English Grammar Tests

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397 English Grammar Tests
Index ...................................................................................... 1
Elementary Level
1. Speaking already ........................................................................
2. Drive carefully .........................................................................
3. Listen vs. Hear .........................................................................
4. Finish vs. End ..........................................................................
5. Start vs. egin .........................................................................
!. "#dal $er%s .............................................................................
&. H#' t# use the articles .................................................................
(. )elative *r#n#uns .......................................................................
+. *resent ,ense ...........................................................................
1-. .#nditi#nals ...........................................................................
11. /e 'ent #n h#liday .....................................................................
12. 0ra11ar 2uesti#ns ......................................................................
13. 3n Easy 2uesti#n .......................................................................
14. Learn it %y heart ......................................................................
15. /hite /ater )afting ....................................................................
1!. /here a1 45 ............................................................................
1&. )e1#ve the Sp##n .......................................................................
1(. /eather F#recast .......................................................................
1+. 6n ,$ t#night ..........................................................................
2-. ,he ells ..............................................................................
21. Sailing ................................................................................
22. )esp#nses 718 ..........................................................................
23. )esp#nses 728 ..........................................................................
24. )esp#nses 738 ..........................................................................
25. )esp#nses 748 ..........................................................................
2!. )esp#nses 758 ..........................................................................
2&. )esp#nses 7!8 ..........................................................................
2(. )esp#nses 7&8 ..........................................................................
2+. 2uesti#n ,ags 718 ......................................................................
3-. 2uesti#n ,ags 728 ......................................................................
31. 2uesti#n ,ags 738 ......................................................................
32. 6%9ect *r#n#un .........................................................................
33. )elative *r#n#un E:ercises .............................................................
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34. )efle:ive *r#n#uns .....................................................................
35. asic 31erican English .................................................................
3!. asic English 0ra11ar ..................................................................
3&. asic /eather E:pressi#ns ..............................................................
3(. asic English E:pressi#ns ..............................................................
3+. Ele1entary English 0ra11ar .............................................................
4-. 2uesti#n /#rds .........................................................................
41. .#11#n *rep#siti#ns ....................................................................
42. "#dal $er% 2uesti#ns ...................................................................
43. Ele1entary 0ra11ar 2uesti#ns ...........................................................
44. English 0ra11ar E:ercise ...............................................................
45. "uch; 1any; a l#t; l#ts ................................................................
4!. Ele1entary 3d9ectives ..................................................................
4&. .hit .hat< 3t the %us st#p .............................................................
4(. .hit .hat< ,alking a%#ut the D#ct#r ....................................................
4+. .hit .hat< 4n the 3er#plane ............................................................
5-. .hit .hat< 3t the pu% ..................................................................
51. .hit .hat< 3t the restaurant ...........................................................
52. .hit .hat< 6n the ph#ne ................................................................
53. .hit .hat< 4n the theatre ..............................................................
54. .hit .hat< 4n the super1arket ..........................................................
55. .hit .hat< 4n the train ................................................................
5!. 6ther; an#ther; #thers; the #thers .....................................................
5&. 3d9ective *rep#siti#ns .#nstructi#ns ...................................................
5(. 3nything; n#thing; s#1ething; everything ...............................................
5+. 31erican h#1#ph#nes ....................................................................
!-. *r#n#uns< 'h#; 'h#se; 'h#1; 'hich ......................................................
!1. S#1e; any; fe'; little .................................................................
!2. *rep#sit#ns ,est .......................................................................
!3. *ast *articiple Sentences ..............................................................
!4. ESL *rep#siti#ns .......................................................................
!5. .#11#n English Err#rs 718 ..............................................................
!!. .#11#n English Err#rs 728 ..............................................................
!&. .#11#n English Err#rs 738 ..............................................................
!(. .#11#n English Err#rs 748 ..............................................................
!+. .#11#n 2uantity =#uns ..................................................................
&-. >sing "ake and D# 718 ..................................................................
&1. >sing *rep#siti#ns .....................................................................
&2. >sing "ake and D# 728 ..................................................................
&3. /hy 2uesti#ns ..........................................................................
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&4. /hile; during and f#r ..................................................................
&5. au:iliary ver%s< 'as; did; have ........................................................
&!. prep#siti#ns #f ti1e< f#r; ag#; since; #n; at ..........................................
&&. .#11#n English phrases 'ith prep#siti#ns ...............................................
&(. 3rticles in English 0ra11ar ............................................................
&+. a; s#1e #r any .........................................................................
(-. 4nterr#gative pr#n#uns .................................................................
(1. *#ssessive pr#n#uns ....................................................................
(2. *hrasal ver%s ..........................................................................
(3. 3gatha .hristie test ?uesti#ns .........................................................
(4. .#n9uncti#ns< and; %ut; #r; s# .........................................................
(5. .#1p#und '#rds 'ith t##th ..............................................................
(!. eginner 0ra11ar 2uesti#ns ,est 718 ....................................................
(&. 4rregular $er%s 718 ....................................................................
Intermediate Level
1. Like a red rag ..........................................................................
2. 4f y#u tend t# f#rget ...................................................................
3. Easy 2uesti#ns ..........................................................................
4. D#; 1ake; get; take .....................................................................
5. ,he Far1er and his S#ns .................................................................
!. 3 H#liday )ep#rt ........................................................................
&. 0#ing #n f##t ...........................................................................
(. Say vs. ,ell ............................................................................
+. .l#se vs. Shut ..........................................................................
1-. 3t the )estaurant ......................................................................
11. 3t the ,heatre .........................................................................
12. *#pular 4di#1s .........................................................................
13. *#pular 0arden 4di#1s ..................................................................
14. Eating 6ut .............................................................................
15. H#t and .#ld ...........................................................................
1!. 3 .#llisi#n< Finish this St#ry .........................................................
1&. /ill #r Shall5 .........................................................................
1(. ,he t'# utter Fr#gs ...................................................................
1+. .r#ss 2uesti#ns ........................................................................
2-. Leave 1e al#ne .........................................................................
21. /hat n#'5 ..............................................................................
22. /rapped r#und her finger ...............................................................
23. ,he 3nts and the 0rassh#pper ...........................................................
24. ,he ,'# D#gs ...........................................................................
25. ,he Hare and the ,#rt#ise ..............................................................
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2!. /h# has d#ne it5 .......................................................................
2&. Life #n "ars5 ..........................................................................
2(. St#ry 718 ..............................................................................
2+. St#ry 728 ..............................................................................
3-. St#ry 738 ..............................................................................
31. 0# f#r it ..............................................................................
32. Eating Dis#rder ........................................................................
33. Save the Day ...........................................................................
34. @es; @es; @es ..........................................................................
35. D# y#u 1ind5 ...........................................................................
3!. 0##d ye ...............................................................................
3&. Aeeping it 2uiet .......................................................................
3(. 3 .rying Sha1e .........................................................................
3+. Speaking< 3t the ,heatre ...............................................................
4-. Speaking< 3t the Super1arket ...........................................................
41. Speaking< 3t the Stati#n ...............................................................
42. Speaking< ,he r#adcast ................................................................
43. Speaking< ,he /edding ..................................................................
44. Speaking< *#litical *arty ..............................................................
45. .ine1as ................................................................................
4!. L#ts #f Stuff ..........................................................................
4&. Hear 1y St#ry ..........................................................................
4(. High and L#' ...........................................................................
4+. 3 =ight 6ut ............................................................................
5-. L#ts #f *ieces .........................................................................
51. ,esting; ,esting .......................................................................
52. .liches ................................................................................
53. L#sing 4t 718 ..........................................................................
54. L#sing 4t 728 ..........................................................................
55. H#' t# ask a ?uesti#n ..................................................................
5!. H#' t# attract s#1e#ne .................................................................
5&. H#' t# c#1pli1ent ......................................................................
5(. "#dal "edley ...........................................................................
5+. .hrist1as *#st1an 718 ..................................................................
!-. .hrist1as *#st1an 728 ..................................................................
!1. .hrist1as *#st1an 738 ..................................................................
!2. .hrist1as *#st1an 748 ..................................................................
!3. ,ick ,#ck ..............................................................................
!4. .#1pany Decisi#ns ......................................................................
!5. Save 6ur 3ni1als 718 ...................................................................
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!!. Save 6ur 3ni1als 728 ...................................................................
!&. Save 6ur 3ni1als 738 ...................................................................
!(. Si1ple *resent 718 .....................................................................
!+. Si1ple *resent 728 .....................................................................
&-. Si1ple *resent 738 .....................................................................
&1. Si1ple *resent 748 .....................................................................
&2. Si1ple *resent 758 .....................................................................
&3. ,enses 718 .............................................................................
&4. ,enses 728 .............................................................................
&5. ,enses 738 .............................................................................
&!. H#tchp#tch .............................................................................
&&. Student ,eacher Dial#gue 718 ...........................................................
&(. Student ,eacher Dial#gue 728 ...........................................................
&+. Student ,eacher Dial#gue 738 ...........................................................
(-. *hrasal $er%< /alk .....................................................................
(1. .harlieBs Anees ........................................................................
(2. *aper e:pressi#ns ......................................................................
(3. $er% ,enses ............................................................................
(4. English ,enses .........................................................................
(5. .#nditi#nal ,enses .....................................................................
(!. Sleep E:pressi#ns ......................................................................
(&. English tense e:planati#ns .............................................................
((. English tense e:planati#ns 728 .........................................................
(+. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% c#1e ......................................................
+-. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% l##k ......................................................
+1. ,i1e clauses< future tense e:a1ples ....................................................
+2. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% %ring .....................................................
+3. 2uesti#n C )esp#nse ,est ...............................................................
+4. Sh#rt 4di#1s E:a1 ......................................................................
+5. .#nversati#ns and .#1prehensi#n ,est ...................................................
+!. .#1p#und '#rds< s#1e#ne; any#ne; s#1e'here .............................................
+&. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% %reak .....................................................
+(. Financial and %ank e:pressi#ns .........................................................
++. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% run .......................................................
1--. ,raveling D#'nunder< H#' can 4 i11igrate t# 3ustralia5 ................................
1-1. H#' t# descri%e pe#ple< attitude e:pressi#ns ..........................................
1-2. .#1paris#n 'ith as .... as ............................................................
1-3. English gra11ar and v#ca%ulary ?uesti#ns ..............................................
1-4. .#1p#und '#rds< after1ath; afterth#ught; after%irth ...................................
1-5. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% dr#p .....................................................
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1-!. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% pass .....................................................
1-&. 3irp#rt and flight travel e:pressi#ns .................................................
1-(. Digital ca1eras; ph#t#graphy and picture v#ca%ulary ...................................
1-+. E:pressi#ns 'ith death; 1arriage and div#rce ..........................................
11-. "#%ile telec#11unicati#n e:pressi#ns ..................................................
111. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% pull .....................................................
112. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% get ......................................................
113. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% g# .......................................................
114. *hrasal $er%s 73 t# 8 ................................................................
115. *hrasal $er%s 7 t# .8 ................................................................
11!. 3cti#n ver%s and sp#rts e:pressi#ns ...................................................
11&. English prep#siti#ns e:ercises ........................................................
11(. this; that; these; th#se ..............................................................
11+. .#11#n su%#rdinating c#n9uncti#ns .....................................................
12-. )efle:ive and intensive pr#n#uns ......................................................
121. Si1ple *resent; Si1ple *ast; Si1ple Future ............................................
122. E:pressi#ns 'ith ill< ill at ease; illD1annered .......................................
123. 4di#1s 'ith the prasal ver% fall ......................................................
124. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% put ......................................................
125. )ep#rted c#11ands< rep#rted speech ....................................................
12!. D#ing %usiness< e:pressi#ns 'ith the '#rd %usiness ....................................
12&. 3ustraliana< e:pressi#ns that descri%e life in 3ustralia ..............................
12(. Facts a%#ut piEEa in the >S< piEEa industry e:pressi#ns ...............................
12+. /h# 'ants t# %e a 1illi#naire5 ........................................................
13-. *a%l# *icass#< e:pressi#ns descri%ing the *icass#Bs life ..............................
131. /#rds in c#nte:t< str#ng c#ll#cati#ns .................................................
132. E:pressi#ns 'ith heart< heartache; heartthr#%; heart%urn ..............................
133. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% kn#ck ....................................................
134. 4di#1s and e:pressi#ns 'ith 9ust< 9ust a%#ut; 9ust %ef#re .............................
135. 31erican *residents /illia1 Feffers#n .lint#n .........................................
13!. 4di#1s 'ith the '#rd hard .............................................................
13&. .#1p#und '#rds< head ..................................................................
13(. *hrasal $er%s 7.8 .....................................................................
13+. *hrasal $er%s 7D t# F8 ................................................................
14-. *hrasal $er%s 70 t# H8 ................................................................
141. *hrasal $er%s 7H t# L8 ................................................................
142. *hrasal $er%s 7L8 .....................................................................
143. *hrasal $er%s 7L t# *8 ................................................................
144. *hrasal $er%s 7* t# )8 ................................................................
145. *hrasal $er%s 7) t# ,8 ................................................................
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14!. *hrasal $er%s 7,8 .....................................................................
14&. *hrasal $er%s 7, t# /8 ................................................................
14(. 4di#1s a%#ut 3ni1als ..................................................................
14+. 4di#1s a%#ut F##d .....................................................................
15-. *rep#siti#ns #f ,i1e and Date 718 .....................................................
151. *rep#siti#ns #f ,i1e and Date 728 .....................................................
152. *rep#siti#ns #f ,i1e and Date 738 .....................................................
153. *rep#siti#ns #f ,i1e and Date 748 .....................................................
154. /hat .#1es =e:t5 718 ..................................................................
155. /hat .#1es =e:t5 728 ..................................................................
15!. /hat .#1es =e:t5 738 ..................................................................
15&. /hat .#1es =e:t5 748 ..................................................................
15(. /hat .#1es =e:t5 758 ..................................................................
15+. 2uickies ..............................................................................
1!-. /hat c#1es ne:t 7the %ill8 ............................................................
1!1. /hat c#1es ne:t 7the letter8 ..........................................................
1!2. 3nt#ny1s 718 ..........................................................................
1!3. 3nt#ny1s 728 ..........................................................................
1!4. 31erican English 4di#1s ...............................................................
1!5. .#nfusing /#rds test 718 ..............................................................
1!!. .#nfusing /#rds test 728 ..............................................................
1!&. .#nfusing /#rds test 738 ..............................................................
1!(. .#nfusing /#rds test 748 ..............................................................
1!+. .#nfusing /#rds test 758 ..............................................................
1&-. .#nfusing /#rds test 7!8 ..............................................................
1&1. .#nfusing /#rds test 7&8 ..............................................................
1&2. .#nfusing /#rds test 7(8 ..............................................................
1&3. .#nfusing /#rds test 7+8 ..............................................................
1&4. .#nfusing /#rds test 71-8 .............................................................
1&5. .#nfusing /#rds test 7118 .............................................................
1&!. .#nfusing /#rds test 7128 .............................................................
1&&. 3irp#rt ,er1in#l#gy 718 ...............................................................
1&(. ank ,er1in#l#gy 718 ..................................................................
1&+. ank ,er1in#l#gy 728 ..................................................................
1(-. .#11#n *hrases and )esp#nes 718 .......................................................
1(1. *hrasal $er%s used 'ith .ri1inal 3ctivity .............................................
1(2. *hrasal ver%s and traveling ...........................................................
1(3. .#11#n *hrases and )esp#nes 728 .......................................................
1(4. .#11#n *hrases and )esp#nes 738 .......................................................
1(5. 2uesti#n ,ags ,est 718 ................................................................
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1(!. .#nfusing /#rds test 7138 .............................................................
1(&. .#nfusing /#rds test 7148 .............................................................
1((. .#nfusing /#rds test 7158 .............................................................
1(+. 3 Sticky "#1ent .......................................................................
1+-. .#nfusing /#rds test 71!8 .............................................................
1+1. .#nfusing /#rds test 71&8 .............................................................
1+2. .#nfusing /#rds test 71(8 .............................................................
1+3. .#nfusing /#rds test 71+8 .............................................................
1+4. .#nfusing /#rds test 72-8 .............................................................
1+5. En#ugh; a l#t and t## 718 .............................................................
1+!. Fe'; a little and s#1e 718 ............................................................
1+&. ,#day; yesterday and t#1#rr#' 718 .....................................................
1+(. *#lite 4ndirect 2uesti#ns G State1ents ,est 718 .......................................
1++. ,ravel 3rrange1ents ,est 718 ..........................................................
2--. 0##d; /ell and 6kay ,est 718 ..........................................................
2-1. 4rregular $er%s ,est 728 ..............................................................
2-2. 4rregular $er%s ,est 738 ..............................................................
2-3. 4rregular $er%s ,est 748 ..............................................................
2-4. 4rregular $er%s ,est 758 ..............................................................
2-5. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7!8 ..............................................................
2-!. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7&8 ..............................................................
2-&. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7(8 ..............................................................
2-(. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7+8 ..............................................................
2-+. 4rregular $er%s ,est 71-8 .............................................................
21-. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7118 .............................................................
211. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7128 .............................................................
212. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7138 .............................................................
213. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7148 .............................................................
214. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7158 .............................................................
215. Eating 4di#1s .........................................................................
21!. Literary ,er1s 718 ....................................................................
21&. Literary ,er1s 728 ....................................................................
21(. Literary ,er1s 738 ....................................................................
21+. Literary ,er1s 748 ....................................................................
22-. /hen d# y#u say this5 .................................................................
221. )eaching agree1ent ....................................................................
222. ,he h#liday #f a lifeti1e .............................................................
223. 4f 1e1#ry serves 1e right .............................................................
224. "y c#1puter and 1e ....................................................................
225. /#rk and 9#% e:pressi#ns ..............................................................
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Advanced Level
1. =e'spaper Headlines .....................................................................
2. Learning tips and instructi#ns ..........................................................
3. *hrasal $er%s ...........................................................................
4. ,i1e E:pressi#ns 718 ....................................................................
5. ,i1e E:pressi#ns 728 ....................................................................
!. 4ntervie's and F#%s .....................................................................
&. 3t the D#ct#rs ..........................................................................
(. "istaken 4dentity .......................................................................
+. Letter /riting 718 ......................................................................
1-. Letter /riting 728 .....................................................................
11. Letter /riting 738 .....................................................................
12. Letter /riting 748 .....................................................................
13. Flying acr#ss the .hannel ..............................................................
14. ,eaching y#ur /ife t# Drive ............................................................
15. 6ne is al'ays g#ing t# l#se... .........................................................
1!. 3 *u%lic Figure ........................................................................
1&. State Secrets ..........................................................................
1(. ,he =e's ...............................................................................
1+. ,alking thr#ugh his hat ................................................................
2-. .#nsider this ..........................................................................
21. Scandal ................................................................................
22. @#u have t# g# .........................................................................
23. Speed ..................................................................................
24. >p in the .l#uds .......................................................................
25. *apers .................................................................................
2!. #nes ..................................................................................
2&. Lucky @#u ..............................................................................
2(. Stages .................................................................................
2+. $enues .................................................................................
3-. ,rains .................................................................................
31. ite; it; itten ......................................................................
32. 4ssues .................................................................................
33. /hat a .racker .........................................................................
34. Lunch is served ........................................................................
35. Dry as y#u like ........................................................................
3!. ack 3gain .............................................................................
3&. earing 4nf#r1ati#n ....................................................................
3(. /hat the Devil .........................................................................
3+. ,'# F#r @#u ............................................................................
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4-. 3t the End #f the Day 718 ..............................................................
41. 3t the End #f the Day 728 ..............................................................
42. 3t the End #f the Day 738 ..............................................................
43. 3t the End #f the Day 748 ..............................................................
44. 0"3, $er%al 2uiE .......................................................................
45. 0"3, $#ca%ulary ........................................................................
4!. 0"3, /#rds .............................................................................
4&. Learn English $#ca%ulary ...............................................................
4(. English $#ca%ulary E:ercises ...........................................................
4+. 4ncreasing $#ca%ulary ..................................................................
5-. 41pr#ving $er%al Skills ................................................................
51. $er%al Skills ,est .....................................................................
52. $er%al ,est ............................................................................
53. $er%al 3dvantage .......................................................................
54. $er%al Learning ........................................................................
55. High Sch##l $#ca%ulary .................................................................
5!. 3dvanced $#ca%ulary ....................................................................
5&. Sand 4di#1s ............................................................................
5(. ,he *arlia1entary .andidate 718 ........................................................
5+. ,he *arlia1entary .andidate 728 ........................................................
!-. ,he *arlia1entary .andidate 738 ........................................................
!1. ,he *arlia1entary .andidate 748 ........................................................
!2. ,ense 3gree1ent ........................................................................
!3. Future ,enses ..........................................................................
!4. *ast ,enses ............................................................................
!5. *assive ,ense F#r1s ....................................................................
!!. 0erund #r 4nfinitive ...................................................................
!&. *erfect ,enses .........................................................................
!(. English 0ra11ar ,enses .................................................................
!+. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% carry .....................................................
&-. .ulinary delights ......................................................................
&1. 4nteractive '#rksheets 718 .............................................................
&2. 4nteractive '#rksheets 728 .............................................................
&3. 31erican 0#vern1ent 2uesti#ns ,est 718 .................................................
&4. >S 0#vern1ent 2uesti#ns ,est 728 .......................................................
&5. >S 0#vern1ent 2uesti#ns ,est 738 .......................................................
&!. >S 0#vern1ent 2uesti#ns ,est 748 .......................................................
&&. >S Fudicial Syste1 2uesti#n ,est 718 ...................................................
&(. >S 0#vern1ent 2uesti#ns ,est 758 .......................................................
&+. >S 0#vern1ent 2uesti#ns ,est 7!8 .......................................................
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(-. >S 0#vern1ent 2uesti#ns ,est 7&8 .......................................................
(1. Ec#n#1ics 2uesti#ns test 718 ...........................................................
(2. Ec#n#1ics 2uesti#ns test 728 ...........................................................
(3. Health and =utriti#n 2uesti#ns ,est 718 ................................................
(4. /ater 4di#1s ...........................................................................
(5. 3ir 4di#1s .............................................................................
Answer Keys ................................................................................ 420
Elementary Level
1. Speaking already ........................................................................
2. Drive carefully .........................................................................
3. Listen vs. Hear .........................................................................
4. Finish vs. End ..........................................................................
5. Start vs. egin .........................................................................
!. "#dal $er%s .............................................................................
&. H#' t# use the articles .................................................................
(. )elative *r#n#uns .......................................................................
+. *resent ,ense ...........................................................................
1-. .#nditi#nals ...........................................................................
11. /e 'ent #n h#liday .....................................................................
12. 0ra11ar 2uesti#ns ......................................................................
13. 3n Easy 2uesti#n .......................................................................
14. Learn it %y heart ......................................................................
15. /hite /ater )afting ....................................................................
1!. /here a1 45 ............................................................................
1&. )e1#ve the Sp##n .......................................................................
1(. /eather F#recast .......................................................................
1+. 6n ,$ t#night ..........................................................................
2-. ,he ells ..............................................................................
21. Sailing ................................................................................
22. )esp#nses 718 ..........................................................................
23. )esp#nses 728 ..........................................................................
24. )esp#nses 738 ..........................................................................
25. )esp#nses 748 ..........................................................................
2!. )esp#nses 758 ..........................................................................
2&. )esp#nses 7!8 ..........................................................................
2(. )esp#nses 7&8 ..........................................................................
2+. 2uesti#n ,ags 718 ......................................................................
3-. 2uesti#n ,ags 728 ......................................................................
31. 2uesti#n ,ags 738 ......................................................................
32. 6%9ect *r#n#un .........................................................................
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33. )elative *r#n#un E:ercises .............................................................
34. )efle:ive *r#n#uns .....................................................................
35. asic 31erican English .................................................................
3!. asic English 0ra11ar ..................................................................
3&. asic /eather E:pressi#ns ..............................................................
3(. asic English E:pressi#ns ..............................................................
3+. Ele1entary English 0ra11ar .............................................................
4-. 2uesti#n /#rds .........................................................................
41. .#11#n *rep#siti#ns ....................................................................
42. "#dal $er% 2uesti#ns ...................................................................
43. Ele1entary 0ra11ar 2uesti#ns ...........................................................
44. English 0ra11ar E:ercise ...............................................................
45. "uch; 1any; a l#t; l#ts ................................................................
4!. Ele1entary 3d9ectives ..................................................................
4&. .hit .hat< 3t the %us st#p .............................................................
4(. .hit .hat< ,alking a%#ut the D#ct#r ....................................................
4+. .hit .hat< 4n the 3er#plane ............................................................
5-. .hit .hat< 3t the pu% ..................................................................
51. .hit .hat< 3t the restaurant ...........................................................
52. .hit .hat< 6n the ph#ne ................................................................
53. .hit .hat< 4n the theatre ..............................................................
54. .hit .hat< 4n the super1arket ..........................................................
55. .hit .hat< 4n the train ................................................................
5!. 6ther; an#ther; #thers; the #thers .....................................................
5&. 3d9ective *rep#siti#ns .#nstructi#ns ...................................................
5(. 3nything; n#thing; s#1ething; everything ...............................................
5+. 31erican h#1#ph#nes ....................................................................
!-. *r#n#uns< 'h#; 'h#se; 'h#1; 'hich ......................................................
!1. S#1e; any; fe'; little .................................................................
!2. *rep#sit#ns ,est .......................................................................
!3. *ast *articiple Sentences ..............................................................
!4. ESL *rep#siti#ns .......................................................................
!5. .#11#n English Err#rs 718 ..............................................................
!!. .#11#n English Err#rs 728 ..............................................................
!&. .#11#n English Err#rs 738 ..............................................................
!(. .#11#n English Err#rs 748 ..............................................................
!+. .#11#n 2uantity =#uns ..................................................................
&-. >sing "ake and D# 718 ..................................................................
&1. >sing *rep#siti#ns .....................................................................
&2. >sing "ake and D# 728 ..................................................................
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&3. /hy 2uesti#ns ..........................................................................
&4. /hile; during and f#r ..................................................................
&5. au:iliary ver%s< 'as; did; have ........................................................
&!. prep#siti#ns #f ti1e< f#r; ag#; since; #n; at ..........................................
&&. .#11#n English phrases 'ith prep#siti#ns ...............................................
&(. 3rticles in English 0ra11ar ............................................................
&+. a; s#1e #r any .........................................................................
(-. 4nterr#gative pr#n#uns .................................................................
(1. *#ssessive pr#n#uns ....................................................................
(2. *hrasal ver%s ..........................................................................
(3. 3gatha .hristie test ?uesti#ns .........................................................
(4. .#n9uncti#ns< and; %ut; #r; s# .........................................................
(5. .#1p#und '#rds 'ith t##th ..............................................................
(!. eginner 0ra11ar 2uesti#ns ,est 718 ....................................................
(&. 4rregular $er%s 718 ....................................................................
Intermediate Level
1. Like a red rag ..........................................................................
2. 4f y#u tend t# f#rget ...................................................................
3. Easy 2uesti#ns ..........................................................................
4. D#; 1ake; get; take .....................................................................
5. ,he Far1er and his S#ns .................................................................
!. 3 H#liday )ep#rt ........................................................................
&. 0#ing #n f##t ...........................................................................
(. Say vs. ,ell ............................................................................
+. .l#se vs. Shut ..........................................................................
1-. 3t the )estaurant ......................................................................
11. 3t the ,heatre .........................................................................
12. *#pular 4di#1s .........................................................................
13. *#pular 0arden 4di#1s ..................................................................
14. Eating 6ut .............................................................................
15. H#t and .#ld ...........................................................................
1!. 3 .#llisi#n< Finish this St#ry .........................................................
1&. /ill #r Shall5 .........................................................................
1(. ,he t'# utter Fr#gs ...................................................................
1+. .r#ss 2uesti#ns ........................................................................
2-. Leave 1e al#ne .........................................................................
21. /hat n#'5 ..............................................................................
22. /rapped r#und her finger ...............................................................
23. ,he 3nts and the 0rassh#pper ...........................................................
24. ,he ,'# D#gs ...........................................................................
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25. ,he Hare and the ,#rt#ise ..............................................................
2!. /h# has d#ne it5 .......................................................................
2&. Life #n "ars5 ..........................................................................
2(. St#ry 718 ..............................................................................
2+. St#ry 728 ..............................................................................
3-. St#ry 738 ..............................................................................
31. 0# f#r it ..............................................................................
32. Eating Dis#rder ........................................................................
33. Save the Day ...........................................................................
34. @es; @es; @es ..........................................................................
35. D# y#u 1ind5 ...........................................................................
3!. 0##d ye ...............................................................................
3&. Aeeping it 2uiet .......................................................................
3(. 3 .rying Sha1e .........................................................................
3+. Speaking< 3t the ,heatre ...............................................................
4-. Speaking< 3t the Super1arket ...........................................................
41. Speaking< 3t the Stati#n ...............................................................
42. Speaking< ,he r#adcast ................................................................
43. Speaking< ,he /edding ..................................................................
44. Speaking< *#litical *arty ..............................................................
45. .ine1as ................................................................................
4!. L#ts #f Stuff ..........................................................................
4&. Hear 1y St#ry ..........................................................................
4(. High and L#' ...........................................................................
4+. 3 =ight 6ut ............................................................................
5-. L#ts #f *ieces .........................................................................
51. ,esting; ,esting .......................................................................
52. .liches ................................................................................
53. L#sing 4t 718 ..........................................................................
54. L#sing 4t 728 ..........................................................................
55. H#' t# ask a ?uesti#n ..................................................................
5!. H#' t# attract s#1e#ne .................................................................
5&. H#' t# c#1pli1ent ......................................................................
5(. "#dal "edley ...........................................................................
5+. .hrist1as *#st1an 718 ..................................................................
!-. .hrist1as *#st1an 728 ..................................................................
!1. .hrist1as *#st1an 738 ..................................................................
!2. .hrist1as *#st1an 748 ..................................................................
!3. ,ick ,#ck ..............................................................................
!4. .#1pany Decisi#ns ......................................................................
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!5. Save 6ur 3ni1als 718 ...................................................................
!!. Save 6ur 3ni1als 728 ...................................................................
!&. Save 6ur 3ni1als 738 ...................................................................
!(. Si1ple *resent 718 .....................................................................
!+. Si1ple *resent 728 .....................................................................
&-. Si1ple *resent 738 .....................................................................
&1. Si1ple *resent 748 .....................................................................
&2. Si1ple *resent 758 .....................................................................
&3. ,enses 718 .............................................................................
&4. ,enses 728 .............................................................................
&5. ,enses 738 .............................................................................
&!. H#tchp#tch .............................................................................
&&. Student ,eacher Dial#gue 718 ...........................................................
&(. Student ,eacher Dial#gue 728 ...........................................................
&+. Student ,eacher Dial#gue 738 ...........................................................
(-. *hrasal $er%< /alk .....................................................................
(1. .harlieBs Anees ........................................................................
(2. *aper e:pressi#ns ......................................................................
(3. $er% ,enses ............................................................................
(4. English ,enses .........................................................................
(5. .#nditi#nal ,enses .....................................................................
(!. Sleep E:pressi#ns ......................................................................
(&. English tense e:planati#ns .............................................................
((. English tense e:planati#ns 728 .........................................................
(+. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% c#1e ......................................................
+-. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% l##k ......................................................
+1. ,i1e clauses< future tense e:a1ples ....................................................
+2. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% %ring .....................................................
+3. 2uesti#n C )esp#nse ,est ...............................................................
+4. Sh#rt 4di#1s E:a1 ......................................................................
+5. .#nversati#ns and .#1prehensi#n ,est ...................................................
+!. .#1p#und '#rds< s#1e#ne; any#ne; s#1e'here .............................................
+&. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% %reak .....................................................
+(. Financial and %ank e:pressi#ns .........................................................
++. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% run .......................................................
1--. ,raveling D#'nunder< H#' can 4 i11igrate t# 3ustralia5 ................................
1-1. H#' t# descri%e pe#ple< attitude e:pressi#ns ..........................................
1-2. .#1paris#n 'ith as .... as ............................................................
1-3. English gra11ar and v#ca%ulary ?uesti#ns ..............................................
1-4. .#1p#und '#rds< after1ath; afterth#ught; after%irth ...................................
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1-5. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% dr#p .....................................................
1-!. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% pass .....................................................
1-&. 3irp#rt and flight travel e:pressi#ns .................................................
1-(. Digital ca1eras; ph#t#graphy and picture v#ca%ulary ...................................
1-+. E:pressi#ns 'ith death; 1arriage and div#rce ..........................................
11-. "#%ile telec#11unicati#n e:pressi#ns ..................................................
111. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% pull .....................................................
112. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% get ......................................................
113. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% g# .......................................................
114. *hrasal $er%s 73 t# 8 ................................................................
115. *hrasal $er%s 7 t# .8 ................................................................
11!. 3cti#n ver%s and sp#rts e:pressi#ns ...................................................
11&. English prep#siti#ns e:ercises ........................................................
11(. this; that; these; th#se ..............................................................
11+. .#11#n su%#rdinating c#n9uncti#ns .....................................................
12-. )efle:ive and intensive pr#n#uns ......................................................
121. Si1ple *resent; Si1ple *ast; Si1ple Future ............................................
122. E:pressi#ns 'ith ill< ill at ease; illD1annered .......................................
123. 4di#1s 'ith the prasal ver% fall ......................................................
124. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% put ......................................................
125. )ep#rted c#11ands< rep#rted speech ....................................................
12!. D#ing %usiness< e:pressi#ns 'ith the '#rd %usiness ....................................
12&. 3ustraliana< e:pressi#ns that descri%e life in 3ustralia ..............................
12(. Facts a%#ut piEEa in the >S< piEEa industry e:pressi#ns ...............................
12+. /h# 'ants t# %e a 1illi#naire5 ........................................................
13-. *a%l# *icass#< e:pressi#ns descri%ing the *icass#Bs life ..............................
131. /#rds in c#nte:t< str#ng c#ll#cati#ns .................................................
132. E:pressi#ns 'ith heart< heartache; heartthr#%; heart%urn ..............................
133. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% kn#ck ....................................................
134. 4di#1s and e:pressi#ns 'ith 9ust< 9ust a%#ut; 9ust %ef#re .............................
135. 31erican *residents /illia1 Feffers#n .lint#n .........................................
13!. 4di#1s 'ith the '#rd hard .............................................................
13&. .#1p#und '#rds< head ..................................................................
13(. *hrasal $er%s 7.8 .....................................................................
13+. *hrasal $er%s 7D t# F8 ................................................................
14-. *hrasal $er%s 70 t# H8 ................................................................
141. *hrasal $er%s 7H t# L8 ................................................................
142. *hrasal $er%s 7L8 .....................................................................
143. *hrasal $er%s 7L t# *8 ................................................................
144. *hrasal $er%s 7* t# )8 ................................................................
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145. *hrasal $er%s 7) t# ,8 ................................................................
14!. *hrasal $er%s 7,8 .....................................................................
14&. *hrasal $er%s 7, t# /8 ................................................................
14(. 4di#1s a%#ut 3ni1als ..................................................................
14+. 4di#1s a%#ut F##d .....................................................................
15-. *rep#siti#ns #f ,i1e and Date 718 .....................................................
151. *rep#siti#ns #f ,i1e and Date 728 .....................................................
152. *rep#siti#ns #f ,i1e and Date 738 .....................................................
153. *rep#siti#ns #f ,i1e and Date 748 .....................................................
154. /hat .#1es =e:t5 718 ..................................................................
155. /hat .#1es =e:t5 728 ..................................................................
15!. /hat .#1es =e:t5 738 ..................................................................
15&. /hat .#1es =e:t5 748 ..................................................................
15(. /hat .#1es =e:t5 758 ..................................................................
15+. 2uickies ..............................................................................
1!-. /hat c#1es ne:t 7the %ill8 ............................................................
1!1. /hat c#1es ne:t 7the letter8 ..........................................................
1!2. 3nt#ny1s 718 ..........................................................................
1!3. 3nt#ny1s 728 ..........................................................................
1!4. 31erican English 4di#1s ...............................................................
1!5. .#nfusing /#rds test 718 ..............................................................
1!!. .#nfusing /#rds test 728 ..............................................................
1!&. .#nfusing /#rds test 738 ..............................................................
1!(. .#nfusing /#rds test 748 ..............................................................
1!+. .#nfusing /#rds test 758 ..............................................................
1&-. .#nfusing /#rds test 7!8 ..............................................................
1&1. .#nfusing /#rds test 7&8 ..............................................................
1&2. .#nfusing /#rds test 7(8 ..............................................................
1&3. .#nfusing /#rds test 7+8 ..............................................................
1&4. .#nfusing /#rds test 71-8 .............................................................
1&5. .#nfusing /#rds test 7118 .............................................................
1&!. .#nfusing /#rds test 7128 .............................................................
1&&. 3irp#rt ,er1in#l#gy 718 ...............................................................
1&(. ank ,er1in#l#gy 718 ..................................................................
1&+. ank ,er1in#l#gy 728 ..................................................................
1(-. .#11#n *hrases and )esp#nes 718 .......................................................
1(1. *hrasal $er%s used 'ith .ri1inal 3ctivity .............................................
1(2. *hrasal ver%s and traveling ...........................................................
1(3. .#11#n *hrases and )esp#nes 728 .......................................................
1(4. .#11#n *hrases and )esp#nes 738 .......................................................
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1(5. 2uesti#n ,ags ,est 718 ................................................................
1(!. .#nfusing /#rds test 7138 .............................................................
1(&. .#nfusing /#rds test 7148 .............................................................
1((. .#nfusing /#rds test 7158 .............................................................
1(+. 3 Sticky "#1ent .......................................................................
1+-. .#nfusing /#rds test 71!8 .............................................................
1+1. .#nfusing /#rds test 71&8 .............................................................
1+2. .#nfusing /#rds test 71(8 .............................................................
1+3. .#nfusing /#rds test 71+8 .............................................................
1+4. .#nfusing /#rds test 72-8 .............................................................
1+5. En#ugh; a l#t and t## 718 .............................................................
1+!. Fe'; a little and s#1e 718 ............................................................
1+&. ,#day; yesterday and t#1#rr#' 718 .....................................................
1+(. *#lite 4ndirect 2uesti#ns G State1ents ,est 718 .......................................
1++. ,ravel 3rrange1ents ,est 718 ..........................................................
2--. 0##d; /ell and 6kay ,est 718 ..........................................................
2-1. 4rregular $er%s ,est 728 ..............................................................
2-2. 4rregular $er%s ,est 738 ..............................................................
2-3. 4rregular $er%s ,est 748 ..............................................................
2-4. 4rregular $er%s ,est 758 ..............................................................
2-5. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7!8 ..............................................................
2-!. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7&8 ..............................................................
2-&. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7(8 ..............................................................
2-(. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7+8 ..............................................................
2-+. 4rregular $er%s ,est 71-8 .............................................................
21-. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7118 .............................................................
211. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7128 .............................................................
212. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7138 .............................................................
213. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7148 .............................................................
214. 4rregular $er%s ,est 7158 .............................................................
215. Eating 4di#1s .........................................................................
21!. Literary ,er1s 718 ....................................................................
21&. Literary ,er1s 728 ....................................................................
21(. Literary ,er1s 738 ....................................................................
21+. Literary ,er1s 748 ....................................................................
22-. /hen d# y#u say this5 .................................................................
221. )eaching agree1ent ....................................................................
222. ,he h#liday #f a lifeti1e .............................................................
223. 4f 1e1#ry serves 1e right .............................................................
224. "y c#1puter and 1e ....................................................................
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225. /#rk and 9#% e:pressi#ns ..............................................................
Advanced Level
1. =e'spaper Headlines .....................................................................
2. Learning tips and instructi#ns ..........................................................
3. *hrasal $er%s ...........................................................................
4. ,i1e E:pressi#ns 718 ....................................................................
5. ,i1e E:pressi#ns 728 ....................................................................
!. 4ntervie's and F#%s .....................................................................
&. 3t the D#ct#rs ..........................................................................
(. "istaken 4dentity .......................................................................
+. Letter /riting 718 ......................................................................
1-. Letter /riting 728 .....................................................................
11. Letter /riting 738 .....................................................................
12. Letter /riting 748 .....................................................................
13. Flying acr#ss the .hannel ..............................................................
14. ,eaching y#ur /ife t# Drive ............................................................
15. 6ne is al'ays g#ing t# l#se... .........................................................
1!. 3 *u%lic Figure ........................................................................
1&. State Secrets ..........................................................................
1(. ,he =e's ...............................................................................
1+. ,alking thr#ugh his hat ................................................................
2-. .#nsider this ..........................................................................
21. Scandal ................................................................................
22. @#u have t# g# .........................................................................
23. Speed ..................................................................................
24. >p in the .l#uds .......................................................................
25. *apers .................................................................................
2!. #nes ..................................................................................
2&. Lucky @#u ..............................................................................
2(. Stages .................................................................................
2+. $enues .................................................................................
3-. ,rains .................................................................................
31. ite; it; itten ......................................................................
32. 4ssues .................................................................................
33. /hat a .racker .........................................................................
34. Lunch is served ........................................................................
35. Dry as y#u like ........................................................................
3!. ack 3gain .............................................................................
3&. earing 4nf#r1ati#n ....................................................................
3(. /hat the Devil .........................................................................
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3+. ,'# F#r @#u ............................................................................
4-. 3t the End #f the Day 718 ..............................................................
41. 3t the End #f the Day 728 ..............................................................
42. 3t the End #f the Day 738 ..............................................................
43. 3t the End #f the Day 748 ..............................................................
44. 0"3, $er%al 2uiE .......................................................................
45. 0"3, $#ca%ulary ........................................................................
4!. 0"3, /#rds .............................................................................
4&. Learn English $#ca%ulary ...............................................................
4(. English $#ca%ulary E:ercises ...........................................................
4+. 4ncreasing $#ca%ulary ..................................................................
5-. 41pr#ving $er%al Skills ................................................................
51. $er%al Skills ,est .....................................................................
52. $er%al ,est ............................................................................
53. $er%al 3dvantage .......................................................................
54. $er%al Learning ........................................................................
55. High Sch##l $#ca%ulary .................................................................
5!. 3dvanced $#ca%ulary ....................................................................
5&. Sand 4di#1s ............................................................................
5(. ,he *arlia1entary .andidate 718 ........................................................
5+. ,he *arlia1entary .andidate 728 ........................................................
!-. ,he *arlia1entary .andidate 738 ........................................................
!1. ,he *arlia1entary .andidate 748 ........................................................
!2. ,ense 3gree1ent ........................................................................
!3. Future ,enses ..........................................................................
!4. *ast ,enses ............................................................................
!5. *assive ,ense F#r1s ....................................................................
!!. 0erund #r 4nfinitive ...................................................................
!&. *erfect ,enses .........................................................................
!(. English 0ra11ar ,enses .................................................................
!+. 4di#1s 'ith the phrasal ver% carry .....................................................
&-. .ulinary delights ......................................................................
&1. 4nteractive '#rksheets 718 .............................................................
&2. 4nteractive '#rksheets 728 .............................................................
&3. 31erican 0#vern1ent 2uesti#ns ,est 718 .................................................
&4. >S 0#vern1ent 2uesti#ns ,est 728 .......................................................
&5. >S 0#vern1ent 2uesti#ns ,est 738 .......................................................
&!. >S 0#vern1ent 2uesti#ns ,est 748 .......................................................
&&. >S Fudicial Syste1 2uesti#n ,est 718 ...................................................
&(. >S 0#vern1ent 2uesti#ns ,est 758 .......................................................
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&+. >S 0#vern1ent 2uesti#ns ,est 7!8 .......................................................
(-. >S 0#vern1ent 2uesti#ns ,est 7&8 .......................................................
(1. Ec#n#1ics 2uesti#ns test 718 ...........................................................
(2. Ec#n#1ics 2uesti#ns test 728 ...........................................................
(3. Health and =utriti#n 2uesti#ns ,est 718 ................................................
(4. /ater 4di#1s ...........................................................................
(5. 3ir 4di#1s .............................................................................
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 1
Speaking already
"ns#ers In$e%
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Q1 &an yo' hear #hat he is .......(
)a* saying )+* spea,ing )c* telling )$* tal,ing
Q2 She hasn-t come home ........
)a* still )+* alrea$y )c* yet )$* till
Q3 I ....... /0 yester$ay eening.
)a* sa# )+* loo,e$ )c* ie#e$ )$* #atche$
Q4 1e lie ....... the city centre.
)a* near )+* ne%t )c* +y )$* near+y
Q5 She loo,s ....... a 2amo's 2ilm star.
)a* as )+* li,e )c* similar )$* same
Q6 /his teleision gies yo' the ....... ne#s.
)a* last )+* latest )c* least )$* later
Q7 I only ....... one mista,e in last night-s test.
)a* ma$e )+* $one )c* $i$ )$* ma,e
Q8 I #ant yo' to tell me the ....... tr'th.
)a* all )+* e%act )c* real )$* #hole
Q9 3e is loo,ing ....... a present to +'y his girl2rien$.
)a* 2or )+* at )c* in )$* on
Q10 /hat-s #hat I #o'l$ li,e ....... &hristmas.
)a* 2or )+* at )c* in )$* on
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 2
ri!e "are#$lly
"ns#ers In$e%
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Q1 4o' m'st not $rin, an$ then ....... a car.
)a* lea$ )+* $rie )c* ta,e )$* g'i$e
Q2 5lease +e ....... #hen yo' cross this roa$.
)a* careless )+* care2ree )c* caring )$* care2'l
Q3 6o #hat yo' li,e7 I really $on-t ........
)a* concern )+* intereste$ )c* $isli,e )$* min$
Q4 I2 yo' #ant to ....... that +oo, remem+er to +ring it +ac,.
)a* +orro# )+* len$ )c* loan )$* o#e
Q5 1hen yo'r train arries7 I-ll ....... yo' 2rom the station.
)a* ta,e )+* +ring )c* 2etch )$* remoe
Q6 I al#ays get ....... early in the s'mmer.
)a* 'p )+* oer )c* thro'gh )$* on
Q7 1hen yo' 2irst meet someone7 yo' 's'ally sha,e them ....... the han$.
)a* #ith )+* on )c* in )$* +y
Q8 I hae neer ....... her +e2ore.
)a* sa# )+* seeing )c* seen )$* see
Q9 /he teacher as,e$ her st'$ents to $o their ........
)a* ho'se#or, )+* home#or, )c* home $'ty )$* ho'se 8o+
Q10 /he police o22icer tol$ the chil$ren al#ays to tell the ........
)a* tr'e )+* 2acts )c* in2ormation )$* tr'th
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 3
%isten !s& 'ear
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Q1 I-m terri+ly sorry +'t I ....... #hat yo' sai$ 8'st no# an$ I #on$er i2 yo' co'l$ repeat it.
)a* #asn-t listen to )+* #asn-t hearing )c* $i$n-t hear )$* $i$n-t hearing
Q2 I ....... attentiely to the lect're on philosophy +'t I still $i$n-t 'n$erstan$ m'ch o2 it.
)a* hear$ )+* listene$ )c* #as hearing )$* #as listen
Q3 &an yo' ....... me all right oer there +eca'se yo' are rather a long #ay a#ay(
)a* listening )+* hearing )c* listen )$* hear
Q4 I ....... #hat yo' are saying +'t that still $oesn-t ma,e me #ant to change my min$ one little +it.
)a* listen )+* hear )c* am listing )$* am hearing
Q5 I ....... to the concert eery 9on$ay on the ra$io an$ I imagine I am there listening to it in person.
)a* listen )+* am listening )c* hear )$* am hearing
Q6 I sho'l$ e%plain that he 2in$s it ery $i22ic'lt to 2ollo# yo'r conersation +eca'se he is ery har$ o2 ........
)a* listen to )+* listening )c* to hear )$* hearing
Q7 :o# #ill yo' please ....... me an$ pay attention to #hat I-m saying +eca'se it-s ery important.
)a* hear )+* listen to )c* hearing )$* listening to
Q8 4o'-e +een ma,ing so m'ch noise #ith yo'r m'sic that people at the 2ar en$ o2 the roa$ can ....... yo'.
)a* listen to )+* listening to )c* hear )$* hearing
Q9 3e sometimes preten$s he can-t ....... a single #or$ yo' are saying +'t all the time he-s ta,ing it all in.
)a* listen to )+* listening to )c* hear )$* hearing
Q10 I hae +een ....... strange stories a+o't yo' recently +'t I $o hope that there is no s'+stance in them.
)a* listene$ to )+* listening to )c* hear$ )$* hearing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 4
(inish !s& End
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Q1 /he +rothers #ill ....... school +oth together at the en$ o2 this year.
)a* en$ )+* en$ing )c* 2inish )$* 2inishes
Q2 /hey #ante$ their $a'ghter to improe her social s,ills an$ sent her to the 2amo's ....... school in S#it;erlan$.
)a* en$s )+* en$ing )c* 2inishes )$* 2inishing
Q3 4o' can-t miss it7 it-s that tall +'il$ing right at the ....... o2 the roa$.
)a* en$ )+* en$s )c* 2inish )$* 2inishes
Q4 Sa$ly their marriage o2 25 years ....... in $iorce.
)a* en$s )+* en$e$ )c* 2inishes )$* 2inishe$
Q5 It $i$n-t ta,e long 2or the chil$ren to ....... o22 the ca,es an$ pastries that ha$ not +een eaten at the party.
)a* en$ )+* en$ing )c* 2inish )$* 2inishing
Q6 3e tho'ght they #o'l$ all share the cost o2 the meal +'t 'n2ort'nately he ....... 'p paying 2or eery+o$y.
)a* en$ )+* en$e$ )c* 2inish )$* 2inishe$
Q7 "2ter the chil$ren ha$ ....... $oing their home#or,7 the #hole 2amily #atche$ teleision.
)a* en$s )+* en$e$ )c* 2nishes )$* 2inishe$
Q8 4o' co'l$ tell the time +y him +eca'se he al#ays ....... #or, at e%actly the same time eery $ay.
)a* en$s )+* en$e$ )c* 2inish )$* 2inishe$
Q9 I-e #ritten practically the #hole +oo, e%cept 2or the last part an$ I 8'st $on-t ,no# ho# to ....... the story.
)a* en$ )+* en$ing )c* 2inish )$* 2inishing
Q10 /o most people it seeme$ li,e a long an$ s'ccess2'l relationship an$ so it #as a great s'rprise to learn that
they ha$ ....... #ith each other.
)a* en$s )+* en$e$ )c* 2inishes )$* 2inishe$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 5
Start !s& )egin
"ns#ers In$e%
PHOTOCOPIABLE www.english-test.net
Q1 I ....... my car to ma,e s're it #or,e$ a+o't ten mint'es +e2ore I $roe to #or,.
)a* +egan )+* starte$ )c* +egin )$* start
Q2 9y car ery rarely ....... 2irst time #hen the #eather is really col$.
)a* +egins )+* +eginning )c* starting )$* starts
Q3 1e ....... o22 early on the 2irst $ay o2 s'mmer so that #e co'l$ see the s'n rise.
)a* +egan )+* starte$ )c* starting )$* +eginning
Q4 I rea$ the ....... o2 that +oo, +'t I co'l$n-t possi+ly rea$ the #hole story.
)a* starting )+* start )c* +eginning )$* +egin
Q5 I can-t ....... to 'n$erstan$ #hy anyone #o'l$ #ant to +e cr'el to animals.
)a* start )+* +egin )c* starts )$* +egins
Q6 3e ....... o22 at me again simply +eca'se I ha$ 2orgotten to loc, the +ac, $oor a2ter I came home.
)a* starte$ )+* +egan )c* +eg'n )$* starts
Q7 I #on a lot o2 money +y +etting on that horse +'t it #as simply a case o2 ....... l'c,.
)a* start-s )+* starter-s )c* +eginner-s )$* +eginning-s
Q8 "s 2ar as I #as concerne$ #hen the acci$ent happene$7 it #as the ....... o2 the en$.
)a* start )+* +egin )c* starting )$* +eginning
Q9 1ho #o'l$ li,e to ....... o22 the $e+ate(
)a* +egin )+* start )c* +egins )$* starting
Q10 I #o'l$ greatly appreciate it i2 yo' $i$n-t ....... 'p that ol$ arg'ment again.
)a* start )+* +egin )c* starts )$* +egins
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 6
*+dal ,er-s
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Q1 I ....... go to see the $octor last #ee, +eca'se I #as ery ill.
)a* m'st )+* m'st to )c* ha$ to
Q2 I co'l$ ....... +o'ght that car +'t I $i$n-t hae eno'gh money to pay 2or the petrol.
)a* ha$ )+* hae )c* hae to
Q3 I ....... go no# +eca'se I am alrea$y late 2or my class.
)a* m'st )+* ha$ )c* hae to
Q4 I may ....... a+le to come to yo'r party i2 I hae the time.
)a* +e )+* +eing )c* +eing to
Q5 6o yo' ....... clean the ho'se eery $ay or eery #ee,(
)a* m'st )+* hae )c* hae to
Q6 I ....... spea, <rench #itho't a pro+lem no# +eca'se I hae ha$ many lessons.
)a* may )+* can )c* hae
Q7 /hey ....... $o their home#or, to$ay +eca'se it is a holi$ay at the school.
)a* m'st not )+* $on-t hae )c* $on-t hae to
Q8 I ....... help yo' #ith yo'r shopping +eca'se yo' hae a lot o2 +ags.
)a* o'ght )+* o'ght to )c* tho'ght
Q9 1hen #ill yo' ....... come an$ see 's in o'r ne# ho'se(
)a* can )+* +e a+le to )c* m'st
Q10 I may ....... go to 5aris ne%t #ee, +eca'se there is a ery +ig e%hi+ition there.
)a* hae )+* hae to )c* ha$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 7
'+. t+ $se the arti"les
"ns#ers In$e%
PHOTOCOPIABLE www.english-test.net
Q1 I only #ant ....... little s'gar in my tea7 please.
)a* a )+* the )c* s'ch
Q2 In ....... en$ #e $eci$e$ not to go to the cinema +'t to #atch teleision.
)a* the )+* this )c* an
Q3 It is important sometimes to stop an$ loo, aro'n$ yo' at all the #on$er2'l things ........
)a* nat're )+* in nat're )c* in the nat're
Q4 It is ....... +oo, that I hae eer rea$.
)a* 2'nniest )+* a 2'nniest )c* the 2'nniest
Q5 I #ant to go to the cinema to see a 2ilm a+o't ....... an$ the <rench.
)a* <rance )+* a <rance )c* the <rance
Q6 &an anyone gie me ....... please +eca'se I hae 8'st 2allen oer(
)a* han$ )+* a han$ )c* the han$
Q7 /he interesting thing a+o't ....... is all the roa$s that they +'ilt in =ritain.
)a* >omans )+* a >omans )c* the >omans
Q8 She al#ays sai$ that #hen she gre# 'p she #ante$ to +e ........
)a* $octor )+* a $octor )c* the $octor
Q9 I hae le2t my +oo, in ....... an$ I #o'l$ li,e yo' to get it 2or me.
)a* ,itchen )+* a ,itchen )c* the ,itchen
Q10 "re yo' st'$ying 2oreign lang'ages at school7 li,e .......(
)a* <rench )+* a <rench )c* the <rench
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 8
/elati!e 0r+n+$ns
"ns#ers In$e%
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Q1 ....... is that sitting oer there in the corner(
)a* 1ho )+* 1hom )c* 1hich
Q2 I $on-t 'n$erstan$ a #or$ ....... yo' are tal,ing a+o't.
)a* #hat )+* that )c* #ho
Q3 /hey hae a ery large ho'se ro'n$ ....... there are some loely gar$ens.
)a* that )+* #hich )c* #hose
Q4 I-m loo,ing at the photograph ....... yo' sent me #ith yo'r letter.
)a* #hich )+* #ho )c* #hom
Q5 /here is a ne# teleision programme calle$? -....... #ants to +e a millionaire(-.
)a* 1hich )+* 1hat )c* 1ho
Q6 I thin, yo' #ill see that this is the +est m'se'm ....... yo' can 2in$ in the to#n.
)a* that )+* #hich )c* #ho
Q7 /he police #ant to 2in$ o't ....... $roe the re$ car into the shop #in$o#.
)a* #ho )+* #ho-s )c* #hose
Q8 6i$ yo' meet the la$y ....... 'ncle #or,s in the li+rary(
)a* #ho )+* #hose )c* #ho-s
Q9 /he person in the ho'se ne%t to mine ,no#s someone ....... met the @'een.
)a* #ho )+* #hom )c* #hich
Q10 /he grass7 ....... I c't eery #ee,7 seems to gro# ery A'ic,ly.
)a* #ho )+* #ho-s )c* #hich
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 9
0resent Tense
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Q1 I ....... her eery $ay an$ she neer says hello to me.
)a* see )+* am seeing )c* #ill see
Q2 1hat is the name o2 that pict're #hich yo' ....... on the #all.
)a* loo, at )+* is loo,ing at )c* are loo,ing at
Q3 ....... to see that 2ilm that is on at the cinema ne%t #ee,(
)a* 6o yo' go )+* Is yo' going )c* "re yo' going
Q4 ....... eery single thing #hich that man says(
)a* 6o yo' +eliee )+* Is yo' +elieing )c* "re yo' +elieing
Q5 Sometimes I ....... #hat the teacher says to me.
)a* $on-t 'n$erstan$ )+* am not 'n$erstan$ing )c* 'n$erstan$ not
Q6 Bater tonight I ....... my 'ncle7 #ho is ill in hospital.
)a* isit )+* am isiting )c* are isiting
Q7 1hy ....... late eery time #e arrange to meet(
)a* is he )+* he is )c* is he +eing
Q8 ....... +y air +eca'se the cost o2 2lying is ery high.
)a* I $on-t o2ten trael
)c* I-ll not o2ten traelling
)+* I-m not o2ten traelling
Q9 :e%t time yo' ....... to my ho'se7 yo' m'st +ring that +oo,.
)a* come )+* is coming )c* are coming
Q10 I ....... to remem+er yo'r name +'t I-m a2rai$ I can-t remem+er it.
)a* try )+* am trying )c* #ill trying
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 10
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I2 I #in the lottery7 I ....... +'y yo' a ery +ig car as a present.
)a* sho'l$ )+* #ill )c* am
Q2 ....... I +o'ght yo' a ne# car7 #o'l$ yo' +e ery happy(
)a* 1hen )+* I2 )c* "s
Q3 I2 yo' ....... got that 8o+7 #o'l$ yo' hae +een a+le to moe to a ne# ho'se(
)a* hae )+* ha$ )c* #ill hae
Q4 I #o'l$ #ant ery m'ch to moe to a ne# ho'se i2 I ....... that 8o+.
)a* hae )+* haing )c* ha$
Q5 1ill yo' come to $inner #ith 's i2 #e ....... a +a+ysitter 2or yo'(
)a* ha$ 2o'n$ )+* #ill 2in$ )c* 2in$
Q6 I #ill try ery har$ to come an$ hae $inner at yo'r ho'se i2 I ....... a+le to.
)a* am )+* #as )c* #ere
Q7 I2 I ....... yo'7 I sho'l$ #or, ery har$ so that I co'l$ earn more money.
)a* am )+* #ere )c* are
Q8 ....... yo' a+le to len$ me some money i2 I promise yo' that yo' #ill get it +ac, ery soon(
)a* "re )+* 1as )c* 1ere
Q9 I2 yo' really #ant to +e help2'l7 then yo' ....... to tell me the tr'th.
)a* hae )+* ha$ )c* #ill hae
Q10 I2 I ....... ery har$7 I #o'l$ hae +een a+le to stop smo,ing.
)a* try )+* #o'l$ hae trie$ )c* ha$ trie$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 11
2e .ent +n h+liday
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I e%pect yo' thin, I-m ....... +eca'se I $on-t 'n$erstan$ that.
)a* $'m+ )+* st'pi$ )c* $ea2 )$* cra;y
Q2 6oes anyone honestly ....... #hat a politician says no#a$ays(
)a* $iscoer )+* thin, )c* +eliee )$* cre$it
Q3 I-m s're yo'-re A'ite ....... +'t many people $isagree #ith yo'.
)a* #rite )+* right )c* all right )$* serio's
Q4 6o yo' ,no# #here the 5resi$ent o2 "merica .......(
)a* leaes )+* lies )c* lie )$* inha+its
Q5 I-e trie$ those ta+lets an$ they haen-t $one me any ........
)a* +ene2it )+* goo$ )c* +etter )$* +est
Q6 I-m going ....... 2or a 2e# $ays so $on-t sen$ me any more #or,.
)a* o22 )+* o't )c* oer )$* a#ay
Q7 /his s'mmer #e #ent ....... holi$ay to Greece.
)a* on )+* o22 )c* in )$* +y
Q8 I2 yo' can-t reach me at home7 sen$ me a ........
)a* postscript )+* email )c* letter )$* +rie2
Q9 I +eliee it is ....... to hol$ a $oor open 2or a la$y.
)a* politic )+* polite )c* political )$* politeness
Q10 It is consi$ere$ +a$ ....... to sho't at someone.
)a* ha+its )+* #ays )c* manners )$* c'stom
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 12
Grammar Q$esti+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1hich o2 these is a no'n( It is ........
)a* thing )+* thin, )c* that )$* there
Q2 1hich o2 these is a passie sentence( It is ........
)a* 3e-s +een there
)c* 3e-s +een going there
)+* 3e-s +een ta,en there
)$* 3e #ill hae +een there
Q3 1hich o2 these is a preposition( It is ........
)a* thoro'gh )+* tro'gh )c* thro'gh )$* throng
Q4 1hich o2 these tenses is 5ast 5er2ect Simple( It is ........
)a* She ha$ la'ghe$
)c* She la'ghe$
)+* She has +een la'ghing
)$* She #as la'ghing
Q5 1hich o2 these is an a$er+( It is ........
)a* A'ic,ly )+* sly )c* A'ic,er )$* A'ic,est
Q6 1hich o2 these tenses is 5resent Simple( It is ........
)a* 3e spo,e )+* 3e is spea,ing )c* 3e spea,s )$* 3e #ill spea,
Q7 1hich o2 these is an a$8ectie( It is ........
)a* har$ )+* har$ly )c* har$en )$* har$ship
Q8 1hich o2 these is a personal prono'n( It is ........
)a* their )+* they )c* there )$* theirs
Q9 1hich o2 these is a ger'n$( It is ........
)a* go )+* goes )c* going )$* gone
Q10 1hich o2 these is a past participle( It is ........
)a* +elieing )+* +eliee$ )c* +eliees )$* +elie2
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 13
3n Easy Q$esti+n
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1hat e%ercise $o yo' li,e $oing ....... o2 all(
)a* ne%t )+* +est )c* a2ter )$* +e2ore
Q2 /hat-s a goo$ A'estion +'t I nee$ ....... to thin, a+o't it.
)a* time )+* space )c* length )$* #i$th
Q3 6on-t #orry7 there-s no nee$ to ans#er ....... I-m not in a h'rry.
)a* 2irstly )+* 2airly )c* imme$iately )$* easily
Q4 /here are so many things that it-s $i22ic'lt to ........
)a* p't )+* 2ollo# )c* 2in$ )$* choose
Q5 Ch7 come on it-s ....... not that $i22ic'lt.
)a* A'ic,ly )+* har$ly )c* al#ays )$* s'rely
Q6 1ell7 I thin, it is an$ I ....... it-s an impossi+le A'estion to ans#er.
)a* $elier )+* rec,on )c* report )$* reali;e
Q7 6o yo' #ant me to ....... it easier 2or yo'(
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* try )$* ta,e
Q8 4es7 I-$ ery m'ch ....... that.
)a* 'n$erstan$ )+* consi$er )c* appreciate )$* appear
Q9 "ll right let me as, yo' #hat yo' li,e $oing least o2 .......(
)a* eerything )+* all )c* entire )$* that
Q10 Ch7 that-s easy D ....... to ans#er this testE
)a* trying )+* 2alling )c* p'tting )$* pic,ing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 14
%earn it -y heart
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I ....... $on-t ,no# ho# to learn ne# #or$s +y heart.
)a* some time )+* sometimes )c* something
Q2 I o2ten rea$ short articles ....... pets in my 2ao'rite maga;ine.
)a* 2or )+* at )c* a+o't
Q3 I thin, learning ....... +e interesting +eca'se other#ise yo' #o'l$n-t eer +e a+le to s'ccee$.
)a* can )+* sho'l$ )c* m'st to
Q4 4o' #ill pro+a+ly agree ....... me.
)a* #ith )+* 2or )c* in
Q5 I2 yo' hae a A'estion please 2eel ....... to as,.
)a* goo$ )+* #ell )c* 2ree
Q6 /han, yo' ery m'ch in$ee$7 that-s ery ,in$ ....... yo'.
)a* 2rom )+* 2or )c* o2
Q7 1e are really gla$ to hae yo' as o'r ....... an$ #e #ill ta,e goo$ care o2 yo'.
)a* containers )+* c'stomers )c* cost'miers
Q8 <or the #hole o2 ne%t #ee, #e are planning to sell o'r ne# $ictionaries at a special ........
)a* price )+* pri;e )c* prise
Q9 "s o2 no# #e still $on-t ,no# i2 #e #ill +e ....... to 2'l2il o'r contract.
)a* relia+le )+* a+le )c* capa+le
Q10 6on-t #orry7 #e are A'ite 2le%i+le an$ can ma,e changes at ....... time #hatsoeer.
)a* some )+* any )c* one
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 15
2hite 2ater /a#ting
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 4o' m'st a$mit 2lying in a hot air +alloon is an ama;ing ........
)a* e%pression )+* e%perience )c* e%pertise
Q2 &an yo' remem+er the last time yo' ....... s'ch an e%citing time(
)a* hae )+* haing )c* ha$
Q3 /o +e honest7 I hae neer ....... in a +alloon.
)a* 2lo#e$ )+* 2lo#n )c* 2lying
Q4 >eally7 then it-s a+o't time yo' trie$ it ........
)a* in )+* o't )c* on
Q5 "re yo' really s'ggesting that #e ....... act'ally get into one o2 those ri$ic'lo's things(
)a* shall )+* #ill )c* sho'l$
Q6 1hy not( /here is nothing to +e ....... o2. "2ter all it #on-t +e 8'st 's in the +alloon.
)a* 2ear )+* a2rai$ )c* 2right
Q7 4o' m'st +e 8o,ing. 3ae yo' 2orgotten ho# terri+le I 2elt the last time #e #ent some#here ....... plane(
)a* in )+* #ith )c* +y
Q8 Ch7 come on. 1hy $o yo' hae to +e s'ch a ,ill ........
)a* 8oy )+* 8o,e )c* 2'n
Q9 /hat-s not 2air. 4o' ,no# 2'll ....... #hat it 2eels li,e to +e #orrie$ sic, #hen eeryone else is la'ghing at yo'.
)a* goo$ )+* #ell )c* 2ine
Q10 All right you win. I promise I won't bring it ....... again. Why don't just we go white water
rafting instead? (a) on (b) up (c) in
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 16
2here am 45
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 E%c'se me I ....... i2 yo' can
)a* e%pect
help me.
)+* hope )c* +eliee )$* #on$er
Q2 I certainly #ill i2 I ........
)a* co'l$ )+* can )c* can-t )$* sho'l$
Q3 1ell7 my ....... is that I-m lost.
)a* pro+lem )+* sit'ation )c* har$ship )$* $i22ic'lt
Q4 I see yo' hae a ....... in yo'r car.
)a* car$ )+* ro'te )c* map )$* $ra#ing
Q5 4es7 I hae +'t I can-t ....... it.
)a* p'rs'e )+* chase )c* control )$* 2ollo#
Q6 :o#7 #here are yo' ....... 2or(
)a* $oing )+* going )c* $riing )$* ma,ing
Q7 I #ant to ....... to :'t2iel$ "en'e.
)a* come )+* get )c* 2etch )$* 2in$
Q8 I $on-t thin, that-s going to +e ........
)a* har$ )+* ha;ar$ )c* har$ship )$* har$ly
Q9 1hy $o yo' ....... that(
)a* tell )+* anno'nce )c* say )$* spea,
Q10 =eca'se yo'-re in that roa$ ....... no#.
)a* simply )+* o+io'sly )c* a+sol'tely )$* right
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 17
/em+!e the Sp++n
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1hat ....... to +e the tro'+le(
)a* o'ght )+* loo,s )c* seems )$* tries
Q2 It ....... eery time I $rin, a c'p o2 tea.
)a* happens )+* goes )c* $oes )$* happene$
Q3 &an yo' gie me a little more .......(
)a* e%act )+* partic'lar )c* $etail )$* 2act
Q4 1ell7 I get a ....... in my right eye eery time I $rin, a c'p o2 tea.
)a* h'rt )+* shoot )c* 2eel )$* pain
Q5 6o yo' $rin, a ....... o2 tea
)a* m'ch
#ith s'gar(
)+* lot )c* h'ge )$* many
Q6 4es7 I ........
)a* $i$ )+* hae )c* $o )$* $one
Q7 I can-t ....... gie 'p $rin,ing tea7 $octor.
)a* pro+a+ly )+* possi+ly )c* li,ely )$* impossi+ly
Q8 I-m not ....... yo' to $o that +'t ne%t time yo' $rin, tea #ith s'gar...
)a* placing )+* in$icating )c* spea,ing )$* as,ing
Q9 4es7 $octor I-m sorry I ....... yo'.
)a* interene$ )+* intersecte$ )c* interr'pte$ )$* inter2ere$
Q10 :e%t time yo' $rin, tea #ith s'gar7 $on-t 2orget to ....... the spoon.
)a* re8ect )+* replace )c* repeat )$* remoe
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 18
2eather (+re"ast
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 :o# let-s go ....... to o'r #eather 2orecaster7 9ary.
)a* on )+* o't )c* oer )$* against
Q2 4es7 than, yo' an$ I-m a2rai$ it-s not ....... ery +right at the moment.
)a* seeming )+* appearing )c* seeing )$* loo,ing
Q3 /he tro'+le is that there are some ery ....... rain clo'$s oer the north.
)a* 2at )+* heay )c* #eighing )$* $ragging
Q4 /hese #ill ....... some rain2all later this morning.
)a* +ear )+* carry )c* pro$'ce )$* present
Q5 /hen the clo'$s #ill ....... 2'rther so'th in the a2ternoon.
)a* transport )+* coney )c* $irect )$* moe
Q6 "n$ +y early eening the ....... co'ntry #ill see the rain.
)a* #hole )+* total )c* complete )$* hole
Q7 ='t things #ill ....... tomorro#.
)a* +etter )+* improise )c* increase )$* improe
Q8 In the early morning the s'n #ill ma,e an ........
)a* apparition )+* appearance )c* appearing )$* appear
Q9 ='t yo'-ll hae to +e A'ic, +eca'se it soon ........
)a* $espairs )+* $isappoints )c* $eserts )$* $isappears
Q10 "n$ o2 co'rse a2ter that o'r ol$ 2rien$ rain ........
)a* repeats )+* reports )c* ret'rns )$* reacts
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 19
6n T, t+night
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Goo$ eening. Bet me tell yo' #hat-s in ....... 2or yo' on teleision tonight
)a* shop )+* mar,et )c* store )$* screen
Q2 It #ill +e a +it o2 a mi%e$ ........
)a* sac, )+* hol$er )c* container )$* +ag
Q3 /o start ....... #e hae come$y.
)a* #ith )+* 'p )c* o't )$* in
Q4 /his #ill +e a programme presenting that ....... come$ian7 George =lair.
)a* pop'late$ )+* pop'lar )c* pop'lo's )$* poplar
Q5 "2ter that #e hae the ....... sho# on the latest hits.
)a* regimente$ )+* reg'late$ )c* reg'lar )$* r'le$
Q6 :e%t #e-ll hae the ....... ne#s.
)a* latest )+* ne#est )c* later )$* ne#er
Q7 /his #ill +e rea$ +y the ery pretty ....... 5enny Bane.
)a* ne#sagent )+* ne#scaster )c* ne#s+ringer )$* ne#spaper
Q8 "t ....... I thin, she-s ery pretty.
)a* last )+* lost )c* less )$* least
Q9 "n$ the 2ollo#ing programmes are all ....... as 2ar as I-m concerne$.
)a* +oring )+* +ore$ )c* +oar$ )$* +oar$ing
Q10 =eca'se a2ter the ne#s 5enny an$ I are ....... on a $ate.
)a* $oing )+* ma,ing )c* going )$* ta,ing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 20
The )ells
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 6on-t yo' ....... those +ells..(
)a* pon$er )+* ela+orate )c* thin, )$* e$'cate
Q2 I-m ....... sorry I can-t hear a #or$ yo'-re saying.
)a* horri+ly )+* consi$era+ly )c* $e2initely )$* a#2'lly
Q3 ....... I #as trying to say #as.
)a* "ll )+* Eerything )c* :othing )$* Something
Q4 Sorry yo'-ll hae to spea, ........
)a* to )+* 'p )c* along )$* thro'gh
Q5 I-ll hae one more ....... an$
)a* come
)+* 2in$ )c* go )$* leae
Q6 It-s no ....... I can-t hear yo'.
)a* try )+* point )c* i$ea )$* 'se
Q7 :o# I-e sh't the #in$o# an$ I-ll ma,e one more ........
)a* attempt )+* tempt )c* trial )$* e%periment
Q8 I ....... #ante$ to say.
)a* closely )+* simply )c* nat'rally )$* A'ic,ly
Q9 "h that-s ....... +etter no# I can-t hear those a#2'l +ells. :o# #hat #as it yo' #ante$ to say(
)a* more )+* most )c* mostly )$* m'ch
Q10 It $oesn-t really ....... no#. I 8'st #ante$ to say ho# +ea'ti2'l the +ells so'n$e$.
(a) matter (b) care (c) help (d) hold
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 21
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 ....... me #hat $i$ yo' $o at
)a* Say
the #ee,en$(
)+* Spea, )c* "nno'nce )$* /ell
Q2 Ch7 it #as a complete .......E
)a* acci$ent )+* happening )c* $isaster )$* eent
Q3 1hy7 #hat .......(
)a* happene$ )+* occ'rre$ )c* arrie$ )$* eole$
Q4 1ell7 the ....... #as to go sailing.
)a* pict're )+* s,etch )c* plan )$* $ra#ing
Q5 /hat ....... interesting.
)a* rings )+* loo,s )c* hears )$* so'n$s
Q6 In ....... I agree.
)a* i$ea )+* philosophy )c* theory )$* +elie2
Q7 ='t not in .......7 eh(
)a* practices )+* practice )c* practical )$* practicing
Q8 E%actly7 in 2act I almost ........
)a* $o#ne$ )+* $roppe$ )c* $rippe$ )$* $ro#ne$
Q9 /hat ....... hae +een horri+le. So #hat are yo' $oing this #ee,en$(
)a* m'st )+* may )c* can )$* sho'l$
Q10 I-m starting a ....... o2 s#imming lessons.
)a* line )+* co'rse )c* r'n )$* ro#
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 22
/esp+nses 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9i,e? I li,e anything to $o #ith sport. .......
)a* 3ae yo'( )+* 6i$ yo'( )c* 6o yo'( )$* "re yo'(
Q2 9i,e? 1e #ent to 5aris last s'mmer.
Fane? .......
)a* I neer go there too.
)c* I neer $i$ there.
)+* I neer #ent there.
)$* I-e neer +een there.
Q3 9i,e? She al#ays goes to #or, on a +i,e.
Fane? .......
)a* She is ery healthy.
)c* She can +e ery healthy.
)+* She m'st +e ery healthy.
)$* She might +e ery healthy.
Q4 9i,e? /hey #ent on stri,e last #ee,.
Fane? .......
)a* 1hat on earth 2or(
)c* 6o they lie on earth(
)+* "re they on earth(
)$* 1hy on earth to(
Q5 9i,e? 9ore people $ie 2rom eating 2atty 2oo$ than 2rom smo,ing.
Fane? .......
)a* 4o' m'st +e ri$ic'lo'sE
)c* 4o' m'st +e smilingE
)+* 4o' m'st +e la'ghingE
)$* 4o' m'st +e 8o,ingE
Q6 9i,e? 4o' ,no# he 2aile$ all his e%aminations(
Fane? .......
)a* I m'st +eliee it.
)c* I might +eliee it.
)+* I $on-t +eliee it.
)$* I o'ght to +eliee it.
Q7 9i,e? It-s getting ery late7 #e m'st h'rry 'p.
Fane? .......
)a* 5oint got. )+* 5oint receie$. )c* 5oint ta,en. )$* 5oint hel$.
Q8 9i,e? I haen-t stoppe$ #or,ing 2or eight ho'rs to$ay.
Fane? .......
)a* 9y heart +lee$s 2or yo'.
)c* 9y heart +eats 2or yo'.
)+* 9y heart +rea,s 2or yo'.
)$* 9y heart h'rts 2or yo'.
Q9 9i,e? 4o' ,no# the +oss #ill +e angry #ith yo'.
Fane? .......
)a* I-m not caring.
)c* I care nothing.
)+* I-m not at all caring.
)$* I $on-t care.
Q10 9i,e? I #on$er i2 yo' co'l$ help me #ith this pro+lem.
Fane? .......
)a* 5ro+e me. )+* /ry me. )c* E%amine me. )$* 5ractise me.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 23
/esp+nses 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9i,e? -I 8'st can-t ma,e my min$ 'p. 1hat $o yo' thin,(-
Fane? -.......-
)a* 4o'-re 'p to it. )+* It-s 'p to yo'. )c* 4o'-re 'p 2or it. )$* 4o'-re 'p at it.
Q2 9i,e? -3ello. I #on$er i2 yo'-re intereste$ in ne# $o'+leGgla;ing.-
Fane? -.......-
)a* I-m really not intereste$.
)c* I-m not really interesting.
)+* I-m really interesting.
)$* I #asn-t really intereste$.
Q3 9i,e? -3e o22ere$ me a 50H $isco'nt. 1hat sho'l$ I $o(-
Fane? -.......-
)a* 3ol$ his han$ $o#n. )+* =ite his han$ $o#n. )c* 3ol$ yo'r han$ in. )$* =ite his han$ o22.
Q4 9i,e? -I nee$ some s'pport7 right no#.-
Fane? -.......-
)a* 1ell7 yo' can n'm+er me.
)c* 1ell7 yo' can co'nt on me.
)+* 1ell7 I-m yo'r n'm+er.
)$* 1ell7 yo' can a$$ on me.
Q5 9i,e? -/hey haen-t sent me the +ill 2or a year no#. 1hat #o'l$ yo' $o(-
Fane? -.......-
)a* I-$ simply 2orgot it.
)c* I-$ simply 2or+i$ it.
)+* I-$ simply 2orget it.
)$* I-$ simply 2orecast it.
Q6 9i,e? -&an yo' e%plain #hy she $i$ that(-
Fane? -.......-
)a* 3eaen alone #ill say.
)c* 3eaen alone spea,s.
)+* 3eaen only says.
)$* 3eaen only ,no#s.
Q7 9i,e? -6o yo' thin, he-ll +e the ne%t 5resi$ent(-
Fane? -.......-
)a* 4o'r g'ess is as goo$ as mine.
)c* 9y g'ess is #orse.
)+* 4o'r g'ess is +etter.
)$* 1e m'st g'ess har$er.
Q8 9i,e? -/hat-s the 16th 8o+ interie# I-e 2aile$. 1hat sho'l$ I $o(-
Fane? -.......-
)a* 6on-t gie oer. )+* 6on-t gie o't. )c* 6on-t gie 'p. )$* 6on-t gie on.
Q9 9i,e? -I-m ta,ing my $riing test tomorro#.-
Fane? -.......-
)a* Goo$ 2ort'ne. )+* Goo$ l'c,. )c* Goo$ o'tcome. )$* Goo$ s'ccess.
Q10 =oss? -"n$ this is o'r ne# employee.-
Fane? -.......-
)a* 3o# are yo' $oing( )+* 3o# $i$ yo' $o( )c* 3o# $o yo'( )$* 3o# $o yo' $o(
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 24
/esp+nses 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9i,e? -I co'l$ try another so'rce i2 yo' li,e.-
Fane? -.......-
)a* /here-s no point. )+* /here-s no en$. )c* /here-s no i$ea. )$* /here-s no angle.
Q2 9i,e? -I co'l$ gie yo' a li2t to the station.-
Fane? -.......-
)a* /here-s no reA'irement.
)c* /here-s no aim.
)+* /here-s no practicality.
)$* /here-s no nee$.
Q3 9i,e? -I s'ppose they might get the contract.-
Fane? -.......-
)a* /here-s little notice o2 that.
)c* /here-s little chance o2 that.
)+* /here-s little $ream o2 that.
)$* /here-s little tho'ght o2 that.
Q4 9i,e? -I2 the party #ins the ne%t +yGelection7 things might get +etter.-
Fane? -.......-
)a* /here-s no case o2 that.
)c* /here-s no promise o2 that.
)+* /here-s no chance o2 that.
)$* /here-s no concept o2 that.
Q5 9i,e? -1hat $o yo' thin, are the chances o2 2in$ing people still alie(-
Fane? -.......-
)a* /here-s little pict're7 really.
)c* /here-s little perception7 really.
)+* /here-s little imagination7 really.
)$* /here-s little hope7 really.
Q6 9i,e? -I hope I haen-t le2t it too late to apply.-
Fane? -.......-
)a* /here-s still opport'nity.
)c* /here-s still time.
)+* /here-s still try.
)$* /here-s yet time.
Q7 9i,e? -I #on$er #hat she-ll get 'p to ne%t.-
Fane? -.......-
)a* /here-s no 2in$ing.
)c* /here-s no g'essing.
)+* /here-s no ,no#ing.
)$* /here-s no seeing.
Q8 9i,e? -I #on$er i2 #e co'l$ call at the post o22ice 2irst.-
Fane? -.......-
)a* /here-s no time. )+* /here-s no eent. )c* /here-s no timing. )$* /here-s no series.
Q9 9i,e? -4o' 8'st can-t +eliee #hat they-ll thin, 'p ne%t7 can
yo'(- Fane? -.......-
)a* /here-s no +elieing.
)c* /here-s no saying.
)+* /here-s no cre$iting.
)$* /here-s no anno'ncing.
Q10 9i,e? -I 8'st thin, they-e #aste$ their time7 $on-t yo'(-
Fane? -.......-
)a* /here-s no a$mitting it.
)c* /here-s no $ecrying it.
)+* /here-s no assigning it.
)$* /here-s no $enying it.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 25
/esp+nses 748
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9i,e? -6o yo' ,no# #hat I $i$ last night(-
Fane? -.......-
)a* I shrin, to thin,. )+* I $on-t thin,. )c* I #ill not thin,. )$* I $o not thin,.
Q2 9i,e? -I +et yo' $on-t ,no# #hat happene$ at the party(-
Fane? -.......-
)a* I #ill not imagine. )+* I $o not imagine. )c* I m'st not imagine. )$* I can-t imagine.
Q3 9i,e? -6o yo' ,no# ho# m'ch the +ill has come to(-
Fane? -.......-
)a* I $are thin,.
)c* I $are to thin,.
)+* I $aren-t thin,.
)$* I #ill not $are to thin,.
Q4 9i,e? -G'ess ho# m'ch income ta% I pay.-
Fane? -.......-
)a* I haen-t a tho'ght.
)c* I haen-t a point.
)+* I haen-t a +elie2.
)$* I haen-t a cl'e.
Q5 9i,e? -/hen yo' a$$ the sA'are root an$ m'ltiply +y 677 $o yo' 2ollo#(-
Fane? -.......-
)a* Sorry7 it-s oer me.
)c* Sorry7 it-s +eyon$ me.
)+* Sorry7 it-s past me.
)$* Sorry7 it-s a2ter me.
Q6 9i,e? -6o yo' 'n$erstan$ #hat he-s on a+o't(-
Fane? -.......-
)a* :o7 it-s long a+oe my hea$.
)c* :o7 it-s ro'te a+oe my hea$.
)+* :o7 it-s roa$ a+oe my hea$.
)$* :o7 it-s #ay a+oe my hea$.
Q7 9i,e? -I ass'me yo'-re 2ollo#ing the arg'ment7 aren-t yo'.-
Fane? -.......-
)a* :o7 it-s all German to me.
)c* :o7 it-s all Spanish to me.
)+* :o7 it-s all Gree, to me.
)$* :o7 it-s all Batin to me.
Q8 9i,e? -It-s ama;ing #hen yo' learn #hat technology can $o7 isn-t it(-
Fane? -.......-
)a* /he min$ trem+les. )+* /he min$ #o++les. )c* /he min$ st'm+les. )$* /he min$ +oggles.
Q9 9i,e? -So #hat $o yo' thin, is the ans#er(-
Fane? -.......-
)a* :o i$ea. )+* :ot i$ea. )c* :egatie i$ea. )$* Small i$ea.
Q10 9i,e? -/hen yo' ta,e a#ay the 2irst n'm+er D are yo' #ith me(-
Fane? -.......-
)a* :o7 yo'-e thro#n me.
)c* :o7 yo'-e t'rne$ me.
)+* :o7 yo'-e hit me.
)$* :o7 yo'-e lost me.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 26
/esp+nses 758
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Fill? -I-m so con2'se$7 I $on-t ,no# #hat to $o.-
<ran,? -.......-
)a* /a,e it 2ree. )+* /a,e it easy. )c* /a,e it light. )$* /a,e it rela%e$.
Q2 Fill? -1hat shall I $o D I-m in a terri+le stateE-
<ran,? -.......-
)a* &alm on. )+* &alm 'p. )c* &alm along. )$* &alm $o#n.
Q3 Fill? -I-m a2rai$ I-e 8'st +ro,en the han$le.-
<ran,? -.......-
)a* 6on-t +roo$. )+* 6on-t annoy. )c* 6on-t #orry. )$* 6on-t anger.
Q4 Fill? -I hope no+o$y min$s i2 I leae early.-
<ran,? -.......-
)a* It-ll +e all right.
)c* It-ll +e all correct.
)+* It-ll +e all straight.
)$* It-ll +e all 2ine.
Q5 Fill? -It-s going to cost a lot o2 money to p't right7 I-m a2rai$.-
<ran,? -.......-
)a* It-s not the en$ o2 the $ay.
)c* It-s not the en$ o2 li2e.
)+* It-s not the en$ o2 the #orl$.
)$* It-s not the en$ o2 eerything.
Q6 Fill? -I $o hope they ma,e it tonight D it-s ery late yo' ,no#.-
<ran,? -.......-
)a* /hey-re tie$ to come.
)c* /hey-re 2orce$ to come.
)+* /hey-re $estine$ to come.
)$* /hey-re +o'n$ to come.
Q7 Fill? -I $on-t thin, I can stan$ m'ch more o2 this.-
<ran,? -.......-
)a* /he #orst is +y.
)c* /he #orst is oer.
)+* /he #orst is thro'gh.
)$* /he #orst is gone.
Q8 Fill? -1hat-s yo'r ie# o2 #hat-s coming ne%t(-
<ran,? -.......-
)a* /hings can only gro# +etter.
)c* /hings can only sho# +etter.
)+* /hings can only get +etter.
)$* /hings can only appear +etter.
Q9 Fill? -I-e lost eerything my 8o+7 my ho'se7 my money D #hat sho'l$ I $o(-
<ran,? -.......-
)a* &o'nt yo'r +lessings.
)c* &o'nt yo'r assets.
)+* &o'nt yo'r +ene2its.
)$* &o'nt yo'r possessions.
Q10 Fill? -I-m ery $epresse$ at the moment7 sorry.-
<ran,? -.......-
)a* <ace 'p. )+* &hee, 'p. )c* :ose 'p. )$* &hin 'p.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 27
/esp+nses 768
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Fohn? -/han, yo' so m'ch.-
S'e? -.......-
)a* :o pro+lem. )+* "ny pro+lem. )c* " pro+lem. )$* Some pro+lem.
Q2 Fohn? -I am most grate2'l.-
S'e? -.......-
)a* 4o' are #elcoming. )+* 4o' #elcome. )c* 4o'-re #elcome. )$* 4o' are #elcome$.
Q3 Fohn? -/han, yo' ery m'ch 2or helping me.-
S'e? -.......-
)a* 4o' $on-t mention it.
)c* 4o' mention it.
)+* :o mention o2 it.
)$* 6on-t mention it.
Q4 Fohn? -/hat #as ery tho'ght2'l o2 yo' to $o that.-
S'e? -.......-
)a* <orget2'l. )+* <orget it. )c* I-e 2orgotten. )$* 6on-t 2orget it.
Q5 Fohn? -I really appreciate yo'r ,in$ness this last #ee,.-
S'e? -.......-
)a* It please$ me. )+* It #as pleasing. )c* It #as my pleas're. )$* It #as pleasant.
Q6 Fohn? -I m'st say yo' really helpe$ 's o't #hen #e lost those passports.-
S'e? -.......
)a* It #as the least I co'l$ $o.
)c* I co'l$n-t $o less.
)+* I co'l$n-t $o more.
)$* I co'l$n-t $o least.
Q7 Fohn? -4o'r a$ice this morning #as m'ch appreciate$.-
S'e? -.......-
)a* "ll to $o #ith serice.
)c* "ll the section o2 the serice.
)+* "ll part o2 the serice.
)$* /he #hole o2 the serice.
Q8 Fohn? -1e-$ li,e to gie yo' this small present to sho# o'r gratit'$e.-
S'e? -.......-
)a* It-s really not nee$e$.
)c* It-s really not $eman$e$.
)+* It-s really not #ante$.
)$* It-s really not necessary.
Q9 Fohn? -=y the #ay7 I-e pai$ the ta%i $rier.-
S'e? -.......-
)a* 4o' m'stn-t hae. )+* 4o' co'l$n-t hae. )c* 4o' sho'l$n-t hae. )$* 4o' can-t hae.
Q10 Fohn? -"n$ as a special than, yo' 2or all yo'-e $one7 #e-re treating yo' to a meal o't.-
S'e? -.......-
)a* 4o'-re ery st'pi$.
)c* 4o'-re really horri+le.
)+* 4o'-re really na'ghty.
)$* 4o'-re really #ic,e$.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 28
/esp+nses 778
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Fill? -I got that 8o+ een tho'gh yo' $i$n-t thin, I stoo$ a chance.-
<ran,? -.......-
)a* 4o' al#ays $i$E )+* 4o' neer $i$E )c* 4o' sometimes $i$E )$* 4o' o2ten $i$E
Q2 Fill? -I ha$ some goo$ ne#s to$ay D I-e #on the lottery.-
<ran,? -.......-
)a* 1ell I neerE
)c* 1ell I 2reA'entlyE
)+* 1ell I rarelyE
)$* 1ell I occasionallyE
Q3 Fill? -1e-e collecte$ tho'san$s o2 po'n$s this #ee, 2or charity.-
<ran,? -.......-
)a* Goo$ness yo'E )+* Goo$ness themE )c* Goo$ness 'sE )$* Goo$ness meE
Q4 Fill? -She came top in the e%am gra$es this s'mmer.-
<ran,? -.......-
)a* 1ell ma$e. )+* 1ell hel$. )c* 1ell got. )$* 1ell $one.
Q5 Fill? -"2ter all that e22ort #e $i$n-t manage to sell a single one.-
<ran,? -.......-
)a* 1hat a lossE )+* 1hat a shameE )c* 1hat a 8o+E )$* 1hat a crimeE
Q6 <ran,? -4o' ,no# I p't money in that company D #ell it-s gone +an,r'pt.-
Fill? -.......-
)a* Sti22 l'c,E )+* Soli$ l'c,E )c* 3ar$ l'c,E )$* /hic, l'c,E
Q7 Fill? -I-e #aite$ 3 ho'rs 2or a +'s no#.-
<ran,? -.......-
)a* 1hat a +oreE )+* 1hat a +oarE )c* 1hat +oresE )$* 1hat +oarsE
Q8 Fill? -Boo, at all the #or, I-e $one7 aren-t yo' impresse$(-
<ran,? -.......-
)a* I am ama;ingE )+* I am ama;e$E )c* I ama;eE )$* I am +eing ama;e$E
Q9 <ran,? -I hear that the Goernment is going to a+olish income ta%.-
Fill? -.......-
)a* /hat is the $ayE
)c* /hat may +e the $ayE
)+* /hat co'l$ +e the $ayE
)$* /hat-ll +e the $ayE
Q10 <ran,? -/hey say that all this r'++ish is going to +e ta,en a#ay tomorro#.-
Fill? -.......-
)a* I +eliee #hen I see it.
)c* I-ll +eliee it #hen I see it.
)+* I-ll +eliee it #hen seen.
)$* I see it #hen I +eliee.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 29
Q$esti+n Tags 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 4o' sai$ yo' #o'l$ .......
)a* #o'l$ yo'( )+* $i$ yo'( )c* ha$ yo'( )$* $i$n-t yo'(
Q2 She-s $e2initely not coming .......
)a* #ill she( )+* isn-t she( )c* is she( )$* can she(
Q3 It $ries yo' ma$ .......
)a* is it( )+* $oes it( )c* $oesn-t it( )$* #on-t it(
Q4 It #on-t h'rt .......
)a* $oes it( )+* #ill it( )c* can it( )$* $i$ it(
Q5 I thin, yo' o'ght to go .......
)a* o'ght yo'( )+* $o I( )c* $on-t yo'( )$* $o yo'(
Q6 4o' m'st go .......
)a* m'stn-t yo'( )+* hae yo'( )c* ha$ yo'( )$* m'st I(
Q7 It happene$ yester$ay .......
)a* ha$ it( )+* has it( )c* $i$n-t it( )$* $i$ it(
Q8 She-s al#ays late .......
)a* is it( )+* isn-t she( )c* isn-t it( )$* #as she(
Q9 /hey-re selling their ho'se .......
)a* #ill they( )+* haen-t they( )c* aren-t they( )$* hae they(
Q10 :oGone 'n$erstoo$ that #or$ .......
)a* $oes he( )+* $i$ yo'( )c* $i$n-t they( )$* $i$ they(
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 30
Q$esti+n Tags 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Sarah? -I #ant yo' to gie me some more money.-
5a'l? -.......-
)a* Ch yo' #ant7 $o yo'(
)c* Ch yo' $o7 $o yo'(
)+* Ch yo'-$ li,e7 #o'l$ yo'(
)$* Ch yo' gie7 $o yo'(
Q2 Sarah? -4o'-re +eing ery r'$eE-
5a'l? -.......-
)a* Ch I hae7 hae I( )+* I am7 yo' thin,( )c* Ch I am7 am I( )$* Ch it is7 is it(
Q3 Sarah? -I-e torn 'p yo'r home#or, essayE-
5a'l? -.......-
)a* /hat-ll +e nice7 #ill it(
)c* /hat #o'l$ +e nice7 #o'l$n-t it(
)+* /hat-s nice7 is it(
)$* /hat-s nice7 isn-t it(
Q4 Sarah? -I can-t ta,e any more.-
5a'l? -.......-
)a* Ch yo' can7 can yo'(
)c* Ch7 yo' can-t7 can yo'(
)+* Ch yo' co'l$7 co'l$ yo'(
)$* Ch yo' co'l$7 co'l$ yo'(
Q5 Sarah? -She hates the sight o2 him.-
5a'l? -.......-
)a* She $i$7 $i$ she(
)c* She hates7 $oes she(
)+* She $oes7 $oes she(
)$* She $oesn-t hate7 $oes she(
Q6 Sarah? -I #o'l$ pre2er to go +y air.-
5a'l? -.......-
)a* Ch yo' #o'l$7 #o'l$ yo'(
)c* Ch yo' pre2er7 $on-t yo'(
)+* Ch yo' $i$7 $i$ yo'(
)$* Ch7 yo' #o'l$n-t #ill yo'(
Q7 Sarah? -I #on-t listen to yo' any more.-
5a'l? -.......-
)a* So yo' #ill7 #ill yo'(
)c* So yo' #on-t7 #ill yo'(
)+* So yo' $on-t7 $o yo'(
)$* So yo' $o7 $on-t yo'(
Q8 5a'l? -I spent tho'san$s on that car.-
Sarah? -.......-
)a* Ch7 yo' hae7 hae yo'(
)c* Ch yo' $o7 $o yo'(
)+* Ch yo' $i$7 $i$ yo'(
)$* Ch yo' $o7 $on-t yo'(
Q9 Sarah? -4o' m'stn-t eat #ith yo'r mo'th 2'll.-
5a'l? -.......-
)a* Ch I m'st7 m'st I(
)c* Ch I hae to7 hae I(
)+* Ch I can-t7 can I(
)$* Ch I m'stn-t7 m'st I(
Q10 Sarah? -/hat-s not allo#e$ yo' ,no#.-
5a'l? -.......-
)a* Ch yo' $o7 $on-t yo'(
)c* Ch it isn-t7 is it(
)+* Ch it is7 isn-t it(
)$* Ch it #on-t7 #ill it(
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 31
Q$esti+n Tags 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 4o'-$ rather I ,ept A'iet a+o't it7 .......(
)a* $i$ yo' )+* ha$ yo' )c* #o'l$n-t yo' )$* $o yo'
Q2 3e 'se$ to #or, in the city7 .......(
)a* ha$ he )+* $oes he )c* has he )$* $i$n-t he
Q3 3e has his l'nch at the o22ice7 .......(
)a* ha$ he )+* $i$ he )c* ha$n-t he )$* $oesn-t he
Q4 In that case he-ll hae to loo, 2or a ne# 8o+7 .......(
)a* shall he )+* #on-t he )c* isn-t he )$* $oes he
Q5 4o' #o'l$n-t #ant me to $o that7 .......(
)a* #o'l$ yo' )+* #ill yo' )c* $i$ yo' )$* $o yo'
Q6 3e really $i$n-t nee$ to spea, to me li,e that7 .......(
)a* $oes he )+* has he )c* #ill he )$* $i$ he
Q7 &ome +ac, in the morning7 .......(
)a* $o yo' )+* hae yo' )c* #ill yo' )$* $on-t yo'
Q8 4o' li,e mil, in yo'r tea7 .......(
)a* can yo' )+* hae yo' )c* $on-t yo' )$* $i$ yo'
Q9 4o' are 8'st the sort o2 person #ho #o'l$ say that7 .......(
)a* #o'l$ yo' )+* #o'l$n-t yo' )c* $on-t yo' )$* aren-t yo'
Q10 4o' sho'l$n-t hae $one that7 .......(
(a) could you (b) should you (c) couldn't you (d) didn't you
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 32
6-9e"t 0r+n+$n
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 So $i$ yo' gie the +oo, to .......(
)a* his )+* him )c* he
Q2 C2 co'rse I $i$. I gae ....... +ac, on
)a* them
)+* its )c* it
Q3 1ell7 he says that he $oesn-t tr'st ........
)a* yo'rs )+* yo' )c* them
Q4 3e $oesn-t tr'st .......(
)a* I )+* it )c* me
Q5 /hat-s e%actly #hat he sai$ a+o't ........
)a* yo' )+* yo'rs )c* me
Q6 I 2in$ that $i22ic'lt to +eliee. 6o yo' tr'st .......(
)a* his )+* me )c* my
Q7 1ell yo' an$ yo'r #i2e hae +orro#e$ things sometimes an$ not gien ....... +ac,.
)a* they )+* theirs )c* them
Q8 1ell I thin, yo'-re +eing ery 'n2air to ........
)a* o'r )+* 's )c* o'rs
Q9 In that case 8'st loo, at the ta+le an$ tell ....... #hat yo' see.
)a* my )+* I )c* me
Q10 Ch $ear7 I can see ........ /hat m'st +e the +oo, I haen-t gien +ac,.
)a* them )+* it )c* him
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 33
/elati!e 0r+n+$n E:er"ises
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 ....... $oes that car +elong to(
)a* 1ho )+* 1hich )c* 1hose
Q2 E%c'se me +'t sho'l$n-t yo' say to ....... $oes that car +elong(
)a* #hich )+* that )c* #hom
Q3 /hat-s another #ay o2 saying it. I-m tal,ing a+o't the car ....... par,e$ oer there.
)a* #ho-s )+* that-s )c* #ho
Q4 ....... $o yo' thin, #o'l$ hae a car li,e that(
)a* 1hom )+* /hat )c* 1ho
Q5 1ell7 I sho'l$ say someone 2or ....... money is no o+8ect.
)a* #hom )+* #ho )c* that
Q6 /he car to ....... yo' are re2erring happens to +e mineE
)a* that )+* #hom )c* #hich
Q7 /hat-s interesting. 1e are tal,ing a+o't the car ....... has a re$ roo2.
)a* that )+* #ho )c* that-s
Q8 4es7 it-s the +est car ....... I-e eer ha$. 1hy $o yo' as,(
)a* #hich )+* that )c* #ho
Q9 1ell7 I thin, yo' o'ght to spea, to that man ....... stan$ing #ith a note+oo, in 2ront o2 the car.
)a* #hich )+* #hom )c* #ho-s
Q10 Ch noE It-s a tra22ic #ar$en p'tting a par,ing tic,et on my car an$ I haen-t any money to pay the 2ine ....... I-ll
hae to pay.
)a* #hose )+* #hich )c* #ho
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 34
/e#le:i!e 0r+n+$ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Cnce there #as a yo'ng man #ho calle$ ....... Icar's.
)a* mysel2 )+* himsel2 )c* hersel2
Q2 3is 2ather al#ays #ante$ his chil$ren to loo, a2ter ....... an$ $o #hat they #ante$.
)a* themseles )+* o'rseles )c* hersel2
Q3 /he tro'+le #as that Icar's al#ays #ante$ to p't ....... into $anger.
)a* hersel2 )+* itsel2 )c* himsel2
Q4 3is 2ather sai$ again an$ again i2 #e $on-t ta,e care7 #e-$ h'rt ........
)a* themseles )+* yo'rseles )c* o'rseles
Q5 Icar's shoc,e$ his 2ather #ith an i$ea that he #as going to try o't on ........
)a* himsel2 )+* themseles )c* hersel2
Q6 3e ha$ #atche$ +ir$s 2ly +y thro#ing ....... into the air.
)a* yo'rseles )+* themseles )c* o'rseles
Q7 3is sister sai$ she #o'l$ li,e to p'sh ....... into the air an$ 2ly +'t she #as too 2rightene$.
)a* itsel2 )+* himsel2 )c* hersel2
Q8 Icar's sai$ he #o'l$ try an$ he promise$ his 2ather? I #ill not in8're ........
)a* yo'rsel2 )+* mysel2 )c* o'rseles
Q9 /he last #or$s his 2ather sai$ +e2ore Icar's le2t #ere? Boo, a2ter ........
)a* yo'rsel2 )+* himsel2 )c* mysel2
Q10 In2ort'nately Icar's #ent too near the s'n an$ the #a% on his #ings melte$ an$ the 2eathers #or,e$ ....... 2ree
an$ he 2ell on the gro'n$ an$ $ie$.
)a* itsel2 )+* yo'rseles )c* themseles
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 35
)asi" 3meri"an English
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "nna is ........
)a* teacher )+* teachers )c* a teacher )$* one teacher
Q2 ....... +oss sai$ that yo' #or, har$.
)a* 4o'r )+* 4o'rs )c* 4o'-re )$* 4o'
Q3 Eery #ee, I #or, 2ie $ays an$ I get t#o $ays ........
)a* a2ter )+* o22 )c* not )$* no
Q4 I ....... a 8o+ at the +an,.
)a* got )+* get )c* ta,e )$* li,e
Q5 6o yo' pre2er 9icroso2t ....... 9acintosh comp'ters(
)a* 2rom )+* or )c* +'t )$* o2
Q6 6o yo' hae ....... chil$ren(
)a* m'ch )+* ery )c* any )$* all
Q7 3is ....... #ill not #rite. It is o't o2 in,.
)a* pencil )+* 2rien$ )c* teleision )$* pen
Q8 1ho #on the soccer .......(
)a* sport )+* gain )c* game )$* thro#
Q9 4o'r ....... +rea, is 2rom noon to 1 pm.
)a* s'pper )+* +rea,2ast )c* $inner )$* l'nch
Q10 /he police all ....... 'ni2orms.
)a* #ear )+* eat )c* 'se )$* sae
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 36
)asi" English Grammar
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he pencils an$ paper ....... on yo'r $es,.
)a* to +e )+* is )c* are )$* +e
Q2 ....... $o yo' li,e to $o on the #ee,en$s(
)a* 3o# )+* 1hat )c* 1ho )$* 1here
Q3 9y sister is ....... home to$ay.
)a* at )+* in )c* the )$* on
Q4 ....... am an engineer.
)a* 4o' )+* 3e )c* 1e )$* I
Q5 /he +athroom is ....... to the 2ront $oor.
)a* ne%t )+* 2ar )c* opposite )$* a#ay
Q6 3e al#ays #or,s ....... har$.
)a* m'ch )+* ery )c* great )$* A'ietly
Q7 6o yo' ....... time to go to the store 2or me(
)a* li,e )+* go )c* hae )$* gie
Q8 She is ....... athlete.
)a* goo$ )+* #ell )c* a )$* an
Q9 /here are 12 ....... in a year.
)a* $ays )+* #ee,s )c* months )$* ho'rs
Q10 6riing to #or, in a car is m'ch ....... than ri$ing a +icycle.
)a* 2aster )+* 2ast )c* 2astest )$* more 2aster
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 37
)asi" 2eather E:pressi+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 4ester$ay ....... #as ery s'nny o'tsi$e.
)a* he )+* it )c* she )$* they
Q2 She ....... to s#im #hen it is hot.
)a* loes )+* loe )c* loe$ )$* loing
Q3 In some co'ntries it neer ........
)a* sno# )+* sno#ing )c* ha$ sno#e$ )$* sno#s
Q4 6o yo' li,e hot #eather ....... not(
)a* +'t )+* or )c* +eca'se )$* so
Q5 I li,e it ....... it rains.
)a* #hen )+* #ho )c* #hy )$* #hom
Q6 3ae yo' ....... ma$e a sno#man(
)a* 2oreer )+* al#ays )c* eer )$* eery
Q7 /he s,y is ....... clo'$y to$ay.
)a* m'ch )+* ery )c* many )$* a lot
Q8 It loo,s ....... a storm is coming.
)a* as )+* that )c* li,e )$* o2
Q9 I am #et ....... my 'm+rella +ro,e.
)a* +eca'se )+* or )c* i2 )$* so
Q10 Ba'ra #ears gloes ....... her han$s #ill stay #arm.
)a* or )+* that )c* #hy )$* so
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 38
)asi" English E:pressi+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9y $es, is a .......7 I sho'l$ clean it.
)a* messy )+* slo+ )c* mess )$* sloppy
Q2 0alerie spille$ #ater ....... my paper#or,.
)a* in )+* on )c* at )$* across
Q3 1ill yo' please ta,e ....... the trash(
)a* o't )+* oer )c* 2rom )$* o2
Q4 I li,e pencils ....... than pens.
)a* +est )+* the +est )c* +etter )$* more goo$
Q5 9y ol$ 8o+ #as ....... than this one.
)a* more easier )+* easiest )c* most easy )$* easier
Q6 /om #or,s the ....... o2 anyone.
)a* har$est )+* har$er )c* most har$ )$* more har$er
Q7 /his is the ....... assignment
)a* $i22ic'lt
I hae eer ha$.
)+* more $i22ic'lt )c* most $i22ic'lt )$* $i22'ltest
Q8 9y +oss is ery ........
)a* nicer )+* nice )c* nicest )$* m'ch nice
Q9 6o yo' #al, ....... ta,e the +'s to #or,(
)a* +eca'se )+* 2rom )c* +'t )$* or
Q10 /he 8anitor cleans the o22ice ....... night.
)a* total )+* all o2 )c* eery )$* ery
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 39
Elementary English Grammar
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 She li,es ....... r'nning.
)a* go )+* to go )c* gone )$* goes
Q2 Fohn ....... his +icycle eery
)a* ri$e
)+* ri$$en )c* ri$es )$* to ri$e
Q3 I ....... to school eery $ay.
)a* #al, )+* #al,s )c* #al,ing )$* to #al,
Q4 ....... play g'itar all the time.
)a* She )+* 3e )c* Is )$* /hey
Q5 6o yo' li,e .......(
)a* $ance )+* o2 $ance )c* to $ance )$* $ance$
Q6 1hen I #as a chil$ I ....... to clim+ trees.
)a* li,e$ )+* #o'l$ li,e )c* #as li,ing )$* li,e
Q7 It is a goo$ i$ea ....... eery $ay.
)a* to e%ercise )+* e%ercise )c* e%ercising )$* e%ercises
Q8 1e #ent ....... eery $ay in o'r neigh+ors- s#imming pool.
)a* s#im )+* s#am )c* ha$ s#am )$* s#imming
Q9 /here ....... a race ne%t #ee,.
)a* to +e )+* #as )c* #ill +e )$* are
Q10 Soccer ....... no# a pop'lar sport in most co'ntries.
)a* #as )+* has +een )c* am )$* is
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 40
Q$esti+n 2+rds
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 ....... one o2 yo' is coming to my ho'se later(
)a* 1ho )+* 1hich )c* 1hy )$* 3o#
Q2 ....... are yo' going to get home 2rom #or,(
)a* 1hich )+* 1ho )c* 3o# )$* 1hat
Q3 ....... is that g'y tal,ing to yo'r sister(
)a* 1hich )+* 1hose )c* 1ho )$* 1hom
Q4 She #ants to ,no# ....... yo' li,e yo'r co22ee.
)a* ho# )+* #hat )c* #hich )$* #ho
Q5 Bet me ,no# ....... yo' hear 2rom yo'r mother.
)a* #ho )+* #hich )c* #hose )$* #hen
Q6 ....... #o'l$ yo' li,e on yo'r
)a* 3o#
)+* 1hat )c* 1hen )$* 1hich
Q7 ....... $og is that(
)a* 1ho )+* 1hen )c* 1hose )$* 1here
Q8 /his is ....... I #ant to +e #hen I gro# 'p.
)a* #hy )+* #hen )c* #hich )$* #hat
Q9 9y mother is the one ....... sings on /0 eery morning.
)a* #hom )+* #hich )c* #ho )$* #hose
Q10 ....... shoes are those(
)a* 1hy )+* 1hose )c* 1hom )$* 1ho
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 41
1+mm+n 0rep+siti+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I lie in the +ig ho'se ....... the corner.
)a* on )+* in )c* o2 )$* to
Q2 9y son goes ....... English classes 5 $ays a #ee,.
)a* #ith )+* +y )c* to )$* 2rom
Q3 9y 2rien$ "nna lies ....... Englan$.
)a* 2rom )+* at )c* on )$* in
Q4 /he mil, goes ....... the re2rigerator.
)a* on )+* in )c* o2 )$* at
Q5 1ill yo' come ....... me to the store(
)a* #ith )+* along )c* to )$* +y
Q6 9y car #ill not start +eca'se it is ....... gas.
)a* 2'll o2 )+* o't #ith )c* o't o2 )$* #ith no
Q7 5lease p't the plates ....... the ta+le.
)a* oer )+* 2or )c* to )$* on
Q8 I li,e to eat ice cream ....... chocolate sa'ce on top.
)a* at )+* #ith )c* in )$* to
Q9 1ere yo' ....... ch'rch yester$ay(
)a* at )+* to )c* on )$* 2or
Q10 I am ....... #or, right no#.
)a* #ith )+* at )c* o2 )$* on
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 42
*+dal ,er- Q$esti+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 ....... yo' please +ring me my note+oo,(
)a* 1ill )+* 9ay )c* 6o )$* Sho'l$
Q2 ....... yo' please +ring me my note+oo,(
)a* 6i$ )+* 1o'l$ )c* 3ae )$* 9ight
Q3 ....... yo' please +ring me my note+oo,(
)a* Sho'l$ )+* 6o )c* &an )$* 3aen-t
Q4 ....... yo' please +ring me my note+oo,(
)a* Shall )+* &o'l$ )c* 9ay )$* 9'st
Q5 ....... yo' #ant some #ater(
)a* &an )+* 3ae )c* 9ay )$* 6o
Q6 ....... yo' li,e some #ater(
)a* &an )+* 9ay )c* 1o'l$ )$* 6o
Q7 ....... I ri$e #ith yo' to #or,(
)a* 1o'l$ )+* &an )c* Bet )$* 3ae
Q8 ....... I ri$e #ith yo' to #or,(
)a* 6oes )+* 3aen-t )c* "llo# )$* 9ay
Q9 ....... I co'l$ ri$e #ith yo' to #or,(
)a* Is there any #ay
)c* 9ight there some #ay
)+* "in-t there no #ay
)$* "ren-t there some #ays
Q10 ....... I ri$e #ith yo' to #or,(
(a) Will you mind if (b) Could you mind if (c) Would you mind if (d) Can you mind if
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 43
Elementary Grammar Q$esti+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 <lo#ers ....... goo$.
)a* stin, )+* 2eel )c* smell )$* #atch
Q2 9y ....... colo'r is green.
)a* pre2erre$ )+* li,e )c* most li,e$ )$* 2ao'rite
Q3 9y mom is ....... "2rica.
)a* o2 )+* 2rom )c* to )$* o't
Q4 /here are 7 ,i$s ....... my 2amily.
)a* to )+* in )c* o2 )$* at
Q5 ....... o2 my parents lie in the Inite$ States o2 "merica.
)a* Bots )+* /he t#o )c* "ll )$* =oth
Q6 ....... 4 o2 my gran$parents are still alie.
)a* =oth )+* :one )c* "ll )$* 9any
Q7 ....... yo' leae my shoes o'tsi$e last night(
)a* 6i$ )+* 6o )c* 1ill )$* 1o'l$
Q8 I really li,e ....... spaghetti.
)a* o2 eat )+* to eat )c* eat )$* ate
Q9 ....... $rie me home later(
)a* 6o yo' thin, yo' can
)c* 6i$
)+* 4o' can
)$* Is possi+le
Q10 It is a r'le? i2 yo' ri$e in my car yo' ....... #ear yo'r seat+elt.
)a* may )+* might )c* can )$* hae to
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 44
English Grammar E:er"ise
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 C'r co'ch is ....... so2t.
)a* ery )+* m'ch )c* lots )$* tons
Q2 C'r ho'se ....... 3 +e$rooms.
)a* is o2 )+* is #ith )c* has )$* hae
Q3 6oes yo'r $og lie insi$e ....... o'tsi$e(
)a* +'t )+* +eca'se )c* tho'gh )$* or
Q4 6oes yo'r ....... hae a $ish#asher(
)a* liing room )+* +athroom )c* $ining room )$* ,itchen
Q5 "ll o2 the #alls are ....... #hite.
)a* paint )+* painte$ )c* to paint )$* painting
Q6 /here is a r'g ....... the 2loor
)a* in
in the liing room.
)+* 'n$er )c* on )$* ne%t to
Q7 /he ....... gets 6 channels.
)a* cat )+* tree )c* teleision )$* micro#ae
Q8 C'r ta+le is ....... 2or 8 people.
)a* +ig )+* eno'gh +ig )c* a lot +ig )$* +ig eno'gh
Q9 6o yo' loc, the 2ront $oor ....... night(
)a* 2or )+* at )c* on )$* 2rom
Q10 I #ill ....... the clothes a2ter yo' 2ol$ them.
)a* p't 'p )+* p't ne%t )c* p't 'n$er )$* in p't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 45
*$"h; many; a l+t; l+ts
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3o# ....... people are coming(
)a* lots )+* m'ch )c* a lot )$* many
Q2 3o# ....... $oes the +oo, cost(
)a* m'ch )+* many )c* lots )$* a lot
Q3 6o yo' nee$ ....... mil, 2or this recipe(
)a* many )+* +ig )c* m'ch )$* m'ch o2
Q4 I nee$ to practice piano ....... +e2ore the concert.
)a* m'ch )+* ery )c* many )$* a lot
Q5 I hae ....... o2 home#or, to $o +e2ore tomorro#.
)a* a ton )+* a tan )c* a million )$* a m'ch
Q6 3o# ....... #ater $o yo'
)a* many
$rin, eery $ay(
)+* m'ch )c* lots o2 )$* ery
Q7 4o' are ....... smart.
)a* m'ch )+* many )c* ery )$* lots
Q8 I hae ....... o2 2rien$s.
)a* m'ch )+* ery )c* lots )$* many
Q9 4o' are a ....... honest person.
)a* ton )+* ery )c* many )$* m'ch
Q10 6o yo' hae ....... ants in yo'r ho'se(
)a* m'ch )+* many )c* a lot )$* ery
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 46
Elementary 3d9e"ti!es
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I2 I am not right I am ........
)a* #rong )+* certain )c* correct )$* 'nGright
Q2 I2 yo' are not taller yo' are ........
)a* the short )+* shorter )c* shortest )$* short
Q3 /he car is not .......7 it is slo#.
)a* spee$ )+* 'nh'rrie$ )c* 2ast )$* po#er2'l
Q4 /o$ay it is not hot7 it is ........
)a* col$ )+* 'nGhot )c* hotter )$* col$er
Q5 I2 I am not #ea, I am ........
)a* #ea,er )+* pretty )c* +right )$* strong
Q6 I $o not get 'p .......7 I get 'p early.
)a* night )+* $ay )c* late )$* 2irst
Q7 3e is the heaiest an$ I am the ........
)a* lightest )+* lighter )c* light )$* heaier
Q8 1hat goes 'p m'st come ........
)a* oer )+* $o#n )c* nice )$* le2t
Q9 "t the stop sign $o not t'rn right7 t'rn ........
)a* light )+* #rong )c* straight )$* le2t
Q10 9y mom-s hair is not straight7 it is ........
)a* long )+* short )c* c'rly )$* grey
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 47
1hit 1hat< 3t the -$s st+p
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9i,e? 1here are yo' ....... to$ay(
)a* go )+* gone )c* going )$* goes
Q2 Bin$a? I really #ant to go ........
)a* shops )+* shopping )c* shop )$* shoppe$
Q3 9i,e? 1hat-s ....... #ith the shops here(
)a* #rong )+* incorrect )c* 2alse )$* 2'nny
Q4 Bin$a? :othing really +'t there is more ....... in the to#n.
)a* choosing )+* choose )c* chosen )$* choice
Q5 9i,e? /hat-s tr'e +'t yo' hae to ....... a long time 2or a +'s.
)a* atten$ )+* e%pect )c* #ait )$* a#ait
Q6 Bin$a? 4es7 I ....... #aiting 2or 30 min'tes alrea$y.
)a* #ill +e )+* hae +een )c* #as )$* am
Q7 9i,e? /hen it-s 8'st ....... #ell it-s not raining.
)a* as )+* more )c* m'ch )$* than
Q8 Bin$a? I $on-t li,e the ....... o2 that $ar, clo'$ oer there.
)a* sight )+* loo, )c* ision )$* sign
Q9 9i,e? Ch $ear. "re yo' going to #ait any ........
)a* A'ic,er )+* slo#er )c* 2ormer )$* longer
Q10 Bin$a? :o. I-e 8'st ....... it-s S'n$ay an$ there are no +'ses to$ay.
)a* 'n$erstoo$ )+* 2ollo#e$ )c* realise$ )$* +eliee$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 48
1hit 1hat< Talking a-+$t the +"t+r
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9i,e? 3aen-t seen yo' 2or ........
)a* cent'ries )+* ages )c* perio$s )$* times
Q2 Bin$a? :o7 I-e +een ....... a lot o2 pain the last 2e# months.
)a* oer )+* o22 )c* across )$* in
Q3 9i,e? I-m sorry to hear that. /ell me ....... it.
)a* thro'gh )+* o2 )c* a+o't )$* #ith
Q4 Bin$a? It-s a#2'l really. "t the ....... it-s in my ,nee.
)a* moment )+* secon$ )c* occasion )$* ho'r
Q5 9i,e? /hat can ....... #al,ing ery $i22ic'lt.
)a* $o )+* ma,e )c* ca'se )$* gie
Q6 Bin$a? /hen ....... the pain in my +ac,.
)a* there are )+* there #ill +e )c* there sho'l$ +e )$* there-s
Q7 9i,e? I ,no# #hat that-s ........
)a* same )+* as )c* similar )$* li,e
Q8 Bin$a? C2 ....... I m'stn-t 2orget the pains in my 2eet.
)a* #ay )+* co'rse )c* path )$* lane
Q9 9i,e? S'$$enly I-m ....... m'ch +etter. I #on-t see the $octor to$ay. Goo$ +ye.
)a* going )+* trying )c* 2eeling )$* ma,ing
Q10 Bin$a? ='t yo' can-t go ....... I haen-t $escri+e$ my other pains.
)a* still )+* again )c* till )$* yet
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 49
1hit 1hat< 4n the 3er+plane
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Bin$a? 3ae yo' eer ....... +e2ore( Cnly it-s my 2irst time in a plane an$ I-m a little nero's.
)a* 2le$ )+* 2lo#n )c* 2lo#e$ )$* 2lying
Q2 9i,e? 4es7 lots o2 times. /here-s no nee$ to ....... a+o't it.
)a* #orry )+* thin, )c* pon$er )$* +roo$
Q3 Bin$a? /hat-s easy 2or yo' to ....... +'t I 2eel ery an%io's.
)a* $ictate )+* spea, )c* call )$* say
Q4 9i,e? "ll yo' hae to $o is ta,e it ....... an$ rela%.
)a* +ac, )+* cool )c* easy )$* straight
Q5 Bin$a? I ha$ a ....... $rin,s +e2ore I came on +oar$ an$ that hasn-t helpe$.
)a* lot )+* 2e# )c* little )$* many
Q6 9i,e? :eer ....... I-m s're yo'-ll +e all right an$ anyho# #e-re starting to moe no#.
)a* min$ )+* care )c* o+8ect )$* $eny
Q7 Bin$a? 4es7 yo'-re right. It-s as ....... eerything on the plane is sha,ing.
)a* #hen )+* li,e )c* +'t )$* i2
Q8 9i,e? /hat means that the engines are #arming ........ It #on-t +e long no#.
)a* o22 )+* 'p )c* oer )$* in
Q9 Bin$a? Ch yes. I $on-t ,no# #hy I #as so ....... I thin, 2lying is greatE
)a* nero's )+* terri+le )c* a#2'l )$* nering
Q10 9i,e? 6on-t get too e%cite$E 1e-re still on the r'n#ay an$ haen-t ta,en ....... yet.
)a* thro'gh )+* +y )c* o22 )$* in
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 50
1hit 1hat< 3t the p$-
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 &harles? I $on-t thin, I-e ....... yo' +e2ore in this p'+.
)a* see )+* seen )c* seeing )$* sa#
Q2 6e+orah? :o7 this is my 2irst ........
)a* stay )+* enco'nter )c* meeting )$* isit
Q3 &harles? "n$ I see yo'-e ....... yo'r little $og #ith yo'.
)a* +rining )+* +rings )c* +ro'ght )$* +o'ght
Q4 6e+orah? 4es7 he goes ....... #ith me.
)a* eery#here )+* all oer )c* some#here )$* no#here
Q5 &harles? It-s ery goo$ the #ay he sits at the ta+le an$ eats his ....... #ith a ,ni2e an$ 2or,.
)a* s'+stance )+* content )c* s'stenance )$* 2oo$
Q6 6e+orah? Ch yes. 3e-s ery goo$. "t home #hen he-s ....... eating7 he goes into the ,itchen an$ #ashes 'p his
)a* 2inishe$ )+* en$e$ )c* en$s )$* 2inishes
Q7 &harles? /hat-s really ....... I 2in$ that $i22ic'lt to +eliee.
)a* ama;e )+* ama;ing )c* ama;es )$* ama;e$
Q8 6e+orah? =eliee me D he-s a really #on$er2'l $og an$ can $o ....... things that people $o.
)a* m'ch )+* more )c* most )$* lots
Q9 &harles? /he one thing I-e ....... is that he $oesn-t say anything.
)a* remar,e$ )+* connecte$ )c* commente$ )$* notice$
Q10 6e+orah? 4es7 that-s right. 3e-s not tal,ing to$ay +eca'se he-s got a ....... throat.
)a* sic, )+* sore )c* ill )$* h'rt
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 51
1hit 1hat< 3t the resta$rant
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1aiter? 1hat #o'l$ yo' li,e to ....... #ith7 sir(
)a* engage )+* cons'me )c* start )$* tac,le
Q2 6iner? I #as thin,ing I ....... try the so'p.
)a* can )+* #ill )c* o'ght to )$* might
Q3 1aiter? Sorry sir. /he so'p-s ........
)a* o22 )+* oer )c* thro'gh )$* 'n$er
Q4 6iner? In that ....... I-ll try the roast +ee2.
)a* e%ample )+* case )c* instance )$* sit'ation
Q5 1aiter? 4o'-ll hae no l'c, there either. 1e haen-t got any ........
)a* le2t )+* leaing )c* right )$* ta,en
Q6 6iner? Ch that-s a ........ 5erhaps I co'l$ hae the por,.
)a* crime )+* +lame )c* shame )$* short
Q7 1aiter? It-s really not yo'r ........ 1e $on-t hae any por, no#.
)a* moment )+* time )c* ho'r )$* $ay
Q8 6iner? Ch this is ........ 6o yo' hae anything at all(
)a* ri$ic'le )+* ri$ic'lo's )c* ri$ic'ling )$* ri$ic'le$
Q9 1aiter? :o# sir it-s not #orth ....... yo'r temper. 4o' co'l$ ta,e the last thing on the men'.
)a* losing )+* hol$ing )c* $ropping )$* thro#ing
Q10 6iner? >ight then. I2 it-s not too m'ch ........ 5lease +ring me a c'p o2 co22ee.
)a* $i22ic'lty )+* pro+lem )c* har$ship )$* tro'+le
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 52
1hit 1hat< 6n the ph+ne
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1oman? 3ello. 6 D 3 D 4 D 9 D 5. 1ho-s ....... please(
)a* calling )+* tal,ing )c* acting )$* hearing
Q2 &harlie? 4es7 hello it-s &harlie here. I #ante$ to ....... ho# yo' are.
)a* $iscoer )+* $etect )c* 'ncoer )$* ,no#
Q3 1oman? 9e( Ch7 I-m $oing .......7 than, yo' an$ yo'(
)a* goo$ )+* 2ine )c* healthy )$* 2it
Q4 &harlie? 1ell7 to +e ....... I-e ha$ a 2e# pro+lems recently.
)a* open )+* oert )c* honest )$* correct
Q5 1oman? Sorry to hear that. 1hat ....... o2 pro+lems(
)a* species )+* ,in$ )c* e%ample )$* gro'p
Q6 &harlie? 1ell7 it all starte$ #hen my #i2e ....... o't on me.
)a* strolle$ )+* r'she$ )c* pace$ )$* #al,e$
Q7 1oman? Sorry to hear that. /hat m'st hae +een a ........
)a* hit )+* stri,e )c* +lo# )$* ,noc,
Q8 &harlie? C2 co'rse that #as some time ago an$ I-e got ....... to it no#.
)a* 'se$ )+* +o'n$ )c* hel$ )$* tie$
Q9 1oman? =y the #ay I $on-t ,no# any+o$y ....... &harlie.
)a* entitle$ )+* calle$ )c* hea$e$ )$* nominate$
Q10 &harlie? Sorry a+o't that I m'st hae ....... the #rong n'm+er. 3ae a nice $ay.
)a* selecte$ )+* $irecte$ )c* $ialle$ )$* $one
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 53
1hit 1hat< 4n the theatre
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "lice? I thin, the play is 8'st on the ....... o2 starting.
)a* tip )+* pea, )c* top )$* point
Q2 9ary? I $o hope so. I-m ery ....... o2 the main actor.
)a* li,e )+* 2on$ )c* amia+le )$* close
Q3 "lice? 9e too. F'st listen to the ....... o2 his oice no#.
)a* noise )+* speech )c* so'n$ )$* roar
Q4 9ary? /he tro'+le is I al#ays ....... his name.
)a* 2orget )+* 2or+i$ )c* 2orego )$* 2ore2en$
Q5 "lice? I thin, his 2irst name is 9ichael +'t I can-t remem+er the ........
)a* +ran$ name )+* proper name )c* pet name )$* s'rname
Q6 9ary? I-e got it. ....... it-s 6o+son. 4es7 that-s it D 9ichael 6o+son.
)a* &ertainly )+* S'rely )c* :at'rally )$* C+io'sly
Q7 "lice? 4es7 yo'-re ....... right. I-e seen him on t loa$s o2 times.
)a* 2'lly )+* alie )c* $ea$ )$* clear
Q8 9ary? 4es7 9ichael 6o+son he #as in that ne# ....... as the $etectie.
)a* ,iller )+* 2iller )c* thriller )$* tiller
Q9 "lice? 3e #as really goo$ in that. Ch loo,7 he-s s'$$enly stoppe$ an$ starte$ ........
)a* glaring )+* gla;ing )c* glancing )$* glossing
Q10 9ichael 6o+son? I-m ery .......7 la$ies yo' ,no# #ho I am. :o# can yo' stop tal,ing so that #e can get on
#ith the play(
)a* certain )+* gla$ )c* clear )$* cleer
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 54
1hit 1hat< 4n the s$permarket
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Employee? "re yo' ....... pro+lems7 ma$am(
)a* 2eeling )+* trying )c* haing )$* ,no#ing
Q2 Cl$ la$y? 4es. I #on$er i2 yo' co'l$ ....... help me7 yo'ng man.
)a* pro+a+ly )+* li,ely )c* possi+ly )$* easily
Q3 Employee? C2 co'rse. In #hat .......(
)a* $irection )+* path )c* roa$ )$* #ay
Q4 Cl$ la$y? /he 2act is I 8'st can-t ....... that cereal pac,et on the top shel2.
)a* to'ch )+* reach )c* acA'ire )$* access
Q5 Employee? :o pro+lem. ....... yo' are.
)a* /here )+* /hen )c* 3o# )$* 1hat
Q6 Cl$ la$y? /here is 8'st one other ....... yo' can help me #ith i2 yo' hae a moment.
)a* article )+* try )c* thing )$* hea$ing
Q7 Employee? F'st tell me an$ I-ll ....... i2 I can help.
)a* loo, )+* see )c* glance )$* #atch
Q8 Cl$ la$y? "ll I #ant to ,no# is ....... $ay to$ay is.
)a* #hat )+* #hen )c* #here )$* #ho
Q9 Employee? It-s /h'rs$ay o2 co'rse. 1hat $o yo' #ant to ,no# .......(
)a* to )+* at )c* 'p )$* 2or
Q10 Cl$ la$y? 1ell yo' see this s'permar,et is so +ig I can-t 2in$ the #ay ....... I-e +een here since /'es$ayE
)a* on )+* o22 )c* o't )$* thro'gh
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 55
1hit 1hat< 4n the train
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9rs "shton? E%c'se me +'t $o yo' ,no# ....... this train is going to Bon$on(
)a* since )+* i2 )c* ho# )$* #heneer
Q2 9r &orp? Ch yes7 ma$am. She-s ....... going to Bon$on.
)a* precisely )+* e%actly )c* $e2initely )$* al#ays
Q3 9rs "shton? 1ell7 that-s goo$ ........
)a* in2ormation )+* ,no#le$ge )c* ,no#ing )$* ne#s
Q4 9r &orp? 1hat ....... yo' say that7 ma$am(
)a* 2orces )+* ma,es )c* $oes )$* reA'ires
Q5 9rs "shton? 1ell7 last time I ....... +y train7 I got on the #rong one.
)a* traelle$ )+* ca'ght )c* trippe$ )$* en$e$
Q6 9r &orp? 1hat ....... to yo' then(
)a* occ'rre$ )+* transpire$ )c* happene$ )$* $eelope$
Q7 9rs "shton? It #as terri+le +eca'se I en$e$ ....... miles a#ay 2rom #here I #ante$ to go.
)a* oer )+* 'p )c* thro'gh )$* in
Q8 9r &orp? 1ell7 yo'-ll hae no s'ch ....... to$ay7 ma$am.
)a* p';;le )+* sit'ation )c* con$ition )$* pro+lem
Q9 9rs "shton? Boo, are yo' ....... the train-s going to Bon$on. It-s ta,ing a long time to leae.
)a* s're )+* clear )c* ei$ent )$* o+io's
Q10 9r &orp? 6on-t yo' ....... ma$am. It is going to Bon$on +'t not 2or another 4 ho'rsE
)a* concern )+* thin, )c* #orry )$* consi$er
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 56
6ther; an+ther; +thers; the +thers
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /here are ten pieces o2 2r'it in my +as,et. Cne is an orange7 one is a grape an$ ....... is an apple.
)a* others )+* the other )c* another )$* the others
Q2 I hae t#o pencils. Cne is +lac,7 ....... is +l'e.
)a* another )+* the others )c* others )$* the other
Q3 /here are 2o'r girls in my apartment. /#o are calle$ &asey an$ "m+er. ....... are Foanne an$ Bin$sey.
)a* Cthers )+* /he others )c* "nother )$* /he other
Q4 /here are seeral holi$ays in =ra;il. Cne is In$epen$ence 6ay an$ ....... are &hil$ren-s 6ay an$ /eacher-s
)a* some others )+* another )c* the others )$* the other
Q5 9y 2rien$ has t#o cars. Cne is +lac, an$ ....... is re$.
)a* another )+* the other )c* the others )$* others
Q6 9y mom spea,s three lang'ages. Cne is English an$ ....... one is <rench.
)a* others )+* the other )c* another )$* the others
Q7 /here are eight pets in my ho'se. Si% are cats an$ ....... are $ogs.
)a* others )+* another )c* the other )$* the others
Q8 /here are 50 states in the Inite$ States. Cne is :orth &arolina an$ ....... are 0irginia an$ Jent'c,y.
)a* another )+* the others )c* some others )$* the other
Q9 9y neigh+or has 2o'r ,i$s. Cne o2 them is a +oy an$ ....... are girls.
)a* the others )+* others )c* another )$* the other
Q10 /here are three +oo,s in my +ac,pac,. Cne is a maths +oo, an$ ....... is a chemistry +oo,.
)a* others )+* another )c* the other )$* the others
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 57
3d9e"ti!e 0rep+siti+ns 1+nstr$"ti+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 0enice is 2amo's ....... its canals.
)a* a+o't )+* in )c* #ith )$* 2or
Q2 9y son is a2rai$ ....... the $ar,.
)a* 2rom )+* on )c* o2 )$* +y
Q3 9aria is marrie$ ....... my co'sin.
)a* #ith )+* 2or )c* to )$* into
Q4 /he secon$ hotel #as $i22erent ....... the 2irst.
)a* to )+* 2or )c* #ith )$* 2rom
Q5 B'cas is ery goo$ ....... $ra#ing.
)a* at )+* on )c* to )$* #ith
Q6 I-m tire$ ....... #aiting 2or the +'s. Bet-s ta,e a ta%i.
)a* to )+* on )c* o2 )$* 2rom
Q7 George #as #orrie$ ....... his 2ather-s health.
)a* since )+* a+o't )c* on )$* at
Q8 I $i$n-t ,no# yo' #ere intereste$ ....... science.
)a* in )+* 2or )c* on )$* to
Q9 1hy are yo' angry ....... him(
)a* o2 )+* 2rom )c* on )$* #ith
Q10 1e #ere ery please$ ....... the serice.
)a* #ith )+* on )c* at )$* 2rom
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 58
3nything; n+thing; s+mething; e!erything
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I $on-t hae ....... to $o to$ay.
)a* nothing )+* anything )c* eerything )$* any
Q2 "re there ....... $ogs in the ho'se(
)a* something )+* nothing )c* any )$* any+o$y
Q3 I ,no# ....... a+o't itE
)a* anything )+* nothing )c* someone )$* any
Q4 /here is ....... I nee$ to $o tomorro# a2ternoon.
)a* any )+* anything )c* yet )$* something
Q5 9y 2rien$ $oesn-t ,no# ....... a+o't her =irth$ay 5artyE
)a* something )+* nothing )c* anything )$* anyone
Q6 6i$ yo' +ring ....... yo' nee$e$ 2or the trip(
)a* no )+* any )c* nothing )$* eerything
Q7 I2 there is ....... yo' nee$ yo' can call me7 o,ay(
)a* anything )+* any )c* nothing )$* eerything
Q8 I thin, there is ....... #rong #ith my 0&>. It is not #or,ing ery #ell.
)a* anything )+* nothing )c* something )$* eerything
Q9 9y 2rien$-s $ecisions hae ....... to $o #ith me.
)a* nothing )+* anything )c* someone )$* any
Q10 9y mom as,e$ me ho# I #as an$ I sai$ ....... #as 2ine.
)a* anything )+* something )c* any )$* eerything
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 59
3meri"an h+m+ph+nes
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I #o'l$ eat ....... 24/7 i2 I co'l$ get a#ay #ith it.
)a* $esert )+* $essert )c* $eserts )$* assest
Q2 9y 2rien$ sai$ she $oesn-t ....... any 2oreign lang'ages.
)a* no )+* ,ne# )c* ,no# )$* no#
Q3 1e too, the ,i$s s#imming all morning. :o# ....... completely e%ha'ste$.
)a* they-re )+* there )c* their )$* them
Q4 9y 2rien$-s $og al#ays chases ....... tail.
)a* their )+* theirs )c* it-s )$* its
Q5 Eery time I go on a trip I leae my $og in a ........
)a* channel )+* cannel )c* canal )$* ,ennel
Q6 /he ....... o2 my school #as oer#helmingly strict.
)a* principal )+* principle )c* principality )$* prince
Q7 /he chocolate chip coo,ies are on ....... 2ie.
)a* I-ll )+* isle )c* aisle )$* islan$
Q8 /here are millions o2 ....... people in /hir$ 1orl$ &o'ntries.
)a* p'r )+* poor )c* po'r )$* pore
Q9 &hristina loes to .......E
)a* so )+* so'l )c* se# )$* so#
Q10 3ey /om7 ho#-s the ....... in /'lsa to$ay(
)a* #ither )+* #hether )c* 2eather )$* #eather
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 60
0r+n+$ns< .h+; .h+se; .h+m; .hi"h
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /his is the teacher ....... tol$ me my son has +een mis+ehaing in class.
)a* #hich )+* #hose )c* #hom )$* #ho
Q2 9y h's+an$7 ....... I loe7 sent me 2lo#ers at #or, last night.
)a* #ho )+* #hom )c* #hich )$* #hose
Q3 /his is the girl ....... car hit that tree $o#n last #ee,.
)a* #ho )+* #hich )c* #hose )$* #hom
Q4 /hose #ere the +o%es ....... #ere sent to yo' last month7 +'t neer ma$e it here.
)a* #hich )+* #ho )c* #hose )$* #hom
Q5 ....... is going to ta,e the $og 2or a #al,(
)a* 1hich )+* 1hose )c* 1ho )$* 1hom
Q6 ....... shall I 2ear7 +'t the ones #ho h'rt me(
)a* 1hose )+* 1hom )c* 1ho )$* 1hich
Q7 I as,e$ yo' ....... one o2 these shoes yo' thin, #o'l$ go #ith my o't2it.
)a* #hose )+* #ho )c* #hom )$* #hich
Q8 ....... ho'se is it7 any#ay( "re #e allo#e$ to stay in here(
)a* 1ho-s )+* 1hom )c* 1hose )$* 1hich
Q9 I hae 2rien$s ....... loe me so m'ch7 they ma$e a s'rprise +irth$ay party 2or me last night.
)a* #ho )+* #hom )c* #hich )$* #hose
Q10 /hat yo'ng man to ....... #e o#e some than,s7 sae$ o'r mom-s li2e on that car acci$ent.
)a* #hich )+* #hom )c* #ho )$* #hose
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 61
S+me; any; #e.; little
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1o#E Boo, at thatE 3o# ....... +oo,s $o yo' hae on yo'r shel2( I hae to tell yo'7 it-s A'ite a great collectionE
)a* m'ch )+* many )c* any )$* some
Q2 1o'l$ yo' li,e ....... 8'ice(
)a* a )+* an )c* some )$* m'ch
Q3 3o# ....... money $o yo' hae(
)a* m'ch )+* more )c* many )$* o2ten
Q4 I only hae ....... $ollars.
)a* some )+* any )c* a little )$* a 2e#
Q5 I #ant to ma,e orange 8'ice. 3ae yo' got ....... oranges(
)a* m'ch )+* many )c* any )$* 2e#
Q6 :o7 I $on-t hae any. ='t I hae ....... apples7 i2 yo'-$ li,e to ma,e apple 8'ice instea$.
)a* a little )+* some )c* any )$* 2e#
Q7 /here are ....... people trying to go to the I2 concert this #ee,en$.
)a* many )+* m'ch )c* a little )$* any
Q8 3o# many gallons o2 #ater $i$ yo' +ring 2or the trip( D I 8'st hae ....... gallons.
)a* m'ch )+* any )c* a little )$* a 2e#
Q9 Fessica spent a lot o2 money on her car. :o# she only has ....... money le2t to pay 2or her liing e%penses.
)a* many )+* a 2e# )c* a little )$* m'ch
Q10 3o# ....... time $o yo' hae le2t +e2ore yo' hae to go to school(
)a* some )+* m'ch )c* many )$* any
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 62
0rep+sit+ns Test
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I #as 8ogging in the par, this morning an$ sa# this $og coming ....... me. It loo,e$ li,e he #as going attac,
me7 +'t he #as 8'st trying to reach o't 2or his o#ner #ho #as r'nning right +ehin$ me.
)a* onto )+* a2ter )c* to#ar$s )$* +elo#
Q2 =ar+ara7 yo'r +oy2rien$ is #aiting 2or yo' ....... in the car.
)a* aro'n$ )+* o'tsi$e )c* a+oe )$* against
Q3 I hear$ a glass +rea,ing noise in the liing room an$ ran to see #hat happene$. " pigeon 2le# ....... the
#in$o# an$ +ro,e it.
)a* 2or )+* 2rom )c* +y )$* against
Q4 S';anne #ho lies ....... that co22ee shop place7 came oer to isit yo' this morning.
)a* on )+* +y )c* at )$* in
Q5 I $on-t ,no# ho# many times I hae tol$ my $a'ghter to loo, at +oth si$es +e2ore r'nning ....... the street.
)a* across )+* alongsi$e )c* +esi$e )$* aro'n$
Q6 9y ho'se is ....... the grocery store an$ the gas station.
)a* 'n$er )+* o22 )c* among )$* +et#een
Q7 /he temperat're in 1ashington 6.& to$ay is eight $egrees ....... ;ero.
)a* +esi$e )+* +elo# )c* +ehin$ )$* +et#een
Q8 /he cat is sitting ....... the #all.
)a* on )+* oer )c* a+oe )$* 'n$erneath
Q9 "s soon as =o+ hear$ his +oss coming7 he 8'mpe$ ....... his chair an$ prenten$e$ he #as #or,ing.
)a* insi$e )+* 'n$er )c* 2or )$* $o#n
Q10 <re$eric, lies ....... the hill7 #here all the mansions are.
)a* a+oe )+* 'nto )c* onto )$* 'p
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 63
0ast 0arti"iple Senten"es
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3a$ I +een a+le to go to school as a chil$7 I #o'l$ hae ....... ho# to rea$.
)a* learne$ )+* learn )c* learning )$* ha$ learn
Q2 I #o'l$ hae ....... all night i2 I co'l$ +'t #e all ha$ to leae early +eca'se &armen $i$n-t 2eel goo$.
)a* sing )+* s'ng )c* sang )$* singe$
Q3 "$rian sho'l$ hae neer ....... home. I2 he ha$n-t7 he-$ +e in a +etter sit'ation right no#.
)a* leae )+* leae$ )c* le2t )$* leaing
Q4 5erhaps she #o'l$ hae +een ....... +y that $og i2 its o#ner ha$n-t +een 2aster an$ ca'ght him right on time.
)a* +it )+* +ite )c* +itte$ )$* +itten
Q5 I2 it #asn-t 2or that me$icine yo' gae me7 I #o'l$ hae ....... a lot #orse.
)a* gotten )+* gone )c* get )$* g'tte$
Q6 Bast night7 I ....... I #as calling the police an$ really $i$ it.
)a* $ream )+* $reaming )c* $reame$ )$* hae $reame$
Q7 I-m gla$ to ,no# that yo' hae ....... me 2or #hat I hae $one.
)a* 2orgie )+* 2orgies )c* 2orgien )$* 2orgae
Q8 "2ter loo,ing 2or him all $ay7 Feremy 2inally 2o'n$ his $og ....... 'n$er a cae.
)a* hi$ )+* hi$e )c* hi$$en )$* hit
Q9 I #o'l$ hae ....... pict'res 2rom my trip7 i2 I ha$ a camera.
)a* too, )+* ta,e )c* ta,en )$* ha$ too,
Q10 1hen he 2inally arrie$7 his $ate ha$ alrea$y ........
)a* going )+* go )c* #ent )$* gone
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 64
ES% 0rep+siti+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he +oar$ meeting #as calle$ ....... $'e to the s'$$en $emise o2 the chie2 e%ec'tie o22ice.
)a* 2or )+* o22 )c* to )$* o't
Q2 9y 2ather p't K17000 ....... as a $eposit to help my sister p'rchase a ne# car.
)a* in )+* o't )c* $o#n )$* on
Q3 I hae some material 2rom #hich I co'l$ ,noc, ....... an article i2 yo' #ant me to.
)a* 'p )+* $o#n )c* together )$* o22
Q4 /he 2inance $irector has come in ....... a lot o2 criticism oer his 'ns'ccess2'l han$ling o2 the company-s
)a* +ac, )+* 2or )c* to )$* on
Q5 /he 2actory ch'rns ....... tho'san$s o2 pairs o2 lo# cost shoes eery $ay.
)a* o't )+* o22 )c* in )$* into
Q6 Bo# cons'mer $eman$ has 2orce$ the retailer to mar, ....... a #i$e range o2 goo$s +y as m'ch as 40H.
)a* 'p )+* $o#n )c* +ac, )$* o22
Q7 9r. an$ 9rs. Farrett m'st +e ma,ing a 2ort'ne. /hey-re clearly ra,ing ....... oer K170007000 a year.
)a* 'p )+* in )c* on )$* o't
Q8 /he clothing man'2act'rer recently +ranche$ ....... into sports#ear.
)a* o't )+* in )c* o22 )$* +ac,
Q9 6istri+'tors #ill pro+a+ly +'mp ....... the price o2 the so2t#are #hen the ne%t ersion is release$.
)a* 'p )+* on )c* o22 )$* o't
Q10 /he $irector #as $r'mme$ ....... o2 o22ice 2or li2e #hen it #as $iscoere$ that she ha$ +een inole$ in insi$er
)a* 'p )+* in )c* on )$* o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 65
1+mm+n English Err+rs 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /here are many ....... o2 8o+s in Cregon right no#.
)a* #ays )+* +ran$s )c* ,in$s )$* 2orms
Q2 She ran oer to the commotion to ....... #hat #as happening.
)a* ,no# a+o't )+* 2in$ more )c* 2in$ )$* 2in$ o't
Q3 "2ter some time7 0ince ....... to ,no# the 'niersity camp's ery #ell.
)a* got )+* 'n$erstoo$ )c* 2o'n$ )$* learne$
Q4 6on-t 2orget a+o't yo'r $a'ghter-s soccer game D she-ll neer ....... yo'E
)a* a+sole )+* e%onerate )c* e%c'se )$* 2orgie
Q5 1hen I $roe into Seattle yester$ay a2ternoon7 the ....... #as still clo'$y an$ #et.
)a* #eather )+* climate )c* climate con$ition )$* enironment
Q6 I-m #orrie$ a+o't her +eca'se she ....... more pills than 's'al.
)a* eats )+* m'nches )c* is ta,ing )$* is eating
Q7 I-m so +'sy D I hope yo'-ll ....... my messy o22ice space.
)a* 2orgie )+* a+sole )c* e%c'se )$* acA'it
Q8 3e #as marrie$ 2i2ty years ........
)a* +e2ore no# )+* ago )c* long +e2ore )$* long ago
Q9 I ....... at si% o-cloc, in the morning eery $ay.
)a* a#a,e )+* #a,e 'p )c* get 'p 2rom my +e$ )$* leae my +e$
Q10 1e $eci$e$ to ....... +e$ this morning +eca'se last night #ore 's o't.
)a* +e in o'r )+* stay in o'r )c* stay in )$* stay on o'r
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 66
1+mm+n English Err+rs 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /hat +oo, isn-t in right no# +'t #e can ....... one 2or yo'.
)a* +oo, )+* or$er )c* instr'ct )$* comman$
Q2 I ....... some great +oo,s 2rom the li+rary this past #ee,en$.
)a* lent )+* ha$ a loan o2 )c* +orro#e$ )$* loane$
Q3 1e al#ays ....... at the hotel +y the marina #hen #e go to San <rancisco.
)a* stay )+* lie )c* inha+it )$* resi$e
Q4 I haen-t ....... 2rom anyone lately.
)a* hear )+* listene$ )c* in2orme$ )$* hear$
Q5 "2ter the attac,7 the #oman ....... A'ic,ly.
)a* calme$ $o#n
)c* calme$ her anger
)+* calme$ $o#n her anger
)$* calme$ her 2eelings
Q6 ....... me as soon as possi+le. It-s 'rgent.
)a* 5hone call )+* &all )c* &all 'p )$* /elephone call
Q7 5eople ....... this place the L<or+i$$en <orest.L
)a* call )+* entitle )c* name )$* $escri+e
Q8 I-e +een so +'sy #ith ne# clients that I hire$ ne# sta22 8'st to ........
)a* 'p,eep )+* ,eep 'p )c* ,eep )$* persist
Q9 4o'-re an asset to o'r team. .......
)a* Stay it 'pE )+* >emain $oing itE )c* Jeep it 'pE )$* &ontin'e it 'pE
Q10 It-s $i22ic'lt to 'n$erstan$ #hat she ....... in her 8o+ D it seems ery +oring.
)a* $isting'ishes in )+* loo,s in )c* o+seres in )$* sees in
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 67
1+mm+n English Err+rs 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 ....... people li,e this area a lot.
)a* El$er )+* Cl$er )c* /he ol$ )$* 9ore el$er
Q2 9y ....... +rother is really nice to me.
)a* el$est )+* more ol$ )c* mat'rest )$* most ol$er
Q3 "2ter isiting seeral gala%ies7 the aliens 2o'n$ themseles captiate$ +y li2e on ........
)a* #orl$ )+* the #orl$ )c* the earth )$* earth
Q4 It-s one o2 the nicest co'ntries ........
)a* on the earth )+* in the #orl$ )c* on the glo+e )$* on the #orl$
Q5 I ,no# it so'n$s 'nreasona+le +'t it ....... that she #ill neer come +ac,.
)a* is possi+le )+* co'l$ +e possi+le )c* co'l$ +e possi+ly )$* is possi+ly
Q6 "s soon as I pic,e$ 'p the rare o+8ect7 it ........
)a* #as not together )+* came to +e apart )c* came apart )$* #as separate$
Q7 4o' sho'l$ ....... a2ter yo'-e 2inishe$ yo'r lessons.
)a* come to my home )+* come oer )c* come into my home )$* get to my home
Q8 C'r 2rien$s D #ho #e haen-t seen in a long time D ....... last night.
)a* appeare$ in o'r home
)c* came to o'r home
)+* came in o'r home
)$* came +y
Q9 I ,eep my 2aorite ring ....... a large7 metal7 heay sa2e at home.
)a* in )+* +et#een )c* a+o't )$* aro'n$
Q10 /he #orl$ nee$s to $epen$ on other energy so'rces7 ....... oil an$ other nat'ral reso'rces.
)a* +esi$e )+* li,e#ise )c* +esi$es )$* also +esi$e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 68
1+mm+n English Err+rs 748
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3er mother ....... #hen she #as 8'st a little girl.
)a* is $ea$ )+* $ea$ )c* $ie$ )$* #as $ea$
Q2 I2 my +ac, starts .......7 I can-t go any#here #ith yo' ne%t #ee,.
)a* acting o't )+* per2orming )c* acting 'p )$* +ecoming +a$
Q3 She #as hoping the terri+le arg'ment #o'l$ ....... +e2ore the #e$$ing.
)a* +lo# a#ay )+* +lo# oer )c* carry a#ay )$* +lo# $o#n
Q4 "2ter the car acci$ent7 =o+ ha$ to ....... his en$'rance $'ring his reha+ilitation classes.
)a* ma,e )+* +'il$ more )c* +'il$ 2or#ar$ )$* +'il$ 'p
Q5 9y 'ncle has a long +ear$ an$ a ....... chest.
)a* 2'rre$ chest )+* 2'rry )c* many hair )$* hairy
Q6 6'e to his age7 eeryone thin,s he sho'l$ 2in$ a s'ita+le mate an$ settle ........
)a* on )+* along )c* $o#n )$* 'p
Q7 /he moie #as ery shoc,ing +eca'se it is ....... a tr'e story that too, place in o'r state.
)a* +ase$ thro'gh )+* +ase$ on )c* 2o'n$ thro'gh )$* coming 2rom
Q8 3is speech #as artic'late an$ I as,e$ him to ....... his i$eas.
)a* ma,e +igger )+* sprea$ o't )c* e%pan$ on )$* e%pan$ a+o't
Q9 C'r nanny has al#ays +een ....... to 's.
)a* ery ,in$ly )+* ,in$ly )c* +eing ,in$ly )$* ,in$
Q10 I ....... #ith the +oo, A'ic,ly.
)a* 2e$ 'p )+* +ore$ )c* got +ore$ )$* +ecame +ore$ 'p
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 69
1+mm+n Q$antity =+$ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he +oys gathere$ a +'n$le o2 ........
)a* stic,s )+* people )c* +ea$s )$* ho'ses
Q2 Cer +y the railroa$ trac,s7 there #as a heap o2 ........
)a* ho'ses )+* 2lo#ers )c* stairs )$* stones
Q3 In the $istance7 the onloo,ers co'l$ see a 2leet o2 ........
)a* players )+* insects )c* stairs )$* ships
Q4 "s she loo,e$ 'p7 she sa# a 2light o2 ........
)a* +ir$s )+* insects )c* cro#s )$* stairs
Q5 /he 2loc, o2 ....... staye$ together.
)a* sheep )+* +lan,ets )c* ships )$* co#s
Q6 " s#arm o2 ....... gathere$ aro'n$ the s#amp.
)a* sheep )+* +ir$s )c* insects )$* co#s
Q7 " cro#$ o2 ....... line$ 'p to see #hat #as happening.
)a* co#s )+* sheep )c* people )$* +ir$s
Q8 /here #as a long ro# o2 ....... near the +each.
)a* co#s )+* insects )c* stairs )$* ho'ses
Q9 /he her$ o2 ....... ,ept eating as the #in$ +le# past them.
)a* people )+* +ir$s )c* co#s )$* cro#s
Q10 "t the sho#7 #e sa# many $i22erent schools o2 ........
)a* +ir$s )+* cattle )c* 2ish )$* +ea$s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 70
>sing *ake and + 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he manager #as s'rprise$ at ho# many things >on co'l$ ....... at once.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
Q2 She ....... him a solemn promise that she #o'l$ neer steal again.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
Q3 3is teacher +egge$ him to ....... more o2 an e22ort in class.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
Q4 1e ha$ so m'ch 2'n in &hicago D #e ....... it in three $ays.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
Q5 /he +'siness ....... a lot o2 money this year.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
Q6 /he 'niersity research $epartment st'm+le$ 'pon something ne# an$ ....... a +ig $iscoery +eca'se o2 it.
)a* ma,e )+* $i$ )c* ma$e )$* $o
Q7 3is mother 2orce$ him to ....... his home#or, eery night a2ter s'pper.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
Q8 :o matter ho# har$ he p'she$ him7 he co'l$n-t ....... his son $o the 8o+ properly.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
Q9 /he teacher s'ggeste$ they ....... another e%ercise to 'n$erstan$ the pro+lem +etter.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
Q10 1e only hae one more pot o2 ste# D #ill it .......(
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 71
>sing 0rep+siti+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 >alph #as late ....... #or, again. 3e may +e 2ire$.
)a* on )+* at )c* 2or )$* to
Q2 :aomi is ,een ....... #or,ing in "2rica this coming year.
)a* o2 )+* 2or )c* on )$* at
Q3 3e-s +een s'22ering ....... migraine hea$aches again.
)a* #ith )+* 2rom )c* o2 )$* a+o't
Q4 "ll o2 &hris- teachers agree that he is ery goo$ ....... math.
)a* #ith )+* 2or )c* at )$* on
Q5 /o get a 8o+ as a secretary7 yo' m'st +e goo$ ....... typing an$ ans#ering phones.
)a* 2or )+* at )c* #ith )$* a+o't
Q6 6'e to his ne# shi2t7 he has to #a,e 'p ....... 3 a.m. eery $ay.
)a* in )+* at )c* on )$* 2rom
Q7 S'ch +a$ +ehaior is typical ....... the spoile$ chil$.
)a* 2or )+* #ith )c* a+o't )$* o2
Q8 9ary is so please$ ....... her st'$ents- gra$es this past year.
)a* 2or )+* #ith )c* at )$* along
Q9 3e #as ery angry ....... his mother +eca'se she gro'n$e$ him yester$ay.
)a* #ith )+* to )c* a+o't )$* on
Q10 Jaren is ery 8ealo's ....... Jim an$ it-s ery o+io's to others.
)a* o2 )+* a+o't )c* at )$* #ith
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 72
>sing *ake and + 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Een tho'gh the sit'ation #as not i$eal7 they $eci$e$ to ....... a go o2 things.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
Q2 She 2inally +egge$ him to ....... a moe in the ery long an$ tiresome chess game.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
Q3 3e #as so pro'$ o2 his car yester$ay +eca'se $'ring the race it ....... 260 ,m/hr.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
Q4 She s'$$enly reali;e$ that she only ha$ a 2e# $ays le2t on her acation so she $eci$e$ to ....... the most o2 it.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
Q5 I-m not A'ite rea$y yet D I hae to ....... my hair.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
Q6 3is mother #as late +eca'se she ....... the +e$s +e2ore she le2t the ho'se.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
Q7 :o one ,no#s #hy he ....... those terri+le things in the past.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
Q8 3e #as con2'se$ an$ co'l$n-t ....... 'p his min$ a+o't #hat to $o ne%t.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
Q9 /he teacher ha$ to ....... 'p a ne# sylla+'s +eca'se her ol$ #as o't$ate$.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
Q10 /hey ....... 'p A'ic,ly a2ter the silly arg'ment.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* ma$e )$* $i$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 73
2hy Q$esti+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 ....... co'ntries hae a coastline on the 9e$iterranean Sea(
)a* 1hat )+* 1hich )c* 1here )$* 1ho
Q2 ....... is meas're$ +y the >ichter Scale(
)a* 1hat )+* 1hich )c* 1here )$* 1ho
Q3 ....... $oes the #or$ Lalpha+etL come 2rom(
)a* 1hat )+* 1hich )c* 1here )$* 1hen
Q4 ....... #as the 2irst man in space(
)a* 1hen )+* 1here )c* 1hich )$* 1ho
Q5 ....... $oes :"/C stan$ 2or(
)a* 1hat )+* 1hich )c* 1here )$* #ho
Q6 ....... year $i$ 5rince &harles o2 Englan$ marry(
)a* 1hat )+* 1hich )c* 1here )$* 1ho
Q7 ....... $i$ 1illiam Fe22erson &linton +ecome 5resi$ent o2 the Inite$ States(
)a* 1hen )+* 1hat )c* 1here )$* 1ho
Q8 ....... &ari++ean islan$ $oes Sir 0iian >ichar$s come 2rom(
)a* 1hich )+* 1hat )c* 1here )$* 1ho
Q9 ....... #as the yo'ngest person to +e electe$ as 5resi$ent o2 the Inite$ States(
)a* 1hich )+* 1hat )c* 1here )$* 1ho
Q10 ....... year $i$ the 2irst commercial aiation 2light ta,e place(
)a* 1hen )+* 1hat )c* 1here )$* 1hich
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 74
2hile; d$ring and #+r
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9y 'ncle $ie$ ....... the #ar.
)a* #hile )+* $'ring )c* 2or
Q2 /he phone rang ....... I #as eating +r'nch.
)a* #hile )+* $'ring )c* 2or
Q3 I lie$ in 6enpasar ....... seeral years.
)a* #hile )+* $'ring )c* 2or
Q4 ....... I #as in Genea I ma$e lots o2 2rien$s.
)a* 1hile )+* 6'ring )c* <or
Q5 Bast #ee, I #as hel$ 'p ....... 2o'r ho'rs +eca'se o2 the tra22ic.
)a* #hile )+* $'ring )c* 2or
Q6 " salesman ,noc,e$ on o'r $oor ....... #e #ere #atching a moie.
)a* #hile )+* $'ring )c* 2or
Q7 I h'rt my leg ....... the thir$ A'arter o2 the +as,et+all match.
)a* #hile )+* $'ring )c* 2or
Q8 " game o2 r'g+y 's'ally lasts ....... eighty min'tes.
)a* #hile )+* $'ring )c* 2or
Q9 ....... my stay in hospital7 the n'rses loo,e$ a2ter me ery #ell.
)a* 1hile )+* 6'ring )c* <or
Q10 I #as traeling thro'gh 9'm+ai ....... si% #ee,s last s'mmer.
)a* #hile )+* $'ring )c* 2or
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 75
a$:iliary !er-s< .as; did; ha!e
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he 2light ....... $elaye$ +eca'se o2 +a$ #eather.
)a* #as )+* #ere )c* $i$ )$* ha$
Q2 ....... yo' $o m'ch sightseeing #hen yo' #ere on acation in 9a$ri$(
)a* 1as )+* 1ere )c* 6i$ )$* ha$
Q3 /hey ....... leaing 2or the airport #hen I last sa# them.
)a* #as )+* #ere )c* $i$ )$* ha$
Q4 I ....... 2orgotten to set my alarm cloc,7 so I #as late 2or my train.
)a* #as )+* #ere )c* $i$ )$* ha$
Q5 ....... it raining #hen yo' le2t yo'r o22ice this a2ternoon(
)a* 1as )+* 1ere )c* 6i$ )$* 3a$
Q6 /he employees ....... in2orme$ last night that their company #as going into receiership.
)a* #as )+* #ere )c* $i$ )$* ha$
Q7 /he police locate$ the art #or, #hich ....... +een stolen 2rom the gallery.
)a* #as )+* #ere )c* $i$ )$* ha$
Q8 /he 2ire ....... ca'se$ +y an electrical pro+lem.
)a* #as )+* #ere )c* $i$ )$* ha$
Q9 She #as s'rprise$ that he ,ne# her name. She ....... neer met him +e2ore.
)a* #as )+* #ere )c* $i$ )$* ha$
Q10 3o# many times ....... yo'r trael $oc'ments chec,e$ +e2ore yo' +oar$e$ the airplane(
)a* #as )+* #ere )c* $i$ )$* ha$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 76
prep+siti+ns +# time< #+r; ag+; sin"e; +n; at
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I gra$'ate$ 2rom college ....... 2002.
)a* since )+* on )c* in )$* at
Q2 I li,e to go to +e$ ....... mi$night on Sat'r$ays.
)a* since )+* on )c* $'ring )$* at
Q3 3e migrate$ to Istan+'l 2ie years ........
)a* since )+* ago )c* 2or )$* at
Q4 /he artist ha$ +een painting ....... t#o $eca$es +e2ore he sol$ his 2irst painting.
)a* $'ring )+* 2or )c* since )$* on
Q5 Sha,espeare #as +orn ....... 23 "pril7 1564.
)a* since )+* on )c* in )$* at
Q6 In E'rope a't'mn +egins ....... Septem+er.
)a* in )+* on )c* at )$* since
Q7 1e al#ays eat a roast $inner ....... &hristmas $ay.
)a* in )+* on )c* at )$* since
Q8 3is pet anacon$a $ie$ 2ie months ....... an$ he still misses it.
)a* 2or )+* since )c* ago )$* on
Q9 I-e +een st'$ying Italian ....... I #as 2ie years ol$.
)a* 2or )+* since )c* ago )$* on
Q10 /he chairman o2 the +oar$ has +een employe$ in the 2inance in$'stry ....... 1984.
)a* in )+* on )c* since )$* at
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 77
1+mm+n English phrases .ith prep+siti+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I ha$ a crash yester$ay a2ternoon. <ort'nately I $i$n-t $o too m'ch $amage ....... my car.
)a* #ith )+* in )c* a+o't )$* to
Q2 Simon isn-t at school this #ee,. 3e-s ....... acation.
)a* in )+* +et#een )c* on )$* to
Q3 1e-re o't ....... co22ee. &o'l$ yo' please go the s'permar,et an$ pic, 'p some more.
)a* 2or )+* in )c* o2 )$* to
Q4 /his morning I receie$ a cheA'e in the mail ....... one tho'san$ $ollars.
)a* a+o't )+* 2or )c* on )$* #ith
Q5 4o'-re really annoying me. 4o'-re $oing it ....... p'rpose7 aren-t yo'(
)a* a+o't )+* o2 )c* on )$* in
Q6 &an yo' tell the $i22erence ....... +'tter an$ margarine(
)a* in )+* #ith )c* +et#een )$* a+o't
Q7 /here hae +een many complaints ....... yo'r +ehaior.
)a* #ith )+* o2 )c* a+o't )$* 2or
Q8 /he tro'+le ....... my mother in la# is that she $oesn-t listen to any+o$y.
)a* #ith )+* a+o't )c* 2or )$* +et#een
Q9 I-m tire$ o2 coo,ing eery night. Bet-s eat o't ....... a change.
)a* on )+* 2or )c* to )$* in
Q10 3ae yo' got any photos ....... yo'r girl2rien$(
)a* a+o't )+* +et#een )c* o2 )$* #hich
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 78
3rti"les in English Grammar
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I #ant to +'y ....... laptop comp'ter ne%t #ee,.
)a* a )+* an )c* the
Q2 &an yo' please go to ....... grocery store on 2i2th street an$ +'y 2 cartons o2 mil,(
)a* a )+* an )c* the
Q3 5lease meet me at the train station in ....... ho'r 2rom no#.
)a* a )+* an )c* the
Q4 I li,e to #atch tennis on the teleision. It is ....... ery goo$ game.
)a* a )+* an )c* the
Q5 9y +rother #on an a#ar$ 2or +eing ....... +est speller in o'r school.
)a* a )+* an )c* the
Q6 3ello7 my name is =o+E I haen-t anything to $o tonight7 so i2 yo'-re not +'sy7 #o'l$ yo' li,e to #atch .......
moie or something #ith me(
)a* a )+* an )c* the
Q7 I co'l$n-t +eliee my eyes #hen I sa# ....... elephant crossing the roa$ in 2ront o2 my school yester$ay.
)a* a )+* an )c* the
Q8 3o# m'ch #ill it cost to go on ....... holi$ay to =ali(
)a* a )+* an )c* the
Q9 &an yo' please help me pic, o't ....... +irth$ay present 2or my 2ather(
)a* a )+* an )c* the
Q10 ....... 5resi$ent o2 the Inite$ States #ill +e isiting "'stralia ne%t #ee,.
)a* " )+* "n )c* /he
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 79
a; s+me +r any
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1e nee$ ....... ,ilo o2 apples.
)a* a )+* some )c* any
Q2 3ae yo' got ....... #ater(
)a* a )+* some )c* any
Q3 /here-s ....... ne#spaper on the ta+le.
)a* a )+* some )c* any
Q4 I-e got ....... sala$ san$#iches 2or my l'nch to$ay.
)a* a )+* some )c* any
Q5 I haen-t got ....... tea. &an yo' go to the corner store an$ +'y some more(
)a* a )+* some )c* any
Q6 3o# a+o't ....... c'p o2 co22ee(
)a* a )+* some )c* any
Q7 /here are ....... grapes in the 2ri$ge.
)a* a )+* some )c* any
Q8 Is there ....... orange 8'ice le2t in the 2ri$ge(
)a* a )+* some )c* any
Q9 I nee$ ....... money to go shopping.
)a* a )+* any )c* some
Q10 1e nee$ to +'y ....... +rea$ rolls i2 yo' #ant to ma,e hot$ogs 2or yo'r l'nch.
)a* a )+* some )c* any
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 80
4nterr+gati!e pr+n+$ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 ....... is the girl in the +l'e $ress(
)a* 1ho )+* 1hom )c* 1hat )$* 1hich
Q2 ....... is the name o2 the team in re$(
)a* 1hat )+* 1hich )c* 1ho )$* 1hom
Q3 ....... li,es to play pin+all at the arca$e(
)a* 1ho )+* 1hom )c* 1hat )$* 1hich
Q4 <or ....... $i$ Shelia ma,e these coo,ies.
)a* #ho )+* #hom )c* #hich )$* #hat
Q5 ....... o2 the names $i$ yo' choose 2or the p'ppy(
)a* 1hat )+* 1hich )c* 1ho )$* 1hom
Q6 ....... complete$ the assignment(
)a* 1ho-s )+* 1ho )c* 1hom )$* 1hich
Q7 ....... the highest ran,ing o22icial in the Inite$ States(
)a* 1ho-s )+* 1hom )c* 1ho )$* 1hat
Q8 /o ....... $i$ 9ar, len$ his i$eo game(
)a* #ho )+* #ho-s )c* #hom )$* #hat
Q9 ....... o2 the cars is par,e$ in the $rie#ay(
)a* 1hich )+* 1ho-s )c* 1hat )$* 1hom
Q10 /o ....... sho'l$ the chec, +e ma$e paya+le(
)a* #ho )+* #ho-s )c* #hom )$* #hich
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 81
0+ssessi!e pr+n+$ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9ia le2t ....... note+oo, on the +'s.
)a* her )+* yo'rs )c* his
Q2 /he color2'l pict're o2 the 2lo#ers is ........
)a* their )+* yo'r )c* mine
Q3 /he pro'$ parents +ro'ght home ....... ne# +a+y girl.
)a* his )+* her )c* their
Q4 1ill str'mme$ ....... g'itar an$ inite$ eeryone to sing.
)a* his )+* its )c* her
Q5 /he comp'ter A'ic,ly stores in2ormation on ....... h'ge memory.
)a* yo'rs )+* theirs )c* its
Q6 /hese #arm chocolate chip coo,ies melt in ....... mo'th.
)a* its )+* yo'r )c* yo'rs
Q7 Is ....... seat +elt al#ays 2astene$(
)a* yo'r )+* mine )c* its
Q8 /he 2l'22y +ro#n p'ppy is ........
)a* its )+* my )c* theirs
Q9 ....... han$ shot 'p #hen the teacher as,e$ 2or ol'nteers.
)a* /heir )+* 3er )c* 9ine
Q10 I $i$n-t get a cheese+'rger7 so I taste$ ........
)a* mine )+* its )c* hers
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 82
0hrasal !er-s
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I-m sorry7 Fames isn-t ....... at the moment. &an I ta,e a message(
)a* in )+* a#ay )c* 'p )$* o22
Q2 1e-e r'n ....... s'gar. &o'l$ yo' please +'y some more(
)a* $o#n on )+* a#ay 2rom )c* on #ith )$* o't o2
Q3 I $on-t ,no# ho# yo' ....... #ith s'ch noisy +rothers. It #o'l$ $rie me cra;y.
)a* p't 'p )+* p't a#ay )c* clear 'p )$* +ring 'p
Q4 4o'-e +orro#e$ s'ch a great $eal o2 money 2rom me lately. I nee$ to ....... e%actly ho# m'ch yo' o#e me.
)a* ma,e 'p )+* p't o't )c* #or, o't )$* clear 'p
Q5 &an yo' ....... the time o2 the ne%t train to 9'nich(
)a* sort o't )+* p't o't )c* 2in$ o't )$* try o't
Q6 /hat maths e%am #as incre$i+ly $i22ic'lt. It too, me ages to ....... some o2 the ans#ers.
)a* sort o't )+* p't o't )c* #or, o't )$* 2in$ o't
Q7 I $on-t min$ helping yo' +a,e a ca,e7 +'t 8'st ma,e s're yo' ....... eerything #hen yo'-e 2inishe$.
)a* p't o't )+* p't a#ay )c* sort o't )$* +ring 'p
Q8 I-m +ro,e. I hae to ....... an i$ea 2or ma,ing money.
)a* get on #ith )+* p't 'p #ith )c* r'n o't o2 )$* come 'p #ith
Q9 C'r teacher tol$ 's to ....... o'r #or, A'ietly.
)a* get on #ith )+* p't 'p #ith )c* r'n o't o2 )$* come 'p #ith
Q10 /he goernment #ants to ....... a ne# scheme to enco'rage people to start their o#n +'sinesses.
)a* #or, o't )+* try o't )c* 2in$ o't )$* r'n o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 83
3gatha 1hristie test ?$esti+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "gatha &hristie lie$ #ith ....... 2amily in Englan$.
)a* her )+* his )c* their
Q2 "gatha &hristie ....... hae a happy marriage.
)a* #asn-t )+* $i$n-t )c* isn-t
Q3 "gatha &hrisitie ....... her h's+an$ in 1930.
)a* $iorce$ )+* ann'lle$ )c* cancelle$
Q4 "gatha &hristie #as a ery s'ccess2'l #riter o2 $etectie ........
)a* yarns )+* 2airyGtales )c* stories
Q5 She ....... 2or eleen $ays in 6ecem+er 1926.
)a* eaporate$ )+* $isappeare$ )c* $eparte$
Q6 /he police 2o'n$ her ....... 2lat +'t there #as no sign o2 "gatha &hristie.
)a* empty )+* emptiness )c* empty space
Q7 "gatha &hristie #rote more than 80 mysteries an$ sol$ ....... 300 million +oo,s.
)a* more )+* e%tra )c* oer
Q8 5eople all oer the #orl$ hae ....... "gatha &hristie-s stories.
)a* graspe$ )+* reali;e$ )c* rea$
Q9 "gatha &hristie $i$n-t tell ....... #hy she $isappeare$ in 6ecem+er 1926.
)a* someone )+* anyone )c* no one
Q10 "gatha &hristie #rote her 2irst $etectie story in 1920 an$ +ecame ery ........
)a* s'ccess )+* s'ccessor )c* s'ccess2'l
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 84
1+n9$n"ti+ns< and; -$t; +r; s+
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1e #ill isit "'stralia ....... :e# Mealan$ $'ring o'r ne%t acation.
)a* an$ )+* +'t )c* so
Q2 9y teeth #ere h'rting ....... I ma$e an appointment to go the $entist.
)a* or )+* so )c* +'t
Q3 3ae yo' seen ....... hear$ the latest m'sical +y "n$re# Bloy$ 1e++er(
)a* +'t )+* so )c* or
Q4 I #ante$ to go to the roc, concert ....... all the tic,ets #ere alrea$y sol$ o't.
)a* so )+* +'t )c* an$
Q5 I #ante$ to eat s'shi 2or $inner ....... I #ent to a Fapanese resta'rant.
)a* +'t )+* so )c* or
Q6 I #ante$ to eat 2ish 2or l'nch ....... the 2ish an$ chip shop ha$ close$ 2or the $ay.
)a* or )+* +'t )c* so
Q7 I am going to $o my home#or, ....... ta,e a sho#er #hen I get home 2rom school.
)a* an$ )+* +'t )c* so
Q8 9y 2ather #ante$ to #atch a soccer match on teleision ....... my mother #as alrea$y #atching another
)a* +'t )+* so )c* or
Q9 9y +rother #ante$ to +'y a noel ....... I #ent to the +oo, store a2ter I 2inishe$ #or,.
)a* so )+* or )c* +'t
Q10 I #ante$ to isit my gran$mother last #ee, ....... she ha$ an acci$ent an$ ha$ to +e ta,en to hospital.
)a* +'t )+* or )c* so
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 85
1+mp+$nd .+rds .ith t++th
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I 's'ally ta,e a ....... to #or, so I can clean my teeth thoro'ghly a2ter I hae eaten my l'nch.
)a* tooth+r'sh )+* toothpic, )c* toothpaste
Q2 9y #i2e hates it i2 I leae the li$ o22 the ....... a2ter I hae 2inishe$ +r'shing my teeth.
)a* tooth+r'sh )+* toothpaste )c* tootache
Q3 It is ery $angero's 2or small chil$ren to play #ith ........
