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Sex differences in addictive disorders

Liana Fattore a,b,⇑, Miriam Melis b,c, Paola Fadda b,c,d, Walter Fratta b,c,d
Institute of Neuroscience – Cagliari National Research Council of Italy, Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato, Italy
Centre of Excellence ‘‘Neurobiology of Dependence’’, University of Cagliari, Monserrato, Italy
Department of Biomedical Sciences, Division of Neuroscience and Clinical Pharmacology, Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato, University of Cagliari, Monserrato, Italy
National Institute of Neuroscience (INN), University of Cagliari, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Gender-dependent differences in the rate of initiation and frequency of misuse of addicting drugs have
Available online xxxx been widely described. Yet, men and women also differ in their propensity to become addicted to other
rewarding stimuli (e.g., sex, food) or activities (e.g., gambling, exercising). The goal of the present review
Keywords: is to summarize current evidence for gender differences not only in drug addiction, but also in other
Gender differences forms of addictive behaviours. Thus, we first reviewed studies showing gender-dependent differences
Drug addiction in drug addiction, food addiction, compulsive sexual activity, pathological gambling, Internet addiction
Pathological gambling
and physical exercise addiction. Potential risk factors and underlying brain mechanisms are also exam-
Internet addiction
Compulsive sex
ined, with particular emphasis given to the role of sex hormones in modulating addictive behaviours.
Food addiction Investigations on factors allowing the pursuit of non-drug rewards to become pathological in men and
Excessive exercise women are crucial for designing gender-appropriate treatments of both substance and non-substance
Sex hormones addictions.
Compulsive buying Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction buying and pyromania. These behaviours, often referred to as

‘‘impulse control disorders’’ or ‘‘impulsive–compulsive behav-
The term ‘‘addiction’’ is traditionally linked to the abuse of legal iours’’, result in actions that are harmful to oneself or to others,
and illegal substances. Most drugs of abuse affect the brain reward and share common features such as compulsiveness, impulsivity,
system thus leading to addiction. However, engaging in non-drug impaired decision-making, craving, tolerance, withdrawal and high
related activities, especially those involving ‘natural’ rewards, rates of relapse. Many of these activities are daily customs contrib-
could also activate the reward system and result in addiction. uting to our ultimate survival, and it is therefore not surprising to
Non-drug addictive behaviours are receiving increased attention find some controversy in diagnosing and treating these conditions.
from clinicians due to the increasing number of subjects reporting Nowadays, behavioural addictions are increasingly documented
symptoms consistent with impairment of impulse control. worldwide. In the United States, for example, prevalence rates of
Definition of ‘‘behavioural addictions’’ has been recently these disorders have been estimated at 1–2% for pathological gam-
expanded to encompass any behaviour characterized by (i) a feel- bling (Welte et al., 2001), 5% for compulsive sexual behaviour
ing of tension or arousal before the action, (ii) gratification and/or (Schaffer and Zimmerman, 1990), and 5–6% for compulsive buying
relief at the time of executing the act, (iii) an inability to resist an (Black, 2007). Notably, behavioural addictions often display neuro-
urge or drive even against great obstacles or dangers, and (iv) the biological and neuroanatomical similarities between natural and
absence of consideration for the negative consequences that may drug reward processing. In humans, neuroimaging studies have
affect family, friends, or work. As such, behavioural addictions demonstrated that gambling (Breiter et al., 2001), playing video
include compulsive food intake and sexual activity, pathological games (Koepp et al., 1998; Hoeft et al., 2008) or shopping
gambling and Internet addiction, excessive exercising, compulsive (Knutson et al., 2007) activate some of those brain regions (i.e.
the mesocorticolimbic system and extended amygdala) activated
by drugs of abuse (Volkow et al., 2004). Thus, drug- and
⇑ Corresponding author at: Institute of Neuroscience – Cagliari National Research food-related cues not only activate common neuroanatomical sub-
Council of Italy @ Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Cagliari, strates, but also result in similar activity-regulated gene expression
Biomedical Sciences, Division of Neuroscience and Clinical Pharmacology, Cittadella
patterns within these brain areas (Kelley et al., 2005). Individuals
Universitaria di Monserrato, 09042 Monserrato (Cagliari), Italy. Fax: +39 (0)70
with decreased serotonergic and/or dopaminergic receptors, and
E-mail address: (L. Fattore). an augmented rate of synaptic dopamine catabolism, appear to
0091-3022/Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Fattore, L., et al. Sex differences in addictive disorders. Front. Neuroendocrinol. (2014),
2 L. Fattore et al. / Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

be predisposed to use any substance and/or to engage in any some discrepancies have been also reported. Evidence from both
behaviour that increases dopamine release (Blum et al., 2011). preclinical and clinical studies have been recently reviewed for
Additionally, compelling evidence demonstrated that non-drug cocaine (Quinones-Jenab and Jenab, 2012), amphetamine
addictions can alter neural plasticity in brain regions that are (Vansickel et al., 2010), opioids (Dahan et al., 2008), nicotine
affected by drugs of abuse, and lead to neuroadaptations similar (Pogun and Yararbas, 2009), alcohol (Witt, 2007), phencyclidine
to those reported after long-term drug use (for a recent review (Carroll et al., 2005) and cannabinoids (Fattore et al., 2009) and,
see Olsen, 2011). therefore, will not be reviewed here.
Men and women display different attitudes and skills, experi- Both intrinsic sex differences in brain organization and activa-
ence dissimilar emotions in response to environmental and social tional effects of circulating gonadal hormones have been proposed
stimuli, and show diverse susceptibility to stress, illnesses and to account for the observed sex-dependent differences (Lancaster,
mental diseases. In this scenario, while a growing number of stud- 1994; Becker et al., 2001; Hu et al., 2004). Enhancing effects of
ies are now paying more attention to evaluate sex-dependent dif- estrogen, and attenuating effects of progesterone, on drug-induced
ferences in drug addiction, only few studies have examined reward have been consistently reported (Quinones-Jenab and
potential differences between men and women in non-substance Jenab, 2010; Anker and Carroll, 2011). Similarly, interactions of
behavioural addictions, an issue that only recently is gaining rele- estrogen with endogenous opioid peptides (Segarra et al., 2010)
vance. For example, in a study using multidimensional self-report and the HPA axis (Carroll and Anker, 2010) as well as with dopami-
to measure addictive behaviours, men scored higher than women nergic neurotransmission (Thompson and Moss, 1994; Becker,
in exercising, gambling, and having sex, while women scored 1999; Jacobs and D’Esposito, 2011) have been proposed as mecha-
higher on compulsive shopping and food binging (MacLaren and nisms underlying estrogen facilitative effects. Notably, recent
Best, 2010). The paucity of studies on gender differences in behav- findings indicate that estrogen sensitivity of the different aspects
ioural addictions is particularly surprising when considering the involved in drug-taking behaviour is not uniformly organized,
modulatory role of estradiol in effort-based decision making but rather regulated independently during development (Perry
(Uban et al., 2012), its interplay with dopamine in modulating et al., 2013). That is, pubertal estradiol affects at a greater extent
reward and cognitive processes (Becker, 1999; Jacobs and motivational rather that learning/acquisition processes. The hor-
D’Esposito, 2011), and the presence of estrogen receptors within monal status associated with the menstrual cycle has been shown
key brain regions implicated in motivation, reward and cost/bene- to play an important role in drug addiction treatment outcomes in
fit decision making (Shughrue et al., 1997). women. Accordingly, the severity of withdrawal symptoms may be
In this review, we summarized the data currently available on greatly different in the luteal and follicular phase of the menstrual
sex-dependent differences in drug and non-drug addictions from cycle (Sofuoglu et al., 1999; Snively et al., 2000; Terner and de Wit,
epidemiology to neurobiology and potential risks factors. Emphasis 2006; Allen et al., 2010). Yet, human literature examining the role
is given to the more recently identified types of behavioural addic- of estrogen and menstrual cycle on subjective drug effects is still
tions, such as pathological gambling or Internet addiction, and to limited. Other factors, however, have been proposed to take part
the role that sex hormones are likely to play in determining gender in the propensity to abuse drugs, among which pharmacokinetic,
differences. However, it should be kept in mind that behavioural pharmacodynamic, and sociocultural differences (Fattore et al.,
addictions always comprise complex interactions between a sub- 2008; Franconi et al., 2012), along with a different sensitivity to
stance (more or less addictive) or an activity (more or less reward- aversive properties of drugs (Hashimoto and Wiren, 2008).
ing), an individual (more or less vulnerable) and an environment Discussion of historical, cultural, social and biological bases for
(more or less tolerating). sex differences in drug addiction is beyond the scope of this
review, as all of the above issues have been systematically
reviewed recently by Becker et al. (2012). Indeed, they elegantly
2. Drug addiction collected current evidence on brain neurotransmitter systems
and neural circuitries likely contributing to sex differences in drug
2.1. Gender differences in drug addiction abuse and dependence.

