Radio Interface Capacity

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Radio Interface Capacity

The main bottlenecks in the radio interface are the downlink power, uplink interference, radio bearers, common channels, and the
channelization code tree.
Figure 6: Radio interface
Downlink Power
The BTS controls the amount of HSDPA DL transmission power, after the powers for DH, HS!PA control channels, and common
channels ha"e been set up. The BTS can measure the total power, #onHSDPA power, and HSDPA power.
1. Monitored
capacity item
Transmitted Total Carrier Power
The total transmitted power includes the downlink power allocated to the downlink DPCH, the common
channels, and the ER!CH, E"!CH, EH#CH, H$$CCH, and H$PD$CH. The %T$ reports the
Transmitted Carrier Power in a&solute units. The classification depends on the cell si'e settin(
)PRACHDelayRange parameter*. " proacti+e ,P# has &een defined, &ased on the M1---C./0
M1---C.1. classification counters.
0. Proacti+e
Counter2,P# 3ame, unit Tar(et Red
R3C410-1a Mar(inal Transmitted
Carrier Power Time
$hare D5 678
0- 91- $hare of time when the Transmitted Carrier
Power )T:CrPwr* is in classes ;<. The
mappin( to power +alue depends on the
PRACHDelayRange =CE5 parameter
.. Reacti+e
Counter2,P# 3ame, unit Description
R3C410-0a >+erload Transmitted
Carrier Power Time
$hare D5 678
$hare of time when the Transmitted Carrier Power )T:CrPwr* is in
classes ?1-. The mappin( to power +alue depends on the
PRACHDelayRange =CE5 parameter settin(s.
R3C4?@/a RRC $etup AR due to
"C 678
RRC setup failure ratio caused &y "dmission Control.
M1---C111 R% RE5E"$E %B DB3
5#3, >PT DCE T> R5
P>=ER C>3!E$T#>3
The num&er of radio &earers released &y the dynamic link
optimi'ation for 3RT traffic &ecause of R5 power con(estion.
M1---C1@@ R% RE5E"$E DCE T>
E3H >EER5>"D
C>3TR>5 C$#3! R5
REC>3A 6D8
The num&er of radio &earer releases &y the enhanced o+erload
control usin( the radio link reconfi(uration method.
M1---C1/? H$D$CH RE5E"$E
DCE T> D5 >EER5>"D
The num&er of H$D$CH allocation releases due to downlink
o+erload. This counter includes &oth interacti+e and &ack(round
class connections. #t is updated when the userFs H$D$CH
allocation is released due to the PtxNonHSDPA >=
PtxTargetHSDPA+PtxOffsetHSDPA condition. This counter is
updated only when the H$DP" $tatic Resource "llocation is
M1---C1/0 R% D>=3!R"DE %B
E3H >EER5>"D
C>3TR>5 C$#3! TAC
$C%$ET 6D8
The num&er of radio &earer down(rades &y the enhanced
o+erload control usin( the TAC su&set method.
M1--0C@-0 D5 DCH $E5ECTED
T> H$DP" P>=ER 6D8
This counter is updated when the H$D$CH cannot &e selected
as a downlink transport channel due to
PtxTotal>PtxTargetHSDPA or PtxNC>PtxTargetHSDPA
R3C4?@?& D5 DCH $elected due to
the H$DP" power 6D8
The num&er of times when the H$D$CH downlink transport
channel cannot &e selected for an interacti+e or &ack(round class
connection due to downlink power limits.
/. "nalysis
1. Marginal (Overload) Transmitted Carrier Power
Time Share DL
The primary indication for hi(hly loaded sites is
the percenta(e of time when these sites are in
mar(inal and o+erload power classes.

RRC setu !ailure rate due to "C
"dmission control may reGect setup, cell chan(e, or hando+er )e:cludin( fro'en %T$ failure*.
#ncrease of failures, indicated &y the RRC setup failure rate due to "C, means that the =%T$ has
used all a+aila&le downlink power in order to maintain the connection for the users.

