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G.R. No. L-18!
September 30, 1965
en banc
Defendants Emilio A. Gancayco and lorentino lor, as special prosec!tors of t"e Department of #!stice, re$!ired t"e plaintiff %"ilippine
&ational 'an( )%&'* to prod!ce at a "earin+ on ebr!ary ,0, 1961 t"e records of t"e ban( deposits of Ernesto -. #imene., former
administrator of t"e A+ric!lt!ral /redit and /ooperative Administration, 0"o 0as t"en !nder investi+ation for !ne1plained 0ealt". 2n declinin+
to reveal its records, %&' invo(ed 3A 1405 0"ic" provides5
SE/. ,. All deposits of 0"atever nat!re 0it" ban(s or ban(in+ instit!tions in t"e %"ilippines incl!din+ investments in bonds iss!ed by t"e
Government of t"e %"ilippines, its political s!bdivisions and its instr!mentalities, are "ereby considered as of an absol!tely confidential nat!re
and may not be e1amined, in$!ired or loo(ed into by any person, +overnment official, b!rea! or office, e1cept !pon 0ritten permission of t"e
depositor, or in cases of impeac"ment, or !pon order of a competent co!rt in cases of bribery or dereliction of d!ty of p!blic officials, or in
cases 0"ere t"e money deposited or invested is t"e s!b6ect matter of t"e liti+ation.
7n t"e ot"er "and, t"e defendants cited t"e Anti8Graft and /orr!pt %ractices Act )3A 3019* in s!pport of t"eir claim of a!t"ority and
demanded ane0 t"at plaintiff Ed!ardo 9. 3om!alde., as ban( president, prod!ce t"e records or "e 0o!ld be prosec!ted for contempt. -"e
defendants invo(ed Sec. : of 3a 3019 0"ic" states t"at5
SE/. :. Dismissal due to unexplained wealth. ; 2f in accordance 0it" t"e provisions of 3ep!blic Act &!mbered 7ne t"o!sand t"ree "!ndred
seventy8nine, a p!blic official "as been fo!nd to "ave ac$!ired d!rin+ "is inc!mbency, 0"et"er in "is name or in t"e name of ot"er persons,
an amo!nt of property and<or money manifestly o!t of proportion to "is salary and to "is ot"er la0f!l income, t"at fact s"all be a +ro!nd for
dismissal or removal. %roperties in t"e name of t"e spo!se and !nmarried c"ildren of s!c" p!blic official may be ta(en into consideration,
0"en t"eir ac$!isition t"ro!+" le+itimate means cannot be satisfactorily s"o0n. 'an( deposits s"all be ta(en into consideration in t"e
enforcement of t"is section, not0it"standin+ any provision of la0 to t"e contrary.
'eca!se of t"e t"reat of prosec!tion, plaintiffs filed an action for declaratory 6!d+ment in t"e =anila /2. After trial, d!rin+ 0"ic" Senator
Art!ro =. -olentino, a!t"or of t"e Anti8Graft and /orr!pt %ractices Act testified, t"e co!rt rendered 6!d+ment, s!stainin+ t"e po0er of t"e
defendants to compel t"e disclos!re of ban( acco!nts of A//A Administrator #imene.. -"e co!rt said t"at, by enactin+ Section : of 3A
3019, /on+ress clearly intended to provide an additional +ro!nd for t"e e1amination of ban( deposits. >it"o!t s!c" provision, t"e co!rt added
prosec!tors 0o!ld be "ampered if not alto+et"er fr!strated in t"e prosec!tion of t"ose c"ar+ed 0it" "avin+ ac$!ired !ne1plained 0ealt" 0"ile
in p!blic office.
rom t"at 6!d+ment, plaintiffs appealed to t"is /o!rt. 2n brief, plaintiffs? position is t"at section : of t"e Anti8Graft @a0 Asimply means t"at s!c"
ban( deposits may be incl!ded or added to t"e assets of t"e Government official or employee for t"e p!rpose of comp!tin+ "is !ne1plained
0ealt" if and 0"en t"e same are discovered or revealed in t"e manner a!t"ori.ed by Section , of 3A 1405, 0"ic" are )1* !pon 0ritten
permission of t"e depositorB ),* in cases of impeac"mentB )3* !pon order of a competent co!rt in cases of bribery or dereliction of d!ty of
p!blic officialsB and )4* in cases 0"ere t"e money deposited or invested is t"e s!b6ect matter of t"e liti+ation.C
1. >"et"er or not 3A 3019 0"ic" too( effect on A!+!st 1D, 1960 is a +eneral la0 0"ic" cannot be deemed to "ave impliedly repealed section
, of 3A 1405 )0"ic" too( effect on Sept. 9, 1955*, beca!se of t"e r!le t"at repeals by implication are not favored.
,. >"et"er or not a ban( can be compelled to disclose t"e records of acco!nts of a depositor 0"o is !nder investi+ation for !ne1plained
/ontrary to t"eir claim t"at t"eir position effects a reconciliation of t"e provisions of t"e t0o la0s, plaintiffs are act!ally ma(in+ t"e provisions of
3ep!blic Act &o. 1405 prevail over t"ose of t"e 3A 3019, beca!se even 0it"o!t t"e latter la0 t"e balance standin+ to t"e depositor?s credit
can be considered provided its disclos!re is made in any of t"e cases provided in 3A 1405.
-"e tr!t" is t"at 3A 3019 and 3A 1405 are so rep!+nant to eac" ot"er t"an no reconciliation is possible. -"!s, 0"ile 3A 1405 provides t"at
ban( deposits are Aabsol!tely confidential and t"erefore may not be e1amined, in$!ired or loo(ed into, e1cept in t"ose cases en!merated
t"erein, 3A 3019 directs in mandatory terms t"at ban( deposits As"all be ta(en into consideration in t"e enforcement of t"is section,
not0it"standin+ any provision of la0 to t"e contrary.C -"e only concl!sion possible is t"at section : of t"e 3A 3019 is intended to amend
section , of 3A 1405 by providin+ additional e1ception to t"e r!le a+ainst t"e disclos!re of ban( deposits.
2ndeed, if t"e ne0 la0 is inconsistent 0it" or rep!+nant to t"e old la0, t"e pres!mption a+ainst t"e intent to repeal by implication is overt"ro0n
beca!se t"e inconsistency or rep!+nancy reveals an intent to repeal t"e e1istin+ la0. And 0"et"er a stat!te, eit"er in its entirety or in part, "as
been repealed by implication is !ltimately a matter of le+islative intent. )/ra0ford, -"e /onstr!ction of Stat!tes, Secs. 3098310. /f. 2loilo %alay
and /orn %lanters Ass?n v. eliciano, G.3. &o. @8,40,,, =arc" 3, 1965*.
>it" re+ard to t"e claim t"at disclos!re 0o!ld be contrary to t"e policy ma(in+ ban( deposits confidential, it is eno!+" to point o!t t"at 0"ile
section , of 3A 1405 declares ban( deposits to be Aabsol!tely confidential,C it nevert"eless allo0s s!c" disclos!re in t"e follo0in+ instances5
)1* Epon 0ritten permission of t"e depositorB ),* 2n cases of impeac"mentB )3* Epon order of a competent co!rt in cases of bribery or
dereliction of d!ty of p!blic officialsB )4* 2n cases 0"ere t"e money deposited is t"e s!b6ect matter of t"e liti+ation. /ases of !ne1plained
0ealt" are similar to cases of bribery or dereliction of d!ty and no reason is seen 0"y t"ese t0o classes of cases cannot be e1cepted from t"e
r!le ma(in+ ban( deposits confidential. -"e policy as to one cannot be different from t"e policy as to t"e ot"er. -"is policy e1presses t"e
motion t"at a p!blic office is a p!blic tr!st and any person 0"o enters !pon its disc"ar+e does so 0it" t"e f!ll (no0led+e t"at "is life, so far as
relevant to "is d!ty, is open to p!blic scr!tiny.



- %&'()( -


G.R. No(. 1,-./!-/,


%A&GA&2'A&, C.J.,
/A3%27 =73A@ES,
/A@@E#7, S3.,
GA3/2A, and
HE@AS/7, #3., JJ.


&ovember 30, ,006
1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1



-"e present petition for certiorari !nder 3!le 65 assails t"e Sandi+anbayan 3esol!tions dated ebr!ary D and 1,, ,003 denyin+
petitioner #osep" Hictor G. E6ercito?s =otions to F!as" S!bpoenas D!ces -ec!m<Ad -estificand!m, and 3esol!tion dated =arc" 11,
,003 denyin+ "is =otion for 3econsideration of t"e first t0o resol!tions.

-"e t"ree resol!tions 0ere iss!ed in /riminal /ase &o. ,655:, APeople of the Philippines v. Joseph Ejercito Estrada, et al.,C for
pl!nder, defined and penali.ed in 3.A. D0:0, AA& A/- DE2&2&G A&D %E&A@292&G -IE /32=E 7 %@E&DE3.C

2n above8stated case of People v. Estrada, et al., t"e Special %rosec!tion %anel
filed on #an!ary ,0, ,003 before t"e
Sandi+anbayan a 3e$!est for 2ss!ance of S!bpoena D!ces -ec!m for t"e iss!ance of a s!bpoena directin+ t"e %resident of E1port and
2nd!stry 'an( )E2', formerly Erban 'an(* or "is<"er a!t"ori.ed representative to prod!ce t"e follo0in+ doc!ments d!rin+ t"e "earin+s
sc"ed!led on #an!ary ,, and ,D, ,0035

2. or T')(0 A11o)n0 No. 8,8B
1. Acco!nt 7penin+ Doc!mentsB
,. -radin+ 7rder &o. 0,03:5 dated #an!ary ,9, 1999B
3. /onfirmation Advice -A :5:B
4. 7ri+inal<=icrofilm copies, incl!din+ t"e dorsal side, of t"e follo0in+5

a. 'an( of /ommerce =/ L 0,56,54 in t"e amo!nt of %,,000,000.00B
b. Erban ban( /orp. =/ L 341:1 dated &ovember :, 1999 in t"e amo!nt of %10,:D5,D49.43B
c. Erban 'an( =/ L 341:, dated &ovember :, 1999 in t"e amo!nt of %4,,D16,554.,,B
d. Erban 'an( /orp. =/ L 3D661 dated &ovember ,3, 1999 in t"e amo!nt of %54,161,496.5,B

5. -r!st A+reement dated #an!ary 19995
-r!stee5 #osep" Hictor /. E6ercito
&ominee5 E3'A& 'A&M8-3ES- DE%A3-=E&-
Special %rivate Acco!nt &o. )S%A&* :5:B and
6. @ed+er of t"e S%A& L :5:.

22. Fo' Sa%2n3( A11o)n0 No. 4115-1-!,-/
S%A& &o. :5:

1. Si+nat!re /ardsB and
,. Statement of Acco!nt<@ed+er

222. Erban 'an( =ana+er?s /"ec( and t"eir correspondin+ Erban 'an( =ana+er?s /"ec( Application orms, as follo0s5

1. =/ L 0399D5 dated #an!ary 1:, ,000 in t"e amo!nt of %D0,000,000.00B
,. =/ L 0399D6 dated #an!ary 1:, ,000 in t"e amo!nt of %,,000,000.00B
3. =/ L 0399DD dated #an!ary 1:, ,000 in t"e amo!nt of %,,000,000.00B
4. =/ L 0399D: dated #an!ary 1:, ,000 in t"e amo!nt of %1,000,000.00B

-"e Special %rosec!tion %anel also filed on #an!ary ,0, ,003, a 3e$!est for 2ss!ance of S!bpoena D!ces -ec!m<Ad
-estificand!m directed to t"e a!t"ori.ed representative of E$!itable8%/2 'an( to prod!ce statements of acco!nt pertainin+ to certain acco!nts
in t"e name of A#ose HelardeC and to testify t"ereon.

-"e Sandi+anbayan +ranted bot" re$!ests by 3esol!tion of #an!ary ,1, ,003 and s!bpoenas 0ere accordin+ly iss!ed.

-"e Special %rosec!tion %anel filed still anot"er 3e$!est for 2ss!ance of S!bpoena D!ces -ec!m<Ad -estificand!m dated #an!ary
,3, ,003 for t"e %resident of E2' or "is<"er a!t"ori.ed representative to prod!ce t"e same doc!ments s!b6ect of t"e S!bpoena D!ces -ec!m
dated #an!ary ,1, ,003 and to testify t"ereon on t"e "earin+s sc"ed!led on #an!ary ,D and ,9, ,003 and s!bse$!ent dates !ntil completion
of t"e testimony. -"e re$!est 0as li(e0ise +ranted by t"e Sandi+anbayan. A S!bpoena D!ces -ec!m<Ad -estificand!m 0as accordin+ly
iss!ed on #an!ary ,4, ,003.

%etitioner, claimin+ to "ave learned from t"e media t"at t"e Special %rosec!tion %anel "ad re$!ested for t"e iss!ance of s!bpoenas
for t"e e1amination of ban( acco!nts belon+in+ to "im, attended t"e "earin+ of t"e case on #an!ary ,D, ,003 and filed before t"e
Sandi+anbayan a letter of even date e1pressin+ "is concerns as follo0s, $!oted verbatim5

Go!r Ionors5

2t is 0it" m!c" respect t"at 2 0rite t"is co!rt relative to t"e concern of s!bpoenain+ 06& )nd&'(23n&d7( 8an9
a11o)n0 0"ic" 2 "ave learned t"ro!+" t"e media.

2 am s!re t"e prosec!tion is a0are of o!r ban(in+ secrecy la0s everyone s!pposed to observe. '!t, instead of
prosec!tin+ t"ose 0"o may "ave breac"ed s!c" la0s, it seems it is even +oin+ to !se s!pposed evidence 0"ic" 2 "ave
reason to believe co!ld only "ave been ille+ally obtained.

-"e prosec!tion 0as not content 0it" a +eneral re$!est. 2t even lists and identifies specific doc!ments meanin+
someone else in t"e ban( ille+ally released confidential information.

2f t"is can be done to me, it can "appen to anyone. &ot t"at anyt"in+ can still s"oc( o!r family. &or t"at 2 "ave
anyt"in+ to "ide. Go!r Ionors.

'!t, 2 am not a la0yer and need time to cons!lt one on a sit!ation t"at affects every ban( depositor in t"e co!ntry
and s"o!ld interest t"e ban( itself, t"e 'an+(o Sentral n+ %ilipinas, and maybe t"e 7mb!dsman "imself, 0"o may 0ant
to investi+ate, not e1ploit, t"e serio!s breac" t"at can only "arm t"e economy, a conse$!ence t"at may "ave been
overloo(ed. -"ere appears to "ave been deplorable connivance.

1 1 1 1

2 "ope and pray, Go!r Ionors, t"at 2 0ill be +iven time to retain t"e services of a la0yer to "elp me protect my
ri+"ts and t"ose of every ban(in+ depositor. '!t t"e one 2 "ave in mind is o!t of t"e co!ntry ri+"t no0.

=ay 2, t"erefore, as( yo!r Ionors, t"at in t"e meantime, t"e iss!ance of t"e s!bpoena be "eld in abeyance for at
least ten )10* days to enable me to ta(e appropriate le+al steps in connection 0it" t"e prosec!tion?s re$!est for t"e
iss!ance of s!bpoena concernin+ :; a11o)n0(. )Emp"asis s!pplied*

rom t"e present petition, it is +at"ered t"at t"e Aacco!ntsC referred to by petitioner in "is above8$!oted letter are -r!st Acco!nt &o.
:5: and Savin+s Acco!nt &o. 011681D34589.

2n open co!rt, t"e Special Division of t"e Sandi+anbayan, t"ro!+" Associate #!stice Edilberto Sandoval, advised petitioner t"at "is
remedy 0as to file a motion to $!as", for 0"ic" "e 0as +iven !p to 1,500 noon t"e follo0in+ day, #an!ary ,:, ,003.

%etitioner, !nassisted by co!nsel, t"!s filed on #an!ary ,:, ,003 a =otion to F!as" S!bpoena D!ces -ec!m<Ad -estificand!m
prayin+ t"at t"e s!bpoenas previo!sly iss!ed to t"e %resident of t"e E2' dated #an!ary ,1 and #an!ary ,4, ,003 be $!as"ed.

2n "is =otion to F!as", petitioner claimed t"at "is ban( acco!nts are covered by 3.A. &o. 1405 )-"e Secrecy of 'an( Deposits
@a0* and do not fall !nder any of t"e e1ceptions stated t"erein. Ie f!rt"er claimed t"at t"e specific identification of doc!ments in t"e
$!estioned s!bpoenas, incl!din+ details on dates and amo!nts, co!ld only "ave been made possible by an earlier ille+al disclos!re t"ereof by
t"e E2' and t"e %"ilippine Deposit 2ns!rance /orporation )%D2/* in its capacity as receiver of t"e t"en Erban 'an(.

-"e disclos!re bein+ ille+al, petitioner concl!ded, t"e prosec!tion in t"e case may not be allo0ed to ma(e !se of t"e information.

'efore t"e =otion to F!as" 0as resolved by t"e Sandi+anbayan, t"e prosec!tion filed anot"er 3e$!est for t"e 2ss!ance of
S!bpoena D!ces -ec!m<Ad -estificand!m dated #an!ary 31, ,003, a+ain to direct t"e %resident of t"e E2' to prod!ce, on t"e "earin+s
sc"ed!led on ebr!ary 3 and 5, ,003, t"e same doc!ments s!b6ect of t"e #an!ary ,1 and ,4, ,003 s!bpoenas 0it" t"e e1ception of t"e 'an(
of /ommerce =/ L0,56,54 in t"e amo!nt of %,,000,000 as 'an( of /ommerce =/ L0,56,56 in t"e amo!nt of %,00,000,000 0as instead
re$!ested. =oreover, t"e re$!est covered t"e follo0in+ additional doc!ments5

2H. or Savin+s Acco!nt &o. 1D01800646815
1. Acco!nt 7penin+ ormsB
,. Specimen Si+nat!re /ard<sB and
3. Statements of Acco!nt.

-"e prosec!tion also filed a 3e$!est for t"e 2ss!ance of S!bpoena D!ces -ec!m<Ad -estificand!m bearin+ t"e same date, #an!ary
31, ,003, directed to A!rora /. 'aldo., Hice %resident8/3822 of t"e %D2/ for "er to prod!ce t"e follo0in+ doc!ments on t"e sc"ed!led
"earin+s on ebr!ary 3 and 5, ,0035

1. @etter of a!t"ority dated &ovember ,3, 1999 re5 S%A& JSpecial %rivate Acco!nt &!mberK :5:B

,. @etter of a!t"ority dated #an!ary ,9, ,000 re5 S%A& :5:B

3. @etter of a!t"ority dated April ,4, ,000 re5 S%A& :5:B

4. Erban 'an( c"ec( no. 05,09, dated April ,4, ,000 for t"e amo!nt of %36, 5D,, 315.43B

5. Erban 'an( c"ec( no. 05,093 dated April ,4, ,000 for t"e amo!nt of %10D,191,D:0.:5B and

6. Si+nat!re /ard Savin+s Acco!nt &o. 011681D34589. )Enderscorin+ s!pplied*

-"e s!bpoenas prayed for in bot" re$!ests 0ere iss!ed by t"e Sandi+anbayan on #an!ary 31, ,003.

7n ebr!ary D, ,003, petitioner, t"is time assisted by co!nsel, filed an Er+ent =otion to F!as" S!bpoenae D!ces -ec!m<Ad
-estificand!m prayin+ t"at t"e s!bpoena dated #an!ary 31, ,003 directed to A!rora 'aldo. be $!as"ed for t"e same reasons 0"ic" "e cited
in t"e =otion to F!as"
"e "ad earlier filed.

7n t"e same day, F&8')a'; -, .44, t"e Sandi+anbayan iss!ed a 3esol!tion denyin+ petitioner?s =otion to F!as" S!bpoenae
D!ces -ec!m<Ad -estificand!m dated #an!ary ,:, ,003.

S!bse$!ently or on F&8')a'; 1., .44, t"e Sandi+anbayan iss!ed a 3esol!tion denyin+ petitioner?s Er+ent =otion to F!as"
S!bpoena D!ces -ec!m<Ad -estificand!m datedebr!ary D, ,003.

%etitioner?s =otion for 3econsideration dated ebr!ary ,4, ,003 see(in+ a reconsideration of t"e 3esol!tions of ebr!ary D and 1,,
,003 "avin+ been denied by 3esol!tion ofMa'16 11, .44, petitioner filed t"e present petition.

3aised as iss!es are5

1. >"et"er petitioner?s -r!st Acco!nt &o. :5: is covered by t"e term AdepositC as !sed in 3.A. 1405B

,. >"et"er petitioner?s -r!st Acco!nt &o. :5: and Savin+s Acco!nt &o. 011681D34589 are e1cepted from t"e protection of
3.A. 1405B and

3. >"et"er t"e Ae1tremely8detailedC information contained in t"e Special %rosec!tion %anel?s re$!ests for s!bpoena 0as
obtained t"ro!+" a prior ille+al disclos!re of petitioner?s ban( acco!nts, in violation of t"e Afr!it of t"e poisono!s treeC

3espondent %eople posits t"at -r!st Acco!nt &o. :5:
may be in$!ired into, not merely beca!se it falls !nder t"e e1ceptions to t"e
covera+e of 3.A. 1405, b!t beca!se it is not even contemplated t"erein. or, to respondent %eople, t"e la0 applies only to AdepositsC 0"ic"
strictly means t"e money delivered to t"e ban( by 0"ic" a creditor8debtor relations"ip is created bet0een t"e depositor and t"e ban(.

-"e contention t"at tr!st acco!nts are not covered by t"e term Adeposits,C as !sed in 3.A. 1405, by t"e mere fact t"at t"ey do not
entail a creditor8debtor relations"ip bet0een t"e tr!stor and t"e ban(, does not lie. An e1amination of t"e la0 s"o0s t"at t"e term AdepositsC
!sed t"erein is to be !nderstood broadly and not limited only to acco!nts 0"ic" +ive rise to a creditor8debtor relations"ip bet0een t"e
depositor and t"e ban(.

-"e policy be"ind t"e la0 is laid do0n in Section 15

SE/-27& 1. 2t is "ereby declared to be t"e policy of t"e Government to +ive enco!ra+ement to t"e people to deposit
t"eir money in ban(in+ instit!tions and to disco!ra+e private "oardin+ so t"at t"e same may be properly !tili.ed by ban(s
in a!t"ori.ed loans to assist in t"e economic development of t"e co!ntry. )Enderscorin+ s!pplied*

2f t"e money deposited !nder an acco!nt may be !sed by ban(s for a!t"ori.ed loans to t"ird persons, t"en s!c" acco!nt,
re+ardless of 0"et"er it creates a creditor8debtor relations"ip bet0een t"e depositor and t"e ban(, falls !nder t"e cate+ory of acco!nts 0"ic"
t"e la0 precisely see(s to protect for t"e p!rpose of boostin+ t"e economic development of t"e co!ntry.

-r!st Acco!nt &o. :5: is, 0it"o!t do!bt, one s!c" acco!nt. -"e -r!st A+reement bet0een petitioner and Erban 'an( provides t"at
t"e tr!st acco!nt covers Adeposit, placement or investment of f!ndsC by Erban 'an( for and in be"alf of petitioner.
-"e money deposited
!nder -r!st Acco!nt &o. :5:, 0as, t"erefore, intended not merely to remain 0it" t"e ban( b!t to be invested by it else0"ere. -o "old t"at t"is
type of acco!nt is not protected by 3.A. 1405 0o!ld enco!ra+e private "oardin+ of f!nds t"at co!ld ot"er0ise be invested by ban(s in ot"er
vent!res, contrary to t"e policy be"ind t"e la0.

Section , of t"e same la0 in fact even more clearly s"o0s t"at t"e term AdepositsC 0as intended to be !nderstood broadly5

SE/-27& ,. A<< d&=o(20( o> ?6a0&%&' na0)'& 0it" ban(s or ban(in+ instit!tions in t"e %"ilippines incl!din+ investments
in bonds iss!ed by t"e Government of t"e %"ilippines, its political s!bdivisions and its instr!mentalities, are "ereby
considered as of an absol!tely confidential nat!re and may not be e1amined, in$!ired or loo(ed into by any person,
+overnment official, b!rea! or office, e1cept !pon 0ritten permission of t"e depositor, or in cases of impeac"ment, or
!pon order of a competent co!rt in cases of bribery or dereliction of d!ty of p!blic officials, or in cases ?6&'& 06& :on&;
d&=o(20&d o' 2n%&(0&d is t"e s!b6ect matter of t"e liti+ation. )Emp"asis and !nderscorin+ s!pplied*

-"e p"rase Aof 0"atever nat!reC proscribes any restrictive interpretation of Adeposits.C =oreover, it is clear from t"e immediately
$!oted provision t"at, +enerally, t"e la0 applies not only to money 0"ic" is deposited b!t also to t"ose 0"ic" are invested. -"is f!rt"er s"o0s
t"at t"e la0 0as not intended to apply only to AdepositsC in t"e strict sense of t"e 0ord. 7t"er0ise, t"ere 0o!ld "ave been no need to add t"e
p"rase Aor invested.C

/learly, t"erefore, 3.A. 1405 is broad eno!+" to cover -r!st Acco!nt &o. :5:.

-"e protection afforded by t"e la0 is, "o0ever, not absol!te, t"ere bein+ reco+ni.ed e1ceptions t"ereto, as above8$!oted Section ,
provides. 2n t"e present case, t0o e1ceptions apply, to 0it5 )1* t"e e1amination of ban( acco!nts is !pon order of a competent co!rt in cases
of bribery or dereliction of d!ty of p!blic officials, and ),* t"e money deposited or invested is t"e s!b6ect matter of t"e liti+ation.

%etitioner contends t"at since pl!nder is neit"er bribery nor dereliction of d!ty, "is acco!nts are not e1cepted from t"e protection of
3.A. 1405. Philippine National Ban v. !anca"co
"olds ot"er0ise5

Ca(&( o> )n&@=<a2n&d ?&a<06 are similar to cases of bribery or dereliction of d!ty and no reason is seen 0"y t"ese t0o
classes of cases cannot be e1cepted from t"e r!le ma(in+ ban( deposits confidential. -"e policy as to one cannot be
different from t"e policy as to t"e ot"er. T62( =o<21; &@='&((&( 06& no02on 06a0 a =)8<21 o>>21& 2( a =)8<21 0')(0 and any
person 0"o enters !pon its disc"ar+e does so 0it" t"e f!ll (no0led+e t"at "is life, so far as relevant to "is d!ty, is open to
p!blic scr!tiny.

Endo!btedly, cases for pl!nder involve !ne1plained 0ealt". Section , of 3.A. &o. D0:0 states so.

SE/-27& ,. Definition of t"e /rime of %l!nderB %enalties. ; Any =)8<21 o>>21&' 0"o, by "imself or in connivance 0it"
members of "is family, relatives by affinity or consan+!inity, b!siness associates, s!bordinates or ot"er
persons, a:a((&(, a11):)<a0&( o' a1A)2'&( 2<<-3o00&n ?&a<06 t"ro!+" a combination or series of overt or criminal
acts as described in Section 1)d* "ereof, in t"e a++re+ate amo!nt or total val!e of at least Seventy8five million pesos
)%D5,000,000.00*, s"all be +!ilty of t"e crime of =<)nd&' and s"all be p!nis"ed by life imprisonment 0it" perpet!al
absol!te dis$!alification from "oldin+ any p!blic office. Any person 0"o participated 0it" said p!blic officer in t"e
commission of pl!nder s"all li(e0ise be p!nis"ed. 2n t"e imposition of penalties, t"e de+ree of participation and t"e
attendance of miti+atin+ and e1ten!atin+ circ!mstances s"all be considered by t"e co!rt. -"e co!rt s"all declare any and
all ill8+otten 0ealt" and t"eir interests and ot"er incomes and assets incl!din+ t"e properties and s"ares of stoc( derived
from t"e deposit or investment t"ereof forfeited in favor of t"e State. )Emp"asis and !nderscorin+ s!pplied*

An e1amination of t"e Aovert or criminal acts as described in Section 1)d*C of 3.A. &o. D0:0 0o!ld ma(e t"e similarity bet0een
pl!nder and bribery even more prono!nced since bribery is essentially incl!ded amon+ t"ese criminal acts. -"!s Section 1)d* states5

d* A#ll$%otten wealth& means any asset, property, b!siness enterprise or material possession of any person
0it"in t"e p!rvie0 of Section -0o ),* "ereof, ac$!ired by "im directly or indirectly t"ro!+" d!mmies, nominees, a+ents,
s!bordinates and or b!siness associates by any combination or series of t"e follo0in+ means or similar sc"emes.

1* -"ro!+" misappropriation, conversion, mis!se, or malversation of p!blic f!nds or raids on t"e p!blic treas!ryB

,* B; '&1&2%2n3, d2'&10<; o' 2nd2'&10<;, an; 1o::2((2on, 32>0, (6a'&, =&'1&n0a3&, 92198a19( o' an; o06&' >o': o>
=&1)n2a'; 8&n&>20 >'o: an; =&'(on andBo' &n020; 2n 1onn&102on ?206 an; 3o%&'n:&n0 1on0'a10 o' ='oC&10 o'
8; '&a(on o> 06& o>>21& o' =o(202on o> 06& =)8<21 o>>21&' 1on1&'n&dB

3* 'y t"e ille+al or fra!d!lent conveyance or disposition of assets belon+in+ to t"e &ational Government or any of its
s!bdivisions, a+encies or instr!mentalities or +overnment8o0ned or 8controlled corporations and t"eir s!bsidiariesB

4* 'y obtainin+, receivin+ or acceptin+ directly or indirectly any s"ares of stoc(, e$!ity or any ot"er form of interest or
participation incl!din+ promise of f!t!re employment in any b!siness enterprise or !nderta(in+B

5* 'y establis"in+ a+ric!lt!ral, ind!strial or commercial monopolies or ot"er combinations and<or implementation of
decrees and orders intended to benefit partic!lar persons or special interestsB or

6* 'y ta(in+ !nd!e advanta+e of official position, a!t"ority, relations"ip, connection or infl!ence to !n6!stly enric"
"imself or t"emselves at t"e e1pense and to t"e dama+e and pre6!dice of t"e ilipino people and t"e 3ep!blic of
t"e %"ilippines. )Emp"asis s!pplied*

2ndeed, all t"e above8en!merated overt acts are similar to bribery s!c" t"at, in eac" case, it may be said t"at Ano reason is seen
0"y t"ese t0o classes of cases cannot be e1cepted from t"e r!le ma(in+ ban( deposits confidential.C

-"e crime of bribery and t"e overt acts constit!tive of pl!nder are crimes committed by p!blic officers, and in eit"er case t"e noble
idea t"at Aa p!blic office is a p!blic tr!st and any person 0"o enters !pon its disc"ar+e does so 0it" t"e f!ll (no0led+e t"at "is life, so far as
relevant to "is d!ty, is open to p!blic scr!tinyC applies 0it" e$!al force.

%l!nder bein+ t"!s analo+o!s to bribery, t"e e1ception to 3.A. 1405 applicable in cases of bribery m!st also apply to cases of

3espectin+ petitioner?s claim t"at t"e money in "is ban( acco!nts is not t"e As!b6ect matter of t"e liti+ation,C t"e meanin+ of t"e
p"rase As!b6ect matter of t"e liti+ationC as !sed in 3.A. 1405 is e1plained in 'nion Ban of the Philippines v. Court of (ppeals,

%etitioner contends t"at t"e /o!rt of Appeals conf!ses t"e Aca!se of actionC 0it" t"e As!b6ect of t"e
actionC. 2n )usin%co v. *n% +in% ,ian, petitioner points o!t, t"is /o!rt distin+!is"ed t"e t0o concepts.

1 1 1 A-"e ca!se of action is t"e le+al 0ron+ t"reatened or committed, 0"ile t"e ob6ect of
t"e action is to prevent or redress t"e 0ron+ by obtainin+ some le+al reliefB b!t t"e s!b6ect of t"e
action is neit"er of t"ese since it is not t"e 0ron+ or t"e relief demanded, t"e s!b6ect of t"e action is
t"e matter or t"in+ 0it" respect to 0"ic" t"e controversy "as arisen, concernin+ 0"ic" t"e 0ron+ "as
been done, and t"is ordinarily is t"e property or t"e contract and its s!b6ect matter, or t"e t"in+ in

-"e ar+!ment is 0ell8ta(en. >e note 0it" approval t"e difference bet0een t"e Ns!b6ect of t"e action? from t"e
Nca!se of action.? >e also find petitioner?s definition of t"e p"rase Ns!b6ect matter of t"e action? is consistent 0it" t"e term
Ns!b6ect matter of t"e liti+ation?, as t"e latter is !sed in t"e 'an( Deposits Secrecy Act.

2n -ellon Ban, N.(. v. -a%sino , 0"ere t"e petitioner ban( inadvertently ca!sed t"e transfer of t"e amo!nt of
ESO1,000,000.00 instead of only ESO1,000.00, 06& Co)'0 (an102on&d 06& &@a:2na02on o> 06& 8an9 a11o)n0( ?6&'&
=a'0 o> 06& :on&; ?a( ()8(&A)&n0<; 1a)(&d 0o 8& d&=o(20&d5

N1 1 1 Section , of J3ep!blic Act &o. 1405K allo0s t"e disclos!re of ban( deposits in cases
0"ere t"e money deposited is t"e s!b6ect matter of t"e liti+ation. Ina(:)16 a( C2%2< Ca(& No.
.58// 2( a2:&d a0 '&1o%&'2n3 06& a:o)n0 1on%&'0&d 8; 06& #a%2&'( >o' 06&2' o?n 8&n&>20,
n&1&((a'2<;, an 2nA)2'; 2n0o 06& ?6&'&a8o)0( o> 06& 2<<&3a<<; a1A)2'&d a:o)n0 &@0&nd( 0o
?6a0&%&' 2( 1on1&a<&d 8; 8&2n3 6&<d o' '&1o'd&d 2n 06& na:& o> =&'(on( o06&' 06an 06& on&
'&(=on(28<& >o' 06& 2<<&3a< a1A)2(202on.C

/learly, -ellon Ban involved a case 0"ere t"e money deposited 0as t"e s!b6ect matter of t"e liti+ation since
t"e money deposited 0as t"e very t"in+ in disp!te. 1 1 1C )Emp"asis and !nderscorin+ s!pplied*

-"e pl!nder case no0 pendin+ 0it" t"e Sandi+anbayan necessarily involves an in$!iry into t"e 0"ereabo!ts of t"e amo!nt
p!rportedly ac$!ired ille+ally by former %resident #osep" Estrada.

2n li+"t t"en of t"is /o!rt?s prono!ncement in 'nion Ban, t"e s!b6ect matter of t"e liti+ation cannot be limited to ban( acco!nts
!nder t"e name of %resident Estrada alone, b!t m!st incl!de t"ose acco!nts to 0"ic" t"e money p!rportedly ac$!ired ille+ally or a portion
t"ereof 0as alle+ed to "ave been transferred. -r!st Acco!nt &o. :5: and Savin+s Acco!nt &o. 011681D34589 in t"e name of petitioner fall
!nder t"is description and m!st t"!s be part of t"e s!b6ect matter of t"e liti+ation.

2n a f!rt"er attempt to s"o0 t"at t"e s!bpoenas iss!ed by t"e Sandi+anbayan are invalid and may not be enforced, petitioner
contends, as earlier stated, t"at t"e information fo!nd t"erein, +iven t"eir Ae1tremely detailedC c"aracter, co!ld only "ave been obtained by t"e
Special %rosec!tion %anel t"ro!+" an ille+al disclos!re by t"e ban( officials concerned. %etitioner t"!s claims t"at, follo0in+ t"e Afr!it of t"e
poisono!s treeC doctrine, t"e s!bpoenas m!st be $!as"ed.

%etitioner f!rt"er contends t"at even if, as claimed by respondent %eople, t"e Ae1tremely8detailedC information 0as obtained by t"e
7mb!dsman from t"e ban( officials concerned d!rin+ a previo!s investi+ation of t"e c"ar+es a+ainst %resident Estrada, s!c" in$!iry into "is
ban( acco!nts 0o!ld itself be ille+al.

%etitioner relies on -ar.ue/ v. Desierto
0"ere t"e /o!rt "eld5

>e r!le t"at before an in camera inspection may be allo0ed t"ere m!st be a pendin+ case before a co!rt of
competent 6!risdiction. !rt"er, t"e acco!nt m!st be clearly identified, t"e inspection limited to t"e s!b6ect matter of t"e
pendin+ case before t"e co!rt of competent 6!risdiction. -"e ban( personnel and t"e acco!nt "older m!st be notified to
be present d!rin+ t"e inspection, and s!c" inspection may cover only t"e acco!nt identified in t"e pendin+ case.
)Enderscorin+ s!pplied*

As no pl!nder case a+ainst t"en %resident Estrada "ad yet been filed before a co!rt of competent 6!risdiction at t"e time t"e
7mb!dsman cond!cted an investi+ation, petitioner concl!des t"at t"e information abo!t "is ban( acco!nts 0ere ac$!ired ille+ally, "ence, it
may not be la0f!lly !sed to facilitate a s!bse$!ent in$!iry into t"e same ban( acco!nts.

%etitioner?s attempt to ma(e t"e e1cl!sionary r!le applicable to t"e instant case fails. 3.A. 1405, it bears notin+, no0"ere provides
t"at an !nla0f!l e1amination of ban( acco!nts s"all render t"e evidence obtained t"erefrom inadmissible in evidence. Section 5 of 3.A. 1405
only states t"at AJaKny violation of t"is la0 0ill s!b6ect t"e offender !pon conviction, to an imprisonment of not more t"an five years or a fine of
not more t"an t0enty t"o!sand pesos or bot", in t"e discretion of t"e co!rt.C

-"e case of '.0. v. 1ra/in,
involvin+ t"e 3i+"t to inancial %rivacy Act of 19D: )3%A* of t"e Enited States, is instr!ctive.

'eca!se t"e stat!te, 0"en properly constr!ed, e1cl!des a s!ppression remedy, it 0o!ld not be appropriate for
!s to provide one in t"e e1ercise of o!r s!pervisory po0ers over t"e administration of 6!stice. >"ere /on+ress "as bot"
establis"ed a ri+"t and provided e1cl!sive remedies for its violation, 0e 0o!ld Aencroac" !pon t"e prero+ativesC of
/on+ress 0ere 0e to a!t"ori.e a remedy not provided for by stat!te.'nited 0tates v. Chanen, 549 .,d 1306, 1313 )9t"
/ir.* , cert. denied, 434 E.S. :,5, 9: S./t. D,, 54 @.Ed.,d :3 )19DD* .

-"e same principle 0as reiterated in '.0. v. 2hompson5

1 1 1 >"en /on+ress specifically desi+nates a remedy for one of its acts, co!rts +enerally pres!me t"at it
en+a+ed in t"e necessary balancin+ of interests in determinin+ 0"at t"e appropriate penalty s"o!ld
be.0ee -ichaelian, :03 .,d at 1049 )citin+ cases*B 1ra/in, D:0 .,d at 1466 . Absent a specific reference to an
e1cl!sionary r!le, it is not appropriate for t"e co!rts to read s!c" a provision into t"e act.

Even ass!min+ ar%uendo, "o0ever, t"at t"e e1cl!sionary r!le applies in principle to cases involvin+ 3.A. 1405, t"e /o!rt finds no
reason to apply t"e same in t"is partic!lar case.

/learly, t"e Afr!it of t"e poisono!s treeC doctrine
pres!pposes a violation of la0. 2f t"ere 0as no violation of 3.A. 1405 in t"e
instant case, t"en t"ere 0o!ld be no Apoisono!s treeC to be+in 0it", and, t"!s, no reason to apply t"e doctrine.

Io0 t"e 7mb!dsman cond!cted "is in$!iry into t"e ban( acco!nts of petitioner is reco!nted by respondent %eople of
t"e %"ilippines, vi/5

1 1 1 JAKs early as F&8')a'; 8, .441, lon+ before t"e iss!ance of t"e Marquez r!lin+, t"e 7ffice of t"e 7mb!dsman,
actin+ !nder t"e po0ers +ranted to it by t"e /onstit!tion and 3.A. &o. 6DD0, and actin+ on information obtained from
vario!s so!rces, incl!din+ impeac"ment )of t"en %res. #osep" Estrada* related reports, articles and investi+ative 6o!rnals,
iss!ed a 0ubpoena Duces 2ecum addressed to Erban 'an(. )Attac"ment A18bC* 2t s"o!ld be noted t"at t"e description of
t"e doc!ments so!+"t to be prod!ced at t"at time incl!ded t"at of n!mbered acco!nts D,D, D3D, D4D, D5D, DDD and :5:
and incl!ded s!c" names as #ose Helarde, #osep" E. Estrada, @aarni Enri$!e., G!ia Gome., #oy =elendre., %eac"y
7sorio, 3o0ena @ope., Mevin or Melvin Garcia. -"e subpoena did not sin+le o!t acco!nt :5:.

1 1 1 1

-"!s, on F&8')a'; 1, .441, %D2/, as receiver of Erban 'an(, iss!ed a certification as to t"e availability of ban(
doc!ments relatin+ to A</ :5: and -<A :5: and t"e non8availability of ban( records as to t"e ot"er acco!nts named in
t"e subpoena. )Attac"ments A,C, A,81C and A,8b*

'ased on t"e certification iss!ed by %D2/, t"e 7ffice of t"e 7mb!dsman on F&8')a'; 15, .441 a+ain iss!ed
a 0ubpoena Duces 2ecum directed to =s. /ora.on dela %a., as 2nterim 3eceiver, directin+ t"e prod!ction of doc!ments
pertinent to acco!nt A</ :5: and -</ :5:. )Attac"ment A3C*

2n compliance 0it" t"e said subpoena dated ebr!ary 16, ,001, =s. Dela %a., as interim receiver, f!rnis"ed t"e
7ffice of t"e 7mb!dsman certified copies of doc!ments !nder cover latter dated F&8')a'; .1, .4415

1. -ransaction re+isters dated D80,899, :816899, 981D899, 1081:899, 118,,899, 180D800, 04803800 and 048,48
,. 3eport of Enre+!lari.ed -As P -Ds for E3 /72& A P ' %lacements of Hario!s 'ranc"es as of ebr!ary
,9, ,000 and as of December 16, 1999B and
3. -radin+ 7rders &os. A &o. D:10, and A &o. 0D:1,5.

-radin+ 7rder A &o. 0D1,5 is filed in t0o copies Q a 0"ite copy 0"ic" s"o0ed Aset !pC informationB and a yello0
copy 0"ic" s"o0ed AreversalC information. 'ot" copies "ave been reprod!ced and are enclosed 0it" t"is letter.

>e are contin!in+ o!r searc" for ot"er records and doc!ments pertinent to yo!r re$!est and 0e 0ill for0ard to
yo! on riday, ,3 ebr!ary ,001, s!c" additional records and doc!ments as 0e mi+"t find !ntil
t"en. )Attac"ment A4C*

-"e 7ffice of t"e 7mb!dsman t"en re$!ested for t"e man+er?s c"ec(s, detailed in t"e 0ubpoena Duces
2ecum dated Ma'16 -, .441. )Attac"ment A5C*

%D2/ a+ain complied 0it" t"e said 0ubpoena Duces 2ecum dated =arc" D, ,001 and provided copies of t"e
mana+er?s c"ec(s t"!s re$!ested !nder cover letter dated Ma'16 15, .441. )Attac"ment A6C*
)Emp"asis in t"e

-"e Sandi+anbayan credited t"e fore+oin+ acco!nt of respondent %eople.
-"e /o!rt finds no reason to dist!rb t"is findin+ of fact
by t"e Sandi+anbayan.

-"e -ar.ue/ r!lin+ not0it"standin+, t"e above8described e1amination by t"e 7mb!dsman of petitioner?s ban( acco!nts, cond!cted
before a case 0as filed 0it" a co!rt of competent 6!risdiction, 0as la0f!l.

or t"e 7mb!dsman iss!ed t"e s!bpoenas bearin+ on t"e ban( acco!nts of petitioner abo!t fo!r mont"s 8&>o'& -ar.ue/ 0as
prom!l+ated on #!ne ,D, ,001.

>"ile 6!dicial interpretations of stat!tes, s!c" as t"at made in -ar.ue/ 0it" respect to 3.A. &o. 6DD0 or t"e 7mb!dsman Act of
19:9, are deemed part of t"e stat!te as of t"e date it 0as ori+inally passed, t"e r!le is not absol!te.

Columbia Pictures, #nc. v. Court of (ppeals

2t is conse$!ently clear t"at a 6!dicial interpretation becomes a part of t"e la0 as of t"e date t"at la0 0as ori+inally
passed, ()8C&10 on<; 0o 06& A)a<2>21a02on 06a0 ?6&n a do10'2n& o> 062( Co)'0 2( o%&'')<&d and a d2>>&'&n0 %2&? 2(
ado=0&d, and :o'& (o ?6&n 06&'& 2( a '&%&'(a< 06&'&o>, 06& n&? do10'2n& (6o)<d 8& a==<2&d ='o(=&102%&<; and
s"o!ld not apply to parties 0"o relied on t"e old doctrine and acted in +ood fait". )Emp"asis and !nderscorin+ s!pplied*

>"en t"is /o!rt constr!ed t"e 7mb!dsman Act of 19:9, in li+"t of t"e Secrecy of 'an( Deposits @a0 in -ar.ue/, t"at Abefore an in
camera inspection may be allo0ed t"ere m!st be a pendin+ case before a co!rt of competent 6!risdictionC, it 0as, in fact, reversin+ an earlier
doctrine fo!nd in Banco 1ilipino 0avin%s and -ort%a%e Ban v. Purisima

Banco 1ilipino involved subpoenas duces tecum iss!ed by t"e 7ffice of t"e 7mb!dsman, t"en (no0n as t"e -anodbayan,
in t"e
co!rse of its ='&<2:2na'; 2n%&(023a02on of a c"ar+e of violation of t"e Anti8Graft and /orr!pt %ractices Act.

>"ile t"e main iss!e in Banco 1ilipino 0as 0"et"er 3.A. 1405 precl!ded t"e -anodbayan?s iss!ance of subpoena duces tecum of
ban( records in t"e name of persons ot"er t"an t"e one 0"o 0as c"ar+ed, t"is /o!rt, citin+ %.D. 1630,
Section 10, t"e relevant part of
0"ic" states5

)d* Ie may iss!e a s!bpoena to compel any person to appear, +ive s0orn testimony, or prod!ce
doc!mentary or ot"er evidence t"e -anodbayan deems relevant to a matter !nder "is in$!iry,

"eld t"at AT6& =o?&' o> 06& Tanod8a;an 0o 2(()& ()8=o&na& ad 0&(02>21and): and ()8=o&na& d)1&( 0&1): a0 06& 02:& 2n A)&(02on 2(
no0 d2(=)0&d, and a0 an; 'a0& do&( no0 ad:20 o> do)80.C

As t"e s!bpoenas s!b6ect of Banco 1ilipino 0ere iss!ed d!rin+ a preliminary investi+ation, in effect t"is /o!rt !p"eld t"e po0er of
t"e -andobayan !nder %.D. 1630 to iss!e s!bpoenas d!ces tec!m for 8an9 do1):&n0( prior to t"e filin+ of a case before a co!rt of
competent 6!risdiction.

-ar.ue/, on t"e ot"er "and, practically reversed t"is r!lin+ in Banco 1ilipino despite t"e fact t"at t"e s!bpoena po0er of t"e
7mb!dsman !nder 3.A. 6DD0 0as essentially t"e same as t"at !nder %.D. 1630. -"!s Section 15 of 3.A. 6DD0 empo0ers t"e 7ffice of t"e
7mb!dsman to

):* Administer oat"s, iss!e s!bpoena and s!bpoena d!ces tec!m, and ta(e testimony in any investi+ation or in$!iry,
incl!din+ t"e po0er to e1amine and "ave access to ban( acco!nts and recordsB

A comparison of t"is provision 0it" its co!nterpart in Sec. 10)d* of %.D. 1630 clearly s"o0s t"at it is only more e1plicit in statin+ t"at t"e po0er
of t"e 7mb!dsman incl!des t"e po0er to e1amine and "ave access to ban( acco!nts and records 0"ic" po0er 0as reco+ni.ed 0it" respect
to t"e -anodbayan t"ro!+" Banco 1ilipino.

-"e -ar.ue/ r!lin+ t"at t"ere m!st be a pendin+ case in order for t"e 7mb!dsman to validly inspect ban( records in camera t"!s
reversed a prevailin+ doctrine.
Ience, it may not be retroactively applied.

-"e 7mb!dsman?s in$!iry into t"e s!b6ect ban( acco!nts prior to t"e filin+ of any case before a co!rt of competent 6!risdiction 0as
t"erefore valid at t"e time it 0as cond!cted.

@i(e0ise, t"e -ar.ue/ r!lin+ t"at At"e acco!nt "older m!st be notified to be present d!rin+ t"e inspectionC may not be applied
retroactively to t"e in$!iry of t"e 7mb!dsman s!b6ect of t"is case. -"is r!lin+ is not a 6!dicial interpretation eit"er of 3.A. 6DD0 or 3.A. 1405,
b!t a A6!d+e8madeC la0 0"ic", as People v. ,uvendino
instr!cts, can only be +iven prospective application5

1 1 1 T6& do10'2n& 06a0 an )n1o)n(&<<&d ?a2%&' o> 06& '2360 0o 1o)n(&< 2( no0 0o 8& 32%&n <&3a< &>>&10 ?a(
2n202a<<; a C)d3&-:ad& on& and ?a( >2'(0 anno)n1&d on .5 A='2< 1/8 2n Morales v. Enrile and '&20&'a0&d on .4
Ma'16 1/8, 2n People v. Galit. 1 1 1

>"ile t"e -orales$!alit doctrine event!ally became part of Section 1,)1* of t"e 19:D /onstit!tion, t"at doctrine
affords no comfort to appellant @!vendino for 06& '&A)2'&:&n0( and '&(0'2102on( o)0<2n&d 2nMorales and Galit 6a%& no
'&0'oa102%& &>>&10 and do no0 '&a16 ?a2%&'( :ad& prior to 26 April 1983 t"e date of prom!l+ation of -orales.
)Emp"asis s!pplied*

2n fine, t"e s!bpoenas iss!ed by t"e 7mb!dsman in t"is case 0ere le+al, "ence, invocation of t"e Afr!it of t"e poisono!s treeC
doctrine is misplaced.

A- A@@ EHE&-S, even if t"e c"allen+ed s!bpoenas are $!as"ed, t"e 7mb!dsman is not barred from re$!irin+ t"e prod!ction of
t"e same doc!ments based solely on information obtained by it from so!rces independent of its previo!s in$!iry.

2n partic!lar, t"e 7mb!dsman, even before its in$!iry, "ad already possessed information +ivin+ "im +ro!nds to believe t"at )1* t"ere
are ban( acco!nts bearin+ t"e n!mber A:5:,C ),* t"at s!c" acco!nts are in t"e c!stody of Erban 'an(, and )3* t"at t"e same are lin(ed 0it"
t"e ban( acco!nts of former %resident #osep" Estrada 0"o 0as t"en !nder investi+ation for pl!nder.
7nly 0it" s!c" prior independent information co!ld it "ave been possible for t"e 7mb!dsman to iss!e t"e ebr!ary :, ,001 subpoena
duces tecum addressed to t"e %resident and<or /"ief E1ec!tive 7fficer of Erban 'an( , 0"ic" described t"e doc!ments s!b6ect t"ereof as

)a* 8an9 '&1o'd( and a<< do1):&n0( relative t"ereto pertainin+ to all ban( acco!nts )Savin+s, /!rrent, -ime Deposit,
-r!st, orei+n /!rrency Deposits, etcR* )nd&' 06& a11o)n0 na:&( of #ose Helarde, #osep" E. Estrada, @aarni
Enri$!e., G!ia Gome., #oy =elendre., %eac" 7sorio, 3o0ena @ope., Mevin or Melvin Garcia, D,D, D3D, D4D, D5D, DDD
and 8,8 . )Emp"asis and !nderscorin+ s!pplied*

-"e information on t"e e1istence of 'an( Acco!nts bearin+ n!mber A:5:C 0as, accordin+ to respondent %eople of t"e %"ilippines,
obtained from vario!s so!rces incl!din+ t"e proceedin+s d!rin+ t"e impeac"ment of %resident Estrada, related reports, articles and
investi+ative 6o!rnals.
2n t"e absence of proof to t"e contrary, t"is e1planation proffered by respondent m!st be !p"eld. -o pres!me t"at
t"e information 0as obtained in violation of 3.A. 1405 0o!ld infrin+e t"e pres!mption of re+!larity in t"e performance of official f!nctions.

-"!s, 0it" t"e filin+ of t"e pl!nder case a+ainst former %resident Estrada before t"e Sandi+anbayan, t"e 7mb!dsman, !sin+ t"e above
independent information, may no0 proceed to cond!ct t"e same investi+ation it earlier cond!cted, t"ro!+" 0"ic" it can event!ally obtain t"e
same information previo!sly disclosed to it by t"e %D2/, for it is an inescapable fact t"at t"e ban( records of petitioner are no lon+er protected
by 3.A. 1405 for t"e reasons already e1plained above.

Since cond!ctin+ s!c" an in$!iry 0o!ld, "o0ever, only res!lt in t"e disclos!re of t"e same doc!ments to t"e 7mb!dsman, t"is
/o!rt, in avoidance of 0"at 0o!ld be a time80astef!l and circ!ito!s 0ay of administerin+ 6!stice,
!p"olds t"e c"allen+ed s!bpoenas.

3espectin+ petitioner?s claim t"at t"e Sandi+anbayan violated "is ri+"t to d!e process as "e 0as neit"er notified of t"e re$!ests for
t"e iss!ance of t"e s!bpoenas nor of t"e +rant t"ereof, s!ffice it to state t"at t"e defects 0ere c!red 0"en petitioner ventilated "is ar+!ments
a+ainst t"e iss!ance t"ereof t"ro!+" "is earlier $!oted letter addressed to t"e Sandi+anbayan and 0"en "e filed "is motions to $!as" before
t"e Sandi+anbayan.

2& SE=, t"e /o!rt finds t"at t"e Sandi+anbayan did not commit +rave ab!se of discretion in iss!in+ t"e c"allen+ed s!bpoenas for
doc!ments pertainin+ to petitioner?s -r!st Acco!nt &o. :5: and Savin+s Acco!nt &o. 011681D34589 for t"e follo0in+ reasons5

1. -"ese acco!nts are no lon+er protected by t"e Secrecy of 'an( Deposits @a0, t"ere bein+ t0o e1ceptions to t"e said la0
applicable in t"is case, namely5 )1* t"e e1amination of ban( acco!nts is !pon order of a competent co!rt in cases of bribery or dereliction of
d!ty of p!blic officials, and ),* t"e money deposited or invested is t"e s!b6ect matter of t"e liti+ation. E1ception )1* applies since t"e pl!nder
case pendin+ a+ainst former %resident Estrada is analo+o!s to bribery or dereliction of d!ty, 0"ile e1ception ),* applies beca!se t"e money
deposited in petitioner?s ban( acco!nts is said to form part of t"e s!b6ect matter of t"e same pl!nder case.

,. -"e Afr!it of t"e poisono!s treeC principle, 0"ic" states t"at once t"e primary so!rce )t"e AtreeC* is s"o0n to "ave been
!nla0f!lly obtained, any secondary or derivative evidence )t"e Afr!itC* derived from it is also inadmissible, does not apply in t"is case. 2n t"e
first place, 3.A. 1405 does not provide for t"e application of t"is r!le. =oreover, t"ere is no basis for applyin+ t"e same in t"is case since t"e
primary so!rce for t"e detailed information re+ardin+ petitioner?s ban( acco!nts Q t"e investi+ation previo!sly cond!cted by t"e 7mb!dsman Q
0as la0f!l.

3. At all events, even if t"e s!bpoenas iss!ed by t"e Sandi+anbayan 0ere $!as"ed, t"e 7mb!dsman may cond!ct on its o0n t"e
same in$!iry into t"e s!b6ect ban( acco!nts t"at it earlier cond!cted last ebr!ary8=arc" ,001, t"ere bein+ a pl!nder case already pendin+
a+ainst former %resident Estrada. -o $!as" t"e c"allen+ed s!bpoenas 0o!ld, t"erefore, be pointless since t"e 7mb!dsman may obtain t"e
same doc!ments by anot"er ro!te. Ep"oldin+ t"e s!bpoenas avoids an !nnecessary delay in t"e administration of 6!stice.

DHEREFORE, t"e petition is D2S=2SSED. -"e Sandi+anbayan 3esol!tions dated ebr!ary D and 1,, ,003 and =arc" 11,
,003 are !p"eld.

-"e Sandi+anbayan is "ereby directed, consistent 0it" t"is /o!rt?s r!lin+ in -ar.ue/ v. Desierto, to notify petitioner as to t"e date
t"e s!b6ect ban( doc!ments s"all be presented in co!rt by t"e persons s!bpoenaed.

S7 73DE3ED.

Associate #!stice


/"ief #!stice

Associate #!stice

Associate #!stice


Associate #!stice

Associate #!stice

Associate #!stice


Associate #!stice

Associate #!stice

Associate #!stice

Associate #!stice

Associate #!stice

Associate #!stice

Associate #!stice


%!rs!ant to Article H222, Section 13 of t"e /onstit!tion, it is "ereby certified t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision 0ere reac"ed in
cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt.

/"ief #!stice

/omposed of t"e 7mb!dsman, t"e Special %rosec!tor, Dep!ty Special %rosec!tor, Assistant 7mb!dsman, Special %rosec!tion 7fficer
222, and Special %rosec!tion 7fficer 22, )3ollo, pp. 49,8493*.
A%etitioner is t"e o0ner of -r!st Acco!nt &o. :5: 0"ic" 0as ori+inally opened at Erban 'an( b!t 0"ic" is no0 maintained at E1port and
2nd!stry 'an(, 0"ic" is t"e p!rc"aser and o0ner no0 of t"e former Erban 'an( and Erbancorp 2nvestment, 2nc. %etitioner is also t"e
o0ner of Savin+s Acco!nt &o. 011681D34589 0"ic" 0as ori+inally opened at Erban 'an( b!t 0"ic" is no0 maintained at E1port and
2nd!stry 'an(, 0"ic" is t"e p!rc"aser and o0ner of t"e former Erban 'an( and Erbancorp 2nvestment, 2nc. 1 1 1C )%etition, pp. 384, rollo,
pp. 10811*
-"e first para+rap" of t"e motion identifies t"e s!bpoenas so!+"t to be $!as"ed as t"ose alle+edly iss!ed on #an!ary .!, ,003 directed
to t"e representative<s of t"e Erban 'an( )no0 E2'* and to =s. A!rora /. 'aldo., Hice8%resident8/3822 of t"e %"ilippine Deposit
2ns!rance /orporation. Io0ever, t"e second motion to $!as" later filed by petitioner 0it" t"e assistance of co!nsel stated t"at t"e
s!bpoenas s!b6ect of t"e previo!s motion to $!as" 0ere t"ose iss!ed on #an!ary .1, ,003, addressed to t"e %resident of t"e E2' and to
t"e %resident of E$!itable8%/2 'an(, or t"eir representatives.

Despite t"e apparent conflict, it may be inferred t"at t"e first motion to $!as" covered t"e s!bpoenas directed to t"e %resident of t"e E2'
dated #an!ary ,1, ,003 and #an!ary ,4, ,003, t"e #an!ary ,4 s!bpoena bein+ a mere reiteration of t"e #an!ary ,1 s!bpoena.

As t"ere is not"in+ in t"e records before t"is /o!rt 0"ic" s"o0 t"at a s!bpoena dated #an!ary ,4, ,003 0as ever iss!ed to =s. 'aldo.,
t"e /o!rt 0ill consider petitioner?s first =otion to F!as" as concerned only 0it" t"e s!bpoenas directed to t"e %resident of t"e E2'.

-"e statement in t"e second motion to $!as" t"at t"e first motion covered t"e #an!ary ,1 s!bpoenas iss!ed to t"e %resident of E2' and
0o 06& P'&(2d&n0 o> EA)20a8<&-PCI Ban9 may only be an error arisin+ from t"e fact t"at a s!bpoena to eac" of t"ese officers 0ere
+ranted by t"e Sandi+anbayan t"ro!+" t"e same 3esol!tion dated #an!ary ,1, ,003. -"e petitioner co!ld not "ave been referrin+ to t"e
s!bpoena directed to t"e %resident of E$!itable8%/2 'an( since t"e s!b6ect t"ereof 0ere t"e #ose Helarde acco!nts 0"ic" "e "as never
claimed to be "is, even in t"e present petition.
G.R. No. L-,5!./
Ma; .8, 1/88
FACTS" /at!rla, special a+ent of t"e '!rea! of /!stoms, 0as acc!sed by '23 before t"e 2anodba"an of "avin+ alle+edly ac$!ired property
manifestly o!t of proportion to "is salary and ot"er la0f!l income, in violation of t"e AAnti8Graft and /orr!pt %ractices Act.C
2n t"e co!rse of t"e preliminary investi+ation t"ereof, t"e 2anodba"an iss!ed a s!bpoena duces tecum to t"e 'anco ilipino Savin+s P
=ort+a+e 'an(, commandin+ its representative to appear at t"e 7ffice of t"e 2anodba"an and f!rnis" t"e latter 0it" d!ly certified copies of
t"e records of t"e loans, savin+s and time deposits and ot"er ban(in+ transactions appearin+ in t"e names of /at!rla, "is 0ife, t"eir c"ildren
and friends .
/at!rla moved to $!as" t"e subpoena duces tecum ar+!in+ t"at compliance t"ere0it" 0o!ld res!lt in a violation of Sections , and 3 of t"e
@a0 on Secrecy of 'an( Deposits. -"en 2anodba"an not only denied t"e motion for lac( of merit, and directed compliance 0it" t"e subpoena,
b!t also e1panded its scope t"ro!+" a second and t"ird subpoena duces tecum,
' 'an( too( over from /at!rla in t"e effort to n!llify t"e subpoenae. 2t filed a complaint for declaratory relief 0it" t"e /2 of =anila, prayin+
for a 6!dicial declaration as to 0"et"er its compliance 0it" t"e s!bpoenae duces tecum 0o!ld constit!te an infrin+ement of t"e provisions
of S&102on( . and 3 of R.A. No. 1!4, in relation to Section : of 3.A. &o. 3019. 2t also as(ed t"at pendin+ final resol!tion of t"e $!estion,
t"e 2anodba"an be provisionally restrained from e1actin+ compliance 0it" t"e subpoenae.
3espondent #!d+e %!risima iss!ed an 7rder denyin+ for lac( of merit t"e application by ' 'an( for a preliminary in6!nction and<or
restrainin+ order.
-"is 7rder is no0 imp!+ned in t"e instant certiorari action instit!ted by ' 'an( before t"is /o!rt, as "avin+ been iss!ed 0it" +rave ab!se of
discretion, amo!ntin+ to lac( of 6!risdiction.
ISSUE" 0"et"er or not t"e A@a0 on Secrecy of 'an( DepositsC precl!des prod!ction by s!bpoena duces tecum of ban( records of
transactions by or in t"e names of t"e 0ife, c"ildren and friends of t"e acc!sed
HELD" t"e petition for certiorari is D2S=2SSED,

-"e provisions of 3.A. &o. 1405 s!b6ect of '?s declaratory action, read as follo0s5
Sec. ,. All deposits of 0"atever nat!re 0it" ban(s or ban(in+ instit!tions in t"e %"ilippines incl!din+ investments in bonds iss!ed by t"e
Government of t"e %"ilippines, its political s!bdivisions and its instr!mentalities, are "ereby considered as of an absol!tely confidential nat!re
and may not be e1amined, in$!ired or loo(ed into by any person, +overnment official, b!rea! or office, &@1&=0 !pon 0ritten permission of t"e
depositor, or in cases of impeac"ment, or !pon order of a competent co!rt in cases of bribery or dereliction of d!ty of p!blic officials, or in
cases 0"ere t"e money deposited or invested is t"e s!b6ect matter of liti+ation.
#n Philippine National Ban v. !anca"co, 0e !p"eld t"e 6!d+ment of t"e -rial /o!rt As!stainin+ t"e po0er of t"e defendants )special
prosec!tors of t"e Department of #!stice* to compel t"e disclos!re )by %&'* of ban( acco!nts of A//A Administrator #imene. )t"en !nder
investi+ation for !ne1plained 0ealt"*, .. )it bein+ r!led* t"at, by enactin+ section : of t"e Anti8Graft and /orr!pt %ractices Act, /on+ress clearly
intended to provide an add202ona< 3'o)nd for t"e e1amination of ban( deposits ..
R 0"ile 3ep!blic Act &o. 1405 provides t"at ban( deposits are Aabsol!tely confidential .. and Jt"ereforeK may not be e1amined, in$!ired or
loo(ed into,C e1cept in t"ose cases en!merated t"erein, 06& An02-G'a>0 La? d2'&10( 2n :anda0o'; 0&':( 06a0 8an9 d&=o(20( F(6a<< 8&
0a9&n 2n0o 1on(2d&'a02on 2n 06& &n>o'1&:&n0 o> 062( (&102on, notwithstandin an; ='o%2(2on o> <a? 0o 06& 1on0'a';.C -"e only
concl!sion possible is t"at section : of t"e Anti8Graft @a0 is intended to amend section , of 3ep!blic Act &o. 1405 by providin+ an additional
e1ception to t"e r!le a+ainst t"e disclos!re of ban( desposits.
111 111 111
R /ases of !ne1plained 0ealt" are similar to cases of bribery or dereliction of d!ty and no reason is seen 0"y t"ese t0o classes of cases
cannot be e1cepted from t"e r!le ma(in+ ban( deposits confidential. .. -"is policy e1presses t"e notion t"at a p!blic office is a p!blic tr!st and
any person 0"o enters !pon its disc"ar+e does so 0it" t"e f!ll (no0led+e t"at "is life, so far as relevant to "is d!ty, is open to p!blic scr!tiny.
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
23S- D2H2S27&
G.R. No. L-,5!./ Ma; .8, 1/88
HON. FIDEL PURISIMA, &01., and HON. $ICENTE ERICTA and #OSE DEL FIERO, &01., respondents.

-"e verdict in t"is special civil action of certiorari t!rns !pon t"e $!estion of 0"et"er or not t"e S@a0 on Secrecy of 'an( DepositsS
prod!ction by s!bpoena duces tecum of ban( records of transactions by or in t"e names of t"e 0ife, c"ildren and friends of a special a+ent of
t"e '!rea! of /!stoms, acc!sed before t"e2anodba"an of "avin+ alle+edly ac$!ired property manifestly o!t of proportion to "is salary and
ot"er la0f!l income, in violation of t"e SAnti8Graft and /orr!pt %ractices Act.S
-"e /!stoms special a+ent involved is =an!el /at!rla, and t"e acc!sation a+ainst "im 0as filed by t"e '!rea! of 2nternal 3even!e.

2n t"e
co!rse of t"e preliminary investi+ation t"ereof, t"e 2anodba"an iss!ed a s!bpoenaduces tecum to t"e 'anco ilipino Savin+s P =ort+a+e
'an(, commandin+ its representative to appear at a specified time at t"e 7ffice of t"e 2anodba"an and f!rnis" t"e latter 0it" d!ly certified
copies of t"e records in all its branc"es and e1tension offices, of t"e loans, savin+s and time deposits and ot"er ban(in+ transactions, datin+
bac( to 1969, appearin+ in t"e names of /at!rla, "is 0ife, %!rita /at!rla, t"eir c"ildren ; =an!el, #r., =arilyn and =ic"ael ; and<or %edro
/at!rla moved to $!as" t"e subpoena duces tecum
ar+!in+ t"at compliance t"ere0it" 0o!ld res!lt in a violation of Sections , and 3 of t"e
@a0 on Secrecy of 'an( Deposits. -"en 2anodba"an Hicente Ericta not only denied t"e motion for lac( of merit, and directed compliance 0it"
t"e subpoena,
b!t also e1panded its scope t"ro!+" a second subpoena duces tecum,
t"is time re$!irin+ prod!ction by 'anco ilipino of t"e
ban( records in all its branc"es and e1tension offices, of Siar+ao A+ro82nd!strial /orporation, %edro Esc!yos or "is 0ife, Emeterio Esc!yos,
%!rita /at!rla, @!cia Esc!yos or "er "!sband, 3omeo Esc!yos, Emerson Esc!yos, raterno /at!rla, Amparo =ontilla, /esar /at!rla, =an!el
/at!rla or "is c"ildren, =an!el #r., =arilyn and =ic"ael, @-D %!b<3esta!rant, and #ose '!o or "is 0ife, Evelyn. -0o ot"er subpoena of
s!bstantially t"e same tenor as t"e second 0ere released by t"e 2anodba"an4s 7ffice.
-"e last re$!ired obedience !nder sanction of
-"e 'anco ilipino Savin+s P =ort+a+e 'an(, "ereafter referred to simply as ' 'an(, too( over from /at!rla in t"e effort to n!llify
t"e subpoenae. 2t filed a complaint for declaratory relief 0it" t"e /o!rt of irst 2nstance of =anila,
0"ic" 0as assi+ned by raffle to t"e sala of
respondent #!d+e idel %!risima. ' 'an( prayed for a 6!dicial declaration as to 0"et"er its compliance 0it" t"e s!bpoenae duces
tecum 0o!ld constit!te an infrin+ement of t"e provisions of Sections , and 3 of 3.A. &o. 1405 in relation to Section : of 3.A. &o. 3019. 2t also
as(ed t"at pendin+ final resol!tion of t"e $!estion, t"e 2anodba"an be provisionally restrained from e1actin+ compliance 0it" t"e subpoenae.
3espondent #!d+e %!risima iss!ed an 7rder denyin+ for lac( of merit t"e application by ' 'an( for a preliminary in6!nction and<or
restrainin+ order.
-"is 7rder is no0 imp!+ned in t"e instant certiorari action instit!ted by ' 'an( before t"is /o!rt, as "avin+ been iss!ed 0it" +rave ab!se of
discretion, amo!ntin+ to lac( of 6!risdiction. 2t is t"e ban(Ts t"eory t"at t"e order declinin+ to +rant t"at remedy operated as a premat!re
ad6!dication of t"e very iss!e raised in t"e declaratory s!it, and as 6!dicial s!fferance of a trans+ression of t"e ban( deposits stat!te, and so
constit!ted +rievo!s error correctible by certiorari. 2t f!rt"er ar+!es t"at subpoenae in $!estion are in t"e nat!re of Sfis"in+ e1peditionsS or
S+eneral 0arrantsS since t"ey a!t"ori.e indiscriminate in$!iry into ban( recordsB t"at, ass!min+ t"at s!c" an in$!iry is allo0ed as re+ards
p!blic officials !nder investi+ation for a violation of t"e Anti8Graft P /orr!pt %ractices Act, it is constit!tionally impermissible 0it" respect to
private individ!als or p!blic officials not !nder investi+ation on a c"ar+e of violatin+ said ActB and t"at 0"ile prosec!tion of offenses s"o!ld not,
as a r!le, be en6oined, t"ere are reco+ni.ed e1ceptions to t"e principle one of 0"ic" is "ere present, i.e. to avoid m!ltiplicity of s!its, similar
s!bpoenae "avin+ been directed to ot"er ban(s as 0ell.
2t is diffic!lt to see "o0 t"e ref!sal by t"e /o!rt a .uo to iss!e t"e temporary restrainin+ order applied for by t"e petitioner ; in ot"er 0ords,
its disa+reement 0it" t"e petitionerTs advocated t"eory ; co!ld be deemed so 0"imsical, capricio!s, despotic or oppressive an act as to
constit!te +rave ab!se of discretion. 7bvio!sly, t"e 0rit of certiorari cannot iss!e simply on a s"o0in+ of disa+reement bet0een a party and
t"e co!rt !pon some material fact!al or le+al iss!e. -"ere m!st be a reasonable demonstration t"at a partyTs contentions are so clearly
correct, or t"e co!rtTs r!lin+ t"ereon so clearly 0ron+, to 6!stify t"e iss!ance of a 0rit of certiorari. &o s!c" demonstration e1ists in t"is case.
2ndeed, for a!+"t t"at t"e record s"o0s, t"e /o!rtTs ref!sal to +rant t"e application for a restrainin+ order 0as, in t"e premises, licit and
proper, or its validity, fairly debatable, at t"e very least. 'e t"is as it may, on t"e merits t"e petitioner cannot s!cceed. 2ts declared t"eory is
-"e provisions of 3.A. &o. 1405 s!b6ect of 'Ts declaratory action, read as follo0s5
Sec. ,. All deposits of 0"atever nat!re 0it" ban(s or ban(in+ instit!tions in t"e %"ilippines incl!din+ investments in bonds
iss!ed by t"e Government of t"e %"ilippines, its political s!bdivisions and its instr!mentalities, are "ereby considered as
of an absol!tely confidential nat!re and may not be e1amined, in$!ired or loo(ed into by any person, +overnment official,
b!rea! or office, e1cept !pon 0ritten permission of t"e depositor, or in cases of impeac"ment, or !pon order of a
competent co!rt in cases of bribery or dereliction of d!ty of p!blic officials, or in cases 0"ere t"e money deposited or
invested is t"e s!b6ect matter of liti+ation.
Sec. 3. 2t s"all be !nla0f!l for any official or employee of a ban(in+ instit!tion to disclose to any person ot"er t"an t"ose
mentioned in Section t0o "ereof any information concernin+ said deposits
-"e ot"er provision involved in t"e declaratory action is Section : of 3.A. &o. 3019. 2t reads5
Sec. :. Dismissal due to unexplained wealth. ; 2f in accordance 0it" t"e provisions of 3ep!blic Act &!mbered 7ne
t"o!sand t"ree "!ndred seventy8nine, a p!blic official "as been fo!nd to "ave ac$!ired d!rin+ "is inc!mbency, 0"et"er in
"is name or in t"e name of ot"er persons, an amo!nt of property and<or money manifestly o!t of proportion to t"is salary
and to "is ot"er la0f!l income, t"at fact s"all be a +ro!nd for dismissal or removal. %roperties in t"e name of t"e spo!se
and !nmarried c"ildren of s!c" p!blic official may be ta(en into consideration, 0"en t"eir ac$!isition t"ro!+" le+itimate
means cannot be satisfactorily s"o0n. 'an( deposits s"all be ta(en into consideration in t"e enforcement of t"is section,
not0it"standin+ any pro"ibition of la0 to t"e contrary.
2n o!r decision in Philippine National Ban v. !anca"co, rendered on September 30, 1966,
0e !p"eld t"e 6!d+ment of t"e -rial /o!rt
Ss!stainin+ t"e po0er of t"e defendants )special prosec!tors of t"e Department of #!stice* to compel t"e disclos!re )by %&'* of ban(
acco!nts of A//A Administrator #imene. )t"en !nder investi+ation for !ne1plained 0ealt"*, .. )it bein+ r!led* t"at, by enactin+ section : of
t"e Anti8Graft and /orr!pt %ractices Act, /on+ress clearly intended to provide an additional +ro!nd for t"e e1amination of ban( deposits ..
)for* 0it"o!t s!c" provision, t"e .. prosec!tors 0o!ld be "ampered if not alto+et"er fr!strated in t"e prosection of t"ose c"ar+ed 0it" "avin+
ac$!ired !ne1plained 0ealt" 0"ile in p!blic office.
>e o!rselves declared in said case t"at
.. 0"ile 3ep!blic Act &o. 1405 provides t"at ban( deposits are Sabsol!tely confidential .. and Jt"ereforeK may not be
e1amined, in$!ired or loo(ed into,S e1cept in t"ose cases en!merated t"erein, t"e Anti8Graft @a0 directs in mandatory
terms t"at ban( deposits Ss"all be ta(en into consideration in t"e enforcement of t"is section, notwithstandin% any
provision of la0 to t"e contrary.S -"e only concl!sion possible is t"at section : of t"e Anti8Graft @a0 is intended to amend
section , of 3ep!blic Act &o. 1405 by providin+ an additional e1ception to t"e r!le a+ainst t"e disclos!re of ban(
111 111 111
... /ases of !ne1plained 0ealt"
are similar to cases of bribery or dereliction of d!ty
and no reason is seen 0"y t"ese
t0o classes of cases cannot be e1cepted from t"e r!le ma(in+ ban( deposits confidential. -"e policy as to one cannot be
different from t"e policy as to t"e ot"er. -"is policy e1presses t"e notion t"at a p!blic office is a p!blic tr!st and any
person 0"o enters !pon its disc"ar+e does so 0it" t"e f!ll (no0led+e t"at "is life, so far as relevant to "is d!ty, is open to
p!blic scr!tiny.
-"e in$!iry into ille+ally ac$!ired property ; or property &7- Sle+itimately ac$!iredS ; e1tends to cases 0"ere s!c" property is concealed by
bein+ "eld by or recorded in t"e name of ot"er persons. -"is proposition is made clear by 3.A. &o. 3019 0"ic" $!ite cate+orically states t"at
t"e term, Sle+itimately ac$!ired property of a p!blic officer or employee s"all not incl!de .. property !nla0f!lly ac$!ired by t"e respondent, b!t
its o0ners"ip is concealed by its bein+ recorded in t"e name of, or "eld by, respondentTs spo!se, ascendants, descendants, relatives or an"
other persons.S
-o s!stain t"e petitionerTs t"eory, and restrict t"e in$!iry only to property "eld by or in t"e name of t"e +overnment official or employee, or "is
spo!se and !nmarried c"ildren is !n0arranted in t"e li+"t of t"e provisions of t"e stat!tes in $!estion, and 0o!ld ma(e available to persons in
+overnment 0"o ille+ally ac$!ire property an easy and fool8proof means of evadin+ investi+ation and prosec!tionB all t"ey 0o!ld "ave to do
0o!ld be to simply place t"e property in t"e possession or name of persons ot"er t"an t"eir spo!se and !nmarried c"ildren. -"is is an
abs!rdity t"at 0e 0ill not ascribe to t"e la0ma(ers.
-"e po0er of t"e 2anodba"an to iss!e s!bpoenae ad testificandcum and s!bpoenae duces tecum at t"e time in $!estion is not disp!ted, and
at any rate does not admit of do!bt.
-"e s!bpoenae iss!ed by "im, 0ill be s!stained a+ainst t"e petitionerTs imp!+nation.
>IE3E73E, t"e petition for certiorari is D2S=2SSED, 0it" costs a+ainst petitioner.
Cru/, !anca"co, !ri5o$(.uino and -edialdea, JJ., concur.
R&=)8<21 %(. E)3&n2o, GR 1-5!./, F&8 1!, .448
@ilia /"en+ ar+!es t"at t"e A=@A, bein+ a s!bstantive penal stat!te, "as no retroactive effect and t"e ban( in$!iry order co!ld not apply to
deposits or investments opened prior to t"e effectivity of 3ep. Act &o. 9164, or on 1D 7ctober ,001. -"!s, s"e concl!des, "er s!b6ect ban(
acco!nts, opened bet0een 19:9 to 1990, co!ld not be t"e s!b6ect of t"e ban( in$!iry order lest t"ere be a violation of t"e constit!tional
pro"ibition a+ainst e1 post facto la0s.
2SSEE5 /an t"e A=@A ban( in$!iry order be applied into records of transactions entered into prior to t"e passa+e of t"e A=@AU
IE@D5 &o e1 post facto la0 may be enacted, and no la0 may be constr!ed in s!c" fas"ion as to permit a criminal prosec!tion offensive to
t"e e1 post facto cla!se. As applied to t"e A=@A, it is plain t"at no person may be prosec!ted !nder t"e penal provisions of t"e A=@A for
acts committed prior to t"e enactment of t"e la0 on 1D 7ctober ,001. As m!c" 0as !nderstood by t"e la0ma(ers since t"ey deliberated
!pon t"e A=@A, and indeed t"ere is no serio!s disp!te on t"at point.
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
G.R. No. 1-!5./ F&8')a'; 1!, .448
CHENG, respondents.
-"e present petition for certiorari and pro"ibition !nder 3!le 65 assails t"e orders and resol!tions iss!ed by t0o different co!rts in t0o
different cases. -"e co!rts and cases in $!estion are t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt of =anila, 'ranc" ,4, 0"ic" "eard S% /ase &o. 068
and t"e /o!rt of Appeals, -ent" Division, 0"ic" "eared /A8G.3. S% &o. 9519:.
'ot" cases arose as part of t"e aftermat" of t"e
r!lin+ of t"is /o!rt in (%an v. P#(2C*
n!llifyin+ t"e concession a+reement a0arded to t"e %"ilippine 2nternational Airport -erminal
/orporation )%2A-/7* over t"e &inoy A$!ino 2nternational Airport Q 2nternational %assen+er -erminal 3 )&A2A 3* %ro6ect.
ollo0in+ t"e prom!l+ation of (%an, a series of investi+ations concernin+ t"e a0ard of t"e &A2A 3 contracts to %2A-/7 0ere !nderta(en by
t"e 7mb!dsman and t"e /ompliance and 2nvesti+ation Staff )/2S* of petitioner Anti8=oney @a!nderin+ /o!ncil )A=@/*. 7n ,4 =ay ,005, t"e
7ffice of t"e Solicitor General )7SG* 0rote t"e A=@/ re$!estin+ t"e latter?s assistance Sin obtainin+ more evidence to completely reveal t"e
financial trail of corr!ption s!rro!ndin+ t"e J&A2A 3K %ro6ect,S and also notin+ t"at petitioner 3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines 0as presently
defendin+ itself in t0o international arbitration cases filed in relation to t"e &A2A 3 %ro6ect.
-"e /2S cond!cted an intelli+ence database
searc" on t"e financial transactions of certain individ!als involved in t"e a0ard, incl!din+ respondent %antaleon Alvare. )Alvare.* 0"o "ad
been t"e /"airman of t"e %'A/ -ec"nical /ommittee, &A2A82%-3 %ro6ect.
'y t"is time, Alvare. "ad already been c"ar+ed by t"e
7mb!dsman 0it" violation of Section 3)6* of 3.A. &o. 3019.
-"e searc" revealed t"at Alvare. maintained ei+"t ):* ban( acco!nts 0it" si1 )6*
different ban(s.
7n ,D #!ne ,005, t"e A=@/ iss!ed 3esol!tion &o. D5, Series of ,005,
0"ereby t"e /o!ncil resolved to a!t"ori.e t"e E1ec!tive Director of
t"e A=@/ Sto si+n and verify an application to in$!ire into and<or e1amine t"e JdepositsK or investments of %antaleon Alvare., >ilfredo
-rinidad, Alfredo @ion+son, and /"en+ Gon+, and t"eir related 0eb of acco!nts 0"erever t"ese may be fo!nd, as defined !nder 3!le 10.4 of
t"e 3evised 2mplementin+ 3!les and 3e+!lationsBS and to a!t"ori.e t"e A=@/ Secretariat Sto cond!ct an in$!iry into s!b6ect acco!nts once
t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt +rants t"e application to in$!ire into and<or e1amine t"e ban( acco!ntsS of t"ose fo!r individ!als.
-"e resol!tion
en!merated t"e partic!lar ban( acco!nts of Alvare., >ilfredo -rinidad )-rinidad*, Alfredo @ion+son )@ion+son* and /"en+ Gon+ 0"ic" 0ere to
be t"e s!b6ect of t"e in$!iry.
-"e rationale for t"e said resol!tion 0as fo!nded on t"e cited findin+s of t"e /2S t"at amo!nts 0ere transferred
from a Ion+ Mon+ ban( acco!nt o0ned by #etstream %acific @td. Acco!nt to ban( acco!nts in t"e %"ilippines maintained by @ion+son and
/"en+ Gon+.
-"e 3esol!tion also noted t"at SJbKy a0ardin+ t"e contract to %2A-/7 despite its lac( of financial capacity, %antaleon Alvare.
ca!sed !nd!e in6!ry to t"e +overnment by +ivin+ %2A-/7 !n0arranted benefits, advanta+e, or preference in t"e disc"ar+e of "is official
administrative f!nctions t"ro!+" manifest partiality, evident bad fait", or +ross ine1c!sable ne+li+ence, in violation of Section 3)e* of 3ep!blic
Act &o. 3019.S
Ender t"e a!t"ority +ranted by t"e 3esol!tion, t"e A=@/ filed an application to in$!ire into or e1amine t"e deposits or investments of Alvare.,
-rinidad, @ion+son and /"en+ Gon+ before t"e 3-/ of =a(ati, 'ranc" 13:, presided by #!d+e )no0 /o!rt of Appeals #!stice* Si1to =arella,
#r. -"e application 0as doc(eted as A=@/ &o. 058005.
-"e =a(ati 3-/ "eard t"e testimony of t"e Dep!ty Director of t"e A=@/, 3ic"ard
David /. !n( 22, and received t"e doc!mentary evidence of t"e A=@/.
-"ereafter, on 4 #!ly ,005, t"e =a(ati 3-/ rendered an 7rder
)=a(ati 3-/ ban( in$!iry order* +rantin+ t"e A=@/ t"e a!t"ority to in$!ire and e1amine t"e s!b6ect ban( acco!nts of Alvare., -rinidad,
@ion+son and /"en+ Gon+, t"e trial co!rt bein+ satisfied t"at t"ere e1isted SJpKrobable ca!se JtoK believe t"at t"e deposits in vario!s ban(
acco!nts, details of 0"ic" appear in para+rap" 1 of t"e Application, are related to t"e offense of violation of Anti8Graft and /orr!pt %ractices
Act no0 t"e s!b6ect of criminal prosec!tion before t"e Sandi+anbayan as attested to by t"e 2nformations, E1"ibits /, D, E, , and
%!rs!ant to t"e =a(ati 3-/ ban( in$!iry order, t"e /2S proceeded to in$!ire and e1amine t"e deposits, investments and related 0eb
acco!nts of t"e fo!r.
=ean0"ile, t"e Special %rosec!tor of t"e 7ffice of t"e 7mb!dsman, Dennis Hilla82+nacio, 0rote a letter dated , &ovember ,005, re$!estin+
t"e A=@/ to investi+ate t"e acco!nts of Alvare., %2A-/7, and several ot"er entities involved in t"e n!llified contract. -"e letter adverted to
probable ca!se to believe t"at t"e ban( acco!nts S0ere !sed in t"e commission of !nla0f!l activities t"at 0ere committedS in relation to t"e
criminal cases t"en pendin+ before t"e Sandi+anbayan.
Attac"ed to t"e letter 0as a memorand!m Son 0"y t"e investi+ation of t"e
Jacco!ntsK is necessary in t"e prosec!tion of t"e above criminal cases before t"e Sandi+anbayan.S
2n response to t"e letter of t"e Special %rosec!tor, t"e A=@/ prom!l+ated on 9 December ,005 3esol!tion &o. 1,1 Series of ,005,
a!t"ori.ed t"e e1ec!tive director of t"e A=@/ to in$!ire into and e1amine t"e acco!nts named in t"e letter, incl!din+ one maintained by
Alvare. 0it" D'S 'an( and t0o ot"er acco!nts in t"e name of /"en+ Gon+ 0it" =etroban(. -"e 3esol!tion c"aracteri.ed t"e memorand!m
attac"ed to t"e Special %rosec!tor?s letter as Se1tensively 6!stifJyin+K t"e e1istence of probable ca!se t"at t"e ban( acco!nts of t"e persons
and entities mentioned in t"e letter are related to t"e !nla0f!l activity of violation of Sections 3)+* and 3)e* of 3ep. Act &o. 3019, as
ollo0in+ t"e December ,005 A=@/ 3esol!tion, t"e 3ep!blic, t"ro!+" t"e A=@/, filed an application
before t"e =anila 3-/ to in$!ire into
and<or e1amine t"irteen )13* acco!nts and t0o ),* related 0eb of acco!nts alle+ed as "avin+ been !sed to facilitate corr!ption in t"e &A2A 3
%ro6ect. Amon+ said acco!nts 0ere t"e D'S 'an( acco!nt of Alvare. and t"e =etroban( acco!nts of /"en+ Gon+. -"e case 0as raffled to
=anila 3-/, 'ranc" ,4, presided by respondent #!d+e Antonio E!+enio, #r., and doc(eted as S% /ase &o. 068114,00.
7n 1, #an!ary ,006, t"e =anila 3-/ iss!ed an 7rder )=anila 3-/ ban( in$!iry order* +rantin+ t"e Ex ParteApplication e1pressin+ t"erein
SJt"atK t"e alle+ations in said application to be impressed 0it" merit, and in conformity 0it" Section 11 of 3.A. &o. 9160, as amended,
ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e Anti8=oney @a!nderin+ Act )A=@A* of ,001 and 3!les 11.1 and 11., of t"e 3evised 2mplementin+ 3!les and
A!t"ority 0as t"!s +ranted to t"e A=@/ to in$!ire into t"e ban( acco!nts listed t"erein.
7n ,5 #an!ary ,006, Alvare., t"ro!+" co!nsel, entered "is appearance
before t"e =anila 3-/ in S% /ase &o. 068114,00 and filed an
Er+ent =otion to Stay Enforcement of 7rder of #an!ary 1,, ,006.
Alvare. alle+ed t"at "e fort!ito!sly learned of t"e ban( in$!iry order, 0"ic"
0as iss!ed follo0in+ an ex parte application, and "e ar+!ed t"at not"in+ in 3.A. &o. 9160 a!t"ori.ed t"e A=@/ to see( t"e a!t"ority to in$!ire
into ban( acco!nts ex parte.
-"e day after Alvare. filed "is motion, ,6 #an!ary ,006, t"e =anila 3-/ iss!ed an 7rder
stayin+ t"e
enforcement of its ban( in$!iry order and +ivin+ t"e 3ep!blic five )5* days to respond to Alvare.?s motion.
-"e 3ep!blic filed an 7mnib!s =otion for 3econsideration
of t"e ,6 #an!ary ,006 =anila 3-/ 7rder and li(e0ise so!+"t to stri(e o!t
Alvare.?s motion t"at led to t"e iss!ance of said order. or "is part, Alvare. filed a 3eply and =otion to Dismiss
t"e application for ban(
in$!iry order. 7n , =ay ,006, t"e =anila 3-/ iss!ed an 7mnib!s 7rder
+rantin+ t"e 3ep!blic?s =otion for 3econsideration, denyin+
Alvare.?s motion to dismiss and reinstatin+ Sin f!ll force and effectS t"e 7rder dated 1, #an!ary ,006. 2n t"e omnib!s order, t"e =anila 3-/
reiterated t"at t"e material alle+ations in t"e application for ban( in$!iry order filed by t"e 3ep!blic stood as St"e probable ca!se for t"e
investi+ation and e1amination of t"e ban( acco!nts and investments of t"e respondents.S
Alvare. filed on 10 =ay ,006 an Er+ent =otion
e1pressin+ "is appre"ension t"at t"e A=@/ 0o!ld immediately enforce t"e omnib!s order
and 0o!ld t"ereby render t"e motion for reconsideration "e intended to file as moot and academicB t"!s "e so!+"t t"at t"e 3ep!blic be
refrained from enforcin+ t"e omnib!s order in t"e meantime. Actin+ on t"is motion, t"e =anila 3-/, on 11 =ay ,006, iss!ed an
re$!irin+ t"e 7SG to file a comment<opposition and remindin+ t"e parties t"at 6!d+ments and orders become final and e1ec!tory !pon
t"e e1piration of fifteen )15* days from receipt t"ereof, as it is t"e period 0it"in 0"ic" a motion for reconsideration co!ld be filed. Alvare. filed
"is =otion for 3econsideration
of t"e omnib!s order on 15 =ay ,006, b!t t"e motion 0as denied by t"e =anila 3-/ in an 7rder
dated 5
#!ly ,006.
7n 11 #!ly ,006, Alvare. filed an Er+ent =otion and =anifestation
0"erein "e manifested "avin+ received reliable information t"at t"e
A=@/ 0as abo!t to implement t"e =anila 3-/ ban( in$!iry order even t"o!+" "e 0as intendin+ to appeal from it. 7n t"e premise t"at only a
final and e1ec!tory 6!d+ment or order co!ld be e1ec!ted or implemented, Alvare. so!+"t t"at t"e A=@/ be immediately ordered to refrain
from enforcin+ t"e =anila 3-/ ban( in$!iry order.
7n 1, #!ly ,006, t"e =anila 3-/, actin+ on Alvare.?s latest motion, iss!ed an 7rder
directin+ t"e A=@/ Sto refrain from enforcin+ t"e order
dated #an!ary 1,, ,006 !ntil t"e e1piration of t"e period to appeal, 0it"o!t any appeal "avin+ been filed.S 7n t"e same day, Alvare. filed a
&otice of Appeal
0it" t"e =anila 3-/.
7n ,4 #!ly ,006, Alvare. filed an Er+ent Ex Parte =otion for /larification.
-"erein, "e alle+ed "avin+ learned t"at t"e A=@/ "ad be+an to
in$!ire into t"e ban( acco!nts of t"e ot"er persons mentioned in t"e application for ban( in$!iry order filed by t"e 3ep!blic.
/onsiderin+ t"at
t"e =anila 3-/ ban( in$!iry order 0as iss!ed ex parte, 0it"o!t notice to t"ose ot"er persons, Alvare. prayed t"at t"e A=@/ be ordered to
refrain from in$!irin+ into any of t"e ot"er ban( deposits and alle+ed 0eb of acco!nts en!merated in A=@/?s application 0it" t"e 3-/B and
t"at t"e A=@/ be directed to refrain from !sin+, disclosin+ or p!blis"in+ in any proceedin+ or ven!e any information or doc!ment obtained in
violation of t"e 11 =ay ,006 3-/ 7rder.
7n ,5 #!ly ,006, or one day after Alvare. filed "is motion, t"e =anila 3-/ iss!ed an 7rder
0"erein it clarified t"at St"e Ex Parte 7rder of
t"is /o!rt dated #an!ary 1,, ,006 can not be implemented a+ainst t"e deposits or acco!nts of any of t"e persons en!merated in t"e A=@/
Application !ntil t"e appeal of movant Alvare. is finally resolved, ot"er0ise, t"e appeal 0o!ld be rendered moot and academic or even
2n addition, t"e A=@/ 0as ordered Snot to disclose or p!blis" any information or doc!ment fo!nd or obtained in JvKiolation of t"e
=ay 11, ,006 7rder of t"is /o!rt.S
-"e =anila 3-/ reasoned t"at t"e ot"er persons mentioned in A=@/?s application 0ere not served 0it"
t"e co!rt?s 1, #an!ary ,006 7rder. -"is ,5 #!ly ,006 =anila 3-/ 7rder is t"e first of t"e fo!r r!lin+s bein+ assailed t"ro!+" t"is petition.
2n response, t"e 3ep!blic filed an Er+ent 7mnib!s =otion for 3econsideration
dated ,D #!ly ,006, !r+in+ t"at it be allo0ed to immediately
enforce t"e ban( in$!iry order a+ainst Alvare. and t"at Alvare.?s notice of appeal be e1p!n+ed from t"e records since appeal from an order of
in$!iry is disallo0ed !nder t"e Anti money @a!nderin+ Act )A=@A*.
=ean0"ile, respondent @ilia /"en+ filed 0it" t"e /o!rt of Appeals a %etition for /ertiorari, %ro"ibition and =andam!s 0it" Application for -37
and<or >rit of %reliminary 2n6!nction
dated 10 #!ly ,006, directed a+ainst t"e 3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines t"ro!+" t"e A=@/, =anila 3-/
#!d+e E!+enio, #r. and =a(ati 3-/ #!d+e =arella, #r.. S"e identified "erself as t"e 0ife of /"en+ Gon+
0it" 0"om s"e 6ointly o0ns a
con6!+al ban( acco!nt 0it" /itiban( t"at is covered by t"e =a(ati 3-/ ban( in$!iry order, and t0o con6!+al ban( acco!nts 0it" =etroban(
t"at are covered by t"e =anila 3-/ ban( in$!iry order. @ilia /"en+ imp!ted +rave ab!se of discretion on t"e part of t"e =a(ati and =anila
3-/s in +rantin+ A=@/?s ex parte applications for a ban( in$!iry order, ar+!in+ amon+ ot"ers t"at t"e ex parte applications violated "er
constit!tional ri+"t to d!e process, t"at t"e ban( in$!iry order !nder t"e A=@A can only be +ranted in connection 0it" violations of t"e A=@A
and t"at t"e A=@A can not apply to ban( acco!nts opened and transactions entered into prior to t"e effectivity of t"e A=@A or to ban(
acco!nts located o!tside t"e %"ilippines.
7n 1 A!+!st ,006, t"e /o!rt of Appeals, actin+ on @ilia /"en+?s petition, iss!ed a -emporary 3estrainin+ 7rder
en6oinin+ t"e =anila and
=a(ati trial co!rts from implementin+, enforcin+ or e1ec!tin+ t"e respective ban( in$!iry orders previo!sly iss!ed, and t"e A=@/ from
enforcin+ and implementin+ s!c" orders. 7n even date, t"e =anila 3-/ iss!ed an 7rder
resolvin+ to "old in abeyance t"e resol!tion of t"e
!r+ent omnib!s motion for reconsideration t"en pendin+ before it !ntil t"e resol!tion of @ilia /"en+?s petition for certiorari 0it" t"e /o!rt of
Appeals. -"e /o!rt of Appeals 3esol!tion directin+ t"e iss!ance of t"e temporary restrainin+ order is t"e second of t"e fo!r r!lin+s assailed in
t"e present petition.
-"e t"ird assailed r!lin+
0as iss!ed on 15 A!+!st ,006 by t"e =anila 3-/, actin+ on t"e Er+ent =otion for /larification
dated 14 A!+!st
,006 filed by Alvare.. 2t appears t"at t"e 1 A!+!st ,006 =anila 3-/ 7rder "ad amended its previo!s ,5 #!ly ,006 7rder by deletin+ t"e last
para+rap" 0"ic" stated t"at t"e A=@/ Ss"o!ld not disclose or p!blis" any information or doc!ment fo!nd or obtained in violation of t"e =ay
11, ,006 7rder of t"is /o!rt.S
2n t"is ne0 motion, Alvare. ar+!ed t"at t"e deletion of t"at para+rap" 0o!ld allo0 t"e A=@/ to implement t"e
ban( in$!iry orders and p!blis" 0"atever information it mi+"t obtain t"ere!pon even before t"e final orders of t"e =anila 3-/ co!ld become
final and e1ec!tory.
2n t"e 15 A!+!st ,006 7rder, t"e =anila 3-/ reiterated t"at t"e ban( in$!iry order it "ad iss!ed co!ld not be
implemented or enforced by t"e A=@/ or any of its representatives !ntil t"e appeal t"erefrom 0as finally resolved and t"at any enforcement
t"ereof 0o!ld be !na!t"ori.ed.
-"e present /onsolidated %etition
for certiorari and pro"ibition !nder 3!le 65 0as filed on , 7ctober ,006, assailin+ t"e t0o 7rders of t"e
=anila 3-/ dated ,5 #!ly and 15 A!+!st ,006 and t"e -emporary 3estrainin+ 7rder dated 1 A!+!st ,006 of t"e /o!rt of Appeals. -"ro!+"
an Er+ent =anifestation and =otion
dated 9 7ctober ,006, petitioner informed t"e /o!rt t"at on ,, September ,006, t"e /o!rt of Appeals
"earin+ @ilia /"en+?s petition "ad +ranted a 0rit of preliminary in6!nction in "er favor.
-"ereafter, petitioner so!+"t as 0ell t"e n!llification of
t"e ,, September ,006 3esol!tion of t"e /o!rt of Appeals, t"ereby constit!tin+ t"e fo!rt" r!lin+ assailed in t"e instant petition.
-"e /o!rt "ad initially +ranted a -emporary 3estrainin+ 7rder
dated 6 7ctober ,006 and later on a S!pplemental -emporary 3estrainin+
dated 13 7ctober ,006 in petitioner?s favor, en6oinin+ t"e implementation of t"e assailed r!lin+s of t"e =anila 3-/ and t"e /o!rt of
Appeals. Io0ever, on respondents? motion, t"e /o!rt, t"ro!+" a 3esol!tion
dated 11 December ,006, s!spended t"e implementation of t"e
restrainin+ orders it "ad earlier iss!ed.
7ral ar+!ments 0ere "eld on 1D #an!ary ,00D. -"e /o!rt consolidated t"e iss!es for ar+!ment as follo0s5
1. Did t"e 3-/8=anila, in iss!in+ t"e 7rders dated ,5 #!ly ,006 and 15 A!+!st ,006 0"ic" deferred t"e implementation of its 7rder
dated 1, #an!ary ,006, and t"e /o!rt of Appeals, in iss!in+ its 3esol!tion dated 1 A!+!st ,006, 0"ic" ordered t"e status .uo in
relation to t"e 1 #!ly ,005 7rder of t"e 3-/8=a(ati and t"e 1, #an!ary ,006 7rder of t"e 3-/8=anila, bot" of 0"ic" a!t"ori.ed t"e
e1amination of ban( acco!nts !nder Section 11 of 3ep. Act &o. 9160 )A=@A*, commit +rave ab!se of discretionU
)a* 2s an application for an order a!t" in$!iry into or e1amination of ban( acco!nts or investments !nder Section 11
of t"e A=@A ex$parte in nat!re or one 0"ic" re$!ires notice and "earin+U
)b* >"at le+al proced!res and standards s"o!ld be observed in t"e cond!ct of t"e proceedin+s for t"e iss!ance of said
)c* 2s s!c" order s!sceptible to le+al c"allen+es and 6!dicial revie0U
,. 2s it proper for t"is /o!rt at t"is time and in t"is case to in$!ire into and pass !pon t"e validity of t"e 1 #!ly ,005 7rder of t"e
3-/8=a(ati and t"e 1, #an!ary ,006 7rder of t"e 3-/8=anila, considerin+ t"e pendency of /A G.3. S% &o. 95819: )@ilia /"en+ v.
3ep!blic* 0"erein t"e validity of bot" orders 0as c"allen+edU
After t"e oral ar+!ments, t"e parties 0ere directed to file t"eir respective memoranda, 0"ic" t"ey did,
and t"e petition 0as t"ereafter
deemed s!bmitted for resol!tion.
%etitioner?s +eneral advocacy is t"at t"e ban( in$!iry orders iss!ed by t"e =anila and =a(ati 3-/s are valid and immediately enforceable
0"ereas t"e assailed r!lin+s, 0"ic" effectively stayed t"e enforcement of t"e =anila and =a(ati 3-/s ban( in$!iry orders, are s!llied 0it"
+rave ab!se of discretion. -"ese concl!sions flo0 from t"e post!re t"at a ban( in$!iry order, iss!ed !pon a findin+ of probable ca!se, may be
iss!ed ex parte and, once iss!ed, is immediately e1ec!tory. %etitioner f!rt"er ar+!es t"at t"e information obtained follo0in+ t"e ban( in$!iry is
necessarily beneficial, if not indispensable, to t"e A=@/ in disc"ar+in+ its a0esome responsibility re+ardin+ t"e effective implementation of
t"e A=@A and t"at any restraint in t"e disclos!re of s!c" information to appropriate a+encies or ot"er 6!dicial fora 0o!ld render meanin+less
t"e relief s!pplied by t"e ban( in$!iry order.
%etitioner raises partic!lar ar+!ments $!estionin+ @ilia /"en+?s ri+"t to see( in6!nctive relief before t"e /o!rt of Appeals, notin+ t"at not one
of t"e ban( in$!iry orders is directed a+ainst "er. Ier Scryptic assertionS t"at s"e is t"e 0ife of /"en+ Gon+ cannot, accordin+ to petitioner,
Smetamorp"ose into t"e re$!isite le+al standin+ to see( redress for an ima+ined in6!ry or to maintain an action in be"alf of anot"er.S 2n t"e
same breat", petitioner ar+!es t"at Alvare. cannot assert any violation of t"e ri+"t to financial privacy in be"alf of ot"er persons 0"ose ban(
acco!nts are bein+ in$!ired into, partic!larly t"ose ot"er persons named in t"e =a(ati 3-/ ban( in$!iry order 0"o did not ta(e any step to
oppose s!c" orders before t"e co!rts.
7stensibly, t"e pro1imate $!estion before t"e /o!rt is 0"et"er a ban( in$!iry order iss!ed in accordance 0it" Section 10 of t"e A=@A may be
stayed by in6!nction. Get in ar+!in+ t"at it does, petitioner relies on 0"at it posits as t"e final and immediately e1ec!tory c"aracter of t"e ban(
in$!iry orders iss!ed by t"e =anila and =a(ati 3-/s. 2mplicit in t"at position is t"e notion t"at t"e in$!iry orders are valid, and s!c" notion is
s!sceptible to revie0 and validation based on 0"at appears on t"e face of t"e orders and t"e applications 0"ic" tri++ered t"eir iss!ance, as
0ell as t"e provisions of t"e A=@A +overnin+ t"e iss!ance of s!c" orders. 2ndeed, to test t"e viability of petitioner?s ar+!ment, t"e /o!rt 0ill
"ave to be satisfied t"at t"e s!b6ect in$!iry orders are valid in t"e first place. Io0ever, even from a c!rsory e1amination of t"e applications for
in$!iry order and t"e orders t"emselves, it is evident t"at t"e orders are not in accordance 0it" la0.
A brief overvie0 of t"e A=@A is called for.
=oney la!nderin+ "as been +enerally defined by t"e 2nternational /riminal %olice 7r+ani.ation )2nterpol* Vas Sany act or attempted act to
conceal or dis+!ise t"e identity of ille+ally obtained proceeds so t"at t"ey appear to "ave ori+inated from le+itimate so!rces.S
Even before
t"e passa+e of t"e A=@A, t"e problem 0as addressed by t"e %"ilippine +overnment t"ro!+" t"e iss!ance of vario!s circ!lars by t"e 'an+(o
Sentral n+ %ilipinas. Get !ltimately, le+islative proscription 0as necessary, especially 0it" t"e incl!sion of t"e %"ilippines in t"e inancial
Action -as( orce?s list of non8cooperative co!ntries and territories in t"e fi+"t a+ainst money la!nderin+.
-"e ori+inal A=@A, 3ep!blic Act
)3.A.* &o. 9160, 0as passed in ,001. 2t 0as amended by 3.A. &o. 9194 in ,003.
Section 4 of t"e A=@A states t"at SJmKoney la!nderin+ is a crime 0"ereby t"e proceeds of an !nla0f!l activity as Jdefined in t"e la0K are
transacted, t"ereby ma(in+ t"em appear to "ave ori+inated from le+itimate so!rces.S
-"e section f!rt"er provides t"e t"ree modes t"ro!+"
0"ic" t"e crime of money la!nderin+ is committed. Section D creates t"e A=@/ and defines its po0ers, 0"ic" +enerally relate to t"e
enforcement of t"e A=@A provisions and t"e initiation of le+al actions a!t"ori.ed in t"e A=@A s!c" as civil forefeit!re proceedin+s and
complaints for t"e prosec!tion of money la!nderin+ offenses.
2n addition to providin+ for t"e definition and penalties for t"e crime of money la!nderin+, t"e A=@A also a!t" certain provisional
remedies t"at 0o!ld aid t"e A=@/ in t"e enforcement of t"e A=@A. -"ese are t"e Sfree.e orderS a!t"ori.ed !nder Section 10, and t"e Sban(
in$!iry orderS a!t"ori.ed !nder Section 11.
3espondents posit t"at a ban( in$!iry order !nder Section 11 may be obtained only !pon t"e pre8e1istence of a money la!nderin+ offense
case already filed before t"e co!rts.
-"e concl!sion is based on t"e p"rase S!pon order of any competent co!rt in cases of violation of t"is
Act,S t"e 0ord ScasesS +enerally !nderstood as referrin+ to act!al cases pendin+ 0it" t"e co!rts.
>e are !nconvinced by t"is proposition, and a+ree instead 0it" t"e t"en Solicitor General 0"o conceded t"at t"e !se of t"e p"rase Sin cases
ofS 0as !nfort!nate, yet s!bmitted t"at it s"o!ld be interpreted to mean Sin t"e event t"ere are violationsS of t"e A=@A, and not t"at t"ere are
already cases pendin+ in co!rt concernin+ s!c" violations.
2f t"e contrary position is adopted, t"en t"e ban( in$!iry order 0o!ld be limited in
p!rpose as a tool in aid of liti+ation of live cases, and 0"olly in!tile as a means for t"e +overnment to ascertain 0"et"er t"ere is s!fficient
evidence to s!stain an intended prosec!tion of t"e acco!nt "older for violation of t"e A=@A. S"o!ld t"at be t"e sit!ation, in all li(eli"ood t"e
A=@/ 0o!ld be virt!ally deprived of its c"aracter as a discovery tool, and t"!s 0o!ld become less circ!mspect in filin+ complaints a+ainst
s!spect acco!nt "olders. After all, !nder s!c" set8!p t"e preferred strate+y 0o!ld be to allo0 or even enco!ra+e t"e indiscriminate filin+ of
complaints !nder t"e A=@A 0it" t"e "ope or e1pectation t"at t"e evidence of money la!nderin+ 0o!ld some"o0 s!rface d!rin+ t"e trial. Since
t"e A=@/ co!ld not ma(e !se of t"e ban( in$!iry order to determine 0"et"er t"ere is evidentiary basis to prosec!te t"e s!spected
malefactors, not filin+ any case at all 0o!ld not be an alternative. S!c" !n0"olesome set8!p s"o!ld not come to pass. -"!s Section 11 cannot
be interpreted in a 0ay t"at 0o!ld emasc!late t"e remedy it "as establis"ed and enco!ra+e t"e !nfo!nded initiation of complaints for money
Still, even if t"e ban( in$!iry order may be availed of 0it"o!t need of a pre8e1istin+ case !nder t"e A=@A, it does not follo0 t"at s!c" order
may be availed of ex parte. -"ere are several reasons 0"y t"e A=@A does not +enerally sanction ex parte applications and iss!ances of t"e
ban( in$!iry order.
2t is evident t"at Section 11 does not specifically a!t"ori.e, as a +eneral r!le, t"e iss!ance ex parte of t"e ban( in$!iry order. >e $!ote t"e
provision in f!ll5
"E#. 11. Authorit$ to %nquire into &an' (eposits. W &ot0it"standin+ t"e provisions of 3ep!blic Act &o. 1405, as amended,
3ep!blic Act &o. 64,6, as amended, 3ep!blic Act &o. :D91, and ot"er la0s, t"e A=@/ may in$!ire into or e1amine any partic!lar
deposit or investment 0it" any ban(in+ instit!tion or non ban( financial instit!tion !pon order of any competent co!rt in cases of
violation of t"is Act, ?6&n 20 6a( 8&&n &(0a8<2(6&d 06a0 06&'& 2( ='o8a8<& 1a)(& 06a0 06& d&=o(20( o' 2n%&(0:&n0( a'& '&<a0&d
0o an )n<a?>)< a102%20; a( d&>2n&d 2n S&102on *2+ 6&'&o> o' a :on&; <a)nd&'2n3 o>>&n(& )nd&' S&102on ! 6&'&o>, &@1&=0 06a0
no 1o)'0 o'd&' (6a<< 8& '&A)2'&d 2n 1a(&( 2n%o<%2n3 )n<a?>)< a102%202&( d&>2n&d 2n S&102on( *2+1, *.+ and *1.+.
-o ens!re compliance 0it" t"is Act, t"e 'an+(o Sentral n+ %ilipinas )'S%* may in$!ire into or e1amine any deposit of investment
0it" any ban(in+ instit!tion or non ban( financial instit!tion 0"en t"e e1amination is made in t"e co!rse of a periodic or special
e1amination, in accordance 0it" t"e r!les of e1amination of t"e 'S%.
)Emp"asis s!pplied*
7f co!rse, Section 11 also allo0s t"e A=@/ to in$!ire into ban( acco!nts 0it"o!t "avin+ to obtain a 6!dicial order in cases 0"ere t"ere is
probable ca!se t"at t"e deposits or investments are related to (idnappin+ for ransom,
certain violations of t"e /ompre"ensive Dan+ero!s
Dr!+s Act of ,00,,
"i6ac(in+ and ot"er violations !nder 3.A. &o. 6,35, destr!ctive arson and m!rder. Since s!c" special circ!mstances do
not apply in t"is case, t"ere is no need for !s to pass comment on t"is proviso. S!ffice it to say, t"e proviso contemplates a sit!ation distinct
from t"at 0"ic" presently confronts !s, and for p!rposes of t"e s!cceedin+ disc!ssion, o!r reference to Section 11 of t"e A=@A e1cl!des said
2n t"e instances 0"ere a co!rt order is re$!ired for t"e iss!ance of t"e ban( in$!iry order, not"in+ in Section 11 specifically a!t" t"at
s!c" co!rt order may be iss!ed ex parte. 2t mi+"t be ar+!ed t"at t"is silence does not precl!de t"e ex parte iss!ance of t"e ban( in$!iry order
since t"e same is not pro"ibited !nder Section 11. Get t"is ar+!ment falls 0"en t"e immediately precedin+ provision, Section 10, is e1amined.
"E#. 1). *reezin o+ Monetar$ %nstru,ent or Propert$. W -"e /o!rt of Appeals, !pon a==<21a02one- parte by t"e A=@/ and
after determination t"at ='o8a8<& 1a)(& e1ists t"at any monetary instr!ment or property is in any 0ay related to an !nla0f!l activity
as defined in Section 3)i* "ereof, may iss!e a >'&&G& o'd&' ?6216 (6a<< 8& &>>&102%& 2::&d2a0&<;. -"e free.e order s"all be for a
period of t0enty ),0* days !nless e1tended by t"e co!rt.
Alt"o!+" oriented to0ards different p!rposes, t"e free.e order !nder Section 10 and t"e ban( in$!iry order !nder Section 11 are similar in
t"at t"ey are e1traordinary provisional reliefs 0"ic" t"e A=@/ may avail of to effectively combat and prosec!te money la!nderin+ offenses.
/r!cially, Section 10 !ses specific lan+!a+e to a!t"ori.e an ex parte application for t"e provisional relief t"erein, a circ!mstance absent in
Section 11. 2f indeed t"e le+islat!re "ad intended to a!t"ori.e ex parte proceedin+s for t"e iss!ance of t"e ban( in$!iry order, t"en it co!ld
"ave easily e1pressed s!c" intent in t"e la0, as it did 0it" t"e free.e order !nder Section 10.
Even more tellin+ly, t"e c!rrent lan+!a+e of Sections 10 and 11 of t"e A=@A 0as crafted at t"e same time, t"ro!+" t"e passa+e of 3.A. &o.
9194. %rior to t"e amendatory la0, it 0as t"e A=@/, not t"e /o!rt of Appeals, 0"ic" "ad a!t"ority to iss!e a free.e order, 0"ereas a ban(
in$!iry order al0ays t"en re$!ired, 0it"o!t e1ception, an order from a competent co!rt.
2t 0as t"ro!+" t"e same enactment t"at ex
parte proceedin+s 0ere introd!ced for t"e first time into t"e A=@A, in t"e case of t"e free.e order 0"ic" no0 can only be iss!ed by t"e /o!rt
of Appeals. 2t certainly 0o!ld "ave been convenient, t"ro!+" t"e same amendatory la0, to allo0 a similar ex parte proced!re in t"e case of a
ban( in$!iry order "ad /on+ress been so minded. Get not"in+ in t"e provision itself, or even t"e available le+islative record, e1plicitly points to
an ex parte 6!dicial proced!re in t"e application for a ban( in$!iry order, !nli(e in t"e case of t"e free.e order.
-"at t"e A=@A does not contemplate ex parte proceedin+s in applications for ban( in$!iry orders is confirmed by t"e present implementin+
r!les and re+!lations of t"e A=@A, prom!l+ated !pon t"e passa+e of 3.A. &o. 9194. >it" respect to free.e orders !nder Section 10, t"e
implementin+ r!les do e1pressly provide t"at t"e applications for free.e orders be filed ex parte,
b!t no similar clearance is +ranted in t"e
case of in$!iry orders !nder Section 11.
-"ese implementin+ r!les 0ere prom!l+ated by t"e 'an+(o Sentral n+ %ilipinas, t"e 2ns!rance
/ommission and t"e Sec!rities and E1c"an+e /ommission,
and if it 0as t"e tr!e belief of t"ese instit!tions t"at in$!iry orders co!ld be
iss!ed ex parte similar to free.e orders, lan+!a+e to t"at effect 0o!ld "ave been incorporated in t"e said 3!les. -"is is stressed not beca!se
t"e implementin+ r!les co!ld a!t"ori.eex parte applications for in$!iry orders despite t"e absence of stat!tory basis, b!t rat"er beca!se t"e
framers of t"e la0 "ad no intention to allo0 s!c" ex parte applications.
Even t"e 3!les of %roced!re adopted by t"is /o!rt in A.=. &o. 058118048S/
to enforce t"e provisions of t"e A=@A specifically a!t"ori.e ex
parte applications 0it" respect to free.e orders !nder Section 10
b!t ma(e no similar a!t"ori.ation 0it" respect to ban( in$!iry orders !nder
Section 11.
-"e /o!rt co!ld divine t"e sense in allo0in+ ex parte proceedin+s !nder Section 10 and in proscribin+ t"e same !nder Section 11. A free.e
order !nder Section 10 on t"e one "and is aimed at preservin+ monetary instr!ments or property in any 0ay deemed related to !nla0f!l
activities as defined in Section 3)i* of t"e A=@A. -"e o0ner of s!c" monetary instr!ments or property 0o!ld t"!s be in"ibited from ! t"e
same for t"e d!ration of t"e free.e order. -o ma(e s!c" free.e order anteceded by a 6!dicial proceedin+ 0it" notice to t"e acco!nt "older
0o!ld allo0 for or lead to t"e dissipation of s!c" f!nds even before t"e order co!ld be iss!ed.
7n t"e ot"er "and, a ban( in$!iry order !nder Section 11 does not necessitate any form of p"ysical sei.!re of property of t"e acco!nt "older.
>"at t"e ban( in$!iry order a!t" is t"e e1amination of t"e partic!lar deposits or investments in ban(in+ instit!tions or non8ban( financial
instit!tions. -"e monetary instr!ments or property deposited 0it" s!c" ban(s or financial instit!tions are not sei.ed in a p"ysical sense, b!t
are e1amined on partic!lar details s!c" as t"e acco!nt "older?s record of deposits and transactions. Enli(e t"e assets s!b6ect of t"e free.e
order, t"e records to be inspected !nder a ban( in$!iry order cannot be p"ysically sei.ed or "idden by t"e acco!nt "older. Said records are in
t"e possession of t"e ban( and t"erefore cannot be destroyed at t"e instance of t"e acco!nt "older alone as t"at 0o!ld re$!ire t"e
e1traordinary cooperation and devotion of t"e ban(.
2nterestin+ly, petitioner?s memorand!m does not attempt to demonstrate before t"e /o!rt t"at t"e ban( in$!iry order !nder Section 11 may be
iss!ed ex parte, alt"o!+" t"e petition itself did devote some space for t"at ar+!ment. -"e petition ar+!es t"at t"e ban( in$!iry order is Sa
special and pec!liar remedy, drastic in its name, and made necessary beca!se of a p!blic necessityR JtK"!s, by its very nat!re, t"e
application for an order or in$!iry m!st necessarily, be ex parte.S -"is ar+!ment is ins!fficient 6!stification in li+"t of t"e clear disinclination of
/on+ress to allo0 t"e iss!ance ex parte of ban( in$!iry orders !nder Section 11, in contrast to t"e le+islat!re?s clear inclination to allo0 t"e ex
parte +rant of free.e orders !nder Section 10.
>it"o!t do!bt, a re$!irement t"at t"e application for a ban( in$!iry order be done 0it" notice to t"e acco!nt "older 0ill alert t"e latter t"at
t"ere is a plan to inspect "is ban( acco!nt on t"e belief t"at t"e f!nds t"erein are involved in an !nla0f!l activity or money la!nderin+
Still, t"e acco!nt "older so alerted 0ill in fact be !nable to do anyt"in+ to conceal or cleanse "is ban( acco!nt records of s!spicio!s
or anomalo!s transactions, at least not 0it"o!t t"e 0"ole8"earted cooperation of t"e ban(, 0"ic" in"erently "as no vested interest to aid t"e
acco!nt "older in s!c" manner.
-"e necessary implication of t"is findin+ t"at Section 11 of t"e A=@A does not +enerally a!t"ori.e t"e iss!anceex parte of t"e ban( in$!iry
order 0o!ld be t"at s!c" orders cannot be iss!ed !nless notice is +iven to t"e o0ners of t"e acco!nt, allo0in+ t"em t"e opport!nity to contest
t"e iss!ance of t"e order. >it"o!t s!c" a conse$!ence, t"e le+islated distinction bet0een ex parte proceedin+s !nder Section 10 and t"ose
0"ic" are not ex parte !nder Section 11 0o!ld be lost and rendered !seless.
-"ere certainly is fertile +ro!nd to contest t"e iss!ance of an ex parte order. Section 11 itself re$!ires t"at it be establis"ed t"at St"ere is
probable ca!se t"at t"e deposits or investments are related to !nla0f!l activities,S and it obvio!sly is t"e co!rt 0"ic" stands as arbiter 0"et"er
t"ere is indeed s!c" probable ca!se. -"e process of in$!irin+ into t"e e1istence of probable ca!se 0o!ld involve t"e f!nction of determination
reposed on t"e trial co!rt. Determination clearly implies a f!nction of ad6!dication on t"e part of t"e trial co!rt, and not a mec"anical
application of a standard pre8determination by some ot"er body. -"e 0ord SdeterminationS implies deliberation and is, in normal le+al
contemplation, e$!ivalent to St"e decision of a co!rt of 6!stice.S
-"e co!rt receivin+ t"e application for in$!iry order cannot simply ta(e t"e A=@/?s 0ord t"at probable ca!se e1ists t"at t"e deposits or
investments are related to an !nla0f!l activity. 2t 0ill "ave to e1ercise its
o0n determinative f!nction in order to be convinced of s!c" fact. -"e acco!nt "older 0o!ld be certainly capable of contestin+ s!c" probable
ca!se if +iven t"e opport!nity to be apprised of t"e pendin+ application to in$!ire into "is acco!ntB "ence a notice re$!irement 0o!ld not be an
empty spectacle. 2t may be so t"at t"e process of obtainin+ t"e in$!iry order may become more c!mbersome or prolon+ed beca!se of t"e
notice re$!irement, yet 0e fail to see any !nreasonable b!rden cast by s!c" circ!mstance. After all, as earlier stated, re$!irin+ notice to t"e
acco!nt "older s"o!ld not, in any 0ay, compromise t"e inte+rity of t"e ban( records s!b6ect of t"e in$!iry 0"ic" remain in t"e possession and
control of t"e ban(.
%etitioner ar+!es t"at a ban( in$!iry order necessitates a findin+ of probable ca!se, a c"aracteristic similar to a searc" 0arrant 0"ic" is
applied to and "eard ex parte. >e "ave e1amined t"e s!pposed analo+y bet0een a searc" 0arrant and a ban( in$!iry order yet 0e remain to
be !nconvinced by petitioner.
-"e /onstit!tion and t"e 3!les of /o!rt prescribe partic!lar re$!irements attac"in+ to searc" 0arrants t"at are not imposed by t"e A=@A 0it"
respect to ban( in$!iry orders. A constit!tional 0arrant re$!ires t"at t"e 6!d+e personally e1amine !nder oat" or affirmation t"e complainant
and t"e 0itnesses "e may prod!ce,
s!c" e1amination bein+ in t"e form of searc"in+ $!estions and ans0ers.
-"ose are impositions 0"ic"
t"e le+islative did not specifically prescribe as to t"e ban( in$!iry order !nder t"e A=@A, and 0e cannot find s!fficient le+al basis to apply
t"em to Section 11 of t"e A=@A. Simply p!t, a ban( in$!iry order is not a searc" 0arrant or 0arrant of arrest as it contemplates a direct ob6ect
b!t not t"e sei.!re of persons or property.
Even as t"e /onstit!tion and t"e 3!les of /o!rt impose a "i+" proced!ral standard for t"e determination of probable ca!se for t"e iss!ance of
searc" 0arrants 0"ic" /on+ress c"ose not to prescribe for t"e ban( in$!iry order !nder t"e A=@A, /on+ress nonet"eless disallo0ed ex
parte applications for t"e in$!iry order. >e can discern t"at in e1c"an+e for t"ese proced!ral standards normally applied to searc" 0arrants,
/on+ress c"ose instead to le+islate a ri+"t to notice and a ri+"t to be "eard; c"aracteristics of 6!dicial proceedin+s 0"ic" are not ex
parte. Absent any demonstrable constit!tional infirmity, t"ere is no reason for !s to disp!te s!c" le+islative policy c"oices.
-"e /o!rt?s constr!ction of Section 11 of t"e A=@A is !ndo!btedly infl!enced by ri+"t to privacy considerations. 2f s!stained, petitioner?s
ar+!ment t"at a ban( acco!nt may be inspected by t"e +overnment follo0in+ an ex parte proceedin+ abo!t 0"ic" t"e depositor 0o!ld (no0
not"in+ 0o!ld "ave si+nificant implications on t"e ri+"t to privacy, a ri+"t innately c"eris"ed by all not0it"standin+ t"e le+ally reco+ni.ed
e1ceptions t"ereto. -"e notion t"at t"e +overnment co!ld be so empo0ered is ca!se for concern of any individ!al 0"o val!es t"e ri+"t to
privacy 0"ic", after all, embodies even t"e ri+"t to be Slet
alone,S t"e most compre"ensive of ri+"ts and t"e ri+"t most val!ed by civili.ed people.
7ne mi+"t ass!me t"at t"e constit!tional dimension of t"e ri+"t to privacy, as applied to ban( deposits, 0arrants o!r present in$!iry. >e
decline to do so. Admittedly, t"at $!estion "as proved controversial in American 6!rispr!dence. &otably, t"e Enited States S!preme /o!rt
in '.0. v. -iller
"eld t"at t"ere 0as no le+itimate e1pectation of privacy as to t"e ban( records of a depositor.
=oreover, t"e te1t of o!r
/onstit!tion "as not bot"ered 0it" t"e triviality of allocatin+ specific ri+"ts pec!liar to ban( deposits.
Io0ever, s!fficient for o!r p!rposes, 0e can assert t"ere is a ri+"t to privacy +overnin+ ban( acco!nts in t"e %"ilippines, and t"at s!c" ri+"t
finds application to t"e case at bar. -"e so!rce of s!c" ri+"t is stat!tory, e1pressed as it is in 3.A. &o. 1405 ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e 'an(
Secrecy Act of 1955. -"e ri+"t to privacy is ens"rined in Section , of t"at la0, to 0it5
SE/-27& ,. A<< d&=o(20( o> ?6a0&%&' na0)'& ?206 8an9( o' 8an92n3 2n(020)02on( 2n 06& P62<2==2n&( 2n1<)d2n3 2n%&(0:&n0( 2n
8ond( 2(()&d 8; 06& Go%&'n:&n0 o> 06& P62<2==2n&(, 20( =o<2021a< ()8d2%2(2on( and 20( 2n(0'):&n0a<202&(, a'& 6&'&8;
1on(2d&'&d a( o> an a8(o<)0&<; 1on>2d&n02a< na0)'& and may not be e1amined, in$!ired or loo(ed into by any person, +overnment
official, b!rea! or office, e1cept !pon 0ritten permission of t"e depositor, or in cases of impeac"ment, or !pon order of a competent
co!rt in cases of bribery or dereliction of d!ty of p!blic officials, or in cases 0"ere t"e money deposited or invested is t"e s!b6ect
matter of t"e liti+ation. )Emp"asis s!pplied*
'eca!se of t"e 'an( Secrecy Act, t"e confidentiality of ban( deposits remains a basic state policy in t"e %"ilippines.
S!bse$!ent la0s,
incl!din+ t"e A=@A, may "ave added e1ceptions to t"e 'an( Secrecy Act, yet t"e secrecy of ban( deposits still lies as t"e +eneral r!le. 2t falls
0it"in t"e .ones of privacy reco+ni.ed by o!r la0s.
-"e framers of t"e 19:D /onstit!tion li(e0ise reco+ni.ed t"at ban( acco!nts are not
covered by eit"er t"e ri+"t to information
!nder Section D, Article 222 or !nder t"e re$!irement of f!ll p!blic disclos!re
!nder Section ,:,
Article 22.
Enless t"e 'an( Secrecy Act is repealed or
amended, t"e le+al order is obli+ed to conserve t"e absol!tely confidential nat!re of %"ilippine ban( deposits.
Any e1ception to t"e r!le of absol!te confidentiality m!st be specifically le+islated. Section , of t"e 'an( Secrecy Act itself prescribes
e1ceptions 0"ereby t"ese ban( acco!nts may be e1amined by Sany person, +overnment official, b!rea! or officeSB namely 0"en5 )1* !pon
0ritten permission of t"e depositorB ),* in cases of impeac"mentB )3* t"e e1amination of ban( acco!nts is !pon order of a competent co!rt in
cases of bribery or dereliction of d!ty of p!blic officialsB and )4* t"e money deposited or invested is t"e s!b6ect matter of t"e liti+ation. Section
: of 3.A. Act &o. 3019, t"e Anti8Graft and /orr!pt %ractices Act, "as been reco+ni.ed by t"is /o!rt as constit!tin+ an additional e1ception to
t"e r!le of absol!te confidentiality,
and t"ere "ave been ot"er similar reco+nitions as 0ell.
-"e A=@A also provides e1ceptions to t"e 'an( Secrecy Act. Ender Section 11, t"e A=@/ may in$!ire into a ban( acco!nt !pon order of any
competent co!rt in cases of violation of t"e A=@A, it "avin+ been establis"ed t"at t"ere is probable ca!se t"at t"e deposits or investments are
related to !nla0f!l activities as defined in Section 3)i* of t"e la0, or a money la!nderin+ offense !nder Section 4 t"ereof. !rt"er, in instances
0"ere t"ere is probable ca!se t"at t"e deposits or investments are related to (idnappin+ for ransom,
certain violations of t"e /ompre"ensive
Dan+ero!s Dr!+s Act of ,00,,
"i6ac(in+ and ot"er violations !nder 3.A. &o. 6,35, destr!ctive arson and m!rder, t"en t"ere is no need for
t"e A=@/ to obtain a co!rt order before it co!ld in$!ire into s!c" acco!nts.
2t cannot be s!ccessf!lly ar+!ed t"e proceedin+s relatin+ to t"e ban( in$!iry order !nder Section 11 of t"e A=@A is a Sliti+ationS encompassed
in one of t"e e1ceptions to t"e 'an( Secrecy Act 0"ic" is 0"en St"e money deposited or invested is t"e s!b6ect matter of t"e liti+ation.S -"e
orientation of t"e ban( in$!iry order is simply to serve as a provisional relief or remedy. As earlier stated, t"e application for s!c" does not
entail a f!ll8blo0n trial.
&evert"eless, 6!st beca!se t"e A=@A establis"es additional e1ceptions to t"e 'an( Secrecy Act it does not mean t"at t"e later la0 "as
dispensed 0it" t"e +eneral principle establis"ed in t"e older la0 t"at SJaKll deposits of 0"atever nat!re 0it" ban(s or ban(in+ instit!tions in t"e
%"ilippines 1 1 1 are "ereby considered as of an absol!tely confidential nat!re.S
2ndeed, by force of stat!te, all ban( deposits are absol!tely
confidential, and t"at nat!re is !naltered even by t"e le+islated e1ceptions referred to above. -"ere is disfavor to0ards constr!in+ t"ese
e1ceptions in s!c" a manner t"at 0o!ld a!t"ori.e !nlimited discretion on t"e part of t"e +overnment or of any party see(in+ to enforce t"ose
e1ceptions and in$!ire into ban( deposits. 2f t"ere are do!bts in !p"oldin+ t"e absol!tely confidential nat!re of ban( deposits a+ainst affirmin+
t"e a!t"ority to in$!ire into s!c" acco!nts, t"en s!c" do!bts m!st be resolved in favor of t"e former. S!c" a stance 0o!ld persist !nless
/on+ress passes a la0 reversin+ t"e +eneral state policy of preservin+ t"e absol!tely confidential nat!re of %"ilippine ban( acco!nts.
-"e presence of t"is stat!tory ri+"t to privacy addresses at least one of t"e ar+!ments raised by petitioner, t"at @ilia /"en+ "ad no personality
to assail t"e in$!iry orders before t"e /o!rt of Appeals beca!se s"e 0as not t"e s!b6ect of said orders. A=@/ 3esol!tion &o. D5, 0"ic"
served as t"e basis in t"e s!ccessf!l application for t"e =a(ati in$!iry order, e1pressly adverts to /itiban( Acco!nt &o. ::5D6,4: So0ned by
/"en+ Gon+ and<or @ilia G. /"en+ 0it" /itiban( &.A.,S
0"ereas @ilia /"en+?s petition before t"e /o!rt of Appeals is accompanied by a
certification from =etroban( t"at Acco!nt &os. 300:5,43680 and D00149:018D, bot" of 0"ic" are amon+ t"e s!b6ects of t"e =anila in$!iry
order, are acco!nts in t"e name of SGon+ /"en+ or @ilia /"en+.S
%etitioner does not specifically deny t"at @ilia /"en+ "olds ri+"ts of
o0ners"ip over t"e t"ree said acco!nts, layin+ foc!s instead on t"e fact t"at s"e 0as not named as a s!b6ect of eit"er t"e =a(ati or =anila
3-/ in$!iry orders. >e are reasonably convinced t"at @ilia /"en+ "as s!fficiently demonstrated "er 6oint o0ners"ip of t"e t"ree acco!nts,
and s!c" concl!sion leads !s to ac(no0led+e t"at s"e "as t"e standin+ to assail via certiorari t"e in$!iry orders a!t" t"e e1amination
of "er ban( acco!nts as t"e orders interfere 0it" "er stat!tory ri+"t to maintain t"e secrecy of said acco!nts.
>"ile petitioner 0o!ld premise t"at t"e in$!iry into @ilia /"en+?s acco!nts finds root in Section 11 of t"e A=@A, it cannot be denied t"at t"e
a!t"ority to in$!ire !nder Section 11 is only e1ceptional in c"aracter, contrary as it is to t"e +eneral r!le preservin+ t"e secrecy of ban(
deposits. Even t"o!+" s"e may not "ave been t"e s!b6ect of t"e in$!iry orders, "er ban( acco!nts nevert"eless 0ere, and s"e t"!s "as t"e
standin+ to vindicate t"e ri+"t to secrecy t"at attac"es to said acco!nts and t"eir o0ners. -"is stat!tory ri+"t to privacy 0ill not prevent t"e
co!rts from a!t" t"e in$!iry any0ay !pon t"e f!lfillment of t"e re$!irements set fort" !nder Section 11 of t"e A=@A or Section , of t"e
'an( Secrecy ActB at t"e same time, t"e o0ner of t"e acco!nts "ave t"e ri+"t to c"allen+e 0"et"er t"e re$!irements 0ere indeed complied
-"ere is a final point of concern 0"ic" needs to be addressed. @ilia /"en+ ar+!es t"at t"e A=@A, bein+ a s!bstantive penal stat!te, "as no
retroactive effect and t"e ban( in$!iry order co!ld not apply to deposits or investments opened prior to t"e effectivity of 3ep. Act &o. 9164, or
on 1D 7ctober ,001. -"!s, s"e concl!des, "er s!b6ect ban( acco!nts, opened bet0een 19:9 to 1990, co!ld not be t"e s!b6ect of t"e ban(
in$!iry order lest t"ere be a violation of t"e constit!tional pro"ibition a+ainst ex post facto la0s.
&o ex post facto la0 may be enacted,
and no la0 may be constr!ed in s!c" fas"ion as to permit a criminal prosec!tion offensive to t"e ex
post facto cla!se. As applied to t"e A=@A, it is plain t"at no person may be prosec!ted !nder t"e penal provisions of t"e A=@A for acts
committed prior to t"e enactment of t"e la0 on 1D 7ctober ,001. As m!c" 0as !nderstood by t"e la0ma(ers since t"ey deliberated !pon t"e
A=@A, and indeed t"ere is no serio!s disp!te on t"at point.
Does t"e proscription a+ainst ex post facto la0s apply to t"e interpretation of Section 11, a provision 0"ic" does not provide for a penal
sanction b!t 0"ic" merely a!t" t"e inspection of s!spect acco!nts and depositsU -"e ans0er is in t"e affirmative. 2n t"is 6!risdiction, 0e
"ave defined an ex post facto la0 as one 0"ic" eit"er5
)1* ma(es criminal an act done before t"e passa+e of t"e la0 and 0"ic" 0as innocent 0"en done, and p!nis"es s!c" an actB
),* a++ravates a crime, or ma(es it +reater t"an it 0as, 0"en committedB
)3* c"an+es t"e p!nis"ment and inflicts a +reater p!nis"ment t"an t"e la0 anne1ed to t"e crime 0"en committedB
)4* alters t"e le+al r!les of evidence, and a!t" conviction !pon less or different testimony t"an t"e la0 re$!ired at t"e time of
t"e commission of t"e offenseB
)5* ass!min+ to re+!late civil ri+"ts and remedies only, in effect imposes penalty or deprivation of a ri+"t for somet"in+ 0"ic" 0"en
done 0as la0f!lB and
)6* d&='2%&( a =&'(on a11)(&d o> a 1'2:& o> (o:& <a?>)< ='o0&102on 0o ?6216 6& 6a( 8&1o:& &n020<&d, ()16 a( 06&
='o0&102on o> a >o':&' 1on%2102on o' a1A)200a<, o' a ='o1<a:a02on o> a:n&(0;. )Emp"asis s!pplied*
%rior to t"e enactment of t"e A=@A, t"e fact t"at ban( acco!nts or deposits 0ere involved in activities later on en!merated in Section 3 of t"e
la0 did not, by itself, remove s!c" acco!nts from t"e s"elter of absol!te confidentiality. %rior to t"e A=@A, in order t"at ban( acco!nts co!ld
be e1amined, t"ere 0as need to sec!re eit"er t"e 0ritten permission of t"e depositor or a co!rt order a!t" s!c" e1amination, ass!min+
t"at t"ey 0ere involved in cases of bribery or dereliction of d!ty of p!blic officials, or in a case 0"ere t"e money deposited or invested 0as
itself t"e s!b6ect matter of t"e liti+ation. -"e passa+e of t"e A=@A stripped anot"er layer off t"e r!le on absol!te confidentiality t"at provided a
meas!re of la0f!l protection to t"e acco!nt "older. or t"at reason, t"e application of t"e ban( in$!iry order as a means of in$!irin+ into
records of transactions entered into prior to t"e passa+e of t"e A=@A 0o!ld be constit!tionally infirm, offensive as it is to t"e ex post
facto cla!se.
Still, 0e m!st note t"at t"e position s!bmitted by @ilia /"en+ is m!c" broader t"an 0"at 0e are 0illin+ to affirm. S"e ar+!es t"at t"e
proscription a+ainst ex post facto la0s +oes as far as to pro"ibit any in$!iry into deposits or investments incl!ded in ban( acco!nts opened
prior to t"e effectivity of t"e A=@A even if t"e s!spect transactions 0ere entered into 0"en t"e la0 "ad already ta(en effect. -"e /o!rt t"at if t"is ar+!ment 0ere to be affirmed, it 0o!ld create a "orrible loop"ole in t"e A=@A t"at 0o!ld in t!rn s!pply t"e means to
fearlessly en+a+e in money la!nderin+ in t"e %"ilippinesB all t"at t"e criminal "as to do is to ma(e s!re t"at t"e money la!nderin+ activity is
facilitated t"ro!+" a ban( acco!nt opened prior to ,001. @ilia /"en+ admits t"at Sact!al money la!nderers co!ld !tili.e t"e ex post
facto provision of t"e /onstit!tion as a s"ieldS b!t t"at t"e remedy lay 0it" /on+ress to amend t"e la0. >e can "ardly pres!me t"at /on+ress
intended to enact a self8defeatin+ la0 in t"e first place, and t"e co!rts are in"ibited from s!c" a constr!ction by t"e cardinal r!le t"at Sa la0
s"o!ld be interpreted 0it" a vie0 to !p"oldin+ rat"er t"an destroyin+ it.S
'esides, no0"ere in t"e le+islative record cited by @ilia /"en+ does it appear t"at t"ere 0as an !ne$!ivocal intent to e1empt from t"e ban(
in$!iry order all ban( acco!nts opened prior to t"e passa+e of t"e A=@A. -"ere is a cited e1c"an+e bet0een 3epresentatives 3onaldo
9amora and #aime @ope. 0"ere t"e latter confirmed to t"e former t"at Sdeposits are s!pposed to be e1empted from scr!tiny or monitorin+ if
t"ey are already in place as of t"e time t"e la0 is enacted.S
-"at statement does indicate t"at transactions already in place 0"en t"e A=@A
0as passed are indeed e1empt from scr!tiny t"ro!+" a ban( in$!iry order, b!t it cannot yield any interpretation t"at records of transactions
!nderta(en after t"e enactment of t"e A=@A are similarly e1empt. D!e to t"e absence of cited a!t"ority from t"e le+islative record t"at
!n$!alifiedly s!pports respondent @ilia /"en+?s t"esis, t"ere is no ca!se for !s to s!stain "er interpretation of t"e A=@A, fatal as it is to
t"e anima of t"at la0.
>e are 0ell a0are t"at @ilia /"en+?s petition presently pendin+ before t"e /o!rt of Appeals li(e0ise assails t"e validity of t"e s!b6ect ban(
in$!iry orders and precisely see(s t"e ann!lment of said orders. 7!r c!rrent declarations may indeed "ave t"e effect of preemptin+ t"at0
petition. Still, in order for t"is /o!rt to r!le on t"e petition at bar 0"ic" insists on t"e enforceability of t"e said ban( in$!iry orders, it is
necessary for !s to consider and r!le on t"e same $!estion 0"ic" after all is a p!re $!estion of la0.
DHEREFORE, t"e PETITION is DISMISSED. &o prono!ncement as to costs.
(ssociate Justice
>E /7&/E35
(ssociate Justice
(ssociate Justice
(ssociate Justice
Associate #!stice
2 attest t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision 0ere reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of
t"e /o!rt?s Division.
(ssociate Justice
Chairperson, 0econd Division
%!rs!ant to Section 13, Article H222 of t"e /onstit!tion, and t"e Division /"airperson?s Attestation, it is "ereby certified t"at t"e concl!sions in
t"e above Decision 0ere reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
Chief Justice
"o.orro /a,irez vs. #A and Gar.ia 0G./. 1o. 93833. "epte,2er 283 19945
%onente5 MA%E&A&, J.
%etitioner made a secret recordin+ of t"e conversation t"at 0as part of a civil case filed in t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt of F!e.on /ity alle+in+ t"at
t"e private respondent, Ester S. Garcia, ve1ed, ins!lted and "!miliated "er in a A"ostile and f!rio!s moodC and in a manner offensive to
petitioner?s di+nity and personality,C contrary to morals, +ood c!stoms and p!blic policy.C. %rivate respondent filed a criminal case before t"e
3e+ional -rial /o!rt of %asay /ity for violation of 3ep!blic Act 4,00, entitled AAn Act to pro"ibit and penali.e 0ire tappin+ and ot"er related
violations of private comm!nication, and ot"er p!rposes.C %etitioner filed a =otion to F!as" t"e 2nformation. -"e trial co!rt +ranted t"e said
motion. -"e private respondent filed a %etition for 3evie0 on Certiorari 0it" t"e S!preme /o!rt, 0"ic" referred t"e case to t"e /o!rt of
Appeals in a 3esol!tion. 3espondent /o!rt of Appeals prom!l+ated its decision declarin+ t"e trial co!rt?s order as n!ll and void, after
s!bse$!ently denied t"e motion for reconsideration by t"e petitioner.
>"et"er or not t"e applicable provision of 3ep!blic Act 4,00 does not apply to t"e tapin+ of a private conversation by one of t"e parties to t"e
&7. %etition denied. /osts a+ainst petitioner.
L&32(<a02%& 2n0&n0 is determined principally from t"e lan+!a+e of t"e stat!te.
-"e !nambi+!ity of t"e e1press 0ords of t"e provision, ta(en to+et"er 0it" t"e above8$!oted deliberations from t"e /on+ressional 3ecord,
t"erefore plainly s!pports t"e vie0 "eld by t"e respondent co!rt t"at t"e provision see(s to penali.e even t"ose privy to t"e private
comm!nications. >"ere t"e la0 ma(es no distinctions, one does not distin+!is".
J%Ketitioner?s contention t"at t"e p"rase Aprivate comm!nicationC in Section 1 of 3.A. 4,00 does not incl!de Aprivate conversationsC narro0s
t"e ordinary meanin+ of t"e 0ord Acomm!nicationC to a point of abs!rdity.
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
23S- D2H2S27&

