Ieee 1609

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WAVE (IEEE 1609)

Standard documents
1609.0: Trial Use Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Eniron!ents (WAVE) "
Architecture# $arch %00&.
1609.1: IEEE Trial'Use Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Eniron!ents (WAVE)
( )esource $ana*er# 1+ ,cto-er %006.
1609.%: IEEE Trial'Use Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Eniron!ents(
Securit. Serices for A//lications and $ana*e!ent $essa*es# 6 0ul. %006.
1609.+: IEEE Trial'Use Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Eniron!ents (WAVE)
(1et2or3in* Serices# %0 A/ril %00&.
1609.4: IEEE Trial'Use Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Eniron!ents (WAVE)
($ulti'channel ,/eration# %9 1oe!-er %006.
1609.+: 5raft Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Eniron!ents (WAVE) '
1et2or3in* Serices# 5ece!-er %006.
1609.4: 5raft Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Eniron!ents (WAVE) ' $ulti'
channel ,/eration# 5ece!-er %006.
7arri# 0. 8ilali# 8. 9onnet# :.# ;$o-ilit. !odels for ehicular ad hoc net2or3s: a sure.
and ta<ono!.;# IEEE :o!!unications Sure.s = Tutorials# Volu!e 11 Issue 4# %009.
To! >urihara# ?IEEE 5S): A//lication Serices (@1609) Status )e/ortA# %006
)ichard )o.# ;IEEE 1609 Wor3in* Brou/ )eised Architecture 5ia*ra!;# ,cto-er %006
;Standards: WAVE C 5S): C 60%.11/;
Tho!as Stran*# 5i/l.'Infor!. $atthias )Dc3l# ;Vehicle 1et2or3s V%E co!!unication
/rotocols;# %006.
8arFad 7assanFadeh# ;Vehicular :o!!unication 1et2or3s;# A/ril %00&.
Bhassan $. T. A-dalla# $osa Ali A-u)*heff# and Sidi $oha!!ed Senouci# ;:urrent
Trends in Vehicular Ad 7oc 1et2or3s;# U9I),A5S %00& 2or3sho/.
>nut Eensen# ;:AG$ Architecture and 1et2or3;# SeVe:,$ Wor3sho/# 8e-ruar.#
>nut Eensen# ;Intelli*ent Trans/ort S.ste!s;# 0ul.# %006.
Bre*or. S. 9ic3el# ;InterCIntra'Vehicle Wireless :o!!unication;# %006.
;5edicated short'ran*e co!!unications;
Related documents
The follo2in* ITS standards are related and should -e considered 2hen usin* this
AST$ E%%1+'0+ ' Standard S/ecification for Teleco!!unications and Infor!ation
E<chan*e 9et2een )oadside and Vehicle S.ste!s ' H B7F 9and 5edicated Short )an*e
:o!!unications (5S):) $ediu! Access :ontrol ($A:) and @h.sical (@7I)
SAE 0%+H4 ' $essa*e Set for Adanced Traeler Infor!ation S.ste! (ATIS)
The follo2in* set of standards and docu!ents# 2hile not /art of the ITS standards#
should also -e considered 2hen usin* this standard:
IA9 ST5 H ' )8: &91: Internet @rotocol ' 5A)@A Internet @ro*ra! @rotocol
IA9 ST5 & ' )8: &9+: Trans!ission :ontrol @rotocol ' 5A)@A Internet @ro*ra!
@rotocol S/ecification
IEEE Std 60%.11# 1999 Edition (IS,CIE: 660%.11:1999)# IEEE Standard for Wireless
GA1 $ediu! Access :ontrol ($A:) and @h.sical (@7I) S/ecifications
)8: %460'1996# Internet @rotocol# Version 6 (I@6) S/ecification
)8: &66:1960# User 5ata*ra! @rotocol
)8: 694'1964# A Standard for the Trans!ission of I@ 5ata*ra!s oer Ethernet 1et2or3s
NCTUns Emulator
S.Y. Wang and C.L. Chou, NCTUns Tool for Wireless Vehicular
Communication Network esearches,! Simulation "odelling #ractice and
Theor$, Vol. %&, No. &, ''. %(%%)%((*, +ugust (,,-.
S.Y. Wang and .". .uang, NCTUns Tool for /nno0ati0e Network
1mulations,! a cha'ter of the Computer-Aided Design and Other Computing
Research Developments! 2ook, 3/S4N5 -&6)%)*,78*)6*,)6, 'u2lished 2$
No0a Science #u2lishers in (,,-9
S.Y. Wang, C.C. Lin, and C.C. .uang, NCTUns Tool for 10aluating the
#erformances of eal)life #(# +''lications,! a cha'ter of the Peer-to-Peer
Networks, Security, Protocols, and Applications! 2ook, 3to 2e 'u2lished 2$
No0a Science #u2lishers in (,,-9
