Test Reading Comprehension

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Idioma Extranjero I

Apellido y nombre:_____________________ Fecha:___________________

Read the texts and do the exercises on the next page
Compass, in navigation, an instrument used to indicate directions. It ranks as one of the
most important inventions ever made. The usual compass shows the cardinal points
north, east, south, and westand 7a number of intermediate points. Most compasses are
also graduated in the degrees of a circle, north being 0! east, "0! south, #$0! and
west, %70. &urve'ors, however, reverse this arrangement and measure clockwise from
the south, so that a bearing of "0 in a surve' is west.
The magnetic compass is the simplest form of compass. The ordinar' pocket compass
has a magneti(ed needle mounted on a pivot so that it swings freel' above a dial. The
needle comes to rest in line with the earth)s magnetic field at the place where the
compass is used. The lines of force of the earth)s magnetic field run between the earth)s
magnetic poles, in a roughl' north*south direction. +owever, a magnetic compass at a
given location will not necessaril' point to a magnetic pole because the lines of force
follow an irregular path. In a large area surrounding each magnetic pole, the lines of
force are perpendicular to the earth)s surface and a magnetic compass is useless.
, magnetic compass b' itself is useful in determining the direction of one landmark
relative to another. In general, true north -or south. can be computed from a compass
reading onl' when the e/act direction of the lines of force is known for the location at
which the compass is being used. The angle between magnetic north -or south. and true
north -or south. is called declination, or variation. The declinations over a given region
are determined b' magnetic surve's and are published on charts. These charts are
regularl' updated because the orientation of the lines of force of the earth)s magnetic
field at an' given place slowl' changes with time.
,n error in a compass reading caused b' local magnetic fields, such as those produced
b' an airplane)s electrical e0uipment or the magneti(ation of a ship)s hull, is called
deviation. 1eviation can be corrected b' installing magnetic devices to counteract the
magnetic attraction of nearb' ob2ects.
1- Choose 4 nominal phrases rom the text and analise their components!
"- #ay the tense and the $oice o the %nderlined $erb phrases!
3.4 are also graduated
3.#0 will not necessaril' point to...
3.#5 can be computed
3.#" changes
3.%# is called
4* #ay &hich &ord's the ollo&ing prono%ns reer to: 3 #6 it 3!(: it
4- Choose ) connectors and classiy them
*- #ay i the ollo&ing statementes are +r% ,t- or False ,-
a. Compass is the most important invention ever made.
b. Most compasses are graduated in the degrees of a circle
c. The compass hasn7t got a magneti(ed needle
d. 1eclination is the angle between the magnetic north and the true north -or south.
.- +ranslate into spanish the ollo&ing extracts
8rom line 9 up to line " :The....direction;
(- /rite the adjecti$e and its comparati$e orm
The most important......
The simplest form......

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