G.R. No. /8 S&=0&:8&' .8, 1//,
SOCORRO D. RAMIREZ, petitioner,

A civil case dama+es 0as filed by petitioner Socorro D. 3amire. in t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt of F!e.on /ity alle+in+ t"at t"e private
respondent, Ester S. Garcia, in a confrontation in t"e latterTs office, alle+edly ve1ed, ins!lted and "!miliated "er in a S"ostile and f!rio!s moodS
and in a manner offensive to petitionerTs di+nity and personality,S contrary to morals, +ood c!stoms and p!blic policy.S
2n s!pport of "er claim, petitioner prod!ced a verbatim transcript of t"e event and so!+"t moral dama+es, attorneyTs fees and ot"er e1penses
of liti+ation in t"e amo!nt of %610,000.00, in addition to costs, interests and ot"er reliefs a0ardable at t"e trial co!rtTs discretion. -"e transcript
on 0"ic" t"e civil case 0as based 0as c!lled from a tape recordin+ of t"e confrontation made by petitioner.
-"e transcript reads as follo0s5
%laintiff Soccoro D. 3amire. )/"!c"i* ; Good Afternoon =Tam.
Defendant Ester S. Garcia )ESG* ; Ano ba an+ nan+yari sa Tyo, na(alimot (a na (!n+ paano (a
nap!nta rito, por(e member (a na, ma+s!mbon+ (a (!n+ ano an+ +a+a0in (o sa Tyo.
/IE/I2 ; Masi, na(a d!ty a(o noon.
ESG ; -apos ini0an no. )0ic*
/IE/I2 ; Iindi mTam, pero ilan beses na nila a(on+ binali(an, sabin+ +anoon ;
ESG ; 2to and )sic* masasabi (o sa Tyo, aya0 (!n+ )sic* ma+ e1plain (a, (asi "an++an+ 10500 p.m.,
(inab!(asan "indi (a na p!maso(. &+ayon a(o an+ babali( sa Tyo, na+8aaply (a sa States, na+8aaply
(a sa revie0 mo, (!n+ (a(ailan+anin an+ certification mo, (alim!tan mo na (asi "indi (a sa a(in
/IE/I2 ; Iindi =Tam. Masi an+ ano (o tala+a noon i8cocontin!e (o !p to 10500 p.m.
ESG ; Bastos a, na(alim!tan mo na (!n+ paano (a p!maso( dito sa "otel. =a+s!mbon+ (a sa
Enion (!n+ +!sto mo. &a(alim!tan mo na (!n+ paano (a na(apaso( dito SDo yo! t"in( t"at on yo!r
o0n ma(a(apaso( (a (!n+ "indi a(o. %an!n!mbyoyan na (ita )Sin!s!mbatan na (ita*.
/IE/I2 ; 2t!t!loy (o na =Tam sana an+ d!ty (o.
ESG ; Maso ilan+ beses na a(on+ binabali(an doon n+ m+a no )sic* (o.
ESG ; &a(alim!tan mo na ba (!n+ paano (a p!maso( sa "otel, (!n+ on yo!r o0n merit alam (o
naman (!n+ +aano (a S(a boboS mo. =arami an+ na+8aaply alam (on+ "indi (a papasa.
/IE/I2 ; M!m!"a (ami n+ e1am noon.
ESG ; 7o, pero "indi (a papasa.
/IE/I2 ; E", ba(it a(o an+ na(!"a ni Dr. -amayo
ESG ; M!(!nin (a (asi a(o.
/IE/I2 ; E", di sana ;
ESG ; I!0a+ mon+ ipa+mala(i na may !ta( (a (asi wala an% uta. A(ala mo ba ma(!(!"a (a dito
(!n+ "indi a(o.
/IE/I2 ; =a+8ee1plain a(o.
ESG ; I!0a+ na, "indi a(o ma+8papa8e1plain sa Tyo, ma(aalala (a (!n+ paano (a p!ma8rito.
SPutan%$inaS sasabi8sabi"in mo (ama+8ana( n+ nanay at tatay mo an+ m+a ma+!lan+ (o.
ESG ; >ala na a(on+ pa(ialam, da"il nandito (a sa loob, nasa labas (a p!0ede (a n+ "indi
p!maso(, o(ey yan nasaloob (a !malis (a doon.
/IE/I2 ; Masi =Tam, binbali(an a(o n+ m+a ta+a Enion.
ESG ; &andiyan na rin a(o, pero "!0a+ mon+ (alim!tan na "indi (a ma(a(apaso( (!n+ "indi a(o.
M!n+ "indi mo (ini(ilala yan o(ey lan+ sa a(in, da"il tapos (a na.
/IE/I2 ; 2na8ano (o mTam na !tan+ na loob.
ESG ; I!0a+ na lan+, "indi mo !tan+ na loob, (asi (!n+ ba+a sa no, nilapastan+an mo a(o.
/IE/I2 ; %aano (ita nilapastan+ananU
ESG ; =ab!ti pa l!mabas (a na. Iindi na a(o ma(i(ipa+!sap sa Tyo. @!mabas (a na. =a+s!mbon+

As a res!lt of petitionerTs recordin+ of t"e event and alle+in+ t"at t"e said act of secretly tapin+ t"e confrontation 0as ille+al, private
respondent filed a criminal case before t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt of %asay /ity for violation of 3ep!blic Act 4,00, entitled SAn Act to pro"ibit
and penali.e 0ire tappin+ and ot"er related violations of private comm!nication, and ot"er p!rposes.S An information c"ar+in+ petitioner of
violation of t"e said Act, dated 7ctober 6, 19:: is $!oted "ere0it"5
-"e Endersi+ned Assistant /ity iscal Acc!sses Socorro D. 3amire. of Hiolation of 3ep!blic Act &o. 4,00, committed as
-"at on or abo!t t"e ,,nd day of ebr!ary, 19::, in %asay /ity =etro =anila, %"ilippines, and 0it"in
t"e 6!risdiction of t"is "onorable co!rt, t"e above8named acc!sed, Socorro D. 3amire. not bein+
a!t"ori.ed by Ester S. Garcia to record t"e latterTs conversation 0it" said acc!sed, did t"en and t"ere
0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly, 0it" t"e !se of a tape recorder secretly record t"e said
conversation and t"ereafter comm!nicate in 0ritin+ t"e contents of t"e said recordin+ to ot"er person.
/ontrary to la0.
%asay /ity, =etro =anila, September 16, 19::.
=A32A&7 =. /E&E-A
Asst. /ity iscal
Epon arrai+nment, in lie! of a plea, petitioner filed a =otion to F!as" t"e 2nformation on t"e +ro!nd t"at t"e facts c"ar+ed do not constit!te an
offense, partic!larly a violation of 3.A. 4,00. 2n an order =ay 3, 19:9, t"e trial co!rt +ranted t"e =otion to F!as", a+reein+ 0it" petitioner t"at
1* t"e facts c"ar+ed do not constit!te an offense !nder 3.A. 4,00B and t"at ,* t"e violation p!nis"ed by 3.A. 4,00 refers to a t"e tapin+ of a
comm!nication by a person other t"an a participant to t"e comm!nication.
rom t"e trial co!rtTs 7rder, t"e private respondent filed a %etition for 3evie0 on Certiorari 0it" t"is /o!rt, 0"ic" fort"0it" referred t"e case to
t"e /o!rt of Appeals in a 3esol!tion )by t"e irst Division* of #!ne 19, 19:9.
7n ebr!ary 9, 1990, respondent /o!rt of Appeals prom!l+ated its assailed Decision declarin+ t"e trial co!rtTs order of =ay 3, 19:9 n!ll and
void, and "oldin+ t"at5
J-K"e alle+ations s!fficiently constit!te an offense p!nis"able !nder Section 1 of 3.A. 4,00. 2n t"!s $!as"in+ t"e
information based on t"e +ro!nd t"at t"e facts alle+ed do not constit!te an offense, t"e respondent 6!d+e acted in +rave
ab!se of discretion correctible by certiorari.
/onse$!ently, on ebr!ary ,1, 1990, petitioner filed a =otion for 3econsideration 0"ic" respondent /o!rt of Appeals denied in its
dated #!ne 19, 1990. Ience, t"e instant petition.
%etitioner vi+oro!sly ar+!es, as "er Smain and principal iss!eS
t"at t"e applicable provision of 3ep!blic Act 4,00 does not apply to t"e tapin+
of a private conversation by one of t"e parties to t"e conversation. S"e contends t"at t"e provision merely refers to t"e !na!t"ori.ed tapin+ of
a private conversation by a party ot"er t"an t"ose involved in t"e comm!nication.
2n relation to t"is, petitioner avers t"at t"e s!bstance or
content of t"e conversation m!st be alle+ed in t"e 2nformation, ot"er0ise t"e facts c"ar+ed 0o!ld not constit!te a violation of 3.A.
inally, petitioner a+!es t"at 3.A. 4,00 t"e tapin+ of a Sprivate comm!nication,S not a Sprivate conversationS and t"at
conse$!ently, "er act of secretly tapin+ "er conversation 0it" private respondent 0as not ille+al !nder t"e said act.
>e disa+ree.
irst, le+islative intent is determined principally from t"e lan+!a+e of a stat!te. >"ere t"e lan+!a+e of a stat!te is clear and !nambi+!o!s, t"e
la0 is applied accordin+ to its e1press terms, and interpretation 0o!ld be resorted to only 0"ere a literal interpretation 0o!ld be eit"er
or abs!rb or 0o!ld lead to an in6!stice.
Section 1 of 3.A. 4,00 entitled, S An Act to %ro"ibit and %enali.ed >ire -appin+ and 7t"er 3elated Hiolations of %rivate /omm!nication and
7t"er %!rposes,S provides5
Sec. 1. 2t s"all be !nla0f!ll for any person, not bein+ a!t"ori.ed by all t"e parties to any private comm!nication or spo(en
0ord, to tap any 0ire or cable, or by !sin+ any ot"er device or arran+ement, to secretly over"ear, intercept, or record s!c"
comm!nication or spo(en 0ord by !sin+ a device commonly (no0n as a dictap"one or dicta+rap" or detectap"one or
0al(ie8tal(ie or tape recorder, or "o0ever ot"er0ise described.
-"e aforestated provision clearly and !ne$!ivocally ma(es it ille+al for any person, not a!t"ori.ed by all t"e parties to any private
comm!nication to secretly record s!c" comm!nication by means of a tape recorder. -"e la0 ma(es no distinction as to 0"et"er t"e party
so!+"t to be penali.ed by t"e stat!te o!+"t to be a party ot"er t"an or different from t"ose involved in t"e private comm!nication. -"e
stat!teTs intent to penali.e all persons !na!t"ori.ed to ma(e s!c" recordin+ is !nderscored by t"e !se of t"e $!alifier SanyS. /onse$!ently, as
respondent /o!rt of Appeals correctly concl!ded, Seven a )person* privy to a comm!nication 0"o records "is private conversation 0it"
anot"er 0it"o!t t"e (no0led+e of t"e latter )0ill* $!alify as a violatorS
!nder t"is provision of 3.A. 4,00.
A per!sal of t"e Senate /on+ressional 3ecords, moreover, s!pports t"e respondent co!rtTs concl!sion t"at in enactin+ 3.A. 4,00 o!r
la0ma(ers indeed contemplated to ma(e ille+al, !na!t"ori.ed tape recordin+ of private conversations or comm!nications ta(en eit"er by t"e
parties t"emselves or by t"ird persons. -"!s5
111 111 111
Senator -aYada5 -"at $!alified only Sover"earS.
Senator %adilla5 So t"at 0"en it is intercepted or recorded, t"e element of secrecy 0o!ld not appear to be material. &o0,
s!ppose, Go!r Ionor, t"e recordin+ is not made by all t"e parties b!t by some parties and involved not criminal cases t"at
0o!ld be mentioned !nder section 3 b!t 0o!ld cover, for e1ample civil cases or special proceedin+s 0"ereby a recordin+
is made not necessarily by all t"e parties b!t per"aps by some in an effort to s"o0 t"e intent of t"e parties beca!se t"e
act!ation of t"e parties prior, sim!ltaneo!s even s!bse$!ent to t"e contract or t"e act may be indicative of t"eir intention.
S!ppose t"ere is s!c" a recordin+, 0o!ld yo! say, Go!r Ionor, t"at t"e intention is to cover it 0it"in t"e p!rvie0 of t"is bill
or o!tsideU
Senator -aYada5 -"at is covered by t"e p!rvie0 of t"is bill, Go!r Ionor.
Senator %adilla5 Even if t"e record s"o!ld be !sed not in t"e prosec!tion of offense b!t as evidence to be !sed in /ivil
/ases or special proceedin+sU
Senator -aYada5 -"at is ri+"t. -"is is a complete ban on tape recorded conversations taen without the authori/ation of
all the parties.
Senator %adilla5 &o0, 0o!ld t"at be reasonable, yo!r IonorU
Senator -aYada5 2 believe it is reasonable beca!se it is not sportin% to record the observation of one without his nowin%
it and then usin% it a%ainst him. #t is not fair, it is not sportsmanlie. 2f t"e p!rposeB Go!r "onor, is to record t"e intention of
t"e parties. 2 believe t"at all t"e parties s"o!ld (no0 t"at t"e observations are bein+ recorded.
Senator %adilla5 -"is mi+"t red!ce t"e !tility of recorders.
Senator -aYada5 >ell no. or e1ample, 2 0as to say t"at in meetin+s of t"e board of directors 0"ere a tape recordin+ is
ta(en, t"ere is no ob6ection to t"is if all t"e parties (no0. 2t is b!t fair t"at t"e people 0"ose remar(s and observations are
bein+ made s"o!ld (no0 t"at t"e observations are bein+ recorded.
Senator %adilla5 &o0, 2 can !nderstand.
Senator -aYada5 -"at is 0"y 0"en 0e ta(e statements of persons, 0e say5 S%lease be informed t"at 0"atever yo! say
"ere may be !sed a+ainst yo!.S -"at is fairness and t"at is 0"at 0e demand. &o0, in spite of t"at 0arnin+, "e ma(es
dama+in+ statements a+ainst "is o0n interest, 0ell, "e cannot complain any more. But if "ou are %oin% to tae a
recordin% of the observations and remars of a person without him nowin% that it is bein% taped or recorded, without him
nowin% that what is bein% recorded ma" be used a%ainst him, # thin it is unfair.
111 111 111
)/on+ression 3ecord, Hol. 222, &o. 31, p. 5:4, =arc" 1,, 1964*
Senator Dio(no5 Do yo! !nderstand, =r. Senator, t"at !nder Section 1 of t"e bill as no0 0orded, if a part" secretl"
records a public speech, "e 0o!ld be penali.ed !nder Section 1U 'eca!se t"e speec" is p!blic, b!t t"e recordin+ is done
Senator -aYada5 >ell, t"at partic!lar aspect is not contemplated by t"e bill. #t is the communication between one person
and another person 8 not between a speaer and a public.
111 111 111
)/on+ressional 3ecord, Hol. 222, &o. 33, p. 6,6, =arc" 1,, 1964*
111 111 111
-"e !nambi+!ity of t"e e1press 0ords of t"e provision, ta(en to+et"er 0it" t"e above8$!oted deliberations from t"e /on+ressional 3ecord,
t"erefore plainly s!pports t"e vie0 "eld by t"e respondent co!rt t"at t"e provision see(s to penali.e even t"ose privy to t"e private
comm!nications. >"ere t"e la0 ma(es no distinctions, one does not distin+!is".
Second, t"e nat!re of t"e conversations is immaterial to a violation of t"e stat!te. -"e s!bstance of t"e same need not be specifically alle+ed
in t"e information. >"at 3.A. 4,00 are t"e acts of secretlyoverhearin%, interceptin% or recordin% private comm!nications by means
of t"e devices en!merated t"erein. -"e mere alle+ation t"at an individ!al made a secret recordin+ of a private comm!nication by means of a
tape recorder 0o!ld s!ffice to constit!te an offense !nder Section 1 of 3.A. 4,00. As t"e Solicitor General pointed o!t in "is /7==E&-
before t"e respondent co!rt5 S&o0"ere )in t"e said la0* is it re$!ired t"at before one can be re+arded as a violator, t"e nat!re of t"e
conversation, as 0ell as its comm!nication to a t"ird person s"o!ld be professed.S
inally, petitionerTs contention t"at t"e p"rase Sprivate comm!nicationS in Section 1 of 3.A. 4,00 does not incl!de Sprivate conversationsS
narro0s t"e ordinary meanin+ of t"e 0ord Scomm!nicationS to a point of abs!rdity. -"e 0ord comm!nicate comes from t"e latin
0ord communicare, meanin+ Sto s"are or to impart.S 2n its ordinary si+nification, comm!nication connotes t"e act of s"arin+ or impartin+
si+nification, comm!nication connotes t"e act of s"arin+ or impartin+, as in a conversation,
or si+nifies t"e Sprocess by 0"ic" meanin+s or
t"o!+"ts are s"ared bet0een individ!als t"ro!+" a common system of symbols )as lan+!a+e si+ns or +est!res*S
-"ese definitions are broad
eno!+" to incl!de verbal or non8verbal, 0ritten or e1pressive comm!nications of Smeanin+s or t"o!+"tsS 0"ic" are li(ely to incl!de t"e
emotionally8c"ar+ed e1c"an+e, on ebr!ary ,,, 19::, bet0een petitioner and private respondent, in t"e privacy of t"e latterTs office. Any
do!bts abo!t t"e le+islative bodyTs meanin+ of t"e p"rase Sprivate comm!nicationS are, f!rt"ermore, p!t to rest by t"e fact t"at t"e terms
SconversationS and Scomm!nicationS 0ere interc"an+eably !sed by Senator -aYada in "is E1planatory &ote to t"e bill $!oted belo05
2t "as been said t"at innocent people "ave not"in+ to fear from t"eir conversations bein+ over"eard. '!t t"is statement
i+nores t"e !s!al nat!re of conversations as 0ell t"e !ndeniable fact t"at most, if not all, civili.ed people "ave some
aspects of t"eir lives t"ey do not 0is" to e1pose. ree conversations are often c"aracteri.ed by e1a++erations, obscenity,
a+reeable false"oods, and t"e e1pression of anti8social desires of vie0s not intended to be ta(en serio!sly. -"e ri+"t to
t"e privac" of communication, amon+ ot"ers, "as e1pressly been ass!red by o!r /onstit!tion. &eedless to state "ere, t"e
framers of o!r /onstit!tion m!st "ave reco+ni.ed t"e nat!re ofconversations bet0een individ!als and t"e si+nificance of
manTs spirit!al nat!re, of "is feelin+s and of "is intellect. -"ey m!st "ave (no0n t"at part of t"e pleas!res and
satisfactions of life are to be fo!nd in t"e !na!dited, and free e1c"an+e of communication bet0een individ!als ; free
from every !n6!stifiable intr!sion by 0"atever means.
2n !aanan vs. #ntermediate (ppellate Court,
a case 0"ic" dealt 0it" t"e iss!e of telep"one 0iretappin+, 0e "eld t"at t"e !se of a telep"one
e1tension for t"e p!rpose of over"earin+ a private conversation 0it"o!t a!t"ori.ation did not violate 3.A. 4,00 beca!se a telep"one e1tension
devise 0as neit"er amon+ t"ose Sdevice)s* or arran+ement)s*S en!merated t"erein,
follo0in+ t"e principle t"at Spenal stat!tes m!st be
constr!ed strictly in favor of t"e acc!sed.S
-"e instant case t!rns on a different note, beca!se t"e applicable facts and circ!mstances
pointin+ to a violation of 3.A. 4,00 s!ffer from no ambi+!ity, and t"e stat!te itself e1plicitly mentions t"e !na!t"ori.ed Srecordin+S of private
comm!nications 0it" t"e !se of tape8recorders as amon+ t"e acts p!nis"able.
>IE3E73E, beca!se t"e la0, as applied to t"e case at benc" is clear and !nambi+!o!s and leaves !s 0it" no discretion, t"e instant
petition is "ereby DE&2ED. -"e decision appealed from is A23=ED. /osts a+ainst petitioner.
S7 73DE3ED.
Padilla, Davide, Jr. and Bellosillo JJ., concur.
+ermosisima, Jr., J., is on leave.
Gaanan %. IAC,
145 S/3A 11, )19:6*
5 /omplainant Atty. %intor and =ontebon offered to 0it"dra0 t"e complaint for direct assa!lt t"ey filed a+ainst @aconico after demandin+
%:,000 from "im. -"is demand 0as "eard by Atty. Gaanan t"ro!+" a telep"one e1tension as re$!ested by @aconico so as to personally "ear
t"e proposed conditions for t"e settlement. Atty. %intor 0as s!bse$!ently arrested in an entrapment operation !pon receipt of t"e money.
Since Atty. Gaanan listened to t"e telep"one conversation 0it"o!t complainantTTs consent, complainant c"ar+ed Gaanan and @aconico 0it"
violation of t"e Anti8 >iretappin+ Act )3A 4,00*.
2SSEE5 ><& an e1tension telep"one is amon+ t"e pro"ibited devices in Sec. 1 of 3A 4,00 s!c" t"at i!ts !se to over"ear a private
conversation 0o!ld constit!te an !nla0f!l interception of comm!nication bet0een , parties !sin+ a telep"one line.
IE@D5 &7 An e1tension tel. cannot be placed in t"e same cate+ory as a dictap"one, dicta+rap", or ot"er devices en!merated in Sec. 1 of t"e
la0 as t"e !se t"ereof cannot be considered as Stappin+S t"e 0ire or cable of a telep"one line. -"is section refers to instr!ments 0"ose
installation or presence cannot be pres!med by t"e party or parties bein+ over"eard beca!se, by t"eir very nat!re, t"ey are not of common
!sa+e and t"eir p!rpose is precisely for tappin+, interceptin+, or recordin+ a tel.
conversation. -"e tel. e1tension in t"is case 0as not installed for t"at p!rpose. 2t 6!st "appened to be t"ere for ordinary office !se.
!rt"ermore, it is a +eneral r!le t"at penal stat!tes m!st be constr!ed strictly in favor of t"e acc!sed. -"!s in t"e case of do!bt as in t"is
case, on >7& an e1tension tel. is incl!ded in t"e p"rase Sdevice or arran+ementS t"e penal stat!te m!st be constr!ed as not incl!din+ an
e1tension tel. A per!sal of t"e Senate /on+ressional 3ecord s"o0s t"at o!r la0ma(ers intended to disco!ra+e, t"ro!+" p!nis"ment,
persons s!c"6 as +overnment a!t"orities or representatives of or+ani.ed +ro!ps from installin+ devices in order to +at"er evidence for !se in
co!rt or to intimidate, blac(mail or +ain some !n0arranted advanta+e over t"e tel. !sers. /onse$!ently, t"e mere act of listenin+ , in order to
be p!nis"able m!st stricly be 0it" t"e !se of t"e en!merated devices in 3A 4,00 or ot"ers of similar nat!re.
So!rce5 "ttp5<<000.s"<la08and8politics<1D6D,:98case8di+est8+aanan8iac8145<Li1..31%#/d6-M
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
SE/7&D D2H2S27&
G.R. No. L-5/84/ O10o8&' 15, 1/85
EDGARDO A. GAANAN, petitioner,

-"is petition for certiorari as(s for an interpretation of 3ep!blic Act )3A* &o. 4,00, ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e Anti8>iretappin+ Act, on t"e iss!e
of 0"et"er or not an e1tension telep"one is amon+ t"e pro"ibited devices in Section 1 of t"e Act, s!c" t"at its !se to over"ear a private
conversation 0o!ld constit!te !nla0f!l interception of comm!nications bet0een t"e t0o parties !sin+ a telep"one line.
-"e facts presented by t"e %eople and narrated in t"e respondent co!rtTs decision are not disp!ted by t"e petitioner.
2n t"e mornin+ of 7ctober ,,, 19D5, complainant Atty. -ito %intor and "is client =an!el =ontebon 0ere in t"e livin+ room
of complainantTs residence disc!ssin+ t"e terms for t"e 0it"dra0al of t"e complaint for direct assa!lt 0"ic" t"ey filed 0it"
t"e 7ffice of t"e /ity iscal of /eb! a+ainst @eonardo @aconico. After t"ey "ad decided on t"e proposed conditions,
complainant made a telep"one call to @aconico )tsn, A!+!st ,6, 19:1, pp. 385*.
-"at same mornin+, @aconico telep"oned appellant, 0"o is a la0yer, to come to "is office and advise "im on t"e
settlement of t"e direct assa!lt case beca!se "is re+!lar la0yer, Atty. @eon Gon.a+a, 0ent on a b!siness trip. Accordin+
to t"e re$!est, appellant 0ent to t"e office of @aconico 0"ere "e 0as briefed abo!t t"e problem. )E1"ibit TDT, tsn, April ,,,
19:,, pp. 485*.
>"en complainant called !p, @aconico re$!ested appellant to secretly listen to t"e telep"one conversation t"ro!+" a
telep"one e1tension so as to "ear personally t"e proposed conditions for t"e settlement. Appellant "eard complainant
en!merate t"e follo0in+ conditions for 0it"dra0al of t"e complaint for direct assa!lt.
)a* t"e %5,000.00 0as no lon+er acceptable, and t"at t"e fi+!re "ad been increased to %:,000.00. A brea(do0n of t"e
%:,000.00 "ad been made to+et"er 0it" ot"er demands, to 0it5 )a* %5,000.00 no lon+er for t"e teac"er =an!el =ontebon,
b!t for Atty. %intor "imself in pers!adin+ "is client to 0it"dra0 t"e case for Direct Assa!lt a+ainst Atty. @aconico before
t"e /eb! /ity iscalTs 7fficeB
)b* %!blic apolo+y to be made by Atty. @aconico before t"e st!dents of Don 'osco -ec"nical Ii+" Sc"oolB
)c* %l,000.00 to be +iven to t"e Don 'osco ac!lty cl!bB
)d* transfer of son of Atty. @aconico to anot"er sc"ool or anot"er section of Don 'osco -ec"nical Ii+" Sc"oolB
)e* Affidavit of desistance by Atty. @aconico on t"e =altreatment case earlier filed a+ainst =an!el =ontebon at t"e /eb!
/ity iscalTs 7ffice, 0"ereas =ontebonTs affidavit of desistance on t"e Direct Assa!lt /ase a+ainst Atty. @aconico to be
filed laterB
)f* Allo0 =an!el =ontebon to contin!e teac"in+ at t"e Don 'osco -ec"nical Sc"oolB
)+* &ot to div!l+e t"e tr!t" abo!t t"e settlement of t"e Direct Assa!lt /ase to t"e mass mediaB
)"* %,,000.00 attorney s fees for Atty. %intor. )tsn, A!+!st ,6, 19:1, pp. 4D84:*.
-0enty min!tes later, complainant called !p a+ain to as( @aconico if "e 0as a+reeable to t"e conditions. @aconico
ans0ered TGesT. /omplainant t"en told @aconico to 0ait for instr!ctions on 0"ere to deliver t"e money. )tsn, =arc" 10,
19:3, pp. ,81,*.
/omplainant called !p a+ain and instr!cted @aconico to +ive t"e money to "is 0ife at t"e office of t"e t"en Department of
%!blic Ii+"0ays. @aconico 0"o earlier alerted "is friend /olonel 9!l!eta of t"e /riminal 2nvesti+ation Service of t"e
%"ilippine /onstab!lary, insisted t"at complainant "imself s"o!ld receive t"e money. )tsn, =arc" 10, 19:,, pp. ,6833*.
>"en "e received t"e money at t"e 2+loo 3esta!rant, complainant 0as arrested by a+ents of t"e %"ilippine /onstab!lary.
Appellant e1ec!ted on t"e follo0in+ day an affidavit statin+ t"at "e "eard complainant demand %:,000.00 for t"e
0it"dra0al of t"e case for direct assa!lt. @aconico attac"ed t"e affidavit of appellant to t"e complainant for
robbery<e1tortion 0"ic" "e filed a+ainst complainant. Since appellant listened to t"e telep"one conversation 0it"o!t
complainantTs consent, complainant c"ar+ed appellant and @aconico 0it" violation of t"e Anti8>iretappin+ Act.
After trial on t"e merits, t"e lo0er co!rt, in a decision dated &ovember ,,, 19:,, fo!nd bot" Gaanan and @aconico +!ilty of violatin+ Section 1
of 3ep!blic Act &o. 4,00. -"e t0o 0ere eac" sentenced to one )1* year imprisonment 0it" costs. &ot satisfied 0it" t"e decision, t"e petitioner
appealed to t"e appellate co!rt.
7n A!+!st 16, 19:4, t"e 2ntermediate Appellate /o!rt affirmed t"e decision of t"e trial co!rt, "oldin+ t"at t"e comm!nication bet0een t"e
complainant and acc!sed @aconico 0as private in nat!re and, t"erefore, covered by 3ep. Act &o. 4,00B t"at t"e petitioner over"eard s!c"
comm!nication 0it"o!t t"e (no0led+e and consent of t"e complainantB and t"at t"e e1tension telep"one 0"ic" 0as !sed by t"e petitioner to
over"ear t"e telep"one conversation bet0een complainant and @aconico is covered in t"e term SdeviceT as provided in 3ep. Act &o. 4,00.
2n t"is petition for certiorari, t"e petitioner assails t"e decision of t"e appellate co!rt and raises t"e follo0in+ iss!esB )a* 0"et"er or not t"e
telep"one conversation bet0een t"e complainant and acc!sed @aconico 0as private in nat!reB )b* 0"et"er or not an e1tension telep"one is
covered by t"e term Sdevice or arran+ementS !nder 3ep. Act &o. 4,00B )c* 0"et"er or not t"e petitioner "ad a!t"ority to listen or over"ear said
telep"one conversation and )d* 0"et"er or not 3ep. Act &o. 4,00 is ambi+!o!s and, t"erefore, s"o!ld be constr!ed in favor of t"e petitioner.
Section 1 of 3ep. Act &o. 4,00 provides5
Section 1. 2t s"all be !nla0f!l for any person, not bein+ a!t"ori.ed by all t"e parties to any private comm!nication or
spo(en 0ord, to tap any 0ire or cable or by !sin+ any ot"er device or arran+ement, to secretly over"ear, intercept, or
record s!c" comm!nication or spo(en 0ord by !sin+ a device commonly (no0n as a dictap"one or dicta+rap" or
detectap"one or 0al(ie8tal(ie or tape8recorder, or "o0ever ot"er0ise described5
2t s"all be !nla0f!l for any person, be "e a participant or not in t"e act or acts penali.ed in t"e ne1t preceedin+ sentence,
to (no0in+ly possess any tape record, 0ire record, disc record, or any ot"er s!c" record, or copies t"ereof, of any
comm!nication or spo(en 0ord sec!red eit"er before or after t"e effective date of t"is Act in t"e manner pro"ibited by t"is
la0B or to replay t"e same for any ot"er person or personsB or to comm!nicate t"e contents t"ereof, eit"er verbally or in
0ritin+, or to f!rnis" transcriptions t"ereof, 0"et"er complete or partial, to any ot"er person5 %rovided, t"at t"e !se of s!c"
record or any copies t"ereof as evidence in any civil, criminal investi+ation or trial of offenses mentioned in Section 3
"ereof, s"all not be covered by t"is pro"ibition.
>e r!le for t"e petitioner.
>e are confronted in t"is case 0it" t"e interpretation of a penal stat!te and not a r!le of evidence. -"e iss!e is not t"e admissibility of
evidence sec!red over an e1tension line of a telep"one by a t"ird party. -"e iss!e is 0"et"er or not t"e person called over t"e telep"one and
"is la0yer listenin+ to t"e conversation on an e1tension line s"o!ld bot" face prison sentences simply beca!se t"e e1tension 0as !sed to
enable t"em to bot" listen to an alle+ed attempt at e1tortion.
-"ere is no $!estion t"at t"e telep"one conversation bet0een complainant Atty. %intor and acc!sed Atty. @aconico 0as SprivateS in t"e sense
t"at t"e 0ords !ttered 0ere made bet0een one person and anot"er as distin+!is"ed from 0ords bet0een a spea(er and a p!blic. 2t is also
!ndisp!ted t"at only one of t"e parties +ave t"e petitioner t"e a!t"ority to listen to and over"ear t"e callerTs messa+e 0it" t"e !se of an
e1tension telep"one line. 7bvio!sly, complainant %intor, a member of t"e %"ilippine bar, 0o!ld not "ave disc!ssed t"e alle+ed demand for an
%:,000.00 consideration in order to "ave "is client 0it"dra0 a direct assa!lt c"ar+e a+ainst Atty. @aconico filed 0it" t"e /eb! /ity iscalTs
7ffice if "e (ne0 t"at anot"er la0yer 0as also listenin+. >e "ave to consider, "o0ever, t"at affirmance of t"e criminal conviction 0o!ld, in
effect, mean t"at a caller by merely !sin+ a telep"one line can force t"e listener to secrecy no matter "o0 obscene, criminal, or annoyin+ t"e
call may be. 2t 0o!ld be t"e 0ord of t"e caller a+ainst t"e listenerTs.
'eca!se of tec"nical problems ca!sed by t"e sensitive nat!re of electronic e$!ipment and t"e e1tra "eavy loads 0"ic" telep"one cables are
made to carry in certain areas, telep"one !sers often enco!nter 0"at are called Scrossed linesS. An !n0ary citi..en 0"o "appens to pic( !p
"is telep"one and 0"o over"ears t"e details of a crime mi+"t "esitate to inform police a!t"orities if "e (no0s t"at "e co!ld be acc!sed !nder
3ep. Act 4,00 of !sin+ "is o0n telep"one to secretly over"ear t"e private comm!nications of t"e 0o!ld be criminals. S!rely t"e la0 0as never
intended for s!c" misc"ievo!s res!lts.
-"e main iss!e in t"e resol!tion of t"is petition, "o0ever, revolves aro!nd t"e meanin+ of t"e p"rase Sany ot"er device or arran+ement.S 2s an
e1tension of a telep"one !nit s!c" a device or arran+ement as 0o!ld s!b6ect t"e !ser to imprisonment ran+in+ from si1 mont"s to si1 years
0it" t"e accessory penalty of perpet!al absol!te dis$!alification for a p!blic officer or deportation for an alienU %rivate secretaries 0it"
e1tension lines to t"eir bossesT telep"ones are sometimes as(ed to !se ans0erin+ or recordin+ devices to record b!siness conversations
bet0een a boss and anot"er b!sinessman. >o!ld transcribin+ a recorded messa+e for t"e !se of t"e boss be a proscribed offenseU or for
t"at matter, 0o!ld a Sparty lineS be a device or arran+ement !nder t"e la0U
-"e petitioner contends t"at telep"ones or e1tension telep"ones are not incl!ded in t"e en!meration of Scommonly (no0nS listenin+ or
recordin+ devices, nor do t"ey belon+ to t"e same class of en!merated electronic devices contemplated by la0. Ie maintains t"at in 1964,
0"en Senate 'ill &o. 9 )later 3ep. Act &o. 4,00* 0as bein+ considered in t"e Senate, telep"ones and e1tension telep"ones 0ere already
0idely !sed instr!ments, probably t"e most pop!larly (no0n comm!nication device.
>"et"er or not listenin+ over a telep"one party line 0o!ld be p!nis"able 0as disc!ssed on t"e floor of t"e Senate. Get, 0"en t"e bill 0as
finali.ed into a stat!te, no mention 0as made of telep"ones in t"e en!meration of devices Scommonly (no0n as a dictap"one or dicta+rap",
detectap"one or 0al(ie tal(ie or tape recorder or "o0ever ot"er0ise described.S -"e omission 0as not a mere oversi+"t. -elep"one party
lines 0ere intentionally deleted from t"e provisions of t"e Act.
-"e respondent %eople ar+!e t"at an e1tension telep"one is embraced and covered by t"e term SdeviceS 0it"in t"e conte1t of t"e
aforementioned la0 beca!se it is not a part or portion of a complete set of a telep"one apparat!s. 2t is a separate device and distinct set of a
movable apparat!s consistin+ of a 0ire and a set of telep"one receiver not formin+ part of a main telep"one set 0"ic" can be detac"ed or
removed and can be transferred a0ay from one place to anot"er and to be pl!++ed or attac"ed to a main telep"one line to +et t"e desired
comm!nication cornin+ from t"e ot"er party or end.
-"e la0 refers to a StapS of a 0ire or cable or t"e !se of a Sdevice or arran+ementS for t"e p!rpose of secretly over"earin+, interceptin+, or
recordin+ t"e comm!nication. -"ere m!st be eit"er a p"ysical interr!ption t"ro!+" a 0iretap or t"e deliberate installation of a device or
arran+ement in order to over"ear, intercept, or record t"e spo(en 0ords.
An e1tension telep"one cannot be placed in t"e same cate+ory as a dictap"one, dicta+rap" or t"e ot"er devices en!merated in Section 1 of
3A &o. 4,00 as t"e !se t"ereof cannot be considered as Stappin+S t"e 0ire or cable of a telep"one line. -"e telep"one e1tension in t"is case
0as not installed for t"at p!rpose. 2t 6!st "appened to be t"ere for ordinary office !se. 2t is a r!le in stat!tory constr!ction t"at in order to
determine t"e tr!e intent of t"e le+islat!re, t"e partic!lar cla!ses and p"rases of t"e stat!te s"o!ld not be ta(en as detac"ed and isolated
e1pressions, b!t t"e 0"ole and every part t"ereof m!st be considered in fi1in+ t"e meanin+ of any of its parts. )see /ommissioner of /!stoms
v. Esso Estandard Eastern, 2nc., 66 S/3A 113,1,0*.
2n t"e case of Empire #nsurance Com an" v. 3ufino )90 S/3A 43D, 4438444*, 0e r!led5
@i(e0ise, Article 13D, of t"e /ivil /ode stip!lates t"at T"o0ever +eneral t"e terms of a contract may be, t"ey s"all not be
!nderstood to compre"end t"in+s t"at are distinct and cases t"at are different from t"ose !pon 0"ic" t"e parties intended
to a+ree.T Similarly, Article 13D4 of t"e same /ode provides t"at Tt"e vario!s stip!lations of a contract s"all be interpreted
to+et"er, attrib!tin+ to t"e do!btf!l ones t"at sense 0"ic" may res!lt from all of t"em ta(en 6ointly.
111 111 111
/onse$!ently, t"e p"rase Tall liabilities or obli+ations of t"e decedentT !sed in para+rap" 5)c* and D)d* s"o!ld be t"en
restricted only to t"ose listed in t"e 2nventory and s"o!ld not be constr!ed as to compre"end all ot"er obli+ations of t"e
decedent. -"e r!le t"at Tpartic!lari.ation follo0ed by a +eneral e1pression 0ill ordinarily be restricted to t"e formerT is
based on t"e fact in "!man e1perience t"at !s!ally t"e minds of parties are addressed specially to t"e partic!lari.ation,
and t"at t"e +eneralities, t"o!+" broad eno!+" to compre"end ot"er fields if t"ey stood alone, are !sed in contemplation
of t"at !pon 0"ic" t"e minds of t"e parties are centered. )Ioffman v. Eastern >isconsin 3., etc., /o., 134 >is. 603, 60D,
115 &> 3:3, cited in rancisco, 3evised 3!les of /o!rt )Evidence*, 19D3 ed, pp. 1:081:1*.
Ience, t"e p"rase Sdevice or arran+ementS in Section 1 of 3A &o. 4,00, alt"o!+" not e1cl!sive to t"at en!merated t"erein, s"o!ld be
constr!ed to compre"end instr!ments of the same or similar nature, t"at is, instr!ments t"e !se of 0"ic" 0o!ld be tantamo!nt to tappin+ t"e
main line of a telep"one. 2t refers to instr!ments 0"ose installation or presence cannot be pres!med by t"e party or parties bein+ over"eard
beca!se, by t"eir very nat!re, t"ey are not of common !sa+e and t"eir p!rpose is precisely for tappin+, interceptin+ or recordin+ a telep"one
An e1tension telep"one is an instr!ment 0"ic" is very common especially no0 0"en t"e e1tended !nit does not "ave to be connected by 0ire
to t"e main telep"one b!t can be moved from place T to place 0it"in a radi!s of a (ilometer or more. A person s"o!ld safely pres!me t"at t"e
party "e is callin+ at t"e ot"er end of t"e line probably "as an e1tension telep"one and "e r!ns t"e ris( of a t"ird party listenin+ as in t"e case
of a party line or a telephone unit 0"ic" s"ares its line 0it" anot"er. As 0as "eld in t"e case of 3athbun v. 'nited 0tates)355, E.S. 10D, , @ Ed
,d 13D813:*5
/ommon e1perience tells !s t"at a call to a partic!lar telep"one n!mber may ca!se t"e bell to rin+ in more t"an one
ordinarily !sed instr!ment. Eac" party to a telep"one conversation ta(es t"e ris( t"at t"e ot"er party may "ave an
e1tension telep"one and may allo0 anot"er to over"ear t"e conversation. >"en s!c" ta(es place t"ere "as been no
violation of any privacy of 0"ic" t"e parties may complain. /onse$!ently, one element of 605, interception, "as not
2n t"e same case, t"e /o!rt f!rt"er r!led t"at t"e cond!ct of t"e party 0o!ld differ in no 0ay if instead of repeatin+ t"e messa+e "e "eld o!t
"is "and8set so t"at anot"er co!ld "ear o!t of it and t"at t"ere is no distinction bet0een t"at sort of action and permittin+ an o!tsider to !se an
e1tension telep"one for t"e same p!rpose.
!rt"ermore, it is a +eneral r!le t"at penal stat!tes m!st be constr!ed strictly in favor of t"e acc!sed. -"!s, in case of do!bt as in t"e case at
bar, on 0"et"er or not an e1tension telep"one is incl!ded in t"e p"rase Sdevice or arran+ementS, t"e penal stat!te m!st be constr!ed as not
incl!din+ an e1tension telep"one. 2n t"e case ofPeople v. Purisima, :6 S/3A 54,, 56,, 0e e1plained t"e rationale be"ind t"e r!le5
American 6!rispr!dence sets do0n t"e reason for t"is r!le to be t"e tenderness of t"e la0 of t"e ri+"ts of individ!alsB t"e
ob6ect is to establis" a certain r!le by conformity to 0"ic" man(ind 0o!ld be safe, and t"e discretion of t"e co!rt limited.
)Enited States v. Iarris, 1DD ES 305, 44 @ Ed D:0, ,0 S /t 609B 'raffit" v. Hir+in 2slands )/A3* ,6 ,d 646B /a!dill v.
State, ,,4 2nd 531, 69 &E,dB #ennin+s v. /ommon0ealt", 109 HA :,1,63 SE 10:0, all cited in D3 Am #!r ,d 45,*. -"e
p!rpose is not to enable a +!ilty person to escape p!nis"ment t"ro!+" a tec"nicality b!t to provide a precise definition of
forbidden acts.S )State v. 9a..aro, ,0 A ,d D3D, $!oted in =artinTs Iandboo( on Stat!tory /onstr!ction, 3ev. Ed. pp. 1:38
2n t"e same case of Purisima, 0e also r!led t"at on t"e constr!ction or interpretation of a le+islative meas!re, t"e primary r!le is to searc" for
and determine t"e intent and spirit of t"e la0. A per!sal of t"e Senate /on+ressional 3ecords 0ill s"o0 t"at not only did o!r la0ma(ers not
contemplate t"e incl!sion of an e1tension telep"one as a pro"ibited device or arran+ementS b!t of +reater importance, t"ey 0ere more
concerned 0it" t"e act of recordin+ t"an t"e act of merely listenin+ to a telep"one conversation.
111 111 111
Senator -aYada. Anot"er possible ob6ection to t"at is entrapment 0"ic" is certainly ob6ectionable. 2t is
made possible by special amendment 0"ic" Go!r Ionor may introd!ce.
Senator Dio(no.Go!r Ionor, 2 0o!ld feel t"at entrapment 0o!ld be less possible 0it" t"e amendment
t"an 0it"o!t it, beca!se 0it" t"e amendment t"e evidence of entrapment 0o!ld only consist of
+overnment testimony as a+ainst t"e testimony of t"e defendant. >it" t"is amendment, t"ey 0o!ld
"ave t"e ri+"t, and t"e +overnment officials and t"e person in fact 0o!ld "ave t"e ri+"t to tape record
t"eir conversation.
Senator -aYada. 2n case of entrapment, it 0o!ld be t"e +overnment.
Senator Dio(no. 2n t"e same 0ay, !nder t"is provision, neit"er party co!ld record and, t"erefore, t"e
co!rt 0o!ld be limited to sayin+5 S7(ay, 0"o is more credible, t"e police officers or t"e defendantUS 2n
t"ese cases, as e1perienced la0yers, 0e (no0 t"at t"e /o!rt +o 0it" t"e peace offices.
)/on+ressional 3ecord, Hol. 111, &o. 33, p. 6,:, =arc" 1,, 1964*.
111 111 111
Senator Dio(no. -"e point 2 "ave in mind is t"at !nder t"ese conditions, 0it" an a+ent o!tside
listenin+ in, "e co!ld falsify t"e testimony and t"ere is no 0ay of c"ec(in+ it. '!t if yo! allo0 "im to
record or ma(e a recordin+ in any form of 0"at is "appenin+, t"en t"e c"ances of falsifyin+ t"e
evidence is not very m!c".
Senator -aYada. Go!r Ionor, t"is bill is not intended to prevent t"e presentation of false testimony. 2f
0e co!ld devise a 0ay by 0"ic" 0e co!ld prevent t"e presentation of false testimony, it 0o!ld be
0onderf!l. '!t 0"at t"is bill intends to pro"ibit is t"e !se of tape record and ot"er electronic devices
to intercept private conversations 0"ic" later on 0ill be !sed in co!rt.
)/on+ressional 3ecord, Hol. 222, &o. 33, =arc" 1,, 1964, p. 6,9*.
2t can be readily seen t"at o!r la0ma(ers intended to disco!ra+e, t"ro!+" p!nis"ment, persons s!c" as +overnment a!t"orities or
representatives of or+ani.ed +ro!ps from installin+ devices in order to +at"er evidence for !se in co!rt or to intimidate, blac(mail or +ain some
!n0arranted advanta+e over t"e telep"one !sers. /onse$!ently, t"e mere act of listenin+, in order to be p!nis"able m!st strictly be 0it" t"e
!se of t"e en!merated devices in 3A &o. 4,00 or ot"ers of similar nat!re. >e are of t"e vie0 t"at an e1tension telep"one is not amon+ s!c"
devices or arran+ements.
>IE3E73E, t"e petition is G3A&-ED. -"e decision of t"e t"en 2ntermediate Appellate /o!rt dated A!+!st 16, 19:4 is A&&E@@ED and
SE- AS2DE. -"e petitioner is "ereby A/FE2--ED of t"e crime of violation of 3ep. Act &o. 4,00, ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e Anti8>iretappin+
S7 73DE3ED.
1eria 9Chairman:, 1ernan, (lampa" and Paras, JJ., concur.
E& 'A&/
HA.M. No. CTA-41-1. A='2< ., .44.I
ATTY. SUSAN M. AEUINO, .o,plainant, vs. HON. ERNESTO D. ACOSTA, P'&(2d2n3 #)d3&, Co)'0 o> Ta@ A==&a<(, respondent.
-"e present administrative case filed 0it" t"is /o!rt ori+inated from a s0orn affidavit8complaint
of Atty. S!san =. A$!ino, /"ief of t"e
@e+al and -ec"nical Staff of t"e /o!rt of -a1 Appeals )/-A*, c"ar+in+ #!d+e Ernesto Acosta, %residin+ #!d+e of t"e same co!rt, 0it" se1!al
"arassment !nder 3.A. D:DD and violation of t"e /anons of #!dicial Et"ics and /ode of %rofessional 3esponsibility.
2n "er affidavit8complaint, complainant alle+ed several instances 0"en respondent 6!d+e se1!ally "arassed "er.
7n &ovember ,1, ,000, s"e reported for 0or( after "er vacation in t"e Enited States, brin+in+ +ifts for t"e t"ree 6!d+es of t"e /-A,
incl!din+ respondent. 2n t"e afternoon of t"e same day, "e entered "er room and +reeted "er by s"a(in+ "er "and. S!ddenly, "e p!lled "er
to0ards "im and (issed "er on "er c"ee(.
7n December ,:, ,000, 0"ile respondent 0as on official leave, "e called complainant by p"one, sayin+ "e 0ill +et somet"in+ in "er
office. S"ortly t"ereafter, "e entered "er room, s"oo( "er "and and +reeted "er, S=erry /"ristmas.S -"ere!pon, "e embraced "er and (issed
"er. S"e 0as able to free "erself by sli+"tly p!s"in+ "im a0ay. /omplainant s!bmitted t"e #oint Affidavit
of =a. 2melda /. Samonte and
Anne 'enita =. Santos, /-A -a1 Specialists, to prove t"at respondent 0ent to "er office t"at day.
7n t"e first 0or(in+ day in #an!ary, ,001, respondent p"oned complainant, as(in+ if s"e co!ld see "im in "is c"ambers in order to
disc!ss some matters. >"en complainant arrived t"ere, respondent tried to (iss "er b!t s"e 0as able to evade "is se1!al attempt. S"e t"en
resolved not to enter "is c"ambers alone.
>ee(s later, after t"e Senate approved t"e proposed bill e1pandin+ t"e 6!risdiction of t"e /-A, 0"ile complainant and "er companions
0ere con+rat!latin+ and (issin+ eac" ot"er, respondent s!ddenly placed "is arms aro!nd "er s"o!lders and (issed "er.
2n t"e mornin+ of ebr!ary 14, ,001, respondent called complainant, re$!estin+ "er to +o to "is office. S"e t"en as(ed 3!by @an!.a, a
cler( in t"e 3ecords Section, to accompany "er. ort!nately, 0"en t"ey reac"ed "is c"ambers, respondent "ad left.
-"e last incident "appened t"e ne1t day. At aro!nd :530 a.m., respondent called complainant and as(ed "er to see "im in "is office to
disc!ss t"e Senate bill on t"e /-A. S"e a+ain re$!ested 3!by to accompany "er. -"e latter a+reed b!t s!++ested t"at t"ey s"o!ld act as if
t"ey met by accident in respondent?s office. 3!by t"en approac"ed t"e secretary?s table 0"ic" 0as separated from respondent?s office by a
transparent +lass. or "er part, complainant sat in front of respondentTs table and as(ed "im 0"at "e 0anted to (no0 abo!t t"e Senate
bill. 3espondent seemed to be at a loss for 0ords and (ept +lancin+ at 3!by 0"o 0as searc"in+ for somet"in+ at t"e secretaryTs
des(. ort"0it", respondent approac"ed 3!by, as(ed "er 0"at s"e 0as loo(in+ for and stepped o!t of t"e office. >"en "e ret!rned, 3!by
said s"e fo!nd 0"at s"e 0as loo(in+ for and left. 3espondent t"en approac"ed complainant sayin+, Ame +!sto a(on+ +a0in sa iyo (a"apon
pa.C -"ere!pon, "e tried to A+rabC "er. /omplainant instinctively raised "er "ands to protect "erself b!t respondent "eld "er arms ti+"tly,
p!lled "er to0ards "im and (issed "er. S"e p!s"ed "im a0ay, t"en sl!mped on a c"air tremblin+. =eantime, respondent sat on "is c"air and
covered "is face 0it" "is "ands. -"ereafter, complainant left cryin+ and loc(ed "erself inside a comfort room. After t"at incident, respondent
0ent to "er office and tossed a note
statin+, Asorry, it 0on?t "appen a+ain.C
2n "is comment, respondent 6!d+e denied complainant?s alle+ation t"at "e se1!ally "arassed "er si1 times. Ie claimed t"at "e "as
al0ays treated "er 0it" respect, bein+ t"e "ead of t"e /-A @e+al Staff. 2n fact, t"ere is no strain in t"eir professional relations"ip.
7n t"e first incident, "e e1plained t"at it 0as $!ite !nli(ely t"at complainant 0o!ld as( "im to +o to "er office on s!c" date in order to
+ive "im a Apasal!bon+.C
>it" respect to t"e second incident on December ,:, "e claimed it co!ld not "ave "appened as "e 0as t"en on official leave.
Anent t"e t"ird incident, respondent e1plained t"at "e 0ent to t"e vario!s offices of t"e /-A to e1tend &e0 Gear?s +reetin+s to t"e
personnel. Ie also +reeted complainant 0it" a cas!al b!ss on "er c"ee( and +ave "er a calendar. 2n t!rn, s"e also +reeted "im.
As to t"e fo!rt" episode, "e averred t"at "e and complainant "ad been attendin+ t"e deliberations of t"e 'icameral /onference
/ommittee at t"e Senate on t"e bill e1pandin+ t"e 6!risdiction of t"e /-A. Ience, 0"en t"e bill 0as finally approved t"at partic!lar day,
respondent, in 6!bilation and in t"e presence of ot"er people, +ave complainant a spontaneo!s pec( on "er c"ee(. Ie co!ld not recall any
resentment on "er part 0"en "e (issed "er. S"e even con+rat!lated "im in ret!rn, sayin+ AJustice a na Jud%e.C -"en "e treated "er to a
l!nc" to celebrate t"e event. 3espondent reco!nted several times 0"en t"ey 0o!ld ret!rn to t"e /-A in t"e evenin+ after attendin+ t"e
committee "earin+s in /on+ress to retrieve complainant?s personal belon+in+s from "er office. S!rely, if "e "ad malice in "is mind, t"ose
instances 0o!ld "ave been t"e perfect opport!nities for "im to se1!ally "arass "er.
As to t"e fift" incident, respondent alle+ed t"at "e did not call complainant to "arass "er, b!t to disc!ss 0it" "er and Eli.abet" @o.ano,
I3=7 222, and Elsie -. orte.a, Administrative 7fficer, t"e "ealt" plan for t"e /-A officers and employees. -"e fact t"at s!c" meetin+ too(
place 0as confirmed by a /ertification iss!ed by @o.ano.
3e+ardin+ t"e si1t" incident, respondent narrated "is version as follo0s5 /omplainant arrived in "is office past 9 a.m. t"at day, follo0ed
by anot"er co!rt employee, 3!by @an!.a. Ie proceeded to disc!ss t"e /-A E1pansion 'ill 0it" complainant. -"en "e 0ent for a 0"ile to t"e
rest room. >"en "e ret!rned, 3!by "ad already left b!t complainant 0as still t"ere. ort"0it", "e remar(ed t"at "e for+ot to +reet "er on
Halentine?s Day, t"e day before. Ie approac"ed complainant to +ive "er a cas!al b!ss on t"e c"ee(. '!t s"e s!ddenly stood and raised "er
arms to cover "er face, ca!sin+ "er to lose "er balance. So "e "eld "er arms to prevent "er from fallin+. Ier re6ection came as a s!rprise to
"im and made "im feel $!ite embarrassed. S"ortly, complainant e1c!sed "erself and left t"e room. St!nned at t"e t"o!+"t t"at s"e mi+"t
misinterpret "is +est!re, "e sent "er a s"ort note of apolo+y. 3espondent f!rt"er e1plained t"at t"e str!ct!re of "is office, bein+ seen t"ro!+"
a transparent +lass divider, ma(es it impossible for anyone to commit any improper cond!ct inside.
2n a 3esol!tion dated A!+!st ,1, ,001, t"is /o!rt referred t"e instant case to #!stice #osefina G. Salon+a of t"e /o!rt of Appeals for
investi+ation, report and recommendation.
#!stice Salon+a set t"e "earin+ of t"e case on &ovember 6, ,001. Io0ever, t"e parties, t"ro!+" co!nsel, manifested t"at At"ey 0ill not
be add!cin+ any f!rt"er evidence.C 7n &ovember D, ,001, #!stice Salon+a iss!ed an 7rder directin+ t"em to s!bmit t"eir memoranda
sim!ltaneo!sly, after 0"ic", t"e case s"all be considered s!bmitted for resol!tion.
7n #an!ary 9, ,00,, #!stice Salon+a for0arded to t"is /o!rt "er 3eport on 2nvesti+ation and 3ecommendation, t"!s5
A>e find for t"e respondent.
S-"e complainant failed to s"o0 by convincin+ evidence t"at t"e acts of #!d+e Acosta in +reetin+ "er 0it" a (iss on t"e c"ee(, in a Tbeso8
besoT fas"ion, 0ere carried o!t 0it" l!stf!l and lascivio!s desires or 0ere motivated by malice or ill8motive. 2t is clear !nder t"e circ!mstances
t"at most of t"e (issin+ incidents 0ere done on festive and special occasions. 2n fact, complainantTs testimony t"at s"e 0as se1!ally "arassed
on &ovember ,1, ,000, is "ardly believable. &otably, complainant declared in "er affidavit8complaint t"at s"e bro!+"t some Tpasal!bon+sT for
t"e respondent 6!d+e from "er trip abroad. -"erefore, Atty. A$!ino co!ld not "ave been Tta(en abac(T by t"e respondentTs act of +reetin+ "er
in a friendly manner and t"an(in+ "er by 0ay of a (iss on t"e c"ee(. =oreover, it 0as establis"ed t"at #!d+e Acosta 0as on official leave of
absence from December ,68,9, ,000. -"is 0as corroborated by 3icardo Iebia, t"e driver of respondent 6!d+e, in "is %an!n!mpa )Affidavit*
dated =arc" ,6, ,001, 0"ere "e stated amon+ ot"ers, to 0it5
1 1 1
S/orollarily, t"e 6oint affidavit of =s. Santos and =s. Samonte attestin+ to t"e fact t"at respondent dropped by at t"e t"ird floor of t"e /-A and
+reeted t"em Iappy &e0 Gear, even if it tr!e, can not be +iven any evidentiary 0ei+"t. /learly, t"ey did not ma(e any cate+orical statement
t"at t"ey "ad 0itnessed or seen #!d+e Acosta ma(in+ se1!al advances on t"e complainant. &or did t"ey even attrib!te any malicio!s acts on
respondent constit!tin+ se1!al "arassment.
S2n addition, t"e respondent admitted t"at 0"en "e "anded a calendar and +reeted complainant 0it" a b!ss, complainant reciprocated by
+reetin+ "im a Iappy &e0 Gear. -"e alle+ation of Atty. A$!ino t"at t"e respondent merely !sed t"e calendars as TpropsT to (iss "er on t"e
c"ee( and t"at s"e 0as sin+led o!t by respondent is not s!pported by any convincin+ evidence. -"e affidavit of =s. A!rora E. Aso and
3enelyn @. @ar+a t"at =s. /armen Acosta +ave t"em calendars for t"e office of Attys. =ar+arette G!.man and eli.ardo 7. /onsin+, is
immaterial and irrelevant, as #!d+e Acosta "ad stated t"at "e "anded to complainant A$!ino, a ,001 calendar in t"e co!rse of +reetin+ "er
0it" a b!ss on t"e c"ee(. Said affidavit co!ld not acco!nt for t"e calendars distrib!ted to t"e ot"er offices in t"e /-A, more specifically, t"e
@e+al and -ec"nical Staff "eaded by Atty. A$!ino.
S=oreover, t"e claim of t"e complainant t"at s"e 0as se1!ally "arassed immediately after t"e final readin+ of t"e bill anent t"e e1pansion of
t"e /-A at t"e Senate, can not be accorded +reat evidentiary val!e. -"e alle+ed (issin+ incident too( place in t"e presence of ot"er people
and t"e same 0as by reason of t"e e1altation or "appiness of t"e moment, d!e to t"e approval of t"e s!b6ect bill. F!ite interestin+ to note, is
t"at Atty. A$!ino reciprocated by con+rat!latin+ respondent and remar(in+ Sjustice a na jud%eS after t"e latter "ad b!ssed "er on t"e
c"ee(. /omplainant even failed to disp!te t"e fact t"at after t"e (issin+ incident, s"e 6oined #!d+e Acosta and "is driver for l!nc" at a
seafood resta!rant in @!neta. -"ere 0as even a time t"at s"e allo0ed t"e respondent 6!d+e to accompany "er to t"e office alone and at
ni+"ttime at t"at, to retrieve "er car (eys and ba+ 0"en t"ey ret!rned to t"e /-A after t"e "earin+ at t"e Senate on t"e /-A e1pansion
bill. -"ese acts are not at s$!are 0it" t"e be"avior of one 0"o "as been se1!ally "arassed, for t"e normal reaction of a victim of se1!al
"arassment 0o!ld be to avoid t"e "arasser or decline "is invitations after bein+ offended. 2n fact, t"is occasion co!ld "ave provided t"e
respondent 6!d+e 0it" t"e ri+"t opport!nity to commit malicio!s acts or to se1!ally "arass complainant, b!t t"en #!d+e Acosta never even
attempted to do so. Endo!btedly, it co!ld be said t"at no strained relations e1isted bet0een Atty. A$!ino and #!d+e Acosta at t"at moment.
S&eit"er can t"e alle+ed contin!o!s call of #!d+e Acosta on complainant in t"e mornin+ of ebr!ary 14, ,001 to see "im in "is office, be
considered as acts constit!tin+ se1!al "arassment. Atty. A$!ino failed to state cate+orically in "er affidavit8complaint t"at respondent
demanded se1!al advances or favors from "er, or t"at t"e former "ad committed p"ysical cond!ct of se1!al nat!re a+ainst "er. -"e
telep"one calls 0ere attrib!ted malicio!s implications by t"e complainant. -o all intents and p!rposes, t"e alle+ation 0as merely a prod!ct of
"er ima+ination, "ence, t"e same deserves no 0ei+"t in la0. 2ndeed, Atty. A$!inoTs o0n version, indicates t"at s"e 0ell (ne0 t"at t"e
p!rpose of t"e respondent in callin+ "er in t"e mornin+ of ebr!ary 14, ,001 0as to disc!ss t"e /-A Iealt" %lan 0"ic" 0as disapproved by
t"e S!preme /o!rt and not for t"e respondent to demand se1!al favors from "er. -"is 0as corroborated by Atty. =ar+arette G!.man in "er
affidavit dated ebr!ary ,:, ,001, attac"ed to t"e complainantTs affidavit, 0"ere s"e stated5
1 1 1
Sinally, 0"ile #!d+e Acosta admitted "avin+ pec(ed Atty. A$!ino on "er c"ee(, 0"ic" 0as avoided by t"e latter, t"e same 0as not meant to
se1!ally "arass "er. #!d+e AcostaTs act of e1tendin+ "is post Halentine +reetin+ to complainant 0as done in +ood fait" and sans any
malice. -"is is so beca!se immediately after t"e complainant "ad displayed annoyance to t"e (issin+ episode, #!d+e Acosta immediately
e1tended an apolo+y by 0ay of a "and0ritten note sayin+ t"at t"e incident 0onTt "appen a+ain.
S%arent"etically, t"e !ndersi+ned is convinced t"at =s. @an!.aTs affidavit t"at s"e s!pposedly accompanied complainant to respondentTs
office as s"e alle+edly "ad a previo!s Tbad e1perienceT 0it" t"e latter 0"en "e 0as still an Associate #!d+e, 0as merely concocted to add
flavor to t"e baseless imp!tations "!rled a+ainst #!d+e Acosta. -"e acc!sation is impla!sible as =s. @an!.a did not seem to complain abo!t
t"e alle+ed bad e1perience s"e "ad 0it" #!d+e Acosta or relate it to anyone !ntil ten )10* years later. 2t m!st be stressed t"at =s. @an!.a is a
biased80itness 0"o "arbored ill feelin+s a+ainst t"e respondent, as s"e 0as reprimanded by #!d+e Acosta for "abit!al absenteeism and
tardiness in 1996. =ore importantly, =s. @an!.a did not even attest t"at s"e 0as a 0itness to t"e alle+ed se1!al advances of #!d+e Acosta.
S2n all t"e incidents complained of, t"e respondentTs pec(s on t"e c"ee(s of t"e complainant s"o!ld be !nderstood in t"e conte1t of "avin+
been done on t"e occasion of some festivities, and not t"e assertion of t"e latter "at s"e 0as sin+led o!t by #!d+e Acosta in "is (issin+
escapades. -"e b!sses on "er c"ee(s 0ere simply friendly and innocent, bereft of malice and le0d desi+n. -"e fact t"at respondent 6!d+e
(isses ot"er people on t"e c"ee(s in t"e Tbeso8besoT fas"ion, 0it"o!t malice, 0as corroborated by Atty. lorecita %. lores, =s. #osep"ine
Adalem and =s. =a. ides 'alili, 0"o stated t"at t"ey !s!ally practice Tbeso8besoT or (issin+ on t"e c"ee(s, as a form of +reetin+ on
occasions 0"en t"ey meet eac" ot"er, li(e birt"days, /"ristmas, &e0 GearTs Day and even HalentineTs Day, and it does not matter 0"et"er it
is #!d+e AcostaTs birt"day or t"eir birt"days. -"eresa /inco 'actat, a la0yer 0"o belon+s to complainantTs department, f!rt"er attested t"at
on occasions li(e birt"days, respondent 6!d+e 0o!ld li(e0ise +reet "er 0it" a pec( on t"e c"ee( in a Tbeso8besoT manner. 2nterestin+ly, in one
of several festive occasions, female employees of t"e /-A pec(ed respondent 6!d+e on t"e c"ee( 0"ere Atty. A$!ino 0as one of #!d+e
AcostaTs 0ell 0is"ers. )Anne1 S:S to /omment, p. 65, 3ollo*
S2n s!m, no se1!al "arassment "ad indeed transpired on t"ose si1 occasions. #!d+e AcostaTs acts of b!ssin+ Atty. A$!ino on "er c"ee( 0ere
merely forms of +reetin+s, cas!al and c!stomary in nat!re. &o evidence of intent to se1!ally "arass complainant 0as apparent, only t"at t"e
innocent acts of Tbeso8besoT 0ere +iven malicio!s connotations by t"e complainant. 2n fact, s"e did not even relate to anyone 0"at "appened
to "er. Endeniably, t"ere is no manifest se1!al !ndertone in all t"ose incidents.C
#!stice Salon+a t"en made t"e follo0in+ recommendation5
A/onsiderin+ t"e above, t"e !ndersi+ned respectf!lly recommends t"at t"e administrative complaint for se1!al "arassment and violations of
t"e /anons of #!dicial Et"ics and t"e /ode of %rofessional 3esponsibility be D2S=2SSED and accordin+ly, respondent %residin+ #!d+e
Ernesto D. Acosta be e1onerated t"erefromB t"at in vie0 of t"ese c"ar+es 0"ic" mi+"t "ave tainted t"e ima+e of t"e /o!rt, t"o!+"
!ns!bstantiated t"ey may be, #!d+e Acosta is >A3&ED to refrain from doin+ similar acts, or any act for t"at matter on t"e complainant and
ot"er female employees of t"e /o!rt of -a1 Appeals, 0"ic" in any manner may be interpreted as l!stf!l advances.C
>e a+ree 0it" t"e findin+s of #!stice Salon+a.
Administrative complaints a+ainst members of t"e 6!diciary are vie0ed by t"is /o!rt 0it" !tmost care, for proceedin+s of t"is nat!re
affect not only t"e rep!tation of t"e respondents concerned, b!t t"e inte+rity of t"e entire 6!diciary as 0ell.
>e "ave revie0ed caref!lly t"e records of t"is case and fo!nd no convincin+ evidence to s!stain complainant?s c"ar+es. >"at 0e
perceive to "ave been committed by respondent 6!d+e are cas!al +est!res of friends"ip and camaraderie, not"in+ more, not"in+ less. 2n
(issin+ complainant, 0e find no indication t"at respondent 0as motivated by malice or le0d desi+n. Evidently, s"e mis!nderstood "is
act!ations and constr!ed t"em as 0or(8related se1!al "arassment !nder 3.A. D:DD.
As aptly stated by t"e 2nvesti+atin+ #!stice5
SA mere cas!al b!ss on t"e c"ee( is not a se1!al cond!ct or favor and does not fall 0it"in t"e p!rvie0 of se1!al "arassment !nder 3.A. &o.
D:DD. Section 3 )a* t"ereof provides, to 0it5
TSec. 3. ;or, Education or 2rainin% $ related 0exual +arassment Defined. 8 >or(, ed!cation or trainin+8related se1!al "arassment is
committed by an employer, employee, mana+er, s!pervisor, a+ent of t"e employer, teac"er, instr!ctor, professor, coac", trainor, or any ot"er
person 0"o, "avin+ a!t"ority, infl!ence or moral ascendancy over anot"er in a 0or( or trainin+ or ed!cation environment, demands, re$!ests
or ot"er0ise re$!ires any se1!al favor from t"e ot"er, re+ardless of 0"et"er t"e demand, re$!est or re$!irement for s!bmission is accepted
by t"e ob6ect of said Act.
a* 2n a 0or(8related or employment environment, se1!al "arassment is committed 0"en5
1* -"e se1!al favor is made as a condition in t"e "irin+ or in t"e employment, re8employment or contin!ed employment of said individ!al, or
in +rantin+ said individ!al favorable compensation, terms, conditions, promotions or privile+esB or t"e ref!sal to +rant se1!al favor res!lts in
limitin+, se+re+atin+ or classifyin+ t"e employee 0"ic" in any0ay 0o!ld discriminate, deprive or diminis" employment opport!nities or
ot"er0ise adversely affect said employeesB
,* -"e above acts 0o!ld impair t"e employeeTs ri+"t or privile+es !nder e1istin+ labor la0sB or
3* -"e above acts 0o!ld res!lt in an intimidatin+, "ostile, or offensive environment for t"e employee.T
S/learly, !nder t"e fore+oin+ provisions, t"e elements of se1!al "arassment are as follo0s5
1* -"e employer, employee, mana+er, s!pervisor, a+ent of t"e employer, teac"er, instr!ctor, professor, coac", trainor, or any ot"er person
"as a!t"ority, infl!ence or moral ascendancy over anot"erB
,* -"e a!t"ority, infl!ence or moral ascendancy e1ists in a 0or(in+ environmentB
3* -"e employer, employee, mana+er, s!pervisor, a+ent of t"e employer, teac"er, instr!ctor, professor, coac", or any ot"er person "avin+
a!t"ority, infl!ence or moral ascendancy ma(es a demand, re$!est or re$!irement of a se1!al favor.
S2n "er /omplaint8affidavit, 3eply and S!r8re6oinder, complainant did not even alle+e t"at #!d+e Acosta demanded, re$!ested or re$!ired "er
to +ive "im a b!ss on t"e c"ee( 0"ic", s"e resented. &eit"er did Atty. A$!ino establis" by convincin+ evidence t"at t"e b!sses on "er c"ee(,
0"ic" s"e considers as se1!al favors, discriminated a+ainst "er contin!ed employment, or res!lted in an intimidatin+, "ostile or offensive
environment. 2n fact, complainant contin!ed to perform "er 0or( in t"e office 0it" t"e !s!al normalcy. 7bvio!sly, t"e alle+ed se1!al favor, if
t"ere ever 0as, did not interfere 0it" "er 0or(in+ condition )Anne1es S9S 8 S98S*. =oreover, Atty. A$!ino also contin!ed to avail of benefits
and leaves app!rtenant to "er office and 0as able to maintain a consistent o!tstandin+ performance. 7n top of t"is, "er 0or(in+ area 0"ic",
is at t"e t"ird floor of t"e /-A, is far removed from t"e office of #!d+e Acosta located at t"e fo!rt" floor of t"e same b!ildin+. 3es!ltantly, no
"ostile or intimidatin+ 0or(in+ environment is apparent.
S'ased on t"e fore+oin+ findin+s, t"ere is no s!fficient evidence to create a moral certainty t"at #!d+e Acosta committed t"e acts complained
ofB t"at Atty. A$!inoTs determination to see( 6!stice for "erself 0as not s!bstantiated by convincin+ evidenceB t"at t"e testimony of respondent
6!d+e and "is 0itnesses are credible and t"erefore, s"o!ld be +iven 0ei+"t and probative val!eB t"at t"e respondentTs acts !ndo!btedly do not
bear t"e mar(s of miscond!ct, impropriety or immorality, eit"er !nder 3.A. &o. D:DD or t"e /anons of #!dicial Et"ics and t"e /ode of
%rofessional 3esponsibility.C
2ndeed, from t"e records on "and, t"ere is no s"o0in+ t"at respondent 6!d+e demanded, re$!ested or re$!ired any se1!al favor from
complainant in e1c"an+e for Afavorable compensation, terms, conditions, promotion or privile+esC specified !nder Section 3 of 3.A. D:DD. &or
did "e, by "is act!ations, violate t"e /anons of #!dicial Et"ics or t"e /ode of %rofessional 3esponsibility.
>"ile 0e e1onerate respondent from t"e c"ar+es "erein, "o0ever, "e is admonis"ed not to commit similar acts a+ainst complainant or
ot"er female employees of t"e /o!rt of -a1 Appeals, ot"er0ise, "is cond!ct may be constr!ed as tainted 0it" impropriety.
>e la!d complainant?s effort to see( redress for 0"at s"e "onestly believed to be an affront to "er "onor. S!rely, it 0as diffic!lt and on "er part to come o!t in t"e open and acc!se "er s!perior of se1!al "arassment. Io0ever, "er assessment of t"e incidents is
misplaced for t"e reasons mentioned above.
DHEREFORE, respondent #!d+e Ernesto D. Acosta is "ereby EZ7&E3A-ED of t"e c"ar+es a+ainst "im. Io0ever, "e is ADH2SED to
be more circ!mspect in "is deportment.
Davide, Jr., C.J., Bellosillo, -elo, <apunan, -endo/a, Pan%aniban, =uisumbin%, )nares$0antia%o, and De ,eon, Jr., JJ., conc!r.
Carpio, J., no part. /o!nsel to respondent 0as my former la0 office.
Puno, and 6itu%, JJ., on official leave.


8 vers!s 8

1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1

8 vers!s 8

1a=a120; a( E@&1)02%& S&1'&0a';J ROY $. SENERES, 2n 62( 1a=a120;
a( C6a2':an o> 06& Na02ona< La8o' R&<a02on( Co::2((2on *2n <2&)
o> RAUL T. AEUINO, 2n 62( 1a=a120; a( A102n3 C6a2':an o> 06&
Na02ona< <a8o' R&<a02on( Co::2((2on+J and MA. LOURDES T.
1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1
a( E@&1)02%& S&1'&0a';,

8 vers!s 8

G.R. No. 1,,81

G.R. No. 1,,8!4

G.R. No. 1,8-44


G&A3ES8SA&-2AG7, J.,
&A/IE3A, and


ebr!ary 1:, ,00:



Se1!al "arassment is an imposition of misplaced As!periorityC 0"ic" is eno!+" to dampen an employee?s spirit and "er capacity for
advancement. 2t affects "er sense of 6!d+mentB it c"an+es "er life.

'efore t"is /o!rt are t"ree %etitions for 3evie0 on Certiorari assailin+ t"e 7ctober 1:, ,00, 3esol!tion of t"e /A?s ormer &int"
in /A8G.3. S% &o. 610,6. -"e 3esol!tion modified t"e December 14, ,001 Decision
of t"e /o!rt of Appeals? Elevent" Division,
0"ic" "ad affirmed t"e Decision of t"e 7ffice of t"e %resident )7%* dismissin+ from t"e service t"en &ational @abor 3elations /ommission
)&@3/* /"airman 3o+elio 2. 3ayala )3ayala* for dis+racef!l and immoral cond!ct.

All t"ree petitions stem from t"e same fact!al antecedents.

7n &ovember 16, 199:, =a. @o!rdes -. Domin+o )Domin+o*, t"en Steno+rap"ic 3eporter 222 at t"e &@3/, filed a /omplaint for
se1!al "arassment a+ainst 3ayala before Secretary 'ienvenido @a+!esma of t"e Department of @abor and Employment )D7@E*.

-o s!pport t"e /omplaint, Domin+o e1ec!ted an Affidavit narratin+ t"e incidences of se1!al "arassment complained of, t"!s5

1 1 1 1

4. Sa sim!la ay pab!lon+ na sinasabi"an lan+ a(o ni /"airman 3ayala n+ m+a salitan+ A@ot, +!ma+anda (a yataUC

5. Sa iban+ m+a pa+(a(ataon nilalapitan na a(o ni /"airman at "a"a0a(an an+ a(in+ bali(at sabay pisil sa m+a ito
"aban+ a(o ay na+ta8type at "aban+ na+bibi+ay siya n+ di(tasyon. Sa m+a pa+(a(ataon+ ito, (ina(aba"an
a(o. &atata(ot na ba(a man+yari sa a(in an+ m+a napapabalitan+ insidente na nan+yari na noon t!n+(ol sa
m+a se(retarya niyan+ na+biti0 +a0a n+ m+a ma"a"alay na pan+"i"ipo ni /"airman.

6. &oon+ i(a810 n+ Setyembre, 199:, nan+ a(o ay nasa :
loor, may na+sabi sa a(in na (ailan+an a(on+ b!maba
sa D
loor (!n+ nasaan an+ amin+ opisina da"il sa may (ore(syon da0 na +a+a0in sa m+a papel na tinayp
(o. '!maba naman a(o para +a0in ito. Iaban+ +ina+a0a (o ito, l!mabas si /"airman 3ayala sa silid ni =r.
Ale1 @ope.. 2n!t!san a(o ni /"airman na s!m!nod sa (aniyan+ silid. &an+ nasa silid na (ami, sinabi niya sa

Chairman> ,ot, # lie "ou a lot. Naiiba a sa lahat.

At pa+(atapos a(o ay (aniyan+ in!sisa t!n+(ol sa m+a personal na ba+ay sa a(in+ b!"ay. An+ ilan dito ay
t!n+(ol sa a(in+ m+a ma+!lan+, (apatid, pa+8aaral at (!n+ may boyfriend na ra0 ba a(o.

Chairman> -a" bo"friend a na ba?
,ourdes> Dati na%aroon po.
Chairman> Nasaan na si"a?
,ourdes> Na%$asawa na ho.
Chairman> Bait hindi a"o na%atulu"an?
,ourdes> Nainip po.
Chairman> Pa%atapos mo n% urso mo a" umuha a n% ,aw at ao an% bahala sa i"o, han%%an%
ao pa an% Chairman dito.

%a+(atapos ay (!m!"a siya n+ pera sa (aniyan+ ameri(ana at inaabot sa a(in.

Chairman> <uhanin mo ito.
,ourdes> +uwa% na ho hindi o ailan%an.
Chairman> +indi si%e, uhanin mo. ("usin mo an% dapat a"usin.

-inan++ap (o po an+ pera n+ may pa+8aalinlan+an. &atata(ot at (ina(aba"an na (apa+ "indi (o tinan++ap an+
pera ay ba(a siya ma+a+alit (asabay na rito an+ pa+tapon sa a(in (!n+ saan8saan opisina o (aya ay tan++alin a(o sa

Chairman> Pa%labas mo ita%o mo an% pera. ("aw o n% ma" maaa$alam nito. Just the two of us.
,ourdes> Bait naman, 0ir?
Chairman> Basta. -aramin% tsismosa di"an sa labas. But # don@t %ive them a damn. +indi ao
mamata" sa anila.

-!mayo na a(o at l!mabas. %!man"i( na a(o n+ :
loor at p!m!nta a(o sa officemate (o na si A+nes
=a+daet. 2(in0ento (o an+ nan+yari sa a(in sa opisina ni /"airman. Iaban+ (ini(0ento (o ito (ay A+nes ay binilan+
namin an+ pera na na+(a(a"ala+a n+ tatlon+ libon+ piso )%I% 3,000*. Sinabi ni A+nes na isa!li (o ra0 an+ pera, pero
an+ sabi (o ay natata(ot a(o ba(a ma+alit si Sir. &a+sabi a+ad (ami (ay E/ %erlita Helasco at sinalaysay (o an+
nan+yari. Sinabi niya na isa!li (o an+ pera at noon+ ara0 din+ iyon ay na+pasiya a(on+ isa!li na n+a ito n+!nit "indi a(o
na+(aroon n+ pa+(a(ataon da"il marami siyan+ na+in+ bisita. 2sina!li (o n+a an+ pera noon+ @!nes, Setyembre 14,

D. &oon+ "!lin+ lin++o n+ Setyembre, 199:, ay may tinanon+ din sa a(in si /"airman 3ayala na "indi (o
masi(m!ra, at sa a(in+ pala+ay at ta"asan+ pambabastos sa a(in.

Chairman> ,ot, ma" a live$in a ba?
,ourdes> 0ir, wala po.
Chairman> Bait malai an% balaan% mo?
,ourdes> <a"o, 0ir haA -asama sa amin an% ma" a live$in.
Chairman> Bait, ano ba an% relihi"on nin"o?
,ourdes> Catholic, 0ir. <ailan%an iasal muna.
Chairman> Bait ao, hindi asal.
,ourdes> 0ir, di ma%paasal a"o.
Chairman> +uh. #bahin na n%a natin an% usapan.

:. &oon+ 7(t!bre ,9, 199:, a(o ay p!maso( sa (0arto ni /"airman 3ayala. 2to ay sa (ada"ilanan+ an+ fa1
mac"ine ay nasa loob n+ (aniyan+ (0arto. An+ na+8aasi(aso nito, si 3i.a 7campo, ay na(a8leave (aya a(o an+ na+8
asi(aso nito noon+ ara0 na iyon. &an+ mabi+yan (o na n+ fa1 tone y!n+ (a!sap (o, pa+"arap (o sa (anan ay
na(a"aran+ sa dadaanan (o si /"airman 3ayala. -initin+nan a(o sa mata at an+ titi+ niya ay !m!!sad m!la !lo
"an++an+ dibdib tapos ay n+!miti na may ma"alay na pa(a"!l!+an.

9. &oon+ "apon naman n+ pare"o pa rin+ petsa, may na+8aapply na se(retarya sa opisina, sinabi (o ito (ay
/"airman 3ayala5

,ourdes> 0ir, si Pin" po "un% applicant, ma%$papainterview po "ata sa in"o.
Chairman> 0abihin mo ma%pa$pap smear muna si"a
Chairman> * si%e, i$refer mo a" (lex. 9(lex ,ope/, Chief of 0taff:.

10. &oon+ &obyembre 9, 199:, a(o ay tina0a+ ni /"airman 3ayala sa (aniyan+ opisina !pan+ (!"anin (o an+
di(tasyon niya para (ay E@A 7scar Ey. Iindi pa (ami na(a(atapos n+ !nan+ talata, may p!maso( na bisita si /"airman,
si 'aby %an+ilinan na sinama"an ni 3i.a 7campo. %inalabas m!na a(o ni /"airman. &an+ ma(a8alis na si =s.
%an+ilinan, pinapaso( na niya a(o !lit. Em!po a(o. @!mapit sa li(!ran (o si /"airman, "ina0a(an an+ (ali0an+ bali(at
(o na pinipisil n+ (anan+ (amay niya at sinabi5

/"airman5 Saan na ba tayo nataposU

%ala(ad8la(ad siya sa a(in+ li(!ran "aban+ na+8didi(ta. I!minto siya pa+(atapos, at nila+ay niya an+ (anan+
(amay niya sa a(in+ (anan+ bali(at at pinisil8pisil ito pa+(atapos ay pina+apan+ niya ito sa (anan+ ba"a+i n+ a(in+ lee+,
at pina+apan+ "an++an+ (anan+ ten+a at sa(a (iniliti. Dito (o inalis an+ (aniyan+ (amay sa pamama+itan n+ a(in+
(ali0an+ (amay. At sa(a (o sinabi5

,ourdes> 0ir, "un% ama" nin"o alisin ni"oA

&atapos (o rin an+ li"am na pina+a+a0a niya pero "alos "indi (o na maintindi"an an+ na8is!lat (o da"il sa ta(ot
at inis na nararamdaman (o.

After t"e last incident narrated, Domin+o filed for leave of absence and as(ed to be immediately transferred. -"ereafter, s"e filed
t"e /omplaint for se1!al "arassment on t"e basis of Administrative 7rder &o. ,50, t"e 3ules and 3e%ulations #mplementin% 3( BCBB in the
Department of ,abor and Emplo"ment.

Epon receipt of t"e /omplaint, t"e D7@E Secretary referred t"e /omplaint to t"e 7%, 3ayala bein+ a presidential appointee. -"e
7%, t"ro!+" t"en E1ec!tive Secretary 3onaldo 9amora, ordered Secretary @a+!esma to investi+ate t"e alle+ations in t"e /omplaint and
create a committee for s!c" p!rpose. 7n December 4, 199:, Secretary @a+!esma iss!ed Administrative 7rder )A7* &o. ,:0, Series of 199:,
constit!tin+ a /ommittee on Decor!m and 2nvesti+ation )/ommittee* in accordance 0it" 3ep!blic Act )3A* D:DD, t"e (nti$0exual
+arassment (ct of DEEF.

-"e /ommittee "eard t"e parties and received t"eir respective evidence. 7n =arc" ,, ,000, t"e /ommittee s!bmitted its report and
recommendation to Secretary @a+!esma. 2t fo!nd 3ayala +!ilty of t"e offense c"ar+ed and recommended t"e imposition of t"e minim!m
penalty provided !nder A7 ,50, 0"ic" it erroneo!sly stated as s!spension for si1 )6* mont"s.

