Mode Dota

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Random mode: -ardmssstfrfeakscoiermcslndbbcefn (All random, when death random new heroes)

- Sd mode: -sdssstfrfeakscoiermcslndbbcefn (Random 3 heroes)

o ar - All random
o dm - Deathmatch
o ss - Random skills
o st - Super towers
o fr - Fast respawn
o fe - Global drop (neutral drops items)
o ak - Award skill
o sc - Super creeps
o oi - Observer info
o er - Expiremental runes
o mc - Modified super creeps
o sl - Skill lost
o nd - No death
o bb - Backdoor ban
o cc - Clever creeps aka "heroes go to hell mode"
o fn - Fast neutrals
All range, All stats:

Melee, All stats:

Ranged, All stats:

Melee, Agility Only:

Ranged, Agility Only:

Ranged, Inteligence Only:

Melee, Strength Only:

As you can see, the only thing, that chages is range and stats. The base is set in the "All range, All stats" mode. The
fuller description of those modes in the base goes next:

ak - your hero get's one extra random skill (so now you have 5, instead of 4)
fe - neutral creeps (those in the forest and very-very-very rarely those in the lanes) drop items. Never saw them drop
complex items (such as Crystalys, Buriza etc), but most basics, even those from the forest - Eaglehorn, Sacred Relic,
Belt of Giant Strength etc
fn - neutral creeps (those in the forest) respawn faster (10 sec, as the manual says)
fr - your and enemy heroes respawn instantly after death.. Like in Quake or UT..
nd - no death, as the manual says.. actually, I thought it was almost the same, as "fr" mode.. dunno now..
pm - all items dropped are common, so you can now equip your friends, if you are a faster asskicker =)
rs - set's you for a random side, despite what you selected before the game began. I try to choose the Scourge,
cause I love the window design, and this mode let's me actually play for The Sentinel side
ss - all your skills are randomized - you can get any skill of any hero in DoTA. F.e., playing Sven with Pudge's meat
hook is quite funny =)
st - super towers.. not that super, but they regenerate HP over time and are kinda little stronger.. but not that really
hard as it could be...
I like play dota imba with mode: -arakdm (All ransom hero and skill, no death time)

ar: All Random Heroes
-ak: Award Skill (Additional Random Skill) Note: Some Heroes are not affected by this mode
-rs: Random Skill
-bb: Backdoor Ban (Hitting towers with no enemy creeps nearby will make the tower invincible)
-dm: Death Match
-nd: No Deathtime
-fn Neutrals spawn every 30 seconds instead of 60 seconds.
-fr: Fast Respawn of Heroes reduce by 50%
-fe Roshan and forest creeps randomly drop items on death.
-sa Every hero starts with random stats and stat gains.
-st: Super Towers (fast regen towers)
-sl Every hero loses one skill (including stats).
-ss Every hero loses their original skills and gains 4 random skills like in OMG or LOD.
-rb 8 random heroes are banned
-cc Creeps are able to become hero AIs (last hit, deny, avoid tower, level up, change lanes).
-ce Every hero gets increased movement speed, regeneration, damage, and all bonuses from the
-ca Able to attack your teammates. AIs attack themselves in fountain straight off. You are also able to get
First Blood and experience by killing allies.
-ox Spawns the Onyxia, the boss of imba, in the center of the map.
-ay Both teams share vision and everyone gets 9999999 gold
-id drop one item when hero dies
-pm able to use all items although theyre not yours

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