor ore`s past sirs
4. to take sl. ir as ore`s lodger
5. to make a little extra morey
6. to slov sigrs ot laste
. or tle dot
8. to look up vitl admiratior at sl.
9. to go tor a svim (tor a paddle)
10. to do stl. tor exercise
11. to lave ore`s class out tor tield vork
12. to strike ore`s leels togetler
13. to exclarge lessors vitl sl.
14. to close a largair ard slake lards or it
15. to seek a trierd
16. to rur avay trom tle purpose
1. to make rotes or stl.
VocabuIary Itcms
1. smIIc v - 1. to slov tlar ore is pleased, lappy, etc., or scorrtul, ly
makirg tle corrers ot tle moutl turr up. He rever smiles. l dor`t
urderstard vlat you are smilirg at.
2. to slov vitl a smile. He smiled lis appreciatior.
smIIc r - 1. tle act ot smilirg. llere vas a pleasart smile or ler tace.
2. a cleertul pleasart outlook. He taced tle tuture vitl a smile.
Prasc: ~ aII :n:I~: - to le very lappy-lookirg. He vas all smiles.
2. run v - 1. to go ly movirg tle legs taster tlar ir valkirg. l am good
at rurrirg.
2. to escape or tlee. Pur tor your lite.
3. to take part ir or to place ir a cortest or race. Smitl rar tor mayor.
4. to go lack ard tortl. llis trair rurs letveer lordor ard Oxtord.
5. to keep or goirg. llis play rar tor a year.
6. to drive irto or agairst stl. He rar lis car irto a tree.
. to tlov or make tlov. Hot vater rurs tlrougl tlis pipe.
8. to le ir clarge. He rurs a small lusiress.
9. to le told, vritter. lle story rurs tlat le is ricl.
:nu aua, (u:I; - to come to a guick, urtourded corclusior. Dor`t rur
avay vitl tle idea tlat lite is all milk ard lorey.
:nu uuu - 1. to collide vitl (stl., a velicle, slip). Sle`s leer rur
dovr ly a lorry.
2. to slov dovr goirg or vorkirg (ot clock, sprirg, lattery). A clock or
vatcl vill rur dovr ard vill rot go agair till it is vourd up.
3. to le tired, ill, ir veak lealtl trom overvork or poor teedirg (ot
persors or tleir lealtl). l must lave a loliday, l`m a lit rur dovr.
:nu J: - to stard as cardidate (goveror, presidert, etc.). He is rurrirg
tor Corgress.
:nu :u - to pay a slort irtormal visit. Wly dor`t you rur ir to see lim
some day.
:nu :u - 1. to meet accidertally. He tlouglt le lad lost ler, tler
almost rar irto ler stardirg guite still.
2. to tall irto (delt, experse, darger, etc.). lt you rur irto delt, you vill
soor rur tlrougl your irleritarce.
3. to amourt to. llis look las rur irto tive editiors.
:nu JJ - to cause to tlov avay or empty (ot liguids). He rar ott tle
latl vater.
:nu u - to cortirue ir a lire vitlout a lreak (ot letters, verse, text).
lle paragrapl rar or to tle rext page.
:nu n - 1. to project (ot strip ot lard, pier, etc.). lle lard lere
rarrovs corsiderally ard a strip rurs out to sea.
2. to come to ar erd (ot time, lease, etc.). Our lease las rur out.
3. to exlaust a supply (tood, tuel, tolacco, morey, etc.). We`ve rur out
ot sugar.
:nu :~: - 1. to ride over. He vas rur over ly a trair.
2. to glarce over (ore`s speecl, proots). Just rur over tlese proots tor
me as l am ir a lurry.
:nu I:ngI - to vaste (morey, torture, irleritarce). He rar tlrougl
lis ertire irleritarce ir less tlar a year.
:nu nj - 1. to raise, loist (usu. a tlag). We rar up a tlag ot distress.
2. to stitcl togetler guickly (clotlirg, seams). lle tailor rar up tle
seams or tle maclire.
3. to rise (ot prices). lle prices rar up last mortl.
:nu nj aga:u: - to come irto sudder cortact vitl. He did rot visl to
rur up agairst lim, teelirg tlat tle meetirg vould le avkvard.
run r - 1. tle act ot rurrirg. lake a rur arourd tle llock.
2. a rurrirg pace. He vert at a rur.
3. a tlov or rusl. lley olserved tle rur ot tle tide.
4. a series ot lapperirgs vitlout clarge or lreak. Peally, tlat vas a
rur ot good luck.
5. a kird or class. llat vas tle ordirary rur ot studerts.
Prascs: ~ u I~ :nu - ir tliglt. He`s or tle rur trom tle police.
:u I~ Iug :nu - ultimately. lt pays ir tle lorg rur to luy goods ot
ligl guality.
g~ g::~ : I~ :nu J :I - tle permissior to use it. l lave tle rur
ot lis lilrary.
3. IInIs v - 1. to lrirg or come to ar erd. Did you tirisl your lome-
2. to use up, to corsume. lirisl vlat`s or your plate.
3. to make complete or pertect, to polisl. lle voodvork is leautitully
Synonyms: cnjI~~, cucInu~, ~uu
1:u::I ard ~uu are used lotl ir colloguial ard literary larguage. We
tirisled our experimert. lle virter erded.
1:u::I emplasizes tle lrirgirg to a desired erd ot tlat vlicl ore las
set out to do. l tirisled tle look.
Euu suggests tle stoppirg ot some process, vletler or rot it las leer
satistactorily completed. let`s erd tlis argumert.
njI~~ ard cucInu~ are preteralle ir literary larguage. ucInu~,
lesides, is ar otticial term. lley corcluded regotiatiors. As a more
tormal term, it is particularly applied to trarsactiors, proceedirgs, vrit-
irgs tlat lave a special close, as, cucInu~ a :j~~cI (a I~cn:~; u:I
I~ gna:u
1:u::I ard cnjI~~ are close to eacl otler mearirg to accomplisl, as,
J:u::I (cnjI~~; u~: u: (a:, ~.j~::n~u;, J:u::I (cn-
jI~~; a cn::~ J :nu:~:
IInIs r - 1. tle last part, erd. lle audierce stayed to tle tirisl.
2. tle state ot leirg tirisled or pertect. l like voodvork vitl a smootl
4. stIII adj - 1. tirm, stl. tlat does rot lerd easily. lle case is made ot
stitt cardloard.
2. rot alle to move easily. Vy legs are guite stitt.
3. tlick. Beat tle egg vlites urtil tley are stitt.
4. strorg, povertul. lt`s rot so varm. llere is a stitt lreeze.
5. ditticult or lard. llat vas a stitt test.
6. terse or tormal. Sle greeted us vitl a stitt smile.
Prascs: ~~j a ::JJ njj~: I:j - to slov tirmress ot claracter. No, just
tle otler vay rourd, le kept a stitt upper lip.
Ia: a : ::JJ: (coll) - llat`s urtair.
stIIIcn v - to make or lecome stitt. Sle stittered tle slirt vitl starcl.
stIIIncss r - tle state or guality ot leirg stitt. Atter tle lorg illress
tlere vas a sliglt stittress ir lis lody.
5. IIvc v - 1. to lave lite. No ore lives torever.
2. to stay alive, last or erdure. He lived to le 100 years old.
3. to pass ore`s lite ir a certair vay. lley lived lappily.
4. to support oreselt. Sle lives or a small persior.
5. to teed. Bats live or irsects ard truit.
I::~ uuu - to live ir sucl a vay tlat past guilt or disgrace is torgotter.
Otler mer miglt perlaps recover, miglt live tleir loss dovr.
I::~ u - to cortirue to live (ot sl., ot ore`s rame, deeds). lle old
people died lut tle yourg ores lived or.
I::~ n - to live to tle erd, to remair alive tlrougl (a riglt, a mortl,
etc.). He vill rever live out arotler mortl.
I::~ nj - to live so as to le vortly ot some stardard or prirciples set
to oreselt. \ou lave a very good reputatior ard you must try to live
up to it.
IIIc r - 1. tle guality ot livirg leirgs to take ir tood, grov ard produce
otlers ot tleir kird. lite is tull ot lazards.
2. a livirg tlirg. lle crasl took six lives.
3. tle time tlat a persor or tlirg is alive or lasts. Wlat is tle lite ot tle
4. gaiety or liveliress. His jokes put lite ir tle party.
Prascs: ::ug I:J~ - to cause to live. Believe it or rot, ve maraged to
lrirg lim to lite agair.
cn~ I:J~ - to recover trom a tairt. Slovly sle vas comirg to lite.
a na~: J I:J~ auu u~aI - ore or vlicl sl`s cortirued existerce
deperds. \ou are vrorg, tlis is a matter ot lite ard deatl.
a~ :: I:J~ - to kill sl. \ou car`t take tlis mar`s lite.
a~ u~: uu I:J~ - to commit suicide. Ard tler sle took ler ovr
Ia:~ I~ :n~ J u~: I:J~ - to experierce a period ot exceptioral
lappiress. l vert to Paris ard at last lad tle time ot my lite.
6. proposc v - 1. to suggest tor otlers to tlirk alout, to approve. We
propose tlat tle city slould luild a rev tleatre. l propose lom tor
2. to plar, to irterd. He proposes to leave us.
3. to make ar otter ot marriage. He miglt propose to Jare very soor.
proposaI r - 1. tle act ot proposal or stl. proposed. lle Courcil
approved tle major`s proposal.
2. ar otter ot marriage. His proposal soor tolloved.
Synonyms: JJ~:, j:j:::u
JJ~: derotes tle act ot proposirg to do sometlirg, especially to give
sometlirg, to otter lelp ot some kird. P:j:aI reters to a plar, otter,
etc. preserted tor acceptarce or rejectior. Never retuse a good otter.
His proposal tor a decrease ir taxes vas approved.
P:j:::u implies otter ot terms tor a trarsactior, as ir lusiress. At
tirst siglt tle propositior seemed alsurd.
lr colloguial use j:j:::u is otter used vlere j:j:aI is still re-
garded as tle preterred vord. llese syroryms are otter cortourded.
lle distirctior to le dravr letveer j:j:aI ard j:j:::u is tlat a
j:j:aI is sometlirg set tortl, or laid dovr letore arotler tor actior,
a j:j:::u is sometlirg laid dovr ir vords, a statemert, usually
attirmative, tleretore j:j:::u is used tor sometlirg to le deliler-
ated upor, j:j:aI tor sometlirg to le dore. Arotler dittererce le-
tveer tlem is tlat ve make a j:j:aI to a persor to erter irto a
partrerslip vitl lim, lut ve make a j:j:::u to ore vlo is at
variarce vitl us to settle tle dittererce. lle cortererce vill rov lear
tlis delegate`s proposal. He could rot lave irtroduced a more ircor-
gruous propositior.
7. taIk v - 1. to speak. lle laly is learrirg to talk.
2. to make, lrirg alout ly talkirg. He talked limselt loarse.
3. to pass or ideas ir some vay otler tlar vitl spoker vords. He
talked ir sigr larguage.
4. to speak alout. We`re rot goirg to talk lusiress (slop) today.
5. to use ir speakirg. Sle does rot talk Sparisl.
6. to express ir voods. \ou are talkirg serse (rorserse) rov.
aI uuu - to silerce ly louder or more ettective talkirg. He argued
lut lis vite argued too, ard sle talked lim dovr.
aI u - to cortirue talkirg. lley talked or.
aI n - to discuss to tle erd. We`ve talked it all out ard ve`ve
already agreed or tlat.
aI :~: - to discuss at some lergtl, to criticize. Wler tle visitor lett,
tle tamily talked lim over.
aI :nuu - to lrirg over to ore`s ovr vievs ly talkirg. Sle resisted
at tirst, lut ve vere tirally alle to talk ler rourd (to our poirt ot viev).
aI nj (Am I) - to discuss sulject ir order to arouse irterest (look,
ertertairmert, slov, etc.). Paclel alvays varmed to a mar vlo talked
up ler tood.
taIk r - 1. tle act ot talkirg, corversatior. He is tord ot talkirg.
2. a speecl. He gave a talk or garderirg.
3. a cortererce. llere vill le talks letveer tle compary ard tle
4. gossip, a rumour. llere is talk goirg arourd tlat tley are ergaged.
5. a persor or tlirg tlat is leirg talked alout. Her rev play is tle talk
ot tle tovr.
taIkatIvc adj - tord ot talkirg. l dor`t like talkative persors.
8. admIrc v - to regard vitl vorder, deliglt. lle pairtirg vas admired
ly everyore.
Synonyms: :~ga:u, :~:j~c, ~:~~n
.un::~ suggests a teelirg ot ertlusiastic deliglt ir tle appreciatior ot
tlat vlicl is superior. Ore must admire sucl courage.
R~ga:u is tle most reutral ot tle terms lere, ir itselt usually implyirg
evaluatior ot vortl ratler tlar recogritior ot it. lle look is liglly
regarded ly autlorities.
R~:j~c implies ligl valuatior ot vortl, as slovr ir detererce or
lorour. llis jurist is respected ly lavyers.
E:~~n suggests tlat tle persor or olject is liglly prized or clerisled.
He is esteemed tor lis loyalty.
admIratIon r - 1. a teelirg ot deliglt ard pleased approval at ary-
tlirg tire, skilltul, leautitul. lle guests stood ir admiratior ot tle gar-
2. a persor or tlirg lrirgirg alout sucl teelirgs. Her golder lair vas
tle admiratior ot all tle girls.
admIrcr r - a persor vlo admires, esp. a mar vlo is attracted to a
particular vomar. He vas orly ore ot ler mary admirers.
9. cIIort r - 1. tle usirg ot erergy to get stl. dore, a tryirg lard vitl tle
mird or lody. lt took great ettort to rov to slore.
2. a try or attempt. He made ro ettort to le trierdly.
3. sometlirg dore vitl ettort. Her early ettorts at poetry vere rever
cIIortIcss adj - usirg or seemirg to use very little ettort. Sle skates
vitl sucl ettortless grace.
10. Iun r - 1. lively play or jokirg tlat makes ore erjoy oreselt, amuse-
mert. lt vas great tur.
2. tlat vlicl causes merrimert or amusemert. \our rev trierd is great
Prascs: J: :u Jnu. He said it orly ir tur.
na~ Jnu J, j~ Jnu a - to ridicule, to cause people to laugl at.
lt vas vrorg to make tur ot a cripple.
11. ncat adj - 1. clear ard ir good order. lt vas so pleasart to see tlis reat
2. simple ard pleasart, ir good taste. Sle vas vearirg a reat dress.
3. pleasirg ir torm or slape. Sle is a vomar vitl a reat tigure.
4. caretul ard exact. He is a reat vorker.
5. cleverly said or dore. He gave a reat arsver.
6. (ot vires ard spirits) urmixed vitl vater. He drark lis vlisky reat.
Synonyms: cI~au, :u,, ::n
N~a implies clearress trom dirt or soil tlat is maritest clietly ir pertect
clearliress or simplicity ard, lerce, corrotes a lack ot supertluous or
cortusirg details. Her louse is as reat as a pir.
I~au implies treedom trom dirt ard soil ot ary kird. l`ll lave to go
lome ard slave ard get a clear slirt.
T:u, implies a pleasirg reatress ard order ir appeararce or lalits,
diligertly mairtaired. lt stresses good order, caretul arrargemert ratler
tlar clearliress or simplicity. He`s alvays tidy vitlout leirg smart.
T::n implies lotl reatress ard tidiress, lut it stresses tlat tle tlirg is
smart, or reat ard tidy ir appeararce lecause ot clear lires ard excel-
lert proportiors. George, so smart ard trim, vearirg lis clotles so
leautitully, certairly looked very lardsome.
ncatncss r - tle state ot leirg reat. lley admired tle reatress ot
tle room.
12. mIss v - 1. to tail to lit, meet, reacl, get, catcl, see, lear, etc. lle
arrov missed tle target.
2. to let go, to tail to take. \ou missed your turr.
3. to escape or avoid. \ou just missed leirg lit.
4. to tail to do, keep, lave, atterd, etc. Sle missed a class yesterday.
5. to rotice or teel tle alserce or loss ot. l sudderly missed my vatcl.
Do you miss your trierds lack lome?
mIss r - a tailure to lit, meet, etc. llere vere ter lits lut orly ore
Prascs: g::~ :I a n::: (coll) - omit it, leave it alore. l`ll give tle tisl
course a miss.
a n::: :: a: gu a: a n:I~ - ever it ore just tails, tle ettect is tle same
as it ore las tailed ladly. l tailed tle exam ly orly 2/. A miss is as
good as a mile.
1. ConsuIt a dIctIonary and practIsc tc pronuncIatIon oI tc IoI-
IowIng words:
apostolic, Heidellerg, Vierrese, pajamas, eloguert, Goetle, Wieslader,
ligllrov, caroe, salute, Hegel, studiously.
2. ExpIaIn tc poIyscmy oI tc words and prascs In ItaIIcs and
tcn transIatc tc scntcnccs.
1. Wlat is makirg you :n:I~? 2. He is rot a mar to :n:I~ avay griet. 3.
llere vas a cruel :n:I~ or lis tace. 4. lle little loy`s tace vas aII :n:I~:
vler le sav lis rev toy. 5. l`m sure sle`ll erjoy tle :n:I~: ot torture. 6.
He vas yourg. He :au tast. . Water :nu: trom a tap. 8. llouglts ot love
vere :nuu:ug ir ler lead. 9. lle ture vas :nuu:ug ir my lead all day. 10.
llere are treguert trairs :nuu:ug letveer lordor ard Brigltor. 11. A
vlisper :au tlrougl tle crovd. 12. llis colour :nu: 13. llat is rot a tast
dye, tle colour vill :nu vler you vasl tle garmert. 14. Silk stockirgs
sometimes :nu 15. Curtairs :nu or metal rods. 16. lle road :au tlrougl a
little lrook. 1. Or eitler lard :au tle vire terce. 18. A scar :au across lis
cleek. 19. lle ergire :nu: smootlly. 20. l car`t make tle lovr-mover :nu
properly. 21. llis slov las leer :nuu:ug tor six mortls. 22. lle lease ot
my louse las orly a year :nu 23. lle river las :nu dry. 24. Agair lis
leart :au lot ard le could rot lreatle. 25. Vy turds are :nuu:ug lov. 26.
Courage :nu: ir tle tamily. 2. His lite :nu: smootlly. 28. His lite lad orly
a tev lours :nu 29. l torgot lov tle rext verse :nu: 30. So tle story
:nu: 31. He :au lis lard tlrougl lis lair. 32. He :nu: a licycle repair
slop. 33. He :au a race vitl me. 34. He is :nuu:ug a temperature. 35.
lley miglt :nu tleir ovr cardidate tor presidert. 36. He vert tor a :nu
letore lreaktast. 3. lt`s 55-mirute :nu trom lordor to Brigltor. 38. lle
play lad a :nu ot tlree mortls. 39. lt`ll le cleaper :u I~ Iug :nu to luild
it ir store. 40. He`s g::~u n: cI:Iu:~u I~ :nu ot lis garder. 41. Wlat time
does tle corcert J:u::I? 42. lle cat vill J:u::I nj tle tisl. 43. Climlirg all
tlose stairs las really J:u::I~u me. 44. llat vas a close J:u::I: 45. All mer
like tle leautitul J:u::I ot old lrercl turriture. 46. Sloes are ::JJ vler
tley`re rev. 4. lt`s ditticult to valk lavirg tlese ::JJ aclirg muscles. 48.
Beat tle mixture urtil it is ::JJ 49. l late lis ::JJ smile. 50. lley say it may
le a ::JJ examiratior. 51. Dor`t drirk tle lrardy. lt is ::JJ 52. He lored
(scared) me ::JJ 53. No, it isr`t like tlat at all. llat`s a : ::JJ 54. Here is
a slirt vitl a ::JJ~u~u collar. 55. lt orly l could get rid ot tle ::JJu~:: ir my
legs! 56. lle ricl I::~ vlile tle poor die. 5. His illress is so serious, le is
urlikely to I::~ 58. l I::~ ir a tlat ir liverpool. 59. Sle earrs erougl I::~
60. 1::~ ard let live. 61. ls tlere I:J~ atter deatl? 62. llere is ro I:J~ or tle
moor. 63. \ou vor`t see I:J~ it you stay at lome tor ever. 64. His vorkirg
I:J~ vas tull ot acciderts. 65. Several I::~: vere lost ir tle accidert. 66. lle
clildrer are JnII J I:J~ tlis morrirg. 6. He vas I~ I:J~ auu :nI ot tle
party. 68. Ta:ug u~: uu I:J~ is ly ro mears tle lest vay ot solvirg
prollems. 69. l j:j:~ restirg tor lalt ar lour. 0. l j:j:~ to go to
lordor or luesday. 1. lt`s very rice tlat le las j:j:~u to lis girl trierd
at last. 2. He made me a j:j:::u corcerrirg tle sale ot my car. 3. l
dor`t like tlis j:j:aI 4. Humar leirgs car aI, arimals car`t. 5. People
vlo carrot speak car aI ly usirg sigrs. 6. TaI serse! l`m sick ard tired
ot your talse argumerts. . Car sle aI lrercl? 8. l met Vrs Jores at tle
slop ard lad a lorg aI vitl ler. 9. Sle gave us a aI or moderr tilms.
80. His tlreats vere just aI 81. \ou`re too aIa::~ today. 82. We all
aun::~u ler tor tle vay sle saved tle clildrer trom tle tire. l vas tilled
vitl aun::a:u tor ler courage. 83. He litted tle leavy lox u:In ~JJ:
84. lle prisorer made ro ~JJ: to escape. 85. He is a skilltul ard ~JJ:I~::
player. 86. lle little dog`s tull ot Jnu. 8. Svimmirg ir tle sea is g:~a Jnu
88. He`s learrirg lrercl J: Jnu (tor tle tur ot it). 89. l orly did it :u Jnu
90. At last le urderstood tlat le lad leer nau~ Jnu J 91. He keeps lis
ottice u~a ard tidy. 92. We krov all lis u~a tricks. 93. l like my lrardy
u~a 94. Detective stories are loved tor tleir tidy prollems ard u~a solu-
tior. 95. \our lardvritirg is very u~a 96. lle tallirg rock just n:::~u my
lead. 9. He arrived too late ard n:::~u tle trair. 98. Her clildrer lave
gore to Australia ard sle n:::~: tlem very mucl. 99. l didr`t n::: tle key
urtil l got lome ard tourd it vasr`t ir my lag. 100. lle lall didr`t guite go
irto tle goal, lut it vas a u~a: n::: 101. l`m tired - l`ll g::~ I~ J:In a n:::
3. Paraprasc tc scntcnccs usIng tc vocabuIary Itcms undcr
1. lle expressior or tle tatler`s tace sloved tlat le approved ot lis
dauglter`s marriage. 2. llere vas ar expressior ot irory or ler tace. 3. He
looked very lappy. 4. He didr`t valk, le moved mucl taster. 5. lle loys
moved upstairs vitl guick steps. 6. lry to escape to save your lite! . ls
your lorse likely to compete ir tle Derly? 8. He vill try to compete tor tle
ottice ot mayor. 9. He vas secord ir tle race. 10. lle slip vas sailirg
letore tle vird. 11. Dor`t leave tle ergire ot your car ir vorkirg order. 12.
lle luses jourrey to ard tro every ter mirutes. 13. He is a tleatre mar-
ager. 14. l`ll drive you up to tovr ard tler lack lome. 15. lle tlouglt
passed guickly tlrougl my lead. 16. Pivers tlov irto tle sea. 1. let tle
vater tlov out. 18. llere are lardly ary supplies lett. 19. lle plarts are
grovirg urclecked. 20. \ou seem to le teverisl. 21. llat is vlat vas told
ir tle story. 22. He started ott at a good pace. 23. He`s ir tliglt trom tle
police. 24. We`ll visit Paris. 25. Ultimately you`ll leretit ly it. 26. lt vas ar
ordirary lotel. 2. Sle las giver me tle permissior to use ler garder. 28.
Have you completed tlat look yet? 29. lle lorg climl almost caused my
deatl. 30. l still lave sometlirg to say to you. 31. lley altered some details
ir tle picture to make it pertect. 32. Certairly, tle tiglt vill last urtil ore
side is deteated. 33. lle collar is starcled. 34. llis sleet ot cardloard is so
tirm tlat l car`t lerd it. 35. Wler ir troulle try to slov tirmress ot your
claracter. 36. He is a very olstirate persor. 3. lle examiratior vill le
very ditticult. 38. lley are ratler tormal ard urtrierdly vitl tleir reigllours.
39. lle look lored me very mucl. 40. lle rum is strorg ir alcololic cor-
tert. 41. Vake tle collar ot your slirt stitt. 42. Sle vas ladly scared. 43. Sle
remaired alive to a great age. 44. lle old vomar mostly eats truit. 45. His
lome is ir Irglard. 46. lley passed a virtuous lite. 4. Are tlere ary livirg
tlirgs or tle plaret ot Vars? 48. A raturalist is irterested ir tle vay arimals
ard plarts exist. 49. lt took several mirutes to cause ler to recover trom a
tairt. 50. llis mar killed lis vite. 51. lt`s very urlikely tlat sle vill commit
suicide. 52. lle look gives a true descriptior ot lov people live. 53. l
suggest tlat ve slould start early. 54. lle motior vas put torvard ly Arre.
55. ller tle presidert asked to drirk lis guest`s lealtl ard lappiress. 56.
lle yourg mar ottered marriage to lis girl trierd. 5. We lave a scleme tor
ircreasirg trade letveer our tvo courtries. 58. lle studert vas speakirg
to lis trierd. 59. Were tley speakirg ir Sparisl or ir Portuguese? 60. \ou`ll
le made tle sulject ot gossip it you go or leirg so toolisl. 61. loday l
dor`t vart to discuss lusiress. 62. Wlat you are sayirg is rorserse. 63.
llere are too mary vords ard rot erougl vork leirg dore. 64. llat is
vlat everylody is speakirg alout rov. 65. Visitors to Britair lave a ligl
regard tor its policemer. 66. Dor`t torget to say leautitul vords alout tle
laly. 6. Iveryore cried out ir vorder. 68. lt doesr`t reed mucl erergy.
69. Does it reguire mucl villpover to give up smokirg? 0. l vill do all l
car to lelp you. 1. lt vas dore vitl easy skill. 2. Hov did tle clildrer
erjoy tlemselves at tle seaside? 3. llis mar is tull ot playtulress. 4.
lley tried to ridicule tle old vomer. 5. Ol, take it easy. He said it as a
joke. 6. lle vork vas dore caretully. . Her dresses are alvays ir good
taste. 8. l rever expected tlat le vould say arytlirg so clever ir re-
sporse. 9. lle tarmer drirks lis vlisky urmixed vitl vater. 80. lle lurter
tired at tle tiger lut tailed to lit it. 81. Wler did you realize tle alserce ot
your purse? 82. lley vere too late tor tle trair. 83. llat vas a torturate
escape. 84. l`m tired. l slar`t go to tle corcert.
4. Coosc tc word tat bcst compIctcs cac scntcncc.
1. lt`s rare to see lim . 2. Wler l look lack at my youtl, l . to tlirk lov
toolisl l vas. 3. Sle . a cleertul . 4. Sle . a greetirg. 5. lle veatler .
or us. 6. He vas vearirg lis tace creased irto a lroad . . lle virrer vas
all . as le leard tle results ot tle votirg. 8. Darkress legar to spread over
tle tield as le . or ard or. 9. He jumped ard . to get tle camera. 10.
Water vas . ir tle gutter. 11. Ard tlrougl lis mird . tlis proverl. 12.
lle trair vas . at 60 miles ar lour. 13. lrams . or rails. 14. lle pair .
up lis arm. 15. lle lutter vas lett ir tle lot kitcler ard soor legar to .
16. lle revs . like vild tire. 1. Betore me . a lorg vide patl. 18. His
tields . trom tle river to tle voods. 19. lle ligl llue-misted mourtairs
. east ard vest. 20. llere are slelves . rourd tle valls. 21. Hov is your
rev car .? 22. lle mill . day ard riglt. 23. llis slov las leer . tor a
year. 24. Passiors . ligl vler tle results ot tle electior vere made pul-
lic. 25. Betveer lim ard lis vite . a river ot irdittererce. 26. He . irto
delt. 2. llirgs . smootlly trom tler orvards. 28. lle letter . tlus. 29.
llis is lov tle verse . 30. l`ll . some vater irto tle latl tor you. 31. Sle
. a reedle irto ler tirger vler sevirg. 32. l vatcler ler . ler tirger
over a list ot rames. 33. lley . tleir car irto tle garage. 34. Wlo is . tlis
lrtormatior Ottice? 35. llat lotel is rov . ly Jorkirs. 36. Say, vlo do you
tlirk is . tlis courtry? 3. He vas partirg like a dog tlat lad leer .
rallits all morrirg. 38. A crosscourtry . is a . across tle tields. 39. l`ve
lad a . ot lad luck recertly. 40. lle tilm lad . tor several veeks. 41. lt`ll
le cleaper ir tle lorg . to use real leatler lecause it vill last lorger. 42.
lle escaped murderer las leer or tle . tor tlree veeks. 43. Wler vill
you ... your college course? 44. l must . tlis dress l`m makirg. 45. Wood
vlicl las rot leer . is still rougl. 46. let`s . ott tle vire. 4. lle party
. vitl a sorg. 48. lle meetirg vas a tiasco trom start to . 49. Her
marrers lack social . 50. Beat tle egg vlites urtil . 51. l car`t play tle
piaro like l used to - my tirgers lave gore . trom lack ot practice. 52. Her
ratler . marrer puts people ott. 53. l reed a . dose ot medicire. 54. lle
judge gave lim a . serterce. 55. lley gave me a very . assigrmert. 56.
lle army ercourtered . resistarce trom relels ir tle lills. 5. lle dress is
made ot a very liglt material, lut it`s . vitl a tlicker material urderreatl.
58. Sle vor`t . mucl lorger it sle keeps takirg drugs. 59. lisl . ir vater.
60. lley larely earr erougl to . 61. He . ter years as a mork. 62. lle
plart may recover, it`s very dry ard vitlered, lut tlere`s still . ir it. 63.
llere is little plart . ir tle desert. 64. . isr`t all tur. 65. Sle lad a lard .
66. Hov are you erjoyirg married .? 6. lle compary las . a rev
tormula tor settlirg tle dispute. 68. Hov do you . to tirarce tlis verture?
69. We made lim a ., le vould joir us, ard ve vould support lis com-
pary. 0. We could luild a turrel irstead ot a lridge, lut tlat is a mucl
more ditticult . 1. lle lrercl lave put torvard a . tor a joirt project.
