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2014/5/12 -NO.

Fighters attack As-Suwayda military airport
New magistrate for Hasakah
Syrian Interim Govern-
ment warns against
Corona virus outbreak
Aleppo thirsty
for the 9th day
ISIL threatens
al-Qaeda Emir
ISIL flocks
to Deir Ezzor
Page NO.2 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (475) 2014/5/12
ISIL focks to Deir Ezzor
New magistrate for Hasakah
Fighters attack As-Suwayda military airport
Opposition leaders killed in Latakia
Clashes between ISIL and
al-Nusra have intensifed
in Deir Ezzor, where near-
ly 43 ISIL affliated-vehi-
cles equipped with heavy
machine guns made their
way from al-Shadady city,
Al-Hasakah countryside
toward Deir Ezzor. ISIL
dominated on Deir Ezzor
western, eastern and south-
ern countryside expanding
ISIL assigned the former
Offcial Spokesman Ad-
nan al-Shami as Barakah
states magistrate, Ha-
sakah , to succeed the for-
mer magistrate Abu Osa-
ma al-Iraqi who has been
killed lately.
For the frst time, opposi-
tion fghters fercely at-
tacked Khalkhala Military
Airport, from which Syri-
an Warplanes are armed to
bomb Syrian cities, sourc-
es claimed.
Fierce clashes took place
in the vicinity of Tchalma
Mount, Latakia country-
side, leaving scores of
opposition leaders killed
including Islamic Front`s
Qusai Agha
to Hasakah southern coun-
tryside. A number of ISIL`s
most prominent leaders
have arrived to Deir Ezzor
including Abo Ayman al-
Iraqi and Omar al-Chich-
any in order to break it
through, sources stressed
Al-Nusra legal judge and
Legal Supreme Leader
were killed in the wake of
clashes with ISIL.
Page NO.3
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (475) 2014/5/12
ISIL threatens al-Qaeda Emir
Syrian coalition:
US tentative on Syria
ISIL imposes taxes
in Aleppo`s Manbij
FSA dominates Hama military checkpoints
Aleppo thirsty for the 9th day
ISIL offcial spokesman
Abu Muhammad al-Ad-
nani proposed a reconcili-
ation under ISIL terms with
al-Nusra offshoot al-Nusra
Front. The proposed rec-
onciliation leaves al-Qaeda
chief with an ongoing in-
fghting, or taking correc-
tive actions starting with
US administration decision
makers are hesitant about
Syria, as delivering lethal
weapons to opposition fght-
ers may pose a serious threat
from being seized by extrem-
ists, although US admin-
istration is convinced that
FSA is the legal representa-
tive of Syrian revolution, de-
scribing it by moderate op-
position, Syrian opposition
coalition member, Haitham
al-Malih stressed.
ISIL leaders are impos-
ing taxes on electricity in
Aleppo`s Manbij; to be
added to a 100 SYP fne to
be collected for each room,
1000-3000 SYP for shops.
The taxes will be used to
improve services provided
to the city, ISIL claimed.
Islamic front explodes SAA
military checkpoint in al-
Hamra town , Hama eastern
countryside , killing 20 sol-
diers including 2 offcers.
Some of opposition sources
criticized, through social
media, water severance in
Aleppo, as al-Nusra chief
Abu Ayman was held re-
sponsible for the water cri-
sis, preventing workers of
water company and Red
Crescent volunteers to reach
abandoning al-Nusra chief
in Syria, Mohammad al-
water pumps. Regime-sup-
porters WebPages serverly
lashed opposition for the
hideous crime against hu-
manity. On his part, Aleppo
governor ordered to form an
operation room to tackle wa-
ter crisis, pledging to repair
20 tankers.
The blast has been carried
out by using a remote-con-
trolled car loaded with 1.5
tons of highly-explosive ma-
terials in order to spare the
life of the suicide bomber.
FSA has also dominated on
al-Maqbara military check-
point at the north of Tibat
al-Imam city. SAA clashed
with opposition fghters in
Mork city , killing dozens.
Page NO.4
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (475) 2014/5/12
ISIL executes youngster
Syrian Interim Government warns against
Corona virus outbreak
ISIL executed a 15 year-old Syrian young man
aged of allegedly raping a woman. A photo
for Youssef Muhammad al-Muhammad , a
Syrian Interim Government Health minister-
Adnan Hazori warned against Corona virus
outbreak in Syria as foreign fghters fock to
Syria, where early detection of infection is
former fghter for Truth Swords battalion,
was circulated through social media, bound,
crucifed before brutally executed..
diffcult due to the lack of medical labora-
tories in liberated areas. no infections have
yet been detected in both government or op-
position-held areas, He stressed

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