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Slide 2

SKF Platforms
Slide 3
Railway Applications
2014-05-02 SKF Slide3
WillyVogel AG, a brandof the SKF Group
Wheel Flange Lubrication SKF EasyRail
Slide 4
Wheel & Rail Lubrication Systems
Slide 4
Slide 5
Why Wheel Flange Lubrication?
Flan ge We ar
R ed u ced R isk of
D erailm e n t :
R ail wea r
Area of Wear
re d u ced friction coefficien t
in flan ge a rea re q uire s
in cre a sed sh ear forces to
allow wh e el clim b in g.
Slide 6
How does Wheel Flange Lubrication work?
lu b ricatin g film
on wh e el flan ge
lu b ricatin g film
on rail flan ge
Slide 7
On-Board-Systems for Wheel Flange Lubrication
Fu n ction of O B S
Lu b rication m od u le and lu b rican t b ased on th e train
Transfer & app lication of lu b rican t by com p ressed air
P recise m eterin g of lu b rican t by p um p or sp ray n ozzles
H igh er reliab ility th an waysid e lu b ricators
Slide 8
What can WFL achieve for our customers?
L ess track an d wh eel wear
Track resistan ce d rops by u p to 3 5 %, with ou t effect on b rakin g
Lon ger in tervals b etween wh eel resh apin g or replacem en t
M ain ten an ce-op tim ized system con figu ration
In creased availability/m ileage of rollin g stock +b etter LC C
P reven t d erailm en ts by cu rb in g ten d en cy of wh eel clim b in g
B etter and safer rid e qu ality
C om p lian ce with environ m en tal regu lation s
Fu el/en ergy savin gs +u se of b iodegrad ab le lu b rican ts +less n oise
Slide 9
SKF EasyRail Lubrication one Family, two Systems
S in gle -lin e
S ystem s
D u al-lin e
S ystem s
Slide 10
How does it work
EasyRail High Pressure
Dual Line Systems
Slide 10
Slide 11
SKF EasyRail High PressureWheel Flange Lubrication
R ail veh icles with a m a x o f 2 0 m
d istan ce b etween wh eel sets to b e
sp rayed
M ax lin e len gth b etween
p um p an d sp ray n ozzle 1 0 m
L ub rican t system p ressu re u p
to 1 0 0 b a r
op era tion al u n d er low
am b ien t tem p era tu re
con d itio ns
selectab le b i-d irection al
op era tion
sep ara b le n ozzle feed in g
(rig h t/left)
exa ct sp ray-n ozzle m eterin g
N ew S pray n ozzle design
P u m p u n it
with reservoir
Slide 12
SKF EasyRail High PressureWheel Flange Lubrication
easy access to
reservoir with pu m p
u n it via ou tside flap
Slide 13
SKF EasyRail High PressureWheel Flange Lubrication
Standard layout of SKF EasyRail High Pressure system
P iston p um p
R eservoir
F ilter
S p ray n ozzles
C on trol U nit
Slide 14
SKF EasyRail High PressureWheel Flange Lubrication
Slide 15
SKF EasyRail High PressureWheel Flange Lubrication
Function of the Piston Pump for EasyRail High Pressure
Air com m an d
L ub rican t su ction
L ub rican t relief
P n eu m a tic relie f
L ub rican t ou tlet
Slide 16
SKF EasyRail High PressureWheel Flange Lubrication
How the SP8 nozzle works: Part I
T h e m e te red q u a n tity of lu b rica n t is p osition ed b en eath
th e m e terin g p iston .
T h e lu b rica n t d elivered by th e p u m p p u sh es th e con trol p iston u p to its stop .
C on trol d u ct 1 le a d in g to th e m e te rin g p iston is op e n ed . T h e lu b rica n t d elivered
p u sh es th e m e terin g p iston d own . T h e m e te red q u a n tity of lu b rica n t b en eath
th e m e tered p iston is p u sh ed in to th e m ixin g ch a m b er. T h e e jected lu b rica n t
com e s tog e th er with th e com p re ssed a ir in th e m ixin g ch a m b er a n d is sp ra yed
ou t th rou gh th e op e n in g of th e n ozzle .
