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Do families attend church less today

than over the last several years? And,

what are the causes or detractors
from church attendance?
Church Attendance
Various opinions describe both declines and increases in
attendance since the inception of the United States post
Revolutionary War.

This is attributed to:
People with new found freedom want to worship as they pleased
Shopping around for the preferred brand of church had begun
Marketing began to create strong, vibrant, and gripping church
to draw people in
People wanted a church that is capable of miracles
One that imparts order and rationality to the world
One that makes sense of the human condition
Finke, R, and R Stark. The Churching of America 1776-205. 5th. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2005. Print.
Use of Bible to promote
political agendas
Use of Bible to
limit/define the sciences
Disingenuous people
Theology doesnt fit today
Choosing ego over faith

Demographic changes in
Technology in church
Leadership crisis
Religious pluralism
Contemporary worship
Phony advertising
Trends Impacting Church Decline
McSwain, S. "Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore." The BLOG. Huffington Post, 10 14 2013. Web. 13 May. 2014
Women tend to participate in church activities more than
Church attendance tends to increase with age
Only weak correlation between income and attendance
Blacks attend church more frequently than whites
Church attendance is greater in rural areas than urban areas

Regularities of Attendance
Azzi, C., and Ehrenberg. R. "Household Allocation of Time and Church Attendance." Cornell University ILR School. (1975): n. page. Print.
Why Do People Go to Church?
For spiritual growth and guidance 23 %
Keeps me grounded/inspired 20 %
It's my faith 15 %
To worship God 15 %
The fellowship of other members/The community
13 %
Believe in God/Believe in religion 12 %
Brought up that way/A family value/Tradition
12 %
Other 4 %
No reason in particular 1 %
No opinion *
Newport, Frank. "Just Why Do Americans Attend Church?." Gallup News Service. (2007): n. page. Web. 14 May. 2014.
Worship Attendance 2003-2013
Source: Aggregated data from surveys conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. 2003-2013
Four Things to Bring People In
Radical hospitality
A Christ-like approach to things

Fearless Conversation
Speak boldly on principle and share ideas

Genuine Humility
Be humble, we are on this journey together

Divine Anticipation
God didnt work just back then He is alive today
Hallowell, Billy. "Author Reveals 4 Reasons 'Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore".
Faith Column - The Blaze. 10 23 2013: n. page. Web. 14 May. 2014.
The Future to Restoration
Relax religion will always fluctuate with continuity and change

Expressions of religion and spirituality will be carried from one
generation to the next

Recognize young adults can be catalysts of reform and

Children may depart from the family religion not rebellion but
maybe restoration

Youth reformers can take a loving, just and joyful faith to their

Bengtson, , , et al. Families and Faith. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Print.

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