)a* tooth+r'shes )+* toothpic,s )c* toothaches
Q4 9y 2ather tol$ me that I #ill get a ....... i2 I eat too m'ch chocolate.
)a* toothpaste )+* toothache )c* toothpic,
Q5 L9'm7 can yo' please +'y me a ne# ....... #hen yo' go the s'permar,et this a2ternoon(L
)a* toothpaste )+* toothache )c* tooth+r'sh
Q6 /omorro# I m'st go the pharmacy an$ +'y some more ........
)a* toothpaste )+* toothpic, )c* tooth+r'sh
Q7 9y $a'ghter #o,e 'p screaming in the mi$$le o2 the night +eca'se she ha$ a terri+le ........
)a* toothpic, )+* tooth+r'sh )c* toothache
Q8 :ora as,e$ the #aiter to +ring her a ....... a2ter she ha$ 2inishe$ eating her $essert.
)a* tooth+r'sh )+* toothpic, )c* toothache
Q9 LI can-t seem to 2in$ the ne# t'+e o2 ....... that I p'rchase$ 2rom the s'permar,et yester$ay.L
)a* tooth+r'sh )+* toothpic, )c* toothpaste
Q10 9y ol$ ....... is loo,ing ery shaggy. I thin, it-s a+o't time to +'y a ne# one.
)a* toothpic, )+* toothpaste )c* tooth+r'sh
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 86
)eginner Grammar Q$esti+ns Test 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I #on$er ho# many chil$ren ....... going on the school 2iel$ trip this month.
)a* are )+* has )c* is
Q2 Eery morning7 I go to #or, ....... car.
)a* 2or )+* +y )c* in
Q3 6o yo' li,e s'shi( :o7 I ........
)a* $on-t li,e )+* $on-t )c* are not
Q4 3as anyone seen Ba'ra( ....... to #or, to$ay(
)a* Is she coming )+* 6oes she come )c* She come
Q5 I hope yo'-re haing a goo$ time. ....... li,e some more tea(
)a* 6o yo' )+* 1ill yo' )c* 1o'l$ yo'
Q6 Bet-s hang o't later tonight. ....... #ant to come oer a2ter #or,(
)a* 4o' #ill )+* 6o yo' )c* 6oes yo'
Q7 I #as o't #hen yo' calle$. I #ent to the store ....... +'y some mil,.
)a* 2or )+* to )c* or$er to
Q8 I haen-t tal,e$ to :icole recently. 1hen ....... yo' tal, to her last(
)a* $oes )+* #as )c* $i$
Q9 1e ....... a #on$er2'l time. /han,s 2or initing 's oer 2or $inner.
)a* ha$ )+* hae )c* has
Q10 /he 2orecast isn-t goo$ 2or tomorro#. It-s ....... to rain so $on-t 2orget to +ring yo'r 'm+rella.
)a* haing )+* going )c* seems
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 87
4rreg$lar ,er-s 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3ae yo' ....... yo'r tic,et 2or the concert on <ri$ay yet(
)a* getting )+* get )c* got
Q2 I hae ....... n'mero's plants in my gar$en this year.
)a* gro# )+* gro#n )c* gro#s
Q3 Ba'rie an$ /om ....... 2or the coast on 9on$ay morning.
)a* leaes )+* leaing )c* le2t
Q4 &an yo' ....... the mirror on that #all7 please(
)a* p't )+* p'tting )c* p'ts
Q5 /he +ri$esmai$s ....... +ea'ti2'l laen$erGcolore$ $resses at the #e$$inglast Sat'r$ay.
)a* #ears )+* #ore )c* #ear
Q6 >ose ....... her son to his soccer practice. She sho'l$ +e +ac, shortly.
)a* too, )+* ta,e )c* ta,en
Q7 Stein+ec, ....... a n'm+er o2 memora+le noels an$ stories set in &ali2ornia.
)a* #rite )+* #ritten )c* #rote
Q8 "n$rea-s h's+an$ is a tr'c, $rier. 3e ....... h'ge semiGtrailers 2or a liing.
)a* $rie )+* $ries )c* $rien
Q9 "2ter loo,ing at a ariety o2 color palettes7 /ammy 2inally ....... the color 2or her 2amily room #alls.
)a* choose )+* chose )c* chosen
Q10 B'ther has to ....... 2o'r ne# tires 2or his car. 3e #ants higher A'ality tires so they #ill last longer.
)a* +o'ght )+* +'ying )c* +'y
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 1
%ike a red rag
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 6on-t tal, to him a+o't politics +eca'se it-s li,e a ....... rag to a +'ll.
)a* +l'e )+* #hite )c* re$ )$* +lac,
Q2 3e ta,es the optimistic ie# an$ tal,s a+o't a ....... s,ies scenario.
)a* re$ )+* +l'e )c* #hite )$* yello#
Q3 She hasn-t #or,e$ here ery long an$ is there2ore a little ....... on matters o2 proce$'re.
)a* re$ )+* +l'e )c* #hite )$* green
Q4 :o# that they hae rea$ it in .......7 they +eliee me.
)a* re$ an$ +l'e )+* +l'e an$ re$ )c* #hite an$ +lac, )$* +lac, an$ #hite
Q5 /he reason #hy I 2eel so ....... to$ay is +eca'se it-s my +irth$ay an$ noGone has sent me any car$s.
)a* re$ )+* +l'e )c* #hite )$* +lac,
Q6 She lost the company a lot o2 money last #ee, an$ as a res'lt has got a ....... mar, against her name.
)a* re$ )+* +l'e )c* #hite )$* +lac,
Q7 In this +'siness yo' cannot a22or$ to ma,e any mista,e an$ m'st +e seen to +e lily ........
)a* re$ )+* +l'e )c* #hite )$* green
Q8 "s they t'rne$ ro'n$ an$ ran a#ay7 people tho'ght they #ere ........
)a* re$ )+* +l'e )c* #hite )$* yello#
Q9 "s, her to help yo' #ith yo'r calc'lations +eca'se she-s ....... hot at mathematics.
)a* re$ )+* +l'e )c* #hite )$* +lac,
Q10 I ,no# he $oesn-t li,e yo' +eca'se the moment yo' came in the room I sa# him gie yo' a ....... loo,.
)a* re$ )+* +l'e )c* #hite )$* +lac,
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 2
4# y+$ tend t+ #+rget
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3e ten$s to 2orget things ery A'ic,ly an$ +ehaes more an$ more li,e the typical ....... pro2essor.
)a* clearGmin$e$ )+* a+sentGmin$e$ )c* #ellGmin$e$ )$* coolGmin$e$
Q2 /his is a ery e%pensie holi$ay inten$e$ 2or those #ith plenty o2 money as it inoles a trip ....... the #orl$.
)a* thro'gh )+* along )c* a+o't )$* aro'n$
Q3 /he car is almost rea$y to collect 2rom the garage +'t there are 8'st a co'ple o2 spare ....... missing.
)a* parts )+* pieces )c* e%tras )$* accessories
Q4 /hey #ere ....... o2 haing +ro,en into the stately home an$ stolen seeral 2amo's paintings.
)a* charge$ )+* $escri+e$ )c* acc'se$ )$* +lame$
Q5 /he one thing my 2amily #ill al#ays remem+er a+o't Grace #as the many ....... o2 ,in$ness that she sho#e$
's in her long li2e.
)a* $ee$s )+* acts )c* actions )$* 2eats
Q6 I2 yo' ha$ +o'ght a ho'se a+o't thirty years ago yo' #o'l$ certainly 2in$ that it ha$ consi$era+ly ....... in
)a* increase$ )+* heightene$ )c* $eelope$ )$* $o'+le$
Q7 I2 yo'-re not care2'l yo'-ll 2in$ that +eca'se o2 yo'r genero's nat're7 she-ll start ta,ing ....... o2 yo'.
)a* part )+* a$antage )c* consi$eration )$* prominence
Q8 /here-s a h'ge ....... in the local paper a+o't the special o22ers aaila+le in the store this #ee,en$.
)a* anno'ncement )+* $isplay )c* notice )$* a$ertisement
Q9 4o'-ll notice that as soon as the chil$ren come home 2rom school7 the $og #ill 8'mp 'p an$ sho# its great
....... 2or them.
)a* in2ection )+* a22ection )c* a22ectation )$* protection
Q10 Sociologists maintain that some o2 the 2ilms on sho# to$ay hae create$ a generation o2 ery ....... chil$ren.
)a* 2rightene$ )+* a2rai$ )c* 2ear2'l )$* 2rightening
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 3
Easy Q$esti+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /here are no pro+lems 2or me +eca'se I 2in$ those A'estions ery ........
)a* easy )+* 2acile )c* so2t )$* straight
Q2 "re yo' going ....... 2or yo'r holi$ays this year(
)a* o'tsi$e )+* a+sent )c* a+roa$ )$* e%ternal
Q3 /hey ....... him 2or his +rae actions.
)a* praise$ )+* #orshippe$ )c* 2lattere$ )$* congrat'late$
Q4 3e is ery l'c,y to hae got himsel2 a ....... 8o+.
)a* pear )+* +anana )c* lemon )$* pl'm
Q5 /hey ....... 2rom the 2ire 'nh'rt.
)a* ea$e$ )+* escape$ )c* aoi$e$ )$* a+staine$
Q6 "2ter t#o rings o2 the +ell she s'$$enly ....... in the $oor#ay.
)a* seeme$ )+* loo,e$ )c* appeare$ )$* ie#e$
Q7 She neer spo,e a+o't hersel2 an$ #as al#ays ery ....... a+o't the goo$ things she ha$ $one.
)a* mo$est )+* mee, )c* h'm+le )$* simple
Q8 3e has lots o2 money an$ ....... t#o ho'ses in the city.
)a* hol$s )+* o#ns )c* occ'pies )$* possesses
Q9 Cne o2 that chil$-s teeth is ery ....... an$ #ill soon 2all o't.
)a* lost )+* losing )c* lose )$* loose
Q10 /hey #or,e$ har$ all $ay #itho't a ........
)a* +rea, )+* s'spension )c* pa'se )$* +reach
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 4
+; make; get; take
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 4o' m'st $eci$e an$ ....... 'p yo'r min$.
)a* $o )+* get )c* ma,e )$* ta,e
Q2 1hat time $o yo' ....... 'p in the morning(
)a* $o )+* get )c* ma,e )$* ta,e
Q3 "t the moment #e are trying to ....... 2or the to#n centre.
)a* $o )+* get )c* ma,e )$* ta,e
Q4 "2ter they ha$ sho'te$ at each other7 they $eci$e$ to ....... it 'p.
)a* $o )+* get )c* ma,e )$* ta,e
Q5 /hey are ery goo$ 2rien$s an$ ....... on #ell #ith each other.
)a* $o )+* get )c* ma,e )$* ta,e
Q6 /he 2irm has e%pan$e$ an$ they #ant to ....... on e%tra sta22.
)a* $o )+* get )c* ma,e )$* ta,e
Q7 She-s goo$ at #riting stories 2or chil$ren an$ is al#ays ,een to ....... 'p ne# plots.
)a* $o )+* get )c* ma,e )$* ta,e
Q8 "s #e $on-t hae m'ch money at the moment7 #e-e $eci$e$ to ....... #itho't certain l'%'ries.
)a* $o )+* get )c* ma,e )$* ta,e
Q9 1e m'stn-t +e late this morning +eca'se to$ay is #hen the ne# +oss is going to ....... oer.
)a* $o )+* get )c* ma,e )$* ta,e
Q10 9ost o2 the telephone lines #ere $estroye$ in the storm last night an$ so it-s almost impossi+le to .......
thro'gh to any+o$y to$ay.
)a* $o )+* get )c* ma,e )$* ta,e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 5
The (armer and his S+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 " 2armer ha$ t#o sons +oth o2 #hom #ere not ery ....... an$ aoi$e$ #or, i2 they co'l$.
)a* in$'strial )+* in$'strio's )c* in$'stry )$* in$'strialist
Q2 Cne $ay the 2ather ,ne# that he #as $ying an$ calle$ his t#o sons to his +e$ ........
)a* corner )+* #all )c* ta+le )$* si$e
Q3 3e #ante$ his sons to pay as m'ch ....... to the c'ltiation o2 the 2arm as he ha$ $one many years.
)a* tho'ght )+* care )c* attention )$* management
Q4 3e tol$ them that there #as a ....... treas're in the lan$ an$ they #o'l$ hae to loo, 2or it #hen he ha$ gone.
)a* 'nseen )+* hi$$en )c* conceale$ )$* o+sc're$
Q5 3e tol$ them that they #o'l$ 2in$ it in one o2 his 3 ine ....... +'t he $i$n-t tell them #hich one it #as.
)a* yar$s )+* 2eet )c* spaces )$* areas
Q6 /he sons ass're$ their 2ather that they #o'l$ #or, har$ to ....... o't the treas're.
)a* 2in$ )+* sort )c* see, )$* try
Q7 "s soon as their 2ather ha$ $ie$ an$ +een .......7 the sons too, o't all their 2arming tools an$ starte$ to $ig the
)a* gro'n$e$ )+* earthe$ )c* con2ine$ )$* +'rie$
Q8 /hey #or,e$ really har$ an$ $'g eery single ....... metre o2 their 2ather-s lan$.
)a* +loc, )+* sA'are )c* c'+e )$* p're
Q9 3o#eer long they $'g an$ ho#eer har$ they #or,e$7 they ....... to 2in$ the smallest +it o2 treas're.
)a* lac,e$ )+* misse$ )c* aoi$e$ )$* 2aile$
Q10 &learly their 2ather ha$ +een a #ise man +eca'se all the #or, the sons ha$ $one on the lan$ ens're$ that
they ha$ the +est ....... 2or years.
)a* gathering )+* yiel$ing )c* crop )$* pro$'ction
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 6
3 '+liday /ep+rt
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 4ester$ay I ....... to an archeological site +eca'se I #ant to +e an archeologist.
)a* go )+* #ent )c* isite$
Q2 /he pro+lems I hae ....... the lang'age are to $o #ith spelling.
)a* on )+* to )c* #ith
Q3 I2 I #ant to pass my e%ams7 I ....... st'$y ery har$.
)a* can )+* m'st )c* #ill
Q4 /he ....... thing o2 all $i22ic'lties in a lang'age is oca+'lary.
)a* #orst )+* +a$ )c* #orse
Q5 I hae +een ....... English 2or 5 years.
)a* st'$y )+* trying )c* learning
Q6 1hen #e #al,e$ into the school7 #e sa# that the st'$ents #ere #or,ing ery ........
)a* har$ly )+* har$ )c* easy
Q7 9ost people $on-t #ant to st'$y Batin +eca'se it is a ....... lang'age.
)a* $eath )+* ol$ )c* $ea$
Q8 I-e 2orgotten the name o2 my teacher +'t I thin, it is something li,e ........
)a* +ro#n )+* Smith )c* 8ones
Q9 1hat is the name o2 the ....... yo' p't tea into(
)a* thin, )+* thing )c* thin,ing
Q10 I ....... a lot o2 presents 2or my +irth$ay.
)a* got )+* +ecame )c* +ecome
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 7
G+ing +n #++t
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I-m tire$ o2 #aiting 2or +'ses7 I-m going there ....... 2oot.
)a* #ith )+* on )c* to )$* +y
Q2 1ho sai$ gro#ing 'p #as .......(
)a* 2'n )+* 8o,e )c* h'mo'r )$* la'ghter
Q3 I2 yo' #ant to hae yo'r central heating chec,e$7 yo' nee$ a ....... pl'm+er.
)a* ,no#ing )+* traine$ )c* learne$ )$* care2'l
Q4 /he moment the lights #ent o't7 there #ere scences o2 ........
)a* ma$ness )+* insanity )c* attac, )$* panic
Q5 6on-t +e p't ....... +y his manner7 he is really ,in$ hearte$.
)a* thro'gh )+* 'p )c* o22 )$* in
Q6 1hen a 2ilm is really +oring in the cinema7 I ten$ to no$ ........
)a* o't )+* o22 )c* to )$* thro'gh
Q7 3ae yo' hear$ the latest( Fohn an$ 9ary are ....... marrie$.
)a* getting )+* +ecoming )c* gro#ing )$* going
Q8 "s she ha$ ma$e s'ch an impression on her employers7 she #as soon o22ere$ ........
)a* progress )+* pre2erment )c* promotion )$* position
Q9 /here-s a ne# so2t#are program on the mar,et that-s s'ppose$ to protect yo'r comp'ter 2rom any ........
)a* ir's )+* $isease )c* complaint )$* illness
Q10 "s they al#ays tell yo' the al'e o2 shares can go ....... as #ell as 'p.
)a* across )+* oer )c* $o#n )$* in
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 8
Say !s& Tell
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I $are ....... yo'-re right.
)a* tell )+* tol$ )c* tells )$* say
Q2 I-e ....... yo' not to $o that many times +e2ore.
)a* tol$ )+* saying )c* says )$* sai$
Q3 /hat .......7 they #al,e$ o't o2 the room in total silence.
)a* tol$ )+* sai$ )c* telling )$* saying
Q4 4o' sho'l$n-t ta,e any notice o2 that +eca'se it-s only hear........
)a* telling )+* says )c* tells )$* say
Q5 /hat-s #hat people are al#ays ........
)a* say )+* sai$ )c* telling )$* saying
Q6 1hat I ....... an$ #hat I $o are not necessarily the same.
)a* sai$ )+* saying )c* say )$* tell
Q7 It-s no goo$ trying to pers'a$e me +eca'se I-m not ....... a #or$.
)a* tells )+* saying )c* telling )$* tol$
Q8 :o# that #o'l$ +e ....... +'t
)a* tol$
my lips are seale$.
)+* saying )c* telling )$* sai$
Q9 ....... 's that story againE
)a* Say )+* /ell )c* /ells )$* Says
Q10 I-m a2rai$ I can-t ....... 2or s're +'t I thin, it-s sa2e.
)a* sai$ )+* says )c* say )$* telling
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 9
1l+se !s& Sh$t
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 In the interest o2 sa2ety the main ale on the machine ha$ to +e ....... o22.
)a* sh'tting )+* closing )c* close$ )$* sh't
Q2 In the ....... moments o2 the symphony someone-s mo+ile phone starte$ ringing.
)a* close )+* closing )c* sh't )$* sh'tting
Q3 /he $etecties ha$ no pro+lems in soling the crimes as it #as clearly an open an$ ....... case.
)a* close$ )+* closing )c* sh't )$* sh'tting
Q4 /he police o22icer #arne$ 's that the roa$ ahea$ #as ........
)a* sh't )+* sh'tting )c* closing )$* close$
Q5 In ie# o2 the limite$ amo'nt o2 in2ormation an$ ei$ence the case #as no# consi$ere$ to +e ........
)a* closing )+* close$ )c* sh'tting )$* sh't
Q6 Eerything in that shop is no# ery cheap +eca'se they are haing a ....... $o#n sale.
)a* sh'ts )+* sh'tting )c* closes )$* closing
Q7 "2ter a n'm+er o2 years as a mon, he $eci$e$ to leae +eca'se he 2elt ery ....... in.
)a* sh't )+* sh'tting )c* closes )$* close$
Q8 "2ter the terri+le e%periences that they ha$ +een thro'gh7 the co'ple ....... themseles a#ay 2rom the
)a* sh't )+* sh'ts )c* closes )$* closing
Q9 /he ne# m'sical that has ha$ s'ch +a$ reie#s #ill ....... at the en$ o2 this #ee,.
)a* close )+* close$ )c* sh't )$* sh'ts
Q10 I-m a2rai$ that tree #ill hae to come $o#n as it ....... o't the light in the sitting room.
)a* close )+* closes )c* sh't )$* sh'ts
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 10
3t the /esta$rant
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he 2oo$ here is A'ite goo$ altho'gh the men' is A'ite ........
)a* elementary )+* +asic )c* easy )$* 2'n$amental
Q2 I m'st a$mit that #heneer I-e eaten at that resta'rant7 I-e al#ays come a#ay 2eeling ....... satis2ie$.
)a* completely )+* 's'ally )c* A'ic,ly )$* 2'll
Q3 I promise yo' that $ining here #ill +e really an ....... e%perience 2or yo'.
)a* e%cita+le )+* e%cite$ )c* e%citing )$* e%cite
Q4 /here-s something a+o't the ....... o2 that partic'lar $ish that ma,es it memora+le.
)a* 2lao'r )+* 2lao're$ )c* 2lao'ring )$* 2lao'rs
Q5 It can +e ery irritating #hen the #aiter ....... to +ring #hat yo' hae or$ere$.
)a* 2orgot )+* 2orgets )c* 2orgetting )$* 2orgotten
Q6 I2 yo'-re really intereste$7 I-m s're the che2 #ill tell yo' the ....... o2 that $ish.
)a* ingre$ients )+* contents )c* ma,eG'p )$* composition
Q7 "s they-re special ....... o2 the resta'rant7 they al#ays get a goo$ ta+le.
)a* partners )+* c'stomers )c* patrons )$* isitors
Q8 1e got ery +a$ serice to$ay an$ ha$ to ....... the #aiter three times a+o't the $rin,s.
)a* remem+er )+* or$er )c* remin$er )$* remin$
Q9 1e simply $i$n-t ,no# #hat to choose 2or o'r main $ish so in the en$ #e ma$e a ....... choice.
)a* ran$om )+* cas'al )c* 2ormal )$* straight
Q10 /he resta'rant #as liste$ in the g'i$e as it ha$ +een ....... to +e o2 the appropriate stan$ar$.
)a* al'e$ )+* esteeme$ )c* respecte$ )$* 8'$ge$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 11
3t the Theatre
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 It #as one o2 those plays #here the ....... moe$ at great spee$.
)a* acting )+* act )c* actor )$* action
Q2 /here are $i22erent #ays o2 ....... Sha,espeare-s plays an$ each $irector ma,es an in$ii$'al choice.
)a* meeting )+* #elcoming )c* approaching )$* sho#ing
Q3 Cne o2 the greatest actors o2 the cent'ry ....... an 'n2orgetta+le character in the part o2 Scrooge 2rom the noel
+y &harles 6ic,ens.
)a* $eelope$ )+* man'2act're$ )c* mo'l$e$ )$* create$
Q4 9any people go to the theatre not to see a play #here the plot is complicate$ +'t to listen to the +rilliant .......
+et#een the actors.
)a* $ialog'e )+* chat )c* conersation )$* comments
Q5 4o' can-t compare the ....... o2 #atching lie theatre #ith #atching a 2ilm.
)a* ,no#le$ge )+* e%perience )c* 'n$erstan$ing )$* ,no#ing
Q6 "re yo' one o2 those people #ho neer goes to see a play 'ntil yo'-e rea$ the ....... in the ne#spaper(
)a* #riters )+* reie#s )c* opinions )$* notes
Q7 /he ....... #ere so carrie$ a#ay #ith the acting that at the en$ o2 the play they all stoo$ 'p an$ appla'$e$.
)a* spectators )+* #atchers )c* listeners )$* a'$ience
Q8 /here are al#ays special ....... in her trage$ies that moe yo' to tears.
)a* constit'ents )+* elements )c* particles )$* ingre$ients
Q9 3o#eer #ell #ritten the play is7 it #ill neer s'ccee$ #itho't o'tstan$ing ........
)a* per2ormers )+* moers )c* #or,ers )$* creators
Q10 "s al#ays his latest play has +een a h'ge s'ccess an$ all the tic,ets are ....... 'ntil "'g'st.
)a* ta,en o't )+* p't o't )c* sol$ o't )$* +o'ght o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 12
0+p$lar 4di+ms
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Bightning neer stri,es in the same place ........
)a* +e2ore )+* t#ice )c* secon$ly )$* thrice
Q2 I2 yo' #atch a ,ettle7 it neer ........
)a* coo,s )+* ste# )c* +oils )$* heats
Q3 Boo, +e2ore yo' ........
)a* leap )+* stri,e )c* r'sh )$* go
Q4 6on-t co'nt yo'r chic,ens +e2ore they are ........
)a* +orn )+* 2e$ )c* hatche$ )$* stolen
Q5 It-s all right to tell a ....... lie.
)a* re$ )+* #hite )c* +l'e )$* +lac,
Q6 /here-s no 2ool li,e an ....... 2ool.
)a* age$ )+* ancient )c* el$erly )$* ol$
Q7 Bet ....... $ogs lie.
)a* sleeping )+* snoo;ing )c* $reaming )$* +ar,ing
Q8 Stri,e #hile the iron is ........
)a* heating )+* heate$ )c* hot )$* so2t
Q9 5oliteness costs ........
)a* a lot )+* a little )c* m'ch )$* nothing
Q10 :eer loo, a gi2t horse in the ........
)a* mo'th )+* eye )c* nose )$* teeth
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 13
0+p$lar Garden 4di+ms
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 :eer let the ....... gro# 'n$er yo'r 2eet.
)a* #ee$s )+* grass )c* 2lo#ers )$* +'l+s
Q2 /he grass is al#ays ....... on the other si$e.
)a* +lac,er )+* 2'rther )c* greener )$* longer
Q3 Eerything is coming 'p ........
)a* roses )+* $aisies )c* t'lips )$* lilies
Q4 5oor 9ary #as a +it o2 a ....... at the $ance.
)a* corn2lo#er )+* ca'li2lo#er )c* #all2lo#er )$* #il$2lo#er
Q5 3e le$ her 'p the gar$en ........
)a* path )+* lane )c* street )$* roa$
Q6 Eerything in the ....... is loely.
)a* roses )+* 2lo#ers )c* grass )$* gar$en
Q7 9oney $oesn-t gro# on ........
)a* plants )+* +'l+s )c* trees )$* +'shes
Q8 " +ir$ in the han$s is #orth ....... in the +'sh.
)a* 2o'r )+* three )c* t#o )$* one
Q9 &ome to the point an$ stop +eating a+o't the ........
)a* tree )+* 2lo#er )c* he$ge )$* +'sh
Q10 6on-t tr'st him7 he-s a +it o2 a sna,e in the ........
)a* grass )+* 2lo#ers )c* plants )$* #ee$s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 14
Eating 6$t
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "s there are so many $ishes on the men'7 #o'l$ yo' li,e me to ....... something to eat(
)a* $eci$e )+* s'ggest )c* o22er )$* consi$er
Q2 /hey simply co'l$n-t $eci$e #hich resta'rant to choose an$ so in the en$ they too, a ote an$ the .......
$eci$e$ on a &hinese one.
)a* most )+* more )c* ma8ority )$* main
Q3 1e #aite$ one ho'r 2or the main $ish to ....... an$ then it #as the #rong or$er.
)a* arrie )+* reach )c* $elier )$* sen$
Q4 I2 yo' really #ant to en8oy the 2'll 2lao'r o2 that partic'lar meal7 yo' m'st remem+er to ....... the right +alance
o2 sa'ces together.
)a* 8oin )+* stic, )c* attach )$* mi%
Q5 It is al#ays more rela%ing to eat in a resta'rant #here the 2aces o2 the sta22 are ....... an$ ,no# eeryone +y
)a* 2amiliari;e$ )+* 2amiliar )c* 2amiliarly )$* 2amiliarity
Q6 /here #as a great $isc'ssion a+o't #hich partic'lar type o2 c'isine the g'ests #o'l$ choose an$ 2inally they
reache$ a ....... an$ settle$ on the set men'.
)a* compromising )+* compromise$ )c* compromise )$* compromisingly
Q7 It $oesn-t matter ho# late yo' arrie at this resta'rant yo' can al#ays ....... on a #arm #elcome 2rom the
)a* tr'st )+* con2i$e )c* rely )$* +eliee
Q8 /he place #as so 2'll o2 people an$ ta+les that the #aiter ha$ to ....... 's thro'gh the cro#$s to o'r ta+le.
)a* sho# )+* g'i$e )c* con$'ct )$* ena+le
Q9 /he pro+lem a+o't #riting on 2oo$ is that ho#eer har$ yo' try7 yo' #ill say #hat yo' li,e an$ en$ 'p +eing
)a* s'+8ectie )+* o+8ectie )c* re2lectie )$* $irectie
Q10 /he s'ccess o2 a really goo$ meal is that not only m'st it taste goo$ +'t it sho'l$ also loo, goo$ an$ th's .......
to yo'r eye.
)a* attract )+* appeal )c* atten$ )$* appear
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 15
'+t and 1+ld
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I-e 8'st receie$ his latest $etectie noel 2rom the p'+lisher so it-s #hat yo' might call hot ....... the press.
)a* +y )+* 2rom )c* #ith )$* o22
Q2 4o' can neer tell e%actly #hat she is thin,ing +eca'se she ery o2ten ....... hot an$ col$ oer some topics.
)a* +lo#s )+* s#ings )c* 2lies )$* changes
Q3 "ltho'gh I-$ ma$e 'p my min$ to $o it last night no# I-m not s're an$ am getting col$ ....... a+o't it.
)a* han$s )+* 2eet )c* legs )$* arms
Q4 /hey li,e to thin, they-re ery important people +'t politicians 8'st tal, a lot o2 hot ....... most o2 the time.
)a* #or$s )+* steam )c* air )$* st'22
Q5 Since the arg'ment #e-e ha$ a+o't the gar$en he$ge7 o'r neigh+o'rs ta,e no notice o2 's an$ gie 's the
col$ ....... #hen they see 's.
)a* an,le )+* sho'l$er )c* el+o# )$* han$
Q6 "s soon as the presi$ent #as ta,en ill7 the $ep'ty ha$ to ta,e charge an$ is c'rrently in the hot ....... no#.
)a* seat )+* chair )c* place )$* position
Q7 /he acc'se$ #as sentence$ to li2e imprisonment a2ter it ha$ +een esta+lishe$ that he ha$ committe$ the
m'r$er in col$ ........
)a* attac, )+* 2eeling )c* +loo$ )$* passion
Q8 I or$ere$ a co22ee 2rom the #aiter +'t +y the time it ha$ reache$ me it #as ....... col$.
)a* stone )+* roc, )c* +loc, )$* tile
Q9 /he police hae set 'p a special hot ....... so that people can get in to'ch to 2in$ o't a+o't the acci$ent.
)a* connection )+* line )c* comm'nication )$* phone
Q10 3e-s al#ays ery 'neasy li,e a cat on hot ....... #heneer he is #aiting to hear the res'lts o2 the e%aminations.
)a* +ric,s )+* 2loors )c* paths )$* roa$s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 16
3 1+llisi+n< (inish this St+ry
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I really can-t tell #hat-s ........
)a* going on )+* ta,ing o22 )c* going +y )$* ta,ing in
Q2 /he tro'+le is some+o$y is ........
)a* stan$ing to me
)c* stan$ing in 2ront o2 me
)+* stan$ing 2rom me
)$* stan$ing a+o't me
Q3 /he +est thing I s'ppose is to as, him ........
)a* to $isappear )+* to anish )c* to moe )$* to $epart
Q4 /hat-s +etter I-e got a clearer ........
)a* sight no# )+* ie# no# )c* pict're no# )$* ision no#
Q5 It loo,s 2rom #hat I can see as i2 there-s +een some ,in$ o2 ........
)a* collision )+* eent )c* sit'ation )$* position
Q6 4es7 no# he-s gone I can see that there are t#o cars in the car par, that hae ........
)a* gone thro'gh each one
)c* gone into one another
)+* gone +y one another
)$* gone into each one
Q7 /here are a lot o2 people there in the car par, an$ they-re ........
)a* sailing their arms a+o't
)c* t'rning their arms a+o't
)+* #aing their arms a+o't
)$* $riing their arms a+o't
Q8 I-m #al,ing right 'p to the cro#$ no# to see ........
)a* #hat-s happen )+* #hat-s happens )c* #hat-s happene$ )$* #hat-s occ'ring
Q9 :o# I can see A'ite clearly that the +ig re$ car has ........
)a* stric,en the little +l'e one
)c* stro,e$ the little +l'e one
)+* str'c, the little +l'e one
)$* st'c, the little +l'e
Q10 Ch $ear I-e 8'st $iscoere$ that the little +l'e one ........
)a* +elongs to me )+* is +elonging to me )c* +elonge$ to me )$* has +elonge$ to me
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 17
2ill +r Shall5
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 6o yo' ,no# the $i22erence .......(
)a* +et#een #ill an$ shall
)c* 2rom #ill an$ shall
)+* o2 #ill an$ shall
)$* +y #ill an$ shall
Q2 I can see 2rom the e%pression on yo'r 2ace that yo' haen-t ........
)a* got a tho'ght )+* got a ie# )c* got a cl'e )$* got a s'ggestion
Q3 I thin, the +est #ay is to tell yo' a story that ........
)a* clears the $i22erence
)c* e%po'n$s the $i22erence
)+* e%plains the $i22erence
)$* e%poses the $i22erence
Q4 /he main $i22erence is that -I #ill- ........
)a* means -I #ant to-
)c* sho#s -I #ant to-
)+* signi2ies -I #ant to-
)$* says -I #ant to-
Q5 I2 yo' say -I shall- then yo' are tal,ing ........
)a* on the 2't're )+* a+o't the 2't're )c* to the 2't're )$* 2or the 2't're
Q6 I #ant yo' to imagine that a man is #al,ing ........
)a* in the co'ntry )+* on the co'ntrysi$e )c* +y the co'ntrysi$e )$* oer the co'ntry
Q7 "2ter a 2e# min'tes he ........
)a* attains a rier )+* acA'ires a rier )c* nears a rier )$* reaches a rier
Q8 /here is a man in the rier 2'lly clothe$ #ho is ........
)a* in pro+lems )+* in har$ships )c* in $i22ic'lties )$* in ha;ar$s
Q9 /he man in the rier ,eeps ........
)a* calling o22 -I #ill $ro#n7 I #ill $ro#n-
)c* calling to -I #ill $ro#n7 I #ill $ro#n-
)+* calling o't -I #ill $ro#n7 I #ill $ro#n-
)$* calling 2rom -I #ill $ro#n7 I #ill $ro#n-
Q10 /he man on the rier +an,7 #ho is goo$ at grammar7 thin,s the man really #ants to $ro#n7 #al,s on an$
)a* allo#s him $ro#n )+* permits him $ro#n )c* lets him $ro#n )$* lets him to $ro#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 18
The t.+ )$tter (r+gs
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 " long7 long time ago there #ere t#o 2rogs #ho tho'ght it #o'l$ +e a goo$ i$ea to ........
)a* go on an o'ting )+* go o'ting )c* go o't )$* o't go
Q2 /hey ha$ neer le2t their pon$ +e2ore an$ to them it #as a ery +ig ........
)a* a$ent )+* a$ent'ro's )c* a$ent're )$* a$ent'rer
Q3 "t 2irst they thoro'ghly en8oye$ themseles an$ 2or the 2irst time in their lies e%perience$ ........
)a* a sense o2 2ree )+* a sense o2 2reeing )c* a sense o2 2ree$ )$* a sense o2 2ree$om
Q4 /he #eather #as per2ect an$ the s'n neer ........
)a* stoppe$ to shine )+* stoppe$ to +'rn )c* stoppe$ shining )$* stoppe$ shone
Q5 /hey 2o'n$ plenty o2 2oo$ an$ $eci$e$ to stop an$ ........
)a* ta,e rest )+* ta,e a rest )c* ta,e resting )$* ta,e reste$
Q6 In the hot s'n they starte$ to 2eel sleepy an$ ery soon ........
)a* 2ell into asleep )+* 2ell into sleep )c* 2ell asleep )$* 2ell into sleepy
Q7 S'$$enly the so'n$ o2 a cat meo#ing ........
)a* ma$e them a#a,e )+* ma$e them #a,en )c* ma$e them #a,ing )$* ma$e them #a,e 'p
Q8 /hey panic,e$ an$ ........
)a* 2le# 2or their lies
)c* 2lo#e$ 2or their lies
)+* 2le$ 2or their lies
)$* 2leeing 2or their lies
Q9 /hey ran into a 2arm ho'se an$ 8'mpe$ right into a +arrel o2 mil, #here they ........
)a* hoppe$ an$ hoppe$ in or$er not to sin,
)c* hope$ an$ hope$ in or$er not to sin,
)+* hopping an$ hopping in or$er not to sin,
)$* hoping an$ hoping in or$er not to sin,
Q10 Sa$ly the smaller 2rog gre# tire$ an$ $ro#ne$ +'t the ol$er one ,ept on moing a+o't an$ in the morning
)a* 2o'n$ he #as sat on a +arrel o2 +'tter
)c* 2o'n$ he #as sitting on a +arrel o2 +'tter
)+* 2o'n$ he sat on a +arrel o2 +'tter
)$* 2o'n$ he sits on a +arrel o2 +'tter
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 19
1r+ss Q$esti+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Fane? 6i$ yo' ,no# yo' +ro,e the glass #hen yo' ....... the $oor last night(
)a* smashe$ )+* crashe$ )c* slamme$ )$* slashe$
Q2 <ran,? It co'l$n-t possi+ly hae +een me I al#ays sh't $oors ........
)a* still )+* har$ly )c* scarcely )$* A'ietly
Q3 Fane? I-m sorry yo'-re not telling the tr'th7 yo' #ere the last person to ........
)a* come home )+* come to home )c* come at home )$* come to ho'se
Q4 9i,e? /hat $oesn-t proe anything. "ct'ally I hear$ the so'n$ o2 glass ....... in the night.
)a* crea,ing )+* crac,ling )c* +rea,ing )$* +ro,en
Q5 Fane? 4o'-re 8'st ma,ing that 'p D I ,no# yo'-re not ........
)a* saying the tr'th )+* spea,ing the tr'th )c* tal,ing the tr'th )$* telling the tr'th
Q6 9i,e? 3onestly7 I $i$ hear that ,in$ o2 noise7 I ........
)a* s#ear I $i$ )+* ass're I $i$ )c* a$8're I $i$ )$* a$ise I $i$
Q7 Fane? Sorry yo' can protest i2 yo' li,e +'t it $oesn-t ........
)a* +rea, any ice #ith me
)c* 2ree;e any ice #ith me
)+* c't any ice #ith me
)$* ma,e any ice #ith me
Q8 9i,e? F'st a min'te #hat-s that note .......(
)a* g'mme$ on the $oor )+* a$here$ on the $oor )c* gl'e$ on the $oor )$* st'c, on the $oor
Q9 Fane? It-s some ,in$ o2 note 2rom Foe ne%t $oor D no I ........
)a* can-t ma,e it o't )+* can-t ma,e it o22 )c* can-t ma,e it in )$* can-t ma,e it on
Q10 9i,e? Gie it to me. 0ery interestingE 3e says he +ro,e the glass +y acci$ent an$ ........
)a* he-s so'n$ly apologetic
)c* he-s sorry apologetic
)+* he-s $eeply apologetic
)$* he-s p'rely apologetic
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 20
%ea!e me al+ne
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "lan? E%c'se me ....... +'t #hat are yo' $oing(
)a* interening )+* interie#ing )c* interr'pting )$* intercepting
Q2 Iser? I sho'l$ hae tho'ght is #as pretty ........
)a* o+io's )+* a+sol'te )c* noticea+le )$* acc'rate
Q3 "lan? 1ell7 I only as,e$ D there-s no nee$ to +ite my ....... o22E
)a* nose )+* hea$ )c* arm )$* leg
Q4 Iser? Sorry I $i$n-t mean to +e r'$e +'t I-m trying to ........
)a* $eli+erate )+* r'minate )c* concentrate )$* cogitate
Q5 "lan? I see an$ #hat is the ....... yo' are #or,ing on(
)a* $'ty )+* tas, )c* #or, )$* goal
Q6 Iser? I-m #or,ing on those ....... English tests7 #hich I 2in$ ery interesting.
)a* notorio's )+* 2a+le$ )c* 2amo's )$* in2amo's
Q7 "lan? Ch7 yes I-e hear$ o2 them. 6o they ....... yo' #ith yo'r English(
)a* ai$ )+* s'pport )c* help )$* com2ort
Q8 Iser? 4es7 they #o'l$ $o i2 yo' $i$n-t ....... in as,ing A'estions.
)a* contin'e )+* persist )c* insist )$* p'rs'e
Q9 "lan? I2 that-s ho# yo' 2eel7 I-ll leae yo' ........
)a* lonely )+* lonesome )c* alone )$* apart
Q10 Iser? 1hat an e%cellent i$eaE Beae me in ....... an$ go an$ #rite another test.
)a* piece )+* peacetime )c* peace2'l )$* peace
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 21
2hat n+.5
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 6i$ yo' hear the story a+o't the #oman #ho sai$ she co'l$ tell the .......(
)a* coming )+* 2't're )c* going )$* ne%t
Q2 I hope yo' haen-t +eca'se I-m a+o't to ....... it to yo' no#.
)a* restore )+* repeat )c* relate )$* regain
Q3 3er name #as 9ary Smith an$ she ha$ a ....... 2or telling people #hat #as going to happen.
)a* title )+* rep'tation )c* $escription )$* i$ea
Q4 Some+o$y once 'se$ her a$ice an$ ma$e a ....... o't o2 +'ying shares in a small company that $i$ #ell.
)a* heap )+* gol$ )c* 2ort'ne )$* amo'nt
Q5 /he strange thing #as that she neer act'ally 'se$ her ....... to +ene2it hersel2.
)a* giing )+* gi2t )c* gae )$* gien
Q6 5eople starte$ to +e ....... o2 her an$ tho'ght that perhaps she ha$ a secret so'rce o2 in2ormation.
)a* s'spect )+* s'specting )c* s'spicion )$* s'spicio's
Q7 Some others #ante$ to try an$ ....... her o't an$ proe that she $i$n-t hae this special a+ility.
)a* ma,e )+* ta,e )c* catch )$* $o
Q8 /he plan #as to preten$ to ....... her ho'se late one night an$ see i2 she #as really any goo$ at ,no#ing it #as
going to happen.
)a* steal )+* +'rgle )c* ro+ )$* enter
Q9 9i,e "n$re#s7 #hose i$ea it #as7 inten$e$ to gie eerything +ac, +'t he 8'st #ante$ to ....... her a+ility.
)a* $iscoer )+* try )c* test )$* e%amine
Q10 "s 9r "n$re#s #as a+o't to leae he 2o'n$ a note pinne$ to his $oor. It #as 2rom 9ary Smith a$ising him to
+e care2'l +eca'se she has 8'st +o'ght a ....... yo'ng g'ar$ $og.
)a* seere )+* 2erocio's )c* harsh )$* spite2'l
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 22
2rapped r+$nd her #inger
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I can-t ....... those silly people #ho al#ays go aro'n$ #ith their mo+ile phones gl'e$ to their ears.
)a* hea$ )+* han$ )c* stomach )$* 2inger
Q2 I2 yo' thin, I $i$n-t catch yo' ....... that yo'ng #aitress7 yo'-re A'ite mista,en.
)a* 2ingering )+* hea$ing )c* han$ing )$* eying
Q3 3e is s'ch a co#ar$ +eca'se #heneer it comes to spea,ing his min$ he al#ays ....... $o#n instea$.
)a* +ac,s )+* hea$s )c* han$s )$* noses
Q4 &ome on7 sha,e a ....... #e-re r'nning late.
)a* nose )+* han$ )c* leg )$* 2oot
Q5 6on-t yo' thin, it-s a+o't time yo' p't yo'r ....... $o#n an$ tol$ them #hat yo' really thin,(
)a* 2inger )+* han$ )c* hea$ )$* 2oot
Q6 1ell7 'n2ort'nately as I ha$ one glass too many last night7 I g'ess I sho'l$ go 2or ....... o2 the $og.
)a* a 2oot )+* a hair )c* a nose )$* an ear
Q7 "s she-s s'ch a nasty little thing7 I can see it #on-t ta,e her long to #rap yo' ro'n$ her little ........
)a* sho'l$er )+* +o$y )c* 2inger )$* tong'e
Q8 &o'l$ yo' please gie me a ....... I-m a2rai$ I can-t han$le it +y mysel2.
)a* tooth )+* 2oot )c* han$ )$* 2inger
Q9 "re yo' s're yo'r ne# +oss isn-t marrie$( D 4es7 honestly7 I hae it straight 2rom the horse-s ........
)a* +ac, )+* mo'th )c* 2oot )$* nose
Q10 3ey7 get 'p an$ $o yo'r home#or, yo' la;y ........
)a* +ones )+* +ottoms )c* hips )$* +ac,
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 23
The 3nts and the Grassh+pper
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Cne #inter-s $ay #hen the s'n #as shining yo' co'l$ hear the ....... o2 great actiity.
)a* moe )+* so'n$ )c* moing )$* so'n$ing
Q2 1hat yo' co'l$ hear #as the ants #ho #ere ....... $rying grain.
)a* actie )+* $oing )c* +'sy )$* +'siness
Q3 Sensi+ly as all ants $o7 they ha$ ....... the grain $'ring the s'mmer.
)a* assem+le$ )+* ass'me$ )c* +ro'ght )$* collecte$
Q4 /heir plan #as to eat this ....... $'ring the #inter.
)a* proision )+* proi$ing )c* proi$er )$* proi$e$
Q5 /hey #ere so ....... in their #or, that they $i$n-t notice a grasshopper.
)a* enelope$ )+* engrosse$ )c* encompasse$ )$* enlarge$
Q6 /he grasshopper #as so #ea, he #as practically ....... +eca'se he ha$n-t eaten 2or ages.
)a* straining )+* stal,ing )c* staring )$* streaming
Q7 3e sa# the ants an$ ....... them #ith all the strength he co'l$ 2in$ to let him hae a little 2oo$.
)a* +egge$ )+* +a$e )c* +i$ )$* +artere$
Q8 /he ants shoo, their hea$s at him an$ as,e$ him #hy he ha$n-t ....... 'p 2oo$ in the s'mmer.
)a* stoo$ )+* store$ )c* sto,e$ )$* stoppe$
Q9 /he poor grasshopper ....... he ha$ spent the #hole s'mmer en8oying himsel2 singing an$ $ancing.
)a* con2'se$ )+* con2esse$ )c* contin'e$ )$* contente$
Q10 "ll the ants la'ghe$ an$ sai$ in that case he #o'l$ hae to $ance ....... to +e$ in the #inter.
)a* 2amo's )+* 2amiliar )c* 2a$e$ )$* 2amishe$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 24
The T.+ +gs
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 " man ha$ t#o $ogs? a ho'n$ ....... to help him #ith his sports an$ another to g'ar$ the ho'se.
)a* traine$ )+* t'tore$ )c* +ro'ght 'p )$* e$'cate$
Q2 1heneer the h'nter came home7 he al#ays gae the ho'se $og a large ....... o2 #hat he ca'ght.
)a* section )+* slice )c* portion )$* A'antity
Q3 /he ho'n$ $og #as ery ....... a+o't this.
)a* oert'rne$ )+* set 'p )c* 'pt'rne$ )$* 'pset
Q4 3e tol$ the ho'se $og he 2o'n$ it ery ....... haing to $o all the har$ #or,.
)a* annoye$ )+* annoying )c* annoys )$* annoy
Q5 1hat ma$e things #orse7 he contin'e$7 #as that the ho'se $og neer ....... part in any o2 the h'nting.
)a* $i$ )+* p't )c* too, )$* ha$
Q6 "ll the ho'se $og $i$ #as simply to 2ee$ himsel2 on the res'lts o2 the ....... that the ho'n$ $og 'n$ertoo,.
)a* e%ertions )+* e%tremes )c* e%ercises )$* e%cesses
Q7 /he ho'se $og 2elt he ha$ to ....... himsel2 in the 2ace o2 all this criticism.
)a* $isplay )+* $etect )c* $e2en$ )$* $isten$
Q8 /he ho'se $og as,e$ him not to pic, on him i2 he #ante$ to ....... someone.
)a* acc'se )+* +lame )c* $isapproe )$* 2a'lt
Q9 /he ho'se $og tol$ him to critici;e their master #ho ha$ ta'ght him not ho# to #or, +'t ho# to ....... on the
#or, o2 others.
)a* hang )+* s'pport )c* attach )$* $epen$
Q10 /he moral o2 this 2a+le is? yo' m'stn-t ....... chil$ren 2or the mista,es o2 their parents.
)a* reproach )+* repriee )c* repeal )$* re8ect
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 25
The 'are and the T+rt+ise
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Cne $ay a hare loo,e$ at a tortoise an$ ....... the short 2eet o2 the tortoise.
)a* la'ghe$ )+* ri$ic'le$ )c* ri$ic'lo's )$* la'ghter
Q2 3e also ma$e ....... o2 the slo# pace at #hich the tortoise traelle$.
)a* 2'n )+* 8o,e )c* la'gh )$* 2'nny
Q3 /he tortoise agree$ that the hare ran as 2ast as the #in$ +'t claime$ that he co'l$ easily ....... him in a race.
)a* stri,e )+* hit )c* +eat )$* ,noc,
Q4 It #as ....... that the tortoise sho'l$ choose the co'rse an$ also the en$ o2 the race.
)a* consente$ )+* permitte$ )c* allo#e$ )$* agree$
Q5 /he tortoise neer stoppe$ an$ contin'e$ #al,ing at a ....... pace all the time to the en$ o2 the race.
)a* stea$ying )+* stea$ie$ )c* stea$y )$* stea$ily
Q6 /he hare shot ahea$ an$ then $eci$e$ to ....... $o#n at the si$e o2 the path 2or a rest.
)a* lay )+* lie )c* lai$ )$* lain
Q7 It #asn-t long +e2ore the hare 2ell into a ....... sleep.
)a* pro2o'n$ )+* steep )c* $eep )$* 2'll
Q8 1hen he #o,e 'p7 he co'l$n-t ....... his eyes +eca'se there #as the tortoise crossing the 2inishing line.
)a* 'n$erstan$ )+* +eliee )c* comprehen$ )$* 2ollo#
Q9 "t the en$ o2 the race the tortoise7 ....... +y all his har$ #or,7 #as A'ietly sl'm+ering on the line.
)a* $estroye$ )+* e%caate$ )c* e%ha'ste$ )$* eac'ate$
Q10 /he moral o2 this 2a+le is? slo# +'t ....... al#ays #ins the race in the en$.
)a* s're )+* ei$ent )c* certain )$* $e2inite
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 26
2h+ has d+ne it5
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he $etectie story is sometimes calle$ -#ho$'nit- +eca'se the rea$er has to #or, ....... #ho $i$ it7 #ho
committe$ the crime.
)a* in )+* o't )c* o22 )$* oer
Q2 /he s,ill o2 co'rse o2 the #riting is ho# many times a rea$er can +e sent 'p ....... alleys.
)a* short )+* t#iste$ )c* +lin$ )$* long
Q3 "nother #ay o2 p'tting this is ho# many re$ ....... the a'thor can thro# in the rea$er-s path.
)a* 2ish )+* shar,s )c* co$ )$* herrings
Q4 /he i$ea is to ,eep the rea$ers in a permanent state o2 ....... so that they neer ,no# #hat-s going to happen
)a* s'spense )+* s'spension )c* s'spen$ing )$* s'spen$ers
Q5 "s the plot .......7 yo' 2in$ yo'rsel2 agreeing #ith one character-s sol'tion an$ then another-s.
)a* 'n$oes )+* 'n2ol$s )c* 'nties )$* 'n2'rls
Q6 "s a res'lt yo' 2eel as i2 yo' are #al,ing in a ....... since at each t'rning yo' come to a +loc, en$.
)a* m'$$le )+* mess )c* ma;e )$* mist
Q7 Cne o2 the +est ,no#n $etecties is "gatha &hristie-s 3erc'le 5oirot #ho 'ses #hat he calls his little grey
....... D his +rains.
)a* molec'les )+* cells )c* particles )$* atoms
Q8 Inaria+ly 5oirots calls all the ....... together in the last part o2 the story.
)a* s'spicions )+* s'specting )c* s'specte$ )$* s'spects
Q9 Cne +y one he ....... the innocent 'ntil 2inally the m'r$erer is 'nmas,e$.
)a* e%ting'ishes )+* e%cl'$es )c* eliminates )$* e%erts
Q10 /he thing that al#ays s'rprises me is the 2act that the m'r$erer +others to ta,e ....... in the 2inal meeting.
)a* partition )+* part )c* parting )$* parte$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 27
%i#e +n *ars5
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "nyone see,ing ....... o2 li2e on 9ars is li,ely to +e $isappointe$.
)a* clarity )+* ei$ence )c* #itness )$* in$e%
Q2 Scientists hae +een ....... thro'gh $ata 2rom an or+iting satellite.
)a* com+ing )+* scratching )c* +r'shing )$* scaling
Q3 It seems that 9ars has al#ays +een col$ an$ icy an$ that it-s not tr'e that oceans hae ....... on the planet in
its early history.
)a* shape$ )+* 2ig're$ )c* conto're$ )$* 2orme$
Q4 /his ....... in the li2e on 9ars arg'ment comes 8'st #hen it is closest to Earth in 60.000 years.
)a* t'rn )+* t#ist )c* corner )$* angle
Q5 =eca'se it is coming so close o+serers are hoping to settle the arg'ment a+o't li2e on the planet once an$
2or ........
)a* eerything )+* eery )c* all )$* altogether
Q6 " spacecra2t is hea$ing 2or the planet #ith a $eice that #ill ....... into the soil to sni22 2or proo2 o2 any li2e.
)a* hole )+* s#im )c* +'rro# )$* t'rn
Q7 >esearchers are also loo,ing into the possi+ility o2 one $ay la'nching a manne$ ....... to 9ars.
)a* sen$ing )+* mission )c* $estination )$* e%plore
Q8 "s the planet gets nearer to the S'n7 enormo's $'st storms can +e #hippe$ ........
)a* oer )+* on )c* in )$* 'p
Q9 In2ort'nately the $'st storms ten$ to ....... the ie# o2 the planet.
)a* 2og )+* o+sc're )c* con2'se )$* $ar,en
Q10 Eeryone hopes that 9ars #ill remain $'st 2ree other#ise people #ill only +e a+le to see an orange ........
)a* +lot )+* +loc, )c* +lo+ )$* +la+
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 28
St+ry 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9ost st'$ents hae to try an$ earn e%tra money +y ta,ing a holi$ay 8o+. /hey t'rn ....... their st'$ies an$
e%perience the real #orl$ 2or a #hile.
)a* into )+* $o#n )c* asi$e 2rom )$* to
Q2 Cne long hot s'mmer I t'rne$ ....... #aiting as my metho$ o2 getting cash.
)a* into )+* to )c* $o#n )$* asi$e 2rom
Q3 5erhaps I sho'l$ t'rn that #or$ -#aiting- ....... a more speci2ic e%planation? I mean +eing a #aiter in a hotel.
)a* $o#n )+* to )c* into )$* asi$e 2rom
Q4 I ha$ o2 co'rse t'rne$ my han$ ....... many 8o+s $'ring the acation perio$s +'t #aiting #as certainly the most
)a* to )+* into )c* $o#n )$* o't
Q5 /he one hotel that ha$n-t t'rne$ ....... my application #as sit'ate$ right in the mi$$le o2 a 2orest.
)a* o't )+* $o#n )c* into )$* asi$e 2rom
Q6 4o' t'rne$ ....... the $rie an$ sa# only hills all aro'n$ yo' so it 2elt li,e the mi$$le o2 no#here.
)a* o't )+* asi$e 2rom )c* $o#n )$* into
Q7 It ha$ +een a ery large priate ho'se that ha$ +een t'rne$ ....... a small hotel 2or t#entyG2ie g'ests.
)a* o't )+* $o#n )c* into )$* to
Q8 /he ne# o#ners ha$ ha$ to t'rn ....... all the rooms #hich #ere 2'll o2 r'++ish.
)a* to )+* $o#n )c* into )$* o't
Q9 /he other pro+lem ha$ +een to t'rn ....... an ol$ tramp #ho ha$ lie$ in a room 'pstairs 2or t#o years #itho't
the ,no#le$ge o2 the ol$ la$y #ho #as the original o#ner.
)a* o't )+* asi$e 2rom )c* to )$* into
Q10 /he tramp t'rne$ ....... to +e a $istant relatie +'t ha$n-t sai$ anything to the ol$ la$y +eca'se he ,ne# she
#as completely $ea2.
)a* into )+* o't )c* $o#n )$* to
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 29
St+ry 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1hen I t'rne$ ....... 2or #or, on my 2irst $ay7 the hotel ha$ alrea$y +een 2lo'rishing 2or 5 years.
)a* to )+* 'p )c* $o#n )$* oer
Q2 /hey #ere so s'ccess2'l that they #ere een t'rning ....... +oo,ings.
)a* a#ay )+* into )c* in )$* $o#n
Q3 In 2act they #ere act'ally t'rning ....... people.
)a* a#ay )+* into )c* $o#n )$* 'p
Q4 Some people ha$ t'rne$ ....... on the o22 chance.
)a* a#ay )+* 'p )c* into )$* to
Q5 9ost o2 the resi$ents #ere el$erly an$ so they all inaria+ly t'rne$ ....... early most eenings.
)a* $o#n )+* oer )c* in )$* into
Q6 /he #aiting #as $one +y me an$ 6oris7 #ho sho'l$ hae t'rne$ it ....... years ago an$ +y rights hae +een a
g'est hersel2 +eca'se o2 the great age.
)a* to )+* a#ay )c* into )$* in
Q7 3o#eer7 as she tol$ me 2reA'ently7 she ha$ no intention o2 t'rning ....... an ol$ 2ogey hersel2.
)a* oer )+* $o#n )c* into )$* in
Q8 I s'ppose +rea,2ast is the most $i22ic'lt tas, to t'rn yo'r han$ ....... +eca'se there are so many ariations o2
$rin,7 cereal7 egg an$ +rea$.
)a* $o#n )+* to )c* oer )$* in
Q9 4o' ha$ to stan$ there 2or ages #hile each g'est ma$e 'p their min$7 t'rning ....... the choices in their min$s.
)a* $o#n )+* oer )c* in )$* into
Q10 "2ter a long #ait li,e that ery o2ten they #o'l$ simply t'rn ....... eerything an$ simply as, 2or a c'p o2 tea.
)a* $o#n )+* in )c* 'p )$* oer
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 30
St+ry 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Cne morning an ol$ la$y t'rne$ ....... at the $ining room an$ sat $o#n.
)a* on )+* 'p )c* asi$e )$* aro'n$
Q2 She sni22e$ at the air 2'll o2 +rea,2ast smells7 got 'p7 t'rne$ ....... an$ #al,e$ o't again.
)a* 'p )+* against )c* asi$e )$* aro'n$
Q3 "pparently she ha$ completely 2orgotten that she-$ alrea$y eaten +rea,2ast that $ay. I t'rne$ ....... to hi$e my
)a* +ac, )+* aro'n$ )c* 'p )$* asi$e
Q4 In2ort'nately 6oris ca'ght me at it. -6on-t yo' t'rn yo'r nose ....... at the ol$ $ears-7 she re+',e$ me.
)a* 'p )+* aro'n$ )c* asi$e )$* against
Q5 -4o'-ll +e li,e that one $ay- she contin'e$7 F'st yo' #ait-. I t'rne$ ....... to apologi;e.
)a* aro'n$ )+* +ac, )c* on )$* against
Q6 Sa$ly 6oris ha$ alrea$y t'rne$ her +ac, ....... me an$ gone +ac, to the ,itchen.
)a* against )+* o't )c* on )$* in
Q7 She rather t'rne$ ....... me a2ter that.
)a* o't )+* against )c* +ac, )$* in
Q8 /hese $ays I #ish I co'l$ t'rn the cloc, ....... an$ tell 6oris ho# right she #asE
)a* o't )+* in )c* on )$* +ac,
Q9 4o' see I-e 8'st t'rne$ all the lights ....... rea$y 2or the night.
)a* o't )+* in )c* on )$* 'p
Q10 I-m no# rea$y to t'rn ....... 2or the night +'t the #orrying thing is I 8'st can-t remem+er #hat I ha$ 2or s'pper.
)a* 'p )+* on )c* in )$* o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 31
G+ #+r it
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I-m sorry that loo,s a#2'l D those t#o colo'rs ........
)a* smash )+* crash )c* clash )$* hash
Q2 "2ter #hat yo'-e .......7 I-m s're yo' nee$ a holi$ay.
)a* 2elt )+* sense$ )c* acte$ )$* e%perience$
Q3 1e #on-t ....... that no# +'t I $on-t thin, #e can aoi$ the s'+8ect m'ch longer.
)a* $isc'ss )+* enter )c* intro$'ce )$* interr'pt
Q4 ....... no# that I-e hear$ #hat he has $one to his 2amily.
)a* I thin, o2ten o2 him
)c* I $on-t thin, at all o2 him
)+* I thin, a lot o2 him
)$* I $on-t thin, m'ch o2 him
Q5 9y a$ice to yo' is to ma,e yo'r min$ 'p +e2ore it-s too late an$ simply ........
)a* ta,e the opport'nity soon
)c* ta,e the opport'nity no#
)+* ta,e the opport'nity 2airly
)$* ta,e the opport'nity slo#ly
Q6 I-m a2rai$ yo'-e le2t that 2oo$ too long o't o2 the 2ri$ge an$ no# it-s ........
)a* +ecome 2lat )+* +ecome rotten )c* +ecome rich )$* +ecome stale
Q7 /here #ere so many mem+ers o2 the political party #ho ha$ ....... the lea$er that he resigne$.
)a* insiste$ )+* inite$ )c* appose$ )$* oppose$
Q8 6on-t #ait 2or me +eca'se I can-t come yet so yo' ....... an$ I-ll 8oin yo' later.
)a* go +e2ore me )+* go in 2ront o2 me )c* go 2or#ar$s me )$* go +y me
Q9 I2 petrol prices ....... any more7 I shall hae to 'se a +icycle.
)a* ascen$ )+* raise )c* increase )$* $eelop
Q10 I-m sorry I interr'pte$ yo'7 please ....... 2rom #here I so r'$ely stoppe$ yo'.
)a* contin'e )+* stop )c* spea, )$* 2inish
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 32
Eating is+rder
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 George /'rnip #as a highly respecte$ egetarian +'t the press #ere ma,ing serio's ....... a+o't him.
)a* acc'sations )+* insin'ations )c* intimations )$* allegations
Q2 George $enie$ eerything an$ sai$ he #o'l$ ....... any ne#spaper #hich $are$ to print stories a+o't him.
)a* so# )+* see )c* s'e )$* se#
Q3 George ha$ a ery #ell pai$ contract #ith a teleision a$ertiser o2 gar$en peas an$ he $i$n-t #ant to 2all o't
....... the company.
)a* o2 )+* #ith )c* oer )$* 'n$er
Q4 /he contract state$ that he #o'l$ neer eat any meat ........
)a* #hatsoeer )+* #hosoeer )c* ho#soeer )$* #hichsoeer
Q5 1hereer George #ent7 8o'rnalists #o'l$ 2ollo# him to try an$ 2in$ a #ay to ....... him.
)a* e%hort )+* e%ercise )c* e%pose )$* e%tract
Q6 Een in his o#n ho'se he #as not sa2e +eca'se cameras #o'l$ ....... on him.
)a* spy )+* spea, )c* spoo, )$* spoo2
Q7 Cnce he #as photographe$ eating in his $ining room an$ the caption rea$? -" pict're o2 a ....... eating
)a* 2rea, )+* 2r'mp )c* 2rame )$* 2ra'$
Q8 "s it t'rne$ o't these #ere not sa'sages +'t in 2act ery +ig carrots an$ the photographer ha$ to pay
enormo's ........
)a* harms )+* h'rts )c* $amages )$* in8'ries
Q9 In the en$ the press're +ecame too m'ch 2or George an$ he con2esse$ his ....... secret.
)a* g'ilt )+* g'ilty )c* gilt )$* gil$e$
Q10 3e a$mitte$ eating a meat pie eery $ay. "s the ne#s hea$lines anno'nce$? -....... egetarian eats his o#n
)a* =og's )+* =on's )c* ='l+o's )$* =ilio's
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 33
Sa!e the ay
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I $on-t care #hat yo' say7 I rec,on I co'l$ +eat yo' at chess ....... $ay o2 the #ee,.
)a* some )+* any )c* each )$* eery
Q2 "t the ....... o2 the $ay it-s #hat yo' +eliee in that-s important.
)a* start )+* +eginning )c* 2inish )$* en$
Q3 It-s getting late no# an$ I-m ery tire$ so I thin, #e-ll ....... it a $ay.
)a* name )+* $escri+e )c* call )$* la+el
Q4 "2ter all the $isc'ssions an$ $e+ates it #as o'r spea,er #ho ....... the $ay.
)a* score$ )+* #on )c* 2o'n$ )$* en$e$
Q5 It 8'st $i$n-t stop raining thro'gho't o'r holi$ay7 $ay in $ay ........
)a* oer )+* 'n$er )c* 'p )$* o't
Q6 6on-t #orry yo'r +a$ l'c, #ill soon en$. >emem+er eery ....... has its $ay.
)a* $og )+* cat )c* mo'se )$* rat
Q7 "2ter a ery long engagement 9i,e an$ 9ary $eci$e$ at last to ....... the $ay.
)a* state )+* mention )c* name )$* hol$
Q8 It #asn-t long ago #hen I last sa# her D it #as only the ....... $ay.
)a* recent )+* last )c* 2inal )$* other
Q9 I $on-t ,no# e%actly #hen #e-ll go +'t #e really m'st isit them one o2 ....... $ays.
)a* this )+* these )c* that )$* those
Q10 6espite all the pro+lems an$ $i22ic'lties &harlie t'rne$ 'p at last min'te an$ ....... the $ay.
)a* ca'ght )+* hit )c* sae$ )$* too,
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 34
@es; @es; @es
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I am s're yo' ma$e the right choice an$ I ....... s'pport yo'r $ecision.
)a* 2airly )+* A'ite )c* consi$era+ly )$* #holly
Q2 4o' can ....... on me7 hae no 2ear a+o't thatE
)a* s'pport )+* rely )c* hol$ )$* hang
Q3 :o matter #hat happens7 yo' m'st remem+er that I-m ....... yo' all the #ay.
)a* in )+* 2rom )c* #ith )$* +y
Q4 I ,no# that they hae all a+an$one$ yo' one +y one +'t I hope yo' #on-t 2orget I-e ....... +y yo' 2rom the
)a* a$here$ )+* 2astene$ )c* 8oine$ )$* st'c,
Q5 I am conince$ yo' are ....... right to ta,e that action an$ sho'l$ ignore any opposition.
)a* a+sol'tely )+* ery )c* simply )$* all
Q6 1hen it comes to the ote7 yo' can ....... on me to s'pport yo'.
)a* stan$ )+* co'nt )c* n'm+er )$* 2ig're
Q7 Een i2 things get $i22ic'lt7 I #ill not ....... or hesitate to stan$ 'p 2or yo'.
)a* A'ier )+* trem+le )c* #aer )$* #aier
Q8 3e #as $elighte$ that she ha$n-t ....... him $o#n #hen he propose$ to her.
)a* p't )+* t'rne$ )c* place$ )$* s#itche$
Q9 /he +an, manager smile$ an$ anno'nce$ that his application 2or a loan ha$ +een ........
)a* approe$ )+* improe$ )c* $isproe$ )$* reproe$
Q10 /he pair o2 yo' hae my ....... an$ I hope yo' hae a happy marriage together.
)a* #ishing )+* praying )c* +lessing )$* hoping
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 35
+ y+$ mind5
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 She #as slo#ly going ....... her min$ #ith #orry 'ntil she hear$ her $a'ghter #as sa2e an$ #ell.
)a* past +y )+* in to )c* o't o2 )$* straight thro'gh
Q2 I $o thin, yo' sho'l$ ....... this in min$ +e2ore yo' serio'sly thin, a+o't changing 8o+s.
)a* carry )+* stan$ )c* hol$ )$* +ear
Q3 I-$ honestly neer hear$ s'ch an o'tstan$ing per2ormance o2 that symphony D it simply ....... my min$.
)a* +le# )+* tore )c* split )$* +ro,e
Q4 /he police o22icer as,e$ him #hy he ha$n-t reporte$ the matter earlier an$ he sai$ simply that it ha$ neer
....... his min$.
)a* traelle$ )+* crosse$ )c* 2o'n$ )$* $iscoere$
Q5 I-m incline$ to gie her a ....... o2 my min$ consi$ering all the tro'+le she has ca'se$ this month.
)a* section )+* slice )c* piece )$* portion
Q6 It-s clear as they say that great min$s thin, ....... +eca'se #e hae +oth come to e%actly the same concl'sion.
)a* same )+* similar )c* li,e )$* ali,e
Q7 3e has a one ....... min$ as all he eer tal,s a+o't is money7 money7 money.
)a* trac, )+* roa$ )c* path )$* rail
Q8 I 8'st can-t $eci$e #hether to go on holi$ay this #ee, or later in the year. I-m really in ....... min$s a+o't it.
)a* t#ice )+* $o'+le )c* t#o )$* $'al
Q9 /here7 I ,ne# there #as something I ha$ to $o to$ay an$ no# it-s completely ....... my min$.
)a* sli$ )+* gli$e$ )c* saile$ )$* slippe$
Q10 I trie$ to sho# an interest in her 2't're career +'t she simply tol$ me to min$ my o#n ........
)a* state )+* +'siness )c* actiities )$* actions
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 36
G++d )ye
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1hy $i$n-t yo' ....... 'p 2or #or, yester$ay(
)a* to )+* t'rn )c* ,eep )$* ma,e
Q2 /o +e honest I #as 2eeling a +it ....... $o#n.
)a* p'she$ )+* p'lle$ )c* s#itche$ )$* r'n
Q3 1ell7 I $on-t thin, that-s a ery goo$ reason an$ yo' m'st ....... 'p #ith a +etter e%planation.
)a* come )+* ta,e )c* $o )$* p't
Q4 I-m sorry I-m not s're I can ....... it across any +etter.
)a* sho# )+* p't )c* pic, )$* get
Q5 :o#7 I m'st insist as yo'r s'perisor i2 yo' really #ant to ....... on in yo'r career7 yo' m'st tell me the tr'th.
)a* ta,e )+* +rea, )c* get )$* hol$
Q6 "ll right I ....... 'p7 I-ll tell yo' the tr'th.
)a* try )+* +ring )c* call )$* gie
Q7 :o#7 yo'-re +eing sensi+le D ....... on.
)a* catch )+* 2in$ )c* carry )$* 8oin
Q8 1ell7 I #on-t ....... 'p any more e%c'ses. I #asn-t here yester$ay +eca'se I #ent to a 2oot+all match.
)a* ma,e )+* moe )c* $o )$* loo,
Q9 /han, yo' 2or yo'r honesty. :o# ....... 'p that piece o2 paper.
)a* ta,e )+* sho# )c* pic, )$* hol$
Q10 >ight. 1hat-s this( Ch no7 yo'-re ....... me o't o2 the 2irm.
)a* leaing )+* thro#ing )c* paying )$* sh'tting
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 37
Aeeping it Q$iet
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "s it #as ery late #hen he came home he #as as A'iet as a ....... in or$er not to #a,e any+o$y 'p.
)a* cat )+* mo'se )c* $og )$* rat
Q2 "s she #as on a ery $angero's mission 2or the goernment she ha$ to ,eep ....... a+o't #hat she $i$ 2or a
)a* $a$ )+* a'nt )c* 'ncle )$* m'm
Q3 /here #ere lots o2 r'mo'rs a+o't #hat the son ha$ $one +'t as it #as a ery #ealthy 2amily the 2ather trie$
ery har$ to ....... eerything 'p.
)a* A'iet )+* h'sh )c* stop )$* silence
Q4 I2 yo' #ant me to say nothing a+o't it7 I promise that i2 any+o$y as,s then my lips are ........
)a* st'c, )+* close$ )c* sh't )$* seale$
Q5 "s 2ar as I-m concerne$ to +e a#ay 2rom tra22ic7 phones an$ ra$ios on holi$ay is per2ect +liss +eca'se to me
silence is ........
)a* gol$en )+* siler )c* copper )$* steel
Q6 /he soGcalle$ ....... ma8ority are the ast n'm+er o2 people #ho $on-t act'ally go o't on the street an$ protest.
)a* A'iet )+* noiseless )c* silent )$* still
Q7 /he hall #as 2'll o2 people an%io's to hear #hat the spea,er #as going to say an$ in the 2e# secon$s +e2ore
he starte$ it #as so A'iet yo' co'l$ hear a ....... $rop.
)a* pin )+* nee$le )c* nail )$* scre#
Q8 /he resc'ers trie$ $esperately to listen o't 2or people trappe$ in the #rec,age +'t sa$ly the cries o2 those
trappe$ #ere ........
)a* 'nhearing )+* a'$itory )c* a'$ite$ )$* ina'$i+le
Q9 /he illagers complaine$ a+o't the noise 2rom the $aily +ell ringing practice 2rom the ch'rch an$ as,e$ i2 it
co'l$ someho# +e ........
)a* s'ppresse$ )+* sti2le$ )c* m'22le$ )$* #rappe$
Q10 In ie# o2 the em+arrassment that might +e ca'se$ i2 the story came o't7 she promise$ not to ....... a #or$
a+o't it.
)a* sen$ )+* +reathe )c* mo'th )$* open
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 38
3 1rying Shame
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 It-s no goo$ #orrying a+o't that no# +eca'se the $amage is $one an$ it-s no goo$ crying oer spille$ ........
)a* sa'ce )+* #ater )c* +eer )$* mil,
Q2 It really is a crying ....... that a2ter all that money has +een spent7 the pro8ect is no# +eing a+an$one$.
)a* shoc, )+* shame )c* $isg'st )$* pity
Q3 "s a chil$ she #o'l$ +'rst into tears at eery pro+lem an$ so she soon got ,no#n as a reg'lar ....... at school.
)a* crychil$ )+* cryin2ant )c* cry+a+y )$* crygirl
Q4 It really #as a large an$ spacio's gar$en +'t it crie$ o't ....... something colo'r2'l to +e plante$.
)a* 2or )+* to )c* +y )$* on
Q5 1e ha$ great hopes o2 +eing a+le to inite the $isting'ishe$ #riter to o'r meeting +'t he crie$ ....... at the last
)a* on )+* thro'gh )c* #ith )$* o22
Q6 <or crying o't ....... ho# many times $o I hae to tell yo' ho# to #or, that machine(
)a* strong )+* lo'$ )c* 2'll )$* har$
Q7 I-m all in 2ao'r o2 am+ition +'t I thin, #hen he says he-ll +e a millionaire +y the time he-s 257 he-s simply
crying 2or the ........
)a* stars )+* s'n )c* earth )$* moon
Q8 /he tro'+le is that he-s crie$ ....... so o2ten that no# he-s in real tro'+le7 no+o$y +eliees him.
)a* #ol2 )+* tiger )c* cat )$* $og
Q9 George is no# 70 an$ he rec,ons that #or,ing con$itions 2or the aerage o22ice cler, to$ay are a ....... cry
2rom #hen he 2irst starte$ #or,.
)a* $istant )+* long )c* 2ar )$* 2'rther
Q10 /here #as a noisy cro#$ o2 a+o't a $o;en people in ....... cry chasing a2ter the chil$ #ho-$ stolen an apple
2rom the 2r'it mar,et.
)a* strong )+* 2'll )c* lo'$ )$* +ig
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 39
Speaking< 3t the Theatre
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Ba$ies an$ gentlemen7 I #ant to than, yo' 2or yo'r ....... o2 o'r per2ormance.
)a* appearance )+* appreciation )c* appeasement )$* apparition
Q2 1e hae $one this play many times in $i22erent to#ns +'t yo'r ....... has +een the greatest so 2ar.
)a* appointment )+* application )c* apposition )$* appla'se
Q3 1e #ill al#ays remem+er the #ay yo' stoo$ 'p an$ ....... at some o2 the speeches in the play.
)a* clappe$ )+* cloppe$ )c* clippe$ )$* clamme$
Q4 C'r lea$ing actor is 'na+le to come on the stage at the moment +eca'se he is ....... #ith emotion.
)a* oerta,en )+* oer$ra#n )c* oercome )$* oert'rne$
Q5 6on-t #orry I-m s're it-s only ....... an$ that he-ll soon recoer +e2ore the ne%t per2ormance.
)a* temperate )+* temporary )c* contemporary )$* temporarily
Q6 /hat is the reason #hy I am stan$ing here an$ ma,ing this short ........
)a* spea, )+* spea,ing )c* spo,e )$* speech
Q7 /he lea$ing la$y is also a+sent 2rom o'r stage an$ yo' can pro+a+ly hear her ....... her heart o't as I spea,.
)a* so++ing )+* soa,ing )c* spitting )$* calling
Q8 I thin, that the main ....... 2or all this emotion is pro+a+ly the #ay yo' hae reacte$ to the play.
)a* ratio )+* reason )c* ration )$* rate
Q9 4o' see thro'gho't o'r ....... season #e hae neer receie$ so m'ch la'ghter as #e hae 2rom yo'.
)a* c'rrant )+* c'rio's )c* c'rrent )$* c'rtain
Q10 /he reason 2or this is possi+ly that yo' tho'ght it #as a ....... +'t in 2act it is a trage$y.
)a* comic )+* come$y )c* come$ian )$* comely
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 40
Speaking< 3t the S$permarket
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1ill the $rier o2 the +l'e <or$ <iesta N4M 343 please ....... their car.
)a* sen$ )+* moe )c* ta,e )$* to#
Q2 /he reason 2or this is that the <iesta is ....... o'r $eliery lorry 2rom leaing the premises.
)a* hol$ing )+* ,eeping )c* preenting )$* promoting
Q3 1e as, the ....... o2 this ehicle to go +ac, to their car as soon as possi+le an$ par, their car in another space.
)a* possessor )+* possessing )c* o#nership )$* o#ner
Q4 /his is a c'stomer ........ 1e hae a special o22er at the moment on +ananas.
)a* a'$ition )+* anno'ncement )c* statement )$* pre$iction
Q5 <or the ne%t ho'r it #ill +e possi+le to +'y 8'st one ....... o2 +ananas an$ get one more 2ree.
)a* +'nch )+* +ranch )c* han$ )$* gro'p
Q6 <'rther to o'r ....... 2or the <or$ <iesta to +e repar,e$7 this matter is no# ery 'rgent. C'r lorry cannot get o't.
)a* saying )+* as,ing )c* reA'est )$* A'estion
Q7 1e hae to in2orm o'r c'stomers that the store #ill +e closing in hal2 an ho'r-s ........
)a* o-cloc, )+* time )c* ho'r )$* $'ration
Q8 1e #o'l$ li,e to ....... o'r c'stomers that oer the &hristmas perio$ #e #ill +e closing an ho'r earlier than
)a* remem+er )+* reta,e )c* repeat )$* remin$
Q9 /here are no# only ten min'tes remaining 2or yo' to ma,e yo'r ....... an$ go to the chec,o't.
)a* p'rchases )+* +'ying )c* sales )$* selling
Q10 " 2inal ....... 2or the $rier o2 the <or$ <iesta? there is no nee$ no# to repar, as o'r $eliery lorry has $one that
2or yo'E
)a* note )+* message )c* saying )$* hint
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 41
Speaking< 3t the Stati+n
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he train no# ....... at the plat2orm 6 is the 10.45 2or Bon$on.
)a* sitting )+* stan$ing )c* #aiting )$* remaining
Q2 In2ort'nately it is no# 11 o-cloc, an$ so there is a ....... o2 15 min'tes alrea$y.
)a* #aiting )+* lateness )c* space )$* $elay
Q3 /he train at plat2orm 14 cannot leae +eca'se there is a po#er ....... on that partic'lar line...
)a* 2ail're )+* miss )c* 2ailing )$* missing
Q4 /he train 2or Bon$on at plat2orm 6 is still there an$ is not ....... to leae 2or at least 20 min'tes.
)a* inten$e$ )+* e%pecte$ )c* propose$ )$* a#aite$
Q5 /he small ca2e sit'ate$ near plat2orm 6 is no# ....... 2ree c'ps o2 tea to those #aiting 2or the Bon$on train.
)a* $ischarging )+* $ispensing )c* o22ering )$* $isposing
Q6 Seere storms last night together #ith heay rain2all means that some o2 the lines o2 the station are no#
)a* #aterlogge$ )+* #aterproo2 )c* #ater soa,e$ )$* #ater2all
Q7 1e tho'ght 2or a moment that the 10.45 2or Bon$on might +e a+o't to catch 2ire +'t it #as a ....... alarm.
)a* #rong )+* 2alse )c* $i22ic'lt )$* general
Q8 /his is a general notice 2or all passengers? the resta'rant in the main ....... is no# open.
)a* concor$ )+* con$'it )c* conco'rse )$* con$ition
Q9 /here #as in 2act a small 2ire in the train on plat2orm 6 +'t #e-re gla$ to tell yo' that the 2lames hae +een
)a* $isting'ishe$ )+* $ampene$ )c* sat'rate$ )$* e%ting'ishe$
Q10 1e regret to anno'nce that the 10.45 2or Bon$on is no# o't o2 serice +eca'se the $rier is haing a nero's
)a* +rea,$o#n )+* lo# $o#n )c* +rea,o't )$* lo# +rea,
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 42
Speaking< The )r+ad"ast
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1elcome to >a$io :e#s an$ no# oer to o'r ....... #ho-s coering the procession this morning.
)a* reie#er )+* reporter )c* anno'ncer )$* intro$'cer
Q2 3i listeners7 I sho'l$ e%plain that I hae a ....... eye ie# o2 this magni2icent sight as the para$e passes
'n$erneath me.
)a* cat-s )+* $og-s )c* +ir$-s )$* rat-s
Q3 /o tell yo' the tr'th I sho'l$n-t +e ....... 'p here on top o2 this large stat'e o2 <iel$ 9arshal Smith.
)a* ca'ght )+* catching )c* cornere$ )$* perche$
Q4 /here is a long line o2 sol$iers on horse+ac, marching to the so'n$ o2 a ....... +an$.
)a* copper )+* +rass )c* ;inc )$* al'mini'm
Q5 It really is A'ite 'ncom2orta+le 'p here an$ there-s a policeman ....... at me7 #hich I $on-t li,e.
)a* spying )+* g'i$ing )c* staring )$* starring
Q6 "2ter the sol$iers I can see a gro'p o2 circ's ....... #ho are 8'mping an$ $ancing as they go.
)a* mem+ers )+* $oers )c* actors )$* per2ormers
Q7 :e%t I can see some pensioners slo#ly moing along the roa$ an$ some can-t #al, an$ are in ........
)a* highchairs )+* lo# chairs )c* #heelchairs )$* p'shchairs
Q8 /hat policeman is getting o't his ....... an$ #al,ing near the stat'e I-m sitting on.
)a* note+oo, )+* e%ercise +oo, )c* story+oo, )$* copy+oo,
Q9 It has starte$ to rain an$ I shall get ....... to the s,in i2 I stay m'ch longer 'p here.
)a* s'n, )+* s'ite$ )c* st'c, )$* soa,e$
Q10 Ch $ear7 listeners7 I shall hae to ret'rn yo' to the st'$io +eca'se the policeman says he is going to ....... me.
)a* sei;e )+* arrest )c* grasp )$* hol$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 43
Speaking< The 2edding
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Ba$ies an$ gentlemen it is a ery great priilege 2or me to +e as,e$ to ma,e a speech a+o't the +ri$e an$ her
)a* grant )+* gra$e )c* groan )$* groom
Q2 I hae ,no#n Sally an$ 5a'l since #e #ere at school ........
)a* to#ar$s )+* together )c* to 's )$* to them
Q3 9ost people consi$ere$ that they #ere ....... 2or each other een in those $ays.
)a* $one )+* ma,ing )c* ma$e )$* ma,es
Q4 /he other st'$ents $escri+e$ them as >omeo an$ F'liet an$ 'se$ to ma,e 2'n o2 them +ehin$ their ........
)a* hea$s )+* eyes )c* ears )$* +ac,s
Q5 :either o2 them #as at all ....... +y this sort o2 +ehaio'r as they 8'st gre# 2on$er o2 each other.
)a* $eterre$ )+* $e2eate$ )c* $ist'r+e$ )$* $enie$
Q6 /he teachers ha$ a ....... spot 2or them too an$ #ere sympathetic i2 there #as any tro'+le +et#een them.
)a* gentle )+* simple )c* so2t )$* A'iet
Q7 /hen they +oth le2t school an$ +oth starte$ #or,ing7 as yo' can .......7 2or the same company.
)a* ision )+* imagine )c* cre$it )$* is'ali;e
Q8 1hen the anno'ncement #as ma$e a+o't their .......7 there #as a +ig cele+ration.
)a* engage )+* engages )c* engagement )$* engage$
Q9 :o one #as s'rprise$ +eca'se eeryone too, it 2or ....... that one $ay they #o'l$ marry.
)a* graspe$ )+* 'n$erstoo$ )c* granting )$* grante$
Q10 9in$ yo' I #as s'rprise$ +eca'se yo' see I 2in$ it A'ite ....... #hy on earth she $i$n-t marry me.
)a* 'n+eliea+le )+* 'n+elieing )c* $is+elie2 )$* $is+elieing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 44
Speaking< 0+liti"al 0arty
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 <ello# citi;ens I am hono're$ to +e ....... to spea, to yo' tonight a+o't my party.
)a* $eman$e$ )+* 2orce$ )c* enA'ire$ )$* inite$
Q2 "s yo' pro+a+ly ,no# the /ranA'illity 5arty stan$s 2or peace an$ ....... in the co'ntrysi$e.
)a* A'ite )+* A'iet )c* A'ietly )$* A'ieten
Q3 In o'r p'+licity7 'nli,e o'r political .......7 #e $o not ma,e a lot o2 noise a+o't o'r policies.
)a* attac,ers )+* $estroyers )c* opponents )$* hitters
Q4 1e #ant people to lie in harmony #ith each other an$ to settle ....... amica+ly.
)a* $istastes )+* $isasters )c* $ist'r+s )$* $isp'tes
Q5 4o' may +e intereste$ to ,no# that #e are hol$ing a ....... in the centre o2 o'r to#n this #ee,en$.
)a* rally )+* really )c* royally )$* ro'tine
Q6 :at'rally all the ....... are reA'este$ to +e as peace2'l as possi+le an$ a+oe all not to sho't.
)a* partygoers )+* participants )c* parta,ers )$* partisans
Q7 "t the moment #e are trying ery har$ to increase o'r mem+ership #hich ....... stan$s at 500.
)a* presence )+* presents )c* presently )$* presenting
Q8 ....... this is a ery small 2ig're in comparison #ith the other ma8or political parties.
)a* &on2essing )+* "$mitte$ly )c* "$mits )$* &on2ession
Q9 ='t then yo' all hae t'rne$ ....... tonight an$ that proes there is gro#ing interest in o'r i$eals.
)a* in )+* oer )c* 'p )$* into
Q10 In ....... o2 the terri+le #eather yo' hae come along tonight7 la$ies an$ gentlemen7 an$ I sho'l$ li,e to than,
all 2o'r o2 yo' 2or coming.
)a* spite )+* $espite )c* ie# )$* spite2'l
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 45
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3er latest 2ilm ....... its o+8ect in a ery short space o2 time7 #hich #as to shoc,.
)a* acA'ire$ )+* got )c* attaine$ )$* controlle$
Q2 /he critics ....... to praise the #or, o2 this $irector #hateer 2ilms he ma,es.
)a* r'n )+* contin'e )c* persist )$* insist
Q3 /he 2ilm #as the 2irst to sho# con$itions in #hich poor people lie$ an$ as s'ch #as to ....... 2't're $irectors.
)a* in2l'ence )+* hol$ )c* in2ect )$* sho#
Q4 /he only reason 2or them going to the cinema on that $ay #as to 2in$ some 2orm o2 ........
)a* internment )+* inolement )c* engrossment )$* entertainment
Q5 /he $irector-s intention in ma,ing the 2ilm #as to try an$ ....... simplicity as seen +y a chil$.
)a* report )+* reprehen$ )c* represent )$* comprehen$
Q6 /he 2ans o'tsi$e the cinema on the 2irst sho#ing o2 the 2ilm #ere 'n#illing to ....... 'ntil all the stars ha$ gone
)a* $ispose )+* $isplace )c* $iscoer )$* $isperse
Q7 /he $elay in ....... the 2ilm to the general p'+lic #as +eca'se certain scenes #ere consi$ere$ tasteless.
)a* replacing )+* repeating )c* releasing )$* reporting
Q8 /he theme o2 the secon$ 2ilm is A'ite simply a ....... o2 the 2irst.
)a* constr'ction )+* contin'ation )c* contin''m )$* contin'ing
Q9 In the ma,ing o2 the 2ilm the $irection is A'ite ....... 2rom the 2inancing o2 the pro8ect.
)a* separate )+* separation )c* separately )$* separates
Q10 0ery o2ten someone #ill gie a ....... o2 a 2ilm an$ #hen yo' see it 2or yo'rsel27 it-s A'ite $i22erent.
)a* $escri+ing )+* $escri+es )c* $escri+e$ )$* $escription
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 46
%+ts +# St$##
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 5ersonally I $on-t +eliee a #or$ o2 it an$ i2 yo' #ant my opinion I thin, it-s all st'22 an$ ........
)a* gar+age )+* trash )c* nonsense )$* r'++ish
Q2 4o' ,no# the ,in$ o2 things politicians tal, a+o't? health care7 e$'cation7 #el2are an$ st'22 ....... that.
)a* as )+* #ith )c* on )$* li,e
Q3 3e-$ care2'lly aoi$e$ haing any alcohol 'ntil he #as t#entyG2ie an$ then he ha$ a small $rop o2 the .......
)a* har$ )+* $i22ic'lt )c* soli$ )$* gro'n$
Q4 4o' sho'l$n-t really hae any $i22ic'lties #ith the #or, they-re $oing as it-s ery +asic in 2act yo' co'l$ call it
....... st'22.
)a* +a+ies- )+* chil$ren-s )c* ,i$s- )$* 8'niors-
Q5 It-s A'ite clear she-s st'$ie$ the s'+8ect ery thoro'ghly an$ #hen she lect're$7 yo' co'l$ tell she ....... her
)a* ,ne# )+* got )c* sho#e$ )$* too,
Q6 :o# remem+er #hen yo' get 'p to spea,7 #e-re all relying on yo' to impress eeryone an$ #e e%pect yo' to
....... yo'r st'22.
)a* ma,e )+* say )c* ta,e )$* $o
Q7 It-s ery $i22ic'lt to ma,e him en8oy himsel27 rela% an$ ta,e it easy +eca'se he al#ays +ehaes li,e a st'22e$
)a* s'it )+* shirt )c* 8ac,et )$* coat
Q8 ....... the st'22E I #ant to hear it lo'$ an$ clear an$ as m'ch o2 it as yo' can manage. 1ell $oneE
)a* 3ere )+* /here )c* /hat-s )$* 9ore
Q9 I2 yo' really #ant to lose #eight7 the only #ay is to eat less an$ stop st'22ing yo'r ....... eery 2ie min'tesE
)a* throat )+* 2ace )c* teeth )$* tong'e
Q10 It came as a great shoc, to him #hen he hear$ the ne#s an$ A'ite ....... the st'22ing o't o2 him 2or $ays.
)a* hit )+* p'lle$ )c* ,noc,e$ )$* thre#
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 47
'ear my St+ry
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 5ersonally I $on-t +eliee a #or$ he tol$ 's +eca'se I thin, it #as 8'st a ....... story.
)a* +ig )+* high )c* tall )$* long
Q2 I-m a2rai$ it #as the ....... ol$ story #ith her all oer again +eca'se she-s starte$ arriing late at #or, again.
)a* same )+* li,e )c* similar )$* parallel
Q3 It #as a +it o2 a ....... story really +eca'se she tol$ 's ho# her +oy2rien$ ha$ le2t her7 she-$ lost her 8o+ an$ she
ha$ no#here to lie.
)a* cry )+* #eep )c* tear )$* so+
Q4 I $on-t really approe o2 all this $isc'ssion a+o't people +ehin$ their +ac,s D it-s a +it li,e ....... stories.
)a* spea,ing )+* telling )c* saying )$* 'ttering
Q5 /he story ....... that he-s 8'st marrie$ 2or the 2o'rth time +'t I $on-t really +eliee it.
)a* says )+* #or,s )c* sen$s )$* goes
Q6 /o ....... a long story short7 I-ll come straight to the point an$ tell yo' e%actly #hat happene$.
)a* c't )+* re$'ce )c* snip )$* c'rtail
Q7 She $i$ #rite one or t#o noels +'t she is +est ,no#n 2or her e%cellent ....... stories.
)a* +rie2 )+* short )c* a+r'pt )$* s'$$en
Q8 It-s a +rilliant 2ilm as 2ar as the images are concerne$ +'t the story ....... is a +it #ea,.
)a* theme )+* threa$ )c* ten$ency )$* line
Q9 3e starte$ o22 2rom a ery simple +ac,gro'n$ an$ then #or,e$ his #ay 'p to +e 5resi$ent o2 the +an, D a
gen'ine ....... story.
)a* s'ccess )+* 2amo's )c* glamo'r )$* 2ame
Q10 In early ciilisations it #as the story ....... to #hom eeryone #ent to hear #hat ha$ happene$ in the past.
)a* spea,er )+* tal,er )c* anno'ncer )$* teller
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 48
'igh and %+.
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 She-s ....... a high at the moment +eca'se eerything is going her #ay.
)a* in )+* on )c* 2or )$* at
Q2 I hae high ....... that #e #ill s'ccee$ #ith o'r pro8ect in ie# o2 all the interest #e hae receie$.
)a* 2eelings )+* sensations )c* hopes )$* ie#s
Q3 It-s high ....... #e le2t i2 #e really #ant to +e there on time.
)a* ho'r )+* min'te )c* tempo )$* time
Q4 4o'-ll 8'st hae to get 'se$ to these highs an$ ....... as it-s all part o2 +eing in +'siness.
)a* $o#ns )+* lo#s )c* 2alls )$* 2ails
Q5 :o# that he-s +ecome o22ice manager yo' can-t een tal, to him D he-s so high an$ ........
)a* mighty )+* strong )c* po#er2'l )$* seere
Q6 /he really high ....... o2 the eening-s entertainment #as #hen t#o clo#ns came into the ring an$ starte$
thro#ing things at each other.
)a* thing )+* 2eat're )c* place )$* spot
Q7 3e le2t the sa2e $oor 'nloc,e$ last night so I rec,on he-ll +e 2or the high ....... this morning.
)a* leap )+* go )c* 8'mp )$* try
Q8 It-s al#ays the same #hen yo' +rea, one o2 the r'les o2 the o22ice7 she gets on her high ....... an$ starts
sho'ting at yo'.
)a* camel )+* pony )c* $on,ey )$* horse
Q9 /he moment she 8oine$ the sta22 yo' 8'st ,ne# she #as a high ....... an$ it #as no s'rprise #hen she got
promotion #ithin si% #ee,s.
)a* sailor )+* 2lier )c* pilot )$* goer
Q10 /hey #ante$ to ma,e s're that their small $a'ghter share$ in the meal an$ so they as,e$ the resta'rant to
proi$e a high ........
)a* place )+* seat )c* chair )$* position
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 49
3 =ight 6$t
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he other night #e #ent o't to the cinema or the ....... as they #o'l$ say in the IS".
)a* goings )+* $oings )c* moes )$* moies
Q2 :othing 'n's'al yo' might say +'t #e haen-t isite$ a cinema 2or ........
)a* perio$s )+* ages )c* times )$* lengths
Q3 /he s'+8ect ....... o2 the 2ilm concerne$ the "merican &iil 1ar in the 1860-s.
)a* matter )+* topic )c* theme )$* interest
Q4 "t least that #as ....... to +e the +ac,gro'n$ altho'gh the main interest #as in something else.
)a* in2erre$ )+* implie$ )c* s'ggeste$ )$* s'ppose$
Q5 It #ill come as no ....... to yo' I-m s're i2 I tell yo' that this interest #as in a loe a22air.
)a* $amage )+* s'rprise )c* concern )$* interest
Q6 /he yo'ng co'ple in the story only meet a+o't three times +'t still manage to ....... $eeply in loe.
)a* go )+* $rop )c* 2all )$* 2eel
Q7 1hen yo' see the 2irst ,iss on the ....... an$ yo' are sitting in ro# 2o'r7 it can +e ery $ramatic.
)a* sli$e )+* pict're )c* +oar$ )$* screen
Q8 Eerything is so m'ch +igger than yo' e%pect an$ yo' are constantly ....... yo'r hea$ 2rom si$e to si$e.
)a* tipping )+* testing )c* t'rning )$* trying
Q9 "n$ the so'n$ is m'ch greater too. 6'ring the #ar scenes I #as 8'mping 'p an$ $o#n o't o2 my seat li,e a
....... in the +o% at eery e%plosion.
)a* Fohn )+* Fac, )c* Fim )$* Fames
Q10 /he 2ollo#ing eening #e #ere +ac, again #atching teleision +'t a2ter the cinema it-s neer the ....... again.
)a* same )+* i$entical )c* similar )$* li,e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 50
%+ts +# 0ie"es
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 &harlie $i$n-t hae m'ch in the #ay o2 property D 8'st ....... an$ pieces.
)a* things )+* $ots )c* +its )$* section
Q2 In 2act this #as a piece o2 ....... 2or &harlie as it happene$.
)a* 2ort'ne )+* gratit'$e )c* than,s )$* l'c,
Q3 =eca'se #hen the ....... o2 the piece arrie$ in the shape o2 a +'rglar to steal something7 he $i$n-t 2in$
anything al'a+le.
)a* illain )+* peasant )c* eil )$* $eil
Q4 &harlie came home #hen the +'rglar #as still there +'t he $i$n-t ....... to pieces7 he staye$ calm.
)a* 2in$ )+* come )c* go )$* try
Q5 /he +'rglar also ha$ an assistant #ith him #ho clearly $i$n-t #ant to get inole$ an$ hae a piece o2 the .......
an$ 2le$.
)a* actiity )+* action )c* act )$* acting
Q6 &harlie $eci$e$ he #o'l$ say e%actly #hat he tho'ght o2 the +'rglar an$ gie him a piece o2 his ........
)a* tho'ghts )+* +rain )c* thin,ing )$* min$
Q7 3e tol$ him he #as a #ic,e$ person an$ 2'rther he #as a ....... piece o2 #or,.
)a* horri+le )+* nasty )c* $isg'sting )$* +a$
Q8 /he +'rglar e%plaine$ that he $i$n-t hae a proper 8o+ an$ only $i$ piece ........
)a* #or,s )+* #or,ing )c* #or, )$* #or,er
Q9 &harlie la'ghe$ an$ sai$ he #as $oing the same no# D it #as ....... o2 a piece #ith +'rgling.
)a* some )+* same )c* complete )$* all
Q10 Eent'ally the police arrie$ an$ #ere please$ to see &harlie #as still all right an$ in ....... piece.
)a* one )+* 2ine )c* goo$ )$* soli$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 51
Testing; Testing
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /his castle has +een here since the 16th cent'ry an$ hasn-t really change$ D it has stoo$ the test o2 ........
)a* $'ration )+* time )c* history )$* length
Q2 /he la# that has 8'st +een passe$ may +e 'se2'l +'t #e $on-t ,no# 'ntil #e-e ....... it to the test.
)a* place$ )+* str'c, )c* starte$ )$* p't
Q3 I thin, yo'-re #ise to 2in$ o't 2irst +e2ore yo' agree an$ +eliee it-s a goo$ i$ea to test the ....... 2irst.
)a* #aters )+* springs )c* riers )$* la,es
Q4 :oGone ,no#s #hether he-ll s'ccee$ in his attempt to get compensation as it-s a +it o2 a test ........
)a* theme )+* process )c* case )$* e%ample
Q5 C+io'sly +e2ore yo' +'y a car7 yo'-ll +e allo#e$ to test ....... it 2irst.
)a* trael )+* $rie )c* try )$* con$'ct
Q6 /hese are in$ee$ ....... times 2or the goernment as people are $eci$ing #hether to ote 2or them in the ne%t
)a* teste$ )+* tester )c* testing )$* testa+le
Q7 3e #as one o2 the most e%perience$ o2 the company-s test ....... #ho $eci$e$ #hether a plane #as sa2e to 2ly.
)a* $riers )+* traellers )c* operations )$* pilots
Q8 In the story o2 6r Fe,yll an$ 9r 3y$e #e see the hero mi% something 'p in a test ....... an$ then $rin, it.
)a* t'+e )+* pipe )c* glass )$* c'p
Q9 /he aircra2t engine ha$ to +e place$ in a test ....... to ma,e s're that it #or,e$ properly.
)a* pit )+* hole )c* +e$ )$* centre
Q10 In or$er to ma,e s're that yo'r teleision is t'ne$ properly there is a colo're$ test ....... on the screen.
)a* paper )+* sheet )c* place )$* car$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 52
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 She-s got the ,in$ o2 8o+ that seems to ,eep her occ'pie$ all the time D 24G........
)a* 4 )+* 5 )c* 6 )$* 7
Q2 .......7 I co'l$n-t agree #ith yo' more.
)a* /otally )+* &learly )c* <inally )$* "+sol'tely
Q3 I really thin, #e sho'l$ tal, a+o't the s'+8ect #e #ante$ to in the 2irst place an$ ....... the iss'e.
)a* a$ise )+* spea, )c* a$$ress )$* tal,
Q4 It-s $i22ic'lt to say e%actly ho# many people are inole$ +'t I #o'l$ say ....... 50.
)a* aro'n$ )+* across )c* thro'gh )$* into
Q5 It #as one o2 those sights that yo' neer 2orget it #as ........
)a* 2ine )+* a#esome )c* interesting )$* clear
Q6 1e $on-t ,no# precisely ho# m'ch it #ill cost +'t I co'l$ gie a ....... 2ig're o2 6 million $ollars.
)a* +all 2iel$ )+* +all place )c* +all par, )$* +all game
Q7 I agree #ith #hat yo' say7 ....... +'t ...
)a* #holly )+* +asically )c* A'ic,ly )$* simply
Q8 4o' 2ill in those 2orms on a #ee,ly ........
)a* stan$ )+* +ase )c* si;e )$* +asis
Q9 I hope yo' #ill +e patient an$ ....... #ith me a min'te.
)a* stay )+* hol$ )c* +ear )$* maintain
Q10 It-s $i22ic'lt to see ho# to get o't o2 this sit'ation +eca'se #e-re +et#een a roc, an$ a ....... place.
)a* $i22ic'lt )+* har$ )c* so2t )$* 2irm
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 53
%+sing 4t 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3e-s one o2 those people #ho can-t +ear +eing seen to +e #rong in 2act o2 losing ........
)a* loo,s )+* appearance )c* 2ace )$* loo,ing
Q2 1e haen-t ma$e any progress this year an$ are in a sense going +ac,#ar$s an$ losing ........
)a* terrain )+* space )c* lan$ )$* gro'n$
Q3 5lease $on-t lose ....... +eca'se I-m s're yo'-ll s'ccee$ in the en$.
)a* heart )+* +o$y )c* strength )$* 2eeling
Q4 /he important ,ey to s'ccess in this +'siness is strong management +eca'se i2 yo' lose yo'r .......7 then
yo'-re in real tro'+le.
)a* hol$ )+* stay )c* gra+ )$* grip
Q5 She panic,e$ #hen she s,i$$e$ on the ice7 lost her ....... an$ crashe$ into the tree.
)a* control )+* +rain )c* hea$ )$* s,'ll
Q6 4es7 it-s a slight pro+lem +'t A'ite honestly I #o'l$n-t lose any ....... oer it i2 I #ere yo'.
)a* rest )+* sleep )c* time )$* sl'm+er
Q7 I 2ollo#e$ as m'ch as I co'l$ o2 his arg'ments +'t then I gae 'p +eca'se I-$ completely lost ....... o2 #hat he
#as saying.
)a* pace )+* ro'te )c* path )$* trac,
Q8 "2ter he-$ #aste$ all his money7 got into $e+t an$ then en$e$ 'p in prison7 his 2amily +egan to regar$ him as a
+it o2 a lost ........
)a* case )+* reason )c* ca'se )$* arg'ment
Q9 /o +e 2ran, I 2in$ these philosophical $isc'ssions too $eep 2or me an$ many o2 the points are lost ....... me.
)a* to )+* on )c* 2or )$* +y
Q10 5'tting all yo'r money in that enterprise is 2'tile it-s li,e playing a losing ........
)a* part )+* role )c* section )$* game
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 54
%+sing 4t 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he tro'+le #ith him is that i2 yo' p'sh him too 2ar7 he-s li,ely to sho't at yo' an$ lose his ........
)a* col$ )+* col$ness )c* cool )$* ice
Q2 /here-s no hope 2or him no# +eca'se he-s lost his ....... an$ has gone completely cra;y.
)a* glasses )+* stones )c* 8e#els )$* mar+les
Q3 "t the ery last min'te she +ro,e $o#n in tears an$ lost her ........
)a* s,ill )+* nere )c* sense )$* 2eeling
Q4 <irst he starte$ sho'ting an$ then he +egan to thro# things ro'n$ the room an$ it #as clear he ha$ 8'st lost
his ........
)a* rag )+* cloth )c* coer )$* sheet
Q5 6espite his great age #e reali;e$ that he-$ not lost his ....... +eca'se he #as still a+le to $elier a #on$er2'l
)a* 2eel )+* contact )c* to'ch )$* 2eeling
Q6 6o yo' min$ repeating that last +it again as I seem to hae lost the ....... o2 yo'r arg'ment(
)a* length )+* string )c* cor$ )$* threa$
Q7 1hen it came to $ii$ing the pro2its #e lost ....... +eca'se #e $i$n-t get o'r 2air share.
)a* o22 )+* o't )c* in )$* thro'gh
Q8 "s she #as #al,ing across the tight rope at the circ's she lost her ....... an$ 2ell to the gro'n$.
)a* control )+* $irection )c* +alance )$* sense
Q9 "2ter a #hile I got 2e$ 'p #ith the 2ilm an$ +egan to lose ....... in the story.
)a* tho'ght )+* 2ollo#ing )c* thin,ing )$* interest
Q10 /here-s no harm in trying yo'r l'c, there +eca'se a2ter all yo' hae ....... to lose.
)a* less )+* nothing )c* a little )$* least
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 55
'+. t+ ask a ?$esti+n
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9ay I as, yo' #hether yo' hae ha$ a chance to ....... my case(
)a* conene )+* consi$er )c* conten$ )$* constr'ct
Q2 &an I ....... it to yo' that the $elay yo' hae ca'se$ is not reasona+le(
)a* place )+* sen$ )c* hol$ )$* p't
Q3 &o'l$ I ,no# #hy the +'siness has ....... so long to concl'$e(
)a* laste$ )+* en$'re$ )c* ta,en )$* 2o'n$
Q4 9ay I ma,e another ....... to as, yo' to e%plain the sit'ation more clearly(
)a* assa'lt )+* attempt )c* attraction )$* a$ice
Q5 I #o'l$ +e most intereste$ to ,no# #hy the committee has t'rne$ ....... my proposal.
)a* $o#n )+* o22 )c* oer )$* o't
Q6 1e sho'l$ +e $elighte$ to 2in$ o't #hen the ne# scheme comes into ........
)a* a22ect )+* e22ect )c* in2ect )$* con2ect
Q7 3o# m'ch is the ne# car ....... to cost me(
)a* trying )+* $oing )c* 2in$ing )$* going
Q8 1hen are yo' thin,ing o2 +'ying a ....... #ashing machine(
)a* noel )+* ne# )c* recent )$* act'al
Q9 1hat has ....... to yo'r :e# 4ear resol'tion to stop smo,ing(
)a* occ'rre$ )+* 2allen )c* happene$ )$* occasione$
Q10 1hy $o yo' al#ays ....... me #hen I try to as, a A'estion(
)a* interpose )+* interce$e )c* inter2ere )$* interr'pt
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 56
'+. t+ attra"t s+me+ne
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I say7 yo'-e 8'st ....... on my 2ootE
)a* st'c, )+* sto$e )c* str'c, )$* tro$$en
Q2 Boo, o't7 there-s a car ....... on yo'r le2t.
)a* $riing )+* approaching )c* g'i$ing )$* con$'cting
Q3 F'st a min'te7 yo' hae 8'st ....... my case.
)a* +'rst )+* +'n$le$ )c* +race$ )$* +ro,en
Q4 9in$7 the $oors are ........
)a* 2inishing )+* en$ing )c* closing )$* 2alling
Q5 1atch it7 yo' almost ....... my eye o't #ith that 'm+rella.
)a* pointe$ )+* po,e$ )c* place$ )$* p'mpe$
Q6 =e care2'l7 there-s a large ....... +et#een the plat2orm an$ the train.
)a* gap )+* 2all )c* area )$* line
Q7 3allo7 $o yo' see #hat yo' $i$ to that ....... o2 +oo,s #hen yo' #al,e$ past(
)a* hill )+* mo'nt )c* pile )$* store
Q8 3ang on7 yo'-e gien me the #rong ........ I gae yo' a tenGpo'n$ note.
)a* $i22erence )+* change )c* alternation )$* acco'nt
Q9 Stop7 that man-s 8'st gone ....... #ith my #alletE
)a* o22 )+* o't )c* on )$* +y
Q10 E%c'se me7 +'t yo' hae ....... yo'r car lights on.
)a* place$ )+* le2t )c* 2o'n$ )$* teste$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 57
'+. t+ "+mpliment
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 4o' loo, ....... in that $ress7 "man$a. 3o# +ea'ti2'l yo' are.
)a* startling )+* st'nning )c* stretching )$* starting
Q2 I can honestly say I haen-t ha$ s'ch a ....... meal 2or ages.
)a* $elight )+* $elighte$ )c* $elight2'l )$* $elighting
Q3 I m'st get to ,no# the name o2 yo'r ....... so that I can +'y a s'it li,e that.
)a* ma,er-s )+* $resser-s )c* #ar$er-s )$* tailor-s
Q4 I m'st ....... yo' on yo'r per2ormance in the play D it #as remar,a+le.
)a* impress )+* a$ise )c* congrat'late )$* enA'ire
Q5 Cne can tell imme$iately that yo' are a ....... +y the accomplishe$ #ay yo' per2orm.
)a* amate'r )+* #or,er )c* tyro )$* pro2essional
Q6 I honestly can-t +eliee that yo' are ....... eno'gh to hae s'ch gro#n 'p chil$ren.
)a* #ise )+* ol$ )c* gro#n )$* clear
Q7 Een i2 I ....... 2or a h'n$re$ years7 I co'l$n-t possi+ly reach yo'r stan$ar$.
)a* per2ecte$ )+* p'rs'e$ )c* practise$ )$* polishe$
Q8 4o' certainly $on-t loo, yo'r ........ 1hat-s yo'r secret(
)a* ol$ )+* age )c* #orth )$* type
Q9 It-s al#ays a ....... tal,ing to yo' D yo' ,no# so m'chE
)a* please )+* please$ )c* pleasing )$* pleas're
Q10 /han, yo' ery m'ch 2or yo'r letter. "s al#ays it-s ....... to rea$.
)a* 2'n )+* am'sement )c* entertainment )$* 2'nnily
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 58
*+dal *edley
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I ,no# I ....... $o it +eca'se I hae $one it +e2ore.
)a* o'ght )+* m'st )c* can
Q2 4o' really ....... see that 2ilm +eca'se I ,no# yo'-ll li,e it.
)a* #ill )+* sho'l$ )c* co'l$
Q3 It-s A'ite clear that yo' ....... to isit their ho'se7 so #hy $on-t yo'(
)a* hae +een a+le )+* may )c* #ant
Q4 It-s the right thing to $o in this sit'ation an$ it-s my +elie2 that yo' ....... to go.
)a* sho'l$ )+* might )c* o'ght
Q5 I say to mysel2 each morning I really ....... #rite that letter.
)a* can )+* m'st )c* might
Q6 ....... I hae yo'r permission to leae the meeting early(
)a* 1ill )+* 1o'l$ )c* 9ay
Q7 4o' sho'l$ ta,e an 'm+rella #ith yo' to$ay7 it ....... rain later.
)a* m'st )+* might )c* #ill
Q8 6on-t #orry they ....... eent'ally s'ccee$7 I ass're yo'.
)a* #ill )+* might )c* #ant
Q9 :o# there-s no arg'ment here. 4o' ....... to 2inish on time +eca'se yo' hae no choice.
)a* m'st )+* can )c* hae
Q10 ....... yo' really help me( I2 so7 I sho'l$ +e most grate2'l.
)a* &o'l$ )+* 9'st )c* 9ay
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 59
1hristmas 0+stman 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9y main ....... 2or +ecoming a temporary postman $'ring the &hristmas holi$ay perio$.
)a* ca'se )+* inci$ent )c* rational )$* reason
Q2 1as +eca'se I ha$ amasse$ some rather large ........
)a* s'ms )+* amo'nts )c* +ills )$* totals
Q3 "n$ #hat #as more ....... I ha$ got no money.
)a* interesting )+* important )c* al'a+le )$* ital
Q4 9y trainer #as a postman +y the ....... o2 /e$.
)a* title )+* la+el )c* name )$* sign
Q5 1ith a li2e time o2 ....... in $oing all the #al,s in the to#n.
)a* e%perience )+* ,no#ing )c* ha+it )$* c'stom
Q6 It #as all a A'estion o2 .......7 he sai$ an$ then he e%plaine$
)a* r'ling )+* straightening )c* ti$ying )$* or$er
Q7 the moment I got into the ....... o22ice.
)a* selecting )+* $ii$ing )c* choosing )$* sorting
Q8 3e $i$n-t #ant any o2 his ....... to imagine that +eing a postman #as an easy 8o+.
)a* trainers )+* training )c* trainees )$* trains
Q9 3e #as ....... 'p #ith people he met eery so o2ten
)a* eaten )+* 2e$ )c* cons'me$ )$* $igeste$
Q10 #ho ....... it #as a partGtime 8o+ +eca'se it #as all 2inishe$ +y mi$G$ay.
)a* teste$ )+* criticise$ )c* claime$ )$* hel$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 60
1hristmas 0+stman 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3e $escri+e$ the ....... ery care2'lly.
)a* processing )+* seA'ence )c* 2ollo#s )$* 2ollo#e$
Q2 /he 2irst thing #as to +e ....... since yo' starte$ at a time #hen most people #ere asleep.
)a* p'nct'al )+* pointe$ )c* p'nctilio's )$* pointing
Q3 Imme$iately yo' arrie$ yo' ha$ to start sorting the mail into $i22erent pigeon ........
)a* parts )+* gaps )c* slots )$* holes
Q4 Sometimes yo' 2o'n$ some ....... han$#riting an$ $i$n-t ,no# #here the letter sho'l$ go.
)a* #on$er2'l )+* metic'lo's )c* terri+le )$* +ea'ti2'l
Q5 3e #as al#ays criticising teachers 2or not teaching chil$ren to #rite ........
)a* personally )+* priately )c* proper )$* properly
Q6 /hese letters sho'l$ +e p't to one si$e an$ ol$ &harlie7 the han$#riting .......7 #o'l$ loo, thro'gh them later.
)a* e%pert )+* e%ponent )c* e%hi+itor )$* e%ec'tie
Q7 /he ne%t ....... #as to $ra# some col$ #ater7 2ill the ,ettle an$ ma,e a c'p o2 tea.
)a* 2oot )+* step )c* pace )$* stri$e
Q8 /e$ #as al#ays calm an$ optimistic. 3e neer let himsel2 get ....... +y the 8o+.
)a* $oome$ )+* $o#ngra$e$ )c* $epresse$ )$* $o#ne$
Q9 3e le2t me alone 2or an ho'r to 2ollo# his metho$ an$ as,e$ me to call him i2 I ....... any $i22ic'lties.
)a* enco'ntere$ )+* engen$ere$ )c* entere$ )$* enA'ire$
Q10 "s he ha$ +een ery +'sy in his ho'se since t#o that morning ....... o2 a +'rst #ater pipe7 he #ent to hae a
)a* thro'gh )+* 2or )c* on )$* +eca'se
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 61
1hristmas 0+stman 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "t 2irst I got on 2amo'sly 2in$ing the right pigeonholes7 chec,ing /e$-s list an$ p'tting the letters in ........
)a* +o'n$s )+* +'n$les )c* +on$s )$* +o'n$e$
Q2 "2ter a+o't t#o ho'rs o2 this my internal +attery starte$ to get lo# an$ I 2o'n$ mysel2 losing ........
)a* patients )+* patents )c* patters )$* patience
Q3 It #as at this stage that /e$ came in A'ic,ly ....... me to 2inish an$ get on the roa$.
)a* $eman$ing )+* ta,ing )c* giing )$* enco'raging
Q4 /he post o22ice in this co'ntry $istrict $i$n-t 'se ans +eca'se o2 the ........
)a* costing )+* monies )c* e%pense )$* e%penses
Q5 I ha$ to ....... $o #ith a +icycle that loo,e$ as tho'gh it ha$ +een hit seeral times.
)a* try )+* ma,e )c* en$ )$* ta,e
Q6 Cnce o't in the open air I e%perience$ a iolent ....... +'t soon the s'n came o't.
)a* #et )+* raining )c* rains )$* sho#er
Q7 /he sho'ts o2 8oy coming 2rom some ho'ses as I p't the mail thro'gh the letter ....... ma$e 'p 2or the
$iscom2ort an$.
)a* space )+* line )c* +o% )$* opening
Q8 I #as +eginning to 2eel li,e a ....... <ather &hristmas.
)a* sort )+* real )c* type )$* ,in$
Q9 I then came to n'm+er 56 that /e$ ha$ ....... me a+o't. /hey ha$ a 2erocio's $og.
)a* #arne$ )+* threatene$ )c* in$icate$ )$* sho#n
Q10 /he only #ay to ....... #ith this one7 /e$ recommen$e$7 #as to r'sh at the $oor7 shoe the letters thro'gh the
$oor an$ go a#ay as A'ic,ly as possi+le.
)a* tac,le )+* manage )c* han$le )$* $eal
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 62
1hristmas 0+stman 748
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I $i$ 8'st that +'t in my ....... I $roppe$ a small pac,et that 2ell into a p'$$le.
)a* h'rry )+* haste )c* spee$ )$* hasting
Q2 I $i$n-t hae the co'rage to ma,e another assa'lt on the ho'se. Instea$ I too, it home to ....... it o't.
)a* ma,e )+* $o )c* try )$* $ry
Q3 I ,ne# i2 I tol$ /e$ he #o'l$ tal, a lot a+o't +eing strictly against the r'les +'t I #as conince$ it $i$n-t
)a* concern )+* a22ect )c* matter )$* #orry
Q4 In my ,itchen I loo,e$ at the a$$ress an$ sa# the recipient #as a 9aster >ichar$. I #as ashame$ o2 my .......
)a* co#ar$ )+* co#ar$ice )c* co#ar$ly )$* co#ar$s
Q5 an$ tho'ght I #as $epriing a yo'ng chil$ o2 his &hristmas present 2rom some loing ........
)a* relatie )+* relate$ )c* reality )$* relatiely
Q6 I r'++e$ the pac,age #ith a to#el an$ #ent A'ic,ly again to n'm+er 56 h'rrying $o#n the path in the tr'e
....... o2 the season7
)a* sense )+* ghost )c* taste )$* spirit
Q7 cl'tching the precio's +'n$le in my han$ I ....... it thro'gh the letter +o%
)a* gae )+* too, )c* thr'st )$* t'rne$
Q8 e%pecting to hear a happy ....... o2 s'rprise 2rom yo'ng >ichar$. "s I h'rrie$ a#ay
)a* yelp )+* so'n$ )c* noise )$* $in
Q9 to the so'n$ o2 the ....... $og7 I ,noc,e$ +y acci$ent the gar$en gate 8'st in time to hear a oice sho'ting?
)a* +raying )+* +reathing )c* +ar,ing )$* hooting
Q10 9aster >ichar$E 1hen #ill that #oman realise I-m oer 2i2ty an$ can-t ....... ,nitte$ soc,sE
)a* hate )+* $isli,e )c* sit )$* stan$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 63
Ti"k T+"k
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /hey-re trying ery har$ to 2inish in time an$ they-re #or,ing ....... the cloc,.
)a* 'p )+* thro'gh )c* on )$* against
Q2 4o' hae to t'rn this 2rom le2t to right D in other #or$s cloc,........
)a* #ay )+* #ise )c* path )$* ro'te
Q3 I-m a2rai$ yo' can-t ma,e yo'rsel2 any yo'nger an$ t'rn the cloc, ........
)a* to )+* +y )c* +ac, )$* $o#n
Q4 4o' can al#ays +e s're that there-ll +e a $eliery to$ay as the serice is as reg'lar as cloc,........
)a* time )+* tas, )c* 8o+ )$* #or,
Q5 It-s an ama;ing system so that at #hateer time o2 $ay yo' can al#ays get a response as the sta22 are there
....... the cloc,.
)a* along )+* ro'n$ )c* a+o't )$* $o#n
Q6 1hat time $o yo' start #or, or more e%actly #hen $o yo' cloc, .......(
)a* on )+* a+o't )c* #ith )$* +y
Q7 1hen $o yo' 2inish #or, or more e%actly #hat time $o yo' cloc, .......(
)a* oer )+* o22 )c* thro'gh )$* in
Q8 I-e cloc,e$ ....... a+o't an a$$itional 20 ho'rs this #ee, in oertime pay.
)a* on )+* 2or )c* 'p )$* #ith
Q9 /he competition is ery strong as each team #ants to +e 2astest an$ ....... the cloc,.
)a* hit )+* ,noc, )c* stri,e )$* +eat
Q10 She-s not really intereste$ in her 8o+ an$ 8'st #aits 2or the en$ o2 the $ay to come. She-s 8'st a cloc, ........
)a* #atcher )+* seer )c* loo,er )$* ga;er
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 64
1+mpany e"isi+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I strongly recommen$ yo' ma,e a chec,list o2 points to consi$er ....... $eci$ing #hich metho$ o2 payment to
)a* #hen )+* #hat )c* #ho )$* #here
Q2 3o# long $o yo' thin, it #ill ta,e ....... #e-ll +e in a position to implement the changes to o'r $istri+'tion
)a* 'pon )+* a+o't )c* to )$* +e2ore
Q3 4ester$ay the pro8ect manager s'$$enly anno'nce$ that the la'nch o2 the ne# promotion campaign ha$ +een
....... +eca'se o2 so2t#are pro+lems.
)a* transcen$e$ )+* create$ )c* postpone$ )$* 2o'n$e$
Q4 =eca'se o2 their e%pertise the t#o yo'ng engineers hae +een ....... the opport'nity to 8oin o'r sta22.
)a* o22er )+* o22ering )c* o22ere$ )$* o22ers
Q5 Cne o2 the in$icators o2 s'ccess in any +'siness is ho# ....... types o2 comm'nication channels they 'se.
)a* m'ch )+* many )c* lot )$* lots
Q6 "n e22ectie c'stomer s'pport system sho'l$ +e ....... as the nere centre o2 all company comm'nciation.
)a* regar$e$ )+* imagine$ )c* tho'ght )$* $reamt
Q7 It goes #itho't ....... that there are more goals that can +e achiee$ #ith yo'r +'siness than simply generating
)a* tal,ing )+* saying )c* as,ing )$* arg'ing
Q8 " company-s s'ccess #ill largely $epen$ ....... ho# 2ar ahea$ into the 2't're it can 2orecast.
)a* on )+* o2 )c* at )$* in
Q9 In a$$ition to an organisation-s ision an$ a+ility to set goals it is also ....... that eery team mem+er 2eels part
o2 a 'nit.
)a* liely )+* strict )c* ii$ )$* ital
Q10 Especially large corporations ....... on an international scale create an$ p'rs'e a h'man reso'rces policy
coering many $i22erent aspects.
)a* operates )+* operating )c* operation )$* operate$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 65
Sa!e 6$r 3nimals 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 <rom a ery early age &athy ha$ +een passionate ....... animals.
)a* o2 )+* to )c* a+o't )$* thro'gh
Q2 She 'se$ to ho+ no+ )socialise* #ith people #ho ....... the same #ay as she $i$.
)a* consi$ere$ )+* hel$ )c* approe$ )$* tho'ght
Q3 /hese people #ere not at all 2'$$y $'$$y )'ninteresting* or in$ee$ hoity toity )s'percilio's* an$ their main
interest in li2e #as to ....... that all animals #ere #ell treate$.
)a* ens're )+* ass're )c* conince )$* conict
Q4 She soon got to ,no# one o2 the local +ig #igs )important people* in a local organisation ....... at stopping
cr'elty to animals.
)a* shot )+* aime$ )c* hit )$* str'c,
Q5 3e ha$ +een in his hey $ay )at his most s'ccess2'l time* an important ....... in a goernment $epartment 2or
)a* character )+* p'ppet )c* personage )$* 2ig're
Q6 In 2act +eca'se he ha$ re2'se$ to ,o# to# to )accept #itho't A'estion* some o2 the o22icial reg'lations7 he ha$
+een 2orce$ to ta,e ....... retirement.
)a* +'sy )+* easy )c* early )$* A'ic,
Q7 ='t as 2ar ....... &athy #as concerne$7 he #as the +ee-s ,nees )someone to a$mire* an$ #hen she le2t school7
she #ent to #or, as his assistant in the Society 2or the 5rotection o2 "nimals.
)a* so )+* more )c* than )$* as
Q8 3er parents ho#eer #ere not at all please$ ....... #here she ha$ $eci$e$ to #or,.
)a* a+o't )+* 2or )c* concerning )$* aro'n$
Q9 /hey lie$ in a $es res )ery attractie ho'se* an$ her 2ather7 Fohn <ort'ne7 #ho #as really a +it o2 a 2at cat
)#ealthy +'sinessman* tho'ght that all this animal ....... #as a lot o2 hoc's poc's )nonsense*.
)a* matter )+* +'siness )c* concerns )$* topic
Q10 &athy an$ her 2ather ha$ seeral po# #o#s )conersations* a+o't her $ecision +'t it 's'ally ....... 'p #ith a lot
o2 argy +argy )arg'ments*.
)a* concl'$e$ )+* terminate$ )c* en$e$ )$* laste$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 66
Sa!e 6$r 3nimals 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1hat her mother an$ 2ather ....... to most #as the en$less tittle tattle )gossip* in the illage a+o't a yo'ng
#oman #or,ing 2or this hot shot )#ell ,no#n entreprene'r*7
)a* s'+8ecte$ )+* $e8ecte$ )c* re8ecte$ )$* o+8ecte$
Q2 #ho #as also ....... +y some as a +it o2 a #heeler $ealer )someone #ho $oes +'siness in an 'n$erhan$ #ay*.
)a* loo,e$ )+* pict're$ )c* regar$e$ )$* +eliee$
Q3 &athy $i$n-t +eliee any o2 this an$ #as $elighte$ to +e #or,ing 2or Geo22rey 1inton i2 2or no other ....... than
that liing at home #as ery h'm$r'm )+oring*.
)a* reason )+* ca'se )c* 2act )$* $ecision
Q4 /he rest o2 the organisation tho'ght that she an$ 1inton #ere a $ream team )i$eal partners* +eca'se she
#as enth'siastic an$ he #as ery ........
)a* e%pertise )+* empirical )c* e%pert )$* e%perience$
Q5 "2ter all she tho'ght her +rother #as en8oying himsel2 an$ ha$ gone ....... to #or, in "merica as a res'lt o2 the
+rain $rain )talente$ people leaing their o#n co'ntry to #or, 2or +etter pay in another*.
)a* astray )+* a+roa$ )c* alone )$* a2ar
Q6 Cne morning there #as A'ite a h'++'+ )lo'$ noise an$ actiity* in the <ort'ne ....... #hen &athy came r'shing
into the sitting room helter s,elter )r'nning at great spee$*7
)a* ho'se#or, )+* ho'se+o'n$ )c* ho'sehol$ )$* ho'setops
Q7 an$ anno'nce$ #hat she tho'ght #as a cheer2'l ear2'l )a goo$ piece o2 ne#s* an$ that #as she ha$ +een
inite$ to atten$ a ....... in the capital.
)a* $emarcation )+* $en'ciation )c* $epression )$* $emonstration
Q8 "s 2ar as her 2ather #as concerne$ this #as ....... $o'+le tro'+le )t#o pro+lems* D 2irst #or,ing 2or <ort'ne
an$ no# getting inole$ in a $emonstration.
)a* simply )+* A'ite )c* entirely )$* A'ietly
Q9 "s 2ar as he #as concerne$ this #o'l$ +e a ....... o2 time +eca'se the spea,ers at the rally #o'l$ 8'st tal,
m'm+o 8'm+o )nonsense*.
)a* #aist )+* #asting )c* #aste )$* #orst
Q10 ='t &athy ha$ ma$e 'p her ....... an$ the ne%t morning #ham +am )ery A'ic,ly* she ca'ght the early train
an$ #ent o22 to the rally.
)a* +rain )+* min$ )c* tho'ght )$* $ecision
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 67
Sa!e 6$r 3nimals 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Cn the train 8o'rney she +egan to thin, a+o't #hat her 2ather ha$ sai$ #ith his ....... to the rag +ag )m'$$le$
collection* o2 i$eas in her organisation.
)a* $irection )+* re2erral )c* re2erence )$* re2erre$
Q2 "n$ i2 she #as really ....... #ith hersel2 she #as +eginning to hae a teenie #eenie )ery small* 2eeling o2 $o'+t
as to #hether she #as $oing the right thing.
)a* hono're$ )+* hono'ra+le )c* honest )$* hono'ra+ly
Q3 She 8'st #ishe$ that her 2ather co'l$ ....... an$ +e een steen )2air* a+o't her si$e o2 the arg'ment.
)a* try )+* trying )c* trie$ )$* tries
Q4 ='t as soon as she reache$ the meeting point 2or the rally7 there #as no time 2or $ay ........
)a* thin,ing )+* m'sing )c* sleeping )$* $reaming
Q5 "t the +eginning it #as a +it har'm scar'm )$isorganise$* an$ people #ere r'nning higgle$y piggle$y )in
$i22erent an$ chaotic $irections* +'t soon eerything ....... $o#n7
)a* set )+* seate$ )c* settle$ )$* setting
Q6 an$ people #ho ha$ +een r'nning a+o't pell mell )in con2'sion* #ere no# stan$ing ....... an$ listening to the
)a* A'iet )+* still )c* 'pright )$* A'ite
Q7 She 2elt ....... an$ #as please$ she ha$ come to the $emonstration.
)a* ret'rne$ )+* restore$ )c* re2reshe$ )$* reass're$
Q8 "n$ then one inci$ent at the en$ o2 the rally conince$ her that she ha$ ....... the right $ecision to #or, 2or the
)a* $one )+* got )c* ta,en )$* +ro'ght
Q9 " police o22icer on horse+ac, #as ....... the cro#$s an$ she 2o'n$ hersel2 +eing gently moe$ +y the horse.
)a* controlling )+* maintaining )c* con$'cting )$* $riing
Q10 "s it $re# near she 2o'n$ she #as as,ing hersel2 ....... #hether she ha$ $one the right thing. She loo,e$ at the
horse an$ it #as act'ally no$$ing its hea$ an$ she co'l$ hae s#orn it sai$ o,ie $o,ie )all right*.
)a* allo#e$ )+* lo'$ly )c* lo'$ )$* alo'$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 68
Simple 0resent 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "n$re# Smo$ley is a nat'ral #orrier. It is something he has ....... 2rom his 2ather D the ,ing o2 all #orriers.
)a* receie$ )+* le2t )c* earne$ )$* inherite$
Q2 ='t then there are those #ho are neer happy 'nless they hae a pro+lem to ........
)a* $issole )+* sole )c* c't )$* release
Q3 "n$re# #orrie$ a+o't the #eather7 the state o2 the po'n$7 his health7 the cost o2 ....... an$ once he een
#orrie$ +eca'se he tho'ght he #asn-t #orrying eno'gh.
)a* li2e )+* e%istence )c* liing )$* e%isting
Q4 ='t that #as in the past. /hings hae change$ +eca'se something happene$ to him e%actly t#o years ........
)a* ago )+* gone )c* passe$ )$* oer
Q5 It #as in the spring #hen leaes appear on trees an$ nat're prepares hersel2 2or rene#al. Cther things
happen too D people ....... in loe.
)a* t'm+le )+* $rop )c* $ecline )$* 2all
Q6 :o# "n$re# $oesn-t hae a romantic ........ 3e neer loo,s 'p at the leaes starting to gro#7 sighs an$ says?
L"h7 here comes the springEL
)a* constit'tion )+* $isposition )c* instit'tion )$* position
Q7 3e simply thin,s to himsel2? LI lie in a small illage +y a little stream an$ ....... this time o2 year lots o2
creat'res start to #a,e 'p an$ ma,e a lot o2 noise.L
)a* across )+* thro'gh )c* aro'n$ )$* against
Q8 LIn Bon$on7 #hich ....... on the rier /hames7 people ma,e a lot o2 noise all the time.L
)a* stan$s )+* hol$s )c* +egins )$* sits
Q9 I apologise 2or the simplicity o2 these ....... +'t I #ant to ill'strate the 'nimaginatie nat're #hich "n$re#
)a* $eclamations )+* reA'irements )c* mentions )$* statements
Q10 /o#ar$s the en$ o2 this story I gie e%amples to sho# the e%tent o2 the change he ........
)a* 'n$ertoo, )+* 'n$er#ent )c* 'n$erstoo$ )$* 'n$er$i$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 69
Simple 0resent 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he other ....... in this anec$ote is a yo'ng #oman calle$ Sally <air#eather.
)a* 2eat're )+* part )c* character )$* principal
Q2 She too lies in this ....... an$ remote illage #here "n$re# has his cottage.
)a* minor )+* tiny )c* 'nimportant )$* #retche$
Q3 :o# Sally is an entirely $i22erent ,ettle o2 2ish. 3er philosophy r'ns as 2ollo#s? L1orrying neer gets yo'
any#here an$ li2e is too short to ....... time imagining the #orst.L
)a* pass )+* spen$ )c* e%pen$ )$* #aste
Q4 In a #or$ she is the complete ....... in temperament o2 "n$re#. 3ere comes another cliche? opposites attract.
)a* opposite )+* opponent )c* oppose$ )$* opposition
Q5 ='t yo' m'st remem+er that t#o years ago the t#o main characters ha$n-t met7 #hich #as s'rprising #hen
yo' consi$er the close ....... o2 "n$re#-s cottage an$ Sally-s.
)a* appro%imation )+* pro%imity )c* stan$ing )$* placing
Q6 I2 yo' ta,e the 2irst le2t a2ter the post o22ice7 yo' come to Sally-s place an$ i2 yo' ta,e the secon$ ....... to the
right a2ter that yo' come to the cottage #here "n$re# lies.
)a* t'rn )+* t'rn 'p )c* t'rn in )$* t'rning
Q7 /he ne%t participant in this illage $rama is the #eather7 #hich ....... a ery signi2icant part in English li2e.
)a* hol$s )+* manages )c* plays )$* controls
Q8 It #as late "pril an$ the s'n ha$ $isappeare$ +ehin$ $ar, heay rain clo'$s +'t "n$re# ha$ alrea$y set .......
2or the local p'+.
)a* 'p )+* o22 )c* to )$* +y
Q9 :at'rally he ha$ his 'm+rella #ith him an$ a heay coat ....... that aphorism his mother al#ays 'se$? L:eer
cast a clo't )remoe an article o2 clothing* +e2ore 9ay is o't.L
)a* p'rs'ing )+* chasing )c* r'nning a2ter )$* 2ollo#ing
Q10 <ort'nately he ma$e it to the p'+ +e2ore the storm ........
)a* +ro,e )+* 2ell )c* $roppe$ )$* collapse$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 70
Simple 0resent 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he moment he crosse$ the $oorstep7 an ol$ school 2rien$ comes 'p to "n$re#7 ....... to +'y him a $rin, an$
tells him not to loo, so #orrie$.
)a* +egs )+* reA'ests )c* as,s )$* o22ers
Q2 "n$re# sho#e$ him the hea$lines? L5etrol prices rise againL D L='t yo' haen-t got a carL sai$ his 2rien$ D LI
,no#L retorte$ "n$re# D Lstill it means eerything ....... #ill go 'p in price7 too.L
)a* too )+* else )c* other )$* also
Q3 Eeryone in the p'+ loo,s ....... $epresse$ at this remar, an$ +egins to thin, o2 all the price increases that #ill
)a* i$eally )+* coneniently )c* s'ita+ly )$* easily
Q4 /he ....... is palpa+le. /hen s'$$enly the $oor +'rsts open an$ in #al,s o'r heroine7 Sally loo,ing li,e a
$ro#ne$ rat.
)a* +oom )+* +loom )c* room )$* gloom
Q5 9ost people in the p'+ thin, to themseles? L1hat a pretty girlL "n$re# sees her as someone #ho is ....... an$
nee$s help.
)a* $renche$ )+* $ro#ne$ )c* $rape$ )$* $o#ne$
Q6 3e #al,s oer to her an$ as,s i2 she is ....... right.
)a* eerything )+* some )c* all )$* total
Q7 <or pro+a+ly the 2irst time in his li2e "n$re# act'ally ....... his #orry 2rom himsel2 to someone else.
)a* pre2erre$ )+* trans2erre$ )c* o22ere$ )$* $i22ere$
Q8 "n$ he mi%es her a ....... $rin, to protect her 2rom a possi+le col$.
)a* 'n's'al )+* speciality )c* specialise$ )$* special
Q9 /he conersation #ent as 2ollo#s? LI hear yo' lie in this illage7 tooL D L3o# $o yo' .......(L as,e$ "n$re#.
)a* $iscoer )+* 2in$ )c* ,no# )$* realise
Q10 ='t Sally change$ the s'+8ect. L/his $rin, tastes $elicio's. 3o# $i$ yo' ma,e it(L D LI p't a $rop o2 ginger ale
an$ a piece o2 lemon in the alcohol an$ then ....... thoro'ghly.L
)a* stir )+* +eat )c* mash )$* 2or,
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 71
Simple 0resent 748
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I al#ays ,eep those t#o ....... #ith me #hen I go o't at night.
)a* particles )+* parts )c* ingre$ients )$* contents
Q2 S'$$enly Sally loo,e$ at her #atch? LI m'st ........ 9y train leaes in ten min'tes.L
)a* 2ly )+* 2lo# )c* 2lee )$* 2lea
Q3 L6on-t 2orget to ta,e those t#o ta+lets I ....... an$ let me ,no# ho# yo' are.L
)a* $igeste$ )+* congeste$ )c* ingeste$ )$* s'ggeste$
Q4 LI-ll ....... yo' ,no# as soon as I come +ac, 2rom Bon$on.L "n$ then she #ent.
)a* permit )+* let )c* allo# )$* leae
Q5 Imme$iately "n$re# starte$ to #orry. 3e $i$n-t ,no# her name. 3e $i$n-t ,no# her a$$ress an$ he 2elt
strange. 3e ....... his p'lse. 3e tests his mental 2ac'lties? L/#o an$ t#o ma,e 2o'r.L
)a* $etects )+* inestigates )c* chec,s )$* tic,s
Q6 It #as a $i22erent sort o2 #orry that #as ....... a concern. 3e #ants to see her again.
)a* e%actly )+* 2airly )c* 's'ally )$* almost
Q7 ....... secon$s he r'she$ o't o2 the p'+ leaing his coat +ehin$7 ran into the po'ring rain #ith no 'm+rella.
)a* C'tsi$e )+* 1ithin )c* 1itho't )$* Insi$e
Q8 1hat #as ....... to him( 3e sa# Sally stan$ing on the plat2orm getting into the train an$ the train leaing the
)a* happening )+* occ'rring )c* 2alling )$* coming
Q9 3e 8'mps $o#n 2rom the plat2orm onto the ....... an$ #aes at the train $rier to stop. /he train stops an$
"n$re# gets onto it.
)a* path )+* roa$ )c* trac, )$* lane
Q10 Si% #ee,s ....... this e%traor$inary episo$e Sally got marrie$.
)a* later )+* a2ter )c* sooner )$* thro'gh
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 72
Simple 0resent 758
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "n$re# $oesn-t ....... any more no#.
)a* concern )+* $ist'r+ )c* regret )$* #orry
Q2 3e ....... calm.
)a* stan$s )+* stays )c* rests )$* rela%es
Q3 /he o+io's time #hen people ....... him to start #orrying #as.
)a* #aite$ )+* a#aite$ )c* e%pecte$ )$* stoo$
Q4 $'ring the #e$$ing ....... in the illage ch'rch 8'st oer t#o years ago.
)a* ceremony )+* per2ormance )c* occasion )$* eent
Q5 "s he says7 LI ,no# #hat eeryone #as ........L
)a* $reaming )+* thin,ing )c* s'pposing )$* +elieing
Q6 /hey tho'ght I #o'l$ go to ........
)a* parts )+* sections )c* particles )$* pieces
Q7 ='t I #as per2ectly rela%e$ an$ I ....... it all to Sally. She is certainly a #on$er2'l #i2e.
)a* $e+t )+* len$ )c* o#e )$* +orro#
Q8 She smile$ at me #hen #e #ere stan$ing ....... the altar.
)a* in )+* at )c* on )$* thro'gh
Q9 an$ I stoppe$ #orrying 2rom that moment ........
)a* on )+* to )c* 2or )$* +y
Q10 4o' can see me ....... rela%e$ in the ne#spaper pict'res especially that one #ith the caption? L":6>E1
S9C6BE4 3":6S /3E >I:G /C S"BB4 <"I>1E"/3E>-S <I/I>E 3IS=":6.L
)a* trying )+* seeing )c* loo,ing )$* #atching
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 73
Tenses 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I ....... come i2 I ha$ ha$ time.
)a* hae )+* ha$ )c* #o'l$ hae )$* $i$
Q2 /his time tomorro# yo' ....... sitting in a $ec, chair on the +each.
)a* are )+* #ere )c* #ill )$* #ill +e
Q3 =e2ore yo' telephone$7 I ....... #atching teleision.
)a* #as )+* #ill +e )c* am )$* hae
Q4 "2ter the storm ....... 2inishe$7 many people #ere 2o'n$ lying in the street.
)a* has )+* ha$ )c* #ere )$* $i$
Q5 /omorro# #e ....... ta,ing the $ay o22.
)a* #ill )+* hae )c* #ere )$* are
Q6 1here $i$ yo' ....... 2or yo'r holi$ay in the en$(
)a* #ent )+* gone )c* go )$* going
Q7 I m'st a$mit yo' ....... trie$ +'t I-m a2rai$ the ans#er is still no.
)a* $i$ )+* #ill )c* $o )$* hae
Q8 Sometimes I #on$er i2 I ....... eer s'ccee$.
)a* $o )+* shall )c* am )$* #ere
Q9 3o# many times ....... yo' +een there(
)a* has )+* #ill )c* hae )$* $i$
Q10 She-s ....... #or,ing there since she le2t school.
)a* ha$ )+* $one )c* hae )$* +een
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 74
Tenses 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 It-s time #e ........
)a* go )+* #ent )c* are going )$* going
Q2 I honestly co'l$n-t 2ollo# a #or$ yo' ........
)a* are saying )+* #ill say )c* #ere saying )$* $i$ say
Q3 3e as,e$ me #hat I ....... $oing there.
)a* am )+* $i$ )c* #ill +e )$* #as
Q4 I-e 8'st ....... that the price has gone 'p again.
)a* am tol$ )+* hae tol$ )c* +een tol$ )$* #as tol$
Q5 She #as annoye$ that she ....... spo,en to li,e that.
)a* ha$ +een )+* has +een )c* #as +een )$* #ill hae +een
Q6 I-e 8'st +een ....... here that man has +een release$.
)a* rea$s )+* rea$ing )c* rea$ )$* hae rea$
Q7 I2 yo' #ere stoppe$ +y the police 2or spee$ing7 #hat ....... yo' $o(
)a* #ill )+* shall )c* $o )$* #o'l$
Q8 Bong ....... the JingE
)a* lie )+* lies )c* liing )$* lie$
Q9 I2 I get there early eno'gh7 I ....... yo' a seat.
)a* $i$ sae )+* $o sae )c* am saing )$* shall sae
Q10 1hen I-m in to#n7 I ....... listening to the +ir$s.
)a* missing )+* miss )c* misses )$* misse$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 75
Tenses 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "h there yo' .......E I #on$ere$ #here yo' #ere.
)a* +e )+* #ere )c* are )$* hae +een
Q2 She sai$ she-$ help him i2 she ........
)a* co'l$ )+* can )c* can-t )$* hae +een a+le
Q3 3e tol$ them he ....... starting #or, the ne%t $ay.
)a* #ill +e )+* #ill hae +een )c* #o'l$ +e )$* #o'l$ hae +een
Q4 I ha$ instr'ctions that I ....... to leae the $oor 'nloc,e$ #hen I came home.
)a* #ill +eing )+* #ere )c* am )$* #as
Q5 3e re2'se$ to go 'ntil he ....... seen all the paintings.
)a* ha$ )+* #as )c* is )$* has
Q6 6on-t #orry een i2 yo' ma,e a mista,e +eca'se i2 yo' .......7 it $oesn-t matter.
)a* #ere $oing )+* ha$ $one )c* $o )$* #ill $o
Q7 3e ....... silly things li,e this. /a,e no notice no#.
)a* al#ays $i$ )+* #ill al#ays $o )c* ha$ al#ays $one )$* is al#ays $oing
Q8 /he man #ho ....... #al,ing $o#n the roa$ 8'st then7 lies ne%t $oor.
)a* is )+* #ill +e )c* #as )$* has +een
Q9 It $oesn-t ma,e sense. I can-t 'n$erstan$ #hy he ....... at yo' last night.
)a* ha$ sho'te$ )+* is sho'ting )c* has sho'l$ )$* sho'te$
Q10 &ome on tell me honestly #hat yo' ....... to $o no#.
)a* #ante$ )+* #ant )c* are #anting )$* #ill #ant
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 76
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "s #e-e got plenty o2 time to ....... +e2ore the train comes7 let-s hae a co22ee.
)a* #aste )+* lose )c* spen$ )$* ,ill
Q2 I2 yo' mention someone-s mista,es in p'+lic7 it can only +e regar$e$ as ery ........
)a* tactless )+* cas'al )c* careless )$* pointe$
Q3 I $i$n-t thin, he loo,e$ ery #ell #hen #e last sa# him D in 2act he #as really o't o2 ........
)a* or$er )+* 2orm )c* sorts )$* tren$
Q4 3e-s the sort o2 person #ho neer #orries a+o't anything an$ has a happy ....... $isposition.
)a* oerGheels )+* tempere$ )c* $ispose$ )$* goGl'c,y
Q5 I $on-t ,no# #hat-s the matter #ith me to$ay I s'ppose I-m 2eeling 'n$er the ........
)a* clo'$s )+* rain )c* #eather )$* tiles
Q6 /here-s a ery in2ormatie programme on the ra$io tonight on ....... a22airs.
)a* act'al )+* c'rrent )c* positie )$* 2act'al
Q7 3e $i$n-t reeal his name #ith his 2irst +oo, an$ p'+lishe$ it 'n$er a ........
)a* synonym )+* homonym )c* acronym )$* pse'$onym
Q8 3e spo,e the lang'age in a regional .......7 #hich ma$e it impossi+le 2or me to 'n$erstan$ him.
)a* oice )+* accent )c* 8argon )$* $ialect
Q9 I sometimes 2in$ that the ....... ma$e +y the a$ertisers are more interesting than the act'al teleision
programmes themseles.
)a* commercials )+* comments )c* commerce )$* commercially
Q10 :o# remem+er $on-t +e late #ith yo'r thesis an$ $on-t 2orget the ....... is /'es$ay #ee,.
)a* si$eline )+* +y line )c* $ea$line )$* li2eline
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 77
St$dent Tea"her ial+g$e 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /eacher? So yo' #ant to learn ....... English(
)a* spea, )+* spea,ing )c* to spea, )$* spea,s
Q2 St'$ent? 4es7 I #ant to +e a+le to spea, ........
)a* goo$ )+* #ell )c* goo$ly )$* proper
Q3 /eacher? I $on-t see that as a ........
)a* sit'ation )+* p';;le )c* ans#er )$* pro+lem
Q4 4es7 that-s ....... 2or yo' to say.
)a* 2acile )+* straight )c* easy )$* interesting
Q5 /eacher? 1hat ....... yo' say that(
)a* ma,es )+* $oes )c* tries )$* goes
Q6 St'$ent? F'st +eca'se yo' are a ....... spea,er.
)a* nat'ral )+* natie )c* national )$* nat're
Q7 /eacher? I 'n$erstan$ #hat yo' ........
)a* inten$ )+* signi2y )c* sho# )$* mean
Q8 St'$ent? So #hat am I ....... to $o(
)a* +eing )+* as,ing )c* going )$* +eginning
Q9 /eacher? 1ell7 i2 yo' .......7 I co'l$ gie yo' lessons ne%t #ee,.
)a* loe )+* li,e )c* #o'l$ )$* $esire
Q10 St'$ent? /hat ....... ery goo$ to me. I-ll see yo' ne%t #ee,.
)a* stri,es )+* hits )c* 2alls )$* so'n$s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 78
St$dent Tea"her ial+g$e 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /eacher? So #hat $o yo' ,no# ....... prepositions(
)a* 2rom )+* at )c* a+o't )$* in
Q2 St'$ent? 1ell I ,no# that they 's'ally come ....... a no'n.
)a* on )+* +e2ore )c* a2ter )$* 'n$er
Q3 /eacher? 0ery goo$. 1hich $o yo' 2in$ the ....... $i22ic'lt(
)a* #orst )+* +est )c* less )$* most
Q4 St'$ent? I2 I ha$ to choose one7 I #o'l$ ....... in.
)a* t'rn )+* pic, )c* to'ch )$* pl'c,
Q5 /eacher? /he thing to ....... is that in 's'ally means insi$e a place or a position.
)a* remem+er )+* repeat )c* remin$ )$* ret'rn
Q6 St'$ent? I see. ='t #hat-s the $i22erence ....... in an$ into(
)a* 2rom )+* among )c* +et#een )$* 2or
Q7 /eacher? "h7 yo' see LinL means yo' are there insi$e ....... LintoL means yo' enter as? 4o' go into the room.
)a* ho# )+* #hen )c* eer )$* ho#eer
Q8 St'$ent? "nother pro+lem is I $on-t 'n$erstan$ ....... there are t#o #or$s so'n$ing the same D / an$ one C
an$ / $o'+le C.
)a* +eca'se )+* #heneer )c* #hy )$* that-s #hy
Q9 /eacher? Goo$ A'estion. / an$ one C is the preposition an$ / an$ $o'+le C o2ten means e%tra as in? /his
e%ercise is too $i22ic'lt. "n$ $on-t 2orget the thir$ #or$ also so'n$ing the same D the ....... t#o.
)a* 2inger )+* 2ig'rine )c* th'm+ )$* n'm+er
Q10 St'$ent? Ch7 no t#o is ....... than, yo' ery m'chE
)a* eno'gh )+* eA'al )c* een )$* in$ee$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 79
St$dent Tea"her ial+g$e 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /eacher? &an yo' e%plain to me #hen yo' ....... the 5ast Simple an$ #hen the 5resent 5er2ect(
)a* employ )+* 'tilise )c* e%ercise )$* 'se
Q2 St'$ent? I thin, the past simple is 2or a ....... time in the past an$ the present per2ect is #hen yo' $on-t ,no#
#hen it #as.
)a* $e2inite )+* clear )c* o+io's )$* a+sol'te
Q3 /eacher? E%cellent. :o# i2 I #ante$ to $escri+e my time in 5aris in 1999 #ith the er+ -stay-7 #hat ....... I say(
)a* am )+* #o'l$ )c* o'ght )$* hae
Q4 St'$ent? I thin, it is I staye$ in 5aris in 1999. Is that all .......(
)a* correct )+* acc'rate )c* 2ine )$* right
Q5 /eacher? "+sol'tely per2ect. :o# #hat ....... the 5resent 5er2ect &ontin'o's(
)a* thro'gh )+* into )c* a+o't )$* concerning
Q6 St'$ent? /hat-s one I neer 'n$erstan$ ....... har$ I try.
)a* #heneer )+* ho#eer )c* #hereer )$* #hateer
Q7 /eacher? 1ell i2 yo' starte$ liing in 5aris in 1999 an$ yo' are still there7 yo' sayO I hae +een liing there
....... 1999.
)a* since )+* 2or )c* till )$* 'ntil
Q8 St'$ent? 4es7 I see I thin, I 'n$erstan$ +'t yo' hae ....... many tenses in EnglishE
)a* to )+* in )c* also )$* too
Q9 /eacher? >ight ....... one more. /ell me #hich 2orm yo' 'se i2 yo' are going to leae 5aris an$ yo' tell
someone a+o't the length o2 time 2rom yo'r arrial till no#.
)a* simply )+* 8'st )c* 8'stly )$* alone
Q10 St'$ent? Ch7 that-s easy. I say? I hae lie$ here 2or 6 years. I can see 2rom the ....... on yo'r 2ace I am right.
)a* $epression )+* impression )c* e%pression )$* $erision
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 80
0hrasal ,er-< 2alk
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /hey-e +een seeing each other 2or 6 months no# or7 as #e 'se$ to say7 they-e +een #al,ing ....... together.
)a* in )+* o't )c* thro'gh )$* o22
Q2 /he tro'+le #ith yo' is yo' let yo'r +oss $o e%actly #hat he #ants an$ let him #al, all ....... yo'.
)a* across )+* 'n$er )c* +y )$* oer
Q3 3e neer loo,s #here he-s going an$ as a res'lt is al#ays #al,ing ....... things.
)a* 'p )+* on )c* into )$* +eyon$
Q4 3e came into the room7 sho'te$ at eery+o$y an$ then le2t the room #al,ing ....... in a really +a$ temper.
)a* $o#n )+* o22 )c* oer )$* to
Q5 I-m sorry to say that the sa2e has +een +ro,en into an$ someone-s #al,e$ ....... #ith all the money.
)a* along )+* into )c* o2 )$* o22
Q6 /hey too, no notice o2 the acci$ent an$ simply #al,e$ ........
)a* +y )+* in )c* across )$* thro'gh
Q7 " total stranger #al,e$ ....... to me an$ as,e$ i2 I co'l$ len$ him some money.
)a* along )+* +y )c* 'p )$* 'n$er
Q8 /hey hae an e%pression in "'stralia #hen a 2amo's person mi%es #ith the cro#$7 they say they-re going on
a #al,........
)a* across )+* along )c* o't )$* a+o't
Q9 /he manager #as terri2ie$ that his employees #o'l$ stop #or, an$ #al, ....... #itho't #arning.
)a* oer )+* a+o't )c* o't )$* at
Q10 ,ne# #e sho'l$n-t hae tr'ste$ them +eca'se they s'$$enly le2t an$ #al,e$ ....... on 's.
)a* in )+* o't )c* a+oe )$* to
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 81
1harlieBs Anees
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 &harlie al#ays tho'ght he #as the ....... ,nees +eca'se he ha$ a ery goo$ opinion o2 himsel2.
)a* cat-s )+* $og-s )c* +ee-s )$* mo'se-s
Q2 Een #hen he #on the ....... ,nees competition at a holi$ay camp he #asn-t ashame$ D he 8'st loe$ it.
)a* ,no++ly )+* #o++ly )c* co++le$ )$* #o++le$
Q3 3e-$ learnt to thin, he #as important 2rom an early age ....... his mother-s ,nee.
)a* 2rom )+* to )c* oer )$* at
Q4 3is 2ather tol$ him he #as special as he $an$le$ him ....... his ,nee.
)a* +y )+* on )c* 'p )$* thro'gh
Q5 /hen he met 9aria as a gro#n 'p an$ 2ell in loe as a sort o2 ,nee ....... reaction almost #itho't thin,ing.
)a* leap )+* 8'mp )c* 8er, )$* trip
Q6 4o' see he-$ ,no#n her once as a small chil$ #hen he #as ,nee ....... to a grasshopper an$ no# they met as
)a* high )+* tall )c* long )$* +roa$
Q7 /hey met at a m't'al 2rien$-s party #here eeryone #as haing a great time in a ,in$ o2 ,nees ........
)a* 'n$er )+* on )c* in )$* 'p
Q8 Shortly a2ter that he ....... $o#n on one ,nee an$ propose$ marriage to her an$ she accepte$ him.
)a* thre# )+* #ent )c* #al,e$ )$* leant
Q9 "2ter they #ere marrie$7 &harlie ha$ to #or, ery har$ an$ he #as al#ays ,nee ....... in $ecorating an$
painting the ho'se.
)a* $eep )+* leel )c* steep )$* long
Q10 1hat poor &harlie $i$n-t ,no# +e2ore #as that 9aria loe$ telling others #hat to $o an$ so he ha$ to $o as he
#as tol$ an$ ....... the ,nee.
)a* stretch )+* p'll )c* lo#er )$* +en$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 82
0aper e:pressi+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 It-s almost complete$ no# +eca'se all #e hae to $o is sign a 2e# $oc'ments an$ then the paper....... is
)a* 8o+ )+* #or, )c* tas, )$* 2'nction
Q2 /hey-e trie$ to ,eep the tr'th 2rom yo' +'t nothing-s change$ as all they-e $one is paper ....... the crac,s.
)a* across )+* in )c* 'p )$* oer
Q3 I2 yo' ,eep the #in$o# open all the time7 yo'-ll nee$ something heay li,e a ....... to stop things +lo#ing a#ay.
)a* paperstone )+* paperroc, )c* paper#eight )$* paper+loc,
Q4 /he pro2essor is ....... an important paper on socioling'istics tonight in the main hall.
)a* spea,ing )+* $eliering )c* tal,ing )$* hol$ing
Q5 I sho'l$n-t #orry too m'ch a+o't him. 3e loo,s ery 2rightening +'t 'n$erneath he-s really a paper ........
)a* tiger )+* lion )c* 8ag'ar )$* cat
Q6 /he reason #hy I ,ne# all a+o't the story in the illage is +eca'se it #as on the 2ront page o2 the ....... paper.
)a* near )+* near+y )c* neigh+o'ring )$* local
Q7 "s soon as the story a+o't the scan$al +ecame ,no#n7 it $i$n-t ta,e long to ....... the papers.
)a* stri,e )+* attac, )c* hit )$* th'mp
Q8 4o' really sho'l$n-t ....... eerything yo' rea$ in the papers.
)a* +eliee )+* cre$it )c* thin, )$* pon$er
Q9 She ma,es a loa2 o2 +rea$ last a ery long time +eca'se she c'ts each slice paper ........
)a* slight )+* long )c* tight )$* thin
Q10 6o yo' ,no# ho# many ....... o2 #allpaper are nee$e$ to $ecorate this room(
)a* stran$s )+* rolls )c* strips )$* si;es
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 83
,er- Tenses
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1here ....... tonight(
)a* yo' go )+* going )c* are yo' going )$* ha$ yo' gone
Q2 /hat ....... my +'siness.
)a* is )+* #ill +e )c* #as )$* ha$
Q3 Sorry7 I ....... mean to +e r'$e.
)a* haen-t )+* can-t )c* #on-t )$* $on-t
Q4 ....... all right.
)a* /his is )+* /hat-s )c* /here is )$* /hat has
Q5 I hope I ....... o22en$e$ yo'.
)a* $i$n-t )+* #on-t )c* haen-t )$* co'l$n-t
Q6 :o7 I promise yo'. 4o'
)a* sho'l$n-t
....... o22en$ me at all.
)+* #o'l$n-t )c* ha$n-t )$* $i$n-t
Q7 So7 ....... got an i$ea.
)a* I-$ )+* I-ll )c* I-e )$* I-m
Q8 CJ. ....... me a+o't it.
)a* /ell )+* Say )c* Spea, )$* /al,
Q9 I ....... possi+ly #e co'l$ go o't together7 tonight.
)a* thin, )+* hae tho'ght )c* $i$ thin, )$* tho'ght
Q10 /hat ....... a goo$ i$ea to me.
)a* has so'n$e$ )+* #ill so'n$ )c* so'n$s )$* shall so'n$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 84
English Tenses
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9i,e? 5lease go a#ay. I-m ....... a letter. I nee$ some A'iet.
)a* #ritten )+* #rote )c* #riting )$* #ill #rite
Q2 Sarah? I ....... I #on-t ma,e a so'n$.
)a* promise )+* am promising )c* $i$ promise )$* promise$
Q3 9i,e? /hat-s #hat yo' al#ays ........
)a* sai$ )+* are saying )c* ha$ sai$ )$* say
Q4 Sarah? I ,no# +'t this time I ....... it.
)a* hae meant )+* mean )c* ha$ meant )$* #ill mean
Q5 9i,e? I $on-t honestly thin, yo' ....... telling the tr'th.
)a* #ere )+* ha$ +een )c* are )$* #ill +e
Q6 Sarah? "t least ....... me a chance.
)a* gie )+* gae )c* giing )$* are giing
Q7 9i,e? I2 I .......7 I ,no# I shall regret it.
)a* hae )+* $o )c* ha$ )$* #ere
Q8 Sarah? :o7 yo' ........
)a* $i$n-t )+* haen-t )c* co'l$n-t )$* #on-t
Q9 9i,e? "ll right. 4o' ....... stay as long as yo' $on-t ma,e any noise.
)a* #ill )+* co'l$ )c* can )$* #o'l$
Q10 Sarah? /han, yo' ery m'ch. I shall +e as A'iet as a mo'se +'t ....... 8'st p't the /0 on.
)a* I-$ )+* I-ll )c* I-e )$* I-m
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 85
1+nditi+nal Tenses
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I2 I ....... yo'7 I #o'l$n-t ris, it.
)a* ha$ +een )+* am )c* #o'l$ +e )$* #ere
Q2 I2 they ha$ #aite$ another month7 they co'l$ pro+a+ly ....... a +etter price 2or their ho'se
)a* #o'l$ get )+* ha$ got )c* hae got )$* co'l$ get
Q3 It-s A'ite simple really. 1hen it-s col$7 #ater ........
)a* 2ro;e )+* has 2ro;en )c* 2ree;es )$* ha$ 2ro;en
Q4 I2 he $eci$es to accept that 8o+7 he ....... it 2or the rest o2 his li2e.
)a* has regrette$ )+* ha$ regrette$ )c* is regretting )$* #ill regret
Q5 I2 yo' ....... o2 applying 2or that 8o+7 my a$ice is? 2orget it.
)a* are thin,ing )+* #ill thin, )c* #ill +e thin,ing )$* #o'l$ thin,
Q6 I2 he ha$n-t +een $riing so 2ast7 he ....... hae hit the motorcyclist.
)a* $i$n-t )+* ha$n-t )c* #o'l$n-t )$* hasn-t
Q7 ....... he +een more care2'l7 he #o'l$ hae spotte$ the mista,e.
)a* 1ere )+* 3a$ )c* 3as )$* Is
Q8 I2 she goes on passing her e%ams7 ....... soon +e A'ali2ie$ to practise as a la#yer.
)a* she-s )+* she ha$ )c* she has )$* she-ll
Q9 I2 I pay yo' t#ice as m'ch7 #ill yo' ....... to 2inish +y /'es$ay(
)a* are a+le )+* is a+le )c* +e a+le )$* can +e a+le
Q10 I2 only I-$ ineste$ in that company7 I-$ ....... a millionaire +y no#.
)a* +ecame )+* hae +ecome )c* ha$ +ecome )$* #o'l$ +ecome
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 86
Sleep E:pressi+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9r. 1ally-s class #as so monotono's to$ay I co'l$n-t help ....... a 2e# times.
)a* sleeping )+* $o;ing o22 )c* #a,ing 'p )$* resting
Q2 &ol$ me$icines 's'ally ma,e me 2eel ....... I 2eel li,e I $on-t hae energy to $o anything.
)a* asleep )+* hyper )c* a#a,e )$* $ro#sy
Q3 FanineE 1here #ere yo'( I-e +een loo,ing all oer 2or yo'. D Sorry7 momE I #as rea$ing a +oo, +y the tree
oer the la,e7 2ell ....... an$ lost trac, o2 the time.
)a* sleep )+* sleepy )c* asleep )$* slept
Q4 In #inter time7 +ears hi$e themseles in caes an$ ........
)a* hi+ernate )+* ta,e a nap )c* snoo;e )$* rela%
Q5 1hat time $o yo' 's'ally go to ....... at night( D 3mm... 's'ally at a+o't mi$night.
)a* sleepy )+* asleep )c* sleep )$* $ream
Q6 I 2eel so ....... to$ay. I sho'l$ hae gone to +e$ earlier last night.
)a* $reamy )+* sleepy )c* asleep )$* rela%e$
Q7 9y neigh+or li,es ....... eery $ay a2ter l'nch.
)a* to hi+ernate )+* to $o;e o22 )c* to ta,e a nap )$* to snore
Q8 9y $a'ghter is haing a ....... party tonight at o'r ho'se.
)a* night )+* sleepy )c* snoo;e )$* sl'm+er
Q9 Eery time he gets +ac, 2rom #or,7 my h's+an$ li,es to sit in his armchair an$ ....... 2or a 2e# min'tes +e2ore
)a* sleep a#ay )+* rest )c* sl'm+er )$* snore
Q10 &aitlin #as an e%tremely hyper ,i$. 1hen ta,ing care o2 her7 her mom har$ly eer ha$ time to ........
)a* rela% )+* $o;e o22 )c* sl'm+er )$* snoo;e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 87
English tense e:planati+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I #ant to try an$ carry o't an ........
)a* e%perience )+* en$eao'r )c* en$'rance )$* e%periment
Q2 9y ....... is to e%plain the $i22erent 'ses o2 the tenses.
)a* pro+lem )+* plan )c* sit'ation )$* tho'ght
Q3 /he main A'estion is ,no#ing #here yo' .......(
)a* commence )+* initiate )c* start )$* actiate
Q4 "s yo' ....... ,no# there are many tenses in English.
)a* pro+a+ly )+* certainly )c* sometimes )$* $o'+t2'lly
Q5 /he pro+lem is ....... yo' can tell the $i22erence
)a* #hat )+* ho# )c* #hich )$* #here
Q6 +et#een7 2or .......7 the 5resent an$ 5resent 5er2ect.
)a* case )+* sample )c* instant )$* e%ample
Q7 ='t I sho'l$ ....... mysel2 2rom tal,ing a+o't
)a* control )+* halt )c* stop )$* e%act
Q8 partic'lar tenses ....... I-e tal,e$ a+o't tenses in general.
)a* since )+* +e2ore )c* altho'gh )$* i2
Q9 5lease ....... me 2or going on to the mi$$le o2 my story
)a* 2orgie )+* 2orget )c* 2or+i$ )$* 2ore2en$
Q10 #hen I sho'l$ +e thin,ing a+o't the ........
)a* initial )+* genesis )c* 2irst )$* +eginning
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 88
English tense e:planati+ns 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 So let-s go ....... to the +eginning.
)a* on )+* +ac, )c* 2or )$* oer
Q2 /he ....... thing to remem+er is
)a* s'perior )+* premier )c* premi'm )$* 2irst
Q3 that each tense has t#o ........
)a* shapes )+* 2ig'res )c* 2orms )$* o'tlines
Q4 ....... are the Simple an$ the &ontin'o's.
)a* /hem )+* /hey )c* /heir )$* /heirs
Q5 1e can say? he goes to #or, 9on$ay to <ri$ay an$ that ....... a ha+it an$ is the 5resent simple tense.
)a* $escri+es )+* $e2eats )c* $etracts )$* $e2ers
Q6 /his is something he ....... eery $ay.
)a* $i$ )+* $oing )c* $oes )$* $one
Q7 3e lies in a small ho'se that-s another ........
)a* pict're )+* ill'stration )c* image )$* painting
Q8 :o# #e come to the other part an$ #e ....... that contin'o's.
)a* call )+* hail )c* nominate )$* a$$ress
Q9 1e say? he is #al,ing home no# an$ that means at this ....... an$ is the 5resent contin'o's tense.
)a* $ay )+* perio$ )c* moment )$* occasion
Q10 In this #ay #e $escri+e #hat is ....... no#.
)a* going )+* elapsing )c* ta,ing )$* happening
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 89
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- "+me
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 <irst impressions are important +eca'se ho# yo' ....... initially can +e as important as #hat yo' say.
)a* come +y )+* come +ac, )c* come o't )$* come across
Q2 I 8'st can-t seem to +e a+le to 2in$ a goo$ personal assistant as they are so har$ to ........
)a* come +y )+* come +ac, )c* come o't )$* come across
Q3 1hen $isaster stri,es7 #ill yo'r ins'rer ....... 2or yo'(
)a* come o't )+* come oer )c* come thro'gh )$* come to
Q4 I2 yo' hae eaten a +anana in the last 2G3 $ays an$ ....... a 2eer 2ollo#e$ +y a s,in in2ection7 yo' sho'l$ see,
'rgent me$ical attentionE
)a* come across )+* come 'p #ith )c* come $o#n #ith )$* come o't #ith
Q5 In terms o2 personality she-s certainly ....... #ell since she change$ her attit'$e.
)a* come along )+* come +ac, )c* come oer )$* come o't
Q6 9enopa'se symptoms may ....... a2ter stopping menopa'sal hormone therapy.
)a* come +y )+* come +ac, )c* come o't )$* come across
Q7 9a,ing the $ecision to ....... a+o't yo'r se%'al pre2erences can sometimes +e scary an$ stress2'l.
)a* come along )+* come +ac, )c* come o't )$* come oer
Q8 I #as 8'st #on$ering ho# astronomers ....... their 2acts #hen yo' realise 8'st ho# 2ar a#ay the stars are.
)a* come o't #ith )+* come 'p #ith )c* come along )$* come o't
Q9 It #as reporte$ that the Goernment is e%pecte$ to ....... stringent norms to preent Lpre$atory ta,eoersL o2
In$ian priate +an,s.
)a* come along )+* come 'p #ith )c* come across )$* come o't
Q10 9y +oy2rien$ #ants to ....... #hen no+o$y is at home7 an$ I-m scare$ it might #ell lea$ to something elseE
)a* come along )+* come +ac, )c* come o't )$* come oer
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 90
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- l++k
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 St'$ents #ere instr'cte$ to 'se the Internet ....... some in2ormation a+o't "'stralia 2or the class pro8ect.
)a* to loo, a2ter )+* to loo, oer )c* to loo, into )$* to loo, 'p
Q2 /he treas'rer ass're$ his constit'ents that he #o'l$ ....... the scan$al shortly a2ter the res'lts o2 the general
election #ere ma$e p'+lic.
)a* loo, into )+* loo, 'p )c* loo, oer )$* loo, a2ter
Q3 9y attorney a$ise$ me ....... the terms an$ con$itions o2 the ins'rance policy seeral times so that I #as 2'lly
a#are o2 #hat I #as getting mysel2 into.
)a* to loo, a2ter )+* to loo, oer )c* to loo, into )$* to loo, 'p
Q4 I hae al#ays ....... my gran$2ather +eca'se he has lie$ s'ch an ama;ing li2e.
)a* loo,e$ at )+* loo,e$ 2or )c* loo,e$ 'p to )$* loo,e$ a2ter
Q5 I ....... my laptop in car7 in my o22ice an$ een 'n$er the +e$7 +'t I co'l$n-t 2in$ it any#here.
)a* loo,e$ at )+* loo,e$ 2or )c* loo,e$ a2ter )$* loo,e$ oer
Q6 "irport a'thorities a$ise$ passengers to ....... s'spicio's loo,ing people passing thro'gh the international
)a* loo, 2or )+* loo, o't 2or )c* loo, a2ter )$* loo, at
Q7 /he ie# 2rom the pentho'se s'ite o2 the 2ie star hotel ....... oer the 5aci2ic Ccean.
)a* loo,s 2or )+* loo,s at )c* loo,s o't )$* loo,s a2ter
Q8 St'$ents #ere gien 2ie min'tes to ....... the e%amination paper +e2ore they #ere tol$ to start #riting.
)a* loo, a2ter )+* loo, thro'gh )c* loo, into )$* loo, 'p
Q9 9y 2amily 2inally ma$e the pain2'l $ecision o2 a$mitting my gran$mother to a n'rsing home as she is no longer
capa+le o2 ....... hersel2.
)a* loo,ing into )+* loo,ing o't )c* loo,ing at )$* loo,ing a2ter
Q10 1hen I +lame$ the hospital 2or giing me the #rong me$icine7 the managment ....... the matter ery care2'lly.
)a* loo,e$ at )+* loo,e$ 2or )c* loo,e$ into )$* loo,e$ a2ter
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 91
Time "la$ses< #$t$re tense e:amples
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I-ll coo, s'pper ....... I come home.
)a* 'ntil )+* #hile )c* +e2ore )$* as soon as
Q2 I #ant to 2inish my #or, ....... #e go o't.
)a* 'ntil )+* #hile )c* +e2ore )$* as soon as
Q3 She-s going to loo, a2ter the cat ....... I-m a#ay on holi$ay.
)a* 'ntil )+* #hile )c* +e2ore )$* +e2ore
Q4 I-ll email yo' ....... I arrie.
)a* as soon as )+* 'ntil )c* as long as )$* #hile
Q5 1e-ll 2in$ a hotel ....... #e arrie in Fa,arta.
)a* 'ntil )+* #hile )c* #hen )$* as long as
Q6 She #on-t spea, to her +oy2rien$ ....... he apologi;es.
)a* #hile )+* as long as )c* #hen )$* 'ntil
Q7 6rin, yo'r co22ee ....... it gets col$.
)a* #hen )+* as soon as )c* #hile )$* +e2ore
Q8 6on-t cross the roa$ ....... yo' see the green man.
)a* as long as )+* as soon as )c* #hile )$* 'ntil
Q9 I-ll gie yo' a ring ....... #e get +ac, 2rom o'r acation.
)a* #hile )+* 'ntil )c* #hen )$* as long as
Q10 C'r $octor a$ise$ 's to hae malaria accinations ....... #e trael to Bom+o,.
)a* 'ntil )+* +e2ore )c* as soon as )$* as long as
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 92
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- -ring
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Englishmen can-t al#ays A'ite ....... #earing shorts.
)a* +ring o22 )+* +ring on )c* +ring 'p )$* +ring oer
Q2 /here are some Lnat'ralL metho$s that yo' can try to ....... la+o'r i2 yo' an$ yo'r +a+y are in goo$ health.
)a* +ring to )+* +ring on )c* +ring o't )$* +ring oer
Q3 I #ant to ....... the $inner tonight so that yo' $on-t hae to #orry a+o't 2ee$ing yo'r ,i$s.
)a* +ring to )+* +ring on )c* +ring o't )$* +ring oer
Q4 /he &entral &oast o2 :e# So'th 1ales has +een $escri+e$ as a great place to ....... chil$ren.
)a* +ring o't )+* +ring o22 )c* +ring to )$* +ring 'p
Q5 &'stom 2rames can help to improe the loo, o2 yo'r art#or, an$ th's ....... the +est.
)a* +ring o't )+* +ring oer )c* +ring to )$* +ring 'p
Q6 I2 #ill not ....... the online release o2 the +an$-s ne# al+'m7 2ollo#ing ne#s that it has lea,e$ onto the
)a* +ring o't )+* +ring 2or#ar$ )c* +ring +ac, )$* +ring 'p
Q7 /he S'per =o#l champion Steelers hae $eci$e$ to ....... 2'll+ac, 0erron 3aynes 2or at least another t#o
)a* +ring o't )+* +ring 2or#ar$ )c* +ring 'p )$* +ring +ac,
Q8 /he slips 2iel$sman moe$ A'ic,ly to his le2t an$ then 2l'ng himsel2 2'rther le2tG#ar$s to ....... a spectac'lar
)a* +ring 2or#ar$ )+* +ring o22 )c* +ring +ac, )$* +ring 'p
Q9 3o# m'ch money $o I nee$ to ....... to yo'r ho'se 2or the po,er game tonight(
)a* +ring o't )+* +ring oer )c* +ring to )$* +ring 'p
Q10 I2 nat'ral $isasters hae anything goo$ a+o't them7 it may +e the compassion they ....... in people.
)a* +ring o't )+* +ring 2or#ar$ )c* +ring 'p )$* +ring +ac,
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 93
Q$esti+n C /esp+nse Test
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1hen $o yo' hae to pic, Fohn 'p at the airport( ........