-"e follo0in+ day, Secretary @a+!esma s!bmitted a copy of t"e /ommittee 3eport and 3ecommendation to t"e 7%, b!t 0it" t"e
recommendation t"at t"e penalty s"o!ld be s!spension for si1 )6* mont"s and one )1* day, in accordance 0it" A7 ,50.

7n =ay :, ,000, t"e 7%, t"ro!+" E1ec!tive Secretary 9amora, iss!ed A7 119,
t"e pertinent portions of 0"ic" read5

Epon a caref!l scr!tiny of t"e evidence on record, 2 conc!r 0it" t"e findin+s of t"e /ommittee as to t"e
c!lpability of t"e respondent J3ayalaK, t"e same "avin+ been establis"ed by clear and convincin+ evidence. Io0ever, 2
disa+ree 0it" t"e recommendation t"at respondent be meted only t"e penalty of s!spension for si1 )6* mont"s and one
)1* day considerin+ t"e circ!mstances of t"e case.

>"at a++ravates respondent?s sit!ation is t"e !ndeniable circ!mstance t"at "e too( advanta+e of "is position
as t"e s!perior of t"e complainant. 3espondent occ!pies t"e "i+"est position in t"e &@3/, bein+ its /"airman. As "ead
of said office, it 0as inc!mbent !pon respondent to set an e1ample to t"e ot"ers as to "o0 t"ey s"o!ld cond!ct
t"emselves in p!blic office, to see to it t"at "is s!bordinates 0or( efficiently in accordance 0it" /ivil Service 3!les and
3e+!lations, and to provide t"em 0it" "ealt"y 0or(in+ atmosp"ere 0"erein co80or(ers treat eac" ot"er 0it" respect,
co!rtesy and cooperation, so t"at in t"e end t"e p!blic interest 0ill be benefited )/ity =ayor of 9amboan+a vs. /o!rt of
Appeals, 1:, S/3A D:5 J1990K*.

>"at is more, p!blic service re$!ires t"e !tmost inte+rity and strictest discipline )Gano vs. @eonen, ,3, S/3A
99 J1994K*. -"!s, a p!blic servant m!st e1"ibit at all times t"e "i+"est sense of "onesty and inte+rity, and A!tmost
devotion and dedication to d!tyC )Sec. 4 )+*, 3A 6D13*, respect t"e ri+"ts of ot"ers and s"all refrain from doin+ acts
contrary to la0, and +ood morals )Sec. 4)c**. &o less t"an t"e /onstit!tion sanctifies t"e principle t"at a p!blic office is a
p!blic tr!st, and en6oins all p!blic officers and employees to serve 0it" t"e "i+"est de+ree of responsibility, inte+rity,
loyalty and efficiency )Section 1, Article Z2, 19:D /onstit!tion*.

Given t"ese establis"ed standards, 2 see respondent?s acts not 6!st JasK a fail!re to +ive d!e co!rtesy and
respect to "is co8employees )s!bordinates* or to maintain +ood cond!ct and be"avior b!t defiance of t"e basic norms or
virt!es 0"ic" a +overnment official m!st at all times !p"old, one t"at is contrary to la0 and Ap!blic sense of morality.C
7t"er0ise stated, respondent Q to 0"om stricter standards m!st apply bein+ t"e "i+"est official JofK t"e &@3/ Q "ad
s"o0n an attit!de, a frame of mind, a dis+racef!l cond!ct, 0"ic" renders "im !nfit to remain in t"e service.

DHEREFORE, in vie0 of t"e fore+oin+, respondent 3o+elio 2. 3ayala, /"airman, &ational @abor 3elations
/ommission, is fo!nd +!ilty of t"e +rave offense of dis+racef!l and immoral cond!ct and is "erebyDISMISSED from t"e
service effective !pon receipt of t"is 7rder.


3ayala filed a =otion for 3econsideration, 0"ic" t"e 7% denied in a 3esol!tion
dated =ay ,4, ,000. Ie t"en filed a %etition
for Certiorari and %ro"ibition 0it" %rayer for -emporary 3estrainin+ 7rder !nder 3!le 65 of t"e 3evised 3!les on /ivil %roced!re before t"is
/o!rt on #!ne 14, ,000.
Io0ever, t"e same 0as dismissed in a 3esol!tion dated #!ne ,6, ,000 for
disre+ardin+ t"e "ierarc"y of co!rts.
3ayala filed a =otion for
on A!+!st 15, ,000. 2n its 3esol!tion
dated September 4, ,000, t"e /o!rt recalled its #!ne ,6 3esol!tion and referred
t"e petition to t"e /o!rt of Appeals )/A* for appropriate action.

-"e /A rendered its Decision
on December 14, ,001. 2t "eld t"at t"ere 0as s!fficient evidence on record to create moral certainty
t"at 3ayala committed t"e acts "e 0as c"ar+ed 0it". 2t said5

-"e complainant narrated "er story complete 0it" details. Ier strai+"tfor0ard and !nin"ibited testimony 0as not
emasc!lated by t"e declarations of /ommissioner 3ayala or "is 0itnesses. 1 1 1

=oreover, /ommissioner 3ayala "as not proven any vicio!s motive for Domin+o and "er 0itnesses to invent
t"eir stories. 2t is very !nli(ely t"at t"ey 0o!ld per6!re t"emselves only to accommodate t"e alle+ed conspiracy to o!st
petitioner from office. Save for "is empty con6ect!res and spec!lations, 3ayala failed to s!bstantiate "is contrived
conspiracy. 2t is a "ornboo( doctrine t"at conspiracy m!st be proved by positive and convincin+ evidence )People v.
Noro5a, GHE 0C3( FIH JHIIIK*. 'esides, it is improbable t"at t"e complainant 0o!ld concoct a story of se1!al
"arassment a+ainst t"e "i+"est official of t"e &@3/ and t"ereby e1pose "erself to t"e possibility of losin+ "er 6ob, or be
t"e s!b6ect of reprisal from "er s!periors and per"aps p!blic ridic!le if s"e 0as not tellin+ t"e tr!t".

2t also "eld t"at 3ayala?s dismissal 0as proper. -"e /A pointed o!t t"at 3ayala 0as dismissed for dis+racef!l and immoral cond!ct
in violation of 3A 6D13, t"e Code of Conduct and Ethical 0tandards for Public *fficials and Emplo"ees. 2t "eld t"at t"e 7% 0as correct in
concl!din+ t"at 3ayala?s acts violated 3A 6D135

2ndeed, J3ayalaK 0as a p!blic official, "oldin+ t"e /"airmans"ip of t"e &ational @abor 3elations /ommission,
entr!sted 0it" t"e sacred d!ty of administerin+ 6!stice. 7cc!pyin+ as "e does s!c" an e1alted position, /ommissioner
3ayala m!st pay a "i+" price for t"e "onor besto0ed !pon "im. Ie m!st comport "imself at all times in s!c" a manner
t"at t"e cond!ct of "is everyday life s"o!ld be beyond reproac" and free from any impropriety. -"at t"e acts complained
of 0ere committed 0it"in t"e sanct!ary of J"isK office compo!nded t"e ob6ectionable nat!re of "is 0ron+doin+. 'y darin+
to violate t"e complainant 0it"in t"e solit!de of "is c"ambers, /ommissioner 3ayala placed t"e inte+rity of "is office in
disrep!te. Iis dis+racef!l and immoral cond!ct 0arrants "is removal from office.

-"!s, it dismissed t"e petition, to 0it5

2& H2E> 7 A@@ -IE 73EG72&G, t"e instant petition is "ereby D2S=2SSED and Administrative 7rder &o.
119 as 0ell JasK t"e 3esol!tion of t"e 7ffice of t"e %resident in 7.%. /ase &o. 008E8911: dated =ay ,4, ,000 are
A23=ED 2& -7-7. &o cost.

S7 73DE3ED.

3ayala timely filed a =otion for 3econsideration. #!stices Has$!e. and -olentino voted to affirm t"e December 14 Decision.
Io0ever, #!stice 3eyes dissented mainly beca!se A7 ,50 states t"at t"e penalty imposable is s!spension for si1 )6* mont"s and one )1* day.
%!rs!ant to t"e internal r!les of t"e /A, a Special Division of ive 0as constit!ted.
2n its 7ctober 1:, ,00, 3esol!tion, t"e /A modified its
earlier Decision5

A//73D2&G@G, t"e Decision dated December J14K, ,001 is =7D22ED to t"e effect t"at t"e penalty of
dismissal is DE@E-ED and instead t"e penalty of s!spension from service for t"e ma1im!m period of one )1* year is
IE3E'G 2=%7SED !pon t"e petitioner. -"e rest of t"e c"allen+ed decision stands.

S7 73DE3ED.

Domin+o filed a %etition for 3evie0
before t"is /o!rt, 0"ic" 0e denied in o!r ebr!ary 19, ,003 3esol!tion for "avin+ a defective
verification. S"e filed a =otion for 3econsideration, 0"ic" t"e /o!rt +rantedB "ence, t"e petition 0as reinstated.

3ayala li(e0ise filed a %etition for 3evie0
0it" t"is /o!rt essentially ar+!in+ t"at "e is not +!ilty of any act of se1!al "arassment.

=ean0"ile, t"e 3ep!blic filed a =otion for 3econsideration of t"e /A?s 7ctober 1:, ,00, 3esol!tion. -"e /A denied t"e same in its
#!ne 3, ,003 3esol!tion, t"e dispositive portion of 0"ic" reads5

ACCORDINGLY, by a ma6ority vote, p!blic respondents? =otion for 3econsideration, )sic* is DENIED.


-"e 3ep!blic t"en filed its o0n %etition for 3evie0.

7n #!ne ,:, ,004, t"e /o!rt directed t"e consolidation of t"e t"ree )3* petitions.

G./. 1o. 144831

Domin+o assails t"e /A?s resol!tion modifyin+ t"e penalty imposed by t"e 7ffice of t"e %resident. S"e raises t"is iss!e5

-"e /o!rt of Appeals erred in modifyin+ t"e penalty for t"e respondent from dismissal to s!spension from service for t"e
ma1im!m period of one year. -"e %resident "as t"e prero+ative to determine t"e proper penalty to be imposed on an
errin+ %residential appointee. -"e %resident 0as 0ell 0it"in "is po0er 0"en "e fittin+ly !sed t"at prero+ative in decidin+
to dismiss t"e respondent from t"e service.

S"e ar+!es t"at t"e po0er to remove 3ayala, a presidential appointee, is lod+ed 0it" t"e %resident 0"o "as control of t"e entire
E1ec!tive Department, its b!rea!s and offices. -"e 7%?s decision 0as arrived at after affordin+ 3ayala d!e process. Ience, "is dismissal
from t"e service is a prero+ative t"at is entirely 0it" t"e %resident.

As to t"e applicability of A7 &o. ,50, s"e ar+!es t"at t"e same 0as not intended to cover cases a+ainst presidential appointees. A7
&o. ,50 refers only to t"e instances 0"erein t"e D7@E Secretary is t"e disciplinin+ a!t"ority, and t"!s, t"e A7 does not circ!mscribe t"e
po0er of t"e %resident to dismiss an errin+ presidential appointee.

G./. 1o. 1448;)

2n "is petition, 3ayala raises t"e follo0in+ iss!es5




2nvo(in+ (.uino v. (costa,
3ayala ar+!es t"at t"e case is t"e definitive r!lin+ on 0"at constit!tes se1!al "arassment. -"!s, "e
posits t"at for se1!al "arassment to e1ist !nder 3A D:DD, t"ere m!st be5 )a* demand, re$!est, or re$!irement of a se1!al favorB )b* t"e same
is made a pre8condition to "irin+, re8employment, or contin!ed employmentB or )c* t"e denial t"ereof res!lts in discrimination a+ainst t"e

3ayala asserts t"at Domin+o "as failed to alle+e and establis" any se1!al favor, demand, or re$!est from petitioner in e1c"an+e for
"er contin!ed employment or for "er promotion. Accordin+ to 3ayala, t"e acts imp!ted to "im are 0it"o!t malice or !lterior motive. 2t 0as
merely Domin+o?s perception of malice in "is alle+ed acts Q a Aprod!ct of "er o0n ima+inationC
Q t"at led "er to file t"e se1!al "arassment

@i(e0ise, 3ayala assails t"e 7%?s interpretation, as !p"eld by t"e /A, t"at 3A D:DD is malum prohibitum s!c" t"at t"e defense of
absence of malice is !navailin+. Ie ar+!es t"at se1!al "arassment is considered an offense a+ainst a partic!lar person, not a+ainst society as
a 0"ole. -"!s, "e claims t"at intent is an essential element of t"e offense beca!se t"e la0 re$!ires as a conditio sine .ua non t"at a se1!al
favor be first so!+"t by t"e offender in order to ac"ieve certain specific res!lts. Se1!al "arassment is committed 0it" t"e perpetrator?s
deliberate intent to commit t"e offense.

3ayala ne1t ar+!es t"at A7 ,50 e1pands t"e acts proscribed in 3A D:DD. 2n partic!lar, "e assails t"e definition of t"e forms of
se1!al "arassment5

R)<& I$


Section 1. *or,s o+ "e-ual 8arass,ent. Q Se1!al "arassment may be committed in any of t"e follo0in+

a* 7vert se1!al advancesB

b* En0elcome or improper +est!res of affectionB

c* 3e$!est or demand for se1!al favors incl!din+ b!t not limited to +oin+ o!t on dates, o!tin+s or t"e li(e for
t"e same p!rposeB

d* Any ot"er act or cond!ct of a se1!al nat!re or for p!rposes of se1!al +ratification 0"ic" is +enerally
annoyin+, dis+!stin+ or offensive to t"e victim.

Ie posits t"at t"ese acts alone 0it"o!t correspondin+ demand, re$!est, or re$!irement do not constit!te se1!al "arassment as
contemplated by t"e la0.
Ie alle+es t"at t"e r!le8ma(in+ po0er +ranted to t"e employer in Section 4)a* of 3A D:DD is limited only to
proced!ral matters. -"e la0 did not dele+ate to t"e employer t"e po0er to prom!l+ate r!les 0"ic" 0o!ld provide ot"er or additional forms of
se1!al "arassment, or to come !p 0it" its o0n definition of se1!al "arassment.

G./. 1o. 148=))

-"e 3ep!blic raises t"is iss!e5

D6&06&' o' no0 06& P'&(2d&n0 o> 06& P62<2==2n&( :a; %a<2d<; d2(:2(( '&(=ond&n0 Ra;a<a a( C6a2':an o> 06& NLRC
>o' 1o::2002n3 a10( o> (&@)a< 6a'a((:&n0.

-"e 3ep!blic ar+!es t"at 3ayala?s acts constit!te se1!al "arassment !nder A7 ,50. Iis acts constit!te !n0elcome or improper
+est!res of affection and are acts or cond!ct of a se1!al nat!re, 0"ic" are +enerally annoyin+ or offensive to t"e victim.

2t also contends t"at t"ere is no le+al basis for t"e /A?s red!ction of t"e penalty imposed by t"e 7%. 3ayala?s dismissal is valid and
0arranted !nder t"e circ!mstances. -"e po0er to remove t"e &@3/ /"airman solely rests !pon t"e %resident, limited only by t"e
re$!irements !nder t"e la0 and t"e d!e process cla!se.

-"e 3ep!blic f!rt"er claims t"at, alt"o!+" A7 ,50 provides only a one )1* year s!spension, it 0ill not prevent t"e 7% from validly
imposin+ t"e penalty of dismissal on 3ayala. 2t ar+!es t"at even t"o!+" 3ayala is a presidential appointee, "e is still s!b6ect to t"e /ivil
Service @a0. Ender t"e /ivil Service @a0, dis+racef!l and immoral cond!ct, t"e acts imp!ted to 3ayala, constit!te +rave miscond!ct
p!nis"able by dismissal from t"e service.
-"e 3ep!blic adds t"at 3ayala?s position is invested 0it" p!blic tr!st and "is acts violated t"at
tr!stB t"!s, "e s"o!ld be dismissed from t"e service.

-"is ar+!ment, accordin+ to t"e 3ep!blic, is also s!pported by Article ,15 of t"e @abor /ode, 0"ic" states t"at t"e /"airman of t"e
&@3/ "olds office !ntil "e reac"es t"e a+e of 65 only d!rin+ +ood be"avior.
Since 3ayala?s sec!rity of ten!re is conditioned !pon "is +ood
be"avior, "e may be removed from office if it is proven t"at "e "as failed to live !p to t"is standard.

All t"e iss!es raised in t"ese t"ree cases can be s!mmed !p in t0o !ltimate $!estions, namely5

*1+ D2d Ra;a<a 1o::20 (&@)a< 6a'a((:&n0L
*.+ I> 6& d2d, ?6a0 2( 06& a==<21a8<& =&na<0;L

2nitially, "o0ever, 0e m!st resolve a proced!ral iss!e raised by 3ayala. Ie acc!ses t"e 7ffice of t"e Solicitor General )7SG*, as
co!nsel for t"e 3ep!blic, of for!m s"oppin+ beca!se it filed a motion for reconsideration of t"e decision in /A8G.3. S% &o. 610,6 and t"en
filed a comment in G.3. &o. 155:40 before t"is /o!rt.

>e do not a+ree.

or!m s"oppin+ is an act of a party, a+ainst 0"om an adverse 6!d+ment or order "as been rendered in one for!m, of see(in+ and
possibly sec!rin+ a favorable opinion in anot"er for!m, ot"er t"an by appeal or special civil action for certiorari.
2t consists of filin+ m!ltiple
s!its involvin+ t"e same parties for t"e same ca!se of action, eit"er sim!ltaneo!sly or s!ccessively, for t"e p!rpose of obtainin+ a favorable

-"ere is for!m s"oppin+ 0"en t"e follo0in+ elements conc!r5 )1* identity of t"e parties or, at least, of t"e parties 0"o represent t"e
same interest in bot" actionsB ),* identity of t"e ri+"ts asserted and relief prayed for, as t"e latter is fo!nded on t"e same set of factsB and )3*
identity of t"e t0o precedin+ partic!lars s!c" t"at any 6!d+ment rendered in t"e ot"er action 0ill amo!nt to res judicata in t"e action !nder
consideration or 0ill constit!te litis pendentia.

3evie0in+ t"e antecedents of t"ese consolidated cases, 0e note t"at t"e /A rendered t"e assailed 3esol!tion on 7ctober 1:,
,00,. -"e 3ep!blic filed its =otion for 3econsideration on &ovember ,,, ,00,. 7n t"e ot"er "and, 3ayala filed "is petition before t"is /o!rt
on &ovember ,1, ,00,. >"ile t"e 3ep!blic?s =otion for 3econsideration 0as pendin+ resol!tion before t"e /A, on December ,, ,00,, it 0as
directed by t"is /o!rt to file its /omment on 3ayala?s petition, 0"ic" it s!bmitted on #!ne 16, ,003.

>"en t"e /A denied t"e =otion for 3econsideration, t"e 3ep!blic filed its o0n %etition for 3evie0 0it" t"is /o!rt on #!ly 3, ,003. 2t
cited in its A/ertification and Herification of a &on8or!m S"oppin+C )sic*, t"at t"ere 0as a case involvin+ t"e same facts pendin+ before t"is
/o!rt denominated as G.3. &o. 155:40. >it" respect to Domin+o?s petition, t"e same "ad already been dismissed on ebr!ary 19, ,003.
Domin+o?s petition 0as reinstated on #!ne 16, ,003 b!t t"e resol!tion 0as received by t"e 7SG only on #!ly ,5, ,003, or after it "ad filed its
o0n petition.

'ased on t"e fore+oin+, it cannot be said t"at t"e 7SG is +!ilty of for!m s"oppin+. >e m!st point o!t t"at it 0as 3ayala 0"o filed
t"e petition in t"e /A, 0it" t"e 3ep!blic as t"e adverse party. 3ayala "imself filed a motion for reconsideration of t"e /A?s December ,1, ,001
Decision, 0"ic" led to a more favorable r!lin+, i.e., t"e lo0erin+ of t"e penalty from dismissal to one8year s!spension. -"e parties adversely
affected by t"is r!lin+ )Domin+o and t"e 3ep!blic* "ad t"e ri+"t to $!estion t"e same on motion for reconsideration. '!t Domin+o directly filed
a %etition for 3evie0 0it" t"is /o!rt, as did 3ayala. >"en t"e 3ep!blic opted to file a motion for reconsideration, it 0as merely e1ercisin+ a
ri+"t. -"at 3ayala and Domin+o "ad by t"en already filed cases before t"e S/ did not ta(e a0ay t"is ri+"t. -"!s, 0"en t"is /o!rt directed t"e
3ep!blic to file its /omment on 3ayala?s petition, it "ad to comply, even if it "ad an !nresolved motion for reconsideration 0it" t"e /A, lest it
be cited for contempt.

Accordin+ly, it cannot be said t"at t"e 7SG AfileJdK m!ltiple s!its involvin+ t"e same parties for t"e same ca!se of action, eit"er
sim!ltaneo!sly or s!ccessively, for t"e p!rpose of obtainin+ a favorable 6!d+ment.C

>e no0 proceed to disc!ss t"e s!bstantive iss!es.

2t is note0ort"y t"at t"e five /A #!stices 0"o deliberated on t"e case 0ere !nanimo!s in !p"oldin+ t"e findin+s of t"e /ommittee
and t"e 7%. -"ey fo!nd t"e assessment made by t"e /ommittee and t"e 7% to be a Ametic!lo!s and dispassionate analysis of t"e
testimonies of t"e complainant )Domin+o*, t"e respondent )3ayala*, and t"eir respective 0itnesses.C
-"ey differed only on t"e appropriate
imposable penalty.

-"at 3ayala committed t"e acts complained of Q and 0as +!ilty of se1!al "arassment Q is, t"erefore, t"e common fact!al findin+ of
not 6!st one, b!t t"ree independent bodies5 t"e /ommittee, t"e 7% and t"e /A. 2t s"o!ld be remembered t"at 0"en s!pported by s!bstantial
evidence, fact!al findin+s made by $!asi86!dicial and administrative bodies are accorded +reat respect and even finality by t"e co!rts.
principle, t"erefore, dictates t"at s!c" findin+s s"o!ld bind !s.

2ndeed, 0e find no reason to deviate from t"is r!le. -"ere appears no valid +ro!nd for t"is /o!rt to revie0 t"e fact!al findin+s of t"e
/A, t"e 7%, and t"e 2nvesti+atin+ /ommittee. -"ese findin+s are no0 concl!sive on t"e /o!rt. And $!ite si+nificantly, 3ayala "imself admits
to "avin+ committed some of t"e acts imp!ted to "im.

Ie insists, "o0ever, t"at t"ese acts do not constit!te se1!al "arassment, beca!se Domin+o did not alle+e in "er complaint t"at
t"ere 0as a demand, re$!est, or re$!irement of a se1!al favor as a condition for "er contin!ed employment or for "er promotion to a "i+"er
3ayala !r+es !s to apply to "is case o!r r!lin+ in (.uino v. (costa.

>e find respondent?s insistence !nconvincin+.

'asic in t"e la0 of p!blic officers is t"e three$fold liabilit" rule, 0"ic" states t"at t"e 0ron+f!l acts or omissions of a p!blic officer
may +ive rise to civil, criminal and administrative liability. An action for eac" can proceed independently of t"e ot"ers.
-"is r!le applies 0it"
f!ll force to se1!al "arassment.

-"e la0 se1!al "arassment in o!r 6!risdiction is 3A D:DD. Section 3 t"ereof defines 0or(8related se1!al "arassment in
t"is 0ise5

Sec. 3. >or(, Ed!cation or -rainin+8related Se1!al Iarassment Defined. Q >or(, ed!cation or trainin+8related
se1!al "arassment is committed by an employer, mana+er, s!pervisor, a+ent of t"e employer, teac"er, instr!ctor,
professor, coac", trainor, or any ot"er person 0"o, "avin+ a!t"ority, infl!ence or moral ascendancy over anot"er in a
0or( or trainin+ or ed!cation environment, demands, re$!ests or ot"er0ise re$!ires any se1!al favor from t"e ot"er,
re+ardless of 0"et"er t"e demand, re$!est or re$!irement for s!bmission is accepted by t"e ob6ect of said Act.

)a* 2n a 0or(8related or employment environment, se1!al "arassment is committed 0"en5

)1* -"e se1!al favor is made as a condition in t"e "irin+ or in t"e employment, re8employment or contin!ed
employment of said individ!al, or in +rantin+ said individ!al favorable compensation, terms, conditions, promotions, or
privile+esB or t"e ref!sal to +rant t"e se1!al favor res!lts in limitin+, se+re+atin+ or classifyin+ t"e employee 0"ic" in a
0ay 0o!ld discriminate, deprive or diminis" employment opport!nities or ot"er0ise adversely affect said employeeB

),* -"e above acts 0o!ld impair t"e employee?s ri+"ts or privile+es !nder e1istin+ labor la0sB or

)3* -"e above acts 0o!ld res!lt in an intimidatin+, "ostile, or offensive environment for t"e employee.

-"is section, in relation to Section D on penalties, defines t"e criminal aspect of t"e !nla0f!l act of se1!al "arassment. -"e same section, in
relation to Section 6, a!t" t"e instit!tion of an independent civil action for dama+es and ot"er affirmative relief.

Section 4, also in relation to Section 3, +overns t"e proced!re for administrative cases, vi/.5

Sec. 4. Dut" of the Emplo"er or +ead of *ffice in a ;or$related, Education or 2rainin% Environment. Q 2t s"all
be t"e d!ty of t"e employer or t"e "ead of t"e 0or(8related, ed!cational or trainin+ environment or instit!tion, to prevent
or deter t"e commission of acts of se1!al "arassment and to provide t"e proced!res for t"e resol!tion, settlement or
prosec!tion of acts of se1!al "arassment. -o0ards t"is end, t"e employer or "ead of office s"all5

)a* %rom!l+ate appropriate r!les and re+!lations in cons!ltation 0it" and 6ointly
approved by t"e employees or st!dents or trainees, t"ro!+" t"eir d!ly desi+nated
representatives, prescribin+ t"e proced!re for t"e investi+ation or se1!al
"arassment cases and t"e administrative sanctions t"erefor.

Administrative sanctions s"all not be a bar to prosec!tion in t"e proper
co!rts for !nla0f!l acts of se1!al "arassment.

-"e said r!les and re+!lations iss!ed p!rs!ant to t"is section )a* s"all
incl!de, amon+ ot"ers, +!idelines on proper decor!m in t"e 0or(place and
ed!cational or trainin+ instit!tions.

)b* /reate a committee on decor!m and investi+ation of cases on se1!al
"arassment. -"e committee s"all cond!ct meetin+s, as t"e case may be, 0it"
ot"er officers and employees, teac"ers, instr!ctors, professors, coac"es, trainors
and st!dents or trainees to increase !nderstandin+ and prevent incidents of
se1!al "arassment. 2t s"all also cond!ct t"e investi+ation of t"e alle+ed cases
constit!tin+ se1!al "arassment.

2n t"e case of a 0or(8related environment, t"e committee s"all be composed of at least one )1* representative
eac" from t"e mana+ement, t"e !nion, if any, t"e employees from t"e s!pervisory ran(, and from t"e ran( and file

2n t"e case of t"e ed!cational or trainin+ instit!tion, t"e committee s"all be composed of at least one )1*
representative from t"e administration, t"e trainors, teac"ers, instr!ctors, professors or coac"es and st!dents or trainees,
as t"e case maybe.

-"e employer or "ead of office, ed!cational or trainin+ instit!tion s"all disseminate or post a copy of t"is Act for
t"e information of all concerned.

-"e /A, t"!s, correctly r!led t"at 3ayala?s c!lpability is not to be determined solely on t"e basis of Section 3, 3A D:DD, beca!se "e
is c"ar+ed 0it" t"e administrative offense, not t"e criminal infraction, of se1!al "arassment.
2t s"o!ld be eno!+" t"at t"e /A, alon+ 0it" t"e
2nvesti+atin+ /ommittee and t"e 7ffice of t"e %resident, fo!nd s!bstantial evidence to s!pport t"e administrative c"ar+e.

Get, even if 0e 0ere to test 3ayala?s acts strictly by t"e standards set in Section 3, 3A D:DD, "e 0o!ld still be administratively
liable. 2t is tr!e t"at t"is provision calls for a Ademand, re$!est or re$!irement of a se1!al favor.C '!t it is not necessary t"at t"e demand,
re$!est or re$!irement of a se1!al favor be artic!lated in a cate+orical oral or 0ritten statement. 2t may be discerned, 0it" e$!al certit!de,
from t"e acts of t"e offender. Ioldin+ and s$! Domin+o?s s"o!lders, r!nnin+ "is fin+ers across "er nec( and tic(lin+ "er ear, "avin+
inappropriate conversations 0it" "er, +ivin+ "er money alle+edly for sc"ool e1penses 0it" a promise of f!t!re privile+es, and ma(in+
statements 0it" !nmista(able se1!al overtones Q all t"ese acts of 3ayala reso!nd 0it" deafenin+ clarity t"e !nspo(en re$!est for a se1!al

@i(e0ise, contrary to 3ayala?s claim, it is not essential t"at t"e demand, re$!est or re$!irement be made as a condition for
contin!ed employment or for promotion to a "i+"er position. 2t is eno!+" t"at t"e respondent?s acts res!lt in creatin+ an intimidatin+, "ostile or
offensive environment for t"e employee.
-"at t"e acts of 3ayala +enerated an intimidatin+ and "ostile environment for Domin+o is clearly
s"o0n by t"e common fact!al findin+ of t"e 2nvesti+atin+ /ommittee, t"e 7% and t"e /A t"at Domin+o reported t"e matter to an officemate
and, after t"e last incident, filed for a leave of absence and re$!ested transfer to anot"er !nit.

3ayala?s invocation of (.uino v. (costa
is misplaced, beca!se t"e fact!al settin+ in t"at case is different from t"at in t"e case at
benc". 2n (.uino, Atty. S!san A$!ino, /"ief of t"e @e+al and -ec"nical Staff of t"e /o!rt of -a1 Appeals )/-A*, c"ar+ed t"en /-A %residin+
#!d+e )no0 %residin+ #!stice* Ernesto Acosta of se1!al "arassment. S"e complained of several incidents 0"en #!d+e Acosta alle+edly
(issed "er, embraced "er, and p!t "is arm aro!nd "er s"o!lder. -"e case 0as referred to /A #!stice #osefina G. Salon+a for
investi+ation. 2n "er report, #!stice Salon+a fo!nd t"at At"e complainant failed to s"o0 by convincin+ evidence t"at t"e acts of #!d+e Acosta
in +reetin+ "er 0it" a (iss on t"e c"ee(, in a Vbeso8beso? fas"ion, 0ere carried o!t 0it" l!stf!l and lascivio!s desires or 0ere motivated by
malice or ill motive. 2t is clear from t"e circ!mstances t"at most of t"e (issin+ incidents 0ere done on festive and special occasions,C and t"ey
Atoo( place in t"e presence of ot"er people and t"e same 0as by reason of t"e e1altation or "appiness of t"e moment.C -"!s, #!stice
Salon+a concl!ded5

2n all t"e incidents complained of, t"e respondentTs pec(s on t"e c"ee(s of t"e complainant s"o!ld be
!nderstood in t"e conte1t of "avin+ been done on t"e occasion of some festivities, and not t"e assertion of t"e latter t"at
s"e 0as sin+led o!t by #!d+e Acosta in "is (issin+ escapades. -"e b!sses on "er c"ee(s 0ere simply friendly and
innocent, bereft of malice and le0d desi+n. -"e fact t"at respondent 6!d+e (isses ot"er people on t"e c"ee(s in t"e Tbeso8
besoT fas"ion, 0it"o!t malice, 0as corroborated by Atty. lorecita %. lores, =s. #osep"ine Adalem and =s. =a. ides
'alili, 0"o stated t"at t"ey !s!ally practice Tbeso8besoT or (issin+ on t"e c"ee(s, as a form of +reetin+ on occasions 0"en
t"ey meet eac" ot"er, li(e birt"days, /"ristmas, &e0 GearTs Day and even HalentineTs Day, and it does not matter
0"et"er it is #!d+e AcostaTs birt"day or t"eir birt"days. -"eresa /inco 'actat, a la0yer 0"o belon+s to complainantTs
department, f!rt"er attested t"at on occasions li(e birt"days, respondent 6!d+e 0o!ld li(e0ise +reet "er 0it" a pec( on
t"e c"ee( in a Tbeso8besoT manner. 2nterestin+ly, in one of several festive occasions, female employees of t"e /-A
pec(ed respondent 6!d+e on t"e c"ee( 0"ere Atty. A$!ino 0as one of #!d+e AcostaTs 0ell 0is"ers.

2n s!m, no se1!al "arassment "ad indeed transpired on t"ose si1 occasions. #!d+e AcostaTs acts of b!ssin+
Atty. A$!ino on "er c"ee( 0ere merely forms of +reetin+s, cas!al and c!stomary in nat!re. &o evidence of intent to
se1!ally "arass complainant 0as apparent, only t"at t"e innocent acts of Tbeso8besoT 0ere +iven malicio!s connotations
by t"e complainant. 2n fact, s"e did not even relate to anyone 0"at "appened to "er. Endeniably, t"ere is no manifest
se1!al !ndertone in all t"ose incidents.

-"is /o!rt a+reed 0it" #!stice Salon+a, and #!d+e Acosta 0as e1onerated.

-o repeat, t"is fact!al milie! in (.uino does not obtain in t"e case at benc". >"ile in (.uino, t"e /o!rt interpreted t"e acts )of #!d+e
Acosta* as cas!al +est!res of friends"ip and camaraderie, done d!rin+ festive or special occasions and 0it" ot"er people present, in t"e
instant case, 3ayala?s acts of "oldin+ and s$! Domin+o?s s"o!lders, r!nnin+ "is fin+ers across "er nec( and tic(lin+ "er ear, and t"e
inappropriate comments, 0ere all made in t"e confines of 3ayala?s office 0"en no ot"er members of "is staff 0ere aro!nd. =ore importantly,
and a circ!mstance absent in (.uino, 3ayala?s acts, as already adverted to above, prod!ced a "ostile 0or( environment for Domin+o, as
s"o0n by "er "avin+ reported t"e matter to an officemate and, after t"e last incident, filin+ for a leave of absence and re$!estin+ transfer to
anot"er !nit.

3ayala also ar+!es t"at A7 ,50 does not apply to "im. irst, "e ar+!es t"at A7 ,50 does not cover t"e &@3/, 0"ic", at t"e time of
t"e incident, 0as !nder t"e D7@E only for p!rposes of pro+ram and policy coordination. Second, "e posits t"at even ass!min+ A7 ,50 is
applicable to t"e &@3/, "e is not 0it"in its covera+e beca!se "e is a presidential appointee.

>e find, "o0ever, t"at t"e $!estion of 0"et"er or not A7 ,50 covers 3ayala is of no real conse$!ence. -"e events of t"is case
!nmista(ably s"o0 t"at t"e administrative c"ar+es a+ainst 3ayala 0ere for violation of 3A D:DDB t"at t"e 7% properly ass!med 6!risdiction
over t"e administrative caseB t"at t"e participation of t"e D7@E, t"ro!+" t"e /ommittee created by t"e Secretary, 0as limited to initiatin+ t"e
investi+ation process, reception of evidence of t"e parties, preparation of t"e investi+ation report, and recommendin+ t"e appropriate action to
be ta(en by t"e 7%. A7 ,50 "ad never really been applied to 3ayala. 2f it 0as !sed at all, it 0as to serve merely as an a!1iliary proced!ral
+!ide to aid t"e /ommittee in t"e orderly cond!ct of t"e investi+ation.

&e1t, 3ayala alle+es t"at t"e /A erred in "oldin+ t"at se1!al "arassment is an offense malum prohibitum. Ie ar+!es t"at intent is
an essential element in se1!al "arassment, and since t"e acts imp!ted to "im 0ere done alle+edly 0it"o!t malice, "e s"o!ld be absolved of
t"e c"ar+es a+ainst "im.

>e reiterate t"at 0"at is before !s is an administrative case for se1!al "arassment. -"!s, 0"et"er t"e crime of se1!al "arassment
is malum in se or malum prohibitum is immaterial.

>e also re6ect 3ayala?s alle+ations t"at t"e c"ar+es 0ere filed beca!se of a conspiracy to +et "im o!t of office and t"!s constit!te
merely political "arassment. A conspiracy m!st be proved by clear and convincin+ evidence. Iis bare assertions cannot stand a+ainst t"e
evidence presented by Domin+o. As 0e "ave already r!led, t"e acts imp!ted to 3ayala "ave been proven as fact. =oreover, "e "as not
proven any ill motive on t"e part of Domin+o and "er 0itnesses 0"ic" 0o!ld be ample reason for "er to con6!re stories abo!t "im. 7n t"e
contrary, ill motive is belied by t"e fact t"at Domin+o and "er 0itnesses Q all employees of t"e &@3/ at t"at time Q stood to lose t"eir 6obs or
s!ffer !npleasant conse$!ences for comin+ for0ard and c"ar+in+ t"eir boss 0it" se1!al "arassment.

!rt"ermore, 3ayala decries t"e alle+ed violation of "is ri+"t to d!e process. Ie acc!ses t"e /ommittee on Decor!m of railroadin+
"is trial for violation of 3A D:DD. Ie also scored t"e 7%?s decision findin+ "im +!ilty of Adis+racef!l and immoral cond!ctC !nder t"e 3evised
Administrative /ode and not for violation of 3A D:DD. /onsiderin+ t"at "e 0as not tried for Adis+racef!l and immoral cond!ct,C "e ar+!es t"at
t"e verdict is a As"am and total n!llity.C

>e "old t"at 3ayala 0as properly accorded d!e process. 2n previo!s cases, t"is /o!rt "eld t"at5

JiKn administrative proceedin+s, d!e process "as been reco+ni.ed to incl!de t"e follo0in+5 )1* t"e ri+"t to act!al
or constr!ctive notice of t"e instit!tion of proceedin+s 0"ic" may affect a respondent?s le+al ri+"tsB ),* a real opport!nity
to be "eard personally or 0it" t"e assistance of co!nsel, to present 0itnesses and evidence in one?s favor, and to defend
one?s ri+"tsB )3* a trib!nal vested 0it" competent 6!risdiction and so constit!ted as to afford a person c"ar+ed
administratively a reasonable +!arantee of "onesty as 0ell as impartialityB and )4* a findin+ by said trib!nal 0"ic"
is s!pported by s!bstantial evidence s!bmitted for consideration d!rin+ t"e "earin+ or contained in t"e records or made
(no0n to t"e parties affected.

-"e records of t"e case indicate t"at 3ayala 0as afforded all t"ese proced!ral d!e process safe+!ards. Alt"o!+" in t"e be+innin+
"e $!estioned t"e a!t"ority of t"e /ommittee to try "im,
"e appeared, personally and 0it" co!nsel, and participated in t"e proceedin+s.

7n t"e ot"er point raised, t"is /o!rt "as "eld t"at, even in criminal cases, t"e desi+nation of t"e offense is not controllin+, t"!s5

>"at is controllin+ is not t"e title of t"e complaint, nor t"e desi+nation of t"e offense c"ar+ed or t"e partic!lar
la0 or part t"ereof alle+edly violated, t"ese bein+ mere concl!sions of la0 made by t"e prosec!tor, b!t t"e description of
t"e crime c"ar+ed and t"e partic!lar facts t"erein recited. -"e acts or omissions complained of m!st be alle+ed in s!c"
form as is s!fficient to enable a person of common !nderstandin+ to (no0 0"at offense is intended to be c"ar+ed, and
enable t"e co!rt to prono!nce proper 6!d+ment. &o information for a crime 0ill be s!fficient if it does not acc!rately and
clearly alle+e t"e elements of t"e crime c"ar+ed. Every element of t"e offense m!st be stated in t"e information. >"at
facts and circ!mstances are necessary to be incl!ded t"erein m!st be determined by reference to t"e definitions and
essentials of t"e specified crimes. -"e re$!irement of alle+in+ t"e elements of a crime in t"e information is to inform t"e
acc!sed of t"e nat!re of t"e acc!sation a+ainst "im so as to enable "im to s!itably prepare "is defense.

2t is note0ort"y t"at !nder A7 ,50, se1!al "arassment amo!nts to dis+racef!l and immoral cond!ct.
-"!s, any findin+ of liability
for se1!al "arassment may also be t"e basis of c!lpability for dis+racef!l and immoral cond!ct.

>it" t"e fore+oin+ dis$!isitions affirmin+ t"e findin+ t"at 3ayala committed se1!al "arassment, 0e no0 determine t"e proper
penalty to be imposed.

3ayala attac(s t"e penalty imposed by t"e 7%. Ie alle+es t"at !nder t"e pertinent /ivil Service 3!les, dis+racef!l and immoral
cond!ct is p!nis"able by s!spension for a period of si1 )6* mont"s and one )1* day to one )1* year. Ie also ar+!es t"at since "e is c"ar+ed
administratively, a++ravatin+ or miti+atin+ circ!mstances cannot be appreciated for p!rposes of imposin+ t"e penalty.

Ender A7 ,50, t"e penalty for t"e first offense is s!spension for si1 )6* mont"s and one )1* day to one )1* year, 0"ile t"e penalty for
t"e second offense is dismissal.
7n t"e ot"er "and, Section ,,)o*, 3!le ZH2 of t"e 7mnib!s 3!les 2mplementin+ 'oo( H of t"e
Administrative /ode of 19:D
and Section 5, A)15* of t"e 3evised 'niform 3ules on (dministrative Cases in the Civil 0ervice
bot" provide
t"at t"e first offense of dis+racef!l and immoral cond!ct is p!nis"able by s!spension of si1 )6* mont"s and one )1* day to one )1* year. A
second offense is p!nis"able by dismissal.

Ender t"e @abor /ode, t"e /"airman of t"e &@3/ s"all "old office d)'2n3 3ood 8&6a%2o' !ntil "e or s"e reac"es t"e a+e of si1ty8
five, )n<&(( (oon&' '&:o%&d >o' 1a)(& a( ='o%2d&d 8; <a? or becomes incapacitated to disc"ar+e t"e d!ties of t"e office.

2n t"is case, it is t"e %resident of t"e %"ilippines, as t"e proper disciplinin+ a!t"ority, 0"o 0o!ld determine 0"et"er t"ere is a valid
ca!se for t"e removal of 3ayala as &@3/ /"airman. -"is po0er, "o0ever, is $!alified by t"e p"rase Afor ca!se as provided by la0.C -"!s,
0"en t"e %resident fo!nd t"at 3ayala 0as indeed +!ilty of dis+racef!l and immoral cond!ct, t"e /"ief E1ec!tive did not "ave !nfettered
discretion to impose a penalty ot"er t"an t"e penalty provided by la0 for s!c" offense. As cited above, t"e imposable penalty for t"e first
offense of eit"er t"e administrative offense of se1!al "arassment or for dis+racef!l and immoral cond!ct is s!spension of si1 )6* mont"s and
one )1* day to one )1* year. Accordin+ly, it 0as error for t"e 7ffice of t"e %resident to impose !pon 3ayala t"e penalty of dismissal from t"e
service, a penalty 0"ic" can only be imposed !pon commission of a second offense.

Even if t"e 7% properly considered t"e fact t"at 3ayala too( advanta+e of "is "i+" +overnment position, it still co!ld not validly
dismiss "im from t"e service. Ender t"e 3evised 'niform 3ules on (dministrative Cases in the Civil 0ervice,
ta(in+ !nd!e advanta+e of a
s!bordinate may be considered as an a++ravatin+ circ!mstance
and 0"ere only a++ravatin+ and no miti+atin+ circ!mstances are present,
t"e ma1im!m penalty s"all be imposed.
Ience, t"e ma1im!m penalty t"at can be imposed on 3ayala is s!spension for one )1* year.

3ayala "olds t"e e1alted position of &@3/ /"airman, 0it" t"e ran( e$!ivalent to a /A #!stice. -"!s, it is not !navailin+ t"at ri+id
standards of cond!ct may be demanded of "im. 2n2alens$Dabon v. Jud%e (rceo,
t"is /o!rt, in !p"oldin+ t"e liability of t"erein respondent
#!d+e, said5

-"e act!ations of respondent are a++ravated by t"e fact t"at complainant is one of "is s!bordinates over 0"om
"e e1ercises control and s!pervision, "e bein+ t"e e1ec!tive 6!d+e. Ie too( advanta+e of "is position and po0er in order
to carry o!t "is l!stf!l and lascivio!s desires. 2nstead of "e bein+ in loco parentis over "is s!bordinate employees,
respondent 0as t"e one 0"o preyed on t"em, ta(in+ advanta+e of "is s!perior position.

2n yet anot"er case, t"is /o!rt declared5

As a mana+erial employee, petitioner is bo!nd by more e1actin+ 0or( et"ics. Ie failed to live !p to "is "i+"er
standard of responsibility 0"en "e s!cc!mbed to "is moral perversity. And 0"en s!c" moral perversity is perpetrated
a+ainst "is s!bordinate, "e provides a 6!stifiable +ro!nd for "is dismissal for lac( of tr!st and confidence. 2t is t"e ri+"t,
nay, t"e d!ty of every employer to protect its employees from overse1ed s!periors.

2t is inc!mbent !pon t"e "ead of office to set an e1ample on "o0 "is employees s"o!ld cond!ct t"emselves in p!blic office, so t"at
t"ey may 0or( efficiently in a "ealt"y 0or(in+ atmosp"ere. /o!rtesy demands t"at "e s"o!ld set a +ood e1ample.

3ayala "as t"ro0n every ar+!ment in t"e boo( in a vain effort to effect "is e1oneration. Ie even p!ts Domin+o?s c"aracter in
$!estion and casts do!bt on t"e morality of t"e former %resident 0"o ordered, albeit erroneo!sly, "is dismissal from t"e service. Enfort!nately
for "im, t"ese are not si+nificant factors in t"e disposition of t"e case. 2t is "is c"aracter t"at is in $!estion "ere and sadly, t"e in$!iry s"o0ed
t"at "e "as been fo!nd 0antin+.

DHEREFORE, t"e fore+oin+ premises considered, t"e 7ctober 1:, ,00, 3esol!tion of t"e /o!rt of Appeals in /A8G.3. S% &o.
610,6 is AFFIRMED. /onse$!ently, t"e petitions in G.3. &os. 155:31, 155:40, and 15:D00 are DENIED. &o prono!ncement as to costs.


Associate #!stice


Associate #!stice

Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice

Associate #!stice


2 attest t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision 0ere reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e
opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.

Associate #!stice
/"airperson, -"ird Division


%!rs!ant to Section 13, Article H222 of t"e /onstit!tion and t"e Division /"airpersonTs Attestation, 2 certify t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e
above Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.

