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Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani

Work-Integrated Learning Programmes Division

irst Semester !"#$-!"#%
&ourse 'andout
&ourse (o) * SS +,-#%
&ourse Title * ./0ect .riented 1nalysis and Design
Instructor * 2 31(45S'1
&ourse Descri6tion*
Object orientation concepts, theories and principles; Fundamental concepts of the object model; classes,
objects, methods and messages, encapsulation and inheritance, interface and implementation, reuse and
extension of classes, inheritance and polymorphism; Process of object-oriented requirements specification,
analysis and design; Notations for object-oriented analysis and design; Case studies and applications using
some object oriented programming languages
Sco6e and ./0ectives
!o enable the student to understand and apply the OO"# concepts and $%& techniques to any soft'are
de(elopment effort
Prescri/ed Te7t Book
!) &arman, Craig, "pplying $%& and Patterns* "n +ntroduction to Object-Oriented "nalysis and #esign
and +terati(e #e(elopment, Pearson ,ducation, -
,d, .//0
8eference Book 9S:
1) 2arclay 3a(age, Object Oriented #esign 'ith $%& and 4"5", ,lse(ier, .//6
1. 2ro'n, #7, "n +ntroduction to Object-Oriented "nalysis, 7iley, .
,d, .//0
1- %ar8 Priestley, Practical Object Oriented #esign 'ith $%&, !%9, .
,d, .//:
10 %ichael 2leha, 4ames 1ambaugh, Object-Oriented %odelling ; #esign 'ith $%&, Pearson, .
1: 2ahrami ", Object Oriented 3ystems #e(elopment using $nified %odeling &anguage, %c<ra' 9ill,
1> <rady 2ooch et al, $nified %odeling &anguage $ser <uide, Pearson ,ducation, )===
1? %artin Fo'ler et al, $%& #istilled, Pearson ,ducation, .///
16 1ebecca 7irfs-2roc8 et al, #esigning Object-Oriented 3oft'are, P9+, )==>
1= 2ruegge 2, Object-Oriented 3oft'are ,ngineering, Pearson, .///
SS +,-#% &ourse 'andout irst Semester !"#$-!"#% Page !
Plan of Self Study
To6ic Learning ./0ectives 8eference to
Te7t Book
) +ntroduction to Object-Oriented "nalysis and
#esign, " 3hort ,xample, O(er(ie' of $%& and
5isual agile %odeling, 9istory
!o understand the basics
of Object @ Oriented
"nalysis and #esign and
O(er(ie' of $P, +terati(e and ,(olutionary
#e(elopment, 7aterfall &ifecycle, +terati(e and
,(olutionary "nalysis and #esign, 1is8-#ri(en
and Client-#ri(en +terati(e Planning, "gile
%ethods and "ttitudes, "gile %odeling, "gile $P,
$P Phases, $P #isciplines, the $P #e(elopment
!o define an iterati(e and
agile process and to
define fundamental
concepts in the $nified
. Case 3tudy 3trategy* +terati(e #e(elopment A
+terati(e &earning, Case One* !he Next<en PO3
3ystem, Case !'o* !he %onopoly <ame 3ystem
Case 3tudies !)-Ch-
#efinition of +nception, +nception "rtifacts
!o define the +nception
#efinition* 1equirements, ,(olutionary (s
7aterfall 1equirements, 38illful %eans to Find
1equirements, !ypes and Categories of
1equirements, $P 1equirements "rtifacts and its
!o $nderstand the
e(olution of
#efinition of "ctors, 3cenarios, and $se Cases,
$se Cases and the $se-Case %odel %oti(ation for
the $se Cases, !hree Cinds of "ctors, !hree
Common $se Case Formats, ,xample* Process
3ale, Fully #ressed 3tyle <uideline to find $se
Cases "pplying $%&* $se Case #iagrams,
"pplying $%&* "cti(ity #iagrams, Other 2enefits
of $se Cases, ,xample* %onopoly <ame, Process*
9o' to 7or8 7ith $se Cases in +terati(e
!o &earn $se Case
3ho'ing the 3upplementary 3pecification,
<lossary, 5ision ; 2usiness 1ules, ,(olutionary
1equirements in +terati(e %ethods
!o +dentify Other
+teration ) 1equirements and ,mphasis* Core
OO"E# 38ills Process* +nception and ,laboration
Process* Planning the Next +teration
!o define the first
iteration in the
elaboration phase
#omain %odel, %oti(ation for the Creation of a
#omain %odel, <uideline to Create a #omain
%odel and to find Conceptual Classes, ,xample*
