Workers Participation in Managemen

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Topic of the study.
Rational behind study.
Objective of the study.
Research methodology.
Expected conclusion.
CH!TER " #
1.1 Industrial Profile.
- $eneral idea of Hindustan Copper %imited
- !roduct of Hindustan Copper %imited
- Characteristics of Hindustan Copper %imited
- Operating units of Hindustan Copper %imited
- Objective of Hindustan Copper %imited
- &uture out loo' of Hindustan Copper %imited
#.( Company Profile.
- )ntroduction of *hetri Copper Complex
- Historical bac' ground of *hetri Copper Complex
- Objective of *hetri Copper Complex
- &uture plan of *hetri Copper Complex
- Organisation Chart.
- !roducts
- !roduction
- !erformance
- +ocial commitments
- !ollution Control
- *hetrinagar Township
- Employees !rofile.
- )ndustrial Relation
1.3 Introdution to t!e study.
- ,hat is ,or'ers !articipation in -anagement.
- Objective of ,or'ers !articipation in -anagement.
- &orms of ,!-.
- %evels of ,!-
- !articipative -anagement in )ndia.
- .ew +cheme for ,!- in )ndia.
CH!TER " (
(.# Inorporation of t!e ".P.#. in t!e or$anisation
- /ifferent !articipative &orums existing0functioning at *CC.
- /etails of +hop Council.
- 1oint Council.
- !articipative forums functioning at Corporate level.
CH!TER " 2
3.1 Analysis on t!e %asis of &uestionnaire and inter'ie( s!edule.
CH!TER " 3
).1 Conlusions
).* +eommendation
CH!TER " 4
,.1 Anne-ure
- HC% in )ndia
- 5iew of *hetri Copper Complex
- 6uestionnaire
- Company Hierarchy
- -anpower
at *hetri Copper Complex8 *hetri .agar8 Rajasthan8 a unit of Hindustan Copper %imited8
$overnment of )ndia Enterprise.
,e ta'e many decisions in our day"to"day life in consultation with the members
of our family. &or example " Education of children8 ,edding of daughter8 +election of a
career of our children. t all such occasions we consult each other for better results.
,e celebrate various social and religious functions. &or the success of these
functions se start consultation well in advance and the joint decision and implement them
with the co"operation of the other people.
,e re9uire this type of participation between labour and management8 because
the main objective of our economic planning is to increase production and productivity.
:y offering wor'ers8 a common platform to participate decision ma'ing process
of management"wor'ers for self expression and association are satisfied and they start
wor'ing with natural understanding towards optimising productivity8 efficiency and
maintaining industrial peace.
-ainly in the !ublic +ection where the "or2ers Partiipation in #ana$ement
is largely being practice since year together8 and expected results have reflected to some
extent in the form of improved production8 productivity and better industrial relations.
+till the desired results of ,or'ers !articipation in -anagement are li'e dream8 in view
of the fact that the common labour force as well as the lower and middle level manager
are really left apart in the process as a result8 now and then mistrust8 disputes8 agitations8
heated arguments at wor' place.
.ow in the above complex wor' environment of high concern8 a fresh loo' is
needed so that employees contribute in the real sense to achieve the organisational goals.
;nhealthy wor' situations become matter of great concern to the top management8 which
is completed to organise its entire management team to encounter the undue pressure8 in
order to defuse the tense situation and restore8 maintain normal wor'ing condition.
:ecause this often leads low productions8 productivity8 high production cost8 waste of
material and adverse effect on healthy organisation and their employees.
Therefore8 in order to get the best out of wor'man in achieving the organisation
goals8 it is essential that "O+3E+S PA+TICIPATIONS IN #ANA4E#ENT is in
the real sense of the term is induced.
)t is necessary to have some objectives and goals to carry out a project. The
objective and goals give direction to the future plans and activities to be conducted during
the project. Objective behind the study of the wor'ing of "O+3E+S
PA+TICIPATION IN #ANAT4E#ENT at *hetri Copper Complex are as follows <
#. The main objective is to have indepth 'nowledge of the ,.!.-. +cheme
wor'ing in the organisation.
(. To study the different participative forum existing at *.C.C.
2. To study the various areas of activities where the scheme has been
3. To study whether proper home wor' before the schedule dates of meeting
being done by the participative teams to have the meaningful discussion.
4. To study whether the wor'ers= team actually contributes meaningfully to
achieve the common goal of the organisation or it is their to simply show
their influence.
>. To study whether the discussion centre round !roduction0
!roductivity0+afety0,elfare0Creative ideas to solve the problems.
?. To study whether in the discussion each party has e9ual weightage in
giving suggestion0recommendation.
@. To study whether decision are ta'en unanimously or not.
A. To study whether decision are implemented well in time.
#B. To study whether ,!- results in understanding each other view point8
helps in ma'ing a better wor' atmosphere improves human relation and to
maintain industrial peace and harmony.
,ith this critical study of ,or'ers !articipation in -anagement at *hetri Copper
Complex8 it is expected that some new thoughts8 ideas8 better ways of participation will
emerge out for improved wor'ing of these forums which will ultimately help in
maintaining harmonious industrial relations and effective human resosurce development
system for enhancing the labour productivity. The study can also help in <
#. Creation of an atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence between management
and wor'er.
(. Eliminating areas of suspicion between the management and labour.
2. )dentifying the areas where scope of improvement is needed.
3. *nowing whether participative forums are contributing positively towards
organisational goal or simply doing formalities.
4. &ixing the nnual Targets of production in consultation with the ;nion.
Research methodology comprises defining and re"defining problems formulating
hypothesis or suggesting solutions8 collecting8 organising and evaluating date8 ma'ing
deduction and reaching conclusion and atlast carefully testing the conclusion to
determine the hypotheses. Research is an original contribution to the existing stoc' of
'nowledge ma'ing for its advancement. )n short the search for 'nowledge through
objective and systematic method of finding solution to a problem is research.
!roject conducted at *hetri Copper Complex involves following techni9ues of
research to attain the objectives as stated above
#. Compre!ensi'e study of the agenda items of meetings the notification8 actual
attendance of the participants.
(. Critial Analysis of the decision in the meeting and its mode of implementation.
2. Field Inter'ie( with the Committee -embers8 Higher -anagement8 -iddle
-anagement team and common employees who have virtually little scope of
participation in the system.
3. "ritten 8uestionnaire method where a definite answer is sought.
4. )mpart of these scheme on production8 productivity8 welfare8 accident8 wor'
stoppage8 stri'e loc'outs8 improvement in wor' culture8 discipline awareness etc.
,ithin the last three decades in the realm of human resource management the
techni9ue of the wor'ers= participation in management has been regarded as a powerful
behavioral tool for managing the industrial relations system.