)a* 3e 2le# into the international airport
)c* I sho'l$ +e there at a+o't 2ie o-cloc,
)+* I $on-t thin, she-s coming
Q2 1hat are yo' going to +'y yo'r #i2e 2or &hristmas( ........
)a* I pic,e$ it 'p yester$ay
)c* She receie$ 8e#elry 2rom her mother
)+* " +ottle o2 per2'me
Q3 3o# many people are coming to the +irth$ay party( ........
)a* /here #ere a+o't 70 people at the resta'rant
aro'n$ the corner
)c* 1e-re e%pecting a+o't 25 people
)+* <i2ty people #ere there
Q4 1hat are yo' $oing tonight( ........
)a* 1e ha$ a great time
)c* I thin, I-m going to a moie #ith S'san
)+* I #ent to that ne# "sian resta'rant
Q5 3o# #as yo'r honeymoon( ........
)a* It #as great )+* 1e #ent +y plane )c* 1e #ent to 9e%ico
Q6 1hat is yo'r 2aorite ,in$ o2 2oo$( ........
)a* I ate 9e%ican 2oo$ yester$ay
)c* Jorean c'isine is ery spicy
)+* I li,e Italian 2oo$
Q7 1ho is coming to the +'siness con2erence( ........
)a* /he management team an$ the personnel
$epartment are coming 2or s're
)c* <i2ty mem+ers atten$e$ the con2erence
)+* /he assem+ly line #or,ers #ere there
Q8 1hat are yo'r tho'ghts on yester$ay-s meeting( ........
)a* I thin, the presi$ent #ill +e there
)c* 1e sho'l$ +ring 'p the #or,ers- concerns
)+* I-m gla$ #e coere$ the h'man reso'rces- iss'e
Q9 1hen are yo' going to the party( ........
)a* &in$y is coming #ith me
)c* 1e-re going right a2ter #or,
)+* 1e arrie$ at 7 pm
Q10 1here is the +est place to go 2or a $rin,( ........
)a* I-ll meet yo' there a2ter #or,
)c* Ba &antina has some great 2oo$
)+* /he little p'+ aro'n$ the corner has great +eer on
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 94
Sh+rt 4di+ms E:am
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "2ter their arg'ment7 Fohn $i$n-t ,no# i2 >ic, #as a 2rien$ or ........
)a* +loo$ )+* rial )c* 2ien$ )$* 2oe
Q2 9any &hristians +eliee yo'r +o$y an$ ....... +elong to Go$.
)a* so'l )+* reason )c* +rain )$* heart
Q3 Foanne le2t a+r'ptly D #itho't rhyme or ........
)a* erse )+* reason )c* ca'se )$* recor$
Q4 =en estimate$ ho# m'ch #ear an$ ....... the ne# tires co'l$ han$le.
)a* tear )+* a+'se )c* e22ect )$* impact
Q5 3e is hea$ oer ....... a+o't his ne# girl2rien$.
)a* heart )+* +o$y )c* +ac,#ar$s )$* heels
Q6 3e +ent oer ....... to please his +oss +'t the manager #as neer satis2ie$.
)a* 2or#ar$ )+* +ac,#ar$s )c* +oth #ays )$* si$e#ays
Q7 :icole-s promotion an$ a$$e$ #or,loa$ ,ept her as +'sy as a ........
)a* 2o% )+* +ir$ )c* horse )$* +ee
Q8 9an$y-s chil$ren are her 2lesh an$ ....... so they al#ays come 2irst on her priority list.
)a* +loo$ )+* #ater )c* so'l )$* 2rien$
Q9 Cn Fen an$ =ra$-s ery 2irst $ate7 she co'l$ tell he #as as c'nning as a ........
)a* p'ppy )+* +ear )c* 2o% )$* #ol2
Q10 =e2ore /om hea$e$ into the 2orest7 he ma$e s're he ha$ pac,e$ his +o# an$ ........
)a* shotg'n )+* +ac, pac, )c* canteen )$* arro#s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 95
1+n!ersati+ns and 1+mprehensi+n Test
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 =oy? I #ant to +'y a 2ish.
1oman? 6o yo' #ant a tropical 2ish or a col$ #ater one(
=oy? I #ant a really color2'l 2ish. &an yo' sho# me some o2 the tropical 2ish yo' hae(
@'estion? 1hat is the +oy loo,ing 2or( ........
)a* " re$ an$ yello# 2ish )+* " col$ #ater Gol$2ish )c* " tropical 2ish
Q2 >ay? I nee$ a acation.
/oni? 3o# a+o't 9e%ico( I hear$ it-s +ea'ti2'l at this time o2 year.
>ay? 9ay+e7 +'t I #as hoping 2or some#here a little cooler.
@'estion? 1here $oes >ay #ant to go( ........
)a* 9e%ico +eca'se it-s +ea'ti2'l at this time o2 year
)c* /he =ahamas
)+* " place that has a cooler climate than 9e%ico
Q3 9ary? 6i$ yo' hae 2'n at the +ar+eA'e last night(
Bin$a? 4es7 I tho'ght the games #ere a great to'ch.
9ary? 9e too. I especially li,e$ the threeGlegge$ race.
@'estion? 1hat $i$ Bin$a li,e a+o't the +ar+eA'e( ........
)a* /he threeGlegge$ race )+* /he 2oo$ )c* /he games
Q4 9ichael? 9y #i2e an$ I +o'ght some great ho'se plants yester$ay.
9aria? >eally. 6o yo' hae a lot o2 s'nlight in yo'r ho'se(
9ichael? :o7 so #e +o'ght some plants that hae lo#Glight reA'irements.
@'estion? 1hat ,in$ o2 plants $i$ 9ichael +'y( ........
)a* Small7 ho'se plants
)c* 5lants that $on-t nee$ a lot o2 s'nlight
)+* 5lants that nee$ a lot o2 s'nlight
Q5 <ran,? I-m going to ta,e my #i2e to /a+le /op 9o'ntain this #ee,en$.
9ar,? /hat so'n$s interesting. Is it 2ar(
<ran,? :ot too 2ar. It #ill +e a+o't a threeGho'r $rie 2rom here.
@'estion? 3o# are <ran, an$ his #i2e traeling to /a+le /op 9o'ntain( ........
)a* =y plane )+* =y car )c* =y ship
Q6 "nne? 6o yo' ,no# the ne# girl in the mailroom(
>ichar$? :o7 +'t I thin, she-s &athy-s 2rien$.
"nne? 1e sho'l$ as, &athy to intro$'ce 's at l'nch.
@'estion? 1hat $epartment is the ne# girl in( ........
)a* &athy-s $epartment )+* /he reception area )c* /he mailroom
Q7 >on? 6o yo' thin, the +'siness con2erence #ent #ell(
Sarah? 4es7 +'t ne%t year I thin, the planners sho'l$ incl'$e more a+o't glo+al technology.
>on? I agree. 1e sho'l$ ,no# more a+o't that.
@'estion? 1hat area $oes Sarah #ant to incl'$e in ne%t year-s con2erence( ........
)a* /he enironment
)c* /echnology an$ mo$ern +'siness
)+* /echnology aro'n$ the #orl$
Q8 3arry? 1hat time $oes yo'r 2light leae(
6e+? C'r $epart're is sche$'le$ 2or 7?45 in the morning. &o'l$ yo' ta,e me to the airport(
3arry? S're. 1e-ll hae to leae the city at a+o't 5 o-cloc, then.
6e+? So'n$s goo$.
@'estion? 1hat time $oes 6e+-s 2light leae( ........
)a* 7?45 am )+* 5 am )c* 7?45 pm
Q9 "%el? 6o yo' ,no# anything a+o't /hai c'isine(
&aroline? 4es7 I loe /hai 2oo$. 1hy(
"%el? 9y inGla#s are ta,ing my #i2e an$ I o't to a /hai resta'rant tonight. /hey really li,e that ,in$ o2 2oo$.
@'estion? 1ho is going 2or $inner at the /hai resta'rant( ........
)a* "%el an$ his #i2e
)c* "%el7 his #i2e an$ his parents
)+* "%el7 his #i2e an$ her parents
Q10 Fane? 3o# many people #ere at =ra$-s #e$$ing(
=r'ce? Ch7 there m'st hae +een at least 150 people there. /he reception hall #as really +ig an$ it #as nearly 2'll o2
g'ests. 1e ha$ a great time.
Fane? /hat-s great.
@'estion? 3o# many people #ere at =ra$-s #e$$ing( ........
)a* 9'ch more than 150 people
)c* Bess than 150 people
)+* "+o't 150 people
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 96
1+mp+$nd .+rds< s+me+ne; any+ne; s+me.here
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I as,e$ i2 ....... #ante$ an ice cream(
)a* anyone )+* someone )c* eeryone )$* no one
Q2 6i$ ....... phone me #hen I #as o't(
)a* anyone )+* someone )c* eeryone )$* no one
Q3 4o'-re 2ace loo,s horri+ly 2amiliar. 3aen-t I seen yo' ....... +e2ore(
)a* any#here )+* no#here )c* some#here )$* eery#here
Q4 She le2t the room #itho't saying ........
)a* nothing )+* something )c* eerything )$* anything
Q5 I hae neer +een ....... more +ea'ti2'l than /hailan$.
)a* any#here )+* no#here )c* some#here )$* eery#here
Q6 1ho #as at the party( ........ 5ete7 "nne. 9ar,7 =arry7 all the 5earsons7 Sally 9asters an$ Sally =ennett.
)a* "nyone )+* Someone )c* Eeryone )$* :o one
Q7 1hat #o'l$ yo' li,e to eat 2or l'nch( ........ I $on-t min$.
)a* :othing )+* Something )c* Eerything )$* "nything
Q8 1here $o yo' #ant to go on holi$ay( ....... #ith a +each. I $on-t care #here #e go as long as it-s s'nny an$
has got a nice san$y +each.
)a* "ny#here )+* :o#here )c* Some#here )$* Eery#here
Q9 I hae ....... to say to yo'. Goo$+ye.
)a* nothing )+* something )c* eerything )$* anything
Q10 I 2elt so em+arrasse$. I #as s're that ....... #as loo,ing at me.
)a* anyone )+* someone )c* eeryone )$* no one
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 97
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- -reak
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "2ter years o2 #or,ing 2or a sho$$y employer I #as 2inally a+le to ....... 2rom that company an$ set 'p my o#n
)a* +rea, o22 )+* +rea, a#ay )c* +rea, o't )$* +rea, 'p
Q2 :asa is c'rrently in the process o2 trying to #or, o't ho# to aoi$ any more o2 its spaceships 2rom ....... on reG
entry to Earth.
)a* +rea,ing o22 )+* +rea,ing a#ay )c* +rea,ing o't )$* +rea,ing 'p
Q3 >esi$ents liing in the imme$iate icinity o2 the prison #ere tol$ to +e on the loo, o't 2or a gro'p o2 criminals
#ho recently ....... o2 gaol.
)a* +ro,e o22 )+* +ro,e a#ay )c* +ro,e o't )$* +ro,e 'p
Q4 It can +e ery $i22ic'lt 2or yo'ng co'ples to ....... a marriage #hen there are yo'ng chil$ren inole$.
)a* +rea, o22 )+* +rea, a#ay )c* +rea, o't )$* +rea, 'p
Q5 I $eci$e$ to ....... my realtionship #ith my girl2rien$ #hen I 2o'n$ o't that she #as seeing someone else.
)a* +rea, o22 )+* +rea, a#ay )c* +rea, o't )$* +rea, open
Q6 L=e care2'l not to spill the yol, #hen yo' ....... the egg.L
)a* +rea, o't )+* +rea, o22 )c* +rea, open )$* +rea, $o#n
Q7 " +'rglar ....... my ho'se #hen I #as a#ay on acation an$ stole some o2 my electronic goo$s.
)a* +ro,e into )+* +ro,e o22 )c* +ro,e open )$* +ro,e 'p
Q8 /eachers in Sy$ney hae $eci$e$ to call a snap stri,e ne%t #ee, a2ter negotiations #ith the State Goernment
oer a ten per cent pay increase ....... early this morning.
)a* +ro,e into )+* +ro,e $o#n )c* +ro,e open )$* +ro,e 'p
Q9 " re+el Ba+o'r 5arty 95 recently $eci$e$ to ....... 2rom his party an$ +ecome an in$epen$ent mem+er 2or his
)a* +rea, o22 )+* +rea, a#ay )c* +rea, o't )$* +rea, 'p
Q10 I am al#ays ery #orrie$ that my car #ill ....... +eca'se it is alrea$y t#enty years ol$.
)a* +rea, o22 )+* +rea, a#ay )c* +rea, o't )$* +rea, $o#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 98
(inan"ial and -ank e:pressi+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 &an yo' please ....... 's some money 'ntil #e get pai$ ne%t #ee,(
)a* len$ )+* gie )c* +orro# )$* grant
Q2 I $eci$e$ to inest in the commo$ities mar,et as the ....... on o22er 2rom the +an, #as at an allGtime lo#.
)a* increase )+* interest )c* rent )$* ta%
Q3 9any retailers in Fa,arta re2'se to e%change p'rchases 'nless yo' can sho# them yo'r ........
)a* recipe )+* receipt )c* +ill )$* change
Q4 9y +oss in2orme$ me that I ha$ +een nominate$ to ....... a sales pitch to one o2 o'r company-s largest +'yers.
)a* ma,e )+* per2orm )c* tal, )$* $o
Q5 I sa# a ery goo$ ....... a$ertise$ in the ne#spaper this #ee,.
)a* employment )+* occ'pation )c* #or, )$* 8o+
Q6 9y #i2e has a ....... 8o+ at the $epartment store.
)a* hal2Gtime )+* spareGtime )c* partGtime )$* oerGtime
Q7 /he psychiatrist gae his patient a ....... 2or some me$icine.
)a* recipe )+* statement )c* prescription )$* receipt
Q8 1hen a 2ire +ro,e o't at the Bo're7 at least t#enty ....... paintings #ere $estroye$7 incl'$ing t#o +y 3enri
)a* #orthless )+* priceless )c* al'eless )$* 'seless
Q9 I m'st remem+er to 2ill in my ta% ....... +e2ore the en$ o2 this #ee,.
)a* ret'rn )+* $eclaration )c* +roch're )$* pamphlet
Q10 &an yo' ta,e this money to the +an, an$ ma,e a ....... 2or me(
)a* loan )+* transaction )c* $eposit )$* #ith$ra#al
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 99
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- r$n
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he "'stralian Ba+o'r 5arty $oesn-t c'rrently hae any politicians that #o'l$ +e capa+le o2 s'ccess2'lly .......
the 5rime 9inister at the ne%t 2e$eral election.
)a* r'nning a#ay #ith )+* r'nning 2or )c* r'nning against )$* r'nning $o#n
Q2 3illary &linton has not r'le$ o't ....... presi$ent at the ne%t election.
)a* r'nning o22 )+* r'nning 2or )c* r'nning against )$* r'nning $o#n
Q3 I $eci$e$ to ....... my girl2rien$ an$ get marrie$ #hen I 2o'n$ o't that her parents $i$n-t li,e me +eca'se o2 my
)a* r'n a#ay #ith )+* r'n 2or )c* r'n against )$* r'n thro'gh
Q4 9y parents #ere ery $isappointe$ #hen they 2o'n$ o't that I ha$ ....... all their money.
)a* r'n o22 #ith )+* r'n 2or )c* r'n against )$* r'n thro'gh
Q5 /he ....... apartment +loc, 2aile$ to attact any +'yers an$ #as ta,en o22 the mar,et so renoations co'l$ +e
carrie$ o't.
)a* r'n o22 )+* r'n thro'gh )c* r'n a2ter )$* r'n $o#n
Q6 9any chil$ren try to ....... 2rom home 2or one reason or another at least once $'ring their chil$hoo$.
)a* r'n a#ay )+* r'n 2or )c* r'n against )$* r'n $o#n
Q7 It-s so nice to ....... yo' again a2ter all this time. I $on-t thin, I-e seen yo' 2or at least t#enty years.
)a* r'n o't )+* r'n into )c* r'n a2ter )$* r'n o22
Q8 &an yo' please ....... o'r mar,eting campaign #ith me one more time( I $on-t A'ite 2'lly 'n$erstan$ it yet.
)a* r'n o22 )+* r'n into )c* r'n thro'gh )$* r'n a2ter
Q9 C'r $og loes to ....... the mail tr'c,.
)a* r'n thro'gh )+* r'n oer )c* r'n a2ter )$* r'n in
Q10 9y m'm ha$ a ....... #ith my teacher 2or not allo#ing me to go to the toilet $'ring class.
)a* r'nGon )+* r'nGin )c* r'n$o#n )$* r'nGo22
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 100
Tra!eling +.n$nder< '+. "an 4 immigrate t+ 3$stralia5
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /o'rists #ho isit "'stralia #itho't a isa #ill 's'ally +e ....... entry into the co'ntry.
)a* re2'se$ )+* re8ecte$ )c* reo,e$ )$* re+',e$
Q2 /he "'stralian goernment has $eci$e$ to increase the n'm+er o2 ....... aaila+le to s,ille$ #or,ers ne%t year.
)a* passports )+* $oc'ments )c* isas )$* passes
Q3 /he "'stralian minister 2or ....... has come 'n$er alot o2 scr'tiny lately 2or her $epartment-s $ecision to iss'e
re2'gee stat's to +oat people 2rom 5ap'a.
)a* immigrant )+* emigrant )c* coloni;ation )$* immigration
Q4 :e#ly arrie$ migrants m'st lie in "'stralia 2or a perio$ o2 t#o years +e2ore they are eligi+le to +ecome
permanent ........
)a* nationalities )+* pop'lations )c* resi$ents )$* inha+itants
Q5 /here has +een a sharp increase in the n'm+er o2 +oat people ....... to "'stralia in the past ten years.
)a* arriing )+* traeling )c* $eparting )$* transiting
Q6 "'stralia is a ....... co'ntry an$ there2ore has the right to choose #hether or not to'rists are grante$ #ith isas.
)a* in$epen$ent )+* goerning )c* a'tonomo's )$* soereign
Q7 5eople #ith a ,no#n history o2 t'+erc'losis #ill a'tomatically +e ....... 2rom entering "'stralia.
)a* re2'se$ )+* re8ecte$ )c* $iscar$e$ )$* $isA'ali2ie$
Q8 "'stralian citi;ens #ho are receiing social sec'rity +ene2its 2rom the goernment are not permitte$ to .......
to'rists #anting to trael to "'stralia.
)a* +ene2actor )+* sponsor )c* gier )$* $onor
Q9 /o'rists inole$ in illegal actiities s'ch as $r'g tra22ic,ing an$ prostit'tion may hae their isas .......
permanently an$ +e +anne$ 2rom entering "'stralia at any time in the 2't'e.
)a* cancelle$ )+* calle$ o22 )c* a+an$one$ )$* ann'lle$
Q10 >etirement isas $o not ....... to "'stralian permanent resi$ency or citi;enship. 3o#eer people #ith this type
o2 isa my stay in "'stralia 2or a long perio$ o2 time.
)a* lea$ )+* res'lt )c* generate )$* $eelop
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 101
'+. t+ des"ri-e pe+ple< attit$de e:pressi+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9y #i2e is al#ays ....... #hen she gets her perio$ an$ +ecomes angry at me 2or no reason at all.
)a* 8ealo's )+* tal,atie )c* content )$* +a$Gtempere$
Q2 St'$ents at the school #here I teach are so ........ /hey al#ays han$ in their home#or, on time.
)a* patient )+* la;y )c* relia+le )$* 2rien$ly
Q3 Glenn is so ........ 3e al#ays helps o't the 'n$erpriilege$ people in o'r comm'nity.
)a* creatie )+* reticent )c* socia+le )$* genero's
Q4 9y little sister is so ....... at school that she is too a2rai$ to as, to go to the toilet.
)a* timi$ )+* intrepi$ )c* tolerant )$* enio's
Q5 :eer as, 5hoe+e to $ance #hile her h's+an$ is loo,ing. 3e al#ays gets so ....... o2 her.
)a* 8ealo's )+* responsie )c* morti2ie$ )$* tolerant
Q6 C'r ne# teacher is so ........ I2 #e $on-t 'n$erstan$ something7 she goes oer it again an$ again 'ntil #e $o.
)a* la;y )+* shy )c* patient )$* 2rien$ly
Q7 I thin, In$onesian people are so ........ /hey-ll al#ays come 'p to yo' in the street an$ try to practice their
)a* 2rien$ly )+* relia+le )c* imaginatie )$* +a$Gtempere$
Q8 =arry loes to tal, a lot7 $oesn-t he( In 2act7 I $on-t thin, I-e eer met anyone A'ite as ....... as him.
)a* resere$ )+* cantan,ero's )c* chatty )$* li+eral
Q9 9ary-s h's+an$ is so ........ 3e neer helps her #ith any o2 the chores aro'n$ the ho'se.
)a* igoro's )+* $epen$a+le )c* la;y )$* tolerant
Q10 C'r English teacher at school is so ........ 3e is al#ays coming 'p #ith ne# games that help ma,e learning 2'n.
)a* +lan$ )+* creatie )c* tal,atie )$* tr'st#orthy
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 102
1+mparis+n .ith as &&&& as
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /eenage girls smo,e almost ....... +oys in many o2 the illages in 1est Faa.
)a* as goo$ as )+* as long as )c* as soon as )$* as m'ch as
Q2 I tol$ my son that I #o'l$ ta,e me to the circ's ne%t #ee, ....... he ,eeps his promise not to 2ight #ith his sister.
)a* as goo$ as )+* as long as )c* as soon as )$* as m'ch as
Q3 4o' nee$ to go to the hospital ....... possi+le. "n erratic heart+eart can +e ery $angero's.
)a* as goo$ as )+* as long as )c* as soon as )$* as m'ch as
Q4 Ch noE I 2aile$ all my e%ams last #ee,. I-m ....... $ea$ #hen my parents see my 2inal report car$.
)a* as goo$ as )+* as long as )c* as soon as )$* as m'ch as
Q5 I +et yo' $on-t loe me ....... I loe yo'. /hat #o'l$ +e impossi+leE
)a* as goo$ as )+* as long as )c* as soon as )$* as m'ch as
Q6 I #ill accept yo'r marriage proposal ....... yo' promise to loe me an$ ta,e care o2 me 2oreer.
)a* as goo$ as )+* as long as )c* as soon as )$* as m'ch as
Q7 >ampant corr'ption in In$onesia #ill contin'e to happen ....... the goernment contin'es to $eny that the
pro+lem e%ists.
)a* as goo$ as )+* as long as )c* as soon as )$* as m'ch as
Q8 9any =ritish ho'se#ies cannot 'n$erstan$ #hy many =ritish men loe #atching 2oot+all t#ice ....... their
)a* as goo$ as )+* as soon as )c* as long as )$* as m'ch as
Q9 9any antiG#ar protesters thin, that the 5resi$ent o2 the Inite$ States sho'l$ #ith$ra# his troops 2rom IraA
....... possi+le.
)a* as long as )+* as soon as )c* as goo$ as )$* as m'ch as
Q10 " #ise man once sai$ that a change is almost ....... a holi$ay.
)a* as goo$ as )+* as long as )c* as soon as )$* as m'ch as
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 103
English grammar and !+"a-$lary ?$esti+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I ha$ to ,eep my $a'ghter home 2rom school to$ay +eca'se she ha$ a ....... o2 38 $egrees.
)a* 2eer )+* hea$ache )c* temperat're )$* #armth
Q2 1hen #e #ere in =ali last year #e ....... at a marelo's hotel oerloo,ing the +each.
)a* stoppe$ )+* lie$ )c* rente$ )$* staye$
Q3 I 's'ally ....... 'p si% at 6.30 a.m. eery morning.
)a* a#a,e )+* rise )c* get )$* go
Q4 Goo$ a2ternoon. I ....... see the manager7 please.
)a* #ill )+* #ish )c* li,e to )$* #ant to
Q5 I tho'ght :ancy sai$ she ....... spen$ the #ee,en$ #ith her parents.
)a* sho'l$ )+* #ill )c* is )$* #as going to
Q6 I #as #on$ering i2 yo' can ....... me to play the iolin(
)a* assist )+* teach )c* learn )$* st'$y
Q7 1o'l$ yo' ....... this letter to the 5ost C22ice7 please(
)a* sen$ )+* ta,e )c* retriee )$* 2etch
Q8 I hate $oing the ....... D especially cleaning the #in$o#s.
)a* home#or, )+* ho'se#or, )c* 8o+s )$* gro'n$#or,
Q9 I got marrie$ ....... years ago.
)a* 2or t#o )+* in t#o )c* at t#o )$* t#o
Q10 I-m sorry +'t I haen-t ....... to$ay.
)a* rea$ my lesson )+* $one my lesson )c* $one my home#or, )$* st'$ie$ my home#or,
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 104
1+mp+$nd .+rds< a#termath; a#terth+$ght; a#ter-irth
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "2ter e%periencing too many late ....... Lsin,ing spellsL7 /he 6'chess o2 =e$2or$ arrie$ 'pon the i$ea o2
haing tea an$ 2inger 2oo$ at a+o't 5 p.m.
)a* a2ter#ar$s )+* a2ter+irth )c* a2ternoon )$* a2tertaste
Q2 In the ....... o2 1orl$ 1ar I the political7 c'lt'ral7 an$ social or$er o2 the #orl$ #as $rastically change$ in many
places7 een o'tsi$e the areas $irectly inole$ in the #ar.
)a* a2ter#ar$s )+* a2ter+irth )c* a2ternoon )$* a2termath
Q3 I-m not conince$ that the &hristian ....... #o'l$ mean m'ch to me i2 I ha$ to lie an$ cheat in or$er to attain it.
)a* a2ternoon )+* a2tertaste )c* a2terli2e )$* a2ter+irth
Q4 It is +etter to halt mass m'r$er than to clean it 'p ........
)a* a2tertho'ght )+* a2termath )c* a2ter#ar$s )$* a2terli2e
Q5 /he ....... is $eliere$ $'ring the thir$ stage o2 la+o'r.
)a* a2tertho'ght )+* a2terli2e )c* a2tertaste )$* a2ter+irth
Q6 /he 2r'ity tones o2 this mil$ +alance$ +re# pro$'ce a $elight2'l ........
)a* a2tertho'ght )+* a2ternoon )c* a2tertaste )$* a2terli2e
Q7 &ontrary to pop'lar opinion7 F'$aism $oes +eliee in an .......7 +'t it is not the primary 2oc's o2 the religion.
)a* a2tertho'ght )+* a2ternoon )c* a2tertaste )$* a2terli2e
Q8 1e en8oye$ the rest o2 o'r l'nch .......7 +'t I thin, #e #ere +oth pretty ta,en a+ac, +y the enco'nter #e ha$
#hen #e 2irst entere$ the resta'rant.
)a* a2ter#ar$s )+* a2termath )c* a2ternoon )$* a2tertaste
Q9 &hil$care is c'rrently aaila+le 2or Jin$ergarten chil$ren on a /'es$ay an$ a /h'rs$ay ....... 2rom 1.00 p.m. to
3.00 p.m.
)a* a2tertho'ght )+* a2ternoon )c* a2tertaste )$* a2ter+irth
Q10 /he Emergency >esponse an$ /ransitional >ecoery 5rogramme commence$ actiities in Fan'ary 2005 in
the imme$iate ....... o2 the /s'nami $isaster o2 26 6ecem+er 2004.
)a* a2tertho'ght )+* a2tertaste )c* a2ternoon )$* a2termath
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 105
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- dr+p
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9any parents ass'me that their chil$ren #ill ....... in school i2 they spen$ too m'ch time playing i$eo games.
)a* $rop o22 )+* $rop o't )c* $rop oer )$* $rop +ehin$
Q2 &hil$ren #ho ....... o2 school 2ace a high ris, o2 se%'al e%ploitation7 ha;ar$o's la+or7 an$ liing in the street.
)a* $rop o22 )+* $rop o't )c* $rop +ehin$ )$* $rop in
Q3 It is not necessary to atten$ eery class in or$er to participate7 so please ....... an$ 8oin the 2'nE
)a* $rop o22 )+* $rop in on )c* $rop +ehin$ )$* $rop in
Q4 St'$ents #ho are reA'ire$ to pass a test to enter the 9th gra$e are more li,ely to ....... prior to entering 10th
)a* $rop o22 )+* $rop o't )c* $rop +ehin$ )$* $rop in
Q5 " 27GyearGol$ &ana$ian #oman con2'se$ the #ee,en$ #ith a #ee,$ay an$ ....... her 6GyearGol$ at school on a
)a* $roppe$ o22 )+* $roppe$ o't )c* $roppe$ +ehin$ )$* $roppe$ in
Q6 0isitors atten$ing the ann'al Cpen 3o'se hae the option o2 either participating in in2ormation sessions 2or
their entire $'ration or ....... portions o2 the seminars +ase$ on their sche$'le an$ interest.
)a* $ropping o't )+* $ropping in )c* $ropping +ehin$ )$* $ropping in on
Q7 Special ramps 2or pic,ing 'p an$ ....... passengers are proi$e$ at the c'r+s o2 the arrial an$ $epart're 2loors
o2 each terminal.
)a* $ropping o22 )+* $ropping o't )c* $ropping +ehin$ )$* $ropping in
Q8 Inanno'nce$ isits are 's'al on camp's7 an$ g'ests are al#ays #elcome. <rien$s sometimes ....... one
another7 +'t it is mostly relaties #ho isit each other7 an$ mothers #ho 2reA'ently meet #ith their $a'ghters.
)a* $rop o22 )+* $rop in on )c* $rop +ehin$ )$* $rop in
Q9 5lease ....... +et#een 4?30 an$ 6?30 p.m. this coming 1e$nes$ay :oem+er 16 2or $rin,s7 hors $-oe'res7
an$ conersation.
)a* $rop o22 )+* $rop in on )c* $rop in )$* $rop +ehin$
Q10 Senior &onsta+le Smith as,e$ the s'spect to ....... the police station at l'nch time in or$er to ans#er some
A'estions regar$ing his allege$ inolement in a +an, ro++ery.
)a* $rop oer )+* $rop o22 )c* $rop o't )$* $rop +y
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 106
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- pass
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he 1orl$ &ongress o2 Georgian Fe#s yester$ay anno'nce$ the ....... o2 their hea$ ra++i.
)a* passing thro'gh )+* passing +y )c* passing a#ay )$* passing ro'n$
Q2 Entreprene'rs hae seeral options #hen it comes to ....... a 2amily +'siness to their chil$ren.
)a* passing oer )+* passing o't )c* passing +y )$* passing on
Q3 6on-t ....... yo'r opport'nity to increase sales +y leeraging the po#er o2 email mar,eting.
)a* pass 'p )+* pass o't )c* pass +y )$* pass ro'n$
Q4 Cnce yo' ....... 5rospect Street7 #e #ill +e on the right han$ si$e o2 the +loc,7 $irectly across the street 2rom
the m'se'm.
)a* pass 'p )+* pass o't )c* pass a#ay )$* pass oer
Q5 I2 yo' #ere to ....... s'$$enly7 yo'r +'siness co'l$ +e tie$ 'p in pro+ate co'rt 2or seeral years.
)a* pass 'p )+* pass o't )c* pass a#ay )$* pass oer
Q6 Ba#ma,ers sho'l$n-t ....... the chance to reg'late to+acco.
)a* pass 'p )+* pass o't )c* pass a#ay )$* pass oer
Q7 I can ma,e mysel2 ........ I $o it +y ta,ing in a $eep +reath an$ then p'shing all that air $o#n. It ta,es me a+o't
15 secon$s.
)a* pass 'p )+* pass o't )c* pass oer )$* pass +y
Q8 <oreign companies #ill hae to ....... the hat to pay 2or the e%tra costs o2 $oing +'siness in In$onesia.
)a* pass 'p )+* pass +y )c* pass ro'n$ )$* pass oer
Q9 "ppro%imately 277000 D 297000 ehicles ....... the 6etroitG1in$sor /'nnel on a $aily +asis.
)a* pass thro'gh )+* pass o't )c* pass a#ay )$* pass on
Q10 /he ....... game is 8'st a prea$olescent ersion o2 a'toerotic asphy%ia paraphilia.
)a* pass thro'gh )+* pass o't )c* pass +y )$* pass oer
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 107
3irp+rt and #light tra!el e:pressi+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 &hec,Gin co'nters are open t#o ho'rs +e2ore the sche$'le$ 2light ....... time.
)a* going )+* arrial )c* $epart're )$* transit
Q2 It is the passenger-s responsi+ility to ens're their ....... is ali$ 2or entry an$ theyhae 2'l2ille$ all immigration
reA'irements in the co'ntry o2 $estination.
)a* en$orsement )+* passport )c* $oc'ment )$* papers
Q3 5assengers are reA'ire$ to pro$'ce appropriate ....... at the chec,Gin co'nter.
)a* passport )+* isa )c* tic,et )$* i$enti2ication
Q4 5assengers are a$ise$ to +e at the ....... gate at least thirty min'tes +e2ore the sche$'le$ $epart're time o2
their 2light.
)a* +oar$ing )+* tic,et )c* $epart're )$* arrial
Q5 I2 yo' 2ail to chec, in on time or 2ail to +oar$ the aircra2t +y the time the aircra2t $eparts7 the 2are yo' pai$ #ill
not +e ....... to yo' 2or any reason #hatsoeer.
)a* ret'rne$ )+* rem'nerate$ )c* re2'n$e$ )$* re#ar$e$
Q6 &hil$ren +elo# age 12 #ill not +e accepte$ 2or ....... 'nless they are accompanie$ +y a person o2 at least 18
years o2 age.
)a* 8o'rney )+* oyage )c* carriage )$* trip
Q7 5assengers are strongly ....... not to chec, in al'a+le an$ 2ragile items as +aggage.
)a* a$ise$ )+* in2orme$ )c* tol$ )$* remin$e$
Q8 5assengers are reA'ire$ to retriee their ....... as soon as it is aaila+le 2or collection at their place o2
)a* tic,et )+* +aggage )c* +oar$ing pass )$* passport
Q9 It is the passenger-s responsi+ility to ....... all o'tgoing 2lights at least 72 ho'rs prior to $epart're.
)a* re+oo, )+* reor$er )c* resere )$* recon2irm
Q10 5assengers m'st ....... at the airport s'22iciently in a$ance o2 the sche$'le$ 2light $epart're time to permit
completion o2 goernment 2ormalities an$ chec,Gin proce$'res.
)a* $epart )+* transit )c* arrie )$* trans2er
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 108
igital "ameras; ph+t+graphy and pi"t$re !+"a-$lary
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /o sae ....... po#er7 yo'r camera #ill enter stan$+y mo$e i2 no operations are per2orme$ 2or a preset length o2
)a* +attery )+* tripo$ )c* memory )$* lens
Q2 5ict'res store$ on the ....... can +e printe$ in the same #ay as photos ta,en #ith a 2ilm camera.
)a* memory )+* ;oom )c* 2lash )$* memory car$
Q3 1hen the ....... is on7 pict'res are ta,en ten secon$s a2ter the sh'tterGrelease +'tton is presse$.
)a* tripo$ )+* ie# 2in$er )c* po#er s#itch )$* sel2Gtimer
Q4 Cne ,ey to cleaning the ....... o2 yo'r camera is not to to'ch it #ith yo'r 2ingers.
)a* ;oom )+* eyelet )c* lens )$* tripo$
Q5 5ict'res can +e ....... +y inserting a memory car$ containing images into a printer or haing prints ma$e at a
$igital photo la+.
)a* ta,en )+* shot )c* printe$ )$* e%pose$
Q6 /he ....... on yo'r camera may not +e a+le to light the entire s'+8ect at $istances o2 less than 40 centimeters.
)a* lens )+* 2lash )c* ;oom )$* microphone
Q7 5ict'res ta,en #ith a $igital camera are store$ as ....... 2iles.
)a* image )+* memory )c* compression )$* analog'e
Q8 /o re$'ce the amo'nt o2 memory each image occ'pies7 pict'res are ....... as they are sae$ to the memory
)a* enlarge$ )+* compresse$ )c* sprea$ o't )$* $elete$
Q9 5ict'res are store$ in ....... create$ a'tomatically +y the camera.
)a* memory )+* $isplays )c* 2ol$ers )$* 2oc's
Q10 I2 yo'r camera 2ails to ....... as e%pecte$7 yo' sho'l$ chec, the tro'+leshooting section o2 yo'r instr'ction
)a* photograph )+* snapshot )c* 2'nction )$* $isplay
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 109
E:pressi+ns .ith death; marriage and di!+r"e
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3er 2ather-s ....... came as great shoc, to all those #ho ,ne# him.
)a* $ea$ )+* $ie$ )c* $eath )$* $ie
Q2 6i$ yo' hear( Fames an$ =eth ....... last #ee,.
)a* get marrie$ )+* +een marrie$ )c* got marrie$ )$* marrie$
Q3 C'r poor ol$ $og is ........ 1e-e ha$ him 2or 2o'rteen years. 3e 8'st sleeps all $ay long.
)a* $ea$ )+* $ying )c* $eath )$* $ie
Q4 /he yo'ng girl screame$ #hen she sa# the ....... +o$y spra#le$ o't on her liing room 2loor.
)a* $ea$ )+* $ying )c* $eath )$* $ie
Q5 1e ha$ a loely ....... in a small co'ntry ch'rch. /he ceremony #as presi$e$ oer +y o'r parish priest.
)a* reception )+* marriage )c* #e$$ing )$* honeymoon
Q6 9y great gran$2ather-s +o$y #as lost at sea in a horri2ic +oat acci$ent yester$ay. " ....... #ill +e hel$ 2or him at
the 5res+yterian ch'rch ne%t /h'rs$ay.
)a* 2'neral )+* +'rial )c* cremation )$* memorial serice
Q7 3elen is planning to ....... #ith 9ichael.
)a* marry )+* elope )c* engage )$* $iorce
Q8 Sterility is not a$eA'ate gro'n$s 2or $iorce or ....... in :e# Mealan$.
)a* ann'lment )+* n'ptials )c* matrimony )$* marriage
Q9 9arriage ceremonies m'st ta,e place ....... 6 a.m. an$ 10 p.m. in a room #ith an open $oor in 9anito+a.
)a* a2ter )+* +et#een )c* 2rom )$* $'ring
Q10 /he +o$y o2 my late #i2e #as lai$ to rest in a +ea'ti2'l ce$ar ....... a$orne$ #ith t#ele $o;en #hite roses.
)a* cas,et )+* #reath )c* grae )$* morg'e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 110
*+-ile tele"+mm$ni"ati+n e:pressi+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 4o' can receie7 $isplay7 e$it an$/or sen$ te%t messages on any net#or, that has a ....... agreement.
)a* m'ltime$ia messaging serice
)c* short message serice
)+* roaming
)$* mail+o%
Q2 It is ....... 2or $riers to e%ercise proper control o2 their ehicle at all times #hilst 'sing the mo+ile phone.
)a* irreleant )+* illegal )c* imperatie )$* inconseA'ential
Q3 =e2ore remoing the +attery 2rom yo'r phone7 please ens're that the $eice is s#itche$ o22 an$ the ....... is
$isconnecte$ 2rom the han$set.
)a* charger )+* antenna )c* ear piece )$* in2rare$ port
Q4 4o' can trans2er $ata +et#een t#o cell'lar phones +y 'sing the ....... connection locate$ on the 2ront o2 yo'r
)a* han$s 2ree )+* main )c* in2ra re$ )$* charger
Q5 >ecently ....... phone n'm+ers7 ans#ere$ calls an$ misse$ calls are store$ in the call log.
)a* $elete$ )+* a$$e$ )c* 2i%e$ )$* $iale$
Q6 =e2ore Internet serices can +e accesse$ on yo'r cell'lar phone7 yo' nee$ to ....... to yo'r net#or, operator to
ena+le the releant con2ig'ration in2ormation.
)a* s'+scri+e )+* contact )c* get in to'ch #ith )$* ma,e contact #ith
Q7 &ell +roa$casts allo# 'sers to ....... messages on speci2ie$ topics7 s'ch as tra22ic7 an$ #eather in2ormation
2rom their net#or, operator.
)a* receie )+* $ispatch )c* process )$* translate
Q8 /he message centre n'm+er 2or yo'r net#or, ....... sho'l$ +e preprogramme$ on yo'r SI9 car$.
)a* contri+'tor )+* s'pplier )c* contractor )$* proi$er
Q9 1hen yo' receie an 99S message on yo'r phone7 the message ....... is $isplaye$ along #ith a tone7
ill'mination an$/or i+ration.
)a* +o% )+* icon )c* ,ey )$* connector
Q10 Some han$ phones are $esigne$ to +e ....... #ith certain m'ltime$ia messaging serices.
)a* comm'nica+le )+* com2orta+le )c* compara+le )$* compati+le
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 111
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- p$ll
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I #as tol$ that his chances 2or ....... the s'rgery #ere slim an$ i2 he $i$ ma,e it7 he #as gien little hope 2or the
ne%t 24 ho'rs.
)a* p'lling in )+* p'lling o't )c* p'lling thro'gh )$* p'lling $o#n
Q2 LI2 yo' $on-t +ehae7L my 2ather sai$7 LI-m going to ....... right here7 an$ yo' can #ait +y the si$e o2 the roa$ till
#e come an$ get yo'.
)a* p'll oer )+* p'll o't )c* p'll thro'gh )$* p'll $o#n
Q3 ....... this perio$ has gien me the con2i$ence an$ co'rage to p'rs'e anything I #ant to $espite the har$ times.
)a* 5'lling o22 )+* 5'lling o't )c* 5'lling thro'gh )$* 5'lling in
Q4 &hil$ren sho'l$ neer +e allo#e$ to play in $rie#ays +eca'se one neer ,no#s #hen someone may ........
)a* p'll oer )+* p'll o22 )c* p'll thro'gh )$* p'll in
Q5 5resi$ent ='sh sai$ last Sat'r$ay that ....... o2 IraA no# is not an option an$ re8ecte$ calls +y some la#ma,ers
to start +ringing I.S. troops home.
)a* p'lling o22 )+* p'lling o't )c* p'lling thro'gh )$* p'lling in
Q6 /he 94 $issects the 6o#ns an$ the rest o2 the co'nty 2rom east to #est. /he noise a22ects a #i$e area either
si$e o2 the motor#ay an$ can ....... real estate prices.
)a* p'll oer )+* p'll o't )c* p'll thro'gh )$* p'll $o#n
Q7 &yclists sho'l$ al#ays remem+er that motorists #ill 2reA'ently cross the +i,e lane to par, an$ ....... an$ o't o2
)a* p'll oer )+* p'll o't )c* p'll thro'gh )$* p'll in
Q8 >esc'e teams r'she$ to the site an$ starte$ ....... +o$ies 2rom +eneath the #rec,age o2 the 2ieGstorie$ "l
Gha;a hotel.
)a* p'lling in )+* p'lling o't )c* p'lling thro'gh )$* p'lling $o#n
Q9 I2 yo' e%perience a +rea,$o#n7 yo' sho'l$ ....... to the si$e o2 the roa$ an$ raise the hoo$ o2 yo'r car.
)a* p'll oer )+* p'll o't )c* p'll thro'gh )$* p'll $o#n
Q10 Cne o2 the most memora+le images o2 the #ar #as create$ #hen I.S. troops ....... the stat'e o2 Sa$$am
3'ssein in <ar$'s SA'are.
)a* p'lle$ oer )+* p'lle$ o't )c* p'lle$ thro'gh )$* p'lle$ $o#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 112
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- get
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "2ter the small tal, #as oer7 it #as time 2or the t#o hea$s o2 state to ....... $isc'ssions concerning +ilateral
relations +et#een the t#o co'ntries.
)a* get thro'gh #ith )+* get +y #ith )c* get $o#n to )$* get aro'n$
Q2 9y acco'ntant a$ise$ me that one o2 the +est #ays to ....... paying ta%es in my o#n co'ntry #as to set 'p an
o22shore +an, acco'nt.
)a* get a#ay #ith )+* get +y #ith )c* get $o#n to )$* get aro'n$
Q3 /he high school teacher #as so strict that he #o'l$ not let his st'$ents ....... any o2 the st'nts that they trie$ to
p'll #ith their preio's teacher.
)a* get a#ay #ith )+* get +y #ith )c* get $o#n to )$* get aro'n$
Q4 /rain passengers #ishing to go to the 2oot+all match #ere a$ise$ to ....... the train at the ne%t stop.
)a* get on #ith )+* get o22 )c* get in )$* get on
Q5 =y the time I ....... yo'7 yo' #ill +e sorry that yo' eer steppe$ 2oot on the 2ace o2 this earth.
)a* get thro'gh #ith )+* get +y #ith )c* get $o#n to )$* get aro'n$
Q6 /he re2eree instr'cte$ +oth captains to stop their complaining an$ ....... the r'g+y match.
)a* get +y #ith )+* get on #ith )c* get thro'gh #ith )$* get +y #ith
Q7 /he $ays #hen "mericans can ....... in the #orl$ on English only #ill soon +e gone.
)a* get in )+* get o22 )c* get +y )$* get on
Q8 5lease min$ yo'r step #hen yo' ....... the train.
)a* get on #ith )+* get +y #ith )c* get +y )$* get on
Q9 I ,ne# that I ha$ to ....... early the ne%t morning so I set my alarm 2or 4.30 a.m.
)a* get on )+* get o22 )c* get 'p )$* get o't
Q10 Employees at the reins'rance company #ere 2in$ing it ery $i22ic'lt to ....... #ith their ne# manager.
)a* get along )+* get a#ay )c* get thro'gh )$* get o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 113
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- g+
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 5a,istani ie#ers #ill no longer +e a+le to #atch their 2aorite =olly#ooo$ moies as the goernment has
$eci$e$ that all In$ian ca+le channels #ill ....... the air at the en$ o2 this month.
)a* go o22 )+* go o't )c* go on )$* go oer
Q2 1o'l$ yo' rather ....... 2or a picnic or a meal at a resta'rant(
)a* go o22 )+* go o't )c* go on )$* go oer
Q3 /he mayor has allo#e$ en$ors to ....... to their ol$ place a2ter many o2 them complaine$ o2 lesser income
2ollo#ing the implementation o2 the night mar,et last #ee,.
)a* go +ac, )+* go o't )c* go on )$* go o22
Q4 >osie oerslept +eca'se her alarm cloc, $i$n-t ....... this morning.
)a* go o22 )+* go oer )c* go on )$* go +ac,
Q5 /he 2amilies o2 the seen astrona'ts lost a+oar$ the space sh'ttle &ol'm+ia tol$ :"S" last 9on$ay that
space e%ploration m'st ........
)a* go o't )+* go oer )c* go o22 )$* go on
Q6 In$onesia-s 2'el s'+si$ies co'l$ ....... 100 trillion >'piah )K9.6 +illion* $'e to high prices an$ 2'el scarcity in
parts o2 the #orl$-s 2o'rth most pop'lo's co'ntry7 its presi$ent sai$ on /'es$ay.
)a* go on )+* go oer )c* go o't )$* go o22
Q7 /#o o't o2 eery 2ie companies str'c, +y $isaster ....... o2 +'siness.
)a* go +ac, )+* go oer )c* go o't )$* go o22
Q8 ....... the railroa$ trac,s7 an$ at the tra22ic light7 go straight. /he street +ecomes =roa$ St. as yo' cross oer
9ain St. &ontin'e to the ne%t stoplight on =roa$ St. an$ t'rn right onto 9ar,ham "e. /he li+rary is the 2irst
+'il$ing on the le2t.
)a* Go +ac, )+* Go oer )c* Go o't )$* Go o22
Q9 " chiropractor #ho claims he can treat anyone +y ....... in time to #hen an in8'ry occ'rre$ has attracte$ the
attention o2 State reg'lators.
)a* going o't )+* going o22 )c* going +ac, )$* going oer
Q10 Earlier this morning the #in$ #as +lo#ing at a+o't 25 mph an$ the temperat're #as G5 <. It #as #ay too col$
to ....... 8ogging.
)a* go +ac, )+* go oer )c* go o't )$* go o22
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 114
0hrasal ,er-s 73 t+ )8
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Sherri tries to ....... 9arcie all the time.
)a* act 'p )+* act li,e )c* seeming li,e
Q2 1hen he trie$ to +alance his chec,+oo,7 he 2o'n$ that things 8'st $i$n-t ........
)a* a$$ on )+* a$$ right )c* a$$ 'p
Q3 Jen really li,es Jirstie +'t he-s too nero's to ........
)a* as, her o't )+* as, her on )c* as, o't
Q4 Benny $i$n-t ....... #hen his s'perior repriman$e$ him.
)a* +ac, 'p )+* +ac, $o#n )c* +ac, oer
Q5 :orman is really aggressie an$ sometimes he sho'l$ ,no# #hen to ........
)a* +ac, 'p )+* +ac, o22 )c* +ac, oer
Q6 San$y #ants to learn ho# to $rie +'t she m'st also learn ho# to ....... so she can get in an$ o't o2 par,ing
spots easily.
)a* +ac, 'p )+* +ac, +ehin$ )c* +ac, o22
Q7 :o one at the o22ice e%pecte$ him to lose his temper an$ ....... the #ay he $i$.
)a* +lo# a#ay )+* +lo# oer )c* +lo# 'p
Q8 "2ter the tragic acci$ent7 Ba'ren-s mother ha$ a nero's ........
)a* +rea,'p )+* +rea,$o#n )c* +rea,thro'gh
Q9 Jathy 2elt a little 'neasy #hen she 2o'n$ o't her neigh+o'rs ha$ a ........
)a* +rea,Gin )+* +rea,o't )c* +rea,
Q10 :o one in the gro'p co'l$ +eliee that Sally an$ Stee ........
)a* +ro,e oer )+* +ro,e 'p )c* +ro,e apart
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 115
0hrasal ,er-s 7) t+ 18
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9arty o2ten ....... important iss'es at the meetings.
)a* +ro'ght $o#n )+* +ro'ght 'p )c* +ro'ght oer
Q2 S'e 2elt she sho'l$ ....... on her math s,ills +e2ore she starte$ school.
)a* +r'sh on )+* +r'sh oer )c* +r'sh 'p
Q3 3e co'l$ 2eel the +ac, o2 his nec, ....... #hen they starte$ tal,ing a+o't the trage$y.
)a* +'rn on )+* +'rn in )c* +'rn 'p
Q4 &an$ace has a +a$ ha+it o2 ....... in 2ront o2 others.
)a* +'tting in )+* +'tting )c* +'tting into
Q5 Jen trie$ to ....... his teachers in or$er to get a goo$ report car$.
)a* +'tter 'p )+* +'tter oer )c* +'tter in
Q6 /he g'ar$ ha$ to ....... the $ogs #hen 3enry approache$ the loc,e$ gate.
)a* call on )+* call $o#n )c* call o22
Q7 Eeryone co'l$ see +y the grimace on his 2ace that he $i$n-t ....... the meal in 2ront o2 him.
)a* care on )+* care 2or )c* care o2
Q8 3e $i$n-t ....... to ne# concepts easily.
)a* catch on )+* catch 'p )c* catch #ith
Q9 /hey ....... the hotel late last night.
)a* chec,e$ into )+* chec,e$ on )c* chec,e$
Q10 6'e to his illness7 he #or,e$ har$ to ....... #ith his misse$ school#or,.
)a* catch on )+* catch 'p )c* catch
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 116
3"ti+n !er-s and sp+rts e:pressi+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 5eople hae ....... against each other in +o#ling 2or tho'san$s o2 years.
)a* originate$ )+* compete$ )c* en8oye$ )$* gaine$
Q2 /he <rench pro+a+ly ....... tennis in a+o't 1150.
)a* $eelope$ )+* originate$ )c* compete$ )$* inente$
Q3 9artina :aratiloa ....... into one o2 the #orl$-s greatest tennis players.
)a* e%celle$ )+* playe$ )c* $eelope$ )$* esta+lishe$
Q4 9ichael Sch'macher has ....... <orm'la 1 racing oer the past $eca$e.
)a* compete$ )+* inente$ )c* $ominate$ )$* e%celle$
Q5 3elen 9oo$y ....... a recor$ o2 eight 1im+le$on singles titles.
)a* set )+* playe$ )c* starre$ )$* $e2eate$
Q6 In Germany $'ring the 9i$$le "ges7 people ....... +o#ling at illage $ances.
)a* compete$ )+* gaine$ )c* en8oye$ )$* +ro'ght
Q7 Ellen 3anson ....... the 2irst singles cro#n at the I.S. Cpen in 1887.
)a* $eelope$ )+* $ominate$ )c* earne$ )$* starre$
Q8 9ary E. C'ter+ri$ge ....... the 2irst tennis co'rt in :e# 4or, &ity in 1874.
)a* originate$ )+* compete$ )c* $ominate$ )$* esta+lishe$
Q9 "lethea Gi+son ....... to play tennis on the streets o2 :e# 4or, &ity.
)a* earne$ )+* learne$ )c* compete$ )$* e%celle$
Q10 In 1926 S';anne Benglen ....... in the 2irst I.S. pro2essional tennis to'r.
)a* inente$ )+* learne$ )c* starre$ )$* en8oye$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 117
English prep+siti+ns e:er"ises
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 5lease place the 'm+rella stan$ ....... the $oor.
)a* across )+* +esi$e )c* thro'gh )$* +e2ore
Q2 4o' can get e%tra s'pplies ....... the stationery store.
)a* #ith )+* 2rom )c* a+o't )$* $'ring
Q3 Eileen an$ 9iran$a hae +een +est 2rien$s ....... thir$ gra$e.
)a* a2ter )+* $'ring )c* 2rom )$* since
Q4 1e can $o this #or, ....... any e%tra help.
)a* #itho't )+* #ith$ra# )c* #ith )$* #ithin
Q5 9ichael stoo$ ....... the other ne# st'$ents in his class.
)a* apart 2rom )+* accor$ing to )c* in a$$ition to )$* o't o2
Q6 1e ran 2ie laps ....... the gym an$ then practice$ o'r 8'mp shots.
)a* against )+* across )c* aro'n$ )$* among
Q7 6'ring my st'$y time7 I came ....... this +ea'ti2'l poem.
)a* past )+* oer )c* onto )$* 'pon
Q8 1ill yo' please #rite a+o't Fohn &a+ot ....... "+igail "$ams(
)a* in 2ront o2 )+* in spite o2 )c* instea$ o2 )$* into
Q9 Eeryone #ent o'tsi$e the +'il$ing ....... the 2alse alarm.
)a* +eca'se o2 )+* in 2ront o2 )c* on top o2 )$* instea$ o2
Q10 /he airplane 2le# ....... the storm.
)a* a+o't )+* a+oe )c* along )$* ahea$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 118
this; that; these; th+se
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Boo, oer there. ....... is the +iggest p'mp,in I-e eer seen.
)a* /hat )+* /hose )c* /hese )$* /his
Q2 9iriam tol$ ....... same 8o,e yester$ay.
)a* these )+* this )c* that )$* those
Q3 9atthe#7 ta,e ....... an$ p't it oer there.
)a* this )+* that )c* these )$* those
Q4 3er eyes shining7 the little girl pointe$ to ....... piece o2 can$y.
)a* that )+* this )c* these )$* those
Q5 ....... elephants are sleeping 'n$er the sha$e o2 the elm tree oer there.
)a* /hese )+* /hose )c* /his )$* /hat
Q6 ....... are the +est $ays o2 o'r lies.
)a* /hese )+* /his )c* /hose )$* /hat
Q7 ....... st'$ents at the a$ministration o22ice #ant to trans2er to o'r school.
)a* /hose )+* /hat )c* /his )$* /hese
Q8 /he pilot calmly steere$ 's thro'gh ....... +ig clo'$.
)a* this )+* that )c* these )$* those
Q9 ....... 2ilm that $a$ sa# last #ee, seems li,e an interesting moie to #atch.
)a* /hese )+* /hat )c* /his )$* /hose
Q10 9ay I +'y 2ie o2 ....... pict'res hanging oer there7 please(
)a* this )+* that )c* these )$* those
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 119
1+mm+n s$-+rdinating "+n9$n"ti+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 ='il$ers 'se ply#oo$ in the constr'ction o2 small +oats ....... it is easy to shape.
)a* altho'gh )+* +eca'se )c* a2ter )$* #hile
Q2 I haen-t spo,en #ith Fane ....... she moe$.
)a* 'nless )+* #hile )c* since )$* altho'gh
Q3 "irplanes sometimes 2ly to 'nsche$'le$ cities ....... the #eather is +a$.
)a* #hen )+* #here )c* #hereer )$* #hereas
Q4 5lease rea$ the +oo, ....... it-s still aaila+le 2rom the li+rary.
)a* +e2ore )+* altho'gh )c* since )$* #hile
Q5 Eery+o$y ha$ $essert ....... they 2inishe$ eating the main co'rse.
)a* #hile )+* +eca'se )c* 'ntil )$* a2ter
Q6 /he pep rally #on-t +egin ....... the last class o2 the $ay has en$e$.
)a* 'ntil )+* so that )c* since )$* than
Q7 Elena #ill groom the horse in the morning ....... she can ri$e it in the a2ternoon.
)a* 'ntil )+* 'nless )c* so that )$* #hen
Q8 4o' #ill receie e%tra cre$it ....... yo' t'rn in yo'r pro8ect early.
)a* altho'gh )+* than )c* i2 )$* 'nless
Q9 /he concert #ill en$ at 10.30 p.m. ....... the a'$ience insists on seeral encores.
)a* #hile )+* 'nless )c* tho'gh )$* as
Q10 ....... they 2eel threatene$7 $ogs sometimes $isplay aggressie +ehaior.
)a* Intil )+* 1here )c* 1hen )$* =e2ore
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 120
/e#le:i!e and intensi!e pr+n+$ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Cne person #ho ma$e ....... a career +ase$ on the sea #as >achel &arson.
)a* himsel2 )+* hersel2 )c* itsel2 )$* mysel2
Q2 6eepGsea $iers #ear #ets'its to protect ....... 'n$er the #ater.
)a* o'rseles )+* yo'rseles )c* themseles )$* itsel2
Q3 I2 yo' #ere a $ier7 yo' #o'l$ +'y ....... a FI9 s'it or helmet.
)a* mysel2 )+* himsel2 )c* yo'rsel2 )$* hersel2
Q4 6iers 'se e%ternal air s'pplies to ena+le ....... to +reathe 'n$er #ater.
)a* o'rseles )+* yo'rseles )c* himsel2 )$* themseles
Q5 6ecompression sic,ness mani2ests ....... #ith 8oint pain7 an$ it can +e 2atal.
)a* mysel2 )+* hersel2 )c* itsel2 )$* himsel2
Q6 >achel &arson-s 2irst +oo,7 In$er the SeaG1in$7 $escri+e$ str'ggles sea creat'res 2in$ ....... 2acing.
)a* o'rseles )+* yo'rseles )c* themseles )$* itsel2
Q7 >achel &arson-s li2e #as mar,e$ #ith conseration e22orts that #e ....... can learn 2rom.
)a* o'rseles )+* yo'rseles )c* themseles )$* hersel2
Q8 >achel &arson p't on a $ier-s helmet an$ e%plore$ the ree2s o2 the <lori$a Jeys 2or ........
)a* mysel2 )+* himsel2 )c* hersel2 )$* o'rsel2
Q9 /he +en$s occ'rs #hen $iers raise ....... to the top too A'ic,ly.
)a* o'rseles )+* themseles )c* yo'rseles )$* itsel2
Q10 " $ier m'st s'pply ....... #ith a mi%t're o2 o%ygen an$ $i22erent gasses.
)a* himsel2 )+* itsel2 )c* yo'rsel2 )$* mysel2
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 121
Simple 0resent; Simple 0ast; Simple ($t$re
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he can$i$ate ....... many oters #hen she ran 2or goernor last year.
)a* impress )+* impresse$ )c* #ill impress
Q2 9y 2ather still ....... heating oil 2rom a company in &hicago.
)a* +'ys )+* +o'ght )c* #ill +'y
Q3 Fanelle ....... 2or the neigh+o'rs ne%t Sat'r$ay night.
)a* +a+yGsat )+* +a+yGsit )c* #ill +a+yGsit
Q4 1hen she #as yo'nger7 my gran$mother ....... in a mort'ary.
)a* #or,s )+* #ill #or, )c* #or,e$
Q5 /he athlete ....... #ith the college trac, team ne%t month.
)a* trains )+* traine$ )c* #ill train
Q6 /he relatie h'mi$ity 's'ally ....... #hen the temperat're goes $o#n.
)a* 2alls )+* 2ell )c* #ill 2all
Q7 :e%t year #e ....... in the eighth gra$e.
)a* are )+* #ill +e )c* #ere
Q8 3er +est 2rien$ ....... in that apartment +'il$ing oer there.
)a* lie )+* lies )c* liing
Q9 Bast #ee, #e ....... 150 ne#spapers.
)a* $eliers )+* $eliere$ )c* #ill $elier
Q10 4ester$ay yo' ....... yo' #o'l$ li,e to learn ho# to ,nit a s#eater.
)a* sai$ )+* say )c* #ill say
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 122
E:pressi+ns .ith ill< ill at ease; illDmannered
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 " &hristian sho'l$ a+an$on all ....... to#ar$ the person they 2orgie.
)a* ill #ill )+* ill time$ )c* ill mannere$ )$* ill at ease
Q2 Impolite7 2o'lGmo'the$ parents inaria+ly pro$'ce .......7 2o'lGmo'the$ chil$ren.
)a* ill time$ )+* ill a$ise$ )c* ill mannere$ )$* ill gotten
Q3 /he presi$ent clearly 2elt a little ....... #ith some o2 the protesters- rhetoric7 +'t he eent'ally agree$ to tal, to
)a* ill gotten )+* ill mannere$ )c* ill at ease )$* ill a$ise$
Q4 /o en$ s'22ering completely7 one m'st remoe $esire7 ....... an$ ignorance.
)a* ill #ill )+* ill mannere$ )c* ill time$ )$* ill at ease
Q5 /he $ecision o2 the Sri Ban,an selectors to rest 9aran "tapatt' 2or the thir$ test match #as ....... an$
)a* ill gotten )+* ill at ease )c* ill time$ )$* ill mannere$
Q6 Ising their ....... an$ e%traor$inary 2inancial reso'rces an$ insi$er $ealing7 the oligarchs gaine$ control oer
m'ch o2 >'ssia-s political apparat's.
)a* ill mannere$ )+* ill gotten )c* ill time$ )$* ill a$ise$
Q7 "ccor$ing to the Small ='siness "ssociation )S="*7 LIna$eA'ate or ....... 2inancing is a ma8or reason 2or smallG
+'siness 2ail're.L
)a* ill mannere$ )+* ill at ease )c* ill a$ise$ )$* ill time$
Q8 /o$ay-s yo'th is 2ar more $isor$erly an$ ....... than in the past an$ it is not 8'st a minority +'t the ast ma8ority.
)a* ill gotten )+* ill time$ )c* ill mannere$ )$* ill at ease
Q9 Some immigrants o2 mi$$leGeastern $escent c'rrently liing in Cregon still 2eel ....... a2ter the Septem+er 11th
terrorist attac,s.
)a* ill a$ise$ )+* ill at ease )c* ill mannere$ )$* ill gotten
Q10 /he #orl$ has s'22ere$ more 2rom the raages o2 ....... marriages than 2rom irginity.
)a* ill a$ise$ )+* ill at ease )c* ill gotten )$* ill #ill
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 123
4di+ms .ith the prasal !er- #all
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 6ai$ =ec,ham-s ....... Sir "le% <erg'son originate$ 2rom his $ecision to stay at home an$ ten$ his ailing son
rather than atten$ training on that partic'lar <ri$ay.
)a* 2allGthro'gh )+* 2all +ehin$ in )c* 2all+ac, on )$* 2allo't #ith
Q2 6on-t al#ays ....... creating another $ata+ase or a #or,aro'n$ program +eca'se there may act'ally +e a +etter
+'siness sol'tion 2or the pro+lem.
)a* 2all thro'gh )+* 2all +ehin$ in )c* 2all +ac, on )$* 2all o't #ith
Q3 <reA'ent +inge $rin,ers are eight times more li,ely than nonG+inge $rin,ers to miss a class7 ....... school#or,7
get h'rt or in8're$7 an$ $amage property.
)a* 2all +ehin$ )+* 2all +ehin$ in )c* 2all +ac, on )$* 2all o22
Q4 St'$ent mentors catch chil$ren +e2ore they ....... crac,s.
)a* 2all thro'gh )+* 2all +ehin$ )c* 2all +ac, on )$* 2all o't #ith
Q5 /he northeastern state o2 "ssam co'l$ ....... the In$ian map soon.
)a* 2all +ehin$ )+* 2all +ehin$ in )c* 2all +ac, on )$* 2all o22
Q6 " =r'ssels +ase$ thin, tan, reporte$ that E'rope is ....... "sia in terms o2 e$'cation an$ s,ills.
)a* 2alling +ehin$ )+* 2alling +ehin$ in )c* 2alling +ac, on )$* 2alling o22
Q7 She ha$ no 2amily s'pport system to .......7 an$ she co'l$n-t a22or$ $aycare.
)a* 2all +ehin$ )+* 2all +ehin$ in )c* 2all +ac, on )$* 2all o22
Q8 " recent s'rey sho#e$ that one in three ho'se h'nters hae ha$ a property p'rchase ........
)a* 2all thro'gh )+* 2all +ehin$ )c* 2all +ac, on )$* 2all o't #ith
Q9 Some marrie$ co'ples ....... each other oer $i22erences o2 opinion on ho# things co'l$ or sho'l$ +e $one.
)a* 2all thro'gh )+* 2all +ehin$ in )c* 2all +ac, on )$* 2all o't #ith
Q10 6eci$'o's trees sen$ messages to leaes telling them #hen to ........
)a* 2all thro'gh )+* 2all +ehin$ )c* 2all +ac, on )$* 2all o22
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 124
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- p$t
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 C'r $aily ha+its o2ten 2orce 's to ....... all ,in$s o2 $egra$ing an$ $estr'ctie eents7 all in the name o2 ,eeping
things com2orta+le or 2amiliar.
)a* p't 'p )+* p't 'p #ith )c* p't on hol$ )$* p't o't
Q2 " >'ssian c'lt're 2estial on /a8i, territory has +een ....... in$e2initely +eca'se o2 a local typhoi$ 2eer
)a* p't o22 )+* p't in )c* p't on )$* p't o't
Q3 /he Goernment has $eci$e$ to ....... the recent &a+inet $ecision to c't the 2oo$ s'+si$y +ill +y 30 per cent7
2ollo#ing protests 2rom a section o2 &ongress.
)a* p't 'p )+* p't o't )c* p't on hol$ )$* p't in
Q4 ....... yo'r gar+age at the $esignate$ pic,'p point +y 8 a.m. on the collection $ays sche$'le$ 2or yo'r area.
)a* 5't o22 )+* 5't in )c* 5't o't )$* 5't on
Q5 It #as reporte$ that 3y'n$ai 9otor &o. #ill ....... a carGassem+ly plant in the 5hilippines a2ter the "ssociation
o2 So'theast "sian :ations an$ So'th Jorea 2orge a 2ree tra$e agreement.
)a* p't 'p )+* p't in )c* p't 'p #ith )$* p't o't
Q6 S#eaters are easy to .......7 com2orta+le7 #arm an$ a+oe all stylish.
)a* p't o22 )+* p't in )c* p't on )$* p't o't
Q7 /he Inite$ :ations #as ....... charge o2 sorting o't $i22erences among co'ntries o22ering to +'il$ a /s'nami
early #arning system a2ter a 2loo$ o2 proposals in the #a,e o2 the In$ian Ccean trage$y.
)a* p't in )+* p't 'p #ith )c* p't on hol$ )$* p't o't
Q8 3omeo#ners ....... a ,itchen 2ire last S'n$ay night7 only to soon notice the 2ire #as sprea$ing insi$e the #alls
o2 their home.
)a* p't o22 )+* p't in )c* p't on )$* p't o't
Q9 <rench sol$iers $eci$e$ to ....... a 5'nch an$ F'$y sho# 2or their "merican co'nterparts.
)a* p't on )+* p't in )c* p't o22 )$* p't o't
Q10 " =eta#i co'ple hoping to marry last #ee,en$ #ere 2orce$ to ....... their #e$$ing ceremony 'ntil la# an$ or$er
ha$ +een restore$ in the city.
)a* p't on )+* p't in )c* p't o22 )$* p't o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 125
/ep+rted "+mmands< rep+rted spee"h
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 L1o'l$ yo' li,e to spen$ the #ee,en$ #ith 's(L /hey ....... her to spen$ the #ee,en$ #ith them.
)a* a$ise$ )+* or$ere$ )c* inite$ )$* +egge$
Q2 L&o'l$ yo' open the #in$o# please(L She ....... him to open the #in$o#.
)a* remin$e$ )+* or$ere$ )c* as,e$ )$* #arne$
Q3 LGo to +e$ imme$iatelyEL 9ary-s mother ....... her to go to +e$ imme$iately.
)a* a$ise$ )+* +egge$ )c* as,e$ )$* or$ere$
Q4 L6on-t 2orget to post the letterEL 3e ....... me to post the letter.
)a* remin$e$ )+* or$ere$ )c* +egge$ )$* as,e$
Q5 L5ar, the car +ehin$ the an.L /he instr'ctor ....... him to par, the car +ehin$ the an.
)a* o22ere$ )+* tol$ )c* as,e$ )$* or$ere$
Q6 L5lease7 please7 t'rn $o#n the ra$ioEL 9ar,-s sister ....... him to t'rn the ra$io $o#n.
)a* remin$e$ )+* or$ere$ )c* as,e$ )$* +egge$
Q7 L6on-t play #ith the matches. /hey-re ery $angero's.L /he teacher ....... the chil$ren not to play #ith the
)a* or$ere$ )+* as,e$ )c* #arne$ )$* +egge$
Q8 LI-ll gie yo' a li2t to the airport.L 9ichelle ....... to gie her h's+an$ a li2t to the airport.
)a* re2'se$ )+* o22ere$ )c* as,e$ )$* +egge$
Q9 LI #on-t len$ yo' any more money.L 9atthe# ....... to len$ me any more money.
)a* o22ere$ )+* as,e$ )c* re2'se$ )$* inite$
Q10 /he teacher sai$ to her st'$ent? L4o' nee$ to st'$y har$er.L She ....... him to st'$y har$er.
)a* as,e$ )+* a$ise$ )c* or$ere$ )$* +egge$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 126
+ing -$siness< e:pressi+ns .ith the .+rd -$siness
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 " ....... represents #ritten $oc'mentation o2 the ital iss'es necessary to conince inestors that a partic'lar
opport'nity is #orthy o2 inestment.
)a* +'siness class )+* +'siness car$ )c* +'siness par, )$* +'siness plan
Q2 1hether yo' are loo,ing 2or a 8o+ or r'nning a company7 giing o't ....... is cr'cial to mar,eting yo'r s,ills or
)a* +'siness st'$ies )+* +'siness car$s )c* +'siness ho'rs )$* +'siness plans
Q3 ....... passengers hae a laatory resere$ 2or their e%cl'sie 'se.
)a* ='siness ho'rs )+* ='siness par, )c* ='siness class )$* ='siness car$
Q4 /he 0irginia G. 5iper &ancer &enter ....... are 8 am 5 pm 9on$ay thro'gh <ri$ay.
)a* +'siness ho'rs )+* +'siness car$s )c* +'siness s'its )$* +'siness par,s
Q5 /o$ay7 it is rare to see a ....... #orn #ith a #aistcoat in :orth "merica7 altho'gh it is still pop'lar among
conseratieGmin$e$ +'sinessmen in the rest o2 the #orl$.
)a* +'siness par, )+* +'siness car$ )c* +'siness s'it )$* +'siness plan
Q6 L1ell here #e are rapi$ly approaching the ....... o2 the season.L
)a* +'siness car$ )+* +'siness par, )c* +'siness en$ )$* +'siness s'it
Q7 /he Economics P ='siness E$'cation "ssociation represents teachers an$ lect'rers o2 ....... an$ relate$
s'+8ects in schools an$ colleges thro'gho't the IJ.
)a* +'siness ho'rs )+* +'siness st'$ies )c* +'siness par,s )$* +'sinessmen
Q8 C'r ....... attit'$e is resere$ entirely 2or the #ay #e +ehae at #or,.
)a* +'siness #ise )+* +'siness car$ )c* +'siness#oman )$* +'sinessli,e
Q9 1e o22er ....... eGmail serices that gie yo' s'perior spam an$ 2ra'$ protection an$ a c'stom $omain name in
yo'r eGmail7 all 2or a reasona+le price.
)a* +'siness car$ )+* +'siness class )c* +'siness en$ )$* +'siness plan
Q10 6ata marts can +e a goo$ #ay to sere the $ata nee$s o2 a partic'lar set o2 ....... 'sers7 allo#ing speciali;e$
2'nctions s'ch as $ata cleansing7 8oining7 2ormatting an$ trans2ormations to +e per2orme$ a'tomatically.
)a* +'siness plan )+* +'siness car$ )c* +'siness en$ )$* +'siness s'it
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 127
3$straliana< e:pressi+ns that des"ri-e li#e in 3$stralia
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "'stralia is ro'ghly the same ....... as the Inite$ States #ith less than a tenth o2 the people.
)a* +'l, )+* lan$mass )c* si;e )$* ol'me
Q2 In a 2003 s'rey con$'cte$ +y the Inite$ :ations7 "'stralia came in 2o'rth among the +est ....... in the #orl$
to lie +ase$ on +ase$ on income7 e$'cation an$ li2e e%pectancy.
)a* regions )+* proinces )c* territories )$* co'ntries
Q3 "'stralia is locate$ in the So'thern 3emisphere7 so the ....... are opposite o2 those in the :orthern
)a* times )+* seasons )c* months )$* years
Q4 9el+o'rne is "'stralia-s secon$ largest to#n an$ #as recently ....... the +est city in the #orl$ in #hich to lie.
)a* $eci$e$ )+* gien )c* ote$ )$* a#ar$e$
Q5 "$elai$e is ....... in So'thern "'stralia an$ is the A'intessential pict're o2 charm #ith its colonial architect're.
)a* locate$ )+* place$ )c* esta+lishe$ )$* to +e 2o'n$
Q6 5erth is the most #esternto#n o2 "'stralia an$ hol$s the ....... o2 haing more s'n 2ille$ ho'rs than most o2
"'stralia-s other capital cities.
)a* pec'liarity )+* a$miration )c* notoriety )$* $istinction
Q7 5erth o22ers an eclectic ....... #ithin the +reathta,ing +ac,$rop o2 grassy par,s7 to#ering palm trees an$
en$less #ater#ays.
)a* $aily li2e )+* li2e )c* eery$ay li2e )$* li2estyle
Q8 I2 yo'-re loo,ing 2or a spectac'lar ....... o2 li2e in a $ierse co'ntry then "'stralia is #ell #orth serio's
)a* A'antity )+* s'periority )c* A'ality )$* meaning
Q9 1hether yo' ....... in the 2ast pace o2 +ig city li2e or crae the tranA'ility o2 the $esert7 "'stralia is s'ch a
$ierse co'ntry that yo'-re li,ely to 2in$ e%actly #hat yo' are see,ing.
)a* li,e )+* thrie )c* en8oy )$* +ene2it
Q10 In a #orl$ that is o2ten t'rne$ 'psi$e $o#n #ith .......7 "'stralia still paints a pict're o2 tranA'ility7 a lai$+ac,
li2estyle an$ a LcanG$oL attit'$e.
)a* t'rmoil )+* or$er )c* protest )$* $ist'r+ance
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 128
(a"ts a-+$t piEEa in the >S< piEEa ind$stry e:pressi+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "mericans are the greatest ....... an$ cons'mers o2 pi;;a in the #orl$.
)a* creators )+* pro$'cers )c* inentors )$* 'sers
Q2 "mericans eat 350 ....... o2 pi;;a per secon$.
)a* slices )+* segments )c* parts )$* 2ragments
Q3 /here are 617269 ....... in the Inite$ States.
)a* pi;;a 'sers )+* pi;;as )c* pi;;erias )$* pi;;a pies
Q4 5i;;a is a K30 +illion per year ........
)a* corporation )+* company )c* in$'stry )$* conglomerate
Q5 Ccto+er is national pi;;a ....... in the Inite$ States.
)a* $ay )+* year )c* month )$* #ee,
Q6 /he #orl$-s ....... pi;;eria opene$ in :aples in 1830.
)a* latest )+* last )c* 2irst )$* ne#est
Q7 5i;;a 3't has oer 127000 resta'rants ....... the #orl$.
)a* thro'gh )+* all thro'gh )c* thro'gho't )$* all the #ay thro'gh
Q8 5epperoni is the pi;;a ....... that "mericans li,e the most.
)a* component )+* topping )c* part )$* element
Q9 5i;;a ....... to "merica #ith the Italians at the en$ o2 the nineteenth cent'ry.
)a* roame$ )+* #an$ere$ )c* $ri2te$ )$* migrate$
Q10 /he pop'larity o2 pi;;a really ....... #hen "merican sol$iers ret'rne$ 2rom Italy a2ter 1orl$ 1ar II.
)a* $etonate$ )+* e%plo$e$ )c* +laste$ )$* +le# 'p
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 129
2h+ .ants t+ -e a milli+naire5
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9any people hae ....... a+o't #inning a +ig pri;e in the lottery.
)a* imagine$ )+* is'ali;e$ )c* 2antasi;e$ )$* $iscoere$
Q2 <or many people7 their #ay o2 li2e is closely lin,e$ to their ....... circ'mstances.
)a* economic )+* ergonomic )c* pro2ita+le )$* money
Q3 9ost people li,e the ....... o2 not haing to #or,.
)a* scheme )+* s'ggestion )c* $esign )$* i$ea
Q4 5eople #ho #in the lottery are 's'ally a$ise$ not to ....... their a$$ress an$ phone n'm+er.
)a* $o'se )+* screen )c* transmit )$* p'+lici;e
Q5 /here are many stories a+o't people #ho co'l$n-t ....... ho# to +e rich.
)a* teach )+* cram )c* learn )$* reise
Q6 " sailor 2rom S#e$en #on three million $ollars in the lottery an$ han$e$ it to ....... shipmates an$ strangers in
the street.
)a* preio's )+* 2ormer )c* past )$* earlier
Q7 "ll oer the #orl$7 lotteries ....... ne# millionaires eery #ee,.
)a* constr'ct )+* cra2t )c* +'il$ )$* create
Q8 " 45 year ol$ coo, 2rom Sy$ney ....... three #ee,s a2ter #inning 10 million $ollars in the lottery.
)a* $roppe$ a#ay )+* $roppe$ o't )c* $roppe$ o22 )$* $roppe$ $ea$
Q9 In 19897 a #oman 2rom Bos "ngeles #on 7 million $ollars in the lottery an$ imme$iately #ent on a ....... spree.
)a* in$'lging )+* gorging )c* spen$ing )$* 2'ssing
Q10 9any people ....... a+o't #hat they #o'l$ $o #ith their money i2 they #on the lottery.
)a* plan )+* $ream )c* ision )$* hall'cinate
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 130
0a-l+ 0i"ass+< e:pressi+ns des"ri-ing the 0i"ass+Bs li#e
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 5a+lo 5icasso sho#e$ his ....... 2rom a ery yo'ng age.
)a* geni's )+* +rain )c* master min$ )$* cleer
Q2 5icasso hate$ school an$ o2ten ....... to go 'nless he co'l$ ta,e his pet #ith him.
)a* re+',e$ )+* re+'22e$ )c* re8ecte$ )$* re2'se$
Q3 5icasso-s ....... o2 people #ere o2ten ma$e 'p o2 triangles an$ sA'ares #ith their 2eat'res in the #rong places.
)a* li,enesses )+* portraits )c* $escriptions )$* images
Q4 5icasso $ie$ o2 heart 2ail're $'ring an ....... o2 in2l'en;a in 1973.
)a* attac, )+* assa'lt )c* o22ence )$* assail
Q5 5icasso-s #or, ....... i$eas a+o't art aro'n$ the #orl$.
)a* mis'se$ )+* r'ine$ )c* change$ )$* tainte$
Q6 5icasso #as ....... on Ccto+er 257 1881 in 9alaga7 Spain.
)a* +orn )+* +orne )c* +irth )$* +irth$ay
Q7 5icasso ....... to +e one o2 the t#entieth cent'ry-s greatest painters.
)a* gre# 'p )+* gro#n 'p )c* gre# o't o2 )$* gre# on
Q8 5icasso-s geni's as an artist #as ....... +y many people.
)a* 2amo's )+* 2amiliar )c* recogni;e$ )$* $isting'ishe$
Q9 1hen 5icasso #as 90 years ol$7 he #as honore$ +y an ....... at the Bo're in 5aris.
)a* e%planation )+* $isplay )c* e%hi+ition )$* m'se'm
Q10 5icasso ....... oer 67000 paintings7 $ra#ings an$ sc'lpt'res.
)a* painte$ )+* 2orme$ )c* shape$ )$* create$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 131
2+rds in "+nte:t< str+ng "+ll+"ati+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 5lease ta,e these separate lists an$ ....... them into one $oc'ment.
)a* speci2y )+* mane'er )c* merge )$* $i'lge
Q2 /his pet store sells rare tropical 2ish an$ other ....... creat'res.
)a* chaotic )+* erotic )c* ro+otic )$* e%otic
Q3 I g'arantee that yo'r hot temper #ill ....... ca'se yo' tro'+le.
)a* ironically )+* gra$'ally )c* ineita+ly )$* #holehearte$ly
Q4 9y teacher m'm+le$ so so2tly that I co'l$ only ....... 'n$erstan$ him.
)a* persistently )+* ag'ely )c* $iscreetly )$* inaria+ly
Q5 "2ter the terri+le ts'nami o'r o$erly lies +ecame ........
)a* chaotic )+* erotic )c* e%otic )$* ro+otic
Q6 I2 the coo,ie recipe is complete7 it #ill ....... the ingre$ients yo' nee$.
)a* $i'lge )+* elicit )c* speci2y )$* emerge
Q7 5eter #as the +est s#immer7 +'t ....... he lost the 2inal o2 the s#imming competition.
)a* ag'ely )+* s'rly )c* ineita+ly )$* ironically
Q8 C'r 2inal i$ea 2or the pro$'ct #as m'ch +etter than o'r ....... one.
)a* ill'minate$ )+* intellect'al )c* intense )$* initial
Q9 "2ter I 2ell $o#n the steps7 I 2elt 'nstea$y an$ ........
)a* 2lighty )+* gi$$y )c* scatty )$* sA'atty
Q10 6'ring o'r #al, along the +each #e notice$ the shi2ting re2lectons on the ....... s'r2ace o2 the #ater.
)a* 'n2linching )+* 'n$'lating )c* 'n2altering )$* 'n$iscriminating
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 132
E:pressi+ns .ith heart< hearta"he; heartthr+-; heart-$rn
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Getting oer a +rea,G'p is har$ to $o. Instea$ o2 #allo#ing in yo'r .......7 try to ta,e positie steps to p't yo'r
2aile$ relationship +ehin$ yo'.
)a* heart+eat )+* heart+'rn )c* heartache )$* heart+rea,
Q2 Spanish singing ....... EnriA'e Iglesias has +een 2orce$ to p'll o't o2 concerts in 3ong Jong an$ in the
5hilippines +eca'se o2 a isa pro+lem in 9alaysia.
)a* heart+rea, )+* heartthro+ )c* heart+eat )$* heart+'rn
Q3 I 2eel really +lesse$7 yo' ,no#7 +eca'se a lot o2 people #ho hae a ....... neer get any a$ance #arning.
)a* heart attac, )+* heartache )c* heart+'rn )$* heart $isease
Q4 :ighttime ....... not only $isr'pts yo'r sleep7 +'t it may lea$ to other health ris,s s'ch as raising yo'r ris, o2
cancer or aggraating asthma.
)a* heart+eat )+* heartlan$ )c* heart2elt )$* heart+'rn
Q5 "llo# me to e%press my ....... sorro# at the immense trage$y that has +een perpetrate$ 'pon the "merican
people +y the #ic,e$ eil$oers #ho #ere responsi+le 2or the Septem+er 11th terrorist attac,s.
)a* heartache )+* heart+'rn )c* heartthro+ )$* heart2elt
Q6 5alpitations are ....... sensations that 2eel li,e po'n$ing or racing.
)a* heartthro+ )+* heart+eat )c* heart+rea, )$* heart2elt
Q7 F'st a+o't eeryone e%periences the type o2 grie2 #e call ....... at one time or another.
)a* heart+rea, )+* heart+'rn )c* heart attac, )$* heart $isease
Q8 /he IJ has one o2 the highest rates o2 $eath 2rom ....... in the #orl$.
)a* heart+rea, )+* heart+eat )c* heartthro+ )$* heart $isease
Q9 /he ='rg'n$y co'ntrysi$e is 2ast +ecoming the Islamic ....... o2 <rance.
)a* heartthro+ )+* heart2elt )c* heartlan$ )$* heart+'rn
Q10 =olly#oo$ ....... 3rithi, >oshan pointe$ a 2inger at a gang o2 cameraGhappy In$ian 2ans gathere$ to #atch him
shooting a 2ilm on the so'th +an, o2 the rier /hames.
)a* heart+eat )+* heartthro+ )c* heartache )$* heart+rea,
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 133
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- kn+"k
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I 's'ally ....... #or, at a+o't 4?00 o-cloc, an$ r'n to the station to catch the train to my ne%t 8o+.
)a* ,noc, on )+* ,noc, o22 )c* ,noc, 'p )$* ,noc, o't
Q2 Englan$ ....... So'th "2rica in the Singapore Seens to'rnament at Singapore-s :ational Sta$i'm7 +eating
them 33G14 in the semiG2inal yester$ay.
)a* ,noc,e$ on )+* ,noc,e$ in )c* ,noc,e$ o22 )$* ,noc,e$ o't
Q3 6o yo' #ant me to ....... some l'nch(
)a* ,noc, o't )+* ,noc, 'p )c* ,noc, on )$* ,noc, o22
Q4 " 2e# months ago7 Fames got a ....... his 2ront $oor.
)a* ,noc, o22 )+* ,noc, on )c* ,noc, o't )$* ,noc, 'p
Q5 /he $e2en$ant plea$e$ g'ilty to proi$ing a gro'p o2 >'ssians #ith ....... goo$s.
)a* ,noc,Go22 )+* ,noc, on )c* ,noc, o't )$* ,noc, 'p
Q6 5ro2essional +o%ers $on-t #ear hea$ gear +eca'se their intent is to ....... their opponent.
)a* ,noc, o22 )+* ,noc, o't )c* ,noc, 'p )$* ,noc, on
Q7 /here #asn-t m'ch 2oo$ in the c'p+oar$7 +'t I manage$ to ....... a meal 2or mysel2.
)a* ,noc, o't )+* ,noc, 'p )c* ,noc, o22 )$* ,noc, on
Q8 5eople #ho ....... their neigh+or-s $oors an$ as, i2 anyone has seen their pet instea$ o2 8'st calling are more
li,ely to 2in$ it.
)a* ,noc, o22 )+* ,noc, o't )c* ,noc, on )$* ,noc, 'p
Q9 " scr'm is a #ay o2 restartinga game o2 r'g+y 'niona2ter an acci$ental in2ringement s'ch as a ........
)a* ,noc, on )+* ,noc, o't )c* ,noc, 'p )$* ,noc, o22
Q10 /he G'lshan is a goo$ honest c'rry ho'se reno#ne$ 2or its a+ilitly to ....... a rather goo$ c'rry.
)a* ,noc, o't )+* ,noc, o22 )c* ,noc, 'p )$* ,noc, on
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 134
4di+ms and e:pressi+ns .ith 9$st< 9$st a-+$t; 9$st -e#+re
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 ....... the $oors opene$ they all notice$ a 5 note lying on the 2loor.
)a* F'st oer )+* F'st +e2ore )c* F'st then )$* F'st a+o't
Q2 1ell7 I am ....... 2 months in no# #ith my ne# ent're an$ +'siness is still going strong.
)a* 8'st as )+* 8'st oer )c* 8'st a2ter )$* 8'st then
Q3 &an I get pregnant ....... my perio$ has 2inishe$(
)a* 8'st then )+* 8'st a2ter )c* 8'st oer )$* 8'st a+o't
Q4 Fac, 1heeler is ....... the most interesting man I ,no#.
)a* 8'st oer )+* 8'st then )c* 8'st a+o't )$* 8'st as
Q5 Cl$G2ashione$ tooth+r'shes are ....... goo$ as electric ones at re$'cing plaA'e.
)a* 8'st oer )+* 8'st a+o't )c* 8'st as )$* 8'st then
Q6 ....... the g'y +ehin$ 's leane$ oer an$ sai$7 almost hysterically happy7 L/hat-s one terri2ic +a+y yo'-e got
)a* F'st a+o't )+* F'st the thing )c* F'st then )$* F'st oer
Q7 5resi$ent ='sh than,e$ his hosts 2or a #arm #elcome ....... a$$ressing the 25th ann'al con2erence.
)a* 8'st a+o't )+* 8'st oer )c* 8'st then )$* 8'st +e2ore
Q8 3olmen-s =oar$ $eci$e$ on 1e$nes$ay to inest in total ....... K500 in the Gro'p-s ne#sprint mill o'tsi$e
)a* 8'st a2ter )+* 8'st as )c* 8'st oer )$* 8'st +e2ore
Q9 /he +ill that &ongress has pro$'ce$ is monstro's in ....... eery #ay.
)a* 8'st then )+* 8'st as )c* 8'st oer )$* 8'st a+o't
Q10 <og machines can +e ....... to get yo' into the partying moo$.
)a* 8'st then )+* 8'st oer )c* 8'st a+oe )$* 8'st the thing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 135
3meri"an 0residents 2illiam Fe##ers+n 1lint+n
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 =ill &linton7 #hose 2ather ....... a 2e# months +e2ore he #as +orn7 #ante$ to +e 5resi$ent 2rom a ery early
)a* passe$ o't )+* passe$ thro'gh )c* passe$ a#ay )$* passe$ 'p
Q2 &linton $e2ie$ his critics +y s'riing an ....... o2 personal scan$als.
)a* arraign )+* array )c* arrant )$* arro#
Q3 &linton ....... himsel2 as a L:e# 6emocratL an$ has 2reA'ently +een re2erre$ to as the L&ome+ac, Ji$.L
)a* 2ashione$ )+* $resse$ )c* clothe$ )$* cla$
Q4 In 19787 at the age o2 thirtyGt#o7 =ill &linton +ecame the yo'ngest goernor in the ....... an$ in "r,ansas
)a* nation )+* natie )c* natiity )$* national
Q5 "s 5resi$entGelect7 &linton o#e$ to 2oc's on economic iss'es li,e a Llaser +eam7L #or,ing especially to
oercome the ....... gro#th o2 the "merican economy.
)a* sl'gger )+* sl'ggish )c* sl'mmy )$* sl'rry
Q6 &linton s'22ere$ t#o ma8or ....... $'ring his a$ministration.
)a* A'arter+ac,s )+* o't+ac,s )c* set+ac,s )$* come+ac,s
Q7 &linton-s partner in his political ....... an$ marriage7 3illary >o$ham &linton7 emerge$ as a ,ey player in his
)a* career )+* 8o+ )c* tra$e )$* #or,
Q8 <'t're history +oo,s may #ell +egin +y noting that =ill &linton #as the secon$ 5resi$ent to hae +een ....... +y
the I.S. 3o'se o2 >epresentaties.
)a* +eseeche$ )+* reache$ )c* impeache$ )$* preache$
Q9 &linton ha$ a signi2icant in2l'ence on the ....... o2 the 6emocratic 5arty.
)a* roa$ )+* path )c* $irection )$* co'rse
Q10 &linton s'ccee$e$ in +ro,ering peace negotiations in :orthern Irelan$ +et#een ....... &atholics an$
)a* sparring )+* #arring )c* +arring )$* 8arring
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 136
4di+ms .ith the .+rd hard
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 5oor people in "'stralia #ho are ....... 2or cash may see, 2inancial assistance 2rom the Salation "rmy.
)a* har$ core )+* har$ 'p )c* har$ sell )$* har$ co'rt
Q2 9any small +'sinesses 8'st starting choose to accept col$ ....... as their only metho$ o2 payment.
)a* har$ co'rt )+* har$ core )c* har$ sell )$* har$ cash
Q3 9y parents #o'l$n-t permit me to listen to ....... heay metal m'sic #hen I #as gro#ing 'p.
)a* har$ core )+* har$ hea$e$ )c* har$ cash )$* har$ presse$
Q4 4ester$ay I ta'ght my $a'ghter ho# to coo, a ....... egg 2or +rea,2ast.
)a* har$ hearte$ )+* har$ presse$ )c* har$ +oile$ )$* har$ hea$e$
Q5 9y 2ormer +oss #as so ....... that he o2ten re2'se$ to listen to the opinions o2 his s'+or$inates.
)a* har$ hea$e$ )+* har$ hearte$ )c* har$ +oile$ )$* har$ presse$
Q6 "pplicants 2or the sales position are reA'ire$ to s'+mit a ....... o2 their &0 +y /h'rs$ay7 9ay 17th 2006 at the
)a* har$ core )+* har$ copy )c* har$ cash )$* har$ co'rt
Q7 9any amate'r tennis players 2in$ it m'ch easier to play tennis on a ....... s'r2ace as oppose$ to playing on a
s'r2ace that is ma$e 2rom grass.
)a* har$ core )+* har$ co'rt )c* har$ presse$ )$* har$ cash
Q8 /he ....... $ictator re2'se$ to grant clemency to his imprisone$ political opponents.
)a* har$ hearte$ )+* har$ presse$ )c* har$ copy )$* har$ +itten
Q9 Employees at the garment 2actory #ere 2orce$ to #or, t#ele ho'r shi2ts as they #ere ....... 2or time to
complete the or$er.
)a* har$ +itten )+* har$ hea$e$ )c* har$ hearte$ )$* har$ presse$
Q10 Fames nee$e$ to go to the ....... store to p'rchase a ne# $oor 2or his holi$ay ho'se.
)a* har$ core )+* har$+oar$ )c* har$#are )$* har$ co'rt
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 137
1+mp+$nd .+rds< head
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9y #i2e #ill only let me listen to classical m'sic i2 I agree to #ear my ........
)a* hea$ lamps )+* hea$ phones )c* hea$ $ress )$* hea$lights
Q2 9y 2ather lo$ge$ an ins'rance claim last #ee, +eca'se he ha$ an acci$ent an$ +ro,e one o2 the ....... on his
)a* hea$lights )+* hea$ phones )c* hea$ sets )$* hea$ $ress
Q3 Fimmy #ante$ to go to the 3allo#een party in an In$ian cost'me +'t #as 'na+le to 2in$ a ....... to complete his
)a* hea$ phone )+* hea$ set )c* hea$ $ress )$* hea$ light
Q4 /he 2light 2rom Sy$ney to Singapore #ill ta,e t#o ho'rs longer than 's'al this morning as the plane is 2lying
into a strong ........
)a* hea$long )+* hea$#ay )c* hea$#in$ )$* hea$lan$
Q5 I #as ery s'rprise$ to rea$ the ....... in the ne#spaper this morning regar$ing the incarceration o2 o'r
co'ntry-s 2ormer presi$ent.
)a* hea$lines )+* hea$lan$s )c* hea$lights )$* hea$rooms
Q6 <irst time entrants in this years city marathon #ill +e gien a ten min'te ....... oer the rest o2 the 2iel$.
)a* hea$lan$ )+* hea$start )c* hea$ o22 )$* hea$#in$
Q7 I #as ery $isappointe$ to 2in$ o't that the ne# car that I #ante$ to +'y ha$ ins'22icient ........
)a* hea$light )+* hea$ set )c* hea$room )$* hea$lamp
Q8 "ll 2lights o't o2 Sy$ney-s ne# airport #ere $elaye$ last #ee, $'e to e%tremely strong ....... that #as +lo#ing
across the tarmac.
)a* hea$#in$ )+* hea$lan$ )c* hea$room )$* hea$light
Q9 9i%ing spirits an$ +eer is not a ery goo$ i$ea. I 's'ally #a,e 'p #ith a ery +a$ ....... the ne%t morning.
)a* hea$set )+* hea$light )c* hea$ache )$* hea$lan$
Q10 1e #ere e%tremely 'pset #hen #e arrie$ at the cemetry an$ $iscoere$ that my late gran$2ather-s ....... ha$
+een $estroye$ +y an$als.
)a* hea$set )+* hea$stone )c* hea$phone )$* hea$light
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 138
0hrasal ,er-s 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he co'ple ....... o2 the hotel early this morning.
)a* chec,e$ o't )+* chec,e$ in )c* chec,e$ a+o't
Q2 >an$y al#ays trie$ to ....... on rainy $ays.
)a* cheer eeryone on )+* cheer eeryone 'p )c* cheer eeryone
Q3 9ost o2 the ,i$s at school tho'ght he #as scare$ an$ that he #o'l$ ....... o2 the race.
)a* chic,en o't )+* chic,en )c* chic,en in
Q4 /he s'perisor as,e$ eeryone to ....... 2or the manager-s +irth$ay present.
)a* chip )+* chip oer )c* chip in
Q5 3e ....... #hen the police o22icers starte$ to A'estion him a+o't the ro++ery.
)a* clamme$ )+* clamme$ 'p )c* clamme$ a+o't
Q6 3e #ants to ....... as a mean +oss so his employees #ill #or, har$ 2or him.
)a* come in )+* come across )c* come a+o't
Q7 >ic, ....... a terri+le col$ this #ee,.
)a* came 'p #ith )+* came a+o't #ith )c* came $o#n #ith
Q8 Bisa #as ....... her 2rien$s to help her moe.
)a* co'nting $o#n )+* co'nting a+o't )c* co'nting on
Q9 /he ne# police chie2 is trying to ....... on the c'rrent $r'g pro+lem in the city.
)a* crac, $o#n )+* crac, oer )c* crac,
Q10 Ba#rence is trying to ....... on 2atty 2oo$s.
)a* c't $o#n )+* c't 'p )c* c't a+o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 139
0hrasal ,er-s 7 t+ (8
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he c'sto$y +attle ....... 2or many months.
)a* $ragge$ $o#n )+* $ragge$ on )c* $ragge$ in
Q2 /he architect ....... some +l'eprints 2or yo' last #ee,.
)a* $re# on )+* $re# 'p )c* $re# $o#n
Q3 I ....... on my 2rien$ yester$ay to s'rprise her.
)a* $roppe$ )+* $roppe$ oer )c* $roppe$ in
Q4 &athy ....... her mother-s ho'se 2or a isit this past #ee,.
)a* $roppe$ )+* $roppe$ in )c* $roppe$ +y
Q5 =r'ce ....... o2 school #hen he #as only 2i2teen years ol$ an$ then too, on a 8o+.
)a* $roppe$ )+* $roppe$ o't )c* $roppe$ +y
Q6 "2ter a lot o2 2'ss7 >ose ....... li,ing the ne# $ish ery m'ch.
)a* en$e$ 'p )+* en$e$ )c* en$e$ in
Q7 /he manager #as so a2rai$ the m'ltiGmillion $ollar $eal #o'l$ ........
)a* 2all 'p )+* 2all $o#n )c* 2all thro'gh
Q8 /he chil$ren trie$ to ....... a #ay o2 getting to the concert on their o#n.
)a* 2ig're o't )+* 2ig're a+o't )c* 2ig're 'p
Q9 Jaren ha$ to ....... 2or 6ae #hile he #as a#ay on acation.
)a* 2ill 'p )+* 2ill )c* 2ill in
Q10 /he co'ple ....... many 2orms +e2ore they co'l$ immigrate to Englan$.
)a* 2ille$ )+* 2ille$ a+o't )c* 2ille$ o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 140
0hrasal ,er-s 7G t+ '8
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 >ic,-s 2ather an$ mother $i$n-t ....... #ith his gran$parents an$ #ere al#ays haing $isagreements.
)a* get a+o't )+* get along )c* get
Q2 /hey rente$ a car so it #o'l$ +e easier to ....... the ne# city.
)a* get on )+* get aro'n$ )c* get
Q3 B'cy #as so +'sy that she $i$n-t ....... 2i%ing the stereo.
)a* get aro'n$ )+* get aro'n$ to )c* get #ith
Q4 3is salary is lo# so he-s 8'st ....... right no#.
)a* getting in )+* getting a+o't )c* getting +y
Q5 3e #or,e$ har$ to ....... to =er,eley this past year.
)a* get #ith )+* get in )c* get +y
Q6 /he criminal trie$ to ....... the ei$ence A'ic,ly.
)a* get ri$ o2 )+* get ri$ a+o't )c* get ri$ on
Q7 /he st'$ents ....... #hen the teacher le2t the room.
)a* goo2e$ 'p )+* goo2e$ o22 )c* goo2e$ on
Q8 4o'-ll nee$ to ....... yo'r assignments +y <ri$ay.
)a* han$ +y )+* han$ )c* han$ in
Q9 =eth-s 2ather is too pro'$ to as, 2or ........
)a* han$Gins )+* han$Goers )c* han$Go'ts
Q10 Ba'rie $eci$e$ to ....... a2ter the 2o'rth ring.
)a* hang 'p )+* hang $o#n )c* hang oer
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 141
0hrasal ,er-s 7' t+ %8
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /#o men stage$ a ....... at the +an, across the street 2rom 's yester$ay a2ternoon.
)a* hol$G'p )+* hol$Gin )c* hol$Gon
Q2 1e still hae to ....... the 2iner $etails a+o't o'r 'pcoming trip to Scotlan$.
)a* iron in )+* iron on )c* iron o't
Q3 9ost o2 the serice stations $eci$e$ to ....... their gas prices a2ter the gas #ar +et#een them.
)a* 8ac, in )+* 8ac, o't )c* 8ac, 'p
Q4 Jein ....... the great opport'nity to +e the 2loor manager.
)a* 8'mpe$ all oer )+* 8'mpe$ in )c* 8'mpe$ oer
Q5 Een tho'gh he #as e%ha'ste$7 he ........
)a* ,ept going )+* ,ept o't )c* ,ept in
Q6 /rent #as ....... o2 school 2or +a$ +ehaior.
)a* ,ic,e$ in )+* ,ic,e$ oer )c* ,ic,e$ o't
Q7 F'st loo, at that gorgeo's girl D She-s a ........
)a* ,noc, in )+* ,noc, oer )c* ,noc, o't
Q8 1hen I hit my hea$ on the c'p+oar$7 I almost ........
)a* ,noc,e$ mysel2 o't )+* ,noc,e$ mysel2 in )c* ,noc,e$ mysel2
Q9 /he company #as e%periencing 2inancial pro+lems so they ha$ to ....... 2i2ty employees.
)a* lay on )+* lay o22 )c* lay o't
Q10 Jaren $i$n-t #ant to ....... she #ent oer the #e$$ing list one more time.
)a* leae anyone in )+* leae anyone o't )c* leae anyone oer
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 142
0hrasal ,er-s 7%8
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Fe22 2elt as i2 he ha$ +een ....... #hen he lost his 8o+.
)a* let on )+* let $o#n )c* let oer
Q2 "t long last the storm is starting to loo, li,e it-s going to ........
)a* let in )+* let $o#n )c* let 'p
Q3 3e starte$ to ....... his li2e an$ then $eci$e$ to ta,e another trip.
)a* loo, +ac, on )+* loo, +ac, in )c* loo, +ac, $o#n
Q4 /he rich 2amily ....... poor people in this area.
)a* loo,s $o#n in )+* loo,s $o#n on )c* loo,s $o#n +ac,
Q5 She starte$ to ....... the 'pcoming trip.
)a* loo, 2or#ar$ to )+* loo, 2or#ar$ a+o't )c* loo, 2or#ar$ oer
Q6 :orma promise$ she #o'l$ ....... &ara-s chil$ren #hile she #as a#ay on a +'siness trip.
)a* loo, in oer )+* loo, in on )c* loo, $o#n on
Q7 /he sheri22 sai$ he #o'l$ ....... the crime a +it more thoro'ghly.
)a* loo, $o#n )+* loo, on )c* loo, into
Q8 4o' can-t tell them apart D Elena ....... her mother.
)a* loo,s 8'st ali,e )+* loo,s 8'st li,e )c* loo,s 8'st oer
Q9 =e2ore Sheila $ie$ 2rom a long cancer +attle7 she as,e$ her sister to ....... her chil$ren.
)a* loo, $o#n )+* loo, a2ter )c* loo, in
Q10 >ay ha$n-t seen his 2rien$ in years +'t he $eci$e$ to ....... any#ay.
)a* loo, him 'p )+* loo, him $o#n )c* loo, him in
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 143
0hrasal ,er-s 7% t+ 08
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I har$ly eer gam+le +'t I #as ....... at the casino yester$ay.
)a* l'c,y )+* l'c,e$ )c* l'c,e$ o't
Q2 3e is $i22erent so many chil$ren ....... him.
)a* ma$e 2'n at )+* ma$e 2'n oer )c* ma,e 2'n o2
Q3 /he co'ple $eci$e$ to ,iss an$ ....... a2ter the $ay long arg'ment.
)a* ma,e o't )+* ma,e on )c* ma,e 'p
Q4 Een tho'gh she sA'inte$7 she co'l$n-t ....... #hat he ha$ #ritten.
)a* ma,e o't )+* ma,e oer )c* ma,e a+o't
Q5 3e $eci$e$ to ....... his past mista,es +y $oing some goo$ in his comm'nity.
)a* ma,e 'p a+o't )+* ma,e 'p 2or )c* ma,e 'p oer
Q6 /he $eparment store has ....... its prices since the last time I #as here.
)a* mar,e$ oer )+* mar,e$ 'p )c* mar,e$ a+o't
Q7 /he items are ....... +eca'se the manager #ants to ma,e more room 2or the incoming spring line.
)a* mar,e$ 'n$er )+* mar,e$ $o#n )c* mar,e$ oer
Q8 Eeryone la'ghe$ at the ....... +et#een the t#in +rothers at the party.
)a* mi% in )+* mi% 'p )c* mi% oer
Q9 =illy #as so tire$ that he #as ....... in class.
)a* no$$ing in )+* no$$ing on )c* no$$ing o22
Q10 3er 2ather ....... #hen she #as 8'st a ,i$.
)a* passe$ oer )+* passe$ a#ay )c* passe$ $o#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 144
0hrasal ,er-s 70 t+ /8
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Emily ....... #hen she s'$$enly sa# the +'rglar enter her home.
)a* passe$ o't )+* passe$ in )c* passe$ oer
Q2 Jen ....... the +est 2r'it at the s'permar,et.
)a* pic,e$ in )+* pic,e$ $o#n )c* pic,e$ o't
Q3 Stee #as al#ays trying to ....... girls at the nightcl'+.
)a* pic, $o#n )+* pic, 'p )c* pic, +y
Q4 /he ,i$s ....... /rent +eca'se he is $i22erent.
)a* pic, on )+* pic, oer )c* pic, $o#n
Q5 /he #hole comm'nity ....... to ma,e the playgro'n$ sa2e an$ aesthetic.
)a* pitche$ on )+* pitche$ in )c* pitche$ oer
Q6 "2ter #ee,s o2 planning the escape7 S'e 2inally starte$ to +eliee they co'l$ ........
)a* p'll it o22 )+* p'll it 2or#ar$ )c* p'll it 'p
Q7 Feremy $i$n-t #ant to ....... the #e$$ing any longer.
)a* p't oer )+* p't +y )c* p't o22
Q8 Jathleen 2elt li,e she ha$ to ....... #ith a lot 2rom her 2amily.
)a* p't 'p )+* p't oer )c* p't
Q9 /hat store is really e%pensie. It-s a ........
)a* rip $o#n )+* rip o22 )c* rip oer
Q10 I2 yo' ....... the n'm+ers7 it #ill +e easier to calc'late the estimate.
)a* ro'n$ #ith )+* ro'n$ oer )c* ro'n$ o22
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 145
0hrasal ,er-s 7/ t+ T8
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3ei$i ....... an ol$ 2rien$ #hile she #as shopping last #ee,.
)a* ran oer )+* ran $o#n )c* ran into
Q2 /he corner store o2ten ....... +rea$ near the en$ o2 the #ee,.
)a* r'ns o't oer )+* r'ns o't o2 )c* r'ns $o#n on
Q3 /he night +e2ore the play7 the cre# ....... the stage.
)a* set 'p )+* set $o#n )c* set in
Q4 /he assem+ly line pro+lem #as a minor ....... 2or the company last #ee,.
)a* set a+o't )+* set $o#n )c* set +ac,
Q5 /he girl #ith the p'rple hair #ants to ....... 2rom the gro'p.
)a* stan$ o't )+* stan$ in )c* stan$ oer
Q6 =o+-s 2ather ta'ght him to +e 2irm an$ to ....... 2or #hat he +eliees.
)a* stan$ $o#n )+* stan$ 'p )c* stan$ in
Q7 5eople are getting tire$ o2 Seth +eca'se he al#ays ....... late.
)a* sho#s )+* sho#s 'p )c* sho#s oer
Q8 /he L/L in the acronym ....... /ime.
)a* stan$s a+o't )+* stan$s oer )c* stan$s 2or
Q9 Jelly ....... her mother. /hey hae many o2 the same interests.
)a* ta,es a2ter )+* ta,es oer )c* ta,es on
Q10 Beslie $eci$e$ to ....... early 2rom the party.
)a* ta,e in )+* ta,e o22 )c* ta,e on
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 146
0hrasal ,er-s 7T8
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I $eci$e$ to ....... organic coo,ing.
)a* ta,e 'p )+* ta,e oer )c* ta,e a+o't
Q2 Jristie #as ....... at 9att +eca'se o2 the things he sai$ to her last #ee,.
)a* tic,e$ on )+* tic,e$ a+o't )c* tic,e$ o22
Q3 9arg #ante$ to ....... the ol$ so2a +'t her h's+an$ co'l$n-t part #ith it.
)a* thro# o't )+* thro# 'p )c* thro# $o#n
Q4 Beila #as 2eeling +l'e so she #ent shopping to ....... some ne# o't2its.
)a* try at )+* try on )c* try in
Q5 Samantha #as late 2or the +as,et+all ........
)a* try o't )+* try in )c* try 'p
Q6 =ryan tappe$ 5a'line on her sho'l$er so she #o'l$ ....... an$ see the para$e approaching +ehin$ them.
)a* t'rn in )+* t'rn oer )c* t'rn aro'n$
Q7 /he teacher as,e$ her st'$ents to ....... the assignments +y <ri$ay at noon.
)a* t'rn on )+* t'rn in )c* t'rn #ith
Q8 Fohn trie$ to as, &ara o't on a $ate +'t she ........
)a* t'rne$ him oer )+* t'rne$ him thro'gh )c* t'rne$ him $o#n
Q9 Jeira can-t +ear people #ho can-t ma,e 'p their min$s an$ is ....... +y procrastinators.
)a* t'rne$ in )+* t'rne$ 'p )c* t'rne$ o22
Q10 &hris thin,s $ar, hair is a real ........
)a* t'rn on )+* t'rn in )c* t'rn 'p
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 147
0hrasal ,er-s 7T t+ 28
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Jein ....... all o2 the in2ormation an$ then gae the note to his #i2e so she co'l$ p't it into a comp'ter 2ile.
)a* too, on )+* too, $o#n )c* too, oer
Q2 Ethan as,e$ his girl2rien$ to ....... the m'sic so he co'l$ clearly hear the m'sic they #ere listening to in the
)a* t'rn oer )+* t'rn 'p )c* t'rn in
Q3 Jrista ....... her ill h's+an$ all $ay long.
)a* #aite$ on )+* #aite$ in )c* #aite$ $o#n
Q4 :eil li,e$ to ....... early on Sat'r$ays.
)a* #a,e on )+* #a,e 'p )c* #a,e oer
Q5 >ayleen ....... her little +rother all the time.
)a* #atche$ o't 2or )+* #atche$ o't a+o't )c* #atche$ o't
Q6 &hris #as a2rai$ the ine%pensie tires #o'l$ ....... A'ic,ly.
)a* #ear on )+* #ear oer )c* #ear o't
Q7 Billy li,es to ....... early in the morning so that she-s 2it 2or #or,.
)a* #or, on )+* #or, oer )c* #or, o't
Q8 >o+ loo,s ....... +eca'se he-s #or,ing t#o 8o+s at the moment.
)a* #orn on )+* #orn in )c* #orn o't
Q9 1e are getting close to ....... the meeting so are there any 2inal A'estions or concerns(
)a* #rapping $o#n )+* #rapping oer )c* #rapping 'p
Q10 Fim $i$n-t hae m'ch time to ....... the contract.
)a* #rite a+o't )+* #rite oer )c* #rite 'p
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 148
4di+ms a-+$t 3nimals
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 =eth is so a2rai$ o2 2lying. I thin, she sho'l$ stop +eing s'ch a ........
)a* 2rea,y cat )+* scare$y cat )c* a2rai$ +ir$
Q2 9y parents ....... #hen my teacher calle$ them an$ tol$ them a+o't my poor gra$es.
)a* ha$ a co# )+* ha$ a pig )c* ha$ a +ir$
Q3 Eeryone tol$ me I-$ +e ....... i2 I too, that 8o+ on 1all Street.
)a* s#imming li,e a 8elly2ish
)c* s#imming #ith 2ish
)+* s#imming #ith shar,s
Q4 " ....... tol$ me it is yo'r anniersary to$ay. 3o# many years is it no# 2or yo' t#o(
)a* tal,ing parrot )+* little +ir$ie )c* h'mming+ir$
Q5 6'ring the monsoon season7 it rains ....... 2or nearly one #hole month.
)a* +ir$s an$ +ees )+* cats an$ $ogs )c* pigs an$ horses
Q6 /he s'ae salesman loo,e$ nice +'t #hen he tol$ 's a+o't the 0H 2inancing7 the $eal seeme$ a little
)a* 2ishy )+* $oggy )c* 2o%y
Q7 3olly#oo$ is so competitie that it seems li,e a ....... #orl$7 $oesn-t it(
)a* shar, eat shar, )+* #ol2 eat #ol2 )c* $og eat $og
Q8 3e-s so nero's. I #ish 2or once he-$ stop +eing s'ch a ........
)a* 2ish )+* ra++it )c* chic,en
Q9 9y little girl copies eerything I say. She-s li,e a little ........
)a* parrot )+* +'$gie )c* chic,en
Q10 Eeryone notices >o+-s #i2e #hen she #al,s into a room. She-s pretty an$ ........
)a* 2o% li,e )+* 2o%y )c* $oggy
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 149
4di+ms a-+$t (++d
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Ethan-s teachers tol$ him he is the -cream o2 the crop- o2 his gra$'ating class. 1hat $oes -cream o2 the crop- mean(
)a* Goo$ )+* /he +est )c* :ot so goo$
Q2 3is $rama coach -egge$ him on- so he-$ go onto the stage an$ per2orm as #ell as he $i$ $'ring the rehearsals. 1hat
$oes Legge$ him onL mean( ........
)a* /o $isco'rage someone
)c* /o tell them they sho'l$ +e em+arrasse$
)+* /o enco'rage someone
Q3 Jeira 2elt li,e tennis #as -her c'p o2 tea.- 1hat $oes -her c'p o2 tea- mean( ........
)a* /hat it-s not the right thing 2or her
)c* /hat she sho'l$ practice more
)+* /hat it-s a per2ect match 2or her
Q4 >ay #as as -cool as a c'c'm+er- a+o't his e%am +eca'se he st'$ie$ all #ee, 2or it. 1hat $oes -cool as a c'c'm+er-
mean( ........
)a* /o +e scare$ an$ col$ a+o't something
)c* /o +e ery calm an$ rela%e$ a+o't something
)+* /o +e ery em+arrasse$ a+o't something
Q5 Eeryone ,ne# that the politician ha$ his -2inger in the pie- o2 many +'sinesses aro'n$ the city. 1hat $oes -2inger in
the pie- mean( ........
)a* /o +e inole$ in something
)c* 1anting to get o't o2 something
)+* /o +e 'nintereste$ in something
Q6 9ost o2 Jim-s teachers #ante$ her to -'se her noo$le- more #hen it came to e%am time. 1hat $oes -'se her noo$le-
mean( ........
)a* /o act 'p more )+* /o thin, more )c* /o try more
Q7 L-In a n'tshell-7 the pro+lem #as ca'se$ +y a 2a'lty #ire7L sai$ the e%perience$ electrician. 1hat $oes -in a n'tshell-
mean( ........
)a* /o +e +l'nt a+o't something
)c* /o +e long an$ e%ha'stie a+o't something
)+* /o +e concise a+o't something
Q8 /he trial t'rne$ o't to +e -a hot potato- that eeryone at the ta+le #as thin,ing a+o't. 1hat $oes -a hot potato- mean(
)a* " topic that is ery controersial
)c* " topic that people are in$i22erent a+o't +eca'se
they #ant to eat
)+* " topic that is easy to ans#er/sole
Q9 /he ,ing #as so rich7 arrogant an$ mean that #hen he #as oerthro#n +y his people7 most o2 his s'+8ects tho'ght it
#as a+o't time he -ate some h'm+le pie.- 1hat $oes to -eat h'm+le pie- mean( ........
)a* /o get 'pset/angry a+o't something
)c* /o accept shame
)+* /o +e enge2'l
Q10 9ary #as going thro'gh a ro'gh time an$ her 2amily 2elt li,e they ha$ to -#al, on eggshells- aro'n$ her. 1hat $oes to
-#al, on eggshells- mean( ........
)a* /o +e ery messy
)c* /o +e ery ca'tio's an$/or sensitie a+o't something
)+* /o +e ery lo'$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 150
0rep+siti+ns +# Time and ate 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I #o'l$n-t #ant his shi2t D he has to #a,e 'p ....... 3 am eery$ay.
)a* )none* )+* on )c* at
Q2 9an$y can-t #ait 2or sno# +eca'se she #ants to go s,iing ....... the #inter.
)a* in )+* at )c* )none*
Q3 I $on-t ,no# #hat time they-ll +e +ac, ....... this eening7 i2 at all. It all $epen$s on the roa$ con$itions to$ay.
)a* 2or )+* in )c* )none*
Q4 1e hope there #on-t +e m'ch sno# ....... this year +'t yo' neer ,no#.
)a* a+o't )+* )none* )c* on
Q5 ....... last year7 the #eather #as really +a$. /his year7 the 2orecast is +etter.
)a* In )+* )none* )c* "+o't
Q6 I hae to go 2or a chec,G'p ....... ne%t #ee,. I go 2or a chec,G'p once a year.
)a* a+o't )+* on )c* )none*
Q7 I calle$ in to ma,e an appointment an$ I can see the $octor ....... 3 pm. &an yo' come #ith me(
)a* )none* )+* on )c* at
Q8 I-m meeting an ol$ 2rien$ 2or l'nch ....... noon. I haen-t seen her 2or a long time.
)a* on )+* in )c* at
Q9 I $on-t hae any plans ....... /han,sgiing 6ay +eca'se my entire 2amily lies oerseas.
)a* 2or )+* in )c* a+o't
Q10 I-m going to my parents- ho'se in 9aine. 1hat are yo' $oing ....... &hristmas 6ay(
)a* on )+* in )c* #ith
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 151
0rep+siti+ns +# Time and ate 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 ....... yester$ay7 I #ent shopping an$ 2o'n$ some great o't2its 2or spring.
)a* Cn )+* In )c* )none*
Q2 /he meeting is ....... 9on$ay morning at 9?30 am sharp. 6on-t +e late.
)a* in )+* #ith )c* on
Q3 9y +irth$ay is ....... "pril. &an yo' come to my +irth$ay party(
)a* on )+* )none* )c* in
Q4 I loe s#imming ....... the s'mmer months. I 's'ally s#im at an o't$oor pool as m'ch as I can an$ sometimes
#e go the la,e.
)a* a+o't )+* )none* )c* in
Q5 I-m going hi,ing ....... the #ee,en$. 6o yo' #ant to come(
)a* in )+* on )c* a+o't
Q6 "2ter o'r hi,ing trip7 I-m going to +e really sore ....... 9on$ay morning.
)a* a+o't )+* in )c* on
Q7 ....... three #ee,s7 I-m going on a camping trip. 1e-re going to a really scenic spot.
)a* Cn )+* In )c* )none*
Q8 ....... the $ay a2ter tomorro#7 I-m going to =ora =ora. I can-t #aitE
)a* In )+* Cn )c* )none*
Q9 ....... 20027 I got a promotion an$ I-m hoping 2or another one this year.
)a* Cn )+* )none* )c* In
Q10 Some$ay7 ....... the 2't're7 #e-re going to +'il$ the ho'se o2 o'r $reams.
)a* on )+* a+o't )c* in
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 152
0rep+siti+ns +# Time and ate 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 ....... yester$ay7 #e #ent to the >oyal "l+erta 9'se'm they ha$ some really interesting e%hi+its.
)a* Cn )+* <or )c* )none*
Q2 1e-re going to the =otanical Gar$ens an$ ....... tomorro#7 #e-re planning to see some more aspects this city
has to o22er.
)a* in )+* )none* )c* on
Q3 ....... t#o #ee,s7 the pro8ect sho'l$ +e complete. I hope o'r clients approe o2 the ne# 2ormat.
)a* Cn )+* In )c* "+o't
Q4 I 2inishe$ a ery important pro8ect ....... t#o months ago. It #as really intense +eca'se o2 the c'tting e$ge
technology #e 'se$.
)a* on )+* )none* )c* in
Q5 9y acation starts ....... F'ly 3. 1en$y #ill 2ill in 2or me #hile I-m gone.
)a* on )+* at )c* in
Q6 I li,e to eat +rea,2ast ....... the morning +'t to$ay I ha$ to s,ip it +eca'se I ha$ an early meeting #ith the =oar$
o2 6irectors.
)a* on )+* in )c* a+o't
Q7 I loe going 2or #al,s ....... the spring eerything is so 2resh an$ +ea'ti2'l.
)a* a+o't )+* )none* )c* in
Q8 I-m going to 2inish rea$ing this great +oo, ....... to$ay D it-s really captiating.
)a* in )+* on )c* )none*
Q9 ....... 20047 I-m getting a raise so #e-ll +e a+le to a22or$ more things li,e tropical acations.
)a* Cn )+* )none* )c* In
Q10 1e-re going 2or $inner at a great Italian resta'rant ....... tonight. It-s not 2ar 2rom here.
)a* )none* )+* on )c* a+o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 153
0rep+siti+ns +# Time and ate 748
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 ....... the seenteenth cent'ry7 art#or, in E'rope #as A'ite $i22erent 2rom #hat yo' see to$ay.
)a* )none* )+* In )c* Cn
Q2 ....... 0alentine-s 6ay7 I-m ta,ing my girl2rien$ to a #on$er2'l spot it-s really remote an$ romantic. I hope she
li,es it.
)a* Cn )+* In )c* "+o't
Q3 ....... one #ee, ago7 she #as tol$ she co'l$n-t hae any more time o22.
)a* <or )+* )none* )c* In
Q4 ....... ne%t month7 I-m e%pecting my 2amily to isit 2rom the 0irgin Islan$s.
)a* Cn )+* )none* )c* In
Q5 ....... Sat'r$ay night7 #e #ent to a great moie an$ then ha$ s'pper #ith the Fohnsons.
)a* <or )+* Cn )c* In
Q6 ....... In$epen$ence 6ay7 #e al#ays go to the 2air an$ #atch the 2ire#or,s at 11 pm.
)a* "+o't )+* Cn )c* )none*
Q7 ....... 1e$nes$ay night7 I-m going to ta,e the sta22 o't 2or $inner.
)a* "+o't )+* In )c* Cn
Q8 ....... tomorro# eening7 #e-re going to hae a s'rprise +irth$ay party 2or 9itch.
)a* )none* )+* "+o't )c* In
Q9 ....... mi$night7 the tra$ition is to sing a tra$itional song to ring in the :e# 4ear.
)a* Cn )+* "t )c* In
Q10 ....... 20057 I 2inishe$ my $egree an$ no# I-m #or,ing #ith a small acco'nting 2irm.
)a* Cn )+* In )c* "t
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 154
2hat 1+mes =e:t5 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1hat I-ll $o no# is ........
)a* 'p to me )+* thro'gh me )c* across me )$* on to me
Q2 I-m ery tire$ so I thin, I-ll ........
)a* go o't )+* t'rn o22 )c* t'rn in )$* t'rn oer
Q3 It m'st +e at least a year since ........
)a* yo' are here )+* yo' #ill +e here )c* yo' #ere here )$* yo' ha$ +een here
Q4 I 8'st $on-t 2ollo# a single #or$ D I-m a2rai$ it-s all ........
)a* Spanish to me )+* German to me )c* 1elsh to me )$* Gree, to me
Q5 I-m $esperate. "ll I nee$ really is someone to ........
)a* ta,e me a han$ )+* p't me a han$ )c* gie me a han$ )$* sho# me a han$
Q6 I-m sorry that-s not 2air. It-s no goo$ ........
)a* +laming me )+* +etraying me )c* +elieing me )$* +ehol$ing me
Q7 "s 2ar as I-m concerne$ they can all go ........
)a* 8'mp in the oen )+* 8'mp in the +in )c* 8'mp in the 2iel$ )$* 8'mp in the la,e
Q8 I2 yo' m'st tal,7 $o it A'ietly ........
)a* I tr'st yo' )+* I +eg yo' )c* I 2ollo# yo' )$* I $eman$ yo'
Q9 6i$ yo' hear that noise( I-m s're there m'st +e ........
)a* a +'gler in the ho'se
)c* a +'rglar in the ho'se
)+* a +'ngler
)$* a +o#ler in the ho'se
Q10 "ll I as, is that yo' ........
)a* gie me 8'st one last chance
)c* gie me 8'st one last time
)+* gie me 8'st one last occasion
)$* gie me 8'st one last series
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 155
2hat 1+mes =e:t5 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I can-t ma,e hea$ nor tail o2 this D ........
)a* it-s 'tter $estr'ction
)c* it-s 'tter r'++ish
)+* it-s 'tter paper#or,
)$* it-s 'tter cheese
Q2 I $on-t ,no# a+o't yo' +'t I-m so h'ngry ........
)a* I co'l$ eat a mo'ntain
)c* I co'l$ eat a co#
)+* I co'l$ eat the ta+le
)$* I co'l$ eat a horse
Q3 4o' $on-t hae to sho't ........
)a* I-m not that $a2t )+* I-m not that $ea2 )c* I-m not that $ea$ )$* I-m not that $'m+
Q4 I hae trie$7 honestly +'t ........
)a* I 8'st can-t get across to her
)c* I 8'st can-t get in +et#een her
)+* I 8'st can-t get 'p to her
)$* I 8'st can-t get thro'gh to her
Q5 I2 I ha$ the chances yo' hae7 ........
)a* I-$ simply gra+ them
)c* I-$ simply hol$ them
)+* I-$ simply control them
)$* I-$ simply manage them
Q6 I2 yo' can-t get this right7 then ........
)a* there-s no sense 2or yo'
)c* there-s no hope 2or yo'
)+* there-s no tho'ght 2or yo'
)$* there-s no i$ea 2or yo'
Q7 I2 the sit'ation-s that +a$ I s'ggest ........
)a* yo' sell in )+* yo' sell 'p )c* yo' sell on )$* yo' sell o22
Q8 /hey realise$ that the police ha$ them cornere$ an$ ........
)a* they gae themseles 'p
)c* they gae them seles to
)+* they gae themseles 'n$er
)$* they gae themseles oer
Q9 /here-s no r'sh 2or an ans#er so 8'st ........
)a* spen$ yo'r time )+* gie yo'r time )c* #aste yo'r time )$* ta,e yo'r time
Q10 1e can sa2ely say that the +'siness is no# concl'$e$ so ........
)a* that-s him )+* that-s 's )c* that-s it )$* that-s them
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 156
2hat 1+mes =e:t5 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I #o'l$n-t hesitate to accept that o22er. I2 it #ere me ........
)a* I-$ +ite his hea$ o22
)c* I-$ +ite his nose o22
)+* I-$ +ite his han$ o22
)$* I-$ +ite his 2inger o22
Q2 /here are seeral #ays o2 loo,ing at this an$ ........
)a* yo'-ll hae to opt
)c* yo'-ll hae to choose
)+* yo'-ll hae to ta,e
)$* yo'-ll hae to accept
Q3 :o+o$y-s going to call me names an$ ........
)a* get on #ith it )+* get 'p #ith it )c* get a#ay 2rom it )$* get a#ay #ith it
Q4 4o' can-t agree #ith +oth o2 them ........
)a* ma,e yo'r opinion 'p
)c* ma,e yo'r +rain 'p
)+* ma,e yo'r min$ 'p
)$* ma,e yo'r tho'ghts 'p
Q5 6on-t #orry a+o't not getting eno'gh s'pport ........
)a* I-m #ith yo' all the #ay
)c* I-m #ith yo' all the path
)+* I-m #ith yo' the #hole ro'te
)$* I-m #ith yo' the #hole roa$
Q6 I2 yo' co'l$ +e serio's 2or 8'st one moment ........
)a* I-$ accept it )+* I-$ +eliee it )c* I-$ appreciate it )$* I-$ 'n$erstan$ it
Q7 :o+o$y eer got in his #ay ........
)a* he-$ 8'st stri$e all oer them
)c* he-$ 8'st hop all oer them
)+* he-$ 8'st stroll all oer them
)$* he-$ 8'st #al, all oer them
Q8 4o'-re not telling me yo' $i$n-t la'gh once ........
)a* I +et yo' #ill )+* I +et yo' $i$ )c* I +et yo' hae )$* I +et yo' $o
Q9 6on-t #orry #hat other people thin, ........
)a* 8'st ta,e no note o2 them
)c* 8'st ta,e no hint o2 them
)+* 8'st ta,e no sign o2 them
)$* 8'st ta,e no notice o2 them
Q10 1e-re haing a +ar+ec'e ne%t #ee,7 .......(
)a* #ill yo' come )+* $i$ yo' come )c* $o yo' come )$* #ere yo' coming
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 157
2hat 1+mes =e:t5 748
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 It-s getting ery late ........
)a* I-ll hae to spee$ yo'
)c* I-ll hae to h'rry
)+* I-ll hae to accelerate yo'
)$* I-ll hae to p'sh yo'
Q2 I2 #e leae it any longer7 ........
)a* #e-ll catch the +'s
)c* #e-ll lose the train
)+* #e-ll miss the train
)$* #e-ll loose the +'s
Q3 /here is a $ea$line7 I-m a2rai$7 ........
)a* so yo' m'stn-t $ither
)c* so yo' m'stn-t $a++le
)+* so yo' m'stn-t $oo$le
)$* so yo' m'stn-t $i$$le
Q4 1e sho'l$ hae +een there 2 ho'rs ago7 ........
)a* so #e-re #ell +ac,
)c* so #e-re #ell +ac,#ar$
)+* so #e-re #ell o22
)$* so #e-re #ell +ehin$
Q5 I2 #e leae this min'te7 ........
)a* I-m s're #e-ll ma,e it
)c* I-m s're #e-ll get it
)+* I-m s're #e-ll ta,e it
)$* I-m s're #e-ll t'rn it
Q6 /hey arrie$ in the mi$$le o2 the night ........
)a* +eca'se their 2light #as $etaine$
)c* +eca'se their 2light #as $elaye$
)+* +eca'se their 2light #as $espatche$
)$* +eca'se their 2light #as $e2'se$
Q7 "s the ol$ saying goes? ........
)a* 3e #ho hesitates is 2o'n$
)c* 3e #ho hesitates is late
)+* 3e #ho hesitates is lost
)$* 3e #ho hesitates is long
Q8 /hey sho'l$ hae arrie$ +y no#. I #on$er ........
)a* #hat has ,ept them )+* #hat has hel$ them )c* #hat has got them )$* #hat has $one them
Q9 I-m +eing as A'ic, as I can. F'st $on-t ........
)a* h'g me )+* t'g me )c* l'g me )$* +'g me
Q10 I-m giing yo' yo'r last #arning. I2 yo'-re not rea$y in 2ie min'tes7 ........
)a* yo'-re on yo'r sel2 )+* yo'-re on yo'r o#n )c* yo'-re on yo'r si$e )$* yo'-re on yo'r t'rn
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 158
2hat 1+mes =e:t5 758
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 6o yo' min$ repeating that( I $i$n-t A'ite ........
)a* gra+ it the 2irst time
)c* sei;e it the 2irst time
)+* snatch it the 2irst time
)$* grasp it the 2irst time
Q2 6i$ yo' 2ollo# all that( "ns#er? ........
)a* :o7 my min$-s a complete +lan,
)c* :o7 my min$-s a complete space
)+* :o7 my min$-s a complete hole
)$* :o7 my min$-s a complete oi$
Q3 6i$ yo' get that( "ns#er? 1ell7 not really. .......(
)a* &o'l$ yo' 2loat that past me once more
)c* &o'l$ yo' 2ly that past me once more
)+* &o'l$ yo' r'n that past me once more
)$* &o'l$ yo' #al, that past me once more
Q4 I $on-t ,no# a+o't yo' +'t I can-t ma,e sense o2 this at all. "ns#er? ........
)a* 9e too7 I-m 8'st o't o2 my height
)c* 9e too7 I-m 8'st o't o2 my $epth
)+* 9e too7 I-m 8'st o't o2 my length
)$* 9e too7 I-m 8'st o't o2 my si;e
Q5 4o' loo, a little con2'se$. 6o yo' ,no# .......(
)a* #hat I-m on a+o't
)c* #hat I-m 'n$er a+o't
)+* #hat I-m o22 a+o't
)$* #hat I-m in a+o't
Q6 I hope it-s all clear no#7 isn-t it( "ns#er? :o7 ........
)a* yo'-e le2t me there
)c* yo'-e hit me there
)+* yo'-e $roppe$ me there
)$* yo'-e lost me there
Q7 I2 yo' #ant 's to 2ollo# yo'r arg'ment I s'ggest yo' ........
)a* 'se less conspic'o's #or$s
)c* 'se less con2'se$ #or$s
)+* 'se less complicate$ #or$s
)$* 'se less concerne$ #or$s
Q8 5romise me that at least yo'-ll try this e%ercise7 #on-t yo'( "ns#er? ........
)a* I-ll hae an e22ort )+* I-ll hae a trial )c* I-ll hae a go )$* I-ll hae a trial
Q9 1hat $o yo' ma,e o2 this test( "ns#er? It-s A'ite ........
)a* +eyon$ me )+* +elo# me )c* +ehin$ me )$* +esi$e me
Q10 I2 yo' can-t act'ally say the #or$s then #hy $on-t yo' try ........
)a* sing them )+* singing them )c* to hae s'ng them )$* haing s'ng them
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 159
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I2 yo' lie a+roa$7 $o yo' lie .......(
)a* in another co'ntry )+* in yo'r o#n co'ntry )c* in a +ig co'ntry )$* in a small co'ntry
Q2 I2 yo' are a+sent are yo' .......(
)a* here )+* there )c* not here )$* not s're
Q3 1hen yo' accept something7 $o yo' .......(
)a* let it )+* ta,e it )c* $rop it )$* hol$ it
Q4 I2 yo' hae yo'r o#n accommo$ation7 $o yo' .......(
)a* trael there )+* leae there )c* #or, there )$* lie there
Q5 I2 someone gies yo' an acco'nt7 $o yo' .......(
)a* pay it )+* $escri+e it )c* #ash it )$* len$ it
Q6 I2 yo' hae an ache7 is it .......(
)a* pleasant )+* 'npleasant )c* pleasing )$* placi$
Q7 I2 yo' #ant to per2orm in the theatre7 $o yo' #ant to +ecome an .......(
)a* engineer )+* a'ctioneer )c* actor )$* entreprene'r
Q8 I2 yo' #ant to get to the other si$e o2 a +ri$ge7 $o yo' .......(
)a* cross it )+* 8'mp it )c* leap it )$* thro# it
Q9 I2 it-s a gen'ine pict're7 is it .......(
)a* per2ect )+* real )c* 2alse )$* copie$
Q10 I2 yo' a$8'st something7 $o yo' .......(
)a* 2inish it )+* +'y it )c* change it )$* choose it
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 160
2hat "+mes ne:t 7the -ill8
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /his is most em+arrassing. I can-t pay the +ill 2or my meal. I-m a2rai$ ........
)a* I-e 2orgotten my #allet at home
)c* I-e a+an$one$ my #allet at home
)+* I-e le2t my #allet at home
)$* I-e A'it my #allet at home
Q2 I #o'l$ +e most o+lige$ i2 yo' ........
)a* let me to pay later
)c* allo# me to pay later
)+* permit me pay later
)$* grant me to pay later
Q3 /he other thing I co'l$ $o is ........
)a* leae my #atch as a present
)c* leae my #atch as a gi2t
)+* leae my #atch as a to,en
)$* leae my #atch as a $eposit
Q4 I can see +y the e%pression on yo'r 2ace ........
)a* yo' $on-t really li,e the tho'ght
)c* yo' $on-t really li,e the i$ea
)+* yo' $on-t really li,e the concept
)$* yo' $on-t really li,e the +elie2
Q5 I co'l$ phone someone to ........
)a* ta,e me the money )+* +ring me the money )c* carry me the money )$* gain me the money
Q6 I see. So #hat yo' are saying is ........
)a* I-m hol$ing 'p yo'r tra$e
)c* I-m hol$ing on yo'r tra$e
)+* I-m hol$ing o22 yo'r tra$e
)$* I-m hol$ing in yo'r tra$e
Q7 1ell7 I $i$ say I #as sorry an$ I thin, ........
)a* yo'-re +eing ery in$istinct
)c* yo'-re +eing ery 'n2ao'ra+le
)+* yo'-re +eing ery 'nclear
)$* yo'-re +eing ery 'nreasona+le
Q8 4o' say yo' hae no choice +'t to ........
)a* collect the manager )+* call the manager )c* $elier the manager )$* present the manager
Q9 /hat so'n$s a goo$ i$ea. I-m s're he-ll ........
)a* sym+olise )+* energise )c* sympathise )$* e'logise
Q10 "ll right7 all right 9r manager. F'st as yo' say7 ........
)a* o2 co'rse I-ll #ash the $ishes in the ,itchen
)c* 'n$erstan$a+ly I-ll #ash the $ishes in the ,itchen
)+* ineita+ly I-ll #ash the $ishes in the ,itchen
)$* in$'+ita+ly I-ll #ash the $ishes in the ,itchen
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 161
2hat "+mes ne:t 7the letter8
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I ,no# I-m a ery +a$ letter #riter +'t ........
)a* I #as thin,ing 2or yo' the other $ay
)c* I #as thin,ing o2 yo' the other $ay
)+* I #as thin,ing on yo' the other $ay
)$* I #as thin,ing to yo' the other $ay
Q2 "n$ that-s #hat ........
)a* has $e$'ce$ me to #rite this letter
)c* has ma$e me to #rite this letter
)+* has prompte$ me to #rite this letter
)$* has concl'$e$ me to #rite this letter
Q3 6o yo' remem+er the last time .......(
)a* #e act'ally met )+* #e really met )c* #e 2act'ally met )$* #e 2inally met
Q4 I remem+er it as i2 it ........
)a* is yester$ay )+* #o'l$ +e yester$ay )c* co'l$ +e yester$ay )$* #as yester$ay
Q5 I +eliee #e met 2or l'nch in an e%pensie resta'rant an$ yo' ........
)a* opte$ the priciest item on the men'
)c* chose the priciest item on the men'
)+* teste$ the priciest item on the men'
)$* entere$ the priciest item on the men'
Q6 "n$ yo' m'st ,no# #hy this 2act ........
)a* has 2i%e$ in my min$
)c* has 2astene$ in my min$
)+* has a$here$ in my min$
)$* has st'c, in my min$
Q7 I only ha$ a ........
)a* a ery mo$est plate
)c* a ery mo$est $ish
)+* a ery mo$est n'm+er
)$* a ery mo$est +o#l
Q8 /his #as 8'st as #ell in ie# o2 #hat ........
)a* happene$ )+* appeare$ )c* trans2erre$ )$* interpose$
Q9 4o' haen-t 2orgotten7 .......(
)a* certainly )+* s'rely )c* clearly )$* nat'rally
Q10 I ha$ to pay 2or yo'. So isn-t it .......(
)a* on time yo' pai$ me +ac,
)c* a+o't time yo' pai$ me +ac,
)+* in time yo' pai$ me +ac,
)$* oer time yo' pai$ me +ac,
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 162
3nt+nyms 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Bo' approe$ o2 the +ehaior his respect2'l sons $isplaye$ $'ring the ch'rch serice this #ee,. 1hat is an
antonym o2 approe( .......
)a* commen$ )+* s'pport )c* re8ect )$* li,e
Q2 :ancy conc'rre$ #ith her +oss a+o't the ne# $irection the company #as ta,ing. 1hat is an antonym o2
conc'r( .......
)a* $isagree )+* agree )c* s'rren$er )$* con2ess
Q3 >o+ert-s amia+le mother #as al#ays trying to help people an$ she ol'nteere$ 2or many comm'nity serices
on a reg'lar +asis. 1hat is an antonym o2 amia+le( .......
)a* 2rien$ly )+* genero's )c* $isagreea+le )$* li,ea+le
Q4 :o one 'n$erstoo$ #hy Jein $eci$e$ to reo,e the agreement +'t they #ent along #ith him any#ay. 1hat is
an antonym o2 reo,e( .......
)a* cancel )+* #ith$ra# )c* ,eep )$* reolt
Q5 Enironmentalists aro'n$ the #orl$ 2ight to presere the #orl$-s nat'ral +ea'ty an$ reso'rces 2or 2't're
generations to come. 1hat is an antonym o2 presere( .......
)a* $estroy )+* protect )c* consere )$* consi$er
Q6 3enry hope$ that his sons #o'l$ some$ay ta,e oer his retail +'siness an$ maintain a high leel o2 c'stomer
serice an$ satis2action that 3enry al'e$ so m'ch. 1hat is an antonym o2 maintain( .......
)a* 'phol$ )+* contin'e )c* eliminate )$* connect
Q7 9ary-s 8oial 'ncle #as al#ays 2'nny an$ she loe$ #hen he came oer to isit. 1hat is an antonym o2 8oial(
)a* cheer2'l )+* misera+le )c* 8olly )$* happy
Q8 9a'reen 's'ally 2elt $o#n an$ $epresse$ on 9on$ays +eca'se she neer got eno'gh sleep on the
#ee,en$s. 1hat is an antonym o2 $epresse$( .......
)a* 'nhappy )+* cheer2'l )c* gl'm )$* 'n$erstan$ing
Q9 &hil$ #el2are $eals #ith parents or caregiers #ho a+'se an$/or neglect their chil$ren. 1hat is an antonym o2
neglect( .......
)a* a+an$on )+* mistreat )c* n'rt're )$* $elegate
Q10 Steen #as statione$ so long in IraAthat he o2ten yearne$ to see his #i2e an$ chil$ren again. 1hat is an
antonym o2 yearn( .......
)a* $esire )+* re2'se )c* long )$* 'nite
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 163
3nt+nyms 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1hen the plane crashe$ near the "rctic &ircle7 the s'riors #ere a+le to #ithstan$ the col$ an$ harsh
elements +eca'se they met natie Es,imos #ho ta'ght them m'chGnee$e$ s'rial s,ills. 1hat is an antonym
o2 #ithstan$( .......
)a* en$'re )+* s'rie )c* perish )$* possess
Q2 9elanie tho'ght the iss'e at han$ #as not morally 8'st an$ conseA'ently she #o'l$ neer en$orse the petition
circ'lating thro'gho't her neigh+orhoo$. 1hat is an antonym o2 en$orse( .......
)a* s'pport )+* oppose )c* approe )$* create
Q3 "t the managers- meeting7 the gro'p $eci$e$ against the ne# pro8ect as a ia+le option an$ $eci$e$ on
another $irection to ens're s'ccess 2or the company-s 2all line. 1hat is an antonym o2 ia+le( .......
)a* impractical )+* 2easi+le )c* practical )$* positie
Q4 "2ter many months o2 gr'eling #or, an$ pain2'l in8'ries to her sho'l$er an$ +ac,7 S'san reali;e$ that her
$ream o2 s#imming the English &hannel #as 'nattaina+le. 1hat is an antonym o2 'nattaina+le( .......
)a* impossi+le )+* 'nachiea+le )c* realistic )$* con2'se$
Q5 /he co'ple trie$ to conerse in the +'sy resta'rant +'t they co'l$n-t hear themseles spea, so they #ent
else#here. 1hat is an antonym o2 conerse( .......
)a* tal, )+* stop tal,ing )c* chat )$* comm'nicate
Q6 "2ter a gr'eling an$ +'sy #ee, at #or,7 the stillness o2 the pon$ remin$e$ Bara o2 the silence she-$ +een
searching 2or since 9on$ay. 1hat is an antonym o2 stillness( .......
)a* 'proar )+* tranA'ility )c* serenity )$* tameness
Q7 /he $im lights ma$e it har$ to see so =en sA'inte$ to ma,e o't the stranger-s 2ace in the $istance. 1hat is an
antonym o2 $im( .......
)a* 2aint )+* m'te$ )c* strong )$* #ea,
Q8 "s the coyotes ho#le$7 Gloria an$ Steen 2o'n$ it $i22ic'lt to see in the gloomy 2orest. 1hat is an antonym o2
gloomy( .......
)a* +right )+* omino's )c* $ar, )$* $rea$2'l
Q9 /he merry #e$$ing ceremony too, place o't$oors. It #as +ea'ti2'l an$ pict'resA'eE 1hat is an antonym o2
pict'resA'e( .......
)a* 'gly )+* scenic )c* pretty )$* aesthetic
Q10 /he graphic moie is 2or a$'lts only +eca'se most o2 the scenes are 'ns'ita+le 2or chil$ren. 1hat is an
antonym o2 graphic( .......
)a* $etaile$ )+* e%plicit )c* implicit )$* clear
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 164
3meri"an English 4di+ms
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Een tho'gh /om #as a2rai$ o2 heights7 he #as $etermine$ to 2ace the m'sic so he slo#ly p'lle$ himsel2 'p the la$$er.
1hat is the meaning o2 -2ace the m'sic-( .......
)a* $eal #ith a pro+lem or 2ear
)c* create a pro+lem or 2ear
)+* r'n a#ay 2rom a pro+lem or 2ear
)$* hi$e the tr'th
Q2 >yan hit the nail on the hea$ #hen he sai$ the goernment spen$ing is o'trageo's an$ 'nethical. 1hat is the meaning o2
-hit the nail on the hea$-( .......
)a* to say something that is acc'rate
)c* to say something that is pretentio's
)+* to say something that is incorrect
)$* to say something that is st'pi$
Q3 /he C->yley sisters $on-t get along an$ they neer see eye to eye on any iss'e. 1hat is the meaning o2 -see eye to eye-(
)a* to $isagree
)c* to a+an$on an i$ea
)+* to see things the same #ay
)$* to s'rren$er
Q4 I ,no# there is a lot o2 +iology material to coer an$ learn +'t i2 yo' #ant to pass the e%am7 yo' hae to learn it +y heart.
1hat is the meaning o2 -learn it +y heart(- .......
)a* 2ail to remem+er
)c* p't o't o2 one-s min$
)+* commit to memory
)$* eliminate a tho'ght or i$ea
Q5 9r. /aylor is a great mentor +eca'se he-s really nice an$ an ol$ han$ at teaching. 1hat is the meaning o2 -an ol$ han$(-
)a* an ine%perience$ person
)c* a noice
)+* an e%perience$ person
)$* a positie person
Q6 /he $eal $i$ not seem honest an$ >on $i$ not #ant to stic, o't his nec, an$ ris, eerything 'ntil he #as s're a+o't eery
last $etail. 1hat is the meaning o2 -stic, o't his nec,(- .......
)a* to ma,e onesel2 'lnera+le
)c* to pry into other people-s +'siness
)+* to ma,e onesel2 'n+eata+le
)$* to comprehen$ an i$ea
Q7 /he reason #hy "'rora is $resse$ to the nines is +eca'se she-s got a $ate tonight. 6oesn-t she loo, great( 1hat is the
meaning o2 -$resse$ to the nines(- .......
)a* $resse$ too cas'al 2or the occasion
)c* $resse$ in a si;e nine
)+* $resse$ 'p an$ loo,ing great
)$* $resse$ in a plainGloo,ing s'it
Q8 /ommy got into real tro'+le at school to$ay. 3e 'se$ a 2o'rGletter #or$ in the classroom. 1hat is the meaning o2 -'se$ a
2o'r letter #or$(- .......
)a* ple$ge$ to +e a goo$ +oy
)c* $i$n-t ,eep his promise
)+* 'se$ +a$ lang'age
)$* $i$n-t 2ollo# his teacher-s instr'ctions
Q9 >onsoon reali;e$ +y p'tting t#o an$ t#o together that the salesman #as trying to tric, him into +'ying the 'se$ car. 1hat is
the meaning o2 -p't t#o an$ t#o together(- .......
)a* to reno'nce an i$ea
)c* to $etain t#o people
)+* to 2ig're o't #hat is going on
)$* to $o some arithmetic
Q10 3e rarely cares a+o't anyone +'t himsel2 he-s al#ays loo,ing o't 2or n'm+er one. 1hat is the meaning o2 -loo,ing o't 2or
n'm+er one(- .......
)a* to only care a+o't onesel2
)c* to #orry a+o't #hat others thin,
)+* to care a+o't others
)$* to +e sympathetic a+o't others- 2eelings
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 165
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3o# m'ch o2 an ....... $i$ 1orl$ 1ar II hae on E'rope(
)a* a22ect )+* e22ect )c* e22ects )$* a22ects
Q2 /he 1orl$ 1ar #as $eastating ....... many co'ntries.
)a* 2ore )+* 2or )c* 2o'r )$* 2loor
Q3 Bynn an$ 9i,e #ere ecstatic a+o't the ....... o2 their 2irst chil$ this year.
)a* +irth )+* +erth )c* +irch )$* +irths
Q4 ....... that7 they #ere also happy a+o't the p'rchase o2 their ne# home.
)a* =esi$e )+* "mong )c* =esi$es )$* =et#een
Q5 /he #eather on the coast is really #et an$ clo'$y D it rains ........
)a* allot )+* a lot )c* lot )$* allotment
Q6 /he ....... point is that yo'-ll hae to see, co'nsel a+o't the crisis yo'-re 2acing.
)a* principal )+* principle )c* principals )$* principles
Q7 "2ter a year o2 contin'al t'rmoil7 Jein $eci$e$ to moe to a place #ith ....... political 'pheaal.
)a* 2e#er )+* less )c* lesser )$* 2e#
Q8 /he army #as le$ +y a 2amo's General ....... #as ,no#n 2or his tactical an$ strategic rai$s.
)a* #hose )+* #ho-s )c* that )$* #ho
Q9 /here are many ....... an$ 'n2ort'nate people in eery co'ntry aro'n$ the #orl$.
)a* po'r )+* pore )c* poor )$* po're$
Q10 Some charity gro'ps are #or,ing to lo#er the ....... o2 poor people aro'n$ the #orl$.
)a* n'm+ers )+* her$s )c* 2loc,s )$* n'm+er
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 166
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Jein-s $ream o2 creating a per2ect #orl$ is only an ....... +eca'se there is no s'ch thing as a per2ect #orl$.
)a* all'sion )+* ill'sion )c* all'sions )$* ill'sions
Q2 I thin, Jein-s heart is in the right place +eca'se #e sho'l$ al#ays strie 2or #orl$ ........
)a* pieces )+* pea, )c* peace )$* piece
Q3 Cn most eenings 8'st +e2ore $'s,7 the 2armer loes to sit on his porch an$ loo, o't onto the ....... past're.
)a* A'ite )+* A'it )c* A'its )$* A'iet
Q4 /he 2armer o2ten says that a peace2'l7 nat'ral li2e is the only ....... 2or him.
)a* #ay )+* #eigh )c* #hey )$* #ays
Q5 Sometimes7 there is a lot o2 animosity +et#een 2rien$s. /his #ill certainly ca'se those ....... relationships to 2ail.
)a* personnel )+* personi2ication )c* personal )$* personality
Q6 /im-s gran$parents s'22ere$ ....... the Great 6epression.
)a* thro'gh )+* thr' )c* thre# )$* thoro'gh
Q7 "2ter#ar$s7 they ha$ to $eal #ith some ma8or an$ ....... #ars as #ell.
)a* miner )+* minor )c* mining )$* miners
Q8 ....... li2estyle is really hectic an$ 'nhealthy.
)a* /heir )+* /hey-re )c* /here )$* /hey
Q9 <irst 9an$y sai$ she #ante$ ....... pieces o2 can$y an$ then she as,e$ 2or three.
)a* to )+* t#o )c* too )$* to#
Q10 "t the ....... o2 the crime7 police o22icers interie#e$ eye#itnesses an$ gathere$ ei$ence.
)a* seen )+* seem )c* scene )$* scenic
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 167
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 &an yo' imagine #hat ....... #orl$ #o'l$ +e li,e i2 there #eren-t any cars(
)a* o'r )+* ho'r )c* are )$* ho'rs
Q2 /he 2ierce #in$ ....... all night long it #as intolera+leE
)a* +lo#n )+* +l'es )c* +le# )$* +l'e
Q3 9athematics is a+o't concepts an$ practice an$ yo' m'st ....... the +asics i2 yo' are going to pass yo'r e%am.
)a* learne$ )+* learn )c* lean )$* loan
Q4 I $on-t care #here #e go. It-s 'p to yo'. I ate ........
)a* all rea$y )+* rea$y )c* alrea$y )$* rea$iness
Q5 George ....... her on her speech an$ she politely than,e$ him as she #al,e$ passe$ the cro#$ o2 reporters.
)a* complemente$ )+* compliment )c* complement )$* complimente$
Q6 Eery night a2ter s'pper7 Ba#rence lies $o#n on the so2a #ith a goo$ +oo,. Ba#rence nee$s a magni2ying
glass to rea$ +eca'se his ....... is so +a$.
)a* site )+* sight )c* soot )$* sights
Q7 /homas really li,es the n'rsing home his chil$ren chose 2or him +eca'se his personal ....... is nice an$
)a* ai$s )+* ai$ )c* ai$e )$* a$$
Q8 &in$y reali;e$ the ....... #as crisp an$ clean an$ she +reathe$ in $eeply to soa, in the night-s nat'ral charm.
)a* heir )+* are )c* err )$* air
Q9 /he little girl ....... #hen her mother tol$ her she co'l$n-t hae the toy she sa# in the $epartment store.
)a* +al$ )+* +alle$ )c* +a#le$ )$* +o#le$
Q10 "2ter retirement7 the el$erly co'ple $eci$e$ it #as time to ....... their large home an$ moe into something
)a* cell )+* sell )c* seal )$* seller
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 168
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 748
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he Internet company ....... me 2or the items I or$ere$ last #ee,.
)a* +'il$ )+* +ille$ )c* +aile$ )$* +'ilt
Q2 Jarrie #as tire$ an$ soon +ecame ....... #ith the actiity her teacher assigne$.
)a* +or$er )+* +oar$ )c* +ore$ )$* +o#e$
Q3 Foy tie$ a ....... in the ri++on so the &hristmas pac,age #o'l$ loo, +ea'ti2'l #hen she sent it to her parents.
)a* ,not )+* na'ght )c* not )$* ,noc,
Q4 /he a$'lt 2alcon ....... on smaller +ir$s7 mammals an$ reptiles.
)a* praise )+* prays )c* praye$ )$* preys
Q5 /he ....... came $o#n all night +'t in the morning7 the s'n shone an$ #e #ere a+le to hae a +ea'ti2'l an$ $ry
picnic in the a2ternoon.
)a* rein )+* reign )c* rain )$* ramp
Q6 6orothy care2'lly ....... all o2 the &hristmas gi2ts an$ then she 2ille$ all o2 the stoc,ings #ith small gi2ts an$
)a* rapt )+* rappe$ )c* rope$ )$* #rappe$
Q7 Foey as,e$ his 2ather to ....... him a +e$time story. 3is 2aorite +oo, is Green Eggs an$ 3am- +y 6octor
)a* rea$ )+* ree$ )c* reel )$* ri$
Q8 In each A'estion7 the st'$ents #ere as,e$ to choose the ....... #or$ 2rom a m'ltiple choice list o2 possi+ilities.
)a* right )+* #rite )c* rite )$* #rote
Q9 /he ....... #as long an$ it loo,e$ li,e a ri++on lai$ o't across the hills o2 the prairies.
)a* roa$ )+* ro$e )c* ro#e$ )$* ro$
Q10 /he seamstress chose a strong ....... to 2inish o22 the $ress she #as ma,ing 2or her gran$$a'ghter-s +irth$ay.
)a* seem )+* seen )c* seam )$* scene
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 169
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 758
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he cat chase$ his ....... 'ntil he 2ell oer +eca'se he #as so $i;;y.
)a* tale )+* tail )c* tall )$* teal
Q2 /he #arm +ree;e an$ starry s,y ma$e that partic'lar ....... the per2ect setting 2or a romantic $inner.
)a* ,not )+* ,night )c* neat )$* night
Q3 "s the chocolate chip coo,ies +a,e$ in the oen7 a $elicio's ....... 2ille$ the entire ho'se.
)a* cent )+* scent )c* sent )$* sen$
Q4 "s Fohnny #al,e$ 'p to the plate7 the opposing team praye$ 2or a stri,e or a ....... +all.
)a* 2o#l )+* 2all )c* 2ollo# )$* 2o'l
Q5 I can ....... the 5aci2ic Ccean an$ many marine animals7 s'ch as seag'lls7 cra+s an$ clams7 2rom my +e$room
#in$o# eery$ay.
)a* see )+* sea )c* sa# )$* seen
Q6 /yler ....... that the team #as in tro'+le so he trie$ har$er than 's'al to stri,e o't the +atter.
)a* no# )+* ne# )c* ,no# )$* ,ne#
Q7 /he ....... a22air ma$e eeryone 'ncom2orta+le. 9ost #ishe$ the or$eal #o'l$ en$ ery soon.
)a* ha'l )+* hole )c* hail )$* #hole
Q8 /om is a talente$ an$ innoatie carpenter. 3e 'ses many $i22erent types o2 ....... in his #or,.
)a* #oo$ )+* #a$ )c* #o'l$ )$* #a$e
Q9 /he ....... #as eating 2rom a +erry +'sh #hen he #as s'$$enly startle$ +y the scent o2 the approaching an$
'ns'specting hi,ers.
)a* +eer )+* +ore )c* +ear )$* +are
Q10 /ree 2rogs 's'ally soa, 'p moist're 2rom the ....... on trees an$ leaes in the mornings.
)a* $'e )+* $o )c* $e# )$* $oes
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 170
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 768
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he s,ating ....... per2orme$ ery #ell in +oth the short an$ long programs.
)a* pare )+* pear )c* poor )$* pair
Q2 I #ant yo' to ....... the resta'rant tonight. I al#ays $eci$e an$ I-m tire$ o2 2in$ing ne# an$ interesting places to
)a* choose )+* chose )c* che# )$* che#s
Q3 Foanne tol$ her yo'ng $a'ghter that it is impolite to ....... at people.
)a* stare )+* stair )c* store )$* star
Q4 >e+ecca is ery nero's +eca'se7 later this a2ternoon7 she has to ....... #ith the e%ec'tie iceGpresi$ent o2 the
)a* might )+* meet )c* meat )$* mitt
Q5 /homas trie$ to gie +loo$ this past #ee, +'t the ne# n'rse sai$ she co'l$n-t $ra# any samples. She #as
'na+le to 2in$ a s'ita+le ....... in /homas- arm.
)a* ane )+* ein )c* ain )$* an
Q6 =ears- $iets consist o2 mainly 2ish an$ ........
)a* +'ries )+* +erries )c* +ars )$* +eer
Q7 &arson 2elt ....... an$ na'seo's. 3e #on$ere$ i2 he got 2oo$ poisoning 2rom sea2oo$ resta'rant he $ine$ in
earlier in the eening.
)a* #ee, )+* #ea, )c* #o,e )$* #a,e
Q8 In the s'mmer months7 the ....... 's'ally rises at 5 am an$ sets at a+o't 9 pm.
)a* s'm )+* some )c* s'n )$* son
Q9 /he +'s $rier #as iss'e$ a ne# ........ 3e tho'ght it #o'l$ +e a nice change +eca'se it #as in a A'ieter area
o2 the city.
)a* ro'te )+* root )c* rot )$* #rote
Q10 /he heay rain 2ell har$ against the #in$o# ....... all $ay long. =y night2all7 the streets an$ se#ers oer2lo#e$
#ith e%cess #ater.
)a* pane )+* pant )c* pan )$* pain
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 171
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 778
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "t school this #ee,7 Fonathon ....... his mother a +ea'ti2'l gi2t 2or her +irth$ay.
)a* ma$e )+* mai$ )c* ma$ )$* ma,e
Q2 San$ra loes her $rama class so she $eci$e$ to a'$ition 2or the lea$ ....... in the school play.
)a* roll )+* rail )c* r'le )$* role
Q3 ....... o2 canola 2iel$s in the prairies ma$e the #hole #orl$ loo, li,e a gol$en +lan,et.
)a* >oams )+* >ose )c* >o#s )$* >ai$s
Q4 /he Fohnsons lie ery close to the ocean an$ their three $a'ghters loe to go to the ....... in the s'mmer they
loo, 2or#ar$ to it eery year.
)a* +irch )+* +each )c* +eech )$* +atch
Q5 /he ....... 2actory pro$'ces m'chGnee$e$ pro$'cts +'t it also poll'tes the air an$ #ater s'pply.
)a* stall )+* steel )c* stole )$* steal
Q6 ....... are part o2 the el,7 cari+o' an$ moose 2amily.
)a* 6eer )+* 6eem )c* 6ear )$* 6irt
Q7 In the So'th 5ole7 ....... Emperor peng'ins stay #ith their 2emale mates- eggs 'ntil their chic, hatches. /hey
en$'re long perio$s o2 col$ an$ h'nger $'ring this time.
)a* mail )+* male )c* man )$* moan
Q8 Shelley-s ....... is ery long. It almost to'ches the 2loor.
)a* here )+* hair )c* hare )$* hear
Q9 Fohnny loo,e$ ....... an$ 2elt na'seo's #hen he sa# his 2ather eat a ra# oyster 2or the 2irst time.
)a* pail )+* pan )c* pain )$* pale
Q10 >aymon$ is a mathematician. 3e 8'st ....... an a#ar$ 2or his #or, in the 2iel$ o2 A'ant'm physics.
)a* one )+* #on )c* #an$ )$* #an
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 172
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 788
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /homas $oesn-t li,e a lot o2 sea2oo$. <or e%ample7 he $oesn-t li,e clams7 shrimp or ........
)a* m'scles )+* mantles )c* monsoons )$* m'ssels
Q2 /he 2light atten$ant #al,e$ 'p an$ $o#n the ....... to ma,e s're all o2 the passengers ha$ eno'gh to eat an$
$rin, on the long 2light to "'stralia.
)a* I-ll )+* isle )c* aisle )$* o#l
Q3 >e+ecca calle$ a pl'm+er +eca'se she has a lo'$ an$ annoying ....... in the +athroom that ,eeps her 'p
some nights.
)a* leap )+* lime )c* lee, )$* lea,
Q4 /he sol$ier receie$ the ....... o2 honor 2or his +raery $'ring 11II.
)a* me$$le )+* metal )c* me$al )$* mantle
Q5 &onnie is sel2Gconscio's a+o't her ....... so she al#ays #ears really +aggy7 oersi;e$ clothing.
)a* #eight )+* #ait )c* #ay )$* #a$e
Q6 6'ring the play7 the actor 2orgot his lines. /here #as a long ....... in the a'$ience 'ntil he remem+ere$ the ne%t
line an$ then the sho# contin'e$.
)a* pa#s )+* pose )c* post )$* pa'se
Q7 /here #as a h'ge th'n$erstorm in the 9i$#est last #ee,. ....... stones as +ig as +ase+alls 2ell 2rom the s,y
an$ $amage$ many ehicles an$ homes.
)a* 3ale )+* 3ole )c* 3ail )$* 1hole
Q8 /he s'ccess2'l7 a$ertising company is not really #orrie$ a+o't ....... this 2iscal year +eca'se they are $oing
so #ell. /he company has a lot o2 international clients.
)a* prophets )+* pro2its )c* p'ppets )$* pro2iles
Q9 /he ....... on 3enry-s shoe is #orn so he too, them to the shoe repair shop.
)a* sol$ )+* sole )c* so'l )$* soap
Q10 Jathy +o'ght a +ea'ti2'l ....... to go #ith her gorgeo's #e$$ing $ress.
)a* eil )+* ole )c* ale )$* ain
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 173
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 798
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1il$ ....... are 2o'n$ in many parts o2 the #orl$ incl'$ing :orth an$ So'th "merica7 E'rope an$ "sia.
)a* +oors )+* +ores )c* +oars )$* +o#ls
Q2 /he Sahara ....... is a ery hot an$ $ry place. 3o#eer7 in spite o2 the harsh climate7 certain plants an$ animals
contin'e to prosper each year.
)a* $esert )+* $essert )c* $es, )$* $iscern
Q3 5a'l loes to hi,e early in the morning +eca'se eerything is so crisp an$ 2resh at that time. /he morning $e#
an$ ....... ma,es the #orl$ loo, $reamy.
)a* mass )+* mast )c* mist )$* misse$
Q4 Sahara7 a +ea'ti2'l "ra+ian mare7 has a long an$ slee, ........ 3er o#ner +athes an$ grooms her on a reg'lar
)a* mein )+* mane )c* main )$* man
Q5 /he ch'rch choir sings the most +ea'ti2'l ....... eery S'n$ay. I #ish I co'l$ sing that #ell.
)a* hymn )+* him )c* ham )$* hominy
Q6 /he contractor too, the co'ple to the ....... o2 their ne# home. 3e #ante$ to $isc'ss $etails a+o't the si;e an$
geographic iss'es they #ill hae to a$$ress +e2ore constr'ction can +egin.
)a* cite )+* site )c* sight )$* soot
Q7 :ormally7 >o+ert li,es his ....... me$i'mGrare +'t his #i2e7 on the other han$7 li,es hers #ellG$one.
)a* sta,e )+* stain )c* stea, )$* sto,e
Q8 /o improe /aylor-s rea$ing s,ills7 /aylor-s teacher tol$ his mother that he sho'l$ rea$ his English
assignments ....... at home eery night.
)a* alo2t )+* allot )c* alo'$ )$* allo#e$
Q9 >ichar$ got his 2inger ca'ght in the $oor8am an$ it #as ....... 2or t#o $ays a2ter#ar$s.
)a* soar )+* sear )c* sire )$* sore
Q10 I 'se rosemary7 mar8oram an$ ....... in an ol$G2ashione$7 roaste$ chic,en recipe my mother gae me.
)a* t'ne )+* th'm+ )c* time )$* thyme
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 174
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7108
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he #in$o# latch +ro,e earlier in the $ay. =y night2all7 the #in$ +le# har$er than eer an$ there #as a
noticea+le ....... in the apartment.
)a* $ro'ght )+* $ra2t )c* $ra'ght )$* $a2t
Q2 /here is a great $eli aro'n$ the corner. /om or$ers corn+ee2 on ....... +rea$ 2or l'nch eery$ay.
)a* root )+* ree$ )c* #ry )$* rye
Q3 Fe22rey $eci$e$ to ta,e some night classes. 3e really en8oys the 2irstGyear English ....... he atten$s eery
/'es$ay an$ /h'rs$ay eening at the college.
)a* coarse )+* cor$ )c* c'rse )$* co'rse
Q4 /he s'n-s ....... are en8oya+le in the s'mmertime. 3o#eer7 s'n+athers sho'l$ #ear s'nscreen in or$er to
preent s'n +'rns an$ s,in $amage.
)a* ra;e )+* raise )c* rays )$* rae
Q5 /he little ....... loes to horse aro'n$ an$ play in the +ac,yar$ #ith his $og7 S,ippy.
)a* +ay )+* +oy )c* +'oy )$* +'y
Q6 5eople sho'l$ al#ays ma,e s're they $ispose o2 their ....... pro$'cts in an enironmentally 2rien$ly #ay.
)a* #aist )+* #aste )c* haste )$* #ait
Q7 /racy $eci$e$ to 8oin the 5eace ....... in the 2all. She #ants to ma,e a $i22erence in the #orl$.
)a* &ores )+* &or$s )c* &orps )$* &ore
Q8 /here is a terri+le ....... +'g going aro'n$. Eeryone at #or, is sic, an$ the clinics are 2'll o2 patients #ho #ant
to get +etter +e2ore &hristmas.
)a* 2l' )+* 2le# )c* 2l',e )$* 2lame
Q9 6ogs are not consi$ere$ 2'llG....... 'ntil they are a+o't threeGyearsGol$.
)a* groome$ )+* gro#n )c* groan )$* gro#l
Q10 "t the o22ice7 the telephone m'st ....... 2o'r times +e2ore the ans#ering machine pic,s 'p the call.
)a* #rong )+* #ring )c* ring )$* rang
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 175
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7118
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he eye#itness ca'ght a ....... glimpse o2 the arme$ ro++er. "s a res'lt7 she co'l$n-t i$enti2y the thie2 in a
police lineG'p.
)a* 2eint )+* 2an )c* 2aint )$* 2ein
Q2 In a co'rt o2 la#7 eery person #ho is acc'se$ o2 a crime is entitle$ to a ....... trial.
)a* 2ein )+* 2air )c* 2are )$* 2ame
Q3 Barry #arne$ his 2rien$ a+o't the pyrami$ scheme. /hose schemes are 's'ally +ase$ on a ....... system that is
o2ten 'n2air to those on the +ottom.
)a* tears )+* tier )c* tear )$* tea,
Q4 Eery S'n$ay7 #e can hear the ch'rch ....... 2rom #here #e lie.
)a* +elle )+* +ail )c* +eam )$* +ell
Q5 /he 8'$ge set the acc'se$-s ........ It #as a large amo'nt +eca'se the crime #as so iolent.
)a* +all )+* +ale )c* +ail )$* +ales
Q6 In the morning7 Sally loes to eat organic ....... +eca'se it-s ma$e #ith oats. She 2eels that gies her a healthy
start eery $ay.
)a* cereal )+* ser'm )c* serial )$* sealer
Q7 /he +an, across the street o22ere$ 's a ery goo$ interest rate on a personal ....... this month.
)a* lone )+* loan )c* loa2 )$* line
Q8 :orma ma$e a +ea'ti2'l an$ $elicio's chocolate7 ....... ca,e 2or her gran$son-s +irth$ay this #ee,en$.
)a* lame )+* layer )c* lair )$* leer
Q9 Fenni2er an$ &ameron #ent o't 2or a can$lelit $inner. /hen they #ent to the ....... to ta,e in the romantic
setting o2 the ocean2ront property.
)a* peel )+* pier )c* pear )$* peer
Q10 /he ho'se is ery large +'t the most impressie part o2 it is the a'lte$ ........
)a* searing )+* ceiling )c* sealing )$* seeming
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 176
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7128
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 In or$er to ma,e the training man'als stan$ o't7 the company 'se$ specialty car$stoc, rather than ....... paper
2or the 2ront an$ +ac, coers.
)a* pane )+* pain )c* plain )$* plane
Q2 &asey as,e$ her mother to ....... her a mo'ntain +i,e 2or her 14th +irth$ay ne%t month.
)a* +y )+* +oy )c* +ye )$* +'y
Q3 /he a22l'ent 2amily ha$ an impressie #ine ....... in their mansion prior to the stoc, mar,et crash.
)a* cellar )+* sell )c* sealer )$* seller
Q4 Ba'rie loes trips to the ocean +eca'se she gets to s#im in the sea as #ell as #atch the ....... come in eery
)a* tiere$ )+* ti$e )c* tie$ )$* toa$
Q5 Bance $re# 'p the +l'eprints. 3e $eci$e$ that the ho'se sho'l$ +e a+o't 1500 sA'are ....... #hen
constr'ction is complete.
)a* 2oot )+* 2eat )c* 2eet )$* 2at
Q6 /he large ....... o2 cattle #as $i22ic'lt to moe. /he rancher 'se$ =or$er &ollie $ogs to help him ro'n$ them 'p
in the 2all.
)a* her$ )+* hear$ )c* her$er )$* hee$
Q7 /he co'ple co'l$n-t a22or$ an ela+orate honeymoon. So7 on their 10th #e$$ing anniersary7 they #ent on a
....... in the =ahamas.
)a* cre#s )+* cr'ise )c* cr'm+ )$* cre#
Q8 Eery year +e2ore &hristmas7 there are h'ge ....... on all ,in$s o2 &hristmas #rapping paper7 ornaments an$
)a* sails )+* sales )c* stalls )$* seals
Q9 <or &hristians aro'n$ the #orl$7 S'n$ay is a ....... $ay. In the past7 many people $i$n-t #or, on S'n$ays.
:o#a$ays7 ho#eer7 a lot o2 people #or, on S'n$ays.
)a* holy )+* #holly )c* holly )$* hole
Q10 S'rro'n$ing the estate is a h'ge7 metal 2ence #ith a large ....... in the 2ront o2 the mansion. Sec'rity people
an$ traine$ $ogs g'ar$ the 2ront entrance on a 24Gho'r +asis.
)a* gate )+* gait )c* got )$* gain
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 177
3irp+rt Termin+l+gy 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9ost people $on-t li,e ....... seats on airplanes. /hey 's'ally pre2er #in$o# seats.
)a* terminal )+* aisle )c* isle )$* corri$or
Q2 &in$y #as so 2r'strate$ #ith the ....... +eca'se her s'itcases #ere lost.
)a* +aggage claim area )+* seating )c* laatory )$* coc,pit
Q3 <light atten$ants m'st see eeryone-s ....... +e2ore they are allo#e$ to get onto the plane.
)a* li2e 8ac,et )+* metal $etector )c* +oar$ing pass )$* o%ygen mas,
Q4 1ith most airlines7 passengers are allo#e$ to +ring one piece o2 ....... l'ggage #ith them.
)a* carryGon )+* carry )c* +oar$ing )$* $esigner
Q5 5ilots an$ coGpilots 's'ally sit an$ control the ....... area o2 an airplane.
)a* #in$o# )+* nose )c* coc,pit )$* +ac,
Q6 >ight +e2ore ta,eGo227 the ....... instr'cte$ the passengers on #hat to $o in case o2 an emergency as #ell as
#here all emergency e%its are locate$.
)a* 2light atten$ant )+* #aitress )c* passenger )$* +aggage han$ler
Q7 =en ha$ to r'n 2or 2ie min'tes7 a2ter his plane lan$e$7 +eca'se his connecting 2light-s ....... #as so 2ar a#ay.
)a* r'n#ay )+* coc,pit )c* tray ta+le )$* gate
Q8 =ette A'ic,ly loo,e$ aro'n$ 2or the ....... on the plane +eca'se her little girl #asn-t 2eeling #ell.
)a* laatory )+* coc,pit )c* #in$o# )$* terminal
Q9 San$ra ha$ to go thro'gh the airport-s ....... in the sec'rity area three times +eca'se she ha$ so many metal
hairpins in her hair.
)a* +oar$ing pass )+* +aggage claim area )c* metal $etector )$* laatory
Q10 Fac, p't his carryGon +aggage 'n$er his seat +eca'se the ....... #as 2'll.
)a* shel2
)c* seat
)+* c'p+oar$
)$* oerhea$ compartment
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 178
)ank Termin+l+gy 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9an$y #ants to +'y ....... +eca'se she $oesn-t #ant to carry cash #hen she goes to E'rope.
)a* a line o2 cre$it )+* traeler-s chec,s )c* a roll o2 A'arters )$* a pen
Q2 &hristina #ants to ....... her chec, +eca'se she nee$s the money right a#ay.
)a* rent )+* +'y )c* cash )$* e%change
Q3 >o+ert ....... a chec, this past #ee,. :o#7 he m'st pay t#o :S< charges +eca'se o2 it.
