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1. Hominin- organisms from last common ancestor, to and including Homo sapians.

a. Beginning 6 mya
i. ~4-2 mya = very diverse community throught East and South Africa
ii. The apes in this time period differ from myocene apes in that they:
1. Are Bipedal
2. Have diff food source, different teeth structures.
iii. Have ability to walk on two feet.
2. Reminder: Monkeys vs apes
a. (apes)
i. No tail, more braciation, larger brain to body ratio, ]
ii. The apes include: Gibbons, Siamangs, chimps, bonobos, gorillas, o-rangs
3. Apes vs Humans tho
a. Humans
i. Bipedal, larger brains, slow development, elaborate communication system,
carry a material and symbolic culture.
4. Check out this website
5. The last common ancestor- The LCA
a. Majority of data agree- the LCA of chimps and humans lived 7-5 mya.
i. Sahelanthropus tchadensis --> found skull only, 7-6 mya
ii. Orrorin tugenesis - fragments only, 6 mya
iii. Ardipitheus kadabba -> teeth only, 5-6 mya
iv. Ardipitheus ramius -> known as ardi, most known
b. Ardipitheus ramius- found in 1994,but only published in 2009.
i. Found a nearly full skeleton parts from at least 36 individuals
ii. Dated only 4.4 mya, found in Ethiopia, the Afar desert.
iii. Weighted about 100-120 lbs
iv. Upper body good for arborial lifestyle, but lower body good for walking
on two feet.
1. Had an opposable toe, flexible hand and wrist,
2. Brain size of a chimp
v. Some dont know to classify him as a hominin.
6. Early Hominin community
a. 4mya, there were many diff species for ~ 2my.
b. Some general facts that she just decided to put here and not before
i. Between 5-7 species living during this time period
1. Genus of
a. Australopithecus: 5species (spp) that means species.
b. Paranthropus: 3species
c. Kenyanthropus: 1species (sp) singular of abbreviation
ii. Small brained- akin to chimps
iii. Bipedal
7. But why did Bipredalism evolve in the first place?
a. Travel efficiency (hands are free to carry things)
i. Reduced heat load
iii. Early hominins are thought to live in a savanna environment. No trees
8. How bout in Walking (H)=humans (A)= apes
a. Spine(H)
i. Double curve, allows weight to be distributed along axis of body.
b. Spine (A)
i. Short stiff lumbar vertebre
1. Moves center of mass forward, good for propulsion
c. Pelvis
i. Human pelvis is short and wide
ii. Apes have long, wide pelvis
d. The Pelvis of Australopithecus was very wide
i. Shaped this way to give birth to large brained babys.
e. Femur slant
i. In Humans, the femur slants outward, which helps in bipedal movement.
ii. Chimps have a straight femur.
iii. But Australopithecus, Australopithecus has a slanted femur. (Oh shit!)
f. Toes
i. Human toes are straight, human feet have an arch
ii. Ape toes are flat with opposable big toes.
g. Foramen magnum
i. Humans have it closer to middle than apes, which have it much closer to
back. Makes sense.
9. Another Bloody website.
Now, we begin learning about each species separately
1. Austrablahblah: South, east/central Africa
a. A. Anamensis
i. 4.2-3.8 Mya
ii. Large molars, reduced canines
iii. Knees suggest bipedalism,
iv. Can see a receding chin.
b. A. Afarensis
i. East Africa, 4-3 mya
ii. Well known, up to 60 individuals represented,
iii. Most famous being LUCY!
1. Found in 1964 and dated 3.2 mya
i. Like this order of work is so bad
ii. Knees, scapula, pelvis all indicate arboreal life
iii. Aletoli footprints, found In Tanzania, dated to be 3.5 mya.
1. Footprints show 3 bipedal organisms, tallest being 4ft9, shortest
d. A.Africanus
i. 400-500 cc (cubic centimeter) brain size
ii. Found in south Africa, 3-2.2 mya
iii. Very sexually dimorphic
1. famous taung child.
e. A. Garhi
i. Ethopia, 450cc brain, 2.5 mya
ii. Limb Proportions are more HUMAN like, not APE like. .
2. Paranthropus (remember? Third genus of hominin)
a. Several South African/ East African sites
b. 3 species, 2.5-1mya,
c. General facts
i. Brain 400-500cc
ii. Thick enamel, Biped, Eat hard stuff (because tooth enamel is thick)
iii. Reduced canine, reduced molars
iv. Very high sexual dimorphism
v. May have even used tools
vi. May be called Austropitheus Robustus in some texts.

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