Deliverance Demonology

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Ifechukwu U. Ibeme
IIechukwu Ubakanma. Ibeme, MB.BS.
(University oI Nigeria), Dip. Th. (SFATC,
Wusasa, Zaria), has been a Medical Practitioner
since 1985, and an ordained Minister since 1993.
Starting as a committed believer in 1984 and a licensed lay
preacher Irom 1985, he has been involved in pastoral work, church
planting, bible teaching, ministers` training, and preaching in the
Lord`s vineyard, across church denominations. He has written
books and materials published in print and on the internet at his
Iree resource websites. His desire is Ior all Christians to be
thoroughly scriptural in their Iaith and liIe, and Ior the hearts oI all
to be wholly turned aIter God. He is married to Ogochukwu, and
they are blessed with Iour children - Davidson, Victor, Shirley and
On what do you base your belieIs about the operations oI
demons? On deluded testimonies oI delivered brethren? On
deceptive maniIestations during deliverances? On superstitious
belieIs, or on presumed interpretations oI omens and experiences?
DELIJERANCE AND DEMONOLOGY sets out to show what the
inIallible, inspired Scripture has plainly revealed about the nature,
state and operations oI the devil and his demonic hordes.
Do you want a biblical understanding oI the strongholds
and limitations oI Satan? Do you seek to discover how to
eIIectively deal with and triumph over the agents and powers oI
darkness through Christ? Then, this book is what you need. Your
liIe and Iaith will never be the same again!
As you receive the biblical truth in this book, you
receive your total freedom from every yoke in the Name of
1esus. Amen.

Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 2
PrscAqua Pubshng lSBN: 978-36090-
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 3
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 4
VenerabIe Dr. Ifechukwu. U. Ibeme
PrscAqua Christian Resource Centre

PrscAqua Pubshng
PrscAqua Christian Resource Centre
Maiduguri, Nigeria
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 5
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 6
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 7
Deliverance and Demonologv
ISBN: 978-36090-2-5
PrscAqua Christian Resource Centre
PrscAqua Pubshng
Songhai Road
P. O. Box 18
Maiduguri, Nigeria
234 (0) 802 358 9315
Ths book contans matera protected under
Internatona and Federa Copyrght Laws and
Treates. Any unauthorzed reprnt or use of
ths matera s prohbted. No part of ths
book may be reproduced or transmtted n
any form or by any means, eectronc or
mechanca, ncudng photocopyng,
recordng, or by any nformaton storage and
retreva system wthout express wrtten
permsson from the author/pubsher.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 8
What s Deverance? 12
What s Demonoogy?
We Are In the Last Days 71
A. The Defement of Sn 72
B. The Error of Aternatve Anchors
C. The Menace of Geneaogca
Curses/Covenants 79
D. The Bondage of Demon Possesson 80
E. The Yoke of Dsspaton and Addcton
F. The Debtaton of Affctons 81
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 9
Charsmata and Character
Forms of Deverance
Hepfu Steps n Persona Deverance
Hepfu Steps n Mnsterng Deverance
Doxoogy 114
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 10
On what do you base your beef about the
operatons of the demons?
Many Chrstans base ther beefs about demons
on occutst experiences they had or what the
demons taught them before they repented or
before they were devered. Aso, many
Chrstans take such confctng and unconfrmed
stores and "testimonies" as credbe nsghts
for knowng how to dea wth demons. This is
the biggest deception in the Church today.
Others base ther beefs about demonc
operatons on the speculations of some
"Deverance Mnsters" derved from
confabulations and hallucinations of demon
possessed persons, even though these are
strange to the Scrpture. St others base ther
beefs about demons on the supersttons of
ther trba or soca cutures. Some beeve n
However, a remnant seeks to study the inspired
Scrpture as the ony source of every necessary
infallible truth, reveaed to be beeved about
the nature, state and operatons of the dev and
hs demonc hordes. Ths s what ths book sets
out to do. For such bbe beevng Chrstans,
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 11
any unbbca concept as mentoned above, s
decepton and deuson (2Thes 2:10-11), human
tradton and phosophy (Co 2:8), error and
gnorance (Matt 22:29), pretentous,
rudmentary and useess (Co 2:18-23), ensavng
and beggary (Ga 4:9).
We must be aware of the atter day exposon of
doctrnes of demons and decetfu sprts, as we
as the predcted maxmum decepton and strong
deuson n tmes such as ths. Better to learn
from our victorious Father and Friend than
strategize by what we learn from our vilest
Nou the Spirit specls expressl, thct in the !"##$% #'($) some
shcll depcrt jrom the jcith, itin heed to *$+$'#,-! ).'%'#),
cnd */+#%'0$) /, *$(/0), :Ti (:: (K1Vzooo)
zTh z:p-:z (K1Vzooo)
(p) Eten him, uhose comin is cjter the uorlin oj Sctcn uith
cll pouer cnd sins cnd lin uonders,
(:o) And uith "!! *$+$.#'/0 oj unrihteousness in them thct
perish, beccuse the receited not the lote oj the truth, thct the
miht be scted.
(::) And jor this ccuse God shcll send them c )#%/01 *$!-)'/0,
thct the should beliete c lie:
(:z) Thct the cll miht be condemned uho belieted not the
truth, but hcd plecsure in unrihteousness.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 12
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 13

Chapter 1
"Deliverance" means "release" from
bondage or "rescue" from danger.
Christian deliverance works through
proclamation of the Word of God not rtuas
or sgns and symbos. Sprtua bondage or
stronghod s a mnd twst. Chrstan
deverance s a mnd repar by makng
known what Chrst has obtaned for
humanty. Though we must be prayerful
and sensitive in all things, yet
Deliverance is actually announced or
"preached to" not administered or
"performed on" those in bondage.
Deliverance does NOT consist in
particular rites, symbols, gestures,
movements and use of material
elements such as oils, water, etc.
Deliverance consists in impartation of
the Truth of God's Word through
proclamation, preaching or declaration
of what Christ's Name offers, by the
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 14
power of the Holy Spirit, to any one who
is in bondage or oppression of the devil.
Lul (::;-z: (ISV)
(:;) the scroll oj the prophet Iscich ucs hcnded to him.
Unrollin the scroll, he jound the plcce uhere it ucs
(:8) "The Spirit oj the Lord is on me, beccuse he hcs
cnointed me to #$!! the ood neus to the poor. He hcs sent
me to "00/-0+$ %$!$")$ to the prisoners cnd recoter oj
siht to the blind, to set oppressed people jree,
(:p) cnd to "00/-0+$ the ecr oj the Lord's jctor."
(zo) Then he rolled up the scroll, cte it bccl to the
cttendcnt, cnd sct doun. The ees oj eterone in the
sncoue uere jixed on him.
(z:) Then he becn to sc to them, "Todc this Scripture
hcs been juljilled in our hecrin."
Both |ews and Gentes are rtua-orented, so
Gods power through preachng s dffcut for
a of us to apprecate. Our mnds need to be
renewed by Gods Word to shift away from
our ordinary mentality into the
mentality of God as reveaed n Hs Word.
Ths s mportant because due to ack of ths
knowedge, many a deverance end up
puttng peope n bondage to what Sant Pau
cas conscience of the idol" (1Cor 8:7). Ths
debtatng and defng mentaty attrbutes
the physical nature to the demons, rather
than the immoral tendencies. We must
however, not be too smpstc about ths.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 15
:Co :::8-z( (K1Vzooo)
2345 6/% #7$ .%$"+7'01 /, #7$ +%/)) ') #/ #7$( #7"#
.$%')7 ,//!')70$))8 9-# -0#/ -) :7/ "%$ )";$* '# ')
#7$ ./:$% /, </*=
(:p) Ior it is uritten, I uill destro the uisdom oj the uise,
cnd uill brin to nothin the understcndin oj the prudent.
(zo) Where is the uise? uhere is the scribe? uhere is the
disputer oj this uorld? hcs not God mcde joolish the
uisdom oj this uorld?
(z:) Ior since in the uisdom oj God the uorld b uisdom
lneu not God, '# .!$")$* </* 9> #7$ ,//!')70$)) /,
.%$"+7'01 #/ )";$ #7$( #7"# 9$!'$;$=
2??5 6/% #7$ @$:) %$A-'%$ " )'10B "0* #7$ <%$$C)
)$$C ",#$% :')*/(D
2?E5 F-# :$ .%$"+7 G7%')# +%-+','$*B -0#/ #7$ @$:)
" )#-(9!'01 9!/+CB "0* -0#/ #7$ <%$$C)
(z() ut unto them uho cre cclled, both 1eus cnd Greels,
Christ the pouer oj God, cnd the uisdom oj God.
:Co 8:-p (K1V)
() Ior thouh there be thct cre cclled ods, uhether in
hecten or in ecrth, (cs there be ods mcn, cnd lords
2H5 F-# #/ -) #7$%$ ') 9-# /0$ </*B #7$ 6"#7$%B /,
:7/( "%$ "!! #7'01)B "0* :$ '0 7'(8 "0* /0$ I/%*
@$)-) G7%')#B 9> :7/( "%$ "!! #7'01)B "0* :$ 9>
(;) Houbeit there is not in eter mcn thct lnoulede: jor
some uith +/0)+'$0+$ /, #7$ '*/! unto this hour ect it cs
c thin ojjered unto cn idol, cnd their conscience bein
:$"C is *$,'!$*.
(8) ut mect commendeth us not to God: jor neither, ij ue
ect, cre ue the better, neither, ij ue ect not, cre ue the
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 16
2J5 F-# #"C$ 7$$* !$)# 9> "0> ($"0) #7') !'9$%#> /,
>/-%) 9$+/($ " )#-(9!'019!/+C #/ #7$( #7"# "%$
Notce that Deverance s by counselling
not by ceremony, a declaration not a
reguaton, by the Word of God not by
symboc rtuas, mainly by instruction not
ony by ntercesson, by word of command
not by beggary compant. Deverance
comes by a change of imagination, change
of knowledge, and change of thought
based on Gods Word, Works and Ways.
One s devered when one s equipped wth
the good news of what Chrst has
accompshed and the oppressng agent or
nstrument evicted wth authortatve
command n the power of the Hoy Sprt.
We are in bondage when our minds
serve as strongholds or fortresses that
harbour, believe, protect, and
propagate the lies and false claims of
the Devil. We are free when we hear,
believe, obey and propagate God's truth
zCo :o:(- (ISV)
(() Ior the uecpons oj our ucrjcre cre not those oj the
jlesh. Instecd, the hcte the pouer oj God to demolish
,/%#%$))$). We tecr doun "%1-($0#)
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 17
() cnd eter proud obstccle thct is rcised ccinst the
C0/:!$*1$ oj God, tclin eter #7/-17# ccptite in
order to obe Christ.
() We cre recd to punish eter cct oj disobedience uhen
our obedience is complete.
1oh 8::- (ISV)
(:) So 1esus scid to those 1eus uho hcd belieted in him,
"Ij ou continue in m uord, ou cre recll m disciples.
2E?5 K0* >/- :'!! C0/: #7$ #%-#7B "0* #7$ #%-#7
:'!! )$# >/- ,%$$=L
=== M====
2EH5 N/ ', #7$ N/0 )$#) >/- ,%$$B >/- :'!! 9$ ,%$$
Deverance s the term commony used
today to refer to both exorcism of demonc
nfuence by the power of the Hoy Sprt and
release of someone from fasehood through
procamaton and acceptance of the truth of
Gods Word. As a matter of fact, at
conversion, every Christian experienced
deliverance from sprtua death and satanc
bondage through Reception of the Gospe,
Repentance from sn and Remission of sn
by Chrst.
Eph z::- (K1Vzooo)
(:) And ou hcs he ("*$ "!';$, uho uere decd in
trespcsses cnd sins:
(z) In uhich in time pcst ou uclled cccordin to the
course oj this uorld, cccordin to the prince oj the pouer oj
the cir, the spirit thct nou uorls in the children oj
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 18
() Amon uhom clso ue cll hcd our behctior in times
pcst in the lusts oj our jlesh, juljillin the desires oj the jlesh
cnd oj the mind, cnd uere b ncture the children oj urcth,
eten cs others.
(() ut God, uho is rich in merc, jor his rect lote uith
uhich he loted us,
() Eten uhen ue uere decd in sins, hcs ("*$ -) "!';$
toether uith Christ, (b rcce ou cre scted,)
() And hcs %"')$* -) -. toether, cnd mcde us sit
toether in hectenl plcces in Christ 1esus:
Col :::z-:( (K1Vzooo)
(:z) Gitin thcnls unto the Icther, uho hcs mcde us jit to
be pcrtclers oj the inheritcnce oj the scints in liht:
(:) Who hcs *$!';$%$* us jrom the pouer oj dcrlness,
cnd hcs #%"0)!"#$* us into the lindom oj his decr Son:
(:() In uhom ue hcte %$*$(.#'/0 throuh his blood,
eten the joriteness oj sins:
Meanwhe, we st have to retan our
deverance through vgant, steadfast
Resistance of the Dev.
1cs (:; (K1Vzooo)
Submit ourseltes therejore to God. P$)')# the detil, cnd
he uill jlee jrom ou.
:Pe :8-p (K1Vzooo)
(8) e sober, be tiilcnt, beccuse our cdterscr the detil,
cs c rocrin lion, uclls cbout, seelin uhom he mc
(p) Whom %$)')# stecdjcst in the jcith, lnouin thct the
scme cjjlictions cre cccomplished in our brethren thct cre
in the uorld.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 19
Exorcism s the evcton (casting out) of
discerned demons from persons or paces
by the power of the Hoy Sprt, wth the word
of authorty commanded n the Name of
|esus Chrst. In the Church today, Exorcsm
has been turned nto a rtua whch t s not.
Without regeneration and faith, based
on God's Word, exorcism and
deliverance or even healing (]ohn 5:14),
are of transient benefit, but truth-based
renewal procures lasting results. From
Chrsts expanaton, mere Exorcsm s very
much practced by occutsts because t
actuay furthers the cause and course of
Satans kngdom, snce t provokes the
evcted demon to work harder towards
greater demonzaton. Deliverance should
not only be from Satan but must also be
unto God.
Mct :z:(-( (K1Vzooo)
(() When the unclecn spirit is one out oj c mcn, he
uclls throuh dr plcces, seelin rest, cnd jinds none.
((() Then he scid, I uill return into m house jrom uhere I
ccme out, cnd uhen he is come, he jinds it empt, suept,
cnd crnished.
(() Then he oes, cnd tcles uith himselj seten other
spirits more uicled thcn himselj, cnd the enter in cnd
duell there: cnd the lcst stcte oj thct mcn is uorse thcn the
jirst. Eten so shcll it be clso unto this uicled enerction.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 20
"Demonology" s the study of, and the
beef n the biblical, eterna truth about
demons and ther actvtes. At ths pont, t s
necessary to cauton that demonology for
Christians must only mean what the
Bible says about demons. Not
supersttons and specuatons about the
sprt word. Not a study or research n
occutsm and parapsychoogy. Never
should it be the testimonies of
delivered brethren - who mistake
delusion for reality. It shoud aways be
the Testmony of the Word of God.
Christians must be careful what they
believe and propagate about demons .
The Gospe (Good News) of Chrst s the
message of deliverance}salvation from
sin, Satan and evil (.e. the Fesh, the Dev
and the Word |as 4:4; 1|n 2:15-16) through
Chrst, for a peope, f they repent and
Act z::8 (ISV)
You uill open their ees cnd turn them jrom dcrlness to
liht cnd jrom Sctcn's control to God, so thct the miht
receite the joriteness oj sins cnd c shcre cmon those
uho cre scnctijied b jcith in me.'
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 21
Gcl :: (ISV)
G7%')# 7") )$# -) ,%$$ )/ #7"# :$ ("> $0Q/> #7$
9$0$,'#) /, ,%$$*/(= So leep on stcndin jirm in it, cnd
stop cttcchin ourseltes to the ole oj slcter ccin.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 22
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 23
Chapter 2
The Creator s perfect and does not need to
attan further worth or funess n Hs Beng
and Reaty nor coud Hs worth be
dmnshed. The Creator cannot be tempted
n choce or be mted n power, God s God:
He cannot be bound n soveregnty or be
corrupted n nature.
God created a thngs good but subject to
change; otherwse the creature woud have
been same as or equa wth the Creator. A
Creaton s good, yet a creaton s made
finite wth the capacty to be improvable
and/or destructible. A intelligent
creatures (Human and Angec) are
probatonary and sub|ect to transformaton
to a fuer or esser worth, after t has been
sub|ected to makng a choce, rght or wrong.
The creaton, anmate or nanmate,
ntegent or brute has capacty to deveop or
degenerate condtonay.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 24
The possibility of evil is therefore a
risky problematic of creation, but the
certainty of glory through Christ is its
ultimate consolation and purpose.
Creation (by the spoken Word) and
Redemption (by the Lvng Word) are risks
God has undertaken in order to bring
the Human Creature to partake in the
Creator's Divine Nature. What ove God
has for humanknd!
zPe ::z-( (K1Vzooo)
(z) Grcce cnd pecce be multiplied unto ou throuh the
lnoulede oj God, cnd oj 1esus our Lord,
() Accordin cs his ditine pouer 7") 1';$0 -0#/ -) "!!
#7'01) thct pertcin unto lije cnd odliness, throuh the
lnoulede oj him uho hcs cclled us to lor cnd tirtue:
2R5 F> :7'+7 "%$ 1';$0 -0#/ -) $S+$$*'01!> 1%$"#
"0* .%$+'/-) .%/(')$)D #7"# 9> #7$)$ >/- ('17# 9$
."%#"C$%) /, #7$ *';'0$ 0"#-%$B 7";'01 $)+".$* #7$
+/%%-.#'/0 #7"# ') '0 #7$ :/%!* #7%/-17 !-)#=
As ntegent creatures, Adam and Eve were
created orgnay n the mage of God,
innocent and free from sn, but aso
responsible to ether make rght choces
(.e. overcome temptatons) before attanng
fuer sprtua power and sprtua frut; or
make wrong choces (.e. yed to temptaton)
eadng to mora reprobaton. Ths
responsibility of humans s doorway to
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 25
perfecton as we as loophole to
Adam and Eve were made n Gods "image"
(.e. having rational, moral, personal and
spiritual capacities, with responsibility
and authority to rule on earth and
eventually through Chrst, aso regn wth
Hm n the millennium Rev 20:6, and
trumph n eternity Rev 22:5). Humantys
probaton n Eden was ther opportunty to
attan funess but t was aso the chance for
other creatures, especay the Dev after hs
fa, to begue them nto run.
Gen z::-:; (ESV)
(:) The LDRD God tool the mcn cnd put him in the
crden oj Eden to uorl it cnd leep it.