R# releases and downgrades
Counters M1---C111, M1---C1@@, M1---C1/?, M1---C1/0, and M1--0C@-0 react in o+erload
3ote that the a+era(e a+aila&le power for H$DP" influences the CH# seen &y the CE. #f the downlink
Iuality is &ad, there is not enou(h power to ser+e the users. Howe+er, hi(h power for H$DP" does not
necessarily mean hi(h throu(hput )or low power low throu(hput*.
1. >+erload The system can down(rade or release a dedicated channel of a nonrealtime R"%, due to e:cessi+e
downlink power.
@. Cp(rade =ith the /- = 5P"s, the ma:imum H$DP" power can increase to /1 d%m )also concerns the a+era(e
power*. Hi(h D5 power le+els, to(ether with a low throu(hput, indicate low co+era(e for CEs. #mpro+e the
co+era(e &y addin( sites.
Received Total Wideband Power
The power control allows access to as man$ users as possible while minimizin% the interference caused b$ these users. At the same
time, the capacit$ of a &D'A s$stem is proportional to the le"el of interference in the s$stem.
The cell(specific load control in the )# maintains the estimated recei"ed wideband power "alue for the resource allocation of the
)#. The estimated recei"ed wideband power "alue represents the recei"ed interference of transferred acti"e bearers, which are
allocated in the )# *such as DHs+. ,t does not include the contribution of the bearers, which ha"e an -(DH established with the
scheduled transmission, as follows.
,f the HS!PA has not been confi%ured in the cell, the estimated recei"ed wideband power "alue represents the
recei"ed total wideband power *Pr/Total+, measured and reported b$ the BTS.
,f the HS!PA has been confi%ured in the cell, the estimated recei"ed wideband power "alue represents the
recei"ed total non(-(DH scheduled transmission wideband power *Pr/#on-DHST+. The Pr/Total is not estimated in
the HS!PA cell.
1. Monitored
capacity item
Recei+ed Total =ide&and Power
The Recei+ed Total =ide&and Power )RT=P* reflects the total noise le+el within the CMT$ freIuency &and
of one sin(le cell. This is measured &y the %T$.
The R3C limits the uplink noise usin( the PrxTarget parameter, which defines the ma:imum allowed
increase in uplink noise in relation to the &ack(round noise floor. " hi(h RT=P le+el indicates an increase
in interference in the cell.
0. Proacti+e
Counter2,P# 3ame, unit Tar(et Red
R3C410-.a Percenta(e of RT=P in
mar(inal area 678
1- $hare of time when the recei+ed total
wide&and power is in classes 1.1@. The ,P#
is &ased on the M1---C.0-/1 counters. The
total uplink power )RT=P* measurement
report samples the power +alues that are
within a particular class ran(e. The counter
takes into account the whole recei+ed power,
includin( H$DP" and Common Channels.
.. Reacti+e
Counter2,P# 3ame, unit Description
M1---C1/; R% D>=3!R"DE %B
P%$ DCE T>
C>3!E$T#>3 6D8
The num&er of R% down(rades &y priority&ased schedulin(
)P%$* due to interference con(estion.
M1---C11? R% RE5E"$E %B P%$
C>3!E$T#>3 6D8
The num&er of radio &earers released &y priority&ased
schedulin( )P%$* due to interference con(estion.
M1---C110 R% D>=3!R"DE %B
C>3!E$T#>3 6D8
The num&er of R% down(rades &y preemption due to
interference con(estion.
M1---C1@/ R% RE5E"$E %B PRE
C>3!E$T#>3 6D8
The num&er of radio &earers released &y preemption due to
interference con(estion.
R3C4?;-a $R% ReGect Rate C5 678 The num&er of $R% reIuests that ha+e &een reGected on the C5.
R3C4?;0a "MR $er+ice ReGect Rate
C5 678
The num&er of +oice call reIuests that ha+e &een reGected on
the C5.
R3C4?;/a C$ Data $er+ice ReGect
Rate C5 678
The num&er of +ideo call reIuests that ha+e &een reGected on
the C5.
R3C4?;@a P$ Data $er+ice ReGect
Rate C5 678
The num&er of P$ data call reIuests that ha+e &een reGected on
the C5.
R3C4@@1d H$DP" "ccess Aailure
Rate due to C5 DCH 678
H$DP" access failure rate due to the associated C5 DCH.
/. "nalysis
1. Total #nterference in C5
The primary indication for a hi(hly loaded %T$.

