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Day One Origins and Use of the Atomic Bomb

Based on strategic and ethical considerations should the United States of Dropped the Atomic Bomb.
Students will understand the Manhattan Project
Students will understand why the Atomic bomb was dropped
Students will understand the effects of dropping the atomic
Anticipatory Set
Manhattan Project Video with questions 10 min
Teaching Activities
Jigsaw Activity (30 min)
Students will be numbered off in fours. Number ones will be looking at operation downfall. Twos will
analyze the statistics from the battle of Okinawa, which most experts say was a preview of the invasion
of japan. Number threes will look at Trumans reasoning for dropping the bomb. Group Four will look at
the aftermath of the bombs and the loss of life and destruction they caused. After they are finished they
will be paired up with one person from each group and discuss their findings. Than the group will make a
decision based on the information on whether or not they would have dropped the bomb.
Operation Downfall
Battle of Okinawa
about civilian casualties)
Results of Bomb
Class Discussion based upon findings 10 min

Closure 10 min
Quick Write
Why do you think that Truman dropped the bomb

Day Two WMDs in the Modern World.
Essential Questions What gives countries the right to have nuclear capabilities
Students will understand the Roles of WMDs in the world.
Students will understand Which countries have nuclear capabilities
Students will understand why some nations have nuclear sanctions put on them
Anticipatory Set
Quick Write
What is a Weapon of Mass Destruction?
Teaching Activities
Current Events
Students will be put into groups of four. Each group will be given a country that currently has nuclear
capabilities. They will do research on the countries using online resources. The groups will then decide
whether or not the country should have nuclear arms. They will then present their findings to the class
and give at least three reasons why or why not the country should have WMDs.
Quick Write
What do you think the requirements should be for a country to have WMDs.

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