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Volume II , Issue 22 O ctober - November 2002


legislative Signed into law by Governor George
Update Pataki on October 4 was Senate Bill
1S44AJA~sembly BiU 2470A, a COBA-sponsored
bill that wiU enable uniformed Correction per-
sonnel enrolled in Tier 3 2o-Year Pension Plans
to Stop making addhional contributions to their
pension after completing 20 years of either
allowable or credited service.
Until the enactment of this bill, which was
shepherded through the legislature and onto
the Governor's desk Wider the direction of
COBA President Norman Seabrook (left), Ciry Council Member
COBA President Norman Seabrook, most Tier 3
James Oddo (R-e, Staten Island, second from right), and members of
Willia m Kwasnicki Correction Officers had to continue making
the family of the late New York City Correction Officer George
pension contributions until their 30th year on
Motchan, including his widow, Dolly (right), applaud the dedication
the job. The additional contributions ranged from 3 percent to 8
of the C.O, George Morchan Comer at Bradley Avenue and
Westwood Avenue. Staten Island,
The effective date of this benefit is Oct, 4. 2002. NYCERS ls cur-
This project, the first dedication of any street ever named for a
rently identifying aU uniformed Correction p ersonnel who qualify
New York Cit)' Correction Officer. was a CODA initiative brought to
for this pension benefit. Once this list is established the additional
fruition b y Legislative Chairman William Kwasnicki under President
contrlburions should cease. Whatever additional contributions were
Seabro ok 's direction. Office r Motchan was killed o n Se pte mb e r 9.
taken Ollt of any qualified member's salary after Oct. 4, 2002 will be
1975 during an inmate escon at the Kings Count)' Hospital Prison
returned by NYeERS once that agency has completed its list of cur-
rently qualified personnel.
This bill corrects an inequity t hat existed bet ween Tiers I,
2, and 3 in regard to pension contributions beyond 20 years of PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE: WHAT ARE
As always, I will keep the membership informed of our YOU WAITING FOR?
legislative agenda as il progresses.
Presidenfs AS you know, Correction Officers have a
Message very tough job. We work with some of the 1\10s"1
violent individuals in society and maintain care,
COBA URGES COs TO VOTE FOR custody and control over them. When an
inmate comes to us and says he's not feeling
GOVERNOR GEORGE E. PATAKI & well and requests to go to the clinic, our pro-
fessionalisrn takes over and our immediate reac-
OTHER COBA-ENDORSED tion is to get that inmate down to the clinic.
CANDIDATES ON TUESDAY, But when it comes to ourselves, what are
we waiting for? Correction Officers are not
NOVEMBER 5 superhuman. We contract many types of com-
municablc diseases and deal with a stress level
Norman Seabrook that fur exceeds rhar of an)' other municipal
COBA President Norman Seabrook and the CODA Executive worker in the City of New York. Yet we contin-
Board urge all New York City Correction Officers to vote Nov. 5 to ue to endanger the future of our family and friends by not seeking
re-elect: yearly medical checkups and neglecting our health. We assume that
we can take care of it tomorrow.
GOVERNOR GEO RGE E. PATAKI, the best friend Correction Man)' Correction Officers, active and retired. young and old.
Officers have ever had in Albany. have lost their lives to heart attacks and other diseases that probably
Yo ur un ion also urges you to re-elect L1EUTE ANT could have been detected had the officer gone in for a yearl)' exam
GOVERNOR ~1A RY DONOHUE. and received a correct prognosis and diagnosis from professional
COBA also strongly urges you to vote for Fonner Assembly medical staffers.
Cantinlied on Page 6
• Provided coverage for domestic partners
(OBA'S Updated Progress Report. • Issued Optical Vouchers to Correction Officers
What (OBA Has Done For You So Far: •