$er+ice ReGections
Counters M1---C1/;, M1---C11?, M1---C110, M1---C1@/ and ,P#s R3C4?;-a, R3C4?;0a,
R3C4?;/a, and R3C4?;@a react in o+erload situation.

$SDP" "%%ess FR due to the &L DC$
"n increase in the $SDP" "%%ess FR due to the &L DC$ indicates that there is no room for more
CEs to &e connected to that particular cell due to C5 power con(estion.
There are no predefined thresholds for the freIuency of reGections, down(rades, or releases.
1. >+erload The system can down(rade or release a dedicated channel of a nonrealtime R"% )controlla&le load*, due
to e:cessi+e uplink con(estion situations. =hen the load is still too hi(h, the power control cannot miti(ate
failures due to noncontrolla&le load.
@. Cp(rade
Common Channel Capacity
The air interface ph$sical channels map to transport channels in !T)A#.

PCCPCH )Primary Common Control Physical Channel*, mapped to the %CH )%roadcast Channel*

$CCPCH )$econdary Common Control Physical Channel*, mapped to the PCH )Pa(in( Channel* or A"CH
)Aorward "ccess Channel*. There can &e up to three $CCPCH channels confi(ured in the cell.

PR"CH )Physical Random "ccess Channel*, mapped to the R"CH )Random "ccess Channel*
These channels are not the sub0ect of the d$namic power control. The transmission powers of the downlink common ph$sical
channels are determined durin% radio network plannin%, and their bit rates are not confi%urable b$ the user. The s$stem measures the
loads indirectl$, b$ measurin% the loads on correspondin% transport channels *)AH, 1AH, PH, and BH+.
ommon channel load consists mainl$ of 1AH, )AH, and PH loads on the SPH channel*s+. )AH and 1AH load ha"e
separate control plane and user plane load. )AH(u, )AH(c, 1AH(u, and 1AH(c. The total load of the common channels is
thus the sum of these loads.
There can be up to three SPHs confi%ured in the cell. ,f onl$ one SPH is used in a cell, it will carr$ 1AH(c *containin%
DH2H2BH+, 1AH(u *containin% DTH+, and PH. 1AH and PH are multiple/ed into the same SPH *see
1i%ure 3 ommon channels mapped to one SPH+.
Figure ': Common channels mapped to one $CCPCH
,f the user confi%ures two SPHs in a cell, the primar$ PH will alwa$s carr$ PH onl$ and the second SPH will carr$
1AH(u and 1AH(c *see 1i%ure 4 ommon channels mapped to two SPHs+.
Figure (: Common channels mapped to two $CCPCHs
The s$stem measures the )AH load in the #BAP interface in terms of acknowled%ed P)AH preambles. There is no o"erload
control al%orithm for )AH, but the )AH load measurements are used b$ the )# for load control, when the downlink channel
t$pe *common or dedicated+ is selected.
1. Monitored
capacity item
Common Channel Capacity
The main proacti+e ,P# for the common channel load is the a+era(e $CCPCH channel load, calculated
indirectly from the transport channels, which map to it. "ssumin( fi:ed transmit rates for each transport
channel, the user can follow the load proacti+ely.
"dditionally, the user can monitor each common transport channel proacti+ely.
0. Proacti+e
Counter2,P# 3ame, unit Tar(et Red
R3C4?;?a $CCPCH
"+era(e 5oad
"+era(e $CCPCH channel load includin( the PCH in
the measurement period.
"+era(e PCCPCH loadJ if one $CCPCH is used in a
cell, it will carry A"CHc )containin(
DCCH2CCCH2%CCH*, A"CHu )containin( DTCH*, and
R3C40-0?a A"CHu 5oad
Ratio 678
A"CHu 5oad Ratio pro+ides information a&out the
A"CH transport channel user plane data load )the A"CH
channel throu(hput is di+ided &y the correspondin(
transport channel ma:imum &it rate to (et the load ratio*.
R3C40-.-a A"CHc 5oad
Ratio 678
A"CHc 5oad Ratio pro+ides information a&out the
A"CH transport channel control plane data load )the
A"CH channel control data throu(hput is di+ided &y the
correspondin( transport channel ma:imum &it rate to (et
the load ratio*.
R3C40-.0a R"CHu 5oad
Ratio 678
R"CHu 5oad Ratio pro+ides information a&out the
R"CH transport channel user plane data load )the
R"CH channel user data throu(hput is di+ided &y the
correspondin( transport channel ma:imum &it rate to (et
the load ratio*.
R3C40-..a R"CHc 5oad
Ratio 678
R"CHc 5oad Ratio pro+ides information a&out the
R"CH transport channel control plane data load )the
R"CH channel control data throu(hput is di+ided &y the
correspondin( transport channel ma:imum &it rate to (et
the load ratio*.
.. Reacti+e
Counter2,P# 3ame, unit Description

