Nonverbal Communication in Consumer Behaviour

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Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour

2014 Human behaviour academy


Puvana A/P Arumugam
Vishalliny Chandra
Leow Chee Seng (Ph.D)


Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy

Published by Human Behaviour Academy Ltd
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Copyright 2014 Human Behaviour Academy Ltd

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First Edition July 2014

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publishing Data

Puvana A/P Arumugam, Vishalliny Chandra; Chee Seng, Leow


1. Body Language 2. Non Verbal 3. Communication 4. Gesture 5. Business
6. Consumer Behaviour

BF 637 N66

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy



Analysing of YouTube Video
Naina And Her Mom Buying Groceries - Yeh Jawaani Hai
Deewani - Deleted Scenes

Analysing Video of YouTube Green Scarf Movie

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy

Puvana A/P Arumugam
Analysing of YouTube Video
Naina And Her Mom Buying Groceries - Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani - Deleted Scenes

The process of communicating nonverbally through gestures, movements either with or
without realization is known as body language. It also known to be subconscious behaviour
which be derived from sign language. Body language is the technique of reading people.
Physical expressions like waving, touching and pointing are forms of nonverbal
communication. Humans move their bodies when communicating because, as research has
shown it helps to ease the mental effort when communication is a little tough. Body language
plays a key role in effective leadership communication.
Generally speaking body opening/ orifices are not wanted as they can cause problems such as
being entries for disease or can be snagged on passing bushes. Mouth is perhaps the
important multi-function opening as we use it for communicating, breathing and eating.
Looking at the video clip Ive chosen from the bollywood movie Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani,
it is a conversation between mother and daughter during groceries buying. The brief of the
clip is actually when the mother buying vegetables, accompanied by her daughter who is not
showing any kind of interest during the purchase. The mother will go surprise looking at the
fresh carrots and do ask her daughter if she prefers any other vegetable for her to buy.
Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy

Basically scene 1 is where the mother checking out the availability of vegetables and the
good ones indeed. The expression she gave was searching for the good condition vegetables.
And then she bump into these carrots where attracted her to the most. The way she posed in
scene 1 is looking down into items. That action indicates she have a trust that she is picking a
good vegetable which caught her eye and is beneficiary to be consumed. This is done using
internal emotion reflection. Even the lopsided smile also known as twisted smile significantly
saying Yes whereas, the right hand is gripping tightly the basket confirming the surety.

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy
Scene 2 is where the m
other goes a little surprised with the fresh, good looking carrot. It can be seen through the
dilated pupils which indicate the level of interest. Moreover, left hand is resting at opposite
direction of where the body is facing. This is a no interest expression to the items over that
side. It is a symbol of moving forward as where body is contacting. The furrowed forehead
happens on ones anxiety or concentration as displayed in the scene. This reaction proves
theres something interesting along her way. The lowered chin showing eyes are focusing in
angle of 45 degree. The scene also shows the mom left in surprise with and without happiness
where, eyebrows rise upwards, eyes widen and mouth opens a little brief.

Scene 3 performs in surprise in which, eyebrows rise upwards, eyes widen with a sharp
zoom, mouth opens briefly and, horizontal wrinkles across forehead can be seen. Apart from
that an open eyelid with dropped jaw is identified too. This is in which lips and teeth are seen
apart, with no tension around mouth. Looking into eye, the pupils dilate when one is excited
or when we look at something attractive just as shown in this scene.
Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy

Scene 4 highlights on the full-blown smile which believe to be natural and gives positive
signal of happiness and vibes in which the fresh vegetables have drawn her interest to buy.
Thus the excitement left a smile on her face. Not only that, the relaxed eye is proving
calmness and humbleness as the head is tilted forward whereas the left hand palm which
holding carrot is twisted towards inner position (cupped) symbolizes desire; indicating the
trust as the item isnt harm and perceived to be good. The shoulder seemed to be relaxed as a
little hunchback.
Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy

Scene 5 express on the drop-jaw smile when the lower jaw drops downwards. This scene is
trying to draw a positive impulse to the message receiver, giving the impression of
amusement in which, the two carrots in hand confirming her purchase. The furrowed
forehead can be observed too and face is looking straight to the opponent meaning conveying
message with no fear and based on your excitement.
Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy

Moving to step 6 is where focuses on tight Lips which can be observed in tensed and annoyed
people. It is applied in this scene is because could be because the message receiver didnt
agree with the message senders point. Head tilted down looking into basket as to secure/
conformity the item is placed safe. It can also be as withdraw eye contact with the disagree
statement/ expression from opponent.
Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy

For scene 7 it displays an excitement scene of looking into a thing which have caught her
eye/ impressed her well. It can be said as I Love it and I have interest. Hence, her eyes and
mouth are open widely and fixed on the subject. This is a reaction on showing interest with a
little surprise. The hand used to grab items seemed to grip them firmly noting that the
assurance of purchasing and moving into to grab more.
Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy

Scene 8 discusses on lip compression in which better explains on reflecting stress or anxiety.
It may progress to the point where the lips disappear (as shown). Right hand gripping the
basket seemed loose compare to previous scenes, indicting the completion/ grabbing the last
Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy

Last but not least, scene 9 compresses on eyes especially the constriction pupils. Pupils
constrict to show that we are not interested in what one see. This girl isnt anyhow focusing
to her moms concern on buying vegetable. This proves by the sideway looks which can be
interpreted as the person is trying to assess if the source is an interest or a threat. It also can
be a negative action as indicting boredom. Apart from this, the scene shows loose lips which
also indicates the person does not have high hopes for a situation. e.g. Whatever!

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy
Vishalliny Chandra
Analysing Video of YouTube Green Scarfs Movie Shopaholic

Nonverbal communication is essential for us to reach the heart and soul of the
customers. In the new marketing paradigm, mind, spirit and heart should be taken care. To be
able to do this, we should be able to understand our customers through their body language.
As all of us know, action speaks louder than words good or service verbally. In such cases, it
would be very helpful if we are able to understand what our customers like and dislike
through analyzing their body language. The non verbal cues and signs from the consumers
will give us a glimpse of things that are going on their minds. Though it is not easy to analyze
or understand consumers body language, through careful observation we can easily get cues
and silent messages that is being conveyed by the consumers. As a consumer business
consultant, I have analyzed a video of a consumers behavior during a buying process to
collect nonverbal communication clues that could help.


Based on the video analysis, I have divided the body language analysis into several
elements such as facial expression, touch, hand, arm and so on.


Generally, everyone can understand what a person feels by looking at their facial
expression. In the Body Language Exposed book, it is written that facial expression can be
divided into three perspectives which are evolution and natural selection, external factors and
innate and learned. From the video which I have analyzed, the facial expressions that was
identified are as described below:

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy

If we looked into the facts, the facial expressions that I will be explaining below based
on the video clip are called as Innate and Learned. There are some primary expressions which
we are born and these are some of it.

Based on the picture above, when we look at the consumers facial expression we can
understand that she is looking at something with interest. In the video, the consumer actually
saw a sale signboard and walked towards it to have a closer look at it. If we look at the facts,
the facial expression does indeed explain an interest towards something.

As for this second picture above, or screenshot from the video clip, we can see from
the facial expression that this consumer is happy. By watching the video clip we can make
the conclusion that she was happy when she saw the green scarf through the window.

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy

From third picture shown above, we can say that the consumer looks sad or unhappy.
So, from this we can understand that the consumer has something running in her mind which
makes her sad. This can be confirmed when we watch the video, the consumer was actually
thinking about all the debts that she has and was thinking whether she really needs to buy the
green scarf. Facts show that when an individuals mouth is pulled down, eyelids droop and
eyebrows pulled together and eye look down, its shows sadness as what we can see on the
picture above.

This fourth picture shows that the consumer is showing interest. When we look at this
facial expression, we would normally interpret it as happy. But if we check with the facts on
body language, it is explained as the consumer is expressing the feeling of I love it and I
have interest.

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy
Neutralization is one of the facial management techniques. This facial expression
technique is engaged by eliminating any expression of emotions, appearing as emotionless as

From the video clip, we can spot this neutralization facial management technique on
the store cashiers facial expression. The consumer handed over several credit cards to pay
for one scarf. Anyone in the cashiers position would feel annoyed for this kind of behavior.
But the cashier managed it by showing a neutral facial expression to avoid from the consumer
noticing her actual feeling.

Based on the Facial Affect Scoring Technique (FAST), face is separated into three
areas which are the lower face (cheeks, nose and mouth), eyes (including eyelids) and the
brows and forehead. The analysis of each of the facial expression elements that has been
spotted on the video clip are as described below:

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy

1) Eyes

Looking left up

Basically from the picture above, if we look at the expression given by the consumer,
we would say that the consumer is thinking or considering of buying the scarf. Based on
the facts, I can say that the consumer is recalling, remembering or retrieving facts. This is
also can be seen in the video itself. When the consumer gives this expression, she was
actually recalling back the fact that she is broke and she could not afford to buy the scarf.