)a* hoppe$ )+* s,ippe$ )c* +o'nce$ )$* thre#
Q4 ....... charges are high an$ ca'se a lot o2 pro+lems 2or people #ho +o'nce chec,s.
)a* :S< )nonGs'22icient 2'n$s*
)c* &": )chec, not accepta+le*
)+* :E< )notGeno'gh 2'n$s*
)$* &5 )chec, pro+lem*
Q5 >aymon$ #ants to ....... his acco'nt +alance +eca'se he is a2rai$ that there isn-t eno'gh money to coer an
'pcoming payment.
)a* chec, )+* #ith$ra# )c* e%change )$* open
Q6 Eery t#o #ee,s7 San$y-s salary is ....... $irectly into her +an, acco'nt. It 's'ally goes in +e2ore mi$night on
)a* 2ille$ )+* $eposite$ )c* e%change$ )$* opene$
Q7 Ba'rie has a lot o2 2oreign c'rrency that she #ants to ....... into local c'rrency.
)a* open )+* e%change )c* 2ill )$* reie#
Q8 >ose #ent into the +an, to$ay to ....... a ne# chec,ing acco'nt.
)a* e%change )+* #ith$ra# )c* open )$* 2ill
Q9 In the past7 all c'stomers ....... o't #ith$ra#al slips in or$er to #ith$ra# 2'n$s 2rom their acco'nts. :o#a$ays7
many +an,s are paperless an$ can #ith$ra# the 2'n$s electronically.
)a* opene$ )+* e%change$ )c* reie#e$ )$* 2ille$
Q10 1heneer c'stomers open a ne# chec,ing acco'nt7 the +an, allo#s them to ....... personali;e$ chec,s.
)a* rent )+* ta,e o't )c* +orro# )$* or$er
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 179
)ank Termin+l+gy 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 =en an$ Fen nee$ money to re$ecorate their home. So7 they as,e$ a loan o22icer i2 they A'ali2y 2or a .......
instea$ o2 a secon$Gmortgage on their ho'se.
)a* $eposit slip )+* line o2 cre$it )c* $e+it car$ )$* +ill
Q2 :o#a$ays7 +an, c'stomers hae more options. <or e%ample7 they can pay their +ills oer the telephone or
they can pay them ........
)a* online
)c* #ith a sa2ety $eposit +o%
)+* oer the phone
)$* #ith a +an, teller
Q3 Some people rent a ....... in or$er to ,eep important papers an$ items sa2e.
)a* $eposit slip )+* sa2ety $eposit +o% )c* $e+it car$ )$* +an, statement
Q4 "lmost all c'stomers hae a ....... car$ so they $on-t hae to go into the +an, to #ith$ra# money. /hey can
also 'se their car$s to p'rchase goo$s in stores.
)a* e%port )+* $e+it )c* #ith$ra#al )$* loan
Q5 Ba'rie has t#o acco'nts. She can ....... 2'n$s 2rom her chec,ing acco'nt into her saings acco'nt right oer
the phone.
)a* loan )+* or$er )c* trans2er )$* rent
Q6 Eery month7 Jein ....... his +an, statement in or$er to +alance his chec,+oo,.
)a* 2ills o't )+* e%changes )c* #ith$ra#s )$* reie#s
Q7 9ary has an appointment #ith a loan ....... +eca'se she #ants to +'y a ne# car an$ nee$s K3000 to complete
the p'rchase.
)a* teller )+* secretary )c* ta,er )$* o22icer
Q8 Jaren learne$ ho# to ....... her chec,+oo, at an early age. 3er 2ather tho'ght it #as important.
)a* +alance )+* payGo22 )c* e%change )$* #ith$ra#
Q9 >ose an$ /om #ant to get approe$ 2or a ....... +eca'se they #ant to +'y a ho'se this year.
)a* chec, )+* sa2ety $eposit +o% )c* mortgage )$* saings acco'nt
Q10 :ormally7 people get ....... 2or a mortgage +e2ore they go ho'se shopping so they ,no# #hat ,in$ o2 ho'se
they can a22or$ to +'y.
)a* preGapproe$ )+* #ith$ra#al slips )c* an or$er )$* traeler-s chec,s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 180
1+mm+n 0hrases and /esp+nes 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /hat loo,s heay. &an I gie yo' a han$ #ith that( .......
)a* :ormally7 I $on-t li,e that ,in$ o2 thing.
)c* 9y han$s are #et.
)+* S're7 that #o'l$ +e great.
)$* I $on-t li,e to hol$ han$s.
Q2 "re yo' going to call in sic, tomorro#( .......
)a* I get a co22ee +rea, at ten in the morning.
)c* I thin, so. I $on-t 2eel #ell.
)+* 9y #i2e isn-t 2eeling #ell.
)$* It-s my t'rn to go 2irst.
Q3 6o yo' thin, #e sho'l$ p't the meeting o22 'ntil tomorro#( .......
)a* It #as nice meeting yo'.
)c* I ,no#7 he normally calls +y no#.
)+* She $oesn-t li,e me ery m'ch.
)$* 4es7 tomorro#-s 2ine #ith me.
Q4 Jristine-s #or,ing a lot. "re yo' tie$ 'p this #ee,( .......
)a* I loo, 2or#ar$ to it.
)c* 4es7 I-m really +'sy.
)+* I +eliee yo'.
)$* I-m really tire$.
Q5 /his training session is $i22ic'lt. I ha$ a really har$ time rea$ing that training man'al. .......
)a* 3er speech #as really #ell $one.
)c* I-m going to #rite it $o#n again 2or yo'.
)+* I am going to the meeting soon.
)$* 9e too. It #as ery intensie.
Q6 1hat-s on yo'r agen$a 2or the holi$ays( .......
)a* 5ossi+ly. I-ll eat o't tonight.
)c* 1e-ll $isc'ss that $'ring the meeting tomorro#.
)+* I nee$ a co22ee +rea,.
)$* I thin, #e-re going to isit my parents in 0ermont
2or &hristmas.
Q7 &arrie pointe$ o't that yo'-re haing some pro+lems a$8'sting to yo'r ne# 8o+. .......
)a* S're7 i2 possi+le.
)c* I li,e$ my ol$ 8o+ a lot.
)+* I li,e &arrie.
)$* I hope so.
Q8 "re yo' 2e$ 'p #ith yo'r 8o+( .......
)a* "ct'ally7 I ate really #ell yester$ay.
)c* I li,e$ the spea,er to$ay.
)+* Some#hat7 +'t I can-t A'it right no#.
)$* I 2e$ the $og this morning.
Q9 1hat are yo'r plans 2or the #ee,en$( .......
)a* 1e-re going s,iing in 9ontana.
)c* &ol$ #eather is har$ to $eal #ith sometimes.
)+* I li,e ice 2ishing.
)$* I $on-t hae a sche$'le printe$ o't yet.
Q10 1hen $i$ yo' settle on a name 2or the +a+y( .......
)a* 1e haen-t tal,e$ a+o't the 'pcoming $eal yet.
)c* 1e sho'l$ go o't tonight.
)+* Bast #ee,. 1e $eci$e$ on Biam 2or a +oy.
)$* /hat so'n$s great.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 181
0hrasal ,er-s $sed .ith 1riminal 3"ti!ity
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 C'r neigh+or-s home ins'rance #ent 'p last #ee, +eca'se they ha$ ....... this past month.
)a* +rea,G$o#n )+* +rea,G'p )c* +rea,Gin )$* +rea, o't
Q2 /he thiees manage$ to ....... #ith a lot o2 money. 3o#eer7 oneGyear later7 they #ere apprehen$e$ an$
sentence$ to 50 years in prison #itho't the possi+ility o2 parole.
)a* pic, 'p )+* ma,e 'p )c* get a#ay )$* pic, a#ay
Q3 "2ter oneGyear7 =en $eci$e$ to ........ 3e co'l$n-t lie #ith the g'ilt any longer.
)a* t'rn himsel2 in )+* t'rn himsel2 o22 )c* t'rn $o#n )$* t'rn oer
Q4 /he +an, ro++er manage$ to steal K1000 $'ring the intense ....... $o#nto#n. /he ro++er #as ca'ght one
#ee, later.
)a* hol$ $o#n )+* hol$ 'p )c* hol$ o't )$* hol$
Q5 Famie is A'ite +itter lately +eca'se her last +oy2rien$ ....... #ith all o2 her saings.
)a* ran 'p )+* ,ept 'p )c* le2t o22 )$* ran o22
Q6 Gang li2e is ery 'n2orgiing. I2 the r'les aren-t 2ollo#e$7 gang mem+ers #ill ....... #ith people they $on-t li,e.
)a* stay a#ay )+* l're a#ay )c* $o a#ay )$* ,eep a#ay
Q7 "2ter a oneGho'r7 highGspee$ chase7 the police 2inally ....... the criminal.
)a* p't oer )+* p'lle$ oer )c* +eat oer )$* ,ept 'p
Q8 /errorists o2ten 'se +om+s to ....... +'il$ings an$ other ,in$s o2 property.
)a* +lo# in )+* +lo# 'p )c* p'sh )$* 2all oer
Q9 "t 2irst7 the yo'ng co'ple $i$n-t reali;e they #ere tal,ing to $angero's criminals. Cnce they reali;e$ #ho they
#ere7 they ....... to police.
)a* t'rne$ them in )+* t'rne$ oer )c* t'rne$ them $o#n )$* t'rne$ them 'p
Q10 /he p'+lic is o'trage$ +y the iolence committe$ +y the ,no#n criminal. /hey #ant to ....... 2or goo$.
)a* p't him a#ay )+* p't him o22 )c* t'rn him oer )$* t'rn him $o#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 182
0hrasal !er-s and tra!eling
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "2ter yo' +'y an airplane tic,et7 yo' m'st ....... once yo' arrie at the airport in or$er to con2irm the 2light an$
get a seat on the aircra2t.
)a* chec, oer )+* chec, in )c* chec, o't )$* chec, o22
Q2 S'e is stresse$ o't lately. I thin, she nee$s to ....... 2or a#hile. I s'ggeste$ a cr'ise in the =ahamas.
)a* get a#ay )+* go o22 )c* get in )$* get oer
Q3 Sally is #on$ering #hat time her h's+an$-s plane ........ /he plane #as $elaye$ in &olora$o $'e to a +li;;ar$.
)a* gets 'p )+* gets in )c* get a#ay )$* get on
Q4 Ellie ha$ to ....... in or$er to ma,e the green light. She-s 's'ally a pretty goo$ $rier.
)a* spee$ 'p )+* spee$ in )c* spee$ on )$* spe$ 'p
Q5 >an$y #as ery nero's $'ring his 2irst 2light lesson. "2ter#ar$s7 he tol$ me the +est part #as7 at the
+eginning7 $'ring ........
)a* ta,e oer )+* ta,e in )c* ta,e o't )$* ta,e o22
Q6 /he stran$e$ cre# ....... 2or the long 8o'rney at 5 am. /hey nee$e$ as m'ch nat'ral light as they co'l$ get.
)a* set o22 )+* set +y )c* set in )$* set oer
Q7 Cn their #ay to the city7 the ne#ly#e$s tho'ght they #o'l$ ....... an ol$ hango't 2or a A'ic, $rin, +eca'se it
#as on the #ay.
)a* stop on )+* stop o't )c* stop +y )$* stop $o#n
Q8 3elen #ent to Italy this spring. =e2ore she #as sche$'le$ to leae the co'ntry7 she $eci$e$ to ....... in /'scany
2or a#hile. She hasn-t ret'rne$ yet +eca'se she li,es it so m'ch.
)a* stop o22 )+* stop oer )c* stop $o#n )$* stop on
Q9 1e $roe to &ana$a this past s'mmer. 1e ha$ to ....... 2o'r times on the #ay. 1e got pretty goo$ gas
)a* 2ill o't )+* ran o't )c* 2ill 'p )$* 2ill in
Q10 "$riana has to ....... +eca'se her 2light is leaing in ten min'tes.
)a* 2ill 'p )+* r'n 'p )c* r'n o't )$* h'rry 'p
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 183
1+mm+n 0hrases and /esp+nes 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 6o yo' #ant to hang o't tonight( .......
)a* I nee$ a acation.
)c* S're7 let-s #atch moies together.
)+* I thin, #e sho'l$ hang it 'p to $ry.
)$* 9y han$s are 2'll right no#.
Q2 I hae to chec,. &an yo' hol$ a moment( .......
)a* 4es7 I-ll hol$.
)c* I hae to hol$ onto my p'ppy or she-ll r'n a#ay.
)+* 6on-t let go o2 me.
)$* S'rely7 I-ll ta,e that.
Q3 &an yo' e%pan$ on that( .......
)a* 4es7 I nee$ more room.
)c* I hope so.
)+* 4es7 I 2eel #e sho'l$ 2oc's on glo+ali;ation more.
)$* I-$ appreciate that.
Q4 "re &in$y an$ 9a% +rea,ing 'p( .......
)a* /hey ha$ a +rea,Gin last #ee,.
)c* 4es7 they-re getting marrie$.
)+* 4es7 they-re so c'te together.
)$* 4es7 'n2ort'nately7 they can-t 2i% their pro+lems.
Q5 1hen $i$ yo' come across that pro8ect. .......
)a* It #as ery $i22ic'lt to rea$ that training man'al.
)c* I $roe across a +ea'ti2'l +ri$ge yester$ay.
)+* Bast #ee, #hen I #as rea$ing the +'lletin +oar$.
)$* I #ent to the +ar+eA'e yester$ay.
Q6 1ho #ill gie the +ri$e a#ay at her #e$$ing( .......
)a* I-m going to gie them ne#7 $esigner to#els.
)c* 3er 2ather7 o2 co'rse.
)+* 3er 2iance7 o2 co'rse.
)$* She-s going to #ear #hite.
Q7 6on-t #orry a+o't it. 4o' can co'nt on me. .......
)a* 9ath is my 2aorite s'+8ect.
)c* I $on-t #ant to $o inentory this #ee,.
)+* I-$ appreciate that7 than,s.
)$* I hate 'sing cash registers.
Q8 6i$ he go against his 2ather-s #ishes( .......
)a* 4es7 he $eci$e$ to +'y the ho'se any#ay.
)c* S're7 go ahea$.
)+* 4es7 his parents are ery happy.
)$* I-$ li,e that a lot.
Q9 3o# $i$ yo' manage to come +y this great 8o+( .......
)a* 4o' sho'l$ come +y a2ter #or,.
)c* I-m rea$y 2or a change.
)+* It-s possi+le that I le2t it at #or,.
)$* I ans#ere$ an a$ertisement in the paper.
Q10 6i$ yo' hae some 2rien$s oer last night( .......
)a* 4es7 I-$ li,e that.
)c* 4es7 >on an$ S'e stoppe$ +y.
)+* 9ay+e7 i2 possi+le.
)$* 4es7 >on an$ S'e are coming oer at 6 pm.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 184
1+mm+n 0hrases and /esp+nes 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I pic,e$ 'p the +as,et an$ it came apart in my han$s. .......
)a* I loe that cra2t store.
)c* 4o' sho'l$ gie it to 3aley 2or &hristmas.
)+* I2 yo' hae yo'r receipt7 yo' can ret'rn it.
)$* 4o' sho'l$ +'y it. It-s in great shape.
Q2 >an$y-s mother is ama;ing. She-s 93 years ol$ an$ still 2en$s 2or hersel2. .......
)a* I ,no#. She-s ery healthy.
)c* I ,no#. She lies #ith her son an$ he ta,es care o2
her eery nee$.
)+* I ,no#. /hey-re going to p't her in a n'rsing home.
)$* I ,no#. She-s con2ine$ to her +e$.
Q3 1hen $i$ 9icroso2t come o't #ith a ne# ersion o2 that so2t#are( .......
)a* 4es7 I li,e it a lot.
)c* /hey $eelope$ the ne# pro$'ct.
)+* Bast #ee,. Isn-t it great(
)$* 9icroso2t creates so2t#are pro$'cts.
Q4 I2 my ,nee starts acting 'p7 I-ll hae to miss the marathon tomorro#. .......
)a* I ,no#. She-ll hae to stop acting 'p or she-ll get in
)c* I ,no#. I-m going to see my $octor to$ay.
)+* 4es7 I 2eel really goo$ an$ strong right no#.
)$* 4o' sho'l$ see yo'r $octor to$ay to ma,e s're
yo'-re CJ 2or the race.
Q5 6o yo' thin, the th'n$er storm #ill +lo# oer soon( .......
)a* I ,no#. /he #eather is great.
)c* S're7 #e can.
)+* I hope so.
)$* 4es7 the e%plosion #as ery scary.
Q6 1hat are yo' $oing to +'il$ 'p yo'r en$'rance 2or the 'pcoming marathon( .......
)a* I-m +'il$ing a ne# ho'se this year.
)c* I-m 8ogging an$ $oing other physical e%ercises
eery $ay.
)+* /hey 8'st 2inishe$ +'il$ing the ca+in.
)$* I $on-t nee$ en$'rance to r'n marathons.
Q7 3o# $oes one o-cloc, so'n$( .......
)a* 4es7 than, yo'.
)c* Great. I-ll see yo' at three o-cloc,.
)+* S'rely yo' $on-t mean that(
)$* So'n$s goo$. I-ll meet yo' there.
Q8 I haen-t seen yo' 2or a long time. Bet-s get together an$ catch 'p. .......
)a* I ca'ght a col$ last #ee, too.
)c* I-$ loe toE I #ant to ,no# eerything.
)+* I really li,e yo'r ne# +oss.
)$* It-s nice to meet yo'.
Q9 Bet-s sit $o#n an$ hash o't an agreement tomorro#. .......
)a* S're7 let-s meet at 10 am.
)c* I $on-t nee$ a chair7 than,s.
)+* :o7 I $on-t li,e hash +ro#ns.
)$* Ch7 they-re great.
Q10 I can-t stan$ herE .......
)a* I-$ li,e a chair too7 please.
)c* 9y legs are #ea,.
)+* I $on-t li,e her either.
)$* /hat-s greatE I ,ne# yo'-$ li,e her a lot.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 185
Q$esti+n Tags Test 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Ba'rie can come +y tomorro#7 .......(
)a* can she )+* can-t she )c* is she
Q2 She-s 2rom Jorea7 .......(
)a* is she )+* isn-t she )c* co'l$ she
Q3 3e-s meeting me at 10 am7 .......(
)a* isn-t he )+* co'l$ he )c* is he
Q4 Jathy-s neer impolite7 .......(
)a* isn-t she )+* is she )c* sho'l$n-t she
Q5 /he chil$ren $on-t hae to come in right no#7 .......(
)a* $on-t they )+* $o they )c* $oesn-t it
Q6 4o' still #ant to meet #ith him7 .......(
)a* $o yo' )+* $oes yo' )c* $on-t yo'
Q7 /here aren-t many g'ests here yet7 .......(
)a* are they )+* aren-t there )c* are there
Q8 1e can-t as, her again7 .......(
)a* can-t #e )+* co'l$ they )c* can #e
Q9 /he chec,s haen-t +een sent7 .......(
)a* $o they )+* hae they )c* haen-t they
Q10 1e $i$n-t receie many calls this month7 .......(
)a* $i$n-t #e )+* sho'l$ #e )c* $i$ #e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 186
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7138
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 &hil$ren o2ten li,e ....... an$ ,etch'p on their hot$ogs.
)a* m'stere$ )+* moose )c* m'star$
Q2 /he gang $i$n-t li,e Simon so7 a2ter school7 they con2ronte$ him an$ ....... him 'p.
)a* +eet )+* +eat )c* +it
Q3 6on-t #orry a+o't her. She has a ....... o2 her o#n.
)a* min$ )+* mine$ )c* mince
Q4 /he gar$en #as ma$e 'p o2 a lot o2 high he$ges in per2ectly plante$ ro#s. It loo,e$ li,e a ....... 2rom a+oe.
)a* maise )+* mai$ )c* ma;e
Q5 In &ana$a7 there are many $i22erent types o2 #il$ animals incl'$ing large mammals s'ch as ........
)a* moose )+* mo'sse )c* mice
Q6 /here are also #il$7 2eline creat'res s'ch as co'gars an$ ........
)a* lin,s )+* lyn% )c* li,es
Q7 Feremy ha$ a +a$ col$ last #ee,. 3e +le# his ....... all $ay long.
)a* nose )+* ,nees )c* ,no#s
Q8 /homas #ent to ch'rch yester$ay an$ met a really nice ........
)a* none )+* noon )c* n'n
Q9 Jein #as ery tire$ an$ he ....... lo'$ly #hen his teacher +egan rea$ing the play alo'$.
)a* si$e )+* sighe$ )c* site
Q10 9any teachers say that yo' m'st hae a lot o2 ....... in or$er to teach mi$$le school st'$ents e22ectiely.
)a* patience )+* prints )c* patients
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 187
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7148
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "ll chil$ren loe to open ....... on &hristmas morning.
)a* presence )+* presents )c* prince
Q2 " ne# animal #as $iscoere$ in Baos. It loo,e$ ery strange an$ many people $i$n-t +eliee it #as ....... at
)a* reel )+* roll )c* real
Q3 Sharon normally ta,es her 2ilm to the near+y shop to get her negaties an$ ....... $eelope$.
)a* prints )+* prince )c* poles
Q4 /he +ea'ti2'l an$ rare eagle ....... a+oe the mo'ntain top. It #as an o'tstan$ing sight.
)a* s#or$ )+* spaye$ )c* soare$
Q5 "2ter the layGo22 anno'ncement7 most o2 the #or,ers 2elt li,e they #ere in a ........ /hey co'l$n-t +eliee they all
lost their 8o+s.
)a* $ays )+* $ice )c* $a;e
Q6 Cn Sat'r$ay night7 &lay an$ &in$y are going to #atch a concert at the local a'$itori'm. /he ne# .......
receie$ goo$ reie#s in the paper this past #ee,.
)a* +anne$ )+* +an$ )c* +on$
Q7 9any years ago7 most #or,ing $ogs #ere ....... to per2orm certain tas,s #ell.
)a* +re$ )+* +roo$ )c* +rea$
Q8 /he 2armer 2rantically calle$ the eterinarian #hen he reali;e$ his co#s +ro,e into the large grain ........ 3is
#hole her$ co'l$ $ie +eca'se too m'ch grain at one time is +a$ 2or co#s.
)a* +een )+* +in )c* +one
Q9 1hile the 2amily #as camping7 they hear$ a lo'$ gro#l in the +'shes. /hey #ere a2rai$ that it might +e a +ear
+eca'se they #ere camping in ....... co'ntry.
)a* grisly )+* gr'esome )c* gri;;ly
Q10 4o' ....... to get yo'r car 2i%e$. I-m tire$ o2 $riing yo' aro'n$E
)a* hale )+* hal2 )c* hae
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 188
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7158
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he ....... in the play ha$ long7 $ar, hair an$ +ea'ti2'l eyes an$ she playe$ the part ery #ell. I thin, she-s
going to go 2ar in her career.
)a* heroine )+* heroin )c* hero
Q2 6'ring the t'm'lt'o's #ar7 Isaac $eci$e$ he an$ his 2amily sho'l$ ....... their co'ntry.
)a* 2lea )+* 2lee )c* 2le#
Q3 Jaren +o'ght +ea'ti2'l shoes 2or the #e$$ing +'t they $i$n-t 2it right so she got +listers on the ....... o2 +oth her
)a* heals )+* heels )c* holes
Q4 Eery morning7 the chil$ren play together as they ....... 2or the school +'s to arrie. Sometimes7 ho#eer7 the
#eather is really +a$ so they h'$$le together in the +'s shelter.
)a* #ait )+* #eight )c* #ant
Q5 1hen the #eather is col$ an$ #et7 some o2 the chil$ren ....... a lot 'ntil the school +'s arries.
)a* #ine )+* #in$ )c* #hine
Q6 /here are many ,in$s o2 2rogs an$ ....... in the #orl$. In 2act7 there are more than 57000 species.
)a* to#e$ )+* toa$s )c* toes
Q7 "2ter the inappropriate o't+'rst7 eeryone seeme$ ....... at the meeting.
)a* tents )+* teas )c* tense
Q8 " 8ogger imme$iately calle$ the #il$li2e $epartment on her cell phone #hen she sa# the +eache$ ........
)a* #ail )+* #hile )c* #hale
Q9 /he ,ing #as not a nice man +'t he $i$ loo, ery regal #hen he sat on his ........
)a* throne )+* thro#n )c* thre#
Q10 /he honeymooners rente$ the pentho'se ....... at the gorgeo's hotel #ith the st'nning7 ocean 2ront ie#s.
)a* s#eet )+* s#eat )c* s'ite
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 189
3 Sti"ky *+ment
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "n$re# #as terri2ie$ on the 2irst $ay in his ne# 8o+ an$ he #on$ere$ ho# he #o'l$ stic, it ........
)a* on )+* in )c* o't )$* across
Q2 3is girl2rien$ a$ise$ him not to let eeryone +oss him aro'n$ an$ +egge$ him to stic, ....... 2or himsel2.
)a* oer )+* 'p )c* 'n$er )$* thro'gh
Q3 1ith this in min$ an$ 2or his o#n sel2Grespect he #as $etermine$ to stic, ....... it.
)a* at )+* to )c* +y )$* into
Q4 3e ma$e a goo$ 2rien$ that 2irst $ay #ho a$ise$ him to stic, ....... him an$ ignore #hat anyone sai$.
)a* 2rom )+* across )c* $o#n )$* +y
Q5 " s'$$en moment o2 $rama occ'rre$ #hen a man r'she$ into the o22ice an$ tol$ eeryone to stic, their han$s
)a* in )+* 2or )c* 'p )$* oer
Q6 3e #as rather stic,ing his nec, ....... +eca'se "n$re# ha$ in 2act once +een a police o22icer.
)a* thro'gh )+* oer )c* to )$* o't
Q7 "t that precise moment "n$re# tho'ght it #asn-t a ery goo$ i$ea to stic, his oar ....... an$ inter2ere.
)a* across )+* in )c* along )$* a+o't
Q8 ='t it soon +ecame clear to eeryone that he ha$ traine$ in this type o2 #or, as it st'c, ....... a mile.
)a* o't )+* into )c* +eneath )$* a+oe
Q9 3e calmly approache$ the g'nman an$ tol$ him to stic, his g'n ........ /he latter $i$ as he #as tol$ an$
han$e$ "n$re# the g'n.
)a* 'n$er )+* a#ay )c* #itho't )$* 'n$erneath
Q10 In$erstan$a+ly "n$re# #as cheere$ +y eeryone an$ since that $ay has +een st'c, ....... a rep'tation 2or
+eing ery +rae.
)a* at )+* +y )c* o't )$* #ith
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 190
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7168
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "G2rame ho'ses are great. I loe the ....... at the 2ront o2 the ho'se an$ the a'lte$ ceilings on the insi$e.
)a* pee, )+* pea, )c* piA'e
Q2 /he teacher $i$ not e%ten$ the essay-s $'e $ate $espite her st'$ents- ........
)a* pleas )+* please )c* pleats
Q3 " single ....... 2ell 2rom her eyes #hen she hear$ a+o't the 2ire.
)a* tare )+* tier )c* tear
Q4 /he le2tG#ing goernment $eci$e$ to ta,e an opinion ....... to 2in$ o't #hether or not the people agree$ #ith
the 'pcoming la#s.
)a* poll )+* pole )c* pa#
Q5 Steen +ro,e his +ig toe +'t $octors $on-t 's'ally ....... toes so he sho'l$ +e really care2'l 'ntil it heals.
)a* caste )+* cast )c* cost
Q6 "t the ....... o2 the painting7 +ea'ti2'l #atercolors #ere 'se$ to $epict #ater.
)a* +ass )+* +ees )c* +ase
Q7 /he racoon ....... the little sA'irrel aro'n$ the +ac,yar$ 2or nearly 20 min'tes.
)a* chase$ )+* chaste )c* caste
Q8 /he ....... party met at 8 pm 2or the #e$$ing rehearsal an$7 a2ter#ar$s7 2or the rehearsal $inner.
)a* +ri$le )+* +ri$al )c* +rittle
Q9 /he ....... ree2 in "'stralia is +ea'ti2'l. 1e #ent sc'+a $iing an$ sa# some o2 the 'n$er#ater nat'ral +ea'ty.
)a* choral )+* coral )c* corral
Q10 6'ring the +oring play7 Isaiah +egan to ....... o22. 3is hea$ 2ell onto his mother-s sho'l$er.
)a* $oes )+* $on )c* $o;e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 191
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7178
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he ....... on the little +oy-s +icycle nee$s to +e replace$ so he can sa2ely ri$e his +i,e aro'n$ the
)a* pe$$le )+* pe$al )c* p'$$le
Q2 Fosephine tol$ her +est 2rien$7 Cliia7 to ....... the moment +eca'se Cliia is going to E'rope this s'mmer.
)a* seas )+* sees )c* sei;e
Q3 Jatherine 2elt li,e to $oing something $i22erent so she $eci$e$ to pierce her .......7 or +elly +'tton7 this #ee,.
)a* nael )+* naal )c* noice
Q4 San$ra loes to sit on her porch an$ $rin, co22ee in the ........
)a* mo'rning )+* morning )c* mo#ing
Q5 4o' m'st ....... the garlic cloes in or$er to 'se them in this recipe.
)a* mice )+* mints )c* mince
Q6 4o' hae to ....... a coat to$ay +eca'se it-s +een sno#ing all night long. It-s so col$E
)a* #here )+* #ear )c* #are
Q7 &hil$ren7 all oer the #orl$7 are st'$ying ....... arts s'ch as ,arate7 ,'ngG2' an$ taeG,#onG$o.
)a* martial )+* marshall )c* masher
Q8 /he shopping ....... is so cro#$e$ +eca'se to$ay is &hristmas Ee.
)a* mall )+* ma'l )c* mole
Q9 6on-t 2orget to ....... the #in$o#. /here #as a terri+le $ra2t in here #hen I came home yester$ay.
)a* clothes )+* cla'se )c* close
Q10 6i$ yo' rea$ the ....... in the contract( 4o' sho'l$ +eca'se it-s an important section in the $oc'ment.
)a* cla'se )+* cla#s )c* clothes
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 192
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7188
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he ....... has a lot o2 $i22ic'lt $ecisions to ma,e incl'$ing #hether or not he sho'l$ procee$ #ith the rai$
)a* ,ernel )+* colonel )c* carnal
Q2 1e ha$ a $elicio's picnic on the +an,s o2 the small ....... this past #ee,en$.
)a* cree, )+* crea, )c* croc,
Q3 /he teacher ....... the lesson on geometry yester$ay so yo' nee$ to get the notes 2rom one o2 yo'r peers as
soon as possi+le.
)a* ta't )+* tote )c* ta'ght
Q4 Scientists hae 'ncoere$ many o2 the mysteries regar$ing 6:" stran$s an$ ........
)a* 8eans )+* genes )c* gin
Q5 Sarah ri$es her "ra+ian ....... eery #ee,en$.
)a* hoarse )+* horse )c* hoa%
Q6 6on-t 2orget to p't the #ater ....... a#ay once yo'-e 2inishe$ #atering the la#n.
)a* hose )+* hoes )c* highs
Q7 /he ....... is large an$ has a 0ictorian 2laor to it. 1e staye$ there 2or t#o $ays.
)a* in )+* a# )c* inn
Q8 =e2ore yo' +'y that 'se$ car7 yo' sho'l$ chec, #ith the motor ehicles $epartment to ma,e s're the car is
2ree o2 any ........
)a* liens )+* leans )c* lone
Q9 I +o'ght a small ....... o2 scente$7 laen$er oil yester$ay.
)a* ile )+* eil )c* ial
Q10 /he painting ha$ +ea'ti2'l colors in it +'t the content #as a little ........
)a* o$$ )+* a#e$ )c* o$e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 193
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7198
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Eery &hristmas7 the chil$ren pray 2or sno# +eca'se they loe going on ....... ri$es on &hristmas Ee.
)a* slay )+* sleigh )c* slo'gh
Q2 I2 yo' #ant to 2ight yo'r spee$ing tic,et7 yo' m'st appear in tra22ic ....... to $e2en$ yo'r position on the 15th o2
the month.
)a* A'art )+* co'rt )c* c'rt
Q3 5arents are constantly remin$ing their chil$ren to eat ....... o2 their egeta+les at s'pper time.
)a* all )+* a#l )c* ale
Q4 &an yo' please ....... a+o't a c'p o2 cheese so #e can p't it on the pi;;a right a#ay(
)a* great )+* grate )c* grit
Q5 In the past7 people 'se$ ....... in soap ma,ing processes. :o#a$ays7 many people 2eel that it-s too strong an$
harsh so they opt 2or more gentle s'+stances.
)a* lye )+* lie )c* lay
Q6 ....... is 'se$ as a main ingre$ient in many +a,e$ pro$'cts.
)a* <lo#er )+* <riar )c* <lo'r
Q7 I2 yo' #ant to ma,e so'thernG2rie$ chic,en7 yo' sho'l$ 'se a $eep ....... +eca'se yo' #ill nee$ to 'se a lot o2
pean't oil.
)a* 2riar )+* 2ryer )c* 2lo'r
Q8 /he personnel $epartment has interie#e$ many possi+le can$i$ates 2or the 8o+. /hey #ant to ....... someone
+y the en$ o2 the month.
)a* hire )+* higher )c* hare
Q9 /he co'ple $eci$e$ to go #ith the larger ....... +eca'se they are going to hae a+o't 250 people atten$ their
#e$$ing reception in F'ne.
)a* hail )+* ha'l )c* hall
Q10 "s the ra2t #ent $o#n the rier rapi$s7 the g'i$e lost an ....... in the process.
)a* or )+* ore )c* oar
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 194
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7208
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he ro++ers #ere ....... a+o't an ho'r a2ter the +an, ro++ery too, place.
)a* cot )+* ca'ght )c* coat
Q2 Eery secon$ <ri$ay7 Isaiah goes to the +an, to ....... his paychec,.
)a* cache )+* clash )c* cash
Q3 C2ten7 state goernments #ill implement a sales ....... in or$er to collect more 2'n$s 2or ario's reasons.
)a* ta% )+* tac,s )c* tic,s
Q4 &o22ee is $elicio's. 3o#eer7 there are also many $i22erent ,in$s o2 $elicio's ....... to choose 2rom these $ays.
)a* tees )+* toes )c* teas
Q5 I p'lle$ the plant o't o2 the gar$en +eca'se I tho'ght it #as only a ........ It t'rns o't7 it #as a +ene2icial her+
that I co'l$ hae 'se$ in my coo,ing.
)a* #ee$ )+* #e-$ )c* #e$
Q6 I hae to +'y a ....... +eca'se I #ant to gro# a +ea'ti2'l7 egeta+le gar$en this spring.
)a* spaye$ )+* spe$ )c* spa$e
Q7 /he gar$en ta+le #as ma$e o2 +lac,7 ....... iron. It loo,s great #ith the other o't$oor 2'rnit're on the patio.
)a* rote )+* rot )c* #ro'ght
Q8 4o' #ill nee$ a passport i2 yo' #ant to cross the ........ /hey 8'st change$ the la# this year.
)a* +or$er )+* +oar$er )c* +i$$er
Q9 "2ter the h'ge 2east7 /im-s stomach ache$ +eca'se he ....... so m'ch $elicio's 2oo$ at one time.
)a* eight )+* ail )c* ate
Q10 I as,e$ my h's+an$ to ....... my p'rse #hile I p't on my #inter coat.
)a* hol$ )+* hole$ )c* haile$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 195
En+$gh; a l+t and t++ 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 It-s s'ch a +ea'ti2'l $ay an$ it-s not ....... 2ar so I-m going to #al, to the +'s stop to$ay. /han,s 2or o22ering me
a ri$e tho'gh.
)a* eno'gh )+* a lot )c* too
Q2 St'ntmen are traine$ to $o st'nts that are ....... $angero's 2or people to $o at home.
)a* eno'gh )+* a lot )c* too
Q3 4o' seem a little cran,y to$ay. 6i$ yo' get ....... sleep last night(
)a* eno'gh )+* a lot )c* too
Q4 1e loe going to the +each #hen there aren-t ....... many people there.
)a* eno'gh )+* a lot )c* too
Q5 6on-t #orry. I2 yo' $on-t hae ....... money to close the $eal on the ho'se7 I-ll len$ yo' the $o#n payment.
)a* eno'gh )+* a lot )c* too
Q6 Famie really loe$ the $inette set +'t it #as ....... e%pensie so she $i$n-t +'y it.
)a* eno'gh )+* a lot )c* too
Q7 /hat 8o+ is ....... $i22ic'lt 2or me. =esi$es that7 my +oss is so controlling.
)a* eno'gh )+* a lot )c* too
Q8 I $on-t hae ....... o2 reports to $o to$ay so I sho'l$ +e home +y s'pper time.
)a* eno'gh )+* a lot )c* too
Q9 Jaren #as $epresse$ so she ate ....... o2 chocolate this past #ee,en$.
)a* eno'gh )+* a lot )c* too
Q10 I-m e%ha'ste$ +eca'se I-m really #orrie$ a+o't 2inances lately. I $i$n-t get ....... sleep last night or the night
+e2ore that.
)a* eno'gh )+* a lot )c* too
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 196
(e.; a little and s+me 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /his meal #as so goo$. 6o yo' thin, I co'l$ hae a ....... more +ee27 please(
)a* 2e# )+* little )c* some
Q2 1o'l$ yo' li,e ....... cream in yo'r co22ee(
)a* 2e# )+* little )c* some
Q3 I loe /hailan$. I-e alrea$y +een there a ....... times an$ I plan to go +ac, this s'mmer.
)a* 2e# )+* little )c* some
Q4 I can-t go right no# +eca'se I still hae a ....... or$ers to 2ill +y 5 o-cloc,.
)a* 2e# )+* little )c* some
Q5 Since I starte$ my ne# 8o+7 it seems li,e I-e got ery ....... time to $o the things I en8oy.
)a* 2e# )+* little )c* some
Q6 6o yo' #ant ....... more potato chips( /here-s another +ag in the c'p+oar$ i2 yo' $o.
)a* 2e# )+* little )c* some
Q7 I loe co22ee in the morning +'t I only ta,e a ....... mil, an$ t#o teaspoons o2 s'gar in it.
)a* 2e# )+* little )c* some
Q8 I nee$ a ....... help #ith my home#or,. 6o yo' hae time to help me(
)a* 2e# )+* little )c* some
Q9 6espite their mar,eting e22orts7 the promoters only manage$ to sell a ....... &6s 2or the +an$ this past year.
)a* 2e# )+* little )c* some
Q10 9y +oss is ery partic'lar a+o't eerything an$ he has ery ....... tolerance 2or silly mista,es.
)a* 2e# )+* little )c* some
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 197
T+day; yesterday and t+m+rr+. 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I loe that resta'rant. In 2act7 I-m going there ....... night.
)a* to$ay )+* yester$ay )c* tomorro#
Q2 I sa# &ana$ian geese 2lying so'th on my #ay to #or, ....... morning.
)a* to$ay )+* yester$ay )c* tomorro#
Q3 I can 2it yo' in ....... morning. 6oes that #or, 2or yo'(
)a* to$ay )+* yester$ay )c* tomorro#
Q4 I $on-t ,no# #here 5amela is right no#. I haen-t seen her since ........
)a* to$ay )+* yester$ay )c* tomorro#
Q5 9y +oss #ants me to 2inish the pro8ect 2irst thing ....... morning.
)a* to$ay )+* yester$ay )c* tomorro#
Q6 I can-t help yo' to$ay +'t I can gie yo' a han$ ........
)a* to$ay )+* yester$ay )c* tomorro#
Q7 I $on-t thin, &ora has come in yet +eca'se I haen-t seen her at all ........
)a* to$ay )+* yester$ay )c* tomorro#
Q8 1e-re cele+rating o'r #e$$ing anniersary ........ 1e-e +een marrie$ 2or e%actly 25 years no#.
)a* to$ay )+* yester$ay )c* tomorro#
Q9 1hen are yo' stopping +y
)a* to$ay
D ....... or tomorro#(
)+* yester$ay )c* tomorro#
Q10 It-s 10 o-cloc, in the morning right no#. =e2ore yo' go home .......7 I nee$ yo' to stop +y my o22ice. I hae to
spea, #ith yo' imme$iately.
)a* to$ay )+* yester$ay )c* tomorro#
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 198
0+lite 4ndire"t Q$esti+ns G Statements Test 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I ha$ a great time at yo'r ho'se this past #ee,en$. ....... to come to $inner this eening(
)a* 4o' #ant )+* 1o'l$ yo' li,e )c* 4o' li,e
Q2 It seems li,e a lot o2 2lights are $elaye$ to$ay. ....... #hen 2light 673 arries.
)a* I #ant )+* I #on$ering )c* I #on$er
Q3 I-m ne# to this city an$ I-m lost. ....... tell me #here 5th street is(
)a* 4o' )+* &an yo' )c* 4o' #ill
Q4 :e# 4or, is s'ch a +ig city. ....... #here the s'+#ay station is(
)a* 6o yo' happen to ,no# )+* 4o' tell me )c* 4o' ,no#
Q5 ....... #here Jein is to$ay. 3e #asn-t here yester$ay either.
)a* I $i$n-t s're )+* I-m not ,no# )c* I $on-t ,no#
Q6 ....... some change 2or the +'s please. /han, yo'.
)a* 4o' gie me )+* I hae some )c* I #o'l$ li,e
Q7 ....... any i$ea #here Ba'rie is( I-e +een loo,ing 2or her all morning.
)a* 3ae yo' )+* 4o' ,no# )c* 4o' hae
Q8 1e hae an 'rgent meeting this morning. ....... #hen &arrie 's'ally arries(
)a* I #o'l$ li,e )+* 6o yo' ,no# )c* 4o' ,no#
Q9 I $on-t ,no# my #ay aro'n$ yet. ....... sho# me the #ay to the +'s station(
)a* 4o' can )+* I #ant yo' )c* 6o yo' thin, yo' co'l$
Q10 ....... repeat that please( /he street noise is ery lo'$ so I $i$n-t hear yo' the 2irst time.
)a* &o'l$ yo' possi+ly )+* 4o' nee$ to )c* 4o' sho'l$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 199
Tra!el 3rrangements Test 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I #o'l$ li,e a ....... 2rom 5hoeni% to :e# 4or, on <ri$ay please.
)a* passport )+* tic,et )c* +oar$ing pass
Q2 I nee$ to +e in 6allas on <ri$ay. 6o yo' hae any ....... le2t on the early 2light on <ri$ay(
)a* passengers )+* chec,s )c* seats
Q3 4es7 I hae one seat on <ri$ay-s ....... that $eparts at 9 am.
)a* seat )+* 2light )c* $irect
Q4 Ch7 my goo$nessE /hat-s too early. 1hat-s the chec,Gin .......(
)a* 2light )+* time )c* seat
Q5 /here-s a ....... 2light to :e# 4or, that leaes at 11?30 am. 1o'l$ yo' li,e to +oo, that seat(
)a* $irect )+* time )c* chec,Gin
Q6 I $on-t #ant a seat in economy class. 6o yo' hae any ....... class seats le2t(
)a* $irect )+* +'siness )c* higher
Q7 6o I nee$ an 'p$ate$ ....... to 2ly #ithin the same co'ntry(
)a* passport )+* +'siness class )c* seat
Q8 :o7 +'t the 2light atten$ant at Gate 77 #ill nee$ to see yo'r tic,et an$ ....... +e2ore yo' can +oar$ the aircra2t.
)a* +oar$ing pass )+* seat )c* 2light
Q9 :ormally7 I $on-t ....... any l'ggage +eca'se I trael light. Is that going to +e a pro+lem(
)a* +oar$ )+* chec, )c* resere
Q10 :o7 that-s not a pro+lem. 4o'-re allo#e$ one piece o2 ....... l'ggage.
)a* chec,Gin )+* resere$ )c* carryGon
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 200
G++d; 2ell and 6kay Test 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1e sho'l$ strie 2or #orl$ peace 2or the ....... o2 man,in$.
)a* goo$ )+* #ell )c* o,ay
Q2 I hope 6orothy gets a#ay soon. I thin, a rela%ing acation #ill $o her a #orl$ o2 ........
)a* goo$ )+* #ell )c* o,ay
Q3 /om lie$ in Fapan 2or 10 years. 3e spea,s Fapanese ery ........
)a* goo$ )+* #ell )c* o,ay
Q4 4o' loo, greatE /hat ne# o't2it loo,s ....... on yo'.
)a* goo$ )+* #ell )c* o,ay
Q5 I ,no# she-s going thro'gh a ro'gh time right no# +'t I ,no# she-ll +e ....... in time.
)a* goo$ )+* #ell )c* o,ay
Q6 4o'-e alrea$y complete$ a lot o2 #or, 2or him. /hat-s ....... eno'gh 2or to$ay.
)a* goo$ )+* #ell )c* o,ay
Q7 1hen yo'-re training a $og7 yo' sho'l$ al#ays 'se phrases s'ch as L....... girl/+oyEL to sho# praise 2or goo$
)a* Goo$ )+* 1ell )c* C,ay
Q8 3oc,ey players m'st s,ate e%tremely ....... in or$er to ma,e it to the :ational 3oc,ey Beag'e.
)a* goo$ )+* #ell )c* o,ay
Q9 Is she going to +e .......( She slippe$ on some ice last night an$ I-m #orrie$ a+o't her.
)a* goo$ )+* #ell )c* o,ay
Q10 Fames #as 'pset +eca'se he $i$n-t $o ery ....... on his chemistry e%am this past #ee,.
)a* goo$ )+* #ell )c* o,ay
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 201
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I ....... st'$ying #hen my r'$e neigh+ors interr'pte$ me #ith their lo'$ m'sic.
)a* +e )+* #as )c* +een
Q2 Samantha ....... her promise so her sister $oesn-t tr'st her as m'ch anymore.
)a* +rea, )+* +ro,en )c* +ro,e
Q3 Ba'ra has ....... her o#n hair 2or the past 15 years. It 's'ally loo,s great.
)a* c't )+* c'ts )c* c'tting
Q4 I nee$ yo' to ....... me to #or, to$ay. 9y car isn-t r'nning.
)a* $rie )+* $roe )c* $rien
Q5 &arrie has a stress2'l 8o+ an$ she al#ays has a lot o2 #or, to ....... on the #ee,en$s.
)a* $o )+* $oes )c* $i$
Q6 Bast year7 9rs. Simon ol'nteere$ at the local hospital. She 'se$ to ....... treats 2or the patients on 9on$ays.
)a* +ro'ght )+* +ring )c* +rings
Q7 >ose #as s'rprise$ #hen she steppe$ into the ,itchen +eca'se someone ha$ ....... all o2 the pies.
)a* ate )+* eat )c* eaten
Q8 /im ....... his #i2e a +ea'ti2'l $iamon$ ring 2or their 25th #e$$ing anniersary.
)a* gien )+* gae )c* gie
Q9 I-m sorry. I-m really +'sy to$ay so I hae to ........ I-ll call yo' later.
)a* go )+* #ent )c* gone
Q10 >aymon$ ....... a lot a+o't gar$ening an$ enironmental iss'es. 4o' sho'l$ as, him a+o't the large scale
gar$en yo' #ant to p't into yo'r +ac,yar$.
)a* ,no# )+* ,no#s )c* ,no#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 202
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Sarah ....... Spanish really #ell. She lie$ in 9e%ico 2or 5 years.
)a* spea, )+* spea,s )c* spo,en
Q2 9icroso2t 8'st ....... o't #ith a ne# so2t#are program. It-s on sale at that o22ice s'pply store $o#n the roa$.
)a* came )+* come )c* comes
Q3 6o yo' ....... a lot o2 #or, to $o tonight( I #as hoping #e co'l$ go o't to $inner at a+o't 6 pm.
)a* has )+* hae )c* ha$
Q4 I 8'st ....... a+o't the +'siness ent're. Gie me some time to thin, a+o't it an$ I-ll get +ac, to yo' #ith a
$ecision this #ee,.
)a* hear$ )+* hear )c* hears
Q5 I ....... the +a+y 'ntil the storm passe$ +eca'se she #o'l$n-t stop crying.
)a* hol$s )+* hol$ing )c* hel$
Q6 I ,no# that $resser is ol$ +'t I #ant to ....... it +eca'se it +elonge$ to my gran$mother.
)a* ,ept )+* ,eeps )c* ,eep
Q7 Jathy ....... ho# to change the oil in her car this past #ee,en$.
)a* learn )+* learne$ )c* learning
Q8 I ....... lemon chic,en t#o #ee,s ago. I thin, I #ant that 2or s'pper again to$ay.
)a* ma,e )+* ma,es )c* ma$e
Q9 I ....... into an ol$ 2rien$ yester$ay. I haen-t seen her since mi$$le school.
)a* r'ns )+* r'n )c* ran
Q10 9r. =enson ....... yo' #ante$ to see me. &an #e meet in an ho'r +eca'se I-m really +'sy right no#(
)a* say )+* sai$ )c* saying
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 203
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 748
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I ....... yo' sho'l$ A'it yo'r 8o+ an$ 2in$ a career that yo' en8oy.
)a* thin, )+* thin,s )c* tho'ght
Q2 &'rrently7 =ra$y ....... eery morning. 3e-s in really goo$ shape an$ he-s ery $e$icate$.
)a* s#am )+* s#ims )c* s#im
Q3 I coo,e$ some 2ish yester$ay so the #hole ,itchen ....... li,e sea2oo$ 2or three ho'rs.
)a* stan, )+* stin, )c* stin,ing
Q4 /he arme$ ro++er ....... three tho'san$ $ollars 2rom the 1est 0alley =an, this past 9on$ay.
)a* stolen )+* steal )c* stole
Q5 6ai$ ....... increasingly 'pset +eca'se he co'l$n-t get his point across.
)a* +ecome )+* +ecame )c* +ecoming
Q6 3e ....... to la'gh o't lo'$ #hen he hear$ the 8o,e-s p'nch line.
)a* +egin )+* +eginning )c* +egan
Q7 5lease $on-t ....... that +oo,let I gae yo' +eca'se I #ant to ,eep it 2or 2't're re2erence.
)a* +ent )+* +en$s )c* +en$
Q8 "s soon as I ....... into the san$#ich I ,ne# something #as #rong. Ipon 2'rther inspection7 I notice$ that the
+ee2 patty #as 'n$ercoo,e$.
)a* +ite )+* +ites )c* +it
Q9 1hen I c't my 2inger7 it ....... 2or a long time so I #ent to the hospital.
)a* +le$ )+* +lee$ing )c* +lee$
Q10 /he #in$ ....... an$ ho#le$ all night long.
)a* +lo#ing )+* +le# )c* +lo#
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 204
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 758
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he t#o ropes #ere ....... together so it #as $i22ic'lt to get them apart.
)a* +in$ )+* +o'n$ )c* +in$s
Q2 Eery year7 Shirley ....... German Shepher$ $ogs. I al#ays go isit her #hen she has a ne# litter o2 p'ppies.
)a* +ree$s )+* +ree$ )c* +ree$ing
Q3 9y 2ather ....... o'r home in 1990 an$ he $esigne$ it as #ell.
)a* +'il$s )+* +'ilt )c* +'il$ing
Q4 /homas- #or,place ....... $o#n last #ee,. :o#7 he-s o't o2 a 8o+ +eca'se the o#ner $i$n-t hae ins'rance.
)a* +'rn )+* +'rns )c* +'rne$
Q5 9y mom ....... 2ie 2ish on o'r 2amily 2ishing trip last year.
)a* ca'ght )+* catch )c* catches
Q6 /he little +oy7 #ho #as scare$ o2 Santa &la's7 ....... to his mother-s arm #hen he sa# the man in the re$ s'it
2or the 2irst time.
)a* clings )+* cl'ng )c* cling
Q7 /ory slo#ly ....... aro'n$ the corner +eca'se she #ante$ to scare her yo'nger +rother.
)a* crept )+* creep )c* creeping
Q8 &arrie has to ....... #ith a lot o2 iss'es at #or, +eca'se her +oss is o2ten $ishonest an$ r'thless.
)a* $ealt )+* $eals )c* $eal
Q9 9y p'ppy ....... a h'ge hole in the +ac,yar$ last night. /o$ay7 #e hae to 2ill the hole +eca'se it $oesn-t loo,
)a* $ig )+* $igging )c* $'g
Q10 6ai$-s mother nero'sly #atche$ as her yo'ng son ....... into the s#imming pool 2or the 2irst time.
)a* $ie )+* $oe )c* $iing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 205
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 768
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /imothy ....... a pict're 2or his mother at school to$ay.
)a* $ra# )+* $re# )c* $ra#n
Q2 Bast #ee,7 I ....... that yo' lie$ in E'rope an$ I came to isit yo'.
)a* $ream )+* $reaming )c* $reamt
Q3 4o' hae to ....... a lot o2 #ater in this part o2 the co'ntry in the s'mmer months or yo' co'l$ $ehy$rate on hot
)a* $rin, )+* $ran, )c* $r'n,
Q4 /he little p'ppy ....... $o#n #hen he trie$ to clim+ the stairs 2or the 2irst time.
)a* 2all )+* 2ell )c* 2allen
Q5 6on-t 2orget to ....... the $og. 3e-s h'ngryE
)a* 2ee$ )+* 2e$ )c* 2ee$s
Q6 I $on-t ....... #ell. I thin, I got 2oo$Gpoisoning at that resta'rant #e #ent to this a2ternoon.
)a* 2elt )+* 2eel )c* 2eels
Q7 >o+ert an$ Jein ....... at school to$ay. I $on-t ,no# #hy. /hey 's'ally get along so #ell.
)a* 2ight )+* 2o'ght )c* 2ighting
Q8 6ai$ #as +eginning to get a little #orrie$ a+o't his $#in$ling 2inances +'t he 8'st ....... a ne# 8o+ yester$ay.
3is 2irst $ay is on 9on$ay.
)a* 2in$ )+* 2o'n$ )c* 2in$s
Q9 /he re2'gees ....... the #arGtorn co'ntry last #ee,. :o#7 there are a lot o2 h'ngry people so'th o2 the +or$er.
)a* 2lee )+* 2lees )c* 2le$
Q10 =ailey ....... the <ris+ee into the air. >o+ ca'ght it an$ thre# it +ac, to her.
)a* 2ling )+* 2linging )c* 2l'ng
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 206
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 778
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Eery year7 &ana$ian geese ....... so'th 2or the #inter so they m'st hae a lot o2 en$'rance.
)a* 2ly )+* 2lies )c* 2lo#n
Q2 I ,no# I hae to get my oil change$ +'t I ....... to $o it to$ay.
)a* 2orget )+* 2orgot )c* 2orgotten
Q3 I 2orgot her +irth$ay +'t she rea$ily ....... me +eca'se I tol$ her a+o't my +'sy sche$'le.
)a* 2orgie )+* 2orgae )c* 2orgien
Q4 "ll o2 the +ea'ti2'l plants ....... $'e to the sno#storm last night.
)a* 2ro;en )+* 2ro;e )c* 2ree;e
Q5 I li,e to +'y #hole +ean co22ee so I can ....... the +eans #hen I get home. It-s seems to taste +etter that #ay.
)a* gro'n$ )+* grin$ )c* grin$s
Q6 I ....... a +ea'ti2'l7 2rame$ photograph on my liing room #all this past #ee,en$. I 8'st loe itE
)a* hang )+* h'ng )c* hangs
Q7 /aylor loes to play ....... an$ see, #ith her 2rien$s 2rom school.
)a* hi$ )+* hi$es )c* hi$e
Q8 "t the little leag'e +ase+all game on S'n$ay7 Fohn ....... a home r'n an$ eeryone cheere$.
)a* hit )+* hits )c* hitting
Q9 Eery night7 Sarah ....... $o#n +esi$e her +e$ to pray.
)a* ,neel )+* ,neeling )c* ,neels
Q10 San$ra $oesn-t 2eel #ell so I tol$ her to ....... $o#n 2or a little #hile.
)a* lie )+* lie$ )c* lying
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 207
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 788
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 &'rt ....... $o#n his pencil +eca'se he #as so 2r'strate$ #ith the $i22ic'lty o2 the intensie e%am.
)a* lai$ )+* laying )c* lying
Q2 /he tree 2rog ....... right onto my sho'l$er. /ree 2rogs are pretty $ocile creat'res.
)a* leap )+* leape$ )c* leaping
Q3 /he teacher ....... her st'$ents $o#n the hall#ay an$ into the gymnasi'm.
)a* lea$ )+* le$ )c* lea$ing
Q4 I ....... my goo$ 2rien$ K50 this past #ee,en$. I ,no# he #ill pay me +ac, as soon as he can.
)a* len$s )+* lent )c* len$ing
Q5 Eery time the 2amily goes shopping7 /rish ....... her son p'sh the cart in the grocery store.
)a* let )+* letting )c* lets
Q6 It #as so $ar, #hen the lights #ent o't so my h's+an$ ....... a near+y can$le.
)a* light )+* lit )c* lights
Q7 1e ....... in <rance +'t no# #e lie in <lori$a.
)a* meets )+* met )c* meet
Q8 Jaren ....... one #or$ in the spelling +ee last #ee, +'t her teacher still #ants to nominate her 2or the state
competition ne%t month.
)a* misspell )+* misspelle$ )c* misspelling
Q9 I ....... Gina 2or her sister at the #e$$ing. /hey loo, li,e t#ins sometimes.
)a* mista,e )+* mistoo, )c* mista,es
Q10 9y h's+an$ ....... the la#n to$ay. I-m so happy +eca'se it loo,s clean an$ manic're$ no#.
)a* mo# )+* mo#e$ )c* mo#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 208
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 798
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I ....... my p'rse in San <rancisco last year. I ha$ to cancel all o2 my cre$it car$s. It #as s'ch a hassleE
)a* lose )+* lost )c* losing
Q2 /im ha$ a lot o2 h'r$les to ....... thro'gho't his chil$hoo$ +eca'se he 'se$ to get a lot o2 sei;'res. 3e has
)a* oercome )+* oercame )c* oercomes
Q3 I li,e most o2 the reG$ecorating Sally $i$ in her ho'se. ='t7 I thin, she ....... it +eca'se it loo,s cl'ttere$.
)a* oer$o )+* oer$i$ )c* oer$one
Q4 " 2e# goernment o22icials plan to ....... the c'rrent lea$er an$ system.
)a* oerthro# )+* oerthre# )c* oerthro#n
Q5 5eople can no# ....... 2or their gasoline right at the p'mp #ith their cre$it or $e+it car$s in &ali2ornia. It-s a ery
conenient system.
)a* pay )+* pai$ )c* pays
Q6 S'e ....... her case at the hearing. :o#7 she m'st #ait 2or a $ecision.
)a* plea$ )+* ple$ )c* plea$ing
Q7 /he $e2ense la#yer m'st ....... that the $e2en$ant $i$n-t commit the iolent crime.
)a* proe )+* proe$ )c* proes
Q8 I hae to go $o#nto#n to$ay any#ay. 1hy $on-t yo' ....... #ith me(
)a* ri$e )+* ro$e )c* ri$es
Q9 /he phone ....... in the mi$$le o2 the night so >on 8'mpe$ o't o2 +e$ to ans#er it.
)a* ring )+* rang )c* rings
Q10 I le2t my ho'se at 5 am yester$ay +eca'se I #ante$ to #atch the s'n ........
)a* rise )+* rose )c* risen
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 209
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 7108
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I ....... a great moie on <ri$ay night. I thin, it-s still playing at the moie theater. 4o' sho'l$ go see it soon.
)a* see )+* sa# )c* seeing
Q2 Fames ....... a$ent're in his li2e so he-s neer satis2ie$ #ith reg'lar actiities.
)a* see,s )+* so'ght )c* see,ing
Q3 9y h's+an$ an$ I ....... o'r $ining room set an$ #ith the money7 #e +o'ght another one that s'its o'r style
)a* sell )+* sol$ )c* selling
Q4 I ....... my mother a +irth$ay pac,age. I hope it arries on time.
)a* sen$ )+* sent )c* sen$ing
Q5 I li,e to ........ Bast month7 I ma$e those +ea'ti2'l $rapes in the +e$room.
)a* se# )+* se#e$ )c* se#n
Q6 /he #in$ #as 2ierce last night. It ....... the entire ho'se an$ +le# $o#n some trees o'tsi$e.
)a* sha,e )+* shoo, )c* sha,es
Q7 Jen ....... his 2ace eery other $ay.
)a* shae )+* shaes )c* shaen
Q8 /he 2armer m'st ....... his 2loc, t#ice a year.
)a* shear )+* shore )c* shears
Q9 9y $og 's'ally ....... her #inter coat in the spring. 6'ring that time7 I hae to +r'sh her t#ice or three times a
)a* she$ )+* she$s )c* she$$ing
Q10 In 9e$iterranean co'ntries7 the s'n ....... all $ay long in the s'mmer an$ it rains in the #inter.
)a* shine )+* shines )c* shining
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 210
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 7118
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /homas reg'larly ....... targets at the near+y 2iring range.
)a* shots )+* shoots )c* shooting
Q2 <ran, ....... me his gar$en. 3e spen$s a lot o2 time o't$oors.
)a* sho# )+* sho#e$ )c* sho#ing
Q3 /he little p'ppy loo,e$ li,e he #as ....... #hen his o#ner scol$e$ him 2or che#ing the re$ slippers.
)a* shrin, )+* shrin,s )c* shrin,ing
Q4 &'rrently7 Sam ....... in the ch'rch choir. 3e-s really goo$.
)a* s'ng )+* sings )c* sang
Q5 Cn his 2irst $ay o2 school7 =en ....... in the mi$$le ro#.
)a* sit )+* sat )c* sitting
Q6 I ....... 2or 12 ho'rs yester$ay. I #as e%ha'ste$E
)a* sleeps )+* sleeping )c* slept
Q7 /he hero in the chil$ren-s story ....... the horri+le $ragon.
)a* slay )+* sle# )c* slaying
Q8 /he 2armer $eci$e$ to ....... 2ie acres o2 +arley this year.
)a* so#e$ )+* so#n )c* so#
Q9 1e #ent to+ogganing at &hristmas time. 9y chil$ren ....... $o#n the hills7 oer an$ oer again7 in #on$erment.
I li,e it #hen they-re happy.
)a* sli$e )+* sli$ing )c* sli$
Q10 /he sol$ier ....... the heay +ac,pac, oer his sho'l$er.
)a* sling )+* sl'ng )c* slinging
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 211
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 7128
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he large essel ....... in the "tlantic Ccean more than 200 years ago.
)a* sin, )+* sin,ing )c* san,
Q2 3enry ....... aro'n$ the #hole co'rse in the gol2 cart #e rente$ last #ee,.
)a* spee$ )+* spe$ )c* spee$ing
Q3 1e ....... too m'ch money #hen #e #ent to 3a#aii last year. /his year7 #e-re going to the :apa 0alley.
)a* spen$ )+* spen$ing )c* spent
Q4 &hristie ....... her mil, all oer the ,itchen ta+le. She-s ery cl'msy sometimes.
)a* spill )+* spilling )c* spille$
Q5 Sam'el is ery stresse$ o't. 3is hea$ is ....... +eca'se he has to ma,e so many serio's $ecisions #ithin a
short amo'nt o2 time.
)a* spin )+* sp'n )c* spinning
Q6 4ester$ay7 &arrie ....... o't her peas #hen she trie$ them 2or the 2irst time. She-s a ery pic,y eater.
)a* spitting )+* spat )c* spits
Q7 /he little 2rog ....... 2rom the pon$ at once. 3e scare$ 's all at 2irst.
)a* spring )+* spr'ng )c* springing
Q8 9rs. 9ontgomery tol$ Sha#n to ....... in the corner. She $i$n-t approe o2 his +ehaior in class that $ay.
)a* stan$ )+* stoo$ )c* stan$ing
Q9 I ,no# it-s har$ +'t yo' hae to ....... #ith it. 4o'-ll gra$'ate soon.
)a* stic, )+* st'c, )c* stic,ing
Q10 I got ....... +y a +ee last s'mmer. It h'rt a lot.
)a* sting )+* st'ng )c* stinging
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 212
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 7138
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Fason ....... into the room #ith ease. 3e 2eels ery com2orta+le in 2ront o2 large gro'ps.
)a* stri$e )+* stro$e )c* stri$$en
Q2 >an$y ....... o't at the +ase+all game last night. 3e-s still angry a+o't itE
)a* stri,e )+* str'c, )c* stri,ing
Q3 9ost people ....... 2or s'ccess +'t they m'st remem+er to $o #hat they en8oy as #ell.
)a* strie )+* stroe )c* strien
Q4 Fohnny ....... that he-$ neer steal again.
)a* s#ear )+* s#ore )c* s#orn
Q5 4ester$ay7 I ....... my entire ho'se. I also $i$ the $ishes an$ #ashe$ the 2loors.
)a* s#eep )+* s#ept )c* s#eeping
Q6 "2ter I acci$entally slamme$ my 2inger in the car $oor7 it ....... 'p an$ t'rne$ +l'e.
)a* s#ell )+* s#elle$ )c* s#ollen
Q7 3e ....... the +ase+all +at as har$ as he co'l$ +'t he still misse$ the 2ast +all.
)a* s#ing )+* s#'ng )c* s#inging
Q8 /his year7 9rs. S#it;er #ill ....... high school mathematics. She-s really nice an$ smart.
)a* ta'ght )+* teach )c* teaches
Q9 I 's'ally ....... 'p my ol$ +ills an$ other 2inancial in2ormation +e2ore I p't them into the gar+age can. I-m going
to +'y a paper shre$$er in the near 2't're.
)a* tear )+* tore )c* torn
Q10 =ailey ....... me a secret. I #on-t tell anyone a+o't it +eca'se it-s A'ite serio's.
)a* tell )+* tol$ )c* telling
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 213
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 7148
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 &act's an$ s'cc'lents ....... in $ry7 hot climates.
)a* thrie )+* thrie$ )c* thriing
Q2 Eery time I get the mail7 I ....... a#ay 8'n, mail. It-s s'ch a #aste o2 paper.
)a* thro# )+* thre# )c* thro#n
Q3 /he teachers at yo'r school m'st ....... the r'les set o't +y the state.
)a* 'phol$ )+* 'phel$ )c* 'phol$ing
Q4 I ....... 'p late to$ay. I #as so tire$.
)a* #a,es )+* #o,e )c* #a,ing
Q5 9y gran$mother ....... the #ool 2or a +ea'ti2'l +lan,et that she ,nitte$ +y han$. I still hae it to$ay.
)a* #eae )+* #oe )c* #oen
Q6 "t the #e$$ing7 the mother o2 the +ri$e ....... +eca'se she #as so happy 2or her $a'ghter.
)a* #eep )+* #eeping )c* #ept
Q7 C'r hometo#n 2oot+all team 8'st ....... the 2inal game o2 the seasonE
)a* #in )+* #on )c* #inning
Q8 6ai$ ....... in2ormation $'ring the criminal inestigation. So7 the police charge$ him as #ell.
)a* #ithhol$ )+* #ithhel$ )c* #ithhol$ing
Q9 Some animals hae to ....... harsh #eather con$itions in northern &ana$a.
)a* #ithstan$ )+* #ithstoo$ )c* #ithstan$ing
Q10 4o' hae to ....... the #ater o't o2 those #et clothes +e2ore yo' hang them 'p to $ry.
)a* #ring )+* #r'ng )c* #ringing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 214
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 7158
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9att slo#ly ....... across the $iing +oar$ an$ peere$ into the #ater +elo#.
)a* tro$ )+* trea$ )c* tro$$en
Q2 Jathy ....... the gar$en hose aro'n$ the e%isting #heel an$ then p't it into the she$.
)a* #in$ )+* #o'n$ )c* #in$ing
Q3 9any trees in &ali2ornia ....... 2r'it in the s'mmer an$ a't'mn months. /here is also a lot o2 yearGro'n$
gar$ening that ta,es place.
)a* +ear )+* +ore )c* +earing
Q4 Fac,-s mother ....... him to go to the store alone. She #ill allo# him to go #hen he-s ten years ol$.
)a* 2or+i$s )+* 2or+a$e )c* 2or+i$$ing
Q5 6'e to her terri+le actions last month7 Jaren-s 2rien$s hae ....... her. /hey #on-t een ta,e her calls anymore.
)a* 2orsa,e )+* 2orsa,es )c* 2orsa,en
Q6 /he 2oot+all game on S'n$ay is ery important so the +oys are nero's +eca'se they $on-t #ant to ........
)a* lose )+* lost )c* losing
Q7 S'san is competitie an$ she ....... to #in the s#imming competition ne%t #ee,.
)a* mean )+* means )c* meaning
Q8 In the longG$istance race yester$ay7 the secon$ r'nner ....... the lea$er at the last min'te an$ #on the
)a* oerta,e )+* oertoo, )c* oerta,en
Q9 In the $ar, ages7 areas in E'rope #ere ....... +y horri+le an$ tragic $iseases.
)a* smite )+* smote )c* smitten
Q10 0ienna can-t ....... her tho'ghts together in 2ront o2 large gro'ps +eca'se she gets really nero's.
)a* string )+* str'ng )c* stringing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 215
Eating 4di+ms
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I co'l$ eat a horse D means? I ........
)a* $on-t li,e horses
)c* am ery h'ngry
)+* hae a ery +ig mo'th
)$* can eat anything
Q2 4o'-ll hae to eat yo'r #or$s7 I-m a2rai$ D means? 4o'-ll hae to ........
)a* repeat #hat yo' sai$
)c* spea, more slo#ly
)+* e%plain #hat yo' sai$
)$* apologise 2or #hat yo' sai$
Q3 4o' can-t hae yo'r ca,e an$ eat it D means? 4o' can-t ........
)a* hae another piece o2 ca,e
)c* ta,e the ca,e home
)+* hae eerything yo' #ant
)$* possi+ly eat any more ca,e
Q4 1ell7 I-ll eat my hatE D means? I $ont- ........
)a* tr'st it )+* 'n$erstan$ it )c* +eliee it )$* accept it
Q5 4o'-ll hae to eat h'm+le pie D means? 4o'-ll hae to ........
)a* a$mit yo'r-re #rong )+* say that again )c* s#allo# it A'ic,ly )$* eat it again
Q6 1hat-s eating yo'( D means? 1hat-s ma,ing yo' .......(
)a* h'ngry )+* ill )c* 2orget2'l )$* irrita+le
Q7 3e-s eating his heart o't 2or his e%Ggirl2rien$ D means? 3e #ishes ........
)a* he co'l$ +e +ac, #ith his e%Ggirl2rien$
)c* he co'l$ help his e%Ggirl2rien$
)+* his e%Ggirl2rien$ #o'l$ go a#ay
)$* he co'l$ 'n$erstan$ his e%Ggirl2rien$
Q8 She ha$ them all eating o't o2 her han$ D means? She #as a+le to ........
)a* 2ee$ them all )+* charm them all )c* spoil them all )$* please them all
Q9 It-s a $og eat $og enironment D means? It-s an enironment #here ........
)a* animals r'n #il$
)c* eery+o$y is ery cr'el to one another
)+* eery+o$y is ery r'$e to one another
)$* eeryone is ery competitie #ith one another
Q10 1e-re going to eat o't tonight D means? 1e-re going to eat in ........
)a* the ,itchen tonight
)c* a resta'rant tonight
)+* the gar$en tonight
)$* in the moonlight tonight
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 216
%iterary Terms 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1hen a #riter says one thing +'t act'ally means or signi2ies the opposite7 it-s calle$ ........
)a* irony )+* imagery )c* action
Q2 " 2'nny piece o2 #riting that 's'ally ma,es 2'n o2 2oolish or eil +ehaior is calle$ a ........
)a* metaphor )+* satire )c* e%aggeration
Q3 1hen a #riter ma,es something o't to +e more than it is7 it-s calle$ an ........
)a* e%aggeration )+* simile )c* metaphor
Q4 Fonathon #as li,e an eager p'ppy D al#ays #illing to hae 2'n an$ ma,e people smile. /his phrase is an
e%ample o2 a ........
)a* metaphor )+* simile )c* satire
Q5 L3er heart er'pte$ #ith mo'n$s o2 scorching ang'ish #hen she recalle$ the inci$entL is an e%ample o2 a
)a* simile )+* metaphor )c* satire
Q6 /he seA'ence o2 eents or actions that ta,e place in a story is calle$ the ........
)a* plot )+* satire )c* metaphor
Q7 /he loo, or appearance7 #ith regar$ to time an$ place7 o2 a story is calle$ the ........
)a* setting )+* s,etch )c* sonnet
Q8 "n i$ea or saying that has +een oer'se$ is calle$ a ........
)a* cliche )+* clima% )c* sym+ol
Q9 /he ....... tells the story to the rea$ers.
)a* narrator )+* sym+ol )c* genre
Q10 In a story7 a person7 place or thing that stan$s 2or or represents an i$ea or concept is a ........
)a* sym+ol )+* setting )c* plot
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 217
%iterary Terms 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 ")n* ....... is a story #here a person #rites a+o't themseles an$ their o#n li2e story.
)a* +iography )+* a'to+iography )c* play
Q2 1hen someone #rites another person-s li2e story7 the #ritten #or, is calle$ a)n* ........
)a* +iography )+* a'to+iography )c* play
Q3 1hen an e$itor or 8o'rnalist #rites a personal opinion a+o't an eent or i$ea7 the col'mn is calle$ a)n*
)a* personal trage$y )+* e$itorial )c* speech
Q4 " piece o2 #riting that is s'ppose$ to +e rea$ alo'$ 2or others to hear is calle$ a ........
)a* rhythm )+* speech )c* sonnet
Q5 /he ....... o2 a piece o2 literat're is $escri+e$ as the ,in$ or type o2 literat're it is.
)a* genre )+* action )c* plot
Q6 " ....... story 's'ally coers the 2acts o2 an eent that hae ta,en place in society.
)a* ne#s )+* $etectie )c* sa$
Q7 " ....... moie or +oo, is +ase$ on real eents or i$eas that hae ta,en place in history.
)a* nonG2ictional )+* 2ictional )c* 2'nny
Q8 /he main i$ea o2 any piece o2 #riting is calle$ the ........
)a* theme )+* stan;a )c* +iography
Q9 /he #riter or a'thor o2 a play is calle$ a ........
)a* poet )+* play#right )c* +iographer
Q10 " #riter-s manner or #ay o2 #riting is calle$ his/her ........
)a* stereotype )+* style )c* action
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 218
%iterary Terms 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 " play or moie that is s'ppose$ to ma,e 's la'gh an$ $oes not hae a tragic en$ing is calle$ a ........
)a* come$y )+* trage$y )c* action
Q2 /he #riter or a'thor o2 a poem is calle$ a ........
)a* play#right )+* noelist )c* poet
Q3 " techniA'e that inoles cl'es that a #riter gies his/her rea$ers a+o't #hat #ill happen later on in a noel or
in a short story is ,no#n as ........
)a* imagery )+* 2oresha$o#ing )c* 'n$erstating
Q4 " techniA'e 'se$ in literat're that eo,es or stim'lates the senses s'ch as hearing7 seeing an$ smelling is
,no#n as ........
)a* imagery )+* 2oresha$o#ing )c* rhythm
Q5 1hen a #riter 'ses #or$s to gie animals h'man characteristics an$ A'alities7 the techniA'e is calle$ ........
)a* characteri;ation )+* personi2ication )c* sym+olism
Q6 " person #ho #rites noels is calle$ a ........
)a* noelist )+* play#right )c* poet
Q7 /he ....... in a play7 noel or short story consists o2 the conersations that the characters hae #ith one
)a* $ialog'e )+* $ialect )c* con2lict
Q8 1riting that is create$ 2or entertainment p'rposes an$ that is imaginatie is calle$ ........
)a* nonG2iction )+* 2ig'ratie lang'age )c* 2iction
Q9 " person #ho gathers 2acts7 interie#s people an$ #rites articles a+o't the ne#s 2or the p'+lic is calle$ a
)a* poet )+* noelist )c* 8o'rnalist
Q10 /he ....... o2 a story is an important message that the rea$ers are s'ppose$ to receie an$ 'n$erstan$.
)a* action )+* moral )c* $ialect
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 219
%iterary Terms 748
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 ....... is a type o2 2ictional literat're that $eals #ith places an$ eents that $on-t an$ can-t e%ist in the #orl$ as
#e ,no# it.
)a* Science 2iction )+* 3istorical $rama )c* >ealistic $rama
Q2 ....... is #riting that tries to $eal #ith an$ $escri+e real li2e sit'ations.
)a* Science 2iction )+* >ealistic $rama )c* <antasy $rama
Q3 " ....... is a personal recor$ or 8o'rnal a+o't the #riter-s intimate 2eelings an$ opinions.
)a* $ialog'e )+* $iary )c* $ialect
Q4 " ....... is a a story that is passe$ $o#n 2rom one generation to the ne%t.
)a* poem )+* essay )c* 2ol,tale
Q5 "n a'thor #ho #rites 2'nny stories is calle$ a ........
)a* $ramatist )+* h'morist )c* poet
Q6 " ....... is a 2alse or 2ictional name that #riter 'ses instea$ o2 his/her real name.
)a* pen name )+* h'moro's name )c* pamphlet
Q7 " ....... story is a+o't an e%perience or eent that changes a character-s li2e in a signi2icant #ay.
)a* t'rning point )+* science 2iction )c* $ramatic
Q8 /he ....... is the main character in a story7 play etc.
)a* antagonist )+* protagonist )c* h'morist
Q9 /he ....... is a character #ho str'ggles #ith or #or,s against the main character in a story7 play etc.
)a* antagonist )+* protagonist )c* h'morist
Q10 In a ....... story7 the main character soles some sort o2 crime that #as committe$.
)a* $etectie )+* $ramatic )c* h'moro's
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 220
2hen d+ y+$ say this5
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I say? L"re yo' all right(L #hen I am ........
)a* concerne$ a+o't someone )+* tire$ #ith someone )c* happy #ith someone
Q2 I say LI am 2e$ 'pL #hen I ........
)a* am angry )+* hae eaten too m'ch )c* hae ha$ eno'gh
Q3 I say LI co'l$ eat a horseL #hen I am ........
)a* la;y )+* h'ngry )c* late
Q4 I say LI haen-t a cl'eL #hen I ........
)a* am c'rio's )+* 'n$erstan$ nothing )c* am apologetic
Q5 I say LI-e got to go no#L #hen I am ........
)a* #aiting )+* c'rio's )c* late
Q6 I say L9y 2eet are ,illing meL #hen I hae ........
)a* #al,e$ a lot )+* #or,e$ a lot )c* eaten a lot
Q7 I say L4o' can co'nt on meL #hen I ........
)a* tr'st someone )+* s'pport someone )c* $isli,e someone
Q8 I say L/hey lostL #hen I tell someone the ........
)a* tr'th )+* ans#er )c* res'lt
Q9 I say L4o'r lips m'st +e seale$L #hen I ........
)a* tell someone to +e A'iet
)c* #ant someone to stop eating
)+* #ant someone to ,eep a secret
Q10 I say LI haen-t a min'te to spareL #hen I ........
)a* hae plenty o2 time )+* am #aiting 2or someone )c* am ery +'sy
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 221
/ea"hing agreement
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Some people al#ays li,e to agree #ith eeryone +eca'se they can al#ays see the other person-s ....... o2
)a* p'rpose )+* place )c* point )$* proposal
Q2 <or them it-s ery $i22ic'lt to $eci$e an$ ma,e their ....... 'p at times li,e general elections.
)a* i$eas )+* tho'ghts )c* +elie2s )$* min$s
Q3 /hey listen to one spea,er an$ then to another an$ they neer ,no# #ho to ....... 2or #hen the election time
comes aro'n$.
)a* ote )+* choose )c* elect )$* select
Q4 /he $i22ic'lty is that they al#ays agree #ith the person they-e last listene$ to an$ 2or them that is a real
)a* har$ship )+* ha;ar$ )c* $i22ic'lty )$* tas,
Q5 4o' see7 they #atch one political party on /0 an$ +eliee they are reasona+le an$ tal, ....... +'t then they
#atch another party an$ they seem reasona+le7 too.
)a* care2'lly )+* sensi+ly )c* consi$era+ly )$* ca'tio'sly
Q6 1e hae a #or$ 2or these people an$ call them ....... oters +eca'se their ie#s are al#ays in the air.
)a* 2litting )+* 2lo#ing )c* 2lying )$* 2loating
Q7 C2 co'rse once yo' are insi$e the +'il$ing #here yo' hae to p't yo'r cross against the name o2 the
can$i$ate yo' choose7 there is no time to ....... or hesitate.
)a* $ither )+* $istract )c* $igress )$* $i22er
Q8 Sometimes the politicians #e elect7 all hae to agree an$ ma,e ery serio's $ecisions as it co'l$ +e a matter
o2 ....... or $eath.
)a* liing )+* li2e )c* lie )$* lii$
Q9 <ort'nately 2or most o2 's s'ch a sit'ation $oesn-t happen o2ten an$ so the pro+lem $oesn-t ........
)a* raise )+* rise )c* arise )$* ri$e
Q10 5ro+a+ly the easiest sol'tion i2 yo' can-t agree on one thing or another is to ....... a coin in the air an$ see
#hich si$e it lan$s on.
)a* thro# )+* moe )c* li2t )$* place
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 222
The h+liday +# a li#etime
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 S'e ha$ +een saing ....... her money 2or a long time +eca'se she #ante$ to go on a ro'n$ the #orl$ cr'ise.
)a* in )+* on )c* 'p )$* o22
Q2 /his ha$ +een a $ream o2 ....... since she #as a chil$.
)a* hers )+* she )c* her )$* she-s
Q3 "n$ no# at it #as a reality an$ her $ream #as a+o't to +e ........
)a* 2inishe$ )+* 2'l2ille$ )c* complete$ )$* $one
Q4 She ha$ pai$ a .......7 a s'm o2 money that #o'l$ g'arantee her ca+in on the cr'ise.
)a* $isposal )+* $ispensary )c* $eposition )$* $eposit
Q5 She ha$ also $eci$e$ that she #o'l$ +'y hersel2 some ne# l'ggage7 a ....... o2 cases that cost a lot o2 money.
)a* pac, )+* set )c* pile )$* gro'p
Q6 ='t she $i$n-t really care ho# m'ch she pai$ +eca'se she simply #asn-t ....... a+o't the e%pense.
)a* $istracte$ )+* $ist'r+e$ )c* +othere$ )$* consi$ere$
Q7 "2ter all as 2ar as she #as concerne$ the cr'ise #as going to +e a 8o'rney o2 a ........
)a* li2etime )+* li2elong )c* li2estyle )$* li2eline
Q8 /he night +e2ore the start o2 her holi$ay she ....... the night in a l'%'rio's hotel ery near the airport.
)a* e%pen$e$ )+* spent )c* en$'re$ )$* #aite$
Q9 She $i$n-t sleep ery #ell7 not +eca'se o2 the noise o2 the planes7 since the airport seeme$ ery A'iet7 +'t
+eca'se she #as so ....... at the tho'ght o2 the cr'ise.
)a* eleate$ )+* e%ten$e$ )c* e%pectant )$* e%cite$
Q10 It #as only #hen she ha$ 2inishe$ her +rea,2ast that she realise$ #hy the airport ha$ seeme$ so A'ietG
eeryone ha$ stoppe$ #or, an$ gone on .......E
)a* hit )+* ,noc, )c* 2all )$* stri,e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 223
4# mem+ry ser!es me right
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9ary? 1hy are yo' ....... so #orrie$(
)a* appearing )+* seeming )c* seeing )$* loo,ing
Q2 5ete? I-m not really #orrie$. It-s 8'st that 2or ....... I-e +een trying to remem+er the name o2 that actor in the 2irst
eer colo'r 2ilm.
)a* times )+* ages )c* perio$s )$* lengths
Q3 9ary? 6o yo' ,no# #hat the 2ilm #as .......(
)a* name$ )+* $escri+e$ )c* calle$ )$* la+elle$
Q4 5ete? :o7 that-s 8'st it. It-s completely gone o't o2 my ........
)a* hea$ )+* +rain )c* intelligence )$* ,no#le$ge
Q5 9ary? "t least tell me #hat the actor loo,e$ ........
)a* as )+* same )c* similar )$* li,e
Q6 5ete? 1ell7 he #as tall an$ spo,e #ith a ery English ........
)a* tone )+* so'n$ )c* accent )$* noise
Q7 9ary? 1hen #as the 2ilm act'ally .......(
)a* $one )+* ma$e )c* create$ )$* 2orme$
Q8 5ete? It ....... hae +een some time in 19477 I-m s're o2 that.
)a* co'l$ )+* #o'l$ )c* m'st )$* may
Q9 9ary? 1hy are yo' so ,een to 2in$ ....... #ho it #as(
)a* o't )+* in )c* thro'gh )$* on
Q10 5ete? /o tell yo' the .......7 I-e 2orgotten that7 tooE
)a* tr'e )+* tr'ly )c* tr'th2'l )$* tr'th
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 224
*y "+mp$ter and me
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I 8'st $on-t get on #ith comp'ters ....... all.
)a* +y )+* at )c* in )$* #ith
Q2 /hey al#ays go ....... #ith me an$ +rea, $o#n.
)a* incorrect )+* 2alse )c* #rong )$* inacc'rate
Q3 "s a res'lt o2 this I 2in$ I hae to call ....... e%perts to come an$ help me.
)a* o't )+* oer )c* a+o't )$* 'p
Q4 1hen they come to my ho'se7 these e%perts7 they sho# me #hat I ....... $o.
)a* sho'l$ )+* o'ght )c* might )$* may
Q5 "s I #atch them7 eerything +ecomes ery ....... an$ I 'n$erstan$ eerything.
)a* correct )+* clear )c* light )$* lighte$
Q6 /he tro'+le is that as soon as they leae7 I ten$ to ....... eerything they hae tol$ me.
)a* ignore )+* erase )c* 2orget )$* $eny
Q7 /he +est piece o2 ....... someone tol$ me to $o #hen the comp'ter $oesn-t #or, #as to t'rn the comp'ter o227
hae a c'p o2 co22ee an$ then t'rn it on again.
)a* co'nsel )+* co'ncil )c* recommen$ation )$* a$ice
Q8 /he 2irst time I ....... this7 eerything #as 2ine 2or 2ie min'tes an$ then it stoppe$ #or,ing again.
)a* trie$ )+* en$eao're$ )c* e%perimente$ )$* e%perience$
Q9 I hae no# +o'ght a ne# comp'ter #hich is per2ect +eca'se it-s ery small an$ so $oesn-t ta,e 'p m'ch
)a* area )+* position )c* room )$* place
Q10 It loo,s ery smart an$ mo$ern +'t I $o hae one ....... pro+lem an$ that-s +eca'se I $on-t ,no# ho# to s#itch
it on.
)a* spacio's )+* ma8or )c* si;e )$* signi2icant
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 225
2+rk and 9+- e:pressi+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he one $ay that most people hate is 9on$ay +eca'se that-s #hen they hae to go +ac, to their ....... o2 #or,.
)a* scene )+* sit'ation )c* place )$* part
Q2 /he one $ay that many people loe is <ri$ay +eca'se that is #hen they can thin, a+o't their time ....... at the
)a* +y )+* o22 )c* in )$* oer
Q3 Is'ally Sat'r$ay an$ S'n$ay 8'st ....... +y more A'ic,ly than the other 5 $ays o2 the #ee,.
)a* 2lo# )+* 2ly )c* 2lee )$* 2ollo#
Q4 ='t then #hat #o'l$ ....... to 's i2 #e $i$n-t $o any #or,(
)a* happen )+* arrie )c* occ'r )$* come
Q5 In the 2irst place #e-$ hae no money to +'y 2oo$ an$ #e-$ pro+a+ly ........
)a* h'nger )+* $ecrease )c* stare )$* $egra$e
Q6 9in$ yo' it co'l$ +e a #ay o2 ....... #eight an$ +ecoming slimmer.
)a* loosening )+* losing )c* lac,ing )$* aoi$ing
Q7 ='t in the en$ #e #o'l$ pro+a+ly 2in$ that $oing nothing all $ay co'l$ +e ery 'ninteresting an$ ........
)a* +oring )+* 2a$ing )c* $rea$ing )$* h'rting
Q8 So let-s not complain too m'ch a+o't it +eca'se #e simply hae to accept it as a ....... 2act o2 li2e.
)a* reA'ire$ )+* $eman$e$ )c* nee$2'l )$* necessary
Q9 F'st remem+er an$ neer ....... that some people aren-t a+le to #or, een #hen they #ant to.
)a* 2oretell )+* 2orget )c* 2or2eit )$* 2orecast
Q10 Cne #ay is to .......7 een i2 it-s not tr'e7 an$ tell yo'rsel2 that the ne# name 2or 9on$ay is <ri$ayE
)a* prepare )+* pre$ict )c* pre2er )$* preten$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 1
=e.spaper 'eadlines
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Some people only rea$ the ....... lines in a ne#spaper.
)a* top )+* +ig )c* main )$* hea$
Q2 4o' sho'l$ al#ays chec, the sell ....... $ate o2 things yo' +'y in the s'permar,et.
)a* in )+* thro'gh )c* +y )$* o22
Q3 1hen the +'il$ing #as complete$7 all the #or,ers #ere pai$ ........
)a* o22 )+* thro'gh )c* o't )$* oer
Q4 /he +oss #as goo$ eno'gh to ....... my mista,e.
)a* oersee )+* oerta,e )c* oer$o )$* oerloo,
Q5 It is al#ays ....... #hen yo' mis'n$erstan$ the c'stoms o2 other co'ntries.
)a* em+arrassing )+* pec'liar )c* sing'lar )$* attit'$e
Q6 :e#spapers are ....... to people-s $oors eery $ay.
)a* ta,en )+* $istri+'te$ )c* $eliere$ )$* han$e$
Q7 In her speech she e%presse$ her ....... 2or all the help she ha$ +een gien.
)a* than,2'lness )+* gratit'$e )c* grate2'lness )$* than,ing
Q8 In ....... nothing m'ch happene$ at the meeting.
)a* A'ic, )+* +rie2ly )c* short )$* shortly
Q9 "t the en$ o2 the speech the #hole assem+ly gae the spea,ers a stan$ing ........
)a* oation )+* appla'se )c* cheering )$* s'pport
Q10 5oliticians preten$ to ignore opinion ........
)a* otes )+* 2ig'res )c* n'm+ers )$* polls
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 2
%earning tips and instr$"ti+ns
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Start rea$ing the story 2rom page 4 an$ then go on 'ntil yo' ....... the en$ o2 the chapter.
)a* arrie )+* reach )c* to'ch )$* achiee
Q2 "ns#er the A'estions at the +ac, o2 the +oo, an$ ma,e ....... that yo' chec, yo'r ans#ers care2'lly.
)a* o+io's )+* $e2inite )c* s're )$* clear
Q3 /he #hole p'rpose o2 all these e%ercises is to ....... yo'r ,no#le$ge o2 grammar an$ oca+'lary.
)a* test )+* pro+e )c* inestigate )$* interpret
Q4 " 'se2'l #ay to ....... yo'r oca+'lary is to rea$ as m'ch as possi+le.
)a* amass )+* increase )c* collect )$* gather
Q5 4o' sho'l$ rea$ not only ne#spapers +'t also noels so that yo' can see e%amples o2 ....... lang'age.
)a* i$iomatic )+* a'tomatic )c* a%iomatic )$* symptomatic
Q6 "nother important actiity is to ....... yo'r spo,en lang'age.
)a* train )+* practise )c* e%ercise )$* emphasise
Q7 I2 yo' can ....... the cost o2 trael7 there is o2 co'rse no s'+stit'te 2or isiting the co'ntry itsel2.
)a* a22or$ )+* spen$ )c* e%pen$ )$* calc'late
Q8 /ry to ....... a natie spea,er to tal, to yo' so that yo' can recor$ the conersation.
)a* in2l'ence )+* pers'a$e )c* enco'rage )$* impress
Q9 5lay the tape +ac, as many times as yo' li,e an$ ....... eerything that the natie spea,er has sai$.
)a* hol$ )+* ta,e )c* hear )$* repeat
Q10 I2 yo' manage to $o all these things7 it #on-t +e long +e2ore yo' 2in$ yo'rsel2 spea,ing the lang'age ........
)a* 2lo#ingly )+* 2l'ently )c* ,no#ingly )$* 2reA'ently
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 3
0hrasal ,er-s
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I2 yo' #ant to 8oin that cl'+7 yo' hae to ....... a 2orm an$ sen$ it to yo'r secretary.
)a* 2ill 'p )+* 2ill o't )c* 2ill into )$* 2ill oer
Q2 6on-t #orry #e-ll hae to #ait a little longer +eca'se I-m s're he-ll ....... soon.
)a* t'rn 'p )+* t'rn in )c* t'rn into )$* t'rn $o#n
Q3 Bast #ee, I ....... that +oo, yo' #ante$ in a small shop.
)a* came 'p )+* came into )c* came across )$* came +y
Q4 1hat yo' hae to $o is to ....... a ne# i$ea that #ill ena+le 's to ma,e a lot o2 money.
)a* thin, oer )+* thin, o't )c* thin, a+o't )$* thin, 'p
Q5 I nee$ to 2in$ some ,in$ o2 chemical that #ill ....... the #ee$s in the gar$en.
)a* ,eep o22 )+* ,eep o't )c* ,eep $o#n )$* ,eep on
Q6 1hen spring comes7 people o2ten 2eel incline$ to ....... their ho'ses.
)a* $o oer )+* $o thro'gh )c* $o 'p )$* $o in
Q7 /he time has no# come #hen it #ill +e necessary to ....... ma,ing a plan.
)a* see a+o't )+* see oer )c* see thro'gh )$* see into
Q8 It-s easy to see 2rom the #ay the gar$en is loo,ing that #inter has ........
)a* set o't )+* set in )c* set 'p )$* set o22
Q9 4o' nee$ not #orry that yo'-ll +e le2t on yo'r o#n +eca'se I-ll al#ays ....... yo'.
)a* stan$ 2or )+* stan$ to )c* stan$ +y )$* stan$ 2rom
Q10 4o' can tell +y the #ay she tal,s an$ +ehaes that she ....... her mother.
)a* ta,es to )+* ta,es in )c* ta,es +ac, )$* ta,es a2ter
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 4
Time E:pressi+ns 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /here-s no nee$ to #orry7 #e shall get to the station long +e2ore the train leaes as #e hae ....... o2 time.
)a* sac,s )+* pac,ets )c* parcels )$* +ags
Q2 /he concert $oesn-t start at least an ho'r an$ so #e hae time to ........
)a* ,ill )+* m'r$er )c* remoe )$* $estroy
Q3 /he station isn-t 2ar a#ay an$ the train leaes in a+o't ten min'tes so there is no nee$ to #orry D #e hae
time to ........
)a* sae )+* store )c* spare )$* place
Q4 /he pro+lem is he has no #or, to $o an$ #ith time on his ....... he is li,ely to get into tro'+le.
)a* han$s )+* 2ingers )c* 2eet )$* legs
Q5 I tol$ him time an$ ....... not to $o it +'t he ta,es no notice.
)a* o2ten )+* alrea$y )c* again )$* 2reA'ently
Q6 I al#ays li,e to get to an appointment in ....... time.
)a* goo$ )+* +est )c* 2ine )$* clear
Q7 It-s ....... time she learnt to loo, a2ter hersel2.
)a* o2 )+* in )c* a+o't )$* thro'gh
Q8 1e-re not liing here 2or goo$ +'t 8'st 2or the time ........
)a* seeing )+* trying )c* going )$* +eing
Q9 /ime .......7 it-s $i22ic'lt to +eliee that #e-e +een here all $ay.
)a* 2lo#s )+* 2lies )c* 2lees )$* 2iles
Q10 /ime #ill ....... #hether #e hae ma$e the right $ecision.
)a* say )+* ,no# )c* tell )$* 2in$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 5
Time E:pressi+ns 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he +'siness has lost a lot o2 or$ers recently an$ is going thro'gh a ....... time.
)a* slen$er )+* poor )c* thin )$* ac'te
Q2 /he rail#ays system is ery e22icient as the trains al#ays arrie ....... time.
)a* 'p )+* at )c* 2or )$* on
Q3 9y opinion is that they $on-t ,no# #hat to $o an$ are merely playing ....... time.
)a* to )+* 2or )c* at )$* in
Q4 4o' can tell 8'st loo,ing at their o't o2 $ate eA'ipment that the company is #ell ....... the times.
)a* +ehin$ )+* across )c* 'n$er )$* o'tsi$e
Q5 3is inention sho#e$ that he 'n$erstoo$ #hat #as going to happen in the 2't're an$ proe$ he #as ....... o2
his time.
)a* in 2ront )+* +e2ore )c* ahea$ )$* 2or#ar$
Q6 4o' can tell she has hit the ....... time +eca'se o2 the h'ge car she $ries.
)a* high )+* massie )c* large )$* +ig
Q7 I2 yo' really #ant to sen$ that letter o22 to$ay7 it-s ....... time yo' #ent to the post o22ice.
)a* high )+* A'ic, )c* proper )$* right
Q8 /he orchestra are meant to ....... time #ith the con$'ctor.
)a* hol$ )+* ,eep )c* ta,e )$* sho#
Q9 I2 yo' #ant to gro# as a +'siness an$ attract ne# c'stomers yo' m'st ....... #ith the times.
)a* moe )+* 2ollo# )c* ,eep )$* hol$
Q10 /he parcel eent'ally arrie$ si% #ee,s later7 an$ not ....... timeE
)a* a2ter )+* +e2ore )c* since )$* 2or
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 6
4nter!ie.s and F+-s
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 =e2ore yo' start applying 2or any 8o+7 yo' m'st +e a+sol'tely s're yo' hae the right paper ........
)a* A'alities )+* A'ali2iers )c* A'ali2ying )$* A'ali2ications
Q2 In a$ance o2 $ra#ing 'p the 8o+ speci2ication an$ a$ertisement7 yo' hae to sit $o#n an$ #or, o't the .......
yo' hae in min$ 2or the i$eal employee.
)a* portrait )+* pro2ile )c* pict're )$* s,etch
Q3 "s soon as the ....... arrie7 it #ill +e yo'r 8o+ to sho# them ro'n$ the #or, place an$ gie them a general
history o2 the company 2or #hich they #ant to #or,.
)a* chosen )+* selecte$ )c* can$i$ates )$* appliers
Q4 "t the moment the company is $oing an e%tensie a$ertising campaign #ith a ie# to ....... ne# sta22.
)a* recr'iting )+* catching )c* reaching )$* ta,ing
Q5 "2ter yo'-e rea$ the $etails o2 the 8o+7 ma$e some notes an$ #ritten a $ra2t letter7 chec, the $etails7 #rite the
2inal letter an$ then ....... yo'r application.
)a* p'rs'e )+* s'+mit )c* 'n$ergo )$* 'n$erta,e
Q6 I thin, yo' #ere as,ing too m'ch o2 that ne# mem+er o2 sta22 #hen yo' e%pecte$ her to ....... #ith a costG
c'tting scheme.
)a* come oer )+* come thro'gh )c* come +y )$* come 'p
Q7 I thin, that yo'-e chosen a ery goo$ area o2 #or, to see, employment in +eca'se I-e hear$ that 8o+s are
....... there.
)a* many )+* a+'n$ant )c* 2reA'ent )$* plenty
Q8 Interie#ing applicants 2or an important 8o+ can +e a ery time ....... process +'t it-s #orth it in the en$.
)a* lasting )+* $eeloping )c* cons'ming )$* ta,ing
Q9 1hen yo' are interie#ing someone7 it is o+io'sly necessary to as, A'estions releant to their 8o+
e%perience +'t $isc'ssing someone-s other ....... is also 'se2'l.
)a* $ee$s )+* accomplishments )c* $oings )$* hol$ings
Q10 1e can o22er yo' a salary that #ill +e ....... #ith the $'ties an$ responsi+ilities that the 8o+ $eman$s.
)a* leel )+* eA'al )c* connecte$ )$* commens'rate
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 7
3t the +"t+rs
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "s soon as the $octor loo,e$ at her7 he #as a+le to ....... the ca'se o2 her 2reA'ent hea$aches.
)a* $eci$e )+* $iagnose )c* $e2ine )$* $escri+e
Q2 /reatment o2 this partic'lar $isor$er #as +eyon$ the $octor-s capa+ility an$ he ....... the patient to a specialist.
)a* re2erence$ )+* ret'rne$ )c* re2erre$ )$* re$'ce$
Q3 3e le2t the s'rgery 2eeling a lot +etter than #hen he arrie$ +eca'se the $octor ha$ reass're$ him that his
con$ition #as not ........
)a* clear )+* serio's )c* $etermine$ )$* possi+le
Q4 /he $octor too, o't o2 her +ag an 'n's'al ....... +'t promise$ her yo'ng patient that it #o'l$ not h'rt her.
)a* 'tensil )+* metho$ )c* control )$* instr'ment
Q5 I m'st con2ess I 2eel m'ch +etter to$ay7 as I hae 2o'n$ that the me$ication prescri+e$ has +een most ........
)a* e22ecting )+* e22ects )c* e22ectie )$* a22ectie
Q6 In$er the policy o2 the ne# health reg'lations i2 yo' $eci$e to cancel yo'r ....... an$ $on-t noti2y the s'rgery7
yo' #ill +e 2ine$.
)a* meeting )+* appointment )c* ren$e;o's )$* $ate
Q7 =e2ore she #as allo#e$ to leae the hospital7 a physiotherapist ha$ to ....... the e%tent o2 her mo+ility.
)a* ass'me )+* accept )c* assess )$* assert
Q8 /he treatment has proe$ ery s'ccess2'l +'t to chec, progress he has to arrange to isit the $octor-s ........
)a* 's'ally )+* al#ays )c* principally )$* ann'ally
Q9 It is m'ch easier to ....... an illness than it is to c're it.
)a* prepare )+* preent )c* postpone )$* pre2er
Q10 =e2ore they co'l$ start any ,in$ o2 treatment7 they ha$ to #rite to the preio's hospital in or$er to o+tain her
)a* #ritings )+* prescriptions )c* recor$s )$* recor$ings
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 8
*istaken 4dentity
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Interie#er? 5erhaps yo' co'l$ start +y telling 's #hy yo'-e ........
)a* o+taine$ 2or this 8o+
)c* inten$e$ 2or this 8o+
)+* applie$ 2or this 8o+
)$* as,e$ 2or this 8o+
Q2 &an$i$ate? I thin, the main reason is +eca'se I li,e #or,ing in ........
)a* the 2ree air )+* the clear air )c* the p're air )$* the open air
Q3 Interie#er? 4o' mean yo' li,e the i$ea o2 an o22ice #ith ........
)a* air control )+* air managment )c* air con$itioning )$* air con$ition
Q4 &an$i$ate? I-m sorry I $on-t 'n$erstan$ #hat yo'-re ........
)a* in a+o't )+* on a+o't )c* 2or a+o't )$* o22 a+o't
Q5 Interie#er? I sho'l$ hae tho'ght this #as ........
)a* clear o+io's )+* mostly o+io's )c* pretty o+io's )$* mainly o+io's
Q6 &an$i$ate? :ot to me7 ........
)a* it isn-t )+* it can-t +e )c* it #on-t +e )$* it #ill +e
Q7 Interie#er? I thin, there m'st +e a mista,e7 I ........
)a* p't it yo'-re 9r Fohnson
)c* place it yo'-re 9r Fohnson
)+* ta,e it yo'-re 9r Fohnson
)$* try it yo'-re 9r Fohnson
Q8 &an$i$ate? I-m 9r Fensen. I-m a2rai$ it-s a case o2 ........
)a* mista,en personality
)c* mista,en person
)+* mista,en character
)$* mista,en i$entity
Q9 Interie#er? So yo'-re not a2ter the 8o+ o2 g'ar$ian7 ........
)a* I pres'me )+* I preten$ )c* I pre2er )$* I preie#
Q10 &an$i$ate? :o7 sorry as I sai$ I li,e #or,ing o'tsi$e7 I #ant to +e a gar$ener7 ........
)a* i2 yo' $on-t care )+* i2 yo' $on-t agree )c* i2 yo' $on-t min$ )$* i2 yo' $on-t see
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 9
%etter 2riting 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 6ear Sir7 I am #riting this letter to $escri+e the ....... I-e +een haing #ith one o2 yo'r pro$'cts.
)a* inci$ents )+* instances )c* pro+lems )$* e%amples
Q2 I am re2erring to yo'r la#nmo#er ....... in the catalog'e as -S'perc't-.
)a* $escri+e$ )+* $e2erre$ )c* consi$ere$ )$* mentione$
Q3 /o +egin #ith I #o'l$ li,e to ta,e ....... oer the name itsel2.
)a* o'tcome )+* iss'e )c* tro'+le )$* pains
Q4 -S'per- to my min$ s'ggests .......7 #hich it $oes not possess.
)a* o'tstan$ing )+* #on$er2'l )c* e%cellent )$* e%cellence
Q5 -&'t- I sho'l$ hae tho'ght #as an essential ....... o2 any la#nmo#er.
)a* reA'ire )+* reA'irement )c* reA'ires )$* reA'iring
Q6 In2ort'nately this $oes not ....... to -S'perc't-.
)a* concern )+* attri+'te )c* apply )$* con2er
Q7 /he 2irst time I trie$ to 'se it7 yo'r la#nmo#er simply ....... oer the grass +'t $i$ not c't it.
)a* #al,e$ )+* rolle$ )c* stro$e )$* trippe$
Q8 ....... the grass #as 2lat +'t it #as still as long as #hen I ha$ starte$.
)a* &on2essing )+* &on2esse$ )c* "$mitte$ )$* "$mitte$ly
Q9 1hat I #o'l$ li,e yo' to $o is to pay me ....... my money an$ ta,e -S'perc't- a#ay.
)a* +ac, )+* ret'rn )c* again )$* reply
Q10 <inally I #ant someone to come an$ c't my grass at yo'r ........
4o'rs 2aith2'lly7 3er+ Grass.
)a* e%pen$it're )+* e%pense )c* e%pen$ing )$* e%pen$s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 10
%etter 2riting 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 6ear &harles I tho'ght it #as ....... time I #rote to yo' an$ tol$ yo' #hat I-e +een 'p to.
)a* in )+* a+o't )c* at )$* +y
Q2 9y main ne#s is that 9ary has at long last ....... to marry me.
)a* concerne$ )+* conene$ )c* concerte$ )$* consente$
Q3 She p'ts it another #ay an$ says she #ill +e a+le to ma,e an ....... man o2 me.
)a* honest )+* hono'r )c* honestly )$* hono'ra+le
Q4 "n$ no# I come to a ery important ....... I #ant to as, o2 yo'.
)a* 2ao'rite )+* 2ao'r )c* 2ao'ra+le )$* 2ao'ring
Q5 5'tting it ....... I sho'l$ +e $elighte$ i2 yo' #o'l$ agree to +e my +est man at o'r #e$$ing.
)a* easily )+* A'ietly )c* 2airly )$* simply
Q6 I can ....... yo' that the $'ties are not in any #ay complicate$.
)a* con2irm )+* ass're )c* assert )$* a22irm
Q7 In 2act yo' co'l$ not possi+ly say that the 8o+ o2 +est man is at all ........
)a* ar$'o's )+* artic'late )c* ar$ent )$* ar$'o'sly
Q8 /his +rings me to another point? #hy aren-t yo' an$ Sara tying the .......(
)a* noose )+* rope )c* ,not )$* string
Q9 "2ter all #hy sho'l$ yo' t#o contin'e to +e 2ree an$ I hae to gie 'p my .......(
)a* latit'$e )+* li+erty )c* scope )$* imm'nity
Q10 Bet me hae yo'r ....... as soon as possi+le.
4o'r ol$ 2rien$7 9ic,.
)a* ret'rn )+* response )c* respect )$* rec'r
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 11
%etter 2riting 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 6ear Sir7 haing rea$ yo'r a$ertisement7 I sho'l$ li,e to ....... this letter as my application 2or the post o2
mar,eting manager.
)a* $elier )+* s'+mit )c* ret'rn )$* sen$
Q2 "s yo' #ill see 2rom my ....... &.0.7 I am c'rrently #or,ing as a #aiter.
)a* en$orse$ )+* incl'$e$ )c* attache$ )$* appeare$
Q3 4o' may thin, that this is a ....... 8o+ 2or someone #ho is applying 2or a mar,eting post.
)a* pec'liar )+* stranger )c* 's'al )$* typical
Q4 5erhaps I sho'l$ e%plain the ....... reason 2or #or,ing in a resta'rant as a #aiter in preparation 2or a mar,eting
)a* 'n$ergro'n$ )+* 'n$ercoer )c* 'n$erstan$ing )$* 'n$erlying
Q5 "s I see it7 a resta'rant is a mar,et an$ it is the 8o+ o2 a #aiter to ....... the clients into choosing pro$'cts 2rom
the men'.
)a* p'sh )+* pera$e )c* tempt )$* instr'ct
Q6 I am s're I co'l$ ery easily ....... all the reA'irements o2 the 8o+.
)a* complete )+* 2'l2il )c* commit )$* 2inish
Q7 <or e%ample some o2 my clients cannot $eci$e #hether to hae ....... 2r'it or tiramis'.
)a* pic,e$ )+* #et )c* 2resh )$* pl'c,e$
Q8 Cn s'ch an occasion li,e that I mar,et #ell an$ al#ays ma,e them ....... the one #e hae most o2.
)a* $eci$e )+* +eliee )c* select )$* e22ect
Q9 I am s're I co'l$ ....... my s,ills as a #aiter to the tas,s that are nee$e$ 2or yo'r a$ertise$ post.
)a* trans2er )+* translate )c* transpose )$* transerse
Q10 <inally I loo, 2or#ar$ to ....... 2rom yo' an$ as yo' #ill 'n$erstan$ I $on-t #ant to -#ait- ery long.
4o'rs 2aith2'lly7
I.".9. 3ope2'l.
)a* hear )+* hearing )c* hear$ )$* hears
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 12
%etter 2riting 748
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 6ear all7 8'st to let yo' ,no# that #e reache$ o'r ....... a2ter a $ramatic start.
)a* goal )+* aim )c* en$ )$* $estination
Q2 I co'l$ say that #e are haing a #on$er2'l time +'t that #o'l$ +e ....... 2rom the tr'th.
)a* $istant )+* 2ar )c* long )$* 2'rther
Q3 Eerything starte$ to go #rong the moment #e arrie$ at the airport +eca'se o2 the in$'strial ....... ta,en +y
the +aggage han$lers.
)a* actiity )+* acts )c* acting )$* action
Q4 /hese +aggage han$lers ha$ $eci$e$ they $i$n-t #ant to ....... o'r cases on to the plane.
)a* lea$ )+* loa$ )c* lo$e )$* le$
Q5 /he res'lt o2 this #as that #e #ere hel$ ....... 2or si% ho'rs in the $epart're lo'nge #aiting 2or the en$ o2 the
)a* 'p )+* on )c* +y )$* a+o't
Q6 =y the time the plane too, o22 as yo' can .......7 #e #ere all tire$7 h'ngry an$ misera+le.
)a* +eliee )+* anticipate )c* imagine )$* thin,
Q7 1hen #e eent'ally arrie$ at the hotel7 #e ha$ to ....... o'r l'ggage at reception.
)a* sort o't )+* sort o2 )c* sort in )$* sort +y
Q8 /he +ig pro+lem #as that o'r l'ggage #asn-t there D it ha$ simply ........
)a* $isintegrate$ )+* $istorte$ )c* $islo$ge$ )$* $isappeare$
Q9 C'r 2irst $ay #as spent in the local shops ....... all the things that #e +eliee$ #e ha$ +ro'ght #ith 's.
)a* 2in$ing )+* loo,ing )c* p'rchasing )$* searching
Q10 Cn the last $ay o2 o'r holi$ay the manager o2 the hotel greete$ 's ....... 2rom ear to ear to in2orm 's that o'r
l'ggage ha$ arrie$ at receptionE
See yo' soon
9eggy an$ /om.
)a* screaming )+* +eaming )c* streaming )$* strechting
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 13
(lying a"r+ss the 1hannel
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 6o yo' hae any i$ea #hat ="SE 8'mping .......(
)a* signi2ies )+* means )c* says )$* tells
Q2 "pparently it is an ....... #here the letters in the #or$ are the 2irst letters o2 a gro'p o2 #or$s.
)a* a++reiation )+* a$$ition )c* anomaly )$* acronym
Q3 In other #or$s the letters ....... +'il$ing7 antennae7 span an$ earth7 all o2 #hich yo' can 8'mp 2rom.
)a* stan$ 'p )+* stan$ in )c* stan$ 2or )$* stan$ +y
Q4 <eli% =a'mgartner recently +ase8'mpe$ o't o2 a plane 97000 metres ....... 6oer7 a port on the so'th coast o2
)a* 'p )+* a+oe )c* higher )$* at
Q5 3e inten$e$ to ....... across the channel #ith a parach'te an$ lan$ on the coast o2 <rance near &alais.
)a* 2ly )+* 2lee )c* 2le# )$* 2lo#
Q6 3e starte$ ery early in the morning so that he #as a+le to ....... commercial 2lights.
)a* eict )+* aoi$ )c* e8ect )$* a+8ect
Q7 6'ring the 2light his s'pporters ....... that he #ill hae reache$ 200 ,mh.
)a* attain )+* arg'e )c* claim )$* $isp'te
Q8 /he 2act remains that he ....... an$ manage$ #ith the help o2 o%ygen s'pplies to complete the crossing in ten
)a* lie$ )+* contin'e$ )c* achiee$ )$* s'rie$
Q9 3e create$ a ne# ....... an$ 8oins Bo'is =leriot7 the 2irst to 2ly across the channel in 37 min'tes an$ 9atthe#
1e++7 the 2irst to s#im across in 22 ho'rs.
)a* recor$ )+* recor$er )c* recor$ing )$* recor$s
Q10 /hese are ama;ing achieements +'t i2 li,e me yo' #ant com2ort7 #armth an$ 2oo$ on the 8o'rney7 ta,e the
2erry crossing ....... 90 min'tes.
)a* $'ring )+* lasting )c* $'ration )$* #hile
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 14
Tea"hing y+$r 2i#e t+ ri!e
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /eaching someone to $rie is one o2 the ....... e%periences yo' can hae.
)a* cr'ellest )+* heaiest )c* scariest )$* latest
Q2 4o' sit in the passenger seat an$ ....... yo'r learner to $o #hat yo' #o'l$ normally $o.
)a* learn )+* per2orm )c* compose )$* instr'ct
Q3 /he pro+lem is that i2 yo'r learner $oesn-t 'n$erstan$7 yo' can +oth en$ 'p in the ........
)a* si$e )+* $itch )c* $rain )$* 2loor
Q4 /he sit'ation is more ....... i2 the learner is a mem+er o2 yo'r 2amily.
)a* con2irme$ )+* contorte$ )c* complicate$ )$* con2'se$
Q5 I2 this relatie is also yo'r #i2e7 then things +ecome een more $isastro's +eca'se it co'l$ en$ in ........
)a* $iorce )+* $iision )c* $istance )$* $iersion
Q6 /he secret o2 +eing a goo$ $riing teacher is neer on any occasion to lose yo'r temper or yo'r ........
)a* +rain )+* tho'ght )c* i$ea )$* hea$
Q7 I2 yo' $o lose one o2 them or +oth7 yo'r learner #ill lose con2i$ence an$ also lose ....... o2 the car.
)a* control )+* chec, )c* +rea, )$* stop
Q8 In my ....... none o2 this happene$ D all I $i$ #as sho't an$ scream7 #hich ma$e me 2eel +etter.
)a* e%ample )+* case )c* instance )$* inci$ent
Q9 I am pro'$ to say that I ta'ght my #i2e an$ my t#o sons an$ they all ....... 2irst time.
)a* past )+* passing )c* passe$ )$* pass
Q10 /he only ....... to me is as they #ere s'ccess2'l on the 2irst attempt7 ho# come some years +e2ore it ha$ ta,en
me 2o'r triesE
)a* con2'sion )+* mystery )c* intrig'e )$* 'n,no#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 15
6ne is al.ays g+ing t+ l+se&&&
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 ='il$ing Societies c'rrently 2in$ themseles in a ....... sit'ation +eca'se they try to please the saers an$ also
the +orro#ers an$ yet one gro'p is al#ays going to lose.
)a* per2ect )+* precario's )c* pretentio's )$* pertinent
Q2 1heneer there is a meeting +et#een the 2inance minister an$ the goernor o2 the +an,7 people start as,ing
A'estions an$ r'mo'rs ........
)a* a+'t )+* a+o't )c* a+o'n$ )$* a+i$e
Q3 Inaria+ly i2 interest rates go 'p7 the +'il$ing societies pay more to their saers an$ +orro#ers complain at the
increase they hae to pay an$ maintain the societies are ....... their a22airs.
)a* mista,ing )+* misplacing )c* mis2iring )$* mishan$ling
Q4 &hie2 e%ec'ties then start ma,ing pleasant speeches an$ smile a lot +eca'se they #ant to ....... the concerns
o2 their +orro#ers.
)a* ass'age )+* assert )c* assem+le )$* assent
Q5 9onths go +y an$ most people 2orget their pro+lems an$ get 'se$ to the i$ea o2 paying more an$ then tal,s
....... an$ the #hole process starts all oer again.
)a* reta,e )+* res'me )c* repeat )$* ret'rn
Q6 /he goernment then has to sho# that it is inole$ in the #hole +'siness o2 saing an$ len$ing an$ tries to
conince eeryone that it is ....... o2 +oth saers an$ len$ers.
)a* s'pporting )+* s'pporter )c* s'pportie )$* s'pporte$
Q7 /he goernment ne%t anno'nces that meas'res are $'e to come into ....... that #ill change the #hole process.
)a* 2orces )+* 2orce$ )c* 2orce )$* 2orcing
Q8 /hey say this +'t then the $i22ic'lty is trying to 2in$ o't #hen the meas'res are coming into e22ect an$ #hen
they #ill +e ........
)a* rate$ )+* rati2ie$ )c* rates )$* rating
Q9 /his is all ery $isappointing 2or the ....... ho'se +'yer #ho $oesn-t really ,no# #hat-s going to happen ne%t
an$ ho# m'ch the interest rate #ill +e.
)a* #o'l$Ggo )+* #o'l$Gtry )c* #o'l$Gsee )$* #o'l$G+e
Q10 C'r poor potential +'yer rea$s the papers7 #atches the teleision ne#s an$ gets e%cite$ at the prospect o2
another meeting o2 the 2inanciers +'t in the en$ nothing o2 ....... comes o2 it all.
)a* note )+* notice )c* noting )$* note$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 16
3 0$-li" (ig$re
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Imagine an ....... p'+lic 2ig're attac,e$ +y press an$ p'+lic7 #ho is 2acing an inA'iry into allegations o2 haing
o+taine$ money +y $eception.
)a* empo#ere$ )+* en$angere$ )c* em+attle$ )$* engrosse$
Q2 "ny arg'ments he p't 'p in his $e2ence #ere regar$e$ as a ....... +y people #ho #ere $etermine$ to see him
)a* clo'$ )+* smo,escreen )c* con2'sion )$* 2og
Q3 5eople ten$e$ not to +eliee a #or$ he sai$ an$ maintaine$ that his protestations o2 innocence #ere #earing
a +it ........
)a* scarce )+* +are )c* scant )$* thin
Q4 /here #as ery strong s'pport 2or the police #ho #ere $etermine$ to ....... this ,in$ o2 crime.
)a* restrain )+* manage )c* c'r+ )$* ,ill
Q5 /he press ha$ +een ....... +y an 'n,no#n so'rce to ma,e as m'ch p'+licity a+o't him as they co'l$.
)a* prompte$ )+* pic,e$ )c* promote$ )$* propose$
Q6 3is agent spent a lot o2 time ....... the press on his +ac,gro'n$ in the hope that they #o'l$ present a +alance$
)a* training )+* +rie2ing )c* sho#ing )$* clearing
Q7 0ie#s as to his g'ilt or innocence een +e2ore the trial starte$ ....... 2rom 'tter coniction that he #as g'ilty to
#il$ s'pport 2or his innocence.
)a* starte$ )+* +egan )c* range$ )$* s#ept
Q8 Gra$'ally ho#eer as the $ays #ent +y een his greatest s'pporters #ere +eginning to ....... him.
)a* $estroy )+* $esert )c* $espair )$* $estr'ct
Q9 /hen t#o $ays +e2ore the trial #as $'e to start7 ne# ei$ence came to ....... proing he #as totally innocent.
)a* light )+* see )c* sho# )$* in$icate
Q10 =y then o2 co'rse it #as too late +eca'se the $amage ha$ alrea$y +een $one to his career7 #hich .......
eerything else he $i$ 2or the rest o2 his li2e.
)a* oertoo, )+* oercame )c* oerran )$* oersha$o#e$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 17
State Se"rets
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1e o2ten hear that s'ch an$ s'ch a piece o2 in2ormation cannot +e release$ into the p'+lic ....... in the interest
o2 national sec'rity.
)a* $ominion )+* $omination )c* $omain )$* $omestic
Q2 Fo'rnalists ho#eer loe to get hol$ o2 a story someho# +'t they r'n the ris, o2 2acing a ....... i2 they +rea, the
o22icial secrects act.
)a* +ac, #hip )+* +ac,lash )c* +ac,store )$* +ac, stri,e
Q3 1hen there is a ....... inA'iry ta,ing place7 the r'sh to get more $etails is intense.
)a* high pro2ile )+* high +ro# )c* high intensity )$* high $rama
Q4 /he more the a'thorities try to conceal #hat is happening7 the more it 2'els ....... a+o't #hat might +e
)a* spec'latie )+* spectacle )c* speciality )$* spec'lation
Q5 Sometimes a 8o'rnalist #ill get hol$ o2 sensitie in2ormation ,no#ing that he #ill get ....... +y goernment
agencies i2 he $ares reeal it.
)a* #il$ )+* torn )c* saage$ )$* raage$
Q6 /he person in charge o2 the enA'iry #ill occasionally ....... #hat can +e $isclose$ in ne#spapers.
)a* signal )+* signi2y )c* sign )$* seal
Q7 Cnce this $isclos're is ....... it-s the 8o+ o2 the 8o'rnalist to 2ollo# it thro'gh to a satis2actory concl'sion.
)a* heightene$ )+* highlighte$ )c* high pitche$ )$* hightaile$
Q8 9in$ yo' it has to +e a conincing article +eca'se the rea$ing p'+lic can soon see thro'gh the ....... o2 a #ea,
)a* clarity )+* clearness )c* transparency )$* transparent
Q9 /he A'estion m'st al#ays +e in the min$ o2 the #riter #hether #hat is +eing #ritten is li,ely to ....... a threat to
the sa2ety o2 the comm'nity at large.
)a* place )+* p't )c* start )$* pose
Q10 /he last possi+le thing that anyone #ants to happen to their co'ntry is to t'rn it into a ....... 2or tro'+lema,ers.
)a* port )+* har+o'r )c* haen )$* location
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 18
The =e.s
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3ere is the ne#s rea$ +y "lan /o#nen$. /o$ay the Goernment is ....... plans 2or a ne# scheme to help
)a* opening )+* 'neiling )c* 'n$oing )$* sho#ing
Q2 /he i$ea +ehin$ the scheme is to try an$ ....... stealing in the co'ntry.
)a* c'r+ )+* ,ill )c* maintain )$* con2'se
Q3 /he scheme #ill +e ....... into the school c'rric'l'm at the +eginning o2 ne%t aca$emic year.
)a* entere$ )+* presente$ )c* #elcome$ )$* intro$'ce$
Q4 &hil$ren #ill +e ta'ght to respect other people-s property an$ ........
)a* +elongings )+* attachments )c* a$$e$ )$* a$$itions
Q5 I2 chil$ " steals chil$ =-s e%ercise +oo,7 chil$ " #ill hae to stan$ 'p in 2ront o2 the school an$ ....... to +eing a
)a* con$'ce )+* con2ess )c* con$'ct )$* con2orm
Q6 /he Goernment ....... sai$ the 5rime 9inister #as sic, an$ tire$ o2 papers $isappearing 2rom his o22ice.
)a* spea,ing person )+* spea, person )c* spo,en person )$* spo,esperson
Q7 Bast #ee, the 5rime 9inister ha$ to gie an important a$$ress to an international ....... #hen he 2o'n$ his
speech ha$ $isappeare$.
)a* assem+le$ )+* assem+ly )c* assem+ling )$* assem+les
Q8 /his #as o2 co'rse ery em+arrassing 2or the 5.9. an$ ....... o2 the speech he tol$ 2'nny stories.
)a* in spite )+* in case )c* instea$ )$* inten$
Q9 /he #orst part o2 the inci$ent #as that the a'$ience $i$ not see the 2'nny ....... o2 his stories.
)a* e$ge )+* si$e )c* line )$* part
Q10 I regret I cannot contin'e #ith the ne#s +eca'se someone has ....... the ne%t page.
)a* misappropriate$ )+* misconstr'e$ )c* mista,en )$* misrea$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 19
Talking thr+$gh his hat
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I $o ta,e my hat ....... to the ne# $irector 2or haing p'lle$ the company +ac, 2rom +an,r'ptcy.
)a* +y )+* on )c* to )$* o22
Q2 1hateer yo' $o ta,e no notice o2 him +eca'se he-s not thin,ing straight D he-s tal,ing ....... his hat.
)a* 'p )+* thro'gh )c* at )$* 'n$er
Q3 It #as one o2 those society #e$$ings yo' ,no# #hen the men #ear ....... hats an$ tails.
)a* tall )+* long )c* top )$* 2'll
Q4 I hope yo' can ,eep a secret +eca'se I-$ li,e yo' to ,eep this in2ormation ....... yo'r hat.
)a* 'n$er )+* in )c* +y )$* oer
Q5 "t last she-s ma$e her min$ 'p an$ $eci$e$ to thro# her hat in the ....... an$ +ecome a can$i$ate.
)a* circle )+* ring )c* ro'n$ )$* mi$$le
Q6 I $on-t thin, she stan$s a chance in the election an$ i2 she $oes #in7 I-ll ....... my hat.
)a* +ite )+* cons'me )c* eat )$* che#
Q7 4o' simply can-t tr'st that politician +eca'se he changes his min$ eery 2ie min'tes at the ....... o2 a hat.
)a* 2all )+* t'm+le )c* 8'mp )$* $rop
Q8 I2 yo' #ant to ,eep 'p #ith the latest 2ashion7 yo' sho'l$n-t #ear that D it-s ....... hat no#.
)a* late )+* ol$ )c* 2inishe$ )$* gone
Q9 In ie# o2 the special e22orts o'r coach $rier has ma$e to$ay7 I thin, it #o'l$ +e nice to ....... ro'n$ the hat 2or
)a* o22er )+* gie )c* place )$* han$
Q10 In his present 8o+ there are so many $i22erent responsi+ilities inole$ that he has to ....... seeral hats.
)a* ta,e )+* p't )c* #ear )$* $ress
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 20
1+nsider this
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he most $i22ic'lt part 2or the salesperson is to ....... potential c'stomers o2 the 'se2'lness o2 the pro$'ct.
)a* consi$er )+* conince )c* contract )$* con2irm
Q2 I2 yo' #ant to get the +est o't o2 yo'r sales 2orce7 they m'st +eliee in the pro$'ct an$ +e ....... eno'gh to
promote it igoro'sly.
)a* inspire$ )+* ineste$ )c* incl'$e$ )$* in$e+te$
Q3 " ....... c'stomer #ill al#ays ret'rn to the same 2irm an$ +'y again.
)a* intereste$ )+* enco'rage$ )c* satis2actory )$* satis2ie$
Q4 /hat style o2 $ress #as once consi$ere$ to +e a ....... +'t no# it is coming +ac, into 2ashion.
)a* 2'ss )+* 2a$ )c* 2i$get )$* 2'n
Q5 Cne o2 the 2irst things to $o #hen yo' #ant to ....... a ne# pro$'ct is to ascertain its potential $eman$.
)a* maintain )+* master )c* mar,et )$* m'ster
Q6 /he main +'siness interest at the moment is to #atch the s'permar,ets ....... 2or the same clientele.
)a* contrasting )+* competing )c* concerning )$* con2'sing
Q7 C'r sales meetings #ere re$'ce$ to once a 2ortnight +eca'se the #ee,ly meetings #ere not consi$ere$ to +e
....... eno'gh.
)a* pro$'ctie )+* pro$'cing )c* pro$'ce$ )$* pro$'cts
Q8 3er a+ility to ....... 2acts an$ 2ig'res A'ic,ly #as the main reason 2or her rapi$ rise in the +'siness.
)a* cons'mer )+* cons'mption )c* cons'me )$* cons'ming
Q9 /he s'ccess o2 o'r #e+site is $'e to the 2act that c'stomers can ....... $i22erent prices 2or the same article.
)a* contin'e )+* concl'$e )c* con2er )$* compare
Q10 I2 yo' #ant to ,eep ....... #ith the latest $eelopements in yo'r 2iel$7 yo' hae to rea$ the releant maga;ines.
)a* c'rrant )+* c'rrent )c* c'rrents )$* c'rrently
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 21
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9athe# Smith #as a highly respecte$ mem+er o2 parliament #ith no ....... on his character.
)a* sign )+* in$ication )c* stain )$* point
Q2 "t least that-s #hat he tho'ght 'ntil the press starte$ trying to ....... 'p something a+o't his past.
)a* p'sh )+* $ig )c* spa$e )$* 2or,
Q3 "pparently #hen he #as still at school7 he $i$n-t hae a tic,et 2or his train 8o'rney one $ay an$ he #as ........
)a* 2o'n$ )+* 2o'n$e$ )c* 2'n$e$ )$* 2ine$
Q4 /his piece o2 in2ormation #as $iscoere$ +y one ,een local reporter an$ #as ....... 'p o't o2 all proportion +y
the national press.
)a* +lo#n )+* +le# )c* +lo#ing )$* +lo#s
Q5 3ea$lines appeare$ maintaining that 9athe# #as a $ishonest ....... thie2.
)a* laying )+* liar )c* lain )$* lying
Q6 Cther papers as,e$ the A'estion? 3o# can #e tr'st o'r politicians i2 they ....... on society(
)a* chat )+* cha2e )c* cheat )$* chance
Q7 /here #as een tal, that inci$ents li,e this one co'l$ ....... the Goernment.
)a* tipple )+* topple )c* tac,le )$* tic,le
Q8 /he 5rime 9inister calle$ 9athe# in to tal, to him an$ sai$ he co'l$n-t tolerate any ....... o2 scan$al in his
)a* #hi22 )+* scent )c* smell )$* stin,
Q9 "t last 9athe# $eci$e$ to spea, ....... 2or himsel2 an$ tell the tr'th.
)a* on )+* to )c* 'p )$* o22
Q10 /he reporter ha$ got it ....... #rong +eca'se he 2o'n$ his tic,et an$ he #asn-t -2ine$-7 he #as simply -2ine-.
)a* 2'lly )+* 2airly )c* complete )$* completely
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 22
@+$ ha!e t+ g+
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9y 8o+ has gone +eca'se my +oss has ....... me.
)a* +'rne$ )+* 2ire$ )c* lit )$* 2lame$
Q2 I shan-t +e #or,ing tomorro# +eca'se I-e 8'st +een gien the ........
)a* +ag )+* case )c* container )$* sac,
Q3 I #as ....... this morning an$ ha$ to empty my $es, this a2ternoon.
)a* $eparte$ )+* $eterre$ )c* $ismisse$ )$* $isli,e$
Q4 I #as han$e$ my ....... yester$ay an$ so to$ay I-m loo,ing 2or a ne# 8o+.
)a* tic,ets )+* car$s )c* +oo,s )$* papers
Q5 /he company $eci$e$ to get ....... o2 me last #ee, an$ so I ha$ to leae.
)a* ri$ )+* ro$ )c* re$ )$* ri$e
Q6 I hae +een ma$e ....... +eca'se my #or, here is no longer nee$e$.
)a* repellent )+* re$'ce$ )c* re$'n$ant )$* repeate$
Q7 /he 2irm has $eci$e$ to ....... #hich means they $on-t #ant me.
)a* resi;e )+* 'psi;e )c* in si;e )$* $o#nsi;e
Q8 /hey tol$ me to go +eca'se I #as sai$ to +e ....... to reA'irements.
)a* e%cess )+* s'rpl's )c* recess )$* e%cessie
Q9 It #as A'ite clear they $i$n-t #ant me +eca'se I #as tol$ not to ....... to come +ac, to #or, tomorro#.
)a* care )+* concern )c* +other )$* #orry
Q10 :o7 I $i$n-t as, the +oss 2or more money to$ay +eca'se he gae me one month-s ........
)a* in2ormation )+* ne#s )c* 2acts )$* notice
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 23
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /here #as a+sol'tely no hesitation on her part an$ A'ic, as a ....... she pai$ the +ill.
)a* spar, )+* light )c* 2lash )$* s#itch
Q2 "s a chil$ he ha$ no pro+lems learning 2oreign lang'ages mainly +eca'se he #as ery A'ic, on the ........
)a* $o#nt'rn )+* 'pstart )c* $o#n2all )$* 'pta,e
Q3 3e 8'st co'l$n-t play 2ast an$ ....... #ith his employees any longer simply +eca'se they neer ,ne# #here he
)a* slo# )+* loose )c* #ea, )$* tight
Q4 3e ....... a 2ast one at the entrance +eca'se he han$e$ oer 4 tic,ets altho'gh there #ere 5 o2 them entering
the e%hi+ition.
)a* p'lle$ )+* p'she$ )c* too, )$* gae
Q5 Since he le2t the army7 he misses the e%citement an$ $anger an$ still #ants to lie li2e in the 2ast ........
)a* trac, )+* path )c* street )$* lane
Q6 4o'-ll hae to +e A'ic, o22 the ....... i2 yo' #ant to +'y one o2 those ho'ses +eca'se they-re selling ery 2ast.
)a* point )+* stage )c* mar, )$* spot
Q7 3e-s one o2 the ....... rich A'ic, 2raternity #ho +eliee in ma,ing money as A'ic,ly as possi+le.
)a* get )+* ta,e )c* p't )$* p'll
Q8 3e sees 2inancial gain eery#here an$ neer misses an opport'nity to ma,e a 2ast ........
)a* po'n$ )+* +'c, )c* pence )$* shilling
Q9 :o# that the company has ma$e its 2irst million7 there-s no stopping it an$ it-s 2'll ....... ahea$.
)a* po#er )+* apo'r )c* strength )$* steam
Q10 I appreciate yo'r har$ #or, +'t sometimes yo'-re so 2ast that yo' miss the $etails an$ I thin, it-s a case o2
more ....... less spee$.
)a* h'rry )+* hasty )c* haste )$* h'rrie$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 24
>p in the 1l+$ds
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3ae yo' notice$ ho# m'ch more the price o2 petrol is to$ay( It-s really s,y ....... no#.
)a* 'p )+* high )c* thro'gh )$* on
Q2 I #as as,e$ ho# many tests I #o'l$ #rite an$ I sai$ the s,y-s the ....... D in other #or$s as many as possi+le.
)a* en$ )+* 2inish )c* limit )$* top
Q3 3er +oss tho'ght she #as #on$er2'l an$ al#ays ....... her to the s,ies.
)a* complimente$ )+* congrat'late$ )c* 2lattere$ )$* praise$
Q4 I simply $on-t +eliee the scheme #ill eer s'ccee$7 it-s 8'st ....... in the s,y.
)a* meat )+* pie )c* 2oo$ )$* meals
Q5 @'estion? 1hat $o they call those h'ge +'il$ings in :e# 4or,( "ns#er? /hey-re calle$ s,y........
)a* scratchers )+* tic,lers )c* scrapers )$* to'chers
Q6 4o' can see the s'n i2 yo' loo, at the roo2 thro'gh the s,y........
)a* space )+* light )c* opening )$* #in$o#
Q7 It-s a ery pale ersion o2 the colo'r an$ that-s #hy it-s calle$ s,y........
)a* +l'e )+* pin, )c* yello# )$* re$
Q8 /he roc,et #as 2ire$ an$ A'ic,ly too, o22 s,y........
)a* long )+* +roa$ )c* #ar$s )$* length
Q9 3e 8'st #o'l$n-t ta,e anything serio'sly an$ co'l$ al#ays +e 2o'n$ playing a+o't an$ generally s,y........
)a* lar,ing )+* 8o,ing )c* playing )$* +ir$ing
Q10 I thin, yo'-re either ma$ or ery +rae to 8'mp o't o2 a plane an$ #ait some time +e2ore opening yo'r
parach'te in a s,y........
)a* $rop )+* 2all )c* crash )$* $ie
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 25
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 4o' can hear eerything that-s going on ne%t $oor +eca'se the #alls are paper ........
)a* long )+* #i$e )c* thin )$* tall
Q2 1e-re going to the college tonight to hear 5ro2essor Jent ....... a paper on lang'age learning on the net.
)a* spea, )+* $elier )c* raise )$* tal,
Q3 I can-t see the point o2 trying to settle the $isp'te +et#een those t#o instit'tions +eca'se yo'-ll 8'st +e
papering oer the ........
)a* 2iss'res )+* splits )c* $iisions )$* crac,s
Q4 "2ter the 2irst reol'tion the $ictator no longer ha$ m'ch control an$ +ecame 8'st a paper ........
)a* lion )+* tiger )c* elephant )$* cat
Q5 /he cross co'ntry r'n #here the r'nners 2ollo# a trac, o2 pieces o2 paper is calle$ a paper ........
)a* chase )+* race )c* relay )$* sport
Q6 Some co'ntries hae some ery interesting $esigns on their paper ........
)a* cash )+* coinage )c* money )$* pay
Q7 :ot that it has happene$ yet +'t the age o2 the comp'ter #as meant to intro$'ce the i$ea o2 the paper.......
)a* min's )+* 2e# )c* least )$* less
Q8 /he main #or, has 8'st +een complete$ an$ all #e hae to $o no# is 2inish the paper ........
)a* tas, )+* 8o+ )c* #or, )$* 2'nction
Q9 She #as gien a ery $ecoratie paper ....... to stop all her papers +lo#ing a#ay once the #in$o# #as
)a* #eight )+* heay )c* +loc, )$* stone
Q10 3er 2irst noel #as a h'ge s'ccess an$ it #as only a 2e# #ee,s a2ter p'+lication that the paper ....... came o't.
)a* si$e )+* e$ition )c* +ac, )$* +oo,
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 26
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I h'ng the #ashing o't only t#o ho'rs ago +'t it is alrea$y +one ....... than,s to the hot s'nshine.
)a* parche$ )+* $ry )c* clear )$* $rie$
Q2 /hey came straight o't #ith their complaint ....... no +ones a+o't it #hatsoeer.
)a* saying )+* trying )c* $oing )$* ma,ing
Q3 It #as a miracle that he #as still alie as he ha$n-t eaten 2or #ee,s an$ #hen they 2o'n$ him he #as 8'st .......
an$ +one.
)a* s,in )+* 2lesh )c* meat )$* coer
Q4 It #as A'ite simple really D he neer $i$ any #or, at all an$ #as sac,e$ 2or +eing +one ........
)a* la;y )+* 'seless )c* i$le )$* inactie
Q5 It-s impossi+le to say e%actly #hy I thin, that-s the case. "ll I can say is that I ....... it in my +ones.
)a* 'n$erstan$ )+* 2eel )c* see )$* 2ollo#
Q6 1e-re e%pecting a isit 2rom a <rench co'ple soon so I-ll hae to +one ....... on my <rench.
)a* in )+* to )c* #ith )$* 'p
Q7 "h7 yes I-e got a +one to ....... #ith yo'. 4o' tol$ me yo' #o'l$ pay me +ac, last #ee, an$ I still haen-t got
the money yet.
)a* pic, )+* che# )c* taste )$* eat
Q8 "ltho'gh the /0 programme #as 2'nny7 my a'nt #as a +it shoc,e$ +eca'se some o2 the 8o,es #ere a +it .......
the +one.
)a* ne%t )+* close )c* near )$* +y
Q9 I #on-t go into the 2'll $etails o2 the proposition7 I-ll 8'st gie yo' the ....... +ones.
)a* na,e$ )+* +are )c* simple )$* strippe$
Q10 3er chil$ren #ere ery 'ngrate2'l 2or all she-$ $one 2or them as she ha$ really #or,e$ her ....... to the +one 2or
)a* el+o#s )+* arms )c* legs )$* 2ingers
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 27
%$"ky @+$
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3e tol$ 's the 's'al things a+o't ho# eerything ha$ gone #rong D it #as a typical ....... l'c, story.
)a* soli$ )+* har$ )c* sti22 )$* +lac,
Q2 1ith a little ....... o2 l'c, I thin, she-ll pass her $riing test 2irst time.
)a* section )+* particle )c* parcel )$* +it
Q3 I2 I #ere yo' I #o'l$ certainly accept the o22er. I2 yo' as, 2or any more yo'-re 8'st ....... yo'r l'c,.
)a* p'shing )+* pro+ing )c* promoting )$* pen$ing
Q4 I tho'ght the +est thing #as to #ish them +oth ....... l'c, an$ hope that eerything #or,e$ o't #ell.
)a* +est )+* all )c* goo$ )$* 2ine
Q5 4o' really co'l$n-t +lame anyone 2or the acci$ent +eca'se it #as 8'st a case o2 ....... l'c,.
)a* #orse )+* #orst )c* 2o'l )$* +a$
Q6 Bast #ee, they ....... it ery l'c,y +eca'se they manage$ to #in the lottery.
)a* hit )+* str'c, )c* ,noc,e$ )$* hammere$
Q7 She al#ays seems to come o't o2 any crisis 'nharme$ an$ I-m conince$ she #as +orn 'n$er a l'c,y ........
)a* planet )+* asteroi$ )c* moon )$* star
Q8 3e 8'st co'l$n-t ma,e 'p his min$ #hich to choose an$ so in the en$ he $eci$e$ to ta,e ....... l'c,.
)a* pot )+* tin )c* can )$* +o%
Q9 Eeryone $eci$e$ to help him +y o22ering money as they-$ hear$ he #as ....... on his l'c,.
)a* lo# )+* $o#n )c* o22 )$* +elo#
Q10 "2ter all his 2ail'res in the +'siness #orl$ he $eci$e$ to ....... his l'c, in the casino.
)a* t'rn )+* en$eao'r )c* attempt )$* try
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 28
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "ll the ....... a stage sai$ Sha,espeare7 meaning li2e is li,e a play in the theatre.
)a* earth-s )+* #orl$-s )c* lan$-s )$* co'ntry-s
Q2 /his pro8ect has only 8'st +een starte$ an$ is in its ....... stages at the moment.
)a* 2irst )+* +eginning )c* starting )$* early
Q3 4o' $on-t hae to pay 2or it all at once as yo' can +'y it in ....... stages.
)a* 2acile )+* easy )c* simple )$* clear
Q4 1e-e no# ....... the stage #here it-s time to ma,e o'r min$s 'p.
)a* acA'ire$ )+* 2o'n$ )c* reache$ )$* got
Q5 I-e seen her act in many 2ilms +'t neer lie ....... stage.
)a* at )+* in )c* thro'gh )$* on
Q6 It-s A'ite normal #hen yo' ma,e yo'r 2irst speech in p'+lic to s'22er 2rom stage ........
)a* 2ear )+* neres )c* 2right )$* an%iety
Q7 "s he $i$n-t #ant anyone else to hear #hat he #as saying he spo,e to her in a stage ........
)a* #hisper )+* h'sh )c* oice )$* tone
Q8 3e-s al#ays +een 2ascinate$ +y the theatre an$ has spent many years $oing o$$ 8o+s as a stage ........
)a* #or,er )+* han$ )c* man )$* hol$er
Q9 <rom chil$hoo$ she has +een stage ....... an$ #as $elighte$ #hen she got her 2irst ma8or part in the play at the
national theatre.
)a* hit )+* shoc,e$ )c* slappe$ )$* str'c,
Q10 /he #hole eent seeme$ ery 'nnat'ral an$ ha$ clearly +een stage ....... appeal to the oters +e2ore the
)a* han$le$ )+* manage$ )c* controlle$ )$* $eelope$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 29
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he 2irst ....... #as to hol$ the eent in the open air +'t that pose$ many pro+lems.
)a* i$eal )+* notion )c* plan )$* s,etch
Q2 /his proposal #as soon $iscar$e$ +eca'se #e might 2in$ $i22ic'lty #ith the local ........
)a* reg'lations )+* r'lings )c* r'les )$* reg'lars
Q3 "2ter a lot o2 $isc'ssion #e $eci$e$ to hire a pro2essional to ....... 's.
)a* ena+le )+* empo#er )c* $eote )$* assist
Q4 /he 2irst thing she recommen$e$ #as 2or 's to ....... all the people #ho #ere inole$.
)a* com+ine )+* con$'ct )c* coor$inate )$* con$'ce
Q5 /he ne%t thing #e nee$e$ to #or, o't #as the e%act ....... o2 the area that #e nee$e$ in or$er to present the
)a* $iersions )+* $irections )c* $iagonals )$* $imensions
Q6 In ie# o2 the large n'm+er o2 people the ....... o2 a par,ing area #as consi$ere$ ery important.
)a* pro%imity )+* appro%imate )c* prominence )$* pro2ession
Q7 "2ter a great $eal o2 $isc'ssion a ....... #as eent'ally 2o'n$7 #hich seeme$ to +e #hat #as #ante$.
)a* sight )+* site )c* seat )$* sighting
Q8 "t this stage it #as clear that they ha$ to ,no# the ....... n'm+er o2 people #ho #ere going to atten$.
)a* 2'll )+* $e2ine$ )c* $etermine$ )$* e%act
Q9 Initations #ere sent o't an$ in ....... the response #as A'ite goo$.
)a* all )+* general )c* common )$* or$inary
Q10 In2ort'nately the eent #as neer ....... +eca'se no one ha$ consi$ere$ the reaction o2 the local people to the
noise o2 a lo'$ pop concert.
)a* p't 'p )+* gien )c* stage$ )$* ta,en
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 30
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 It #as necessary to telephone ....... enA'iries +e2ore #e co'l$ get the n'm+er to ring 'p the rail#ay station.
)a* $ictionary )+* $irectory )c* s'rey )$* compen$i'm
Q2 1e tho'ght it #as a goo$ i$ea to ta,e some san$#iches #ith 's so that #e-$ hae something to eat 2or the
....... o2 the 8o'rney.
)a* lasting )+* perio$ )c* timing )$* $'ration
Q3 "s one o2 o'r party #as oer 60 she #as ....... to a re$'ction in the price o2 the tic,et.
)a* allo#e$ )+* gien )c* grante$ )$* entitle$
Q4 I s'ppose as #e lie in a ery r'ral area7 #e are l'c,y that a train serice act'ally ....... here.
)a* operates )+* #or,s )c* 2'nctions )$* ta,es
Q5 9in$ yo' the cost o2 trael is ery high an$ ....... #ent 'p again last month.
)a* stages )+* perio$s )c* 2ares )$* a$missions
Q6 "ll yo' can say is that the high price is some#hat ....... +y +eing a+le to get to a large city A'ic,ly.
)a* 'pset )+* oert'rne$ )c* highlighte$ )$* o22set
Q7 /he other a$antage o2 this partic'lar serice is that +y an$ large the trains are ........
)a* timely )+* p'nct'al )c* pointe$ )$* e%act
Q8 Cn the $ay #e traelle$ most people ha$ $eci$e$ to stay at home as the train #as ....... empty.
)a* consi$era+ly )+* relate$ )c* relia+le )$* relatiely
Q9 1e ate o'r san$#iches an$ 2or the ....... o2 the 8o'rney #e en8oye$ loo,ing at the scenery.
)a* remain$er )+* remaining )c* remaine$ )$* remains
Q10 =e2ore #e ,ne# #hat ha$ happene$ #e ha$ le2t o'r ....... illage +ehin$ an$ #ere in the mi$$le o2 the +ig city.
)a* remoe$ )+* 2ar )c* remote )$* release$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 31
)ite; )it; )itten
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 She certainly #on-t inest in that company again haing lost a 2ort'ne D it-s a case o2 once +itten t#ice
)a* nero's )+* coy )c* shy )$* resere$
Q2 3e may seem ery angry +'t $on-t #orry his ....... is #orse than his +ite.
)a* +ar, )+* gro#l )c* snort )$* snarl
Q3 /hey #ere so angry #ith me they practically +it my ....... o22.
)a* nose )+* han$ )c* 2ingers )$* hea$
Q4 I thin, he-ll s'ccee$ +'t it-s a lot o2 #or, an$ sometimes he 2eels he-s +itten o22 more than he can ........
)a* $igest )+* che# )c* taste )$* s#allo#
Q5 In ie# o2 the #ay things hae improe$ I no# 2eel con2i$ent eno'gh to hae another +ite at the ........
)a* +anana )+* apple )c* pear )$* cherry
Q6 I-m ery sorry to tell yo' that yo'r scheme has 2aile$ an$ it has #ell an$ tr'ly +itten the ........
)a* po#$er )+* $'st )c* 2l'22 )$* gro'n$
Q7 It m'st hae come as a great shoc, to get the sac, +'t I-m a2rai$ yo'-ll 8'st hae to accept it an$ +ite the
)a* shot )+* ,ni2e )c* +'llet )$* +lo#
Q8 I can-t +eliee that he-s t'rning against his o#n parents D it-s li,e +iting the han$ that ....... yo'.
)a* +ro'ght )+* no'rishe$ )c* helpe$ )$* 2e$
Q9 9y a$ice to yo' is to resist saying anything at the moment an$ simply +ite yo'r ........
)a* mo'th )+* teeth )c* lip )$* g'ms
Q10 I ,no# she #o'l$ really li,e to say e%actly #hat she 2eels +'t I +eliee she sho'l$ +ite her ........
)a* chee, )+* nails )c* ear )$* tong'e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 32
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I agree in general #ith #hat yo' hae sai$ +'t I-m not happy a+o't one point an$ I m'st ....... iss'e #ith yo'
oer that.
)a* +ring )+* ta,e )c* 2in$ )$* p't
Q2 /he tro'+le #ith her is that she al#ays e%aggerates an$ ....... an iss'e o't o2 eerything.
)a* p'lls )+* tries )c* gets )$* ma,es
Q3 "s 2ar as I-m concerne$ his e%planation #as 'seless as it merely ....... the iss'e.
)a* con2'se$ )+* tro'+le$ )c* $ist'r+e$ )$* 'pset
Q4 I #ish #e co'l$ stic, to the s'+8ect an$ 8'st consi$er the topic ....... iss'e.
)a* on )+* +y )c* at )$* in
Q5 /he al'e o2 one o2 the early copies o2 that +oo, can +e consi$era+le i2 it happens to +e a ....... iss'e.
)a* premier )+* prime )c* +eginning )$* 2irst
Q6 It #as a 2amily that ha$ ha$ a long history +'t it came to a halt #hen George #ent +eca'se he $ie$ ....... iss'e.
)a* #itho't )+* missing )c* incomplete )$* 2ailing
Q7 /he police are ery ,een to tal, to one partic'lar man an$ hae iss'e$ a ....... o2 him.
)a* naming )+* $escription )c* calling )$* $escri+ing
Q8 1e panic,e$ #hen #e got near the ho'se +eca'se #e co'l$ see smo,e iss'ing ....... the top +e$room
)a* against )+* on )c* o't o2 )$* into
Q9 "ll the reporters o2 the #ar #ere iss'e$ ....... +'lletproo2 8ac,ets to gie them +etter protection.
)a* on )+* +y )c* at )$* #ith
Q10 /'rn on the teleision an$ loo, at the c'rrent ne#s programme an$ yo' #ill 2in$ eeryone $isc'ssing the .......
iss'e o2 the $ay.
)a* +ig )+* large )c* enormo's )$* h'ge
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 33
2hat a 1ra"ker
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3e al#ays +eliee$ in giing his chil$ren the same opport'nities in li2e so that each one #o'l$ hae a 2air
crac, o2 the ........
)a* stri,e )+* +lo# )c* hit )$* #hip
Q2 /his is going to +e a $i22ic'lt tas, +'t #e-ll get there in the en$ altho'gh it is a ....... n't to crac,.
)a* rigi$ )+* har$ )c* soli$ )$* heay
Q3 It-s a long #ay #e hae to trael tomorro# so #e m'st get 'p ery early in the morning at the crac, o2 ........
)a* $a#n )+* $'s, )c* $ay )$* s'n
Q4 In cele+ration at passing his e%aminations he inite$ eeryone ro'n$ to crac, a ....... an$ hae a $rin, #ith
)a* glass )+* 2las, )c* +ottle )$* 8'g
Q5 In ie# o2 the 2alling stan$ar$s the company $eci$e$ to appoint a ery ....... o22ice manager #ho #o'l$ +e a+le
to crac, the #hip a +it.
)a* sti22 )+* seere )c* serio's )$* strict
Q6 <or goo$ness- sa,e h'rry 'p +eca'se i2 #e $on-t ....... crac,ing soon #e-ll miss the +'s.
)a* 2in$ )+* get )c* 'se )$* p't
Q7 I really thin, yo' sho'l$ ma,e an e22ort an$ apply 2or that 8o+ an$ at least ....... a crac, at it.
)a* hae )+* $o )c* place )$* try
Q8 1ell7 I m'st a$mit that I #as a +it $isappointe$ #ith the e%hi+ition a2ter all the praise it-s receie$ D it isn-t all
it-s crac,e$ ....... to +e.
)a* o22 )+* 'p )c* oer )$* in
Q9 /hey haen-t really p't matters right at all +eca'se they-e simply papere$ ....... the crac,s.
)a* thro'gh )+* along )c* +esi$e )$* oer
Q10 /hey spent a h'ge amo'nt o2 time an$ money to $eal #ith that small pro+lem an$ it-s li,e ta,ing a
sle$gehammer to crac, a ........
)a* pea )+* +ean )c* n't )$* see$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 34
%$n"h is ser!ed
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I strongly recommen$ that resta'rant as I #as ery ....... #ith ho# A'ic,ly they +ro'ght the 2oo$.
)a* in2l'ence$ )+* intereste$ )c* impresse$ )$* in$'ce$
Q2 C2 co'rse i2 spee$ is the most important thing7 yo' can al#ays ....... 'p yo'r l'nch 2rom the ta,e a#ay ca2e.
)a* han$ )+* hol$ )c* ,eep )$* pic,
Q3 /he other night #e #ent to a <rench resta'rant an$ it ....... to &harles to translate eerything on the men' 2or
)a* #ent )+* 2ell )c* $roppe$ )$* too,
Q4 1hat yo' li,e in the #ay o2 l'nch ery m'ch $epen$s on yo'r ....... taste.
)a* separate )+* strange )c* $isting'ishe$ )$* in$ii$'al
Q5 It is c'stomary 2or the o22ice 8'nior to ma,e a ....... o2 #hat each colleag'e #ants 2rom the san$#ich +ar.
)a* list )+* $escription )c* inentory )$* ta+le
Q6 :o#a$ays yo' can een or$er yo'r l'nch online an$ yo'r 2oo$ #ill +e ....... to yo'r o22ice.
)a* han$e$ )+* reache$ )c* $eliere$ )$* transporte$
Q7 5ersonally I 2in$ that altho'gh the taste o2 yo'r l'nch is important7 it sho'l$ also loo, ....... on the plate.
)a* content )+* reste$ )c* prettily )$* elegant
Q8 /here is nothing #orse #hen yo' ta,e important clients o't 2or l'nch to 2in$ that the choice o2 $ishes is ery
)a* isolate$ )+* lonely )c* narro# )$* #ea,
Q9 9in$ yo' i2 there is a ery long men' 2or l'nch7 it can +e a pro+lem 2or the #aiter to $eal #ith a ....... or$er.
)a* ario's )+* m'ltiply )c* m'lti2acete$ )$* m'ltiple
Q10 /he #orst part nat'rally o2 any meal #hateer the time o2 $ay is haing to ....... the +ill.
)a* settle )+* arrange )c* manage )$* control
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 35
ry as y+$ like
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I-m a2rai$ I $on-t li,e this sherry +eca'se I 2in$ it too ....... an$ I pre2er something nice an$ $ry.
)a* so2t )+* s#eet )c* gentle )$* tart
Q2 1e-re not A'ite s're ho# it #ill #or, so to$ay #e-re haing a $ry ....... to 2in$ o't i2 there are any pro+lems.
)a* go )+* try )c* attempt )$* r'n
Q3 She st'$ies some ery o+sc're things to $o #ith ancient Gree, $oc'ments D to most people a really $ry as
....... s'+8ect.
)a* po#$er )+* earth )c* $'st )$* soil
Q4 It #as one o2 those scenes that ma$e yo' #ant to cry yo'r eyes o't an$ I $o +eliee there #asn-t a $ry ....... in
the theatre.
)a* eye )+* nose )c* chee, )$* 2ace
Q5 /here #as a terri+le storm on the night #e 2irst staye$ at the campsite +'t #e #ere all right #ith o'r tent an$
#ere as $ry as a ........
)a* coer )+* +one )c* coat )$* sheet
Q6 1e all set o't together early in the morning in $i22erent cars +'t o'rs +ro,e $o#n an$ no+o$y +othere$ to loo,
2or 's so #e #ere le2t ....... an$ $ry.
)a* 'p )+* top )c* on )$* high
Q7 "s a res'lt o2 the ery long heat #ae last s'mmer many o2 the riers hae no# completely $rie$ ........
)a* o22 )+* 'p )c* oer )$* thro'gh
Q8 "s it-s still ery #arm o'tsi$e I recommen$ yo' leae yo'r s#imming things in the gar$en to let them $ry
)a* in )+* to )c* o't )$* 'n$er
Q9 She-s ery s'+tle in the comments she ma,es an$ she has a #on$er2'lly $ry ....... o2 h'mo'r.
)a* 2eeling )+* opinion )c* meaning )$* sense
Q10 I2 yo' #ant to ,eep yo'r c'stomers coming in on a reg'lar +asis yo' m'stn-t let yo'r stoc,s ....... $ry.
)a* go )+* t'rn )c* ta,e )$* r'n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 36
)a"k 3gain
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I-m s'spicio's really +eca'se at the +ac, o2 my ....... I $on-t tr'st them.
)a* +rain )+* min$ )c* i$ea )$* tho'ght
Q2 3e sai$ he-$ rea$ my 2'nny story an$ ha$ la'ghe$ t#ice7 #hich #as a sort o2 +ac, ....... compliment.
)a* slappe$ )+* hit )c* thro#n )$* han$e$
Q3 She #as a ery 2amo's 2ilm star some 40 years ago +'t no# she-s regar$e$ as 'nimportant D a sort o2 +ac,
)a* 2ig're )+* $igit )c* n'm+er )$* person
Q4 3e-s haing tro'+le #ith his motherGinGla# +eca'se she li,es to control eerything rather li,e a +ac,seat
)a* con$'ctor )+* $rier )c* $oer )$* goer
Q5 1here #e lie is a sort o2 +ac,....... +eca'se no+o$y here ,no#s #hat-s going on in the #orl$.
)a* stream )+* rier )c* pon$ )$* #ater
Q6 She-s the sort o2 person #ho can-t +ear +eing secretie an$ #ill neer tal, a+o't yo' ....... yo'r +ac,.
)a* on )+* oer )c* +ehin$ )$* across
Q7 /here-s still some #ay to go #ith this latest pro8ect +'t I thin, #e-e ....... the +ac, o2 it.
)a* smashe$ )+* +ro,en )c* hit )$* crashe$
Q8 I-e lie$ here all my li2e an$ ,no# eery single roa$ an$ street li,e the +ac, o2 my ........
)a* 2inger )+* palm )c* th'm+ )$* han$
Q9 5oor #oman since she got ,noc,e$ $o#n +y a car7 she-s +een ....... on her +ac,.
)a* 2lat )+* prone )c* laying )$* straight
Q10 3e-s one o2 those irritating people #ho manages #ithin a 2e# min'tes o2 meeting someone to ....... their +ac,
)a* shi2t )+* p't )c* place )$* t'rn
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 37
)earing 4n#+rmati+n
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /ry an$ +e a little more cheer2'l +eca'se i2 yo' $on-t +ear ....... soon7 yo'-ll ma,e eeryone else misera+le.
)a* thro'gh )+* along )c* 'p )$* to
Q2 1e #ere in a small ro#ing +oat an$ #ere terri2ie$ that the steamer ha$n-t seen 's as it #as +earing ....... on
)a* $o#n )+* across )c* oer )$* 'n$er
Q3 I 2'lly 'n$erstan$ yo'r comments an$ +earing those in .......7 I hae ma$e the appropriate $ecision.
)a* +rain )+* min$ )c* tho'ght )$* sense
Q4 "s #e hae all #or,e$ ery har$ this year7 I-m hoping that o'r e22orts #ill +ear ........
)a* pro$'ce )+* +ene2its )c* yiel$s )$* 2r'it
Q5 1e all hae o'r ....... to +ear so I sho'l$ +e grate2'l i2 yo' #o'l$ stop complaining all the time.
)a* pro+lems )+* sit'ations )c* crosses )$* res'lts
Q6 /here is really nothing m'ch yo' can $o to stop it an$ I-m a2rai$ yo'-ll 8'st hae to ....... an$ +ear it.
)a* scorn )+* grin )c* la'gh )$* smile
Q7 I hope yo' can +e patient 2or a little longer an$ +ear ....... me #hile I try an$ sole the pro+lem.
)a* +y )+* on )c* at )$* #ith
Q8 She has +een proe$ right in eerything she $i$ as the report A'ite clearly +ears ........
)a* o't )+* to )c* 2or )$* onto
Q9 /he 8'$ge $ismisse$ the ne# ei$ence completely +eca'se it ha$ no +earing ....... the trial.
)a* to )+* on )c* into )$* +y
Q10 @'ite honestly the t#o cases are so completely $i22erent that they really $on-t +ear ........
)a* con2irmation )+* contrast )c* comprehension )$* comparison
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 38
2hat the e!il
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 It-s ery har$ trying to get the tenses right in English. In 2act it-s the ....... $eil to ,no# #hether it-s simple or
)a* same )+* ery )c* 's'al )$* act'al
Q2 In a #ay it-s pro+a+ly 8'st as #ell the $ep'ty has +ecome the ne# chie2. It-s a case o2 ....... the $eil yo' ,no#.
)a* easier )+* rather )c* har$er )$* +etter
Q3 9any people hae +een ma$e re$'n$ant in the ta,eoer an$ those #ho 8oine$ last #ere the 2irst to go. /he
principle o2 $eil ta,e the ....... applie$.
)a* 2inal list )+* ol$ list )c* hin$most )$* yo'ngest
Q4 1e $on-t really get on #ith the ne# +oss +'t he has some goo$ i$eas so #e m'st gie the $eil his ........
)a* o#ing )+* right )c* share )$* $'e
Q5 /he #or, has to +e $one as #e hae no choice. "s they say7 nee$s m'st #hen the $eil ........
)a* $ries )+* g'i$es )c* steers )$* races
Q6 She li,es to ta,e the opposite point o2 ie# an$ play the $eil-s ........
)a* la#yer )+* a$ocate )c* s'pport )$* attit'$e
Q7 ....... o2 the $eil. 1e #ere 8'st tal,ing a+o't yo' +e2ore yo' came in the room.
)a* @'ote )+* "nno'nce )c* Itter )$* Spea,
Q8 1hen yo'r parents 2in$ o't #hat yo'-e $one7 yo'-ll +e in serio's tro'+le an$ there-ll +e the $eil to ........
)a* sho# )+* pay )c* cre$it )$* hol$
Q9 4o' sho'l$ really loo, thro'gh that agreement care2'lly +e2ore yo' sign +eca'se the $eil is in the ........
)a* $etail )+* e%act )c* 2inery )$* precise
Q10 It too, me ages to set 'p my comp'ter +eca'se I spent the $eil o2 a ....... trying to 'n$erstan$ the notes.
)a* $'ration )+* time )c* length )$* space
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 39
T.+ (+r @+$
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 " +ir$ in the han$ is #orth t#o in the ....... as they say #hen yo' hae at least one $e2inite thing in contrast to
t#o 'ncertain things.
)a* he$ge )+* tree )c* +'sh )$* plant
Q2 It #o'l$n-t ta,e m'ch 2or me to cancel that trip in 2act 2or t#o ....... I thin, I #ill.
)a* nee$les )+* nails )c* points )$* pins
Q3 @'ite honestly I really can-t $eci$e #hich one to choose D I-m #hat yo' might say in t#o ........
)a* min$s )+* tho'ghts )c* i$eas )$* ie#s
Q4 I promise I-ll +e ery A'ic, in$ee$ an$ I-ll +e +ac, in t#o ....... o2 a lam+-s tail.
)a* moes )+* sha,es )c* t#itches )$* #ags
Q5 I-ll see to that in t#o ....... an$ it-ll +e all oer in a min'te.
)a* times )+* crosses )c* tic,s )$* stri,es
Q6 4o' honestly can-t tell one t#in 2rom another as they are li,e as t#o ....... in a po$.
)a* potatoes )+* tomatoes )c* +ananas )$* peas
Q7 I #or,e$ o't the ans#er in the en$ +y p'tting t#o an$ t#o ........
)a* asi$e )+* apart )c* together )$* thro'gh
Q8 I-m sorry I can-t accept any other e%planation. 9y min$ is ma$e 'p an$ there are no t#o ....... a+o't it.
)a* roa$s )+* paths )c* ro'tes )$* #ays
Q9 I honestly #o'l$n-t tr'st either o2 them. /hey +oth thin, the same #ay an$ they-re t#o o2 a ........
)a* type )+* ,in$ )c* genre )$* sort
Q10 I can see yo'-re angry an$ #ant to $o the same to them +'t remem+er that t#o #rongs $on-t ma,e a ........
)a* right )+* rite )c* correction )$* point
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 40
3t the End +# the ay 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /here are late risers an$ early risers7 those #ho nee$ a lot o2 sleep an$ those #ho nee$ only a .......7
)a* less )+* nothing )c* 2e# )$* little
Q2 some #ho ta,e ....... to #a,e 'p an$ some #ho 8'mp straight o't o2 +e$ 2irst thing7
)a* long time )+* ages )c* perio$s )$* lengths
Q3 +'t #hateer the reA'ire$ .......7 all o2 's nee$ sleep at some time $'ring the $ay or night.
)a* s'm )+* total )c* amo'nt )$* lot
Q4 "n$ so it-s not s'rprising the many #ays #e hae o2 ....... it.
)a* $escri+ing )+* $e2ining )c* $elineating )$* $eeloping
Q5 /o start #ith there is a special ....... 2or chil$ren.
)a* tal, )+* lang'age )c* spea, )$* chat
Q6 /he san$man is coming is #hat #e say to ....... chil$ren
)a* $reamy )+* torpi$ )c* stagnant )$* sleepy
Q7 2ollo#ing the ol$ story a+o't that strange man #ho ....... to $rop san$ in their eyes near +e$ time.
)a* is reA'ire$ )+* is tol$ )c* is s'ppose$ )$* is nee$e$
Q8 ....... #e tal, o2 the nee$ 2or a chil$ to start on his 8o'rney to sl'm+er lan$ or the lan$ o2 no$
)a* 6i22erently )+* "lternately )c* "$ersely )$* "lternatiely
Q9 an$ parents o2 a m'sical ....... o2 min$ can spee$ their chil$ren on their #ay to this lan$ o2 sleep #ith a l'lla+y.
)a* t#ist )+* t'rn )c* corner )$* state
Q10 C2 co'rse as yo' gro# ol$er7 yo' ....... in the l'%'ry o2 short sleeps $'ring the $ay.
)a* enter )+* 2all )c* in$'lge )$* inc'r
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 41
3t the End +# the ay 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 4o' can ta,e a cat nap +esi$e the 2ire or $o;e o22 on a train .......
)a* ro'te )+* trael )c* oyage )$* 8o'rney
Q2 #hich all $escri+e the ,in$ o2 sleep that can +e ....... at a moment-s notice.
)a* interene$ )+* interacte$ )c* interr'pte$ )$* ina$e$
Q3 " more +asic e%pression o2 this ....... is to hae a little sh'teye.
)a* tren$ )+* sort )c* ten$ency )$* ariety
Q4 Sho'l$ yo' #ish 2or a little peace an$ ....... at the o22ice7
)a* A'ite )+* still )c* halt )$* A'iet
Q5 p't a ....... o'tsi$e yo'r $oor stating? 6o not $ist'r+ D haing 40 #in,s.
)a* notice )+* +oar$ )c* sign )$* ta+let
Q6 <orty apparently is the ....... allo#e$ 2or this ,in$ o2 sleep.
)a* ma8or )+* ma8ority )c* ma%im'm )$* macrocosm
Q7 /he strange ....... is that 2e# people anno'nce +ol$ly?
)a* matter )+* thing )c* point )$* eent
Q8 1ell7 I thin, I-ll ....... to sleep no#.
)a* go )+* ta,e )c* ma,e )$* get
Q9 9ore ....... than not as a g'est #e-ll say?
)a* possi+le )+* li,ely )c* pro+a+ly )$* possi+ly
Q10 1ell7 I thin, i2 yo' $on-t .......7 I-ll t'rn in no#.
)a* care )+* say )c* min$ )$* loo,
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 42
3t the End +# the ay 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1itho't o22en$ing the ....... o2 yo'r host7 yo' co'l$ also say?
)a* hostelry )+* hospital )c* hospita+le )$* hospitality
Q2 I thin, it-s time 2or me to hit the sac,7 #hich nee$ +e no ....... o2 the so2tness o2 the mattress.
)a* criterion )+* critiA'e )c* criticism )$* critical
Q3 "n$ ....... ery important people are not $escri+e$ as simply going to +e$ +'t rather retiring 2or the night.
)a* inci$entally )+* eent'ally )c* a+sol'tely )$* entirely
Q4 Someho# it so'n$s 8'st a +it more ........
)a* $ignity )+* $igni2ie$ )c* $igni2y )$* $ignitary
Q5 C2 co'rse sho'l$ yo'r g'ests +e ....... to go home to their o#n +e$s
)a* 'ncertain )+* 'nclear )c* 'ngrate2'l )$* 'n#illing
Q6 an$ yo' hae a strong $esire to +e ....... o2 them an$ go to sleep
)a* ri$$ance )+* ri$$en )c* ri$ )$* ri$e
Q7 yo' co'l$ +e s'+tle an$ ....... 'p the sitting room cloc,
)a* #in$ )+* stir )c* t'rn )$* ta,e
Q8 loo, at yo'r #atch ....... or een ya#n.
)a* an%io's )+* an%iety )c* an%io'sness )$* an%io'sly
Q9 ='t i2 yo' hae no ....... at all7 the +est thing is to $rop o22 or no$ o22 in the mi$$le o2 the conersation.
)a* restrictions )+* inhi+itions )c* prohi+itions )$* con$itions
Q10 "n$ i2 all else ....... go 'pstairs an$ come $o#n again in yo'r py8amas.
)a* 2alls )+* 2ell )c* 2ails )$* 2eels
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 43
3t the End +# the ay 748
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /here are seeral ....... that $escri+e the state o2 +eing asleep
)a* impressions )+* e%pressions )c* con$itions )$* $igressions
Q2 an$ most seem to ....... to $eep sleep li,e +eing so'n$ asleep or 2ast asleep
)a* $irect )+* $eter )c* $e2er )$* re2er
Q3 /here are also some ....... $escri+ing $eep sleep? to sleep li,e a top7 li,e a +a+y7 li,e a log
)a* li,enesses )+* comparisons )c* similarities )$* synonyms
Q4 1hen the sleeper totally re2'ses to +e .......7 #e say they are sleeping li,e the $ea$.
)a* $eterre$ )+* $e2'se$ )c* $ist'r+e$ )$* $isgr'ntle$
Q5 9ore colloA'ial e%pressions spea, o2 someone +eing o't li,e a light7 spar, o't or 2or a ery ....... sleeper $ea$
to the #orl$
)a* +ig )+* h'ge )c* large )$* heay
Q6 1ell7 I $on-t ,no# a+o't yo' +'t all this is haing a ery sopori2ic ....... on me
)a* e22ect )+* a22ect )c* a22ection )$* a22ectation
Q7 +'t 8'st ass'ming yo' are ....... a#a,e an$ in the lan$ o2 the liing
)a* clear )+* #i$e )c* +roa$ )$* high
Q8 let me leae yo' #ith a ....... e%pression. :e%t time yo'-re o22 'pstairs to +e$
)a* en$ )+* last )c* lasting )$* 2inal
Q9 gie the rest o2 the ho'se a s'rprise +y sho#ing ....... yo'r classical e$'cation an$ say?
)a* 'p )+* on )c* o22 )$* in
Q10 1ell I thin, I-ll +e o22 no# an$ ....... my rest in the arms o2 9orphe's. 3appy $reamsE
)a* 2etch )+* ta,e )c* +ring )$* let
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 44
G*3T ,er-al Q$iE
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /his story is ....... on an inci$ent that act'ally happene$.
)a* 2o'n$e$ )+* gro'n$e$ )c* +ase$ )$* esta+lishe$
Q2 I-m a2rai$ I shan-t +e ....... to come on /'es$ay +eca'se o2 a prior engagement.
)a* capa+le )+* a+le )c* can )$* possi+le
Q3 4o' can easily tell that this $oc'ment ....... 2rom the 12th cent'ry +eca'se o2 a $istinctie script.
)a* hol$s )+* trails )c* lasts )$* $ates
Q4 I-m sorry to tell yo' +'t she is simply ....... that this #ill +e the res'lt +'t she has no act'al proo2.
)a* $ay$reaming )+* hall'cinating )c* hypothesi;ing )$* $ithering
Q5 I $o apologise 2or tal,ing to yo' a min'te ago only I ....... yo' 2or one o2 my colleag'es7 #ho loo,s e%actly li,e
)a* mistoo, )+* accepte$ )c* +eliee$ )$* tho'ght
Q6 It-s a #aste o2 time as,ing them 2or their opinion as they-re +o'n$ to o+8ect +eca'se they-e +een ....... against
the i$ea 2rom the start.
)a* s'+8ectie )+* $erogatie )c* conscio's )$* pre8'$ice$
Q7 I as,e$ yo' to +ring +ac, a $i22erent one +'t yo'-e +ro'ght a similar one +ac, that-s e%actly the ....... as the
2irst one.
)a* eA'ialent )+* apparent )c* same )$* i$entical
Q8 /he main A'ality that is reA'ire$ o2 someone hol$ing that ,in$ o2 8o+ is to hae the ....... to get on #ith people.
)a* tas, )+* a+ility )c* reA'irement )$* nee$
Q9 /hey co'l$n-t hol$ their meeting in the open air ....... o2 the heay rain.
)a* +eca'se )+* +'t )c* since )$* 2or
Q10 I al#ays let her han$le that ,in$ o2 sit'ation +eca'se she-s ery goo$ at ....... #ith $i22ic'lt clients.
)a* ta,ing )+* +ringing )c* tac,ling )$* $ealing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 45
G*3T ,+"a-$lary
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Some people #ho hae +een ma$e re$'n$ant ma,e no 2'rther e22ort to get employment in complete ....... to
those #ho $eci$e to retrain.
)a* comparison )+* $i22erence )c* attit'$e )$* contrast
Q2 /he ne# company $eci$e$ not to copy their pre$ecessors +'t ....... their str'ct're a2ter the latest tren$s in
)a* mo$el )+* 2rame )c* $i22er )$* ma,e
Q3 In$er the ne# reg'lations no one is allo#e$ to smo,e insi$e the +'il$ing +'t yo' are ....... to smo,e o'tsi$e.
)a* arrange$ )+* permitte$ )c* grante$ )$* let
Q4 She is ....... as a possi+le 2't're 2irst minister.
)a* loo,e$ )+* o+sere$ )c* glance$ )$* seen
Q5 "ltho'gh the +an, ha$ t'rne$ $o#n his application t#ice7 they s'$$enly ha$ a change o2 heart an$ $eci$e$ to
....... to his reA'est 2or a loan.