The brain reward system reinforces behaviours required for 2.2. Underlying reasons for sex and gender differences in drug
species survival, including sex, eating and social interactions. addiction
Drugs of abuse co-opt these neural pathways and subjugate nor-
mal reward-related behaviour, from which ensue uncontrollable The biopsychosocial model of drug addiction proposes that this
drug seeking and taking. Drug addiction develops after repeated psychiatric disorder is regulated by complex interaction of genetic
substance use and typically includes a strong desire to take the (e.g. sex differences, ethnicity) and environmental factors (e.g.
drug, difficulties in controlling its use, persisting in its use despite sociocultural diversity, socioeconomic status, stress coping ability).
harmful consequences, and greater importance to obtain the drug As a result, this model encompasses various facets of individuals,
than to other goals or activities. including environment as being either a protective or risk factor.
Men and women abuse the same drugs, but not always in the This model also suggests that individual vulnerability may explain
same ways (UNODC, 2013). Significant gender differences have the initiation to drug use, which itself results from biological and
been reported in the initiation of drug use, reasons for continuing psychosocial factors. The fine balance between risk and protective
to use the drug as well as in the resumption of drug taking after factors will then confer/determine whether or not an individual
periods of abstinence (relapse), which remains an unmet clinical will become addicted to drugs.
need for addiction. According to the European Monitoring Centre
for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), women are more likely 2.2.1. Sociocultural and biological differences
than men to abuse prescribed drugs, like tranquilizers and seda- Sociocultural and biological perspectives, when combined,
tives, while men are more likely to abuse illicit drugs, such as might provide satisfactory explanation for sex/gender differences
cocaine and heroin (EMCDDA, 2005). Yet, preclinical data revealed in drug addiction.
usually higher responsiveness to drugs in females than in males. On one hand, the sociocultural perspective holds that tradi-
For almost all drugs of abuse, enhanced vulnerability of females tional stigmatization of drug addicts might be a protective factor
to develop drug addiction has been widely recognized, although for women. In fact, tighter cultural constraints are usually placed

Please cite this article in press as: Fattore, L., et al. Sex differences in addictive disorders. Front. Neuroendocrinol. (2014),
L. Fattore et al. / Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 3

on women than men. Additionally, women might be more likely to Finally, both pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics can be
engage in culturally sanctioned activities, which will then assist affected not only by circulating hormones, including those in oral
the adoption of culturally sanctioned prohibitions against drug contraceptives, but also by drug–drug interactions. From a biolog-
abuse. Looking at the patterns of drug use in men and women over ical point of view sex and gonadal hormones are still believed to
centuries could be particularly useful for appreciating the influence underlie most differences reported in drug sensitivity and vulner-
that social and political conditions exert on the propensity to use ability to drug abuse between men and women, though this is only
drugs. For example, when social policy allowed free access to drugs partly supported. Indeed, women appear to be more vulnerable to
of abuse, women resulted more likely to increase frequency of use, rewarding and appetitive properties of several drugs of abuse,
while when restrictions were applied, women reduced drug intake. including cocaine, cannabinoids, opioids, and alcohol. However,
This was the case for alcohol in England in middle 1700, for opioids several contradicting reports can be found in the literature con-
in the US in late 1800s – early 1900s, and for amphetamines in the cerning pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of cocaine. In
US in the late 1960s (as reviewed by Becker et al., 2012). That the fact, while in humans no sex differences in plasma cocaine concen-
availability of a drug on the legal market may act as an incentive trations and its central and peripheral effects were described
for women resembles the preference showed by female patholog- (Mendelson et al., 1999), a sex dimorphism was also reported
ical gamblers for the widely available legalized forms of gambling (Lukas et al., 1996). In particular, males were found to be more sen-
(Lesieur and Blume, 1991). Another important aspect shared by sitive to subjective effects of cocaine, which correlated with a fas-
female drug users and pathological gamblers is the comorbidity ter kinetic (Lukas et al., 1996). Similarly, male rats were found to be
with dissatisfying social conditions (e.g., lack of education of job more susceptible to cocaine toxic effects (Morishima et al., 1993),
status, poor financial income) or psychiatric disorders (anxiety, although its brain concentrations have been reported to be similar
depression, stress-related disorders). by others (Bowman et al., 1999).
On the other hand, the biological perspective contends that sev- Some human studies have described differences in drug bio-
eral factors, including metabolic processes, might either alone or in availability according to hormonal changes such as those occurring
combination, help explaining sex differences concerning drug during the menstrual cycle (Lukas et al., 1996; Lynch et al., 2002),
addiction. Indeed, several factors such as those ruling pharmacoki- but other studies reported no differences in cocaine pharmacoki-
netics and pharmacodynamics depend not only on the metabolic netics during the diverse phases of the menstrual cycle
rate, body size and content in fat and water (Ljunggren, 1957), (Mendelson et al., 1999). For instance, when circulating estrogen
but they can also be affected by circulating sex hormones levels are high (i.e. follicular phase) cocaine plasma levels are
(Carroll et al., 2004). For instance, sex differences in pharmacoki- higher than during the luteal phase (i.e. when estrogen and proges-
netics (e.g. plasmatic protein binding of drugs, volume of distribu- terone are both circulating) (Lukas et al., 1996). Similarly, in both
tion, drug transport and metabolism) might explain why women non-human primates and rats no effect of the menstrual cycle
are more often overdosed (Soldin and Mattison, 2009). In fact, both was revealed on plasma ethanol levels (Green et al., 1999) or in
drug absorption and bioavailability show sex-dependent diversity other pharmacokinetic parameters of ethanol (Crippens et al.,
because routes of absorption, gastrointestinal transit times and bile 1999).
acidic composition differ in men and women (Soldin et al., 2011).
Additionally, higher drug concentrations detected in women can 2.2.2. Organizational (permanent/structural) and activational
also be due to a smaller distribution volume and/or lower clear- (transient) effects of sex hormones on the brain
ance (Chen et al., 2000). Furthermore, women appear to have a The organization–activation theory posits that during early
greater/faster first pass metabolism (Wolbold et al., 2003), but brain development the exposure to sex hormones can have long
see (Greenblatt and von Moltke, 2008). For example, alcohol bio- lasting (i.e. organizational) effects that will influence neuronal
availability is greater in women probably because of a smaller dis- activity and behaviour throughout life. Transient actions of sex
tribution volume and reduced gastric metabolic activity (Parlesak hormones on behaviour during adulthood are conceptualized as
et al., 2002). activational effects and can occur throughout life (Arnold and
Generally, men have a higher basal metabolic rate. This differ- Breedlove, 1985). These actions are particularly manifest during
ence in metabolism might be ascribed to diversity in adipose and late adolescence, when distinct sex hormone-driven neurodevel-
muscle tissue content in either sex (Ljunggren, 1957). Thus, male opmental changes occur, which may, therefore, influence behav-
high basal metabolic rate per unit body surface area reflects a iours such as initiation to drug use.
higher lean body mass due to a larger skeletal muscle apparatus Despite the efforts made to attribute definite biological pro-
(Cunningham, 1982). In addition to metabolism, inactivation of cesses to either organizational or activational effects of sex hor-
drug effects also takes place through the elimination process (i.e. mones, this rigid distinction is not always acceptable. Indeed,
clearance). Elimination occurs via renal, hepatic and/or pulmonary several discrepancies among the studies have been reported where
routes. Sex differences have also been found in this process. positive, negative or no effects of sex steroids on human brain and
Indeed, renal clearance is generally higher in men than women, behaviour have been described. Nonetheless, concerning drug
once body surface area, renal blood flow, glomerular filtration, addiction, organizational effects in both structural and functional
tubular secretion, and tubular reabsorption are standardized organization of the reward pathway have been reported as
(Gaudry et al., 1993; Silvaggio and Mattison, 1994; Berg, 2006). accounting for many of the sex differences observed in drug abuse
Additionally, sex dimorphism in pharmacodynamics (e.g. differ- (Becker, 1999; Carroll et al., 2004). For example, the developmental
ences in receptor number, binding and signalling downstream patterns of dopamine receptors are markedly different in the
from receptor activated) might account for the observations that female and male brain, with adolescent male rats showing more
women are more sensitive to many drugs, including drugs of overproduction and elimination of D1 and D2 receptors than
abuse. For instance, mu-opioid receptor agonists (e.g. morphine) females in the striatum and delayed pruning of these receptors
display both a slower onset and offset in women than men in the prefrontal cortex, while females but not males display
(Sarton et al., 2000), which can explain why women require higher enhanced laterality of D1 receptors in striatum and nucleus
dosages of morphine to achieve the same antinociceptive effect accumbens from 40 up to 120 post-natal days (Andersen and
than men (Cepeda and Carr, 2003). Accordingly, a higher mu-opi- Teicher, 2000). Once adult, females appear to have larger
oid receptor binding has been found in several cortical and subcor- post-mortem tissue concentrations of dopamine in the extracellu-
tical brain regions in women than in men (Cepeda and Carr, 2003). lar milieu in the striatum as well as a higher expression of D2

