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Legal Notice

From the Office of

Shafqat Ullah Waris
Room no 2. Dist Chiniot
Dist court Chiniot
M Usman s/o M Irfan cast ut R/O Dist Chiniot
Subject! "e#al $otice.
Mali% Muhamma& 'slam '(an S/O Mali% )hu&a *a%sh cast Mali% R/O Dist
Chiniot a++ointe& me as his council an& instructe& me to ser,e -ou (ith the follo(in#
le#al notice throu#h carrier ser,ice an& also throu#h re#istere& +ost.
.. That -ou ha,e entere& into an a#reement to sell &ate& /20/102/.1 (ith m- a2o,e sai&
client re#ar&in# a house 2earin# $o 3/ - 2loc% measurin# 4 Marla situate& at +eo+le
colon- Dist Chiniot surroun&e& an& 2oun&e& as
'#ainst the consi&eration of ru+ees fi,e lac an& +ai& a sum of ru+ees 2 lac to m- a2o,e
sai& client as an earnest mone-.
2. That the fallo(in# terms an& con&itions (ere settle& 2et(een -ou an& m- a2o,e sai&
a. That -ou shall 2e 2oun& to +a- the remainin# sale +rice that is 4 lac ru+ees to m-
a2o,e sai& client till 6666. 'n& in the case of ,iolation -our +ai& earnest
mone- shall 2e confiscate in fa,our of m- a2o,e sai& client an& the a2o,e sai&
a#reement (ill also 2e cancel.
2. That in the case of refusal 2- m- a2o,e sai& client to transfer the +ro+ert- in -our
fa,our m- client shall 2e 2oun& to +a- the &ou2le of he recei,e& earnest mone- to
c. That m- a2o,e sai& client has ma&e ,arious effort to meet -ou to recei,e the
remainin# sale +rice an& transfer the +ro+ert- in -our fa,our 2ut -ou are a,oi&in#
to meet (ith m- client to +erform -our +art of contract.
&. That m- client has al(a-s 2een rea&- to +erform his +art of contract. M- client
has ma&e a further a#reement to sell &ue to -our failure to +a- the a2o,e sai&
remainin# amount. 5arnest mone- has 2een confiscate&
4. -ou are here 2- informe& 2- this le#al notice that -our earnest mone- ru+ees 2 lac has
2een confiscate& in fa,our of m- client an& a#reement &ate& 666 has also 2een
&issol,e& &ue to -our ne#li#ence. $o( -ou can ta%e an- le#al action re#ar&in# to a2o,e
sai& a#reement.
' co+- of notice has 2een retaine& in m- office for further reference an& recor& an&
-ou are &irecte& to %ee+ this notice (ith care so that the same ma- 2e +ro&uce as
e,i&ence require& 2efore the court of la(.
Cham2er no 78

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