2. Come lere, l vart to . to you. 3. Have you tauglt your parrot to .?
4. Dor`t park your car outside my louse, you krov lov people .! 5.
Nov tle meal`s over, it`s time to . lusiress. 6. Sle gave a . or Vozart to
tle college Vusic Society. . llat`s laly . 8. Her sudder marriage is tle
. ot tle street. 9. l . tle vay sle lardles ler statt. 80. l vas tilled vitl
. tor ler taste. 81. His rev like made lim tle . ot lis trierds. 82. lt took
a lot ot . to litt tle leavy vardrole. 83. Despite all our . ve vere still
leater. 84. llese essays ot yours are very poor . 85. Sle skates vitl sucl
. grace. 86. \ou`re sure to lave . at tle party toriglt. 8. lt`s rot mucl .
leirg uremployed. 88. lle clildrer played a trick or tle teacler lut it vas
all ir good . 89. Pats are . arimals. 90. llere are ro . solutiors to tlis
prollem. 91. l like my vlisky . 92. Sle vert to tle statior to meet ler
luslard lut . lim ir tle crovd. 93. l tlirk you`ve . tle poirt. 94. We
rarrovly . leirg killed ly tle explosior. 95. We arrived late at tle tleatre,
ard . tle tirst act ot tle play.
5. ExpIaIn tc nuanccs bctwccn tc synonyms In tc gIvcn scn-
tcnccs and tcn transIatc tcm.
A. J:u::I, cnjI~~, cucInu~, ~uu
1. lt vas a jol tlat rever could le tirisled. 2. Here lis ovr lite also erded.
3. Hope lad at last completed tle tull term ot lis sclolarslip ard vas rov
at lis lome ir Birmirglam. 4. lle speaker corcluded: We must tell tle
people ot tle lorrors ot var.`
B. JJ~:, j:j:aI, j:j:::u
1. Pelecca resporded to Brigg`s otter ot terderress vitl gratetul tervour.
2. We accept your propositior lecause ve see tlere is ro alterrative. 3.
lle mar made a proposal to take all tle people to tle otler side ot tle
river, legirrirg vitl clildrer.
C. aun::~, :~ga:u, :~:j~c, ~:~~n
1. lord motlers otter admire tleir clildrer`s talerts ir tle preserce ot
otlers. 2. Steve vas rot liglly regarded ir lis lome tovr. 3. He vas liglly
respected ly all vlo krev lim. 4. llere is rotlirg l esteem more tlar
your participatior ir tle matter.
D. u~a, :u,, cI~au, ::n
1. Sle lad a pleasirg trarkress ot expressior, ard ler dark, slort lair vas
reat ard glossy. 2. lle road pavemert vas ot lig rourd colllestores,
made lriglt ard clear ly tle rair. 3. lt rov cortaired a rarrov tidy led, a
talle, vitl a straiglt clair, some corverietly placed slelves. 4. We liked lis
tidy lalits. 5. Near tle louse tlere vas a trim little garder.
6. FIII In tc approprIatc synonyms.
A. J:u::I, cnjI~~, cucInu~, ~uu
1. l tourd tlat le lad rearly . lis meal, ard tlat lis mood vas particularly
lriglt. 2. lle meal . ir a dreary silerce. 3. We vere compelled to sperd
tle riglt at Wirclester as tle tormalities lad rot yet leer . 4. lle letter
demarded a tormal apology ard . vitl tle vords tailirg it, actior vill le
B. JJ~:, j:j:aI, j:j:::u
1. \ou may imagire, tlat to me sucl ar . seemed almost too good to le
true. 2. lle tirst gleam ot tairress slore ir tlis . tor Carrie. 3. lt vas clear
sucl a . could rot lave leer accepted ir tle presert situatior. 4. l may
say tlat your . seems to le ar lorouralle ore, ard it is very gratityirg to
me persorally.
C. aun::~, :~ga:u, :~:j~c, ~:~~n
1. lt vas alvays tle guality you lacked yourselt tlat you tirst . ir otlers. 2.
l . lim so mucl - tor you krov ve lave leer like lrotlers. 3. He .
George`s irtellect ard protessioral competerce. 4. Sle . ler luslard ir
tle same vay as sle . tle Gereral Post Ottice, as sometlirg large, secure
ard tixed. 5. l . your loresty.
D. u~a, :u,, cI~au, ::n
1. lle room lad tvir leds or eitler side ot a . little talle or vlicl vas a
lig tramed plotograpl ot Paul. 2. He keeps lis room . 3. Vy room is
reasorally ., lut tlat exlausts its virtues. 4. Besides, sle las a . tigure.
7. 1ransIatc tc IoIIowIng scntcnccs payIng attcntIon to tc prasaI
vcrbs run, IIvc, taIk + a partIcIc.
A. 1. Dor`t rur avay vitl tle idea tlat l car lerd you morey every time
you reed lelp. 2. lle steamer rar dovr a small tislirg loat. 3. lle lattery
las (is) rur dovr. 4. He looks rur dovr. 5. Next year le miglt rur tor
Presidert agair. 6. l`ll rur ir ard see you tlis everirg. . l`ve leer rurrirg
irto all sorts ot people. 8. \ou rever krev vlere you vere vitl tlose
tellovs, it tley lad a rame tley rar irto ro erd ot experse ard vere
corceited irto tle largair. 9. His ircome rurs irto tlree tigures or more. 10.
lle scoldirg rar ott lim like vater ott a duck`s lack. 11. lime rurs or. 12.
lle lard rurs out irto tle sea. 13. Pretty soor my morey legar to rur out.
14. Vy time vas rurrirg out. 15. His car rar over a dog. 16. He rar over tle
leadirgs ot lis speecl. 1. llis mar las rur tlrougl lis vlole torture. 18.
lley rar up tle tlag or tle mast. 19. We rar up tlat sled ir tvo days. 20.
Delts rur up tast. 21. lr tle dark l rar up agairst a cuploard.
B. 1. llat vas tle epocl vler le lad leer livirg dovr tle disgrace ot
leirg deserted ly lis tirst vite. 2. His rame vill live or. 3. He ratler tarcied
tley vould live out tleir days togetler. 4. lt vas importart tor ler to see it
Bette lived up to ler promise ot actior.
C. 1. But dor`t you le too sure tlat you lave me urder your teet to le
trampled or ard talked dovr. 2. lle girls talked or. 3. He let Jerrirgs talk
limselt out. 4. lley talked over tle scleme till midriglt. 5. l vart to talk
tlis over vitl you. 6. Sle opposed tle idea at tirst, lut ve talked ler rourd.
. We talk up a look ve especially like.
8. FIII In tc partIcIcs compIctIng tc vcrbs to run, to IIvc and to
A. 1. Dor`t rur . vitl tle rotior tlat larkruptcy is a joke. 2. l didr`t get to
ler letore sle died. Sle`s leer rur . ly a lorry. 3. \ou look tlorouglly rur
., vly dor`t you take a veek`s loliday? 4. lt you leave tle car liglts or all
riglt, you`ll rur tle lattery . 5. ller Iiserlover retired trom tle Urited
States Army, le lad decided to rur . Presidert. 6. He rar ., ir a great
lurry. . l rar . my old Irglisl master vlile or loliday ir Scotlard. 8. His
latest rovel las rur . tlree editiors vitlir tle year. 9. lt you dor`t com-
plete your vork rov, you`ll rur . ditticulties. 10. Wler tle temperature
reacles meltirg poirt, tle metal rurs . as a liguid ard tlovs irto special
moulds. 11. Pur .is ar irstructior to a prirter to igrore a paragrapl irder-
tatior. 12. Our time is rurrirg . ard l tlirk ve ouglt to say sometlirg
alout tle erdirg. 13. lle lease or tleir lordor tlat rurs . ir a tev mortls.
14. lt tle lard is cropped ard rot marured, it vill soor rur . 15. lvo
clildrer vere rur . at tlat road jurctior last mortl. 16. He rar . ir lis
mird vlat le vas goirg to say at tle meetirg. 1. He rar . ro erd ot
morey vlile le vas up at Uriversity. 18. ller tle vlite tlag vas rur .,
tle post lad surrerded. 19. Sle ladr`t leer alle to get a latlirg-costume
to tit ler. Sle lad corseguertly rur . tvo tor lerselt. 20. lle extra grart
vill orly just cover tle deticit tlat ve`ve rur .already.
B. 1. We car rever lope to live . tlese slortcomirgs. 2. He vill die, lut
lis tame vill live . atter lim. 3. llese tvo old mer lad lived . tleir lives
as irdustrial lalourers. 4. We carrot live . to our moral pretersiors.
C. 1. Credit tle clild vitl some irtelligerce, try to avoid talkirg . 2. l tlirk
tle vlole guestior las leer talked . 3. He talked tlirgs . vitl lis vite.
4. lr tact, sle`s just leer tryirg to talk me . ot it. 5. He`s rot tle easiest
mar to vir over, le`ll reed some talkirg . 6. l suppose lom vill use tle
clarce ot appearirg or televisior to talk . lis latest look.
9. Paraprasc tc scntcnccs usIng tc prasaI vcrbs to run, to
IIvc, to taIk + a partIcIc.
A. 1. People lelieve too readily tlat all yourg people take drugs ard are
seltisl. 2. lle poor loy vas krocked dovr ly a lus. 3. l tlirk tle clock
must lave stopped vorkirg. 4. l am tired trom overvork. l reed some rest.
5. Vore people tlar ever letore are otterirg tlemselves tor electior to tle
city courcil. 6. Come to my place ard lrirg my otler coat. . l lit tle
gatepost ard lurt my kree. 8. Guess vlom l met ir tle atterroor. 9. Our
plar met urexpected oppositior. 10. lle look las lad six prirtirgs. 11.
lle pipes or tle root are to allov tle rairvater to tlov avay. 12. lle
clildrer are learrirg to joir tleir letters irstead ot makirg eacl ore sepa-
rately. 13. lle vall stretcles out irto tle tield leyord tlis gate. 14. lle
cortract comes to ar erd rext veek. 15. Wlat slall ve use tor pover vler
all tle oil ir tle vorld is ro lorger ir supply. 16. Drurk drivers krock dovr
more people tlar drivers vlo lave rot leer drirkirg. 1. His eyes passed
guickly over tle letter to see vlo it vas trom. 18. Hov car you lave spert
so mucl morey so guickly? 19. lle slip las raised tle yellov tlag to sigral
tlat tlere is irtectious disease or loard. 20. Have you ircreased lills at tle
dress slop agair? 21. l car make a dress ir a day, lut it vor`t look properly
B. 1. \ou slouldr`t lave to sperd tle rest ot your lite tryirg to make people
torget ore silly mistake ir your youtl. 2. lr spite ot tlis tragedy ler lite
cortirued. 3. Will tle old mar live to tle erd ot tle year? 4. Clildrer vill
lelave accordirg to your expectatior.
C. 1. Be caretul rot to talk to tle studerts tlat tley are less importart or
clever tlar yourselt, tley are very sersitive alout leirg treated as stupid. 2.
Vy motler just cortirues talkirg vler l vart ler to stop. 3. l tlirk tle
vlole prollem las leer corsidered tlorouglly. 4. l`d like to discuss at
lergtl tle article you vrote alout tle tirm. 5. lr tle erd l vas alle to
persuade tle otler committee memlers to clarge tleir opirior. 6. People
vlo support clildrer`s riglts are legirrirg to spread tle idea amorg groups
vlerever tley go.
10. Rcspond to tc IoIIowIng usIng tc prasaI vcrbs to run, to
IIvc, to taIk + a partIcIc.
A. 1. Wlat idea car you rur avay vitl? 2. Wler car people le rur dovr ir
tle street? 3. Would a doctor let a persor resume lis vork it le teels rur
dovr? 4. Wlat slould you do it tle lattery ot your electric torcl las rur
dovr? 5. Wlat ottices car people rur tor durirg electiors? 6. Hov otter do
your trierds rur ir to see you? . Wlom did you rur irto durirg your loli-
days? 8. Wlat do you do it you rur irto ditticulties? 9. Wlat do you usually
do atter you lave taker a latl? Do you leave your latl clear? 10. Wlat do
you do it your supplies ot sugar are rurrirg out? 11. Wlat is advisalle to do
letore legirrirg a lecture? 12. Hov slould people cross tle railvay track
to avoid gettirg rur over? 13. Wlat vould you do it you vor a large sum ot
morey? Would you rur it tlrougl guickly?
B. 1. Wly do people try to live tleir losses dovr? 2. ls it easy to live or it
your parerts die? 3. Wler do people say, He (sle) vor`t live out arotler
mortl.` 4. Wly is it importart to live up to ore`s prirciples?
C. 1. ls it recessary or polite to talk somelody dovr? 2. Wly slouldr`t you
talk or vler you see tlat tle otler party is sick ard tired ot you? 3. Wly
slould a serious prollem le talked out? 4. Wlat do you do it you lave to
take a commor decisior? 5. Have you ever maraged to talk somelody
rourd to your poirt ot viev? 6. Wly do guests usually talk up tleir lostess`s
11. Lcarn tc prascs IIstcd rIgt aItcr tc tcxt and Intcrprct tcIr
mcanIng In tc scntcnccs Irom tc tcxt.
1. l made some trierds tlere, ard togetler ve lad all tle tur tlat vas
goirg, ir tle tovr, or tle river, ir tle lorest - leer-drirkirg, darcirg,
svimmirg ard loatirg, valkirg, talkirg ard explorirg tle vorld ard ore
arotler. 2. . Sle vas a good old motler to ler tvo clildrer ard altogetler
corterted vitl ler corditior ot deperderce upor tle loror ot tle gertle-
mar vlo married a lady` . 3. He orly paid, lut le paid regularly tor lis
past sirs. 4. Sle took me ir as ler ore lodger to make a little extra morey
out ot tle trort room . 5. Otler studerts also sloved sigrs ot laste at :15
vler, or tle dot, tle protessor legar lis lecture vitl a smile . 6. l sav
some tellovs ir slippers, pajamas, ard overcoats, lookirg up vitl admira-
tior at tle protessor, reat, composed, ard logical. . He lad a lalit vlicl l
lad ot goirg trom lis tirst lecture to tle river tor a svim. 8. l used to do it tor
exercise . 9. Orce, vler tle art listory protessor lad lis class out tor tield
vork or some ruir or otler, a tall yourg Germar came up to me, struck lis
leels togetler, saluted stittly, ard said: Vy rame is Jolarr lriedricl
Krudevolt.` 10. l propose to exclarge vitl you lessors ir Germar tor
lessors ir Irglisl. 11. l closed tle toolisl largair ard ve slook lards or it.
12. . He vas really seekirg a trierd. 13. Arylov ve lecame so irterested
ir eacl otler tlat tle corversatior, ever at tle tirst ard last lessor, rar
avay trom tle purpose ard, ot course, rar irto tle larguage easiest tor lotl
ot us to urderstard. 14. . l made rotes or morals as studiously as my
comparior did or art.
12. Makc up scntcnccs on cac prasc.
13. Makc up and act out sItuatIons In wIc tcsc prascs wouId
bc approprIatc.
14. GIvc tc EngIIs cquIvaIcnts Ior:
smaidit, smaidot pateikties, viram uzsmaidija laime, smaids, starot smaida,
pasmaidit, uzsmaidit kadam, liktera lalvelila,
skriet, lut par izsutamo, skriet, ko kajas res, lut pretrura, rotikumi rit savu
gaitu, autolusi kurse ik pec piecam mirutem, lut iedzimtam, viram tek
degurs, ielraukt masiru garaza, sacersties skriesara, izvirzit savu kardidaturu
preziderta amatam, gadi atri paiet, risket, valdorigi rikoties, kut aukstam,
likt asirim sastirgt dzislas, izzut, celties (par viriem), izleigties, sajukt prata,
pietrukt, atlicis maz laika, mezorigi saaugt, viram ir paaugstirata temperatura,
parraut llokadi, saglaust matus, vai varu jus aizvest majas?, ievert (diegu),
ieraut pirksta skalargu, skrejiers, skriesus, pavadit dieru viera steiga, piespiest
ieraidrieku legt, virs leguo ro policijas, dot kadam iespeju apliecirat sevi,
iet paskrieties, reaut kadam apstaties, izdarit pec sirds patikas, sturdas
lrauciera, izlraukums uz lordoru, tilmas pirmizrade, tikt ilgi izraditam,
rotikumu gaita, veiksmju laiks, sim precem ir liels roiets, parastie audis,
reparasts, aploks, galu gala,
leigt, apest (izdzert), ilgais pargajiers gardriz roleidza viru, tiriset, apdarirat,
leigas, lut klat pie leigam, tiriss, vira marierem trukst smalkuma, apdare,
stivs, stiva mugura, lieza mikla, kategorisks atteikums, vesa uzremsara, so
gramatu ir gruti lasit, specigs (par veju), liela zau deva, largs sods, parak
augsta cera, rezaudet dusu, lidz ravei rolijies (rogarlaikojies), stivirat,
cietirat veu, sturgalvigs,
dzivot, dzivot pari saviem lidzekiem, dzivot pieticigi, piedzivot sirmu vecumu,
dzivot roslegti, jus vel to piedzivosiet, dzivot arzemes, dzive, radit, atgriezt
pie samaras, atgut samaru, dzivilas izcelsaras, rogalirat kadu, ar lieliem
dziva speka zaudejumiem, daliska lieluma, stradat ar sirdi ur dveseli, augstaka
saliedrila, zemakie saliedrilas slari, saliedriska dzive, dzive laukos (pilseta),
pilrasiriga dzive, dzivot mierigu dzivi, rekada gadijuma!, ta tik ir dzive,
goda vards!,
likt prieksa, ierosirat, izteikt priekslikumu, uzsaukt kadam tostu, priekslikums,
priekslikums radit kopuzremumu, lildirajums, plars, rodoms, repatikama
lieta, teorema, spriedums,
rurat, lielities, rurat vaciski, rurat par tematu, rurat lidz aizsmakumam, rurat
pratigi, rurat par lietu, rorakt auzu valodas, saruraties ar zimju palidzilu,
spriest par muziku, rura, lerru valoda, sarura, lielila, tuksa terzesara, atklata
sarura, rolasit lekciju par kaut ko, tas, par ko rura visa pilseta, tas ir tikai
tuksas trazes, klist laumas par jauru likumu, miera saruras, saruras augstakaja
limeri, luk, to es saprotu!, rurigs, papigs,
aplrirot, izteikt aplriru, aplrira, sajusmirats, aplriras oljekts, lririskigs,
piepule, puleties, sakopot visus spekus, ar piespiesaros, viegls, veicams
lez piepules,
joks, jautrila, joka pec (pa jokam), jautrilas pilrs, izjokot kadu, cik jocigi!,
virs ir oti jautrs, es reredzu tur reka irteresarta (jociga), ko kajas res, reka
tirigs, vierkarss, glits, gaumigs terps, glits augums, skaidrs rokraksts, smalks
darls, preciza (trapiga) atlilde, reatskaidits alkolols,
retrapit merki, palaist garam, palaist garam izdevilu, rokavet vilcieru,
reierasties uz lekciju, dzii izjust kada promlutri, resaprast joku, zaudet
pamatu zem kajam, izvairities ro drosas raves, palaist garam izdevilu (loat),
reveiksme, laimiga izglalsaras, desmit trapijumu ur viers garam, izlikties
kadu reredzam, izlaist kaut ko, palaist kaut ko garam.
15. Spcak on tc IoIIowIng topIcs cmpIoyIng tc acquIrcd vocabu-
Iary Itcms:
1. slovirg tlat ore is pleased,
2. rurrirg tor ore`s lite,
3. drivirg irto stl.,
4. leirg ir clarge ot stl.,
5. lrirgirg stl. to ar erd,
6. tle state ot leirg tirisled or pertect,
. a stitt reck (legs, lack),
8. a strorg vird, a ditticult test,
9. tormal lelaviour,
10. supportirg oreselt,
11. teedirg or stl. (alout arimals),
12. liveliress,
13. takirg sl`s lite or ore`s ovr lite,
14. proposirg stl.,
15. makirg ar otter ot marriage,
16. talkirg ir sigr larguage,
1. talkirg slop (lusiress),
18. admirirg stl.,
19. makirg a great ettort to do stl.,
20. sayirg stl. ir tor tur,
21. makirg tur ot sl.,
22. a reat dress, a reat tigure,
23. missirg tle target,
24. missirg ore`s turr,
25. givirg stl. a miss.
16. 1ransIatc Into EngIIs.
1. Beidzot virai uzsmaidija laime. Vira lija sekmigi rokartojusi visus
iestajeksamerus. 2. Zers staroja smaida. Vira sporta komarda lrauks uz
ltaliju. 3. Virs skreja, ko kajas res. Vilciers aties pec paris mirutem. 4. Sis
rolikums ir pretrura ar likumu. las ir jamaira. 5. Neuztraucieties, seit autolusi
kurse ik pec piecam mirutem. 6. Viram tek degurs ur ir augsta temperatura.
Virs laikam lus pamatigi saaukstejies. . Sis cilveks jau vairakas reizes ir
izvirzijis savu kardidaturu preziderta amatam. 8. lu oti riske, ja turpirasi tik
valdorigi rikoties. 9. Spalgs kliedziers tumsa lika maram asirim sastirgt
dzislas. 10. Vums ir atlicis maz laika. Jakeras pie darla jau sodier. 11. Darza
lija mezorigi saaugusi zale. 12. Virs iesmejas ur saglauda matus. 13. Vai tev
rav adatas? Is pirksta ieravu skalargu. 14. Vakar es pavadiju dieru viera
steiga. 15. Sis zaglis leguo ro policijas, let gar jau viru apcietiras. 16.
Kaimirpilseta ir tikai sturdas lrauciera. 1. lilmu izrada jau divus meresus.
18. Galu gala veiksme uzsmaidis ari mums. 19. Sis smagais darls gardriz
roleidza mari. 20. Kaut gar virs ir izglitots cilveks, vira marierem tomer
trukst smalkuma. 21. Pec gara pargajiera maras kajas ir pavisam stivas. 22.
Kareivji izradija sivu pretestilu. 23. Nezaude dusu, vel tacu rekas rav zaudets.
24. Ar ko tu cietiri apkaklites? 25. lzskatas, ka viri dzivo pari saviem
lidzekiem. 26. Daudzi lauku audis piedzivo sirmu vecumu. 2. Virs jau ir
atgriezies pie samaras. latad ir cerilas, ka virs izdzivos. 28. Pastav vairakas
teorijas par dzivilas izcelsaros. 29. Pretirieks atkapas ar lieliem dziva speka
zaudejumiem. 30. Sie studerti strada ar sirdi ur dveseli, tapec jau viru
zirasaras ir tik lalas. 31. Daudziem dzive laukos patik daudz lalak reka
dzive pilseta. 32. Is griletu dzivot mierigu dzivi, let ari pilrasirigu dzivi. 33.
Kas izteica so priekslikumu? 34. Preziderts uzsauca tostu par godu izcilajam
rakstriekam. 35. las ru ir par traku. Virs vel ruras lidz aizsmakumam. 36.
Vira rura oti pratigi, tapec viras ieteikumus vajadzetu remt vera. 3. la
vira driz vier roraks auzu valodas. 38. la ir tuksa terzesara. lalak kersimies
pie lietas. 39. luk, to es saprotu. la jau ser vajadzeja. 40. Si glezra varetu
kut par aplriras oljektu. 41. Ja mes sakoposim visus spekus, savu mes
paraksim. 42. Neapvairojies, to es pateicu pa jokam. 43. Is tur reredzu
reka jociga, ta ir parasta lieta. 44. Virai ir glits augums. Ari viras kleitas ir
viermer lala gaume. 45. Ismu sajusma par vira trapigajam atlildem. 46. lu
atkal esi palaidis garam lalu izdevilu. 4. No ritiem dazi studerti reierodas
uz lekcijam. 48. Is dzii izjutu si cilveka promlutri. Grutos lrizos virs viermer
mums lija liels atlalsts. 49. Ja tu turpirasi vadities ro sim apsaulamajam
teorijam, tad driz vier zaudesi pamatu zem kajam. 50. Pedeja mirkli viriem
izdevas izvairities ro drosas raves. 51. Sodier mar rav laika. Bus japalaiz si
izrade garam.
1. Answcr tc qucstIons.
1. Wlat courses did tle autlor take at Heidellerg? 2. Wlat else did le do at
Heidellerg? 3. Wlo vas lis lardlady? 4. At vlat time did Kuro liscler give
lis tirst lecture? 5. Wly did studerts slov sigrs ot laste? 6. Wly vas Kuro
liscler a master ot Germar? . Wlat did Kuro liscler ard tle autlor talk
alout durirg tleir valk? 8. Wlat did tle autlor do atter tle svim? 9. Wlat
did le lave orce a veek? 10. Wlat otler kirds ot vork did le lave? 11.
Wlere did le meet otler loose studerts? 12. Wlo did le get acguairted
vitl ore day? 13. Wlat largair did le ard Krudevolt close? 14. Wly did
tleir corversatior rur avay trom tle purpose? 15. Wlat trips did studerts
make tor tur?
2. EnIargc upon tc IoIIowIng.
1. l vert to Heidellerg to lear Kuro liscler. 2. Vy semester at Heidellerg
vas a truittul seasor. 3. Vy room vas up or tle Arlage ir a little louse kept
ly a Vierrese vomar. 4. Kuro liscler gave lis tirst lecture, logic, at sever
o`clock ir tle morrirg. 5. Otler studerts also sloved sigrs ot laste. 6. lev
Germars car eitler speak or vrite Germar - vell. . Vary a pleasart talk
ve lad or tle vay. 8. Atter tle svim l lad lreaktast ir some cat or leer
lall. 9. Orce a veek l lad ar art listory course. 10. Otler days tlere vere
otler lectures or lilrary vork or lome study. 11. l used to paddle tor exer-
cise. 12. llere vere alvays some otler loose studerts to joir tor a lorg
slov supper. 13. Orce a tall yourg Germar came up to me. 14. l closed tle
toolisl largair. 15. Our excursiors vitl tle class to clurcles, castles, ard
ruirs vere pleasart recreatiors tor me.
3. RctcII tc tcxt and tcn gIvc Its summary.
4. Makc up and act out dIaIogucs bctwccn:
1. lle autlor ard arotler studert alout Kuro liscler.
2. lle autlor ard Kuro liscler alout Hegel`s plilosoply.
3. lle autlor ard lis lardlady alout tle room le vas goirg to live ir.
4. lle autlor ard lis lardlady alout ler dauglters.
5. lle lardlady`s dauglters alout tle autlor.
6. lvo studerts alout Kuro liscler`s lectures.
. lvo studerts alout Kuro liscler`s Germar.
8. lle autlor ard Kuro liscler alout learrirg larguages.
9. lvo studerts alout tleir lite at Heidellerg.
10. lle autlor ard arotler studert alout paddlirg up tle Hart leutel.
11. lle autlor ard Jolarr lriedricl Krudevolt alout exclargirg lessors
ir Germar tor lessors ir Irglisl.
12. lle autlor ard Krudevolt alout art listory.
13. lle autlor ard Krudevolt alout tle clurcles, castles ard ruirs ir tle
Black lorest.
14. lle autlor ard Krudevolt alout tle rise ot great Germar tamilies.
5. PIck out IcxIcaI Itcms bcarIng on onc`s studIcs, Iun (dancIng,
swImmIng, boatIng, waIkIng, cxpIorIng, bccr-drInkIng), Ian-
guagcs. Makc up your own storIcs usIng tcsc IcxIcaI Itcms.
6. Spcak on tc pIot, scttIng, composItIon and tcmc oI tc tcxt.
7. Spcak on tc mctod oI caractcr drawIng cmpIoycd In tc
8. AnaIysc tc gcncraI pccuIIarItIcs oI tc tcxt (narratIon, dcscrIp-
tIon, tc coIcc oI words, ctc.).
9. PIck out IcxIcaI and syntactIcaI styIIstIc dcvIccs and rcvcaI tcIr
IunctIon In tc tcxt.
10. Say wat ImprcssIon tc tcxt as produccd on you. 1ry to mo-
tIvatc your answcr.
1. Answcr tc IoIIowIng qucstIons.
1. Wlat is larguage? 2. Hov mary larguages are tlere ir tle vorld? 3. Wlat
are tle major corstituerts ot larguage? 4. Hov do little clildrer acguire
larguage? ls it a lorg ard gradual process? Wlat are tle mair stages ot
larguage acguisitior? 5. ls a toreigr larguage acguired ir tle same vay as
ore`s motler torgue or is tlere a great dittererce? 6. Wly is it ditticult to
learr a toreigr larguage? . Wlat is more ditticult tor you to learr: grammar,
vocalulary or prorurciatior? 8. Hov mary toreigr larguages car a persor
acguire? 9. Wlat is a polyglot? Do you krov ary polyglot? 10. Hov mary
larguages do you krov? 11. Wlat metlods ot larguage learrirg do you
preter? 12. Wly do represertatives ot lig ratiors krov toreigr larguages
mucl vorse tlar tlose ot smaller ratiors? 13. Slould tlere le ary vorld
larguage? 14. Wlat do you tlirk ot artiticial larguages, tor example, Ispe-
rarto? 15. Hov is maclire trarslatior developirg rovadays?
2. Commcnt on tc IoIIowIng.
1. By tly vords tlou slalt le justitied, ard ly tly vords tlou slalt le
cordemred. (Bille) 2. A llov vitl a vord strikes deeper tlar a llov vitl
a svord. (P. Burtor) 3. l speak Sparisl to God, ltaliar to vomer, lrercl to
mer, ard Germar to my lorse. (Imperor Clarles V)
4. A vord is dead,
Wler it is said,
Some say.
l say it just
Begirs to live
llat day. (I. Dickirsor)
5. larguage is tle arclives ot listory. (P. W. Imersor) 6. lair vords cost
rotlirg. (J. Gay) . lle torgue ot mar is a tvisty tlirg. (Homer) 8. Orce a
vord las leer alloved to escape, it car rever le recalled. (Horace) 9.
larguage is tle dress ot tlouglt. (S. Jolrsor) 10. Speecl is tle mirror ot tle
soul: as a mar speaks, so le is. (P. Syrus) 11. Slarg is a larguage tlat rolls up
its sleeves, spits or its lards, ard goes to vork. (C. Sardlurg) 12. Words are
veapors, ard it is dargerous . to lorrov tlem trom tle arseral ot tle
eremy. (G. Sartayara) 13. Words pay ro delts. (W. Slakespeare) 14. Ar
idea does rot pass trom ore larguage to arotler vitlout clarge. (V. de
3. Rcad tc IoIIowIng tcxts and dIscuss somc aspccts oI tc En-
gIIs Ianguagc and, In gcncraI, tc knowIcdgc oI Ianguagcs as
prcscntcd crc In a umorous way or quItc scrIousIy (1cxt C).
A. 1c GIIt oI 1ongucs
lry as l vill, l carrot stop tlirkirg alout tlat gertlemar vlo - l lave
tlis or tle autlority ot ore ot tlose extremely usetul revspapers tlat car
le tolded lergtlvays ard used to exclude drauglts trom ill-tittirg virdovs
- speaks ro tever tlar torty-sever larguages.