Please cite this article in press as: Fattore, L., et al. Sex differences in addictive disorders. Front. Neuroendocrinol. (2014),
4 L. Fattore et al. / Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

receptors (Becker, 1999; Lynch et al., 2002). Yet, when using the no expression of androgen and estrogen receptors in tyrosine hydrox-
net flux method, microdialysis studies have found higher extracel- ylase positive neurons of both VTA and substantia nigra pars com-
lular concentrations of striatal dopamine in males than in females pacta (Kritzer, 1997; Creutz and Kritzer, 2002, 2004). Altogether,
(Xiao and Becker, 1994). These effects appear to be organizational these studies suggest that activational effects of ovarian hormones
given that similar sex differences in striatal dopamine concentra- may influence monoamine neurotransmission, and could therefore
tions are found when comparison were made between castrated contribute to many of the sex differences reported, including those
male rats and ovariectomized female rats (Das and Chaudhuri, in psychostimulant abuse.
1995; Lynch et al., 2002). Thus, together with the notion that Sex dimorphisms have been also extensively described in alco-
increased striatal dopamine D2 receptor availability is a protective holism, especially with regard to the rate of alcohol degradation,
factor for vulnerability to drug abuse and dependence (Volkow which is higher in women than in men (Dettling et al., 2007).
et al., 2002, 2004), organizational effects of sex hormones might Accordingly, female mice display a higher rate of alcohol degrada-
account for higher striatal dopamine and dopamine transporter tion than their male counterparts, and administration of estradiol
availability in women than men (Mozley et al., 2001; Staley and testosterone increases and decreases, respectively, alcohol
et al., 2001). degrading enzymes (Kishimoto et al., 2002). Given the key role of
Organizational effects of sex hormones can also play a role in a ethanol-derived molecules (i.e. acetaldehyde, salsolinol) in alcohol
variety of cannabinoid effects on behaviour, since females are usu- stimulating properties on dopamine neurons of the VTA (Melis
ally more sensitive than males (Fattore, 2013). In particular, sex et al., 2007, 2013a) it is tempting to speculate that the relationship
differences were found in a form of endocannabinoid-mediated between activational effects of sex hormones and alcohol degrada-
short term plasticity at inhibitory synapses at dopamine neurons tion rate may underlie sex differences in alcoholism (Lenz et al.,
within the ventral tegmental area (VTA) before onset of puberty 2012). Sex-dependent differences in rat cannabinoid self-adminis-
(Melis et al., 2013b). Thus, sex specific endocannabinoid signalling tration and other behaviours also appear to be ascribed to activa-
at dopamine neurons might contribute to regulate responses to tional effects of sex hormones (Fattore et al., 2007, 2010; Castelli
aversive intrinsic properties to cannabinoids, thereby resulting in et al., 2013). Indeed, female rats display vulnerability towards can-
faster acquisition/initiation of cannabinoid taking (Fattore et al., nabinoids in terms of faster acquisition, higher maintenance, later
2007). In addition, organizational effects of sex steroids during crit- extinction and stronger drug-seeking reinstatement when com-
ical developmental periods determine gender differences in the pared to their male counterparts. This sex dichotomy relies on cir-
antinociceptive properties of morphine (Cicero et al., 1996). culating sex hormones since it was abolished following ovary
Accordingly, acute effects of sex steroids seem to have a minor part ablation (Fattore et al., 2007, 2010). Similarly, other behaviours
in determining such gender-related differences, since short-term such as spontaneous locomotor activity, social behaviour and sen-
castration does not alter them in a significant manner (Cicero sorimotor gating proved to be sensitive to activational effects of
et al., 1996). sex hormones (Castelli et al., 2013). Noteworthy, activational
Preclinical studies aimed at examining organizational and acti- effects of sex hormones were also shown to regulate the density
vational effects of sex hormones on drug abuse, however, have of type 1 cannabinoid (CB1) receptors. In particular, CB1 receptor
mainly focused on estrogen (Lynch et al., 2002) thereby neglecting density is significantly lower in both the prefrontal cortex and
the role of other sex hormones, such as progesterone in females amygdala of cycling females than in males and in ovariectomized
and testosterone in males. In these studies, two approaches have females (Castelli et al., 2013). Importantly, both of these regions
been taken in order to challenge the organization–activation the- are critically involved in decision-making and learning processes
ory. The first one examines the changes during estrous and men- underlying goal-directed behaviour (Schoenbaum et al., 1998;
strual cycle phases for rodents and primates, respectively, while Bechara et al., 1999), in which important gender differences have
the second one takes advantage of a surgical removal of the gonads been described (van den Bos et al., 2013). In addition, although
(ovary and testis) to ablate serum levels of sex steroids. Subse- no sex dichotomy was found in CB1 receptor distribution in the
quently, these latter are manipulated by administering animals VTA of male and female rats, different responses to acute cannab-
controlled hormone-replacement. Alternatively, a pharmacological inoid administration were observed in dopamine neuronal activity
treatment with either receptor agonists or antagonists can be (Lecca and Melis, unpublished observations). This sex-dependent
administered to animals. Indeed, endogenous ovarian hormones difference can be ascribed to activational effects of sex hormones
as well as estrogen and progesterone replacement have been since it disappeared once ovaries were ablated (Lecca and Melis,
shown to influence cocaine non-contingent reward by altering unpublished observations).
dopamine and serotonin levels in the VTA, dorsal and ventral stri- Furthermore, given that estrogens increase dopamine concen-
atum (Becker, 1999; Russo et al., 2003). Particularly, ovary ablation trations at the synapse, by causing a rapid reversal of the trans-
associated with progesterone replacement reduced cocaine non- porter (Alyea et al., 2008), and that dopamine neurons express
contingent reward, whereas this latter was enhanced when estro- steroid receptors (Kritzer, 1997; Creutz and Kritzer, 2002, 2004),
gen was added (Russo et al., 2003). Interestingly, when progester- it appears that some of activational effects of sex hormones on
one was administered to ovariectomized rats concomitantly with behaviour might be ascribed to the converging signal downstream
estradiol, it inhibited the enhancing effect of estradiol on cocaine activation of these receptors (Mani, 2006). Accordingly, estrogen is
self-administration (Jackson et al., 2006). Similar results were present at high levels within the brain, and its production appears
reported with other psychostimulants (Becker, 1999; Lynch et al., to be regulated by neuronal activity (Woolley, 2007). In fact, estro-
2002). In addition, while testis ablation had no effect on basal lev- gen acts directly at synapses, and by changing neuronal excitabil-
els of dopamine and serotonin in the VTA, removal of ovaries mark- ity, it affects synaptic transmission and activity-dependent
edly decreased monoamine levels, which could be restored by plasticity (Woolley, 2007). Estrogen is known to affect cells via
hormonal replacement therapy. Ovary ablation also up-regulated both genomic (slow) actions, which result in the transcriptional
striatal dopamine D2 receptors (Gordon and Fields, 1989), thus regulation of target genes, and non-genomic (rapid) actions, which
supporting the interplay between ovarian hormones and reward- result in the activation of signal transduction pathways within the
ing signal. Accordingly, rat striatal dopamine uptake is subject to target cell. Evidence has been provided in support of the notion
change in accordance with the estrous cycle, and it rises during that the effect of estrogen on neuronal excitability occurs through
the morning when estrogen levels increase (Morissette and Di the non-genomic mode of action, whereby estrogens acts at the
Paolo, 1993). These observations justify and can explain the membrane and can promptly stimulate the activation of kinases