Find and #ra' Conceptual Classes "gile
%odeling-38etching a Class #iagram <uideline*
"gile %odeling-%aintain the %odel in a !oolD
<uideline* 1eport Objects-+nclude F1eceiptG in the
%odelD " Common %ista8e 'ith "ttributes (s
Classes "ssociations, "ttributes in domain model
+terati(e and ,(olutionary #omain %odeling
!o create an initial
#omain %odel
,xample* Next<en 33# 3ystem 3equence
#iagrams, %oti(ation, "pplying $%&* 3equence
#iagrams 1elationship 2et'een 33#s and $se
Cases, Naming the 3ystem ,(ents and Operations,
%odeling 33#s +n(ol(ing Other ,xternal 3ystems,
,xample* %onopoly 33# +terati(e and
,(olutionary 33#s
!o create system
sequence diagrams
SS +,-#% &ourse 'andout irst Semester !"#$-!"#% Page $
Plan of Self Study
To6ic Learning ./0ectives 8eference to
Te7t Book
3ystem Operation, Contracts $sefulness, <uideline to
Create and 7rite Contracts ,xample* Next<en PO3
Contracts ,xample* %onopoly Contracts "pplying
$%&* Operations, Contracts, and the OC& Process*
Operation Contracts 'ithin the $P
!o define system operations
and to create contracts for
system operations
+terati(e process Pro(o8ing ,arly Change
!o quic8ly moti(ate the
transition to design
? &ogical "rchitecture, Focus in the Case 3tudies,
3oft'are "rchitecture, "pplying $%&* Pac8age
#iagrams !he %odel-5ie' 3eparation Principle
Connection bet'een 33#s, 3ystem Operations, and
&ayers, ,xample* Next<en &ogical "rchitecture and
Pac8age #iagram ,xample* %onopoly &ogical
!o introduce a &ogical
"rchitecture and $%&
Pac8age #iagrams
"gile %odeling and &ight'eight $%& #ra'ing
$%& C"3, !ools 3tatic and #ynamic %odeling,
!he +mportance of Object #esign 38ill o(er $%&
Notation 38ill Other Object #esign !echniques* C1C
!o understand dynamic and
static object design
3equence ; Communication #iagrams Common
$%& +nteraction #iagram Notation 2asic 3equence
#iagram Notation 2asic Communication #iagram
!o learn +nteraction
"pplying $%&* Class #iagram Notation 1elationship
bet'een +nteraction and Class #iagrams
!o learn Class #iagrams !)-Ch)>
= 8evie; Session
Sylla/us for 3id-Semester Test 9&losed Book:* To6ics in Week (o) # to <
$%& (ersus #esign Principles <1"3P* "
%ethodical "pproach to 2asic OO #esign
Connection bet'een 1esponsibilities, <1"3P, and
$%& #iagrams Patterns, " 3hort ,xample of Object
#esign 'ith <1"3P "pplying <1"3P to Object
#esign Creator +nformation ,xpert Hor ,xpertI &o'
Coupling Controller 9igh Cohesion
!o learn to apply fi(e of the
<1"3P principles or
patterns for OO#
$se Case 1ealiBation, $se Case 1ealiBations for the
Next<en +teration $se Case 1ealiBations for the
%onopoly +teration +terati(e and ,(olutionary Object
Object #esign ,xamples
'ith <1"3P
5isibility 2et'een Objects, 5isibility, Four 8inds of
!o identify 8inds of
5isibility and designing to
establish (isibility
Programming and +terati(e, ,(olutionary
#e(elopment, %apping #esigns to Code , Creating
Class #efinitions from #C#s, Creating %ethods from
!o map design artifacts to
+nteraction #iagrams, Collection Classes in Code,
,xceptions and ,rror 9andling, #efining the
3alema8e&ine+tem %ethod Order of +mplementation
!est-#ri(en or !est-First #e(elopment +ntroduction
to the Next<en PO3 Program 3olution
SS +,-#% &ourse 'andout irst Semester !"#$-!"#% Page %
Plan of Self Study
To6ic Learning ./0ectives 8eference to
Te7t Book
!est-#ri(en #e(elopment 1efactoring
!o introduce !est #ri(en
#e(elopment and
For'ard, 1e(erse, and 1ound-!rip ,ngineering
Common 1eport of 5aluable Features, suggestions for
choosing a $%& tool, suggestions on ho' to integrate
$%& 'all s8etching and tools
!o learn $%& !ools and
$%& as 2lueprint
Case 3tudy* Next<en PO3 Case 3tudy* %onopoly
For the Juic8 "nalysis
From +teration ) to . +teration-. 1equirements and
,mphasis* Object #esign and Patterns
!o define the requirements
for the iteration-.
