Chit Chat 1 - Unit 9 - Topic: Food Class

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CHIT CHAT 1 - UNIT 9 – Topic: FOOD DAILY PLAN Student Teacher: Virginia Pagnutti

Class Nº1
Escuela Nº26 - Grade: 4th “A” Date: Wednesday, 4th November 2009
Teacher: Carolina Capurro Time: 9:45 – 11:30 hs.

Objectives Contents Activities ResourcesTime

That Ss use L2: Rapport Activity:

- To introduce -Function: The T introduces herself and tells Ss that she will be with them
themselves. What´s your for five lessons, and that they will work on Unit 9 of their books.
favourite? She also tells students that there will be a final task that she
-Express will explain in detail later. Board 10’
themselves orally.
Then, the T asks Ss to introduce themselves by saying his/her
-Respect turns in name and “what his/her favourite colour or number is”. T tells
oral exchanges. Ss that they can choose between a colour or a number from 1
to 20. She will ask two Ss to come to the board to write down
- To activate what their classmates say. At the end they will know what “the
background favourite” in the classroom is (colours or numbers).
T: My name is Virginia and “my favourite” is red. Now, it is your

Pre-task: Board 15’

- Vocabulary: T asks Ss about other aspects in which we have “a favourite”:

T: What other “favourites” can we have? A film, clothes...
S1: A song.
T: Yes, a song. Cardboard with
S2: Un deporte Memory Game
T: Of course, a sport!
T: And there is a special area where we have “favourites.” It is
present during the day, and at night too. For example, when we
get up in the middle of the night and go to the kitchen. What do
we do?
S1: Comemos o tomamos algo.
T: Yes, if we are thirsty or hungry we get up, go to the kitchen
and choose something to drink or eat. And most probably it is
“a favourite.”

CHIT CHAT 1 - UNIT 9 – Topic: FOOD DAILY PLAN Student Teacher: Virginia Pagnutti

T: Now, we are going to play a Memory Game about “food” (she

writes the topic on the board). Do you know what is “food” in
Ss may know the meaning of the word or not, so they could say
comida” or “no”.
T: And what food do you know in English?
S2: Hamburger.
S3: Hot dog.
S4: Apple.
T: Yes, right (and she writes the words on the board).

- To play a game. Then, the T sticks on the board a cardboard with a Memory 10’
Game, and in turns asks Ss to choose a number and a letter to
match the food in the grid with its corresponding word.

Classbook – U 9
- To develop - Vocabulary: Food Then, the T asks Ss to open their books at page 42. p. 42 Ex.57
listening skills.
T: (pointing to the Menu in the top of the page) Do you know Cd player/Cd
what it is?
S1: Yes, un menú.
T: That´s right. It´s a menu. Like these ones that I have here
(T shows Ss different menues). And this is what you are going
to do at the end of the lessons that we are going to share. You 10’
will prepare your own menu. Ok? Now, let´s listen to the words
in Bugs Café´s menu, and practice saying them all together.

T plays the tape once, and then a second time pausing after
each word to allow Ss for repetition. Flashcards

Then, the T asks a S to come to the front and she hands out Classbook – U 9
the flashcards with the food, so that the S chooses one and says p. 42 Ex.58
the food in it. When Ss finish saying the words in the cards,
she asks Ss to go back to their books to say what the bugs are Cd player/Cd
ordering. Then she plays the Cd for Ss to check their answers.

CHIT CHAT 1 - UNIT 9 – Topic: FOOD DAILY PLAN Student Teacher: Virginia Pagnutti

Class Nº 2
Escuela Nº26 - Grade: 4th “A” Date: Wednesday, 4th November 2009
Teacher: Carolina Capurro Time: 9:45 – 11:30 hs.