Please cite this article in press as: Fattore, L., et al. Sex differences in addictive disorders. Front. Neuroendocrinol. (2014),
L. Fattore et al. / Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 5

and increase calcium cell entry (Vasudevan and Pfaff, 2008). Fur- drug-induced reward widely overlap with those processing natural
thermore, a reciprocal interplay between endocannabinoids and reward and reinforcement, including food (Blum et al., 2011). In
estrogen in the acute modulation of inhibitory synapses has been keeping with this, a genetic variation in striatal dopamine signaling
reported to be sex specific (Huang and Woolley, 2012). Particularly, has been recently associated with an elevated responsiveness to
estrogen acutely suppresses synaptic inhibition in the hippocam- palatable food (Davis et al., 2013). In addition, alterations in the
pus via a sex-specific and tonic mobilization of one endocannabi- hedonic and/or homeostatic control systems may reflect a bias in
noid, which is anandamide. Remarkably, no evidence of such a eating behaviour.
tonic mobilization of anandamide was previously found in male Food addiction has been postulated as a causal factor in phe-
rats (Kim and Alger, 2004). Thus, Huang and Woolley (2012) high- nomena such as chronic overeating, binge eating, and obesity
lighted substantial sex differences in the modulation of synaptic (Corsica and Pelchat, 2010). Hence, it attracted much of scientific
function within the hippocampus, although it is well established and media interest. However, its exact definition is still controver-
that estrogen acutely influences hippocampal functions and affec- sial due to conceptual hitches and lack of scientific data, and of a
tive behaviours in a sex-dependent manner (Gillies and McArthur, validation at neurobiological level (Ziauddeen and Fletcher,
2010). 2013). On the other hand, it is unanimously accepted that food
As a result, a better understanding of the contribution of both craving, compulsive overeating and binge eating contribute to
organizational and activational effects of sex hormones – either the concept of food addiction (Davis and Carter, 2009).
alone or in combination with other neurotransmitters – to drug Food craving can be defined as ‘‘an intense desire to consume a
addiction may represent a valuable tool in the development of pre- particular food (or type of food) that is difficult to resist’’ (White
ventive and therapeutic strategies. et al., 2002). Cues predictive of food availability are potent modu-
lators of appetite, food seeking and food intake. As in drug addicts,
3. Non-drug behavioural addictions exposure to food-related cues may result in craving for food, and
localized activation of the same central circuits that are known
Growing evidence indicate that eating, having sex, gambling, to mediate cue-induced relapse to drug use (Tang et al., 2012).
spending time on the Internet or exercising can develop into com- Food craving requires consumption of specific foods to be satisfied,
pulsive behaviours that are difficult to control and to cease before while hunger can be satisfied by consumption of any food (Pelchat
the onset of harmful consequences. Recently, a genetic study sug- and Schaefer, 2000). Conversely, compulsive overeating is a con-
gested that enhanced dopamine signaling and/or ventral striatum cept more closely related to binge eating than to ‘‘addiction’’. In
reactivity is related to a higher risk of engaging in addictive behav- fact, it is characterized by a frequent or continuous excessive eat-
iours (Davis and Loxton, 2013). In the same study, negativity and ing over which the individual is unable to exert any control, and
anxiousness were found to be addiction-prone personality traits which usually leads to weight gain and obesity. Typically, compul-
(Davis and Loxton, 2013). As for drug addiction, important gender sive eating is not connected to hunger, and food intake may be
differences have been described in non-drug addictive behaviours. rapid but without compensatory behaviours (e.g. purging, laxative
Notably, sex hormones (i.e. estrogen, testosterone) have been use, exercise). The amount of food consumed is generally not large;
shown to influence most of these behaviours, although in some when it is, the disorder is referred to as binge eating. Although the
cases (i.e. compulsive sex activity, Internet addiction and excessive inability to control intake is reminiscent of drug addition, the
exercise) specific studies are still lacking (Table 1). equivalence of food- and drug-related addictive behaviours is not
unanimously accepted (Corsica and Pelchat, 2010; DiLeone et al.,
3.1. Food addiction 2012). In addition, many other behavioural routes do exist to gain
weight, and many obese individuals do not show symptoms of
Along with drugs of abuse, the most widely studied reward is addiction (Gearhardt et al., 2009).
food. In humans, food, especially highly palatable ones (e.g. high- Irrespective of either a compulsive or binge component, uncon-
fat, sweets, carbohydrates), may possess addictive properties. Food trolled food intake is one of the main features leading to obesity,
represents the prototypical positive reinforcer in many rodent which tends to be slightly more prevalent in women than in men
studies, where it is commonly used to reinforce operant behaviour (World Health Organization, 2010). Notably, while men reported
in several behavioural tasks. Notably, neural circuits implicated in higher levels of addiction than women to substances (see above)

Table 1
Gender differences in behavioural addiction: influence of sex hormones and potential underlying factors in males (M) and females (F). NA: data not available.