/"ief #!stice
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
-I23D D2H2S27&
G.R. No. 1!454! Ma'16 5, .44.
DR. RICO S. #ACUTIN, petitioner,
$ITUG, J.5
2n an acc!satory 2nformation, dated ,, #!ly 1996, petitioner, /ity Iealt" 7fficer 3ico #ac!tin of /a+ayan de 7ro /ity, 0as c"ar+ed before t"e
Sandi+anbayan, o!rt" Division, 0it" t"e crime of Se1!al Iarassment, t"!sly5
S-"at sometime on or abo!t 01 December 1995, in /a+ayan de 7ro /ity, and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt
p!rs!ant to t"e provisions of 3A D9D5, t"e acc!sed, a p!blic officer, bein+ t"en t"e /ity Iealt" 7fficer of /a+ayan de 7ro /ity 0it"
salary +rade ,6 b!t a "i+" ran(in+ official by e1press provision of 3A D9D5, committin+ t"e offense in relation to "is official f!nctions
and ta(in+ advanta+e of "is position, did t"ere and t"en, 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and criminally, demand, solicit, re$!est se1!al favors
from =s. #!liet F. Gee, a yo!n+ ,, year8old 0oman, sin+le and fres" +rad!ate in 'ac"elor of Science in &!rsin+ 0"o 0as see(in+
employment in t"e office of t"e acc!sed, namely5 by demandin+ from =s. Gee t"at s"e s"o!ld, e1pose "er body and allo0 "er
private parts to be mas"ed and stim!lated by t"e acc!sed, 0"ic" se1!al favor 0as made as a condition for t"e employment of =s.
Gee in t"e amily %ro+ram of t"e 7ffice of t"e acc!sed, t"!s constit!tin+ se1!al "arassment.S
Epon "is arrai+nment, petitioner pled not +!ilty to t"e offense c"ar+edB "ence, trial proceeded.
#!liet F. Gee, t"en a ,,8year old fres" +rad!ate of n!rsin+, averred t"at on ,: &ovember 1995 "er fat"er accompanied "er to t"e office of
petitioner at t"e /ity Iealt" 7ffice to see( employment. #!liet?s fat"er and petitioner 0ere c"ild"ood friends. #!liet 0as informed by t"e doctor
t"at t"e /ity Iealt" 7ffice "ad 6!st t"en filled !p t"e vacant positions for n!rses b!t t"at "e 0o!ld still see if "e mi+"t be able to "elp "er.
-"e follo0in+ day, ,9 &ovember 1995, #!liet and "er fat"er ret!rned to t"e /ity Iealt" 7ffice, and t"ey 0ere informed by petitioner t"at a
medical +ro!p from -e1as, E.S.A., 0as comin+ to to0n in December to loo( into p!ttin+ !p a clinic in @apasan, /a+ayan de 7ro, 0"ere s"e
mi+"t be considered. 7n 01 December 1995, aro!nd nine o?cloc( in t"e mornin+, s"e and "er fat"er 0ent bac( to t"e office of petitioner. -"e
latter informed "er t"at t"ere 0as a vacancy in a family plannin+ pro6ect for t"e city and t"at, if s"e 0ere interested, "e co!ld intervie0 "er for
t"e 6ob. %etitioner t"en started p!ttin+ !p to "er a n!mber of $!estions. >"en as(ed at one point 0"et"er or not s"e already "ad a boyfriend,
s"e said Sno.S %etitioner s!++ested t"at per"aps if "er fat"er 0ere not aro!nd, s"e co!ld afford to be "onest in "er ans0ers to t"e doctor. -"e
fat"er, ta(in+ t"e c!e, decided to leave. %etitioner t"en in$!ired 0"et"er s"e 0as still a vir+in, e1plainin+ to "er "is t"eory on t"e vario!s
aspects of vir+inity. Ie S"ypot"eticallyS as(ed 0"et"er s"e 0o!ld tell "er family or friends if a male friend "appened to intimately to!c" "er.
%etitioner later offered "er t"e 6ob 0"ere s"e 0o!ld be t"e s!b6ect of a Sresearc"S pro+ram. S"e 0as re$!ested to be bac( after l!nc".
'efore proceedin+ to petitioner?s office t"at afternoon, #!liet dropped by at t"e nearby c"!rc" to see( divine +!idance as s"e felt so
Sconf!sed.S >"en s"e +ot to t"e office, petitioner made several telep"one calls to some "ospitals to in$!ire 0"et"er t"ere 0as any available
openin+ for "er. &ot findin+ any, petitioner a+ain offered "er a 6ob in t"e family plannin+ researc" !nderta(in+. S"e e1pressed "esitation if a
p"ysical e1amination 0o!ld incl!de S"!++in+S "er b!t petitioner ass!red "er t"at "e 0as only (iddin+ abo!t it. %etitioner t"en invited "er to +o
bo0lin+. %etitioner told "er to meet "im at 'or6a Street so t"at people 0o!ld not see t"em on board t"e same car to+et"er. Soon, at t"e
desi+nated place, a 0"ite car driven by petitioner stopped. S"e +ot in. %etitioner "eld "er p!lse and told "er not to be scared. After droppin+
by at "is "o!se to p!t on "is bo0lin+ attire, petitioner +ot bac( to t"e car.
>"ile drivin+, petitioner cas!ally as(ed "er if s"e already too( "er bat", and s"e said s"e 0as so in a "!rry t"at s"e did not find time for it.
%etitioner t"en in$!ired 0"et"er s"e "ad varicose veins, and s"e said Sno.S %etitioner told "er to raise "er foot and lo0er "er pants so t"at "e
mi+"t confirm it. S"e felt ass!red t"at it 0as all part of t"e researc". %etitioner still p!s"ed "er pants do0n to "er (nees and "eld "er t"i+". Ie
p!t "is "ands inside "er panty !ntil "e reac"ed "er p!bic "air. S!rprised, s"e e1claimed Shala a[S and instinctively p!lled "er pants !p.
%etitioner t"en to!c"ed "er abdomen 0it" "is ri+"t "and sayin+ 0ords of endearment and lettin+ t"e bac( of "is palm to!c" "er fore"ead. Ie
told "er to raise "er s"irt to c"ec( 0"et"er s"e "ad nodes or l!mps. S"e "esitated for a 0"ile b!t, event!ally, raised it !p to "er navel.
%etitioner t"en fondled "er breast. S"oc(ed at 0"at petitioner did, s"e lo0ered "er s"irt and embraced "er ba+ to cover "erself, tellin+ "im
an+rily t"at s"e 0as t"ro!+" 0it" t"e researc". Ie be++ed "er not to tell anybody abo!t 0"at "ad 6!st "appened. 'efore s"e ali+"ted from t"e
car, petitioner !r+ed "er to reconsider "er decision to $!it. Ie t"en "anded over to "er %300.00 for "er e1penses.
Arrivin+ "ome, s"e told "er mot"er abo!t "er meetin+ 0it" Dr. #ac!tin and t"e money "e +ave "er b!t s"e did not +ive t"e rest of t"e story.
Ier mot"er scolded "er for acceptin+ t"e money and instr!cted "er to ret!rn it. 2n t"e mornin+ of 04 December 1994, #!liet repaired to t"e
clinic to ret!rn t"e money to petitioner b!t s"e 0as not able to see "im !ntil abo!t one o?cloc( in t"e afternoon. S"e tried to +ive bac( t"e
money b!t petitioner ref!sed to accept it.
A 0ee( later, #!liet told "er sister abo!t t"e incident. 7n 16 December 1995, s"e attempted to slas" "er 0rist 0it" a fastener ri+"t after
relatin+ t"e incident to "er mot"er. &oticin+ t"at #!liet 0as s!fferin+ from some psyc"olo+ical problem, t"e family referred "er to Dr. =erlita
Ada.a for co!nselin+. Dr. Ada.a 0o!ld later testify t"at #!liet, to+et"er 0it" "er sister, came to see "er on ,1 December 1995, and t"at #!liet
appeared to be emotionally dist!rbed, blamin+ "erself for bein+ so st!pid as to allo0 Dr. #ac!tin to molest "er. Dr. Ada.a concl!ded t"at
#!liet?s fr!stration 0as d!e to post tra!ma stress.
%etitioner contradicted t"e testimony of #!liet Gee. Ie claimed t"at on ,: &ovember 1995 "e "ad a co!ple of people 0"o 0ent to see "im in
"is office, amon+ t"em, #!liet and "er fat"er, %at. #!stin Gee, 0"o 0as a boy"ood friend. >"en it 0as t"eir t!rn to tal( to petitioner, %at. Gee
introd!ced "is da!+"ter #!liet 0"o e1pressed "er 0is" to 6oin t"e /ity Iealt" 7ffice. %etitioner replied t"at t"ere 0as no vacancy in "is office,
addin+ t"at only t"e /ity =ayor really "ad t"e po0er to appoint city personnel. 7n 01 December 1995, t"e afternoon 0"en t"e alle+ed incident
"appened, "e 0as in a meetin+ 0it" t"e /ommittee on A0ards in t"e 7ffice of t"e /ity =ayor. 7n 04 December 1995, 0"en #!liet said s"e
0ent to "is office to ret!rn t"e %300.00, "e did not report to t"e office for "e 0as sc"ed!led to leave for Davao at ,535 p.m. to attend a "earin+
before t"e 7ffice of t"e 7mb!dsman for =indanao. Ie s!bmitted in evidence a p"otocopy of "is plane tic(et. Ie asserted t"at t"e complaint
for se1!al "arassment, as 0ell as all t"e ot"er cases filed a+ainst "im by Hivian G!, 2ryn Salcedo, =ellie Hillan!eva and %amela 3odis, 0ere
b!t forms of political "arassment directed at "im.
-"e Sandi+anbayan, t"ro!+" its o!rt" Division, rendered its decision, dated 05 &ovember 1999, penned by =r. #!stice 3odolfo G. %alattao,
findin+ t"e acc!sed, Dr. 3ico #ac!tin, +!ilty of t"e crime of Se1!al Iarassment !nder 3ep!blic Act &o. D:DD. -"e Sandi+anbayan concl!ded5
S>IE3E73E, 6!d+ment is "ereby rendered, .onvi.tin t"e acc!sed 32/7 #A/E-2& G SA@/ED7 of t"e crime of Se1!al
Iarassment, defined and p!nis"ed !nder 3.A. &o. D:DD, partic!larly Secs. 3 and D of t"e same Act, properly (no0n as t"e Anti8
Se1!al Iarassment Act of 1995, and is "ereby sentenced to s!ffer t"e penalty of imprisonment of si1 )6* mont"s and to pay a fine of
-0enty -"o!sand )%,0,000.00* %esos, 0it" s!bsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency. Acc!sed is f!rt"er ordered to indemnify
t"e offended party in t"e amo!nt of -"ree I!ndred -"o!sand )%300,000.00* %esos, by 0ay of moral dama+esB -0o I!ndred
-"o!sand )%,00,000.00* %esos, by 0ay of E1emplary dama+es and to pay t"e cost of s!it.S
2n t"e instant reco!rse, it is contended t"at 8
S2. %etitioner cannot be convicted of t"e crime of se1!al "arassment in vie0 of t"e inapplicability of 3ep!blic Act &o. D:DD to t"e
case at bar.
S22. %etitioner J"as beenK denied 1 1 1 "is constit!tional ri+"t to d!e process of la0 and pres!mption of innocence on acco!nt of t"e
ins!fficiency of t"e prosec!tion evidence to s!stain "is conviction.S
-"e above contentions of petitioner are not meritorio!s. Section 3 of 3ep!blic Act D:DD provides5
SSE/. 3. >or(, Ed!cation or -rainin+8related Se1!al Iarassment Defined. Q >or(, ed!cation or trainin+8related se1!al "arassment
is committed by an employer, employee, mana+er, s!pervisor, a+ent of t"e employer, teac"er, instr!ctor, professor, coac", trainor,
or any ot"er person 0"o, "avin+ a!t"ority, infl!ence or moral ascendancy over anot"er in a 0or( or trainin+ or ed!cation
environment, demands, re$!ests or ot"er0ise re$!ires any se1!al favor from t"e ot"er, re+ardless of 0"et"er t"e demand, re$!est
or re$!irement for s!bmission is accepted by t"e ob6ect of said Act.
S)a* 2n a 0or(8related or employment environment, se1!al "arassment is committed 0"en5
S)1* -"e se1!al favor is made as a condition in t"e "irin+ or in t"e employment, re8employment or contin!ed employment
of said individ!al, or in +rantin+ said individ!al favorable compensation, terms, conditions, promotions, or privile+esB or t"e
ref!sal to +rant t"e se1!al favor res!lts in limitin+, se+re+atin+ or classifyin+ t"e employee 0"ic" in any 0ay 0o!ld
discriminate, deprive or diminis" employment opport!nities or ot"er0ise adversely affect said employee.S
%etitioner 0as t"e /ity Iealt" 7fficer of /a+ayan de 7ro /ity, a position "e "eld 0"en complainant, a ne0ly +rad!ated n!rse, sa0 "im to
enlist "is "elp in "er desire to +ain employment. Ie did try to s"o0 an interest in "er pli+"t, "er fat"er bein+ a boy"ood friend, b!t findin+ no
openin+ s!itable for "er in "is office, "e as(ed "er abo!t acceptin+ a 6ob in a family plannin+ researc" pro6ect. 2t all started from t"ereB t"e
Sandi+anbayan recited t"e rest of t"e story5
S1 1 1. S!cceedin+ in convincin+ t"e complainant t"at "er p"ysical e1amination 0o!ld be a part of a researc", acc!sed as(ed
complainant if s"e 0o!ld a+ree t"at "er private parts )bolts* 0o!ld be seen. Acc!sed ass!red "er t"at 0it" "er cooperation in t"e
researc", s"e 0o!ld +ain (no0led+e from it. As complainant loo(ed !pon t"e acc!sed 0it" !tmost reverence, respect, and paternal
+!idance, s"e a+reed to !nder+o t"e p"ysical e1amination. At t"is 6!nct!re, acc!sed abr!ptly stopped t"e intervie0 and told t"e
complainant to +o "ome and be bac( at ,500 o?cloc( in t"e afternoon of t"e same day, December 1, 1995. /omplainant ret!rned at
,500 o?cloc( in t"e afternoon, b!t did not proceed immediately to t"e office of t"e acc!sed, as s"e dropped by a nearby c"!rc" to
as( divine +!idance, as s"e 0as conf!sed and at a loss on "o0 to resolve "er present predicament. At 3500 o?cloc( in t"e afternoon,
s"e 0ent bac( to t"e office of t"e acc!sed. And once inside, acc!sed called !p a certain =adonna, in$!irin+ if t"ere 0as a vacancy,
b!t "e 0as told t"at s"e 0o!ld only accept a re+istered n!rse. /omplainant 0as abo!t to leave t"e office of t"e acc!sed 0"en t"e
latter prevailed !pon "er to stay beca!se "e 0o!ld call one more "ospital. 2n "er presence, a call 0as made. '!t a+ain acc!sed told
"er t"at t"ere 0as no vacancy. As all efforts to loo( for a 6ob in ot"er "ospitals failed, acc!sed rene0ed t"e offer to t"e complainant
to be a part of t"e researc" in t"e amily %lannin+ %ro+ram 0"ere t"ere 0o!ld be p"ysical e1amination. -"ereafter, acc!sed
motioned "is t0o ),* secretaries to +o o!t of t"e room. Epon movin+ closer to t"e complainant, acc!sed as(ed "er if s"e 0o!ld
a+ree to t"e offer. /omplainant told "im s"e 0o!ld not a+ree beca!se t"e researc" incl!ded "!++in+. Ie t"en ass!red "er t"at "e
0as 6!st (iddin+ and t"at a pre8sc"ooler and "i+" sc"ooler "ave already been s!b6ected to s!c" e1amination. >it" ass!rance +iven,
complainant c"an+ed "er mind and a+reed to t"e researc", for s"e is no0 convinced t"at s"e 0o!ld be of "elp to t"e researc" and
0o!ld +ain (no0led+e from it. At t"is point, acc!sed as(ed "er if s"e 0as a Ntomboy?, s"e ans0ered in t"e ne+ative. Ie t"en
instr!cted "er to +o 0it" "im b!t "e 0o!ld first play bo0lin+, and later proceed 0it" t"e researc" )p"ysical e1amination*. 7n t"e
!nderstandin+ of t"e complainant t"at t"ey 0ill proceed to t"e clinic 0"ere t"e researc" 0ill be cond!cted, s"e a+reed to +o 0it" t"e
acc!sed. '!t acc!sed instr!cted "er to proceed to 'or6a St. 0"ere s"e 0ill 6!st 0ait for "im, as it 0as not +ood for people to see
t"em ridin+ in a car to+et"er. S"e 0al(ed from t"e office of t"e acc!sed and proceeded to 'or6a St. as instr!cted. And after a 0"ile,
a 0"ite car arrived. -"e door 0as opened to "er and s"e 0as instr!cted by t"e acc!sed to come inside. 2nside t"e car, "e called "er
attention 0"y s"e 0as in a pensive mood. S"e retorted s"e 0as not. As t"ey 0ere seated side by side, t"e acc!sed "eld "er p!lse
and told "er not to be scared. Ie informed "er t"at "e 0o!ld +o "ome for a 0"ile to p!t on "is bo0lin+ attire. After a s"ort 0"ile, "e
came bac( inside t"e car and as(ed "er if s"e "as ta(en a bat". S"e e1plained t"at s"e 0as not able to do so beca!se s"e left t"e
"o!se "!rriedly. Still 0"ile inside t"e car, acc!sed directed "er to raise "er foot so "e co!ld see 0"et"er s"e "as varicose veins on
"er le+s. -"in(in+ t"at it 0as part of t"e researc", s"e did as instr!cted. Ie told "er to raise it "i+"er, b!t s"e protested. Ie t"en
instr!cted "er to lo0er "er pants instead. S"e did lo0er "er pants, e1posin+ "alf of "er le+s. '!t t"en t"e acc!sed p!s"ed it for0ard
do0n to "er (nees and +rabbed "er le+s. Ie told "er to raise "er s"irt. eelin+ as if s"e "ad lost control of t"e sit!ation, s"e raised
"er s"irt as instr!cted. S"oc(ed, s"e e1claimed, N"ala (a[? beca!se "e tried to insert "is "and into "er panty. Acc!sed t"en "eld "er
abdomen, sayin+, Nyo! are li(e my da!+"ter, NDay?[ )Hisayan 0ord of endearment*,? and let t"e bac( of "is palm to!c" "er fore"ead,
indicatin+ t"e traditional 0ay of ma(in+ t"e yo!n+ respect t"eir elders. Ie a+ain told "er to raise "er s"irt. eelin+ embarrassed and
!ncomfortable, yet !ns!re 0"et"er s"e 0as entertainin+ malice, s"e raised "er s"irt !p to "er breast. Ie t"en fondled "er breast.
3eactin+, s"e imp!lsively lo0er "er s"irt and embraced "er bar 0"ile silently as(in+ God 0"at 0as "appenin+ to "er and as(in+ t"e
co!ra+e to resist acc!sed?s p"ysical advances. After a s"ort 0"ile, s"e as(ed "im if t"ere co!ld be a ri+"t place for p"ysical
e1amination 0"ere t"ere 0o!ld be many doctors. Ie 6!st e1claimed, Nso yo! li(e t"at t"ere are many doctors[? -"en "e as(ed "er if
s"e "as toot" decay. -"in(in+ t"at "e 0as plannin+ to (iss "er, s"e ans0ered t"at s"e "as lots of decayed teet". Ie advised "er
t"en to "ave t"em treated. inally, s"e informed "im t"at s"e 0o!ld not contin!e 0it" t"e researc". -"e acc!sed retorted t"at
complainant 0as entertainin+ malice and reminded "er of 0"at s"e earlier a+reedB t"at s"e 0o!ld not tell anybody abo!t 0"at
"appened. Ie t"en promised to +ive "er %15,000.00 so t"at s"e co!ld ta(e t"e e1amination. S"e 0as abo!t to open t"e door of t"e
car 0"en "e s!ddenly +rabbed "er t"i+", b!t t"is time, complainant instantly parried "is "and 0it" "er ba+.S
>"ile t"e /ity =ayor "ad t"e e1cl!sive prero+ative in appointin+ city personnel, it s"o!ld stand to reason, nevert"eless, t"at a
recommendation from petitioner in t"e appointment of personnel in t"e m!nicipal "ealt" office co!ld carry +ood 0ei+"t. 2ndeed, petitioner
"imself 0o!ld appear to "ave conveyed, by "is 0ords and actions, an impression t"at "e co!ld facilitate #!liet?s employment. 2ndeed,
petitioner 0o!ld not "ave been able to ta(e !nd!e liberalities on t"e person of #!liet "ad it not been for "is "i+" position in t"e /ity Iealt"
7ffice of /a+ayan de 7ro /ity. -"e findin+s of t"e Sandi+anbayan 0ere bolstered by t"e testimony of Hivian G!, petitioner?s secretary
bet0een 19D9 to 1994, of 2ryn @a+o Salcedo, %!blic Iealt" &!rse 22, and of ara" Don+allo y Al(!ino, a city "ealt" n!rse, all of 0"om 0ere
said to "ave li(e0ise been victims of perverse be"avior by petitioner.
-"e Sandi+anbayan ri+"tly re6ected t"e defense of alibi proffered by petitioner, i.e., t"at "e 0as at a meetin+ of t"e /ommittee on A0ardsB t"e
co!rt a .uo said5
S-"ere are some observations 0"ic" t"e /o!rt 0o!ld li(e to point o!t on t"e evidence add!ced by t"e defense, partic!larly in t"e
=in!tes of t"e meetin+ of t"e A0ards /ommittee, as testified to by 0itness =yrna =aa+ad on September :, 199:.
Sirst, admitted, -eresita 2. 3o.abal 0as t"e immediate s!pervisor of 0itness =yrna =aa+ad. -"e &otices to "old t"e meetin+ )E1".
N38A? and N38'?* 0ere si+ned by -eresita 3o.abal. '!t t"e =in!tes of t"e meetin+, E1". N5?, 0as si+ned by =yrna =aa+ad and not by
-eresita 3o.abal. -"e doc!ments, E1"s. N38A? and N38'? certify t"at t"e officially desi+nated secretary of t"e A0ards /ommittee 0as
-eresita 3o.abal.
SSecond, 0"y 0as =yrna =aa+ad in possession of t"e attendance lo+boo( and "o0 0as s"e able to personally brin+ t"e same in
co!rt 0"en s"e testified on September :, 199:, 0"en in fact, s"e admitted d!rin+ "er testimony t"at s"e retired from t"e
+overnment service on December 1, 199DU S!rely, =yrna =aa+ad co!ld not still be t"e c!stodian of t"e lo+boo( 0"en s"e testified.
SAnd finally, in t"e lo+boo(, !nder t"e s!b8"eadin+, N7t"ers %resent,? t"e attendance of t"ose 0"o attended 0as individ!ally
"and0ritten by t"e persons concerned 0"o 0rote and si+ned t"eir names. '!t in t"e case of Dr. -iro and Dr. 3ico #ac!tin, t"eir
names 0ere "and0ritten by cler( Sylvia -an8&erry, not by Dr. -iro and Dr. #ac!tin. Io0ever, =yrna =aa+ad testified t"at t"e
lo+boo( 0as passed aro!nd to attendin+ individ!als inside t"e conference room.S
=ost importantly, t"e S!preme /o!rt is not a trier of facts, and t"e fact!al findin+s of t"e Sandi+anbayan m!st be respected by, if not indeed
concl!sive !pon, t"e trib!nal,
no co+ent reasons "avin+ been s!fficiently s"o0n to no0 "old ot"er0ise. -"e assessment on t"e credibility of
0itnesses is a matter best left to t"e trial co!rt beca!se of its !ni$!e position of bein+ able to observe t"at el!sive and incomm!nicable
evidence on t"e deportment of 0itnesses at t"e stand, an opport!nity t"at is denied t"e appellate co!rt.
/onformably 0it" prevailin+ 6!rispr!dence, t"e +rant of moral and e1emplary dama+es by t"e Sandi+anbayan m!st be tempered to
reasonable levels. =oral dama+es are not intended to enric" a complainant b!t are a0arded only to enable an in6!red party obtain some
means t"at 0o!ld "elp obviate t"e s!fferin+s s!stained on acco!nt of t"e c!lpable action of an offender. 2ts a0ard m!st not appear to be t"e
res!lt of passion or !nd!e pre6!dice,
and it m!st al0ays reasonably appro1imate t"e e1tent of in6!ry and be proportional to t"e 0ron+
committed. 2ndeed, #!liet s"o!ld be recompensed for "er mental an+!is". Dr. =erlita . Ada.a, a psyc"olo+ical co!nselin+ e1pert, "as fo!nd
#!liet to be emotionally and psyc"olo+ically dist!rbed and s!fferin+ from post tra!ma stress follo0in+ "er !npleasant e1perience 0it"
petitioner. -"e /o!rt finds it fittin+ to a0ard in favor of #!liet Gee %30,000.00 moral dama+es. 2n addition, s"e s"o!ld be entitled to %,0,000.00
e1emplary dama+es to serve as a deterrent a+ainst, or as a ne+ative incentive to c!rb, socially deleterio!s actions.
>IE3E73E, t"e $!estioned decision of t"e Sandi+anbayan in /riminal /ase &o. ,3D99, findin+ Dr. 3ico #ac!tin y Salcedo GE2@-G of t"e
crime of Se1!al Iarassment defined and p!nis"ed !nder 3ep!blic Act &o. D:DD, partic!larly Sections 3 and D t"ereof, and "im 0it"
imprisonment of si1 )6* mont"s and to pay a fine of -0enty -"o!sand )%,0,000.00* %esos, 0it" s!bsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency,
is A23=ED. -"e Sandi+anbayan?s a0ard of moral and e1emplary dama+es are =7D22EDB instead, petitioner is ordered to indemnify t"e
offended party, #!liet Gee, in t"e amo!nt of %30,000.00 and %,0,000.00 by 0ay of, respectively, moral dama+es and e1emplary dama+es.
/osts a+ainst petitioner.
S7 73DE3ED.
-elo, 9Chairman:, Pan%aniban, 0andoval$!utierre/, and Carpio, JJ., conc!r.
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
SE/7&D D2H2S27&
G.R. No. 1/,!1/ O10o8&' 1., .411
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, %laintiff8Appellee,
D E / 2 S 2 7 &
T6& Ca(&
-"is is a consolidated criminal case filed a+ainst t"e acc!sed8appellants for t"e crimes of 2lle+al 3ecr!itment )/riminal /ase &o. ,1930* and
-raffic(in+ in %ersons )/riminal /ase &o. ,190:*.
-"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt )3-/* of 9amboan+a /ity, in its Decision dated ,9 &ovember ,005 )3-/ Decision*,
fo!nd acc!sed8appellants +!ilty
beyond reasonable do!bt of t"e crimes of 2lle+al 3ecr!itment and -raffic(in+ in %ersons committed by a syndicate, and sentenced eac" of t"e
acc!sed to s!ffer t"e penalty of life imprisonment pl!s payment of fines and dama+es. 7n appeal, t"e /o!rt of Appeals )/A* in /a+ayan de
7ro, in its Decision dated ,6 ebr!ary ,010 )/A Decision*,
affirmed in toto t"e 3-/ Decision. -"e acc!sed8appellants appealed to t"is /o!rt
by filin+ a &otice of Appeal
in accordance 0it" Section 3)c*, 3!le 1,, of t"e 3!les of /o!rt.
T6& Fa10(
-"e findin+s of fact of t"e 3-/, 0"ic" 0ere affirmed in toto by t"e /A, are as follo0s5
2n t"e evenin+ of #!ne 3, ,005, 0"ile @olita Sa+adsad %lando, ,3 years old, sin+le, 0as in -!ma+a, 9amboan+a /ity on "er 0ay to t"e "o!se
of "er +randfat"er, s"e met 3onnie =asion Arin+oy and 3ac"el Arin+oy /aYete. 3onnie +reeted @olita, S7y, it?s +ood yo! are "ereS )Soy,
maayo (ay dia (aS*. 3ac"el as(ed @olita if s"e is interested to 0or( in =alaysia. 1 1 1 @olita 0as interested so s"e +ave "er cellp"one n!mber
to 3onnie. After t"eir conversation, @olita proceeded to "er +randfat"er?s "o!se.
1 1 1
7n #!ne 4, ,005, at abo!t D500 o?cloc( in t"e mornin+, @olita received a te1t messa+e from 3onnie Arin+oy invitin+ "er to +o to t"e latter?s
"o!se. At D530 in t"e mornin+, t"ey met at -!ma+a on t"e road near t"e place 0"ere t"ey "ad a conversation t"e ni+"t before. 3onnie
bro!+"t @olita to t"e "o!se of "is sister in -!ma+a. @olita in$!ired 0"at 6ob is available in =alaysia. 3onnie told "er t"at s"e 0ill 0or( as a
resta!rant entertainer. All t"at is needed is a passport. S"e 0ill be paid 500 =alaysian rin++its 0"ic" is e$!ivalent to %D,000.00 pesos in
%"ilippine c!rrency. @olita told 3onnie t"at s"e does not "ave a passport. 3onnie said t"at t"ey 0ill loo( for a passport so s"e co!ld leave
immediately. @olita informed "im t"at "er yo!n+er sister, =arife %lando, "as a passport. 3onnie c"ided "er for not tellin+ "im immediately. Ie
told @olita t"at s"e 0ill leave for =alaysia on #!ne 6, ,005 and t"ey 0ill +o to Iad6a #arma @alli 0"o 0ill brin+ "er to =alaysia. 3onnie sent a
te1t messa+e to @alli b!t t"e latter replied t"at s"e 0as not in "er "o!se. S"e 0as at t"e city proper.
7n #!ne 5, ,005, at abo!t 6500 o?cloc( in t"e evenin+, 3onnie Arin+oy and 3ac"el Arin+oy /aYete arrived on board a tricycle driven by
3onnie at t"e "o!se 0"ere @olita 0as stayin+ at So!t"com Hilla+e. 3onnie as(ed if @olita already "ad a passport. @olita said t"at s"e 0ill
borro0 "er sister?s passport. 3onnie, 3ac"el and @olita 0ent to '!enavista 0"ere @olita?s ot"er sister, Gina %lando 0as stayin+. Ier sister
=arife %lando 0as t"ere at t"at time. @olita as(ed =arife to let "er !se =arife?s passport. =arife ref!sed b!t @olita +ot t"e passport. =arife
cried. 3onnie, 3ac"el and @olita proceeded to -!ma+a. 3onnie, 3ac"el and @olita 0ent to t"e "o!se of Iad6a #arma @alli 6!st t0o "!ndred
meters a0ay from t"e "o!se of 3onnie in -!ma+a. 3onnie introd!ced @olita to Iad6a #arma, sayin+ S#i, s"e is also interested in +oin+ to
=alaysia.S @olita "anded a passport to Iad6a #arma tellin+ "er t"at it belon+s to "er sister =arife %lando. Iad6a #arma told "er it is not a
problem beca!se t"ey "ave a connection 0it" t"e DA )Department of orei+n Affairs* and =arife?s pict!re in t"e passport 0ill be s!bstit!ted
0it" @olita?s pict!re. &estor 3elampa+os arrived drivin+ an o0ner8type 6eep. Iad6a #arma introd!ced &estor to @olita as t"eir financier 0"o 0ill
accompany t"em to =alaysia. 1 1 1 @olita noticed t"ree ot"er 0omen in Iad6a #arma?s "o!se. -"ey 0ere Ioney, abo!t ,0 years oldB =ic"ele,
19 years old, and anot"er 0oman 0"o is abo!t ,: years old. -"e 0omen said t"at t"ey are from 2pil, Sib!+ay %rovince. 3onnie told @olita t"at
s"e 0ill "ave many companions +oin+ to =alaysia to 0or(. -"ey 0ill leave t"e ne1t day, #!ne 6, and 0ill meet at t"e 0"arf at ,530 in t"e
7n #!ne 6, ,005, @olita 0ent to 9amboan+a /ity 0"arf at ,500 o?cloc( in t"e afternoon brin+in+ a ba+ containin+ "er ma(e8!p and po0der.
S"e met at t"e 0"arf Iad6a #arma @alli, 3onnie Arin+oy, Ioney and =ic"ele. 3onnie +ave to @olita "er boat tic(et for t"e vessel =<H =ary #oy
bo!nd for Sanda(an, =alaysiaB a passport in t"e name of =arife %lando b!t 0it" @olita?s pict!re on it, and %1,000.00 in cas". Iad6a #arma,
@olita, Ioney, =ic"ele and t0o ot"er 0omen boarded t"e boat =<H =ary #oy bo!nd for Sanda(an. 3onnie Arin+oy did not +o 0it" t"em. Ie
did not board t"e boat. 1 1 1 After t"e boat sailed, Iad6a #arma @alli and &estor 3elampa+os approac"ed @olita and "er companions. &estor
told t"em t"at t"ey 0ill "ave a +ood 6ob in =alaysia as resta!rant entertainers. -"ey 0ill serve food to c!stomers. -"ey 0ill not be "armed.
=<H =ary #oy arrived at t"e port of Sanda(an, =alaysia at 10500 o?cloc( in t"e mornin+ of #!ne D, ,005. After passin+ t"ro!+" t"e immi+ration
office, Iad6a #arma @alli, &estor 3elampa+os, @olita, Ioney, =ic"ele and t0o ot"er 0omen boarded a van for Mota Minabal!. 1 1 1 At t"e
"otel, &estor 3elampa+os introd!ced to @olita and "er companions a /"inese =alay called S'ossS as t"eir employer. After loo(in+ at t"e
0omen, S'ossS bro!+"t @olita, Ioney, Diane and @orraine to a resta!rant near t"e "otel. Diane and @orraine 0ere also on baord =<H =ary #oy
0"en it left t"e port of 9amboan+a for Sanda(an on #!ne 6, ,005. >"en t"ey 0ere already at t"e resta!rant, a ilipina 0oman 0or(in+ t"ere
said t"at t"e place is a prostit!tion den and t"e 0omen t"ere are !sed as prostit!tes. @olita and "er companions 0ent bac( to t"e "otel. -"ey
told Iad6a #arma and &estor t"at t"ey do not li(e to 0or( as prostit!tes. 1 1 1 After abo!t five min!tes, anot"er person called SbossS arrived. 1
1 1 J-K"ey 0ere fetc"ed by a van at abo!t D500 o?cloc( in t"e evenin+ and bro!+"t to %ipen /l!b o0ned by S'oss A0aS, a =alaysian. At t"e
cl!b, t"ey 0ere told t"at t"ey o0e t"e cl!b ,,000 rin++its eac" as payment for t"e amo!nt +iven by t"e cl!b to Iad6a #arma @alli and &estor
3elampa+os. -"ey 0ill pay for t"e said amo!nt by entertainin+ c!stomers. -"e c!stomers 0ill pay 300 rin++its for s"ort time services of 0"ic"
50 rin++its 0ill +o to t"e entertainer, and 500 rin++its for over ni+"t service of 0"ic" 100 rin++its 0ill be +iven to t"e entertainer. %ipen /l!b is a
bi+ cl!b in a t0o8storey b!ildin+. -"ere 0ere abo!t 100 0omen 0or(in+ in t"e cl!b, many of t"em 0ere ilipina 0omen.
@olita %lando 0as forced to 0or( as entertainer at %ipen /l!b. S"e started 0or(in+ at :530 in t"e evenin+ of #!ne 14, ,005. S"e 0as +iven t"e
n!mber 60 0"ic" 0as pinned on "er. -"at ni+"t, s"e "ad "er first c!stomer 0"o selected "er amon+ t"e ot"er 0omen at t"e cl!b. Ie 0as a
very bi+ man, abo!t 3, years old, a /"inese8=alay 0"o loo(ed li(e a 0restler. -"e man paid for s"ort time service at t"e co!nter. @olita 0as
+iven by t"e cas"ier a small pin( paper. S"e 0as instr!cted to (eep it. A small yello0 paper is +iven to t"e entertainer for overni+"t services.
-"e c!stomer bro!+"t @olita to a "otel. S"e did not li(e to +o 0it" "im b!t a SbossS at t"e cl!b told "er t"at s"e co!ld not do anyt"in+. At t"e
"otel, t"e man po(ed a +!n at @olita and instr!cted "er to !ndress. S"e ref!sed. -"e man bo1ed "er on t"e side of "er body. S"e co!ld not
bear t"e pain. -"e man !ndressed "er and "ad se1!al interco!rse 0it" "er. Ie "ad se1!al interco!rse 0it" "er every fifteen min!tes or fo!r
times in one "o!r. >"en t"e c!stomer 0ent inside t"e comfort room, @olita p!t on "er clot"es and left. -"e c!stomer follo0ed "er and 0anted
to brin+ "er bac( to t"e "otel b!t @olita ref!sed. At abo!t 1500 o?cloc( in t"e mornin+ of #!ne 15, ,005, @olita 0as c"osen by anot"er
c!stomer, a tall dar( man, abo!t 40 years old. -"e c!stomer paid for an overni+"t service at t"e co!nter and bro!+"t @olita to =ariner Iotel
0"ic" is far from %ipen /l!b. At t"e "otel, t"e man told @olita to !ndress. >"en s"e ref!sed, t"e man bro!+"t "er to t"e comfort room and
b!mped "er "ead on t"e 0all. @olita felt di..y. -"e man opened t"e s"o0er and said t"at bot" of t"em 0ill ta(e a bat". @olita?s clot"es +ot 0et.
S"e 0as cryin+. -"e man !ndressed "er and "ad se1!al interco!rse 0it" "er. -"ey stayed at t"e "otel !ntil 11500 o?cloc( in t"e mornin+ of
#!ne 15, ,005. -"e c!stomer !sed @olita many times. Ie "ad se1!al interco!rse 0it" "er every "o!r.
@olita 0or(ed at %ipen /l!b from #!ne 14 to #!ly :, ,005. Every ni+"t, a c!stomer !sed "er. S"e "ad at least one c!stomer or more a ni+"t,
and at most, s"e "ad aro!nd five c!stomers a ni+"t. -"ey all "ad se1!al interco!rse 0it" "er. 7n #!ly 9, ,005, @olita 0as able to contact by
cellp"one at abo!t 10500 o?cloc( in t"e mornin+ "er sister #anet %lando 0"o is stayin+ at Sipan+(ot elda 1 1 1. #anet is married to Said
Ab!ba(ar, an 2ndonesian national 0"o is 0or(in+ as a driver in t"e factory. 1 1 1 @olita told #anet t"at s"e is in @ab!an, =alaysia and be+
#anet to save "er beca!se s"e 0as sold as a prostit!te. #anet told @olita to 0ait beca!se "er "!sband 0ill +o to %ipen /l!b to fetc" @olita at
9500 o?cloc( t"at evenin+ of t"at day. 1 1 1 S"e told #anet to instr!ct "er "!sband to as( for &o. 60 at %ipen /l!b. 1 1 1 At 9500 o?cloc( in t"e
evenin+, @olita 0as told by Daddy 3ic"ard, one of t"e bosses at t"e cl!b, t"at a c!stomer re$!ested for &o. 60. -"e man 0as seated at one of
t"e tables. @olita approac"ed t"e man and said, S+ood evenin+.S -"e man as(ed "er is s"e is t"e sister of #anet %lando. @olita replied t"at s"e
is, and as(ed t"e man if "e is t"e "!sband of "er sister. Ie said, Syes.S -"e man "ad already paid at t"e co!nter. Ie stood !p and left t"e
place. @olita +ot "er 0allet and follo0ed "im. 1 1 1 @olita told "er sister abo!t "er ordeal. S"e stayed at "er sister?s "o!se !ntil #!ly ,,, ,005.
7n #!ly ,1, ,005 at D500 o?cloc( in t"e evenin+, a policeman 0ent to "er sisters "o!se and as(ed if t"ere is a 0oman stayin+ in t"e "o!se
0it"o!t a passport. Ier sister told t"e policeman t"at s"e 0ill send @olita "ome on #!ly ,,. At da0n on #!ly ,,, @olita and "er brot"er8in8la0
too( a ta1i from Sipan+(ot elda to =ananamblas 0"ere @olita 0ill board a speedboat to Sib!to, -a0i8-a0i. 1 1 1
Epon arrival in 9amboan+a /ity on #!ly ,4, ,005, @olita 0ent directly to t"e "o!se of "er eldest sister Ale6andra %lando =ay0ila at
Sta. /atalina, 9amboan+a /ity. S"e left "er t"in+s at "er sister?s "o!se and immediately 0ent to t"e sister of 3onnie Arin+oy in
-!ma+a. 3onnie 0as not t"ere. S"e as(ed 3!ssel, niece of 3onnie, to call for t"e latter. 3onnie arrived and said to "er, Sso yo! are
"ere, yo! arrived already.S Ie said "e is not involved in 0"at "appened to "er. @olita as(ed 3onnie to accompany "er to t"e "o!se
of &estor 3elampa+os beca!se s"e "as somet"in+ to +et from "im. 3onnie ref!sed. Ie told @olita not to let t"em (no0 t"at s"e "ad
already arrived from =alaysia.
@olita 0as advised to file a complaint 0it" t"e police re+ardin+ "er ordeal in =alaysia. 7n A!+!st ,, ,005, at past 9500 o?cloc( in t"e mornin+,
@olita %lando 0ent to 9amboan+a %olice 7ffice at Gov. @im Aven!e to file "er complaint. 1 1 1
2n "er /o!nter8Affidavit )E1". S1SB S18AS8@alli*, Iad6a #arma @alli admitted t"at s"e met @olita %lando on #!ne 6, ,005 on board =<H
=ary #oy 0"ile t"e said vessel 0as at sea on its 0ay to Sanda(an, =alaysia. -"e meetin+ 0as p!rely coincidental. 'y coincidence
also, Iad6a #arma, &estor 3elampa+os and @olita %lando boarded t"e same van for Mota Minabal!, =alaysia. Epon arrival, t"ey
parted 0ays. -"ey did not see eac" ot"er anymore at Mota Minabal!, =alaysia. S"e did not (no0 0"at "appened to t"em. S"e 0ent
to Mota Minabal! to visit "is son8in8la0. S"e denied "avin+ recr!ited @olita %lando for employment abroad )E1". S1SB S18AS*. 1 1 1
2n "is /o!nter8Affidavit )E1". S1S8Arin+oy*, 3onnie Arin+oy affirmed t"at "e personally (no0s @olita %lando since s"e 0as a
teena+er and "e (no0s for a fact t"at "er name is /ristine and not =arife Sas s"e p!rports it to appear.S Sometime in t"e first 0ee(
of #!ne ,005, @olita borro0ed %1,000.00 from 3onnie beca!se s"e 0anted to +o to =alaysia to 0or( as a +!est relation officer
)G37*. 3onnie lent "er %1,000.00. Ie told "er t"at "e (no0s Sa certain Iad6a #arma @alli, distant nei+"bor, 0"o fre$!ents to
=alaysia and 0it" 0"om s"e can as( pertinent information on 6ob opport!nities.S -"e entries in %"ilippine %assport &o. ==401136
iss!ed to Iad6a #arma @alli on #an!ary ,9, ,004 )E1". S,SB S,8AS to S,8FS* s"o0ed t"at s"e traveled to =alaysia no less t"an nine
)9* times 0it"in t"e period from =arc" ,004 to #!ne ,005.
1 1 1
&ora =ae Adlin+, tic(etin+ cler( of Aleson S"ippin+ @ines, o0ner of t"e vessel =<H =ary #oy , plyin+ 9amboan+a /ity to Sanda(an,
=alaysia ro!te and of =<H Mristel #ane 3, testified t"at Iad6a #arma @alli bo!+"t passen+er tic(ets for "er travel to Sanda(an, not
only for "erself b!t also for ot"er 0omen passen+ers.
1 1 1
3onnie Arin+oy s!bmitted t"e Affidavit of "is 0itness 3ac"el /aYete )E1". S,S* and t"e #oint Affidavits of 0itnesses =ercedita and Estrella Gal+an. 3ac"el /anete declared t"at @olita %lando 0"om s"e (no0s as /ristine %lando 0or(ed as a G37
)+!est relation officer* and massa+e attendant at =a+ic , Hideo(e and =assa+e %arlor, t"at @olita %lando "as fo!r c"ildren sired by
different menB and t"at s"e (no0s for a fact t"at @olita %lando "as been +oin+ to and from =alaysia to 0or( in bars. >"en s"e
testified in co!rt, 3ac"el did not present ot"er evidence to s!bstantiate "er alle+ations. =ercedita and Estrella Gal+an
declared in t"eir #oint Affidavit t"at @olita %lando 0"o is (no0n to t"em as =arife %lando 0as t"eir co80or(er as massa+e attendant
and G37 )+!est relation officer* at =a+ic , =assa+e %arlor and Marao(e bar 0"ere s"e !sed t"e names Gina %lando and /ristine
%lando. S"e 0or(ed in t"e said establis"ment for nine mont"s from ebr!ary to 7ctober ,00,. S"e "as fo!r c"ildren from fo!r
different men. &o ot"er evidence 0as s!bmitted in co!rt to prove t"eir assertions.
T6& D&12(2on o> 06& T'2a< Co)'0
-"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt rendered its Decision on ,9 &ovember ,005, 0it" its dispositive portion declarin+5
>IE3E73E, t"e /o!rt finds acc!sed IAD#A #A3=A @A@@2 y %E32I and 37&&2E A32&G7G y =AS27& GE2@-G beyond reasonable
do!bt in /riminal /ase &o. ,190: of t"e /rime of -raffic(in+ in %ersons defined in Section 3)a* and penali.ed !nder Section 10)c* in relation
to Sections 4)a* and 6)c* of 3ep!blic Act &o. 9,0: (no0n as t"e SAnti8-raffic(in+ in %ersons Act of ,003S and in /riminal /ase &o. ,1930 of
t"e crime of 2lle+al 3ecr!itment defined in Section 6 and penali.ed !nder Section D)b* of 3ep!blic Act &o. :04, (no0n as t"e S=i+rant
>or(ers and 7verseas ilipinos Act of 1995S and SE&-E&/ES eac" of said acc!sed5
1. 2n /riminal /ase &o. ,190:, to s!ffer t"e penalty of @2E 2=%32S7&=E&- and to pay a fine of%,,000,000.00 pesosB
,. 2n /riminal /ase &o. ,1930, to s!ffer t"e penalty of @2E 2=%32S7&=E&- and to pay a fine of%500,000.00 pesosB
3. -o pay t"e offended party @olita %lando y Sa+adsad, 6ointly and severally, t"e s!m of %50,000.00 as moral dama+es,
and %50,000.00 as e1emplary dama+esB and
4. -o pay t"e costs.
S7 73DE3ED.
-"e trial co!rt did not find credible t"e denials of t"e acc!sed8appellants over t"e candid, positive and convincin+ testimony of complainant
@olita %lando )@olita*. -"e acc!sed, li(e0ise, tried to prove t"at @olita 0as a G!est 3elations 7fficer )G37* in t"e %"ilippines 0it" fo!r c"ildren
fat"ered by fo!r different men. Io0ever, t"e trial co!rt fo!nd t"ese alle+ations irrelevant and immaterial to t"e criminal prosec!tion. -"ese
circ!mstances, even if tr!e, 0o!ld not e1empt or miti+ate t"e criminal liability of t"e acc!sed. -"e trial co!rt fo!nd t"at t"e acc!sed, 0it"o!t a
%7EA license, conspired in recr!itin+ @olita and traffic(in+ "er as a prostit!te, res!ltin+ in crimes committed by a syndicate.
-"e trial co!rt did
not prono!nce t"e liability of acc!sed8at8lar+e &estor 3elampa+os )3elampa+os* beca!se 6!risdiction 0as not ac$!ired over "is person.
T6& D&12(2on o> 06& Co)'0 o> A==&a<(
7n ,6 ebr!ary ,010, t"e /o!rt of Appeals affirmed in toto t"e 3-/ Decision and fo!nd acc!sed8appellants +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt
of t"e crimes of 2lle+al 3ecr!itment and -raffic(in+ in %ersons.
T6& I(()&
-"e only iss!e in t"is case is 0"et"er t"e /o!rt of Appeals committed a reversible error in affirmin+ in toto t"e 3-/ Decision.
T6& R)<2n3 o> 062( Co)'0
>e dismiss t"e appeal for lac( of merit.
>e modify and increase t"e payment of dama+es in t"e crime of -raffic(in+ in %ersons from %50,000 to%500,000 for moral dama+es
and %50,000 to %100,000 for e1emplary dama+es.
G'o)nd( >o' A==&a<
2n "is Appeal 'rief,
3onnie Arin+oy )Arin+oy* admits t"at "e referred @olita to a certain Iad6a #arma @alli )@alli*, Arin+oy?s nei+"bor 0"o
fre$!ents =alaysia and from 0"om @olita co!ld as( pertinent information on 6ob opport!nities.
Arin+oy claims t"at "e learned later t"at @olita
left for =alaysia.
Ie denies (no0in+ 3elampa+os to 0"om @olita paid %,:,000 as placement fee for findin+ "er 0or( in =alaysia.
Arin+oy presented t"ree 0itnesses5 "is niece 3ac"el Arin+oy /aYete )3ac"el*, =ercedita )=ercedita*, and Estrella Gal+an )Estrella*.
2n "er testimony, 3ac"el declared t"at5 )1* @olita is a G37 and =assa+e Attendant at =a+ic , Hideo(e and =assa+e %arlorB ),* @olita "as fo!r
c"ildren sired by different menB and )3* @olita "as been travellin+ to =alaysia to 0or( in bars. =ercedita and Estrella, on t"e ot"er "and,
declared in t"eir testimonies t"at @olita 0as t"eir co80or(er as =assa+e Attendant and G37 in =a+ic , =assa+e %arlor and Marao(e 'ar from
ebr!ary to 7ctober ,00,.
Arin+oy assailed t"e credibility of @olita?s testimony beca!se of inconsistencies 0it" re+ard to5 )1* @olita?s +randfat"er?s stat!s and nameB ),*
t"e persons )3onnie and 3ac"el* 0"o approac"ed @olita to tal( abo!t t"e 6ob opport!nity in =alaysiaB )3* certain statements in @olita?s
testimony t"at 0ere not alle+ed in "er S0orn StatementB )4* payment of placement fee of % ,:,000B and )5* names of t"e ot"er female recr!its
0"o 0ere 0it" @olita in t"e boat +oin+ to Sanda(an and Mota Minabal!.
Arin+oy li(e0ise claims t"at "e 0as never incl!ded in t"e initial
complaint filed by @olita, and @olita?s statements abo!t "er meetin+s 0it" "im, @alli and 3elampa+os on 3, 4, 5 and 6 #!ne ,005 0ere not
corroborated by any 0itness.
7n t"e ot"er "and, in "er Appeal 'rief,
@alli claims t"at s"e simply met @olita on 6 #!ne ,005 on board t"e s"ip =<H =ary #oy bo!nd for
Sanda(an, =alaysia.
@alli denies "avin+ met @olita prior to t"eir meetin+ on board =<H =ary #oy.
@alli claims s"e 0as +oin+ to =alaysia to
visit "er da!+"ter and son8in8la0 0"o 0as a =alaysian national.
@alli f!rt"er claims t"at s"e only spo(e to @olita aboard t"e s"ip for idle
conversation to pass a0ay t"e time.
2n t"is conversation, s"e learned t"at @olita 0as 0it" a party of +irls accompanied by 3elampa+os, and
t"e latter 0as brin+in+ t"em to =alaysia to 0or( as sales ladies.
@alli admits t"at @olita, 3elampa+os and t"e ot"er +irls rode in @alli?s van in
Sanda(an, driven by a friend of @alli?s son8in8la0.
-"ey all rode to+et"er beca!se 3elampa+os tal(ed to t"e van driver, re$!estin+ if "e and
"is party of +irls co!ld board t"e van and pay t"eir fare 0"en t"ey reac" t"e city proper of Mota Minabal!.
@alli boarded t"e van 0it" @olita,
3elampa+os and t"eir companions.
Epon reac"in+ "er destination, @alli +ot off t"e van, leavin+ @olita, 3elampa+os and t"eir ot"er
companions to contin!e t"eir 6o!rney to0ards t"e city proper of Mota Minabal!.
After spendin+ several days in =alaysia 0it" "er da!+"ter
and son8in8la0, @alli 0ent to 'r!nei to visit a co!sin on 1, #!ne ,005, and "eaded bac( to =alaysia on 14 #!ne ,005.
@alli assails t"e credibility of @olita d!e to inconsistencies in "er testimony 0it" re+ard to5 )1* @olita not bein+ in So!t"com Hilla+e on 5 #!ne
,005 at 6500 p.m., as s"e claimed, b!t in '!enavista Hilla+eB and ),* @olita?s claim t"at @alli and 3elampa+os on 1, #!ne ,005 bro!+"t t"e
+irls to @ab!an, 0"en in fact, @alli 0as already in 'r!nei on 1, #!ne ,005, as evidenced by t"e stamp in "er passport.
C'&d282<20; o> T&(02:on2&(
'ot" Arin+oy and @alli, in t"eir respective Appeal 'riefs, assail t"e testimony of @olita d!e to its alle+ed inconsistency on immaterial facts, s!c"
as t"e stat!s of @olita?s +randfat"er, t"e name of t"e villa+e s"e 0as in, t"e date s"e 0as bro!+"t to @ab!an, =alaysia, and t"e li(e. 2n a lon+
line of cases, t"e /o!rt "as r!led t"at inconsistencies pointed o!t by t"e acc!sed in t"e testimony of prosec!tion 0itnesses relatin+ to minor
details do not destroy t"e credibility of 0itnesses.
7n t"e contrary, t"ey indicate t"at t"e 0itnesses 0ere tellin+ t"e tr!t" and not previo!sly
-"e clear material inconsistency in t"is case, "o0ever, lies in t"e testimonies of acc!sed Arin+oy and @alli. Arin+oy admitted t"at "e referred
@olita to a certain Iad6a #arma @alli, "is nei+"bor 0"o fre$!ents =alaysia and 0it" 0"om @olita co!ld as( pertinent information on 6ob
@alli, on t"e ot"er "and, denies "avin+ met @olita prior to t"eir meetin+ on board =<H =ary #oy on 6 #!ne ,005,
and claims
t"at "er meetin+ 0it" @olita 0as p!rely coincidental.
@alli admits t"at, even if s"e met 3elampa+os, @olita and t"eir companions only on t"at
day on board =<H =ary #oy, s"e allo0ed t"ese people to ride 0it" "er in =alaysia !sin+ t"e van driven by t"e friend of @alli?s son8in8
@astly, @alli claims t"at s"e often +oes to =alaysia to visit "er da!+"ter and son8in8la0.
Io0ever, t"is does not e1plain 0"y @alli
p!rc"ased boat tic(ets, not only for "erself, b!t for t"e ot"er 0omen passen+ers +oin+ to =alaysia.
rom =arc" ,004 to #!ne ,005, @alli
traveled to =alaysia no less t"an nine )9* times.
&ora =ae Adlin+, tic(etin+ cler( of Aleson S"ippin+ @ines, o0ner of t"e vessel =<H =ary
#oy , plyin+ 9amboan+a /ity to Sanda(an, =alaysia ro!te and of =<H Mristel #ane 3, testified in open co!rt t"at SIad6a #arma @alli bo!+"t
passen+er tic(ets for "er travel to Sanda(an, not only for "erself b!t also for ot"er 0omen passen+ers.S
/learly, it is not @olita?s testimony
t"at is materially inconsistent, b!t t"e testimonies of @alli and Arin+oy.
Arin+oy presented "is 0itnesses 3ac"el, =ercedita and Estrella to impeac" t"e credibility of @olita by alle+in+ t"at @olita 0as a =assa+e
Attendant and G37 in a massa+e parlor and video(e bar. Iis 0itness 3ac"el f!rt"er declared t"at @olita, at t"e yo!n+ a+e of ,3 years,
already "ad fo!r c"ildren sired by fo!r different men, and "ad been previo!sly travellin+ to =alaysia to 0or( in bars. -"ese bare alle+ations
0ere not s!pported by any ot"er evidence. Ass!min+, for t"e sa(e of ar+!ment, t"at @olita previo!sly 0or(ed in a Marao(e 'ar and =assa+e
%arlor and t"at s"e "ad fo!r c"ildren from different men, s!c" facts cannot constit!te e1emptin+ or miti+atin+ circ!mstances to relieve t"e
acc!sed from t"eir criminal liabilities. 2t does not c"an+e t"e fact t"at t"e acc!sed recr!ited @olita to 0or( in =alaysia 0it"o!t t"e re$!isite
%7EA license, t"!s constit!tin+ t"e crime of ille+al recr!itment. >orse, t"e acc!sed deceived "er by sayin+ t"at "er 0or( in =alaysia 0o!ld
be as resta!rant entertainer, 0"en in fact, @olita 0o!ld be 0or(in+ as a prostit!te, t"!s, constit!tin+ t"e crime of traffic(in+.
-"e facts fo!nd by t"e trial co!rt, as affirmed in toto by t"e /o!rt of Appeals, are, as a +eneral r!le, concl!sive !pon t"is /o!rt, in t"e absence
of any s"o0in+ of +rave ab!se of discretion.
-"e /o!rt, "o0ever, may determine t"e fact!al milie! of cases or controversies !nder specific
circ!mstances, s!c" as5
)1* 0"en t"e inference made is manifestly mista(en, abs!rd or impossibleB
),* 0"en t"ere is a +rave ab!se of discretionB
)3* 0"en t"e findin+ is +ro!nded entirely on spec!lations, s!rmises or con6ect!resB
)4* 0"en t"e 6!d+ment of t"e /o!rt of Appeals is based on misappre"ension of factsB
)5* 0"en t"e findin+s of fact are conflictin+B
)6* 0"en t"e /o!rt of Appeals, in ma(in+ its findin+s, 0ent beyond t"e iss!es of t"e case and t"e
same is contrary to t"e admissions of bot" appellant and appelleeB
)D* 0"en t"e findin+s of t"e /o!rt of Appeals are contrary to t"ose of t"e trial co!rtB
):* 0"en t"e findin+s of fact are concl!sions 0it"o!t citation of specific evidence on 0"ic" t"ey are
)9* 0"en t"e /o!rt of Appeals manifestly overloo(ed certain relevant facts not disp!ted by t"e
parties and 0"ic", if properly considered, 0o!ld 6!stify a different concl!sionB and
)10* 0"en t"e findin+s of fact of t"e /o!rt of Appeals are premised on t"e absence of evidence and
are contradicted by t"e evidence on record.
2n t"is case, none of t"ese e1ceptions to t"e +eneral r!le on concl!siveness of facts are applicable. -"e /o!rt +ives 0ei+"t and respect to t"e
trial co!rt?s findin+s in criminal prosec!tion beca!se t"e latter is in a better position to decide t"e $!estion, "avin+ "eard t"e 0itnesses in
person and observed t"eir deportment and manner of testifyin+ d!rin+ t"e trial.
or t"is reason, t"e /o!rt adopts t"e findin+s of fact of t"e
trial co!rt, as affirmed in toto by t"e /o!rt of Appeals, t"ere bein+ no +rave ab!se of discretion on t"e part of t"e lo0er co!rts.
C'2:2na< Ca(& No. .1/4 *I<<&3a< R&1')20:&n0+
Section 6 of 3ep!blic Act &o. :04, )3A :04,* defines ille+al recr!itment, as follo0s5
J2Klle+al recr!itment s"all mean any act of canvassin+, enlistin+, contractin+, transportin+, !, "irin+, or proc!rin+ 0or(ers and
incl!des '&>&''2n3, contact services, promisin+ or advertisin+ for employment abroad,?6&06&' >o' ='o>20 o' no0, ?6&n )nd&'0a9&n 8; a non-
<21&n(&& o' non-6o<d&' o> a)06o'20;contemplated !nder Article 13)f* of %residential Decree &o. 44,, as amended, ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e
@abor /ode of t"e %"ilippines.
1 1 1
2lle+al recr!itment 0"en committed by a syndicate or in lar+e scale s"all be considered an offense involvin+ economic sabota+e.
1 1 1
2lle+al recr!itment is deemed committed by a syndicate if carried o!t by a +ro!p of t"ree )3* or more persons conspirin+ or confederatin+ 0it"
one anot"er. )Emp"asis s!pplied*
Article 13)f* of %residential Decree &o. 44,, as amended, ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e @abor /ode of t"e %"ilippines, defines Sa!t"orityS as
SA!t"orityS means a doc!ment iss!ed by t"e Department of @abor a!t" a person or association to en+a+e in recr!itment and placement
activities as a private recr!itment entity.
Section D of 3A :04, provides for t"e penalty of ille+al recr!itment committed by a syndicate )0"ic" constit!tes economic sabota+e*, as
)b* -"e penalty of life imprisonment and a fine of not less t"an ive "!ndred t"o!sand pesos )%500,000.00* nor more t"an 7ne million pesos
)%1,000,000.00* s"all be imposed if ille+al recr!itment constit!tes economic sabota+e as defined t"erein.
2t is clear t"at a person or entity en+a+ed in recr!itment and placement activities 0it"o!t t"e re$!isite a!t"ority from t"e Department of @abor
and Employment )D7@E*, 0"et"er for profit or not, is en+a+ed in ille+al recr!itment.
-"e %"ilippine 7verseas Employment Administration
)%7EA*, an a+ency !nder D7@E created by E1ec!tive 7rder &o. D9D to ta(e over t"e d!ties of t"e 7verseas Employment Development
'oard, iss!es t"e a!t"ority to recr!it !nder t"e @abor /ode. -"e commission of ille+al recr!itment by t"ree or more persons conspirin+ or
confederatin+ 0it" one anot"er is deemed committed by a syndicate and constit!tes economic sabota+e,
for 0"ic" t"e penalty of life
imprisonment and a fine of not less t"an % 500,000 b!t not more t"an %1,000,000 s"all be imposed.
-"e penalties in Section D of 3A :04, "ave already been amended by Section 6 of 3ep!blic Act &o. 100,,, and "ave been increased to a
fine of not less t"an % ,,000,000 b!t not more t"an % 5,000,000. Io0ever, since t"e crime 0as committed in ,005, 0e s"all apply t"e
penalties in t"e old la0, 3A :04,.
2n People v. !allo,
t"e /o!rt en!merated t"e elements of syndicated ille+al recr!itment, to 0it5
1. t"e offender !nderta(es eit"er any activity 0it"in t"e meanin+ of Srecr!itment and placementS defined !nder Article 13)b*, or any
of t"e pro"ibited practices en!merated !nder Art. 34 of t"e @abor /odeB
,. "e "as no valid license or a!t"ority re$!ired by la0 to enable one to la0f!lly en+a+e in recr!itment and placement of 0or(ersB and
3. t"e ille+al recr!itment is committed by a +ro!p of t"ree )3* or more persons conspirin+ or confederatin+ 0it" one anot"er.
Article 13)b* of t"e @abor /ode of t"e %"ilippines defines recr!itment and placement as Sany act of canvassin+, enlistin+, contractin+,
transportin+, !, "irin+ or proc!rin+ 0or(ers, and 2n1<)d&( '&>&''a<(, contract services, promisin+ or advertisin+ for employment, locally
or abroad, 0"et"er for profit or not, provided, t"at any person or entity 0"ic", in any manner, offers or promises for a fee, employment to t0o
or more persons s"all be deemed en+a+ed in recr!itment and placement.S
/learly, +iven t"e broad definition of recr!itment and placement, even t"e mere act of referrin+ someone for placement abroad can be
considered recr!itment. S!c" act of referral, in connivance 0it" someone 0it"o!t t"e re$!isite a!t"ority or %7EA license, constit!tes ille+al
recr!itment. 2n its simplest terms, ille+al recr!itment is committed by persons 0"o, 0it"o!t a!t"ority from t"e +overnment, +ive t"e impression
t"at t"ey "ave t"e po0er to send 0or(ers abroad for employment p!rposes.
2n t"is case, t"e trial co!rt, as affirmed by t"e appellate co!rt, fo!nd @alli, Arin+oy and 3elampa+os to "ave conspired and confederated 0it"
one anot"er to recr!it and place @olita for 0or( in =alaysia, 0it"o!t a %7EA license. -"e t"ree elements of syndicated ille+al recr!itment are
present in t"is case, in partic!lar5 )1* t"e acc!sed "ave no valid license or a!t"ority re$!ired by la0 to enable t"em to la0f!lly en+a+e in t"e
recr!itment and placement of 0or(ersB ),* t"e acc!sed en+a+ed in t"is activity of recr!itment and placement by act!ally recr!itin+, deployin+
and transportin+ @olita to =alaysiaB and )3* ille+al recr!itment 0as committed by t"ree persons )Arin+oy, @alli and 3elampa+os*, conspirin+
and confederatin+ 0it" one anot"er.
Arin+oy claims and admits t"at "e only referred @olita to @alli for 6ob opport!nities to =alaysia. S!c" act of referrin+, 0"et"er for profit or not, in
connivance 0it" someone 0it"o!t a %7EA license, is already considered ille+al recr!itment, +iven t"e broad definition of recr!itment and
placement in t"e @abor /ode.
@alli, on t"e ot"er "and, completely denies any involvement in t"e recr!itment and placement of @olita to =alaysia, and claims s"e only met
@olita for t"e first time by coincidence on board t"e s"ip =<H =ary #oy. @alli?s denial does not deserve credence beca!se it completely conflicts
0it" t"e testimony of Arin+oy 0"o claims "e referred @olita to @alli 0"o "ad (no0led+e of t"e 6ob opport!nities in =alaysia.
-"e conflictin+ testimonies of @alli and Arin+oy on material facts +ive do!bt to t"e tr!t" and veracity of t"eir stories, and stren+t"ens t"e
credibility of t"e testimony of @olita, despite alle+ations of irrelevant inconsistencies.
&o improper motive co!ld be imp!ted to @olita to s"o0 t"at s"e 0o!ld falsely testify a+ainst t"e acc!sed. -"e absence of evidence as to an
improper motive entitles @olita?s testimony to f!ll fait" and credit.
Arin+oy claims t"at no conspiracy e1isted in ille+al recr!itment, as "e denies even (no0in+ 3elampa+os, 0"o is c!rrently at8lar+e. @alli denies
any involvement in t"e ille+al recr!itment, and claims t"at s"e only met 3elampa+os t"ro!+" @olita on board t"e s"ip =<H =ary #oy on 6 #!ne
,005, and learned t"at 3elampa+os 0as brin+in+ @olita and t"eir ot"er +irl companions to =alaysia to 0or( as sales ladies.
Ender Article : of t"e 3evised %enal /ode, t"ere is conspiracy S0"en t0o or more persons come to an a+reement concernin+ t"e commission
of a felony and decide to commit it.S
2n People v. ,a%o,
t"e /o!rt disc!ssed conspiracy in t"is 0ise5
-"e elements of conspiracy are t"e follo0in+5 )1* t0o or more persons came to an a+reement, ),* t"e a+reement concerned t"e commission
of a felony, and )3* t"e e1ec!tion of t"e felony 0as decided !pon. %roof of t"e conspiracy need not be based on direct evidence, beca!se it
may be inferred from t"e parties? cond!ct indicatin+ a common !nderstandin+ amon+ t"emselves 0it" respect to t"e commission of t"e crime.
&eit"er is it necessary to s"o0 t"at t0o or more persons met to+et"er and entered into an e1plicit a+reement settin+ o!t t"e details of an
!nla0f!l sc"eme or ob6ective to be carried o!t. -"e conspiracy may be ded!ced from t"e mode or manner in 0"ic" t"e crime 0as perpetratedB
it may also be inferred from t"e acts of t"e acc!sed evincin+ a 6oint or common p!rpose and desi+n, concerted action and comm!nity of
2n t"is case, @olita 0o!ld not "ave been able to +o to =alaysia if not for t"e concerted efforts of Arin+oy, @alli and 3elampa+os. irst, it 0as
Arin+oy 0"o (ne0 @olita, since Arin+oy 0as a nei+"bor of @olita?s +randfat"er. 2t 0as Arin+oy 0"o referred @olita to @alli, a fact clearly
admitted by Arin+oy. Second, @olita 0o!ld not "ave been able to +o to =alaysia if @alli "ad not p!rc"ased @olita?s boat tic(et to =alaysia. -"is
fact can be ded!ced from t"e testimony of &ora =ae Adlin+ )&ora*, tic(etin+ cler( of Aleson S"ippin+ @ines, o0ner of t"e vessel =<H =ary #oy
, plyin+ 9amboan+a /ity to Sanda(an, =alaysia ro!te and of =<H Mristel #ane 3. &ora testified in open co!rt t"at SIad6a #arma @alli bo!+"t
passen+er tic(ets for "er travel to Sanda(an, not only for "erself b!t also for ot"er 0omen passen+ers.S @alli?s claim t"at s"e only +oes to
=alaysia to visit "er da!+"ter and son8in8la0 does not e1plain t"e fact 0"y s"e bo!+"t t"e boat tic(ets of t"e ot"er 0omen passen+ers +oin+
to =alaysia. 2n fact, it appears stran+e t"at @alli visited =alaysia nine )9* times in a span of one year and t"ree mont"s )=arc" ,004 to #!ne
,005* 6!st to visit "er da!+"ter and son8in8la0. 2n =alaysia, it 0as 3elampa+os 0"o introd!ced @olita and "er companions to a /"inese =alay
called S'ossS as t"eir first employer. >"en @olita and "er companions 0ent bac( to t"e "otel to tell 3elampa+os and @alli t"at t"ey did not
0ant to 0or( as prostit!tes, 3elampa+os bro!+"t @olita and t"e +irls on board a van to San+a0an /"ina @ab!an, 0"ere t"ey stayed in a room
for one ni+"t. -"e ne1t day, t"ey 0ere pic(ed !p by a van and bro!+"t to %ipen /l!b, 0"ere @olita and "er companions 0or(ed as prostit!tes.
-o date, acc!sed 3elampa+os is at lar+e and "as not been bro!+"t !nder t"e 6!risdiction of t"e co!rts for "is crimes.
1li%ht in criminal la0 is t"e evadin+ of t"e co!rse of 6!stice by vol!ntarily 0it"dra0in+ oneself in order to avoid arrest or detention or t"e
instit!tion or contin!ance of criminal proceedin+s.
-"e !ne1plained fli+"t of an acc!sed person may as a +eneral r!le be ta(en into
consideration as evidence "avin+ a tendency to establis" "is +!ilt.
/learly, in t"is case, t"e fli+"t of acc!sed 3elampa+os, 0"o is still at8
lar+e, s"o0s an indication of +!ilt in t"e crimes "e "as been c"ar+ed.
2t is clear t"at t"ro!+" t"e concerted efforts of Arin+oy, @alli and 3elampa+os, @olita 0as recr!ited and deployed to =alaysia to 0or( as a
prostit!te. S!c" conspiracy amon+ Arin+oy, @alli and 3elampa+os co!ld be ded!ced from t"e manner in 0"ic" t"e crime 0as perpetrated Q
eac" of t"e acc!sed played a pivotal role in perpetratin+ t"e crime of ille+al recr!itment, and evinced a 6oint common p!rpose and desi+n,
concerted action and comm!nity of interest.
or t"ese reasons, t"is /o!rt affirms t"e /A Decision, affirmin+ t"e 3-/ Decision, declarin+ acc!sed 3onnie Arin+oy y =asion and Iad6a
#arma @alli y %!ri" +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of t"e crime of ille+al recr!itment committed by a syndicate in /riminal /ase &o. ,1930,
0it" a penalty of life imprisonment and a fine of % 500,000 imposed on eac" of t"e acc!sed.
C'2:2na< Ca(& No. .1/48 *T'a>>2192n3 2n P&'(on(+
Section 3)a* of 3ep!blic Act &o. 9,0: )3A 9,0:*, ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e Anti8-raffic(in+ in %ersons Act of ,003, defines -raffic(in+ in
%ersons, as follo0s5
2rafficin% in Persons Q refers to t"e recr!itment, transportation, transfer or "arborin+, or receipt of persons?206 o' ?206o)0 06& %2102:7(
1on(&n0 o' 9no?<&d3&, 0it"in or across national borders by means of t"reat or !se of force, or ot"er forms of coercion, abd!ction, fra!d,
deception, ab!se of po0er or of position, ta(in+ advanta+e of t"e v!lnerability of t"e person, or, t"e +ivin+ or receivin+ of payments or benefits
to ac"ieve t"e consent of a person "avin+ control over anot"er person for t"e p!rpose of e1ploitation 0"ic" incl!des at a minim!m, t"e
e1ploitation or t"e prostit!tion of ot"ers or ot"er forms of se1!al e1ploitation, forced labor or services, slavery, servit!de or t"e removal or sale
of or+ans. 1 1 1 )Emp"asis s!pplied*
Section 4 of 3A 9,0: en!merates t"e pro"ibited acts of -raffic(in+ in %ersons, one of 0"ic" is5
)a* -o recr!it, transport, transfer, "arbor, provide, or receive a person by any means, incl!din+ t"ose done !nder t"e prete1t of domestic or
overseas employment or trainin+ or apprentices"ip, for t"e p!rpose of prostit!tion, porno+rap"y, se1!al e1ploitation, forced labor, slavery,
invol!ntary servit!de or debt bonda+e.
-"e crime of -raffic(in+ in %ersons is $!alified 0"en committed by a syndicate, as provided in Section 6)c* of 3A 9,0:5
)c* >"en t"e crime is committed by a syndicate, or in lar+e scale. -raffic(in+ is deemed committed by a syndicate if carried o!t by a +ro!p of
t"ree )3* or more persons conspirin+ or confederatin+ 0it" one anot"er. 2t is deemed committed in lar+e scale if committed a+ainst t"ree )3* or
more persons, individ!ally or as a +ro!p.
Section 10)c* of 3A 9,0: provides for t"e penalty of $!alified traffic(in+5
)c* Any person fo!nd +!ilty of $!alified traffic(in+ !nder Section 6 s"all s!ffer t"e penalty of life imprisonment and a fine of not less t"an -0o
million pesos )%,,000,000.00* b!t not more t"an ive million pesos )%5,000,000.00*.
-"e Anti8-raffic(in+ in %ersons Act is a ne0 la0 passed last ,6 =ay ,003, desi+ned to criminali.e t"e act of traffic(in+ in persons for
prostit!tion, se1!al e1ploitation, foced labor and slavery, amon+ ot"ers.
2n t"is case, Arin+oy claims t"at "e cannot be convicted of t"e crime of -raffic(in+ in %ersons beca!se "e 0as not part of t"e +ro!p t"at
transported @olita from t"e %"ilippines to =alaysia on board t"e s"ip =<H =ary #oy. 2n addition, "e presented "is niece, 3ac"el, as 0itness to
testify t"at @olita "ad been travellin+ to =alaysia to 0or( in bars. 7n t"e ot"er "and, @alli denies any involvement in t"e recr!itment and
traffic(in+ of @olita, claimin+ s"e only met @olita for t"e first time on board =<H =ary #oy +oin+ to =alaysia.
-"e testimony of Arin+oy?s niece, 3ac"el, t"at @olita "ad been travellin+ to =alaysia to 0or( in bars cannot be +iven credence. @olita did not
even "ave a passport to +o to =alaysia and "ad to !se "er sister?s passport 0"en Arin+oy, @alli and 3elampa+os first recr!ited "er. 2t is
$!estionable "o0 s"e co!ld "ave been travellin+ to =alaysia previo!sly 0it"o!t a passport, as 3ac"el claims. =oreover, even if it is tr!e t"at
@olita "ad been travellin+ to =alaysia to 0or( in bars, t"e crime of -raffic(in+ in %ersons can e1ist even 0it" t"e victim?s consent or (no0led+e
!nder Section 3)a* of 3A 9,0:.
-raffic(in+ in %ersons !nder Sections 3)a* and 4 of 3A 9,0: is not only limited to transportation of victims, b!t also incl!des t"e act of
recr!itment of victims for traffic(in+. 2n t"is case, since it "as been s!fficiently proven beyond reasonable do!bt, as disc!ssed in /riminal /ase
&o. ,1930, t"at all t"e t"ree acc!sed )Arin+oy, @alli and 3elampa+os* conspired and confederated 0it" one anot"er to ille+ally recr!it @olita to
become a prostit!te in =alaysia, it follo0s t"at t"ey are also +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of t"e crime of F!alified -raffic(in+ in %ersons
committed by a syndicate !nder 3A 9,0: beca!se t"e crime of recr!itment for prostit!tion also constit!tes traffic(in+.
>"en an act or acts violate t0o or more different la0s and constit!te t0o different offenses, a prosec!tion !nder one 0ill not bar a prosec!tion
!nder t"e ot"er.
-"e constit!tional ri+"t a+ainst do!ble 6eopardy only applies to ris( of p!nis"ment t0ice for t"e same offense, or for an act
p!nis"ed by a la0 and an ordinance.
-"e pro"ibition on do!ble 6eopardy does not apply to an act or series of acts constit!tin+ different
@olita claimed act!al dama+es of % ,:,000, 0"ic" s"e alle+edly paid to t"e acc!sed as placement fee for t"e 0or( of resta!rant entertainer in
=alaysia. -"e trial co!rt did not a0ard t"is amo!nt to @olita. >e a+ree and affirm t"e trial co!rt?s non8a0ard d!e to @olita?s inconsistent
statements on t"e payment of placement fee. 2n "er s0orn statement, @olita alle+ed t"at s"e paid % ,:,000 as placement fee to @alli.
cross8e1amination, "o0ever, s"e admitted t"at s"e never paid % ,:,000 to t"e acc!sed.
>e, "o0ever, modify and increase t"e payment of dama+es in t"e crime of -raffic(in+ in %ersons from %50,000 to % 500,000 as moral
dama+es and % 50,000 to % 100,000 as e1emplary dama+es.
-"e /ivil /ode describes moral dama+es in Article ,,1D5
Art. ,,1D. =oral dama+es incl!de p"ysical s!fferin+, mental an+!is", fri+"t, serio!s an1iety, besmirc"ed rep!tation, 0o!nded feelin+s, moral
s"oc(, social "!miliation, and similar in6!ry. -"o!+" incapable of pec!niary comp!tation, moral dama+es may be recovered if t"ey are t"e
pro1imate res!lt of t"e defendant?s 0ron+f!l act for omission.DavvphiD
E1emplary dama+es, on t"e ot"er "and, are a0arded in addition to t"e payment of moral dama+es, by 0ay of e1ample or correction for t"e
p!blic +ood, as stated in t"e /ivil /ode5
Art. ,,,9. E1emplary or corrective dama+es are imposed, by 0ay of e1ample or correction for t"e p!blic +ood, in addition to t"e moral,
temperate, li$!idated or compensatory dama+es.
Art. ,,30. 2n criminal offenses, e1emplary dama+es as a part of t"e civil liability may be imposed 0"en t"e crime 0as committed 0it" one or
more a++ravatin+ circ!mstances. S!c" dama+es are separate and distinct from fines and s"all be paid to t"e offended party.
-"e payment of % 500,000 as moral dama+es and % 100,000 as e1emplary dama+es for t"e crime of -raffic(in+ in %ersons as a %rostit!te
finds basis in Article ,,19 of t"e /ivil /ode, 0"ic" states5
Art. ,,19. =oral dama+es may be recovered in t"e follo0in+ and analo+o!s cases5
)1* A criminal offense res!ltin+ in p"ysical in6!riesB
),* F!asi8delicts ca!sin+ p"ysical in6!riesB
)3* Sed!ction, abd!ction, rape, or ot"er lascivio!s actsB
)4* Ad!ltery or conc!bina+eB
)5* 2lle+al or arbitrary detention or arrestB
)6* 2lle+al searc"B
)D* @ibel, slander or any ot"er form of defamationB
):* =alicio!s prosec!tionB
)9* Acts mentioned in Article 309B
)10* Acts and actions referred to in Articles ,1, ,6, ,D, ,:, ,9, 30, 3,, 34, and 35.
-"e parents of t"e female sed!ced, abd!cted, raped, or ab!sed, referred to in &o. 3 of t"is article, may also recover moral dama+es.
-"e spo!se, descendants, ascendants, and brot"ers and sisters may brin+ t"e action mentioned in &o. 9 of t"is article, in t"e order named.
-"e criminal case of -raffic(in+ in %ersons as a %rostit!te is an analo+o!s case to t"e crimes of sed!ction, abd!ction, rape, or ot"er lascivio!s
acts. 2n fact, it is 0orse. -o be traffic(ed as a prostit!te 0it"o!t one?s consent and to be se1!ally violated fo!r to five times a day by different
stran+ers is "orrendo!s and atrocio!s. -"ere is no do!bt t"at @olita e1perienced p"ysical s!fferin+, mental an+!is", fri+"t, serio!s an1iety,
besmirc"ed rep!tation, 0o!nded feelin+s, moral s"oc(, and social "!miliation 0"en s"e 0as traffic(ed as a prostit!te in =alaysia. Since t"e
crime of -raffic(in+ in %ersons 0as a++ravated, bein+ committed by a syndicate, t"e a0ard of e1emplary dama+es is li(e0ise 6!stified.
DHEREFORE, 0e AFFIRM t"e Decision of t"e /o!rt of Appeals dated ,6 ebr!ary ,010, affirmin+ t"e Decision of t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt of
9amboan+a /ity dated ,9 &ovember ,005, findin+ acc!sed @alli and Arin+oy +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of t"e crimes of 2lle+al
3ecr!itment and -raffic(in+ in %ersons committed by a syndicate, 0it" t"e follo0in+ MODIFICATIONS5
1. 2n /riminal /ase &o. ,190:, eac" of t"e acc!sed is sentenced to s!ffer t"e penalty of @2E 2=%32S7&=E&- and to pay a fine
of % ,,000,000B
,. 2n /riminal /ase &o. ,1930, eac" of t"e acc!sed is sentenced to s!ffer t"e penalty of @2E2=%32S7&=E&- and to pay a fine
of % 500,000B
3. Eac" of t"e acc!sed is ordered to pay t"e offended party @olita %lando y Sa+adsad, 6ointly and severally, t"e s!m of % 500,000
as moral dama+es, and % 100,000 as e1emplary dama+es for t"e crime of -raffic(in+ in %ersonsB and to pay t"e costs.
-"e /o!rt cannot prono!nce t"e liability of acc!sed8at8lar+e &estor 3elampa+os as 6!risdiction over "is person "as not been ac$!ired.
S7 73DE3ED.
Associate #!stice
>E /7&/E35
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
A - - E S - A - 2 7 &
2 attest t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion
of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
Associate #!stice
/ E 3 - 2 2 / A - 2 7 &
%!rs!ant to Section 13, Article H222 of t"e /onstit!tion, and t"e Division /"airperson?s Attestation, 2 certify t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above
Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
/"ief #!stice
/ase of %eople of t"e 3.%. vs. Genosa
G.3.&o. 1359:1 15#an!ary,004
-"at =arivic Genosa, t"e Appellant on t"e 15&ovember1995, attac(ed and 0o!nded "is "!sband, 0"ic" !ltimately led to "is deat".
Accordin+ to t"e appellant s"e did not provo(e "er "!sband 0"en s"e +ot "ome t"at ni+"t it 0as "er "!sband 0"o be+an t"e provocation.
-"e Appellant said s"e 0as fri+"tened t"at "er "!sband 0o!ld "!rt "er and s"e 0anted to ma(e s!re s"e 0o!ld deliver "er baby safely. 2n
fact, -"e Appelant "ad to be admitted later at t"e =edical /entre as s"e 0as s!fferin+ from eclampsia and "ypertension, and t"e baby
0as born premat!rely on December 1, 1995.
-"e Appellant testified t"at d!rin+ "er marria+e s"e "ad tried to leave "er "!sband at least five )5* times, b!t t"at 'en 0o!ld al0ays follo0
"er and t"ey 0o!ld reconcile. -"e Apellant said t"at t"e reason 0"y 'en 0as violent and ab!sive to0ards "er t"at ni+"t 0as beca!se T"e
0as cra.y abo!t "is recent +irlfriend, @!l! 3!billos.
-"e Appellant after bein+ intervie0ed by specialists, "as been s"o0n to be s!fferin+ from 'attered >oman Syndrome.
-"e appellant 0it" a plea of self defense admitted t"e (illin+ of "er "!sband, s"e 0as t"en fo!nd +!ilty of %arricide, 0it" t"e a++ravatin+
circ!mstance of treac"ery, for t"e "!sband 0as attac(ed 0"ile asleep.
#an Marivi. Genosa 2e ranted the Justi+$in .ir.u,stan.e o+ "el+>de+ense3 and .an she 2e held lia2le +or the aravatin
.ir.u,stan.e o+ trea.her$?
No, Since self8 defense since t"e e1istence of 'attered 0oman syndrome, 0"ic" t"e appellant "as been s"o0n to be s!fferin+ in t"e
relations"ip does not in itself establish the le%al ri%ht of the woman to ill her abusive partner. Evidence must still be considered in the
context of self$defense.
2n t"e present case, "o0ever, accordin+ to t"e testimony of t"e appellant t"ere 0as a s!fficient time interval bet0een t"e !nla0f!l
a++ression of t"e "!sband and "er fatal attac( !pon "im. S"e "ad already been able to 0it"dra0 from "is violent be"avior and escape to
t"eir c"ildrenTs bedroom. D!rin+ t"at time, "e apparently ceased "is attac( and 0ent to bed. -"e reality or even t"e imminence of t"e dan+er
"e posed "ad ended alto+et"er. +e was no lon%er in a position that presented an actual threat on her life or safet".
D206o)0 1on02n)o)( a33'&((2on 06&'& 1an 8& no (&<>-d&>&n(&. And a8(&n1& o> a33'&((2on do&( no0 ?a''an0 1o:=<&0& o'
2n1o:=<&0& (&<>-d&>&n(&.
No, -"ere is treac"ery 0"en one commits any of t"e crimes a+ainst persons by employin+ means, met"ods or forms in t"e e1ec!tion
t"ereof 0it"o!t ris( to oneself arisin+ from t"e defense t"at t"e offended party mi+"t ma(e.
-"e circ!mstances m!st be s"o0n as ind!bitably as t"e (illin+ itselfB t"ey cannot be ded!ced from mere inferences, or con6ect!res, 0"ic"
"ave no place in t"e appreciation of evidence. 'esides, e$!ally a1iomatic is the rule that when a illin% is preceded b" an ar%ument or a
.uarrel, treacher" cannot be appreciated as a .ualif"in% circumstance, because the deceased ma" be said to have been forewarned and to
have anticipated a%%ression from the assailant.
#n the present case, however it was not conclusivel" shown, that the appellant intentionall" chose a specific means of successfull" attacin%
her husband without an" ris to herself from an" retaliator" act that he mi%ht mae. -o t"e contrary, it appears t"at t"e t"o!+"t of !sin+ t"e
+!n occ!rred to "er only at abo!t t"e same moment 0"en s"e decided to (ill "er spo!se. 2n t"e absence of any convincin+ proof t"at s"e
conscio!sly and deliberately employed t"e met"od by 0"ic" s"e committed t"e crime in order to ens!re its e1ec!tion, t"e do!bt s"o!ld be
resolved in "er favor.
-"e conviction of Appellant =arivic Genosa for parricide is "ereby A23=ED. Io0ever, t"ere bein+ t0o ),* miti+atin+ circ!mstances and
no a++ravatin+ circ!mstance attendin+ "er commission of t"e offense, "er penalty is 3EDE/ED to si1 )6* years and one )1* day of prision
mayor as minim!mB to 14 years, : mont"s and 1 day of recl!sion temporal as ma1im!m.
D6&n 1an BDS *Ba00&'&d Do:an S;nd'o:&+ a( (&<> d&>&n(& 8& a=='&12a0&dL
;here the brutali/ed person is alread" sufferin% from B;0, further evidence of actual ph"sical assault at the time of the illin% is not
re.uired. 2ncidents of domestic battery !s!ally "ave a predictable pattern. -o re$!ire t"e battered person to a0ait an obvio!s, deadly attac(
before s"e can defend "er life S0o!ld amo!nt to sentencin+ "er to Tm!rder by installment.T Still, impendin+ dan+er )based on t"e cond!ct of
t"e victim in previo!s batterin+ episodes* prior to t"e defendantTs !se of deadly force m!st be s"o0n. 2hreatenin% behavior or
communication can satisf" the re.uired imminence of dan%er. Considerin% such circumstances and the existence of B;0, self$defense ma"
be appreciated.
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
'a+!io /ity
SE/7&D D2H2S27&
G.R. No. 18.8, A='2< .4, .414
RUSTAN ANG ; PASCUA, %etitioner,
D E / 2 S 2 7 &
-"is case concerns a claim of commission of t"e crime of violence a+ainst 0omen 0"en a former boyfriend sent to t"e +irl t"e pict!re of a
na(ed 0oman, not "er, b!t 0it" "er face on it.
-"e 2ndictment
-"e p!blic prosec!tor c"ar+ed petitioner8acc!sed 3!stan An+ )3!stan* before t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt )3-/* of 'aler, A!rora, of violation of
t"e Anti8Hiolence A+ainst >omen and -"eir /"ildren Act or 3ep!blic Act )3.A.* 9,6, in an information t"at reads5
-"at on or abo!t #!ne 5, ,005, in t"e =!nicipality of =aria A!rora, %rovince of A!rora, %"ilippines and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable
/o!rt, t"e said acc!sed 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly, in a p!rposef!l and rec(less cond!ct, sent t"ro!+" t"e S"ort =essa+in+ Service
)S=S* !sin+ "is mobile p"one, a porno+rap"ic pict!re to one 2ris" Sa+!d, 0"o 0as "is former +irlfriend, 0"ereby t"e face of t"e latter 0as
attac"ed to a completely na(ed body of anot"er 0oman ma(in+ it to appear t"at it 0as said 2ris" Sa+!d 0"o is depicted in t"e said obscene
and porno+rap"ic pict!re t"ereby ca!sin+ s!bstantial emotional an+!is", psyc"olo+ical distress and "!miliation to t"e said 2ris" Sa+!d.
-"e acts and t"e /ase
-"e evidence for t"e prosec!tion s"o0s t"at complainant 2ris" Sa+!d )2ris"* and acc!sed 3!stan 0ere classmates at >esleyan Eniversity in
A!rora %rovince. 3!stan co!rted 2ris" and t"ey became Son8and8offS s0eet"earts to0ards t"e end of ,004. >"en 2ris" learned after0ards t"at
3!stan "ad ta(en a live8in partner )no0 "is 0ife*, 0"om "e "ad +otten pre+nant, 2ris" bro(e !p 0it" "im.
'efore 3!stan +ot married, "o0ever, "e +ot in to!c" 0it" 2ris" and tried to convince "er to elope 0it" "im, sayin+ t"at "e did not love t"e
0oman "e 0as abo!t to marry. 2ris" re6ected t"e proposal and told 3!stan to ta(e on "is responsibility to t"e ot"er 0oman and t"eir c"ild. 2ris"
c"an+ed "er cellp"one n!mber b!t 3!stan some"o0 mana+ed to +et "old of it and sent "er te1t messa+es. 3!stan !sed t0o cellp"one
n!mbers for sendin+ "is messa+es, namely, 09,084D69301 and 09,18:0:4D6:. 2ris" replied to "is te1t messa+es b!t it 0as to as( "im to
leave "er alone.
2n t"e early mornin+ of #!ne 5, ,005, 2ris" received t"ro!+" m!ltimedia messa+e service )==S* a pict!re of a na(ed 0oman 0it" spread le+s
and 0it" 2ris"?s face s!perimposed on t"e fi+!re )E1"ibit A*.
-"e sender?s cellp"one n!mber, stated in t"e messa+e, 0as 09,18:0:4D6:, one
of t"e n!mbers t"at 3!stan !sed. 2ris" s!rmised t"at "e copied t"e pict!re of "er face from a s"ot "e too( 0"en t"ey 0ere in 'a+!io in ,003
)E1"ibit '*.
After s"e +ot t"e obscene pict!re, 2ris" +ot ot"er te1t messa+es from 3!stan. Ie boasted t"at it 0o!ld be easy for "im to create similarly
scandalo!s pict!res of "er. And "e t"reatened to spread t"e pict!re "e sent t"ro!+" t"e internet. 7ne of t"e messa+es "e sent to 2ris", 0ritten
in te1t messa+in+ s"ort"and, read5 S-adali lan% ialat "un, m" chatrum an% tarlac ra"t pwede rin% send sa lahat n% chatter.S
2ris" so!+"t t"e "elp of t"e vice mayor of =aria A!rora 0"o referred "er to t"e police. Ender police s!pervision, 2ris" contacted 3!stan
t"ro!+" t"e cellp"one n!mbers "e !sed in sendin+ t"e pict!re and "is te1t messa+es. 2ris" as(ed 3!stan to meet "er at t"e @orentess 3esort
in 'r+y. 3amada, =aria A!rora, and "e did. Ie came in a motorcycle. After par(in+ it, "e 0al(ed to0ards 2ris" b!t t"e 0aitin+ police officers
intercepted and arrested "im. -"ey searc"ed "im and sei.ed "is Sony Ericsson %900 cellp"one and several S2= cards. >"ile 3!stan 0as
bein+ $!estioned at t"e police station, "e s"o!ted at 2ris"5 S-alandi a asiAS
#osep" Gon.ales, an instr!ctor at t"e A!rora State /olle+e of -ec"nolo+y, testified as an e1pert in information tec"nolo+y and comp!ter
+rap"ics. Ie said t"at it 0as very m!c" possible for one to lift t"e face of a 0oman from a pict!re and s!perimpose it on t"e body of anot"er
0oman in anot"er pict!re. %ict!res can be manip!lated and en"anced by comp!ter to ma(e it appear t"at t"e face and t"e body belon+ed to
6!st one person.
Gon.ales testified t"at t"e pict!re in $!estion )E1"ibit A* "ad t0o distinct irre+!larities5 t"e face 0as not proportionate to t"e body and t"e face
"ad a li+"ter color. 2n "is opinion, t"e pict!re 0as fa(e and t"e face on it "ad been copied from t"e pict!re of 2ris" in E1"ibit '. inally,
Gon.ales e1plained "o0 t"is co!ld be done, transferrin+ a pict!re from a comp!ter to a cellp"one li(e t"e Sony Ericsson %900 sei.ed from
or "is part, 3!stan admitted "avin+ co!rted 2ris". Ie be+an visitin+ "er in -arlac in 7ctober ,003 and t"eir relation lasted !ntil December of
t"at year. Ie claimed t"at after t"eir relation ended, 2ris" 0anted reconciliation. -"ey met in December ,004 b!t, after "e told "er t"at "is
+irlfriend at t"at time )later "is 0ife* 0as already pre+nant, 2ris" 0al(ed o!t on "im.
Sometime later, 3!stan +ot a te1t messa+e from 2ris", as(in+ "im to meet "er at @orentess 3esort as s"e needed "is "elp in sellin+ "er
cellp"one. >"en "e arrived at t"e place, t0o police officers approac"ed "im, sei.ed "is cellp"one and t"e contents of "is poc(ets, and
bro!+"t "im to t"e police station.
3!stan f!rt"er claims t"at "e also 0ent to @orentess beca!se 2ris" as(ed "im to "elp "er identify a pran(ster 0"o 0as sendin+ "er malicio!s
te1t messa+es. 3!stan +ot t"e sender?s n!mber and, pretendin+ to be 2ris", contacted t"e person. 3!stan claims t"at "e +ot bac( obscene
messa+es from t"e pran(ster, 0"ic" "e for0arded to 2ris" from "is cellp"one. -"is e1plained, "e said, 0"y t"e obscene messa+es appeared
to "ave ori+inated from "is cellp"one n!mber. 3!stan claims t"at it 0as 2ris" "erself 0"o sent t"e obscene pict!re )E1"ibit A* to "im. Ie
presented si1 pict!res of a 0oman 0"om "e identified as 2ris" )E1"ibits , to D*.
=ic"elle An+ )=ic"elle*, 3!stan?s 0ife, testified t"at s"e 0as s!re 2ris" sent t"e si1 pict!res. =ic"elle claims t"at s"e received t"e pict!res and
"id t"e memory card )E1"ibit :* t"at contained t"em beca!se s"e 0as 6ealo!s and an+ry. S"e did not 0ant to see anyt"in+ of 2ris". '!t, 0"ile
t"e 0oman in t"e pict!res posed in se1y clot"in+, in none did s"e appear na(ed as in E1"ibit A. !rt"er, t"e face of t"e 0oman in E1"ibits ,,
4, 5 and 6 co!ld not be seen. 2ris" denied t"at s"e 0as t"e 0oman in t"ose fo!r pict!res. As for E1"ibits 3 and D, t"e 0oman in t"e pict!re
0as f!lly dressed.
After trial, t"e 3-/ fo!nd 2ris"?s testimony completely credible, +iven in an "onest and spontaneo!s manner. -"e 3-/ observed t"at s"e 0ept
0"ile reco!ntin+ "er e1perience, promptin+ t"e co!rt to comment5 SIer tears 0ere tan+ible e1pression of pain and an+!is" for t"e acts of
violence s"e s!ffered in t"e "ands of "er former s0eet"eart. -"e cryin+ of t"e victim d!rin+ "er testimony is evidence of t"e credibility of "er
c"ar+es 0it" t"e verity borne o!t of "!man nat!re and e1perience.S
-"!s, in its Decision dated A!+!st 1, ,001, t"e 3-/ fo!nd 3!stan +!ilty
of t"e violation of Section 5)"* of 3.A. 9,6,.
7n 3!stan?s appeal to t"e /o!rt of Appeals )/A*,
t"e latter rendered a decision dated #an!ary 31, ,00:,
affirmin+ t"e 3-/ decision. -"e /A
denied 3!stan?s motion for reconsideration in a resol!tion dated April ,5, ,00:. -"!s, 3!stan filed t"e present for revie0 on certiorari.
-"e 2ss!es %resented
-"e principal iss!e in t"is case is 0"et"er or not acc!sed 3!stan sent 2ris" by cellp"one messa+e t"e pict!re 0it" "er face pasted on t"e body
of a n!de 0oman, inflictin+ an+!is", psyc"olo+ical distress, and "!miliation on "er in violation of Section 5)"* of 3.A. 9,6,.
-"e s!bordinate iss!es are5
1. >"et"er or not a Sdatin+ relations"ipS e1isted bet0een 3!stan and 2ris" as t"is term is defined in 3.A. 9,6,B
,. >"et"er or not a sin+le act of "arassment, li(e t"e sendin+ of t"e n!de pict!re in t"is case, already constit!tes a violation of
Section 5)"* of 3.A. 9,6,B
3. >"et"er or not t"e evidence !sed to convict 3!stan 0as obtained from "im in violation of "is constit!tional ri+"tsB and
4. >"et"er or not t"e 3-/ properly admitted in evidence t"e obscene pict!re presented in t"e case.
-"e /o!rt?s 3!lin+s
Section 3)a* of 3.A. 9,6, provides t"at violence a+ainst 0omen incl!des an act or acts of a person a+ainst a 0oman 0it" 0"om "e "as or "ad
a se1!al or datin+ relations"ip. -"!s5
SE/. 3. Definition of -erms. Q As !sed in t"is Act,
)a* SHiolence a+ainst 0omen and t"eir c"ildrenS refers to any act or a series of acts committed by any person a+ainst a 0oman 0"o
is "is 0ife, former 0ife, or a+ainst a 0oman 0it" 0"om t"e person "as or "ad a se1!al or datin+ relations"ip, or 0it" 0"om "e "as a
common c"ild, or a+ainst "er c"ild 0"et"er le+itimate or ille+itimate, 0it"in or 0it"o!t t"e family abode, 0"ic" res!lt in or is li(ely to
res!lt in p"ysical, se1!al, psyc"olo+ical "arm or s!fferin+, or economic ab!se incl!din+ t"reats of s!c" acts, battery, assa!lt,
coercion, "arassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty.
1 1 1 1
Section 5 identifies t"e act or acts t"at constit!te violence a+ainst 0omen and t"ese incl!de any form of "arassment t"at ca!ses
s!bstantial emotional or psyc"olo+ical distress to a 0oman. -"!s5
SE/. 5. Acts of Hiolence A+ainst >omen and -"eir /"ildren. Q -"e crime of violence a+ainst 0omen and t"eir c"ildren is committed
t"ro!+" any of t"e follo0in+ acts5
1 1 1 1
". En+a+in+ in p!rposef!l, (no0in+, or rec(less cond!ct, personally or t"ro!+" anot"er, t"at alarms or ca!ses s!bstantial emotional
or psyc"olo+ical distress to t"e 0oman or "er c"ild. -"is s"all incl!de, b!t not be limited to, t"e follo0in+ acts5
1 1 1 1
5. En+a+in+ in any form of "arassment or violenceB
-"e above provisions, ta(en to+et"er, indicate t"at t"e elements of t"e crime of violence a+ainst 0omen t"ro!+" "arassment are5
1. -"e offender "as or "ad a se1!al or datin+ relations"ip 0it" t"e offended 0omanB
,. -"e offender, by "imself or t"ro!+" anot"er, commits an act or series of acts of "arassment a+ainst t"e 0omanB and
3. -"e "arassment alarms or ca!ses s!bstantial emotional or psyc"olo+ical distress to "er.
7ne. -"e parties to t"is case a+ree t"at t"e prosec!tion needed to prove t"at acc!sed 3!stan "ad a Sdatin+ relations"ipS 0it" 2ris". Section
3)e* provides t"at a Sdatin+ relations"ipS incl!des a sit!ation 0"ere t"e parties are romantically involved over time and on a contin!in+ basis
d!rin+ t"e co!rse of t"e relations"ip. -"!s5
)e* SDatin+ relations"ipS refers to a sit!ation 0"erein t"e parties live as "!sband and 0ife 0it"o!t t"e benefit of marria+e or are romantically
involved over time and on a contin!in+ basis d!rin+ t"e co!rse of t"e relations"ip. A cas!al ac$!aintance or ordinary sociali.ation bet0een
t0o individ!als in a b!siness or social conte1t is not a datin+ relations"ip. )Enderscorin+ s!pplied.*
Iere, 3!stan claims t"at, bein+ Sromantically involved,S implies t"at t"e offender and t"e offended 0oman "ave or "ad se1!al relations.
Accordin+ to "im, SromanceS implies a se1!al act. Ie cites >ebster?s /ompre"ensive Dictionary Encyclopedia Edition 0"ic" provides a
collo$!ial or informal meanin+ to t"e 0ord SromanceS !sed as a verb, i.e., Sto ma(e loveB to ma(e love toS as in SIe romanced "er.S
'!t it seems clear t"at t"e la0 did not !se in its provisions t"e collo$!ial verb SromanceS t"at implies a se1!al act. 2t did not say t"at t"e
offender m!st "ave SromancedS t"e offended 0oman. 3at"er, it !sed t"e no!n SromanceS to describe a co!ple?s relations"ip, i.e., Sa love
3.A. 9,6, provides in Section 3 t"at Sviolence a+ainst 0omen 1 1 1 refers to any act or a series of acts committed by any person a+ainst a
0oman 1 1 1 0it" 0"om t"e person "as or "ad a se1!al or datin+ relations"ip.S /learly, t"e la0 itself distin+!is"es a se1!al relations"ip from a
datin+ relations"ip. 2ndeed, Section 3)e* above defines Sdatin+ relations"ipS 0"ile Section 3)f* defines Sse1!al relations.S -"e latter Srefers to a
sin+le se1!al act 0"ic" may or may not res!lt in t"e bearin+ of a common c"ild.S -"e datin+ relations"ip t"at t"e la0 contemplates can,
t"erefore, e1ist even 0it"o!t a se1!al interco!rse ta(in+ place bet0een t"ose involved.
3!stan also claims t"at since t"e relations"ip bet0een 2ris" and "im 0as of t"e Son8and8offS variety )a0ay8bati*, t"eir romance cannot be
re+arded as "avin+ developed Sover time and on a contin!in+ basis.S '!t t"e t0o of t"em 0ere romantically involved, as 3!stan "imself
admits, from 7ctober to December of ,003. -"at 0o!ld be time eno!+" for n!rt!rin+ a relations"ip of m!t!al tr!st and love.
An Sawa"$batiS or a fi+"t8and8(iss t"in+ bet0een t0o lovers is a common occ!rrence. -"eir ta(in+ place does not mean t"at t"e romantic
relation bet0een t"e t0o s"o!ld be deemed bro(en !p d!rin+ periods of mis!nderstandin+. E1plainin+ 0"at Sa0ay8batiS meant, 2ris" e1plained
t"at at times, 0"en s"e co!ld not reply to 3!stan?s messa+es, "e 0o!ld +et an+ry at "er. -"at 0as all. 2ndeed, s"e c"aracteri.ed t"eir t"ree8
mont" romantic relation as contin!o!s.
-0o. 3!stan ar+!es t"at t"e one act of sendin+ an offensive pict!re s"o!ld not be considered a form of "arassment. Ie claims t"at s!c"
0o!ld !nd!ly r!in "im personally and set a very dan+ero!s precedent. '!t Section 3)a* of 3.A. 9,6, p!nis"es Sany act or series of actsS t"at
constit!tes violence a+ainst 0omen. -"is means t"at a sin+le act of "arassment, 0"ic" translates into violence, 0o!ld be eno!+". -"e ob6ect
of t"e la0 is to protect 0omen and c"ildren. %!nis"in+ only violence t"at is repeatedly committed 0o!ld license isolated ones.
3!stan alle+es t"at today?s 0omen, li(e 2ris", are so !sed to obscene comm!nications t"at "er +ettin+ one co!ld not possibly "ave prod!ced
alarm in "er or ca!sed "er s!bstantial emotional or psyc"olo+ical distress. Ie claims "avin+ previo!sly e1c"an+ed obscene pict!res 0it" 2ris"
s!c" t"at s"e 0as already desensiti.ed by t"em.
'!t, firstly, t"e 3-/ 0"ic" sa0 and "eard 3!stan and "is 0ife +ive t"eir testimonies 0as not impressed 0it" t"eir claim t"at it 0as 2ris" 0"o
sent t"e obscene pict!res of "erself )E1"ibits ,8D*. 2t is do!btf!l if t"e 0oman in t"e pict!re 0as 2ris" since "er face did not clearly s"o0 on
=ic"elle, 3!stan?s 0ife, claimed t"at s"e deleted several ot"er pict!res t"at 2ris" sent, e1cept E1"ibits , to D. '!t "er testimony did not ma(e
sense. S"e said t"at s"e did not (no0 t"at E1"ibits , to D "ad remained saved after s"e deleted t"e pict!res. @ater, "o0ever, s"e said t"at
s"e did not "ave time to delete t"em.
And, if s"e t"o!+"t t"at s"e "ad deleted all t"e pict!res from t"e memory card, t"en s"e "ad no reason
at all to (eep and "ide s!c" memory card. -"ere 0o!ld "ave been not"in+ to "ide. inally, if s"e (ne0 t"at some pict!res remained in t"e
card, t"ere 0as no reason for "er to (eep it for several years, +iven t"at as s"e said s"e 0as too 6ealo!s to 0ant to see anyt"in+ connected to
2ris". -"!s, t"e 3-/ 0as correct in not +ivin+ credence to "er testimony.DavvphiD
Secondly, t"e /o!rt cannot meas!re t"e tra!ma t"at 2ris" e1perienced based on 3!stan?s lo0 re+ard for t"e alle+ed moral sensibilities of
today?s yo!t". >"at is obscene and in6!rio!s to an offended 0oman can of co!rse only be determined based on t"e circ!mstances of eac"
case. Iere, t"e na(ed 0oman on t"e pict!re, "er le+s spread open and bearin+ 2ris"?s "ead and face, 0as clearly an obscene pict!re and, to
2ris" a revoltin+ and offensive one. S!rely, any 0oman li(e 2ris", 0"o is not in t"e porno+rap"y trade, 0o!ld be scandali.ed and pained if s"e
sees "erself in s!c" a pict!re. >"at ma(es it f!rt"er terrifyin+ is t"at, as 2ris" testified, 3!stan sent t"e pict!re 0it" a t"reat to post it in t"e
internet for all to see. -"at m!st "ave +iven "er a ni+"tmare.
-"ree. 3!stan ar+!es t"at, since "e 0as arrested and certain items 0ere sei.ed from "im 0it"o!t any 0arrant, t"e evidence presented a+ainst
"im s"o!ld be deemed inadmissible. '!t t"e fact is t"at t"e prosec!tion did not present in evidence eit"er t"e cellp"one or t"e S2= cards t"at
t"e police officers sei.ed from "im at t"e time of "is arrest. -"e prosec!tion did not need s!c" items to prove its case. E1"ibit / for t"e
prosec!tion 0as b!t a p"oto+rap" depictin+ t"e Sony Ericsson %900 cellp"one t"at 0as !sed, 0"ic" cellp"one 3!stan admitted o0nin+
d!rin+ t"e pre8trial conference.
Act!ally, t"o!+", t"e b!l( of t"e evidence a+ainst "im consisted in 2ris"?s testimony t"at s"e received t"e obscene pict!re and malicio!s te1t
messa+es t"at t"e sender?s cellp"one n!mbers belon+ed to 3!stan 0it" 0"om s"e "ad been previo!sly in comm!nication. 2ndeed, to prove
t"at t"e cellp"one n!mbers belon+ed to 3!stan, 2ris" and t"e police !sed s!c" n!mbers to s!mmon "im to come to @orentess 3esort and "e
/onse$!ently, t"e prosec!tion did not "ave to present t"e confiscated cellp"one and S2= cards to prove t"at 3!stan sent t"ose
=oreover, 3!stan admitted "avin+ sent t"e malicio!s te1t messa+es to 2ris".
Iis defense 0as t"at "e "imself received t"ose messa+es from
an !nidentified person 0"o 0as "arassin+ 2ris" and "e merely for0arded t"e same to "er, !sin+ "is cellp"one. '!t 3!stan never presented
t"e cellp"one n!mber of t"e !nidentified person 0"o sent t"e messa+es to "im to a!t"enticate t"e same. -"e 3-/ did not +ive credence to
s!c" version and neit"er 0ill t"is /o!rt. 'esides, it 0as most !nli(ely for 2ris" to pin t"e t"in+s on 3!stan if "e "ad merely tried to "elp "er
identify t"e sender.
o!r. 3!stan claims t"at t"e obscene pict!re sent to 2ris" t"ro!+" a te1t messa+e constit!tes an electronic doc!ment. -"!s, it s"o!ld be
a!t"enticated by means of an electronic si+nat!re, as provided !nder Section 1, 3!le 5 of t"e 3!les on Electronic Evidence )A.=. 018D8018
'!t, firstly, 3!stan is raisin+ t"is ob6ection to t"e admissibility of t"e obscene pict!re, E1"ibit A, for t"e first time before t"is /o!rt. -"e
ob6ection is too late since "e s"o!ld "ave ob6ected to t"e admission of t"e pict!re on s!c" +ro!nd at t"e time it 0as offered in evidence. Ie
s"o!ld be deemed to "ave already 0aived s!c" +ro!nd for ob6ection.
'esides, t"e r!les "e cites do not apply to t"e present criminal action. -"e 3!les on Electronic Evidence applies only to civil actions, $!asi8
6!dicial proceedin+s, and administrative proceedin+s.
2n concl!sion, t"is /o!rt finds t"at t"e prosec!tion "as proved eac" and every element of t"e crime c"ar+ed beyond reasonable do!bt.
>IE3E73E, t"e /o!rt DE&2ES t"e petition and A23=S t"e decision of t"e /o!rt of Appeals in /A8G.3. /3 3056D dated #an!ary 31,
,00: and its resol!tion dated April ,5, ,00:.
S7 73DE3ED.
Associate #!stice
>E /7&/E35
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
#7SE %73-EGA@ %E3E9
Associate #!stice
A - - E S - A - 2 7 &
2 attest t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion
of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
Associate #!stice
/"airperson, Second Division
/ E 3 - 2 2 / A - 2 7 &
%!rs!ant to Section 13, Article H222 of t"e /onstit!tion and t"e Division /"airperson?s Attestation, 2 certify t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above
Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
/"ief #!stice
G.R. No. 1//54 " #an)a'; -, .41
-"e /o!rt 0ill not read into 3ep!blic Act )3A* &o. 9,6, a provision t"at 0o!ld render it toot"less in t"e p!rs!it of t"e declared policy of t"e
State to protect 0omen and c"ildren from violence and t"reats to t"eir personal safety and sec!rity.
'efore t"e /o!rt is a petition for certiorari and pro"ibition assailin+ t"e 7rders dated September 13, ,010
and 7ctober 5, ,010
of t"e
3e+ional -rial /o!rt )3-/* of An+eles /ity, 'ranc" 59 in /riminal /ase &o. 0985,10 0"ic" denied petitioners =otion for #!dicial
Determination of %robable /a!se 0it" =otion to F!as" t"e 2nformation.
-"e acts
%etitioner 0as c"ar+ed 0it" violation of Section 5)a* of 3A 9,6, before t"e 3-/ of An+eles /ity, 'ranc" 59, in an 2nformation 0"ic"
-"at on or abo!t t"e 13t" day of #!ly, ,009, in t"e /ity of An+eles, %"ilippines, and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, t"e above8
named acc!sed, bein+ t"en t"e boyfriend of t"e complainant, 1 1 1 did t"en and t"ere 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly !se personal
violence on t"e complainant, by p!llin+ "er "air, p!nc"in+ complainants bac(, s"o!lder and left eye, t"ereby demeanin+ and de+radin+ t"e
complainants intrinsic 0ort" and di+nity as a "!man bein+, in violation of Section 5)a* of t"e 3ep!blic Act 9,6,.
After e1aminin+ t"e s!pportin+ evidence, t"e 3-/ fo!nd probable ca!se and conse$!ently, iss!ed a 0arrant of arrest a+ainst petitioner on
&ovember 19, ,009. -"e latter posted a cas" bond for "is provisional liberty and on A!+!st 1,, ,010, filed a =otion for #!dicial Determination
of %robable /a!se 0it" =otion to F!as" t"e 2nformation. %etitioner averred t"at at t"e time of t"e alle+ed incident on #!ly 13, ,009, "e 0as
no lon+er in a datin+ relations"ip 0it" private respondentB "ence, 3A 9,6, 0as inapplicable.
2n "er affidavit, private respondent admitted t"at "er relations"ip 0it" petitioner "ad ended prior to t"e s!b6ect incident. S"e narrated t"at on
#!ly 13, ,009, s"e so!+"t payment of t"e money s"e "ad lent to petitioner b!t t"e latter co!ld not pay. S"e t"en in$!ired from petitioner if "e
0as responsible for spreadin+ r!mors abo!t "er 0"ic" "e admitted. -"ere!pon, private respondent slapped petitioner ca!sin+ t"e latter to
inflict on "er t"e p"ysical in6!ries alle+ed in t"e 2nformation.
-"e 3-/ 3!lin+
-"e 3-/ denied petitioners motion. 2t did not consider material t"e fact t"at t"e parties datin+ relations"ip "ad ceased prior to t"e incident,
ratiocinatin+ t"at since t"e parties "ad admitted a prior datin+ relations"ip, t"e infliction of sli+"t p"ysical in6!ries constit!ted an act of violence
a+ainst 0omen and t"eir c"ildren as defined in Sec. 3)a* of 3A 9,6,.
Ience, t"e instant petition raisin+ t"e follo0in+ iss!es5 1* 0"et"er t"e 3-/ "as 6!risdiction over t"e offenseB ,* 0"et"er 3A 9,6, s"o!ld be
constr!ed in a manner t"at 0ill favor t"e acc!sedB and 3* 0"et"er t"e 2nformation alle+in+ a fact contrary to 0"at "as been admitted s"o!ld be
-"e /o!rts 3!lin+
-"e petition "as no merit.
%etitioner insists t"at t"e act 0"ic" res!lted in p"ysical in6!ries to private respondent is not covered by 3A 9,6, beca!se its pro1imate ca!se
0as not t"eir datin+ relations"ip. 2nstead, "e claims t"at t"e offense committed 0as only sli+"t p"ysical in6!ries !nder t"e 3evised %enal /ode
0"ic" falls !nder t"e 6!risdiction of t"e =!nicipal -rial /o!rt.
-"e /o!rt is not pers!aded.
Sec. 3)a* of 3A 9,6, reads5crala0library
SE/. 3. Definition of -erms.8 As !sed in t"is Act, )a* SHiolence a+ainst 0omen and t"eir c"ildrenS refers to any act or a series of acts
committed by any person a+ainst a 0oman 0"o is "is 0ife, former 0ife, or a+ainst a 0oman 0it" 0"om t"e person "as or "ad a se1!al or
datin+ relations"ip, or 0it" 0"om "e "as a common c"ild, or a+ainst "er c"ild 0"et"er le+itimate or ille+itimate, 0it"in or 0it"o!t t"e family
abode, 0"ic" res!lt in or is li(ely to res!lt in p"ysical, se1!al, psyc"olo+ical "arm or s!fferin+, or economic ab!se incl!din+ t"reats of s!c"
acts, battery, assa!lt, coercion, "arassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty. 1 1 1.
-"e la0 is broad in scope b!t specifies t0o limitin+ $!alifications for any act or series of acts to be considered as a crime of violence a+ainst
0omen t"ro!+" p"ysical "arm, namely5 1* it is committed a+ainst a 0oman or "er c"ild and t"e 0oman is t"e offenders 0ife, former 0ife, or
0it" 0"om "e "as or "ad se1!al or datin+ relations"ip or 0it" 0"om "e "as a common c"ildB and ,* it res!lts in or is li(ely to res!lt in p"ysical
"arm or s!fferin+.
2n An+ v. /o!rt of Appeals,
t"e /o!rt en!merated t"e elements of t"e crime of violence a+ainst 0omen t"ro!+" "arassment, to
1. -"e offender "as or "ad a se1!al or datin+ relations"ip 0it" t"e offended 0omanB
,. -"e offender, by "imself or t"ro!+" anot"er, commits an act or series of acts of "arassment a+ainst t"e 0omanB and
3. -"e "arassment alarms or ca!ses s!bstantial emotional or psyc"olo+ical distress to "er.
UrUl1 UUUYrUblU\ UUr]UUl lUU lUbrUr^
&otably, 0"ile it is re$!ired t"at t"e offender "as or "ad a se1!al or datin+ relations"ip 0it" t"e offended 0oman, for 3A 9,6, to be applicable,
it is not indispensable t"at t"e act of violence be a conse$!ence of s!c" relations"ip. &o0"ere in t"e la0 can s!c" limitation be inferred.
Ience, applyin+ t"e r!le on stat!tory constr!ction t"at 0"en t"e la0 does not distin+!is", neit"er s"o!ld t"e co!rts, t"en, clearly, t"e
p!nis"able acts refer to all acts of violence a+ainst 0omen 0it" 0"om t"e offender "as or "ad a se1!al or datin+ relations"ip. As correctly
r!led by t"e 3-/, it is immaterial 0"et"er t"e relations"ip "ad ceased for as lon+ as t"ere is s!fficient evidence s"o0in+ t"e past or present
e1istence of s!c" relations"ip bet0een t"e offender and t"e victim 0"en t"e p"ysical "arm 0as committed. /onse$!ently, t"e /o!rt cannot
depart from t"e parallelism in An+ and +ive credence to petitionerTs assertion t"at t"e act of violence s"o!ld be d!e to t"e se1!al or datin+
&eit"er can t"e /o!rt constr!e t"e stat!te in favor of petitioner !sin+ t"e r!le of lenity
beca!se t"ere is no ambi+!ity in 3A 9,6, t"at 0o!ld
necessitate any constr!ction. >"ile t"e de+ree of p"ysical "arm !nder 3A 9,6, and Article ,66
of t"e 3evised %enal /ode are t"e same,
t"ere is s!fficient 6!stification for prescribin+ a "i+"er penalty for t"e former. /learly, t"e le+islative intent is to p!rposely impose a more severe
sanction on t"e offenders 0"ose violent act<s p"ysically "arm 0omen 0it" 0"om t"ey "ave or "ad a se1!al or datin+ relations"ip, and<or t"eir
c"ildren 0it" t"e end in vie0 of promotin+ t"e protection of 0omen and c"ildren.
Accordin+ly, t"e 2nformation "avin+ s!fficiently alle+ed t"e necessary elements of t"e crime, s!c" as5 a datin+ relations"ip bet0een t"e
petitioner and t"e private respondentB t"e act of violence committed by t"e petitionerB and t"e res!ltin+ p"ysical "arm to private respondent,
t"e offense is covered by 3A 9,6, 0"ic" falls !nder t"e 6!risdiction of t"e 3-/ in accordance 0it" Sec. D of t"e said la0 0"ic"
SE/. D. Hen!e -"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt desi+nated as a amily /o!rt s"all "ave ori+inal and e1cl!sive 6!risdiction over cases of violence
a+ainst 0omen and t"eir c"ildren !nder t"is la0. 2n t"e absence of s!c" co!rt in t"e place 0"ere t"e offense 0as committed, t"e case s"all be
filed in t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt 0"ere t"e crime or any of its elements 0as committed at t"e option of t"e complainant.
inally, t"e /o!rt finds t"e 7rder
of t"e 3-/, +ivin+ t"e prosec!tor a period of t0o ),* days to amend t"e 2nformation to reflect t"e cessation
of t"e datin+ relations"ip bet0een t"e petitioner and t"e offended party, to be in accord 0it" Sec. 4 of 3!le 11D of t"e 3!les of /o!rt, to
SE/. 4. Amendment of complaint or information.8 2f t"e motion to $!as" is based on an alle+ed defect of t"e complaint or information 0"ic"
can be c!red by amendment, t"e co!rt s"all order t"at an amendment be made.
!rt"ermore, Sec. 14 of 3!le 110 of t"e 3!les of /o!rt provides t"at an information may be amended, in form or in s!bstance, 0it"o!t leave
of co!rt, at any time before t"e acc!sed enters "is plea. 2n t"e present case, t"e acc!sed petitioner "as not yet been arrai+ned, "ence, t"e
3-/ 0as correct in directin+ t"e amendment of t"e 2nformation and in denyin+ t"e motion to $!as" t"e same.
>IE3E73E, t"e petition is D2S=2SSED. -"e 7rders dated September 13, ,010 and 7ctober 5, ,010 of t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt ) 3-/* of
An+eles /ity, 'ranc" 59 in /riminal /ase &o. 0985,10 are A.2 3= ED. -"e -emporary 3estrainin+ 7rder iss!ed by t"e /o!rt is @2-ED
and t"e 3-/ is directed to contin!e 0it" t"e proceedin+s in /riminal /ase &o. 0985,10.
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
SE/7&D D2H2S27&
G.R. No. 1/!.5 #an)a'; 4, .41
D E / 2 S 2 7 &
-"is is an appeal from t"e #!ly ,D, ,010 decision
of t"e /o!rt of Appeals ) /A* in /A8G.3. /38I/ &o. 005:,8=2& at1irmin+ in toto t"e
&ovember 19, ,00D 6!d+ment
of t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt )3-/*, 'ranc" 19, /a+ayan de 7ro /ity. -"e 3-/ 6!d+ment fo!nd appellant
%atricio 3ayon, Sr. +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of violation of Section 1 7)a*, Article H2 of 3ep!blic Act )3.A.* &o. D610 in /riminal /ase
&o. ,00681D4, and of $!alified rape in /riminal /ase &o. ,00681D5.
-"e prosec!tion c"ar+ed t"e appellant 0it" violation of Section 1 7)a*, Article H2 of 3.A. &o. D610 and 0it" $!alified rape in t0o separate
informations tiled before t"e 3-/. -"e appellant pleaded not +!ilty on arrai+nment to bot" c"ar+es. #oint trial on t"e merits t"ereafter ens!ed.
Evidence for t"e %rosec!tion
ZG9 declared on t"e 0itness stand t"at s"e and t"e appellant +ot married on =arc" 3, 1990B t"ey be+ot five )5* c"ildren, namely5 AAA, ZZZ,
GGG, #r., ''', and 999. S"e stated t"at AAA is Smentally deficient,S b!t co!ld play m!sical instr!ments.
ZG9 recalled t"at 0"en s"e 0as still pre+nant 0it" t"eir fift" c"ild, t"e appellant 0o!ld brin+ AAA in a video(e bar 0it"o!t "er (no0led+e, and
t"ey 0o!ld !s!ally ret!rn "ome at 1500 a.m. Epon t"eir ret!rn, AAA 0o!ld complain of e1periencin+ loose bo0el movement, and of pain in "er
stomac". 7ne time, 0"en ZG9 arrived at t"eir "o!se after b!yin+ rice, s"e sa0 t"e appellant embracin+ AAA and spreadin+ "er le+sB t"e
appellant t"en p!t "is "and on AAA?s breast, inserted "is ot"er "and inside "er !nder0ear, and to!c"ed "er va+ina.
>"en t"e appellant
noticed ZG9?s presence, "e immediately stood !p and instr!cted "er to prepare food. ZG9 felt Sbad and afraid,S b!t did not confront t"e
S"e instead 0ent to t"e (itc"en to do "er c"ores.
7n December 16, ,005, ''' revealed to ZG9 t"at t"e appellant "ad raped "er. ZG9 re$!ested assistance from a m!nicipal social 0or(er
0"o, in t!rn, told "er to file a case before t"e police.
''' recalled t"at 0"ile s"e 0as in "er room in December ,005, t"e appellant +rabbed "er and removed "er s"ort pants and pantyB t"e
appellant t"en removed "is s"ort pants, mo!nted "er, and inserted "is penis into "er va+ina. S"e felt pain, b!t co!ld not s"o!t beca!se t"e
appellant covered "er mo!t" 0it" "is "ands.
After0ards, t"e appellant inserted "is penis into "er an!s.
''' disclosed t"e incident to ZG9
0"o, in t!rn, accompanied "er to t"e police.
Dr. A+nes /a+adas, =edico8@e+al 7fficer of t"e &ational '!rea! of 2nvesti+ation, stated t"at s"e e1amined AAA on December ,3, ,005, and
fo!nd a "ealed "ymenal laceration at D o?cloc( position.
S"e also e1amined ''' on t"e same day, and fo!nd "er "ymen to be intact. S"e,
"o0ever, e1plained t"at t"e "ymen of 96_ of se1!ally ab!sed c"ildren remains intact.
Dr. /a+adas also testified t"at t"ere co!ld "ave been
a penetration of '''?s inter8labia.
ZZZ, t"e sister of AAA and ''', narrated t"at every time t"e appellant came "ome from 0or(, "e 0o!ld instr!ct AAA to sit on "is lapB t"e
appellant 0o!ld also embrace AAA and to!c" "er va+ina. ZZZ added t"at t"e appellant allo0ed AAA to 0atc" "im ta(e a bat".
''' also
disclosed to "er t"at t"e appellant Ssodomi.edS "er, and inserted "is penis into "er va+ina.
Dr. =arlo! 'a+acay S!sti+!er, a psyc"iatrist at t"e &ort"ern =indanao =edical /enter, testified t"at s"e cond!cted a psyc"olo+ical test on
AAA, and fo!nd "er to be a!tistic. S"e declared t"at AAA lac(ed motor coordination, and "ad a very lo0 intelli+ence $!otient.
Dr. S!sti+!er
also fo!nd AAA to be incompetent to testify in co!rt.
Evidence for t"e Defense
-"e appellant confirmed t"at ZG9 is "is 0ife, and t"at t"e alle+ed victims are t"eir da!+"ters. Ie claimed t"at ZG9 falsely acc!sed "im of
rapin+ AAA beca!se "e disallo0ed "er to "ave an American Spen pal.S Ie f!rt"er maintained t"at AAA 0as !s!ally in t"eir nei+"bor?s "o!se
0"en "e comes "ome from 0or(. -"e appellant also denied '''?s alle+ation t"at "e sodomi.ed "er.
7n cross8e1amination, t"e appellant confirmed t"at AAA is a Sspecial c"ild.S Ie also maintained t"at "e is close to "is t0o da!+"ters.
-"e 3-/ and t"e /A 3!lin+s
2n its 6!d+ment of &ovember 19, ,00D, t"e 3-/ fo!nd t"e appellant
+!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of violatin+ Section 10)a*, Article H2 of 3.A. &o. D610 in /riminal/ase &o. ,00681D4, and sentenced "im to an
indeterminate penalty of five )5* years, fo!r )4* mont"s and t0enty8one ),1* days, as minim!m, to si1 )6* years, as ma1im!m.
2n /riminal /ase &o. ,00681D5, t"e 3-/ fo!nd t"e appellant +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of $!alified rape !nder Article ,668A, in relation
0it" Article ,668', of t"e 3evised %enal /ode, as amended, and sentenced "im to s!ffer t"e penalty of recl!sion perpet!a 0it"o!t eli+ibility for
parole. 2t also ordered "im to pay ''' t"e amo!nts of %50,000.00 as civil indemnity and %50,000.00 as moral dama+es.
7n appeal, t"e /A affirmed t"e 3-/ #!d+ment in toto. -"e /A "eld t"at ''' narrated in detail "o0 t"e appellant "ad raped "erB and t"at it
0as inconceivable for an ei+"t8year old c"ild to fabricate a story a+ainst "er o0n fat"er if t"ere 0as no tr!t" to "er alle+ation. 2t also +ave
0ei+"t to Dr. /a+adas? findin+ t"at t"e appellant?s penis penetrated t"e labia minora of '''?s va+ina.
-"e /A li(e0ise r!led t"at t"e prosec!tion provided s!fficient evidence to prove t"at t"e appellant se1!ally ab!sed AAA. 2t "eld t"at ZG9, '''
and ZZZ all testified t"at t"ey 0itnessed t"e appellant?s l!stf!l caressin+ of AAA?s breasts and va+ina.
inally, t"e /A disre+arded t"e appellant?s defense of denial as t"is defense cannot be accorded evidentiary 0ei+"t +reater t"an t"e
declaration of credible 0itnesses testifyin+ on affirmative matters.
-IE /7E3-?S 3E@2&G
>e resolve to affirm 0it" modification t"e #!ly ,D, ,010 decision of t"e /A in /A8G.3. /38I/ &o. 005:,8=2&, as follo0s5
2n /riminal /ase &o. ,00681D4, 0e find t"e appellant +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of violation of Section 5)b* of 3.A. &o. D610, and
sentence "im to s!ffer t"e penalty of recl!sion perpet!a. Ie is ordered to pay AAA %,0,000.00 as civil indemnity, %15,000.00 as moral
dama+es, and %15,000.00 as e1emplary dama+esB and to pay a %15,000.00 fine.
2n /riminal /ase &o. ,00681D5, 0e increase t"e amo!nts of t"e a0arded civil indemnity and moral dama+es from %50,000.00 to %D5,000.00,
respectively. >e also order t"e appellant to f!rt"er pay ''' %30,000.00 as e1emplary dama+es.
S!fficiency of %rosec!tion Evidence
a. 2n /riminal /ase &o. ,00681D4
ZG9 positively identified t"e appellant as t"e person 0"o embraced AAA and spread "er le+sB 0"o "eld AAA?s breastB and 0"o placed "is
"and inside t"e latter?s !nder0ear sometime in ,00,. ZG9?s testimony 0as corroborated by t"e testimony of "er da!+"ter ZZZ 0"o declared
t"at t"e appellant 0o!ld embrace AAA and to!c" "er va+ina 0"enever t"e appellant came "ome from 0or(. &otably, Dr. /a+adas fo!nd a
"ealed "ymenal laceration at D o?cloc( position on AAA?s private part.
-"e 3-/ fo!nd ZG9?s and ZZZ?s testimonies credible and convincin+. -"e /A affirmed t"is findin+. 2t is settled t"at St"e /o!rt 0ill not dist!rb
t"e findin+s of t"e trial co!rt on t"e credibility of 0itnesses, as it 0as in t"e better position to observe t"eir candor and be"avior on t"e 0itness
stand. Eval!ation of t"e credibility of 0itnesses and t"eir testimonies is a matter best !nderta(en by t"e trial co!rtB it "ad t"e !ni$!e
opport!nity to observe t"e 0itnesses and t"eir demeanor, cond!ct, and attit!de, especially !nder cross8e1amination. 2ts assessment is entitled
to respect !nless certain facts of s!bstance and val!e 0ere overloo(ed 0"ic", if considered, mi+"t affect t"e res!lt of t"e case.S
b. 2n /riminal /ase &o. ,00681D5
''' positively identified t"e appellant as t"e person 0"o +rabbed "er and removed "er s"ort pants and panty 0"ile s"e 0as in "er roomB and
0"o t"ereafter inserted "is penis into "er va+ina.
>e stress t"e lo0er co!rt observation t"at ''', 0"o 0as 6!st nine years old 0"en s"e testified, spo(e in a clear, spontaneo!s and
strai+"tfor0ard manner. S"e never 0avered in identifyin+ t"e appellant despite t"e defense?s +r!elin+ cross8e1amination. As t"e lo0er co!rts
did, 0e find "er testimony credible. A yo!n+ +irl 0o!ld not concoct a sordid tale of a crime as serio!s as rape at t"e "ands of "er very o0n
fat"er, allo0 t"e e1amination of "er private part, and s!b6ect "erself to t"e sti+ma and embarrassment of a p!blic trial, if "er motive 0ere ot"er
t"an a fervent desire to see( 6!stice.
>e see no pla!sible reason 0"y AAA 0o!ld testify a+ainst "er o0n fat"er, imp!tin+ to "im t"e +rave
crime of rape, if t"is crime did not "appen.
=oreover, Dr. /a+adas concl!ded t"at t"ere "ad been penetration of '''?s female or+an, possibly in t"e inter8labia. >"ile Dr. /a+adas fo!nd
'''?s "ymen to be intact, s"e nevert"eless 0rote in "er =edico8@e+al 3eport on ''' t"at Sa findin+ of normal "ymen does not prove nor
disprove se1!al ab!se.
S S"e also testified t"at t"e "ymen of 96_ of se1!ally ab!sed c"ildren remains intact. As 0e e1plained in %eople v.
/apt. @lanto5
-"e stren+t" and dilability of t"e "ymen varies from one 0oman to anot"er s!c" t"at it may be so elastic as to stretc" 0it"o!t laceration d!rin+
interco!rse, or on t"e ot"er "and, may be so resistant t"at its s!r+ical removal is necessary before interco!rse can ens!e. 2n some cases
even, t"e "ymen is still intact even after t"e 0oman "as +iven birt". Jcitations omittedK
At any rate, Dr. /a+adas? findin+ is merely corroborativeB it is not indispensable in a prosec!tion for rape.
-"e Appellant?s Defenses
>e are !nconvinced by t"e appellant?s defense t"at ZG9 falsely acc!sed "er of "avin+ raped AAA beca!se "e disallo0ed "er to "ave an
American Spen pal.S 2t is !nnat!ral for a parent to !se "er da!+"ter as an en+ine of malice, especially if doin+ so 0o!ld s!b6ect "er to
embarrassment and even sti+ma. >e find it "ard to compre"end t"at a mot"er 0o!ld sacrifice "er o0n da!+"ter and present "er to be t"e
s!b6ect of a p!blic trial if s"e, in fact, "ad not been motivated by an "onest desire to "ave t"e c!lprit p!nis"ed.
As re+ards t"e alle+ation of ''' t"at s"e "ad been raped by t"e appellant, t"e latter merely denied t"is c"ar+e. Io0ever, t"e appellant did
not present any evidence to s"o0 t"at ''' "ad any ill motive to testify a+ainst "im. 2n fact, "e declared t"at ''' "as been close to "im. -"is
/o!rt "as consistently "eld t"at 0"ere no evidence e1ists to s"o0 any convincin+ reason or improper motive for a 0itness to falsely testify
a+ainst an acc!sed, t"e testimony deserves fait" and credit. =oreover, t"e lone testimony of t"e victim in a rape case, if credible, is eno!+" to
s!stain a conviction.
-"e /rimes /ommitted
a. 2n /riminal /ase &o. ,00681D4
-"e co!rts a $!o fo!nd t"e appellant +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of violation of Section 10)a*, Article H2 of 3.A. &o. D610 0"ic" provides5
Section 10. 7t"er Acts of &e+lect, Ab!se, /r!elty or E1ploitation and 7t"er /onditions %re6!dicial to t"e /"ild?s Development. 8
)a* Any person 0"o s"all commit any ot"er acts of c"ild ab!se, cr!elty or e1ploitation or be responsible for ot"er conditions pre6!dicial to t"e
c"ildTs development incl!din+ t"ose covered by
Article 59 of %residential Decree &o. 603, as amended, b!t not covered by t"e 3evised %enal /ode, as amended, s"all s!ffer t"e penalty of
prision mayor in its minim!m period. Jemp"asis and italics o!rsK
-"is Sprovision p!nis"es not only t"ose en!merated !nder Article 59 of %residential Decree &o. 603, b!t also fo!r distinct acts, i.e., )a* c"ild
ab!se, )b* c"ild cr!elty, )c* c"ild e1ploitation and )d* bein+ responsible for conditions pre6!dicial to t"e c"ildTs development.S
>e stress t"at
Section 10 refers to acts of c"ild ab!se ot"er t"an c"ild prostit!tion and ot"er se1!al ab!se !nder Section 5, attempt to commit c"ild
prostit!tion !nder Section 6, c"ild traffic(in+ !nder Section D, attempt to commit c"ild traffic(in+ !nder Section :, and obscene p!blications
and indecent s"o0s !nder Section 9.
-"e 2nformation in /riminal /ase &o. ,00681D4 c"ar+ed t"e appellant 0it" violation of Section 10)a*, Article H2 of 3.A. &o. D610. -"e body of
t"e 2nformation, "o0ever, alle+ed t"at t"e appellant se1!ally molested AAAB (issed "erB mas"ed "er breastsB fondled "erB and forcibly opened
"er le+s. -"ese acts, to o!r mind, described acts p!nis"able !nder Section 5)b* of t"e same la0, 0"ic" reads5
Section. 5. /"ild %rostit!tion and 7t"er Se1!al Ab!se. 8 /"ildren, 0"et"er male or female, 0"o for money, profit, or any ot"er consideration or
d!e to t"e coercion or infl!ence of any ad!lt, syndicate or +ro!p, ind!l+e in se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct, are deemed to be
c"ildren e1ploited in prostit!tion and ot"er se1!al ab!se.
-"e penalty of recl!sion temporal in its medi!m period to recl!sion perpet!a s"all be imposed !pon t"e follo0in+5
1 1 1 1
)b* -"ose 0"o commit t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ect to ot"er se1!al ab!seB
%rovided, -"at 0"en t"e victims is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e, t"e perpetrators s"all be prosec!ted !nder Article 335, para+rap" 3, for
rape and Article 336 of Act &o. 3:15, as amended, t"e 3evised %enal /ode, for rape or lascivio!s cond!ct, as t"e case may be5 %rovided,
-"at t"e penalty for lascivio!s cond!ct 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e s"all be recl!sion temporal in its medi!m period.
Jitalics o!rsK
Se1!al ab!se !nder Section 5)b* of 3.A. &o. D610 "as t"ree elements5
)1* t"e acc!sed commits an act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ctB
),* t"e said act is performed 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ected to ot"er se1!al ab!seB and )3* t"e c"ild is belo0 1:
years old.
/orrolarily, Section ,)+* and )"* of t"e 3!les and 3e+!lations on t"e 3eportin+ and 2nvesti+ation of /"ild Ab!se /ases reads5
)+* SSe1!al ab!seS incl!des t"e employment, !se, pers!asion, ind!cement, enticement or coercion of a c"ild to en+a+e in, or assist anot"er
person to en+a+e in, se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct or t"e molestation, prostit!tion, or incest 0it" c"ildrenB
)"* S@ascivio!s cond!ctS means t"e intentional to!c"in+, eit"er directly or t"ro!+" clot"in+, of t"e +enitalia, an!s, +roin, breast, inner t"i+", or
b!ttoc(s, or t"e introd!ction of any ob6ect into t"e +enitalia, an!s or mo!t", of any person, 0"et"er of t"e same or opposite se1, 0it" an intent
to ab!se, "!miliate, "arass, de+rade, or aro!se or +ratify t"e se1!al desire of any person, bestiality, mast!rbation, lascivio!s e1"ibition of t"e
+enitals or p!bic area of a person.
2n %eople v. =ontinola,
St"e /o!rt "eld t"at a c"ild is deemed s!b6ected to ot"er se1!al ab!se 0"en t"e c"ild ind!l+es in lascivio!s cond!ct
!nder t"e coercion or infl!ence of an ad!lt.S
2n t"e present case, all t"e elements of violation of Section 5)b*, Article 222 of 3.A. D610 "ave been establis"ed. irst, t"e appellant embraced
AAA, parted "er le+s, to!c"ed "er breasts, inserted "is "and inside t"e victim?s !nder0ear, and to!c"ed "er va+ina. Second, t"e appellant
!sed "is moral ascendancy over "er da!+"ter in order to perpetrate "is lascivio!s cond!ct. inally, AAA 0as belo0 1: years of a+e at t"e time
of t"e incident, based on "er birt" certificate and on "er mot"er?s testimony.
-"ere is no deart" of 6!rispr!dence "oldin+ t"at t"e appellant?s acts in t"e present case amo!nted to a violation of 5)b*, Article 222 of 3.A. &o.
D610. 2n %eople v. S!min+0a,
t"e /o!rt fo!nd t"e appellant t"erein +!ilty of fo!r )4* co!nts of acts of lascivio!sness !nder Section 5)b* of
3.A. &o. D610 for r!bbin+ "is penis a+ainst t"e victim?s va+ina, fondlin+ "er breasts, and forcin+ "er to "old "is penis. 2n &avarrete v.
t"e /o!rt affirmed t"e t"erein acc!sed?s conviction for acts of lascivio!sness in relation to Section 5)b* of 3.A. &o. D610 for po(in+
t"e victim?s va+ina 0it" a cotton b!d. 2n %eople v. /anda.a,
t"e /o!rt also affirmed t"e t"erein acc!sed?s conviction for acts of
lascivio!sness !nder Section 5)b* of 3.A. &o. D610 for (issin+ t"e lips, mas"in+ t"e breasts, and lic(in+ t"e va+ina of t"e victim. Similarly, in
Amployo v. %eople,
t"e /o!rt fo!nd t"e appellant +!ilty of violation of Section 5)b* of 3.A. &o. D610 for to!c"in+ t"e victim?s breasts.
>e stress t"at St"e c"aracter of t"e crime is not determined by t"e caption or preamble of t"e information nor from t"e specification of t"e
provision of la0 alle+ed to "ave been violated, 111 b!t by t"e recital of t"e !ltimate facts and circ!mstances in t"e complaint or
-"e averments in t"e information a+ainst t"e appellant in /riminal /ase &o. ,00681D4 clearly ma(e o!t a c"ar+e for violation of
Section 5)b*, Article 222 of 3.A. &o. D610.
b. 2n /riminal /ase &o. ,00681D5
or a c"ar+e of rape to prosper !nder Article ,668A of t"e 3evised %enal /ode, as amended, t"e prosec!tion m!st prove t"at )1* t"e offender
"ad carnal (no0led+e of a 0omanB and ),* "e accomplis"ed s!c" act t"ro!+" force, t"reat, or intimidation, or 0"en s"e 0as deprived of
reason or ot"er0ise !nconscio!s, or 0"en s"e 0as !nder t0elve years of a+e or 0as demented.
/arnal (no0led+e of a 0oman belo0 t0elve )1,* years of a+e is stat!tory rape. 2n t"e present case, t"e prosec!tion establis"ed t"at t"e
appellant "ad carnal (no0led+e of "is ei+"t8year old da!+"ter, ''', in December ,005. Article ,668', para+rap" 6)1*, "o0ever, $!alifies t"e
rape by a fat"er of "is da!+"ter 0"o is belo0 1: years of a+e. -"e presence of t"e $!alifyin+ circ!mstances of minority and relations"ip raises
t"e crime of stat!tory rape to $!alified rape. Simply p!t, !nder t"e circ!mstances obtainin+ in t"is case, $!alified rape is stat!tory rape in its
$!alified form.
-"e /A 0as t"erefore correct in affirmin+ t"e appellant?s conviction for $!alified rape.
-"e %roper %enalties and /ivil 2ndemnities
a. 2n /riminal /ase &o. ,00681D4
Section 5)b*, Article 222 of 3ep!blic Act &o. D610 prescribes t"e penalty of recl!sion temporal in its medi!m period to recl!sion perpet!a.
consider t"e alternative circ!mstance of relations"ip !nder Article 15 of t"e 3evised %enal /ode a+ainst t"e appellant, since it "as been
establis"ed t"at t"e appellant is AAA?s fat"er. Since t"ere is an a++ravatin+ circ!mstance and no miti+atin+ circ!mstance, t"e penalty s"all be
applied in its ma1im!m period, t"at is, recl!sion perpet!a. 'esides, Section 31 of 3.A. &o. D610 e1pressly provides t"at t"e penalty provided
"erein s"all be imposed in its ma1im!m period 0"en t"e perpetrator is, amon+ ot"ers, t"e parent of t"e victim.
2n line 0it" prevailin+ 6!rispr!dence, 0e order t"e appellant to pay AAA t"e follo0in+ amo!nts5 %,0,000.00 as civil indemnity, %15,000.00 as
moral dama+es, and %15,000.00 as e1emplary dama+esB and "e is also ordered to pay a %15,000.00 fine.
b. 2n /riminal /ase &o. ,00681D5
Ender Article ,668' of t"e 3evised %enal /ode, t"e deat" penalty s"all be imposed 0"en t"e victim is belo0 1: years of a+e and t"e offender
is a parent, ascendant, stepparent, +!ardian, relative by consan+!inity or affinity 0it"in t"e t"ird civil de+ree, or t"e common8la0 spo!se of t"e
parent of t"e victim. &onet"eless, 0e cannot impose t"e deat" penalty in vie0 of 3.A. &o. 9346, entitled SAn Act %ro"ibitin+ t"e 2mposition of
Deat" %enalty in t"e %"ilippines.S %!rs!ant to t"is la0, 0e affirm t"e trial and appellate co!rts? imposition of t"e penalty of recl!sion perpet!a
0it"o!t eli+ibility for parole.DLwphiD
>e increase t"e amo!nts of t"e a0arded civil indemnity and moral dama+es from %50,000.00 to %D5,000.00, respectively, as t"ese amo!nts
are proper 0"en t"e circ!mstances s!rro!ndin+ t"e crime 0arrant t"e imposition of deat" 0ere it not for t"e abolition of t"e deat" penalty by
3.A. &o. 9346. >e li(e0ise order t"e appellant to pay ''' %30,000.00 as e1emplary dama+es to conform to prevailin+ 6!rispr!dence.
>IE3E73E, in li+"t of all t"e fore+oin+, 0e A23= t"e #!ly ,D, ,010 Decision of t"e /o!rt of Appeals in /A8G.3. /38I/ &o. 005:,8=2&
0it" t"e follo0in+ =7D22/A-27&S5
2. 2n /riminal /ase &o. ,00681D45
)a* t"e appellant is fo!nd +!ilty of violation of Section 5)b*, Article 222 of 3.A. &o. D610B
)b* "e is sentenced to s!ffer t"e penalty of recl!sion perpet!aB and
)c* "e is ordered to pay AAA t"e follo0in+ amo!nts5 %,0,000.00 as civil indemnity, %15,000.00 as moral dama+es, %15,000.00 as
e1emplary dama+es, and %15,000.00 as fine.
22. 2n /riminal /ase &o. ,00681D55
)a* t"e amo!nt of civil indemnity is increased from %50,000.00 to %D5,000.00B
)b* t"e amo!nt of moral dama+es is increased from %50,000.00 to %D5,000.00B and
)c* t"e appellant is f!rt"er ordered to pay ''' %30,000.00 as e1emplary dama+es.
S7 73DE3ED.
Associate #!stice
>E /7&/E35
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
A - - E S - A - 2 7 &
2 attest t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion
of t"e /o!rts Division.
Associate #!stice
/ E 3 - 2 2 / A - 2 7 &
%!rs!ant to Section 13, Article H222 of t"e /onstit!tion, and t"e Division /"airpersonTs Attestation, it is "ereby certified t"at t"e concl!sions in
t"e above Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rtTs Division.
/"ief #!stice
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
-I23D D2H2S27&
G.R. No. 185!5/ #)n& 1, .41.
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, %laintiff8appellee,
#O$ER MATIAS ; DELA FUENTE, Acc!sed8appellant.
3 E S 7 @ E - 2 7 &
-"is resolves t"e appeal from t"e A!+!st 19, ,00: Decision
of t"e /o!rt of Appeals )/A* in /A8G.3. /38I./. &o. 0,D:1 filed by appellant
#over =atias " Dela !ente 0"ic" affirmed "is conviction for t"e crime of SrapeS !nder Sec. 5 )b*, Article 222 of 3ep!blic Act )3A* &o. D610.
T6& Fa10)a< An0&1&d&n0(
Appellant #over =atias " Dela !ente and private complainant AAA
0ere nei+"bors at Sto. &iYo St., 'aran+ay San Antonio, F!e.on /ity. 2n
t"e evenin+ of #!ne 6, ,004, AAA, a minor, "avin+ been born on April ,3, 1991, 0as on "er 0ay to t"e ve+etable stall )S%ula"anS* of a certain
S=an!elaS to b!y somet"in+ 0"en, all of a s!dden, appellant p!lled "er to0ards a "o!se t"at 0as !nder constr!ction. -"ere, "e forced "er to
lie on a bamboo bed )Spapa%S*, removed "er s"orts and !nder0ear, and inserted first, "is fin+er, and t"en "is penis into "er va+ina. Appellant
t"reatened to (ill "er if s"e s"o!ld report t"e incident to anyone.
>"en AAA arrived "ome, s"e narrated to "er mot"er and a!nt 0"at appellant did to "er.DLwphiD -o+et"er, t"ey proceeded to t"e baran+ay to
report t"e incident and, t"ereafter, to t"e 'aler District %olice Station to file a complaint. A p"ysical e1amination 0as cond!cted by %olice /"ief
2nspector %ierre %a!l i+eroa /arpio !pon AAA, 0"o 0as fo!nd to "ave SJdKeep8"ealed lacerations at 3 and D o?cloc( positionsS and 0as in a
non8vir+in state p"ysically at t"e time of e1amination. S!bse$!ently, appellant 0as c"ar+ed 0it" rape !nder Article ,668A of t"e 3evised
%enal /ode )3%/* in an Amended 2nformation
dated #!ly 16, ,004.
2n defense, appellant claimed t"at in t"e evenin+ of t"e incident, "e and "is !ncle, 3omeo =atias, 0ere doin+ constr!ction 0or( at t"e "o!se
of "is a!nt, also located at Sto. &ino St., 'aran+ay San Antonio, F!e.on /ity. Ie 0as t"erefore s!rprised 0"en t0o policemen arrested "im at
aro!nd 6530 in t"e evenin+ of even date and detained "im at t"e 'aler %olice Station.
T6& RTC R)<2n3
2n its April 19, ,00D Decision,
t"e 3-/ convicted appellant for SrapeS !nder Sec. 5 )b*, Article 222 of 3A D610 and imposed t"e penalty
of reclusion perpetua. -"e 3-/ li(e0ise directed "im to pay AAA t"e amo!nt of %50,000 as civil indemnity and %30,000 as moral dama+es.
2n convictin+ appellant, t"e 3-/ +ave f!ll credence to AAATs testimony, 0"ic" 0as strai+"tfor0ard and positive. 7n t"e ot"er "and, it fo!nd
appellant?s defenses of denial and alibi as 0ea(, ta(in+ into consideration t"at "is a!ntTs "o!se 0"ere "e 0as alle+edly doin+ constr!ction
0or( 0as 6!st a fe0 meters a0ay from t"e ve+etable stall, clearly ma(in+ it possible for "im to be at t"e locus criminis at t"e time of t"e
T6& CA R)<2n3
2n its assailed Decision,
t"e /A affirmed t"e 3-/ Decision in toto, findin+ no compellin+ reason to depart from its findin+s and concl!sions.
-"e appellate co!rt "eld t"at if t"e 3-/ fo!nd AAATs testimony to be credible, lo+ical and consistent, t"en it s"o!ld be +iven +reat respect, as