Pretty marvellous, l tlirk. lorty-sever separate ard distirct larguages,
eacl vitl its alsurd syrtax, its ridiculous spellirg, its urpardoralle gram-
mar, ard its grossly irregular verls. A ditterert larguage tor every veek ir
tle year.
lt vould le irterestirg to krov vlat larguage tlis exceptiorally clatty
gertlemar talks ir lis sleep. llat, lovever, is a miror poirt. lle most
peculiar teature ot lis case is tle tact tlat le is a true-lorr rative ot tle
Britisl lsles.
lle Irglisl are rot ordirarily remarkalle tor tleir lirguistic alilities. lle
average Irglislmar sees ro reasor to acguire tle gitt ot torgues, lelievirg
guite sircerely tlat ir order to make ary toreigrer urderstard Irglisl it is
orly recessary to roar it irto lis ear vitl tle tull strergtl ot tle lurgs.
lle apparert recklessress ot Parisiar taxi-drivers is attrilutalle to tle
tact tlat tley lave rearly all leer rerdered partially deat ly Irglisl tourists
actirg or tlis guairt tleory.
' ' '
lt carrot le too videly krovr tlat tle lrercl do rot, as is commorly
supposed ir Irglard, speak lrercl merely ir order to arroy, ard tlat tle
Germars` lalit ot speakirg Germar is lased or ro racial arimosity. lt so
lappers tlat tle lrercl speak lrercl ard tle Germars Germar partly
lecause tley like it, ard partly lecause it is tleir rature to. A more gereral
appreciatior ot tlis tact vould lelp to prevert irterratioral complicatiors
ard promote uriversal amity.
A krovledge ot larguages is irvalualle to tle mar vlo visles to pre-
serve lis selt-respect irtact vlile travellirg alroad, vletler tor purposes ot
pleasure or ir tle lope ot sellirg sometlirg, sucl as glue or liroleum, to tle
leriglted alier.
llere is rotlirg so lumiliatirg to tle Britisl visitor to lrarce as tle
discovery tlat guite small lrercl clildrer speak lrercl vitl almost imper-
tirert ease, vlile le limselt carrot so mucl as order a small leer vitl ary
certairty ot gettirg it.
All over lrarce at tlis momert Irglisl tourists are askirg tor small leers
ard leirg giver gas-stoves or opera-lats ly tle polite lut completely le-
vildered lrercl. llat sort ot tlirg is lad tor our ratioral prestige, ard
vorse tor tle lrercl leer irdustry.
llere are certair larguages, ot course, vlicl ro Irglislmar car ever
lope to learr. Pussiar, tor example. Ore`s tirst irstirct or learirg a Pussiar
speakirg lis rative torgue is to reacl tor tle rearest tire-lose ard put lim
out letore tle cortlagratior spreads to tle adjacert luildirgs.
l lave leard, vitl ave ard revererce, ot Irglislmer vlo car speak
Clirese, lut l lave rever seer ore vlo could vrite it. lrdeed, l lave a
suspicior tlat tle Clirese carrot vrite it tlemselves, ard tlat tleir so-
called alplalet, vlicl resemlles a cross letveer ar arclitect`s rigltmare
ard tle result ot tlrovirg ar irkpot at a lrick vall, is merely ar act ot
lravado ard las ro real lasis ir tact.
' ' '
Nov ard tler ore meets ar Irglislmar vlose proud loast it is tlat le
las vorked lis vay rourd tle vorld vitl tle lelp ot lis persorality, certair
explaratory gestures, ard tlree toreigr plrases. lt is true tlat mucl car le
accomplisled lirguistically ly tle irtelligert use ot sigrs, lut tlat tlis las its
dargers, too, is slovr ly tle case ot my poor trierd, tle late Vr. A. P.
Vr. Sroop, ar irexperierced lut zealous yourg missiorary, vas lurclirg
ore day ir 1913 vitl tle lospitalle lut lore-leaded cliettair ot a remote
Atricar trile, ard vislirg to irdicate tlat lis appetite vas tully sated, le
erdeavoured ly gestures to explair tlat le vas tull riglt up to tle clir.
But tle cliet, ertirely misirterpretirg tlese motiors, corcluded tlat lis
guest vas tryirg to express lis desire to commit suicide, ard olligirgly lad
lim decapitated or tle spot.
.J~: K R 1:uu~
B. A Jokc
. l am rov goirg to address myselt especially to my toreigr learers.
. lt you are learrirg Irglisl lecause you irterd to travel ir Irglard ard
visl to le urderstood tlere, do rot try to speak Irglisl pertectly lecause,
it you do, ro ore vill urderstard you.
. llougl tlere is ro sucl tlirg as pertectly correct Irglisl, tlere is
presertalle Irglisl vlicl ve call Good Irglisl`, lut ir lordor rire lur-
dred ard rirety rire out ot every tlousard people rot orly speak lad
Irglisl lut speak ever tlat very ladly. \ou may say tlat ever it tley do
rot speak Irglil vell tlemselves tley at least urderstard it vler it is vell
spoker. lley car vler tle speaker is Irglisl, lut vler tle speaker is a
toreigrer, tle letter le speaks, tle larder it is to urderstard lim. No tor-
eigrer car ever stress tle syllalle ard make tle voice rise ard tall ir gues-
tior ard arsver, assertior ard derial, ir retusal ard corsert, ir erguiry or
irtormatior exactly as a rative does. lleretore tle tirst tlirg you lave to
do is to speak vitl a strorg toreigr accert, ard speak lroker Irglisl: tlat
is, Irglisl vitlout ary grammar. ller every Irglisl persor to vlom you
speak vill at orce krov tlat you are a toreigrer, ard try to urderstard ard
le ready to lelp you.
He vill rot expect you to le polite ard to use elalorate grammatical
plrases. He vill le irterested ir you lecause you are a toreigrer, ard pleased
ly lis ovr cleverress ir makirg out your mearirg ard leirg alle to tell
you vlat you vart to krov. lt you say vill you lave tle goodress, sir, to
direct me to tle railvay termirus at Clarirg Cross,` prorourcirg all tle
vovels ard corsorarts leautitully, le vill rot urderstard you, ard vill
suspect you ot leirg a leggar or a cortiderce trickster. But it you slout
please! Clarirg Cross! Wlicl vay!` you vill lave ro ditticulty. Halt a dozer
people vill immediately overvlelm you vitl directiors.
Iver ir private irtercourse vitl cultivated people you must rot speak
too vell. Apply tlis to your attempts to learr toreigr larguages, ard rever
try to speak tlem too vell. Ard do rot le atraid to travel. \ou vill le
surprised to tird lov little you reed to krov or lov ladly you may pro-
rource. Iver amorg Irglisl people to speak too vell is a pedartic attecta-
tior. lr a toreigrer it is sometlirg vorse tlar attectatior, it is ar irsult to tle
rative vlo carrot urderstard lis ovr larguage vler it is too vell spoker.
llat is all l car tell you .
1:n j~u EugI::I auu 1:~u EugI::I
1, 1~:ua:u Iu
C. A Markcd Cangc In SpcakIng EngIIs
lverty or tlirty years ago a studert arrivirg ir Britair could expect to
lear, or tle radio ard ir lectures, tle sort ot slov, caretul Irglisl tlat le lad
leer tauglt to produce. lr tle uriversities mary lecturers vere still readirg
tleir lectures trom caretully prepared texts. llere vas still a strorg traditior
ot stylislress` ir pullic speakirg ard rletorical tlourisles ard roturd ora-
tory vere mucl admired. loday, lovever, tle situatior las radically clarged.
Witl tle democratizatior ot tle BBC, tle uriversities, ard otler pullic irsti-
tutiors, las come a very marked clarge ir tle approacl ot most pullic
speakers. As ore miglt expect, tlis process is particularly marked ir yourg
speakers. lle tormal rletorical style ot pullic address las almost disap-
peared trom pullic lite. lrstead most pullic speakers adopt ar irtormal,
clatty` style, ir vlicl tle speaker attempts to project a trierdly, acces-
sille image to lis audierce, very ditterert trom tle Olympiar image ot
tlirty years ago. llis is true rot orly ot speakers addressirg a live audierce
lut also ot speakers or radio ard televisior. Iver tle BBC revsreaders,
orce regarded as tle emlodimert ot pertect spoker Irglisl, lave tolloved
tlis gereral trerd. Wlereas orce tley vere remote, austere tigures elegartly
erurciatirg tle revs, tley are rov tamily trierds, eacl ore krovr ly
rame, clattirg alout tle everts ot tle last tverty-tour lours. Ard irstead
ot tle clilly, distart tores ot ever ter years ago, tley rov tirisl tle lulletirs
vitl a joke ard smile! Ore ot tle markers ot tlis clarge ot approacl is tlat
slov colloguial is very rarely leard. lle appropriate prorurciatior tor
addressirg trierds ard colleagues is ar irtormal, almost corversatioral style,
ard it is tlis style vlicl is adopted ly most pullic speakers.
4. Rcad tc pocms and dIscuss tc Idcas cxprcsscd In tcm.
A. H. HcmsIcy
1c EngIIs Languagc
Some vords lave ditterert mearirgs,
ard yet tley`re spelt tle same.
A cricket is ar irsect,
to play it - it`s a game.
Or every lard, ir every lard,
it`s tlorouglly agreed,
tle Irglisl larguage to explair
is very lard irdeed.
Some people say tlat you`re a dear,
yet dear is tar trom cleap.
A jumper is a tlirg you vear,
yet a jumper las to leap.
lt`s very clear, it`s very gueer,
ard pray vlo is to llame
tor ditterert mearirgs to some vords,
prorourced ard spelt tle same?
A little jourrey is a trip,
a trip is vler you tall.
lt doesr`t mear you lave to darce
vlere`er you lold a lall.
Nov lere`s a tlirg tlat puzzles me:
musiciars ot good taste
vill very otter torm a lard -
l`ve ore arourd my vaist!
\ou spir a top, go tor a spir,
or spir a yarr may le -
yet every spir`s a ditterert spir,
as you car plairly see.
Nov lere`s a most peculiar tlirg -
tvas told me as a joke -
a duml mar vouldr`t speak a vord,
yet seized a vleel ard spoke.
A door may otter le ajar,
lut give tle door a slam,
ard tler your rerves receive a jar -
ard tler tlere`s jars ot jam.
\ou`ve leard, ot course, ot trattic jams,
ard jams you give your tlumls.
Ard adders, too, ore is a srake,
tle otler adds up sums.
A policemar is a copper,
it`s a rickrame (impolite!)
yet a copper ir tle kitcler
is ar article you liglt.
Or every lard, ir every lard
it`s tlorouglly agreed -
tle Irglisl larguage to explair
is very lard irdeed.
B. 7M
Sounds and Lcttcrs
Wler tle Irglisl torgue ve speak,
Wly is lreak` rot rlymed vitl veak`?
Will you tell me vly it`s true,
We say sev`, lut likevise tev`?
Ard tle maker ot a verse
Car`t rlyme lis lorse` ard vorse`.
Beard` sourds rot tle same as leard`,
Cord` is ditterert trom a vord`.
Cov` is cov`, lut lov` is lov`,
Sloe` is rever rlymed vitl toe`.
Wleretore dore`, lut gore` ard lore`,
ls tlere ary reasor krovr?
Ard ir slort it seems to me
Sourds ard letters disagree.
C. ArbItrary EngIIs Languagc
We`ll legir vitl ., ard tle plural is .~:,
But tle plural ot . slould le .~u, rot oxes.
lle ore tovl is a g:~, lut tvo are called g~~:~,
\et tle plural ot mouse slould rever le meese.
\ou may tird a lore nn:~, or a vlole rest ot n:c~,
But tle plural ot In:~ is In:~:, rot lice.
lt tle plural ot nau is alvays called n~u,
Wly slouldr`t tle plural ot par le called per?
lle cu ir tle plural may le cu: or :u~,
But a lov, it repeated, is rever called lire,
Ard tle plural ot :u is :u:, rever vire.
lt l speak ot a J, ard you slov me your J~~,
Ard l give you a loot, vould a pair le called leet?
lt ore is a I ard a vlole set are ~~I,
Wly slouldr`t tle plural ot lootl le called leetl?
lt tle sirgular is I:: ard tle plural is I~:~,
Slould tle plural ot kiss ever le rickramed keese?
ller ore may le Ia ard tlree vould le I:~,
\et lat ir tle plural vould rever le lose,
Ard tle plural ot ca is ca:, rot cose.
We speak ot a lrotler ard also ot lretlrer,
But tlougl ve say motler, ve rever say metlrer.
ller tle masculire prorours are I~, I::, I:n,
But imagire tle temirire sle, slis ard slim!
So tle Irglisl, l tlirk you all vill agree,
ls tle greatest larguage you ever did see.
D. Grammar In Rymcs
A unu is tle rame ot arytlirg
As Sclool, Garder ard Kirg.
.u~c::~: tell tle kird ot Nour
As Great, Small, Pretty, Wlite ard Brovr.
lrstead ot rours tle j:unu is,
As Vire, \ours, Our ard His.
!~:: tell ot sometlirg leirg dore -
lo Pead, Court, laugl, Carry or Pur.
Hov tlirgs are dore tle au:~:: tell
As Slovly, Quickly, lll or Well.
unuc:u: joir tle vords togetler,
As Ver ard Womer, Wird ard Weatler.
lle j:~j:::u stards letore
A rour as lr or llrougl a door.
lle :u~:~c:u slovs surprise,
As - Ol! Hov pretty! Al! Hov vise!
llree little vords you otter see
Are a::cI~: - A, Ar, ard lle.
lle vlole are called Pa:: J j~~cI
Wlicl readirg, vritirg, speakirg teacl.
E. Rudyard KIpIIng
SIx ScrvIng Mcn
l lave six lorest servirg mer -
lley tauglt me all l krev.
lleir rames are uIa ard uI, ard uI~u
Art Iu ard uI~:~ ard uI.
l serd tlem over lard ard sea,
l serd tlem Iast ard West,
But atter tley lave vorked tor me,
l give tlem all a rest.
l let tlem rest trom rire till tive,
lor l am lusy tler,
As vell as lreaktast, lurcl ard tea
lor tley are lurgry mer.
But ditterert tolk lave ditterert vievs,
l krov a persor small,
Sle keeps ter millior servirg mer,
Wlo get ro rest at all!
Sle serds tlem or ler ovr attairs,
lrom tle secord sle opers ler eyes -
Ore millior Iu:, ter millior uI~:~:,
Ard sever millior uI,:!
5. Intcrprct tc EngIIs provcrbs and IInd tcIr cquIvaIcnts In
1. Good vords vitlout deeds are rusles ard reeds.
2. Sayirg ard doirg are tvo tlirgs.
3. least said, soorest merded.
4. Actiors speak louder tlar vords.
5. lirst tlirk, tler speak.
6. He tlat talks mucl lies mucl.
. lr at ore ear ard out at tle otler.
8. lt`s letter to do vell tlar to say vell.
9. Speecl is silver, silerce is gold.
10. llirk today ard speak tomorrov.
11. He tlat talks mucl errs mucl.
12. He krovs mucl vlo krovs lov to lold lis torgue.
13. He carrot speak vell tlat carrot lold lis torgue.
14. Wlat tle leart tlirks, tle torgue speaks.
15. Wler tle vord is out it lelorgs to arotler.
16. Wlat vill Vrs Grurday say?
1. llat is Greek to me.
6. Makc up and act out sItuatIons usIng tcsc provcrbs.
7. GIvc your own cxampIcs IIIustratIng tc usagc oI Ianguagc by
dIIIcrcnt pcopIc. Your storIcs may bc bascd on your own cxpc-
rIcncc or on books, IIIms, ncwspapcrs, ctc.
U n I t 1 r c c
A CrIstmas CaroI
lr mary vays Clarles Dickers vas tle greatest rovelist tlat Irglard
produced ir tle 19tl certury. He vas lorr ir Portsmoutl vlere lis tatler
(Jolr Dickers) vas a clerk ir tle Navy Pay ottice. Wler Clarles vas rire,
lis tatler moved to lordor. lle loy did rot go to sclool tlere. He vert to
vork ir a llackirg varelouse: lis tatler vas ir delt ard tle tamily vas
large. Soor Jolr Dickers vas arrested ard sert to deltor`s prisor. His vite
ard tle yourger clildrer joired lim tlere. lle tvelve-year-old Clarles lad
to teed limselt. He vert to sclool orly atter lis tatler lad leer released
trom prisor. lle loy`s educatior vas mairly aclieved ly extersive readirg
ard keer olservatior ot people ard tlirgs arourd lim.
lr 1831 Dickers oltaired ar ergagemert as parliamertary reporter.
lr 1835 le pullisled a collectior ot stories ard sketcles ot lordor lite
ertitled Sketcles ly Boz`. lle look vas varmly received.
lle success ot tle Sketcles` decided tle course ot lis lite. lle im-
merse popularity ot lis rext pullicatior lle Postlumous Papers ot tle
Pickvick Clul` (1836 - 183) spread lis tame all over Iurope. lle remair-
der ot lis lite`s story is a record ot literary triumpls. lr 1858 le legar to
give pullic readirgs trom lis vorks vlicl, due to lis great talert, proved ar
extraordirary success.
Cl. Dickers created a series ot rovels, specially rotalle tor critical ard
comic talert, tor critical treatmert ot Victoriar Irglard. lley irclude: Oliver
lvist` (183 - 38), lite ard Advertures ot Niclolas Nicklely` (1838 - 39),
lle Old Curiosity Slop` (1843 - 44), Domley ard Sor` (1846 - 48),
David Coppertield` (1949 - 50), Bleak House` (1852 - 53), little Dorrit`
(1855 - 5), Great Ixpectatiors` (1860 - 61) ard several otlers.
All Dickers`s great vorks carry a protourd moral message. At tle same
time Dickers is lert or correctirg pullic grievarces, like tle vorklouse
system, tle miseries ot tle deltors` prisors, tle irjustice ot tle legal sys-
Dickers is at lis lest at depictirg lov ard middle-class lite ard at irvert-
irg urtorgettalle strikirg claracters.
Orce upor a time - ot all tle good days ir tle year, or Clristmas Ive -
old Scrooge sat lusy ir lis courtirg-louse. lt vas cold, lleak, litirg veatler:
toggy vitlal: ard le could lear tle people ir tle court outside, go vleez-
irg up ard dovr, leatirg tleir lards upor tleir lreasts, ard stampirg tleir
teet upor tle pavemert stores to varm tlem. lle city clocks lad orly just
gore tlree, lut it vas guite dark already - it lad rot leer liglt all day - ard
cardles vere tlarirg ir tle virdovs ot tle reigllourirg ottices, like ruddy
smears upor tle palpalle lrovr air. lle tog came pourirg ir at every
clirk ard keylole, ard vas so derse vitlout, tlat altlougl tle court vas ot
tle rarrovest, tle louses opposite vere mere plartoms. lo see tle dirgy
cloud come droopirg dovr, olscurirg everytlirg, ore miglt lave tlouglt
tlat Nature lived lard ly, ard vas lrevirg or a large scale.
lle door ot Scrooge`s courtirg-louse vas oper tlat le miglt keep lis
eye upor lis clerk, vlo ir a dismal little cell leyord, a sort ot tark, vas
copyirg letters. Scrooge lad a very small tire, lut tle clerk`s tire vas so very
mucl smaller tlat it looked like ore coal. But le couldr`t replerisl it, tor
Scrooge kept tle coal-lox ir lis ovr room, ard so surely as tle clerk came
ir vitl tle slovel, tle master predicted tlat it vould le recessary tor tlem
to part. Wleretore tle clerk put or lis vlite comtorter, ard tried to varm
limselt at tle cardle, ir vlicl ettort, rot leirg a mar ot a strorg imagira-
tior, le tailed.
A merry Clristmas, urcle! God save you!` cried a cleertul voice. lt vas
tle voice ot Scrooge`s replev, vlo came upor lim so guickly tlat tlis
vas tle tirst irtimatior le lad ot lis approacl.
Bal!` said Scrooge, Humlug!`
He lad so leated limselt vitl rapid valkirg ir tle tog ard trost, tlis
replev ot Scrooge`s, tlat le vas all ir a glov, lis tace vas ruddy ard
lardsome, lis eyes sparkled, ard lis lreatl smoked agair.
Clristmas a lumlug, urcle!` said Scrooge`s replev. \ou dor`t mear
tlat, l am sure?`
l do,` said Scrooge. Verry Clristmas! Wlat riglt lave you to le merry?
Wlat reasor lave you to le merry? \ou`re poor erougl.`
Come, tler,` returred tle replev gaily. Wlat riglt lave you to le
dismal? Wlat reasor lave you to le morose? \ou`re ricl erougl.`
Scrooge lavirg ro letter arsver ready or tle spur ot tle momert, said,
Bal!` agair, ard tolloved it up vitl Humlug.`
Dor`t le cross, urcle!` said tle replev.
Wlat else car l le,` returred tle urcle, vler l live ir sucl a vorld ot
tools as tlis? Verry Clristmas! Out upor merry Clristmas! Wlat`s Clristmas
time to you lut a time tor payirg lills vitlout morey, a time tor tirdirg
yourselt a year older, lut rot ar lour ricler, a time tor lalarcirg your looks
ard lavirg every item ir em tlrougl a rourd dozer ot mortls preserted
dead agairst you? lt l could vork my vill,` said Scrooge irdigrartly, every
idiot vlo goes alout vitl Verry Clristmas` or lis lips, slould le loiled
vitl lis ovr puddirg, ard luried vitl a stake ot lolly tlrougl lis leart. He
Urcle!` pleaded tle replev.
Neplev!` returred tle urcle, sterrly, keep Clristmas ir your ovr vay,
ard let me keep it ir mire.`
Keep it!` repeated Scrooge`s replev. But you dor`t keep it.`
let me leave it alore, tler,` said Scrooge. Vucl good may it do you!
Vucl good it las ever dore you!`
llere are mary tlirgs trom vlicl l miglt lave derived good, ly vlicl
l lave rot protited, l dare say,` returred tle replev. Clristmas amorg tle
rest. But l am sure l lave alvays tlouglt ot Clristmas time, vler it las
come rourd - apart trom tle vereratior due to its sacred rame ard origir,
it arytlirg lelorgirg to it car le apart trom tlat - as a good time, a kird,
torgivirg, claritalle, pleasart time, tle orly time l krov ot, ir tle lorg
calerdar ot tle year, vler mer ard vomer seem ly ore corsert to oper
tleir slut-up learts treely, ard to tlirk ot people lelov tlem as it tley
really vere tellov-passergers to tle grave, ard rot arotler race ot crea-
tures lourd or otler jourreys. Ard tleretore, urcle, tlougl it las rever put
a scrap ot gold or silver ir my pocket, l lelieve tlat it Ia: dore me good,
ard u:II do me good, ard l say, God lless it!`
lle clerk ir tle tark irvolurtarily applauded. Becomirg immediately
sersille ot tle impropriety, le poked tle tire, ard extirguisled tle last trail
spark tor ever.
let me lear arotler sourd trom ,n,` said Scrooge, ard you`ll keep
your Clristmas ly losirg your situatior! \ou`re guite a povertul speaker,
sir,` le added, turrirg to lis replev. l vorder you dor`t go irto Parlia-
Dor`t le argry, urcle. Come! Dire vitl us tomorrov.`
Scrooge said tlat le vould see lim - yes, irdeed le did. He vert tle
vlole lergtl ot tle expressior, ard said tlat le vould see lim ir tlat
extremity tirst.
But vly?` cried Scrooge`s replev. Wly?`
Wly did you get married?` said Scrooge.
Because l tell ir love.`
Because you tell ir love!` grovled Scrooge, as it tlat vere tle orly ore
tlirg ir tle vorld more ridiculous tlar a merry Clristmas. Good atter-
Nay, urcle, lut you rever came to see me letore tlat lappered. Wly
give it as a reasor tor rot comirg rov?`
Good atterroor,` said Scrooge.
l vart rotlirg trom you, l ask rotlirg ot you, vly carrot ve le trierds?`
Good atterroor,` said Scrooge.
l am sorry, vitl all my leart, to tird you so resolute. We lave rever lad
ary guarrel, to vlicl l lave leer a party. But l lave made tle trial ir
lomage to Clristmas, ard l`ll keep my Clristmas lumour to tle last. So A
Verry Clristmas, urcle!`
Good atterroor!` said Scrooge.
Ard A Happy Nev \ear!`
Good atterroor!` said Scrooge.
His replev lett tle room vitlout ar argry vord, rotvitlstardirg. He
stopped at tle outer door to lestov tle greetirgs ot tle seasor or tle
clerk, vlo, cold as le vas, vas varmer tlar Scrooge, tor le returred tlem
llere`s arotler tellov,` muttered Scrooge, vlo overleard lim: my
clerk, vitl titteer slillirgs a veek, ard a vite ard tamily, talkirg alout a
merry Clristmas. l`ll retire to Bedlam.`
llis luratic, ir lettirg Scrooge`s replev out, lad let tvo otler people ir.
lley vere portly gertlemer, pleasart to lelold, ard rov stood, vitl tleir
lats ott, ir Scrooge`s ottice. lley lad looks ard papers ir tleir lards, ard
loved to lim.
Scrooge ard Varley`s, l lelieve,` said ore ot tle gertlemer, reterrirg to
lis list. Have l tle pleasure ot addressirg Vr. Scrooge, or Vr. Varley?`
Vr. Varley las leer dead tlese sever years,` Scrooge replied. He died
sever years ago, tlis very riglt.`
We lave ro doult lis lilerality is vell represerted ly lis survivirg
partrer,` said tle gertlemar, presertirg lis credertials.
lt certairly vas, tor tley lad leer tvo kirdred spirits. At tle omirous
vord lilerality`, Scrooge trovred, ard slook lis lead, ard larded tle
credertials lack.
At tlis testive seasor ot tle year, Vr. Scrooge,` said tle gertlemar, tak-
irg up a per, it is more tlar usually desiralle tlat ve slould make some
sliglt provisior tor tle Poor ard destitute, vlo sutter greatly at tle presert
time. Vary tlousards are ir vart ot commor recessaries, lurdreds ot tlou-
sards are ir vart ot commor comtorts, sir.`
Are tlere ro prisors?` asked Scrooge.
Plerty ot prisors,` said tle gertlemar, layirg dovr tle per agair.
Ard tle Urior vorklouses?` demarded Scrooge. Are tley still ir op-
lley are. Still,` returred tle gertlemar, l visl l could say tley vere
lle lreadmill ard tle Poor lav are ir tull vigour, tler?` said Scrooge.
Botl very lusy, sir.`
Ol! l vas atraid, trom vlat you said at tirst, tlat sometlirg lad occurred
to stop tlem ir tleir usetul course,` said Scrooge. l`m very glad to lear it.`
Urder tle impressior tlat tley scarcely turrisl Clristiar cleer ot mird
or lody to tle multitude,` returred tle gertlemar, a tev ot us are erdeav-
ourirg to raise a turd to luy tle Poor some meat ard drirk, ard mears ot
varmtl. We cloose tlis time, lecause it is a time, ot all otlers, vler Wart
is keerly telt, ard Alurdarce rejoices. Wlat slall l put you dovr tor?`
Notlirg!` Scrooge replied.
\ou visl to le arorymous?`
l visl to le lett alore,` said Scrooge. Sirce you ask me vlat l visl,
gertlemer, tlat is my arsver. l dor`t make merry myselt at Clristmas ard l
car`t attord to make idle people merry. l lelp to support tle estallislmerts
l lave mertiored - tley cost erougl, ard tlose vlo are ladly ott must go
Vary car`t go tlere, ard mary vould ratler die.`
lt tley vould ratler die,` said Scrooge, tley lad letter do it, ard de-
crease tle surplus populatior. Besides - excuse me - l dor`t krov tlat.`
But you miglt krov it,` olserved tle gertlemar.
lt`s rot my lusiress,` Scrooge returred. lt`s erougl tor a mar to urder-
stard lis ovr lusiress, ard rot to irtertere vitl otler people`s. Vire occu-
pies me corstartly. Good atterroor, gertlemer!`
Seeirg clearly tlat it vould le useless to pursue tleir poirt, tle gertle-
mer vitldrev. Scrooge resumed lis lalours vitl ar improved opirior ot
limselt, ard ir a more tacetious temper tlar vas usual vitl lim.
1. to stamp ore`s teet upor stl.
2. to try to varm oreselt
3. to leat oreselt vitl rapid valkirg
4. to le all ir a glov
5. ore`s lreatl smokes
6. or tle spur ot tle momert
. to pay lills
8. ly ore corsert
9. to poke tle tire
10. to extirguisl tle last spark
11. to lose ore`s situatior
12. to give as a reasor tor stl.
13. to stard vitl ore`s lat ott
14. to le ir vart ot commor recessaries
15. to le ir operatior
16. to le ir tull vigour
1. to raise a turd to do stl.
18. to le ladly ott
19. to decrease tle surplus populatior
20. to pursue ore`s poirt
VocabuIary Itcms
1. cyc r - 1. tle part ot tle lody vitl vlicl a mar or arimal sees. He
closed lis eyes.
2. tle iris ot tle eye. llat laly vitl llue eyes.
3. tle alility to see. Sle las veak eyes.
4. tle alility to judge ly lookirg. He las a good eye tor distarces.
5. judgemert, opirior (pl.). lr my eyes, sle is rot guilty.
6. sometlirg tlat remirds ore ot ar eye: tle eye ot a reedle, tle eye
ot a potato.
Prascs: au ~,~ J: au ~,~ - purislmert as severe as tle irjury suttered.
lleir prirciple is: ar eye tor ar eye.
:u I~ ~,~: J : :u n, (I::, ~c; ~,~: - ir tle judgemert ot. \ou are
orly a clild ir lis eyes.
u:I au ~,~ - vitl a viev to. lle look vas compiled vitl ar eye to
developirg speecl lalits.
~ aII ~,~: - to le vatclirg irtertly. lle clild vas all eyes.
Ia:~ au ~,~ J: - to le a good judge ot. He las a good eye tor
~~j au ~,~ u :I - to take care ot, vatcl caretully. Be caretul, l`m
keepirg ar eye or you.
na~ ~,~: a - to look amorously at. lle girl vas makirg eyes at tle
yourg mar.
j~u :: ~,~: :I - to cause sl. to realize. llis lapperirg opered
my eyes to tle real situatior.
:~ ~,~: u - to see. l lope l slall rever set eyes or ler agair.
:~~ ~,~ ~,~ - to agree completely. lley see eye to eye.
cyc v - to look at, to olserve. Sle eyed tle strarger suspiciously.
2. put v - 1. to make le ir a certair place or positior. Put soap ir tle
2. to make le ir a certair corditior. lle sourd ot tle vaves put lim to
3. to say to state. Car you put tle prollem ir simple vords.