Addiction Prevalence (M vs F) Hormonal Potential factors underlying gender differences

DRUG M > F prevalence of illegal drugs YES Socio-cultural differences (M/F) (Becker et al., 2012)
F > M prevalence of prescribed drugs Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics (M/F) (Franconi et al., 2012)
F > M progression of the disorder (telescoping Different sensitivity to the aversive properties of the drugs (F) (Hashimoto and
effect) Wiren, 2008)
FOOD F > M (especially chocolate) YES Different hedonic and/or homeostatic control systems (M/F) (Davis et al., 2013)
Hormonal fluctuations (F) (Greenberg et al., 1999)
SEX M>F NA Impulsivity (F) (Skegg et al., 2010)
Children sex abuse (M) (Skegg et al., 2010)
GAMBLING M > F prevalence of the disorder YES Dysphoria/anxiety/depression (F) (Desai et al., 2005; Wong et al., 2013)
F > M progression of the disorder (telescoping Conduct disorders and impulsivity (M) (Martins et al., 2008)
effect) Sensation-seeking and risk-taking behaviours (M) (Goudriaan et al., 2010)
Peer (M) and parental (F) gambling (Donati et al., 2013)
Psychiatric comorbidity (F) (Petry et al., 2005)
High testosterone level (M/F) (Stanton et al., 2011)
INTERNET MPF NA Parental alcohol problems (M) (Jang and Ji, 2012)
Attention deficits (F) (Yen et al., 2009)
EXERCISE FPM NA Dysregulated eating behaviour (F) (Thome and Espelage, 2007; Mond and Calogero,

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6 L. Fattore et al. / Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

and several behaviours (see below for gambling and Internet use), (Skegg et al., 2010). Noteworthy, women reported to have had high
women reported higher levels of addiction to chocolate (Greenberg numbers of opposite-sex partners, concurrent sexual relationships
et al., 1999). In support of the notion that sex hormones are critical or sex with a partner met on the Internet, while men reported to
modulators of addictive behaviours in women, women crave choc- have paid for heterosexual sex and had same-sex attraction
olate or sweets mainly in the perimenstrum, that is the period of (Skegg et al., 2010). Besides epidemiological data, authors also pro-
the menstrual cycle around the onset of menstruation character- vided important information on psychological and behavioural
ised by low circulating levels of estrogen and progesterone. Choc- traits of this population. Indeed, women with such ‘‘out of control
olate craving fluctuations with the menstrual cycle strengthen its sexual experiences’’ were found to be more impulsive than other
gender-specific nature. Actually, chocolate craving may have die- women, while nearly one quarter of the men in the study were sex-
tary (i.e. deficiency of magnesium), but also emotional and psycho- ually abused when children. Notably, an association with a trend
logical basis. Indeed, chocolate contains several biologically active towards negative affective states was detected in both sexes
substances, which induce activating/arousing (i.e. biogenic amines, (Skegg et al., 2010). A comprehensive internet-based survey
caffeine) or calming/anxiolytic effects (i.e. cannabinoid-like fatty reported a greater proportion of men seeking treatment for sexual
acids) (Bruinsma and Taren, 1999). Thus, it is not unlikely that compulsivity, addiction or impulsivity, while women seeking
women become addicted to chocolate for self-medication pur- treatment scored higher on psychological symptoms and negative
poses. Yet, before menstruation women may also crave for unspec- affect (Winters et al., 2010). Since subjects with strong sexual
ified ‘‘sweets’’, and consume more of a sample of sweet food, but desire (as men) would be more responsive to sexual stimuli and
not more of salty or bland foods (Bowen and Grunberg, 1990). more likely to become sexually aroused and to pursue sexual activ-
However, in a study aimed at characterizing psychoactive effects ity, it is not surprising that men, in general, scored higher on sexual
of tasting chocolate, when evaluating the desire to consume more desire than women (Giargiari et al., 2005; Regan and Atkins, 2006).
of a specific type of chocolate, a significantly greater number of Despite these few studies, no other specific surveys have been car-
men reported a desire for ‘‘more of the chocolate tasted’’ compared ried out so far on gender-related differences in sex addiction. Sim-
to women, albeit having significantly lower chocolate craving and ilarly, whether or not sex hormones have a role in modulating
liking scores (Nasser et al., 2011). In this study, however, women compulsion to sex has not been examined. The paucity of studies
could have been more concerned than men with their body weight performed on this behavioural disorder explains why our under-
and about consumption of a high caloric food, or have not admitted standing of compulsive sexual behaviour is still in its infancy.
to desire more chocolate due to social desirability bias, two of the
factors discounted by the authors. 3.3. Pathological gambling

3.2. Sex addiction Gambling is defined as taking a risk of losing something valu-
able or important in the hope of gaining an advantage or a benefit.
Dysregulated sexuality is characterised by sexual thoughts, This phenomenon has been observed worldwide for centuries.
feelings and behaviours that the subject experiences as distress- Excessive and interfering patterns of gambling are referred to as
ingly out of control, and in general is defined as any pathological Pathological Gambling (PG), and many evidence now supports
behaviour diverging from normal erotic standards. In particular, the notion that PG has to be classified as a behavioural addiction.
sex addiction has been defined as any sex-related behaviour of Indeed, it is characterised by compulsive search for gambling
compulsive nature interfering with daily life, and ultimately reward despite adverse consequences for gamblers and their fam-
becoming unmanageable (Carnes, 2000) or, alternatively, any dri- ilies, preoccupation and irritability when unable to gamble, and a
ven sexual behaviour with harmful consequences (Goodman, high heritability and comorbidity with other substance addictions
1997). Crucial components of sex addiction are the inability to stop (Potenza, 2006). Altered responses in reward circuits and poor
despite adverse consequences, and the development of tolerance. frontal regulation during exposure to a gambling scenario have
This latter implies an initial gradual increase in the amount of also been demonstrated by imaging studies (Potenza, 2006). Thus,
activity until the occurrence of negative consequences, such as loss when the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
of partner or problems in social relationships, career and work. Mental Disorders (DSM-5) was released at the American Psychiat-
Recently, the increasing use of the Internet has offered new possi- ric Association’s Annual Meeting in May 2013, the ‘‘Substance-
bilities for engaging in online sexual activity (Cooper et al., 2002) related disorders’’ chapter was expanded to include PG disorder
and scoring positive on a sexual compulsivity scale (Daneback (APA, 2013). This extension reflects the undeniable evidence that
et al., 2006). gambling activates the brain reward system similarly to drugs of
Sexual addiction, also referred to as compulsive sexual behav- abuse, and that gambling disorders bear a resemblance to patho-
iour, has been studied only in a very limited number of represen- logical substance use (Clark and Limbrick-Oldfield, 2013). That is,
tative samples of the general population. In addition, no direct drug abuse and PG share not only neurobiological substrates, but
comparisons between men and women suffering of this behav- also many behavioural features, among which are impulsive cop-
ioural disorder have been carried out so far. Yet, compulsive sexual ing (i.e., the tendency to act or to respond rashly when upset or
behaviour affects more men than women (Levine and Troiden, emotionally distressed), sensation seeking (i.e., the search for
1988), a difference that is perhaps culture-based. However, a sub- novel, complex, and intense sensations and experiences), and
stantial percent of women suffer from sexual compulsivity, in risk-taking (i.e., the search for activities in which one must tolerate
which the disorder is intensely shame-based and especially diffi- the possibility of great losses to obtain greater material or psycho-
cult to treat (Turner, 2008). logical gain). Moreover, like drugs of abuse, gambling encompasses
A recent population study has provided the first evaluation of the dopamine and opioid systems (Porchet et al., 2013). Most men
the occurrence of ‘‘out of control sexual experiences’’, and its rela- and women engage in low-frequency gambling without experienc-
tionship to a range of sexual behaviours in a representative sample ing PG symptoms. Yet, only a small percent develop uncontrolled
(Skegg et al., 2010). Authors reported that nearly 13% of men and gambling and, regrettably, self-destructive gambling behaviour is
7% of women reported having had sexual fantasies, urges or behav- often undetected or unaddressed for significant periods of time.
iours that they considered as out of control during the past year. In the United States, more than 78% of the nationally represen-
Though, only a small percent of the total sample (0.8% of men tative sample reported lifetime gambling activity, and 3% were
and 0.6% of women) believed that these interfered with their lives pathological gamblers according to DSM-IV criteria (Kessler et al.,