C ontrol piston
C ontrol du ct 1
C ontrol du ct 2
M eterin g piston
M ixin g ch am ber
L u brican t port
Air port
Slide 17
How the SP8 nozzle works:
Part II
T h e p re ssu re in th e lu b rica n t lin e is re lieved a fte r th e p u m p stop s. T h e con trol p iston is m o ved in to its in itia l
p osition by sp rin g force . C on trol d u ct 2 from th e b ottom to top o f th e m e te rin g p iston is e n a b led . T h e m e te rin g
p iston re tu rn s to its in itia l p osition , a n d th e m e te red q u a n tity of lu b rica n t flows in to th e sp ace b en eath th e
m e te rin g p iston .
SKF EasyRail High PressureWheel Flange Lubrication
Slide 18
SKF EasyRail High PressureWheel Flange Lubrication
New SP8-5 nozzle design:
Slide 19
Highspeed equipped with SKFEasyRail High Pressure
2014-05-02 SKF Slide19
WillyVogel AG, a brandof the SKF Group
Alstom Pendolino - ETR 610
Alstom Cisalpino ETR 470 Alstom EMU CRH5
Alstom Pendolino Finland
Slide 20
How does it work
EasyRail Low Pressure
1 November, 2006 SKF Group Slide 20
Slide 21
SKF EasyRail Low PressureWheel Flange Lubrication
P ressu rized reservoir without separate grease pu m p
C om p act d esign and very low m ain ten an ce
S eparate nozzle feed in g right/left
E xact sp ray-n ozzle m eterin g
Very h igh cycle frequ en cy
Slide 22
Inside view of
pressurized reservoir BF
O p tica l grease level
Air con n ectio n
Air reservoir
G rea se reservoir
L ub rican t ou tlet
SKF EasyRail Low PressureWheel Flange Lubrication
Slide 23
How the SP9 nozzle works
T h e p re ssu rized lu b rica n t is p u sh ed in to th e p iston s
m e te rin g slot.
T h e con trolle d com p re ssed a ir slid es th e p iston u p to its stop . As a re su lt, th e
m e te rin g groo ve is n o w in fron t of th e n o zzle e xit, a n d th e a ir du ct le a d in g to
th e m e terin g groo ve is op e n ed . T h e com p re ssed a ir b lows th e lu b rica n t ou t of
th e m e terin g groo ve, a n d th e lu b rica n t/a ir m ixtu re is sp ra yed ou t th rou gh th e
n o zzle e xit.
Air duct
P iston
M eterin g
L u brican t port
Air port
SKF EasyRail Low PressureWheel Flange Lubrication
Slide 24
How the SP9 nozzle works
T h e com p re ssed a ir ap p lied to th e n o zzle is sh u t off. T h e p iston a ssu m es its in itia l p osition , a n d th e m e te rin g
groo ve is filled with lu b rica n t aga in .
SKF EasyRail Low PressureWheel Flange Lubrication
Slide 25
Intercity equipped with SKFEasyRail Low Pressure
2014-05-02 SKF Slide25
WillyVogel AG, a brandof the SKF Group
DB AG Tilting ICE Fleet
DSB Contessa resund-Express
Slide 26
How does it work
SKF EasyRail Compact
Single Line Systems
Slide 26
Slide 27
SKF EasyRail Compact Wheel Flange Lubrication
S u ita b le for oil an d flu id g rease
con tain in g h ig h p ercen tag e of
solid a d d itives (2 5 %)
Ap p lica b le on a ll veh icle typ es
a lso su itab le for retrofittin g p rojects
C om p act system
E asy in stallation an d
m a in ten an ce
L ow L ife Cycle C ost
F low divider
S pray n ozzles
M P 5 0 piston
pu m p
Slide 28
SKF EasyRail Compact Wheel Flange Lubrication
Snapshot of WFL pump-reservoir module & positioning in bogie structure
Slide 29
SKF EasyRail Compact Wheel Flange Lubrication
Standard layout of SKF EasyRail Compact system
Slide 30
SKF EasyRail Compact Wheel Flange Lubrication
Revised unit design with 11 l reservoir & quick
connector for easy lubricant refilling
Slide 31
SKF EasyRail Compact Wheel Flange Lubrication
Slide 32
SKF EasyRail Compact Wheel Flange Lubrication
N ozzle
position in g
K orail M etro Train
S eou l, S ou th K orea
Lu brication M odu le,
in stalled in bogie section
C on trol U n it
1 1 0 V D C
Slide 33
P u m p with
1 1 liter
SKF EasyRail Compact Wheel Flange Lubrication
D iesel S h u n ter
C lass T -2 3 9
S pray N ozzle
1 6 9 -0 0 0 -4 0 0
C S 2 0 0
C on trol U n it
1 6 9 -0 0 0 -4 1 0

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