t"e 3-/ "ad t"e ability to observe first"and t"e demeanor and deportment of t"e 0itnesses on stand.
=oreover, for appellantTs alibi to prosper, "e s"o!ld be able to s"o0 t"at "e 0as a +reat distance a0ay from t"e place of t"e incident and t"at
it 0as impossible for "im to be t"ere or 0it"in its immediate vicinity at t"e time of t"e commission of t"e crime. -"e /A r!led t"at it is "i+"ly
!nli(ely for a yo!n+ +irl to fabricate a story t"at 0o!ld destroy "er rep!tation and "er family?s life and end!re t"e discomforts of trial.
I(()& B&>o'& T6& Co)'0
-"e sole iss!e to be resolved in t"is appeal is 0"et"er t"e /A committed reversible error in affirmin+ in toto t"e Decision of t"e 3-/, 0"ic"
convicted appellant of SrapeS !nder Sec. 5 )b*, Article 222 of 3A D610.
T6& Co)'0M( R)<2n3
Sec. 5 )b*, Article 222 of 3A D610 provides5
Section 5. /"ild %rostit!tion and 7t"er Se1!al Ab!se. 8 /"ildren, 0"et"er male or female, 0"o for money, profit, or any ot"er consideration or
d!e to t"e coercion or infl!ence of any ad!lt, syndicate or +ro!p, ind!l+e in se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct, are deemed to be
c"ildren e1ploited in prostit!tion and ot"er se1!al ab!se.
-"e penalty of recl!sion temporal in its medi!m period to recl!sion perpet!a s"all be imposed !pon t"e follo0in+5
)a* 1 1 1
)b* -"ose 0"o commit t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ect to ot"er
se1!al ab!seB 111
2n t"e case of People v. Pan%ilinan,
0"ic" affirmed t"e doctrines en!nciated in t"e cases of People v. Dahili%
and People v. (ba",
/o!rt e1plained5
Ender Section 5 )b*, Article 222 of 3A D610 in relation to 3A :353, if t"e victim of se1!al ab!se is belo0 1, years of a+e, t"e offender s"o!ld not
be prosec!ted for se1!al ab!se b!t for stat!tory rape !nder Article ,668A)1*)d* of t"e 3evised %enal /ode and penali.ed 0it" reclusion
perpetua. 7n t"e ot"er "and, if t"e victim is 1, years or older, t"e offender s"o!ld be c"ar+ed 0it" eit"er se1!al ab!se !nder Section 5)b* of
3A D610 or rape !nder Article ,668A )e1cept para+rap" 1JdK* of t"e 3evised %enal /ode. Io0ever, t"e offender cannot be acc!sed of bot"
crimes for t"e same act beca!se "is ri+"t a+ainst do!ble 6eopardy 0ill be pre6!diced. A person cannot be s!b6ected t0ice to criminal liability for
a sin+le criminal act. @i(e0ise, rape cannot be comple1ed 0it" a violation of Section 5)b* of 3A D610. Ender Section 4: of t"e 3evised %enal
/ode )on comple1 crimes*, a felony !nder t"e 3evised %enal /ode )s!c" as rape* cannot be comple1ed 0it" an offense penali.ed by a
special la0.
2n t"is case, t"e 3-/, as affirmed by t"e /A, convicted appellant for SrapeS !nder Sec. 5 )b*, Article 222 of 3A D610 and sentenced "im
to reclusion perpetua, !pon a findin+ t"at AAA 0as a minor belo0 1, years old at t"e time of t"e commission of t"e offense on #!ne 6, ,004.
Io0ever, a p!nctilio!s scr!tiny of t"e records s"o0s t"at AAA 0as born on April ,3, 1991, 0"ic" 0o!ld ma(e "er 13 years old at t"e time of
t"e commission of t"e offense on #!ne 6, ,004. -"!s, appellant can be prosec!ted and convicted either !nder Sec. 5 )b*, Article 222 of 3A
D610 for sexual abuse, or !nder Article ,668A of t"e 3%/, e1cept for rape !nder para+rap" 1)d*.
2t bears pointin+ o!t t"at t"e penalties !nder
t"ese t0o la0s differ5 t"e penalty for sexual abuse !nder Sec. 5 )b*, Article 222 of 3A D610 is reclusion temporal medi!m to reclusion perpetua,
0"ile rape !nder Article ,668A of t"e 3%/ is penali.ed 0it" reclusion perpetua.
7n t"is score, it is 0ort" notin+ t"at in its April 19, ,00D Decision,
t"e 3-/ concl!ded t"at AAA 0as t"e Svictim of se1!al ab!se labeled
considerin+ t"e establis"ed fact t"at t"ere 0as se1!al interco!rse bet0een "im and AAA. -"!s, appellantTs conviction 0as clearly
!nder Sec. 5 )b*, Article 222 of 3A D610 orsexual abuse and not for rape !nder Article ,668A of t"e 3%/.
2n t"e li+"t of all t"e fore+oin+, t"ere is a need to modify t"e penalty imposed !pon appellant.DLwphiD ollo0in+ t"e prono!ncement in t"e
case of -alto v. People
for sexual abuse, and in t"e absence of any miti+atin+ or a++ravatin+ circ!mstances, t"e /o!rt finds it appropriate to
impose t"e penalty of reclusion temporal in its ma1im!m period, 0"ic" "as t"e ran+e of 1D years, 4 mont"s and 1 day to ,0 years.
Applyin+ t"e 2ndeterminate Sentence @a0,
t"erefore, t"e ma1im!m term of t"e indeterminate penalty s"all be t"at 0"ic" co!ld be properly
imposed !nder t"e la0, 0"ic" is 1D years, 4 mont"s and 1 day to ,0 years ofreclusion temporal, 0"ile t"e minim!m term s"all be 0it"in t"e
ran+e ne1t lo0er in de+ree, 0"ic" is prision ma"or in its medi!m period to reclusion temporal in its minim!m period, or a period ran+in+ from :
years and 1 day to 14 years and : mont"s. Similarly, t"e a0ard of moral dama+es is increased from %30,000.00 to%50,000.00, p!rs!ant to
t"e -alto case.
DHEREFORE, t"e appeal is DISMISSED. -"e A!+!st 19, ,00: Decision of t"e /o!rt of Appeals in /A8G.3. /38I./. &o. 0,D:1 findin+
appellant #over =atias " Dela !ente +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of sexual abuse!nder Section 5 )b*, Article 222 of 3ep!blic Act &o. D610
is AFFIRMED 0it" MODIFICATIONS as to penalty and t"e amo!nt of dama+es a0arded. Appellant is sentenced to s!ffer t"e penalty of 1,
years of prision ma"or as minim!m to 1D years, 4 mont"s and 1 day of reclusion temporal as ma1im!m, and ordered to pay t"e private
complainant t"e amo!nt of %50,000.00 as moral dama+es. -"e rest of t"e assailed Decision stands.
S7 73DE3ED.
Associate #!stice
>E /7&/E35
Associate #!stice
Actin+ /"airperson
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Actin+ =ember
Associate #!stice
A - - E S - A - 2 7 &
2 attest t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above 3esol!tion "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e
opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
Associate #!stice
Actin+ /"airperson, -"ird Division
/ E 3 - 2 2 / A - 2 7 &
2 certify t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above 3esol!tion "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e
opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
Senior Associate #!stice
)%er Section 1,, 3.A. ,96, -"e #!diciary Act of 194:, as amended*
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
SE/7&D D2H2S27&
G.R. No. 1,1/,. Ma'16 .,, .44/
D E / 2 S 2 7 &
>e revie0 in t"is appeal t"e decision of t"e /o!rt of Appeals in /A8G.3. /3 &o. ,3D46,
0"ic" affirmed 0it" modification t"e 6oint decision of
t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt )3-/*, 'ranc" 1D0, =alabon /ity, in /riminal /ase &os. 196,38=&, 196,48=& and 196,58=&.
Appellant Ieracleo Abello " ortada )Abello* stands convicted of one )1* co!nt of violation of para+rap" ,, Article ,668A of t"e 3evised %enal
/ode )3%/*, as amendedB
and t0o ),* co!nts of violation of se1!al ab!se !nder 3ep!blic Act )3.A.* &o. D610 )/"ild Ab!se @a0*. or t"ese
crimes, "e 0as sentenced to s!ffer imprisonment of t0elve )1,* years of prision mayor, as minim!m, to t0enty ),0* years of recl!sion
temporal, and t0o recl!sion perpet!as, respectively.
-"e follo0in+ 2nformations )all dated #!ly :, 199:* 0ere filed a+ainst t"e appellant5
/riminal /ase &o. 196,38=&
-"at on or abo!t t"e :t" day of #!ly 199:, in &avotas, =etro =anila, and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, t"e above8named
acc!sed, bein+ a step8fat"er )sic* of victim AAA,
0it" le0d desi+n and by means of force and intimidation, did t"en and t"ere 0illf!lly,
!nla0f!lly and felonio!sly p!ttin+ "is penis inside t"e mo!t" of said AAA, a+ainst "er 0ill and 0it"o!t "er consent.
/7&-3A3G -7 @A>.
/riminal /ase &o. 196,48=&
-"at on or abo!t t"e 30t" day of #!ne 199:, in &avotas, =etro =anila, and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, t"e above8named
acc!sed, bein+ a step8fat"er )sic* of victim AAA, a )sic* years old, and %olio Stri(en )sic*, 0it" le0d desi+n by means of violence and
intimidation, did t"en and t"ere 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly mas"in+ "er breast, a+ainst "er 0ill and 0it"o!t "er consent.
/7&-3A3G -7 @A>.
/riminal /ase &o. 196,58=&
-"at on or abo!t t"e ,nd day of #!ly 199:, in &avotas, =etro =anila, and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, t"e above8named
acc!sed, bein+ a step8fat"er )sic* of victim AAA, a )sic* ,1 years old, and %olio Stri(en )sic*, 0it" le0d desi+n by means of violence and
intimidation, did t"en and t"ere 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly mas"in+ "er breast, a+ainst "er 0ill and 0it"o!t "er consent.
/7&-3A3G -7 @A>.
Abello, 0it" t"e assistance of co!nsel, pleaded not +!ilty to t"ese c"ar+es. -"e cases 0ere 6ointly tried since t"ey arose from similar incidents
involvin+ t"e same parties.
-"e prosec!tion relied on testimony of t"e victim, AAA, 0"o identified Abello as t"e perpetrator of t"e rape and
se1!al ab!ses a+ainst "er. Abello?s defense 0as confined to "is denial of t"e acc!sations.
-"e 'ac(+ro!nd acts
-"e 3-/ s!mmari.ed t"e facts as follo0s5
-"e victim in t"ese cases is t0enty8one ),1* year old AAA. S"e contracted polio 0"en s"e 0as seven )D* mont"s old. S"e 0as not able to
st!dy on acco!nt of "er diffic!lty in 0al(in+. Ience, s"e co!ld only read and 0rite "er name incl!din+ t"at of "er friends.
7n #!ne 30, 199: at aro!nd 4500 o?cloc( )sic* in t"e early mornin+, AAA 0as sleepin+ in t"eir "o!se in Malyen+ 2mpiyerno, &avotas, =etro
=anila alon+ 0it" "er sister8in8la0 and nep"e0. S"e 0as s!ddenly a0a(ened 0"en Abello R mas"ed "er breast. /ome #!ly ,, 1999 at
aro!nd 3500 a.m. Abello a+ain mas"ed t"e breast of AAA practically !nder t"e same previo!s sit!ation 0"ile t"e latter 0as sleepin+. 2n t"ese
t0o occasions AAA 0as able to reco+ni.e Abello beca!se of t"e li+"t comin+ from o!tside 0"ic" ill!minated t"e "o!se. -"en on #!ly :, 199:,
at aro!nd ,500 a.m., Abello t"is time placed "is soft penis inside t"e mo!t" of AAA. -"e latter +ot a0a(en 0"en Abello accidentally (neeled on
"er ri+"t "and. AAA e1claimed SArayS forcin+ t"e acc!sed to "!rriedly enter "is room. Ie 0as nevert"eless seen by AAA. -"e victim on t"e
same date reported t"e incident to "er sister8in8la0 and mot"er.
Amidst t"e acc!sation of rapin+ and t0ice se1!ally ab!sin+ AAA, Abello interposed t"e defense of denial. 2n all of t"e instances, Abello
claimed t"at "e merely stepped on t"e victim at t"e sala on "is 0ay to "is room after retirin+ "ome.
-"e 3-/ fo!nd Abello +!ilty !nder t"e t"ree 2nformations. -"e dispositive portion of t"e decision states5
>IE3E73E, premises considered, 6!d+ment is "ereby rendered as follo0s5
1. 2n /riminal /ase &o. 196,38=&, t"e /o!rt finds acc!sed Ieracleo Abello " ortada +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of t"e crime of
Hiolation of %ara+rap" ,, Article ,,68A, 3ep!blic Act J&o.K :353 and "ereby sentences "im to s!ffer an indeterminate penalty of Seven )D*
Gears of prision mayor, as minim!m, to -"irteen )13* Gears of recl!sion temporal, as ma1im!mB
,. 2n /riminal /ase &os. 196,48=& and 196,58=&, t"e /o!rt finds acc!sed Ieracleo Abello " ortada +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of t0o
),* co!nts of Hiolation of Section 5, Article 222 of 3ep!blic Act J&o.K D610 and "ereby sentences "im in eac" of t"e t0o cases to s!ffer an
indeterminate penalty of o!r )4* Gears of prision correctional )sic*, as minim!m, to -0elve )1,* Gears and 7ne )1* Day of prision mayor, as
JEmp"asis t"eirsK
-"e /A affirmed Abello?s conviction on appeal b!t modified t"e penalties imposed. -"e dispositive portion of its decision reads5
>IE3E73E, t"e appealed 6!d+ement )sic* is "ereby A23=ED s!b6ect to t"e follo0in+ =7D22/A-27&S5
1.2n /riminal /ase &o. 196,38=&, appellant is "ereby sentenced to s!ffer an indeterminate penalty of t0elve )1,* years of prision mayor, as
minim!m, to t0enty ),0* years of recl!sion temporal, as ma1im!mB Appellant is f!rt"er ordered to pay complainant, AAA, moral dama+es in
t"e amo!nt of %50,000.00
,. 2n /riminal /ase &os. 196,48=& and 196,58=&, appellant is "ereby sentenced to s!ffer t"e penalty of recl!sion perpet!a in eac" of t"e
t0o cases.
-"e 2ss!es
Abello contends in "is 'rief t"at5
1. -"e co!rt a $!o erred in not absolvin+ t"e acc!sed8appellant of t"e crime of violation of para+rap" ,, Article ,668A of t"e 3evised %enal
/ode, as amendedB
,. -"e co!rt a $!o "as committed an error in not e1c!lpatin+ t"e acc!sed8appellant of t"e crime of violation of Section 5, Article 222 of 3.A. &o.
Ie emp" t"at it 0as impossible for "im to "ave committed t"ese crimes considerin+ t"at5 )a* "e is AAA?s stepfat"er 0"o "as a "ealt"y
se1!al relations"ip 0it" "er mot"erB )b* AAA 0as not alone d!rin+ t"ese alle+ed incidentsB and )c* AAA admitted t"at s"e 0as asleep 0"en
t"ese incidents "appened ma(in+ it li(ely t"at s"e co!ld "ave 6!st dreamed of t"em.
-"e 7ffice of t"e Solicitor General maintains t"e correctness of Abello?s conviction on t"e basis of AAA?s positive and candid narration
coverin+ t"e elements constit!tin+ t"e crimes of rape by se1!al assa!lt and se1!al ab!se.
7!r 3!lin+
>e affirm Abello?s conviction on all t"ree c"ar+es.
Determinin+ t"e +!ilt or innocence of an acc!sed, based solely on t"e victim?s testimony, is not an easy tas( in revie0in+ convictions for rape
and se1!al ab!se cases. or one, t"ese crimes are !s!ally committed in private so t"at only t"e t0o direct parties can attest to 0"at
"appenedB t"!s, t"e testimonies are lar+ely !ncorroborated as to t"e e1act details of t"e rape, and are !s!ally in conflict 0it" one anot"er.
>it" t"is in mind, 0e e1ercise !tmost care in scr! t"e parties? testimonies to determine 0"o of t"em is believable. 7ftentimes, 0e rely
on t"e s!rro!ndin+ circ!mstances as s"o0n by t"e evidence, and on common "!man e1perience.
>e caref!lly revie0ed AAA?s testimony in li+"t of t"e iss!es Abello raised in "is appeal, and in li+"t of matters "e did not raise b!t 0"ic"
materially affect "is innocence or c!lpability. After d!e consideration, 0e find no reason to do!bt t"e veracity of AAA?s testimony and "er
version of t"e events t"at led to t"e filin+ of t"e present c"ar+es.
2n "er testimony, AAA positively and !ne$!ivocally narrated t"e details of "er rape and se1!al ab!se s"e s!ffered in Abello?s "ands, as
F5 Do yo! remember any !n!s!al incident t"at "appened on #!ne 30, 1999, inside yo!r mot"er?s "o!se at aro!nd 4500 o?cloc( )sic*U
A5 2 remembered on t"at date t"at "e "old )sic* my breast, sir.
F5 >"o "old )sic* yo!r breastU
A5 Ie is t"e one, sir. )>itness pointed to t"e acc!sed.*
F5 >"at else did "e do to yo! at t"at timeU
A5 -"at 0as a+ain repeated on #!ly , more or less 3500 o?cloc( )sic*, sir.
F5 >"at did "e do to yo! on #!ly , at 3500 o?cloc( )sic*U
A5 -"e same "e mas"ed my breast, sir.
F5 >as t"at repeatedU
A5 7n #!ly : at aro!nd ,500 o?cloc( in t"e mornin+, sir.
F5 >"at "appened t"enU
A5 Ie placed "is penis on )sic* my mo!t", sir.
F5 >"ile "is penis 0as inside yo!r mo!t", 0"at else 0as "e doin+ to yo!U
A5 Ie s!ddenly entered t"e room of my mot"er beca!se 2 sa0 "im and 2 0as s!re t"at it 0as "im 0"o 0as doin+ t"at to me, sir.
F5 >"en 0as t"at 0"en t"e acc!sed placed "is penis inside yo!r mo!t"U
A5 2 0as sleepin+ at t"at time, sir.
F5 >ere yo! a0a(en )sic*U
A5 Ges, sir.
F5 >"en yo! 0ere a0a(ened, 0"at did yo! seeU
A5 Iis or+an 0as in my mo!t" 0"ile 2 0as sleepin+, 2 +ot a0a(en )sic* beca!se 2 felt pain after "e accidentally (neeled on my ri+"t "and and
beca!se of t"at 2 cried Saray,S 1 1 1
1 1 1
F5 So, it cannot ta(e one min!te or t"irty seconds t"at t"e penis of t"e acc!sed 0as inserted on )sic* yo!r mo!t" openU
A5 2 notice t"at my mo!t" 0as open, Go!r Ionor.
F5 So, yo! 0ere not s!re 0"et"er it lasted for one second or one min!teU
A5 2t lasted for one second, Go!r Ionor.
F5 And yo! 0ere a0a(enedU
A5 Ges, Go!r Ionor.
F5 Io0 do yo! (no0 t"at it 0as t"e penis of t"e acc!sedU
A5 2 sa0 it, Go!r Ionor.
F5 >"om did yo! seeU
A5 Iim, yo! "onor.
F5 >"ile t"e penis 0as inside yo!r mo!t", 0ere yo! sleepin+ or a0a(en alreadyU
A5 2 +ot a0a(en beca!se of t"e placement of "is penis on )sic* my mo!t", sir.
F5 >as "is penis soft or "ardU
A5 2 +ot "old of it, Go!r "onor.
1 1 1
F5 Io0 0ere yo! able to "old t"e penisU
A5 2 "old )sic* t"e penis to p!s" it o!t on )sic* my mo!t", Go!r "onor.
>e note t"at bot" t"e 3-/ and /A fo!nd AAA?s testimony to be positive, direct, and cate+orical, 0"ile t"e 3-/ fo!nd t"e defense?s version
too strained to be believed for bein+ contrary to "!man e1perienceB t"e 3-/ ref!sed to accept t"e claim t"at Abello 0as prosec!ted for rape
and se1!al ab!se simply beca!se "e stepped 0it" "is (nees on "er stepda!+"ter?s "and.
A material point 0e noted is t"at Abello co!ld not
say 0"y AAA 0o!ld falsely acc!se "im.
-"e s!bstance and tenor of t"e testimony and t"e element of motivation are critical points for !s
since a strai+"tfor0ard, cate+orical and candid narration by t"e victim deserves credence if no ill motive can be s"o0n drivin+ "er to falsely
testify a+ainst t"e acc!sed.
7!r consideration of Abello?s defense of denial and "is ot"er ar+!ments lead !s to re6ect t"em for t"e follo0in+ reasons5
1irst, t"e iss!e of "is credibility is red!ced to a c"oice bet0een t"e offended party?s positive testimony and t"e denial of t"e acc!sed. 2n t"is
case, AAA cate+orically and !nmista(ably identified Abello as "er rapist and se1!al ab!serB
t"e identification 0as positive beca!se t"e scene
0as ill!minated by a li+"t comin+ from o!tside t"e parties? "o!se at t"e time of t"e incidents.
S"e also testified t"at d!rin+ t"e rape, s"e sa0
Abello s!ddenly enter t"e room of "er mot"er after s"e yelped in pain 0"en "e stepped 0it" "is (nee on "er "and.
Settled 6!rispr!dence tells
!s t"at t"e mere denial of one?s involvement in a crime cannot ta(e precedence over t"e positive testimony of t"e offended party.
Abello li(e0ise admitted t"at in t"e 0ee "o!rs of t"e mornin+s of #!ne 30, #!ly ,, and #!ly :, 199:, "e passed by t"e sala of t"eir "o!se
0"ere AAA and "er companions 0ere sleepin+.
-"is admission s"o0s t"at "e "ad t"e opport!nity and t"e means to commit t"ese crimes in
terms of "is location and close pro1imity to AAA 0"o, to+et"er 0it" "er companions, 0ere t"en sleepin+.
0econd, 0e flatly re6ect Abello?s ar+!ment t"at "is relations"ip 0it" AAA ins!lates "im from t"e crimes c"ar+ed. 7!r 6!dicial e1perience tells
!s t"at in "andlin+ t"ese types of cases, t"e relations"ip bet0een t"e offender and t"e offended party "as never been an obstacle to t"e
commission of t"e crime a+ainst c"astity. Alt"o!+" alarmin+ to admit, t"is (ind and de+ree of relations"ip is no0 $!ite common in t"ese types
of crimes. St!dies s"o0 a risin+ incidence of family and domestic violence 0"ere 9:.:_ of t"e victims are 0omenB an estimated ,6.D_ of
t"ese cases involve se1!al ab!se, 0"ile 33_ involve incest committed a+ainst c"ildren.
2n t"ese cases, t"e male spo!se, t"e fat"er of t"e
victim, or close male relatives, "ave been identified as fre$!ent ab!sers.
2hird, 0e find t"e claim t"at AAA co!ld "ave 6!st dreamed of t"e incidents complained of, to be prepostero!s. 2t is "i+"ly !nli(ely t"at a 0oman
in "er ri+"t mind 0o!ld e1pose and declare "erself a victim of rape and se1!al ab!se, 0"en s"e 0o!ld t"ereby open "erself to t"e "!miliatin+
e1perience of a p!blic trial and to t"e possible social sti+ma of bein+ a victim of rape and se1!al ab!se. 2n t"e normal co!rse, a 0oman 0ill not
e1pose "erself to t"ese ris(s !nless s"e is certain of 0"at "appened and s"e see(s to obtain 6!stice a+ainst t"e perpetrator. >e note in t"is
re+ard AAA?s cate+orical testimony t"at s"e filed t"e criminal c"ar+es beca!se s"e did not (no0 0"at to doB s"e t"!s reported t"e incidents to
"er mot"er and sister8in8la0 0"o t"ereafter so!+"t police assistance.
-"e record also s"o0s t"at AAA lived a s"eltered life cared for by "er relatives beca!se of "er polio.
Enless t"e contrary is s"o0n, it is "i+"ly
!n!s!al for "er to "ave t"e 0orldly sop"istication to invent or fabricate t"e c"ar+es s"e made, partic!larly one made a+ainst "er stepfat"er. A
c"ar+e a+ainst one?s stepfat"er, too, is !n!s!al in o!r socio8c!lt!ral conte1t beca!se of t"e respect 0e +ive o!r elders, and is only
!nderstandable if t"ere is a deeply felt ca!se for complaint. >e partic!larly note t"at no imp!tation "as been made at any time in t"e case t"at
AAA is not normal, save for "er p"ysical disability, or "as a strained relations"ip 0it" "er stepfat"er prior to t"e acts c"ar+ed.
'ased on t"ese considerations and in t"e absence of clear indications of errors in +ivin+ credence to AAA?s testimony, 0e find no reason to
dist!rb t"e fact!al findin+s of t"e 3-/ and t"e /A.
3ape by se1!al assa!lt
3.A. &o. :353 0"ic" too( effect on 7ctober ,,, 199D introd!ced into t"e %"ilippine le+al system t"e concept of rape by se1!al assa!lt. -"is
amendment not only reclassified rape as a crime a+ainst persons, b!t also e1panded t"e definition of rape from t"e traditional concept of a
se1!al interco!rse committed by a man a+ainst an !n0illin+ 0oman.
-"e second para+rap" of Article ,668A of t"e 3%/, as amended defines rape by se1!al assa!lt as committed by any person 0"o, !nder any
of t"e circ!mstance mentioned in para+rap" 1 R s"all commit an act of se1!al assa!lt by insertin+ "is penis into anot"er person?s mo!t" or
anal orifice, or any instr!ment or ob6ect, into t"e +enital or anal orifice of anot"er person.
-"e elements of rape by se1!al assa!lt are5
)1*-"at t"e offender commits an act of se1!al assa!ltB
),*-"at t"e act of se1!al assa!lt is committed by any of t"e follo0in+ means5
)a* 'y insertin+ "is penis into anot"er person?s mo!t" or anal orificeB or
1 1 1
)3* -"at t"e act of se1!al assa!lt is accomplis"ed !nder any of t"e follo0in+ circ!mstances5
)a* 'y !sin+ force or intimidationB
)b* >"en a 0oman is deprived of reason or ot"er0ise !nconscio!sB
1 1 1
AAA?s testimony covers t"e commission of t"e se1!al assa!lt t"ro!+" t"e insertion of Abello?s male or+an into "er mo!t"B AAA also
consistently identified Abello as t"e perpetrator of t"e se1!al assa!lt. -"ese statements satisfy t"e first and second elements of t"e rape.
Ier testimony t"at s"e 0as ro!sed from sleep 0it" Abello?s male or+an inserted in "er mo!t", +oes into t"e t"ird element of t"e crime.
2n t"is
respect, 0e observe t"at bot" t"e 3-/ and t"e /A failed to notice t"e variance bet0een t"e alle+ations in t"e 2nformation for rape and t"at
proven at t"e trial on t"e mode of committin+ t"e offense. -"e 2nformation alle+es Sforce and intimidationS as t"e mode of commission, 0"ile
AAA testified d!rin+ t"e trial t"at s"e 0as asleep at t"e time it "appened and only a0o(e to find Abello?s male or+an inside "er mo!t".
-"is variance is not fatal to Abello?s conviction for rape by se1!al assa!lt. 2n %eople v. /orp!.,
0e r!led t"at a variance in t"e mode of
commission of t"e offense is bindin+ !pon t"e acc!sed if "e fails to ob6ect to evidence s"o0in+ t"at t"e crime 0as committed in a different
manner t"an 0"at 0as alle+ed. 2n t"e present case, Abello did not ob6ect to t"e presentation of evidence s"o0in+ t"at t"e crime c"ar+ed 0as
committed in a different manner t"an 0"at 0as stated in t"e 2nformation. -"!s, t"e variance is not a bar to Abello?s conviction of t"e crime
c"ar+ed in t"e 2nformation.
Acts of lascivio!sness
Abello 0as convicted of t0o ),* co!nts of se1!al ab!se !nder Section 5 )b*, Article 222 of 3.A. &o. D610, 0"ic" defines and acts of
lascivio!sness committed a+ainst a c"ild5
Section 5. Child Prostitution and *ther 0exual (buse. 8 /"ildren, 0"et"er male or female, 0"o for money, profit, or any ot"er consideration or
d!e to t"e coercion or infl!ence of any ad!lt, syndicate or +ro!p, ind!l+e in se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct, are deemed to be
c"ildren e1ploited in prostit!tion and ot"er se1!al ab!se.
1 1 1
)b* -"ose 0"o commit t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ect to ot"er se1!al ab!seB
%rovided, -"at 0"en t"e victims is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e, t"e perpetrators s"all be prosec!ted !nder Article 335, para+rap" 3, for
rape and Article 336 of Act &o. 3:15, as amended, t"e 3evised %enal /ode, for rape or lascivio!s cond!ct, as t"e case may be5 %rovided,
-"at t"e penalty for lascivio!s cond!ct 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e s"all be recl!sion temporal in its medi!m periodB and
-"e essential elements of t"is provision are5
1. -"e acc!sed commits t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivious conduct.
,. -"e said act is performed 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ected to ot"er se1!al ab!se.
3. -"e c"ild 0"et"er male or female, is belo0 1: years of a+e.
%ara+rap" )"*, Section , of t"e 2mplementin+ 3!les and 3e+!lations of 3.A. D610
)implementin+ r!les* defines lascivio!s cond!ct as a crime
committed t"ro!+" t"e intentional to!c"in+, eit"er directly or t"ro!+" t"e clot"in+ of t"e +enitalia, an!s, +roin, breast, inner t"i+" or b!ttoc(s
0it" t"e intent to ab!se, "!miliate, "arass, de+rade, or aro!se or +ratify t"e se1!al desire of any person, amon+ ot"ers. 3ecords s"o0 t"at
AAA d!ly establis"ed t"is element 0"en s"e positively testified t"at Abello fondled "er breasts on t0o separate occasions 0"ile s"e slept.
-"e second element re$!ires t"at t"e lascivio!s cond!ct be committed on a c"ild 0"o is eit"er e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ected to ot"er
se1!al ab!se. -"is second element re$!ires evidence provin+ t"at5 )a* AAA 0as eit"er e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ected to se1!al ab!se
and )b* s"e is a c"ild as defined !nder 3.A. &o. D610.
2n 7livare. v. /o!rt of Appeals,
0e e1plained t"at t"e p"rase, Sot"er se1!al ab!seS in t"e above provision covers not only a c"ild 0"o is
ab!sed for profit, b!t also one 0"o en+a+es in lascivio!s cond!ct t"ro!+" t"e coercion or intimidation by an ad!lt. 2n t"e latter case, t"ere
m!st be some form of comp!lsion e$!ivalent to intimidation 0"ic" s!bd!es t"e free e1ercise of t"e offended party?s 0ill.
2n t"e present case, t"e prosec!tion failed to present any evidence s"o0in+ t"at force or coercion attended Abello?s se1!al ab!se on AAAB t"e
evidence reveals t"at s"e 0as asleep at t"e time t"ese crimes "appened and only a0o(e 0"en s"e felt "er breasts bein+ fondled. Ience, s"e
co!ld "ave not resisted Abello?s advances as s"e 0as !nconscio!s at t"e time it "appened. 2n t"e same manner, t"ere 0as also no evidence
s"o0in+ t"at Abello compelled "er, or co0ed "er into silence to bear "is se1!al assa!lt, after bein+ ro!sed from sleep. &eit"er is t"ere
evidence t"at s"e "ad t"e time to manifest conscio!s lac( of consent or resistance to Abello?s assa!lt.
=ore importantly, AAA cannot be considered a c"ild !nder Section 3)a* of 3.A. &o. D610 0"ic" reads5
)a* S/"ildrenS refers to person belo0 ei+"teen )1:* years of a+e or t"ose over b!t are !nable to f!lly ta(e care of t"emselves or protect
t"emselves from ab!se, ne+lect, cr!elty, e1ploitation or discrimination beca!se of a p"ysical or mental disability or conditionB JEmp"asis
-"e implementin+ r!les elaborated on t"is definition 0"en it defined a Sc"ildS as one 0"o is belo0 1: years of a+e or over said a+e 0"o, !pon
eval!ation of a $!alified p"ysician, psyc"olo+ist or psyc"iatrist, is fo!nd to be incapable of ta(in+ care of "erself f!lly beca!se of a p"ysical or
mental disability or condition or of protectin+ "erself from ab!se.
>"ile t"e records s"o0 t"at t"e 3-/, t"e /A and t"e investi+atin+ prosec!tor 0"o filed t"e correspondin+ 2nformations, considered AAA?s
polio as a p"ysical disability t"at rendered "er incapable of normal f!nction, no evidence 0as in fact presented s"o0in+ t"e prosec!tion?s
compliance 0it" t"e implementin+ r!les. Specifically, t"e prosec!tion did not present any evidence, testimonial or doc!mentary, of any
medical eval!ation or medical findin+ from a $!alified p"ysician, psyc"olo+ist or psyc"iatrist attestin+ t"at AAA?s p"ysical condition rendered
"er incapable of f!lly ta(in+ care of "erself or of protectin+ "erself a+ainst se1!al ab!se. Ender t"e circ!mstances, 0e cannot consider AAA a
c"ild !nder Section 3)a* of 3.A. &o. D610.
2n arrivin+ at t"is concl!sion, 0e consider t"at since 3.A. &o. D610 is a special la0 referrin+ to a partic!lar class in society, t"e prosec!tion
m!st s"o0 t"at t"e victim tr!ly belon+s to t"is partic!lar class to 0arrant t"e application of t"e stat!te?s provisions. Any do!bt in t"is re+ard 0e
m!st resolve in favor of t"e acc!sed.
rom anot"er perspective, 0e also note t"at no evidence "as been add!ced s"o0in+ t"at AAA?s p"ysical disability prevented "er from
resistin+ Abello?s attac(sB t"e evidence only reveals t"at Abello too( advanta+e of t"e opport!nity presented to "im )i.e., t"at AAA and "er
companions 0"o 0ere t"en asleep* to commit t"e se1!al ab!sesB t"is inference is s!pported by t"e fact t"at "e stopped "is se1!al assa!lt
0"en AAA started to a0a(en. 2t can also be reasonably ded!ced from t"ese circ!mstances t"at Abello so!+"t to commit t"e se1!al ab!ses
0it" imp!nity 88 0it"o!t AAA?s (no0led+e and 0it"o!t any interference on "er part.
2n li+"t of t"ese concl!sions, 0e cannot "old Abello liable !nder 3.A. &o. D610. Io0ever, 0e still find "im liable for acts of lascivio!sness
!nder Article 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended.
2n 7livare., 0e emp"asi.ed t"at t"e c"aracter of t"e crime is not determined by t"e caption or preamble of t"e information or from t"e
specification of t"e provision of la0 alle+ed to "ave been violatedB t"e crime committed is determined by t"e recital of t"e !ltimate facts and
circ!mstances in t"e complaint or information.
2n t"e present case, alt"o!+" t"e t0o 2nformations 0ron+ly desi+nated 3.A. &o. D610 as t"e
la0 violatedB t"e alle+ations t"erein s!fficiently constit!te acts p!nis"able !nder Article 336 of t"e 3%/ 0"ose elements are5
1. -"at t"e offender commits any act of lascivio!snessB
,. -"at t"e offended party is anot"er person of eit"er se1B and
3. -"at it is done !nder any of t"e follo0in+ circ!mstances5
a. 'y !sin+ force or intimidationB or
b. >"en t"e offended party is deprived of reason or ot"er0ise !nconscio!sB or
c. >"en t"e offended party is !nder 1, years of a+e or is demented.
-"e presence of t"e first and second elements of t"e offense "as been earlier disc!ssed, albeit in t"e consideration of a c"ar+e !nder 3.A.
&o. D610. -"e prosec!tion establis"ed t"ese elements t"ro!+" AAA?s testimony t"at "er breasts 0ere fondled 0"ile s"e 0as asleep. >"ile
s"e did not act!ally see Abello fondlin+ "er )as t"e fondlin+ 0as done 0"ile s"e 0as asleep and stopped 0"en s"e a0a(ened*, s"e related
t"at s"e identified Abello beca!se s"e sa0 "im enter "er mot"er?s room immediately after s"e felt "er breasts fondled and after "e stepped
0it" "is (nees on "er "and.
AAA also testified t"at Abello 0as ill!minated by a li+"t comin+ from o!tside t"eir "o!se.
!rt"er, t"e
perpetrator co!ld only be Abello as t"e only ot"er occ!pants of t"e "o!se at t"e time 0ere "er mot"er, "er sister8in8la0 and "er yo!n+ nep"e0
0"o 0ere all asleep.
-"e t"ird element 0as proven by "er testimony t"at, on t0o occasions, Abello mas"ed "er breasts 0"ile s"e 0as
As 0e disc!ssed above, t"e 2nformations alle+ed t"e element of violence and intimidation as t"e mode of committin+ t"e se1!al ab!ses,
contrary to 0"at t"e prosec!tion establis"ed d!rin+ t"e trial t"at AAA 0as asleep on t"e t0o occasions 0"en t"e offenses 0ere committed.
%!rs!ant to o!r above disc!ssions citin+ /orp!.,
t"e deficiencies in t"e alle+ations 0ill not relieve Abello of liability !nder t"e circ!mstances
of t"is case.
-"e %enalty
-"e t"ree 2nformations all alle+ed t"e stepfat"er8stepda!+"ter relations"ip bet0een AAA and Abello. 3elations"ip as an alternative
circ!mstance !nder Article 15 of t"e 3%/, as amended, and is an a++ravatin+ circ!mstance in crimes a+ainst c"astity and in rape.
modifyin+ circ!mstance, "o0ever, 0as not d!ly proven in t"e present case d!e to t"e prosec!tion?s fail!re to present t"e marria+e contract
bet0een Abello and AAA?s mot"er. 2f t"e fact of marria+e came o!t in t"e evidence at all, it 0as via an admission by Abello of "is marria+e to
AAA?s mot"er. -"is admission, "o0ever, is inconcl!sive evidence to prove t"e marria+e to AAA?s mot"er,
as t"e marria+e contract still
remains t"e best evidence to prove t"e fact of marria+e.
-"is stricter re$!irement is only proper as relations"ip is an a++ravatin+
circ!mstance t"at increases t"e imposable penalty, and "ence m!st be proven by competent evidence.
3ape by se1!al assa!lt is penali.ed by prision mayor 0"ic" "as a ran+e of si1 )6* years and one )1* day to t0elve )1,* years. Applyin+ t"e
2ndeterminate Sentence @a0, t"e minim!m of t"e indeterminate penalty s"all be 0it"in t"e f!ll ran+e of t"e penalty t"at is one de+ree lo0er
t"an prision mayor, in t"is case, prision correccional 0"ic" "as a ran+e of penalty from si1 )6* mont"s and one )1* day to si1 )6* years. 2n t"e
absence of any miti+atin+ or a++ravatin+ circ!mstance, t"e ma1im!m of t"e indeterminate penalty s"all be ta(en 0it"in t"e medi!m period of
prision mayor, or ei+"t ):* years and one )1* day to ten )10* years.
Ience, Abello may be sentenced to s!ffer an indeterminate penalty
ran+in+ from si1 )6* mont"s and one )1* day to si1 )6* years of prision correccional, as minim!m, to ei+"t ):* years and one )1* day to ten )10*
years, as ma1im!m, for t"e crime of rape.
-"e imposable penalty for acts of lascivio!sness !nder Article 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended, is prision correccional. Ender Scale &o. 1 of
Article D1 of t"is la0, one de+ree lo0er from prision correccional is arresto mayor 0"ic" "as a ran+e of penalty from one )1* mont" and one )1*
day to si1 )6* mont"s. Applyin+ t"e 2ndeterminate Sentence @a0, t"e minim!m of t"e indeterminate penalty s"all be ta(en from t"e f!ll ran+e
of arresto mayor. Absent any miti+atin+ or a++ravatin+ circ!mstance in t"e case, t"e ma1im!m of t"e indeterminate penalty s"all be ta(en
from t"e medi!m period of prision correccional or t0o ),* years, fo!r )4* mont"s and one )1* day to fo!r )4* years and t0o ),* mont"s.
Accordin+ly, Abello may be meted an indeterminate penalty ran+in+ from one )1* mont" and one )1* day to si1 )6* mont"s of arresto mayor, as
minim!m, to t0o ),* years, fo!r )4* mont"s and one )1* day to fo!r )4* years and t0o ),* mont"s of prision correccional, as ma1im!m, for eac"
co!nt of acts of lascivio!sness.
-"e /ivil @iability
A victim of rape by se1!al assa!lt is entitled to an a0ard of %30,000 as civil indemnity and %30,000 as moral dama+es.
/ivil indemnity is
separate and distinct from t"e a0ard of moral dama+es 0"ic" is a!tomatically +ranted in rape cases.
=oral dama+es are additionally
a0arded 0it"o!t need of f!rt"er pleadin+ or proofB it is pres!med t"at t"e victim necessarily s!ffered in6!ry d!e to t"e odio!sness of t"e
or acts of lascivio!sness, AAA is a0arded %,0,000 as civil indemnity and %30,000 as moral dama+es for eac" co!nt in line 0it" e1istin+
-"e /o!rt f!rt"er a0ards e1emplary dama+es in t"e amo!nt of %,5,000 for t"e rape t"ro!+" se1!al assa!lt committed !pon AAA and %,,000
for eac" co!nt of acts of lascivio!sness.
Article ,,30 of t"e /ivil /ode allo0s an a0ard of e1emplary dama+es 0"en t"e crime is committed
0it" one or more a++ravatin+ circ!mstances.
Alt"o!+" not alle+ed in t"e 2nformations )as no0 re$!ired by Sections : and 9, 3!le 110 of t"e ,000 3evised 3!les of /riminal
t"e a++ravatin+ circ!mstance of d0ellin+ 0as nonet"eless proven d!rin+ t"e trial 0"en AAA testified t"at s"e 0as se1!ally
ab!sed by Abello 0"ile s"e 0as asleep in t"eir "o!se.
Additionally, Article ,668' of t"e 3%/, as amended, (no0led+e by t"e offender of t"e mental disability, emotional disorder and<or
p"ysical "andicap of t"e offended party at t"e time of t"e commission of t"e crime, as a $!alifyin+ circ!mstance. A+ain, t"is (no0led+e by
Abello of AAA?s polio 0as d!ly proven d!rin+ t"e trialB t"is matter 0as not alle+ed in t"e 2nformation.
-"ese a++ravatin+ and $!alifyin+ circ!mstances of d0ellin+ and Abello?s (no0led+e of AAA?s p"ysical disability may be appreciated in
a0ardin+ t"e victim e1emplary dama+es in line 0it" o!r r!lin+ in %eople v. /at!bi+
0"ere 0e "eld t"at t"e presence of an a++ravatin+
circ!mstance, 0"et"er ordinary or $!alifyin+, entitles t"e offended party to an a0ard of e1emplary dama+es.
DHEREFORE, premises considered, t"e decision dated #an!ary 3, ,00, of t"e /o!rt of Appeals in /A8G.3. /3 &o. ,3D46
is AFFIRMED 0it" t"e follo0in+ MODIFICATIONS in t"at5
)1* 2n C'2:2na< Ca(& No. 1/5., 0e find appellant Ieracleo Abello " ortada GUILTY of rape by se1!al assa!lt defined and
penali.ed !nder Articles ,668A and ,668' of t"e 3evised %enal /ode, as amended. >e sentence "im to s!ffer an indeterminate
prison term of si1 )6* years of prision correccional, as minim!m, to ten )10* years of prision mayor, as ma1im!m. Ie is 73DE3ED to
pay AAA %30,000.00 as civil liabilityB %30,000.00 as moral dama+es and %,5,000.00 as e1emplary dama+esB
),* 2n /riminal /ase &os. 196,48=& and 196,58=&, 0e find appellant Ieracleo Abello " ortada GE2@-G of acts of lascivio!sness,
defined and penali.ed !nder Article 336 of t"e 3evised %enal /ode, as amended. or eac" co!nt, "e is sentenced to an
indeterminate prison term of si1 )6* mont"s of arresto mayor, as minim!m, to fo!r )4* years and t0o ),* mont"s of prision
correccional, as ma1im!m. Ie is f!rt"er 73DE3ED to pay AAA t"e amo!nts of %,0,000.00 as civil indemnityB %30,000.00 as moral
dama+es and %,,000.00 as e1emplary dama+es, in eac" case.
S7 73DE3ED.
Associate #!stice
>E /7&/E35
Associate #!stice
(ctin% Chairperson
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
2 attest t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion
of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
Associate #!stice
(ctin% Chairperson
%!rs!ant to Section 13, Article H222 of t"e /onstit!tion, and t"e Division /"airperson?s Attestation, it is "ereby certified t"at t"e concl!sions in
t"e above Decision 0ere reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
/"ief #!stice
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
-I23D D2H2S27&
G.R. No. 1/8,! S&=0&:8&' .!, .41.
D E / 2 S 2 7 &
-"is is to resolve an appeal from t"e Decision
dated A!+!st 4, ,010 of t"e /o!rt of Appeals )/A* in /A8G.3. /38I/ &o. 03D,5 affirmin+ 0it"
modification t"e Decision
dated 7ctober :, ,00: of t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt )3-/*, 'ranc" 194, %araYa$!e /ity, findin+ appellant Dina D!lay
+!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of t"e crime of 3ape !nder Article ,668A. &o. 1 )a* of t"e 3evised %enal /ode )3%/* as amended by 3ep!blic
Act )3.A.* :353 as a co8principal by indispensable cooperation.
-"e records bear t"e follo0in+ fact!al antecedents5
%rivate complainant AAA
0as 1, years old 0"en t"e 0"ole incident "appened. AAATs sister introd!ced t"e appellant to AAA as someone 0"o
is nice. -"ereafter, appellant convinced AAA to accompany "er at a 0a(e at G2 San Dionisio, %araYa$!e /ity. 'efore +oin+ to t"e said 0a(e,
t"ey 0ent to a casino to loo( for appellantTs boyfriend, b!t since "e 0as not t"ere, t"ey 0ent to Sto. &iYo at Don Galo. Io0ever, appellantTs
boyfriend 0as also not t"ere. >"en t"ey 0ent to '!l!n+an is" %ort alon+ t"e coastal road to as( for some fis", t"ey sa0 appellantTs
boyfriend. After0ards, AAA, appellant and t"e latterTs boyfriend proceeded to t"e M!b!"an located at t"e bac( of t"e '!l!n+an is" %ort.
>"en t"ey reac"ed t"e M!b!"an, appellant s!ddenly p!lled AAA inside a room 0"ere a man (no0n by t"e name SSpeedS 0as 0aitin+. AAA
sa0 SSpeedS +ive money to appellant and "eard SSpeedS tell appellant to loo( for a yo!n+er +irl. -"ereafter, SSpeedS 0ielded a (nife and tied
AAATs "ands to t"e papa+ and raped "er. AAA as(ed for appellantTs "elp 0"en s"e sa0 t"e latter peepin+ into t"e room 0"ile s"e 0as bein+
raped, b!t appellant did not do so. After t"e rape, SSpeedS and appellant told AAA not to tell anyone 0"at "ad "appened or else t"ey 0o!ld
+et bac( at "er.
AAA 0ent to San %edro, @a+!na after t"e incident and told "er sister 0"at "appened and t"e latter informed t"eir mot"er abo!t it. AAA, "er
sister and mot"er, filed a complaint at 'aran+ay San Dionisio. -"ereafter, t"e baran+ay officials of San Dionisio referred t"e complaint to t"e
police station.
-"e %araYa$!e /ity %olice 7ffice )>omenTs and /"ildren /oncern Des(* as(ed t"e assistance of t"e /"ild %rotection Enit of t"e %"ilippine
General Iospital, !pon 0"ic" t"e latter assi+ned t"e case to Dr. =erle -an. /onse$!ently, 0it" t"e consent of AAA and "er mot"er, and in t"e
presence of a social 0or(er of t"e Department of Social >elfare and Development )DS>D*, Dr. -an cond!cted t"e re$!isite intervie0 and
p"ysical e1amination on AAA. @ater on, Dr. -an iss!ed a =edico8@e+al 3eport
statin+ t"at t"ere 0as no evident in6!ry in t"e body of AAA, b!t
medical eval!ation cannot e1cl!de se1!al ab!se. D!rin+ "er testimony, Dr. -an e1plained t"at s!c" impression or concl!sion pertains to t"e
ano8+enital e1amination and also stated t"at s"e fo!nd m!ltiple abrasions on t"e bac( portion of t"e body of AAA.
-"!s, an 2nformation 0as filed, 0"ic" reads as follo0s5
-"at on or abo!t t"e 3rd day of #!ly ,005, in t"e /ity of %araYa$!e, %"ilippines and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, t"e above8
named acc!sed, conspirin+ and confederatin+ to+et"er 0it" one alias SSpeed,S 0"ose tr!e name and identity and present 0"ereabo!ts is still
!n(no0n, and bot" of t"em m!t!ally "elpin+ and aidin+ one anot"er, t"e "erein acc!sed Dina %. D!lay "avin+ delivered and offered for a fee
complainant AAA, 1, year old minor, to acc!sed alias SSpeed,S 0"o 0it" le0d desi+n and by means of force and intimidation, did t"en and
t"ere 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly "ave carnal (no0led+e on said minor complainant AAA a+ainst "er 0ill and 0it"o!t "er consent,
0"ic" act is pre6!dicial to t"e normal +ro0t" and development of t"e said c"ild.
/7&-3A3G -7 @A>.
>it" t"e assistance of co!nsel de oficio, on A!+!st 3, ,005, appellant entered a plea of not +!ilty.
-"erafter, trial on t"e merits ens!ed.
-o s!pport t"e above alle+ations, t"e prosec!tion presented t"e testimonies of AAA and Dr. =erle -an. 7n t"e ot"er "and, t"e defense
presented t"e sole testimony of appellant 0"ic" can be s!mmari.ed as follo0s5
Appellant met AAA a fe0 days before #!ne ,005 0"en t"e latter 0as introd!ced to "er by "er co!sin E+lay A(mad d!rin+ t"e 0a(e of a
relative of AAA at %alanya+. -"e co!sin of appellant 0as AAATs nei+"bor at %alanya+. Aro!nd 1 oTcloc( in t"e mornin+ of #!ly 3, ,005,
appellant averred t"at s"e 0as at @a I!erta, at t"e '!l!n+an is" %ort in %araYa$!e /ity 0it" "er co!sin E+lay and stayed t"ere for abo!t
t"irty )30* min!tes. -"ey t"en proceeded to t"e "o!se of appellantTs co!sin in %alanya+. 2n t"e said "o!se, appellant sa0 SSpeedS and t0o ),*
ot"er male persons. S"e also sa0 AAA 0"o 0as en+a+ed in a conversation 0it" SSpeedS and "is t0o ),* companions. S"e as(ed AAA 0"at
s"e 0as doin+ t"ere and t"e latter said t"at it 0as none of "er b!siness )S0ala (an+ pa(ialam sa a(inS*. 'eca!se of t"e response of AAA,
appellant left t"e "o!se and 0ent "ome to General -rias, /avite.
7n 7ctober :, ,00:, t"e 3-/ fo!nd appellant +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of t"e crime of rape as co8principal by indispensable
cooperation. -"e dispositive portion of t"e decision reads5
>IE3E73E, findin+ Acc!sed Danilo +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt for rape as a co8principal by indispensable cooperation, s"e is "ereby
sentenced to s!ffer an imprisonment of 3ecl!sion %erpet!a !nder Article ,668' of t"e 3evised %enal /ode and to pay t"e offended party t"e
amo!nt of % 50,000.00 by 0ay of dama+es.
-"e period of "er detention s"all be considered part of t"e service of "er sentence.
S7 73DE3ED.
&ot satisfied 0it" t"e 6!d+ment of t"e trial co!rt, t"e appellant bro!+"t t"e case to t"e /A. -"e latter, on A!+!st 4, ,010, prom!l+ated its
decision affirmin+ t"e r!lin+ of t"e 3-/ 0it" a modification on t"e a0ard of dama+es, t"!s5
>IE3E73E, t"e appealed Decision of t"e co!rt a $!o is A23=ED 0it" t"e =7D22/A-27& t"at t"e acc!sed8appellant is sentenced to
s!ffer t"e penalty of recl!sion perpet!a and ordered to indemnify t"e offended party t"e s!m of ifty -"o!sand %esos )% 50,000.00* as civil
indemnity, ifty -"o!sand %esos )% 50,000.00* as moral dama+es and -0enty8ive -"o!sand %esos )% ,5,000.00* as e1emplary dama+es.
S7 73DE3ED.
Ience, t"e present appeal.
2n "er 'rief, appellant assi+ned t"e follo0in+ errors5
-IE /7E3- A FE7 G3AHE@G E33ED 2& 2&D2&G -IE A//ESED8A%%E@@A&- GE2@-G 7 3A%E AS /78%32&/2%A@ 'G
2&D2S%E&SA'@E /77%E3A-27&.
-IE -32A@ /7E3- G3AHE@G E33ED 2& G2H2&G E@@ >E2GI- A&D /3EDE&/E -7 -IE -ES-2=7&G 7 -IE %32HA-E
/7=%@A2&A&- AAA.
-"e 7ffice of t"e Solicitor General, representin+ t"e appellee, ref!tes t"e above assi+nment of errors by statin+ t"e follo0in+ ar+!ments5
/7&S%23A/G >AS /@EA3@G ES-A'@2SIED 2& -I2S /ASE.
-IE @7>E3 /7E3- D2D &7- E33 2& 'E@2EH2&G -IE -ES-2=7&G 7 %32HA-E /7=%@A2&A&-.
A//ESED8A%%E@@A&-TS DEE&SE 7 DE&2A@ /A&&7- 'E G2HE& G3EA-E3 EH2DE&-2A3G >E2GI- -IA& -IE %7S2-2HE
-ES-2=7&G 7 %32HA-E /7=%@A2&A&-.
An appeal in a criminal case t"ro0s t"e 0"ole case 0ide open for revie0 and t"e revie0in+ trib!nal can correct errors, t"o!+" !nassi+ned in
t"e appealed 6!d+ment, or even reverse t"e trial co!rtTs decision on t"e basis of +ro!nds ot"er t"an t"ose t"at t"e parties raised as errors.
-"e appellant in t"is case 0as c"ar+ed in t"e 2nformation as "avin+ committed t"e crime of 3ape !nder Article ,668A, &o. 1 )a* of t"e 3%/, as
amended by 3.A. :353 in relation to Section 5 )b* of 3.A. D610. S"e 0as event!ally convicted by t"e trial co!rt of t"e crime of rape as a co8
principal by indispensable cooperation and 0as sentenced to s!ffer imprisonment of recl!sion perpet!a as provided !nder Article ,668' of t"e
2n s!stainin+ t"e conviction of t"e appellant as co8principal by indispensable cooperation, t"e /A, ratiocinated5
-o cooperate means to desire or 0is" in common a t"in+. '!t t"at common 0ill or p!rpose does not necessarily mean previo!s
!nderstandin+, for it can be e1plained or inferred from t"e circ!mstances of eac" case. -"e cooperation m!st be indispensable, t"at is,
0it"o!t 0"ic" t"e commission of t"e crime 0o!ld not "ave been accomplis"ed. 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
-"e proven facts and circ!mstances obtainin+ in t"is case fall s$!arely on t"e above8cited e1ample. 2t 0ill be noted t"at t"e cooperation of t"e
acc!sed8appellant consisted in performin+ an act 0"ic" is different from t"e act of e1ec!tion of t"e crime committed by t"e rapist. Acc!sed8
appellant cooperated in t"e perpetration of t"e crime of rape committed by SSpeedS by acts 0it"o!t 0"ic" t"e crime 0o!ld not "ave been
cons!mmated, since s"e prepared t"e 0ay for t"e perpetration t"ereof, convinced t"e victim to +o 0it" "er !nder t"e +!ise of loo(in+ for "er
boyfriend and !pon arrival at t"e (!b!"an, s"e p!lled t"e victim inside a room 0"ere SSpeedS 0as 0aitin+, delivered t"e victim to "im, and
t"en after receivin+ some amo!nt of money from SSpeedS s"e settled in anot"er room to+et"er 0it" "er boyfriend so t"at SSpeedS mi+"t freely
cons!mmate t"e rape 0it" violence and intimidation, as "e did.
Io0ever, t"is /o!rt is of anot"er vie0 and does not s!bscribe to t"e findin+s of t"e trial co!rt, as s!stained by t"e /A t"at appellant is +!ilty
beyond reasonable do!bt as co8principal by indispensable cooperation in t"e crime of rape.
Ender t"e 3evised %enal /ode,
an acc!sed may be considered a principal by direct participation, by ind!cement, or by indispensable
cooperation. -o be a principal by indispensable cooperation, one m!st participate in t"e criminal resol!tion, a conspiracy or !nity in criminal
p!rpose and cooperation in t"e commission of t"e offense by performin+ anot"er act 0it"o!t 0"ic" it 0o!ld not "ave been
&ot"in+ in t"e evidence presented by t"e prosec!tion does it s"o0 t"at t"e acts committed by appellant are indispensable in
t"e commission of t"e crime of rape. -"e events narrated by t"e /A, from t"e time appellant convinced AAA to +o 0it" "er !ntil appellant
received money from t"e man 0"o alle+edly raped AAA, are not indispensable in t"e crime of rape. Anyone co!ld "ave accompanied AAA
and offered t"e latterTs services in e1c"an+e for money and AAA co!ld still "ave been raped. Even AAA co!ld "ave offered "er o0n services
in e1c"an+e for monetary consideration and still end !p bein+ raped. -"!s, t"is disproves t"e indispensable aspect of t"e appellant in t"e
crime of rape. 2t m!st be remembered t"at in t"e 2nformation, as 0ell as in t"e testimony of AAA, s"e 0as delivered and offered for a fee by
appellant, t"ereafter, s"e 0as raped by SSpeed.S -"!s5
%37S. 3. GA3/2A5 &o0, 0"at "appened after yo! met t"is Dina D!layU
>2-&ESS AAA5 S"e invited me to +o 0it" "er boyfriend, Sir.
1 1 1 1
F5 Go! 0ent to t"e b!l!n+an, 0"at "appened 0"en yo! reac"ed t"e fis" port or b!l!n+an, AAAU
A5 %!m!nta (ami sa (!b!"an, Sir.
F5 >"ere is t"is (!b!"an located in relation to t"e fis" portU
A5 At t"e bac( portion, Sir.
F5 And, 0"en yo! said p!m!nta (ami, 0"o 0as t"en yo!r companion in +oin+ to t"at (!b!"anU
A5 Dina D!lay and "er boyfriend, Sir.
F5 Do yo! (no0 t"e name of t"e boyfriend of Dina D!layU
A5 &o, Sir.
1 1 1 1
F5 All ri+"t. After reac"in+ t"e (!b!"an, 0"at "appened ne1tU
A5 %ina8rape po a(o, Sir.
F5 >"at made yo! say AAA t"at acc!sed "ere Dina D!lay "ad yo! raped at t"e (!b!"anU
A5 Masi po binayaran siya n!n+ lala(i, Sir.
F5 &o0, do yo! (no0 "o0 m!c" t"is Dina D!lay 0as paid by t"at person 0"o 0as yo! said raped yo!U
A5 &o, Sir. 2 6!st sa0 t"em.
F5 And 0"at did yo! see t"at 0as paid to DinaU
A5 %era, Sir.
F5 Aside from seein+ a +!y +ivin+ money to Dina D!lay, did yo! "ear any conversation bet0een t"is Dina D!lay and t"at man 0"o +ave
money to "erU
A5 Ges, sir.
F5 /an yo! tell t"is Ionorable /o!rt AAA, 0"at 0as t"at conversation yo! "eard bet0een t"is Dina D!lay and t"e person 0"o +ave money to
A5 Ie said to loo( for a yo!n+er +irl, Sir.
1 1 1 1
%37S. 3. GA3/2A5
F5 7(ay. After t"at conversation and t"e +ivin+ of money to Dina D!lay, 0"at "appened to yo! and t"e manU
A5 Ie raped me, Sir.
F5 >"ere 0ere yo! rapedU
A5 At t"e M!b!"an, Sir. F5 /an yo! describe to t"is Ionorable /o!rt "o0 yo! 0ere raped by t"at personU
A5 Ie tied me !p, Sir.
F5 Io0 0ere yo! tied !p as yo! saidU
A5 Ie tied !p bot" my "ands, Sir.
F5 -"en after tyin+ yo!r "ands 0"at "appened ne1tU
A5 Ie raped me and "e pointed a (nife at me, Sir.
F5 >"en yo! said yo! 0ere raped, are yo! referrin+ to t"e insertion of "is penis into yo!r se1 or+anU
A5 Ges, Sir.
F5 And, "o0 did yo! feel at t"at time 0"en t"e or+an of t"is man 0as inserted into yo!r or+anU
A5 2t 0as painf!l, Sir.
F5 And, "o0 did yo! react 0"en as yo! said yo! 0ere bein+ raped by t"is personU
A5 2 cannot tal(. Ie p!t clot"es in my mo!t", Sir.
F5 or "o0 lon+ did yo! stay in t"at (!b!"an 0it" t"is manU =ay isan+ oras ba (ayo doonU
A5 Ges, Sir.
F5 &o0, tell !s "o0 AAA many times did t"is person insert "is penis into yo!r or+anU
A5 7nly one )1* AAA, Sir.
2t m!st be clear t"at t"is /o!rt respects t"e findin+s of t"e trial co!rt t"at AAA 0as indeed raped by considerin+ t"e credibility of t"e testimony
of AAA. -"e r!le is t"at fact!al findin+s of t"e trial co!rt and its eval!ation of t"e credibility of 0itnesses and t"eir testimonies are entitled to
+reat respect and 0ill not be dist!rbed on appeal.
Io0ever, t"e revie0 of a criminal case opens !p t"e case in its entirety. -"e totality of t"e
evidence presented by bot" t"e prosec!tion and t"e defense are 0ei+"ed, t"!s, avoidin+ +eneral concl!sions based on isolated pieces of
2n t"e case of rape, a revie0 be+ins 0it" t"e reality t"at rape is a very serio!s acc!sation t"at is painf!l to ma(eB at t"e same time,
it is a c"ar+e t"at is not "ard to lay a+ainst anot"er by one 0it" malice in "er mind. 'eca!se of t"e private nat!re of t"e crime t"at 6!stifies t"e
acceptance of t"e lone testimony of a credible victim to convict, it is not easy for t"e acc!sed, alt"o!+" innocent, to disprove "is +!ilt. -"ese
realities compel t"is /o!rt to approac" 0it" +reat ca!tion and to scr!tini.e t"e statements of a victim on 0"ose sole testimony conviction or
ac$!ittal depends.
2n t"is li+"t, 0"ile t"is /o!rt does not find appellant to "ave committed t"e crime of rape as a principal by indispensable cooperation, s"e is
still +!ilty of violation of Section 5 )a* of 3.A. D610, or t"e Special %rotection of /"ildren A+ainst Ab!se, E1ploitation and Discrimination Act,
0"ic" states t"at5
Section 5. /"ild %rostit!tion and 7t"er Se1!al Ab!se. Q /"ildren, 0"et"er male or female, 0"o for money, profit, or any ot"er consideration or
d!e to t"e coercion or infl!ence of any ad!lt, syndicate or +ro!p, ind!l+e in se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct, are deemed to be
c"ildren e1ploited in prostit!tion and ot"er se1!al ab!se.
-"e penalty of recl!sion temporal in its medi!m period to recl!sion perpet!a s"all be imposed !pon t"e follo0in+5
)a* -"ose 0"o en+a+e in or promote, facilitate or ind!ce c"ild prostit!tion 0"ic" incl!de, b!t are not limited to, t"e follo0in+5
)1* Actin+ as a proc!rer of a c"ild prostit!teB
),* 2nd!cin+ a person to be a client of a c"ild prostit!te by means of 0ritten or oral advertisements or ot"er similar meansB
)3* -a(in+ advanta+e of infl!ence or relations"ip to proc!re a c"ild as a prostit!teB
)4* -"reatenin+ or !sin+ violence to0ards a c"ild to en+a+e "im as a prostit!teB or
)5* Givin+ monetary consideration +oods or ot"er pec!niary benefit to a c"ild 0it" intent to en+a+e s!c" c"ild in prostit!tion.
-"e elements of para+rap" )a* are5
1. t"e acc!sed en+a+es in, promotes, facilitates or ind!ces c"ild prostit!tionB
,. t"e act is done t"ro!+", b!t not limited to, t"e follo0in+ means5
a. actin+ as a proc!rer of a c"ild prostit!teB
b. ind!cin+ a person to be a client of a c"ild prostit!te by means of 0ritten or oral advertisements or ot"er similar meansB
c. ta(in+ advanta+e of infl!ence or relations"ip to proc!re a c"ild as a prostit!teB
d. t"reatenin+ or !sin+ violence to0ards a c"ild to en+a+e "im as a prostit!teB or
e. +ivin+ monetary consideration, +oods or ot"er pec!niary benefit to a c"ild 0it" intent to en+a+e s!c" c"ild in
3. t"e c"ild is e1ploited or intended to be e1ploited in prostit!tion and
4. t"e c"ild, 0"et"er male or female, is belo0 1: years of a+e.
%ara+rap" )a* essentially p!nis"es acts pertainin+ to or connected 0it" c"ild prostit!tion. 2t contemplates se1!al ab!se of a c"ild e1ploited in
prostit!tion. 2n ot"er 0ords, !nder para+rap" )a*, t"e c"ild is ab!sed primarily for profit.
As alle+ed in t"e 2nformation and proven t"ro!+" t"e testimony of AAA, appellant facilitated or ind!ced c"ild prostit!tion. /"ildren, 0"et"er
male or female, 0"o for money, profit, or any ot"er consideration or d!e to t"e coercion or infl!ence of any ad!lt, syndicate or +ro!p, ind!l+e
in se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct, are deemed to be c"ildren e1ploited in prostit!tion and ot"er se1!al ab!se.
-"!s, t"e act of
apellant in convincin+ AAA, 0"o 0as 1, years old at t"at time, to +o 0it" "er and t"ereafter, offer "er for se1 to a man in e1c"an+e for money
ma(es "er liable !nder t"e above8mentioned la0. -"e p!rpose of t"e la0 is to provide special protection to c"ildren from all forms of ab!se,
ne+lect, cr!elty, e1ploitation and discrimination, and ot"er conditions pre6!dicial to t"eir development.
A c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion may
seem to SconsentS to 0"at is bein+ done to "er or "im and may appear not to complain. Io0ever, 0e "ave "eld t"at a c"ild 0"o is Sa person
belo0 ei+"teen years of a+e or t"ose !nable to f!lly ta(e care of t"emselves or protect t"emselves from ab!se, ne+lect, cr!elty, e1ploitation or
discrimination beca!se of t"eir a+e or mental disability or conditionS is incapable of +ivin+ rational consent
to any lascivio!s act or se1!al
2t m!st be noted t"at in t"e 2nformation, it 0as alle+ed t"at appellant 0as acc!sed of 3ape !nder Article ,668A, &o. 1 )a* of t"e 3%/, as
amended by 3.A. :353 in relation to Section 5 )b* of 3.A. D610, and t"en 0ent on to en!merate t"e elements of Section 5 )a* of 3.A. D610 in
its body. -"e 2nformation partly reads5
1 1 1 t"e "erein acc!sed Dina %. D!lay "avin+ delivered and offered for a fee complainant AAA, 1, year old minor, to acc!sed alias SSpeed,S
0"o 0it" le0d desi+n and by means of force and intimidation, did t"en and t"ere 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly "ave carnal (no0led+e on
said minor complainant AAA a+ainst "er 0ill and 0it"o!t "er consent 1 1 1
Endo!btedly, t"e above8$!oted falls !nder Section 5 )a* of 3.A. D610, t"e appellant actin+ as a proc!rer of a c"ild and ind!cin+ t"e latter into
prostit!tion. 2t m!st be remembered t"at t"e c"aracter of t"e crime is not determined by t"e caption or preamble of t"e information nor from
t"e specification of t"e provision of la0 alle+ed to "ave been violated, t"ey may be concl!sions of la0, b!t by t"e recital of t"e !ltimate facts
and circ!mstances in t"e complaint or information.
-"e s!fficiency of an information is not ne+ated by an incomplete or defective desi+nation
of t"e crime in t"e caption or ot"er parts of t"e information b!t by t"e narration of facts and circ!mstances 0"ic" ade$!ately depicts a crime
and s!fficiently apprises t"e acc!sed of t"e nat!re and ca!se of t"e acc!sation a+ainst "im.
-o disp!te t"e alle+ation and t"e evidence presented by t"e prosec!tion, appellant merely interposes t"e defense of denial. 2t is 0ell settled
t"at denial is essentially t"e 0ea(est form of defense and it can never overcome an affirmative testimony, partic!larly 0"en it comes from t"e
mo!t" of a credible 0itness.
Anent t"e penalty, for violation of t"e provisions of Section 5, Article 222 of 3.A. D610, t"e penalty prescribed is recl!sion temporal in its medi!m
period to recl!sion perpet!a. -"erefore, in t"e absence of any miti+atin+ or a++ravatin+ circ!mstance, t"e proper imposable penalty is
recl!sion temporal in its ma1im!m period, t"e medi!m of t"e penalty prescribed by t"e la0.
&ot0it"standin+ t"at 3.A. D610 is a special la0,
appellant may en6oy t"e benefits of t"e 2ndeterminate Sentence @a0.
Since t"e penalty provided in 3.A. D610 is ta(en from t"e ran+e of
penalties in t"e 3evised %enal /ode, it is covered by t"e first cla!se of Section 1 of t"e 2ndeterminate Sentence @a0.
-"!s, appellant is
entitled to a ma1im!m term 0"ic" s"o!ld be 0it"in t"e ran+e of t"e proper imposable penalty of recl!sion temporal in its ma1im!m period
)ran+in+ from 1D years, 4 mont"s and 1 day to ,0 years* and a minim!m term to be ta(en 0it"in t"e ran+e of t"e penalty ne1t lo0er to t"at
prescribed by t"e la05 prision mayor in its medi!m period to recl!sion temporal in its minim!m period )ran+in+ from : years and 1 day to 14
years and : mont"s*.
As to t"e a0ard of dama+es, t"e same m!st be consistent 0it" t"e ob6ective of 3.A. D610 to afford c"ildren special protection a+ainst ab!se,
e1ploitation and discrimination and 0it" t"e principle t"at every person 0"o contrary to la0, 0illf!lly or ne+li+ently ca!ses dama+e to anot"er
s"all indemnify t"e latter for t"e same.
-"erefore, civil indemnity to t"e c"ild is proper in a case involvin+ violation of Section 5 )a*, Article 222 of
3.A. D610. -"is is also in compliance 0it" Article 100 of t"e 3%/ 0"ic" states t"at every person criminally liable is civilly liable. Ience, t"e
amo!nt of % 50,000.00 civil indemnity e1 delicto as a0arded in cases of violation of Section 5 )b*, Article 222 of 3.A. D610
s"all also be t"e
same in cases of violation of Section 5 )a*, Article 222 of 3.A. D610.
>IE3E73E, t"e appeal of appellant Dina D!lay y %asc!al is "ereby D2S=2SSED. Io0ever, t"e Decision of t"e /A is "ereby =7D22ED as
appellant is not +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of t"e crime of rape, b!t of violatin+ Section 5 )a*, Article 222 3.A. D610, amended, for 0"ic"
s"e is sentenced to fo!rteen )14* years and ei+"t ):* mont"s of recl!sion temporal, as minim!m, to t0enty ),0* years of recl!sion temporal, as
ma1im!m. Appellant is also 73DE3ED to pay AAA t"e amo!nt of % 50,000.00 as civil indemnity.
S7 73DE3ED.
Associate #!stice
>E /7&/E35
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
A - - E S - A - 2 7 &
2 attest t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"at case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion
of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
Associate #!stice
/"airperson, -"ird Division
/ E 3 - 2 2 / A - 2 7 &
%!rs!ant to Section 13, Article H222 of t"e /onstit!tion and t"e Division /"airperson?s Attestation, 2 certify t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above
Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
/"ief #!stice
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
SE/7&D D2H2S27&
G.R. No. 1888/- #)n& 5, .411
D E / 2 S 2 7 &
2reno 'onaa+!a )2reno* see(s t"e reversal of t"e Decision
of t"e /o!rt of Appeals )/A* in /A8G.3. /38I./. &o. 03133 convictin+ "im 0it"
t"ree )3* co!nts of Stat!tory 3ape !nder %ara+rap" ,, Article ,668A of t"e 3evised %enal /ode )3%/*, as amended, in relation to 3ep!blic
Act &o. D610 )3.A. &o. D610* and Acts of @ascivio!sness !nder Section 5 )b* of 3.A. &o. D610.
-"e fact!al and proced!ral antecedents are as follo0s5
2n fo!r )4* separate 2nformations, 2reno 0as c"ar+ed by t"e 7ffice of t"e /ity %rosec!tor of @as %iYas /ity 0it" fo!r )4* co!nts of 3ape !nder
%ara+rap" ,, Article ,668A of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to 3.A. &o. D610, for insertin+ "is ton+!e and "is fin+er into t"e +enital of "is
minor da!+"ter, AAA.
-"e acc!satory portion of t"e 2nformation in /riminal /ase &o. 0380,54 a+ainst 2reno reads5
-"at on or abo!t t"e mont" of December 199: in t"e /ity of @as %iYas and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, t"e above8named
acc!sed, 0it" ab!se of infl!ence and moral ascendancy, by means of force, t"reat and intimidation, did t"en and t"ere 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and
felonio!sly insert "is ton+!e and fin+er into t"e +enital of "is da!+"ter, JAAAK, a minor t"en ei+"t ):* years of a+e, a+ainst "er 0ill and consent.
/7&-3A3G -7 @A> and 0it" t"e special a++ravatin+<$!alifyin+ circ!mstance of minority of t"e private offended party, JAAAK, bein+ t"en
only ei+"t ):* years of a+e and relations"ip of t"e said private offended party 0it" t"e acc!sed, 2reno 'onaa+!a y 'erce, t"e latter bein+ t"e
biolo+ical fat"er of t"e former.
-"e 2nformation in /riminal /ase &o. 0380,55
"as t"e same acc!satory alle+ations 0"ile t"e 2nformations in /riminal /ase &os. 038
and /riminal /ase &os. 0380,5D
are similarly 0orded, e1cept for t"e date of t"e commission of t"e crime and t"e a+e of AAA, 0"ic"
are December ,000 and ten )10* years old, respectively.
-"e cases 0ere later consolidated
and !pon "is arrai+nment, 2reno pleaded not +!ilty to t"e fo!r )4* co!nts of rape 0it" 0"ic" "e 0as
c"ar+ed. /onse$!ently, trial on t"e merits ens!ed.
At t"e trial, t"e prosec!tion presented t"e testimonies of t"e victim, AAAB t"e victim?s mot"erB and Dr. =elissa De @eon. -"e defense, on t"e
ot"er "and, presented t"e lone testimony of t"e acc!sed as evidence.
Evidence for t"e %rosec!tion
-"e prosec!tion establis"ed t"at in 199:, AAA and "er mot"er left t"eir "o!se in /andelaria, F!e.on to spend t"e /"ristmas 0it" acc!sed8
appellant in @as %iYas /ity. -"ey stayed in t"e "o!se of a certain @ola #ean, t"e +odmot"er in t"e 0eddin+ of "er parents, at Sta. /ecilia
S!bdivision, @as %iYas /ity.
AAA 0as inside a room lyin+ in bed one afternoon 0"ile "er yo!n+er brot"ers 0ere playin+ o!tside t"e "o!se and "er mot"er 0as not "ome.
Acc!sed8appellant entered t"e room. Ie approac"ed "er, rolled "er s"irt !p0ard, and removed "er s"orts and panty. S"e tried to resist by
p!ttin+ "er clot"es bac( on, b!t "er fat"er?s stren+t" prevailed. -"ereafter, acc!sed8appellant to!c"ed and caressed "er breasts. Ie lic(ed
"er va+ina t"en inserted "is fin+er into it.
2n t"e evenin+ of t"e same day, t"e acc!sed8appellant raped AAA a+ain in t"e same manner and !nder t"e same circ!mstances. AAA did not
tell "er mot"er t"at s"e 0as raped beca!se acc!sed8appellant t"reatened to (ill "er mot"er by placin+ t"e latter?s body in a dr!m and "ave it
cemented if s"e 0o!ld report t"e incidents. S"e ret!rned to F!e.on 0it" "er mot"er before t"e end of t"e /"ristmas season.
2n December 1999, AAA 0as raped by acc!sed8appellant for t"e t"ird time 0"en "e 0ent to /andelaria, F!e.on. 2n December ,000, AAA and
"er mot"er spent t"e G!letide season 0it" acc!sed8appellant in %!lan+l!pa, @as %iYas /ity. 2n a sin+le day, AAA 0as raped for t"e fo!rt" and
fift" time. >"ile spendin+ t"e afternoon inside "er fat"er?s room at t"e car80as" station, "e removed "er s"orts and panty t"en proceeded to
to!c" and insert "is fin+er into "er va+ina. Acc!sed8appellant repeated t"e same se1!al assa!lt s"ortly t"ereafter. AAA a+ain did not report
t"ese incidents for fear t"at "er mot"er 0o!ld be (illed and cemented inside a dr!m.
7n #an!ary ,6, ,001, AAA complained of severe abdominal pain 0"ic" prompted "er mot"er to ta(e "er to Gre++ Iospital in Sariaya,
F!e.on. AAA 0as transferred to t"e F!e.on =emorial Iospital in @!cena /ity 0"ere Dr. =elissa De @eon performed on "er a p"ysical
e1amination. -"e res!lts revealed t"at t"ere 0as a "ealed s!perficial laceration at t"e 9 o?cloc( position on t"e "ymen of AAA. -"is medical
findin+ forced AAA to reveal to "er mot"er all t"e incidents of rape committed by acc!sed8appellant.
After bein+ disc"ar+ed from t"e "ospital, AAA?s mot"er too( "er to t"e %olice Iead$!arters of Sariaya, F!e.on to file a complaint for rape
a+ainst acc!sed8appellant. AAA?s mot"er also too( "er to t"e office of t"e &ational '!rea! of 2nvesti+ation in @e+aspi /ity 0"ere s"e
e1ec!ted a s0orn statement a+ainst acc!sed8appellant.
Evidence for t"e Defense
Acc!sed8appellant denied committin+ t"e c"ar+es of rape "!rled a+ainst "im. Ie claimed to be 0or(in+ in @as %iYas /ity 0"ile AAA, "er
mot"er and siblin+s 0"ere )sic* in Sariaya, F!e.on at t"e time t"e alle+ed rapes occ!rred. >"ile "e admitted t"at t"ere 0ere times 0"en AAA
and "er mot"er 0o!ld visit "im in @as %iYas /ity, "e nonet"eless averred t"at t"ey 0o!ld leave on t"e same day t"ey arrived after "e +ives
t"em money.
Acc!sed8appellant asserted f!rt"er t"at t"e c"ar+es of rape a+ainst "im 0ere fabricated by AAA?s mot"er, 0"o s!spected "im of "avin+ an
affair 0it" anot"er 0oman in @as %iYas /ity.
7n A!+!st 6, ,00D, t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt )3-/*, after findin+ t"e evidence for t"e prosec!tion over0"elmin+ a+ainst t"e acc!sed?s defense
of denial and alibi, rendered a Decision
convictin+ 2reno 0it" fo!r )4* co!nts of 3ape, t"e dispositive portion of 0"ic" reads5
>IE3E73E, premises considered, t"ere bein+ proof beyond reasonable do!bt t"at acc!sed 23E&7 '7&AAGEA, "as committed fo!r )4*
co!nts of 3A%E !nder par. , of Article ,668A of t"e 3evised %enal /ode, as amended, in relation to 3.A. D610, as c"ar+ed, t"e /o!rt "ereby
prono!nced "im GE2@-G and sentences "im to s!ffer t"e penalty of 3E/@ES27& %E3%E-EA for eac" case and to pay private complainant
JAAAK, t"e amo!nt of %"p50,000 for eac" case, or a total of %"p,00,000, by 0ay of civil indemnity pl!s %"p50,000 for eac" case or a total of
%"p,00,000 as moral dama+es.
/osts a+ainst t"e acc!sed.
S7 73DE3ED.
A++rieved, 2reno appealed t"e Decision before t"e /A, 0"ic" appeal 0as later doc(eted as /A8G.3. /38I./. &o. 03133.
7n =arc" 31, ,009, t"e /A rendered a Decision
affirmin+ t"e decision of t"e 3-/ 0it" modifications on t"e imposable penalty in /riminal
/ase &os. 0380,54, 0380,56, and 0380,5D, and findin+ 2reno +!ilty of Acts of @ascivio!sness !nder Section 5 )b* of 3.A. &o. D610, instead of
3ape, in /riminal /ase &os. 0380,55, t"e decretal portion of 0"ic" reads5
>IE3E73E, t"e Decision of t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt of @as %iYas /ity, 'ranc" ,54, findin+ 2reno 'onaa+!a y 'erce +!ilty beyond
reasonable do!bt of t"e crime of rape is A23=ED 0it" =7D22/A-27&S5
1. 2reno 'onaa+!a y 'erce is "ereby sentenced to s!ffer t"e indeterminate penalty of 1, years of prision mayor, as minim!m, to ,0
years of recl!sion temporal, as ma1im!m, for eac" rape in /riminal /ase &os. 0380,54, 0380,56 and 0380,5D and is ordered to pay
AAA t"e amo!nt of %,5,000.00 as e1emplary dama+es in eac" case, apart from t"e civil indemnity and moral dama+es t"at "ave
already been a0arded by t"e trial co!rtB
,. 2reno 'onaa+!a y 'erce is "ereby "eld +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of t"e crime of acts of lascivio!sness in /riminal /ase
&o. 0380,55, 0it" relations"ip as an a++ravatin+ circ!mstance. Ie is, accordin+ly, sentenced to s!ffer t"e indeterminate penalty of
1, years and 1 day to 1D years and 4 mont"s of recl!sion temporal in its minim!m and medi!m periods and ordered to pay AAA t"e
amo!nt of %"%15,000 as moral dama+es and a fine of %"%15,000.00.
S7 73DE3ED.
2n fine, t"e /A fo!nd 2reno?s defense of denial and alibi in"erently 0ea( a+ainst t"e positive identification of AAA t"at "e 0as t"e c!lprit of t"e
"orrid deed. -"!s, aside from modifyin+ t"e imposable penalty in /riminal /ase &os. 0380,54, 0380,56 and 0380,5D, t"e /A affirmed t"e
decision of t"e 3-/ findin+ 2reno +!ilty of t"e crime of 3ape -"ro!+" Se1!al Assa!lt.
2n /riminal /ase &o. 0380,55, "o0ever, after a dili+ent revie0 of t"e evidence add!ced by t"e prosec!tion, t"e /A only fo!nd 2reno +!ilty of
t"e crime of Acts of @ascivio!sness !nder Section 5 )b* of 3.A. &o. D610. -"e /A opined t"at since t"e prosec!tion failed to establis" t"e act
of insertion by 2reno of "is fin+er into t"e va+ina of AAA, 2reno co!ld only be fo!nd +!ilty of Acts of @ascivio!sness, a crime 0"ic" is
necessarily incl!ded in t"e 2nformation filed a+ainst "im in /riminal /ase &o. 0380,55.
2reno no0 comes before t"is /o!rt for relief.
2n a 3esol!tion
dated December 16, ,009, t"e /o!rt informed t"e parties t"at t"ey may file t"eir respective s!pplemental briefs if t"ey so
desire. 2n t"eir respective =anifestations,
t"e parties 0aived t"e filin+ of t"eir s!pplemental briefs and, instead, adopted t"eir respective
briefs filed before t"e /A.
Ience, 2reno raises t"e lone error5
-"e /7E3- A FE7 G3AHE@G E33ED 2& 2&D2&G -IE A//ESED8A%%E@@A&- GE2@-G 7 -IE /32=E 7 3A%E DES%2-E -IE
%37SE/E-27&?S A2@E3E -7 %37HE I2S GE2@- 'EG7&D 3EAS7&A'@E D7E'-.
Simply p!t, 2reno maintains t"at t"e testimony of AAA 0as replete 0it" inconsistencies and 0as e1tremely !nbelievable. 2reno insists t"at t"e
alle+ation t"at "e inserted "is ton+!e and fin+er into t"e +enital of AAA 0as manifestly incredible as t"e deed is p"ysiolo+ically impossible.
=oreover, t"e medical findin+s are +rossly inconcl!sive to prove t"at AAA 0as raped, since it only establis"ed t"at t"ere 0as only one "ealed
s!perficial laceration.
-"is /o!rt, "o0ever, finds t"e ar+!ments raised by 2reno !ntenable. -o determine t"e innocence or +!ilt of t"e acc!sed in rape cases, t"e
co!rts are +!ided by t"ree 0ell8entrenc"ed principles5 )1* an acc!sation of rape can be made 0it" facility and 0"ile t"e acc!sation is diffic!lt to
prove, it is even more diffic!lt for t"e acc!sed, t"o!+" innocent, to disproveB ),* considerin+ t"at in t"e nat!re of t"in+s, only t0o persons are
!s!ally involved in t"e crime of rape, t"e testimony of t"e complainant s"o!ld be scr!tini.ed 0it" +reat ca!tionB and )3* t"e evidence for t"e
prosec!tion m!st stand or fall on its o0n merits and cannot be allo0ed to dra0 stren+t" from t"e 0ea(ness of t"e evidence for t"e defense.
After per!sin+ t"e testimony of t"e victim, AAA, t"e prosec!tion "as ind!bitably establis"ed t"at 2reno 0as t"e one 0"o se1!ally assa!lted
"er. AAA cate+orically narrated t"at 2reno se1!ally ab!sed "er on several occasions and even t"reatened AAA t"at "e 0o!ld (ill "er mot"er if
s"e 0o!ld report t"e incidents.
-ime and a+ain, t"is /o!rt "as consistently "eld t"at in rape cases, t"e eval!ation of t"e credibility of 0itnesses is best addressed to t"e
so!nd discretion of t"e trial 6!d+e 0"ose concl!sion t"ereon deserves m!c" 0ei+"t and respect beca!se t"e 6!d+e "ad t"e direct opport!nity
to observe t"em on t"e stand and ascertain if t"ey 0ere tellin+ t"e tr!t" or not. Generally, appellate co!rts 0ill not interfere 0it" t"e trial co!rt?s
assessment in t"is re+ard, absent any indication or s"o0in+ t"at t"e trial co!rt "as overloo(ed some material facts of s!bstance or val!e, or
+ravely ab!sed its discretion.
2t is 0ell entrenc"ed in t"is 6!risdiction t"at 0"en t"e offended parties are yo!n+ and immat!re +irls, as in t"is case, co!rts are inclined to lend
credence to t"eir version of 0"at transpired, considerin+ not only t"eir relative v!lnerability, b!t also t"e s"ame and embarrassment to 0"ic"
t"ey 0o!ld be e1posed if t"e matter abo!t 0"ic" t"ey testified 0ere not tr!e.
A yo!n+ +irl 0o!ld not !s!ally concoct a tale of deflorationB
p!blicly admit "avin+ been ravis"ed and "er "onor taintedB allo0 t"e e1amination of "er private partsB and !nder+o all t"e tro!ble and
inconvenience, not to mention t"e tra!ma and scandal of a p!blic trial, "ad s"e not in fact been raped and been tr!ly moved to protect and
preserve "er "onor, and motivated by t"e desire to obtain 6!stice for t"e 0ic(ed acts committed a+ainst "er.
=oreover, t"e /o!rt "as
repeatedly "eld t"at t"e lone testimony of t"e victim in a rape case, if credible, is eno!+" to s!stain a conviction.
=oreover, contrary to 2reno?s contention, t"e medical findin+s of Dr. =elissa De @eon did not ref!te AAA?s testimony of defilement, b!t instead
bolstered "er claim. -"e 3-/ correctly concl!ded5
2t is tr!e t"at Dr. =elissa De @eon, 0"en called to t"e 0itness stand to s!bstantiate t"e same medical certification, did not r!le o!t t"e
possibility t"at t"e laceration mi+"t "ave been inflicted t"ro!+" some ot"er ca!ses and t"at t"ere co!ld "ave been only one instance of fin+er
insertion into t"e va+ina of private complainant. Io0ever, it is e$!ally tr!e t"at Dr. De @eon also did not r!le o!t t"e possibility t"at fin+er
insertion mi+"t "ave been t"e ca!se of t"e laceration )pp. D81,, -S&, #an!ary 31, ,006*. Dr. De @eon also clarified t"at only one laceration
may be inflicted alt"o!+" a fin+er is inserted into t"e va+ina on separate instances )pp. 198,6, s!pra*. Accordin+ to Dr. De @eon, t"is instance
depends on t"e force e1erted into t"e va+ina and on 0"et"er or not t"e "ymen is membrano!s or firm and t"ic(. A membrano!s "ymen is
easily lacerated and so 0"en a force is e1erted into it on several occasions, several lacerations may occ!r. A t"ic( and firm "ymen is not
easily lacerated and so a force e1erted into it on several occasions may ca!se only one laceration. %rivate complainant "as t"ic( and firm
"ymen and t"is may e1plain 0"y t"ere is only )sic* laceration on "er "ymen alt"o!+" s"e claimed "er fat"er inserted into "er va+ina "is fin+er
several times )pp. 198,9, s!pra*.
-"is non8cate+orical stance of Dr. De @eon is nonet"eless !nderstandable beca!se Dr. De @eon "as no personal (no0led+e of 0"at act!ally
"appened to private complainant t"at s"e )complainant* s!ffered "ymenal laceration. Io0ever, t"ere is one t"in+ very certain t"o!+" in t"e
testimony of Dr. De @eon Q t"at s"e medically e1amined JAAAK, "erein private complainant, beca!se of t"e information t"at JAAAK 0as se1!ally
ab!sed by "er JAAA?sK o0n fat"er )pp. 586, s!pra*. And indeed, as already disc!ssed len+t"ily above, t"ere is no reason to do!bt t"e veracity
of AAA?s alle+ation.
-"e same concl!sion 0as also arrived at by t"e /A, to 0it5
>"ile t"e medico8le+al findin+s s"o0ed a sin+le "ealed s!perficial laceration on t"e "ymen of AAA, Dr. De @eon clarified t"at it is not
impossible for a "ymen to s!stain only one laceration despite t"e fact t"at a fin+er "ad been inserted into t"e va+ina on several acco!nts. -"is
sit!ation may arise dependin+ on t"e force e1tended into t"e va+ina and on 0"et"er or not t"e "ymen of t"e victim is membrano!s or firm and
t"ic(. A membrano!s "ymen is easily laceratedB t"!s, 0"en a force is e1erted into it on several occasions, several lacerations may occ!r. 7n
t"e ot"er "and, a t"ic( and firm "ymen is not easily laceratedB a force e1erted into it on several occasions may ca!se only one laceration.
Accordin+ to Dr. De @eon, AAA "as t"ic( and firm "ymen and t"is may e1plain 0"y it "as only one laceration despite "er claim t"at acc!sed8
appellant inserted "is fin+er inside "er va+ina several times.
Even 2reno?s contention t"at t"e c"ar+es a+ainst "im 0ere merely fabricated by "is 0ife beca!se s"e s!spects t"at "e is "avin+ an affair 0it"
anot"er 0oman deserves scant consideration. Aside from t"e fact t"at t"e said alle+ation 0as not proved, it m!st be emp"asi.ed t"at no
member of a rape victim?s family 0o!ld dare enco!ra+e t"e victim to p!blicly e1pose t"e dis"onor to t"e family !nless t"e crime 0as in fact
committed, especially in t"is case 0"ere t"e victim and t"e offender are relatives.
2t is !nnat!ral for a mot"er to !se "er da!+"ter as an
en+ine of malice, especially if it 0ill s!b6ect "er c"ild to embarrassment and lifelon+ sti+ma.
Also, 2reno cannot li(e0ise rely on t"e Affidavit of Desistance statin+ t"at AAA and "er mot"er are no lon+er interested in p!rs!in+ t"e case
filed a+ainst "im.
3ape is no lon+er a crime a+ainst c"astity for it is no0 classified as a crime a+ainst persons.
/onse$!ently, rape is no lon+er considered a
private crime or t"at 0"ic" cannot be prosec!ted, e1cept !pon a complaint filed by t"e a++rieved party. Ience, pardon by t"e offended party
of t"e offender in t"e crime of rape 0ill not e1tin+!is" t"e offender?s criminal liability. =oreover, an Affidavit of Desistance even 0"en
constr!ed as a pardon in t"e erst0"ile Sprivate crimeS of rape is not a +ro!nd for t"e dismissal of t"e criminal cases, since t"e actions "ave
already been instit!ted. -o 6!stify t"e dismissal of t"e complaints, t"e pardon s"o!ld "ave been made prior to t"e instit!tion of t"e criminal
As correctly concl!ded by t"e /A, t"e said affidavit 0as e1ec!ted in connection 0it" anot"er acc!sation of rape 0"ic" 2reno
committed a+ainst AAA in /andelaria, F!e.on and not t"e fo!r cases of rape s!b6ect of t"is appeal. 2n addition, AAA?s mot"er testified t"at
s"e e1ec!ted t"e said affidavit to re+ain c!stody of "er c"ildren 0"o 0ere bro!+"t to 'icol by 2reno?s siblin+s.
2t "as been repeatedly "eld by t"is /o!rt t"at it loo(s 0it" disfavor on affidavits of desistance. As cited in %eople v.,
t"e rationale for
t"is 0as e1tensively disc!ssed in %eople v. #!nio5
1 1 1 >e "ave said in so many cases t"at retractions are +enerally !nreliable and are loo(ed !pon 0it" considerable disfavor by t"e co!rts.
-"e !nreliable c"aracter of t"is doc!ment is s"o0n by t"e fact t"at it is $!ite incredible t"at after +oin+ t"ro!+" t"e process of "avin+ t"e
JappellantK arrested by t"e police, positively identifyin+ "im as t"e person 0"o raped "er, end!rin+ t"e "!miliation of a p"ysical e1amination of
"er private parts, and t"en repeatin+ "er acc!sations in open co!rt by reco!ntin+ "er an+!is", Jt"e rape victimK 0o!ld s!ddenly t!rn aro!nd
and declare t"at JaKfter a caref!l deliberation over t"e case, )s"e* find)s* t"at t"e same does not merit or 0arrant criminal prosec!tion.
-"!s, 0e "ave declared t"at at most t"e retraction is an aftert"o!+"t 0"ic" s"o!ld not be +iven probative val!e. 2t 0o!ld be a dan+ero!s r!le
to re6ect t"e testimony ta(en before t"e co!rt of 6!stice simply beca!se t"e 0itness 0"o +ave it later on c"an+ed "is mind for one reason or
anot"er. S!c" a r!le J0o!ldK ma(e a solemn trial a moc(ery and place t"e investi+ation at t"e mercy of !nscr!p!lo!s 0itnesses. 'eca!se
affidavits of retraction can easily be sec!red from poor and i+norant 0itnesses, !s!ally for monetary consideration, t"e /o!rt "as invariably
re+arded s!c" affidavits as e1ceedin+ly !nreliable.
Amidst t"e over0"elmin+ evidence a+ainst "im, 2reno offered not"in+ b!t "is bare denial of t"e acc!sations a+ainst "im and t"at "e 0as
someplace else 0"en t"e dastardly acts 0ere committed. &o 6!rispr!dence in criminal la0 is more settled t"an t"at alibi is t"e 0ea(est of all
defenses, for it is easy to contrive and diffic!lt to disprove, and for 0"ic" reason it is +enerally re6ected.
2t "as been consistently "eld t"at
denial and alibi are t"e most common defenses in rape cases. Denial co!ld not prevail over complainant?s direct, positive and cate+orical
assertion. As bet0een a positive and cate+orical testimony 0"ic" "as t"e rin+ of tr!t", on one "and, and a bare denial, on t"e ot"er, t"e
former is +enerally "eld to prevail.
All said, as fo!nd by t"e /A, t"e prosec!tion "as convincin+ly proved and more t"an s!fficiently
establis"ed t"at5 )1* 2reno committed t"e acc!sations of 3ape -"ro!+" Se1!al Assa!lt a+ainst AAA in /riminal /ases &os. 0380,54, 0380,56,
and 0380,5DB ),* t"at AAA 0as a minor 0"en 2reno committed t"e se1!al assa!lt a+ainst "erB
and )3* t"at 2reno 0as t"e biolo+ical fat"er of
Herily, in criminal cases, an e1amination of t"e entire records of a case may be e1plored for t"e p!rpose of arrivin+ at a correct concl!sion, as
an appeal in criminal cases t"ro0s t"e 0"ole case open for revie0, it bein+ t"e d!ty of t"e co!rt to correct s!c" error as may be fo!nd in t"e
6!d+ment appealed from.
Since t"e /A fo!nd 2reno +!ilty of Acts of @ascivio!sness !nder Section 5 )b* of 3.A. &o. D610 in /riminal /ase
&o. 0380,55 instead of rape, t"e /o!rt s"o!ld t"!s determine 0"et"er t"e evidence presented by t"e prosec!tion 0as s!fficient to establis"
t"at t"e intentional to!c"in+ of t"e victim by 2reno constit!tes lascivio!s cond!ct and 0"et"er t"e /A imposed t"e appropriate penalties.
As aptly fo!nd by t"e /A5
A dili+ent revie0 of t"e evidence add!ced by t"e prosec!tion, "o0ever, s"o0s t"at acc!sed8appellant cannot be "eld +!ilty as c"ar+ed for t"e
crime of rape in /riminal /ase &o. 0380,55. -"e prosec!tion failed to establis" insertion by acc!sed8appellant of "is fin+er into t"e va+ina of
AAA, 0"o testified on direct e1amination t"at acc!sed8appellant Sto!c"ed my private part and lic(ed it b!t "e did not insert "is fin+er inside my
va+ina.S 2n fact, even t"e trial co!rt as(ed AAA if acc!sed8appellant inserted "is fin+er inside "er va+ina. S"e ans0ered in t"e ne+ative and
averred t"at "e lic(ed "er va+ina and to!c"ed "er breasts. 2n reply to t"e prosec!tion?s $!ery if acc!sed8appellant did anyt"in+ else aside
from lic(in+ "er or+an, s"e said "e also to!c"ed it. D!rin+ cross8e1amination, AAA testified t"at acc!sed8appellant Smerely to!c"ed "er va+ina
b!t did not insert "is fin+er.S
Section 5 )b*, Article 222 of 3.A. &o. D610, defines and acts of lascivio!sness committed a+ainst a c"ild as follo0s5
Section 5. /"ild %rostit!tion and 7t"er Se1!al Ab!se. 88 /"ildren, 0"et"er male or female, 0"o for money, profit, or any ot"er consideration or
d!e to t"e coercion or infl!ence of any ad!lt, syndicate or +ro!p, ind!l+e in se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct, are deemed to be
c"ildren e1ploited in prostit!tion and ot"er se1!al ab!se.
1 1 1 1
)b* -"ose 0"o commit t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ect to ot"er se1!al ab!seB
%rovided, -"at 0"en t"e victims is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e, t"e perpetrators s"all be prosec!ted !nder Article 335, para+rap" 3, for
rape and Article 336 of Act &o. 3:15, as amended, t"e 3evised %enal /ode, for rape or lascivio!s cond!ct, as t"e case may be5 %rovided,
-"at t"e penalty for lascivio!s cond!ct 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e s"all be recl!sion temporal in its medi!m period.
%ara+rap" )b* p!nis"es se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct not only 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion, b!t also 0it" a c"ild s!b6ected to
ot"er se1!al ab!ses. 2t covers not only a sit!ation 0"ere a c"ild is ab!sed for profit, b!t also 0"ere one t"ro!+" coercion, intimidation or
infl!ence en+a+es in se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct 0it" a c"ild.
Io0ever, p!rs!ant to t"e fore+oin+ provision, before an acc!sed can be convicted of c"ild ab!se t"ro!+" lascivio!s cond!ct committed
a+ainst a minor belo0 1, years of a+e, t"e re$!isites for acts of lascivio!sness !nder Article 336 of t"e 3%/ m!st be met in addition to t"e
re$!isites for se1!al ab!se !nder Section 5 of 3.A. &o. D610.
Acts of @ascivio!sness, as defined in Article 336 of t"e 3%/, "as t"e follo0in+ elements5
)1* -"at t"e offender commits any act of lascivio!sness or le0dnessB
),* -"at it is done !nder any of t"e follo0in+ circ!mstances5
a. 'y !sin+ force or intimidationB or
b. >"en t"e offended party is deprived of reason or ot"er0ise
!nconscio!sB or
c. >"en t"e offended party is !nder 1, years of a+eB and
)3* -"at t"e offended party is anot"er person of eit"er se1.
2n addition, t"e follo0in+ elements of se1!al ab!se !nder Section 5, Article 222 of 3.A. &o. D610 m!st be establis"ed5
1. -"e acc!sed commits t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct.
,. -"e said act is performed 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ected to ot"er se1!al ab!se.
3. -"e c"ild, 0"et"er male or female, is belo0 1: years of a+e.
/orollarilly, Section , )"* of t"e r!les and re+!lations
of 3.A. &o. D610 defines S@ascivio!s cond!ctS as5
J-K"e intentional to!c"in+, eit"er directly or t"ro!+" clot"in+, of t"e +enitalia, an!s, +roin, breast, inner t"i+", or b!ttoc(s, or t"e introd!ction of
any ob6ect into t"e +enitalia, an!s or mo!t", of any person, 0"et"er of t"e same or opposite se1, 0it" an intent to ab!se, "!miliate, "arass,
de+rade, or aro!se or +ratify t"e se1!al desire of any person, bestiality, mast!rbation, lascivio!s e1"ibition of t"e +enitals or p!bic area of a
Endeniably, all t"e afore8stated elements are present in /riminal /ase &o. 0380,55. 2reno committed lascivio!s acts a+ainst AAA by to!c"in+
"er breasts and lic(in+ "er va+ina and t"e lascivio!s or le0d acts 0ere committed a+ainst AAA, 0"o 0as : years old at t"e time as
establis"ed by "er birt" certificate.
-"!s, t"e /A correctly fo!nd 2reno +!ilty of t"e crime of Acts of @ascivio!sness !nder Section 5 )b* of
3.A. &o. D610.DavvphiD
2t m!st be emp"asi.ed, "o0ever, t"at li(e in t"e crime of rape 0"ereby t"e sli+"test penetration of t"e male or+an or even its sli+"test contact
0it" t"e o!ter lip or t"e labia majora of t"e va+ina already cons!mmates t"e crime, in li(e manner, if t"e ton+!e, in an act of c!nnilin+!s,
to!c"es t"e o!ter lip of t"e va+ina, t"e act s"o!ld also be considered as already cons!mmatin+ t"e crime of rape t"ro!+" se1!al assa!lt, not
t"e crime of acts of lascivio!sness. &ot0it"standin+, in t"e present case, s!c" lo+ical interpretation co!ld not be applied. 2t m!st be pointed
o!t t"at t"e victim testified t"at 2reno only to!c"ed "er private part and lic(ed it, b!t did not insert "is fin+er in "er va+ina. -"is testimony of t"e
victim, "o0ever, is open to vario!s interpretation, since it cannot be identified 0"at specific part of t"e va+ina 0as defiled by 2reno. -"!s, in
conformity 0it" t"e principle t"at t"e +!ilt of an acc!sed m!st be proven beyond reasonable do!bt, t"e statement cannot be t"e basis for
convictin+ 2reno 0it" t"e crime of rape t"ro!+" se1!al assa!lt.
P&na<02&( and A?a'd o> Da:a3&(
Iavin+ fo!nd 2reno +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of 3ape -"ro!+" Se1!al Assa!lt in /riminal /ase &os. 0380,54, 0380,56, and 0380,5D
and Acts of @ascivio!sness in /riminal /ase &o. 0380,55, >e s"all proceed to determine t"e appropriate penalties imposable for eac"
/riminal /ase &os. 0380,54, 0380,56, and 0380,5D
Ender Article ,668' of t"e 3%/, t"e penalty for rape by se1!al assa!lt is recl!sion temporal Sif t"e rape is committed by any of t"e 10
a++ravatin+<$!alifyin+ circ!mstances mentioned in t"is article.S
2n /riminal /ase &os. 0380,54, 0380,56, and 0380,5D, t"e
a++ravatin+<$!alifyin+ circ!mstance of minority and relations"ip are present, considerin+ t"at t"e rape 0as committed by a parent a+ainst "is
minor c"ild. 3ecl!sion temporal ran+es from t0elve )1,* years and one )1* day to t0enty ),0* years.
Applyin+ t"e 2ndeterminate Sentence @a0, t"e ma1im!m term of t"e indeterminate penalty s"all be t"at 0"ic" co!ld be properly imposed
!nder t"e 3%/. 7t"er t"an t"e a++ravatin+<$!alifyin+ circ!mstances of minority and relations"ip 0"ic" "ave been ta(en into acco!nt to raise
t"e penalty to reclusion temporal,
no ot"er a++ravatin+ circ!mstance 0as alle+ed and proven. Ience, t"e penalty s"all be imposed in its
medi!m period,
or fo!rteen )14* years, ei+"t ):* mont"s and one )1* day to seventeen )1D* years and fo!r )4* mont"s.
7n t"e ot"er "and, t"e minim!m term of t"e indeterminate sentence s"o!ld be 0it"in t"e ran+e of t"e penalty ne1t lo0er in de+ree t"an t"at
prescribed by t"e /ode 0"ic" is prision ma"or or si1 )6* years and one )1* day to t0elve )1,* years.
-"!s, 2reno s"o!ld be meted t"e
indeterminate penalty of ten )10* years of prision ma"or, as minim!m, to seventeen )1D* years and fo!r )4* mont"s of reclusion temporal, as
2t m!st be clarified, "o0ever, t"at t"e reasonin+ e1po!nded by t"e /o!rt in t"e recent case of %eople v. Armando /"in+" y %arcia,
imposin+ !pon t"e acc!sed t"e "i+"er penalty provided in Section 5 )b*, Article 222 of 3.A. &o. D610, "as no application in t"e case at bar. 2n
t"e said case, t"e /o!rt, ac(no0led+in+ t"e fact t"at to impose t"e lesser penalty 0o!ld be !nfair to t"e c"ild victim, meted !pon t"e acc!sed
t"e "i+"er penalty of recl!sion temporal in its medi!m period as provided in Section 5 )b*, Article 222 of 3.A. &o. D610, instead of t"e lesser
penalty of prision mayor prescribed by Article ,668' for rape by se1!al assa!lt !nder para+rap" ,, Article ,668A of t"e 3%/. -"e /o!rt
2n t"is case, t"e offended party 0as ten years old at t"e time of t"e commission of t"e offense. %!rs!ant to t"e above8$!oted provision of la0,
Armando 0as aptly prosec!ted !nder Art. ,668A, par. , of t"e 3evised %enal /ode, as amended by 3.A. &o. :353, for 3ape -"ro!+" Se1!al
Assa!lt. Io0ever, instead of applyin+ t"e penalty prescribed t"erein, 0"ic" is prision mayor, considerin+ t"at HHH 0as belo0 1, years of a+e,
and considerin+ f!rt"er t"at Armando?s act of insertin+ "is fin+er in HHH?s private part !ndeniably amo!nted to lascivio!s cond!ct, t"e
appropriate imposable penalty s"o!ld be t"at provided in Section 5 )b*, Article 222 of 3.A. &o. D610, 0"ic" is recl!sion temporal in its medi!m
-"e /o!rt is not !nmindf!l to t"e fact t"at t"e acc!sed 0"o commits acts of lascivio!sness !nder Art. 366 in relation to Section 5 )b*, Article 222
of 3.A. &o. D610, s!ffers t"e more severe penalty of recl!sion temporal in its medi!m period t"an t"e one 0"o commits 3ape -"ro!+" Se1!al
Assa!lt, 0"ic" is merely p!nis"able by prision mayor. -"is is !ndeniably !nfair to t"e c"ild victim. -o be s!re, it 0as not t"e intention of t"e
framers of 3.A. &o. :353 to "ave disallo0ed t"e applicability of 3.A. &o. D610 to se1!al ab!ses committed to c"ildren. Despite t"e passa+e of
3A &o. :353, 3.A. &o. D610 is still +ood la0, 0"ic" m!st be applied 0"en t"e victims are c"ildren or t"ose Spersons belo0 ei+"teen )1:*
years of a+e or t"ose over b!t are !nable to f!lly ta(e care of t"emselves or protect t"emselves from ab!se, ne+lect, cr!elty, e1ploitation or
discrimination beca!se of a p"ysical or mental disability or condition.S
2n t"e present case, t"e fact!al milie! 0as different since t"e offender, 2reno, is t"e fat"er of t"e minor victim. Ience, t"e offenses 0ere
committed 0it" t"e a++ravatin+<$!alifyin+ circ!mstances of minority and relations"ip, attendant circ!mstances 0"ic" 0ere not present in t"e
/"in+" case, 0"ic" in t!rn, 0arrants t"e imposition of t"e "i+"er penalty of recl!sion temporal prescribed by Article ,668' of t"e 3%/.
/onsiderin+ t"at t"e 3%/ already prescribes s!c" penalty, t"e rationale of !nfairness to t"e c"ild victim t"at /"in+" 0anted to correct is
absent. Ience, t"ere is no more need to apply t"e penalty prescribed by 3.A. &o. D610.
As to civil liabilities, t"e dama+es a0arded in t"e form of civil indemnity in t"e amo!nt of %50,000.00 and moral dama+es, also in t"e amo!nt
of %50,000.00, for eac" co!nt of 3ape m!st be bot" red!ced to %30,000.00, respectively, in line 0it" c!rrent 6!rispr!dence.
Also, t"e amo!nt
of e1emplary dama+es a0arded in t"e amo!nt of %,5,000.00 m!st be increased to %30,000.00 for eac" co!nt of 3ape.
/riminal /ase &o. 0380,55
2t is beyond cavil t"at 0"en t"e se1!al ab!se 0as committed by 2reno, AAA 0as only ei+"t ):* years old. Ience, t"e provisions of 3.A. &o.
D610, or -"e Special %rotection of /"ildren A+ainst /"ild Ab!se, E1ploitation and Discrimination Act, s"o!ld be applied.
-"!s, t"e appropriate imposable penalty s"o!ld be t"at provided in Section 5 )b*, Article 222 of 3.A. &o. D610, 0"ic" is recl!sion temporal in its
medi!m period 0"ic" is fo!rteen )14* years, ei+"t ):* mont"s and one )1* day to seventeen )1D* years and fo!r )4* mont"s. As t"e crime 0as
committed by t"e fat"er of t"e offended party, t"e alternative circ!mstance of relations"ip s"o!ld be appreciated. 2n crimes a+ainst c"astity,
s!c" as Acts of @ascivio!sness, relations"ip is al0ays a++ravatin+.
-"erefore, 2reno s"o!ld be meted t"e indeterminate penalty of t"irteen
)13* years, nine )9* mont"s and eleven )11* days of reclusion temporal, as minim!m, to si1teen )16* years, five )5* mont"s and ten )10* days
of reclusion temporal, as ma1im!m.
=oreover, t"e a0ard in t"e amo!nt of %15,000.00 as moral dama+es and a fine in t"e amo!nt of %15,000.00, is proper in line 0it" c!rrent
Io0ever, civil indemnity e1 delicto in t"e amo!nt of %,0,000.00 s"o!ld also be a0arded.
2n vie0 of t"e presence of t"e
a++ravatin+ circ!mstance of relations"ip, t"e amo!nt of %15,000.00 as e1emplary dama+es s"o!ld li(e0ise be a0arded.
>IE3E73E, premises considered, t"e Decision of t"e /o!rt of Appeals, dated =arc" 31, ,009 in /A8G.3. /38I./. &o. 03133, is
A23=ED 0it" =7D22/A-27&S5
1. 2n /riminal /ase &os. 0380,54, 0380,56, and 0380,5D, 23E&7 '7&AAGEA y 'E3/E is "ereby sentenced to s!ffer t"e indeterminate
penalty of ten )10* years of prision ma"or, as minim!m, to seventeen )1D* years and fo!r )4* mont"s of reclusion temporal, as ma1im!m, for
eac" co!nt. Ie is li(e0ise ordered to pay AAA t"e amo!nts of %30,000.00 as civil indemnity, %30,000.00 as moral dama+es, and %30,000.00
as e1emplary dama+es for eac" co!nt of F!alified 3ape -"ro!+" Se1!al Assa!lt or a total of %90,000.00 for eac" co!nt.
,. 2n /riminal /ase &o. 0380,55, 23E&7 '7&AAGEA y 'E3/E is meted to s!ffer t"e indeterminate penalty of t"irteen )13* years, nine )9*
mont"s and eleven )11* days of reclusion temporal, as minim!m, to si1teen )16* years, five )5* mont"s and ten )10* days of reclusion
temporal, as ma1im!m. 2n addition to moral dama+es and fine, "e is li(e0ise ordered to pay %,0,000.00 as civil indemnity and %15,000.00 as
e1emplary dama+es.
S7 73DE3ED.
Associate #!stice
>E /7&/E35
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
A - - E S - A - 2 7 &
2 attest t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion
of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
Associate #!stice
Second Division, /"airperson
/ E 3 - 2 2 / A - 2 7 &
%!rs!ant to Section 13, Article H222 of t"e /onstit!tion and t"e Division /"airperson?s Attestation, 2 certify t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above
Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
/"ief #!stice
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
SE/7&D D2H2S27&
G.R. No. 18.,.1 F&8')a'; /, .411
D E / 2 S 2 7 &
T6& Ca(&
7n appeal is t"e ,: September ,00D Decision
of t"e /o!rt of Appeals in /A8G.3. /3 I./. &o. 019:0, affirmin+ 0it" modification t"e 4 #!ly
,003 Decision
of t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt, %araYa$!e /ity, 'ranc" ,60, convictin+ appellant Ernesto ra+ante y Ay!da of nine )9* co!nts of
acts of lascivio!sness and one )1* co!nt of rape, all committed a+ainst "is minor da!+"ter, AAA.
T6& Fa10(
2n ten )10* 2nformations filed on 14 #!ly 199:, appellant 0as c"ar+ed 0it" nine )9* co!nts of acts of lascivio!sness and one )1* co!nt of rape
all committed a+ainst "is o0n minor da!+"ter AAA. -"e 2nformations
/32=2&A@ /ASE &7. 9:8651 for Hiolation of Art. 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3.A. D610, committed as
-"at in bet0een t"e period of April8=ay 1993, in %araYa$!e, =etro =anila, and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, above8named
acc!sed, by ta(in+ advanta+e of "is t"en ten )10* year old biolo+ical da!+"ter, JAAAK, and 0it" le0d desi+ns, did t"en 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and
felonio!sly fondled )sic* t"e breast of JAAAK.
/32=2&A@ /ASE &7. 9: Q 65, for Hiolation of Art. 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3.A. D610, committed as
-"at sometime in =ay 1993, in %araYa$!e, =etro =anila and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, above8named acc!sed, by ta(in+
advanta+e of "is t"en ten )10* year old biolo+ical da!+"ter, JAAAK, and 0it" le0d desi+ns, did t"en 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly fondled
)sic* t"e breasts of JAAAK, to!c"ed )sic* and inserted )sic* "is fin+er into t"e va+ina of said minor8victim.
/32=2&A@ /ASE &7. 9: Q 653 for Hiolation of Art. 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3.A. D610, committed as
-"at sometime in bet0een t"e period commencin+ in #!ne 1993 !ntil A!+!st 1993, in %araYa$!e, =etro =anila and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of
t"is Ionorable /o!rt, above8named acc!sed, by ta(in+ advanta+e of "is t"en ten )10* year old biolo+ical da!+"ter, JAAAK, and 0it" le0d
desi+ns, did t"en 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly fondled )sic* t"e breasts of JAAAK, to!c"ed )sic* and inserted )sic* "is fin+er into t"e
va+ina of said minor8victim.
/32=2&A@ /ASE &7. 9: Q 654 for Hiolation of Art. 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3.A. D610, committed as
-"at sometime in bet0een t"e period of 7ctober to December 1993 at S"aolin /"inese 3esta!rant located at S!cat 3oad, %araYa$!e, =etro
=anila and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, above8named acc!sed, by ta(in+ advanta+e of "is t"en eleven )11* year old
biolo+ical da!+"ter, JAAAK, and 0it" le0d desi+ns, did t"en 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly fondled )sic* and s!c(ed t"e breasts of JAAAK,
and t"ereafter to!c"ed t"e va+ina of said minor8victim.
/32=2&A@ /ASE &7. 9: Q 655 for Hiolation of Art. 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3.A. D610, committed as
-"at sometime in December 1993 at S"aolin /"inese 3esta!rant located at S!cat 3oad, %araYa$!e, =etro =anila and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction
of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, above8named acc!sed, by ta(in+ advanta+e of "is t"en eleven )11* year old biolo+ical da!+"ter, JAAAK, and 0it" le0d
desi+ns, did t"en 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly fondled )sic* and s!c(ed t"e breasts of JAAAK, and t"ereafter to!c"ed t"e va+ina of said
/32=2&A@ /ASE &7. 9: Q 656 for Hiolation of Art. 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3.A. D610, committed as
-"at sometime in bet0een t"e period commencin+ in #an!ary 1994 to A!+!st 1994, in %araYa$!e, =etro =anila and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of
t"is Ionorable /o!rt, above8named acc!sed, by ta(in+ advanta+e of "is t"en eleven )11* year old biolo+ical da!+"ter, JAAAK, and 0it" le0d
desi+ns, did t"en 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly to!c"ed )sic* and s!c(ed t"e breasts of JAAAK, lic(ed )sic* "er va+ina and inserted )sic*
"is fin+er into t"e private part of said minor8victim.
/32=2&A@ /ASE &7. 9: Q 65D for Hiolation of Art. 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3.A. D610, committed as
-"at sometime in bet0een t"e period commencin+ in A!+!st 1994 !ntil September 1995, in %araYa$!e, =etro =anila and 0it"in t"e
6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, above8named acc!sed, by ta(in+ advanta+e of "is t"en t0elve )1,* year old biolo+ical da!+"ter, JAAAK,
and 0it" le0d desi+ns, did t"en 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly to!c"ed )sic* and s!c(ed )sic* t"e breasts of JAAAK, lic(ed )sic* "er va+ina
and inserted )sic* "is fin+er into t"e private part of said minor8victim.
/32=2&A@ /ASE &7. 9: Q 65: for Hiolation of Art. 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3.A. D610, committed as
-"at sometime in September 199D, in %araYa$!e, =etro =anila and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, above8named acc!sed, by
ta(in+ advanta+e of "is t"en fifteen )15* year old biolo+ical da!+"ter, JAAAK, and 0it" le0d desi+ns, did t"en 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly
to!c"ed )sic* and s!c(ed )sic* t"e breasts of JAAAK, lic(ed )sic* "er va+ina and inserted )sic* "is fin+er into t"e private part of said minor8victim.
/32=2&A@ /ASE &7. 9: Q 659 for Hiolation of Art. 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3.A. D610, committed as
-"at sometime in )sic* 7ctober ,5, 199D, in %araYa$!e, =etro =anila and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, above8named
acc!sed, by ta(in+ advanta+e of "is t"en fifteen )15* year old biolo+ical da!+"ter, JAAAK, and 0it" le0d desi+ns, did t"en 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly
and felonio!sly to!c"ed )sic* and s!c(ed )sic* t"e breasts of JAAAK, lic(ed )sic* "er va+ina and inserted )sic* "is fin+er into t"e private part of
said minor8victim.
/32=2&A@ /ASE &7. 9: Q 660 for Hiolation of Article 335 of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3.A. D610, committed
as follo0s5
-"at sometime in September 1995, in %araYa$!e, =etro =anila and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, above named acc!sed, by
ta(in+ advanta+e of "is t"en t"irteen )13* year old biolo+ical da!+"ter JAAAK, and 0it" le0d desi+ns, did t"en 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and
felonio!sly, lie and "ad carnal (no0led+e 0it" t"e said minor victim, a+ainst "er 0ill.
-"e /o!rt of Appeals narrated t"e facts as follo0s5
Ernesto A. ra+ante )Ernesto "ereafter* married /// on 7ctober 6, 19D5, in Sta. /r!. =anila, and s!c" marria+e 0as ratified on December
D, 1995 celebrated in San Sebastian %aris" /"!rc". -"at !nion, prod!ced t"ree offsprin+s. JAAAK, t"e victim "erein, is t"eir t"ird c"ild. S"e
0as born on A!+!st ,3, 19:,. 1 1 1
Sometime in April 1993 to =ay 1993, t"ree or fo!r mont"s before "er elevent" )11* birt"day, JAAAK 0o(e !p one early mornin+ to prepare for
t"e drivin+ lessons 0"ic" "er fat"er Ernesto, promised to teac" t"em t"at day. JAAAK 0as t"e first to 0a(e !p. S"e 0as in "er room 0"en "er
fat"er entered and lay on "er bed. Ie t"en as(ed JAAAK to lie beside "im to 0"ic" JAAAK obeyed. >"ile lyin+ beside "er, Ernesto 0as tal(in+
to "er abo!t a lot of t"in+s, and as "e tal(ed "e started to fondle "er breast and s!c( "er nipples.
1 1 1 1
-"e incident 0as repeated sometime bet0een #!ne 1993 and A!+!st 1993. Ernesto told JAAAK to +et inside "is room, t"en "e 0o!ld loc( t"e
door. 7nce inside t"e room, "e 0o!ld scold JAAAK for reasons !n(no0n to "er. >"en s"e 0o!ld start to cry, "er fat"er 0o!ld start to to!c" "er
breast, t"en "e 0o!ld s!c( "er nipples 0"ile "e 0as r!bbin+ "er va+ina.
7n t0o occasions, bet0een 7ctober 1993 and December 1993, at S"aolin /"inese 3esta!rant located in S!cat, %araYa$!e, 0"ic" t"e
ra+ante family o0ned, t"ere 0as a small bac( room !sed as an office 0"ic" later 0as converted into a room 0"ere t"ey co!ld rest. JAAAK
0as told by "er fat"er to rest in t"at room and once inside, 0"ile tal(in+ to "er, "e covered t"e 0indo0s 0it" manila paper. Ie lay do0n beside
"er in t"e foldin+ bed. Ie fondled "er breast, s$!ee.ed t"em and t"en later inserted "is "and !nder "er s"irt as "e p!ll it !p and p!t "is mo!t"
on "er breast to s!c( it alternately. Ie started stro(in+ "er +enitals 0it" "er s"orts on. S"e did not do anyt"in+ as s"e 0as in s"oc( at t"at
2n December 1993, JAAAK and "er fat"er bo!+"t food from #ollibee. S"e 0as instr!cted to eat it at t"e bac( room of t"eir S"aolin /"inese
3esta!rant so t"at ot"er employees 0o!ld not see it. After eatin+, Ernesto as(ed "er to lie do0n in t"e foldin+ bed and "e a+ain lay do0n
beside "er and massa+ed "er breast and s!c(ed "er nipples 0"ile contin!o!sly r!bbin+ "er va+ina by insertin+ "is "and inside "er s"orts.
Sometime in #an!ary 1994, aro!nd 10 oTcloc( in t"e evenin+, 0"ile JAAAK 0as sleepin+ in anot"er room, Ernesto entered "er room. Ie lay
beside "er, and started s!c(in+ "er breast. Ie removed "er s"orts and t"en to!c"ed "er va+ina. Ie t"en inserted "is fin+er inside "er va+ina.
2n A!+!st8September 1994, s"e 0as aro!nd t0elve )1,* years old, Ernesto molested "er a+ain inside "is room, by massa+in+ "er private
parts and s!c(in+ "er nipples 0"ile contin!o!sly r!bbin+ "er va+ina and after0ards insertin+ "is fin+er inside it.
2n September 1995, at t"e a+e of t"irteen )13*, JAAAK 0as raped by "er fat"er Ernesto. S"e 0as told to +et inside "is room and 0as scolded
by "im before s"e 0as made to lie do0n in "is bed. Ier s"irt 0as removed, and "er breast and va+ina 0ere fondled by "im. -"ereafter, "e
s!c(ed "er nipples 0"ile contin!o!sly to!c"in+ "er va+ina. Ie removed "er s"orts and panty, t"en spreaded "er le+s and inserted "is penis in
"er va+ina. S"e str!++led and be++ed "im to remove "is penis. S"e said s"e co!ld not recall t"e e1act details of 0"at "er fat"er 0as doin+.
Ie stayed on top of "er despite "er pleas. 1 1 1
Ernesto 0as not able to find time to molest JAAAK in September 199581996, beca!se "e 0as "ardly "ome and 0as b!sy 0it" "is boo(store
b!siness in Hisayas and =indanao.
1 1 1 1
2n t"e evenin+ of 7ctober ,5, 199D, 2rma, to+et"er 0it" t"eir brot"er =arco accompanied t"eir mot"er Ga!dencia to a 0a(e of t"eir mot"erTs
friend. JAAAK 0anted to +o 0it" t"em b!t s"e 0as left "ome alone 0it" Ernesto 0"o ref!sed to allo0 JAAAK to +o 0it" t"em. 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
Ier fat"er started massa+in+ "er breast and JAAAK removed "is "ands and stood !p b!t s"e 0as bitten and p!s"ed to0ards t"e bed. Ier
fat"er stran+led "er and as(ed 0"et"er s"e preferred to be stran+led first and s"e ans0ered no. Ie started to!c"in+ "er private parts a+ain
and t"is time s"e contin!ed 0ardin+ off "is "ands and 0"en s"e "eard t"eir car enterin+ t"eir +ara+e, s"e told "er fat"er t"at "er mot"er "ad
arrive. -"at 0as t"e only time s"e 0as allo0ed to leave b!t 0as stopped by "er fat"er and 0arned not tell "er mot"er 0"at "appened.
1 1 1 -"ey later proceeded to t"e &'2, -aft Ave. =anila to report t"e incidents and 0"ere JAAAK e1ec!ted "er complaint8affidavit. Ier mot"er
and siblin+s also e1ec!ted t"eir affidavits.
1 1 1 1
D!rin+ arrai+nment on April ,6, 1999, t"e acc!sed entered separate pleas of S&ot G!iltyS to all t"e crimes c"ar+ed.
#oint trial ens!ed t"ereafter.
%rosec!tion presented t"e follo0in+ 0itnesses5 JAAAK, ''', ///, and Dr. 'ernadette =adrid. -"e defense presented Ernesto ra+ante as
t"e sole 0itness.
T6& R)<2n3 o> 06& T'2a< Co)'0
7n 4 #!ly ,003, t"e trial co!rt rendered a Decision convictin+ appellant for t"e crimes c"ar+ed. -"e dispositive portion of t"e trial co!rtTs
decision reads5
>IE3E73E, after caref!l per!sal of t"e evidence presented, t"is /o!rt finds as follo0s5 for )sic*
/riminal /ase &o. 9:8651 or Hiolation of Art. 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3A D610 finds t"e acc!sed
Ernesto Ay!da ra+ante GE2@-G 'EG7&D 3EAS7&A'@E D7E'- and is "ereby sentenced to s!ffer an imprisonment of recl!sion temporal
of 7E3-EE& )14* GEA3S E2GI- ):* =7&-IS and 7&E )1* DAG to 2-EE& )15* GEA3S S2Z )6* =7&-IS and ->E&-G ),0* DAGS.
/riminal /ase &o. 9:865, or Hiolation of Art. 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3A D610 finds t"e acc!sed
Ernesto Ay!da ra+ante GE2@-G 'EG7&D 3EAS7&A'@E D7E'- and is "ereby sentenced to s!ffer an imprisonment of recl!sion temporal
of 7E3-EE& )14* GEA3S E2GI- ):* =7&-IS and 7&E )1* DAG to 2-EE& )15* GEA3S S2Z )6* =7&-IS and ->E&-G ),0* DAGS.
/riminal /ase &o. 9:8653 or Hiolation of Art. 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3A D610 finds t"e acc!sed
Ernesto Ay!da ra+ante GE2@-G 'EG7&D 3EAS7&A'@E D7E'- and is "ereby sentenced to s!ffer an imprisonment of recl!sion temporal
of 7E3-EE& )14* GEA3S E2GI- ):* =7&-IS and 7&E )1* DAG to 2-EE& )15* GEA3S S2Z )6* =7&-IS and ->E&-G ),0* DAGS.
/riminal /ase &o. 9:8654 or Hiolation of Art. 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3A D610 finds t"e acc!sed
Ernesto Ay!da ra+ante GE2@-G 'EG7&D 3EAS7&A'@E D7E'- and is "ereby sentenced to s!ffer an imprisonment of recl!sion temporal
of 7E3-EE& )14* GEA3S E2GI- ):* =7&-IS and 7&E )1* DAG to 2-EE& )15* GEA3S S2Z )6* =7&-IS and ->E&-G ),0* DAGS.
/riminal /ase &o. 9:8655 or Hiolation of Art. 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3A D610 finds t"e acc!sed
Ernesto Ay!da ra+ante GE2@-G 'EG7&D 3EAS7&A'@E D7E'- and is "ereby sentenced to s!ffer an imprisonment of recl!sion temporal
of 7E3-EE& )14* GEA3S E2GI- ):* =7&-IS and 7&E )1* DAG to 2-EE& )15* GEA3S S2Z )6* =7&-IS and ->E&-G ),0* DAGS.
/riminal /ase &o. 9:8656 or Hiolation of Art. 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3A D610 finds t"e acc!sed
Ernesto Ay!da ra+ante GE2@-G 'EG7&D 3EAS7&A'@E D7E'- and is "ereby sentenced to s!ffer an imprisonment of recl!sion temporal
of 7E3-EE& )14* GEA3S E2GI- ):* =7&-IS and 7&E )1* DAG to 2-EE& )15* GEA3S S2Z )6* =7&-IS and ->E&-G ),0* DAGS.
/riminal /ase &o. 9:865D or Hiolation of Art. 336 of t"e 3%/, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3A D610 finds t"e acc!sed
Ernesto Ay!da ra+ante GE2@-G 'EG7&D 3EAS7&A'@E D7E'- and is "ereby sentenced to s!ffer an imprisonment of recl!sion temporal
of 7E3-EE& )14* GEA3S E2GI- ):* =7&-IS and 7&E )1* DAG to 2-EE& )15* GEA3S S2Z )6* =7&-IS and ->E&-G ),0* DAGS.
/riminal /ase &o. 9:865: for Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3A D610 finds t"e acc!sed Ernesto Ay!da ra+ante GE2@-G 'EG7&D 3EAS7&A'@E
D7E'- and is "ereby sentenced to s!ffer an imprisonment of S2Z )6* =7&-IS and 7&E )1* DAG to S2Z )6* GEA3S.
/riminal /ase &o. 9:8659 for Section 5)b*, Art. 222 of 3A D610 finds t"e acc!sed Ernesto Ay!da ra+ante GE2@-G 'EG7&D 3EAS7&A'@E
D7E'- and is "ereby sentenced to s!ffer an imprisonment of S2Z )6* =7&-IS and 7&E )1* DAG to S2Z )6* GEA3S.
/riminal /ase &o. 9:8660 for 3A%E t"is co!rt finds t"e acc!sed E3&ES-7 AGEDA 3AGA&-E GE2@-G 'EG7&D 3EAS7&A'@E D7E'-
and is "ereby sentenced to DEA-I. Ie is ordered to pay t"e complainant%50,000.00 as civil liability and %50,000.00 as moral dama+es.
S7 73DE3ED.
T6& R)<2n3 o> 06& Co)'0 o> A==&a<(
-"e /o!rt of Appeals fo!nd appellant +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt for t"e crimes c"ar+ed. 2n !p"oldin+ appellantTs conviction, t"e /o!rt of
Appeals +ave credence to AAATs testimony narratin+ "o0 appellant se1!ally ab!sed "er repeatedly. -"e /o!rt of Appeals 6!n(ed appellantTs
contentions t"at )1* AAATs testimony lac(ed specific details s!c" as t"e act!al date of commission of t"e acts of lascivio!sness, and 0as
inconsistent 0it" respect to t"e c"ar+e of rapeB ),* AAA 0as ill motivated in filin+ t"e criminal complaintsB )3* t"e c"ar+e of rape 0as
!ns!bstantiated by medical findin+sB and )4* t"e delay in reportin+ t"e incidents to t"e proper a!t"orities renders t"e c"ar+es d!bio!s.
7n ,: September ,00D, t"e /o!rt of Appeals rendered a Decision t"e dispositive portion of 0"ic" reads5
>IE3E73E, t"e decision of t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt, of %araYa$!e /ity, 'ranc" ,60, dated #!ly 4, ,003 is A23=ED 0it"
=7D22/A-27& as follo0s5
1. 2n /riminal /ases &os. 9:8651, 9:865,, 9:8653, 9:8654, 9:8655, 9:8656, 9:865D, acc!sed8appellant Ernesto A. ra+ante is
"ereby sentenced to s!ffer 2ndeterminate %enalty, t"e minim!m of 0"ic" is fo!rteen )14* years and ei+"t ):* mont"s of reclusion
temporal minim!m and t"e ma1im!m of 0"ic" is seventeen )1D* years and fo!r )4* mont"s of reclusion temporal medi!m, for acts of
lascivio!sness !nder Arti.le %%%3 "e.tion 4 A2B o+ /epu2li. A.t 1o. =61)3 and is also ordered to pay JAAAK t"e amo!nt
of %50,000.00 as moral dama+es for eac" co!nt of acts of lascivio!snessB
,. 2n p!rs!ant 0it" "e.tion 31A+B3 Arti.le C%%3 o+ /epu2li. A.t 1o. =61), a FINE in t"e amo!nt of -"irty -"o!sand )%"p30,000.00*
%esos for eac" co!nt of t"e nine )9* co!nts of lascivio!s cond!ct is "ereby imposedB
3. -"e penalty imposed in /riminal /ase &o. 9:865: and /riminal /ase &o. 9:8659 by t"e trial co!rt is "ereby A**%/ME( without
4. 2n /riminal /ase &o. 9:8660, t"e penalty imposed is "ereby red!ced to reclusion perpetua by virt!e of 3.A. &o. 9346, 0"ic"
pro"ibits t"e imposition of deat" penalty.
5. 2n vie0 of t"e 6!rispr!dential trend, t"e amo!nt of moral dama+es for /riminal /ase &o. 9:8660 is "ereby INCREASED to
Seventy ive -"o!sand )%"p D5,000.00* %esos and t"e civil indemnity is li(e0ise increased to Seventy ive -"o!sand )%"p
D5,000.00* and an additional amo!nt of -0enty ive -"o!sand )%"p ,5,000.00* as e1emplary dama+es.
S7 73DE3ED.
T6& I(()&
-"e sole iss!e in t"is case is 0"et"er t"e /o!rt of Appeals erred in affirmin+ appellantTs conviction for nine )9* co!nts of acts of lascivio!sness
and one )1* co!nt of rape.
T6& R)<2n3 o> 062( Co)'0
>e s!stain appellantTs conviction for seven )D* co!nts of acts of lascivio!sness and one )1* co!nt of rape. >e ac$!it appellant for t0o ),*
co!nts of acts of lascivio!sness on t"e +ro!nd of reasonable do!bt.
#ri,inal #ase 1o. 98>66) +or /ape
Appellant contends t"at t"e /o!rt of Appeals erred in convictin+ "im for t"e crime of rape since t"e prosec!tion failed to overt"ro0 t"e
pres!mption of innocence. Appellant alle+es t"at )1* AAATs testimony 0as f!ll of inconsistencies and improbabilities 0"ic" cast serio!s do!bts
on t"e tr!t"f!lness of "er acco!ntB ),* t"e medical findin+s do not s!pport t"e c"ar+e of rapeB )3* AAATs delayed reportin+ of t"e incident
renders t"e c"ar+es d!bio!sB and )4* AAA and "er mot"er "arbored a +r!d+e a+ainst appellant.
>e are not pers!aded. -"e prosec!tion s!fficiently establis"ed appellantTs +!ilt beyond reasonable do!bt for t"e crime of rape.
Article 335 of t"e 3evised %enal /ode
Art. 335. ;hen and how rape is committed. 8 3ape is committed by "avin+ carnal (no0led+e of a 0oman !nder any of t"e follo0in+
1. 'y !sin+ force or intimidationB
,. >"en t"e 0oman is deprived of reason or ot"er0ise !nconscio!sB and
3. >"en t"e 0oman is !nder t0elve years of a+e or is demented.
As correctly fo!nd by t"e /o!rt of Appeals, all t"e essential elements of rape are present in t"is case. -"e evidence on record clearly proves
t"at appellant "ad carnal (no0led+e of "is o0n minor da!+"ter AAA.
>e re6ect appellantTs contention t"at AAATs testimony 0as f!ll of inconsistencies. 7n t"e contrary, AAATs testimony t"at s"e 0as raped by
appellant 0as very consistent and strai+"tfor0ard. &otably, appellant did not point o!t t"e s!pposed inconsistencies, and proceeded in
ar+!in+ t"at "is moral ascendancy over "is da!+"ter 0as ins!fficient to intimidate AAA.
2t m!st be stressed t"at t"e +ravamen of rape is se1!al con+ress 0it" a 0oman by force and 0it"o!t consent.
2n People v. *rillosa,
0e "eld
t"at act!al force or intimidation need not be employed in incest!o!s rape of a minor beca!se t"e moral and p"ysical dominion of t"e fat"er is
s!fficient to co0 t"e victim into s!bmission to "is beastly desires.
>"en a fat"er commits t"e odio!s crime of rape a+ainst "is o0n da!+"ter,
"is moral ascendancy or infl!ence over t"e latter s!bstit!tes for violence and intimidation.
-"e absence of violence or offer of resistance
0o!ld not affect t"e o!tcome of t"e case beca!se t"e overpo0erin+ and overbearin+ moral infl!ence of t"e fat"er over "is da!+"ter ta(es t"e
place of violence and offer of resistance re$!ired in rape cases committed by an acc!sed 0"o did not "ave blood relations"ip 0it" t"e victim.
2n t"is case, AAATs testimony clearly s"o0ed "o0 appellant too( advanta+e of "is relations"ip 0it" and "is moral ascendancy over "is minor
da!+"ter 0"en "e "ad carnal (no0led+e of "er. As fo!nd by t"e /o!rt of Appeals, appellant instilled fear on AAATs mind every time "e
se1!ally molested "er, t"!s5
JAAAK also admitted t"at after acc!sed8appellant "as started se1!ally molestin+ "er !ntil s"e 0as raped, s"e 0as so fri+"tened of "im. 2n fact
s"e co!ld not tell "er mot"er of "er ordeal, mindf!l of t"e serio!s t"reats on "er life and of t"e c"aos it 0o!ld ca!se t"eir family.
>e li(e0ise find appellantTs claim t"at t"e medical findin+s do not s!pport t"e c"ar+e of rape !ntenable. Aside from AAATs positive,
strai+"tfor0ard, and credible testimony, t"e prosec!tion presented t"e medical certificate iss!ed by Dr. 'ernadette =adrid
and t"e latterTs
testimony 0"ic" corroborate AAATs claim t"at appellant raped "er.
-"e /o!rt is not impressed 0it" appellantTs claim t"at AAA?s fail!re to immediately report t"e incidents to t"e proper a!t"orities affected "er
Delay co!ld be attrib!ted to t"e victimTs tender a+e and t"e appellantTs t"reats.
A rape victimTs actions are oftentimes infl!enced
by fear, rat"er t"an reason.
2n incest!o!s rape, t"is fear is ma+nified beca!se t"e victim !s!ally lives !nder t"e same roof as t"e perpetrator
or is at any rate s!b6ect to "is dominance beca!se of t"eir blood relations"ip.
>e also find appellantTs imp!tation of ill8motive on t"e part of t"e victim, incl!din+ "is 0ife and AAATs sister, in filin+ t"e criminal c"ar+es
devoid of merit. S!ffice it to state t"at t"e resentment an+le, even if tr!e, does not prove any ill motive on AAA?s part to falsely acc!se
appellant of rape or necessarily detract from "er credibility as 0itness.
=otives, s!c" as t"ose arisin+ from family fe!ds, resentment, or
reven+e, "ave not prevented t"e /o!rt from +ivin+, if proper, f!ll credence to t"e testimony of minor complainants 0"o remained consistent
t"ro!+"o!t t"eir direct and cross8e1aminations.
or appellantTs +!ilt for t"e crime of rape committed a+ainst "is o0n minor da!+"ter AAA, 0e s!stain t"e penalty of reclusion
perpetua imposed on appellant. >"ile t"e /o!rt of Appeals correctly red!ced t"e penalty of deat"
to reclusion perpetua, t"e /o!rt of
Appeals failed to indicate t"at t"e red!ction of t"e penalty toreclusion perpetua is 0it"o!t eli+ibility for parole in accordance 0it" Sections ,
and 3 of 3ep!blic Act &o. 9346.
As re+ards appellantTs civil liability, 0e affirm t"e a0ard of moral dama+es and civil indemnity, 0"ic" are a!tomatically +ranted 0it"o!t need of
proof or pleadin+,
eac" in t"e s!m of %D5,000. Io0ever, 0e increase t"e a0ard of e1emplary dama+es from %,5,000 to %30,000 consistent
0it" prevailin+ 6!rispr!dence.
#ri,inal #ase 1os. 98>6413 98>6423 98>6433 98>64;3 98>6443 98>6463 98>64=3 98>6483 and 98>649 +or A.ts o+ 9as.iviousness
Appellant ar+!es t"at t"e /o!rt of Appeals erred in convictin+ "im for nine co!nts of acts of lascivio!sness since t"e prosec!tion failed to
establis" 0it" partic!larity t"e date of t"e commission of t"e offense. Appellant contends t"at AAATs testimony 0as a Ss0eepin+ +enerali.ation
of t"e crimes committed.S
Accordin+ to appellant, AAATs statement St"at t"e said acts 0ere alle+edly committed so many times on certain
occasions is clearly inade$!ate and +rossly ins!fficientS to s!stain a conviction.
>e are not convinced.
Appellant 0as c"ar+ed 0it" violation of Article 336 of t"e 3evised %enal /ode, as amended, in relation to Section 5)b*, Article 222 of 3ep!blic
Act &o. D610. -"ese provisions state5
Art. 336. (cts of lasciviousness. ; Any person 0"o s"all commit any act of lascivio!sness !pon ot"er persons of eit"er se1, !nder any of t"e
circ!mstances mentioned in t"e precedin+ article, s"all be p!nis"ed byprision correccional.
Section 5. Child Prostitution and *ther 0exual (buse. Q /"ildren, 0"et"er male or female, 0"o for money, profit, or any ot"er consideration or
d!e to t"e coercion or infl!ence of any ad!lt, syndicate or +ro!p, ind!l+e in se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct, are deemed to be
c"ildren e1ploited in prostit!tion and ot"er se1!al ab!se.
-"e penalty of reclusion temporal in its medi!m period to reclusion perpetua s"all be imposed !pon t"e follo0in+5
1 1 1 1
)b* -"ose 0"o commit t"e act of se1!al interco!rse of lascivio!s cond!ct 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ect to ot"er se1!al ab!seB
%rovided, -"at 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e, t"e perpetrators s"all be prosec!ted !nder Article 335, para+rap" 3, for rape
and Article 336 of Act &o. 3:15, as amended, t"e 3evised %enal /ode, for rape or lascivio!s cond!ct, as t"e case may be5 %rovided, -"at t"e
penalty for lascivio!s cond!ct 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e s"all be reclusion temporal in its medi!m periodB 1 1 1
-"e elements of se1!al ab!se !nder Section 5, Article 222 of 3ep!blic Act &o. D610 are as follo0s5
1. -"e acc!sed commits t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct.
,. -"e said act is performed 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ected to se1!al ab!se.
3. -"e c"ild, 0"et"er male or female, is belo0 1: years of a+e.
As correctly fo!nd by t"e /o!rt of Appeals, all t"e elements of se1!al ab!se !nder Section 5, Article 222 of 3A D610 are present "ere.
irst, appellantTs repeated to!c"in+, fondlin+, and s!c(in+ of AAATs breasts and insertin+ "is fin+er into AAATs va+ina 0it" le0d desi+ns
!ndo!btedly constit!te lascivio!s cond!ct !nder Section ,)"* of t"e 2mplementin+ 3!les and 3e+!lations of 3ep!blic Act &o. D610, to 0it5
)"* S@ascivio!s cond!ctS means t"e intentional to!c"in+, eit"er directly or t"ro!+" clot"in+, of t"e +enitalia, an!s, +roin, breast, inner
t"i+", or b!ttoc(s, or t"e introd!ction of any ob6ect into t"e +enitalia, an!s or mo!t", of any person, 0"et"er of t"e same or opposite
se1, 0it" an intent to ab!se, "!miliate, "arass, de+rade, or aro!se or +ratify t"e se1!al desire of any person, bestiality,
mast!rbation, lascivio!s e1"ibition of t"e +enitals or p!blic area of a person.
Second, appellant, as a fat"er "avin+ moral ascendancy over "is da!+"ter, coerced AAA to en+a+e in lascivio!s cond!ct, 0"ic" is 0it"in t"e
p!rvie0 of se1!al ab!se. 2n People v. ,arin,
0e "eld5
A c"ild is deemed e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ected to ot"er se1!al ab!se, 0"en t"e c"ild ind!l+es in se1!al interco!rse or
lascivio!s cond!ct )a* for money, profit, or any ot"er considerationB or )b* !nder t"e coercion or infl!ence of any ad!lt, syndicate or
-"ird, AAA is belo0 1: years old at t"e time of t"e commission of t"e offense, based on "er testimony 0"ic" 0as corroborated by "er 'irt"
presented d!rin+ t"e trial. Section 3)a*, Article 2 of 3ep!blic Act &o. D610 provides5
SE/-27& 3. Definition of 2erms. 8
)a* S/"ildrenS refers JtoK persons belo0 ei+"teen )1:* years of a+e or t"ose over b!t are !nable to f!lly ta(e care of t"emselves or
protect t"emselves from ab!se, ne+lect, cr!elty, e1ploitation or discrimination beca!se of a p"ysical or mental disability or conditionB
Since all t"ree elements of t"e crime 0ere present, t"e conviction of appellant for acts of lascivio!sness 0as proper.
As to t"e alle+ed fail!re of t"e prosec!tion to establis" 0it" partic!larity t"e date of t"e commission of t"e acts of lascivio!sness, s!ffice it to
state t"at t"e date and time of t"e commission of t"e offense are not material in+redients of s!c" crime. Section 11, 3!le 110 of t"e 3!les of
/o!rt provides5
Sec. 11. -ime of t"e commission of t"e offense. ; 2t is not necessary to state in t"e complaint or information t"e precise time at 0"ic" t"e
offense 0as committed e1cept 0"en time is a material in+redient of t"e offense, b!t t"e act may be alle+ed to "ave been committed at any
time as to t"e act!al date at 0"ic" t"e offense 0as committed as t"e information or complaint 0ill permit.
2n People v. ,osano,
t"e /o!rt "eld5
-"!s, as early as 1903, t"is /o!rt "as r!led t"at 0"ile t"e complaint m!st alle+e a specific time and place 0"en and 0"ere t"e offense 0as