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L. Fattore et al. / Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 7

2008). Similar statistics were reported in Canada (Marshall and Among adult pathological gamblers, men tend to develop prob-
Wynne, 2004). PG classically involves resilient motivations to lems with ‘‘face-to-face’’ forms of gambling (e.g. poker) while
engage in gambling, with elements of withdrawal and craving women are more likely to develop problems with less personally
resembling substance dependence (Grant and Kim, 2001). PG interactive forms of gambling (e.g. bingo) (Potenza et al., 2001,
usually begins in childhood or adolescence, with males tending 2006). A deeper analysis of gambling patterns suggested that, as
to start at an earlier age (Chambers and Potenza, 2003). Indeed, in adolescents, males usually engage in action-oriented (e.g. sports
males are more likely than females to have problematic gambling, gambling) and women in escape-oriented (e.g. slots) forms of gam-
and an earlier age of onset has been suggested to predict more bling (Potenza et al., 2001). Accordingly, women commonly
severe problems later in life (Winters et al., 2002). Importantly, reported the gambling to forget about problems as a motivational
women typically begin gambling significantly later than men, but factor (Boughton and Falenchuk, 2007). Notably, women are also
once started, the progression from occasional to pathological more likely to opt for legalized gambling (Lesieur and Blume,
gamblers is faster than in males (Tavares et al., 2001). This phe- 1991), which is consistent with their preference for using legal
nomenon usually referred to as ‘‘telescoping effect’’ has also been rather than illegal drugs. The increased availability of legal forms
reported for drug addiction in women (Greenfield et al., 2010). of gambling (Mark and Lesieur, 1992) as well as marketing gam-
Accordingly, female gamblers reported shorter durations of gam- bling as a fun and safe form of entertainment might explain the
bling than male gamblers despite similar durations of problematic recent gambling involvement among women relative to the past.
gambling before contacting the gambling helpline (Potenza et al., In general, younger age, lower education, poor income and coping
2001). skills are major risk factors for PG (Johansson et al., 2009), although
Among adolescents, the ratio of males to females with PG is they may slightly differ between males and females. A recent anal-
approximately 3–5:1 (Jacobs, 2004). With respect to girls, boys ysis of demographic and social variables associated with problem
typically begin gambling earlier, display heavier gambling and gambling reported that increased likelihoods of PG is associated
report more gambling related problems (Desai et al., 2005). Game in women with middle age, middle to low levels of income, a high
preference was noted to change with age, and patterns of gambling school diploma or less, never being married, higher levels of life
behaviour were found to significantly differ between genders. In stress, and negative coping abilities. Conversely, in men a signifi-
fact, boys typically prefer strategic forms of gambling, which allow cant association was found between PG and being separated, wid-
them to use knowledge of the game to influence or predict the out- owed or divorced, lower levels of social support and negative
come, such as card and craps/dice games, sports betting, dog and coping skills (Afifi et al., 2010). Yet, discrepant data were also
horse racing. Conversely, girls prefer non-strategic forms of gam- reported (Echeburúa et al., 2011). Gambling women also display
bling, which involve little (if any) decision making or skills, and enhanced responsiveness to gambling-related cues, poorer thera-
where gamblers cannot influence or predict the outcome, such as peutic outcomes, greater propensity for suicide attempts, higher
lottery, bingo and keno (Gupta and Derevensky, 1998; Lynch levels of stress and negative affective states, and a more rapidly
et al., 2004; Welte et al., 2004). Moreover, while gambling is asso- deteriorating course with approximately 10% of PG women engag-
ciated with dysphoria/depression in girls (Desai et al., 2005), boys ing in prostitution to subsidize gambling (Ibanez et al., 2003; Desai
are more likely to use gambling as a form of coping prevention and and Potenza, 2008; Martins et al., 2008; Grant et al., 2009;
escape stratagem (Bergevin et al., 2006). Thus, while for females Tschibelu and Elman, 2011). Such gender differences among prob-
gambling may represent a means for avoiding distressing problems lematic gamblers imply that the experience of gambling may
or coping with loneliness, male gamblers may pursue self- diverge between genders, and that targeting at-risk gamblers with-
enhancement through the excitement of taking the risk associated out considering gender-specific effects may have limited success
to large wins. Accordingly, gambling problems were found to be for prevention. In accordance, gender differences in the rates of
associated with conduct disorder and impulsivity (i.e., externaliz- recovery, treatment seeking and spontaneous recovery in PG have
ing behaviours) in boys, and with anxiety and depressive feelings been described. Moreover, women are more likely than men to rec-
(i.e., internalizing behaviours) in girls (Martins et al., 2008). ognize that they have gambling problems and to seek treatment.
Although female adolescent gamblers may have higher levels of However, women are less likely than men to recover naturally
psychological distress, male adolescent gamblers display enhanced without any help (Slutske et al., 2009).
impulsivity coping, sensation-seeking and risk-taking behaviours. Notably, sex-dependent interactive effects of alcohol and nico-
Boys may also have higher levels of social anxiety (sexual compe- tine on gambling attitudes were described in recreational gam-
tition, male rivalry, stronger concerns with their social image) than blers. That is, moderate-to-high alcohol drinking was associated
girls, which could help to explain the male preponderance in gam- with heavier gambling in men than in women (Desai et al.,
bling engagement (Wong et al., 2013). Yet, high levels of testoster- 2006), while a higher incidence of nicotine dependence was asso-
one in male adolescents may also contribute to take greater ciated with PG in women (Pilver et al., 2013). Conversely, no signif-
economic risks, and to be less responsive to monetary loss or icant differences in two cognitive parameters typically altered in
punishment (Stanton et al., 2011). Noteworthy, high levels of PG, which are response inhibition and cognitive flexibility, were
testosterone in healthy young men are associated with increased identified between men and women with gambling problems
risk-taking under conditions of unknown probabilities (Grant et al., 2012). Although women generally gamble less fre-
(Goudriaan et al., 2010). Accordingly, in healthy young women, quently and heavily than men, gambling is associated with poorer
testosterone reduces sensitivity for punishment and heightens measures of mental health and substance abuse in women com-
sensitivity for reward (van Honk et al., 2004), thus strengthening pared to men (Desai et al., 2005, 2006). According to this, PG
the crucial role of sex hormones in the predisposition to this addic- comorbidity with psychiatric disorders (e.g. major depression, gen-
tive disorder. Recently, the economic perception of gambling and eralized anxiety disorder) and with substance use disorders is
peer gambling behaviour were found to be predictors of at-risk/ more frequent in women than in men (Petry et al., 2005).
problem gambling among male adolescents, while parental The high comorbidity of PG with emotional disorders in women
gambling behaviour proved to be a potential risk factor in female highlights the importance to target subsyndromal gambling in
adolescents (Donati et al., 2013). These findings suggest that when women, as unidentified gambling symptoms can hamper treat-
female and male adolescents with gambling problems are diag- ment of non-gambling patients with serious mental illness. On
nosed, it is important to deeply investigate the family environment the other hand, special attention should be also paid to the occur-
and the peer group of PG girls and boys, respectively. rence of depressive symptoms and specific personality/affective

