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High-Performance Industrial Displays & ontrols
3183-G Airway Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA !"!", #SA
Tel: $%1&' &3&-"131 Fax: $%1&' &3&-3%"" Website: www.(aure(s.)o* Email: sa(es+(aure(s.)o*
"or Immediate Release# April 14, 2014
Laurel Electronics, Inc., Costa Mesa, CA
Ethernet Ena$led ounter %ransmits Ratios& !ums or Differences of
Rates or %otals
Costa Mesa, CA Laurel Electronics, Inc. announces the ETL-rated L8000!" counter, #hich
can appl$ add, su%tract, di&ide and 'ultipl$ arith'etic (unctions to t#o independentl$ scala%le
pulse input channels A and ), and then 'a*e this in(or'ation a&aila%le o&er a local area net#or*
+LA,-. !or e.a'ple, it can add t#o (lo#s +A/)- (or total (lo#, su%tract t#o (lo#s +A-)- (or net
(lo#, ta*e the ratio o( t#o rates +A0)- to control 'i.in1, or co'pute dra# +A0)-1- to displa$ net
elon1ation o( 'aterial %et#een rollers.
Ethernet connecti&it$ is pro&ided %$ an Ethernet inter(ace %oard #hich plu1s into the host 108
2I, counter. A 100100)ase-T Ethernet inter(ace is &ia an industr$-standard "344 connector.
Multiple 'eters and counters, each #ith its o#n Ethernet ca%le, can %e connected to a local area
net#or* +LA,- or to the Internet &ia a router, or directl$ to a host co'puter &ia an Ethernet
LA, and Internet connecti&it$ are supported in so(t#are so that the 'eter can %e read and set up
re'otel$. ,ode Mana1er 5o(t#are shipped on a 'ini C2 is used (or disco&er$ and setup o(
Laurel ,odes on a local area net#or*. 6e% ser&er so(t#are is also %uilt into each ,ode and can
%e used to disco&er and con(i1ure Laurel ,odes o&er the Internet.
In (lo# 'eter applications, ratio A0) can %e used to control (lo#s in continuous 'i.in1
processes. In such applications, the sensin1 ele'ent is nor'all$ a tur%ine (lo# 'eter, #hich
outputs pulses at a (re7uenc$ proportional to (lo# rate. The 'eter8s arith'etic capa%ilities can %e
applied to either rate or totali9ed rate +&olu'e- to control %atches to %e 'i.ed.
The counter8s arith'etic capa%ilities can also %e used (or applications, such as s$nchroni9in1
'o&in1 'achiner$. The counter can displa$ speed %$ ti'in1 pulses (ro' a pro.i'it$ s#itch (or
either channel, displa$ total len1th %$ inte1ratin1 these pulses, and co'%ine rates or totals (or the
t#o channels.
To deter'ine rate, the Laureate L80000!" deter'ines (re7uenc$ #ith 7uart9 cr$stal accurac$,
ta*es the in&erse o( the period %et#een pulses, and then 'ultiplies this (re7uenc$ %$ a user-
pro1ra''ed scale (actor. !or rate 'easure'ents, the pulse rate can ran1e (ro' 0.04 :9 to 1
M:9. 57uare root e.traction is standard.
!le.i%ilit$ is pro&ided %$ the unit8s uni&ersal dual-channel si1nal conditioner, #hich can accept
'a1netic si1nals (ro' 12 '; to 240 ;ac as #ell as si1nals (ro' pro.i'it$ s#itches #ith a <,<
or ,<, output, TTL or CM=5 lo1ic, and contact closures. 3u'per selections pro&ide opti'u'
operation (or di((erent sensor t$pes and noise conditions. A %uilt-in isolated 4, 10, or 24 ;dc
e.citation suppl$ is standard to po#er pro.i'it$ s#itches and other sensors.
=ptions include dual rela$s (or control or alar', isolated 4-20 'A and 0-10; analo1 outputs,
and a choice o( co''unication inter(aces to a host co'puter or <LC, the ne#est o( #hich is
Ethernet. The Mod%us protocol is (ull$ supported as is the si'pler Custo' A5CII protocol.
<ricin1 is >20 (or the %ase dual-channel counter L80000!" and >?@0 (or 'odel L8000!" #ith
Ethernet I0=.
!or product speci(ications and options, &isit''. !or 'ore in(or'ation,
contact :arald 6eiss, 2irector o( Mar*etin1, at 14-4?4-A1?1, e'ail'.
!ounded in 1@@0, Laurel Electronics, Inc. is a leadin1 C.5. 'anu(acturer o( pro1ra''a%le
industrial di1ital panel 'eters, counters, ti'ers, and 2I, rail trans'itters.

ompany Information#
'ame# Laurel Electronics, Inc.
Address# ?18?-D Air#a$ A&e.
ity# Costa Mesa
!tate# CA
(ip# @2A2A
ountry# C5A
Phone# 14-4?4-A1?1
"a)# 14-4?4-?AA
Attached photoE @@.@@@@-lar1e.Fp1

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