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Politics of Participation
[1]Architecture's Public
Frustration and revolt of architecture school
+architect status nowadays
the ambiguity of architects role
credibility of architect
history of architect power among history
the specialization architecture: Art Vs.
Technology [schools]
The sink of architect role; Modern Movement
cultural renewal
the raise of architecture public
3 reasons they fail [1] based on economic power, social status
[2] small group set of process and control
[3] restricted relation between clients, owners etc
good question: why Architecture is no longer
Dealing with the problem of "HOW" ignoring the
problem of "WHY"
Faith in HOW and ignorance of WHY
at Hoddesdon, as at Frankfurt casestudy
5 Good reasons for the non-credibility of arch.
Architecture is important to be left to architects
important concept to develop new practice and
new behaviour Architecture alters the context in which its placed
architecture depends on social structure
Participation and scientic method
the di!erence between planning FOR users and
planning WITH them
Quality of consensus and quality of plan
the discovery of the users' needs
The formulation of the hypotheses
allow new participation mood
involve the users
actions/ satisfaction
administration and use
conclusion on guidelines of new participation
requires growth and exibility
[2] The negotiation of hope
New Deal Communities
Ideals and issues of participation
argument: participation presents a threat normative
architectural values
placatory participation
different denitions perspectives
Degrees of participation*
[1]citizen control
[2] delegated power
[3] partnership
[4] placation
[5] consultation
[6] informing
[7] therapy
[8] manipulation Pseudo-participation : Carole Pateman full participation
partial participation
Transformative Participation
acknowledge the imbalance of power and knowledge
political that affect people's live
Koolhass denes practice as 3 stages
The expert-citizen/ citizen-expert
architecture knowledge can't be applied as an abstract
the work has to depend on the context/ situation rather
than solve from outside
a process of two-ways for the architect
Negotiating Space
positioning the participation in the architecture practice
The problem of the problem
sense making : new design process
urban storeytelling new model for communication
4 stages of the appropriateness o f conversation to the
architecture participatory process
social occupation space
stories personal and social: describe the world around
case study :Table Manners: j.Till
making best sense
HOPE is based on making the best sense
no ones is perfect
involve in the process
identies the architecture practice
Conclusion: the negotiation of hope
[3] losing Control, Keeping Desire [very important]
line of ights
case study: aaa [studio of self-managed architecture]
network of self-managed places
ecobox case study
line of ights: Guattari & Deleuze
Desire & Bricolage
Participation needs desire
How to make desire visible?
Desire relates to otherness, multiple, different
participatory design is a collective bricolage
Molecular revolutions
power placement
cities driven by economic desire
Desire before power, why?
Urban action
whats urban action?
Green Guerrilla's activist actions, 1970 NY -
jardins partages, France -
Ecobox part of DIY - line of ights progress
How to sustain the long-term participation-in-progress?
how [aaa] works?
Small change: Guattari stressed on sizing the critical scale of experiment
Transversal Participation
organized participation and Transversal participation
nice idea: discussion space
transitional devices for liberating desires
ecobox as a platform
case study: Free access space
the memory of place
co-produce participation
how ecobox ofcially works
knowledge and space are produced the same time and by different participants
Tactical practice : Michel De Certeau "Urban Resistance" - very important
Autonomy and subjectivation
The architect-user/ the user-architect
practice of architect-user called design action
creativity in use
Example: urban park ction project
Urban kitchen part of ecobox
its a middle approach
"Politics of location" concept
Urban curating
new planning tool
Meike shalk,
what is changed when participation is part of curatorial practice rather than part on the mainstream planning process?
public space of proximity
proximity centres resulted from radical movements
centrosociale leoncavallo,
Other spaces - leaving spaces for others
ecobox strategy - leftover space
how we can maintain 'otherness' as a rule within both planning and use?
urban catalysis
investigates the potential of temporary uses as a motor of urban change
denitively temporary zones
Nomadic planning and rhizomatic participation micropolitical
planning is transforming the imagination as it transforms the place
[4] Mass housing cannot be sustained
Pattern Language
[5] Reinventing public participation: planning in
the age of consensus
intro: the nature of new practice of participation
important questions of what participation?
debate on participation: the possibility of consensus?