(:) And the LDRD God commcnded the mcn, scinB
LT/- ("> )-%$!> $"# /, $;$%> #%$$ /, #7$ 1"%*$0B
23U5 9-# /, #7$ #%$$ /, #7$ C0/:!$*1$ /, 1//* "0*
$;'! >/- )7"!! 0/# $"#B ,/% '0 #7$ *"> #7"# >/- $"# /,
'# >/- )7"!! )-%$!> *'$=L
Notwthstandng, humanty dd not ose ther
poston as God's caretakers wth power to
subdue and authority to domnate the
natura, created word caed "the Earth
and the fullness thereof". The probem s
that the Dev has decetfuy crept in as an
illegal occupant - a squatter! - aong wth
hs immoral products, property and patterns
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 26
caed "the world and the things of the
world". Humanknd shoud not be confused
about ther God-gven poston nor be
corrupted by these wordy nnovatons of
Satan, but rather be focused on peasng
God. As Gods mage and agents we shoud
aways choose good (fath, ove, truth and
honess) and aways reject evil (unbeef,
hatred, fasehood and usts). Ths s the
reasonabe way for humans to keep
themseves n union with and
pleasing}acceptable to God, and thereby
reman above a natura creation of God
and ev innovations of Satan.
Rom :z::-z (ISV)
(:) I therejore ure ou, brothers, in tieu oj God's mercies,
to ojjer our bodies cs litin sccrijices thct cre hol cnd
.!$")'01 #/ </*, jor this is the %$")/0"9!$ :"> jor ou
to uorship.
(z) Do not be conjormed to this uorld, but continucll be
trcnsjormed b the %$0$:'01 /, >/-% ('0*) so thct ou
mc be cble to determine uhct God's uill is-uhct is
proper, .!$")'01, cnd perject.
If humans ve outsde Chrst n dsobedence
to God, they sub|ect themseves to Gods
wrath and (accordng to Gods Word) ose
ther brthrght to become sub|ect to the
Eph z::- (ISV)
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 27
(:) You used to be decd beccuse oj our ojjenses cnd sins,
2?5 '0 :7'+7 >/- /0+$ !';$* "++/%*'01 #/ #7$ :">)
/, #7') .%$)$0# :/%!* "0* "++/%*'01 #/ #7$ %-!$% /,
#7$ ./:$% /, #7$ "'%B #7$ ).'%'# #7"# ') 0/: "+#';$ '0
#7/)$ :7/ "%$ *')/9$*'$0#=
() Indeed, cll oj us once behcted lile them in the lusts oj
our jlesh, juljillin the desires oj our jlesh cnd senses.
ncture ue deserted urcth, just lile eterone else.
(() ut God, uho is rich in merc, beccuse oj his rect lote
jor us
() eten uhen ue uere decd beccuse oj our ojjenses, mcde
us clite toether uith Christ (b rcce ou hcte been
The "World" has three shades of meanng n the Bbe:
() the terrestrial world .e. The Earth gobe wth ts fauna and
fora, whch are of the Lords handwork (Ps 24:1-2; 37:9-11)
and for the nhertance of the sants (Gen 1:28; Matt 5:5): ths
sha be redeemed from bondage and renewed eventuay (Rom
8:21; 2Pet 3:12-13);
() the human world .e. The Inhabtants of the Socety for
whom Chrst was sent to de and save (|ohn 3:16); and
() the immoral world .e. The Mundane concerns and
ungody vaue systems of ths age whch are of the dev and
sha pass away (1|ohn 2:15-17).
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 28
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 29
Chapter 3
The Fa of Adam and Eve enslaved
Humanty to sn wth the resutant
vunerabty to temptatons and ev. In
Chrst God took up the human nature as the
Second Adam to redeem us from ths
bondage and dsadvantage. As Adam was
our condemnation by hs faure, so Chrst s
now our salvation by Hs vctory.
Rom ::z-:p (ISV)
(:z) Therejore, just cs sin entered the uorld throuh one
mcn, cnd decth throuh sin, so decth sprecd to eterone,
beccuse cll hcte sinned.
(:) Certcinl sin ucs in the uorld bejore the lcu ucs
iten, but no record oj sin is lept uhen there is no lcu.
(:() Netertheless, decth ruled jrom the time oj Adcm to
Moses, eten oter those uho did not sin in the scme uc
Adcm did uhen he disobeed. He is c tpe oj the one uho
uould come.
(:) ut God's jree ijt is not lile Adcm's ojjense. Ior ij
mcn people died cs the result oj one mcn's ojjense, hou
much more hcte God's rcce cnd the jree ijt iten
throuh the lindness oj one mcn, 1esus Christ, been
shouered on mcn peoplel
(:) Nor ccn the jree ijt be compcred to uhct ccme
throuh the mcn uho sinned. Ior the sentence thct
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 30
jolloued one mcn's ojjense brouht condemnction, but the
jree ijt brouht justijicction, eten cjter mcn ojjenses.
(:;) Ior ij, throuh one mcn, decth ruled beccuse oj thct
mcn's ojjense, hou much more uill those uho receite such
oterjlouin rcce cnd the ijt oj rihteousness rule in lije
beccuse oj one mcn, 1esus Christl
2345 G/0)$A-$0#!>B Q-)# ") /0$ /,,$0)$ %$)-!#$* '0
+/0*$(0"#'/0 ,/% $;$%>/0$B )/ /0$ "+# /,
%'17#$/-)0$)) %$)-!#) '0 Q-)#','+"#'/0 "0* !',$ ,/%
23J5 6/% Q-)# ") #7%/-17 /0$ ("0V) *')/9$*'$0+$
("0> .$/.!$ :$%$ ("*$ )'00$%)B )/ "!)/ #7%/-17
/0$ ("0V) /9$*'$0+$ ("0> .$/.!$ :'!! 9$ ("*$
Man's bondage began by doubting God
and believing the Devil (Gen 3:1-7).
Man's freedom could only be solved by
believing God and doubting Satan and
all. Man's bondage began with Adam
who thitherto knew no sin but fell into
sin when tempted. Man's freedom must
begin with Christ who, alone ever since,
knew no sin (2Cor 5:21; Heb 4:15) and
did not fall into sin when tempted. We
take part in Adam's bondage when we
are born to be like him; we take part in
Christ's freedom when we believe and
are born again to be like Him.
:Pe z:z:-z (ISV)
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 31
(z:) This is, in jcct, uhct ou uere cclled to do, beccuse
Christ clso sujjered jor ou cnd lejt cn excmple jor ou to
jollou in his steps.
2??5 LW$ 0$;$% +/(('##$* " )'0B "0* 0/ *$+$'# :")
,/-0* '0 7') (/-#7=L
(z) When he ucs insulted, he did not retclicte. When he
sujjered, he did not threcten but mcde it his hcbit to
commit the mctter to the one uho judes jcirl.
(z() He himselj bore our sins in his bod on the tree, so
thct ue miht die to those sins cnd lite jor rihteousness.
his uounds ou hcte been hecled.
(z) Ior ou uere lile sheep thct lept oin cstrc, but
nou ou hcte returned to the Shepherd cnd Dterseer oj
our souls.
:1n :(-:o (ISV)
(() Eterone uho leeps litin in sin clso prcctices
disobedience. In jcct, sin is disobedience.
2X5 T/- C0/: #7"# 7$ :") %$;$"!$* #/ #"C$ ":">
)'0)B "0* #7$%$ ') 0/# "0> )'0 '0 7'(=
() No one uho remcins in him oes on sinnin. The one
uho oes on sinnin hcsn't seen him or lnoun him.
(;) Little children, don't let cnone deceite ou. The person
uho prcctices rihteousness is rihteous, just cs he is
(8) The person uho prcctices sin belons to the etil one,
beccuse the detil hcs been sinnin since the beinnin. The
recson thct the Son oj God ucs retecled ucs to destro the
uorls oj the detil.
(p) No one uho hcs been born jrom God prcctices sin,
beccuse God's seed cbides in him. Indeed, he ccnnot o on
sinnin, beccuse he hcs been born jrom God.
(:o) This is hou God's children cnd the detil's children cre
distinuished. No person uho jcils to prcctice
rihteousness cnd to lote his brother is jrom God.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 32
Through His life, |esus has won back for
humanty, ther ost vctory over sn and
:Pe z:z:-z (ISV)
(z:) This is, in jcct, uhct ou uere cclled to do, beccuse
Christ clso sujjered jor ou cnd lejt cn excmple jor ou to
jollou in his steps.
2??5 LW$ 0$;$% +/(('##$* " )'0B "0* 0/ *$+$'# :")
,/-0* '0 7') (/-#7=L
(z) When he ucs insulted, he did not retclicte. When he
sujjered, he did not threcten but mcde it his hcbit to
commit the mctter to the one uho judes jcirl.
2?R5 W$ 7'()$!, 9/%$ /-% )'0) '0 7') 9/*> /0 #7$
#%$$B )/ #7"# :$ ('17# *'$ #/ #7/)$ )'0) "0* !';$ ,/%
%'17#$/-)0$))= F> 7') :/-0*) >/- 7";$ 9$$0
(z) Ior ou uere lile sheep thct lept oin cstrc, but
nou ou hcte returned to the Shepherd cnd Dterseer oj
our souls.
By His death, Chrst made atonement for
the sns of a humanty, whosoever beeves.
In His resurrection, He secured the ony
hope of eternty for a who are saved
through fath n Hs Name.
Rom :-:o (ISV)
() Ior ct just the riht time, uhile ue uere still pouerless,
Christ died jor the unodl.
(;) Ior it is rcre jor cnone to die jor c rihteous person,
thouh somebod miht be brcte enouh to die jor c ood
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 33
(8) ut God demonstrctes his lote jor us b the jcct thct
Christ died jor us uhile ue uere still sinners.
(p) Nou thct ue hcte been justijied b his blood, hou
much more uill ue be scted jrom urcth throuh himl
23Y5 6/% ',B :7'!$ :$ :$%$ $0$('$)B :$ :$%$
%$+/0+'!$* #/ </* #7%/-17 #7$ *$"#7 /, 7') N/0B
7/: (-+7 (/%$B 7";'01 9$$0 %$+/0+'!$*B :'!! :$
9$ )";$* 9> 7') !',$O
Apart from Christ, humanity has no
other guaranteed, adequate and
legitimate escape from damnation,
whatever they may do, mentally,
morally or religiously. Idoatry and
phosophy at ther best have been mere
groping n the dark.
Act :o:(o-( (K1Vzooo)
((o) Him God rcised up the third dc, cnd shoued him
((:) Not to cll the people, but unto uitnesses chosen bejore
oj God, eten to us, uho did ect cnd drinl uith him cjter he
rose jrom the decd.
2R?5 K0* 7$ +/(("0*$* -) #/ .%$"+7 -0#/ #7$
.$/.!$B "0* #/ #$)#',> #7"# '# ') 7$ :7/ :")
/%*"'0$* /, </* #/ 9$ #7$ @-*1$ /, #7$ !';'01 "0*
2RE5 Z/ 7'( 1';$ "!! #7$ .%/.7$#) :'#0$))B #7"#
#7%/-17 7') 0"($ :7/)/$;$% 9$!'$;$) '0 7'( )7"!!
%$+$';$ %$('))'/0 /, )'0)=
Act :;:z(-: (MSG)
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 34
(z() "The God uho mcde the uorld cnd eterthin in it,
this Mcster oj sl cnd lcnd, doesn't lite in custom-mcde
(z) or need the humcn rcce to run errcnds jor him, cs ij
he couldn't tcle ccre oj himselj. He mcles the crectures,
the crectures don't mcle him.
(z) Stcrtin jrom scrctch, he mcde the entire humcn rcce
cnd mcde the ecrth hospitcble, uith plent oj time cnd
spcce jor litin
2?U5 )/ :$ +/-!* )$$C ",#$% </*B "0* 0/# Q-)# 1%/.$
"%/-0* '0 #7$ *"%C 9-# "+#-"!!> ,'0* 7'(= W$
*/$)0V# .!"> 7'*$["0*[)$$C :'#7 -)= W$V) 0/#
%$(/#$8 7$V) 0$"%=
(z8) We lite cnd mote in him, ccn't et cuc jrom himl
Dne oj our poets scid it uell: 'We're the God-crected.'
(zp) Well, ij ue cre the God-crected, it doesn't mcle c lot
oj sense to thinl ue could hire c sculptor to chisel c od out
oj stone jor us, does it?
(o) "God oterlools it cs lon cs ou don't lnou cn
better--but thct time is pcst. The unlnoun is nou lnoun,
cnd he's ccllin jor c rcdiccl lije-chcne.
2E35 W$ 7") )$# " *"> :7$0 #7$ $0#'%$ 7-("0 %"+$
:'!! 9$ Q-*1$* "0* $;$%>#7'01 )$# %'17#= K0* 7$ 7")
"!%$"*> "../'0#$* #7$ Q-*1$B +/0,'%('01 7'(
9$,/%$ $;$%>/0$ 9> %"')'01 7'( ,%/( #7$ *$"*=L
Even the tutorial guardianship through the
Od Testament Law and the Prophets coud
best brng someone so far nto the shadow of
mere preparatory regon.
Gcl :zz-z8 (ISV)
(zz) ut the Scripture hcs put eterthin under the pouer
oj sin, so thct uhct ucs promised b the jcithjulness oj
Christ miht be iten to those uho beliete.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 35
2?E5 \/: 9$,/%$ #7') ,"'#7 +"($B :$ :$%$ 7$!* '0
+-)#/*> "0* +"%$,-!!> 1-"%*$* -0*$% #7$ !": '0
.%$."%"#'/0 ,/% #7$ ,"'#7 #7"# :") #/ 9$ %$;$"!$*=
2?R5 K0* )/ #7$ !": :") /-% 1-"%*'"0 -0#'! G7%')#
+"($B )/ #7"# :$ ('17# 9$ Q-)#','$* 9> ,"'#7=
(z) ut nou thct this jcith hcs come, ue cre no loner
under the control oj c ucrdicn.
(z) Ior cll oj ou cre God's children throuh jcith in
Christ 1esus.
(z;) Indeed, cll oj ou uho uere bcptized into Christ hcte
clothed ourseltes uith Christ.
(z8) A person is no loner c 1eu or c Greel, c slcte or c
jree person, c mcle or c jemcle, beccuse cll oj ou cre one
in Christ 1esus.
None of these gropings or preparations
could eternally deliver or save
Humanity without Christ. Ths s the whoe
reveaton n the whoe of the Scrptures. Ths
s the Gospe (Good News) of Chrst unto
savaton for a. |esus Hmsef put t ths
1oh ::-:8 (ISV)
23E5 L\/ /0$ 7") 1/0$ -. #/ 7$";$0 $S+$.# #7$ /0$
:7/ +"($ */:0 ,%/( 7$";$0B #7$ N/0 /, ]"0 :7/
') '0 7$";$0=
(:() 1ust cs Moses lijted up the serpent in the uilderness,
so must the Son oj Mcn be lijted up,
(:) so thct eterone uho belietes in him mc hcte eterncl
(:) "Ior this is hou God loted the uorld: He cte his
unique Son so thct eterone uho belietes in him miht not
perish but hcte eterncl lije.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 36
(:;) Ior God sent the Son into the uorld, not to condemn
the uorld, but thct the uorld miht be scted throuh him.
2345 ^7/$;$% 9$!'$;$) '0 7'( ') 0/# +/0*$(0$*B
9-# :7/$;$% */$) 0/# 9$!'$;$ 7") "!%$"*> 9$$0
+/0*$(0$*B 9$+"-)$ 7$ 7") 0/# 9$!'$;$* '0 #7$
0"($ /, </*V) -0'A-$ N/0=
NOTE: The Od Testament beevers (Adam, |ob,
Moses, Davd, E|ah, Dane, |oshua the Hgh Prest,
|ohn the Baptst, etc) had authority as elect
servants, over the earth and ts funess but no
authority as sons, over the nvadng dev and
demons. They depended on the sonshp authorty of
the Anges (|ob 1:6-8; Dan 10:13; Zech 3:1-3; |ude 9;
Acts 7:35; Heb 3:2-6). The New Testament beevers,
however are greater (Lk 7:28), havng authority
both as elect servants and begotten}adopted
sons, gven to them by Chrst and n Chrst over a
the powers of the enemy. Wth ths sonshp authorty
n Chrst, Chrstans bnd and cast demons wth the
procamed Word (Matt 16:19; 18:18; Lk 9:1; 10:19;
|ohn 1:12).
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 37
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 38
Chapter 4
God created Eve ast and decared that the
whoe creaton at that tme, ncudng ALL
the Anges, "was very good" (Gen 1:31). It
seems the Dev (or some of hs terrtora
prncpaty demons) was then a perfecty
adorned Edenc Cherub before he fe nto
sin of pride. He fet he was too good a
super-creature to serve humanty; he woud
rather rue and be served.
:Ti : (ESV)
He must not be c recent contert, or he mc become .-,,$*
-. :'#7 +/0+$'# cnd jcll into the +/0*$(0"#'/0 /, #7$
Pride led Satan into rebellion (together
with all his demons) and so he was
condemned and demoted from heaven by
God, as reveaed to the Prophets Isaah and
Ezeke n smary re-enacted rony aganst
the prncpates of Babyon and Tyre
respectvey (Chrst used same rony for
Capernaum Lk 10:14-15):
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 39
Isc :(::z-: (ESV)
(:z) "Hou ou cre jcllen jrom hecten, _ `"> N#"%B )/0
/, `":0O Hou ou cre cut doun to the round, ou uho
lcid the nctions loul
23E5 T/- )"'* '0 >/-% 7$"%#B Va :'!! ")+$0* #/
7$";$08 "9/;$ #7$ )#"%) /, </* a :'!! )$# (> #7%/0$
/0 7'178 a :'!! )'# /0 #7$ (/-0# /, "))$(9!> '0 #7$
,"% %$"+7$) /, #7$ 0/%#78
23R5 a :'!! ")+$0* "9/;$ #7$ 7$'17#) /, #7$ +!/-*)8 a
:'!! ("C$ (>)$!, !'C$ #7$ ]/)# W'17=V
(:) ut ou cre brouht doun to Sheol, to the jcr recches
oj the pit.
