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Q'unftxt ZIttI5
April 13,2005
Time: 45 min
The use of calculators or
graph paper is not permifted.
1 . You must wait for the contest supervisor's signal before starting the contest'
2. You may use scrap
paper, a ruler and a compass to do
your worK.
3. Be sure that
you understand the coding sysiem of the response form. lf
you have any
questions, ask the
contest suoervisor.
4. This contest is composed of 30 multiple choice
questions. Each question is followed by 5 possible answers:
A, B, C, D and E. There is only one conect answer. when
you make your choice, record your answer by
filling in the appropriate circle.
5. lf you change an answer, make sure to erase
your first answer completely.
6. Each correct answer is worth one
Inconect answers will not be penalized.
7. After the supervisor's signal
you will have exactly 45 minutes to finish. Do not lose time on a specific
move on to the next one.
8. When
you are finished,
give the
question booklet and the response form to the contest supervisor.
Copyright@ 2005
Byron-Germain Contest
All rights reserved.
2. How many2l stamps can
you buywith 181?
A)8 B)s c) 16 D)7 E)6
3. The number of hours in one day
plus the number of days in one week is equal to
D) 30 E) 31
4. Three hundred sixteen
two hundred sixty-six is equal to
n\ Eot E\ E7t
e, ra. Lt rtL
5. The sum of4+4+4+4+4+4
c) 32 D) 24
6. Which of the following is not a prime number?
A)2 B)5 c)7 D)e
1. 2
A)7 B)8
10. 10x9x8=?
A) 620
D) 780
c)10 D)0
11 B) 37 c) 2s
A) 581 B) 580 c) 482
A) 64
The value of (13 - 3)
+ ( 8 - 3) is
A)20 B)1 c)50
Round 6 789 to the nearest ten
A) 6 780
9. 5+7+9
6+8+ 10+?
E) 28
E) 5 790
B) 7 000 c) 6 790 D) 6 800
11 . How many blocks are there in the
B)s c)2
B) 72O c) 630
E) 640
B) 11 c) 12
E) 14
A) 10
D) 13
12. Which of the following numbers has the most factors?
tr\ o
13. One third of a class of 30 students are
girls. Two
the class and four boys leave the class.
What fraciion of the class do the boys now represent?
A) 9114 B) 4n c) 3t7 D) 5t14 E) 2r3
14. Lefters A and B represent 2 different digits. What is the
sum ofA
23, The diagram represents the number of
students, in Mathilda's class, that have
in the Fibonacci contest since
its beginning. The number of students
that participated
in 2001 represents what
fraction of those that
in 2002?
A) 1/3 B) 1t2
c) 1/5 D) 3/8
E) 1t4
2000 2001 m02 2003 mo4
15. lt is 6:54. What time will it be in 330 minutes?
A) 11:24 B) 11:54 C) 12:34 D) 12:24 E) 12:54
16. The average of 10 numbers is 5. The average of 5 of these numbers is 6. What is the average of
the other 5 numbers?
A)5 B)6 c)3 D) 3.5 E) 4
17. The
of 2
numbers is equal to 2 005. What is their difference?
A) 200 B) 394 C) 395 D) 496 E) 396
18. lf N is a natural number and N
3 is an even number, which of the following is an odd number?
A) 2xN B)3xN-2 C)3xN+1 D)N+5 E)2xN+4
19. I have 6 faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices. What am l?
A) cone B)
pyramid C) cylinder D) prism
E) cube
20. What is the value of N in ihe following equation:13 hundreds
10 tens
N ones
1 421?
A) 11 B) 18 c) 20 D) 21 E) 12
21, The six faces of a die are numbered, as shown in the diagram.
What is the probability
of gefting a number which is divisible by
3 when the die is thrown once?
A) 112 B) 1/3 C) 1/6
D) 2t3 E) 5/6
22. When a number is tripled and 3 is subiracted from the result,
3 is obtained. What is the number?
A)2 B)3 C)0
D)18 E) 4
1 J
There are 30 classes in Melissa's school. Every class can have a minimum of25 students and a
maximum of 30 students. The difference between the maximum and ihe minimum number of
students that could be registered at the school is
A) 50 B) 90 C) 150 D) 140 E) 160
25. Mathilda has to number a book of 103 pages. How many digits must be used to do it?
A) 199 B) 200 c) 201 D) 205 E) 208
26. Andrea started eating breakfast at I o'clock. She started eating lunch at 11:'15. Two hours went
by between the time she finished breakfast and the time she started lunch. She took 3 times longer
to eat lunch than to eat breakfast. When did she finish lunch?
A) 11:45
D) 12:00
B) 11:30
E) 11:15
27. What is the area of the small shaded equilateral triangle.
if the area of the large equilateral triangle ABC is 36 cm'?
A) 2 cm2
D) 9 cm"
same manner?
A) 169 cm2
D) 128 cm'
B) 4 cm2
E) 6 cm'
C) 12:15
C) 64 cm2
28. How many seconds are there in 20 minutes?
A) 1000 B) 120 c) 600 D) 2 400 E) 1 200
29. Yesterday, Andrea bought 2 (, and 3$ stamps for a total of 401. Today, she bought the same
number of 2l stamps as
yesterday, but twice as many 30 stamps as
yesterday for a total of 580.
How many 3l stamps did she buy yesterday?
A)3 c)6 D)4 E) 12
30. Mathew has drawn squares, as shown in the
diagram. Concentrate on the lengih of the side
of each square. What will the area of square Vll
be, if the length of the side of square I is 1 cm
and if Mathew continues to draw squares in the
B) 25 cm2.
E) 225cm'

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