Objectives Contents Activities ResourcesTime

That pupils use L2: Post-task:

- To express Functions: The T writes on the board: Please / Here you are / Thank you. Board
themselves orally. Please / Here you Then, she says:
are / Thank you.
T: Who can tell me when we use these words? In the first place:
S1: cuando pedimos algo.
T: Right. When we ask for something: a favor, a pencil. And
“thank you?”
S2: cuando nos dan lo que pedimos.
T: Right. When somebody gives us something. And, what about
“here you are”? Does anybody know when we say “here you
Ss may know when to use it or not, so they could say “tomá” or Flashcards 15’

- To enjoy the use Have you got...? The T asks a S to come to the front and ask her for a card with
of the language food:
through role-
playing. S1: Have you got chicken?
T: Yes, here you are.
. S1: Thank you.
T: Yes, very good! So, this is what you are going to do now. In
pairs, you will come to the front to practice a dialogue: one of
you will order food and the other one will pretend that he/she is
serving the food with the flashcards and will say “here you
are”. Once you get the food you say “thank you”.


What do you like? The T writes on the board “What do you like?,” and asks Ss to Board 5’
I like..... look at the dialogue at the bottom of the page.

CHIT CHAT 1 - UNIT 9 – Topic: FOOD DAILY PLAN Student Teacher: Virginia Pagnutti

T: Mm, I like pizza. Do you like pizza? Put up your hands if you
like pizza. I think all of us like pizza! Does the bug like pizza?
Ss: Yes.

- To make Then she asks Ss to predict what else the bug likes, and writes Classbook – U 9
predictions. the answers on the board. p. 42 Ex.59


- To develop The T asks Ss to open their folders and copy the words in the Cd player/Cd 10’
listening skills. menu. Then she tells Ss that they are going to listen to a
dialogue and they have to tick the things that the bug likes.

Then, she checks with the whole class the right answers.

Activity Book – U 9 10’
- To develop writing The T asks Ss to open their Activity Book on page 42, and p. 42 –Ex. 2
skills. complete the sentences at the bottom of the page with the food
that they like.
-To respect mates
in oral exchanges. Then, she asks some Ss in pairs to ask each other: What do
you like? and say one of the sentences to the class.
-To express
personal opinions.

CHIT CHAT 1 - UNIT 9 – Topic: FOOD DAILY PLAN Student Teacher: Virginia Pagnutti

Class Nº 3
Escuela Nº26 - Grade: 4th “A” Date: Monday, 9th November, 2009
Teacher: Carolina Capurro Time: 8:45 – 9:30hs

Objectives Contents Activities ResourcesTime

That pupils use L2: Warm-up:

- Vocabulary: T divides the class into two halves, and gives each half one side Board
- To practice writing Food. of the board. Then, she calls out the names of one student from
new vocabulary each team and, when they are at the front, she (or other
through a game. student in the classroom) gets a flashcard with food. The
student who writes the word correctly wins a point for his/her

Supermarket bag 5’
- To make - Vocabulary: The T will show Ss a supermarket bag and will go around asking with fruit
predictions. Fruit. them to touch it and predict what is in it.

T: What do you think I have got in this bag?

S1: Food.
T: Yes! But what type of food? Touch it please.
S1: Una banana.
S2: Fruta.
T: Right. I´ve got fruit insisde the bag. I like fruit. Do you like
Ss: Yes / No.
T: What fruit do you eat?
S1: Banana.
S2: Apple.
T: Very good! Fruit is healthy. So, we must eat fruit to feel well.

Cd player/Cd 15’
- To listen to a - Do you like ......? The T puts the food away and tells Ss that they are going to
song. Yes, I do. listen to a song by the Superstars. She writes on the board the
title: Do you like...? and plays the song once. She writes the
first verse of the song on the board while Ss listen to it. Classbook – U 9
p. 43 Ex. 60

CHIT CHAT 1 - UNIT 9 – Topic: FOOD DAILY PLAN Student Teacher: Virginia Pagnutti

The T asks Ss to open their books on page 43 and divides the

- To sing a song. class in three groups: the apples the oranges and the bananas.
The T gives a card with a fruit to each S. Then, she plays the
song again and Ss, in turns, stand up when the fruit they have
is mentioned, and sit down again when the corresponding verse
is finished.

Finally, Ss practice saying the verse on the board and after that,
the whole class sing the song along with the Cd.