Please cite this article in press as: Fattore, L., et al. Sex differences in addictive disorders. Front. Neuroendocrinol. (2014),
8 L. Fattore et al. / Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

traits, which may trigger or maintain the gambling behaviour. discrepant results have been also reported, as gender was found
Hence, a combination of psychological and pharmacological ther- not related to adolescent IA in a sample of Chinese adolescents
apy might be indicated in PG women that engage gambling to (Shek and Yu, 2012).
escape from problems or to cope with social isolation. Gender differences in the association between parental problem
Finally, from a biomedical point of view, it is very important to drinking and early adolescent IA have been recently reported by Jang
be aware of the role that some frequently used medications may and Ji (2012). The authors showed that early adolescent males with
have in inducing gambling. In fact, impulse control disorders, most parental alcohol problems are more likely than age-matched
commonly PG (but also hypersexuality, impulsive eating and com- females to experience IA (Jang and Ji, 2012). Also, attention-deficit
pulsive shopping), are now clearly recognized in Parkinson’s dis- hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was found to be associated with IA,
ease (PD) patients on dopaminergic replacement therapy (DRT) being the deficit of attention the most associated symptom of IA, fol-
(Santangelo et al., 2013). Yet, similar disorders have also been lowed by impulsivity (Yen et al., 2009). Importantly, the association
reported when dopamine agonists are used for other indications, between attention deficit and IA was more significant among
such as restless legs syndrome (RLS). Pramipexole and ropinirole females than males (Yen et al., 2009). Similarly, potential risk factors
(for PD) as well as rotigotine (for RLS), for example, have been sig- for problematic Internet use were identified in boys and girls, among
nificantly associated with PG and other impulse control disorders which high study-related stress, having social friends, poor relation-
(Schreglmann et al., 2012; Poletti et al., 2013). Although these dis- ships with teachers and students, and conflictive family relation-
orders may resolve by withdrawing dopamine agonists and by ships (Wang et al., 2011). Unfortunately, no specific study has been
managing PD motor symptoms with levodopa monotherapy conducted to evaluate whether sex hormones, like estrogen (as in
(Weiss and Marsh, 2012), they may cause significant financial loss drug addiction) or testosterone (as in pathological gambling), may
and psychosocial morbidity for patients and their families. Notably, influence the proclivity to spend excessive time surfing the Web.
gender plays a role also in the prevalence rates of these DRT- Increased release and binding of dopamine in the ventral stria-
induced PG, since the vast majority of pathological gamblers with tum (Koepp et al., 1998) together with a decreased dorsal prefron-
PD are male (reviewed in Leeman and Potenza, 2011; Voon et al., tal activation (Matsuda and Hiraki, 2006) were identified as neural
2011). processes underlying playing computer games. Notably, significant
gender differences have been described in brain activation and in
3.4. Internet addiction task-specific functional connectivity within the mesocorticolimbic
system (Hoeft et al., 2008). Particularly, males exhibit higher acti-
The Internet has been gaining worldwide popularity in the last vation and connectivity than females. Authors attributed these
two decades, and computer and gaming station use is now ubiqui- findings to higher motivational states and reward prediction in
tous. The use of the Internet has brought a variety of convenience males than in females. However, greater learning reward values
to our modern life; yet, a misuse is a concern, and a loss of control and cognitive state during computer video games in males may
over Internet use might lead to negative impacts on our daily lives. also partially explain why males are more attracted to, and more
The growing popularity and frequency of Internet use has led to an likely to become ‘‘hooked’’ on, video games than females. Intrigu-
increasing number of reports highlighting the potential negative ingly, the risk of IA is associated with an increased prevalence of
consequences of excessive use. Internet Addiction (IA) usually substance dependence (Ko et al., 2012), and this overlap may be
refers to that phenomenon when an individual is unable to control due to similarity in brain characteristics predisposing toward
his/her use of the Internet, which eventually causes marked dis- internet and/or substance use (Hong et al., 2013). According to this,
tress and functional impairment in daily life. IA is one of the latest subjects with IA and substance addiction may share similar pat-
forms of behavioural addiction that has roused the interest of psy- terns of brain activation (Crockford et al., 2005; Han et al., 2010;
chologists in these past years. Particularly, in China and South Ko et al., 2009, 2013).
Korea it currently represents a significant public health problem.
With the mounting number of Internet users, IA is becoming a seri- 3.5. Excessive physical exercise
ous concern worldwide, especially for teenagers whom use the
Internet to experiment on new ways to communicate or ‘‘socialize’’ Physical exercise improves cardiovascular health, strengthens
through various texting systems like e-mails, blogs and forums. muscles and bones, promotes neuroplasticity, decreases anxiety,
Peculiarity of IA is time-consuming connections associated with offsets depression, and more generally promotes feelings of well-
the loss of perception of the time spent in front of the computer being. However, when taken to extremes, exercise can result in a
(excessive use), constant need for using the computer for longer behavioural addiction. Hence, exercise dependence is defined as
period of time (tolerance), discomfort and negative mood states an inadequate pattern of exercise leading to clinically significant
when the computer is no longer available (withdrawal), and inter- negative consequences. The prevalence of exercise addiction is not
personal problems (negative social consequences) (Block, 2008). In known, but a relatively small percentage of sportsmen and women
the DSM-5, Internet Gaming Disorder is identified in Section III as a develop a severe dependence. Subjects present loss of control over
condition warranting more clinical research and experience, before their physical activity, tolerance, and withdrawal symptoms when
it might be considered for inclusion as a psychiatric disorder. Cur- they do not practice sport. Runners appear particularly susceptible
rently, diagnostic criteria are limited to Internet gaming and do not to addictive properties of exercise. Indeed, they report a feeling or
include general use of the Internet, online gambling or social euphoria after a strenuous bout of exercise (i.e. runner’s ‘‘high’’), a
media. need to increase the distance run to achieve feelings of well-being
Similarly to PG, boys are more likely than girls to engage in (tolerance), difficulties in job performance and social interactions
playing video games or computer activities (Johansson and (addiction), and display depression, irritability, and anxiety, when
Gotestam, 2004; Ko et al., 2005). Accordingly, in a representative prohibited from running (withdrawal) (Adams and Kirby, 2002;
sample of high school Italian students, 5% was found moderately Aidman and Woolard, 2003; Allegre et al., 2006).
addicted and 0.79% seriously addicted, with a significant male pre- In line with preclinical studies where female rats typically dis-
ponderance (Poli and Agrimi, 2012). The higher prevalence of IA in play stronger wheel running behaviour than male rats (Boakes and
boys than girls may be due to their greater interest in most activ- Dwyer, 1997), female habitual exercisers reported higher scores
ities that have been associated with problematic Internet use, such than males when answering to the Exercise Dependence Question-
as games, cybersex and gambling (Cooper et al., 2002). However, naire (Grandi et al., 2011). Similarly, women report more often

