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Accounting Tally Shortcuts :As we all know that in computers, shortcuts

make our day-to-day life easier. In Tally too shortcuts arethere, although Tally is
already easy to operate and fast to work with it however by knowing
someshortcuts of Tally it would be possible to operate it extremely fast. Either
you are displaying a report,creating ledgers or making vouchers, these shortcuts
are really helpful.Alt 2 :To create duplicate voucher when we display daybook.
When we display day book, highlight theentry for which you want to make
duplicate voucher and then press Alt 2 key. It will take you to thevoucher entry
screen and it is voucher duplication mode. There you save the entry and you are
done.Ctrl A:To accept duplicate voucher without asking y/n. When you are
duplicating voucher by pressing Alt2. Alt 2 will take you to the voucher entry
screen there you dont need to accept the all entries, you candirectly save the
entire voucher without asking y/n by pressing Ctrl A. If you are doing totally
newvoucher entry before typing narration press Ctrl A, will save the entry without
asking y/n.Alt C:This shortcut has many uses like:1. To create new voucher when
cursor ask account name in voucher entry mode:2. To access calculator when
cursor is at amount field in voucher entry mode.:3. To create new column when
we display any report like Balance Sheet, Trial Balance Account booksetcAlt
N:To change column details like weakly, monthly, quarterly & yearlyAlt A :To
change newly created columnAlt D:To delete newly created columnF7:Shortcut
to change valuation methodAlt F1:To access Inventory buttons in voucher
entryF1:To access Accounting buttons in voucher entryF1:To Select an existing
company From Gateway of Tally. It will show you list of created companies
tochoose from.Alt F1:To Shut a company. If more than one company is selected
then it will ask us to choose which is tobe closed. Select the desired company
and then press Enter key will close the company.
Alt F3:To get Company Info menu when you are in Gateway of Tally. In
company info menu you can dovarious work such as Selecting a company,
Shutting a company, Create a company, Create a newcompany, Alter a company
data, Change Tally vault, Split company data and also take backup andrestore
companys data from there.Ctrl G:To create groups while creating a new
ledger.Ctrl V :To create new voucher type while creating a new Ledger or
GroupCtrl V :To change the voucher entry mode as a voucher/ as a invoice.Ctrl I:
To create new Item while creating a new GroupCtrl U: To create new Unit while
creating a new Item/GroupAlt I: To change voucher as a accounting invoice/ item
invoice.Alt F1: To display detailed or condensed report while displaying
reports.Ctrl T: To switch between Post Dated Voucher and regular VoucherCtrl
R: To repeat last voucher narrationF2: To change date of voucher entryAlt F2: To
change Financial Year from Gateway of TallyF4: To create a contra entry for
deposit and withdraw from bankF5: To create payment voucherF6: To create
receipt voucherF7: To create journal voucherF8: To create a sales voucherF9:
To create a purchase voucherF11: To change featuresF12: To configure settings
Ctrl N: To access calculator at any time.Ctrl M: To Stop CalculatorAlt R: To
hide a entry in a report or temporary removeAlt S: To Unhide a entry which you
hidden temporaryAlt U: To Show last entry which you hidden temporaryAlt X: To
cancel/remove an entry in day bookCtrl + Alt B: To check the tally version,
Release, Build, company statutory versionCtrl + Alt I: To import statutory
mastersCtrl + Q: To quit from tally without making any changesAlt P: To Print any
report while displaying it.Alt E: ExportAlt M: E MailAlt O: UploadAlt L: To
change Language of tally. We can change 11 languages in tally such as
BahasaIndonesia, BahasaMelayu, English, Gujrati, Hindi, Hinglish, Kannada,
Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu.Alt K: To change Keyboard commands
language.In most popular accounting software Tally, Generally you see Different
windows in different colors. Youcan disable all these windows colors of Tally so
that it will be visible in Black and White. It works in allthese versions of Tally such
as Tally 5.4, Tally 7.2, Tally 8.1, Tally 9.0 etc. Follow the given below steps todo
Step 1: Go To My ComputerStep 2: Click the drive where your Tally folder
exists.Step 3: Open Tally Folder.Step 4: Open Tally.ini (Tally Configuration
Settings file). Step 5: Find the line Color=Yes, change it to Color=No and
thensave the file. Step 6: Now Open Tally Software it will look like the
Purpose:Faster Data Entry in TallyIf you are doing voucher entry in Tally
and typing the same narration for each voucher entry again andagain. It must be
quite time consuming. You can save your data entry time in Tally by copying
thenarration through Ctrl + R key combination from the keyboard. Follow the
given steps to do so.Step 1: Make a voucher entry and type the narration you
required and then save the entry.Step 2: Make second entry, when cursor at the
narration field you can copy previous voucher narrationby pressing Ctrl+R key
from the keyboard. When you press Ctrl+R , narration of previous entry will
bedisplayed at narration field then you can also modify the narration if required.
By this method you cancopy narration of all of your entries.

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