Reduced the Retiree Prescription Card co-payment
Wrote and distributed benefits booklets
• Provided all-site labor lawyers at COBA office
• Increased legal services offered simulraneously
• Obtained 20-Year Stop Pay BiU ending requirement thar Tier 3
• Provided representation ar OATH
Correction Officers continue making pension contributions after 20
• Provided representation at Pirearms Review Board meetings
years of service
Provided legal representation of spouses and dependents through
• Obtained Anti-Privatization bill pro-
arraignment if accused of crimes
hibiting the privatization of New
• Computerized the COBA office
York City jails
• issued quarterly financial statements
• Obtained Variable Supplement
Increased number o( paid, full-time benefit and support staff mem-
Fund/Defined Benefit FIU1d Bills (or
bers and improved benefit and support services
Correction Officers
• Obtained Heart Bill for Correction
Established full-time, paid Ret tree/Disability Department
• Provided retirement and disability counseling free of charge
• Obtained a 3/4 Disability Rill for
Established Retiree Liaison
Correction Officers
• Established Retiree 800 number
• Obtained the City Time Buyback Rill
Provided Retiree Breakfasts
• Obtained Vehicle Accident Privacy
Distributed Prescription Cards to Active and Retired Correction
Bill fur Correction Officers
• Obtained Full Salary for Survivors of Correction Officers who die in
the line of duty
• Successfully fought privatization
• Re-opened the 20-Year Pension twice
• Established "CO Shot" program that offers rewards for information
• Supported and assisted in passing elimination of 3% standard
leading to the arrest and conviction of shooters of Correction
ded union for all Tier 3 COs wit h 10 years of service
• Successfully backed Mayoral candidate Michael Bloomberg
Created a Scholarship Fund for the children of Correction Officers
• Supported 10-13 parties
that has given over S100,000 in scholarships so far
Awarded medals for Outstanding Correction Officers all Medal Day
Created a Widows and Children's Fund for rhe widows and children
• Gave awards to valedictorian at Correction Academy Graduation
of Correction Officers
• Established Widows and Children's Holiday Party
• Established Widows and Children's Fund Dinners and Scholarship
• Resolved more grievances
Fund Dlnners and other rundraising events
• Established positive public relations campaign
• Published newsletter
• Started the first-ever voter registration drive for Correction Officers
• Reinstated delivery of The Chief-Leader newspaper
• Created a computerized telephone bank for use In city and Slate
• Updated and distributed Annuity fund statements
Aranged for the first street to be dedicated to an NYC CO killed in
• Increased Annuity Fund investments
the line of duty
• Revamped Sick Leave policy
• Held first-ever Family Day outing at Rye Playland
• Appointed COBA Chaplain
• Relocated Membership Meetings to Queens
• Sem birthday cards to Correction Officers
Appointed Borough Trustees for CanA to assist Correction Officers
• Sent holiday cards to Correction Officers
who art: hospitalized or arrested
• Supported facility holiday events
• Created a twenty-four-hour hortine for Correction Officers
• Pushed for the issuance of a new Dircctrve allowing Correction
• Provided Delegates with pagers
Officers to wear their COBA pins on their uniforms
• Increased number of Delegates
• Sent Delegates to labor cusses at John Jay College
• Put Executive Board Members on call twenty-four hours a day to
handle emergencies
• Established monthly labor-management meetings with the
• Reduced the number of suspensions and terminations
• Provided Pension Seminars
• Provided Retiree Seminars
• \Vorked successfully to raise the requirements for Correction
• Provided Delegate Seminars
Officer candidates so as 10 maintain parity with the NYI'D
• Established the first-ever COBA Mayoral Debate
• Fought successfully for the hiring of more than 3500 additional
Correction Officers
• Hired more efficient fund administrator
• Negotiated best contracts
• Offered Correction Officers free checking, direct deposit, and low-
• Distributed contract booklets
rare credit cards at the Bank of New York and at Fleet Balik
• Hired a full-time. paid grievance staff
• Created a conA website
• Increased life Insurance from $50,000 to S100,000 for Correction
• Issued the First Annual COBA Hunks and Honeys Calendars and
Kids of Correction Calendars
• Increased life Insurance for Correction Officers' spouses and chil-
• Offered optional life insurance
• Issued courtesy cards, calendar books and bumper SLickers
• Acknowledged domestic partners

Gave awards to Correction Officers year-round
Sent First Disaster Relief Team 10 Haiti and Puerto Rico
• Held First Cornedy/Talcnr Night ever
• For first time, successfully suggested the renaming of a Department
building after a living Correction Officer (Samuel Perry Control
• For first time ever, gave scholarship awards to single-parent
Correcdon Officers attending college
• For first time ever, aired advertisements supporting Correction
Officers on radio stations throughout the all'
• PUT up billboard supporting Correction officers tor first time ever
• Adopted a mile of highway on behalf of COBA for first time ever Retired New York City
• For first lime ever, helped form and participate ill statewide organi- Correc tion Officer
zat ion of Correcrio n Officers (I) nited Correction Officers Coalition) Ke vin J. Green
• Hired first full-time public relations officer in CODA history (above & below)
• Installed ATM on Rikcrs Island for first time ever



COllA congratulates the winners
of the 16th Commissioner's Softball
Tournament. held at Cunningham Park
in Fresh Meadows on October 5:

First Place
Brooklyn Detention Complex #1
Second Place
I'lltrd 1'1 ace
BllKC -It's Like a dream.." Retired New York City Correction Officer
Kevin J. Green told COBA NEWS. "Retirement is one long vacation
that never ends. \Vhe JI I wake up in th e morning, if it's ra ining, I turn
IN MEMORIAM over and go back to sleep. I am blessed.
-I have no time clock, no work-related phone calls, no boss,
The (allowing active and retired Correct ion Officers have passed
110 stress and no worry," said Mr. Green. whose last post was ARDe.
away: "I'm so happy that I'm young, in good health, and retired."
Mr. Green, who retired on April 2. 2002 at age 49, noted rhar
ACTIVE CO RRECfIO N OFFICERS "the great raises in contracts negotiated under the leadership of
COBA President Norman Seabrook have enabled me to buy and then
Fleming, Gary October 19, 2002 BkDC
sell six houses in 20 years: He now lives mortgage free and has paid
off his car and all his credit cards. The $2500 hundred
Taylor, Jeffrey October 27. 2002 HQ dollar-a-mouth pension he receives, also determined by contracts
negotiated by COBA and COBA-spollsored legislation, is more than
RETIRED CORRECnON OFF I C E I~ S adequate to pay all his expenses.
His new life allows him, he said, "to travel, to save, and to
McEvilJey, LOrenzo August 27> 2002 MnHDM carry the Gospel." He spends milch of his time holding meetings in
various churches and believes that "God sent Norman Seabrook to
Alston, Russell August 30, 2002 AMKC lead us. He's doing a fine job and is the most intelligent leader we've
ever had.
Gibson, Marvin August 31, 2002 BBKC -As a result of his superb leadership, I'll always be pan of the
union," Mr. Green said. "If he wants to use me for anything, l'JJ be
Negliaccio, Richard September 12, 2002 AMKC ready. 1 see how hard he's working and how hard he's fighting for lIS.
He gives us l l O percent:
D'EJJa. Dominic September 16,2002 HOM Next month, Mr. Green will receive his first VSF payment, of
S9.500. The annual payments are scheduled to rise to S12,000 per
Fcrgerson, William October 21, 2002 HDM officer by 2007. 111<; Seabrook Administration negotiated the pay-
rnenrs, which had previously been received only by retired Police
Officers and Fire Fighters.
"The Fleming family requests that ill lieu of flowers, monetary
Calling CORA "the very best union in the city,"Mr.Green said
donations be sent to the CORA Widows and Children's Fund, 335
he always goes to monthly meetings to lend his support to his
Broadway, Fifth Floor, New York, NY 10013.
favorite union. COBA thanks him for his hard work and his loyalty

Members March
Proudly in
Columbus Day Parade
The salary schedule for Correction Officers hired on
or after July l , 1997 has been improved.
Effective November 1. 2002, the fourth, tiftb and sixth
steps of the salary schedule will be increased as follows:

Present 11/01/02

Fourth Grade 534,614 $38,541

Fifth Grade 532.660 536,729
Sixth Grade $30,692 534,514

Sixth Grade is equal to starting salary, Fifth Grade is

equal to completion of one year and Fourth Grade (0 cornple-
tion of rwo years.

Longevity increases will also go into effect November

1, <IS follows:

Present 11/01/02

After S Years
After 10 Years
After I; Years
After 20 Years

"If you have children, you need a
If a New York City
ped iarrician.
Correction Officer rerlres in
'If you have heart problems, you
New York State. he or she will be
need a cardiologist.
taxed on the Federal level, but
"If yon have hand problems. ),OU
not on the state and local level.
need a hand surgery
If the retiree moves to another
state he may or may no! be
taxed depending on rhc STate
And the services of these and many
and various other circum-
more specialists are free. through
STances. There are a number of
COBA and its new medical service. Continuum Health Partners.
states that have no state income
Available through COBA and Continuum are physicians and
tax so that the member who
medical services providing not only comprehensive primary care but
moves there will nor pay such a
distinguished care in such medical specialties as cardiology, dcrrnarol-
tax 011 th eir pension.
ogy, endocrinology, Em, gastroenterology, infectious diseases, internal
If a member retires and
medicine. nephrology. neurology, OD/G'YN. occupational medicine,
moves to one of the following
oncology. opthamology. orthopedics, physical therapy. psychiatry. pul-
states the)' will not par state
monary disease, urology. radiology, hand surgery and emergency care.
income tax on their pension: Alaska, Connect ic lit, Florida, Nevada,
For this additional service there is no additional cost to you
New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas. Washington.
orher than your original co-payment that is required for GH[ or your
corresponding health coverage plan, W"hat this means is that if your
In the following states, Correction Officers must pay state
co-payment is S10, all )'011 pay is S10.
income tax on the full amount of t heir pension: Alabama, Arizona,
Neither CORA nor Continuum is rrying to replace your pri-
Arkansas, California, Delaware. Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
mary care physician. Continuum is provided as an alternative service
Louisiana, Maine, Maryland. Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota,
so that you and your farnilv may gain access to specialized medical
Missouri. Nebraska. New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio. Oklahoma,
experts at Beth Israel, St. Luke's Roosevelt. Long Island College
Oregon, South Carolina. Utah, Vermont. Virginia. West Virginia.
Hospital and NY Eye & Ear Infirmary, to name a few.
Hawaii. Illinois and Pennsylvania have srate income taxes,
II would be greatly in your in teres I to select a specialist physlclan
but there is no taxation Oil any retirement payments or pensions of
to help you when the need arises, tn addluon 10 the physicians provided
ally kind.
automatically by Conllnuum.
Before moving. you Should consult with your tax advisor to
Por more information on this Conrinuum sen-icc, feel free to call
see how your personal financial situation will be affected by the fore-
the dedlcated telepbonc line that Continuum has set up for Correction
going and to see if the particular state to which yon intend to move
Officers and their famttlcs. The number Is toll free 877-420-4209.
has changed its tax laws.
YOIl are also invited to visit our website at
and access the Continuum link through the C013A web site's "Links"
President's Message Continued from Page J section (available on the first drop-down menu on the COBA web site
home page.)
I urge you to stop thinking about yourself and Start thinking
about your family and loved ones. As this Holiday Season comes
upon us, we would all like the benefit of sharing good times with
our families and friends. How do you tell a seven-year-old child that AFRICAN-AMERICAN CORRECTION
their mother or father is not coming home anymore, that his or her
parent has passed away as a result of a sudden heart attack that RETIREES ANNOUNCE CHRISTMAS
could have been avoided by a simple phone call to a cardiologist or
another experienced physician. We can no longer allow ourselves to
be selfish and disingenuous to our family and friends.
The African-American Correction Retirees Association
When we leave here. we leave behind a trail of sad faces. we
announced that rhey will hold their Annual Christmas Celebration
leave behind a child. a friend. a mother or someone: who says all you
and Reunion from 9 pm. to I a m, on Friday. December 20,2002 at
had to do was go to the donor and get a check-lip. What are you
SL Therese Hall, Knights of Columbus, 825 w. Merrick Road, VaJley
waiting for? Stop procrastlnaring and stan to take care of your
Stream. NY. Tickets to the celebration, which will feature a buffet, a
health. Don't worry about the baseball games, the basketball games,
rolling bar and a OJ, are S50 per person. For more information, con-
or putting off for tomorrow what you can do today. Baseball and
tact Henry Ellison at 718-529·5064 or Mary Nance at 516-22}-2653.
basketball are st ill going to be lwre when you're gone and SO is this
The Association also announced that they will sponsor a Bus
job. What are you waiting fOr?
Ride TO Caesar's Hotel Casino in Atlantic City from Feb rua ry 1O·l2,
1 urge you to seek annual medical checkups. It costs you noth-
2003 (three days and two nights) for $150 per person. room and
ing, since your insurance covers it. If not for yourself, do it (or your
transporratiou included. The bus will depart from Kermit Drewery
family, Call Continuum Health Care toll free at 877-42D-4209. Call
Hall in St. Albans at 1 p.m, February 10. For more information call
Continuum, get a designated specialist physician for yourself and
Westell Armstead at 718-297-1280 or Henry Ellisoo at 718-529·5064.
your family, and begin to take care of yourself.

Contribute to the C013A Widows and Children's Fund and honor the Correction Officers who served during and after the
World Trade Center disaster by buying as many 2002 COllA Cards as you can . All proceeds from the sale are earmarked for
the COilA Widows and Children's Fund. The cost is 51 per card. Orders should include additional funds to cover postage:
37 cents for one to three cards, 78 cents for four to ten cards. and S1.56 fur eleven to twenty cards.

Make checks payable to COBAWidows and Children's Fund, 33;

Broadway, 5th Floor, New York. NY 10013 (212) 274-8000.

(pictured in the upper right o n the Year 2002 COilA Cards is New
York City Correction Officer Robert Martin at Ground Zero wearing his
volunteer fire fighter gcar.)

Please complete coupon below:

Name: Please send me COBA Cards

Address: $ for II Cards
Add ress: $ for Postage
City: _ $ Tota I enclosed
State: _ Correction Officers' Benevolent Association
Zip: Contact Elizabeth Castro (212) 274-8000


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