Closing the eyes

In the picture above, we can see that the consumer is closing her eyes. When we look
at this kind reaction from a consumer we would think that the consumer is trying to
control herself from buying the scarf. When we look at the facts, it is written that when
someone closes their eyes, it serves to shut out the world to be able to think sincerely
about a particular subject. So, from this video we can conclude that the consumer is trying
to think carefully whether she really need the scarf of not.

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy


From the picture above, we can see that the consumer is glancing at the scarf.
Glancing shows a desire for something. For example, from the picture above or from the
video clip, we can say that the consumer is interested with the scarf.

Widening eyes

When a person widens his/her eyes, our general interpretation towards that persons
facial expression would be either that person is shock, in disbelief or surprised. According to
facts, when someone widens their eye, it signals interest, invites positive response. In women
especially widened eyes tend to increase attractiveness. So, when we are looking at non
verbal communication we have to take into consideration the other expressions that come
together or else the interpretation will not be accurate. The consumer in this video clip was
actually expressing her interest and thinks that she looks more attractive when she wears the
green scarf.

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy

Direct eye contact

From the video clip, the hotdog seller gave direct eye contact to the consumer when
the consumer offered to buy all of his hotdog. The eye contact given by the hotdog seller can
be interpreted as attentive and interest. This is because he was interested with the offer from
the consumer.
2) Eyebrows

Raised eyebrows

Raised eyebrows means that the person is surprised and as we can see in the picture, the
consumer is surprised. The more surprised a person is, the higher his/her eyebrow goes.

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy

3) Lips

Lips closed and pulled down

When sad, the mouth pulls down in a frown as what we can see on the picture above.
This gesture shows sadness. In the video clip, the consumer gives this gesture as she could
not afford to buy the scarf.

Licking lips

When a person licks the lips its not only because his/her lips are dry. The gesture of
licking on lips is a way of expressing nervousness. It could also mean that the person is not
telling the truth. But in this case, the consumer is licking her lips because she is nervous as
she was not sure whether her credit card has reached its limit.

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy
Chewing on lips

Another lips gesture is biting/ chewing on the lips. This is usually done when a person
is feeling anxious. We can see this gesture on the video clip.

The sneer

The sneer can be seen on the hotdog sellers face. This sign is obvious and gives sign
of sarcastic.

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy
2.2 HAND

According to the book Body Language Exposed, hands are the adjunct to
speech and the oldest tool of human communication. Before speech or verbal
communication was created, human beings communicated using hand gestures.
Below are some of the analyses of the hand gestures that can be seen in the video clip.

The screenshot above shows that the consumer is clenching her fists. When we see
this gesture, we would interpret it as the consumer is interested with the scarf but is trying to
control her urge to buy the scarf. From the facts, we learn that this means that the consumer is
preparing her mind, body and soul for battle of one sort or another. So, we can say that when
the consumer saw the scarf, she actually had a small battle in herself whether she really needs
the scarf, whether it will suit her or whether it is necessary to buy a scarf and so on.

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy

In the picture above, we can see that the consumer is clenching or holding her purse
tightly. This scene was during the consumer making the payment her payment for the scarf
that she wants to buy. The consumer passed her credit card to the cashier and she was
standing there holding her purse tightly. This nonverbal communication occurs when
someone feels discomfort or is in stress. We can conclude that the consumer was actually
stressed at that moment because she was unsure whether her credit card has reached its limit.
This conclusion is off course made by looking at the consumers other gestures as well from
the video clip.

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy

Other gesture that we can see from the video is nodding the head. Nodding head
usually means that either the person is agreeing or disagreeing with what we are saying to
them. When we look at the consumer in the video clip, she nods her head up and down which
means that she is agreeing.

Another gesture in the video would be the one in the picture above. This gesture of
looking away from the scarf, would mean that the consumer thinking of not buying the scarf.
When a consumer gives this gesture though he/she is clearly interested with the
goods/services, it is the sales persons responsibility to convince the consumer to buy the

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy


Scene 1 Scene 2

Scene 3 Scene 4

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy
Scene 5 Scene 6

Scene 7 Scene 8
Scene 9

Non verbal communication in consumer behaviour
2014 Human behaviour academy

1. Pillai, D., Sheppard, E., and Mitchell, P. (2012). Can People Guess What Happened to
Others from Their Reactions? PLoS ONE, 7 (11)
2. C.S., Leow, Leong, V., and Adom, A. (2013). Find out how your body can betray
you. Body Language Exposed, 280.
3. Retrieved from

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