)a* acce$e )+* access )c* accr'e )$* a$apt
Q6 It-s not yet +een 2'lly certi2ie$ yet +'t the recently $iscoere$ +ones are ....... to +e those o2 the missing lin,.
)a* cre$ite$ )+* arg'e$ )c* reA'ire$ )$* +eliee$
Q7 /he ....... oer the rights an$ #rongs o2 this iss'e has +een a neerG en$ing $isc'ssion insi$e parliament.
)a* chatter )+* $e+ate )c* gossip )$* r'mo'r
Q8 /he local resi$ents in this seasi$e illage are ery #orrie$ a+o't the constant erosion o2 the cli22 2ace7 #hich is
in ....... o2 2alling into the sea.
)a* ris, )+* chance )c* $anger )$* li,elihoo$
Q9 I thin, yo' hae +een oercharge$ 2or that #or, +eca'se it-s more ....... t#ice #hat I ha$ to pay.
)a* as )+* at )c* li,e )$* than
Q10 /hey 2irst o2 all re2'se$ to stop their stri,e +'t in the en$ a2ter m'ch negotiation they #ere ....... to go +ac, to
)a* p'rs'e$ )+* pers'a$e$ )c* preente$ )$* perceie$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 46
G*3T 2+rds
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "s a tro'+leshooter he #as o2ten ....... to sort o't pro+lems in $i22erent area o22ices.
)a* transmitte$ )+* $eliere$ )c* attache$ )$* sent
Q2 I $on-t +eliee it mysel2 +'t ....... to the ne#spapers he is s'ppose$ to hae e%aggerate$ the 2irm-s pro2its.
)a* 2ollo#ing )+* regar$ing )c* accor$ing )$* concerning
Q3 3e 2in$s himsel2 in a ery $i22ic'lt sit'ation since yo' co'l$ say he-s ....... a roc, an$ a har$ place.
)a* against )+* +et#een )c* across )$* oer
Q4 Eent'ally they ma$e their min$s 'p an$ ....... to appoint the o'tsi$er to the 8o+.
)a* consi$ere$ )+* $eci$e$ )c* maintaine$ )$* too,
Q5 In ....... to preent any in$'strial espionage all employees ha$ to sign a $oc'ment preenting them 2rom tal,ing
a+o't their #or,.
)a* or$er )+* comman$ )c* reA'irement )$* p'rpose
Q6 1ith a ie# to proi$ing a +etter enironment 2or their chil$ren the co'ple $eci$e$ to moe ....... 2rom the city
to the co'ntrysi$e.
)a* along )+* a2ar )c* near )$* a#ay
Q7 /he +oss #ants yo' to e%plain #hy there is a $iscrepancy in the 2ig'res an$ ....... 2or the s'$$en $rop in
)a* tal, )+* spea, )c* acco'nt )$* $eci$e
Q8 /he charity is 2in$ing it ery $i22ic'lt to contin'e operating an$ that-s #hy it-s ....... 2or the goernment to help.
)a* crying )+* calling )c* sho'ting )$* hailing
Q9 /he goernment are erecting concrete +loc,s aro'n$ the 3o'ses o2 5arliament to ....... the +'il$ings against
possi+le terrorist attac,s.
)a* $e2en$ )+* $istract )c* $e2er )$* $etract
Q10 It #asn-t really a serio's crime +'t it #as pointe$ o't to him that +y par,ing there he #as in ....... o2 a local
)a* in$ication )+* irement )c* isitation )$* iolation
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 47
%earn English ,+"a-$lary
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "s a ne# employee she-s ery an%io's to $o the right thing an$ hopes that her ne# pro8ect ....... #ith the
approal o2 her +oss.
)a* reaches )+* meets )c* accepts )$* hol$s
Q2 It-s 8'st not #ithin his character an$ I #o'l$ neer say that he #as ....... to that ,in$ o2 +ehaio'r.
)a* presente$ )+* prepare$ )c* preGempte$ )$* pre$ispose$
Q3 4o' co'l$n-t 2in$ a more loyal +'nch o2 people #ho hae a ....... o2 relia+ility so strong that they #ill neer let
yo' $o#n.
)a* #ish )+* $esire )c* sense )$* sensing
Q4 4o' can ta,e it or leae it as there is a+sol'tely no ....... to accept my proposal.
)a* p'sh )+* press're )c* p'shing )$* leaning
Q5 /he $epartment has ....... so m'ch money on a$ministration that there is little le2t 2or employing sales
)a* $eote$ )+* e%ha'ste$ )c* $eelope$ )$* spent
Q6 "ltho'gh he claime$ it #as an acci$ent7 he #as ....... o2 m'r$er.
)a* acc'se$ )+* +lame$ )c* critici;e$ )$* arreste$
Q7 /hey say that pregnant #omen $eelop a ....... 2or certain 2oo$s an$ m'st eat them all the time.
)a* appetite )+* craing )c* thirst )$* eating
Q8 4o' m'st choose the right $escription 2or each #or$ an$ I #o'l$ ....... this one as an a$8ectie.
)a* $elineate )+* $ecipher )c* $eci$e )$* $e2ine
Q9 I #o'l$n-t +eliee eerything she says +eca'se it-s my +elie2 that she is ....... to e%aggerate.
)a* $esignate$ )+* $ecline$ )c* incline$ )$* ten$e$
Q10 1e #ill get as near as #e can to yo'r reA'irements +'t #e may not +e a+le to ....... all yo'r nee$s.
)a* meet )+* enco'nter )c* meas're )$* 2ace
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 48
English ,+"a-$lary E:er"ises
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /han,s to the crash +arrier in the mi$$le o2 the motor#ay cars are ....... 2rom hitting those on the other si$e in
the eent o2 an acci$ent.
)a* $istracte$ )+* $ierte$ )c* $irecte$ )$* preente$
Q2 It $oesn-t matter #hat position yo' hol$ in society eeryone is ....... to the same la#s.
)a* o+8ect )+* s'+8ect )c* controlle$ )$* restricte$
Q3 "s I #as a stranger in that co'ntry I #as not ....... #ith some o2 their c'stoms an$ $i$n-t 'n$erstan$ #hy
people #ere la'ghing at me.
)a* a$$icte$ )+* attracte$ )c* acA'ainte$ )$* acA'ire$
Q4 4o' can hae that car in any colo'r yo' #ant in 2act yo' hae a ....... o2 24 $i22erent ones.
)a* choice )+* choosing )c* n'm+er )$* sha$e
Q5 /he theatre #as ....... to $isplay in the entrance some o2 the e%cellent ne#spaper reie#s the play ha$
)a* $el'$e$ )+* $eelope$ )c* $eman$e$ )$* $elighte$
Q6 "s the hospital ha$ +een careless #ith its hygiene proce$'res7 the patient 2o'n$ she ha$ +een ....... #ith a
harm2'l ir's.
)a* $etecte$ )+* re8ecte$ )c* in2ecte$ )$* s'specte$
Q7 "s a ....... o2 the $istrict she ha$ a+sol'tely no $i22ic'lty in 'n$erstan$ing the local $ialect.
)a* inha+itant )+* relation )c* natie )$* ne#comer
Q8 /here is a ne# company reg'lation to remoe the $anger o2 passie smo,ing7 #hich ....... all employees 2rom
smo,ing at their place o2 #or,.
)a* prohi+its )+* promotes )c* pro2esses )$* protests
Q9 3e 2in$s +reathing ery $i22ic'lt in restricte$ spaces as he ....... 2rom asthma.
)a* re2ers )+* $e2ers )c* s'22ers )$* $i22ers
Q10 I am ery please$ to +e #or,ing #ith yo' +eca'se I thin, the same #ay an$ ....... #ith yo'r policies.
)a* accept )+* con2orm )c* con2er )$* agree
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 49
4n"reasing ,+"a-$lary
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 4o' can hae #hicheer one yo' #ant as I-ll let yo' ....... 2rom these e%amples here.
)a* consi$er )+* $eli+erate )c* choose )$* ena+le
Q2 I thin, yo' can clearly see no# #hat I mean as that inci$ent ....... that I am o+io'sly right.
)a* $eci$es )+* $emonstrates )c* protests )$* highlights
Q3 <or the 2irst time in his li2e ....... o2 going straight home7 he calle$ in at a p'+ on the #ay +ac,.
)a* instea$ )+* insi$e )c* incl'$ing )$* into
Q4 4o' can tell that this piece o2 2'rnit're is ....... to "merica +eca'se o2 the strong colonial style.
)a* +orn )+* inherent )c* special )$* natie
Q5 ....... 2or his age an$ he is a2ter all only 127 I thin, his achieement is remar,a+le.
)a* 5ermitting )+* 6iscerning )c* "llo#ing )$* >egar$ing
Q6 I2 yo' ....... to ta,e that step in yo'r career7 yo' hae only yo'rsel2 to +lame i2 it all goes #rong.
)a* hae )+* +eliee )c* e%periment )$* choose
Q7 I-e al#ays tho'ght o2 her as the ,in$ o2 person yo' can tr'st7 yo' ,no# the sort yo' can ....... on.
)a* $epen$ )+* $eter )c* $e2en$ )$* $e2eat
Q8 It #as a totally ne# e%perience 2or 's isiting that 2actory a+roa$ as #e #ere ....... to all sorts o2 ne#
)a* inole$ )+* inten$e$ )c* ineste$ )$* intro$'ce$
Q9 :o one ha$ a cl'e #hat ha$ act'ally happene$ neither the police ....... the p'+lic.
)a* or )+* either )c* nor )$* neer
Q10 "ll cyclists m'st no# #ear some ,in$ o2 helmet in or$er to ....... their hea$s against in8'ry in the eent o2 an
)a* pro22er )+* protect )c* pro$'ce )$* preent
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 50
4mpr+!ing ,er-al Skills
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 4o' can tell that this car has +een ery #ell ma$e an$ is certainly ....... to the other ma,es in this garage.
)a* +etter )+* clearer )c* a+oe )$* s'perior
Q2 It-s A'ite o+io's that #hateer yo' li,e to call his remar,s they are impolite an$ ....... to slan$er.
)a* same )+* amo'nt )c* total )$* e%ten$
Q3 3e ....... to hae saile$ singleGhan$e$ ro'n$ the #orl$ +'t personally I $on-t +eliee him.
)a* says )+* +eliees )c* claims )$* inten$s
Q4 In this +iography she is ....... as a ,in$ s#eet ol$ la$y +'t in reality she #as a +a$ tempere$ ol$ #itch.
)a* $epicte$ )+* 2rame$ )c* o'tline$ )$* ca'ght
Q5 3e ha$ to +e ....... 2rom all the other patients in the hospital +eca'se he ha$ a highly contagio's $isease.
)a* o'tcast )+* eliminate$ )c* e%tracte$ )$* isolate$
Q6 It-s not that I $on-t tr'st yo' ....... I m'st hae some ei$ence o2 yo'r i$entity.
)a* altho'gh )+* +'t )c* also )$* +eca'se
Q7 /he General ma$e a+sol'tely s're his troops #ere rea$y 2or +attle an$ ....... #ith the latest eA'ipment.
)a* ineste$ )+* create$ )c* proi$e$ )$* teste$
Q8 5eople 'se$ to thin, the cinema #o'l$ +e ....... +y teleision +'t it neer happene$ +eca'se people still go to
the pict'res.
)a* s'ppose$ )+* s'rro'n$e$ )c* s'ppresse$ )$* s'pplante$
Q9 She ....... to +e ery con2i$ent on stage +'t insi$e she #as 2eeling ery nero's.
)a* appeare$ )+* s'ppose$ )c* stoo$ )$* cre$ite$
Q10 /here-s little point in those t#o 2irms competing 2or the same mar,et as they #o'l$ +e m'ch +etter ....... #ith
one another.
)a* cons'ming )+* conincing )c* conening )$* colla+orating
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 51
,er-al Skills Test
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1e sometimes 2in$ it $i22ic'lt to imagine #here #e come 2rom an$ +eliee that #e are in 2act ....... 2rom apes.
)a* $irecte$ )+* $eparte$ )c* $eole$ )$* $escen$e$
Q2 "ltho'gh he ha$n-t act'ally $one anything7 he loo,e$ as i2 he might an$ he #as arreste$ 2or +eing o'tsi$e the
ho'se #ith ....... to +'rgle it.
)a* p'rpose )+* reason )c* intent )$* inclination
Q3 :ot only $i$ he pay 2or them to go on holi$ay +'t he ....... proi$e$ them #ith spen$ing money.
)a* a$$ition )+* also )c* either )$* too
Q4 I $on-t min$ sleeping on an 'ncom2orta+le +e$ in a hostel as anything is ....... to sleeping in a tent.
)a* pre2era+le )+* pre2erre$ )c* pre2erring )$* pre2ers
Q5 I ,no# yo' tr'st him +'t I hae my $o'+ts a+o't him an$ m'st a$mit to +eing ....... o2 him.
)a* s'spect )+* s'specting )c* s'spicio's )$* s'specte$
Q6 4o' nee$n-t #orry a+o't that reg'lation as it has nothing to $o #ith yo' an$ $oesn-t ....... to yo'r sit'ation.
)a* a$here )+* apply )c* attract )$* attach
Q7 /he Goernment p'+lishe$ a report clearing the minister o2 any g'ilt an$ ....... that he ha$ acte$ correctly.
)a* concl'$e$ )+* con$'cte$ )c* con2erre$ )$* con2i$e$
Q8 /hey are in 2act t#ins +'t are not at all ali,e physically +'t are not ....... 2rom one another in attit'$e.
)a* separate )+* $ii$e$ )c* $ierse )$* $i22erent
Q9 Bi,e all goo$ philosophers in ....... o2 tr'th she is al#ays loo,ing 2or ne# perspecties.
)a* sight )+* reach )c* search )$* enA'iry
Q10 Bet-s loo, at it this #ay D it-s not so m'ch a pro+lem ....... a challenge to o'r e22orts.
)a* as )+* since )c* 2or )$* it
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 52
,er-al Test
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 In some 19th cent'ry noels yo' see the ery poor con$itions people lie$ in that can only +e $escri+e$ as
....... misery.
)a* $e8ecte$ )+* o+8ect )c* re8ect )$* a+8ect
Q2 /eleision can gie yo' a ery goo$ i$ea o2 ho# people lie in $i22erent co'ntries as it can ....... scenes 2rom
eery $ay li2e.
)a* $eter )+* $epict )c* $elineate )$* $e2er
Q3 /his is a sort o2 shortene$ ersion o2 #hat happene$ an$ has +een ....... to 2it into the ne#spaper.
)a* a$opte$ )+* att'ne$ )c* a++reiate$ )$* a$$e$
Q4 It #as A'ite o+io's 2rom the secretie manner in #hich he le2t the shop an$ the ....... loo,s he ,ept giing that
he ha$n-t pai$ 2or the items o2 clothing.
)a* 2'rtie )+* 2'gitie )c* 2'rio's )$* 2amo's
Q5 It #as a remar,a+le per2ormance +eca'se the actor seeme$ to coney the #hole range o2 h'man emotions 7
#hat yo' might call the complete ....... 2rom +eginning to en$.
)a* gam+le )+* grasp )c* granting )$* gam't
Q6 /he telephone connection #as ery poor an$ #e only hear$ a ....... acco'nt o2 #hat the reporter #as
)a* gestic'late$ )+* gam+le$ )c* garr'lo's )$* gar+le$
Q7 /he teacher 2o'n$ it A'ite ....... to try an$ teach the chil$ren +eca'se they re2'se$ to listen to a #or$ she #as
)a* 2estie )+* 2'tile )c* 2ee+le )$* 2at'o's
Q8 /he 'niersity $eci$e$ to gie their ....... an honorary $egree +eca'se she ha$ al#ays +een most genero's in
her 2inancial help.
)a* +elieer )+* +ene2it )c* +ene2actor )$* +ehol$er
Q9 I-e no #ish to $isregar$ or ....... yo'r achieements +'t I thin, yo' co'l$ hae $one m'ch more.
)a* +elittle )+* +emoan )c* +ereae )$* +eto,en
Q10 3is attempt to ma,e 2'n o2 the sit'ation #as consi$ere$ to +e in +a$ taste an$ ....... in the e%treme.
)a* 2ertile )+* 2reA'ent )c* 2e+rile )$* 2acetio's
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 53
,er-al 3d!antage
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 She s'$$enly stoppe$ spea,ing to him on the phone an$ the conersation came to an ....... en$.
)a* ac'te )+* ari$ )c* a#2'l )$* a+r'pt
Q2 Some o2 Sha,espeare-s historical plays are rather long an$ so there are e$itions #here they are ....... to ma,e
them shorter.
)a* a+ri$ge$ )+* accente$ )c* a$opte$ )$* acA'ire$
Q3 "ltho'gh all the athletes #ere 2'll o2 li2e at the start o2 the marathon7 to#ar$s the en$ o2 the race a 2e# #ere
sho#ing signs o2 tire$ness an$ #ere clearly ........
)a* 2logging )+* 2ailing )c* 2lagging )$* 2oiling
Q4 <ort'nately she too, no notice o2 the reie#s o2 her acting an$ #as A'ite ....... to some o2 the more sarcastic
)a* important )+* impenetra+le )c* imme$iate )$* imperio's
Q5 /he secret o2 a goo$ interie# is to get straight to the point an$ as, ....... A'estions.
)a* incisie )+* inserting )c* intro$'cing )$* in$'ctie
Q6 "ltho'gh her +oss ,ne# that she #as not telling the tr'th7 her e%planations 2or +eing late #ere al#ays so
reasona+le an$ totally ....... that he +eliee$ her.
)a* pleasant )+* perceptie )c* penetrating )$* pla'si+le
Q7 "s soon as he ha$ ineste$ the money7 he +ecame 'neasy an$ #as +eginning to sense ....... a+o't his
)a* A'estions )+* A'alms )c* A'eries )$* A'aers
Q8 9any o2 the sa2ety instr'ctions on things yo' +'y o2ten seem 'nnecessary an$ o2ten A'ite ....... to the aerage
)a* s'per+ )+* s'preme )c* s'per2l'o's )$* s'per2icial
Q9 3e 2o'n$ himsel2 at the e$ge o2 the cli22 in a ....... position +eca'se one #rong step an$ he #o'l$ 2all into the
)a* precipitate )+* pec'liar )c* pertinent )$* precario's
Q10 Eerything a+o't the illage #as #hat yo'-$ call ....... +eca'se all the ho'ses #ere #ell loo,e$ a2ter an$
remin$e$ yo' o2 a time long since gone.
)a* A'aint )+* A'eer )c* A'iet )$* A'eenly
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 54
,er-al %earning
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Eeryone lost their money #hen the soGcalle$ treas'rer ....... #ith all the society-s saings.
)a* aoi$e$ )+* ea$e$ )c* a+sole$ )$* a+scon$e$
Q2 /he police not only arreste$ the lea$er o2 the gang +'t also the ....... #ho ha$ helpe$ him.
)a* acolytes )+* attac,ers )c* accomplices )$* associates
Q3 I hae no #ish to ....... these criminal actiities +'t I $o hae some sympathy #ith the perpetrators.
)a* con$one )+* conce$e )c* console )$* con$'ct
Q4 /he 8'$ge has to a$opt a ....... ie# o2 the crime +y +eing 'tterly impartial.
)a* $etracte$ )+* $etache$ )c* $e2inite )$* $e2en$e$
Q5 6espite all the chaos aro'n$ him the captain remaine$ totally calm an$ ass'me$ an air o2 ........
)a* eA'ation )+* eA'ality )c* eA'animity )$* eA'ity
Q6 /he police stoppe$ the car +eca'se it ha$ 2ollo#e$ an ....... co'rse $o#n the roa$ an$ as,e$ the $rier #hy he
#as going 2rom si$e to si$e.
)a* 'neen )+* 'neA'al )c* 'nerring )$* erratic
Q7 It #as possi+le to loo, 'p the topic on the internet +'t she $eci$e$ instea$ to as, her ....... 2ather #ho ,ne#
the ans#er to most things.
)a* earnest )+* er'$ite )c* learning )$* imminent
Q8 /he party lea$er a$ise$ all her mem+ers to ....... any A'estion a+o't 2inance an$ aoi$ the topic o2 money
)a* ris, )+* 'n$erta,e )c* esche# )$* inole
Q9 3e has a ery re2ine$ oca+'lary an$ pre2ers to 'se a ....... rather than a more common an$ 'lgar #or$.
)a* e'phemism )+* $elicacy )c* 2inery )$* e$ition
Q10 I-e loo,e$ eery#here 2or my ,ey an$ een carrie$ o't an ....... search o2 my car +'t I can-t 2in$ that +oo,.
)a* e%ha'ste$ )+* e%ha'sting )c* e%ha'st )$* e%ha'stie
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 55
'igh S"h++l ,+"a-$lary
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he res'lt o2 the election $i$n-t gie either can$i$ate a clear ma8ority +'t in the en$ the lea$er o2 the
opposition agree$ to step $o#n an$ ....... to the #ishes o2 the electorate.
)a* accept )+* accent )c* acce$e )$* ascen$
Q2 /he so'n$ o2 the #ater2all goes on all $ay an$ night an$ in the en$ the ....... noise gets on yo'r neres.
)a* interr'pting )+* inciting )c* ina$ing )$* incessant
Q3 I apologi;e$ 2or #hat seeme$ li,e a $eli+erate act o2 r'$eness +'t I e%plaine$ that it ha$ +een p'rely
acci$ental an$ an ....... action on my part.
)a* inerte$ )+* ina$ertent )c* inc'rre$ )$* inhi+ite$
Q4 "ltho'gh it-s a complicate$ s'+8ect the pro2essor manage$ to ma,e it all totally clear an$ ....... +y her $eliery.
)a* l'ci$ )+* l'mino's )c* lightening )$* li2ting
Q5 1hen yo' ta,e a party o2 to'rists ro'n$ a 2amo's city there are al#ays those #ho ....... an$ ,eep eery+o$y
else #aiting.
)a* litter )+* lessen )c* loiter )$* lang'ish
Q6 =e2ore she ,ne# #hat ha$ happene$ a man s'$$enly 2ell on her ....... across an$ stealing her han$+ag.
)a* l'r,ing )+* lin,ing )c* limping )$* l'nging
Q7 /here #as a+sol'tely no call 2or him to criticise her so cr'elly an$ in almost a ....... manner.
)a* mal2orme$ )+* malicio's )c* mala$roit )$* malcontent
Q8 /here #as a+sol'tely no A'estion a+o't it he #as the ....... i$iot s'ch as yo'-$ 2in$ in one o2 those ol$ 2arces.
)a* proincial )+* proi$e$ )c* proer+ial )$* protectie
Q9 4o'-ll soon get 'se$ to his 2'nny #ays as it-s one o2 the ....... o2 his personality.
)a* A'i++les )+* A'ills )c* A'a22s )$* A'ir,s
Q10 3e $i$n-t really gie speeches +eca'se he 'se$ to scream an$ sho't an$ yo' co'l$ hear him ....... a h'n$re$
meters $o#n the roa$.
)a* reigning )+* raining )c* r'ling )$* rattling
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 56
3d!an"ed ,+"a-$lary
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3e al#ays 2ollo#s that ol$ .......? early to +e$7 early to rise ma,es a man healthy7 #ealthy an$ #ise.
)a* phrase )+* +alla$ )c* a$age )$* analogy
Q2 I2 yo' inest that money7 yo' #ill 2in$ it #ill gro# an$ ....... interest.
)a* agree )+* a$apt )c* apart )$* accr'e
Q3 5eople o2ten as, her ho# she manages to stay slim an$ she al#ays tells them she is ery care2'l in the
amo'nt she eats to the point o2 +eing ........
)a* a++reiate$ )+* a+stemio's )c* act'ate$ )$* a+r'pt
Q4 4o' m'st react no# an$ not 8'st +e ....... as i2 there is nothing #rong.
)a* complacent )+* com+ining )c* com+atie )$* concerning
Q5 I 2in$ these mathematical p';;les too ....... an$ pre2er the more straight2or#ar$ type.
)a* a+8ect )+* a+ortie )c* a+o'n$ing )$* a+str'se
Q6 /here #as no changing her min$ as she #as A'ite ....... a+o't her $ecision an$ #o'l$n-t consi$er any
)a* attractie )+* attentie )c* a$amant )$* a$8oine$
Q7 It #as A'ite o+io's that he #as $r'n, +eca'se he co'l$n-t 2inish his sentences an$ his speech #as not
)a* contente$ )+* coherent )c* conince$ )$* conol'te$
Q8 /he strings on the p'ppet #ere all intert#ine$ an$ it too, 's ages to ....... them.
)a* $isentangle )+* $istri+'te )c* $ist'r+ )$* $isten$
Q9 /here are really too many political parties in this election as there are so many small gro'ps or ........
)a* 2ictions )+* 2anatics )c* 2'sion )$* 2actions
Q10 3e li,e$ to play the ....... an$ #o'l$ inaria+ly $ress 'p in the most o'trageo's clothes.
)a* eclectic )+* eccentric )c* easie )$* eole$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 57
Sand 4di+ms
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he san$s o2 ....... are r'nning o't an$ yo'-ll hae to h'rry 'p.
)a* moment )+* cloc, )c* min'te )$* time
Q2 It-s no goo$ ....... yo'r hea$ in the san$7 yo'-ll hae to 2ace the tr'th in the en$.
)a* 2illing )+* +'rying )c* p'tting )$* $igging
Q3 I2 yo' ....... yo'r enterprise on san$7 it-s certain to 2ail eent'ally.
)a* p't )+* try )c* +'il$ )$* heap
Q4 /hey hae $eci$e$ to ....... a line in the san$ an$ start all oer again.
)a* $esignate )+* $ra# )c* s,etch )$* $elineate
Q5 /he san$s are ....... an$ eerything is changing in this cent'ry.
)a* shi2ting )+* t'rning )c* moing )$* going
Q6 It r'ns into millions an$ millions D almost as many as the ....... o2 san$ yo' can see on this +each.
)a* pieces )+* pinches )c* grains )$* $rops
Q7 &hil$ren o2ten go $o#n to the seasi$e an$ 'se their +'c,ets an$ spa$es to ma,e san$ ........
)a* +'il$ings )+* castles )c* ho'ses )$* constr'ctions
Q8 In or$er to get chil$ren to go to sleep7 parents sometimes say that the san$ ....... #ill soon come an$ p't san$
in their eyes.
)a* person )+* h'man )c* #i;ar$ )$* man
Q9 <or ery small chil$ren at their n'rsery school there is o2ten a san$ ....... #here they can play.
)a* pit )+* hole )c* container )$* +o%
Q10 1hen there is a $anger o2 2loo$ing7 people o2ten pile 'p san$ ....... o'tsi$e their ho'ses to stop the #ater
coming in.
)a* pots )+* sac,s )c* pac,ets )$* +ags
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 58
The 0arliamentary 1andidate 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /here #as a+sol'tely no ....... that 3enry Crpington li,e$ politics. 3e tal,e$ politics all the time.
)a* +elie2 )+* concern )c* A'ery )$* $o'+t
Q2 "ll the mem+ers o2 his 2amily #ere please$ there2ore #hen 3enry #as ....... as the prospectie parliamentary
can$i$ate 2or the constit'ency in #hich they #ere liing.
)a* a$apte$ )+* a$$e$ )c* a$opte$ )$* a$$icte$
Q3 Cne year later the $ate o2 the general election #as ....... +y the 5rime 9inister.
)a* anno'nce$ )+* $eno'nce$ )c* presente$ )$* $eliere$
Q4 ....... the election campaign 3enry-s #i2e an$ his t#o teenage $a'ghters #or,e$ night an$ $ay 2or him
)a* 2or )+* thro'gho't )c* +y )$* 2rom
Q5 an$ he 2inally ....... a seat in the 3o'se o2 &ommons +y a ery large ma8ority.
)a* chose )+* +o'ght )c* $erie$ )$* #on
Q6 Eery $ay o2 the campaign #as a .......
)a* trial )+* e%periment )c* challenge )$* achieement
Q7 +'t there #as one $ay in partic'lar that 3enry #o'l$ neer ........
)a* remem+er )+* 2orget )c* $iscoer )$* aoi$
Q8 /hat #as the $ay he tho'ght he #as going to +e +lo#n ....... +y a +om+.
)a* o't )+* oer )c* o22 )$* 'p
Q9 Cn a <ri$ay morning at the +eginning o2 the campaign7 the phone ....... in the Crpingtons- ho'se at 6.30 in the
)a* ringe$ )+* r'ng )c* rang )$* #r'ng
Q10 3enry got o't o2 +e$ an$ ran $o#n the stairs. 3e ....... #ho co'l$ possi+ly +e ringing at that early ho'r in the
)a* #on$ere$ )+* as,e$ )c* consi$ere$ )$* +eliee$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 59
The 0arliamentary 1andidate 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3enry? 3ello.
9an-s oice? Is that 9r. 3enry Crpington7 the parliamentary can$i$ate(
3enry? 4es7 ........
)a* tal,ing )+* $ictating )c* spea,ing )$* $eci$ing
Q2 9an-s oice? Ch7 goo$ morning. I #ant to #arn yo' a+o't a +om+...
3enry? " +om+( 1here( 3elloE 1e-e +een ....... o22. CperatorE CperatorE CperatorE
)a* c't )+* seere$ )c* remoe$ )$* $raine$
Q3 It #as no goo$. /he line ha$ gone ........ "s calmly as he co'l$ 3enry #ent 'pstairs to tell his #i2e the alarming
)a* A'iet )+* $ormant )c* $ea$ )$* still
Q4 /hey $eci$e$ to get $resse$ at once an$ ta,e the t#o girls to their a'nt-s ho'se. 3enry ....... the police +'t
as,e$ them to ,eep the ne#s 2rom the press.
)a* instr'cte$ )+* $irecte$ )c* sai$ )$* in2orme$
Q5 "t hal2 past eight 3enry #as in con2erence #ith his election agent7 "n$re# 3iggins7 at party hea$A'arters.
"n$re#? I2 yo' #ant my opinion7 I s'ggest yo' cancel all yo'r engagements 2or to$ay an$ #ait 'ntil the police
get to the ....... o2 the matter.
)a* +ase )+* en$ )c* +ottom )$* hin$
Q6 3enry? &ertainly notE I-m not going to let ....... +e scare$ +y some st'pi$ cran,.
)a* himsel2 )+* itsel2 )c* mysel2 )$* themseles
Q7 "n$re#? 1hat $i$ the man so'n$ li,e( 6i$ yo' recogni;e his oice(
3enry? :o7 I #as hal2 asleep.
3is oice #asn-t 2amiliar +'t he so'n$e$ A'ite pleasant. 3e $i$n-t seem to +e ....... me.
)a* p'nishing )+* threatening )c* hitting )$* stri,ing
Q8 "n$re#? /hat ma,es the #hole +'siness een more sinister. Boo, here7 3enry7 one $ay #on-t ma,e all that
m'ch $i22erence. I-ll tell people that yo'-e ....... yo'r oice or something.
)a* lost )+* misse$ )c* $ist'r+e$ )$* 2orgotten
Q9 3enry? :o7 I-m going to carry on as 's'al. /hin, o2 the a$antage it #o'l$ gie my ....... i2 I #ere o't o2 the
campaign een 2or one $ay.
)a* o'tsi$ers )+* opposites )c* opponents )$* onloo,ers
Q10 "n$re#? I2 yo' say so. ='t I-$ li,e to ma,e it ....... that I-m $ea$ against it.
)a* a+sol'te )+* clear )c* $e2ine$ )$* e%treme
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 60
The 0arliamentary 1andidate 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 3enry Crpington-s 2irst ....... that $ay #as an openGair meeting on a large ho'sing estate at ten o-cloc,.
)a* entrance )+* engagement )c* incitement )$* en$eao'r
Q2 "s most o2 the men #ere ....... at #or,7 his a'$ience consiste$ mainly o2 #omen an$ yo'ng chil$ren.
)a* o22 )+* oer )c* 'n$er )$* o't
Q3 "n$re# 3iggins ,ept a close #atch on the plat2orm 2rom #hich 3enry #as ma,ing his speech7 #hile seeral
plainclothes policemen ....... inconspic'o'sly #ith the cro#$.
)a* me$$le$ )+* mo'l$e$ )c* mingle$ )$* mel$e$
Q4 /here #as ery little reaction to 3enry-s speech7 e%cept 2rom one or t#o people at the +ac, #ho ,ept on
as,ing #hat 3enry-s party inten$e$ to $o a+o't the ....... price o2 2r'it an$ egeta+les.
)a* rising )+* raising )c* risen )$* raise$
Q5 "2ter the speech he shoo, han$s #ith some o2 the #omen. Cne o2 them li2te$ 'p a +a+y 2or him to ,iss7 +'t
the ....... o2 3enry-s +ear$ m'st hae 2rightene$ it +eca'se it +egan to scream its hea$ o22.
)a* seeing )+* sighting )c* sight )$* scene
Q6 "t eleen o-cloc, he ....... a +rie2 isit to a p'+lic ho'se on the estate. 3enry co'l$n-t o22er to +'y anyone a
$rin, +eca'se he ,ne# ery #ell that his opponents #o'l$ consi$er that to +e $ishonest. So he let one o2 his
s'pporters +'y him a $rin, instea$.
)a* +o'ght )+* pai$ )c* so'ght )$* $i$
Q7 "t l'nch time he #ent to his sister-s ho'se to see his #i2e an$ $a'ghters. /hey ha$ spent the morning
a$$ressing enelopes 2or the lea2lets he #as sen$ing o't. 3is sister7 0era7 thoro'ghly ....... o2 his inolement
in politics.
)a* $isli,e$ )+* $isco'rage$ )c* $isappointe$ )$* $isapproe$
Q8 0era? :o# I hope yo' can see the $anger o2 getting mi%e$ 'p in politics. 4o' an$ the 2amily #ill pro+a+ly .......
get +lo#n 'p +y a +om+.
3enry? 6on-t e%aggerate7 0era. I-m s're it-s 8'st a 8o,e.
)a* each )+* eery )c* all )$* entirely
Q9 /here #as a large cro#$ in the 2iel$ #hen 3enry arrie$ at eight o-cloc, 2or #hat #as perhaps the +iggest
meeting o2 the ....... campaign. "2ter a har$ $ay-s #or,7 h'n$re$s o2 2armers an$ 2arm la+o'rers ha$ come to
the 2iel$ to hear #hat 3enry ha$ to say.
)a* 'tter )+* #hole )c* a+sol'te )$* lasting
Q10 3enry? Ba$ies an$ gentlemen7 I appreciate the an%iety yo' m'st all 2eel a+o't s'pport 2or yo'r 2arms. I too
hae +een a 2armer an$ I ,no# the $i22ic'lties yo' are e%periencing7 an$ so...
0oice 2rom the cro#$? ... an$ so yo'-e $eci$e$ to +ecome an 9.5. an$ get richE
3enry? :o7 my 2rien$. I #ant to gie the 2armers a ....... in the 3o'se o2 &ommons.
)a* so'n$ )+* speech )c* noise )$* oice
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 61
The 0arliamentary 1andidate 748
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he cro#$ remaine$ goo$Gnat're$ 2or the 2irst part o2 his speech an$ 3enry #as 2eeling please$ #ith himsel2. "n$ then7 ....... hal2 a
$o;en tractors roare$ onto the 2iel$.
)a* a'tomatically )+* partic'larly )c* s'$$enly )$* especially
Q2 -6o yo' li,e tomatoes(- sho'te$ one o2 the tractor $riers. 3enry ....... 2or a moment an$ then replie$? -4es7 I li,e them ery m'ch.-
)a* $elaye$ )+* st'm+le$ )c* state$ )$* hesitate$
Q3 -1ell7 #e can-t sell them at a pro2it7- sai$ the tractor $rier7 -+eca'se the importe$ ones are too cheap. So instea$ o2 letting them go
to .......7 yo' can hae themE-
)a* loss )+* $isaster )c* #aste )$* r'++ish
Q4 It #as then that 3enry ....... that the tractors #ere loa$e$ #ith +o%es o2 tomatoes7 #hich the 2armers starte$ to thro# at him.
In2ort'nately 2or 3enry7 t#o o2 them hit him 2'll in the 2ace.
)a* notice$ )+* $eci$e$ )c* +eliee$ )$* remar,e$
Q5 3e reali;e$ that he ha$ to say something A'ic,ly to ....... the cro#$ oer to his si$e. -/han, yo' 2or yo'r genero's gi2t7 +'t I really
pre2er them in san$#iches. "n$ no# let-s get on #ith the meeting.-
)a* acA'ire )+* #in )c* gain )$* control
Q6 /he cro#$ starte$ to ....... an$ 3enry manage$ to 2inish his speech #itho't 2'rther interr'ptions. In the meantime the police ha$
ma$e a thoro'gh search o2 3enry-s ho'se an$ ass're$ him that there #ere no hi$$en +om+s. 3e #ent +ac, to his sister-s ho'se to
collect his 2amily.
)a* cry )+* call )c* #eep )$* cheer
Q7 0era? I-e got some s'pper rea$y. I-m s're yo' m'st +e ........
)a* 2asting )+* eating )c* staring )$* m'nching
Q8 3enry? 4o' sho'l$n-t hae +othere$. 1e can all go +ac, home no#. /he police hae ....... the ho'se thoro'ghly an$ 2o'n$ nothing
at all.
0era? 1ell7 at least stay an$ eat the nice sala$ I-e ma$e.
3enry? "ll right7 0era. F'st so long as there are no tomatoes in itE
)a* searche$ )+* 2o'n$ )c* loo,e$ )$* h'nte$
Q9 "2ter s'pper7 3enry an$ his 2amily #ent home. Bater that eening the phone rang.
9an-s oice? Ch7 9r. Crpington. I-e +een trying to reach yo' all $ay. /his is 5a'l 3arris. I calle$ yo' this morning +'t I #as c't o22.
It #as a +a$ line or something.
3enry? 1ell7 #hat a+o't the +om+(
3arris? /he +om+( 1hat on ....... $o yo' mean(
3enry? /hat-s #hat I-$ li,e to ,no#. 4o' sai$7 I #ant to #arn yo' a+o't a +om+.
)a* lan$ )+* gro'n$ )c* m'$ )$* earth
Q10 3arris? Ch7 $earE I-m a2rai$ there-s +een a mis'n$erstan$ing. I $i$n-t hae time to 2inish my sentence. 4o' see7 I ....... some
2armers planning to +rea, 'p yo'r meeting.
3enry? I $on-t see #hat all this has got to $o #ith a +om+.
3arris? 1ell7 i2 #e ha$n-t +een c't o22 I #as going to #arn yo' a+o't a +om+ar$ment o2 tomatoesE
)a* listene$ )+* oerhear$ )c* atten$e$ )$* 'n$erstoo$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 62
Tense 3greement
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 :o sooner ....... I sh't the $oor7 #hen the telephone rang.
)a* hae )+* $i$ )c* #ill )$* ha$
Q2 =y the time I ha$ reache$ the +ottom o2 the mo'ntain7 I ....... e%tremely tire$.
)a* 2eel )+* hae 2elt )c* 2elt )$* am 2eeling
Q3 1hen he #as only thirty years ol$7 he ....... alrea$y e%perience$ #hat most people only e%perience #hen they
are m'ch ol$er.
)a* has )+* ha$ )c* is )$* #as
Q4 /he #itness ....... eeryone that he ha$n-t ha$ anything to $o #ith the crime.
)a* coninces )+* is conincing )c* conince$ )$* has conince$
Q5 1e as,e$ him #hy he ....... telephone$ earlier.
)a* ha$n-t )+* hasn-t )c* $i$n-t )$* #o'l$n-t
Q6 "ct'ally I ha$ ....... it to her +e2ore #e set o't.
)a* mention )+* mentions )c* mentioning )$* mentione$
Q7 I m'st a$mit I ....... tho'ght ho# the story #o'l$ 2inish +e2ore I rea$ the +oo,.
)a* haen-t )+* ha$n-t )c* aren-t )$* co'l$n-t
Q8 I-$ ha$ scarcely any time to thin, a+o't it +e2ore they ....... me 2or my opinion.
)a* ha$ as,e$ )+* $i$ as, )c* as,e$ )$* hae as,e$
Q9 3e reali;e$ he ....... le2t it in the car +e2ore he reporte$ it lost.
)a* has )+* $i$n-t )c* #o'l$n-t )$* ha$
Q10 It ....... a great shoc, to eeryone +eca'se he ha$n-t sai$ a #or$ 2or 10 years.
)a* is )+* #ill +e )c* #as )$* are
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 63
($t$re Tenses
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1hat ....... +e $oing this time tomorro#(
)a* #ere yo' )+* $i$ yo' )c* hae yo' )$* #ill yo'
Q2 ....... go i2 yo' li,e +eca'se I hae to $o some shopping.
)a* I-m )+* I-$ )c* I-ll )$* I-e
Q3 I ....... simply #ait 'ntil she comes +ac,.
)a* #as )+* am )c* shall )$* $o
Q4 3e #as A'ite $e2inite a+o't it an$ ass're$ me he ....... come.
)a* #ill )+* shall )c* sho'l$ )$* #o'l$
Q5 I2 they ....... arrie late7 they #ill hae to get their o#n meal.
)a* $o )+* ha$ )c* #o'l$ )$* #ill
Q6 I really hope I ....... see yo' again.
)a* $i$ )+* shall )c* sho'l$ )$* #o'l$
Q7 1hat ....... happen to the 2amily i2 he loses all his money(
)a* $oes )+* $i$ )c* #ill )$* is
Q8 ....... +e +'ying the ho'se or haen-t yo' $eci$e$ yet(
)a* 6i$ yo' )+* 3ae yo' )c* 1ere yo' )$* 1ill yo'
Q9 I-m s're they ....... get marrie$ an$ lie happily eer a2ter#ar$s.
)a* $i$ )+* hae )c* #ill )$* #o'l$
Q10 1hat $o yo' ....... to $o #hen yo' leae school(
)a* #ante$ )+* #anting )c* #ants )$* #ant
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 64
0ast Tenses
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I tol$ them I ....... 8'st going o't 2or a short #al,.
)a* #o'l$ )+* am )c* #as )$* #ill
Q2 3e as,e$ me #hat I ....... #ith the paint +r'sh.
)a* $i$ $o )+* ha$ $one )c* #ill $o )$* hae $one
Q3 She tol$ me ....... care2'lly on the icy roa$s.
)a* to +e $rien )+* to hae $rien )c* to $rie )$* to +e $rien
Q4 I #on$er #hat ....... happene$ #hile I #as a#ay.
)a* #ill hae )+* has )c* #as )$* ha$
Q5 She #on$ers #hy I neer ....... a+roa$ +y plane.
)a* trael
)c* has traelle$
)+* hae +een traelling
)$* #ill hae traelle$
Q6 @'ite honestly all I #as $oing #as simply ....... polite conersation.
)a* ma$e )+* ma,ing )c* haing ma$e )$* ma,es
Q7 3e #as #on$ering #hat ....... prompte$ him to ta,e no notice at all.
)a* has )+* hae )c* ha$ )$* haing
Q8 I #as as,ing mysel2 #hat in all honesty she ....... $o ne%t.
)a* #ill )+* #o'l$ )c* shall )$* ha$
Q9 3e act'ally $enie$ ....... anything o2 the sort.
)a* to $o )+* $one )c* $i$ )$* $oing
Q10 3e came into the room an$ $eman$e$ ....... #hat #as happening.
)a* to ,no# )+* ,no#ing )c* ,no# )$* haing ,no#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 65
0assi!e Tense (+rms
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he castle ....... +'ilt in the 15th cent'ry.
)a* #as )+* is )c* has +een )$* #ill +e
Q2 Is he ....... arreste$ as #e spea,(
)a* +e )+* +een )c* +eing )$* #ill +e
Q3 "ll these ho'ses ....... neglecte$ 2or $eca$es.
)a* #ill +e )+* are +eing )c* has +een )$* hae +een
Q4 /here-s no A'estion that they ....... $elighte$ #hen they see her tomorro#.
)a* hae +een )+* #ill +e )c* ha$ +een )$* #ill hae +een
Q5 /hat +'il$ing ....... le2t 'nocc'pie$ since 1950.
)a* #o'l$ +e )+* #o'l$ +eing )c* has +een )$* #ill +e
Q6 /he chil$ren ....... ta,en to school +y +'s eery $ay.
)a* are )+* hae )c* #as )$* ha$
Q7 I can ass're yo' that this +o% ....... neer +een opene$ +e2ore I opene$ this morning.
)a* #as )+* #ill )c* is )$* ha$
Q8 /hat ceremony ....... enacte$ on /'es$ay ne%t.
)a* has +een )+* is )c* is +eing )$* hae
Q9 3o# many times hae yo' ....... yo'r ho'se +ro,en into(
)a* +een )+* ha$ )c* +e )$* hae
Q10 I-m sorry yo' can-t come in at the moment +eca'se #e ....... the ho'se $ecorate$ right no#.
)a* hae ha$ )+* #ill hae )c* ha$ )$* are haing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 66
Ger$nd +r 4n#initi!e
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 ....... me i2 I-e tol$ yo' this +e2ore.
)a* Stopping )+* Stoppe$ )c* Stops )$* Stop
Q2 "ll I can say at the moment is? Bong ....... the companyE
)a* lie )+* lies )c* lie$ )$* liing
Q3 Sometimes I #ish I ....... #hat the 2't're hol$s.
)a* ,no# )+* ,no#n )c* ,ne# )$* ,no#s
Q4 "n$ at other times I-m gla$ I ....... ,no# #hat the 2't're hol$s.
)a* $i$n-t )+* $oesn-t )c* ha$n-t )$* $on-t
Q5 Bet-s ....... there tomorro# i2 it-s 2ine.
)a* going )+* gone )c* go )$* goes
Q6 /ry ....... the $oor really har$ i2 yo' #ant to open it.
)a* p'shing )+* p'sh )c* p'shes )$* p'she$
Q7 /ry ....... these irreg'lar er+s +y ne%t #ee,.
)a* learne$ )+* to learn )c* learns )$* learning
Q8 I really appreciate yo'r ....... me at this $i22ic'lt time.
)a* helps )+* help )c* helpe$ )$* helping
Q9 I-ll 2inish no# an$ I loo, 2or#ar$ to ....... yo' again soon.
)a* seeing )+* see )c* seen )$* haing seen
Q10 5lease come +ac, soon an$ ....... the #or, yo' starte$ t#o #ee,s ago.
)a* 2inishe$ )+* 2inishing )c* 2inish )$* 2inishes
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 67
0er#e"t Tenses
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9any people ....... trie$ +'t noGone has s'ccee$e$ so 2ar.
)a* $i$ )+* hae +een )c* #ere )$* hae
Q2 /hat programme is so +oring that it-s li,e #atching paint ........
)a* $ries )+* $rie$ )c* $ry )$* has $rie$
Q3 =y the en$ o2 this year I reali;e I ....... #riting tests 2or three years no#.
)a* shall +e )+* shall hae +een )c* #ill +e )$* shall hae
Q4 6o yo' min$ ....... the $oor as I 2in$ it ery hot in here(
)a* to open )+* opene$ )c* opens )$* opening
Q5 I honestly thin, that the time ....... come #hen #e sho'l$ cele+rate o'r s'ccess.
)a* has )+* ha$ )c* #ill )$* haing
Q6 3o# anyone ....... to lie in those con$itions in the 18th cent'ry is $i22ic'lt to imagine.
)a* manages )+* #ill manage )c* manage$ )$* is managing
Q7 ....... eer hear$ o2 this #riter +e2ore(
)a* 6i$ yo' )+* 3ae yo' )c* 6o yo' )$* 1ill yo'
Q8 /hat st'pi$ $og ....... all $ay long.
)a* $oes al#ays +ar, )+* al#ays is +ar,ing )c* ha$ al#ays +ar,e$ )$* is al#ays +ar,ing
Q9 /hey #ere eating $inner #hen the lights ....... o't.
)a* go )+* are going )c* #ent )$* goes
Q10 :oGone ....... +eliee yo'r story #hen yo' tell them.
)a* #ill )+* $i$ )c* has )$* is
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 68
English Grammar Tenses
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 ....... any one o+8ect i2 I t'rn the heating $o#n(
)a* 6o )+* 6oes )c* 6i$ )$* 6oing
Q2 I ....... come to the concl'sion that no#a$ays no+o$y cares a+o't anything.
)a* #ill )+* ha$ )c* $o )$* hae
Q3 :o matter #hat happens ne%t I ....... help yo'.
)a* am )+* hae )c* #ill )$* #o'l$
Q4 /hey ....... 2or 3 ho'rs #hen the storm s'$$enly +ro,e.
)a* ha$ +een r'nning )+* hae +een r'nning )c* are r'nning )$* #ill +e r'nning
Q5 I ass'me$ yo' ....... paying 2or the repairs 'ntil the en$ o2 last year.
)a* hae +een )+* #as +een )c* are +eing )$* ha$ +een
Q6 ....... get tire$ o2 ans#ering the same A'estions eery $ay(
)a* 3ae yo' eer )+* 3a$ yo' eer )c* 6o yo' eer )$* "re yo' eer
Q7 She ....... #or,ing on that man'script 2or 2 years no#.
)a* #ill +e )+* has +een )c* ha$ +een )$* is
Q8 I ....... there once a long time ago an$ haen-t +een +ac, since.
)a* #ent )+* go )c* hae gone )$* #as going
Q9 She ....... trying to pass her $riing test +'t 2ails eery time.
)a* ,ept )+* is ,eeping )c* ha$ ,ept )$* ,eeps
Q10 I ....... complete silence no# #hile I try this e%periment.
)a* am #anting )+* #ant )c* $i$ #ant )$* hae #ante$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 69
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- "arry
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "n eagle7 i2 presse$ 2or 2oo$7 might ....... a small +a+y that ha$ +een le2t in the open 'nprotecte$7 +'t s'ch an
opport'nity m'st occ'r ery rarely.
)a* carry o22 )+* carry thro'gh )c* carry on #ith )$* carry o't
Q2 <inlan$ an$ the <innish 'pper secon$ary e$'cation system constit'te a goo$ e%ample o2 the 2act that it is
possi+le to ....... ery e%tensie rea$8'stments #ith a ie# to ma,ing a system more 2le%i+le an$ a$apte$ to
in$ii$'ali;e$ learning.
)a* carry o22 )+* carry thro'gh )c* carry on #ith )$* carry a#ay
Q3 In$ia an$ Iran #ill contin'e to $eepen ties an$ ....... +ilateral pro8ects7 incl'$ing the triGnation pipeline an$ a
m'ltiG+illion $ollar gas $eal.
)a* carry o22 )+* carry thro'gh )c* carry on #ith )$* carry a#ay
Q4 /he lier reg'lates most chemical leels in the +loo$ an$ e%cretes a pro$'ct calle$ +ile7 #hich helps .......
#aste pro$'cts 2rom the lier.
)a* carry a#ay )+* carry thro'gh )c* carry on #ith )$* carry oer
Q5 &hina-s c'lt'ral in$'stry #as gien a +oost last #ee, a2ter the goernment anno'nce$ its plan to ....... c'lt'ral
re2orm in more than 20 proincial areas.
)a* carry a#ay )+* carry thro'gh )c* carry o22 )$* carry o't
Q6 Items s'ch as pointe$ scissors an$ ice s,ates are e%amples o2 articles that are not permitte$ in yo'r .......
+aggage #hen +oar$ing an aircra2t.
)a* carry o22 )+* carry on )c* carry on #ith )$* carry a#ay
Q7 "n employee #ith 400 accr'e$ sic, leae ho'rs at the en$ o2 the 2iscal year #ill ....... into the ne# 2iscal year
360 ho'rs o2 sic, leae an$ 8 ho'rs o2 a$$itional ann'al leae.
)a* carry oer )+* carry on )c* carry o22 )$* carry o't
Q8 1hen irrigation has no ....... system7 the eaporating #ater $eposits a gra$'al +'il$G'p o2 salini;ation7 #hich is
eent'ally $amaging to plant li2e.
)a* carry oer )+* carry on )c* carry o22 )$* carry o't
Q9 /he Scottish 5arliament has appointe$ 9r. 9aley to ....... an assessment o2 the c'rrent cost estimate an$
li,ely completion $ate o2 a ne# in2ormation technology pro8ect.
)a* carry oer )+* carry on )c* carry o22 )$* carry o't
Q10 "nimals an$ h'mans 'se the eaporation o2 #ater to ....... heat that is a+sor+e$ 2rom the s'n or generate$ +y
meta+olic actiity an$ e%ercise.
)a* carry a#ay )+* carry thro'gh )c* carry o22 )$* carry o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 70
1$linary delights
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 9i$$le Eastern resta'rants o2ten hae a #ay o2 #his,ing yo' a#ay to a 2ar o22 lan$ o2 +elly $ancers7 e%otic
spices an$ ....... $rin,.
)a* incriminating )+* intimi$ating )c* into%icating )$* instigating
Q2 /hai c'isine is one o2 the most romantic o2 the "sian c'isines as it still ....... an element o2 mystery an$
)a* remains )+* retains )c* re2rains )$* regains
Q3 9o$ern "sian resta'rants in Fa,arta hae an ....... history.
)a* e%ten$e$ )+* e%ternal )c* e%tracte$ )$* e%'$e
Q4 In$onesia has an ....... range o2 Fapanese resta'rants as Fapan has long +een the +iggest inestor in the
)a* ecliptic )+* ecstatic )c* eclectic )$* eccentric
Q5 International resta'rants in Singapore are ....... a$ept at sim'ltaneo'sly per2ecting +oth eastern an$ #estern
$ishes on their men'es
)a* partially )+* partic'larity )c* partly )$* partic'larly
Q6 3ong Jong has to +e one o2 the 2e# places on the planet #here yo' can en8oy ....... c'isine an$ serice at
relatiely reasona+le prices.
)a* e%A'isite )+* e%plicit )c* e%pletie )$* e%plosie
Q7 E'ropean c'isine al#ays ....... a sense o2 nostalgia an$ romance7 li,e r'nning into an ol$ 2lame.
)a* eoles )+* einces )c* eo,es )$* eicts
Q8 "merica is ....... at the 2ront o2 the race to +ecome the #orl$-s most o+ese co'ntry.
)a* 'n$eci$e$ly )+* 'n$enia+ly )c* 'n$er+elly )$* 'n$erling
Q9 9any people $rin, #ine7 +'t many #ine cons'mers ,no# little a+o't #ine ....... or #ine an$ 2oo$ pairing
+eca'se they are intimi$ate$ or p't o22 +y the pretensions o2ten associate$ #ith #ine.
)a* appropriation )+* appreciation )c* apportion )$* apprehension
Q10 Cne o2 the most +ea'ti2'l things a+o't Fa,arta is its ....... #ealth 2rom +oth #ithin the archipelago an$ aro'n$
the #orl$.
)a* c'rsory )+* ca'tionary )c* coronary )$* c'linary
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 71
4ntera"ti!e .+rksheets 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he historical ch'rch has an ....... A'ality to it +eca'se o2 the +ea'ti2'l art#or, an$ the serenity that the
staine$Gglass #in$o#s an$ nat'ral lighting proi$e.
)a* eminent )+* imminent )c* immanent )$* imagine
Q2 =e2ore the +all7 the imposter ....... himsel2 so the g'ests #o'l$n-t recogni;e him.
)a* $isassem+le$ )+* $issem+le$ )c* $isengage$ )$* $isli,e$
Q3 /he #i$o# spent more than t#o $ays #riting a loing an$ appropriate ....... to p't on her +eloe$ h's+an$-s
)a* epigram )+* epithet )c* epitaph )$* epic
Q4 /he $ar,7 eerie an$ ....... s,y seeme$ to spea, to general 9cJenney a+o't the 'pcoming iolence they #ere
a+o't to 2ace.
)a* 2or+i$$ing )+* 2ore+o$ing )c* 2ormi$a+le )$* 2or2eit
Q5 =ryan-s 2rien$s $are$ him to 8'mp o22 o2 the cli22 into the a#aiting la,e +elo#. ='t the int'itie +oy ....... the
$anger +eca'se the la,e loo,e$ shallo#er than 's'al.
)a* 2ore#ent )+* 2oresa# )c* 2orsa,e )$* 2orce$
Q6 6'ring the #ar7 many 2amilies trie$ to ....... as m'ch 2oo$ an$ s'pplies as they co'l$.
)a* hor$e )+* hone )c* hoar$ )$* hail
Q7 /he #arm an$ ....... charm o2 the home is #hat attracte$ &arrie to it in the 2irst place. She li,es the simple
pleas'res in li2e.
)a* $iscreet )+* $iscrete )c* $isg'ste$ )$* $eiant
Q8 6'ring the mi$$le ages7 men o2ten 2o'ght each other in a ....... in or$er to settle serio's $isagreements.
)a* $'el )+* $'al )c* $ial )$* $oll
Q9 "2ter the stoc, mar,et crash7 the onceGa22l'ent 2amily #as 2orce$ to ....... their home an$ li2estyle.
)a* $enigrate )+* $egra$er )c* $o#ngra$e )$* $eiate
Q10 "ll animals are +orn #ith innate or ....... A'alities. "s they gro#7 they pic, 'p ne# s,ills 2rom their enironment.
)a* eminent )+* immanent )c* imminent )$* illicit
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 72
4ntera"ti!e .+rksheets 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he h'nting $ogs sense$ the ....... $anger #ay +e2ore the h'nters #ere a+le to see the approaching pre$ators.
)a* eminent )+* imminent )c* immanent )$* elicit
Q2 /om #as arreste$ on <ri$ay. Si% months later7 he receie$ a sentence o2 ten years in prison 2or $ealing .......
)a* elicit )+* elite )c* eliminate )$* illicit
Q3 /he $istrict attorney $esperately trie$ to ....... a con2ession 2rom the acc'se$ in the crossGe%amination. 3e
really #ante$ to #in the case +eca'se he +eliee$ the acc'se$ #as g'ilty.
)a* illicit )+* eliminate )c* elicit )$* elite
Q4 9any people #ant to ....... 2rom their natie co'ntries to other nations. 3o#eer7 no#a$ays7 it-s m'ch more
$i22ic'lt than it #as in the past.
)a* immigrate )+* eminent )c* emigrate )$* imminent
Q5 L6ear "++yL is a col'mn that ....... people #ho #rite in #ith pro+lems. Some thin, the col'mn is 'se2'l +'t
others strongly $isagree.
)a* $eises )+* a$ises )c* a$ice )$* $eices
Q6 /here #as an apple ....... lying on the 2loor. /ammy tho'ght it #as r'$e that someone le2t it lying on the ,itchen
2loor li,e that.
)a* corps )+* corpse )c* cor$ )$* core
Q7 /hree months +e2ore the #e$$ing7 Ba'ra +ro'ght her +ri$esmai$ $ress into a $ress shop so that the
seamstress ha$ eno'gh time to ....... it.
)a* alter )+* altar )c* a'ral )$* oral
Q8 "2ter the o$$ o't+'rst7 the gro'p o2 long time 2rien$s agree$ that &armela-s +ehaior on the #ee,en$ trip #as
)a* +a;aar )+* +i;arre )c* +';;er )$* +'sier
Q9 " loo, o2 ....... came oer :ancy-s 2ace #hen the er$ict #as anno'nce$. She no# #ants tomeet #ith lo++yists
#ho#or, to change la#s 2or the +etterment o2 society.
)a* $isc'sse$ )+* $e2orm )c* $isperse )$* $isg'st
Q10 /he ....... saga laste$ three ho'rs. " lot o2 people in the theater en8oye$ the 2ilm +'t most agree$ that it #as
too long.
)a* epoch )+* e%cept )c* epic )$* e%cerpt
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 73
3meri"an G+!ernment Q$esti+ns Test 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Ingraine$ #ithin the 2irst amen$ment7 2ree$om o2 the ....... $eclares an$ maintains that people can p't i$eas
$o#n in #riting an$ can comm'nicate 2reely in the Inite$ States.
)a* speech )+* press )c* people )$* co'ntry
Q2 1hen a ne# la# is recommen$e$ or propose$7 a ....... is create$. " $ecision a+o't #hether to pass it or not is
ma$e a2ter#ar$s.
)a* +ill )+* $elegate )c* right )$* 2'nction
Q3 "2ter a +ill is intro$'ce$ an$ passe$ +y &ongress7 it is gien to the ....... #ho ma,es the 2inal $ecision.
)a* iceGpresi$ent )+* presi$ent )c* senator )$* 8'$ge
Q4 /he I.S. &ongress is comprise$ o2 t#o $iisions? the 3o'se o2 >epresentaties an$ the ........ &ongress has
the responsi+ility an$ a'thority to analy;e an$ pass +ills as #ell as ma,e la#s.
)a* Senate )+* 5resi$ent )c* Session )$* &ommittee
Q5 In the en$7 ho#eer7 a Inite$ States presi$ent maintains the a'thority to either accept or ....... a +ill.
)a* elect )+* stan$ )c* pass )$* eto
Q6 I2 something happens that ren$ers a IS presi$ent incapa+le o2 2'l2illing his $'ties7 the ....... 2ills in.
)a* peace o22icer )+* 8'$ge )c* iceGpresi$ent )$* senate
Q7 /he presi$ent has a n'm+er o2 responsi+ilities an$ one is to ....... am+assa$ors to 2oreign co'ntries.
)a* elect )+* appoint )c* alert )$* re8ect
Q8 "nyone #ho #ants to r'n 2or the presi$ential o22ice position m'st +e a nat'ralG+orn citi;en o2 the Inite$ States
an$ a permanent ....... o2 "merica 2or a minim'm o2 14 years.
)a* co'ntry )+* resi$ent )c* $iplomat )$* representatie
Q9 1ithin the IS goernment7 the $iision that manages tra$e an$ +'siness a22airs7 +oth in "merica an$ a+roa$7
is the 6epartment o2 ........
)a* &ommerce )+* "gric'lt're )c* Ba+or )$* Senate
Q10 1ithin the IS goernment7 the sector that manages the protection an$ s'staina+ility o2 nat'ral reso'rces is
the $epartment o2 the ........
)a* agric'lt're )+* $e2ense )c* homelan$ sec'rity )$* interior
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 74
>S G+!ernment Q$esti+ns Test 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he term ....... is a change or mo$i2ication applie$ to a practice or la# that alrea$y e%ists.
)a* conention )+* amen$ment )c* a'thority
Q2 1hen a pop'lation otes on a certain s'+8ect7 the larger n'm+er o2 people #ho agree7 an$ m'st eA'al more
than oneGhal2 o2 the oting pop'lation7 is calle$ the ........
)a* minority )+* conention )c* ma8ority
Q3 ....... #as a la# that o'tla#e$ the pro$'ction7 sale7 'se an$/or transport o2 alcohol 2or cons'mption p'rposes in
the Inite$ States. =y 19337 the la# #as a+olishe$.
)a* &onstit'tion )+* :ational )c* 5rohi+ition
Q4 " #ritten7 legal recor$ or $oc'ment reA'esting assistance7 change or mo$i2ications #ithin a goernment
system alrea$y in place is calle$ a ........
)a* constit'tion )+* petition )c* conention
Q5 Stemming 2rom Fohn Boc,e-s i$eas7 innate rights7 s'ch as li2e7 property an$ li+erty7 are ,no#n as ....... rights in
the I.S.
)a* moral )+* normal )c* nat'ral
Q6 Early goernments in the IS esta+lishe$ a ........ /his is a #ritten o'tline that eri2ies the rights o2 the people
#ithin a 'ni2ie$7 $emocratic goernment.
)a* conention )+* constit'tion )c* pamphlet
Q7 " ....... is an agreement or 'n$erstan$ing +et#een t#o regions7 states or co'ntries that $e2ines tra$e an$ other
matters i$enti2ie$ +y +oth parties.
)a* $elegate )+* e%ec'tie )c* treaty
Q8 In the IS7 the $iision o2 goernment that $eals #ith la#7 co'rts an$ 8'stice is the ....... system or +ranch.
)a* 2inancial )+* 8'$icial )c* pop'lar
Q9 Sometimes +ills are etoe$. 3o#eer7 at other times7 a +ill or amen$ment is approe$ or ........
)a* rati2ie$ )+* 'nite$ )c* importe$
Q10 " person #ho is not a mem+er o2 a police or 2ireG2ighting $epartment or enliste$ in the military is ,no#n as a
)a* ciilian )+* o22icer )c* senator
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 75
>S G+!ernment Q$esti+ns Test 738
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 &ongress has a n'm+er o2 la#ma,ing responsi+ilities an$ is ,no#n as the ....... +ranch o2 the IS goernment.
)a* conentional )+* legislatie )c* S'preme &o'rt
Q2 " Inite$ States presi$ent has the a'thority to appoint 8'$ges to the ....... &o'rt an$ am+assa$ors to 2oreign
)a* trial )+* S'preme )c* &ongress
Q3 Eery 2o'r years7 certain people r'n 2or o22ice. " person #ho r'ns 2or the presi$ential o22ice position in a
national campaign is calle$ a presi$ential ........
)a* can$i$ate )+* o22icer )c* la#yer
Q4 "mong other responsi+ilities7 &ongress has the a'thority to collect ....... an$ pass la#s regar$ing the income
ta% str'ct're.
)a* amen$ments )+* ta%es )c* opinions
Q5 1hen a p'+lic o22icial is acc'se$ an$ then charge$ #ith #rong2'l or 'nla#2'l con$'ct7 the process is ,no#n as
an ........
)a* resignation )+* $epression )c* impeachment
Q6 " person #ho is +orn in a certain co'ntry is entitle$ to speci2ic rights7 +ene2its an$ $'ties an$ consi$ere$ a
....... o2 that partic'lar co'ntry.
)a* resi$ent )+* citi;en )c* la#yer
Q7 1hen a person is charge$ #ith a criminal act7 the 8'$icial system can either conict or ....... the person o2 the
)a* acA'it )+* conerse )c* resign
Q8 1ithin the IS goernment7 the sector that operates all 2acets concerning eterans- serices is the .......
)a* homelan$ sec'rity )+* la+or )c* eterans a22airs
Q9 1ithin the IS goernment7 the sector that s'perises an$ $irects minim'm #age an$ employee stan$ar$s
that e%ist in the c'rrent system is the ....... $epartment.
)a* 8'stice )+* la+or )c* interior
Q10 " $iision o2 the goernmental system that presi$es oer health an$ h'man serices #ithin the +o'n$aries o2
"merica is the $epartment o2 ........
)a* interior
)c* health an$ h'man serices
)+* e$'cation
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 76
>S G+!ernment Q$esti+ns Test 748
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /he goernment $iision that manages oil7 nat'ral gas an$ ario's other reso'rces 2or the p'rpose o2
'tili;ation an$ conseration is the $epartment o2 ........
)a* energy )+* la+or )c* e$'cation
Q2 /he goernment $iision that $eals #ith st'$ents7 learning7 $eelopment an$ teachers is the $epartment o2
)a* energy )+* la+or )c* e$'cation
Q3 I2 someone $oesn-t pay his/her ta%es or ,no#ingly proi$es 2alse or 2ra'$'lent in2ormation to ta% agencies or
a$ministrators7 the crime is calle$ ........
)a* ta% easion )+* ta% c'ts )c* $isagreement
Q4 1hen people hae the li+erty to manage an$ r'n +'sinesses #ith little goernment control or inter2erence7 this
type o2 goerning is calle$ a ....... system.
)a* 2ree )+* 2ree enterprise )c* reg'late$ in$'stry
Q5 /he goernment sector that manages the constr'ction an$ maintenance o2 roa$s7 high#ays7 airports an$
railroa$s in the Inite$ States is the $epartment o2 ........
)a* interior )+* transportation )c* agric'lt're
Q6 /he goernment sector that s'perises all 2acets o2 2arming an$ c'ltiation is the $epartment o2 ........
)a* $e2ense )+* interior )c* agric'lt're
Q7 =y $ii$ing the goernment into three $epartments or +ranches7 the po#er o2 the nation is split 'p so each
+ranch is separate an$ $istinct. /his is ,no#n as ........
)a* separation o2 po#er )+* common po#er )c* eA'ali;ation o2 po#er
Q8 1hen 2e$eral an$ state goernments hae some control oer the same iss'es7 at their $istinct leels7 the
system encompassing this type o2 goernment is calle$ ....... po#ers.
)a* correct )+* share$ )c* 'ni2orm
Q9 /he goernment $iision that manages all 2acets o2 the arme$ 2orces is the $epartment o2 ........
)a* e$'cation )+* $e2ense )c* interior
Q10 &ertain areas o2 society are man$ate$ only +y the states so the 2e$eral goernment can-t control them. /his
type o2 po#er is calle$ ....... po#er.
)a* normal )+* resere$ )c* state
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 77
>S F$di"ial System Q$esti+n Test 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 " person #ho is acc'se$ o2 a crime7 in a co'rt o2 la#7 is ,no#n as the ........
)a* plainti22 )+* $e2en$ant )c* prosec'tor
Q2 /hree important sectors or +ranches o2 goernment in the Inite$ States are the legislatie7 e%ec'tie an$ .......
)a* 8'ry )+* constit'tion )c* 8'$icial
Q3 1ithin the "merican 8'$icial .......7 there are three leels o2 co'rts.
)a* nationality )+* system )c* prosec'tors
Q4 /he three leels o2 co'rt in the IS are as 2ollo#s? $istrict co'rts7 the co'rts o2 appeals an$ the ....... &o'rt.
)a* Ipper )+* S'perior )c* S'preme
Q5 1ithin the system7 ....... co'rts are the only 2e$eral co'rts that sometimes employ a 8'$ge an$ a 8'ry.
)a* regional )+* $istrict )c* claim
Q6 /he S'preme &o'rt is the highest leel o2 8'stice in the IS. S'preme &o'rt $ecisions hae sometimes calle$
2or mo$i2ications in the ........
)a* 5resi$ent )+* &onstit'tion )c* E%ec'tie
Q7 " case m'st +e hear$ in a $istrict co'rt 2irst. "2ter a $ecision is ma$e in that co'rt7 the case can moe into the
)a* attorney )+* co'rt o2 appeals )c* lo#er co'rt
Q8 " la#yer that #or,s 2or either the state or 2e$eral goernment an$ sometimes crossGe%amines a $e2en$ant is
,no#n as the ....... attorney.
)a* $istrict )+* $e2ense )c* 8'ry
Q9 In the highest co'rt leel in the co'ntry7 S'preme &o'rt 8'stices $eci$e #hether or not an iss'e is
'nconstit'tional. /hey are appointe$ +y the ........
)a* Ba#yers )+* 5resi$ent )c* &iti;ens
Q10 " la#yer #ho is hire$ +y a $e2en$ant to represent his/her case is calle$ a ....... attorney.
)a* $e2ense )+* prosec'ting )c* presi$ential
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 78
>S G+!ernment Q$esti+ns Test 758
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 /a% that is calc'late$ an$ $epen$ant on the amo'nt a person earns in a $emocracy is calle$ ....... ta%.
)a* sales )+* income )c* serice
Q2 <e$eral or state ta% that is a$$e$ to goo$s an$/or serices is calle$ ....... ta%.
)a* sales )+* income )c* serice
Q3 ....... is the term 'se$ #hen a co'nty7 to#n or city $e2ines an$ $eci$es #here homes an$ +'sinesses are to +e
)a* Seats )+* Moning )c* &o'rt
Q4 " ....... is a region or $istrict that is $ii$e$ 2rom other areas in or$er to esta+lish an$ operate local
goernments in that partic'lar area.
)a* ;oning )+* co'nty )c* commission
Q5 In each co'nty7 the hea$ o2 the la# en2orcement agency or +o$y is calle$ the ........
)a* police )+* chie2 )c* sheri22
Q6 " person #ho is electe$7 to represent an$ goern a city or to#n7 +y the people is calle$ the ........
)a* co'nty cler, )+* treas'rer )c* mayor
Q7 1hen comm'nities or gro'ps hol$ 2'nctions in or$er to raise money 2or a ca'se7 the actiity is calle$ a
)a* consit'ent )+* 2'n$Graiser )c* plat2orm
Q8 " ....... is a stance or statement containing a political party-s tho'ghts7 +elie2s an$ plans p't 2orth prior to an
)a* constit'ent )+* 2'n$Graiser )c* plat2orm
Q9 Is'ally7 ....... political parties are more resistant to change.
)a* li+eral )+* conseratie )c* socialist
Q10 5olitical parties that are 's'ally more open to societal change are re2erre$ to as ....... parties.
)a* li+eral )+* conseratie )c* socialist
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 79
>S G+!ernment Q$esti+ns Test 768
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 Is'ally7 a political party that hol$s the lesser amo'nt o2 seats7 or po#er7 #ithin an e%isting goernment is
calle$ the ....... party.
)a* lesser )+* minim'm )c* opposition
Q2 /he >ep'+lican 5arty in the IS is 's'ally more ....... #hen compare$ to the 6emocratic 5arty.
)a* li+eral )+* conseratie )c* opposition
Q3 " person #ho is selecte$ to r'n in an election is calle$ a ........
)a* mayor )+* ,eynote )c* nominee
Q4 6emocrats in the IS are 's'ally more ....... #hen compare$ to the >ep'+lican 5arty.
)a* li+eral )+* conseratie )c* opposition
Q5 In or$er to ote7 "merican citi;ens m'st 2irst +e ....... in their oting $istrict.
)a* nominate$ )+* registere$ )c* selecte$
Q6 "n "merican citi;en #ho is liing o'tsi$e o2 the IS $'ring an election year can 2ill o't an ....... +allot in or$er to
ote 2rom the e%isting location.
)a* person )+* a+sentee )c* eligi+le
Q7 I2 an iss'e is $isagree$ 'pon an$ p't 2orth in a $irect ote approach +y the goernment7 the 'n$erta,ing is
calle$ a ........
)a* recall )+* re2eren$'m )c* conention
Q8 "n ....... is a person #ho leaes his/her co'ntry to lie in another co'ntry.
)a* attorney )+* nationality )c* emigrant
Q9 5eople #ho are +eing ictimi;e$ or persec'te$ an$7 there2ore7 leae their co'ntry in or$er to see, re2'ge in a
sa2er place are ,no#n as ........
)a* immigrants )+* re2'gees )c* nationalists
Q10 &iti;ens o2 other co'ntries #ho resi$e in the IS are calle$ ........
)a* nominees )+* re2'gees )c* aliens
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 80
>S G+!ernment Q$esti+ns Test 778
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 I2 a person7 #ho is not a citi;en o2 the IS7 is or$ere$ to leae the co'ntry7 the or$er is ,no#n as ........
)a* immigration )+* emigration )c* $eportation
Q2 ....... is the process people go thro'gh #hen they are o22ere$ citi;enship in a co'ntry +'t they #ere +orn in
another co'ntry.
)a* "llegiance )+* :at'rali;ation )c* Sec'rity
Q3 I2 an alien is o22ere$ "merican citi;enship7 he/she m'st ta,e an oath o2 ....... in or$er to procee$ #ith the ne%t
co'rse o2 action.
)a* co'ntry )+* goernment )c* allegiance
Q4 ....... is the loe an$ loyalty citi;ens possess 2or their co'ntry.
)a* Bo++yism )+* "m+ition )c* 5atriotism
Q5 Gro'ps #ho #ant changes #ithin the e%isting societal system can ....... la# ma,ing7 goernment o22icials an$
)a* lo++y )+* +'lly )c* t'rno't
Q6 " st'$y or s'rey regar$ing citi;ens- tho'ghts an$ opinions a+o't a certain s'+8ect is calle$ an ....... poll.
)a* s'+8ect )+* man$ate$ )c* opinion
Q7 " gro'p o2 people #ho hae similar interests in min$ an$ #or, together 2or change or action is calle$ an .......
)a* poll )+* citi;en )c* interest
Q8 /he r'les7 la#s an$ reg'lations that g'i$e an$ goern a partic'lar co'ntry are calle$ p'+lic ........
)a* gro'p )+* polls )c* policy
Q9 In$ii$'al 2ree$oms $eclare$ in the IS &onstit'tion7 s'ch as 2ree$om o2 the press7 speech an$ religion7 are
,no#n as ciil ........
)a* li+erties )+* protectionists )c* interests
Q10 Eery "merican citi;en7 oer the age o2 187 has the right to ....... in elections ia prior amen$ments in the IS
)a* ote )+* stan$ )c* oersee
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 81
E"+n+mi"s Q$esti+ns test 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 5eople o2ten li,e to hae a lot o2 material goo$s +'t #ater7 2oo$ an$ shelter are +asic ....... people an$ other
animals reA'ire to stay alie.
)a* #ants )+* nee$s )c* $esires
Q2 1hen someone really li,es a pro$'ct +'t that item is not necessary to stay alie7 the pro$'ct is calle$ a .......
or a l'%'ry.
)a* #ant )+* nee$ )c* reA'irement
Q3 /he earth s'pplies 's #ith many +ea'ti2'l things as #ell as many nat'ral7 ra# materials. /hese 'sa+le
materials are calle$ ........
)a* in$'strial elements )+* nat'ral reso'rces )c* chemical reactions
Q4 /here are many companies that man'2act're pro$'cts an$ cons'mers +'y them. /he pro$'cts that people
+'y are calle$ ........
)a* s'pply )+* serices )c* goo$s
Q5 &ompanies #ill o2ten 'se ra# materials in or$er to t'rn them into 'sa+le pro$'cts that cons'mers nee$ an$
#ant. /his process is calle$ ........
)a* capital )+* man'2act'ring )c* reso'rces
Q6 Some companies7 $on-t speciali;e in man'2act'ring7 +'t rather they $o #or,7 2or a 2ee7 2or other people. /his
#or, in ,no#n as a ........
)a* pro$'ct )+* goo$s )c* serice
Q7 Eery co'ntry e%periences ....... at some point or another. /his is #hen a co'ntry-s #ants are larger than the
aaila+le reso'rces.
)a* lo#Gen$ pro$'cts )+* scarcity )c* goo$s
Q8 1hether it-s a nat'ral reso'rce or not7 eery possi+le 'se o2 a reso'rce is calle$ an ........
)a* opport'nity )+* shortage )c* costs
Q9 "ny item or material that people 'se to man'2act're pro$'cts or 'se in or$er to proi$e serices is calle$ a
)a* shortage )+* reso'rce )c* #or,er
Q10 /here are many companies aro'n$ the #orl$. /he people #ho o#n each in$ii$'al +'siness are calle$
)a* entreprene'rs )+* #or,ers )c* atten$ants
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 82
E"+n+mi"s Q$esti+ns test 728
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 " ....... is the person #ho $irects7 s'perises an$ operates a +'siness or a section o2 a +'siness. /his person
is in a management position +'t is not al#ays the o#ner o2 the company.
)a* #or,er )+* manager )c* #ealthy person
Q2 1hen people or $epartments +ecome highlyGs,ille$ in one area o2 pro$'ction +eca'se they only create or
pro$'ce one item or one part o2 an item7 ....... occ'rs.
)a* la+or )+* serice )c* speciali;ation
Q3 ....... is a system #here pro$'cts or parts o2 pro$'cts moe 2rom one #or,er to another. /his is an e22icient
system that is 'se$ in or$er to man'2act're pro$'cts in a highly pro$'ctie manner.
)a* " la+or shortage )+* " line o2 people )c* "n assem+ly line
Q4 1hen companies split 'p or $ii$e #or,ers- tas,s so that each #or,er per2orms one 8o+ or tas,7 the process is
,no#n as ........
)a* $iision o2 la+or )+* st'$ent lines )c* technology
Q5 9any companies aro'n$ the #orl$ 'se .......7 or ma,e 'se o2 scienti2ic a$ancements7 to man'2act're ne# an$
improe$ pro$'cts eery $ay.
)a* intro$'ctions )+* $iision )c* technology
Q6 ....... store h'ge amo'nts o2 in2ormation #ithin comp'ter systems that #ere not in e%istence 40 years ago.
)a* "$antages )+* 6ata+ases )c* "ssem+ly lines
Q7 In some nations7 people an$ 2amilies are +elo# the poerty leel an$ are in nee$ so they are gien ....... in
or$er to s'rie.
)a* technology )+* #el2are )c* cons'mers
Q8 In a ....... economy7 in$ii$'als an$ +'sinesses o#n an$ ma,e most o2 the $ecisions a+o't reso'rces. In this
type o2 economy7 the people o#n an$ control most o2 the pro$'ction processes.
)a* mo$est )+* mar,et )c* comman$
Q9 In a ....... economy7 in$ii$'als an$ goernments o#n an$ control pro$'ction together. /hey +oth $eci$e ho#
reso'rces #ill +e 'se$7 #hat #ill +e pro$'ce$ an$ #ho #ill +'y an$ 'se the pro$'cts.
)a* mar,et )+* mi%e$ )c* comman$
Q10 1hether +'sinesses man'2act're goo$s or o22er serices7 all o2 the money ta,en in +y a +'siness is calle$
)a* costs )+* la+or )c* reen'e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 83
'ealth and =$triti+n Q$esti+ns Test 718
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 1hen people say they #ant a si% pac,7 they #ant to #or, o't their ....... m'scles in or$er to tone their
)a* a+$ominal )+* leg )c* +icep
Q2 In a$$ition to m'scle +'il$ing e%ercises7 most trainers #ill recommen$ some 2orm o2 ....... 2or a car$ioasc'lar
)a* li2ting #eights )+* protein sha,e )c* aero+ic actiity
Q3 :o#a$ays7 there are many 2orms o2 ....... me$icine s'ch as ac'p'nct're an$ homeopathic reme$ies.
)a* arti2icial )+* calorie )c* alternatie
Q4 " man'2act're$ s'+stance that is 'se$ to s#eeten $rin,s an$ 2oo$ is calle$ a)n* ........
)a* calorie )+* arti2icial s#eetener )c* +acteria
Q5 ....... is 2o'n$ in orange 8'ice an$ is another #or$ 2or 0itamin &.
)a* &ar+ohy$rates )+* "scor+ic aci$ )c* =acteria
Q6 ....... is a s'+stance that is 2o'n$ in many $rin,s an$ 2oo$s s'ch as co22ee an$ chocolate +ars. /his s'+stance
can ,eep yo' a#a,e 2or long perio$s o2 time.
)a* Gelatin )+* Spice )c* &a22eine
Q7 In :orth "merica7 many people eat ....... in the morning 2or +rea,2ast. /his item is p't into a +o#l an$ mil, is
)a* cholesterol )+* cereal )c* pasta
Q8 ....... is 2o'n$ in 2oo$s s'ch as potatoes an$ pasta $ishes.
)a* =atter )+* 6igestion )c* &ar+ohy$rate
Q9 1hen some people go on a $iet7 they co'nt their ....... eery $ay.
)a* chopstic,s )+* $igestion )c* calories
Q10 9any people are trying to ,eep their ....... leels $o#n in or$er to aoi$ heart pro+lems in the 2't're.
)a* cholesterol )+* +atter )c* 2ree;er
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 84
2ater 4di+ms
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 "ltho'gh he ha$ ha$ a +a$ e%perience #ith his +'siness7 he treate$ it as #ater o22 a $'c,-s +ac, D means?
)a* o2 some importance )+* o2 m'ch importance )c* o2 no importance )$* o2 great importance
Q2 3e #as tol$ that the ne# plan he-$ $eelope$ 8'st #o'l$n-t hol$ #ater D means? ........
)a* #o'ln$-t 2loat )+* #o'l$n-t #or, )c* #o'l$n-t s#im )$* #o'l$n-t sin,
Q3 Eery time #e came 'p #ith a ne# proposal7 he #o'l$ thro# col$ #ater on it D means? ........
)a* $isco'rage it )+* $isp'te it )c* $estroy it )$* $isli,e it
Q4 "2ter all the money that she-s +orro#e$ an$ also spent7 she no# 2in$s hersel2 in $eep #ater D means? ........
)a* in $ecline )+* in $espair )c* in $e2eat )$* in tro'+le
Q5 3e-s $eci$e$ to ma,e a 2resh start an$ regar$s all his ol$ pro+lems as #ater 'n$er the +ri$ge D means?
)a* not #orth loo,ing at
)c* not #orth tal,ing a+o't
)+* not #orth #orrying a+o't
)$* not #orth $reaming a+o't
Q6 Cnce he-s earne$ a +it o2 money he imme$iately spen$s it li,e #ater D means? ........
)a* spen$s it on $rin,
)c* spen$s it 2reely
)+* spen$s it eery $ay
)$* spen$s it ery slo#ly
Q7 1heneer she goes to that cl'+ she al#ays 2eels li,e a 2ish o't o2 #ater D means? ........
)a* 'ncom2orta+le )+* slippery )c* $ry )$* tire$
Q8 It-s many years since #e last met an$ a lot o2 #ater has passe$ 'n$er the +ri$ge since then D means? ........
)a* a lot has 2loate$ )+* a lot has $ri2te$ )c* a lot has 2allen )$* a lot has happene$
Q9 /he 8e#els in that sho#case are clearly o2 the 2irst #ater D means? ........
)a* o2 high al'e )+* o2 high A'ality )c* o2 high rep'tation )$* o2 high $ensity
Q10 /heir 8o+ as a$isers #as to po'r oil on tro'+le$ #aters D means? ........
)a* ma,e things $amper )+* mi% things +etter )c* calm things $o#n )$* pic, things 'p
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 85
3ir 4di+ms
"ns#ers In$e%
Q1 6on-t #orry a+o't her7 she al#ays gies hersel2 airs an$ graces D means? ........
)a* She al#ays #al,s li,e that
)c* She al#ays thin,s she-s ery important
)+* She al#ays moes aro'n$ li,e a clo'$
)$* She al#ays gies hersel2 plenty o2 time
Q2 I honestly thin, the time has come to clear the air D means? ........
)a* to open the #in$o#s
)c* to get ri$ o2 the smo,e
)+* to loo, at things more care2'lly
)$* to ma,e things simpler
Q3 /here-s a lot o2 $isc'ssion in the air a+o't it D means? ........
)a* that-s not $e2inite
)c* that-s not present
)+* that-s not aaila+le
)$* that-s not open
Q4 I $on-t ,no# a+o't yo' +'t I 2eel li,e ta,ing the air at the moment D means? ........
)a* going shopping )+* going 2or a #al, )c* going 2or a $rin, )$* going to eat
Q5 C'r holi$ay plans are 'p in the air at the moment D means? ........
)a* in$e2inite )+* sche$'le$ )c* postpone$ )$* $elaye$
Q6 1hen I tol$ him the ne#s7 he #ent 'p in the air D means? ........
)a* he 8'mpe$ 'p )+* he 2ell oer )c* he +ecame $i;;y )$* he +ecame angry
Q7 4o' ,no# #hat they-re li,e. /hey 8'st tal,e$ a lot o2 hot air D means? ........
)a* 'nclear sentences )+* empty promises )c* in$e2inite plans )$* po#er2'l #or$s
Q8 "s soon as they hear$ the ne#s7 they #ere #al,ing on air D means? ........
)a* #ere ery shoc,e$ )+* #ere ery angry )c* #ere ery happy )$* #ere ery polite
Q9 /he ra$io play is on the air later tonight D means? ........
)a* +eing +roa$cast )+* +eing planne$ )c* +eing rehearse$ )$* +eing recor$e$
Q10 /he concert is +eing playe$ in the open air on S'n$ay D means? ........
)a* eery#here )+* some#here )c* there )$* o'tsi$e
English Grammar
)"ns#er Jeys*
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 1 )"ns#er Jeys*
Speaking already
@'estions In$e%
31 &an yo' hear #hat he is saying5
ans#er? )a* saying
32 She hasn-t come home yet&
ans#er? )c* yet
33 I .at"hed /0 yester$ay eening.
ans#er? )$* #atche$
34 1e lie near the city centre.
ans#er? )a* near
35 She loo,s like a 2amo's 2ilm star.
ans#er? )+* li,e
36 /his teleision gies yo' the latest ne#s.
ans#er? )+* latest
37 I only made one mista,e in last night-s test.
ans#er? )a* ma$e
38 I #ant yo' to tell me the .h+le tr'th.
ans#er? )$* #hole
39 3e is loo,ing #+r a present to +'y his girl2rien$.
ans#er? )a* 2or
310 /hat-s #hat I #o'l$ li,e #+r &hristmas.
ans#er? )a* 2or
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 2 )"ns#er Jeys*
ri!e "are#$lly
@'estions In$e%
31 4o' m'st not $rin, an$ then dri!e a car.
ans#er? )+* $rie
32 5lease +e "are#$l #hen yo' cross this roa$.
ans#er? )$* care2'l
33 6o #hat yo' li,e7 I really $on-t mind&
ans#er? )$* min$
34 I2 yo' #ant to -+rr+. that +oo,7 remem+er to +ring it +ac,.
ans#er? )a* +orro#
35 1hen yo'r train arries7 I-ll #et"h yo' 2rom the station.
ans#er? )c* 2etch
36 I al#ays get $p early in the s'mmer.
ans#er? )a* 'p
37 1hen yo' 2irst meet someone7 yo' 's'ally sha,e them -y the han$.
ans#er? )$* +y
38 I hae neer seen her +e2ore.
ans#er? )c* seen
39 /he teacher as,e$ her st'$ents to $o their h+me.+rk&
ans#er? )+* home#or,
310 /he police o22icer tol$ the chil$ren al#ays to tell the tr$th&
ans#er? )$* tr'th
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 3 )"ns#er Jeys*
%isten !s& 'ear
@'estions In$e%
31 I-m terri+ly sorry +'t I didnBt hear #hat yo' sai$ 8'st no# an$ I #on$er i2 yo' co'l$ repeat it.
ans#er? )c* $i$n-t hear
32 I listened attentiely to the lect're on philosophy +'t I still $i$n-t 'n$erstan$ m'ch o2 it.
ans#er? )+* listene$
33 &an yo' hear me all right oer there +eca'se yo' are rather a long #ay a#ay(
ans#er? )$* hear
34 I hear #hat yo' are saying +'t that still $oesn-t ma,e me #ant to change my min$ one little +it.
ans#er? )+* hear
35 I listen to the concert eery 9on$ay on the ra$io an$ I imagine I am there listening to it in person.
ans#er? )a* listen
36 I sho'l$ e%plain that he 2in$s it ery $i22ic'lt to 2ollo# yo'r conersation +eca'se he is ery har$ o2 hearing&
ans#er? )$* hearing
37 :o# #ill yo' please listen t+ me an$ pay attention to #hat I-m saying +eca'se it-s ery important.
ans#er? )+* listen to
38 4o'-e +een ma,ing so m'ch noise #ith yo'r m'sic that people at the 2ar en$ o2 the roa$ can hear yo'.
ans#er? )c* hear
39 3e sometimes preten$s he can-t hear a single #or$ yo' are saying +'t all the time he-s ta,ing it all in.
ans#er? )c* hear
310 I hae +een hearing strange stories a+o't yo' recently +'t I $o hope that there is no s'+stance in them.
ans#er? )$* hearing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 4 )"ns#er Jeys*
(inish !s& End
@'estions In$e%
31 /he +rothers #ill #insih school +oth together at the en$ o2 this year.
ans#er? )c* 2inish
32 /hey #ante$ their $a'ghter to improe her social s,ills an$ sent her to the 2amo's #inishing school in
ans#er? )$* 2inishing
33 4o' can-t miss it7 it-s that tall +'il$ing right at the end o2 the roa$.
ans#er? )a* en$
34 Sa$ly their marriage o2 25 years ended in $iorce.
ans#er? )+* en$e$
35 It $i$n-t ta,e long 2or the chil$ren to #inish o22 the ca,es an$ pastries that ha$ not +een eaten at the party.
ans#er? )c* 2inish
36 3e tho'ght they #o'l$ all share the cost o2 the meal +'t 'n2ort'nately he ended 'p paying 2or eery+o$y.
ans#er? )+* en$e$
37 "2ter the chil$ren ha$ #inished $oing their home#or,7 the #hole 2amily #atche$ teleision.
ans#er? )$* 2inishe$
38 4o' co'l$ tell the time +y him +eca'se he al#ays #inished #or, at e%actly the same time eery $ay.
ans#er? )$* 2inishe$
39 I-e #ritten practically the #hole +oo, e%cept 2or the last part an$ I 8'st $on-t ,no# ho# to end the story.
ans#er? )a* en$
310 /o most people it seeme$ li,e a long an$ s'ccess2'l relationship an$ so it #as a great s'rprise to learn that
they ha$ #inished #ith each other.
ans#er? )$* 2inishe$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 5 )"ns#er Jeys*
Start !s& )egin
@'estions In$e%
31 I started my car to ma,e s're it #or,e$ a+o't ten mint'es +e2ore I $roe to #or,.
ans#er? )+* starte$
32 9y car ery rarely starts 2irst time #hen the #eather is really col$.
ans#er? )$* starts
33 1e started o22 early on the 2irst $ay o2 s'mmer so that #e co'l$ see the s'n rise.
ans#er? )+* starte$
34 I rea$ the -eginning o2 that +oo, +'t I co'l$n-t possi+ly rea$ the #hole story.
ans#er? )c* +eginning
35 I can-t -egin to 'n$erstan$ #hy anyone #o'l$ #ant to +e cr'el to animals.
ans#er? )+* +egin
36 3e started o22 at me again simply +eca'se I ha$ 2orgotten to loc, the +ac, $oor a2ter I came home.
ans#er? )a* starte$
37 I #on a lot o2 money +y +etting on that horse +'t it #as simply a case o2 -eginnerBs l'c,.
ans#er? )c* +eginner-s
38 "s 2ar as I #as concerne$ #hen the acci$ent happene$7 it #as the -eginning o2 the en$.
ans#er? )$* +eginning
39 1ho #o'l$ li,e to start o22 the $e+ate(
ans#er? )+* start
310 I #o'l$ greatly appreciate it i2 yo' $i$n-t start 'p that ol$ arg'ment again.
ans#er? )a* start
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 6 )"ns#er Jeys*
*+dal ,er-s
@'estions In$e%
31 I had t+ go to see the $octor last #ee, +eca'se I #as ery ill.
ans#er? )c* ha$ to
32 I co'l$ ha!e +o'ght that car +'t I $i$n-t hae eno'gh money to pay 2or the petrol.
ans#er? )+* hae
33 I ha!e t+ go no# +eca'se I am alrea$y late 2or my class.
ans#er? )c* hae to
34 I may -e a+le to come to yo'r party i2 I hae the time.
ans#er? )a* +e
35 6o yo' ha!e t+ clean the ho'se eery $ay or eery #ee,(
ans#er? )c* hae to
36 I "an spea, <rench #itho't a pro+lem no# +eca'se I hae ha$ many lessons.
ans#er? )+* can
37 /hey d+nBt ha!e t+ $o their home#or, to$ay +eca'se it is a holi$ay at the school.
ans#er? )c* $on-t hae to
38 I +$ght t+ help yo' #ith yo'r shopping +eca'se yo' hae a lot o2 +ags.
ans#er? )+* o'ght to
39 1hen #ill yo' -e a-le t+ come an$ see 's in o'r ne# ho'se(
ans#er? )+* +e a+le to
310 I may ha!e t+ go to 5aris ne%t #ee, +eca'se there is a ery +ig e%hi+ition there.
ans#er? )+* hae to
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 7 )"ns#er Jeys*
'+. t+ $se the arti"les
@'estions In$e%
31 I only #ant a little s'gar in my tea7 please.
ans#er? )a* a
32 In the en$ #e $eci$e$ not to go to the cinema +'t to #atch teleision.
ans#er? )a* the
33 It is important sometimes to stop an$ loo, aro'n$ yo' at all the #on$er2'l things in nat$re&
ans#er? )+* in nat're
34 It is the #$nniest +oo, that I hae eer rea$.
ans#er? )c* the 2'nniest
35 I #ant to go to the cinema to see a 2ilm a+o't (ran"e an$ the <rench.
ans#er? )a* <rance
36 &an anyone gie me a hand please +eca'se I hae 8'st 2allen oer(
ans#er? )+* a han$
37 /he interesting thing a+o't the /+mans is all the roa$s that they +'ilt in =ritain.
ans#er? )c* the >omans
38 She al#ays sai$ that #hen she gre# 'p she #ante$ to +e a d+"t+r&
ans#er? )+* a $octor
39 I hae le2t my +oo, in the kit"hen an$ I #o'l$ li,e yo' to get it 2or me.
ans#er? )c* the ,itchen
310 "re yo' st'$ying 2oreign lang'ages at school7 li,e (ren"h5
ans#er? )a* <rench
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 8 )"ns#er Jeys*
/elati!e 0r+n+$ns
@'estions In$e%
31 2h+ is that sitting oer there in the corner(
ans#er? )a* 1ho
32 I $on-t 'n$erstan$ a #or$ that yo' are tal,ing a+o't.
ans#er? )+* that
33 /hey hae a ery large ho'se ro'n$ .hi"h there are some loely gar$ens.
ans#er? )+* #hich
34 I-m loo,ing at the photograph .hi"h yo' sent me #ith yo'r letter.
ans#er? )a* #hich
35 /here is a ne# teleision programme calle$? -2h+ #ants to +e a millionaire(-.
ans#er? )c* 1ho
36 I thin, yo' #ill see that this is the +est m'se'm that yo' can 2in$ in the to#n.
ans#er? )a* that
37 /he police #ant to 2in$ o't .h+ $roe the re$ car into the shop #in$o#.
ans#er? )a* #ho
38 6i$ yo' meet the la$y .h+se 'ncle #or,s in the li+rary(
ans#er? )+* #hose
39 /he person in the ho'se ne%t to mine ,no#s someone .h+ met the @'een.
ans#er? )a* #ho
310 /he grass7 .hi"h I c't eery #ee,7 seems to gro# ery A'ic,ly.
ans#er? )c* #hich
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 9 )"ns#er Jeys*
0resent Tense
@'estions In$e%
31 I see her eery $ay an$ she neer says hello to me.
ans#er? )a* see
32 1hat is the name o2 that pict're #hich yo' are l++king at on the #all.
ans#er? )c* are loo,ing at
33 3re y+$ g+ing to see that 2ilm that is on at the cinema ne%t #ee,(
ans#er? )c* "re yo' going
34 + y+$ -elie!e eery single thing #hich that man says(
ans#er? )a* 6o yo' +eliee
35 Sometimes I d+nBt $nderstand #hat the teacher says to me.
ans#er? )a* $on-t 'n$erstan$
36 Bater tonight I am !isiting my 'ncle7 #ho is ill in hospital.
ans#er? )+* am isiting
37 1hy is he late eery time #e arrange to meet(
ans#er? )a* is he
38 4 d+nBt +#ten tra!el +y air +eca'se the cost o2 2lying is ery high.
ans#er? )a* I $on-t o2ten trael
39 :e%t time yo' "+me to my ho'se7 yo' m'st +ring that +oo,.
ans#er? )a* come
310 I am trying to remem+er yo'r name +'t I-m a2rai$ I can-t remem+er it.
ans#er? )+* am trying
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 10 )"ns#er Jeys*
@'estions In$e%
31 I2 I #in the lottery7 I .ill +'y yo' a ery +ig car as a present.
ans#er? )+* #ill
32 4# I +o'ght yo' a ne# car7 #o'l$ yo' +e ery happy(
ans#er? )+* I2
33 I2 yo' had got that 8o+7 #o'l$ yo' hae +een a+le to moe to a ne# ho'se(
ans#er? )+* ha$
34 I #o'l$ #ant ery m'ch to moe to a ne# ho'se i2 I had that 8o+.
ans#er? )c* ha$
35 1ill yo' come to $inner #ith 's i2 #e #ind a +a+ysitter 2or yo'(
ans#er? )c* 2in$
36 I #ill try ery har$ to come an$ hae $inner at yo'r ho'se i2 I am a+le to.
ans#er? )a* am
37 I2 I .ere yo'7 I sho'l$ #or, ery har$ so that I co'l$ earn more money.
ans#er? )+* #ere
38 3re yo' a+le to len$ me some money i2 I promise yo' that yo' #ill get it +ac, ery soon(
ans#er? )a* "re
39 I2 yo' really #ant to +e help2'l7 then yo' ha!e to tell me the tr'th.
ans#er? )a* hae
310 I2 I had tried ery har$7 I #o'l$ hae +een a+le to stop smo,ing.
ans#er? )c* ha$ trie$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 11 )"ns#er Jeys*
2e .ent +n h+liday
@'estions In$e%
31 I e%pect yo' thin, I-m st$pid +eca'se I $on-t 'n$erstan$ that.
ans#er? )+* st'pi$
32 6oes anyone honestly -elie!e #hat a politician says no#a$ays(
ans#er? )c* +eliee
33 I-m s're yo'-re A'ite right +'t many people $isagree #ith yo'.
ans#er? )+* right
34 6o yo' ,no# #here the 5resi$ent o2 "merica li!es5
ans#er? )+* lies
35 I-e trie$ those ta+lets an$ they haen-t $one me any g++d&
ans#er? )+* goo$
36 I-m going a.ay 2or a 2e# $ays so $on-t sen$ me any more #or,.
ans#er? )$* a#ay
37 /his s'mmer #e #ent +n holi$ay to Greece.
ans#er? )a* on
38 I2 yo' can-t reach me at home7 sen$ me a letter&
ans#er? )c* letter
39 I +eliee it is p+lite to hol$ a $oor open 2or a la$y.
ans#er? )+* polite
310 It is consi$ere$ +a$ manners to sho't at someone.
ans#er? )c* manners
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 12 )"ns#er Jeys*
Grammar Q$esti+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 1hich o2 these is a no'n( It is thing&
ans#er? )a* thing
32 1hich o2 these is a passie sentence( It is 'eBs -een taken there&
ans#er? )+* 3e-s +een ta,en there
33 1hich o2 these is a preposition( It is thr+$gh&
ans#er? )c* thro'gh
34 1hich o2 these tenses is 5ast 5er2ect Simple( It is She had la$ghed&
ans#er? )a* She ha$ la'ghe$
35 1hich o2 these is an a$er+( It is ?$i"kly&
ans#er? )a* A'ic,ly
36 1hich o2 these tenses is 5resent Simple( It is 'e speaks&
ans#er? )c* 3e spea,s
37 1hich o2 these is an a$8ectie( It is hard&
ans#er? )a* har$
38 1hich o2 these is a personal prono'n( It is they&
ans#er? )+* they
39 1hich o2 these is a ger'n$( It is g+ing&
ans#er? )c* going
310 1hich o2 these is a past participle( It is -elie!ed&
ans#er? )+* +eliee$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 13 )"ns#er Jeys*
3n Easy Q$esti+n
@'estions In$e%
31 1hat e%ercise $o yo' li,e $oing -est o2 all(
ans#er? )+* +est
32 /hat-s a goo$ A'estion +'t I nee$ time to thin, a+o't it.
ans#er? )a* time
33 6on-t #orry7 there-s no nee$ to ans#er immediately I-m not in a h'rry.
ans#er? )c* imme$iately
34 /here are so many things that it-s $i22ic'lt to "h++se&
ans#er? )$* choose
35 Ch7 come on it-s s$rely not that $i22ic'lt.
ans#er? )$* s'rely
36 1ell7 I thin, it is an$ I re"k+n it-s an impossi+le A'estion to ans#er.
ans#er? )+* rec,on
37 6o yo' #ant me to make it easier 2or yo'(
ans#er? )a* ma,e
38 4es7 I-$ ery m'ch appre"iate that.
ans#er? )c* appreciate
39 "ll right let me as, yo' #hat yo' li,e $oing least o2 all5
ans#er? )+* all
310 Ch7 that-s easy D trying to ans#er this testE
ans#er? )a* trying
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 14 )"ns#er Jeys*
%earn it -y heart
@'estions In$e%
31 I s+metimes $on-t ,no# ho# to learn ne# #or$s +y heart.
ans#er? )+* sometimes
32 I o2ten rea$ short articles a-+$t pets in my 2ao'rite maga;ine.
ans#er? )c* a+o't
33 I thin, learning sh+$ld +e interesting +eca'se other#ise yo' #o'l$n-t eer +e a+le to s'ccee$.
ans#er? )+* sho'l$
34 4o' #ill pro+a+ly agree .ith me.
ans#er? )a* #ith
35 I2 yo' hae a A'estion please 2eel #ree to as,.
ans#er? )c* 2ree
36 /han, yo' ery m'ch in$ee$7 that-s ery ,in$ +# yo'.
ans#er? )c* o2
37 1e are really gla$ to hae yo' as o'r "$st+mers an$ #e #ill ta,e goo$ care o2 yo'.
ans#er? )+* c'stomers
38 <or the #hole o2 ne%t #ee, #e are planning to sell o'r ne# $ictionaries at a special pri"e&
ans#er? )a* price
39 "s o2 no# #e still $on-t ,no# i2 #e #ill +e a-le to 2'l2il o'r contract.
ans#er? )+* a+le
310 6on-t #orry7 #e are A'ite 2le%i+le an$ can ma,e changes at any time #hatsoeer.
ans#er? )+* any
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 15 )"ns#er Jeys*
2hite 2ater /a#ting
@'estions In$e%
31 4o' m'st a$mit 2lying in a hot air +alloon is an ama;ing e:perien"e&
ans#er? )+* e%perience
32 &an yo' remem+er the last time yo' had s'ch an e%citing time(
ans#er? )c* ha$
33 /o +e honest7 I hae neer #l+.n in a +alloon.
ans#er? )+* 2lo#n
34 >eally7 then it-s a+o't time yo' trie$ it +$t&
ans#er? )+* o't
35 "re yo' really s'ggesting that #e sh+$ld act'ally get into one o2 those ri$ic'lo's things(
ans#er? )c* sho'l$
36 1hy not( /here is nothing to +e a#raid o2. "2ter all it #on-t +e 8'st 's in the +alloon.
ans#er? )+* a2rai$
37 4o' m'st +e 8o,ing. 3ae yo' 2orgotten ho# terri+le I 2elt the last time #e #ent some#here -y plane(
ans#er? )c* +y
38 Ch7 come on. 1hy $o yo' hae to +e s'ch a ,ill 9+y&
ans#er? )a* 8oy
39 /hat-s not 2air. 4o' ,no# 2'll .ell #hat it 2eels li,e to +e #orrie$ sic, #hen eeryone else is la'ghing at yo'.
ans#er? )+* #ell
310 "ll right yo' #in. I promise I #on-t +ring it $p again. 1hy $on-t 8'st #e go #hite #ater ra2ting instea$(
ans#er? )+* 'p
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 16 )"ns#er Jeys*
2here am 45
@'estions In$e%
31 E%c'se me I .+nder i2 yo' can help me.
ans#er? )$* #on$er
32 I certainly #ill i2 I "an&
ans#er? )+* can
33 1ell7 my pr+-lem is that I-m lost.
ans#er? )a* pro+lem
34 I see yo' hae a map in yo'r car.
ans#er? )c* map
35 4es7 I hae +'t I can-t #+ll+. it.
ans#er? )$* 2ollo#
36 :o#7 #here are yo' making 2or(
ans#er? )$* ma,ing
37 I #ant to get to :'t2iel$ "en'e.
ans#er? )+* get
38 I $on-t thin, that-s going to +e hard&
ans#er? )a* har$
39 1hy $o yo' say that(
ans#er? )c* say
310 =eca'se yo'-re in that roa$ right no#.
ans#er? )$* right
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 17 )"ns#er Jeys*
/em+!e the Sp++n
@'estions In$e%
31 1hat seems to +e the tro'+le(
ans#er? )c* seems
32 It happens eery time I $rin, a c'p o2 tea.
ans#er? )a* happens
33 &an yo' gie me a little more detail5
ans#er? )c* $etail
34 1ell7 I get a pain in my right eye eery time I $rin, a c'p o2 tea.
ans#er? )$* pain
35 6o yo' $rin, a l+t o2 tea #ith s'gar(
ans#er? )+* lot
36 4es7 I d+&
ans#er? )c* $o
37 I can-t p+ssi-ly gie 'p $rin,ing tea7 $octor.
ans#er? )+* possi+ly
38 I-m not asking yo' to $o that +'t ne%t time yo' $rin, tea #ith s'gar...
ans#er? )$* as,ing
39 4es7 $octor I-m sorry I interr$pted yo'.
ans#er? )c* interr'pte$
310 :e%t time yo' $rin, tea #ith s'gar7 $on-t 2orget to rem+!e the spoon.
ans#er? )$* remoe
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 18 )"ns#er Jeys*
2eather (+re"ast
@'estions In$e%
31 :o# let-s go +!er to o'r #eather 2orecaster7 9ary.
ans#er? )c* oer
32 4es7 than, yo' an$ I-m a2rai$ it-s not l++king ery +right at the moment.
ans#er? )$* loo,ing
33 /he tro'+le is that there are some ery hea!y rain clo'$s oer the north.
ans#er? )+* heay
34 /hese #ill pr+d$"e some rain2all later this morning.
ans#er? )c* pro$'ce
35 /hen the clo'$s #ill m+!e 2'rther so'th in the a2ternoon.
ans#er? )$* moe
36 "n$ +y early eening the .h+le co'ntry #ill see the rain.
ans#er? )a* #hole
37 ='t things #ill impr+!e tomorro#.
ans#er? )$* improe
38 In the early morning the s'n #ill ma,e an appearan"e&
ans#er? )+* appearance
39 ='t yo'-ll hae to +e A'ic, +eca'se it soon disappears&
ans#er? )$* $isappears
310 "n$ o2 co'rse a2ter that o'r ol$ 2rien$ rain ret$rns&
ans#er? )c* ret'rns
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 19 )"ns#er Jeys*
6n T, t+night
@'estions In$e%
31 Goo$ eening. Bet me tell yo' #hat-s in st+re 2or yo' on teleision tonight
ans#er? )c* store
32 It #ill +e a +it o2 a mi%e$ -ag&
ans#er? )$* +ag
33 /o start .ith #e hae come$y.
ans#er? )a* #ith
34 /his #ill +e a programme presenting that p+p$lar come$ian7 George =lair.
ans#er? )+* pop'lar
35 "2ter that #e hae the reg$lar sho# on the latest hits.
ans#er? )c* reg'lar
36 :e%t #e-ll hae the latest ne#s.
ans#er? )a* latest
37 /his #ill +e rea$ +y the ery pretty ne.s"aster 5enny Bane.
ans#er? )+* ne#scaster
38 "t least I thin, she-s ery pretty.
ans#er? )$* least
39 "n$ the 2ollo#ing programmes are all -+ring as 2ar as I-m concerne$.
ans#er? )a* +oring
310 =eca'se a2ter the ne#s 5enny an$ I are g+ing on a $ate.
ans#er? )c* going
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 20 )"ns#er Jeys*
The )ells
@'estions In$e%
31 6on-t yo' think those +ells..(
ans#er? )c* thin,
32 I-m a.#$lly sorry I can-t hear a #or$ yo'-re saying.
ans#er? )$* a#2'lly
33 3ll I #as trying to say #as.
ans#er? )a* "ll
34 Sorry yo'-ll hae to spea, $p&
ans#er? )+* 'p
35 I-ll hae one more g+ an$ then..
ans#er? )c* go
36 It-s no $se I can-t hear yo'.
ans#er? )$* 'se
37 :o# I-e sh't the #in$o# an$ I-ll ma,e one more attempt&
ans#er? )a* attempt
38 I simply #ante$ to say.
ans#er? )+* simply
39 "h that-s m$"h +etter no# I can-t hear those a#2'l +ells. :o# #hat #as it yo' #ante$ to say(
ans#er? )$* m'ch
310 It $oesn-t really matter no#. I 8'st #ante$ to say ho# +ea'ti2'l the +ells so'n$e$.
ans#er? )a* matter
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 21 )"ns#er Jeys*
@'estions In$e%
31 Tell me #hat $i$ yo' $o at the #ee,en$(
ans#er? )$* /ell
32 Ch7 it #as a complete disasterH
ans#er? )c* $isaster
33 1hy7 #hat happened5
ans#er? )a* happene$
34 1ell7 the plan #as to go sailing.
ans#er? )c* plan
35 /hat s+$nds interesting.
ans#er? )$* so'n$s
36 In the+ry I agree.
ans#er? )c* theory
37 ='t not in pra"ti"e7 eh(
ans#er? )+* practice
38 E%actly7 in 2act I almost dr+.ned&
ans#er? )$* $ro#ne$
39 /hat m$st hae +een horri+le. So #hat are yo' $oing this #ee,en$(
ans#er? )a* m'st
310 I-m starting a "+$rse o2 s#imming lessons.
ans#er? )+* co'rse
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 22 )"ns#er Jeys*
/esp+nses 718
@'estions In$e%
31 9i,e? I li,e anything to $o #ith sport. + y+$5
ans#er? )c* 6o yo'(
32 9i,e? 1e #ent to 5aris last s'mmer.
Fane? 4B!e ne!er -een there&
ans#er? )$* I-e neer +een there.
33 9i,e? She al#ays goes to #or, on a +i,e.
Fane? She m$st -e !ery healthy&
ans#er? )+* She m'st +e ery healthy.
34 9i,e? /hey #ent on stri,e last #ee,.
Fane? 2hat +n earth #+r5
ans#er? )a* 1hat on earth 2or(
35 9i,e? 9ore people $ie 2rom eating 2atty 2oo$ than 2rom smo,ing.
Fane? @+$ m$st -e 9+kingH
ans#er? )$* 4o' m'st +e 8o,ingE
36 9i,e? 4o' ,no# he 2aile$ all his e%aminations(
Fane? 4 d+nBt -elie!e it&
ans#er? )+* I $on-t +eliee it.
37 9i,e? It-s getting ery late7 #e m'st h'rry 'p.
Fane? 0+int taken&
ans#er? )c* 5oint ta,en.
38 9i,e? I haen-t stoppe$ #or,ing 2or eight ho'rs to$ay.
Fane? *y heart -leeds #+r y+$&
ans#er? )a* 9y heart +lee$s 2or yo'.
39 9i,e? 4o' ,no# the +oss #ill +e angry #ith yo'.
Fane? 4 d+nBt "are&
ans#er? )$* I $on-t care.
310 9i,e? I #on$er i2 yo' co'l$ help me #ith this pro+lem.
Fane? Try me&
ans#er? )+* /ry me.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 23 )"ns#er Jeys*
/esp+nses 728
@'estions In$e%
31 9i,e? -I 8'st can-t ma,e my min$ 'p. 1hat $o yo' thin,(-
Fane? -4tBs $p t+ y+$&B
ans#er? )+* It-s 'p to yo'.
32 9i,e? -3ello. I #on$er i2 yo'-re intereste$ in ne# $o'+leGgla;ing.-
Fane? -4Bm really n+t interested&B
ans#er? )a* I-m really not intereste$.
33 9i,e? -3e o22ere$ me a 50H $isco'nt. 1hat sho'l$ I $o(-
Fane? -)ite his hand +##&B
ans#er? )$* =ite his han$ o22.
34 9i,e? -I nee$ some s'pport7 right no#.-
Fane? -2ell; y+$ "an "+$nt +n me&B
ans#er? )c* 1ell7 yo' can co'nt on me.
35 9i,e? -/hey haen-t sent me the +ill 2or a year no#. 1hat #o'l$ yo' $o(-
Fane? -4Bd simply #+rget it&B
ans#er? )+* I-$ simply 2orget it.
36 9i,e? -&an yo' e%plain #hy she $i$ that(-
Fane? -'ea!en +nly kn+.s&B
ans#er? )$* 3eaen only ,no#s.
37 9i,e? -6o yo' thin, he-ll +e the ne%t 5resi$ent(-
Fane? -@+$r g$ess is as g++d as mine&B
ans#er? )a* 4o'r g'ess is as goo$ as mine.
38 9i,e? -/hat-s the 16th 8o+ interie# I-e 2aile$. 1hat sho'l$ I $o(-
Fane? -+nBt gi!e $p&B
ans#er? )c* 6on-t gie 'p.
39 9i,e? -I-m ta,ing my $riing test tomorro#.-
Fane? -G++d l$"k&B
ans#er? )+* Goo$ l'c,.
310 =oss? -"n$ this is o'r ne# employee.-
Fane? -'+. d+ y+$ d+5B
ans#er? )$* 3o# $o yo' $o(
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 24 )"ns#er Jeys*
/esp+nses 738
@'estions In$e%
31 9i,e? -I co'l$ try another so'rce i2 yo' li,e.-
Fane? -ThereBs n+ p+int&B
ans#er? )a* /here-s no point.
32 9i,e? -I co'l$ gie yo' a li2t to the station.-
Fane? -ThereBs n+ need&B
ans#er? )$* /here-s no nee$.
33 9i,e? -I s'ppose they might get the contract.-
Fane? -ThereBs little "han"e +# that&B
ans#er? )c* /here-s little chance o2 that.
34 9i,e? -I2 the party #ins the ne%t +yGelection7 things might get +etter.-
Fane? -ThereBs n+ "han"e +# that&B
ans#er? )+* /here-s no chance o2 that.
35 9i,e? -1hat $o yo' thin, are the chances o2 2in$ing people still alie(-
Fane? -ThereBs little h+pe; really&B
ans#er? )$* /here-s little hope7 really.
36 9i,e? -I hope I haen-t le2t it too late to apply.-
Fane? -ThereBs still time&B
ans#er? )c* /here-s still time.
37 9i,e? -I #on$er #hat she-ll get 'p to ne%t.-
Fane? -ThereBs n+ kn+.ing&B
ans#er? )+* /here-s no ,no#ing.
38 9i,e? -I #on$er i2 #e co'l$ call at the post o22ice 2irst.-
Fane? -ThereBs n+ time&B
ans#er? )a* /here-s no time.
39 9i,e? -4o' 8'st can-t +eliee #hat they-ll thin, 'p ne%t7 can yo'(-
Fane? -ThereBs n+ saying&B
ans#er? )c* /here-s no saying.
310 9i,e? -I 8'st thin, they-e #aste$ their time7 $on-t yo'(-
Fane? -ThereBs n+ denying it&B
ans#er? )$* /here-s no $enying it.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 25 )"ns#er Jeys*
/esp+nses 748
@'estions In$e%
31 9i,e? -6o yo' ,no# #hat I $i$ last night(-
Fane? -4 shrink t+ think&B
ans#er? )a* I shrin, to thin,.
32 9i,e? -I +et yo' $on-t ,no# #hat happene$ at the party(-
Fane? -4 "anBt imagine&B
ans#er? )$* I can-t imagine.
33 9i,e? -6o yo' ,no# ho# m'ch the +ill has come to(-
Fane? -4 darenBt think&B
ans#er? )+* I $aren-t thin,.
34 9i,e? -G'ess ho# m'ch income ta% I pay.-
Fane? -4 ha!enBt a "l$e&B
ans#er? )$* I haen-t a cl'e.
35 9i,e? -/hen yo' a$$ the sA'are root an$ m'ltiply +y 677 $o yo' 2ollo#(-
Fane? -S+rry; itBs -ey+nd me&B
ans#er? )c* Sorry7 it-s +eyon$ me.
36 9i,e? -6o yo' 'n$erstan$ #hat he-s on a+o't(-
Fane? -=+; itBs .ay a-+!e my head&B
ans#er? )$* :o7 it-s #ay a+oe my hea$.
37 9i,e? -I ass'me yo'-re 2ollo#ing the arg'ment7 aren-t yo'.-
Fane? -=+; itBs all Greek t+ me&B
ans#er? )+* :o7 it-s all Gree, to me.
38 9i,e? -It-s ama;ing #hen yo' learn #hat technology can $o7 isn-t it(-
Fane? -The mind -+ggles&B
ans#er? )$* /he min$ +oggles.
39 9i,e? -So #hat $o yo' thin, is the ans#er(-
Fane? -=+ idea&B
ans#er? )a* :o i$ea.
310 9i,e? -/hen yo' ta,e a#ay the 2irst n'm+er D are yo' #ith me(-
Fane? -=+; y+$B!e l+st me&B
ans#er? )$* :o7 yo'-e lost me.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 26 )"ns#er Jeys*
/esp+nses 758
@'estions In$e%
31 Fill? -I-m so con2'se$7 I $on-t ,no# #hat to $o.-
<ran,? -Take it easy&B
ans#er? )+* /a,e it easy.
32 Fill? -1hat shall I $o D I-m in a terri+le stateE-
<ran,? -1alm d+.n&B
ans#er? )$* &alm $o#n.
33 Fill? -I-m a2rai$ I-e 8'st +ro,en the han$le.-
<ran,? -+nBt .+rry&B
ans#er? )c* 6on-t #orry.
34 Fill? -I hope no+o$y min$s i2 I leae early.-
<ran,? -4tBll -e all right&B
ans#er? )a* It-ll +e all right.
35 Fill? -It-s going to cost a lot o2 money to p't right7 I-m a2rai$.-
<ran,? -4tBs n+t the end +# the .+rld&B
ans#er? )+* It-s not the en$ o2 the #orl$.
36 Fill? -I $o hope they ma,e it tonight D it-s ery late yo' ,no#.-
<ran,? -TheyBre -+$nd t+ "+me&B
ans#er? )$* /hey-re +o'n$ to come.
37 Fill? -I $on-t thin, I can stan$ m'ch more o2 this.-
<ran,? -The .+rst is +!er&B
ans#er? )c* /he #orst is oer.
38 Fill? -1hat-s yo'r ie# o2 #hat-s coming ne%t(-
<ran,? -Things "an +nly get -etter&B
ans#er? )+* /hings can only get +etter.
39 Fill? -I-e lost eerything my 8o+7 my ho'se7 my money D #hat sho'l$ I $o(-
<ran,? -1+$nt y+$r -lessings&B
ans#er? )a* &o'nt yo'r +lessings.
310 Fill? -I-m ery $epresse$ at the moment7 sorry.-
<ran,? -1hin $p&B
ans#er? )$* &hin 'p.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 27 )"ns#er Jeys*
/esp+nses 768
@'estions In$e%
31 Fohn? -/han, yo' so m'ch.-
S'e? -=+ pr+-lem&B
ans#er? )a* :o pro+lem.
32 Fohn? -I am most grate2'l.-
S'e? -@+$Bre .el"+me&B
ans#er? )c* 4o'-re #elcome.
33 Fohn? -/han, yo' ery m'ch 2or helping me.-
S'e? -+nBt menti+n it&B
ans#er? )$* 6on-t mention it.
34 Fohn? -/hat #as ery tho'ght2'l o2 yo' to $o that.-
S'e? -(+rget it&B
ans#er? )+* <orget it.
35 Fohn? -I really appreciate yo'r ,in$ness this last #ee,.-
S'e? -4t .as my pleas$re&B
ans#er? )c* It #as my pleas're.
36 Fohn? -I m'st say yo' really helpe$ 's o't #hen #e lost those passports.-
S'e? -4t .as the least 4 "+$ld d+&
ans#er? )a* It #as the least I co'l$ $o.
37 Fohn? -4o'r a$ice this morning #as m'ch appreciate$.-
S'e? -3ll part +# the ser!i"e&B
ans#er? )+* "ll part o2 the serice.
38 Fohn? -1e-$ li,e to gie yo' this small present to sho# o'r gratit'$e.-
S'e? -4tBs really n+t ne"essary&B
ans#er? )$* It-s really not necessary.
39 Fohn? -=y the #ay7 I-e pai$ the ta%i $rier.-
S'e? -@+$ sh+$ldnBt ha!e&B
ans#er? )c* 4o' sho'l$n-t hae.
310 Fohn? -"n$ as a special than, yo' 2or all yo'-e $one7 #e-re treating yo' to a meal o't.-
S'e? -@+$Bre really na$ghty&B
ans#er? )+* 4o'-re really na'ghty.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 28 )"ns#er Jeys*
/esp+nses 778
@'estions In$e%
31 Fill? -I got that 8o+ een tho'gh yo' $i$n-t thin, I stoo$ a chance.-
<ran,? -@+$ ne!er didHB
ans#er? )+* 4o' neer $i$E
32 Fill? -I ha$ some goo$ ne#s to$ay D I-e #on the lottery.-
<ran,? -2ell 4 ne!erHB
ans#er? )a* 1ell I neerE
33 Fill? -1e-e collecte$ tho'san$s o2 po'n$s this #ee, 2or charity.-
<ran,? -G++dness meHB
ans#er? )$* Goo$ness meE
34 Fill? -She came top in the e%am gra$es this s'mmer.-
<ran,? -2ell d+ne&B
ans#er? )$* 1ell $one.
35 Fill? -"2ter all that e22ort #e $i$n-t manage to sell a single one.-
<ran,? -2hat a shameHB
ans#er? )+* 1hat a shameE
36 <ran,? -4o' ,no# I p't money in that company D #ell it-s gone +an,r'pt.-
Fill? -'ard l$"kHB
ans#er? )c* 3ar$ l'c,E
37 Fill? -I-e #aite$ 3 ho'rs 2or a +'s no#.-
<ran,? -2hat a -+reHB
ans#er? )a* 1hat a +oreE
38 Fill? -Boo, at all the #or, I-e $one7 aren-t yo' impresse$(-
<ran,? -4 am amaEedHB
ans#er? )+* I am ama;e$E
39 <ran,? -I hear that the Goernment is going to a+olish income ta%.-
Fill? -ThatBll -e the dayHB
ans#er? )$* /hat-ll +e the $ayE
310 <ran,? -/hey say that all this r'++ish is going to +e ta,en a#ay tomorro#.-
Fill? -4Bll -elie!e it .hen 4 see it&B
ans#er? )c* I-ll +eliee it #hen I see it.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 29 )"ns#er Jeys*
Q$esti+n Tags 718
@'estions In$e%
31 4o' sai$ yo' #o'l$ didnBt y+$5
ans#er? )$* $i$n-t yo'(
32 She-s $e2initely not coming is she5
ans#er? )c* is she(
33 It $ries yo' ma$ d+esnBt it5
ans#er? )c* $oesn-t it(
34 It #on-t h'rt .ill it5
ans#er? )+* #ill it(
35 I thin, yo' o'ght to go d+nBt y+$5
ans#er? )c* $on-t yo'(
36 4o' m'st go m$stnBt y+$5
ans#er? )a* m'stn-t yo'(
37 It happene$ yester$ay didnBt it5
ans#er? )c* $i$n-t it(
38 She-s al#ays late isnBt she5
ans#er? )+* isn-t she(
39 /hey-re selling their ho'se arenBt they5
ans#er? )c* aren-t they(
310 :oGone 'n$erstoo$ that #or$ did they5
ans#er? )$* $i$ they(
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 30 )"ns#er Jeys*
Q$esti+n Tags 728
@'estions In$e%
31 Sarah? -I #ant yo' to gie me some more money.-
5a'l? -6h y+$ d+; d+ y+$5B
ans#er? )c* Ch yo' $o7 $o yo'(
32 Sarah? -4o'-re +eing ery r'$eE-
5a'l? -6h 4 am; am 45B
ans#er? )c* Ch I am7 am I(
33 Sarah? -I-e torn 'p yo'r home#or, essayE-
5a'l? -ThatBs ni"e; isnBt it5B
ans#er? )$* /hat-s nice7 isn-t it(
34 Sarah? -I can-t ta,e any more.-
5a'l? -6h; y+$ "anBt; "an y+$5B
ans#er? )c* Ch7 yo' can-t7 can yo'(
35 Sarah? -She hates the sight o2 him.-
5a'l? -She d+es; d+es she5B
ans#er? )+* She $oes7 $oes she(
36 Sarah? -I #o'l$ pre2er to go +y air.-
5a'l? -6h y+$ .+$ld; .+$ld y+$5B
ans#er? )a* Ch yo' #o'l$7 #o'l$ yo'(
37 Sarah? -I #on-t listen to yo' any more.-
5a'l? -S+ y+$ .+nBt; .ill y+$5B
ans#er? )c* So yo' #on-t7 #ill yo'(
38 5a'l? -I spent tho'san$s on that car.-
Sarah? -6h y+$ did; did y+$5B
ans#er? )+* Ch yo' $i$7 $i$ yo'(
39 Sarah? -4o' m'stn-t eat #ith yo'r mo'th 2'll.-
5a'l? -6h 4 m$stnBt; m$st 45B
ans#er? )$* Ch I m'stn-t7 m'st I(
310 Sarah? -/hat-s not allo#e$ yo' ,no#.-
5a'l? -6h it isnBt; is it5B
ans#er? )c* Ch it isn-t7 is it(
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 31 )"ns#er Jeys*
Q$esti+n Tags 738
@'estions In$e%
31 4o'-$ rather I ,ept A'iet a+o't it7 .+$ldnBt y+$5
ans#er? )c* #o'l$n-t yo'
32 3e 'se$ to #or, in the city7 didnBt he5
ans#er? )$* $i$n-t he
33 3e has his l'nch at the o22ice7 d+esnBt he5
ans#er? )$* $oesn-t he
34 In that case he-ll hae to loo, 2or a ne# 8o+7 .+nBt he5
ans#er? )+* #on-t he
35 4o' #o'l$n-t #ant me to $o that7 .+$ld y+$5
ans#er? )a* #o'l$ yo'
36 3e really $i$n-t nee$ to spea, to me li,e that7 did he5
ans#er? )$* $i$ he
37 &ome +ac, in the morning7 .ill y+$5
ans#er? )c* #ill yo'
38 4o' li,e mil, in yo'r tea7 d+nBt y+$5
ans#er? )c* $on-t yo'
39 4o' are 8'st the sort o2 person #ho #o'l$ say that7 arenBt y+$5
ans#er? )$* aren-t yo'
310 4o' sho'l$n-t hae $one that7 sh+$ld y+$5
ans#er? )+* sho'l$ yo'
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 32 )"ns#er Jeys*
6-9e"t 0r+n+$n
@'estions In$e%
31 So $i$ yo' gie the +oo, to him5
ans#er? )+* him
32 C2 co'rse I $i$. I gae it +ac, on /'es$ay.
ans#er? )c* it
33 1ell7 he says that he $oesn-t tr'st y+$&
ans#er? )+* yo'
34 3e $oesn-t tr'st me5
ans#er? )c* me
35 /hat-s e%actly #hat he sai$ a+o't y+$&
ans#er? )a* yo'
36 I 2in$ that $i22ic'lt to +eliee. 6o yo' tr'st me5
ans#er? )+* me
37 1ell yo' an$ yo'r #i2e hae +orro#e$ things sometimes an$ not gien them +ac,.
ans#er? )c* them
38 1ell I thin, yo'-re +eing ery 'n2air to $s&
ans#er? )+* 's
39 In that case 8'st loo, at the ta+le an$ tell me #hat yo' see.
ans#er? )c* me
310 Ch $ear7 I can see it. /hat m'st +e the +oo, I haen-t gien +ac,.
ans#er? )+* it
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 33 )"ns#er Jeys*
/elati!e 0r+n+$n E:er"ises
@'estions In$e%
31 2h+ $oes that car +elong to(
ans#er? )a* 1ho
32 E%c'se me +'t sho'l$n-t yo' say to .h+m $oes that car +elong(
ans#er? )c* #hom
33 /hat-s another #ay o2 saying it. I-m tal,ing a+o't the car thatBs par,e$ oer there.
ans#er? )+* that-s
34 2h+ $o yo' thin, #o'l$ hae a car li,e that(
ans#er? )c* 1ho
35 1ell7 I sho'l$ say someone 2or .h+m money is no o+8ect.
ans#er? )a* #hom
36 /he car to .hi"h yo' are re2erring happens to +e mineE
ans#er? )c* #hich
37 /hat-s interesting. 1e are tal,ing a+o't the car that has a re$ roo2.
ans#er? )a* that
38 4es7 it-s the +est car that I-e eer ha$. 1hy $o yo' as,(
ans#er? )+* that
39 1ell7 I thin, yo' o'ght to spea, to that man .h+Bs stan$ing #ith a note+oo, in 2ront o2 the car.
ans#er? )c* #ho-s
310 Ch noE It-s a tra22ic #ar$en p'tting a par,ing tic,et on my car an$ I haen-t any money to pay the 2ine .hi"h I-ll
hae to pay.
ans#er? )+* #hich
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 34 )"ns#er Jeys*
/e#le:i!e 0r+n+$ns
@'estions In$e%
31 Cnce there #as a yo'ng man #ho calle$ himsel# Icar's.
ans#er? )+* himsel2
32 3is 2ather al#ays #ante$ his chil$ren to loo, a2ter themsel!es an$ $o #hat they #ante$.
ans#er? )a* themseles
33 /he tro'+le #as that Icar's al#ays #ante$ to p't himsel# into $anger.
ans#er? )c* himsel2
34 3is 2ather sai$ again an$ again i2 #e $on-t ta,e care7 #e-$ h'rt +$rsel!es&
ans#er? )c* o'rseles
35 Icar's shoc,e$ his 2ather #ith an i$ea that he #as going to try o't on himsel#&
ans#er? )a* himsel2
36 3e ha$ #atche$ +ir$s 2ly +y thro#ing themsel!es into the air.
ans#er? )+* themseles
37 3is sister sai$ she #o'l$ li,e to p'sh hersel# into the air an$ 2ly +'t she #as too 2rightene$.
ans#er? )c* hersel2
38 Icar's sai$ he #o'l$ try an$ he promise$ his 2ather? I #ill not in8're mysel#&
ans#er? )+* mysel2
39 /he last #or$s his 2ather sai$ +e2ore Icar's le2t #ere? Boo, a2ter y+$rsel#&
ans#er? )a* yo'rsel2
310 In2ort'nately Icar's #ent too near the s'n an$ the #a% on his #ings melte$ an$ the 2eathers #or,e$
themsel!es 2ree an$ he 2ell on the gro'n$ an$ $ie$.
ans#er? )c* themseles
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 35 )"ns#er Jeys*
)asi" 3meri"an English
@'estions In$e%
31 "nna is a tea"her&
ans#er? )c* a teacher
32 @+$r +oss sai$ that yo' #or, har$.
ans#er? )a* 4o'r
33 Eery #ee, I #or, 2ie $ays an$ I get t#o $ays +##&
ans#er? )+* o22
34 I g+t a 8o+ at the +an,.
ans#er? )a* got
35 6o yo' pre2er 9icroso2t +r 9acintosh comp'ters(
ans#er? )+* or
36 6o yo' hae any chil$ren(
ans#er? )c* any
37 3is pen #ill not #rite. It is o't o2 in,.
ans#er? )$* pen
38 1ho #on the soccer game5
ans#er? )c* game
39 4o'r l$n"h +rea, is 2rom noon to 1 pm.
ans#er? )$* l'nch
310 /he police all .ear 'ni2orms.
ans#er? )a* #ear
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 36 )"ns#er Jeys*
)asi" English Grammar
@'estions In$e%
31 /he pencils an$ paper are on yo'r $es,.
ans#er? )c* are
32 2hat $o yo' li,e to $o on the #ee,en$s(
ans#er? )+* 1hat
33 9y sister is at home to$ay.
ans#er? )a* at
34 4 am an engineer.
ans#er? )$* I
35 /he +athroom is ne:t to the 2ront $oor.
ans#er? )a* ne%t
36 3e al#ays #or,s !ery har$.
ans#er? )+* ery
37 6o yo' ha!e time to go to the store 2or me(
ans#er? )c* hae
38 She is an athlete.
ans#er? )$* an
39 /here are 12 m+nths in a year.
ans#er? )c* months
310 6riing to #or, in a car is m'ch #aster than ri$ing a +icycle.
ans#er? )a* 2aster
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 37 )"ns#er Jeys*
)asi" 2eather E:pressi+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 4ester$ay it #as ery s'nny o'tsi$e.
ans#er? )+* it
32 She l+!es to s#im #hen it is hot.
ans#er? )a* loes
33 In some co'ntries it neer sn+.s&
ans#er? )$* sno#s
34 6o yo' li,e hot #eather +r not(
ans#er? )+* or
35 I li,e it .hen it rains.
ans#er? )a* #hen
36 3ae yo' e!er ma$e a sno#man(
ans#er? )c* eer
37 /he s,y is !ery clo'$y to$ay.
ans#er? )+* ery
38 It loo,s like a storm is coming.
ans#er? )c* li,e
39 I am #et -e"a$se my 'm+rella +ro,e.
ans#er? )a* +eca'se
310 Ba'ra #ears gloes s+ her han$s #ill stay #arm.
ans#er? )$* so
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 38 )"ns#er Jeys*
)asi" English E:pressi+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 9y $es, is a mess7 I sho'l$ clean it.
ans#er? )c* mess
32 0alerie spille$ #ater +n my paper#or,.
ans#er? )+* on
33 1ill yo' please ta,e +$t the trash(
ans#er? )a* o't
34 I li,e pencils -etter than pens.
ans#er? )c* +etter
35 9y ol$ 8o+ #as easier than this one.
ans#er? )$* easier
36 /om #or,s the hardest o2 anyone.
ans#er? )a* har$est
37 /his is the m+st di##i"$lt assignment I hae eer ha$.
ans#er? )c* most $i22ic'lt
38 9y +oss is ery ni"e&
ans#er? )+* nice
39 6o yo' #al, +r ta,e the +'s to #or,(
ans#er? )$* or
310 /he 8anitor cleans the o22ice e!ery night.
ans#er? )c* eery
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 39 )"ns#er Jeys*
Elementary English Grammar
@'estions In$e%
31 She li,es t+ g+ r'nning.
ans#er? )+* to go
32 Fohn rides his +icycle eery $ay.
ans#er? )c* ri$es
33 I .alk to school eery $ay.
ans#er? )a* #al,
34 They play g'itar all the time.
ans#er? )$* /hey
35 6o yo' li,e t+ dan"e5
ans#er? )c* to $ance
36 1hen I #as a chil$ I liked to clim+ trees.
ans#er? )a* li,e$
37 It is a goo$ i$ea t+ e:er"ise eery $ay.
ans#er? )a* to e%ercise
38 1e #ent s.imming eery $ay in o'r neigh+ors- s#imming pool.
ans#er? )$* s#imming
39 /here .ill -e a race ne%t #ee,.
ans#er? )c* #ill +e
310 Soccer is no# a pop'lar sport in most co'ntries.
ans#er? )$* is
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 40 )"ns#er Jeys*
Q$esti+n 2+rds
@'estions In$e%
31 2hi"h one o2 yo' is coming to my ho'se later(
ans#er? )+* 1hich
32 '+. are yo' going to get home 2rom #or,(
ans#er? )c* 3o#
33 2h+ is that g'y tal,ing to yo'r sister(
ans#er? )c* 1ho
34 She #ants to ,no# h+. yo' li,e yo'r co22ee.
ans#er? )a* ho#
35 Bet me ,no# .hen yo' hear 2rom yo'r mother.
ans#er? )$* #hen
36 2hat #o'l$ yo' li,e on yo'r ham+'rger(
ans#er? )+* 1hat
37 2h+se $og is that(
ans#er? )c* 1hose
38 /his is .hat I #ant to +e #hen I gro# 'p.
ans#er? )$* #hat
39 9y mother is the one .h+ sings on /0 eery morning.
ans#er? )c* #ho
310 2h+se shoes are those(
ans#er? )+* 1hose
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 41 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+mm+n 0rep+siti+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 I lie in the +ig ho'se +n the corner.
ans#er? )a* on
32 9y son goes t+ English classes 5 $ays a #ee,.
ans#er? )c* to
33 9y 2rien$ "nna lies in Englan$.
ans#er? )$* in
34 /he mil, goes in the re2rigerator.
ans#er? )+* in
35 1ill yo' come .ith me to the store(
ans#er? )a* #ith
36 9y car #ill not start +eca'se it is +$t +# gas.
ans#er? )c* o't o2
37 5lease p't the plates +n the ta+le.
ans#er? )$* on
38 I li,e to eat ice cream .ith chocolate sa'ce on top.
ans#er? )+* #ith
39 1ere yo' at ch'rch yester$ay(
ans#er? )a* at
310 I am at #or, right no#.
ans#er? )+* at
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 42 )"ns#er Jeys*
*+dal ,er- Q$esti+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 2ill yo' please +ring me my note+oo,(
ans#er? )a* 1ill
32 2+$ld yo' please +ring me my note+oo,(
ans#er? )+* 1o'l$
33 1an yo' please +ring me my note+oo,(
ans#er? )c* &an
34 1+$ld yo' please +ring me my note+oo,(
ans#er? )+* &o'l$
35 + yo' #ant some #ater(
ans#er? )$* 6o
36 2+$ld yo' li,e some #ater(
ans#er? )c* 1o'l$
37 1an I ri$e #ith yo' to #or,(
ans#er? )+* &an
38 *ay I ri$e #ith yo' to #or,(
ans#er? )$* 9ay
39 4s there any .ay I co'l$ ri$e #ith yo' to #or,(
ans#er? )a* Is there any #ay
310 2+$ld y+$ mind i# I ri$e #ith yo' to #or,(
ans#er? )c* 1o'l$ yo' min$ i2
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 43 )"ns#er Jeys*
Elementary Grammar Q$esti+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 <lo#ers smell goo$.
ans#er? )c* smell
32 9y #a!+$rite colo'r is green.
ans#er? )$* 2ao'rite
33 9y mom is #r+m "2rica.
ans#er? )+* 2rom
34 /here are 7 ,i$s in my 2amily.
ans#er? )+* in
35 )+th o2 my parents lie in the Inite$ States o2 "merica.
ans#er? )$* =oth
36 3ll 4 o2 my gran$parents are still alie.
ans#er? )c* "ll
37 id yo' leae my shoes o'tsi$e last night(
ans#er? )a* 6i$
38 I really li,e t+ eat spaghetti.
ans#er? )+* to eat
39 + y+$ think y+$ "an $rie me home later(
ans#er? )a* 6o yo' thin, yo' can
310 It is a r'le? i2 yo' ri$e in my car yo' ha!e t+ #ear yo'r seat+elt.
ans#er? )$* hae to
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 44 )"ns#er Jeys*
English Grammar E:er"ise
@'estions In$e%
31 C'r co'ch is !ery so2t.
ans#er? )a* ery
32 C'r ho'se has 3 +e$rooms.
ans#er? )c* has
33 6oes yo'r $og lie insi$e +r o'tsi$e(
ans#er? )$* or
34 6oes yo'r kit"hen hae a $ish#asher(
ans#er? )$* ,itchen
35 "ll o2 the #alls are painted #hite.
ans#er? )+* painte$
36 /here is a r'g +n the 2loor in the liing room.
ans#er? )c* on
37 /he tele!isi+n gets 6 channels.
ans#er? )c* teleision
38 C'r ta+le is -ig en+$gh 2or 8 people.
ans#er? )$* +ig eno'gh
39 6o yo' loc, the 2ront $oor at night(
ans#er? )+* at
310 I #ill p$t $p the clothes a2ter yo' 2ol$ them.
ans#er? )a* p't 'p
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 45 )"ns#er Jeys*
*$"h; many; a l+t; l+ts
@'estions In$e%
31 3o# many people are coming(
ans#er? )$* many
32 3o# m$"h $oes the +oo, cost(
ans#er? )a* m'ch
33 6o yo' nee$ m$"h mil, 2or this recipe(
ans#er? )c* m'ch
34 I nee$ to practice piano a l+t +e2ore the concert.
ans#er? )$* a lot
35 I hae a t+n o2 home#or, to $o +e2ore tomorro#.
ans#er? )a* a ton
36 3o# m$"h #ater $o yo' $rin, eery $ay(
ans#er? )+* m'ch
37 4o' are !ery smart.
ans#er? )c* ery
38 I hae l+ts o2 2rien$s.
ans#er? )c* lots
39 4o' are a !ery honest person.
ans#er? )+* ery
310 6o yo' hae many ants in yo'r ho'se(
ans#er? )+* many
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 46 )"ns#er Jeys*
Elementary 3d9e"ti!es
@'estions In$e%
31 I2 I am not right I am .r+ng&
ans#er? )a* #rong
32 I2 yo' are not taller yo' are sh+rter&
ans#er? )+* shorter
33 /he car is not #ast7 it is slo#.
ans#er? )c* 2ast
34 /o$ay it is not hot7 it is "+ld&
ans#er? )a* col$
35 I2 I am not #ea, I am str+ng&
ans#er? )$* strong
36 I $o not get 'p late7 I get 'p early.
ans#er? )c* late
37 3e is the heaiest an$ I am the lightest&
ans#er? )a* lightest
38 1hat goes 'p m'st come d+.n&
ans#er? )+* $o#n
39 "t the stop sign $o not t'rn right7 t'rn le#t&
ans#er? )$* le2t
310 9y mom-s hair is not straight7 it is "$rly&
ans#er? )c* c'rly
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 47 )"ns#er Jeys*
1hit 1hat< 3t the -$s st+p
@'estions In$e%
31 9i,e? 1here are yo' g+ing to$ay(
ans#er? )c* going
32 Bin$a? I really #ant to go sh+pping&
ans#er? )+* shopping
33 9i,e? 1hat-s .r+ng #ith the shops here(
ans#er? )a* #rong
34 Bin$a? :othing really +'t there is more "h+i"e in the to#n.
ans#er? )$* choice
35 9i,e? /hat-s tr'e +'t yo' hae to .ait a long time 2or a +'s.
ans#er? )c* #ait
36 Bin$a? 4es7 I ha!e -een #aiting 2or 30 min'tes alrea$y.
ans#er? )+* hae +een
37 9i,e? /hen it-s 8'st as #ell it-s not raining.
ans#er? )a* as
38 Bin$a? I $on-t li,e the l++k o2 that $ar, clo'$ oer there.
ans#er? )+* loo,
39 9i,e? Ch $ear. "re yo' going to #ait any l+nger&
ans#er? )$* longer
310 Bin$a? :o. I-e 8'st realised it-s S'n$ay an$ there are no +'ses to$ay.
ans#er? )c* realise$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 48 )"ns#er Jeys*
1hit 1hat< Talking a-+$t the +"t+r
@'estions In$e%
31 9i,e? 3aen-t seen yo' 2or ages&
ans#er? )+* ages
32 Bin$a? :o7 I-e +een in a lot o2 pain the last 2e# months.
ans#er? )$* in
33 9i,e? I-m sorry to hear that. /ell me a-+$t it.
ans#er? )c* a+o't
34 Bin$a? It-s a#2'l really. "t the m+ment it-s in my ,nee.
ans#er? )a* moment
35 9i,e? /hat can make #al,ing ery $i22ic'lt.
ans#er? )+* ma,e
36 Bin$a? /hen thereBs the pain in my +ac,.
ans#er? )$* there-s
37 9i,e? I ,no# #hat that-s like&
ans#er? )$* li,e
38 Bin$a? C2 "+$rse I m'stn-t 2orget the pains in my 2eet.
ans#er? )+* co'rse
39 9i,e? S'$$enly I-m #eeling m'ch +etter. I #on-t see the $octor to$ay. Goo$ +ye.
ans#er? )c* 2eeling
310 Bin$a? ='t yo' can-t go yet I haen-t $escri+e$ my other pains.
ans#er? )$* yet
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 49 )"ns#er Jeys*
1hit 1hat< 4n the 3er+plane
@'estions In$e%
31 Bin$a? 3ae yo' eer #l+.n +e2ore( Cnly it-s my 2irst time in a plane an$ I-m a little nero's.
ans#er? )+* 2lo#n
32 9i,e? 4es7 lots o2 times. /here-s no nee$ to .+rry a+o't it.
ans#er? )a* #orry
33 Bin$a? /hat-s easy 2or yo' to say +'t I 2eel ery an%io's.
ans#er? )$* say
34 9i,e? "ll yo' hae to $o is ta,e it easy an$ rela%.
ans#er? )c* easy
35 Bin$a? I ha$ a #e. $rin,s +e2ore I came on +oar$ an$ that hasn-t helpe$.
ans#er? )+* 2e#
36 9i,e? :eer mind I-m s're yo'-ll +e all right an$ anyho# #e-re starting to moe no#.
ans#er? )a* min$
37 Bin$a? 4es7 yo'-re right. It-s as i# eerything on the plane is sha,ing.
ans#er? )$* i2
38 9i,e? /hat means that the engines are #arming $p. It #on-t +e long no#.
ans#er? )+* 'p
39 Bin$a? Ch yes. I $on-t ,no# #hy I #as so ner!+$s I thin, 2lying is greatE
ans#er? )a* nero's
310 9i,e? 6on-t get too e%cite$E 1e-re still on the r'n#ay an$ haen-t ta,en +## yet.
ans#er? )c* o22
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 50 )"ns#er Jeys*
1hit 1hat< 3t the p$-
@'estions In$e%
31 &harles? I $on-t thin, I-e seen yo' +e2ore in this p'+.
ans#er? )+* seen
32 6e+orah? :o7 this is my 2irst !isit&
ans#er? )$* isit
33 &harles? "n$ I see yo'-e -r+$ght yo'r little $og #ith yo'.
ans#er? )c* +ro'ght
34 6e+orah? 4es7 he goes e!ery.here #ith me.
ans#er? )a* eery#here
35 &harles? It-s ery goo$ the #ay he sits at the ta+le an$ eats his #++d #ith a ,ni2e an$ 2or,.
ans#er? )$* 2oo$
36 6e+orah? Ch yes. 3e-s ery goo$. "t home #hen he-s #inished eating7 he goes into the ,itchen an$ #ashes 'p
his plates.
ans#er? )a* 2inishe$
37 &harles? /hat-s really amaEing I 2in$ that $i22ic'lt to +eliee.
ans#er? )+* ama;ing
38 6e+orah? =eliee me D he-s a really #on$er2'l $og an$ can $o m+st things that people $o.
ans#er? )c* most
39 &harles? /he one thing I-e n+ti"ed is that he $oesn-t say anything.
ans#er? )$* notice$
310 6e+orah? 4es7 that-s right. 3e-s not tal,ing to$ay +eca'se he-s got a s+re throat.
ans#er? )+* sore
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 51 )"ns#er Jeys*
1hit 1hat< 3t the resta$rant
@'estions In$e%
31 1aiter? 1hat #o'l$ yo' li,e to start #ith7 sir(
ans#er? )c* start
32 6iner? I #as thin,ing I might try the so'p.
ans#er? )$* might
33 1aiter? Sorry sir. /he so'p-s +##&
ans#er? )a* o22
34 6iner? In that "ase I-ll try the roast +ee2.
ans#er? )+* case
35 1aiter? 4o'-ll hae no l'c, there either. 1e haen-t got any le#t&
ans#er? )a* le2t
36 6iner? Ch that-s a shame. 5erhaps I co'l$ hae the por,.
ans#er? )c* shame
37 1aiter? It-s really not yo'r day. 1e $on-t hae any por, no#.
ans#er? )$* $ay
38 6iner? Ch this is ridi"$l+$s. 6o yo' hae anything at all(
ans#er? )+* ri$ic'lo's
39 1aiter? :o# sir it-s not #orth l+sing yo'r temper. 4o' co'l$ ta,e the last thing on the men'.
ans#er? )a* losing
310 6iner? >ight then. I2 it-s not too m'ch tr+$-le. 5lease +ring me a c'p o2 co22ee.
ans#er? )$* tro'+le
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 52 )"ns#er Jeys*
1hit 1hat< 6n the ph+ne
@'estions In$e%
31 1oman? 3ello. 6 D 3 D 4 D 9 D 5. 1ho-s "alling please(
ans#er? )a* calling
32 &harlie? 4es7 hello it-s &harlie here. I #ante$ to kn+. ho# yo' are.
ans#er? )$* ,no#
33 1oman? 9e( Ch7 I-m $oing #ine7 than, yo' an$ yo'(
ans#er? )+* 2ine
34 &harlie? 1ell7 to +e h+nest I-e ha$ a 2e# pro+lems recently.
ans#er? )c* honest
35 1oman? Sorry to hear that. 1hat kind o2 pro+lems(
ans#er? )+* ,in$
36 &harlie? 1ell7 it all starte$ #hen my #i2e .alked o't on me.
ans#er? )$* #al,e$
37 1oman? Sorry to hear that. /hat m'st hae +een a -l+.&
ans#er? )c* +lo#
38 &harlie? C2 co'rse that #as some time ago an$ I-e got $sed to it no#.
ans#er? )a* 'se$
39 1oman? =y the #ay I $on-t ,no# any+o$y "alled &harlie.
ans#er? )+* calle$
310 &harlie? Sorry a+o't that I m'st hae dialled the #rong n'm+er. 3ae a nice $ay.
ans#er? )c* $ialle$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 53 )"ns#er Jeys*
1hit 1hat< 4n the theatre
@'estions In$e%
31 "lice? I thin, the play is 8'st on the p+int o2 starting.
ans#er? )$* point
32 9ary? I $o hope so. I-m ery #+nd o2 the main actor.
ans#er? )+* 2on$
33 "lice? 9e too. F'st listen to the s+$nd o2 his oice no#.
ans#er? )c* so'n$
34 9ary? /he tro'+le is I al#ays #+rget his name.
ans#er? )a* 2orget
35 "lice? I thin, his 2irst name is 9ichael +'t I can-t remem+er the s$rname&
ans#er? )$* s'rname
36 9ary? I-e got it. S$rely it-s 6o+son. 4es7 that-s it D 9ichael 6o+son.
ans#er? )+* S'rely
37 "lice? 4es7 yo'-re dead right. I-e seen him on t loa$s o2 times.
ans#er? )c* $ea$
38 9ary? 4es7 9ichael 6o+son he #as in that ne# thriller as the $etectie.
ans#er? )c* thriller
39 "lice? 3e #as really goo$ in that. Ch loo,7 he-s s'$$enly stoppe$ an$ starte$ glaring&
ans#er? )a* glaring
310 9ichael 6o+son? I-m ery glad7 la$ies yo' ,no# #ho I am. :o# can yo' stop tal,ing so that #e can get on
#ith the play(
ans#er? )+* gla$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 54 )"ns#er Jeys*
1hit 1hat< 4n the s$permarket
@'estions In$e%
31 Employee? "re yo' ha!ing pro+lems7 ma$am(
ans#er? )c* haing
32 Cl$ la$y? 4es. I #on$er i2 yo' co'l$ p+ssi-ly help me7 yo'ng man.
ans#er? )c* possi+ly
33 Employee? C2 co'rse. In #hat .ay5
ans#er? )$* #ay
34 Cl$ la$y? /he 2act is I 8'st can-t rea"h that cereal pac,et on the top shel2.
ans#er? )+* reach
35 Employee? :o pro+lem. There yo' are.
ans#er? )a* /here
36 Cl$ la$y? /here is 8'st one other thing yo' can help me #ith i2 yo' hae a moment.
ans#er? )c* thing
37 Employee? F'st tell me an$ I-ll see i2 I can help.
ans#er? )+* see
38 Cl$ la$y? "ll I #ant to ,no# is .hat $ay to$ay is.
ans#er? )a* #hat
39 Employee? It-s /h'rs$ay o2 co'rse. 1hat $o yo' #ant to ,no# #+r5
ans#er? )$* 2or
310 Cl$ la$y? 1ell yo' see this s'permar,et is so +ig I can-t 2in$ the #ay +$t I-e +een here since /'es$ayE
ans#er? )c* o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 55 )"ns#er Jeys*
1hit 1hat< 4n the train
@'estions In$e%
31 9rs "shton? E%c'se me +'t $o yo' ,no# i# this train is going to Bon$on(
ans#er? )+* i2
32 9r &orp? Ch yes7 ma$am. She-s de#initely going to Bon$on.
ans#er? )c* $e2initely
33 9rs "shton? 1ell7 that-s goo$ ne.s&
ans#er? )$* ne#s
34 9r &orp? 1hat makes yo' say that7 ma$am(
ans#er? )+* ma,es
35 9rs "shton? 1ell7 last time I tra!elled +y train7 I got on the #rong one.
ans#er? )a* traelle$
36 9r &orp? 1hat happened to yo' then(
ans#er? )c* happene$
37 9rs "shton? It #as terri+le +eca'se I en$e$ $p miles a#ay 2rom #here I #ante$ to go.
ans#er? )+* 'p
38 9r &orp? 1ell7 yo'-ll hae no s'ch pr+-lem to$ay7 ma$am.
ans#er? )$* pro+lem
39 9rs "shton? Boo, are yo' s$re the train-s going to Bon$on. It-s ta,ing a long time to leae.
ans#er? )a* s're
310 9r &orp? 6on-t yo' .+rry ma$am. It is going to Bon$on +'t not 2or another 4 ho'rsE
ans#er? )c* #orry
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 56 )"ns#er Jeys*
6ther; an+ther; +thers; the +thers
@'estions In$e%
31 /here are ten pieces o2 2r'it in my +as,et. Cne is an orange7 one is a grape an$ an+ther is an apple.
ans#er? )c* another
32 I hae t#o pencils. Cne is +lac,7 the +ther is +l'e.
ans#er? )$* the other
33 /here are 2o'r girls in my apartment. /#o are calle$ &asey an$ "m+er. The +thers are Foanne an$ Bin$sey.
ans#er? )+* /he others
34 /here are seeral holi$ays in =ra;il. Cne is In$epen$ence 6ay an$ s+me +thers are &hil$ren-s 6ay an$
/eacher-s 6ay.
ans#er? )a* some others
35 9y 2rien$ has t#o cars. Cne is +lac, an$ the +ther is re$.
ans#er? )+* the other
36 9y mom spea,s three lang'ages. Cne is English an$ an+ther one is <rench.
ans#er? )c* another
37 /here are eight pets in my ho'se. Si% are cats an$ the +thers are $ogs.
ans#er? )$* the others
38 /here are 50 states in the Inite$ States. Cne is :orth &arolina an$ s+me +thers are 0irginia an$ Jent'c,y.
ans#er? )c* some others
39 9y neigh+or has 2o'r ,i$s. Cne o2 them is a +oy an$ the +thers are girls.
ans#er? )a* the others
310 /here are three +oo,s in my +ac,pac,. Cne is a maths +oo, an$ an+ther is a chemistry +oo,.
ans#er? )+* another
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 57 )"ns#er Jeys*
3d9e"ti!e 0rep+siti+ns 1+nstr$"ti+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 0enice is 2amo's #+r its canals.
ans#er? )$* 2or
32 9y son is a2rai$ +# the $ar,.
ans#er? )c* o2
33 9aria is marrie$ t+ my co'sin.
ans#er? )c* to
34 /he secon$ hotel #as $i22erent #r+m the 2irst.
ans#er? )$* 2rom
35 B'cas is ery goo$ at $ra#ing.
ans#er? )a* at
36 I-m tire$ +# #aiting 2or the +'s. Bet-s ta,e a ta%i.
ans#er? )c* o2
37 George #as #orrie$ a-+$t his 2ather-s health.
ans#er? )+* a+o't
38 I $i$n-t ,no# yo' #ere intereste$ in science.
ans#er? )a* in
39 1hy are yo' angry .ith him(
ans#er? )$* #ith
310 1e #ere ery please$ .ith the serice.
ans#er? )a* #ith
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 58 )"ns#er Jeys*
3nything; n+thing; s+mething; e!erything
@'estions In$e%
31 I $on-t hae anything to $o to$ay.
ans#er? )+* anything
32 "re there any $ogs in the ho'se(
ans#er? )c* any
33 I ,no# n+thing a+o't itE
ans#er? )+* nothing
34 /here is s+mething I nee$ to $o tomorro# a2ternoon.
ans#er? )$* something
35 9y 2rien$ $oesn-t ,no# anything a+o't her =irth$ay 5artyE
ans#er? )c* anything
36 6i$ yo' +ring e!erything yo' nee$e$ 2or the trip(
ans#er? )$* eerything
37 I2 there is anything yo' nee$ yo' can call me7 o,ay(
ans#er? )a* anything
38 I thin, there is s+mething #rong #ith my 0&>. It is not #or,ing ery #ell.
ans#er? )c* something
39 9y 2rien$-s $ecisions hae n+thing to $o #ith me.
ans#er? )a* nothing
310 9y mom as,e$ me ho# I #as an$ I sai$ e!erything #as 2ine.
ans#er? )$* eerything
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 59 )"ns#er Jeys*
3meri"an h+m+ph+nes
@'estions In$e%
31 I #o'l$ eat dessert 24/7 i2 I co'l$ get a#ay #ith it.
ans#er? )+* $essert
32 9y 2rien$ sai$ she $oesn-t kn+. any 2oreign lang'ages.
ans#er? )c* ,no#
33 1e too, the ,i$s s#imming all morning. :o# theyBre completely e%ha'ste$.
ans#er? )a* they-re
34 9y 2rien$-s $og al#ays chases its tail.
ans#er? )$* its
35 Eery time I go on a trip I leae my $og in a kennel&
ans#er? )$* ,ennel
36 /he prin"ipal o2 my school #as oer#helmingly strict.
ans#er? )a* principal
37 /he chocolate chip coo,ies are on aisle 2ie.
ans#er? )c* aisle
38 /here are millions o2 p++r people in /hir$ 1orl$ &o'ntries.
ans#er? )+* poor
39 &hristina loes to se.H
ans#er? )c* se#
310 3ey /om7 ho#-s the .eather in /'lsa to$ay(
ans#er? )$* #eather
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 60 )"ns#er Jeys*
0r+n+$ns< .h+; .h+se; .h+m; .hi"h
@'estions In$e%
31 /his is the teacher .h+ tol$ me my son has +een mis+ehaing in class.
ans#er? )$* #ho
32 9y h's+an$7 .h+m I loe7 sent me 2lo#ers at #or, last night.
ans#er? )+* #hom
33 /his is the girl .h+se car hit that tree $o#n last #ee,.
ans#er? )c* #hose
34 /hose #ere the +o%es .hi"h #ere sent to yo' last month7 +'t neer ma$e it here.
ans#er? )a* #hich
35 2h+ is going to ta,e the $og 2or a #al,(
ans#er? )c* 1ho
36 2h+m shall I 2ear7 +'t the ones #ho h'rt me(
ans#er? )+* 1hom
37 I as,e$ yo' .hi"h one o2 these shoes yo' thin, #o'l$ go #ith my o't2it.
ans#er? )$* #hich
38 2h+se ho'se is it7 any#ay( "re #e allo#e$ to stay in here(
ans#er? )c* 1hose
39 I hae 2rien$s .h+ loe me so m'ch7 they ma$e a s'rprise +irth$ay party 2or me last night.
ans#er? )a* #ho
310 /hat yo'ng man to .h+m #e o#e some than,s7 sae$ o'r mom-s li2e on that car acci$ent.
ans#er? )+* #hom
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 61 )"ns#er Jeys*
S+me; any; #e.; little
@'estions In$e%
31 1o#E Boo, at thatE 3o# many +oo,s $o yo' hae on yo'r shel2( I hae to tell yo'7 it-s A'ite a great collectionE
ans#er? )+* many
32 1o'l$ yo' li,e s+me 8'ice(
ans#er? )c* some
33 3o# m$"h money $o yo' hae(
ans#er? )a* m'ch
34 I only hae a #e. $ollars.
ans#er? )$* a 2e#
35 I #ant to ma,e orange 8'ice. 3ae yo' got any oranges(
ans#er? )c* any
36 :o7 I $on-t hae any. ='t I hae s+me apples7 i2 yo'-$ li,e to ma,e apple 8'ice instea$.
ans#er? )+* some
37 /here are many people trying to go to the I2 concert this #ee,en$.
ans#er? )a* many
38 3o# many gallons o2 #ater $i$ yo' +ring 2or the trip( D I 8'st hae a #e. gallons.
ans#er? )$* a 2e#
39 Fessica spent a lot o2 money on her car. :o# she only has a little money le2t to pay 2or her liing e%penses.
ans#er? )c* a little
310 3o# m$"h time $o yo' hae le2t +e2ore yo' hae to go to school(
ans#er? )+* m'ch
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 62 )"ns#er Jeys*
0rep+sit+ns Test
@'estions In$e%
31 I #as 8ogging in the par, this morning an$ sa# this $og coming t+.ards me. It loo,e$ li,e he #as going attac,
me7 +'t he #as 8'st trying to reach o't 2or his o#ner #ho #as r'nning right +ehin$ me.
ans#er? )c* to#ar$s
32 =ar+ara7 yo'r +oy2rien$ is #aiting 2or yo' +$tside in the car.
ans#er? )+* o'tsi$e
33 I hear$ a glass +rea,ing noise in the liing room an$ ran to see #hat happene$. " pigeon 2le# against the
#in$o# an$ +ro,e it.
ans#er? )$* against
34 S';anne #ho lies -y that co22ee shop place7 came oer to isit yo' this morning.
ans#er? )+* +y
35 I $on-t ,no# ho# many times I hae tol$ my $a'ghter to loo, at +oth si$es +e2ore r'nning a"r+ss the street.
ans#er? )a* across
36 9y ho'se is -et.een the grocery store an$ the gas station.
ans#er? )$* +et#een
37 /he temperat're in 1ashington 6.& to$ay is eight $egrees -el+. ;ero.
ans#er? )+* +elo#
38 /he cat is sitting +n the #all.
ans#er? )a* on
39 "s soon as =o+ hear$ his +oss coming7 he 8'mpe$ #+r his chair an$ prenten$e$ he #as #or,ing.
ans#er? )c* 2or
310 <re$eric, lies $p the hill7 #here all the mansions are.
ans#er? )$* 'p
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 63 )"ns#er Jeys*
0ast 0arti"iple Senten"es
@'estions In$e%
31 3a$ I +een a+le to go to school as a chil$7 I #o'l$ hae learned ho# to rea$.
ans#er? )a* learne$
32 I #o'l$ hae s$ng all night i2 I co'l$ +'t #e all ha$ to leae early +eca'se &armen $i$n-t 2eel goo$.
ans#er? )+* s'ng
33 "$rian sho'l$ hae neer le#t home. I2 he ha$n-t7 he-$ +e in a +etter sit'ation right no#.
ans#er? )c* le2t
34 5erhaps she #o'l$ hae +een -itten +y that $og i2 its o#ner ha$n-t +een 2aster an$ ca'ght him right on time.
ans#er? )$* +itten
35 I2 it #asn-t 2or that me$icine yo' gae me7 I #o'l$ hae g+tten a lot #orse.
ans#er? )a* gotten
36 Bast night7 I dreamed I #as calling the police an$ really $i$ it.
ans#er? )c* $reame$
37 I-m gla$ to ,no# that yo' hae #+rgi!en me 2or #hat I hae $one.
ans#er? )c* 2orgien
38 "2ter loo,ing 2or him all $ay7 Feremy 2inally 2o'n$ his $og hidden 'n$er a cae.
ans#er? )c* hi$$en
39 I #o'l$ hae taken pict'res 2rom my trip7 i2 I ha$ a camera.
ans#er? )c* ta,en
310 1hen he 2inally arrie$7 his $ate ha$ alrea$y g+ne&
ans#er? )$* gone
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 64 )"ns#er Jeys*
ES% 0rep+siti+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 /he +oar$ meeting #as calle$ +## $'e to the s'$$en $emise o2 the chie2 e%ec'tie o22ice.
ans#er? )+* o22
32 9y 2ather p't K17000 d+.n as a $eposit to help my sister p'rchase a ne# car.
ans#er? )c* $o#n
33 I hae some material 2rom #hich I co'l$ ,noc, $p an article i2 yo' #ant me to.
ans#er? )a* 'p
34 /he 2inance $irector has come in #+r a lot o2 criticism oer his 'ns'ccess2'l han$ling o2 the company-s
ans#er? )+* 2or
35 /he 2actory ch'rns +$t tho'san$s o2 pairs o2 lo# cost shoes eery $ay.
ans#er? )a* o't
36 Bo# cons'mer $eman$ has 2orce$ the retailer to mar, d+.n a #i$e range o2 goo$s +y as m'ch as 40H.
ans#er? )+* $o#n
37 9r. an$ 9rs. Farrett m'st +e ma,ing a 2ort'ne. /hey-re clearly ra,ing in oer K170007000 a year.
ans#er? )+* in
38 /he clothing man'2act'rer recently +ranche$ +$t into sports#ear.
ans#er? )a* o't
39 6istri+'tors #ill pro+a+ly +'mp $p the price o2 the so2t#are #hen the ne%t ersion is release$.
ans#er? )a* 'p
310 /he $irector #as $r'mme$ +$t o2 o22ice 2or li2e #hen it #as $iscoere$ that she ha$ +een inole$ in insi$er
ans#er? )$* o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 65 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+mm+n English Err+rs 718
@'estions In$e%
31 /here are many kinds o2 8o+s in Cregon right no#.
ans#er? )c* ,in$s
32 She ran oer to the commotion to #ind +$t #hat #as happening.
ans#er? )$* 2in$ o't
33 "2ter some time7 0ince g+t to ,no# the 'niersity camp's ery #ell.
ans#er? )a* got
34 6on-t 2orget a+o't yo'r $a'ghter-s soccer game D she-ll neer #+rgi!e yo'E
ans#er? )$* 2orgie
35 1hen I $roe into Seattle yester$ay a2ternoon7 the .eather #as still clo'$y an$ #et.
ans#er? )a* #eather
36 I-m #orrie$ a+o't her +eca'se she is taking more pills than 's'al.
ans#er? )c* is ta,ing
37 I-m so +'sy D I hope yo'-ll e:"$se my messy o22ice space.
ans#er? )c* e%c'se
38 3e #as marrie$ 2i2ty years ag+&
ans#er? )+* ago
39 I .ake $p at si% o-cloc, in the morning eery $ay.
ans#er? )+* #a,e 'p
310 1e $eci$e$ to stay in +e$ this morning +eca'se last night #ore 's o't.
ans#er? )c* stay in
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 66 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+mm+n English Err+rs 728
@'estions In$e%
31 /hat +oo, isn-t in right no# +'t #e can +rder one 2or yo'.
ans#er? )+* or$er
32 I -+rr+.ed some great +oo,s 2rom the li+rary this past #ee,en$.
ans#er? )c* +orro#e$
33 1e al#ays stay at the hotel +y the marina #hen #e go to San <rancisco.
ans#er? )a* stay
34 I haen-t heard 2rom anyone lately.
ans#er? )$* hear$
35 "2ter the attac,7 the #oman "almed d+.n A'ic,ly.
ans#er? )a* calme$ $o#n
36 1all me as soon as possi+le. It-s 'rgent.
ans#er? )+* &all
37 5eople "all this place the L<or+i$$en <orest.L
ans#er? )a* call
38 I-e +een so +'sy #ith ne# clients that I hire$ ne# sta22 8'st to keep $p&
ans#er? )+* ,eep 'p
39 4o'-re an asset to o'r team. Aeep it $pH
ans#er? )c* Jeep it 'pE
310 It-s $i22ic'lt to 'n$erstan$ #hat she sees in in her 8o+ D it seems ery +oring.
ans#er? )$* sees in
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 67 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+mm+n English Err+rs 738
@'estions In$e%
31 6lder people li,e this area a lot.
ans#er? )+* Cl$er
32 9y eldest +rother is really nice to me.
ans#er? )a* el$est
33 "2ter isiting seeral gala%ies7 the aliens 2o'n$ themseles captiate$ +y li2e on earth&
ans#er? )$* earth
34 It-s one o2 the nicest co'ntries in the .+rld&
ans#er? )+* in the #orl$
35 I ,no# it so'n$s 'nreasona+le +'t it is p+ssi-le that she #ill neer come +ac,.
ans#er? )a* is possi+le
36 "s soon as I pic,e$ 'p the rare o+8ect7 it "ame apart&
ans#er? )c* came apart
37 4o' sho'l$ "+me +!er a2ter yo'-e 2inishe$ yo'r lessons.
ans#er? )+* come oer
38 C'r 2rien$s D #ho #e haen-t seen in a long time D "ame -y last night.
ans#er? )$* came +y
39 I ,eep my 2aorite ring in a large7 metal7 heay sa2e at home.
ans#er? )a* in
310 /he #orl$ nee$s to $epen$ on other energy so'rces7 -esides oil an$ other nat'ral reso'rces.
ans#er? )c* +esi$es
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 68 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+mm+n English Err+rs 748
@'estions In$e%
31 3er mother died #hen she #as 8'st a little girl.
ans#er? )c* $ie$
32 I2 my +ac, starts a"ting $p7 I can-t go any#here #ith yo' ne%t #ee,.
ans#er? )c* acting 'p
33 She #as hoping the terri+le arg'ment #o'l$ -l+. +!er +e2ore the #e$$ing.
ans#er? )+* +lo# oer
34 "2ter the car acci$ent7 =o+ ha$ to -$ild $p his en$'rance $'ring his reha+ilitation classes.
ans#er? )$* +'il$ 'p
35 9y 'ncle has a long +ear$ an$ a hairy chest.
ans#er? )$* hairy
36 6'e to his age7 eeryone thin,s he sho'l$ 2in$ a s'ita+le mate an$ settle d+.n&
ans#er? )c* $o#n
37 /he moie #as ery shoc,ing +eca'se it is -ased +n a tr'e story that too, place in o'r state.
ans#er? )+* +ase$ on
38 3is speech #as artic'late an$ I as,e$ him to e:pand +n his i$eas.
ans#er? )c* e%pan$ on
39 C'r nanny has al#ays +een kind to 's.
ans#er? )$* ,in$
310 I g+t -+red #ith the +oo, A'ic,ly.
ans#er? )c* got +ore$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 69 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+mm+n Q$antity =+$ns
@'estions In$e%
31 /he +oys gathere$ a +'n$le o2 sti"ks&
ans#er? )a* stic,s
32 Cer +y the railroa$ trac,s7 there #as a heap o2 st+nes&
ans#er? )$* stones
33 In the $istance7 the onloo,ers co'l$ see a 2leet o2 ships&
ans#er? )$* ships
34 "s she loo,e$ 'p7 she sa# a 2light o2 stairs&
ans#er? )$* stairs
35 /he 2loc, o2 sheep staye$ together.
ans#er? )a* sheep
36 " s#arm o2 inse"ts gathere$ aro'n$ the s#amp.
ans#er? )c* insects
37 " cro#$ o2 pe+ple line$ 'p to see #hat #as happening.
ans#er? )c* people
38 /here #as a long ro# o2 h+$ses near the +each.
ans#er? )$* ho'ses
39 /he her$ o2 "+.s ,ept eating as the #in$ +le# past them.
ans#er? )c* co#s
310 "t the sho#7 #e sa# many $i22erent schools o2 #ish&
ans#er? )c* 2ish
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 70 )"ns#er Jeys*
>sing *ake and + 718
@'estions In$e%
31 /he manager #as s'rprise$ at ho# many things >on co'l$ d+ at once.
ans#er? )+* $o
32 She made him a solemn promise that she #o'l$ neer steal again.
ans#er? )c* ma$e
33 3is teacher +egge$ him to make more o2 an e22ort in class.
ans#er? )a* ma,e
34 1e ha$ so m'ch 2'n in &hicago D #e did it in three $ays.
ans#er? )$* $i$
35 /he +'siness made a lot o2 money this year.
ans#er? )c* ma$e
36 /he 'niersity research $epartment st'm+le$ 'pon something ne# an$ made a +ig $iscoery +eca'se o2 it.
ans#er? )c* ma$e
37 3is mother 2orce$ him to d+ his home#or, eery night a2ter s'pper.
ans#er? )+* $o
38 :o matter ho# har$ he p'she$ him7 he co'l$n-t make his son $o the 8o+ properly.
ans#er? )a* ma,e
39 /he teacher s'ggeste$ they d+ another e%ercise to 'n$erstan$ the pro+lem +etter.
ans#er? )+* $o
310 1e only hae one more pot o2 ste# D #ill it d+5
ans#er? )+* $o
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 71 )"ns#er Jeys*
>sing 0rep+siti+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 >alph #as late #+r #or, again. 3e may +e 2ire$.
ans#er? )c* 2or
32 :aomi is ,een +n #or,ing in "2rica this coming year.
ans#er? )c* on
33 3e-s +een s'22ering #r+m migraine hea$aches again.
ans#er? )+* 2rom
34 "ll o2 &hris- teachers agree that he is ery goo$ at math.
ans#er? )c* at
35 /o get a 8o+ as a secretary7 yo' m'st +e goo$ at typing an$ ans#ering phones.
ans#er? )+* at
36 6'e to his ne# shi2t7 he has to #a,e 'p at 3 a.m. eery $ay.
ans#er? )+* at
37 S'ch +a$ +ehaior is typical +# the spoile$ chil$.
ans#er? )$* o2
38 9ary is so please$ .ith her st'$ents- gra$es this past year.
ans#er? )+* #ith
39 3e #as ery angry .ith his mother +eca'se she gro'n$e$ him yester$ay.