Participation vs governments: Anthony Giddens - third way
new vision of planning vaunt recognize consensus
pragmatic consensus
planning in face of power
how participation could remove power?
Participation may not lead to consensus
Planning theory: a short history of contingent rationality
critical idea: emergence pf consensus
try to resolve the "problem" of power
Rational Planning
Mannheim's concept on rationality and irrationality
the communicative turn emerging device to break rationality
5 characteristics of collaborative planning
some thesis about communication
important: communicative approach vs power a turn towards a dark side?
Foucault ideas on rationality and policy processs
in communication: power can be understand as positive instead of negative Consensus in planning in Britain
What's consensus building?
Sidaway identies 3 specic distinctions
ideal and pragmatic consensus
should be all agreed from all parties
ways of choose decisions: exclusion of people
exclusion of issues
exclusion of outcomes
rational planning to collaborative planning
consensus based approach
the traditional one is not practical
new approach of 3 exclusion of people, issues, outcomes
potential of participation may lead to spatial and social justice
[6] How inhabitants can become
collective developers: france 1968-2000
Participative problems before 1968
Architecture as a domination tool of power and wealthy
Architecture become more important in the transition of
industrial to economy system
brief history of participation after 1968 - 2002
two example of participation
Film: La Courneuve, les 4000
Film: Quand les habitants prennet l'unitiative participation and mental illness
participation and the built environment
participative control
france governments used the participation as a society mandatory action to control
Participation and architecture
participation is dialogue with differences
participation is collaboration that can change
the invisible participation: social media, internet?
Guattari "Plan of consistency"
Representing the invisible within society
history of revolution and strike
important: 'predication of middle east revolutions, this book has been written from 2005": the new
revolutionary subject seems to appear only in participatory processes, in gatherings, in digital exchanges.
Very impotent questions of how architect can create new space to bring freedom?
very important pg.115
[7] City/ Democracy: Retrieving
The transformation of cities: Paris by Henri Lefebvre
Musemication: term by Lefebvre
the idea of public buildings become as museum in paris,
the problem of buildings, questioning always "what to put
inside them?"
citizenship engagement to the city
Architecture and democracy separated
history of Rome and Greek
Polis: shared meaning for public, political and city
Port Alegre: participatory democracy on all levels
Participation - political philosophy
theorists: Aristotle, Rousseau, Hegel
the struggle of democracy history
democracy as a form of resistance to elitist
Critics of participatory democracy The problem of public space
National Forum of urban reforms
case study of: Port Alegre
Politics of Participation Forester - Planning the face of power-1989
P. Healy - Collaborative PLanning: shaping places in fragmented societies - 1997
*s. Participation - The Ladder of citizen participation' journal of the institute of american planner, 34, no4, 1969 pp216-24
Henry Sanoff - Community Participation Methods in Design and Planning
John Friedmann - Planning in the public domain: from knowledge to action
Lefebvre - the production of space
M Crawford - can architecture be socially responsible? D.Y. Ghirardo
L. Lerup - building the unnished: architecture and human action
John Shotter - Cultural Politics of Everyday life
J. Albrecht - towards a theory of participation in architecture - journal of architecture education - 42 no1 p 24-31, 1998
M. Comerio - community design : idealism and entrepreneurship - journal of architecture and planning research - 1 no.40 - 1984 p 227-43
Koolhas - S,M,L,XL
J. Forester - designing: making sense together in practical conversation - journal of architecture education - 38 - no.3 - 1985
J. Forester - planning the face of power p:119-33
keeping desire - losing control B. shepard, R. hayduk - from act up to the WTO: urban protest and community building in the era of globalization
J. Hill - actions of architecture: architects and creative users
Cupers & Miessen - spaces of uncertainty
hakim bey- the temporoay autonomous zone, ontological, anarchy, poetical terrorism
City/ Democracy: Retrieving citizenship
68 and after
What if?