!articipative -anagement represents industrial democracy in action and wor'ers
and management should both be re"educated to play their roles as partners in the process
of production and put industrial democracy to wor' effectively.
The term participative management and wor'ers= participation in management are
the same. )t is composed of two words <
CaD !articipation
CbD -anagement
CaD Partiipation < The participation is one=s own mental and emotional involvement
in decision ma'ing process for achieving organisation goals and share
responsibility. The three important aspects of participation are <
#. person=s self is involve rather than his s'ills.
(. )t motivates persons to contribute their own resources of initiative and
creativity towards the objective of the organisation.
2. )t also encourages people to accept responsibility in their group activity.
CbD #ana$ement < )t means the manage the affairs of the organisation in systematic
way. )t involves loo'ing after day to day wor'8 deciding policy matter and
implementing the policy decision.
:efore the industrial revolution the ownership of the underta'ing was with a
single person and he himself was doing the function of manager8 when his unit was small.
:ut in course of time8 the underta'ing became bigger and mechanised and produced on
large scale thereby expanding its activities considerable. One person could not attend to
all aspects of production. $rdually8 the functions of managing the underta'ing were
separated and s'illed and expert manager were appointed for this job.
The concept of ,or'ers= !articipation in -anagement has changed from time to
time and country to country.
,or'ers= !articipation in -anagement means the wor'ers are given a chance to
share the functions of the management in achieving the organisational goals of the
ccording to 3eit! 0a'is ,!- refers to the mental and emotional involvement
of a person in a group situation which encourages him to contribute to group goals and
share the responsibility of achieving them.
There are three main objectives of wor'ers= participation in management. They
are <
#. Or$anisational < The scheme of wor'ers participations enhance economic
efficiency of the enterprise on account of the following reasons <
a. ,or'ers can contributes ideas which can be useful to -anagement.
b. ;pward communication is essential for proper decision ma'ing at the top.
c. ,or'er will accept decisions and wor' better if they participate in them.
d. )t will contribute to industrial peace by fostering more co"operation among
wor'ers and management and thus raise efficiency.
(. Psy!olo$ial < )t gives full recognition to the human element inindustry and
generates a greater interest in the operation of the underta'ing. sense of
belonging is developed8 which in turn8 results in higher efficiency.
2. Soial < The concept of participation produces e9ual status between wor'ers and
management through sharing of decision ma'ing process which ma'es the
wor'ers productive8 creative and efficient. )t also recognises the dignity of man
as man and also satisfies his urge for self expression and ma'es our democracy
There are number of methods which are part and parcel of participative
management. +ome of them are <
#. Su$$estion S!eme < ;nder this system8 wor'ers are invited and encouraged to
offer suggestions for improving the wor'ing of the enterprise. suggestion box
is installed. ny wor'er can write his suggestions and put it into the box.
!eriodically all the suggestions are scrutinised by the +uggestion Committee.
$ood suggestions are accepted for implementation and suitable rewards are given
to the concerned wor'ers.
(. "or2s Committee < ;nder the )ndustrial /isputes ct8 #A3?8 every
establishment employing hundred or more wor'ers is re9uired to constitute wor's
committee. +uch a committee consists of e9ual number of representative of
employer and wor'er. The main purpose of wor's committee is to prove
measures for securing and preserving amity and good relations between the
employer and the employees.
2. 5oint #ana$ement Counils < These councils consists of e9ual number of
representative of employers and wor'ers. The councils discuss various matters
concerning wor'ing of industry. The decisions of these councils are advisory in
nature. ,or'ing conditions8 accident prevention8 indiscipline8 absenteeism and
training are generally the matters brought before 1oint -anagement Councils.
,hile wor's committee are formed at shop floor level. 1oint management
councils are instituted at plant level.
3. "or2er 0iretors < ;nder this method8 one or two representatives of wor'ers are
nominated or elected on the :oard of /irectors. This is full fledged and highest
forum of wor'ers participation in management. )n )ndia /.C.-. and few other
companies provide representation to wor'ers on their :oard of /irector.
4. Co:partners!ip < )n this method8 wor'ers are made shareholders in the company
in which they are employed. s partners8 they ta'e part in :oard of /irectors.
They also share the company=s profit in the form of dividend. This generated a a
feeling of responsibility to the enterprise among the wor'ers.
>. Auto:#ana$ement < This scheme of ,or'ers= !articipation in -anagement is
called =uto"-anagement= or =+elf"-anagement= in 7ugoslavia. ,or'ers manage
all aspects of industries through their representatives. Here the wor'ers
themselves constitute the management and there is no 9uestion of consultation or
sharing of powers with representatives of private capital. ll underta'ings are
treated as national property and are managed by the ,or'ers= Councils and
-anagement :oards.
There are four levels of participation of wor'ers in the management of industry.
They are as follows <
#. Information Partiipation < )t refers to information sharing by the wor'ers
condition of the plant etc. Here the wor'ers have a right of close scrutiny of
information provided so that they can have an idea of what is going on in the
(. Consultati'e Partiipation < Here the wor'ers are consulted so such matter as
welfare programmes8 methods of wor' and safety. However8 the final decision is
that of management. The wor'ers awareness and involvement have to be positive
and direct.
2. Assoiate Partiipation < Here the wor' men=s role is not purely advisory unli'e
consultative participation. The management has to accept and implement the
unanimous decision ta'en jointly. This creates climate of partnership.
3. 0eision Partiipation < /ecision is ta'en jointly in all matter of wor' relative
issues or interest related issues. This leads to oneness and total involvement.
Thereby helps in achieving organisational goals.
s discussed earlier the scheme for ,!- in industry at shop floor and plant level
was introduced by $overnment on the 2B
October8 #A?4 and was made applicable only
to the manufacturing and mining units in the public. nother scheme on ,!- was
introduced on 3
1anuary8 #A?? in commercial and service organisation in the public
The ministry of %abour and Rehabilitation8 $overnment of )ndia have introduced
on 2B
/ecember8 #A@2 a new comprehensive scheme of ,or'ers= !articipation in
Central !ublic +ector ;nderta'ings. &ollowing are the salient features of the scheme <
#. Introdution < The scheme will be applicable to all Central !ublic +ectors
;nderta'ings except those underta'ings which are given specific exemptions
from the operation of the scheme by dministrative /epartment0-inistry in
consultation with /epartment of %abour.
(. Struture of t!e S!eme < The scheme shall be operated both at the shop floor
and plant level in all public sector underta'ings Cother then those which have been
specifically exemptedD.
2. +epresentation < The representation of wor'ers at the shop floor and the plant
level would cover different categories of wor'ers such as s'illed and un"s'illed8
technical and non"technical. -anagerial personnel would be excluded but
supervisory categories such as &oremen8 Chargemen etc. would be covered. :oth
the wor'ers and the management will get e9ual representation at the shop floor
and plant level forums. Each party will have a representation of 4 to #B members
depending upon the siEe of wor' force.
