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New York 23rd CD Surrrey

5-7, 2009
lOctober 26-27, 20091
(SepÈember 30-Ocüober 6' 2009)
Neighborhood Research - FranlrLin, New ilergey
COlilTÀCT¡ Rick Shaftan (973) 726-8Ltl

Did you vote in thie weekrs election f,or Congrese?

Yes No
zLO 100% O%
Q1. Did you vote for Denocråt-Working Fa¡nilies candidaÈe BLll Ov¡ens,
RepublLcan-Independence candídate Dede Scozzafava (SKO-za-f,a-va) or
Conservative Doug lloffman?
Dênocrât-Working Families BiLl Ov¡ens
51. 9% t28. 01,61 (2{
Republícan-Independence Dede Scozzafava
210 2.9% f 1¿.0%l (2s.t%l
Conservative Doug Hoffnan
tls .2% t33 . 9%l ( 1¿.0%)


Q2. Barack Obana

lleard of,lFavorabLe Heard of,lUnfavorable Eeard oflNo O¡¡inion
2t'0 47.L% (¿5.6%) 28.6% (28.4"a1 1'6.2% (15.7%)
lleard oflMixeô Opj.níon N€ver Heard of (DO NOT READ) Refused
8.1% (1.0.2%l O% o%

Q3. WlraÈ do you Like most about Bêrack Obama? (Favorablee)

¡Ion€st L7%' fryíng/Neede Ti¡ne 14%, Good ilob 10%, Víews/Ideas 8%,
Charigma/Energry 8%, Change/New 7%, InËelligent 6%' Bealth Care 5%,
(þts ThLngs Done 4%, Fixing Bush,s MeaB 3%, ÀttiÈude/ConfidenÈ 3%,
Foreigm Policy 3%. other¡ Doeg Right Thing (2), Spealcg lleLl (21'
!Íorlcing Hard (2), Education Stand, Gþod Guy, O¡¡en, Bringe Conse¡rsug,
Down lIo Earth, Cares .âbout People, Creatingr ilobe.

Ql¡. lfhat do you Like leagt about Barack Obana? (Unf,avorables)

Polieíee 15%, Comnunist/Socialíst 15%, Bad 'trob 12%, Eealth Care 10%,
SDending 8%, Ind,ecisive 5%, llaking O¡r Íoo D[r¡ch 5%. Other: l,iberal (21 ,
Àbortion (2), Ilurtingr Àmerica (2), Dighoneet (21, !îar Süill On (2),
Denocrat, Not Presidential, fnconpetent, Doíngr Nothing' Does¡r't List€n,
NoÈ À CíÈízen, Uses ¡tís Race, On Tv Too Much.

Q5. Bill Ov¡ens? (oh-wINS)

Heard oflFavorable lteard oflllnfavorable Eeard of,lNo O¡rinion
21,0 ¿3.3% 124.t%1 (1,1,.7%' 26.7% t18.5%l (5.5%) 27.6% t51.s%¡ (s7.4%'
Heard oflMixed opinion N€v€r Heard of
2.4% t4.2%l (1.s%) 0% t1.8%l (23.9%)
Q6. What do you f.ike nosÈ about Bill Ovre¡¡E? (Favorablee)
Best Candidate/Not, ltof,f,man L2"a, Good Guy 11%r Creat€d ilobe 8%r
Derrocrat 8%, For NorÈh CounÈry 7%, Wíth Obana 5%, Good For åneric¿ 59¿,
Liberal 3%¡ New 3%, For working People 3%, Víewe 3%r For Fa!¡ters 3%.
OËher¡ Honest (2), HeaLth Care (2), Erfi¡erience (2), SnarB (21'
ÀborÈion Stand (2), Àds, I¡if,e SÈor^tz, Lígtens, From Plattsburgh,
Military Background, For Ed,ucation, Ca¡E¡aigm Àpproach, For Seniorgr
Ileard Good thíngs.
Q7. WhaË do you like Least abouÈ Bill Ov¡ene? (Unf,avorabLeg)
Democrat/VÍith Obana 18%, Liberal 18%, Views 9%, DisLike Pergonally 9%,
Àbortion Stand 7%, tealth Care 5%, I'íar/Dishonegt 5%, Àrrogant 5%.
Other: Rích Lawyer (2), Gay MarrLage (2), Spender (21, Socíalist,
Do€sn't Represent North Country, Far¡r Policies, wíÈh Schr¡n€r,
Vagrue On rgsuee, lPlpical Políticia¡¡, Too Many Robocalls.