Rights of common: ownership. participation, risk
MUF: this is what we do: a mud manual 2001
Your place, or mine ?
user re-empowerment
Histories of Participation
[8] Sixty-Eight and after
History after 68: the events of 68 demonstrated the power of the new youth culture
1960s architecture reached its own crossroad
Criticizing Modernism, functionalism, international style, archigram
Price thinkings VS. arch styles
Cultural and aesthetic class code
heroes of participation initiative
self building - WALTER SEGAL
Giancarlo De Carlo - work description
Christian Hunziker
Peter Suzler
Peter Hubner
architecture public
re-empower the user
"reading the territory" by De carlo
Critic of zoning by Kroll
Peace movement
[9] Fragments of participation in architecture, 1968-2002, Graz and Berlin
political challenges
[10] Notes on participation
Peter Sulzer's exprience on participation
Segal project - how did he started the project with students
the story of micro and macro
Case study of The Landau Cultural Center
Architect must developed 'ordering structure'
[11] Kemal Ozcul's acceptance speech
imaginary speech in 2034
His experience on participation in the school he used to enrol
[12] Ozcul Postskript: The Gelsenkirchen school as built
Practices of participation
[13] Animal town planning and homeopathic architecture
criticizing on some of architecture pioneers among history
threes review on functionalism, sociology science and history
[14] WHAT IF? a narrative process for re-imagining the city
Participation: what for?
How to achieve community engagement through
participation? form of inspirational tool
case study of regeneration of North She"eld in South Yorkshire
telling stoies about cities: James Holston
"shapes of time" Dolores Hayden
'new urbanism' David Harvey
'views on city' Iain Sinclair
the shared process of city narrative - 'Shared Authority'
'The Creative City' Charles Landry
a new language to be broke through the professional codes
Narrative as a Utopia process
used the case study to be as Utopia process
from Utopia to A-Topia - Dieter Hassenpug
Image, identity, a city-wide narrative
vision for a city
'City branding' - Hans Mommaas
how to choose a theme for a narrative
The overarching themes
She"eld's - History and politics
the topography - as a tool
Specic aspects of a vision for She"ed
developing the neighbourhood strategies leading to the regeneration framework
A dynamic narrative for North She!eld - Five big ideas [1] park city
[2] see and be seen
[3] identity from landform
[4] from city to country and back again
[5] green arteries
Parkwood springs: the next stage in the
developing framework for North She"eld
What if?
Leonie Sandercock
project supported regional, national and local -
[15] Politics beyond the white cube
case study on white cube exhibition
Tony Bennett's 'the exhibitionary complex'
understand the new participatory and political practice in art
Moneynations - Shedhalle Zurich 1998 -
be creative - the creative imperative exhibition
[16] Rights of common: ownership. participation, risk
is architecture really slow?
MUF strategy - THINKUP
case study: the horsetail
case study: the pumpkin logic
very important: Participation Outcome- Diagram
[17] we need artists 'ways of doing
case study: the pumpkin logic
conclusion: community based art 3 points
[18] Stalker and the big game of campo Boario
Stalker concept - urban art lab
campo Boario and kurdish community - objectives and characteristics
Stalker system of desiring power
[19] Points, spirals and prototypes
case studies
Cardonagh, donegal: signs for the scared heart
lough foyle spatial development plan
proto-urban conditions
urban gallery
urban gallery : interesting
A new suburb: Hoje Taastrup
applying the concept of urban gallery
Project w, sector E the Nertherlands
prototype: actors who have desires for projects - agents who interest in projects
[20] Your place, or mine ?
reects the issues of participation and
contemporary public spaces
identify problems, statistics
agencies and governments
barriers of public space and negatives
youth fabrications
social media and media 'meaning brokers'
case study on solving youth problems and providing public space - students work
if u always do what you have always done- the future will look a lot like the past - 2002
tokoy story
virtual building
very important
H. Lefebvre - Writings on cities
T. Hoskyns - the empty place of power - Scroop, cambridge architecture Journal, 2002
E. F. Schumacher's -Small is beautiful
RIBA journal- Crisis in Architecture, Malcolm McEwen 1969
P. Boudon - Lived in architecture
L. Koll the architecture of Complexity
Peter Hubner - building as a social process
J. Holston - Cities and citizenship
the power of place: urban landscapes as public history, cambridge MIT press. 1997 p 227
David Harvey - 'the new urbanism and the communitarian trap' - haravard design magazine v. 1 1997 pp.68-69
Dieter Hassenpug- from Utopia to A-Topia / social utopias of the 20th - Cities in transition. 2001
Hebdige - hiding the light: on images and things
robert park - the city: suggestions for the investigation of human behaviour in the urban environment
n Klein: no logo

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