3. Funtions < The participating arrangement may cover the following functions at
different levels <
aD S!op le'el < !roduction facilities8 storage facilities in a shop8 material
economy operational problems8 wastage control8 haEards8 safety
problems8 9uality improvement8 cleanliness8 monthly targets and
production schedules8 cost reduction progreammes8 formation and
implementation of wor' system8 design group wor'ing8 welfare measures
related particularly to the shop.
bD Plant le'el <
Operational areas <
iD Evaluation of productivity schemes ta'ing into account the local
iiD !lanning8 implementation8 fundamental and review or monthly
targets and schedules.
iiiD -aterials supply and its shortfall.
ivD +torage and inventories.
vD House 'eeping.
viD )mprovements in productivity in general and in critical areas in
viiD Encouragement to and consideration of suggestions.
viiiD 6uality and technological improvements.
ixD -achine utilisation8 'nowledge and developments of new
xD Operational performance figures.
xiD -atter not resolved at the shop level or concern more than one
xiiD Review of the wor'ing of the shop level bodies.
Economic F &inancial areas <
iD Review of operating expenses8 financial results8 cost of sales.
iiD !rofit F loss statements8 balance sheets.
iiiD !lant performance in financial terms8 labour F managerial costs8
mar'et conditions etc.
!ersonnel -atters <
iD bsenteeism.
iiD )nitiation F supervision of wor'er=s training programme.
iiiD +pecial problem of women wor'ers.
ivD dministration of social security schemes.
,elfare areas <
iD Operational details.
iiD )mplementation of welfare schemes8 medical benefits and transport
iiiD +afety measures.
ivD +ports F $ames.
vD Housing.
viD Township administration8 canteen etc.
viiD Control of gambling8 drin'ing8 indebtedness etc.
Environmental areas <
iD Extension activities F community development projects.
iiD !ollution Control.
cD Board Le'el < t the board level8 the wor'ers representatives will
participate in all the functions of the board. One of the special function
assigned to the board would be reviewing the wor' of the +hop F !lant
level participating forums.
4. "or2in$ of t!e forums < t the +hop &loor F the !lant level8 the participating
forums will attempt to arrive at a decision by consensus but where no mutually
acceptable consensus emerges8 they will refer the matter to the next higher
>. #odifiations of t!e funtions of t!e forums < The scope of the functions can be
modified by mutual consensus between the wor'ers and the management.
?. #onitorin$ of t!e s!eme < time programme for implementation of the
scheme with in one year will be drawn up by the administrative ministries
departments concerned. The progress of the wor'ing of the scheme in individual
underta'ing will be reviewed 9uarterly. )n order to monitor the implementation of
the scheme and also to review its wor'ing from time to time and to suggest
remedial measures8 a tripartite machinery will be set up in the department of
@. 4eneral < .o legislation would be underta'en immediately to give any legislative
bac'ing to the scheme. +uch a step would8 however8 be considered after ade9uate
experience has been gained in the wor'ing of the scheme. +tate $overnment are
re9uested to introduce the scheme in their own public sector underta'ing. The
private sector would also be encouraged to implement the scheme. )t is the
intention of the central government to bring legislation in due course after gaining
experience in the wor'ing of the scheme. )t is8 therefore8 in the interest of the
private sector also that they should find it advantageous to ma'e a start of their
own very early in this direction.
The origin of the idea of "or2ers9 Partiipation in #ana$ement in )ndia can
be traced to the report of the Royal Commission of %abour C#A2#D8 which recommended
the setting up of joint consultative bodies.
fter the war8 the )ndustrial Employment C+tanding OrdersD ct8 #A3> and the
)ndustrial /isputes ct8 #A3?8 formally placed the idea of wor'ers participations on the
statute boo's in the form of ,or's Committee.
The acceptance of a G+ocialistic !attern of +ocietyG as the overall goal of planning
in #A43 stressed the need and importance of ,or'ers= !articipation.
The )ndustrial !olicy Resolution C#A4>D also asserted the importance of 1oint
Consultation between wor'ers and management. The government of )ndia sent a +tudy
Team for studying the experiences of different schemes of ,or'ers= !articipation in
-anagement in European countries. On the recommendation of the +tudy Team8 the
$overnment introduced a scheme of 1oint -anagement Council in our country in #A4@.
)n #A?B8 the $overnment of )ndia introduced another scheme of ,!- in ban'ing
industry. The .ationalised :an' appointed one director from among the wor'ers and this
scheme extended to selected public sector underta'ing on voluntary basis.
new scheme of +hop Council and 1oint Council was announced by the
$overnment of )ndia on October 2B8 #A?4. )t was extended to commercial and service
organisations in public sector in 1anuary8 #A??.
The history of ,!- in )ndia8 thus clearly ma'es three important institutional
landmar's <
#. ,or's Committees C#A3?D
(. 1oint -anagement Councils C#A4@D
2. +hop Councils F 1oint Councils
The Centre and the +tate $overnments implemented the wor'ers participation in
management through the following four ways <
#. +tatutory ,or's Committee
(. 5oluntary 1oint -anagement Councils
2. ppointment of ,or'ers Representatives on :oard of /irectors.
3. +hop Councils F 1oint Councils.
Hindustan Copper %imited CHC%D was incorporated on A
.ovember8 #A>?. )t is
a !ublic +ector Enterprise under the -inistry of -ines8 $overnment of )ndia. )t is now
under the Chairmanship of -r.:.*. -enon. The major activities of HC% are exploration8
mining8 smelting8 refining and casting of finished copper metal into saleable products.
The company is the sole producer of primary copper in )ndia from indigenously mined
copper are. HC% produces about 3.@ million tones of ore and 34BBB tones of refined
copper per annum from its indigenous production. ,ith the above production level
currently HC% is able to satisfy around (4H of )ndia=s demand of primary copper metal.
)n the process of its multi dimensional growth8 the company has its credit some
major contribution towards technological improvement in mining8 smelting8 hydro
metallurgy and bye products recovery. HC% has established well e9uipped R F /
facilities at *hetri Copper Complex and )ndian Copper Complex. The R F / section is
fully responsible for improvement in 9uality of products8 control of 9uality of raw
material8 improvement of recoveries and for maximiEing in the recovery of bye"products.
#. )t is a sole mining cum metallurgical public organisation in the field of copper
(. :efore economic liberaliEation #AA# HC% was only sole producer of copper in
)ndia and is still it is fulfilling (4H of copper demand for our country.
2. HC% is effectively exploring and utiliEing #H copper ore.
3. HC%8 since many years is providing and producing %-E grade of copper which is
of the )nternational +tandard.
4. :eing a public sector organisation it also fulfilling social objectives.