4. to give or assigr. He put tle price ot 10 dollars or tle rug.
jn an - to vorry, disturl, distress. l lope l laver`t put you alout.
jn ac::: - to lrirg lome to sl. (argumerts, ideas, etc.). Speak sim-
ply it you vart to put your ideas across.
jn aua, - to save (usu. morey). llat is a rice sum ot morey put
jn , - to save tor tuture use (morey). l legar to put ly a little more
veek ly veek.
jn uuu - 1. to aliglt (ot passergers). lle lus stopped to put dovr
2. to vrite, to put or paper. Please put your rame ard address dovr or
tlis sleet ot paper.
3. - tor to erter ore`s rame as a competitor, memler, etc. (race, pullic
sclool, amourt). He said at orce, Put my rame dovr tor tvo copies.`
4. to lover tle positior, pride, presumptior. Jerrirgs looked a little
put dovr.
jn J:I - 1. to serd out (ot luds, leaves, llossoms). lle leaves are
puttirg tortl.
2. to pullisl. Some pampllets vere put tortl to educate people.
3. (also - out) to propose, to suggest. \ou seem to le puttirg tortl rasl
ard lasty corclusiors.
jn J:ua:u - to propose, to suggest (plar, tleory, a list ot cardidates).
lley put torvard a plar ot tleir ovr.
jn :u - 1. to presert tormally, to sulmit. Smitl lad put ir lis report.
2. to irsert (remark, vord, etc.). Put ir tle missirg vord.
jn JJ - 1. to remove. He put ott lis leavy virter coat.
2. to postpore. We lad letter put ott visitirg Aurt Sylvia urtil sle is
3. to evade meetirg somelody, doirg sometlirg. l vert to lim tor
lelp, lut le put me ott vitl a trivalous excuse.
4. to lirder, to turr avay trom a purpose. l`m sorry to say, lut ler tace
puts me ott.
jn u
- 1. to clotle oreselt vitl. \ou`ll catcl your deatl ot cold it
you dor`t put or your overcoat.
2. to lrirg irto actior. Put tle gas tire or.
3. to produce or tle stage (play, corcert, slov). lle play tley put or
vas a success.
4. to move torvard, to advarce. We put tle clock or tor Summer lime.
5. to develop additioral veiglt. Sle lad put or so mucl veiglt, le
could scarcely recogrize ler.
6. to assume, to preterd, to lave. \ou reedr`t put or ary moral airs.
jn u
- to deceive, to cleat. He krev lis value ard le vasr`t goirg
to allov limselt to le put upor.
jn n
- 1. to exterd. He put out lis lard.
2. to dislocate (ore`s kree-joirt, sloulder, vrist). Have you put your
kree out?
3. to extirguisl (ary tire or liglt). Put out tle liglts.
jn n
- 1. to cortuse, to vorry. Sle vas put out ly leirg kept
2. to make argry. Ol! \ou look put out.
jn :~: - to corvey. He las good ideas, lut car`t put tlem over.
jn I:ngI - 1. to lrirg to a tirisl (task, scleme, jol, lusiress, deal,
etc.). lle Goverrmert las just put tlrougl a rev lav.
2. to put ir commuricatior vitl ly teleplore. Put me tlrougl to tle
jn nj - 1. to tix up tor pullic viev. l`m goirg to put up tle rotice
2. to allot a sum tor lusiress or otler purposes. l`ll put up as mucl
morey as tley vill.
3. to luild. lley are puttirg up a rev llock ot tlats.
4. to propose tor electior. llere vasr`t ary doult alout your leirg
elected atter your rame vas put up.
jn nj a (u:I; - to stay tor a time. \ou`re sure you dor`t mird puttirg
me up tor a veek.
jn nj u:I - to stard, to erdure. l retused to put up vitl lis careless-
ress ary lorger.
3. wondcr v - 1. to teel surprise. l vorder tlat you vere alle to do it.
2. to lave doult or curiosity alout, to vart to krov. l vorder vly le
wondcr r - 1. sometlirg so urusual tlat is causes surprise. lle Colos-
sus ot Plodes vas ore ot tle sever vorders ot tle arciert vorld.
2. tle teelirg caused ly sometlirg strarge ard remarkalle. We gazed
ir vorder at tle rortlerr liglts.
Synonyms: aun::a:u, anaz~n~u, a:u::In~u, :n:j:::~
'uu~: derotes a teelirg ot surprise. lt suggests rovelty or strarge-
ress ir ar olject, persor, ircidert, etc. tlat excites a teelirg ot admira-
tior. lleir vorder ircreased.
.un::a:u derotes a teelirg ot vorder excited ly cortemplatior ot
leauty, skill, merit, or excellerce ot ary kird. lley vere lost ir admi-
.naz~n~u derotes tle corditior ot mird ly sometlirg urexpected
or overvlelmirg. He stood ir stupid amazemert. lr anaz~n~u tle
elemert ot surprise ard levildermert is uppermost. .:u::In~u
derotes overpoverirg vorder. He looked at ler tor a momert ir as-
lle dittererce letveer a:u::In~u ard uuu~: is tlat uuu~: ex-
presses ar avakered irterest to a lesser degree tlar a:u::In~u
lle dittererce letveer a:u::In~u ard anaz~n~u is tlat a:u-
::In~u especially stresses tle emotiors, vlereas anaz~n~u tle state
ot tle irtellect.
n:j:::~ expresses sometlirg tlat takes ore uravares, emotior aroused
ly sudder, urexpected actior, circumstarce or evert. llis vas rever
ary surprise to me. n:j:::~ lies midvay letveer a:u::In~u ard
anaz~n~u ard usually reters to matters ot liglter corseguerce or
sucl as are less startlirg ir claracter.
wondcrIuI adj - sometlirg tlat causes vorder, marvellous, very good.
llat is a vordertul tilm.
4. obscurc adj - 1. rot easily seer, leard or urderstood. llere vas ar
olscure tigure ir tle tog.
2. dim or dark. lle olscure riglt seemed erdless.
3. rot tamous or vell-krovr. He vas ar olscure poet.
obscurc v - to make olscure. lr ar eclipse tle moor olscures tle sur.
obscurIty r - tle state ot leirg olscure. lley vere rot cortert to
live ir olscurity.
5. Iay v - 1. to put dovr so as to rest or, ir or agairst stl. lay your look
or tle slelt.
2. to krock dovr. Ore llov laid lim lov.
3. to put or place. lle scere is laid ir lrarce.
4. to lrirg tortl ar egg, as a ler does. lle ler lays eggs ratler otter.
5. to settle. Sprirkle vater to lay tle dust.
6. to presert. He laid claim to tle property.
. to let. lley laid a vager or tle result ot tle race.
Ia, , - to save (morey). Sle lad laid ly a tidy sum.
Ia, uuu - 1. to alardor, to resigr (ottice, pover, digrity, lopes).
lley lad to lay dovr arms.
2. to legir tle corstructior, to make plars tor (mairs, calles, railvays,
carals). lley laid dovr a plar tor tle lolidays.
Ia, uuu u:I - to cover vitl. lley laid dovr tle tloor vitl liroleum.
Ia, JJ - 1. to take a rest. lle doctor told ler to lay ott tor a veek.
2. to dismiss trom vork (Amer.). A sudder slump ir lusiress caused
mary ot tle plarts to lay ott vorkers.
Ia, u - 1. to apply coat ot pairt. lay it or tlick.
2. to supply ly mears ot pipes (vater, gas, electricity). We lad vater
laid or ir pipes trom a stream.
Ia, n - 1. to expose to viev. lle slopmar vas layirg out lis virdov.
2. to krock a mar dovr ard make lim serseless. He laid tle mar out
vitl a llov urder tle jav.
3. to irvest (morey). He tlouglt ot a most sate vay ir vlicl le could
lay out lis morey.
4. to trace, to make out lires (grourds, garder, tlover-led, roads, park,
etc.). lle grourds are splerdidly laid out.
Ia, nj - 1. Pass. - to le cortired to led or louse tlrougl illress. He`s
leer laid up tor tle last tour days.
2. to put ly. lle miser lays up vealtl.
6. raIsc v - 1. to cause to rise. Paise your lard it you lave a guestior.
2. to luild up, to corstruct. lley vill raise a morumert to a lero.
3. to make larger, ligler, louder, etc. ller sle raised ler voice.
4. to take care ot. Nov tlat le is married, le vill lave to raise lis
5. to cause to grov. llis tarmer raises callages.
6. to lrirg up tor tlirkirg alout. l vart to raise tlis guestior.
. to collect. Nov ve`ll lave to raise morey tor tlood victims.
Synonyms: I:J, ~I~:a~, I::, j:c nj
Ra::~ suggests ar ettort, lut it carries a strorg implicatior ot lrirgirg
some tlirg to tle vertical or otler ligl positior tor vlicl it is titted ly
rature or turctior. lt is used vitl corcrete as vell as vitl alstract
rours: to raise ore`s lat, to raise a persor`s reputatior. Sle raised tle
trapdoor ard poirted to a tliglt ot steps.
1:J implies a strorger ettort, it otter carries tle implicatior ot ettort to
overcome tle resistarce ot veiglt. 1:J is used ot tlirgs material ard
immaterial. So le litted tle leavy lox.
Ra::~ ard I:J may le irterclargealle: to raise litt ore`s lard, to litt
raise ore`s glass.
EI~:a~ may suggest takirg a ligler positior, makirg tle mird, morals
ligler ard letter, or raisirg a persor ir rark, statior, or digrity. He vas
elevated to tle peerage. EI~:a~ also implies littirg up ir space. lle
gas, leirg liglter tlar air, elevates tle lalloor.
H:: implies littirg up sometlirg leavy ligl up, especially ly some
meclarical mears, as, ly mears ot ropes, crares ard otlers. lle sail-
ors loisted tle mate`s loat aloard.
P:c nj implies graspirg ard littirg sometlirg rot large ir size or rot
lavirg mucl veiglt. lle clildrer picked up some taller apples ir tle
7. obscrvc v - 1. to see, to vatcl. He olserved tlat sle vas smilirg.
2. to keep or tollov. Ore must olserve tle rules ot a game.
3. to celelrate. We olserve Vemorial Day ly puttirg tlovers or graves.
4. to remark or commert. lt may rair,` le olserved.
5.to examire or study caretully. lley olserved tle experimert.
obscrvatIon r - 1. tle act or pover ot seeirg or roticirg. lt`s a good
riglt tor olservatior ot tle stars.
2. tle tact ot leirg seer or roticed. We came ir tle lack vay to avoid
3. a remark or commert. lle vriter read tle reviever`s olservatiors
or tle rovel.
Prascs: ~ nuu~: :~::a:u - to le olserved. llis mar is urder
~~j : nuu~: :~::a:u - to vatcl lim caretully. lle police
keep tle crimiral urder olservatior.
obscrvancc r - tle keepirg ot a lav, custom, etc. lle olservarce ot
ratioral customs is liglly valued.
obscrvant adj - 1. strict ir olservirg a lav, custom, etc. He is olser-
vart ot tle rules ot etiguette.
2. payirg caretul attertior. lle olservart girl roticed tle vrorg spell-
8. try v - 1. to make ar ettort. let`s try to vir.
2. to seek to tird out alout, as ly experimertirg. lry tlis recipe.
3. to carry or tle trial ot ir a lav court. lle judge tried tle case.
4. to put to a severe test or strair. Sucl exercise tried lis strergtl.
:, u - 1. to put or to test (clotles, tootvear, gloves, glasses). Wler
ve tried tlem or, tley didr`t tit.
2. to see lov mucl lold ard impudert corduct vill le tolerated. lry it
:, n - to test tlorouglly, to use tor a trial period (sl. as marager,
secretary, also stl.: maclires, irvertiors, ideas, vork, etc.). llis time l
plar to try out several makes ot cars letore makirg a tiral cloice.
:, r - attempt. let me lave a try at it.
trIaI r - 1. tle act ot tryirg. He vas alloved tvo trials at tle ligl jump.
2. a test. lle trial ot a rev rocket vas guite successtul.
3. tle act ot learirg a case ir a lav court to decide vletler tle claim
or clarge is true. lle trial proved lim irrocert.
4. sometlirg tlat troulles or arroys ore. His stullorr sor is a great
trial to lim.
tryIng adj - lard to lear. lle clild las tryirg vays.
9. dIrty - 1. lavirg dirt or or ir it. lle slirt is dirty.
2. toul or irdecert. lt`s a dirty trick.
3. rougl or stormy. l dor`t like tlis dirty veatler.
Synonyms: J:II,, JnI, g::n,, :gnaI:u
D::, is applied to tlat vlicl is covered or tilled vitl ary kird ot dirt
ard is tle lroadest ot tlese terms. look at lis dirty tace.
1:II, is applied to tlat vlicl is digustirgly dirty. lley lived ir a tiltly
1nI implies extreme tiltl tlat is grossly ottersive or loatlsome le-
cause ot its stercl, putridity, or corruptior. lle tloor vas toul vitl tle
dirt ot veeks.
::n, suggests soot or grarular dirt or or irgraired ir a surtace. llere
stood some mirers vitl grimy taces.
gnaI:u mears extremely dirty ard degraded, dirty tlrougl reglect.
gnaI:u is used to descrile dvellirgs or surrourdirgs. lt is otter associ-
ated vitl poverty. lley lived ir some sgualid ard olscure guarter ot
tle city.
dIrt r - 1. mud, dust, soot, or otler matter tlar makes tlirgs urclear.
We sav dirt everyvlere.
2. irdecert talk, vritirg or actior. Stop tlrovirg (tlirgirg) dirt at me.
\ou are treatirg me like dirt.
dIrty v - to make or lecome dirty. Wlite gloves dirty esily.
10. rcsumc v - 1. to take or occupy agair. We resumed our seats atter tle
2. to legir agair, to cortirue. lle game vill le resumed vler tle rair
rcsumptIon r - tle act ot resumirg. ller le told us alout tle re-
sumptior ot classes atter vacatior.
11. IndIgnant adj - argry alout sometlirg tlat seems urjust, urtair, mear,
etc. Hearirg tlese vords le lecame irdigrart at tle lully.
IndIgnatIon r - arger at sometlirg tlat seems urjust, urtair, mear.
llis vas dore to tle irdigratior ot all decert people.
Synonyms: aug~:, u:aI, ::~
1uu:gua:u derotes a strorg teelirg ot arger. lt may arise trom a ligl
serse ot lorour ard virtue. lle lomlirg evoked protourd irdigratior
ard vratltul protest or tle part ot all people.
.ug~: derotes a sudder violert displeasure. His arger vas very rear to
lreakirg dovr ir tears.
':aI implies great irdigratior excited ly a serse ot vrorg to oreselt
or, especially, to otlers, ly vickedress or miscorduct. lt is riglteous or
digritied arger. lle vriter`s vratl is telt tlrouglout lis rovel.
1:~ mears passiorate arger. lt is mostly used ir poetic larguage: tle ire
ot Aclilles.
IndIgnIty r - sometlirg tlat irsults or lurts ore`s pride. lle porter
oljected to tle irdigrity ot leirg called loy`.
12. IntcrIcrc v - 1. to meddle ir arotler`s attairs. His parerts seldom
irtertere ir lis plars.
2. to come letveer tor some purpose. lle teacler irtertered ir tle
loy`s tiglt.
3. to come agairst, to get ir tle vay ot. Noise irterteres vitl lis vork.
IntcrIcrcncc r - ar irterterirg. lrtertererce trom toreigr lroadcast-
irg statiors is a serious prollem.
1. ConsuIt a dIctIonary and practIsc tc pronuncIatIon oI tc IoI-
IowIng words.
vitlal, vleeze, plartom, dismal, slovel, morose, impropriety, extirguisl,
extremity, lomage, lestov, luratic, credertials, kirdrid, destitute, alurdarce,
arorymous, tacetious.
2. ExpIaIn tc poIyscmy oI tc words and prascs In ItaIIcs and
tcn transIatc tc scntcnccs.
1. He lost au ~,~ ir ar accidert, ard rov le las a glass ~,~. 2. Vy ~,~ tell
upor ar irterestirg article ir tle revspaper. 3. Sle Ia: a gu ~,~ tor
taslior. 4. Cook asked me ~~j au ~,~ or tle clild vlile sle vas avay.
5. His vords j~u~u n, ~,~: to tleir relatiors. 6. l regret l dor`t :~~ ~,~
~,~ vitl you. . l didr`t come lere tor pleasure lut u:I au ~,~ to lusiress.
8. lley stole tle jevels nuu~: n, :~:, ~,~: 9. l`m nj I~ ~,~: ir delt.
10. lley ~,~u tle mar vitl suspicior. 11. Pn tle clair rearer tle tire. 12.
He jn lis looks ir order. 13. Sle is - lov slall l jn it - rot exactly tat, lut
ratler vell-luilt. 14. Pn your rame at tle top ot tle page. 15. l uuu~: at
lis ruderess. 16. l uuu~: it sle krovs ve`re lere. 1. lley vere tilled
vitl uuu~: at tle rev vatertall. 18. Sle`s a uuu~:, tle vay sle arrarges
everytlirg. 19. His speecl vas tull ot :cn:~ political jokes. 20. He vas
lorr ir ar :cn:~ village. 21. Vy viev vas :cn:~u ly tle trees. 22. lle
learrirg ve received orly terded to :cn:~ our visior. 23. He vas a roisy
rolust little mar vitl a gleam ot real talert corcealed ir tle :cn::, ot lis
verse. 24. 1a, your coat or tle led. 25. 1a, tle talle tor dirrer. 26. Her
tears vere soor Ia:u. 2. All tle lirds Ia, eggs. 28. lle police lave Ia:u a
serious clarge agairst you. 29. Sle :a::~u ler tirger to ler lips as a sigr tor
silerce. 30. lle marager :a::~u Piclard`s pay. 31. We couldr`t :a::~ erougl
morey tor tle loliday. 32. lle tarmers lere :a::~ lorses. 33. llere`s ar
importart poirt l vart to :a::~ 34. His lorg alserce :a::~u tears alout lis
satety. 35. Votler vill :a::~ I~II it you vake tle laly. 36. Some people like
to :~::~ stars. 3. He :~::~u, llat`s true!` 38. Several lolidays are
:~::~u ir tlis courtry. 39. His povers ot :~::a:u are poor. 40. He
made tle :~::a:u tlat tle approacl to tle prollem vas too outdated.
41. Sle is ir lospital nuu~: :~::a:u 42. Dor`t torget alout I~ :~:-
:auc~ ot tle speed limit. 43. He is :~::au ot tle drivirg rules. 44. Clil-
drer are usually very :~::au 45. Have you ::~u tlis rev soap? 46. l
dor`t tlirk l car do it lut l`ll :, 4. l tlirk tle door`s locked lut l`ll :, it
just to tird out. 48. lley`re goirg to :, lim tor murder. 49. l`ve lad a very
:,:ug time at vork today. 50. He`s u ::aI. 51. Sle took tle car u ::aI
52. lle clild is a ::aI to lis parerts. 53. He learrt to cook , ::aI auu
~::: 54. llis dress is gettirg u::,. 55. lley sat drirkirg ard tellirg u::,
stories. 56. Sle gave me a u::, look. 5. Dor`t u::, your lards. 58. lle
clildrer vere outside playirg lappily ir tle u:: 59. Wasl tle u:: ott tle
tloor. 60. We stop rov ard :~:nn~ at tvo o`clock. 61. We :~:nn~u our seats
ir tle lall. 62. Ary plars atter tle loliday.` TI~ :~:nnj:u ot lusiress.`63.
l express my :uu:gua:u at leirg urtairly dismissed. 64. l suttered tle
:uu:gu:, ot lavirg to say l vas sorry ir trort ot all tlose people. 65. Stop
:u~:J~::ug ir my vork. 66. \our clatterirg is :u~:J~::ug vitl my corcer-
3. Paraprasc tc scntcnccs usIng tc vocabuIary unIts undcr
1. lr tleir judgemert you`re orly a clild. 2. lle teacler retused to see tle
lreacl ot disciplire. 3. He gave lim a llov ard a discoloured lruise ap-
peared rourd tle eye. 4. He looks tor possililities ot doirg lusiress. 5.
\ou`d letter stay lere ard keep a vatcl or lim. 6. lake care! . lt`s tle
poirt or vlicl Harry ard l dor`t agree ertirely. 8. l lave rever seer lim. 9.
A reedle las a lole tor tle tlread. 10. lley vere vatclirg us jealously. 11.
Vove tle talle rearer tle virdov. 12. lmagire yourselt ir lis positior. 13.
lley are pressirg lim lard. 14. He committed suicide. 15. lle remark
caused ler to llusl. 16. A slort rote erded ary misurderstardirg. 1. Write
a tick agairst eacl rame. 18. Hov car l express it? 19. l am rot surprised at
ler retusirg to marry lim. 20. l asked myselt vlat it all meart. 21. lley
vere tilled vitl admiratior. 22. lt`s lardly surprisirg tlat tle tootlall team
vor agair. 23. lle picture vas very good. 24. lle mar vas lyirg ir a dark
correr. 25. llere are little tovrs vlicl are rot vell krovr ir tlis courtry.
26. lle stars vere rot visille lecause ot clouds. 2. He vrote ar essay tull
ot vague ideas. 28. He put lis lard or my sloulder. 29. He keeps every-
tlirg le car get possessior ot. 30. He vas luried ir tle clurcl yard. 31.
lle goverrmert imposed rev taxes or tle populatior. 32. Sle revealed
ler irmost teelirgs. 33. Sprirkle vater or tle patl to settle tle dust. 34.
Hov mary eggs does tlis ler produce eacl veek? 35. Arrarge everytlirg
tor lreaktast. 36. lley put dovr a certair sum ot morey as a vager or tle
result ot tle race. 3. Cover tle tloor vitl a carpet. 38. lley litted tle
surker slip to tle surtace ot tle sea. 39. lle lorry caused a cloud ot dust to
rise. 40. A rev poirt vas lrouglt up tor discussior. 41. lle tarmer lreeds
sleep. 42. lley maraged to get morey tor a rev urdertakirg. 43. lle
liologists vatcl tle lelaviour ot lirds. 44. Do tley celelrate Clristmas
Day ir tlat courtry? 45. He said ly vay ot commert tlat ve slould prol-
ally lave rair. 46. lle tliet vas olserved. 4. lley vatcled tle patiert
caretully. 48. lley told us alout tle traditior to celelrate tle Queer`s lirtl-
day. 49. lle driver pays attertior to trattic rules. 50. l made ar attempt till
l got tired. 51. He made ar attempt to vir a sclolarslip. 52. Wor`t you luy
ard use tlis rev kird ot detergert? 53. l lad a distressirg day. 54. Give tle
rev secretary a test to slov ler skill. 55. lake tle maclire tor tle purpose
ot testirg ard tler it you like it, luy it. 56. lle examiratior ir tle lav court
lasted a veek. 5. llat misclievous loy is too troullesome to lis teaclers.
58. lle clotles are rot clear. 59. l`m glad l laver`t to go out or sucl a
stormy riglt. 60. Somelody las scrillled olscere vords or tle vall. 61.
Somelody las played a mear trick or lim. 62. Dor`t make your rev dress
dirty. 63. Hov car l get all tlat mud ott tle steps? 64. lley vert or vitl
tleir vork atter stoppirg tor a time. 65. We took our seats agair. 66. lle
arclitect vas argry at tle talse accusatior. 6. lley telt strorg arger agairst
tleir oppressors. 68. lsr`t sle a meddlirg old lady? 69. Dor`t tamper vitl
tle maclire! 0. lt`s urvise to lreak ir upor luslard ard vite.
4. Coosc tc word tat bcst compIctcs cac scntcncc.
1. l`ll lave to corsult ar . specialist. 2. lo my . lis pairtirgs are just ugly
dauls. 3. l couldr`t lelieve my . vler l sav lov lig it vas. 4. Sle rever
took ler . ott. 5. lt tle state purisles a murderer ly deatl, it`s ar . tor ar
. 6. lr ler tatler`s . sle car do ro vrorg. . lle . ot tle vorld are upor
us today. 8. lle tlieves kept tleir . peeled tor tle police. 9. He makes .
at every girl le sees. 10. He orly las . tor lis vite. 11. lle car llev up
letore our very . 12. We car see vitl lalt ar . tlat le ard lis vite are
urlappy togetler. 13. lle loys stood or tle correr . tle local girls. 14.
\ou . too mucl salt ir tlis soup. 15. Sle`s . ler krovledge ot lrercl to
good use. 16. Dor`t try to . tle llame or me - it vasr`t my tault. 1. His
ideas vere cleverly . 18. Wlat slall l . at tle erd ot tle serterce? 19. .
all tle loys to vork. 20. Wlat are tley goirg to do rov, l . 21. lle tact
tlat sle lett lome is rot to le . at. 22. lle courtry loy . at all tle ligl
luildirgs ir tle city. 23. We are tilled vitl . at tle siglt ot tle leautitul
mourtairs. 24. lle temple ot Diara ard tle largirg garders ot Balylor
vere tvo ot tle Sever . ot tle World ir arciert times. 25. Sle looked so
tired letore, lut ler loliday las vorked . tor ler. 26. . vill rever cease.
2. lle strarge olject looked . tlrougl tle deep vater. 28. \ou miglt try
to read tlis . poem. 29. A vriter`s ideas may le so vague as to terd to
lecome . to most ot tle readers. 30. lle poet died ir . 31. lley . tle
irjured vomar or tle grass. 32. He plarred to luild lis ovr louse, ard
vas learrirg to . lricks. 33. We`re lavirg a rev carpet . ir tle ledroom.
34. lle rair guickly . tle dust. 35. last veek tley . 30 eggs, lut tlis
veek tle lers arer`t . 36. Sle . 5 pourds or tle tavourite. 3. lle
courtry vas . ir ruirs. 38. lle proposal vas . letore tle committee. 39.
l`ve leer . lov vitl tle tlu tor a veek. 40. He . tle lid ot tle lox. 41. He
vas . to tle rark ot captair. 42. lle kirg . ar army. 43. l`ve . tive
clildrer. 44. l`d like to . ar importart issue. 45. lle car . a cloud ot dust
as it rusled past. 46. Did you . ary tlirg urusual ir lis lelaviour? 4. lle
police . lim erterirg tle lark vitl a slotgur. 48. Will tley . tle ceasetire?
49. He . tlat it vas odd. 50. He lett ly tle lack door to escape . 51. Sle
made some irterestirg . or tle currert political scere. 52. llere are some
irterestirg . 53. luckily ar . passerly roticed tle tire. 54. lt you dor`t
succeed tle tirst time, . agair. 55. He . to stard or lis lead, lut le
couldr`t. 56. lle car vor`t start, . puslirg it. 5. Have you ever . mour-
tair climlirg? 58. His case vill le . ir tle Higl Court. 59. lle murder .
lasted six veeks. 60. He is ir detertior avaitirg . 61. lle rev aircratt las
pertormed very vell ir its iritial . 62. We estallisled our presert vorkirg
metlods ly a process ot . ard error. 63. We`ve lad a lot ot prollems ir tle
ottice recertly, it`s leer a very . time tor all ot us. 64. Put tle . disles ir
tle sirk. 65. Pepairirg cars is a . jol. 66. lle tislermar vor`t go out or
sucl a . riglt. 6. \ou`ll . your lards it you toucl tlat maclire. 68. Wasl
tle . ott tle clild`s krees. 69. lake ott your loots letore you tread ary
more . irto tle carpet. 0. Her political career vas ruired vler tle pa-
pers dug up some . alout ler past. 1. let us . vlere ve lett ott. 2.
Kirdly . your seats, ladies ard gertlemer. 3. He expressed lis riglteous
. 4. He could lardly sutter tle . ot leirg urtairly accused. 5. Dor`t le
so . Iverytlirg is all riglt. 6. l rever . letveer motler ard dauglter.
. lle sourd ot tle radio upstairs . vitl my vork. 8. Wlo`s leer .
vitl my looks? 9. l reserted lis . ir my attairs. 80. We apologize tor tle
., vlicl is due to lad veatler corditiors.
5. ExpIaIn tc nuanccs bctwccn tc synonyms In tc gIvcn scn-
tcnccs and tcn transIatc tcm.
A. uuu~:, aun::a:u, anaz~n~u, a:u::In~u, :n:j:::~
1. lo see a yourg couple lovirg eacl otler is ro vorder. 2. l vordered
vitl great admiratior. 3. We seemed struck to tle grourd tor some time, as
it actually petritied vitl amazemert. 4. \our silerce las lorg leer my
astorislmert. 5. He looked vitl surprise at me.
B. :a::~, I:J, ~I~:a~, I::, j:c nj
1. lle lell sourded ard tle curtair vas raised. 2. He litted lis arm ir a
jesture ot tarevell. 3. Vaterials are elevated to tle top tloor. 4. Vairsail ard
toresail vere loisted, tle arclor veigled. 5. l picked up tle coir ard
looked at it.
C. u::,, J:II,, JnI, g::n,, :gnaI:u
1. Her apartmert vas larger ard sometlirg dirtier. 2. lle purislmert cell
vas a dark, damp, tiltly lole urdergrourd. 3. Artlur vas plysically ex-
lausted vitl lurger, toul air ard vart ot sleep. 4. lle clildrer cravled out
ot tle lole. lleir taces vere grimy all over. 5. lle sgualid taverrs ard
lodgirg louses ot tle poor vere loatlsome to look at.
D. :uu:gua:u, aug~:, u:aI, ::~
1. lle yourg ladies gave vert to tleir lorest irdigratior. 2. Arger ir its
time ard place may assume a kird ot grace. 3. He carried lis vratl up to
tle verarda stairs. 4. lt roused lis ire.
6. FIII In tc approprIatc synonyms.
A. uuu~:, aun::a:u, anaz~n~u, a:u::In~u, :n:j:::~
1. . is tle dauglter ot igrorarce. 2. Ore large star ir particular excited our
. 3. l sav to my . tle mar strugglirg vitl tle vaves. 4. l vas ir tle
utmost . ard roared so loud tlat tley all rar lack ir a triglt. 5. But lis tace,
vler le leard it, sloved ar . vlicl vas very ditterert to tlat look ot
sertimertal . vlicl tle courterarce ot tle sisters vore. 6. ller vitl a
little cry ot . ard pleasure sle rose.
B. :a::~, I:J, ~I~:a~, I::, j:c nj
1. lley lad . up tle lody ot Jores, lut agair let lim tall. 2. We . a ladder
vler ve take it up ott tle grourd. 3. He vill do everytlirg possille to .
lis rame. 4. We sav tlem . arotler loat out. 5. He . up tle clild ard
carried lim irto tle louse. 6. lo . a tlag is to lold it up ligl erougl so tlat
everyore car see it, lut to . a tlag is to cause it to rise to tle top ot tle
tlagstatt. . lo . a pole is to get it or erd, lut to . a pole is to pick it up
trom tle grourd.
C. u::,, J:II,, JnI, g::n,, :gnaI:u
1. Urder tle lridge vas a ., crazy old loat. 2. Ardrev examired tle arm,
caretully suppressirg lis lorror ot tle . dressirg. 3. llere`s a . smell ir
lere. 4. Not orly tle roots ard virdovs are . ir tlis tovr, lut also tle
taces ot mary people. 5. lle prisorers exlilited a strarge array ot vild ard
svartly visages, . vitl reglect ard misery.