Polymorphism Pure Fabrication +ndirection
Protected 5ariations
!o apply the remaining
<1"3P patterns
"dapter H<oFI Factory 3ingleton H<oFI 3trategy
H<oFI Composite H<oFI and Other #esign Principles
Facade H<oFI Obser(erEPublish-
3ubscribeE#elegation ,(ent %odel H<oFI
!o introduce and apply
some <oF design patterns
Next<en PO3 %onopoly
!o define the requirements
for the iteration--
$%& "cti(ity #iagram Notation <uidelines
,xample* Next<en "cti(ity #iagram
!o introduce $%& acti(ity
diagram notation, 'ith
examples, and (arious
modeling applications
#efinitions* ,(ents, 3tates, and !ransitions $%&
3tate %achine #iagram Notation ,xample* Next<en
$se Case 3tate %achine #iagram
!o introduce $%& state
machine diagram notation,
'ith examples, and (arious
modeling applications
!he include 1elationship !erminology* Concrete,
"bstract, 2ase, and "ddition $se Cases !he extend
1elationship !he generaliBe 1elationship $se Case
!o 1elate $se Cases !)-Ch-/
Ne' Concepts for the Next<en #omain %odel
<eneraliBation #efining Conceptual 3uperclasses and
3ubclasses Next<en PO3 Conceptual Class
9ierarchies "bstract Conceptual Classes %odeling
Changing 3tates Class 9ierarchies and +nheritance in
3oft'are "ssociation Classes "ggregation and
Composition "ssociation 1ole Names 1oles as
Concepts (ersus 1oles in "ssociations #eri(ed
,lements Jualified "ssociations 1eflexi(e
"ssociations $sing Pac8ages to OrganiBe the #omain
%odel ,xample* %onopoly #omain %odel
!o understand #omain
%odel 1efinement
"rchitectural "nalysis, 5ariation and ,(olution
!o understand "rchitectural
Points Common 3teps in "rchitectural "nalysis
+dentification and "nalysis of "rchitectural Factors
,xample* Partial Next<en PO3 "rchitectural Factor
)6 8evie; Session
Syllabus for Comprehensive Exam (Open Book): All topics given in lan of Self Stu!y
SS +,-#% &ourse 'andout irst Semester !"#$-!"#% Page -
=valuation Scheme*
&om6onent &
Ty6e of =7amination
Duration Weigh-
Day, Date, Session,Time
=&-# "ssignmentEJuiB ** Details to be announced
on LMS Taxila
website by
):K ** Details to be announced
on LMS Taxila
website by
=&-! %id-3emester !est
9&losed Book:>
. 9ours -:K 3unday, /6E/=E./)- HFNIL
)/ "% @ ). Noon
=&-$ Comprehensi(e ,xam
9.6en Book:>
- 9ours :/K 3unday, )/E))E./)- HFNIL
= "% @ ). Noon
>> lease check the !etails by "#
$uly% "&'( on )*S +axila ,eb site-
. Legend*
1(* "fterNoon 3ession? (* ForeNoon 3ession
&losed Book Test* No reference material of any 8ind 'ill be permitted inside the exam hall
.6en Book =7am* $se of any printed E 'ritten reference material Hboo8s and noteboo8sI 'ill be permitted
inside the exam hall &oose sheets of paper 'ill not be permitted Computers of any 8ind 'ill not be allo'ed
inside the exam hall $se of calculators 'ill be allo'ed in all exams No exchange of any material 'ill be
+t shall be the responsibility of the indi(idual student to be regular in maintaining the self study schedule as
gi(en in the course handout, attend the onlineEon demand lectures as per details that 'ould be put up in the
BITS L3S Ta7ila 'ebsite ;;;)ta7ila)/its-6ilani)ac)in and ta8e all the prescribed components of the
e(aluation such as "ssignment 9&ourse Page on L3S Ta7ila:, %id 3emester !est and Comprehensi(e
,xamination according to the ,(aluation 3cheme gi(en in the respecti(e Course 9andout +f the student is
unable to appear for the 1egular !estE,xamination due to genuine exigencies, the student must refer to the
procedure for applying for %a8e-up !estE,xamination, 'hich 'ill be a(ailable through the +mportant
+nformation lin8 on the 2+!3 7+&P 'ebsite on the date of the 1egular !estE,xamination !he %a8e-up
!estsE,xams 'ill be conducted only at selected exam centres on the dates to be announced later

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