Eze z8:::-:p (ESV)
(::) Moreoter, the uord oj the LDRD ccme to me:
(:z) "Son oj mcn, rcise c lcmentction oter the lin oj
Tre, cnd sc to him, Thus scs the Lord GDD: "You uere
the sinet oj perjection, jull oj uisdom cnd perject in
23E5 T/- :$%$ '0 b*$0B #7$ 1"%*$0 /, </*8 $;$%>
.%$+'/-) )#/0$ :") >/-% +/;$%'01B scrdius, topcz, cnd
dicmond, berl, onx, cnd jcsper, scpphire, emercld, cnd
ccrbuncle, cnd crcjted in old uere our settins cnd our
enrctins. Dn the dc thct ou uere crected the uere
23R5 T/- :$%$ "0 "0/'0#$* 1-"%*'"0 +7$%-9= a
.!"+$* >/-8 >/- :$%$ /0 #7$ 7/!> (/-0#"'0 /, </*8
'0 #7$ ('*)# /, #7$ )#/0$) /, ,'%$ >/- :"!C$*=
23X5 T/- :$%$ 9!"($!$)) '0 >/-% :">) ,%/( #7$
*"> >/- :$%$ +%$"#$*B #'!! -0%'17#$/-)0$)) :")
,/-0* '0 >/-=
23H5 a0 #7$ "9-0*"0+$ /, >/-% #%"*$ >/- :$%$
,'!!$* :'#7 ;'/!$0+$ '0 >/-% ('*)#B "0* >/- )'00$*8
)/ a +")# >/- ") " .%/,"0$ #7'01 ,%/( #7$ (/-0#"'0
/, </*B "0* a *$)#%/>$* >/-B _ 1-"%*'"0 +7$%-9B
,%/( #7$ ('*)# /, #7$ )#/0$) /, ,'%$=
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 40
23U5 T/-% 7$"%# :") .%/-* 9$+"-)$ /, >/-% 9$"-#>8
>/- +/%%-.#$* >/-% :')*/( ,/% #7$ )"C$ /, >/-%
).!$0*/%= a +")# >/- #/ #7$ 1%/-0*8 a $S./)$* >/-
9$,/%$ C'01)B #/ ,$")# #7$'% $>$) /0 >/-=
(:8) the multitude oj our iniquities, in the
unrihteousness oj our trcde ou projcned our
scnctucries, so I brouht jire out jrom our midst, it
consumed ou, cnd I turned ou to cshes on the ecrth in the
siht oj cll uho scu ou.
(:p) All uho lnou ou cmon the peoples cre cppclled ct
ou, ou hcte come to c drecdjul end cnd shcll be no more
Peter the Aposte and |ude the brother of the
Lord auded to the fa of rebeous anges n
the prmeva tme (2Pet 2:4; |ude 6). From
all these allusions and recurrent re-
enactments in Scripture, we could
deduce that Satan (like his demons) fell
after the creation of Eve. Beng drven
from God and pursuant to hs rebeon, he
moved to recrut or run humanty by
begung Adam and Eve so they woud
doubt and disobey God. The begung dea
was to seek advantage or advancement
through transgression. What a faacy,
that divinity is attained by combining
good and evil! Ths n turn ed to Adam and
Eve, wth a ther descendants, beng put
under dvne |udgement of banshment,
hardshp and death:
Gen ::-8 (ESV)
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 41
(:) Nou the serpent ucs more crcjt thcn cn other becst
oj the jield thct the LDRD God hcd mcde. He scid to the
uomcn, "Did God cctucll sc, 'You shcll not ect oj cn
tree in the crden'?"
(z) And the uomcn scid to the serpent, "We mc ect oj the
jruit oj the trees in the crden,
() but God scid, 'You shcll not ect oj the jruit oj the tree
thct is in the midst oj the crden, neither shcll ou touch it,
lest ou die.'"
(() ut the serpent scid to the uomcn, "You uill not surel
2X5 6/% </* C0/:) #7"# :7$0 >/- $"# /, '# >/-%
$>$) :'!! 9$ /.$0$*B "0* >/- :'!! 9$ !'C$ </*B
C0/:'01 1//* "0* $;'!=L
() So uhen the uomcn scu thct the tree ucs ood jor
jood, cnd thct it ucs c deliht to the ees, cnd thct the tree
ucs to be desired to mcle one uise, she tool oj its jruit cnd
cte, cnd she clso cte some to her husbcnd uho ucs uith
her, cnd he cte.
(;) Then the ees oj both uere opened, cnd the lneu thct
the uere ncled. And the seued ji lectes toether cnd
mcde themseltes loincloths.
(8) And the hecrd the sound oj the LDRD God ucllin in
the crden in the cool oj the dc, cnd the mcn cnd his uije
hid themseltes jrom the presence oj the LDRD God cmon
the trees oj the crden.
Today humankind still remains under
the sway of the tendency to doubt and
disobey God and the illusion to think
that advantage is best gained through
falsehood, or that greater worth
demands capacity for evil, contrary to
God's Word (Rom 3:23; Gal 3:22). Ths
depravty s as original as wth Adam and
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 42
Eve (Rom 5:12) as we as inborn n a
humans (Psa 51:5; Rom 3:9). Ths Flesh
Nature can ony be counteracted by
beevers n Chrst who wak n the Sprt.
Gcl ::-:; (ISV)
23H5 N/ a )">B !';$ 9> #7$ N.'%'#B "0* >/- :'!! 0$;$%
,-!,'!! #7$ *$)'%$) /, #7$ ,!$)7=
(:;) Ior uhct the jlesh ucnts is opposed to the Spirit, cnd
uhct the Spirit ucnts is opposed to the jlesh. The cre
opposed to ecch other, cnd so ou do not do uhct ou ucnt
to do.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 43
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 44
Chapter 5
The word "satan" orgnay meant "enemy"
or "adversary". It was used for any enemy,
human or sprtua. When t s preceded by
the defnte artce t refers specfcay to the
Dev as seen n:
Ret :z:;-:o (ESV)
(;) Nou ucr crose in hecten, Michcel cnd his cnels
jihtin ccinst the drcon. And the *%"1/0 cnd his
cnels jouht bccl,
(8) but he ucs dejected, cnd there ucs no loner cn plcce
jor them in hecten.
(p) And the rect *%"1/0 ucs throun doun, thct cncient
)$%.$0#, uho is cclled the *$;'! cnd N"#"0, the *$+$';$%
oj the uhole uorld--he ucs throun doun to the ecrth, cnd
his cnels uere throun doun uith him.
(:o) And I hecrd c loud toice in hecten, scin, "Nou the
scltction cnd the pouer cnd the lindom oj our God cnd
the cuthorit oj his Christ hcte come, jor the "++-)$% oj
our brothers hcs been throun doun, uho cccuses them dc
cnd niht bejore our God.
Satan means adversary, enemy, ambusher.
The Devil means accuser, sanderer,
The Dragon means wcked monster.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 45
The Serpent refers to the beguer of Adam
and Eve.
Belial means the worthess or wcked (2Cor
Apollyon (Grk) or Abaddon (Heb) mean
destroyer (Rev 9:11).
Beelzebub means the stnger-fy god,
known as the eader of the demons (Matt
12:24). Beelzebul means the stnkng-dung
(fou) god.
"Lucifer" (a misnomer for the Dev snce
the Mdde Ages) means ght-shner. Today,
the Dev s no onger Lucfer as such, except
by dsguse (2Cor 11:14).
Satan s aso tted: the prince of the power
of the air (Eph 2:2) and the prince or god
of this world (|ohn 16:11; 2Cor 4:4).
NOTE that the word "Lucifer" (ght-shner
or phosphorescent) was orgnay, the name
gven to the brghtest panetary star n the
sky (Venus) by Latn astronomers. Ths super
star was acqured by (dedcated to) the
Roman goddess Venus or the Babyonan
goddess Ishtar n ancent tmes. Before
Saint ]erome (Eusebius Hieronymus)
used this word to translate lsa 14:12,
"lucifer" as a word, was never the name
of a god or an angel (good or bad), but
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 46
it was rather a common name answered
by both Christians and pagans. It meant
"brght star", the mae counterpart for Stear
whch means "star" or "dazzng". In fact the
name of the very rgorous Bshop of Cagar
n Sardna (about 350-370 AD) was Bshop
Lucfer Caartanus. A century ater however,
whe transatng the Bbe nto Latn (.e. The
Vugate 405 AD), St. |erome used the word
"ucfer" (.e. ght-shner) to render the word
"brght-star" (Hebrew= heylel) n Isaah
14:12, where t symbosed the "chef
demonc prncpaty" over Babyon before ts
fa. Snce then, from the Mdde Ages, peope
began to refer to Satan as Lucfer.
Satan, as a faen ange, s no onger quafed
to be caed the Brght Anointed Edenc
Cherub (Ezek 28:13), nor Lucifer the Brght
Mornng Star (Isa 14:12). He st fasey
contnues to claim to be the Iumnator and
to disguise hmsef as the Ange of Lght
when he s actuay the ange of darkness:

zCo ::::-: (ISV)
(:) Such people cre jclse cpostles, dishonest uorlers uho
cre mcsquercdin cs cpostles oj Christ.
23R5 K0* 0/ :/0*$%B )'0+$ N"#"0 7'()$!,
(")A-$%"*$) ") "0 "01$! /, !'17#=
(:) So it is not surprisin ij his sertcnts clso mcsquercde
cs sertcnts oj rihteousness. Their doom uill mctch their
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 47
|esus Chrst and Hs Church have now taken
over as the Anonted and the Mornng Stars:
Mct z:z (K1Vzooo) Scin, Where is he thct is born Kin
oj the 1eus? jor :$ 7";$ )$$0 7') )#"% '0 #7$ $")#, cnd
cre come to uorship him.
Lul ::;-;p (K1Vzooo)
(;) And ou, child, shcll be cclled the prophet oj the
Hihest: jor ou shcll o bejore the jcce oj the Lord to
prepcre his ucs,
(;;) To ite lnoulede oj scltction unto his people b the
remission oj their sins,
(;8) Throuh the tender merc oj our God, 9> :7'+7 #7$
*":0 ,%/( /0 7'17 7") ;')'#$* -)B
2UJ5 Z/ 1';$ !'17# #/ #7$( #7"# )'# '0 *"%C0$)) "0*
'0 #7$ )7"*/: /, *$"#7B #/ 1-'*$ /-% ,$$# '0#/ #7$
:"> /, .$"+$=
zPe :::p (K1Vzooo) We hcte clso c more sure uord oj
prophec, to uhich ou do uell thct ou tcle heed, ")
-0#/ " !'17# #7"# )7'0$) '0 " *"%C .!"+$B -0#'! #7$
*"> *":0B "0* #7$ *"> )#"% "%')$ '0 >/-% 7$"%#)D
Ret z:z-zp (K1Vzooo)
(z) And he thct otercomes, cnd leeps m uorls unto the
end, to him uill I ite pouer oter the nctions:
(z;) And he shcll rule them uith c rod oj iron, cs the
tessels oj c potter shcll the be brolen to pieces: eten cs I
receited oj m Icther.
2?45 K0* a :'!! 1';$ 7'( #7$ (/%0'01 )#"%=
(zp) He thct hcs cn ecr, let him hecr uhct the Spirit scs
unto the churches.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 48
Ret zz:: (K1Vzooo) I 1esus hcte sent m cnel to testij
unto ou these thins in the churches. I cm the root cnd the
ojjsprin oj Dctid, cnd #7$ 9%'17# "0* (/%0'01 )#"%=
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 49
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 50
Chapter 6
Gen ::z;-: (K1Vzooo)
2?U5 N/ </* +%$"#$* ("0 '0 7') /:0 '("1$B '0 #7$
'("1$ /, </* +%$"#$* 7$ 7'(8 ("!$ "0* ,$("!$
+%$"#$* 7$ #7$(=
(z8) And God blessed them, cnd God scid unto them, e
jruitjul, cnd multipl, cnd ,'!! #7$ $"%#7B "0* )-9*-$ '#D
"0* 7";$ */('0'/0 /;$% #7$ ,')7 /, #7$ )$"B "0*
/;$% #7$ ,/:! /, #7$ "'%B "0* /;$% $;$%> !';'01 #7'01
#7"# (/;$) -./0 #7$ $"%#7=
(zp) And God scid, ehold, I hcte iten ou eter plcnt
becrin seed, uhich is upon the jcce oj cll the ecrth, cnd
eter tree, uhich hcs seed in its jruit, to ou it shcll be jor
(o) And to eter becst oj the ecrth, cnd to eter joul oj
the cir, cnd to eterthin thct creeps upon the ecrth,
uherein there is lije, I hcte iten eter reen plcnt jor
jood: cnd it ucs so.
(:) And God scu eterthin thct he hcd mcde, cnd,
behold, it ucs ter ood. And the etenin cnd the mornin
uere the sixth dc.
Dcn ;:z; K1Vzooo
(z;) And the lindom cnd dominion, "0* #7$ 1%$"#0$))
/, #7$ C'01*/( -0*$% #7$ :7/!$ 7$";$0B )7"!! 9$
1';$0 #/ #7$ .$/.!$ /, #7$ )"'0#) /, #7$ (/)# W'17,
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 51
uhose lindom is cn eterlcstin lindom, cnd cll
dominions shcll serte cnd obe him.
Ret ::o K1Vzooo
(:o) And hcte mcde us unto our God c lindom cnd
priests: "0* :$ )7"!! %$'10 /0 #7$ $"%#7=
Whe God created humans n Hs own mage
to exercse domnon on earth, He created
Anges to gve Hm homage}worship
mnstraton (Greek= leitourgeo) whe they
gve the Sants attendant's}waiter's
mnstraton (Greek= diakoneo).
Heb ::-; (K1Vzooo)
() And ccin, uhen he brins the jirstbeotten into the
uorld, he scs, And let cll the cnels oj God :/%)7'. him.
(;) And oj the cnels he scs, Who mcles his cnels
spirits, cnd his ('0')#$%) (leitourgeo) c jlcme oj jire.
Heb :::-:( (K1Vzooo)
(:) ut to uhich oj the cnels scid he ct cn time, Sit on
m riht hcnd, until I mcle our enemies our jootstool?
(:() Are the not cll ('0')#$%'01 (leitourgeo) spirits,
sent jorth to ('0')#$% (diakoneo) to them uho shcll be
heirs oj scltction?
Among the Hoy/Eect Anges of God (who are
a turgca worship spirits) we have:
1. Multipurpose Assgnment Cherubim
(multiform workng and warrng Anges) ke
Archangel Mchae (|ude 9) the warror
Prnce, Gabre the heaveny Announcer
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 52
(Dan 9:21-22), angec warror legions (Matt.
26:53), destroyng or plague anges that
carry out dvne |udgements (2Sam 24:16;
Rev 14, 15 an 16) and other ministering
anges who are sent to represent (Matt.
18:10; Rev 2 and 3), appear to (Acts 27:23),
accompany and mnster as daconate
waters to "the hers of savaton" whch s
the Church. The Church s therefore n
company wth the Anges (Heb 12:22).
2. Apparenty, there are aso Special
Adoraton Seraphim (fiery worshp and six-
winged Anges Isa 6:2, 6; Rev 4:8) aways
before Gods throne, worshpng Hm as
Thrce-Hoy, the Bessed Trnty.
:Co :::(-:o ISV
(() Eter mcn uho prcs or prophesies uith somethin on
his hecd dishonors his hecd,
2X5 "0* $;$%> :/("0 :7/ .%">) /% .%/.7$)'$)
:'#7 7$% 7$"* -0+/;$%$* *')7/0/%) 7$% 7$"*B
:7'+7 ') #7$ )"($ ") 7";'01 7$% 7$"* )7";$*=
() So ij c uomcn does not coter her hecd, she should cut
ojj her hcir. Ij it is c disrcce jor c uomcn to cut ojj her
hcir or shcte her hecd, let her coter her oun hecd.
(;) A mcn should not coter his oun hecd, beccuse he exists
cs God's imce cnd lor. ut the uomcn is mcn's lor.
(8) Ior mcn did not come jrom uomcn, but uomcn jrom
(p) cnd mcn ucs not crected jor uomcn, but uomcn jor
23Y5 Z7') ') :7> " :/("0 )7/-!* 7";$ "-#7/%'#>
/;$% 7$% /:0 7$"*D 9$+"-)$ /, #7$ "01$!)=
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 53
Heb :z:zz-z( (K1Vzooo)
(zz) ut ou cre come unto mount Zion, cnd unto the cit
oj the litin God, the hectenl 1erusclem, cnd to "0
'00-($%"9!$ +/(."0> /, "01$!),
(z) To the enercl cssembl cnd +7-%+7 oj the jirstborn,
uho cre uritten in hecten, cnd to God the 1ude oj cll, cnd
to the spirits oj just men mcde perject,
(z() And to 1esus the medictor oj the 0$: +/;$0"0#, cnd
to the 9!//* /, ).%'0C!'01, thct specls better thins thcn
thct oj Abel.
The Dev s the head of a demons whch are
ev sprts that have faen from ther former
angec estate of worshp and mnstry unto
God, to whch the Church s aso caed. They
now seek to be worshpped and be
mnstered to by carvng out estates or
reams of ega authorty. Wthn these
mtatons, the Dev seems to have aso
organzed these fou sprts (Mk 9:25),
uncean sprts (Matt 10:1), ev sprts (1Sam
16:23; Lk 7:21), yng sprts (1Kn 22:23)
whch are faen anges (Rev 12:9) caed
demons (Deut 32:17; Lk 8:2, 30) to sut hs
purpose. From Eph 1:21; 2:2; 3:10; and
6:12, one coud cassfy satanc demons nto:
1. celestial command "spiritual
wickedness in heavenly places "
operatng the "powers of the air":
.e. Planetary}astrological hosts
caed thrones, dominions,
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 54
mights'/forces and powers (of the
air, of heaven and of some
constellations Matt 24:29; Rev J2:4)
|Mystcs descrbe up to 7 or 9
herarches| and
2. terrestrial rank and fe "rulers of the
darkness of this world" manpuatng
the "course of this world order": .e.
Territorial}national princes (Dan
10:20) caed principalities; aso
manipulative familiars (2Kn 21:6)
whch are wtchcraft/medumstc/occut
gude sprts; as we as person-
tormentors ke possessors, legions
(Matt 5:15) and uncean mangerng
vagabonds (Lk 11:24-25) whch
ncude madness demons, perverson
demons, sckness demons, msfortune
demons, murderous demons, etc.
Eph ::z (K1Vzooo)
(:z) Ior ue urestle not ccinst jlesh cnd blood, but
ccinst .%'0+'."!'#'$), ccinst ./:$%), ccinst the
%-!$%) /, #7$ *"%C0$)) /, #7') :/%!*, ccinst
).'%'#-"! :'+C$*0$)) '0 7$";$0!> .!"+$)=
NOTE that principalities and powers in
the Scripture sometimes refer to human
governmental systems with which
Christians are to cooperate (Tt 3:1; Rom
13:1-3). "Powers" in the Scripture
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 55
translates either Gk: exousia= executive
rights (authortes) or Gk: dunamis=
energetic mights (forces).
Apart from tormentng possessives,
vagabonds, legions and manpuatve
familiars whch are person oriented sprts
that attach to ndvduas, most of the
demonc prncpates and powers are usuay
worshpped as mythical idols or observed
as astrological dominions, natonay and
nternatonay, respectvey.
zCh ::- (K1Vzooo)
(:) Mcncsseh ucs tuelte ecrs old uhen he becn to
rein, cnd he reined jijt cnd jite ecrs in 1erusclem:
(z) ut did thct uhich ucs etil in the siht oj the LDRD,
lile unto the "9/('0"#'/0) /, #7$ 0"#'/0), uhich the
LDRD hcd ccst out bejore the children oj Isrcel.
() Ior he built ccin the hih plcces uhich Hezelich his
jcther hcd brolen doun, cnd he rcised up "!#"%) jor
cclim, cnd mcde '*/! ./!$), cnd uorshiped cll the 7/)#
/, 7$";$0, cnd serted them.
