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Chapter 1 EBTM 443

Created by whitneyb110
This set has 35 terms
Original Alphabetical
The advent of project management
has been most profound in
A. Automobile manufacturing
B. Construction
C. Information technology
D. The U.S. Department of Defense
. !ilm ma"ing
Information Technology
#. A professional organi$ation for
project management specialists is
A. %&I
B. A&A
C. &IS
D. I%&
. %&B'(
)hich of the follo*ing is not
considered to be a characteristic of a
A. An established objective
B. A clear beginning and end
C. Comple, tas"s
D. 'nly for internal use
. -ever been done before
'nly for internal use
)hich of the follo*ing activities is
not considered a project+
A. Developing a ne* soft*are
B. Designing a space station
C. %reparing the site for the
'lympic .ames
D. %roduction of automobile tires
. Developing a ne* advertising
%roduction of automobile tires
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From among the following
activities, which is the best example
of a project?
A. Processing insurance claims
B. Producing automobiles
C. riting a term paper
!. Completing a college degree
". All of these are good examples of
writing a term paper
hich of the following constraints
is not t#picall# found in managing
A. $ime
B. People
C. Cost
!. Performance
". Both B and ! are not t#pical
hich of the following choices is
not one of the stages of a project life
A. Conceptuali%ing
B. !efining
C. Planning
!. "xecuting
". !elivering
&n which of the following stages are
project objectives established, teams
formed, and major responsibilities
A. Conceptuali%ing
B. !efining
C. Planning
!. "xecuting
". !elivering
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&n which of the following stages is a
major portion of the ph#sical and
mental project wor7 performed?
A. Conceptuali%ing
B. !efining
C. Planning
!. "xecuting
". !elivering
&n which of the following stages are
#ou more li7el# to find status
reports, man# changes, and the
creation of forecasts?
A. Conceptuali%ing
B. !efining
C. Planning
!. "xecuting
". !elivering
hich of the following
characteristics is not t#pical of a
project manager?
A. *anaging a temporar# activit#
B. Possesses in6depth technical
C. *anaging a non6repetitive
!. *anages independentl# of the
formal organi%ation
". Provides a direct lin7 to the
Possesses in6depth technical
hich of the following choices is
not one of the driving forces behind
the increasing demand for project
A. Compression of the product life
B. 8nowledge explosion
C. !evelopment of third world and
closed economies
!. *ore emphasis on the product
and less on the customer
". Corporate downsi%ing
*ore emphasis on the product and
less on the customer
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Which of the following statements is
A. Project management is becoming
a standard way of doing business
B. Project management is
increasingly contributing to
achieving organizational strategies
C. Project management is being
used at a consistent percentage of a
firms efforts
!. Both A and B are true
". A# B# and C are all true
Both A and B are true
Project management is ideally suited
for a business environment re$uiring
all of the following e%cept
A. Accountability
B. &le%ibility
C. 'nnovation
!. (peed
". )epeatability
Which of the following is the
number one characteristic that is
loo*ed for in management
A. +verall intelligence
B. Wor*s well with others
C. "%perience
!. Past successes
". ,ood references
Wor*s well with others
A common rule of thumb in the
world of high-tech product
development is that a si%-month
project delay can result in a loss of
product revenue share of ...
A. /0
B. 10
C. 22
!. 34
". 40
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Which of the following has
increased the demand for project
A. '(+ 5000 certification
B. (pecialization and concentration
of *nowledge
C. 6ime to mar*et
!. 6he reduction in small projects
and increase in large projects
". Both A and C are correct
Both A and C are correct
Which of the following is the first
step in developing a set of strategies
designed to best meet the needs of
A. 7ar*et )esearch
B. !efine the 'ntegrated Project
7anagement (ystem
C. "nvironmental Analysis
!. Project (election
". All of the above are correct
"nvironmental Analysis
'ntegration of project management
with the organization ta*es place
with the
A. 7aster budget
B. (trategy plan
C. Process of managing actual
!. Both b and c are correct
". A# B# and C are all correct
Both b and c are correct
6wo dimensions within the project
management process are
A. 6echnical and sociocultural
B. Cost and time
C. Planned and une%pected
!. "stablished and new
". >ni$ue and reoccurring
6echnical and sociocultural
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Which of these is not part of the
"technical dimension" of project
B. Budgets
C. Problem solving
D. Schedules
. Status reports
Problem Solving
Which of these is not part of the
"sociocultural dimension" of project
A. !egotiation
B. "esource allocation
C. Customer e#pectations
D. $eadership
. Politics
"esource allocation
Corporate do%nsi&ing has increased
the trend to%ard
A. "educing the number of projects
a compan' initiates
B. (utsourcing significant segments
of project %or)
C. *sing dedicated project teams
D. Shorter project lead times
. $onger project lead times
(utsourcing significant segments of
project %or)
+he importance of project
management has increased due to
A. +he movement of manufacturing
operations out of the *.S
B. +ime to mar)et
C. +he movement to%ard flatter and
leaner organi&ations
D. Both a and b are true
. A, B, and C are all true
A, B, and C are all true
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Which of the following is not
typically the responsibility of a
project manger?
A. Meeting budget requirements
B. Meeting schedule requirements
C. Meeting performance
D. Coordinates the actions of the
team members
. All of these are typical
All of these are typical
A series of coordinated! related!
multiple projects that continue o"er
e#tended time intended to achie"e a
goal is $nown as a
A. %trategy
B. &rogram
C. Campaign
D. Crusade
. 'enture
(n which of the following stages is it
determined what the project will
entail! when it will be scheduled!
whom it will benefit! and what the
budget will be?
A. Conceptuali)ing
B. Defining
C. &lanning
D. #ecuting
. Deli"ering
Which of the following has been
used as part of a group of different
tools to manage projects?
A. *ob costing
B. &artnering
C. Bar charts
D. +etwor$s
. All of these ha"e been used
All of these ha"e been used
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The Integrated Management of
Projects includes all of the following
A. Profit projections
B. Environmental analsis
!. !ustomer
". Project management sstem
E. The organi#ation$s environment
and culture
Profit Projections
%rom &''( to )**( the trend for
projects late or over +udget was:
A. ,ignificantl +etter
B. ,lightl +etter
!. A+out the same
". ,lightl worse
E. ,ignificantl worse
a+out the same
-hich of the follow is not one of
the commonl heard comments of
project managers.
A. -here did this project come
B. -h are we doing this project.
!. /ow can all these projects +e
first priorit.
". -h is this project so strongl
lin0ed to the strategic plan.
E. -here are we going to get the
resources to do this project.
-h is this project so strongl
lin0ed to the strategic plan.
Program a group of related projects designed
to accomplish a common goal over
an extended period of time
Project a temporar endeavor underta0en to
create a uni1ue product2 service2 or
Project life ccle The stages found in all projects3
definition2 planning2 execution2 and
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Project Management Professional An individual who has met specific
education and experience
re1uirements set forth + the Project
Management Institute2 has agreed to
adhere to a code of
professional conduct2 and has passed
an examination designed to
o+jectivel assess and measure
project management 0nowledge. In
addition2 a PMP must
satisf continuing certification
re1uirements or lose the
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