D. :uu:gua:u, aug~:, u:aI, ::~
1. Atter tley lad gore le sat dovr at tle talle still tremllirg vitl uraccus-
tomed . 2. . ard laste lirder good coursel. 3. . purisles itselt. 4. . is
a svorr eremy. 5. lle Grapes ot .` is ore ot J. Steirleck`s lest rovels. 6.
Irvy ard . slorter tle lite. . He tlusled vitl .
7. 1ransIatc tc IoIIowIng scntcnccs payIng attcntIon to tc prasaI
vcrbs to put, to Iay, to try + a partIcIc.
A. 1. He vas mucl put alout ly tle report ot lis trierd`s deatl. 2. Poor
darlirg, le lad ar idea ot lis ovr, ore le couldr`t possilly put across. 3. Put
avay your morey. 4. Not ore perry vill tley put ly tor a day like tlis. 5.
\ou reedr`t drive tle car up to tle louse, just put me dovr at tle gate. 6.
lake a piece ot paper ard put dovr everytlirg you car possilly reguire. .
We`ve put Kit dovr tor Wirclester. 8. Al! it seems lardly tair ot me to lave
spoker to you like tlat. l car see it`s put you riglt dovr. 9. lr sprirg trees
ard slruls put tortl luds ard leaves. 10. lley lave put tortl a rev
programme to erd tle ecoromic crisis. 11. We are goirg to put tortl ar-
otler look. 12. lley put torvard tle tleory tlat tle tire lad leer caused
ly surliglt slirirg or glass. 13. let me put ir a vord. 14. l`ll tell you vlat
to do. Put ir ar applicatior to stay lere. 15. Put ott your coats ard come irto
tle lall. 16. Perlaps l`d letter put ott my visit till tomorrov. 1. He tried to
put me ott vitl mere promises. 18. lle mere smell ot garlic put lim ott lis
supper. 19. He put lis sloes or. 20. He put some vater or to loil. 21.
llere vill le several corcerts to le put or durirg tle testival. 22. Sle put
ler vatcl or tverty mirutes. 23. He puts or ar air ot digrity. 24. He lad
lroadered ard put or tlesl. 25. Sle looked as it sle miglt le deucedly
dargerous it put upor. 26. Jack laugled ard put out lis lard. 2. Sle tell ott
a lorse ard put ler sloulder out. 28. lle tiremer soor put tle tire out. 29.
He vas put out ly lis remarks. 30. He vas put out ly tleir irterruptiors.
31. Iverylody said tle slov vas very vell put over. 32. Hov lorg vill you
reed to put it tlrougl? 33. Put me tlrougl to Vr X. 34. He put up tle lard
to catcl tle lall. 35. l`m goirg to put up tle morey to start you ir marage-
mert. 36. lle tirst oper air stage las leer put up. 3. He put up tor tle
secretaryslip ard vas elected. 38. We put up at a very good lotel. 39. lle
lotel is rot good, lut ve are orly stayirg tor tvo days so ve car put up
vitl it.
B. 1. He is layirg ly morey tor lis old age. 2. lle prollem is it le slould
lay dovr ottice. 3. lley laid dovr a map ot tle district. 4. Ar importart
prirciple las leer laid dovr. 5. lley laid dovr tle tloor vitl a carpet. 6.
Durirg tle recessior tley laid us ott tor tlree mortls. . \ou`d letter lay ott
alcolol tor a vlile. 8. lle pairt is tlickly laid or. 9. We car`t occupy tle
rev louse urtil gas ard vater are laid or. 10. Sle laid out tle map or tle
talle. 11. lle garders ard grourds vere laid out ly ar expert. 12. He vas
struck or tle torelead ly tle lall ard laid out. 13. \ou must lave laid out a
large sum ot morey. 14. ller lom rememlered learirg tle doctor tell
alout a certair tlirg tlat laid up a patiert tor tvo or tlree veeks. 15. \ou
are layirg up troulle tor yourselt.
C. 1. Nov, Iliza, tle rev tlirgs lave come tor you to try or. 2. lt`s ro use
tryirg it or vitl me. 3. l`m goirg to try you out as my rev vorks marager.
8. FIII In tc partIcIcs to compIctc tc vcrbs to put, to Iay, to try.
A. 1. Jim vas greatly put . ly tle message. 2. He may le a very clever
researcl vorker, lut le is very poor at puttirg tle stutt . to a class. 3. l`ll
lave to put sometlirg . tor my retiremert. 4. l lave a lit put . tor a rairy
day. 5. lle lus stopped at tle statior to put . ore or tvo passergers. 6.
Ore teels almost aslamed ot puttirg it . ir llack ard vlite agair. .
Clildrer`s rames are still put . at lirtl tor pullic sclools vitl tle lest
academic records. 8. He made ar urkird remark, irterded to put ler . lut
sle retused to allov ler spirits to le deteated. 9. lr tle sprirg, tle ledgerovs
put . luds. 10. lle leads ot goverrmert ot mary courtries lave put . a
letter system tor prevertirg uremploymert. 11. His rame vas put . tor
irclusior ir tle Humours list. 12. l`ll put . a claim tor damages. 13. Dor`t
torget to put . your tull rame ard address. 14. Please put . your sloes
letore erterirg tlis loly luildirg. 15. loriglt`s corcert vill le put . till
rext veek, as ore ot tle sirgers las lurt ler tlroat. 16. lom vas to arrive
tlis veekerd, lut l put lim . lecause you vere ill. 1. llose smelly
arimals put me . 18. He put lis coat . lurriedly ard rar out ot tle louse.
19. Please put tle liglt ., it`s gettirg dark. 20. Plore me as soor as you
leave tle ottice ard l`ll put tle dirrer ., so tlat it`s ready vler you get
lome. 21. lt l put . arotler ircl, l slar`t le alle to vear tlis dress. 22.
Wlicl play is tle lleatre Group puttirg . rext? 23. He put . a preterce
ot lravery, lut ve all krev tlat it vas talse. 24. l must put my vatcl .
tlree mirutes, it`s rurrirg slov. 25. l dor`t lelieve you, you`re just puttirg
me . 26. lt`s rude to put . your torgue at people. 2. Put . all tires
letore leavirg tle campirg grourd. 28. He seemed greatly put . ly tle
arrival ot tle rev vorkers. 29. Vird tlat slarp poirt, you rearly put my eye
.! 30. llat class vill rever succeed ir puttirg arytlirg . tle rev teacler,
le`s too experierced. 31. lle director put tle lusiress deal . very guickly.
32. Car you put me . to tlis rumler? 33. Would you please lelp me to
put tle slelt .? l car`t do it ly myselt. 34. Do you krov lov to put . a
tert? 35. \ou are rot alloved to put . advertisemerts or tlis vall vitlout
special permissior. 36. lt you put . your slare, tatler vill put . tle rest.
3. Do you really irterd to put . tor tlat seat? 38. l carrot put . vitl your
lelaviour ary lorger.
B. 1. l lave a little morey laid . tor a rairy day. 2. lle gererals lave
agreed tlat ve slould lay . our arms at midriglt. 3. l slould imagire tlat
tle Presidert vas glad to lay . lis ottice. 4. We slall lave to lay . a rev
tloor ir tle upstairs room. 5. let`s lay . tor a tev mirutes, tlis vork is tirirg.
6. 500 vorkers vere laid . vler tle tactory vas closed atter tle tire. .
lle louse las vater ard electricity laid . 8. Dor`t lay tle colour . too
tlickly or tle surtace vill rot le smootl. 9. lle scerery vas laid . letore
tle travellers vler tley reacled tle top ot tle lill. 10. Witl ore llov le
laid lis attacker . 11. Havirg laid . lis tatler`s torture irto slares, le vas
alle to live or tle irterest. 12. layirg . tle page vell makes all tle ditter-
erce to tle ease ot readirg tle look. 13. llese little tree arimals lay .
ruts tor tle virter. 14. l`ve leer laid . sirce Clristmas vitl a lad cougl.
C. 1. Never luy sloes vitlout tryirg tlem . tirst. 2. lt`s ro use tryirg .
tlat old trick vitl me. 3. l vart to try . several ot tle rev sirgers tor tle
9. Paraprasc tc scntcnccs usIng tc prasaI vcrbs to put, to Iay,
to try + a partIcIc.
A. 1. He vas very mucl distressed ly tlese talse accusatiors. 2. llis teacler
is alle to lrirg lome lis ideas to lis studerts. 3. A lot ot people save morey
tor tleir old age. 4. Has sle saved ary morey tor tuture use? 5. lle lus
stopped to allov tle passergers to aliglt. 6. lley corsidered me to le a
tool. . lle teacler ertered tle loy`s rame tor tle sclool tootlall team. 8.
Here`s my address - vrite it dovr letore you torget it. 9. lle trees are
serdirg out rev leaves. 10. He proposed limselt as a cardidate. 11. lr lis
letters, le alvays ircludes some amusirg remarks alout lis reigllours`
activities. 12. He alvays postpored goirg to tle dertist. 13. Never delay to
do vlat you car do today. 14. l`ve leer tryirg to meet you, lut your
secretary preverts me trom doirg it. 15. l guite like vorkirg tor tle director,
lut lis lad temper discourages me. 16. His modesty is orly preterce. 1.
He`s gettirg tatter. 18. Add some steam. 19. lr sprirg ve move tle lards ot
clocks ard vatcles to take advartage ot tle summer dayliglt. 20. lle
sclool alvays las a corcert ir tle veek letore Clristmas. 21. He`s rot
really irterested, le is deceivirg you. 22. Ixtirguisl tle liglts. 23. He ir-
jured lis lack ladly, tallirg dovr tle stairs like tlat. 24. He leld lis lard
out ir velcome. 25. lle least tlirg discorcerts lim. 26. At tle momert ve
are tryirg to complete tle programme. 2. lle rames ot tle successtul
cardidates vill le displayed or tle College rotice loard. 28. l vart to luild
a terce letveer our property ard our reigllour`s. 29. llat`s tle rule ot tle
game, so provide morey or slut up. 30. lley`d like to propose lim tor tle
post, lut le vor`t accept romiratior. 31. l car`t stard ler arotler day, sle
rever stops complairirg.
B. 1. lley lave a little morey saved tor emergercies. 2. lle majority ot
soldiers surrerded. 3. Several ot tle rev-type tarkers are leirg luilt or
lyreside. 4. lle tactory vas dismissirg people. 5. lle doctor said tlat Jim
ouglt to rest more. 6. We car`t live ir a louse it it is rot corrected to a
supply ot vater ard electricity. . Spread pairt all over tlis loard. 8. He
krocked ore ot tlem out ard l lad arotler ore rourd tle tlroat. 9. lle
tovr las vell plarred streets ard averues. 10. We`ll reed to store a good
supply ot teed it tlis virter`s goirg to le like tle last. 11. He vas cortired
to led lecause le lad ladly irjured lis kree.
C. 1. Sle put or ter pairs ot sloes letore sle tourd ary tlat suited ler. 2.
Sle vas vaitirg tor lim to act ir a lold ard impudert vay so sle could slap
lis tace. 3. l vorder it you car solve tlis prollem.` l slar`t krov urtil you
test my alilities.`
10. Rcspond to tc IoIIowIng usIng tc prasaI vcrbs to put, to Iay,
to try + a partIcIc.
A. 1. Wler do you teel put alout? 2. Hov slould you speak it you vart to
put your ideas across? 3. Wler do people put morey avay? 4. Do you tlirk
it`s vortl puttirg dovr impudert persors? 5. Wlat vill you do it you must
keep sometlirg ir mird lut tear tlat your memory may tail you? 6. Wlere
do luses put dovr passergers? . Hov mary rev looks are put out (tortl)
ir latvia eacl year? 8. Wlat do you do it somelody puts tortl rasl ard lasty
ideas? 9. Wly is it advisalle to tollov tle sayirg Never put ott till tomorrov
vlat you car do today`? 10. Are you usually put ott ly tle tirst urpleasart
impressior ot a persor? 11. Hov otter do you lave to put ott your appoirt-
merts? 12. lt you are goirg to cook dirrer vlat slould you do to get vater
leated? 13. Hov mary plays are put or at tle local tleatre eacl year? 14.
Do you krov ary vays to reduce veiglt? 15. Wly do some people put or
airs? 16. Wly do little clildrer otter put out tleir torgue? 1. Wlat car you
le put out ly? 18. Car you put up a tert? 19. Wlat are tle tlirgs you car`t
put up vitl? 20. Wlere do you put up vler you travel? 21. Wlat rotices
are put up or tle irtormatior loard?
B. 1. Wly is it recessary to lay morey ly? 2. Wlicl Americar presidert vas
compelled to lay dovr lis ottice? 3. Wlat are tloors otter laid dovr vitl? 4.
lt you dor`t teel vell, vlat does a doctor tell you to do? 5. Wly are vorkers
sometimes laid ott? 6. lt you vart to pairt your talle, vlat must you do? .
Wlat must a louse lave to le tit tor livirg ir it? 8. Wlat lappers to people
vlo are laid out ly gargsters? 9. Wlo car lay out rev parks ard grourds?
10. Have you ever leer laid up vitl a svoller kree?
C. 1. Wlat is advisalle to do letore luyirg a rev coat? 2. Have you ever
tried out rev ideas ir teaclirg Irglisl?
11. Lcarn tc prascs IIstcd rIgt aItcr tc tcxt and Intcrprct tcIr
mcanIng In tc scntcnccs Irom tc tcxt.
1. Ard le could lear tle people ir tle court outside go vleezirg up ard
dovr, leatirg tleir lards upor tleir lreasts, ard stampirg tleir teet upor
tle pavemert stores to varm tlem. 2. Wleretore tle clerk put or lis
vlite comtorter ard tried to varm limselt at tle cardle . 3. He lad so
leated limselt vitl rapid valkirg ir tle tog ard trost, tlis replev ot
Scrooge`s, tlat le vas all ir a glov, lis tace vas ruddy ard lardsome, lis
eyes sparkled ard lis lreatl smoked agair. 4. Scrooge lavirg ro letter
arsver ready or tle spur ot tle momert, said, Bal` agair . 5. Wlat`s
Clristmas time to you lut a time tor payirg lills vitlout morey . 6. .
Wler mer ard vomer seem ly ore corsert to oper tleir slut-up learts
treely. . Becomirg immediately sersille ot tle impropriety, le poked tle
tire, ard extirguisled tle last trail spark tor ever. 8. . Ard you`ll keep your
Clristmas ly losirg your situatior! 9. Wly give it as a reasor tor rot comirg
rov? 10. lley vere portly gertlemer pleasart to lelold, ard rov stood,
vitl tleir lats ott, ir Scrooge`s ottice. 11. Vary tlousards are ir vart ot
commor recessaries . 12. Are tley still ir operatior? 13. lle lreadmill
ard tle Poor lav are ir tull vigour, tler?` said Scrooge. 14. . A tev ot us
are erdeavourirg to raise a turd to luy tle Poor some meat ard drirk, ard
mears ot varmtl. 15. . Ard tlose vlo are ladly ott must go tlere. 16. .
lley lad letter do it, ard decrease tle surplus populatior. 1. Seeirg clearly
tlat it vould le useless to pursue tleir poirt, tle gertlemer vitldrev.
12. Makc up scntcnccs on cac prasc.
13. Makc up and act out sItuatIons In wIc tcsc prascs wouId
bc approprIatc.
14. GIvc tc EngIIs cquIvaIcnts Ior:
acs, pec acumera, paturet acis, kada acu prieksa, pec maram domam, ro
juridiska viedoka, akis ur cilpira, turet alas acis vaa, liezi uzstaties atklatila,
pieverst sev uzmarilu, acij tikams, dots pret dotu, lut lietpratejam, visu
ieverot, iztele, uzmaries!, roprast ro pirma acu uzmetiera, uzmest acis,
pust miglu kadam acis, lidz kaklam, ar reaplrurotu aci, ar tadu aprekiru
(roluku), lai, uzmarigi skatities,
rolikt, rolikt gulet, ieslodzit cietuma, likt uz lalsosaru, iejugt zirgu, ievietot
kadu slimrica, ielert cukuru teja, pielikt durvim sledzeri, atgadirat, izteikt
vardos, partulkot argliski, saudzigi izsakoties, redomat par kaut ko, uzrakstit
uz papira, parakstit ligumu, izleigt, savest kartila, sakaitirat, radit kadam
patikamus apstakus, salojat kaut ko, rokaurirat, apklusirat, iemidzirat,
veleties uzzirat, lririties, izlrirs, islaiciga sersacija, rav rekads lrirums,
lrirumlerrs, rotiek gar lrirumi, darit lrirumus,
tumss, vaji apgaismots, reskaidrs, apslapets, mazpazistams, rezirams,
aptumsot, padarit resaprotamu, tumsa, resaprotamila,
likt, izlikt cilpas, klat galdu, det olas, rolradat zalieru, pilseta lija drupas,
uzlikt par pierakumu, rovelt vairu uz kadu, sriegt pieradijumus,
celt, sacelt puteku makori, raudzet miklu, pacelt glazi uz kada veselilu,
pacelt platmali, pacelt lalsi, uzcelt piemirekli, izvirzit preterzijas, ierosirat
jautajumu, paaugstirat algu, audzet lalilu (lopus), audzirat lerrus,
rokomplektet armiju, sagadat raudu, pieskirt kadam kapteira pakapi, iedvest
cerilu, izsaukt smieklus, atdzivirat, izleigt aplerkumu, sacelt traci,
roverot, ieverot parazas, sviret gadadieru, ieverot klusumu, lut precizam,
pielilst, mar gardriz rav ko pielilst, roverotajs, parazu ieverotajs, roverosara,
tikt roverotam, roverot, piezimet, parazu (likumu) ieverosara, rituals, verigs,
kas ievero (likumus, parazas),
megirat, izmegirat laimi, megirat atvert logu, pielikt visus spekus, cersties
uzmiret, tiesat kadu par slepkavilu, parlaudit kada pacietilu, izmegirajums,
atlases metode, izmegirajuma lidojums, parlaudes laiks, pieremt uz parlaudes
laiku (darlirieku), izmegirat masiru, tiesas process, saukt pie atlildilas, tikt
tiesatam, gut parakumus tresaja megirajuma, tirais posts ur relaime, ar to
lerru tirais regals, smags, mokoss, apricigs cilveks, kaitigs veselilai,
retirs, zemisks, regodigs speletajs, rekrietrila, iztureties rekrietri pret kadu,
rekitri paskatities uz kadu, radioaktivs, retirs darls, rekrietrila, retirumi,
rometat duliem (romelrot), zeme (mals), klors, zemesces, zemiskums,
iztureties rekrietri pret kadu, letaks par letu, pazemoties, rakraties cita retiraja
vea, oti lets, oti raladzigs,
atsakt, atsakt darlu, atgut veselilu, atkal apsesties sava vieta, rezumet,
rezumejums, atsaksara, karadarlilas atsaksara, atpaka saremsara,
sasutis, rikrs protests, sasutums, masu protesta mitirs, recierila, cieras
iejaukties, jaukties kada darisaras, retrauce mari!, iejauksaras, traucejumi
15. Spcak on tc IoIIowIng topIcs cmpIoyIng tc acquIrcd vocabu-
Iary Itcms:
1. lavirg veak eyes,
2. purislmert as severe as tle irjury suttered,
3. doirg stl. vitl ar eye to oltairirg a result,
4. leirg a good judge ot stl.,
5. agreeirg completely vitl sl.,
6. puttirg a prollem ir simple vords,
. lavirg doult or curiosity alout stl.,
8. tle teelirg caused ly stl. strarge or remarkalle,
9. stl. ditticult to urderstard,
10. livirg ir olscurity,
11. layirg sl. lov,
12. tle scere is laid ir .,
13. layirg tle dust,
14. layirg claim to stl.,
15. layirg a vager or stl.,
16. raisirg a morumert,
1. raisirg ore`s voice,
18. raisirg ore`s tamily,
19. raisirg morey tor stl.,
20. olservirg vild lirds,
21. olservirg ceremories, rules, rituals, lolidays,
22. leirg urder olservatior,
23. makirg ar ettort,
24. puttirg to a severe test,
25. carryirg or tle trial ot ir a lav court,
26. a dirty trick, dirty tilms or looks,
2. tlrovirg dirt at sl.,
28. resumirg ore`s studies (vork),
29. leirg irdigrart at stl.,
30. irterterirg ir sl`s attairs,
31. irterterirg vitl sl`s vork.
16. 1ransIatc Into EngIIs.
1. Pec acumera sis zemes galals ir pietiekami liels. 2. las viss rotika viras
acu prieksa. Vel lidz sim laikam vira respej attapties. 3. luri alas acis vaa.
Sai komparijai revar rekada zira uzticeties. 4. Glezrotajs oti certas pieverst
sev uzmarilu gar ar savam glezram, gar savu apgerlu. 5. Dots pret dotu.
la ari vajadzeja darit, es viru pilrigi atlalstu. 6. Is ropratu ro pirma acu
uzmetiera, ka ar so cilveku kaut kas rav kartila. . Neput mar miglu acis,
tik raivs gar es reesmu. 8. Seros laikos zvaigzres roveroja ar reaplrurotu
aci. 9. Neko darit, jautajums lus jaliek uz lalsosaru. 10. Saudzigi izsakoties,
jusu eseja ir diezgar vaja. 11. Virs lija tik dusmigs, ka relija vairs iespejams
viru apklusirat. 12. lrteresarti, vai vira vispar ir seit lijusi? 13. Sis rakstrieka
jaurais romars ir galigi resaprotams. 14. Visu savu dzivi virs pavadija kada
mazpazistama pilsetira. 15. Pec kara pilseta lija drupas. lagad to vajadzeja
atkal atjaurot. 16. Is oti lali apziros, ka viri certisies rovelt vairu uz mari.
1. Vasira aizdrazas garam, saceot puteku makori. 18. Sis skolotajs liezi
pace lalsi, let tas viram maz lidz. 19. Cerams, ka tomer piemirekli uzcels.
20. Sie zemrieki audze gar lalilu, gar lopus. 21. Karalim izdevas savakt
armiju ur uzvaret pretirieku. 22. Bus jamegira savakt raudu, lai palidzetu
pludos cietusajiem. 23. Saja zeme cilveki ievero daudzas seras parazas. 24.
Is domaju, ka lemums ir pareizs. Var gardriz rav ko pielilst. 25. Var jau
izmegirat laimi. lomer eksameriem vajadzetu sagatavoties daudz lalak.
26. Pit tiesas sos divus cilvekus par slepkavilu. 2. la vier skiet, ka tu
parlaudi maru pacietilu. 28. Is domaju, ka to varetu roskaidrot ar atlases
metodi. 29. Ves pieremsim Jus uz parlaudes laiku. Ur tad jau redzesim, vai
Jus atlilstat musu prasilam. 30. Ja jau virs ir izdarijis roziegumu, tad virs
jasauc pie atlildilas. 31. lirais posts ur relaime! Uz tevi rekad revar paauties.
32. Ar so lerru ir tirais regals, virs revieru miruti revar palikt mierigs. 33.
Isi uzmarigs! Sis cilveks ir regodigs speletajs. 34. Nav roliedzams, ka pret
Arru virs izturejas rekrietri. 35. lr jau viegli rometat ar duliem, let vajadzetu
uzmarigak paskatities ari uz sevi. 36. Saja apvidu ir tikai zemes cei. 3.
Beidz rakraties citu cilveku retiraja vea! lr tacu citi veidi, ka rorakt pie
patiesilas. 38. Kad Jus atsaksiet darlu? Var skiet, ka Jus esat krietri vier
atlalusi. 39. Visi laidas, ka kara darlila atkal varetu atsakties. 40. las roteikti
ir cieras apvairojums. Uz to mums ir jareage. 41. Driz varetu rotikt masu
protesta mitirs. 42. Is revelos jaukties citu darisaras. Var pasam ir daudz
darla. 43. Skaais troksris trauceja viram korcertreties.
1. Answcr tc qucstIons.
1. Wlat vas tle veatler like or Clristmas Ive? 2. Wly vas tle door ot
Scrooge`s courtirg-louse oper? 3. Wlo came irto Scrooge`s room? 4. Wlat
did lis replev look like? 5. Wly did Scrooge detest Clristmas? 6. Wlat vas
tle replev`s attitude tovards Clristmas? . Wly did tle clerk ir tle tark
applaud? 8. Wly did Scrooge declire tle replev`s irvitatior to dire vitl
lis tamily? 9. Wlo came ir atter tlat? 10. Wly lad tlese tvo gertlemer
come? 11. Wlat vas Scrooge`s resporse? 12. Wlat did Scrooge tlirk ot
limselt vler tle tvo gertlemer lad lett?
2. EnIargc upon tc IoIIowIng.
1. lt vas cold, lleak, litirg veatler. 2. lle door ot Scrooge`s courtirg-
louse vas oper. 3. lle clerk put or lis vlite comtorter. 4. lt vas tle voice
ot Scrooge`s replev. 5. His tace vas ruddy ard lardsome. 6. Wlat riglt
lave you to le dismal? . Wlat else car l le vler l live ir sucl a vorld ot
tools as tlis? 8. llere are mary tlirgs trom vlicl l miglt lave derived
good. Clristmas amorg tle rest. 9. Dire vitl us tomorrov. 10. He vert tle
vlole lergtl ot tle expressior. 11. His replev lett tle room vitlout ar
argry vord. 12. lle clerk lad let tvo otler people ir. 13. We lave ro
doult lis lilerality is vell represerted ly lis survivirg partrers. 14. We are
erdeavourirg to raise a turd to luy tle Poor some meat ard drirk, ard
mears ot varmtl. 15. lt tley vould ratler die, tley lad letter do it. 16.
Scrooge resumed lis lalours vitl ar improved opirior ot limselt.
3. RctcII tc tcxt and tcn gIvc Its summary.
4. Makc up and act out dIaIogucs bctwccn:
1. Scrooge ard lis clerk alout leatirg tle rooms.
2. lle clerk ard arotler mar alout Scrooge as a miser.
3. Scrooge ard lis replev alout Clristmas.
4. lle replev ard arotler mar alout Scrooge`s courtirg-louse.
5. Scrooge ard lis replev alout tle irvitatior to come to dirrer vitl
tle replev`s tamily.
6. Scrooge ard tle clerk alout tle replev.
. lle tvo gertlemer alout Vr. Scrooge ard Vr. Varley.
8. Scrooge ard ore ot tle gertlemer alout raisirg a turd tor tle poor.
9. lle tvo gertlemer alout tleir tailure to raise tle turd.
10. Scrooge ard tle clerk alout tle tvo gertlemer.
11. lle replev ard lis vite alout Scrooge.
12. lle clerk ard lis trierd alout Scrooge ard lis replev.
5. PIck out IcxIcaI Itcms dcscrIbIng coId wIntcr wcatcr, CrIst-
mas, povcrty and mIscrIIncss. Makc up your own storIcs usIng
tcsc IcxIcaI Itcms.
6. Spcak on tc pIot, scttIng, composItIon and tcmc oI tc story.
7. Spcak on tc mctod oI caractcr drawIng cmpIoycd In tc
8. AnaIysc tc gcncraI pccuIIarItIcs oI tc story (dcscrIptIon, nar-
ratIon, dIaIogucs, coIIoquIaI words and Iorms, Iacts oI tc 19t
ccntury and tcIr dcsIgnatIon, tc coIcc oI words, ctc.).
9. PIck out IcxIcaI and syntactIcaI styIIstIc dcvIccs and rcvcaI tcIr
IunctIon In tc tcxt.
10. Say wat ImprcssIon tc story as produccd on you. 1ry to
motIvatc your answcr.
1. Answcr tc IoIIowIng qucstIons.
1. Betore tle tittl certury tlere vas ro gereral agreemert as to vler
Clristmas slould come ir tle calerdar, vletler or Jaruary 6, Varcl 25, or
Decemler 25. Wly vas Decemler 25 ultimately closer? 2. Betore Clris-
tiarity arciert people leld teasts at idertically tle period tlat Clristmas is
rov olserved. Wly did tley luild great lortires? 3. Wlat are Clristmas
crils ard vlere are tley set up? 4. Wlat courtry did Clristmas trees come
trom? 5. Wlat are \ule logs ard vler are tley lurrt? 6. Wly do people or
Clristmas Ive liglt cardles ir tle virdov? . Wly do clildrer put out
vooder sloes (or slippers) or Clristmas stockirgs? 8. Wlat do you krov
alout Sairt Niclolas or Sarta Claus? 9. Wly do rolirs play a promirert part
at Clristmas time? 10. Wlat is carolirg? 11. Wler is Boxirg Day celelrated?
12. Wlat do you krov alout tle lvelve Days ot Clristmas? 13. Hov do
you celelrate Clristmas ir your tamily? 14. Wlat do you do to trim your
Clristmas tree? 15. Wlat is your tavourite Clristmas carol?
2. Commcnt on tc IoIIowIng.
1. Sle lrouglt tortl tle tirst lorr sor, ard vrapped lim ir svaddlirg-
clotles, ard laid lim ir a marger, lecause tlere vas ro room tor tlem ir
tle irr. (Bille) 2. Ard, lo tle argel ot tle lord came upor tlem, ard said,
Belold, l lrirg you good tidirgs ot great joy, vlicl slall le to all people.
lor urto you is lorr tlis day ir tle city ot David a Saviour, vlicl is Clrist
tle lord. (Bille) 3. Glory to God ir tle liglest, ard or eartl peace, good
vill tovard mer. (Bille)
4. lle time dravs rear tle lirtl ot Clrist,
lle moor is lid, tle riglt is still,
lle Clristmas lells trom lill to lill
Arsver eacl otler ir tle mist. (A. lerrysor)
5. Heap or more vood! tle vird is clill,
But let it vlistle as it vill,
We`ll keep our Clristmas merry still. (W. Scott)
6. lle melody ot Clristmas carols surg
lo cleer someore you lold dear,
A sircere message tlat you vrite
llat varms tle leart tlrouglout tle year. (G. Holmar)
. lle louse is lurg vitl cedar lougls
llere`s Clristmas ir tle air,
lle gitts are tied vitl tirsel lovs
Ard lidder everyvlere. (G. Burket)
8. Slire, Clristmas cardle,
Glimmer ard glov,
Serdirg your liglt
llrougl tle sott-tallirg srov. (B. Voore)
9. Pirg out, ol lells, at Clristmastime,
Proclaim tle lour las come
lor love ard lrotlerlood tor all,
lle Goal ot Clristerdom. (I. Clamlerlair)
10. let us merrily darce ard play.
Sarta Claus is or lis vay.
11. Old year, you slall rot die.
\ou came to us so readily,
\ou lived vitl us so steadily,
Old year, you slall rot die. (A. lerrysor)
12. Pirg out tle old, rirg ir tle rev,
Pirg, lappy lells, across tle srov:
lle year is goirg, let lim go.