S.I. Wan* and :.:. Gin# ;1:TUns H.0: A 1et2or3 Si!ulator for IEEE 60%.11(/) and 1609
Wireless Vehicular 1et2or3 )esearches#; %nd IEEE International S.!/osiu! on Wireless
Vehicular :o!!unications# Se/te!-er %1"%%# %006# :al*ar.# :anada. (de!o /a/er)
S.I. Wan* and :.G. :hou# ;1:TUns Si!ulator for Wireless Vehicular Ad 7oc 1et2or3
)esearch;# to a//ear in the ;Ad Hoc Networks: New Research; -oo3 (to -e /u-lished -.
1oa Science @u-ishers in %006)
S.$. 7uan*# I.:. Sun*# S.I. Wan*# and I.9. Gin# ?1:TUns Si!ulation Tool for Wi$AE
$odelin*#A Third Annual International Wireless Internet :onference# ,cto-er %% " %4# %00&#
Austin# Te<as# USA. (EI and ISI inde<ed# s/onsored -. I:ST# A:$# EU)ASI@)
S.I. Wan*# :.G. :hou# I.7. :hiu# I.S. Tsen*# $.S. 7su# I.W. :hen*# W.G. Giu# and T.W.
7o# NCTUns 4.0: An Integrated Simuation !at"orm "or #ehicuar Tra""ic$
Communication$ and Network Researches $% 1
IEEE International S.!/osiu! on Wireless
Vehicular :o!!unications# Se/te!-er +0 " ,cto-er 1# %00&# 9alti!ore# $5# USA
S.I. Wan*# :.G. :hou# :.:. Gin# ?The &esign and Im'ementation o" the NCTUns Network
Simuation (ngineA# Elseier Si!ulation $odellin* @ractice and Theor.# 1H (%00&) H& " 61.
S.I. Wan* and >.:. Giao# ?Inno)ati)e Network (muations using the NCTUns TooA# as a
-oo3 cha/ter of the ?Com'uter Networking and NetworksA -oo3# (IS91 1'H94H4'6+0'&#
/u-lished -. 1oa Science @u-lishers in %006)
>laus @lDJl# 7annes 8ederrath# ;A /riac. a2are and efficient securit. infrastructure for
ehicular ad hoc net2or3s;# :o!/uter Standards = Interfaces# %006.
Studer# A. Shi# E. 8an 9ai @erri*# A.# ;TA:>in* To*ether Efficient Authentication#
)eocation# and @riac. in VA1ETs;# IEEE SE:,1 %009.
@ana*iotis @a/adi!itratos# 0ean'@ierre 7u-au<# ;)e/ort on the ;secure ehicular
co!!unications: results and challen*es ahead;# A:$ SIB$,9IGE $o-ile :o!/utin* and
:o!!unications )eie2# A/ril %006.
@ietro2icF S.#7.on* Shi!# 5i :rescenFo B.# Tao Khan*# ;V5TGS ' @roidin* secure
co!!unications in ehicle net2or3s;# I18,:,$# A/ril %006.
Eiaodon* Gin# )on*<in* Gu# :hen<i Khan*# 7aoLin Khu# @in'7an 7o# Eue!in Shen#
;Securit. in ehicular ad hoc net2or3s;# IEEE :o!!unications $a*aFine# A/ril %006.
>enneth @. Ga-erteau<# 0ason 0. 7aas# Iih':hun 7u# ;Securit. certificate reocation list
distri-ution for anet;# @roceedin*s of the fifth A:$ international 2or3sho/ on VehiculAr
Inter'1ET2or3in*# %006.
@a/adi!itratos# @.# :alandriello# B.# 7u-au<# 0.'@.# Gio.# A.# ;I!/act of ehicular
co!!unications securit. on trans/ortation safet.;# I18,:,$# A/ril %006.
Weil# T.# ;Serice $ana*e!ent for ITS Usin* WAVE (1609.+) 1et2or3in*;# IEEE
Blo-e:o! %009.
Ale<ander E. S!ith#;Intelli*ent Wireless )outin* and 1otification S.ste! for E!er*enc.
Serices Vehicles;# Se/iaWae# %006.
0ian*# 5.# 5el*rossi# G.# ;IEEE 60%.11/: To2ards an International Standard for Wireless
Access in Vehicular Eniron!ents;# IEEE Vehicular Technolo*. :onference# $a. %006.
9ilstru/# >atrin# ;A sure. re*ardin* 2ireless co!!unication standards intended for a hi*h'
s/eed ehicle eniron!ent;# %00&.
9ilstru/# >atrin# ;$ediu! access control in ehicular net2or3s -ased on the u/co!in*
IEEE 60%.11/ standard;# %006.
Khe Wan*# $ah-u- 7assan# ;7o2 !uch of dsrc is aaila-le for non'safet. use;#
International :onference on $o-ile :o!/utin* and 1et2or3in*# %006.
Iun/en* Kan*# Eri3 Weiss# Gothar Sti-or# 9ernhard Wal3e# 7ui :hen# Ei :hen*#
;,//ortunistic Wireless Internet Access in Vehicular Eniron!ents Usin* Enhanced WAVE
5eices;# International 0ournal of 7.-rid Infor!ation Technolo*.# %006.
Khe Wan*# $ah-u- 7assan# ;:onte<t'A2are :hannel :oordination for Vehicular
:o!!unications;# Technical )e/ort# The Uniersit. of 1e2 South Wales# %006.

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