(() Also he built cltcrs in the house oj the LDRD, oj uhich
the LDRD hcd scid, In 1erusclem shcll m ncme be
() And he built cltcrs jor cll the 7/)# /, 7$";$0 in the
tuo courts oj the house oj the LDRD.
() And he ccused his children to pcss throuh the jire in
the tclle oj the son oj Hinnom: clso he prccticed
)//#7)">'01, cnd used )/%+$%>, cnd used :'#+7+%",#,
cnd declt uith ($*'-(), cnd uith :'c"%*): he did much
$;'! '0 #7$ )'17# /, #7$ I_P`B #/ .%/;/C$ 7'( #/
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 56
Eph :::p-z (K1Vzooo)
(:p) And uhct is the exceedin rectness oj his pouer
toucrd us uho beliete, cccordin to the uorlin oj his
miht pouer,
(zo) Which he perjormed in Christ, uhen he rcised him
jrom the decd, cnd set him ct his oun riht hcnd in the
hectenl plcces,
2?35 6"% "9/;$ "!! .%'0+'."!'#>B "0* ./:$%B "0*
('17#B "0* */('0'/0B "0* $;$%> 0"($ #7"# ')
0"($*B 0/# /0!> '0 #7') "1$B 9-# "!)/ '0 #7"# :7'+7
') #/ +/($D
(zz) And hcs put cll thins under his jeet, cnd cte him to
be the hecd oter cll thins to the church,
(z) Which is his bod, the jullness oj him thct jills cll in
Col :::z-:p (K1Vzooo)
(:z) Gitin thcnls unto the Icther, uho hcs mcde us jit to
be pcrtclers oj the inheritcnce oj the scints in liht:
(:) Who hcs delitered us jrom the ./:$% oj dcrlness,
cnd hcs trcnslcted us into the C'01*/( oj his decr Son:
(:() In uhom ue hcte redemption throuh his blood, eten
the joriteness oj sins:
(:) Who is the imce oj the intisible God, the jirstborn oj
cll crection:
23H5 6/% 9> 7'( :$%$ "!! #7'01) +%$"#$*B #7"# "%$ '0
7$";$0B "0* #7"# "%$ '0 $"%#7B ;')'9!$ "0* '0;')'9!$B
:7$#7$% #7$> 9$ #7%/0$)B /% */('0'/0)B /%
.%'0+'."!'#'$)B /% ./:$%)D "!! #7'01) :$%$ +%$"#$*
9> 7'(B "0* ,/% 7'(D
(:;) And he is bejore cll thins, cnd b him cll thins cre
held toether.
(:8) And he is the hecd oj the bod, the church: uho is the
beinnin, the jirstborn jrom the decd, thct in cll thins he
miht hcte the preeminence.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 57
(:p) Ior it plecsed the Icther thct in him should cll jullness
The Dev, beng under |udgement s bound
wth great mtatons. Whe temptng Chrst,
he ad cam to the fashonabe vangory
that rues the corrupt trendy world (Matt
4:8-9; Lk 4:5-7). The ev darkness, decet
and wckedness that rue the sinful social
world order were attrbuted to hm by
Chrst and hs Apostes (|on 12:31; 14:30;
16:11). Ths snfu word order beng
dsobedent to God s under death sentence
and Gods wrath, yet eterna fe and the
grace of God are avaabe to persons
controed by such dsobedence, f they
shoud repent and beeve n Chrst:
Eph z::-8 (K1Vzooo)
(:) And ou hcs he mcde clite, uho uere decd in
trespcsses cnd sins:
2?5 a0 :7'+7 '0 #'($ .")# >/- :"!C$* "++/%*'01 #/
#7$ +/-%)$ /, #7') :/%!*B "++/%*'01 #/ #7$ .%'0+$ /,
#7$ ./:$% /, #7$ "'%B #7$ ).'%'# #7"# 0/: :/%C) '0
#7$ +7'!*%$0 /, *')/9$*'$0+$D
2E5 K(/01 :7/( "!)/ :$ "!! 7"* /-% 9$7";'/% '0
#'($) .")# '0 #7$ !-)#) /, /-% ,!$)7B ,-!,'!!'01 #7$
*$)'%$) /, #7$ ,!$)7 "0* /, #7$ ('0*8 "0* :$%$ 9>
0"#-%$ #7$ +7'!*%$0 /, :%"#7B $;$0 ") /#7$%)=
(() ut God, uho is rich in merc, jor his rect lote uith
uhich he loted us,
() Eten uhen ue uere decd in sins, hcs ("*$ -) "!';$
toether uith Christ, (b rcce ou cre scted,)
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 58
() And hcs %"')$* -) -. toether, cnd ("*$ -) )'#
toether in hectenl plcces in Christ 1esus:
(;) Thct in the ces to come he miht shou the exceedin
riches oj his rcce in his lindness toucrd us throuh Christ
245 6/% 9> 1%"+$ "%$ >/- )";$* #7%/-17 ,"'#78 "0*
#7"# 0/# /, >/-%)$!;$)D '# ') #7$ 1',# /, </*D
The created earth and ts funess as we as
the nhabted natural world, though
avaabe to the Dev as God permts (Lk
22:53), has aways been attrbuted to and
camed by God for Hs meek Sants:
Psc z(::-z (K1Vzooo)
(:) [A Psclm oj Dctid.] Z7$ $"%#7 ') #7$ I_P`VNB "0*
#7$ ,-!!0$)) #7$%$/,8 #7$ :/%!*B "0* #7$> #7"# *:$!!
(z) Ior he hcs jounded it upon the secs, cnd estcblished it
upon the jloods.
Psc ;:p-:: (K1Vzooo)
(p) Ior etildoers shcll be cut ojj: 9-# #7/)$ #7"# :"'#
-./0 #7$ I_P`B #7$> )7"!! '07$%'# #7$ $"%#7=
(:o) Ior et c little uhile, cnd the uicled shcll not be: ec,
ou shcll dilientl consider his plcce, cnd it shcll not be.
(::) F-# #7$ ($$C )7"!! '07$%'# #7$ $"%#7, cnd shcll
deliht themseltes in the "9-0*"0+$ /, .$"+$.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 59
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 60
Chapter 7
Whe Humanknd has seen progressvey
better and better redempton, Satan has
seen progressvey graver and graver
|udgments. Whe the Sants expect more
gory, the Dev awats more doom. What are
these stages of doom?
1. The fall}demotion from beng the
Anonted Cherub/Lucfer to becomng the
decetfu Serpent before the fall of Man.
Eze z8::(-: (K1Vzooo)
(:() You cre the cnointed cherub thct coters, cnd I hcte
set ou so: ou uere upon the hol mountcin oj God, ou
hcte uclled up cnd doun in the midst oj the stones oj jire.
(:) You uere perject in our ucs jrom the dc thct ou
uere crected, till iniquit ucs jound in ou.
Notce that the created word was not cursed
when Satan fe. It was the fa of man that
ed to the fa of the created word. The
creaton s st watng for the fu redempton
of humanty when t w aso regan ts
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 61
freedom. Ths w be n the Regeneraton of
the Mennum, when Chrst sha come agan
to rase the Sants and regn wth them, whe
keepng the Dev ncarcerated n the abyss.
Mct :p:z;-o (K1Vzooo)
(z;) Then cnsuered Peter cnd scid unto him, ehold, ue
hcte jorsclen cll, cnd jolloued ou, uhct shcll ue hcte
(z8) And 1esus scid unto them, Veril I sc unto ou, Thct
ou uho hcte jolloued me, '0 #7$ %$1$0$%"#'/0 uhen
the Son oj mcn shcll sit on the throne oj his lor, ou clso
shcll sit upon tuelte thrones, judin the tuelte tribes oj
(zp) And eterone thct hcs jorsclen houses, or brothers,
or sisters, or jcther, or mother, or uije, or children, or
lcnds, jor m ncme's scle, shcll receite c hundredjold, cnd
shcll inherit eterlcstin lije.
(o) ut mcn thct cre jirst shcll be lcst, cnd the lcst shcll
be jirst.
Rom 8::p-zz (K1Vzooo)
23J5 6/% #7$ $"%0$)# $S.$+#"#'/0 /, #7$ +%$"#'/0
:"'#) ,/% #7$ ("0',$)#"#'/0 /, #7$ )/0) /, </*=
(zo) Ior the crection ucs mcde subject to tcnit, not
uillinl, but b recson oj him uho hcs subjected the scme
in hope,
(z:) eccuse the crection itselj clso shcll be delitered jrom
the bondce oj corruption into the lorious libert oj the
children oj God.
(zz) Ior ue lnou thct the uhole crection rocns cnd
trctcils in pcin toether until nou.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 62
2. The curse of disablement on the Serpent
after the fall of Man at Eden.
Gen ::(-: (K1Vzooo)
(:() And the LDRD God scid unto the serpent, eccuse ou
hcte done this, >/- "%$ +-%)$* cbote cll ccttle, cnd
cbote eter becst oj the jield, upon our bell shcll ou o,
cnd dust shcll ou ect cll the dcs oj our lije:
(:) And I uill put enmit betueen ou cnd the uomcn,
cnd betueen our seed cnd her seed, he shcll bruise our
hecd, cnd ou shcll bruise his heel.
Ths curse dd not remove the permsson to
go before God to accuse us n the
presence of other good anges, to move to
and fro, to bruise the heels of children of
Eve (.e. torment the godess and tempt
the gody |ob 1:6-12; Zech 3:1-3) n the Od
Testament dspensaton.
3. The enchaining and incarceration of
anteduvan rebeous anges, who after
eavng ther liturgical}diaconate
mnstera estate wth Satan to occupy
dominion postons, were further deceved
by the Dev to do some extreme wckedness,
beyond the estate permtted by God. These
demons are st reserved n the abyss,
pendng the fna |udgement n he fre (2Pet
1ud :: (K1Vzooo)
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 63
And the cnels uho lept not their jirst estcte, but lejt their
oun hcbitction, he hcs reserted in eterlcstin chcins
under dcrlness unto the judment oj the rect dc.
Ths has taught Satan not to send hs
demons on assgnments that woud make
them end up n the abyss, but to ony tempt
humans or oppose the Anges trembling
wthn Gods permsson (|ob 1:12; 2:6; Zech
3:1-3; LK 22:31; |as 2:9).
4. The binding that dsarmed Satan, n order
to take away hs spos/captves (Lk 11:21-22;
Matt 12:29). Ths was the purpose of Chrsts
earthy mnstry.

:1n :8 (K1Vzooo)
He thct commits sin is oj the detil, jor the detil sins jrom
the beinnin. 6/% #7') .-%./)$ #7$ N/0 /, </* :")
("0',$)#$*B #7"# 7$ ('17# *$)#%/> #7$ :/%C) /, #7$
5. The banishing from heaven (|n 12:31;
Rev 12:9-10) and subjugation of Satan
under Chrsts dscpes (Lk 9:1; Matt 17:20;
18:18), through the Cross of Chrst (Heb
2:14). This is the phase where we are
today in the New Testament Church. For
a beevers n Chrst today, the dev hmsef
s despoiled (dsarmed, dsaowed and
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 64
degraded) and hs works are destroyed , but
hs demonc and human agents are st
actvey sub|ect to hm.
Lul :o::(-:p (K1Vzooo)
(:() ut it shcll be more tolercble jor Tre cnd Sidon ct the
judment, thcn jor ou.
(:) And ou, Ccperncum, uhich cre exclted to hecten,
shcll be thrust doun to hcdes.
(:) He thct hecrs ou hecrs me, cnd he thct despises ou
despises me, cnd he thct despises me despises him thct sent
23U5 K0* #7$ )$;$0#> %$#-%0$* "1"'0 :'#7 Q/>B
)">'01B I/%*B $;$0 #7$ *$(/0) "%$ )-9Q$+# -0#/ -)
#7%/-17 >/-% 0"($=
2345 K0* 7$ )"'* -0#/ #7$(B a 9$7$!* N"#"0 ")
!'17#0'01 ,"!! ,%/( 7$";$0=
23J5 F$7/!*B a 1';$ -0#/ >/- ./:$% #/ #%$"* /0
)$%.$0#) "0* )+/%.'/0)B "0* /;$% "!! #7$ ./:$% /,
#7$ $0$(>D "0* 0/#7'01 )7"!! 9> "0> ($"0) 7-%#
Col z::(-: (K1Vzooo)
(:() F!/##'01 /-# the hcnduritin oj ordincnces thct ucs
ccinst us, uhich ucs contrcr to us, "0* #//C '# /-# /,
#7$ :">B 0"'!'01 '# #/ 7') +%/)),
(:) And hctin )./'!$* principclities cnd pouers, 7$
("*$ " )7/: /, #7$( /.$0!>B #%'-(.7'01 /;$%
#7$( '0 '#.
Today, as Christ is awaited to return
from heaven (to raise/change and rapture
the saints to Himself, defeat the Antichrist
and reign in the Millennium JCor J5:5J-53;
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 65
JThes 4:J5-J7), the Devil still has some
time to exert hs fna, fute effort (Acts
3:19-21; Rev 12:5, 12; 2Thes 2:7-8).
Therefore, he ntensfes hs evil work of
deception n the chdren of dsobedence
and through hs messengers (2Thes 2:8-12;
Eph 2:2). He st has a short tme eft to:
tempt (1Cor 7:5; 1Thes 3:5), buffet (2Cor
12:7), accuse to sift (Lk 22:31), intimidate
(1Pet 5:8), hinder (1Thes 2:18), and
deceive (Rev 12:9-11), as he wages hs
fute war against the Sants.
Before Chrsts Advent, n the worst of tmes
durng the Great Trbuaton, the earth and
its wilderness with other created
nature, though yet shorty under the curse,
sha be mracuousy used by God to protect
the Sants as He dd for the Exodus Israetes:
Ret :z::o-:; (K1Vzooo)
(:o) And I hecrd c loud toice scin in hecten, Nou is
come scltction, cnd strenth, cnd the lindom oj our God,
cnd the pouer oj his Christ: jor the cccuser oj our brethren
is ccst doun, :7/ "++-)$* #7$( 9$,/%$ /-% </* *">
"0* 0'17#=
2335 K0* #7$> /;$%+"($ 7'( 9> #7$ 9!//* /, #7$
I"(9B "0* 9> #7$ :/%* /, #7$'% #$)#'(/0>, cnd the
loted not their lites unto decth.
(:z) Therejore rejoice, ou hectens, cnd ou thct duell in
them. Woe to the inhcbitcnts oj the ecrth cnd oj the secl jor
the detil hcs come doun unto ou, hctin rect urcth,
beccuse he lnous thct he hcs but " )7/%# #'($.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 66
23E5 K0* :7$0 #7$ *%"1/0 )": #7"# 7$ :") +")#
-0#/ #7$ $"%#7B 7$ .$%)$+-#$* #7$ :/("0 :7/
9%/-17# ,/%#7 #7$ ("!$ +7'!*=
23R5 K0* #/ #7$ :/("0 :$%$ 1';$0 #:/ :'01) /, "
1%$"# $"1!$B #7"# )7$ ('17# ,!> '0#/ #7$ :'!*$%0$))B
'0#/ 7$% .!"+$B :7$%$ )7$ ') 0/-%')7$* ,/% " #'($B
"0* #'($)B "0* 7"!, " #'($B ,%/( #7$ ,"+$ /, #7$
(:) And the serpent ccst out oj his mouth ucter cs c jlood
cjter the uomcn, thct he miht ccuse her to be ccrried
cuc b the jlood.
23H5 K0* #7$ $"%#7 7$!.$* #7$ :/("0B "0* #7$
$"%#7 /.$0$* '#) (/-#7B "0* ):"!!/:$* -. #7$
,!//* :7'+7 #7$ *%"1/0 +")# /-# /, 7') (/-#7=
23U5 K0* #7$ *%"1/0 :") "01%> :'#7 #7$ :/("0B
"0* :$0# #/ ("C$ :"% :'#7 #7$ %$(0"0# /, 7$%
/,,).%'01B :7/ C$$. #7$ +/(("0*($0#) /, </*B
"0* 7";$ #7$ #$)#'(/0> /, @$)-) G7%')#=
Humanty s the rghtfu, God ordaned
caretaker and remans the beneficiary of
the earth (Gen 1:28; Matt 5:5), but Satan has
egay invaded the earth, confused and
outsmarted the faen humanty and
aggressvey corrupts the socety wth hs
ev "word" order (.e. usts, systems, vaues,
sorceres and demons). However, whe the
Lords created "earth-world", now under
His curse, sha be delivered and renewed
(Isa 65:17; Rom 8:21; 2Pet 3:13), the devs
mmora "world-order", whch has never
beonged to God nor ever w, sha pass-
away (1|ohn 2:16-17).
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 67
Since Christ has bound the strong man,
his mobile agents are vulnerable to the
Saints (Mark 3:27; Lk 11:21-26). The Sants
are now enghtened and empowered to
resist the Dev and set him to flee (|as
4:7; 1Pet 5:8-9); spoil hs demonc agents
and cast them out (Matt 10:1; Lk 10:18-19);
smash ther gates and pull down ther
stronghods (1Cor 10:3-6); and overcome
them by:
# the Blood by which Satan's
accusations are nullified, thereby
disarming and disgracing the devil as
well as destroying his works (Rev 12:11);
Col z::-: (ISV)
(:) Eten uhen ou uere decd beccuse oj our ojjenses
cnd the uncircumcision oj our jlesh, God mcde ou clite
uith him uhen he jorcte us cll oj our ojjenses,
(:() hctin $%")$* #7$ +7"%1$) thct uere brouht
ccinst us uith their decrees thct uere hostile to us. He
#//C #7/)$ +7"%1$) ":"> uhen he nciled them to the
(:) And uhen he hcd *')"%($* the rulers cnd the
cuthorities, he mcde c public spectccle oj them,
#%'-(.7'01 /;$% #7$( in the cross.
# the Word by which Satan's
suggestions are countered, his
deception is exposed and his
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 68
stranglehold is neutralised (Rev 1:9;
19:10) and by
# the Holy Spirit Who empowers us as
SONS (not servants) far above Satan's
powers (|ohn 1:12; Rom 8:14-17; Ga 4:1-9).
Eph :::-zz (GN)
23E5 K0* >/- "!)/ 9$+"($ </*V) .$/.!$ :7$0 >/-
7$"%* #7$ #%-$ ($))"1$B #7$ <//* \$:) #7"#
9%/-17# >/- )"!;"#'/0= T/- 9$!'$;$* '0 G7%')#B "0*
</* .-# 7') )#"(. /, /:0$%)7'. /0 >/- 9> 1';'01
>/- #7$ W/!> N.'%'# 7$ 7"* .%/(')$*=
23R5 Z7$ N.'%'# ') #7$ 1-"%"0#$$ #7"# :$ )7"!!