Pirg out tle talse, rirg ir tle true. (A. lerrysor)
3. Rcad tc IoIIowIng tcxts and dIscuss tcm.
A. CrIstmas
Clristmas ard Nev \ear lotl lelorg to tle Wirter Solstice seasor ard ir
secular custom merge irto ore. lrdeed it vould le ditticult to separate tleir
customs sirce tle clarges ir tle calerdar caused overlappirg.
Clristmas is a Clristiar testival tlat celelrates tle lirtl ot Jesus. lt is tle
most popular testival ot tle year ir Great Britair ard is videly celelrated all
over tle courtry.
Or Clristmas Day tle lells rirg. lleir rirgirg serds tortl messages ot
peace ard love. lley rirg so merrily vislirg everylody: Verry Clristmas!
Verry Clristmas! Vay our learts overtlov vitl joy or tle lirtlday ot our
lord!` lle lells make eacl leart turr trom tle vorld`s caprice ard lov
letore tle teet ot our Heaverly lord.
lle story ot tle lirtl ot Jesus Clrist is tourd ir tle Nev lestamert ot tle
Bille. Our lord vas lorr ir Betllelem, vlere lis motler Vary ard Josepl
ler luslard lad come to le ertered or tle lists tor payirg taxes to tle
Pomars vlo ruled tle courtry tler. Vary people lad come to tle city tor
tlat occasior, ard Betllelem vas crovded. llere vere ro rooms ir ary ot
tle irrs tlere. So Vary ard Josepl lad to lodge tor tle riglt ir a stalle. lle
stalle vas a lovly cattle sled. Here Vary gave lirtl to ler Heaverly Clild.
Jesus vas rot ar ordirary laly. He vas tle sor ot God vlo came irto tle
vorld to save people. llere vas ro proper place to put tle laly or, ard
Vary used a marger tor His led.
lr tle 13tl certury St. lrarcis ot Assisi (1182 - 1226), tle tourder ot tle
lrarciscar order ot tle triars, made a model ot tle stalle vlere Jesus lad
leer lorr. Sirce tlat time people lave made a Clristmas cril tor tleir
clurcl vitl models ot tle Holy lamily, as Jesus, Vary ard Josepl are called,
ar ox, ar ass ard visitirg vise mer ard sleplerds.
Some people ir Britair still lelieve tlat it ore goes irto tle covlouse or
Clristmas Ive at midriglt le vill see tle leasts kreelirg just as tley did
vler Jesus vas lorr. lt is also lelieved tlat it tle clildrer vake at tle same
lour tley may see latler Clristmas comirg dovr ir tle climrey.
llere vas a lriglt star slirirg over tle stalle ir Betllelem, vlere Jesus
vas lorr. lt vas so lriglt tlat it made tle tlree vise mer trom tle Iast
tollov it. lt led tlem to Betllelem ard came to tle lovly stalle. lley vere
sure tlat tle star arrourced tle lirtl ot a very special clild, so tley gave
Him tleir gitts ot gold, trarkircerse (a tragrart gum resir) ard myrrl (a
gum used tor ircerse ard pertumes as vell as to emlalm tle dead). llere
vas great joy ir tle leavers vler Jesus vas lorr, ard argels vere sirgirg
praise to Him. Some ot tlem descerded or eartl ard visited sleplerds
vlo vere lookirg atter tleir sleep ir tle tields outside Betllelem. lle
argels arrourced tlem tle lirtl ot tle sor ot God vlo vould save tle
people, ard tley vert to vorslip Him.
lle sleplerds spread tle revs, ard people krev alout tle lirtl ot ar
extraordirary Clild vlo vas to lecome Clrist tle lord.
(1:n 1::::I 1~:::aI:;
B. Wy CrIst was Born
Iacl year durirg tle Clristmas seasor tley tell ard retell tle story ot
vlat is traditiorally tlouglt to le tle tirst Clristmas`. lt is otter teatured or
greetirg Clristmas cards, portrayed ly rativity sceres, acted out ir plays. lt
is tle sulject ot art ard music.

But tle actual story ot Jesus` lirtl is tourd orly ir tle Bille. lle lillical
accourt ot tlat great evert las a sigriticartly ditterert emplasis tlar ve
tird ir tle traditioral versior so popular at Clristmas time.
Accordirg to Clristiar religious teaclirgs, Jesus vas rot just arotler lu-
mar leirg. He vas tle promised Vessial ard Saviour ot markird. He vas
tle Sor ot God, God ir tle tlesl. Ore ot His rames vas lmmaruel, mear-
irg God vitl us`.
Wler Jesus vas lorr, His lirtl vas rot ar urexpected evert. Proplesies
tlat it vould lapper are scattered tlrouglout tle Old lestamert.
llrougl tlousards ot years tle proplesy ot a special ottsprirg trom a
vomar vas periodically revealed ir symlolic ard specitic terms trom God.
Sever lurdred years letore Jesus vas lorr lsaial lad vritter: Belold, tle
Virgir slall corceive ard lear a Sor, ard slall call His rame lmmaruel`.
Alout tle same time Vical vas irspired to rame tle exact tovr,
Betllelem, vlere tlis vould take place.
lle Vessial vas to le put to deatl tor tle sirs ot lumarity. lle impor-
tarce ot tlat part ot His missior is leavily stressed ly most clurcles. But
tlere is arotler reasor tor lis leirg lorr. lle Vessial vas also proplesied
to le a vorld-rulirg kirg.
llere vere some irdividuals, like Zaclarias, tle tatler ot Jolr tle Bap-
tist, ard a mar ramed Simeor, to vlom God lad directly revealed tlat tle
appeararce ot tle Vessial vas rear. lle revs like tlat vould lave spread
tast: Judal vas a corguered ratior, ruled ly Pome, ard mary Jevs lorged
tor a deliverer like tle Vessial vas portrayed to le.
(1:n 1::::I 1~:::aI:;
C. Pcacc on Eart
lle tirst arrourcemert ot Jesus` lirtl vas giver to sleplerds vatclirg
over tleir tlocks ir tle Judear lills. lor tler tle riglt vas passirg like
courtless otler riglts spert urder tle starlit skies. ller everytlirg clarged.
Sudderly tle courtryside vas illumirated vitl radiart lrilliarce. Ar argel
appeared ard spoke to tle territied sleplerds: Do rot le atraid, tor le-
lold, l lrirg you good tidirgs ot great joy vlicl vill le to all people`.
lle good revs vas irterded tor everyore - tor all people`. lle argel
vert or to arrource tle lirtl ot Jesus ir tle rearly tovr ot Betllelem.
No soorer lad le tirisled vler le vas joired ly a multitude ot leaverly
voices proclaimirg: Glory to God ir tle liglest, ard or eartl peace, good
vill tovard mer!`.
Sucl peace is possille orly urder tle rulerslip ot Jesus Clrist. lle day
letore Jesus vas put to deatl tle Pomar goverror Pilate asked lim it it

vere true, as le lad leard, tlat Jesus claimed to le a kirg. Jesus didr`t dery
it. But His kirgdom vas rot ot tlat age ard society.
ls it true tlat tlere is a spiritual represertatior ot tle kirgdom ir tle
clurcl. Wlile livirg ir a vorld gererally opposed to tle values ot tlis kirg-
dom, Clristiars may still experierce spiritual peace ard lappiress as tley
tollov Clrist. But Clrist`s literal vorld-rulirg goverrmert is yet to le set up
or eartl. Jesus promised to come agair. Wler le comes, le vill estallisl
lis kirgdom ard lrirg lastirg peace to tle vorld ever as le rov grarts
peace to tlose irdividuals vlo sulmit tleir lives to lim.
lle Bille gives tar more attertior to explairirg tle good revs ot Jesus`
lite, deatl, resurrectior ard secord comirg tlar to tle story ot lis plysical
lirtl. llat makes some religious people tlirk it is simply out-ot-proportior
to put so mucl emplasis, as tle popular celelratior ot Clristmas does, or
tle lirtl ot Jesus vler tlere is so mucl more ot importarce corcerrirg
lim, vlat le stards tor, vlat le is doirg rov ard vlat le is goirg to do ir
tle tuture.
(1:n 1::::I 1~:::aI:;
D. Hogmanay CcIcbratIons
lr Scotlard tley celelrate tle Nev \ear vlole-leartedly. lle prepara-
tiors tor tle occasior legir several days letore tle Nev \ear`s Ive, vlicl
is krovr as Hogmaray. Housevives lave plerty ot tlirgs to le dore.
lley lave to clear tleir louses ard complete all tle routire vork ir time.
lley are also to cook a lot ot traditioral disles, sucl as plum puddirgs,
oatcakes ard currart lurs tlat are also krovr as llack lurs. lle Niglt ot
Hogmaray is a time tor merrymakirg, givirg ot preserts ard olservarce ot
tle old customs.
lle origirs ot tle Scottisl customs are as arciert as tley are diverse. lle
very tact tlat Scotlard close to celelrate tle Nev \ear ir pretererce to
Clristmas is said to lave its roots ir tle Kirk, vlicl vieved tle Clristmas
celelratiors as popisl ard superstitious`. Wlatever tle reasors, it las al-
vays leer tlat tle turtler rortl ore travels ir Britair, tle more irterse is
tle svirg ir celelratiors tovards tle Nev \ear. Strargely erougl, ir recert
years tlis diversity las rot leer so roticealle, as tlose ir tle soutl lave
lecome more avare ot Hogmaray as a time ot celelratior.
lle rame Hogmaray` is itselt locked ir some cortroversy. lt is sup-
posed to come trom tle Arglo-Saxor Haleg Voratl` (Holy Vortl), or tle
Gaelic oge maidre` (Nev Vorrirg). Wlatever tle origir ot tle rame, it
las remaired ir tle corscierce ot tle Scottisl people tor mary certuries.

lt vas orce tle custom ir Scotlard to give gitts or tle tirst ot Jaruary, ard
irdeed urtil tle 18tl certury tle rumler ot gitts giver tler tar outslore
tlose giver at Clristmas, ir lotl rumler ard guality. lt is orly very recertly
tlat some parts ot Scotlard erded tle practice ot givirg tokers to clildrer,
vlicl tlemselves vere called logmarays.
Vary may say tlat today tle Scottisl Hogmaray traditiors are varislirg,
lut tlere are some areas ot Scotlard vlere ever ir tlese moderr times old
traditiors tlarktully die lard. lr levis, tor irstarce, tlere las lorg sirce
leer a traditior tlat or Hogmaray tle loys torm tlemselves irto lards.
lle leader ot eacl lard slould vear a sleepskir, vlile a memler must
carry a sack. lle lards tler move trom louse to louse, recitirg a Gaelic
rlyme. Or leirg irvited irto tle lome ly tle vomar ot tle tamily, tle
leader vould valk clockvise arourd tle tire, or arourd a clair ir tlese
moderr times, vlile everyore else lit tle skir vitl sticks. lle loys vould
le giver some larrocks tor tleir sack, letore movirg or to tle rext louse.
llis is ot course a localized traditior. Vore commor tlrouglout tle rest
ot Scotlard is tle traditioral tirirg ot gurs at midriglt, tolloved ly tle mer
settirg out to tirst-tootirg`. llis traditior is almost uriversal.
(1:n 1::::I 1~:::aI:;
E. AuId Lang Sync
No Hogmaray party car do vitlout sirgirg ot Auld larg Syre` tlat las
leer ore ot tle vorld`s most popular sorgs tor a certury ard a lalt. lle
melody is lelieved to le ar arciert tolk darce pertormed ir rortl-easterr
Scotlard. lle vords are partly traditioral ard partly ly Polert Burrs, vlose
versior appeared ir 194. lle tirst verse ard clorus are surg vitl every-
ore loldirg lards ir a circle. Or tle secord verse, everyore crosses lards
ir trort, givirg lis riglt lard to tle persor or tle lett ard lis lett lard to
tle persor or tle riglt.
lle memories ot Hogmaray are alvays lappy. lr all tle traditiors ard
customs ot Hogmaray, ore tleme survives, tlat tle Nev \ear must legir
or a lappy rote, vitl a clear lreak trom all tlat may lave leer lad ir tle
previous year.
(1:n 1::::I 1~:::aI:;
AuId Lang Sync
Slould auld acguairtarce le torgot
Ard rever lrouglt to mird?
Slould auld acguairtarce le torgot
Ard days ot auld larg syre?
lor auld larg syre, my dear,
lor auld larg syre,
We`ll take a cup ot kirdress yet,
lor auld larg syre.
We tvo lave rur alout tle lraez
Ard pulled tle govars tire,
But ve`ve vardered mary a veary toot
Sirce auld larg syre.
We tvo lave paddled ir tle lrook
lrom morrirg sur till roor,
But seas letveer us lroad lave roared
Sirce auld larg syre.
Ard lere`s a lard, my trusty trierd,
Ard give us a lard ot tlire,
We`ll take a riglt good villie vauglt
lor auld larg syre.
4. Lcarn tc CrIstmas caroIs by cart and sIng tcm. DIscuss tc
Idcas cxprcsscd In A. 1cnnyson`s pocm RIng out, WIId BcIIs
and Icarn It by cart.
A. SIIcnt NIgt
Silert Niglt, Holy Niglt!
All is calm, all is lriglt.
Pourd tle Virgir Votler ard Clild.
Holy irtart so terder ard mild,
Sleep ir leaverly peace,
Sleep ir leaverly peace.
Silert Niglt, Holy Niglt!
Sleplerds guake at tle siglt.
Glory streams trom leaver atar,
Heaverly losts sirg alleluia.
Clrist, tle Saviour is lorr,
Clrist, tle Saviour is lorr.
Silert Niglt, Holy Niglt!
Sor ot God, love`s pure liglt
Padiart leams trom tly Holy tace
Witl tle davr ot leaverly grace,
Jesus, lord at tly lirtl,
Jesus, lord at tly lirtl.
B. 1c FIrst NocI
lle tirst Novell tle argel did say
Was to certair poor sleplerds ir tields as tley lay,
lr tields as tley lay, keepirg tleir sleep,
Or a cold virter`s riglt tlat vas so deep.
Novell, Novell, Novell, Novell,
Borr is tle Kirg ot lsrael.
lley looked up ard sav a star
Slirirg ir tle east leyord tlem tar,
Ard to tle eartl it gave great liglt,
Ard so it cortirued lotl day ard riglt.
Ard ly tle liglt ot tlat same star
llree vise mer came trom courtry tar,
lo seek tor a kirg vas tleir irtert,
Ard to tollov tle star vlerever it vert.
llis star drev rigl to tle rortlvest,
O`er Betllelem it took its rest,
Ard tlere it did lotl stop ard stay
Piglt over tle place vlere Jesus lay.
ller ertered ir tlose vise mer tlree
lell reverertly upor tleir kree,
Ard ottered tlere ir lis preserce
lleir gold, ard myrrl, ard trarkircerse.
ller let us all vitl ore accord
Sirg praises to our leaverly lord,
llat latl made leaver ard eartl ot rauglt,
Ard vitl lis llood markird latl louglt.
C. O CrIstmas 1rcc
O Clristmas tree, O Clristmas tree,
\our lrarcles greer deliglt us.
O Clristmas tree, O Clristmas tree,
\our lrarcles greer deliglt us.
lley`re greer vler summer days are lriglt.
lley`re greer vler virter srov is vlite.
O Clristmas tree, O Clristmas tree,
\our lrarcles greer deliglt us.
O Clristmas tree, O Clristmas tree,
\our dress vill teacl me sometlirg.
O Clristmas tree, O Clristmas tree,
\our dress vill teacl me sometlirg.
lle lopes ard tle corstarcy
Give pover ard courage urto me.
O Clristmas tree, O Clristmas tree,
\our dress vill teacl me sometlirg.
O Clristmas tree, O Clristmas tree,
\ou give us so mucl pleasure.
O Clristmas tree, O Clristmas tree,
\ou give us so mucl pleasure.
Hov ott at Clristmastide tle siglt
Ot greer tir tree gives us deliglt.
O Clristmas tree, O Clristmas tree,
\ou give us so mucl pleasure.
Rcad and dIscuss tc tcxt on caroI sIngIng.
D. CaroI SIngIng
Carol sirgirg is ar essertial part ot Clristmas. No clurcl or sclool is
vitlout its carol service. We are torturate ir lavirg a vealtl ot carols to
cloose trom lotl Irglisl ard toreigr. lley may le traditioral or ly krovr
composers, or rev arrargemerts ot old tures, tley may le simple rarrative
sorgs or liglly symlolic mystiticatiors, tley car express a vide rarge ot
teelirgs, trom julilatior to guiet cortemplatior, tleir spirit is akir to secular
music ard to darce ratler tlar to liturgy, ard tley made tleir detirite
appeararce ir Clristiar listory alout tle titteertl certury, vler tle mod-
err spirit ot lumarism lad davred upor tle Viddle Ages.
lt car le a doulttul treat vler clildrer come rourd ir tle everirg.
Some time ago louselolders ir lomtord, Issex, vere deliglted ly urusu-
ally leautitul carol sirgirg ir tleir guiet streets. Comirg to tleir trort doors
vitl gererous tokers ot appreciatior, tley vere amused to tird rot a large
protessioral cloir supported ly a lrass lard, lut tlree small clildrer - ore
loldirg a larterr, arotler exterdirg ar expectart lard, ard tle tlird vitl
ler tirger placed tirmly or tle luttor ot a portalle trarsistor tape recorder.
(1:n EugI::I MuII,;
E. AIIrcd 1cnnyson
RIng out, WIId BcIIs
Pirg out, vild lells, to tle vild sky,
lle tlyirg cloud, tle trosty liglt:
lle year is dyirg ir tle riglt,
Pirg out, vild lells, ard let lim die.
Pirg out tle old, rirg ir tle rev,
Pirg, lappy lells, across tle srov,
lle year is goirg, let lim go,
Pirg out tle talse, rirg ir tle true.
Pirg out tle griet tlat saps tle mird,
lor tlose tlat lere ve see ro more,
Pirg out tle teud ot ricl ard poor,
Pirg ir redress to all markird .
Pirg out talse pride ir place ard llood,
lle civic slarder ard tle spite,
Pirg ir tle love ot trutl ard riglt,
Pirg ir tle commor love ot good.
Pirg out old slapes ot toul disease,
Pirg out tle rarrovirg lust ot gold,
Pirg out tle tlousard vars ot old,
Pirg ir tle tlousard years ot peace.
5. Say wat you tInk oI tcsc popuIar wcatcr Iorccasts Ior wIn-
tcr and summcr.
1. lt tle virter is cold ard tlere is little srov, tle summer vill le dry ard
2. lt tle virter is srovy ard virdy - expect a lad rairy summer.
3. lt it is varm ir virter, it vill le cold ir summer.
4. A lot ot srov ir virter promises a good larvest ot grass.
5. A lot ot loar-trost ir virter makes summer lad tor tle lealtl.
6. lt tle sur or moor las a rirg rourd it, expect trost or srovstorms.
. lt clouds are vlite ir virter, expect a severe trost.
8. lt ir virter tle torest lums, tlere vill le a tlav.
9. lt tle stars spark lrigltly, expect a trost tle rext day.
10. lt tle lorrs ot a rev moor are directed upvards, expect a trost.
11. lt tle srov is tallirg ir large tlakes, expect a tlav.
12. lle smoke risirg trom tle climrey vertically sigrities a severe trost.
13. lt a red sur sets irto a cloud, tle rext day vill le surry ard trosty.
14. lt or tle tirst ot Decemler it is cold ir tle morrirg, tle legirrirg ot
tle virter vill le vet ard muddy, it it is cold ard stormy at roor, tle
veatler vill le similar ir tle middle ot tle virter, it tlere is a srov-
storm ir tle everirg, tler tle virter vill le prolorged.
15. A cold Jaruary mears a lot ard dry July: dor`t expect muslrooms till
16. lreguert srovstorms ard llizzards ir Jaruary mear treguert rairs ir
6. DIscuss tcsc Iorccasts In your own dIaIogucs.
7. GIvc your own cxampIcs IIIustratIng tcsc Iorccasts. Your ob-
scrvatIons may bc bascd on your own cxpcrIcncc or your par-
cnts` or acquaIntanccs` cxpcrIcncc.
U n I t F o u r
JOHN S1EINBECK (1902-1968)
1c Rcd Pony
Jolr Steirleck is ar Americar rovelist vlo vas lorr ir Saliras, Calitor-
ria, ir 1902. He studied liology at Startord. His literary career legar ir
1929 vitl a romartic rovel Cup ot Gold` alout tle luccareer Sir Herry
Vorgar. His rext look vas a collectior ot slort stories portrayirg tle people
ir a tarm commurity lle Pastures ot Heaver` (1932).
lt vas lortilla llat` (1935) vitl its vivid picture ot lite amorg paisaros
tlat lrouglt Steirleck to promirerce.
lle tore ot lis vork clarged vitl lr Dulious Battle` (1936), ir vlicl
le descriles a strike amorg migratory vorkers ir tle Calitorria truit or-
clards, ard vitl Ot Vice ard Ver` (193), vlicl is a story ot tvo itirerart
tarm vorkers vlo yearr tor some sort ot lome. His lest-krovr vork ard
tle ligl poirt ot lis career is tle rovel lle Grapes ot Wratl` (1939). lt
tells tle story alout a tamily tleeirg trom tle dust lovl ot Oklaloma to
vlat tley lope vill le a letter lite ir Calitorria. llis rovel vor a Pulitzer
J. Steirleck returrs to tle lite ot paisaros ir Carrary Pov` (1945). Amorg
lis otler rovels are: lle Wayvard Bus` (194), lle Pearl` (194), Iast
ot Ider` (1952), lle Wirter ot Our Discortert` (1961).
His ror-tictior ircludes: lle log ot tle Sea ot Cortez` (1951), Orce
llere vas a War` (1958), lravels vitl Clarley` (1962). He vas avarded
tle Nolel Prize tor literature ir 1962.
lt vas tour o`clock ir tle atterroor vler Jody topped tle lill ard looked
dovr or tle rarcl agair. He looked tor tle saddle lorses, lut tle corral vas
empty. His tatler vas rot lack yet. He vert slovly, tler, tovard tle atter-
roor clores. At tle rarcl louse, le tourd lis motler sittirg or tle porcl,
merdirg socks.
llere`s tvo douglruts ir tle kitcler tor you,` sle said. Jody slid to tle
kitcler, ard returred vitl lalt ot ore ot tle douglruts already eater ard
lis moutl tull. His motler asked lim vlat le lad learred ir sclool tlat day,
lut sle didr`t lister to lis douglrut-muttled arsver. Sle irterrupted, Jody,
toriglt see you till tle vood-lox clear tull. last riglt you crossed tle sticks
ard it vasr`t orly alout lalt tull. lay tle sticks tlat toriglt. Ard Jody, some
ot tle lers are lidirg eggs, or else tle dogs are eatirg tlem. look alout ir
tle grass ard see it you car tird ary rests.`
Jody, still eatirg, vert out ard did lis clores. He sav tle guail come
dovr to eat vitl tle clickers vler le tlrev out tle grair. lor some
reasor lis tatler vas proud to lave tlem come. He rever alloved ary
slootirg rear tle louse tor tear tle guail miglt go avay.
Wler tle vood-lox vas tull, Jody took lis tverty-tvo ritle up to tle
cold sprirg at tle lrusl lire. He drark agair ard tler aimed tle gur at all
marrer ot tlirgs, at rocks, at lirds or tle virg, at tle lig llack pig kettle
urder tle cypress tree, lut le didr`t sloot tor le lad ro cartridges ard
vouldr`t lave urtil le vas tvelve. lt lis tatler lad seer lim aim tle ritle ir
tle directior ot tle louse, le vould lave put tle cartridges ott arotler
year. Jody rememlered tlis ard did rot poirt tle ritle dovr tle lill agair.
lvo years vas erougl to vait tor cartridges. Nearly all ot lis tatler`s pre-
serts vere giver vitl reservatiors vlicl lampered tleir value somevlat.
lt vas good disciplire.
lle supper vaited urtil dark tor lis tatler to returr. Wler at last le
came ir vitl Billy Buck, Jody could smell tle delicious lrardy or tleir
lreatls. lrvardly le rejoiced, tor lis tatler sometimes talked to lim vler
le smelled ot lrardy, sometimes ever told tlirgs le lad dore ir tle vild
days vler le vas a loy.
Atter supper, Jody sat ly tle tireplace ard lis sly polite eyes souglt tle
room corrers, ard le vaited tor lis tatler to tell vlat it vas le cortaired,
tor Jody krev le lad revs ot some sort. But le vas disappoirted. His
tatler poirted a sterr tirger at lim.
\ou`d letter go to led, Jody. l`m goirg to reed you ir tle morrirg.`
llat vasr`t so lad. Jody liked to do tle tlirgs le lad to do as lorg as
tley verer`t routire tlirgs. He looked at tle tloor ard lis moutl vorked
out a guestior letore le spoke it. Wlat are ve goirg to do ir tle morrirg,
kill a pig?` le asked sottly.
Never you mird. \ou letter get to led.`
Wler tle door vas closed lelird lim, Jody leard lis tatler ard Billy
Buck clucklirg ard le krev it vas a joke ot some kird. Ard later, vler le
lay ir led, tryirg to make vords out ot tle murmurs ir tle otler room, le
leard lis tatler protest, But, Putl, l didr`t give mucl tor lim.`
Jody leard tle loot-ovls lurtirg mice dovr ly tle larr, ard le leard a
truit tree liml tap-tappirg agairst tle louse. A cov vas lovirg vler le
vert to sleep.
Wler tle triargle sourded ir tle morrirg, Jody dressed more guickly
ever tlar usual. lr tle kitcler, vlile le vasled lis tace ard comled lack
lis lair, lis motler addressed lim irritally. Dor`t you go out urtil you get
a good lreaktast ir you.`

He vert irto tle dirirg-room ard sat at tle lorg vlite talle. He took a
steamirg lotcake trom tle platter, arrarged tvo tried eggs or it, covered
tlem vitl arotler lotcake ard sguasled tle vlole tlirg vitl lis tork.
His tatler ard Billy Buck came ir. Jody krev trom tle sourd or tle tloor
tlat lotl ot tlem vere vearirg tlatleeled sloes, lut le peered urder tle
talle to make sure. His tatler turred ott tle oil lamp, tor tle day lad ar-
rived, ard le looked sterr ard disciplirary, lut Billy Buck didr`t look at Jody
at all. He avoided tle sly guestiorirg eyes ot tle loy ard soaked a vlole
piece ot toast ir lis cottee.
Carl litlir said crossly, \ou come vitl us atter lreaktast!`
Jody lad troulle vitl lis tood tler, tor le telt a kird ot doom ir tle air.
Atter Billy lad tilted lis saucer ard draired tle cottee vlicl lad slopped
irto it, ard lad viped lis lards or lis jears, tle tvo mer stood up trom tle
talle ard vert out irto tle morrirg liglt togetler, ard Jody respecttully
tolloved a little lelird tlem. He tried to keep lis mird trom rurrirg alead,
tried to keep it alsolutely motiorless.
His motler called, Carl! Dor`t you let it keep lim trom sclool.`
lley marcled past tle cypress, vlere a sirgletree lurg trom a liml to
lutcler tle pigs or, ard past tle llack iror kettle, so it vas rot a pig killirg.
lle sur slore over tle lill ard tlrev lorg, dark sladovs ot tle trees ard
luildirgs. lley crossed a stullle-tield to slortcut to tle larr. Jody`s tatler
urlooked tle door ard tley vert ir. lley lad leer valkirg tovard tle
sur or tle vay dovr. lle larr vas llack as riglt ir cortrast ard varm
trom tle lay ard trom tle leasts. Jody`s tatler moved over tovard tle ore
lox stall. Come lere!` le ordered. Jody could legir to see tlirgs rov. He
looked irto tle lox stall ard tler stepped lack guickly.
A red pory colt vas lookirg at lim out ot tle stall. lts terse ears vere
torvard ard a liglt ot disoledierce vas ir its eyes. lts coat vas rougl ard
tlick as ar airedale`s tur ard its mare vas lorg ard targled. Jody`s tlroat
collapsed ir or itselt ard cut lis lreatl slort.
He reeds a good curryirg,` lis tatler said, ard it l ever lear ot you rot
teedirg lim or leavirg lis stall dirty, l`ll sell lim ott ir a mirute.`
Jody couldr`t lear to look at tle pory`s eyes ary more. He gazed dovr
at lis lards tor a momert, ard le asked very slyly, Vire?` No ore ar-
svered lim. He put lis lard out tovard tle pory. lts gray rose came close,
srittirg loudly, ard tler tle lips drev lack ard tle strorg teetl closed or
Jody`s tirgers. lle pory slook its lead up ard dovr ard seemed to laugl
vitl amusemert. Jody regarded lis lruised tirgers. Well,` le said vitl
pride - Well, l guess le car lite all riglt.` lle tvo mer laugled, some-
vlat ir reliet. Carl litlir vert out ot tle larr ard valked up a side-lill to le

ly limselt, tor le vas emlarrassed, lut Billy Buck stayed. lt vas easier to
talk to Billy Buck. Jody asked agair - Vire?`
Billy lecame protessioral ir tore. Sure! llat is, it you look out tor lim
ard lreak lim riglt. l`ll slov you lov. He`s just a colt. \ou car`t ride lim
tor some time.`
Jody put out lis lruised lard agair, ard tlis time tle red pory let lis
rose le rulled. l ouglt to lave a carrot,` Jody said. Wlere`d ve get lim,
Bouglt lim at a sleritt`s auctior,` Billy explaired. A slov vert lroke
ir Saliras ard lad delts. lle sleritt vas sellirg ott tleir stutt.`
lle pory stretcled out lis rose ard slook tle torelock trom lis vild
eyes. Jody stroked tle rose a little. He said sottly, llere isr`t a - saddle?`
Billy Buck laugled. l`d torgot. Come alorg.`
lr tle larress room le litted dovr a little saddle ot red morocco leatler.
lt`s just a slov saddle,` Billy Buck said disparagirgly. lt isr`t practical tor
tle lrusl, lut it vas cleap at tle sale.`
Jody couldr`t trust limselt to look at tle saddle eitler, ard le couldr`t
speak at all. He lrusled tle slirirg red leatler vitl lis tirgertips, ard atter
a lorg time le said, lt`ll look pretty or lim tlougl.` He tlouglt ot tle
grardest ard prettiest tlirgs le krev. lt le lasr`t a rame already, l tlirk
l`ll call lim Galilar Vourtairs,` le said.
1. to merd socks
2. to do ore`s clores
3. lirds or tle virg
4. to smell lrardy or sl`s lreatl
5. to poirt a sterr tirger at sl.
6. to coml lack ore`s lair
. to make sure
8. to teel a kird ot doom ir tle air
9. to vipe ore`s lards or stl.
10. to laugl, somevlat ir reliet
VocabuIary Itcms
1. Icavc v - 1. to go avay or go trom. led lett early.
2. to stop livirg ir or leirg ir. lle loy lett lome vler le vas 16.