Vocabulary building Board / Flashcards

- Vocabulary: The T sticks on the board the following flashcards: apple /
Food. banana / orange /yoghurt / chocolate / ice-cream and writes
the words below the pictures. Then, she writes on the board:
breakfast / lunch / dinner and calls out a S and asks him/her:

- To express - Meals of the day: T: Who likes apples? Ok, S1. Do you like apples for breakfast,
themselves orally. breakfast, lunch, when you get up in the morning? For lunch, when you arrive
dinner. home after school? or for dinner in the evening?
S1: For lunch.
T: Great! Who likes yoghurt? And you S2? Do you like yoghurt
- To colour and for breakfast, when you get up in the morning? For lunch, when
match pictures with you arrive home after school? or for dinner in the evening?
written text. S2: For breakfast.
T: Yes, me too. And who likes ice-cream? I see, all of us. So,
you S3? Do you like ice-cream for breakfast, when you get up in
the morning? For lunch, when you arrive home after school? or
for dinner in the evening?
S3: For dinner.
T: Good choice! And who likes chocolate? All of us too! So S4? Photocopy with
Do you like chocolate for breakfast, when you get up in the pictures of food.
morning? For lunch, when you arrive home after school? or for
dinner in the evening?
S4: For breakfast.
T: Good! Now, open your folders, write the date and the three
meals of the day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then stick the
photocopy that I give you, colour the food and match each one
with the meal of your choice (breakfast, lunch or dinner).

CHIT CHAT 1 - UNIT 9 – Topic: FOOD DAILY PLAN Student Teacher: Virginia Pagnutti

Class Nº 4
Escuela Nº26 - Grade: 4th “A” Date: Wednesday, 11th November 2009
Teacher: Carolina Capurro Time: 9:45 – 11:30hs
Objectives Contents Activities ResourcesTime

That pupils use L2 Warm-up:

Word Search 10´
- To activate - Vocabulary: The teacher gives Ss a Word Square to search the food items of photocopy / Board
background Food. the previous lesson. (Whole class correction of the exercise).


-To respect mates - Yes/No Questions The T draws a like and a dislike face on the board, with the Board 10´
in oral exchanges. (Present simple) corresponding yes/no answer below them (Yes, I do/No, I don
´t). Then she asks Ss to work in pairs and ask each other about
-To express the food they like.
personal opinions. T: S1, do you like fish?
S1: Yes, I do (or No, I don´t)
The T goes around helping Ss in their production.

- Classbook U 9 15´
-To develop reading The T asks Ss to open their books at page 43, read the p. 43 – Ex 61
comprehension interview to Jet and then choose the food square that belongs
skills. to her. Then she hands out a photoocpy with the interview to -Photocopy with
the other Superstars, and asks Ss to read it and decide about the interview to
the food squares in the book for each of them. (Whole class the Superstars.
correction of the exercise).

-To develop writing The T asks Ss to open their Activity Book to complete excercise
skills. 4 on page 43, about personal opinion (likes and dislikes).

- To express Then she calls out some Ss to share their answers with the
themselves orally. class.

CHIT CHAT 1 - UNIT 9 – Topic: FOOD DAILY PLAN Student Teacher: Virginia Pagnutti

Class Nº 5
Escuela Nº26 - Grade: 4th “A” Date: Wednesday, 11th November 2009
Teacher: Carolina Capurro Time: 9:45 – 11:30hs

Objectives Contents Activities ResourcesTime

That pupils use L2 Final task:

- To draw, colour The T tells Ss that as it is the last lesson together, they will Photocopy of a 20’
and write the food prepare their own menu, drawing, colouring and writing the Menu/Board
in a menu. words of two foods that they like, in the menu that she gives

- To express Then, Ss hand in their menues without writing their names on 15’
themselves orally. it, and the teacher sticks them on the board. When all of them
finish their work, the teacher asks Ss to come to the front in
pairs and ask each other yes/no questions about the food they
like in order to find out which is the menu of his/her classmate

The T tells Ss that they will get their menues back to stick it in Activity Book U 9 – 10’
- Farewell. their folders, and asks them to open their Actibvity Book at p. 42 – Ex 1
page 42 to complete the exercise 1 (crossword). Then, she will
ask Ss if all of them can eat fruit and while Ss do the exercise
she will cut fruit in pieces to share with them.

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