%$+$';$ :7"# </* 7") .%/(')$* 7') .$/.!$B "0* #7')
"))-%$) -) #7"# </* :'!! 1';$ +/(.!$#$ ,%$$*/( #/
#7/)$ :7/ "%$ 7')= I$# -) .%"')$ 7') 1!/%>O
(:) Ior this recson, eter since I hecrd oj our jcith in the
Lord 1esus cnd our lote jor cll oj God's people,
(:) I hcte not stopped itin thcnls to God jor ou. I
remember ou in m prcers
(:;) cnd csl the God oj our Lord 1esus Christ, the lorious
Icther, to ite ou the N.'%'#B :7/ :'!! ("C$ >/- :')$
"0* %$;$"! </* #/ >/-B )/ #7"# >/- :'!! C0/: 7'(=
(:8) I csl thct our minds mc be opened to see his liht,
so thct ou uill lnou uhct is the hope to uhich he hcs
cclled ou, hou rich cre the uonderjul blessins he
promises his people,
(:p) cnd hou ter rect is his pouer ct uorl in us uho
beliete. This pouer uorlin in us is the scme cs the miht
(zo) uhich he used uhen he rcised Christ jrom decth cnd
sected him ct his riht side in the hectenl uorld.
2?35 G7%')# %-!$) #7$%$ "9/;$ "!! 7$";$0!> %-!$%)B
"-#7/%'#'$)B ./:$%)B "0* !/%*)8 7$ 7") " #'#!$
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 69
)-.$%'/% #/ "!! #'#!$) /, "-#7/%'#> '0 #7') :/%!* "0*
'0 #7$ 0$S#=
2??5 </* .-# "!! #7'01) -0*$% G7%')#V) ,$$# "0*
1";$ 7'( #/ #7$ +7-%+7 ") )-.%$($ I/%* /;$% "!!
Ths overcomng power of the Sants over
Satans roar, wes and agents s sustaned
through a sober, vgant, bbcay obedent
and prayerful lifestyle:
Mcr p:z8-zp (K1Vzooo)
(z8) And uhen he ucs come into the house, his disciples
csled him pritctel, Wh could not ue ccst him out?
2?J5 K0* 7$ )"'* -0#/ #7$(B Z7') C'0* +"0 +/($
,/%#7 9> 0/#7'01B 9-# 9> .%">$% "0* ,")#'01=
:Pe :8-p (K1Vzooo)
245 F$ )/9$%B 9$ ;'1'!"0#8 9$+"-)$ >/-% "*;$%)"%>
#7$ *$;'!B ") " %/"%'01 !'/0B :"!C) "9/-#B )$$C'01
:7/( 7$ ("> *$;/-%D
(p) Whom resist stecdjcst in the jcith, lnouin thct the
scme cjjlictions cre cccomplished in our brethren thct cre
in the uorld.
6. The temporary release of ncarcerated
demons from abyss to torment the wcked
durng the Great Trbuaton regn of the
Antchrst, after the Sants have been
protectvey seaed. (NOTE THAT THE
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 70
Ret p::-:: (K1Vzooo)
(:) And the jijth cnel sounded, cnd I scu c stcr jcll jrom
hecten unto the ecrth: cnd to him ucs iten the le oj the
bottomless pit.
(z) And he opened the bottomless pit, cnd there crose c
smole out oj the pit, cs the smole oj c rect jurncce, cnd
the sun cnd the cir uere dcrlened b recson oj the smole
oj the pit.
() And there ccme out oj the smole locusts upon the
ecrth: cnd unto them ucs iten pouer, cs the scorpions oj
the ecrth hcte pouer.
(() And it ucs commcnded them thct the should not hurt
the rcss oj the ecrth, neither cn reen thin, neither cn
tree8 9-# /0!> #7/)$ ($0 :7/ 7";$ 0/# #7$ )$"! /,
</* '0 #7$'% ,/%$7$"*)=
2X5 K0* #/ #7$( '# :") 1';$0 #7"# #7$> )7/-!* 0/#
C'!! #7$(B 9-# #7"# #7$> )7/-!* 9$ #/%($0#$* ,';$
(/0#7): cnd their torment ucs cs the torment oj c
scorpion, uhen it striles c mcn.
() And in those dcs shcll men seel decth, cnd shcll not
jind it, cnd shcll desire to die, cnd decth shcll jlee jrom
(;) And the shcpes oj the locusts uere lile unto horses
prepcred unto bcttle, cnd on their hecds uere cs it uere
crouns lile old, cnd their jcces uere cs the jcces oj men.
(8) And the hcd hcir cs the hcir oj uomen, cnd their teeth
uere cs the teeth oj lions.
(p) And the hcd brecstplctes, cs it uere brecstplctes oj
iron, cnd the sound oj their uins ucs cs the sound oj
chcriots oj mcn horses runnin to bcttle.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 71
(:o) And the hcd tcils lile unto scorpions, cnd there uere
stins in their tcils: cnd their pouer ucs to hurt men jite
(::) And the hcd c lin oter them, uho is the cnel oj the
bottomless pit, uhose ncme in the Hebreu tonue is
K9"**/0, but in the Greel tonue he hcs the ncme
7. The "1000yr" quarantine of Satan n the
abyss after the Great Trbuaton and
1000yrs of subduing, dominating and
inheriting the Earth by the Saints (Ths s
the MARRIAGE SUPPER Rev 19:7-9; Matt
25:1-13), The Great Trbuaton sha be
termnated by the power and gory of the
Second Comng or Advent (.e.
Parousa/Appearng/Reveaton) of Chrst
(2Thes 2:5-8). He w destroy the Antchrst
Empre and capture the Dev at the
Armageddon batte (Rev 16:12-18; 19:11-
21). Then Chrst and Hs Sants sha regn n
the Mennum.
Ret zo::- (K1Vzooo)
(:) And I scu cn cnel come doun jrom hecten, hctin
the le oj the bottomless pit cnd c rect chcin in his hcnd.
2?5 K0* 7$ !"'* 7/!* /0 #7$ *%"1/0B #7"# /!*
)$%.$0#B :7/ ') #7$ `$;'!B "0* N"#"0B "0* 9/-0*
7'( " #7/-)"0* >$"%)B
2E5 K0* +")# 7'( '0#/ #7$ 9/##/(!$)) .'#B "0* )7-#
7'( -., cnd set c secl upon him, thct he should deceite the
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 72
nctions no more, till the thouscnd ecrs should be juljilled:
cnd cjter thct he must be loosed c little uhile.
The Millennium fulfils God's purpose for
creating man on the earth, despite all
odds. The millennial administrative
throne-camp or headquarters, from
which the resurrected Saints shall rule
the earth together with Christ by iron
sceptre, will be the New ]erusalem
bridal city, which will come down from
heaven (Rev 20:4-9; 21:2-22:5). The
heaveny New |erusaem s a mnd-boggng,
ornamented 5mon sq. km. Mega-fortress,
arger than haf of USA or fve-and-haf tmes
the sze of Ngera!
8. Post-menna temporary release of the
Dev for fna commoton of the Magog
revot n whch he w agan be defeated
and captured. After hs reease, Satan sha
mobse a the unbelieving nations (Gog
and Magog) htherto rued by Chrst and Hs
resurrected Sants durng the Mennum, for
the utmate, mass unversa revot aganst
Chrsts domnon. These w a be consumed
wth fre from heaven as t was wth Sodom
and Gomorrah.
Ret zo:;-8 (K1Vzooo)
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 73
2U5 K0* :7$0 #7$ #7/-)"0* >$"%) "%$ $0*$*B N"#"0
)7"!! 9$ !//)$* /-# /, 7') .%')/0B
(8) And shcll o out to deceite the nctions uhich cre in the
jour qucrters oj the ecrth, </1 "0* ]"1/1, to cther
them toether to bcttle: the number oj uhom is cs the scnd
oj the sec.
9. The fna damnation of Satan at the Great
Throne |udgement and the eventua
dumping of death, he and a ev nto the
lake of fire for ever (Matt 25:41; Rev 20:11-
Ret zo:p-:o (K1Vzooo)
(p) And the uent up oter the brecdth oj the ecrth, cnd
encircled the ccmp oj the scints, cnd the beloted cit: cnd
jire ccme doun jrom God out oj hecten, cnd detoured
23Y5 K0* #7$ *$;'! #7"# *$+$';$* #7$( :") +")# '0#/
#7$ !"C$ /, ,'%$ "0* 9%'()#/0$B :7$%$ #7$ 9$")# "0*
#7$ ,"!)$ .%/.7$# "%$B "0* )7"!! 9$ #/%($0#$* *">
"0* 0'17# ,/%$;$% "0* $;$%=
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 74
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 75
Chapter 8
The Scrpture warns that n the Last Days
there sha be ntensfed resurgence of
daboc and antchrstan actvtes as we as
fase teachngs n the church and n the
word. The resut s ether an outrght
departure from the Fath or syncretstc
distortion of the Fath through unbbca
nnovatons, magnatons, specuatons,
supersttons, decepton, etc.
zTi ::- (K1Vzooo)
(:) This lnou clso, thct '0 #7$ !")# *">) .$%'!/-) #'($)
)7"!! +/($.
(z) Ior men shcll be loters oj their oun seltes, cotetous,
bocsters, proud, blcsphemers, disobedient to pcrents,
unthcnljul, unhol,
() Without ncturcl cjjection, truce breclers, jclse
cccusers, incontinent, jierce, despisers oj those thct cre
(() Trcitors, reclless, conceited, loters oj plecsures more
thcn loters oj God,
() Hctin c jorm oj odliness, but denin the pouer
thereoj: ,%/( )-+7 #-%0 ":">=
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 76
Act zo:z8-z (ESV)
(z8) Pc ccrejul cttention to ourseltes cnd to cll the
jlocl, in uhich the Hol Spirit hcs mcde ou oterseers, to
ccre jor the church oj God, uhich he obtcined uith his oun
(zp) I lnou thct cjter m depcrture jierce uoltes uill
come in cmon ou, not spcrin the jlocl,
(o) cnd jrom cmon our oun seltes uill crise men
).$"C'01 #:')#$* #7'01), to *%": ":"> #7$
*')+'.!$) cjter them.
(:) Therejore be clert, rememberin thct jor three ecrs I
did not cecse niht or dc to cdmonish eterone uith
(z) And nou I commend ou to </* cnd to the :/%* oj
his rcce, uhich is cble to build ou up cnd to ite ou the
inheritcnce cmon cll those uho cre scnctijied.
Sn s Satans snare and snap. Defement
comes when sin and error get hold of
one's heart not when things touch/enter
ones body. Ths happens when:
1. one s impenitent or indifferent about
2. one s insensitive about backsliding
(Backsdng s a gradua oss of nterest n
Chrst, Prayers, Scrptures, Wtnessng,
Feowshp, Honess, etc);
3. one s irresolute durng temptations;
4. one s impatient or perplexed durng
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 77
5. one s demonised through fornication
(Num 25:1-5; 1Cor 6:16-18) or nvovement
wth the occult; and
6. one s desperate about persona
ambition or vengeance.
We must avod a such defiling errors
because they usuay cumnate n sin and
separation from God (Isa 59:2-3).
Sn (and even rghteousness) begns n the
heart and mnd. Our actons depct our nner
Lul :(-( (K1Vzooo)
(() Ior c ood tree brins not jorth corrupt jruit, neither
does c corrupt tree brin jorth ood jruit.
((() 6/% $;$%> #%$$ ') C0/:0 9> '#) /:0 ,%-'#. Ior
jrom thorns men do not cther jis, nor oj c brcmble bush
cther the rcpes.
(() A ood mcn out oj the ood trecsure oj his hecrt
brins jorth thct uhich is ood, cnd cn etil mcn out oj the
etil trecsure oj his hecrt brins jorth thct uhich is etil: ,/%
/, #7$ "9-0*"0+$ /, #7$ 7$"%# 7') (/-#7 ).$"C).
Mcr ;:zo-z (K1Vzooo)
(zo) And he scid, Thct uhich ccme out oj the mcn, thct
dejiles the mcn.
(z:) Ior jrom uithin, /-# /, #7$ 7$"%# /, ($0B .%/+$$*
etil thouhts, cdulteries, jornicctions, murders,
(zz) Thejts, cotetousness, uicledness, deceit,
licentiousness, cn etil ee, blcsphem, pride, joolishness:
(z) K!! #7$)$ $;'! #7'01) +/($ ,%/( :'#7'0, cnd
dejile the mcn.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 78
When we ncubate, chersh and harbour
defiling purposes n our hearts, we become
tempted and so, are propeed to sin (|as
1:13-16). These inward propensities to
sin or TEMPTATlONS can come n varous
1. Sinful desires (erotic ust of the
flesh, exotic ust of the eye, arrogant
quest for status 1|ohn 2:16);
2. Evil thoughts (of ascvous and sef-
defng immorality, of crooked
schemes to cheat and deceve others, of
hatred and wickedness to harm others
2Tm 3:1-5);
3. Alluring or suggestive
opportunities (to meet desperate
need, to grab cheap popularity, to
grab ct gain Lk 4:1-13; Matt 4:1-11);
4. Atheistic or doubt provoking
perplexities (of questonng Gods
ways and even Hs exstence or
abandonng godness to do thngs our
own way |ob 21; Ps 37; Ps 73).
Such ev propensities must be qucky
dsmssed, dsspated, confessed and
countered by deliberately biblical choices
of prayer, pure thoughts, sound faith and
hoy practices empowered by the Holy
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 79
Spirit. When your heart conceives a sn-
prone desre or desgn, do not consent to t,
because commitment to it (.e. intent) or
actual commission}committal of such
(.e. offence) w defe you.
Php (:-p (ISV)
() Neter uorr cbout cnthin, but '0 $;$%> )'#-"#'/0
let our petitions be mcde lnoun to God in .%">$%) cnd
requests, uith thcnlsitin.
2U5 Z7$0 </*V) .$"+$B :7'+7 1/$) ,"% 9$>/0*
"0>#7'01 :$ +"0 '("1'0$B :'!! 1-"%* >/-% 7$"%#)
"0* ('0*) '0 G7%')# @$)-)=
(8) Iincll, brothers, uhcteter is true, uhcteter is
honorcble, uhcteter is jcir, uhcteter is pure, uhcteter is
ccceptcble, uhcteter is commendcble, ij there is cnthin
oj excellence cnd ij there is cnthin prciseuorth-leep
#7'0C'01 cbout these thins.
(p) Lileuise, leep .%"+#'+'01 these thins: uhct ou
hcte lecrned, receited, hecrd, cnd seen in me. Then the
God oj pecce uill be uith ou.
When one s dissatisfied wth, ignorant of
or uncommitted to the Fath n Chrst, one
becomes vunerabe to aternatve (occutst,
deusve, athest, phosophc, metaphysca,
hedonstc, sef-servng, etc) anchors for
ones sou. The human sou cannot keep st
wthout some belief}disbelief anchor.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 80
These defng and destructve aternatves
come n varous forms:
1. Apostasy: Ths means departure from
the Faith or espousing another
"gospel", other than that preached and
taught by Chrst and the Apostes, and
other "religions" that cannot save, by
gvng heed to seducng sprts and ther
doctrnes of demons:
Gcl ::-p (K1Vzooo)
() I mcrtel thct ou cre so soon remoted jrom him thct
cclled ou into the rcce oj Christ -0#/ "0/#7$% 1/).$!D
2U5 ^7'+7 ') 0/# "0/#7$%, but there be some thct
trouble ou, cnd uould .$%;$%# #7$ 1/).$! /, G7%')#=
(8) ut thouh :$B /% "0 "01$! ,%/( 7$";$0, precch
cn other ospel unto ou thcn thct uhich ue hcte
precched unto ou, !$# 7'( 9$ "++-%)$*.
(p) As ue scid bejore, so sc I nou ccin, Ij "0> ("0
precch cn other ospel unto ou thcn thct ou hcte
receited, !$# 7'( 9$ "++-%)$*.
:Ti (::-z (K1Vzooo)
(:) Nou the Spirit specls expressl, thct in the lctter times
some shcll *$."%# ,%/( #7$ ,"'#7, itin heed to
*$+$'#,-! ).'%'#), cnd */+#%'0$) /, *$(/0)8
(z) Speclin lies in hpocris, hctin their conscience
secred uith c hot iron.
2. Mysticism and occultism ether by
consutng or practcng: boody rtuas,
dvnaton, soothsayng, augury, horoscopy,
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 81
sorcery, magc, wtchcraft, enchantment, use
of charms, medums, sprtsm, necromancy,
etc a of whch are abominable to God:
Deu :8:p-:z (K1Vzooo)
(p) When ou cre come into the lcnd uhich the LDRD our
God ites ou, >/- )7"!! 0/# !$"%0 #/ */ ",#$% #7$
"9/('0"#'/0) /, #7/)$ 0"#'/0)=
(:o) There shcll not be jound cmon ou cn one thct
mcles his son or his dcuhter to pcss throuh the jire, or
thct uses ditinction, or sorcer, or interprets omens, or is c
(::) Dr ccsts spells, or is c medium, or c uizcrd, or
consults the decd.
23?5 6/% "!! #7"# */ #7$)$ #7'01) "%$ "0
"9/('0"#'/0 -0#/ #7$ I_P`: cnd beccuse oj these
cbominctions the LDRD our God does drite them out
jrom bejore ou.
3. Paganism: Ths s the fooshness of
idolatry whch eads to dvne reprobation
unto vileness of the heart wth the resutant
plunge into sinful lifestyle:
Rom ::zz-z (K1Vzooo)
2??5 d%/,$))'01 #7$()$!;$) #/ 9$ :')$B #7$>
9$+"($ ,//!)B
(z) And chcned the lor oj the incorruptible God into
cn imce mcde lile to corruptible mcn, cnd to birds, cnd
jour-jooted becsts, cnd creepin thins.
(z() Therejore </* "!)/ 1";$ #7$( -. #/
-0+!$"00$)) throuh the lusts oj their oun hecrts, to
dishonor their oun bodies betueen themseltes:
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 82
(z) Who chcned the truth oj God into c lie, cnd
uorshiped cnd serted the crecture more thcn the Crector,
uho is blessed joreter. Amen.
(z) Ior this ccuse </* 1";$ #7$( -. -0#/ ;'!$
",,$+#'/0): jor eten their uomen did chcne the ncturcl
use into thct uhich is ccinst ncture:
(z;) And lileuise clso the men, lectin the ncturcl use oj
the uomcn, burned in their lust one toucrd cnother, men
uith men uorlin thct uhich is shcmejul, cnd receitin in
themseltes thct recompense oj their error uhich ucs
(z8) And eten cs the did not lile to retcin God in their
lnoulede, </* 1";$ #7$( /;$% #/ " %$.%/9"#$ ('0*,
to do those thins uhich cre not proper,
(zp) ein jilled uith cll unrihteousness, jornicction,
uicledness, cotetousness, mcliciousness, jull oj ent,
murder, debcte, deceit, mclinit, uhisperers,
(o) cclbiters, hcters oj God, despitejul, proud, bocsters,
intentors oj etil thins, disobedient to pcrents,
(:) Without understcndin, cotencnt breclers, uithout
ncturcl cjjection, implcccble, unmercijul:
(z) Who lnouin the judment oj God, thct the uho
commit such thins cre uorth oj decth, not onl do the
scme, but hcte plecsure in them thct do them.