/. "nalysis Bou can use R3C4?;?a to see how loaded the physical channel )$CCPCH* is in this confi(uration. =hen
two $CCPCHs are used, this will contain all other transport channels e:cept PCH.
1. >+erload #f there is only one $CCPCH, the system (i+es PCH traffic a hi(her priority compared to the A"CH. =hen
the system notices con(estion on this channel, it is likely that the A"CH channel will suffer.
@. Cp(rade The $CCPCH load )PCHKA"CH, or PCH only* can &e reduced &yJ
1. #ncreasin( the num&er of a+aila&le $CCPCHs
)for e:ample, &y introducin( a second $CCPCH*

E+aluatin( whether there is a hi(h le+el of si(nalin( (enerated &y cell, CR", location area, or
routin( area updates. #f so, consider adGustin( the area &oundaries or reducin( the si'e of the
location and routin( areas.

E+aluatin( whether there is e:cessi+e user plane data transfer within the CE554A"CH. #f so,
consider reducin( the R5C &uffer thresholds that tri((er the transition to CE554DCH.

Cp(radin( the 3ode % confi(uration with an additional carrier

Csin( the )* +,s Paging Channel feature if the PCH is loaded.
Channelization Code Tree
The a"ailable codes in the hannelization ode Tree in the BTS can become a capacit$ bottleneck in the downlink direction,
especiall$ when HSDPA and HS!PA are enabled in the cell. There is a fi/ed number of codes reser"ed for ommon hannels.
)-L55 ser"ices re6uire a certain number of codes, dependin% on the ser"ice bit rate. HSDPA can reser"e 7, 89, or 87 codes.
,n uplink, the code tree is arran%ed per each !-: therefore no capacit$ bottleneck is e/pected.
1. Monitored
capacity item
Channeli'ation Code Tree
Channeli'ation Code >ccupancy pro+ides an indication of the percenta(e of codes, that the system uses or
&locks. The channeli'ation codes, which the system assi(ns to &oth common and dedicated downlink
channels, are included in the ,P#. Aurthermore, there are also counters to monitor the ma:imum and
minimum code occupancy. This can &e used to detect the cellLs &usy and non&usy hours.
Channeli'ation Code %lockin( is the percenta(e of code allocation attempts, that &lock &ecause of code
tree con(estion.
=hen a user ena&les H$DP", the system can dynamically adGust the num&er of $A1@ codes reser+ed for
H$DP", dependin( on the R?? usa(e of codes. There are counters for monitorin( the num&er of H$DP"
channeli'ation code down(rades due to con(estion of the RT or 3RT DCH.
The user can monitor the impact of code tree con(estion reacti+ely, usin( counters related to H$DP" code
and radio &earer down(rades2releases.
0. Proacti+e
Counter2,P# 3ame, unit Tar(et Red
R3C411.a "+era(e code tree occupancy
;- <- "+era(e code tree occupancy
R3C411?& Min code tree occupancy 678 Minimum code tree occupancy
R3C410-& Ma: code tree occupancy 678 <- ?- Ma:imum code tree occupancy
R3C4?/?& $preadin( code &lockin( rate
in D5 678
1 91 $preadin( Code %lockin( rate of a cell
o+er the reportin( period. This
measurement is &ased on Cell Resource
Measurement, where the code tree
situation of a cell is measured.
.. Reacti+e Counter2,P# 3ame, unit Description
monitorin( M1---C0/<01< DCR"T#>3 >A H$DP" ::)1
11* C>DE$ RE$ERE"T#>3
#t is possi&le to calculate the a+era(e num&er of reser+ed
$A1@ codes for H$DP", &ased on the duration counters for
each code )ori(inal transmitted :y )111* codes with HP$,
or 1@H", M1---*.
M1---C0@@ H$DP" CH C>DE
The num&er of H$DP" channeli'ation code down(rades
due to con(estion of RT DCH reIuests. #t is updated when
the code down(rade is started due to a RTo+erH$DP"
M1---C0@; H$DP" CH C>DE
D>=3!R"DE DCE T> 3RT
The num&er of H$DP" channeli'ation code down(rades
due to con(estion of 3RT DCH reIuests. #t is updated
when the code down(rade is started due to an 3RT DCH
o+erH$DP" prioriti'ation.
M1---C1/< R% D>=3!R"DE %B P%$
C>3!E$T#>3 6D8
The num&er of R% down(rades &y priority&ased
schedulin( )P%$* due to spreadin( code con(estion.
M1---C11. R% D>=3!R"DE %B
$PRE"D#3! C>DE
C>3!E$T#>3 6D8
The num&er of R% down(rades &y preemption due to
spreadin( code con(estion.
M1---C1@1 R% RE5E"$E %B PRE
$PRE"D#3! C>DE
C>3!E$T#>3 6D8
The num&er of radio &earers released &y preemption due
to spreadin( code con(estion.
M1---C1@- R% RE5E"$E %B P%$ DCE
T> $PRE"D#3! C>DE
C>3!E$T#>3 6D8
The num&er of radio &earers released &y priority&ased
schedulin( )P%$* due to spreadin( code con(estion.
/. "nalysis
1. "verage %ode tree o%%uan%-
"t the a+era(e code occupancy of ;-7, code
&lockin( can start to affect the Ho$ at the le+el
of ;-7. "t the le+el of <-7, ser+ice &lockin( can

