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In this study, a neurofuzzy modelling approach has been presented for the estimation of

suspended solid in the treatment of mining waste water UASB reactors. The inflow rate to
waste water treatment plant and the characteristic of influent were considered as the input
variable. While a number membership functions were tried in this analysis, the rule base
generation method namely subtractive clustering was used as the first order sugeno type
fuzzy inference system. This approach examine three different data distribution ratios to
obtain the training and testing RMSE values. In respective cases. They optimum set of result
was selected on the basis of correlation coefficient and root mean square error. The fit
between the observed result and the model predicted out was every good multiple
correlation coefficient greater than 0.90. on the basis these finding, it was concluded the
neuro fuzzy modelling approach was used successfully to predicted the effluent quality in
the treatment of mining waste water.
During the last decade, neural network and fuzzylogic technique was found to be effective
in the modelling of complex processes like waste water treatment, air pollution etc. Neural
network and fuzzylogic was used by Choy and Park (2001) for the control of waste water
treatment process. Fuzzy rule base modelling was applied by Sadiq etal (2004) to forecast
the performance of slow sand filtration system. Artificial neural network and fuzzylogic was
used by Tayfur (2006) for predicting the longitudinal dispersion coefficient in the flow of
water through natural stream. Eldin and smith (2002) presented a study on the forecasting
of waste water inflow and rain fall events with the use of neural network. Adaptive
neurofuzzy system was applied by Yildirim and Bayramoglu (2005) for predicting the air
pollution. Jorquera etal (1998) presented a study to forecast the daily maximum ozone level
using neurofuzzy technique. A study on the prediction of pressure drop in water treatment
plant was presented by Colin etal (1997). Cinar etal (2006) estimated the concentration of
phosphate ammonia and nitrate with the application of artificial neural network for
predicting the performance of a membrane bio reactor treating cheese whey waste water.
The theory of fuzzylogic has been applied for system analysis and control in different
fermentation processes (Fu etal, 1990; Kishimoto etal,1991; Shi and Shimizu, 1992). Later a
few analyst have applied the fuzzy theory to an anaerobic digestion process (Boscolo etal,
1993; Marsili-Libeli and Muller,1996). A number of researchers have presented their work
on the application of neural network in the treatments of biological waste water (Hamoda
etal, 1999; Lee and Park, 1999; Wilcox etal, 1995; Zhao etal, 1999; Oliveira-Esquerre etal,
2002). Tay and Zhang (1999) have presented in detail the theory of neurofuzzy modelling
and applied the same to biological treatment systems for spoiled beer and supernatant
thermal sludge conditioner. Cakmakci (2007) presented a study on the application of
adaptive neurofuzzy modelling in anaerobic digestion of primary sedimentation sludge. An
integrated approach using fuzzy systems and neural network could provide a powerful
technique in the modelling of waste water treatment processes.
Although a number of research worker have studied the application of fuzzy theory and
neural network in the treatment of waste water, only a few efforts have been directed to
study the application of these techniques to biological waste water treatment systems. In
fact, no study has been carried so far on the application on ANFIS for biological treatment of
mining waste water using the real life high rate up flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB)
reactors for predicting the effluent parameters. In the present study, adaptive neuro fuzzy
inference systems (ANFIS) has been exploited to examine it potential for application in the
treatment of mining waste water for the prediction of effluent SS concentration.
The fuzzy modelling technique involves identification of the structure and estimation of
parameters. The identification of structure involves selection of input variables,
determination of fuzzy inference systems specification, determination of the set of rule base
and to finalize the type and number of membership functions.
Fuzzy Inference System
The fuzzy modelling technique involves identification of the structure and estimation of
parameters. The identification of structure involves selection of input variables,
determination of fuzzy inference systems specification, determination of the set of rule base
and to finalise the type and number of membership function. ANFIS can constructed fuzzy
inference system (FIS) pertaining to a given input-output data set. FIS interprets the value of
input variables and assigns appropriate values to output variables based on the chosen set
of fuzzy IF-THEN rules such fuzzy IF-THEN is given below:
IF x is X then y is Y
Where, X and Y = Labels of fuzzy set
For each rule, the IF is known as antecedent ; whereas the THEN part is called as
consequent. The antecedent and consequent are linked by means of Boolean Operators e.g.
AND or OR having their respective counter part fuzzy operators defined as minimum and
The FIS comprises of the following :
- A rule base having the fuzzy rules
- A database to represent the membership functions of the fuzzy sets used in fuzzy
rules. The membership function parameters of FIS can be adjusted using the back
propagation algorithm for optimization.
- A reasoning mechanism responsible to perform the inference procedure
Fuzzification is necessary to enable the transformation of crisp input into the fuzzy input.
Apart from this, a defuzzification method is also needed, when a crisp output is desirable.
The FIS has to cover the tasks as below:
- To fuzzify the crisp inputs using membership functions
- To apply fuzzy operations to antecedents
- To apply implications to consequents
- To aggregate rule based output into a single fuzzy set
- To defuzzify the final fuzzy set in to a single crisp output