committed, t"e proof need not correspond to t"is alle+ation, !nless t"e time and place is material and of t"e essence of t"e offense as
necessary in+redient in its description. Evidence so presented is admissible and s!fficient if it s"o0s 1* t"at t"e crime 0as committed at any
time 0it"in t"e period of t"e stat!te of limitationsB and ,* before or after t"e time stated in t"e complaint or indictment and before t"e action is
>e a+ree 0it" t"e /o!rt of Appeals in deb!n(in+ appellantTs claim t"at AAATs testimony 0as overly +enerali.ed and lac(ed specific details on
0"en appellant se1!ally ab!sed t"e victim. -"e records are replete 0it" details on 0"en and "o0 appellant se1!ally ab!sed "er. AAA testified
t"at appellant "abit!ally molested "er 0"enever "e "ad t"e opport!nity to do so, to 0it5
Atty. 3osanna ElepaYo8'ala!a+5
Io0 many timesJ,K beca!se t"e 0itness ans0ered t"at "is fat"er 0as se1!ally ab!sin+ "er.
>itness may ans0er.
Atty. 3osanna ElepaYo8'ala!a+5
Io0 many times if yo! rememberU
A5 =any times.
1 1 1 1
F5 >"en 0as )sic* JdidK t"e incident "appenedU
A5 Sa ba"ay po namin at madalin+ ara0 po iyon da"il na+papat!ro (ami n+ drivin+ at a(o po iyon+ !nan+ na+isin+ at sabi (o n+a po
ma+drivin+ na t!r!an niya a(on+ ma+mane"o at tapos po pina"i+a niya a(o sa tabi nya at tapos po (ina!sap po niya a(o at "aban+
(ina(a!sap niya a(o, "e started to!c"in+ my private parts and later on "e s!c(ed my nipple, mam.
F5 >"at else did "e doU
A5 -"atTs all mam.
F5 And 0"at "appened after t"atU
A5 Ie did yo! )sic* it a+ain, mam.
1 1 1 1
F5 >"at s"e did yo! toU JsicK
A5 Ganoon pa rin po, "e s!c(ed my breast at tapos po niyon, papas!(in niya a(o sa (anyan+ room at ila8loc( niya iyon+ pintoB minsan po
naman, pa+a+alitan niya a(o na 0alan+ (aba+ay ba+ay at "indi (o naman po alam (!n+ ano iyonB +anoon po la+i, "ina0a(an niya iyon+
breast, papa+alitan a(o, iyon pa!lit !lit na lan+ po, mam.
F5 After "e scolded yo! 0"at "appened ne1tU
A5 2yon pa+ !miiya( na po a(o, !!mpisa"an po niyan+ "a0a(an m!li iyon+ m+a private parts.
1 1 1 1
F5 And after t"at incident 0"at transpired ne1tU
A5 %a!lit !lit po niyan+ +ina+a0a, la+i po niya a(on+ "in"a"a0a(an an+ breast (o at va+ina and t"en nira8r!b po nan+ (amay niya.
Io0ever, in /riminal /ase &os. 9:865, and 9:865:, 0e a+ree 0it" t"e 7ffice of t"e Solicitor General, representin+ t"e %eople, t"at t"e
prosec!tion failed to prove appellantTs +!ilt for acts of lascivio!sness beyond reasonable do!bt. >"ile AAA testified t"at appellant "abit!ally
molested "er, t"ere 0as no specific evidence s!pportin+ t"e c"ar+e t"at appellant committed acts of lascivio!sness in =ay 1993 and
September 199D, or on or abo!t t"ose dates. Ience, 0e find appellant not +!ilty for t0o co!nts of acts of lascivio!sness )/riminal /ase &os.
9:865, and 9:865:* on t"e +ro!nd of reasonable do!bt.
As re+ards t"e ot"er criminal cases for acts of lascivio!sness, 0"ere appellantTs +!ilt 0as proved beyond reasonable do!bt, 0e affirm
appellantTs conviction. 2n t"ese cases, t"e alternative circ!mstance of relations"ip !nder Article 15 of t"e 3evised %enal /ode s"o!ld be
considered a+ainst appellant.
2n People v. 1etalino,
t"e /o!rt "eld t"at, Sin crimes a+ainst c"astity, li(e acts of lascivio!sness, relations"ip is
considered a++ravatin+.S 2n t"at case, t"e /o!rt considered relations"ip as an a++ravatin+ circ!mstance since t"e informations mentioned,
and t"e acc!sed admitted, t"at t"e complainant is "is da!+"ter.
2n t"e instant case, t"e informations e1pressly state t"at AAA is appellant?s da!+"ter, and appellant openly admitted t"is fact.
0e modify t"e penalty imposed in /riminal /ase &os. 9:865D and 9:8659. Section 5, Article 222 of 3ep!blic Act &o. D610 prescribes t"e penalty
of reclusion temporal in its medi!m period to reclusion perpetua.
Since t"ere is an a++ravatin+ circ!mstance and no miti+atin+ circ!mstance,
t"e penalty s"all be applied in its ma1im!m period Q reclusion perpetua.
'esides, Section 31 of 3ep!blic Act &o. D610 e1pressly provides
t"at S-"e penalty provided "erein s"all be imposed in its ma1im!m period 0"en t"e perpetrator is JaK 1 1 1 parent, 1 1 1. 2n People v.
and People v. 0umin%wa,
0"ere t"e acc!sed is t"e biolo+ical fat"er of t"e minor victim,
t"e /o!rt appreciated t"e presence of
t"e a++ravatin+ circ!mstance of relations"ip and accordin+ly imposed t"e penalty of reclusion perpetua. -"!s, appellant "erein is sentenced
to s!ffer t"e penalty of reclusion perpetua in /riminal /ase &os. 9:865D and 9:8659.
2n /riminal /ase &os. 9:8651,
and 9:8656,
0"ere AAA 0as still belo0 1, years old at t"e time of t"e
commission of t"e acts of lascivio!sness, t"e imposable penalty is reclusion temporal in its medi!m period in accordance 0it" Section 5)b*,
Article 222 of 3ep!blic Act &o. D610. -"is provision specifically states SJtK"at t"e penalty for lascivio!s cond!ct 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve
)1,* years of a+e s"all be reclusion temporal in its medi!m period.S
/onsiderin+ t"e presence of t"e a++ravatin+ circ!mstance of
relations"ip, as e1plained, t"e penalty s"all be imposed in its ma1im!m period. 2n People v. 6elas.ue/,
0"ic" involved a t0o year old c"ild
se1!ally ab!sed by "er +randfat"er, t"e /o!rt imposed t"e indeterminate sentence of 1, years and 1 day of reclusion temporal as minim!m to
1D years of reclusion temporal as ma1im!m. Accordin+ly, appellant "erein is sentenced to s!ffer t"e indeterminate penalty of 1, years and 1
day of reclusion temporal as minim!m to 1D years of reclusion temporal as ma1im!m.
Also, 0e modify t"e amo!nt of moral dama+es and fine a0arded by t"e /o!rt of Appeals. >e red!ce t"e amo!nt of moral dama+es
from %50,000 to %15,000 and t"e amo!nt of fine from %30,000 to %15,000 for eac" of t"e seven )D* co!nts of acts of lascivio!sness.
addition, 0e a0ard civil indemnity in t"e amo!nt of%,0,000, and e1emplary dama+es in t"e s!m of %15,000, in vie0 of t"e presence of t"e
a++ravatin+ circ!mstance of relations"ip,
for eac" of t"e seven )D* co!nts of acts of lascivio!sness.
DHEREFORE, 0e AFFIRM t"e ,: September ,00D Decision of t"e /o!rt of Appeals in /A8G.3. /38I/ &o. 019:0
0it" MODIFICATIONS. >e find appellant Ernesto ra+ante y Ay!da5
1. GUILTY of RAPE in /riminal /ase &o. 9:8660. Ie is sentenced to s!ffer t"e penalty of reclusion perpetua 0it"o!t eli+ibility for
parole and ordered to pay AAA %D5,000 as civil indemnity, %D5,000 as moral dama+es, and %30,000 as e1emplary dama+es.
,. GUILTY of ACTS OF LASCI$IOUSNESS in /riminal /ase &os. 9:865D and 9:8659, 0it" relations"ip as an a++ravatin+
circ!mstance. Ie is sentenced to s!ffer t"e penalty of reclusion perpetua and ordered to pay AAA )1* moral dama+es of %15,000B
),* a fine of %15,000B )3* civil indemnity of %,0,000B and )4* e1emplary dama+es of %15,000 for eac" co!nt.
3. GUILTY of ACTS OF LASCI$IOUSNESS in /riminal /ase &os. 9:8651, 9:8653, 9:8654, 9:8655, and 9:8656, 0it" relations"ip
as an a++ravatin+ circ!mstance. Ie is sentenced to s!ffer t"e indeterminate penalty of 1, years and 1 day of reclusion temporal as
minim!m to 1D years of reclusion temporal as ma1im!m and ordered to pay AAA )1* moral dama+es of %15,000B ),* a fine
of %15,000B )3* civil indemnity of %,0,000B and )4* e1emplary dama+es of %15,000 for eac" co!nt.
4. NOT GUILTY of ACTS OF LASCI$IOUSNESS in /riminal /ase &os. 9:865, and 9:865: on t"e +ro!nd of reasonable do!bt.
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
A - - E S - A - 2 7 &
2 attest t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion
of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
Associate #!stice
/ E 3 - 2 2 / A - 2 7 &
%!rs!ant to Section 13, Article H222 of t"e /onstit!tion, and t"e Division /"airperson?s Attestation, 2 certify t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above
Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
/"ief #!stice
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
-I23D D2H2S27&
G.R. No. 185!!1 Ma'16 , .414
D E / 2 S 2 7 &
or revie0 are t"e /o!rt of Appeals )/A* Decision
and 3esol!tion
dated #!ly ,9, ,00: and ebr!ary 16, ,009, respectively, in /A8G.3. /3
&o. 30949. -"e assailed decision affirmed t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt?s
)3-/?s* #oint #!d+ment
dated =arc" 9, ,00D, convictin+ petitioner
Salvador lordeli. y Abeno6ar of nine )9* co!nts of 3ape and one )1* co!nt of Acts of @ascivio!sness, 0it" a modification of t"e a0ard of
dama+es, 0"ile t"e assailed resol!tion denied petitioner?s motion for reconsideration.
-"e case stemmed from t"e follo0in+ facts5
Sometime in =arc" 1995, A'/, t"e 0ife of petitioner and t"e mot"er of private complainants AAA and ''', left for =alaysia as an overseas
0or(er. AAA and ''' 0ere left !nder t"e care and c!stody of petitioner. -"ey resided in a small "o!se in F!e.on Iill, 'a+!io /ity.
2n April 1995, 0"ile sleepin+ 0it" ''' and AAA, 0"o 0as t"en eleven )11* years old, petitioner 0o(e !p AAA, to!c"ed "er va+ina, t"en
played 0it" it. AAA cried and told petitioner t"at it 0as painf!l. -"e latter stopped, b!t 0arned AAA not to tell anyone abo!t itB ot"er0ise, s"e
0o!ld be "armed.
%etitioner alle+edly committed t"e same acts a+ainst AAA repeatedly.
%etitioner and "is da!+"ters later transferred residence and lived 0it" t"e former?s siblin+s. &ot lon+ after, petitioner 0as convicted of
"omicide and imprisoned in =!ntinl!pa /ity. /onse$!ently, AAA and ''' lived 0it" t"eir +randparents in @a -rinidad, 'en+!et.
petitioner 0as incarcerated, AAA and ''' visited "im and sent "im t0o +reetin+ cards containin+ t"e follo0in+ te1ts, amon+ ot"ers5 S"appy
valentineSB S!r t"e best dad in t"e 0orldSB S2 love yo! papa, love ''', @ove '#SB Still 0e meet a+ainSB portrait of #es!s /"rist 0it" a "eart, St"is
is for yo! dadSB Sflordeli., AAA %., love AAA and 2yos.S
2n ,001, petitioner 0as released on parole. Ie 0o!ld fre$!ently fetc" AAA and ''' from t"eir +randparents? "o!se d!rin+ 0ee(ends and
"olidays and t"ey 0o!ld stay 0it" "im in Gabriela Silan+, 'a+!io /ity.
Ensatisfied 0it" t"e ab!ses committed a+ainst AAA, petitioner alle+edly started molestin+ ''' in =ay ,00,.
2n ,003, ''' spent &e0 Gear?s
Day 0it" "er fat"er. 7n #an!ary 3, ,003, 0"ile t"ey 0ere sleepin+, petitioner inserted "is t0o ),* fin+ers into '''?s va+ina.
''' did not
attempt to stop petitioner beca!se of fear. -"ereafter, t"ey slept beside eac" ot"er.
''' s!ffered t"e same ordeal t"e follo0in+ ni+"t.
7n ebr!ary :, ,003, ''' visited petitioner. A+ain, petitioner "eld "er va+ina, played 0it" it and inserted "is fin+ers, 0"ic" ca!sed "er pain.
-"e same incident alle+edly too( place on A!+!st 3, ,003.
7n 7ctober ,6, ,003, a day before AAA?s birt"day, 0"ile ''' 0as 0it"
petitioner, t"e latter committed t"e same dastardly act. -"is time, it 0as for a lon+er period.
D!rin+ All Saints? Day of ,003, ''' spent t0o ni+"ts 0it" "er fat"er and, d!rin+ t"ose ni+"ts )&ovember 1 and ,*, s"e e1perienced t"e same
se1!al ab!se.
-"e same t"in+ "appened on December ,:, ,003.
&ot0it"standin+ t"e repeated incidents of se1!al ab!se committed a+ainst "er, ''' did not reveal "er ordeal to anybody beca!se of fear for
"er life and t"at of "er mot"er.
AAA and ''' "ad t"e c"ance to reveal t"eir "orrifyin+ e1periences 0"en t"eir mot"er A'/ arrived for a vacation. AAA immediately told A'/
0"at petitioner did to "er. >"en confronted by A'/, ''' li(e0ise admitted t"e repeated ab!ses committed by petitioner. A'/ fort"0it"
reported t"e incidents to t"e &ational '!rea! of 2nvesti+ation.
After cond!ctin+ medical e1aminations on AAA and ''', t"e attendin+ p"ysician remar(ed t"at t"ere 0as a Sdisclos!re of se1!al ab!se and
s"e noted t"e presence of "ymenal notc" in posterior portion of "ymenal rim t"at may be d!e to previo!s bl!nt force or penetratin+ tra!ma
s!++estive of ab!se.S
>it" t"ese findin+s, petitioner 0as c"ar+ed 0it" t"e crimes of Acts of @ascivio!sness,
committed a+ainst AAA, and nine )9* co!nts of
F!alified 3ape t"ro!+" Se1!al Assa!lt,
committed a+ainst ''', before t"e 3-/. -"e crime of acts of lascivio!sness 0as alle+edly
committed as follo0s5
-"at sometime in t"e mont" of April 1995 !p to 1996 in t"e /ity of 'a+!io, %"ilippines, and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, t"e
above8named acc!sed, 0it" le0d desi+n and deliberate intent to ca!se malice and satisfy "is lascivio!s desire, did t"en and t"ere 0illf!lly,
!nla0f!lly and felonio!sly to!c"ed and play t"e private part of t"e offended party AAA, a minor 14 years of a+e a+ainst "er 0ill and consent
0"ic" act debeased )sic*, demeaned and de+raded t"e intrinsic 0ort" and di+nity of t"e minor as a "!man bein+.
/7&-3A3G -7 @A>.
7n t"e ot"er "and, e1cept for t"e dates of t"e commission of t"e crime, eac" 2nformation for 3ape reads5
-"at on or abo!t t"e :t" day of ebr!ary ,003, in t"e /ity of 'a+!io, %"ilippines, and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, t"e above8
named acc!sed, by means of force and intimidation and ta(in+ advanta+e of "is moral ascendancy over t"e private offended party "e bein+
t"e biolo+ical fat"er of said offended party, did t"en and t"ere remove t"e pants and !nder0ear of said offended party and t"ere!pon fondles
"er private part and forcibly inserted "is fin+er into t"e va+ina of t"e offended party ''', a minor, 11 years of a+e a+ainst "er 0ill and
consent, 0"ic" acts constit!te 3ape as defined !nder 3ep!blic Act :353 and 0"ic" acts demeaned, debased and de+raded t"e intrinsic 0ort"
and di+nity of t"e minor as a "!man bein+.
/7&-3A3G -7 @A>.
Epon arrai+nment, petitioner pleaded S&ot +!iltyS to all t"e c"ar+es. D!rin+ trial, "e interposed t"e defense of denial and insisted t"at t"e
c"ar+es a+ainst "im 0ere fabricated by "is 0ife to cover !p t"e infidelity s"e committed 0"ile 0or(in+ abroad.
%etitioner also relied on t"e
testimonies of lorabel lordeli., @evy Iope lordeli. and 3oderic( lordeli., 0"ose testimonies consisted mainly of t"e alle+ed infidelity of
A'/B and petitioner, bein+ a +ood fat"er, 0as often visited by "is da!+"ters at "is residence, 0"ere t"e rooms t"ey occ!pied 0ere only
separated by see8t"ro!+" c!rtains.
7n =arc" 9, ,00D, t"e 3-/ rendered a #oint #!d+ment
findin+ petitioner +!ilty as c"ar+ed, t"e dispositive portion of 0"ic" reads5
>IE3E73E, premises all d!ly consideredJ,K t"e co!rt finds t"at t"e prosec!tion "as establis"ed t"e +!ilt of t"e acc!sed beyond reasonable
do!bt and "ereby imposes !pon "im t"e follo0in+ penalties5
1. 2n /riminal /ase &o. ,314583 for Acts of @ascivio!sness, t"e 2ndeterminate %enalty of 6 mont"s of Arresto =ayor as t"e minim!m penalty
to 6 years of %rision /orreccional as t"e ma1im!m penalty and to indemnify t"e victim AAA t"e amo!nt of %,0,000.00 as moral dama+es and
to pay t"e costs.
-"e penalty s"all also carry t"e accessory penalty of perpet!al special dis$!alification from t"e ri+"t of s!ffra+e )Art. 43, 3evised %enal /ode*
,. 2n /riminal /ases &os. ,30D,83 to ,30:083, t"e 2ndeterminate %enalty of t0elve )1,* years of %rision =ayor as t"e minim!m penalty to
t0enty ),0* years of 3ecl!sion -emporal as t"e ma1im!m penalty for eac" case or nine )9* co!nts of se1!al assa!lt considerin+ t"e
a++ravatin+<$!alifyin+ circ!mstance of relations"ip a+ainst t"e acc!sed and to indemnify ''' t"e amo!nt of %D5,000.00 as moral dama+es
and to pay t"e costs.
-"e penalties s"all carry 0it" t"em t"e accessory penalties of civil interdiction for life and perpet!al absol!te dis$!alification )Art. 41, 3evised
%enal /ode*.
-"e acc!sed s"all be credited 0it" 4<5 of "is preventive imprisonment in t"e service of "is sentences.
2n t"e service of "is sentences, t"e same s"all be served s!ccessively s!b6ect to t"e provisions of Article D0 of t"e 3evised %enal /ode or t"e
-"ree8old 3!le.
S7 73DE3ED.
7n appeal, t"e /A affirmed petitioner?s conviction 0it" a modification of t"e amo!nt of "is civil liabilities.
%etitioner no0 comes before !s, raisin+ t"e follo0in+ errors5
A/-S 7 @AS/2H27ES&ESS
-"e Ionorable /o!rt A F!o +ravely erred in affirmin+ t"e 6!d+ment of conviction of t"e Ionorable 3e+ional -rial /o!rt for t"e crime c"ar+ed
despite t"e fact t"at t"e +!ilt of t"e petitioner "as not been proven beyond reasonable do!bt 0it" moral certainty.
1. -"e Ionorable /o!rt A F!o +ravely erred in affirmin+ t"e 6!d+ments of conviction of t"e Ionorable 3e+ional -rial /o!rt in
/riminal /ases &os. ,30D583 )alle+ed rape t"ro!+" se1!al assa!lt sometime in =ay, ,00,* and ,30D:83 )alle+ed rape t"ro!+"
se1!al assa!lt on A!+!st 3, ,003* respectively, despite t"e complete absence of evidence to s"o0 "o0 t"e alle+ed incidents of rape
t"ro!+" se1!al assa!lt 0ere committed by petitioner on said partic!lar dates.
,. -"e Ionorable /o!rt A F!o +ravely erred in affirmin+ t"e 6!d+ments of conviction of t"e Ionorable 3e+ional -rial /o!rt in t"e
ot"er alle+ed co!nts of rape t"ro!+" se1!al assa!lt despite t"e fact t"at t"e+!ilt of t"e petitioner "as not been proven beyond
reasonable do!bt 0it" moral certainty.
Simply p!t, petitioner assails t"e fact!al and le+al bases of "is conviction, alle+edly beca!se of lac( of t"e essential details or circ!mstances
of t"e commission of t"e crimes. %etitioner, in effect, $!estions t"e credibility of t"e 0itnesses for t"e prosec!tion and insists t"at t"e c"ar+es
a+ainst "im 0ere desi+ned to conceal A'/?s infidelity.
>e "ave repeatedly "eld t"at 0"en t"e offended parties are yo!n+ and immat!re +irls, as in t"is case, co!rts are inclined to lend credence to
t"eir version of 0"at transpired, considerin+ not only t"eir relative v!lnerability, b!t also t"e s"ame and embarrassment to 0"ic" t"ey 0o!ld be
e1posed if t"e matter abo!t 0"ic" t"ey testified 0ere not tr!e.
2t is not !ncommon in incest!o!s rape for t"e acc!sed to claim t"at t"e case is a mere fabrication, and t"at t"e victim 0as moved by familial
discord and infl!ence, "ostility, or reven+e. -"ere is not"in+ novel abo!t s!c" defense, and t"is /o!rt "ad t"e occasion to address it in t"e
past. 2n %eople v. 7rtoa,
0e "eld t"at5
Herily, no c"ild 0o!ld (no0in+ly e1pose "erself and t"e rest of "er family to t"e "!miliation and strain t"at a p!blic trial s!rely entails !nless
s"e is so moved by "er desire to see to it t"at t"e person 0"o forcibly robbed "er of "er c"eris"ed innocence is penali.ed for "is dastardly act.
-"e imp!tation of ill motives to t"e victim of an incest!o!s rape Jor lascivio!s cond!ctK becomes even more !nconvincin+ as t"e victim and t"e
acc!sed are not stran+ers to eac" ot"er. 'y electin+ to proceed 0it" t"e filin+ of t"e complaint, t"e victim ris(s not only losin+ a parent, one
0"om, before "is moral descent, s"e previo!sly adored and loo(ed !p to, b!t also t"e li(eli"ood of losin+ t"e affection of "er relatives 0"o
may not believe "er claim. 2ndeed, it is not !ncommon for families to be torn apart by an acc!sation of incest!o!s rape. Given t"e serio!s
nat!re of t"e crime and its adverse conse$!ences not only to "er, it is "i+"ly improbable for a da!+"ter to man!fact!re a rape c"ar+e for t"e
sole p!rpose of +ettin+ even 0it" "er fat"er. -"!s, t"e alle+ed ill motives "ave never s0ayed t"e /o!rt a+ainst +ivin+ credence to t"e
testimonies of victims 0"o remained firm and steadfast in t"eir acco!nt of "o0 t"ey 0ere ravis"ed by t"eir se1 offenders.
&eit"er can 0e s!stain petitioner?s claim t"at t"e c"ar+es a+ainst "im 0ere prod!cts of A'/?s fabrication to cover !p t"e infidelity s"e
committed 0"ile 0or(in+ abroad. &o matter "o0 enra+ed a mot"er may be, it 0o!ld ta(e not"in+ less t"an psyc"olo+ical depravity for "er to
concoct a story too dama+in+ to t"e 0elfare and 0ell8bein+ of "er o0n da!+"ter. /o!rts are seldom, if at all, convinced t"at a mot"er 0o!ld
stoop so lo0 as to e1pose "er o0n da!+"ter to p"ysical, mental and emotional "ards"ip concomitant to a rape prosec!tion.
>e no0 proceed to disc!ss t"e specific crimes 0it" 0"ic" petitioner 0as c"ar+ed.
/riminal /ase &os. ,30D,83, ,30D383, ,30D483, ,30D683, ,30DD83, ,30D983, and ,30:083 for 3ape -"ro!+" Se1!al Assa!lt
-"e 3-/, affirmed by t"e /A, correctly convicted petitioner of 3ape in /riminal /ase &os. ,30D,83, ,30D383, ,30D483, ,30D683, ,30DD83,
,30D983, and ,30:083.
2n "er direct testimony, ''' clearly narrated t"at, on seven )D* separate occasions, petitioner 0o(e "er !p, "eld "er va+ina, played 0it" it, and
inserted "is fin+ers. D!rin+ trial, t"e prosec!tor presented a small doll 0"ere ''' demonstrated "o0 petitioner inserted "is forefin+er and
middle fin+er, ma(in+ an !p and do0n motion bet0een t"e doll?s le+s.
-"e insertion of petitioner?s fin+ers into t"e victim?s va+ina constit!ted t"e crime of 3ape t"ro!+" se1!al assa!lt
!nder 3ep!blic Act )3.A.*
&o. :353, or S-"e Anti83ape @a0 of 199D,S 0"ic" in part provides5
Art. ,668A. 3ape5 ;hen (nd +ow Committed. 8 3ape is committed5
1* 'y a man 0"o s"all "ave carnal (no0led+e of a 0oman !nder any of t"e follo0in+ circ!mstances5
a* -"ro!+" force, t"reat, or intimidationB
b* >"en t"e offended party is deprived of reason or ot"er0ise !nconscio!sB
c* 'y means of fra!d!lent mac"ination or +rave ab!se of a!t"orityB and
d* >"en t"e offended party is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e or is demented, even t"o!+" none of t"e circ!mstances
mentioned above be present.
,* 'y any person 0"o, !nder any of t"e circ!mstances mentioned in para+rap" 1 "ereof, s"all commit an act of se1!al assa!lt by
insertin+ "is penis into anot"er person?s mo!t" or anal orifice, or any instr!ment or ob6ect, into t"e +enital or anal orifice of anot"er
Aside from provin+ t"e fact t"at 3ape 0as committed, t"e prosec!tion also establis"ed t"at petitioner is t"e biolo+ical fat"er of ''' and t"at
t"e latter 0as less t"an t0elve )1,* years old at t"e time of t"e commission of t"e crimes. Ender Article ,668' of t"e 3evised %enal /ode
)3%/*, rape by se1!al assa!lt, if attended by any of t"e a++ravatin+ circ!mstances !nder para+rap" 1
of Article ,668', 0o!ld carry t"e
penalty of recl!sion temporal, ran+in+ from t0elve )1,* years and one )1* day to t0enty ),0* years.
Applyin+ t"e 2ndeterminate Sentence @a0, t"e ma1im!m term of t"e indeterminate penalty s"all be t"at 0"ic" co!ld be properly imposed
!nder t"e 3%/. 7t"er t"an t"e a++ravatin+<$!alifyin+ circ!mstances of minority and relations"ip )0"ic" are already ta(en into acco!nt to raise
t"e penalty from prision mayor to recl!sion temporal*,
no ot"er a++ravatin+ circ!mstance 0as alle+ed and proven. Ience, t"e penalty s"all
be imposed in its medi!m period, or fo!rteen )14* years, ei+"t ):* mont"s and one )1* day to seventeen )1D* years and fo!r )4* mont"s.
7n t"e ot"er "and, t"e minim!m term of t"e indeterminate sentence s"o!ld be 0it"in t"e ran+e of t"e penalty ne1t lo0er in de+ree t"an t"at
prescribed by t"e /ode 0"ic" is prision mayor or si1 )6* years and one )1* day to t0elve )1,* years.
or eac" co!nt of se1!al assa!lt, petitioner s"o!ld be meted t"e indeterminate sentence of ten )10* years of prision mayor as minim!m, to
seventeen )1D* years and fo!r )4* mont"s of recl!sion temporal as ma1im!m.
2n line 0it" prevailin+ 6!rispr!dence, t"e victim of 3ape t"ro!+" se1!al assa!lt is entitled to recover civil indemnity in t"e amo!nt
of %30,000.00 for eac" co!nt. -"is is mandatory !pon a findin+ of t"e fact of 3ape.
=oreover, t"e a0ard of moral dama+es is a!tomatically
+ranted 0it"o!t need of f!rt"er proof, it bein+ ass!med t"at a rape victim "as act!ally s!ffered moral dama+es entitlin+ "er to s!c" a0ard.
S"e is, t"!s, entitled to recover moral dama+es of %30,000.00 for eac" co!nt.
2n addition, t"e presence of t"e a++ravatin+ circ!mstances of
minority and relations"ip entitles "er to an a0ard of e1emplary dama+es. -"e amo!nt of%30,000.00 for eac" co!nt is appropriate !nder t"e
/riminal /ase &os. ,30D583 and ,30D:83
2n /riminal /ase &o. ,30D583, it 0as alle+ed t"at petitioner se1!ally ab!sed ''' on A!+!st 3, ,003. 2ndeed, t"e 3-/ and t"e /A stated in
t"eir narration of facts t"at on t"at partic!lar date, 0"ile ''' 0as visitin+ "er fat"er, t"e incident "appened. A per!sal of t"e transcript of t"e
prosec!tion 0itnesses? testimonies, "o0ever, reveals t"at no s!c" incident too( place. &o details 0ere related by ''' "erself as to t"e
circ!mstances s!rro!ndin+ t"e alle+ed incident.
2n /riminal /ase &o. ,30D:83, it 0as also stated in t"e 2nformation t"at, from =ay ,00, to December ,003, petitioner committed t"e crime of
3ape t"ro!+" se1!al assa!lt a+ainst '''. -"e /o!rt notes, "o0ever, t"at t"e 3-/ decision is silent as to t"e se1!al ab!se alle+edly
committed in =ay ,00,. -"e 3-/?s narration of facts started only 0it" t"e incident t"at occ!rred in #an!ary ,003. >"ile t"e /A stated t"at, in
=ay ,00,, petitioner started se1!ally ab!sin+ ''', t"e statement 0as merely a concl!sion !ns!pported by proof of "o0 t"e crime 0as
committed. Ass!min+ t"at acts of 3ape 0ere indeed committed in ,003 )0"ic" is 0it"in t"e period from =ay ,00, to December ,003 as
stated in t"e 2nformation*, t"ose instances co!ld very 0ell be t"e same incidents covered by t"e ot"er 2nformations disc!ssed earlier.
Absent specific details of "o0 and 0"en t"e se1!al ab!ses 0ere committed, petitioner s"o!ld be ac$!itted in /riminal /ase &os. ,30D583
and ,30D:83.
/riminal /ase &o. ,314583 for Acts of @ascivio!sness
2n /riminal /ase &o. ,314583, petitioner 0as c"ar+ed 0it" and convicted of Acts of @ascivio!sness and sentenced to s!ffer t"e penalty
prescribed by Article 336 of t"e 3%/. >"ile 0e s!stain petitioner?s conviction of acts of lascivio!sness, 0e modify t"e assailed Decision in
order to +ive t"e proper desi+nation to t"e crime committed and t"e la0 violated, and event!ally to impose t"e proper penalty.
2t is !ndisp!ted t"at at t"e time of t"e commission of t"e se1!al ab!se, AAA 0as eleven )11* years old.
-"is calls for t"e application of 3.A.
&o. D610 or S-"e Special %rotection of /"ildren A+ainst /"ild Ab!se, E1ploitation and Discrimination Act,S 0"ic" defines se1!al ab!se of
c"ildren and prescribes t"e penalty t"erefor in its Article 222, Section 5, to 0it5
SE/. 5. Child Prostitution and *ther 0exual (buse. ; /"ildren, 0"et"er male or female, 0"o for money, profit, or any ot"er consideration or
d!e to t"e coercion or infl!ence of any ad!lt, syndicate or +ro!p, ind!l+e in se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct, are deemed to be
c"ildren e1ploited in prostit!tion and ot"er se1!al ab!se.
-"e penalty of reclusion temporal in its medi!m period to reclusion perpetua s"all be imposed !pon t"e follo0in+5
1 1 1 1
)b* -"ose 0"o commit t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ected to ot"er se1!al
ab!se5 Provided, -"at 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e, t"e perpetrators s"all be prosec!ted !nder Article 335, para+rap" 3,
for rape and Article 336 of Act &o. 3:15, as amended, t"e 3evised %enal /ode, for rape or lascivio!s cond!ct, as t"e case may be5 Provided,
-"at t"e penalty for lascivio!s cond!ct 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e s"all be reclusion temporal in its medi!m period.
%ara+rap" )b* p!nis"es se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct not only 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion, b!t also 0it" a c"ild s!b6ected to
ot"er se1!al ab!ses. 2t covers not only a sit!ation 0"ere a c"ild is ab!sed for profit, b!t also 0"ere one 88 t"ro!+" coercion, intimidation or
infl!ence 88 en+a+es in se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct 0it" a c"ild.
Io0ever, p!rs!ant to t"e fore+oin+ provision, before an acc!sed can be convicted of c"ild ab!se t"ro!+" lascivio!s cond!ct committed
a+ainst a minor belo0 1, years of a+e, t"e re$!isites for acts of lascivio!sness !nder Article 336 of t"e 3%/ m!st be met in addition to t"e
re$!isites for se1!al ab!se !nder Section 5 of 3.A. &o. D610.
-"e crime of Acts of @ascivio!sness, as defined in Article 336 of t"e 3%/, "as t"e follo0in+ elements5
)1* -"at t"e offender commits any act of lascivio!sness or le0dnessB
),* -"at it is done !nder any of t"e follo0in+ circ!mstances5
a. 'y !sin+ force or intimidationB or
b. >"en t"e offended party is deprived of reason or ot"er0ise !nconscio!sB or
c. >"en t"e offended party is !nder 1, years of a+eB and
)3* -"at t"e offended party is anot"er person of eit"er se1.
2n addition, t"e follo0in+ elements of se1!al ab!se !nder Section 5, Article 222 of 3.A. &o. D610 m!st be proven5
)1* -"e acc!sed commits t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ctB
),* -"e said act is performed 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ected to ot"er se1!al ab!seB and
)3* -"e c"ild, 0"et"er male or female, is belo0 1: years of a+e.
Section 3,, Article Z222 of t"e 2mplementin+ 3!les and 3e+!lations of 3.A. &o. D610 defines lascivio!s cond!ct as follo0s5
J-K"e intentional to!c"in+, eit"er directly or t"ro!+" clot"in+, of t"e +enitalia, an!s, +roin, breast, inner t"i+", or b!ttoc(s, or t"e introd!ction of
any ob6ect into t"e +enitalia, an!s or mo!t" of any person, 0"et"er of t"e same or opposite se1, 0it" an intent to ab!se, "!miliate, "arass,
de+rade, or aro!se or +ratify t"e se1!al desire of any person, bestiality, mast!rbation, lascivio!s e1"ibition of t"e +enitals or p!bic area of a
'ased on t"e fore+oin+ definition, petitioner?s act of to!c"in+ AAA?s va+ina and playin+ 0it" it obvio!sly amo!nted to lascivio!s cond!ct.
/onsiderin+ t"at t"e act 0as committed on a c"ild less t"an t0elve years old and t"ro!+" intimidation, it is beyond cavil t"at petitioner is +!ilty
!nder t"e aforesaid la0s.
>e are a0are t"at t"e 2nformation specifically c"ar+ed petitioner 0it" Acts of @ascivio!sness !nder t"e 3%/, 0it"o!t statin+ t"erein t"at it 0as
in relation to 3.A. &o. D610. Io0ever, t"e fail!re to desi+nate t"e offense by stat!te or to mention t"e specific provision t"e act, or
an erroneo!s specification of t"e la0 violated, does not vitiate t"e information if t"e facts alle+ed t"erein clearly recite t"e facts constit!tin+ t"e
crime c"ar+ed. -"e c"aracter of t"e crime is not determined by t"e caption or preamble of t"e information nor by t"e specification of t"e
provision of la0 alle+ed to "ave been violated, b!t by t"e recital of t"e !ltimate facts and circ!mstances in t"e complaint or information.
2n t"e instant case, t"e body of t"e 2nformation contains an averment of t"e acts alle+ed to "ave been committed by petitioner and
!nmista(ably describes acts p!nis"able !nder Section 5)b*, Article 222 of 3.A. &o. D610.DavvphiD
2t is also !ndisp!ted t"at petitioner is t"e fat"er of AAA. -"e 3-/ did not appreciate t"e alternative circ!mstance of relations"ip, beca!se it
0as not alle+ed in t"e 2nformation. >e do not a+ree.
-"e resol!tion
of t"e investi+atin+ prosec!tor, 0"ic" formed t"e basis of t"e 2nformation, a copy of 0"ic" is attac"ed t"ereto, stated t"at
petitioner is t"e victim?s biolo+ical fat"er. -"ere 0as, t"erefore, s!bstantial compliance 0it" t"e mandate t"at an acc!sed be informed of t"e
nat!re of t"e c"ar+e a+ainst "im.
2n crimes a+ainst c"astity, li(e acts of lascivio!sness, relations"ip is considered a++ravatin+.
/onsiderin+ t"at AAA 0as less t"an t0elve )1,*
years old at t"e time t"e crime 0as committed, petitioner s"o!ld be meted t"e penalty of recl!sion temporal in its medi!m period, or fo!rteen
)14* years, ei+"t ):* mont"s and one )1* day to seventeen )1D* years and fo!r )4* mont"s. Applyin+ t"e 2ndeterminate Sentence @a0,
petitioner s"o!ld be meted t"e indeterminate penalty of t"irteen )13* years, nine )9* mont"s and eleven )11* days of recl!sion temporal as
minim!m, to si1teen )16* years, five )5* mont"s and ten )10* days of recl!sion temporal as ma1im!m.
>it" respect to t"e lascivio!s cond!ct amo!ntin+ to c"ild ab!se !nder Section 5)b* of 3.A. &o. D610 committed by petitioner, 0e impose a fine
of %15,000.00.
/ivil indemnity e1 delicto in t"e amo!nt of %,0,000.00 s"all be a0arded.
Additionally, !pon a findin+ of +!ilt of t"e acc!sed for acts of
lascivio!sness, t"e amo!nt of %15,000.00 as moral dama+es may be a0arded to t"e victim in t"e same 0ay t"at moral dama+es are a0arded
to victims of rape even 0it"o!t need of proof beca!se it is ass!med t"at t"ey s!ffered moral in6!ry.
2n vie0 of t"e presence of t"e
a++ravatin+ circ!mstance of relations"ip, t"e amo!nt of %15,000.00 as e1emplary dama+es s"o!ld li(e0ise be a0arded.
>IE3E73E, premises considered, t"e /o!rt of Appeals? #!ly ,9, ,00: Decision and ebr!ary 16, ,009 3esol!tion in /A8G.3. /3 &o.
30949 are A23=ED 0it" =7D22/A-27&S. -"e /o!rt finds petitioner Salvador lordeli. y Abeno6ar5
1. GE2@-G of seven )D* co!nts of 3A%E -"ro!+" Se1!al Assa!lt in /riminal /ase &os. ,30D,83, ,30D383, ,30D483, ,30D683, ,30DD83,
,30D983, and ,30:083. Ie is sentenced to s!ffer t"e indeterminate penalty of ten )10* years of prision mayor, as minim!m, to seventeen )1D*
years and fo!r )4* mont"s of recl!sion temporal, as ma1im!m, for eac" co!nt. %etitioner is ordered to indemnify ''' %30,000.00 as civil
indemnityB %30,000.00 as moral dama+esB and %30,000.00 as e1emplary dama+es, for eac" co!ntB
,. GE2@-G of A/-S 7 @AS/2H27ES&ESS in /riminal /ase &o. ,314583. Ie is sentenced to s!ffer t"e indeterminate penalty of t"irteen )13*
years, nine )9* mont"s and eleven )11* days of recl!sion temporal, as minim!m, to si1teen )16* years, five )5* mont"s and ten )10* days of
recl!sion temporal, as ma1im!m. Ie is li(e0ise ordered to pay a fine of %15,000.00 and to indemnify AAA %,0,000.00 as civil
indemnity, %15,000.00 as moral dama+es, and %15,000.00 as e1emplary dama+esB
3. &7- GE2@-G in /riminal /ase &os. ,30D583 and ,30D:83.
S7 73DE3ED.
Associate #!stice
>E /7&/E35
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
A - - E S - A - 2 7 &
2 attest t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion
of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
Associate #!stice
/"airperson, -"ird Division
/ E 3 - 2 2 / A - 2 7 &
%!rs!ant to Section 13, Article H222 of t"e /onstit!tion and t"e Division /"airpersonTs Attestation, 2 certify t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above
Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
/"ief #!stice
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
23S- D2H2S27&
G.R. No. 1!-/1 #an)a'; 1, .44-
D E / 2 S 2 7 &
-"is petition for revie0 on certiorari
assails t"e September ,9, ,000 decision
and =ay 4, ,001 resol!tion
of t"e /o!rt of Appeals )/A* in
/A8G.3. /3 &o. ,0531 0"ic" affirmed t"e #an!ary 16, 199D decision of t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt )3-/*, 'ranc" 1D1, Halen.!ela,
=anila in /riminal /ase &o. 530,8H896.
%etitioner /lement #o"n erdinand =. &avarrete 0as c"ar+ed 0it" t"e crime of stat!tory rape of '''
!nder t"e follo0in+ information5
-"at on or abo!t 7ctober 30, 1995 in Halen.!ela, =etro =anila and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, t"e above8named acc!sed,
did t"en and t"ere J0illf!llyK, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly "ave se1!al interco!rse 0it" one J'''K, a+eJdK 5 years old.
/7&-3A3G -7 @A>.
7n arrai+nment, petitioner pleaded not +!ilty.
-"e facts s"o0 t"at ''', 0"o 0as at t"at time five years old, and petitioner 0ere nei+"bors, t"eir "o!ses bein+ ad6acent to eac" ot"er.
7ctober 30, 1995, at aro!nd past 9500 in t"e evenin+, ''' 0ent to petitioner?s "o!se to 0atc" television, 0"ic" 0as somet"in+ s"e often
7nly petitioner and ''' 0ere t"ere t"at ni+"t.
''' testified t"at it 0as on t"is occasion t"at petitioner se1!ally ab!sed "er, Splaced "is
penis Jin "erK va+inaS t0ice, po(ed "er va+ina 0it" a Sstic( 0it" cottonS
and bo1ed "er on t"e ri+"t side of "er eye.
-"en, petitioner bro!+"t
"er to t"e comfort room and pointed a (nife to "er t"roat.
After0ards, s"e and petitioner 0atc"ed a porno+rap"ic movie
AAA, '''?s mot"er, testified t"at aro!nd 10530 p.m., ''' 0ent o!t of petitioner?s "o!se. >"ile tremblin+ and cryin+, ''' embraced "er
mot"er and told "er t"at S<u"a 1erdie sinundot ao.S
-"e ne1t day, on 7ctober 31, 1995, Dr. &oel =inay, medico8le+al officer of t"e &ational '!rea! of 2nvesti+ation, e1amined '''. Ie fo!nd t"at
"er maiden"ead 0as s"ort, intact and "ad a narro0 openin+ at 0.3 cm. in diameter. Ie concl!ded t"at t"ese findin+s precl!ded complete
penetration by an avera+e8si.ed ilipino male or+an in f!ll erection.
-estifyin+ in "is o0n be"alf, petitioner denied t"e acc!sation a+ainst "im and claimed t"at AAA merely concocted t"e c"ar+e a+ainst "im. Ie
alle+ed t"at s"e "ad ill feelin+s a+ainst "is mot"er 0"o s"e t"o!+"t "ad somet"in+ to do 0it" t"e separation of "er )AAA?s* son from t"e
%"ilippine %ostal /orporation. Ie also posited t"at s"e resented t"e &avarretes? ref!sal to allo0 "er to place a S6!mperS on t"eir electrical
2n a decision dated #an!ary 16, 199D, t"e 3-/ absolved petitioner of stat!tory rape as t"ere 0as no clear and positive proof of t"e entry of
petitioner?s penis into t"e labia of t"e victim?s va+ina. Io0ever, it convicted petitioner for acts of lascivio!sness !nder Article 336 of t"e
3evised %enal /ode )3%/* in relation to Section 5)b*, Article 222 of 3A D610 )Special %rotection of /"ildren A+ainst /"ild Ab!se, E1ploitation
and Discrimination Act*5
>IE3E73E, JpetitionerK /lement #o"n erdinand &avarrete is sentenced to s!ffer an indeterminate imprisonment of ->E@HE )1,* GEA3S
and 7&E )1* DAG of 3E/@ES27& -E=%73A@, as minim!m to JS2Z-EE&K )16* GEA3S of 3E/@ES27& -E=%73A@, as ma1im!m 0it" t"e
accessory penalties prescribed by t"e la0 and to pay t"e costs.
-"e acc!sed is "ereby ordered to indemnify t"e victim t"e amo!nt of %,0,000.00 as moral dama+es and t"e amo!nt of %10,000.00 p!rs!ant
to Section 31 of t"e JActK.
7n appeal, t"e /A affirmed t"e decision of t"e 3-/. -"!s, t"is petition.
%etitioner asserts t"at "e cannot be convicted of acts of lascivio!sness in relation to Section 5)b*, Article 222 of 3A D610, a crime not
specifically alle+ed in t"e information 0"ic" c"ar+ed "im 0it" stat!tory rape. 7t"er0ise, "is constit!tional ri+"t to be informed of t"e nat!re
and ca!se of t"e acc!sation a+ainst "im 0o!ld be violated. Ie li(e0ise contends t"at "is +!ilt for t"e said offense 0as not proven beyond
reasonable do!bt.
-"ere is no merit in t"e petition.
-"e /onstit!tion mandates t"at t"e acc!sed, in all criminal prosec!tions, s"all en6oy t"e ri+"t to be informed of t"e nat!re and ca!se of t"e
acc!sation a+ainst "im.
rom t"is f!ndamental precept proceeds t"e r!le t"at t"e acc!sed may be convicted only of t"e crime 0it" 0"ic" "e
is c"ar+ed.
An e1ception to t"is r!le is t"e r!le on variance in Section 4, 3!le 1,0 of t"e 3!les of /o!rt5
#!d+ment in case of variance bet0een alle+ation and proof. ; >"en t"ere is variance bet0een t"e offense c"ar+ed in t"e complaint or
information, and t"at proved, and t"e offense as c"ar+ed is incl!ded in or necessarily incl!des t"e offense proved, t"e acc!sed s"all be
convicted of t"e offense proved 0"ic" is incl!ded in t"e offense c"ar+ed, or of t"e offense c"ar+ed 0"ic" is incl!ded in t"at 0"ic" is proved.
%etitioner 0as fo!nd +!ilty of violatin+ Article 336 of t"e 3%/ in relation to Section 5)b*, Article 222 of 3A D6105
Sec. 5. /"ild %rostit!tion and 7t"er Se1!al Ab!se. ; /"ildren, 0"et"er male or female, 0"o for money, profit, or any ot"er consideration or
d!e to t"e coercion or infl!ence of any ad!lt, syndicate or +ro!p, ind!l+e in se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct, are deemed to be
c"ildren e1ploited in prostit!tion and ot"er se1!al ab!se.
-"e penalty of reclusion temporal in its medi!m period to reclusion perpetua s"all be imposed !pon t"e follo0in+5
111 111 111
)b* -"ose 0"o commit t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ected to ot"er se1!al
ab!se5 %rovided, -"at 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e, t"e perpetrators s"all be prosec!ted !nder Article 335, para+rap" 3,
for rape and Article 336 of Act &o. 3:15, as amended, JorK t"e J3%/K, for rape or lascivio!s cond!ct as t"e case may be5 %rovided, -"at t"e
penalty for lascivio!s cond!ct 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e s"all be recl!sion temporal in its medi!m period.
Ender t"is provision, 0"en t"e victim is !nder 1, years old, t"e acc!sed s"all be prosec!ted !nder eit"er Article 335 )for rape* or Article 336
)for acts of lascivio!sness* of t"e 3%/. Accordin+ly, alt"o!+" an acc!sed is c"ar+ed in t"e information 0it" t"e crime of stat!tory rape )i.e.,
carnal (no0led+e of a 0oman !nder t0elve years of a+e
*, t"e offender can be convicted of t"e lesser crime of acts of lascivio!sness, 0"ic"
is incl!ded in rape.
-"e case of People v. Bon
is s$!arely in point. 2n t"at case, t"e acc!sed 0as c"ar+ed 0it" t"e rape of a si18year old +irl. -"e /o!rt r!led t"at
rape 0as not proved beyond reasonable do!bt. >e, "o0ever, "eld t"at t"e acc!sed 0as Sliable for t"e crime of acts of lascivio!sness, as
defined and penali.ed !nder Article 336 of t"e 3%/ in relation to 3A D610S
since all t"e elements of t"is offense 0ere establis"ed. %etitioner
cannot t"erefore s!ccessf!lly ar+!e t"at "is constit!tionally protected ri+"t to be informed of t"e nat!re and ca!se of t"e acc!sation a+ainst
"im 0as violated 0"en "e 0as fo!nd +!ilty !nder Section 5 of 3A D610.
%etitioner ne1t contends t"at "is +!ilt 0as not proven beyond reasonable do!bt. >e disa+ree.
2n (mplo"o v. People,
0e declared t"at p!rs!ant to Section 5 )b* of 3A D610, before an acc!sed can be convicted of c"ild ab!se t"ro!+"
lascivio!s cond!ct on a minor belo0 1, years of a+e, t"e re$!isites for acts of lascivio!sness !nder Article 336 of t"e 3%/ m!st be met in
addition to t"e re$!isites for se1!al ab!se !nder Section 5 of 3A D610.
-"e elements of t"e crime of acts of lascivio!sness !nder Article 336 of t"e 3%/ are t"e follo0in+5
)1* -"e offender commits any a10 o> <a(12%2o)(n&(( o' <&?dn&((B
),* 2t is done !nder any of t"e follo0in+ circ!mstances5
a. 'y !sin+ force or intimidationB or
b. >"en t"e offended party is deprived of reason or ot"er0ise !nconscio!sB or
c. >"en t"e offended party is )nd&' 1. ;&a'( o> a3&B and
)3* -"e offended party is anot"er person of eit"er se1. )emp"asis s!pplied*
-"e +eneral r!le is t"at t"e fact!al findin+s of t"e trial co!rt deserve a "i+" de+ree of respect and 0ill not be dist!rbed on appeal in t"e
absence of any clear s"o0in+ t"at it overloo(ed, misappre"ended or misapplied some facts or circ!mstances of 0ei+"t and s!bstance 0"ic"
can alter t"e res!lt of t"e case.
>e !p"old t"e findin+s of fact of t"e 3-/, as affirmed by t"e /A.
-"e 3-/ and /A did not find evidence of t"e entrance of petitioner?s penis into t"e labia of t"e victim?s female or+an. &evert"eless, '''?s
testimony establis"ed t"at petitioner committed lascivio!s acts on "er5
'G A--G. %32&/2%E5 )to 0itness*
F5 J'''K, do yo! (no0 acc!sed erdinand &avaretteU
A5 Ges, sir.
F5 Also named /lement #o"n erdinand &avaretteU
A5 Ges, sir.
F5 >"y do yo! (no0 /lement #o"n erdinand &avaretteU
A5 'eca!se "e is t"e one 0"o did somet"in+ to me.
F5 >"at do yo! mean by S!manoSU
A. Ie placed "is penis into my va+ina. )pe(pe(*
F5 Io0 many timesU
A5 -0o times, sir.
F5 -"en "e placed "is penis to yo!r va+ina, 0"at did yo! feelU
A5 2 felt pain, sir.
111 111 111
F5 >"at else "appened after erdinand &avarette p!t "is penis t0ice on yo!r va+ina 0"ic" yo! told t"e /o!rt yo! felt painU
A5 Ie loc(ed me inside t"e Jcomfort roomK and "e too( a (nife.
F5 &o0, 0"en yo! 0ere inside t"e /omfort 3oom and yo! told t"e /o!rt t"at "e +ot a (nife, 0"at "appened ne1t, if anyU
A5 Ie stabbed me.
F5 >"ereU
A5 )>itness pointin+ t"e t"roat.*
F5 And 0"en yo! said Ssina(sa(S on yo!r t"roat yo! mean acc!sed only pointed JtoK yo!r t"roatU
111 111 111
JAll ri+"tK, 0itness may ans0er.
)>itness pointin+ to "er t"roat.*
F5 And 0"at is t"e meanin+ t"at s"e 0ants to conveyU
A--G. -E&E9A5
>itness "oldin+ "er t"roat.
A--G. %32&/2%E5
%ointin+. Hery clear.
F5 >"en yo! pointed yo!r t"roat, 0"at do yo! 0ant to convey J0it"K t"e 0ord stabU
A--G. %32&/2%E5
A. Sina(sa(. -"at is, Go!r Ionor. 'eca!se t"is is "er interpretation of pointin+ t"e (nife.
111 111 111
A--G. %32&/2%E5
After t"e acc!sed loc(ed yo! in t"e Jcomfort roomK 0it" t"e (nife, accordin+ to yo!, 0"at "appened ne1t, if anyU
111 111 111
A5 -"en 2 0ent Jo!tK of t"e Jcomfort roomK 0"en 2 "eard my mot"er callin+ me.
A--G. %32&/2%E5 )to t"e 0itness*
F5 And 0"ere 0as yo!r mot"er at t"at timeU
A 5 S"e 0as o!tside and 0aitin+ for my M!ya JZZZK.
F5 >"en yo! 0ere called by yo!r mot"er, accordin+ to yo!, did yo! approac" yo!r mot"er 0"en "earin+ t"at s"e 0as callin+ yo!U
A--G. -E&E9A5
2t 0as already ans0ered, Go!r Ionor.
A--G. %32&/2%E 5
>itness may ans0er.
A--G. %32&/2%E5 )to t"e 0itness*
F5 And 0"at did yo! tell yo!r mot"er, if anyU
A5 2 embraced "er.
F5 After embracin+ yo!r mot"er, did yo! tell J"erK somet"in+ if anyU
A5 S"e Jas(edK me J0"yK 2 0as still 0atc"in+ -.H. 0"en t"e people of t"e "o!se 0ere already sleepin+.
F5 >"at 0as yo!r reply to yo!r mamaU
A5 'eca!se 2 !sed to 0atc" -.H. JinK t"at place.
F5 Did yo! report to yo!r mot"er 0"at erdinand &avarette did to yo!U
A5 Ges, sir.
F5 Io0 did yo! tell yo!r mot"erU
A. 2 told my mama S'inastos a(o ni erdie.S
F5 Io0 did yo! relate t"at yo! 0ere Sbinastos ni erdieSU
A5 2 told my mama5 =ama, erdie JplacedK "is penis on my va+ina and t"en "e placed a stic( 0it" cotton on my va+ina and t"en "e bo1ed me,
on my ri+"t side of my eye.
F5 Io0 many times 0ere yo! bo1ed by erdie, t"e acc!sedU
A5 -0o ),* times, sir.
-"e fore+oin+ s"o0s t"at all t"e elements of acts of lascivio!sness 0ere proved. -"at ''' 0as less t"an t0elve years old at t"e time of t"e
commission of t"e offense 0as not disp!ted. -"e prosec!tion establis"ed t"at petitioner intentionally Splaced "is penisS in '''?s va+ina b!t
0it"o!t any indication t"at "e 0as able to penetrate "er5
Hictim J'''K testified t"at t"e acc!sed Splaced "is penis into my va+inaS and SJplacedK a stic( 0it" cotton JinK my va+inaS b!t t"e JspecificK part
of "er va+ina 0"ere t"e penis 0as placed 0as not indicated.
111 111 111
-"e /o!rt cannot Jass!meK 0it"o!t doin+ violence to t"e precio!s 6!ral yardstic( b!t t"e prosec!tion m!st prove and present clear, positive
and concl!sive evidence of t"e act complained of partic!larly t"at t"e penis of t"e acc!sed +ained entrance JinK t"e labia ma6ora of t"e or+an
of t"e victim. &ot even in t"e medical findin+s and testimony of t"e &'2 =edico8@e+al 7fficer Dr. &oel =inay 0"o cond!cted p"ysical<+enital
e1aminations on t"e victim co!ld J0eK find s!pport to 6!stify an inference t"at t"ere 0as entrance of t"e male or+an of t"e acc!sed 0it"in t"e
labia of p!dend!m.
'ot" lo0er co!rts also fo!nd t"at petitioner po(ed victim?s va+ina 0it" a stic( 0it" cotton and 0atc"ed a porno+rap"ic movie 0it" "er.
acts are !ndo!btedly acts of lascivio!sness or le0dness.
-"e elements of se1!al ab!se !nder Section 5 )b* of 3A D610 t"at m!st be proven in addition to t"e elements of acts of lascivio!sness are as
1. -"e acc!sed commits t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or <a(12%2o)( 1ond)10.
,. -"e said act is performed 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or ()8C&10&d 0o o06&' (&@)a< a8)(&.
3. -"e c"ild, 0"et"er male or female, is belo0 1: years of a+e. )Emp"asis s!pplied*
S@ascivio!s cond!ctS is defined !nder Section , )"* of t"e r!les and re+!lations
of 3A D610 as5
J-K"e intentional to!c"in+, eit"er directly or t"ro!+" clot"in+, of t"e +enitalia, an!s, +roin, breast, inner t"i+", or b!ttoc(s, or t"e introd!ction of
any ob6ect into t"e +enitalia, an!s or mo!t", of any person, 0"et"er of t"e same or opposite se1, 0it" an intent to ab!se, "!miliate, "arass,
de+rade, or aro!se or +ratify t"e se1!al desire of any person, bestiality, mast!rbation, lascivio!s e1"ibition of t"e +enitals or p!bic area of a
-"e aforestated acts of petitioner !ndeniably amo!nted to lascivio!s cond!ct !nder t"is la0.
%etitioner insists t"at Section 5 )b* of 3A D610 refers only to t"ose 0"o commit t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct 0it" a c"ild
e1ploited in prostit!tion and ar+!es t"at t"is does not apply in t"is case since t"e victim is not a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion.
%etitioner?s ar+!ment is !ntenable. 2n People v. ,arin )and reiterated in several s!bse$!ent cases*,
0e emp"asi.ed t"at t"e la0 covers not
only a sit!ation in 0"ic" a c"ild is ab!sed for profit b!t also one in 0"ic" a c"ild, t"ro!+" coercion or intimidation, en+a+es in any lascivio!s
-"e very title of Section 5, Article 222 )/"ild %rostit!tion and 7t"er Se1!al Ab!se* of 3A D610 s"o0s t"at it applies not only to a c"ild
s!b6ected to prostit!tion b!t also to a c"ild s!b6ected to ot"er se1!al ab!se. A c"ild is deemed s!b6ected to Sot"er se1!al ab!seS 0"en "e or
s"e ind!l+es in lascivio!s cond!ct !nder t"e coercion or infl!ence of any ad!lt.
Iere, ''' 0as se1!ally ab!sed beca!se s"e 0as coerced or
intimidated by petitioner )0"o po(ed "er nec( 0it" a (nife*
to ind!l+e in lascivio!s cond!ct.
Ience, t"e prosec!tion 0as able to prove beyond reasonable do!bt t"at petitioner committed acts of se1!al ab!se a+ainst '''. -"e 3-/
fo!nd '''?s testimony to be clear, candid, and strai+"tfor0ard. Ier testimony 0as 0ort"y of belief since s"e 0as yo!n+ and "ad no ill8motive
to falsely testify and imp!te a serio!s crime a+ainst t"e acc!sed.
2n cases of acts of lascivio!sness, t"e lone testimony of t"e offended party,
if credible, is s!fficient to establis" t"e +!ilt of t"e acc!sed.
=oreover, co!rts are inclined to lend credence to t"e testimony of c"ildren of tender years. -"e revelation of an innocent c"ild 0"ose c"astity
"as been ab!sed deserves f!ll credit, as "er 0illin+ness to !nder+o t"e tro!ble and t"e "!miliation of a p!blic trial is an elo$!ent testament to
t"e tr!t" of "er complaint.
2n so testifyin+, s"e co!ld "ave only been impelled to tell t"e tr!t".
-"e trial co!rt?s eval!ation of t"e testimonies of 0itnesses is +iven +reat respect by t"e appellate co!rt in t"e absence of proof t"at it 0as
arrived at arbitrarily or t"at t"e trial co!rt overloo(ed material facts.
-"e rationale be"ind t"is r!le is t"at t"e credibility of a 0itness can best
be determined by t"e trial co!rt since it "as t"e direct opport!nity to observe t"e candor and demeanor of t"e 0itnesses at t"e 0itness stand
and detect if t"ey are tellin+ t"e tr!t" or not.
>e 0ill not interfere 0it" t"e trial co!rt?s assessment of t"e credibility of 0itnesses.
2n t"e face of t"e serio!s acc!sation a+ainst "im, petitioner co!ld only interpose denial as defense. Denial is an in"erently 0ea( defense and
cannot prevail over t"e positive and cate+orical identification provided by t"e complainant. Denial, if !ns!bstantiated by clear and convincin+
evidence, is a self8servin+ assertion t"at deserves no 0ei+"t in la0.
As bet0een t"e positive declaration of t"e prosec!tion 0itness and t"e
ne+ative statement of t"e acc!sed, t"e former deserves more credence.
-"e lo0er co!rts also correctly disbelieved t"e corroboratin+
testimonies of petitioner?s a!nt and sister.
%etitioner asserts t"at t"e 3-/ s"o!ld not "ave +iven evidentiary 0ei+"t to t"e inconsistent and contradictory testimonies of t"e prosec!tion
0itnesses. Ie !r+es t"is /o!rt to apply t"e @atin ma1im falsus in unus, falsus in omnibus )false in part, false in everyt"in+*.
>e disa+ree. >e "ave stated t"at5
J-K"e ma1im or r!le Sfalsus in JunusK, falsus in omnibusS does not lay do0n a cate+orical test of credibility. 2t is not a positive r!le of la0 or of
!niversal application. 2t s"o!ld not be applied to portions of t"e testimony corroborated by ot"er evidence, partic!larly 0"ere t"e false portions
co!ld be innocent mista(es. =oreover, t"e r!le is not mandatory b!t merely sanctions a disre+ard of t"e testimony of a 0itness if t"e
circ!mstances so 0arrant. -o completely disre+ard all t"e testimony of a 0itness on t"is +ro!nd, "is testimony m!st "ave been false as to a
material point, and t"e 0itness m!st "ave a conscio!s and deliberate intention to falsify a material point.
!rt"ermore, it s"o!ld be borne in mind t"at even t"e most candid 0itness oftentimes ma(es mista(es and conf!sed statements. 2nstead of
erodin+ t"e effectiveness of t"e evidence, s!c" imperfections and discrepancies in t"e testimony can in fact be considered as si+ns of
Aside from t"e fact t"at it is very diffic!lt to +ive a mec"anical and acc!rate acco!nt of a tra!matic and "orrifyin+ e1perience,
victim "ere 0as a mere five8year old +irl 0"en s"e 0as p!t on t"e 0itness stand. >e s"o!ld not e1pect a five8year old c"ild to e1plain 0it"
e1act precision t"e nat!re of t"e acts done to "er, +iven "er naivet` and still !ndeveloped vocab!lary and command of lan+!a+e.
t"is limitation, "o0ever, t"e victim never 0avered in "er claim t"at petitioner molested "er.
2n s!m, 0e find petitioner +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of acts of lascivio!sness !nder Article 336 of t"e 3%/ in relation to Section 5 )b*,
Article 222 of 3A D610.
DHEREFORE, t"e petition is "ereby DENIED. -"e September ,9, ,000 decision of t"e /o!rt of Appeals affirmin+ t"e decision of t"e
3e+ional -rial /o!rt of Halen.!ela, 'ranc" 1D1, in /riminal /ase &o. 530,8H896 findin+ petitioner +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of acts of
lascivio!sness and sentencin+ "im to s!ffer imprisonment of t0elve years and one day of reclusion temporal, as minim!m, to si1teen years
of reclusion temporal, as ma1im!m, as 0ell as to pay %,0,000 moral dama+es and %10,000 fine is AFFIRMED.
/osts a+ainst petitioner.
Associate #!stice
>E /7&/E35
/"ief #!stice
Associate #!stice
Asscociate #!stice
Associate #!stice
C E 3 2 # 1 # C ( 2 # * N
%!rs!ant to Section 13, Article H222 of t"e /onstit!tion, 2 certify t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation
before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
/"ief #!stice
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
SE/7&D D2H2S27&
G.R. No. 181!- No%&:8&' 11, .41
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, %laintiff8Appellee,
D E / 2 S 2 7 &
-"is is a case of a fat"er defilin+ "is 1,8year old da!+"ter on t"ree separate occasions.
7n appeal is t"e Decision
dated #!ly 31, ,00D of t"e /o!rt of Appeals )/A* in /A8G.3. /38I./. &o. 0,511 t"at affirmed in toto t"e #an!ary
1: ,006 Decision
of t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt )3-/*, 'ranc" D6, San =ateo,, in /riminal /ase &os. 65D,8D4, findin+ appellant Doney
Gad!yon y -apispisan )appellant* +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of $!alified rape,
$!alified ob6ect rape
and se1!al ab!se
a+ainst "is o0n da!+"ter SAAAS.
act!al Antecedents
-"ree 2nformations 0ere filed a+ainst appellant, t"e relevant portions of 0"ic" read as follo0s5
2n /riminal /ase &o. 65D, for F!alified 3ape
-"at on or abo!t t"e ,,nd day of A!+!st ,00,, in t"e =!nicipality of San =ateo, %rovince of, %"ilippines and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is
Ionorable /o!rt, t"e above8named acc!sed, ta(in+ advanta+e of "is moral a!t"ority and ascendancy and by means of force and intimidation,
did t"en and t"ere 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly, and felonio!sly "ave carnal (no0led+e of one SAAA,S a minor, 1, years of a+e, a+ainst "er 0ill and
0it"o!t "er consent, t"e said crime "avin+ been attended by t"e $!alifyin+ circ!mstances of relations"ip and minority, t"e said acc!sed bein+
t"e parent of t"e said victim, a 1,8year old minor da!+"ter of t"e acc!sed t"ereby raisin+ t"e crime to F!alified 3ape 0"ic" is a++ravated by
t"e circ!mstance of -reac"ery, Ab!se of S!perior Stren+t", &i+"ttime and D0ellin+.
/7&-3A3G -7 @A>.
2n /riminal /ase &o. 65D3 for Se1!al Ab!se
-"at on or abo!t t"e ,1st day of A!+!st ,00,, in t"e =!nicipality of San =ateo, %rovince of, %"ilippines and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is
Ionorable /o!rt, t"e above8named acc!sed, ta(in+ advanta+e of "is moral a!t"ority and ascendancy bein+ t"e parent of t"e victim SAAAS,
0it" le0d desi+n 1 1 1 and intent to debase, de+rade or demean said victim, did t"en and t"ere 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and (no0in+ly commit
lascivio!s cond!ct on t"e said SAAA,S a minor, 1, years of a+e, by t"en and t"ere to!c"in+ "er breast and r!bbin+ "er arms, a+ainst "er 0ill
and 0it"o!t "er consent t"ereby constit!tin+ SEZEA@ A'ESE 0"ic" is pre6!dicial to "er normal +ro0t" and development 0it" attendant
a++ravatin+ circ!mstance of 3E@A-27&SI2% increasin+ t"e penalty of t"e offense to its ma1im!m period.
/7&-3A3G -7 @A>.
2n /riminal /ase &o. 65D4 for F!alified 7b6ect 3ape
-"at on or abo!t t"e 9t" day of 7ctober ,00,, in t"e =!nicipality of San =ateo, %rovince of, %"ilippines and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is
Ionorable /o!rt, t"e above8named acc!sed, ta(in+ advanta+e of "is moral a!t"ority and ascendancy and by means of force and intimidation,
did t"en and t"ere 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly, and felonio!sly insert "is fin+er into t"e +enital orifice of SAAA,S a minor, 1, years of a+e, a+ainst "er
0ill and 0it"o!t "er consent, t"e said crime "avin+ been attended by t"e $!alifyin+ circ!mstances of relations"ip and minority, t"e said
acc!sed bein+ t"e parent of t"e said victim, a 1,8year old minor da!+"ter of t"e acc!sed t"ereby raisin+ t"e crime to $!alified ob6ect rape
0"ic" is a++ravated by t"e circ!mstance of -reac"ery, Ab!se of S!perior Stren+t", &i+"ttime and D0ellin+.
/7&-3A3G -7 @A>.
Appellant pleaded not +!ilty to all t"e c"ar+es. Epon termination of t"e pre8trial conference, trial ens!ed.
Hersion of t"e %rosec!tion
Appellant is married to t"e mot"er of SAAAS 0it" 0"om "e "as t"ree da!+"ters. -"eir eldest c"ild is SAAA,S 0"o at t"e time material to t"is
case 0as only 1, years old.
7n A!+!st ,1, ,00,, t"e mot"er and sisters of SAAAS attended t"e 0a(e of "er a!ntie in /aloocan /ity. SAAAS and "er fat"er, t"e appellant,
0ere t"!s t"e only ones left in t"e family residence in San =ateo, At aro!nd 9500 p.m. of t"e said date, SAAAS 0as lyin+ in "er bed in t"e
family room located at t"e !pper portion of t"eir "o!se 0"en appellant fondled "er breasts and to!c"ed "er arms.
Appellant t"reatened
SAAAS not to tell "er mot"er abo!t t"e incident or else somet"in+ bad mi+"t "appen to t"e latter.
At aro!nd 11500 p.m. of t"e follo0in+ day, A!+!st ,,, ,00,, and 0"ile "er mot"er and sisters 0ere still in /aloocan /ity, SAAAS 0as a0a(ened
0"en appellant lo0ered "er s"orts and panty.
Appellant spread "er le+s and inserted "is penis into "er va+ina.
SAAAS felt pain b!t co!ld do
not"in+ b!t cry.
Appellant p!lled o!t "is penis and inserted it a+ain into SAAA?sS va+ina. >"en "e 0as done, appellant p!t "er s"orts and
panty bac( on and a+ain t"reatened SAAA.S
After more t"an a mont" or on 7ctober 9, ,00,, at abo!t 10530 p.m. and 0"ile SAAAS 0as sleepin+ in a do!ble8dec( bed and "er sister 0as in
t"e lo0er portion t"ereof, SAAAS 0as s!ddenly a0a(ened. S"e noticed t"at "er s"ort pants "ad been lo0ered 0"ile appellant 0as already
lyin+ beside "er.
Appellant t"en inserted "is inde1 fin+er into SAAA?sS va+ina. SAAAS only cried !pon feelin+ t"e pain. After "is deplorable act,
appellant reiterated "is previo!s t"reat to SAAA.S
After a fe0 min!tes, SAAA?sS mot"er entered t"e room 0"ere "er da!+"ters 0ere sleepin+. S"e noticed t"at SAAAS 0as covered 0it" pillo0s,
e1cept for "er "ead and feet.
Epon approac"in+ SAAA,S s"e sa0 t"at "er le+s 0ere spread apart and "er panty 0as sli+"tly lo0ered and
inserted at t"e center of "er +enitals.
-"e mot"er t"en s!spected t"at "er "!sband did somet"in+ bad to SAAAS since only s"e and "er
"!sband 0ere a0a(e at t"at time. Io0ever, s"e opted to remain silent and 6!st pray.
>"en SAAAS 0ent to sc"ool t"e follo0in+ day, s"e 0as as(ed by "er reli+ion teac"er if "er fat"er did somet"in+ bad to "er.
SAAAS 0"o 0as
teary8eyed did not ans0er.
@ater, SAAA?sS class adviser called "er.
-"ey ate in t"e canteen and t"ereafter proceeded to t"e adoration
c"apel to pray.
After prayin+, t"e teac"er as(ed SAAAS t"e same $!estion propo!nded by t"e reli+ion teac"er.
-"is time, SAAAS replied t"at
"er fat"er did somet"in+ bad to "er t0ice b!t did not reveal t"e details s!rro!ndin+ t"e same.
SAAA?sS mot"er t"en came and as(ed "er
da!+"ter if appellant did somet"in+ bad to "er. SAAAS ans0ered SGes. 2t "appened t0ice.S
-"!s, SAAAS and "er mot"er 0ent to t"e police
station and reported t"e incidents of "er defilement.
A p"ysical e1amination done !pon SAAAS revealed t"at s"e 0as in a non8vir+in p"ysical
state b!t t"at t"ere are no si+ns of any form of tra!ma.
A psyc"iatric eval!ation li(e0ise revealed t"at SAAAS 0as s!fferin+ from %ost8
tra!matic Stress Disorder 0it" Depressed =ood.
Hersion of t"e Defense
Appellant denied t"e acc!sations a+ainst "im and instead advanced t"e follo0in+ version of events.
rom A!+!st ,1, ,00, !ntil 9500 a.m. of A!+!st ,,, ,00,, "is 0ife and t"eir t0o yo!n+er da!+"ters attended t"e 0a(e of "is 0ife?s sister in
/aloocan /ity.
>"ile "e admitted t"at only "e and SAAAS 0ere left in t"eir "o!se, "e denied mas"in+ "er breast.
Ie claimed t"at at t"e
time of t"e alle+ed incident on A!+!st ,1, ,00,, "e 0as overseein+ t"eir comp!ter s"op.
Ie also denied rapin+ SAAAS t"e follo0in+ day
since "is 0ife and "is yo!n+est da!+"ter 0ere already "ome by t"en and t"ey all slept in t"eir "o!se in t"e evenin+ of t"at day.
Anent 0"at transpired on 7ctober 9, ,00,, appellant claimed t"at "e closed t"eir comp!ter s"op at aro!nd 10500 p.m.
Ie t"en proceeded
!pstairs and sa0 "is 0ife feedin+ t"eir yo!n+est da!+"ter.
S"e as(ed "im to ta(e over so s"e co!ld +o to t"e bat"room do0nstairs.
105,5 p.m., "is 0ife ret!rned.
Appellant t"en "eard a noise from t"e o!tside. After a 0"ile, "is (!mpare called "im to report t"at "is brot"er
t"re0 stones at t"e "o!se of "is (!mpare?s fat"er.
Appellant immediately 0ent o!tside.
-"ere 0as t"erefore no tr!t" to t"e claim of SAAAS
t"at "e inserted "is fin+er inside "er va+ina t"at ni+"t.
-"e defense believed t"at SAAAS 0as 6!st ind!ced by appellant?s 0ife to ma(e false acc!sations a+ainst "im.
-"is 0as d!e to "is 0ife?s
infidelity 0"ic" 0as confirmed 0"en "is 0ife confessed t"at s"e 0ent o!t 0it" anot"er man
and 0"en t"eir yo!n+er da!+"ter sa0 "is 0ife
(issin+ anot"er man.
Despite t"is, appellant claimed t"at "e already for+ave "is 0ife for t"e sa(e of t"eir c"ildren.
Appellant?s mot"er corroborated "is story. Accordin+ to "er, appellant?s family 0as in t"eir "o!se in t"e mornin+ of A!+!st ,,, ,00,.
even tal(ed to t"e 0ife of appellant at aro!nd 6500 p.m. and 0as told t"at s"e 0ent "ome 0it" "er yo!n+est da!+"ter so t"ey co!ld rest since
t"ey "ave no place to stay in t"e 0a(e t"ey attended in /aloocan /ity.
-"e ne1t day, SAAA,S "er mot"er and sister 0ent bac( to t"e 0a(e.
Appellant?s sister8in8la0 testified t"at after SAAA,S "er mot"er and sister 0ent to t"e 0a(e on A!+!st ,3, ,00,, s"e, to+et"er 0it" "er son,
mot"er8in8la0, and appellant follo0ed t"at evenin+.
S"e observed t"at t"ere seemed to be not"in+ 0ron+ 0it" SAAAS since s"e 0as servin+
food in t"e 0a(e and playin+ 0it" "er co!sins.
3!lin+ of t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt
2n its #an!ary 1:, ,006 Decision,
t"e 3-/ +ave more 0ei+"t to SAAA?sS positive testimony as a+ainst appellant?s bare denials since "er
testimony 0as candid, strai+"tfor0ard and free from material contradictions. Ier testimony 0as complemented by t"e findin+s of t"e medico8
le+al officer 0"o e1amined SAAA.S 2n fact, SAAAS s!ffered intense psyc"olo+ical stress and depression as a res!lt of t"e ab!ses.
7n t"e ot"er "and, t"e 3-/ fo!nd t"at appellant?s denials 0ere not s!bstantiated by clear and convincin+ evidence.DLwphiD 2t also fo!nd
!nacceptable "is attempt to mali+n t"e rep!tation of "is 0ife and da!+"ter in order to e1c!lpate "imself. Accordin+ to t"e said co!rt, t"is
evasive attit!de of appellant cannot prevail over SAAA?sS testimony.
Accordin+ly, t"e 3-/ disposed of t"e criminal cases t"!s5
>IE3E73E, premises considered 6!d+ment is "ereby rendered as follo0s5
)a* 2n /riminal /ase &o. 65D,, for t"e rape committed on A!+!st ,,, ,00,, acc!sed Doney Gad!yon y -apispisan is "ereby
sentenced to s!ffer t"e penalty of DEA-I and to pay t"e victim SAAA,S t"e amo!nt of %50,000 as civil indemnity, %50,000 as moral
dama+es and %,5,000.00 as e1emplary dama+es.
)b* 2n /riminal /ase &o. 65D3, for t"e se1!al ab!se committed on A!+!st ,1, ,00,, acc!sed Doney Gad!yon y -apispisan is
"ereby sentenced to an indeterminate penalty of 7ne )1* year and 7ne )1* mont" of %rision /orrecional as minim!m to -0o ),*
years, Eleven )11* mont"s of %rision /orreccional in its medi!m period as ma1im!m.
)c* 2n /riminal /ase &o. 65D4, for t"e rape committed on 7ctober 9, ,00,, acc!sed Doney Gad!yon y -apispisan is "ereby
sentenced to s!ffer t"e penalty of DEA-I and to pay t"e victim SAAAS t"e amo!nt of %50,000 as civil indemnity, %50,000 as moral
dama+es and %,5,000.00 as e1emplary dama+es.
S7 73DE3ED.
7n September 4, ,006, t"e 3-/, "o0ever, partially modified t"e above 6!d+ment
insofar as t"e penalty imposed in /riminal /ase &o. 65D4
is concerned, vi.5
-"e aforesaid 6!d+ment is "ereby partially modified 1 1 1 to read, as follo0s5
S>IE3E73E, premises considered, t"e 6!d+ment is "ereby rendered, as follo0s5
)a* 1 1 1
)b* 1 1 1
)c* 2n /riminal /ase &o. 65D4, for t"e rape committed on 7ctober 9, ,00,, acc!sed Doney Gad!yon y -apispisan is "ereby
sentenced to s!ffer t"e indeterminate penalty of imprisonment of 6 years and 1 day of prision mayor, as minim!m, to 14 years, :
mont"s and 1 day of recl!sion temporal, as ma1im!m and to pay t"e victim SAAAS, t"e amo!nt of %30,000.00, as civil
indemnity, %30,000.00, as moral dama+es and%15,000.00, as e1emplary dama+es.
S7 73DE3ED.S
3!lin+ of t"e /o!rt of Appeals
7n appeal, t"e appellate co!rt s!stained appellant?s conviction. @i(e t"e 3-/, it stressed t"at appellant?s bare assertions cannot overcome t"e
cate+orical testimony of t"e victim. 2t br!s"ed aside t"e inconsistencies on t"e part of SAAAS as pointed o!t by appellant and concl!ded, after a
caref!l eval!ation of t"e facts and evidence on record, t"at appellant?s +!ilt 0as proven beyond reasonable do!bt.
Ience, t"e dispositive portion of t"e /A?s #!ly 31, ,00D Decision5
>IE3E73E, t"e appealed Decision is A23=ED in toto.
S7 73DE3ED.
Assi+nment of Errors
Still insistin+ on "is innocence, appellant prays for t"e reversal of t"e /A?s appealed Decision and adopts t"e same assi+nment of errors "e
advanced before t"e said co!rt, vi.5
-IE @7>E3 /7E3- E33ED 2& &7- A//73D2&G -7 -IE A//ESED -IE %3ESE=%-27& 7 2&&7/E&/E -7 >I2/I IE
2S E&-2-@ED 2& /32=2&A@ /ASES A&D 73 /7&H2/-2&G I2= 7 -IE 7E&SES /IA3GED >2-I7E- -IE 'E&E2- 7
%377 'EG7&D 3EAS7&A'@E D7E'- DES%2-E -IE EH2DE&/E SI7>2&G -IA- Q
A. -IE /@A2= 7 -IE %37SE/E-27& -IA- -IE A//ESED A&D I2S DAEGI-E3 >E3E A@7&E A-
-IE23 SA& =A-E7 3ES2DE&/E 2& -IE EHE&2&G 7 ,, AEGES- ,00,, -IE DA-E >IE& -IE
A@@EGED %E&2@E %E&E-3A-27& -77M %@A/E 2S A '3A9E& @2EB
'. SAAAS D2D &7- =A&2ES- 7HE3- %IGS2/A@ S2G&S -IA- SIE >AS 3A%EDB
/. SAAAS GAHE 7E3 /7&@2/-2&G A//7E&-S 7& I7> SIE >AS 3A%EDB
D. SAAAS GAHE -I3EE /7&@2/-2&G A//7E&-S 7& I7> SIE >AS S2&GE3EDS 'G IE3 A-IE3 2&
-IE EHE&2&G 7 9 7/-7'E3 ,00,B
E. Z Z Z -IE =7-IE3 7 -IE A@@EGED H2/-2=, /7&/7/-ED -IE 9 7/-7'E3 ,00, 2&/2DE&-B
. -IE3E 2S &7 S%7&-A&E7ES D2S/@7SE3E. SAAAS >AS %3ESSE3ED -7 A//ESE IE3 A-IE3B
G. SAAAS 2S SES/E%-2'@E -7 %3ESSE3E A&D =A&2%E@A-27&B
I. SAAAS 'ES-7>ED J7&K IE3 A-IE3 A >A3= S=2@E >IE& SIE 2DE&-22ED I2= 2& /7E3-, >I2/I
2S E&EZ%E/-ED 2 SIE IAD 2& A/- 'EE& 3A%ED A&D =7@ES-ED 'G IE3 7>& A-IE3B
2. -IE DE=EA&73 7 SAAAS Z Z Z 2& -IE /7E3SE 7 -IE /7E3- %37/EED2&GS 2S A3 37=
#. SAAAS GAHE 7E3 /7&@2/-2&G HE3S27&S 7 >IA- -3A&S%23ED A-E3 -IE A@@EGED 3A%EB
M. SAAAS 2S /7&S2S-E&- 2& G2H2&G 2&/7&S2S-E&- S-A-E=E&-SB
@. -IE S-A-E=E&- 7 SAAAS -IA- IE3 A-IE3 D2D 'AD -I2&GS -7 IE3 ->2/E /7&-3AD2/-S IE3
/@A2= -IA- SIE >AS SEZEA@@G =7@ES-ED -I32/EB
=. SAAAS GAHE /7&@2/-2&G A//7E&-S 7& I7> SIE 2&A@@G D2S/@7SED IE3 73DEA@B
&. -IE >2-&ESSES 73 -IE %37SE/E-27& GAHE /7&@2/-2&G A//7E&-S 7 I7> SAAAS =ADE
7. Z Z Z -IE /@ASS ADH2SE3 7 SAAAS A&D A >2-&ESS 73 -IE %37SE/E-27&, /7E@D &7- 'E
%. -IE /@A2= -IA- -IE A//ESED S2&GE3EDS I2S DAEGI-E3 2& -IE EHE&2&G 7 9 7/-7'E3 ,00,
2S 2&/3ED2'@EB
F. 37= IE3 -ES-2=7&G, 2- A%%EA3S -IA- SAAAS 2S SE'/7&S/27ES@G SE&D2&G SE'-@E I2&-S
-7 -IE /7E3- -7 3E/E2HE IE3 -ES-2=7&G >2-I /AE-27&B
3. -IE %A3E&-S 7 SAAAS A3E &7- GE--2&G A@7&G >E@@B
S. -IE /@2&2/A@ 2&D2&G 7 -IE %SG/I2A-32S- 2S AE@-G A&D 2&/7&/@ES2HEB A&D -. -IE
=ED2/A@ EH2DE&/E 2S &7- /7&/@ES2HE 7 3A%E.
2n fine, appellant contends t"at t"e prosec!tion failed to establis" by proof beyond reasonable do!bt t"at "e committed t"e crimes attrib!ted to
Ie ar+!es t"at "is alibi and denial deserve +reater 0ei+"t in evidence t"an t"e testimony of t"e prosec!tion 0itnesses.
7!r 3!lin+
-"e appeal is !nmeritorio!s.
-"e crime of rape !nder Article ,668A of t"e 3evised %enal /ode )3%/*
-"e enactment of 3ep!blic Act )3A* &o. :353, ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e Anti83ape @a0 of 199D, reclassified t"e crime of rape as a crime
a+ainst persons.
2t also amended Article 335 of t"e 3%/ and incorporated t"erein Article ,668A 0"ic" reads5
Art. ,668A. 3ape, >"en and Io0 /ommitted. Q 3ape is committed8
1. 'y a man 0"o s"all "ave carnal (no0led+e of a 0oman !nder any of t"e follo0in+ circ!mstances5
a. -"ro!+" force, t"reat or intimidationB
b. >"en t"e offended party is deprived of reason or is ot"er0ise !nconscio!sB
c. 'y means of fra!d!lent mac"ination or +rave ab!se of a!t"orityB d. >"en t"e offended party is !nder t0elve )1,* years
of a+e or is demented, even t"o!+" none of t"e circ!mstances mentioned above be presentB
,. 'y any person 0"o, !nder any of t"e circ!mstances mentioned in para+rap" 1 "ereof, s"all commit an act of se1!al assa!lt by
insertin+ "is penis into anot"er person?s mo!t" or anal orifice, or any instr!ment or ob6ect, into t"e +enital or anal orifice of anot"er
-"!s, rape can no0 be committed eit"er t"ro!+" se1!al interco!rse or t"ro!+" se1!al assa!lt. 2n rape !nder para+rap" 1 or rape t"ro!+"
se1!al interco!rse, carnal (no0led+e is t"e cr!cial element 0"ic" m!st be proven beyond reasonable do!bt.
-"is is also referred to as
Sor+an rapeS or Spenile rapeS
and m!st be attended by any of t"e circ!mstances en!merated in s!bpara+rap"s )a* to )d* of para+rap" 1.
-"ere m!st be evidence to establis" beyond reasonable do!bt t"at t"e perpetrator?s penis to!c"ed t"e labia of t"e victim or slid into "er
female or+an, and not merely stro(ed t"e e1ternal s!rface t"ereof, to ens!re "is conviction of rape by se1!al interco!rse.
7n t"e ot"er "and, rape !nder para+rap" , of t"e above8$!oted article is commonly (no0n as rape by se1!al assa!lt. -"e perpetrator, !nder
any of t"e attendant circ!mstances mentioned in para+rap" 1, commits t"is (ind of rape by insertin+ "is penis into anot"er person?s mo!t" or
anal orifice, or any instr!ment or ob6ect into t"e +enital or anal orifice of anot"er person. 2t is also called Sinstr!ment or ob6ect rapeS, also
S+ender8free rapeS, or t"e narro0er S"omose1!al rape.S
-"e crime of se1!al ab!se !nder 3ep!blic Act &o. D610
7n t"e ot"er "and, 3A D610, ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e SSpecial %rotection of /"ildren A+ainst /"ild Ab!se, E1ploitation and Discrimination
ActS, defines and c"ild prostit!tion and ot"er se1!al ab!se. SSe1!al ab!se incl!des t"e employment, !se, pers!asion, ind!cement,
enticement or coercion of a c"ild to en+a+e in, or assist anot"er person to en+a+e in, se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct or t"e
molestation, prostit!tion, or incest 0it" c"ildren. @ascivio!s cond!ct means t"e intentional to!c"in+, eit"er directly or t"ro!+" clot"in+, of t"e
+enitalia, an!s, +roin, breast, inner t"i+", or b!ttoc(s, or t"e introd!ction of any ob6ect into t"e +enitalia, an!s or mo!t", of any person,
0"et"er of t"e same or opposite se1, 0it" an intent to ab!se, "!miliate, "arass, de+rade, or aro!se or +ratify t"e se1!al desire of any person,
bestiality, mast!rbation, lascivio!s e1"ibition of t"e +enitals or p!bic area of a person.S
-"e 2nformation in /riminal /ase &o. 65D3 a+ainst appellant 0as for violation of Section 5)b*, Article 222 of 3A D610, 0"ic" pertinently
SE/. 5. /"ild %rostit!tion and 7t"er Se1!al Ab!se. 8 /"ildren, 0"et"er male or female, 0"o for money, profit, or any ot"er consideration or
d!e to t"e coercion or infl!ence of any ad!lt, syndicate or +ro!p, ind!l+e in se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct, are deemed to be
c"ildren e1ploited in prostit!tion and ot"er se1!al ab!se.
-"e penalty of recl!sion temporal in its medi!m period to recl!sion perpet!a s"all be imposed !pon t"e follo0in+5
1 1 1 1
)b* -"ose 0"o commit t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ected to ot"er se1!al
ab!se5 %rovided, -"at 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e, t"e perpetrators s"all be prosec!ted !nder Article 335, para+rap" 3,
for rape and Article 336 of Act &o. 3:15, as amended, t"e 3evised %enal /ode, for rape or lascivio!s cond!ct, as t"e case may be5 %rovided,
t"at t"e penalty for lascivio!s cond!ct 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e s"all be recl!sion temporal in its medi!m periodB 1 1 1.
)Emp"asis s!pplied*
2n para+rap" )b*, t"e follo0in+ re$!isites m!st conc!r5 )1* t"e acc!sed commits t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ctB ),* t"e act
is performed 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ected to ot"er se1!al ab!seB and )3* t"e c"ild, 0"et"er male or female is belo0
ei+"teen )1:* years of a+e.
-"is para+rap" Sp!nis"es se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct not only 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion
b!t also 0it" a c"ild s!b6ected to ot"er se1!al ab!se. 2t covers not only a sit!ation 0"ere a c"ild is ab!sed for profit b!t also one in 0"ic" a
c"ild, t"ro!+" coercion, intimidation or infl!ence, en+a+es in se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct.S
Appellant is +!ilty of t"e t0o (inds of rape !nder Art. ,668A of t"e 3%/ and of se1!al ab!se !nder 3A D610.
7!r e1amination of t"e testimony of SAAAS reveals t"at t"ere 0as carnal (no0led+e or se1!al interco!rse t"ro!+" force, t"reat and
intimidation on A!+!st ,,, ,00,. Appellant also committed rape by se1!al assa!lt 0"en "e inserted "is fin+er into t"e +enitalia of SAAAS on
7ctober 9, ,00,. Ie also s!b6ected SAAA,S a minor at 1, years of a+e, to se1!al ab!se by means of lascivio!s cond!ct t"ro!+" intimidation or
infl!ence, 0"en "e mas"ed "er breasts and stro(ed "er arms on A!+!st ,1, ,00,. SAAAS +ave detailed acco!nts of t"ese acts of perversion,
F5 @ast A!+!st ,1, ,00,, at aro!nd 9500 o?cloc( in t"e evenin+ 0"ere 0ere yo!U
A5 2 0as in o!r "o!se, sir.
1 1 1 1
F5 At s!c" time, place and date do yo! recall any !n!s!al incident t"at "appenedU
A5 -"ere 0as, sir.
F5 >"at 0as t"atU
A5 2 sa0 my daddy fondlin+ my breasts and "oldin+ my arms, sir.
F5 And 0"ere 0ere yo! in t"e "o!se 0"en yo!r fat"er did t"at to yo!U
A5 2 0as in t"e room, sir.
F5 >"ere in t"e roomU
1 1 1 1
A5 2n t"e bed, sir.
A--G. SA& #7AFE2&5
F5 >"at 0ere yo! doin+ in bedU
A5 2 0as lyin+, sir.
F5 And yo! said t"at yo!r fat"er, 0"ile yo! 0ere in bed in t"e room, to!c"ed yo!r breasts, 0o!ld yo! please demonstrate to t"e co!rt "o0
yo!r fat"er to!c"ed yo!r breastsU
A5 @i(e t"is, sir.
A--G. SA& #7AFE2&5
>itness c!ppin+ 0it" "er t0o ),* palms "er breasts 1 1 1.
1 1 1 1
A--G. SA& #7AFE2&5
F5 Go! also said t"at yo!r fat"er to!c"ed yo!r arms, 0o!ld yo! please demonstrate to t"e co!rt "o0 yo!r fat"er to!c"ed yo!r armsU
A5 @i(e t"is, sir.
A--G. SA& #7AFE2&
>itness demonstratin+ 0it" "er ri+"t palm placed on "er left s"o!lder and t"e left palm placed on "er ri+"t s"o!lder and t"en movin+ t"em
F5 >"en yo!r fat"er did t"at to yo!, 0"at did yo! doU
A5 2 0as cryin+, sir.
F5 And did yo! say anyt"in+ to yo!r fat"erU
A5 &one, sir.
F5 Did yo!r fat"er say anyt"in+ to yo!U
A5 Ges, sir.
F5 >"at 0as t"atU
A5 Ie told me not to tell anyt"in+ to my mot"er beca!se in case 2 0o!ld tell somet"in+ to my mot"er, somet"in+ 0ill "appen to "er, sir.
A--G. SA& #7AFE2&5
=ay 0e manifest, yo!r Ionor, t"at t"e 0itness, 0"ile sayin+ t"e 0ords s"e "ad 6!st said, "ad teary eyes and 0as 0ipin+ "er tears 0it" "er
F5 >"en t"at 0as done to yo! by yo!r fat"er, 0"o 0ere in t"e "o!seU
A5 7nly t"e t0o ),* of !s, sir.
F5 >"ere 0as yo!r mot"erU
A5 S"e 0as in t"e 0a(e of my a!nt, sir.
F5 >"ere 0as yo!r sister S///SU
A5 Also at t"e 0a(e, sir.
F5 Io0 abo!t yo!r sister SDDDSU
A5 Also at t"e 0a(e of my a!nt, sir.
F5 >"at time 0as t"at a+ainU
A5 9500 o?cloc(, sir.
F5 Daytime or ni+"ttimeU
A5 Evenin+, sir.
1 1 1 1
F5 SAAA,S 0"ile yo! are testifyin+ no0, 0"at do yo! feelU
A5 2 am afraid )natata(ot po*, sir.
A--G. SA& #7AFE2&5
=ay 0e manifest t"at 0"ile t"e 0itness ans0ers Snatata(ot poS s"e is cryin+ and 0ipin+ "er eyes 0it" "er "and(erc"ief.
F5 At abo!t 11 o?cloc( in t"e evenin+ after A!+!st ,,, ,00,, 0"ere 0ere yo!U
A5 2 0as in t"e "o!se, sir.
F5 >"at "o!seU
A5 -"e "o!se of my +randmot"er, sir.
F5 >"ere is t"atU
A5 SGGG,S San =ateo,, sir.
F5 At t"at time, date and place, do yo! recall an !n!s!al incident t"at "appenedU
A5 -"ere 0as, sir.
F5 >"at 0as t"atU
A5 >"ile 2 0as sleepin+ 2 0as s!ddenly a0a(ened, sir.
F5 >"y 0ere yo! s!ddenly a0a(ened from sleepU
A5 'eca!se my dad 0as lo0erin+ my s"orts, sir.
F5 Io0 did yo! (no0 t"at yo!r daddy 0as lo0erin+ yo!r s"ortsU
A5 2 sa0 it, sir.
F5 >as yo!r daddy able to lo0er yo!r s"ortsU
A5 Ges, sir.
F5 >"at else did "e do after lo0erin+ yo!r s"ortsU
A5 Ie lo0ered my panty, sir.
F5 >as yo!r daddy able to lo0er yo!r pantyU
A5 Ges, sir.
F5 >"at 0ere yo! doin+ 0"en yo!r daddy 0as lo0erin+ yo!r s"orts and t"en panty, 0"at 0ere yo! doin+U
A5 2 0as cryin+, sir.
F5 After yo!r daddy "as lo0ered yo!r s"orts and panty 0"at "appened ne1tU
A5 Ie separated my le+s )ibin!(a niya po an+ "ita (o*, sir.
F5 After yo!r daddy separated yo!r le+s, 0"at "appened ne1tU
A5 Ie inserted "is penis into my va+ina, sir.
F5 Go! said "e inserted "is penis into yo!r va+ina, 0as "e able to insert "is penis into yo!r va+inaU
A5 Ges, sir.
F5 >"en yo!r daddy inserted "is penis into yo!r va+ina, 0"at did yo! feelU
A5 2t 0as painf!l, sir.
1 1 1 1
F5 >"en t"e penis of yo!r fat"er 0as already inserted into yo!r va+ina, 0"at "appened ne1tU
A5 Ie p!lled it o!t and t"en inserted it a+ain )"in!+ot niya tapos ay ipinaso( niya !li*, sir.
F5 Io0 many times did t"at "appen t"at yo!r daddy p!lled o!t "is penis from yo! and t"en inserted it, "o0 many timesU
A5 -0o ),* times, sir.
F5 -"en after0ards 0"at "appenedU
A5 Ie p!lled it o!t a+ain t"en "e ret!rned my panty, sir.
F5 >"at elseU
A5 Ie also ret!rned my s"orts, sir.
F5 Did yo! say anyt"in+ to yo!r daddy 0"en "e did t"at to yo!U
A5 &o, sir.
F5 Io0 abo!t yo!r daddy, did "e tell yo! anyt"in+U
A5 Ges, sir.
F5 >"at 0as t"atU
A5 &ot to tell anyt"in+ to my mot"er beca!se somet"in+ 0ill "appen to "er if 2 tell anyt"in+ to "er, sir.
F5 >"o 0ere in t"e "o!se 0"en yo!r fat"er did t"at to yo!U
A5 7nly t"e t0o ),* of !s, sir.
F5 >"ere 0as yo!r mot"erU
A5 S"e 0as still in t"e 0a(e of my a!nt, sir.
F5 Io0 abo!t yo!r sister S///SU
A5 S"e 0as also in t"e 0a(e, sir.
1 1 1 1
F5 >"at time 0as t"at 0"en it "appenedU
A5 At 11500 o?cloc(, sir.
F5 Daytime or ni+"ttimeU
A5 &i+"ttime, sir.
1 1 1 1
F5 SAAA,S 2 am as(in+ yo! t"is $!estion, at abo!t 10530 o?cloc( in t"e evenin+ of 7ctober 9, ,00,, 0"ere 0ere yo!U
A5 2 0as in t"e "o!se, sir.
F5 >"at "o!seU
A5 SGGG,S San =ateo,, sir.
F5 At s!c" time, date and place, do yo! recall any !n!s!al incident t"at "appenedU
A5 -"ere 0as, sir.
F5 >"at 0as t"atU
A5 >"en 2 sa0 my s"orts !nder my feet and my dad 0as already lyin+ beside me, sir.
F5 Io0 do yo! (no0 t"at yo!r daddy 0as beside yo!U
A5 2 sa0 "im, sir.
F5 >"ere 0ere yo! at t"at time, 0"at place in t"e "o!seU
A5 2n t"e room, sir.
F5 >"ere in t"e roomU
A5 1 1 1 my bed, sir.
F5 >"at are yo! doin+ in bedU
A5 2 0as sleepin+, sir.
F5 &o0, yo! said t"at yo! fo!nd o!t t"at yo!r s"orts 0as no lon+er bein+ 0orn by yo!, 0"at "appened ne1tU
A5 =y daddy inserted "is fin+er in my va+ina, sir.
F5 >"ic" fin+er of yo!r daddy 0as inserted at t"at time into yo!r va+inaU
A5 -"e inde1 fin+er, sir.
1 1 1 1
F5 SAAA,S 0"en yo!r fat"er inserted "is fin+er into yo!r va+ina, 0"at did yo! feelU
A5 2t 0as painf!l, sir.
F5 >"at did yo! do 0"en yo!r fat"er inserted "is fin+er into yo!r va+inaU
A5 2 6!st cried, sir.
F5 Did yo! tell yo!r fat"er anyt"in+U
A5 &one, sir.
F5 Io0 abo!t yo!r fat"er, did "e tell yo! anyt"in+U
A5 Ges, t"ere 0as, sir.
F5 >"at 0as t"atU
A5 &ot to tell anyt"in+ to my mot"er, sir.
F5 &o0, 0"o 0ere in t"e "o!se 0"en t"at "appenedU
A5 =y sisters S///S and SDDDS and also my mot"er, sir.
F5 >"ere 0as yo!r mot"er 0"en yo!r fat"er 0as insertin+ "is fin+er into yo!r va+ina, 0"ere 0as yo!r mot"erU
A5 2 do not (no0, sir.
F5 Io0 abo!t yo!r sister S///SU
A5 At t"e lo0er portion of t"e do!ble8dec(, sir.
F5 >"at 0as S///S doin+ t"ere at t"e lo0er portion of yo!r do!ble8dec( bedU
A5 S"e 0as sleepin+, sir.
F5 Io0 abo!t SDDDSU
A5 S"e 0as on t"e mattress, sir.
F5 >"at time 0as t"at in t"e evenin+U
A5 At abo!t 10530, sir.
>e a+ree 0it" t"e observation of t"e lo0er co!rts t"at t"e testimony of SAAAS is 0ort"y of credence. S"e positively identified appellant as "er
ab!ser. S"e did not 0aver on t"e material points of "er testimony and maintained t"e same even on cross8e1amination. 2ndeed, "er
statements !nder oat" are s!fficient evidence to convict appellant for t"e crimes alle+ed in t"e 2nformations.
=oreover, SAAA?sS testimony is corroborated by t"e res!lt of "er medical e1amination 0"ic" s"o0ed t"e presence of a deep "ealed laceration
in "er private part.
-"is findin+ is consistent 0it" "er declaration t"at appellant inserted "is penis and fin+er into "er va+ina. S>"ere a victim?s
testimony is corroborated by t"e p"ysical findin+s of penetration, t"ere is s!fficient basis for concl!din+ t"at se1!al interco!rse did ta(e
Appellant see(s to discredit SAAA?sS testimony by insistin+ t"at "e co!ld not "ave raped t"e latter in t"e evenin+ of A!+!st ,,, ,00, since t"e
0"ole family 0as in t"eir "o!se t"at day. -"is assertion is !ndeservin+ of credence d!e to o!r constant prono!ncement t"at a bare assertion
cannot prevail over t"e cate+orical testimony of a victim.
Even if corroborated by appellant?s mot"er, t"e same does not deserve any 0ei+"t
since co!rts !s!ally fro0n !pon t"e corroborative testimony of an immediate member of t"e family of an acc!sed and treat it 0it" s!spicion.
-"e close filial relations"ip bet0een t"e 0itness and t"e acc!sed casts a t"ic( clo!d of do!bt !pon t"e former?s testimony.
Even ass!min+ t"at appellant 0as not alone 0it" SAAAS on A!+!st ,,, ,00,, t"e presence of ot"er people is not a deterrent to t"e commission
of rape. -"is observation is apparent from t"e rape by se1!al assa!lt committed on 7ctober 9, ,00, 0"ile t"e entire family 0as in t"e
residence. As aptly "eld by t"e 3-/ and t"e /A, rape indeed does not respect time and place. Appellant imp!+ns t"e credibility of SAAAS by
emp" t"at s"e +ave conflictin+ acco!nts on t"e manner s"e 0as raped. Ie also stresses t"e contradictions in t"e testimony of SAAAS
and t"e ot"er prosec!tion 0itnesses on t"e events t"at transpired after t"e alle+ed rape and re+ardin+ t"e disclos!re by SAAAS of "er ordeal.
>e are not pers!aded. 7!r revie0 of t"e transcript of steno+rap"ic notes of t"e testimonies of t"e prosec!tion 0itnesses reveals t"at t"ese
inconsistencies refer to inconse$!ential matters St"at do not bear !pon t"e elements of t"e crime of rape. -"e decisive factor in t"e
prosec!tion for rape is 0"et"er t"e commission of t"e crime "as been s!fficiently proven. or a discrepancy or inconsistency in t"e testimony
of a 0itness to serve as a basis for ac$!ittal, it m!st refer to t"e si+nificant facts indispensable to t"e +!ilt or innocence of t"e appellant for t"e
crime c"ar+ed. As t"e inconsistencies alle+ed by t"e appellant "ad not"in+ to do 0it" t"e elements of t"e crime of rape, t"ey cannot be !sed
as J+ro!ndsK for "is ac$!ittal.S
>it" re+ard to t"e inconsistencies on t"e part of SAAA,S it bears stressin+ t"at Svictims do not c"eris" (eepin+ in t"eir memory an acc!rate
acco!nt of t"e manner in 0"ic" t"ey 0ere se1!ally violated. -"!s, an errorless recollection of a "arro0in+ e1perience cannot be e1pected of a
0itness, especially 0"en s"e is reco!ntin+ details from an e1perience as "!miliatin+ and painf!l as rape. !rt"ermore, rape victims, especially
c"ild victims, s"o!ld not be e1pected to act t"e 0ay mat!re individ!als 0o!ld 0"en placed in s!c" a sit!ation.S
Herily, in t"is case, minor
inconsistencies in t"e testimony of SAAAS are to be e1pected beca!se )1* s"e 0as a minor c"ild d!rin+ "er deflorationB ),* s"e 0as to testify
on a painf!l and "!miliatin+ e1perienceB )3* s"e 0as se1!ally assa!lted several timesB and, )4* s"e 0as e1amined on details and events t"at
"appened almost si1 mont"s before s"e testified.
Anent appellant?s ot"er assi+ned errors, 0e $!ote t"e follo0in+ findin+s of t"e /A5
-"e ar+!ment t"at SAAAS did not manifest overt p"ysical si+ns of "avin+ been raped since s"e acted and 0al(ed normally t"e follo0in+ day
cannot 6!stify t"e reversal of appellant?s conviction. Io0 a person +oes abo!t t"e day after t"e "appenin+ of a "orrid event is not a tell8tale
si+n of t"e tr!t" or falsity of an alle+ation. -"e 0or(in+s of t"e "!man mind placed !nder a +reat deal of emotional and psyc"olo+ical stress
are !npredictable and different people react differently. !rt"ermore, !nder t"e circ!mstances of t"is case, overt p"ysical manifestations
cannot be e1pected since SAAAS did not p!t !p any form of resistance. -"e t"reat of "arm to be inflicted on "er mot"er 0as s!fficient
intimidation for "er to s!cc!mb to "er fat"er?s l!st o!t of fear. -"e pattern of instillin+ fear, !tili.ed by t"e perpetrator in incest!o!s rape to
intimidate "is victim into s!bmission, is evident in virt!ally all cases. 2t is t"ro!+" t"is fear t"at t"e perpetrator "opes to create a climate of
e1treme psyc"olo+ical terror 0"ic" 0o!ld, "e "opes, n!mb "is victim into silence and force "er to s!bmit to repeated acts of rape over a
period of time. -"e relations"ip of t"e victim to t"e perpetrator ma+nifies t"is terror, beca!se t"e perpetrator is a person normally e1pected to
+ive solace and protection to t"e victim.
Appellant 0o!ld also 0ant to impress !pon t"is /o!rt t"at t"e acc!sation of "is da!+"ter 0as concocted by "is 0ife beca!se of t"eir marital
problems. -"is contention is prepostero!s. 2t is !nnat!ral for a mot"er to sacrifice "er o0n da!+"ter, a c"ild of tender years, and s!b6ect "er to
t"e ri+ors and "!miliation of a p!blic trial for rape if s"e 0as not driven by an "onest desire to "ave "er da!+"ter?s trans+ressor p!nis"ed
&eit"er can it be said t"at t"ere 0as no spontaneo!s disclos!re by SAAAS of t"e incident.DLwphiD Appellant t"reatened SAAA.S -"e "!miliation
ca!sed by t"e rape by "er o0n fat"er in addition to t"e b!rden of bein+ responsible s"o!ld "er mot"er be "armed are s!fficient to prevent any
c"ild from freely disclosin+ "er ordeal. >e m!st be reminded t"at t"e crime of rape by itself attac"es m!c" "!miliation and more so if t"e loss
is ca!sed by "er fat"er. Delay and t"e initial rel!ctance of a rape victim to ma(e p!blic t"e assa!lt on "er virt!e is neit"er !n(no0n JnorK
!ncommon. -"at t"ere 0as no spontaneo!s disclos!re does not mean t"at appellant is innocent of t"e crimes. SAAAS 0as apparently a
terrified yo!n+ c"ild 0"o 0as completely at t"e mercy of "er s"ameless fat"er. -"!s, SAAA?sS "esitation may be attrib!ted to "er a+e, t"e
moral ascendancy of t"e acc!sed over "er, and "is t"reats a+ainst "er.
7n t"e ot"er "and, neit"er s"o!ld t"e smile of SAAAS 0"ile identifyin+ "er fat"er in co!rt be +iven any malicio!s si+nificance. >"ile appellant
p!ts m!c" importance to said smile, 0"ic" co!ld be a 0ay of concealin+ "er nervo!sness, "e i+nored t"e fact t"at SAAAS cried 0"ile testifyin+
on t"e details of t"e incidents. 2n fact, d!rin+ "er testimony, s"e cate+orically stated t"at s"e 0as afraid and as"amed. -"e candid and
strai+"tfor0ard narration of "o0 s"e 0as ab!sed and t"e tears t"at accompanied "er story are earmar(s of credibility and m!st be +iven f!ll
fait" and credit.
>it" respect to appellant?s contention t"at t"e clinical findin+ of Dr. #oven 2+nacio, t"e psyc"iatrist, is fa!lty and not concl!sive beca!se s"e
appeared to be biased, it is note0ort"y t"at even 0it"o!t said psyc"iatric test, t"e findin+ of t"e trial co!rt 0o!ld still be affirmed considerin+
t"at t"e sole testimony of t"e victim is s!fficient basis for conviction in rape, 0"ic" is a crime !s!ally committed in secl!sion.
2ndeed, >e are convinced t"at SAAAS "ad no reason to falsely incriminate "er o0n fat"er in vie0 of t"e fact t"at t"e acc!sation 0o!ld s!rely
deny "er mot"er t"e companions"ip of a "!sband and t"e protection of a fat"er for "er yo!n+er sisters. 2t "as been consistently "eld t"at t"e
testimony of a rape victim as to 0"o ab!sed "er is credible 0"ere s"e "as no motive to testify a+ainst t"e acc!sed.
7n t"e ot"er "and, 0"at appellant offered for "is defense 0ere mere denials 0"ic", as aptly observed by t"e 3-/, are !ns!pported by clear
and convincin+ evidence.
Given t"e fore+oin+ circ!mstances, t"e /A correctly affirmed t"e Decision of t"e 3-/ findin+ appellant +!ilty of t"e crimes c"ar+ed.
-"e %roper %enalty
-"e 3-/ imposed !pon appellant t"e penalty of deat" for committin+ t"e crime of $!alified rape t"ro!+" se1!al interco!rse in /riminal /ase
&o. 65D,. -"e 2nformation in t"is case alle+ed t"e $!alifyin+ circ!mstances of relations"ip and minority. Appellant is t"e fat"er of SAAAS and
"e admitted t"is filial bond bet0een t"em d!rin+ t"e pre8trial conference
and trial. SAdmission in open co!rt of relations"ip "as been "eld to
be s!fficient and, "ence, concl!sive to prove relations"ip 0it" t"e victim.S
Also, SAAA?sS birt" certificate 0as s!bmitted as proof of "er a+e.
-"is doc!ment s!ffices as competent evidence of "er a+e.
S2n vie0, "o0ever, of t"e passa+e of 3.A. &o. 9346, 0"ic" pro"ibits t"e imposition of t"e penalty of deat", t"e penalty of recl!sion perpet!a,
0it"o!t eli+ibility for parole, s"o!ld be imposed.S
Appellant is t"!s sentenced to recl!sion perpet!a 0it"o!t eli+ibility for parole for t"e crime
of $!alified rape committed t"ro!+" se1!al interco!rse in /riminal /ase &o. 65D,.
>it" re+ard to t"e crime of se1!al ab!se !nder 3A D610, t"e penalty provided for violation of Section 5, Article 222 t"ereof is recl!sion temporal
in its medi!m period to recl!sion perpet!a . SAs t"e crime 0as committed by t"e fat"er of JSAAA,SK t"e alternative circ!mstance of relations"ip
s"o!ld be appreciated. 2n crimes a+ainst c"astity, s!c" as Acts of @ascivio!sness, relations"ip is al0ays a++ravatin+.S
>it" t"e presence of
t"is a++ravatin+ circ!mstance and no miti+atin+ circ!mstance, t"e penalty in /riminal /ase &o. 65D3 s"all be applied in its ma1im!m period Q
recl!sion perpet!a.
7n t"e ot"er "and, prision mayor is t"e penalty prescribed for rape by se1!al assa!lt !nder Article ,668' of t"e 3%/. -"e penalty is increased
to recl!sion temporal if t"e rape is committed 0it" any of t"e 10 a++ravatin+< $!alifyin+ circ!mstances mentioned in said article.
#!st li(e in
/riminal /ase &o. 65D,, t"e $!alifyin+ circ!mstances of relations"ip and minority are s!fficiently alle+ed and proven in t"is case. -"e penalty
t"erefore is recl!sion temporal 0"ic" ran+es from t0elve )1,* years and one )1* day to t0enty ),0* years. Applyin+ t"e 2ndeterminate
Sentence @a0, t"e penalty ne1t lo0er in de+ree is prision mayor 0"ic" ran+es from si1 )6* years and one )1* day to t0elve )1,* years. Ience,
t"e trial co!rt and t"e /A correctly imposed t"e indeterminate penalty of imprisonment of si1 )6* years and one )1* day of prision mayor as
minim!m, to fo!rteen )14* years, ei+"t ):* mont"s and )1* day of recl!sion temporal, as ma1im!m in /riminal /ase &o. 65D4.
-"e Dama+es
2n line 0it" prevailin+ 6!rispr!dence, t"e a0ard of dama+es to SAAAS in /riminal /ase &o. 65D, m!st be increased as follo0s5 %D5,000.00 as
civil indemnity, %D5,000.00 as moral dama+es and %30,000.00 as e1emplary dama+es.
S"e is f!rt"er a0arded civil indemnity of %,0,000.00,
moral dama+es and a fine at%15,000.00 eac" in /riminal /ase &o. 65D3.
2n /riminal /ase &o. 65D4, t"e a0ards of civil indemnity and moral
dama+es at %30,000.00 eac" are maintained b!t t"e a0ard of e1emplary dama+es is increased to %30,000.00.
SAAAS is also entitled to an
interest on all t"e amo!nts of dama+es a0arded at t"e le+al rate of 6_ per ann!m from t"e date of finality of t"is 6!d+ment !ntil f!lly paid.
>IE3E73E, t"e #!ly 31, ,00D Decision of t"e /o!rt of Appeals in /A8G.3. /38I./. &o. 0,511 0"ic" affirmed in toto t"e Decision of t"e
3e+ional -rial /o!rt of San =ateo,, 'ranc" D6 findin+ appellant Doney Gad!yon y -apispisan +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of t"e
crimes c"ar+ed is A23=ED 0it" =7D22/A-27&S in t"at5
1. 2n /riminal /ase &o. 65D,, appellant Doney Gad!yon y -apispisan is sentenced to s!ffer t"e penalty of recl!sion perpet!a
0it"o!t eli+ibility for parole and ordered to pay AAA %D5,000.00 as civil indemnity,%D5,000.00 as moral dama+es, and %30,000.00
as e1emplary dama+esB
,. 2n /riminal /ase &o. 65D3, appellant Doney Gad!yon y -apispisan is sentenced to s!ffer t"e penalty of recl!sion perpet!a and
ordered to pay AAA %,0,000.00 as civil indemnity, %l5,000.00 as moral dama+es and a fine of 15,000.00B
3. 2n /riminal /ase &o. 65D4, appellant Doney Gad!yon y -apispisan is ordered to pay AAA %30,000.00 as e1emplary dama+es.
SAAAS is entitled to an interest on all dama+es a0arded at t"e le+al rate of 6_ per ann!m from t"e date of finality of t"is 6!d+ment !ntil f!lly
S7 73DE3ED.
Associate #!stice
>E /7&/E35
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
A - - E S - A - 2 7 &
2 attest t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion
of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
Associate #!stice
/ E 3 - 2 2 / A - 2 7 &
%!rs!ant to Section 13, Article H222 of t"e /onstit!tion and t"e Division /"airperson s Attestation, 2 certify t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above
Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
/"ief #!stice
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
SE/7&D D2H2S27&
G.R. No. 1/.-54 #)<; .4, .411
#O#IT GARINGARAO, %etitioner,
D E / 2 S 2 7 &
T6& Ca(&
'efore t"e /o!rt is a petition for revie0
assailin+ t"e ,6 &ovember ,009 Decision
and ,, #!ne ,010 3esol!tion
of t"e /o!rt of Appeals in
/A8G.3. /3 &o. 31354. -"e /o!rt of Appeals affirmed 0it" modifications t"e decision of t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt of San /arlos /ity,
%an+asinan, 'ranc" 56 )trial co!rt*, findin+ #o6it Garin+arao )Garin+arao* +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of t"e crime of acts of lascivio!sness
in relation to 3ep!blic Act &o. D610 )3A D610*.
T6& An0&1&d&n0 Fa10(
-"e facts of t"e case, as can be +leaned from t"e decision of t"e /o!rt of Appeals, are as follo0s5
7n ,: 7ctober ,003, AAA
0as bro!+"t to t"e Hir+en =ila+rosa =edical /enter by "er fat"er ''' and mot"er /// d!e to fever and
abdominal pain. Dr. Geor+e =orante )Dr. =orante*, t"e attendin+ p"ysician, recommended t"at AAA be confined at t"e "ospital for f!rt"er
observation. AAA 0as admitted at t"e "ospital and confined at a private room 0"ere s"e and "er parents stayed for t"e ni+"t.
7n ,9 7ctober ,003, ''' left t"e "ospital to +o to @in+ayen, %an+asinan to process "is da!+"ter?s =edicare papers. Ie arrived at @in+ayen
at aro!nd :500 a.m. and left t"e place an "o!r later. /// also left t"e "ospital t"at same mornin+ to attend to t"eir store at Erbi.tondo,
%an+asinan, leavin+ AAA alone in "er room.
>"en ''' ret!rned to t"e "ospital, AAA told "im t"at s"e 0anted to +o "ome. Dr. =orante advised a+ainst it b!t d!e to AAA?s insistence, "e
allo0ed AAA to be disc"ar+ed from t"e "ospital 0it" instr!ctions t"at s"e s"o!ld contin!e "er medications. >"en AAA and "er parents arrived
at t"eir "o!se aro!nd 11530 a.m., AAA cried and told "er parents t"at Garin+arao se1!ally ab!sed "er. -"ey all 0ent bac( to t"e "ospital and
reported t"e incident to Dr. =orante. -"ey in$!ired from t"e n!rses? station and learned t"at Garin+arao 0as t"e n!rse on d!ty on t"at day.
7n ,0 #an!ary ,004, t"e /ity %rosec!tor filed an 2nformation a+ainst Garin+arao for acts of lascivio!sness in relation to 3A D610, as follo0s5
-"at on or abo!t t"e ,9t" day of 7ctober ,003, at Hir+en =ila+rosa Eniversity Iospital, San /arlos /ity, %an+asinan, and 0it"in t"e
6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, t"e above8named acc!sed, 0it" le0d desi+ns, did t"en and t"ere, 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly
to!c"ed t"e breast of AAA, 16 years of a+e, to!c"ed "er +enitalia, and inserted "is fin+er into "er va+ina, to t"e dama+e and pre6!dice of said
AAA 0"o s!ffered psyc"olo+ical and emotional dist!rbance, an1iety, sleeplessness and "!miliation.
/ontrary to Article 336 of t"e 3evised %enal /ode in relation to 3A D610.
D!rin+ t"e trial, AAA testified t"at on ,9 7ctober ,003, bet0een D500 a.m. and :500 a.m., Garin+arao, 0"o 0as 0earin+ a 0"ite !niform,
entered "er room and as(ed if s"e already too( "er medicines and if s"e 0as still e1periencin+ pains. AAA replied t"at "er stomac" 0as no
lon+er painf!l. Garin+arao t"en lifted AAA?s bra and to!c"ed "er left breast. Embarrassed, AAA as(ed Garin+arao 0"at "e 0as doin+.
Garin+arao replied t"at "e 0as 6!st e1aminin+ "er. Garin+arao t"en left t"e room and ret!rned 15 to 30 min!tes later 0it" a stet"oscope.
Garin+arao told AAA t"at "e 0o!ld e1amine "er a+ain. Garin+arao lifted AAA?s s"irt, pressed t"e stet"oscope to "er stomac" and to!c"ed "er
t0o nipples. Garin+arao t"en lifted AAA?s pa6ama and !nder0ear and pressed t"e lo0er part of "er abdomen. Garin+arao t"en slid "is fin+er
inside AAA?s private part. AAA instinctively crossed "er le+s and a+ain as(ed Garin+arao 0"at "e 0as doin+. S"e as(ed "im to stop and
informed "im s"e "ad "er mont"ly period. Garin+arao i+nored AAA and contin!ed to insert "is fin+er inside "er private part. Garin+arao only
stopped 0"en "e sa0 t"at AAA really "ad "er mont"ly period. Ie 0ent inside t"e bat"room of t"e private room, 0as"ed "is "ands, applied
alco"ol and left. >"en ''' arrived at t"e "ospital, AAA insisted on +oin+ "ome. S"e only narrated t"e incident to "er parents 0"en t"ey +ot
"ome and t"ey 0ent bac( to t"e "ospital to report t"e incident to Dr. =orante.
Dr. =orante testified on AAA?s confinement to and disc"ar+e from t"e "ospital.
-"e prosec!tion presented t"e follo0in+ doc!ments before t"e trial co!rt5
)a* AAA?s birt" certificate to establis" t"at s"e 0as 16 years old at t"e time of t"e incidentB
)b* AAA?s medical records establis"in+ "er confinement to and disc"ar+e from Hir+en =ila+rosa =edical /enterB
)c* t"e sc"ed!le of d!ties of t"e n!rses at t"e "ospital s"o0in+ t"at Garin+arao 0as on d!ty from 1,500 a.m. to :500 a.m. on ,9
7ctober ,003B
)d* a certificate from t"e Department of Ed!cation Division 7ffice s"o0in+ t"at ''' 0as present at t"e office from :500 a.m. to 9500
a.m. on ,9 7ctober ,003B
)e* AAA?s =edical %ayment &oticeB
)f* t"e incident report filed by AAA?s parents 0it" t"e policeB and
)+* a letter from t"e "ospital administrator re$!irin+ Garin+arao to e1plain 0"y no administrative action s"o!ld be filed a+ainst "im in
vie0 of t"e incident.
or t"e defense, Garin+arao +ave a different version of t"e incident. Garin+arao alle+ed t"at on ,9 7ctober ,003, "e and "is n!rsin+ aide
Edm!ndo -amayo )-amayo* 0ent inside AAA?s room to administer "er medicines and c"ec( "er vital si+ns. ''' t"en acc!sed t"em of not
administerin+ t"e medicines properly and on time. Garin+arao told ''' t"at t"ey s"o!ld not be told "o0 to administer t"e medicines beca!se
t"ey (ne0 0"at t"ey 0ere doin+ and t"at t"ey 0o!ld be acco!ntable s"o!ld anyt"in+ "appen to AAA. A "eated ar+!ment ens!ed bet0een
''' and Garin+arao. ''' told Garin+arao "e 0as an arro+ant n!rse. Garin+arao replied t"at if ''' "ad any complaint, "e co!ld report t"e
matter to t"e "ospital. Garin+arao denied t"at "e inserted "is fin+er into AAA?s private part and t"at "e fondled "er breasts. Garin+arao
alle+ed t"at t"e filin+ of t"e case 0as motivated by t"e ar+!ment "e "ad 0it" '''.
-amayo testified t"at "e 0as 0it" Garin+arao 0"en t"ey 0ent to AAA?s room bet0een D500 a.m. and :500 a.m. of ,9 7ctober ,003. Ie
alle+ed t"at ''' 0as present and "e acc!sed Garin+arao of not administerin+ t"e medications properly. -amayo alle+ed t"at Garin+arao and
''' "ad an ar+!ment. -amayo stated t"at "e 0o!ld al0ays accompany Garin+arao 0"enever t"e latter 0o!ld visit t"e rooms of t"e patients.
T6& D&12(2on o> 06& T'2a< Co)'0
2n its Decision
dated 5 &ovember ,00D, t"e trial co!rt fo!nd Garin+arao +!ilty as c"ar+ed. -"e trial co!rt +ave credence to t"e testimony of
AAA over Garin+arao?s denial. -"e trial co!rt r!led t"at Garin+arao 0as positively identified by AAA as t"e person 0"o entered "er room,
to!c"ed "er breasts and inserted "is fin+er into "er private part. -"e trial co!rt also fo!nd t"at t"e prosec!tion 0as able to establis" t"at '''
and /// 0ere not in t"e room 0"en Garin+arao 0ent inside.
-"e trial co!rt fo!nd as baseless Garin+arao?s defense t"at t"e case 0as only motivated by t"e ar+!ment "e "ad 0it" '''. -"e trial co!rt
r!led t"at it 0as illo+ical for ''' to convince "is da!+"ter to fabricate a story of se1!al ab!se 6!st to +et even at Garin+arao over a "eated
-"e dispositive portion of t"e trial co!rt?s Decision reads5
DHEREFORE, premises considered, 6!d+ment is "ereby rendered findin+ t"e acc!sed #o6it Garin+arao GUILTYbeyond reasonable do!bt of
t"e crime of acts of lascivio!sness in relation to 3ep!blic Act D610, and sentencin+ "im to s!ffer t"e penalty of imprisonment ran+in+ from 1,
years to 1 day of 3eclusion 2emporal as minim!m to 14 years and : mont"s of 3eclusion 2emporal as ma1im!m.
-"e acc!sed is ordered to pay to t"e minor victim JAAAK %,0,000.00 as moral dama+es and %10,000.00 as fine.
S7 73DE3ED.
Garin+arao appealed from t"e trial co!rt?s Decision.
T6& D&12(2on o> 06& Co)'0 o> A==&a<(
2n its ,6 &ovember ,009 Decision, t"e /o!rt of Appeals affirmed t"e trial co!rt?s decision 0it" modifications.
-"e /o!rt of Appeals r!led t"at 0"ile Garin+arao 0as c"ar+ed for acts of lascivio!sness in relation to 3A D610, "e s"o!ld be convicted !nder
3A D610 beca!se AAA 0as 16 years old 0"en t"e crime 0as committed. -"e /o!rt of Appeals r!led t"at !nder Section 5)b* of 3A D610, t"e
offender s"all be c"ar+ed 0it" rape or lascivio!s cond!ct !nder t"e 3evised %enal /ode )3%/* only if t"e victim is belo0 1, years oldB
ot"er0ise, t"e provisions of 3A D610 s"all prevail.
-"e /o!rt of Appeals r!led t"at based on t"e evidence on record and t"e testimony of AAA, t"e decision of t"e trial co!rt "as to be affirmed.
-"e /o!rt of Appeals r!led t"at !nder Section ,)"* of t"e 3!les and 3e+!lations on t"e 3eportin+ and 2nvesti+ation of /"ild Ab!se /ases, t"e
introd!ction of any ob6ect into t"e +enitalia of t"e offended party as 0ell as t"e intentional to!c"in+ of "er breasts 0"en done 0it" t"e intent to
se1!ally +ratify t"e offender $!alify as a lascivio!s act. AAA?s testimony establis"ed t"at Garin+arao committed t"e lascivio!s acts.
-"e /o!rt of Appeals fo!nd no reason for AAA or "er family to fabricate t"e c"ar+es a+ainst Garin+arao. -"e /o!rt of Appeals r!led t"at
Garin+arao?s claim t"at t"e case 0as filed so t"at ''' co!ld +et even 0it" "im beca!se of t"e ar+!ment t"ey "ad 0as too s"allo0 to be +iven
consideration. -"e /o!rt of Appeals li(e0ise re6ected Garin+arao?s defense of denial 0"ic" co!ld not prevail over t"e positive testimony of
-"e /o!rt of Appeals modified t"e penalty imposed by t"e trial co!rt. -"e /o!rt of Appeals r!led t"at t"e d!ration of reclusion temporal in its
ma1im!m period s"o!ld be 1D years, 4 mont"s and 1 day to ,0 years and not 14 years and : mont"s as imposed by t"e trial co!rt. -"e /o!rt
of Appeals also raised t"e a0ard of moral dama+es and fine, 0"ic" 0as deemed as civil indemnity, to conform 0it" recent 6!rispr!dence.
-"e dispositive portion of t"e /o!rt of Appeals? Decision reads5
>IE3E73E, in vie0 of t"e fore+oin+, t"e Decision dated &ovember 5, ,00D of t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt of San /arlos /ity, %an+asinan in
/riminal /ase &o. S//8416D is "ereby A23=ED 0it" t"e follo0in+ =7D22/A-27&S5
1. -"e penalty imposed on t"e acc!sed8appellant is 14 years and : mont"s of recl!sion temporal as minim!m to ,0 years of
recl!sion temporal as ma1im!mJBK
,. -"e a0ard of moral dama+es is raised from %,0,000.00 to %50,000.00B and
3. -"e a0ard of indemnity is raised from %10,000.00 to %50,000.00.
S7 73DE3ED.
Garin+arao filed a motion for reconsideration. 2n its ,, #!ne ,010 3esol!tion, t"e /o!rt of Appeals denied t"e motion.
Ience, t"e petition before t"is /o!rt.
T6& I(()&
-"e only iss!e in t"is case is 0"et"er t"e /o!rt of Appeals committed a reversible error in affirmin+ 0it" modifications t"e trial co!rt?s
T6& R)<2n3 o> 062( Co)'0
-"e petition "as no merit.
Garin+arao alle+es t"at t"e /o!rt of Appeals erred in affirmin+ t"e trial co!rt?s decision findin+ "im +!ilty of acts of lascivio!sness in relation to
3A D610. Garin+arao insists t"at it 0as p"ysically impossible for "im to commit t"e acts c"ar+ed a+ainst "im beca!se t"ere 0ere many
patients and "ospital employees aro!nd. Ie alle+es t"at AAA?s room 0as 0ell li+"ted and t"at "e "ad an assistant 0"en t"e incident alle+edly
occ!rred. Garin+arao f!rt"er alle+es t"at, ass!min+ t"e c"ar+es 0ere correct, t"ere 0as only one incident 0"en "e alle+edly to!c"ed AAA
and as s!c", "e s"o!ld "ave been convicted only of acts of lascivio!sness and not of violation of 3A D610.
>e do not a+ree.
#redi2ilit$ o+ Ditnesses
-"e /o!rt "as r!led t"at in case of acts of lascivio!sness, t"e lone testimony of t"e offended party, if credible, is s!fficient to establis" t"e +!ilt
of t"e acc!sed.
2n t"is case, bot" t"e trial co!rt and t"e /o!rt of Appeals fo!nd t"e testimony of AAA credible over Garin+arao?s defense of
denial and alibi. 2t is a settled r!le t"at denial is a 0ea( defense as a+ainst t"e positive identification by t"e victim.
'ot" denial and alibi are
in"erently 0ea( defenses and constit!te self8servin+ ne+ative evidence 0"ic" cannot be accorded +reater evidentiary 0ei+"t t"an t"e positive
declaration by a credible 0itness.
Garin+arao?s defense of denial and alibi m!st fail over t"e positive and strai+"tfor0ard testimony of AAA
on t"e incident. !rt"er, li(e t"e trial co!rt and t"e /o!rt of Appeals, 0e find incredible Garin+arao?s defense t"at t"e case 0as an offs"oot of
a "eated ar+!ment "e "ad 0it" AAA?s fat"er over t"e manner Garin+arao 0as +ivin+ AAA?s medications. 2t is "ard to believe t"at AAA?s
parents 0o!ld e1pose "er to a p!blic trial if t"e c"ar+es 0ere not tr!e.
2n addition, t"e prosec!tion 0as able to establis" t"at, contrary to
Garin+arao?s alle+ation, bot" ''' and /// 0ere not in AAA?s room at t"e time of t"e incident.
Eiolation o+ /A =61)
Section 5, Article 222 of 3A D610 provides5
Section 5. Child Prostitution and *ther 0exual (buse. 8 /"ildren, 0"et"er male or female, 0"o for money, profit, or any ot"er consideration or
d!e to t"e coercion or infl!ence of any ad!lt, syndicate or +ro!p, ind!l+e in se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct, are deemed to be
c"ildren e1ploited in prostit!tion and ot"er se1!al ab!se.
-"e penalty of reclusion temporal in its medi!m period to reclusion perpetua s"all be imposed !pon t"e follo0in+5
)a* 1 1 1
)b* -"ose 0"o commit t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ect to ot"er
se1!al ab!seB %rovided, -"at 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e, t"e perpetrators s"all be prosec!ted !nder Article
335, para+rap" 3 for rape and Article 336 of Act &o. 3:15, as amended, t"e 3evised %enal /ode, for rape or lascivio!s cond!ct, as
t"e case may beB %rovided, -"at t"e penalty for lascivio!s cond!ct 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve )1,* yeas of a+e s"all
be reclusion temporal in its medi!m period, 1 1 1
)c* 1 1 1
-"e elements of se1!al ab!se !nder Section 5, Article 222 of 3A D610 are t"e follo0in+5
1. -"e acc!sed commits t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ctB
,. -"e said act is performed 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ected to ot"er se1!al ab!seB and
3. -"e c"ild, 0"et"er male or female, is belo0 1: years of a+e.
Ender Section 3,, Article Z222 of t"e 2mplementin+ 3!les and 3e+!lations of 3A D610, lascivio!s cond!ct is defined as follo0s5
J2Khe intentional touchin%, either directl" or throu%h clothin%, of the +enitalia, an!s, +roin, 2reast, inner t"i+", or b!ttoc(s, or t"e introd!ction of
any ob6ect into t"e +enitalia, an!s or mo!t", of any person, 0"et"er of t"e same or opposite se1, 0it" t"e intent to ab!se, "!miliate, "arass,
de+rade, or aro!se or +ratify t"e se1!al desire of any person, bestiality, mast!rbation, lascivio!s e1"ibition of t"e +enitals or p!bic area of a
2n t"is case, t"e prosec!tion establis"ed t"at Garin+arao to!c"ed AAA?s breasts and inserted "is fin+er into "er private part for "is se1!al
+ratification. Garin+arao !sed "is infl!ence as a n!rse by pretendin+ t"at "is actions 0ere part of t"e p"ysical e1amination "e 0as doin+.
Garin+arao persisted on 0"at "e 0as doin+ despite AAA?s ob6ections. AAA t0ice as(ed Garin+arao 0"at "e 0as doin+ and "e ans0ered t"at
"e 0as 6!st e1aminin+ "er.
-"e /o!rt "as r!led t"at a c"ild is deemed s!b6ect to ot"er se1!al ab!se 0"en t"e c"ild is t"e victim of lascivio!s cond!ct !nder t"e coercion
or infl!ence of any ad!lt.
2n lascivio!s cond!ct !nder t"e coercion or infl!ence of any ad!lt, t"ere m!st be some form of comp!lsion
e$!ivalent to intimidation 0"ic" s!bd!es t"e free e1ercise of t"e offended party?s free 0ill.
2n t"is case, Garin+arao coerced AAA into
s!bmittin+ to "is lascivio!s acts by pretendin+ t"at "e 0as e1aminin+ "er.
Garin+arao insists t"at, ass!min+ t"at t"e testimonies of t"e prosec!tion 0itnesses 0ere tr!e, "e s"o!ld not be convicted of violation of 3A
D610 beca!se t"e incident "appened only once. Garin+arao alle+es t"at t"e sin+le incident 0o!ld not s!ffice to "old "im liable !nder 3A
Garin+arao?s ar+!ment "as no le+al basis.
-"e /o!rt "as already r!led t"at it is inconse$!ential t"at se1!al ab!se !nder 3A D610 occ!rred only once.
Section 3)b* of 3A D610 provides
t"at t"e ab!se may be "abit!al or not.
Ience, t"e fact t"at t"e offense occ!rred only once is eno!+" to "old Garin+arao liable for acts of
lascivio!sness !nder 3A D610.
%nde,nit$ and Moral (a,aes
2n vie0 of recent 6!rispr!dence, 0e deem it proper to red!ce t"e amo!nt of indemnity to %,0,000
and moral dama+es a0arded by t"e /o!rt
of Appeals to %15,000.
>e also impose on Garin+arao a fine of %15,000.
DHEREFORE, 0e DENY t"e petition. >e AFFIRM t"e ,6 &ovember ,009 Decision and ,, #!ne ,010 3esol!tion of t"e /o!rt of Appeals in
/A8G.3. /3 &o. 31354 0it" MODIFICATIONS. -"e /o!rt finds #o6it Garin+araoGUILTY beyond reasonable do!bt of acts of lascivio!sness in
relation to 3ep!blic Act &o. D610. Ie is sentenced to s!ffer t"e penalty of 14 years and : mont"s of reclusion temporal as minim!m to ,0
years ofreclusion temporal as ma1im!m and ordered to pay AAA %,0,000 as civil indemnity, %15,000 as moral dama+es and a fine
of %15,000.
S7 73DE3ED.
Associate #!stice
>E /7&/E35
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
A - - E S - A - 2 7 &
2 attest t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion
of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
Associate #!stice
/ E 3 - 2 2 / A - 2 7 &
%!rs!ant to Section 13, Article H222 of t"e /onstit!tion, and t"e Division /"airperson?s Attestation, 2 certify t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above
Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
/"ief #!stice
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
G.R. No. 1-185 A)3)(0 .4, .448
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS *S&1ond D2%2(2on+ and GASPAR OLAYON, respondents.
-"e t"en ,,8year old "erein respondent Gaspar 7layon 0as c"ar+ed 0it" violation of S&102on 14*a+o> R&=)8<21 A10 No. -514 )-"e Special
%rotection of /"ildren a+ainst Ab!se, E1ploitation, and Discrimination Act* in t0o separate 2nformations filed before t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt
)3-/* of %asi+ /ity, of 0"ic" t"e t"en 148year old AAA 0as alle+ed to be t"e victim.
C'2:2na< Ca(& No. 11.,-1 alle+ed t"at
7n or abo!t 10500 a.m. of #an!ary ,D, 199D in -a+!i+, =etro =anila and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, t"e acc!sed,
0it" le0d desi+ns, did t"en and t"ere 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly "ave se1!al interco!rse 0it" and commit le0d and
lascivio!s acts !pon t"e person of JAAAK, a minor, fo!rteen )14* years of a+e.
)Enderscorin+ s!pplied*
C'2:2na< Ca(& No. 11.,-. alle+ed t"at
7n or abo!t ,500 p.m. of #an!ary ,D, 199D in -a+!i+, =etro =anila and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, t"e acc!sed,
0it" le0d desi+ns, did t"en and t"ere 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly "ave se1!al interco!rse 0it" and commit le0d and
lascivio!s acts !pon t"e person of JAAAK, a minor, fo!rteen )14* years of a+e.
)Enderscorin+ s!pplied*
3espondent 0as also c"ar+ed for acts of lascivio!sness before t"e 3-/ of -a+!i+, doc(eted a( C'2:2na< Ca(& No. 115,4, of 0"ic" t"e
same t"en 148year old AAA 0as alle+ed to be t"e victim. -"e case 0as transferred to t"e %asi+ /ity 3-/ and consolidated 0it" /riminal /ase
&os. 11,5D18D,.
-"e t"ree cases 0ere 6ointly tried.
After trial, 'ranc" 15: of t"e %asi+ /ity 3-/, by Decision of #an!ary 15, ,00,, ac$!itted respondent in /riminal /ase &o. 116350 )for acts of
2t, "o0ever, convicted respondent of violation of Section 10 )a* of 3ep!blic Act )3.A.* &o. D610 in /riminal /ase
&os. 11,5D18D, in t"is 0ise5
1 1 1 -"e acc!sed, 7layon admitted "is se1!al liaisons 0it" JAAAK. Iis defenses are5 1* JAAAK is "is s0eet"eart and ,* 0"atever
"appened to t"em in terms of t"ese se1!al liaisons, occ!rred 0it" t"e consent of JAAAK. Alt"o!+" t"e testimony of JAAAK denies s"e
consented to t"e se1!al liaisons, t"e evidence did not s!pport it.
-"e events t"at occ!rred on #an!ary ,D, 199D at t"e "o!se of one D!(e Espirit! s"o0 t"atJAAAK 0ent 0it" 7layon to t"at place
vol!ntarily. irst, s"e 0as fetc"ed from a tricycle stand and it too( t"em anot"er ride to +o to t"e "o!se of Espirit!. 2f indeed s"e 0as
forced to board t"e tricycle, s"e co!ld "ave resisted and s"o!ted for "elp considerin+ t"at t"ere 0ere normally people aro!nd in a
tricycle stand, 0aitin+ for rides. 2f s"e indeed resisted and s"o0ed any manifestation in t"is re+ard, people co!ld "ave easily "elped
"er in resistin+ 0"atever it 0as 7layon 0anted. Second, at t"e "o!se of Espirit! s"e co!ld "ave easily s"o!ted for "elp since it 0as
located near a road and a pat"0ay. 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
Alt"o!+" t"e se1!al liaisons t"at occ!rred on #an!ary ,D, 199D 0ere 0it" t"e consent of JAAAK 0"o at t"at time 0as only 14 years
of a+e, 7layon cannot escape responsibility beca!se 6& 0oo9 ad%an0a3& o> HAAA7(I :2no'20; 0o 6a%& 06&(& (&@)a< <2a2(on( ,
even if t"ey 0ere ?206 6&' 1on(&n0 . /onsent is not an accepted defense in t"is special la0 . Ie violated t"en 3ep!blic Act &o.
D610, S&102on 14*a+ 0"ic" provides5
Section 10)a* Q Any person 0"o s"all commit any ot"er acts of c"ild ab!se, cr!elty or e1ploitation or be responsible for
ot"er conditions pre6!dicial to t"e c"ild?s development incl!din+ t"ose covered by Article 59 of %residential Decree &o.
603, as amended, s"all s!ffer t"e penalty of prision mayor in its minim!m period.
1 1 1 1
)Emp"asis and !nderscorin+ s!pplied*
-"!s t"e trial co!rt disposed5
>IE3E73E, Gaspar 7layon y =at!bis a.(.a Eric 3amire. is fo!nd +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt for "avin+ violated 3ep!blic
Act &o. D610, Section 10 )a* in /riminal /ase &os. 11,5D18D, and is sentenced to s!ffer in prison t"e penalty of si1 )6* years, ei+"t
):* mont"s and one )1* day to seven )D* years and fo!r )4* mont"s of prision mayor for eac" co!nt. Ie is ac$!itted in /riminal /ase
&o. 116350.
/osts a+ainst t"e acc!sed.
S7 73DE3ED.
7n appeal by respondent,
t"e /o!rt of Appeals, ans0erin+ in t"e ne+ative t"e iss!e of 0"et"er consens!al se1!al interco!rse 0it" a minor is
classified as c"ild ab!se !nder Section 10 of 3A &o. D610, '&%&'(&d t"e trial co!rt?s decision and a1A)200&d respondent, by Decision
#an!ary 13, ,006, reasonin+ as follo0s5
SActs of c"ild ab!seS !nder Section 10 )a* of 3.A. D610 refers to t"ose acts listed !nder Sec. 3)b* of 3.A. D610, 0"ic" reads as
Sec. 3. Definition of -erms Q
)a* 1 1 1
)b* S/"ild Ab!seS refers to :a<0'&a0:&n0 , 0"et"er "abit!al or not, of t"e c"ild 0"ic" incl!des any of t"e follo0in+5
1* %syc"olo+ical and p"ysical ab!se, ne+lect, cr!elty, se1!al ab!se and emotional maltreatmentB
,* Any act or deeds JsicK or 0ords JsicK 0"ic" debases, de+rades or demeans t"e intrinsic 0ort" and di+nity of a c"ild as a
"!man bein+B
3* Enreasonable deprivation of "is basic needs for s!rvival, s!c" as food and s"elterB or
4* ail!re to immediately +ive medical treatment to an in6!red c"ild res!ltin+ in serio!s impairment of "is +ro0t" and
development or in "is permanent incapacity or deat".
Con(&n()a< (&@)a< 2n0&'1o)'(& bet0een 7@AGJ7K& and JAAAK does not fall !nder t"e Sse1!al ab!seS definition Jin Section 5 of
3.A. &o. D610K 0"ic" is a completely distinct and separate offense from Sc"ild ab!se,S J!nder Section 10K beca!se Sse1!al ab!seS
pertains to and is associated 0it" Sc"ild prostit!tionS Jas defined in Section 5K. NS&@)a< a8)(&N 2( d&>2n&d (&=a'a0&<; )nd&'
S&102on , o> R.A. -514, 0"ic" reads as follo0s5
Sec. 5. Child Prostitution and *ther 0exual (buse Q /"ildren, 0"et"er male or female, 0"o for money, profit or any ot"er
consideration or d!e to t"e coercion or infl!ence of any ad!lt, syndicate or +ro!p, ind!l+e in se1!al interco!rse or
lascivio!s cond!ct, are deemed to be c"ildren e1ploited in prostit!tion and ot"er se1!al ab!se.
=oreover, for t"e act of interco!rse bet0een 7@AGJ7K& and JAAAK 0o 8& 1on(2d&'&d (&@)a< a8)(& H)nd&' S&102on ,I, ()16
2n0&'1o)'(& (6o)<d 6a%& o11)''&d d)& 0o 1o&'12on o' 2n02:2da02on . 2n t"e case at benc", neit"er coercion nor intimidation 0ere
fo!nd to "ave been present, 1on(&n0 6a%2n3 8&&n >'&&<; 32%&n.
)Emp"asis, italics and !nderscorin+ s!pplied*
Ience, t"e present petition for certiorari
of t"e %eople !nder 3!le 65, alle+in+ t"at t"e /o!rt of Appeals acted 0it" +rave ab!se of discretion
amo!ntin+ to lac( or e1cess of 6!risdiction
1 1 1 2& A/FE2--2&G 3ES%7&DE&- 7@AG7& 7 -IE ->7 ),* /7E&-S 7 /I2@D A'ESE E&DE3 SE/-27& 10)A* 7 3.A.
D610 DESPITE -IE A/- -IA- -IE SEKUAL ACTS /7==2--ED 'G 3ES%7&DE&- 7@AG7& 7& -IE =2&73 %32HA-E
14*A+ OF R.A. -514.
)Emp"asis and !nderscorin+ s!pplied*
-"e record s"o0s t"at t"e %asi+ /ity %rosec!tor?s 7ffice fo!nd t"at t"e acts of respondent did not amo!nt to rape as t"ey 0ere done 0it" t"e
consent of t"e 148year old AAA.
&evert"eless, it fo!nd t"e acts constit!tive of Sviolations of J3ep!blicK Act &o. D610,S "ence, its filin+ of t"e
above8$!oted 2nformations for violation of Section 10)a*.
-"e 2nformations alle+ed t"at respondent, S0it" le0d desi+ns did 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly, and felonio!sly "ave se1!al interco!rse 0it" and commit
le0d and lascivio!s acts !pon t"e person of JAAAK, a minor, fo!rteen )14* years of a+e.S
Section 10)a* of 3.A. &o. D610 !nder 0"ic" respondent 0as c"ar+ed in eac" of t"e t0o cases provides5
SE/-27& 10. :ther A.ts of Ne%lect, (buse, Cruelt" or Exploitation and *ther ConditionsPreFudi.ial to the #hildGs (evelop,ent.
)a* Any person 0"o s"all commit an; o06&' a10( o> 162<d a8)(&, cr!elty or e1ploitation or be responsible for ot"er
conditions pre6!dicial to t"e c"ildTs development incl!din+ t"ose covered by Article 59 of %residential Decree &o. 603, as amended,
b!t not covered by t"e 3evised %enal /ode, as amended, s"all s!ffer t"e penalty of prision mayor in its minim!m period.
)Enderscorin+ s!pplied*,
Section 5)b*, !pon t"e ot"er "and, provides5
SE/. 5. #hild Prostitution and :ther "e-ual A2use. ; /"ildren, 0"et"er male or female, 0"o for money, profit, or any ot"er
consideration o' d)& 0o 06& 1o&'12on o' 2n><)&n1& o> an; ad)<0, syndicate or +ro!p, ind!l+e in se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s
cond!ct, are deemed to be c"ildren e1ploited in prostit!tion and ot"er se1!al ab!se.
-"e penalty of reclusion temporal in its medi!m period to reclusion perpetua s"all be imposed !pon t"e follo0in+5
1 1 1 1
)b* -"ose 0"o commit t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ect to ot"er
se1!al ab!seB %rovided, -"at 0"en t"e victims is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e, t"e perpetrators s"all be prosec!ted !nder Article
335, para+rap" 3, for rape and Article 336 of Act &o. 3:15, as amended, t"e 3evised %enal /ode, for rape or lascivio!s cond!ct, as
t"e case may be5 %rovided, -"at t"e penalty for lascivio!s cond!ct 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e s"all be
recl!sion temporal in its medi!m periodB )2talics in t"e ori+inal, emp"asis and !nderscorin+ s!pplied*
As Section 10 refers to acts of child abuse prejudicial to the child@s development ot"er t"an child prostitution and other sexual abuse
Section 5, attempt to commit c"ild prostit!tion,
c"ild traffic(in+,
attempt to commit c"ild traffic(in+,
and obscene p!blications and indecent
t"e /o!rt of Appeals did not commit +rave ab!se of discretion in "oldin+ t"at S1 1 1 Nse1!al ab!se? Jas defined !nder Section 5K 1 1 1
is a completely distinct and separate offense from Nc"ild ab!se? Jas defined !nder Section 10K.S
/onsens!al se1!al interco!rse or even acts of lascivio!sness 0it" a minor 0"o is 1, years old or older co!ld constit!te a violation of Section
5)b* of 3.A. &o. D610. or Section 5)b* p!nis"es se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct not only 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion b!t also
0it" a c"ild s!b6ected to ot"er se1!al ab!se.
Section ,)+* of t"e 3!les and 3e+!lations on t"e 3eportin+ and 2nvesti+ation of /"ild Ab!se /ases, prom!l+ated to implement 3.A. &o. D610,
defines Sse1!al ab!seS as incl!din+ St"e employment, !se, pers!asion, ind!cement, enticement or coercion of a c"ild to en+a+e in, or assist
anot"er person to en+a+e in, se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct or t"e molestation, prostit!tion, or incest 0it" c"ildren.S )Enderscorin+
or consensual se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct 0it" a minor, 0"o is not e1ploited in prostit!tion, to t"!s fall 0it"in t"e p!rvie0 of
Section 5)b* of 3.A. &o. D610, Spers!asion, ind!cement, enticement or coercionS of t"e c"ild m!st be present.
2n People v. ,arin,
t"e information alle+ed t"at t"e t"erein acc!sed too( advanta+e of "is a!t"ority, infl!ence, and moral ascendancy as
trainor<s0immin+ instr!ctor of t"e minor victim
0"ic" t"e /o!rt fo!nd constit!ted Spsyc"olo+ical coercion.S
2n convictin+ t"e t"erein acc!sed
for lascivio!s acts, t"e /o!rt "eld5
2t m!st be noted t"at J3ep!blic Act &o. D610K covers not only a sit!ation in 0"ic" a c"ild is ab!sed for profit, b!t also one in 0"ic" a
c"ild, t"ro!+" 1o&'12on o' 2n02:2da02on , en+a+es in any lascivio!s cond!ct .
)Emp"asis and !nderscorin+ s!pplied*
And even in -alto v. People
0"erein t"e acc!sed 0as convicted for violation of Section 5)b* of 3.A. &o. D610, t"e information alle+ed, and
t"e prosec!tion proved, t"at t"e t"erein acc!sed 0"o 0as t"e minor?s professor obtained t"e minor?s consent by ta(in+ advanta+e of "is
relations"ip and moral ascendancy to e1ert infl!ence on "er.
2n t"e case at bar, even if respondent 0ere c"ar+ed !nder Section 5)b*, instead of Section 10)a*, respondent 0o!ld 6!st t"e same "ave been
ac$!itted as t"ere 0as no alle+ation t"at an element of t"e offense Q coercion or infl!ence or intimidation Q attended its commission.
2n li+"t of t"e fore+oin+ dis$!isition, t"e petition is DENIED.
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
2 attest t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion
of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
Associate #!stice
%!rs!ant to Section 13, Article H222 of t"e /onstit!tion, and t"e Division /"airperson?s Attestation, it is "ereby certified t"at t"e concl!sions in
t"e above Decision 0ere reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
/"ief #!stice