Min %ode tree o%%uan%-
The minimum code occupancy is .7, when the common channels are acti+e. =hen H$DP" is
acti+e, &ut there are no users, the system reser+es fi+e codes, &rin(in( the total occupancy to

Ma. %ode tree o%%uan%-
The user can use the Ma.imum %ode tree o%%uan%- ,P# as a tri((erin( point to up(rade
)second carrier*. The occupancy ran(es from .17 to 1--7. =hen the ma:imum code occupancy
is less than <-7, the code allocation failure rate still remains close to -7 and less than
appro:imately ?-7 of ma:imum code occupancy means that the code allocation failure rate is
M17. Therefore, the user can use the <1?-7 limit.

$SDP" %hanneli/ation %ode downgrades RT (0RT)
This counter indicates the code tree con(estion related to simultaneous RE5?? and H$DP" traffic
in the cell. %ecause of con(estion, the system frees the codes allocated to H$DP", when
reIuired &y the RT23RT DCH allocation. Cells with H$DP" reser+e a minimum of fi+e $A1@ codes
for H$DP" at the start. #f there is H$DP" traffic, and there is no need for R?? codes, the system
will try to use up to fifteen $A1@ codes for H$DP". The RT traffic )normal +oice* has the hi(hest
priority, so hi(h +oice traffic can keep the num&er of $A1@ codes for H$DP" at the minimum of
fi+e codes.
1. >+erload =ith the increase of code occupancy )that is, the R?? traffic increase* the throu(hput per user decreases.
@. Cp(rade Two &asic solutions for a+oidin( the effect of code con(estion areJ
1. Reduce the code usa(e
Reduce the initial R?? &it rate from 10< k&ps to
@/ k&ps or e+en 1@ k&ps. "llow R?? 3RT to take
codes from H$DP", for e:ample, allow two $A1@
codes to &e taken. #t is not recommended to
ena&le the hi(h rate features if there are no 11
code CEs in the network, or if there are other
limits )for e:ample, in the %T$ or #u&*.

"dd new codes with new carrier
To o&tain more codes, install an additional carrier.
; <=>
#dJ -?--d<-1<-<1f1?? N0-1- 3okia $iemens 3etworks

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