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-Secret of Real Success by NAMAN JAIN (AIR 62, GATE 2014 EC)

I started my preparation from the second week of December by direct solving previous year
papers which helped me evaluating my understanding and building interest for the Subject since
I was confident on the subject taught in college classes. Simultaneously I was working with the
topics who seemed difficult to me.
After two week gaining sufficient confidence about the exam, I started giving multiple online
test series to know my relative position across the country. Unfortunately Student of Cream
engineering college presume that GATE is not worthy appearing due to lack of knowledge and
realization of the cooperate firm.
D.E.A.R Formula for GATEway to Success
Discipline is like a vessel in which nectar of great performance can be held. Just like a regulator
in a gas cylinder enables it to be used positively or regulating the flow of water in river
empowers it to be used for useful purposes like irrigation and electricity, similarly regulating
ones life can help a student tap all his potentials to score high in academics. E.g. Getting up
early in the morning, Eating sanctified food, Sleeping in time, Regular studies, Clean
Environment, not speaking vulgar words etc.
Engage yourself in planned, systematic and guided preparation with a good institute (along with
mock test series) and in last 1-2 months surely solve previous years papers. One of the most
effective ways is to study together with focussed students, like I did with my friend S.Vignesh
who also got AIR 84.
Association :
Too often we focus on problem and fail to see opportunities right in front of us that is keeping
oneself in the company of good friends,away from those who always talk about self destructive
habits like intoxication, pornography etc. Association is like the seed which influence our desires
and words we speak. For example Kaikeyi was a very nice, gentel, kind hearted and non envious
lady but due to the association of Manthra her system got corrupted by the virus of envy who
impelled her to ask benediction to exile Lord Rama. Ramas leaving Ayodhya proved be the
greatest distress for everybody. Therefore it is very crucial to have one good association as said
,A man is known by the company he keep. Just like the roots of the tree are foundationally
responsible for his growth & quality of its fruits, similarly association which evoke desires
are the root-cause of all one's actions & speech. If one has good association, then one will always
act & speak good, as it is said in computer science, GIGO = Good In Good Out OR Garbage In
Garbage Out.
This is a technique we can borrow from all religions, all saints and all scriptures across the
world, as taught by Mother Teresa, great saints of the Church, prophets of the Arabs, and
devotees of Lord Visnu which is Chanting of God name for mind control &Concentration. One
can chant any name of God, like Allah, Christ, Govinda, Rama or Krishna.
Toward the end I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Aditya Mittal (NITK alumni)
without whose constant guidance it was not possible for me to score a high rank in exam. Also to
all my college teachers whose teaching are the basis of my preparation and my friends Sandeep
and Yogesh whose constant motivation and inspiration kept me steady during the time of
I strongly suggest all ECE Gate Aspirants to read Noida publication books and hear college
classes attentively,
that itself will be sufficient enough to yield high rank in GATE.
Naman Jain
GATE 2014
Note: If any inspired student wants to consult me for anything of the above, I can be contacted
on my email

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