Legal Due Diligence Checklist For Joint Venture Company

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Legal Due Diligence Checklist for Joint Venture Company

Between Indonesia and USA in ining Coal Corporation

!" #eneral Information$Corporate Structure
%" Company Secretarial
&" Corporate Ac'uisitions and Disposals
(" Compliance )rograms
*" +rading Acti,ities
-" Competition Law
." )ersonnel
/" 0ealth and Safety Compliance
1" )ension Schemes
!2" Land and Buildings
!!" 3n,ironmental anagement
!%" )lant4 3'uipment and 5ther 6i7ed Assets
!&" Computer 3'uipment and Software
!(" Intellectual )roperty
!*" In,estments
!-" Lending to +hird )arties
!." Banking 6acilities$Borrowing from +hird )arties4 6inancial #rants
!/" #uarantees4 Indemnities4 Letters of Credit
!1" )roduct $ Ser,ice Lia8ilities
%2" In,estigations $ Litigation $ Disputes
%!" Insurance
%%" +a7ation
%&" 9on:compliance with Agreements $ Change of Control
%(" Voida8le +ransactions $ ;econstructions
%*" Impending Legislati,e Changes
%-" Compliance with Special Industry Sector Legislation
%." Data )rotection
%/" 5ther atters
%1" Some Legal4 6inancial4 )olitical and 5ther Information ;elating to 9on:3nglish
Jurisdictions and Joint Venture sites

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