ans#er? )a* #ith
310 Jaren is ery 8ealo's +# Jim an$ it-s ery o+io's to others.
ans#er? )a* o2
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 72 )"ns#er Jeys*
>sing *ake and + 728
@'estions In$e%
31 Een tho'gh the sit'ation #as not i$eal7 they $eci$e$ to make a go o2 things.
ans#er? )a* ma,e
32 She 2inally +egge$ him to make a moe in the ery long an$ tiresome chess game.
ans#er? )a* ma,e
33 3e #as so pro'$ o2 his car yester$ay +eca'se $'ring the race it did 260 ,m/hr.
ans#er? )$* $i$
34 She s'$$enly reali;e$ that she only ha$ a 2e# $ays le2t on her acation so she $eci$e$ to make the most o2 it.
ans#er? )a* ma,e
35 I-m not A'ite rea$y yet D I hae to d+ my hair.
ans#er? )+* $o
36 3is mother #as late +eca'se she made the +e$s +e2ore she le2t the ho'se.
ans#er? )c* ma$e
37 :o one ,no#s #hy he did those terri+le things in the past.
ans#er? )$* $i$
38 3e #as con2'se$ an$ co'l$n-t make 'p his min$ a+o't #hat to $o ne%t.
ans#er? )a* ma,e
39 /he teacher ha$ to make 'p a ne# sylla+'s +eca'se her ol$ #as o't$ate$.
ans#er? )a* ma,e
310 /hey made 'p A'ic,ly a2ter the silly arg'ment.
ans#er? )c* ma$e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 73 )"ns#er Jeys*
2hy Q$esti+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 2hi"h co'ntries hae a coastline on the 9e$iterranean Sea(
ans#er? )+* 1hich
32 2hat is meas're$ +y the >ichter Scale(
ans#er? )a* 1hat
33 2here $oes the #or$ Lalpha+etL come 2rom(
ans#er? )c* 1here
34 2h+ #as the 2irst man in space(
ans#er? )$* 1ho
35 2hat $oes :"/C stan$ 2or(
ans#er? )a* 1hat
36 2hat year $i$ 5rince &harles o2 Englan$ marry(
ans#er? )a* 1hat
37 2hen $i$ 1illiam Fe22erson &linton +ecome 5resi$ent o2 the Inite$ States(
ans#er? )a* 1hen
38 2hi"h &ari++ean islan$ $oes Sir 0iian >ichar$s come 2rom(
ans#er? )a* 1hich
39 2h+ #as the yo'ngest person to +e electe$ as 5resi$ent o2 the Inite$ States(
ans#er? )$* 1ho
310 2hat year $i$ the 2irst commercial aiation 2light ta,e place(
ans#er? )+* 1hat
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 74 )"ns#er Jeys*
2hile; d$ring and #+r
@'estions In$e%
31 9y 'ncle $ie$ d$ring the #ar.
ans#er? )+* $'ring
32 /he phone rang .hile I #as eating +r'nch.
ans#er? )a* #hile
33 I lie$ in 6enpasar #+r seeral years.
ans#er? )c* 2or
34 2hile I #as in Genea I ma$e lots o2 2rien$s.
ans#er? )a* 1hile
35 Bast #ee, I #as hel$ 'p #+r 2o'r ho'rs +eca'se o2 the tra22ic.
ans#er? )c* 2or
36 " salesman ,noc,e$ on o'r $oor .hile #e #ere #atching a moie.
ans#er? )a* #hile
37 I h'rt my leg d$ring the thir$ A'arter o2 the +as,et+all match.
ans#er? )+* $'ring
38 " game o2 r'g+y 's'ally lasts #+r eighty min'tes.
ans#er? )c* 2or
39 $ring my stay in hospital7 the n'rses loo,e$ a2ter me ery #ell.
ans#er? )+* 6'ring
310 I #as traeling thro'gh 9'm+ai #+r si% #ee,s last s'mmer.
ans#er? )c* 2or
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 75 )"ns#er Jeys*
a$:iliary !er-s< .as; did; ha!e
@'estions In$e%
31 /he 2light .as $elaye$ +eca'se o2 +a$ #eather.
ans#er? )a* #as
32 id yo' $o m'ch sightseeing #hen yo' #ere on acation in 9a$ri$(
ans#er? )c* 6i$
33 /hey .ere leaing 2or the airport #hen I last sa# them.
ans#er? )+* #ere
34 I had 2orgotten to set my alarm cloc,7 so I #as late 2or my train.
ans#er? )$* ha$
35 2as it raining #hen yo' le2t yo'r o22ice this a2ternoon(
ans#er? )a* 1as
36 /he employees .ere in2orme$ last night that their company #as going into receiership.
ans#er? )+* #ere
37 /he police locate$ the art #or, #hich had +een stolen 2rom the gallery.
ans#er? )$* ha$
38 /he 2ire .as ca'se$ +y an electrical pro+lem.
ans#er? )a* #as
39 She #as s'rprise$ that he ,ne# her name. She had neer met him +e2ore.
ans#er? )$* ha$
310 3o# many times .ere yo'r trael $oc'ments chec,e$ +e2ore yo' +oar$e$ the airplane(
ans#er? )+* #ere
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 76 )"ns#er Jeys*
prep+siti+ns +# time< #+r; ag+; sin"e; +n; at
@'estions In$e%
31 I gra$'ate$ 2rom college in 2002.
ans#er? )c* in
32 I li,e to go to +e$ at mi$night on Sat'r$ays.
ans#er? )$* at
33 3e migrate$ to Istan+'l 2ie years ag+&
ans#er? )+* ago
34 /he artist ha$ +een painting #+r t#o $eca$es +e2ore he sol$ his 2irst painting.
ans#er? )+* 2or
35 Sha,espeare #as +orn +n 23 "pril7 1564.
ans#er? )+* on
36 In E'rope a't'mn +egins in Septem+er.
ans#er? )a* in
37 1e al#ays eat a roast $inner +n &hristmas $ay.
ans#er? )+* on
38 3is pet anacon$a $ie$ 2ie months ag+ an$ he still misses it.
ans#er? )c* ago
39 I-e +een st'$ying Italian sin"e I #as 2ie years ol$.
ans#er? )+* since
310 /he chairman o2 the +oar$ has +een employe$ in the 2inance in$'stry sin"e 1984.
ans#er? )c* since
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 77 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+mm+n English phrases .ith prep+siti+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 I ha$ a crash yester$ay a2ternoon. <ort'nately I $i$n-t $o too m'ch $amage t+ my car.
ans#er? )$* to
32 Simon isn-t at school this #ee,. 3e-s +n acation.
ans#er? )c* on
33 1e-re o't +# co22ee. &o'l$ yo' please go the s'permar,et an$ pic, 'p some more.
ans#er? )c* o2
34 /his morning I receie$ a cheA'e in the mail #+r one tho'san$ $ollars.
ans#er? )+* 2or
35 4o'-re really annoying me. 4o'-re $oing it +n p'rpose7 aren-t yo'(
ans#er? )c* on
36 &an yo' tell the $i22erence -et.een +'tter an$ margarine(
ans#er? )c* +et#een
37 /here hae +een many complaints a-+$t yo'r +ehaior.
ans#er? )c* a+o't
38 /he tro'+le .ith my mother in la# is that she $oesn-t listen to any+o$y.
ans#er? )a* #ith
39 I-m tire$ o2 coo,ing eery night. Bet-s eat o't #+r a change.
ans#er? )+* 2or
310 3ae yo' got any photos +# yo'r girl2rien$(
ans#er? )c* o2
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 78 )"ns#er Jeys*
3rti"les in English Grammar
@'estions In$e%
31 I #ant to +'y a laptop comp'ter ne%t #ee,.
ans#er? )a* a
32 &an yo' please go to the grocery store on 2i2th street an$ +'y 2 cartons o2 mil,(
ans#er? )c* the
33 5lease meet me at the train station in an ho'r 2rom no#.
ans#er? )+* an
34 I li,e to #atch tennis on the teleision. It is a ery goo$ game.
ans#er? )a* a
35 9y +rother #on an a#ar$ 2or +eing the +est speller in o'r school.
ans#er? )c* the
36 3ello7 my name is =o+E I haen-t anything to $o tonight7 so i2 yo'-re not +'sy7 #o'l$ yo' li,e to #atch a moie
or something #ith me(
ans#er? )a* a
37 I co'l$n-t +eliee my eyes #hen I sa# an elephant crossing the roa$ in 2ront o2 my school yester$ay.
ans#er? )+* an
38 3o# m'ch #ill it cost to go on a holi$ay to =ali(
ans#er? )a* a
39 &an yo' please help me pic, o't a +irth$ay present 2or my 2ather(
ans#er? )a* a
310 The 5resi$ent o2 the Inite$ States #ill +e isiting "'stralia ne%t #ee,.
ans#er? )c* /he
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 79 )"ns#er Jeys*
a; s+me +r any
@'estions In$e%
31 1e nee$ a ,ilo o2 apples.
ans#er? )a* a
32 3ae yo' got any #ater(
ans#er? )c* any
33 /here-s a ne#spaper on the ta+le.
ans#er? )a* a
34 I-e got s+me sala$ san$#iches 2or my l'nch to$ay.
ans#er? )+* some
35 I haen-t got any tea. &an yo' go to the corner store an$ +'y some more(
ans#er? )c* any
36 3o# a+o't a c'p o2 co22ee(
ans#er? )a* a
37 /here are s+me grapes in the 2ri$ge.
ans#er? )+* some
38 Is there any orange 8'ice le2t in the 2ri$ge(
ans#er? )c* any
39 I nee$ s+me money to go shopping.
ans#er? )c* some
310 1e nee$ to +'y s+me +rea$ rolls i2 yo' #ant to ma,e hot$ogs 2or yo'r l'nch.
ans#er? )+* some
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 80 )"ns#er Jeys*
4nterr+gati!e pr+n+$ns
@'estions In$e%
31 2h+ is the girl in the +l'e $ress(
ans#er? )a* 1ho
32 2hat is the name o2 the team in re$(
ans#er? )a* 1hat
33 2h+ li,es to play pin+all at the arca$e(
ans#er? )a* 1ho
34 <or .h+m $i$ Shelia ma,e these coo,ies.
ans#er? )+* #hom
35 2hi"h o2 the names $i$ yo' choose 2or the p'ppy(
ans#er? )+* 1hich
36 2h+ complete$ the assignment(
ans#er? )+* 1ho
37 2h+Bs the highest ran,ing o22icial in the Inite$ States(
ans#er? )a* 1ho-s
38 /o .h+m $i$ 9ar, len$ his i$eo game(
ans#er? )c* #hom
39 2hi"h o2 the cars is par,e$ in the $rie#ay(
ans#er? )a* 1hich
310 /o .h+m sho'l$ the chec, +e ma$e paya+le(
ans#er? )c* #hom
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 81 )"ns#er Jeys*
0+ssessi!e pr+n+$ns
@'estions In$e%
31 9ia le2t her note+oo, on the +'s.
ans#er? )a* her
32 /he color2'l pict're o2 the 2lo#ers is mine&
ans#er? )c* mine
33 /he pro'$ parents +ro'ght home their ne# +a+y girl.
ans#er? )c* their
34 1ill str'mme$ his g'itar an$ inite$ eeryone to sing.
ans#er? )a* his
35 /he comp'ter A'ic,ly stores in2ormation on its h'ge memory.
ans#er? )c* its
36 /hese #arm chocolate chip coo,ies melt in y+$r mo'th.
ans#er? )+* yo'r
37 Is y+$r seat +elt al#ays 2astene$(
ans#er? )a* yo'r
38 /he 2l'22y +ro#n p'ppy is theirs&
ans#er? )c* theirs
39 'er han$ shot 'p #hen the teacher as,e$ 2or ol'nteers.
ans#er? )+* 3er
310 I $i$n-t get a cheese+'rger7 so I taste$ hers&
ans#er? )c* hers
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 82 )"ns#er Jeys*
0hrasal !er-s
@'estions In$e%
31 I-m sorry7 Fames isn-t in at the moment. &an I ta,e a message(
ans#er? )a* in
32 1e-e r'n +$t +# s'gar. &o'l$ yo' please +'y some more(
ans#er? )$* o't o2
33 I $on-t ,no# ho# yo' p$t $p #ith s'ch noisy +rothers. It #o'l$ $rie me cra;y.
ans#er? )a* p't 'p
34 4o'-e +orro#e$ s'ch a great $eal o2 money 2rom me lately. I nee$ to .+rk +$t e%actly ho# m'ch yo' o#e
ans#er? )c* #or, o't
35 &an yo' #ind +$t the time o2 the ne%t train to 9'nich(
ans#er? )c* 2in$ o't
36 /hat maths e%am #as incre$i+ly $i22ic'lt. It too, me ages to .+rk +$t some o2 the ans#ers.
ans#er? )c* #or, o't
37 I $on-t min$ helping yo' +a,e a ca,e7 +'t 8'st ma,e s're yo' p$t a.ay eerything #hen yo'-e 2inishe$.
ans#er? )+* p't a#ay
38 I-m +ro,e. I hae to "+me $p .ith an i$ea 2or ma,ing money.
ans#er? )$* come 'p #ith
39 C'r teacher tol$ 's to get +n .ith o'r #or, A'ietly.
ans#er? )a* get on #ith
310 /he goernment #ants to try +$t a ne# scheme to enco'rage people to start their o#n +'sinesses.
ans#er? )+* try o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 83 )"ns#er Jeys*
3gatha 1hristie test ?$esti+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 "gatha &hristie lie$ #ith her 2amily in Englan$.
ans#er? )a* her
32 "gatha &hristie didnBt hae a happy marriage.
ans#er? )+* $i$n-t
33 "gatha &hrisitie di!+r"ed her h's+an$ in 1930.
ans#er? )a* $iorce$
34 "gatha &hristie #as a ery s'ccess2'l #riter o2 $etectie st+ries&
ans#er? )c* stories
35 She disappeared 2or eleen $ays in 6ecem+er 1926.
ans#er? )+* $isappeare$
36 /he police 2o'n$ her empty 2lat +'t there #as no sign o2 "gatha &hristie.
ans#er? )a* empty
37 "gatha &hristie #rote more than 80 mysteries an$ sol$ +!er 300 million +oo,s.
ans#er? )c* oer
38 5eople all oer the #orl$ hae read "gatha &hristie-s stories.
ans#er? )c* rea$
39 "gatha &hristie $i$n-t tell any+ne #hy she $isappeare$ in 6ecem+er 1926.
ans#er? )+* anyone
310 "gatha &hristie #rote her 2irst $etectie story in 1920 an$ +ecame ery s$""ess#$l&
ans#er? )c* s'ccess2'l
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 84 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n9$n"ti+ns< and; -$t; +r; s+
@'estions In$e%
31 1e #ill isit "'stralia and :e# Mealan$ $'ring o'r ne%t acation.
ans#er? )a* an$
32 9y teeth #ere h'rting s+ I ma$e an appointment to go the $entist.
ans#er? )+* so
33 3ae yo' seen +r hear$ the latest m'sical +y "n$re# Bloy$ 1e++er(
ans#er? )c* or
34 I #ante$ to go to the roc, concert -$t all the tic,ets #ere alrea$y sol$ o't.
ans#er? )+* +'t
35 I #ante$ to eat s'shi 2or $inner s+ I #ent to a Fapanese resta'rant.
ans#er? )+* so
36 I #ante$ to eat 2ish 2or l'nch -$t the 2ish an$ chip shop ha$ close$ 2or the $ay.
ans#er? )+* +'t
37 I am going to $o my home#or, and ta,e a sho#er #hen I get home 2rom school.
ans#er? )a* an$
38 9y 2ather #ante$ to #atch a soccer match on teleision -$t my mother #as alrea$y #atching another
ans#er? )a* +'t
39 9y +rother #ante$ to +'y a noel s+ I #ent to the +oo, store a2ter I 2inishe$ #or,.
ans#er? )a* so
310 I #ante$ to isit my gran$mother last #ee, -$t she ha$ an acci$ent an$ ha$ to +e ta,en to hospital.
ans#er? )a* +'t
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 85 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+mp+$nd .+rds .ith t++th
@'estions In$e%
31 I 's'ally ta,e a t++th-r$sh to #or, so I can clean my teeth thoro'ghly a2ter I hae eaten my l'nch.
ans#er? )a* tooth+r'sh
32 9y #i2e hates it i2 I leae the li$ o22 the t++thpaste a2ter I hae 2inishe$ +r'shing my teeth.
ans#er? )+* toothpaste
33 It is ery $angero's 2or small chil$ren to play #ith t++th-r$shes&
ans#er? )a* tooth+r'shes
34 9y 2ather tol$ me that I #ill get a t++tha"he i2 I eat too m'ch chocolate.
ans#er? )+* toothache
35 L9'm7 can yo' please +'y me a ne# t++th-r$sh #hen yo' go the s'permar,et this a2ternoon(L
ans#er? )c* tooth+r'sh
36 /omorro# I m'st go the pharmacy an$ +'y some more t++thpaste&
ans#er? )a* toothpaste
37 9y $a'ghter #o,e 'p screaming in the mi$$le o2 the night +eca'se she ha$ a terri+le t++tha"he&
ans#er? )c* toothache
38 :ora as,e$ the #aiter to +ring her a t++thpi"k a2ter she ha$ 2inishe$ eating her $essert.
ans#er? )+* toothpic,
39 LI can-t seem to 2in$ the ne# t'+e o2 t++thpaste that I p'rchase$ 2rom the s'permar,et yester$ay.L
ans#er? )c* toothpaste
310 9y ol$ t++th-r$sh is loo,ing ery shaggy. I thin, it-s a+o't time to +'y a ne# one.
ans#er? )c* tooth+r'sh
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 86 )"ns#er Jeys*
)eginner Grammar Q$esti+ns Test 718
@'estions In$e%
31 I #on$er ho# many chil$ren are going on the school 2iel$ trip this month.
ans#er? )a* are
32 Eery morning7 I go to #or, -y car.
ans#er? )+* +y
33 6o yo' li,e s'shi( :o7 I d+nBt&
ans#er? )+* $on-t
34 3as anyone seen Ba'ra( 4s she "+ming to #or, to$ay(
ans#er? )a* Is she coming
35 I hope yo'-re haing a goo$ time. 2+$ld y+$ li,e some more tea(
ans#er? )c* 1o'l$ yo'
36 Bet-s hang o't later tonight. + y+$ #ant to come oer a2ter #or,(
ans#er? )+* 6o yo'
37 I #as o't #hen yo' calle$. I #ent to the store t+ +'y some mil,.
ans#er? )+* to
38 I haen-t tal,e$ to :icole recently. 1hen did yo' tal, to her last(
ans#er? )c* $i$
39 1e had a #on$er2'l time. /han,s 2or initing 's oer 2or $inner.
ans#er? )a* ha$
310 /he 2orecast isn-t goo$ 2or tomorro#. It-s g+ing to rain so $on-t 2orget to +ring yo'r 'm+rella.
ans#er? )+* going
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary leel ! 87 )"ns#er Jeys*
4rreg$lar ,er-s 718
@'estions In$e%
31 3ae yo' g+t yo'r tic,et 2or the concert on <ri$ay yet(
ans#er? )c* got
32 I hae gr+.n n'mero's plants in my gar$en this year.
ans#er? )+* gro#n
33 Ba'rie an$ /om le#t 2or the coast on 9on$ay morning.
ans#er? )c* le2t
34 &an yo' p$t the mirror on that #all7 please(
ans#er? )a* p't
35 /he +ri$esmai$s .+re +ea'ti2'l laen$erGcolore$ $resses at the #e$$inglast Sat'r$ay.
ans#er? )+* #ore
36 >ose t++k her son to his soccer practice. She sho'l$ +e +ac, shortly.
ans#er? )a* too,
37 Stein+ec, .r+te a n'm+er o2 memora+le noels an$ stories set in &ali2ornia.
ans#er? )c* #rote
38 "n$rea-s h's+an$ is a tr'c, $rier. 3e dri!es h'ge semiGtrailers 2or a liing.
ans#er? )+* $ries
39 "2ter loo,ing at a ariety o2 color palettes7 /ammy 2inally "h+se the color 2or her 2amily room #alls.
ans#er? )+* chose
310 B'ther has to -$y 2o'r ne# tires 2or his car. 3e #ants higher A'ality tires so they #ill last longer.
ans#er? )c* +'y
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 1 )"ns#er Jeys*
%ike a red rag
@'estions In$e%
31 6on-t tal, to him a+o't politics +eca'se it-s li,e a red rag to a +'ll.
ans#er? )c* re$
32 3e ta,es the optimistic ie# an$ tal,s a+o't a -l$e s,ies scenario.
ans#er? )+* +l'e
33 She hasn-t #or,e$ here ery long an$ is there2ore a little green on matters o2 proce$'re.
ans#er? )$* green
34 :o# that they hae rea$ it in -la"k and .hite7 they +eliee me.
ans#er? )$* +lac, an$ #hite
35 /he reason #hy I 2eel so -l$e to$ay is +eca'se it-s my +irth$ay an$ noGone has sent me any car$s.
ans#er? )+* +l'e
36 She lost the company a lot o2 money last #ee, an$ as a res'lt has got a -la"k mar, against her name.
ans#er? )$* +lac,
37 In this +'siness yo' cannot a22or$ to ma,e any mista,e an$ m'st +e seen to +e lily .hite&
ans#er? )c* #hite
38 "s they t'rne$ ro'n$ an$ ran a#ay7 people tho'ght they #ere yell+.&
ans#er? )$* yello#
39 "s, her to help yo' #ith yo'r calc'lations +eca'se she-s red hot at mathematics.
ans#er? )a* re$
310 I ,no# he $oesn-t li,e yo' +eca'se the moment yo' came in the room I sa# him gie yo' a -la"k loo,.
ans#er? )$* +lac,
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 2 )"ns#er Jeys*
4# y+$ tend t+ #+rget
@'estions In$e%
31 3e ten$s to 2orget things ery A'ic,ly an$ +ehaes more an$ more li,e the typical a-sentDminded pro2essor.
ans#er? )+* a+sentGmin$e$
32 /his is a ery e%pensie holi$ay inten$e$ 2or those #ith plenty o2 money as it inoles a trip ar+$nd the #orl$.
ans#er? )$* aro'n$
33 /he car is almost rea$y to collect 2rom the garage +'t there are 8'st a co'ple o2 spare parts missing.
ans#er? )a* parts
34 /hey #ere a""$sed o2 haing +ro,en into the stately home an$ stolen seeral 2amo's paintings.
ans#er? )c* acc'se$
35 /he one thing my 2amily #ill al#ays remem+er a+o't Grace #as the many a"ts o2 ,in$ness that she sho#e$
's in her long li2e.
ans#er? )+* acts
36 I2 yo' ha$ +o'ght a ho'se a+o't thirty years ago yo' #o'l$ certainly 2in$ that it ha$ consi$era+ly in"reased in
ans#er? )a* increase$
37 I2 yo'-re not care2'l yo'-ll 2in$ that +eca'se o2 yo'r genero's nat're7 she-ll start ta,ing ad!antage o2 yo'.
ans#er? )+* a$antage
38 /here-s a h'ge ad!ertisement in the local paper a+o't the special o22ers aaila+le in the store this #ee,en$.
ans#er? )$* a$ertisement
39 4o'-ll notice that as soon as the chil$ren come home 2rom school7 the $og #ill 8'mp 'p an$ sho# its great
a##e"ti+n 2or them.
ans#er? )+* a22ection
310 Sociologists maintain that some o2 the 2ilms on sho# to$ay hae create$ a generation o2 ery #rightened
ans#er? )a* 2rightene$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 3 )"ns#er Jeys*
Easy Q$esti+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 /here are no pro+lems 2or me +eca'se I 2in$ those A'estions ery easy&
ans#er? )a* easy
32 "re yo' going a-r+ad 2or yo'r holi$ays this year(
ans#er? )c* a+roa$
33 /hey praised him 2or his +rae actions.
ans#er? )a* praise$
34 3e is ery l'c,y to hae got himsel2 a pl$m 8o+.
ans#er? )$* pl'm
35 /hey es"aped 2rom the 2ire 'nh'rt.
ans#er? )+* escape$
36 "2ter t#o rings o2 the +ell she s'$$enly appeared in the $oor#ay.
ans#er? )c* appeare$
37 She neer spo,e a+o't hersel2 an$ #as al#ays ery m+dest a+o't the goo$ things she ha$ $one.
ans#er? )a* mo$est
38 3e has lots o2 money an$ +.ns t#o ho'ses in the city.
ans#er? )+* o#ns
39 Cne o2 that chil$-s teeth is ery l++se an$ #ill soon 2all o't.
ans#er? )$* loose
310 /hey #or,e$ har$ all $ay #itho't a -reak&
ans#er? )a* +rea,
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 4 )"ns#er Jeys*
+; make; get; take
@'estions In$e%
31 4o' m'st $eci$e an$ make 'p yo'r min$.
ans#er? )c* ma,e
32 1hat time $o yo' get 'p in the morning(
ans#er? )+* get
33 "t the moment #e are trying to make 2or the to#n centre.
ans#er? )c* ma,e
34 "2ter they ha$ sho'te$ at each other7 they $eci$e$ to make it 'p.
ans#er? )c* ma,e
35 /hey are ery goo$ 2rien$s an$ get on #ell #ith each other.
ans#er? )+* get
36 /he 2irm has e%pan$e$ an$ they #ant to take on e%tra sta22.
ans#er? )$* ta,e
37 She-s goo$ at #riting stories 2or chil$ren an$ is al#ays ,een to make 'p ne# plots.
ans#er? )c* ma,e
38 "s #e $on-t hae m'ch money at the moment7 #e-e $eci$e$ to d+ #itho't certain l'%'ries.
ans#er? )a* $o
39 1e m'stn-t +e late this morning +eca'se to$ay is #hen the ne# +oss is going to take oer.
ans#er? )$* ta,e
310 9ost o2 the telephone lines #ere $estroye$ in the storm last night an$ so it-s almost impossi+le to get thro'gh
to any+o$y to$ay.
ans#er? )+* get
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 5 )"ns#er Jeys*
The (armer and his S+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 " 2armer ha$ t#o sons +oth o2 #hom #ere not ery ind$stri+$s an$ aoi$e$ #or, i2 they co'l$.
ans#er? )+* in$'strio's
32 Cne $ay the 2ather ,ne# that he #as $ying an$ calle$ his t#o sons to his +e$ side&
ans#er? )$* si$e
33 3e #ante$ his sons to pay as m'ch attenti+n to the c'ltiation o2 the 2arm as he ha$ $one many years.
ans#er? )c* attention
34 3e tol$ them that there #as a hidden treas're in the lan$ an$ they #o'l$ hae to loo, 2or it #hen he ha$
ans#er? )+* hi$$en
35 3e tol$ them that they #o'l$ 2in$ it in one o2 his 3 ine yards +'t he $i$n-t tell them #hich one it #as.
ans#er? )a* yar$s
36 /he sons ass're$ their 2ather that they #o'l$ #or, har$ to seek o't the treas're.
ans#er? )c* see,
37 "s soon as their 2ather ha$ $ie$ an$ +een -$ried7 the sons too, o't all their 2arming tools an$ starte$ to $ig
the lan$.
ans#er? )$* +'rie$
38 /hey #or,e$ really har$ an$ $'g eery single s?$are metre o2 their 2ather-s lan$.
ans#er? )+* sA'are
39 3o#eer long they $'g an$ ho#eer har$ they #or,e$7 they #ailed to 2in$ the smallest +it o2 treas're.
ans#er? )$* 2aile$
310 &learly their 2ather ha$ +een a #ise man +eca'se all the #or, the sons ha$ $one on the lan$ ens're$ that
they ha$ the +est "r+p 2or years.
ans#er? )c* crop
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 6 )"ns#er Jeys*
3 '+liday /ep+rt
@'estions In$e%
31 4ester$ay I .ent to an archeological site +eca'se I #ant to +e an archeologist.
ans#er? )+* #ent
32 /he pro+lems I hae .ith the lang'age are to $o #ith spelling.
ans#er? )c* #ith
33 I2 I #ant to pass my e%ams7 I m$st st'$y ery har$.
ans#er? )+* m'st
34 /he .+rst thing o2 all $i22ic'lties in a lang'age is oca+'lary.
ans#er? )a* #orst
35 I hae +een learning English 2or 5 years.
ans#er? )c* learning
36 1hen #e #al,e$ into the school7 #e sa# that the st'$ents #ere #or,ing ery hard&
ans#er? )+* har$
37 9ost people $on-t #ant to st'$y Batin +eca'se it is a dead lang'age.
ans#er? )c* $ea$
38 I-e 2orgotten the name o2 my teacher +'t I thin, it is something li,e Smith&
ans#er? )+* Smith
39 1hat is the name o2 the thing yo' p't tea into(
ans#er? )+* thing
310 I g+t a lot o2 presents 2or my +irth$ay.
ans#er? )a* got
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 7 )"ns#er Jeys*
G+ing +n #++t
@'estions In$e%
31 I-m tire$ o2 #aiting 2or +'ses7 I-m going there +n 2oot.
ans#er? )+* on
32 1ho sai$ gro#ing 'p #as #$n5
ans#er? )a* 2'n
33 I2 yo' #ant to hae yo'r central heating chec,e$7 yo' nee$ a trained pl'm+er.
ans#er? )+* traine$
34 /he moment the lights #ent o't7 there #ere scences o2 pani"&
ans#er? )$* panic
35 6on-t +e p't +## +y his manner7 he is really ,in$ hearte$.
ans#er? )c* o22
36 1hen a 2ilm is really +oring in the cinema7 I ten$ to no$ +##&
ans#er? )+* o22
37 3ae yo' hear$ the latest( Fohn an$ 9ary are getting marrie$.
ans#er? )a* getting
38 "s she ha$ ma$e s'ch an impression on her employers7 she #as soon o22ere$ pr+m+ti+n&
ans#er? )c* promotion
39 /here-s a ne# so2t#are program on the mar,et that-s s'ppose$ to protect yo'r comp'ter 2rom any !ir$s&
ans#er? )a* ir's
310 "s they al#ays tell yo' the al'e o2 shares can go d+.n as #ell as 'p.
ans#er? )c* $o#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 8 )"ns#er Jeys*
Say !s& Tell
@'estions In$e%
31 I $are say yo'-re right.
ans#er? )$* say
32 I-e t+ld yo' not to $o that many times +e2ore.
ans#er? )a* tol$
33 /hat said7 they #al,e$ o't o2 the room in total silence.
ans#er? )+* sai$
34 4o' sho'l$n-t ta,e any notice o2 that +eca'se it-s only hearsay&
ans#er? )$* say
35 /hat-s #hat people are al#ays saying&
ans#er? )$* saying
36 1hat I say an$ #hat I $o are not necessarily the same.
ans#er? )c* say
37 It-s no goo$ trying to pers'a$e me +eca'se I-m not saying a #or$.
ans#er? )+* saying
38 :o# that #o'l$ +e telling +'t my lips are seale$.
ans#er? )c* telling
39 Tell 's that story againE
ans#er? )+* /ell
310 I-m a2rai$ I can-t say 2or s're +'t I thin, it-s sa2e.
ans#er? )c* say
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 9 )"ns#er Jeys*
1l+se !s& Sh$t
@'estions In$e%
31 In the interest o2 sa2ety the main ale on the machine ha$ to +e sh$t o22.
ans#er? )$* sh't
32 In the "l+sing moments o2 the symphony someone-s mo+ile phone starte$ ringing.
ans#er? )+* closing
33 /he $etecties ha$ no pro+lems in soling the crimes as it #as clearly an open an$ sh$t case.
ans#er? )c* sh't
34 /he police o22icer #arne$ 's that the roa$ ahea$ #as "l+sed&
ans#er? )$* close$
35 In ie# o2 the limite$ amo'nt o2 in2ormation an$ ei$ence the case #as no# consi$ere$ to +e "l+sed&
ans#er? )+* close$
36 Eerything in that shop is no# ery cheap +eca'se they are haing a "l+sing $o#n sale.
ans#er? )$* closing
37 "2ter a n'm+er o2 years as a mon, he $eci$e$ to leae +eca'se he 2elt ery sh$t in.
ans#er? )a* sh't
38 "2ter the terri+le e%periences that they ha$ +een thro'gh7 the co'ple sh$t themseles a#ay 2rom the
ans#er? )a* sh't
39 /he ne# m'sical that has ha$ s'ch +a$ reie#s #ill "l+se at the en$ o2 this #ee,.
ans#er? )a* close
310 I-m a2rai$ that tree #ill hae to come $o#n as it sh$ts o't the light in the sitting room.
ans#er? )$* sh'ts
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 10 )"ns#er Jeys*
3t the /esta$rant
@'estions In$e%
31 /he 2oo$ here is A'ite goo$ altho'gh the men' is A'ite -asi"&
ans#er? )+* +asic
32 I m'st a$mit that #heneer I-e eaten at that resta'rant7 I-e al#ays come a#ay 2eeling "+mpletely satis2ie$.
ans#er? )a* completely
33 I promise yo' that $ining here #ill +e really an e:"iting e%perience 2or yo'.
ans#er? )c* e%citing
34 /here-s something a+o't the #la!+$r o2 that partic'lar $ish that ma,es it memora+le.
ans#er? )a* 2lao'r
35 It can +e ery irritating #hen the #aiter #+rgets to +ring #hat yo' hae or$ere$.
ans#er? )+* 2orgets
36 I2 yo'-re really intereste$7 I-m s're the che2 #ill tell yo' the ingredients o2 that $ish.
ans#er? )a* ingre$ients
37 "s they-re special patr+ns o2 the resta'rant7 they al#ays get a goo$ ta+le.
ans#er? )c* patrons
38 1e got ery +a$ serice to$ay an$ ha$ to remind the #aiter three times a+o't the $rin,s.
ans#er? )$* remin$
39 1e simply $i$n-t ,no# #hat to choose 2or o'r main $ish so in the en$ #e ma$e a rand+m choice.
ans#er? )a* ran$om
310 /he resta'rant #as liste$ in the g'i$e as it ha$ +een 9$dged to +e o2 the appropriate stan$ar$.
ans#er? )$* 8'$ge$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 11 )"ns#er Jeys*
3t the Theatre
@'estions In$e%
31 It #as one o2 those plays #here the a"ti+n moe$ at great spee$.
ans#er? )$* action
32 /here are $i22erent #ays o2 appr+a"hing Sha,espeare-s plays an$ each $irector ma,es an in$ii$'al choice.
ans#er? )c* approaching
33 Cne o2 the greatest actors o2 the cent'ry "reated an 'n2orgetta+le character in the part o2 Scrooge 2rom the
noel +y &harles 6ic,ens.
ans#er? )$* create$
34 9any people go to the theatre not to see a play #here the plot is complicate$ +'t to listen to the +rilliant
dial+g$e +et#een the actors.
ans#er? )a* $ialog'e
35 4o' can-t compare the e:perien"e o2 #atching lie theatre #ith #atching a 2ilm.
ans#er? )+* e%perience
36 "re yo' one o2 those people #ho neer goes to see a play 'ntil yo'-e rea$ the re!ie.s in the ne#spaper(
ans#er? )+* reie#s
37 /he a$dien"e #ere so carrie$ a#ay #ith the acting that at the en$ o2 the play they all stoo$ 'p an$ appla'$e$.
ans#er? )$* a'$ience
38 /here are al#ays special elements in her trage$ies that moe yo' to tears.
ans#er? )+* elements
39 3o#eer #ell #ritten the play is7 it #ill neer s'ccee$ #itho't o'tstan$ing per#+rmers&
ans#er? )a* per2ormers
310 "s al#ays his latest play has +een a h'ge s'ccess an$ all the tic,ets are s+ld +$t 'ntil "'g'st.
ans#er? )c* sol$ o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 12 )"ns#er Jeys*
0+p$lar 4di+ms
@'estions In$e%
31 Bightning neer stri,es in the same place t.i"e&
ans#er? )+* t#ice
32 I2 yo' #atch a ,ettle7 it neer -+ils&
ans#er? )c* +oils
33 Boo, +e2ore yo' leap&
ans#er? )a* leap
34 6on-t co'nt yo'r chic,ens +e2ore they are hat"hed&
ans#er? )c* hatche$
35 It-s all right to tell a .hite lie.
ans#er? )+* #hite
36 /here-s no 2ool li,e an +ld 2ool.
ans#er? )$* ol$
37 Bet sleeping $ogs lie.
ans#er? )a* sleeping
38 Stri,e #hile the iron is h+t&
ans#er? )c* hot
39 5oliteness costs n+thing&
ans#er? )$* nothing
310 :eer loo, a gi2t horse in the m+$th&
ans#er? )a* mo'th
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 13 )"ns#er Jeys*
0+p$lar Garden 4di+ms
@'estions In$e%
31 :eer let the grass gro# 'n$er yo'r 2eet.
ans#er? )+* grass
32 /he grass is al#ays greener on the other si$e.
ans#er? )c* greener
33 Eerything is coming 'p r+ses&
ans#er? )a* roses
34 5oor 9ary #as a +it o2 a .all#l+.er at the $ance.
ans#er? )c* #all2lo#er
35 3e le$ her 'p the gar$en path&
ans#er? )a* path
36 Eerything in the garden is loely.
ans#er? )$* gar$en
37 9oney $oesn-t gro# on trees&
ans#er? )c* trees
38 " +ir$ in the han$s is #orth t.+ in the +'sh.
ans#er? )c* t#o
39 &ome to the point an$ stop +eating a+o't the -$sh&
ans#er? )$* +'sh
310 6on-t tr'st him7 he-s a +it o2 a sna,e in the grass&
ans#er? )a* grass
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 14 )"ns#er Jeys*
Eating 6$t
@'estions In$e%
31 "s there are so many $ishes on the men'7 #o'l$ yo' li,e me to s$ggest something to eat(
ans#er? )+* s'ggest
32 /hey simply co'l$n-t $eci$e #hich resta'rant to choose an$ so in the en$ they too, a ote an$ the ma9+rity
$eci$e$ on a &hinese one.
ans#er? )c* ma8ority
33 1e #aite$ one ho'r 2or the main $ish to arri!e an$ then it #as the #rong or$er.
ans#er? )a* arrie
34 I2 yo' really #ant to en8oy the 2'll 2lao'r o2 that partic'lar meal7 yo' m'st remem+er to mi: the right +alance
o2 sa'ces together.
ans#er? )$* mi%
35 It is al#ays more rela%ing to eat in a resta'rant #here the 2aces o2 the sta22 are #amiliar an$ ,no# eeryone +y
ans#er? )+* 2amiliar
36 /here #as a great $isc'ssion a+o't #hich partic'lar type o2 c'isine the g'ests #o'l$ choose an$ 2inally they
reache$ a "+mpr+mise an$ settle$ on the set men'.
ans#er? )c* compromise
37 It $oesn-t matter ho# late yo' arrie at this resta'rant yo' can al#ays rely on a #arm #elcome 2rom the
ans#er? )c* rely
38 /he place #as so 2'll o2 people an$ ta+les that the #aiter ha$ to g$ide 's thro'gh the cro#$s to o'r ta+le.
ans#er? )+* g'i$e
39 /he pro+lem a+o't #riting on 2oo$ is that ho#eer har$ yo' try7 yo' #ill say #hat yo' li,e an$ en$ 'p +eing
ans#er? )a* s'+8ectie
310 /he s'ccess o2 a really goo$ meal is that not only m'st it taste goo$ +'t it sho'l$ also loo, goo$ an$ th's
appeal to yo'r eye.
ans#er? )+* appeal
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 15 )"ns#er Jeys*
'+t and 1+ld
@'estions In$e%
31 I-e 8'st receie$ his latest $etectie noel 2rom the p'+lisher so it-s #hat yo' might call hot +## the press.
ans#er? )$* o22
32 4o' can neer tell e%actly #hat she is thin,ing +eca'se she ery o2ten -l+.s hot an$ col$ oer some topics.
ans#er? )a* +lo#s
33 "ltho'gh I-$ ma$e 'p my min$ to $o it last night no# I-m not s're an$ am getting col$ #eet a+o't it.
ans#er? )+* 2eet
34 /hey li,e to thin, they-re ery important people +'t politicians 8'st tal, a lot o2 hot air most o2 the time.
ans#er? )c* air
35 Since the arg'ment #e-e ha$ a+o't the gar$en he$ge7 o'r neigh+o'rs ta,e no notice o2 's an$ gie 's the
col$ sh+$lder #hen they see 's.
ans#er? )+* sho'l$er
36 "s soon as the presi$ent #as ta,en ill7 the $ep'ty ha$ to ta,e charge an$ is c'rrently in the hot seat no#.
ans#er? )a* seat
37 /he acc'se$ #as sentence$ to li2e imprisonment a2ter it ha$ +een esta+lishe$ that he ha$ committe$ the
m'r$er in col$ -l++d&
ans#er? )c* +loo$
38 I or$ere$ a co22ee 2rom the #aiter +'t +y the time it ha$ reache$ me it #as st+ne col$.
ans#er? )a* stone
39 /he police hae set 'p a special hot line so that people can get in to'ch to 2in$ o't a+o't the acci$ent.
ans#er? )+* line
310 3e-s al#ays ery 'neasy li,e a cat on hot -ri"ks #heneer he is #aiting to hear the res'lts o2 the
ans#er? )a* +ric,s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 16 )"ns#er Jeys*
3 1+llisi+n< (inish this St+ry
@'estions In$e%
31 I really can-t tell #hat-s g+ing +n&
ans#er? )a* going on
32 /he tro'+le is some+o$y is standing in #r+nt +# me&
ans#er? )c* stan$ing in 2ront o2 me
33 /he +est thing I s'ppose is to as, him t+ m+!e&
ans#er? )c* to moe
34 /hat-s +etter I-e got a clearer !ie. n+.&
ans#er? )+* ie# no#
35 It loo,s 2rom #hat I can see as i2 there-s +een some ,in$ o2 "+llisi+n&
ans#er? )a* collision
36 4es7 no# he-s gone I can see that there are t#o cars in the car par, that hae g+ne int+ +ne an+ther&
ans#er? )c* gone into one another
37 /here are a lot o2 people there in the car par, an$ they-re .a!ing their arms a-+$t&
ans#er? )+* #aing their arms a+o't
38 I-m #al,ing right 'p to the cro#$ no# to see .hatBs happend&
ans#er? )c* #hat-s happene$
39 :o# I can see A'ite clearly that the +ig re$ car has str$"k the little -l$e +ne&
ans#er? )+* str'c, the little +l'e one
310 Ch $ear I-e 8'st $iscoere$ that the little +l'e one -el+ngs t+ me&
ans#er? )a* +elongs to me
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 17 )"ns#er Jeys*
2ill +r Shall5
@'estions In$e%
31 6o yo' ,no# the $i22erence -et.een .ill and shall5
ans#er? )a* +et#een #ill an$ shall
32 I can see 2rom the e%pression on yo'r 2ace that yo' haen-t g+t a "l$e&
ans#er? )c* got a cl'e
33 I thin, the +est #ay is to tell yo' a story that e:plains the di##eren"e&
ans#er? )+* e%plains the $i22erence
34 /he main $i22erence is that -I #ill- means B4 .ant t+B&
ans#er? )a* means -I #ant to-
35 I2 yo' say -I shall- then yo' are tal,ing a-+$t the #$t$re&
ans#er? )+* a+o't the 2't're
36 I #ant yo' to imagine that a man is #al,ing in the "+$ntry&
ans#er? )a* in the co'ntry
37 "2ter a 2e# min'tes he rea"hes a ri!er&
ans#er? )$* reaches a rier
38 /here is a man in the rier 2'lly clothe$ #ho is in di##i"$lties&
ans#er? )c* in $i22ic'lties
39 /he man in the rier ,eeps "alling +$t B4 .ill dr+.n; 4 .ill dr+.nB&
ans#er? )+* calling o't -I #ill $ro#n7 I #ill $ro#n-
310 /he man on the rier +an,7 #ho is goo$ at grammar7 thin,s the man really #ants to $ro#n7 #al,s on an$ lets
him dr+.n&
ans#er? )c* lets him $ro#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 18 )"ns#er Jeys*
The t.+ )$tter (r+gs
@'estions In$e%
31 " long7 long time ago there #ere t#o 2rogs #ho tho'ght it #o'l$ +e a goo$ i$ea to g+ +n an +$ting&
ans#er? )a* go on an o'ting
32 /hey ha$ neer le2t their pon$ +e2ore an$ to them it #as a ery +ig ad!ent$re&
ans#er? )c* a$ent're
33 "t 2irst they thoro'ghly en8oye$ themseles an$ 2or the 2irst time in their lies e%perience$ a sense +# #reed+m&
ans#er? )$* a sense o2 2ree$om
34 /he #eather #as per2ect an$ the s'n neer st+pped shining&
ans#er? )c* stoppe$ shining
35 /hey 2o'n$ plenty o2 2oo$ an$ $eci$e$ to stop an$ take a rest&
ans#er? )+* ta,e a rest
36 In the hot s'n they starte$ to 2eel sleepy an$ ery soon #ell asleep&
ans#er? )c* 2ell asleep
37 S'$$enly the so'n$ o2 a cat meo#ing made them .ake $p&
ans#er? )$* ma$e them #a,e 'p
38 /hey panic,e$ an$ #led #+r their li!es&
ans#er? )+* 2le$ 2or their lies
39 /hey ran into a 2arm ho'se an$ 8'mpe$ right into a +arrel o2 mil, #here they h+pped and h+pped in +rder n+t
t+ sink&
ans#er? )a* hoppe$ an$ hoppe$ in or$er not to sin,
310 Sa$ly the smaller 2rog gre# tire$ an$ $ro#ne$ +'t the ol$er one ,ept on moing a+o't an$ in the morning
#+$nd he .as sitting +n a -arrel +# -$tter&
ans#er? )c* 2o'n$ he #as sitting on a +arrel o2 +'tter
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 19 )"ns#er Jeys*
1r+ss Q$esti+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 Fane? 6i$ yo' ,no# yo' +ro,e the glass #hen yo' slammed the $oor last night(
ans#er? )c* slamme$
32 <ran,? It co'l$n-t possi+ly hae +een me I al#ays sh't $oors ?$ietly&
ans#er? )$* A'ietly
33 Fane? I-m sorry yo'-re not telling the tr'th7 yo' #ere the last person to "+me h+me&
ans#er? )a* come home
34 9i,e? /hat $oesn-t proe anything. "ct'ally I hear$ the so'n$ o2 glass -reaking in the night.
ans#er? )c* +rea,ing
35 Fane? 4o'-re 8'st ma,ing that 'p D I ,no# yo'-re not telling the tr$th&
ans#er? )$* telling the tr'th
36 9i,e? 3onestly7 I $i$ hear that ,in$ o2 noise7 I s.ear 4 did&
ans#er? )a* s#ear I $i$
37 Fane? Sorry yo' can protest i2 yo' li,e +'t it $oesn-t "$t any i"e .ith me&
ans#er? )+* c't any ice #ith me
38 9i,e? F'st a min'te #hat-s that note st$"k +n the d++r5
ans#er? )$* st'c, on the $oor
39 Fane? It-s some ,in$ o2 note 2rom Foe ne%t $oor D no I "anBt make it +$t&
ans#er? )a* can-t ma,e it o't
310 9i,e? Gie it to me. 0ery interestingE 3e says he +ro,e the glass +y acci$ent an$ heBs deeply ap+l+geti"&
ans#er? )+* he-s $eeply apologetic
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 20 )"ns#er Jeys*
%ea!e me al+ne
@'estions In$e%
31 "lan? E%c'se me interr$pting +'t #hat are yo' $oing(
ans#er? )c* interr'pting
32 Iser? I sho'l$ hae tho'ght is #as pretty +-!i+$s&
ans#er? )a* o+io's
33 "lan? 1ell7 I only as,e$ D there-s no nee$ to +ite my head o22E
ans#er? )+* hea$
34 Iser? Sorry I $i$n-t mean to +e r'$e +'t I-m trying to "+n"entrate&
ans#er? )c* concentrate
35 "lan? I see an$ #hat is the task yo' are #or,ing on(
ans#er? )+* tas,
36 Iser? I-m #or,ing on those #am+$s English tests7 #hich I 2in$ ery interesting.
ans#er? )c* 2amo's
37 "lan? Ch7 yes I-e hear$ o2 them. 6o they help yo' #ith yo'r English(
ans#er? )c* help
38 Iser? 4es7 they #o'l$ $o i2 yo' $i$n-t persist in as,ing A'estions.
ans#er? )+* persist
39 "lan? I2 that-s ho# yo' 2eel7 I-ll leae yo' al+ne&
ans#er? )c* alone
310 Iser? 1hat an e%cellent i$eaE Beae me in pea"e an$ go an$ #rite another test.
ans#er? )$* peace
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 21 )"ns#er Jeys*
2hat n+.5
@'estions In$e%
31 6i$ yo' hear the story a+o't the #oman #ho sai$ she co'l$ tell the #$t$re5
ans#er? )+* 2't're
32 I hope yo' haen-t +eca'se I-m a+o't to relate it to yo' no#.
ans#er? )c* relate
33 3er name #as 9ary Smith an$ she ha$ a rep$tati+n 2or telling people #hat #as going to happen.
ans#er? )+* rep'tation
34 Some+o$y once 'se$ her a$ice an$ ma$e a #+rt$ne o't o2 +'ying shares in a small company that $i$ #ell.
ans#er? )c* 2ort'ne
35 /he strange thing #as that she neer act'ally 'se$ her gi#t to +ene2it hersel2.
ans#er? )+* gi2t
36 5eople starte$ to +e s$spi"i+$s o2 her an$ tho'ght that perhaps she ha$ a secret so'rce o2 in2ormation.
ans#er? )$* s'spicio's
37 Some others #ante$ to try an$ "at"h her o't an$ proe that she $i$n-t hae this special a+ility.
ans#er? )c* catch
38 /he plan #as to preten$ to -$rgle her ho'se late one night an$ see i2 she #as really any goo$ at ,no#ing it
#as going to happen.
ans#er? )+* +'rgle
39 9i,e "n$re#s7 #hose i$ea it #as7 inten$e$ to gie eerything +ac, +'t he 8'st #ante$ to test her a+ility.
ans#er? )c* test
310 "s 9r "n$re#s #as a+o't to leae he 2o'n$ a note pinne$ to his $oor. It #as 2rom 9ary Smith a$ising him to
+e care2'l +eca'se she has 8'st +o'ght a #er+"i+$s yo'ng g'ar$ $og.
ans#er? )+* 2erocio's
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 22 )"ns#er Jeys*
2rapped r+$nd her #inger
@'estions In$e%
31 I can-t st+ma"h those silly people #ho al#ays go aro'n$ #ith their mo+ile phones gl'e$ to their ears.
ans#er? )c* stomach
32 I2 yo' thin, I $i$n-t catch yo' eying that yo'ng #aitress7 yo'-re A'ite mista,en.
ans#er? )$* eying
33 3e is s'ch a co#ar$ +eca'se #heneer it comes to spea,ing his min$ he al#ays -a"ks $o#n instea$.
ans#er? )a* +ac,s
34 &ome on7 sha,e a leg #e-re r'nning late.
ans#er? )c* leg
35 6on-t yo' thin, it-s a+o't time yo' p't yo'r #++t $o#n an$ tol$ them #hat yo' really thin,(
ans#er? )$* 2oot
36 1ell7 'n2ort'nately as I ha$ one glass too many last night7 I g'ess I sho'l$ go 2or a hair o2 the $og.
ans#er? )+* a hair
37 "s she-s s'ch a nasty little thing7 I can see it #on-t ta,e her long to #rap yo' ro'n$ her little #inger&
ans#er? )c* 2inger
38 &o'l$ yo' please gie me a hand I-m a2rai$ I can-t han$le it +y mysel2.
ans#er? )c* han$
39 "re yo' s're yo'r ne# +oss isn-t marrie$( D 4es7 honestly7 I hae it straight 2rom the horse-s m+$th&
ans#er? )+* mo'th
310 3ey7 get 'p an$ $o yo'r home#or, yo' la;y -+nes&
ans#er? )a* +ones
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 23 )"ns#er Jeys*
The 3nts and the Grassh+pper
@'estions In$e%
31 Cne #inter-s $ay #hen the s'n #as shining yo' co'l$ hear the s+$nd o2 great actiity.
ans#er? )+* so'n$
32 1hat yo' co'l$ hear #as the ants #ho #ere -$sy $rying grain.
ans#er? )c* +'sy
33 Sensi+ly as all ants $o7 they ha$ "+lle"ted the grain $'ring the s'mmer.
ans#er? )$* collecte$
34 /heir plan #as to eat this pr+!isi+n $'ring the #inter.
ans#er? )a* proision
35 /hey #ere so engr+ssed in their #or, that they $i$n-t notice a grasshopper.
ans#er? )+* engrosse$
36 /he grasshopper #as so #ea, he #as practically star!ing +eca'se he ha$n-t eaten 2or ages.
ans#er? )c* staring
37 3e sa# the ants an$ -egged them #ith all the strength he co'l$ 2in$ to let him hae a little 2oo$.
ans#er? )a* +egge$
38 /he ants shoo, their hea$s at him an$ as,e$ him #hy he ha$n-t st+red 'p 2oo$ in the s'mmer.
ans#er? )+* store$
39 /he poor grasshopper "+n#essed he ha$ spent the #hole s'mmer en8oying himsel2 singing an$ $ancing.
ans#er? )+* con2esse$
310 "ll the ants la'ghe$ an$ sai$ in that case he #o'l$ hae to $ance #amished to +e$ in the #inter.
ans#er? )$* 2amishe$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 24 )"ns#er Jeys*
The T.+ +gs
@'estions In$e%
31 " man ha$ t#o $ogs? a ho'n$ trained to help him #ith his sports an$ another to g'ar$ the ho'se.
ans#er? )a* traine$
32 1heneer the h'nter came home7 he al#ays gae the ho'se $og a large p+rti+n o2 #hat he ca'ght.
ans#er? )c* portion
33 /he ho'n$ $og #as ery $pset a+o't this.
ans#er? )$* 'pset
34 3e tol$ the ho'se $og he 2o'n$ it ery ann+ying haing to $o all the har$ #or,.
ans#er? )+* annoying
35 1hat ma$e things #orse7 he contin'e$7 #as that the ho'se $og neer t++k part in any o2 the h'nting.
ans#er? )c* too,
36 "ll the ho'se $og $i$ #as simply to 2ee$ himsel2 on the res'lts o2 the e:erti+ns that the ho'n$ $og 'n$ertoo,.
ans#er? )a* e%ertions
37 /he ho'se $og 2elt he ha$ to de#end himsel2 in the 2ace o2 all this criticism.
ans#er? )c* $e2en$
38 /he ho'se $og as,e$ him not to pic, on him i2 he #ante$ to -lame someone.
ans#er? )+* +lame
39 /he ho'se $og tol$ him to critici;e their master #ho ha$ ta'ght him not ho# to #or, +'t ho# to depend on the
#or, o2 others.
ans#er? )$* $epen$
310 /he moral o2 this 2a+le is? yo' m'stn-t repr+a"h chil$ren 2or the mista,es o2 their parents.
ans#er? )a* reproach
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 25 )"ns#er Jeys*
The 'are and the T+rt+ise
@'estions In$e%
31 Cne $ay a hare loo,e$ at a tortoise an$ ridi"$led the short 2eet o2 the tortoise.
ans#er? )+* ri$ic'le$
32 3e also ma$e #$n o2 the slo# pace at #hich the tortoise traelle$.
ans#er? )a* 2'n
33 /he tortoise agree$ that the hare ran as 2ast as the #in$ +'t claime$ that he co'l$ easily -eat him in a race.
ans#er? )c* +eat
34 It #as agreed that the tortoise sho'l$ choose the co'rse an$ also the en$ o2 the race.
ans#er? )$* agree$
35 /he tortoise neer stoppe$ an$ contin'e$ #al,ing at a steady pace all the time to the en$ o2 the race.
ans#er? )c* stea$y
36 /he hare shot ahea$ an$ then $eci$e$ to lie $o#n at the si$e o2 the path 2or a rest.
ans#er? )+* lie
37 It #asn-t long +e2ore the hare 2ell into a deep sleep.
ans#er? )c* $eep
38 1hen he #o,e 'p7 he co'l$n-t -elie!e his eyes +eca'se there #as the tortoise crossing the 2inishing line.
ans#er? )+* +eliee
39 "t the en$ o2 the race the tortoise7 e:ha$sted +y all his har$ #or,7 #as A'ietly sl'm+ering on the line.
ans#er? )c* e%ha'ste$
310 /he moral o2 this 2a+le is? slo# +'t s$re al#ays #ins the race in the en$.
ans#er? )a* s're
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 26 )"ns#er Jeys*
2h+ has d+ne it5
@'estions In$e%
31 /he $etectie story is sometimes calle$ -#ho$'nit- +eca'se the rea$er has to #or, +$t #ho $i$ it7 #ho
committe$ the crime.
ans#er? )+* o't
32 /he s,ill o2 co'rse o2 the #riting is ho# many times a rea$er can +e sent 'p -lind alleys.
ans#er? )c* +lin$
33 "nother #ay o2 p'tting this is ho# many re$ herrings the a'thor can thro# in the rea$er-s path.
ans#er? )$* herrings
34 /he i$ea is to ,eep the rea$ers in a permanent state o2 s$spense so that they neer ,no# #hat-s going to
happen ne%t.
ans#er? )a* s'spense
35 "s the plot $n#+lds7 yo' 2in$ yo'rsel2 agreeing #ith one character-s sol'tion an$ then another-s.
ans#er? )+* 'n2ol$s
36 "s a res'lt yo' 2eel as i2 yo' are #al,ing in a maEe since at each t'rning yo' come to a +loc, en$.
ans#er? )c* ma;e
37 Cne o2 the +est ,no#n $etecties is "gatha &hristie-s 3erc'le 5oirot #ho 'ses #hat he calls his little grey
"ells D his +rains.
ans#er? )+* cells
38 Inaria+ly 5oirots calls all the s$spe"ts together in the last part o2 the story.
ans#er? )$* s'spects
39 Cne +y one he eliminates the innocent 'ntil 2inally the m'r$erer is 'nmas,e$.
ans#er? )c* eliminates
310 /he thing that al#ays s'rprises me is the 2act that the m'r$erer +others to ta,e part in the 2inal meeting.
ans#er? )+* part
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 27 )"ns#er Jeys*
%i#e +n *ars5
@'estions In$e%
31 "nyone see,ing e!iden"e o2 li2e on 9ars is li,ely to +e $isappointe$.
ans#er? )+* ei$ence
32 Scientists hae +een "+m-ing thro'gh $ata 2rom an or+iting satellite.
ans#er? )a* com+ing
33 It seems that 9ars has al#ays +een col$ an$ icy an$ that it-s not tr'e that oceans hae #+rmed on the planet
in its early history.
ans#er? )$* 2orme$
34 /his t.ist in the li2e on 9ars arg'ment comes 8'st #hen it is closest to Earth in 60.000 years.
ans#er? )+* t#ist
35 =eca'se it is coming so close o+serers are hoping to settle the arg'ment a+o't li2e on the planet once an$
2or all&
ans#er? )c* all
36 " spacecra2t is hea$ing 2or the planet #ith a $eice that #ill -$rr+. into the soil to sni22 2or proo2 o2 any li2e.
ans#er? )c* +'rro#
37 >esearchers are also loo,ing into the possi+ility o2 one $ay la'nching a manne$ missi+n to 9ars.
ans#er? )+* mission
38 "s the planet gets nearer to the S'n7 enormo's $'st storms can +e #hippe$ $p&
ans#er? )$* 'p
39 In2ort'nately the $'st storms ten$ to +-s"$re the ie# o2 the planet.
ans#er? )+* o+sc're
310 Eeryone hopes that 9ars #ill remain $'st 2ree other#ise people #ill only +e a+le to see an orange -l+-&
ans#er? )c* +lo+
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 28 )"ns#er Jeys*
St+ry 718
@'estions In$e%
31 9ost st'$ents hae to try an$ earn e%tra money +y ta,ing a holi$ay 8o+. /hey t'rn aside #r+m their st'$ies an$
e%perience the real #orl$ 2or a #hile.
ans#er? )c* asi$e 2rom
32 Cne long hot s'mmer I t'rne$ t+ #aiting as my metho$ o2 getting cash.
ans#er? )+* to
33 5erhaps I sho'l$ t'rn that #or$ -#aiting- int+ a more speci2ic e%planation? I mean +eing a #aiter in a hotel.
ans#er? )c* into
34 I ha$ o2 co'rse t'rne$ my han$ t+ many 8o+s $'ring the acation perio$s +'t #aiting #as certainly the most
ans#er? )a* to
35 /he one hotel that ha$n-t t'rne$ d+.n my application #as sit'ate$ right in the mi$$le o2 a 2orest.
ans#er? )+* $o#n
36 4o' t'rne$ int+ the $rie an$ sa# only hills all aro'n$ yo' so it 2elt li,e the mi$$le o2 no#here.
ans#er? )$* into
37 It ha$ +een a ery large priate ho'se that ha$ +een t'rne$ int+ a small hotel 2or t#entyG2ie g'ests.
ans#er? )c* into
38 /he ne# o#ners ha$ ha$ to t'rn +$t all the rooms #hich #ere 2'll o2 r'++ish.
ans#er? )$* o't
39 /he other pro+lem ha$ +een to t'rn +$t an ol$ tramp #ho ha$ lie$ in a room 'pstairs 2or t#o years #itho't
the ,no#le$ge o2 the ol$ la$y #ho #as the original o#ner.
ans#er? )a* o't
310 /he tramp t'rne$ +$t to +e a $istant relatie +'t ha$n-t sai$ anything to the ol$ la$y +eca'se he ,ne# she #as
completely $ea2.
ans#er? )+* o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 29 )"ns#er Jeys*
St+ry 728
@'estions In$e%
31 1hen I t'rne$ $p 2or #or, on my 2irst $ay7 the hotel ha$ alrea$y +een 2lo'rishing 2or 5 years.
ans#er? )+* 'p
32 /hey #ere so s'ccess2'l that they #ere een t'rning d+.n +oo,ings.
ans#er? )$* $o#n
33 In 2act they #ere act'ally t'rning a.ay people.
ans#er? )a* a#ay
34 Some people ha$ t'rne$ $p on the o22 chance.
ans#er? )+* 'p
35 9ost o2 the resi$ents #ere el$erly an$ so they all inaria+ly t'rne$ in early most eenings.
ans#er? )c* in
36 /he #aiting #as $one +y me an$ 6oris7 #ho sho'l$ hae t'rne$ it in years ago an$ +y rights hae +een a
g'est hersel2 +eca'se o2 the great age.
ans#er? )$* in
37 3o#eer7 as she tol$ me 2reA'ently7 she ha$ no intention o2 t'rning int+ an ol$ 2ogey hersel2.
ans#er? )c* into
38 I s'ppose +rea,2ast is the most $i22ic'lt tas, to t'rn yo'r han$ t+ +eca'se there are so many ariations o2
$rin,7 cereal7 egg an$ +rea$.
ans#er? )+* to
39 4o' ha$ to stan$ there 2or ages #hile each g'est ma$e 'p their min$7 t'rning +!er the choices in their min$s.
ans#er? )+* oer
310 "2ter a long #ait li,e that ery o2ten they #o'l$ simply t'rn d+.n eerything an$ simply as, 2or a c'p o2 tea.
ans#er? )a* $o#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 30 )"ns#er Jeys*
St+ry 738
@'estions In$e%
31 Cne morning an ol$ la$y t'rne$ $p at the $ining room an$ sat $o#n.
ans#er? )+* 'p
32 She sni22e$ at the air 2'll o2 +rea,2ast smells7 got 'p7 t'rne$ ar+$nd an$ #al,e$ o't again.
ans#er? )$* aro'n$
33 "pparently she ha$ completely 2orgotten that she-$ alrea$y eaten +rea,2ast that $ay. I t'rne$ aside to hi$e my
ans#er? )$* asi$e
34 In2ort'nately 6oris ca'ght me at it. -6on-t yo' t'rn yo'r nose $p at the ol$ $ears-7 she re+',e$ me.
ans#er? )a* 'p
35 -4o'-ll +e li,e that one $ay- she contin'e$7 F'st yo' #ait-. I t'rne$ -a"k to apologi;e.
ans#er? )+* +ac,
36 Sa$ly 6oris ha$ alrea$y t'rne$ her +ac, +n me an$ gone +ac, to the ,itchen.
ans#er? )c* on
37 She rather t'rne$ against me a2ter that.
ans#er? )+* against
38 /hese $ays I #ish I co'l$ t'rn the cloc, -a"k an$ tell 6oris ho# right she #asE
ans#er? )$* +ac,
39 4o' see I-e 8'st t'rne$ all the lights +$t rea$y 2or the night.
ans#er? )a* o't
310 I-m no# rea$y to t'rn in 2or the night +'t the #orrying thing is I 8'st can-t remem+er #hat I ha$ 2or s'pper.
ans#er? )c* in
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 31 )"ns#er Jeys*
G+ #+r it
@'estions In$e%
31 I-m sorry that loo,s a#2'l D those t#o colo'rs "lash&
ans#er? )c* clash
32 "2ter #hat yo'-e e:perien"ed7 I-m s're yo' nee$ a holi$ay.
ans#er? )$* e%perience$
33 1e #on-t dis"$ss that no# +'t I $on-t thin, #e can aoi$ the s'+8ect m'ch longer.
ans#er? )a* $isc'ss
34 4 d+nBt think m$"h +# him no# that I-e hear$ #hat he has $one to his 2amily.
ans#er? )$* I $on-t thin, m'ch o2 him
35 9y a$ice to yo' is to ma,e yo'r min$ 'p +e2ore it-s too late an$ simply take the +pp+rt$nity n+.&
ans#er? )c* ta,e the opport'nity no#
36 I-m a2rai$ yo'-e le2t that 2oo$ too long o't o2 the 2ri$ge an$ no# it-s -e"+me r+tten&
ans#er? )+* +ecome rotten
37 /here #ere so many mem+ers o2 the political party #ho ha$ +pp+sed the lea$er that he resigne$.
ans#er? )$* oppose$
38 6on-t #ait 2or me +eca'se I can-t come yet so yo' g+ -e#+re me an$ I-ll 8oin yo' later.
ans#er? )a* go +e2ore me
39 I2 petrol prices in"rease any more7 I shall hae to 'se a +icycle.
ans#er? )c* increase
310 I-m sorry I interr'pte$ yo'7 please "+ntin$e 2rom #here I so r'$ely stoppe$ yo'.
ans#er? )a* contin'e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 32 )"ns#er Jeys*
Eating is+rder
@'estions In$e%
31 George /'rnip #as a highly respecte$ egetarian +'t the press #ere ma,ing serio's allegati+ns a+o't him.
ans#er? )$* allegations
32 George $enie$ eerything an$ sai$ he #o'l$ s$e any ne#spaper #hich $are$ to print stories a+o't him.
ans#er? )c* s'e
33 George ha$ a ery #ell pai$ contract #ith a teleision a$ertiser o2 gar$en peas an$ he $i$n-t #ant to 2all o't
.ith the company.
ans#er? )+* #ith
34 /he contract state$ that he #o'l$ neer eat any meat .hats+e!er&
ans#er? )a* #hatsoeer
35 1hereer George #ent7 8o'rnalists #o'l$ 2ollo# him to try an$ 2in$ a #ay to e:p+se him.
ans#er? )c* e%pose
36 Een in his o#n ho'se he #as not sa2e +eca'se cameras #o'l$ spy on him.
ans#er? )a* spy
37 Cnce he #as photographe$ eating in his $ining room an$ the caption rea$? -" pict're o2 a #ra$d eating
ans#er? )$* 2ra'$
38 "s it t'rne$ o't these #ere not sa'sages +'t in 2act ery +ig carrots an$ the photographer ha$ to pay
enormo's damages&
ans#er? )c* $amages
39 In the en$ the press're +ecame too m'ch 2or George an$ he con2esse$ his g$ilty secret.
ans#er? )+* g'ilty
310 3e a$mitte$ eating a meat pie eery $ay. "s the ne#s hea$lines anno'nce$? -)+g$s egetarian eats his o#n
ans#er? )a* =og's
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 33 )"ns#er Jeys*
Sa!e the ay
@'estions In$e%
31 I $on-t care #hat yo' say7 I rec,on I co'l$ +eat yo' at chess any $ay o2 the #ee,.
ans#er? )+* any
32 "t the end o2 the $ay it-s #hat yo' +eliee in that-s important.
ans#er? )$* en$
33 It-s getting late no# an$ I-m ery tire$ so I thin, #e-ll "all it a $ay.
ans#er? )c* call
34 "2ter all the $isc'ssions an$ $e+ates it #as o'r spea,er #ho .+n the $ay.
ans#er? )+* #on
35 It 8'st $i$n-t stop raining thro'gho't o'r holi$ay7 $ay in $ay +$t&
ans#er? )$* o't
36 6on-t #orry yo'r +a$ l'c, #ill soon en$. >emem+er eery d+g has its $ay.
ans#er? )a* $og
37 "2ter a ery long engagement 9i,e an$ 9ary $eci$e$ at last to name the $ay.
ans#er? )c* name
38 It #asn-t long ago #hen I last sa# her D it #as only the +ther $ay.
ans#er? )$* other
39 I $on-t ,no# e%actly #hen #e-ll go +'t #e really m'st isit them one o2 these $ays.
ans#er? )+* these
310 6espite all the pro+lems an$ $i22ic'lties &harlie t'rne$ 'p at last min'te an$ sa!ed the $ay.
ans#er? )c* sae$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 34 )"ns#er Jeys*
@es; @es; @es
@'estions In$e%
31 I am s're yo' ma$e the right choice an$ I .h+lly s'pport yo'r $ecision.
ans#er? )$* #holly
32 4o' can rely on me7 hae no 2ear a+o't thatE
ans#er? )+* rely
33 :o matter #hat happens7 yo' m'st remem+er that I-m .ith yo' all the #ay.
ans#er? )c* #ith
34 I ,no# that they hae all a+an$one$ yo' one +y one +'t I hope yo' #on-t 2orget I-e st$"k +y yo' 2rom the
ans#er? )$* st'c,
35 I am conince$ yo' are a-s+l$tely right to ta,e that action an$ sho'l$ ignore any opposition.
ans#er? )a* a+sol'tely
36 1hen it comes to the ote7 yo' can "+$nt on me to s'pport yo'.
ans#er? )+* co'nt
37 Een i2 things get $i22ic'lt7 I #ill not .a!er or hesitate to stan$ 'p 2or yo'.
ans#er? )c* #aer
38 3e #as $elighte$ that she ha$n-t t$rned him $o#n #hen he propose$ to her.
ans#er? )+* t'rne$
39 /he +an, manager smile$ an$ anno'nce$ that his application 2or a loan ha$ +een appr+!ed&
ans#er? )a* approe$
310 /he pair o2 yo' hae my -lessing an$ I hope yo' hae a happy marriage together.
ans#er? )c* +lessing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 35 )"ns#er Jeys*
+ y+$ mind5
@'estions In$e%
31 She #as slo#ly going +$t +# her min$ #ith #orry 'ntil she hear$ her $a'ghter #as sa2e an$ #ell.
ans#er? )c* o't o2
32 I $o thin, yo' sho'l$ -ear this in min$ +e2ore yo' serio'sly thin, a+o't changing 8o+s.
ans#er? )$* +ear
33 I-$ honestly neer hear$ s'ch an o'tstan$ing per2ormance o2 that symphony D it simply -le. my min$.
ans#er? )a* +le#
34 /he police o22icer as,e$ him #hy he ha$n-t reporte$ the matter earlier an$ he sai$ simply that it ha$ neer
"r+ssed his min$.
ans#er? )+* crosse$
35 I-m incline$ to gie her a pie"e o2 my min$ consi$ering all the tro'+le she has ca'se$ this month.
ans#er? )c* piece
36 It-s clear as they say that great min$s thin, alike +eca'se #e hae +oth come to e%actly the same concl'sion.
ans#er? )$* ali,e
37 3e has a one tra"k min$ as all he eer tal,s a+o't is money7 money7 money.
ans#er? )a* trac,
38 I 8'st can-t $eci$e #hether to go on holi$ay this #ee, or later in the year. I-m really in t.+ min$s a+o't it.
ans#er? )c* t#o
39 /here7 I ,ne# there #as something I ha$ to $o to$ay an$ no# it-s completely slipped my min$.
ans#er? )$* slippe$
310 I trie$ to sho# an interest in her 2't're career +'t she simply tol$ me to min$ my o#n -$siness&
ans#er? )+* +'siness
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 36 )"ns#er Jeys*
G++d )ye
@'estions In$e%
31 1hy $i$n-t yo' t$rn 'p 2or #or, yester$ay(
ans#er? )+* t'rn
32 /o +e honest I #as 2eeling a +it r$n $o#n.
ans#er? )$* r'n
33 1ell7 I $on-t thin, that-s a ery goo$ reason an$ yo' m'st "+me 'p #ith a +etter e%planation.
ans#er? )a* come
34 I-m sorry I-m not s're I can p$t it across any +etter.
ans#er? )+* p't
35 :o#7 I m'st insist as yo'r s'perisor i2 yo' really #ant to get on in yo'r career7 yo' m'st tell me the tr'th.
ans#er? )c* get
36 "ll right I gi!e 'p7 I-ll tell yo' the tr'th.
ans#er? )$* gie
37 :o#7 yo'-re +eing sensi+le D "arry on.
ans#er? )c* carry
38 1ell7 I #on-t make 'p any more e%c'ses. I #asn-t here yester$ay +eca'se I #ent to a 2oot+all match.
ans#er? )a* ma,e
39 /han, yo' 2or yo'r honesty. :o# pi"k 'p that piece o2 paper.
ans#er? )c* pic,
310 >ight. 1hat-s this( Ch no7 yo'-re thr+.ing me o't o2 the 2irm.
ans#er? )+* thro#ing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 37 )"ns#er Jeys*
Aeeping it Q$iet
@'estions In$e%
31 "s it #as ery late #hen he came home he #as as A'iet as a m+$se in or$er not to #a,e any+o$y 'p.
ans#er? )+* mo'se
32 "s she #as on a ery $angero's mission 2or the goernment she ha$ to ,eep m$m a+o't #hat she $i$ 2or a
ans#er? )$* m'm
33 /here #ere lots o2 r'mo'rs a+o't #hat the son ha$ $one +'t as it #as a ery #ealthy 2amily the 2ather trie$
ery har$ to h$sh eerything 'p.
ans#er? )+* h'sh
34 I2 yo' #ant me to say nothing a+o't it7 I promise that i2 any+o$y as,s then my lips are sealed&
ans#er? )$* seale$
35 "s 2ar as I-m concerne$ to +e a#ay 2rom tra22ic7 phones an$ ra$ios on holi$ay is per2ect +liss +eca'se to me
silence is g+lden&
ans#er? )a* gol$en
36 /he soGcalle$ silent ma8ority are the ast n'm+er o2 people #ho $on-t act'ally go o't on the street an$ protest.
ans#er? )c* silent
37 /he hall #as 2'll o2 people an%io's to hear #hat the spea,er #as going to say an$ in the 2e# secon$s +e2ore
he starte$ it #as so A'iet yo' co'l$ hear a pin $rop.
ans#er? )a* pin
38 /he resc'ers trie$ $esperately to listen o't 2or people trappe$ in the #rec,age +'t sa$ly the cries o2 those
trappe$ #ere ina$di-le&
ans#er? )$* ina'$i+le
39 /he illagers complaine$ a+o't the noise 2rom the $aily +ell ringing practice 2rom the ch'rch an$ as,e$ i2 it
co'l$ someho# +e m$##led&
ans#er? )c* m'22le$
310 In ie# o2 the em+arrassment that might +e ca'se$ i2 the story came o't7 she promise$ not to -reathe a #or$
a+o't it.
ans#er? )+* +reathe
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 38 )"ns#er Jeys*
3 1rying Shame
@'estions In$e%
31 It-s no goo$ #orrying a+o't that no# +eca'se the $amage is $one an$ it-s no goo$ crying oer spille$ milk&
ans#er? )$* mil,
32 It really is a crying shame that a2ter all that money has +een spent7 the pro8ect is no# +eing a+an$one$.
ans#er? )+* shame
33 "s a chil$ she #o'l$ +'rst into tears at eery pro+lem an$ so she soon got ,no#n as a reg'lar "ry-a-y at
ans#er? )c* cry+a+y
34 It really #as a large an$ spacio's gar$en +'t it crie$ o't #+r something colo'r2'l to +e plante$.
ans#er? )a* 2or
35 1e ha$ great hopes o2 +eing a+le to inite the $isting'ishe$ #riter to o'r meeting +'t he crie$ +## at the last
ans#er? )$* o22
36 <or crying o't l+$d ho# many times $o I hae to tell yo' ho# to #or, that machine(
ans#er? )+* lo'$
37 I-m all in 2ao'r o2 am+ition +'t I thin, #hen he says he-ll +e a millionaire +y the time he-s 257 he-s simply
crying 2or the m++n&
ans#er? )$* moon
38 /he tro'+le is that he-s crie$ .+l# so o2ten that no# he-s in real tro'+le7 no+o$y +eliees him.
ans#er? )a* #ol2
39 George is no# 70 an$ he rec,ons that #or,ing con$itions 2or the aerage o22ice cler, to$ay are a #ar cry 2rom
#hen he 2irst starte$ #or,.
ans#er? )c* 2ar
310 /here #as a noisy cro#$ o2 a+o't a $o;en people in #$ll cry chasing a2ter the chil$ #ho-$ stolen an apple 2rom
the 2r'it mar,et.
ans#er? )+* 2'll
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 39 )"ns#er Jeys*
Speaking< 3t the Theatre
@'estions In$e%
31 Ba$ies an$ gentlemen7 I #ant to than, yo' 2or yo'r appre"iati+n o2 o'r per2ormance.
ans#er? )+* appreciation
32 1e hae $one this play many times in $i22erent to#ns +'t yo'r appla$se has +een the greatest so 2ar.
ans#er? )$* appla'se
33 1e #ill al#ays remem+er the #ay yo' stoo$ 'p an$ "lapped at some o2 the speeches in the play.
ans#er? )a* clappe$
34 C'r lea$ing actor is 'na+le to come on the stage at the moment +eca'se he is +!er"+me #ith emotion.
ans#er? )c* oercome
35 6on-t #orry I-m s're it-s only temp+rary an$ that he-ll soon recoer +e2ore the ne%t per2ormance.
ans#er? )+* temporary
36 /hat is the reason #hy I am stan$ing here an$ ma,ing this short spee"h&
ans#er? )$* speech
37 /he lea$ing la$y is also a+sent 2rom o'r stage an$ yo' can pro+a+ly hear her s+--ing her heart o't as I
ans#er? )a* so++ing
38 I thin, that the main reas+n 2or all this emotion is pro+a+ly the #ay yo' hae reacte$ to the play.
ans#er? )+* reason
39 4o' see thro'gho't o'r "$rrent season #e hae neer receie$ so m'ch la'ghter as #e hae 2rom yo'.
ans#er? )c* c'rrent
310 /he reason 2or this is possi+ly that yo' tho'ght it #as a "+medy +'t in 2act it is a trage$y.
ans#er? )+* come$y
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 40 )"ns#er Jeys*
Speaking< 3t the S$permarket
@'estions In$e%
31 1ill the $rier o2 the +l'e <or$ <iesta N4M 343 please m+!e their car.
ans#er? )+* moe
32 /he reason 2or this is that the <iesta is pre!enting o'r $eliery lorry 2rom leaing the premises.
ans#er? )c* preenting
33 1e as, the +.ner o2 this ehicle to go +ac, to their car as soon as possi+le an$ par, their car in another
ans#er? )$* o#ner
34 /his is a c'stomer ann+$n"ement. 1e hae a special o22er at the moment on +ananas.
ans#er? )+* anno'ncement
35 <or the ne%t ho'r it #ill +e possi+le to +'y 8'st one -$n"h o2 +ananas an$ get one more 2ree.
ans#er? )a* +'nch
36 <'rther to o'r re?$est 2or the <or$ <iesta to +e repar,e$7 this matter is no# ery 'rgent. C'r lorry cannot get
ans#er? )c* reA'est
37 1e hae to in2orm o'r c'stomers that the store #ill +e closing in hal2 an ho'r-s time&
ans#er? )+* time
38 1e #o'l$ li,e to remind o'r c'stomers that oer the &hristmas perio$ #e #ill +e closing an ho'r earlier than
ans#er? )$* remin$
39 /here are no# only ten min'tes remaining 2or yo' to ma,e yo'r p$r"hases an$ go to the chec,o't.
ans#er? )a* p'rchases
310 " 2inal message 2or the $rier o2 the <or$ <iesta? there is no nee$ no# to repar, as o'r $eliery lorry has $one
that 2or yo'E
ans#er? )+* message
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 41 )"ns#er Jeys*
Speaking< 3t the Stati+n
@'estions In$e%
31 /he train no# standing at the plat2orm 6 is the 10.45 2or Bon$on.
ans#er? )+* stan$ing
32 In2ort'nately it is no# 11 o-cloc, an$ so there is a delay o2 15 min'tes alrea$y.
ans#er? )$* $elay
33 /he train at plat2orm 14 cannot leae +eca'se there is a po#er #ail$re on that partic'lar line...
ans#er? )a* 2ail're
34 /he train 2or Bon$on at plat2orm 6 is still there an$ is not e:pe"ted to leae 2or at least 20 min'tes.
ans#er? )+* e%pecte$
35 /he small ca2e sit'ate$ near plat2orm 6 is no# +##ering 2ree c'ps o2 tea to those #aiting 2or the Bon$on train.
ans#er? )c* o22ering
36 Seere storms last night together #ith heay rain2all means that some o2 the lines o2 the station are no#
ans#er? )a* #aterlogge$
37 1e tho'ght 2or a moment that the 10.45 2or Bon$on might +e a+o't to catch 2ire +'t it #as a #alse alarm.
ans#er? )+* 2alse
38 /his is a general notice 2or all passengers? the resta'rant in the main "+n"+$rse is no# open.
ans#er? )c* conco'rse
39 /here #as in 2act a small 2ire in the train on plat2orm 6 +'t #e-re gla$ to tell yo' that the 2lames hae +een
ans#er? )$* e%ting'ishe$
310 1e regret to anno'nce that the 10.45 2or Bon$on is no# o't o2 serice +eca'se the $rier is haing a nero's
ans#er? )a* +rea,$o#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 42 )"ns#er Jeys*
Speaking< The )r+ad"ast
@'estions In$e%
31 1elcome to >a$io :e#s an$ no# oer to o'r rep+rter #ho-s coering the procession this morning.
ans#er? )+* reporter
32 3i listeners7 I sho'l$ e%plain that I hae a -irdBs eye ie# o2 this magni2icent sight as the para$e passes
'n$erneath me.
ans#er? )c* +ir$-s
33 /o tell yo' the tr'th I sho'l$n-t +e per"hed 'p here on top o2 this large stat'e o2 <iel$ 9arshal Smith.
ans#er? )$* perche$
34 /here is a long line o2 sol$iers on horse+ac, marching to the so'n$ o2 a -rass +an$.
ans#er? )+* +rass
35 It really is A'ite 'ncom2orta+le 'p here an$ there-s a policeman staring at me7 #hich I $on-t li,e.
ans#er? )c* staring
36 "2ter the sol$iers I can see a gro'p o2 circ's per#+rmers #ho are 8'mping an$ $ancing as they go.
ans#er? )$* per2ormers
37 :e%t I can see some pensioners slo#ly moing along the roa$ an$ some can-t #al, an$ are in .heel"hairs&
ans#er? )c* #heelchairs
38 /hat policeman is getting o't his n+te-++k an$ #al,ing near the stat'e I-m sitting on.
ans#er? )a* note+oo,
39 It has starte$ to rain an$ I shall get s+aked to the s,in i2 I stay m'ch longer 'p here.
ans#er? )$* soa,e$
310 Ch $ear7 listeners7 I shall hae to ret'rn yo' to the st'$io +eca'se the policeman says he is going to arrest
ans#er? )+* arrest
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 43 )"ns#er Jeys*
Speaking< The 2edding
@'estions In$e%
31 Ba$ies an$ gentlemen it is a ery great priilege 2or me to +e as,e$ to ma,e a speech a+o't the +ri$e an$ her
ans#er? )$* groom
32 I hae ,no#n Sally an$ 5a'l since #e #ere at school t+gether&
ans#er? )+* together
33 9ost people consi$ere$ that they #ere made 2or each other een in those $ays.
ans#er? )c* ma$e
34 /he other st'$ents $escri+e$ them as >omeo an$ F'liet an$ 'se$ to ma,e 2'n o2 them +ehin$ their -a"ks&
ans#er? )$* +ac,s
35 :either o2 them #as at all deterred +y this sort o2 +ehaio'r as they 8'st gre# 2on$er o2 each other.
ans#er? )a* $eterre$
36 /he teachers ha$ a s+#t spot 2or them too an$ #ere sympathetic i2 there #as any tro'+le +et#een them.
ans#er? )c* so2t
37 /hen they +oth le2t school an$ +oth starte$ #or,ing7 as yo' can imagine7 2or the same company.
ans#er? )+* imagine
38 1hen the anno'ncement #as ma$e a+o't their engagement7 there #as a +ig cele+ration.
ans#er? )c* engagement
39 :o one #as s'rprise$ +eca'se eeryone too, it 2or granted that one $ay they #o'l$ marry.
ans#er? )$* grante$
310 9in$ yo' I #as s'rprise$ +eca'se yo' see I 2in$ it A'ite $n-elie!a-le #hy on earth she $i$n-t marry me.
ans#er? )a* 'n+eliea+le
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 44 )"ns#er Jeys*
Speaking< 0+liti"al 0arty
@'estions In$e%
31 <ello# citi;ens I am hono're$ to +e in!ited to spea, to yo' tonight a+o't my party.
ans#er? )$* inite$
32 "s yo' pro+a+ly ,no# the /ranA'illity 5arty stan$s 2or peace an$ ?$iet in the co'ntrysi$e.
ans#er? )+* A'iet
33 In o'r p'+licity7 'nli,e o'r political +pp+nents7 #e $o not ma,e a lot o2 noise a+o't o'r policies.
ans#er? )c* opponents
34 1e #ant people to lie in harmony #ith each other an$ to settle disp$tes amica+ly.
ans#er? )$* $isp'tes
35 4o' may +e intereste$ to ,no# that #e are hol$ing a rally in the centre o2 o'r to#n this #ee,en$.
ans#er? )a* rally
36 :at'rally all the parti"ipants are reA'este$ to +e as peace2'l as possi+le an$ a+oe all not to sho't.
ans#er? )+* participants
37 "t the moment #e are trying ery har$ to increase o'r mem+ership #hich presently stan$s at 500.
ans#er? )c* presently
38 3dmittedly this is a ery small 2ig're in comparison #ith the other ma8or political parties.
ans#er? )+* "$mitte$ly
39 ='t then yo' all hae t'rne$ $p tonight an$ that proes there is gro#ing interest in o'r i$eals.
ans#er? )c* 'p
310 In spite o2 the terri+le #eather yo' hae come along tonight7 la$ies an$ gentlemen7 an$ I sho'l$ li,e to than,
all 2o'r o2 yo' 2or coming.
ans#er? )a* spite
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 45 )"ns#er Jeys*
@'estions In$e%
31 3er latest 2ilm attained its o+8ect in a ery short space o2 time7 #hich #as to shoc,.
ans#er? )c* attaine$
32 /he critics "+ntin$e to praise the #or, o2 this $irector #hateer 2ilms he ma,es.
ans#er? )+* contin'e
33 /he 2ilm #as the 2irst to sho# con$itions in #hich poor people lie$ an$ as s'ch #as to in#l$en"e 2't're
ans#er? )a* in2l'ence
34 /he only reason 2or them going to the cinema on that $ay #as to 2in$ some 2orm o2 entertainment&
ans#er? )$* entertainment
35 /he $irector-s intention in ma,ing the 2ilm #as to try an$ represent simplicity as seen +y a chil$.
ans#er? )c* represent
36 /he 2ans o'tsi$e the cinema on the 2irst sho#ing o2 the 2ilm #ere 'n#illing to disperse 'ntil all the stars ha$
gone home.
ans#er? )$* $isperse
37 /he $elay in releasing the 2ilm to the general p'+lic #as +eca'se certain scenes #ere consi$ere$ tasteless.
ans#er? )c* releasing
38 /he theme o2 the secon$ 2ilm is A'ite simply a "+ntin$ati+n o2 the 2irst.
ans#er? )+* contin'ation
39 In the ma,ing o2 the 2ilm the $irection is A'ite separate 2rom the 2inancing o2 the pro8ect.
ans#er? )a* separate
310 0ery o2ten someone #ill gie a des"ripti+n o2 a 2ilm an$ #hen yo' see it 2or yo'rsel27 it-s A'ite $i22erent.
ans#er? )$* $escription
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 46 )"ns#er Jeys*
%+ts +# St$##
@'estions In$e%
31 5ersonally I $on-t +eliee a #or$ o2 it an$ i2 yo' #ant my opinion I thin, it-s all st'22 an$ n+nsense&
ans#er? )c* nonsense
32 4o' ,no# the ,in$ o2 things politicians tal, a+o't? health care7 e$'cation7 #el2are an$ st'22 like that.
ans#er? )$* li,e
33 3e-$ care2'lly aoi$e$ haing any alcohol 'ntil he #as t#entyG2ie an$ then he ha$ a small $rop o2 the hard
ans#er? )a* har$
34 4o' sho'l$n-t really hae any $i22ic'lties #ith the #or, they-re $oing as it-s ery +asic in 2act yo' co'l$ call it
kidsB st'22.
ans#er? )c* ,i$s-
35 It-s A'ite clear she-s st'$ie$ the s'+8ect ery thoro'ghly an$ #hen she lect're$7 yo' co'l$ tell she kne. her
ans#er? )a* ,ne#
36 :o# remem+er #hen yo' get 'p to spea,7 #e-re all relying on yo' to impress eeryone an$ #e e%pect yo' to
d+ yo'r st'22.
ans#er? )$* $o
37 It-s ery $i22ic'lt to ma,e him en8oy himsel27 rela% an$ ta,e it easy +eca'se he al#ays +ehaes li,e a st'22e$
ans#er? )+* shirt
38 ThatBs the st'22E I #ant to hear it lo'$ an$ clear an$ as m'ch o2 it as yo' can manage. 1ell $oneE
ans#er? )c* /hat-s
39 I2 yo' really #ant to lose #eight7 the only #ay is to eat less an$ stop st'22ing yo'r #a"e eery 2ie min'tesE
ans#er? )+* 2ace
310 It came as a great shoc, to him #hen he hear$ the ne#s an$ A'ite kn+"ked the st'22ing o't o2 him 2or $ays.
ans#er? )c* ,noc,e$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 47 )"ns#er Jeys*
'ear my St+ry
@'estions In$e%
31 5ersonally I $on-t +eliee a #or$ he tol$ 's +eca'se I thin, it #as 8'st a tall story.
ans#er? )c* tall
32 I-m a2rai$ it #as the same ol$ story #ith her all oer again +eca'se she-s starte$ arriing late at #or, again.
ans#er? )a* same
33 It #as a +it o2 a s+- story really +eca'se she tol$ 's ho# her +oy2rien$ ha$ le2t her7 she-$ lost her 8o+ an$ she
ha$ no#here to lie.
ans#er? )$* so+
34 I $on-t really approe o2 all this $isc'ssion a+o't people +ehin$ their +ac,s D it-s a +it li,e telling stories.
ans#er? )+* telling
35 /he story g+es that he-s 8'st marrie$ 2or the 2o'rth time +'t I $on-t really +eliee it.
ans#er? )$* goes
36 /o "$t a long story short7 I-ll come straight to the point an$ tell yo' e%actly #hat happene$.
ans#er? )a* c't
37 She $i$ #rite one or t#o noels +'t she is +est ,no#n 2or her e%cellent sh+rt stories.
ans#er? )+* short
38 It-s a +rilliant 2ilm as 2ar as the images are concerne$ +'t the story line is a +it #ea,.
ans#er? )$* line
39 3e starte$ o22 2rom a ery simple +ac,gro'n$ an$ then #or,e$ his #ay 'p to +e 5resi$ent o2 the +an, D a
gen'ine s$""ess story.
ans#er? )a* s'ccess
310 In early ciilisations it #as the story teller to #hom eeryone #ent to hear #hat ha$ happene$ in the past.
ans#er? )$* teller
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 48 )"ns#er Jeys*
'igh and %+.
@'estions In$e%
31 She-s +n a high at the moment +eca'se eerything is going her #ay.
ans#er? )+* on
32 I hae high h+pes that #e #ill s'ccee$ #ith o'r pro8ect in ie# o2 all the interest #e hae receie$.
ans#er? )c* hopes
33 It-s high time #e le2t i2 #e really #ant to +e there on time.
ans#er? )$* time
34 4o'-ll 8'st hae to get 'se$ to these highs an$ l+.s as it-s all part o2 +eing in +'siness.
ans#er? )+* lo#s
35 :o# that he-s +ecome o22ice manager yo' can-t een tal, to him D he-s so high an$ mighty&
ans#er? )a* mighty
36 /he really high sp+t o2 the eening-s entertainment #as #hen t#o clo#ns came into the ring an$ starte$
thro#ing things at each other.
ans#er? )$* spot
37 3e le2t the sa2e $oor 'nloc,e$ last night so I rec,on he-ll +e 2or the high 9$mp this morning.
ans#er? )c* 8'mp
38 It-s al#ays the same #hen yo' +rea, one o2 the r'les o2 the o22ice7 she gets on her high h+rse an$ starts
sho'ting at yo'.
ans#er? )$* horse
39 /he moment she 8oine$ the sta22 yo' 8'st ,ne# she #as a high #lier an$ it #as no s'rprise #hen she got
promotion #ithin si% #ee,s.
ans#er? )+* 2lier
310 /hey #ante$ to ma,e s're that their small $a'ghter share$ in the meal an$ so they as,e$ the resta'rant to
proi$e a high "hair&
ans#er? )c* chair
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 49 )"ns#er Jeys*
3 =ight 6$t
@'estions In$e%
31 /he other night #e #ent o't to the cinema or the m+!ies as they #o'l$ say in the IS".
ans#er? )$* moies
32 :othing 'n's'al yo' might say +'t #e haen-t isite$ a cinema 2or ages&
ans#er? )+* ages
33 /he s'+8ect matter o2 the 2ilm concerne$ the "merican &iil 1ar in the 1860-s.
ans#er? )a* matter
34 "t least that #as s$pp+sed to +e the +ac,gro'n$ altho'gh the main interest #as in something else.
ans#er? )$* s'ppose$
35 It #ill come as no s$rprise to yo' I-m s're i2 I tell yo' that this interest #as in a loe a22air.
ans#er? )+* s'rprise
36 /he yo'ng co'ple in the story only meet a+o't three times +'t still manage to #all $eeply in loe.
ans#er? )c* 2all
37 1hen yo' see the 2irst ,iss on the s"reen an$ yo' are sitting in ro# 2o'r7 it can +e ery $ramatic.
ans#er? )$* screen
38 Eerything is so m'ch +igger than yo' e%pect an$ yo' are constantly t$rning yo'r hea$ 2rom si$e to si$e.
ans#er? )c* t'rning
39 "n$ the so'n$ is m'ch greater too. 6'ring the #ar scenes I #as 8'mping 'p an$ $o#n o't o2 my seat li,e a
Fa"k in the +o% at eery e%plosion.
ans#er? )+* Fac,
310 /he 2ollo#ing eening #e #ere +ac, again #atching teleision +'t a2ter the cinema it-s neer the same again.
ans#er? )a* same
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 50 )"ns#er Jeys*
%+ts +# 0ie"es
@'estions In$e%
31 &harlie $i$n-t hae m'ch in the #ay o2 property D 8'st -its an$ pieces.
ans#er? )c* +its
32 In 2act this #as a piece o2 l$"k 2or &harlie as it happene$.
ans#er? )$* l'c,
33 =eca'se #hen the !illain o2 the piece arrie$ in the shape o2 a +'rglar to steal something7 he $i$n-t 2in$
anything al'a+le.
ans#er? )a* illain
34 &harlie came home #hen the +'rglar #as still there +'t he $i$n-t g+ to pieces7 he staye$ calm.
ans#er? )c* go
35 /he +'rglar also ha$ an assistant #ith him #ho clearly $i$n-t #ant to get inole$ an$ hae a piece o2 the
a"ti+n an$ 2le$.
ans#er? )+* action
36 &harlie $eci$e$ he #o'l$ say e%actly #hat he tho'ght o2 the +'rglar an$ gie him a piece o2 his mind&
ans#er? )$* min$
37 3e tol$ him he #as a #ic,e$ person an$ 2'rther he #as a nasty piece o2 #or,.
ans#er? )+* nasty
38 /he +'rglar e%plaine$ that he $i$n-t hae a proper 8o+ an$ only $i$ piece .+rk&
ans#er? )c* #or,
39 &harlie la'ghe$ an$ sai$ he #as $oing the same no# D it #as all o2 a piece #ith +'rgling.
ans#er? )$* all
310 Eent'ally the police arrie$ an$ #ere please$ to see &harlie #as still all right an$ in +ne piece.
ans#er? )a* one
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 51 )"ns#er Jeys*
Testing; Testing
@'estions In$e%
31 /his castle has +een here since the 16th cent'ry an$ hasn-t really change$ D it has stoo$ the test o2 time&
ans#er? )+* time
32 /he la# that has 8'st +een passe$ may +e 'se2'l +'t #e $on-t ,no# 'ntil #e-e p$t it to the test.
ans#er? )$* p't
33 I thin, yo'-re #ise to 2in$ o't 2irst +e2ore yo' agree an$ +eliee it-s a goo$ i$ea to test the .aters 2irst.
ans#er? )a* #aters
34 :oGone ,no#s #hether he-ll s'ccee$ in his attempt to get compensation as it-s a +it o2 a test "ase&
ans#er? )c* case
35 C+io'sly +e2ore yo' +'y a car7 yo'-ll +e allo#e$ to test dri!e it 2irst.
ans#er? )+* $rie
36 /hese are in$ee$ testing times 2or the goernment as people are $eci$ing #hether to ote 2or them in the ne%t
ans#er? )c* testing
37 3e #as one o2 the most e%perience$ o2 the company-s test pil+ts #ho $eci$e$ #hether a plane #as sa2e to 2ly.
ans#er? )$* pilots
38 In the story o2 6r Fe,yll an$ 9r 3y$e #e see the hero mi% something 'p in a test t$-e an$ then $rin, it.
ans#er? )a* t'+e
39 /he aircra2t engine ha$ to +e place$ in a test -ed to ma,e s're that it #or,e$ properly.
ans#er? )c* +e$
310 In or$er to ma,e s're that yo'r teleision is t'ne$ properly there is a colo're$ test "ard on the screen.
ans#er? )$* car$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 52 )"ns#er Jeys*
@'estions In$e%
31 She-s got the ,in$ o2 8o+ that seems to ,eep her occ'pie$ all the time D 24G7&
ans#er? )$* 7
32 3-s+l$tely7 I co'l$n-t agree #ith yo' more.
ans#er? )$* "+sol'tely
33 I really thin, #e sho'l$ tal, a+o't the s'+8ect #e #ante$ to in the 2irst place an$ address the iss'e.
ans#er? )c* a$$ress
34 It-s $i22ic'lt to say e%actly ho# many people are inole$ +'t I #o'l$ say ar+$nd 50.
ans#er? )a* aro'n$
35 It #as one o2 those sights that yo' neer 2orget it #as a.es+me&
ans#er? )+* a#esome
36 1e $on-t ,no# precisely ho# m'ch it #ill cost +'t I co'l$ gie a -all park 2ig're o2 6 million $ollars.
ans#er? )c* +all par,
37 I agree #ith #hat yo' say7 -asi"ally +'t ...
ans#er? )+* +asically
38 4o' 2ill in those 2orms on a #ee,ly -asis&
ans#er? )$* +asis
39 I hope yo' #ill +e patient an$ -ear #ith me a min'te.
ans#er? )c* +ear
310 It-s $i22ic'lt to see ho# to get o't o2 this sit'ation +eca'se #e-re +et#een a roc, an$ a hard place.
ans#er? )+* har$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 53 )"ns#er Jeys*
%+sing 4t 718
@'estions In$e%
31 3e-s one o2 those people #ho can-t +ear +eing seen to +e #rong in 2act o2 losing #a"e&
ans#er? )c* 2ace
32 1e haen-t ma$e any progress this year an$ are in a sense going +ac,#ar$s an$ losing gr+$nd&
ans#er? )$* gro'n$
33 5lease $on-t lose heart +eca'se I-m s're yo'-ll s'ccee$ in the en$.
ans#er? )a* heart
34 /he important ,ey to s'ccess in this +'siness is strong management +eca'se i2 yo' lose yo'r grip7 then yo'-re
in real tro'+le.
ans#er? )$* grip
35 She panic,e$ #hen she s,i$$e$ on the ice7 lost her head an$ crashe$ into the tree.
ans#er? )c* hea$
36 4es7 it-s a slight pro+lem +'t A'ite honestly I #o'l$n-t lose any sleep oer it i2 I #ere yo'.
ans#er? )+* sleep
37 I 2ollo#e$ as m'ch as I co'l$ o2 his arg'ments +'t then I gae 'p +eca'se I-$ completely lost tra"k o2 #hat he
#as saying.
ans#er? )$* trac,
38 "2ter he-$ #aste$ all his money7 got into $e+t an$ then en$e$ 'p in prison7 his 2amily +egan to regar$ him as a
+it o2 a lost "a$se&
ans#er? )c* ca'se
39 /o +e 2ran, I 2in$ these philosophical $isc'ssions too $eep 2or me an$ many o2 the points are lost +n me.
ans#er? )+* on
310 5'tting all yo'r money in that enterprise is 2'tile it-s li,e playing a losing game&
ans#er? )$* game
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 54 )"ns#er Jeys*
%+sing 4t 728
@'estions In$e%
31 /he tro'+le #ith him is that i2 yo' p'sh him too 2ar7 he-s li,ely to sho't at yo' an$ lose his "++l&
ans#er? )c* cool
32 /here-s no hope 2or him no# +eca'se he-s lost his mar-les an$ has gone completely cra;y.
ans#er? )$* mar+les
33 "t the ery last min'te she +ro,e $o#n in tears an$ lost her ner!e&
ans#er? )+* nere
34 <irst he starte$ sho'ting an$ then he +egan to thro# things ro'n$ the room an$ it #as clear he ha$ 8'st lost
his rag&
ans#er? )a* rag
35 6espite his great age #e reali;e$ that he-$ not lost his t+$"h +eca'se he #as still a+le to $elier a #on$er2'l
ans#er? )c* to'ch
36 6o yo' min$ repeating that last +it again as I seem to hae lost the thread o2 yo'r arg'ment(
ans#er? )$* threa$
37 1hen it came to $ii$ing the pro2its #e lost +$t +eca'se #e $i$n-t get o'r 2air share.
ans#er? )+* o't
38 "s she #as #al,ing across the tight rope at the circ's she lost her -alan"e an$ 2ell to the gro'n$.
ans#er? )c* +alance
39 "2ter a #hile I got 2e$ 'p #ith the 2ilm an$ +egan to lose interest in the story.
ans#er? )$* interest
310 /here-s no harm in trying yo'r l'c, there +eca'se a2ter all yo' hae n+thing to lose.
ans#er? )+* nothing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 55 )"ns#er Jeys*
'+. t+ ask a ?$esti+n
@'estions In$e%
31 9ay I as, yo' #hether yo' hae ha$ a chance to "+nsider my case(
ans#er? )+* consi$er
32 &an I p$t it to yo' that the $elay yo' hae ca'se$ is not reasona+le(
ans#er? )$* p't
33 &o'l$ I ,no# #hy the +'siness has taken so long to concl'$e(
ans#er? )c* ta,en
34 9ay I ma,e another attempt to as, yo' to e%plain the sit'ation more clearly(
ans#er? )+* attempt
35 I #o'l$ +e most intereste$ to ,no# #hy the committee has t'rne$ d+.n my proposal.
ans#er? )a* $o#n
36 1e sho'l$ +e $elighte$ to 2in$ o't #hen the ne# scheme comes into e##e"t&
ans#er? )+* e22ect
37 3o# m'ch is the ne# car g+ing to cost me(
ans#er? )$* going
38 1hen are yo' thin,ing o2 +'ying a ne. #ashing machine(
ans#er? )+* ne#
39 1hat has happened to yo'r :e# 4ear resol'tion to stop smo,ing(
ans#er? )c* happene$
310 1hy $o yo' al#ays interr$pt me #hen I try to as, a A'estion(
ans#er? )$* interr'pt
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 56 )"ns#er Jeys*
'+. t+ attra"t s+me+ne
@'estions In$e%
31 I say7 yo'-e 8'st tr+dden on my 2ootE
ans#er? )$* tro$$en
32 Boo, o't7 there-s a car appr+a"hing on yo'r le2t.
ans#er? )+* approaching
33 F'st a min'te7 yo' hae 8'st -r+ken my case.
ans#er? )$* +ro,en
34 9in$7 the $oors are "l+sing&
ans#er? )c* closing
35 1atch it7 yo' almost p+ked my eye o't #ith that 'm+rella.
ans#er? )+* po,e$
36 =e care2'l7 there-s a large gap +et#een the plat2orm an$ the train.
ans#er? )a* gap
37 3allo7 $o yo' see #hat yo' $i$ to that pile o2 +oo,s #hen yo' #al,e$ past(
ans#er? )c* pile
38 3ang on7 yo'-e gien me the #rong "hange. I gae yo' a tenGpo'n$ note.
ans#er? )+* change
39 Stop7 that man-s 8'st gone +## #ith my #alletE
ans#er? )a* o22
310 E%c'se me7 +'t yo' hae le#t yo'r car lights on.
ans#er? )+* le2t
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 57 )"ns#er Jeys*
'+. t+ "+mpliment
@'estions In$e%
31 4o' loo, st$nning in that $ress7 "man$a. 3o# +ea'ti2'l yo' are.
ans#er? )+* st'nning
32 I can honestly say I haen-t ha$ s'ch a delight#$l meal 2or ages.
ans#er? )c* $elight2'l
33 I m'st get to ,no# the name o2 yo'r tail+rBs so that I can +'y a s'it li,e that.
ans#er? )$* tailor-s
34 I m'st "+ngrat$late yo' on yo'r per2ormance in the play D it #as remar,a+le.
ans#er? )c* congrat'late
35 Cne can tell imme$iately that yo' are a pr+#essi+nal +y the accomplishe$ #ay yo' per2orm.
ans#er? )$* pro2essional
36 I honestly can-t +eliee that yo' are +ld eno'gh to hae s'ch gro#n 'p chil$ren.
ans#er? )+* ol$
37 Een i2 I pra"tised 2or a h'n$re$ years7 I co'l$n-t possi+ly reach yo'r stan$ar$.
ans#er? )c* practise$
38 4o' certainly $on-t loo, yo'r age. 1hat-s yo'r secret(
ans#er? )+* age
39 It-s al#ays a pleas$re tal,ing to yo' D yo' ,no# so m'chE
ans#er? )$* pleas're
310 /han, yo' ery m'ch 2or yo'r letter. "s al#ays it-s #$n to rea$.
ans#er? )a* 2'n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 58 )"ns#er Jeys*
*+dal *edley
@'estions In$e%
31 I ,no# I "an $o it +eca'se I hae $one it +e2ore.
ans#er? )c* can
32 4o' really sh+$ld see that 2ilm +eca'se I ,no# yo'-ll li,e it.
ans#er? )+* sho'l$
33 It-s A'ite clear that yo' .ant to isit their ho'se7 so #hy $on-t yo'(
ans#er? )c* #ant
34 It-s the right thing to $o in this sit'ation an$ it-s my +elie2 that yo' +$ght to go.
ans#er? )c* o'ght
35 I say to mysel2 each morning I really m$st #rite that letter.
ans#er? )+* m'st
36 *ay I hae yo'r permission to leae the meeting early(
ans#er? )c* 9ay
37 4o' sho'l$ ta,e an 'm+rella #ith yo' to$ay7 it might rain later.
ans#er? )+* might
38 6on-t #orry they .ill eent'ally s'ccee$7 I ass're yo'.
ans#er? )a* #ill
39 :o# there-s no arg'ment here. 4o' ha!e to 2inish on time +eca'se yo' hae no choice.
ans#er? )c* hae
310 1+$ld yo' really help me( I2 so7 I sho'l$ +e most grate2'l.
ans#er? )a* &o'l$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 59 )"ns#er Jeys*
1hristmas 0+stman 718
@'estions In$e%
31 9y main reas+n 2or +ecoming a temporary postman $'ring the &hristmas holi$ay perio$.
ans#er? )$* reason
32 1as +eca'se I ha$ amasse$ some rather large -ills&
ans#er? )c* +ills
33 "n$ #hat #as more imp+rtant I ha$ got no money.
ans#er? )+* important
34 9y trainer #as a postman +y the name o2 /e$.
ans#er? )c* name
35 1ith a li2e time o2 e:perien"e in $oing all the #al,s in the to#n.
ans#er? )a* e%perience
36 It #as all a A'estion o2 +rder7 he sai$ an$ then he e%plaine$
ans#er? )$* or$er
37 the moment I got into the s+rting o22ice.
ans#er? )$* sorting
38 3e $i$n-t #ant any o2 his trainees to imagine that +eing a postman #as an easy 8o+.
ans#er? )c* trainees
39 3e #as #ed 'p #ith people he met eery so o2ten
ans#er? )+* 2e$
310 #ho "laimed it #as a partGtime 8o+ +eca'se it #as all 2inishe$ +y mi$G$ay.
ans#er? )c* claime$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 60 )"ns#er Jeys*
1hristmas 0+stman 728
@'estions In$e%
31 3e $escri+e$ the se?$en"e ery care2'lly.
ans#er? )+* seA'ence
32 /he 2irst thing #as to +e p$n"t$al since yo' starte$ at a time #hen most people #ere asleep.
ans#er? )a* p'nct'al
33 Imme$iately yo' arrie$ yo' ha$ to start sorting the mail into $i22erent pigeon h+les&
ans#er? )$* holes
34 Sometimes yo' 2o'n$ some terri-le han$#riting an$ $i$n-t ,no# #here the letter sho'l$ go.
ans#er? )c* terri+le
35 3e #as al#ays criticising teachers 2or not teaching chil$ren to #rite pr+perly&
ans#er? )$* properly
36 /hese letters sho'l$ +e p't to one si$e an$ ol$ &harlie7 the han$#riting e:pert7 #o'l$ loo, thro'gh them later.
ans#er? )a* e%pert
37 /he ne%t step #as to $ra# some col$ #ater7 2ill the ,ettle an$ ma,e a c'p o2 tea.
ans#er? )+* step
38 /e$ #as al#ays calm an$ optimistic. 3e neer let himsel2 get depressed +y the 8o+.
ans#er? )c* $epresse$
39 3e le2t me alone 2or an ho'r to 2ollo# his metho$ an$ as,e$ me to call him i2 I en"+$ntered any $i22ic'lties.
ans#er? )a* enco'ntere$
310 "s he ha$ +een ery +'sy in his ho'se since t#o that morning -e"a$se o2 a +'rst #ater pipe7 he #ent to hae
a rest.
ans#er? )$* +eca'se
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 61 )"ns#er Jeys*
1hristmas 0+stman 738
@'estions In$e%
31 "t 2irst I got on 2amo'sly 2in$ing the right pigeonholes7 chec,ing /e$-s list an$ p'tting the letters in -$ndles&
ans#er? )+* +'n$les
32 "2ter a+o't t#o ho'rs o2 this my internal +attery starte$ to get lo# an$ I 2o'n$ mysel2 losing patien"e&
ans#er? )$* patience
33 It #as at this stage that /e$ came in A'ic,ly en"+$raging me to 2inish an$ get on the roa$.
ans#er? )$* enco'raging
34 /he post o22ice in this co'ntry $istrict $i$n-t 'se ans +eca'se o2 the e:pense&
ans#er? )c* e%pense
35 I ha$ to make $o #ith a +icycle that loo,e$ as tho'gh it ha$ +een hit seeral times.
ans#er? )+* ma,e
36 Cnce o't in the open air I e%perience$ a iolent sh+.er +'t soon the s'n came o't.
ans#er? )$* sho#er
37 /he sho'ts o2 8oy coming 2rom some ho'ses as I p't the mail thro'gh the letter -+: ma$e 'p 2or the
$iscom2ort an$.
ans#er? )c* +o%
38 I #as +eginning to 2eel li,e a real <ather &hristmas.
ans#er? )+* real
39 I then came to n'm+er 56 that /e$ ha$ .arned me a+o't. /hey ha$ a 2erocio's $og.
ans#er? )a* #arne$
310 /he only #ay to deal #ith this one7 /e$ recommen$e$7 #as to r'sh at the $oor7 shoe the letters thro'gh the
$oor an$ go a#ay as A'ic,ly as possi+le.
ans#er? )$* $eal
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 62 )"ns#er Jeys*
1hristmas 0+stman 748
@'estions In$e%
31 I $i$ 8'st that +'t in my haste I $roppe$ a small pac,et that 2ell into a p'$$le.
ans#er? )+* haste
32 I $i$n-t hae the co'rage to ma,e another assa'lt on the ho'se. Instea$ I too, it home to dry it o't.
ans#er? )$* $ry
33 I ,ne# i2 I tol$ /e$ he #o'l$ tal, a lot a+o't +eing strictly against the r'les +'t I #as conince$ it $i$n-t matter&
ans#er? )c* matter
34 In my ,itchen I loo,e$ at the a$$ress an$ sa# the recipient #as a 9aster >ichar$. I #as ashame$ o2 my
ans#er? )+* co#ar$ice
35 an$ tho'ght I #as $epriing a yo'ng chil$ o2 his &hristmas present 2rom some loing relati!e&
ans#er? )a* relatie
36 I r'++e$ the pac,age #ith a to#el an$ #ent A'ic,ly again to n'm+er 56 h'rrying $o#n the path in the tr'e
spirit o2 the season7
ans#er? )$* spirit
37 cl'tching the precio's +'n$le in my han$ I thr$st it thro'gh the letter +o%
ans#er? )c* thr'st
38 e%pecting to hear a happy yelp o2 s'rprise 2rom yo'ng >ichar$. "s I h'rrie$ a#ay
ans#er? )a* yelp
39 to the so'n$ o2 the -arking $og7 I ,noc,e$ +y acci$ent the gar$en gate 8'st in time to hear a oice sho'ting?
ans#er? )c* +ar,ing
310 9aster >ichar$E 1hen #ill that #oman realise I-m oer 2i2ty an$ can-t stand ,nitte$ soc,sE
ans#er? )$* stan$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 63 )"ns#er Jeys*
Ti"k T+"k
@'estions In$e%
31 /hey-re trying ery har$ to 2inish in time an$ they-re #or,ing against the cloc,.
ans#er? )$* against
32 4o' hae to t'rn this 2rom le2t to right D in other #or$s cloc,.ise&
ans#er? )+* #ise
33 I-m a2rai$ yo' can-t ma,e yo'rsel2 any yo'nger an$ t'rn the cloc, -a"k&
ans#er? )c* +ac,
34 4o' can al#ays +e s're that there-ll +e a $eliery to$ay as the serice is as reg'lar as cloc,.+rk&
ans#er? )$* #or,
35 It-s an ama;ing system so that at #hateer time o2 $ay yo' can al#ays get a response as the sta22 are there
r+$nd the cloc,.
ans#er? )+* ro'n$
36 1hat time $o yo' start #or, or more e%actly #hen $o yo' cloc, +n5
ans#er? )a* on
37 1hen $o yo' 2inish #or, or more e%actly #hat time $o yo' cloc, +##5
ans#er? )+* o22
38 I-e cloc,e$ $p a+o't an a$$itional 20 ho'rs this #ee, in oertime pay.
ans#er? )c* 'p
39 /he competition is ery strong as each team #ants to +e 2astest an$ -eat the cloc,.
ans#er? )$* +eat
310 She-s not really intereste$ in her 8o+ an$ 8'st #aits 2or the en$ o2 the $ay to come. She-s 8'st a cloc, .at"her&
ans#er? )a* #atcher
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 64 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+mpany e"isi+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 I strongly recommen$ yo' ma,e a chec,list o2 points to consi$er .hen $eci$ing #hich metho$ o2 payment to
ans#er? )a* #hen
32 3o# long $o yo' thin, it #ill ta,e -e#+re #e-ll +e in a position to implement the changes to o'r $istri+'tion
ans#er? )$* +e2ore
33 4ester$ay the pro8ect manager s'$$enly anno'nce$ that the la'nch o2 the ne# promotion campaign ha$ +een
p+stp+ned +eca'se o2 so2t#are pro+lems.
ans#er? )c* postpone$
34 =eca'se o2 their e%pertise the t#o yo'ng engineers hae +een +##ered the opport'nity to 8oin o'r sta22.
ans#er? )c* o22ere$
35 Cne o2 the in$icators o2 s'ccess in any +'siness is ho# many types o2 comm'nication channels they 'se.
ans#er? )+* many
36 "n e22ectie c'stomer s'pport system sho'l$ +e regarded as the nere centre o2 all company comm'nciation.
ans#er? )a* regar$e$
37 It goes #itho't saying that there are more goals that can +e achiee$ #ith yo'r +'siness than simply
generating reen'e.
ans#er? )+* saying
38 " company-s s'ccess #ill largely $epen$ +n ho# 2ar ahea$ into the 2't're it can 2orecast.
ans#er? )a* on
39 In a$$ition to an organisation-s ision an$ a+ility to set goals it is also !ital that eery team mem+er 2eels part
o2 a 'nit.
ans#er? )$* ital
310 Especially large corporations +perating on an international scale create an$ p'rs'e a h'man reso'rces policy
coering many $i22erent aspects.
ans#er? )+* operating
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 65 )"ns#er Jeys*
Sa!e 6$r 3nimals 718
@'estions In$e%
31 <rom a ery early age &athy ha$ +een passionate a-+$t animals.
ans#er? )c* a+o't
32 She 'se$ to ho+ no+ )socialise* #ith people #ho th+$ght the same #ay as she $i$.
ans#er? )$* tho'ght
33 /hese people #ere not at all 2'$$y $'$$y )'ninteresting* or in$ee$ hoity toity )s'percilio's* an$ their main
interest in li2e #as to ens$re that all animals #ere #ell treate$.
ans#er? )a* ens're
34 She soon got to ,no# one o2 the local +ig #igs )important people* in a local organisation aimed at stopping
cr'elty to animals.
ans#er? )+* aime$
35 3e ha$ +een in his hey $ay )at his most s'ccess2'l time* an important #ig$re in a goernment $epartment 2or
ans#er? )$* 2ig're
36 In 2act +eca'se he ha$ re2'se$ to ,o# to# to )accept #itho't A'estion* some o2 the o22icial reg'lations7 he ha$
+een 2orce$ to ta,e early retirement.
ans#er? )c* early
37 ='t as 2ar as &athy #as concerne$7 he #as the +ee-s ,nees )someone to a$mire* an$ #hen she le2t school7
she #ent to #or, as his assistant in the Society 2or the 5rotection o2 "nimals.
ans#er? )$* as
38 3er parents ho#eer #ere not at all please$ a-+$t #here she ha$ $eci$e$ to #or,.
ans#er? )a* a+o't
39 /hey lie$ in a $es res )ery attractie ho'se* an$ her 2ather7 Fohn <ort'ne7 #ho #as really a +it o2 a 2at cat
)#ealthy +'sinessman* tho'ght that all this animal -$siness #as a lot o2 hoc's poc's )nonsense*.
ans#er? )+* +'siness
310 &athy an$ her 2ather ha$ seeral po# #o#s )conersations* a+o't her $ecision +'t it 's'ally ended 'p #ith a
lot o2 argy +argy )arg'ments*.
ans#er? )c* en$e$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 66 )"ns#er Jeys*
Sa!e 6$r 3nimals 728
@'estions In$e%
31 1hat her mother an$ 2ather +-9e"ted to most #as the en$less tittle tattle )gossip* in the illage a+o't a yo'ng
#oman #or,ing 2or this hot shot )#ell ,no#n entreprene'r*7
ans#er? )$* o+8ecte$
32 #ho #as also regarded +y some as a +it o2 a #heeler $ealer )someone #ho $oes +'siness in an 'n$erhan$
ans#er? )c* regar$e$
33 &athy $i$n-t +eliee any o2 this an$ #as $elighte$ to +e #or,ing 2or Geo22rey 1inton i2 2or no other reas+n than
that liing at home #as ery h'm$r'm )+oring*.
ans#er? )a* reason
34 /he rest o2 the organisation tho'ght that she an$ 1inton #ere a $ream team )i$eal partners* +eca'se she
#as enth'siastic an$ he #as ery e:perien"ed&
ans#er? )$* e%perience$
35 "2ter all she tho'ght her +rother #as en8oying himsel2 an$ ha$ gone a-r+ad to #or, in "merica as a res'lt o2
the +rain $rain )talente$ people leaing their o#n co'ntry to #or, 2or +etter pay in another*.
ans#er? )+* a+roa$
36 Cne morning there #as A'ite a h'++'+ )lo'$ noise an$ actiity* in the <ort'ne h+$seh+ld #hen &athy came
r'shing into the sitting room helter s,elter )r'nning at great spee$*.
ans#er? )c* ho'sehol$
37 an$ anno'nce$ #hat she tho'ght #as a cheer2'l ear2'l )a goo$ piece o2 ne#s* an$ that #as she ha$ +een
inite$ to atten$ a dem+nstrati+n in the capital.
ans#er? )$* $emonstration
38 "s 2ar as her 2ather #as concerne$ this #as simply $o'+le tro'+le )t#o pro+lems* D 2irst #or,ing 2or <ort'ne
an$ no# getting inole$ in a $emonstration.
ans#er? )a* simply
39 "s 2ar as he #as concerne$ this #o'l$ +e a .aste o2 time +eca'se the spea,ers at the rally #o'l$ 8'st tal,
m'm+o 8'm+o )nonsense*.
ans#er? )c* #aste
310 ='t &athy ha$ ma$e 'p her mind an$ the ne%t morning #ham +am )ery A'ic,ly* she ca'ght the early train
an$ #ent o22 to the rally.
ans#er? )+* min$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 67 )"ns#er Jeys*
Sa!e 6$r 3nimals 738
@'estions In$e%
31 Cn the train 8o'rney she +egan to thin, a+o't #hat her 2ather ha$ sai$ #ith his re#eren"e to the rag +ag
)m'$$le$ collection* o2 i$eas in her organisation.
ans#er? )c* re2erence
32 "n$ i2 she #as really h+nest #ith hersel2 she #as +eginning to hae a teenie #eenie )ery small* 2eeling o2
$o'+t as to #hether she #as $oing the right thing.
ans#er? )c* honest
33 She 8'st #ishe$ that her 2ather co'l$ try an$ +e een steen )2air* a+o't her si$e o2 the arg'ment.
ans#er? )a* try
34 ='t as soon as she reache$ the meeting point 2or the rally7 there #as no time 2or $ay dreaming&
ans#er? )$* $reaming
35 "t the +eginning it #as a +it har'm scar'm )$isorganise$* an$ people #ere r'nning higgle$y piggle$y )in
$i22erent an$ chaotic $irections* +'t soon eerything settled $o#n7
ans#er? )c* settle$
36 an$ people #ho ha$ +een r'nning a+o't pell mell )in con2'sion* #ere no# stan$ing still an$ listening to the
ans#er? )+* still
37 She 2elt reass$red an$ #as please$ she ha$ come to the $emonstration.
ans#er? )$* reass're$
38 "n$ then one inci$ent at the en$ o2 the rally conince$ her that she ha$ taken the right $ecision to #or, 2or the
ans#er? )c* ta,en
39 " police o22icer on horse+ac, #as "+ntr+lling the cro#$s an$ she 2o'n$ hersel2 +eing gently moe$ +y the
ans#er? )a* controlling
310 "s it $re# near she 2o'n$ she #as as,ing hersel2 al+$d #hether she ha$ $one the right thing. She loo,e$ at
the horse an$ it #as act'ally no$$ing its hea$ an$ she co'l$ hae s#orn it sai$ o,ie $o,ie )all right*.
ans#er? )$* alo'$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 68 )"ns#er Jeys*
Simple 0resent 718
@'estions In$e%
31 "n$re# Smo$ley is a nat'ral #orrier. It is something he has inherited 2rom his 2ather D the ,ing o2 all #orriers.
ans#er? )$* inherite$
32 ='t then there are those #ho are neer happy 'nless they hae a pro+lem to s+l!e&
ans#er? )+* sole
33 "n$re# #orrie$ a+o't the #eather7 the state o2 the po'n$7 his health7 the cost o2 li!ing an$ once he een
#orrie$ +eca'se he tho'ght he #asn-t #orrying eno'gh.
ans#er? )c* liing
34 ='t that #as in the past. /hings hae change$ +eca'se something happene$ to him e%actly t#o years ag+&
ans#er? )a* ago
35 It #as in the spring #hen leaes appear on trees an$ nat're prepares hersel2 2or rene#al. Cther things
happen too D people #all in loe.
ans#er? )$* 2all
36 :o# "n$re# $oesn-t hae a romantic disp+siti+n. 3e neer loo,s 'p at the leaes starting to gro#7 sighs an$
says? L"h7 here comes the springEL
ans#er? )+* $isposition
37 3e simply thin,s to himsel2? LI lie in a small illage +y a little stream an$ ar+$nd this time o2 year lots o2
creat'res start to #a,e 'p an$ ma,e a lot o2 noise.L
ans#er? )c* aro'n$
38 LIn Bon$on7 #hich stands on the rier /hames7 people ma,e a lot o2 noise all the time.L
ans#er? )a* stan$s
39 I apologise 2or the simplicity o2 these statements +'t I #ant to ill'strate the 'nimaginatie nat're #hich "n$re#
ans#er? )$* statements
310 /o#ar$s the en$ o2 this story I gie e%amples to sho# the e%tent o2 the change he $nder.ent&
ans#er? )+* 'n$er#ent
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 69 )"ns#er Jeys*
Simple 0resent 728
@'estions In$e%
31 /he other "hara"ter in this anec$ote is a yo'ng #oman calle$ Sally <air#eather.
ans#er? )c* character
32 She too lies in this tiny an$ remote illage #here "n$re# has his cottage.
ans#er? )+* tiny
33 :o# Sally is an entirely $i22erent ,ettle o2 2ish. 3er philosophy r'ns as 2ollo#s? L1orrying neer gets yo'
any#here an$ li2e is too short to .aste time imagining the #orst.L
ans#er? )$* #aste
34 In a #or$ she is the complete +pp+site in temperament o2 "n$re#. 3ere comes another cliche? opposites
ans#er? )a* opposite
35 ='t yo' m'st remem+er that t#o years ago the t#o main characters ha$n-t met7 #hich #as s'rprising #hen
yo' consi$er the close pr+:imity o2 "n$re#-s cottage an$ Sally-s.
ans#er? )+* pro%imity
36 I2 yo' ta,e the 2irst le2t a2ter the post o22ice7 yo' come to Sally-s place an$ i2 yo' ta,e the secon$ t$rning to the
right a2ter that yo' come to the cottage #here "n$re# lies.
ans#er? )$* t'rning
37 /he ne%t participant in this illage $rama is the #eather7 #hich plays a ery signi2icant part in English li2e.
ans#er? )c* plays
38 It #as late "pril an$ the s'n ha$ $isappeare$ +ehin$ $ar, heay rain clo'$s +'t "n$re# ha$ alrea$y set +##
2or the local p'+.
ans#er? )+* o22
39 :at'rally he ha$ his 'm+rella #ith him an$ a heay coat #+ll+.ing that aphorism his mother al#ays 'se$?
L:eer cast a clo't )remoe an article o2 clothing* +e2ore 9ay is o't.L
ans#er? )$* 2ollo#ing
310 <ort'nately he ma$e it to the p'+ +e2ore the storm -r+ke&
ans#er? )a* +ro,e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 70 )"ns#er Jeys*
Simple 0resent 738
@'estions In$e%
31 /he moment he crosse$ the $oorstep7 an ol$ school 2rien$ comes 'p to "n$re#7 +##ers to +'y him a $rin, an$
tells him not to loo, so #orrie$.
ans#er? )$* o22ers
32 "n$re# sho#e$ him the hea$lines? L5etrol prices rise againL D L='t yo' haen-t got a carL sai$ his 2rien$ D LI
,no#L retorte$ "n$re# D Lstill it means eerything else #ill go 'p in price7 too.L
ans#er? )+* else
33 Eeryone in the p'+ loo,s s$ita-ly $epresse$ at this remar, an$ +egins to thin, o2 all the price increases that
#ill 2ollo#.
ans#er? )c* s'ita+ly
34 /he gl++m is palpa+le. /hen s'$$enly the $oor +'rsts open an$ in #al,s o'r heroine7 Sally loo,ing li,e a
$ro#ne$ rat.
ans#er? )$* gloom
35 9ost people in the p'+ thin, to themseles? L1hat a pretty girlL "n$re# sees her as someone #ho is
dren"hed an$ nee$s help.
ans#er? )a* $renche$
36 3e #al,s oer to her an$ as,s i2 she is all right.
ans#er? )c* all
37 <or pro+a+ly the 2irst time in his li2e "n$re# act'ally trans#erred his #orry 2rom himsel2 to someone else.
ans#er? )+* trans2erre$
38 "n$ he mi%es her a spe"ial $rin, to protect her 2rom a possi+le col$.
ans#er? )$* special
39 /he conersation #ent as 2ollo#s? LI hear yo' lie in this illage7 tooL D L3o# $o yo' kn+.(L as,e$ "n$re#.
ans#er? )c* ,no#
310 ='t Sally change$ the s'+8ect. L/his $rin, tastes $elicio's. 3o# $i$ yo' ma,e it(L D LI p't a $rop o2 ginger ale
an$ a piece o2 lemon in the alcohol an$ then stir thoro'ghly.L
ans#er? )a* stir
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 71 )"ns#er Jeys*
Simple 0resent 748
@'estions In$e%
31 I al#ays ,eep those t#o ingredients #ith me #hen I go o't at night.
ans#er? )c* ingre$ients
32 S'$$enly Sally loo,e$ at her #atch? LI m'st #ly. 9y train leaes in ten min'tes.L
ans#er? )a* 2ly
33 L6on-t 2orget to ta,e those t#o ta+lets I s$ggested an$ let me ,no# ho# yo' are.L
ans#er? )$* s'ggeste$
34 LI-ll let yo' ,no# as soon as I come +ac, 2rom Bon$on.L "n$ then she #ent.
ans#er? )+* let
35 Imme$iately "n$re# starte$ to #orry. 3e $i$n-t ,no# her name. 3e $i$n-t ,no# her a$$ress an$ he 2elt
strange. 3e "he"ks his p'lse. 3e tests his mental 2ac'lties? L/#o an$ t#o ma,e 2o'r.L
ans#er? )c* chec,s
36 It #as a $i22erent sort o2 #orry that #as alm+st a concern. 3e #ants to see her again.
ans#er? )$* almost
37 2ithin secon$s he r'she$ o't o2 the p'+ leaing his coat +ehin$7 ran into the po'ring rain #ith no 'm+rella.
ans#er? )+* 1ithin
38 1hat #as happening to him( 3e sa# Sally stan$ing on the plat2orm getting into the train an$ the train leaing
the station.
ans#er? )a* happening
39 3e 8'mps $o#n 2rom the plat2orm onto the tra"k an$ #aes at the train $rier to stop. /he train stops an$
"n$re# gets onto it.
ans#er? )c* trac,
310 Si% #ee,s a#ter this e%traor$inary episo$e Sally got marrie$.
ans#er? )+* a2ter
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 72 )"ns#er Jeys*
Simple 0resent 758
@'estions In$e%
31 "n$re# $oesn-t .+rry any more no#.
ans#er? )$* #orry
32 3e stays calm.
ans#er? )+* stays
33 /he o+io's time #hen people e:pe"ted him to start #orrying #as.
ans#er? )c* e%pecte$
34 $'ring the #e$$ing "erem+ny in the illage ch'rch 8'st oer t#o years ago.
ans#er? )a* ceremony
35 "s he says7 LI ,no# #hat eeryone #as thinking.L
ans#er? )+* thin,ing
36 /hey tho'ght I #o'l$ go to pie"es&
ans#er? )$* pieces
37 ='t I #as per2ectly rela%e$ an$ I +.e it all to Sally. She is certainly a #on$er2'l #i2e.
ans#er? )c* o#e
38 She smile$ at me #hen #e #ere stan$ing at the altar.
ans#er? )+* at
39 an$ I stoppe$ #orrying 2rom that moment +n&
ans#er? )a* on
310 4o' can see me l++king rela%e$ in the ne#spaper pict'res especially that one #ith the caption? L":6>E1
S9C6BE4 3":6S /3E >I:G /C S"BB4 <"I>1E"/3E>-S <I/I>E 3IS=":6.L
ans#er? )c* loo,ing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 73 )"ns#er Jeys*
Tenses 718
@'estions In$e%
31 I .+$ld ha!e come i2 I ha$ ha$ time.
ans#er? )c* #o'l$ hae
32 /his time tomorro# yo' .ill -e sitting in a $ec, chair on the +each.
ans#er? )$* #ill +e
33 =e2ore yo' telephone$7 I .as #atching teleision.
ans#er? )a* #as
34 "2ter the storm had 2inishe$7 many people #ere 2o'n$ lying in the street.
ans#er? )+* ha$
35 /omorro# #e are ta,ing the $ay o22.
ans#er? )$* are
36 1here $i$ yo' g+ 2or yo'r holi$ay in the en$(
ans#er? )c* go
37 I m'st a$mit yo' ha!e trie$ +'t I-m a2rai$ the ans#er is still no.
ans#er? )$* hae
38 Sometimes I #on$er i2 I shall eer s'ccee$.
ans#er? )+* shall
39 3o# many times ha!e yo' +een there(
ans#er? )c* hae
310 She-s -een #or,ing there since she le2t school.
ans#er? )$* +een
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 74 )"ns#er Jeys*
Tenses 728
@'estions In$e%
31 It-s time #e .ent&
ans#er? )+* #ent
32 I honestly co'l$n-t 2ollo# a #or$ yo' .ere saying&
ans#er? )c* #ere saying
33 3e as,e$ me #hat I .as $oing there.
ans#er? )$* #as
34 I-e 8'st -een t+ld that the price has gone 'p again.
ans#er? )c* +een tol$
35 She #as annoye$ that she had -een spo,en to li,e that.
ans#er? )a* ha$ +een
36 I-e 8'st +een reading here that man has +een release$.
ans#er? )+* rea$ing
37 I2 yo' #ere stoppe$ +y the police 2or spee$ing7 #hat .+$ld yo' $o(
ans#er? )$* #o'l$
38 Bong li!e the JingE
ans#er? )a* lie
39 I2 I get there early eno'gh7 I shall sa!e yo' a seat.
ans#er? )$* shall sae
310 1hen I-m in to#n7 I miss listening to the +ir$s.
ans#er? )+* miss
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 75 )"ns#er Jeys*
Tenses 738
@'estions In$e%
31 "h there yo' areE I #on$ere$ #here yo' #ere.
ans#er? )c* are
32 She sai$ she-$ help him i2 she "+$ld&
ans#er? )a* co'l$
33 3e tol$ them he .+$ld -e starting #or, the ne%t $ay.
ans#er? )c* #o'l$ +e
34 I ha$ instr'ctions that I .as to leae the $oor 'nloc,e$ #hen I came home.
ans#er? )$* #as
35 3e re2'se$ to go 'ntil he had seen all the paintings.
ans#er? )a* ha$
36 6on-t #orry een i2 yo' ma,e a mista,e +eca'se i2 yo' d+7 it $oesn-t matter.
ans#er? )c* $o
37 3e is al.ays d+ing silly things li,e this. /a,e no notice no#.
ans#er? )$* is al#ays $oing
38 /he man #ho .as #al,ing $o#n the roa$ 8'st then7 lies ne%t $oor.
ans#er? )c* #as
39 It $oesn-t ma,e sense. I can-t 'n$erstan$ #hy he sh+$ted at yo' last night.
ans#er? )$* sho'te$
310 &ome on tell me honestly #hat yo' .ant to $o no#.
ans#er? )+* #ant
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 76 )"ns#er Jeys*
@'estions In$e%
31 "s #e-e got plenty o2 time to kill +e2ore the train comes7 let-s hae a co22ee.
ans#er? )$* ,ill
32 I2 yo' mention someone-s mista,es in p'+lic7 it can only +e regar$e$ as ery ta"tless&
ans#er? )a* tactless
33 I $i$n-t thin, he loo,e$ ery #ell #hen #e last sa# him D in 2act he #as really o't o2 s+rts&
ans#er? )c* sorts
34 3e-s the sort o2 person #ho neer #orries a+o't anything an$ has a happy g+Dl$"ky $isposition.
ans#er? )$* goGl'c,y
35 I $on-t ,no# #hat-s the matter #ith me to$ay I s'ppose I-m 2eeling 'n$er the .eather&
ans#er? )c* #eather
36 /here-s a ery in2ormatie programme on the ra$io tonight on "$rrent a22airs.
ans#er? )+* c'rrent
37 3e $i$n-t reeal his name #ith his 2irst +oo, an$ p'+lishe$ it 'n$er a pse$d+nym&
ans#er? )$* pse'$onym
38 3e spo,e the lang'age in a regional diale"t7 #hich ma$e it impossi+le 2or me to 'n$erstan$ him.
ans#er? )$* $ialect
39 I sometimes 2in$ that the "+mmer"ials ma$e +y the a$ertisers are more interesting than the act'al teleision
programmes themseles.
ans#er? )a* commercials
310 :o# remem+er $on-t +e late #ith yo'r thesis an$ $on-t 2orget the deadline is /'es$ay #ee,.
ans#er? )c* $ea$line
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 77 )"ns#er Jeys*
St$dent Tea"her ial+g$e 718
@'estions In$e%
31 /eacher? So yo' #ant to learn t+ speak English(
ans#er? )c* to spea,
32 St'$ent? 4es7 I #ant to +e a+le to spea, .ell&
ans#er? )+* #ell
33 /eacher? I $on-t see that as a pr+-lem&
ans#er? )$* pro+lem
34 4es7 that-s easy 2or yo' to say.
ans#er? )c* easy
35 /eacher? 1hat makes yo' say that(
ans#er? )a* ma,es
36 St'$ent? F'st +eca'se yo' are a nati!e spea,er.
ans#er? )+* natie
37 /eacher? I 'n$erstan$ #hat yo' mean&
ans#er? )$* mean
38 St'$ent? So #hat am I g+ing to $o(
ans#er? )c* going
39 /eacher? 1ell7 i2 yo' like7 I co'l$ gie yo' lessons ne%t #ee,.
ans#er? )+* li,e
310 St'$ent? /hat s+$nds ery goo$ to me. I-ll see yo' ne%t #ee,.
ans#er? )$* so'n$s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 78 )"ns#er Jeys*
St$dent Tea"her ial+g$e 728
@'estions In$e%
31 /eacher? So #hat $o yo' ,no# a-+$t prepositions(
ans#er? )c* a+o't
32 St'$ent? 1ell I ,no# that they 's'ally come -e#+re a no'n.
ans#er? )+* +e2ore
33 /eacher? 0ery goo$. 1hich $o yo' 2in$ the m+st $i22ic'lt(
ans#er? )$* most
34 St'$ent? I2 I ha$ to choose one7 I #o'l$ pi"k in.
ans#er? )+* pic,
35 /eacher? /he thing to remem-er is that in 's'ally means insi$e a place or a position.
ans#er? )a* remem+er
36 St'$ent? I see. ='t #hat-s the $i22erence -et.een in an$ into(
ans#er? )c* +et#een
37 /eacher? "h7 yo' see LinL means yo' are there insi$e h+.e!er LintoL means yo' enter as? 4o' go into the
ans#er? )$* ho#eer
38 St'$ent? "nother pro+lem is I $on-t 'n$erstan$ .hy there are t#o #or$s so'n$ing the same D / an$ one C
an$ / $o'+le C.
ans#er? )c* #hy
39 /eacher? Goo$ A'estion. / an$ one C is the preposition an$ / an$ $o'+le C o2ten means e%tra as in? /his
e%ercise is too $i22ic'lt. "n$ $on-t 2orget the thir$ #or$ also so'n$ing the same D the n$m-er t#o.
ans#er? )$* n'm+er
310 St'$ent? Ch7 no t#o is en+$gh than, yo' ery m'chE
ans#er? )a* eno'gh
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 79 )"ns#er Jeys*
St$dent Tea"her ial+g$e 738
@'estions In$e%
31 /eacher? &an yo' e%plain to me #hen yo' $se the 5ast Simple an$ #hen the 5resent 5er2ect(
ans#er? )$* 'se
32 St'$ent? I thin, the past simple is 2or a de#inite time in the past an$ the present per2ect is #hen yo' $on-t ,no#
#hen it #as.
ans#er? )a* $e2inite
33 /eacher? E%cellent. :o# i2 I #ante$ to $escri+e my time in 5aris in 1999 #ith the er+ -stay-7 #hat .+$ld I say(
ans#er? )+* #o'l$
34 St'$ent? I thin, it is I staye$ in 5aris in 1999. Is that all right5
ans#er? )$* right
35 /eacher? "+sol'tely per2ect. :o# #hat a-+$t the 5resent 5er2ect &ontin'o's(
ans#er? )c* a+o't
36 St'$ent? /hat-s one I neer 'n$erstan$ h+.e!er har$ I try.
ans#er? )+* ho#eer
37 /eacher? 1ell i2 yo' starte$ liing in 5aris in 1999 an$ yo' are still there7 yo' sayO I hae +een liing there
sin"e 1999.
ans#er? )a* since
38 St'$ent? 4es7 I see I thin, I 'n$erstan$ +'t yo' hae t++ many tenses in EnglishE
ans#er? )$* too
39 /eacher? >ight 9$st one more. /ell me #hich 2orm yo' 'se i2 yo' are going to leae 5aris an$ yo' tell
someone a+o't the length o2 time 2rom yo'r arrial till no#.
ans#er? )+* 8'st
310 St'$ent? Ch7 that-s easy. I say? I hae lie$ here 2or 6 years. I can see 2rom the e:pressi+n on yo'r 2ace I am
ans#er? )c* e%pression
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 80 )"ns#er Jeys*
0hrasal ,er-< 2alk
@'estions In$e%
31 /hey-e +een seeing each other 2or 6 months no# or7 as #e 'se$ to say7 they-e +een #al,ing +$t together.
ans#er? )+* o't
32 /he tro'+le #ith yo' is yo' let yo'r +oss $o e%actly #hat he #ants an$ let him #al, all +!er yo'.
ans#er? )$* oer
33 3e neer loo,s #here he-s going an$ as a res'lt is al#ays #al,ing int+ things.
ans#er? )c* into
34 3e came into the room7 sho'te$ at eery+o$y an$ then le2t the room #al,ing +## in a really +a$ temper.
ans#er? )+* o22
35 I-m sorry to say that the sa2e has +een +ro,en into an$ someone-s #al,e$ +## #ith all the money.
ans#er? )$* o22
36 /hey too, no notice o2 the acci$ent an$ simply #al,e$ -y&
ans#er? )a* +y
37 " total stranger #al,e$ $p to me an$ as,e$ i2 I co'l$ len$ him some money.
ans#er? )c* 'p
38 /hey hae an e%pression in "'stralia #hen a 2amo's person mi%es #ith the cro#$7 they say they-re going on
a #al,a-+$t&
ans#er? )$* a+o't
39 /he manager #as terri2ie$ that his employees #o'l$ stop #or, an$ #al, +$t #itho't #arning.
ans#er? )c* o't
310 ,ne# #e sho'l$n-t hae tr'ste$ them +eca'se they s'$$enly le2t an$ #al,e$ +$t on 's.
ans#er? )+* o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 81 )"ns#er Jeys*
1harlieBs Anees
@'estions In$e%
31 &harlie al#ays tho'ght he #as the -eeBs ,nees +eca'se he ha$ a ery goo$ opinion o2 himsel2.
ans#er? )c* +ee-s
32 Een #hen he #on the .+--ly ,nees competition at a holi$ay camp he #asn-t ashame$ D he 8'st loe$ it.
ans#er? )+* #o++ly
33 3e-$ learnt to thin, he #as important 2rom an early age at his mother-s ,nee.
ans#er? )$* at
34 3is 2ather tol$ him he #as special as he $an$le$ him +n his ,nee.
ans#er? )+* on
35 /hen he met 9aria as a gro#n 'p an$ 2ell in loe as a sort o2 ,nee 9erk reaction almost #itho't thin,ing.
ans#er? )c* 8er,
36 4o' see he-$ ,no#n her once as a small chil$ #hen he #as ,nee high to a grasshopper an$ no# they met as
ans#er? )a* high
37 /hey met at a m't'al 2rien$-s party #here eeryone #as haing a great time in a ,in$ o2 ,nees $p&
ans#er? )$* 'p
38 Shortly a2ter that he .ent $o#n on one ,nee an$ propose$ marriage to her an$ she accepte$ him.
ans#er? )+* #ent
39 "2ter they #ere marrie$7 &harlie ha$ to #or, ery har$ an$ he #as al#ays ,nee deep in $ecorating an$
painting the ho'se.
ans#er? )a* $eep
310 1hat poor &harlie $i$n-t ,no# +e2ore #as that 9aria loe$ telling others #hat to $o an$ so he ha$ to $o as he
#as tol$ an$ -end the ,nee.
ans#er? )$* +en$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 82 )"ns#er Jeys*
0aper e:pressi+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 It-s almost complete$ no# +eca'se all #e hae to $o is sign a 2e# $oc'ments an$ then the paper.+rk is
ans#er? )+* #or,
32 /hey-e trie$ to ,eep the tr'th 2rom yo' +'t nothing-s change$ as all they-e $one is paper +!er the crac,s.
ans#er? )$* oer
33 I2 yo' ,eep the #in$o# open all the time7 yo'-ll nee$ something heay li,e a paper.eight to stop things
+lo#ing a#ay.
ans#er? )c* paper#eight
34 /he pro2essor is deli!ering an important paper on socioling'istics tonight in the main hall.
ans#er? )+* $eliering
35 I sho'l$n-t #orry too m'ch a+o't him. 3e loo,s ery 2rightening +'t 'n$erneath he-s really a paper tiger&
ans#er? )a* tiger
36 /he reason #hy I ,ne# all a+o't the story in the illage is +eca'se it #as on the 2ront page o2 the l+"al paper.
ans#er? )$* local
37 "s soon as the story a+o't the scan$al +ecame ,no#n7 it $i$n-t ta,e long to hit the papers.
ans#er? )c* hit
38 4o' really sho'l$n-t -elie!e eerything yo' rea$ in the papers.
ans#er? )a* +eliee
39 She ma,es a loa2 o2 +rea$ last a ery long time +eca'se she c'ts each slice paper thin&
ans#er? )$* thin
310 6o yo' ,no# ho# many r+lls o2 #allpaper are nee$e$ to $ecorate this room(
ans#er? )+* rolls
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 83 )"ns#er Jeys*
,er- Tenses
@'estions In$e%
31 1here are y+$ g+ing tonight(
ans#er? )c* are yo' going
32 /hat is my +'siness.
ans#er? )a* is
33 Sorry7 I d+nBt mean to +e r'$e.
ans#er? )$* $on-t
34 ThatBs all right.
ans#er? )+* /hat-s
35 I hope I ha!enBt o22en$e$ yo'.
ans#er? )c* haen-t
36 :o7 I promise yo'. 4o' didnBt o22en$ me at all.
ans#er? )$* $i$n-t
37 So7 4B!e got an i$ea.
ans#er? )c* I-e
38 CJ. Tell me a+o't it.
ans#er? )a* /ell
39 I th+$ght possi+ly #e co'l$ go o't together7 tonight.
ans#er? )$* tho'ght
310 /hat s+$nds a goo$ i$ea to me.
ans#er? )c* so'n$s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 84 )"ns#er Jeys*
English Tenses
@'estions In$e%
31 9i,e? 5lease go a#ay. I-m .riting a letter. I nee$ some A'iet.
ans#er? )c* #riting
32 Sarah? I pr+mise I #on-t ma,e a so'n$.
ans#er? )a* promise
33 9i,e? /hat-s #hat yo' al#ays say&
ans#er? )$* say
34 Sarah? I ,no# +'t this time I mean it.
ans#er? )+* mean
35 9i,e? I $on-t honestly thin, yo' are telling the tr'th.
ans#er? )c* are
36 Sarah? "t least gi!e me a chance.
ans#er? )a* gie
37 9i,e? I2 I d+7 I ,no# I shall regret it.
ans#er? )+* $o
38 Sarah? :o7 yo' .+nBt&
ans#er? )$* #on-t
39 9i,e? "ll right. 4o' "an stay as long as yo' $on-t ma,e any noise.
ans#er? )c* can
310 Sarah? /han, yo' ery m'ch. I shall +e as A'iet as a mo'se +'t 4Bll 8'st p't the /0 on.
ans#er? )+* I-ll
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 85 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+nditi+nal Tenses
@'estions In$e%
31 I2 I .ere yo'7 I #o'l$n-t ris, it.
ans#er? )$* #ere
32 I2 they ha$ #aite$ another month7 they co'l$ pro+a+ly ha!e g+t a +etter price 2or their ho'se
ans#er? )c* hae got
33 It-s A'ite simple really. 1hen it-s col$7 #ater #reeEes&
ans#er? )c* 2ree;es
34 I2 he $eci$es to accept that 8o+7 he .ill regret it 2or the rest o2 his li2e.
ans#er? )$* #ill regret
35 I2 yo' are thinking o2 applying 2or that 8o+7 my a$ice is? 2orget it.
ans#er? )a* are thin,ing
36 I2 he ha$n-t +een $riing so 2ast7 he .+$ldnBt hae hit the motorcyclist.
ans#er? )c* #o'l$n-t
37 'ad he +een more care2'l7 he #o'l$ hae spotte$ the mista,e.
ans#er? )+* 3a$
38 I2 she goes on passing her e%ams7 sheBll soon +e A'ali2ie$ to practise as a la#yer.
ans#er? )$* she-ll
39 I2 I pay yo' t#ice as m'ch7 #ill yo' -e a-le to 2inish +y /'es$ay(
ans#er? )c* +e a+le
310 I2 only I-$ ineste$ in that company7 I-$ ha!e -e"+me a millionaire +y no#.
ans#er? )+* hae +ecome
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 86 )"ns#er Jeys*
Sleep E:pressi+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 9r. 1ally-s class #as so monotono's to$ay I co'l$n-t help d+Eing +## a 2e# times.
ans#er? )+* $o;ing o22
32 &ol$ me$icines 's'ally ma,e me 2eel dr+.sy I 2eel li,e I $on-t hae energy to $o anything.
ans#er? )$* $ro#sy
33 FanineE 1here #ere yo'( I-e +een loo,ing all oer 2or yo'. D Sorry7 momE I #as rea$ing a +oo, +y the tree
oer the la,e7 2ell asleep an$ lost trac, o2 the time.
ans#er? )c* asleep
34 In #inter time7 +ears hi$e themseles in caes an$ hi-ernate&
ans#er? )a* hi+ernate
35 1hat time $o yo' 's'ally go to sleep at night( D 3mm... 's'ally at a+o't mi$night.
ans#er? )c* sleep
36 I 2eel so sleepy to$ay. I sho'l$ hae gone to +e$ earlier last night.
ans#er? )+* sleepy
37 9y neigh+or li,es t+ take a nap eery $ay a2ter l'nch.
ans#er? )c* to ta,e a nap
38 9y $a'ghter is haing a sl$m-er party tonight at o'r ho'se.
ans#er? )$* sl'm+er
39 Eery time he gets +ac, 2rom #or,7 my h's+an$ li,es to sit in his armchair an$ rest 2or a 2e# min'tes +e2ore
ans#er? )+* rest
310 &aitlin #as an e%tremely hyper ,i$. 1hen ta,ing care o2 her7 her mom har$ly eer ha$ time to rela:&
ans#er? )a* rela%
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 87 )"ns#er Jeys*
English tense e:planati+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 I #ant to try an$ carry o't an e:periment&
ans#er? )$* e%periment
32 9y plan is to e%plain the $i22erent 'ses o2 the tenses.
ans#er? )+* plan
33 /he main A'estion is ,no#ing #here yo' start5
ans#er? )c* start
34 "s yo' pr+-a-ly ,no# there are many tenses in English.
ans#er? )a* pro+a+ly
35 /he pro+lem is h+. yo' can tell the $i22erence
ans#er? )+* ho#
36 +et#een7 2or e:ample7 the 5resent an$ 5resent 5er2ect.
ans#er? )$* e%ample
37 ='t I sho'l$ st+p mysel2 2rom tal,ing a+o't
ans#er? )c* stop
38 partic'lar tenses -e#+re I-e tal,e$ a+o't tenses in general.
ans#er? )+* +e2ore
39 5lease #+rgi!e me 2or going on to the mi$$le o2 my story
ans#er? )a* 2orgie
310 #hen I sho'l$ +e thin,ing a+o't the -eginning&
ans#er? )$* +eginning
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 88 )"ns#er Jeys*
English tense e:planati+ns 728
@'estions In$e%
31 So let-s go -a"k to the +eginning.
ans#er? )+* +ac,
32 /he #irst thing to remem+er is
ans#er? )$* 2irst
33 that each tense has t#o #+rms&
ans#er? )c* 2orms
34 They are the Simple an$ the &ontin'o's.
ans#er? )+* /hey
35 1e can say? he goes to #or, 9on$ay to <ri$ay an$ that des"ri-es a ha+it an$ is the 5resent simple tense.
ans#er? )a* $escri+es
36 /his is something he d+es eery $ay.
ans#er? )c* $oes
37 3e lies in a small ho'se that-s another ill$strati+n&
ans#er? )+* ill'stration
38 :o# #e come to the other part an$ #e "all that contin'o's.
ans#er? )a* call
39 1e say? he is #al,ing home no# an$ that means at this m+ment an$ is the 5resent contin'o's tense.
ans#er? )c* moment
310 In this #ay #e $escri+e #hat is happening no#.
ans#er? )$* happening
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 89 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- "+me
@'estions In$e%
31 <irst impressions are important +eca'se ho# yo' "+me a"r+ss initially can +e as important as #hat yo' say.
ans#er? )$* come across
32 I 8'st can-t seem to +e a+le to 2in$ a goo$ personal assistant as they are so har$ to "+me -y&
ans#er? )a* come +y
33 1hen $isaster stri,es7 #ill yo'r ins'rer "+me thr+$gh 2or yo'(
ans#er? )c* come thro'gh
34 I2 yo' hae eaten a +anana in the last 2G3 $ays an$ "+me d+.n .ith a 2eer 2ollo#e$ +y a s,in in2ection7 yo'
sho'l$ see, 'rgent me$ical attentionE
ans#er? )c* come $o#n #ith
35 In terms o2 personality she-s certainly "+me al+ng #ell since she change$ her attit'$e.
ans#er? )a* come along
36 9enopa'se symptoms may "+me -a"k a2ter stopping menopa'sal hormone therapy.
ans#er? )+* come +ac,
37 9a,ing the $ecision to "+me +$t a+o't yo'r se%'al pre2erences can sometimes +e scary an$ stress2'l.
ans#er? )c* come o't
38 I #as 8'st #on$ering ho# astronomers "+me $p .ith their 2acts #hen yo' realise 8'st ho# 2ar a#ay the stars
ans#er? )+* come 'p #ith
39 It #as reporte$ that the Goernment is e%pecte$ to "+me $p .ith stringent norms to preent Lpre$atory
ta,eoersL o2 In$ian priate +an,s.
ans#er? )+* come 'p #ith
310 9y +oy2rien$ #ants to "+me +!er #hen no+o$y is at home7 an$ I-m scare$ it might #ell lea$ to something
ans#er? )$* come oer
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 90 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- l++k
@'estions In$e%
31 St'$ents #ere instr'cte$ to 'se the Internet t+ l++k $p some in2ormation a+o't "'stralia 2or the class pro8ect.
ans#er? )$* to loo, 'p
32 /he treas'rer ass're$ his constit'ents that he #o'l$ l++k int+ the scan$al shortly a2ter the res'lts o2 the
general election #ere ma$e p'+lic.
ans#er? )a* loo, into
33 9y attorney a$ise$ me t+ l++k +!er the terms an$ con$itions o2 the ins'rance policy seeral times so that I
#as 2'lly a#are o2 #hat I #as getting mysel2 into.
ans#er? )+* to loo, oer
34 I hae al#ays l++ked $p t+ my gran$2ather +eca'se he has lie$ s'ch an ama;ing li2e.
ans#er? )c* loo,e$ 'p to
35 I l++ked #+r my laptop in car7 in my o22ice an$ een 'n$er the +e$7 +'t I co'l$n-t 2in$ it any#here.
ans#er? )+* loo,e$ 2or
36 "irport a'thorities a$ise$ passengers to l++k +$t #+r s'spicio's loo,ing people passing thro'gh the
international terminal.
ans#er? )+* loo, o't 2or
37 /he ie# 2rom the pentho'se s'ite o2 the 2ie star hotel l++ks +$t oer the 5aci2ic Ccean.
ans#er? )c* loo,s o't
38 St'$ents #ere gien 2ie min'tes to l++k thr+$gh the e%amination paper +e2ore they #ere tol$ to start #riting.
ans#er? )+* loo, thro'gh
39 9y 2amily 2inally ma$e the pain2'l $ecision o2 a$mitting my gran$mother to a n'rsing home as she is no longer
capa+le o2 l++king a#ter hersel2.
ans#er? )$* loo,ing a2ter
310 1hen I +lame$ the hospital 2or giing me the #rong me$icine7 the managment l++ked int+ the matter ery
ans#er? )c* loo,e$ into
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 91 )"ns#er Jeys*
Time "la$ses< #$t$re tense e:amples
@'estions In$e%
31 I-ll coo, s'pper as s++n as I come home.
ans#er? )$* as soon as
32 I #ant to 2inish my #or, -e#+re #e go o't.
ans#er? )c* +e2ore
33 She-s going to loo, a2ter the cat .hile I-m a#ay on holi$ay.
ans#er? )+* #hile
34 I-ll email yo' as s++n as I arrie.
ans#er? )a* as soon as
35 1e-ll 2in$ a hotel .hen #e arrie in Fa,arta.
ans#er? )c* #hen
36 She #on-t spea, to her +oy2rien$ $ntil he apologi;es.
ans#er? )$* 'ntil
37 6rin, yo'r co22ee -e#+re it gets col$.
ans#er? )$* +e2ore
38 6on-t cross the roa$ $ntil yo' see the green man.
ans#er? )$* 'ntil
39 I-ll gie yo' a ring .hen #e get +ac, 2rom o'r acation.
ans#er? )c* #hen
310 C'r $octor a$ise$ 's to hae malaria accinations -e#+re #e trael to Bom+o,.
ans#er? )+* +e2ore
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 92 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- -ring
@'estions In$e%
31 Englishmen can-t al#ays A'ite -ring +## #earing shorts.
ans#er? )a* +ring o22
32 /here are some Lnat'ralL metho$s that yo' can try to -ring +n la+o'r i2 yo' an$ yo'r +a+y are in goo$ health.
ans#er? )+* +ring on
33 I #ant to -ring +!er the $inner tonight so that yo' $on-t hae to #orry a+o't 2ee$ing yo'r ,i$s.
ans#er? )$* +ring oer
34 /he &entral &oast o2 :e# So'th 1ales has +een $escri+e$ as a great place to -ring $p chil$ren.
ans#er? )$* +ring 'p
35 &'stom 2rames can help to improe the loo, o2 yo'r art#or, an$ th's -ring +$t the +est.
ans#er? )a* +ring o't
36 I2 #ill not -ring #+r.ard the online release o2 the +an$-s ne# al+'m7 2ollo#ing ne#s that it has lea,e$ onto the
ans#er? )+* +ring 2or#ar$
37 /he S'per =o#l champion Steelers hae $eci$e$ to -ring -a"k 2'll+ac, 0erron 3aynes 2or at least another
t#o seasons.
ans#er? )$* +ring +ac,
38 /he slips 2iel$sman moe$ A'ic,ly to his le2t an$ then 2l'ng himsel2 2'rther le2tG#ar$s to -ring +## a spectac'lar
ans#er? )+* +ring o22
39 3o# m'ch money $o I nee$ to -ring +!er to yo'r ho'se 2or the po,er game tonight(
ans#er? )+* +ring oer
310 I2 nat'ral $isasters hae anything goo$ a+o't them7 it may +e the compassion they -ring +$t in people.
ans#er? )a* +ring o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 93 )"ns#er Jeys*
Q$esti+n C /esp+nse Test
@'estions In$e%
31 1hen $o yo' hae to pic, Fohn 'p at the airport( 4 sh+$ld -e there at a-+$t #i!e +B"l+"k&
ans#er? )c* I sho'l$ +e there at a+o't 2ie o-cloc,
32 1hat are yo' going to +'y yo'r #i2e 2or &hristmas( 3 -+ttle +# per#$me&
ans#er? )+* " +ottle o2 per2'me
33 3o# many people are coming to the +irth$ay party( 2eBre e:pe"ting a-+$t 25 pe+ple&
ans#er? )c* 1e-re e%pecting a+o't 25 people
34 1hat are yo' $oing tonight( 4 think 4Bm g+ing t+ a m+!ie .ith S$san&
ans#er? )c* I thin, I-m going to a moie #ith S'san
35 3o# #as yo'r honeymoon( 4t .as great&
ans#er? )a* It #as great
36 1hat is yo'r 2aorite ,in$ o2 2oo$( 4 like 4talian #++d&
ans#er? )+* I li,e Italian 2oo$
37 1ho is coming to the +'siness con2erence( The management team and the pers+nnel department are "+ming
#+r s$re&
ans#er? )a* /he management team an$ the personnel $epartment are coming 2or s're
38 1hat are yo'r tho'ghts on yester$ay-s meeting( 4Bm glad .e "+!ered the h$man res+$r"esB iss$e&
ans#er? )+* I-m gla$ #e coere$ the h'man reso'rces- iss'e
39 1hen are yo' going to the party( 2eBre g+ing right a#ter .+rk&
ans#er? )c* 1e-re going right a2ter #or,
310 1here is the +est place to go 2or a $rin,( The little p$- ar+$nd the "+rner has great -eer +n tap&
ans#er? )+* /he little p'+ aro'n$ the corner has great +eer on tap
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 94 )"ns#er Jeys*
Sh+rt 4di+ms E:am
@'estions In$e%
31 "2ter their arg'ment7 Fohn $i$n-t ,no# i2 >ic, #as a 2rien$ or #+e&
ans#er? )$* 2oe
32 9any &hristians +eliee yo'r +o$y an$ s+$l +elong to Go$.
ans#er? )a* so'l
33 Foanne le2t a+r'ptly D #itho't rhyme or reas+n&
ans#er? )+* reason
34 =en estimate$ ho# m'ch #ear an$ tear the ne# tires co'l$ han$le.
ans#er? )a* tear
35 3e is hea$ oer heels a+o't his ne# girl2rien$.
ans#er? )$* heels
36 3e +ent oer -a"k.ards to please his +oss +'t the manager #as neer satis2ie$.
ans#er? )+* +ac,#ar$s
37 :icole-s promotion an$ a$$e$ #or,loa$ ,ept her as +'sy as a -ee&
ans#er? )$* +ee
38 9an$y-s chil$ren are her 2lesh an$ -l++d so they al#ays come 2irst on her priority list.
ans#er? )a* +loo$
39 Cn Fen an$ =ra$-s ery 2irst $ate7 she co'l$ tell he #as as c'nning as a #+:&
ans#er? )c* 2o%
310 =e2ore /om hea$e$ into the 2orest7 he ma$e s're he ha$ pac,e$ his +o# an$ arr+.s&
ans#er? )$* arro#s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 95 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n!ersati+ns and 1+mprehensi+n Test
@'estions In$e%
31 =oy? I #ant to +'y a 2ish.
1oman? 6o yo' #ant a tropical 2ish or a col$ #ater one(
=oy? I #ant a really color2'l 2ish. &an yo' sho# me some o2 the tropical 2ish yo' hae(
@'estion? 1hat is the +oy loo,ing 2or( 3 tr+pi"al #ish&
ans#er? )c* " tropical 2ish
32 >ay? I nee$ a acation.
/oni? 3o# a+o't 9e%ico( I hear$ it-s +ea'ti2'l at this time o2 year.
>ay? 9ay+e7 +'t I #as hoping 2or some#here a little cooler.
@'estion? 1here $oes >ay #ant to go( 3 pla"e that has a "++ler "limate than *e:i"+&
ans#er? )+* " place that has a cooler climate than 9e%ico
33 9ary? 6i$ yo' hae 2'n at the +ar+eA'e last night(
Bin$a? 4es7 I tho'ght the games #ere a great to'ch.
9ary? 9e too. I especially li,e$ the threeGlegge$ race.
@'estion? 1hat $i$ Bin$a li,e a+o't the +ar+eA'e( The games&
ans#er? )c* /he games
34 9ichael? 9y #i2e an$ I +o'ght some great ho'se plants yester$ay.
9aria? >eally. 6o yo' hae a lot o2 s'nlight in yo'r ho'se(
9ichael? :o7 so #e +o'ght some plants that hae lo#Glight reA'irements.
@'estion? 1hat ,in$ o2 plants $i$ 9ichael +'y( 0lants that d+nBt need a l+t +# s$nlight&
ans#er? )c* 5lants that $on-t nee$ a lot o2 s'nlight
35 <ran,? I-m going to ta,e my #i2e to /a+le /op 9o'ntain this #ee,en$.
9ar,? /hat so'n$s interesting. Is it 2ar(
<ran,? :ot too 2ar. It #ill +e a+o't a threeGho'r $rie 2rom here.
@'estion? 3o# are <ran, an$ his #i2e traeling to /a+le /op 9o'ntain( )y "ar&
ans#er? )+* =y car
36 "nne? 6o yo' ,no# the ne# girl in the mailroom(
>ichar$? :o7 +'t I thin, she-s &athy-s 2rien$.
"nne? 1e sho'l$ as, &athy to intro$'ce 's at l'nch.
@'estion? 1hat $epartment is the ne# girl in( The mailr++m&
ans#er? )c* /he mailroom
37 >on? 6o yo' thin, the +'siness con2erence #ent #ell(
Sarah? 4es7 +'t ne%t year I thin, the planners sho'l$ incl'$e more a+o't glo+al technology.
>on? I agree. 1e sho'l$ ,no# more a+o't that.
@'estion? 1hat area $oes Sarah #ant to incl'$e in ne%t year-s con2erence( Te"hn+l+gy ar+$nd the
ans#er? )+* /echnology aro'n$ the #orl$
38 3arry? 1hat time $oes yo'r 2light leae(
6e+? C'r $epart're is sche$'le$ 2or 7?45 in the morning. &o'l$ yo' ta,e me to the airport(
3arry? S're. 1e-ll hae to leae the city at a+o't 5 o-cloc, then.
6e+? So'n$s goo$.
@'estion? 1hat time $oes 6e+-s 2light leae( 7<45 am&
ans#er? )a* 7?45 am
39 "%el? 6o yo' ,no# anything a+o't /hai c'isine(
&aroline? 4es7 I loe /hai 2oo$. 1hy(
"%el? 9y inGla#s are ta,ing my #i2e an$ I o't to a /hai resta'rant tonight. /hey really li,e that ,in$ o2
@'estion? 1ho is going 2or $inner at the /hai resta'rant( 3:el; his .i#e and her parents&
ans#er? )+* "%el7 his #i2e an$ her parents
310 Fane? 3o# many people #ere at =ra$-s #e$$ing(
=r'ce? Ch7 there m'st hae +een at least 150 people there. /he reception hall #as really +ig an$ it #as
nearly 2'll o2 g'ests. 1e ha$ a great time.
Fane? /hat-s great.
