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(Affiliated to All India UCO BANK officers Federation & AIBOC & AINBOA)
Ref. No. 03/sept/2013 Mailing address
Dated: 16
September 2013 U! "an#$%ole Mar#et
%andhi Nagar$
S'b: Review of Banks Scheme on Compensatory Off to Officers & Payment
of inancia! Compensation to Officers for workin" on S#n$ays%&o!i$ays
Dear omrade$
,e reprod'-e here'nder the f'll te.t of ir-'lar No. om///02/2012112 dated
September$ 2013 3herein the %eneral Se-retar4$ 5ll 6ndia U! "an# !ffi-ers7 8ederation
reprod'-ed letter No. Mg/ 92 /2012112 dated 10.09.2013 addressed to the hairman ) Managing
Dire-tor on the abo:e s'b;e-t$ for information of all -on-erned.

omradel4 4o'rs$
(Romesh Trackroo'
(enera! Secretary
<,e in:ite 4o'r attention to o'r letter nos. Mg/29/2012112 dated Mar-h 2=$ 2013 and
Mg/>9/2012112 dated 5'g'st 19$ 2013 re?'esting for pa4ment of Diem 5llo3an-es to !ffi-ers
for 3or#ing on S'nda4s/@olida4s//.tended @o'rs i.e. 29
Mar-h (%ood 8rida4 being a @olida4
'nder N6 5-t+$ 30
Mar-h ("eing Sat'rda4 half 3or#ing da4+ and 31
Mar-h S'nda4+$ 2013 to
fa-ilitate re-eipt of %o:ernment ta. from p'bli- e:en at late ho'rs as the4 3ere entitled to
pa4ment of Diem 5llo3an-es in terms of "an#7s Staff ir-'lar No.22/=0 dated 6.9.=0 dealing
3ith Reimb'rsement of /.penses for attending offi-e on @olida4s. opies of both the letters are
en-losed for 4o'r read4 referen-e.
,e also dra3 4o'r attention to o'r letter no. Mg/>2/2012112 dated 5'g'st 19$ 2013 re?'esting
for re:ie3 of "an#7s S-heme on ompensator4 !ff and pa4ment of ade?'ate finan-ial
-ompensation to offi-ers for 3or#ing on S'nda4s/@olida4s//.tended @o'rs. 5 op4 of the said
letters is en-losed for 4o'r read4 referen-e.
,e are :er4 :er4 sorr4 to note that "an# has$ so far$ not released Diem allo3an-es to offi-ers for
3or#ing on 29
Mar-h (%ood 8rida4 being a @olida4 'nder N6 5-t+$ 30
Mar-h ("eing Sat'rda4
half 3or#ing da4+ and 31
Mar-h S'nda4+$ 2013 to fa-ilitate re-eipt of %o:ernment ta. from
p'bli- e:en at late ho'rs e:en tho'gh the4 3ere entitled to pa4ment of Diem 5llo3an-es in
terms of "an#7s Staff ir-'lar No.22/=0 dated 6.9.=0 dealing 3ith Reimb'rsement of /.penses
for attending offi-e on @olida4s. Moreo:er$ "an# has not re:ie3ed its s-heme on ompensator4
!ff as demanded b4 's.
No3$ "an# has again ad:ised "ran-h @eads to #eep the bran-hes open on 10th (Sat'rda4+ )
12th (S'nda4+ September 2013 to fa-ilitate 5--o'nting of %o:ernment Re-eipts (5d:an-e
'nder 6n-ome Aa. and orporate Aa.+ for the 8inan-ial Bear 2013110.
,e 'nderstand that most of the C'bli- Se-tor "an#s s'-h as State "an# of 6ndia$ "an# of 6ndia$
CN" et-. ha:e been pa4ing a minim'm s'm of Rs.2200/1 per da4 to an offi-er for 3or#ing on
S'nda4s/@olida4s//.tended @o'rs in addition to granting ompensator4 !ff.
6n :ie3 of the abo:e$ 3e re?'est 4o' to #indl4 dire-t the department to release pa4ment of Diem
5llo3an-es to offi-ers for 3or#ing on 29
$ 30
and 31
Mar-h as stated abo:e and re:ie3 the
s-heme on -ompensator4 off to offi-ers and introd'-e a fresh s-heme of pa4ment of some
l'mps'm amo'nt to offi-ers mat-hing 3ith other CS"s for 3or#ing on
S'nda4s/@olida4s//.tended @o'rs.
,e loo# for3ard to an immediate a-tion from 4o'r end in this regard.

Bo'rs faithf'll4$
S Roy Cho#$h#ry
(enera! Secretary+


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