ANFIS incorporates the first order sugeno fuzzy inference system with the use of hybrid
learning algorithm. The technique represent an adaptive neural network structure having a
number of directionally connected nodes, while each of this nodes is characterise by a node
function. In ANFIS, the nodes in the same layer have similar functions. The layered network
in ANFIS can be describe as below.
A simple FIS may have two inputs that is x and y accompanied by one output z. The typical
IF-THEN rules for the first order sugeno fuzzy model are given below.
If x is A
and y is B
, then f
= p
x + q
y + r
If x is A
and y is B
, then f
= p
x + q
y + r
x = upper case variable representing the fuzzy sets corresponding to the domain of
each label
now, y = E w
; x = E w

y = final output representing the weighted average of each rule.
and B
= label of fuzzy sets denoted as low and high.
and B
= label of fuzzy sets denoted as low and high.
and q
= set of adjustable parameters corresponding to Eqn. (i)
and q
= set of adjustable parameters corresponding to Eqn. (ii)

2 2 1 1
2 1
2 2 1 1
f w f w
w w
f w f w
f + =
ANFIS Structure
Layer 1 : Each node in this layer is considered as an adaptive node to develop the node
output. The parameters in this layer are termed as antecedent (or premise). Membership
function () of the input variable is used as the node function. The membership function of
the associated fuzzy set (A) can be considered as an appropriate parameterised function.
In this study the layer 1 would compute the membership value using sigmoidal function.
( )


= =
i 1
b - x
- exp 1
x A ,
Where O
= membership grade of fuzzy set A, specifying the degree to which the given
input x would satisfy the quantifier A.
x = input to node i
a,b = antecedent parameters
when the values of antecedent parameters would change, the sigmoidal function also
changes exhibiting different forms of membership function for the fuzzy set A. The
membership function can map each element to the membership value lying between 0 and
Layer 2 : The layer 2 would comprise of fixed nodes labelled as H to multiply the incoming
signals and generate the output as the product presented below:
( ) ( ) y x w O
i i i i 2
B A , = =
When i = 1, 2 ..................... M
M = number of fuzzy rules
x (or y) = input to node i
The output of node i would represent the firing strength w
of the fuzzy rule.
Layer 3 : This layer contains the fixed nodes (labelled as N) to calculate the normalized firing
strength of the fuzzy rule. The i
node computes the ratio of the firing strength of i
rule to
the sum of firing strengths of all the rules.
2 1
i 3
w w
w O
= =
w = out of layer 3,
i = 1, 2
Layer 4: The layer 4 computes the contribution of i
fuzzy rule for obtaining the overall output.
Every node in this layer is an adaptive node with a node function.
( )
i i i i i
r y q x p w f w O + + = =
i i 4
The parameters p, q and r are termed as consequent ( or defuzzifier)
Layer 5 : The single node in this layer is a fixed node labelled E representing the weighted
average of each rule. The role of this layer is to calculate the overall output as the
summation of all incoming signals.