Please cite this article in press as: Fattore, L., et al. Sex differences in addictive disorders. Front. Neuroendocrinol. (2014),
L. Fattore et al. / Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 9

than men to crave exercise and be nervous when unable to exercise 4. Conclusions
(Zmijewski and Howard, 2003). In particular, women unable to
exercise feel more tense, depressed, and anxious than men. They Behavioural addictions are complex disorders with interacting
also report to feel swollen, and that exercising prevents all of these factors, including environmental factors, comorbidity, personality
negative affective states (Zmijewski and Howard, 2003). However, traits and stress responsivity. Several behaviours, besides ingestion
discrepant results were also reported. For example, no gender dif- of psychoactive substances, produce immediate reward that may
ferences in ‘‘addiction’’ to running and exercising were reported by engender persistent behaviour, despite the knowledge of adverse
Furst and Germone (1993). Accordingly, a study carried out in col- consequences and diminished control over that behaviour. Behav-
lege students (18–24 years old) reported men with higher levels of ioural addictions involve dysfunction in several brain regions, prin-
‘‘addiction’’ than women to alcohol and tobacco as well as to gam- cipally the frontal cortex and limbic system (reviewed in Leeman
bling, video games, and Internet use (Greenberg et al., 1999). Con- and Potenza, 2013). Disruption in neurobiological processes under-
versely, women were found to display higher levels of addiction to lying both sensitivity to reward and inhibitory control can lead to
caffeine and chocolate. Nonetheless, no gender-related differences compulsive behaviours. In some individuals, compulsive drug tak-
were detected in the sample studied in two other relatively fre- ing may result in drug addiction, compulsive food intake may lead
quent types of addictions, namely addiction to physical exercise to obesity, and other forms of activities may deteriorate into
and television (Greenberg et al., 1999). Indeed, with respect to lev- behavioural addictions.
els of addiction, it was found that exercise yielded the highest level Daily activities that activate brain reward circuits, such as eating,
of addiction in both males and females (Greenberg et al., 1999). exercising, or having sex, may lead to clinical concerns in vulnerable
Regrettably, as for compulsive sex activity and Internet addiction, individuals. Notably, they closely resemble brain and behavioural
no study has investigated whether sex hormones may affect the features of drug addicts. This presupposes the need for research
inclination to exercising excessively yet. and clinicians to consider addiction as a spectrum disorder. In con-
Noteworthy, since exercise dependence is often associated with trast to drug addiction, only few studies have evaluated potential
problematic attitudes toward eating (Thome and Espelage, 2007; differences between men and women in non-drug behavioural
Mond and Calogero, 2009), future studies aiming at investigating addictions. For most of them, environmental and socio-cultural fac-
on gender differences in the attitude to becoming addicted to tors contributing to the different vulnerability in males and females
physical exercise should also consider a disorganized eating pat- started to be investigated only recently. Thus, for example, it is not
tern as potential bias factor, especially in women. known whether social deviance and antisocial personality traits
found to be more frequent among male than female smokers
3.6. Other behavioural addictions (Grunberg et al., 1991), may render men more vulnerable than
women to develop other forms of behavioural addictions. Similarly,
Besides the abovementioned addictive behaviours, other com- whether or not engaging in addictive behaviours like Internet surf-
pulsive activities have been often referred to as ‘‘behavioural ing or pathological gambling may be perceived by girls as a mean of
addiction’’, which include compulsive shopping and pyromania. challenging imposed social conventions, as cigarettes in the early
Notably, gender differences have been described in these two 1900s (Brandt, 1996), is still to be defined. Moreover, males and
activities as well. females experience dissimilar emotional and psychological needs,
Compulsive buying has been described worldwide, with a life- and react differently to peer pressure, lack of full realization, or
time prevalence of 5.8% in the US general population (Koran other personal and social expectations. In addition, they are differ-
et al., 2006). It has been classified as an addictive disorder ently influenced by family history and legal policies, and display
(Krych, 1989), but also as an obsessive–compulsive disorder diverse perception of self-image and health risks. All of these factors
(Hollander, 1993) or a mood disorder (Lejoyeux et al., 1996). Com- interact with genetic background and sex hormonal fluctuations in
pulsive shoppers are constantly worried with shopping and spend- men and women, and determine a differential propensity to develop
ing, and report an increasing level of urge or anxiety that can lead a behavioural addiction. To complicate the matter, in men testoster-
to a sense of completion only when a purchase is made. Although a one levels vary markedly over the course of the day, and are influ-
vast majority of people with compulsive buying problems have enced by both genetic and individual-specific environmental
been estimated to be women (Schlosser et al., 1994), a bias could factors (Panizzon et al., 2013). In contrast, in women the levels of
be due to the fact that women admit more readily than men that estrogens and progesterone vary markedly depending upon the
they enjoy shopping. However, men tend to buy electronic or hard- menstrual cycle, the pre- or postmenopausal age, and the use of oral
ware goods more than women, which in turn appear more inter- contraceptives. Moreover, although at a lesser extent, testosterone
ested in clothing, shoes, and compact discs (Black, 2007). is likely to affect motivated behaviours also in females, in which it
Firesetting is a severe and costly antisocial behaviour, a signifi- was found to exert rewarding effects (Triemstra and Wood, 2004).
cant social problem that causes enormous property damage each Intriguingly, the reinforcing effects of testosterone appears to be
year. It represents a crime easy to perform, though difficult to mediated by both androgens and estrogens (DiMeo and Wood,
detect, with a prevalence of lifetime of 1.7% in men and 0.4% in 2006). Targeting brain and genetic factors that allow pursuit of
women (Hoertel et al., 2011). Both men and women with a lifetime non-drug rewards to become pathological are crucial for pinpoint-
history of firesetting typically display also generalized anxiety dis- ing effective treatments of both substance and non-substance
order, conduct and antisocial personality disorder, alcohol or canna- addictions. Further studies on gender differences in behavioural
bis use disorder, and obsessive–compulsive personality disorder control will be important for investigating the etiology of behav-
(Hoertel et al., 2011). Yet, pyromaniac women are significantly more ioural addictions, and for designing gender-appropriate treatments.
likely than men to have a lifetime diagnosis of alcohol abuse and
antisocial personality disorder as well as a diagnosis of schizoid per-
sonality disorder (Hoertel et al., 2011). Thus, although with a prev- References
alence in male population, this disorder resemble at some extent
compulsive shopping disorder which, as pyromania, was found to Adams, J., Kirby, R.J., 2002. Excessive exercise as an addiction: a review. Addict. Res.
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