The company is operating the following units
#. *hetri Copper Complex C*CCD8 Rajasthan comprises two ;nderground -ines8
one Concentrator !lant8 +melter !lant and a Refinery !lant of 2#BBB T/
capacity alongwith cid F &ertiliEer !lant.
(. )ndian Copper Complex C)CCD at $hatsila8 1har'hand comprises five
;nderground -ines8 two Concentrator !lant8 a +melter !lant and a Refinery !lant
of #>4BB T!/ capacity alongwith cid !lant8 precious metal and other by"
products recovery plant.
2. -alanj'hand Copper !roject C-C!D in -adhya !radesh comprises an Open !it
-ines8 Concentrator %each Copper !lant.
The objective of HC% is to underta'e exploration prospecting and mining activity
for minerals copper in particularI extraction and fabrication of metals and manufacture of
by"products including sulphuric acid and fertiliEer. HC% is also expected to underta'e
research in the field of metallurgy and develop consultancy services in copper mining8
concentrator8 smelting and refining.
)n the present liberaliEed economy of the country with all trade barriers getting
slowly dismantled the competition is increasing substantially. )n this scenario HC% has
identified certain areas which merit immediate attention so as to become competitive on
substantial basis. These areas are <
CiD :ench mar'ing the operations of HC% with the best in the world.
CiiD The company has to trim its manpower to remain competitive. HC% is
ta'ing steps to reduce manpower through 5R+ and closure of high cost
mine of )CC.
CiiiD HC% is in the process of re"assessing the capacities of the smelters8 reduce
generation of seconderies with significant emphasis on 9uality.
CivD HC% is ma'ing all out efforts to enhance the production from low cost
mines li'e -alanj'hand open cast project.
CvD The company also study to ma'e a slight shift of approach towards
technology viE. Hydro"metallurgy which is being increasingly employed
in the western world.
The products of the company are as follows <
-ain !roducts
Copper ,ire :ars.
Copper Cathode.
Copper CC Rods.
Copper ET! :loc's.
Copper ,ire :ar -oulds.
Copper +heets.
:y !roducts
.ic'el +ulphate.
Copper +ulphate.
+ingle +uper !hosphate.
+ulphuric cid.
The mar'eting networ' of the company is divided into four regions <
,estern Jone " -umbai
+outhern Jone " :anglore F Chennai
.orthern Jone " /elhi F )ndore
Eastern Jone " *ol'ata
CiiD :)R% CO!!ER
*hetri Copper Complex8 a mining cum metallurgical complex is a major
constituent of Hindustan Copper %imitedI $ovt. of )ndia Enterprise with install
capacity of 2#BB Tones of electrolytic grade copper per annum. )t was established in
.ovember8 #A>3.
*hetri Copper Complex including Chandmari Copper !roject comprises one open
pit mines two underground mine8 a concentrator plant8 a smelter plant and an electrolytic
refinery plant together with sulphuric acid plant and fertiliEer plant.
*hetri Copper Complex is situated in the cradle of ravali Hills in the district of
1hunjhunu8 Rajasthan8 some #AB 'm +outh",est of /elhi F #@B 'm .orth of 1aipur8 the
state capital. )t is at the northern end of a large copper belt extending from +inghana
village to Raghnathgarh. )t has two well developed township one at *hetri .agar and
other at *olihan .agar.
The metal copper is a primitive metal and was also mined at *hetri in ancient
times during the period of -auryas.
The first record mention of copper mining in this belt is found in Gin")"'bariG
written by bul &aEal in the year #4AB during the period of Emperor 'bar the $reat.
Objective established the goals and aims of business. )t determines its shape of
future event. Objective are the way of achieving motives of profit or self service. )t
represent a clear picture of activities which are sought to be achieve. The objective of
*CC as follows <
#. Exploration and utiliEation of the copper reserves existing in our country.
(. Extraction and exploration of copper and by products to ma'e the country
self sufficient in the field of copper production.
2. Reduce power and fuel consumption by Rs.4 Crores.
3. )mprove the grade ore minimum by B.#H.
4. Reduce gross revert generation to #(H.
#. Expansion of +melter !lant.
The company plans to increase the production of :lister Copper from
2#BBB -etric Tones to 34BBB -etric Tonnes.
(. /evelopment of :anwas -ines.
2. To undergo for disinvestment in the coming year or near future.
The product list of *CC is as follows <
-ain !roducts
Copper ,ire :ars.
Copper Cathode.
Copper +heets.
:y !roducts

+ulphuric cid.
.ic'el +ulphate.
+ingle +uper !hosphate.
The customers of Company=s product are "
- &or Copper < /efence8 Railways other traders.
- &or +ulphuric cid < $ovt. +ector <
)&&CO8 )/!%8 .&%8 /.+;8 .)!C8 H+/E8
:HE%8 )OC etc.
!rivate +ector <
- )ndian !esticide8 :ijnor.
- )ndian !hosphate Carbonate
-ar'eting %td.8 $haEiabad
- %jgotam &ertiliEer8 Rampur
- -odern gro Chemical )ndustry
%td. etc.
*CC for its final product copper cathode has obtained a certificate from 9uality
management system )+O ABB( for its refinery plant8 where copper cathode 9uality is
The production of *CC is as follows <
7ear -)C
#AAA"(BBB 223>( 2@3>@ (AA2? 2?3>> 4#B
-odern townships at *hetri .agar and *olihan .agar have been constructed for
residential re9uirements of employees wor'ing in the Complex. t present8 there are
about 4BBB residential 9uarters alongwith other amenities li'e sports grounds8 hospitals8
shopping centres8 community centres8 cinema house8 guest house and club etc. *hetri
Copper Complex has provided ade9uate educational facilities for the wards of its
employees both in *hetri .agar and *olihan .agar townships. The township has (
Central cademy school8 Convent school8 2 +tate school besides .ursery F !rimary
school. ll the schools are houses in specious buildings constructed by *CC with ample
open space for play grounds and are being provided total support C&inancial or otherwiseD
by *CC. )n addition to this8 facilities are provided by *CC to the other schools being
run in the township.
*CC has ta'en substential measures right from the inception for handling and
treating various emission and effluents stream before its is discharged to the environment.
+ubse9uently the installation has been modified expanded in order to meet the
re9uirement of pollution control. +ome of the measure installation for this purpose are as
under <
#. )nstallation of +ulphur :urner.
(. Construction of Tailing /am.
2. ,ater Conservation in mines.
3. !lantation enrichment of green belt at massive scale.
4. !rovision of oxidation ponds.
)n addition8 a second cid !lant also concepted to crub the pollution alongwith
the double hood convertor in +melter !lant.