= =
i i
i i
f w
f w
O ,

At the outset the initial rule base set has to determine and this would be followed by the
development of algorithm to move the process forward. The initial set can be formed when
different numbers of membership functions of the desired type are assigned to each input.
The number of rules and membership functions would be equal to the product of input
membership functions. This procedure can generate a large number of rules that have to be
pruned subsequently.
The performance of ANFIS and depends on the quality of data as well as the distribution of
data between the training and testing sets. The presence of data covering the total range of
variables in training and testing sets improves the prediction capability of ANFIS model. In
order to achieve the same, the available data set was classified into different groups using a
clustering technique. The clustering technique relates to a given set of objects that are
characterise by a set of features and then partition into suitable number of clusters using a
proper distance metric (Hu and Dannis, 1994) in the present work, subtractive clustering has
been applied using the Fuzzy Logic Tool Box in MATLAB 7.6.
While various data clustering method are available, the subtractive clustering technique (SC)
is often used to prune the rules. SC considered each data point as a potential cluster centre
for the calculation of likelihood so that each data point could project the cluster centre on
the basis of density assessment of the surrounding data points. The algorithm help to
indentify the data point having the highest potential to be consider as the first cluster centre
and subsequently delete all other adjacent data point as determined by the radius. The
procedure move forward to determined the next data cluster and the location of its centre.
These approaches continue to include all the data point within the radius of a cluster centre.

Data collection
The influent and effluent data were collected for a period of two year from the historical
data base of a mining waste water treatment plant operating with UASB reactor at the
western part of Jharkhand. The influent and effluent parameters namely inflow rate, BOD,
COD and SS concentration were considered to predict the effluent BOD, COD and SS level in
the plant under operations. The ranges of influent and effluent have been presented in
Table 1.

Results and Discussion
The input and out data collected from the treatment plant were split randomly into two
sets, one for training and other for testing. In order to predict the effluent BOD, COD and SS,
the ANFIS model were tried with different training testing data ratios e.g. 60: 40, 70: 30
and 80:20. A number of ANFIS network having different architecture were trained to arrived
at the optimised model for each of the effluent quality parameters. This was done on the
basis of compatibility of co-relation coefficient and RMSE values. However, the best result
obtained with the data distribution ratio of 80:20 used in the prediction of effluent quality
parameter e.g. BOD, COD and SS.
As the input and output parameters were having different units, it was necessary to
normalised the data. The normalised data were within the range of 0 and 1, while the
membership function in the ANFIS should remain between 0 and 1. Hence, it was necessary
to scale the data in this range for each variable. The scaling of data has done as below:
min max
x x
x x