4. Satanism (.e. the love for lies and hatred
for the truth): Ths defes and eads to the
dvne curse of delusion and the
consequence of satanc deception to
beeve a e: athesm, agnostcsm, fath n
fase demonc sgns and wonders, ove for
unrghteousness and peasure n dong
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 83
zTh z:8-: (K1Vzooo)
(8) And then shcll thct Wicled Dne be retecled, uhom the
Lord shcll consume uith the brecth oj his mouth, cnd shcll
destro uith the brihtness oj his comin:
(p) Eten him, uhose comin is ",#$% #7$ :/%C'01 /,
N"#"0 uith cll pouer cnd )'10) "0* !>'01 :/0*$%),
(:o) And uith cll *$+$.#'/0 oj unrihteousness in them
thct perish, beccuse the %$+$';$* 0/# #7$ !/;$ /, #7$
#%-#7, thct the miht be scted.
(::) And jor this ccuse God shcll send them c stron
*$!-)'/0, thct the should 9$!'$;$ " !'$:
(:z) Thct the cll miht be condemned uho belieted not
the truth, but hcd plecsure in unrihteousness.
(:) ut ue cre bound to ite thcnls clucs to God jor
ou, brethren beloted oj the Lord, beccuse God hcs jrom
the beinnin chosen ou to scltction throuh
scnctijicction oj the Spirit cnd beliej oj the truth:
5. Atheism and Agnosticism (.e. the great
foolishness of doubtng or denyng the
exstence of God or sprtuates, whe
pacng sef as the utmate |udge of a
choces and conscence, and the physca as
the ony reaty).
[To the Chiej Musicicn. A Psclm oj Dctid.] Z7$ ,//! 7")
)"'* '0 7') 7$"%#B Z7$%$ ') 0/ </*. The cre corrupt,
the hcte done cbomincble uorls, there is none thct does
ood. (Psc :(:: K1Vzooo)
zTh z:z-( (K1Vzooo)
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 84
(z) Thct ou be not soon shclen in mind, or be troubled,
neither b spirit, nor b uord, nor b letter cs jrom us, thct
the dc oj the Lord is ct hcnd.
2E5 I$# 0/ ("0 *$+$';$ >/- 9> "0> ($"0)D ,/% #7"#
*"> )7"!! 0/# +/($B $S+$.# #7$%$ +/($ #7$ ,"!!'01
":"> ,'%)#B "0* #7"# ("0 /, )'0 9$ %$;$"!$*B #7$ )/0
/, .$%*'#'/08
(() Who /../)$) "0* $S"!#) 7'()$!, "9/;$ "!! #7"# ')
+"!!$* </*, or thct is uorshiped, so thct he cs God sits in
the temple oj God, shouin himselj thct he is God.
Famy curses and ev covenants nherted
from parents, grand parents to the thrd and
fourth generatons wthout repudaton:
Exo zo::- (K1Vzooo)
(:) And God spole cll these uords, scin,
(z) I cm the LDRD our God, uho hcs brouht ou out oj
the lcnd oj Ept, out oj the house oj bondce.
() You shcll hcte no other ods bejore me.
(() You shcll not mcle unto ourselj cn rcten imce, or
cn lileness oj cn thin thct is in hecten cbote, or thct is
in the ecrth benecth, or thct is in the ucter under the
() You shcll not bou doun ourselj to them, nor serte
them: ,/% a #7$ I_P` >/-% </* "( " Q$"!/-) </*B
;')'#'01 #7$ '0'A-'#> /, #7$ ,"#7$%) -./0 #7$
+7'!*%$0 -0#/ #7$ #7'%* "0* ,/-%#7 1$0$%"#'/0 /,
#7$( #7"# 7"#$ ($,
() And shouin merc unto thouscnds oj them thct lote
me, cnd leep m commcndments.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 85
Notce that woe and curse do not ony come
from Anti-Christian opposition and
unbelief but aso from Anti-Semitic
hatred (Gen 27:29).
Ths has to do wth the state of temporary or
protracted invasion or takeover of one's
mind, speech or personality by ev sprts
(Lk. 8:27-33). Ths may be by conscous,
voluntary submsson to sprts as durng
sances, or through subte, unwitting,
demonc manpuatons.
It s mportant to note that even subsequent
to earer deverance or converson to Chrst,
DEMONIC POSSESSION coud st come by:
1. personal devoton to demons and
nvocaton of demons (and strange unbbca
"anges") especay through strange prayer
forms that have become fascnatng to some
Chrstans of ate;
2. mediated ntaton nto demonc cuts
and dedcaton to demons as peope seek
"sprtua" power and protecton;
3. unwitting sub|ecton to occut spes and
other manpuatons through sexua
mmoraty and perverson, syncretstc
"Chrstan" mrace mnstry, etc.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 86
The subte encroachment, entangement and
addiction by centous dsspatons such as
acohosm, smokng, drug addcton, sex
addton, voence addton, and other
destructve cravings, lusts and
indulgences. These start as gradua
attracton t they become besettng,
uncontroabe entangements. These
demonc nfuences take over the contro of
the vctms emoton, energy and tme,
preoccupying and exhausting the
victims (especially energetic youths),
such that God and Hs Word are edged out of
ther ves unto enmty toward God (Ga 5:17-
21; 1|ohn 2:15-16).
Afflictions (hindrances, temptations,
buffetings, persecutions aganst the
Sants) whch ntend to test the Sants and f
possbe, hnder the advancement of the
Church of Chrst.
Afflictions do not pollute, but if we
despair rather than persevere, they may
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 87
push one to backslide nto any of the above
:Co ::;-8 (K1Vzooo)
(;) ut thcnls be to God, uho ites us the tictor
throuh our Lord 1esus Christ.
(8) Therejore, m beloted brethren, 9$ )#$"*,")#B
-0(/;"9!$B "!:">) "9/-0*'01 '0 #7$ :/%C /, #7$
I/%*, since ou lnou thct our lcbor is not in tcin in the
zCo :-:o (K1Vzooo)
2E5 <';'01 0/ /,,$0)$ '0 "0>#7'01B #7"# #7$
('0')#%> 9$ 0/# 9!"($*D
2R5 F-# '0 "!! #7'01) .%$)$0#'01 /-%)$!;$) ") #7$
('0')#$%) /, </*B '0 (-+7 ."#'$0+$B '0 ",,!'+#'/0)B
'0 0$+$))'#'$)B '0 *')#%$))$)B
() In stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in lcbors, in
uctchins, in jcstins,
() pureness, b lnoulede, b lonsujjerin, b
lindness, b the Hol Spirit, b lote unjeined,
(;) the uord oj truth, b the pouer oj God, b the
crmor oj rihteousness on the riht hcnd cnd on the lejt,
(8) honor cnd dishonor, b etil report cnd ood report:
cs deceiters, cnd et true,
(p) As unlnoun, cnd et uell lnoun, cs din, cnd,
behold, ue lite, cs chcstened, cnd not lilled,
(:o) As sorroujul, et clucs rejoicin, cs poor, et
mclin mcn rich, cs hctin nothin, cnd et possessin
cll thins.
If the gates of he coud not hod |esus back
from resurrectng to bud Hs Church, the
resurrection power at work n the beever
sha empower them to smash a hndrances.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 88
Eph :::8-zz (K1Vzooo)
(:8) The ees oj our understcndin bein enlihtened,
thct ou mc lnou uhct is the hope oj his ccllin, cnd
uhct is the riches oj the lor oj his inheritcnce in the
23J5 K0* :7"# ') #7$ $S+$$*'01 1%$"#0$)) /, 7')
./:$% #/:"%* -) :7/ 9$!'$;$B "++/%*'01 #/ #7$
:/%C'01 /, 7') ('17#> ./:$%B
2?Y5 ^7'+7 7$ .$%,/%($* '0 G7%')#B :7$0 7$ %"')$*
7'( ,%/( #7$ *$"*B "0* )$# 7'( "# 7') /:0 %'17#
7"0* '0 #7$ 7$";$0!> .!"+$)B
2?35 6"% "9/;$ "!! .%'0+'."!'#>B "0* ./:$%B "0*
('17#B "0* */('0'/0B "0* $;$%> 0"($ #7"# ')
0"($*B 0/# /0!> '0 #7') "1$B 9-# "!)/ '0 #7"# :7'+7
') #/ +/($D
(zz) And hcs put cll thins under his jeet, cnd cte him to
be the hecd oter cll thins to the church,
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 89
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 90
Chapter 9
Rght away, et t be made cear that
charsmatc manfestatons and other
phenomena are never certain evdences of
genune fath at any rate. Sgns and wonders
are possbe ether wth ev sprts or wth the
Hoy Sprt. Manfestatons or sgns and
wonders coud be:
1. genuney gven by the Hoy Sprt (usuay
for common good 1Cor 12:7 and common
edification (1Cor14:12);
2. masqueraded by Satan (2Thes 2:9);
3. pretended wth sef-servng ntentons
(2Cor 11:13-15); or
4. unconscousy nduced due to mesmersm,
somatsaton, sympathy and other
psychoogca factors.
Despte these ptfas nothng s wrong wth
expectng or experencng any manfestaton,
provded t s genune. Manfestatons or
phenomena need not be sought after as sure
proofs or fath anchors snce ths becomes a
dstracton, they are to foow as God deems
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 91
ft. Manfestatons must not be opposed or
despsed, but they must be discerned and
:Th ::p-z( (ISV)
(:p) Do not put out the Spirit's jire.
(zo) Do not despise prophecies.
(z:) Instecd, #$)# $;$%>#7'01. Hold on to uhct is ood,
(zz) but leep cuc jrom eter lind oj etil.
(z) Mc the God oj pecce himselj mcle ou hol in eter
uc. And mc our uhole bein-spirit, soul, cnd bod-be
lept blcmeless ct the comin oj our Lord 1esus Christ.
(z() The one uho cclls ou is jcithjul, cnd he uill do this.
:1n (::- (ISV)
(:) Decr jriends, stop belietin eter spirit. Instecd, #$)#
#7$ ).'%'#) to see uhether the cre jrom God, beccuse
mcn jclse prophets hcte one out into the uorld.
(z) This is hou ou ccn reconize God's Spirit: Eter spirit
uho cclnouledes thct 1esus Christ hcs come in the jlesh is
jrom God.
() ut eter spirit uho does not cclnoulede 1esus is not
jrom God. This is the spirit oj the cntichrist. You hcte
hecrd thct he is comin, cnd nou he is clrecd in the
The ony certan proof of what s the Truth s
God's Word and the ony certan evidence
of the Hoy Sprt n ones fe s the Spiritual
Fruit of abiding obedience and
wholesome conformity to God's Word;
every other thng s not fu-proof.
1oh 8::-z (K1Vzooo)
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 92
(:) Then scid 1esus to those 1eus uho belieted on him, Ij
ou +/0#'0-$ '0 (> :/%*, then cre ou m disciples
(z) And ou shcll C0/: #7$ #%-#7, cnd the truth shcll
mcle ou jree.
1oh ::;-8 (K1Vzooo)
(;) a, >/- "9'*$ '0 ($B "0* (> :/%*) "9'*$ '0 >/-,
ou shcll csl uhct ou uill, cnd it shcll be done unto ou.
(8) In this is m Icther lorijied, #7"# >/- 9$"% (-+7
,%-'#8 )/ )7"!! >/- 9$ (> *')+'.!$)=
Spiritual Gifts are NOT criteria for
heavenly reward but ABlLlTlES given by
the Holy Spirit for helping others.
Spiritual Fruit are BOTH criteria for
heavenly reward and relational
UALlTlES produced by walking in the
Holy Spirit. Sgns and wonders (.e.
charsmata and mraces) are not reabe
EVIDENCES or PROOFS of sprtua quaty. lt
is faith and fruit (i.e. convictions and
character) that are reliable evidences or
proofs of spiritual quality. FRUIT refers to
EVIDENCE of ones convctons and decsons.
Sgns and wonders are by miraculous
powers gven to us by Chrst for the gory of
Hs Name, so they are a measure of God's
grace and the power of ]esus' Name.
(They can aso be a measure of satanic
powers 2Thes 2:9). Many who are
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 93
dsquafed by Chrst because of their
dead faith may st manfest sgns and
wonders n |esus Name. On the other hand
Spiritual Fruit s the measure of the
believer's faithfulness and walk with
God. It s the EVIDENCE that beyond merey
beevng n the Name of Chrst, one aso
abdes n the Word of Chrst.
Deu :::- (K1Vzooo)
(:) Ij there crise cmon ou c prophet, or c drecmer oj
drecms, cnd ites ou c sin or c uonder,
2?5 K0* #7$ )'10 /% #7$ :/0*$% +/($) #/ ."))B /,
:7'+7 7$ )./C$ -0#/ >/-B "0* 7$ )">)B I$# -) 1/
",#$% /#7$% 1/*)B :7'+7 >/- 7";$ 0/# C0/:0B "0*
!$# -) )$%;$ #7$(8
2E5 T/- )7"!! 0/# 7$"%C$0 -0#/ #7$ :/%*) /, #7"#
.%/.7$#B or thct drecmer oj drecms: jor the LDRD our
God is testin ou, to lnou uhether ou lote the LDRD
our God uith cll our hecrt cnd uith cll our soul.
Mct ;::-z (K1Vzooo)
(:) eucre oj jclse prophets, uho come to ou in sheep's
clothin, but inucrdl the cre rctenin uoltes.
23H5 T/- )7"!! C0/: #7$( 9> #7$'% ,%-'#)= `/ ($0
1"#7$% 1%".$) /, #7/%0)B /% ,'1) /, #7')#!$)e
(:;) Eten so eter ood tree brins jorth ood jruit, but c
corrupt tree brins jorth etil jruit.
(:8) A ood tree ccnnot brin jorth etil jruit, neither ccn c
corrupt tree brin jorth ood jruit.
(:p) Eter tree thct brins not jorth ood jruit is heun
doun, cnd ccst into the jire.
2?Y5 Z7$%$,/%$ 9> #7$'% ,%-'#) >/- )7"!! C0/:
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 94
2?35 \/# $;$%> /0$ #7"# )">) -0#/ ($B I/%*B I/%*B
)7"!! $0#$% '0#/ #7$ C'01*/( /, 7$";$08 9-# 7$ #7"#
*/$) #7$ :'!! /, (> 6"#7$% :7/ ') '0 7$";$0=
2??5 ]"0> :'!! )"> #/ ($ '0 #7"# *">B I/%*B I/%*B
7";$ :$ 0/# .%/.7$)'$* '0 >/-% 0"($e "0* '0 >/-%
0"($ 7";$ +")# /-# *$(/0)e "0* '0 >/-% 0"($
*/0$ ("0> :/0*$%,-! :/%C)e
2?E5 K0* #7$0 :'!! a .%/,$)) -0#/ #7$(B a 0$;$%
C0$: >/-D *$."%# ,%/( ($B >/- #7"# :/%C '0'A-'#>=
1cs z::;-zo (K1Vzooo)
23U5 b;$0 )/ ,"'#7B ', '# 7") 0/# :/%C)B ') *$"*B
9$'01 "!/0$=
(:8) Yec, c mcn mc sc, You hcte jcith, cnd I hcte
uorls: shou me our jcith uithout our uorls, "0* a :'!!
)7/: >/- (> ,"'#7 9> (> :/%C)=
23J5 T/- 9$!'$;$ #7"# #7$%$ ') /0$ </*8 >/- */ :$!!D
#7$ *$(/0) "!)/ 9$!'$;$B "0* #%$(9!$=
(zo) ut uill ou lnou, D tcin mcn, thct jcith uithout
uorls is decd?
Sant |ames wrote ths because durng the
mnstry of Chrst many demoniacs
confessed Hs Name n order to bargan for
ther prvate gan (Mark 1;24; 3:11; 5:6-8);
aso durng the mnstry of the Apostes
charlatans confessed the Name of Chrst to
acheve ther prvate ams (Acts 8:9-24;
16:16-18). So, NOT ALL "CONFESSlON OF
ABlDE" lN CHRlST. True fath n Chrst must
aso mbbe Chrsts Word. The problem of
our day is that Apostle ]udas lscariot
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 95
and the Antichrist have more converts
today than Christ and Apostles Peter
and Paul put together. But Christ and
the Apostles warned us:
6/% #7$%$ )7"!! "%')$ ,"!)$ G7%')#)B "0* ,"!)$
.%/.7$#)B "0* )7"!! NW_^ <PbKZ Na<\N K\`
^_\`bPN8 )/ #7"#B ', '# :$%$ ./))'9!$B #7$> )7"!!
*$+$';$ #7$ ;$%> $!$+#= ]"# ?RD?R 2f@g?YYY5
b;$0 7'(B :7/)$ +/('01 ') ",#$% #7$ ^_Pfa\< _6
NKZK\ ^aZW KII d_^bP K\` Na<\N K\` ITa\<
^_\`bPNB ?Z7 ?DJ 2f@g?YYY5
Ret :::-:( (K1Vzooo)
(:) And Wb `_bN <PbKZ ^_\`bPN, so thct he
mcles jire come doun jrom hecten on the ecrth in the
siht oj men,
(:() And deceites them thct duell on the ecrth b the
mecns oj ZW_Nb ]aPKGIbN ^WaGW Wb WK`
d_^bP Z_ `_ in the siht oj the becst, scin to them
thct duell on the ecrth, thct the should mcle cn imce to
the becst, thct hcd the uound b c suord, cnd did lite.
Deverance comes through personally
overcomng the dev on our own or by
ministerially destroyng the works of the
dev n the fe of others. Every Christian s
as of necessty equpped and en|oned to
personay overcome the dev and hs
demons contnuousy t the end. However,
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 96
not every Christian sha mnsteray
destroy the works of the dev for others
except those caed to mnster deverance
1. appointment as mnsters representng
Chrsts Church;
2. invitation on the confdence of the
victims or vctms reatves (Lk 9:40);
3. drect leading from Christ (Acts 16:18).
To mnster deverance to others usuay
1. the sprtua habits of prayng and fastng;
2. such sprtua gifts as:
D of wsdom and knowedge n the Word
of God for demolition of stronghods
through bbca counseng;
D of reveaton and dscernment of
sprts for sprtua diagnosis;
D of powers of exorcsm, heangs,
mraces and fath for declaration of
3. certan empirical knowedge of medcne,
psychatry and psychoogy for scentfc
analysis of symptoms.
Overcomng the dev personay coud be by:
1. Personal Commitment to Christ
through Obedience (to submt and draw
near) to the Lord |esus and Steadfastness
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 97
wth the Whole Armour of God (to resst the
2. Personal Conquest over the devil
@ the preemnent power n |esus
Name, that brngs a thngs under
@ the ceansng of the Blood of |esus;
@ ther testmony of Gods Word that
must come to pass;
@ ther dedcated Lives of readness to
shame the dev and ve or de for the
Gospe; and
@ ther persstence n the deverance
Prayer deliver us from evil".