*CC from the beginning has ta'en 'een interest in the welfare of its rural
surrounding area. Today @4H of the wor'force at *CC belong to the region where it
stands. nother pressing aspect which attracted *CC was lac' of communicational
facilities in the region alongwith the perennial problem of drin'ing water in the region.
pitched road was built for the first time in desert wilderness from *hetri .agar to
Chaonra8 a village located at a distance of about 24 'ms.. +imultaneously a water pipe
was laid from *hetri .agar to Chaonra and water connections were provided to all the
villages located between *hetri and Chaonra. Today *CC provides drin'ing water to
some 2B villages8 apart from #4 to (4 water connections in the surrounding area of the
)ndustrial Relations at *hetri Copper Complex are harmonious having not
witnessed any major stri'e8 shut down or any confrontation since last (B years. :ut it
always remained a challenging tas' for the management to maintain peace and mutual
trust. Continuous improvement in production8 productivity8 wor'ing condition8
technological up"gradation8 welfare measures are the result of the better industrial
relation to the prevailing in the organisation.
There are four major trade union operating at *hetri Copper Complex <
#. 3!etri Tam%a S!rami2 San$! ;3TSS<= affiliated to )T;C.
(. 3!etri Copper #a>door San$! ;3C#S<= affiliated to :-+.
2. 3!etri Tam%a #a>door #or!a ;3T##<= affiliated to C)T;.
3. +as!triya Copper #a>door San$! ;+C#C<= affiliated to ).T;C.
*hetri Tamba +hrami' +angh C*T++D is the recognised union at present and
therefore represents the wor'ers in all 'inds of major discussions held with the
The scheme of wor'ers participation in management at *hetri Copper Complex
was adopted in #A@B. t *hetri Copper Complex the scheme of wor'ers= participation in
management is operating at three level <
;a< At S!op Floor Le'el
;%< Plant Le'el
;< Co:operati'e Le'el
0ifferent Partiipati'e Forums e-istin$@funtionin$ at 3CC
t *hetri Copper Complex8 the following participative forums are functioning <
#. Canteen -anaging Committee
(. +afety ppliance and !rotective Clothing Committee
2. House llotment Committee
3. Recruitment and !romotion Rules Committee
4. +ports Council
>. ,elfare and &und Trust
)n *hetri Copper Complex at shop floor level there are #B shop councils
functioning. These shop councils discuss about the matters related with production8
safety8 efficiency and other matters as laid down in the $overnment +cheme.
+hop Council shall be constituted with the objective of increasing production8
productivity and efficiency of each shop or department.
The following shop0departments shall have +hop Councils <
iD dit8 *hetri -ines
iiD +haft8 *hetri -ines
iiiD +ervices relating to *hetri -ines
ivD *.C.-. !roduction
vD *.C.-. C+ections other than productionD
viD Concentrator
viiD +melter
viiiD Refinery
ixD cid F &ertiliEer
xD +ervices Cincluding -ech.8 Elect.8 Civil8 ,ater +upply8 )ndustrial Engg.8 RF/D
xiD Rest of the departments " !urchase F +tores8 dministration including !ersonnel
and Training8 Town dministration8 -edical and &inance.
#. Each shop council shall consist of an e9ual number of representatives of
employers and wor'ers. Employees representatives shall be nominate by the
management from among persons of the concerned unit. Representatives of
wor'men shall belong to the department or shop concerned.
(. The number of representatives of wor'men on each shop council shall be as
follows <
!lant0+ection0 .o. of .o. of Chairman 5ice"Chairman
/epartment -gt.rep. employees
+0+hri +0+hri
#. *hetri -ines ## ## !* 1ain :anwari %al
(. *hetri -ines +ervices B> B> :% .irwan +ultan +ingh
2. +melter !lant B? B? RC +ingla -ahavir +ingh
3. Refinery !lant B> B> :* -endiratta :anwari %al
4. &ertiliEer B? B? !+ !andey :- Tiwari
>. Concentrator !lant B4 B4 -5 Rattaiah $% /udi
?. Engineering +ervices B? B? 1! Trivedi :agh +ingh
@. Other /epartments B> B> /r.!* -ohanty /ev Raj
A. *olihan Copper -ine B4 B4 -C +harma -ahavir +ingh
#B. *C- Other +ervices B4 B4 T. +ingh C/ 7adav
2. The wor'ers representatives on the shop council shall be elected by the wor'ers
of the concerned shopK department.any wor'men with a service of not less one
year in the establishment may be a candidate for election. ll wor'men who have
put " in not less than > months continous service in the establishment shall be
entitled to vote in the election of the representative of wor'men.
#. Each shop council shall normally meet once in a month.
(. The chairman of the shop council shall be a nominee of the management.
2. The 5ice"Chairman of the shop council shall be elected by the wor'men
3. /ecision of the shop council shall be arrived on the basis of consensus and not by
a process of voting.
4. Either party may refer unsettled matters to the joint council for consideration.
>. /ecisions of the shop council shall be implemented by the parties concerned
within such time limit as may be decide upon by the council at the time of ta'ing
the decision.
?. -atters which have a bearing on other shop in the establishment shall be referred
to the joint council alongwith the recommendations of the council for
consideration of the council.
#. -embers of the +hop Council shall intimate the Chairman or 5ice"Chairman any
item which they shall wish to be included in the agenda of the +hop Councils
This should be intimated in writing to them atleast #B days before the date fixed
for the council meeting. )f intimation in respect of any item is not received by the
Chairman05ice"Chairman8 in time8 the item will be ta'en up in the next meeting.
(. The Chairman05ice"Chairman will issue notice to concerned members of the
council communicating the place8 date8 day and time of the agenda of the meeting.
The notice will be issued atleast #B days before the date of the meeting. )t will be
the responsibility of the members concerned representing the wor'men to
approach the concerned authority to relieve them in order to attend the meeting.
2. Concerned HO/s will relieve the concerned member on the relevant date and
time for attending the meeting. Copies of the notice will be sent to the concerned
!Os to enable them to ensure this.
3. The agenda shall normally include the following items <
aD Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting.
bD Consideration of the reports of sub"committee.
cD Review of implementation of the councils decisions.
dD Consideration of items brought by the councils members.
eD ny other matter with the permission of the Chairman of the meeting.
4. The Chairman of the committee shall preside over the meeting. )n his absence8
the 5ice"Chairman shall preside over the meeting. )n case both Chairman F
5ice"Chairman are not present in the meeting8 the members of the council8
present in the meeting8 shall elect any member to preside over the particular
>. t least 4BH members each of the representative of the management F wor'men
would form the 9uorum for the meeting.
?. The Chairman F the 5ice"Chairman will jointly prepare and sign the minutes and
place it in the next meeting of the council for confirmation.
@. There will be no personal criticism or use of un"parliamentary language in the
A. )t will be the responsibility of the councils members to explain the wor's done in
the councils meeting to the persons in their respective councils.
#B. The records of the shop councils will be with the Chairman of the committee.
