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CAST 2011 UDL Guidelines Educator Checklist Version 2

Project Reflection Sheet for UDL Educators Checklist

How did you use technology to implement the 9 UDL guidelines? Explain in the nine boxes below.
Resave the file as Group # UDL checklist
I Provide !ultiple !eans of Representation"
#our notes
Provide options for perception
The book used in the lesson plan proided isual aid
!or the children who do not comprehend well when
strictly using listening skills
Large book in large print
"lay audio ersion o! the book
Hae a slideshow whether on actiinspire or
"ower"oint to go through while going through the
1.1 $!!er ways o! customi%ing the display o!
$% $!!er alternaties !or auditory in!ormation
$& $!!er alternaties !or isual in!ormation
Provide options for lan'ua'e( )athe)atical
e*pressions( and s+),ols
Use ideo o! animals the book mentions
&! aailable' use ideo o! someone reading the book
(o oer necessary ocabulary !or lesson
%$ )lari!y ocabulary and symbols
%% )lari!y syntax and structure
%& *upport decoding o! text' and mathematical
notation' and symbols
%- "romote understanding across language
%. &llustrate through multiple media
Provide options for co)prehension
(auge student background knowledge through
direct +uestions
)oer students, prior knowledge on character traits
)heck to see i! students can apply knowledge o!
current sub-ect#topic to another
"repare guiding +uestions !or the students
&$ .ctiate or supply background knowledge
&% Highlight patterns' critical !eatures' big ideas'
and relationships
&& (uide in!ormation processing' isuali%ation'
and manipulation
&- /aximi%e trans!er and generali%ation
II Provide !ultiple !eans for /ction and
#our notes
Provide options for ph+sical action Hae students come up to the promethean board to
create a comparison and contrast chart about the
two main characters.
-$ 0ary the methods !or response and
-% $ptimi%e access to tools and assistie
Provide options for e*pression and
Hae the students create a tagxedo or wordle using
all o! the character traits they come up with !or the
.$ Use multiple media !or communication
.% Use multiple tools !or construction and
.& 1uild !luencies with graduated labels o!
support !or practice and per!ormance
Provide options for e*ecutive functions Hae the students take their completed handout and
pro-ect it so they can share their response with the
0$ (uide appropriate goal setting
0% *upport planning and strategy deelopment
0& 2acilitate managing in!ormation and
0- Enhance capacity !or monitoring progress
III Provide !ultiple !eans for En'a'e)ent" #our notes
Provide options for recruitin' interest
.llow students to get into small groups and pick a story
o! their choosing 3that has aspects o! comparison4
preselected books5. .lso' there is the option !or them to
1$ $ptimi%e indiidual choice and autonomy
CAST 2011 UDL Guidelines Educator Checklist Version 2

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