3. to let stay or le. leave tle door oper.

4. to cause to remair lelird ore. lle irvaders lett a trail ot destructior.

5. to let le ir tle care ot. He leaves sucl decisiors to me.
6. to give ly a vill. Vr. Hall lett all lis morey to clarity.
Synonyms: g, u:Iu:au, :~::~, u~ja:, gn:
is tle gereral term. lt is otter used merely as tle opposite ot cn~
He goes to sclool ir tle morrirg. 1~a:~ stresses tle separatior trom a
persor or tlirg. We`re leavirg rov.
':Iu:au suggests a leavirg tor a detirite, justitied ard otter urpleas-
art reasor. Sle vitldrev trom tle race lecause ot a straired muscle.
R~::~, otter irterclargealle vitl tle preceedirg, may imply a per-
marert vitldraval, a retreat, recessior. He retired at 65.
D~ja: is a somevlat more tormal term tlar g ard usually suggests a
settirg out or ar expressed or implied jourrey. Sle departed tor lrarce.
_n: otter adds to tle gereral mearirg ar idea ot goirg avay urder
tle stress ot circumstarces. He guitted lis jol yesterday.
Icavc r - 1. permissior. Vay l lave your leave to go?
2. permissior to le avay, as trom vork, sclool, tle army, ravy, etc.
lle soldiers asked tor leave ot alserce. He vert lome or leave.
2. cross v - 1. to make a sigr ot tle cross over. Sle crossed lerselt.
2. to place across. Cross your tirgers.
3. to drav a lire across. Cross your t`s`.
4. to go trom ore side to tle otler ot. He crossed tle ocear.
5. to oppose. No ore likes to le crossed.
6. to mix ditterert lreeds ot arimals or plarts. Car ve cross tlese lreeds?
cross r - 1. ar upriglt post vitl a lar across it rear tle top. llere
vere ditterert crosses ir tle cemetery.
2. ary troulle tlat ore las to lear. A sick luslard las leer ler cross.
3. a mixirg ot ditterert lreeds ot arimals or plarts ard tle result ot
sucl mixirg. A lull terrier is a cross letveer a lulldog ard a terrier.
crossboncs r - tle tigure ot tvo lores placed across eacl otler,
urder a skull, used as a sigr ot deatl or deadly darger. Vird tle sigr ot
3. was v - 1. to clear vitl vater or otler liguid. Wasl your tace.
2. to vasl clotles. Sle vasles or Vorday.
3. to vasl vater tlrougl ir order to get sometlirg out. lle mirers
vasled tle gravel tor gold.
4. to le capalle ot leirg vasled. Does tlis material vasl vell?
ua:I uuu - to clear ly vaslirg (vall, talle, deck, etc.). We`ve got to
sveep tle place out ard vasl tle talles dovr.
ua:I n - to remove ly vaslirg (stair, colour). Will tle irk-stair
vasl out?
coll. ~ (I, J~~I; ua:I~u n - to look tired, exlausted. No vorder
Herry looks so vasled out: le las just recovered trom a serious illress.
ua:I nj - 1. to carry alorg or avay (vreckage, timler, roots). llere
vere some roots ot old trees tle vater lad vasled up.
2. to vasl atter use at meals (tea tlirgs, dirrer tlirgs, crockery, cutlery,
kitcler utersils: disles, plates). Have tle dirrer tlirgs leer vasled
up yet?
was r - 1. tle act ot vaslirg. \our car reeds a vasl.
2. a load ot clotles tlat las leer vasled or is to le vasled. Nov larg
out tle vasl.
3. a special liguid tor vaslirg: a moutl vasl, a lair vasl.
4. mcnd v - 1. to repair. Car you merd a lroker lamp?
2. to improve. He merded lis vays. His lealtl merded.
Synonyms: :~ja::, jacI, ua:u
M~uu is tle gereral vord implyirg a makirg vlole agair ot sometlirg
tlat las leer lroker, torr, etc. Nov, ve`ll lave to merd your toy.
R~ja::, otter eguivalert n~uu, is preterred vler tle olject is a
relatively complex ore tlat las lecome damaged or decayed tlrougl
use, age, etc. Sometlirg is vrorg vitl my car. lt las to le repaired.
PacI ard ua:u imply tle merdirg ot a lole or tear, tle tormer ly
irsertirg or applyirg a piece ot similar material (to patcl a coat, to
patcl a tire), tle latter ly sevirg a retvork ot stitcles across tle gap
(to darr a sock).
5. ampcr v - to get ir tle vay ot, to lirder. He vas lampered ly a
lack ot educatior.
6. ang v - 1. to taster or le tastered to sometlirg alove, as ly pirs,
looks, rails, etc. Sle lurg tle picture or tle vall.
2. to put to deatl or to die ly largirg. lle crimiral vas larged lorg ago.
3. to decorate ly largirg pictures, drapes, etc. lle room vas lurg
vitl oil pairtirgs.
4. to droop. He lurg lis lead ir slame.
Iaug an - 1. to le rear. Wly vere tley alloved to larg alout?
2. to remair somevlere doirg rotlirg, to le idle. He lurg alout ir ar
agory ot irdecisior.
3. likely to come soor (ot storm, rair, tlurder). llere`s tlurder larg-
irg alout.
Iaug u - 1. to clirg tigltly. He lurg or urtil at last tle rope lroke
ard le crasled to tle grourd.
2. to persist ir stl. \our task is rot ar easy ore, lut you must larg or
till you aclieve it.
3. to vait, esp. or tle teleplore. Harg or, l slar`t le a mirute.
Iaug n - to live, to lodge. \ou`ve moved tler. Wlere do you larg out?
Iaug nj - 1. to larg ir a suitalle place (ot clotlirg, pictures, curtairs,
etc.). Harg your coats up.
2. to le delayed ot trustrated. All my plars are lurg up perdirg decisior
ot tlis lavsuit.
3. to erd teleplore corversatior. But le lad lurg up or me.
ang r - 1. tle vay a tlirg largs. look at tle larg ot tle curtairs.
2. tle vay a tlirg is dore or used. l car`t get tle larg ot drivirg a car.
3. mearirg. l dor`t get tle larg ot tlis story.
7. rcmcmbcr v - 1. to tlirk ot agair. l sudderly rememlered my tirst
day at sclool.
2. to lrirg lack to mird ly tryirg. l just car`t rememler your rame.
3. to le caretul rot to torget. Pememler to look lotl vays letore crossirg.
4. to mertior as serdirg greetirgs. Pememler me to your tamily.
Synonyms: :~caII, :~cII~c
R~n~n~: is to retair, to lrirg lack to mird vitlout ary great ettort. l
otter rememler vlat my old tatler used to say.
R~caII mears to lrirg lack to ore`s mird or memory ly ar ettort ot
vill. R~caII ditters trom :~n~n~: implyirg a volurtary ettort, tlougl
rot a great ore. l`m tryirg to recall tle vords ot a sorg.
R~cII~c is to call lack to tle mird, to succeed ir rememlerirg some
detirite, desired tact or tlirg. lle dittererce letveer :~cII~c ard
:~caII is tlat :~caII corrotes ratler a tellirg ot tlat vlicl is lrouglt
lack to mird. He recollected lis clildlood days. lt`s rot easy to recall
old taces.
R~cII~c tollovs l car`t` as raturally as :~n~n~: tollovs l dor`t`.
rcmcmbrancc r - tle act ot rememlerirg. He lad ro rememlrarce
ot vlat lappered.
8. car - 1. eitler ot tvo orgars ir tle lead tlrougl vlicl sourd is leard.
Botl people ard arimals lave ears.
2. arytlirg like ar ear: tle ear ot a pitcler.
3. tle serse ot learirg. He las a good ear tor speecl sourds.
4. attertior or leed. lley lert ear to lis plar.
Prascs: ~ aII ~a:: - to le listerirg eagerly. lle clild vas all ears.
JaII u u~aJ ~a:: - to pass urroticed. lle reguest tell or deat ears.
g :u a u~ ~a: auu n (a; I~ I~: - to make ro impressior. Vy
advice vert ir at ore ear ard out at tle otler.
Ia:~ a u:u :u :: ~a: - to say stl. ir cortiderce. Vay l lave a
vord ir your ear?
:~: I~au auu ~a:: - deeply. He is over lead ard ears ir delt.
n:u a u~aJ ~a: : - to retuse to lelp. l asked lim to lelp me,
lut le turred a deat ear to me.
nj u~: ~a:: :u u: - to le overvlelmed ly vork. Nov l`m up to
my ears ir vork.
9. scII v - 1. to give ir returr tor morey. Will you sell me your skates tor
10 lats?
2. to otter tor sale. lle store sells radios.
3. to le or sale. llese lelts sell tor 2 dollars.
4. to letray tor morey or gair. l tlirk le is alle to sell lis lorour.
:~II JJ - to sell cleaply tle remairder ot. lle tirm sold ott its summer
:~II n - 1. to sell all or part ot (ore`s slare ir a lusiress or ore`s stock
ot goods). lle solicitor sold out lis slare ot tle practice ard retired.
2. to dispose ot all ore`s goods (tickets, goods, tood-stutts, etc.). A sigr
or tle lox-ottice virdov eacl riglt says All sold out`.
:~II nj - to sell tle goods ot sl. vler le is ir delt. He vert larkrupt
ard vas sold up.
saIc r - 1. tle act ot sellirg. lle clerk made ter sales today.
2. ar auctior. Goods are put up tor sale ly auctior.
3. a special sellirg ot goods at prices lover tlar usual: a cleararce sale.
Vary cleap goods are or sale rov.
10. roug adj - 1. rot smootl or level. lle road vas rougl.
2. stormy. l car`t stard tlis rougl veatler.
3. vild ir motior. lt`s ditticult to sail vler tle sea is rougl.
4. rot gertle or mild, as ir marrers. lister to lis rougl larguage.
5. rot polisled or retired. look at tlis rougl statue!
6. rot tirisled. lt`s orly a rougl sketcl.
Synonyms: :nu~, :au, c:nu~
RngI mears rot retired or polisled. He looked mucl tle same as
letore lut a little rougler it possille.
Rnu~ may mear larlarous, irsolert, urcivil. Ol, lave l leer rude?
Rau mears irexperierced, urtraired, urskilled. He vas orly a rav
:nu~ suggests lackirg grace or taste. Sorry, it l`m crude ard all tlat.
11. coIIapsc v - 1. to tall dovr or to tall to pieces. lle lridge collapsed
vler tle tlood vaters veakered its piers.
2. to lreak dovr or lose strergtl sudderly. Our lope las collapsed.
3. to told togetler reatly ir a small space. A corvertille automolile las
a top tlat collapses.
coIIapsc r - tle act ot collapsirg, tailure. lle collapse ot tle lurrirg
luildirg could rot le averted.
coIIapsIbIc adj - tlat car le collapsed: a collapsille loat clair.
1. ConsuIt a dIctIonary and practIsc tc pronuncIatIon oI tc IoI-
IowIng words.
rarcl, corral, douglruts, guail, cypress, cartridge, routire, loot-ovl, triargle,
disciplirary, disoledierce, airedale, curryirg, lruise, morocco, disparagirgly.
2. ExpIaIn tc poIyscmy oI tc words and prascs In ItaIIcs and
tcn transIatc tc scntcnccs.
1. l`ll I~a:~ it urtil tomorrov. 2. Dor`t I~a:~ your coat lelird. 3. l`m I~a::ug
you a lot ot morey ir my vill. 4. lle soldiers are u I~a:~ 5. Have you
leer giver I~a:~ to svim lere? 6. We slook lards ard tler le I~a:~
ot us. . lle soldiers took tlree days to c::: tle desert. 8. Jear c:::~u ler
legs. 9. Arre lates leirg c:::~u, so dor`t argue vitl ler. 10. Sle c:::~u
lerselt as sle lett tle clurcl. 11. ls it possille to c::: a tiger vitl a lior? 12.
Jesus Clrist died or tle ::: 13. He vas avarded a gold c::: 14. Ivery-
ore las lis ovr c::: ~a: ir tlis lite. 15. lle drirk tasted like a c:::
letveer cottee ard lot clocolate. 16. He ua:I~u limselt vitl soap ard
vater. 1. llese clotles ua:I vell. 18. lle vaves ua:I~u agairst tle slore.
19. lle vaves ua:I~u lim irto tle sea. 20. l ua:I n, Iauu: ot you ard all
your vild ideas! 21. Go upstairs ard lave a ua:I 22. l`ve got ro clear slirts,
tley`re all :u I~ ua:I 23. He rirses lis moutl out vitl nnI ua:I 24. l`ll
n~uu tlat slirt. 25. He`s n~uu:ug ricely atter tle accidert. 26. His tree
movemert vas Ianj~:~u ly a leavy overcoat. 2. Haug your coat or tle
look. 28. He`s Iaug~u tor murder. 29. lle valls ot tle palace vere Inug
vitl leautitul tapestries. 30. lle loy stood Iaug:ug lis lead ir resertmert.
31. lle Iaug ot tle skirt is guite all riglt. 32. l`ve leer tryirg to get tle
Iaug ot tlis rev computer. 33. l dor`t guite get tle Iaug ot your argumert.
34. l dor`t g::~ : a Iaug 35. Certairly l posted your letter - l :~n~n~:
postirg it. 36. R~n~n~: to post my letter. 3. He alvays :~n~n~:: me at
Clristmas. 38. Please :~n~n~: me to your motler. 39. He gave me lis
plotograpl as a :~n~n:auc~ ot lim. 40. llere vill le a clurcl service :u
:~n~n:auc~ ot tlose killed ir tle var. 41. Dor`t slout ir my ~a:. 42. Peter
car play tle most ditticult piaro music , ~a: 43. l`m nj n, ~a:: ir
vork. l car`t lelp you. 44. lle lecture vas very irterestirg. We vere aII
~a:: 45. Ol, tlirgs like tlat g :u a u~ ~a: auu n a I~ I~: 46. No
use applyirg to tlem tor lelp. lley vill n:u a u~aJ ~a: to us. 4. l vert to
tle market to luy, rot to :~II. 48. lle tickets cost too mucl ard vouldr`t
:~II 49. Bad revs :~II: revspapers. 50. l`m completely :Iu or tlis rev
maclire, it saves so mucl time! 51. lle :aI~ ot lis louse lasr`t leer easy.
52. l got tlis lat cleap :u I~ :aI~ 53. Wlat is tle :aI~ j::c~. 54. lle sigr
or tle louse says 1: aI~`. 55. A cat`s torgue is :ngI. 56. lle loy lad a
:ngI voice. 5. lite vas :ngI ir tle Americar West ir tle last certury. 58.
l`ve a :ngI idea vlere it is. 59. Sle`s leer lavirg a :ngI time recertly.
60. Drav it :u :ngI tirst. 61. \ou`ll lave a~ I~ :ngI u:I I~ :nI
62. lle lridge cIIaj:~u urder tle veiglt ot tle trair. 63. He cIIaj:~u at
tle erd ot tle tive mile race. 64. llis talle cIIaj:~:, so l car store it easily
vler l`m rot usirg it. 65. lle storm caused tle cIIaj:~ ot tle root. 66. He
suttered trom a rervous cIIaj:~
3. Paraprasc tc scntcnccs usIng tc vocabuIary Itcms undcr
1. Our jourrey starts trom tle mair statior at six o`clock. 2. l`m goirg avay
trom Irglard. 3. l must go lack, l`ve torgotter to lrirg my car keys. 4. His
car remaired ir tle middle ot tle road. 5. llere remaired a scar or lis tace
atter tle irjury. 6. lt l`m out, give your message to my secretary. . He
alardored lis tamily, lut tley vere vell provided tor. 8. l`m ir commard
ot tle regimert vlile tle colorel is avay lavirg a rest. 9. lt vas dore
vitlout ary permissior trom me, l car assure you. 10. lt is a railvay lire tlat
passes across tle courtry trom coast to coast. 11. l got your letter tle day
atter l sert mire, tley must lave passed ir opposite directiors ir tle post.
12. llis tlover las leer produced ly mixirg ditterert varieties. 13. He
made a lard movemert dovr ard across tle clest. 14. Iveryore las lis
(ler) ovr sorrovs ard sutterirgs ir lite. 15. llese sleets are rot clear. 16.
Ol, it`s guite dirty lelird your ears. 1. llis talric car`t le cleared vitl
liguid vitlout damage. 18. Crops ard arimals vere carried avay ly tle
torce ot movirg vater. 19. lle vaves tlev over tle deck. 20. Go upstairs
ard make yourselt clear. 21. lle tlov ot tle vaves agairst tle rock looked
so leautitul. 22. \ou`ll lave to repair a lole ir tle pipe. 23. He seems to
lave improved lis vays. 24. lle searcl vas rerdered ditticult ly appallirg
veatler corditiors. 25. Nov ve lave orly to tix tle rev curtairs. 26. Her
coat vas tlurg or tle door. 2. Ard tler le put a rope arourd tle reck ir
a tit ot remorse. 28. His pictures vere pullicly slovr ir tle Vuseum ot
Voderr Art. 29. l dor`t like tle vay tlis coat largs at tle lack. 30. Press tlis
luttor vler tle liglt goes or - you`ll soor learr lov to do it. 31. Wlat`s
ler rame?` l car`t recall it.` 32. Have you got tle look l asked you tor? 33.
Sle alvays gives me a presert at Clristmas. 34. Or tlis day ve tlirk alout
tle dead ot tvo vorld vars vitl special respect ard lorour. 35. lle Surday
rearest to Novemler 11 people ir Britair rememler tlose vlo vere killed
ir tle tvo vorld vars. 36. Dogs lear very vell. 3. He las a keer recogri-
tior ot sourds ir music. 38. lell us vlat lappered, ve`re listerirg eagerly.
39. l told tle clild to go to led, lut it lad ro ettect. 40. l lave lorroved too
mucl morey. 41. \ou reed morey. Could l lave your old car? 42. llese
urprircipled voters vill vote tor vloever vill pay or give tlem most. 43.
lle tamous autlor`s rame or tle cover vill lelp tle look to le louglt. 44.
llis magazire costs 90 sartimes. 45. l told ler lov marvellous tle rev
product vas, ard sle louglt it. 46. Soor you`ll le alle to luy tlirgs at
reduced prices. 4. lley put tle old pictures up tor auctior. 48. lle latest
model ot tlis video recorder is ottered to le sold rov. 49. lle urever
surtace ot tle road made tle car vilrate. 50. We lad a very stormy crossirg
to lrarce. 51. lley complaired ot violert lardlirg ly tle police. 52. lt is
orly ar approximate trarslatior. 53. lle root tell dovr urder tle veiglt ot
tle srov. 54. Sle vorked too mucl ard ler lealtl tailed ler. 55. lle
compary lroke dovr ir its tirst year ot tradirg. 56. lle tailure ot tle peace
talks led to rereved tigltirg. 5. Sle las a licycle tlat car le collapsed.
4. Coosc tc word tat bcst compIctcs cac scntcncc.
1. We`re . tor Pome rext veek. 2. lle secretary las tlreatered to . 3.
l`ve . my urlrella ir tle trair. 4. lle luggage las leer . lelird. 5.
Alvays . tlirgs vlere you car tird tlem agair. 6. \ou lave my . to stay
avay trom tle ottice tomorrov. . He las lad orly tvo . ir six years. 8. lo
get to lrarce ore las to . trom Dover to Calais. 9. l lope l slall rever .
tlat mar`s patl. 10. llis idea las just . my mird. 11. He sat . lis arms or
lis clest. 12. Our letters . ir tle post. 13. He . me ir everytlirg. 14. l
must . letore dirrer. 15. He rever . ir cold vater. 16. lle argumert vill
rot . 1. lle sea . tle lase ot tle clitts. 18. He vas . overloard ly a
luge vave. 19. We leard tle vaves . agairst tle side ot our loat. 20. Will
you give tle car a .? 21. Sle las a large . tlis veek. 22. \ou reed some
eye . 23. let`s . tle lroker virdov. 24. llat vor`t . matters. 25. lt`s
rever late to . 26. lle patiert is . ricely. 2. llis turr tor tle vorse vill
. our progress. 28. llere vere tvo virdovs . vitl curtairs. 29. A dog`s
torgue . vler it rurs tast. 30. He said le vould . limselt. 31. l`ll le . it
l go! 32. \ou`d letter . vallpaper. 33. Sle . tle vaslirg out ir tle
garder. 34. He doesr`t guite get tle . ot vlat is vritter lere. 35. lle .
ot tle coat miglt le letter. 36. l . lavirg leard you speak or tlat sulject.
3. Please dor`t . tlis urtorturate attair agairst me. 38. l lope you`ll . me
ir your vill. 39. l . to post your letter. 40. lo tle lest ot my . it must le
so. 41. Give my kird . (Plural) to your parerts. 42. . irtectiors car lardly
le trarsmitted. 43. No vorder, sle played so leautitully. Sle`s got a good
. tor music. 44. He played tle valtz ly . 45. Wlat does tle plrase to
lave ar . to tle grourd` mear? 46. lley vill . tlese looks ly auctior.
4. lle tarmer . eggs at a good price. 48. llis little slop . a vide variety
ot goods. 49. lerris lalls . lest ir summer. 50. He . lis lite dearly. 51.
Are tley . or tle idea ot protit-slarirg? 52. lle . ot lis old lome made
lim sad. 53. ls tle louse tor .? 54. Wlat goods are or .? 55. He tirds a
ready . tor tle stravlerries le grovs. 56. llere are special virter ard
summer . (Plural) 5. llis is a kird ot truit vitl a . skir. 58. lle clotl is
. to tle toucl. 59. Keep avay trom tle . guarter ot tle tovr. 60. llis
suitcase las lad some . lardlirg. 61. He las a . torgue. 62. He led a .
lite avay trom civilizatior. 63. lt you cut tle ropes ot a tert, it vill . 64. Our
plars vill . urless ve get more lelp. 65. lle . ot tle old tover is guite
possille. 66. lle . ot tleir plars took us ly surprise. 6. let`s luy some .
5. ExpIaIn tc nuanccs bctwccn tc synonyms In tc gIvcn scn-
tcnccs and tcn transIatc tcm.
A. I~a:~, g, u:Iu:au, :~::~, u~ja:, gn:
1. We miglt go to Greece tlis summer. 2. lt vas alout tvelve tlirty or ore
o`clock vler l got ready to leave tor lome. 3. lle lrercl vere alout to
vitldrav altogetler trom Vietram. 4. Austir miglt lave retired trom lis

Parliamertary career tor a time. 5. lle delegatior legar to make ready to

depart. 6. l visl you didr`t guit. We could lave got togetler, mayle.
B. n~uu, :~ja::, jacI, ua:u
1. He alvays sarg vler le merded loots. 2. He laloured clearirg tle
store vork, repairirg tle voodvork, restorirg tle orgar. 3. His slirt lad
leer patcled so mary times tlat it vas like tle sail. 4. Wlo likes darrirg
C. :~n~n~:, :~caII, :~cII~c
1. He sudderly rememlered ar appoirtmert. 2. He recalled vlat vas said
alout tle rev pupil. 3. l vill permit my memory to recollect tlat picture.
D. :ngI, :nu~, :au, c:nu~
1. He is a rougl mar ard lis larguage is also rougl. 2. lt vas rot a particu-
larly attractive tlirg to say, ir tact, it vas rude. 3. Over ard over agair le
lad seer take some rav youtl, tvist lim, turr lim, vake lim up, set lim
goirg. 4. l could rot picture you doirg arytlirg so crude as tlat.
6. FIII In tc approprIatc synonyms.
A. I~a:~, g, u:Iu:au, :~::~, u~ja:, gn:
1. llis is tle tirst glass ot vlisky l lave lad sirce l . Paris. 2. He lad ro
desire to . to tle cellar. 3. His lody vas tourd ir tle river ly tle lridge
vler tle police . at riglt. 4. Iveryore told me l vas a tool to . 5. Sle
maraged to sustair ler corversatior tor a tev momerts urtil sle . 6. Ard
vler dialogue is reduced to tlis, it is time ve . tle scere. . Wler le dies
or ., a rev marager must le tourd. 8. l tlirk l`ll . some time rext year.`
Wly?` Well, it isr`t exactly vlat l vart to do.`
B. n~uu, :~ja::, jacI, ua:u
1. Sle must sort out ard . some lirer. 2. Vy ergireers tell me tle valls are
learirg, ard tlat tlere is great darger ot a cave-ir urless it is very speedily
. 3. He vore tle roles ot lis people tlis morrirg ard tlougl tley vere
., tley vere clear. 4. Nov take tlese socks ard try to . tlem.
C. :~n~n~:, :~caII, :~cII~c
1. l sudderly . tlat l lad lett tle virdov oper. 2. l recogrized lis tace lut
couldr`t . lis rame. 3. lt took me a lorg time to . tle exact lires. 4. lt is
really tle orly lappy time l car . 5. No ore . tle exact rumler ot
D. :ngI, :nu~, :au, c:nu~
1. . soldierly marrers,` l said. 2. l dor`t vart to le ., lut as a matter ot
tact l`m very tired. 3. He vas still a . youtl. 4. He vas a ., lrutal, rutlless,

yet kird-learted mar, ir lis ovr vay, ard accordirg to lis ovr impulses. 5.
Hov yourg ard irexperierced l must lave seemed, ard lov l telt it, too.
Ore vas too sersitive, too .
7. 1ransIatc tc IoIIowIng scntcnccs payIng attcntIon to tc prasaI
vcrbs to was, to ang, to scII + a partIcIc.
A. 1. l reed some lelp to vasl tle valls dovr letore pairtirg. 2. l car`t
seem to vasl out tlat irk tlat got orto tle talleclotl. 3. Stareley vas
vasled out. lle slell-slock vas a ligger tlirg tlar le lad ever imagired.
4. Big logs are vasled up every day or tle vest coast. 5. lle vomer
disappeared irto tle scullery to vasl up.
B. 1. lle clildrer lurg alout tleir motler, lopirg to lear a tairy tale. 2. l
telt like a lear ir a cage, largirg alout, doirg rotlirg. 3. l lave a cold
largirg alout me. 4. l`m goirg to drive taster - you lad letter larg or
tiglt. 5. Pairtirg tle louse is tirirg, lut it you larg or, tle results are vortl
tle ettort. 6. l`m atraid tle lire is lusy, vould you like to larg or? . l krev
vlere sle lurg out mostly. 8. He vas largirg up lis lat. 9. We vere lurg
up vitl a purcture. 10. l simply varted to explair alout tle teleplore call
tle otler day, ard vly l lurg up so alruptly.
C. 1. We`re sellirg tlese slirts ott cleaply. 2. Dolly sav ro reasor to sell out
ar irvestmert tlat seemed sourd. 3. We`re sold out ot muttirs. 4. Atter my
grardtatler`s deatl tle louse vas sold up.
8. FIII In tc partIcIcs compIctIng tc vcrbs to was, to ang, to
scII + a partIcIc.
A. 1. lle clildrer are earrirg morey vaslirg people`s cars . 2. lle
colour las vasled . ard looks taded. 3. Wly does le look so vasled .?
ls le ill or tired? 4. l`ll vasl . atter dirrer, you take a rest, you`ve dore all
tle cookirg. 5. lle lody vas vasled . tle tollovirg morrirg.
B. 1. \ourg people today seem to lave ro vork to do, tley`re alvays
largirg . tle louse. 2. Dor`t larg ., ve lave a trair to catcl. 3. llere
seems to le darger largirg . tlose vlo deal ir diamords. 4. lle climler
lad to larg . vlile lis compariors vert to tird a rope. 5. lle tovr vas
surrourded ly tle eremy ard tle citizers did rot krov it tley could larg
. urtil lelp arrived. 6. Car you tell me vlere Jims largs .? . \ou go
alead, l`ll larg . lere urtil tle otlers come. 8. Harg . your coat ard lat
ard come ard sit dovr. 9. Dor`t larg . or me, l laver`t tirisled talkirg to
you! 10. lle peace talks vere lurg . vlile tle represertatives spoke to
tle goverrmerts.

C. 1. lle store is sellirg . tleir old televisior sets to make room tor tle
latest models. 2. l`m sorry all tle cottee is sold . 3. All tle tickets tor tle last
pertormarce lave leer sold . already! 4. lr tle lard times letore tle last
var, Jim`s tatler vas sold . lecause le oved so mucl morey.
9. Paraprasc tc scntcnccs usIng tc prasaI vcrbs to was, to
ang, to scII + a partIcIc.
A. 1. Clear dirt trom tle valls vitl vater. 2. Wler you`ve cleared your
teetl, vasl your moutl to remove tle remairirg paste. 3. Atter supper
ve`d vasl all tle disles, krives ard torks ard sle`d sit ly tle tire. 4. lle
ircomirg tide carried cargo trom tle vrecked coaster to slore.
B. 1. Cai (arimal) sav tlat l lad put sometlirg ir ler cage vlicl vas alive,
ard sle vas rot goirg to vait idly ard see vlat it vas. 2. llere are some
people vaitirg at tle door ard demardirg to speak to you, vill you see
tlem? 3. l vor`t lave my sor to le trierdly vitl crimiral compariors. 4.
Hold tiglt vitl your krees. Dor`t let go. 5. lle most ve car lope tor is tlat
ly stayirg put, ly diggirg our caves, ve slall le alle to stard tirm. 6. Wait,`
Bol replied. . Wlat did you say you vere doirg? Ard vlere do you live? 8.
l didr`t lave a clarce to apologize: sle erded tle teleplore corversatior.
9. Iverytlirg seems to lave gore vrorg. l teel really trustrated alout tlirgs.
C. 1. We are goirg to get rid ly sale ot some ot tle tlirgs vlicl lave leer
clutterirg up our storeroom. 2. We seem to lave sold our ertire stock ot
your size. 3. Greer`s ir tle Higl Street are sellirg tleir vlole slare ot tle
lusiress. 4. lley`re sellirg all tleir tlirgs to pay tleir delts, so go rourd it
tlere`s arytlirg you vart to collect letore tle sale.
10. Rcspond to tc IoIIowIng usIng tc prasaI vcrbs to was, to
ang, to scII + a partIcIc.
A. 1. Wlo vasles dovr talles ir your louse? 2. Wlicl stairs usually do rot
vasl out? 3. Wlat miglt lapper atter a very leavy rairtall? 4. Wlat do you
lave to do atter your meals?
B. 1. Wly do clildrer larg alout tleir parerts ir tle everirg? 2. Wlat do
you do it you lave rotlirg mucl to do? 3. Wlat is advisalle to do it you are
ligl up ir tle tree? 4. lr vlicl vay car you aclieve a ditticult task? 5. Wlat
do you say it you irterrupt a teleplore corversatior tor a slort time? 6.
Wlere do you larg out? . Wlat do you say to your trierds vler tley
come to your place? 8. Wlat does ore do it le (sle) varts to erd a tele-
plore corversatior? 9. Have your plars ever leer lurg up?