Representatives of the management nominated by management and the wor'men
are nominated by the recognised union C*hetri Tamba +hrami' +angh8 ffiliated to
)n +hop Council < Chairman " Head of ;nit.
5ice"Chairman " ,or'men who is nominated by the
recognised union.
The tenure of shop council is of ( years. The management at *CC and the
recognised union ma'e change in their respective representations in the event of
separation through transfer8 resignation etc.
" &re9uency of meeting < Once in a month
" /ate of meeting < #?
of every month8 next wor'ing
day if #?
happen to be a holiday.
" Time < 2.BB !.-.
CaD The points to be included in the agenda shall be sent by the mebers of the council
to the +ecretary #4 days in advance.
CbD The agenda shall be finalised by the +ecretary in consultation with Chairman and
CcD genda shall be circulated to all members at least 3 days in advance together with
brief explanatory note on each point.
The decision ta'en in meeting are recorded and signed by Chairman and 5ice"
Chairman. The minutes of meeting are circulated within a wee'. )ssues unresolved at
the +hop %evel Councils are referred to the 1oint Council for inclusion in the agenda of
the next meeting of the 1oint Council for appropriate decision. copy of minutes of the
shop councils are sent to the Convenor +ecretary of the 1oint Council and to )ndustrial
Relation +ection8 which 'eeps a trac' of such meetings. Review of the implementation
of decisions are discussed in the very next meeting of shop council.
/ifferent issues discussed in these +hop Councils are generally production
targets8 reasons for short fall in production8 if any8 available li'e of spares8 waste control8
welfare matters of the shop plant.
#. &unctions of the +hop Council shall be as stated in the $ovt. of )ndia resolution
.o.+">#B##C3D0?4"/*)C:D dated 2B
October8 #A?4. /etails are as follows <
(. The +hop Councils should in the interest of increasing production8 productivity
and over all efficiency of the shop0department attend to the following matters.
iD ssist management in achieving monthly0yearly production targets.
iiD )mporvement of production8 productivity and efficiency8 including
elimination of wastage and optimum utilisation of machine capacity and
iiiD +pecifically identify area of low productivity and ta'e necessary
corrective steps at shop level to eliminate relevant contributing factors.
ivD To study absenteeism in the shops0departments and recommend steps to
reduce them
vD +afety measures.
viD ssist in maintaining general discipline in the shop0department.
viiD !hysical conditions of wor'ing such as lighting8 ventilation8 noise8 dust
etc. and reduction of fatigue.
viiiD ,elfare and health measure to be adopted for efficient running of the
ixD Ensure proper flow of ade9uate two way communications between the
management and the wor'ers8 particularly on matters relating to
production figures8 production schedules and progress in achieving the
xD Elimination of pilferage and to institute a system of rewards for this
xiD /iscuss any other matter which have a bearing on the improvement in the
performance of the underta'ing.
t *hetri Copper Complex8 there is # 1oint Council which discusses matter of
production8 productivity8 waste control and welfare measures etc. as per the scheme.
part from this8 1oint Council also discusses matter which could not be shorted out at
different shop councils.
1oint Council shall be constituted with the objective of increasing production8
productivity and over all efficiency of each establishment as a whole.
The joint council shall cover all the department section of the *CC.
#. The joint council shall consist of #B representatives each of the management F
(. The representative of wor'men on the 1oint Council shall be elected from among
representative of wor'men on the shop council by the shop council members.
2. The chairman of the proposed joint council will be the head of the establishment at
3. The 5ice chairmen of the joint council shall be elected by the member of the
4. 1oint council shall appoint one of its members as its secretery. The management shall
provide facilities to the secretary to help him in the efficient discharge of his
#. The 1oint Council shall normally meet once in a 9uarter.
(. /ecisions of the 1oint Council shall be finalised on the basis of consensus and not
by a process of voting.
2. /ecision of the 1oint Council shall be binding on the management and wor'men
and shall be implemented within the period mentioned in the decision itself.
#. -ember of the council shall intimate the +ecretary any item which they shall wish
to be included in the agenda of the 1oint Council=s meeting. This should be
intimated in writing to him atleast #4 days before the date fixed for the council
meeting. )n intimation in respect of any item is not received by the +ecretary8 in
time the item will be ta'en up in the next meeting.
(. The +ecretary will issue notice to the members of the council communicating the
place8 date8 day and time of the agenda of the meeting. The notice will be issued
atleast #B days before the date of the meeting.
2. Concerned HO/s will relieve the concerned emember on the notice will be sent
to the concerned !os to enable them to ensure this.
3. The agenda shall normally include the following items <
iD Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting.
iiD /iscussion in the points given in the scheme.
iiiD Consideration of the reports of the sub"committees.
ivD Consideration of items brought by the councils members.
vD ny other matter with the permission of the Chairman of the meeting.
4. The Chairman of the committee shall preside over the meeting. )n his absence8
the 5ice"Chairman shall preside over the meeting. )n case both Chairman F
5ice"Chairman are not present in the meeting8 the members of the council8
present in the meeting8 shall elect any member to preside over the particular
>. t least 4BH members each of the representative of the management F wor'men
would form the 9uorum for the meeting.
?. The +ecretary will prepare and sign the minutes and put up before the Chairman
for his signature. He will place it in the next meeting of the council for
@. )t will be the responsibility of the councils members to explain the wor's done in
the councils meeting to other employees.
A. The records of the 1oint Council will be filed with the +ecretary of the committee.
#B. Review of implementation of the council=s decision.
Each member will have a tenure of # year. )n case of temporary absence of any
regular member the $eneral -anager or the $eneral +ecretary of the recongnised union
have the option to nominate any other representative who will be a subsitute member for
a particular meeting. :esides8 for any expert advice both the $eneral +ecretary of the
recognised union and $eneral -anager can call invitees in a particular meeting.
&ollowing are the office bearer of the 1oint Council operating at *.C.C.
CiD Chairman of 1oint Council " $eneral -anager of *CC.
CiiD 5ice"Chairman of 1oint Council " $eneral +ecretary of recognised
CiiiD Convener +ecretary " .$.-. C!ersonnelD8 *CC.
" &re9uency of meeting < Once in 2 months.
" /ate of meeting < #4
of every month8 next wor'ing
day if #4
happen to be a holiday.
" Time < 2.BB !.-.
" 5enue < Conference Room of dministrative
The points to be included in the agenda shall be sent by the members of the
council to the Convener +ecretary #4 days in advance. The points are generally self
explanatory. Other employees can sent their points8 if any8 through the members of the
1oint Council to the Convener +ecretary of the 1oint Council.
genda shall be finalised by the +ecretary in consultation with Chairman and
5ice"Chairman. genda shall be circulated to all members at least ? days in advance
together with brief explanatory note in each point so that each member comes fully
prepared for the discussion. The information that are circulated are <
#. .otice of /ate8 Time and 5enue of next meeting.