= scaled data
= minimum value of data
= maximum value of data
x = data under consideration
Fuzzy Logic Tool Box in MATLAB 7.6 has been used for mapping the input output data obtain
from the UASB reactor based mine waste water treatment plant. In this approach the model
uses sugenotype fuzzy inference systems with the application of the technique of
subtractive clustering for FIS generation. Separate sets of input and output data have been
used as arguments in FIS generation process. The behaviour of input data has been
modelled on the basis of the extraction of a set of rules.
ANFIS inherits the facility of parameter identification and fine tuning. The membership
functions in ANFIS are defined by the antecedent (or premise) parameters while the
consequent parameter defined the coefficient of each equation. Also the least square
method is employed in ANFISH to identify the coefficient or the output equations. The
method of subtractive clustering has been applied to produce the scattering type partition
of a set of rules to model the behaviour of data. At the outset, rule extraction methodology
utilises the subtractive clustering function to arrive at the number of rules and antecedent
membership functions. This is followed by the application of linear least square technique to
determined the consequent equation for each of the rules. The subtractive clustering
approach delivers a FIS structure containing a set of fuzzy rules for covering the feature
space. The input and output matrices describe the arguments for processing in MATLAB 7.6.
The input and output membership functions used in this process are of Gaussian and Linear
types respectively. This approach takes into account the fault, mixed least squares and back
propagation for optimisation. The training of data in ANFIS is terminated when the error
remains confined within the tolerance value. The error tolerance helps to create the
stopping criterion in training.
In ANFIS modelling the number of nodes in the prediction of effluent BOD, COD and SS were
in the of 27-30. Also the number of linear and non-linear parameter were found to be 10
and 16 respectively. The correlation coefficients for the training and testing data sets
corresponding to each effluent quality parameter have been presented in Table 2. Also the
RMSE values obtained in training and testing have been shown in Table 2 for the effluent
parameters (BOD,COD and SS).
Table 3 presents the regression equations obtained on the basis of predicted results and
observed data for different effluents parameters. Further, the compatibility of predicted
result with the observed data for effluent BOD, COD and SS in treatment as has been shown
in Table 4. The mean values and standard deviation obtained for the predicted effluent
parameters are highly satisfactory in comparison to observed data sets (Table 4).
In ANFIS, the testing data has been used for checking the generalisation capability of FIS
model at each epoch. The testing data would help to cross-validate the FIS model. during
cross validation, the testing data has been applied to the model and subsequently the level
of response of the FIS model to this data set was examined. When the testing data is applied
to the FIS model at each training epoch (Fig. 5), the model parameter are tracked through
the output argument corresponding to the minimum testing error. The parameter of FIS
membership functions were computed when both training and testing data were associated
with the epochs signifying the minimum testing error.
The correlation coefficient for the training sets corresponding to each effluent quality
parameter have been presented in Table 2. Also the respective correlation coefficient in
testing have been shown in Table 2. Further the RMSE values obtained in training and
testing have been shown in Table 2 for the different effluent quality parameters (BOD, COD
and SS). Table 3 presents the regression equations for the effluent parameters (BOD, COD
and SS) obtained on the basis of predicted and observed data in respective cases. Table 4
shows the compatibility of predicted results and observed data for the effluent quality
parameters in mine waste water treatment. The predicted mean and standard deviation
obtained for the respective effluent quality parameters are highly satisfactory when
compared with the observed data (Table 4). Fig. 2-7 shows the plots highlighting the
excellent compatibility of predicted result and observed data obtained for the model
training and testing for all the effluent quality parameter of the treatment system. Further,
Fig. 8-10 represent the comparative RMSE errors in training and testing for the effluent
quality parameters considered in this exercise. The training and testing error have been
denoted as the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) for the respective data at each epoch as
presented in Fig. 3.
In this study adoptive neuro fuzzy inference system model has been developed to predict
the effluent parameter (BOD, COD and SS) in the treatment of mine waste water using UASB
reactor. The result obtained from the optimised ANFIS model in the prediction of effluent
parameters and their values as have been summarized in Table 3. The average error
developed in training for the prediction of these effluent quality parameters where within
the range of + 8.4 10.9 barring the COD prediction when it was + 5%. the ANFIS model
with the optimised structure predicted the testing data with average testing error in the
range of + 9.2 14.3% in predicting all these effluent parameters well below the levels
Hence, the model can be used to predict the effluent parameters based on the given input
data in a highly satisfactory manner. The ANFIS model show good performance in the
prediction of values of effluent quality parameters. This is reflected through the ANFIS
model output result having the acceptable correlation coefficient in relation to the
respective effluent quality parameters.

Table 1. Features Of ANFIS Model For Effluent Quality Prediction
Sl.No. Description
Effluent Parameters
1. Data distribution ratio 80:20 80:20 80:20
2. No. of iterations 10 50 27
3. Cluster radius 0.78 0.96 0.86
4. No. of Membership function 3 2 2
5. No. of nodes 30 22 27
6. No. of linear parameters 12 10 10
7. No. of non-linear parameters 18 16 16
8. Total no. of parameters 30 26 26
9. R
(training) 0.853 0.9143 0.811
10. R
(checking) 0.795 0.8411 0.926
11. RMSE (training) 0.097 0.0637 0.1087
12. RMSE (checking) 0.1427 0.0918 0.1134

Table 2. ANFIS Predicted And Observed Effluent Quality
Sl.No. Description
Effluent Parameters
1. Predicted mean

2. Predicted Standard Deviation
3. Observed Mean 32.57 102.21 38.96
4. Observed Standard Deviation + 4.78 + 12.35 + 5.32
5. Error % for Mean
6. Error % for Standard Deviation

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