Listening and Speaking Lesson 2 A Haircut

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A Haircut

It was time for a haircut. Lenny didn't even have to look in the mirror. Even
though he was going bald, he knew that he needed to cut his hair every two
He had a "tongue" of hair on the to of his head. His hair was thinning at the
crown. He still had lenty of hair on the sides and back. It was what they call
"salt and eer," a mi!ture of gray hair and dark brown hair. It was only a few
years, he figured, until the salt and eer became "ust salt.
He never let his hair grow for more than two weeks. #he longer it got, the worse
it looked, he thought.
He sread a newsaer over the bathroom sink so that no hair went down the
drain. He lugged in the cliers and started cutting his hair. He started at the
back of his head, went to the sides, and finished on the to. Every minute or so,
he had to clean the hair out of the blades with an old toothbrush.
$inished, he icked u a hand mirror to check out the back of his head.
Everything looked okay. He carried the newsaer back out to the kitchen and
shook the hair cliings into the trash can.
#hen he took a shower.
A) Questions
%. &as it time for a haircut'
(. )id Lenny have to look in the mirror to know that he had to cut his hair'
*. &as he going bald'
+. )id he need to cut his hair every week'
,. &as a "tongue" of hair on the back of his head'
-. &as his hair thinning at the crown'
.. )id he still have lenty of hair on the sides and back'
/. )id he ever let his hair grow for more than two weeks'
0. )id his hair look worse the longer it got'
%1. )id he sread a maga2ine over the kitchen table'
%%. &hy did he sread a newsaer maga2ine over the bathroom sink'
%(. &hat did he start doing after he lugged in the cliers'
%*. &hat did he have to do every minute or so'
%+. &hat did he do after he finished cutting his hair'
%,. &hat did he do after he checked out the back of his head'
%-. &hat about you, do you have short or long hair'
%.. How often do you have your hair cut'
B) Crossword Puzzle
Fill in the squares with the correct word.
&hile washing the dishes, she lost
her ring down the 333.
A stew is a delicious 333 of slowly
cooked vegetables and meat or
A king wears a "eweled 333 on his
4ou will almost always find 333
and eer on a restaurant table.
Almost everyone owns nail 333s5
some eole have their own hair
6ost knife 333s need occasional
%+. 6any dentists think an electric 333
&ill the Internet and smart hones
relace 333s and maga2ines'
7rain, liver, and 333 are organ
meats served at many restaurants.
#he 333 is where all the household
cooking is done 8e!cet for
7lack 333 and chile 333s are two
oular sices.
An aartment should always have a
window that you can oen in the
333 eagles soar in the Alaska sky5
old 333 men live in Alaska's cities.
%(. A cork in the bottle is used as a 333
is more effective than a manual
"333, mirror, on the wall, who in
the land is fairest of all'" 8:now
to seal in the flavor of wine.
:lim and 333 are okay5 skinny and
bony are not.
C) Now look back at the story, read it again silently
two or three times. Then, translate the Portuguese
version below back to English.
Era altura de cortar o cabelo. ; Lenny nem se<uer recisava de se olhar no
eselho. Embora ele estivesse a ficar careca, ele sabia <ue recisava de cortar
o cabelo a cada duas semanas.
Ele tinha uma "l=ngua" de cabelo no too da cabe>a. ; seu cabelo estava a
rarear na coroa. Ele ainda tinha muito cabelo nos lados e na arte detr?s. Era o
<ue se designa de "sal e imenta", uma mistura de cabelos grisalhos e cabelos
castanhos@escuros. Levaria aenas alguns anos, achava ele, atA <ue o sal e a
imenta se tornasse aenas sal
Ele nunca dei!ava o seu cabelo crescer or mais de duas semanas. Buanto
mais comrido ficava, ior arecia, ensava ele.
Abriu um "ornal sobre o lavatCrio da casa de banho de modo a <ue nenhum
cabelo ca=sse elo ralo. Ligou o aarador elActrico, e come>ou a cortar o
cabelo. Dome>ou na arte de tr?s da cabe>a, continuou ara os lados, e
terminou no too. A cada minuto mais ou menos, ele tinha <ue limar o cabelo
das lEminas com uma escova de dentes velha.
ACs terminar, egou num eselho de mFo ara verificar a arte de tr?s da sua
cabe>a. #udo arecia bem. Levou o "ornal de volta ara a co2inha e sacudiu os
cortes do cabelo ara o cai!ote de li!o.
)e seguida, tomou um banho.
%. &as it time for a haircut' @ 4es, it was.
(. )id Lenny have to look in the mirror to know that he had to cut his hair' G
Ho, he didnIt because he knew he had to cut his hair every two weeks.
*. &as he going bald' @ 4es, he was.
+. )id he need to cut his hair every week' G Ho, he didnIt. He needed to
cut his hair every two weeks.
,. &as a "tongue" of hair on the back of his head' G Ho, it was on the to of
his head.
-. &as his hair thinning at the crown' @ 4es, it was.
.. )id he still have lenty of hair on the sides and back' @ 4es, he did.
/. )id he ever let his hair grow for more than two weeks' @ Ho, he didnIt.
0. )id his hair look worse the longer it got' @ 4es, it did.
%1. )id he sread a maga2ine over the kitchen table' @ Ho, he didnIt. He
sread it over the bathroom sink.
%%. &hy did he sread a newsaer maga2ine over the bathroom sink' @ :o
that no hair went down the drain.
%(. &hat did he start doing after he had lugged in the cliers' G He started
cutting his hair.
%*. &hat did he have to do every minute or so' @ He had to clean the hair
out of the blades with an old toothbrush.
%+. &hat did he do after he finished cutting his hair' @ He icked u a hand
mirror to check out the back of his head.
%,. &hat did he do after he checked out the back of his head' @ He carried
the newsaer back out to the kitchen and shook the hair cliings into
the trash can.
%-. &hat about you, do you have short or long hair' @ :tudentIs own
%.. How often do you have your hair cut' @ :tudentIs own answer.

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