(. -inutes of meeting of the last meeting.
2. )mplementation position on decision ta'en in previous meetings. )f decisions are
not implemented reasons for delay is communicated alongwith.
3. ctual production figures alongwith targeted production of different production
4. Reasons for short fall in production.
>. Cost sheets of production at different stages.
?. ny other matter with the permission of the Chairman.
The decision ta'en in joint council meeting is recorded on the same day and a
draft of the minutes of meeting is prepared then the draft is finally approved by the
-anagement CChairman8 +ecretaryD as well as by wor'men representative Cgenerally by
the 5ice"Chairman of the recognised unionD. The final minutes of meeting is signed by
the secretary of 1oint Council and is circulated to all the members for needful
implementation of the decision ta'en.
Concerned HO/ has to relieve from the duty the concerned members on the
relevant date and time for attending the meeting. The practice at *hetri Copper Complex
has been the wor'men representatives discuss the agenda and other important points in
the forenoon for which they are relieved from duty and come prepared in the afternoon
for full fledged discussion in 1oint Council -eeting which is generally held at 2.BB !-.
On a average the meeting continues for four long hours in the conference hall of
the administration building. )n the meeting the members are given a scribbling pad8 a
pen8 a good plastic folder containing various information etc.
/uring the meeting the parties are served tea and snac's. The meeting is held in a
very formal way and the atmosphere is generally very cool and conductive. )f the both
Chairman and 5ice"Chairman are available for the meeting than meeting is postponed.
)t is the responsibility of the council=s members to explain the decision ta'en in
the council meeting to general employees. The record of minutes of 1oint Council are
'ept and maintained by the +ecretary of the committee that is sstt. $eneral -anager
#. &unctions of the 1olint Council shall be as mendtioned at page ? of the $ovt. of )ndia
resolution .o.+">#B##C3D0?4"/*)C:D dated 2B
October8 #A?4. /etails are as
follows <
(. The 1oint Council should deal with matters relating to<
iD Optimum production8 efficiency and fixation of productivity norms of man
and machine for the units as a whole
iiD -atters emanating from shop councils which remain unresolved.
iiiD &unctions of a shop council which have a bearing on another shop or unit
as a whole.
ivD -atter concerning the unit or the plant as a whole in respect of matters
relating to wor' planning and achieving production targets more
specifically8 tas's assigned to a shop council of the shop0department level
but relevant to the unit as a whole will be ta'en up by the 1oint Council.
vD The development of s'ills of wor'men and ade9uate facilities for training.
viD The preparation of schedules of wor'ing hours and of holiday.
viiD warding of reward for valuable and creative suggestions received from
viiiD Optimum use of raw material and 9uality of finished products.
ixD $eneral health8 welfare and safety measures for the units or the plant.
xD Elimination of pilferage and to institute a system of rewards for this
xiD /iscuss any other matter which have a bearing on the improvement in the
performance of the underta'ing.
The following forums are functioning at Corporate level at *ol'ata <
This is the highest forum of participative management in Hindustan Copper
%imited. )ts meetings are held at *ol'ata after every three months.
iD -anagement representatives < ll the top executives of HC% and its unit
are its member. &or e.g.
- Chairman"cum"-anaging /irector of HC%.
- Head of the !ersonnel /epartment of all the units.
- $eneral -anagers of all the units of HC%.
iiD ,or'ers representatives < Representative of recognised union of different
units of HC% are its members.
ll matters related to improvements8 production8 productivity8 targets and
matter which are not the subject of collective bargaining are discussed in this
forum. The purpose behind the constitution of the 1CC at the pex level is to
associate senior leaders of the recognised trade union8 operating at different units
of the company in the decision ma'ing process concerning production8
productivity8 action plan for the year8 welfare8 leave8 educational facilities8 safety8
optimum utilisation of man and machinery and 9uality of the wor' life etc.
1CC has played a very crucial role in maintaining harmonious industrial
relation in different units that is
- *hetri Copper Complex.
- )ndian Copper Complex8 $hatsila C:iharD
- -alanj'hand Copper !roject8 C-!D
part from maintenance of the harmonious industrial relation8 a number of
good schemes were introduced in the company li'e ,or'ers= /evelopment
+eminar +cheme8 $rievance !rocedure8 +uggestion +cheme etc. with a view to
educate the wor'men so that real participation can ta'e place.
ll the meetings of 1CC very important items li'e !roduction and
!roductivity8 +afety8 -aterial -anagement and various other allied matters
pertaining to the development of the company have been discussed and decision
ta'en on the basis of consensus.
+imilarly on the lines of 1CC8 it was thought proper to have a forum where a
matter relating to collecting bargaining could be discussed with the wor'men
representative. ,ith this in view8 the next important forum of corporate level was found
in #A@B.
iD ;nion affiliated to )T;C " >
iiD ;nion affiliated to ).T;C " #
iiiD ;nion affiliated to :-+ " (
&rom the management side the total number of representatives are ?
excluding C-/ who is ex"officio Chairman of the committee.
ll matters which fall within the preview of collective bargaining are
discussed in this forum. The purpose of this forum is to give full scope to the 1CC
to discuss the matter basically related to production aspects.
The .1CC has been wor'ing very successfully in HC% and has resolved
many important issues involving all wor'men of all the units. &or e.g. some of
important issues handled has this forum are <
CiD ll )ndia ,ages .egotiation #AA4.
CiiD -odification and )mprovement %TC Rules.
CiiiD -odification of ttendance :onus Rules.
1. 0e$ree of effeti'eness of "or2ers9 Partiipation in #ana$ement S!eme
operatin$ at 3!etri Copper Comple-.
7es .o
-anagement Representatives 24
,or'ers Representatives #4
T O T %
Comment < :oth -anagement F ,or'ers representatives feel that the wor'ers
participation in management is very effective in building harmonious industrial relation.
:ut the common employees who are not the representative of any forum feel that still
desired results from ,!- is still awaited.
*. #et!ods adopted %y t!e representati'e to arri'e at onsensus deision.
.ame of the method adopted .o. of respondent !ercentage
Consultation 3B ?(.?(4H
.egotiation #4 (?.(?4H
5oting " "
Chair !erson /ecision " "
Comments A $enerally the decision at ,!- meeting is arrived through consultation and
3. E-tent of Contri%ution of Partiipati'e Forum in a!ie'in$ or$anisation
.o. of Respondents < 4B
.ame of rea 7es .o
#. )n !roduction 34 B4
(. )n !roductivity 32 B?