@'estion? 3o# many people #ere at =ra$-s #e$$ing( 3-+$t 150 pe+ple&
ans#er? )+* "+o't 150 people
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 96 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+mp+$nd .+rds< s+me+ne; any+ne; s+me.here
@'estions In$e%
31 I as,e$ i2 any+ne #ante$ an ice cream(
ans#er? )a* anyone
32 6i$ any+ne phone me #hen I #as o't(
ans#er? )a* anyone
33 4o'-re 2ace loo,s horri+ly 2amiliar. 3aen-t I seen yo' s+me.here +e2ore(
ans#er? )c* some#here
34 She le2t the room #itho't saying anything&
ans#er? )$* anything
35 I hae neer +een any.here more +ea'ti2'l than /hailan$.
ans#er? )a* any#here
36 1ho #as at the party( E!ery+ne. 5ete7 "nne. 9ar,7 =arry7 all the 5earsons7 Sally 9asters an$ Sally =ennett.
ans#er? )c* Eeryone
37 1hat #o'l$ yo' li,e to eat 2or l'nch( 3nything. I $on-t min$.
ans#er? )$* "nything
38 1here $o yo' #ant to go on holi$ay( 3ny.here #ith a +each. I $on-t care #here #e go as long as it-s s'nny
an$ has got a nice san$y +each.
ans#er? )a* "ny#here
39 I hae n+thing to say to yo'. Goo$+ye.
ans#er? )a* nothing
310 I 2elt so em+arrasse$. I #as s're that e!ery+ne #as loo,ing at me.
ans#er? )c* eeryone
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 97 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- -reak
@'estions In$e%
31 "2ter years o2 #or,ing 2or a sho$$y employer I #as 2inally a+le to -reak a.ay 2rom that company an$ set 'p
my o#n +'siness.
ans#er? )+* +rea, a#ay
32 :asa is c'rrently in the process o2 trying to #or, o't ho# to aoi$ any more o2 its spaceships 2rom -reaking $p
on reGentry to Earth.
ans#er? )$* +rea,ing 'p
33 >esi$ents liing in the imme$iate icinity o2 the prison #ere tol$ to +e on the loo, o't 2or a gro'p o2 criminals
#ho recently -r+ke +$t o2 gaol.
ans#er? )c* +ro,e o't
34 It can +e ery $i22ic'lt 2or yo'ng co'ples to -reak $p a marriage #hen there are yo'ng chil$ren inole$.
ans#er? )$* +rea, 'p
35 I $eci$e$ to -reak +## my realtionship #ith my girl2rien$ #hen I 2o'n$ o't that she #as seeing someone else.
ans#er? )a* +rea, o22
36 L=e care2'l not to spill the yol, #hen yo' -reak +pen the egg.L
ans#er? )c* +rea, open
37 " +'rglar -r+ke int+ my ho'se #hen I #as a#ay on acation an$ stole some o2 my electronic goo$s.
ans#er? )a* +ro,e into
38 /eachers in Sy$ney hae $eci$e$ to call a snap stri,e ne%t #ee, a2ter negotiations #ith the State Goernment
oer a ten per cent pay increase -r+ke d+.n early this morning.
ans#er? )+* +ro,e $o#n
39 " re+el Ba+o'r 5arty 95 recently $eci$e$ to -reak a.ay 2rom his party an$ +ecome an in$epen$ent mem+er
2or his electorate.
ans#er? )+* +rea, a#ay
310 I am al#ays ery #orrie$ that my car #ill -reak d+.n +eca'se it is alrea$y t#enty years ol$.
ans#er? )$* +rea, $o#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 98 )"ns#er Jeys*
(inan"ial and -ank e:pressi+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 &an yo' please lend 's some money 'ntil #e get pai$ ne%t #ee,(
ans#er? )a* len$
32 I $eci$e$ to inest in the commo$ities mar,et as the interest on o22er 2rom the +an, #as at an allGtime lo#.
ans#er? )+* interest
33 9any retailers in Fa,arta re2'se to e%change p'rchases 'nless yo' can sho# them yo'r re"eipt&
ans#er? )+* receipt
34 9y +oss in2orme$ me that I ha$ +een nominate$ to make a sales pitch to one o2 o'r company-s largest
ans#er? )a* ma,e
35 I sa# a ery goo$ 9+- a$ertise$ in the ne#spaper this #ee,.
ans#er? )$* 8o+
36 9y #i2e has a partDtime 8o+ at the $epartment store.
ans#er? )c* partGtime
37 /he psychiatrist gae his patient a pres"ripti+n 2or some me$icine.
ans#er? )c* prescription
38 1hen a 2ire +ro,e o't at the Bo're7 at least t#enty pri"eless paintings #ere $estroye$7 incl'$ing t#o +y 3enri
ans#er? )+* priceless
39 I m'st remem+er to 2ill in my ta% ret$rn +e2ore the en$ o2 this #ee,.
ans#er? )a* ret'rn
310 &an yo' ta,e this money to the +an, an$ ma,e a dep+sit 2or me(
ans#er? )c* $eposit
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 99 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- r$n
@'estions In$e%
31 /he "'stralian Ba+o'r 5arty $oesn-t c'rrently hae any politicians that #o'l$ +e capa+le o2 s'ccess2'lly
r$nning against the 5rime 9inister at the ne%t 2e$eral election.
ans#er? )c* r'nning against
32 3illary &linton has not r'le$ o't r$nning #+r presi$ent at the ne%t election.
ans#er? )+* r'nning 2or
33 I $eci$e$ to r$n a.ay .ith my girl2rien$ an$ get marrie$ #hen I 2o'n$ o't that her parents $i$n-t li,e me
+eca'se o2 my religion.
ans#er? )a* r'n a#ay #ith
34 9y parents #ere ery $isappointe$ #hen they 2o'n$ o't that I ha$ r$n +## .ith all their money.
ans#er? )a* r'n o22 #ith
35 /he r$n d+.n apartment +loc, 2aile$ to attact any +'yers an$ #as ta,en o22 the mar,et so renoations co'l$
+e carrie$ o't.
ans#er? )$* r'n $o#n
36 9any chil$ren try to r$n a.ay 2rom home 2or one reason or another at least once $'ring their chil$hoo$.
ans#er? )a* r'n a#ay
37 It-s so nice to r$n int+ yo' again a2ter all this time. I $on-t thin, I-e seen yo' 2or at least t#enty years.
ans#er? )+* r'n into
38 &an yo' please r$n thr+$gh o'r mar,eting campaign #ith me one more time( I $on-t A'ite 2'lly 'n$erstan$ it
ans#er? )c* r'n thro'gh
39 C'r $og loes to r$n a#ter the mail tr'c,.
ans#er? )c* r'n a2ter
310 9y m'm ha$ a r$nDin #ith my teacher 2or not allo#ing me to go to the toilet $'ring class.
ans#er? )+* r'nGin
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 100 )"ns#er Jeys*
Tra!eling +.n$nder< '+. "an 4 immigrate t+ 3$stralia5
@'estions In$e%
31 /o'rists #ho isit "'stralia #itho't a isa #ill 's'ally +e re#$sed entry into the co'ntry.
ans#er? )a* re2'se$
32 /he "'stralian goernment has $eci$e$ to increase the n'm+er o2 !isas aaila+le to s,ille$ #or,ers ne%t year.
ans#er? )c* isas
33 /he "'stralian minister 2or immigrati+n has come 'n$er alot o2 scr'tiny lately 2or her $epartment-s $ecision to
iss'e re2'gee stat's to +oat people 2rom 5ap'a.
ans#er? )$* immigration
34 :e#ly arrie$ migrants m'st lie in "'stralia 2or a perio$ o2 t#o years +e2ore they are eligi+le to +ecome
permanent residents&
ans#er? )c* resi$ents
35 /here has +een a sharp increase in the n'm+er o2 +oat people tra!eling to "'stralia in the past ten years.
ans#er? )+* traeling
36 "'stralia is a s+!ereign co'ntry an$ there2ore has the right to choose #hether or not to'rists are grante$ #ith
ans#er? )$* soereign
37 5eople #ith a ,no#n history o2 t'+erc'losis #ill a'tomatically +e dis?$ali#ied 2rom entering "'stralia.
ans#er? )$* $isA'ali2ie$
38 "'stralian citi;ens #ho are receiing social sec'rity +ene2its 2rom the goernment are not permitte$ to sp+ns+r
to'rists #anting to trael to "'stralia.
ans#er? )+* sponsor
39 /o'rists inole$ in illegal actiities s'ch as $r'g tra22ic,ing an$ prostit'tion may hae their isas "an"elled
permanently an$ +e +anne$ 2rom entering "'stralia at any time in the 2't'e.
ans#er? )a* cancelle$
310 >etirement isas $o not lead to "'stralian permanent resi$ency or citi;enship. 3o#eer people #ith this type
o2 isa my stay in "'stralia 2or a long perio$ o2 time.
ans#er? )a* lea$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 101 )"ns#er Jeys*
'+. t+ des"ri-e pe+ple< attit$de e:pressi+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 9y #i2e is al#ays -adDtempered #hen she gets her perio$ an$ +ecomes angry at me 2or no reason at all.
ans#er? )$* +a$Gtempere$
32 St'$ents at the school #here I teach are so relia-le. /hey al#ays han$ in their home#or, on time.
ans#er? )c* relia+le
33 Glenn is so gener+$s. 3e al#ays helps o't the 'n$erpriilege$ people in o'r comm'nity.
ans#er? )$* genero's
34 9y little sister is so timid at school that she is too a2rai$ to as, to go to the toilet.
ans#er? )a* timi$
35 :eer as, 5hoe+e to $ance #hile her h's+an$ is loo,ing. 3e al#ays gets so 9eal+$s o2 her.
ans#er? )a* 8ealo's
36 C'r ne# teacher is so patient. I2 #e $on-t 'n$erstan$ something7 she goes oer it again an$ again 'ntil #e $o.
ans#er? )c* patient
37 I thin, In$onesian people are so #riendly. /hey-ll al#ays come 'p to yo' in the street an$ try to practice their
ans#er? )a* 2rien$ly
38 =arry loes to tal, a lot7 $oesn-t he( In 2act7 I $on-t thin, I-e eer met anyone A'ite as "hatty as him.
ans#er? )c* chatty
39 9ary-s h's+an$ is so laEy. 3e neer helps her #ith any o2 the chores aro'n$ the ho'se.
ans#er? )c* la;y
310 C'r English teacher at school is so "reati!e. 3e is al#ays coming 'p #ith ne# games that help ma,e learning
ans#er? )+* creatie
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 102 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+mparis+n .ith as &&&& as
@'estions In$e%
31 /eenage girls smo,e almost as m$"h as +oys in many o2 the illages in 1est Faa.
ans#er? )$* as m'ch as
32 I tol$ my son that I #o'l$ ta,e me to the circ's ne%t #ee, as l+ng as he ,eeps his promise not to 2ight #ith his
ans#er? )+* as long as
33 4o' nee$ to go to the hospital as s++n as possi+le. "n erratic heart+eart can +e ery $angero's.
ans#er? )c* as soon as
34 Ch noE I 2aile$ all my e%ams last #ee,. I-m as g++d as $ea$ #hen my parents see my 2inal report car$.
ans#er? )a* as goo$ as
35 I +et yo' $on-t loe me as m$"h as I loe yo'. /hat #o'l$ +e impossi+leE
ans#er? )$* as m'ch as
36 I #ill accept yo'r marriage proposal as l+ng as yo' promise to loe me an$ ta,e care o2 me 2oreer.
ans#er? )+* as long as
37 >ampant corr'ption in In$onesia #ill contin'e to happen as l+ng as the goernment contin'es to $eny that the
pro+lem e%ists.
ans#er? )+* as long as
38 9any =ritish ho'se#ies cannot 'n$erstan$ #hy many =ritish men loe #atching 2oot+all t#ice as m$"h as
their #omen.
ans#er? )$* as m'ch as
39 9any antiG#ar protesters thin, that the 5resi$ent o2 the Inite$ States sho'l$ #ith$ra# his troops 2rom IraA as
s++n as possi+le.
ans#er? )+* as soon as
310 " #ise man once sai$ that a change is almost as g++d as a holi$ay.
ans#er? )a* as goo$ as
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 103 )"ns#er Jeys*
English grammar and !+"a-$lary ?$esti+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 I ha$ to ,eep my $a'ghter home 2rom school to$ay +eca'se she ha$ a temperat$re o2 38 $egrees.
ans#er? )c* temperat're
32 1hen #e #ere in =ali last year #e stayed at a marelo's hotel oerloo,ing the +each.
ans#er? )$* staye$
33 I 's'ally get 'p si% at 6.30 a.m. eery morning.
ans#er? )c* get
34 Goo$ a2ternoon. I .ant t+ see the manager7 please.
ans#er? )$* #ant to
35 I tho'ght :ancy sai$ she .as g+ing t+ spen$ the #ee,en$ #ith her parents.
ans#er? )$* #as going to
36 I #as #on$ering i2 yo' can tea"h me to play the iolin(
ans#er? )+* teach
37 1o'l$ yo' take this letter to the 5ost C22ice7 please(
ans#er? )+* ta,e
38 I hate $oing the h+$se.+rk D especially cleaning the #in$o#s.
ans#er? )+* ho'se#or,
39 I got marrie$ t.+ years ago.
ans#er? )$* t#o
310 I-m sorry +'t I haen-t d+ne my h+me.+rk to$ay.
ans#er? )c* $one my home#or,
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 104 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+mp+$nd .+rds< a#termath; a#terth+$ght; a#ter-irth
@'estions In$e%
31 "2ter e%periencing too many late a#tern++n Lsin,ing spellsL7 /he 6'chess o2 =e$2or$ arrie$ 'pon the i$ea o2
haing tea an$ 2inger 2oo$ at a+o't 5 p.m.
ans#er? )c* a2ternoon
32 In the a#termath o2 1orl$ 1ar I the political7 c'lt'ral7 an$ social or$er o2 the #orl$ #as $rastically change$ in
many places7 een o'tsi$e the areas $irectly inole$ in the #ar.
ans#er? )$* a2termath
33 I-m not conince$ that the &hristian a#terli#e #o'l$ mean m'ch to me i2 I ha$ to lie an$ cheat in or$er to attain
ans#er? )c* a2terli2e
34 It is +etter to halt mass m'r$er than to clean it 'p a#ter.ards&
ans#er? )c* a2ter#ar$s
35 /he a#ter-irth is $eliere$ $'ring the thir$ stage o2 la+o'r.
ans#er? )$* a2ter+irth
36 /he 2r'ity tones o2 this mil$ +alance$ +re# pro$'ce a $elight2'l a#tertaste&
ans#er? )c* a2tertaste
37 &ontrary to pop'lar opinion7 F'$aism $oes +eliee in an a#terli#e7 +'t it is not the primary 2oc's o2 the religion.
ans#er? )$* a2terli2e
38 1e en8oye$ the rest o2 o'r l'nch a#ter.ards7 +'t I thin, #e #ere +oth pretty ta,en a+ac, +y the enco'nter #e
ha$ #hen #e 2irst entere$ the resta'rant.
ans#er? )a* a2ter#ar$s
39 &hil$care is c'rrently aaila+le 2or Jin$ergarten chil$ren on a /'es$ay an$ a /h'rs$ay a#tern++n 2rom 1.00
p.m. to 3.00 p.m.
ans#er? )+* a2ternoon
310 /he Emergency >esponse an$ /ransitional >ecoery 5rogramme commence$ actiities in Fan'ary 2005 in
the imme$iate a#termath o2 the /s'nami $isaster o2 26 6ecem+er 2004.
ans#er? )$* a2termath
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 105 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- dr+p
@'estions In$e%
31 9any parents ass'me that their chil$ren #ill dr+p -ehind in school i2 they spen$ too m'ch time playing i$eo
ans#er? )$* $rop +ehin$
32 &hil$ren #ho dr+p +$t o2 school 2ace a high ris, o2 se%'al e%ploitation7 ha;ar$o's la+or7 an$ liing in the
ans#er? )+* $rop o't
33 It is not necessary to atten$ eery class in or$er to participate7 so please dr+p in an$ 8oin the 2'nE
ans#er? )$* $rop in
34 St'$ents #ho are reA'ire$ to pass a test to enter the 9th gra$e are more li,ely to dr+p +$t prior to entering
10th gra$e.
ans#er? )+* $rop o't
35 " 27GyearGol$ &ana$ian #oman con2'se$ the #ee,en$ #ith a #ee,$ay an$ dr+pped +## her 6GyearGol$ at
school on a Sat'r$ay.
ans#er? )a* $roppe$ o22
36 0isitors atten$ing the ann'al Cpen 3o'se hae the option o2 either participating in in2ormation sessions 2or
their entire $'ration or dr+pping in +n portions o2 the seminars +ase$ on their sche$'le an$ interest.
ans#er? )$* $ropping in on
37 Special ramps 2or pic,ing 'p an$ dr+pping +## passengers are proi$e$ at the c'r+s o2 the arrial an$
$epart're 2loors o2 each terminal.
ans#er? )a* $ropping o22
38 Inanno'nce$ isits are 's'al on camp's7 an$ g'ests are al#ays #elcome. <rien$s sometimes dr+p in +n one
another7 +'t it is mostly relaties #ho isit each other7 an$ mothers #ho 2reA'ently meet #ith their $a'ghters.
ans#er? )+* $rop in on
39 5lease dr+p in +et#een 4?30 an$ 6?30 p.m. this coming 1e$nes$ay :oem+er 16 2or $rin,s7 hors $-oe'res7
an$ conersation.
ans#er? )c* $rop in
310 Senior &onsta+le Smith as,e$ the s'spect to dr+p -y the police station at l'nch time in or$er to ans#er some
A'estions regar$ing his allege$ inolement in a +an, ro++ery.
ans#er? )$* $rop +y
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 106 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- pass
@'estions In$e%
31 /he 1orl$ &ongress o2 Georgian Fe#s yester$ay anno'nce$ the passing a.ay o2 their hea$ ra++i.
ans#er? )c* passing a#ay
32 Entreprene'rs hae seeral options #hen it comes to passing +n a 2amily +'siness to their chil$ren.
ans#er? )$* passing on
33 6on-t pass $p yo'r opport'nity to increase sales +y leeraging the po#er o2 email mar,eting.
ans#er? )a* pass 'p
34 Cnce yo' pass +!er 5rospect Street7 #e #ill +e on the right han$ si$e o2 the +loc,7 $irectly across the street
2rom the m'se'm.
ans#er? )$* pass oer
35 I2 yo' #ere to pass a.ay s'$$enly7 yo'r +'siness co'l$ +e tie$ 'p in pro+ate co'rt 2or seeral years.
ans#er? )c* pass a#ay
36 Ba#ma,ers sho'l$n-t pass $p the chance to reg'late to+acco.
ans#er? )a* pass 'p
37 I can ma,e mysel2 pass +$t. I $o it +y ta,ing in a $eep +reath an$ then p'shing all that air $o#n. It ta,es me
a+o't 15 secon$s.
ans#er? )+* pass o't
38 <oreign companies #ill hae to pass r+$nd the hat to pay 2or the e%tra costs o2 $oing +'siness in In$onesia.
ans#er? )c* pass ro'n$
39 "ppro%imately 277000 D 297000 ehicles pass thr+$gh the 6etroitG1in$sor /'nnel on a $aily +asis.
ans#er? )a* pass thro'gh
310 /he pass +$t game is 8'st a prea$olescent ersion o2 a'toerotic asphy%ia paraphilia.
ans#er? )+* pass o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 107 )"ns#er Jeys*
3irp+rt and #light tra!el e:pressi+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 &hec,Gin co'nters are open t#o ho'rs +e2ore the sche$'le$ 2light depart$re time.
ans#er? )c* $epart're
32 It is the passenger-s responsi+ility to ens're their passp+rt is ali$ 2or entry an$ theyhae 2'l2ille$ all
immigration reA'irements in the co'ntry o2 $estination.
ans#er? )+* passport
33 5assengers are reA'ire$ to pro$'ce appropriate identi#i"ati+n at the chec,Gin co'nter.
ans#er? )$* i$enti2ication
34 5assengers are a$ise$ to +e at the -+arding gate at least thirty min'tes +e2ore the sche$'le$ $epart're time
o2 their 2light.
ans#er? )a* +oar$ing
35 I2 yo' 2ail to chec, in on time or 2ail to +oar$ the aircra2t +y the time the aircra2t $eparts7 the 2are yo' pai$ #ill
not +e re#$nded to yo' 2or any reason #hatsoeer.
ans#er? )c* re2'n$e$
36 &hil$ren +elo# age 12 #ill not +e accepte$ 2or "arriage 'nless they are accompanie$ +y a person o2 at least
18 years o2 age.
ans#er? )c* carriage
37 5assengers are strongly ad!ised not to chec, in al'a+le an$ 2ragile items as +aggage.
ans#er? )a* a$ise$
38 5assengers are reA'ire$ to retriee their -aggage as soon as it is aaila+le 2or collection at their place o2
ans#er? )+* +aggage
39 It is the passenger-s responsi+ility to re"+n#irm all o'tgoing 2lights at least 72 ho'rs prior to $epart're.
ans#er? )$* recon2irm
310 5assengers m'st arri!e at the airport s'22iciently in a$ance o2 the sche$'le$ 2light $epart're time to permit
completion o2 goernment 2ormalities an$ chec,Gin proce$'res.
ans#er? )c* arrie
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 108 )"ns#er Jeys*
igital "ameras; ph+t+graphy and pi"t$re !+"a-$lary
@'estions In$e%
31 /o sae -attery po#er7 yo'r camera #ill enter stan$+y mo$e i2 no operations are per2orme$ 2or a preset length
o2 time.
ans#er? )a* +attery
32 5ict'res store$ on the mem+ry "ard can +e printe$ in the same #ay as photos ta,en #ith a 2ilm camera.
ans#er? )$* memory car$
33 1hen the sel#Dtimer is on7 pict'res are ta,en ten secon$s a2ter the sh'tterGrelease +'tton is presse$.
ans#er? )$* sel2Gtimer
34 Cne ,ey to cleaning the lens o2 yo'r camera is not to to'ch it #ith yo'r 2ingers.
ans#er? )c* lens
35 5ict'res can +e printed +y inserting a memory car$ containing images into a printer or haing prints ma$e at a
$igital photo la+.
ans#er? )c* printe$
36 /he #lash on yo'r camera may not +e a+le to light the entire s'+8ect at $istances o2 less than 40 centimeters.
ans#er? )+* 2lash
37 5ict'res ta,en #ith a $igital camera are store$ as image 2iles.
ans#er? )a* image
38 /o re$'ce the amo'nt o2 memory each image occ'pies7 pict'res are "+mpressed as they are sae$ to the
memory car$.
ans#er? )+* compresse$
39 5ict'res are store$ in #+lders create$ a'tomatically +y the camera.
ans#er? )c* 2ol$ers
310 I2 yo'r camera 2ails to #$n"ti+n as e%pecte$7 yo' sho'l$ chec, the tro'+leshooting section o2 yo'r instr'ction
ans#er? )c* 2'nction
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 109 )"ns#er Jeys*
E:pressi+ns .ith death; marriage and di!+r"e
@'estions In$e%
31 3er 2ather-s death came as great shoc, to all those #ho ,ne# him.
ans#er? )c* $eath
32 6i$ yo' hear( Fames an$ =eth g+t married last #ee,.
ans#er? )c* got marrie$
33 C'r poor ol$ $og is dying. 1e-e ha$ him 2or 2o'rteen years. 3e 8'st sleeps all $ay long.
ans#er? )+* $ying
34 /he yo'ng girl screame$ #hen she sa# the dead +o$y spra#le$ o't on her liing room 2loor.
ans#er? )a* $ea$
35 1e ha$ a loely .edding in a small co'ntry ch'rch. /he ceremony #as presi$e$ oer +y o'r parish priest.
ans#er? )c* #e$$ing
36 9y great gran$2ather-s +o$y #as lost at sea in a horri2ic +oat acci$ent yester$ay. " mem+rial ser!i"e #ill +e
hel$ 2or him at the 5res+yterian ch'rch ne%t /h'rs$ay.
ans#er? )$* memorial serice
37 3elen is planning to el+pe #ith 9ichael.
ans#er? )+* elope
38 Sterility is not a$eA'ate gro'n$s 2or $iorce or ann$lment in :e# Mealan$.
ans#er? )a* ann'lment
39 9arriage ceremonies m'st ta,e place -et.een 6 a.m. an$ 10 p.m. in a room #ith an open $oor in 9anito+a.
ans#er? )+* +et#een
310 /he +o$y o2 my late #i2e #as lai$ to rest in a +ea'ti2'l ce$ar "asket a$orne$ #ith t#ele $o;en #hite roses.
ans#er? )a* cas,et
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 110 )"ns#er Jeys*
*+-ile tele"+mm$ni"ati+n e:pressi+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 4o' can receie7 $isplay7 e$it an$/or sen$ te%t messages on any net#or, that has a r+aming agreement.
ans#er? )+* roaming
32 It is imperati!e 2or $riers to e%ercise proper control o2 their ehicle at all times #hilst 'sing the mo+ile phone.
ans#er? )c* imperatie
33 =e2ore remoing the +attery 2rom yo'r phone7 please ens're that the $eice is s#itche$ o22 an$ the "harger is
$isconnecte$ 2rom the han$set.
ans#er? )a* charger
34 4o' can trans2er $ata +et#een t#o cell'lar phones +y 'sing the in#ra red connection locate$ on the 2ront o2
yo'r phone.
ans#er? )c* in2ra re$
35 >ecently dialed phone n'm+ers7 ans#ere$ calls an$ misse$ calls are store$ in the call log.
ans#er? )$* $iale$
36 =e2ore Internet serices can +e accesse$ on yo'r cell'lar phone7 yo' nee$ to s$-s"ri-e to yo'r net#or,
operator to ena+le the releant con2ig'ration in2ormation.
ans#er? )a* s'+scri+e
37 &ell +roa$casts allo# 'sers to re"ei!e messages on speci2ie$ topics7 s'ch as tra22ic7 an$ #eather in2ormation
2rom their net#or, operator.
ans#er? )a* receie
38 /he message centre n'm+er 2or yo'r net#or, pr+!ider sho'l$ +e preprogramme$ on yo'r SI9 car$.
ans#er? )$* proi$er
39 1hen yo' receie an 99S message on yo'r phone7 the message i"+n is $isplaye$ along #ith a tone7
ill'mination an$/or i+ration.
ans#er? )+* icon
310 Some han$ phones are $esigne$ to +e "+mpati-le #ith certain m'ltime$ia messaging serices.
ans#er? )$* compati+le
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 111 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- p$ll
@'estions In$e%
31 I #as tol$ that his chances 2or p$lling thr+$gh the s'rgery #ere slim an$ i2 he $i$ ma,e it7 he #as gien little
hope 2or the ne%t 24 ho'rs.
ans#er? )c* p'lling thro'gh
32 LI2 yo' $on-t +ehae7L my 2ather sai$7 LI-m going to p$ll +!er right here7 an$ yo' can #ait +y the si$e o2 the roa$
till #e come an$ get yo'.
ans#er? )a* p'll oer
33 0$lling thr+$gh this perio$ has gien me the con2i$ence an$ co'rage to p'rs'e anything I #ant to $espite the
har$ times.
ans#er? )c* 5'lling thro'gh
34 &hil$ren sho'l$ neer +e allo#e$ to play in $rie#ays +eca'se one neer ,no#s #hen someone may p$ll in&
ans#er? )$* p'll in
35 5resi$ent ='sh sai$ last Sat'r$ay that p$lling +$t o2 IraA no# is not an option an$ re8ecte$ calls +y some
la#ma,ers to start +ringing I.S. troops home.
ans#er? )+* p'lling o't
36 /he 94 $issects the 6o#ns an$ the rest o2 the co'nty 2rom east to #est. /he noise a22ects a #i$e area either
si$e o2 the motor#ay an$ can p$ll d+.n real estate prices.
ans#er? )$* p'll $o#n
37 &yclists sho'l$ al#ays remem+er that motorists #ill 2reA'ently cross the +i,e lane to par, an$ p$ll in an$ o't
o2 $rie#ays.
ans#er? )$* p'll in
38 >esc'e teams r'she$ to the site an$ starte$ p$lling +$t +o$ies 2rom +eneath the #rec,age o2 the 2ieGstorie$
"l Gha;a hotel.
ans#er? )+* p'lling o't
39 I2 yo' e%perience a +rea,$o#n7 yo' sho'l$ p$ll +!er to the si$e o2 the roa$ an$ raise the hoo$ o2 yo'r car.
ans#er? )a* p'll oer
310 Cne o2 the most memora+le images o2 the #ar #as create$ #hen I.S. troops p$lled d+.n the stat'e o2
Sa$$am 3'ssein in <ar$'s SA'are.
ans#er? )$* p'lle$ $o#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 112 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- get
@'estions In$e%
31 "2ter the small tal, #as oer7 it #as time 2or the t#o hea$s o2 state to get d+.n t+ $isc'ssions concerning
+ilateral relations +et#een the t#o co'ntries.
ans#er? )c* get $o#n to
32 9y acco'ntant a$ise$ me that one o2 the +est #ays to get ar+$nd paying ta%es in my o#n co'ntry #as to set
'p an o22shore +an, acco'nt.
ans#er? )$* get aro'n$
33 /he high school teacher #as so strict that he #o'l$ not let his st'$ents get a.ay .ith any o2 the st'nts that
they trie$ to p'll #ith their preio's teacher.
ans#er? )a* get a#ay #ith
34 /rain passengers #ishing to go to the 2oot+all match #ere a$ise$ to get +## the train at the ne%t stop.
ans#er? )+* get o22
35 =y the time I get thr+$gh .ith yo'7 yo' #ill +e sorry that yo' eer steppe$ 2oot on the 2ace o2 this earth.
ans#er? )a* get thro'gh #ith
36 /he re2eree instr'cte$ +oth captains to stop their complaining an$ get +n .ith the r'g+y match.
ans#er? )+* get on #ith
37 /he $ays #hen "mericans can get -y in the #orl$ on English only #ill soon +e gone.
ans#er? )c* get +y
38 5lease min$ yo'r step #hen yo' get +n the train.
ans#er? )$* get on
39 I ,ne# that I ha$ to get $p early the ne%t morning so I set my alarm 2or 4.30 a.m.
ans#er? )c* get 'p
310 Employees at the reins'rance company #ere 2in$ing it ery $i22ic'lt to get al+ng #ith their ne# manager.
ans#er? )a* get along
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 113 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- g+
@'estions In$e%
31 5a,istani ie#ers #ill no longer +e a+le to #atch their 2aorite =olly#ooo$ moies as the goernment has
$eci$e$ that all In$ian ca+le channels #ill g+ +## the air at the en$ o2 this month.
ans#er? )a* go o22
32 1o'l$ yo' rather g+ +$t 2or a picnic or a meal at a resta'rant(
ans#er? )+* go o't
33 /he mayor has allo#e$ en$ors to g+ -a"k to their ol$ place a2ter many o2 them complaine$ o2 lesser income
2ollo#ing the implementation o2 the night mar,et last #ee,.
ans#er? )a* go +ac,
34 >osie oerslept +eca'se her alarm cloc, $i$n-t g+ +## this morning.
ans#er? )a* go o22
35 /he 2amilies o2 the seen astrona'ts lost a+oar$ the space sh'ttle &ol'm+ia tol$ :"S" last 9on$ay that
space e%ploration m'st g+ +n&
ans#er? )$* go on
36 In$onesia-s 2'el s'+si$ies co'l$ g+ +!er 100 trillion >'piah )K9.6 +illion* $'e to high prices an$ 2'el scarcity in
parts o2 the #orl$-s 2o'rth most pop'lo's co'ntry7 its presi$ent sai$ on /'es$ay.
ans#er? )+* go oer
37 /#o o't o2 eery 2ie companies str'c, +y $isaster g+ +$t o2 +'siness.
ans#er? )c* go o't
38 G+ +!er the railroa$ trac,s7 an$ at the tra22ic light7 go straight. /he street +ecomes =roa$ St. as yo' cross oer
9ain St. &ontin'e to the ne%t stoplight on =roa$ St. an$ t'rn right onto 9ar,ham "e. /he li+rary is the 2irst
+'il$ing on the le2t.
ans#er? )+* Go oer
39 " chiropractor #ho claims he can treat anyone +y g+ing -a"k in time to #hen an in8'ry occ'rre$ has attracte$
the attention o2 State reg'lators.
ans#er? )c* going +ac,
310 Earlier this morning the #in$ #as +lo#ing at a+o't 25 mph an$ the temperat're #as G5 <. It #as #ay too col$
to g+ +$t 8ogging.
ans#er? )c* go o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 114 )"ns#er Jeys*
0hrasal ,er-s 73 t+ )8
@'estions In$e%
31 Sherri tries to a"t like 9arcie all the time.
ans#er? )+* act li,e
32 1hen he trie$ to +alance his chec,+oo,7 he 2o'n$ that things 8'st $i$n-t add $p&
ans#er? )c* a$$ 'p
33 Jen really li,es Jirstie +'t he-s too nero's to ask her +$t&
ans#er? )a* as, her o't
34 Benny $i$n-t -a"k d+.n #hen his s'perior repriman$e$ him.
ans#er? )+* +ac, $o#n
35 :orman is really aggressie an$ sometimes he sho'l$ ,no# #hen to -a"k +##&
ans#er? )+* +ac, o22
36 San$y #ants to learn ho# to $rie +'t she m'st also learn ho# to -a"k $p so she can get in an$ o't o2 par,ing
spots easily.
ans#er? )a* +ac, 'p
37 :o one at the o22ice e%pecte$ him to lose his temper an$ -l+. $p the #ay he $i$.
ans#er? )c* +lo# 'p
38 "2ter the tragic acci$ent7 Ba'ren-s mother ha$ a nero's -reakd+.n&
ans#er? )+* +rea,$o#n
39 Jathy 2elt a little 'neasy #hen she 2o'n$ o't her neigh+o'rs ha$ a -reakDin&
ans#er? )a* +rea,Gin
310 :o one in the gro'p co'l$ +eliee that Sally an$ Stee -r+ke $p&
ans#er? )+* +ro,e 'p
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 115 )"ns#er Jeys*
0hrasal ,er-s 7) t+ 18
@'estions In$e%
31 9arty o2ten -r+$ght $p important iss'es at the meetings.
ans#er? )+* +ro'ght 'p
32 S'e 2elt she sho'l$ -r$sh $p on her math s,ills +e2ore she starte$ school.
ans#er? )c* +r'sh 'p
33 3e co'l$ 2eel the +ac, o2 his nec, -$rn $p #hen they starte$ tal,ing a+o't the trage$y.
ans#er? )c* +'rn 'p
34 &an$ace has a +a$ ha+it o2 -$tting in in 2ront o2 others.
ans#er? )a* +'tting in
35 Jen trie$ to -$tter $p his teachers in or$er to get a goo$ report car$.
ans#er? )a* +'tter 'p
36 /he g'ar$ ha$ to "all +## the $ogs #hen 3enry approache$ the loc,e$ gate.
ans#er? )c* call o22
37 Eeryone co'l$ see +y the grimace on his 2ace that he $i$n-t "are #+r the meal in 2ront o2 him.
ans#er? )+* care 2or
38 3e $i$n-t "at"h +n to ne# concepts easily.
ans#er? )a* catch on
39 /hey "he"ked int+ the hotel late last night.
ans#er? )a* chec,e$ into
310 6'e to his illness7 he #or,e$ har$ to "at"h $p #ith his misse$ school#or,.
ans#er? )+* catch 'p
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 116 )"ns#er Jeys*
3"ti+n !er-s and sp+rts e:pressi+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 5eople hae "+mpeted against each other in +o#ling 2or tho'san$s o2 years.
ans#er? )+* compete$
32 /he <rench pro+a+ly in!ented tennis in a+o't 1150.
ans#er? )$* inente$
33 9artina :aratiloa de!el+ped into one o2 the #orl$-s greatest tennis players.
ans#er? )c* $eelope$
34 9ichael Sch'macher has d+minated <orm'la 1 racing oer the past $eca$e.
ans#er? )c* $ominate$
35 3elen 9oo$y set a recor$ o2 eight 1im+le$on singles titles.
ans#er? )a* set
36 In Germany $'ring the 9i$$le "ges7 people en9+yed +o#ling at illage $ances.
ans#er? )c* en8oye$
37 Ellen 3anson earned the 2irst singles cro#n at the I.S. Cpen in 1887.
ans#er? )c* earne$
38 9ary E. C'ter+ri$ge esta-lished the 2irst tennis co'rt in :e# 4or, &ity in 1874.
ans#er? )$* esta+lishe$
39 "lethea Gi+son learned to play tennis on the streets o2 :e# 4or, &ity.
ans#er? )+* learne$
310 In 1926 S';anne Benglen starred in the 2irst I.S. pro2essional tennis to'r.
ans#er? )c* starre$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 117 )"ns#er Jeys*
English prep+siti+ns e:er"ises
@'estions In$e%
31 5lease place the 'm+rella stan$ -eside the $oor.
ans#er? )+* +esi$e
32 4o' can get e%tra s'pplies #r+m the stationery store.
ans#er? )+* 2rom
33 Eileen an$ 9iran$a hae +een +est 2rien$s sin"e thir$ gra$e.
ans#er? )$* since
34 1e can $o this #or, .ith+$t any e%tra help.
ans#er? )a* #itho't
35 9ichael stoo$ apart #r+m the other ne# st'$ents in his class.
ans#er? )a* apart 2rom
36 1e ran 2ie laps ar+$nd the gym an$ then practice$ o'r 8'mp shots.
ans#er? )c* aro'n$
37 6'ring my st'$y time7 I came $p+n this +ea'ti2'l poem.
ans#er? )$* 'pon
38 1ill yo' please #rite a+o't Fohn &a+ot instead +# "+igail "$ams(
ans#er? )c* instea$ o2
39 Eeryone #ent o'tsi$e the +'il$ing -e"a$se +# the 2alse alarm.
ans#er? )a* +eca'se o2
310 /he airplane 2le# a-+!e the storm.
ans#er? )+* a+oe
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 118 )"ns#er Jeys*
this; that; these; th+se
@'estions In$e%
31 Boo, oer there. That is the +iggest p'mp,in I-e eer seen.
ans#er? )a* /hat
32 9iriam tol$ that same 8o,e yester$ay.
ans#er? )c* that
33 9atthe#7 ta,e this an$ p't it oer there.
ans#er? )a* this
34 3er eyes shining7 the little girl pointe$ to that piece o2 can$y.
ans#er? )a* that
35 Th+se elephants are sleeping 'n$er the sha$e o2 the elm tree oer there.
ans#er? )+* /hose
36 These are the +est $ays o2 o'r lies.
ans#er? )a* /hese
37 Th+se st'$ents at the a$ministration o22ice #ant to trans2er to o'r school.
ans#er? )a* /hose
38 /he pilot calmly steere$ 's thro'gh that +ig clo'$.
ans#er? )+* that
39 That 2ilm that $a$ sa# last #ee, seems li,e an interesting moie to #atch.
ans#er? )+* /hat
310 9ay I +'y 2ie o2 th+se pict'res hanging oer there7 please(
ans#er? )$* those
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 119 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+mm+n s$-+rdinating "+n9$n"ti+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 ='il$ers 'se ply#oo$ in the constr'ction o2 small +oats -e"a$se it is easy to shape.
ans#er? )+* +eca'se
32 I haen-t spo,en #ith Fane sin"e she moe$.
ans#er? )c* since
33 "irplanes sometimes 2ly to 'nsche$'le$ cities .hen the #eather is +a$.
ans#er? )a* #hen
34 5lease rea$ the +oo, .hile it-s still aaila+le 2rom the li+rary.
ans#er? )$* #hile
35 Eery+o$y ha$ $essert a#ter they 2inishe$ eating the main co'rse.
ans#er? )$* a2ter
36 /he pep rally #on-t +egin $ntil the last class o2 the $ay has en$e$.
ans#er? )a* 'ntil
37 Elena #ill groom the horse in the morning s+ that she can ri$e it in the a2ternoon.
ans#er? )c* so that
38 4o' #ill receie e%tra cre$it i# yo' t'rn in yo'r pro8ect early.
ans#er? )c* i2
39 /he concert #ill en$ at 10.30 p.m. $nless the a'$ience insists on seeral encores.
ans#er? )+* 'nless
310 2hen they 2eel threatene$7 $ogs sometimes $isplay aggressie +ehaior.
ans#er? )c* 1hen
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 120 )"ns#er Jeys*
/e#le:i!e and intensi!e pr+n+$ns
@'estions In$e%
31 Cne person #ho ma$e hersel# a career +ase$ on the sea #as >achel &arson.
ans#er? )+* hersel2
32 6eepGsea $iers #ear #ets'its to protect themsel!es 'n$er the #ater.
ans#er? )c* themseles
33 I2 yo' #ere a $ier7 yo' #o'l$ +'y y+$rsel# a FI9 s'it or helmet.
ans#er? )c* yo'rsel2
34 6iers 'se e%ternal air s'pplies to ena+le themsel!es to +reathe 'n$er #ater.
ans#er? )$* themseles
35 6ecompression sic,ness mani2ests itsel# #ith 8oint pain7 an$ it can +e 2atal.
ans#er? )c* itsel2
36 >achel &arson-s 2irst +oo,7 In$er the SeaG1in$7 $escri+e$ str'ggles sea creat'res 2in$ themsel!es 2acing.
ans#er? )c* themseles
37 >achel &arson-s li2e #as mar,e$ #ith conseration e22orts that #e +$rsel!es can learn 2rom.
ans#er? )a* o'rseles
38 >achel &arson p't on a $ier-s helmet an$ e%plore$ the ree2s o2 the <lori$a Jeys 2or hersel#&
ans#er? )c* hersel2
39 /he +en$s occ'rs #hen $iers raise themsel!es to the top too A'ic,ly.
ans#er? )+* themseles
310 " $ier m'st s'pply himsel# #ith a mi%t're o2 o%ygen an$ $i22erent gasses.
ans#er? )a* himsel2
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 121 )"ns#er Jeys*
Simple 0resent; Simple 0ast; Simple ($t$re
@'estions In$e%
31 /he can$i$ate impressed many oters #hen she ran 2or goernor last year.
ans#er? )+* impresse$
32 9y 2ather still -$ys heating oil 2rom a company in &hicago.
ans#er? )a* +'ys
33 Fanelle .ill -a-yDsit 2or the neigh+o'rs ne%t Sat'r$ay night.
ans#er? )c* #ill +a+yGsit
34 1hen she #as yo'nger7 my gran$mother .+rked in a mort'ary.
ans#er? )c* #or,e$
35 /he athlete .ill train #ith the college trac, team ne%t month.
ans#er? )c* #ill train
36 /he relatie h'mi$ity 's'ally #alls #hen the temperat're goes $o#n.
ans#er? )a* 2alls
37 :e%t year #e .ill -e in the eighth gra$e.
ans#er? )+* #ill +e
38 3er +est 2rien$ li!es in that apartment +'il$ing oer there.
ans#er? )+* lies
39 Bast #ee, #e deli!ered 150 ne#spapers.
ans#er? )+* $eliere$
310 4ester$ay yo' said yo' #o'l$ li,e to learn ho# to ,nit a s#eater.
ans#er? )a* sai$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 122 )"ns#er Jeys*
E:pressi+ns .ith ill< ill at ease; illDmannered
@'estions In$e%
31 " &hristian sho'l$ a+an$on all ill .ill to#ar$ the person they 2orgie.
ans#er? )a* ill #ill
32 Impolite7 2o'lGmo'the$ parents inaria+ly pro$'ce ill mannered7 2o'lGmo'the$ chil$ren.
ans#er? )c* ill mannere$
33 /he presi$ent clearly 2elt a little ill at ease #ith some o2 the protesters- rhetoric7 +'t he eent'ally agree$ to
tal, to them.
ans#er? )c* ill at ease
34 /o en$ s'22ering completely7 one m'st remoe $esire7 ill .ill an$ ignorance.
ans#er? )a* ill #ill
35 /he $ecision o2 the Sri Ban,an selectors to rest 9aran "tapatt' 2or the thir$ test match #as ill timed an$
ans#er? )c* ill time$
36 Ising their ill g+tten an$ e%traor$inary 2inancial reso'rces an$ insi$er $ealing7 the oligarchs gaine$ control
oer m'ch o2 >'ssia-s political apparat's.
ans#er? )+* ill gotten
37 "ccor$ing to the Small ='siness "ssociation )S="*7 LIna$eA'ate or ill timed 2inancing is a ma8or reason 2or
smallG+'siness 2ail're.L
ans#er? )$* ill time$
38 /o$ay-s yo'th is 2ar more $isor$erly an$ ill mannered than in the past an$ it is not 8'st a minority +'t the ast
ans#er? )c* ill mannere$
39 Some immigrants o2 mi$$leGeastern $escent c'rrently liing in Cregon still 2eel ill at ease a2ter the Septem+er
11th terrorist attac,s.
ans#er? )+* ill at ease
310 /he #orl$ has s'22ere$ more 2rom the raages o2 ill ad!ised marriages than 2rom irginity.
ans#er? )a* ill a$ise$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 123 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms .ith the prasal !er- #all
@'estions In$e%
31 6ai$ =ec,ham-s #all+$t .ith Sir "le% <erg'son originate$ 2rom his $ecision to stay at home an$ ten$ his
ailing son rather than atten$ training on that partic'lar <ri$ay.
ans#er? )$* 2allo't #ith
32 6on-t al#ays #all -a"k +n creating another $ata+ase or a #or,aro'n$ program +eca'se there may act'ally +e
a +etter +'siness sol'tion 2or the pro+lem.
ans#er? )c* 2all +ac, on
33 <reA'ent +inge $rin,ers are eight times more li,ely than nonG+inge $rin,ers to miss a class7 #all -ehind in
school#or,7 get h'rt or in8're$7 an$ $amage property.
ans#er? )+* 2all +ehin$ in
34 St'$ent mentors catch chil$ren +e2ore they #all thr+$gh crac,s.
ans#er? )a* 2all thro'gh
35 /he northeastern state o2 "ssam co'l$ #all +## the In$ian map soon.
ans#er? )$* 2all o22
36 " =r'ssels +ase$ thin, tan, reporte$ that E'rope is #alling -ehind "sia in terms o2 e$'cation an$ s,ills.
ans#er? )a* 2alling +ehin$
37 She ha$ no 2amily s'pport system to #all -a"k +n7 an$ she co'l$n-t a22or$ $aycare.
ans#er? )c* 2all +ac, on
38 " recent s'rey sho#e$ that one in three ho'se h'nters hae ha$ a property p'rchase #all thr+$gh&
ans#er? )a* 2all thro'gh
39 Some marrie$ co'ples #all +$t .ith each other oer $i22erences o2 opinion on ho# things co'l$ or sho'l$ +e
ans#er? )$* 2all o't #ith
310 6eci$'o's trees sen$ messages to leaes telling them #hen to #all +##&
ans#er? )$* 2all o22
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 124 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- p$t
@'estions In$e%
31 C'r $aily ha+its o2ten 2orce 's to p$t $p .ith all ,in$s o2 $egra$ing an$ $estr'ctie eents7 all in the name o2
,eeping things com2orta+le or 2amiliar.
ans#er? )+* p't 'p #ith
32 " >'ssian c'lt're 2estial on /a8i, territory has +een p$t +## in$e2initely +eca'se o2 a local typhoi$ 2eer
ans#er? )a* p't o22
33 /he Goernment has $eci$e$ to p$t +n h+ld the recent &a+inet $ecision to c't the 2oo$ s'+si$y +ill +y 30 per
cent7 2ollo#ing protests 2rom a section o2 &ongress.
ans#er? )c* p't on hol$
34 0$t +$t yo'r gar+age at the $esignate$ pic,'p point +y 8 a.m. on the collection $ays sche$'le$ 2or yo'r area.
ans#er? )c* 5't o't
35 It #as reporte$ that 3y'n$ai 9otor &o. #ill p$t $p a carGassem+ly plant in the 5hilippines a2ter the "ssociation
o2 So'theast "sian :ations an$ So'th Jorea 2orge a 2ree tra$e agreement.
ans#er? )a* p't 'p
36 S#eaters are easy to p$t +n7 com2orta+le7 #arm an$ a+oe all stylish.
ans#er? )c* p't on
37 /he Inite$ :ations #as p$t in charge o2 sorting o't $i22erences among co'ntries o22ering to +'il$ a /s'nami
early #arning system a2ter a 2loo$ o2 proposals in the #a,e o2 the In$ian Ccean trage$y.
ans#er? )a* p't in
38 3omeo#ners p$t +$t a ,itchen 2ire last S'n$ay night7 only to soon notice the 2ire #as sprea$ing insi$e the
#alls o2 their home.
ans#er? )$* p't o't
39 <rench sol$iers $eci$e$ to p$t +n a 5'nch an$ F'$y sho# 2or their "merican co'nterparts.
ans#er? )a* p't on
310 " =eta#i co'ple hoping to marry last #ee,en$ #ere 2orce$ to p$t +## their #e$$ing ceremony 'ntil la# an$
or$er ha$ +een restore$ in the city.
ans#er? )c* p't o22
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 125 )"ns#er Jeys*
/ep+rted "+mmands< rep+rted spee"h
@'estions In$e%
31 L1o'l$ yo' li,e to spen$ the #ee,en$ #ith 's(L /hey in!ited her to spen$ the #ee,en$ #ith them.
ans#er? )c* inite$
32 L&o'l$ yo' open the #in$o# please(L She asked him to open the #in$o#.
ans#er? )c* as,e$
33 LGo to +e$ imme$iatelyEL 9ary-s mother +rdered her to go to +e$ imme$iately.
ans#er? )$* or$ere$
34 L6on-t 2orget to post the letterEL 3e reminded me to post the letter.
ans#er? )a* remin$e$
35 L5ar, the car +ehin$ the an.L /he instr'ctor t+ld him to par, the car +ehin$ the an.
ans#er? )+* tol$
36 L5lease7 please7 t'rn $o#n the ra$ioEL 9ar,-s sister -egged him to t'rn the ra$io $o#n.
ans#er? )$* +egge$
37 L6on-t play #ith the matches. /hey-re ery $angero's.L /he teacher .arned the chil$ren not to play #ith the
ans#er? )c* #arne$
38 LI-ll gie yo' a li2t to the airport.L 9ichelle +##ered to gie her h's+an$ a li2t to the airport.
ans#er? )+* o22ere$
39 LI #on-t len$ yo' any more money.L 9atthe# re#$sed to len$ me any more money.
ans#er? )c* re2'se$
310 /he teacher sai$ to her st'$ent? L4o' nee$ to st'$y har$er.L She ad!ised him to st'$y har$er.
ans#er? )+* a$ise$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 126 )"ns#er Jeys*
+ing -$siness< e:pressi+ns .ith the .+rd -$siness
@'estions In$e%
31 " -$siness plan represents #ritten $oc'mentation o2 the ital iss'es necessary to conince inestors that a
partic'lar opport'nity is #orthy o2 inestment.
ans#er? )$* +'siness plan
32 1hether yo' are loo,ing 2or a 8o+ or r'nning a company7 giing o't -$siness "ards is cr'cial to mar,eting yo'r
s,ills or serices.
ans#er? )+* +'siness car$s
33 )$siness "lass passengers hae a laatory resere$ 2or their e%cl'sie 'se.
ans#er? )c* ='siness class
34 /he 0irginia G. 5iper &ancer &enter -$siness h+$rs are 8 am 5 pm 9on$ay thro'gh <ri$ay.
ans#er? )a* +'siness ho'rs
35 /o$ay7 it is rare to see a -$siness s$it #orn #ith a #aistcoat in :orth "merica7 altho'gh it is still pop'lar
among conseratieGmin$e$ +'sinessmen in the rest o2 the #orl$.
ans#er? )c* +'siness s'it
36 L1ell here #e are rapi$ly approaching the -$siness end o2 the season.L
ans#er? )c* +'siness en$
37 /he Economics P ='siness E$'cation "ssociation represents teachers an$ lect'rers o2 -$siness st$dies an$
relate$ s'+8ects in schools an$ colleges thro'gho't the IJ.
ans#er? )+* +'siness st'$ies
38 C'r -$sinesslike attit'$e is resere$ entirely 2or the #ay #e +ehae at #or,.
ans#er? )$* +'sinessli,e
39 1e o22er -$siness "lass eGmail serices that gie yo' s'perior spam an$ 2ra'$ protection an$ a c'stom
$omain name in yo'r eGmail7 all 2or a reasona+le price.
ans#er? )+* +'siness class
310 6ata marts can +e a goo$ #ay to sere the $ata nee$s o2 a partic'lar set o2 -$siness end 'sers7 allo#ing
speciali;e$ 2'nctions s'ch as $ata cleansing7 8oining7 2ormatting an$ trans2ormations to +e per2orme$
ans#er? )c* +'siness en$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 127 )"ns#er Jeys*
3$straliana< e:pressi+ns that des"ri-e li#e in 3$stralia
@'estions In$e%
31 "'stralia is ro'ghly the same siEe as the Inite$ States #ith less than a tenth o2 the people.
ans#er? )c* si;e
32 In a 2003 s'rey con$'cte$ +y the Inite$ :ations7 "'stralia came in 2o'rth among the +est "+$ntries in the
#orl$ to lie +ase$ on +ase$ on income7 e$'cation an$ li2e e%pectancy.
ans#er? )$* co'ntries
33 "'stralia is locate$ in the So'thern 3emisphere7 so the seas+ns are opposite o2 those in the :orthern
ans#er? )+* seasons
34 9el+o'rne is "'stralia-s secon$ largest to#n an$ #as recently !+ted the +est city in the #orl$ in #hich to lie.
ans#er? )c* ote$
35 "$elai$e is l+"ated in So'thern "'stralia an$ is the A'intessential pict're o2 charm #ith its colonial
ans#er? )a* locate$
36 5erth is the most #esternto#n o2 "'stralia an$ hol$s the distin"ti+n o2 haing more s'n 2ille$ ho'rs than most
o2 "'stralia-s other capital cities.
ans#er? )$* $istinction
37 5erth o22ers an eclectic li#estyle #ithin the +reathta,ing +ac,$rop o2 grassy par,s7 to#ering palm trees an$
en$less #ater#ays.
ans#er? )$* li2estyle
38 I2 yo'-re loo,ing 2or a spectac'lar ?$ality o2 li2e in a $ierse co'ntry then "'stralia is #ell #orth serio's
ans#er? )c* A'ality
39 1hether yo' thri!e in the 2ast pace o2 +ig city li2e or crae the tranA'ility o2 the $esert7 "'stralia is s'ch a
$ierse co'ntry that yo'-re li,ely to 2in$ e%actly #hat yo' are see,ing.
ans#er? )+* thrie
310 In a #orl$ that is o2ten t'rne$ 'psi$e $o#n #ith t$rm+il7 "'stralia still paints a pict're o2 tranA'ility7 a lai$+ac,
li2estyle an$ a LcanG$oL attit'$e.
ans#er? )a* t'rmoil
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 128 )"ns#er Jeys*
(a"ts a-+$t piEEa in the >S< piEEa ind$stry e:pressi+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 "mericans are the greatest pr+d$"ers an$ cons'mers o2 pi;;a in the #orl$.
ans#er? )+* pro$'cers
32 "mericans eat 350 sli"es o2 pi;;a per secon$.
ans#er? )a* slices
33 /here are 617269 piEEerias in the Inite$ States.
ans#er? )c* pi;;erias
34 5i;;a is a K30 +illion per year ind$stry&
ans#er? )c* in$'stry
35 Ccto+er is national pi;;a m+nth in the Inite$ States.
ans#er? )c* month
36 /he #orl$-s #irst pi;;eria opene$ in :aples in 1830.
ans#er? )c* 2irst
37 5i;;a 3't has oer 127000 resta'rants thr+$gh+$t the #orl$.
ans#er? )c* thro'gho't
38 5epperoni is the pi;;a t+pping that "mericans li,e the most.
ans#er? )+* topping
39 5i;;a migrated to "merica #ith the Italians at the en$ o2 the nineteenth cent'ry.
ans#er? )$* migrate$
310 /he pop'larity o2 pi;;a really e:pl+ded #hen "merican sol$iers ret'rne$ 2rom Italy a2ter 1orl$ 1ar II.
ans#er? )+* e%plo$e$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 129 )"ns#er Jeys*
2h+ .ants t+ -e a milli+naire5
@'estions In$e%
31 9any people hae #antasiEed a+o't #inning a +ig pri;e in the lottery.
ans#er? )c* 2antasi;e$
32 <or many people7 their #ay o2 li2e is closely lin,e$ to their e"+n+mi" circ'mstances.
ans#er? )a* economic
33 9ost people li,e the idea o2 not haing to #or,.
ans#er? )$* i$ea
34 5eople #ho #in the lottery are 's'ally a$ise$ not to p$-li"iEe their a$$ress an$ phone n'm+er.
ans#er? )$* p'+lici;e
35 /here are many stories a+o't people #ho co'l$n-t learn ho# to +e rich.
ans#er? )c* learn
36 " sailor 2rom S#e$en #on three million $ollars in the lottery an$ han$e$ it to #+rmer shipmates an$ strangers
in the street.
ans#er? )+* 2ormer
37 "ll oer the #orl$7 lotteries "reate ne# millionaires eery #ee,.
ans#er? )$* create
38 " 45 year ol$ coo, 2rom Sy$ney dr+pped dead three #ee,s a2ter #inning 10 million $ollars in the lottery.
ans#er? )$* $roppe$ $ea$
39 In 19897 a #oman 2rom Bos "ngeles #on 7 million $ollars in the lottery an$ imme$iately #ent on a spending
ans#er? )c* spen$ing
310 9any people dream a+o't #hat they #o'l$ $o #ith their money i2 they #on the lottery.
ans#er? )+* $ream
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 130 )"ns#er Jeys*
0a-l+ 0i"ass+< e:pressi+ns des"ri-ing the 0i"ass+Bs li#e
@'estions In$e%
31 5a+lo 5icasso sho#e$ his geni$s 2rom a ery yo'ng age.
ans#er? )a* geni's
32 5icasso hate$ school an$ o2ten re#$sed to go 'nless he co'l$ ta,e his pet #ith him.
ans#er? )$* re2'se$
33 5icasso-s p+rtraits o2 people #ere o2ten ma$e 'p o2 triangles an$ sA'ares #ith their 2eat'res in the #rong
ans#er? )+* portraits
34 5icasso $ie$ o2 heart 2ail're $'ring an atta"k o2 in2l'en;a in 1973.
ans#er? )a* attac,
35 5icasso-s #or, "hanged i$eas a+o't art aro'n$ the #orl$.
ans#er? )c* change$
36 5icasso #as -+rn on Ccto+er 257 1881 in 9alaga7 Spain.
ans#er? )a* +orn
37 5icasso gre. $p to +e one o2 the t#entieth cent'ry-s greatest painters.
ans#er? )a* gre# 'p
38 5icasso-s geni's as an artist #as re"+gniEed +y many people.
ans#er? )c* recogni;e$
39 1hen 5icasso #as 90 years ol$7 he #as honore$ +y an e:hi-iti+n at the Bo're in 5aris.
ans#er? )c* e%hi+ition
310 5icasso "reated oer 67000 paintings7 $ra#ings an$ sc'lpt'res.
ans#er? )$* create$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 131 )"ns#er Jeys*
2+rds in "+nte:t< str+ng "+ll+"ati+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 5lease ta,e these separate lists an$ merge them into one $oc'ment.
ans#er? )c* merge
32 /his pet store sells rare tropical 2ish an$ other e:+ti" creat'res.
ans#er? )$* e%otic
33 I g'arantee that yo'r hot temper #ill ine!ita-ly ca'se yo' tro'+le.
ans#er? )c* ineita+ly
34 9y teacher m'm+le$ so so2tly that I co'l$ only !ag$ely 'n$erstan$ him.
ans#er? )+* ag'ely
35 "2ter the terri+le ts'nami o'r o$erly lies +ecame "ha+ti"&
ans#er? )a* chaotic
36 I2 the coo,ie recipe is complete7 it #ill spe"i#y the ingre$ients yo' nee$.
ans#er? )c* speci2y
37 5eter #as the +est s#immer7 +'t ir+ni"ally he lost the 2inal o2 the s#imming competition.
ans#er? )$* ironically
38 C'r 2inal i$ea 2or the pro$'ct #as m'ch +etter than o'r initial one.
ans#er? )$* initial
39 "2ter I 2ell $o#n the steps7 I 2elt 'nstea$y an$ giddy&
ans#er? )+* gi$$y
310 6'ring o'r #al, along the +each #e notice$ the shi2ting re2lectons on the $nd$lating s'r2ace o2 the #ater.
ans#er? )+* 'n$'lating
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 132 )"ns#er Jeys*
E:pressi+ns .ith heart< hearta"he; heartthr+-; heart-$rn
@'estions In$e%
31 Getting oer a +rea,G'p is har$ to $o. Instea$ o2 #allo#ing in yo'r hearta"he7 try to ta,e positie steps to p't
yo'r 2aile$ relationship +ehin$ yo'.
ans#er? )c* heartache
32 Spanish singing heartthr+- EnriA'e Iglesias has +een 2orce$ to p'll o't o2 concerts in 3ong Jong an$ in the
5hilippines +eca'se o2 a isa pro+lem in 9alaysia.
ans#er? )+* heartthro+
33 I 2eel really +lesse$7 yo' ,no#7 +eca'se a lot o2 people #ho hae a heart atta"k neer get any a$ance
ans#er? )a* heart attac,
34 :ighttime heart-$rn not only $isr'pts yo'r sleep7 +'t it may lea$ to other health ris,s s'ch as raising yo'r ris,
o2 cancer or aggraating asthma.
ans#er? )$* heart+'rn
35 "llo# me to e%press my heart#elt sorro# at the immense trage$y that has +een perpetrate$ 'pon the
"merican people +y the #ic,e$ eil$oers #ho #ere responsi+le 2or the Septem+er 11th terrorist attac,s.
ans#er? )$* heart2elt
36 5alpitations are heart-eat sensations that 2eel li,e po'n$ing or racing.
ans#er? )+* heart+eat
37 F'st a+o't eeryone e%periences the type o2 grie2 #e call heart-reak at one time or another.
ans#er? )a* heart+rea,
38 /he IJ has one o2 the highest rates o2 $eath 2rom heart disease in the #orl$.
ans#er? )$* heart $isease
39 /he ='rg'n$y co'ntrysi$e is 2ast +ecoming the Islamic heartland o2 <rance.
ans#er? )c* heartlan$
310 =olly#oo$ heartthr+- 3rithi, >oshan pointe$ a 2inger at a gang o2 cameraGhappy In$ian 2ans gathere$ to
#atch him shooting a 2ilm on the so'th +an, o2 the rier /hames.
ans#er? )+* heartthro+
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 133 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- kn+"k
@'estions In$e%
31 I 's'ally kn+"k +## #or, at a+o't 4?00 o-cloc, an$ r'n to the station to catch the train to my ne%t 8o+.
ans#er? )+* ,noc, o22
32 Englan$ kn+"ked +## So'th "2rica in the Singapore Seens to'rnament at Singapore-s :ational Sta$i'm7
+eating them 33G14 in the semiG2inal yester$ay.
ans#er? )c* ,noc,e$ o22
33 6o yo' #ant me to kn+"k $p some l'nch(
ans#er? )+* ,noc, 'p
34 " 2e# months ago7 Fames got a kn+"k +n his 2ront $oor.
ans#er? )+* ,noc, on
35 /he $e2en$ant plea$e$ g'ilty to proi$ing a gro'p o2 >'ssians #ith kn+"kD+## goo$s.
ans#er? )a* ,noc,Go22
36 5ro2essional +o%ers $on-t #ear hea$ gear +eca'se their intent is to kn+"k +$t their opponent.
ans#er? )+* ,noc, o't
37 /here #asn-t m'ch 2oo$ in the c'p+oar$7 +'t I manage$ to kn+"k $p a meal 2or mysel2.
ans#er? )+* ,noc, 'p
38 5eople #ho kn+"k +n their neigh+or-s $oors an$ as, i2 anyone has seen their pet instea$ o2 8'st calling are
more li,ely to 2in$ it.
ans#er? )c* ,noc, on
39 " scr'm is a #ay o2 restartinga game o2 r'g+y 'niona2ter an acci$ental in2ringement s'ch as a kn+"k +n&
ans#er? )a* ,noc, on
310 /he G'lshan is a goo$ honest c'rry ho'se reno#ne$ 2or its a+ilitly to kn+"k $p a rather goo$ c'rry.
ans#er? )c* ,noc, 'p
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 134 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms and e:pressi+ns .ith 9$st< 9$st a-+$t; 9$st -e#+re
@'estions In$e%
31 F$st -e#+re the $oors opene$ they all notice$ a 5 note lying on the 2loor.
ans#er? )+* F'st +e2ore
32 1ell7 I am 9$st +!er 2 months in no# #ith my ne# ent're an$ +'siness is still going strong.
ans#er? )+* 8'st oer
33 &an I get pregnant 9$st a#ter my perio$ has 2inishe$(
ans#er? )+* 8'st a2ter
34 Fac, 1heeler is 9$st a-+$t the most interesting man I ,no#.
ans#er? )c* 8'st a+o't
35 Cl$G2ashione$ tooth+r'shes are 9$st as goo$ as electric ones at re$'cing plaA'e.
ans#er? )c* 8'st as
36 F$st then the g'y +ehin$ 's leane$ oer an$ sai$7 almost hysterically happy7 L/hat-s one terri2ic +a+y yo'-e
got thereEL
ans#er? )c* F'st then
37 5resi$ent ='sh than,e$ his hosts 2or a #arm #elcome 9$st -e#+re a$$ressing the 25th ann'al con2erence.
ans#er? )$* 8'st +e2ore
38 3olmen-s =oar$ $eci$e$ on 1e$nes$ay to inest in total 9$st +!er K500 in the Gro'p-s ne#sprint mill o'tsi$e
ans#er? )c* 8'st oer
39 /he +ill that &ongress has pro$'ce$ is monstro's in 9$st a-+$t eery #ay.
ans#er? )$* 8'st a+o't
310 <og machines can +e 9$st the thing to get yo' into the partying moo$.
ans#er? )$* 8'st the thing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 135 )"ns#er Jeys*
3meri"an 0residents 2illiam Fe##ers+n 1lint+n
@'estions In$e%
31 =ill &linton7 #hose 2ather passed a.ay a 2e# months +e2ore he #as +orn7 #ante$ to +e 5resi$ent 2rom a ery
early age.
ans#er? )c* passe$ a#ay
32 &linton $e2ie$ his critics +y s'riing an array o2 personal scan$als.
ans#er? )+* array
33 &linton #ashi+ned himsel2 as a L:e# 6emocratL an$ has 2reA'ently +een re2erre$ to as the L&ome+ac, Ji$.L
ans#er? )a* 2ashione$
34 In 19787 at the age o2 thirtyGt#o7 =ill &linton +ecame the yo'ngest goernor in the nati+n an$ in "r,ansas
ans#er? )a* nation
35 "s 5resi$entGelect7 &linton o#e$ to 2oc's on economic iss'es li,e a Llaser +eam7L #or,ing especially to
oercome the sl$ggish gro#th o2 the "merican economy.
ans#er? )+* sl'ggish
36 &linton s'22ere$ t#o ma8or set-a"ks $'ring his a$ministration.
ans#er? )c* set+ac,s
37 &linton-s partner in his political "areer an$ marriage7 3illary >o$ham &linton7 emerge$ as a ,ey player in his
ans#er? )a* career
38 <'t're history +oo,s may #ell +egin +y noting that =ill &linton #as the secon$ 5resi$ent to hae +een
impea"hed +y the I.S. 3o'se o2 >epresentaties.
ans#er? )c* impeache$
39 &linton ha$ a signi2icant in2l'ence on the dire"ti+n o2 the 6emocratic 5arty.
ans#er? )c* $irection
310 &linton s'ccee$e$ in +ro,ering peace negotiations in :orthern Irelan$ +et#een .arring &atholics an$
ans#er? )+* #arring
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 136 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms .ith the .+rd hard
@'estions In$e%
31 5oor people in "'stralia #ho are hard $p 2or cash may see, 2inancial assistance 2rom the Salation "rmy.
ans#er? )+* har$ 'p
32 9any small +'sinesses 8'st starting choose to accept col$ hard "ash as their only metho$ o2 payment.
ans#er? )$* har$ cash
33 9y parents #o'l$n-t permit me to listen to hard "+re heay metal m'sic #hen I #as gro#ing 'p.
ans#er? )a* har$ core
34 4ester$ay I ta'ght my $a'ghter ho# to coo, a hard -+iled egg 2or +rea,2ast.
ans#er? )c* har$ +oile$
35 9y 2ormer +oss #as so hard headed that he o2ten re2'se$ to listen to the opinions o2 his s'+or$inates.
ans#er? )a* har$ hea$e$
36 "pplicants 2or the sales position are reA'ire$ to s'+mit a hard "+py o2 their &0 +y /h'rs$ay7 9ay 17th 2006 at
the latest.
ans#er? )+* har$ copy
37 9any amate'r tennis players 2in$ it m'ch easier to play tennis on a hard "+$rt s'r2ace as oppose$ to playing
on a s'r2ace that is ma$e 2rom grass.
ans#er? )+* har$ co'rt
38 /he hard hearted $ictator re2'se$ to grant clemency to his imprisone$ political opponents.
ans#er? )a* har$ hearte$
39 Employees at the garment 2actory #ere 2orce$ to #or, t#ele ho'r shi2ts as they #ere hard pressed 2or time to
complete the or$er.
ans#er? )$* har$ presse$
310 Fames nee$e$ to go to the hard.are store to p'rchase a ne# $oor 2or his holi$ay ho'se.
ans#er? )c* har$#are
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 137 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+mp+$nd .+rds< head
@'estions In$e%
31 9y #i2e #ill only let me listen to classical m'sic i2 I agree to #ear my head ph+nes&
ans#er? )+* hea$ phones
32 9y 2ather lo$ge$ an ins'rance claim last #ee, +eca'se he ha$ an acci$ent an$ +ro,e one o2 the headlights
on his car.
ans#er? )a* hea$lights
33 Fimmy #ante$ to go to the 3allo#een party in an In$ian cost'me +'t #as 'na+le to 2in$ a head dress to
complete his o't2it.
ans#er? )c* hea$ $ress
34 /he 2light 2rom Sy$ney to Singapore #ill ta,e t#o ho'rs longer than 's'al this morning as the plane is 2lying
into a strong head.ind&
ans#er? )c* hea$#in$
35 I #as ery s'rprise$ to rea$ the headlines in the ne#spaper this morning regar$ing the incarceration o2 o'r
co'ntry-s 2ormer presi$ent.
ans#er? )a* hea$lines
36 <irst time entrants in this years city marathon #ill +e gien a ten min'te headstart oer the rest o2 the 2iel$.
ans#er? )+* hea$start
37 I #as ery $isappointe$ to 2in$ o't that the ne# car that I #ante$ to +'y ha$ ins'22icient headr++m&
ans#er? )c* hea$room
38 "ll 2lights o't o2 Sy$ney-s ne# airport #ere $elaye$ last #ee, $'e to e%tremely strong head.ind that #as
+lo#ing across the tarmac.
ans#er? )a* hea$#in$
39 9i%ing spirits an$ +eer is not a ery goo$ i$ea. I 's'ally #a,e 'p #ith a ery +a$ heada"he the ne%t morning.
ans#er? )c* hea$ache
310 1e #ere e%tremely 'pset #hen #e arrie$ at the cemetry an$ $iscoere$ that my late gran$2ather-s
headst+ne ha$ +een $estroye$ +y an$als.
ans#er? )+* hea$stone
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 138 )"ns#er Jeys*
0hrasal ,er-s 718
@'estions In$e%
31 /he co'ple "he"ked +$t o2 the hotel early this morning.
ans#er? )a* chec,e$ o't
32 >an$y al#ays trie$ to "heer e!ery+ne $p on rainy $ays.
ans#er? )+* cheer eeryone 'p
33 9ost o2 the ,i$s at school tho'ght he #as scare$ an$ that he #o'l$ "hi"ken +$t o2 the race.
ans#er? )a* chic,en o't
34 /he s'perisor as,e$ eeryone to "hip in 2or the manager-s +irth$ay present.
ans#er? )c* chip in
35 3e "lammed $p #hen the police o22icers starte$ to A'estion him a+o't the ro++ery.
ans#er? )+* clamme$ 'p
36 3e #ants to "+me a"r+ss as a mean +oss so his employees #ill #or, har$ 2or him.
ans#er? )+* come across
37 >ic, "ame d+.n .ith a terri+le col$ this #ee,.
ans#er? )c* came $o#n #ith
38 Bisa #as "+$nting +n her 2rien$s to help her moe.
ans#er? )c* co'nting on
39 /he ne# police chie2 is trying to "ra"k d+.n on the c'rrent $r'g pro+lem in the city.
ans#er? )a* crac, $o#n
310 Ba#rence is trying to "$t d+.n on 2atty 2oo$s.
ans#er? )a* c't $o#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 139 )"ns#er Jeys*
0hrasal ,er-s 7 t+ (8
@'estions In$e%
31 /he c'sto$y +attle dragged +n 2or many months.
ans#er? )+* $ragge$ on
32 /he architect dre. $p some +l'eprints 2or yo' last #ee,.
ans#er? )+* $re# 'p
33 I dr+pped in on my 2rien$ yester$ay to s'rprise her.
ans#er? )c* $roppe$ in
34 &athy dr+pped -y her mother-s ho'se 2or a isit this past #ee,.
ans#er? )c* $roppe$ +y
35 =r'ce dr+pped +$t o2 school #hen he #as only 2i2teen years ol$ an$ then too, on a 8o+.
ans#er? )+* $roppe$ o't
36 "2ter a lot o2 2'ss7 >ose ended $p li,ing the ne# $ish ery m'ch.
ans#er? )a* en$e$ 'p
37 /he manager #as so a2rai$ the m'ltiGmillion $ollar $eal #o'l$ #all thr+$gh&
ans#er? )c* 2all thro'gh
38 /he chil$ren trie$ to #ig$re +$t a #ay o2 getting to the concert on their o#n.
ans#er? )a* 2ig're o't
39 Jaren ha$ to #ill in 2or 6ae #hile he #as a#ay on acation.
ans#er? )c* 2ill in
310 /he co'ple #illed +$t many 2orms +e2ore they co'l$ immigrate to Englan$.
ans#er? )c* 2ille$ o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 140 )"ns#er Jeys*
0hrasal ,er-s 7G t+ '8
@'estions In$e%
31 >ic,-s 2ather an$ mother $i$n-t get al+ng #ith his gran$parents an$ #ere al#ays haing $isagreements.
ans#er? )+* get along
32 /hey rente$ a car so it #o'l$ +e easier to get ar+$nd the ne# city.
ans#er? )+* get aro'n$
33 B'cy #as so +'sy that she $i$n-t get ar+$nd t+ 2i%ing the stereo.
ans#er? )+* get aro'n$ to
34 3is salary is lo# so he-s 8'st getting -y right no#.
ans#er? )c* getting +y
35 3e #or,e$ har$ to get in to =er,eley this past year.
ans#er? )+* get in
36 /he criminal trie$ to get rid +# the ei$ence A'ic,ly.
ans#er? )a* get ri$ o2
37 /he st'$ents g++#ed +## #hen the teacher le2t the room.
ans#er? )+* goo2e$ o22
38 4o'-ll nee$ to hand in yo'r assignments +y <ri$ay.
ans#er? )c* han$ in
39 =eth-s 2ather is too pro'$ to as, 2or handD+$ts&
ans#er? )c* han$Go'ts
310 Ba'rie $eci$e$ to hang $p a2ter the 2o'rth ring.
ans#er? )a* hang 'p
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 141 )"ns#er Jeys*
0hrasal ,er-s 7' t+ %8
@'estions In$e%
31 /#o men stage$ a h+ldD$p at the +an, across the street 2rom 's yester$ay a2ternoon.
ans#er? )a* hol$G'p
32 1e still hae to ir+n +$t the 2iner $etails a+o't o'r 'pcoming trip to Scotlan$.
ans#er? )c* iron o't
33 9ost o2 the serice stations $eci$e$ to 9a"k $p their gas prices a2ter the gas #ar +et#een them.
ans#er? )c* 8ac, 'p
34 Jein 9$mped all +!er the great opport'nity to +e the 2loor manager.
ans#er? )a* 8'mpe$ all oer
35 Een tho'gh he #as e%ha'ste$7 he kept g+ing&
ans#er? )a* ,ept going
36 /rent #as ki"ked +$t o2 school 2or +a$ +ehaior.
ans#er? )c* ,ic,e$ o't
37 F'st loo, at that gorgeo's girl D She-s a kn+"k +$t&
ans#er? )c* ,noc, o't
38 1hen I hit my hea$ on the c'p+oar$7 I almost kn+"ked mysel# +$t&
ans#er? )a* ,noc,e$ mysel2 o't
39 /he company #as e%periencing 2inancial pro+lems so they ha$ to lay +## 2i2ty employees.
ans#er? )+* lay o22
310 Jaren $i$n-t #ant to lea!e any+ne +$t she #ent oer the #e$$ing list one more time.
ans#er? )+* leae anyone o't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 142 )"ns#er Jeys*
0hrasal ,er-s 7%8
@'estions In$e%
31 Fe22 2elt as i2 he ha$ +een let d+.n #hen he lost his 8o+.
ans#er? )+* let $o#n
32 "t long last the storm is starting to loo, li,e it-s going to let $p&
ans#er? )c* let 'p
33 3e starte$ to l++k -a"k +n his li2e an$ then $eci$e$ to ta,e another trip.
ans#er? )a* loo, +ac, on
34 /he rich 2amily l++ks d+.n +n poor people in this area.
ans#er? )+* loo,s $o#n on
35 She starte$ to l++k #+r.ard t+ the 'pcoming trip.
ans#er? )a* loo, 2or#ar$ to
36 :orma promise$ she #o'l$ l++k in +n &ara-s chil$ren #hile she #as a#ay on a +'siness trip.
ans#er? )+* loo, in on
37 /he sheri22 sai$ he #o'l$ l++k int+ the crime a +it more thoro'ghly.
ans#er? )c* loo, into
38 4o' can-t tell them apart D Elena l++ks 9$st like her mother.
ans#er? )+* loo,s 8'st li,e
39 =e2ore Sheila $ie$ 2rom a long cancer +attle7 she as,e$ her sister to l++k a#ter her chil$ren.
ans#er? )+* loo, a2ter
310 >ay ha$n-t seen his 2rien$ in years +'t he $eci$e$ to l++k him $p any#ay.
ans#er? )a* loo, him 'p
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 143 )"ns#er Jeys*
0hrasal ,er-s 7% t+ 08
@'estions In$e%
31 I har$ly eer gam+le +'t I #as l$"ky at the casino yester$ay.
ans#er? )a* l'c,y
32 3e is $i22erent so many chil$ren make #$n +# him.
ans#er? )c* ma,e 2'n o2
33 /he co'ple $eci$e$ to ,iss an$ make $p a2ter the $ay long arg'ment.
ans#er? )c* ma,e 'p
34 Een tho'gh she sA'inte$7 she co'l$n-t make +$t #hat he ha$ #ritten.
ans#er? )a* ma,e o't
35 3e $eci$e$ to make $p #+r his past mista,es +y $oing some goo$ in his comm'nity.
ans#er? )+* ma,e 'p 2or
36 /he $eparment store has marked $p its prices since the last time I #as here.
ans#er? )+* mar,e$ 'p
37 /he items are marked d+.n +eca'se the manager #ants to ma,e more room 2or the incoming spring line.
ans#er? )+* mar,e$ $o#n
38 Eeryone la'ghe$ at the mi: $p +et#een the t#in +rothers at the party.
ans#er? )+* mi% 'p
39 =illy #as so tire$ that he #as n+dding +## in class.
ans#er? )c* no$$ing o22
310 3er 2ather passed a.ay #hen she #as 8'st a ,i$.
ans#er? )+* passe$ a#ay
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 144 )"ns#er Jeys*
0hrasal ,er-s 70 t+ /8
@'estions In$e%
31 Emily passed +$t #hen she s'$$enly sa# the +'rglar enter her home.
ans#er? )a* passe$ o't
32 Jen pi"ked +$t the +est 2r'it at the s'permar,et.
ans#er? )c* pic,e$ o't
33 Stee #as al#ays trying to pi"k $p girls at the nightcl'+.
ans#er? )+* pic, 'p
34 /he ,i$s pi"k +n /rent +eca'se he is $i22erent.
ans#er? )a* pic, on
35 /he #hole comm'nity pit"hed in to ma,e the playgro'n$ sa2e an$ aesthetic.
ans#er? )+* pitche$ in
36 "2ter #ee,s o2 planning the escape7 S'e 2inally starte$ to +eliee they co'l$ p$ll it +##&
ans#er? )a* p'll it o22
37 Feremy $i$n-t #ant to p$t +## the #e$$ing any longer.
ans#er? )c* p't o22
38 Jathleen 2elt li,e she ha$ to p$t $p #ith a lot 2rom her 2amily.
ans#er? )a* p't 'p
39 /hat store is really e%pensie. It-s a rip +##&
ans#er? )+* rip o22
310 I2 yo' r+$nd +## the n'm+ers7 it #ill +e easier to calc'late the estimate.
ans#er? )c* ro'n$ o22
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 145 )"ns#er Jeys*
0hrasal ,er-s 7/ t+ T8
@'estions In$e%
31 3ei$i ran int+ an ol$ 2rien$ #hile she #as shopping last #ee,.
ans#er? )c* ran into
32 /he corner store o2ten r$ns +$t +# +rea$ near the en$ o2 the #ee,.
ans#er? )+* r'ns o't o2
33 /he night +e2ore the play7 the cre# set $p the stage.
ans#er? )a* set 'p
34 /he assem+ly line pro+lem #as a minor set -a"k 2or the company last #ee,.
ans#er? )c* set +ac,
35 /he girl #ith the p'rple hair #ants to stand +$t 2rom the gro'p.
ans#er? )a* stan$ o't
36 =o+-s 2ather ta'ght him to +e 2irm an$ to stand $p 2or #hat he +eliees.
ans#er? )+* stan$ 'p
37 5eople are getting tire$ o2 Seth +eca'se he al#ays sh+.s $p late.
ans#er? )+* sho#s 'p
38 /he L/L in the acronym stands #+r /ime.
ans#er? )c* stan$s 2or
39 Jelly takes a#ter her mother. /hey hae many o2 the same interests.
ans#er? )a* ta,es a2ter
310 Beslie $eci$e$ to take +## early 2rom the party.
ans#er? )+* ta,e o22
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 146 )"ns#er Jeys*
0hrasal ,er-s 7T8
@'estions In$e%
31 I $eci$e$ to take $p organic coo,ing.
ans#er? )a* ta,e 'p
32 Jristie #as ti"ked +## at 9att +eca'se o2 the things he sai$ to her last #ee,.
ans#er? )c* tic,e$ o22
33 9arg #ante$ to thr+. +$t the ol$ so2a +'t her h's+an$ co'l$n-t part #ith it.
ans#er? )a* thro# o't
34 Beila #as 2eeling +l'e so she #ent shopping to try +n some ne# o't2its.
ans#er? )+* try on
35 Samantha #as late 2or the +as,et+all try +$t&
ans#er? )a* try o't
36 =ryan tappe$ 5a'line on her sho'l$er so she #o'l$ t$rn ar+$nd an$ see the para$e approaching +ehin$
ans#er? )c* t'rn aro'n$
37 /he teacher as,e$ her st'$ents to t$rn in the assignments +y <ri$ay at noon.
ans#er? )+* t'rn in
38 Fohn trie$ to as, &ara o't on a $ate +'t she t$rned him d+.n&
ans#er? )c* t'rne$ him $o#n
39 Jeira can-t +ear people #ho can-t ma,e 'p their min$s an$ is t$rned +## +y procrastinators.
ans#er? )c* t'rne$ o22
310 &hris thin,s $ar, hair is a real t$rn +n&
ans#er? )a* t'rn on
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 147 )"ns#er Jeys*
0hrasal ,er-s 7T t+ 28
@'estions In$e%
31 Jein t++k d+.n all o2 the in2ormation an$ then gae the note to his #i2e so she co'l$ p't it into a comp'ter
ans#er? )+* too, $o#n
32 Ethan as,e$ his girl2rien$ to t$rn $p the m'sic so he co'l$ clearly hear the m'sic they #ere listening to in the
ans#er? )+* t'rn 'p
33 Jrista .aited +n her ill h's+an$ all $ay long.
ans#er? )a* #aite$ on
34 :eil li,e$ to .ake $p early on Sat'r$ays.
ans#er? )+* #a,e 'p
35 >ayleen .at"hed +$t #+r her little +rother all the time.
ans#er? )a* #atche$ o't 2or
36 &hris #as a2rai$ the ine%pensie tires #o'l$ .ear +$t A'ic,ly.
ans#er? )c* #ear o't
37 Billy li,es to .+rk +$t early in the morning so that she-s 2it 2or #or,.
ans#er? )c* #or, o't
38 >o+ loo,s .+rn +$t +eca'se he-s #or,ing t#o 8o+s at the moment.
ans#er? )c* #orn o't
39 1e are getting close to .rapping $p the meeting so are there any 2inal A'estions or concerns(
ans#er? )c* #rapping 'p
310 Fim $i$n-t hae m'ch time to .rite $p the contract.
ans#er? )c* #rite 'p
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 148 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms a-+$t 3nimals
@'estions In$e%
31 =eth is so a2rai$ o2 2lying. I thin, she sho'l$ stop +eing s'ch a s"aredy "at&
ans#er? )+* scare$y cat
32 9y parents had a "+. #hen my teacher calle$ them an$ tol$ them a+o't my poor gra$es.
ans#er? )a* ha$ a co#
33 Eeryone tol$ me I-$ +e s.imming .ith sharks i2 I too, that 8o+ on 1all Street.
ans#er? )+* s#imming #ith shar,s
34 " little -irdie tol$ me it is yo'r anniersary to$ay. 3o# many years is it no# 2or yo' t#o(
ans#er? )+* little +ir$ie
35 6'ring the monsoon season7 it rains "ats and d+gs 2or nearly one #hole month.
ans#er? )+* cats an$ $ogs
36 /he s'ae salesman loo,e$ nice +'t #hen he tol$ 's a+o't the 0H 2inancing7 the $eal seeme$ a little #ishy&
ans#er? )a* 2ishy
37 3olly#oo$ is so competitie that it seems li,e a d+g eat d+g #orl$7 $oesn-t it(
ans#er? )c* $og eat $og
38 3e-s so nero's. I #ish 2or once he-$ stop +eing s'ch a "hi"ken&
ans#er? )c* chic,en
39 9y little girl copies eerything I say. She-s li,e a little parr+t&
ans#er? )a* parrot
310 Eeryone notices >o+-s #i2e #hen she #al,s into a room. She-s pretty an$ #+:y&
ans#er? )+* 2o%y
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 149 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms a-+$t (++d
@'estions In$e%
31 Ethan-s teachers tol$ him he is the -cream o2 the crop- o2 his gra$'ating class. 1hat $oes -cream o2 the crop-
mean( The -est&
ans#er? )+* /he +est
32 3is $rama coach -egge$ him on- so he-$ go onto the stage an$ per2orm as #ell as he $i$ $'ring the
rehearsals. 1hat $oes Legge$ him onL mean( T+ en"+$rage s+me+ne&
ans#er? )+* /o enco'rage someone
33 Jeira 2elt li,e tennis #as -her c'p o2 tea.- 1hat $oes -her c'p o2 tea- mean( That itBs a per#e"t mat"h #+r her&
ans#er? )+* /hat it-s a per2ect match 2or her
34 >ay #as as -cool as a c'c'm+er- a+o't his e%am +eca'se he st'$ie$ all #ee, 2or it. 1hat $oes -cool as a
c'c'm+er- mean( T+ -e !ery "alm and rela:ed a-+$t s+mething&
ans#er? )c* /o +e ery calm an$ rela%e$ a+o't something
35 Eeryone ,ne# that the politician ha$ his -2inger in the pie- o2 many +'sinesses aro'n$ the city. 1hat $oes
-2inger in the pie- mean( T+ -e in!+l!ed in s+mething&
ans#er? )a* /o +e inole$ in something
36 9ost o2 Jim-s teachers #ante$ her to -'se her noo$le- more #hen it came to e%am time. 1hat $oes -'se her
noo$le- mean( T+ think m+re&
ans#er? )+* /o thin, more
37 L-In a n'tshell-7 the pro+lem #as ca'se$ +y a 2a'lty #ire7L sai$ the e%perience$ electrician. 1hat $oes -in a
n'tshell- mean( T+ -e "+n"ise a-+$t s+mething&
ans#er? )+* /o +e concise a+o't something
38 /he trial t'rne$ o't to +e -a hot potato- that eeryone at the ta+le #as thin,ing a+o't. 1hat $oes -a hot potato-
mean( 3 t+pi" that is !ery "+ntr+!ersial&
ans#er? )a* " topic that is ery controersial
39 /he ,ing #as so rich7 arrogant an$ mean that #hen he #as oerthro#n +y his people7 most o2 his s'+8ects
tho'ght it #as a+o't time he -ate some h'm+le pie.- 1hat $oes to -eat h'm+le pie- mean( T+ a""ept shame&
ans#er? )c* /o accept shame
310 9ary #as going thro'gh a ro'gh time an$ her 2amily 2elt li,e they ha$ to -#al, on eggshells- aro'n$ her. 1hat
$oes to -#al, on eggshells- mean( T+ -e !ery "a$ti+$s andC+r sensiti!e a-+$t s+mething&
ans#er? )c* /o +e ery ca'tio's an$/or sensitie a+o't something
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 150 )"ns#er Jeys*
0rep+siti+ns +# Time and ate 718
@'estions In$e%
31 I #o'l$n-t #ant his shi2t D he has to #a,e 'p at 3 am eery$ay.
ans#er? )c* at
32 9an$y can-t #ait 2or sno# +eca'se she #ants to go s,iing in the #inter.
ans#er? )a* in
33 I $on-t ,no# #hat time they-ll +e +ac, this eening7 i2 at all. It all $epen$s on the roa$ con$itions to$ay.
ans#er? )c* )none*
34 1e hope there #on-t +e m'ch sno# this year +'t yo' neer ,no#.
ans#er? )+* )none*
35 Bast year7 the #eather #as really +a$. /his year7 the 2orecast is +etter.
ans#er? )+* )none*
36 I hae to go 2or a chec,G'p ne%t #ee,. I go 2or a chec,G'p once a year.
ans#er? )c* )none*
37 I calle$ in to ma,e an appointment an$ I can see the $octor at 3 pm. &an yo' come #ith me(
ans#er? )c* at
38 I-m meeting an ol$ 2rien$ 2or l'nch at noon. I haen-t seen her 2or a long time.
ans#er? )c* at
39 I $on-t hae any plans #+r /han,sgiing 6ay +eca'se my entire 2amily lies oerseas.
ans#er? )a* 2or
310 I-m going to my parents- ho'se in 9aine. 1hat are yo' $oing +n &hristmas 6ay(
ans#er? )a* on
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 151 )"ns#er Jeys*
0rep+siti+ns +# Time and ate 728
@'estions In$e%
31 4ester$ay7 I #ent shopping an$ 2o'n$ some great o't2its 2or spring.
ans#er? )c* )none*
32 /he meeting is +n 9on$ay morning at 9?30 am sharp. 6on-t +e late.
ans#er? )c* on
33 9y +irth$ay is in "pril. &an yo' come to my +irth$ay party(
ans#er? )c* in
34 I loe s#imming in the s'mmer months. I 's'ally s#im at an o't$oor pool as m'ch as I can an$ sometimes
#e go the la,e.
ans#er? )c* in
35 I-m going hi,ing +n the #ee,en$. 6o yo' #ant to come(
ans#er? )+* on
36 "2ter o'r hi,ing trip7 I-m going to +e really sore +n 9on$ay morning.
ans#er? )c* on
37 4n three #ee,s7 I-m going on a camping trip. 1e-re going to a really scenic spot.
ans#er? )+* In
38 /he $ay a2ter tomorro#7 I-m going to =ora =ora. I can-t #aitE
ans#er? )c* )none*
39 4n 20027 I got a promotion an$ I-m hoping 2or another one this year.
ans#er? )c* In
310 Some$ay7 in the 2't're7 #e-re going to +'il$ the ho'se o2 o'r $reams.
ans#er? )c* in
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 152 )"ns#er Jeys*
0rep+siti+ns +# Time and ate 738
@'estions In$e%
31 4ester$ay7 #e #ent to the >oyal "l+erta 9'se'm they ha$ some really interesting e%hi+its.
ans#er? )c* )none*
32 1e-re going to the =otanical Gar$ens an$ tomorro#7 #e-re planning to see some more aspects this city has to
ans#er? )+* )none*
33 4n t#o #ee,s7 the pro8ect sho'l$ +e complete. I hope o'r clients approe o2 the ne# 2ormat.
ans#er? )+* In
34 I 2inishe$ a ery important pro8ect t#o months ago. It #as really intense +eca'se o2 the c'tting e$ge
technology #e 'se$.
ans#er? )+* )none*
35 9y acation starts +n F'ly 3. 1en$y #ill 2ill in 2or me #hile I-m gone.
ans#er? )a* on
36 I li,e to eat +rea,2ast in the morning +'t to$ay I ha$ to s,ip it +eca'se I ha$ an early meeting #ith the =oar$ o2
ans#er? )+* in
37 I loe going 2or #al,s in the spring eerything is so 2resh an$ +ea'ti2'l.
ans#er? )c* in
38 I-m going to 2inish rea$ing this great +oo, to$ay D it-s really captiating.
ans#er? )c* )none*
39 4n 20047 I-m getting a raise so #e-ll +e a+le to a22or$ more things li,e tropical acations.
ans#er? )c* In
310 1e-re going 2or $inner at a great Italian resta'rant tonight. It-s not 2ar 2rom here.
ans#er? )a* )none*
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 153 )"ns#er Jeys*
0rep+siti+ns +# Time and ate 748
@'estions In$e%
31 4n the seenteenth cent'ry7 art#or, in E'rope #as A'ite $i22erent 2rom #hat yo' see to$ay.
ans#er? )+* In
32 6n 0alentine-s 6ay7 I-m ta,ing my girl2rien$ to a #on$er2'l spot it-s really remote an$ romantic. I hope she
li,es it.
ans#er? )a* Cn
33 Cne #ee, ago7 she #as tol$ she co'l$n-t hae any more time o22.
ans#er? )+* )none*
34 :e%t month7 I-m e%pecting my 2amily to isit 2rom the 0irgin Islan$s.
ans#er? )+* )none*
35 6n Sat'r$ay night7 #e #ent to a great moie an$ then ha$ s'pper #ith the Fohnsons.
ans#er? )+* Cn
36 6n In$epen$ence 6ay7 #e al#ays go to the 2air an$ #atch the 2ire#or,s at 11 pm.
ans#er? )+* Cn
37 6n 1e$nes$ay night7 I-m going to ta,e the sta22 o't 2or $inner.
ans#er? )c* Cn
38 /omorro# eening7 #e-re going to hae a s'rprise +irth$ay party 2or 9itch.
ans#er? )a* )none*
39 3t mi$night7 the tra$ition is to sing a tra$itional song to ring in the :e# 4ear.
ans#er? )+* "t
310 4n 20057 I 2inishe$ my $egree an$ no# I-m #or,ing #ith a small acco'nting 2irm.
ans#er? )+* In
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 154 )"ns#er Jeys*
2hat 1+mes =e:t5 718
@'estions In$e%
31 1hat I-ll $o no# is $p t+ me&
ans#er? )a* 'p to me
32 I-m ery tire$ so I thin, I-ll t$rn in&
ans#er? )c* t'rn in
33 It m'st +e at least a year since y+$ .ere here&
ans#er? )c* yo' #ere here
34 I 8'st $on-t 2ollo# a single #or$ D I-m a2rai$ it-s all Greek t+ me&
ans#er? )$* Gree, to me
35 I-m $esperate. "ll I nee$ really is someone to gi!e me a hand&
ans#er? )c* gie me a han$
36 I-m sorry that-s not 2air. It-s no goo$ -laming me&
ans#er? )a* +laming me
37 "s 2ar as I-m concerne$ they can all go 9$mp in the lake&
ans#er? )$* 8'mp in the la,e
38 I2 yo' m'st tal,7 $o it A'ietly 4 -eg y+$&
ans#er? )+* I +eg yo'
39 6i$ yo' hear that noise( I-m s're there m'st +e a -$rglar in the h+$se&
ans#er? )c* a +'rglar in the ho'se
310 "ll I as, is that yo' gi!e me 9$st +ne last "han"e&
ans#er? )a* gie me 8'st one last chance
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 155 )"ns#er Jeys*
2hat 1+mes =e:t5 728
@'estions In$e%
31 I can-t ma,e hea$ nor tail o2 this D itBs $tter r$--ish&
ans#er? )c* it-s 'tter r'++ish
32 I $on-t ,no# a+o't yo' +'t I-m so h'ngry 4 "+$ld eat a h+rse&
ans#er? )$* I co'l$ eat a horse
33 4o' $on-t hae to sho't 4Bm n+t that dea#&
ans#er? )+* I-m not that $ea2
34 I hae trie$7 honestly +'t 4 9$st "anBt get thr+$gh t+ her&
ans#er? )$* I 8'st can-t get thro'gh to her
35 I2 I ha$ the chances yo' hae7 4Bd simply gra- them&
ans#er? )a* I-$ simply gra+ them
36 I2 yo' can-t get this right7 then thereBs n+ h+pe #+r y+$&
ans#er? )c* there-s no hope 2or yo'
37 I2 the sit'ation-s that +a$ I s'ggest y+$ sell $p&
ans#er? )+* yo' sell 'p
38 /hey realise$ that the police ha$ them cornere$ an$ they ga!e themsel!es $p&
ans#er? )a* they gae themseles 'p
39 /here-s no r'sh 2or an ans#er so 8'st take y+$r time&
ans#er? )$* ta,e yo'r time
310 1e can sa2ely say that the +'siness is no# concl'$e$ so thatBs it&
ans#er? )c* that-s it
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 156 )"ns#er Jeys*
2hat 1+mes =e:t5 738
@'estions In$e%
31 I #o'l$n-t hesitate to accept that o22er. I2 it #ere me 4Bd -ite his hand +##&
ans#er? )+* I-$ +ite his han$ o22
32 /here are seeral #ays o2 loo,ing at this an$ y+$Bll ha!e t+ "h++se&
ans#er? )c* yo'-ll hae to choose
33 :o+o$y-s going to call me names an$ get a.ay .ith it&
ans#er? )$* get a#ay #ith it
34 4o' can-t agree #ith +oth o2 them make y+$r mind $p&
ans#er? )+* ma,e yo'r min$ 'p
35 6on-t #orry a+o't not getting eno'gh s'pport 4Bm .ith y+$ all the .ay&
ans#er? )a* I-m #ith yo' all the #ay
36 I2 yo' co'l$ +e serio's 2or 8'st one moment 4Bd appre"iate it&
ans#er? )c* I-$ appreciate it
37 :o+o$y eer got in his #ay heBd 9$st .alk all +!er them&
ans#er? )$* he-$ 8'st #al, all oer them
38 4o'-re not telling me yo' $i$n-t la'gh once 4 -et y+$ did&
ans#er? )+* I +et yo' $i$
39 6on-t #orry #hat other people thin, 9$st take n+ n+ti"e +# them&
ans#er? )$* 8'st ta,e no notice o2 them
310 1e-re haing a +ar+ec'e ne%t #ee,7 .ill y+$ "+me5
ans#er? )a* #ill yo' come
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 157 )"ns#er Jeys*
2hat 1+mes =e:t5 748
@'estions In$e%
31 It-s getting ery late 4Bll ha!e t+ h$rry&
ans#er? )c* I-ll hae to h'rry
32 I2 #e leae it any longer7 .eBll miss the train&
ans#er? )+* #e-ll miss the train
33 /here is a $ea$line7 I-m a2rai$7 s+ y+$ m$stnBt dither&
ans#er? )a* so yo' m'stn-t $ither
34 1e sho'l$ hae +een there 2 ho'rs ago7 s+ .eBre .ell -ehind&
ans#er? )$* so #e-re #ell +ehin$
35 I2 #e leae this min'te7 4Bm s$re .eBll make it&
ans#er? )a* I-m s're #e-ll ma,e it
36 /hey arrie$ in the mi$$le o2 the night -e"a$se their #light .as delayed&
ans#er? )c* +eca'se their 2light #as $elaye$
37 "s the ol$ saying goes? 'e .h+ hesitates is l+st&
ans#er? )+* 3e #ho hesitates is lost
38 /hey sho'l$ hae arrie$ +y no#. I #on$er .hat has kept them&
ans#er? )a* #hat has ,ept them
39 I-m +eing as A'ic, as I can. F'st $on-t -$g me&
ans#er? )$* +'g me
310 I-m giing yo' yo'r last #arning. I2 yo'-re not rea$y in 2ie min'tes7 y+$Bre +n y+$r +.n&
ans#er? )+* yo'-re on yo'r o#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 158 )"ns#er Jeys*
2hat 1+mes =e:t5 758
@'estions In$e%
31 6o yo' min$ repeating that( I $i$n-t A'ite grasp it the #irst time&
ans#er? )$* grasp it the 2irst time
32 6i$ yo' 2ollo# all that( "ns#er? =+; my mindBs a "+mplete -lank&
ans#er? )a* :o7 my min$-s a complete +lan,
33 6i$ yo' get that( "ns#er? 1ell7 not really. 1+$ld y+$ r$n that past me +n"e m+re5
ans#er? )+* &o'l$ yo' r'n that past me once more
34 I $on-t ,no# a+o't yo' +'t I can-t ma,e sense o2 this at all. "ns#er? *e t++; 4Bm 9$st +$t +# my depth&
ans#er? )c* 9e too7 I-m 8'st o't o2 my $epth
35 4o' loo, a little con2'se$. 6o yo' ,no# .hat 4Bm +n a-+$t5
ans#er? )a* #hat I-m on a+o't
36 I hope it-s all clear no#7 isn-t it( "ns#er? :o7 y+$B!e l+st me there&
ans#er? )$* yo'-e lost me there
37 I2 yo' #ant 's to 2ollo# yo'r arg'ment I s'ggest yo' $se less "+mpli"ated .+rds&
ans#er? )+* 'se less complicate$ #or$s
38 5romise me that at least yo'-ll try this e%ercise7 #on-t yo'( "ns#er? 4Bll ha!e a g+&
ans#er? )c* I-ll hae a go
39 1hat $o yo' ma,e o2 this test( "ns#er? It-s A'ite -ey+nd me&
ans#er? )a* +eyon$ me
310 I2 yo' can-t act'ally say the #or$s then #hy $on-t yo' try singing them&
ans#er? )+* singing them
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 159 )"ns#er Jeys*
@'estions In$e%
31 I2 yo' lie a+roa$7 $o yo' lie in an+ther "+$ntry5
ans#er? )a* in another co'ntry
32 I2 yo' are a+sent are yo' n+t here5
ans#er? )c* not here
33 1hen yo' accept something7 $o yo' take it5
ans#er? )+* ta,e it
34 I2 yo' hae yo'r o#n accommo$ation7 $o yo' li!e there5
ans#er? )$* lie there
35 I2 someone gies yo' an acco'nt7 $o yo' pay it5
ans#er? )a* pay it
36 I2 yo' hae an ache7 is it $npleasant5
ans#er? )+* 'npleasant
37 I2 yo' #ant to per2orm in the theatre7 $o yo' #ant to +ecome an a"t+r5
ans#er? )c* actor
38 I2 yo' #ant to get to the other si$e o2 a +ri$ge7 $o yo' "r+ss it5
ans#er? )a* cross it
39 I2 it-s a gen'ine pict're7 is it real5
ans#er? )+* real
310 I2 yo' a$8'st something7 $o yo' "hange it5
ans#er? )c* change it
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 160 )"ns#er Jeys*
2hat "+mes ne:t 7the -ill8
@'estions In$e%
31 /his is most em+arrassing. I can-t pay the +ill 2or my meal. I-m a2rai$ 4B!e le#t my .allet at h+me&
ans#er? )+* I-e le2t my #allet at home
32 I #o'l$ +e most o+lige$ i2 yo' all+. me t+ pay later&
ans#er? )c* allo# me to pay later
33 /he other thing I co'l$ $o is lea!e my .at"h as a dep+sit&
ans#er? )$* leae my #atch as a $eposit
34 I can see +y the e%pression on yo'r 2ace y+$ d+nBt really like the idea&
ans#er? )c* yo' $on-t really li,e the i$ea
35 I co'l$ phone someone to -ring me the m+ney&
ans#er? )+* +ring me the money
36 I see. So #hat yo' are saying is 4Bm h+lding $p y+$r trade&
ans#er? )a* I-m hol$ing 'p yo'r tra$e
37 1ell7 I $i$ say I #as sorry an$ I thin, y+$Bre -eing !ery $nreas+na-le&
ans#er? )$* yo'-re +eing ery 'nreasona+le
38 4o' say yo' hae no choice +'t to "all the manager&
ans#er? )+* call the manager
39 /hat so'n$s a goo$ i$ea. I-m s're he-ll sympathise&
ans#er? )c* sympathise
310 "ll right7 all right 9r manager. F'st as yo' say7 +# "+$rse 4Bll .ash the dishes in the kit"hen&
ans#er? )a* o2 co'rse I-ll #ash the $ishes in the ,itchen
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 161 )"ns#er Jeys*
2hat "+mes ne:t 7the letter8
@'estions In$e%
31 I ,no# I-m a ery +a$ letter #riter +'t 4 .as thinking +# y+$ the +ther day&
ans#er? )c* I #as thin,ing o2 yo' the other $ay
32 "n$ that-s #hat has pr+mpted me t+ .rite this letter&
ans#er? )+* has prompte$ me to #rite this letter
33 6o yo' remem+er the last time .e a"t$ally met5
ans#er? )a* #e act'ally met
34 I remem+er it as i2 it .as yesterday&
ans#er? )$* #as yester$ay
35 I +eliee #e met 2or l'nch in an e%pensie resta'rant an$ yo' "h+se the pri"iest item +n the men$&
ans#er? )c* chose the priciest item on the men'
36 "n$ yo' m'st ,no# #hy this 2act has st$"k in my mind&
ans#er? )$* has st'c, in my min$
37 I only ha$ a a !ery m+dest dish&
ans#er? )c* a ery mo$est $ish
38 /his #as 8'st as #ell in ie# o2 #hat happened&
ans#er? )a* happene$
39 4o' haen-t 2orgotten7 s$rely5
ans#er? )+* s'rely
310 I ha$ to pay 2or yo'. So isn-t it a-+$t time y+$ paid me -a"k5
ans#er? )c* a+o't time yo' pai$ me +ac,
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 162 )"ns#er Jeys*
3nt+nyms 718
@'estions In$e%
31 Bo' approe$ o2 the +ehaior his respect2'l sons $isplaye$ $'ring the ch'rch serice this #ee,. 1hat is an
antonym o2 approe( re9e"t
ans#er? )c* re8ect
32 :ancy conc'rre$ #ith her +oss a+o't the ne# $irection the company #as ta,ing. 1hat is an antonym o2
conc'r( disagree
ans#er? )a* $isagree
33 >o+ert-s amia+le mother #as al#ays trying to help people an$ she ol'nteere$ 2or many comm'nity serices
on a reg'lar +asis. 1hat is an antonym o2 amia+le( disagreea-le
ans#er? )c* $isagreea+le
34 :o one 'n$erstoo$ #hy Jein $eci$e$ to reo,e the agreement +'t they #ent along #ith him any#ay. 1hat is
an antonym o2 reo,e( keep
ans#er? )c* ,eep
35 Enironmentalists aro'n$ the #orl$ 2ight to presere the #orl$-s nat'ral +ea'ty an$ reso'rces 2or 2't're
generations to come. 1hat is an antonym o2 presere( destr+y
ans#er? )a* $estroy
36 3enry hope$ that his sons #o'l$ some$ay ta,e oer his retail +'siness an$ maintain a high leel o2 c'stomer
serice an$ satis2action that 3enry al'e$ so m'ch. 1hat is an antonym o2 maintain( eliminate
ans#er? )c* eliminate
37 9ary-s 8oial 'ncle #as al#ays 2'nny an$ she loe$ #hen he came oer to isit. 1hat is an antonym o2 8oial(
ans#er? )+* misera+le
38 9a'reen 's'ally 2elt $o#n an$ $epresse$ on 9on$ays +eca'se she neer got eno'gh sleep on the
#ee,en$s. 1hat is an antonym o2 $epresse$( "heer#$l
ans#er? )+* cheer2'l
39 &hil$ #el2are $eals #ith parents or caregiers #ho a+'se an$/or neglect their chil$ren. 1hat is an antonym o2
neglect( n$rt$re
ans#er? )c* n'rt're
310 Steen #as statione$ so long in IraAthat he o2ten yearne$ to see his #i2e an$ chil$ren again. 1hat is an
antonym o2 yearn( re#$se
ans#er? )+* re2'se
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 163 )"ns#er Jeys*
3nt+nyms 728
@'estions In$e%
31 1hen the plane crashe$ near the "rctic &ircle7 the s'riors #ere a+le to #ithstan$ the col$ an$ harsh
elements +eca'se they met natie Es,imos #ho ta'ght them m'chGnee$e$ s'rial s,ills. 1hat is an antonym
o2 #ithstan$( perish
ans#er? )c* perish
32 9elanie tho'ght the iss'e at han$ #as not morally 8'st an$ conseA'ently she #o'l$ neer en$orse the petition
circ'lating thro'gho't her neigh+orhoo$. 1hat is an antonym o2 en$orse( +pp+se
ans#er? )+* oppose
33 "t the managers- meeting7 the gro'p $eci$e$ against the ne# pro8ect as a ia+le option an$ $eci$e$ on
another $irection to ens're s'ccess 2or the company-s 2all line. 1hat is an antonym o2 ia+le( impra"ti"al
ans#er? )a* impractical
34 "2ter many months o2 gr'eling #or, an$ pain2'l in8'ries to her sho'l$er an$ +ac,7 S'san reali;e$ that her
$ream o2 s#imming the English &hannel #as 'nattaina+le. 1hat is an antonym o2 'nattaina+le( realisti"
ans#er? )c* realistic
35 /he co'ple trie$ to conerse in the +'sy resta'rant +'t they co'l$n-t hear themseles spea, so they #ent
else#here. 1hat is an antonym o2 conerse( st+p talking
ans#er? )+* stop tal,ing
36 "2ter a gr'eling an$ +'sy #ee, at #or,7 the stillness o2 the pon$ remin$e$ Bara o2 the silence she-$ +een
searching 2or since 9on$ay. 1hat is an antonym o2 stillness( $pr+ar
ans#er? )a* 'proar
37 /he $im lights ma$e it har$ to see so =en sA'inte$ to ma,e o't the stranger-s 2ace in the $istance. 1hat is an
antonym o2 $im( str+ng
ans#er? )c* strong
38 "s the coyotes ho#le$7 Gloria an$ Steen 2o'n$ it $i22ic'lt to see in the gloomy 2orest. 1hat is an antonym o2
gloomy( -right
ans#er? )a* +right
39 /he merry #e$$ing ceremony too, place o't$oors. It #as +ea'ti2'l an$ pict'resA'eE 1hat is an antonym o2
pict'resA'e( $gly
ans#er? )a* 'gly
310 /he graphic moie is 2or a$'lts only +eca'se most o2 the scenes are 'ns'ita+le 2or chil$ren. 1hat is an
antonym o2 graphic( impli"it
ans#er? )c* implicit
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 164 )"ns#er Jeys*
3meri"an English 4di+ms
@'estions In$e%
31 Een tho'gh /om #as a2rai$ o2 heights7 he #as $etermine$ to 2ace the m'sic so he slo#ly p'lle$ himsel2 'p
the la$$er. 1hat is the meaning o2 -2ace the m'sic-( deal .ith a pr+-lem +r #ear
ans#er? )a* $eal #ith a pro+lem or 2ear
32 >yan hit the nail on the hea$ #hen he sai$ the goernment spen$ing is o'trageo's an$ 'nethical. 1hat is the
meaning o2 -hit the nail on the hea$-( t+ say s+mething that is a""$rate
ans#er? )a* to say something that is acc'rate
33 /he C->yley sisters $on-t get along an$ they neer see eye to eye on any iss'e. 1hat is the meaning o2 -see
eye to eye-( t+ see things the same .ay
ans#er? )+* to see things the same #ay
34 I ,no# there is a lot o2 +iology material to coer an$ learn +'t i2 yo' #ant to pass the e%am7 yo' hae to learn
it +y heart. 1hat is the meaning o2 -learn it +y heart(- "+mmit t+ mem+ry
ans#er? )+* commit to memory
35 9r. /aylor is a great mentor +eca'se he-s really nice an$ an ol$ han$ at teaching. 1hat is the meaning o2 -an
ol$ han$(- an e:perien"ed pers+n
ans#er? )+* an e%perience$ person
36 /he $eal $i$ not seem honest an$ >on $i$ not #ant to stic, o't his nec, an$ ris, eerything 'ntil he #as s're
a+o't eery last $etail. 1hat is the meaning o2 -stic, o't his nec,(- t+ make +nesel# !$lnera-le
ans#er? )a* to ma,e onesel2 'lnera+le
37 /he reason #hy "'rora is $resse$ to the nines is +eca'se she-s got a $ate tonight. 6oesn-t she loo, great(
1hat is the meaning o2 -$resse$ to the nines(- dressed $p and l++king great
ans#er? )+* $resse$ 'p an$ loo,ing great
38 /ommy got into real tro'+le at school to$ay. 3e 'se$ a 2o'rGletter #or$ in the classroom. 1hat is the meaning
o2 -'se$ a 2o'r letter #or$(- $sed -ad lang$age
ans#er? )+* 'se$ +a$ lang'age
39 >onsoon reali;e$ +y p'tting t#o an$ t#o together that the salesman #as trying to tric, him into +'ying the
'se$ car. 1hat is the meaning o2 -p't t#o an$ t#o together(- t+ #ig$re +$t .hat is g+ing +n
ans#er? )+* to 2ig're o't #hat is going on
310 3e rarely cares a+o't anyone +'t himsel2 he-s al#ays loo,ing o't 2or n'm+er one. 1hat is the meaning o2
-loo,ing o't 2or n'm+er one(- t+ +nly "are a-+$t +nesel#
ans#er? )a* to only care a+o't onesel2
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 165 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 718
@'estions In$e%
31 3o# m'ch o2 an e##e"t $i$ 1orl$ 1ar II hae on E'rope(
ans#er? )+* e22ect
32 /he 1orl$ 1ar #as $eastating #+r many co'ntries.
ans#er? )+* 2or
33 Bynn an$ 9i,e #ere ecstatic a+o't the -irth o2 their 2irst chil$ this year.
ans#er? )a* +irth
34 )esides that7 they #ere also happy a+o't the p'rchase o2 their ne# home.
ans#er? )c* =esi$es
35 /he #eather on the coast is really #et an$ clo'$y D it rains a l+t&
ans#er? )+* a lot
36 /he prin"ipal point is that yo'-ll hae to see, co'nsel a+o't the crisis yo'-re 2acing.
ans#er? )a* principal
37 "2ter a year o2 contin'al t'rmoil7 Jein $eci$e$ to moe to a place #ith less political 'pheaal.
ans#er? )+* less
38 /he army #as le$ +y a 2amo's General .h+ #as ,no#n 2or his tactical an$ strategic rai$s.
ans#er? )$* #ho
39 /here are many p++r an$ 'n2ort'nate people in eery co'ntry aro'n$ the #orl$.
ans#er? )c* poor
310 Some charity gro'ps are #or,ing to lo#er the n$m-er o2 poor people aro'n$ the #orl$.
ans#er? )$* n'm+er
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 166 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 728
@'estions In$e%
31 Jein-s $ream o2 creating a per2ect #orl$ is only an ill$si+n +eca'se there is no s'ch thing as a per2ect #orl$.
ans#er? )+* ill'sion
32 I thin, Jein-s heart is in the right place +eca'se #e sho'l$ al#ays strie 2or #orl$ pea"e&
ans#er? )c* peace
33 Cn most eenings 8'st +e2ore $'s,7 the 2armer loes to sit on his porch an$ loo, o't onto the ?$iet past're.
ans#er? )$* A'iet
34 /he 2armer o2ten says that a peace2'l7 nat'ral li2e is the only .ay 2or him.
ans#er? )a* #ay
35 Sometimes7 there is a lot o2 animosity +et#een 2rien$s. /his #ill certainly ca'se those pers+nal relationships
to 2ail.
ans#er? )c* personal
36 /im-s gran$parents s'22ere$ thr+$gh the Great 6epression.
ans#er? )a* thro'gh
37 "2ter#ar$s7 they ha$ to $eal #ith some ma8or an$ min+r #ars as #ell.
ans#er? )+* minor
38 Their li2estyle is really hectic an$ 'nhealthy.
ans#er? )a* /heir
39 <irst 9an$y sai$ she #ante$ t.+ pieces o2 can$y an$ then she as,e$ 2or three.
ans#er? )+* t#o
310 "t the s"ene o2 the crime7 police o22icers interie#e$ eye#itnesses an$ gathere$ ei$ence.
ans#er? )c* scene
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 167 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 738
@'estions In$e%
31 &an yo' imagine #hat +$r #orl$ #o'l$ +e li,e i2 there #eren-t any cars(
ans#er? )a* o'r
32 /he 2ierce #in$ -le. all night long it #as intolera+leE
ans#er? )c* +le#
33 9athematics is a+o't concepts an$ practice an$ yo' m'st learn the +asics i2 yo' are going to pass yo'r
ans#er? )+* learn
34 I $on-t care #here #e go. It-s 'p to yo'. I ate already&
ans#er? )c* alrea$y
35 George "+mplimented her on her speech an$ she politely than,e$ him as she #al,e$ passe$ the cro#$ o2
ans#er? )$* complimente$
36 Eery night a2ter s'pper7 Ba#rence lies $o#n on the so2a #ith a goo$ +oo,. Ba#rence nee$s a magni2ying
glass to rea$ +eca'se his sight is so +a$.
ans#er? )+* sight
37 /homas really li,es the n'rsing home his chil$ren chose 2or him +eca'se his personal aide is nice an$
ans#er? )c* ai$e
38 &in$y reali;e$ the air #as crisp an$ clean an$ she +reathe$ in $eeply to soa, in the night-s nat'ral charm.
ans#er? )$* air
39 /he little girl -a.led #hen her mother tol$ her she co'l$n-t hae the toy she sa# in the $epartment store.
ans#er? )c* +a#le$
310 "2ter retirement7 the el$erly co'ple $eci$e$ it #as time to sell their large home an$ moe into something
ans#er? )+* sell
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 168 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 748
@'estions In$e%
31 /he Internet company -illed me 2or the items I or$ere$ last #ee,.
ans#er? )+* +ille$
32 Jarrie #as tire$ an$ soon +ecame -+red #ith the actiity her teacher assigne$.
ans#er? )c* +ore$
33 Foy tie$ a kn+t in the ri++on so the &hristmas pac,age #o'l$ loo, +ea'ti2'l #hen she sent it to her parents.
ans#er? )a* ,not
34 /he a$'lt 2alcon preys on smaller +ir$s7 mammals an$ reptiles.
ans#er? )$* preys
35 /he rain came $o#n all night +'t in the morning7 the s'n shone an$ #e #ere a+le to hae a +ea'ti2'l an$ $ry
picnic in the a2ternoon.
ans#er? )c* rain
36 6orothy care2'lly .rapped all o2 the &hristmas gi2ts an$ then she 2ille$ all o2 the stoc,ings #ith small gi2ts an$
ans#er? )$* #rappe$
37 Foey as,e$ his 2ather to read him a +e$time story. 3is 2aorite +oo, is Green Eggs an$ 3am- +y 6octor
ans#er? )a* rea$
38 In each A'estion7 the st'$ents #ere as,e$ to choose the right #or$ 2rom a m'ltiple choice list o2 possi+ilities.
ans#er? )a* right
39 /he r+ad #as long an$ it loo,e$ li,e a ri++on lai$ o't across the hills o2 the prairies.
ans#er? )a* roa$
310 /he seamstress chose a strong seam to 2inish o22 the $ress she #as ma,ing 2or her gran$$a'ghter-s +irth$ay.
ans#er? )c* seam
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 169 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 758
@'estions In$e%
31 /he cat chase$ his tail 'ntil he 2ell oer +eca'se he #as so $i;;y.
ans#er? )+* tail
32 /he #arm +ree;e an$ starry s,y ma$e that partic'lar night the per2ect setting 2or a romantic $inner.
ans#er? )$* night
33 "s the chocolate chip coo,ies +a,e$ in the oen7 a $elicio's s"ent 2ille$ the entire ho'se.
ans#er? )+* scent
34 "s Fohnny #al,e$ 'p to the plate7 the opposing team praye$ 2or a stri,e or a #+$l +all.
ans#er? )$* 2o'l
35 I can see the 5aci2ic Ccean an$ many marine animals7 s'ch as seag'lls7 cra+s an$ clams7 2rom my +e$room
#in$o# eery$ay.
ans#er? )a* see
36 /yler kne. that the team #as in tro'+le so he trie$ har$er than 's'al to stri,e o't the +atter.
ans#er? )$* ,ne#
37 /he .h+le a22air ma$e eeryone 'ncom2orta+le. 9ost #ishe$ the or$eal #o'l$ en$ ery soon.
ans#er? )$* #hole
38 /om is a talente$ an$ innoatie carpenter. 3e 'ses many $i22erent types o2 .++d in his #or,.
ans#er? )a* #oo$
39 /he -ear #as eating 2rom a +erry +'sh #hen he #as s'$$enly startle$ +y the scent o2 the approaching an$
'ns'specting hi,ers.
ans#er? )c* +ear
310 /ree 2rogs 's'ally soa, 'p moist're 2rom the de. on trees an$ leaes in the mornings.
ans#er? )c* $e#
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 170 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 768
@'estions In$e%
31 /he s,ating pair per2orme$ ery #ell in +oth the short an$ long programs.
ans#er? )$* pair
32 I #ant yo' to "h++se the resta'rant tonight. I al#ays $eci$e an$ I-m tire$ o2 2in$ing ne# an$ interesting places
to eat.
ans#er? )a* choose
33 Foanne tol$ her yo'ng $a'ghter that it is impolite to stare at people.
ans#er? )a* stare
34 >e+ecca is ery nero's +eca'se7 later this a2ternoon7 she has to meet #ith the e%ec'tie iceGpresi$ent o2
the 2irm.
ans#er? )+* meet
35 /homas trie$ to gie +loo$ this past #ee, +'t the ne# n'rse sai$ she co'l$n-t $ra# any samples. She #as
'na+le to 2in$ a s'ita+le !ein in /homas- arm.
ans#er? )+* ein
36 =ears- $iets consist o2 mainly 2ish an$ -erries&
ans#er? )+* +erries
37 &arson 2elt .eak an$ na'seo's. 3e #on$ere$ i2 he got 2oo$ poisoning 2rom sea2oo$ resta'rant he $ine$ in
earlier in the eening.
ans#er? )+* #ea,
38 In the s'mmer months7 the s$n 's'ally rises at 5 am an$ sets at a+o't 9 pm.
ans#er? )c* s'n
39 /he +'s $rier #as iss'e$ a ne# r+$te. 3e tho'ght it #o'l$ +e a nice change +eca'se it #as in a A'ieter area
o2 the city.
ans#er? )a* ro'te
310 /he heay rain 2ell har$ against the #in$o# pane all $ay long. =y night2all7 the streets an$ se#ers oer2lo#e$
#ith e%cess #ater.
ans#er? )a* pane
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 171 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 778
@'estions In$e%
31 "t school this #ee,7 Fonathon made his mother a +ea'ti2'l gi2t 2or her +irth$ay.
ans#er? )a* ma$e
32 San$ra loes her $rama class so she $eci$e$ to a'$ition 2or the lea$ r+le in the school play.
ans#er? )$* role
33 /+.s o2 canola 2iel$s in the prairies ma$e the #hole #orl$ loo, li,e a gol$en +lan,et.
ans#er? )c* >o#s
34 /he Fohnsons lie ery close to the ocean an$ their three $a'ghters loe to go to the -ea"h in the s'mmer
they loo, 2or#ar$ to it eery year.
ans#er? )+* +each
35 /he steel 2actory pro$'ces m'chGnee$e$ pro$'cts +'t it also poll'tes the air an$ #ater s'pply.
ans#er? )+* steel
36 eer are part o2 the el,7 cari+o' an$ moose 2amily.
ans#er? )a* 6eer
37 In the So'th 5ole7 male Emperor peng'ins stay #ith their 2emale mates- eggs 'ntil their chic, hatches. /hey
en$'re long perio$s o2 col$ an$ h'nger $'ring this time.
ans#er? )+* male
38 Shelley-s hair is ery long. It almost to'ches the 2loor.
ans#er? )+* hair
39 Fohnny loo,e$ pale an$ 2elt na'seo's #hen he sa# his 2ather eat a ra# oyster 2or the 2irst time.
ans#er? )$* pale
310 >aymon$ is a mathematician. 3e 8'st .+n an a#ar$ 2or his #or, in the 2iel$ o2 A'ant'm physics.
ans#er? )+* #on
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 172 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 788
@'estions In$e%
31 /homas $oesn-t li,e a lot o2 sea2oo$. <or e%ample7 he $oesn-t li,e clams7 shrimp or m$ssels&
ans#er? )$* m'ssels
32 /he 2light atten$ant #al,e$ 'p an$ $o#n the aisle to ma,e s're all o2 the passengers ha$ eno'gh to eat an$
$rin, on the long 2light to "'stralia.
ans#er? )c* aisle
33 >e+ecca calle$ a pl'm+er +eca'se she has a lo'$ an$ annoying leak in the +athroom that ,eeps her 'p some
ans#er? )$* lea,
34 /he sol$ier receie$ the medal o2 honor 2or his +raery $'ring 11II.
ans#er? )c* me$al
35 &onnie is sel2Gconscio's a+o't her .eight so she al#ays #ears really +aggy7 oersi;e$ clothing.
ans#er? )a* #eight
36 6'ring the play7 the actor 2orgot his lines. /here #as a long pa$se in the a'$ience 'ntil he remem+ere$ the
ne%t line an$ then the sho# contin'e$.
ans#er? )$* pa'se
37 /here #as a h'ge th'n$erstorm in the 9i$#est last #ee,. 'ail stones as +ig as +ase+alls 2ell 2rom the s,y an$
$amage$ many ehicles an$ homes.
ans#er? )c* 3ail
38 /he s'ccess2'l7 a$ertising company is not really #orrie$ a+o't pr+#its this 2iscal year +eca'se they are $oing
so #ell. /he company has a lot o2 international clients.
ans#er? )+* pro2its
39 /he s+le on 3enry-s shoe is #orn so he too, them to the shoe repair shop.
ans#er? )+* sole
310 Jathy +o'ght a +ea'ti2'l !eil to go #ith her gorgeo's #e$$ing $ress.
ans#er? )a* eil
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 173 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 798
@'estions In$e%
31 1il$ -+ars are 2o'n$ in many parts o2 the #orl$ incl'$ing :orth an$ So'th "merica7 E'rope an$ "sia.
ans#er? )c* +oars
32 /he Sahara desert is a ery hot an$ $ry place. 3o#eer7 in spite o2 the harsh climate7 certain plants an$
animals contin'e to prosper each year.
ans#er? )a* $esert
33 5a'l loes to hi,e early in the morning +eca'se eerything is so crisp an$ 2resh at that time. /he morning $e#
an$ mist ma,es the #orl$ loo, $reamy.
ans#er? )c* mist
34 Sahara7 a +ea'ti2'l "ra+ian mare7 has a long an$ slee, mane. 3er o#ner +athes an$ grooms her on a reg'lar
ans#er? )+* mane
35 /he ch'rch choir sings the most +ea'ti2'l hymn eery S'n$ay. I #ish I co'l$ sing that #ell.
ans#er? )a* hymn
36 /he contractor too, the co'ple to the site o2 their ne# home. 3e #ante$ to $isc'ss $etails a+o't the si;e an$
geographic iss'es they #ill hae to a$$ress +e2ore constr'ction can +egin.
ans#er? )+* site
37 :ormally7 >o+ert li,es his steak me$i'mGrare +'t his #i2e7 on the other han$7 li,es hers #ellG$one.
ans#er? )c* stea,
38 /o improe /aylor-s rea$ing s,ills7 /aylor-s teacher tol$ his mother that he sho'l$ rea$ his English
assignments al+$d at home eery night.
ans#er? )c* alo'$
39 >ichar$ got his 2inger ca'ght in the $oor8am an$ it #as s+re 2or t#o $ays a2ter#ar$s.
ans#er? )$* sore
310 I 'se rosemary7 mar8oram an$ thyme in an ol$G2ashione$7 roaste$ chic,en recipe my mother gae me.
ans#er? )$* thyme
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 174 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7108
@'estions In$e%
31 /he #in$o# latch +ro,e earlier in the $ay. =y night2all7 the #in$ +le# har$er than eer an$ there #as a
noticea+le dra#t in the apartment.
ans#er? )+* $ra2t
32 /here is a great $eli aro'n$ the corner. /om or$ers corn+ee2 on rye +rea$ 2or l'nch eery$ay.
ans#er? )$* rye
33 Fe22rey $eci$e$ to ta,e some night classes. 3e really en8oys the 2irstGyear English "+$rse he atten$s eery
/'es$ay an$ /h'rs$ay eening at the college.
ans#er? )$* co'rse
34 /he s'n-s rays are en8oya+le in the s'mmertime. 3o#eer7 s'n+athers sho'l$ #ear s'nscreen in or$er to
preent s'n +'rns an$ s,in $amage.
ans#er? )c* rays
35 /he little -+y loes to horse aro'n$ an$ play in the +ac,yar$ #ith his $og7 S,ippy.
ans#er? )+* +oy
36 5eople sho'l$ al#ays ma,e s're they $ispose o2 their .aste pro$'cts in an enironmentally 2rien$ly #ay.
ans#er? )+* #aste
37 /racy $eci$e$ to 8oin the 5eace 1+rps in the 2all. She #ants to ma,e a $i22erence in the #orl$.
ans#er? )c* &orps
38 /here is a terri+le #l$ +'g going aro'n$. Eeryone at #or, is sic, an$ the clinics are 2'll o2 patients #ho #ant
to get +etter +e2ore &hristmas.
ans#er? )a* 2l'
39 6ogs are not consi$ere$ 2'llGgr+.n 'ntil they are a+o't threeGyearsGol$.
ans#er? )+* gro#n
310 "t the o22ice7 the telephone m'st ring 2o'r times +e2ore the ans#ering machine pic,s 'p the call.
ans#er? )c* ring
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 175 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7118
@'estions In$e%
31 /he eye#itness ca'ght a #aint glimpse o2 the arme$ ro++er. "s a res'lt7 she co'l$n-t i$enti2y the thie2 in a
police lineG'p.
ans#er? )c* 2aint
32 In a co'rt o2 la#7 eery person #ho is acc'se$ o2 a crime is entitle$ to a #air trial.
ans#er? )+* 2air
33 Barry #arne$ his 2rien$ a+o't the pyrami$ scheme. /hose schemes are 's'ally +ase$ on a tier system that is
o2ten 'n2air to those on the +ottom.
ans#er? )+* tier
34 Eery S'n$ay7 #e can hear the ch'rch -ell 2rom #here #e lie.
ans#er? )$* +ell
35 /he 8'$ge set the acc'se$-s -ail. It #as a large amo'nt +eca'se the crime #as so iolent.
ans#er? )c* +ail
36 In the morning7 Sally loes to eat organic "ereal +eca'se it-s ma$e #ith oats. She 2eels that gies her a
healthy start eery $ay.
ans#er? )a* cereal
37 /he +an, across the street o22ere$ 's a ery goo$ interest rate on a personal l+an this month.
ans#er? )+* loan
38 :orma ma$e a +ea'ti2'l an$ $elicio's chocolate7 layer ca,e 2or her gran$son-s +irth$ay this #ee,en$.
ans#er? )+* layer
39 Fenni2er an$ &ameron #ent o't 2or a can$lelit $inner. /hen they #ent to the pier to ta,e in the romantic setting
o2 the ocean2ront property.
ans#er? )+* pier
310 /he ho'se is ery large +'t the most impressie part o2 it is the a'lte$ "eiling&
ans#er? )+* ceiling
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 176 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7128
@'estions In$e%
31 In or$er to ma,e the training man'als stan$ o't7 the company 'se$ specialty car$stoc, rather than plain paper
2or the 2ront an$ +ac, coers.
ans#er? )c* plain
32 &asey as,e$ her mother to -$y her a mo'ntain +i,e 2or her 14th +irth$ay ne%t month.
ans#er? )$* +'y
33 /he a22l'ent 2amily ha$ an impressie #ine "ellar in their mansion prior to the stoc, mar,et crash.
ans#er? )a* cellar
34 Ba'rie loes trips to the ocean +eca'se she gets to s#im in the sea as #ell as #atch the tide come in eery
ans#er? )+* ti$e
35 Bance $re# 'p the +l'eprints. 3e $eci$e$ that the ho'se sho'l$ +e a+o't 1500 sA'are #eet #hen constr'ction
is complete.
ans#er? )c* 2eet
36 /he large herd o2 cattle #as $i22ic'lt to moe. /he rancher 'se$ =or$er &ollie $ogs to help him ro'n$ them 'p
in the 2all.
ans#er? )a* her$
37 /he co'ple co'l$n-t a22or$ an ela+orate honeymoon. So7 on their 10th #e$$ing anniersary7 they #ent on a
"r$ise in the =ahamas.
ans#er? )+* cr'ise
38 Eery year +e2ore &hristmas7 there are h'ge sales on all ,in$s o2 &hristmas #rapping paper7 ornaments an$
ans#er? )+* sales
39 <or &hristians aro'n$ the #orl$7 S'n$ay is a h+ly $ay. In the past7 many people $i$n-t #or, on S'n$ays.
:o#a$ays7 ho#eer7 a lot o2 people #or, on S'n$ays.
ans#er? )a* holy
310 S'rro'n$ing the estate is a h'ge7 metal 2ence #ith a large gate in the 2ront o2 the mansion. Sec'rity people
an$ traine$ $ogs g'ar$ the 2ront entrance on a 24Gho'r +asis.
ans#er? )a* gate
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 177 )"ns#er Jeys*
3irp+rt Termin+l+gy 718
@'estions In$e%
31 9ost people $on-t li,e aisle seats on airplanes. /hey 's'ally pre2er #in$o# seats.
ans#er? )+* aisle
32 &in$y #as so 2r'strate$ #ith the -aggage "laim area +eca'se her s'itcases #ere lost.
ans#er? )a* +aggage claim area
33 <light atten$ants m'st see eeryone-s -+arding pass +e2ore they are allo#e$ to get onto the plane.
ans#er? )c* +oar$ing pass
34 1ith most airlines7 passengers are allo#e$ to +ring one piece o2 "arryD+n l'ggage #ith them.
ans#er? )a* carryGon
35 5ilots an$ coGpilots 's'ally sit an$ control the "+"kpit area o2 an airplane.
ans#er? )c* coc,pit
36 >ight +e2ore ta,eGo227 the #light attendant instr'cte$ the passengers on #hat to $o in case o2 an emergency as
#ell as #here all emergency e%its are locate$.
ans#er? )a* 2light atten$ant
37 =en ha$ to r'n 2or 2ie min'tes7 a2ter his plane lan$e$7 +eca'se his connecting 2light-s gate #as so 2ar a#ay.
ans#er? )$* gate
38 =ette A'ic,ly loo,e$ aro'n$ 2or the la!at+ry on the plane +eca'se her little girl #asn-t 2eeling #ell.
ans#er? )a* laatory
39 San$ra ha$ to go thro'gh the airport-s metal dete"t+r in the sec'rity area three times +eca'se she ha$ so
many metal hairpins in her hair.
ans#er? )c* metal $etector
310 Fac, p't his carryGon +aggage 'n$er his seat +eca'se the +!erhead "+mpartment #as 2'll.
ans#er? )$* oerhea$ compartment
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 178 )"ns#er Jeys*
)ank Termin+l+gy 718
@'estions In$e%
31 9an$y #ants to +'y tra!elerBs "he"ks +eca'se she $oesn-t #ant to carry cash #hen she goes to E'rope.
ans#er? )+* traeler-s chec,s
32 &hristina #ants to "ash her chec, +eca'se she nee$s the money right a#ay.
ans#er? )c* cash
33 >o+ert -+$n"ed a chec, this past #ee,. :o#7 he m'st pay t#o :S< charges +eca'se o2 it.
ans#er? )c* +o'nce$
34 =S( 7n+nDs$##i"ient #$nds8 charges are high an$ ca'se a lot o2 pro+lems 2or people #ho +o'nce chec,s.
ans#er? )a* :S< )nonGs'22icient 2'n$s*
35 >aymon$ #ants to "he"k his acco'nt +alance +eca'se he is a2rai$ that there isn-t eno'gh money to coer an
'pcoming payment.
ans#er? )a* chec,
36 Eery t#o #ee,s7 San$y-s salary is dep+sited $irectly into her +an, acco'nt. It 's'ally goes in +e2ore mi$night
on <ri$ays.
ans#er? )+* $eposite$
37 Ba'rie has a lot o2 2oreign c'rrency that she #ants to e:"hange into local c'rrency.
ans#er? )+* e%change
38 >ose #ent into the +an, to$ay to +pen a ne# chec,ing acco'nt.
ans#er? )c* open
39 In the past7 all c'stomers #illed o't #ith$ra#al slips in or$er to #ith$ra# 2'n$s 2rom their acco'nts. :o#a$ays7
many +an,s are paperless an$ can #ith$ra# the 2'n$s electronically.
ans#er? )$* 2ille$
310 1heneer c'stomers open a ne# chec,ing acco'nt7 the +an, allo#s them to +rder personali;e$ chec,s.
ans#er? )$* or$er
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 179 )"ns#er Jeys*
)ank Termin+l+gy 728
@'estions In$e%
31 =en an$ Fen nee$ money to re$ecorate their home. So7 they as,e$ a loan o22icer i2 they A'ali2y 2or a line +#
"redit instea$ o2 a secon$Gmortgage on their ho'se.
ans#er? )+* line o2 cre$it
32 :o#a$ays7 +an, c'stomers hae more options. <or e%ample7 they can pay their +ills oer the telephone or
they can pay them +nline&
ans#er? )a* online
33 Some people rent a sa#ety dep+sit -+: in or$er to ,eep important papers an$ items sa2e.
ans#er? )+* sa2ety $eposit +o%
34 "lmost all c'stomers hae a de-it car$ so they $on-t hae to go into the +an, to #ith$ra# money. /hey can
also 'se their car$s to p'rchase goo$s in stores.
ans#er? )+* $e+it
35 Ba'rie has t#o acco'nts. She can trans#er 2'n$s 2rom her chec,ing acco'nt into her saings acco'nt right
oer the phone.
ans#er? )c* trans2er
36 Eery month7 Jein re!ie.s his +an, statement in or$er to +alance his chec,+oo,.
ans#er? )$* reie#s
37 9ary has an appointment #ith a loan +##i"er +eca'se she #ants to +'y a ne# car an$ nee$s K3000 to
complete the p'rchase.
ans#er? )$* o22icer
38 Jaren learne$ ho# to -alan"e her chec,+oo, at an early age. 3er 2ather tho'ght it #as important.
ans#er? )a* +alance
39 >ose an$ /om #ant to get approe$ 2or a m+rtgage +eca'se they #ant to +'y a ho'se this year.
ans#er? )c* mortgage
310 :ormally7 people get preDappr+!ed 2or a mortgage +e2ore they go ho'se shopping so they ,no# #hat ,in$ o2
ho'se they can a22or$ to +'y.
ans#er? )a* preGapproe$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 180 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+mm+n 0hrases and /esp+nes 718
@'estions In$e%
31 /hat loo,s heay. &an I gie yo' a han$ #ith that( S$re; that .+$ld -e great&
ans#er? )+* S're7 that #o'l$ +e great.
32 "re yo' going to call in sic, tomorro#( 4 think s+& 4 d+nBt #eel .ell&
ans#er? )c* I thin, so. I $on-t 2eel #ell.
33 6o yo' thin, #e sho'l$ p't the meeting o22 'ntil tomorro#( @es; t+m+rr+.Bs #ine .ith me&
ans#er? )$* 4es7 tomorro#-s 2ine #ith me.
34 Jristine-s #or,ing a lot. "re yo' tie$ 'p this #ee,( @es; 4Bm really -$sy&
ans#er? )c* 4es7 I-m really +'sy.
35 /his training session is $i22ic'lt. I ha$ a really har$ time rea$ing that training man'al. *e t++& 4t .as !ery
ans#er? )$* 9e too. It #as ery intensie.
36 1hat-s on yo'r agen$a 2or the holi$ays( 4 think .eBre g+ing t+ !isit my parents in ,erm+nt #+r 1hristmas&
ans#er? )$* I thin, #e-re going to isit my parents in 0ermont 2or &hristmas.
37 &arrie pointe$ o't that yo'-re haing some pro+lems a$8'sting to yo'r ne# 8o+. 4 liked my +ld 9+- a l+t&
ans#er? )c* I li,e$ my ol$ 8o+ a lot.
38 "re yo' 2e$ 'p #ith yo'r 8o+( S+me.hat; -$t 4 "anBt ?$it right n+.&
ans#er? )+* Some#hat7 +'t I can-t A'it right no#.
39 1hat are yo'r plans 2or the #ee,en$( 2eBre g+ing skiing in *+ntana&
ans#er? )a* 1e-re going s,iing in 9ontana.
310 1hen $i$ yo' settle on a name 2or the +a+y( %ast .eek& 2e de"ided +n %iam #+r a -+y&
ans#er? )+* Bast #ee,. 1e $eci$e$ on Biam 2or a +oy.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 181 )"ns#er Jeys*
0hrasal ,er-s $sed .ith 1riminal 3"ti!ity
@'estions In$e%
31 C'r neigh+or-s home ins'rance #ent 'p last #ee, +eca'se they ha$ -reakDin this past month.
ans#er? )c* +rea,Gin
32 /he thiees manage$ to get a.ay #ith a lot o2 money. 3o#eer7 oneGyear later7 they #ere apprehen$e$ an$
sentence$ to 50 years in prison #itho't the possi+ility o2 parole.
ans#er? )c* get a#ay
33 "2ter oneGyear7 =en $eci$e$ to t$rn himsel# in. 3e co'l$n-t lie #ith the g'ilt any longer.
ans#er? )a* t'rn himsel2 in
34 /he +an, ro++er manage$ to steal K1000 $'ring the intense h+ld $p $o#nto#n. /he ro++er #as ca'ght one
#ee, later.
ans#er? )+* hol$ 'p
35 Famie is A'ite +itter lately +eca'se her last +oy2rien$ ran +## #ith all o2 her saings.
ans#er? )$* ran o22
36 Gang li2e is ery 'n2orgiing. I2 the r'les aren-t 2ollo#e$7 gang mem+ers #ill d+ a.ay #ith people they $on-t
ans#er? )c* $o a#ay
37 "2ter a oneGho'r7 highGspee$ chase7 the police 2inally p$lled +!er the criminal.
ans#er? )+* p'lle$ oer
38 /errorists o2ten 'se +om+s to -l+. $p +'il$ings an$ other ,in$s o2 property.
ans#er? )+* +lo# 'p
39 "t 2irst7 the yo'ng co'ple $i$n-t reali;e they #ere tal,ing to $angero's criminals. Cnce they reali;e$ #ho they
#ere7 they t$rned them in to police.
ans#er? )a* t'rne$ them in
310 /he p'+lic is o'trage$ +y the iolence committe$ +y the ,no#n criminal. /hey #ant to p$t him a.ay 2or goo$.
ans#er? )a* p't him a#ay
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 182 )"ns#er Jeys*
0hrasal !er-s and tra!eling
@'estions In$e%
31 "2ter yo' +'y an airplane tic,et7 yo' m'st "he"k in once yo' arrie at the airport in or$er to con2irm the 2light
an$ get a seat on the aircra2t.
ans#er? )+* chec, in
32 S'e is stresse$ o't lately. I thin, she nee$s to get a.ay 2or a#hile. I s'ggeste$ a cr'ise in the =ahamas.
ans#er? )a* get a#ay
33 Sally is #on$ering #hat time her h's+an$-s plane gets in. /he plane #as $elaye$ in &olora$o $'e to a
ans#er? )+* gets in
34 Ellie ha$ to speed $p in or$er to ma,e the green light. She-s 's'ally a pretty goo$ $rier.
ans#er? )a* spee$ 'p
35 >an$y #as ery nero's $'ring his 2irst 2light lesson. "2ter#ar$s7 he tol$ me the +est part #as7 at the
+eginning7 $'ring take +##&
ans#er? )$* ta,e o22
36 /he stran$e$ cre# set +## 2or the long 8o'rney at 5 am. /hey nee$e$ as m'ch nat'ral light as they co'l$ get.
ans#er? )a* set o22
37 Cn their #ay to the city7 the ne#ly#e$s tho'ght they #o'l$ st+p -y an ol$ hango't 2or a A'ic, $rin, +eca'se it
#as on the #ay.
ans#er? )c* stop +y
38 3elen #ent to Italy this spring. =e2ore she #as sche$'le$ to leae the co'ntry7 she $eci$e$ to st+p +## in
/'scany 2or a#hile. She hasn-t ret'rne$ yet +eca'se she li,es it so m'ch.
ans#er? )a* stop o22
39 1e $roe to &ana$a this past s'mmer. 1e ha$ to #ill $p 2o'r times on the #ay. 1e got pretty goo$ gas
ans#er? )c* 2ill 'p
310 "$riana has to h$rry $p +eca'se her 2light is leaing in ten min'tes.
ans#er? )$* h'rry 'p
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 183 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+mm+n 0hrases and /esp+nes 728
@'estions In$e%
31 6o yo' #ant to hang o't tonight( S$re; letBs .at"h m+!ies t+gether&
ans#er? )c* S're7 let-s #atch moies together.
32 I hae to chec,. &an yo' hol$ a moment( @es; 4Bll h+ld&
ans#er? )a* 4es7 I-ll hol$.
33 &an yo' e%pan$ on that( @es; 4 #eel .e sh+$ld #+"$s +n gl+-aliEati+n m+re&
ans#er? )+* 4es7 I 2eel #e sho'l$ 2oc's on glo+ali;ation more.
34 "re &in$y an$ 9a% +rea,ing 'p( @es; $n#+rt$nately; they "anBt #i: their pr+-lems&
ans#er? )$* 4es7 'n2ort'nately7 they can-t 2i% their pro+lems.
35 1hen $i$ yo' come across that pro8ect. %ast .eek .hen 4 .as reading the -$lletin -+ard&
ans#er? )+* Bast #ee, #hen I #as rea$ing the +'lletin +oar$.
36 1ho #ill gie the +ri$e a#ay at her #e$$ing( 'er #ather; +# "+$rse&
ans#er? )c* 3er 2ather7 o2 co'rse.
37 6on-t #orry a+o't it. 4o' can co'nt on me. 4Bd appre"iate that; thanks&
ans#er? )+* I-$ appreciate that7 than,s.
38 6i$ he go against his 2ather-s #ishes( @es; he de"ided t+ -$y the h+$se any.ay&
ans#er? )a* 4es7 he $eci$e$ to +'y the ho'se any#ay.
39 3o# $i$ yo' manage to come +y this great 8o+( 4 ans.ered an ad!ertisement in the paper&
ans#er? )$* I ans#ere$ an a$ertisement in the paper.
310 6i$ yo' hae some 2rien$s oer last night( @es; /+n and S$e st+pped -y&
ans#er? )c* 4es7 >on an$ S'e stoppe$ +y.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 184 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+mm+n 0hrases and /esp+nes 738
@'estions In$e%
31 I pic,e$ 'p the +as,et an$ it came apart in my han$s. 4# y+$ ha!e y+$r re"eipt; y+$ "an ret$rn it&
ans#er? )+* I2 yo' hae yo'r receipt7 yo' can ret'rn it.
32 >an$y-s mother is ama;ing. She-s 93 years ol$ an$ still 2en$s 2or hersel2. 4 kn+.& SheBs !ery healthy&
ans#er? )a* I ,no#. She-s ery healthy.
33 1hen $i$ 9icroso2t come o't #ith a ne# ersion o2 that so2t#are( %ast .eek& 4snBt it great5
ans#er? )+* Bast #ee,. Isn-t it great(
34 I2 my ,nee starts acting 'p7 I-ll hae to miss the marathon tomorro#. @+$ sh+$ld see y+$r d+"t+r t+day t+
make s$re y+$Bre 6A #+r the ra"e&
ans#er? )$* 4o' sho'l$ see yo'r $octor to$ay to ma,e s're yo'-re CJ 2or the race.
35 6o yo' thin, the th'n$er storm #ill +lo# oer soon( 4 h+pe s+&
ans#er? )+* I hope so.
36 1hat are yo' $oing to +'il$ 'p yo'r en$'rance 2or the 'pcoming marathon( 4Bm 9+gging and d+ing +ther
physi"al e:er"ises e!ery day&
ans#er? )c* I-m 8ogging an$ $oing other physical e%ercises eery $ay.
37 3o# $oes one o-cloc, so'n$( S+$nds g++d& 4Bll meet y+$ there&
ans#er? )$* So'n$s goo$. I-ll meet yo' there.
38 I haen-t seen yo' 2or a long time. Bet-s get together an$ catch 'p. 4Bd l+!e t+H 4 .ant t+ kn+. e!erything&
ans#er? )c* I-$ loe toE I #ant to ,no# eerything.
39 Bet-s sit $o#n an$ hash o't an agreement tomorro#. S$re; letBs meet at 10 am&
ans#er? )a* S're7 let-s meet at 10 am.
310 I can-t stan$ herE 4 d+nBt like her either&
ans#er? )+* I $on-t li,e her either.
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 185 )"ns#er Jeys*
Q$esti+n Tags Test 718
@'estions In$e%
31 Ba'rie can come +y tomorro#7 "anBt she5
ans#er? )+* can-t she
32 She-s 2rom Jorea7 isnBt she5
ans#er? )+* isn-t she
33 3e-s meeting me at 10 am7 isnBt he5
ans#er? )a* isn-t he
34 Jathy-s neer impolite7 is she5
ans#er? )+* is she
35 /he chil$ren $on-t hae to come in right no#7 d+ they5
ans#er? )+* $o they
36 4o' still #ant to meet #ith him7 d+nBt y+$5
ans#er? )c* $on-t yo'
37 /here aren-t many g'ests here yet7 are there5
ans#er? )c* are there
38 1e can-t as, her again7 "an .e5
ans#er? )c* can #e
39 /he chec,s haen-t +een sent7 ha!e they5
ans#er? )+* hae they
310 1e $i$n-t receie many calls this month7 did .e5
ans#er? )c* $i$ #e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 186 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7138
@'estions In$e%
31 &hil$ren o2ten li,e m$stard an$ ,etch'p on their hot$ogs.
ans#er? )c* m'star$
32 /he gang $i$n-t li,e Simon so7 a2ter school7 they con2ronte$ him an$ -eat him 'p.
ans#er? )+* +eat
33 6on-t #orry a+o't her. She has a mind o2 her o#n.
ans#er? )a* min$
34 /he gar$en #as ma$e 'p o2 a lot o2 high he$ges in per2ectly plante$ ro#s. It loo,e$ li,e a maEe 2rom a+oe.
ans#er? )c* ma;e
35 In &ana$a7 there are many $i22erent types o2 #il$ animals incl'$ing large mammals s'ch as m++se&
ans#er? )a* moose
36 /here are also #il$7 2eline creat'res s'ch as co'gars an$ lyn:&
ans#er? )+* lyn%
37 Feremy ha$ a +a$ col$ last #ee,. 3e +le# his n+se all $ay long.
ans#er? )a* nose
38 /homas #ent to ch'rch yester$ay an$ met a really nice n$n&
ans#er? )c* n'n
39 Jein #as ery tire$ an$ he sighed lo'$ly #hen his teacher +egan rea$ing the play alo'$.
ans#er? )+* sighe$
310 9any teachers say that yo' m'st hae a lot o2 patien"e in or$er to teach mi$$le school st'$ents e22ectiely.
ans#er? )a* patience
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 187 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7148
@'estions In$e%
31 "ll chil$ren loe to open presents on &hristmas morning.
ans#er? )+* presents
32 " ne# animal #as $iscoere$ in Baos. It loo,e$ ery strange an$ many people $i$n-t +eliee it #as real at
ans#er? )c* real
33 Sharon normally ta,es her 2ilm to the near+y shop to get her negaties an$ prints $eelope$.
ans#er? )a* prints
34 /he +ea'ti2'l an$ rare eagle s+ared a+oe the mo'ntain top. It #as an o'tstan$ing sight.
ans#er? )c* soare$
35 "2ter the layGo22 anno'ncement7 most o2 the #or,ers 2elt li,e they #ere in a daEe. /hey co'l$n-t +eliee they all
lost their 8o+s.
ans#er? )c* $a;e
36 Cn Sat'r$ay night7 &lay an$ &in$y are going to #atch a concert at the local a'$itori'm. /he ne# -and
receie$ goo$ reie#s in the paper this past #ee,.
ans#er? )+* +an$
37 9any years ago7 most #or,ing $ogs #ere -red to per2orm certain tas,s #ell.
ans#er? )a* +re$
38 /he 2armer 2rantically calle$ the eterinarian #hen he reali;e$ his co#s +ro,e into the large grain -in. 3is
#hole her$ co'l$ $ie +eca'se too m'ch grain at one time is +a$ 2or co#s.
ans#er? )+* +in
39 1hile the 2amily #as camping7 they hear$ a lo'$ gro#l in the +'shes. /hey #ere a2rai$ that it might +e a +ear
+eca'se they #ere camping in griEEly co'ntry.
ans#er? )c* gri;;ly
310 4o' ha!e to get yo'r car 2i%e$. I-m tire$ o2 $riing yo' aro'n$E
ans#er? )c* hae
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 188 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7158
@'estions In$e%
31 /he her+ine in the play ha$ long7 $ar, hair an$ +ea'ti2'l eyes an$ she playe$ the part ery #ell. I thin, she-s
going to go 2ar in her career.
ans#er? )a* heroine
32 6'ring the t'm'lt'o's #ar7 Isaac $eci$e$ he an$ his 2amily sho'l$ #lee their co'ntry.
ans#er? )+* 2lee
33 Jaren +o'ght +ea'ti2'l shoes 2or the #e$$ing +'t they $i$n-t 2it right so she got +listers on the heels o2 +oth
her 2eet.
ans#er? )+* heels
34 Eery morning7 the chil$ren play together as they .ait 2or the school +'s to arrie. Sometimes7 ho#eer7 the
#eather is really +a$ so they h'$$le together in the +'s shelter.
ans#er? )a* #ait
35 1hen the #eather is col$ an$ #et7 some o2 the chil$ren .hine a lot 'ntil the school +'s arries.
ans#er? )c* #hine
36 /here are many ,in$s o2 2rogs an$ t+ads in the #orl$. In 2act7 there are more than 57000 species.
ans#er? )+* toa$s
37 "2ter the inappropriate o't+'rst7 eeryone seeme$ tense at the meeting.
ans#er? )c* tense
38 " 8ogger imme$iately calle$ the #il$li2e $epartment on her cell phone #hen she sa# the +eache$ .hale&
ans#er? )c* #hale
39 /he ,ing #as not a nice man +'t he $i$ loo, ery regal #hen he sat on his thr+ne&
ans#er? )a* throne
310 /he honeymooners rente$ the pentho'se s$ite at the gorgeo's hotel #ith the st'nning7 ocean 2ront ie#s.
ans#er? )c* s'ite
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 189 )"ns#er Jeys*
3 Sti"ky *+ment
@'estions In$e%
31 "n$re# #as terri2ie$ on the 2irst $ay in his ne# 8o+ an$ he #on$ere$ ho# he #o'l$ stic, it +$t&
ans#er? )c* o't
32 3is girl2rien$ a$ise$ him not to let eeryone +oss him aro'n$ an$ +egge$ him to stic, $p 2or himsel2.
ans#er? )+* 'p
33 1ith this in min$ an$ 2or his o#n sel2Grespect he #as $etermine$ to stic, at it.
ans#er? )a* at
34 3e ma$e a goo$ 2rien$ that 2irst $ay #ho a$ise$ him to stic, -y him an$ ignore #hat anyone sai$.
ans#er? )$* +y
35 " s'$$en moment o2 $rama occ'rre$ #hen a man r'she$ into the o22ice an$ tol$ eeryone to stic, their han$s
ans#er? )c* 'p
36 3e #as rather stic,ing his nec, +$t +eca'se "n$re# ha$ in 2act once +een a police o22icer.
ans#er? )$* o't
37 "t that precise moment "n$re# tho'ght it #asn-t a ery goo$ i$ea to stic, his oar in an$ inter2ere.
ans#er? )+* in
38 ='t it soon +ecame clear to eeryone that he ha$ traine$ in this type o2 #or, as it st'c, +$t a mile.
ans#er? )a* o't
39 3e calmly approache$ the g'nman an$ tol$ him to stic, his g'n a.ay. /he latter $i$ as he #as tol$ an$
han$e$ "n$re# the g'n.
ans#er? )+* a#ay
310 In$erstan$a+ly "n$re# #as cheere$ +y eeryone an$ since that $ay has +een st'c, .ith a rep'tation 2or
+eing ery +rae.
ans#er? )$* #ith
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 190 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7168
@'estions In$e%
31 "G2rame ho'ses are great. I loe the peak at the 2ront o2 the ho'se an$ the a'lte$ ceilings on the insi$e.
ans#er? )+* pea,
32 /he teacher $i$ not e%ten$ the essay-s $'e $ate $espite her st'$ents- pleas&
ans#er? )a* pleas
33 " single tear 2ell 2rom her eyes #hen she hear$ a+o't the 2ire.
ans#er? )c* tear
34 /he le2tG#ing goernment $eci$e$ to ta,e an opinion p+ll to 2in$ o't #hether or not the people agree$ #ith the
'pcoming la#s.
ans#er? )a* poll
35 Steen +ro,e his +ig toe +'t $octors $on-t 's'ally "ast toes so he sho'l$ +e really care2'l 'ntil it heals.
ans#er? )+* cast
36 "t the -ase o2 the painting7 +ea'ti2'l #atercolors #ere 'se$ to $epict #ater.
ans#er? )c* +ase
37 /he racoon "hased the little sA'irrel aro'n$ the +ac,yar$ 2or nearly 20 min'tes.
ans#er? )a* chase$
38 /he -ridal party met at 8 pm 2or the #e$$ing rehearsal an$7 a2ter#ar$s7 2or the rehearsal $inner.
ans#er? )+* +ri$al
39 /he "+ral ree2 in "'stralia is +ea'ti2'l. 1e #ent sc'+a $iing an$ sa# some o2 the 'n$er#ater nat'ral +ea'ty.
ans#er? )+* coral
310 6'ring the +oring play7 Isaiah +egan to d+Ee o22. 3is hea$ 2ell onto his mother-s sho'l$er.
ans#er? )c* $o;e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 191 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7178
@'estions In$e%
31 /he pedal on the little +oy-s +icycle nee$s to +e replace$ so he can sa2ely ri$e his +i,e aro'n$ the
ans#er? )+* pe$al
32 Fosephine tol$ her +est 2rien$7 Cliia7 to seiEe the moment +eca'se Cliia is going to E'rope this s'mmer.
ans#er? )c* sei;e
33 Jatherine 2elt li,e to $oing something $i22erent so she $eci$e$ to pierce her na!el7 or +elly +'tton7 this #ee,.
ans#er? )a* nael
34 San$ra loes to sit on her porch an$ $rin, co22ee in the m+rning&
ans#er? )+* morning
35 4o' m'st min"e the garlic cloes in or$er to 'se them in this recipe.
ans#er? )c* mince
36 4o' hae to .ear a coat to$ay +eca'se it-s +een sno#ing all night long. It-s so col$E
ans#er? )+* #ear
37 &hil$ren7 all oer the #orl$7 are st'$ying martial arts s'ch as ,arate7 ,'ngG2' an$ taeG,#onG$o.
ans#er? )a* martial
38 /he shopping mall is so cro#$e$ +eca'se to$ay is &hristmas Ee.
ans#er? )a* mall
39 6on-t 2orget to "l+se the #in$o#. /here #as a terri+le $ra2t in here #hen I came home yester$ay.
ans#er? )c* close
310 6i$ yo' rea$ the "la$se in the contract( 4o' sho'l$ +eca'se it-s an important section in the $oc'ment.
ans#er? )a* cla'se
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 192 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7188
@'estions In$e%
31 /he "+l+nel has a lot o2 $i22ic'lt $ecisions to ma,e incl'$ing #hether or not he sho'l$ procee$ #ith the rai$
ans#er? )+* colonel
32 1e ha$ a $elicio's picnic on the +an,s o2 the small "reek this past #ee,en$.
ans#er? )a* cree,
33 /he teacher ta$ght the lesson on geometry yester$ay so yo' nee$ to get the notes 2rom one o2 yo'r peers as
soon as possi+le.
ans#er? )c* ta'ght
34 Scientists hae 'ncoere$ many o2 the mysteries regar$ing 6:" stran$s an$ genes&
ans#er? )+* genes
35 Sarah ri$es her "ra+ian h+rse eery #ee,en$.
ans#er? )+* horse
36 6on-t 2orget to p't the #ater h+se a#ay once yo'-e 2inishe$ #atering the la#n.
ans#er? )a* hose
37 /he inn is large an$ has a 0ictorian 2laor to it. 1e staye$ there 2or t#o $ays.
ans#er? )c* inn
38 =e2ore yo' +'y that 'se$ car7 yo' sho'l$ chec, #ith the motor ehicles $epartment to ma,e s're the car is
2ree o2 any liens&
ans#er? )a* liens
39 I +o'ght a small !ial o2 scente$7 laen$er oil yester$ay.
ans#er? )c* ial
310 /he painting ha$ +ea'ti2'l colors in it +'t the content #as a little +dd&
ans#er? )a* o$$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 193 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7198
@'estions In$e%
31 Eery &hristmas7 the chil$ren pray 2or sno# +eca'se they loe going on sleigh ri$es on &hristmas Ee.
ans#er? )+* sleigh
32 I2 yo' #ant to 2ight yo'r spee$ing tic,et7 yo' m'st appear in tra22ic "+$rt to $e2en$ yo'r position on the 15th o2
the month.
ans#er? )+* co'rt
33 5arents are constantly remin$ing their chil$ren to eat all o2 their egeta+les at s'pper time.
ans#er? )a* all
34 &an yo' please grate a+o't a c'p o2 cheese so #e can p't it on the pi;;a right a#ay(
ans#er? )+* grate
35 In the past7 people 'se$ lye in soap ma,ing processes. :o#a$ays7 many people 2eel that it-s too strong an$
harsh so they opt 2or more gentle s'+stances.
ans#er? )a* lye
36 (l+$r is 'se$ as a main ingre$ient in many +a,e$ pro$'cts.
ans#er? )c* <lo'r
37 I2 yo' #ant to ma,e so'thernG2rie$ chic,en7 yo' sho'l$ 'se a $eep #ryer +eca'se yo' #ill nee$ to 'se a lot o2
pean't oil.
ans#er? )+* 2ryer
38 /he personnel $epartment has interie#e$ many possi+le can$i$ates 2or the 8o+. /hey #ant to hire someone
+y the en$ o2 the month.
ans#er? )a* hire
39 /he co'ple $eci$e$ to go #ith the larger hall +eca'se they are going to hae a+o't 250 people atten$ their
#e$$ing reception in F'ne.
ans#er? )c* hall
310 "s the ra2t #ent $o#n the rier rapi$s7 the g'i$e lost an +ar in the process.
ans#er? )c* oar
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 194 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+n#$sing 2+rds test 7208
@'estions In$e%
31 /he ro++ers #ere "a$ght a+o't an ho'r a2ter the +an, ro++ery too, place.
ans#er? )+* ca'ght
32 Eery secon$ <ri$ay7 Isaiah goes to the +an, to "ash his paychec,.
ans#er? )c* cash
33 C2ten7 state goernments #ill implement a sales ta: in or$er to collect more 2'n$s 2or ario's reasons.
ans#er? )a* ta%
34 &o22ee is $elicio's. 3o#eer7 there are also many $i22erent ,in$s o2 $elicio's teas to choose 2rom these $ays.
ans#er? )c* teas
35 I p'lle$ the plant o't o2 the gar$en +eca'se I tho'ght it #as only a .eed. It t'rns o't7 it #as a +ene2icial her+
that I co'l$ hae 'se$ in my coo,ing.
ans#er? )a* #ee$
36 I hae to +'y a spade +eca'se I #ant to gro# a +ea'ti2'l7 egeta+le gar$en this spring.
ans#er? )c* spa$e
37 /he gar$en ta+le #as ma$e o2 +lac,7 .r+$ght iron. It loo,s great #ith the other o't$oor 2'rnit're on the patio.
ans#er? )c* #ro'ght
38 4o' #ill nee$ a passport i2 yo' #ant to cross the -+rder. /hey 8'st change$ the la# this year.
ans#er? )a* +or$er
39 "2ter the h'ge 2east7 /im-s stomach ache$ +eca'se he ate so m'ch $elicio's 2oo$ at one time.
ans#er? )c* ate
310 I as,e$ my h's+an$ to h+ld my p'rse #hile I p't on my #inter coat.
ans#er? )a* hol$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 195 )"ns#er Jeys*
En+$gh; a l+t and t++ 718
@'estions In$e%
31 It-s s'ch a +ea'ti2'l $ay an$ it-s not t++ 2ar so I-m going to #al, to the +'s stop to$ay. /han,s 2or o22ering me a
ri$e tho'gh.
ans#er? )c* too
32 St'ntmen are traine$ to $o st'nts that are t++ $angero's 2or people to $o at home.
ans#er? )c* too
33 4o' seem a little cran,y to$ay. 6i$ yo' get en+$gh sleep last night(
ans#er? )a* eno'gh
34 1e loe going to the +each #hen there aren-t t++ many people there.
ans#er? )c* too
35 6on-t #orry. I2 yo' $on-t hae en+$gh money to close the $eal on the ho'se7 I-ll len$ yo' the $o#n payment.
ans#er? )a* eno'gh
36 Famie really loe$ the $inette set +'t it #as t++ e%pensie so she $i$n-t +'y it.
ans#er? )c* too
37 /hat 8o+ is t++ $i22ic'lt 2or me. =esi$es that7 my +oss is so controlling.
ans#er? )c* too
38 I $on-t hae a l+t o2 reports to $o to$ay so I sho'l$ +e home +y s'pper time.
ans#er? )+* a lot
39 Jaren #as $epresse$ so she ate a l+t o2 chocolate this past #ee,en$.
ans#er? )+* a lot
310 I-m e%ha'ste$ +eca'se I-m really #orrie$ a+o't 2inances lately. I $i$n-t get en+$gh sleep last night or the night
+e2ore that.
ans#er? )a* eno'gh
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 196 )"ns#er Jeys*
(e.; a little and s+me 718
@'estions In$e%
31 /his meal #as so goo$. 6o yo' thin, I co'l$ hae a little more +ee27 please(
ans#er? )+* little
32 1o'l$ yo' li,e s+me cream in yo'r co22ee(
ans#er? )c* some
33 I loe /hailan$. I-e alrea$y +een there a #e. times an$ I plan to go +ac, this s'mmer.
ans#er? )a* 2e#
34 I can-t go right no# +eca'se I still hae a #e. or$ers to 2ill +y 5 o-cloc,.
ans#er? )a* 2e#
35 Since I starte$ my ne# 8o+7 it seems li,e I-e got ery little time to $o the things I en8oy.
ans#er? )+* little
36 6o yo' #ant s+me more potato chips( /here-s another +ag in the c'p+oar$ i2 yo' $o.
ans#er? )c* some
37 I loe co22ee in the morning +'t I only ta,e a little mil, an$ t#o teaspoons o2 s'gar in it.
ans#er? )+* little
38 I nee$ a little help #ith my home#or,. 6o yo' hae time to help me(
ans#er? )+* little
39 6espite their mar,eting e22orts7 the promoters only manage$ to sell a #e. &6s 2or the +an$ this past year.
ans#er? )a* 2e#
310 9y +oss is ery partic'lar a+o't eerything an$ he has ery little tolerance 2or silly mista,es.
ans#er? )+* little
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 197 )"ns#er Jeys*
T+day; yesterday and t+m+rr+. 718
@'estions In$e%
31 I loe that resta'rant. In 2act7 I-m going there t+m+rr+. night.
ans#er? )c* tomorro#
32 I sa# &ana$ian geese 2lying so'th on my #ay to #or, yesterday morning.
ans#er? )+* yester$ay
33 I can 2it yo' in t+m+rr+. morning. 6oes that #or, 2or yo'(
ans#er? )c* tomorro#
34 I $on-t ,no# #here 5amela is right no#. I haen-t seen her since yesterday&
ans#er? )+* yester$ay
35 9y +oss #ants me to 2inish the pro8ect 2irst thing t+m+rr+. morning.
ans#er? )c* tomorro#
36 I can-t help yo' to$ay +'t I can gie yo' a han$ t+m+rr+.&
ans#er? )c* tomorro#
37 I $on-t thin, &ora has come in yet +eca'se I haen-t seen her at all t+day&
ans#er? )a* to$ay
38 1e-re cele+rating o'r #e$$ing anniersary t+day. 1e-e +een marrie$ 2or e%actly 25 years no#.
ans#er? )a* to$ay
39 1hen are yo' stopping +y D t+day or tomorro#(
ans#er? )a* to$ay
310 It-s 10 o-cloc, in the morning right no#. =e2ore yo' go home t+day7 I nee$ yo' to stop +y my o22ice. I hae to
spea, #ith yo' imme$iately.
ans#er? )a* to$ay
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 198 )"ns#er Jeys*
0+lite 4ndire"t Q$esti+ns G Statements Test 718
@'estions In$e%
31 I ha$ a great time at yo'r ho'se this past #ee,en$. 2+$ld y+$ like to come to $inner this eening(
ans#er? )+* 1o'l$ yo' li,e
32 It seems li,e a lot o2 2lights are $elaye$ to$ay. 4 .+nder #hen 2light 673 arries.
ans#er? )c* I #on$er
33 I-m ne# to this city an$ I-m lost. 1an y+$ tell me #here 5th street is(
ans#er? )+* &an yo'
34 :e# 4or, is s'ch a +ig city. + y+$ happen t+ kn+. #here the s'+#ay station is(
ans#er? )a* 6o yo' happen to ,no#
35 4 d+nBt kn+. #here Jein is to$ay. 3e #asn-t here yester$ay either.
ans#er? )c* I $on-t ,no#
36 4 .+$ld like some change 2or the +'s please. /han, yo'.
ans#er? )c* I #o'l$ li,e
37 'a!e y+$ any i$ea #here Ba'rie is( I-e +een loo,ing 2or her all morning.
ans#er? )a* 3ae yo'
38 1e hae an 'rgent meeting this morning. + y+$ kn+. #hen &arrie 's'ally arries(
ans#er? )+* 6o yo' ,no#
39 I $on-t ,no# my #ay aro'n$ yet. + y+$ think y+$ "+$ld sho# me the #ay to the +'s station(
ans#er? )c* 6o yo' thin, yo' co'l$
310 1+$ld y+$ p+ssi-ly repeat that please( /he street noise is ery lo'$ so I $i$n-t hear yo' the 2irst time.
ans#er? )a* &o'l$ yo' possi+ly
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 199 )"ns#er Jeys*
Tra!el 3rrangements Test 718
@'estions In$e%
31 I #o'l$ li,e a ti"ket 2rom 5hoeni% to :e# 4or, on <ri$ay please.
ans#er? )+* tic,et
32 I nee$ to +e in 6allas on <ri$ay. 6o yo' hae any seats le2t on the early 2light on <ri$ay(
ans#er? )c* seats
33 4es7 I hae one seat on <ri$ay-s #light that $eparts at 9 am.
ans#er? )+* 2light
34 Ch7 my goo$nessE /hat-s too early. 1hat-s the chec,Gin time5
ans#er? )+* time
35 /here-s a dire"t 2light to :e# 4or, that leaes at 11?30 am. 1o'l$ yo' li,e to +oo, that seat(
ans#er? )a* $irect
36 I $on-t #ant a seat in economy class. 6o yo' hae any -$siness class seats le2t(
ans#er? )+* +'siness
37 6o I nee$ an 'p$ate$ passp+rt to 2ly #ithin the same co'ntry(
ans#er? )a* passport
38 :o7 +'t the 2light atten$ant at Gate 77 #ill nee$ to see yo'r tic,et an$ -+arding pass +e2ore yo' can +oar$ the
ans#er? )a* +oar$ing pass
39 :ormally7 I $on-t "he"k any l'ggage +eca'se I trael light. Is that going to +e a pro+lem(
ans#er? )+* chec,
310 :o7 that-s not a pro+lem. 4o'-re allo#e$ one piece o2 "arryD+n l'ggage.
ans#er? )c* carryGon
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 200 )"ns#er Jeys*
G++d; 2ell and 6kay Test 718
@'estions In$e%
31 1e sho'l$ strie 2or #orl$ peace 2or the g++d o2 man,in$.
ans#er? )a* goo$
32 I hope 6orothy gets a#ay soon. I thin, a rela%ing acation #ill $o her a #orl$ o2 g++d&
ans#er? )a* goo$
33 /om lie$ in Fapan 2or 10 years. 3e spea,s Fapanese ery .ell&
ans#er? )+* #ell
34 4o' loo, greatE /hat ne# o't2it loo,s g++d on yo'.
ans#er? )a* goo$
35 I ,no# she-s going thro'gh a ro'gh time right no# +'t I ,no# she-ll +e +kay in time.
ans#er? )c* o,ay
36 4o'-e alrea$y complete$ a lot o2 #or, 2or him. /hat-s g++d eno'gh 2or to$ay.
ans#er? )a* goo$
37 1hen yo'-re training a $og7 yo' sho'l$ al#ays 'se phrases s'ch as LG++d girl/+oyEL to sho# praise 2or goo$
ans#er? )a* Goo$
38 3oc,ey players m'st s,ate e%tremely .ell in or$er to ma,e it to the :ational 3oc,ey Beag'e.
ans#er? )+* #ell
39 Is she going to +e +kay( She slippe$ on some ice last night an$ I-m #orrie$ a+o't her.
ans#er? )c* o,ay
310 Fames #as 'pset +eca'se he $i$n-t $o ery .ell on his chemistry e%am this past #ee,.
ans#er? )+* #ell
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 201 )"ns#er Jeys*
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 728
@'estions In$e%
31 I .as st'$ying #hen my r'$e neigh+ors interr'pte$ me #ith their lo'$ m'sic.
ans#er? )+* #as
32 Samantha -r+ke her promise so her sister $oesn-t tr'st her as m'ch anymore.
ans#er? )c* +ro,e
33 Ba'ra has "$t her o#n hair 2or the past 15 years. It 's'ally loo,s great.
ans#er? )a* c't
34 I nee$ yo' to dri!e me to #or, to$ay. 9y car isn-t r'nning.
ans#er? )a* $rie
35 &arrie has a stress2'l 8o+ an$ she al#ays has a lot o2 #or, to d+ on the #ee,en$s.
ans#er? )a* $o
36 Bast year7 9rs. Simon ol'nteere$ at the local hospital. She 'se$ to -ring treats 2or the patients on 9on$ays.
ans#er? )+* +ring
37 >ose #as s'rprise$ #hen she steppe$ into the ,itchen +eca'se someone ha$ eaten all o2 the pies.
ans#er? )c* eaten
38 /im ga!e his #i2e a +ea'ti2'l $iamon$ ring 2or their 25th #e$$ing anniersary.
ans#er? )+* gae
39 I-m sorry. I-m really +'sy to$ay so I hae to g+. I-ll call yo' later.
ans#er? )a* go
310 >aymon$ kn+.s a lot a+o't gar$ening an$ enironmental iss'es. 4o' sho'l$ as, him a+o't the large scale
gar$en yo' #ant to p't into yo'r +ac,yar$.
ans#er? )+* ,no#s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 202 )"ns#er Jeys*
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 738
@'estions In$e%
31 Sarah speaks Spanish really #ell. She lie$ in 9e%ico 2or 5 years.
ans#er? )+* spea,s
32 9icroso2t 8'st "ame o't #ith a ne# so2t#are program. It-s on sale at that o22ice s'pply store $o#n the roa$.
ans#er? )a* came
33 6o yo' ha!e a lot o2 #or, to $o tonight( I #as hoping #e co'l$ go o't to $inner at a+o't 6 pm.
ans#er? )+* hae
34 I 8'st heard a+o't the +'siness ent're. Gie me some time to thin, a+o't it an$ I-ll get +ac, to yo' #ith a
$ecision this #ee,.
ans#er? )a* hear$
35 I held the +a+y 'ntil the storm passe$ +eca'se she #o'l$n-t stop crying.
ans#er? )c* hel$
36 I ,no# that $resser is ol$ +'t I #ant to keep it +eca'se it +elonge$ to my gran$mother.
ans#er? )c* ,eep
37 Jathy learned ho# to change the oil in her car this past #ee,en$.
ans#er? )+* learne$
38 I made lemon chic,en t#o #ee,s ago. I thin, I #ant that 2or s'pper again to$ay.
ans#er? )c* ma$e
39 I ran into an ol$ 2rien$ yester$ay. I haen-t seen her since mi$$le school.
ans#er? )c* ran
310 9r. =enson said yo' #ante$ to see me. &an #e meet in an ho'r +eca'se I-m really +'sy right no#(
ans#er? )+* sai$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 203 )"ns#er Jeys*
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 748
@'estions In$e%
31 I think yo' sho'l$ A'it yo'r 8o+ an$ 2in$ a career that yo' en8oy.
ans#er? )a* thin,
32 &'rrently7 =ra$y s.ims eery morning. 3e-s in really goo$ shape an$ he-s ery $e$icate$.
ans#er? )+* s#ims
33 I coo,e$ some 2ish yester$ay so the #hole ,itchen stank li,e sea2oo$ 2or three ho'rs.
ans#er? )a* stan,
34 /he arme$ ro++er st+le three tho'san$ $ollars 2rom the 1est 0alley =an, this past 9on$ay.
ans#er? )c* stole
35 6ai$ -e"ame increasingly 'pset +eca'se he co'l$n-t get his point across.
ans#er? )+* +ecame
36 3e -egan to la'gh o't lo'$ #hen he hear$ the 8o,e-s p'nch line.
ans#er? )c* +egan
37 5lease $on-t -end that +oo,let I gae yo' +eca'se I #ant to ,eep it 2or 2't're re2erence.
ans#er? )c* +en$
38 "s soon as I -it into the san$#ich I ,ne# something #as #rong. Ipon 2'rther inspection7 I notice$ that the
+ee2 patty #as 'n$ercoo,e$.
ans#er? )c* +it
39 1hen I c't my 2inger7 it -led 2or a long time so I #ent to the hospital.
ans#er? )a* +le$
310 /he #in$ -le. an$ ho#le$ all night long.
ans#er? )+* +le#
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 204 )"ns#er Jeys*
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 758
@'estions In$e%
31 /he t#o ropes #ere -+$nd together so it #as $i22ic'lt to get them apart.
ans#er? )+* +o'n$
32 Eery year7 Shirley -reeds German Shepher$ $ogs. I al#ays go isit her #hen she has a ne# litter o2 p'ppies.
ans#er? )a* +ree$s
33 9y 2ather -$ilt o'r home in 1990 an$ he $esigne$ it as #ell.
ans#er? )+* +'ilt
34 /homas- #or,place -$rned $o#n last #ee,. :o#7 he-s o't o2 a 8o+ +eca'se the o#ner $i$n-t hae ins'rance.
ans#er? )c* +'rne$
35 9y mom "a$ght 2ie 2ish on o'r 2amily 2ishing trip last year.
ans#er? )a* ca'ght
36 /he little +oy7 #ho #as scare$ o2 Santa &la's7 "l$ng to his mother-s arm #hen he sa# the man in the re$ s'it
2or the 2irst time.
ans#er? )+* cl'ng
37 /ory slo#ly "rept aro'n$ the corner +eca'se she #ante$ to scare her yo'nger +rother.
ans#er? )a* crept
38 &arrie has to deal #ith a lot o2 iss'es at #or, +eca'se her +oss is o2ten $ishonest an$ r'thless.
ans#er? )c* $eal
39 9y p'ppy d$g a h'ge hole in the +ac,yar$ last night. /o$ay7 #e hae to 2ill the hole +eca'se it $oesn-t loo,
ans#er? )c* $'g
310 6ai$-s mother nero'sly #atche$ as her yo'ng son d+!e into the s#imming pool 2or the 2irst time.
ans#er? )+* $oe
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 205 )"ns#er Jeys*
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 768
@'estions In$e%
31 /imothy dre. a pict're 2or his mother at school to$ay.
ans#er? )+* $re#
32 Bast #ee,7 I dreamt that yo' lie$ in E'rope an$ I came to isit yo'.
ans#er? )c* $reamt
33 4o' hae to drink a lot o2 #ater in this part o2 the co'ntry in the s'mmer months or yo' co'l$ $ehy$rate on hot
ans#er? )a* $rin,
34 /he little p'ppy #ell $o#n #hen he trie$ to clim+ the stairs 2or the 2irst time.
ans#er? )+* 2ell
35 6on-t 2orget to #eed the $og. 3e-s h'ngryE
ans#er? )a* 2ee$
36 I $on-t #eel #ell. I thin, I got 2oo$Gpoisoning at that resta'rant #e #ent to this a2ternoon.
ans#er? )+* 2eel
37 >o+ert an$ Jein #+$ght at school to$ay. I $on-t ,no# #hy. /hey 's'ally get along so #ell.
ans#er? )+* 2o'ght
38 6ai$ #as +eginning to get a little #orrie$ a+o't his $#in$ling 2inances +'t he 8'st #+$nd a ne# 8o+ yester$ay.