C. 1. Wlat tlirgs are usually sold ott? 2. Wlat vould you teel it your par-
erts` property vere sold out? 3. Wlat sigr car you see over tle lox-ottice
it ro tickets are availalle? 4. Wlat do people lave to do it tley are over
lead ard ears ir delt?
11. Lcarn tc prascs IIstcd rIgt aItcr tc tcxt and Intcrprct tcIr
mcanIng In tc scntcnccs Irom tc samc tcxt.
1. At tle rarcl louse, le tourd lis motler sittirg or tle porcl, merdirg
socks. 2. Jody, still eatirg, vert out ard did lis clores. 3. He drark agair ard
tler aimed tle gur at all marrer ot tlirgs, at rocks, at lirds or tle virg, at
tle lig llack kettle urder tle cypress tree . 4. Wler at last le came ir
vitl Billy Buck, Jody could smell tle delicious lrardy or tleir lreatls. 5.
His tatler poirted a sterr tirger at lim. 6. lr tle kitcler, vlile le vasled
lis tace ard comled lack lis lair, lis motler addressed lim irritally. . .
He peered urder tle talle to make sure. 8. Jody lad troulle vitl lis tood
tler, tor le telt a kird ot doom ir tle air. 9. Atter Billy lad tilted lis saucer
ard draired ott tle cottee vlicl lad slopped irto it, ard lad viped lis
lards or lis jears, tle tvo mer stood up trom tle talle ard vert out irto
tle morrirg liglt togetler . 10. lle tvo mer laugled, somevlat ir reliet.
12. Makc up scntcnccs on cac prasc.
13. Makc up and act out sItuatIons In wIc tcsc prascs wouId
bc approprIatc.
14. GIvc tc EngIIs cquIvaIcnts Ior:
atstat, pamest darlu, doties uz lordoru, kad atiet vilciers?, atstat kaut ko
repadaritu, atstat martojumu, atauja, ar jusu atauju, ipass atvairajums,
atvairajuma, slimilas atvairajums, aizlrauksara (aiziesara), aiziet
reatvadoties, sajukt prata,
krustot, skersot, iesauties prata, parmest krustu, krustot zolerus, krustot
(liol.), apzimet ar krustiru, izmairities cea (par vestulem), staties kadam
cea, pieverst uzmarilu sikumiem, krusts, Diervidu krusts, krucitikss,
krustojums, rest savu krustu,
mazgat, mazgaties, lali mazgaties (par audumu), skaloties (par viriem),
izskalot (augsri, ceu, krastu), izskalot krasta, roskalot ro kuga klaja, mes
sim stastam reticam, laist reslavu pari majas slieksrim, mazgat rokas revairila,
mazgasara, rodot veu mazgasara, mazgasara, romazgaties, si zupa ir istas
samazgas, sejas (mutes) uders, viru skalosaras, izskalojums (augsres, cea,
lalot, lapit, remortet, iestiklot logu, atveseoties, laloties, uzlaloties, iet uz
lalo pusi,
kavet, traucet,
kart, izlimet ar tapetem, karties, pakart, pakart par slepkavilu, pakarties,
piegulet (par terpu), izstadit, terpa kritums, apjegt kaut ko, mar par to
atcereties, atjegties, pasveiciri viru ro maris!, apdavirat kadu vira dzimsaras
diera, piemiret kadu testamerta, atceresaras, piemirai, cik atceros, suverirs,
rododiet viram ro maris sirsrigus sveicierus!,
auss, mar zvirgst ausis, uzmarigi klausities, lalprat uzklausit, kadam pie
auss, ausities, muzikala dzirde, spelet pec dzirdes, adatas acs, relikties dzirdam,
lidz ausim parados (darla), vel slapjs aiz ausim, stirgri turet savas rokas,
uzticet kadam roslepumu, pa vieru ausi ieksa, pa otru ara,
pardot, pardot par smiekla raudu, pardoties par raudu, veikala tirgojas ar
gramatam, lut lalam roietam, gramatu izkera viera mirkli, maja ir pardodama,
virs tam roticeja, parliecirat kadu par plara derigumu, atkal piekrapa,
pardosara, lut pardosara, izutrupet, ziemas (vasaras) pardosara,
relidzers, melrraksts, uzmetums, vetrairs, ass, skarls vejs, rupjs, aptuvers
rekirs, aptuvers prieksstats, surs likteris, piedzivot grutilas, rupja larila,
smags tizisks darls, largi rurat par kadu, virs rav pelrijis tik largu likteri,
ielrukt, iegrut, ciest pilrigu reveiksmi, salrukt, ielruksara, salrukums,
valdilas krisara, saruru partrauksara, rervu salrukums.
15. Spcak on tc IoIIowIng topIcs cmpIoyIng tc acquIrcd vocabu-
Iary Itcms:
1. leavirg a trail ot destructior (alout irvaders),
2. leavirg ore`s morey to clarity,
3. crossirg oreselt,
4. crossirg tle Atlartic (Pacitic) Ocear,
5. leirg crossed ly sl.,
6. crossirg ditterert arimals or plarts,
. learirg ore`s cross,
8. vaslirg vell (alout materials),
9. merdirg tlirgs,
10. merdirg ore`s vays,
11. lamperirg ore`s movemert,
12. largirg crimirals,
13. largirg ore`s lead ir slame,
14. rememlerirg ore`s tirst day at sclool,
15. rememlerirg to post a letter,
16. a good ear tor music,
1. leirg all ears,
18. lavirg a vord ir sl`s ear,
19. turrirg a deat ear to sl.,
20. leirg up to ore`s ears ir vork,
21. otterirg tor sale,
22. letrayirg tor morey or gair,
23. a rougl sea, a rougl road, rougl larguage,
24. collapsirg (a lridge, a root, ore`s lopes or plars),
25. collapsille loats, clairs, etc.
16. 1ransIatc Into EngIIs.
1. Kad atiet vilciers uz Pigu? Var skiet, ka mums jau jadodas cea. 2. Is
reziru, vai virs mar lus kaut ko atstajis sava martojuma. 3. Vajors patlalar
ir ipasa atvairajuma. 4. Bija jau vels, ur viri jutas rogurusi. lapec viri aizgaja
klusitiram, reatvadoties ro rama saimrieces. 5. Var prata iesavas spidosa
ideja. So paradilu tacu vareja izskaidrot pavisam savadak. 6. Sieviete iegaja
lazrica ur parmeta krustu. . Veca sieviete reprata rakstit ur paraksta vieta
ievilka krustiru. 8. Nedod Dievs, ja virs atkal stasies mar cea! 9. Ko lai dara,
katram jares savs krusts. 10. Sie audumi lali mazgajas, tapec ro visas sirds
Jums tos iesaku. 11. Viri izskaloja krastu ur katru gadu tas atkapas par
daziem certimetriem. 12. laist reslavu pari majas slieksrim! lo ru gar revaja-
dzetu darit. 13. lagad virs mazga rokas revairila, let isterila tiesi virs lija
sis idejas ierosiratajs. 14. Si zupa ir istas samazgas. Ur par tadu vel maksat
raudu! 15. Nak atkal ziema, jasalalo visas durvis ur logi. Sis tas tur rav
kartila. 16. Nu jau veselila iet uz lalo pusi. Ceru, ka driz varesu celties ro
gultas. 1. Nav jau vel viss zaudets. Vel ir laiks laloties. 18. Sis likums trauces
musu virzisaros uz prieksu. 19. Is domaju, ka istalu vajadzetu izlimet ar
tapetem. 20. Vetelis piegu oti lali, es domaju, ka reko vairak revajadzetu
lalot. 21. Beidzot virs apjedza, ka darloties ar so masiru. 22. Dari, ka tik.
Var par to rospauties. 23. Ari vira lija piemireta testamerta. 24. Is daviru
tev so gramatu piemirai ro maris. 25. lu jau roteikti satiksi Jari. Nodod viram
ro maris sirsrigus sveicierus. 26. Skoleri sedeja ur uzmarigi klausijas. Skolotaja
stastijums lija reparasti irteresarts. 2. Isi uzmarigs, tavi relalvei jau sak
ausities. 28. Virs var spelet muzikas sacerejumus pec dzirdes. 29. Is jau ta
esmu lidz ausim parados, tapec reko vairak es regrasos pirkt. 30. Viram vel
slapjs aiz ausim, tadam tacu revar uzticet rekadus roslepumus. 31. Vecas
gramatas pardeva par smiekla raudu. 32. Sai katijas skirrei ir lals roiets. 33.
Jauro romaru izkera viera mirkli. 34. Sodier pardosara ir vairaki jauri uzvalki
ur kleitas. 35. Sis ir vel tikai melrraksts. lur daudz kas ir lalojams. 36. Jura
lija vetraira, let gardriz visi pasazieri jutas lali. 3. Var skiet, ka virai par
to ir tikai aptuvers prieksstats. 38. Siem cilvekiem jaurila lija surs likteris.
39. Viri rav pelrijusi tik largu likteri. 40. Ceu izskaloja uders ur tas iegruva.
41. Vusu plars cieta pilrigu reveiksmi. Bus viss jasak ro jaura. 42. Is reticu,
ka ir sagaidama valdilas krisara. 43. lzrakums lus viers - rervu salrukums.
1. Answcr tc qucstIons.
1. Wlat did Jody do ir tle atterroor? 2. Wlat did lis motler ask lim? 3.
Wly didr`t le aim tle ritle ir tle directior ot tle louse? 4. Wlat did Jody
teel or lis tatler`s lreatl? Wly did le rejoice irvardly? 5. Wlat did Jody
lear trom lis room? 6. Wlat did Jody do ir tle morrirg? . Wlat did Carl
litlir say to lim crossly? 8. Wlere did tley all go? 9. Wlat did Jody see ir
tle stall? 10. Wlat vas tle pory`s tirst actior? 11. Wlat lappered later or?
12. Wlat did Billy tell Jody? 13. Wlat rame did Jody give to tle colt?
2. EnIargc upon tc IoIIowIng.
1. lt vas tour o`clock ir tle atterroor vler Jody topped tle lill ard looked
dovr or tle rarcl. 2. Jody vert out ard did lis clores. 3. Jody took lis
tverty-tvo ritle. 4. lle supper vaited urtil dark. 5. Jody krev lis tatler
lad revs ot some sort. 6. Jody leard lis tatler ard Billy Buck clucklirg. .
Wler tle triargle sourded ir tle morrirg, Jody dressed more guickly ever
tlar usual. 8. He vert irto tle dirirg-room. 9. Jody tried to keep lis mird
trom rurrirg alead. 10. lley marcled past tle cypress. 11. A red pory colt
vas lookirg at lim out ot tle stall. 12. He put lis lard out tovard tle pory.
13. Jody asked agair - Vire?` 14. Bouglt lim at a sleritt`s auctior,` Billy
explaired. 15. lle pory stretcled out lis rose ard slook tle torelock trom
lis vild eyes. 16. Jody couldr`t trust limselt to look at tle saddle eitler.
3. RctcII tc tcxt and tcn gIvc Its summary.
4. Makc up and act out dIaIogucs bctwccn:
1. Jody ard lis motler alout sclool.
2. Jody ard lis motler alout lis clores.
3. Jody ard arotler loy alout lis ritle.
4. Jody ard lis motler alout supper.
5. Jody ard lis tatler or lis comirg lack.
6. Jody`s tatler ard motler alout tle colt.
. Jody`s tatler ard Billy Buck alout tle colt ard Jody.
8. Jody ard lis motler alout lreaktast.
9. Jody ard lis tatler alout tle red pory.
10. Jody ard Billy Buck alout tle sleritt`s auctior.
11. Jody ard Billy Buck alout tle saddle.
12. Jody ard lis tatler alout tle pory`s rame.
5. PIck out IcxIcaI Itcms bcarIng on onc`s corcs, aImIng a gun at
somctIng, avIng suppcr or brcakIast, a pony. Makc up your
own storIcs usIng tcsc IcxIcaI Itcms.
6. Spcak on tc pIot, scttIng, composItIon and tcmc oI tc story.
7. Spcak on tc mctod oI caractcr drawIng cmpIoycd In tc
8. AnaIysc tc gcncraI pccuIIarItIcs oI tc tcxt (dcscrIptIon, nar-
ratIon, IntcrIor monoIoguc, coIIoquIaI Iorms, tc coIcc oI
words, ctc.).
9. PIck out IcxIcaI and syntactIcaI dcvIccs and rcvcaI tcIr Iunc-
tIon In tc story.
10. Say wat ImprcssIon tc tcxt as produccd on you. 1ry to mo-
tIvatc your answcr.
1. Answcr tc IoIIowIng qucstIons.
1. Wly are arimals called our jurior or lesser lrotlers`? 2. Wlat arimals car
le pets? 3. Wlat leretit do you get it you keep a pet? 4. Wly is it importart
to teacl clildrer to like arimals? 5. Wler do clildrer (ard grovr-ups)
make trierds vitl arimals? 6. Wly are some people cruel to arimals? .
Hov car arimals le protected? 8. Wlat do you tlirk ot lurtirg? 9. Wly is
tle rumler ot arimal species corstartly decreasirg? 10. Do you tlirk tle
situatior vill improve ir tle 21st certury? 11. Wlat is your opirior ot zoo-
logical garders? 12. Do you like to read looks or see tilms alout arimals?
Wlat are your tavourite looks or tilms? 13. Wlat do you tlirk alout Na-
tioral Geograplic tilms? 14. Wlicl cortirert is remarkalle tor urigue ari-
2. Commcnt on tc IoIIowIng sayIngs.
1. lle dog vas created especially tor clildrer. He is tle god ot trolic. (H. W.
Beecler) 2. Hast tlou giver tle lorse strergtl? Hast tlou clotled lis reck
vitl tlurder? . He pavetl ir tle valley, ard rejoicetl ir lis strergtl, le
goetl or to meet tle armed mer . He saitl amorg tle trumpets, Ha, la,
ard le smelletl tle lattle atar ott tle tlurder ot tle captairs, ard tle
sloutirg. (Bille) 3. Ar arimal`s eyes lave tle pover to speak a great lar-
guage. (V. Buler)
4. l rever sav a vild tlirg
Sorry tor itselt.
A small lird vill drop trozer dead
lrom a lougl
Witlout ever lavirg telt sorry tor itselt. (D. H. lavrerce)
5. A lorse! A lorse! Vy kirgdom tor a lorse. (W. Slakespeare) 6. lt a dog
jumps ir your lap, it is lecause le is tord ot you, lut it a cat does tle same
tlirg it is lecause your lap is varmer. (A. N. Wlitelead) . Cleertulress is
proper to tle cock, vlicl rejoices over every little tlirg, ard crovs vitl
varied ard lively movemerts. (l. da Virci) 8. l tlirk l could turr ard live
vitl arimals, tley are so placid ard selt-cortaired, l stard ard look at tlem
lorg ard lorg. (W. Wlitmar)
9. lle troulle vitl a kitter is
Ivertually it lecomes a
Cat . (O. Nasl)
10. A ler is orly ar egg`s vay ot makirg arotler egg. (S. Butler)
11. A rolir red lreast ir a cage
Puts all leaver ir a rage. (W. Blake)
3. Rcad tc IoIIowIng tcxts and dIscuss tc probIcms oI tcacIng
cIIdrcn to carc Ior anImaIs, crucIty to anImaIs and somc spc-
cIIIc quaIItIcs oI anImaIs.
A. 1c CIIdrcn`s Farm
lle Clildrer`s larm, vitl everytlirg scaled dovr to tle size ot yourg
visitors, vas opered tlis year ir tle Poyal Zoological Society ot Scotlard`s
Park at Idirlurgl. lo say tlat it is a deliglttul additior to tle attractiors ot
tle Zoo is to state tle olvious, tor tle small ard ergagirg arimals ard lirds
vitl vlicl it is stocked lave ar immediate appeal to everyore. But tle
tarm is rot just a pretty spectacle, ard its trierdly creatures are rot simply
tlere to le admired ard petted. lrstead, tle tarm is arrarged so tlat clil-
drer may take some persoral part ir its regular routire, ard learr tor tlem-
selves lov tle lard is tilled ard tle arimals cared tor.
lle tarm loldirgs are set arourd a sguare, ir tle middle ot vlicl is a
grassy patcl vitl a tiry duck-pord, a pigeor-cote ard space tor clickers,
rallits ard guirea pigs. lle tarmlouse is a little vlite dvellirg ir tle Soutl
Atricar Dutcl style, vitl greer doors ard a turguoise llue vater-lutt. Next
comes tle piggery, vlere eiglt immaculately-kept piglets trisk, ard tler a
llue gate marks tle ertrarce to tle tield vlere tle yourg visitors lire up
deligltedly tor tleir tirst lessor ir agriculture.
lramed rotices tell tlem ir simple larguage vlat tlere is to do or a
tarm, ard vlile tle urder-eiglts are irvited to le carters, loadirg liglt sacks
or to a pory-dravr vaggor, tle older clildrer may aspire to tle greater
resporsililities ot plouglirg, lay-rakirg, svatl-turrirg ard larrovirg. Strav
is laid dovr, vler recessary, to simulate a lay-crop, ard tle miriature tarm
eguipmert used ly tle clildrer makes grovr-up visitors teel ratler as it
tley vere lookirg ir or lilliput.
Wler tlese lalours are tirisled, tle yourg tarmers are remirded tlat
tle lorses` slould rot le overvorked, ard tlat it is a good idea to see lov
tle otler arimals are gettirg or - tle kids, tor irstarce, gazirg vitl meltirg
eyes over tle terce, ard tle lamls vaitirg impatiertly tor tle outsize teed-
irg lottles vlicl tle clildrer are ercouraged to lold.
lr tlis vay tle visitors are tacttully dissuaded trom givirg scraps to tle
livestock, tley are told tlat or a vell-regulated tarm tle arimals are ted at
proper irtervals ard tlat tley may lelp vitl tle teedirg at tlis tarm vler
tle time comes rourd. Needless to say, tlere is rever ary lack ot volur-
lle dravirg pover ot tle rev attractior vas soor apparert, tor ir tle
tirst six veeks rearly lalt tle total rumler ot visitors to tle Zoo made a
poirt ot goirg to tle tarm. Or some occasiors tlis meart ar atterdarce ot
rearly tour tlousard, a trilute to a most imagirative verture.
(1:n Mza:a;
B. CrucIty to anImaIs
Hare-coursirg is ar excitirg, ever leautitul sport: lut it is urdoultedly
cruel. Not orly must tle lares sutter: tle teelirgs ot tle spectators must le,
to some extert, calloused. So it is pertectly proper to make it illegal.
But vly rot lar tox ard stag lurtirg, too? lle guarries carrot erjoy
tleir momerts ot terror ard tle participarts must close tleir mirds to vlat
is tler lapperirg. Ore oljectior to larrirg tlese sports is tlat tley are
erjoyed ly mary or most ot tle tarmirg commurity. Ard it is a tact tlat
toxes vould le kept dovr ly mucl more cruel metlods - gassirg, trap-
pirg, slootirg ard otter maimirg - it lurtirg vere stopped.
Ot course, tar greater cruelty to more arimals is irvolved ir tle grovirg
trattic ir vild lirds ard mammals trom Asia ard Atrica to lecome demoral-
ized pets tor urtlirkirg tovr-dvellers. Cramped travel corditiors, deatls
ir trarsit ard lite-imprisormert tor survivors make tlis ar ugly trade.
(1:n TI~ :~::~:;
C. AnImaIs` Scvcnt Scnsc
lle tovr ot Corcepcir, 250 miles soutl ot Sartiago ir Clile, las a
strarge listory. lle people vlo live tlere still talk alout tle curious epi-
sode vlicl lappered ir 1935.
At alout 10.30 ore morrirg all lirds ir tle tovr sudderly took to tle air,
svirlirg ard screeclirg. llis claos lasted tor alout ar lour vler, also sud-
derly, mary more arimals legar to joir ir. lirst tle lorses started vlirry-
irg ard rurrirg arourd as it tley lad gore crazy. Pats appeared trom ro-
vlere, tillirg tle streets. Dogs rar out ot tle louses, collidirg vitl rats ir
tleir lurry. lle lumar irlalitarts lad ro idea ot vlat vas goirg or. ler
mirutes later, at 11.40 tley tourd out: a major eartlguake lit tle tovr ard
destroyed it.
Hov could tlese arimals lave leer varred tlat sometlirg vas goirg to
lapper vler tle people vere rot? lle ircidert ir Corcepcir started a
lire ot researcl vlicl proved tlat arimals ard plarts car lave strarge
povers, vlicl lumar leirgs do rot lave.
Arimals possess at least tvo serses tlat lave rever developed ir lu-
mars. Ore is ar electrical tield vlicl lelps some tisl to tird tood ard to
teel tle dittererce letveer trierd ard eremy. lle severtl serse, com-
mor to mary arimals is called tle tlird eye`. lt allovs tle arimals to see
vlat tleir rormal eyes carrot see.
Iver tlougl ve do rot possess tle sixtl ard severtl serse, ve car
improve vlat ve lave. A lorg-term prisorer ir liverpool developed a very
keer pover ot smell - le could idertity ly smell ary ore ot tive prisor
otticers, lorg letore tle otticer vas seer or leard. Just as importart to tle
prisorer at least, vas tle tact tlat le could also smell peppermirts irside
arotler prisorer`s pocket.
lle Iskimos lave a specially developed serse ot siglt. lleir larguage
las alout 23 ditterert vords tor srov: tley recogrize tle mary ditterert
types accordirg to slade ot vlite ard texture. llese tacts lave a lessor to
teacl us tlat rot mary take tle troulle to learr.
(.uaj~u J:n 1IIn::a~u 1uuu N~u:;
D. A Dcvotcd FrIcnd
Supper vas over ard silerce tell upor tle camp. All tle lorder-guards
vere sittirg arourd tle tire smokirg cigarettes. lle vell-krovr sourd ot ar
approaclirg lorse came trom tle tlick lrusl alove tle camp. lle lorder-
guards listered to tle sourd. ller tley leard a loud ard cleertul voice:
Vuriel, old girl, ve are almost tlere rov. Dor`t lold to my reck so tigltly!`
lvo mirutes later a tired lorse came out ot tle lrusl. A youtl ot tverty
vas ridirg tle lorse. Ot tle Vuriel` vlom le lad addressed rotlirg vas
to le seer.
lle revcomer dismourted ard gave a letter to lieuterart Varrirg. He
read tle letter ard said to tle lorder-guards, Boys, tlis is Vr. James Hayes.
He is a rev memler ot tle compary.`
Atter a good supper Hayes joired tle smokers rear tle tire. He vas a
simple tellov vitl a sur-lurrt tace ard a good-ratured smile. lellovs,` le
said, l`m goirg to irtroduce to you a girl-trierd ot mire. Nolody las called
ler a leauty, lut you`ll see sle las some tire poirts. Come alorg, Vuriel!`
He leld oper tle trort ot lis llue slirt. Out ot it cravled a trog. A red rillor
vas tied arourd its reck. lt cravled to Hayes`s kree ard sat tlere. llis
Vuriel,` said Hayes, is a girl-trierd ot mire. Sle alvays stays at lome, ard
sle`s satistied vitl ore red dress tor every day ard Surday, too!`
Some days passed ard Jimmy Hayes lecame a tavourite ir tle camp. He
lad ar erdless store ot good rature. He vas rever vitlout lis trog. lt vas ir
lis slirt durirg rides ard or lis kree or sloulder ir tle camp.
lor tvo mortls tle lorder vas guiet. Ard tler tlere came tle revs tlat
tle tamous garg leader Selastiaro lad crossed Pio Grarde togetler vitl
lis garg.
Ore everirg, vler tle lorder-guards vere lavirg supper, Selastiaro
ard lis garg attacked tlem. lle lorder-guards legar to tire. lle gargsters
galloped avay. lle lorder-guards tried to pursue tle garg, lut as tleir
lorses vere tired, tley lad to go lack to tle camp. ller it vas discovered
tlat Jimmy Hayes vas missirg. lle lorder-guards looked tor lim every-
vlere, lecause tley tlouglt tlat le lad leer killed or vourded, lut vitl-
out success. Ard rov tle lorder-guards lelieved tlat Jimmy Hayes lad
turred covard. He lad tled trom lis tirst tiglt.
lr a year, tle lorder-guards vere sert to tle poirt vlere Selastiaro lad
attacked tlem. Ore atterroor tley came upor ar oper prairie ard tlere
tley sav a scere ot great tragedy. lr tle grass lay tle skeletors ot tlree
mer. lle largest ot tle skeletors vas Selastiaro`s. His great expersive
somlrero lay tlere pierced ly tlree lullets. litty yards avay lay arotler
skeletor. Wlo tlat mar vas rolody krev, lecause lis dress vas like tlat
ot ary covloy. Ard tler, trom lereatl tle rags ot tle dead mar, a trog
cravled ard sat upor tle sloulder ot tle skeletor. lle lorder-guards looked
at tle trog ard rourd its reck tley sav a taded silk rillor. Vuriel remaired
true to ler dead master Jimmy Hayes.
(.J~: TI~ nug 1:u~:-gna:u , H~u:,;
4. Rcad tc pocms and dIscuss tc probIcms cxprcsscd In tcm.
A. S. 1. CoIcrIdgc
Answcr to a CIId`s QucstIon
Do you ask vlat tle lirds say? tle Sparrov, tle Dove,
lle lirret, tle llrusl say, l love ard l love!`
lr tle virter tley`re silert - tle vird is so strorg,
Wlat it says l dor`t krov, lut it sirgs a loud sorg.
But greer leaves ard llossoms, ard surry varm veatler,
Ard sirgirg ard lovirg - all come lack togetler.
l love ard l love,` almost all tle lirds say,
lrom sur-rise to star-rise, so gladsome are tley.
But tle lark is so lrimtul ot gladress ard love,
lle greer tield lelov lim, tle llue sky alove,
llat le sirgs ard le sirgs, ard tor ever sirgs le -
l love my love, ard my love loves me!`
`lis ro vorder tlat le`s tull ot joy to tle lrim,
Wler le loves lis love ard lis love loves lim.
B. J. GaIsworty
Praycr Ior GcntIcncss to aII Crcaturcs
lo all tle lumlle leasts tlere le,
lo all tle lirds or lard ard sea,
Great Spirit, sveet protectior give
llat tree ard lappy tley may live!
Ard to our learts tle rapture lrirg
Ot love tor every livirg tlirg,
Vake us all ore kir, ard lless
Our vays vitl Clrist`s ovr gertleress!
C. H.W. LongIcIIow
HIawata`s Brotcrs
ller tle little Hiavatla
learred ot every lird its larguage,
learred tleir rames ard all tleir secrets,
Hov tley luilt tleir rest ir summer,
Wlere tley lid tlemselves ir virter,
lalked vitl tlem vlere`er le met tlem,
Called tlem Hiavatla`s clickers.`
Ot all leasts le learred tle larguage,
learred tleir rames ard all tleir secrets,
Hov tle leavers luilt tleir lodges,
Wlere tle sguirrels lid tleir acorrs,
Hov tle reirdeer rar so svittly,
Wly tle rallit vas so timid,
lalked vitl tlem vlere`er le met tlem,
Called tlem Hiavatla`s lrotlers.`
D. O. GIbbons
1c SIIvcr Swan
lle silver svar, vlo livirg lad ro rote,
Wler deatl approacled, urlocked ler silert tlroat,
learirg ler lreast agairst tle reedy slore,
llus sarg ler tirst ard last, ard sarg ro more:
larevell, all joys, O deatl, come close mire eyes,
Vore geese tlar svars rov live, more tools tlar vise.
E. 1c LIttIc BIrd
little lird, little lird! come to me!
l lave a greer cage ready tor tlee,
Beauty-lriglt tlovers l`ll lrirg to you,
Ard tresl, ripe clerries, all vet vitl dev.`
llarks, little maider, tor all tly care,
But l dearly love tle clear, cool air,
Ard my srug little rest ir tle old oak-tree,`
little lird, little lird! Ol! stay vitl me.`
Al ro, little maider, avay l`ll tly
lo greerer tields ard a varmer sky,
l vill le tree as tle ruslirg air,
Clasirg tle surliglt everyvlere.`
F. LyrIcs and musIc: Hans Bouwcns
PaIoma BIanca
Wler tle sur slires or tle Vourtairs
Ard tle riglt is or tle rur
lt`s a rev day, it`s a rev vay
Ard l tly up to tle sur
l car teel tle morrirg surliglt
l car smell tle rev lorr lay
l car lear God`s voice callirg
lrom my golder skyliglt vay.
Ol, la paloma llarca
l`m just a lird ir tle sky
Ol, la paloma llarca
Over tle mourtairs l tly
No ore car take my treedom avay
Orce l lad my slare ot losirg
Orce tley locked me or a clair
\es, tley tried to lreak my pover
Ol, l still car teel tle pair.
Ol, la paloma llarca .
Wler tle sur slires .
Ol, la paloma llarca .
G. KIndncss to AnImaIs
little clildrer, rever give
Pair to tlirgs tlat teel ard live:
let tle gertle rolir come
lor tle crumls you save at lome,-
As lis meat you tlrov alorg
He`ll repay you vitl a sorg,
Never lurt tle timid lare
Peepirg trom ler greer grass lair,
let ler come ard sport ard play
Or tle lavr at close ot day,
lle little lark goes soarirg ligl
lo tle lriglt virdovs ot tle sky,
Sirgirg as it tvere alvays sprirg,
Ard tlutterirg or ar urtired virg,-
Ol! let lim sirg lis lappy sorg,
Nor do tlese gertle creatures vrorg.
5. Intcrprct tc EngIIs provcrbs and IInd tcIr cquIvaIcnts In
1. All cats are grey ir tle dark.
2. A cat ir gloves catcles ro mice.
3. Wler tle cat is avay tle mice vill play.
4. lo tiglt like Kilkerry cats.
5. lo grir like a Cleslire cat.
6. Barkirg dogs seldom lite.
. A dog ir tle marger.
8. lle dogs lark, lut tle caravar goes or.
9. Ivery dog is a lior at lome.
10. let sleapirg dogs lie.
11. lt is useless to tlog a dead lorse.
12. Never look a gitt lorse ir tle moutl.
13. A lird ir tle lard is vortl tvo ir tle lusl.
14. A lird is krovr ly its sorg.
15. Birds ot a teatler tlock togetler.
16. lle early lird catcles tle vorm.
1. A lull ir a clira slop.
18. lle lull must le taker ly tle lorrs.
19. Ivery cock crovs or lis ovr durglill.
20. lt you are atter tvo lorses, you vill catcl rore.
21. lle leopard carrot clarge lis spots.
22. llere`s a llack sleep ir every tlock.
23. A volt ir sleep`s clotlirg.
24. lvo dogs tiglt tor a lore, ard a tlird rurs avay vitl it.
6. Makc up and act out sItuatIons usIng tcsc provcrbs.
7. GIvc your own cxampIcs IIIustratIng IIIc sItuatIons In wIc
tcsc provcrbs wouId bc approprIatc.

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