Q8. Dede Scozzafava (SKO-za-fa-va)

Hearê oflFavorable Heard oflUnf,avorable Beard oflNo Opinion
2L0 24.8"a fL7.3"a7 G.9.7"a1 32.9% t3¿.5%l (L3.2%, 37.6% t¿0.8%l (50.1%)
Heard of,lMixed opínion Never Heard of
4.8% t6.8%l (3.s%) 0% t0.6%t (13.s%)

Q9. !ûl¡at do you like ¡nost abouÈ Ded,e Scozzaf,ava? (8avorâbLeg)

fn Touch gfith NorÈh Country 13%, Did Right Thing By Drogping OuÈ 10%,
He1d, Her Ov¡n./Stood Tall ÀgainsÈ Àttacke 10%r Liberal 10%, Good ilob 8%,
Would. ¡¡ave Voüed For Her/Voted For Her 8%, Iþwn To Earth 8%, EonesÈ 6%.
Other: Friend (2), Backed Owens (21, Independent (2), EducatLon View (2),
ÀborÈíon/Marriage (2), Pro-Gr¡n, Outspoken, Positive Caml¡aigm, Sensibler

Q10. !úl¡at d,o you lihe leagt about Dede Scozzafava? (Unfavorables)
Switched Sid,eslTraítor 35%, Liberal 28%, Àbortion View 7%, Marriage 4%.
OÈher: Bad BusineEseroman (2), DLstruet (2), Viewe (2), Ilnqual,ífLed (2),
faLked In CircleE (21, glhat I Saw In ÀdE, Irritating, SociaLl,sÈ,
Sent Políce Àfter Reporter, Spoíler, I¡íke The RegÈ, Standg For Nothing,
Big Spend,er.

Q11. Doug Hof,f¡nan (HOAF-¡nan)

Heard of./Favorable Heard oflUnf,avorable Heard of,lNo Oginion
2L0 39.5% t37.5%l (7.7o41 3L.{% t13.1¡%l (5.2%, 2L.{% 114.4".61 (56.¿%)
Heard of,lMíxed o¡rínion Nev€r Heard of,
7 .L"a t1,.8%l (0.7%') 0.5% t3.3%1 (29 .9%l

QL2. ![hat, do you J.ike mosÈ about Doug Hoffman? (FavorabXes)

CongervaÈíve 28oa, Víews L2"a, Hor:¡est 10%, Pro-I¿ife 10%, Marriage 8%,
Good Guy 5%, Down Io Earth 5%, Cut Spendingr 5%, Itealth Care t[%,
Co¡mnon Sense 4%. Other: Tax Cuts (2), $Ioulé Do Rigrht, Cr€aÈe ilobe,
Has Guts, Republican, Local Guy, New, Good Cam¡raign.
Q13. !{haÈ do you like leaet about Doug llof,fman? (Unf,avorableg)
loo CongervaÈive 24%, Negative Campaíg¡¡ t2%, No Clue On Local Igsuea 9%,
Views 9%' Dislike Pereonally 8%, Pro-l,ife 8%, Shífty/Shady 5%.
Other¡ Doeen,t I¡ive In District (2), Unqualified (2), SociaL security (21,
Doesn,t Share Va1ues, Health Care, À¡¡ti-Gay, Backed By SDecial Interests,
Id,iot, Out For SeLf, Backed By Palin, Backed By Lrirnbaugh, Economic Views,
NaEty PeopJ,e Working Polls For Hi¡n, Ee'e lrike Bush.

Ql¿. glould you consider youreeLf a liberal, a moderat€ or ê cons€¡ryative in

your political beliefs?
I¿íberal Moderate Conservat:lve
2L0 20.5% 29.0% 39.5%
lLl.3eoJ t29.8%l 1.t2.9%1
(Le.2%' ( 30 .7%) ( 38.9%)
(DON'T RE"AD) OÈher/Undecided
11.0% t13.1%I U.2.2%l

Q15. !ûhen you cast your vote for Congress, which wag mor€ inE¡ortanÈ to you,
the eandidaters viewg on national. iEsueg or tl¡e candidatets views on local
National fsgues Local IsBu€E (DO NOT REÀD) Both
2L0 29.s% {1..0% 27.6%
(DO NOT REAI)) Neither

Q15. lthaÈ garty would you like to see run Congreas? The D€únocratg or
Denocrats Republicans (DO NOT READ) No O¡¡inion/Other
210 34 .3% 35.7% 30 . 0e6
t36.0%l t¿0 . 8%l L23 .2%t
(35.{%) (34.7".ôl (29.9%,

QL7. Wtrat, is your ethnic background? For exanl¡le, is it Gþ!Ítân, English,

Irieh, Italian, French, Scottish, Dutch, Cuban, Àf,rícan-À¡nerican, etc. )

English 32"a, Í.rien- 25%, c€¡:må,n 21%, French 15%, Italian 10%,
Refused, 10%, Scottigh 6%, Dutch 5%, Polig}¡ 4%' Àmer. hdian 2%

Q18. IJast question. !ûhat age grouD do you f,all ínto? 18 ùo 34, 35 to ¿9, 50
to 64, 65 or over? (READ åIrIr ÀGE CEOICES)
18-3¿ years old 35-¿9 years old 50-64 years old
21,O 6 .2% 13.3% 4L.4%
65 or over (DONII RtÀD) Ref,used/No answer
38.6% 0.5%


Male Fenale
2L0 43.3a 56.7%

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