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Virtual Developer Day Java 2014

Big Tools for Small Devices

Geertjan Wielenga
NetBeans Product Manager

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JavaOne 2014
San Francisco
September 28th October 2nd
Great sessions
Great BoFs
Great Tutorials
Great Hands on labs
Minds, Technology, Registration: All Open
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Java, HTML5, PHP, C/C++, and more

Best in breed integration
for embedded devices

Ready to use out of the box

Support for latest Java specs

Free and open source

Large community and many plugins

Comprehensive Development Environment

What is NetBeans IDE?
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Program Agenda
Java SE 8
One-click Deployment
Remote Debugging

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Editor support for
over collections

Tools for Java SE 8
Internal Iterators via Java 8 Streams
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Smoothly convert
to internal iterators
via hints and tips

Tools for Java SE 8
Internal Iterators via Java 8 Streams
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Specify a scope
for upgrading to Java 8
All/current projects
Specific package
Specific class

Run converters

Visually preview
proposals for

Tools for Java SE 8
Refactoring in Batch Mode
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Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Insert Information Protection Policy Classification from Slide 12
Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Insert Information Protection Policy Classification from Slide 12

Full Development Cycle support
against a remote platform
Intuitive development
One-click deploy
Remote debugging
Comprehensive remote profiling

Complete end to end integration
for Raspberry Pi
and other embedded devices
e.g., with Web Services.

Tools for Java SE Embedded 8
Seamless Integration
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Tools for Java SE Embedded 8
Smart and Easy Profiling
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James Gosling
Founder of Java,
Liquid Robotics CTO
NetBeans embedded support makes embedded development painless, fluid, and
fast paced. Being able to debug a running robot at sea from a thousand miles away
is truly life-altering.
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Make use of
Java ME 8 CLDC
Platform Emulator.

Intuitive tools and editors
for JDK 8 on Java ME.

Simple customization
of optional packages,
e.g., Web Services.

Tools for Java ME Embedded 8
Seamless Integration
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NetBeans 8 and Java 8



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NetBeans IDE:

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@java @javaembedded
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