Mct z8::8 (K1Vzooo)
(:8) And 1esus ccme cnd spole unto them, scin, All
pouer is iten unto me in hecten cnd in ecrth.
Eph ::o-:8 (K1Vzooo)
(:o) Iincll, m brethren, be stron in the Lord, cnd in the
pouer oj his miht.
(::) Put on the :7/!$ "%(/% /, </*, thct ou mc be
cble to stcnd ccinst the uiles oj the detil.
(:z) Ior ue urestle not ccinst jlesh cnd blood, but
ccinst principclities, ccinst pouers, ccinst the rulers oj
the dcrlness oj this uorld, ccinst spiritucl uicledness in
hectenl plcces.
(:) Therejore tcle unto ou the :7/!$ "%(/% /, </*,
thct ou mc be cble to uithstcnd in the etil dc, cnd
hctin done cll, to stcnd.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 98
(:() Stcnd therejore, hctin our loins irded cbout uith
#%-#7, cnd hctin on the brecstplcte oj %'17#$/-)0$)),
(:) And our jeet shod uith the prepcrction oj the 1/).$!
oj pecce,
(:) Abote cll, tclin the shield oj ,"'#7, uith uhich ou
shcll be cble to quench cll the jier dcrts oj the uicled one.
(:;) And tcle the helmet oj )"!;"#'/0, cnd the suord oj
the Spirit, uhich is the :/%* /, </*:
(:8) Prcin clucs uith "!! .%">$% "0* )-..!'+"#'/0
in the Spirit, cnd uctchin thus uith "!! .$%)$;$%"0+$
cnd supplicction jor cll scints,
Php z:p-:: (K1Vzooo)
(p) Therejore God clso hcs hihl exclted him, cnd iten
him c ncme uhich is cbote eter ncme:
23Y5 Z7"# "# #7$ 0"($ /, @$)-) $;$%> C0$$ )7/-!*
9/:B /, #7'01) '0 7$";$0B "0* #7'01) '0 $"%#7B "0*
#7'01) -0*$% #7$ $"%#78
(::) And thct eter tonue should conjess thct 1esus Christ
is Lord, to the lor oj God the Icther.
Col :::z-:8 K1Vzooo
(:z) Gitin thcnls unto the Icther, uho hcs mcde us jit to
be pcrtclers oj the inheritcnce oj the scints in liht:
(:) Who hcs delitered us jrom the pouer oj dcrlness, cnd
hcs trcnslcted us into the lindom oj his decr Son:
(:() In uhom ue hcte redemption throuh his blood, eten
the joriteness oj sins:
(:) Who is the imce oj the intisible God, the jirstborn oj
cll crection:
(:) Ior b him uere cll thins crected, thct cre in hecten,
cnd thct cre in ecrth, tisible cnd intisible, uhether the be
thrones, or dominions, or principclities, or pouers: "!!
#7'01) :$%$ +%$"#$* 9> 7'(B "0* ,/% 7'(:
(:;) And he is bejore cll thins, cnd b him cll thins cre
held toether.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 99
(:8) And he is the hecd oj the bod, the church: uho is the
beinnin, the jirstborn jrom the decd, #7"# '0 "!! #7'01)
7$ ('17# 7";$ #7$ .%$$('0$0+$=
1cs (:-:o (K1Vzooo)
() ut he ites more rcce. Therejore he scs, God resists
the proud, but ites rcce unto the humble.
(;) N-9('# ourseltes therejore to God. P$)')# the detil,
cnd he uill jlee jrom ou.
(8) `%": 0$"% to God, cnd he uill drcu necr to ou.
G!$"0)$ our hcnds, ou sinners, cnd .-%',> our
hecrts, ou double-minded.
(p) e cjjlicted, cnd mourn, cnd ueep: let our lcuhter be
turned to mournin, cnd our jo to hectiness.
(:o) Humble ourseltes in the siht oj the Lord, cnd he
shcll lijt ou up.
And the oterccme him b the 9!//* oj the Lcmb, cnd b
the :/%* oj their testimon, cnd the loted not #7$'%
!';$) unto decth. Ret :z::: (K1Vzooo)
Destroyng (Termnatng) the works of the
dev mnsteray coud be done by:
1. Ministerially Casting-out demons n
demonsed and possessed persons or
haunted property and places,
2. Ministerially Counseling others by usng
the Word to destroy psychological and
psychic strongholds whch the dev buds
up n peopes mnds.
Mct :o::, ;, 8 (K1Vzooo)
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 100
(:) And uhen he hcd cclled unto him his tuelte disciples,
he cte them ./:$% "1"'0)# -0+!$"0 ).'%'#)B #/ +")#
#7$( /-#, cnd to hecl cll mcnner oj siclness cnd cll
mcnner oj disecse.
(;) And cs ou o, precch, scin, The lindom oj hecten
is ct hcnd.
(8) Hecl the sicl, clecnse the lepers, rcise the decd, +")#
/-# *$(/0): jreel ou hcte receited, jreel ite.
Lul ::;;-;p (K1Vzooo)
(;;) To ite lnoulede oj scltction unto his people b the
remission oj their sins,
(;8) Throuh the tender merc oj our God, b uhich the
dcun jrom on hih hcs tisited us,
(;p) To ite liht to them thct sit in dcrlness cnd in the
shcdou oj decth, to uide our jeet into the uc oj pecce.
zCo :o:-p (K1Vzooo)
() Ior thouh ue ucll in the jlesh, ue do not ucr
cccordin to the jlesh:
(() (Ior the uecpons oj our ucrjcre cre not ccrncl, but
miht throuh God to the .-!!'01 */:0 /,
2X5 G")#'01 */:0 "%1-($0#)B "0* $;$%> 7'17 #7'01
#7"# $S"!#) '#)$!, "1"'0)# #7$ C0/:!$*1$ /, </*B "0*
9%'01'01 '0#/ +".#';'#> $;$%> #7/-17# #/ #7$
/9$*'$0+$ /, G7%')#8
() And hctin c recdiness to punish cll disobedience,
uhen our obedience is juljilled.
The resurrecton and ascenson of |esus to
the rght hand of power s the sgn and proof
that what He fnshed at the Cross s most
acceptabe to God above everythng ese on
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 101
earth, beneath the earth and n heaven.
Therefore, n recevng or mnsterng
deverance from demonc
oppresson/bondage, there s no need for
any exhibitionism or sensationalism,
rituals or rites, symbols or spells,
objects or formulas, presumptions or
pretensions. A that s needed s biblical
faith n the abdng presence and power
of ]esus and cang on that exated Name
of ]esus accordng to the Scrpture.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 102
There are some measures that are found to
be hepfu n ensurng persona deverance.
These have been represented here as
Denunciation, Dedication, Demolition,
Domination and Declaration.
1. Denunciation
Every beever s meant to abhor, condemn
and oppose the dev and the thngs of the
word - vangory, usts, superstton,
crookedness and wckedness. Denuncaton
nvoves vocng out that decson to reject
and oppose occut nvovements, contacts or
covenants. Ths must aso ncude
repentance of sn and relenting of grudges
we hod aganst others.
Eph :-: (ISV)
() Do not let cnone deceite ou uith mecninless uords,
jor it is beccuse oj these thins thct God's urcth comes on
those uho cre disobedient.
2U5 N/ */ 0/# 9$ ."%#0$%) :'#7 #7$(=
(8) Ior once ou uere dcrlness, but nou ou cre liht in
the Lord. Lite cs children oj liht.
(p) Ior the jruit oj the liht consists oj eter jorm oj
oodness, rihteousness, cnd truth.
(:o) Determine uhct plecses the Lord,
2335 "0* 7";$ 0/#7'01 #/ */ :'#7 #7$ -0,%-'#,-!
:/%C) /, *"%C0$))= a0)#$"*B $S./)$ #7$( ,/% :7"#
#7$> "%$=
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 103
(:z) Ior it is shcmejul eten to mention uhct is done b
people in secret.
(:) ut eterthin thct is exposed to the liht becomes
:1n :8-:o (K1Vzooo)
(8) He thct commits sin is oj the detil, jor the detil sins
jrom the beinnin. Ior this purpose the Son oj God ucs
mcnijested, thct he miht destro the uorls oj the detil.
(p) Whosoeter is born oj God does not commit sin, jor his
ncture remcins in him: cnd he ccnnot sin, beccuse he is
born oj God.
(:o) In this the children oj God cre mcnijest, cnd the
children oj the detil: uhosoeter does not rihteousness is
not oj God, neither he thct lotes not his brother.
Eph z::- (K1Vzooo)
(:) And ou hcs he mcde clite, uho uere decd in
trespcsses cnd sins:
(z) In uhich in time pcst ou uclled cccordin to the
course oj this uorld, cccordin to the prince oj the pouer oj
the cir, the spirit thct nou uorls in the children oj
() Amon uhom clso ue cll hcd our behctior in times
pcst in the lusts oj our jlesh, juljillin the desires oj the jlesh
cnd oj the mind, cnd uere b ncture the children oj urcth,
eten cs others.
(() ut God, uho is rich in merc, jor his rect lote uith
uhich he loted us,
() Eten uhen ue uere decd in sins, hcs mcde us clite
toether uith Christ, (b rcce ou cre scted,)
You cre oj our jcther the detil, cnd the lusts oj our jcther
ou uill do. He ucs c murderer jrom the beinnin, cnd
cbode not in the truth, beccuse there is no truth in him.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 104
When he specls c lie, he specls oj his oun: jor he is c licr,
cnd the jcther oj it. (1oh 8:(( K1Vzooo)
2. Dedication
Dedcaton has to do wth the beevers
surrender and commtment to Chrst to
pease Hm and et Hm ve Hs Lfe n us.
True beevers are those who have repented
of ther sns and through confesson obtaned
remsson by the bood of Chrst. These must
dedcate ther ves day to ve for Chrst as
reveaed n the Scrptures. Dedcaton to
Chrst brngs us cose to God but scares the
dev away.
I cm crucijied uith Christ: netertheless I lite, et not I, but
Christ lites in me: cnd the lije uhich I nou lite in the jlesh I
lite b the jcith oj the Son oj God, uho loted me, cnd cte
himselj jor me. (Gcl z:zo K1Vzooo)
Rom :z::-z (K1Vzooo)
(:) I beseech ou therejore, brethren, b the mercies oj
God, thct ou present our bodies c litin sccrijice, hol,
ccceptcble unto God, uhich is our recsoncble sertice.
(z) And be not conjormed to this uorld: but be
trcnsjormed b the reneuin oj our mind, thct ou mc
prote uhct is thct ood, cnd ccceptcble, cnd perject, uill
oj God.
1cs (:(-:o (K1Vzooo)
(() You cdulterers cnd cdulteresses, lnou ou not thct the
jriendship oj the uorld is enmit uith God? uhosoeter
therejore uill be c jriend oj the uorld is the enem oj God.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 105
() Do ou thinl thct the scripture scs in tcin, The spirit
thct duells in us lusts to ent?
() ut he ites more rcce. Therejore he scs, God resists
the proud, but ites rcce unto the humble.
(;) Submit ourseltes therejore to God. Resist the detil,
cnd he uill jlee jrom ou.
(8) Drcu necr to God, cnd he uill drcu necr to ou.
Clecnse our hcnds, ou sinners, cnd purij our hecrts,
ou double-minded.
(p) e cjjlicted, cnd mourn, cnd ueep: let our lcuhter be
turned to mournin, cnd our jo to hectiness.
(:o) Humble ourseltes in the siht oj the Lord, cnd he
shcll lijt ou up.
3. Demolition
By demoton s meant the pung down
(dismantling) of a psychoogca and
psychc strangehod of the dev n our
mnds. Demoton s done by unearnng and
dsbeevng a erroneous beefs and
decetfu word-vews (supersttons and
specuatons) and repacng them wth the
mmutabe truth of dvne reveaton n the
Scrpture, about the poston and operatons
of the dev n reaton to the poston and
authorty of the beever. Ths s what ths
wrte-up s geared to do.
zCo :o:- (K1Vzooo)
() Ior thouh ue ucll in the jlesh, ue do not ucr
cccordin to the jlesh:
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 106
(() (Ior the uecpons oj our ucrjcre cre not ccrncl, but
miht throuh God to the pullin doun oj stronholds,)
2X5 G")#'01 */:0 "%1-($0#)B "0* $;$%> 7'17 #7'01
#7"# $S"!#) '#)$!, "1"'0)# #7$ C0/:!$*1$ /, </*B "0*
9%'01'01 '0#/ +".#';'#> $;$%> #7/-17# #/ #7$
/9$*'$0+$ /, G7%')#8
() And hctin c recdiness to punish cll disobedience,
uhen our obedience is juljilled.
He thct hcs receited his testimon hcs set his secl to this
thct God is true. (1oh : K1Vzooo)
Demoton aso nvoves the destruction of
occut ob|ects by burning, breaking,
desecrating, etc. (Act 19:18-19; 2Kn 23:13-
4. Domination
Every beever however young or weak n
fath and knowedge s equpped and
authorsed to resst the dev and brng every
demonc operaton to a hat by the Name of
|esus to whch a beevers beong. Once we
et Chrst have a free domnon over our ves,
we gan fu domnon over a the powers of
Lul :o::;-zz (K1Vzooo)
23U5 K0* #7$ )$;$0#> %$#-%0$* "1"'0 :'#7 Q/>B
)">'01B I/%*B $;$0 #7$ *$(/0) "%$ )-9Q$+# -0#/ -)
#7%/-17 >/-% 0"($=
(:8) And he scid unto them, I beheld Sctcn cs lihtnin jcll
jrom hecten.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 107
23J5 F$7/!*B a 1';$ -0#/ >/- ./:$% #/ #%$"* /0
)$%.$0#) "0* )+/%.'/0)B "0* /;$% "!! #7$ ./:$% /,
#7$ $0$(>D "0* 0/#7'01 )7"!! 9> "0> ($"0) 7-%#
(zo) Netertheless in this rejoice not, thct the spirits cre
subject unto ou, but rcther rejoice, beccuse our ncmes
cre uritten in hecten.
(z:) In thct hour 1esus rejoiced in spirit, cnd scid, I thcnl
ou, D Icther, Lord oj hecten cnd ecrth, thct ou hcte hid
these thins jrom the uise cnd prudent, cnd hcte retecled
them unto bcbes: eten so, Icther, jor so it seemed ood in
our siht.
(zz) K!! #7'01) "%$ *$!';$%$* #/ ($ 9> (> 6"#7$%:
cnd no mcn lnous uho the Son is, but the Icther, cnd uho
the Icther is, but the Son, cnd he to uhom the Son uill
retecl him.
Php z:8-:: (K1Vzooo)
(8) And bein jound in jcshion cs c mcn, he humbled
himselj, cnd beccme obedient unto decth, eten the decth oj
the cross.
2J5 Z7$%$,/%$ </* "!)/ 7") 7'17!> $S"!#$* 7'(B "0*
1';$0 7'( " 0"($ :7'+7 ') "9/;$ $;$%> 0"($D
23Y5 Z7"# "# #7$ 0"($ /, @$)-) $;$%> C0$$ )7/-!*
9/:B /, #7'01) '0 7$";$0B "0* #7'01) '0 $"%#7B "0*
#7'01) -0*$% #7$ $"%#78
(::) And thct eter tonue should conjess thct 1esus Christ
is Lord, to the lor oj God the Icther.
5. Declaration
Reaffrm your Chrst-gven freedom and
vctory to yoursef and speak t forth to
others. Ths must ssue to a fe of resistance
to sn and resilience n steadfastness.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 108
:Co z::z-:o (K1Vzooo)
(:o) ut God hcs retecled them unto us b his Spirit: jor
the Spirit secrches cll thins, ec, the deep thins oj God.
(::) Ior uhct mcn lnous the thins oj c mcn, except the
spirit oj mcn uhich is in him? eten so the thins oj God
lnous no mcn, but the Spirit oj God.
(:z) Nou ue hcte receited, not the spirit oj the uorld, but
the Spirit uho is oj God, thct ue miht lnou the thins
thct cre jreel iten to us oj God.
Col z::o-: K1Vzooo
(:o) And ou cre complete in him, uho is the hecd oj cll
principclit cnd pouer:
(::) In uhom clso ou cre circumcised uith the
circumcision mcde uithout hcnds, in puttin ojj the bod
oj the sins oj the jlesh b the circumcision oj Christ:
(:z) uried uith him in bcptism, in uhich clso ou cre
risen uith him throuh the jcith oj the uorlin oj God,
uho hcs rcised him jrom the decd.
23E5 K0* >/-B 9$'01 *$"* '0 >/-% )'0) "0* #7$
-0+'%+-(+')'/0 /, >/-% ,!$)7B 7") 7$ ("*$ "!';$
#/1$#7$% :'#7 7'(B 7";'01 ,/%1';$0 >/- "!!
(:() F!/##'01 /-# the hcnduritin oj ordincnces thct ucs
ccinst us, uhich ucs contrcr to us, cnd #//C '# /-# /,
#7$ :">, ncilin it to his cross,
(:) And hctin spoiled principclities cnd pouers, he
mcde c shou oj them openl, triumphin oter them in it.
:1n ::8-zo (K1Vzooo)
(:8) ^$ C0/: thct uhosoeter is born oj God sins not, but
he thct is beotten oj God leeps himselj, cnd thct uicled
one touches him not.
(:p) K0* :$ C0/: thct :$ "%$ oj God, cnd the uhole
uorld lies in uicledness.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 109
(zo) K0* :$ C0/: thct the Son oj God is come, cnd hcs
iten us cn understcndin, thct ue mc lnou him thct is
true, cnd :$ "%$ in him thct is true, eten in his Son 1esus
Christ. This is the true God, cnd eterncl lije.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 110
By the way, It s approprate that the Baptsm
Servce shoud be a servce of
a. proclamation of the Gospe of
savaton n Chrst,
b. invitation to commitment to Chrst
and renunciation of sn and the dev,
c. declaration of and prayer for
absolution and deliverance from
depravty and demons, then
d. actua baptism and reception nto
Chrsts Church.
Ths was the way the ancent Church dd t.
Deverance shoud not be deferred to when
the vctm deems t necessary. Ths error has
gven rse to mxed Chrstanty of today
where demonsed Chrstans are church
members. The od Church had no demonsed
member because they took care of demons
rght at the begnnng.
Some steps have been found to be hepfu n
mnsterng deverance. These sha be
hghghted here under the headngs:
Recognition, Reconciliation, Release, and
1. Recognition
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 111
(). Realise that deang wth demons s
sprtua warfare, therefore do not be a one
ranger nor operate wth carna weapons.
a. Commune wth God,
b. Communcate wth the Church,
c. Cover yoursef wth the sprtua
costume and equpment of the whoe armour
of God.
(). Recognise the demonc n the vctm not
by mere assumptons but through:
D confrmed hstory of fama or
persona nvovement and/or
D cear symptoms and sgns and/or
D certan sprtua nsght.