P & 0 2 0 2 o n & ',

- versus -

R & ( = o n d & n 0.

G.R. No. 1,--18




A='2< .5, .44,
1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1



-"is is a petition for revie0 on certiorari assailin+ t"e Decision J1K of t"e /o!rt of Appeals 0"ic" affirmed t"e Decision J,K of
t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt of 7lon+apo /ity , 'ranc" D,, and its 3esol!tion J3K denyin+ petitionerTs motion for reconsideration.

7n ,1 #!ly 199D , petitioner 0as c"ar+ed 0it" violation of Section 5)b*, Article 222 of 3ep!blic Act &o. D610, in an 2nformation
0orded as follo0s5

-"at on or abo!t t"e ,D
day of #!ne, 199D, and on dates prior t"ereto, at'r+y. /alapandayan, in t"e
=!nicipality of S!bic, %rovince of 9ambales, %"ilippines, and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, t"e said
acc!sed, 0it" le0d desi+n, and by means of force, intimidation and t"reats, did t"en and t"ere 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and
felonio!sly, commit acts of lascivio!s cond!ct 0it" one Mristine #oy =os$!era, a minor of ei+"t ):* years old, by t"en and
t"ere to!c"in+, mas"in+ and playin+ "er breast, a+ainst "er 0ill and consent, to t"e dama+e and pre6!dice of t"e latter. J4K

Epon arrai+nment, petitioner pleaded T&7- GE2@-G. -rial on t"e merits ens!ed t"ereafter. -"e prosec!tion presented as
0itnesses )1* t"e complainant "erself, Mristine #oy =os$!eraB ),* complainantTs mot"er, Gnelida Gallardo =os$!eraB and )3* Department of
Social >elfare and Development )DS>D* psyc"olo+ist @!crecia /r!.. %etitioner, on t"e ot"er "and, 0aived "is ri+"t to present
evidence J5K after "is dem!rrer to evidence J6K 0as denied by t"e trial co!rt. JDK

-"e facts, as appreciated by t"e trial co!rt, are as follo0s5

Mristine #oy =os$!era 0as ei+"t years old on ,D #!ne 199D , J:K "avin+ celebrated "er ei+"t" year t"e day before. A +rade 222
st!dent, s"e 0as 0al(in+ to sc"ool )0"ic" 0as 6!st a s"ort distance from "er "o!se* at aro!nd seven ocloc( in t"e mornin+ 0"en s"e 0as
met by petitioner 0"o emer+ed from "idin+ from a nearby store. %etitioner and Mristine #oy 0ere nei+"bors. %etitioner approac"ed Mristine
#oy, to!c"ed "er "ead, placed "is "and on "er s"o!lder 0"ere it t"en moved do0n to to!c" "er breast several times. %etitioner t"ereafter
told Mristine #oy not to report to anybody 0"at "e did to "er.

-"is 0as not t"e first time t"at t"e incident "appened as petitioner "ad done t"is several times in t"e past, even 0"en Mristine #oy
0as still in Grade 22. Io0ever, it 0as only d!rin+ t"is last incident t"at Mristine #oy finally told somebody T "er +randmot"er, 0"o immediately
tal(ed to Gnelida=os$!era, Mristine #oyTs mot"er.

=rs. =os$!era conferred 0it" Mristine #oy 0"o said t"at petitioner 0o!ld sometimes even insert "is "and !nder "er s"irt to
caress "er breast. =ot"er and c"ild t"en reported t"e matter to t"ebaran+ay. rom t"e baran+ay, t"e case 0as referred to t"e DS>D t"en
to t"e %olice Department of S!bic, 9ambales.

7n 0D &ovember 199D, Mristine #oy 0as seen by a psyc"olo+ist, 0itness @!crecia /r!., 0"o reported t"at Mristine #oy 0as a
victim of se1!al ab!se and 0as s"o0in+ !n!s!al be"avior as a res!lt t"ereof. Amon+ ot"er t"in+s, =s. /r!. detected in t"e ei+"t8year old
c"ild feelin+s of insec!rity, an+er, an1iety and depression. G!ilt feelin+s 0ere also noted. All in all, Mristine #oy appeared on t"e s!rface to
be a c"ild 0it" normal be"avior despite t"e e1perience, b!t on a deeper level, s"e developed a fear of +oin+ to sc"ool as petitioner mi+"t
a+ain be "idin+ in t"e store 0aitin+ for "er. S"e 0as deeply bot"ered d!rin+ t"e intervie0 and even !ttered
T Nahihi"a ao sam%a ma%ulan% o at uncle o baa tusuhin aon% bobo na hindi o a%ad sinabi.

Mristine #oy contin!ed +oin+ to sc"ool, b!t t"is time accompanied al0ays by an ad!lt relative.

7n ,, September 1999 , t"e trial co!rt rendered its decision, t"e dispositive portion of 0"ic" reads5

>IE3E73E, in vie0 of t"e fore+oin+ considerations, t"e /o!rt finds t"e acc!sed Alvin Amployo
GE2@-G beyond reasonable do!bt of t"e crime of /"ild Ab!se defined !nder Section 5 )b* of 3ep!blic Act D610 and
"ereby sentences "im to 3ecl!sion -emporal in its medi!m period or 7E3-EE& )14* GEA3S, E2GI- ):* =7&-IS and
7&E )1* DAG -7 SEHE&-EE& )1D* GEA3S and to pay t"e costs. J9K

-"e /o!rt of Appeals, as adverted to earlier, affirmed t"e Decision of t"e trial co!rt by dismissin+ petitionerTs appeal for lac(
of merit. Epon motion for reconsideration, "o0ever, t"e /o!rt of Appeals modified its r!lin+ relative to t"e penalty imposed, t"!s5

>IE3E73E, t"e motion for reconsideration is DE&2ED. Io0ever, t"e penalty is =7D22ED s!c" t"at
acc!sed8appellant is sentenced to imprisonment of t0elve )1,* years and one )1* day of reclusion temporal, as minim!m,
to fifteen )15* years, si1 )6* mont"s and t0enty ),0* days of reclusion temporal, as ma1im!m. J10K

Ience, t"e instant petition, t"e follo0in+ iss!es "avin+ been presented for resol!tion5
>IE-IE3 73 &7- -IE I7&73A'@E /7E3- 7 A%%EA@S E33ED 2& /7&H2/-2&G IE3E2&
%E-2-27&E3 7 A/-S 7 @AS/2H27ES&ESS 2& 3E@A-27& -7 SE/. )5* A3-2/@E 222 7 3A &7. D610 DES%2-E
-IA- -IE A/-EA@ =2@2EE &EGA-ES -IE SA=E


>IE-IE3 -IE A@@EGED A/- 7 IE3E2& %E-2-27&E3 /7&S-2-E-ES A/-S 7 @AS/2H27ES&ESS AS
%E&A@29ED E&DE3 SE/ )5* A3-2/@E 222 7 3A &7. D610

-"e first iss!e basically $!estions t"e s!fficiency of t"e evidence add!ced to prove acts of lascivio!sness !nder Article 336 of t"e
3evised %enal /ode )3%/*. Accordin+ to petitioner, t"e prosec!tion failed to prove beyond reasonable do!bt all t"e elements of said crime,
partic!larly t"e element of le0d desi+n.

7n t"e second iss!e, petitioner contends t"at even ass!min+ t"at t"e acts imp!ted to "im amo!nt to lascivio!s cond!ct, t"e
res!ltant crime is only acts of lascivio!sness !nder Article 336 of t"e 3%/ and not c"ild ab!se !nder Section 5)b* of 3ep. Act &o. D610 as
t"e elements t"ereof "ave not been proved.

3ep. Act &o. D610, t"e TSpecial %rotection of /"ildren A+ainst /"ild Ab!se, E1ploitation and Discrimination Act, defines
se1!al ab!se of c"ildren and prescribes t"e penalty t"erefor in its Article 222, Section 55

SE/. 5. Child Prostitution and *ther 0exual (buse. $ /"ildren, 0"et"er male or female, 0"o for money, profit,
or any ot"er consideration or d!e to t"e coercion or infl!ence of any ad!lt, syndicate or +ro!p, ind!l+e in se1!al
interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct, are deemed to be c"ildren e1ploited in prostit!tion and ot"er se1!al ab!se.

-"e penalty of reclusion temporal in its medi!m period to reclusion perpetua s"all be imposed !pon t"e

)a* . . .

)b* T6o(& ?6o 1o::20 06& a10 o> se1!al interco!rse or <a(12%2o)( 1ond)10 ?206 a 162<d e1ploited in
prostit!tion or ()8C&10&d 0o o06&' (&@)a< a8)(&5 Provided, T6a0 ?6&n 06& %2102: 2( )nd&' 0?&<%& *1.+ ;&a'(
o> a3&, 06& =&'=&0'a0o'( (6a<< 8& ='o(&1)0&d )nd&' Article 335, para+rap" 3, for rape and A'021<& 5 o> A10
No. 81,, a( a:&nd&d, 06& R&%2(&d P&na< Cod&, for rape or <a(12%2o)( 1ond)10 as t"e case may
be5 Provided, -"at t"e penalty for lascivio!s cond!ct 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e s"all
be reclusion temporal in its medi!m periodB . . .

-"!s, p!rs!ant to t"e fore+oin+ provision, before an acc!sed can be convicted of c"ild ab!se t"ro!+" lascivio!s cond!ct on a
minor belo0 1, years of a+e, t"e re$!isites for acts of lascivio!sness !nder Article 336 of t"e 3%/ m!st be met in addition to t"e re$!isites
for se1!al ab!se !nder Section 5 of 3ep. Act &o. D610.

1irst #ssue>

Article 336 of t"e 3%/ on Acts of @ascivio!sness "as for its elements t"e follo0in+5

)1* -"at t"e offender commits any act of lascivio!sness or le0dnessB

),* -"at it is done !nder any of t"e follo0in+ circ!mstances5
a. 'y !sin+ force or intimidationB or
b. >"en t"e offended party is deprived of reason or ot"er0ise !nconscio!sB or
c. >"en t"e offended party is !nder 1, years of a+eB and

)3* -"at t"e offended party is anot"er person of eit"er se1. J11K

-"e presence of t"e second element is not in disp!te, t"at is, Mristine #oy 0as belo0 1, years old on t"e material date set in t"e
information. 2t is t"e presence of t"e first element 0"ic" petitioner c"allen+es, claimin+ t"at le0d desi+n "as not been proved beyond
reasonable do!bt.

-"e term Tle0d is commonly defined as somet"in+ indecent or obsceneB J1,K it is c"aracteri.ed by or intended to e1cite cr!de
se1!al desire. J13K -"at an acc!sed is entertainin+ a le0d or !nc"aste desi+n is necessarily a mental process t"e e1istence of 0"ic" can
be inferred by overt acts carryin+ o!t s!c" intention, i.e., by cond!ct t"at can only be interpreted as le0d or lascivio!s. -"e presence or
absence of le0d desi+ns is inferred from t"e nat!re of t"e acts t"emselves and t"e environmental circ!mstances. J14K >"at is or 0"at is
not le0d cond!ct, by its very nat!re, cannot be pi+eon"oled into a precise definition. As early as '.0. v. !ome/ J15K 0e "ad already
lamented t"at T

2t 0o!ld be some0"at diffic!lt to lay do0n any r!le specifically establis"in+ 6!st 0"at cond!ct ma(es one
amenable to t"e provisions of article 439 J16K of t"e %enal /ode. >"at constit!tes le0d or lascivio!s cond!ct m!st be
determined from t"e circ!mstances of eac" case. 2t may be $!ite easy to determine in a partic!lar case t"at certain acts
are le0d and lascivio!s, and it may be e1tremely diffic!lt in anot"er case to say 6!st 0"ere t"e line of demarcation lies
bet0een s!c" cond!ct and t"e amoro!s advances of an ardent lover.

2n "erein case, petitioner ar+!es t"at le0d desi+n cannot be inferred from "is cond!ct firstly beca!se t"e alle+ed act occ!rred at
aro!nd seven ocloc( in t"e mornin+, in a street very near t"e sc"ool 0"ere people abo!nd, t"!s, "e co!ld not "ave been prompted by le0d
desi+n as "is "and merely slipped and accidentally to!c"ed Mristine #oyTs breast. !rt"ermore, "e co!ld not "ave been motivated by le0d
desi+n as t"e breast of an ei+"t year old is still very m!c" !ndeveloped, 0"ic" means to say t"ere 0as not"in+ to entice "im in t"e first
place. inally, ass!min+ t"at "e indeed intentionally to!c" Mristine #oyTs breast, it 0as merely to satisfy a silly 0"im follo0in+ a /o!rt of
Appeals r!lin+. J1DK

%etitionerTs ar+!ments cr!mble !nder t"e 0ei+"t of over0"elmin+ evidence a+ainst "im. >ell8settled is t"e r!le t"at fact!al
findin+s of t"e trial co!rt, partic!larly 0"en affirmed by t"e /o!rt of Appeals, are bindin+ on t"is /o!rt barrin+ arbitrariness and oversi+"t of
some fact or circ!mstance of 0ei+"t and s!bstance J1:K for 0"ic" t"ere are none in t"is case. 'esides, Mristine #oyTs testimony is indeed
0ort"y of f!ll fait" and credence as t"ere is no proof t"at s"e 0as motivated to falsely acc!se petitioner. -"!s, 0e stress ane0 t"at no
yo!n+ and decent +irl li(e Mristine #oy 0o!ld fabricate a story of se1!al ab!se, s!b6ect "erself to medical e1amination and !nder+o p!blic
trial, 0it" concomitant ridic!le and "!miliation, if s"e is not impelled by a sincere desire to p!t be"ind bars t"e person 0"o assa!lted
"er. J19K

/learly t"en, petitioner cannot ta(e ref!+e in "is version of t"e story as "e "as conveniently left o!t details 0"ic" ind!bitably prove
t"e presence of le0d desi+n. 2t 0o!ld "ave been easy to entertain t"e possibility t"at 0"at "appened 0as merely an accident if it only
"appened once. S!c" is not t"e case, "o0ever, as t"e very same petitioner did t"e very same act to t"e very same victim in t"e past. J,0K
=oreover, t"e incident co!ld never be labeled as accidental as petitionerTs "and did not 6!st slip from Mristine #oyTs s"o!lder to "er breast as
t"ere 0ere times 0"en "e 0o!ld to!c" "er breast from !nder "er s"irt. J,1K inally, t"e t"eory t"at 0"at "appened 0as accidental is belied
by petitioner "avin+ t"reatened Mristine #oy to (eep silent and not tell on "im. J,,K

As to petitionerTs ar+!ment t"at "!man e1perience ne+ates t"e presence of le0d desi+n as Mristine #oy "ad no developed
breasts 0it" 0"ic" to entice "im, s!ffice it to say t"at on t"e contrary, "!man e1perience "as ta!+"t !s painf!lly 0ell t"at se1!al miscond!ct
defies cate+ori.ation and 0"at mi+"t be an !n!s!al, !nli(ely or impossible se1!al cond!ct for most mi+"t very 0ell be t"e norm for some.

inally, 0e dismiss for bein+ atrocio!s t"e proposition t"at petitioner 0as not compelled by le0d desi+n as "e 0as merely
satisfyin+ a Tsilly 0"im. -errifyin+ an ei+"t8year old sc"ool +irl, ta(in+ advanta+e of "er tender a+e 0it" "is s"eer si.e, invadin+ "er privacy
and intimidatin+ "er into silence, in o!r boo(, can never be in satisfaction of a mere silly 0"im.

0econd #ssue>
%etitioner contends t"at ass!min+ "e is +!ilty of lascivio!s cond!ct, still "e can only be convicted !nder t"e 3%/ since "is
cond!ct does not amo!nt to se1!al ab!se as defined !nder Section 5)b*, Article 222 of 3ep. Act &o. D610.

-"e elements of se1!al ab!se !nder Section 5, Article 222 of 3ep. Act &o. D610 t"at m!st be proven in addition to t"e elements of
acts of lascivio!sness are t"e follo0in+5

)1* -"e acc!sed commits t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ctB

),* -"e said act is performed 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ected to ot"er se1!al ab!seB and

)3* -"e c"ild, 0"et"er male or female, is belo0 1: years of a+e. J,3K

-"e first element obtains. Section 3,, Article Z222 of t"e 2mplementin+ 3!les and 3e+!lations of 3ep. Act &o. D610 defines
lascivio!s cond!ct as follo0s5

*T+6& 2n0&n02ona< 0o)162n3, &206&' d2'&10<; o' 06'o)36 1<o062n3, o> 06&+enitalia, an!s, +roin, 8'&a(0,
inner t"i+", or b!ttoc(s, or t"e introd!ction of any ob6ect into t"e +enitalia, an!s or mo!t" of any person, 0"et"er of t"e
same or opposite se1, 0it" an intent to ab!se, "!miliate, "arass, de+rade or aro!se or +ratify t"e se1!al desire of any
person, bestiality, mast!rbation, lascivio!s e1"ibition of t"e +enitals or p!bic area of a person. 9Emphasis supplied:

Endo!btedly, based on t"e fore+oin+ definition, petitionerTs act of p!rposely to!c"in+ Mristine #oyTs breasts )sometimes !nder "er
s"irt* amo!nts to lascivio!s cond!ct.

-"e second element is li(e0ise present. As 0e observed in People v. ,arin, J,4K Section 5 of 3ep. Act &o. D610 does not merely
cover a sit!ation of a c"ild bein+ ab!sed for profit, b!t also one in 0"ic" a c"ild en+a+es in any lascivio!s cond!ct t"ro!+" coercion or
intimidation. As case la0 "as it, intimidation need not necessarily be irresistible. J,5K 2t is s!fficient t"at some comp!lsion e$!ivalent to
intimidation ann!ls or s!bd!es t"e free e1ercise of t"e 0ill of t"e offended party. J,6K -"is is especially tr!e in t"e case of yo!n+, innocent
and immat!re +irls 0"o co!ld not be e1pected to act 0it" e$!animity of disposition and 0it" nerves of steel. J,DK Go!n+ +irls cannot be
e1pected to act li(e ad!lts !nder t"e same circ!mstances or to "ave t"e co!ra+e and intelli+ence to disre+ard t"e t"reat. J,:K

2n t"is case, it is not "ard to ima+ine ei+"t8year old Mristine #oy bein+ intimidated by "er nei+"bor, a f!ll +ro0n ad!lt male, 0"o
constantly accosted "er 0"ile s"e 0as alone and on "er 0ay to sc"ool and 0"o consistently ordered "er not to report 0"at "e "ad been
doin+ to "er. -"at t"is c"ild 0as co0ed into silence and s!bmission and 0as tra!mati.ed in t"e process is reflected in t"e psyc"olo+ical
report J,9K made by t"e DS>D psyc"olo+ist, @!crecia /r!., t"e latter statin+ t"at5

'EIAH273 7'SE3HA-27&5

S!b6ect appeared (emp, fair comple1ion, attractive, 0earin+ 0"ite -8s"irt andmaon+ s"ort pants. S"e
J0asK observed to be cooperative, attentive and e1pressive.

2n an intervie0, s!b6ect disclosed t"at since s"e 0as in Grade 22 a certain AlvinAmployo a.(.a. -i(boy
0"o )sic* se1!ally molested "er. S"e narrated t"at "er private part 0as fondled for many times. -"e incident "appened
every time s"e 0ent to sc"ool in t"e mornin+, noontime and in t"e afternoon. -"e ab!ser "ide )sic* alon+ t"e store 0ay to
sc"ool. -"en s"e 0as t"reatened not to reveal to anybody especially to "er parents.

-ES- 3ESE@- A&D 2&-E3%3E-A-27&5

-est res!lt revealed t"at s!b6ect manifest an+er as s"e $!oted
T+!sto (oma(!lon+ si -i(boy n+ mata+al. 2ndicate stron+ fear, an1iety, poor concentration, ni+"tmare, s"ame and
a!ditory "all!cination. 2mplies lo0 self8esteem as s"e $!oted Tmadumi na an% sarili o, nahihi"a ao sa ma%ulan% o at
'ncle o baa tusuhinaon% bobo na hindi o a%ad sinabi.

2ndicate t"at s!b6ect dist!rbed to0ards past as s"e $!oted T an% masidhin% ala$
ala n% ain% amusmusan a" "on% pan%hihipo ni 2ibo". -"!s, s!b6ect aimin+ t"at -i(boy be p!t to 6ail.

/ASE SE==A3G A&D 3E/7==E&DA-27&5

2n s!mmary, Mristine #oy =os$!era is a victim of se1!al molestation committed by a certain
Alvin Amployo or -i(boy. S!b6ect 0as +reatly affected psyc"olo+ically and emotionally. -"!s, s!b6ect manifest from )sic*
an+er, an1iety, poor concentration, ni+"tmare, s"ame, a!ditory "all!cination and lo0 self8esteem. S"e is deeply
depressed and s!ffer from tra!matic se1!ali.ation. rom psyc"ot"erape!tic point of vie0 s!b6ect needs constant
co!nselin+ to overcome "er presented )sic* crisis. -o assist t"e s!b6ect to ventilate "er ambivalent feelin+. -o restore
moral val!es, improve "er self8esteem and en"ance "er emotional and social f!nctionin+.

As to t"e t"ird element, t"ere is no disp!te t"at Mristine #oy is a minor, as s"e 0as only ei+"t years old at t"e time of t"e incident
in $!estion.

inally, 0e note t"at no a0ard for moral dama+es 0as made by bot" t"e trial co!rt and t"e /o!rt of Appeals despite t"e fact t"at
t"e mental an+!is" s!ffered by Mristine #oy on acco!nt of "er "arro0in+ e1perience is spread all over t"e records of t"e case and "as been
0ell doc!mented by t"e psyc"olo+ist 0"o e1amined "er as reflected in "er report $!oted above. At t"e ris( of bein+ repetitive, proof of
Mristine #oyTs mental an+!is", 0o!nded feelin+s and social "!miliation finds an e1press o!tlet in "er 0ords5
T madumi na an% sarili o, nahihi"a ao sa ma%ulan% o at 'ncle obaa tusuhin aon% bobo na hindi o a%ad sinabi and T an% masidhin%
ala$ala n% ain%amusmusan a" "on% pan%hihipo ni 2ibo". >e t"erefore modify t"e r!lin+ of t"e /o!rt of Appeals by a0ardin+ moral
dama+es to Mristine #oy in t"e amo!nt of -0enty -"o!sand %esos )%,0,000.00* p!rs!ant to Article ,,19 of t"e /ivil /ode. J30K

Additionally, 0e find relevant to disc!ss "ere t"e case of People v. 0olmoro J31K 0"erein 0e declared t"at !pon a findin+ of +!ilt of
t"e acc!sed for acts of lascivio!sness, t"e amo!nt of %30,000.00 as moral dama+es may be f!rt"er a0arded to t"e victim in t"e same 0ay
t"at moral dama+es are a0arded to victims of rape even 0it"o!t need of proof beca!se it is ass!med t"at t"ey s!ffered moral in6!ry.
/onsiderin+ t"at t"e crime of acts of lascivio!sness or abusosdishonestos is necessarily incl!ded in rape J3,K and bot" cases involve se1!al
assa!lt albeit in different de+rees, t"e rationale for fore+oin+ 0it" proof of moral dama+es in rape cases applies 0it" e$!al force to crimes of
acts of lascivio!sness, t"e rationale bein+5

7ne ot"er co+nate development in t"e case la0 on rape is applicable to t"e present disposition. -"e
/o!rt "as also resolved t"at in crimes of rape, s!c" as t"at !nder consideration, moral dama+es may additionally be
a0arded to t"e victim in t"e criminal proceedin+, in s!c" amo!nt as t"e /o!rt deems 6!st, 0it"o!t t"e need for pleadin+ or
proof of t"e basis t"ereof as "as "eretofore been t"e practice. 2ndeed, t"e conventional re$!irement of alle%ata et
probate in civil proced!re and for essentially civil cases s"o!ld be dispensed 0it" in criminal prosec!tions for rape 0it"
t"e civil aspect incl!ded t"erein, since no appropriate pleadin+s are filed 0"erein s!c" alle+ations can be made.

/orollarily, t"e fact t"at complainant "as s!ffered t"e tra!ma of mental, p"ysical and psyc"olo+ical
s!fferin+s 0"ic" constit!te t"e bases for moral dama+es are too obvio!s to still re$!ire t"e recital t"ereof at t"e trial by t"e
victim, since t"e /o!rt itself even ass!mes and ac(no0led+es s!c" a+ony on "er part as a +a!+e of "er credibility. >"at
e1ists by necessary implication as bein+ inel!dibly present in t"e case need not +o t"ro!+" t"e s!perfl!ity of still bein+
proved t"ro!+" a testimonial c"arade. J33K

2t does not end t"ere. 2n People v. (badies, J34K and 0it" respect specifically to lascivio!s cond!ct amo!ntin+ to c"ild ab!se
!nder Section 5)b* of 3ep. Act &o. D610, 0e imposed a fine of %30,000 for eac" co!nt of lascivio!s cond!ct in addition to t"e a0ard of
moral dama+es on t"e 6!stification t"at T

2t 0ill be noted t"at Section 5, Article 22 of 3ep!blic Act &o. D610 provides for t"e penalty of
imprisonment. &evert"eless, Section 31)f*, Article Z22 )/ommon %enal %rovisions* t"ereof allo0s t"e imposition of a fine
s!b6ect to t"e discretion of t"e co!rt, provided t"at t"e same is to be administered as a cas" f!nd by t"e Department of
Social >elfare and Development and disb!rsed for t"e re"abilitation of eac" c"ild victim, or any immediate member of "is
family if t"e latter is t"e perpetrator of t"e offense. -"is provision is in accord 0it" Article 39 of t"e /onvention on t"e
3i+"ts of t"e /"ild, to 0"ic" t"e %"ilippines became a party on A!+!st ,1, 1990, 0"ic" stresses t"e d!ty of states parties
to ens!re t"e p"ysical and psyc"olo+ical recovery and social reinte+ration of ab!sed and e1ploited c"ildren in an
environment 0"ic" fosters t"eir self8respect and "!man di+nity.

>it" t"e case of (badies as +!idepost, 0e impose a fine of ifteen -"o!sand %esos )%15,000.00* on petitioner.

>IE3E73E, premises considered, t"e 3esol!tion of t"e /o!rt of Appeals modifyin+ t"e Decision of t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt
of 7lon+apo /ity, 'ranc" D,, findin+ acc!sed8petitioner A@H2& A=%@7G7" E'A@ADA alias T-2M'7G +!ilty beyond reasonable do!bt of
violation of 3ep!blic Act &o. D610, and sentencin+ "im to s!ffer t"e penalty of t0elve )1,* years and one )1* day of reclusion temporal, as
minim!m, to fifteen )15* years, si1 )6* mont"s and t0enty ),0* days of reclusion temporal, as ma1im!m is A23=ED 0it" t"e
=7D22/A-27& t"at petitioner is "ereby ordered to pay a fine of ifteen -"o!sand %esos )%15,000.00* and moral dama+es in t"e amo!nt
of -0enty -"o!sand %esos )%,0,000.00*. &o costs.

S7 73DE3ED.

Associate #!stice

>E /7&/E35

3EG&A-7 S. %E&7
Associate #!stice

Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice

A((o12a0& #)(021&


2 attest t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision 0ere reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter
of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rtTs Division.

Associate #!stice
/"airman, Second Division


%!rs!ant to Article H222, Section 13 of t"e /onstit!tion, and t"e Division /"airmanTs Attestation, it is "ereby certified t"at t"e
concl!sions in t"e above Decision 0ere reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rtTs

I2@A327 G. DAH2DE, #3.
/"ief #!stice


G.R. No. 1851/


8 vers!s 8



/A3%27, J.,
HE@AS/7, #3.,
&A/IE3A, and
%E3A@-A, JJ.


7ctober 13, ,009




7n appeal before !s is t"e #an!ary 31, ,00: /o!rt of Appeals )/A* Decision
in /A8G.3. /3 &o. 30045 affirmin+ 0it" modification t"e
ebr!ary 14, ,006 3e+ional -rial /o!rt
)3-/* /onsolidated #!d+ment
a+ainst appellant Salvino S!min+0a in /riminal /ase &os. 1644 and
1645 for (cts of ,asciviousnessB 1646, 1649 and 1654 for 3apeB 1651 for (ttempted 3apeB and 1655 for 'njust 6exation. Assailed also is t"e
#!ne 5, ,00: /A 3esol!tion
denyin+ appellant?s motion for reconsideration.

2n t0elve 2nformations, t"e prosec!tion c"ar+ed appellant 0it" t0o ),* co!nts of Acts of @ascivio!sness,
fo!r )4* co!nts of 3ape,
t"ree )3* co!nts of En6!st He1ation,
one )1* co!nt of 7t"er @i+"t -"reats,
one )1* co!nt of =altreatment,
and one )1* co!nt of Attempted
for acts committed a+ainst "is minor
da!+"ter AAA from 19998,001.

Appellant pleaded Anot +!iltyC to all t"e c"ar+es. 7n September ,4, ,004, t"e 3-/ dismissed
/riminal /ase &os. 164D for 3apeB
164: for En6!st He1ationB 1650 for 7t"er @i+"t -"reatsB 165, for En6!st He1ationB and 1653 for =altreatment, on t"e basis of t"e Dem!rrer to
filed by appellant.

Sometime in A!+!st 1999, bet0een :500 and 10500 in t"e mornin+, AAA, to+et"er 0it" "er brot"ers and "er fat"er, appellant "erein,
0as in t"eir residence in =o!ntain %rovince, 0atc"in+ television. Appellant called AAA and ordered "er to sit in front of "im. As s"e 0as
sittin+, appellant told "er t"at it 0as not +ood for a +irl to "ave small breasts. S!ddenly, "e inserted "is "ands into AAA?s s"irt t"en fondled
"er breast. AAA resisted by movin+ "er "ands bac(0ards.

7ne afternoon in September 1999, AAA?s mot"er and brot"ers 0ent to sc"ool leavin+ AAA and appellant in t"eir "o!se. >"ile in t"e
master?s bedroom, appellant ordered AAA to 6oin "im inside. -"ere, appellant removed "is !nder+arments t"en forced "er to +rasp and fondle
"is penis !ntil "e e6ac!lated. Appellant t"ereafter told "er not to be malicio!s abo!t it.

-"e same incident too( place in A!+!st ,000. -"is time, appellant forced AAA to lie do0n on t"e bed, 0ent on top of "er, removed "er
s"ort pants and panty, t"en r!bbed "is penis a+ainst "er va+inal orifice. AAA resisted by crossin+ "er le+s b!t appellant lifted "er ri+"t le+ and
partially inserted "is penis into "er va+ina. As s"e str!++led, appellant stood !p t"en e6ac!lated. AAA felt n!mbness on "er b!ttoc(s after t"e
bestial act committed a+ainst "er.

Appellant repeated "is dastardly act a+ainst AAA on separate occasions in September and &ovember ,000. D!rin+ t"ese times,
appellant satisfied "imself by r!bbin+ "is penis a+ainst AAA?s va+ina 0it"o!t tryin+ to penetrate it. After reac"in+ t"e top of "is l!st, "e !sed
AAA?s s"ort pants to 0ipe "is mess. 2nstead of (eepin+ "er "arro0in+ e1perience to "erself, AAA narrated it to "er best friend.

7n &ovember ,4, ,000, appellant approac"ed AAA and told "er t"at "e 0anted to "ave se1 0it" "er. >"en s"e ref!sed, appellant
forcibly removed "er pants and bo1ed "er ri+"t b!ttoc(. AAA still ref!sed, 0"ic" an+ered appellant. Ie t"en 0ent to t"e (itc"en and ret!rned
0it" a bolo 0"ic" "e !sed in t"reatenin+ "er. @!c(ily, AAA?s +randmot"er arrived, promptin+ appellant to desist from "is beastly desires.

7n December ,0, ,000, AAA and "er best friend 0ere doin+ t"eir sc"ool 0or( in front of t"e former?s "o!se. >"en appellant arrived,
"e embraced AAA. Ie, t"ereafter, p!lled "er inside t"e "o!se and (issed "er on t"e lips.

-"e last incident occ!rred inside t"e comfort room of t"eir "o!se on =ay ,D, ,001. >"en AAA entered, appellant p!lled do0n "er s"ort
pants and panty, !n.ipped "is tro!sers, bro!+"t o!t "is penis, t"en repeatedly r!bbed it on "er va+ina 0"ile t"ey 0ere in a standin+ position.

AAA decided to report t"e se1!al ab!ses to "er +randmot"er 0"o fort"0it" bro!+"t "er to t"e &ational '!rea! of 2nvesti+ation 0"ere
s"e 0as e1amined by t"e medico8le+al officer. 2t 0as fo!nd d!rin+ t"e e1amination t"at t"ere 0ere no e1tra+enital p"ysical in6!ries on AAA?s
body b!t t"ere 0ere old, "ealed, and incomplete "ymenal lacerations.

Appellant denied all t"e acc!sations a+ainst "im. Ie claimed t"at in A!+!st and September 1999, "e 0as at t"e "o!se of "is mistress
in Antipolo /ity. Ie also e1plained t"at in A!+!st ,000, "e stayed in 'a+!io /ity and 0or(ed t"ere as a (arate instr!ctor. Ie added t"at "e
only 0ent "ome in September ,000 b!t left a+ain in 7ctober for F!irino, 2locos S!r 0"ere "e stayed for t"ree 0ee(s. >"en "e 0ent bac(
"ome, "is 0ife informed "im t"at AAA "ad not been comin+ "ome. -"ereafter, appellant 0ent to 'a+!io /ity to b!y medicine for "is 0ife, t"en
ret!rned "ome a+ain on t"e t"ird 0ee( of December ,000. >"ile t"ere, "e 0as confronted by "is 0ife abo!t "is Iis 0ife +ot
mad and ref!sed to for+ive "im despite "is repeated pleas. /onse$!ently, "e became f!rio!s and almost c"o(ed "is 0ife to deat" 0"en s"e
i+nored and ref!sed to tal( to "im. -"is prompted "im to leave and +o bac( to 'a+!io.

Sometime in April ,001, appellant 0ent bac( "ome to reconcile 0it" "is 0ife. >"ile tal(in+ to "is 0ife and t"e latter?s family, "is
mot"er8in8la0 berated "im and demanded "is separation from "is 0ife. Appellant +ot mad and t"reatened to (ill "is 0ife?s family. Iis mot"er8
in8la0, in t!rn, t"reatened to file c"ar+es a+ainst "im.

-o belie t"e claim of AAA t"at s"e 0as se1!ally ab!sed in A!+!st, &ovember and December ,000, alle+edly d!rin+ sc"ool "o!rs, "er
teac"er testified t"at t"e former 0as not absent in class d!rin+ t"ose times.

7n &ovember ,4, ,004, AAA e1ec!ted an Affidavit of 3ecantation
claimin+ t"at 0"ile appellant indeed committed lascivio!s acts
a+ainst "er, s"e e1a++erated "er acc!sations a+ainst "im. S"e e1plained t"at appellant did not act!ally rape "er, as t"ere 0as no
penetration. S"e added t"at s"e c"ar+ed appellant 0it" s!c" crimes only !pon t"e proddin+ of "er mot"er and maternal +randmot"er.

7n ebr!ary 14, ,006, t"e 3-/ rendered a decision convictin+ appellant of si1 )6* co!nts of acts of lascivio!sness,
one )1* co!nt of
attempted rape
and one )1* co!nt of !n6!st ve1ation,
t"e dispositive portion of 0"ic" reads5

>IE3E73E, a /onsolidated #!d+ment is "ereby rendered sentencin+ Salvino S!min+0a to s!ffer Q

1. -"e penalty of si1 )6* mont"s of Jarresto ma"orK as minim!m to si1 )6* years of Jprision correccionalK as
ma1im!mB and orderin+ "im to pay t"e offended party %10,000.00 JasK indemnity Jex$delictoK,%10,000.00 as moral
dama+es and %5,000.00 as e1emplary dama+es for eac" co!nt of Acts of @ascivio!sness c"ar+ed in /rim. /ases 1644,
1645, 1646, 1649 and 1654B

,. -"e penalty of si1 )6* years of Jprision correccionalK as minim!m to t0elve )1,* years of Jprision ma"orK as
ma1im!mB and orderin+ said offender to pay t"e victim %15,000.00 as indemnity Jex$delictoK,%15,000.00 as moral
dama+es and %10,000.00 as e1emplary dama+es in /rim. /ase 1651 for Attempted 3apeB and

3. -"e penalty of t"irty )30* days of Jarresto menorK and fine of %,00.00 for En6!st He1ation in /rim. /ase 1655.

S7 73DE3ED.

-"e trial co!rt +ave credence to AAA?s testimonies on t"e alle+ed lascivio!s acts committed a+ainst "er. 2n vie0 of t"e 0it"dra0al of
"er earlier claim of t"e fact of penetration, t"e co!rt s!stained t"e innocence of appellant on t"e rape c"ar+es and concl!ded t"at t"e crime
committed 0as only Acts of @ascivio!sness.

2n /riminal /ase &o. 1651, t"e 3-/ fo!nd t"at appellant committed all t"e acts of e1ec!tion of t"e crime of 3ape, b!t failed to
cons!mmate it beca!se of t"e arrival of AAA?s +randmot"er. Ience, "e 0as convicted of attempted rape. 2n embracin+ and (issin+ AAA in
f!ll vie0 of t"e latter?s best friend, appellant 0as convicted of En6!st He1ation.

7n appeal, t"e /A affirmed t"e conviction of appellant, e1cept t"at in /riminal /ase &o. 1646B it convicted "im of F!alified 3ape
instead of Acts of @ascivio!sness. -"e pertinent portion of t"e assailed decision reads5

DHEREFORE, premises considered, "erein appeal is "ereby DISMISSED for evident lac( of merit and t"e
assailed /onsolidated #!d+ment dated 14 ebr!ary ,006 is "ereby AFFIRMED ?206 06& >o<<o?2n3 MODIFICATION5

1. -"e Appellant SA@H2&7 SE=2&G>A is "ereby convicted of t"e crime of EUALIFIED
RAPE in C'2:2na< Ca(& No. 15!5 and t"e penalty of RECLUSION PERPETUA is "ereby imposed
!pon "im. -"e Appellant is li(e0ise ordered to pay t"e Hictim, JAAAK, civil indemnity in t"e amo!nt of
%"pD5,000.00 as 0ell as moral dama+es in t"e amo!nt of %"p50,000.00, in conformity 0it" prevailin+

,. 2n C'2:2na< Ca(& No. 15,1 for Attempted 3ape, t"e Appellant, is "ereby ordered to indemnify t"e victim
JAAAK in t"e s!m of %30,000.00 as civil indemnity, pl!s t"e s!m of %,5,000.00 as moral dama+es.


-"e appellate co!rt concl!ded t"at, not0it"standin+ AAA?s retraction of "er previo!s testimonies, t"e prosec!tion s!fficiently
establis"ed t"e commission of t"e crime of 3ape. 2t added t"at t"e $!alifyin+ circ!mstances of minority and relations"ip 0ere ade$!ately

Ience, t"is appeal.

irst, in li+"t of t"e recantation of AAA, appellant $!estions t"e credibility of t"e prosec!tion 0itnesses and insists t"at "is
constit!tional ri+"t to be pres!med innocent be applied.
Second, "e ar+!es t"at in /riminal /ase &o. 1651 for Attempted 3ape, "e s"o!ld
only be convicted of Acts of @ascivio!sness, t"ere bein+ no overt act s"o0in+ t"e intent to "ave se1!al interco!rse.
@astly, "e insists t"at "e
co!ld not be convicted of all t"e c"ar+es a+ainst "im for fail!re of t"e prosec!tion to s"o0 t"at "e employed force, violence or intimidation
a+ainst AAAB neit"er did t"e latter offer resistance to appellant?s advances.

2n rape cases partic!larly, t"e conviction or ac$!ittal of t"e acc!sed most often depends almost entirely on t"e credibility of t"e
complainant?s testimony. 'y t"e very nat!re of t"is crime, it is +enerally !n0itnessed and !s!ally t"e victim is left to testify for "erself. >"en a
rape victim?s testimony is strai+"tfor0ard and mar(ed 0it" consistency despite +r!elin+ e1amination, it deserves f!ll fait" and confidence and
cannot be discarded.
2f s!c" testimony is clear, consistent and credible to establis" t"e crime beyond reasonable do!bt, a conviction may be
based on it, not0it"standin+ its s!bse$!ent retraction. =ere retraction by a prosec!tion 0itness does not necessarily vitiate "er ori+inal

A retraction is loo(ed !pon 0it" considerable disfavor by t"e co!rts.
2t is e1ceedin+ly !nreliable for t"ere is al0ays t"e probability
t"at s!c" recantation may later on be rep!diated. 2t can easily be obtained from 0itnesses t"ro!+" intimidation or monetary consideration.
@i(e any ot"er testimony, it is s!b6ect to t"e test of credibility based on t"e relevant circ!mstances and, especially, on t"e demeanor of t"e
0itness on t"e stand.

As correctly "eld by t"e /A, AAA?s testimony is credible not0it"standin+ "er s!bse$!ent retraction. >e $!ote 0it" approval its
ratiocination in t"is 0ise5

/learly, t"e retraction made by t"e Hictim is "eavily !nreliable. -"e primordial factor t"at impelled t"e Hictim to
retract t"e rape c"ar+es a+ainst "er fat"er 0as "er fear and concern for t"e 0elfare of "er family especially "er fo!r )4*
siblin+s. 2t does not +o a+ainst reason or lo+ic to concl!de t"at a da!+"ter, in "opes of brin+in+ bac( t"e "armony in "er
family tormented by t"e tra!ma of rape, 0o!ld event!ally cover for t"e dastardly acts committed by "er o0n fat"er. Herily,
t"e Hictim?s s!bse$!ent retraction does not ne+ate "er previo!s testimonies acco!ntin+ "er ordeal in t"e "ands for )sic*
"er rapist.

>e no0 proceed to disc!ss t"e specific crimes 0it" 0"ic" appellant 0as c"ar+ed.

#ri,inal #ase 1os. 16;63 16;9 and 164; +or /ape

-"e /A correctly convicted appellant of F!alified 3ape in /riminal /ase &o. 1646, and of Acts of @ascivio!sness in /riminal /ase &os.
1649 and 1654.

-"e crime of rape is defined in Article ,668A of t"e 3evised %enal /ode )3%/*, as amended by t"e Anti83ape @a0 of 199D, as

A3-. ,668A. 3ape, ;hen and +ow Committed. 8 3ape is committed Q

1. 'y a man 0"o s"all "ave carnal (no0led+e of a 0oman !nder any of t"e follo0in+ circ!mstances5

a. -"ro!+" force, t"reat or intimidation.

2n "er direct testimony, AAA stated t"at appellant removed "er s"ort pants and panty, 0ent on top of "er and r!bbed "is penis a+ainst "er
va+inal orifice. S"e resisted by crossin+ "er le+s b!t "er effort 0as not eno!+" to prevent appellant from p!llin+ "er le+ and event!ally
insertin+ "is penis into "er va+ina. /learly, t"ere 0as penetration.

2t is note0ort"y t"at appellant p!lled AAA?s le+, so t"at "e co!ld insert "is penis into "er va+ina. -"is ade$!ately s"o0s t"at
appellant employed force in order to accomplis" "is p!rpose. =oreover, in rape committed by a fat"er a+ainst "is o0n da!+"ter, t"e
former?s moral ascendancy and infl!ence over t"e latter may s!bstit!te for act!al p"ysical violence and intimidation. -"e moral and p"ysical
dominion of t"e fat"er is s!fficient to co0 t"e victim into s!bmission to "is beastly desires, and no f!rt"er proof need be s"o0n to prove lac( of
t"e victim?s consent to "er o0n defilement.

>"ile appellant?s conviction 0as primarily based on t"e prosec!tion?s testimonial evidence, t"e same 0as corroborated by p"ysical
evidence consistin+ of t"e medical findin+s of t"e medico8le+al officer t"at t"ere 0ere "ymenal lacerations. >"en a rape victim?s acco!nt is
strai+"tfor0ard and candid, and is corroborated by t"e medical findin+s of t"e e1aminin+ p"ysician, t"e same is s!fficient to s!pport a
conviction for rape.

Aside from t"e fact of commission of rape, t"e prosec!tion li(e0ise establis"ed t"at appellant is t"e biolo+ical fat"er of AAA and t"at
t"e latter 0as t"en fifteen )15*
years old. -"!s, t"e /A aptly convicted "im of $!alified rape, defined and penali.ed by Article ,668' of t"e
3%/, vi/.5

A3-. ,668'. Penalties. Q 1 1 1.

1 1 1 1

-"e deat" penalty s"all also be imposed if t"e crime of rape is committed 0it" any of t"e follo0in+
a++ravatin+<$!alifyin+ circ!mstances5

1* >"en t"e victim is !nder ei+"teen )1:* years of a+e and t"e offender is a parent, ascendant, step8parent,
+!ardian, relative by consan+!inity or affinity 0it"in t"e t"ird civil de+ree, or t"e common la0 spo!se of t"e parent of t"e

2n vie0 of t"e effectivity of 3ep!blic Act )3.A.* 9346, appellant 0as correctly meted t"e penalty of reclusion perpetua, 0it"o!t eli+ibility for

As to dama+es, appellant s"o!ld pay AAA %D5,000.00 as civil indemnity, 0"ic" is a0arded if t"e crime is $!alified by circ!mstances
t"at 0arrant t"e imposition of t"e deat" penalty.
2n li+"t of prevailin+ 6!rispr!dence,
0e increase t"e a0ard of moral dama+es
from %50,000.00 to %D5,000.00. !rt"er, t"e a0ard of e1emplary dama+es in t"e amo!nt of%30,000.00
is a!t"ori.ed d!e to t"e presence
of t"e $!alifyin+ circ!mstances of minority and relations"ip.

2n /riminal /ase &os. 1649 and 1654, alt"o!+" appellant 0as c"ar+ed 0it" $!alified rape alle+edly committed on t"e second 0ee(
of &ovember ,000 and =ay ,D, ,001, "e s"o!ld be convicted 0it" Acts of @ascivio!sness committed a+ainst a c"ild !nder Section 5)b*,
Article 222 of 3.A. D610,
0"ic" reads5

SE/. 5. Child Prostitution and *ther 0exual (buse. Q /"ildren, 0"et"er male or female, 0"o for money, profit,
or any ot"er consideration or due to the coercion or influence of an" adult, syndicate or +ro!p, ind!l+e in se1!al
interco!rse or lascivious conduct, are deemed to be c"ildren e1ploited in prostit!tion and ot"er se1!al ab!se.

-"e penalty of reclusion temporal in its medi!m period to reclusion perpetua s"all be imposed !pon t"e

1 1 1 1

)b* -"ose 0"o commit t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivious conduct 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in
prostit!tion or s!b6ected to ot"er se1!al ab!se5 Provided, -"at 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e, t"e
perpetrators s"all be prosec!ted !nder Article 335, para+rap" 3, for rape and Article 336 of Act &o. 3:15, as amended,
t"e 3evised %enal /ode, for rape or lascivio!s cond!ct, as t"e case may be5 Provided, -"at t"e penalty for lascivio!s
cond!ct 0"en t"e victim is !nder t0elve )1,* years of a+e s"all be reclusion temporal in its medi!m periodB 1 1 1. )2talics

-"e elements of se1!al ab!se !nder t"e above provision are as follo0s5

1. -"e acc!sed commits t"e act of se1!al interco!rse or lascivious conduct.

,. -"e said act is performed 0it" a c"ild e1ploited in prostit!tion or s!b6ected to ot"er se1!al ab!se.

3. -"e c"ild, 0"et"er male or female, is belo0 1: years of a+e.

AAA testified t"at in &ovember ,000, 0"ile s"e and appellant 0ere inside t"e bedroom, "e 0ent on top of "er and r!bbed "is penis
a+ainst "er va+inal orifice !ntil "e e6ac!lated.
S"e li(e0ise stated in open co!rt t"at on =ay ,D, ,001, 0"ile inside t"eir comfort room,
appellant r!bbed "is penis a+ainst "er va+ina 0"ile t"ey 0ere in a standin+ position.
2n bot" instances, t"ere 0as no penetration, or even an
attempt to insert "is penis into "er va+ina.

-"e aforesaid acts of t"e appellant are covered by t"e definitions of Ase1!al ab!seC and Alascivio!s cond!ctC !nder Section ,)+* and
)"* of t"e 3!les and 3e+!lations on t"e 3eportin+ and 2nvesti+ation of /"ild Ab!se /ases prom!l+ated to implement t"e provisions of 3.A.

)+* FS&@)a< a8)(&O incl!des t"e employment, !se, pers!asion, ind!cement, enticement or coercion of a c"ild to en+a+e
in, or assist anot"er person to en+a+e in, se1!al interco!rse or lascivio!s cond!ct or t"e molestation, prostit!tion, or
incest 0it" c"ildrenB

)"* FLa(12%2o)( 1ond)10O means t"e intentional to!c"in+, eit"er directly or t"ro!+" clot"in+, of t"e +enitalia, an!s,
+roin, breast, inner t"i+", or b!ttoc(s, or t"e introd!ction of any ob6ect into t"e +enitalia, an!s or mo!t", of any person,
0"et"er of t"e same or opposite se1, 0it" an intent to ab!se, "!miliate, "arass, de+rade, or aro!se or +ratify t"e se1!al
desire of any person, bestiality, mast!rbation, lascivio!s e1"ibition of t"e +enitals or p!blic area of a person.

ollo0in+ t"e Avariance doctrineC embodied in Section 4, in relation to Section 5, 3!le 1,0 of t"e 3!les of /riminal %roced!re,
appellant can be fo!nd +!ilty of t"e lesser crime of Acts of @ascivio!sness committed a+ainst a c"ild. -"e pertinent provisions read5

SE/. 4. Jud%ment in case of variance between alle%ation and proof. Q >"en t"ere is variance bet0een t"e
offense c"ar+ed in t"e complaint or information and t"at proved, and t"e offense as c"ar+ed is incl!ded in or necessarily
incl!des t"e offense proved, t"e acc!sed s"all be convicted of t"e offense proved 0"ic" is incl!ded in t"e offense
c"ar+ed, or of t"e offense c"ar+ed 0"ic" is incl!ded in t"e offense proved.

SE/. 5. ;hen an offense includes or is included in another. Q An offense c"ar+ed necessarily incl!des t"e
offense proved 0"en some of t"e essential elements or in+redients of t"e former, as alle+ed in t"e complaint or
information, constit!te t"e latter. And an offense c"ar+ed is necessarily incl!ded in t"e offense proved, 0"en t"e essential
in+redients of t"e former constit!te or form part of t"ose constit!tin+ t"e latter.

As t"e crime 0as committed by t"e fat"er of t"e offended party, t"e alternative circ!mstance of relations"ip s"o!ld be
appreciated. 2n crimes a+ainst c"astity, s!c" as Acts of @ascivio!sness, relations"ip is al0ays a++ravatin+.

Section 5)b* of 3.A. D610 prescribes t"e penalty of reclusion temporal in its medi!m period to reclusion perpetua. Since t"ere is an
a++ravatin+ circ!mstance and no miti+atin+ circ!mstance, t"e penalty s"all be applied in its ma1im!m period 888 reclusion perpetua for eac"

/onsistent 0it" previo!s r!lin+s
of t"e /o!rt, appellant m!st also indemnify AAA in t"e amo!nt of %15,000.00 as moral dama+es
and pay a fine in t"e same amo!nt in /riminal /ase &os. 1649 and 1654.

#ri,inal #ase 1os. 16;; and 16;4 +or A.ts o+ 9as.iviousness

Appellant is li(e0ise +!ilty of t0o ),* co!nts of Acts of @ascivio!sness !nder Section 5)b*, Article 222, 3.A. D610 committed a+ainst AAA
on t"e second 0ee( of A!+!st 1999 and on t"e first 0ee( of September 1999. AAA testified t"at in A!+!st, appellant, 0it" le0d desi+n,
inserted "is "ands inside "er s"irt t"en fondled "er breastsB and in September, "e forced "er to "old "is penis !ntil "e e6ac!lated.

-"e trial and t"e appellate co!rts 0ere correct in +ivin+ credence to t"e victim?s testimony, in dismissin+ appellant?s defense of denial
and alibi, and in disbelievin+ t"at AAA initiated t"e criminal cases only !pon t"e proddin+ of t"e latter?s +randmot"er. Settled 6!rispr!dence
tells !s t"at t"e mere denial of one?s involvement in a crime cannot ta(e precedence over t"e positive testimony of t"e offended party.

>e are not !nmindf!l of t"e fact t"at appellant 0as specifically c"ar+ed in an 2nformation for Acts of @ascivio!sness defined and
penali.ed by Article 336 of t"e 3%/. Io0ever, t"e fail!re to desi+nate t"e offense by stat!te, or to mention t"e specific provision
t"e act, or an erroneo!s specification of t"e la0 violated, does not vitiate t"e information if t"e facts alle+ed clearly recite t"e facts constit!tin+
t"e crime c"ar+ed.
-"e c"aracter of t"e crime is not determined by t"e caption or preamble of t"e information nor from t"e specification of
t"e provision of la0 alle+ed to "ave been violated, b!t by t"e recital of t"e !ltimate facts and circ!mstances in t"e complaint or information.

2n t"e present case, t"e body of t"e information contains an averment of t"e acts alle+ed to "ave been committed by appellant
0"ic" !nmista(ably refers to acts p!nis"able !nder Section 5)b*, Article 222, 3.A. D610.

Appellant s"o!ld, t"erefore, be meted t"e same penalties and be made to ans0er for dama+es as in /riminal /ase &os. 1649 and

#ri,inal #ase 1o. 1641 +or Atte,pted /ape

AAA testified t"at on &ovember ,4, ,000, 0"ile AAA and "er brot"ers 0ere sleepin+ inside t"eir parents? bedroom, appellant entered
and as(ed AAA to "ave se1 0it" "im. >"en AAA ref!sed, appellant forcibly removed "er clot"es and bo1ed "er ri+"t b!ttoc(. As s"e still
resisted, "e too( a bolo, 0"ic" "e po(ed at "er. Appellant desisted from committin+ f!rt"er acts beca!se of t"e timely arrival of AAA?s
+randmot"er. >it" t"ese, appellant 0as c"ar+ed 0it" 7t"er @i+"t -"reats in /riminal /ase &o. 1650B Attempted 3ape in /riminal /ase &o.
1651B En6!st He1ation in /riminal /ase &o. 165,B and =altreatment in /riminal /ase &o. 1653.

7n September ,4, ,004, t"e 3-/ dismissed /riminal /ase &os. 1650, 165, and 1653 for ins!fficiency of evidence. /riminal /ase &o.
1651, amon+ ot"ers, proceeded, "o0ever. Event!ally, appellant 0as convicted of Attempted 3ape, 0"ic" t"e /A affirmed.

A caref!l revie0 of t"e records reveals, t"o!+", t"at t"e evidence is ins!fficient to s!pport appellant?s conviction of Attempted 3ape.

3ape is attempted 0"en t"e offender commences t"e commission of rape directly by overt acts and does not perform all t"e acts of
e1ec!tion by reason of some ca!se or accident ot"er t"an "is o0n spontaneo!s desistance.
-"e prosec!tion m!st, t"erefore, establis" t"e
follo0in+ elements of an attempted felony5

1. -"e offender commences t"e commission of t"e felony directly by overt actsB

,. Ie does not perform all t"e acts of e1ec!tion 0"ic" s"o!ld prod!ce t"e felonyB

3. -"e offender?s act be not stopped by "is o0n spontaneo!s desistanceB

4. -"e non8performance of all acts of e1ec!tion 0as d!e to ca!se or accident ot"er t"an "is spontaneo!s desistance.

-"e attempt t"at t"e 3%/ p!nis"es is t"at 0"ic" "as a lo+ical connection to a partic!lar, concrete offenseB and t"at 0"ic" is t"e
be+innin+ of t"e e1ec!tion of t"e offense by overt acts of t"e perpetrator, leadin+ directly to its reali.ation and cons!mmation.
2n t"e instant
case, t"e primary $!estion t"at comes to t"e fore is 0"et"er or not appellant?s act of removin+ AAA?s pants constit!ted an overt act of 3ape.

>e ans0er in t"e ne+ative.

*vert or external act "as been defined as some p"ysical activity or deed, indicatin+ t"e intention to commit a partic!lar crime, more
t"an a mere plannin+ or preparation, 0"ic" if carried o!t to its complete termination follo0in+ its nat!ral co!rse, 0it"o!t bein+ fr!strated by
e1ternal obstacles nor by t"e vol!ntary desistance of t"e perpetrator, 0ill lo+ically and necessarily ripen into a concrete offense.

-"e evidence on record does not s"o0 t"at t"e above elements are present. -"e detailed acts of e1ec!tion s"o0in+ an attempt to rape
are simply lac(in+. 2t 0o!ld be too strained to constr!e appellant?s act of removin+ AAA?s pants as an overt act t"at 0ill lo+ically and
necessarily ripen into rape. Ience, appellant m!st be ac$!itted of Attempted 3ape.

&eit"er can 0e "old appellant liable for 7t"er @i+"t -"reats for t"reatenin+ AAA 0it" a boloB for En6!st He1ation for !ndressin+ "er
0it"o!t "er consent, ca!sin+ dist!rbance, torment, distress, and ve1ationB nor for =altreatment for bo1in+ t"e ri+"t side of AAA?s b!ttoc(s.
Alt"o!+" all of t"e above acts 0ere alle+ed in t"e 2nformation for Attempted 3ape in t"e 7rder dated September ,4, ,004, /riminal /ase &os.
1650, 165, and 1653 involvin+ t"e above crimes 0ere dismissed for ins!fficiency of evidence based on t"e dem!rrer to evidence filed by

-"e order +rantin+ appellant?s dem!rrer to evidence 0as a resol!tion of t"e case on t"e merits, and it amo!nted to an ac$!ittal. Any
f!rt"er prosec!tion of t"e acc!sed after an ac$!ittal 0o!ld violate t"e proscription on do!ble 6eopardy.
Accordin+ly, appellant?s conviction of
any of t"e above crimes, even !nder /riminal /ase &o. 1651, 0o!ld trenc" in "is constit!tional ri+"t a+ainst do!ble 6eopardy.

#ri,inal #ase 1o. 1644 +or 7nFust Ee-ation

Appellant 0as c"ar+ed 0it" En6!st He1ation, defined and penali.ed by Article ,:D of t"e 3%/, 0"ic" reads5

A3-. ,:D. ,i%ht coercions. Q Any person 0"o, by means of violence, s"all sei.e anyt"in+ belon+in+ to "is debtor for
t"e p!rpose of applyin+ t"e same to t"e payment of t"e debt, s"all s!ffer t"e penalty of arresto ma"or in its minim!m
period and a fine e$!ivalent to t"e val!e of t"e t"in+, b!t in no case less t"an D5 pesos.

Any ot"er coercion or !n6!st ve1ation s"all be p!nis"ed by arresto menor or a fine ran+in+ from 5 to ,00 pesos,
or bot".

-"e second para+rap" of t"is provision is broad eno!+" to incl!de any "!man cond!ct t"at, alt"o!+" not prod!ctive of some p"ysical or
material "arm, co!ld !n6!stifiably annoy or ve1 an innocent person. -"e paramo!nt $!estion to be considered is 0"et"er t"e offender?s act
ca!sed annoyance, irritation, torment, distress, or dist!rbance to t"e mind of t"e person to 0"om it 0as directed.

Appellant?s acts of embracin+, dra++in+ and (issin+ AAA in front of "er friend annoyed AAA. -"e filin+ of t"e case a+ainst appellant
proved t"at AAA 0as dist!rbed, if not distressed by t"e acts of appellant.

-"e penalty for coercion fallin+ !nder t"e second para+rap" of Article ,:D of t"e 3%/ is arresto menor or a fine ran+in+ from %5.00
to %,00.00 or bot". Accordin+ly, appellant is sentenced to 30 days of arresto menor and to pay a fine of %,00.00, 0it" t"e accessory penalties

DHEREFORE, t"e /o!rt AFFIRMS t"e #an!ary 31, ,00: /o!rt of Appeals Decision in /A8G.3. /3 &o. 30045
0it" MODIFICATIONS. -"e /o!rt finds appellant Salvino S!min+0a5

1. GUILTY of EUALIFIED RAPE in /riminal /ase &o. 1646. Ie is sentenced to s!ffer t"e penalty of reclusion perpetua 0it"o!t
eli+ibility for parole and ordered to pay AAA%D5,000.00 as civil indemnity, %D5,000.00 as moral dama+es, and %30,000.00 as e1emplary

,. GUILTY of fo!r )4* co!nts of ACTS OF LASCI$IOUSNESS !nder Section 5 )b* Article 222 of 3.A. D610 in /riminal /ase
&os. 1644, 1645, 1649, and 1654. Ie is sentenced to s!ffer t"e penalty of reclusion perpetua and ordered to pay AAA %15,000.00 as moral
dama+es and a fine of %15,000.00, for EACH COUNT.

3. NOT GUILTY in /riminal /ase &o. 1651.

4. GUILTY o> UN#UST $EKATION in /riminal /ase &o. 1655. Ie is sentenced to s!ffer 30 days of arresto menor and to pay a
fine of %,00.00, 0it" t"e accessory penalties t"ereof.


Associate #!stice


Associate #!stice

Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice

Associate #!stice


2 attest t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision 0ere reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e
opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.

Associate #!stice
/"airperson, -"ird Division


%!rs!ant to Section 13, Article H222 of t"e /onstit!tion and t"e Division /"airpersonTs Attestation, 2 certify t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e
above Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.