2. )n )mproving ,or'ing Condition 3( B@
3. )n ,elfare -easure 3> B3
4. )n Resolving /isputes #4 24
>. )n &uture !lants (B 2B
?. )n )mproving )R 3B #B
@. )n )mproving -utual Trust F $oodwill 2? #2
A. )n Reducing Confrontation at ,or' !lace 3B #B
#B. )n 6uality /ecisions 22 #?
Comments < The participative forums are doing the wor' effectively. They are helpful in
raising productivity8 production8 improving )ndustrial Relation but still much has to be
done to resolve disputes to improve 9uality decision and to see' the help of both wor'ers
and management to build strong future plans.
). T!e (ei$!ta$e $i'en to ea! 2party in $i'in$ su$$estion@reommendation in
.o. of Respondents < 4B
Reply of Respondent .o. of Respondent !ercentage
-anagement Representative 22 >>H
,or'ers Representative #? 23H
Comments < )n ,or'ers= !articipation +chemes generally e9ual weightage is given to
both the wor'men and managers. :ut the managers having more 9ualification and
experience are able to ma'e the wor'ers convince on their ideas and thus are able to
dominate discussion some time.
,. E-tent to (!i! t!e deisions ta2en in t!e meetin$ are implemented in time
B ri$!t spirit.
.o. of Respondents < 4B
Range of )mplementation of decision in H Respondents
B " (4 2B
(4 " 4B #B
4B " ?4 B?
?4 " #BB B2
Comments < The decisions ta'en are not fully implemented at right time.
#. /esignation. (. Experience.
2. Education. 3. /epartment.
3. /o you 'now about =,or'ers= !articipation in -anagement= +chemeL
CaD 7es CbD .o
4. re you a member of any unionL
CaD 7es CbD .o
>. re you satisfied with the participative forums exist in your organiEationL
CaD 7es CbD .o
@. re you a member of any participative forumL
CaD 7es CbD .o
)f 7es8 mention the nameMMMMMM.
A. ,hat is the method of selection of representative of the participative forumL
CaD .omination by management CbD .omination by union
CcD Election CdD 5oluntary ssociation
#B. /o you see the minutes of the meetingL
CaD 7es CbD .o
##. How is the agenda decidedL
CaD :y management representative CbD :y union representative
CcD :y union F management rep. CdD ny other method.
#(. ,hat is the method to arrive at the decision ta'en by +hop01oint Council0other
participate forumsL
CaD /iscussion CbD 5oting
CcD ;nanimous CdD Chair person decide
#2.,hat 'ind of attitude is adopted by management0union representative in the
CaD !ositive CbD .egative
CcD Co"operate CdD !ressure -ounting
#3.How you decide the venue8 day and date of the meetingL
#4.. How much time is ta'en to implement your demandsL

CaD /ay CbD ,ee'
CcD -onth CdD 7ear
#@. ,hether the decisions ta'en in the meeting are implementedL
CaD @B"#BBH CbD 4B"@BH
CcD (B"4BH CdD :elow (BH.
#A. How these participative forums help in your organiEationL
CaD )n !roduction
CbD )n !roductivity
CcD )n ,or'ing Condition
CdD )n ,elfare
CcD )n -anagement !olicies F !rogrammes
CdD )n &uture !lans
CeD )n )mproving )ndustrial Relations
CfD )n dopting .ew Technology.
(B. To what extent participative management is helpful in achieving your
organisational goalsL
CaD :elow (4H CbD (4"4BH
CcD 4B"@BH CdD @B"#BBH.
(#. ny other suggestionMMMMMMMMM
fter conducting a comprehensive study on WORKERS' PARTICIPATION IN
MANAGEMENT at *hetri Copper Complex8 ) have come to the following conclusion <
#. )ndustrial Relation at *hetri Copper Complex between #A?( F #A?@ were bad
and tense which ultimately erupted into a general stri'e. However8 since last (B
years management and labour relation are by and large harmonious with
occurrence of any major stri'e or shut"down.
(. part from )R side there has been a gradual improvement in production8
productivity8 welfare measure8 safety and other related areas.
2. )t is apparent from the study that the success of ,.!.-. at *.C.C. is largely from
the fact that this public sector company introduced the schemes in response to its
felt need rather than only out of any ministerial compulsion.
3. Reflecting a true sense of participation8 union representatives have submitted to
the proposal for economy in expenditure8 scrap utilisation8 energy conservation8
timely procurement of materials etc.
4. part from the matters other areas li'e pertaining to safety8 welfare8 recruitment8
environment and other allied issues have been discussed with the aim of sharing
information and joint decision.
>. There is a general feeling among all that G,or'ers= !articipation in -anagementG
has contributed to the organisation and has given imputes.
?. The implementation of the decision ta'en in the various participative forums is
left on the part of the management alone and at times the decision is not been
implemented in the right time and right spirit.
@. There is a need to develop appropriate participative s'ills both for the managers
and wor'ers for this some experts and consultant should be obtained to share the
experience of the other industry.
A. ,or'ers initiative at some levels is not recognised and encouraged.
#B. Trade union rivalry between recognised trade union and registered trade union
##. /ecision in 1oint Council and +hop Councils meetings are arrived through
negotiation and persuation.
fter having gone through different aspects and operation of the scheme at *CC8
) reach with my opinion through these following points are given some attention this
scheme of ,.!.-. at *.C.C. <
#. Registered Trade ;nion alongwith recognised Trade ;nion should have some
way of representation in the participative forums and thereby the scheme may run
in better way.
(. To develop appropriate participative s'ills e.g. leadership8 inter"personnel
relationship8 problem identification and analysis regular training should be
provided to the wor'ers as well as the managers.
2. The domination of pressure groups which is for vested interests should be
3. -is"conception about participation is a treat to power and authority should be
removed from a section of managers.
4. Help of some expert or consultant should be obtained to sharp experience of other
industries and explore possibilities of expanding it in other areas of management
>. /ecision ta'en in +hop Councils and 1oint Council should be implemented fully
to develop to trust of common wor'ers in wor'ing of the participative forums.
?. /ecision ta'en in various participative forums must be displayed on the notice
board of the company for information of the common employees8 so that they get
motivated and involved in the process of co"operation8 trust and confidence
@. Responsibility of implementing decision ta'en in various participative forum
should be e9ually share by wor'ers representative also should not be left to the
management alone.
A. ,or'ers participative should be extended in other areas of policies and
programmes li'e planning8 diversification8 control8 inspection etc. to control
#B. +uggestion scheme which is already in operation should be made more familiar
attractive and useful to get more and more employees involved in the function of
##. ll the points and minutes are coming from wor'men side8 why should
management not put any problems to the wor'men representatives.
#(. ll the trade unions irrespective of their rivalries8 idealogies and difference must
co"operate in their own way of giving suggestion and help in achieving
organisational goals.
#2. ,hile direct participation exist8 but they should be some forum created were
indirect participation is encouraged8 so that common wor'ers come and giveethier
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