2. Reconciliation
(). Re-examine and reconce yourself frst
wth Chrst and be fed afresh wth the Hoy
(). Reconcile the victim wth Chrst by
eadng hm/her to:
@ Renunciation of (vocng out the
decson to re|ect and oppose) occut
nvovements, whether contacts or
@ Repentance of besettng nqutes
and anmostes, ndugences and offences,
wckedness and weakness;
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 112
@ Relent of any past or present
grudges and animosities aganst reatves,
acquantances and contacts;
@ Remission by confessng (and askng
for pardon from) every known and unknown
sn: whether they are sins of omission,
intention or commission; whether due to
gnorance, neggence, weakness or
3. Release
(). Demolish supersttous stronghods n
the mnd of the counseee (as above) wth
the exposton of ncontrovertbe counse of
the Word of God.
(). Deliver (pray for deverance of) the
vctm of demonc nfuence, deuson,
dsturbance or outrght demonc nhabtaton
or possesson, through binding and loosing,
casting and decreeing, rebuking and
commanding aganst the demons. Ths
mnstry s to be done wth the power and
authorty gven by Chrst to us, over a the
powers of the dev.
Lul :o::;-zo (K1Vzooo)
(:;) And the setent returned ccin uith jo, scin, Lord,
eten the demons cre subject unto us throuh our ncme.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 113
(:8) And he scid unto them, a 9$7$!* N"#"0 ")
!'17#0'01 ,"!! jrom hecten.
(:p5 F$7/!*B a 1';$ -0#/ >/- ./:$% #/ #%$"* /0
)$%.$0#) "0* )+/%.'/0)B "0* /;$% "!! #7$ ./:$% /,
#7$ $0$(>D "0* 0/#7'01 )7"!! 9> "0> ($"0) 7-%#
(zo) Netertheless in this rejoice not, thct #7$ ).'%'#) "%$
)-9Q$+# -0#/ >/-, but rcther rejoice, beccuse our ncmes
cre uritten in hecten.

Deverance prayer takes the form of
intercessory prayer for the vctm, wth
authoritative words of exorcism and
execration aganst the demons, both
banishing and banning them n the Name
of ]esus Christ (.e. on behalf of ]esus or
in agreement with ]esus - wth
decaratons, convctons and commtments
that derve from and accord wth a that
|esus stands for, as reveaed n Scrpture, not
merey verbasng the Name of |esus).
Whatever ]esus is, stands for, and has
accomplished, is His Name and
operating in representation of these is
operating in ]esus' Name, and a
authortes n the whoe creaton are bound
by (and are sub|ect to) |esus whenever He s
procamed n fath, whether they choose to
or not.
Sometmes for emphass and n order to fuy
carry the vctm and the brethren aong, the
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 114
prayer may need to be repeated. Possessve
demons coud try to deay or dstract or
dvert the exorcsm by ntatng a dscusson
wth haf truths or a drama; ths must be
dsregarded and the demons authortatvey
commanded to be quet and vacate. Once
ony, |esus granted the prvege of
dscusson to the voent but suppant Legon
demons because they approached and
worshipped Hm and passionately
pleaded in God's Name for mder ext. For
us to escape beng deceved and deraed,
we must resst the temptaton of acceptng
such worshp from or permttng such
conversatons wth demons:
Mcr ::-: (K1Vzooo)
(:) And the ccme oter unto the other side oj the sec, into
the countr oj the Gcdcrenes.
(z) And uhen he ccme out oj the ship, immedictel there
met him out oj the tombs c mcn uith cn unclecn spirit,
() Who hcd his duellin cmon the tombs, cnd no mcn
could bind him, no, not uith chcins:
(() eccuse he hcd been ojten bound uith jetters cnd
chcins, cnd the chcins hcd been urenched cpcrt b him,
cnd the jetters brolen in pieces: neither could cn mcn
subdue him.
() And clucs, niht cnd dc, he ucs in the mountcins,
cnd in the tombs, crin, cnd cuttin himselj uith stones.
2H5 F-# :7$0 7$ )": @$)-) ","% /,,B 7$ %"0 "0*
:/%)7'.$* 7'(B
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 115
(;) And cried uith c loud toice, cnd scid, Whct hcte I to
do uith ou, 1esus, ou Son oj the most hih God? a "*Q-%$
>/- 9> </*, thct ou torment me not.
(8) Ior he hcd scid unto him, Come out oj the mcn, ou
unclecn spirit.
(p) And he csled him, Whct is our ncme? And he
cnsuered, scin, M ncme is Leion: jor ue cre mcn.
(:o) And 7$ 9$11$* 7'( (-+7 thct he uould not send
them cuc out oj the countr.
(::) Nou there ucs there necr unto the mountcins c rect
herd oj suine jeedin.
(:z) And "!! #7$ *$(/0) 9$11$* 7'(, scin, Send us
into the suine, thct ue mc enter into them.
(:) And @$)-) 1";$ #7$( !$";$. And the unclecn spirits
uent out, cnd entered into the suine: cnd the herd rcn
tiolentl doun c steep plcce into the sec, (there uere cbout
tuo thouscnd,) cnd uere drouned in the sec.
Some fee t s necessary to fnd out a
demons name n order to cast t out. Ths s
a faacy for man has the power to name a
created bengs and thngs. Askng a demon
ts name s gvng a prvege to such a
demon. Demons are known and caed by
ther fruts. Most often |esus and the Apostes
smpy cast the demons out wthout any
appeaton. On few occasons they used
descrptve name for the demons they cast
Ior he hcd scid unto him, G/($ /-# /, #7$ ("0B >/-
-0+!$"0 ).'%'#. (Mcr :8 K1Vzooo)
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 116
When 1esus scu thct the people ccme runnin toether, 7$
%$9-C$* #7$ ,/-! ).'%'#, scin unto him, T/- *-(9
"0* *$", ).'%'#B a +7"%1$ >/-B +/($ /-# /, 7'(B "0*
$0#$% 0/ (/%$ '0#/ 7'(. (Mcr p:z K1Vzooo)
And demons clso ccme out oj mcn, crin out, cnd
scin, You cre Christ the Son oj God. K0* 7$ %$9-C'01
#7$( .$%('##$* #7$( 0/# #/ ).$"C: jor the lneu thct
he ucs Christ. (Lul (:(: K1Vzooo)
And cs he ucs et comin, the demon threu him doun, cnd
tore him. K0* @$)-) %$9-C$* #7$ -0+!$"0 ).'%'#, cnd
hecled the child, cnd delitered him ccin to his jcther.
(Lul p:(z K1Vzooo)
Lul ::::-: (K1Vzooo)
(::) And, behold, there ucs c uomcn uho hcd " ).'%'# /,
'0,'%('#> eihteen ecrs, cnd ucs boued toether, cnd
could in no uc lijt herselj up.
(:z) And uhen 1esus scu her, he cclled her to him, cnd
scid unto her, ^/("0B >/- "%$ !//)$* ,%/( >/-%
(:) And he lcid his hcnds on her: cnd immedictel she
ucs mcde strciht, cnd lorijied God.
(). Destroy occut ob|ects by burning,
breaking, desecrating, etc.
Act :p::8-:p (K1Vzooo)
(:8) And mcn thct belieted ccme, cnd +/0,$))$*, cnd
told oj their deeds.
(:p) Mcn oj them clso uho used mcic crts brouht their
bools toether, cnd 9-%0$* them bejore cll men: cnd the
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 117
counted the price oj them, cnd jound it jijt thouscnd
pieces oj silter.
zKi z::-: (K1Vzooo)
(:) And the hih plcces thct uere ecst oj 1erusclem,
uhich uere on the south oj the mount oj corruption, uhich
Solomon the lin oj Isrcel hcd built jor Ashtoreth the
cbominction oj the Sidonicns, cnd jor Chemosh the
cbominction oj the Mocbites, cnd jor Milcom the
cbominction oj the children oj Ammon, did the lin *$,'!$.
(:() And he 9%/C$ in pieces the imces, cnd cut doun the
idol poles, cnd ,'!!$* #7$'% .!"+$) :'#7 #7$ 9/0$) /,
(:) Moreoter the cltcr thct ucs ct eth-el, cnd the hih
plcce uhich 1erobocm the son oj Nebct, uho mcde Isrcel to
sin, hcd mcde, both thct cltcr cnd the hih plcce he 9%/C$
doun, cnd 9-%0$* the hih plcce, cnd +%-)7$* it to
pouder, cnd 9-%0$* the idol pole.
(:) And cs 1osich turned, he scu the sepulchers thct uere
there in the mount, cnd sent, cnd tool the bones out oj the
sepulchers, cnd burned them upon the cltcr, cnd ./!!-#$*
it, cccordin to the uord oj the LDRD uhich the mcn oj
God proclcimed, uho proclcimed these uords.
(v). Declare absouton and freedom from
a condemnaton, contamnaton and
confuson accordng to Gods Word. Ths
assures the devered person of the certanty
of hs/her freedom and pardon for fath
comes by hearng Gods Word decared.
They need to hear it declared that you
are convinced and agree with them that
they are heaed, that they are free, that they
are saved, that they are born agan, that
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 118
they are forgven, that they are devered,
that they are made whoe according to
God's Word. Ths strengthens fath and
mnsters grace.
4. Renewal
Accordng to Chrsts teachng, deverance
wthout sprtua renewa s creatng
crcumstance for worse bondage:
Lul :::z:-z (K1Vzooo)
(z:) When c stron mcn crmed leeps his pclcce, his oods
cre in pecce:
(zz) ut uhen c stroner thcn he shcll come upon him,
cnd otercome him, he tcles jrom him cll his crmor in
uhich he trusted, cnd ditides his spoils.
(z) He thct is not uith me is ccinst me: cnd he thct
cthers not uith me scctters.
2?R5 ^7$0 #7$ -0+!$"0 ).'%'# ') 1/0$ /-# /, " ("0B
7$ :"!C) #7%/-17 *%> .!"+$)B )$$C'01 %$)#8 "0*
,'0*'01 0/0$B 7$ )">)B a :'!! %$#-%0 -0#/ (> 7/-)$
,%/( :7'+7 a +"($ /-#=
2?X5 K0* :7$0 7$ +/($)B 7$ ,'0*) '# ):$.# "0* '0
2?H5 Z7$0 7$ 1/$)B "0* #"C$) :'#7 7'( )$;$0 /#7$%
).'%'#) (/%$ :'+C$* #7"0 7'()$!,8 "0* #7$> $0#$%
'0B "0* *:$!! #7$%$D "0* #7$ !")# )#"#$ /, #7"# ("0
') :/%)$ #7"0 #7$ ,'%)#=
It s a necessty to ensure that those who
experence deverance are foowed up nto a
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 119
fe of sprtua renewa - a fe of funess of
the Sprt - whch nvoves:
@ Constant sprtua fellowship among
Bbe-beevng, Bbe teachng, non-
syncretstc and Sprt-fed beevers who
can support them wth ntercesson, bbca
counse and such mnstratons t they are
fuy confdent of ther standng n the Lord;
The +/0#'0-"!!> detoted themseltes to the #$"+7'01 oj
the cpostles, to ,$!!/:)7'., to the breclin oj brecd, cnd
to times oj .%">$%. (Act z:(z ISV)
Heb :o:z-z (K1Vzooo)
(z) Let us hold jcst the projession oj our jcith uithout
ucterin, (jor he is jcithjul thct promised,)
(z() And let us consider one cnother to protole unto lote
cnd to ood uorls:
2?X5 \/# ,/%)"C'01 #7$ "))$(9!'01 /, /-%)$!;$)
#/1$#7$%B ") #7$ ("00$% /, )/($ ')8 9-# $S7/%#'01
/0$ "0/#7$%: cnd so much the more, cs ou see the dc
@ Consstent motvaton to spiritual
growth through persona Bible Study and
With .%">$%) cnd deep desires, mclin requests ct "!!
#'($) '0 #7$ N.'%'#, cnd leepin :"#+7, uith )#%/01
.-%./)$, in prcer jor cll the scints, (Eph ::8 E)
:Th ::-z( (K1Vzooo)
(:) Rejoice etermore.
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 120
23U5 d%"> :'#7/-# +$")'01=
(:8) In eterthin ite thcnls: jor this is the uill oj God in
Christ 1esus concernin ou.
(:p) Quench not the Spirit.
(zo) Despise not prophesin.
2?35 Z$)# "!! #7'01)8 7/!* ,")# #7"# :7'+7 ') 1//*=
2??5 K9)#"'0 ,%/( "!! "..$"%"0+$ /, $;'!=
2?E5 K0* #7$ ;$%> </* /, .$"+$ )"0+#',> >/-
:7/!!>8 "0* a .%"> </* >/-% :7/!$ ).'%'# "0* )/-!
"0* 9/*> 9$ .%$)$%;$* 9!"($!$)) -0#/ #7$ +/('01
/, /-% I/%* @$)-) G7%')#=
2?R5 6"'#7,-! ') 7$ #7"# +"!!) >/-B :7/ "!)/ :'!! */
:Pe z::- (ISV)
235 Z7$%$,/%$B %'* >/-%)$!;$) /, $;$%> C'0* /, $;'!
"0* *$+$.#'/0B 7>./+%')>B Q$"!/-)>B "0* $;$%> C'0*
/, )!"0*$%=
2?5 I'C$ 0$:9/%0 9"9'$)B #7'%)# ,/% #7$ .-%$ ('!C /,
#7$ :/%* )/ #7"# 9> '# >/- ("> 1%/: '0 >/-%
2E5 N-%$!> >/- 7";$ #")#$* #7"# #7$ I/%* ') 1//*O
@ Readness to share Chrsts Gospe
and to testify of Gods power at work n
ther ves;
Ret :z:p-:: (K1Vzooo)
(p) And the rect drcon ucs ccst out, thct old serpent,
cclled the Detil, cnd Sctcn, uho deceites the uhole uorld:
he ucs ccst out into the ecrth, cnd his cnels uere ccst out
uith him.
(:o) And I hecrd c loud toice scin in hecten, Nou is
come scltction, cnd strenth, cnd the lindom oj our God,
cnd the pouer oj his Christ: jor the cccuser oj our brethren
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 121
is ccst doun, uho cccused them bejore our God dc cnd
2335 K0* #7$> /;$%+"($ 7'( 9> #7$ 9!//* /, #7$
I"(9B "0* 9> #7$ :/%* /, #7$'% #$)#'(/0>8 cnd the
loted not their lites unto decth.
@ Resent resistance aganst the
dev and a appearances of ev. The dev
operates by cunnng dsguse and confuson
about the truth. Though he operates wth
power, he usuay has no guts to face
resstance head-on. The dev w aways
retreat and fee when confronted wth
resstance, abet temporay.
Mct (::o-:: (ESV)
(:o) Then 1esus scid to him, "F$ 1/0$B N"#"0l Ior it is
uritten, "'You shcll uorship the Lord our God cnd him
onl shcll ou serte.'"
(::) Then #7$ *$;'! !$,# 7'(, cnd behold, cnels ccme
cnd uere ministerin to him.
Lul (::z-: (ESV)
(:z) And 1esus cnsuered him, "It is scid, 'You shcll not put
the Lord our God to the test.'"
(:) And uhen the detil hcd ended eter temptction, 7$
*$."%#$* jrom him -0#'! "0 /../%#-0$ #'($=
Submit ourseltes therejore to God. P$)')# #7$ *$;'!, cnd
7$ :'!! ,!$$ jrom ou. (1cs (:; ESV)
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 122
Wth |esus |oy et us gve a gory and prase
to God for reveang to us n the Scrptures,
a thngs necessary for us to overcome and
trumph over the dev and hs demons n the
Name of |esus Chrst. Above a, et |esus be
prased, for He has regstered us n heaven.
Lul :o::;-z( (K1Vzooo)
(:;) And the setent returned ccin :'#7 Q/>, scin,
Lord, eten the demons cre subject unto us throuh our
2345 K0* 7$ )"'* -0#/ #7$(B a 9$7$!* N"#"0 ")
!'17#0'01 ,"!! ,%/( 7$";$0=
(:p) F$7/!*B a 1';$ -0#/ >/- ./:$% to trecd on
serpents cnd scorpions, cnd /;$% "!! #7$ ./:$% /, #7$
$0$(>: cnd nothin shcll b cn mecns hurt ou.
2?Y5 \$;$%#7$!$)) '0 #7') %$Q/'+$ 0/#B #7"# #7$
).'%'#) "%$ )-9Q$+# -0#/ >/-8 9-# %"#7$% %$Q/'+$B
9$+"-)$ >/-% 0"($) "%$ :%'##$0 '0 7$";$0=
2?35 a0 #7"# 7/-% @$)-) %$Q/'+$* '0 ).'%'#B cnd scid, I
thcnl ou, D Icther, Lord oj hecten cnd ecrth, #7"# >/-
7";$ 7'* #7$)$ #7'01) ,%/( #7$ :')$ "0* .%-*$0#B
"0* 7";$ %$;$"!$* #7$( -0#/ 9"9$): eten so, Icther,
jor so it seemed ood in our siht.
(zz) All thins cre delitered to me b m Icther: cnd no
mcn lnous uho the Son is, but the Icther, cnd uho the
Icther is, but the Son, cnd he to uhom the Son uill retecl
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 123
2?E5 K0* 7$ #-%0$* #/ 7') *')+'.!$)B "0* )"'*
.%';"#$!>B F!$))$* "%$ #7$ $>$) :7'+7 )$$ #7$ #7'01)
#7"# >/- )$$D
(z() Ior I tell ou, thct mcn prophets cnd lins hcte
desired to see #7/)$ #7'01) :7'+7 >/- )$$, cnd hcte not
seen them, cnd to hecr #7/)$ #7'01) :7'+7 >/- 7$"%,
cnd hcte not hecrd them.
1. l have seen, seen, the downfall of
Glory be to God, glory be to ]esus;
l have seen, seen, the downfall of
Glory be to God, Amen.
When l look at my right, l see Satan
has fallen.
When l look at my left, l see Satan
has fallen.
When l look at my front, l see Satan
has fallen.
When l look at my back, l see Satan
has fallen.
l have seen, seen, the downfall of
Glory be to God, glory be to ]esus;
l have seen, seen, the downfall of
Glory be to God, Amen.
2. l have seen, seen, the victory of
Glory be to God, glory be to ]esus;
Deliverance and Demonologv bv I. U. Ibeme 124
l have seen, seen, the victory of ]esus:
Glory be to God, Amen.
When l look at my right, l see ]esus
has conquered.
When l look at my left, l see ]esus
has conquered.
When l look at my front, l see ]esus
has conquered.
When l look at my back, l see ]esus
has conquered.
l have seen, seen, the victory of ]esus:
Glory be to God, glory be to ]esus;
l have seen, seen, the victory of ]esus:
Glory be to God, Amen.
Last Updated September 28, 2010
By The Venerable Dr. I. U. Ibeme
Copyright PrscAqua Pubshng, Maiduguri, Nigeria.
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