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Core Competencies

College and Course Number Course Title Competency Acquired

CSU Stanislaus CDEV 3140

Human Development I:
Acquired knowledge of the
psychological, social, and
cognitive development of
infants and children.
Understand appropriate
methods and ways to interact
with mothers, infants, and
CSU Stanislaus GEND 2020 Womens and Feminist

Understanding the social,
historical, and political context
of the experience of womens
and Feminist Activism in the
United States.
CSU Stanislaus CJ 2280 Criminal Law Acquired historical and
contemporary knowledge of
law and how to properly apply
criminal law to case scenarios,
including how laws regulate
social conduct that can be
threatening to the health,
safety, and moral welfare of
CSU Stanislaus COMM 2110 Group Discussion Processes Developed the ability to
effectively communicate
formal presentations in public
settings. Developed skills in
leadership, information
gathering, problem solving,
and decision-making.
CSU Stanislaus ENGL 2000 Critical Inquiry Strengthened critical thinking
skills, logical reasoning, and
the ability to identify and
develop arguments in both
analytical summaries and
original argumentative essays.
Competencies in Sociology (major) and Criminal Justice (minor)

College and Course Number Course Title Concentration Competency
CSU Stanislaus SOCL 3030 &
SOCL 4030
Research Methods & Research
Analysis (One year full course)
Gained competency in key
research strategies for
analyzing both qualitative and
quantitative social science
research data. acquired the
ability to independently carry
out research projects using the
Statistical Package for Social
CSU Stanislaus SOCL 3310 Social Inequalities Understand the causes and
consequences of socially
structured inequalities
including socioeconomic class,
gender, and body image.
Learned how to advocate for
the advancement of basic
human rights, social, and
economic justice.
CSU Stanislaus SOCL 4170 Victimology Acquired historical and
contemporary knowledge on
how to better understand
victims of crime, applying
theories and data related to
victimization. Learned how to
advocate for policies advance
victims rights.
CSU Stanislaus CJ 4230 Juvenile Justice

Understand the historical and
contemporary structure of the
American juvenile justice
system. Gain competency on
constitutional rights, the
judicial process, and structure
of the juvenile system. Ability
to conduct and on-site field
observation of the juvenile
justice system and an actual
juvenile case.

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