Actin+ /"ief #!stice
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
SE/7&D D2H2S27&
G.R. No. 158,!5 #)<; ., .448
MICHAEL PADUA, %etitioner,
D E / 2 S 2 7 &
-"is petition for revie0 assails t"e Decision
dated April 19, ,005 and 3esol!tion
dated #!ne 14, ,005, of t"e /o!rt of Appeals in /A8G.3. S%
&o. :69DD 0"ic" "ad respectively dismissed =ic"ael %ad!a?s petition for certiorari and denied "is motion for reconsideration. %ad!a?s petition
for certiorari before t"e /o!rt of Appeals assailed t"e 7rders dated =ay 11, ,004
and #!ly ,:, ,004
of t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt )3-/*,
'ranc" 16:, %asi+ /ity, 0"ic" "ad denied "is petition for probation.
-"e facts, c!lled from t"e records, are as follo0s5
7n #!ne 16, ,003, petitioner =ic"ael %ad!a and Ed+ar Allan Ebalde 0ere c"ar+ed before t"e 3-/, 'ranc" 16:, %asi+ /ity of violatin+
Section 5,
Article 22 of 3ep!blic Act &o. 9165,
ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e S/ompre"ensive Dan+ero!s Dr!+s Act of ,00,,S for sellin+ dan+ero!s
-"e 2nformation reads5
-"e %rosec!tion, t"ro!+" t"e !ndersi+ned %!blic %rosec!tor, c"ar+es Ed3a' A<<an U8a<d& ; $&<16&G a.9.a. NA<<anN and M216a&< Pad)a ;
To'd&< a.9.a. NM29&N, 0it" t"e crime of violation of Sec. 5, Art. 22, 3ep!blic Act &o. 9165 in relation to 3.A. J&o.K :369, Sec. 5 par. )a* and )i*,
committed as follo0s5
7n or abo!t #!ne 6, ,003, in %asi+ /ity, and 0it"in t"e 6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, t"e acc!sed, Ed+ar Allan Ebalde y Helc"e. and
=ic"ael %ad!a y -ordel, a minor, seventeen )1D* years old, conspirin+ and confederatin+ to+et"er and bot" of t"em m!t!ally "elpin+ and
aidin+ one anot"er, not bein+ la0f!lly a!t"ori.ed to sell any dan+ero!s dr!+, did t"en and t"ere 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly sell, deliver
and +ive a0ay to %71 3oland A. %anis, a police pose!r8b!yer, one )1* folded ne0sprint containin+ 4.:6 +rams of dried mari6!ana fr!itin+ tops,
0"ic" 0as fo!nd positive to t"e tests for mari6!ana, a dan+ero!s dr!+, in violation of t"e said la0.
/ontrary to la0.
>"en arrai+ned on 7ctober 13, ,003, %ad!a, assisted by "is co!nsel de oficio, entered a plea of not +!ilty.
D!rin+ t"e pre8trial conference on ebr!ary ,, ,004, "o0ever, %ad!a?s co!nsel manifested t"at "is client 0as 0illin+ to 0it"dra0 "is plea of
not +!ilty and enter a plea of +!ilty to avail of t"e benefits +ranted to first8time offenders !nder Section D0
of 3ep. Act &o. 9165. -"e
prosec!tor interposed no ob6ection.
-"!s, t"e 3-/ on t"e same date iss!ed an 7rder
statin+ t"at t"e former plea of %ad!a of not +!ilty
0as considered 0it"dra0n. %ad!a 0as re8arrai+ned and pleaded +!ilty. Ience, in a Decision
dated ebr!ary 6, ,004, t"e 3-/ fo!nd %ad!a
+!ilty of t"e crime c"ar+ed5
#n view of the fore%oin%, t"e /o!rt finds acc!sed =ic"ael %ad!a y -ordel +!ilty of JvKiolation of Sec. 5 Art. 22 of 3.A. &o. 9165 in relation to 3.A.
&o. :369 Sec. 5 par. )a* and )i* t"ereof, and t"erefore, sentences "im to s!ffer an indeterminate sentence of si1 )6* years and one )1* day of
%rision =ayor as minim!m to seventeen )1D* years and fo!r )4* mont"s of recl!sion temporal as ma1im!m and a fine of ive I!ndred
-"o!sand %esos )%500,000.00*.
&o s!bsidiary imprisonment, "o0ever, s"all be imposed s"o!ld Jt"eK acc!sed fail to pay t"e fine p!rs!ant to Art. 39 par. 3 of t"e 3evised
%enal /ode.
S7 73DE3ED.
%ad!a s!bse$!ently filed a %etition for %robation
dated ebr!ary 10, ,004 alle+in+ t"at "e is a minor and a first8time offender 0"o desires to
avail of t"e benefits of probation !nder %residential Decree &o. 96:
)%.D. &o. 96:*, ot"er0ise (no0n as S-"e %robation @a0 of 19D6S and
Section D0 of 3ep. Act &o. 9165. Ie f!rt"er alle+ed t"at "e possesses all t"e $!alifications and none of t"e dis$!alifications !nder t"e said
-"e 3-/ in an 7rder
dated ebr!ary 10, ,004 directed t"e %robation 7fficer of %asi+ /ity to cond!ct a %ost8Sentence 2nvesti+ation and
s!bmit a report and recommendation 0it"in 60 days from receipt of t"e order. -"e /ity %rosec!tor 0as also directed to s!bmit "is comment on
t"e said petition 0it"in five days from receipt of t"e order.
7n April 6, ,004, /"ief %robation and %arole 7fficer #osefina #. %asana s!bmitted a %ost8Sentence 2nvesti+ation 3eport to t"e 3-/
recommendin+ t"at %ad!a be placed on probation.
Io0ever, on =ay 11, ,004, p!blic respondent %airin+ #!d+e A+nes 3eyes8/arpio iss!ed an 7rder denyin+ t"e %etition for %robation on t"e
+ro!nd t"at !nder Section ,4
of 3ep. Act &o. 9165, any person convicted of dr!+ traffic(in+ cannot avail of t"e privile+e +ranted by t"e
%robation @a0. -"e co!rt r!led t"!s5
'efore t"is /o!rt no0 is t"e %ost8Sentence 2nvesti+ation 3eport )%S23* on minor =ic"ael %ad!a y -ordel prepared by Senior %arole and
%robation 7fficer -eodoro Hillaverde and s!bmitted by t"e /"ief of t"e %asi+ /ity %arole and %robation 7ffice, #osefina #. %asana.
2n t"e aforesaid %S23, Senior %%7 -eodoro Hillaverde recommended t"at minor =ic"ael %ad!a y -ordel be placed on probation, anc"orin+
"is recommendation on Articles 1:9 and 19, of %.D. 603, ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e /"ild and >elfare /ode, as amended, 0"ic" deal 0it" t"e
s!spension of sentence and commitment of yo!t"f!l offender. S!c" articles, t"erefore, do not find application in t"is case, t"e matter before
t"e /o!rt bein+ an application for probation by minor =ic"ael %ad!a y -ordel and not t"e s!spension of "is sentence.
7n t"e ot"er "and, Section D0 is !nder Article H222 of 3.A. 9165 0"ic" deals 0it" t"e %ro+ram for -reatment and 3e"abilitation of Dr!+
Dependents. Sections 54 to D6, all !nder Article H222 of 3.A. 9165 specifically refer to violations of eit"er Section 15 or Section 11. &o0"ere in
Article H222 0as JvKiolation of Section 5 ever mentioned.
=ore importantly, 0"ile t"e provisions of 3.A. 9165, partic!larly Section D0 t"ereof deals 0it" %robation or /omm!nity Service for irst8 -ime
=inor 7ffender in @ie! of 2mprisonment, t"e /o!rt is of t"e vie0 and so "olds t"at minor =ic"ael %ad!a y -ordel 0"o 0as c"ar+ed and
convicted of violatin+ Section 5, Article 22, 3.A. 9165, cannot avail of probation !nder said section in vie0 of t"e provision of Section ,4 0"ic"
is "ere!nder $!oted5
SSec. ,4. &on8Applicability of t"e %robation @a0 for Dr!+ -raffic(ers and %!s"ers . Q Any person convicted for dr!+ traffic(in+ or p!s"in+ !nder
t"is Act, re+ardless of t"e penalty imposed by t"e /o!rt, cannot avail of t"e privile+e +ranted by t"e %robation @a0 or %residential Decree &o.
96:, as amended.S )!nderlinin+ s!pplied*
DHEREFORE, premises considered, t"e %etition for %robation filed by =ic"ael %ad!a y -ordJeKl s"o!ld be, as it is "ereby DENIED.
S7 73DE3ED.
%ad!a filed a motion for reconsideration of t"e order b!t t"e same 0as denied on #!ly ,:, ,004. Ie filed a petition for certiorari !nder 3!le 65
0it" t"e /o!rt of Appeals assailin+ t"e order, b!t t"e /o!rt of Appeals, in a Decision dated April 19, ,005, dismissed "is petition. -"e
dispositive portion of t"e decision reads5
DHEREFORE, in vie0 of t"e fore+oin+, t"e petition is "ereby DENIED for lac( of merit and ordered DISMISSED.
S7 73DE3ED.
%ad!a filed a motion for reconsideration of t"e /o!rt of Appeals decision b!t it 0as denied. Ience, t"is petition 0"ere "e raises t"e follo0in+
>IE-IE3 73 &7- -IE /7E3- 7 A%%EA@S E33ED 2& A23=2&G -IE DE&2A@ 7 -IE %E-2-27& 73 %37'A-27&
>I2/I DE%32HED %E-2-27&E3?S 32GI- AS A =2&73 E&DE3 AD=2&2S-3A-2HE 73DE3 &7. J0,8181:8S/K 7-IE3>2SE
M&7>& AS J-IEK 3E@E 7& #EHE&2@ES 2& /7&@2/- >2-I -IE @A>.
>IE-IE3 73 &7- J-IEK A//ESEDJ?SK 32GI- J-7 'E 3E@EASED E&DE3 3E/7G&29A&/EK IAS 'EE& H27@A-ED 73
DE%32HED 2& -IE @2GI- 7 3.A. 9344 7-IE3>2SE M&7>& AS A& A/- ES-A'@2SI2&G A /7=%3EIE&S2HE #EHE&2@E
#ES-2/E A&D >E@A3E SGS-E=, /3EA-2&G -IE #EHE&2@E #ES-2/E A&D >E@A3E /7E&/2@ E&DE3 DE%A3-=E&- 7
#ES-2/E A%%37%32A-2&G E&DS -IE3E73 A&D 7-IE3 %E3%7SES.
-"e 7ffice of t"e Solicitor General )7SG*, representin+ p!blic respondent, opted to adopt its /omment
as its =emorand!m. 2n its /omment,
t"e 7SG co!ntered t"at
-"e trial co!rt and t"e /o!rt of Appeals "ave le+al basis in applyin+ Section ,4, Article 22 of 3.A. 9165 instead of Section D0, Article
H222 of t"e same la0.
Section 3, of A.=. &o. 0,8181:8S/ ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e S3!le on #!veniles in /onflict 0it" t"e @a0S "as no application to t"e
instant case.
Simply, t"e iss!es are5 )1* Did t"e /o!rt of Appeals err in dismissin+ %ad!a?s petition for certiorari assailin+ t"e trial co!rt?s order denyin+ "is
petition for probationU ),* >as %ad!a?s ri+"t !nder 3ep. Act &o. 9344,
t"e S#!venile #!stice and >elfare Act of ,006,S violatedU and )3*
Does Section 3,
of A.=. &o. 0,8181:8S/ ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e S3!le on #!veniles in /onflict 0it" t"e @a0S "ave application in t"is caseU
As to t"e first iss!e, 0e r!le t"at t"e /o!rt of Appeals did not err in dismissin+ %ad!a?s petition for certiorari.
or certiorari to prosper, t"e follo0in+ re$!isites m!st conc!r5 )1* t"e 0rit is directed a+ainst a trib!nal, a board or any officer e1ercisin+ 6!dicial
or $!asi86!dicial f!nctionsB ),* s!c" trib!nal, board or officer "as acted 0it"o!t or in e1cess of 6!risdiction, or 0it" +rave ab!se of discretion
amo!ntin+ to lac( or e1cess of 6!risdictionB and )3* t"ere is no appeal or any plain, speedy and ade$!ate remedy in t"e ordinary co!rse of
S>it"o!t 6!risdictionS means t"at t"e co!rt acted 0it" absol!te lac( of a!t"ority. -"ere is Se1cess of 6!risdictionS 0"en t"e co!rt transcends its
po0er or acts 0it"o!t any stat!tory a!t"ority. SGrave ab!se of discretionS implies s!c" capricio!s and 0"imsical e1ercise of 6!d+ment as to be
e$!ivalent to lac( or e1cess of 6!risdiction. 2n ot"er 0ords, po0er is e1ercised in an arbitrary or despotic manner by reason of passion,
pre6!dice, or personal "ostility, and s!c" e1ercise is so patent or so +ross as to amo!nt to an evasion of a positive d!ty or to a virt!al ref!sal
eit"er to perform t"e d!ty en6oined or to act at all in contemplation of la0.
A revie0 of t"e orders of t"e 3-/ denyin+ %ad!a?s petition for probation s"o0s t"at t"e 3-/ neit"er acted 0it"o!t 6!risdiction nor 0it" +rave
ab!se of discretion beca!se it merely applied t"e la0 and ad"ered to principles of stat!tory constr!ction in denyin+ %ad!a?s petition for
%ad!a 0as c"ar+ed and convicted for violation of Section 5, Article 22 of 3ep. Act &o. 9165 for sellin+ dan+ero!s dr!+s. 2t is clear !nder
Section ,4 of 3ep. Act &o. 9165 t"at any person convicted of dr!+ traffic(in+ cannot avail of t"e privile+e of probation, to 0it5
SE/. ,4. Non$(pplicabilit" of the Probation ,aw for Dru% 2rafficers and Pushers. Q An; =&'(on 1on%210&d >o' d')3 0'a>>2192n3 o' =)(62n3
)nd&' 062( A10, '&3a'd<&(( o> 06& =&na<0; 2:=o(&d 8; 06& Co)'0, 1anno0 a%a2< o> 06& ='2%2<&3& 3'an0&d 8; 06& P'o8a02on La? o'
P'&(2d&n02a< D&1'&& No. /58, a( a:&nd&d. )Emp"asis s!pplied.*
-"e la0 is clear and leaves no room for interpretation. Any person convicted for dr!+ traffic(in+ or p!s"in+, re+ardless of t"e penalty imposed,
cannot avail of t"e privile+e +ranted by t"e %robation @a0 or %.D. &o. 96:. -"e elementary r!le in stat!tory constr!ction is t"at 0"en t"e
0ords and p"rases of t"e stat!te are clear and !ne$!ivocal, t"eir meanin+ m!st be determined from t"e lan+!a+e employed and t"e stat!te
m!st be ta(en to mean e1actly 0"at it says.
2f a stat!te is clear, plain and free from ambi+!ity, it m!st be +iven its literal meanin+ and applied
0it"o!t attempted interpretation. -"is is 0"at is (no0n as t"e plain8meanin+ r!le or verba le%is. 2t is e1pressed in t"e ma1im, index animi
sermo, or speec" is t"e inde1 of intention.
!rt"ermore, t"ere is t"e ma1im verba le%is non est recedendum, or from t"e 0ords of a stat!te
t"ere s"o!ld be no depart!re.
=oreover, t"e /o!rt of Appeals correctly pointed o!t t"at t"e intention of t"e le+islators in Section ,4 of 3ep. Act &o. 9165 is to provide stiffer
and "ars"er p!nis"ment for t"ose persons convicted of dr!+ traffic(in+ or p!s"in+ 0"ile e1tendin+ a sympat"etic and ma+nanimo!s "and in
Section D0 to dr!+ dependents 0"o are fo!nd +!ilty of violation of Sections 11
and 15
of t"e Act. -"e la0 considers t"e !sers and
possessors of ille+al dr!+s as victims 0"ile t"e dr!+ traffic(ers and p!s"ers as predators. Ience, 0"ile dr!+ traffic(ers and p!s"ers, li(e
%ad!a, are cate+orically dis$!alified from availin+ t"e la0 on probation, yo!t"f!l dr!+ dependents, !sers and possessors ali(e, are +iven t"e
c"ance to mend t"eir 0ays.
-"e /o!rt of Appeals also correctly stated t"at "ad it been t"e intention of t"e le+islators to e1empt from t"e
application of Section ,4 t"e dr!+ traffic(ers and p!s"ers 0"o are minors and first time offenders, t"e la0 co!ld "ave easily declared so.
-"e la0 indeed appears strict and "ars" a+ainst dr!+ traffic(ers and dr!+ p!s"ers 0"ile protective of dr!+ !sers. -o ill!strate, a person
arrested for !sin+ ille+al or dan+ero!s dr!+s is meted only a penalty of si1 mont"s re"abilitation in a +overnment center, as minim!m, for t"e
first offense !nder Section 15 of 3ep. Act &o. 9165, 0"ile a person c"ar+ed and convicted of sellin+ dan+ero!s dr!+s s"all s!ffer life
imprisonment to deat" and a fine ran+in+ from ive I!ndred -"o!sand %esos )%500,000.00* to -en =illion %esos )%10,000,000.00* !nder
Section 5, 3ep. Act &o. 9165.
As for t"e second and t"ird iss!es, %ad!a cannot ar+!e t"at "is ri+"t !nder 3ep. Act &o. 9344, t"e S#!venile #!stice and >elfare Act of ,006S
0as violated. &or can "e ar+!e t"at Section 3, of A.=. &o. 0,8181:8S/ ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e S3!le on #!veniles in /onflict 0it" t"e @a0S
"as application in t"is case. Section 6:
of 3ep. Act &o. 9344 and Section 3, of A.=. &o. 0,8181:8S/ bot" pertain to s!spension of sentence
and not probation.
!rt"ermore, s!spension of sentence !nder Section 3:
of 3ep. Act &o. 9344 co!ld no lon+er be retroactively applied for petitioner?s benefit.
Section 3: of 3ep. Act &o. 9344 provides t"at once a c"ild !nder 1: years of a+e is fo!nd +!ilty of t"e offense c"ar+ed, instead of
prono!ncin+ t"e 6!d+ment of conviction, t"e co!rt s"all place t"e c"ild in conflict 0it" t"e la0 !nder s!spended sentence. Section 40
of 3ep.
Act &o. 9344, "o0ever, provides t"at once t"e c"ild reac"es 1: years of a+e, t"e co!rt s"all determine 0"et"er to disc"ar+e t"e c"ild, order
e1ec!tion of sentence, or e1tend t"e s!spended sentence for a certain specified period o' )n02< 06& 162<d '&a16&( 06& :a@2:): a3& o> .1
;&a'(. %etitioner "as already reac"ed ,1 years of a+e or over and t"!s, co!ld no lon+er be considered a c"ild
for p!rposes of applyin+ 3ep.
Act 9344. -"!s, t"e application of Sections 3: and 40 appears moot and academic as far as "is case is concerned.
DHEREFORE, t"e petition is DENIED. -"e assailed Decision dated April 19, ,005 and t"e 3esol!tion dated #!ne 14, ,005 of t"e /o!rt of
Appeals are AFFIRMED.
S7 73DE3ED.
Associate #!stice
>E /7&/E35
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
A - - E S - A - 2 7 &
2 attest t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion
of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
Associate #!stice
%!rs!ant to Section 13, Article H222 of t"e /onstit!tion, and t"e Division /"airperson?s Attestation, 2 certify t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above
Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt?s Division.
/"ief #!stice
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
E& 'A&/
G.R. No. 15-5/ S&=0&:8&' 1/, .445
*Fo':&'<; G.R. No(. 1!-5-8-8-+
D E / 2 S 2 7 &
-"is case presents an opport!nity for t"e /o!rt not only to once a+ain dispense d!e re$!ital for t"e s!fferin+s of a c"ild 0"o "as been defiled
by "er o0n fat"er, b!t also to effect!ate t"e provisions of 3ep!blic Act &o. D610 )3A D610*, ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e 0pecial Protection of
Children (%ainst Child (buse, Exploitation and Discrimination (ct, and its implementin+ r!les, 3A 9,6,, ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e (nti$6iolence
(%ainst ;omen and 2heir Children (ct of HIIM, and its implementin+ r!les, and o!r o0n 3ule on 6iolence (%ainst ;omen and their
-"e provisions on confidentiality of t"ese enactments !niformly see( to respect t"e di+nity and protect t"e privacy of 0omen and t"eir c"ildren.
Sec. ,9 of 3A D610 provides5
Sec. ,9. Confidentialit". ; at t"e instance of t"e offended party, "is name may be 0it""eld from t"e p!blic !ntil t"e co!rt ac$!ires
6!risdiction over t"e case.
2t s"all be !nla0f!l for any editor, p!blis"er, and reporter or col!mnist in case of printed materials, anno!ncer or prod!cer in t"e
case of television and radio broadcastin+, prod!cer and director in t"e case of t"e movie ind!stry, to ca!se !nd!e and
sensationali.ed p!blicity of any case of a violation of t"is Act 0"ic" res!lts in t"e moral de+radation and s!fferin+ of t"e offended
Sec. 44 of 3A 9,6, similarly provides5
Sec. 44. Confidentialit".;All records pertainin+ to cases of violence a+ainst 0omen and t"eir c"ildren incl!din+ t"ose in t"e
baran+ay s"all be confidential and all p!blic officers and employees and p!blic or private clinics or "ospitals s"all respect t"e ri+"t to
privacy of t"e victim. >"oever p!blis"es or ca!ses to be p!blis"ed, in any format, t"e name, address, telep"one n!mber, sc"ool,
b!siness address, employer, or ot"er identifyin+ information of a victim or an immediate family member, 0it"o!t t"e latterTs consent,
s"all be liable to t"e contempt po0er of t"e co!rt.
Any person 0"o violates t"is provision s"all s!ffer t"e penalty of one )1* year imprisonment and a fine of not more t"an ive
I!ndred -"o!sand %esos )%500,000.00*.
@i(e0ise, t"e 3ule on 6iolence (%ainst ;omen and their Children states5
Sec. 40. Privac" and confidentialit" of proceedin%s.8All "earin+s of cases of violence a+ainst 0omen and t"eir c"ildren s"all be
cond!cted in a manner consistent 0it" t"e di+nity of 0omen and t"eir c"ildren and respect for t"eir privacy.
3ecords of t"e cases s"all be treated 0it" !tmost confidentiality. >"oever p!blis"es or ca!ses to be p!blis"ed, in any format, t"e
name, address, telep"one n!mber, sc"ool, b!siness address, employer or ot"er identifyin+ information of t"e parties or an
immediate family or "o!se"old member, 0it"o!t t"eir consent or 0it"o!t a!t"ority of t"e co!rt, s"all be liable for contempt of co!rt
and s"all s!ffer t"e penalty of one year imprisonment and a fine of not more t"an ive I!ndred -"o!sand )%500,000.00* %esos.
2t is 0ort" mentionin+ in t"is connection t"at t"e /o!rt "as resolved to refrain from postin+ in its 2nternet >eb %a+e t"e f!ll te1t of decisions in
cases involvin+ c"ild se1!al ab!se in response to a letter from a mot"er of a c"ild ab!se victim addressed to t"e /"ief #!stice e1pressin+
an1iety over t"e postin+ of f!ll te1t decisions of t"e S!preme /o!rt on its 2nternet >eb %a+e. -"e mot"er s!bmitted t"at confidentiality and t"e
best interest of t"e c"ild m!st prevail over p!blic access to information and pleaded t"at "er da!+"terTs case, as 0ell as t"ose of a similar
nat!re, be e1cl!ded from t"e >eb %a+e.
-"e /o!rt re$!ired t"e 7ffice of t"e Solicitor General )7SG*, t"e 2nte+rated 'ar of t"e %"ilippines )2'%*, &ational %ress /l!b )&%/*, %"ilippine
%ress 2nstit!te )%%2*, Mapisanan n+ m+a 'rod(aster sa %ilipinas )M'%* and t"e Department of Social >elfare and Development )DS>D* to
comment on 0"et"er or not it is proper to post t"e f!ll te1t of decisions of similar cases on t"e S!preme /o!rt >eb %a+e.
-"e position of t"e 7SG in its /omment
is note0ort"y. -"e 7SG s!bmits t"at t"e postin+ of t"e f!ll te1t of decisions in cases involvin+ c"ild
ab!se on t"e S!preme /o!rt >eb %a+e violates t"e ri+"t to privacy of t"e a++rieved parties. 2n order to determine 0"et"er t"e s!b6ect matter
!pon 0"ic" t"e ri+"t to privacy bein+ invo(ed falls 0it"in t"e constit!tionally8protected .one of privacy, it m!st be s"o0n t"at t"e personTs
e1pectation of privacy is reasonable. -"e reasonableness of s!c" e1pectancy depends on a t0oQpart test5 )1* 0"et"er by "is cond!ct, t"e
individ!al "as e1"ibited an e1pectation of privacyB and ),* 0"et"er t"is e1pectation is one t"at society as reasonable.
Accordin+ to t"e 7SG, t"e fact t"at t"e a++rieved c"ild may "ave consented, t"ro!+" a parent or +!ardian, to a p!blic "earin+ of t"e case
does not ne+ate t"e e1pectation of privacy 0"ic" t"e c"ild may later invo(e beca!se c"ild victims cannot be pres!med to "ave intended t"eir
initial a+reement to e1tend beyond t"e termination of t"eir case to t"e postin+ of t"e decision reac"ed by t"e /o!rt on t"e >eb %a+e.
=oreover, s!c" an e1pectation of privacy is reasonable considerin+ t"e vario!s stat!tes and r!les 0"ic" reveal t"e intention of t"e State to
maintain t"e confidentiality of information pertainin+ to c"ild ab!se cases.
-"e 7SG invites t"e /o!rtTs attention to a &e0 #ersey stat!te 0"ic" provides t"at all co!rt doc!ments 0"ic" state t"e name, address and
identity of a c"ild victim in certain se1!al assa!lt, endan+erin+ t"e 0elfare and ab!se and ne+lect cases s"o!ld remain confidential. -"e name
of t"e victim s"all not appear in any p!blic recordB rat"er, initials or a fictitio!s name s"all appear. -"e offenses covered by t"e la0 incl!de
a++ravated se1!al assa!lt, se1!al assa!lt, a++ravated criminal se1!al contact, criminal se1!al contact, endan+erin+ t"e 0elfare of c"ildren,
and any action alle+in+ an ab!sed or ne+lected c"ild. -"!s, in (pplication of 6 Pub. Corp., DHI N.J. FIC 9DEEI:, and Div. of )outh N 1am.
0erv. 6. J.B., DHI N.J. DDH 9DEEI:, t"e &e0 #ersey S!preme /o!rt provided +!idelines in t"e implementation of t"is stat!te.
2n concl!sion, t"e 7SG s!++ests t"e adoption of a system of codin+ 0"ic" co!ld incl!de t"e !se of pse!donyms in cases of a similar nat!re.
S"ort of 0it"dra0in+ t"e f!ll te1t of decisions in s!c" cases from t"e >eb %a+e, t"e 7SG proposes t"at t"e /o!rt instead replace t"e material
information, s!c" as t"e name of t"e c"ild8victim, in its decisions.
-"e DS>D imparted t"e same sentiment. 2t s!bmits t"at t"e co!rt records of c"ild ab!se cases s"o!ld be treated 0it" strict confidentiality not
only t"ro!+"o!t t"e co!rt proceedin+s, b!t even after t"e prom!l+ation of t"e decision in order to protect t"e ri+"t to privacy of t"e c"ild and
"er family and to precl!de instances 0"ere !nd!e disclos!re of information may impair t"e treatment and re"abilitation of t"e c"ild8victim.
-"e /o!rt li(e0ise appreciates t"e separate comments of t"e M'% and &%/. -"e M'% informs t"e /o!rt t"at its members "ave a+reed not to
identify in t"eir broadcasts t"e names of c"ildren 0"o are victims of ab!se or are in conflict 0it" t"e la0.
-"e &%/, on t"e ot"er "and, tells !s
t"at t"e prevailin+ media practice is to in$!ire 0"et"er t"ese individ!als 0is" to "ave t"eir names appear in t"e report. 2f t"ey do not, media
0o!ld normally ta(e off t"e names and merely provide a very +eneral description of t"e individ!al in reco+nition of t"e need to caref!lly
balance t"e ri+"t to information 0it" t"e 0elfare of t"e parties involved.
-a(in+ all t"ese opinions into acco!nt and in vie0 of recent enactments 0"ic" !ne$!ivocally e1press t"e intention to maintain t"e
confidentiality of information in cases involvin+ violence a+ainst 0omen and t"eir c"ildren, in t"is case and "encefort", t"e /o!rt s"all 0it""old
t"e real name of t"e victim8s!rvivor
and s"all !se fictitio!s initials instead to represent "er. @i(e0ise, t"e personal circ!mstances of t"e
victims8s!rvivors or any ot"er information tendin+ to establis" or compromise t"eir identities, as 0ell t"ose of t"eir immediate family or
"o!se"old members, s"all not be disclosed.
7n ebr!ary 1:, ,00,, t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt of F!e.on /ity, 'ranc" :D, convicted =elc"or /abal$!into )/abal$!into* on t0o ),* co!nts for
t"e rape of "is ei+"t8year old da!+"ter, AAA. -"e dispositive portion of t"e decision states5
>IE3E73E, findin+ acc!sed +!ilty in bot" /riminal /ase &o. F89:8D96:3 and /riminal /ase &o. F89:8D96:4, for 3ape,
6!d+ment is "ereby rendered sentencin+ acc!sed =E@/I73 /A'A@FE2&-7 G =2&G7 to s!ffer t"e penalty of DEA-I on bot"
co!nts, p!rs!ant to t"e penalty imposed !nder Article 335 of t"e 3evised %enal /ode of t"e %"ilippines as amended by 3A D659.
Acc!sed is f!rt"er ordered to indemnify "is da!+"ter8victim t"e s!m of Seventy ive -"o!sand %esos )%D5,000.00* for dama+es, in
eac" co!nt.
S7 73DE3ED.
-"is case 0as initiated by a s0orn statement filed by AAA, assisted by "er mot"er, A'/,
0"ic" res!lted in t"e filin+ of t0o ),* 2nformations
for rape, t"e first alle+in+5
-"at on or abo!t t"e :t" day of &ovember 199:, in 111 /ity, %"ilippines, t"e said acc!sed by means of force and intimidation, did
t"en and t"ere 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly !ndress JAAAK, "is o0n da!+"ter, : years old, a minor, p!t "imself on top of "er,
inside t"e room of t"eir residence located at 111,
t"is /ity, and t"ereafter "ave carnal (no0led+e 0it" "er a+ainst "er 0ill and
0it"o!t "er consent.
/7&-3A3G -7 @A>.
and t"e second statin+5
-"at on or abo!t t"e 13t" day of &ovember 199:, in 111 /ity, %"ilippines, t"e said acc!sed by means of force and intimidation did
t"en and t"ere 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and felonio!sly !ndress JAAAK, "is o0n da!+"ter, : years of a+e, a minor, p!t "imself on top of
"er, inside t"e room of t"eir residence located at 111,
t"is /ity, and t"ereafter "ave carnal (no0led+e 0it" "er a+ainst "er 0ill and
0it"o!t "er consent.
/7&-3A3G -7 @A>.
/abal$!into pleaded not +!ilty on arrai+nment. -rial on t"e merits ens!ed 0"ic" res!lted in "is conviction and t"e imposition of t"e penalty of
deat". -"e records of t"e case 0ere t"ereafter for0arded to t"is /o!rt on a!tomatic revie0.
7n December 10, ,00,, t"e /o!rt iss!ed a 3esol!tion re$!irin+ t"e parties to s!bmit t"eir respective briefs. -"e parties complied. %!rs!ant to
t"e case of People v. Efren -ateo,
"o0ever, t"e /o!rt iss!ed a 3esol!tion on September 14, ,004, transferrin+ t"e case to t"e /o!rt of
Appeals for appropriate action.
-"e appellate co!rt affirmed t"e decision of t"e trial co!rt and added an a0ard of %50,000.00 as moral dama+es and %,5,000.00 as
e1emplary dama+es.
-"e case is a+ain before !s for o!r final disposition.
-"e prosec!tion presented as 0itnesses AAA "erself, "er mot"er A'/, and Dr. Stella G!errero8=analo )Dr. =analo* of t"e /"ild %rotection
Enit )/%E* of t"e %"ilippine General Iospital )%GI*.
A'/ testified t"at s"e is t"e common8la0 0ife of /abal$!into and t"at t"ey "ave fo!r c"ildren, namely5 ''', ///, t"e c"ild8victim AAA, and
DDD. At aro!nd :545 p.m. of &ovember 13, 199:, s"e 0as on "er 0ay "ome to 111, and sa0 "er sons ''' and /// o!tside t"e "o!se, and
"er yo!n+est da!+"ter DDD playin+ 0it" a co!sin. As s"e 0as approac"in+ t"e "o!se, s"e noticed t"at t"e door 0as closed alt"o!+" t"e
li+"ts 0ere on. Since t"ere is a "alf8inc" +ap bet0een t"e door and t"e 0all, s"e peeped t"ro!+" t"e +ap and sa0 /abal$!into lyin+ face
do0n ma(in+ p!mpin+ motions on t"eir da!+"ter, AAA, 0"o 0as lyin+ !nderneat" "im 0it" "er panties p!lled do0n. >"en s"e "eard
/abal$!into tell AAA to open "er le+s )Sib!(a moS*, s"e (ic(ed and po!nded t"e door. /abal$!into immediately lay do0n. AAA t"en stood !p
and opened t"e door. A'/ entered t"e room and confronted /abal$!into 0"o only denied "er acc!sation. S"e t"en as(ed AAA 0"at "er
fat"er did to "er. AAA did not say anyt"in+ b!t loo(ed pale.
After re+ainin+ "er compos!re, s"e 0ent to "er sister8in8la0 EEE, 0"o lived on t"e second floor of t"e "o!se, and confided to t"e latter. At
aro!nd 10500 oTcloc( t"at ni+"t, s"e 0ent to "er sisterTs "o!se in 111 to see( advice. Ier sister told "er to report t"e matter to t"e baran+ay
officials. -"e baran+ay officials, in t!rn, told "er to +o to t"e police 0"ic" s"e did t"e follo0in+ day, &ovember 14, 199:.
AAATs 0ala"sa" 0as ta(en by t"e police and t"ey 0ere referred to t"e /%E of %GI. 'eca!se t"ere 0as no doctor on d!ty, s"e and AAA
ret!rned to t"e /%E on &ovember 16, 199:. AAA 0as e1amined by a doctor and a medical certificate 0as iss!ed. -"ey ret!rned to t"e police
station 0"ere s"e e1ec!ted "er 0ala"sa". -"ey t"en proceeded to t"e fiscalTs office to lod+e a complaint.
A'/ f!rt"er testified t"at d!rin+ t"e police investi+ation on &ovember 14, 199:, AAA revealed to t"e police t"at a similar incident "appened to
"er on &ovember :, 199:, t"e day of "er friendTs birt"day celebration.
AAA testified t"at at aro!nd :545 p.m. on &ovember 13, 199:, s"e 0as inside t"eir "o!se in 111, 0it" "er fat"er, /abal$!into, 0"en t"e latter
instr!cted "er to close t"e door and 0indo0s and t!rn off t"e li+"t. S"e obeyed b!t did not t!rn off t"e li+"t. Ier fat"er t"en told "er to lie do0n
and immediately placed "imself on top of "er. Ie t"en !ndressed "er, bro!+"t o!t "is penis, as(ed "er to mast!rbate "im and to s!c( "is
penis, inserted "is penis in "er private parts and lic(ed "er private parts. Ie told "er not to tell "er ninan% DDD or "er mot"erB ot"er0ise, "e
0o!ld (ill t"em all. S"e felt pain in "er stomac" and pelvis after t"e incident.
/orroboratin+ "er mot"erTs testimony, AAA stated t"at 0"ile t"ey 0ere at t"e police station, s"e disclosed t"at s"e 0as also raped by "er
fat"er on &ovember :, 199:. S"e remembered t"e incident beca!se it 0as t"e day "er friend, , celebrated "er birt"day. Accordin+ to AAA,
"er fat"er "ad been drin(in+ t"at ni+"t. >"en s"e 0ent "ome to drin( 0ater, s"e 0as called by "er fat"er, told to close t"e door and 0indo0s
and to t!rn off t"e li+"ts. S"e obeyed b!t did not t!rn off t"e li+"ts. Ier fat"er t"en placed "imself on top of "er and told "er to mast!rbate
AAA f!rt"er testified t"at s"e 0as not enrolled in sc"ool beca!se "er mot"er "ad been abroad.
2t s"o!ld be mentioned t"at in "er 0inumpaan% 0ala"sa" dated &ovember 14, 199:, AAA stated t"at "er fat"er "ad raped "er seven )D* times
since "er mot"er left for abroad. S"e said t"at s"e distinctly remembered "avin+ been raped by "er fat"er on &ovember :, 199:, "er friendTs
birt"dayB A!+!st 16, 199: d!rin+ t"e fiestaB and on &ovember 13, 199:, t"e day before "er statement 0as ta(en. Io0ever, s"e said no lon+er
remembered t"e e1act dates of t"e ot"er incidents.
Dr. =analo, 0"o cond!cted t"e p"ysical e1amination of AAA, testified t"at AAA "ad no in6!ry on "er +enitaliaB t"at "er "ymen is $!ite lar+e
and distensible possibly beca!se of penile penetrationB and t"at s"e recovered a strand of p!bic "air inside AAATs va+inal va!lt 0"ic" co!ld
only "ave reac"ed t"e area as a conse$!ence of penile penetration beca!se AAA did not "ave p!bic "air yet.
7n cross8e1amination, Dr. =analo stated t"at s"e did not find any traces of bleedin+ in AAATs va+ina b!t t"at in6!ry is !ncommon in
incest!o!s rape.
-"e trial co!rt admitted t"e follo0in+ doc!mentary evidence formally offered by t"e prosec!tion5 )1* 3eferral @etter to t"e 7ffice of t"e
%rosec!torB ),* 0inumpaan% 0ala"sa" of A'/B )3* 0inumpaan% 0ala"sa" of AAAB )4* medical certificateB )5* birt" certificate of AAAB and )6*
/!rric!l!m Hitae of Dr. Stella =analo.
-estifyin+ as lone 0itness for "is defense, /abal$!into denied t"at "e raped AAA on &ovember : and 13, 199:. Ie claimed t"at on &ovember
13, 199:, "e 6!st slept in t"e sala of t"eir "o!se 0it" AAA and DDD, 0"ile "is sons, ''' and ///, slept in anot"er room. 7n &ovember :,
199:, "e claimed t"at after coo(in+ t"e food for Ts birt"day party, "e 0ent "ome and slept. Ie averred t"at t"e cases filed a+ainst "im
0ere t"e offs"oot of fre$!ent $!arrels bet0een "is common8la0 0ife, A'/, and "is brot"er, GGG.
>e "ave metic!lo!sly and painsta(in+ly e1amined t"e records as 0ell as t"e transcripts of steno+rap"ic notes and find no ca!se to overt!rn
t"e findin+s of fact and concl!sions of t"e trial co!rt and t"e /o!rt of Appeals. >e affirm /abal$!intoTs conviction.
/abal$!intoTs claim t"at t"ere are material inconsistencies bet0een t"e testimonies of AAA and A'/ 0it" re+ard to 0"et"er AAA cried o!t as
s"e 0as bein+ raped beca!se 0"ile AAA testified t"at s"e s"o!ted t0ice, A'/ stated t"at s"e did not see AAA str!++le nor "ear "er call o!t,
is !nconvincin+.
AAA 0as firm and !n0averin+ in "er narration of "er tra!matic e1perience. D!rin+ cross e1amination, s"e remained steadfast in "er assertion
t"at "er fat"er inserted "is penis inside "er +enitals and raped "er, even demonstratin+ 0"at s"e !nderstood of t"e 0ord rape by formin+ a
circle 0it" "er fin+ers and movin+ "er middle fin+er inside and o!t indicatin+ se1!al interco!rse.
-"!s, t"e trial co!rt +ave f!ll credence to AAATs testimony and r!led5
rom t"e testimony of t"e principal 0itness, JAAAK alone, vi/, t"e testimony of t"e acc!sed, t"ere is no reason to do!bt t"at acc!sed
"as JsicK molested "is da!+"ter, and "ad carnal (no0led+e of "er, on t0o occasions, ni+"ttime on &ovember : and 13, 199:, 0"en
JAAAK 0as t"en only : years old, inside t"eir d0ellin+.
-"e testimony of JAAAK 0as even more bolstered by t"e consistency of "er declaration !nder cross by t"e defense co!nsel, Atty.
-orralba of t"e %!blic AttorneyTs 7ffice, 0"ose attempt to discredit JAAAKTs acc!sation by ma(in+ it appear t"at s"e 0o!ld not "ave
(no0n "o0 to testify t"at s"e 0as raped by "er o0n fat"er, "ad s"e not been coac"ed by someone else to say so, miserably failed.
2n t"e follo0in+ portions of JAAAKTs cross8e1amination by t"e Defense, instead of destroyin+ JAAAKTs credibility t"e more t"at it 0as
establis"ed t"at acc!sed indeed raped "er )sic* da!+"ter.
1 1 1 1
JAAAKTs declaration t"at s"e 0as raped corroborates t"e testimony of t"e doctor 0"o testified t"at a strand of "air 0as fo!nd inside
JAAAKTs va+inal va!lt. -"e doctorTs testimony t"at t"e presence of a strand of "air inside t"e va+inal va!lt 0o!ld not be possible
0it"o!t se1!al interco!rse, bolsters t"e acc!sation of JAAAK t"at s"e "ad been raped. 7f co!rse, t"ere is no test to determine 0"ose
"air 0as it, b!t considerin+ JAAAKTs testimony t"at acc!sed "ad carnal (no0led+e of "er t0ice prior to e1amination, a concl!sion t"at
t"e "air is acc!sedTs is pla!sible. -"e idea t"at t"at "air 0as p!rposely placed inside JAAAKTs va+ina 0o!ld be abs!rdity. -"!s, 0"en
JAAAK pointed to "er fat"er as t"e person 0"o molested "er, t"is /o!rt can only believe beca!se no da!+"ter in JAAAKTs a+e 0o!ld
acc!se "er o0n fat"er of any 0ron+doin+, if it is not for t"e fact t"at "e "ad 0ron+ed "er, and t"at "air )p!bic or not* is acc!sedTs.
A'/Ts testimony of 0"at s"e 0itnessed re+ardin+ t"e act of rape corroborates AAATs acco!nt. -"e inconsistency bet0een t"e testimony of
AAA and "er mot"er pertains merely to a circ!mstance t"at is of little conse$!ence to t"e $!estion of 0"et"er rape 0as act!ally committed.
>"et"er AAA cried o!t or not does not disco!nt rape.
2t s"o!ld be emp"asi.ed t"at AAA 0as b!t ei+"t ):* years old 0"en t"e rapes "appened. A c"ild of "er tender years cannot be e1pected to be
able to reco!nt t"e details of "er torment 0it" e1actit!de. 2n People v. 6illar,
t"e acc!sed $!estioned t"e inconsistency bet0een t"e victimTs
declaration in "er s0orn statement and "er direct testimony in co!rt as to t"e e1act time 0"en s"e 0as first raped by t"e acc!sed in
-"e /o!rt "eld t"at it cannot impose t"e b!rden of e1actness in t"e victimTs recollection of "er "arro0in+ e1perience more so beca!se
t"e victim 0as an innocent and tender nine )9*8year old lass 0"en s"e 0as first raped.
/itin+People v. 0a%ucio,
0e also "eld t"at errorless
testimony cannot be e1pected especially 0"en a 0itness is reco!ntin+ t"e details of a "arro0in+ e1perience.
7n t"e ot"er "and, A'/ m!st "ave also been so devastated by 0"at s"e 0itnessed "er "!sband doin+ to t"eir da!+"ter t"at s"e mi+"t "ave
perceived t"in+s differently from AAA.
%ersons 0"o 0itness an event may perceive it from different points of reference, "ence t"ey may "ave different acco!nts of "o0 t"e incident
too( place. >"at is important is t"at t"eir testimonies reinforce eac" ot"er on t"e essential facts and t"at t"eir versions corroborate and
s!bstantially coincide 0it" eac" ot"er to ma(e a consistent and co"erent 0"ole.
-"e fact t"erefore t"at t"e statements of AAA and A'/
differ on some minor details does not in any 0ay affect t"eir credibility or detract from t"e inte+rity and tr!t"f!lness of t"eir declarations. -"e
variations in t"eir testimonies present a believable narration of 0"at act!ally "appened, made more so precisely beca!se of t"eir
/abal$!into offers a flimsy e1c!se in ans0er to t"e serio!s acc!sation a+ainst "im. Ie claims t"at A'/Ts fre$!ent spats 0it" "is brot"er
motivated "er to file t"e rape cases a+ainst "im.
2t is improbable t"at a victim of tender years, especially one !ne1posed to t"e 0ays of t"e 0orld as AAA m!st "ave been, 0o!ld imp!te a
crime as serio!s as rape to "er o0n fat"er if it 0ere not tr!e. -"ere is no do!bt in o!r minds t"at AAA 0as impelled solely by a desire to let
6!stice find its 0ay.
As re+ards A'/, 0e are convinced t"at s"e did not e1pose AAA to t"e i+nominy t"at rape victims m!st face only to +et bac( at /abal$!intoTs
brot"er. Iad t"at been "er motive, s"e 0o!ld "ave acc!sed /abal$!intoTs brot"er and not /abal$!into "imself. &o mot"er 0o!ld possibly
0is" to stamp "er c"ild falsely 0it" t"e sti+ma t"at follo0s a rape only for t"e p!rpose of p!nis"in+ someone a+ainst 0"om s"e "as no +r!d+e
A'/Ts .eal in prosec!tin+ t"is case demonstrates to !s "er yearnin+ t"at t"e la0 may do "er da!+"ter 6!stice even as "er o0n
fat"er "ad so depravedly 0ron+ed "er.
!rt"er, t"e contemporaneo!s and s!bse$!ent cond!ct of mot"er and c"ild are revealin+ of t"e veracity of t"e rape c"ar+e. 2t s"o!ld be
emp"asi.ed t"at !pon 0itnessin+ t"e o!tra+e done to "er da!+"ter, A'/ immediately confronted /abal$!into. S"ortly after0ards, s"e
confided to "er sister8in8la0 and traveled all t"e 0ay to 111 to see( "er o0n sisterTs advice. -"e follo0in+ day, mot"er and c"ild 0ent to t"e
police to report t"e incident and to e1ec!te t"eir s0orn statements. A'/ also too( "er da!+"ter to t"e /%E of %GI for t"e latterTs medical
-"ese si+nificant circ!mstances cannot be i+nored. >e are compelled to believe, especially in t"e face of /abal$!intoTs plain denial, t"at AAA
0as indeed se1!ally ab!sed and raped by "er o0n fat"er.
/arnal (no0led+e of a 0oman !nder 1, years of a+e is rape as defined !nder Art. 335 of t"e 3evised %enal /ode, and is $!alified 0"en t"e
offender is a parent of t"e victim, in 0"ic" case, t"e deat" penalty s"all be imposed as provided !nder t"e Deat" %enalty @a0.
2n t"is case,
t"e $!alifyin+ circ!mstances of t"e victimTs minority and "er relations"ip 0it" t"e acc!sed as t"e latterTs da!+"ter 0ere properly alle+ed in t"e
2nformations, proven d!rin+ trial and not ref!ted by /abal$!into. Io0ever, in vie0 of 3ep!blic Act &o. 9346 0"ic" pro"ibits t"e imposition of
t"e deat" penalty, t"e penalty of reclusion perpetua 0it"o!t eli+ibility for parole s"o!ld instead be imposed.
As re+ards t"e civil liability of /abal$!into, 0e affirm t"e a0ard of %D5,000.00 as civil indemnity for eac" co!nt and additionally a0ard
AAA %D5,000.00 as moral dama+es and %,5,000.00 as e1emplary dama+es for eac" co!nt consistent 0it" c!rrent 6!rispr!dence.
dama+es, separate and distinct from t"e civil indemnity, are a!tomatically +ranted in rape cases. E1emplary dama+es, on t"e ot"er "and, are
imposed to deter fat"ers 0it" aberrant se1!al be"aviors from se1!ally ab!sin+ t"eir da!+"ters.
>IE3E73E, t"e decision of t"e 3e+ional -rial /o!rt of F!e.on /ity, 'ranc" :D, in /riminal /ases &os. F89:8D96:3 and F89:8D96:4, as
0ell as t"e Decision of t"e /o!rt of Appeals in /A8G.3. /3 &o. 00,60, are A23=ED >2-I =7D22/A-27&. Appellant =E@/I73
/A'A@FE2&-7 is sentenced, in eac" of t"e criminal cases s!b6ect of t"is revie0, to s!ffer t"e penalty of reclusion perpetua 0it"o!t eli+ibility
for parole and to pay t"e victim, AAA )to be identified t"ro!+" t"e 2nformations filed 0it" t"e trial co!rt in t"is case*, t"e amo!nts of%D5,000.00
as civil indemnity, %D5,000.00 as moral dama+es and t"e f!rt"er s!m of %,5,000.00 as e1emplary dama+es pl!s costs.
S7 73DE3ED.
Pan%aniban, C.J., Puno, =uisumbin%, )nares$0antia%o, 0andoval$!utierre/, Carpio, (ustria$-artine/, Corona, Carpio$-orales, Callejo, 0r.,
(/cuna, Chico$Na/ario, !arcia, 6elasco, Jr., J.J., conc!r.
Disini, Jr. v. 2he 0ecretar" of Justice, G./. 1o. 2)3334
%etitioners #ose #es!s =. Disini, #r., 3o0ena S. Disini, @ianne 2vy %. =edina, #anette -oral and Ernesto Sonido, #r., as ta1payers, file a
%etition for /ertiorari and %ro"ibition !nder 3!le 65 of t"e 199D 3!les of /ivil %roced!re, t"e petitioners see( to 1* n!llify Sections 4)c*)4*, 6,
D, 1, and 19 of 3A 101D5, ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e A/ybercrime %revention Act of ,01,C for violatin+ t"e f!ndamental ri+"ts protected !nder
t"e /onstit!tionB and ,* pro"ibit t"e 3espondents, sin+ly and collectively, from enforcin+ t"e afore8mentioned provisions of t"e /ybercrime
&amed as 3espondents are t"e Secretary of #!stice, t"e Secretary of t"e 2nterior and @ocal Government, t"e E1ec!tive Director of t"e
2nformation /omm!nications -ec"nolo+y 7ffice, t"e /"ief of t"e %"ilippine &ational %olice, and t"e Director of t"e &ational '!rea! of
1. Sections 4)c*)4*, 6, D, 1, and 19 of -"e /ybercrime Act violate t"e petitioners? constit!tionally protected ri+"ts to freedom of
e1pression, d!e process, e$!al protection, privacy of comm!nications, as 0ell as t"e /onstit!tional sanctions a+ainst do!ble
6eopardy, !nd!e dele+ation of le+islative a!t"ority and t"e ri+"t a+ainst !nreasonable searc"es and sei.!reB
o a Sections 6 and D of t"e /ybercrime Act more t"an do!bles t"e liability for imprisonment for any violation of e1istin+
penal la0s are in violation of t"e petitioners? ri+"t a+ainst Do!ble #eopardyB
o a Section 1, of t"e /ybercrime Act, 0"ic" permits t"e &'2 and t"e %&% A0it" d!e ca!seC to en+a+e in real time collection
of traffic data 0it"o!t t"e benefit of t"e intervention of a 6!d+e, violates t"e %etitioners? /onstit!tionally8protected ri+"t to
be free from !nreasonable searc"es and sei.!re as 0ell as t"e ri+"t to t"e privacy of comm!nicationsB
o a Section 19 of t"e /ybercrime Act, 0"ic" a!t" t"e 3espondent Secretary of D7# to bloc( or restrict access to any
content !pon a prima facie findin+ t"at t"e same violates t"e la0, contains an !nd!e dele+ation of le+islative a!t"ority,
infrin+es !pon t"e 6!dicial po0er of t"e 6!diciary, and violates t"e %etitioners? /onstit!tionally8protected ri+"t to d!e
process and freedom of e1pressionB and
o a Section 4)c*)4* defines libel as a cybercrime and in relation to Section 6 of t"e la0 increased t"e penalty from 6 mont"s
to 4 years and , mont"s to t"e +reater period of 6 years to 10 years, infrin+es !pon t"e ri+"t to freedom of e1pression and
also restricts t"e freedom of t"e press. Ender Section 1,, a prima facie findin+ by t"e Secretary of D7# can tri++er an
order directed at service providers to bloc( access to t"e said material 0it"o!t t"e benefit of a trial or a conviction. -"!s,
3A 101D5 infrin+es !pon t"e ri+"t to freedom of e1pression and also restricts t"e freedom of t"e press. -"e increased
penalties, pl!s t"e ease by 0"ic" alle+edly libelo!s materials can be removed from access, 0or( to+et"er as a Ac"illin+
effectC !pon protected speec".
,. &o ot"er plain, speedy, or ade$!ate remedy in t"e co!rt of la0, and t"at t"is %etition is t"erefore by t"e S/?s 6!dicial
po0er !nder Article H222, Section 1 par. , of t"e /onstit!tion and p!rs!ant to 3!le 65, Sec. 1 of t"e 199D 3!les of /ivil %roced!re,
as amended.
1. -"e /ybercrime Act Hiolates ree Speec"5
o a imposes "eavier penalties for online libel t"an paper8based libelB sin+le act of online libel 0ill res!lt in t0o convictions
penali.ed separately !nder t"e 3% and t"e /ybercrime ActB
o online libel !nder t"e /ybercrime Act 0ill ens!re t"e imprisonment of t"e acc!sed and for a m!c" lon+er period. S!c"
c"an+es 0ill res!lt in a c"illin+ effect !pon t"e freedom of speec"B
o a 0it" t"e passa+e of t"e /ybercrime Act, Senator Hicente Sotto 222?s earlier t"reat to criminally prosec!te all blo++ers and
internet !sers 0"o 0ere critical of "is alle+ed pla+iarism of online materials for !se in "is speec" a+ainst t"e 3eprod!ctive
Iealt" 'ill became realB t"reat of criminal prosec!tion !nder 3A 101D5 0ill 0or( to precl!de people s!c" as %etitioners
from postin+ social commentaries online, t"!s creatin+ a Ac"illin+ effectC !pon t"e freedom of e1pressionB
o a +ives t"e D7# Secretary blan(et a!t"ority to restrain and bloc( access to content 0"et"er a!t"ored by private citi.ens or
t"e or+ani.ed press sans any "earin+ of any (ind b!t merely !pon a mere prima facie s"o0in+ t"at a partic!lar 2nternet
article constit!tes online libelB
o a respondents m!st demonstrate "o0 t"e /ybercrime Act 0ill fare !nder strict scr!tiny
,. Sections 6 and D of t"e /ybercrime Act violate t"e Do!ble #eopardy and E$!al %rotection /la!ses of t"e /onstit!tion5
o a %ersons 0"o commit crimes !sin+ information and comm!nication tec"nolo+ies )2/-s* face t"e possibility of bein+
imprisoned more t"an do!ble t"e imprisonment laid do0n in t"e 3%/ or special la0, simply by t"e passa+e of t"e
/ybercrime ActB
o a t"e cybercrimes defined and p!nis"ed !nder Section 6 of t"e Act are absol!tely identical to t"e crimes defined in t"e
3%/ and special la0s 0"ic" raises t"e possibility t"at an acc!sed 0ill be p!nis"ed t0ice for t"e same offense in violation
of t"e /onstit!tionB
o a /on+ress created a class of offenders 0"o commit crimes Aby, t"ro!+" or 0it" t"e !seC of 2/-s in violation of t"e e$!al
protection cla!se
3. -"e 3eal -ime /ollection of -raffic Date Hiolate t"e 3i+"t to %rivacy and t"e 3i+"t A+ainst Enreasonable Searc"es and Sei.!re5
o a &o compellin+ state interest t"at 6!stifies real time collection of dataB t"e a!t"ority vested on t"e %"ilippine &ational
%olice and t"e &ational '!rea! of 2nvesti+ation to collect data is not bo!nded by any reasonable standard e1cept Ad!e
ca!seC 0"ic" pres!mably, t"e %&% and &'2 0ill determine for itselfB
o a >"ile t"e privacy of s!spected terrorists, t"ro!+" t"e I!man Sec!rity Act, are protected by t"e intervention of t"e /o!rt
of Appeals before s!rveillance operations are cond!cted, t"e privacy of all citi.ens may be infrin+ed 0it"o!t 6!dicial
participation in t"e /ybercrime ActB
o a &eit"er t"e %&% nor t"e &'2 is re$!ired to 6!stify t"e inc!rsion into t"e ri+"t to privacyB
o &o limits imposed !pon t"e %&% or t"e &'2 since t"ey can la0f!lly collect traffic data at all times 0it"o!t interr!ptionB
o a &o stated 6!stification for t"is 0arrant8free !nlimited inc!rsion into t"e privacy of citi.ens
4. -"e 3espondent D7# Secretary?s -a(e Do0n A!t"ority !nder Section 19 of t"e /ybercrime Act violates D!e %rocess and is an
End!e Dele+ation of @e+islative A!t"ority
o a -"e D7# Secretary?s over0"elmin+ po0ers to order t"e restriction or bloc(in+ of access to certain content !pon a mere
prima facie findin+ 0it"o!t any need for a 6!dicial determination is in clear violation of petitioners? /onstit!tionally
protected ri+"t to d!e processB
o a -"e /ybercrime Act contemplates t"at t"e respondent D7# Secretary 0ill be A6!d+e, 6!ry and e1ec!tionerC of all
cybercrime8related complaintsB
o -o consider t"at all penal provisions in all specials la0s are cybercrimes !nder Section 6, it a follo0s t"at5
1. /omplaints filed by intellect!al property ri+"ts o0ners may be acted !pon t"e 3espondent D7# Secretary to
bloc( access to 0ebsites and content !pon a mere prima facie s"o0in+ of an infrin+ementB
,. orei+n sites )e.+.* offerin+ +oods on retail to %"ilippine citi.ens may be bloc(ed for violatin+ t"e
3etail -rade @a0B
3. orei+n service providers s!c" as S(ype may be bloc(ed from offerin+ voice services 0it"o!t sec!rin+ a license
from t"e &ational -elecomm!nications /omm!nicationB
4. Go!-!be video may be bloc(ed for pres!mably violatin+ t"e 2% /ode.
o a -"e /ybercrime Act fails t"e t0o tests laid do0n by t"e /o!rt in (baada !uro Part" ,ist v. Purisima )G3 &o. 166D15*
to determine t"e validity of dele+ation of le+islative po0er5 )1* t"e completeness test and ),* t"e s!fficient standard test
1. &o0"ere in t"e /ybercrime Act?s declaration of policy does it lay do0n t"e le+islative policy 0it" respect to t"e
bloc(in+ of content. &o limits !pon t"e ta(edo0n po0er of t"e respondent D7# SecretaryB
,. Prima facie standard is not eno!+" to prevent t"e D7# Secretary from e1ercisin+ infinite discretion and
becomin+ t"e s!preme a!t"ority in t"e %"ilippine 2nternet landscape.
1. Declare n!ll and void, for bein+ !nconstit!tional, Sections 4)c*)4*, 6, D, 1, and 19 of 3A 101D5B
,. %ro"ibit all 3espondents from implementin+ Sections 4)c*)4*, 6, D, 1, and 19 of 3A 101D5B
3. 2ss!e a -37 en6oinin+ t"e 3espondents from implementin+ Sections 4)c*)4*, 6, D, 1, and 19 of 3A 101D5B and
4. 2ss!e ot"er reliefs, 6!st and e$!itable in t"e premises.
5. 3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
6. E& 'A&/
-. G.R. No. 1//4 #)n& .5, .41.
9. D E / 2 S 2 7 &
14. ABAD, J.!
11. -"is case, 0"ic" involves anot"er attempt of t"e +overnment to recover ill8+otten 0ealt" ac$!ired d!rin+ t"e =arcos era, resolves
t"e iss!e of prescription.
1,. -"e acts and t"e /ase
13. 7n April ,5, 19DD respondents -eodoro D. 3e+ala, Hictor %. @a.atin, '. 3eyes, Ed!ardo E. Esc!eta and @eo #. %alma
incorporated t"e Enited /ocon!t 7il =ills, 2nc. )E&2/7=*
0it" an a!t"ori.ed capital stoc( of %100 million divided into one million
s"ares 0it" a par val!e of %100 per s"are. -"e incorporators s!bscribed to ,00,000 s"ares 0ort" %,0 million and paid %5 million.
14. 7n September ,6, 19D: E&2/7= amended its capitali.ation by )1* increasin+ its a!t"ori.ed capital stoc( to t"ree million s"ares
0it"o!t par val!eB ),* convertin+ t"e ori+inal s!bscription of ,00,000 to one million s"ares 0it"o!t par val!e and deemed f!lly paid
for and non8assessable by applyin+ t"e %5 million already paidB and )3* 0aivin+ and abandonin+ t"e s!bscription receivables of %15
15. 7n A!+!st ,9, 19D9 t"e 'oard of Directors of t"e Enited /ocon!t %lanters 'an( )E/%'* composed of respondents Ed!ardo =.
/o6!an+co, #r., #!an %once Enrile, =aria /lara @. @obre+at, #ose 3., #r., #ose /. /oncepcion, 3olando %. Dela /!esta,
Emman!el =. Almeda, Iermene+ildo /. 9ayco, &arciso =. %ineda, 2Ya(i 3. =ende.ona, and Danilo S. Ers!a approved 3esol!tion
,4D8D9 a!t" E/%', t"e Administrator of t"e /ocon!t 2nd!stry 2nvestment !nd )/22 !nd*, to invest not more t"an %500
million from t"e f!nd in t"e e$!ity of E&2/7= for t"e benefit of t"e cocon!t farmers.
16. 7n September 4, 19D9 E&2/7= increased its a!t"ori.ed capital stoc( to 10 million s"ares 0it"o!t par val!e. -"e /ertificate of
2ncrease of /apital Stoc( stated t"at t"e incorporators "eld one million s"ares 0it"o!t par val!e and t"at E/%' s!bscribed to 4
million s"ares 0ort" %495 million.
1D. 7n September 1:, 19D9 a ne0 set of E&2/7= directors, composed of respondents Ed!ardo =. /o6!an+co, #r., #!an %once Enrile,
=aria /lara @. @obre+at, #ose 3., #r., #ose /oncepcion, Emman!el =. Almeda, 2Ya(i 3. =ende.ona, -eodoro D. 3e+ala,
Do!+las @! Gm, Si+fredo Heloso, and #aime Gandia+a, approved anot"er amendment to E&2/7=?s capitali.ation. -"is increased
its a!t"ori.ed capital stoc( to one billion s"ares divided into 500 million /lass SAS votin+ common s"ares, 400 million /lass S'S
votin+ common s"ares, and 100 million /lass S/S non8votin+ common s"ares, all 0it" a par val!e of %1 per s"are. -"e paid8!p
s!bscriptions of 5 million s"ares 0it"o!t par val!e )consistin+ of one million s"ares for t"e incorporators and 4 million s"ares for
E/%'* 0ere t"en converted to 500 million /lass SAS votin+ common s"ares at t"e ratio of 100 /lass SAS votin+ common s"ares for
every one 0it"o!t par val!e s"are.
1:. Abo!t 10 years later or on =arc" 1, 1990 t"e 7ffice of t"e Solicitor General )7SG* filed a complaint for violation of Section 3)e* of
3ep!blic Act )3.A.* 3019
a+ainst respondents, t"e 19D9 members of t"e E/%' board of directors, before t"e %residential
/ommission on Good Government )%/GG*. -"e 7SG alle+ed t"at E/%'?s investment in E&2/7= 0as manifestly and +rossly
disadvanta+eo!s to t"e +overnment since E&2/7= "ad a capitali.ation of only %5 million and it "ad no trac( record of operation. 2n
t"e process of conversion to votin+ common s"ares, t"e +overnment?s %495 million investment 0as red!ced by %95 million 0"ic"
0as credited to E&2/7=?s incorporators. -"e %/GG s!bse$!ently referred t"e complaint to t"e 7ffice of t"e 7mb!dsman in 7='8
08908,:10 in line 0it" t"e r!lin+ in Cojuan%co, Jr. v. Presidential Commission on !ood !overnment,
0"ic" dis$!alified t"e %/GG
from cond!ctin+ t"e preliminary investi+ation in t"e case.
19. Abo!t nine years later or on =arc" 15, 1999 t"e 7ffice of t"e Special %rosec!tor )7S%* iss!ed a =emorand!m,
statin+ t"at
alt"o!+" it fo!nd s!fficient basis to indict respondents for violation of Section 3)e* of 3.A. 3019, t"e action "as already prescribed.
3espondents amended E&2/7=?s capitali.ation a t"ird time on September 1:, 19D9, +ivin+ t"e incorporators !n0arranted benefits
by increasin+ t"eir 1 million s"ares to 100 million s"ares 0it"o!t cost to t"em. '!t, since E&2/7= filed its /ertificate of ilin+ of
Amended Articles of 2ncorporation 0it" t"e Sec!rities and E1c"an+e /ommission )SE/* on ebr!ary :, 19:0, ma(in+ p!blic
respondents? acts as board of directors, t"e period of prescription be+an to r!n at t"at time and ended on ebr!ary :, 1990. -"!s,
t"e crime already prescribed 0"en t"e 7SG filed t"e complaint 0it" t"e %/GG for preliminary investi+ation on =arc" 1, 1990.
,0. 2n a =emorand!m
dated =ay 14, 1999, t"e 7ffice of t"e 7mb!dsman approved t"e 7S%?s recommendation for dismissal of t"e
complaint. 2t additionally r!led t"at E/%'?s s!bscription to t"e s"ares of stoc( of E&2/7= on September 1:, 19D9 0as t"e proper
point at 0"ic" t"e prescription of t"e action be+an to r!n since respondents? act of investin+ into E&2/7= 0as cons!mmated on
t"at date. 2t co!ld not be said t"at t"e investment 0as a contin!in+ act. -"e +ivin+ of !nd!e benefit to t"e incorporators prescribed
10 years later on September 1:, 19:9. &otably, 0"en t"e crime 0as committed in 19D9 t"e prescriptive period for it "ad not yet
been amended. -"e ori+inal provision of Section 11 of 3.A. 3019 provided for prescription of 10 years. -"!s, t"e 7SG filed its
complaint o!t of time.
,1. -"e 7SG filed a motion for reconsideration on t"e 7ffice of t"e 7mb!dsman?s action b!t t"e latter denied t"e sameB
"ence, t"is
,,. =ean0"ile, t"e /o!rt ordered t"e dismissal of t"e case a+ainst respondent =aria /lara @. @obre+at in vie0 of "er deat" on #an!ary
,, ,004.
,3. -"e 2ss!e %resented
,4. -"e pivotal iss!e in t"is case is 0"et"er or not respondents? alle+ed violation of Section 3)e* of 3.A. 3019 already prescribed.
,5. -"e /o!rt?s 3!lin+
,6. %reliminarily, t"e /o!rt notes t"at 0"at 3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines )petitioner* filed in t"is case is a petition for revie0 on certiorari
!nder 3!le 45. '!t t"e remedy from an adverse resol!tion of t"e 7ffice of t"e 7mb!dsman in a preliminary investi+ation is a special
civil action of certiorari !nder 3!le 65.
Still, t"e /o!rt 0ill treat t"is petition as one filed !nder 3!le 65 since a readin+ of its
contents reveals t"at petitioner imp!tes +rave ab!se of discretion and reversible 6!risdictional error to t"e 7mb!dsman for
dismissin+ t"e complaint. -"e /o!rt "as previo!sly treated differently labeled actions as special civil actions for certiorari !nder 3!le
65 for acceptable reasons s!c" as 6!stice, e$!ity, and fair play.
,D. As to t"e main iss!e, petitioner maintains t"at, alt"o!+" t"e c"ar+e a+ainst respondents 0as for violation of t"e Anti8Graft and
/orr!pt %ractices Act, its prosec!tion relates to its efforts to recover t"e ill8+otten 0ealt" of former %resident erdinand =arcos and
of "is family and cronies. Section 15, Article Z2 of t"e 19:D /onstit!tion provides t"at t"e ri+"t of t"e State to recover properties
!nla0f!lly ac$!ired by p!blic officials or employees is not barred by prescription, lac"es, or estoppel.
,:. '!t t"e /o!rt "as already settled in Presidential (d +oc 1act$1indin% Committee on Behest ,oans v. Desierto
t"at Section 15,
Article Z2 of t"e 19:D /onstit!tion applies only to civil actions for recovery of ill8+otten 0ealt", not to criminal cases s!c" as t"e
complaint a+ainst respondents in 7='808908,:10. -"!s, t"e prosec!tion of offenses arisin+ from, relatin+ or incident to, or involvin+
ill8+otten 0ealt" contemplated in Section 15, Article Z2 of t"e 19:D /onstit!tion may be barred by prescription.
,9. &otably, Section 11 of 3.A. 3019 no0 provides t"at t"e offenses committed !nder t"at la0 prescribes in 15 years. %rior to its
amendment by 'atas %ambansa )'.%.* 'l+. 195 on =arc" 16, 19:,, "o0ever, t"e prescriptive period for offenses p!nis"able !nder
3.A. 3019 0as only 10 years.
Since t"e acts complained of 0ere committed before t"e enactment of '.%. 195, t"e prescriptive
period for s!c" acts is 10 years as provided in Section 11 of 3.A. 3019, as ori+inally enacted.
30. &o0 3.A. 3019 bein+ a special la0, t"e 108year prescriptive period s"o!ld be comp!ted in accordance 0it" Section , of Act
0"ic" provides5
1. S&102on .. P'&(1'2=02on (6a<< 8&32n 0o ')n >'o: 06& da; o> 06& 1o::2((2on o> 06& %2o<a02on o> 06& <a?, and 2> 06& (a:& 8& no0
9no?n a0 06& 02:&, >'o: 06& d2(1o%&'; 06&'&o> and 06& 2n(020)02on o> C)d212a< ='o1&&d2n3( >o' 20( 2n%&(023a02on and
3,. -"e above8mentioned section provides t0o r!les for determinin+ 0"en t"e prescriptive period s"all be+in to r!n5 first, from t"e day
of t"e commission of t"e violation of t"e la0, if s!c" commission is (no0nB and second, from its discovery, if not t"en (no0n, and
t"e instit!tion of 6!dicial proceedin+s for its investi+ation and p!nis"ment.
33. %etitioner points o!t t"at, ass!min+ t"e offense c"ar+ed is s!b6ect to prescription, t"e same be+an to r!n only from t"e date it 0as
discovered, namely, after t"e 19:6 EDSA 3evol!tion. -"!s, t"e c"ar+e co!ld be filed as late as 1996.
34. 2n t"e prosec!tion of cases of be"est loans, t"e /o!rt rec(oned t"e prescriptive period from t"e discovery of s!c"
loans.DLwphiD -"e reason for t"is is t"at t"e +overnment, as a++rieved party, co!ld not "ave (no0n t"at t"ose loans e1isted 0"en
t"ey 0ere made. 'ot" parties to s!c" loans s!pposedly conspired to perpetrate fra!d a+ainst t"e +overnment. -"ey co!ld only "ave
been discovered after t"e 19:6 EDSA 3evol!tion 0"en t"e people o!sted %resident =arcos from office. And, prior to t"at date, no
person 0o!ld "ave dared $!estion t"e le+ality or propriety of t"e loans.
35. -"ose circ!mstances do not obtain in t"is case. or one t"in+, 0"at is $!estioned "ere is not t"e +rant of be"est loans t"at, by t"eir
nat!re, co!ld be concealed from t"e p!blic eye by t"e simple e1pedient of s!ppressin+ t"eir doc!mentations. >"at is rat"er
involved "ere is E/%'?s investment in E&2/7=, 0"ic" corporation is alle+edly o0ned by respondent /o6!an+co, s!pposedly a
=arcos crony. -"at investment does not, "o0ever, appear to "ave been 0it""eld from t"e c!rio!s or from t"ose 0"o 0ere minded
to (no0 li(e ban(s or competin+ b!sinesses. 2ndeed, t"e 7SG made no alle+ation t"at respondent members of t"e board of
directors of E/%' connived 0it" E&2/7= to s!ppress p!blic (no0led+e of t"e investment.
36. 'esides, t"e transaction left t"e confines of t"e E/%' and E&2/7= board rooms 0"en E&2/7= applied 0it" t"e SE/, t"e p!blicly8
accessible +overnment clearin+ "o!se for increases in corporate capitali.ation, to accommodate E/%'?s investment. /"an+es in
s"are"oldin+s are reflected in t"e General 2nformation S"eets t"at corporations "ave been mandated to s!bmit ann!ally to t"e SE/.
-"ese are available to anyone !pon re$!est.
3D. -"e 7SG ma(es no alle+ation t"at t"e SE/ denied p!blic access to E/%'?s investment in E&2/7= d!rin+ martial la0 at t"e
%resident?s or anyone else?s instance. 2ndeed, no acc!sation of t"is (ind "as ever been "!rled at t"e SE/ 0it" reference to
corporate transactions of 0"atever (ind d!rin+ martial la0 since even t"at re+ime "ad a sta(e in (eepin+ intact t"e inte+rity of t"e
SE/ as an instr!mentality of investments in t"e %"ilippines.
3:. And, +ranted t"at t"e feint8"earted mi+"t not "ave t"e co!ra+e to $!estion t"e E/%' investment into E&2/7= d!rin+ martial la0,
t"e second element;t"at t"e action co!ld not "ave been instit!ted d!rin+ t"e 108year period beca!se of martial la0;does not
apply to t"is case. -"e last day for filin+ t"e action 0as, at t"e latest, on ebr!ary :, 1990, abo!t fo!r years after martial la0 ended.
%etitioner "ad (no0n of t"e investment it no0 $!estions for a s!fficiently lon+ time yet it let t"ose fo!r years of t"e remainin+ period
of prescription r!n its co!rse before brin+in+ t"e proper action.
39. %rescription of actions is a val!ed r!le in all civili.ed states from t"e be+innin+ of or+ani.ed society. 2t is a r!le of fairness since,
0it"o!t it, t"e plaintiff can postpone t"e filin+ of "is action to t"e point of deprivin+ t"e defendant, t"ro!+" t"e passa+e of time, of
access to defense 0itnesses 0"o 0o!ld "ave died or left to live else0"ere, or to doc!ments t"at 0o!ld "ave been discarded or
co!ld no lon+er be located. =oreover, t"e memories of 0itnesses are eroded by time. -"ere is an absol!te need in t"e interest of
fairness to bar actions t"at "ave ta(en t"e plaintiffs too lon+ to file in co!rt.
40. 3espondents claim t"at, in any event, t"e complaint a+ainst t"em failed to s"o0 probable ca!se. -"ey point o!t t"at, prior to t"e
t"ird amendment of E&2/7=?s capitali.ation, t"e stated val!e of t"e one million s"ares 0it"o!t par val!e, 0"ic" belon+ed to its
incorporators, 0as %5 million. >"en t"ese s"ares 0ere converted to 5 million s"ares 0it" par val!e, t"e total par val!e of s!c"
s"ares remained at %5 million. '!t, t"e action "avin+ prescribed, t"ere is no point in disc!ssin+ t"e e1istence of probable ca!se
a+ainst t"e respondents for violation of Section 3)e* of 3.A. 3019.
41. DHEREFORE, t"e /o!rt DENIES t"e petition and AFFIRMS t"e =emorand!m dated =ay 14, 1999 of t"e 7ffice of t"e
7mb!dsman t"at dismissed on t"e +ro!nd of prescription t"e s!b6ect c"ar+e of violation of Section 3)e* of 3.A. 3019 a+ainst
respondents Ed!ardo =. /o6!an+co, #r., #!an %once Enrile, #ose 3., #r., #ose /. /oncepcion, 3olando %. Dela /!esta,
Emman!el =. Almeda, Iermene+ildo /. 9ayco, &arciso =. %ineda, 2Ya(i 3. =ende.ona, Danilo S. Ers!a, -eodoro D. 3e+ala,
Hictor %. @a.atin, '. 3eyes, Ed!ardo E. Esc!eta, @eo #. %alma, Do!+las @! Gm, Si+fredo Heloso, and #aime Gandia+a.
4,. S7 73DE3ED.
Associate #!stice
44. >E /7&/E35
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
)7n 7fficial @eave*
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
46. / E 3 - 2 2 / A - 2 7 &
4D. 2 certify t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision "ad been reac"ed in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of
t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt.
Senior Associate #!stice
)%er Section 1,, 3.A. ,96, -"e #!diciary Act of 194:, as amended*
49. 3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
50. 23S- D2H2S27&
,1. G.R. No. 1,-1, A='2< 1, .411
COMMITTEE, %etitioners,
53. D E / 2 S 2 7 &
,!. PEREZ, J.!
55. -"is petition for revie0 on certiorari
is one amon+ t"e 1D cases filed before !s by t"e %residential Ad Ioc act8indin+ /ommittee
on 'e"est @oans, c"ar+in+ p!blic respondent 7mb!dsman Aniano A. Desierto )7mb!dsman* for +rave ab!se of discretion, 0"en,
on t"e +ro!nd of prescription and ins!fficiency of evidence, "e dismissed all of t"ese cases t"en pendin+ before "im, incl!din+ t"is
case in 7='8089D81D1:.
56. -"e acts
5D. 3espondents =o"ammad Ali Dimaporo, Abd!lla" Dimaporo, and Amer Dianalan, 0ere stoc("olders and officers of t"e =indanao
/ocon!t 7il =ills )=2&/7/7*, a domestic corporation establis"ed in 19D4,
0"ile respondents %anfilo 7. Domin+o, /onrado S.
3eyes, Enri$!e =. Ierbo.a, and 3icardo S!n+a, 0ere t"en officers of t"e &ational 2nvestment and Development /orporation
5:. 7n 10 =ay 19D6, =2&/7/7 applied for a G!arantee @oan Accommodation 0it" t"e &2D/ for t"e amo!nt of appro1imately
%30,400,000.00, 0"ic" t"e &2D/?s 'oard of Directors approved on ,3 #!ne 19D6.
59. -"e +!arantee loan 0as, "o0ever, bot" !ndercapitali.ed and !nder8collaterali.ed beca!se =2&/7/7?s paid capital t"en 0as only
%D,000,000.00 and its assets 0ort" is %D,000,000.00.
60. -"is not0it"standin+, =2&/7/7 f!rt"er obtained additional G!arantee @oan Accommodations from &2D/ in t"e amo!nt of
%13,64D,600.00 and %D,000,000.00,
61. >"en =2&/7/7?s mort+a+e liens 0ere abo!t to be foreclosed by t"e +overnment ban(s d!e its o!tstandin+ obli+ations, Ed!ardo
/o6!an+co iss!ed a memorand!m dated 1: #!ly 19:3, bearin+ t"e late %resident erdinand E. =arcos? )%resident =arcos*
mar+inal note, disallo0in+ t"e foreclos!re of =2&/7/7?s properties.
-"e +overnment ban(s 0ere not able to recover any amo!nt
from =2&/7/7 and %resident =arcos? mar+inal note 0as constr!ed by t"e &2D/ to "ave effectively released =2&/7/7, incl!din+
its o0ners, from all of its financial liabilities.
6,. -"e above mentioned transactions, 0ere, "o0ever, discovered only in 199, after t"en %resident idel H. 3amos )%resident 3amos*,
in an effort to recover t"e ill8+otten 0ealt" of t"e late %resident =arcos, "is family, and cronies, iss!ed Administrative 7rder &o.
creatin+ t"e %residential Ad Ioc act8indin+ /ommittee on 'e"est @oans )t"e /ommittee*, 0it" t"e /"airman of t"e %"ilippine
/ommission on Good Government )%/GG* as t"e /ommittee?s "ead. -"e /ommittee 0as directed, inter alia, to inventory all
be"est loans, and identify t"e lenders and borro0ers, incl!din+ t"e principal officers and stoc("olders of t"e borro0in+ firms, as 0ell
as t"e persons responsible for t"e +rantin+ of loans or 0"o infl!enced t"e +rant t"ereof.
S!bse$!ently, t"en %resident 3amos
iss!ed =emorand!m 7rder &o. 61
o!tlinin+ t"e criteria 0"ic" may be !tili.ed as a frame of reference in determinin+ a be"est loan,
63. a. 2t is !nder8collaterali.edB
64. b. -"e borro0er corporation is !ndercapitali.edB
65. c. Direct or indirect endorsement by "i+" +overnment officials li(e presence of mar+inal noteB
66. d. Stoc("olders, officers or a+ents of t"e borro0er corporation are identified as croniesB
6D. e. Deviation of !se of loan proceeds from t"e p!rpose intendedB
6:. f. Ese of corporate layerin+B
69. +. &on8feasibility of t"e pro6ect for 0"ic" financin+ is bein+ so!+"tB
D0. ". E1traordinary speed in 0"ic" t"e loan release 0as made.
D1. -"e /ommittee fo!nd t"at t0enty8one ),1* corporations, incl!din+ =2&/7/7, obtained be"est loans. 2t claimed t"at t"e fact t"at
=2&/7/7 0as !nder8collaterali.ed and !ndercapitali.edB t"at its officers 0ere identified as croniesB t"at t"e late %resident =arcos
"ad mar+inal note, effectively 0aivin+ t"e +overnment?s ri+"t to foreclose =2&/7/7?s mort+a+e liensB and, t"at t"e G!arantee
@oan Accommodation 0ere approved in an e1traordinary speed of one mont", bore bad+es of be"est loans.
D,. S!bse$!ently, t"e /ommittee filed 0it" t"e 7mb!dsman a s0orn complaint a+ainst =2&/7/7?s 7fficers and &2D/?s 'oard of
Directors for violation of Section 3)e* and )+* of 3ep!blic Act &o. 3019,
as amended.
D3. 'y 3esol!tion dated 9 #!ly 199:, t"e 7mb!dsman mot! prorio dismissed t"e complaint on t"e +ro!nds t"at, first, t"ere 0as
ins!fficient evidence to 0arrant t"e indictment of t"e persons c"ar+edB and, second, t"e alle+ed offenses "ad prescribed.
7mb!dsman e1plained5
D4. 'ein+ !ndercapitali.ed, standin+ alone is meanin+less. -"e approval of t"e loans<+!arantees 0as still based on so!nd lendin+
practice, ot"er0ise, =2&/7/7 0o!ld "ave been dis$!alified from obtainin+ t"e same. 2f =2&/7/7?s e$!ity 0as more t"an t"e
amo!nt of t"e loans, t"ere 0as no need for it to obtain t"e latter.
D5. Anent t"e claim t"at =o"ammad Ali Dimaporo 0as a crony of t"e late %resident =arcos, no evidence 0as add!ced to prove t"e
same, "ence, remains a bare alle+ation. 1 1 1.
D6. 7n t"e iss!e t"at t"e notation by %resident =arcos in t"e =emorand!m of #!ly 1:, 19:3 is a be"est order, s!ffice it to state t"at
t"ese mar+inal notes, if t"ey meant endorsement as defined !nder =emorand!m 7rder &o. 61, endorsed t"e recommendation
re+ardin+ t"e mort+a+e liens of t"e +overnment ban(s of t"e =ot"balled /ocon!t 7il =ills and not t"e approval<+rant of t"e
loans<+!arantees in 19D6. 2t is in effect approved t"e release of t"e liabilities of t"e former o0ners of cocon!t oil mills, one of 0"ic"
0as =2&/7/7, b!t not t"e ac$!isition of t"e said loans<+!arantees.
DD. -"e ta(e over of =2&/7/7 by E&2/7= 0it"o!t t"e consent of &2D/ is not a c"aracteristic of a be"est loan. 2t is a mere violation of
proced!res t"at does not 0arrant a criminal action.
D:. 1 1 1 1
D9. or t"e perpetration of t"e acts bein+ complained of, t"e respondents are c"ar+ed of violations of Sections 3)e* and )+* of 3ep!blic
Act &o. 3019. -"e instant case "o0ever 0ill no lon+er prosper for t"e offenses "ave already prescribed.
:0. 'e it remembered t"at =2&/7/7 applied for and 0as +ranted loans<+!arantees 0ay bac( in 19D6. -"!s, t"ese acts are +overned
by t"e la0 in force at t"e time of t"eir commission, 0"ic" is t"e old 3.A. &o. 3019 before its amendment by 'atas %ambansa 'l+.
195 in =arc" 19:,. 7ffenses perpetrated prior to t"e enactment of t"is latter la0 prescribed ten )10* years later. And since t"e case
0as filed a+ainst t"e "erein respondents only in September 199D, t"e offenses "ave lon+ prescribed in 19:6.
:1. %rescription commenced to r!n in 19D6 0"en t"e assailed transaction "appened. 1 1 1.
:,. Ience, t"is petition for revie0 on certiorari !nder 3!le 45 of t"e 3!les of /o!rt.
:3. -"e petitioner ar+!ed t"at t"e ri+"t of t"e State to recover be"est loans as ill8+otten 0ealt" is imprescriptible !nder Section 15,
Article Z2 of t"e 19:D /onstit!tionB
and, ass!min+ t"at t"e period to file criminal c"ar+es "erefore is s!b6ect to prescription, t"e
prescriptive period s"o!ld be co!nted from t"e time of discovery of be"est loans or sometime in 199, 0"en t"e /ommittee 0as
:4. -"e 7mb!dsman, in "is /omment, co!ntered t"at "is office "as t"e discretionary po0er d!rin+ preliminary investi+ation to
determine t"e s!fficiency of evidence for indictmentB
t"at it is beyond t"e ambit of t"e /o!rt to revie0 t"is e1ercise of
t"at Section 15, Article Z2 of t"e 19:D /onstit!tion applies only to civil s!its and not to criminal proceedin+sB
and, t"at
t"e crime !nder 0"ic" t"e respondents "erein 0ere c"ar+ed "ad already prescribed.
:5. %rivate respondents %anfilo 7. Domin+o and Enri$!e =. Ierbo.a, filed t"eir respective /omments mainly reiteratin+ t"e
7mb!dsman?s contentions. -"e ot"er respondents did not file t"eir /omments, and, t"!s, considered to "ave 0aived t"eir c"ance
:6. -"e /o!rt?s 3!lin+
:D. -"e remedy from an adverse resol!tion of t"e 7mb!dsman is a petition for certiorari !nder 3!le 65 of t"e 3!les of /o!rtB 0"at 0as
filed 0it" t"e /o!rt, "o0ever, 0as a petition for revie0 on certiorari !nder 3!le 45. &evert"eless, t"e /o!rt 0ill treat t"is petition as
one filed !nder 3!le 65 since a readin+ of its contents s"o0s t"at t"e /ommittee imp!tes +rave ab!se of discretion to t"e
7mb!dsman for dismissin+ t"e complaint.
-"is 0as "o0 0e also treated t"e previo!s cases marred by t"e same proced!ral lapse,
t"e latest of 0"ic" is t"e ,009 %residential Ad8Ioc act indin+ /ommittee on 'e"est @oans v. Desierto )G.3. &o. 135D03*.
::. At t"e core of t"e controversy is t"e 7mb!dsman?s 3esol!tion "oldin+ t"at prescription "ad already set8in effectively barrin+ t"e
instit!tion of c"ar+es a+ainst t"e private respondents. -"e 7mb!dsman claimed t"at t"e alle+ed be"est loans, transpired in
and, t"!s, t"e complaint filed after more t"an t0o decades from t"e commission t"ereof or on : 7ctober 199D, 0as 0ell
beyond t"e 108year prescriptive period provided for !nder t"e old 3ep!blic Act &o. 3019.
:9. 2n resolvin+ t"e iss!e of prescription, t"e follo0in+ s"all be considered5 )1* t"e period of prescription for t"e offense c"ar+edB ),* t"e
time t"e period of prescription started to r!nB and )3* t"e time t"e prescriptive period 0as interr!pted.
90. At t"e o!tset, t"e provision fo!nd in Section 15, Article Z2 of t"e 19:D /onstit!tion t"at St"e ri+"t of t"e State to recover properties
!nla0f!lly ac$!ired by p!blic officials or employees, from t"em or from t"eir nominees or transferees, s"all not be barred by
prescription, lac"es or estoppels,S "as already been settled in %residential Ad Ioc act8indin+ /ommittee on 'e"est @oans v.
Desierto )G.3. &o. 130140*,
0"ere t"e /o!rt "eld t"at t"e above cited constit!tional provision Sapplies only to civil actions for
recovery of ill8+otten 0ealt", and not to criminal cases.S
91. -"e period of prescription for t"e crime c"ar+ed in t"is petition, committed in 19D6 and prior to t"e amendment of 3ep!blic Act &o.
3019, is ten )10* years.
9,. Section 11
of 3ep!blic Act &o. 3019 as amended by 'atas %ambansa 'l+. 195, provides t"at t"e offenses committed !nder
3ep!blic Act &o. 3019 s"all prescribe in fifteen )15* yearsB prior to t"is amendment, "o0ever, !nder t"e old 3ep!blic Act &o. 3019,
t"is prescriptive period 0as only ten )10* years. 2n %eople v. %acificador,
t"e /o!rt "eld t"at t"e lon+er prescriptive period of 158
years does not apply in crimes committed prior to t"e effectivity of 'atas %ambansa 'l+. 195, 0"ic" 0as approved on 16 =arc"
19:,, beca!se, not bein+ favorable to t"e acc!sed, it cannot be +iven retroactive effect. /onsiderin+ t"at t"e alle+ed crime 0as
committed in 19D6, and in line 0it" t"e /o!rt?s r!lin+ in %acificador, t"e prescription period s"o!ld be ten )10* years.
93. %rescription of crime s"all be+in to r!n from t"e day of its commission, and if t"e same be not (no0n at t"e time, from t"e discovery
t"ereof and t"e instit!tion of 6!dicial proceedin+s for its investi+ation and p!nis"ment.
94. >"ile 0e s!stain t"e 7mb!dsman?s contention t"at t"e prescriptive period for t"e crime c"ar+ed "erein is 10 years and not 15
years, 0e are not pers!aded t"at in t"is specific case, t"e prescriptive period be+an to r!n in 19D6, 0"en t"e loans 0ere transacted.
95. -"e time as to 0"en t"e prescriptive period starts to r!n for crimes committed !nder 3ep!blic Act &o. 3019, a special la0, is
covered by Act &o. 33,6,
Section , of 0"ic" provides t"at5
96. Section ,. %rescription s"all be+in to r!n from t"e day of t"e commission of t"e violation of t"e la0, and if t"e same be not (no0n at
t"e time, from t"e discovery t"ereof and t"e instit!tion of 6!dicial proceedin+s for its investi+ation and p!nis"ment.
9D. -"e prescription s"all be interr!pted 0"en proceedin+s are instit!ted a+ainst t"e +!ilty person, and s"all be+in to r!n a+ain if t"e
proceedin+s are dismissed for reasons not constit!tin+ do!ble 6eopardy.
9:. Generally, t"e prescriptive period s"all commence to r!n on t"e day t"e crime is committed. -"at an a++rieved person Sentitled to
an action "as no (no0led+e of "is ri+"t to s!e or of t"e facts o!t of 0"ic" "is ri+"t arises,S does not prevent t"e r!nnin+ of t"e
prescriptive period.
An e1ception to t"is r!le is t"e Sblameless i+noranceS doctrine, incorporated in Section , of Act &o. 33,6.
Ender t"is doctrine, St"e stat!te of limitations r!ns only !pon discovery of t"e fact of t"e invasion of a ri+"t 0"ic" 0ill s!pport a
ca!se of action. 2n ot"er 0ords, t"e co!rts 0o!ld decline to apply t"e stat!te of limitations 0"ere t"e plaintiff does not (no0 or "as
no reasonable means of (no0in+ t"e e1istence of a ca!se of action.S
2t 0as in t"is accord t"at t"e /o!rt confronted t"e $!estion
on t"e r!nnin+ of t"e prescriptive period in %eople v. D!$!e
0"ic" became t"e cornerstone of o!r 1999 Decision in %residential Ad
Ioc act8indin+ /ommittee on 'e"est @oans v. Desierto )G.3. &o. 130149*,
and t"e s!bse$!ent cases
0"ic" 7mb!dsman
Desierto dismissed, emp"atically, on t"e +ro!nd of prescription too. -"!s, 0e "eld in a catena of cases,
t"at if t"e violation of t"e
special la0 0as not (no0n at t"e time of its commission, t"e prescription be+ins to r!n only from t"e discovery t"ereof, i.e.,
discovery of t"e !nla0f!l nat!re of t"e constit!tive act or acts.
99. /orollary, it is safe to concl!de t"at t"e prescriptive period for t"e crime 0"ic" is t"e s!b6ect "erein, commenced from t"e date of its
discovery in 199, after t"e /ommittee made an e1"a!stive investi+ation.
>"en t"e complaint 0as filed in 199D, only five years
"ave elapsed, and, "ence, prescription "as not yet set in. -"e rationale for t"is 0as s!ccinctly disc!ssed in t"e 1999 %residential Ad
Ioc act8indin+ /ommittee on 'e"est @oans,
t"at Sit 0as 0ell8"i+" impossible for t"e State, t"e a++rieved party, to "ave (no0n
t"ese crimes committed prior to t"e 19:6 EDSA 3evol!tion, beca!se of t"e alle+ed connivance and conspiracy amon+ involved
p!blic officials and t"e beneficiaries of t"e loans.S
2n yet anot"er prono!ncement, in t"e ,001 %residential Ad Ioc act8indin+
/ommittee on 'e"est @oans v. Desierto )G.3. &o. 130:1D*,
t"e /o!rt "eld t"at d!rin+ t"e =arcos re+ime, no person 0o!ld "ave
dared to $!estion t"e le+ality of t"ese transactions.
100. >"ile t"e 7mb!dsman "as t"e f!ll discretion to determine 0"et"er a criminal case is to be filed, t"e /o!rt is not precl!ded from
revie0in+ t"e 7mb!dsman?s action 0"en t"ere is a +rave ab!se of discretion.
101. -r!e, t"e 7mb!dsman is a constit!tionally created body 0it" constit!tionally mandated independence. Despite t"is,
"o0ever, t"e 7mb!dsman comes 0it"in t"e p!rvie0 of t"e /o!rt?s po0er of 6!dicial revie0
Q a pec!liar concept of %"ilippine
7mb!dsman, embodied in Article H222, Section 1 of t"e 19:D /onstit!tion
Q 0"ic" serves as a safety net a+ainst its capricio!s and
arbitrary acts.
-"!s, in !arcia$3ueda v. Pascasio,
t"e /o!rt "eld t"at S0"ile t"e 7mb!dsman "as t"e f!ll discretion to determine
0"et"er or not a criminal case is to be filed, t"e /o!rt is not precl!ded from revie0in+ t"e 7mb!dsman?s action 0"en t"ere is +rave
ab!se of discretion.S
-"is is beca!se, S0"ile t"e 7mb!dsman en6oys, as it m!st, complete independence, it cannot and m!st not
lose trac( of t"e la0, 0"ic" it is bo!nd to !p"old and obey.S
10,. After revie0in+ t"e case?s records, t"e /o!rt finds t"at t"e present petition calls for t"e e1ercise of its po0er of 6!dicial revie0.
103. %rivate respondents are c"ar+ed 0it" violation of Section 3)e* and )+* of 3ep!blic Act &o. 3019 0"ic" states5
104. Section 3. Corrupt practices of public officers. 8 2n addition to acts or omissions of p!blic officers already penali.ed by e1istin+ la0,
t"e follo0in+ s"all constit!te corr!pt practices of any p!blic officer and are "ereby declared to be !nla0f!l5
105. 1 1 1 1
106. )e* /a!sin+ any !nd!e in6!ry to any party, incl!din+ t"e Government, or +ivin+ any private party any !n0arranted benefits,
advanta+e or preference in t"e disc"ar+e of "is official administrative or 6!dicial f!nctions t"ro!+" manifest partiality, evident bad
fait" or +ross ine1c!sable ne+li+ence. -"is provision s"all apply to officers and employees of offices or +overnment corporations
c"ar+ed 0it" t"e +rant of licenses or permits or ot"er concessions.
10D. 1 1 1 1
10:. )+* Enterin+, on be"alf of t"e Government, into any contract or transaction manifestly and +rossly disadvanta+eo!s to t"e same,
0"et"er or not t"e p!blic officer profited or 0ill profit t"ereby.
109. rom t"e 1999 landmar( case of %residential Ad Ioc act8indin+ /ommittee on 'e"est @oans v. Desierto )G.3. &o.
to t"e ,00: %residential Ad Ioc act8indin+ /ommittee on 'e"est @oans v. -abasondra )G.3. &o. 133D56*,
and to t"e
,009 %residential Ad Ioc act8indin+ /ommittee on 'e"est @oans v. Desierto )G.3. &o. 135D03*,
t"e same iss!es confronted
t"e /o!rt as t"e one presented in t"e present petition, in t"at t"e 7mb!dsman similarly dismissed t"ese cases not only on t"e
+ro!nd of prescription b!t also for ins!fficiency of evidence.
110. 2nterestin+ly, t"e facts in -abasondra
are s$!arely on all fo!rs as t"e present case. -abasondra,
involved /oco8
/omple1 %"ilippines, 2nc., )//%2*, a domestic corporation primarily incorporated for t"e man!fact!re of cocon!t oil.
//%2 applied
for G!arantee @oan Accommodation t"r! t"e &ational 2nvestment Development /orporation amo!ntin+ to %9,,DD,0:0.00, alle+edly
for t"e p!rc"ase of an oil mill to be s!pplied by Mr!pp Germany. -"e &2D/ 'oard approved t"e loan in 1969,
not0it"standin+ t"e
fact t"at //%2 0as !ndercapitali.ed 0it" only %,,111,000.00 paid8!p capital,
and !nder8collaterali.ed 0it" only %495,300.00
-"!s, 0it" t"e &2D/?s G!arantee @oan Accommodation, t"e %"ilippine &ational 'an( )%&'* +ranted t"e loan. Still, 0it"
&2D/?s +!arantee, //%2 obtained additional loans from %&' in 19D,, 0"ic", as of 199,, ballooned to %,05,::9,545.D6.
111. >"en t"e /ommittee filed criminal complaints a+ainst t"e //%2?s 7fficers and %&'?s 'oard of Directors for violation of
Section 3)e* and )+* of 3ep!blic Act &o. 3019, t"e 7mb!dsman dismissed t"e complaint on t"e +ro!nd of prescription. or t"is, t"e
/ommittee c"ar+ed t"e 7mb!dsman for +rave ab!se of discretion, b!t pendin+ its resol!tion before !s, t"e 7mb!dsman, ta(in+ c!e
from t"e /o!rt?s 1999 r!lin+ in G.3. &o. 130140,
mot! proprio reinvesti+ated t"e complaint it earlier dismissed )and 0as still
pendin+ before !s*, only to dismiss it ane0, in a 3esol!tion dated 16 7ctober ,000, opinin+ t"at &2D/?s 'oard of Directors, 0"o
approved t"e loans in favor of //%2, s"o!ld "ave been t"e ones indicted.
S!bse$!ently, t"e /o!rt dismissed -abasondra for
bein+ moot and academic.
11,. Similarly, in t"e present petition, =2&/7/7 0as also +ranted by &2D/ a G!arantee @oan Accommodation amo!ntin+
initially to %30.4 million pesos, despite its bein+ !ndercapitali.ed and !nder8collaterali.ed.
113. As t"e 7mb!dsman admitted, 0"en =2&/7/7?s mort+a+e liens 0ere abo!t to be foreclosed by t"e +overnment ban(s,
t"e late %resident =arcos intervened and t"ro!+" a mar+inal note, in connivance 0it" t"e &2D/?s officers, 0aived t"e liabilities of its
o0ners to t"e detriment of t"e +overnment.
2t be"ooves t"e /o!rt t"at 0"ile t"e 7mb!dsman admitted t"is fact, it sa0 not"in+
0ron+ in %resident =arcos? intervention, and t"e involvement t"erein of t"e &2D/?s officers. -"is intervention alone, by no less t"an
t"e "i+"est official of t"e land, 0aivin+ a m!lti8million peso liability of a private corporation, s"o!ld "ave alarmed t"e 7mb!dsman.
114. 2t s!rprises !s t"at 0"ile t"e 7mb!dsman dismissed -abasondra for not impleadin+ t"erein t"e &2D/?s 'oard of
Directors, no0 t"at t"ey )&2D/?s 'oard of Directors* "ave been impleaded, t"e 7mb!dsman still dismissed t"e complaint, alle+edly
for ins!fficiency of evidence.
115. Applyin+ m!tatis m!tandis G.3. &o. 133D56
in t"is petition, it is apparent t"at t"ere can be liability for violation of Section
3)e* and )+* of 3ep!blic Act &o. 3019.
116. Hiolation of Section 3)e*
of 3ep!blic Act &o. 3019 re$!ires t"at t"ere be in6!ry ca!sed by +ivin+ !n0arranted benefits,
advanta+es or preferences to private parties 0"o conspire 0it" p!blic officers. 2n contrast, Section 3)+*
does not re$!ire t"e +ivin+
of !n0arranted benefits, advanta+es or preferences to private parties, its core element bein+ t"e en+a+ement in a transaction or
contract t"at is +rossly and manifestly disadvanta+eo!s to t"e +overnment.
11D. -"e 0aiver of =2&/7/7?s m!lti8peso loan s"o!ld "ave been eno!+" basis in findin+ t"at probably Section 3)e* of 3ep!blic Act &o.
3019 0as violated and t"e fact t"at &2D/ e1tended a loan +!arantee to =2&/7/7, despite its bein+ !ndercapitali.ed and !nder8
collaterali.ed, s"o!ld "ave also been eno!+" +ro!nd in findin+ probable ca!se for violation of Section 3)+* of t"e above8cited la0.
11:. =ore importantly, t"e findin+ of t"e /ommittee t"at =2&/7/7 obtained be"est loans beca!se of t"e follo0in+ circ!mstances5
=2&/7/7 0as !nder8collaterali.ed and !ndercapitali.edB its officers 0ere identified as croniesB %resident =arcos "ad mar+inal
note, effectively 0aivin+ t"e +overnment?s ri+"t to foreclose =2&/7/7?s mort+a+e liensB and, &2D/ approved =2&/7/7?s
G!arantee @oan Accommodation in an e1traordinary speed of one mont", s"o!ld "ave been accorded a proper modic!m of respect
by t"e 7mb!dsman.
119. /onsiderin+ t"e members"ip of t"e /ommittee Q representatives from t"e Department of inance, -"e %"ilippine &ational
'an(, t"e Asset %rivati.ation -r!st, t"e %"ilippine E1port and orei+n @oan G!arantee /orporation and even t"e Development 'an(
of t"e %"ilippines Q its recommendation s"o!ld be +iven +reat 0ei+"t. &o do!bt, t"e members of t"e /ommittee are e1perts in t"e
field of ban(in+. 7n acco!nt of t"eir special (no0led+e and e1pertise, t"ey are in a better position to determine 0"et"er standard
ban(in+ practices are follo0ed in t"e approval of t"e loan<+!arantee or 0"at 0o!ld +enerally constit!te as ade$!ate sec!rity for a
+iven loan.
1,0. -"e d!ty of t"e 7mb!dsman in t"e cond!ct of a preliminary investi+ation is to establis" 0"et"er t"ere e1ists probable
ca!se to file information in co!rt a+ainst t"e acc!sed.
A findin+ of probable ca!se needs only to rest on evidence s"o0in+ t"at
more li(ely t"an not, t"e acc!sed committed t"e crime.
/onsiderin+ t"e $!ant!m of evidence needed to s!pport a findin+ of
probable ca!se, t"e /o!rt "olds t"at t"e 7mb!dsman +ravely ab!sed its discretion 0"en it dismissed t"e complaint a+ainst "erein
1,1. %reliminary investi+ation is not t"e occasion for t"e f!ll and e1"a!stive display of t"e parties? evidence.
2t is for t"e
presentation of s!c" evidence only as may en+ender a 0ell fo!nded belief t"at an offense "as been committed and t"at t"e
acc!sed is probably +!ilty t"ereof.
-"e validity and merits of a party?s acc!sation or defense, as 0ell as admissibility of testimonies
and evidence, are better ventilated d!rin+ t"e trial proper.
1,,. 2n concl!sion, t"e offenses ascribed to respondents Sinvolve be"est loans 0"ic" bled 0"ite t"e economy of t"e co!ntry,
one of t"e e1cesses of t"e a!t"oritarian re+ime t"at led to t"e EDSA revol!tion, a serio!s evil t"at t"e 19:D /onstit!tion aimed to
2t involves not"in+ less t"an t"e interest of t"e people 0"ose trans+ressed ri+"ts are s!pposed to be vindicated by t"eir
protector Q t"e 7mb!dsman.
As protector of t"e people, t"e 7mb!dsman s"o!ld be pro8active in ma(in+ !se of its vast arsenal of
po0ers to Sbrin+ t"e lamp of scr!tiny to ot"er0ise dar( places even over t"e resistance of t"ose 0"o 0o!ld dra0 t"e blinds.S
1,3. -"e criminal liability of /onrado S. 3eyes is "ereby e1tin+!is"ed in accordance 0it" Article :9)1*
of t"e 3evised %enal
/ode as confirmed by "is deat" certificate.
>it" respect to respondents %anfilo 7. Domin+o and =o"ammad Ali Dimaporo, t"e
facts of t"eir deat"s "ave to be confirmed to determine t"e application to t"em of t"e same provision.
1,4. >IE3E73E, t"e petition is G3A&-ED. -"e 7mb!dsman is "ereby 73DE3ED to5
1,5. 1. D2S=2SS t"e complaint a+ainst deceased respondent /onrado S. 3eyesB
1,6. ,. 3EFE23E t"e co!nsels of respondents %anfilo 7. Domin+o and =o"ammad Ali Dimaporo to s!bmit proof of t"eir deat"sB and
1,D. 3. 2@E 0it" t"e Sandi+anbayan t"e necessary 2nformation a+ainst respondents Abd!lla" Dimaporo, Amer Dianalan, Enri$!e =.
Ierbo.a, and 3icardo S!n+a.
1,:. S7 73DE3ED.
Associate #!stice
130. >E /7&/E35
/"ief #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
Associate #!stice
133. / E 3 - 2 2 / A - 2 7 &
134. %!rs!ant to Section 13, Article H222 of t"e /onstit!tion, it is "ereby certified t"at t"e concl!sions in t"e above Decision 0ere reac"ed
in cons!ltation before t"e case 0as assi+ned to t"e 0riter of t"e opinion of t"e /o!rt.
/"ief #!stice
3ep!blic of t"e %"ilippines
SE/7&D D2H2S27&
G.R. No. 1/!4, Ma'16 1, .441
DE LEON, #R., J."
'efore !s is a petitioner for revie0 on certiorari of t"e 3esol!tion
dated ebr!ary 3, 1999 of t"e Sandi+anbayan )ift" Division* +rantin+ t"e
=otion for 3econsideration of t"e 3esol!tion
dated 7ctober ,0, 199: denyin+ "erein respondentTs =otion to Dismiss t"e 2nformation in
/riminal /ase &o. 13044 and t"e 3esol!tion
dated #!ly ,3, 1999 0"ic" denied petitionerTs !r+ent motion for reconsideration.
7n 7ctober ,D, 19::, "erein respondent, Art!ro %acificador y !llon, and "is erst0"ile co8acc!sed, #ose -. =arcelo,
0ere c"ar+ed before
t"e Sandi+anbayan 0it" t"e crime of violation of 3ep!blic Act &o. 3019, as amended, ot"er0ise (no0n as t"e Anti8Graft and /orr!pt
%ractices Act, in an 2nformation
t"at reads5
-"at on or abo!t and d!rin+ t"e period from December 6, 19D5 to #an!ary 6, 19D6, in =etro =anila, %"ilippines, and 0it"in t"e
6!risdiction of t"is Ionorable /o!rt, said acc!sed, Art!ro %acificador, t"en /"airman of t"e 'oard of t"e &ational S"ipyard and Steel
/orporation, a +overnment8o0ned corporation, and t"erefore, a p!blic officer, and #ose -. =arcelo, #r., t"en %resident of t"e
%"ilippine Smelters /orporation, a private corporation, conspirin+ and confederatin+ 0it" one anot"er and 0it" ot"er individ!als, did
t"en and t"ere, 0illf!lly, !nla0f!lly and (no0in+ly, and 0it" evident bad fait" promote, facilitate, effect and ca!se t"e sale, transfer
and conveyance by t"e &ational S"ipyard and Steel /orporation of its o0ners"ip and all its titles, ri+"ts and interests over parcels of
land in #ose %an+aniban, /amarines &orte 0"ere t"e #ose %an+aniban Smeltin+ %lant is located incl!din+ all t"e reclaimed and
fores"ore areas of abo!t 50 "ectares to t"e %"ilippine Smelters /orporation by virt!e of a contract, t"e terms and conditions of
0"ic" are manifestly and +rossly disadvanta+eo!s to t"e Government as t"e consideration t"ereof is only %:5,144.50 0"ile t"e fair
mar(et val!e t"ereof at t"at time 0as %:6,,150.00 t"ereby +ivin+ t"e %"ilippine Smelters /orporation !n0arranted benefits,
advanta+es and profits and ca!sin+ !nd!e in6!ry, dama+e and pre6!dice to t"e +overnment in t"e amo!nt of %DDD,005.50.
After "is arrai+nment, t"e respondent filed a =otion to Dismiss t"e 2nformation in /riminal /ase &o. 13044 on #!ly 15, 199: on t"e follo0in+
1* -"e co!rt "as no 6!risdiction since t"e crime c"ar+ed "ad been e1tin+!is"ed by prescriptionB and
,* -"e information does not c"ar+e an offense in vie0 of t"e decision of t"e S!preme /o!rt in t"e case of San =a!ricio =inin+
/orporation, et al. vs. Ion. /onstante A. Anc"eta, et al., G.3. &o. @84D:59 and @85D13, dated #!ly 10, 19:1.
7n A!+!st ,1, 199: t"e petitioner filed an 7pposition to t"e =otion to Dismiss.
7n &ovember 10, 199:, t"e Sandi+anbayan iss!ed a 3esol!tion denyin+ t"e =otion to Dismiss t"e 2nformation r!lin+ t"at5
-"e information in t"is case, dated 7ctober 19, 19::, 0as filed 0it" t"e Sandi+anbayan on 7ctober ,D, 19:: on 0"ic" date t"e
e1istin+ 6!rispr!dence on matters of prescription of t"e offense 0as t"e r!lin+ en!nciated in rancisco v. /o!rt of Appeals )=ay 30,
19:3, 1,, S/3A 53:* to t"e effect t"at t"e filin+ of t"e complaint 0it" t"e fiscalTs office also interr!pts t"e period of prescription of
t"e offense.
-"e offense c"ar+ed 0as alle+edly committed from December 16, 19D5 to #an!ary 6, 19D6. -"e r!nnin+ of t"e period of
prescription of t"e offense may "ave started on #an!ary 6, 19D6 b!t 0as interr!pted by t"e filin+ of t"e complaint 0it" t"e
appropriate investi+atin+ body. 2n t"e case at benc", >e find in t"e record no proof, or even an alle+ation, of t"e precise date of
filin+ of t"e complaint 0it" t"e appropriate investi+atin+ body 0"ic" investi+ated t"is case, to enable !s to determine 0it" certainty if
t"e offense c"ar+ed "ave )sic* indeed prescribed.
-"e second +ro!nd s!bmitted by t"e acc!sed8movant is precipitate at t"is sta+e of t"e proceedin+s, as it involves a matter of
-"ere!pon, on December D, 199:, respondent %acificador moved for t"e reconsideration of t"e 3esol!tion of t"e Sandi+anbayan denyin+ "is
=otion to Dismiss, contendin+ t"at5
1* -"e prosec!tion of t"e crime c"ar+ed is time8barred by prescription as s"o0n by facts and circ!mstances on record and of
6!dicial noticeB and
,* 2t is not precipitate for t"e Ionorable /o!rt to consider t"e S!preme /o!rt r!lin+ in San =a!ricio =inin+ /o. vs. Ion. /onstante
A. Anc"eta, et al., declarin+ t"e basic deed of sale as not ille+al and 0it" 6!stly ade$!ate consideration.
7n ebr!ary 3, 1999, t"e Sandi+anbayan reconsidered its 3esol!tion of &ovember 10, 199: and dismissed t"e 2nformation in /riminal /ase
&o. 139405 a+ainst t"e respondent on t"e +ro!nd of prescription. 2t r!led t"!s5
2n 7!r resol!tion denyin+ acc!sed %acificadorTs =otion to Dismiss. >e applied Article 91 of t"e 3evised %enal /ode and t"e
doctrine laid do0n in rancisco vs. /A )1,, S/3A 53:* to t"e effect t"at t"e filin+ of t"e complaint 0it" t"e fiscalTs office or
investi+atin+ body interr!pts t"e r!nnin+ of t"e period of prescription. -"is is 0"ere >e committed an oversi+"t. 2nstead of applyin+
Act &o. 33,6, as amended, . . ., >e !tili.ed Article 91 of t"e 3evised %enal /ode.
2n t"is case, as t"e offense involved is t"e violation of 3.A. 3019, a special la0, it follo0s t"at in comp!tin+ t"e prescriptive period of
t"e offense, it is not t"e provision contained in t"e 3evised %enal /ode t"at s"o!ld +overn b!t t"at of Act &o. 33,6. 1 1 1
2n 9aldivia vs. 3eyes, #r., ),11 S/3A ,DD*, t"e S!preme /o!rt, in a clear lan+!a+e, "eld t"at t"e proceedin+s referred to in Section
, of Act &o. 33,6 are S6!dicial proceedin+sS and do not incl!de administrative proceedin+s. 1 1 1
-"e offense imp!ted on acc!sed 0as alle+edly committed from December 6, 19D5 to #an!ary 6, 19D6. -"e offense prescribed on
#an!ary 3, 19:6, or ten years from #an!ary 6, 19D6.
-"e Er+ent =otion for 3econsideration of petitioner 0as denied by t"e Sandi+anbayan on #!ly ,3, 1999.
Ience, t"e petition.
2n its 'rief,
t"e petitioner contends t"at, contrary to t"e r!lin+ of t"e Sandi+anbayan, t"e provision of Act &o. 33,6
on prescription of offenses
p!nis"able !nder special la0s is not applicable to t"e instant criminal case for t"e reason t"at 3ep!blic Act &o. 3019 provides for its o0n
prescriptive period. Section 11 t"ereof provides t"at offenses committed and p!nis"able !nder t"e said la0 s"all prescribe in fifteen )15*
years. Io0ever, inasm!c" as 3ep!blic Act &o. 3019 does not state e1actly 0"en t"e fifteen8year prescriptive period be+ins to r!n, Article 91
of t"e 3evised %enal /ode s"o!ld be applied s!ppletorily.
Article 91 of t"e 3evised %enal /ode, 0"ic" adopts t"e Sdiscovery r!leS for t"e
prescription of offenses, provides5
A3-2/@E 91. Computation of prescription of offenses. ; -"e period of prescription s"all commence to r!n from t"e day on 0"ic"
t"e crime is discovered by t"e offended party, t"e a!t"orities, or t"eir a+ents, and s"all be interr!pted by filin+ of t"e complaint or
information, and s"all commence to r!n a+ain 0"en s!c" proceedin+s terminate 0it"o!t t"e acc!sed bein+ convicted or ac$!itted,
or are !n6!stifiably stopped for any reason not imp!table to "im.
-"e term of prescription s"all not r!n 0"en t"e offender is absent from t"e %"ilippine Arc"ipela+o.
%etitioner also contends t"at t"e crime, s!b6ect of t"is case s"o!ld be deemed as discovered only on =ay 13, 19:D 0"en a complaint 0as
filed 0it" t"e %residential /ommission on Good Government )%/GG* by t"e t"en Solicitor General rancisco /"ave.. Ience, t"e filin+ of t"e
information on 7ctober ,D, 19:: 0it" t"e Sandi+anbayan 0as 0ell 0it"in t"e prescriptive period.
Additionally, petitioner contends t"at t"e ordinary principles of prescription do not apply in t"is case for t"e reason t"at t"e respondent
effectively concealed "is criminal acts 0"ic" prevented t"e discovery of t"e offense !ntil =ay 13, 19:D. Even on t"e ass!mption t"at t"e
re+istration of t"e Deed of Sale 0as on December ,9, 19D5 0"en t"at doc!ment 0as e1ec!ted by t"e parties, and t"!s, amo!nted to a
constr!ctive notice to t"e 0"ole 0orld of t"e e1istence of t"e said Deed of Sale, t"e re+istration t"ereof co!ld not "ave +iven notice of
fra!d!lent acts of t"e parties to t"e sale. -"e sit!ation prevailin+ at t"at time, t"at is, d!rin+ t"e a!t"oritarian re+ime of t"en %resident
erdinand E. =arcos, did not permit t"e investi+ative and prosec!tin+ arms of t"e +overnment to instit!te complaints a+ainst "im, "is 0ife and
"is cronies.
2n "is /omment,
respondent Art!ro %acificador ar+!ed t"at Act &o. 33,6 +overns t"e prescription of offenses p!nis"able !nder special la0sB
t"at t"e re+istration of t"e Deed of Sale in $!estion is t"e correct rec(onin+ or startin+ point for prescription inasm!c" as t"e fact of re+istration
of said Deed of Sale in effect +ave notice to t"e 0"ole 0orld not only of its e1istence b!t also of all t"e facts contained t"erein, t"at, aside from
t"e +ro!nd of prescription, t"e 2nformation in /riminal /ase &o. 13044 s"o!ld be dismissed on t"e +ro!nd t"at it does not c"ar+e an offense
inasm!c" as t"e iss!e of 0"et"er or not t"e contract of sale 0as disadvanta+eo!s to t"e +overnment "ad lon+ been settled in t"e case of 0an
-auricio -inin% Co. v. +on. Constante (. (ncheta, et al.,
and t"at t"e dismissal of t"e criminal case a+ainst "im by t"e Sandi+anbayan on
t"e +ro!nd of prescription is tantamo!nt to ac$!ittal 0"ic" bars prosec!tion of t"e respondent for t"e same offense !nder Section 6, 3!le 11D
of t"e 3!les of /o!rt.
-"e petition is not impressed 0it" merit.
2t "as been settled t"at Section , of Act &o. 33,6 +overns t"e comp!tation of prescription of offenses defined and penali.ed by special la0s.
2n t"e case of People v. 0andi%anba"an,
t"is /o!rt r!led t"at Section , of Act &o. 33,6 0as correctly applied by t"e anti8+raft co!rt in
determinin+ t"e rec(onin+ period for prescription in a case involvin+ t"e crime of violation of 3ep!blic Act &o. 3019, as amended. 2n t"e fairly
recent case ofPresidential (d +oc 1act$1indin% Committee on Behest ,oans v. Desierto,
0e cate+orically r!led t"at5
Since t"e la0 alle+ed to "ave been violated, i.e., para+rap"s )e* and )+* of Section 3, 3.A. &o. 3019, as amended, is a special la0,
t"e applicable r!le in t"e comp!tation of t"e prescriptive period is Section , of Act &o. 33,6, as amended, 0"ic" provides5
SE/-27& ,. Prescription should be%in to run from the da" of the commission of the violation of the law, and if the same
be not nown at the time, from the discover" thereof and institution of judicial proceedin%s for its investi%ation and
punishment. )Emp"asis o!rs*
-"e prescription s"all be interr!pted 0"en t"e proceedin+s are instit!ted a+ainst t"e +!ilty person and s"all be+in to r!n
a+ain if t"e proceedin+s are dismissed for reasons not constit!tin+ do!ble 6eopardy.
-"is simply means t"at if t"e commission of t"e crime is (no0n, t"e prescriptive period s"all commence to r!n on t"e day it 0as
2t can be +leaned from t"e 2nformation in t"is case t"at respondent %acificador alle+edly committed t"e crime c"ar+ed Son or abo!t and d!rin+
t"e period from December 6, 19D5 to #an!ary 6, 19D6.S Section 11 of 3.A. &o. 3019, as amended by '.%. 'l+. 195, provides t"at t"e offenses
committed !nder t"e said stat!te s"all prescribe in fifteen )15* years. 2t appears "o0ever, t"at prior to t"e amendment of Section 11 of 3.A.
&o. 3019 by '.%. 'l+. 195 0"ic" 0as approved on =arc" 16, 19:,, t"e prescriptive period for offenses p!nis"able !nder t"e said stat!te 0as
only ten )10* years. -"e lon+er prescriptive period of fifteen )15* years, as provided in Section 11 of 3.A. &o. 3019 as amended by '.%. 'l+.
195, does not apply in t"is case for t"e reason t"at t"e amendment, not bein+ favorable to t"e acc!sed )"erein private respondent*, cannot be
+iven retroactive effect. Ience t"e crime prescribed on #an!ary 6, 19:6 or ten )10* years from #an!ary 6, 19D6.
-"e petitioner, "o0ever, ve"emently denies "avin+ any (no0led+e of t"e crime at t"e time it 0as alle+edly committed by t"e respondent. 2t
claims t"at t"e crime c"ar+ed in t"e 2nformation s"o!ld be deemed as discovered only on =ay 13, 19:D 0"en t"e t"en Solicitor General,
rancisco /"ave., filed a complaint 0it" t"e %residential /ommission on Good Government )%/GG* a+ainst t"e respondent, for violation of
t"e provision of 3.A. &o. 3019, as amended.
>e are not convinced. -"is /o!rt ta(es notice of t"e fact t"at t"e s!b6ect Deed of Sale dated December ,9, 19D5 relative to t"e sale of t"e
parcels of land by t"e &ational Steel /orporation to t"e %"ilippine Smelters /orporation, 0as re+istered s"ortly t"ereafter in t"e 3e+istry of
Deeds of t"e %rovince of /amarines &orte. S!bse$!ently, t"e 7ri+inal /ertificate of -itle &o. 0440 in t"e name of t"e &ational Steel
/orporation 0as cancelled and in lie! t"ereof -ransfer /ertificate of -itle &o. 13060 0as iss!ed in t"e name of t"e vendee %"ilippine Smelters
/orporation. 7n ebr!ary ,:, 19DD, t"e %"ilippine Smelters /orporation even filed an action for $!ietin+ of title 0it" t"e t"en /o!rt of irst
2nstance of /amarines &orte, doc(eted t"erein as /ivil /ase &o. ,::,,
0"ic" case forms t"e basis for t"e Sandi+anbayan to ded!ce t"at t"e
s!b6ect Deed of Sale may be deemed re+istered on t"e said date, at t"e latest.
>"ile petitioner may not "ave (no0led+e of t"e alle+ed crime at t"e time of its commission, t"e re+istration of t"e s!b6ect Deed of Sale 0it"
t"e 3e+istry of Deeds constit!tes constr!ctive notice t"ereof to t"e 0"ole 0orld incl!din+ t"e petitioner. >ell entrenc"ed is t"e 6!rispr!dential
r!le t"at re+istration of deeds in t"e p!blic real estate re+istry is a notice t"ereof to t"e 0"ole 0orld. -"e re+istration is a constr!ctive notice of
its contents as 0ell as all interests, le+al and e$!itable, incl!ded t"erein. All persons are c"ar+ed 0it" t"e (no0led+e of 0"at it
Ience, even if t"e period of prescription is rec(oned from ebr!ary ,:, 19DD, t"e crime "ad already prescribed 0"en t"e
2nformation in t"is case 0as filed 0it" t"e Sandi+anbayan on 7ctober ,D, 19::.
2t bears emp"asis, as "eld in a n!mber of cases, t"at in t"e interpretation of t"e la0 on prescription of crimes, t"at 0"ic" is more favorable to
t"e acc!sed is to be adopted.
-"e said le+al principle ta(es into acco!nt t"e nat!re of t"e la0 on prescription of crimes 0"ic" is an act of
amnesty and liberality on t"e part of t"e state in favor of t"e offender. 2n t"e case of People v. -oran,
t"is /o!rt amply disc!ssed t"e nat!re
of t"e stat!te of limitations in criminal cases, as follo0s5
-"e stat!te is not a stat!te of process, to be scantily and +r!d+in+ly applied, b!t an amnesty, declarin+ t"at after a certain time
oblivion s"all be cast over t"e offenseB t"at t"e offender s"all be at liberty to ret!rn to "is co!ntry, and res!me "is imm!nities as a
citi.enB and t"at from "encefort" "e may cease to preserve t"e proofs of "is innocence, for t"e proofs of "is +!ilt are blotted o!t.
Ience, it is t"at stat!tes of limitation are to be liberally constr!ed in favor of t"e defendant, not only beca!se s!c" liberality of
constr!ction belon+s to all acts of amnesty and +race, b!t beca!se t"e very e1istence of t"e stat!te is a reco+nition and notification
by t"e le+islat!re of t"e fact t"at time, 0"ile it +rad!ally 0ears o!t proofs of innocence, "as assi+ned to it fi1ed and positive periods
in 0"ic" it destroys proofs of +!ilt.
-"e instant case s"o!ld be distin+!is"ed from t"e cases of People v. Du.ue
and Presidential (d +oc 1act$1indin% Committee on Behest
,oans v. Desierto
0"erein 0e !p"eld t"e vie0 t"at t"e prescriptive period started to r!n only !pon t"e discovery of t"e ille+al nat!re of t"e
acts constit!tin+ t"e offense. -"e first case involves t"e crime of ille+al recr!itment 0"ere t"e acc!sed, &apoleon D!$!e, 0as fo!nd to "ave
misrepresented "imself to several 6ob applicants as a re+istered employment a+ent d!ly reco+ni.ed by t"e %"ilippine 7verseas Employment
A+ency )%7EA*. D!e to t"e said misrepresentation of t"e acc!sed, t"e applicable prescriptive period be+an to r!n not from t"e time of
recr!itment of 6ob applicants by t"e acc!sed b!t from t"e time "is recr!itment activities 0ere ascertained by t"e complainants and t"e %7EA
to "ave been carried o!t 0it"o!t any license or a!t"ority from t"e +overnment. -"e second, or Desierto case, 0"ic" 0as decided by t"is /o!rt
on 7ctober ,5, 1999, involves t"e +rant of alle+ed be"est loans by certain +overnment8o0ned and controlled financial instit!tions to several
individ!als and corporations closely associated 0it" t"e t"en %resident erdinand E. =arcos and "is relatives. 2t 0as alle+ed t"at t"e p!blic
officials concerned, 0"o 0ere c"ar+ed in t"e correspondin+ 2nformations, connived or conspired 0it" t"e beneficiaries of t"e loans in coverin+
!p t"e anomalo!s transactions. Ender t"e circ!mstances, it 0as impossible for t"e State, t"e a++rieved party, to "ave (no0n t"e violations of
3.A. &o. 3019 at t"e time t"e $!estioned transactions 0ere made. -"e prescriptive period started to r!n only !pon discovery of t"e alle+ed
ille+ality of t"e transactions after t"e investi+ations t"ereon 0ere cond!cted.
2n t"e case at bar, t"e petitioner contends t"at respondent concealed "is criminal acts t"at effectively prevented discovery t"ereof. -"e
records of t"is case do not specifically s"o0 "o0 t"e respondent alle+edly employed acts t"at co!ld prevent t"e discovery of any ille+ality in
t"e transaction ot"er t"an t"e bare assertion of t"e petitioner. -"ere is also no alle+ation t"at t"e +overnment officials involved in t"e
transactions connived or conspired 0it" respondent %acificador. -"e said +overnment officials 0ere not even c"ar+ed in t"e instant
2nformation. 7n t"e ot"er "and, it 0as never disp!ted by t"e petitioner t"at t"e s!b6ect Deed of Sale 0as d!ly re+istered 0it" t"e 3e+istry of
Deeds of t"e %rovince of /amarines &orte and t"at t"e correspondin+ -ransfer /ertificate of -itle &o. 13060 0as s!bse$!ently iss!ed to t"e
vendee, %"ilippine Smelters /orporation.
2n vie0 of t"e fore+oin+, 0e do not find it necessary to disc!ss t"e ot"er points raised by t"e respondent in "is /omment as additional +ro!nds
for t"e denial of t"e instant petition.
>IE3E73E, t"e instant petition is "ereby DE&2ED for lac( of merit.
S7 73DE3ED.
Bellosillo, -endo/a, =uisumbin% and Buena, JJ ., conc!r.

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