3is 2irst $ay is on 9on$ay.
ans#er? )+* 2o'n$
39 /he re2'gees #led the #arGtorn co'ntry last #ee,. :o#7 there are a lot o2 h'ngry people so'th o2 the +or$er.
ans#er? )c* 2le$
310 =ailey #l$ng the <ris+ee into the air. >o+ ca'ght it an$ thre# it +ac, to her.
ans#er? )c* 2l'ng
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 206 )"ns#er Jeys*
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 778
@'estions In$e%
31 Eery year7 &ana$ian geese #ly so'th 2or the #inter so they m'st hae a lot o2 en$'rance.
ans#er? )a* 2ly
32 I ,no# I hae to get my oil change$ +'t I #+rg+t to $o it to$ay.
ans#er? )+* 2orgot
33 I 2orgot her +irth$ay +'t she rea$ily #+rga!e me +eca'se I tol$ her a+o't my +'sy sche$'le.
ans#er? )+* 2orgae
34 "ll o2 the +ea'ti2'l plants #r+Ee $'e to the sno#storm last night.
ans#er? )+* 2ro;e
35 I li,e to +'y #hole +ean co22ee so I can grind the +eans #hen I get home. It-s seems to taste +etter that #ay.
ans#er? )+* grin$
36 I h$ng a +ea'ti2'l7 2rame$ photograph on my liing room #all this past #ee,en$. I 8'st loe itE
ans#er? )+* h'ng
37 /aylor loes to play hide an$ see, #ith her 2rien$s 2rom school.
ans#er? )c* hi$e
38 "t the little leag'e +ase+all game on S'n$ay7 Fohn hit a home r'n an$ eeryone cheere$.
ans#er? )a* hit
39 Eery night7 Sarah kneels $o#n +esi$e her +e$ to pray.
ans#er? )c* ,neels
310 San$ra $oesn-t 2eel #ell so I tol$ her to lie $o#n 2or a little #hile.
ans#er? )a* lie
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 207 )"ns#er Jeys*
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 788
@'estions In$e%
31 &'rt laid $o#n his pencil +eca'se he #as so 2r'strate$ #ith the $i22ic'lty o2 the intensie e%am.
ans#er? )a* lai$
32 /he tree 2rog leaped right onto my sho'l$er. /ree 2rogs are pretty $ocile creat'res.
ans#er? )+* leape$
33 /he teacher led her st'$ents $o#n the hall#ay an$ into the gymnasi'm.
ans#er? )+* le$
34 I lent my goo$ 2rien$ K50 this past #ee,en$. I ,no# he #ill pay me +ac, as soon as he can.
ans#er? )+* lent
35 Eery time the 2amily goes shopping7 /rish lets her son p'sh the cart in the grocery store.
ans#er? )c* lets
36 It #as so $ar, #hen the lights #ent o't so my h's+an$ lit a near+y can$le.
ans#er? )+* lit
37 1e met in <rance +'t no# #e lie in <lori$a.
ans#er? )+* met
38 Jaren misspelled one #or$ in the spelling +ee last #ee, +'t her teacher still #ants to nominate her 2or the
state competition ne%t month.
ans#er? )+* misspelle$
39 I mist++k Gina 2or her sister at the #e$$ing. /hey loo, li,e t#ins sometimes.
ans#er? )+* mistoo,
310 9y h's+an$ m+.ed the la#n to$ay. I-m so happy +eca'se it loo,s clean an$ manic're$ no#.
ans#er? )+* mo#e$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 208 )"ns#er Jeys*
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 798
@'estions In$e%
31 I l+st my p'rse in San <rancisco last year. I ha$ to cancel all o2 my cre$it car$s. It #as s'ch a hassleE
ans#er? )+* lost
32 /im ha$ a lot o2 h'r$les to +!er"+me thro'gho't his chil$hoo$ +eca'se he 'se$ to get a lot o2 sei;'res. 3e
has epilepsy.
ans#er? )a* oercome
33 I li,e most o2 the reG$ecorating Sally $i$ in her ho'se. ='t7 I thin, she +!erdid it +eca'se it loo,s cl'ttere$.
ans#er? )+* oer$i$
34 " 2e# goernment o22icials plan to +!erthr+. the c'rrent lea$er an$ system.
ans#er? )a* oerthro#
35 5eople can no# pay 2or their gasoline right at the p'mp #ith their cre$it or $e+it car$s in &ali2ornia. It-s a ery
conenient system.
ans#er? )a* pay
36 S'e pled her case at the hearing. :o#7 she m'st #ait 2or a $ecision.
ans#er? )+* ple$
37 /he $e2ense la#yer m'st pr+!e that the $e2en$ant $i$n-t commit the iolent crime.
ans#er? )a* proe
38 I hae to go $o#nto#n to$ay any#ay. 1hy $on-t yo' ride #ith me(
ans#er? )a* ri$e
39 /he phone rang in the mi$$le o2 the night so >on 8'mpe$ o't o2 +e$ to ans#er it.
ans#er? )+* rang
310 I le2t my ho'se at 5 am yester$ay +eca'se I #ante$ to #atch the s'n rise&
ans#er? )a* rise
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 209 )"ns#er Jeys*
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 7108
@'estions In$e%
31 I sa. a great moie on <ri$ay night. I thin, it-s still playing at the moie theater. 4o' sho'l$ go see it soon.
ans#er? )+* sa#
32 Fames seeks a$ent're in his li2e so he-s neer satis2ie$ #ith reg'lar actiities.
ans#er? )a* see,s
33 9y h's+an$ an$ I s+ld o'r $ining room set an$ #ith the money7 #e +o'ght another one that s'its o'r style
ans#er? )+* sol$
34 I sent my mother a +irth$ay pac,age. I hope it arries on time.
ans#er? )+* sent
35 I li,e to se.. Bast month7 I ma$e those +ea'ti2'l $rapes in the +e$room.
ans#er? )a* se#
36 /he #in$ #as 2ierce last night. It sh++k the entire ho'se an$ +le# $o#n some trees o'tsi$e.
ans#er? )+* shoo,
37 Jen sha!es his 2ace eery other $ay.
ans#er? )+* shaes
38 /he 2armer m'st shear his 2loc, t#ice a year.
ans#er? )a* shear
39 9y $og 's'ally sheds her #inter coat in the spring. 6'ring that time7 I hae to +r'sh her t#ice or three times a
ans#er? )+* she$s
310 In 9e$iterranean co'ntries7 the s'n shines all $ay long in the s'mmer an$ it rains in the #inter.
ans#er? )+* shines
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 210 )"ns#er Jeys*
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 7118
@'estions In$e%
31 /homas reg'larly sh++ts targets at the near+y 2iring range.
ans#er? )+* shoots
32 <ran, sh+.ed me his gar$en. 3e spen$s a lot o2 time o't$oors.
ans#er? )+* sho#e$
33 /he little p'ppy loo,e$ li,e he #as shrinking #hen his o#ner scol$e$ him 2or che#ing the re$ slippers.
ans#er? )c* shrin,ing
34 &'rrently7 Sam sings in the ch'rch choir. 3e-s really goo$.
ans#er? )+* sings
35 Cn his 2irst $ay o2 school7 =en sat in the mi$$le ro#.
ans#er? )+* sat
36 I slept 2or 12 ho'rs yester$ay. I #as e%ha'ste$E
ans#er? )c* slept
37 /he hero in the chil$ren-s story sle. the horri+le $ragon.
ans#er? )+* sle#
38 /he 2armer $eci$e$ to s+. 2ie acres o2 +arley this year.
ans#er? )c* so#
39 1e #ent to+ogganing at &hristmas time. 9y chil$ren slid $o#n the hills7 oer an$ oer again7 in #on$erment.
I li,e it #hen they-re happy.
ans#er? )c* sli$
310 /he sol$ier sl$ng the heay +ac,pac, oer his sho'l$er.
ans#er? )+* sl'ng
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 211 )"ns#er Jeys*
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 7128
@'estions In$e%
31 /he large essel sank in the "tlantic Ccean more than 200 years ago.
ans#er? )c* san,
32 3enry sped aro'n$ the #hole co'rse in the gol2 cart #e rente$ last #ee,.
ans#er? )+* spe$
33 1e spent too m'ch money #hen #e #ent to 3a#aii last year. /his year7 #e-re going to the :apa 0alley.
ans#er? )c* spent
34 &hristie spilled her mil, all oer the ,itchen ta+le. She-s ery cl'msy sometimes.
ans#er? )c* spille$
35 Sam'el is ery stresse$ o't. 3is hea$ is spinning +eca'se he has to ma,e so many serio's $ecisions #ithin a
short amo'nt o2 time.
ans#er? )c* spinning
36 4ester$ay7 &arrie spat o't her peas #hen she trie$ them 2or the 2irst time. She-s a ery pic,y eater.
ans#er? )+* spat
37 /he little 2rog spr$ng 2rom the pon$ at once. 3e scare$ 's all at 2irst.
ans#er? )+* spr'ng
38 9rs. 9ontgomery tol$ Sha#n to stand in the corner. She $i$n-t approe o2 his +ehaior in class that $ay.
ans#er? )a* stan$
39 I ,no# it-s har$ +'t yo' hae to sti"k #ith it. 4o'-ll gra$'ate soon.
ans#er? )a* stic,
310 I got st$ng +y a +ee last s'mmer. It h'rt a lot.
ans#er? )+* st'ng
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 212 )"ns#er Jeys*
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 7138
@'estions In$e%
31 Fason str+de into the room #ith ease. 3e 2eels ery com2orta+le in 2ront o2 large gro'ps.
ans#er? )+* stro$e
32 >an$y str$"k o't at the +ase+all game last night. 3e-s still angry a+o't itE
ans#er? )+* str'c,
33 9ost people stri!e 2or s'ccess +'t they m'st remem+er to $o #hat they en8oy as #ell.
ans#er? )a* strie
34 Fohnny s.+re that he-$ neer steal again.
ans#er? )+* s#ore
35 4ester$ay7 I s.ept my entire ho'se. I also $i$ the $ishes an$ #ashe$ the 2loors.
ans#er? )+* s#ept
36 "2ter I acci$entally slamme$ my 2inger in the car $oor7 it s.elled 'p an$ t'rne$ +l'e.
ans#er? )+* s#elle$
37 3e s.$ng the +ase+all +at as har$ as he co'l$ +'t he still misse$ the 2ast +all.
ans#er? )+* s#'ng
38 /his year7 9rs. S#it;er #ill tea"h high school mathematics. She-s really nice an$ smart.
ans#er? )+* teach
39 I 's'ally tear 'p my ol$ +ills an$ other 2inancial in2ormation +e2ore I p't them into the gar+age can. I-m going
to +'y a paper shre$$er in the near 2't're.
ans#er? )a* tear
310 =ailey t+ld me a secret. I #on-t tell anyone a+o't it +eca'se it-s A'ite serio's.
ans#er? )+* tol$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 213 )"ns#er Jeys*
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 7148
@'estions In$e%
31 &act's an$ s'cc'lents thri!e in $ry7 hot climates.
ans#er? )a* thrie
32 Eery time I get the mail7 I thr+. a#ay 8'n, mail. It-s s'ch a #aste o2 paper.
ans#er? )a* thro#
33 /he teachers at yo'r school m'st $ph+ld the r'les set o't +y the state.
ans#er? )a* 'phol$
34 I .+ke 'p late to$ay. I #as so tire$.
ans#er? )+* #o,e
35 9y gran$mother .+!e the #ool 2or a +ea'ti2'l +lan,et that she ,nitte$ +y han$. I still hae it to$ay.
ans#er? )+* #oe
36 "t the #e$$ing7 the mother o2 the +ri$e .ept +eca'se she #as so happy 2or her $a'ghter.
ans#er? )c* #ept
37 C'r hometo#n 2oot+all team 8'st .+n the 2inal game o2 the seasonE
ans#er? )+* #on
38 6ai$ .ithheld in2ormation $'ring the criminal inestigation. So7 the police charge$ him as #ell.
ans#er? )+* #ithhel$
39 Some animals hae to .ithstand harsh #eather con$itions in northern &ana$a.
ans#er? )a* #ithstan$
310 4o' hae to .ring the #ater o't o2 those #et clothes +e2ore yo' hang them 'p to $ry.
ans#er? )a* #ring
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 214 )"ns#er Jeys*
4rreg$lar ,er-s Test 7158
@'estions In$e%
31 9att slo#ly tr+d across the $iing +oar$ an$ peere$ into the #ater +elo#.
ans#er? )a* tro$
32 Jathy .+$nd the gar$en hose aro'n$ the e%isting #heel an$ then p't it into the she$.
ans#er? )+* #o'n$
33 9any trees in &ali2ornia -ear 2r'it in the s'mmer an$ a't'mn months. /here is also a lot o2 yearGro'n$
gar$ening that ta,es place.
ans#er? )a* +ear
34 Fac,-s mother #+r-ids him to go to the store alone. She #ill allo# him to go #hen he-s ten years ol$.
ans#er? )a* 2or+i$s
35 6'e to her terri+le actions last month7 Jaren-s 2rien$s hae #+rsaken her. /hey #on-t een ta,e her calls
ans#er? )c* 2orsa,en
36 /he 2oot+all game on S'n$ay is ery important so the +oys are nero's +eca'se they $on-t #ant to l+se&
ans#er? )a* lose
37 S'san is competitie an$ she means to #in the s#imming competition ne%t #ee,.
ans#er? )+* means
38 In the longG$istance race yester$ay7 the secon$ r'nner +!ert++k the lea$er at the last min'te an$ #on the
ans#er? )+* oertoo,
39 In the $ar, ages7 areas in E'rope #ere smitten +y horri+le an$ tragic $iseases.
ans#er? )c* smitten
310 0ienna can-t string her tho'ghts together in 2ront o2 large gro'ps +eca'se she gets really nero's.
ans#er? )a* string
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 215 )"ns#er Jeys*
Eating 4di+ms
@'estions In$e%
31 I co'l$ eat a horse D means? I am !ery h$ngry&
ans#er? )c* am ery h'ngry
32 4o'-ll hae to eat yo'r #or$s7 I-m a2rai$ D means? 4o'-ll hae to ap+l+gise #+r .hat y+$ said&
ans#er? )$* apologise 2or #hat yo' sai$
33 4o' can-t hae yo'r ca,e an$ eat it D means? 4o' can-t ha!e e!erything y+$ .ant&
ans#er? )+* hae eerything yo' #ant
34 1ell7 I-ll eat my hatE D means? I $ont- -elie!e it&
ans#er? )c* +eliee it
35 4o'-ll hae to eat h'm+le pie D means? 4o'-ll hae to admit y+$rBre .r+ng&
ans#er? )a* a$mit yo'r-re #rong
36 1hat-s eating yo'( D means? 1hat-s ma,ing yo' irrita-le5
ans#er? )$* irrita+le
37 3e-s eating his heart o't 2or his e%Ggirl2rien$ D means? 3e #ishes he "+$ld -e -a"k .ith his e:Dgirl#riend&
ans#er? )a* he co'l$ +e +ac, #ith his e%Ggirl2rien$
38 She ha$ them all eating o't o2 her han$ D means? She #as a+le to "harm them all&
ans#er? )+* charm them all
39 It-s a $og eat $og enironment D means? It-s an enironment #here e!ery+ne is !ery "+mpetiti!e .ith +ne
ans#er? )$* eeryone is ery competitie #ith one another
310 1e-re going to eat o't tonight D means? 1e-re going to eat in a resta$rant t+night&
ans#er? )c* a resta'rant tonight
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 216 )"ns#er Jeys*
%iterary Terms 718
@'estions In$e%
31 1hen a #riter says one thing +'t act'ally means or signi2ies the opposite7 it-s calle$ ir+ny&
ans#er? )a* irony
32 " 2'nny piece o2 #riting that 's'ally ma,es 2'n o2 2oolish or eil +ehaior is calle$ a satire&
ans#er? )+* satire
33 1hen a #riter ma,es something o't to +e more than it is7 it-s calle$ an e:aggerati+n&
ans#er? )a* e%aggeration
34 Fonathon #as li,e an eager p'ppy D al#ays #illing to hae 2'n an$ ma,e people smile. /his phrase is an
e%ample o2 a simile&
ans#er? )+* simile
35 L3er heart er'pte$ #ith mo'n$s o2 scorching ang'ish #hen she recalle$ the inci$entL is an e%ample o2 a
ans#er? )+* metaphor
36 /he seA'ence o2 eents or actions that ta,e place in a story is calle$ the pl+t&
ans#er? )a* plot
37 /he loo, or appearance7 #ith regar$ to time an$ place7 o2 a story is calle$ the setting&
ans#er? )a* setting
38 "n i$ea or saying that has +een oer'se$ is calle$ a "li"he&
ans#er? )a* cliche
39 /he narrat+r tells the story to the rea$ers.
ans#er? )a* narrator
310 In a story7 a person7 place or thing that stan$s 2or or represents an i$ea or concept is a sym-+l&
ans#er? )a* sym+ol
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 217 )"ns#er Jeys*
%iterary Terms 728
@'estions In$e%
31 ")n* a$t+-i+graphy is a story #here a person #rites a+o't themseles an$ their o#n li2e story.
ans#er? )+* a'to+iography
32 1hen someone #rites another person-s li2e story7 the #ritten #or, is calle$ a)n* -i+graphy&
ans#er? )a* +iography
33 1hen an e$itor or 8o'rnalist #rites a personal opinion a+o't an eent or i$ea7 the col'mn is calle$ a)n*
ans#er? )+* e$itorial
34 " piece o2 #riting that is s'ppose$ to +e rea$ alo'$ 2or others to hear is calle$ a spee"h&
ans#er? )+* speech
35 /he genre o2 a piece o2 literat're is $escri+e$ as the ,in$ or type o2 literat're it is.
ans#er? )a* genre
36 " ne.s story 's'ally coers the 2acts o2 an eent that hae ta,en place in society.
ans#er? )a* ne#s
37 " n+nD#i"ti+nal moie or +oo, is +ase$ on real eents or i$eas that hae ta,en place in history.
ans#er? )a* nonG2ictional
38 /he main i$ea o2 any piece o2 #riting is calle$ the theme&
ans#er? )a* theme
39 /he #riter or a'thor o2 a play is calle$ a play.right&
ans#er? )+* play#right
310 " #riter-s manner or #ay o2 #riting is calle$ his/her style&
ans#er? )+* style
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 218 )"ns#er Jeys*
%iterary Terms 738
@'estions In$e%
31 " play or moie that is s'ppose$ to ma,e 's la'gh an$ $oes not hae a tragic en$ing is calle$ a "+medy&
ans#er? )a* come$y
32 /he #riter or a'thor o2 a poem is calle$ a p+et&
ans#er? )c* poet
33 " techniA'e that inoles cl'es that a #riter gies his/her rea$ers a+o't #hat #ill happen later on in a noel or
in a short story is ,no#n as #+reshad+.ing&
ans#er? )+* 2oresha$o#ing
34 " techniA'e 'se$ in literat're that eo,es or stim'lates the senses s'ch as hearing7 seeing an$ smelling is
,no#n as imagery&
ans#er? )a* imagery
35 1hen a #riter 'ses #or$s to gie animals h'man characteristics an$ A'alities7 the techniA'e is calle$
ans#er? )+* personi2ication
36 " person #ho #rites noels is calle$ a n+!elist&
ans#er? )a* noelist
37 /he dial+g$e in a play7 noel or short story consists o2 the conersations that the characters hae #ith one
ans#er? )a* $ialog'e
38 1riting that is create$ 2or entertainment p'rposes an$ that is imaginatie is calle$ #i"ti+n&
ans#er? )c* 2iction
39 " person #ho gathers 2acts7 interie#s people an$ #rites articles a+o't the ne#s 2or the p'+lic is calle$ a
ans#er? )c* 8o'rnalist
310 /he m+ral o2 a story is an important message that the rea$ers are s'ppose$ to receie an$ 'n$erstan$.
ans#er? )+* moral
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 219 )"ns#er Jeys*
%iterary Terms 748
@'estions In$e%
31 S"ien"e #i"ti+n is a type o2 2ictional literat're that $eals #ith places an$ eents that $on-t an$ can-t e%ist in the
#orl$ as #e ,no# it.
ans#er? )a* Science 2iction
32 /ealisti" drama is #riting that tries to $eal #ith an$ $escri+e real li2e sit'ations.
ans#er? )+* >ealistic $rama
33 " diary is a personal recor$ or 8o'rnal a+o't the #riter-s intimate 2eelings an$ opinions.
ans#er? )+* $iary
34 " #+lktale is a a story that is passe$ $o#n 2rom one generation to the ne%t.
ans#er? )c* 2ol,tale
35 "n a'thor #ho #rites 2'nny stories is calle$ a h$m+rist&
ans#er? )+* h'morist
36 " pen name is a 2alse or 2ictional name that #riter 'ses instea$ o2 his/her real name.
ans#er? )a* pen name
37 " t$rning p+int story is a+o't an e%perience or eent that changes a character-s li2e in a signi2icant #ay.
ans#er? )a* t'rning point
38 /he pr+tag+nist is the main character in a story7 play etc.
ans#er? )+* protagonist
39 /he antag+nist is a character #ho str'ggles #ith or #or,s against the main character in a story7 play etc.
ans#er? )a* antagonist
310 In a dete"ti!e story7 the main character soles some sort o2 crime that #as committe$.
ans#er? )a* $etectie
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 220 )"ns#er Jeys*
2hen d+ y+$ say this5
@'estions In$e%
31 I say? L"re yo' all right(L #hen I am "+n"erned a-+$t s+me+ne&
ans#er? )a* concerne$ a+o't someone
32 I say LI am 2e$ 'pL #hen I ha!e had en+$gh&
ans#er? )c* hae ha$ eno'gh
33 I say LI co'l$ eat a horseL #hen I am h$ngry&
ans#er? )+* h'ngry
34 I say LI haen-t a cl'eL #hen I $nderstand n+thing&
ans#er? )+* 'n$erstan$ nothing
35 I say LI-e got to go no#L #hen I am late&
ans#er? )c* late
36 I say L9y 2eet are ,illing meL #hen I hae .alked a l+t&
ans#er? )a* #al,e$ a lot
37 I say L4o' can co'nt on meL #hen I s$pp+rt s+me+ne&
ans#er? )+* s'pport someone
38 I say L/hey lostL #hen I tell someone the res$lt&
ans#er? )c* res'lt
39 I say L4o'r lips m'st +e seale$L #hen I .ant s+me+ne t+ keep a se"ret&
ans#er? )+* #ant someone to ,eep a secret
310 I say LI haen-t a min'te to spareL #hen I am !ery -$sy&
ans#er? )c* am ery +'sy
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 221 )"ns#er Jeys*
/ea"hing agreement
@'estions In$e%
31 Some people al#ays li,e to agree #ith eeryone +eca'se they can al#ays see the other person-s p+int o2
ans#er? )c* point
32 <or them it-s ery $i22ic'lt to $eci$e an$ ma,e their minds 'p at times li,e general elections.
ans#er? )$* min$s
33 /hey listen to one spea,er an$ then to another an$ they neer ,no# #ho to !+te 2or #hen the election time
comes aro'n$.
ans#er? )a* ote
34 /he $i22ic'lty is that they al#ays agree #ith the person they-e last listene$ to an$ 2or them that is a real
ans#er? )c* $i22ic'lty
35 4o' see7 they #atch one political party on /0 an$ +eliee they are reasona+le an$ tal, sensi-ly +'t then they
#atch another party an$ they seem reasona+le7 too.
ans#er? )+* sensi+ly
36 1e hae a #or$ 2or these people an$ call them #l+ating oters +eca'se their ie#s are al#ays in the air.
ans#er? )$* 2loating
37 C2 co'rse once yo' are insi$e the +'il$ing #here yo' hae to p't yo'r cross against the name o2 the
can$i$ate yo' choose7 there is no time to dither or hesitate.
ans#er? )a* $ither
38 Sometimes the politicians #e elect7 all hae to agree an$ ma,e ery serio's $ecisions as it co'l$ +e a matter
o2 li#e or $eath.
ans#er? )+* li2e
39 <ort'nately 2or most o2 's s'ch a sit'ation $oesn-t happen o2ten an$ so the pro+lem $oesn-t arise&
ans#er? )c* arise
310 5ro+a+ly the easiest sol'tion i2 yo' can-t agree on one thing or another is to thr+. a coin in the air an$ see
#hich si$e it lan$s on.
ans#er? )a* thro#
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 222 )"ns#er Jeys*
The h+liday +# a li#etime
@'estions In$e%
31 S'e ha$ +een saing $p her money 2or a long time +eca'se she #ante$ to go on a ro'n$ the #orl$ cr'ise.
ans#er? )c* 'p
32 /his ha$ +een a $ream o2 hers since she #as a chil$.
ans#er? )a* hers
33 "n$ no# at it #as a reality an$ her $ream #as a+o't to +e #$l#illed&
ans#er? )+* 2'l2ille$
34 She ha$ pai$ a dep+sit7 a s'm o2 money that #o'l$ g'arantee her ca+in on the cr'ise.
ans#er? )$* $eposit
35 She ha$ also $eci$e$ that she #o'l$ +'y hersel2 some ne# l'ggage7 a set o2 cases that cost a lot o2 money.
ans#er? )+* set
36 ='t she $i$n-t really care ho# m'ch she pai$ +eca'se she simply #asn-t -+thered a+o't the e%pense.
ans#er? )c* +othere$
37 "2ter all as 2ar as she #as concerne$ the cr'ise #as going to +e a 8o'rney o2 a li#etime&
ans#er? )a* li2etime
38 /he night +e2ore the start o2 her holi$ay she spent the night in a l'%'rio's hotel ery near the airport.
ans#er? )+* spent
39 She $i$n-t sleep ery #ell7 not +eca'se o2 the noise o2 the planes7 since the airport seeme$ ery A'iet7 +'t
+eca'se she #as so e:"ited at the tho'ght o2 the cr'ise.
ans#er? )$* e%cite$
310 It #as only #hen she ha$ 2inishe$ her +rea,2ast that she realise$ #hy the airport ha$ seeme$ so A'ietG
eeryone ha$ stoppe$ #or, an$ gone on strikeH
ans#er? )$* stri,e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 223 )"ns#er Jeys*
4# mem+ry ser!es me right
@'estions In$e%
31 9ary? 1hy are yo' l++king so #orrie$(
ans#er? )$* loo,ing
32 5ete? I-m not really #orrie$. It-s 8'st that 2or ages I-e +een trying to remem+er the name o2 that actor in the
2irst eer colo'r 2ilm.
ans#er? )+* ages
33 9ary? 6o yo' ,no# #hat the 2ilm #as "alled5
ans#er? )c* calle$
34 5ete? :o7 that-s 8'st it. It-s completely gone o't o2 my head&
ans#er? )a* hea$
35 9ary? "t least tell me #hat the actor loo,e$ like&
ans#er? )$* li,e
36 5ete? 1ell7 he #as tall an$ spo,e #ith a ery English a""ent&
ans#er? )c* accent
37 9ary? 1hen #as the 2ilm act'ally made5
ans#er? )+* ma$e
38 5ete? It m$st hae +een some time in 19477 I-m s're o2 that.
ans#er? )c* m'st
39 9ary? 1hy are yo' so ,een to 2in$ +$t #ho it #as(
ans#er? )a* o't
310 5ete? /o tell yo' the tr$th7 I-e 2orgotten that7 tooE
ans#er? )$* tr'th
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 224 )"ns#er Jeys*
*y "+mp$ter and me
@'estions In$e%
31 I 8'st $on-t get on #ith comp'ters at all.
ans#er? )+* at
32 /hey al#ays go .r+ng #ith me an$ +rea, $o#n.
ans#er? )c* #rong
33 "s a res'lt o2 this I 2in$ I hae to call $p e%perts to come an$ help me.
ans#er? )$* 'p
34 1hen they come to my ho'se7 these e%perts7 they sho# me #hat I sh+$ld $o.
ans#er? )a* sho'l$
35 "s I #atch them7 eerything +ecomes ery "lear an$ I 'n$erstan$ eerything.
ans#er? )+* clear
36 /he tro'+le is that as soon as they leae7 I ten$ to #+rget eerything they hae tol$ me.
ans#er? )c* 2orget
37 /he +est piece o2 ad!i"e someone tol$ me to $o #hen the comp'ter $oesn-t #or, #as to t'rn the comp'ter
o227 hae a c'p o2 co22ee an$ then t'rn it on again.
ans#er? )$* a$ice
38 /he 2irst time I tried this7 eerything #as 2ine 2or 2ie min'tes an$ then it stoppe$ #or,ing again.
ans#er? )a* trie$
39 I hae no# +o'ght a ne# comp'ter #hich is per2ect +eca'se it-s ery small an$ so $oesn-t ta,e 'p m'ch
ans#er? )c* room
310 It loo,s ery smart an$ mo$ern +'t I $o hae one ma9+r pro+lem an$ that-s +eca'se I $on-t ,no# ho# to
s#itch it on.
ans#er? )+* ma8or
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme$iate leel ! 225 )"ns#er Jeys*
2+rk and 9+- e:pressi+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 /he one $ay that most people hate is 9on$ay +eca'se that-s #hen they hae to go +ac, to their pla"e o2
ans#er? )c* place
32 /he one $ay that many people loe is <ri$ay +eca'se that is #hen they can thin, a+o't their time +## at the
ans#er? )+* o22
33 Is'ally Sat'r$ay an$ S'n$ay 8'st #ly +y more A'ic,ly than the other 5 $ays o2 the #ee,.
ans#er? )+* 2ly
34 ='t then #hat #o'l$ happen to 's i2 #e $i$n-t $o any #or,(
ans#er? )a* happen
35 In the 2irst place #e-$ hae no money to +'y 2oo$ an$ #e-$ pro+a+ly star!e&
ans#er? )c* stare
36 9in$ yo' it co'l$ +e a #ay o2 l+sing #eight an$ +ecoming slimmer.
ans#er? )+* losing
37 ='t in the en$ #e #o'l$ pro+a+ly 2in$ that $oing nothing all $ay co'l$ +e ery 'ninteresting an$ -+ring&
ans#er? )a* +oring
38 So let-s not complain too m'ch a+o't it +eca'se #e simply hae to accept it as a ne"essary 2act o2 li2e.
ans#er? )$* necessary
39 F'st remem+er an$ neer #+rget that some people aren-t a+le to #or, een #hen they #ant to.
ans#er? )+* 2orget
310 Cne #ay is to pretend7 een i2 it-s not tr'e7 an$ tell yo'rsel2 that the ne# name 2or 9on$ay is <ri$ayE
ans#er? )$* preten$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 1 )"ns#er Jeys*
=e.spaper 'eadlines
@'estions In$e%
31 Some people only rea$ the head lines in a ne#spaper.
ans#er? )$* hea$
32 4o' sho'l$ al#ays chec, the sell -y $ate o2 things yo' +'y in the s'permar,et.
ans#er? )c* +y
33 1hen the +'il$ing #as complete$7 all the #or,ers #ere pai$ +##&
ans#er? )a* o22
34 /he +oss #as goo$ eno'gh to +!erl++k my mista,e.
ans#er? )$* oerloo,
35 It is al#ays em-arrassing #hen yo' mis'n$erstan$ the c'stoms o2 other co'ntries.
ans#er? )a* em+arrassing
36 :e#spapers are deli!ered to people-s $oors eery $ay.
ans#er? )c* $eliere$
37 In her speech she e%presse$ her gratit$de 2or all the help she ha$ +een gien.
ans#er? )+* gratit'$e
38 In sh+rt nothing m'ch happene$ at the meeting.
ans#er? )c* short
39 "t the en$ o2 the speech the #hole assem+ly gae the spea,ers a stan$ing +!ati+n&
ans#er? )a* oation
310 5oliticians preten$ to ignore opinion p+lls&
ans#er? )$* polls
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 2 )"ns#er Jeys*
%earning tips and instr$"ti+ns
@'estions In$e%
31 Start rea$ing the story 2rom page 4 an$ then go on 'ntil yo' rea"h the en$ o2 the chapter.
ans#er? )+* reach
32 "ns#er the A'estions at the +ac, o2 the +oo, an$ ma,e s$re that yo' chec, yo'r ans#ers care2'lly.
ans#er? )c* s're
33 /he #hole p'rpose o2 all these e%ercises is to test yo'r ,no#le$ge o2 grammar an$ oca+'lary.
ans#er? )a* test
34 " 'se2'l #ay to in"rease yo'r oca+'lary is to rea$ as m'ch as possi+le.
ans#er? )+* increase
35 4o' sho'l$ rea$ not only ne#spapers +'t also noels so that yo' can see e%amples o2 idi+mati" lang'age.
ans#er? )a* i$iomatic
36 "nother important actiity is to pra"tise yo'r spo,en lang'age.
ans#er? )+* practise
37 I2 yo' can a##+rd the cost o2 trael7 there is o2 co'rse no s'+stit'te 2or isiting the co'ntry itsel2.
ans#er? )a* a22or$
38 /ry to pers$ade a natie spea,er to tal, to yo' so that yo' can recor$ the conersation.
ans#er? )+* pers'a$e
39 5lay the tape +ac, as many times as yo' li,e an$ repeat eerything that the natie spea,er has sai$.
ans#er? )$* repeat
310 I2 yo' manage to $o all these things7 it #on-t +e long +e2ore yo' 2in$ yo'rsel2 spea,ing the lang'age #l$ently&
ans#er? )+* 2l'ently
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 3 )"ns#er Jeys*
0hrasal ,er-s
@'estions In$e%
31 I2 yo' #ant to 8oin that cl'+7 yo' hae to #ill +$t a 2orm an$ sen$ it to yo'r secretary.
ans#er? )+* 2ill o't
32 6on-t #orry #e-ll hae to #ait a little longer +eca'se I-m s're he-ll t$rn $p soon.
ans#er? )a* t'rn 'p
33 Bast #ee, I "ame a"r+ss that +oo, yo' #ante$ in a small shop.
ans#er? )c* came across
34 1hat yo' hae to $o is to think $p a ne# i$ea that #ill ena+le 's to ma,e a lot o2 money.
ans#er? )$* thin, 'p
35 I nee$ to 2in$ some ,in$ o2 chemical that #ill keep d+.n the #ee$s in the gar$en.
ans#er? )c* ,eep $o#n
36 1hen spring comes7 people o2ten 2eel incline$ to d+ $p their ho'ses.
ans#er? )c* $o 'p
37 /he time has no# come #hen it #ill +e necessary to see a-+$t ma,ing a plan.
ans#er? )a* see a+o't
38 It-s easy to see 2rom the #ay the gar$en is loo,ing that #inter has set in&
ans#er? )+* set in
39 4o' nee$ not #orry that yo'-ll +e le2t on yo'r o#n +eca'se I-ll al#ays stand -y yo'.
ans#er? )c* stan$ +y
310 4o' can tell +y the #ay she tal,s an$ +ehaes that she takes a#ter her mother.
ans#er? )$* ta,es a2ter
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 4 )"ns#er Jeys*
Time E:pressi+ns 718
@'estions In$e%
31 /here-s no nee$ to #orry7 #e shall get to the station long +e2ore the train leaes as #e hae -ags o2 time.
ans#er? )$* +ags
32 /he concert $oesn-t start at least an ho'r an$ so #e hae time to kill&
ans#er? )a* ,ill
33 /he station isn-t 2ar a#ay an$ the train leaes in a+o't ten min'tes so there is no nee$ to #orry
time to spare&
D #e hae
ans#er? )c* spare
34 /he pro+lem is he has no #or, to $o an$ #ith time on his hands he is li,ely to get into tro'+le.
ans#er? )a* han$s
35 I tol$ him time an$ again not to $o it +'t he ta,es no notice.
ans#er? )c* again
36 I al#ays li,e to get to an appointment in g++d time.
ans#er? )a* goo$
37 It-s a-+$t time she learnt to loo, a2ter hersel2.
ans#er? )c* a+o't
38 1e-re not liing here 2or goo$ +'t 8'st 2or the time -eing&
ans#er? )$* +eing
39 /ime #lies7 it-s $i22ic'lt to +eliee that #e-e +een here all $ay.
ans#er? )+* 2lies
310 /ime #ill tell #hether #e hae ma$e the right $ecision.
ans#er? )c* tell
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 5 )"ns#er Jeys*
Time E:pressi+ns 728
@'estions In$e%
31 /he +'siness has lost a lot o2 or$ers recently an$ is going thro'gh a thin time.
ans#er? )c* thin
32 /he rail#ays system is ery e22icient as the trains al#ays arrie +n time.
ans#er? )$* on
33 9y opinion is that they $on-t ,no# #hat to $o an$ are merely playing #+r time.
ans#er? )+* 2or
34 4o' can tell 8'st loo,ing at their o't o2 $ate eA'ipment that the company is #ell -ehind the times.
ans#er? )a* +ehin$
35 3is inention sho#e$ that he 'n$erstoo$ #hat #as going to happen in the 2't're an$ proe$ he #as ahead o2
his time.
ans#er? )c* ahea$
36 4o' can tell she has hit the -ig time +eca'se o2 the h'ge car she $ries.
ans#er? )$* +ig
37 I2 yo' really #ant to sen$ that letter o22 to$ay7 it-s high time yo' #ent to the post o22ice.
ans#er? )a* high
38 /he orchestra are meant to keep time #ith the con$'ctor.
ans#er? )+* ,eep
39 I2 yo' #ant to gro# as a +'siness an$ attract ne# c'stomers yo' m'st m+!e #ith the times.
ans#er? )a* moe
310 /he parcel eent'ally arrie$ si% #ee,s later7 an$ not -e#+re timeE
ans#er? )+* +e2ore
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 6 )"ns#er Jeys*
4nter!ie.s and F+-s
@'estions In$e%
31 =e2ore yo' start applying 2or any 8o+7 yo' m'st +e a+sol'tely s're yo' hae the right paper ?$ali#i"ati+ns&
ans#er? )$* A'ali2ications
32 In a$ance o2 $ra#ing 'p the 8o+ speci2ication an$ a$ertisement7 yo' hae to sit $o#n an$ #or, o't the
pr+#ile yo' hae in min$ 2or the i$eal employee.
ans#er? )+* pro2ile
33 "s soon as the "andidates arrie7 it #ill +e yo'r 8o+ to sho# them ro'n$ the #or, place an$ gie them a
general history o2 the company 2or #hich they #ant to #or,.
ans#er? )c* can$i$ates
34 "t the moment the company is $oing an e%tensie a$ertising campaign #ith a ie# to re"r$iting ne# sta22.
ans#er? )a* recr'iting
35 "2ter yo'-e rea$ the $etails o2 the 8o+7 ma$e some notes an$ #ritten a $ra2t letter7 chec, the $etails7 #rite the
2inal letter an$ then s$-mit yo'r application.
ans#er? )+* s'+mit
36 I thin, yo' #ere as,ing too m'ch o2 that ne# mem+er o2 sta22 #hen yo' e%pecte$ her to "+me $p #ith a costG
c'tting scheme.
ans#er? )$* come 'p
37 I thin, that yo'-e chosen a ery goo$ area o2 #or, to see, employment in +eca'se I-e hear$ that 8o+s are
a-$ndant there.
ans#er? )+* a+'n$ant
38 Interie#ing applicants 2or an important 8o+ can +e a ery time "+ns$ming process +'t it-s #orth it in the en$.
ans#er? )c* cons'ming
39 1hen yo' are interie#ing someone7 it is o+io'sly necessary to as, A'estions releant to their 8o+
e%perience +'t $isc'ssing someone-s other a""+mplishments is also 'se2'l.
ans#er? )+* accomplishments
310 1e can o22er yo' a salary that #ill +e "+mmens$rate #ith the $'ties an$ responsi+ilities that the 8o+ $eman$s.
ans#er? )$* commens'rate
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 7 )"ns#er Jeys*
3t the +"t+rs
@'estions In$e%
31 "s soon as the $octor loo,e$ at her7 he #as a+le to diagn+se the ca'se o2 her 2reA'ent hea$aches.
ans#er? )+* $iagnose
32 /reatment o2 this partic'lar $isor$er #as +eyon$ the $octor-s capa+ility an$ he re#erred the patient to a
ans#er? )c* re2erre$
33 3e le2t the s'rgery 2eeling a lot +etter than #hen he arrie$ +eca'se the $octor ha$ reass're$ him that his
con$ition #as not seri+$s&
ans#er? )+* serio's
34 /he $octor too, o't o2 her +ag an 'n's'al instr$ment +'t promise$ her yo'ng patient that it #o'l$ not h'rt
ans#er? )$* instr'ment
35 I m'st con2ess I 2eel m'ch +etter to$ay7 as I hae 2o'n$ that the me$ication prescri+e$ has +een most
ans#er? )c* e22ectie
36 In$er the policy o2 the ne# health reg'lations i2 yo' $eci$e to cancel yo'r app+intment an$ $on-t noti2y the
s'rgery7 yo' #ill +e 2ine$.
ans#er? )+* appointment
37 =e2ore she #as allo#e$ to leae the hospital7 a physiotherapist ha$ to assess the e%tent o2 her mo+ility.
ans#er? )c* assess
38 /he treatment has proe$ ery s'ccess2'l +'t to chec, progress he has to arrange to isit the $octor-s
ans#er? )$* ann'ally
39 It is m'ch easier to pre!ent an illness than it is to c're it.
ans#er? )+* preent
310 =e2ore they co'l$ start any ,in$ o2 treatment7 they ha$ to #rite to the preio's hospital in or$er to o+tain her
ans#er? )c* recor$s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 8 )"ns#er Jeys*
*istaken 4dentity
@'estions In$e%
31 Interie#er? 5erhaps yo' co'l$ start +y telling 's #hy yo'-e applied #+r this 9+-&
ans#er? )+* applie$ 2or this 8o+
32 &an$i$ate? I thin, the main reason is +eca'se I li,e #or,ing in the +pen air&
ans#er? )$* the open air
33 Interie#er? 4o' mean yo' li,e the i$ea o2 an o22ice #ith air "+nditi+ning&
ans#er? )c* air con$itioning
34 &an$i$ate? I-m sorry I $on-t 'n$erstan$ #hat yo'-re +n a-+$t&
ans#er? )+* on a+o't
35 Interie#er? I sho'l$ hae tho'ght this #as pretty +-!i+$s&
ans#er? )c* pretty o+io's
36 &an$i$ate? :ot to me7 it isnBt&
ans#er? )a* it isn-t
37 Interie#er? I thin, there m'st +e a mista,e7 I take it y+$Bre *r F+hns+n&
ans#er? )+* ta,e it yo'-re 9r Fohnson
38 &an$i$ate? I-m 9r Fensen. I-m a2rai$ it-s a case o2 mistaken identity&
ans#er? )$* mista,en i$entity
39 Interie#er? So yo'-re not a2ter the 8o+ o2 g'ar$ian7 4 pres$me&
ans#er? )a* I pres'me
310 &an$i$ate? :o7 sorry as I sai$ I li,e #or,ing o'tsi$e7 I #ant to +e a gar$ener7 i# y+$ d+nBt mind&
ans#er? )c* i2 yo' $on-t min$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 9 )"ns#er Jeys*
%etter 2riting 718
@'estions In$e%
31 6ear Sir7 I am #riting this letter to $escri+e the pr+-lems I-e +een haing #ith one o2 yo'r pro$'cts.
ans#er? )c* pro+lems
32 I am re2erring to yo'r la#nmo#er des"ri-ed in the catalog'e as -S'perc't-.
ans#er? )a* $escri+e$
33 /o +egin #ith I #o'l$ li,e to ta,e iss$e oer the name itsel2.
ans#er? )+* iss'e
34 -S'per- to my min$ s'ggests e:"ellen"e7 #hich it $oes not possess.
ans#er? )$* e%cellence
35 -&'t- I sho'l$ hae tho'ght #as an essential re?$irement o2 any la#nmo#er.
ans#er? )+* reA'irement
36 In2ort'nately this $oes not apply to -S'perc't-.
ans#er? )c* apply
37 /he 2irst time I trie$ to 'se it7 yo'r la#nmo#er simply r+lled oer the grass +'t $i$ not c't it.
ans#er? )+* rolle$
38 3dmittedly the grass #as 2lat +'t it #as still as long as #hen I ha$ starte$.
ans#er? )$* "$mitte$ly
39 1hat I #o'l$ li,e yo' to $o is to pay me -a"k my money an$ ta,e -S'perc't- a#ay.
ans#er? )a* +ac,
310 <inally I #ant someone to come an$ c't my grass at yo'r e:pense.
4o'rs 2aith2'lly7 3er+ Grass.
ans#er? )+* e%pense
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 10 )"ns#er Jeys*
%etter 2riting 728
@'estions In$e%
31 6ear &harles I tho'ght it #as a-+$t time I #rote to yo' an$ tol$ yo' #hat I-e +een 'p to.
ans#er? )+* a+o't
32 9y main ne#s is that 9ary has at long last "+nsented to marry me.
ans#er? )$* consente$
33 She p'ts it another #ay an$ says she #ill +e a+le to ma,e an h+nest man o2 me.
ans#er? )a* honest
34 "n$ no# I come to a ery important #a!+$r I #ant to as, o2 yo'.
ans#er? )+* 2ao'r
35 5'tting it simply I sho'l$ +e $elighte$ i2 yo' #o'l$ agree to +e my +est man at o'r #e$$ing.
ans#er? )$* simply
36 I can ass$re yo' that the $'ties are not in any #ay complicate$.
ans#er? )+* ass're
37 In 2act yo' co'l$ not possi+ly say that the 8o+ o2 +est man is at all ard$+$s&
ans#er? )a* ar$'o's
38 /his +rings me to another point? #hy aren-t yo' an$ Sara tying the kn+t5
ans#er? )c* ,not
39 "2ter all #hy sho'l$ yo' t#o contin'e to +e 2ree an$ I hae to gie 'p my li-erty5
ans#er? )+* li+erty
310 Bet me hae yo'r resp+nse as soon as possi+le.
4o'r ol$ 2rien$7 9ic,.
ans#er? )+* response
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 11 )"ns#er Jeys*
%etter 2riting 738
@'estions In$e%
31 6ear Sir7 haing rea$ yo'r a$ertisement7 I sho'l$ li,e to s$-mit this letter as my application 2or the post o2
mar,eting manager.
ans#er? )+* s'+mit
32 "s yo' #ill see 2rom my atta"hed &.0.7 I am c'rrently #or,ing as a #aiter.
ans#er? )c* attache$
33 4o' may thin, that this is a pe"$liar 8o+ 2or someone #ho is applying 2or a mar,eting post.
ans#er? )a* pec'liar
34 5erhaps I sho'l$ e%plain the $nderlying reason 2or #or,ing in a resta'rant as a #aiter in preparation 2or a
mar,eting 8o+.
ans#er? )$* 'n$erlying
35 "s I see it7 a resta'rant is a mar,et an$ it is the 8o+ o2 a #aiter to tempt the clients into choosing pro$'cts 2rom
the men'.
ans#er? )c* tempt
36 I am s're I co'l$ ery easily #$l#il all the reA'irements o2 the 8o+.
ans#er? )+* 2'l2il
37 <or e%ample some o2 my clients cannot $eci$e #hether to hae #resh 2r'it or tiramis'.
ans#er? )c* 2resh
38 Cn s'ch an occasion li,e that I mar,et #ell an$ al#ays ma,e them sele"t the one #e hae most o2.
ans#er? )c* select
39 I am s're I co'l$ trans#er my s,ills as a #aiter to the tas,s that are nee$e$ 2or yo'r a$ertise$ post.
ans#er? )a* trans2er
310 <inally I loo, 2or#ar$ to hearing 2rom yo' an$ as yo' #ill 'n$erstan$ I $on-t #ant to -#ait- ery long.
4o'rs 2aith2'lly7
I.".9. 3ope2'l.
ans#er? )+* hearing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 12 )"ns#er Jeys*
%etter 2riting 748
@'estions In$e%
31 6ear all7 8'st to let yo' ,no# that #e reache$ o'r destinati+n a2ter a $ramatic start.
ans#er? )$* $estination
32 I co'l$ say that #e are haing a #on$er2'l time +'t that #o'l$ +e #ar 2rom the tr'th.
ans#er? )+* 2ar
33 Eerything starte$ to go #rong the moment #e arrie$ at the airport +eca'se o2 the in$'strial a"ti+n ta,en +y
the +aggage han$lers.
ans#er? )$* action
34 /hese +aggage han$lers ha$ $eci$e$ they $i$n-t #ant to l+ad o'r cases on to the plane.
ans#er? )+* loa$
35 /he res'lt o2 this #as that #e #ere hel$ $p 2or si% ho'rs in the $epart're lo'nge #aiting 2or the en$ o2 the
ans#er? )a* 'p
36 =y the time the plane too, o22 as yo' can imagine7 #e #ere all tire$7 h'ngry an$ misera+le.
ans#er? )c* imagine
37 1hen #e eent'ally arrie$ at the hotel7 #e ha$ to s+rt +$t o'r l'ggage at reception.
ans#er? )a* sort o't
38 /he +ig pro+lem #as that o'r l'ggage #asn-t there D it ha$ simply disappeared&
ans#er? )$* $isappeare$
39 C'r 2irst $ay #as spent in the local shops p$r"hasing all the things that #e +eliee$ #e ha$ +ro'ght #ith 's.
ans#er? )c* p'rchasing
310 Cn the last $ay o2 o'r holi$ay the manager o2 the hotel greete$ 's -eaming 2rom ear to ear to in2orm 's that
o'r l'ggage ha$ arrie$ at receptionE
See yo' soon
9eggy an$ /om.
ans#er? )+* +eaming
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 13 )"ns#er Jeys*
(lying a"r+ss the 1hannel
@'estions In$e%
31 6o yo' hae any i$ea #hat ="SE 8'mping means5
ans#er? )+* means
32 "pparently it is an a"r+nym #here the letters in the #or$ are the 2irst letters o2 a gro'p o2 #or$s.
ans#er? )$* acronym
33 In other #or$s the letters stand #+r +'il$ing7 antennae7 span an$ earth7 all o2 #hich yo' can 8'mp 2rom.
ans#er? )c* stan$ 2or
34 <eli% =a'mgartner recently +ase8'mpe$ o't o2 a plane 97000 metres a-+!e 6oer7 a port on the so'th coast o2
ans#er? )+* a+oe
35 3e inten$e$ to #ly across the channel #ith a parach'te an$ lan$ on the coast o2 <rance near &alais.
ans#er? )a* 2ly
36 3e starte$ ery early in the morning so that he #as a+le to a!+id commercial 2lights.
ans#er? )+* aoi$
37 6'ring the 2light his s'pporters "laim that he #ill hae reache$ 200 ,mh.
ans#er? )c* claim
38 /he 2act remains that he s$r!i!ed an$ manage$ #ith the help o2 o%ygen s'pplies to complete the crossing in
ten min'tes.
ans#er? )$* s'rie$
39 3e create$ a ne# re"+rd an$ 8oins Bo'is =leriot7 the 2irst to 2ly across the channel in 37 min'tes an$ 9atthe#
1e++7 the 2irst to s#im across in 22 ho'rs.
ans#er? )a* recor$
310 /hese are ama;ing achieements +'t i2 li,e me yo' #ant com2ort7 #armth an$ 2oo$ on the 8o'rney7 ta,e the
2erry crossing lasting 90 min'tes.
ans#er? )+* lasting
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 14 )"ns#er Jeys*
Tea"hing y+$r 2i#e t+ ri!e
@'estions In$e%
31 /eaching someone to $rie is one o2 the s"ariest e%periences yo' can hae.
ans#er? )c* scariest
32 4o' sit in the passenger seat an$ instr$"t yo'r learner to $o #hat yo' #o'l$ normally $o.
ans#er? )$* instr'ct
33 /he pro+lem is that i2 yo'r learner $oesn-t 'n$erstan$7 yo' can +oth en$ 'p in the dit"h&
ans#er? )+* $itch
34 /he sit'ation is more "+mpli"ated i2 the learner is a mem+er o2 yo'r 2amily.
ans#er? )c* complicate$
35 I2 this relatie is also yo'r #i2e7 then things +ecome een more $isastro's +eca'se it co'l$ en$ in di!+r"e&
ans#er? )a* $iorce
36 /he secret o2 +eing a goo$ $riing teacher is neer on any occasion to lose yo'r temper or yo'r head&
ans#er? )$* hea$
37 I2 yo' $o lose one o2 them or +oth7 yo'r learner #ill lose con2i$ence an$ also lose "+ntr+l o2 the car.
ans#er? )a* control
38 In my "ase none o2 this happene$ D all I $i$ #as sho't an$ scream7 #hich ma$e me 2eel +etter.
ans#er? )+* case
39 I am pro'$ to say that I ta'ght my #i2e an$ my t#o sons an$ they all passed 2irst time.
ans#er? )c* passe$
310 /he only mystery to me is as they #ere s'ccess2'l on the 2irst attempt7 ho# come some years +e2ore it ha$
ta,en me 2o'r triesE
ans#er? )+* mystery
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 15 )"ns#er Jeys*
6ne is al.ays g+ing t+ l+se&&&
@'estions In$e%
31 ='il$ing Societies c'rrently 2in$ themseles in a pre"ari+$s sit'ation +eca'se they try to please the saers
an$ also the +orro#ers an$ yet one gro'p is al#ays going to lose.
ans#er? )+* precario's
32 1heneer there is a meeting +et#een the 2inance minister an$ the goernor o2 the +an,7 people start as,ing
A'estions an$ r'mo'rs a-+$nd&
ans#er? )c* a+o'n$
33 Inaria+ly i2 interest rates go 'p7 the +'il$ing societies pay more to their saers an$ +orro#ers complain at the
increase they hae to pay an$ maintain the societies are mishandling their a22airs.
ans#er? )$* mishan$ling
34 &hie2 e%ec'ties then start ma,ing pleasant speeches an$ smile a lot +eca'se they #ant to ass$age the
concerns o2 their +orro#ers.
ans#er? )a* ass'age
35 9onths go +y an$ most people 2orget their pro+lems an$ get 'se$ to the i$ea o2 paying more an$ then tal,s
res$me an$ the #hole process starts all oer again.
ans#er? )+* res'me
36 /he goernment then has to sho# that it is inole$ in the #hole +'siness o2 saing an$ len$ing an$ tries to
conince eeryone that it is s$pp+rti!e o2 +oth saers an$ len$ers.
ans#er? )c* s'pportie
37 /he goernment ne%t anno'nces that meas'res are $'e to come into #+r"e that #ill change the #hole
ans#er? )c* 2orce
38 /hey say this +'t then the $i22ic'lty is trying to 2in$ o't #hen the meas'res are coming into e22ect an$ #hen
they #ill +e rati#ied&
ans#er? )+* rati2ie$
39 /his is all ery $isappointing 2or the .+$ldD-e ho'se +'yer #ho $oesn-t really ,no# #hat-s going to happen
ne%t an$ ho# m'ch the interest rate #ill +e.
ans#er? )$* #o'l$G+e
310 C'r poor potential +'yer rea$s the papers7 #atches the teleision ne#s an$ gets e%cite$ at the prospect o2
another meeting o2 the 2inanciers +'t in the en$ nothing o2 n+te comes o2 it all.
ans#er? )a* note
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 16 )"ns#er Jeys*
3 0$-li" (ig$re
@'estions In$e%
31 Imagine an em-attled p'+lic 2ig're attac,e$ +y press an$ p'+lic7 #ho is 2acing an inA'iry into allegations o2
haing o+taine$ money +y $eception.
ans#er? )c* em+attle$
32 "ny arg'ments he p't 'p in his $e2ence #ere regar$e$ as a sm+kes"reen +y people #ho #ere $etermine$ to
see him conicte$.
ans#er? )+* smo,escreen
33 5eople ten$e$ not to +eliee a #or$ he sai$ an$ maintaine$ that his protestations o2 innocence #ere #earing
a +it thin&
ans#er? )$* thin
34 /here #as ery strong s'pport 2or the police #ho #ere $etermine$ to "$r- this ,in$ o2 crime.
ans#er? )c* c'r+
35 /he press ha$ +een pr+mpted +y an 'n,no#n so'rce to ma,e as m'ch p'+licity a+o't him as they co'l$.
ans#er? )a* prompte$
36 3is agent spent a lot o2 time -rie#ing the press on his +ac,gro'n$ in the hope that they #o'l$ present a
+alance$ ie#.
ans#er? )+* +rie2ing
37 0ie#s as to his g'ilt or innocence een +e2ore the trial starte$ ranged 2rom 'tter coniction that he #as g'ilty
to #il$ s'pport 2or his innocence.
ans#er? )c* range$
38 Gra$'ally ho#eer as the $ays #ent +y een his greatest s'pporters #ere +eginning to desert him.
ans#er? )+* $esert
39 /hen t#o $ays +e2ore the trial #as $'e to start7 ne# ei$ence came to light proing he #as totally innocent.
ans#er? )a* light
310 =y then o2 co'rse it #as too late +eca'se the $amage ha$ alrea$y +een $one to his career7 #hich
+!ershad+.ed eerything else he $i$ 2or the rest o2 his li2e.
ans#er? )$* oersha$o#e$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 17 )"ns#er Jeys*
State Se"rets
@'estions In$e%
31 1e o2ten hear that s'ch an$ s'ch a piece o2 in2ormation cannot +e release$ into the p'+lic d+main in the
interest o2 national sec'rity.
ans#er? )c* $omain
32 Fo'rnalists ho#eer loe to get hol$ o2 a story someho# +'t they r'n the ris, o2 2acing a -a"klash i2 they +rea,
the o22icial secrects act.
ans#er? )+* +ac,lash
33 1hen there is a high pr+#ile inA'iry ta,ing place7 the r'sh to get more $etails is intense.
ans#er? )a* high pro2ile
34 /he more the a'thorities try to conceal #hat is happening7 the more it 2'els spe"$lati+n a+o't #hat might +e
ans#er? )$* spec'lation
35 Sometimes a 8o'rnalist #ill get hol$ o2 sensitie in2ormation ,no#ing that he #ill get sa!aged +y goernment
agencies i2 he $ares reeal it.
ans#er? )c* saage$
36 /he person in charge o2 the enA'iry #ill occasionally signal #hat can +e $isclose$ in ne#spapers.
ans#er? )a* signal
37 Cnce this $isclos're is highlighted it-s the 8o+ o2 the 8o'rnalist to 2ollo# it thro'gh to a satis2actory concl'sion.
ans#er? )+* highlighte$
38 9in$ yo' it has to +e a conincing article +eca'se the rea$ing p'+lic can soon see thro'gh the transparen"y
o2 a #ea, arg'ment.
ans#er? )c* transparency
39 /he A'estion m'st al#ays +e in the min$ o2 the #riter #hether #hat is +eing #ritten is li,ely to p+se a threat to
the sa2ety o2 the comm'nity at large.
ans#er? )$* pose
310 /he last possi+le thing that anyone #ants to happen to their co'ntry is to t'rn it into a ha!en 2or
ans#er? )c* haen
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 18 )"ns#er Jeys*
The =e.s
@'estions In$e%
31 3ere is the ne#s rea$ +y "lan /o#nen$. /o$ay the Goernment is $n!eiling plans 2or a ne# scheme to help
ans#er? )+* 'neiling
32 /he i$ea +ehin$ the scheme is to try an$ "$r- stealing in the co'ntry.
ans#er? )a* c'r+
33 /he scheme #ill +e intr+d$"ed into the school c'rric'l'm at the +eginning o2 ne%t aca$emic year.
ans#er? )$* intro$'ce$
34 &hil$ren #ill +e ta'ght to respect other people-s property an$ -el+ngings&
ans#er? )a* +elongings
35 I2 chil$ " steals chil$ =-s e%ercise +oo,7 chil$ " #ill hae to stan$ 'p in 2ront o2 the school an$ "+n#ess to
+eing a thie2.
ans#er? )+* con2ess
36 /he Goernment sp+kespers+n sai$ the 5rime 9inister #as sic, an$ tire$ o2 papers $isappearing 2rom his
ans#er? )$* spo,esperson
37 Bast #ee, the 5rime 9inister ha$ to gie an important a$$ress to an international assem-ly #hen he 2o'n$ his
speech ha$ $isappeare$.
ans#er? )+* assem+ly
38 /his #as o2 co'rse ery em+arrassing 2or the 5.9. an$ instead o2 the speech he tol$ 2'nny stories.
ans#er? )c* instea$
39 /he #orst part o2 the inci$ent #as that the a'$ience $i$ not see the 2'nny side o2 his stories.
ans#er? )+* si$e
310 I regret I cannot contin'e #ith the ne#s +eca'se someone has misappr+priated the ne%t page.
ans#er? )a* misappropriate$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 19 )"ns#er Jeys*
Talking thr+$gh his hat
@'estions In$e%
31 I $o ta,e my hat +## to the ne# $irector 2or haing p'lle$ the company +ac, 2rom +an,r'ptcy.
ans#er? )$* o22
32 1hateer yo' $o ta,e no notice o2 him +eca'se he-s not thin,ing straight D he-s tal,ing thr+$gh his hat.
ans#er? )+* thro'gh
33 It #as one o2 those society #e$$ings yo' ,no# #hen the men #ear t+p hats an$ tails.
ans#er? )c* top
34 I hope yo' can ,eep a secret +eca'se I-$ li,e yo' to ,eep this in2ormation $nder yo'r hat.
ans#er? )a* 'n$er
35 "t last she-s ma$e her min$ 'p an$ $eci$e$ to thro# her hat in the ring an$ +ecome a can$i$ate.
ans#er? )+* ring
36 I $on-t thin, she stan$s a chance in the election an$ i2 she $oes #in7 I-ll eat my hat.
ans#er? )c* eat
37 4o' simply can-t tr'st that politician +eca'se he changes his min$ eery 2ie min'tes at the dr+p o2 a hat.
ans#er? )$* $rop
38 I2 yo' #ant to ,eep 'p #ith the latest 2ashion7 yo' sho'l$n-t #ear that D it-s +ld hat no#.
ans#er? )+* ol$
39 In ie# o2 the special e22orts o'r coach $rier has ma$e to$ay7 I thin, it #o'l$ +e nice to hand ro'n$ the hat 2or
ans#er? )$* han$
310 In his present 8o+ there are so many $i22erent responsi+ilities inole$ that he has to .ear seeral hats.
ans#er? )c* #ear
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 20 )"ns#er Jeys*
1+nsider this
@'estions In$e%
31 /he most $i22ic'lt part 2or the salesperson is to "+n!in"e potential c'stomers o2 the 'se2'lness o2 the pro$'ct.
ans#er? )+* conince
32 I2 yo' #ant to get the +est o't o2 yo'r sales 2orce7 they m'st +eliee in the pro$'ct an$ +e inspired eno'gh to
promote it igoro'sly.
ans#er? )a* inspire$
33 " satis#ied c'stomer #ill al#ays ret'rn to the same 2irm an$ +'y again.
ans#er? )$* satis2ie$
34 /hat style o2 $ress #as once consi$ere$ to +e a #ad +'t no# it is coming +ac, into 2ashion.
ans#er? )+* 2a$
35 Cne o2 the 2irst things to $o #hen yo' #ant to market a ne# pro$'ct is to ascertain its potential $eman$.
ans#er? )c* mar,et
36 /he main +'siness interest at the moment is to #atch the s'permar,ets "+mpeting 2or the same clientele.
ans#er? )+* competing
37 C'r sales meetings #ere re$'ce$ to once a 2ortnight +eca'se the #ee,ly meetings #ere not consi$ere$ to +e
pr+d$"ti!e eno'gh.
ans#er? )a* pro$'ctie
38 3er a+ility to "+ns$me 2acts an$ 2ig'res A'ic,ly #as the main reason 2or her rapi$ rise in the +'siness.
ans#er? )c* cons'me
39 /he s'ccess o2 o'r #e+site is $'e to the 2act that c'stomers can "+mpare $i22erent prices 2or the same article.
ans#er? )$* compare
310 I2 yo' #ant to ,eep "$rrent #ith the latest $eelopements in yo'r 2iel$7 yo' hae to rea$ the releant
ans#er? )+* c'rrent
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 21 )"ns#er Jeys*
@'estions In$e%
31 9athe# Smith #as a highly respecte$ mem+er o2 parliament #ith no stain on his character.
ans#er? )c* stain
32 "t least that-s #hat he tho'ght 'ntil the press starte$ trying to dig 'p something a+o't his past.
ans#er? )+* $ig
33 "pparently #hen he #as still at school7 he $i$n-t hae a tic,et 2or his train 8o'rney one $ay an$ he #as #ined&
ans#er? )$* 2ine$
34 /his piece o2 in2ormation #as $iscoere$ +y one ,een local reporter an$ #as -l+.n 'p o't o2 all proportion +y
the national press.
ans#er? )a* +lo#n
35 3ea$lines appeare$ maintaining that 9athe# #as a $ishonest lying thie2.
ans#er? )$* lying
36 Cther papers as,e$ the A'estion? 3o# can #e tr'st o'r politicians i2 they "heat on society(
ans#er? )c* cheat
37 /here #as een tal, that inci$ents li,e this one co'l$ t+pple the Goernment.
ans#er? )+* topple
38 /he 5rime 9inister calle$ 9athe# in to tal, to him an$ sai$ he co'l$n-t tolerate any .hi## o2 scan$al in his
ans#er? )a* #hi22
39 "t last 9athe# $eci$e$ to spea, $p 2or himsel2 an$ tell the tr'th.
ans#er? )c* 'p
310 /he reporter ha$ got it "+mpletely #rong +eca'se he 2o'n$ his tic,et an$ he #asn-t -2ine$-7 he #as simply
ans#er? )$* completely
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 22 )"ns#er Jeys*
@+$ ha!e t+ g+
@'estions In$e%
31 9y 8o+ has gone +eca'se my +oss has #ired me.
ans#er? )+* 2ire$
32 I shan-t +e #or,ing tomorro# +eca'se I-e 8'st +een gien the sa"k&
ans#er? )$* sac,
33 I #as dismissed this morning an$ ha$ to empty my $es, this a2ternoon.
ans#er? )c* $ismisse$
34 I #as han$e$ my "ards yester$ay an$ so to$ay I-m loo,ing 2or a ne# 8o+.
ans#er? )+* car$s
35 /he company $eci$e$ to get rid o2 me last #ee, an$ so I ha$ to leae.
ans#er? )a* ri$
36 I hae +een ma$e red$ndant +eca'se my #or, here is no longer nee$e$.
ans#er? )c* re$'n$ant
37 /he 2irm has $eci$e$ to d+.nsiEe #hich means they $on-t #ant me.
ans#er? )$* $o#nsi;e
38 /hey tol$ me to go +eca'se I #as sai$ to +e s$rpl$s to reA'irements.
ans#er? )+* s'rpl's
39 It #as A'ite clear they $i$n-t #ant me +eca'se I #as tol$ not to -+ther to come +ac, to #or, tomorro#.
ans#er? )c* +other
310 :o7 I $i$n-t as, the +oss 2or more money to$ay +eca'se he gae me one month-s n+ti"e&
ans#er? )$* notice
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 23 )"ns#er Jeys*
@'estions In$e%
31 /here #as a+sol'tely no hesitation on her part an$ A'ic, as a #lash she pai$ the +ill.
ans#er? )c* 2lash
32 "s a chil$ he ha$ no pro+lems learning 2oreign lang'ages mainly +eca'se he #as ery A'ic, on the $ptake&
ans#er? )$* 'pta,e
33 3e 8'st co'l$n-t play 2ast an$ l++se #ith his employees any longer simply +eca'se they neer ,ne# #here he
ans#er? )+* loose
34 3e p$lled a 2ast one at the entrance +eca'se he han$e$ oer 4 tic,ets altho'gh there #ere 5 o2 them entering
the e%hi+ition.
ans#er? )a* p'lle$
35 Since he le2t the army7 he misses the e%citement an$ $anger an$ still #ants to lie li2e in the 2ast lane&
ans#er? )$* lane
36 4o'-ll hae to +e A'ic, o22 the mark i2 yo' #ant to +'y one o2 those ho'ses +eca'se they-re selling ery 2ast.
ans#er? )c* mar,
37 3e-s one o2 the get rich A'ic, 2raternity #ho +eliee in ma,ing money as A'ic,ly as possi+le.
ans#er? )a* get
38 3e sees 2inancial gain eery#here an$ neer misses an opport'nity to ma,e a 2ast -$"k&
ans#er? )+* +'c,
39 :o# that the company has ma$e its 2irst million7 there-s no stopping it an$ it-s 2'll steam ahea$.
ans#er? )$* steam
310 I appreciate yo'r har$ #or, +'t sometimes yo'-re so 2ast that yo' miss the $etails an$ I thin, it-s a case o2
more haste less spee$.
ans#er? )c* haste
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 24 )"ns#er Jeys*
>p in the 1l+$ds
@'estions In$e%
31 3ae yo' notice$ ho# m'ch more the price o2 petrol is to$ay( It-s really s,y high no#.
ans#er? )+* high
32 I #as as,e$ ho# many tests I #o'l$ #rite an$ I sai$ the s,y-s the limit D in other #or$s as many as possi+le.
ans#er? )c* limit
33 3er +oss tho'ght she #as #on$er2'l an$ al#ays praised her to the s,ies.
ans#er? )$* praise$
34 I simply $on-t +eliee the scheme #ill eer s'ccee$7 it-s 8'st pie in the s,y.
ans#er? )+* pie
35 @'estion? 1hat $o they call those h'ge +'il$ings in :e# 4or,( "ns#er? /hey-re calle$ s,ys"rapers&
ans#er? )c* scrapers
36 4o' can see the s'n i2 yo' loo, at the roo2 thro'gh the s,ylight&
ans#er? )+* light
37 It-s a ery pale ersion o2 the colo'r an$ that-s #hy it-s calle$ s,y-l$e&
ans#er? )a* +l'e
38 /he roc,et #as 2ire$ an$ A'ic,ly too, o22 s,y.ards&
ans#er? )c* #ar$s
39 3e 8'st #o'l$n-t ta,e anything serio'sly an$ co'l$ al#ays +e 2o'n$ playing a+o't an$ generally s,ylarking&
ans#er? )a* lar,ing
310 I thin, yo'-re either ma$ or ery +rae to 8'mp o't o2 a plane an$ #ait some time +e2ore opening yo'r
parach'te in a s,ydi!e&
ans#er? )$* $ie
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 25 )"ns#er Jeys*
@'estions In$e%
31 4o' can hear eerything that-s going on ne%t $oor +eca'se the #alls are paper thin&
ans#er? )c* thin
32 1e-re going to the college tonight to hear 5ro2essor Jent deli!er a paper on lang'age learning on the net.
ans#er? )+* $elier
33 I can-t see the point o2 trying to settle the $isp'te +et#een those t#o instit'tions +eca'se yo'-ll 8'st +e
papering oer the "ra"ks&
ans#er? )$* crac,s
34 "2ter the 2irst reol'tion the $ictator no longer ha$ m'ch control an$ +ecame 8'st a paper tiger&
ans#er? )+* tiger
35 /he cross co'ntry r'n #here the r'nners 2ollo# a trac, o2 pieces o2 paper is calle$ a paper "hase&
ans#er? )a* chase
36 Some co'ntries hae some ery interesting $esigns on their paper m+ney&
ans#er? )c* money
37 :ot that it has happene$ yet +'t the age o2 the comp'ter #as meant to intro$'ce the i$ea o2 the paperless
ans#er? )$* less
38 /he main #or, has 8'st +een complete$ an$ all #e hae to $o no# is 2inish the paper .+rk&
ans#er? )c* #or,
39 She #as gien a ery $ecoratie paper .eight to stop all her papers +lo#ing a#ay once the #in$o# #as
ans#er? )a* #eight
310 3er 2irst noel #as a h'ge s'ccess an$ it #as only a 2e# #ee,s a2ter p'+lication that the paper -a"k came
ans#er? )c* +ac,
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 26 )"ns#er Jeys*
@'estions In$e%
31 I h'ng the #ashing o't only t#o ho'rs ago +'t it is alrea$y +one dry than,s to the hot s'nshine.
ans#er? )+* $ry
32 /hey came straight o't #ith their complaint making no +ones a+o't it #hatsoeer.
ans#er? )$* ma,ing
33 It #as a micacle that he #as still alie as he ha$n-t eaten 2or #ee,s an$ #hen they 2o'n$ him he #as 8'st skin
an$ +one.
ans#er? )a* s,in
34 It #as A'ite simple really D he neer $i$ any #or, at all an$ #as sac,e$ 2or +eing +one idle&
ans#er? )c* i$le
35 It-s impossi+le to say e%actly #hy I thin, that-s the case. "ll I can say is that I #eel it in my +ones.
ans#er? )+* 2eel
36 1e-re e%pecting a isit 2rom a <rench co'ple soon so I-ll hae to +one $p on my <rench.
ans#er? )$* 'p
37 "h7 yes I-e got a +one to pi"k #ith yo'. 4o' tol$ me yo' #o'l$ pay me +ac, last #ee, an$ I still haen-t got
the money yet.
ans#er? )a* pic,
38 "ltho'gh the /0 programme #as 2'nny7 my a'nt #as a +it shoc,e$ +eca'se some o2 the 8o,es #ere a +it near
the +one.
ans#er? )c* near
39 I #on-t go into the 2'll $etails o2 the proposition7 I-ll 8'st gie yo' the -are +ones.
ans#er? )+* +are
310 3er chil$ren #ere ery 'ngrate2'l 2or all she-$ $one 2or them as she ha$ really #or,e$ her #ingers to the +one
2or them.
ans#er? )$* 2ingers
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 27 )"ns#er Jeys*
%$"ky @+$
@'estions In$e%
31 3e tol$ 's the 's'al things a+o't ho# eerything ha$ gone #rong D it #as a typical hard l'c, story.
ans#er? )+* har$
32 1ith a little -it o2 l'c, I thin, she-ll pass her $riing test 2irst time.
ans#er? )$* +it
33 I2 I #ere yo' I #o'l$ certainly accept the o22er. I2 yo' as, 2or any more yo'-re 8'st p$shing yo'r l'c,.
ans#er? )a* p'shing
34 I tho'ght the +est thing #as to #ish them +oth g++d l'c, an$ hope that eerything #or,e$ o't #ell.
ans#er? )c* goo$
35 4o' really co'l$n-t +lame anyone 2or the acci$ent +eca'se it #as 8'st a case o2 -ad l'c,.
ans#er? )$* +a$
36 Bast #ee, they str$"k it ery l'c,y +eca'se they manage$ to #in the lottery.
ans#er? )+* str'c,
37 She al#ays seems to come o't o2 any crisis 'nharme$ an$ I-m conince$ she #as +orn 'n$er a l'c,y star&
ans#er? )$* star
38 3e 8'st co'l$n-t ma,e 'p his min$ #hich to choose an$ so in the en$ he $eci$e$ to ta,e p+t l'c,.
ans#er? )a* pot
39 Eeryone $eci$e$ to help him +y o22ering money as they-$ hear$ he #as d+.n on his l'c,.
ans#er? )+* $o#n
310 "2ter all his 2ail'res in the +'siness #orl$ he $eci$e$ to try his l'c, in the casino.
ans#er? )$* try
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 28 )"ns#er Jeys*
@'estions In$e%
31 "ll the .+rldBs a stage sai$ Sha,espeare7 meaning li2e is li,e a play in the theatre.
ans#er? )+* #orl$-s
32 /his pro8ect has only 8'st +een starte$ an$ is in its early stages at the moment.
ans#er? )$* early
33 4o' $on-t hae to pay 2or it all at once as yo' can +'y it in easy stages.
ans#er? )+* easy
34 1e-e no# rea"hed the stage #here it-s time to ma,e o'r min$s 'p.
ans#er? )c* reache$
35 I-e seen her act in many 2ilms +'t neer lie +n stage.
ans#er? )$* on
36 It-s A'ite normal #hen yo' ma,e yo'r 2irst speech in p'+lic to s'22er 2rom stage #right&
ans#er? )c* 2right
37 "s he $i$n-t #ant anyone else to hear #hat he #as saying he spo,e to her in a stage .hisper&
ans#er? )a* #hisper
38 3e-s al#ays +een 2ascinate$ +y the theatre an$ has spent many years $oing o$$ 8o+s as a stage hand&
ans#er? )+* han$
39 <rom chil$hoo$ she has +een stage str$"k an$ #as $elighte$ #hen she got her 2irst ma8or part in the play at
the national theatre.
ans#er? )$* str'c,
310 /he #hole eent seeme$ ery 'nnat'ral an$ ha$ clearly +een stage managed appeal to the oters +e2ore the
ans#er? )+* manage$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 29 )"ns#er Jeys*
@'estions In$e%
31 /he 2irst plan #as to hol$ the eent in the open air +'t that pose$ many pro+lems.
ans#er? )c* plan
32 /his proposal #as soon $iscar$e$ +eca'se #e might 2in$ $i22ic'lty #ith the local reg$lati+ns&
ans#er? )a* reg'lations
33 "2ter a lot o2 $isc'ssion #e $eci$e$ to hire a pro2essional to assist 's.
ans#er? )$* assist
34 /he 2irst thing she recommen$e$ #as 2or 's to "++rdinate all the people #ho #ere inole$.
ans#er? )c* coor$inate
35 /he ne%t thing #e nee$e$ to #or, o't #as the e%act dimensi+ns o2 the area that #e nee$e$ in or$er to
present the eent.
ans#er? )$* $imensions
36 In ie# o2 the large n'm+er o2 people the pr+:imity o2 a par,ing area #as consi$ere$ ery important.
ans#er? )a* pro%imity
37 "2ter a great $eal o2 $isc'ssion a site #as eent'ally 2o'n$7 #hich seeme$ to +e #hat #as #ante$.
ans#er? )+* site
38 "t this stage it #as clear that they ha$ to ,no# the e:a"t n'm+er o2 people #ho #ere going to atten$.
ans#er? )$* e%act
39 Initations #ere sent o't an$ in general the response #as A'ite goo$.
ans#er? )+* general
310 In2ort'nately the eent #as neer staged +eca'se no one ha$ consi$ere$ the reaction o2 the local people to
the noise o2 a lo'$ pop concert.
ans#er? )c* stage$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 30 )"ns#er Jeys*
@'estions In$e%
31 It #as necessary to telephone dire"t+ry enA'iries +e2ore #e co'l$ get the n'm+er to ring 'p the rail#ay
ans#er? )+* $irectory
32 1e tho'ght it #as a goo$ i$ea to ta,e some san$#iches #ith 's so that #e-$ hae something to eat 2or the
d$rati+n o2 the 8o'rney.
ans#er? )$* $'ration
33 "s one o2 o'r party #as oer 60 she #as entitled to a re$'ction in the price o2 the tic,et.
ans#er? )$* entitle$
34 I s'ppose as #e lie in a ery r'ral area7 #e are l'c,y that a train serice act'ally +perates here.
ans#er? )a* operates
35 9in$ yo' the cost o2 trael is ery high an$ #ares #ent 'p again last month.
ans#er? )c* 2ares
36 "ll yo' can say is that the high price is some#hat +##set +y +eing a+le to get to a large city A'ic,ly.
ans#er? )$* o22set
37 /he other a$antage o2 this partic'lar serice is that +y an$ large the trains are p$n"t$al&
ans#er? )+* p'nct'al
38 Cn the $ay #e traelle$ most people ha$ $eci$e$ to stay at home as the train #as relati!ely empty.
ans#er? )$* relatiely
39 1e ate o'r san$#iches an$ 2or the remainder o2 the 8o'rney #e en8oye$ loo,ing at the scenery.
ans#er? )a* remain$er
310 =e2ore #e ,ne# #hat ha$ happene$ #e ha$ le2t o'r rem+te illage +ehin$ an$ #ere in the mi$$le o2 the +ig
ans#er? )c* remote
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 31 )"ns#er Jeys*
)ite; )it; )itten
@'estions In$e%
31 She certainly #on-t inest in that company again haing lost a 2ort'ne D it-s a case o2 once +itten t#ice shy&
ans#er? )c* shy
32 3e may seem ery angry +'t $on-t #orry his -ark is #orse than his +ite.
ans#er? )a* +ar,
33 /hey #ere so angry #ith me they practically +it my head o22.
ans#er? )$* hea$
34 I thin, he-ll s'ccee$ +'t it-s a lot o2 #or, an$ sometimes he 2eels he-s +itten o22 more than he can "he.&
ans#er? )+* che#
35 In ie# o2 the #ay things hae improe$ I no# 2eel con2i$ent eno'gh to hae another +ite at the "herry&
ans#er? )$* cherry
36 I-m ery sorry to tell yo' that yo'r scheme has 2aile$ an$ it has #ell an$ tr'ly +itten the d$st&
ans#er? )+* $'st
37 It m'st hae come as a great shoc, to get the sac, +'t I-m a2rai$ yo'-ll 8'st hae to accept it an$ +ite the
ans#er? )c* +'llet
38 I can-t +eliee that he-s t'rning against his o#n parents D it-s li,e +iting the han$ that #ed yo'.
ans#er? )$* 2e$
39 9y a$ice to yo' is to resist saying anything at the moment an$ simply +ite yo'r lip&
ans#er? )c* lip
310 I ,no# she #o'l$ really li,e to say e%actly #hat she 2eels +'t I +eliee she sho'l$ +ite her t+ng$e&
ans#er? )$* tong'e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 32 )"ns#er Jeys*
@'estions In$e%
31 I agree in general #ith #hat yo' hae sai$ +'t I-m not happy a+o't one point an$ I m'st take iss'e #ith yo'
oer that.
ans#er? )+* ta,e
32 /he tro'+le #ith her is that she al#ays e%aggerates an$ makes an iss'e o't o2 eerything.
ans#er? )$* ma,es
33 "s 2ar as I-m concerne$ his e%planation #as 'seless as it merely "+n#$sed the iss'e.
ans#er? )a* con2'se$
34 I #ish #e co'l$ stic, to the s'+8ect an$ 8'st consi$er the topic at iss'e.
ans#er? )c* at
35 /he al'e o2 one o2 the early copies o2 that +oo, can +e consi$era+le i2 it happens to +e a #irst iss'e.
ans#er? )$* 2irst
36 It #as a 2amily that ha$ ha$ a long history +'t it came to a halt #hen George #ent +eca'se he $ie$ .ith+$t
ans#er? )a* #itho't
37 /he police are ery ,een to tal, to one partic'lar man an$ hae iss'e$ a des"ripti+n o2 him.
ans#er? )+* $escription
38 1e panic,e$ #hen #e got near the ho'se +eca'se #e co'l$ see smo,e iss'ing +$t +# the top +e$room
ans#er? )c* o't o2
39 "ll the reporters o2 the #ar #ere iss'e$ .ith +'lletproo2 8ac,ets to gie them +etter protection.
ans#er? )$* #ith
310 /'rn on the teleision an$ loo, at the c'rrent ne#s programme an$ yo' #ill 2in$ eeryone $isc'ssing the -ig
iss'e o2 the $ay.
ans#er? )a* +ig
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 33 )"ns#er Jeys*
2hat a 1ra"ker
@'estions In$e%
31 3e al#ays +eliee$ in giing his chil$ren the same opport'nities in li2e so that each one #o'l$ hae a 2air
crac, o2 the .hip&
ans#er? )$* #hip
32 /his is going to +e a $i22ic'lt tas, +'t #e-ll get there in the en$ altho'gh it is a hard n't to crac,.
ans#er? )+* har$
33 It-s a long #ay #e hae to trael tomorro# so #e m'st get 'p ery early in the morning at the crac, o2 da.n&
ans#er? )a* $a#n
34 In cele+ration at passing his e%aminations he inite$ eeryone ro'n$ to crac, a -+ttle an$ hae a $rin, #ith
ans#er? )c* +ottle
35 In ie# o2 the 2alling stan$ar$s the company $eci$e$ to appoint a ery stri"t o22ice manager #ho #o'l$ +e a+le
to crac, the #hip a +it.
ans#er? )$* strict
36 <or goo$ness- sa,e h'rry 'p +eca'se i2 #e $on-t get crac,ing soon #e-ll miss the +'s.
ans#er? )+* get
37 I really thin, yo' sho'l$ ma,e an e22ort an$ apply 2or that 8o+ an$ at least ha!e a crac, at it.
ans#er? )a* hae
38 1ell7 I m'st a$mit that I #as a +it $isappointe$ #ith the e%hi+ition a2ter all the praise it-s receie$ D it isn-t all
it-s crac,e$ $p to +e.
ans#er? )+* 'p
39 /hey haen-t really p't matters right at all +eca'se they-e simply papere$ +!er the crac,s.
ans#er? )$* oer
310 /hey spent a h'ge amo'nt o2 time an$ money to $eal #ith that small pro+lem an$ it-s li,e ta,ing a
sle$gehammer to crac, a n$t&
ans#er? )c* n't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 34 )"ns#er Jeys*
%$n"h is ser!ed
@'estions In$e%
31 I strongly recommen$ that resta'rant as I #as ery impressed #ith ho# A'ic,ly they +ro'ght the 2oo$.
ans#er? )c* impresse$
32 C2 co'rse i2 spee$ is the most important thing7 yo' can al#ays pi"k 'p yo'r l'nch 2rom the ta,e a#ay ca2e.
ans#er? )$* pic,
33 /he other night #e #ent to a <rench resta'rant an$ it #ell to &harles to translate eerything on the men' 2or
ans#er? )+* 2ell
34 1hat yo' li,e in the #ay o2 l'nch ery m'ch $epen$s on yo'r indi!id$al taste.
ans#er? )$* in$ii$'al
35 It is c'stomary 2or the o22ice 8'nior to ma,e a list o2 #hat each colleag'e #ants 2rom the san$#ich +ar.
ans#er? )a* list
36 :o#a$ays yo' can een or$er yo'r l'nch online an$ yo'r 2oo$ #ill +e deli!ered to yo'r o22ice.
ans#er? )c* $eliere$
37 5ersonally I 2in$ that altho'gh the taste o2 yo'r l'nch is important7 it sho'l$ also loo, elegant on the plate.
ans#er? )$* elegant
38 /here is nothing #orse #hen yo' ta,e important clients o't 2or l'nch to 2in$ that the choice o2 $ishes is ery
ans#er? )c* narro#
39 9in$ yo' i2 there is a ery long men' 2or l'nch7 it can +e a pro+lem 2or the #aiter to $eal #ith a m$ltiple or$er.
ans#er? )$* m'ltiple
310 /he #orst part nat'rally o2 any meal #hateer the time o2 $ay is haing to settle the +ill.
ans#er? )a* settle
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 35 )"ns#er Jeys*
ry as y+$ like
@'estions In$e%
31 I-m a2rai$ I $on-t li,e this sherry +eca'se I 2in$ it too s.eet an$ I pre2er something nice an$ $ry.
ans#er? )+* s#eet
32 1e-re not A'ite s're ho# it #ill #or, so to$ay #e-re haing a $ry r$n to 2in$ o't i2 there are any pro+lems.
ans#er? )$* r'n
33 She st'$ies some ery o+sc're things to $o #ith ancient Gree, $oc'ments D to most people a really $ry as
d$st s'+8ect.
ans#er? )c* $'st
34 It #as one o2 those scenes that ma$e yo' #ant to cry yo'r eyes o't an$ I $o +eliee there #asn-t a $ry eye in
the theatre.
ans#er? )a* eye
35 /here #as a terri+le storm on the night #e 2irst staye$ at the campsite +'t #e #ere all right #ith o'r tent an$
#ere as $ry as a -+ne&
ans#er? )+* +one
36 1e all set o't together early in the morning in $i22erent cars +'t o'rs +ro,e $o#n an$ no+o$y +othere$ to loo,
2or 's so #e #ere le2t high an$ $ry.
ans#er? )$* high
37 "s a res'lt o2 the ery long heat #ae last s'mmer many o2 the riers hae no# completely $rie$ $p&
ans#er? )+* 'p
38 "s it-s still ery #arm o'tsi$e I recommen$ yo' leae yo'r s#imming things in the gar$en to let them $ry +$t&
ans#er? )c* o't
39 She-s ery s'+tle in the comments she ma,es an$ she has a #on$er2'lly $ry sense o2 h'mo'r.
ans#er? )$* sense
310 I2 yo' #ant to ,eep yo'r c'stomers coming in on a reg'lar +asis yo' m'stn-t let yo'r stoc,s r$n $ry.
ans#er? )$* r'n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 36 )"ns#er Jeys*
)a"k 3gain
@'estions In$e%
31 I-m s'spicio's really +eca'se at the +ac, o2 my mind I $on-t tr'st them.
ans#er? )+* min$
32 3e sai$ he-$ rea$ my 2'nny story an$ ha$ la'ghe$ t#ice7 #hich #as a sort o2 +ac, handed compliment.
ans#er? )$* han$e$
33 She #as a ery 2amo's 2ilm star some 40 years ago +'t no# she-s regar$e$ as 'nimportant D a sort o2 +ac,
ans#er? )c* n'm+er
34 3e-s haing tro'+le #ith his motherGinGla# +eca'se she li,es to control eerything rather li,e a +ac,seat
ans#er? )+* $rier
35 1here #e lie is a sort o2 +ac,.ater +eca'se no+o$y here ,no#s #hat-s going on in the #orl$.
ans#er? )$* #ater
36 She-s the sort o2 person #ho can-t +ear +eing secretie an$ #ill neer tal, a+o't yo' -ehind yo'r +ac,.
ans#er? )c* +ehin$
37 /here-s still some #ay to go #ith this latest pro8ect +'t I thin, #e-e -r+ken the +ac, o2 it.
ans#er? )+* +ro,en
38 I-e lie$ here all my li2e an$ ,no# eery single roa$ an$ street li,e the +ac, o2 my hand&
ans#er? )$* han$
39 5oor #oman since she got ,noc,e$ $o#n +y a car7 she-s +een #lat on her +ac,.
ans#er? )a* 2lat
310 3e-s one o2 those irritating people #ho manages #ithin a 2e# min'tes o2 meeting someone to p$t their +ac,
ans#er? )+* p't
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 37 )"ns#er Jeys*
)earing 4n#+rmati+n
@'estions In$e%
31 /ry an$ +e a little more cheer2'l +eca'se i2 yo' $on-t +ear $p soon7 yo'-ll ma,e eeryone else misera+le.
ans#er? )c* 'p
32 1e #ere in a small ro#ing +oat an$ #ere terri2ie$ that the steamer ha$n-t seen 's as it #as +earing d+.n on
ans#er? )a* $o#n
33 I 2'lly 'n$erstan$ yo'r comments an$ +earing those in mind7 I hae ma$e the appropriate $ecision.
ans#er? )+* min$
34 "s #e hae all #or,e$ ery har$ this year7 I-m hoping that o'r e22orts #ill +ear #r$it&
ans#er? )$* 2r'it
35 1e all hae o'r "r+sses to +ear so I sho'l$ +e grate2'l i2 yo' #o'l$ stop complaining all the time.
ans#er? )c* crosses
36 /here is really nothing m'ch yo' can $o to stop it an$ I-m a2rai$ yo'-ll 8'st hae to grin an$ +ear it.
ans#er? )+* grin
37 I hope yo' can +e patient 2or a little longer an$ +ear .ith me #hile I try an$ sole the pro+lem.
ans#er? )$* #ith
38 She has +een proe$ right in eerything she $i$ as the report A'ite clearly +ears +$t&
ans#er? )a* o't
39 /he 8'$ge $ismisse$ the ne# ei$ence completely +eca'se it ha$ no +earing +n the trial.
ans#er? )+* on
310 @'ite honestly the t#o cases are so completely $i22erent that they really $on-t +ear "+mparis+n&
ans#er? )$* comparison
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 38 )"ns#er Jeys*
2hat the e!il
@'estions In$e%
31 It-s ery har$ trying to get the tenses right in English. In 2act it-s the !ery $eil to ,no# #hether it-s simple or
ans#er? )+* ery
32 In a #ay it-s pro+a+ly 8'st as #ell the $ep'ty has +ecome the ne# chie2. It-s a case o2 -etter the $eil yo'
ans#er? )$* +etter
33 9any people hae +een ma$e re$'n$ant in the ta,eoer an$ those #ho 8oine$ last #ere the 2irst to go. /he
principle o2 $eil ta,e the hindm+st applie$.
ans#er? )c* hin$most
34 1e $on-t really get on #ith the ne# +oss +'t he has some goo$ i$eas so #e m'st gie the $eil his d$e&
ans#er? )$* $'e
35 /he #or, has to +e $one as #e hae no choice. "s they say7 nee$s m'st #hen the $eil dri!es&
ans#er? )a* $ries
36 She li,es to ta,e the opposite point o2 ie# an$ play the $eil-s ad!+"ate&
ans#er? )+* a$ocate
37 Speak o2 the $eil. 1e #ere 8'st tal,ing a+o't yo' +e2ore yo' came in the room.
ans#er? )$* Spea,
38 1hen yo'r parents 2in$ o't #hat yo'-e $one7 yo'-ll +e in serio's tro'+le an$ there-ll +e the $eil to pay&
ans#er? )+* pay
39 4o' sho'l$ really loo, thro'gh that agreement care2'lly +e2ore yo' sign +eca'se the $eil is in the detail&
ans#er? )a* $etail
310 It too, me ages to set 'p my comp'ter +eca'se I spent the $eil o2 a time trying to 'n$erstan$ the notes.
ans#er? )+* time
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 39 )"ns#er Jeys*
T.+ (+r @+$
@'estions In$e%
31 " +ir$ in the han$ is #orth t#o in the -$sh as they say #hen yo' hae at least one $e2inite thing in contrast to
t#o 'ncertain things.
ans#er? )c* +'sh
32 It #o'l$n-t ta,e m'ch 2or me to cancel that trip in 2act 2or t#o pins I thin, I #ill.
ans#er? )$* pins
33 @'ite honestly I really can-t $eci$e #hich one to choose D I-m #hat yo' might say in t#o minds&
ans#er? )a* min$s
34 I promise I-ll +e ery A'ic, in$ee$ an$ I-ll +e +ac, in t#o shakes o2 a lam+-s tail.
ans#er? )+* sha,es
35 I-ll see to that in t#o ti"ks an$ it-ll +e all oer in a min'te.
ans#er? )c* tic,s
36 4o' honestly can-t tell one t#in 2rom another as they are li,e as t#o peas in a po$.
ans#er? )$* peas
37 I #or,e$ o't the ans#er in the en$ +y p'tting t#o an$ t#o t+gether&
ans#er? )c* together
38 I-m sorry I can-t accept any other e%planation. 9y min$ is ma$e 'p an$ there are no t#o .ays a+o't it.
ans#er? )$* #ays
39 I honestly #o'l$n-t tr'st either o2 them. /hey +oth thin, the same #ay an$ they-re t#o o2 a kind&
ans#er? )+* ,in$
310 I can see yo'-re angry an$ #ant to $o the same to them +'t remem+er that t#o #rongs $on-t ma,e a right&
ans#er? )a* right
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 40 )"ns#er Jeys*
3t the End +# the ay 718
@'estions In$e%
31 /here are late risers an$ early risers7 those #ho nee$ a lot o2 sleep an$ those #ho nee$ only a little;
ans#er? )$* little
32 some #ho ta,e ages to #a,e 'p an$ some #ho 8'mp straight o't o2 +e$ 2irst thing7
ans#er? )+* ages
33 +'t #hateer the reA'ire$ am+$nt7 all o2 's nee$ sleep at some time $'ring the $ay or night.
ans#er? )c* amo'nt
34 "n$ so it-s not s'rprising the many #ays #e hae o2 des"ri-ing it.
ans#er? )a* $escri+ing
35 /o start #ith there is a special lang$age 2or chil$ren.
ans#er? )+* lang'age
36 /he san$man is coming is #hat #e say to sleepy chil$ren
ans#er? )$* sleepy
37 2ollo#ing the ol$ story a+o't that strange man #ho is s$pp+sed to $rop san$ in their eyes near +e$ time.
ans#er? )c* is s'ppose$
38 3lternati!ely #e tal, o2 the nee$ 2or a chil$ to start on his 8o'rney to sl'm+er lan$ or the lan$ o2 no$
ans#er? )$* "lternatiely
39 an$ parents o2 a m'sical t$rn o2 min$ can spee$ their chil$ren on their #ay to this lan$ o2 sleep #ith a l'lla+y.
ans#er? )+* t'rn
310 C2 co'rse as yo' gro# ol$er7 yo' ind$lge in the l'%'ry o2 short sleeps $'ring the $ay.
ans#er? )c* in$'lge
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 41 )"ns#er Jeys*
3t the End +# the ay 728
@'estions In$e%
31 4o' can ta,e a cat nap +esi$e the 2ire or $o;e o22 on a train 9+$rney
ans#er? )$* 8o'rney
32 #hich all $escri+e the ,in$ o2 sleep that can +e interr$pted at a moment-s notice.
ans#er? )c* interr'pte$
33 " more +asic e%pression o2 this s+rt is to hae a little sh'teye.
ans#er? )+* sort
34 Sho'l$ yo' #ish 2or a little peace an$ ?$iet at the o22ice7
ans#er? )$* A'iet
35 p't a n+ti"e o'tsi$e yo'r $oor stating? 6o not $ist'r+ D haing 40 #in,s.
ans#er? )a* notice
36 <orty apparently is the ma:im$m allo#e$ 2or this ,in$ o2 sleep.
ans#er? )c* ma%im'm
37 /he strange thing is that 2e# people anno'nce +ol$ly?
ans#er? )+* thing
38 1ell7 I thin, I-ll g+ to sleep no#.
ans#er? )a* go
39 9ore likely than not as a g'est #e-ll say?
ans#er? )+* li,ely
310 1ell7 I thin, i2 yo' $on-t mind7 I-ll t'rn in no#.
ans#er? )c* min$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 42 )"ns#er Jeys*
3t the End +# the ay 738
@'estions In$e%
31 1itho't o22en$ing the h+spitality o2 yo'r host7 yo' co'l$ also say?
ans#er? )$* hospitality
32 I thin, it-s time 2or me to hit the sac,7 #hich nee$ +e no "riti"ism o2 the so2tness o2 the mattress.
ans#er? )c* criticism
33 "n$ in"identally ery important people are not $escri+e$ as simply going to +e$ +'t rather retiring 2or the
ans#er? )a* inci$entally
34 Someho# it so'n$s 8'st a +it more digni#ied&
ans#er? )+* $igni2ie$
35 C2 co'rse sho'l$ yo'r g'ests +e $n.illing to go home to their o#n +e$s
ans#er? )$* 'n#illing
36 an$ yo' hae a strong $esire to +e rid o2 them an$ go to sleep
ans#er? )c* ri$
37 yo' co'l$ +e s'+tle an$ .ind 'p the sitting room cloc,
ans#er? )a* #in$
38 loo, at yo'r #atch an:i+$sly or een ya#n.
ans#er? )$* an%io'sly
39 ='t i2 yo' hae no inhi-iti+ns at all7 the +est thing is to $rop o22 or no$ o22 in the mi$$le o2 the conersation.
ans#er? )+* inhi+itions
310 "n$ i2 all else #ails go 'pstairs an$ come $o#n again in yo'r py8amas.
ans#er? )c* 2ails
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 43 )"ns#er Jeys*
3t the End +# the ay 748
@'estions In$e%
31 /here are seeral e:pressi+ns that $escri+e the state o2 +eing asleep
ans#er? )+* e%pressions
32 an$ most seem to re#er to $eep sleep li,e +eing so'n$ asleep or 2ast asleep
ans#er? )$* re2er
33 /here are also some "+mparis+ns $escri+ing $eep sleep? to sleep li,e a top7 li,e a +a+y7 li,e a log
ans#er? )+* comparisons
34 1hen the sleeper totally re2'ses to +e dist$r-ed7 #e say they are sleeping li,e the $ea$.
ans#er? )c* $ist'r+e$
35 9ore colloA'ial e%pressions spea, o2 someone +eing o't li,e a light7 spar, o't or 2or a ery hea!y sleeper
$ea$ to the #orl$
ans#er? )$* heay
36 1ell7 I $on-t ,no# a+o't yo' +'t all this is haing a ery sopori2ic e##e"t on me
ans#er? )a* e22ect
37 +'t 8'st ass'ming yo' are .ide a#a,e an$ in the lan$ o2 the liing
ans#er? )+* #i$e
38 let me leae yo' #ith a #inal e%pression. :e%t time yo'-re o22 'pstairs to +e$
ans#er? )$* 2inal
39 gie the rest o2 the ho'se a s'rprise +y sho#ing +## yo'r classical e$'cation an$ say?
ans#er? )c* o22
310 1ell I thin, I-ll +e o22 no# an$ take my rest in the arms o2 9orphe's. 3appy $reamsE
ans#er? )+* ta,e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 44 )"ns#er Jeys*
G*3T ,er-al Q$iE
@'estions In$e%
31 /his story is -ased on an inci$ent that act'ally happene$.
ans#er? )c* +ase$
32 I-m a2rai$ I shan-t +e a-le to come on /'es$ay +eca'se o2 a prior engagement.
ans#er? )+* a+le
33 4o' can easily tell that this $oc'ment dates 2rom the 12th cent'ry +eca'se o2 a $istinctie script.
ans#er? )$* $ates
34 I-m sorry to tell yo' +'t she is simply hyp+thesiEing that this #ill +e the res'lt +'t she has no act'al proo2.
ans#er? )c* hypothesi;ing
35 I $o apologise 2or tal,ing to yo' a min'te ago only I mist++k yo' 2or one o2 my colleag'es7 #ho loo,s e%actly
li,e yo'.
ans#er? )a* mistoo,
36 It-s a #aste o2 time as,ing them 2or their opinion as they-re +o'n$ to o+8ect +eca'se they-e +een pre9$di"ed
against the i$ea 2rom the start.
ans#er? )$* pre8'$ice$
37 I as,e$ yo' to +ring +ac, a $i22erent one +'t yo'-e +ro'ght a similar one +ac, that-s e%actly the same as the
2irst one.
ans#er? )c* same
38 /he main A'ality that is reA'ire$ o2 someone hol$ing that ,in$ o2 8o+ is to hae the a-ility to get on #ith
ans#er? )+* a+ility
39 /hey co'l$n-t hol$ their meeting in the open air -e"a$se o2 the heay rain.
ans#er? )a* +eca'se
310 I al#ays let her han$le that ,in$ o2 sit'ation +eca'se she-s ery goo$ at dealing #ith $i22ic'lt clients.
ans#er? )$* $ealing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 45 )"ns#er Jeys*
G*3T ,+"a-$lary
@'estions In$e%
31 Some people #ho hae +een ma$e re$'n$ant ma,e no 2'rther e22ort to get employment in complete "+ntrast
to those #ho $eci$e to retrain.
ans#er? )$* contrast
32 /he ne# company $eci$e$ not to copy their pre$ecessors +'t m+del their str'ct're a2ter the latest tren$s in
ans#er? )a* mo$el
33 In$er the ne# reg'lations no one is allo#e$ to smo,e insi$e the +'il$ing +'t yo' are permitted to smo,e
ans#er? )+* permitte$
34 She is seen as a possi+le 2't're 2irst minister.
ans#er? )$* seen
35 "ltho'gh the +an, ha$ t'rne$ $o#n his application t#ice7 they s'$$enly ha$ a change o2 heart an$ $eci$e$ to
a""ede to his reA'est 2or a loan.
ans#er? )a* acce$e
36 It-s not yet +een 2'lly certi2ie$ yet +'t the recently $iscoere$ +ones are -elie!ed to +e those o2 the missing
ans#er? )$* +eliee$
37 /he de-ate oer the rights an$ #rongs o2 this iss'e has +een a neerG en$ing $isc'ssion insi$e parliament.
ans#er? )+* $e+ate
38 /he local resi$ents in this seasi$e illage are ery #orrie$ a+o't the constant erosion o2 the cli22 2ace7 #hich is
in danger o2 2alling into the sea.
ans#er? )c* $anger
39 I thin, yo' hae +een oercharge$ 2or that #or, +eca'se it-s more than t#ice #hat I ha$ to pay.
ans#er? )$* than
310 /hey 2irst o2 all re2'se$ to stop their stri,e +'t in the en$ a2ter m'ch negotiation they #ere pers$aded to go
+ac, to #or,.
ans#er? )+* pers'a$e$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 46 )"ns#er Jeys*
G*3T 2+rds
@'estions In$e%
31 "s a tro'+leshooter he #as o2ten sent to sort o't pro+lems in $i22erent area o22ices.
ans#er? )$* sent
32 I $on-t +eliee it mysel2 +'t a""+rding to the ne#spapers he is s'ppose$ to hae e%aggerate$ the 2irm-s pro2its.
ans#er? )c* accor$ing
33 3e 2in$s himsel2 in a ery $i22ic'lt sit'ation since yo' co'l$ say he-s -et.een a roc, an$ a har$ place.
ans#er? )+* +et#een
34 Eent'ally they ma$e their min$s 'p an$ de"ided to appoint the o'tsi$er to the 8o+.
ans#er? )+* $eci$e$
35 In +rder to preent any in$'strial espionage all employees ha$ to sign a $oc'ment preenting them 2rom
tal,ing a+o't their #or,.
ans#er? )a* or$er
36 1ith a ie# to proi$ing a +etter enironment 2or their chil$ren the co'ple $eci$e$ to moe a.ay 2rom the city
to the co'ntrysi$e.
ans#er? )$* a#ay
37 /he +oss #ants yo' to e%plain #hy there is a $iscrepancy in the 2ig'res an$ a""+$nt 2or the s'$$en $rop in
ans#er? )c* acco'nt
38 /he charity is 2in$ing it ery $i22ic'lt to contin'e operating an$ that-s #hy it-s "alling 2or the goernment to help.
ans#er? )+* calling
39 /he goernment are erecting concrete +loc,s aro'n$ the 3o'ses o2 5arliament to de#end the +'il$ings against
possi+le terrorist attac,s.
ans#er? )a* $e2en$
310 It #asn-t really a serio's crime +'t it #as pointe$ o't to him that +y par,ing there he #as in !i+lati+n o2 a local
ans#er? )$* iolation
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 47 )"ns#er Jeys*
%earn English ,+"a-$lary
@'estions In$e%
31 "s a ne# employee she-s ery an%io's to $o the right thing an$ hopes that her ne# pro8ect meets #ith the
approal o2 her +oss.
ans#er? )+* meets
32 It-s 8'st not #ithin his character an$ I #o'l$ neer say that he #as predisp+sed to that ,in$ o2 +ehaio'r.
ans#er? )$* pre$ispose$
33 4o' co'l$n-t 2in$ a more loyal +'nch o2 people #ho hae a sense o2 relia+ility so strong that they #ill neer let
yo' $o#n.
ans#er? )c* sense
34 4o' can ta,e it or leae it as there is a+sol'tely no press$re to accept my proposal.
ans#er? )+* press're
35 /he $epartment has spent so m'ch money on a$ministration that there is little le2t 2or employing sales
ans#er? )$* spent
36 "ltho'gh he claime$ it #as an acci$ent7 he #as a""$sed o2 m'r$er.
ans#er? )a* acc'se$
37 /hey say that pregnant #omen $eelop a "ra!ing 2or certain 2oo$s an$ m'st eat them all the time.
ans#er? )+* craing
38 4o' m'st choose the right $escription 2or each #or$ an$ I #o'l$ de#ine this one as an a$8ectie.
ans#er? )$* $e2ine
39 I #o'l$n-t +eliee eerything she says +eca'se it-s my +elie2 that she is in"lined to e%aggerate.
ans#er? )c* incline$
310 1e #ill get as near as #e can to yo'r reA'irements +'t #e may not +e a+le to meet all yo'r nee$s.
ans#er? )a* meet
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 48 )"ns#er Jeys*
English ,+"a-$lary E:er"ises
@'estions In$e%
31 /han,s to the crash +arrier in the mi$$le o2 the motor#ay cars are pre!ented 2rom hitting those on the other
si$e in the eent o2 an acci$ent.
ans#er? )$* preente$
32 It $oesn-t matter #hat position yo' hol$ in society eeryone is s$-9e"t to the same la#s.
ans#er? )+* s'+8ect
33 "s I #as a stranger in that co'ntry I #as not a"?$ainted #ith some o2 their c'stoms an$ $i$n-t 'n$erstan$ #hy
people #ere la'ghing at me.
ans#er? )c* acA'ainte$
34 4o' can hae that car in any colo'r yo' #ant in 2act yo' hae a "h+i"e o2 24 $i22erent ones.
ans#er? )a* choice
35 /he theatre #as delighted to $isplay in the entrance some o2 the e%cellent ne#spaper reie#s the play ha$
ans#er? )$* $elighte$
36 "s the hospital ha$ +een careless #ith its hygiene proce$'res7 the patient 2o'n$ she ha$ +een in#e"ted #ith a
harm2'l ir's.
ans#er? )c* in2ecte$
37 "s a nati!e o2 the $istrict she ha$ a+sol'tely no $i22ic'lty in 'n$erstan$ing the local $ialect.
ans#er? )c* natie
38 /here is a ne# company reg'lation to remoe the $anger o2 passie smo,ing7 #hich pr+hi-its all employees
2rom smo,ing at their place o2 #or,.
ans#er? )a* prohi+its
39 3e 2in$s +reathing ery $i22ic'lt in restricte$ spaces as he s$##ers 2rom asthma.
ans#er? )c* s'22ers
310 I am ery please$ to +e #or,ing #ith yo' +eca'se I thin, the same #ay an$ agree #ith yo'r policies.
ans#er? )$* agree
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 49 )"ns#er Jeys*
4n"reasing ,+"a-$lary
@'estions In$e%
31 4o' can hae #hicheer one yo' #ant as I-ll let yo' "h++se 2rom these e%amples here.
ans#er? )c* choose
32 I thin, yo' can clearly see no# #hat I mean as that inci$ent dem+nstrates that I am o+io'sly right.
ans#er? )+* $emonstrates
33 <or the 2irst time in his li2e instead o2 going straight home7 he calle$ in at a p'+ on the #ay +ac,.
ans#er? )a* instea$
34 4o' can tell that this piece o2 2'rnit're is nati!e to "merica +eca'se o2 the strong colonial style.
ans#er? )$* natie
35 3ll+.ing 2or his age an$ he is a2ter all only 127 I thin, his achieement is remar,a+le.
ans#er? )c* "llo#ing
36 I2 yo' "h++se to ta,e that step in yo'r career7 yo' hae only yo'rsel2 to +lame i2 it all goes #rong.
ans#er? )$* choose
37 I-e al#ays tho'ght o2 her as the ,in$ o2 person yo' can tr'st7 yo' ,no# the sort yo' can depend on.
ans#er? )a* $epen$
38 It #as a totally ne# e%perience 2or 's isiting that 2actory a+roa$ as #e #ere intr+d$"ed to all sorts o2 ne#
ans#er? )$* intro$'ce$
39 :o one ha$ a cl'e #hat ha$ act'ally happene$ neither the police n+r the p'+lic.
ans#er? )c* nor
310 "ll cyclists m'st no# #ear some ,in$ o2 helmet in or$er to pr+te"t their hea$s against in8'ry in the eent o2 an
ans#er? )+* protect
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 50 )"ns#er Jeys*
4mpr+!ing ,er-al Skills
@'estions In$e%
31 4o' can tell that this car has +een ery #ell ma$e an$ is certainly s$peri+r to the other ma,es in this garage.
ans#er? )$* s'perior
32 It-s A'ite o+io's that #hateer yo' li,e to call his remar,s they are impolite an$ am+$nt to slan$er.
ans#er? )+* amo'nt
33 3e "laims to hae saile$ singleGhan$e$ ro'n$ the #orl$ +'t personally I $on-t +eliee him.
ans#er? )c* claims
34 In this +iography she is depi"ted as a ,in$ s#eet ol$ la$y +'t in reality she #as a +a$ tempere$ ol$ #itch.
ans#er? )a* $epicte$
35 3e ha$ to +e is+lated 2rom all the other patients in the hospital +eca'se he ha$ a highly contagio's $isease.
ans#er? )$* isolate$
36 It-s not that I $on-t tr'st yo' -$t I m'st hae some ei$ence o2 yo'r i$entity.
ans#er? )+* +'t
37 /he General ma$e a+sol'tely s're his troops #ere rea$y 2or +attle an$ pr+!ided #ith the latest eA'ipment.
ans#er? )c* proi$e$
38 5eople 'se$ to thin, the cinema #o'l$ +e s$pplanted +y teleision +'t it neer happene$ +eca'se people still
go to the pict'res.
ans#er? )$* s'pplante$
39 She appeared to +e ery con2i$ent on stage +'t insi$e she #as 2eeling ery nero's.
ans#er? )a* appeare$
310 /here-s little point in those t#o 2irms competing 2or the same mar,et as they #o'l$ +e m'ch +etter
"+lla-+rating #ith one another.
ans#er? )$* colla+orating
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 51 )"ns#er Jeys*
,er-al Skills Test
@'estions In$e%
31 1e sometimes 2in$ it $i22ic'lt to imagine #here #e come 2rom an$ +eliee that #e are in 2act des"ended 2rom
ans#er? )$* $escen$e$
32 "ltho'gh he ha$n-t act'ally $one anything7 he loo,e$ as i2 he might an$ he #as arreste$ 2or +eing o'tsi$e the
ho'se #ith intent to +'rgle it.
ans#er? )c* intent
33 :ot only $i$ he pay 2or them to go on holi$ay +'t he als+ proi$e$ them #ith spen$ing money.
ans#er? )+* also
34 I $on-t min$ sleeping on an 'ncom2orta+le +e$ in a hostel as anything is pre#era-le to sleeping in a tent.
ans#er? )a* pre2era+le
35 I ,no# yo' tr'st him +'t I hae my $o'+ts a+o't him an$ m'st a$mit to +eing s$spi"i+$s o2 him.
ans#er? )c* s'spicio's
36 4o' nee$n-t #orry a+o't that reg'lation as it has nothing to $o #ith yo' an$ $oesn-t apply to yo'r sit'ation.
ans#er? )+* apply
37 /he Goernment p'+lishe$ a report clearing the minister o2 any g'ilt an$ "+n"l$ded that he ha$ acte$
ans#er? )a* concl'$e$
38 /hey are in 2act t#ins +'t are not at all ali,e physically +'t are not di##erent 2rom one another in attit'$e.
ans#er? )$* $i22erent
39 Bi,e all goo$ philosophers in sear"h o2 tr'th she is al#ays loo,ing 2or ne# perspecties.
ans#er? )c* search
310 Bet-s loo, at it this #ay D it-s not so m'ch a pro+lem as a challenge to o'r e22orts.
ans#er? )a* as
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 52 )"ns#er Jeys*
,er-al Test
@'estions In$e%
31 In some 19th cent'ry noels yo' see the ery poor con$itions people lie$ in that can only +e $escri+e$ as
a-9e"t misery.
ans#er? )$* a+8ect
32 /eleision can gie yo' a ery goo$ i$ea o2 ho# people lie in $i22erent co'ntries as it can depi"t scenes 2rom
eery $ay li2e.
ans#er? )+* $epict
33 /his is a sort o2 shortene$ ersion o2 #hat happene$ an$ has +een a--re!iated to 2it into the ne#spaper.
ans#er? )c* a++reiate$
34 It #as A'ite o+io's 2rom the secretie manner in #hich he le2t the shop an$ the #$rti!e loo,s he ,ept giing
that he ha$n-t pai$ 2or the items o2 clothing.
ans#er? )a* 2'rtie
35 It #as a remar,a+le per2ormance +eca'se the actor seeme$ to coney the #hole range o2 h'man emotions 7
#hat yo' might call the complete gam$t 2rom +eginning to en$.
ans#er? )$* gam't
36 /he telephone connection #as ery poor an$ #e only hear$ a gar-led acco'nt o2 #hat the reporter #as
ans#er? )$* gar+le$
37 /he teacher 2o'n$ it A'ite #$tile to try an$ teach the chil$ren +eca'se they re2'se$ to listen to a #or$ she #as
ans#er? )+* 2'tile
38 /he 'niersity $eci$e$ to gie their -ene#a"t+r an honorary $egree +eca'se she ha$ al#ays +een most
genero's in her 2inancial help.
ans#er? )c* +ene2actor
39 I-e no #ish to $isregar$ or -elittle yo'r achieements +'t I thin, yo' co'l$ hae $one m'ch more.
ans#er? )a* +elittle
310 3is attempt to ma,e 2'n o2 the sit'ation #as consi$ere$ to +e in +a$ taste an$ #a"eti+$s in the e%treme.
ans#er? )$* 2acetio's
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 53 )"ns#er Jeys*
,er-al 3d!antage
@'estions In$e%
31 She s'$$enly stoppe$ spea,ing to him on the phone an$ the conersation came to an a-r$pt en$.
ans#er? )$* a+r'pt
32 Some o2 Sha,espeare-s historical plays are rather long an$ so there are e$itions #here they are a-ridged to
ma,e them shorter.
ans#er? )a* a+ri$ge$
33 "ltho'gh all the athletes #ere 2'll o2 li2e at the start o2 the marathon7 to#ar$s the en$ o2 the race a 2e# #ere
sho#ing signs o2 tire$ness an$ #ere clearly #lagging&
ans#er? )c* 2lagging
34 <ort'nately she too, no notice o2 the reie#s o2 her acting an$ #as A'ite imper!i+$s to some o2 the more
sarcastic comments.
ans#er? )$* imperio's
35 /he secret o2 a goo$ interie# is to get straight to the point an$ as, in"isi!e A'estions.
ans#er? )a* incisie
36 "ltho'gh her +oss ,ne# that she #as not telling the tr'th7 her e%planations 2or +eing late #ere al#ays so
reasona+le an$ totally pla$si-le that he +eliee$ her.
ans#er? )$* pla'si+le
37 "s soon as he ha$ ineste$ the money7 he +ecame 'neasy an$ #as +eginning to sense ?$alms a+o't his
ans#er? )+* A'alms
38 9any o2 the sa2ety instr'ctions on things yo' +'y o2ten seem 'nnecessary an$ o2ten A'ite s$per#l$+$s to the
aerage person.
ans#er? )c* s'per2l'o's
39 3e 2o'n$ himsel2 at the e$ge o2 the cli22 in a pre"ari+$s position +eca'se one #rong step an$ he #o'l$ 2all into
the sea.
ans#er? )$* precario's
310 Eerything a+o't the illage #as #hat yo'-$ call ?$aint +eca'se all the ho'ses #ere #ell loo,e$ a2ter an$
remin$e$ yo' o2 a time long since gone.
ans#er? )a* A'aint
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 54 )"ns#er Jeys*
,er-al %earning
@'estions In$e%
31 Eeryone lost their money #hen the soGcalle$ treas'rer a-s"+nded #ith all the society-s saings.
ans#er? )$* a+scon$e$
32 /he police not only arreste$ the lea$er o2 the gang +'t also the a""+mpli"es #ho ha$ helpe$ him.
ans#er? )c* accomplices
33 I hae no #ish to "+nd+ne these criminal actiities +'t I $o hae some sympathy #ith the perpetrators.
ans#er? )a* con$one
34 /he 8'$ge has to a$opt a deta"hed ie# o2 the crime +y +eing 'tterly impartial.
ans#er? )+* $etache$
35 6espite all the chaos aro'n$ him the captain remaine$ totally calm an$ ass'me$ an air o2 e?$animity&
ans#er? )c* eA'animity
36 /he police stoppe$ the car +eca'se it ha$ 2ollo#e$ an errati" co'rse $o#n the roa$ an$ as,e$ the $rier #hy
he #as going 2rom si$e to si$e.
ans#er? )$* erratic
37 It #as possi+le to loo, 'p the topic on the internet +'t she $eci$e$ instea$ to as, her er$dite 2ather #ho ,ne#
the ans#er to most things.
ans#er? )+* er'$ite
38 /he party lea$er a$ise$ all her mem+ers to es"he. any A'estion a+o't 2inance an$ aoi$ the topic o2 money
ans#er? )c* esche#
39 3e has a ery re2ine$ oca+'lary an$ pre2ers to 'se a e$phemism rather than a more common an$ 'lgar
ans#er? )a* e'phemism
310 I-e loo,e$ eery#here 2or my ,ey an$ een carrie$ o't an e:ha$sti!e search o2 my car +'t I can-t 2in$ that
ans#er? )$* e%ha'stie
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 55 )"ns#er Jeys*
'igh S"h++l ,+"a-$lary
@'estions In$e%
31 /he res'lt o2 the election $i$n-t gie either can$i$ate a clear ma8ority +'t in the en$ the lea$er o2 the
opposition agree$ to step $o#n an$ a""ede to the #ishes o2 the electorate.
ans#er? )c* acce$e
32 /he so'n$ o2 the #ater2all goes on all $ay an$ night an$ in the en$ the in"essant noise gets on yo'r neres.
ans#er? )$* incessant
33 I apologi;e$ 2or #hat seeme$ li,e a $eli+erate act o2 r'$eness +'t I e%plaine$ that it ha$ +een p'rely
acci$ental an$ an inad!ertent action on my part.
ans#er? )+* ina$ertent
34 "ltho'gh it-s a complicate$ s'+8ect the pro2essor manage$ to ma,e it all totally clear an$ l$"id +y her $eliery.
ans#er? )a* l'ci$
35 1hen yo' ta,e a party o2 to'rists ro'n$ a 2amo's city there are al#ays those #ho l+iter an$ ,eep eery+o$y
else #aiting.
ans#er? )c* loiter
36 =e2ore she ,ne# #hat ha$ happene$ a man s'$$enly 2ell on her l$nging across an$ stealing her han$+ag.
ans#er? )$* l'nging
37 /here #as a+sol'tely no call 2or him to criticise her so cr'elly an$ in almost a mali"i+$s manner.
ans#er? )+* malicio's
38 /here #as a+sol'tely no A'estion a+o't it he #as the pr+!er-ial i$iot s'ch as yo'-$ 2in$ in one o2 those ol$
ans#er? )c* proer+ial
39 4o'-ll soon get 'se$ to his 2'nny #ays as it-s one o2 the ?$irks o2 his personality.
ans#er? )$* A'ir,s
310 3e $i$n-t really gie speeches +eca'se he 'se$ to scream an$ sho't an$ yo' co'l$ hear him raining a
h'n$re$ meters $o#n the roa$.
ans#er? )+* raining
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 56 )"ns#er Jeys*
3d!an"ed ,+"a-$lary
@'estions In$e%
31 3e al#ays 2ollo#s that ol$ adage? early to +e$7 early to rise ma,es a man healthy7 #ealthy an$ #ise.
ans#er? )c* a$age
32 I2 yo' inest that money7 yo' #ill 2in$ it #ill gro# an$ a""r$e interest.
ans#er? )$* accr'e
33 5eople o2ten as, her ho# she manages to stay slim an$ she al#ays tells them she is ery care2'l in the
amo'nt she eats to the point o2 +eing a-stemi+$s&
ans#er? )+* a+stemio's
34 4o' m'st react no# an$ not 8'st +e "+mpla"ent as i2 there is nothing #rong.
ans#er? )a* complacent
35 I 2in$ these mathematical p';;les too a-str$se an$ pre2er the more straight2or#ar$ type.
ans#er? )$* a+str'se
36 /here #as no changing her min$ as she #as A'ite adamant a+o't her $ecision an$ #o'l$n-t consi$er any
ans#er? )c* a$amant
37 It #as A'ite o+io's that he #as $r'n, +eca'se he co'l$n-t 2inish his sentences an$ his speech #as not
ans#er? )+* coherent
38 /he strings on the p'ppet #ere all intert#ine$ an$ it too, 's ages to disentangle them.
ans#er? )a* $isentangle
39 /here are really too many political parties in this election as there are so many small gro'ps or #a"ti+ns&
ans#er? )$* 2actions
310 3e li,e$ to play the e""entri" an$ #o'l$ inaria+ly $ress 'p in the most o'trageo's clothes.
ans#er? )+* eccentric
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 57 )"ns#er Jeys*
Sand 4di+ms
@'estions In$e%
31 /he san$s o2 time are r'nning o't an$ yo'-ll hae to h'rry 'p.
ans#er? )$* time
32 It-s no goo$ -$rying yo'r hea$ in the san$7 yo'-ll hae to 2ace the tr'th in the en$.
ans#er? )+* +'rying
33 I2 yo' -$ild yo'r enterprise on san$7 it-s certain to 2ail eent'ally.
ans#er? )c* +'il$
34 /hey hae $eci$e$ to dra. a line in the san$ an$ start all oer again.
ans#er? )+* $ra#
35 /he san$s are shi#ting an$ eerything is changing in this cent'ry.
ans#er? )a* shi2ting
36 It r'ns into millions an$ millions D almost as many as the grains o2 san$ yo' can see on this +each.
ans#er? )c* grains
37 &hil$ren o2ten go $o#n to the seasi$e an$ 'se their +'c,ets an$ spa$es to ma,e san$ "astles&
ans#er? )+* castles
38 In or$er to get chil$ren to go to sleep7 parents sometimes say that the san$ man #ill soon come an$ p't san$
in their eyes.
ans#er? )$* man
39 <or ery small chil$ren at their n'rsery school there is o2ten a san$ pit #here they can play.
ans#er? )a* pit
310 1hen there is a $anger o2 2loo$ing7 people o2ten pile 'p san$ -ags o'tsi$e their ho'ses to stop the #ater
coming in.
ans#er? )$* +ags
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 58 )"ns#er Jeys*
The 0arliamentary 1andidate 718
@'estions In$e%
31 /here #as a+sol'tely no d+$-t that 3enry Crpington li,e$ politics. 3e tal,e$ politics all the time.
ans#er? )$* $o'+t
32 "ll the mem+ers o2 his 2amily #ere please$ there2ore #hen 3enry #as ad+pted as the prospectie
parliamentary can$i$ate 2or the constit'ency in #hich they #ere liing.
ans#er? )c* a$opte$
33 Cne year later the $ate o2 the general election #as ann+$n"ed +y the 5rime 9inister.
ans#er? )a* anno'nce$
34 thr+$gh+$t the election campaign 3enry-s #i2e an$ his t#o teenage $a'ghters #or,e$ night an$ $ay 2or him
ans#er? )+* thro'gho't
35 an$ he 2inally .+n a seat in the 3o'se o2 &ommons +y a ery large ma8ority.
ans#er? )$* #on
36 Eery $ay o2 the campaign #as a "hallenge
ans#er? )c* challenge
37 +'t there #as one $ay in partic'lar that 3enry #o'l$ neer #+rget&
ans#er? )+* 2orget
38 /hat #as the $ay he tho'ght he #as going to +e +lo#n $p +y a +om+.
ans#er? )$* 'p
39 Cn a <ri$ay morning at the +eginning o2 the campaign7 the phone rang in the Crpingtons- ho'se at 6.30 in the
ans#er? )c* rang
310 3enry got o't o2 +e$ an$ ran $o#n the stairs. 3e .+ndered #ho co'l$ possi+ly +e ringing at that early ho'r in
the morning.
ans#er? )a* #on$ere$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 59 )"ns#er Jeys*
The 0arliamentary 1andidate 728
@'estions In$e%
31 3enry? 3ello.
9an-s oice? Is that 9r. 3enry Crpington7 the parliamentary can$i$ate(
3enry? 4es7 speaking&
ans#er? )c* spea,ing
32 9an-s oice? Ch7 goo$ morning. I #ant to #arn yo' a+o't a +om+...
3enry? " +om+( 1here( 3elloE 1e-e +een "$t o22. CperatorE CperatorE CperatorE
ans#er? )a* c't
33 It #as no goo$. /he line ha$ gone dead. "s calmly as he co'l$ 3enry #ent 'pstairs to tell his #i2e the
alarming ne#s.
ans#er? )c* $ea$
34 /hey $eci$e$ to get $resse$ at once an$ ta,e the t#o girls to their a'nt-s ho'se. 3enry in#+rmed the police +'t
as,e$ them to ,eep the ne#s 2rom the press.
ans#er? )$* in2orme$
35 "t hal2 past eight 3enry #as in con2erence #ith his election agent7 "n$re# 3iggins7 at party hea$A'arters.
"n$re#? I2 yo' #ant my opinion7 I s'ggest yo' cancel all yo'r engagements 2or to$ay an$ #ait 'ntil the police
get to the -+tt+m o2 the matter.
ans#er? )c* +ottom
36 3enry? &ertainly notE I-m not going to let mysel# +e scare$ +y some st'pi$ cran,.
ans#er? )c* mysel2
37 "n$re#? 1hat $i$ the man so'n$ li,e( 6i$ yo' recogni;e his oice(
3enry? :o7 I #as hal2 asleep.
3is oice #asn-t 2amiliar +'t he so'n$e$ A'ite pleasant. 3e $i$n-t seem to +e threatening me.
ans#er? )+* threatening
38 "n$re#? /hat ma,es the #hole +'siness een more sinister. Boo, here7 3enry7 one $ay #on-t ma,e all that
m'ch $i22erence. I-ll tell people that yo'-e l+st yo'r oice or something.
ans#er? )a* lost
39 3enry? :o7 I-m going to carry on as 's'al. /hin, o2 the a$antage it #o'l$ gie my +pp+nents i2 I #ere o't o2
the campaign een 2or one $ay.
ans#er? )c* opponents
310 "n$re#? I2 yo' say so. ='t I-$ li,e to ma,e it "lear that I-m $ea$ against it.
ans#er? )+* clear
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 60 )"ns#er Jeys*
The 0arliamentary 1andidate 738
@'estions In$e%
31 3enry Crpington-s 2irst engagement that $ay #as an openGair meeting on a large ho'sing estate at ten o-cloc,.
ans#er? )+* engagement
32 "s most o2 the men #ere +$t at #or,7 his a'$ience consiste$ mainly o2 #omen an$ yo'ng chil$ren.
ans#er? )$* o't
33 "n$re# 3iggins ,ept a close #atch on the plat2orm 2rom #hich 3enry #as ma,ing his speech7 #hile seeral
plainclothes policemen mingled inconspic'o'sly #ith the cro#$.
ans#er? )c* mingle$
34 /here #as ery little reaction to 3enry-s speech7 e%cept 2rom one or t#o people at the +ac, #ho ,ept on
as,ing #hat 3enry-s party inten$e$ to $o a+o't the rising price o2 2r'it an$ egeta+les.
ans#er? )a* rising
35 "2ter the speech he shoo, han$s #ith some o2 the #omen. Cne o2 them li2te$ 'p a +a+y 2or him to ,iss7 +'t
the sight o2 3enry-s +ear$ m'st hae 2rightene$ it +eca'se it +egan to scream its hea$ o22.
ans#er? )c* sight
36 "t eleen o-cloc, he paid a +rie2 isit to a p'+lic ho'se on the estate. 3enry co'l$n-t o22er to +'y anyone a
$rin, +eca'se he ,ne# ery #ell that his opponents #o'l$ consi$er that to +e $ishonest. So he let one o2 his
s'pporters +'y him a $rin, instea$.
ans#er? )+* pai$
37 "t l'nch time he #ent to his sister-s ho'se to see his #i2e an$ $a'ghters. /hey ha$ spent the morning
a$$ressing enelopes 2or the lea2lets he #as sen$ing o't. 3is sister7 0era7 thoro'ghly disappr+!ed o2 his
inolement in politics.
ans#er? )$* $isapproe$
38 0era? :o# I hope yo' can see the $anger o2 getting mi%e$ 'p in politics. 4o' an$ the 2amily #ill pro+a+ly all
get +lo#n 'p +y a +om+.
3enry? 6on-t e%aggerate7 0era. I-m s're it-s 8'st a 8o,e.
ans#er? )c* all
39 /here #as a large cro#$ in the 2iel$ #hen 3enry arrie$ at eight o-cloc, 2or #hat #as perhaps the +iggest
meeting o2 the .h+le campaign. "2ter a har$ $ay-s #or,7 h'n$re$s o2 2armers an$ 2arm la+o'rers ha$ come to
the 2iel$ to hear #hat 3enry ha$ to say.
ans#er? )+* #hole
310 3enry? Ba$ies an$ gentlemen7 I appreciate the an%iety yo' m'st all 2eel a+o't s'pport 2or yo'r 2arms. I too
hae +een a 2armer an$ I ,no# the $i22ic'lties yo' are e%periencing7 an$ so...
0oice 2rom the cro#$? ... an$ so yo'-e $eci$e$ to +ecome an 9.5. an$ get richE
3enry? :o7 my 2rien$. I #ant to gie the 2armers a !+i"e in the 3o'se o2 &ommons.
ans#er? )$* oice
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 61 )"ns#er Jeys*
The 0arliamentary 1andidate 748
@'estions In$e%
31 /he cro#$ remaine$ goo$Gnat're$ 2or the 2irst part o2 his speech an$ 3enry #as 2eeling please$ #ith himsel2. "n$ then7 s$ddenly hal2
a $o;en tractors roare$ onto the 2iel$.
ans#er? )c* s'$$enly
32 -6o yo' li,e tomatoes(- sho'te$ one o2 the tractor $riers. 3enry hesitated 2or a moment an$ then replie$? -4es7 I li,e them ery m'ch.-
ans#er? )$* hesitate$
33 -1ell7 #e can-t sell them at a pro2it7- sai$ the tractor $rier7 -+eca'se the importe$ ones are too cheap. So instea$ o2 letting them go to
.aste7 yo' can hae themE-
ans#er? )c* #aste
34 It #as then that 3enry n+ti"ed that the tractors #ere loa$e$ #ith +o%es o2 tomatoes7 #hich the 2armers starte$ to thro# at him.
In2ort'nately 2or 3enry7 t#o o2 them hit him 2'll in the 2ace.
ans#er? )a* notice$
35 3e reali;e$ that he ha$ to say something A'ic,ly to .in the cro#$ oer to his si$e. -/han, yo' 2or yo'r genero's gi2t7 +'t I really pre2er
them in san$#iches. "n$ no# let-s get on #ith the meeting.-
ans#er? )+* #in
36 /he cro#$ starte$ to "heer an$ 3enry manage$ to 2inish his speech #itho't 2'rther interr'ptions. In the meantime the police ha$ ma$e
a thoro'gh search o2 3enry-s ho'se an$ ass're$ him that there #ere no hi$$en +om+s. 3e #ent +ac, to his sister-s ho'se to collect
his 2amily.
ans#er? )$* cheer
37 0era? I-e got some s'pper rea$y. I-m s're yo' m'st +e star!ing&
ans#er? )c* staring
38 3enry? 4o' sho'l$n-t hae +othere$. 1e can all go +ac, home no#. /he police hae sear"hed the ho'se thoro'ghly an$ 2o'n$
nothing at all.
0era? 1ell7 at least stay an$ eat the nice sala$ I-e ma$e.
3enry? "ll right7 0era. F'st so long as there are no tomatoes in itE
ans#er? )a* searche$
39 "2ter s'pper7 3enry an$ his 2amily #ent home. Bater that eening the phone rang.
9an-s oice? Ch7 9r. Crpington. I-e +een trying to reach yo' all $ay. /his is 5a'l 3arris. I calle$ yo' this morning +'t I #as c't o22. It
#as a +a$ line or something.
3enry? 1ell7 #hat a+o't the +om+(
3arris? /he +om+( 1hat on earth $o yo' mean(
3enry? /hat-s #hat I-$ li,e to ,no#. 4o' sai$7 I #ant to #arn yo' a+o't a +om+.
ans#er? )$* earth
310 3arris? Ch7 $earE I-m a2rai$ there-s +een a mis'n$erstan$ing. I $i$n-t hae time to 2inish my sentence. 4o' see7 I +!erheard some
2armers planning to +rea, 'p yo'r meeting.
3enry? I $on-t see #hat all this has got to $o #ith a +om+.
3arris? 1ell7 i2 #e ha$n-t +een c't o22 I #as going to #arn yo' a+o't a +om+ar$ment o2 tomatoesE
ans#er? )+* oerhear$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 62 )"ns#er Jeys*
Tense 3greement
@'estions In$e%
31 :o sooner had I sh't the $oor7 #hen the telephone rang.
ans#er? )$* ha$
32 =y the time I ha$ reache$ the +ottom o2 the mo'ntain7 I #elt e%tremely tire$.
ans#er? )c* 2elt
33 1hen he #as only thirty years ol$7 he had alrea$y e%perience$ #hat most people only e%perience #hen they
are m'ch ol$er.
ans#er? )+* ha$
34 /he #itness "+n!in"ed eeryone that he ha$n-t ha$ anything to $o #ith the crime.
ans#er? )c* conince$
35 1e as,e$ him #hy he hadnBt telephone$ earlier.
ans#er? )a* ha$n-t
36 "ct'ally I ha$ menti+ned it to her +e2ore #e set o't.
ans#er? )$* mentione$
37 I m'st a$mit I hadnBt tho'ght ho# the story #o'l$ 2inish +e2ore I rea$ the +oo,.
ans#er? )+* ha$n-t
38 I-$ ha$ scarcely any time to thin, a+o't it +e2ore they asked me 2or my opinion.
ans#er? )c* as,e$
39 3e reali;e$ he had le2t it in the car +e2ore he reporte$ it lost.
ans#er? )$* ha$
310 It .as a great shoc, to eeryone +eca'se he ha$n-t sai$ a #or$ 2or 10 years.
ans#er? )c* #as
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 63 )"ns#er Jeys*
($t$re Tenses
@'estions In$e%
31 1hat .ill y+$ +e $oing this time tomorro#(
ans#er? )$* #ill yo'
32 4Bll go i2 yo' li,e +eca'se I hae to $o some shopping.
ans#er? )c* I-ll
33 I shall simply #ait 'ntil she comes +ac,.
ans#er? )c* shall
34 3e #as A'ite $e2inite a+o't it an$ ass're$ me he .+$ld come.
ans#er? )$* #o'l$
35 I2 they d+ arrie late7 they #ill hae to get their o#n meal.
ans#er? )a* $o
36 I really hope I shall see yo' again.
ans#er? )+* shall
37 1hat .ill happen to the 2amily i2 he loses all his money(
ans#er? )c* #ill
38 2ill y+$ +e +'ying the ho'se or haen-t yo' $eci$e$ yet(
ans#er? )$* 1ill yo'
39 I-m s're they .ill get marrie$ an$ lie happily eer a2ter#ar$s.
ans#er? )c* #ill
310 1hat $o yo' .ant to $o #hen yo' leae school(
ans#er? )$* #ant
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 64 )"ns#er Jeys*
0ast Tenses
@'estions In$e%
31 I tol$ them I .as 8'st going o't 2or a short #al,.
ans#er? )c* #as
32 3e as,e$ me #hat I had d+ne #ith the paint +r'sh.
ans#er? )+* ha$ $one
33 She tol$ me t+ dri!e care2'lly on the icy roa$s.
ans#er? )c* to $rie
34 I #on$er #hat had happene$ #hile I #as a#ay.
ans#er? )$* ha$
35 She #on$ers #hy I neer tra!el a+roa$ +y plane.
ans#er? )a* trael
36 @'ite honestly all I #as $oing #as simply making polite conersation.
ans#er? )+* ma,ing
37 3e #as #on$ering #hat had prompte$ him to ta,e no notice at all.
ans#er? )c* ha$
38 I #as as,ing mysel2 #hat in all honesty she .+$ld $o ne%t.
ans#er? )+* #o'l$
39 3e act'ally $enie$ d+ing anything o2 the sort.
ans#er? )$* $oing
310 3e came into the room an$ $eman$e$ t+ kn+. #hat #as happening.
ans#er? )a* to ,no#
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 65 )"ns#er Jeys*
0assi!e Tense (+rms
@'estions In$e%
31 /he castle .as +'ilt in the 15th cent'ry.
ans#er? )a* #as
32 Is he -eing arreste$ as #e spea,(
ans#er? )c* +eing
33 "ll these ho'ses ha!e -een neglecte$ 2or $eca$es.
ans#er? )$* hae +een
34 /here-s no A'estion that they .ill -e $elighte$ #hen they see her tomorro#.
ans#er? )+* #ill +e
35 /hat +'il$ing has -een le2t 'nocc'pie$ since 1950.
ans#er? )c* has +een
36 /he chil$ren are ta,en to school +y +'s eery $ay.
ans#er? )a* are
37 I can ass're yo' that this +o% had neer +een opene$ +e2ore I opene$ this morning.
ans#er? )$* ha$
38 /hat ceremony is -eing enacte$ on /'es$ay ne%t.
ans#er? )c* is +eing
39 3o# many times hae yo' had yo'r ho'se +ro,en into(
ans#er? )+* ha$
310 I-m sorry yo' can-t come in at the moment +eca'se #e are ha!ing the ho'se $ecorate$ right no#.
ans#er? )$* are haing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 66 )"ns#er Jeys*
Ger$nd +r 4n#initi!e
@'estions In$e%
31 St+p me i2 I-e tol$ yo' this +e2ore.
ans#er? )$* Stop
32 "ll I can say at the moment is? Bong li!e the companyE
ans#er? )a* lie
33 Sometimes I #ish I kne. #hat the 2't're hol$s.
ans#er? )c* ,ne#
34 "n$ at other times I-m gla$ I d+nBt ,no# #hat the 2't're hol$s.
ans#er? )$* $on-t
35 Bet-s g+ there tomorro# i2 it-s 2ine.
ans#er? )c* go
36 /ry p$shing the $oor really har$ i2 yo' #ant to open it.
ans#er? )a* p'shing
37 /ry t+ learn these irreg'lar er+s +y ne%t #ee,.
ans#er? )+* to learn
38 I really appreciate yo'r helping me at this $i22ic'lt time.
ans#er? )$* helping
39 I-ll 2inish no# an$ I loo, 2or#ar$ to seeing yo' again soon.
ans#er? )a* seeing
310 5lease come +ac, soon an$ #inish the #or, yo' starte$ t#o #ee,s ago.
ans#er? )c* 2inish
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 67 )"ns#er Jeys*
0er#e"t Tenses
@'estions In$e%
31 9any people ha!e trie$ +'t noGone has s'ccee$e$ so 2ar.
ans#er? )$* hae
32 /hat programme is so +oring that it-s li,e #atching paint dry&
ans#er? )c* $ry
33 =y the en$ o2 this year I reali;e I shall ha!e -een #riting tests 2or three years no#.
ans#er? )+* shall hae +een
34 6o yo' min$ +pening the $oor as I 2in$ it ery hot in here(
ans#er? )$* opening
35 I honestly thin, that the time has come #hen #e sho'l$ cele+rate o'r s'ccess.
ans#er? )a* has
36 3o# anyone managed to lie in those con$itions in the 18th cent'ry is $i22ic'lt to imagine.
ans#er? )c* manage$
37 'a!e y+$ eer hear$ o2 this #riter +e2ore(
ans#er? )+* 3ae yo'
38 /hat st'pi$ $og is al.ays -arking all $ay long.
ans#er? )$* is al#ays +ar,ing
39 /hey #ere eating $inner #hen the lights .ent o't.
ans#er? )c* #ent
310 :oGone .ill +eliee yo'r story #hen yo' tell them.
ans#er? )a* #ill
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 68 )"ns#er Jeys*
English Grammar Tenses
@'estions In$e%
31 +es any one o+8ect i2 I t'rn the heating $o#n(
ans#er? )+* 6oes
32 I ha!e come to the concl'sion that no#a$ays no+o$y cares a+o't anything.
ans#er? )$* hae
33 :o matter #hat happens ne%t I .ill help yo'.
ans#er? )c* #ill
34 /hey had -een r$nning 2or 3 ho'rs #hen the storm s'$$enly +ro,e.
ans#er? )a* ha$ +een r'nning
35 I ass'me$ yo' had -een paying 2or the repairs 'ntil the en$ o2 last year.
ans#er? )$* ha$ +een
36 + y+$ e!er get tire$ o2 ans#ering the same A'estions eery $ay(
ans#er? )c* 6o yo' eer
37 She has -een #or,ing on that man'script 2or 2 years no#.
ans#er? )+* has +een
38 I .ent there once a long time ago an$ haen-t +een +ac, since.
ans#er? )a* #ent
39 She keeps trying to pass her $riing test +'t 2ails eery time.
ans#er? )$* ,eeps
310 I .ant complete silence no# #hile I try this e%periment.
ans#er? )+* #ant
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 69 )"ns#er Jeys*
4di+ms .ith the phrasal !er- "arry
@'estions In$e%
31 "n eagle7 i2 presse$ 2or 2oo$7 might "arry +## a small +a+y that ha$ +een le2t in the open 'nprotecte$7 +'t s'ch
an opport'nity m'st occ'r ery rarely.
ans#er? )a* carry o22
32 <inlan$ an$ the <innish 'pper secon$ary e$'cation system constit'te a goo$ e%ample o2 the 2act that it is
possi+le to "arry thr+$gh ery e%tensie rea$8'stments #ith a ie# to ma,ing a system more 2le%i+le an$
a$apte$ to in$ii$'ali;e$ learning.
ans#er? )+* carry thro'gh
33 In$ia an$ Iran #ill contin'e to $eepen ties an$ "arry +n .ith +ilateral pro8ects7 incl'$ing the triGnation pipeline
an$ a m'ltiG+illion $ollar gas $eal.
ans#er? )c* carry on #ith
34 /he lier reg'lates most chemical leels in the +loo$ an$ e%cretes a pro$'ct calle$ +ile7 #hich helps "arry
a.ay #aste pro$'cts 2rom the lier.
ans#er? )a* carry a#ay
35 &hina-s c'lt'ral in$'stry #as gien a +oost last #ee, a2ter the goernment anno'nce$ its plan to "arry +$t
c'lt'ral re2orm in more than 20 proincial areas.
ans#er? )$* carry o't
36 Items s'ch as pointe$ scissors an$ ice s,ates are e%amples o2 articles that are not permitte$ in yo'r "arry +n
+aggage #hen +oar$ing an aircra2t.
ans#er? )+* carry on
37 "n employee #ith 400 accr'e$ sic, leae ho'rs at the en$ o2 the 2iscal year #ill "arry +!er into the ne# 2iscal
year 360 ho'rs o2 sic, leae an$ 8 ho'rs o2 a$$itional ann'al leae.
ans#er? )a* carry oer
38 1hen irrigation has no "arry +## system7 the eaporating #ater $eposits a gra$'al +'il$G'p o2 salini;ation7
#hich is eent'ally $amaging to plant li2e.
ans#er? )c* carry o22
39 /he Scottish 5arliament has appointe$ 9r. 9aley to "arry +$t an assessment o2 the c'rrent cost estimate an$
li,ely completion $ate o2 a ne# in2ormation technology pro8ect.
ans#er? )$* carry o't
310 "nimals an$ h'mans 'se the eaporation o2 #ater to "arry a.ay heat that is a+sor+e$ 2rom the s'n or
generate$ +y meta+olic actiity an$ e%ercise.
ans#er? )a* carry a#ay
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 70 )"ns#er Jeys*
1$linary delights
@'estions In$e%
31 9i$$le Eastern resta'rants o2ten hae a #ay o2 #his,ing yo' a#ay to a 2ar o22 lan$ o2 +elly $ancers7 e%otic
spices an$ int+:i"ating $rin,.
ans#er? )c* into%icating
32 /hai c'isine is one o2 the most romantic o2 the "sian c'isines as it still retains an element o2 mystery an$
ans#er? )+* retains
33 9o$ern "sian resta'rants in Fa,arta hae an e:tended history.
ans#er? )a* e%ten$e$
34 In$onesia has an e"le"ti" range o2 Fapanese resta'rants as Fapan has long +een the +iggest inestor in the
ans#er? )c* eclectic
35 International resta'rants in Singapore are parti"$larly a$ept at sim'ltaneo'sly per2ecting +oth eastern an$
#estern $ishes on their men'es
ans#er? )$* partic'larly
36 3ong Jong has to +e one o2 the 2e# places on the planet #here yo' can en8oy e:?$isite c'isine an$ serice at
relatiely reasona+le prices.
ans#er? )a* e%A'isite
37 E'ropean c'isine al#ays e!+kes a sense o2 nostalgia an$ romance7 li,e r'nning into an ol$ 2lame.
ans#er? )c* eo,es
38 "merica is $ndenia-ly at the 2ront o2 the race to +ecome the #orl$-s most o+ese co'ntry.
ans#er? )+* 'n$enia+ly
39 9any people $rin, #ine7 +'t many #ine cons'mers ,no# little a+o't #ine appre"iati+n or #ine an$ 2oo$
pairing +eca'se they are intimi$ate$ or p't o22 +y the pretensions o2ten associate$ #ith #ine.
ans#er? )+* appreciation
310 Cne o2 the most +ea'ti2'l things a+o't Fa,arta is its "$linary #ealth 2rom +oth #ithin the archipelago an$
aro'n$ the #orl$.
ans#er? )$* c'linary
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 71 )"ns#er Jeys*
4ntera"ti!e .+rksheets 718
@'estions In$e%
31 /he historical ch'rch has an eminent A'ality to it +eca'se o2 the +ea'ti2'l art#or, an$ the serenity that the
staine$Gglass #in$o#s an$ nat'ral lighting proi$e.
ans#er? )a* eminent
32 =e2ore the +all7 the imposter dissem-led himsel2 so the g'ests #o'l$n-t recogni;e him.
ans#er? )+* $issem+le$
33 /he #i$o# spent more than t#o $ays #riting a loing an$ appropriate epitaph to p't on her +eloe$ h's+an$-s
ans#er? )c* epitaph
34 /he $ar,7 eerie an$ #+re-+ding s,y seeme$ to spea, to general 9cJenney a+o't the 'pcoming iolence they
#ere a+o't to 2ace.
ans#er? )+* 2ore+o$ing
35 =ryan-s 2rien$s $are$ him to 8'mp o22 o2 the cli22 into the a#aiting la,e +elo#. ='t the int'itie +oy #+resa. the
$anger +eca'se the la,e loo,e$ shallo#er than 's'al.
ans#er? )+* 2oresa#
36 6'ring the #ar7 many 2amilies trie$ to h+ard as m'ch 2oo$ an$ s'pplies as they co'l$.
ans#er? )c* hoar$
37 /he #arm an$ dis"reet charm o2 the home is #hat attracte$ &arrie to it in the 2irst place. She li,es the simple
pleas'res in li2e.
ans#er? )a* $iscreet
38 6'ring the mi$$le ages7 men o2ten 2o'ght each other in a d$el in or$er to settle serio's $isagreements.
ans#er? )a* $'el
39 "2ter the stoc, mar,et crash7 the onceGa22l'ent 2amily #as 2orce$ to d+.ngrade their home an$ li2estyle.
ans#er? )c* $o#ngra$e
310 "ll animals are +orn #ith innate or immanent A'alities. "s they gro#7 they pic, 'p ne# s,ills 2rom their
ans#er? )+* immanent
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 72 )"ns#er Jeys*
4ntera"ti!e .+rksheets 728
@'estions In$e%
31 /he h'nting $ogs sense$ the imminent $anger #ay +e2ore the h'nters #ere a+le to see the approaching
ans#er? )+* imminent
32 /om #as arreste$ on <ri$ay. Si% months later7 he receie$ a sentence o2 ten years in prison 2or $ealing illi"it
ans#er? )$* illicit
33 /he $istrict attorney $esperately trie$ to eli"it a con2ession 2rom the acc'se$ in the crossGe%amination. 3e
really #ante$ to #in the case +eca'se he +eliee$ the acc'se$ #as g'ilty.
ans#er? )c* elicit
34 9any people #ant to emigrate 2rom their natie co'ntries to other nations. 3o#eer7 no#a$ays7 it-s m'ch
more $i22ic'lt than it #as in the past.
ans#er? )c* emigrate
35 L6ear "++yL is a col'mn that ad!ises people #ho #rite in #ith pro+lems. Some thin, the col'mn is 'se2'l +'t
others strongly $isagree.
ans#er? )+* a$ises
36 /here #as an apple "+re lying on the 2loor. /ammy tho'ght it #as r'$e that someone le2t it lying on the ,itchen
2loor li,e that.
ans#er? )$* core
37 /hree months +e2ore the #e$$ing7 Ba'ra +ro'ght her +ri$esmai$ $ress into a $ress shop so that the
seamstress ha$ eno'gh time to alter it.
ans#er? )a* alter
38 "2ter the o$$ o't+'rst7 the gro'p o2 long time 2rien$s agree$ that &armela-s +ehaior on the #ee,en$ trip #as
ans#er? )+* +i;arre
39 " loo, o2 disg$st came oer :ancy-s 2ace #hen the er$ict #as anno'nce$. She no# #ants tomeet #ith
lo++yists #ho#or, to change la#s 2or the +etterment o2 society.
ans#er? )$* $isg'st
310 /he epi" saga laste$ three ho'rs. " lot o2 people in the theater en8oye$ the 2ilm +'t most agree$ that it #as
too long.
ans#er? )c* epic
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 73 )"ns#er Jeys*
3meri"an G+!ernment Q$esti+ns Test 718
@'estions In$e%
31 Ingraine$ #ithin the 2irst amen$ment7 2ree$om o2 the press $eclares an$ maintains that people can p't i$eas
$o#n in #riting an$ can comm'nicate 2reely in the Inite$ States.
ans#er? )+* press
32 1hen a ne# la# is recommen$e$ or propose$7 a -ill is create$. " $ecision a+o't #hether to pass it or not is
ma$e a2ter#ar$s.
ans#er? )a* +ill
33 "2ter a +ill is intro$'ce$ an$ passe$ +y &ongress7 it is gien to the president #ho ma,es the 2inal $ecision.
ans#er? )+* presi$ent
34 /he I.S. &ongress is comprise$ o2 t#o $iisions? the 3o'se o2 >epresentaties an$ the Senate. &ongress
has the responsi+ility an$ a'thority to analy;e an$ pass +ills as #ell as ma,e la#s.
ans#er? )a* Senate
35 In the en$7 ho#eer7 a Inite$ States presi$ent maintains the a'thority to either accept or !et+ a +ill.
ans#er? )$* eto
36 I2 something happens that ren$ers a IS presi$ent incapa+le o2 2'l2illing his $'ties7 the !i"eDpresident 2ills in.
ans#er? )c* iceGpresi$ent
37 /he presi$ent has a n'm+er o2 responsi+ilities an$ one is to app+int am+assa$ors to 2oreign co'ntries.
ans#er? )+* appoint
38 "nyone #ho #ants to r'n 2or the presi$ential o22ice position m'st +e a nat'ralG+orn citi;en o2 the Inite$ States
an$ a permanent resident o2 "merica 2or a minim'm o2 14 years.
ans#er? )+* resi$ent
39 1ithin the IS goernment7 the $iision that manages tra$e an$ +'siness a22airs7 +oth in "merica an$ a+roa$7
is the 6epartment o2 1+mmer"e&
ans#er? )a* &ommerce
310 1ithin the IS goernment7 the sector that manages the protection an$ s'staina+ility o2 nat'ral reso'rces is
the $epartment o2 the interi+r&
ans#er? )$* interior
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 74 )"ns#er Jeys*
>S G+!ernment Q$esti+ns Test 728
@'estions In$e%
31 /he term amendment is a change or mo$i2ication applie$ to a practice or la# that alrea$y e%ists.
ans#er? )+* amen$ment
32 1hen a pop'lation otes on a certain s'+8ect7 the larger n'm+er o2 people #ho agree7 an$ m'st eA'al more
than oneGhal2 o2 the oting pop'lation7 is calle$ the ma9+rity&
ans#er? )c* ma8ority
33 0r+hi-iti+n #as a la# that o'tla#e$ the pro$'ction7 sale7 'se an$/or transport o2 alcohol 2or cons'mption
p'rposes in the Inite$ States. =y 19337 the la# #as a+olishe$.
ans#er? )c* 5rohi+ition
34 " #ritten7 legal recor$ or $oc'ment reA'esting assistance7 change or mo$i2ications #ithin a goernment
system alrea$y in place is calle$ a petiti+n&
ans#er? )+* petition
35 Stemming 2rom Fohn Boc,e-s i$eas7 innate rights7 s'ch as li2e7 property an$ li+erty7 are ,no#n as nat$ral rights
in the I.S.
ans#er? )c* nat'ral
36 Early goernments in the IS esta+lishe$ a "+nstit$ti+n. /his is a #ritten o'tline that eri2ies the rights o2 the
people #ithin a 'ni2ie$7 $emocratic goernment.
ans#er? )+* constit'tion
37 " treaty is an agreement or 'n$erstan$ing +et#een t#o regions7 states or co'ntries that $e2ines tra$e an$
other matters i$enti2ie$ +y +oth parties.
ans#er? )c* treaty
38 In the IS7 the $iision o2 goernment that $eals #ith la#7 co'rts an$ 8'stice is the 9$di"ial system or +ranch.
ans#er? )+* 8'$icial
39 Sometimes +ills are etoe$. 3o#eer7 at other times7 a +ill or amen$ment is approe$ or rati#ied&
ans#er? )a* rati2ie$
310 " person #ho is not a mem+er o2 a police or 2ireG2ighting $epartment or enliste$ in the military is ,no#n as a
ans#er? )a* ciilian
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 75 )"ns#er Jeys*
>S G+!ernment Q$esti+ns Test 738
@'estions In$e%
31 &ongress has a n'm+er o2 la#ma,ing responsi+ilities an$ is ,no#n as the legislati!e +ranch o2 the IS
ans#er? )+* legislatie
32 " Inite$ States presi$ent has the a'thority to appoint 8'$ges to the S$preme &o'rt an$ am+assa$ors to
2oreign co'ntries.
ans#er? )+* S'preme
33 Eery 2o'r years7 certain people r'n 2or o22ice. " person #ho r'ns 2or the presi$ential o22ice position in a
national campaign is calle$ a presi$ential "andidate&
ans#er? )a* can$i$ate
34 "mong other responsi+ilities7 &ongress has the a'thority to collect ta:es an$ pass la#s regar$ing the income
ta% str'ct're.
ans#er? )+* ta%es
35 1hen a p'+lic o22icial is acc'se$ an$ then charge$ #ith #rong2'l or 'nla#2'l con$'ct7 the process is ,no#n as
an impea"hment&
ans#er? )c* impeachment
36 " person #ho is +orn in a certain co'ntry is entitle$ to speci2ic rights7 +ene2its an$ $'ties an$ consi$ere$ a
"itiEen o2 that partic'lar co'ntry.
ans#er? )+* citi;en
37 1hen a person is charge$ #ith a criminal act7 the 8'$icial system can either conict or a"?$it the person o2 the
ans#er? )a* acA'it
38 1ithin the IS goernment7 the sector that operates all 2acets concerning eterans- serices is the !eterans
a##airs $epartment.
ans#er? )c* eterans a22airs
39 1ithin the IS goernment7 the sector that s'perises an$ $irects minim'm #age an$ employee stan$ar$s
that e%ist in the c'rrent system is the la-+r $epartment.
ans#er? )+* la+or
310 " $iision o2 the goernmental system that presi$es oer health an$ h'man serices #ithin the +o'n$aries o2
"merica is the $epartment o2 health and h$man ser!i"es&
ans#er? )c* health an$ h'man serices
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 76 )"ns#er Jeys*
>S G+!ernment Q$esti+ns Test 748
@'estions In$e%
31 /he goernment $iision that manages oil7 nat'ral gas an$ ario's other reso'rces 2or the p'rpose o2
'tili;ation an$ conseration is the $epartment o2 energy&
ans#er? )a* energy
32 /he goernment $iision that $eals #ith st'$ents7 learning7 $eelopment an$ teachers is the $epartment o2
ans#er? )c* e$'cation
33 I2 someone $oesn-t pay his/her ta%es or ,no#ingly proi$es 2alse or 2ra'$'lent in2ormation to ta% agencies or
a$ministrators7 the crime is calle$ ta: e!asi+n&
ans#er? )a* ta% easion
34 1hen people hae the li+erty to manage an$ r'n +'sinesses #ith little goernment control or inter2erence7 this
type o2 goerning is calle$ a #ree enterprise system.
ans#er? )+* 2ree enterprise
35 /he goernment sector that manages the constr'ction an$ maintenance o2 roa$s7 high#ays7 airports an$
railroa$s in the Inite$ States is the $epartment o2 transp+rtati+n&
ans#er? )+* transportation
36 /he goernment sector that s'perises all 2acets o2 2arming an$ c'ltiation is the $epartment o2 agri"$lt$re&
ans#er? )c* agric'lt're
37 =y $ii$ing the goernment into three $epartments or +ranches7 the po#er o2 the nation is split 'p so each
+ranch is separate an$ $istinct. /his is ,no#n as separati+n +# p+.er&
ans#er? )a* separation o2 po#er
38 1hen 2e$eral an$ state goernments hae some control oer the same iss'es7 at their $istinct leels7 the
system encompassing this type o2 goernment is calle$ shared po#ers.
ans#er? )+* share$
39 /he goernment $iision that manages all 2acets o2 the arme$ 2orces is the $epartment o2 de#ense&
ans#er? )+* $e2ense
310 &ertain areas o2 society are man$ate$ only +y the states so the 2e$eral goernment can-t control them. /his
type o2 po#er is calle$ reser!ed po#er.
ans#er? )+* resere$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 77 )"ns#er Jeys*
>S F$di"ial System Q$esti+n Test 718
@'estions In$e%
31 " person #ho is acc'se$ o2 a crime7 in a co'rt o2 la#7 is ,no#n as the de#endant&
ans#er? )+* $e2en$ant
32 /hree important sectors or +ranches o2 goernment in the Inite$ States are the legislatie7 e%ec'tie an$
9$di"ial +ranches.
ans#er? )c* 8'$icial
33 1ithin the "merican 8'$icial system7 there are three leels o2 co'rts.
ans#er? )+* system
34 /he three leels o2 co'rt in the IS are as 2ollo#s? $istrict co'rts7 the co'rts o2 appeals an$ the S$preme &o'rt.
ans#er? )c* S'preme
35 1ithin the system7 distri"t co'rts are the only 2e$eral co'rts that sometimes employ a 8'$ge an$ a 8'ry.
ans#er? )+* $istrict
36 /he S'preme &o'rt is the highest leel o2 8'stice in the IS. S'preme &o'rt $ecisions hae sometimes calle$
2or mo$i2ications in the 1+nstit$ti+n&
ans#er? )+* &onstit'tion
37 " case m'st +e hear$ in a $istrict co'rt 2irst. "2ter a $ecision is ma$e in that co'rt7 the case can moe into the
"+$rt +# appeals&
ans#er? )+* co'rt o2 appeals
38 " la#yer that #or,s 2or either the state or 2e$eral goernment an$ sometimes crossGe%amines a $e2en$ant is
,no#n as the distri"t attorney.
ans#er? )a* $istrict
39 In the highest co'rt leel in the co'ntry7 S'preme &o'rt 8'stices $eci$e #hether or not an iss'e is
'nconstit'tional. /hey are appointe$ +y the 0resident&
ans#er? )+* 5resi$ent
310 " la#yer #ho is hire$ +y a $e2en$ant to represent his/her case is calle$ a de#ense attorney.
ans#er? )a* $e2ense
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 78 )"ns#er Jeys*
>S G+!ernment Q$esti+ns Test 758
@'estions In$e%
31 /a% that is calc'late$ an$ $epen$ant on the amo'nt a person earns in a $emocracy is calle$ in"+me ta%.
ans#er? )+* income
32 <e$eral or state ta% that is a$$e$ to goo$s an$/or serices is calle$ sales ta%.
ans#er? )a* sales
33 I+ning is the term 'se$ #hen a co'nty7 to#n or city $e2ines an$ $eci$es #here homes an$ +'sinesses are to
+e sit'ate$.
ans#er? )+* Moning
34 " "+$nty is a region or $istrict that is $ii$e$ 2rom other areas in or$er to esta+lish an$ operate local
goernments in that partic'lar area.
ans#er? )+* co'nty
35 In each co'nty7 the hea$ o2 the la# en2orcement agency or +o$y is calle$ the sheri##&
ans#er? )c* sheri22
36 " person #ho is electe$7 to represent an$ goern a city or to#n7 +y the people is calle$ the may+r&
ans#er? )c* mayor
37 1hen comm'nities or gro'ps hol$ 2'nctions in or$er to raise money 2or a ca'se7 the actiity is calle$ a #$ndD
ans#er? )+* 2'n$Graiser
38 " plat#+rm is a stance or statement containing a political party-s tho'ghts7 +elie2s an$ plans p't 2orth prior to
an election.
ans#er? )c* plat2orm
39 Is'ally7 "+nser!ati!e political parties are more resistant to change.
ans#er? )+* conseratie
310 5olitical parties that are 's'ally more open to societal change are re2erre$ to as li-eral parties.
ans#er? )a* li+eral
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 79 )"ns#er Jeys*
>S G+!ernment Q$esti+ns Test 768
@'estions In$e%
31 Is'ally7 a political party that hol$s the lesser amo'nt o2 seats7 or po#er7 #ithin an e%isting goernment is
calle$ the +pp+siti+n party.
ans#er? )c* opposition
32 /he >ep'+lican 5arty in the IS is 's'ally more "+nser!ati!e #hen compare$ to the 6emocratic 5arty.
ans#er? )+* conseratie
33 " person #ho is selecte$ to r'n in an election is calle$ a n+minee&
ans#er? )c* nominee
34 6emocrats in the IS are 's'ally more li-eral #hen compare$ to the >ep'+lican 5arty.
ans#er? )a* li+eral
35 In or$er to ote7 "merican citi;ens m'st 2irst +e registered in their oting $istrict.
ans#er? )+* registere$
36 "n "merican citi;en #ho is liing o'tsi$e o2 the IS $'ring an election year can 2ill o't an a-sentee +allot in
or$er to ote 2rom the e%isting location.
ans#er? )+* a+sentee
37 I2 an iss'e is $isagree$ 'pon an$ p't 2orth in a $irect ote approach +y the goernment7 the 'n$erta,ing is
calle$ a re#erend$m&
ans#er? )+* re2eren$'m
38 "n emigrant is a person #ho leaes his/her co'ntry to lie in another co'ntry.
ans#er? )c* emigrant
39 5eople #ho are +eing ictimi;e$ or persec'te$ an$7 there2ore7 leae their co'ntry in or$er to see, re2'ge in a
sa2er place are ,no#n as re#$gees&
ans#er? )+* re2'gees
310 &iti;ens o2 other co'ntries #ho resi$e in the IS are calle$ aliens&
ans#er? )c* aliens
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 80 )"ns#er Jeys*
>S G+!ernment Q$esti+ns Test 778
@'estions In$e%
31 I2 a person7 #ho is not a citi;en o2 the IS7 is or$ere$ to leae the co'ntry7 the or$er is ,no#n as dep+rtati+n&
ans#er? )c* $eportation
32 =at$raliEati+n is the process people go thro'gh #hen they are o22ere$ citi;enship in a co'ntry +'t they #ere
+orn in another co'ntry.
ans#er? )+* :at'rali;ation
33 I2 an alien is o22ere$ "merican citi;enship7 he/she m'st ta,e an oath o2 allegian"e in or$er to procee$ #ith the
ne%t co'rse o2 action.
ans#er? )c* allegiance
34 0atri+tism is the loe an$ loyalty citi;ens possess 2or their co'ntry.
ans#er? )c* 5atriotism
35 Gro'ps #ho #ant changes #ithin the e%isting societal system can l+--y la# ma,ing7 goernment o22icials an$
ans#er? )a* lo++y
36 " st'$y or s'rey regar$ing citi;ens- tho'ghts an$ opinions a+o't a certain s'+8ect is calle$ an +pini+n poll.
ans#er? )c* opinion
37 " gro'p o2 people #ho hae similar interests in min$ an$ #or, together 2or change or action is calle$ an
interest gro'p.
ans#er? )c* interest
38 /he r'les7 la#s an$ reg'lations that g'i$e an$ goern a partic'lar co'ntry are calle$ p'+lic p+li"y&
ans#er? )c* policy
39 In$ii$'al 2ree$oms $eclare$ in the IS &onstit'tion7 s'ch as 2ree$om o2 the press7 speech an$ religion7 are
,no#n as ciil li-erties&
ans#er? )a* li+erties
310 Eery "merican citi;en7 oer the age o2 187 has the right to !+te in elections ia prior amen$ments in the IS
ans#er? )a* ote
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 81 )"ns#er Jeys*
E"+n+mi"s Q$esti+ns test 718
@'estions In$e%
31 5eople o2ten li,e to hae a lot o2 material goo$s +'t #ater7 2oo$ an$ shelter are +asic needs people an$ other
animals reA'ire to stay alie.
ans#er? )+* nee$s
32 1hen someone really li,es a pro$'ct +'t that item is not necessary to stay alie7 the pro$'ct is calle$ a .ant
or a l'%'ry.
ans#er? )a* #ant
33 /he earth s'pplies 's #ith many +ea'ti2'l things as #ell as many nat'ral7 ra# materials. /hese 'sa+le
materials are calle$ nat$ral res+$r"es&
ans#er? )+* nat'ral reso'rces
34 /here are many companies that man'2act're pro$'cts an$ cons'mers +'y them. /he pro$'cts that people
+'y are calle$ g++ds&
ans#er? )c* goo$s
35 &ompanies #ill o2ten 'se ra# materials in or$er to t'rn them into 'sa+le pro$'cts that cons'mers nee$ an$
#ant. /his process is calle$ man$#a"t$ring&
ans#er? )+* man'2act'ring
36 Some companies7 $on-t speciali;e in man'2act'ring7 +'t rather they $o #or,7 2or a 2ee7 2or other people. /his
#or, in ,no#n as a ser!i"e&
ans#er? )c* serice
37 Eery co'ntry e%periences s"ar"ity at some point or another. /his is #hen a co'ntry-s #ants are larger than
the aaila+le reso'rces.
ans#er? )+* scarcity
38 1hether it-s a nat'ral reso'rce or not7 eery possi+le 'se o2 a reso'rce is calle$ an +pp+rt$nity&
ans#er? )a* opport'nity
39 "ny item or material that people 'se to man'2act're pro$'cts or 'se in or$er to proi$e serices is calle$ a
ans#er? )+* reso'rce
310 /here are many companies aro'n$ the #orl$. /he people #ho o#n each in$ii$'al +'siness are calle$
ans#er? )a* entreprene'rs
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 82 )"ns#er Jeys*
E"+n+mi"s Q$esti+ns test 728
@'estions In$e%
31 " manager is the person #ho $irects7 s'perises an$ operates a +'siness or a section o2 a +'siness. /his
person is in a management position +'t is not al#ays the o#ner o2 the company.
ans#er? )+* manager
32 1hen people or $epartments +ecome highlyGs,ille$ in one area o2 pro$'ction +eca'se they only create or
pro$'ce one item or one part o2 an item7 spe"ialiEati+n occ'rs.
ans#er? )c* speciali;ation
33 3n assem-ly line is a system #here pro$'cts or parts o2 pro$'cts moe 2rom one #or,er to another. /his is an
e22icient system that is 'se$ in or$er to man'2act're pro$'cts in a highly pro$'ctie manner.
ans#er? )c* "n assem+ly line
34 1hen companies split 'p or $ii$e #or,ers- tas,s so that each #or,er per2orms one 8o+ or tas,7 the process is
,no#n as di!isi+n +# la-+r&
ans#er? )a* $iision o2 la+or
35 9any companies aro'n$ the #orl$ 'se te"hn+l+gy7 or ma,e 'se o2 scienti2ic a$ancements7 to man'2act're
ne# an$ improe$ pro$'cts eery $ay.
ans#er? )c* technology
36 ata-ases store h'ge amo'nts o2 in2ormation #ithin comp'ter systems that #ere not in e%istence 40 years
ans#er? )+* 6ata+ases
37 In some nations7 people an$ 2amilies are +elo# the poerty leel an$ are in nee$ so they are gien .el#are in
or$er to s'rie.
ans#er? )+* #el2are
38 In a market economy7 in$ii$'als an$ +'sinesses o#n an$ ma,e most o2 the $ecisions a+o't reso'rces. In
this type o2 economy7 the people o#n an$ control most o2 the pro$'ction processes.
ans#er? )+* mar,et
39 In a mi:ed economy7 in$ii$'als an$ goernments o#n an$ control pro$'ction together. /hey +oth $eci$e ho#
reso'rces #ill +e 'se$7 #hat #ill +e pro$'ce$ an$ #ho #ill +'y an$ 'se the pro$'cts.
ans#er? )+* mi%e$
310 1hether +'sinesses man'2act're goo$s or o22er serices7 all o2 the money ta,en in +y a +'siness is calle$
ans#er? )c* reen'e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 83 )"ns#er Jeys*
'ealth and =$triti+n Q$esti+ns Test 718
@'estions In$e%
31 1hen people say they #ant a si% pac,7 they #ant to #or, o't their a-d+minal m'scles in or$er to tone their
ans#er? )a* a+$ominal
32 In a$$ition to m'scle +'il$ing e%ercises7 most trainers #ill recommen$ some 2orm o2 aer+-i" a"ti!ity 2or a
car$ioasc'lar #or,o't.
ans#er? )c* aero+ic actiity
33 :o#a$ays7 there are many 2orms o2 alternati!e me$icine s'ch as ac'p'nct're an$ homeopathic reme$ies.
ans#er? )c* alternatie
34 " man'2act're$ s'+stance that is 'se$ to s#eeten $rin,s an$ 2oo$ is calle$ a)n* arti#i"ial s.eetener&
ans#er? )+* arti2icial s#eetener
35 3s"+r-i" a"id is 2o'n$ in orange 8'ice an$ is another #or$ 2or 0itamin &.
ans#er? )+* "scor+ic aci$
36 1a##eine is a s'+stance that is 2o'n$ in many $rin,s an$ 2oo$s s'ch as co22ee an$ chocolate +ars. /his
s'+stance can ,eep yo' a#a,e 2or long perio$s o2 time.
ans#er? )c* &a22eine
37 In :orth "merica7 many people eat "ereal in the morning 2or +rea,2ast. /his item is p't into a +o#l an$ mil, is
ans#er? )+* cereal
38 1ar-+hydrate is 2o'n$ in 2oo$s s'ch as potatoes an$ pasta $ishes.
ans#er? )c* &ar+ohy$rate
39 1hen some people go on a $iet7 they co'nt their "al+ries eery $ay.
ans#er? )c* calories
310 9any people are trying to ,eep their "h+lester+l leels $o#n in or$er to aoi$ heart pro+lems in the 2't're.
ans#er? )a* cholesterol
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 84 )"ns#er Jeys*
2ater 4di+ms
@'estions In$e%
31 "ltho'gh he ha$ ha$ a +a$ e%perience #ith his +'siness7 he treate$ it as #ater o22 a $'c,-s +ac, D means?
+# n+ imp+rtan"e&
ans#er? )c* o2 no importance
32 3e #as tol$ that the ne# plan he-$ $eelope$ 8'st #o'l$n-t hol$ #ater D means? .+$ldnBt .+rk&
ans#er? )+* #o'l$n-t #or,
33 Eery time #e came 'p #ith a ne# proposal7 he #o'l$ thro# col$ #ater on it D means? dis"+$rage it&
ans#er? )a* $isco'rage it
34 "2ter all the money that she-s +orro#e$ an$ also spent7 she no# 2in$s hersel2 in $eep #ater D means? in
ans#er? )$* in tro'+le
35 3e-s $eci$e$ to ma,e a 2resh start an$ regar$s all his ol$ pro+lems as #ater 'n$er the +ri$ge D means? n+t
.+rth .+rrying a-+$t&
ans#er? )+* not #orth #orrying a+o't
36 Cnce he-s earne$ a +it o2 money he imme$iately spen$s it li,e #ater D means? spends it #reely&
ans#er? )c* spen$s it 2reely
37 1heneer she goes to that cl'+ she al#ays 2eels li,e a 2ish o't o2 #ater D means? $n"+m#+rta-le&
ans#er? )a* 'ncom2orta+le
38 It-s many years since #e last met an$ a lot o2 #ater has passe$ 'n$er the +ri$ge since then D means? a l+t
has happened&
ans#er? )$* a lot has happene$
39 /he 8e#els in that sho#case are clearly o2 the 2irst #ater D means? +# high ?$ality&
ans#er? )+* o2 high A'ality
310 /heir 8o+ as a$isers #as to po'r oil on tro'+le$ #aters D means? "alm things d+.n&
ans#er? )c* calm things $o#n
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / "$ance$ leel ! 85 )"ns#er Jeys*
3ir 4di+ms
@'estions In$e%
31 6on-t #orry a+o't her7 she al#ays gies hersel2 airs an$ graces D means? She al.ays thinks sheBs !ery
ans#er? )c* She al#ays thin,s she-s ery important
32 I honestly thin, the time has come to clear the air D means? t+ make things simpler&
ans#er? )$* to ma,e things simpler
33 /here-s a lot o2 $isc'ssion in the air a+o't it D means? thatBs n+t de#inite&
ans#er? )a* that-s not $e2inite
34 I $on-t ,no# a+o't yo' +'t I 2eel li,e ta,ing the air at the moment D means? g+ing #+r a .alk&
ans#er? )+* going 2or a #al,
35 C'r holi$ay plans are 'p in the air at the moment D means? inde#inite&
ans#er? )a* in$e2inite
36 1hen I tol$ him the ne#s7 he #ent 'p in the air D means? he -e"ame angry&
ans#er? )$* he +ecame angry
37 4o' ,no# #hat they-re li,e. /hey 8'st tal,e$ a lot o2 hot air D means? empty pr+mises&
ans#er? )+* empty promises
38 "s soon as they hear$ the ne#s7 they #ere #al,ing on air D means? .ere !ery happy&
ans#er? )c* #ere ery happy
39 /he ra$io play is on the air later tonight D means? -eing -r+ad"ast&
ans#er? )a* +eing +roa$cast
310 /he concert is +eing playe$ in the open air on S'n$ay D means? +$tside&
ans#er? )$* o'tsi$e

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